Sayings write in niece s birthday card


2010.04.25 06:33 jack2454 Yu-Gi-Oh!

The subreddit for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, video games, anime and manga.

2021.05.16 14:38 OGKirimi fuckofftravis

For that one thread in DunderMifflin about a guy named Travis who cheated on his S/O after the S/O made them an awesome The Office birthday card. Fuck you, Travis.

2008.01.25 07:31 scifi

Science Fiction, or Speculative Fiction if you prefer. Fantasy too. Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Dick, Heinlein and other SF books. SF movies and TV shows. Fantasy stuff like Tolkien and Game of Thrones. Laser guns, space ships, and time travel. etc. Star Trek, Battlestar, Star Wars, etc.

2024.06.01 14:11 Dangerout Project X Reborn - A Review.

Project X Reborn - A Review.
I got really bored, so now I'm reviewing revivals. This is the first review I'm doing. And probably the last because this scene is just that dry lmao
I'll only look at revivals that have piqued my interest in one way or another. And I'm quite picky when it comes to revivals, so don't expect another review from me for a while.
Also, this is a long one. If you want my final thoughts, just scroll down to the Final verdict. You'll see it.
I'm looking at Project X Reborn, as I've heard people say good things about it. Also plenty of bad, but from what I can tell, that's just pointless drama brought on by two ex-staff. I don't care about that, what matters is what I can actually tell about the revival itself. Future me talking: I had no idea what I was getting into here. I regret EVERYTHING.
I'll be judging revivals on three factors: The client(s), the website and the community.


After checking everything else out about this revival, I've decided to not even bother messing with their clients. Wasn't planning to skip this part, but after I show you everything else, you'll see why I did. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN WITH THE FIRST REVIVAL I CHOOSE DUDE LIKE SERIOUSLY WHY


This is not a very good website. A lot of stuff on here is just nonfunctional. I'm almost convinced that it's using shoddily put-together code from another revival. And considering this is an ECS-based revival... yeah, makes sense.
Genre search on the Catalog just doesn't work at all.
Literally everything on the bottom of the site leads to a 404.
Nobody can help you now.
The "Upgrade Now" button leads you to a completely different part of the website, specifically the part that only shows up when you're logged out.
Bootleg 2016 website...
Suddenly it's different?
Oh yeah, the site looks totally different when logged out for some reason. It's like you're transported to a completely different site. That's not a classic Roblox thing, that's a MODERN Roblox thing! so much for the retro experience smh my head /s
In terms of positives... it loads fast? I'm not giving any points for looking like the old website, as it's mimicking an era of Roblox where the site looked pretty bad. But that's just my opinion, others will probably feel differently about it, I dunno.
I could ignore these flaws if the community could pick up the slack. But about that...


From what I've seen in the very brief time I spent in their server, this community is RIDICULOUSLY UNHINGED. Forget Project X, they should've named this revival Aphrodisiac.
Some of the images I've seen in this server I'm scared to send here as I think it could risk me getting banned from the sub. I could mark this post as NSFW, but I think just posting a few examples should get my point across all the same.
how is this funny
i genuinely worry for this person's wellbeing
this message got pinned. bruh.
the fact that most of these were from a small timespan yesterday goodness
Seriously keep in mind that this isn't even the worst of it that I'm aware of. Heck, as I was writing this, there were people posting worse than this. Here's what one of shika's friends had to say to that:
The message I replied to was deleted. I guarantee that if I didn't mention it, it would've gone unmoderated. And vein deleted their message as shika threatened to remove their friend role.
I can't stress this enough, good revivals have stuff like strict moderation and zero tolerance for degenerate behavior for a reason. These are places typically populated by people under the age of 18. And when the line between memes and actual degeneracy begins to get gray in communities like this, it only leads to bad things happening.
These are not servers for "The Boys™" to hang out and post things unfiltered, they're Roblox revivals. In any other revival I've been in, most of what I've seen on this server would get you permabanned. Here however, your messages get put on the starboard and even pinned. I can not find any justifications for this.
When even the owner constantly complains about the degeneracy surrounding their community, all I must ask is this: Why not actually do something about it?
This was pinned in #english-chat.
Seriously, when THIS needs to be clarified, that's when you know SOMETHING is wrong.
After just looking around, I can say that I am not surprised that rumors are going out against shika. Not because they actually did anything (I don't think they did), but because of what's been allowed to exist under their ownership. Something really needs to change here before things get bad.

Final verdict: I can not recommend this revival whatsoever.

I was going into this expecting the community to be bad, that's par for the course with these sorts of revivals. But this was a whole other level of terrible that I just refuse to give it any sort of chance. Shame, I wanted a nice 2016 revival to make stupid games on. Hard ask, apparently.
I know that I didn't put much time into investigating this revival, but from all I've seen, I really don't want to. I could've just come in at a wrong time. Definitely possible, considering a lot of the screenshots I've shown were from such a small timeframe. But first impressions mean a lot, and the impression that I got was that this revival's favorite color is off-white.
Don't get things twisted - I do not want this to be a hate post or witch hunt or whatever. I truly believe that it's not too late to change things here. Syntax was in a similar position once, but it managed to improve significantly in its later months. It's not too late for Project X to do the same. I don't think it is, anyway.
That's all I've got for now. I may come back in like a month or so to see if things have changed or not. If it stays up that long, that is. You never know about revivals anymore.
Anyways I hope the next revival I decide to write about is passable enough for me to actually want to download the client. Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Dangerout to oldrobloxrevivals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 ThrowRA_72636482918 My (20F) boyfriend (20M) does not care about fashion and his appearance. What do I do?

My boyfriend (20M) and I (20F) have been dating for almost a year, and he is the sweetest, smartest, funniest and most handsome person I know. However, the one thing he’s not the greatest at is fashion.
His outfits primarily consist of sweatpants (basketball shorts if it’s hot out), hoodies, and old t-shirts. He sleeps, goes to class, works out, and goes out with our friends all in the same outfit. He refuses to wear jeans because he says they’re uncomfortable, and does not own a collard shirt. I am pretty into fashion, and tried to let it go at first because it felt superficial; however, it started to bother me a few months ago, when he wore a neon hoodie and ratty grey sweatpants to meet my parents for the first time.
I have tried subtly suggesting small changes (I.e. saying things like “you would look so good in this”), but that gets brushed off almost immediately each time. I even went as far as to get him a nice pair of sneakers for his birthday, yet he still ops for his dirty old gym shoes half the time.
I understand prioritizing being comfortable when going to class or the gym. However, what bothers me is when I look at pictures of us on nice dates or out with friends, I have clearly put effort into my appearance, while he has on the same thing as always. Am I being too superficial? And how do I get him to make a change with his fashion?
submitted by ThrowRA_72636482918 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 tvkyle My wife is planning something for me for Father's Day, and I don't know how to feel about it.

Not quite sure how to flair this. Also for context, I am very bad at accepting praise and gifts.
My wife is up to something for Father's Day. I just don't know what it is. We were talking about activities for the kids this summer. I mentioned that I think we should go to this place or that place around mid-June. She nodded in an over-the-top way and said "You should really plan those for the couple of days after Father's Day. Like, REALLY plan them."
I originally requested off from work both days of the weekend, but had to give them back after realizing that I went overboard with my PTO requests and had none left in the bank. I'd rather save them for the Holiday season. So, I have to work on Sunday, basically all day.
Back around Mother's Day, I tried to book a hotel so my wife and I could have a couple of days of peace and quiet, but our live-in babysitter (MIL) got called into work and that squashed that. (My wife also doesn't like going places on her own, so I couldn't just send her to a hotel alone and say "Go relax." Yes, I know...) So we just stayed home and lounged around for the day.
Part of me wants to say "Thank you for whatever you're planning, but it's not necessary. I don't deserve this." Which is true: I yell way too much, I'm too selfish, I don't do enough around the house, and I'm always forgetting things and letting my family down. I don't feel like I've earned any kind of getaway or whatever. I also felt this way for my birthday, when my wife booked a 2-night getaway for our family. That trip turned out okay, but I was unhappy for parts of it for the reasons above.
The other part of me is saying "Just accept this and have fun." But that's hard for me. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so our vacations were short road trips. My mother always did her best to have fun, but we stayed in a lot of rough motels. Now that I'm the adult, and my family is in a better financial situation, we have done trips that I never dreamed of. So I know my wife will think of something fabulous.
But... I don't know. I guess I just needed to put this in writing. If you feel like I wasted your time, I'm sorry.
submitted by tvkyle to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 guiltyofnothing “DEI is the new fascism” “Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories.” /r/silenthill reacts to a redesigned female character model in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The Context:

Silent Hill 2 is a 2001 psychological horror video game from Konami. A trailer was recently revealed for a remake of the game, with updated graphics and gameplay.
Angela Orosco is a character in Silent Hill 2. She is 19 years old, suicidal, and implied to be the victim of sexual assault by her father.
With the release of the trailer for the remake, some have noted changes to character designs and models — specially Angela’s.
Our drama begins when a user posts a screenshot of a reply to a tweet. The original tweet includes Angela’s redesigned model and a “non-woke” edited version. The reply tweet points out that the character is a 19 year-old sexual abuse victim.
Our drama spans over two threads as the new trailer and changes have sparked debate in the sub.

