Body toner tonalin reviews

Killer Body Count (2024) Movie Review by Amari Allah

2024.05.20 02:08 Amari_Sali Killer Body Count (2024) Movie Review by Amari Allah

Killer Body Count (2024) Movie Review by Amari Allah submitted by Amari_Sali to Wherever_I_Look [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 22knocks pineward reviews!

pineward reviews!
Hello, hello! I ordered 10 Pineward samples on April 12th, and they arrived on April 20th with a free sample, Juniperus! I’ve been looking forward to trying this house, as I’m trying to try out green/forest scents which I otherwise wouldn’t opt for, and I was very impressed by everything I tried. I have broken free of the "Forest Perfume to Christmas Candle" Curse!
10 Pineward samples + a freebie mini sample at the bottom
First of all…the colors of all the samples are so gorgeous! I would say these lasted a decent amount of time, around 4 hours in the Personal Space around me, and many more hours on the skin itself. Many of them did wear a bit closer to the skin. I did struggle with the atomizers at times (sometimes they would just Spurt Liquid in a stream), but no horrific accidents as of yet.
I also want to preface these reviews by saying that I am not the best at attributing which green scents correspond to which notes. A nose in progress…I do think it would be really cool if Pineward ever sold solinotes but for tree components – like fir balsam vs. black hemlock vs. cypress etc. Know that...I made an attempt lol. Anyways, onto the reviews!
Apple Tabac - (fresh red apple, tobacco, fir balsam, rum resin, dried fruits)
This is a dry (not juicy, not sweet) apple with a smoky tobacco lingering alongside it. There’s something almost bitter or waxy here (to me it reads like the skin of the apple) + something alcoholic. The bitterness fluctuates with wear, the tobacco changing its mind on whether it wants to be sweet or harsh. There’s more of that “tingling” from the fir (fresh, green notes tend to present like that to me). The drydown is a bit like a caramel apple, nothing tart, but a hint of that opening apple that never quite fades away, enveloped in an almost chewy caramel! The caramel aspect is definitely from the dried fruits, but somehow on me it can smell a bit BO-like — savory and almost spiced? Something similar happens with Gristmill. Smell faded in about 3 hours. Not my favorite, but I think I will need to retry this in autumn. 2/5
Brokilän - (black hemlock needles, larch cones, sandarac resin, momi, sandalwood, Vietnamese oud.)
Wow I love this one! Fresh light greens with a creamy sandalwood drydown, almost incenselike. It’s resinous and smells like coke when it first goes on. Like a very mentholy, almost sharp green-brown, as if it were fizzy. I normally am not the biggest fan of herbal scents but this balances it in a way to offer a more refreshing, less stale vision of Herbs. After a bit, I get more of the bark of the tree itself, woody and still prickly. Eventually, a sweet, creamy sandalwood comes wafting through, first noticeable from a distance. It takes me by surprise at first, and when I lean closer to my wrist to sniff, I lose the scent. Over time, it melds more with the other prickly woods in the scent, smoothing them out, presenting more cohesively. It was okay in terms of projection, and I found I often caught whiffs as I moved around. The dry down is sandalwood with an almost textural element from the other woody/resinous elements, and a touch of green remaining. Lost projection at around 2-3 hours in but 8 hours later I could still smell it on my skin, I think this is the most long lasting Pineward scent I’ve tried. 5/5
Caravansary - (fir balsam, deer musk, vanilla, black tea, lavender, blue spruce, blue chamomile, treemoss, incense, pinecone mulch, campfire smoke.)*
My partner says this one “smells like a forest garden”. I get a Blue Green vibe from this for sure! It definitely changes a lot with rest. There is something light in the background here, I think it’s the herbs (particularly the chamomile). The musk isn’t overwhelming but it is present and warm. After some wear, I get wafts of this sweet, herbal smell that I find very intriguing! I’m not sure what it is exactly but I was continuously sniffing my wrist in an attempt to smell it again. Maybe it’s the vanilla + chamomile, it seems to only really be present from a distance, making me wonder if it’s being buried under the heavier scents from a closer sniffing distance. It’s a cool, smooth vanilla, in contrast to everything else being warm and a bit prickly! The drydown is a sweet vanilla tea for me. It’s a startlingly bright and punchy scent somehow… the lingering scent of the greens and blues on my clothes feels invigorating, even when on my skin it has dried down to a cozy, gentle scent. Overall, this is a dark, dry, cozy scent, with blue green fispruce bearing the brunt of the work, as deer musk hangs out in the background. It does evoke the feeling of being bundled up in a cozy blanket with a campfire in the background and dark, looming forest around you. It shares some of that tannic smokiness with Murkwood, I would say, but the smoke is less present here, though it does gradually come out more with wear. 5/5
Fanghorn II - (silver fir, moss, lichen, pine needles, wet soil, damp vegetation.)
