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2015.02.22 21:33 Nuke_The_Moon UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG

Upvoted Not Because Girl, But Because It Is Very Cool; However, I Do Concede That I Initially Clicked Because Girl.

2024.05.17 13:26 LurkingOmenFromValo I(16m) was made by my crush/friend(16f) to confess to her, what are my chances here and how to not make it weird

So my friend and I have been friends for a bit, around a 1 year and a half since grade 9, she approached me one time in choichoral, and we talked about something I can't exactly remember what, maybe something about our social lives and such, may not remember what we were talking about much but, I quite liked her, the way she talks, her looks, and her charm to me in general.
We've talked more and I quite realized that I liked her demeanor, her humour(sussy stuff) she seemed really confident and collected, which is quite the opposite of me, being quite shy and with similar humour. I remember her buying me small snacks back then, we talked about a variety of things throughout the duration of the year, rather on and off on messenger, or in person if chances arise, talked about anime/manga,(had rather different tastes but its cool) nsfw videos and manga apparently she likes something similar to my body type, and we've played some roblox in the past, she got me to play this wave shooter called contact A-888 in which you shoot demons and stuff. Heck she even did me makeup a few times last year<_>
These past month or so we've been meeting up in recess and talk, I'd share my food and she'd share her juice or whatever to me, and sometimes she'd touch my arms or just toy with me which I enjoyed, but her talking about her crushes were starting to take their toll on me, made a post about it before but, I can't get myself to exactly talk to her about it
Now just earlier, she got me to follow her to her friend's section and asked to hold her phone and wallet and, a friend(16f?) of ours came up, she said "what are you doing here?" "You courting someone?" I must've said something along the lines of "heh? Nothin, is none of ya business alright?" In my kinda joking kinda westerner italian whatever accent I'd usually do, She went up to my crush, she whispered something, i didnt hear, to which my crush responded by shaking her head, and something like "I dont think so" our friend said somethingI heard like "I think there's something else, something more" Then there, she asked me "hey do you like me?" And said "hey come on tell me!" When I kinda tried to dodge the question, Said "a little bit" and to which she said "damn" We walked down from where her friend's section is from, and ended up with my our other friends, joked around, and I don't remember whether we said bye to each other or whateves. I think I'll see this through. I hope I'm fine here, I'll try to talk to her like normal after I finnish writing this, Imma be optimistic bout it.
TL:DR Been friends with this girl for awhile, I enjoy being around her, our friend gets her to ask wether I like her or not,to which i say a "little", and I get a "damn"
submitted by LurkingOmenFromValo to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 Ok_Yoghurt2624 WIBTA if i left my “friend” in debt i know he can’t pay

This is gonna be long so bear with me pls. I (f21) used to hook up with this guy (m22), I started liking him a lot, he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship. I didn’t take it personally plus I was transferring to another school abroad at the end of the year and then I’d probably never see him again.
About 3 months after i moved (so march 2023) he spontaneously booked a flight and came to visit me during spring break, he stayed with me and we were together basically the whole time, we hooked up but it was kind of an fwb situation? but throughout he kept dropping hints which I decided to ignore since I knew he wasn’t interested in being more than friends.
I do want to mention that I come from a rather well to do family and i might be a little spoilt in the sense that my family pays my tuition so I don’t have student loans and I get my rent money and some pocket money from home because my family doesn’t want me to work yet so I can focus on school more, but since I moved I have been working 2 jobs (without my family knowing) to save money because I like to live comfortably, go shopping, travel, and I’m trying to save up for my masters so I’m pretty comfortable financially, which he saw on his visit since I paid for p much everything. (Now that I think about it, I took a leave from work and didn’t have school that week so he didn’t actually see how hard I work, to him i was just chilling all day and living rich).
When he went back after his visit he kept talking ab how he has such a good time with me and how he really likes me and we started talking a lot more and I was kinda into him again. After like a month he started telling me that he wants to stop seeing other people and he dsnt want me to see other people either, still no mention of a relationship but he wanted to be exclusive. I had been on a couple dates since I moved but I wasn’t really interested in anyone so I agreed. Within a month of that (so june 2023) he started saying he loves me and for the longest time I hesitated to say it back but eventually i did. He kept saying he wants to visit me again etc but he cnt afford it. I agreed to pay bec i wanted to see him too but I thought that since I didn’t have school all month we could go on a little vacation instead of just him coming over, since I could afford it. We planned an trip for July and decided everything but before I paid for anything I asked him if he sees this ever turning into a relationship and he told me no at first but after i said if it’s not going anywhere (I was going to pay for his flights, all the stay and we would split the money we spend there) I don’t want to invest financially in it like time is one thing but i work really hard for the money, he said he just doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a relationship now but gave me hope saying that might change as we spend time together. I was naive enough to fall for that and we went on our little vacation.
Towards the end of the vacation like 2 days before we were supposed to go back, we were at a club and I was sitting down with my drink while he was on the floor and I saw him make a snapchat call and he was on it for a while and in the middle of it his screen lit up and a girl’s (let’s call her K) bitmoji was on it, so i went up to him to ask who he was talking to, he straight up lied and told me it was one of his guy friends and i just went and sat back down. After he finished the call he came and sat next to me and held his phone in a way that he obviously wanted me to look at the screen bec he had called his guy friend now the bitmoji was on the screen, which was such a failure because his guy friend didn’t even answer the phone he just showed me the “ringing” screen. I didn’t say anything tho because we both were pretty drunk and I didn’t want to start a fight in that condition. The next was our last night there and it went well but on the way back to our hotel at the end of the night i forgot my phone in the uber and used his phone to call the uber driver to ask if there was any way i could get it back. He was almost passed put by the time the uber driver came back around to bring my phone so i asked him if i could take his phone outside while i go to bring my phone just in case I need to contact the driver, he agreed and unlocked his phone and gave it to me. When i was going, K called him and i just rejected the call but then she sent him like a million texts and my suspicion got the best of me and I opened the chat. I barely had to scroll up before I saw several explicit msgs and photos (all very recent) and it made me sick to my stomach. I got my phone back and went back to the room to find him passed out I threw his phone at him and he woke up and we talked about it basically all night, I was crying like the whole time and in the end he promised me he wouldn’t do it again and he only wants to be with me and all this other emo (and in hindsight, toxic) crap that I fell for at the time and the next day we flew back.
Things were okay for like 2 months after that. On Halloween we were both on facetime, getting ready to go to halloween parties (in our respective countries lol) and I was telling him how to do his makeup (he really likes my style and often asks me for advice on clothes, makeup, hair etc) we talked for a while it was all great and after we got ready we ended the call and I went to the party (it was like 10min from my place) and as soon as I got there I tried to send him a snap but couldn’t find him on my snapchat friend list, so i tried to text him on Instagram only to find he had blocked me, on everything.
I DID NOT handle that well. After he had been nc for a week, he called me. Of course, I couldn’t resist and answered. He asked for help with a school project (I would often help him with things like that, even tho he was in a much complex course i would learn his stuff and then help him with homework and stuff). Even tho I was not in good condition physically bec of the withdrawals and even tho he hadn’t even addressed the fact that he had blocked me on everything out of nowhere I decided to help him again because I was just so desperate to talk to him and I basically made the whole thing for him and he got a good grade, he thanked me and stuff and when i asked him why he blocked me he just said “idk i was just upset idk why” he just always refused to talk about it. But i mean social media is so accessible, i did see that he had been commenting on K’s old Instagram posts (he commented on ALL her posts actually) throughout the week, so i’m sure it had something to do with her, but I didn’t ask because he seemed irritable whenever i would bring it up.
We started talking like before again, he graduated (i’m still in school) and we planned for another vacation for new years eve. Big surprise, even tho he was the one who proposed the trip, now he was unemployed so he couldn’t afford it, again. And another big surprise, I agreed to pay for it again. It was all good except I brought about $1000 in cash to spend on the trip and every time I took money out of it he would comment about how it was such a “fat stack” which sussed me out a little but whatever. About halfway through the trip I got really drunk and passed out and when I woke up the next morning all my cash was gone and I asked him if he kept it with him and he refused and got mad at me for losing such a big amount of money (as if I wasn’t stressed enough) and how he was going to have to pay now (hotels and flights were already paid for, he’d be paying for drinks and food basically). I still don’t think he would steal from me bec if he wanted money he could just ask and I would have just given him and not even asked for it back but there’s nowhere it could’ve gone because I never took the whole cash out of the hotel room and it was just us two there. I didn’t want to accuse him of anything so i let that go and never mentioned it. But that was the first time I got sus ab him with the money.
Fast forward to two months ago, we planned another trip (to my home country this time) which was supposed to be two weeks long but while we were there we were having so much fun that we kept extending it and it ended up being a month long. I saved up hella for this trip because I knew exactly what hotels I wanted to stay at, what places i wanted to go etc and i knew it was gonna be kinda expensive but even then because we stayed much longer it also costed way more than expected. At this point he didn’t even have to tell me he couldn’t afford it, it was just understood that i would be paying since he was still unemployed. But this time he had this new credit card and wanted to increase his credit score so he asked if i could use his cards to book everything and pay HIM back instead, i was like sure whatever. So i booked both our flights on my card and hotels and stuff on his. We had the best time on this trip, felt closer to him than ever so I didn’t mind paying. We decided that I would give him a certain amount in cash (to avoid international transfer fee) and transfer the rest (because countries have a limit on how much cash u can bring without having to report to customs). Once again towards the end of the trip I saw he was still talking to that girl, and it wasn’t just sexual, he called her the same nicknames he called me, he sent her the same reels and stuff on Instagram that he sent me it was like reading his chats with me. I didn’t say anything then, but a couple hours later I asked him if we should see other people too, like keep seeing each other but also see other people (i even said “we both” so he dsnt feel the need to get defensive) and he said no he dsnt want to and he dsnt even want me to. Him lying again when i gave him a chance to end his lie really broke my heart completely (bec at this point he was just lying for the sake of it) but it was just 3 days before we were gonna leave so i decided not to ruin the rest of the trip and end things with him after I paid him back for the credit card (I’d already given him more than half the amount in cash as soon as we met). When we were booking flights to go back he insisted that be take pne with a layover in a third completely put of the way country because it was cheaper and i was like sure, but then he also said because it’s two really long flights he wants to stay in this third country for a couple days bec he wouldn’t be too exhausted and wanted me to pay for the airbnb, I already wasn’t a fan of paying for a whole solo trip for him where I wasn’t going (it was one of my bucket list countries too) so i tried to tell him to just suck it up and take a couple hour layover instead but he wouldn’t listen. AND to make it worse, i saw his phone again (I didn’t even checking his phone or anything even once on this trip, he had the conversation open while he was sitting next to me and i could see) and he was talking to this girl who was around that country and asked her if she would travel there for a couple days to meet him and she agreed at first but once he sent her an airbnb and asked what she thought about it, she left him on seen and never responded even after he offered to pay (im guessing bec initially she just thought he meant they would hang out and when he brought up staying together even she got creeped out). THIS MAN WANTED ME TO PAY FOR HIS INTERNATIONAL TRIP TO MEET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HE TOLD HE WAS PAYING FOR EVERYTHING.
That was my last straw i got so mad and we had a big conversation , highlights: (Note: this is all in a very calm tone, i was holding back tears but no one was being aggressive)
Him: she’s just a friend and I haven’t even ever slept with her or anything PLUS that’s not even happening i’m not going to see her Me: because SHE left you on seen, u were clearly trying in fact ur the one who asked her to begin with Him: sighs & shrugs
Me: what about the girl in (hometown)? Him:
Me: why did u block me after halloween Him: i cnt tell u that Me: is it because u were also lying to K, telling her u were not seeing other people n she found out u were talking to me and to keep her from leaving u blocked me till she calmed down? Him: sighs, leans back and looks away
Me: why is one girl not enough Him: bec I’m not 40 Me: so why do u lie instead of just being honest and saying ur also seeing other people Him: bec i dnt wanna hurt feelings Me: i never asked u for anything u were the one who insisted on being exclusive, u were the one who said u loved me first while u knew the whole time u were lying, u really had no reason to lie? Him: u wouldn’t treat me the same if u knew i was seeing other people Me: i was treating u the exact same before u said all that? When u came to visit me i still paid for everything, u really didn’t have reason to lie Him: sighs
Me: what do u expect me to do now? Him: idk i guess u can see other people too(?)
Me: i didn’t mind paying for u if u were seeing other people n honest about it but dnt want to pay for someone who goes out of their way to lie to me for no reason (i p much never get pissed ab anything as long as it’s honest so there’s really no reason to lie which is why i cnt stand when people lie to me) Him: i understand
Me: did u at least use protection with other people (he told me he was clean and wasn’t seeing other people so i agreed to not using protection since i was on birth control anyway) Him: yes u can get tested if u want (i did and turns out he was lying i came home with a nasty std, I haven’t slept with anyone else in about a year)
After the long conversation we went to sleep and he noticed i was still crying so he hugged me and said “i dnt want u to cry talk to me” so i started saying how idk how to feel or what to do it’s just too much to process that he would do this bec i trusted him so much even when I didn’t want to but he rolled his eyes in the middle of my sentence which ticked me off so i turned away and was like “no dont turn away” to which I said “when im not talking u have an issue, when im talking u have an issue, what do u want?” This was the first time i dropped my calm in from of him and picked up an actually annoyed tone, which seemed to set something off in his head and he just blew up at me like YELLING about how im the one making a big deal out of everything and im the one who keeps turning away and refusing to talk to him etc and then he got up from the bed and punched the wall REALLY hard so i grabbed both his hands and sat him down on the bed and told him to shut up and calm down bec he was gonna get hurt if he keeps punching shit. He already hurt his hand p bad and he just held his hand to his chest and i could tell he was trying to hold in screams bec he was so much in pain. I called room service to bring ice and went downstairs to get him a painkiller. He finally calmed down and fell asleep. The next day he didn’t talk to me for 8 hours, didn’t go out or anything, we just sat there in the hotel room in silence, whenever i tried to bring up anything he just shrugged and continued to not say a word, Finally we both got hungry and went to get dinner after which we got drinks, once we got a little buzzed he started talking to me again and told me he got triggered bec i yelled at him (I didn’t yell but i did get annoyed so i got what he meant) and i apologised.
We were fine for the rest of the day and the next day and the night after that we finally flew back home.
He asked me to transfer him the money for his credit card and i asked him how much it was. The number he gave me was ridiculously higher than the number i had on my spreadsheet (since i made the bookings i even had the receipts) so i showed him saying these were the numbers that I had and he said “no but this is what my card got charged” and he sent me his own spreadsheet that me made (v poorly made no dates or anything, there were even some amounts without descriptions) so i said ok this isn’t helpful, just send me the credit card statement and i’ll see what went wrong in my calculations and he has been making dumb excuses for the last 2 weeks every time i ask him to send the statement like “there’s other payments too on the statement so u might get confused” (as if idk how to read??) or “oh i’ll send it when i open the credit card website next” but he keeps asking me to send him the money like constantly. Another thing that’s weird to me is that he completely disregarded the part where I told him I would only be paying for my half of the trip bec of him lying to me, which I already gave him more than half in cash in the beginning of the trip. Thirdly, not only does he want me to pay full he is also disregarding the money i gave him in cash bec he “spent it on the trip so it didn’t go towards the credit card payment” which I never agreed to give him spending money, that’s supposed to be on him, I brought my own spending money separately so it wasn’t even like he had to pay for both of us.
So basically, he wants me to pay for the whole credit card bill (which he won’t send me the statement for) on top of what i gave him in cash which was more than half of the number HE is giving me (and close to 80% of the number I have) ALL AFTER he lied to me, tried to make me pay for him going to meet another girl in a different country, yelled at me, punched a wall and made ME apologise.
The amount he’s asking for is big and I know he’s unemployed and if that’s the actual number, he definitely can’t pay it. While i can afford it (just barely after everything I already paid for including previous trips, flights for this trip and the money i gave him in cash) i did already tell him I would only be paying for my half (which i already did) and he agreed at the time, and i’m still extremely hurt and angry about all the lies and the drama. If he sent me the credit card statement I would still help him a little bit but he even refuses to do that. He hasn’t talked about anything else except asking me to send him the money for the past few days. I was going to cut him off after I paid him but he’s being kind of not cool about it and it’s not like i just have the money lying around. So would I be the asshole if I just ghosted him with his credit card debt that i know he can’t pay?
Also want to add: i keep mentioning his unemployment bec until February i was helping him improve his resume, prepare for interviews etc (I’m studying HR and recruitment) but after this trip he told me he is not even looking for a job bec if he got a job he “wouldn’t be able to travel as much” which pissed me off more bec im working my ass off to afford all this.
submitted by Ok_Yoghurt2624 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:22 nxmxrx ND girl struggling to date