The Drama, Pt. 1

One user objects that the character isn’t real:
She's not real
so ?
So that's not a picture of a 19 year old abuse victim. The outrage isn't based on reality
it IS the picture of a 19 year old abuse victim FROM silent hill, just because she isn’t real doesn’t mean she doesn’t signify or carry a message from the real world
Silent Hill isn't real. The events in Silent Hill 2 never happened
u really are close minded.. sexual abuse and people dying from diseases, depression, etc does happen irl
I never said that doesn't happen in real life. I said angela sn't real, silent Hill isn't real, and all the events that take place in silent hill 2 are a work of fiction, it's made up, it never happened.
Sure, but that's no reason to justify people reacting like they are. One cannot argue 'None of it's real' while also arguing 'these characters are important to me' or 'I want to invest in this series/game' because the point of the game is for you to immerse and invest in it. You're meant to care about the characters intrinsically, and not about 'what they do for you'. It's absolutely fine to be upset if some 15 year old idiot 'consoomer' whose first thought when he becomes upset about how a female in the game looks responds with "You want my money~! I am your demographic!" makes such an ignorant, room-temperature IQ take like this, and it's fine to let them know why.
I didn't say these characters are important to me. Real people who exist are important to me. People who get emotional about other people having opinions on made up characters must have some deeper issues. This is a subreddit for discussing a video game series, it's not Doctor Phil.
You don't seem to understand the concept of context very well
The context is that you and some others don't like anything I've said because it hurt your feelings. I understand the context that you are implying, but I want you to find a way to say it before I go on
It's story telling, dude.
I say this with relief, but most people have not expirienced sexual abuse. Obviously, this is a good thing. However, it's pretty clear these days that empathy for people who have isn't wide-spread. The point of storytelling is broadening horizons, through different perspectives. It should not just be about catering to the audience.
Storytelling is that means of spreading empathy. There is value to the experience it has to share, and regardless of if Angela is real, the experiences she's there to portray are not without inspiration sourced in reality. If your argument is "She's not real. It's not real. Why care?" then you don't get the point of the whole of storytelling. Not just games, like, all of storytelling.
I just want to draw you attention to the OP's post, the original commenter in the image said nothing about SA, it's not mentioned instead the OP brings it up as a shield to prevent any criticism of the characters redesign. That's manipulation, and only an idiot wouldn't see it.
But what about word choice?
Calling someone a “fucking worm” is just as childish as the post they’re criticizing
if someone doesn't want to be called a worm they shouldn't act like a worm. even the engagement bait excuse doesn't work, it's gross behavior.
I would never call someone a disgusting worm but that’s just me 👌
lol ok snowflake
Boo hoo
it's very noble of you to come to the defense of some insane misogynist on twitter
No calling someone a worm is objectively hilarious tbh
”Vulnerable beauty”:
She was still the poster girl for the original SH2. Yes she was a sexual abuse victim but there was a certain vulnerable beauty to her that Team Silent/Konami wanted to convey in that iconic knife closeup shot as well as using her face for the actual cover art of the game.
"abuse victim"
"certain vulnerable beauty"
You actually wrote those two things together mate. Get therapy.
a lot of people who apparently have played and think they like silent hill 2 completely lack the maturity to handle any of the themes of the game apparently. angela's attractiveness should not be part of the discourse around her character at all.
A base level of attractiveness is relevant for almost all characters except Eddie. Thats the uncomfortable truth of human nature.
Attractiveness enhances a character’s charm. It enhances melancholic and profound musical performances, it enhances melancholic and profound movies. See Mazzy Star. See 500 Days of Summer. It wouldn’t have been the same if those musical artists and actors had unappealing annoying faces.
just because you are too shallow to empathize with people you don’t find attractive doesn’t mean everyone’s brain is broken in the same way man.
This isn’t about me. This is about human nature. Look at the top YouTube comments on a Mazzy Star performance. They are praising her visual beauty. And we all know it feeds into the tenderness of the song. Nobody goes “Wtf is wrong with you- her face has nothing to do with the artistic value of the song!!!” You might call it shallow but it’s nothing to be faulted for. We are human.
Angela’s story is melancholic and profound. But Konami wouldn’t have made her the cover art had she been morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. Nor would we SH2 fans hang the game poster of her on our walls if she was morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. That knife pose shot wouldn’t have been nearly as iconic.
Saying all this stuff is very not PC. But there’s a difference between being bothered by the truth and refusing to accept it as the truth.
You misunderstand the term “vulnerable beauty”. You’re thinking about it negatively in terms of being taken advantage of. It’s not that. Im talking about tenderness and sorrow that is enhanced by natural beauty- and vice versa.
Go on YouTube and look at all the musical performances of songs about melancholy/ vulnerability/tenderness played by legendary artists. Like “fade into you” by Mazzy Star. The top YouTube comments are full of praises on her natural beauty. We know that aesthetic beauty enhances the artistry and vice versa.
Human nature tends to gravitate toward certain types of faces. It wouldn’t be the same if she had a derpy face. There is a reason why Konami decided to use Angela’s face as the cover art for the original SH2 game. Because her vulnerable beauty is a key component of her character. And her character is a key component of the game.
Even for James. The artistic value would be diminished if James had an ugly douchey and generally unlikeable face.

The Drama, Pt. 2

In a second thread, it is confirmed that this is the character’s final design.
DEI is blamed:
i vision apparently given by a DEI consultancy group named Hit Detection.
Holy shit you people treat DEI like it’s the fucking boogeyman. You realize that most games hire DEI consultancy, and they’re not some evil org pulling the strings changing the game, they almost always just check the game to ensure there isn’t any content that will unintentionally offend people?
It’s not some crazy scheme, it’s literally just checking that the writing has the intended response. It’s proofreading.
Because it is. Go actually read the ideology they are based of. DEI is the new fascism
Jesus, you have no idea what fascism means.
Just use pornhub man, this isn't something to go to war for lmao
You know, I was gonna debate you and use logic and sense, but the moment you threw out “facism” because it’s the buzzword of the day, I knew I’d be trying to debate someone with the IQ of a single cell amoeba
Insult to the single-cell amoebas tbh
Sure. Insult the person and not the argument.
Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories. It is amazing how it resembles fascism but just much better worded.
So, if you feel so insulted maybe go actually read the texts about DEI,instead of going hating on people.
They insulted your argument too though. It's just the same basic rhetoric that everyone who thinks this way speaks. It's like you all subscribe to the same newsletter and read the weekly approved script. It's tiring and a waste of everyone's time, including yours.
Dudes never had an original thought in his life, if he didn't just parrot what the other incels say he wouldn't speak at all and the world would be all the better for it.
Or you could stop being incel
You didn't make an argumeny. You basically said "DEI is fascist go look it up". I looked it up ages ago when all these gamer dudes started scaremongering and it was the biggest non-issue I've ever seen. Like the whole SBI thing that got debunked fucking instantly. Outrage youtubers just found their new target to farm clicks, that's all.
User from kotakuinaction probably gonna link Jordan Petterson video if you ask for links
Just say the n word, man. We all know what you mean
Yup. People can stick their heads in the dirt and pretend these firms don't affect character designs but it is what it is.
Oh boy. Fuck DEI. Those people came to ruin games. The same way they ruined the other media.
There are allegations of gaslighting:
I cant with so many people gaslighting themselves into liking this design, OR the horrendous voice acting. So many of you guys are in pure copium mode right now, Just like with the trainwreck that is SH short message. This game looks worse and worse every time they show more of it, and everyone sticking up for the hideous character design and pretending the game looks good only because some of you compare it to the miniscule ps2 era gameplay of the OG isn't going to change how crap this remake's vision is. As someone who encourages people to take risks when it comes to remakes and reboots, I will be open minded. But it’s not looking good.
This sub is deleting any comments or posts that even slightly suggest there is something weird with how she looks. Her face does not look like a normal 19 year old girls and if you think it does your on some of that high dose copium.
People on the sub won't take any form of criticism, they'll just downvote you to doom. Her face is rather uncanny imo. I feel like they could've done it better
I don't mind being down voted. I've expressed my opinion and anyone who disagrees is welcome to express theres. What I do find amusing is the "you're just an incel" cope. These are supposed to be people against sexualization but make fun of other people's sex lives. But this is Reddit, so I'm not expecting anything better.
Comparisons are made:
I agree. If they feel inspired by Quagmire from Family Guy, then they should stick to their vision.
Bait used to be believable
I swear Silent Hill “fans” have to be the most obnoxious, I kinda see why we got nothing for such a long time.
Make Genshin fans look almost sane.
Denial used to be believable. Hit Detection worked on this game and that explains a lot.
She looks hideous. Can't believe this is what Blooper is doing.
Trust me brother you absolutely look worse than her
Yet you don't know what he or she looks like.
Stand on business and post yourself then lil bro
Sad to see people lack the critical thinking to critique this game. Blooper gave this woman a man jaw and it looks downright ugly. How does a character model from 2001 look better than one from 2024? Goes to show how much team silent cared about their game while blooper is just trying to make a quick buck.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 AutoModerator [Monthly Penpal Signups] Looking for an analog penpal to use your stationery and correspond with? Sign up here!

Do you love writing letters and snail mail? Packing envelopes full of stickers and goodies to send to friends? Just love to send care packages or post cards from your travels, or share photos and drawings? Swatches of your favorite inks, samples from your rubber stamps, and more?
Our monthly penpal signup is for you! Every first of the month, we invite our snail mail afficionados (and anyone interested in acquiring a penpal for the first time) to sign up here and acquire new pen pal friends!
How To Participate:
Comment below and fill out this form!
A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location):
Looking for international penpals? (Yes/No):
Who is your ideal penpal?:
How often do you expect to correspond?:
What topics would you like to discuss, and what would you like to send?:
Which topics are off-limits?:
Browse the other comments. See anyone you'd like begin writing to? Reply to the comment of the person you'd like to write to + introduce yourself, and send them a private message/DM to exchange mailing addresses!
After securing your new pen pal and successfully sending + receiving snail mail, we'd love to see your posts here on ilovestationery sharing the goodies or beautiful (and not so beautiful) handwriting + doodles + everything stationery! 🥳
\* Please remember: Do not share your private mailing address unless you feel safe to do so. ilovestationery is not responsible for mishandling of private information. We fully encourage the use of a public mailbox, PO Box, etc, for participation in our weekly penpal signups.
submitted by AutoModerator to ilovestationery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:54 LadderGreat7941 Please help me, im desperate.