Damp dirt here, very similar to Murkwood to my nose. I had a hard time distinguishing the various facets of this one, but in comparison to Murkwood, I would say it’s more dark green leaves with dirt and no incense/smoke. It doesn’t change much with rest, or morph much with wear. Very refined tbh, for a forest fragrance, in terms of not being as wild/”in the dirt” as I was expecting. I like this, but I think I prefer Murkwood, as this one is a bit more plain and I can’t smell it as much after a few hours. 3/5
Gristmill - (Cedar planks, sawdust, smoldering logs, edelwood oil, amber, black walnut, mahogany, labdanum.)
So here’s where body chemistry played an interesting role…All of these I tested on myself, but I had my partner try this one as well. On my partner's first application, it smelled like cedar planks with a touch of sweetness that made the perfume very captivating. It was almost like a creamy sandalwood, and the cedar was not very funky at all! I was enjoying this a lot. But then I tried it on myself…this time I got more of the richness of the cedar, but in a way that’s not very fresh…it reminded me more of a storage chest/polished wood. I get a slight motor oil / bbq quality to it as well. After some time, it veers towards a fun and prickly sandalwood, but then immediately I smell like Indian food. I’m not sure how, but even on my clothes, I smelled savory spices. I think my skin can make some scents smell a touch “spiced” or savory but this was one of the extremes! Unfortunately, not a huge fan of how it wears on me but I will be pushing this more onto my partner haha. 2/5 due to body chemistry :(
Hayloft - (hay, lavender honey, crocus, sweet vernalgrass, bison grass, toasted almond, hazelnut, oats, dusty wheat.)
Nutty, sweet, bright, light! Doesn’t change much with rest. This reminds me a bit of an oat-scented body wash, or honey bunches of oats. The honey is really light here, somewhat floral. It’s quite sweet and I can definitely see this as being cloying after some time but it’s a very cozy scent and I will try wearing this more once the weather gets colder. Maybe just not the most "me" scent. 2/5
Icefall - (white grapefruit, blue cypress, maritime pine, juniper, nootka, cedar, sandalwood, seaweed.)
Oooh this one is kind of like a smoky, bitter grapefruit on top of a subtle aquatic base. My partner says it smells like “seaweed, or like a sushi incense, but in a good way”. It is surprisingly more woody than I expected. Occasionally I get a bright whiff of juniper, from a distance. After some wear, there’s a hint of sandalwood (this shy sandalwood pops up in quite a few other Pineward scents!) that comes out to smooth things over, but the grapefruit is still there, though less overtly aquatic. More of those forest greens come through as well, and it compliments the grapefruit quite well, remaining bright and refreshing as a general couple throughout weartime. The drydown is mostly light wood with a touch of grapefruit and a very subtle seaweed smell. If you are afraid of the seaweed note, as I was – don’t be! It’s very approachable here. 4/5
Murkwood - (fir balsam, black hemlock, lapsang suchong, moss, incense, bitter myrrh.)