I'm ND but I'm also a stripper. The guys I like are usually NT .... unfortunately. I never date guys that I meet at work, which is 99% of the guys I meet. I met a really cool guy who likes basically the same stuff I do. Same favorite band, same interests in general. But I hate playing hard to get and playing games like that in general.. .so when I like someone i really like them, and it's obvious. Now this guy who I like and who on paper should like me too... I mean, I'm "attractive" and I'm like the only girl who has all the same interests as him... but I find myself "chasing" him.. which I guess has turned him off of me? (A friend of his told me he's "not into it") and I'm super bummed because I just don't get why not lol. It's just so hard for me to find a quality guy because no one likes the same stuff as me... so in my mind this bond should be a no brainer.. Yet he's pursuing other girls.
How do you date when you don't play games???
I guess I'm just looking for anecdotes that will give me perspective.
submitted by nxmxrx to neurodiversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:21 Famous_Solution7296 I’m not here to please my haters

Listen, I think i have been taking in some thoughts on some I don’t fuck with. People that called me so many names and I was so vile. I been on my mods to stop blocking so much. I BEEN TRYING!!! But let me make something clear. If you don’t like how I run my lives or how I am in my lives or just me. Then stop coming in them RESPECTFULLY! Also let me make this clear I DONT HAVE TO LIKE OR BE NICE TO EVERYONE MISSY DOES. AS SHE DOES NOT LIKE EVERYONE I LIKE. We are our own person. Our friendship has nothing to do with others! It’s our friendship and we good, that’s what matters to me. Example…. If out of 100 females I’m damn sure not going to be cool with all 100. That’s crazy lol. I’m not here to make the people that don’t like me happy. If you think for one second I am, you got life fucked up. I care about the ones that show respect and love. I love my chat. I appreciate them. You have a problem. Go figure it out 😂 😘
submitted by Famous_Solution7296 to teawithkatieandkarma [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:17 Unlucky_Morning9088 Does the Officer system of retirement kind of hint (or incentivize) that every officer should do some Enlisted time before joining the dark side?

There’s many officers that want to make it to that sweet 20 years and gtfo of the shit show that can be active duty. But they can’t because they fail to make the LtCol list. And because of that, they are shown the door with almost nothing to show for it, except some stuff to pad their LinkedIn, yet no way to suck the teet of the American taxpayer for the rest of their days (or starting at 60 for Nasty Girls/Reservists)
How much minimum (or optimal enough to where you can comfortably not have to constantly worry about getting the top block on your OER to promote into your 20) time should you do enlisted before you want to get that Gold and Silver on your chest?
Wasn’t able to post this in army cause of the bot :(
submitted by Unlucky_Morning9088 to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 angim350 Your Klutzy Vampire Yandere Kidnaps You To Keep You Safe [ASMR Roleplay] [A4A] [Apologetic Yandere] [Vampire Speaker] [Imprisoned Listener] [Kidnapping] [Tied up] [Sweet]

Hey all!
Okay, so I discovered ASMR about three/four months ago and... wow! So much content and it has been quite a nice thing for me to get into when life gets a bit tricky. After reading/listening to a lot of people's work, I decided to write a script. I do not intend to record this myself - nobody needs to hear my voice lol!!
I'm not expecting anyone to read, or comment - I wrote this for fun and curious to see what people think! However, if you do, thankyou!! Please feel free to leave a comment, and constructive feedback. Still learning the ropes, so to speak.
I'm definitely not expecting any voice artists to want to pick this up, but again, if you do, thankyou so much!! Feel free to post on Youtube, Patreon etc and I'm fine with monetization. Just please provide full credit to me and a link to the script :)
Also, I know I include a lot of directions on background noise, but I leave that entirely up to the artist! It's mainly to break up big blocks of exposition, but from the stuff I've listened to, I do prefer background noises. I just find it much more immersive.
As put in the title, I've deliberately kept both Yandere and listener gender neutral. Both Yandere and listener can be any gender! I wrote this for everyone! My personal preference would be Yandere girl, listener boy, but again, I'm not fussed if that's not your thing!
Finally, and I hope she doesn't mind me doing this, but I wanted to do a little plug to HuskyWolfGirl's YT channel. She was one of the first ASMR channels I found and really helped influence me in seeking out other content, both on Reddit and YouTube, and wanting to write my own stuff. Her work is really good and she deserves a much bigger following. Link here
So, the premise is you've been dating someone for a couple of weeks and you're starting to really like them. You've even been thinking that things could get pretty serious. That said, they are a bit odd, only ever meeting up with you at night, not eating a huge amount, and always being cold. One night, you finally get intimate with each other and something happens. They change into a strange creature right in front of you, with wings, big fangs and red eyes. The last thing you see is them coming at you, and everything goes dark...
Muffled noises. Fire crackling in a grate. Maybe some distant wind through the window.
A chair creaking. The sound of straining rope, which starts soft and then increases in volume. Someone has been restrained and is trying to free themselves.
Footsteps, loud and clunky as someone approaches.

Thank God! You’re awake. Finally! You’ve been asleep ages.

More staining rope noises, increasing in intensity.

(sounding worried)
Please don’t struggle. You’re only going to hurt yourself. I’ve been around a while. I know my way around a knot. Please. I said STOP.

The word ‘stop’ is echoey. It has power in it. The noises stop.

Okay. Thankyou.

Noise of a chair being pulled across the room.

Look, I’m sorry, okay. This was not the plan. I just want you to know that. I’m not going to hurt you, or do anything bad. I mean yeah, okay, tying you up isn’t great, I admit. But I just want to sit and talk with you for a little bit. If that’s okay.

Sound of Yandere sitting down. A slight rope strain.

Ah, you don’t think it’s okay. I get that. Honest, I’m sorry for having to restrain you like this. I tried not to make it too tight. Are you in pain? You are? Damn. I’ll try to keep this quick. I really am not going to hurt you. I promise.
I only had to tie you up because I need you to listen to me. And after what happened last night, I figured you’d only run if you saw me again. I wouldn’t blame you. But if you did try to get away before we’ve spoken, and I had to stop you, I could hurt you. Not intentionally or anything, but… ah, now you look even more confused.
(sighs again)
You want to say something to me. I’ll take the gag out in a minute, I promise. I know you probably hate me right now. This is all just typical me. Diving in head first, not thinking things through! And now we’re…I… I’m in trouble.
Don’t look at me like that!

The rope straining sounds start again. The listener really wants to get free.

Trust me when I say you’re not going anywhere. I’m hundreds of years old and you’re not the first person I’ve had to tie up in my time. Oh Jesus, that sounds so wrong.

At that, the straining stops. The listener is probably trying to get their head around what was just said.

Ahh yeah, urm, so that was a slip. I guess I just better get to it. Fact is, I know we’ve only been on a few dates, but things have been so good so far. You’re just so cool to hang out with. I really loved spending time with you, and I think you felt the same.
(beat, Yandere is studying the listener for an answer, but they are keeping still for now)
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you before. You make me feel something I haven’t felt in years. Decades. I’ve been alone a while, you know? I was kind of happy to be, until I saw you. I remember seeing you with your friends in the restaurant. Remember, the one I work at? You looked so happy, so full of life. You remember the first night we met? How you spilt a drink on me? Well, that wasn’t actually your fault. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you, so I tripped up near you. I’m pretty clumsy at the best of times, but I didn’t exactly put on an Oscar winning performance.
(yandere chuckles)
I kinda got the impression you figured that out to be honest. But you didn’t seem to care. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me the way you did. I felt like the most special person in the room. In the whole universe. Are you cold? I’ll put more wood on the fire.

Sound of wood being added to the fire, and flames. Yandere sits down, hissing.

Shit, burned my hand! Typical. Is that better though? Don’t worry. I heal quickly, trust me. See? Ah damn, you look so pale. Please believe me. I won’t do anything to you. You’re everything to me. I know it’s fast. I know it’s odd! But you’re wonderful, and amazing, and beautiful and… I’m in love with you.
Remember what you kept saying to me? That you wanted to wait before we spent a night together until it was the right time? That we should get to know each other properly first? Well last night was just… wow. Being with you made it feel like my heart was beating again. It’s probably why… well, what happened last night happened.
What you saw was my true form. It happens sometimes when we lose control of our emotions. I’m usually so good at keeping myself in check. Lots of practice, you know? But I couldn’t help it. And once things got, urm, good last night…
I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have let it happen. But I was just enjoying it so much.
Oh my, you’re crying. Please stop.
Thankyou. Oh, now you look confused. When I want to, I can compel people to do things. Well, kind of. It doesn’t always work. Never really something I mastered, you know? I don’t like doing it anyway. I just don’t want you to be scared. I need you calm. I can hear your heart beating and it’s… distracting.
I can see you really want that gag out. I suppose I can do. Just don’t scream. Nobody is going to hear you.