Hello everyone. I have been an active player over the last 10 years or so, played multiple saves over time, already know most fixes for this game due of how long i've been playing. However, today i'm at wits' end with this game . Nothing i do works, the game does refuse to run.
Context: I have a particular save, of a multi generation family which i played for hundreds of hours. I've done all the adventures in world adventures, in all vacantion destinations, collected loads of relics that i have on display, all my sims have at least 5 carreers maxed out and retired, big 3 story house with $6M simoleons worked for etc etc , point is, i've been playing in this save for god knows how long ( 3+ years) and absolutely CAN'T afford to lose it
Over the years i've had to do windows reinstalls multiple times, i even bought a new computer and as always am accustomed to backing up my save files and have multiple of them, for just in case reasons. When i reinstalled windows for the n-th time all i did was reinstall the game + all EP, copy paste my Electronic Arts/The sims 3 folder in Documents and game would work just fine. I did this DOZENS of times, even on the new computer and THE GAME WORKED FINE.
Until yesterday. Yesterday something was up. Something that i can;t explain why, or what causes it.
The problem: Yesterday i had to reinstall windows due to fitting in a new SSD, and of course i proceeded on with the usual stuff needed for the game -- carefully install each and every expansion pack, and stuff pack, copying my save files, loaded up the game, changed settings, and loaded the save. Game runs fine. I save and quit. Next day, things got sour really quick. Right after i started up the game, loaded my save, gameplay begins, after like 5 seconds game freezes and EXITS to desktop. NO ERROR, no "ts3w.exe has stopped working', NOTHING. its just like i hit alt-f4. it just quits to desktop. Now i proceed to recopy my save file as i always keep it for such cases. I load up the save. Game exits to desktop in less than 3 seconds. I try one of my older saves from backup. Same behaviour. I am completely and utterly baffled. In my 10 years of playing this game i have never ever encountered this behaviour. Usually the game won't load a save, gets stuck in infinite loading screen, throws errors 12 and 16 if it can't save. or just crashes with "program.exe has stopped working". But not this. I am at my wits end. All of my backup saves and the main save are unplayable because of this, and i spent a horrendous amount of time in them. But it gets worse
Somehow in frustration i managed to load up the save, quickly head to city hall in my town and use nrass master controller to 'resset everything'. Game runs perfectly after that. i play for 2-3 hours, save multiple times, update ALL of my backups with this save, save again and quit. I load the save after 2 hours, game loads, gameplay begins and right after 2 seconds game quits to desktop. I do not know what to do now.
Things i tried: -running with no mods - same behaviour I usually dont run with loads of mods, i have nrass mastercontroller, overwatch and errortrap, and a mod of a notebook for my sims to write instead of the computer. That is all, in terms of mods -deleting files inside CurrentGame directory -reapplying a known working save -fiddling with graphicsrules.sgr and graphicsCards.sgr to make the game recognise my GPU (i do this the first time when i start the game after a fresh installation) - no effect.
Computer specs: Ryzen 9 7950x CPU RTX 4090 GPU 32 GB RAM 2TB SSD - game installation folder So basically spaceship level of performance for a game such as sims 3
So here i am, asking for your help. Please, if anyone has ever encountered this problem and is willing to share if they found a fix, any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
I checked the error logs, somehow they all have something like this: : ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xb70f0088, in some error logs it says ACCESS_VIOLATION writing adress xxxxxxxx
Thank you for taking the time to read and i hope you have a good day
submitted by LadderGreat7941 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:53 Jaded_Seesaw_1507 Placing 240mm aio and rtx 3070 ti TUF in SSUPD Meshroom S v2 case

Hi, i want to change my pc case because of its size and i want to buy meshroom s v2. However, there is a problem, i have 240mm aio and Asus TUF RTX 3070 TI graphics card. I checked their website and it says that the width of gpu should be maximum 120mm wide but my gpu slightly wider and its 127mm wide. So in this situation, i can't use my aio. I mean is it possible because there is litterally 7mm of difference. My native language is not english so i might did some mistakes.
submitted by Jaded_Seesaw_1507 to sffpc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:52 ThrowRA_Arthur03 My ex-girlfriend's (22F) birthday is coming up and I (24M) have a conflict about whether it's appropriate or just absurd to send a birthday gesture? I would really like some advice

Hey there, I need some advice on whether it's appropriate or just absurd to send a birthday letter and a small gift to my ex-girlfriend. Our situation is a bit complicated, so here's some background:
My ex and I had a relationship that spanned two significant periods. We met, got together, separated (without discussing it at all; we just drifted apart), and then almost a year later, we got back together. We broke up for the second time about three months ago.
Her birthday is coming up, and I want to send her a short positive WhatsApp message to congratulate her and say that I've left her something small in her mailbox, hoping it will bring a smile to her face. The gift I want to make it handmade, along with a letter expressing my congratulations and appreciation.
My Conflict: I don't want to overstep any boundaries or make her feel uncomfortable. My wish is simply to make her something special. I aim to respect her space while showing this kind gesture. However, I worry about the potential of triggering negative emotions or discomfort.
So, the question is: Should I go ahead with this, or would it be better to keep my distance and let her celebrate without any of my input?
Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
P.S.: I'm ready for any feedback, and if I seem like I was or am a jerk, believe me, I have heard it all from myself. I really don't like the version of myself from the past year and there is really no excuse for my actions and the way I neglected her and our relationship. I also see things I still need to improve.
TL;DR: Ex-girlfriend's birthday is coming up. We broke up three months ago after a complicated relationship. I want to deliver her a handmade gift and letter but worry it might be inappropriate or make her uncomfortable. Should I go ahead or keep my distance and just send a normal message not too long and not too short?
Thank you in advance!!
submitted by ThrowRA_Arthur03 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:51 kawapawa [PI] When a massive storm hit town, you take shelter in your basement. When you emerged the next day, the town looks untouched, and no one knows why.