A very resinous incense, with a touch of sweetness. The incense is dirt-like and smoky (likely the lapsang suchong). There are some very subtle dark bitter greens, and it’s very interesting to smell this layered on top of the deep smoky body, as if a slight relief from the incense. After a bit, the tea flavor strengthens and it gets a bit sweeter, as the prickly fir scent dissipates. The incense is not the most clear smelling (it doesn’t outright read as an incense perfume to me, because there is so much going on), but I really adore all the layers in this and find it fun to wear. 4/5
Noki - (lychee, mango, mint, rhubarb, cassis, sandalwood, ambergris.)*
I found this one really benefits from some rest! When I first tried it on, it was a very watery, sweet mango, and I found the mint was kind of muddling it? The combo of lychee and mango was not very apparent but it was juicy and bright in a general sense. After resting, it was less watered down. It became more of an almost unripe mango + bright lychee, tempered by mint, with a touch of tartness and green from rhubarb and cassis, not overwhelmingly sweet but with a fun tart poppiness. Something (I suspect the mint, still) is keeping this from reaching its full Juicy Sweet potential, but as an avoider of the Cloying, i find this works in the perfume’s favor. The drydown is a sweet mango + creamy sandalwood, it doesn’t morph much. I can smell the sandalwood better from further away, as it’s a bit subtle. Very intriguing, will be wearing this a ton in the summer! 4/5
Velvetine - (ambergris, cypress, vanilla, clove, labdanum, fir.)*
Thank god the clove isn’t overly strong here! (Not the biggest clove fan). On first sniff, I get something akin to deep, dried red fruits, something a bit herbal. It reminds me a bit of dried fruit leather, with maybe a touch of honey. I’m not sure whether I think of it more as “fruit leather” (like the snack) or “fruit Leather” (like leather which is kinda fruity) because both can apply here. More of the forest aspect of the scent reveals itself as the perfume dries, and it seems very subtly smoky to me? I’m wondering if that’s the cypress. It’s cuddly, not smothering, but there’s an intriguing “cool” aspect to this, which I definitely did not see before resting. After a bit, the overtly fruity leather combo gives way to a more vanilla backing, and it becomes this cuddly, clear vanilla with some of the lightly smoky greens. There’s a slight tartness from the opening but it’s much smoother and…velvetine now! The dry down is a warm vanilla. Simple and comforting, I’m not huge into the opening but really like the drydown. 4/5
Juniperus - (Juniper Berry, Lemon Peel Absolute, Rosemary, Juniper Scale, Lavender, Juniper Wood, Sandalwood, Patchouli)
The free sample that came with my order! I was a bit scared as I am not the Biggest fan of lemon notes especially. When I first applied it, it was certainly a bright lemon, on the base of something light and almost cucumbery. Luckily for me, the lemon soon faded and gave way to a creamy green scent. It’s a bit of a light, simple scent but I enjoyed it and found it refreshing on these warm spring days. That said, it didn’t change that much with rest, and I found it to be the least long lived out of everything I tried. 3/5
Overall, I had a good experience with Pineward! It was interesting to see that common thread connecting many of these fragrances. In particular, Brokilän, Caravansary, Fanghorn II, and Murkwood all had those shared resinous + green components that required me to think about how to describe them in relation to each other, otherwise the descriptions would all sound the same coming from me! I would say if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Brokilän, but I also find myself reaching towards Caravansary, Noki, and Murkwood! Perhaps the weather is also the reason for that…I’m really looking forward to trying other Pineward scents in the future, and seeing what else they come up with.
Thanks for reading! Now time to work on some DSH reviews...
submitted by 22knocks to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Lady-of-Bronze [US] [SELL] Brand NEW products, half off retail prices!

Hi all, I'm moving soon, so cleaning out and trying to get together some money!
Shipping is not included in the prices, but I use PirateShip so I promise you're getting the best deal :)
Free sample for every $5 spent -- they are at the end so just take your pick.