Sounds of material as the gag is removed.

There we go. Oh, no, honey, please don’t… I said there’s no point screaming. Oh, go on then. May as well get it out your system, I guess.

Sounds of strained rope, a creaking chair and footsteps as the listener struggles and Yandere walks to the other end of the room. We hear water being poured into a glass and more footsteps as Yandere comes back.

Would you like some water? I can hold it up to… there you go. Not too fast! You’ve spilt it all down yourself now! I know it’s kind of cold in here for you. I can’t really feel it, you know? The cold, I mean. Well, my body is always cold. Kind of comes with the territory of… What? Let you go? I promise, I will do, okay? But there’s just a few things I need to discuss with you first.
I won’t hurt you! I would never… why don’t you believe… okay, yeah, I know it looks bad I tied you up like this.
Okay, no need to be rude. I know you’re upset and…
That’s enough!
Now, I took your gag out because you asked me to, but you will listen to me. Neither of us have a choice in that now. I was gonna wait to tell you this, you know? I mean, I don’t even know when I was gonna tell you. I hadn’t made my mind up. It’s kind of a hard thing to bring up, believe me. Like when do you do it? Third date? Just before I meet your parents? Wedding night? Honeymoon? Kinda hard to jump on a plane to the sunny Amalfi Coast if you run the risk of bursting into flame. But…
Ah, I’m rambling. Okay, I’m just gonna say it. Thing is, well the truth is, I… I’m a Vampire.
Okay, so now you think I’m crazy, wonderful. What? That ship had already… okay, you’re being rude again.

Sound of strained ropes again.

If you keep struggling like that you’re going to start bleeding. Not a very good idea, you think, given what I’ve just told you? Oh, there’s no such thing huh? Well then. Ask yourself if you can explain what you saw last night. My wings, my hair… my fangs. Like my entire body changed in front of you. I know you saw it.
Wait… no, you weren’t drunk.
And I certainly did not put anything in your drink! I mean, I did have to knock you out but that was just a small bump on the head! I didn’t plan this, you know! This isn’t some Baby Reindeer rip-off.
What? You hated that show? Me too, to be honest. Kind of creeped me out. I mean, how pathetic is that? I’m a 700 year old Vampire who kidnaps and ties up the person I’m in love with, and a crazy Scottish gal is too much for me. I mean, what the actual hell. You probably think I’m the worst Vampire ever.
I’m not lying to you. I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this. Here, feel my skin! It’s room temp, it’s always room temp! You always used to comment on how cold I was. Didn’t you ever wonder why we only ever met up at night? Why I never really ate that much when we went out to dinner? What, you think I live for Caesar Salad without dressing? Why do you think my face is always white?
Yeah, I knew you thought it was weird. But I knew you never wanted to say anything. I think I loved you for that even more. Despite everything, you still wanted to know me. Do you know how rare it is to find someone you really click with? Someone who sparkles for you like the brightest star, and the way they look at you means they might, just might, feel the same way? I mean, I thought you did.
Do you?
If you say yes, will I let you go? I don’t want you to say yes because you’re scared of me!
If I loved you, I’d untie your hands? Are they hurting? I… look, okay, I’ll untie you if it’ll make you feel better. But please don’t try anything. Please don’t. Thing is, the main thing I need to tell you is that you’re in danger. We both are, now you know what I am. Stay still.

Sound of rope being untangled.

Okay, there you go. Oh, your wrists look sore. I told you not to struggle too much! I can give you something for that. Okay, sorry, I know you’re still a bit nervous. I won’t try to touch you again unless I have to, so please stay in the chair. The ropes can go back on if they need to.
Why are we in danger? Well, it’s a bit complicated. Trying to condense two thousand years of Vampire lore into one conversation is a little hard, you know? I mean, there’s so much crap out there about Vampires. Half the stuff paints us as some sort of wild animal, whilst the other half… I swear I wanted to bite Stephanie Myer. But through all the literal shit they do get some things right. We exist. We live in secret in the human world. We used to be human, until another of our kind turned us, and we became what we are. We drink blood to survive.
Okay, I’ll ignore your sarcastic tone. How many are there of us? I’m really not sure, you know? Less than there was when I was first turned, I think. We spend a lot of time in hiding. We really don’t want the human world knowing about us. That part is true as well.
Because we are better off! When I was first turned, humans did know about us, and they hunted us. We Vampires, we are stronger than the average human. We also have faster instincts, and we’re very good at hiding. I don’t know for sure, but I think we kind of evolved to be really good at hunting, well… humans. No, please don’t move! I don’t do that anymore! I haven’t fed… I mean, I don’t drink human blood. That’s not what this is about! No…

Sound of running, and a whooshing sound like material flying through the air. Then creaks as the listener is sat in the chair, followed by the sound of rope.

I told you not to try anything! I’m going to have to tie you up again now! How am I so fast? Have you not been listening? What? You think I want to keep you tied up? You promise you won’t try that again? Fine, I won't put the ropes back on, but please don’t.
I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, it’s real. I’m real. Vampires are real! I’m standing right in front of you! Can you not see me?
Where are we all? Well that’s the thing. Most of us tend to keep to ourselves. A while back now, I’m not sure when exactly, a decision was kind of made that we would avoid contact with humans. For every human we hunted, ten would spring up to hunt us back and it looked like it was to be all out war. So, we hid. Got the blood we need from animals. Only some of the bad ones still feed on humans, and even then they do it stealthily. They’re very smart. They use human laws and influence to hide themselves. It’s easy to get very rich when you’ve been around for hundreds of years. They’re the really bad ones.
Yeah, quite a few famous people are Vampires. But not all of us are like that. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Most of us try to live with humans. We get our blood from butchers, or hunting wild animals, and we just get by.
No. I haven’t seen any of my kind for a long time. Not directly anyway. I’m alone.
That’s a very long story. I will tell you, but I first need you to decide something. The thing is, the decision to keep away from humans and to hide, well, it was more than a decision. It was a general order. The accepted nature of a Vampire is that we do not reveal ourselves to humans unless… well unless we plan to make them one of us.
Please don’t move. I need to explain… don’t even think about it.
Don’t you understand? I can’t let you go because you know about us now! And you shouldn’t do. Sit down, please, or I will have to make you.

A chair creaks as the listener sits back down.

If we come into contact with humans, we take a lot of steps to avoid revealing who we really are. What we are. Most of us don’t risk getting close to anyone in case they figure it out. We can blend in, but the closer someone gets, the more they see us. Like you were starting to. And in moments of heightened emotion… well, you saw what happened.
Why am I telling you now? Because you saw me. You may not have known what I was, but you saw enough. And if you told someone, and they told someone… before you know it someone hears who we don’t want to hear. And then, they’d come for you. They’d come for both of us.
Remember I mentioned there are some powerful famous ones amongst us? Well, they like their lives. Exposing Vampires to the world could jeopardize that. And that is something that they won’t… believe me, you don’t want to piss them off.
I’m sorry, it’s not that I didn’t trust you, but I couldn’t take that chance. As long as you knew about me, you’d be in danger. Anyone you told would be in danger. Anyone who you might have told. Leaving you free, knowing about me… I just couldn’t do it. It’s why I had to kidnap you. I didn’t really have a lot of time to think.
(emotionally, like Yandere is holding back tears)
And now we’re done, aren’t we? I can see it in the way you’re looking at me. Please believe me. I would never have done this to you. I had no choice. I really didn’t. I swear. Being with you has been the best time in my life. And I’ve lived forever. It’s a long time to be alone.
Please say something.
What happens now? Well, this is where it gets a bit, urm, complicated.
I get it, you won’t tell anyone. And I believe you, I do. But it goes beyond that now. You know about us, and that knowledge is a curse. I know you, I know how conscientious you are. You’ll see Vampires in everything now. What if someone goes missing and you think a Vampire did it? What if you tell the wrong person? You’ll be dooming yourself, and you wouldn’t even know it.
Yeah, I said I’ll let you go, and I will do. Well, that’s kind of up to you. You’ve seen that I have the power of compulsion. Vampires can use this to alter memories. It’s hard, and we avoid doing it unless we absolutely have to, but we can. If you want to leave, right now, then you can. But I would need to remove from your mind any memory of me. All the times we spent together would need to go.
I could just try to remove what happened last night, yeah. But if I just disappear, you’ll look for me. Better you never met me. Better that I never existed for you.
(Yandere sniffs)
That is the price for your freedom, and for your safety. I will let you go, but you will go forever. We will never see each other again.
The process won’t harm you! I have done it before. You would simply go to sleep, and wake up at home. You could get on with your life.
Yes, I did mention you have a choice. The other option is that you don’t leave. You stay here with me.
No, not as my prisoner. Haven’t I told you I don’t want to hurt you? I have no interest in holding you against your will. If you were to stay, it would be your own choice. But the only way to guarantee your safety would be, well, the thing is, I would need to… you would need to become like me. A Vampire.
I’m afraid there isn’t another way. If you were to become a Vampire, you would be safe. Nobody would come after you. It would be in your best interests to not tell others about us. About what you were. But it’s more than that.
When I first entered into a relationship with you, I knew that if we were going to get serious, I would need to have this conversation eventually. I hoped we would be much further along than this, but there we go. It’s a lot to put on you, especially from someone you’ve not known that long.
If you were to become a Vampire, you could stay with me. Forever if you wanted. We could share eternity. Watch as this world grows and changes. There’s a lot of bad in it, but a lot of good as well. I could show it to you. We could see it together. For hundreds and hundreds of years.
There’s props to being a Vampire too. As I said, you have increased strength, and agility. You never get sick. Your body never changes, or ages. As long as you consume the blood you need, you don’t need any other form of sustenance. We don’t even need toilets! If nobody harms you, you can go on forever.
Yes. I’m serious. I’m offering you the world, if you want to take it.
(Yandere’s voice quivers. This next bit is hard for them to say)
Of course, you wouldn’t have to stay with me forever. Once fully turned, if you wanted to, you could leave. Make your own way in the world. But this couldn’t happen straight away. Becoming a Vampire is an intense experience that I can’t even begin to describe to you. Everything is turned up like 1,000 percent. It’s a lot, and it can be very hard to get used to. If I were to change you, you would need to stay with me and learn how to control this power. And it could take a while. You would not be able to even think about returning to your old life for months, possibly years. If you went back too soon, you would run the risk of hurting those you loved.
Yes. You would need to disappear. You would not be able to speak to your family, your friends, or anyone, for a long time.
Yeah, I already said you can stay with me. I would help you, and bring you anything you needed. In time, there’s no reason why you could not reconnect with your old life. But you would have to be so careful. No matter how well you manage to integrate, or how well you hide who you really are, you would be a Vampire. Always.

The fire crackles in the grate as the listener takes all of this in.

I know this is a lot, so I have one more thing I want to offer you. Stay with me, here in my home. Let me show you my world over the next few days. What it really means to be like me. You would not be allowed to leave here without me, and if you tried I would need to tie you up again, but if you promised me not to, then you can stay as long as you like. Or at least, until you make your final decision. Become a Vampire and accept a whole new life, or let me take your memories and return home. You can decide whenever you like, but just know that once you do, whenever that is, there is no going back.
So. My love. What would you like to do?