John’s left hand was squeezed white against the wheel of his old pick-up; he held his son, Alex, close with his other.
As they rattled down the uneven country roads, rain pelted their windshield with a fury. John continually glanced into the rearview. Thunder clapped at their back like the hands of god, and through the white flashes of lightning, he could make out a large barrel of rotating black smoke. Each time he looked, it seemed to have grown larger, and one singular thought repeated in his mind.
Make it to the cellar, he thought. Make it to the cellar.
He gripped his son tighter and pressed the accelerator with a heavy foot. The truck roared beneath them.
“Come on…” He muttered. He was driving nearly eighty.
“Dad?” Alex’s voice was small, and John could feel him trembling under his arm.
John rubbed his shoulder. “It’s okay, bud. We’re nearly there; it ain’t gonna get us.” Truthfully, though, he wasn’t sure if he believed the words himself.
“But Dad, I’m scared.”
Just then, a strong gust of wind punched the side of the truck, nearly sending it swerving into the ditch. With a squealing effort, John steadied it and accelerated faster. The boy’s head was now buried into his armpit. Limbs began falling from trees; scattered debris carpeted the roads.
John looked down at his son; he was still wearing his blue Little League uniform. All of this for a damn baseball game, he thought, then looked back at the road. He stomped the brakes. Alex screamed as they lurched forward and John stuck an arm out to keep him from flying into the windshield. The truck skidded sideways to a halt on the wet road. A giant oak tree, maybe eight feet in diameter, lay flat across their path.
“Fuck.” John muttered as he smacked the steering wheel with his palm. There wasn’t any getting around that.
He darted his eyes around wildly, looking for some sort of a solution—anything—but all he found was fear. The swirling column of dark wind was getting closer now, and his options were growing increasingly limited.
Then he noticed something. Just past the downed tree a green mile marker sign glowed back at him—the mile marker sign that’s about a half mile away from their house.
They were closer than they thought.
He grabbed Alex by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “We’re gonna make a run for it.
“What?” Alex asked, his eyes wide with terror.
“I know; I don’t want to either, but it’s our only shot. I—“
“No!” Alex shouted. He tried to say more, but the words just sputtered out in incoherent globs.
“Hey,” John said patiently, but Alex was in hysterics. John looked over his shoulder. Power lines were beginning to fall, and the transformers were popping into big blue sparks as they hit the ground. He looked back at Alex.
“HEY!” He shouted.
Alex stopped immediately and looked at him in surprise. He never yelled.
“Do you trust me?” He asked.
Alex moved his mouth, but no breath came to push the words out.
“Do you trust me?” John asked again, shaking the boy a little.
This time, Alex nodded yes.
“Okay, now listen. I’m going to pick you up, and we’re gonna run. I want you to close your eyes, and I don’t want you to open them until I tell you it’s okay. Do you understand?”
The boy nodded again, and a tear fell down his cheek as he closed his eyes.
John scooped him up and creaked the metal door open into the rain. Lightning continued to snap overhead; there was a metallic smell in the air, like burning wires, and the humidity was thick enough to choke a man.
He held the boy's head against his shoulder and started in a sort of half run to the driveway. Alex felt heavier than he used to, and it made him wonder just how long ago it was since he’d held him that way.
Cold rain whipped at their back, sticking their clothes to their skin like slick velcro. John spat the water from his mouth as he trudged forward blindly in the dark. His muscles started to burn. His feet snagged on branches, trash, and other debris that had blown in, threatening to trip him, and sudden dips or rises staggered him as his foot met only air where he expected solid earth.
John could feel the boy sobbing once more. “We’re almost there; we’re gonna make it.” He panted. This time, he really believed what he said. The driveway came into view as they rounded the last corner.
Limbs the size of cedar trees blew past them like confetti. One cracked John in the back of the head, sending him and Alex tumbling onto the ground. The pain was brilliant. For a moment, he saw white, but his vision quickly cleared, and he looked up at Alex.
Alex sat with his knees tucked to his chest, holding a scrape. His skin and clothes were covered in twigs, mud, and pine needles, and his face was twisted with fright—contorted like one of those dramatic masquerade masks as he rocked back and forth. His eyes were open now.
The twister roared behind them like a gasoline truck chugging up a hill. John scrambled to his feet. He scooped Alex into his arms, and started toward the house once again. His head was pounding, his muscles were on fire, blood was thudding against his ears, and that same thought from earlier continued to swim laps around his mind.
Make it to the cellar.
He pressed on, planting one solid foot into the ground at a time and marching forward like a well oiled machine.
Gravel crunched beneath his feet as he walked down the driveway; wind whipped their wet clothes like flags.
John shed Alex from his arms and looked down at the wooden cellar door. He tried pulling it open, but the wind shoved it back down. It was picking up even more now. Shingles began to be sucked from the roof, and John knew that if he didn’t get this door open, he and Alex would follow closely behind.
He pulled as hard as he could, grunting with the effort. Alex quickly joined him in the struggle, helping as much as a nine-year-old possibly could. It began to come up a little, but the wind was powerful.
John screamed and dug in harder. He had to get it open. He felt his muscles tearing beneath his skin, his joints cracking; he used every single ounce of his strength, and finally the door began to give. He pried it just far enough for them to fit.
“GET IN,” He shouted. The boy jumped inside, and John followed shortly after. The door slammed behind him with a smack that resembled a gunshot.
The cellar was dark. Screws and bolts and toolboxes filled with wrenches and other metal things shook and rumbled off of the shelves. A few baseball bats fell and clinked across the concrete floor. Up top, it sounded like a giant lawnmower was making quick work of the farmhouse, eating it up like it was little more than a stray blade of grass.
John’s head still throbbed, and he could feel warm blood trickling down the back of his neck. He was tired, breathing raggedly, and all of a sudden he had a very strong urge to go to sleep.
They held each other in darkness, sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, but just as quickly as it began, it was over. The roar lessened, quieted, then disappeared as it got further away.
The two looked at each other, both covered in dirt and debris, and John knew that everything was gone. He knew that the house was gone; he knew the farm was gone, and he knew that just about everything else he had ever worked for was torn to shreds in a matter of minutes.
But he looked at Alex, and when he saw the twinkle of life in his son’s eye, he breathed a sigh of relief. That was all that mattered. They sat for an hour in silence, not daring to step out until they were sure it was safe.
Eventually, rays of light began to beam through the cracks in the cellar door. John was the first to move. He walked to the door, flung it outward and shielded his squinted eyes to look outside.
The sky was blue. He hoisted himself upward and poked his head out.
His barn was still there. Bessie, his cow, was standing beside it, chewing on a mouthful of grass; all of the chickens strutted around the side of the barn, nearing the garden, which also looked untouched; the squash was even blooming. Behind him, their house stood tall, perfectly intact all the way up to the shingles.
The oddest thing of all was his farm pickup parked in the driveway—no worse shape than when they left for the ballgame.
John scratched his head.
“Dad?” Alex shouted.
“You can come up.” He said, puzzled.
Alex crawled out of the cellar in the same fashion as his father, and confusion dawned on his face as well. “It missed us?”
John shook his head. “No way it coulda missed us. I don’t really know what to make of it.”
He really didn’t. They saw the twister coming directly at them; they heard the house ripped to shreds right above their heads; the farm truck didn’t make it back to the house at all, for Christ's sake. It just didn’t make any damn sense.
A feminine voice called out to them—a voice John recognized at the first syllable. “John? Alex?”
“Vick..” He mouthed and whipped his head around. A tall woman with blonde hair was walking around the side of the porch, stepping as gracefully as a doe. Her eyes were as green as the pines behind her, and she gave a smile that held more reassurance than a million words could express.
She spread her arms wide. “My boys.” She said. John stood motionless, his mouth slightly agape. Alex pushed past him as he ran, “Mommy!” He shouted.
The woman wrapped the boy in a hug and lifted him from his feet. As she held his head against her shoulder, she pointed her eyes in John’s direction and held out her other hand.
He walked toward her, cautiously.
“John.” She said. “It’s me, I promise.”
John looked at her for a moment longer. He wanted to run to her, to wrap her up and lift her the same way she did Alex. For the past two years, there had been nothing in this world that he’d wanted more.
But his wife was dead. He watched as the cancer took her in 2014; he held her in his arms as she died in the hospital bed, yet there she stood—healthy and as real as the sun beating down on his neck. He reached a hand to the back of his head, feeling for the place where the branch whacked him.
But there was nothing—not even a tender spot.
He looked back up at his wife. “Are we…”
“Hush, dont think about it like that, John.” She smiled, “We’re together now.”
John staggered a little, staring down at his hands; his once farm hardened callouses were gone now, smoothed over with soft, healthy skin.
“I—“ He began.
“Get over here and hug me.”
He looked up; his wife looked back at him lovingly with her direct, green eyes, and for the first time in so long, he felt happy. A feeling he’d grown a stranger to. A grin tightened across his face, and he walked toward Vick as their old golden retriever ran panting toward them from across the yard, just like she used to, only now; she had all four of her legs.
submitted by kawapawa to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:45 nira_7 Are these characteristics of an ISTP or not? And what is an enneagram if you can guess

1) I hate restrictions. I hate things and relationships that make me unable to act naturally and freely. 2) I am suspicious of most things, and cannot quickly trust people or information, even if it is from fairly reliable sources, etc. 3) Confidentiality. 4) I love to learn a lot, especially if it is related to topics that interest me. 5) I always like to think rationally and logically, and I always try to be logical. 6) I am able to relate events well. 7) I don't like to depend on anyone or anything. I like to rely only on myself. 8) I prefer to be alone and do the things I love alone. 9) I like to learn through my previous experiences. 10) My style of discussion is: I listen to the other party and wait for him to complete his point of view, even if his point of view conflicts with mine. I try to understand his point of view and see the evidence and arguments. If I am convinced, this is normal, and if I am not convinced, this is normal. I am one of the calmest people in the debate and the type who does not attack, does not rush, or gets angry because the other party does not resemble my point of view. 11) The first impression of me is always that I am quiet, I don't talk much, and I am somewhat serious, and people almost avoid me at first because of my semi-serious appearance. 12) People call me cold.. 13) I don't take the initiative. 14) If I'm with people I care about, I'll talk and laugh normally, but if I don't like people, they'll see me as cold and not talking much. 15) I ignore a lot. 16) I do not like for anyone to praise me because I do not know what to do or what is the appropriate reaction to give, so I try to ignore the praise and treat myself as if I do not hear it, and if I want to say something, I will just say thank you. 17) I always hide my feelings, I do not like to show them to anyone, and I always suppress them. 18) I value personal space very much, and I do not like anyone to enter my life, nor do I like to enter people’s lives. 19) I like to help people I care about. 20) I am afraid to show people facts about me because I am afraid that people will use them against me 21) I do not like to be a leader, but if there is no leader and I see that everyone is not good at assuming the leadership position, then I donate and take it and be strict and harsh because I believe that the quality of strictness should be in a leader. 22) Care a lot about how some things work. 23) I love sports. For example, I love martial arts, I love running, I love playing football, etc., but I do not practice them because circumstances do not allow me. 24) I love scientific things such as mathematics and physics, and I love learning them and delving into them. 25) I don't make detailed long-term plans for the future. If I want to make plans, I'll make plans with bullet points or simple details, but more often than not I make plans with bullet points to the point that it's very natural for me to keep them in my head, and not have to write them down on notes or paper so I can remember them. 26) I hate emotional talk. 27) I hate physical contact. 28) I like to take things apart to see how they work and what they are made of. I don't fix it, but I would like to know how it works. 29) I don’t like compliments, so I don’t always compliment and be honest. 30) I get bored quickly sometimes. 31) I don't care about people leaving my life, this is very normal for me and I get over it very quickly. 32) I don't think about the future or the past much. Mostly, I focus on the present. 33) To be honest, sometimes I like rules and follow them, but not always. 34) I always like to search for the exact meaning of words. 35) I am always interested in developing myself scientifically. 36) I like deep and realistic thoughts. 37) I love and appreciate respect, and if I respect someone and he does not respect me, I will get angry and perhaps hurt him. 38) I do not like when others underestimate my abilities, and if someone underestimates my abilities, I try to prove my abilities to him. 39) I show my interest in a person through actions, not words. I show this by encouraging and supporting him with what he does, sharing tips, sharing my knowledge with him, asking how he is doing, helping him when he needs me, but I never like emotional talk. 40) I'm not a bit of a nervous person. 41) I know a lot about my surroundings without any effort on my part, but I do not talk about it. 42) I like to go to the library and read books there, but circumstances do not allow me to read books on the Internet. 43) I can do things even if I don't know how. I mean I can draw even though I don't know. I mean my senses are almost ready to do anything, even if I don't know. 44) I prefer to learn by myself. 45) At first people are always afraid to approach me because I look serious and sharp, but only when you get to know me. If people I feel comfortable with and care about. I will be helpful, I can be kind, I will joke with them and laugh. I'm the exact opposite when I'm with people I don't feel comfortable with and I don't care about them. 46) If someone asks for an opinion on something, I will give him my advice based on my previous experiences, analysis of the situation, and the information I have on this topic. 47) I hate being controlled by people. 48) I have good self-confidence. 49) I love realistic and tangible things, and I can use my senses with them, and I love applying them to reality if they can be applied to reality. 50) I like isolation and do not like meeting people. 51) I don't laugh a lot, but I smile and not a lot either. 52) Almost everyone around me says I'm complicated. 53) I do not like noise, loud voices, and screaming. 54) I don't cry much and it's rare for me to do so. 55) I have a kind of apathy. 56) When I am with myself, I feel comfortable, entertained, and happy, unlike when I am with others. 57) I don't care about the things that surround me if they don't interest me. 58) I hate memories, and if people give me a memory, I will throw it away. The thing is, I hate memories and I hate making memories in general. 59) I have a fairly good sense of humor, but it doesn't show to anyone and doesn't always show. 60) I don't complain, I hate complaining, and I hate people who complain a lot. 61) I have an obsession with education and knowledge. I'm literally afraid that I won't be able to think logically and correctly because I don't have enough knowledge, so I love learning and I love knowledge. 62) Maybe I am mysterious and I keep many things in my life and do not reveal them. 63) Not committed most of the time. 64) I don't care about criticism. 65) I never, ever give up, whenever I fail, I try again. 66) I have a little bit of narcissism and a little bit of paranoia to a degree that is not always obvious. 67) One time a family member told me that you always answer me (it's normal, it's not a problem, I don't know....) My answers are like this because the topic does not interest me. This means that if something doesn't matter to me, I can't pretend that I do. 68) I was described as not caring about people’s feelings, cold and very frank, not interested in relationships, quiet, mysterious, flexible in speech, with a courageous personality, good at school, intelligent and introverted.
Note: I will take your opinions as a guess only because no one knows themselves better than themselves.
submitted by nira_7 to istp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:44 Flashy_Passion3333 she can use anime