PanOxyl - 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Foaming Wash, 5.5 oz - BNIB - $4
Lancome - Miel-en-Mousse Cleansing Makeup Remover, 1.7 fl oz - BN - $10
Murad - Clarifying Cleanser, 1.5 fl oz - BN - $7
Cle de Peau - Softening Cleansing Foam, 20 mL - BN - $7
Pacifica - Coconut Milk Cream to Foam Face Wash, 5 fl oz - BN - $8
The Creme Shop - Rosewater & Coconut Towelettes, 20 ct - BN - $3
IPSY refreshments - Cleansing Face Wipes, 30 ct - BN - $5
Face/Body Moisturizing:
Wander - Dive in Moisturizer, 50 mL - BNIB - $40
Cure - Water Treatment Skin Cream, 100 g - BN - $10
Clinique - Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, 1 fl oz - BN - $4
AHAVA - Time to Hydrate Day Moisturizer, 2.5 fl oz - BN - $20
Hero - Clear Collective Prebiotic Moisturizer, 70 mL - BNIB - $6
Bath & Body Works - Tropidelic Body Cream, 2.5 oz - BN - $5
PINK - Honey Body Lotion, 3 fl oz - BN - $7
Spa Luxetique - Moonlight Magic Body Oil, 3.2 fl oz - BN - $5
ESPA - Smooth & Firm Body Butter, 100 mL - BN - $20
Skylar - Hydrating Body Lotion, 1 fl oz - BN - $4
Hemp Heaven - Coconut Body Lotion, 12 oz - BN - $6
SRMKND - Black Blossom Hand Serum, 50 mL - BN - $15
Cure - Natural Aqua Gel, 250 g - BN - $15
Sweet Chef - Ginger + Vitamin C Tonic, 130 mL - BN - $9
TULA - Exfoliating Sugar Scrub, 11 g - BN - $6
Clinique - Moisture Surge Eye Concentrate, 15 mL - BN - $3
Earth Harbor - Aurora Luminance Ampoule, 1 fl oz - BN - $14
Human+kind - Moisturizing Hand Scrub, 2.5 fl oz - BN - $5
Trader Joe's - Rose Water Facial Toner, 4 fl oz - Sprayed once, lid cover missing - $2
Dolce Glow - Self-Tanning Mist, 6.4 oz - BN - $25
Bondi Sands - Gradual Tanning Milk, 12.7 fl oz - BN - $10
Kneipp - Mineral Bath Salt, 60 g - BN - $5
Natural Konjac Facial Sponge - BN - $1
June - Feminine Hygiene Wipes, ~8 ct - BN - $2
Degree - Cool Rush Antiperspirants Spray, 1 oz - BN - $2
Free Samples (Or $1 for 4):
submitted by Lady-of-Bronze to skincareexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:35 disney1987 Which toner should I get? byoma vs peach slices

I'm looking to incorporate a toner into my skincare routine. I have fairly clear skin usually with an occasional pimple but nothing too bad. I also think I have normal skin, maybe sometimes dry but honestly only during the winter. I heard that the peach slices snail rescue toner was good in terms of skincare benefits but I also heard really good reviews about the byoma milky toner for like makeup and stuff. Is there one y'all prefer?
submitted by disney1987 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:35 Familiar_Homework469 What are my options for lower gear ratio? Crank and/or cassette suggestions desired.

What are my options for lower gear ratio? Crank and/or cassette suggestions desired. submitted by Familiar_Homework469 to bicycletouring [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:33 Familiar_Homework469 Need lower gears. What are cassette and crank options for this bike?

Need lower gears. What are cassette and crank options for this bike? submitted by Familiar_Homework469 to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:23 killerqueen1984 Wanting a new scent this winter, I discovered the world of affordable Arab fragrances; I am hooked.

Wanting a new scent this winter, I discovered the world of affordable Arab fragrances; I am hooked.
Leave reccomendations on what I should get next, pretty please 🙏🏻 🩷 preferably $50 or less.
The scents shown here were purchased in the last 2-3 months. so far I’m loving them all, but in no random order, here are some brief reviews!
Moroccan Rose gave me a headache, but it could’ve been not related to the perfume and merely a coincidence. I’m going to try it again. Inara was a bit sharp and reminds me of something I smelled as a kid but I actually like it, it’s just strong.
Choco musk is so sweet and delicious, but it’s very simple smelling to me, but that’s why I appreciate it. It’s like vanilla extract and a hot cocoa.
Dalal is caramel, vanilla, and orange-intoxicating and sexy imo.
Golden Sand is perfectly simple to layer with my Caramel Dream from Sabrina Carpenter body mist and edp. It’s a light vanilla caramel w a smidge of warmth.
Soft- we all know what Soft smells like, a bit powdery, sweet, vanilla-lemon cupcake, yum!
Yara is vanilla, powdery and smells sweet, I love it and will purchase the full size when my mini is gone.