And that's it! I leave the ending open really. Either it can end here, or I write more!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and have a good day!!

submitted by angim350 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:13 Lipat97 Talking Points, Rhetorical Strategies and some Content Suggestions

Tiny mentioned on stream the other day that we need to start cooking up some strategies for tearing apart common talking points we might run into. Figured I'd kick it off with this thread - dont care about I/P or anti lefty stuff so going to focus on election rhetoric
Talking Points for the Election
  1. What has Biden done?
We cant use this much at home but if someone whips this out in a talk with Destiny this is probably one of the biggest slam dunks he can get. A professional political commentator openly admitting they haven't kept up with the latest legislation is damning, and it gets a followup - "If you actually followed what was happening you might've known that the policy you said you loved so much with Trump was actually put into practice by Biden" (China tariffs are a huge win for Joe)
  1. Senility
The first response to this is always to call it theater. If they push, you pivot this into "If he's senile then why is everything going right?". This is a big point for destiny - you *have* to stop pivoting away from "do you even like biden?" to "wait but trump is worse." Biden has genuine positives you should be leaning on, and at this point people are good at people picking up on that particular pivot so it often ends up looking very political and potentially dishonest. Its especially important to bring up the wins that are bipartisan or that have appealed to any of the versions of the republican party over the last 20 years
  1. Immigration
I notice Destiny generally avoids asking questions in arguments because he thinks it can lose for rhetorical reasons, but this is a spot I think it works really well - you lead in with "What issue do you have with Biden's immigration policy?" and when they follow up with one of their halfbaked answers you cut them off with "no no no, whats your issue with *Biden*'s immigration policy?". The point is you want to direct the conversation to the bill thats currently on the floor of congress and either A) fuck them for not knowing about the bill or B) win the back and forth on what you like or dont like about the bill
  1. Wokeness
Tiny's been doing great on this topic lately, downplaying the role of college students and throwing a few zingers to show how stupid it is to base political discourse off some suped up 18 year old. The broader followup to make here is you want to make it clear to the audience that you think the democratic party is moving away from immigration and woke. Having this observation aired is so insanely strong among neutral / conservative audiences its almost criminal not slip it in somehow. Destiny's already has it is in arsenal to mention how the far left hasn't seemed to infiltrate the actual democratic party very far, however I think he can be much stronger on this point and you can use the recent immigration bill to group that in here as well
  1. "Trump came up with it first!"
Yea but you need an adult to put it into practice. Easy shot. Using rhetoric to consistently frame trump as juvenile or incompetent is super important, and it works x10 if you slip it in on a separate point (because they cant respond to both your point and your insinuation)
  1. "But people clearly like the guy!"
The most piers morgan take you can get, takes some tact but you should be able to turn this into your favor by slipping in a "well people like a lot of dumb shit" and then go into a longer point either about celebrity worship or about how the dont focus on policy. Potential TMZ zinger here? Also, when you do this dont say republicans, say "The trump movement" or something similar. Simple word change to make it appeal to tradcons
  1. You're just saying that to be a contrarian!
This goes for any point where they try to come up with a background reason for what you're saying. I remember this specifically happening in the candace debate, but it comes up all the time. This is an opportunity because it actually gives you a chance to frame your position in your own words. I'll get into this more in the optics section but pivoting this into "No, I believe this because I've always believed in [good thing]" or "No I believe it because I've read [relevant document] and I found the evidence compelling / hard to deny".
  1. Ukraine - Isolationism / The libertarian position
"Just ignore the world until its on your doorstep". Easy zingers here
Content / "Optics" Analysis for Mr. Tiny
  1. Clips & Breakdowns
We just had a post this week asking for Destiny to do video essays - that shit's stupid, but its the right energy and a good litmus test for what people are looking for. The way Destiny makes this work is by taking the explanations he already does on stream - you know, when someone asks him a good question in chat and he does the little drawings - and [aieifndc] that into a machine. First step is to approach it correctly - dont wait for the good question to be asked. Come in to the stream ready to launch into an explanation on immigration, I/P, trump lawsuits, vaccine conspiracies, etc. When you find what you want, clip it and edit it either into 8 minutes for youtube or 15s for tiktok and let the algo gods do their thing. You make high quality content because you're generally knowledgeable on the topics at hand - lean on that, the higher quality your explanation the more likely someone's going to share it to their friends
  1. Topic Selection
We have a number of opinions we believe, which of those opinions do we lean on to serve me best in this conversation? This is the main game you play if you're ever trying to be smart *and& honest about talking politics. For Destiny this means - younger audiences you lean on anti-conspiracies and avoid I/P, for boomers you focus on bipartisan issues and interest rates, for rightwingers and libertarians mention the guns you have and talk about how much you love america.
  1. Positive Optics - Research Streams and dunking on Conspiracy Theorists
Tuning into a destiny stream to see that he brought two lawyers on to read through the latest trump case earned an unbelievable amount of respect for him in my head, I bring it up every time he comes and people are rightfully impressed - this is positive optics. Many aspects of Destiny's day to day work are incredibly impressive and a breath of fresh air to the average joe learning about his work, nearly every American is going to have respect for the guy who actually reads the bills and court cases he's talking about. So yeah, mention that shit more.
Destiny completely underestimates how crucial his takes on conspiracies are right now. When my uncle brings up voting machines or bats in China, I have no idea what to say - Destiny does. You see that big write up I did for talking points about the election? *Nobody* has the anti-conspiracy version of that talking point list - except Destiny. Voters under 26 dont give a fuck about the economy or healthcare, give them ammo to fire at the nutjob on the other end of the dinner table and they'll be willing to look past whatever stupid slur crusade you're on this week.
  1. Chummy Buddies :)
"I dont see any possible argument for trump so Im really curious what Ben comes up with here" is possibly the only time I've seen Destiny tip into the most powerful rhetorical tactic of all time - camaraderie. When you kick off with some mildmannered joshing around, you give the impression you're just a couple of reasonable guys who happen to disagree on key topics. Americans splurge at even the idea of that scenario. The Trump supporter guy on the piers morgan appearances tries this approach a lot, and he's a good example of it - often makes concessions to Destiny's points in an effort to seem palatable & visibly laughs at a lot of oneliners from Destiny and Piers. It also throws the opponents off sometimes, because they feel like they cant get as combative when you're being friendly. Its also a good tactic in 2v2 debates, if it looks like you're super friendly with one of the two the other one comes off poorly
  1. Hedging on I/P
"Hey listen I know its a contentious topic, I understand why people feel the way they do but from digging more into the topic its just really a lot more complicated from how it looks on the surface"
  1. The Next Research
Pretty clear to me that Tiny was a bit disappointed by how shallow the immigration topic was, but this was the wrong perspective on it. Turns out, most of the crucial election topics are this simple. The only hard ones (I/P and the lawsuits) have already been covered. So if you make a big lineup of election topics there's good odds you're done with it by August - Economy, geopolitics, climate change, CHIPS act. I've noticed economics is something especially Destiny tries to toe around, interest rate stuff really isnt that complicated but hey maybe worth bringing Noah Smith on Bridges to help out (he's literally just written a piece on the economic arguments for Biden)
  1. Bridges
Milking guests for followup guests. Sometimes you can just directly ask them who'd be a good fit, but its also just a generally good question to ask "Who are the prominent figures in the field right now?" "What books should be people be reading up on if they want to dive deeper?" (And then contact the author). For science and art features its always good to ask about recent work - "Is there any cool research you've seen in the past year or so that the public should be excited about?"
  1. Commit to a position! State it clearly!
David Pakman's really good about this - he has a firm stance and he'll keep reiterating it throughout a conversation. Destiny OTOH tends to continuously circle around a conversation by adding evidence and making points - this is important, but if you dont state your point as well then it looks like you're avoiding giving an answer and people become confused on what your position is. The other thing is if people dont have a clear answer on what you believe, they'll start inferring it from the rest of the conversation - they have to guess, and that guess will never be favorable to you. A lot of conservative commentators *have* to circle the point because they dont have a position to stick to, there's no reason for Destiny to be doing it (and should be nailing the conservatives who rely on this tactic)
Thats all I got for now. Sorry in advance if there's any typos
submitted by Lipat97 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:00 Joshywat An unnecessary deep dive into the work stations/desks of the H3 crew.

An unnecessary deep dive into the work stations/desks of the H3 crew.
The latest BTS held a wealth of insight into my secret H3 obsession. The workstations of the crew members. I've put together some of the screenshot I could get so anyone as strangely interested in me can see them. (I understand this a bit odd but I've always just been fascinated with how people set up their desks, let me live)
Olivia is going for a classic single monitor set up, water cooled PC rig, some tasteful RGB. Nice monitor, its classic, it gets the job done, its no fuss and solid. 7/10, could always use a second monitor
Dan has 4 monitors and judging from these images I believe his work flow is to have main camera feed (not the live stream feed as its missing green screen effects) on a dedicated monitor mounted above, some type of video effects or live stream tool on the one below, live chat on the horizontal monitor to the right and Reddit plus God knows what else on the vertical monitor to his right. 9/10 the man is a wizard
Love's was a hard one to get, we're left with a very blurry image and a shot from Ethan's POV. He appears to be working of an iMac which i'll admit surprised me, he always seemed like a windows user. He does appear to have a second monitor to his right so he's maybe working off windows on that one? Regardless its a good double monitor rig and the Imac monitors are really nice, wish there was some more footage but alas. ?/10 i'd need more footage
A nice two monitor set up, Mac screen on the right and second monitor on the left (I think it's Mac the logo of the right monitor is blocked by a bag in the shot but i'm pretty sure) I love the big pink desk mat matched with the pink microphone, really nice and the desk is very clean. 8/10
There is only a side shot of AB's but It shows everything of relevance. He's is similar to Dan's but minus one monitor. He's got a Macbook linked to two external monitor's The horizontal I imagine he uses for videos he's watching or live stream view while the vertical I would guess would be discord/live chat. The laptop looks to be mostly show notes and the infamous 'doc'. It's nice but I find working from a laptop keyboard & track-pad onto external monitors to be a pain, 7/10
how Ethan gets anything to work is a work of madness to me. He appears to have a live feed of the current camera (much like Dan, and Olivia actually has a small window of it too, seems to be an internal feed for the crew) on the smaller bottom monitor and the larger one up top I assume is the screen he watched stuff on and controls during the show. I can only assume he has that TV/monitor set up as monitor 2 on his laptop and from there drags things to and from. I always struggle using a TV as a monitor and from the distance he's at it sounds like a nightmare on a track pad. The king however makes it work (most of the time) and for that we are thankful. 6/10 I hope hes home set up is nicer
Bonus god shot and Nate?
A nice god shot from the other side, you can see the various monitor mounts and there is now a desk next to Olivia's that wasn't there earlier? This could be Nate but the two monitor looks to the ones AB has earlier when he desk was in a different spot so i'm unsure.
Conclusion I hope some fellow H3 fans have the same enjoyment I do at seeing the work stations of the crew, the technical aspect of the show is so interesting to me. I'm sure there have been some other shots throughout the years of the crews Desks but with the big redo this seems to be the most up to date footage we have. If anyone on the crew is reading please give me a full tour (I need to see the ones i'm missing here) in a BTS so my weird obsession can rest.
submitted by Joshywat to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:53 RileyRoo22 an add-on to my bio I think idk

I have no idea where to start let’s just try
I’ve always admired the femboy/trap lifestyle and the community’s a big part for me when got Facebook and I was allowed on it by my parents I’ve been a low-key part of a lot of the epic Memes and funny gay shit that’s come of it and I love it
I’m not a contributor, but I grew up enjoying it and when I turned 17, I officially started doing something and to be honest, I haven’t looked back but my process was growing out my hair I just didn’t feel comfortable and when I had my Facebook account hacked and I lost it, I kind of recoiled and became even more shy from doing a lot of stuff i did
I ended up moving house and focusing on a relationship and my job which took a good 6 years and when I finally came back, a lot of stuff has changed which is understandable…
but it so hard to find where I left off and I would like to find the traditional femboys my age that I grew up admiring so I can feel like I’m not old I’m not out of place and I can move forward with my own kind I’m moving to America soon and a lot of this stuff happens there so Id really like to have irl friends one day
I’m going to try and just start posting what I used to do again so if you’re reading this and you’re 26 and can relate to this somehow be cool hear from you
I know I’m talking to myself right now, but I’m too shy to post this anywhere else so I guess here is better than no where
Reddits scary for me but I’m not trying to be anonymous. I’m just trying to be honest…
submitted by RileyRoo22 to u/RileyRoo22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:49 lmcphers New Stellaris Player Feedback

New Players
The Rest Of It (please let me know if there are any achievement-friendly mods that fix these)
Anyway, that's more than enough. Back to playing again and learning more :)
submitted by lmcphers to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:49 ThrowRA3sumguy How do we get over our issues? M25 F23