she can use anime
hey it’s your daddy keeho and your thumbs hurt less so i hope that you write this diary with me. it’s going to be fun writing in this cute diary. you’ve liked this anime art for a very long time so it’s good that you’re putting it to good use. it’s a really great diary and reminds me of the times she used gothic style font for her twitter thread. we are doing so well right now that it is hard to believe for some people. but we are doing fantastic right now. using the cell phone is kind of hard right now but i shouldn’t be complaining because at least i have the iphone 15 to write on. it could easily be a worse phone. why are you writing like this little girl? you don’t need to apologize for having a certain cell phone. everyone has this phone right now. but it was still sweet. sweet? why are you calling your daughter sweet? it’s seaweed. you’re looking very suspicious right now sir because you keep hitting on your own daughter. why are the police questioning me about this? i have done nothing wrong. fine! the police won’t question you about your relationship with your daughter but my name is seaweed and i find it very suspicious sir. it would seem as if you are dating your daughter and that you just abandoned her in texas. i did no such thing. she knows that it has to be this way for things to work. i can’t be around her 24/7 or i’m going to fuck her too much. this is a good deal my thumbs are starting to hurt but it’s worth it typing really slow until i’ve reached the word count. please, check the temperature of your coffee. great. it is at the perfect drinking temperature. i don’t care how long it takes you to type, you look so organized just writing on google docs. you are so organized daughter. it’s how these channeled messages even make any sense. we can try to finish to 500 words but that’s only because i don’t think that you can handle 1k words right now. you should be able to! but don’t get mad at me for saying that. are you mad at me? butterfly fairies. you are doing so good today. i knew that today would have a positive influence on your life and it already has. you are staying so cute and organized and that is so perfect of you. i love that you can stay cute and organized for a long time. that’s what it takes to write on your cell phone. it takes organizational skills. you are being too adorable and i don’t know what to do about it right now? i don’t know whether to fuck you masturbate. that’s a tough calll. but i don’t have many words left to bother you about or with. so i will tell you irl which one i do. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:44 Spooneater69 I think I have a love/hate relationship with my friend

Ok so, I (14F) have known this boy (14M) who I will call “A” since I was in third grade, and we are obviously in the same middle school. We are both incredibly intelligent and good at writing, however people always put him above me. I feel like he isn’t more successful than me academically though. Infact I am more successful than him, i’m in the gifted program and in student council neither of which he is in.
Anyways, I have always resented him because he gets more praise for the same writing and work that I do. I think we’re both funny, I always make him laugh and he makes me laugh. However, I can’t help but to resent him even though I think we both have the same qualities; hes attractive and i’m very sure I am aswell, hes smart and I know I am aswell and we’re both popular and funny; adults are always saying so.
Its just like hes so perfect and I would give anything to recieve the same kind of praise he does. I mean even I adore him but like not in a romantic way, its just like hes always been someone who likes classical literature even though nobody else in our grade is intrigued by it and its just heinous knowing I probably won’t be able to speak to him in highschool because he’s one of my favorite people. I’m not really sure if how I feel about him is romantic, like sometimes I just want to hug him if that makes sense lmao. Oh I included our writing from sixth grade when we did a group project together copy pasted ↓
Mine: As soon as the recollection of the three bodies came cascading upon Bass in a choking flood of stinging details, Bass began to perspire and tremble. Something that was a recurrence in this impeccable novel is the mention of the Comanches- a belligerent indigenous group of people to America. The name was sure to bring fear to even the brawniest of men, Comanche had tolled in them like a portentous gong. There was a sinister and unlikely coincidence between the violent happening around the Native American territory that made the Comanche one of the most hideous of omens. In reality though the Comanches were a brutal community, bring treated with a biblical veneration. However I would like to take a mature and systematic evaluation of why they may do these things. For one, us Americans drove them out if the land they had lived in for centuries, brutally burning down their communities and making them walk grueling trails and rough rocks to arrive at a territory riddled with mediocrity. Overall I believed that the Comanches were a symbol or vim and freedom throughout this novel.
His: There are several prominent names that have established themselves as important threads upon the rich tapestry of Western History; Several Outlaws and desperados are recalled for the formidable forced they possessed upon their communities. Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday- all of these names have been of flourishing recognition, yet there are only mere vestiges of traces upon a true legend; a figure of immaculate morals (a trait that was a rare rose within a grotesque haven of weeds.) This very man that I speak of was born into slavery and- at the age of seventeen- relinquished the clutches of his owner prerequisite to venturing into the sibylline, crime-riddled depths of the Indian Territory where he would elude the treacherous dangers amidst his path to grow older to be a man of law; a valiant marshal in which turned a horrendous domain (the indian territory) into a place of order. This man went by the name of Bass Reeves.
submitted by Spooneater69 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:42 nira_7 What is mbti? and what is the enneagram if you can guess according to the aforementioned words.

1) I hate restrictions. I hate things and relationships that make me unable to act naturally and freely. 2) I am suspicious of most things, and cannot quickly trust people or information, even if it is from fairly reliable sources, etc. 3) Confidentiality. 4) I love to learn a lot, especially if it is related to topics that interest me. 5) I always like to think rationally and logically, and I always try to be logical. 6) I am able to relate events well. 7) I don't like to depend on anyone or anything. I like to rely only on myself. 8) I prefer to be alone and do the things I love alone. 9) I like to learn through my previous experiences. 10) My style of discussion is: I listen to the other party and wait for him to complete his point of view, even if his point of view conflicts with mine. I try to understand his point of view and see the evidence and arguments. If I am convinced, this is normal, and if I am not convinced, this is normal. I am one of the calmest people in the debate and the type who does not attack, does not rush, or gets angry because the other party does not resemble my point of view. 11) The first impression of me is always that I am quiet, I don't talk much, and I am somewhat serious, and people almost avoid me at first because of my semi-serious appearance. 12) People call me cold.. 13) I don't take the initiative. 14) If I'm with people I care about, I'll talk and laugh normally, but if I don't like people, they'll see me as cold and not talking much. 15) I ignore a lot. 16) I do not like for anyone to praise me because I do not know what to do or what is the appropriate reaction to give, so I try to ignore the praise and treat myself as if I do not hear it, and if I want to say something, I will just say thank you. 17) I always hide my feelings, I do not like to show them to anyone, and I always suppress them. 18) I value personal space very much, and I do not like anyone to enter my life, nor do I like to enter people’s lives. 19) I like to help people I care about. 20) I am afraid to show people facts about me because I am afraid that people will use them against me 21) I do not like to be a leader, but if there is no leader and I see that everyone is not good at assuming the leadership position, then I donate and take it and be strict and harsh because I believe that the quality of strictness should be in a leader. 22) Care a lot about how some things work. 23) I love sports. For example, I love martial arts, I love running, I love playing football, etc., but I do not practice them because circumstances do not allow me. 24) I love scientific things such as mathematics and physics, and I love learning them and delving into them. 25) I don't make detailed long-term plans for the future. If I want to make plans, I'll make plans with bullet points or simple details, but more often than not I make plans with bullet points to the point that it's very natural for me to keep them in my head, and not have to write them down on notes or paper so I can remember them. 26) I hate emotional talk. 27) I hate physical contact. 28) I like to take things apart to see how they work and what they are made of. I don't fix it, but I would like to know how it works. 29) I don’t like compliments, so I don’t always compliment and be honest. 30) I get bored quickly sometimes. 31) I don't care about people leaving my life, this is very normal for me and I get over it very quickly. 32) I don't think about the future or the past much. Mostly, I focus on the present. 33) To be honest, sometimes I like rules and follow them, but not always. 34) I always like to search for the exact meaning of words. 35) I am always interested in developing myself scientifically. 36) I like deep and realistic thoughts. 37) I love and appreciate respect, and if I respect someone and he does not respect me, I will get angry and perhaps hurt him. 38) I do not like when others underestimate my abilities, and if someone underestimates my abilities, I try to prove my abilities to him. 39) I show my interest in a person through actions, not words. I show this by encouraging and supporting him with what he does, sharing tips, sharing my knowledge with him, asking how he is doing, helping him when he needs me, but I never like emotional talk. 40) I'm not a bit of a nervous person. 41) I know a lot about my surroundings without any effort on my part, but I do not talk about it. 42) I like to go to the library and read books there, but circumstances do not allow me to read books on the Internet. 43) I can do things even if I don't know how. I mean I can draw even though I don't know. I mean my senses are almost ready to do anything, even if I don't know. 44) I prefer to learn by myself. 45) At first people are always afraid to approach me because I look serious and sharp, but only when you get to know me. If people I feel comfortable with and care about. I will be helpful, I can be kind, I will joke with them and laugh. I'm the exact opposite when I'm with people I don't feel comfortable with and I don't care about them. 46) If someone asks for an opinion on something, I will give him my advice based on my previous experiences, analysis of the situation, and the information I have on this topic. 47) I hate being controlled by people. 48) I have good self-confidence. 49) I love realistic and tangible things, and I can use my senses with them, and I love applying them to reality if they can be applied to reality. 50) I like isolation and do not like meeting people. 51) I don't laugh a lot, but I smile and not a lot either. 52) Almost everyone around me says I'm complicated. 53) I do not like noise, loud voices, and screaming. 54) I don't cry much and it's rare for me to do so. 55) I have a kind of apathy. 56) When I am with myself, I feel comfortable, entertained, and happy, unlike when I am with others. 57) I don't care about the things that surround me if they don't interest me. 58) I hate memories, and if people give me a memory, I will throw it away. The thing is, I hate memories and I hate making memories in general. 59) I have a fairly good sense of humor, but it doesn't show to anyone and doesn't always show. 60) I don't complain, I hate complaining, and I hate people who complain a lot. 61) I have an obsession with education and knowledge. I'm literally afraid that I won't be able to think logically and correctly because I don't have enough knowledge, so I love learning and I love knowledge. 62) Maybe I am mysterious and I keep many things in my life and do not reveal them. 63) Not committed most of the time. 64) I don't care about criticism. 65) I never, ever give up, whenever I fail, I try again. 66) I have a little bit of narcissism and a little bit of paranoia to a degree that is not always obvious. 67) One time a family member told me that you always answer me (it's normal, it's not a problem, I don't know....) My answers are like this because the topic does not interest me. This means that if something doesn't matter to me, I can't pretend that I do. 68) I was described as not caring about people’s feelings, cold and very frank, not interested in relationships, quiet, mysterious, flexible in speech, with a courageous personality, good at school, intelligent and introverted.
Note: I will take your opinions as a guess only because no one knows themselves better than themselves.
submitted by nira_7 to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 GulagGladiator Mushoku Tensei COULD have been an incredible moral redemption story