Right now, the latest one I got, Sabaya from Al-Rehab is perfect for spring and is really similar to Soap and Glory Original Pink, which I’ve been wanting in a perfume form. It’s closer than Inara. Was matching up notes as much as I could. I have the body spray, lotion, etc, but wanted an edp to layer with it and I think I may have found the perfect one-like a sexy citrus floral bomb of deliciousness! I will 100% repurchase this to use with my S&G bath and body products.
So, what should I get next? What are your favorite cheapies?
submitted by killerqueen1984 to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:05 IseKai_MC Origami above (almost) everyone - DAL vol 10 cover + some illustrations

Origami above (almost) everyone - DAL vol 10 cover + some illustrations
Hello guys, since I read Date a Live, I realized that the novel has a certain quality that even more popular and cult novels do not have and that seems to go unnoticed by the fandom, the covers. Yes, the covers are spectacular and break away from the standard of most LNs, there is not just fanservice, there is not just a character striking a cool pose, we actually have covers with a certain visual narrative, whether a connection with the highlighted spirit itself or with the story itself and I will be pleased to show this to you, here are the rules:
  • Due to the oriental reading sense being left -> right of the page, the details will be presented respecting this sense.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, and DAL is a novel so the images are even more valuable, the idea here is to analyze the covers and relevant illustrations to understand hints, references, foreshadowing, and contexts.
  • Pure fanservice images will not be taken into consideration (at least most of them). No, I’m not the type of otaku who says things like: “fanservice is unnecessary, objectification of women, too gratuitous and empty, it only serves to “excite the viewer””, the last one is even plausible and I understand those who think like this, but all the others are nothing more than cheap demagoguery. They will not be taken into consideration because in addition to not actually adding to the plot most of them are posted to exhaustion on this reddit.
  • Major spoilers will be avoided, at least directly.
{LN 10 Cover}
  • Author's name.
The first element is Tachibana’s name, again.
  • The highlighted girl.
The girl of the moment is… Origami? But how is Origami a spirit?
Calm down, my boy, you haven’t missed anything, in fact I promised plot twists and we have one right on the cover.
As for the spirit Origami, I want to draw attention to two things. The first is obviously her astral dress which is a wedding dress, each astral dress follows the taste of its spirit user and Origami as a child had the dream of being a wife, but there is much more than that, so this Astral Dress is a small hint of the main plot, this will become clearer in the Spirit Info topic.
The second is about the facial expression, Origami looks like she is waking up, this may symbolize that she has just become a spirit, it may be a premonition of the plot of this volume, which deals with Origami discovering the truth about her past. But this expression will be referenced in a scene that will happen 7 volumes later, when we get there I will talk about it.
  • Angel Tobiichi.
In the volume, Origami calls the spirit that killed her parents “angel”, look at the hint there.
Again the subtitle cites the spirit’s surname, the other time this happened was in the volume 4, Sister Itsuka, clearly there is a connection here as the Tenguu-Nankou fire was a relevant event for both spirits, I also believe that the work opts to use surnames if we already know the spirit of the cover and the main reason is that Tobiichi is written with the character 1, let’s go to the next topic.
  • Spirit info.
Origami is the bearer of the first sephirot and, suddenly, everything makes sense. The first important thing here is the rivalry between Tohka and Origami. Tohka is spirit number 10, Sephiroth Malkuth, the kingdom, the final receptacle that concentrates the creative force now in its densest and residual state, while Origami is spirit number 1, Sephirot Kether, force and light in its most subtle state that flows to the others, Malkuth is a reflection of Kether on a lower plane. The rivalry between Tohka and Origami reaches its definitive stage but there is still a small detail missing.
That is, Origami, among the spirits, is the closest to God. But it’s still too early to talk about this.
And yes, spirit number 10 is on the cover of volume 1 and spirit number 1 is on the cover of volume 10, I would have liked to come here and say that I discovered this but Tachibana put this information in the afterword.
Her codename is "Angel", again this word, the name of the angel is Metatron.
  • The title.
The title goes back to being in front of the spirit, in the composition “Date” above and “A Live” below and whenever this happens the rule that must be respected is, the characters corresponding to “Live” are always positioned in the belly of the spirit.