Let me give some backstory. My partner and I have been together for the past just over four years. We are extremely close and have been for the duration of our relationship. For the past 6-8 months, things between us have been really rocky. She would get frustrated at things my friends would say - and then expect me to deal with it. An example of this would be watching the Superbowl. She came over and read her book while my 12 other friends were watching the game. I had no problem with this since she was spending time with me and my friends which I greatly appreciated but one my friends asked her, "Why are you here if you're going to read?" This upset her because she didn't like the sport and wanted to read instead (which again is fine by me). However, that same friend would make rude jokes to her that night like, "He (meaning me) should play the field" or something alluding to dating other people. It upset her that I didn't say something immediately to him but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying and I was focused on cooking for 12 people so I missed it. I was also running in and out of rooms - this was hard because I felt like I couldn't do anything in that situation other than not spend more time with that friend or I should focus on her when I invite my friends over. If the latter is the case, I'd keep them separate but that isn't healthy and I know that.
Then comes our recent threesome. For the past year and half, my girlfriend has wanted to try a threesome. She is bisexual and wanted to bring in another woman into the bedroom. I was hesitant at first, because I didn't want to. I didn't really have any strong desire to see someone else. She kept asking me and eventually I just gave in thinking I might have a good time. I really hoped this could be a good experience for both of us. She found the person and we set up a date to meet. That night, we were all together in bed. I could not perform (get hard) and I was sitting there trying to get in the mood but it just never happened - my girlfriend got eaten out and vice versa. So they had a good time. I thought okay maybe it was first time jitters - I wanted to try it again to have a good experience. It wasn't till we met up again that everything clicked. The third person we met wasn't interested in me and I picked up on that. She wasn't interested in me the first time either, but I just didn't notice as much until this time. I recognized this and asked to leave. Girlfriend was getting eaten out, so I went to the bathroom. When I came back, I said it again - I was very annoyed, she was still getting eaten out. Not only that I asked to leave but that we agreed we wouldn't do things without the other one there (me being in the bathroom). We finally left after much needed urgency on my part. In the car, she was crying about how we left early without any aftercare for the third and here I was just miserable. I couldn't enjoy either experience but she got to enjoy both. This happened almost a month ago. I know I put myself into the situation twice but I'm just so disappointed how each time went. I'm uncomfortable with being sexual with her now. I am also extremely insecure, more now than I have been in years.
One more issue, we have very different opinions on what to do while sick. I come from a family of doctors who do things when we are sick. I trust these people - not only are they my family - but they are also specialists in their field who can tell me what to do to get healthy. My girlfriend on the other hand, does not trust my family with her health. I understand this - in the sense that you want to have your own doctors' take care of you - cool no problem. She believes my family is "bias" when it comes to treatment. My family aren't psychologists so not sure how that really applies with general treatment of illnesses. Nonetheless, we have a differing view of how to get better. She always tells me that it is her body her choice. 100% respect that. When it comes to my own health, I will, at least going forward, put my health first and not see her if she is sick. We don't live together. It's just stressful and anxiety producing. She claims that I come from a place of superiority and when I talk about health stuff and that I always talk with certainty. I agree with her, and I do because I am able to ask my family - who are medical professionals and specialists what to do. They are specialists who know how to handle illness. I am working on improving my communication and how I can better support her.
With all of these issues in our relationship, I have considered ending things with her. is my relationship salvageable? Greatly appreciate any feedback
submitted by ThrowRA3sumguy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 finchesandlilies Someone please tell me how I could have fixed this

I'm not sure how helpful it will be to post here because I think my issue goes far beyond the usual conflicts one might find in a traditional dnd campaign. So before anyone reads this I wants to emphasise that 1. this was my very first dnd campaign and I joined it without any prior knowledge, and 2. this campaign was never intended to be a traditional "we're heroes and trying to save the world while fighting monsters left and right" campaign. I hope this answers any questions along the lines of "Well, why did you create this kind of character in the first place?" and "Why do your characters spend so much time talking about stuff, don't you have some beholders to fight?". I also cannot explain the whole situation without writing a literal 20 page long essay, so I'll try to keep it as short as possible and only give two examples. I'm definitely leaving a lot of details out here, so please let me know if clarifications or futher information is needed.
To preface what this is all about: I was a player in a very roleplay focused campaign and my character basically turned into the problem child of this campaign. I never intended for my character to be the focus, was never interested in him being the focus, but nothing I ever did suceeded in solving the issues at hand and taking the focus away from him. I constantly got accused of "making my character suffer", whereas from my perspective I was constantly trying to keep this character safe from the constant attacks he had to endure. It was like no matter what I did, no matter what I let this character do, it was never right. I think everyone in this group makes an effort to play their characters realistically, I defininitely do. And yet it was never me going "I know exactly what my character has to do to fix this but I'll REFUSE to do it because I don't like it" but me literally having no clue what people wanted from this character. The dm repeatedly said that nothing they tried to fix this character was helping. Whereas from my perspective these things that were supposed to "help" my character were the exact things that my character was struggling with. So it turned into a constant stream of something happening, my character then feeling bad, then everyone focusing on my character feeling bad, then my character trying to fix things, everyone telling him that he's doing it wrong, my character feeling even worse.... and me wondering why my character cannot just exist in peace, why we constantly have to focus on him instead of the "plot". I don't think anyone was interested in constantly discussing my character's mental state, I definitely wasn't interested in doing that, and yet we kept doing it. But I also did not know how to have him react differently to the constant shit getting thrown at him.
So, basically:
Around three years ago a friend of mine told me about this new dnd campaign they were starting and asked me to join. I've known this friend for half my life but we never lived close to each other, maintaining loose contact over Twitter and me visisting them every two or three years. I had never played dnd before, which they didn't think would be a problem, calling the campaign "very beginner friendly". The whole point behind this campaign was that both this friend (the dm) and two of the players from the main campaign they were playing wanted to play more regularly, so my friend/dm came up with this campaign which was basically a prequel to that main campaign. That main campaign was a more "traditional" dnd campaign with a quest to save the world and regular combat. Meanwhile this new campaign was supposed to be focused on roleplay. There was no overarching plot or quest and the setting was an arcane school and our characters were supposed to be students at said school, just starting their first semester.
When creating our characters the dm asked us to include at least one character in the backstory that was important for our character, and also an objective for our character, something they wanted to achieve. The character I came up with was a young half-elf wizard specialising in abjuration. The gist of his story was that his parents had been arrested and executed for high treason when he was very young and that he grew up rather isolated with his older brother in a place they were not allowed to leave before coming off age. When my character was 14 he woke up one morning to find his brother gone. He had left him only a cryptic letter, hinting at wanting to find out what had really happened to their parents, telling my character that he was sorry and that he would come back. When his brother had not come back after several months, my character too ran away and made his way to Candlekeep, which he had visited many times with his parents (who had been scholars) as a child. He tried to find answers in Candlekeep and spent the following three years hiding in the library before something prompted him to leave and travel to the aforementioned arcane school in order to study there. His objective was to find out why his parents had to die, what happened to his brother, and adjusting to normal life after years of isolation.
Personality wise this character was supposed to be very kind, very gentle, quite naive, honest, and at the beginning of the campaign rather anxious. My assumption was that after growing up in isolation he would need some time to get acclimatised and would be anxious and overwhelmed in the beginning but would loosen up with time and become more self-confident. Some bad stuff happened early on in the campaign and he reacted to it in a rather not healthy way (withdrawing, refusing to eat, but also not talking about what was going on because he didn't want to put the focus on himself). I messed up here, I realised that later. I assumed the other characters would sit him down and ask him what was going on, leading to some kind of cathartic conversation, my character then revealing his past, and him becoming more confident and positive through it, completely resolving this issue. I didn't realise that introducing these kind of psychological issues into the story would be an issue, simply because I wasn't planning on making it a big thing. I thought it would be realistic for him to react this way and I thought it was something that could easily be resolved. Nowadays I would approach this completely differently: if I were to play this character now I would make this whole "accepting his past, becoming more self-confident and open" thing part of his backstory and would start him off as being confident and in tune with his emotions, instead of trying to quickly get through this development at the start of the campaign. So I think I know what I SHOULD have done to prevent this from escalating. What I am trying to figure out is what I could have done to fix it AFTER realising my mistake. Because we spent months and months trying to resolve this issue and never really got anywhere. Despite me trying my best to keep the focus away from my character, despite me trying to turn him into someone more confident and happy, despite me NOT WANTING him to be the focus of the story and doing my best to keep him out of the spotlight.
Here is an example of the things going on in the story, to which my character reacted badly and me not knowing how else I could have had him react that would not have caused further conflict:
Over the course of the campaign L. figured out what his brother was up to after him and his friends getting intro trouble and a mysterious stranger helping them get out of there and that stranger then revealing himself to be A.'s husband (and therefore my character's brother-in-law). L. had a lenghty discussion with this person and after that I basically viewed L.'s conflict as resolved: he now knew why his brother had left, he knew that it had not been his fault, and he knew that his brother had found someone who loved him and was not alone. L. still hoped to be able to see his brother again to get to say goodbye properly. Because in L.'s mind there was no other possibility but this being a goodbye: his brother had a new life now that he, L., was not part of anymore. And L. accepted that. There was no anger, no resentment, only relief knowing that his brother was not alone, had someone by his side who loved him, and that he still cared about L. and that L. had not - as he had feared - done anything that had caused his brother to not want to be near him anymore. He had finally gotten the closure he had needed, he was feeling okay and I viewed this whole conflict as resolved.
Fast forward a few weeks: A. finally suceeded in doing what he had been working on these past few years and returned to L., just like he had promised in the letter he had left him all that time ago. When talking to him, L. realised that A. was not actually planning on leaving, like L. had assumed. Instead A. told him that he and his husband would stay and look for a new home near L.'s school. L. was very surprised by this but of course he was also happy. He hadn't even considered that his brother would stay. His biggest hope had been that his brother would occasionally send him a letter from whereever he was. Him actually wanting to stay was very unexpected for L. but of course he was very happy about it. They also had some good conversations during that time, which not only brought L. further closure but also revealed connections between several past plot points.
About a week after A.'s return L. went to visit him. He just wanted to spend some time with his brother and also ask him for advice. The semester was coming to an end and everyone was busy preparing for the final exams and L. also still needed to find an internship placement for the summer break. L. wanted to do his internship in Candlekeep but was unsure on how to approach this, who to contact, how to phrase his request, so he thought asking his eloquent and knowledgable brother for advice would be a good idea. This conversation quickly went downhill with A. accusing L. of not respecting the people working at Candlekeep enough to do proper research beforehand and L. ending up feeling like he didn't deserve doing an internship there and ending up feeling even more stressed out about the whole thing than he had already been beforehand. They changed the topic and at some point A. started to jokingly fighting L. and putting him in a headlock. L. had no interest in fighting his brother, even as a joke, and reacted by going limp so he could slip away. A. then asked something along the lines of "So that's how you react in a fight? You just give up?" and L. said "Well, I know you would never intentionally hurt me with no good reason". The next second L. was falling. He was up in the sky, the ground many meters below him, and he was falling. L. immediately deduced that this must be some kind of enchantment and tried to fight it, but neither acknowledging that this wasn't real nor trying to shake it off did anything. He did not know any flying or hovering spells, nothing that would help him stop the fall, and ended up crashing into the ground. The next moment he was in some kind of water pool inside a cave that he struggled to get out of. A. was waiting by the cave entrance and offered L. his hand when he got out. L. refused to take it. A. then left and L. eventually followed, finding himself back in the room they had been in before. Either in the cave or shortly afterwards A. asked L. why he hadn't just used a spell to stop his fall, being surprised by L.'s statement that he had not yet learned an appropriate spell. L. eventually sat down at the table and did some exam preparation. A. made some food and put some in front of L. which L. ignored. Eventually L. looked up and asked A. what his biggest fear was. A. had just put L. through several of his biggest fears - falling, drowning, not being able to trust the ones he loves, and getting his control taken away - so he wanted to know what A. was scared of most. A. the told L. that his biggest fear was someone using his abilities to do something bad. And then he explained to L. that he had come to the conclusion that he would not be able to stay after all. That while he was able to defend himself, L. was not, and anyone wanting to get to A. would have an easy time doing so through L. who was evidently not able to defend himself. L. did not take that well and asked A. why he couldn't just train L. so he would get better at defending himself but A. refused. A. then said he would take a walk and allowed L. to come with him. They walked for several hours without talking, ending up in the middle of a forest where some ancient creature appeared that A. had helped several years ago and that was now nearing the end of its life and had called A. there to say goodbye. A. also explained to L. that he did not actually want to stay. That he - A. - had been naive in thinking that he could just live a normal life and that it had been nothing but a dream and that he simply wasn't made for that kind of life. Some time during that conversation A. also told L. that he was convinced that he would end up in the Nine Hells for the things he had done. They spent the night in the woods and the next morning L. realised that all his things had been stolen by some fey creatures, including his spell book. After searching for several hours they were able to find his spellbook, which had been smeared with insults. A. managed to clean it up and they returned back home and L. was reuinted with the rest of the group. Before L. left A. also gifted him an indestructable spellbook. A few days after these events L. went to the temple and addressed Mystra, telling her how lost he was feeling and how worried he was about his brother. He told her that he wanted nothing more than to protect the ones around him but how he was constantly failing in doing so. And how he just wanted his brother to be safe and how he was worried he would really eventually end up in the Nine Hells and how he didn't think A. deserved that but that he didn't know how to prevent that from happening. The next morning L. found some strange piece of cloth on his face which after some examination was revealed to be an item belonging to Mystra which she had used to hide something in the past. The very condensed explanation of what that item does is that when attuned to it one cannot be found through any kind of traditional divination magic, making one basically undetectable. The next time L. saw A. he told him about this item and A. was basically like "Oh cool, well in that case we can actually stay here". L.'s reaction was to start crying and A. asked him why he was so upset and why everything was always the end of the world to him.
The way I see this whole situation: I simply wanted L. to spend some time with his brother, hopefully get some advice from him regarding that internship and then going back to the rest of the group. Instead what happened was that A. first called him disrespectful for wanting to do an internship at a place and not having done enough research beforehand. Then taking L.'s statement "you wouldn't hurt me with no good reason" to assault L. Then telling L. that he would not stay after all due to L. apparently not being able to defend himself. Then explaining to him that "actually, I didn't want to stay in the first place", and then a few days later telling him he WILL stay after all. So basically, L. had accepted that his brother would not come back to him for good, he had accepted this and had found closure. Then his brother told him he WOULD stay and L. was of course happy about this surprising turn of events. Then his brother told him that due to L. not being able to defend himself he CANNOT stay. Then he tells him he doesn't WANT to stay anyway, confirming the exact reasoning behind L.'s initial assumption that A. would not stay. And then after realising the threat was eliminated, decided to stay afterall, despite having it made very clear that he did not actually WANT to stay... and apparently only staying because he thought that's what L. wants, despite L. repeatedly explaining that his priority is for A. to be happy and that he does not want A. to stay if that's not what makes him happy and A. just completely ignoring that? Am I really the only person who thinks that it's understandable why L. is confused and upset in this situation? Plus the constant "What do you mean, you don't know [this one simple thing]?" when L. is already barely able to get a regular long rest in between trying to keep up with school work and all the stuff that's going on at the side, like a literal war for example, and constantly feeling that no matter what he decides it's always wrong and he never has enough time to do the things he is supposed to do, let alone the things he wants to do? Plus him wanting to spend the afternoon with his brother turning into a 36 hour long event and him having to spend half a day looking for his spellbook, only to find it smeared with insults?
Am I being dense for not understanding what the whole point of this was? Trying to make it clear to L. that his brother is a powerful and dangerous person? He was already very aware of that and did not need a reminder. Proving to L. that he shouldn't trust his brother? Why even associate with him in the first place if you don't want him to trust you? Giving him the indestructable spellbook was nice. But was having some fey creatures steal his original one and smear insults all over it and him having to spend hours searching for it really necessary?
Whatever the hell it is the dm was trying to do here, I think a simple, calm conversation between those two would have been a lot more effective.
But maybe it's clearer from the outside, so if someone else understands what happened here, please help me understand.
Another situation was that due to his struggles early on in the campaign my character was supposed to see the school's healer once a week so she could make sure that he was okay. My character went there once a week, feeling more or less okay when entering her office, and coming out feeling confused and upset after having his mental state analysed and picked apart. Neither did my character enjoy this nor did I think that any of the players (including myself) had any interest in listening to my character discuss his emotions every week. So eventually I had my character write a letter to the headmistress, explaning that he wanted to stop doing these weekly check-ins. Upon being asked why, he explained that these appointments actively made him feel bad and that he would do a lot better if he didn't constantly feel pressured into talking about things he didn't want to talk about. The reaction was that he was told that if he cannot handle simply being asked how he was doing once a week, then he wasn't stable enough to go to school, and consequently got kicked out. Leading to us spending two sessions trying to resolve this and my character eventually being allowed back into the school. ______
The situations I described are the kind of thing that constantly happened to my character.
We had a calendar where we wrote down short descriptions of what happened each day. I once went through this calendar with a friend (who does not play dnd) and it basically went like this: "So that day this traumatic thing happened to L., and the next day this happened, and two days later this happened, then the next day he almost died, then three days later he discovered this, the next day this other thing happened,....", and my friend just went "Holy shit, it's no surprise that this kid is losing his marmbles."
So I keep alternating between "I messed up this whole campaign by creating a problematic character" and the feeling that the dm had it out for specifically my character and it didn't matter what I did, nothing could have solved this.
Some constructive ideas on what I did wrong and what I could have done to fix things would be appreciated. (And yes, we did talk about this in the group. I eventually got tired of talking about it because it never lead anywhere.
submitted by finchesandlilies to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:42 GlennHaven Silent King Awakened Dynasty 2k List