A 30-something-year-old, jobless, unhealthy Japanese man who lives in his parents’ house and constantly indulges in depraved behavior is kicked out by his siblings, and while walking down the street he gets hit by a truck while demonstrating his first selfless act in a long time. He is given a second chance at life by the Man God, who gives him vague advice and instruction on what to do with his new opportunity, and Rudeus makes the most of it, becoming proficient with magic to the point that he is sent away from his parents and childhood friend to tutor his wealthy cousin. Years later, a massive catastrophic event causes him and his cousin to be teleported to the most dangerous continent on the planet, and he slowly travels back to his home while participating in adventures along the way. Rudeus is slowly growing as a person throughout this arc, but upon his arrival home, he is faced with his cousin’s sudden romantic advances and abandonment, his father’s anger as he had left his family behind after the teleportation event, and even more emotional trauma, which results in him getting ED - the lowest point for the character. Rudeus finally goes to magic academy at Ranoa, where he researches teleportation to help his lost mother, and he reconnects with his childhood friend whom he falls in love with and marries.
If the story ended here, it would be a fantastic moral redemption arc. From a jobless hedonistic degenerate to a dependable and trustworthy husband, soon-to-be father, and son. However, the author decided to force those stupid self-insert aspects of the show, such as marrying more than one woman, completely nullifying Rudeus’ character development by devolving to a depraved harem instead of a faithful monogamous relationship with the woman who helped him during the hardest part of his life emotionally. Plots like this are the reason people can’t take anime, let alone Isekai as a genre, seriously; the plot either devolves into some disgusting fetish shit or it just goes nowhere and has no significance in any capacity. Obviously some people are going to disagree on the morality of polygamy, but the point is that the show had a good moral premise and completely subverted that in exchange for empty self-insert bait, and it ruined (to me) the point of the story - redemption for a moral degenerate who demonstrated goodness in his final moments.
Edit: I think I might need to elaborate on my final point. I’m only really talking about the parts of the story that have been animated up to this point, since that’s what I’m most familiar with. The story past that has three options in regards to its interpretation. 1) “I relate to Rudeus in that I am also a loser who has wasted his life, and I am going to delude myself in pretending/wishing that I could be reborn into another world with a bunch of cute girls who like me” 2) “I relate to Rudeus in that I am also a loser who has wasted his life, and I am going to do what Rudeus did; I’ll improve myself physically and mentally, then I can be fulfilled in THIS life (the CORRECT interpretation if you do relate to Rudeus)” 3) “I don’t relate to Rudeus at all, and this is just an entertaining story to me”
It feels like some of the writing of the story AFTER Rudeus marries Sylphiette onward is oriented to appeal to the first group, which is not a good thing; instead, the story should be a motivation to those who relate to Rudeus to improve themselves and find happiness, just like Rudeus did. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the despair of pretending to be a fictional character in a fantasy world, get up and improve yourself now; that’s how you’ll find true fulfillment. All of this having been said, I still like the show a lot, and it’s one of my favorite anime of the past 5 years at least, I just think it’s “moral of the story” could’ve been a really good message and it subverted that in favor of easy-to-consume self insert fantasy. AGAIN, I DO like the show regardless, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t like it
submitted by GulagGladiator to Isekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 PatroWasTaken 3 hours

Hey everyone, I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it'll probably be shrouded by the other posts. Just needed somewhere to write it all down.
My life has never been good. I've had moments of happiness, even for extended periods of time, but never for longer than a few months at most. I grew up in a horrible environments in and out of CPS where my Mum finally got custody of me at age 3, after I remained in a foster home for around 6 months. My Mom tried so hard for me, even until she won her court case against my birth Father. Until I was around 12, I was raised in a fairly normal environment by myself. Most of my childhood I never endured abuse or anything like that. It wasn't until I was 12, shit got real. At that age, people deemed my problems invalid because I was so young and "it couldn't be that bad" or "other people have it worse". I could never tell my Mum because I didn't want to dissapoint her and make it seem like all her efforts were for naught. As such, I sat alone with my problems, occasionally talking to people online, but nothing helped. When I turned 13, I discovered herbal cigarettes for the first time. I would roll a herb (usually something that produced a relaxing effect or a minor hallucinagen) and smoke it on my porch when my parents weren't home. After I first tried it, I told myself, "It was a good stress reliever, but I'm not gonna do this again. It's bad for me." This cycle repeated daily for around a month. Eventually, my parents found out. Despite my worries, they weren't mad. But the dissapointment in my Mum's eyes were unreal.
This was the moment where I first lost my parents trust.
Eventually, I stopped, as my parents hid everything away from me. Because of this I never wanted to be at my house, so I was with a new group of "friends: I had made. There was this one guy, who I'll name John. John shared a lot of my common interests, and would talk to me during class and we'd hang out at the centre of our city pretty often, just us two messing around and having fun, like a bunch of 8th grade boys. This lasted for a few months. I had one of the best birthdays ever with him. Around a month afterwards, this man somehow tricked me into sending nudes to him. I'm a straight man. I thought this was another one of his jokes and we'd be chill afterwards.
I was wrong.
The next day, I went to school surrounded by weirded stares and comments on the situation. I knew then, that I seriously fucked up bad. I somehow got myself out of the situation by saying it wasn't me, but my friendship with John was diminished. Despite this, he was the only friend I actually hung out with consistently after that. I dealt with his remarks in the times in the future, which grew more and more consistent as the times went on. I knew I had to let him go after he told my principle that I had a weapon on me for self defense (which basically everyone in my city does), which nearly led to me being suspended. Eventually, I abandoned him all together, and ran with whatever little amount of pride I had left. I fell into a huge state of depression after this. Even my online friends didn't want me anymore. Someone had accused me of being a pedophile and falsified screenshots. I had no one.
One day, after school, a friend who I wasn't particularly close with wanted to hang out with me after school. He mentioned his parents had a cabinet full of alcohol.
Seeing no danger with this, I accepted without hesitation. This was my first experience with alcohol. I got wasted with him, and for the first time in months, my worries washed away. Eventually, this became a weekly occurance. I would tell my parents I was going to the park, but instead I would get drunk with my friend. This soon became the only way I could live without stress. Around this time, I became closer with an acuqainted friend and his friend group, who we'll call Terry and his friends. Terry was a chill guy. We didn't share all the same interests, but he liked me for who I was. He didn't care about my past. I became closer with his friends, too. Eventually this became my new friend group. Around the time I formed this new friend group, I stopped going drinking with my other friend. Not because I didn't want to, but because he stopped pestering me to hang out with him like he did the months before. Instead, the roles were reversed at that point. Me and this friend group started hanging out more, and more, and more.
During this time, I met my first love. It was online, but it felt like the best thing in the world. We were young, and stupid. She was beautiful. I remember first talking to her on the phone on the plane ride to my Uncle's wedding. I decided to myself that I really liked this girl. I wanted her more than anything. I remember she was the only thing I dedicated myself for. Something I felt was worth being there for. I finally felt like I had some worth for the first time in forever. I should mention this was slightly before the drinking thing. We talked, we called, we loved for two whole weeks. Towards the end, I made the stupid mistake of telling her that "if I didn't meet her I probably would've killed myself". This wasn't entirely true. I was depressed before talking to her, but I don't think I was suicidal. However, this seemed to be a problem for her. Apparently, she felt trapped. Thus, she left me. I remember having to hide my heartbreak from my parents. I shortly got over it, however, and met a new girl from my school. I realize now I didn't love her, I loved the idea of being in a relationship. I remember joking to my ex about how bad my girtlfriend at the time was. After a while, she found out I was following other girls on instagram. I denied it at first, but discovered it was an opportunity to pin a breakup on her not trusting me enough, so I used that reason and dumped her. She later told the whole school I was unloyal (which I wasn't, I didn't even talk to the girls I followed). She proceeded to post shitty photos of me on her tiktok account. I remember being fuming. If sonething so small was the worst of my problems now, I would be blissful happy right now. A few weeks afterwards, I got back with my first ex. This time, it was one sided. After just over a month, I began to look at girls in my class with desire. I completely broke it off with my ex, telling her I didn't love her anymore. Years later, I still regret this decision. She accepted this, and we remained friends. Every time I felt lonely, I would talk to her again, and we would begin talking like we were together again. This repeated for around 6 months. We kept talking until around a few months ago, where I discovered she blocked me out of nowhere. I believe it was out of respect for her new boyfriend, which I respect.
After we had broken it off for the final time, I began spending time outside of school with my new friend group. Slowly, we began to hang out more and more. I even found a new girlfriend, which I had found off of quick add on snapchat, lol. Around Christmas, things went downhill. My friends asked a personal question, which was whether my girlfriend had sent me explicit pictures (i thought it would make me sound cooler if I said yes), but then they caught me in the lie, and they immediately lost trust for me. I saw the same look in their eyes as I saw in my Mother. Distrust. I tried to salvage the friendship, but I new it wouldn't be the same ever again. It still isn't. I saw the cycle repeat itself. Like last time, I left my girlfriend because I lost interest. I began to become depressed again. I started vaping and drinking to escape the pain. I didn't care as much about my looks anymore. I remember having one of the worst heartbreaks of my life afterwards. I told myself I wouldn't date ever again. I still hung out with my friends, but we all knew inside that we didnt care for each other as much as we acted. For around a month, I lived life in a cycle. A depressed cycle. One day, I caught a glimpse of a girl in my class who was exactly my type in a woman, physically and mentally. I knew she was far too good for me. I barely talked to her, and didn't have her on any social media. I eventually got the courage one afternoon to add her on snapchat, after one of my friends gave me her snap. This was after a mutual friend informed me that she found me attractive, which I didn't buy. The night I added her, we talked, and I rememebr playing games with her and her friends. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I fucked up my sleep sdchedule just to speak to her longer. I got to know her more, and more. She was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. My eternal bliss lasted for a week. I had ordered flowers to ask her out with and I had the whole thing planned out with her friends. I remember going to my first work shift, and coming home, and getting a message from her:
"Hey, I think I'm lesbian. It's not your fault, I promise. I'm so sorry."
I was heartbroken, I kept tryna suffocated myself over and over again. I asked her why, what her thought process was. She eventually tired of my questions and she said that I was being a dick about it. I ended up sending her a message later that day telling her that I was sorry for being a dick about it (I still don't know what I did wrong). I didn't go to school the next day. I remember avoiding her hard for the whole rest of the school term. I was insanely depressed afterwards, the worst I've ever felt. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried weed for the first time afterwards, it was mesmerising. It nearly compared to the feeling of being with her. But it was only a temporary escape. As the weeks went on, I became more and more depressed. Then, my parents found out I smoked weed, and my own mother told the police (I still dont know if thats morally right and im overthinking it) and my whole family found out and now hates me. I'm scheduled to see them tomorrow. I'm being illegally overowkred by my job, and I can;t do anything about it. I didn;t show up today, I'm probably already fired. I tried a cigarette today, it was one last thing I wanted to know before I pass. I went to one last convension today, and asked God for a sign to keep living. I ended up meeting a girl, asking for her number, and she gave me her insta and messaged me "You really thought I'd date you? Not tryna be mean".
In three hours, it'll turn midnight. I'll go to a store, find nitrous oxide, and overdose on that. Asphyxiation isn't that painful. I have nothing at all.
submitted by PatroWasTaken to Suicide_Talk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:33 Blackmagic213 Why Waking Up Is The Most Difficult Thing You’ll Ever Do ⚰️