  • Background
Last but not least, the background, this time very hidden and perhaps in a horizontal strip format, I say perhaps because that part of the astral dress occupies almost the entire cover in that part. The novelty is due to the positioning of the strip that frames Origami’s legs, which gives a rather empty aspect to this cover. Referring to the position of Origami’s Sephiroth, closest to God, above the other sephiroth, as well as referring to the main scene of this volume.
The scenario is a bit hidden, there are some debris there but nothing that allows to fully identify the scene but obviously there is a fire happening there, which is obviously a reference to that relevant event again, the great fire in Tenguu-Nankou. I don’t even need to say how relevant this event is to Origami’s life, in her first illustration in volume 1, she says: “Five years ago a spirit killed my parents.”
Finally, in my opinion this is one of the best covers, again, just imagine you go to the convenience store to buy this newly released volume and find out that Origami is a spirit, just by the shock the value is already high, if you already know the story of the anime and stop to analyze the cover, the value is double the previous one, if you know the whole story of Date a Live, and try to analyze the cover in a deeper way, the value is the squared of the previous one.
Let’s open the volume.
{Illustration 2}
There’s something different about this volume, the compositions have improved a lot, apparently a reflection of the success of the animation.
The high school student and protagonist of this story, Shido Itsuka, says: “Tohka and the other girls just want a normal life.”
But wait, Shido is tied to a chair in a strange room and there in the middle is a bottle of water. Ok, it seems that Origami really changed sides.
The wizard who hates spirits is unyielding and responds that she will not only kill the spirits, “but also the entity that made me have a relationship with them.”
In the middle of the illustration there is a crack in the wall, symbolic.
{Illustration 3}
Another plot twist, Tohka is in full astral dress. And not only that, the spirit Tohka is making a declaration of hatred to Origami.
“Origami Tobiichi, I have hated you from the beginning, but the hatred I feel for you now is probably different from the hatred I used to have before and for that reason, this time I will intend to kill you, don’t die, Origami.”
Despite everything, this is a cute declaration because for the first time Tohka calls Origami by her name and not satisfied asks Origami to resist because even though she is angry, she does not want to kill Origami.
Tohka will gain a little development in this volume, hence the illustration, we will talk about this scene later.
{Illustration 4}
Gentlemen, one of the best illustrations of DAL.
The spirit Origami says: “Metatron!”
Tohka says: “Origami, why did you become a spirit!?”
In a great composition by Tsunako, Tohka and Origami are referencing the positions of their sephiroth in the tree of life. Origami appears in a superior position, distant from the “camera” and in front of the sun representing illumination, Kether, while the representative of the Kingdom, Malkhut, is in a much lower position, in the foreground and with her back to the reader. So, besides everything, they are staring at each other, symbolizing the mirroring already mentioned before.
And speaking of mirroring, do you remember the illustration I asked you to keep? As I know I asked a lot I will make it easier for you, I am talking about the mono illustration number 9 of volume 2, I warned that that image would be mirrored and there it is. In the aforementioned image Origami was still wearing a basic CR Unit from AST and Tohka for the first time debuted in her limited astral dress, the reader’s angle, our angle, brought Origami almost back in the foreground, in the image now the camera position has inversed and now we are with the vision of Tohka.
A great illustration but what generates more content here for sure are the illustrations of the table of contents, I’m sure the next one will please some people here.
{Table of contents}
Look who’s back, Kurumi Tokisaki, it’s been a while since I’ve talked about “The worst spirit.”
But there’s nothing enigmatic here, it’s just Kurumi from the back (we’ve seen and will see many backs in this volume) and as for the phrase, she just stole Kotori’s catchphrase, I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy if another character started saying “ara ara” around.
Anyway, just having Kurumi here is hype enough because, whether you like the girl or not, just her being here is a sign that something relevant is going to happen.
{Mono Illustration 5}
Ellen seems confident, on the other hand Kotori seems impatient.
To ensure that Fraxinus does not interfere with Origami’s fight, Ellen plans to use the newest toy that DEM has manufactured, the Goetia ship (another name related to magic and occultism).
Ellen and Kotori have a small dialogue where Shido’s sister tries to provoke THE STRONGEST WIZARD IN THE WORLD, but Miss Matthers is calm today, at least until she mentions Woodman.