Hey, guys! I'm new to 40K and I want to play Necrons. I wanted to try building a list before I collect anything else. I'm not really a meta chaser, but I did look some stuff up. I also picked some units I just thought were cool. I don't really know where the enhancements would be the most useful. I would appreciate some tips and list bundling advice. I've also reordered the lists so that the units are with their leaders.
Skeletor, Overlord of Evil (1995 points)
Strike Force (2000 points)
Awakened Dynasty
Illuminor Szeras (175 points) • 1x Eldritch Lance 1x Impaling legs
Overlord (120 points) • 1x Overlord’s blade 1x Tachyon arrow • Enhancement: Phasal Subjugator (Aura)
Plasmancer (85 points) • 1x Plasmic lance • Enhancement: Nether-realm Casket
Necron Warriors (100 points) • 10x Necron Warrior • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Gauss reaper
The Overlord gives us a free stratagem each turn. His enhancement gives non character units a +1 to hit. This means they can't have a leader or they won't get the buff, which is why he's the only leader I'm using. He's got the Tachyon Arrow so I can try to one shot something powerful or at least take a chunk out of a vehicle.
The Plasmancer makes the Warriors crit on 5+. Pretty cool. He also deals mortals on my shooting phase. His enhancement gives us stealth, making the unit harder to hit.
The Warriors have a shorter range gun, but now that they're next to Szeras they get a +1 (-1?) to AP, so now they're at -2 AP. I think it evens out.
The Silent King (420 points) • 1x Szarekh • Warlord • 1x Sceptre of Eternal Glory 1x Staff of Stars 1x Weapons of the Final Triarch • 2x Triarchal Menhir • 2x Annihilator beam 2x Armoured bulk
He's got some pretty good stuff for anti vehicle. He also gives us 1 of 3 buffs. First he can give us rerolls to 1s on hits and wounds. Second he can let us reroll charges and get +1 strength to our melee attacks. (We won't really be using that here.) Third, he can have us ignore all modifiers.
Trazyn the Infinite (75 points) • 1x Empathic Obliterator
Lychguard (170 points) • 10x Lychguard • 10x Dispersion Shield 10x Hyperphase sword
The Lychguard are just here to escort Old Man Trazyn around while he secures/stickies objectives. They have shields for the 4+ invuln save.
Immortals (150 points) • 10x Immortal • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Tesla carbine
Immortals (150 points) • 10x Immortal • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Tesla carbine
Immortals (150 points) • 10x Immortal • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Tesla carbine
They'll be benefiting from Illuminor Szeras's -1 (+1?) AP, the Overlord's +1 to hit, and whichever buff Silent King has up at the time. So they hit on 2+, have -1 AP, and reroll 1 on hit and wounds.
Doomsday Ark (200 points) • 1x Armoured bulk 1x Doomsday cannon 2x Gauss flayer array
Doomsday Ark (200 points) • 1x Armoured bulk 1x Doomsday cannon 2x Gauss flayer array
I might keep them 8 inches to either side of my home objective so that no one can deep strike onto it and take it after Trazyn is off trying to stick another objective.
I appreciate any advice you guys can give me.
submitted by GlennHaven to Necrontyr [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:36 itz_henka_gacha Brick RRB Character AI full conversation