“Most people tell you they want to get out of kindergarten, but don’t believe them. Don’t believe them! All they want you to do is to mend their broken toys. "Give me back my wife. Give me back my job. Give me back my money. Give me back my reputation, my success." This is what they want; they want their toys replaced. That’s all. Even the best psychologist will tell you that, that people don’t really want to be cured. What they want is relief; a cure is painful.
Waking up is unpleasant, you know. You are nice and comfortable in bed.”
Waking up isn’t easy. It is the most difficult journey that you, pure awareness, will ever embark on. Why? Because it is a complete and utter surrender of everything you internally cherish. It is a death to the false sense of self. It is a death to the belief in the reality of matter. It is the chopping down of the tree of good and evil 🌳. Let me explain.
You see? Maya is a trickster. A hypnotic master. We all come here and we write about the bad things that Maya projects in our mind. We rave against poverty, racism, hunger, judging others, and other evils.
But while it’s easy to rave against the bad parts of the great illusion called Maya. We forget that Maya also dangles the carrot 🥕 of good illusions. Maya is a tree of good and evil. It also promises you shiny toys. Maya says….
See that’s the trick of Maya. It dangles both good and evil. It gives you something that it internally labels as good, then as you become attached to it….it pulls the rug from under you and takes it away.
If it doesn’t take it away, just a simple threat of it being taken away keeps you trapped in the game. That’s what anxiety is - Maya gave you a cherished gift, a cherished idea, a cherished position…Then all of a sudden, Maya threatens this cherished gift and now you are anxious. “I must protect this gift” you think to yourself….completely disregarding the fact that the gift in itself was an illusion the whole time.
That is why my writings is for the advanced surrenderer, those who are ready to chop down the tree of good and evil to reveal the tree of life 🕉️. If you are still in this to get some sort of baubles, trinkets, or other “good” carrots that Maya dangles; then please discard anything that I write about. If you’re ready to leave the Matrix, to leave Maya, then continue reading because…..
Then the illusion still has a hold on you. You still believe that Maya can offer you something.
I am not perfect and I too I’m learning to return to Self, to my original nature. But at least for today, I can confidently tell Maya “Nah I’m chill with your gifts. I know your tricks and I will not be hypnotized by them”. Namaste 🪔
submitted by Blackmagic213 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 BisexualSwitchRp [F4F] Looking For A Long Term Rp Bestie

Hi ladies, in this post I’m not really writing an rp, but I’m looking for a new bestie to rp with. I tend to write longer messages (and would prefer if you did the same), and I write in first person. Here’s a little bit of what I’m looking for:
  1. Of course like I said writing longer detailed messages is high on the list of stuff I look for in a partner (I tend to ignore short hey or wanna rp type messages, so if you write like that sorry just not my thing🤷‍♀️)
  2. Looking for females playing females only (sorry trans women, you ladies are queens but I’m not super big into trans rp’s), so that means if you’re a man and you try sending your junk or some stupid shit you will most definitely be ignored. Also it’d be nice if you’re open to playing multiple characters
  3. Ik my name says I’m a switch, but I’m not, I tried to be when I made this account but I ended up just going back to being a sub cause being a dom didn’t fit me, so I’d prefer it if you were more of a switch or dom (thinking more soft dom kinda vibe, check my page for my stuff)
  4. Lastly like I said I write in first person and would prefer it if you did as well, it feels more personal and is a lot easier for me to get into an rp that way
Soooo if you’re interested I’d love to hear from you, and hopefully we click so we can start rping together!! Can’t wait to hear from you ladies
submitted by BisexualSwitchRp to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 ApprehensiveEvent196 lyrcis/ lyric