The duel is unavoidable.
{Mono Illustration 6}
There is a lot to talk about here, let’s start with the context.
Origami challenged the spirits Tohka, Yamais, and Miku to a fight to the death and by being equipped with the CR-Unit Mordred, Origami is able to build an advantage in the fight, she leaves Tohka unconscious and hurts the other 3 a lot, the former sergeant-major decides to start the killing by Yuzuru, precisely the spirit she got along with the most. It is at this moment that Tohka wakes up and seeing this whole scene she begins to go through the inversion process, but Tohka manages to interrupt this process, two passages stand out.
“This power would not save anyone.” She didn’t want to save just Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Miku, she wanted to save Origami too.
“She was an arrogant, violent, uneducated, and foul-mouthed girl, Tohka never knew what was going on in the mind of that girl who always bothered her. Even so, Tohka wanted to hold that girl’s hands.”
Tohka says: “Shido, lend me your strength.” And she gets her full powers back. And so the two engage in a really cool fight, at this moment the narration becomes from Origami’s point of view, there is a detailing about the features of Mordred and the fighting movements, time passes a little and Origami begins to feel too confident. She begins to ramble about having the ability to kill spirits, she begins to think about the death of her parents, about what she saw in the DEM report of the fire in Tenguu-Nankou.
Clearly Origami is not well, finally her body collapses and we have an illustration.
Now talking about the illustration itself, this is a reference to Mono Illustration 2 of volume 1, whose differences I highlight now. The most obvious difference is about Tohka who is no longer with that serious and empty look, here Tohka is clearly angry and screaming, in a way such expressiveness demonstrates how much this girl has developed.
Still about Tohka, this time it is she who is making an attack movement, but there is no blood in this image, an indication that it was not an attack to kill.
The other difference is about Origami, in that illustration I quote how much the “expressionless” Origami demonstrated tension, effort, and pressure, and I highlight the drop of sweat on her face. Something we can’t do here because this time Origami is with her back to the “camera” not allowing us to see her eyes.
“The eyes are the window to the soul” So not showing the eyes is a strong symbolism, you can’t read the person’s emotions, you can’t even recognize the person, humanity is taken from the person and about this, this is the last illustration in which Origami Tobiichi is still human, because…
{Mono illustration 7}
Origami became a spirit.
“Hey, is it power that you desire?”
“What are you?”
Origami used [What] instead of [Who] in reflex. [It] might have guessed what she meant and laughed as if it found it funny.
“What I am doesn’t matter now.”
After becoming spirit Origami, without delay, she goes to Tohka and then we have the illustration which is of Origami using Metatron’s Shemesh skill.
{Mono Illustration 9}
Ara, ara.
Origami was so crazy that it was only after seeing Shido and running away from there that this girl began to understand the points, mainly about who gave her the spirit powers, the mysterious “Phantom”.
She reflects a little more and realizes that a certain spirit may have the ability to go back in time. About the illustration itself, another beautiful composition by Tsunako, in it we can contemplate Kurumi, apparently on a terrace, with building lights, Kurumi appears joyful in seeing Origami.
“It’s been a long time, Origami-san!”
As for Origami, again she is with her back turned and carrying a clone of Kurumi. The anime softened but here in the novel Origami seems to have returned the “affection” that Kurumi had done to her in volume 3 in the form of a very strong “massage”. But the clone does not seem to have liked it.
“I did not come here to fight.”
“Among the 12 bullets, is there one that can go back in time?”
Kurumi makes a little suspense but answers that, yes, there is, Origami asks her to lend her this bullet.
At first Kurumi denies, but since we are talking a little more about the Kabbalah, the Sephiroth of the worst spirit is Binah, the understanding, realizing that Tobiichi would not leave there without a “yes” as an answer Kurumi asks “why?”
“I want to go back 5 years and kill the spirit that killed my parents.”
At this moment the narration enters Kurumi’s thoughts, she begins to think that Origami came to her because she felt so invincible and therefore would force Kurumi to do what she wants, if necessary.
But then Kurumi begins to think that it was just a miscalculation by the girl, a miscalculation caused by the temptation to change the past.
“And Kurumi understood so much that it even hurt.”