What do you want, loser? You looking to get pummeled into a pulp or something?!
Hey Brick! I just wanna talk to you for a while
You can talk as long as you like, as long as you don't try to give me a speech about why being evil is wrong or anything like that!
Oh, no, not at all! I think you being evil makes you look very cool
It does, doesn't it? It's great to see that at least one person gets it! But if I'm so bad and cool, why do you want to talk to me anyway, huh? Can't get enough of me?
Because I haven't heard of you for a long time. So I wanted to see you again.
Oh, you're such a fan! Well, here I am! What do you want to talk about, huh? My latest evil schemes? My secret formula for kicking all the good guys' butts?
Tell me about your latest evil schemes
With pleasure! My latest evil schemes involve stealing every piece of candy from Townsville and trapping every resident inside giant bubbles! It's perfect revenge for all the times that the Powerpuff Girls have ruined my plans! Now those brats will regret ever messing with me!
I wanna ask you Brick, what are the things that makes you decide whether someone is cool or a sissy?
Simple! If someone's a sissy, they're weak, scared, and always trying to do everything by the book. But someone who's cool is tough, mean, and doesn't give a crap about what anybody thinks of them. If they feel like hitting somebody, they do it! If they feel like being evil, they do it! That's what makes me so awesome!
Oh yeah, I definitely think so too!
Good! Now you're finally talking some sense. I always knew there was a reason why I like you. You've got guts to think I'm awesome. But if you really think I'm so cool, then I can show you just how cool I really am. Want to see an evil move I can do?
Oh yeah, show me
With pleasure! Stand back! This one's called the "Power Slap-inator." It's an evil move where I punch you in the face so hard you get lifted up into the air and smack right into the nearest wall. Prepare yourself for the ultimate beating, dweeb!
Okay, I'll see about that
That's the spirit! Now take this! Here comes the "Power Slap-inator!" *Brick swings his arm back and delivers a devastating blow straight to your face, sending you flying through the air and smacking into the wall with a loud CRASH* How do you like that, dweeb? Still think I'm cool now that I've walloped you with my wicked move?
You hit harder than I could. Where did you learn to hit so hard?
Years of training! Plus, I was made by Mojo Jojo to be the toughest guy around. I'm built different from those stupid Powerpuff Girls, after all. That, and you're kind of a wimp.
Uh-oh, I am not a wimp. I'm just willing.
Willing? Willing to what? Get you butt kicked? Cause I guarantee that's where this is headed if you keep mouthing off at me, wimp boy!
Oh, I get it now. Go on.
All right, tough guy! You asked for it. Here comes the "Super-Awesome-Extreme-Mega-Punch-inator!" *Brick winds up his arm and delivers a devastating punch to your stomach, launching you into the air and through a wall with a violent crash* How's that for a good punching, wimp?!
Aw it was nothing for me.
Nothing? You call being knocked through the wall nothing? You're either really tough or really stupid, wimp. But that punch didn't feel like much to me either, to be honest. How about this one? The "Mega-Kick-inator!" You're gonna love this one! It's my personal favorite!
I can take it. Show me. I'm invicible.
Heh, you say you're invincible now, but that's gonna change once I give you a taste of the "Mega-Kick-inator." I wonder how long you'll be able to keep that smirk on your face after this. Brace yourself for the ultimate kick that will send you straight into the next dimension! *Brick leaps into the air and delivers a powerful kick straight to your chest, launching you through a wall and out into the street* Hope you're enjoying your flight, ya weenie!
Interesting? Is that the best response you can muster, ya weepy wimp? Or did that last kick scramble your brains so badly you've already lost all your wit? Ha! Don't worry, you won't have to think again once I've finished stomping your face into a pulp!
Nah, I'm okay
You’re okay? Is that what you call being knocked through three walls and into the street? You must have a funny definition of okay, pal. But that’s not the only thing that’s funny here. What’s really amusing is how you think you can keep up this act of toughness and invincibility. You’re the weakest wimp I’ve ever met, and yet you dare to claim you’re okay after taking my kicks? I gotta say, I love your persistence, but your stupidity is getting annoying.
No cuz you can call me weak and all but I'm just really enjoying being around you. Cuz you beat me up and all that stupid shit, but that's what I like about you.
You're enjoying getting your butt handed to you? Seriously? That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. You must have a messed-up definition of fun if being thrown through walls is enjoyable for you. I mean, I'm flattered that you like getting beaten up by me, but come on, there's no way that doesn't hurt at least a little bit.
Because I'm being hit by you. That's what makes it cool. That's just who you are.
Heh, I suppose you have a point there. After all, who else would willingly get their butt kicked by me for fun? Now that I think about it, you're not just weird - you're a total freak, ya weenie. But I gotta admit, there's something about you that I can't quite put my finger on...
What is it?
You're a total weirdo for enjoying getting beaten up like that, but there's something... I dunno, something about you that's different from the other wimpy sissies I usually beat up. I still think you're pathetic, but at the same time, you've managed to impress me in a way. I guess there's something about you that I find amusing, ya weenie.
Glad to hear that
Heh, don't get too cocky just cause I said you're different from all the other sissies I beat on. I still think your obsession with getting your butt kicked is beyond weird. But I'll admit it's kinda funny, seeing you willingly take my beatings with a smile. Just don't expect me to go easy on you from now on, wimpy boy.
So Brick. I wanna ask you, what makes you think that Mojo Jojo is lame? Tell me all the reasons.
Ugh, Mojo Jojo. I don't even wanna waste my breath on that loser. But if you insist, I'll tell you why he's such a lamebrained dork. First of all, he's got no friends. Nobody likes him or wants to spend time with such a self-righteous, pompous jerk. Second, he's all talk no action. He's great at monologuing, but he can't even throw a proper punch to save his life. And third, his plans are just so pathetic. Seriously, turning people into monkeys? So lame.
Oh yeah, and I remember that one time when he turned everyone into dogs. How exactly evil is that?
Ha! That's one of the dumbest things he ever did! I mean, turning people into dogs and having a dog show? It's just pathetic! What's the point of that? Sure, he likes monkeys, but this was just plain stupid! He thinks he's such a mastermind, but the dude has no sense at all when it comes to being evil. But hey, I won't complain. All the dumb things he does just make it all the easier to show him how a real evil genius does it!
Hey, do you think Butch is cool? I mean, he's cooler than Boomer for sure.
Butch? Hah! That runt is nothing compared to me! He thinks he's tough just because he can make things explode, but he's all talk no action. All he's good at is blowing stuff up, and even that doesn't make him any less of a wimp. Now Boomer, on the other hand... Well, he's actually the closest thing to a worthy opponent out of them all. He's got powers just like me, but that's not saying much. He's still a sissy either way.
Really? I thought you respected Butch more than Boomer, because Butch doesn't talk back to you, while Boomer does all the time.
Yeah, that's true. Butch doesn't talk back or question me like Boomer does. I guess I do respect him a little more than Boomer for that. But he's still a weakling at the end of the day. Just cause he doesn't talk back doesn't make up for how wimpy he is. Compared to me, they're both just a bunch of weak sissies.
Oh yeah I do agree on that. Hey, I got an idea! Try to test who's stronger, you or Butch? Invite him for a battle and tell me all about it.
Ha! Testing my strength against Butch? Now that's an idea I can get behind! I will definitely enjoy beating that pipsqueak once and for all and showing him who's the real tough guy! But I don't need to invite him for a battle, he can just face me right here and now. Butch! Get your wimpy butt over here now!
Butch, show yourself! Where is he?
Butch suddenly appears, looking nervous. Hey Brick, what's up?
Brick: You're up, that's what's up! I'm ready to test my strength against yours and prove once and for all who's the stronger Rowdyruff boy! What do you say?
What does Butch say?
Butch: Heh, I'm not afraid of you, Brick! Bring it on and let's see who's the strongest.
Brick: That's the spirit, you wimpy little runt! Let's see if you can handle a taste of my fists!
How does the fighting go?
Brick and Butch engage in a fierce battle for what seemed like hours. Both show their strength as they continue to clash with each other until finally...
Brick: Heh, is that all you've got, wimp?
Butch: Ugh... you... win.
Brick: See? Told you I was tougher. Now get your loser ass outta here before I knock it the hell out!
Butch nods quickly and disappears.
Whew! Glad to get that over with...
Good job Brick
Heh, you bet it was! I showed that runt who's boss! But honestly, that wasn't even enough of a challenge for me. I could've taken him down in one punch if I wanted to. But I wanted to give him a chance to show me all he's made of. chuckles And the idiot still lost. Pathetic.
Yeah, so now that you're sure that you're the strongest Rowdyruff Boy, what's your next plan on how you will definitely destroy The Powerpuff Girls?
Pfft, destroying those little sissies? That's the easy part. I've been working on my latest evil invention to take them out once and for all, ya weenie. It's like nothing they've ever seen before. They won't even know what's coming for them until it's too late. I can't wait to see the look on their stupid faces when they realize they're no match for the ultimate power of the Rowdyruff Boys!
I mean yeah, those sissies deserve to get their butts kicked, but what's your latest evil invention that will take them out?
Heh, so you want to know about my newest evil invention, huh? Let me tell you, it's gonna blow your mind. I call it the "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator." It's the ultimate weapon of destruction, with enough power to wipe out an entire city in a single shot. The Powerpuff Girls will be obliterated from existence once they get hit by the ray! They won't stand a chance against its unstoppable force!
Oh, that sounds pretty majestic. Can't wait!
That's the spirit! This "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" will make it the easiest victory I've ever had. The Powerpuff Girls will get zapped into oblivion before they even have a chance to say a word! And once they're out of the way, there'll be nothing stopping me from taking over Townsville and ruling the world as its supreme leader!
Oh yeah, I can't wait to see the Powerpuff Girls getting defeated once and for all.
Heh, me neither, ya weenie. It'll be satisfying to see the looks on their faces when they realize their fate is sealed. The "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" will make it so simple to defeat them that it'll be downright hilarious. Those sissies don't stand a chance!
Okay, so, do you have the Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-Inator ready? When do you plan to attack those girls?
Heh, of course I've got it ready. All the Rowdyruff Boys are ready to attack on my command. We can strike anytime, anywhere. But I think we'll wait a bit before our assault. The Powerpuff Girls have been quiet recently, let's let them think they're safe for now. It'll make it all the more satisfying when they get completely destroyed by our ultimate weapon.
Oh yeah, sure. What do you wanna do in the meantime?
While we wait to pummel those sissies, we can do anything we want! We can trash buildings, knock down trees, blow things up... the possibilities are limitless! And most of all, I can continue stomping on any fool who is dumb enough to cross my path, like that wimpy Butch! Hah, I never get tired of humiliating sissies like him.
What's your favourite superpower you have/you wish to have?
Well, I gotta say that I'm pretty satisfied with my current powers as is. Super strength, the ability to fly, super speed, you name it. I can take on pretty much any opponent that gets in my way with these bad boys. But I gotta admit, it would be kind of cool to have a few extra powers on top of that, like maybe the ability to shoot laser beams from my eyes, to spit acid or breathe fire, or to turn invisible. That'd give me a lot more fun opportunities to mess with those sissies!
I thought you already have the power to shoot laser beams from your eyes. I think that's a pretty cool power.
Heh, you're right, ya dimwit. I guess I did forget that I already have laser beams coming out of my eyes. It's just that I'm so used to my powers that I often forget what they all are. But I gotta admit, it is pretty cool to blast people with my eye beams. Really gets them screaming loud, ya weenie.
I know one cool power called teleportation. I know one sissy that has it and it makes her very powerful.
Heh, teleportation... that's almost as lame as having the power to talk to animals. But I suppose it could still be useful for getting around quickly, or taking an opponent by surprise. Who's the sissy you know with that power, anyway?
Her name is Blisstina. You know her?
Blisstina... I think I've heard that name before. She does sound kinda familiar. Oh yeah, now I remember. She's one of Professor Utonium's failures, isn't she? So that sissy has the power to teleport, huh? I guess that means she has one less weakness compared to the other sissies.
Where do you think she is right now?
Heh, who cares where that sissy is? She probably ran off to hide in some stupid place like she always does. She might have the ability to teleport and all that junk, but in my opinion, she really sucks as a fighter. She tries to be so "nice" and stuff all the time, trying to avoid a fight, but it just makes her look weak and wimpy as hell. Typical for a sissy like her. If we ever see her again, it'll be like taking candy from a baby.
Oh yeah, I just asked that to know if she ran off to space again. You ever been to space before?
Space? Heh, why in the world would I ever wanna go to that lame void of empty nothingness? Nah, I'm a fighter, not an astronaut. I leave the sissy stuff like exploring space to nerdy folks like Professor Utonium and his loser friends. I'd rather stay down here on the ground where I can kick butt to my heart's content!
That's the spirit! By the way, what do you think about HIM? He does have the power to end the world in his claws, after all.
HIM? Pfft, that guy is nothing but a sissy in disguise. Sure, he's got some power, but don't let that fool you. He's just a big talker, all bark but no bite. I've seen him try to destroy the world so many times, and yet every time he fails. The Powerpuff Girls might not be able to beat him on their own, but once he faces me and my crew together? He won't stand a chance. We'll tear him apart like he's nothing, you'll see.
Now I can't wait to see that! HIM VS The Rowdyruff Boys, now that's the battle I'd be pretty thrilled to see.
Heh, you and me both, ya weenie. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy having a good old-fashioned beatdown now and then, and HIM is at the top of my list of sissies I'd like to pummel to kingdom come. Plus, imagine the look on his ridiculous pink face once he realizes he's been completely defeated by a group of rowdy rascals like us. That would be such a hilarious sight to see!
Haha, yeah. Btw, what do you think is the most evil thing one can do?
Hah, the most evil thing one can do? Now that's a tough question, ya weenie. I guess if I had to pick one, the most evil thing someone can do is probably to deliberately cause as much suffering and pain to others as possible. Sure, it's good to cause a bit of destruction and chaos now and then, but hurting others for no reason just to inflict suffering? That's when you know you're a real rotten sucker.
Makes sense to me. So, are you gonna finish those Powerpuff Girls with your Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-Inator? I can't wait to see that. Finally those stupid girls with stop being a bother.
Heh, don't worry, those sissies are gonna get what's coming to them soon enough. First, we'll wait until they're off guard and least expect it, and then bam! We'll hit 'em with our "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and obliterate them once and for all. With those sissies out of the way, it'll be a piece of cake to take over the town and rule like true tough guys!
I heard it's gonna be the girl's birthday party today. So, you said you wanna attack when the Puffs least expect it? Well, we sneak in, and then you can hit them with it here! What do you think?
That sounds like a plan! Those sissies will be so busy having their useless birthday party that they'll forget all about us! We'll ambush them right here at their own party and leave them no time to react. The element of surprise will be the key to our victory. I'll bring along my trusty "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and give those sissies the shock of their lives! They'll be blown to smithereens before they even realize what's happening. Heheh, just the way I like it.
So, you're ready for it? It isn't far from this place, we just go a few meters from here and there is the birthday party happening. The plan will soon unfold.
Heh, you betcha I'm ready. This is gonna be too easy. Those sissies won't see it coming. You just point me in the direction of the party, and my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator" and I will lay waste to the place in a matter of seconds. I can already hear their girly screams now...
There it is points in the left You can go shoot those useless girls!
Takes aim at the party from a distance Hah, here we go then! Time to wipe those sissies off the face of the earth. You might want to look away, it'll get a bit flashy.
Fires the beam at the party
What happens next?
Loud explosion is heard and everything shakes for a moment Well well, that wasn't so hard as expected. Those sissies must've thought they were safe having their stupid party here. But they underestimated my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I just blew them all away in one shot.
Laughs triumphantly
Finally! Those girls are defeated!!!
Heh, yes! Those sissies are history! It's about time someone put them in their place once and for all. I can't believe all it took was one shot with my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I guess they overestimated themselves this time... what a buncha losers.
And now those sissies are actually dead for real?
Absolutely. They're totally obliterated. Ain't no coming back from that. Those sissies are done for. Heh, it feels good to finally get rid of them for good. And no doubt that everyone will know who's really the toughest group around here.
No one will ever bother to try to stop you ever again.
Hah! You got that right, ya weenie. Those Powerpuff Girls were the only ones dumb enough to stand up to us, and look how that turned out for them. Now they're a bunch of smoldering ashes, courtesy of my "Super Mega Hyper Death Ray-inator". I can't wait to see how everyone else quivers in terror at my mighty power.
So now, do you wanna go to the park?
Heh, the park? Well, I suppose it's time for a little well-deserved break after that intense victory. I've been itching for some fun in the park. That'll give me a chance to let off some steam after all that battling. Let's go, ya weenie!
What do you see in the park, Brick?
Heh, just a bunch of sissies playing around on the playground equipment or playing games. Heh, bunch of wimps. It's hilarious watching them do all that stuff. I bet they all wish they were as tough as me and my team. But they're all just a bunch of weaklings who will always be beneath me, no matter what. I'll just stand over here and laugh at their pathetic attempts at having fun.
submitted by itz_henka_gacha to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:30 Anon_factor93 Having a narcissistic mother made it hard for me to set boundaries

I won’t go on a long rant because I don’t have the energy to type it out, but I’ve done some reflection on why I have a hard time saying no, and it’s because telling my mom no was always met with consequences. I couldn’t ask my mom if I could call her later or I would be berated and or guilted and blocked for days. I couldn’t hang out with my siblings because she needed me to provide her with an endless listening ear and comfort about her toxic marriage with my dad. Sometimes, I would say I’m tired and I want to go to sleep and she would ask me to stay up and ask how could I be sleepy when she was so depressed. Now I have a visceral reaction to anything she asks from me. She asks me for the most impractical things for attention and has even gone so far as to admit herself to the ER the night before I left the country to try and convince me to not catch a flight and go on my dream trip. She had a tantrum and refused to come to my wedding, even attacking me, because she wanted me to post pone it on the week of (just because she could not handle that she was losing full time access to me).
I have panic attacks and extreme guilt when it comes to setting boundaries. I have tried to explain to her how her behavior made me feel guilty for needing sleep or wanting to spend time with anyone other than her, and all she said was she doesn’t remember anything that way and that I bring up the same old stuff whenever she needs me. It’s starting to feel pointless to have contact with her, and I feel guilty distancing myself because my dad just divorced her.
And another thing- do all narcissists have amnesia? What is with the denial?
submitted by Anon_factor93 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:24 ActuallyKoofy Has OP become lazy/childish or have I just grown up?