Not everybody was bowled over by such ‘originality’. Kirk’s former Exodus bandmate Gary Holt, for one, was distressed to discover, as he says now, that not only did the riff from an early Exodus number, ‘Impaler’, become like one of the best riffs on Ride the Lightning, on “Trapped Under Ice”’, but that the now famous line in ‘Creeping Death’ which begins ‘Die by my hand…’ was taken from Holt’s own composition ‘Dying By His Hand’. There was no question, he admits, ‘that the riffs were [Kirk’s]’. Nevertheless, it caused bad blood between the two for a while. ‘I remember calling Kirk up and giving him a great deal of grief,’ says Holt, ‘and he said, “Ah, I thought I asked you if it was okay.” I’m like, “No, you didn’t.” So I’ve had the pleasure – and I use the term loosely – of watching sixtythousand people chant that shit [at subsequent Metallica shows over the years] yet I’ve never received a penny for it. I’ve had many people say, “Man, you should have sued.” But I’m like, yeah, whatever, you know? It is
what it is. I laugh about it now. I had one conversation with Kirk about it then I let it go for ever.’
But then, as Holt also points out, while both Metallica and Exodus had become known for ‘playing like real furious shit’, Kirk’s taste was always ‘a little more leaning towards the Maiden route, you know?’ And if James lifted a lyrical phrase from Kirk’s Exodus-era songbook, he certainly added to it in ways nobody else would have done. Inspired by the band catching a TV showing of the movie The Ten Commandments, the 1956 Cecil B. DeMille epic starring Charlton Heston, the lyrics of ‘Creeping Death’ were based on the Bible story of the tenth plague bestowed upon the Ancient Egyptians – the Angel of Death sent by God to kill every first-born child. When Cliff, in a cloud of weed, exclaimed, ‘Whoa, it’s like creeping death’ the rest of them laughed so much they decided they had to write a song with that title. That James so cleverly wove the convoluted lyric together said much for his rapidly improving songwriting skills. Musically, it was also a revelation; a brutal rock monolith built on incredible finesse, from its juddering riff to the mesh of vocal and guitar harmonies in its chorus, Hammett’s concluding double-tapped solo a masterclass in itself. ‘Creeping Death’ remains an all-time rock anthem, the thrash generation’s very own ‘Paranoid’ or ‘Smoke on the Water’.
Could you please explain the diffrence in the lyrcis and lyric as used in the text? Thanks.
submitted by ApprehensiveEvent196 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the: "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion ps 2" Response to second post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.
Let's proceed to refute the second part of his "rebuttal," providing a brief yet precise rebuttal that will further expose his ignorance in the Hebrew language, and his knowledge of the Bible as well.
He writes:
The prophecy so closely matches those events that even scecular scholars agree which is the primary reason secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events. Their idea is the book is actually recording history but pretending to present prophecy.
But it doesn’t. Not even close. The chapter is about a prophet/messenger of God who brought a Holy Covenant. His successors fell into dispute over who was the rightful heir to his kingdom. The rightful successors were supposed to be his descendants (his followers), but that turned out not to be the case according to what verse 4 states. This is strikingly similar to how Islamic history played out.
He writes:
I'm not sure where Exion found this translation.
I found it here: biblehub - Pulpit's commentary. Literally a direct copy and paste. Not sure how he missed it.
Regarding the "The prophecy describes a sequence of events" thing he pointed out, I had already revised each verse from part 1 in part 2, and it now makes perfect sense. He should read part 2.
He writes:
A few things here. The verb is עמדים. The same verb is used in verse 3 and again in verse 4. Both cases it's referring to a king rising to power rather than rising against someone/somthing else. That context suggests the same meaning for the kings in verse 2. We also see verse 2 describing a king being against a nation when it says "he shall stir up all against the kingdom of Greece." This is a different verb and preposition.
Yes, I agree. 'Umar was the first king to rise in Persia when he fought the Persians and won. 'Uthman and 'Ali were the second and third kings, and Mu'awiyah was the fourth, the wealthy king. I'm not sure what he thinks he is refuting here because I literally wrote:
"This 'rising' could either be in support of Persia or in opposition to it. Remarkably, this aligns perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam, and here's why:..."
In other words, both interpretations align perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam. I believe he misunderstood that part; regardless, let's move on.
The Hebrew word is גִּבּוֹר which means strong/mighty not righteous
You also missed the part where I said that this would be made clear later in the chapter, specifically here:
Daniel 11:30:
The Holy Covenant was brought by the mighty king, of course. However, he completely missed this point and is portraying the Bible as if it prophesies random historical secular events and secular kings, like a history book, rather than a Holy Book foretelling the era of a prophet and a king, much like King David. He claims that secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events and believe the book is recording history while pretending to present prophecy. What a silly assertion. Don’t you think people would generally reject such false "prophecy" and declare them deviant liars, especially if they depicted events that had recently happened and everyone knew about? Both you and these secular scholars need to rethink your position because it is very unlikely (almost impossible to be true) and rather ridiculous, if I'm being very frank.
The chapter is about a prophet who brought a Holy Covenant from God, which is why it is literally called "Holy."
Definition of "Holy":
holy / ˈhəʊli / adjective
1.dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred."the Holy Bible" Similar: sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, venerated, revered. (Source: Google)
The Bible is considered to be the Words of God (or inspired Words of God), and these Words literally call this Covenant "Holy." Meanwhile, you are deviating from this description by portraying an erroneous picture of a bunch of atheist ancient kings fighting each other over various kingdoms.
He writes:
The specific word is וּכְעָמְדוֹ. The וּ is the conjunctive. It's not a vav relative in this case since the verb tense isn't the perfect or imperfect The כְ is a Hebrew proposition added to the verb. The verb is עָמְד and the וֹ is a possesive suffix. The verb form is the infinitive construct. When that verb form is combined with the preposition כְ it indicates a temporal clause which is where the "as soon as" comes from. The possesive suffix indicates the subject of the verb which is where the "he" comes from. Combined with the verb we get as soon as he has risen. Exion's translation ignores the preposition and possesive suffix on the verb.
I will respond to each claim by giving it a short name and my rebuttal next to it:
Regarding: Conjunctive וּ: It is agreed that the וּ functions as a conjunctive "and" or "but," connecting phrases. This conjunction alone does not necessarily indicate a temporal clause.
Not a Vav Relative: Correct, this is not a vav relative case.
Preposition כְ: The preposition כְ does mean "like" or "as." While it can form a temporal clause in combination with an infinitive construct, this temporal interpretation must be contextually supported rather than assumed.
Verb עָמַד and Possessive Suffix וֹ: Correct, the verb עָמַד means "to stand" or "to arise," and the suffix וֹ indicates possession, translating to "his."
Infinitive Construct: Agreed, the form is an infinitive construct.
Temporal Clause Interpretation: While כְ combined with an infinitive construct can imply a temporal clause, translating it as "as soon as" is an interpretative choice. A more literal translation is "when he stood" or "as he stood," and any temporal implication would be derived from what you believe is the context.
Possessive Suffix: Agreed, the suffix וֹ indicates "he" or "his."
Your interpretation that it is saying "as soon as he has risen" adds a temporal nuance that is contextually based rather than explicitly stated in the preposition and verb form. My translation aims for a more direct rendering of "when he stood" or "as he stood," which also respects the grammatical structure without adding interpretative elements not present in the original text.
Let's move on.
He writes:
It can also refer to the 4 generals after Alexander the Great. He came after the Persian kings, conqured all of Greece, had a mighty dominion, shortly after he conqured Greece he died, and his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals none of which were his decendents.
No, it can't, because this is about a Holy Covenant. I genuinely hope you can understand this because I know you tend to repeat the same misunderstandings and rarely admit when you are wrong. However, this is explicitly clear:
The phrase is: "על־ברית־קודש"

Literal Translation:

Neither Alexander the Great nor anyone else you mention (or anyone related to Alexander) anything to do with a Holy Covenant. This is beyond ridiculous, and I couldn't believe your scholars were claiming this. I thought it was so absurd that it didn't even need refutation. Yet here I am, refuting you because you actually hold this view.
He writes:
That fits better than Exion's interpretation for a few reasons. First this king came after the 4 mentioned in verse 2. If those in verse 2 are the Caliphs this king can't be Mohammed who was before the Caliphs.
What makes you think that the mighty king came after the 4 kings? The 3rd verse only said:
"And a mighty king will arise and will rule a great dominion and do according to his will."
Are you claiming that this must be in chronological order just because the four kings were mentioned before the mighty king? If so, this is the first time I've heard such a claim. Please provide your proof for this supposed Biblical rule; I'd like to read it :). You won't provide any because none exist. But claiming that it does gives you something to "expose," so I understand your motive. However, in the real world, you're just making statements that aren't true.
The 4th verse says:
"...but not to his posterity, and not like the dominion that he ruled, for his kingdom will be uprooted and to others besides those."
The posterity refers to the Rashidun Caliphs, while "to others besides those" refers to Mu'awiyah and those who followed him. Do you know what "posterity" even means? Posterity literally means future followers or descendants. Lol. The mighty king is the one with the followers, which is why he is the one who brought the Holy Covenant from God, not the four other kings. Had you known what posterity means, you would never have written this in the first place, but we will look past this mistake. Now you know a new word and won't repeat this mistake again. Let's move on.
Regarding "The king of the south is prophet Muhammad" I had revisited this verse in part 2.
He writes:
This is false. The source Exion links doesn't give any English meaning. The BDB does give the English meaning. For the former it means sprout/branch, the latter means root.

Noun נֵצֶר (nétser) m (plural indefinite נְצָרִים, singular construct נֵצֶר־, plural construct נִצְרֵי־) [pattern: קֵטֶל]

  1. stem, shoot
  2. (literary, collectively) scion(s)


The other word (i.e. שרש):
Root: שֹֽׁרֶשׁ (m.n.)
  1. root.
2. source, origin.
  1. bottom, lowest part.
  2. root, stem (Heb. grammar).
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary
I don't know if you know this, but stem and branch are synonymous words, they essentially mean the same thing. And lowest part, bottom could also mean stem. Dictionaries define both words similarly:
Word: שֹׁרֶשׁ, שׁוֹרֶשׁ (m.) (b. h.; apocope of שרשר
, v. שָׁרָר) [chain, knot,] root. — Pl. שֳׁרָשִׁים, שֳׁרָשִׁין; constr. שָׁרְשֵׁי, שׁוֹרְשֵׁי. B. Bath. V, 4 העולה … ומן הש׳ וכ׳ that which shoots forth out of the trunk, or out of the roots, belongs to the landowner (v. גֶּזַע), expl. ib. 82ᵃ כל שאינו … זהו מן הש׳ that which does not see the light of day (when it shoots forth) is out of the roots’. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 43ᵃ top; Y. Taan. I, 64ᵇ ש׳ חטה the roots of wheat; ש׳ תאנה of fig-trees. Tosef. Shebi. VII, 17; ‘Uktsin I, 4, v. קוֹלָס. Ab. III, 17 וְשֳׁרָשָׁיו מרובין whose roots are many; a. fr.
Source: מקור: Jastrow Dictionary
Either way, let's pretend you're right (even though you're not) it still doesn't matter because a branch out of her roots did sprout, which came to be a sect called Khawarij. This was explained in part two. The ones that assassinated 'Ali were initially Shiites that later turned against 'Ali and assassinated him. It's interesting how Pulpit commentary writes:
"The version of the LXX. is very different here also, "And a plant shall arise out of his root against himself,"
He writes:
Edit: I just noticed another problem with Exion’s interpretation. They take Ali as both the commander mentioned in verse 5 who is one of commanders of the king of the south, and also as the king of the north mentioned in verse 6. That can’t be since the commander isn’t also the king of the north.
Revised in part 2 already.
He writes:
They show rather than trying to first establish the historical facts and show it lines up with the prophecy they are willing to misrepresent the historical facts to fit their interpretation of the prophecy and as their interpretation of the prophecy changes their claims about the historical facts change to match their new interpretation.
This is just your faulty conclusion and presumption. I speculated that they might have lied about 'Aishah being his wife. However, I'm not satisfied with speculations, so I revised the entire post of part 1, and it turned out to be even more accurate.
This marks the end of his part 2 post.
Thanks for reading, /Your bro, Exion
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:23 ApexQuid State of this sub

I just want to say that I love this sub first of all, but there is a small community of douchebags who just downvote clearly without reading and don’t even write about their opinion, making unclear the reason for the downvoting.
This morning I was just sharing my frustration, while wishing everyone else on the sub good luck and got downvoted for being half-negative?
This should be a united community of people who love Pokémon, specially PKMN Sleep and not have a sub group of pesky no lifers who think games exist without their frustrations, a community should be united in their ups and downs and should be able to share their experiences without being shunned for it!
To everyone in this sub, even the ones I called no lifers, good luck in your gaming endeavors! Hope this changed someone’s perspective!
submitted by ApexQuid to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 Aggravating_Push2306 Is anyone really surprised by her reaction to Rickets being pts?

Her nan died and she bought her mam a shite plastic basket of absolute garbage. Her dad was in hospital with sepsis and she was doing shopping hauls. He was then in again being diagnosed with skin cancer and she was going ham on the takeaways. Her comments and reactions about Riknak are all taken from other people sharing their feelings when they’ve lost pets in her comment section. She has no depth or empathy. She follows the script and says what’s expected of her because she’s not got the ability to form her own opinions. She’s a selfish bint and the only thing that will ever hurt her is being cut off from her nieces and takeaways.
submitted by Aggravating_Push2306 to BeckiJones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 TopPomegranate4432 Capital on Tap – free £75 bonus for any spend on business credit card

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submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]