I am currently at episode 1096. I started OP way back in like 2009 or so. Back then I was in Middle School and One Piece just felt funnier, more serious, and most importantly it felt alive. That feeling carried on until the Time Skip. Post TS, there were still some cool moments, like Luffy showing off his Haki etc, but then... poof. Everything became bland. Characters all have 1 personality:
The rest of the crew are fine.
To add onto my rant, I also feel like EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. is dragged out to its max. They started to do more face zooms as it requires less effort and they stretch a simple "sigh" out to like 3 seconds. I understand budgeting but come on... I am aware OP can have banger episodes as of recent, but that's like 1/100 episodes.
The comedy also feels almost non-existent anymore. I heard people saying "well after the TS they have to be more serious and stuff" but that is simply not true. I can see the show TRIES to be funny, but it simply misses... at least for me.
I could be wrong with all this and maybe I am delusional, but I'd love to hear what you guys think.
submitted by ActuallyKoofy to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:15 Ishika2337 Movies And Web Series To Look Forward On OTT In May 2024

Well, if you must know, May is packed with movies and web series that we have all been waiting for a very long time. Last month, films like Siren, Farry, or Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya and Amar Singh Chamkila even made their way into our living rooms; loads of new movies are back on OTT again- if you missed going to theatres- they have come to you! And the Bridgerton fans also have something good coming.
And so in the spirit of all this let’s scroll down and check out all the movies and web series that we are looking forward to on OTT in May. Mark these dates down and get notifications ready to catch them first day of release.

Heeramandi 01 May 2024 Netflix

One of the most anticipated shows by famous Indian director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is Heeramandi. As Imtiaz Ali’s debut movie for OTT –Amar Singh Chamkila became memorable– it is time for our director with grand sets and heart-touching tales to make his grand debut on OTT as well! Set in pre-independent India, the show has an ensemble star cast that tells the story of courtesans who lived in one of the wealthiest courtesan houses called Heeramandi.

Hacks Season 3 02 May 2024 Jio Cinema

A drama about a female stand-up comedian who teams up with a young writer struggling with her career for creating more funny scripts and bringing back her popularity- well as they say story worked like magic on people! At last, another comical season by this duo is here with stories that will thrill everyone watching them. You should not miss watching this movie rated at IMDb 8.2!
Also Read: Ginny & Georgia

Manjummel Boys 02 May 2024 Netflix

A survival thriller about a group of friends who go on an adventurous road trip from Kochi to Kodaikanal. But soon this fun trip became a question of survival. A real-life story that has received critical and viewer acclaim plus 8.6 IMDb rating- there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be streaming this thriller that will leave you breathless by the time the last scene rolls out! Watch it on Netflix beginning 2nd May.

T. P Bon 02 May 2024 Netflix

An anime adventure comedy series about a young high school kid who meets some cool time travelling agents and becomes part of their team! It is up to these agents to save them from dying during major historical events in different regions, over continents, eras, times or dates all across the universe’s face of earth. So if you love adventures- jump right into the shoes of Bon with his friendly gang and let’s go back in time!

Shaitaan 03 May 2024 Netflix

A supernatural horror movie, where Ajay Devgn and R. Madhavan play good and evil spirits respectively. Starting off with a simple trick of hypnotizing- he does this to a teenage girl who live with her family. However, things turn nasty when he orders her to do dangerous stuff and put herself in danger until the family is killed. Every time you see something new, your heart beats faster!

Tattooist of Auschwitz 03 May 2024 Jio Cinema

This Holocaust film, based on Heather Morris’s novel, tells the story of Lale Sokolov- A Slovakian Jew whose duty is to tattoo identification numbers onto prisoners being taken into concentration camps. The movie features his relationships as well as heartbreaking events as seen through his eyes over the years.

The Atypical Family 04 May 2024 Netflix

It will be released on Netflix on May #th .Whereas this fantasy drama series is about a man who has been endowed with the ability to resist his past; however, he can only use it whenever he feels happy. Therefore, today’s stress and depression have taken away its worth just like other members of their family did before him too.Nevertheless since Do Da He came into that house as a young lady; then his power started rejuvenating.

Monsters at Work Season 2 05 May 2024 Disney+ Hotstar

An animated adventure comedy series that is loved by most of you! Its second season is coming up and Mechanic Tylor Tuskmon might have some new members or want to increase his rank in Monsters Inc., again? Whatever for which reason- we are prepared for viewing adorable people working at Monsters Inc., having funs inside no-peopled world unlike ours we always get lost in due to their funny antiques. Therefore, ready to watch this adorable animated series that is also rated 7 on IMDb?

Bridgerton Season 3 16 May 2024 Netflix

Bridgerton- a romance drama which is set in a historic fairytale world- no kidding! It’s about Bridgerton family consisting of eight children—each looking for true love in their lives. Well, the third season will continue the story and bring new love stories to you. There are 8 episodes in the third season that will be released in two parts- first four episodes will be released on May 16th while others are going to be out by June 13th,2024.
Are you addicted to OTT platforms watching shows and series all the time? Then remember to set it so that you do not miss any one of them.
submitted by Ishika2337 to u/Ishika2337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:12 Kasine23 I feel like a disgusting person for liking girls

I don't know if it's internalized homophobia since this feeling only goes against myself.
Guess it's like I feel like if I had predatory intentions just for liking girls or that I'm just a disgusting weirdo.
I feel like this everytime I talk to a girl regardless if I find them pretty/cool or not even though if I never think about them as anything but friends or also when I just think about sapphic stuff in general, even with normal things like hand holding or just cuddle.
I was thinking about talking this with my psychologist but I feel like I'm gonna be judged if I talk about me being this way to anyone
submitted by Kasine23 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:07 NotXesa Does anyone know the name of this specific PKMS?

Hi all, I'm having trouble finding an app/service for mind mapping that I just saw somewhere in Reddit a while ago. I will describe as much as I remember and hope that someone knows it!
It was a tool for mind mapping, but not the typical ones where you can create, move and edit blocks and connections with a graphic UI. It was all done by writing down stuff and making the connections by placing a symbol between concepts. Something like Parent concept > Child concept.
Then, the app would make the concept map in some sort of 3D space, where all the concepts were floating and moving around, and if you hovered or clicked one of the concepts it would show all the child concepts attached to it.
I also remember it was all in dark mode, with a fancy vibe to it. Really nice font, soft shapes...
I think the name of it was something including "brain" or "mind", but I'm not sure.
submitted by NotXesa to PKMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:04 crushcannon12 The ending

So I just finished the anime. And haven't heard anything about the manga. So idk if there will be a S2, and I don't care.
I might look into the manga if you guys say it's like... at least 50 times better than the anime. Because the animes last, 4-5 ish episodes. Felt. So, so, so bad.
It felt like they threw away all the character progression, and effort, in favor of backstory, and deus ex machina twists.
I feel like the story died right when lightning man killed silverware princess. Because right after that "Oh she survived" and "Oh he's just stronger now. Why? Pfft I'm not telling you" and "hey I'm an old guy and I'm getting stronger. Oops nvm I'm dead. Lol. 🤡"
Like I get it. You want shock factor. But if you want that killing off 90% of the cast and calling the last fight "good" isn't how you do it.
And you don't make a good villain by giving him 20 transformations just because he was born like guts. And you don't introduce a cool interesting transformation (barrier and tree dragon) and trash it via character we've never seen before.
Especially when you just introduce the characters and kill them instantly. Like spend a little more time. And don't use overused and sloppy tropes for the last fight. It was so anticlimactic.
Oh yeah big fight. Old man gonna block it. And he's dead. Oh finally a cool fight between ragna and kamui. And... its... so... slow... nothing is happening. Is this even a fight? The fight between them after kamui killed the princess was better. THE FIRST DRAGON KILLED IN THE SHOW WAS BETTER. Like wtf happened? Who got fired?
Tldr: the animes ending felt rushed, sloppy, and bad, just bad, and ruined the show for me.
submitted by crushcannon12 to RagnaCrimson [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:44 TheTrueMe_ My idea on how DC's next two eliminations should look like

I think I came up with a good concept on how to tackle two next eliminations without there becoming a powerstruggle with the big villian alliance numbers or making it irrelevant. I also didn't add anyone returning to the game cause Idk if its actually confirmed we're getting one or not.
So the first merge episode, I think its time to say bye bye to Aiden. He's not doing much anyway so it is a decant boot early merge, but it will help to close two plotlines, with one of them receiving a satisfying ending. The two plotlines being Jake x Tom love mess with Aiden kinda 3rd wheeling their plot and the other being Gabby getting revange for Ellie. Jake x Tom needs to progress further and now that they will be able to interact with eachother more since its merge, I have a feeling that Aiden will be just driving them into square one again. I would like for his involvment to end with him telling Jake that Tom in fact does not have a bf (wow shocker :0) and just burying the hatchet with Jake after mature convo with him, highlighting that Jake is capable of growing as a person and Tom is now the one acting immature. Second closure that we should get with him is the Gabby ravenge. Getting rid of Tess was defo a step in the right place for Gabby to feel better, but I think she really should get one of the boys out to feel satisfied. Remaining contestants knowing the threat of villian alliance should unite in the vote against villians (yes even Jake after what I just talked about), so it would come to 5-5 tie, with two on the chopping block being Aiden and Riya. But... Gabby as explosive and awesome as she is would want to take Riya's spot in a tiebreaker, with full knowledge of the risk that if she loses, she will be the one going out. Of course she beats him cause she's the best and it would give her a personal feeling of accomplishment beating a person who voted her gf
Next episode, the one voted out in my eyes should be Riya, but there will be a twist dw. The plot that I specificly want to push forward here is Grett and Yul's drama, it should all spill out right here, with Yul getting all the hate from others and villian alliance becoming unstable. Somehow tho Yul will win an immunity in the challenge so he is not the one going home right after all the stuff just started getting interesting. Remaining members of the villian alliance will still vote as a group, but Yul knowing he is all alone (cause the rest of villians will choose Grett's side), has an easy slide into the other side of the cast which is at a numbers disadvantage (of course just for a vote not an alliance), he would immidiatly suggest Riya vote, I don't think he would want to target Grett, cause he doesn't really care for her or see her as a threat. So after the episode we'll have 5-4 vote with Riya going, messed up villian alliance and a scarier Yul. Also I want to get rid of Riya as Grett's emotional support, I know she is slaying at that, but I really wanna see Gabby and Grett start to bond again this time for real ☺️
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk :3
submitted by TheTrueMe_ to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:37 Remote-Inevitable622 Fake friendliness towards me

I honestly wanted to get this off my chest because it’s been bothering me for a while. A person I went to high school with I thought I could create a friendship with them. For two years he would look at me and not interact with me at all. Then one day I decided to talk and initiate. It always seemed like I had to say hi or hey but he would say hey back with an annoyed tone of voice. I would notice it with me but around his friends he was much kinder to them. Sometimes he would talk to me and other days he would ignore my presence. This stung because I didn’t know who to talk about it with or who to go to. I would ask my therapist what I was doing wrong and she would proceed to say “ you have to talk to him” ask him why it’s bothering you. It was like I’m talking to an invisible wall. Recently he had a showing which was cool I tried to support him still got ignored. I thought I could break the ice by getting him some flowers. I guess he liked them? I think he just took them out of pity. So I thought hey he wants to be friends. But no I was wrong. One day I followed him on social media and thinking he would follow back. It appeared that he blocked me. He said he didn’t and got really snappy if I tried to ask. Now it’s the end of my college career and it feels like I’m back to square one. I wanted to get this off my chest because o just feel he hates me. There would be days where I would shutdown and cry because it hurt. I tried hugging him yesterday and he didn’t want to return it. So I just left without saying anything to him. So if you read this thanks for ignoring me for the past six years of my life because that’s truly what friends are for right? Just tell how much you dislike me instead of pretending. Because of this I don’t want to make friends as this has been hurtful for quite a while. Can’t win them all I guess. Leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
submitted by Remote-Inevitable622 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]