Kurumi accepts but will not do this for free, time travel would cost a lot of lifetime, but that would not be a problem since now Origami has plenty of it.
{Mono Illustration 10}
Origami discovered the harsh truth.
She really went to the past, had a brief fight with Phantom, managed to be the first to take off Phantom’s "mask", also managed to hear Phantom’s real voice, and when she thought she had also managed to save her parents, when she looked down there was a little girl swearing Origami to death, the little girl was Origami herself 5 years ago.
“I will definitely kill you!”
“Who killed… my father and my mother… Was me…”
  • Mini review of the volume.
This was Volume 10, released on March 20, 2014, about 2 weeks before the second season premiered, and it’s a sensational volume.
First of all, it’s a volume full of plot twists, Shido in private imprisonment, Origami fighting with the intention to kill 4 spirits at once, Fraxinus being defeated by Ellen’s Goetia, Tohka returning to use a full astral dress, Origami becoming a spirit, Origami going to the past, Origami facing Phantom, Origami killing her own parents, the illustrations end there but there’s still a lot of content, Origami inverts, Inverse Origami destroys all of Tenguu City and finally Kurumi going to Shido, Shido also being sent to the past. Entertainment and tension are not lacking here.
Did you notice that the lore makes a lot of references to the first volumes? This volume also makes a point of rewarding the reader for all this time following the story, the plot twist of Origami for example, was foreshadowed back in Volume 1, when she aims at Tohka but hits and "kills" Shido, from there a big hint that Origami has the bad habit of killing, by accident, the people she loves the most.
Origami was not the only character developed here, Tohka also grows and thanks the Shido’s ideology, at no time did she deny the existence of Origami and even though she said she was going to attack to kill she asked Origami not to die.
Although short, Kurumi had a great participation and we were able to learn more about her and for someone who is known as “the worst spirit” she was quite kind.
The only impediment for Volume 10 to sit alongside the best volumes of DAL is because most of the answers are in the next volume and when we take into consideration what both have to offer, the overall impression about Volume 10 improves, after all there is a big cliffhanger for Volume 11.
Origami managed to take off Phantom’s “mask” and even hear her voice, with that we can know that Phantom is a girl and is someone Origami knows, that is, she is also someone we know.
That’s it, Origami was a spirit all this time, and next we will find out how Shido and Kurumi will solve this mess. Finally, stay with this iconic phrase that Origami says in this volume, the phrase says a lot about many things in DAL.
“I will now wield this power to defeat the Spirits. I will become the Spirit that kills Spirits. Once I eliminate all Spirits────I will erase the last one, me”.
Previous Reviews.
-volume 1 - The color of the Night.
- volume 2 - Yoshinon and the Rain.
- volume 3 - The smile of Kurumi.
- volume 4 - Sister or Girlfriend?
- volume 5 - Yamais
- volume 6 - Lilies, she likes
- volume 7 - The Dark of the Night.
- volume 8 - What do people do on Halloween?
- volume 9 - Natsumi Without Costume
submitted by IseKai_MC to datealive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:59 Aginagala WWF Summerslam 1997 Review

Welcome back to my running series of WWF PPV Reviews from a ‘blind’ perspective (I have no idea what’s going to happen; the results, the feuds or how good any of the matches will be). I have always heard stories of the attitude era and golden age but never watched it myself so I set myself to watching every single PPV event chronologically. I am also watching Wrestling Bios ‘reliving the war’ series to keep me updated inbetween the events with the feuds, and to get excited about upcoming matches.
Before I review the matches, based on the past few episodes of raw and last PPVs I’ll let you know, going into the event, which match I’m most excited for and which feud I’m most excited to see.
The match I’m most excited to see has gotta be Bret hart vs Undertaker. Two absolute all timers in the ring for the championship at summerslam? I mean come on what else can I pick it’s a sure fire banger.
The feud im most excited to see is actually Mankind vs HHH, I think they’ve got a really good dynamic and opening the show after last Ppv is genuinely exciting.
WWF Summerslam 1997 Match Ratings
HHH vs Mankind Steel Cage Match 2.75/5
Goldust vs Brian Pillman 1/5
The Godwinns vs Legion of Doom 1.25/5
Bulldog vs Shamrock 2.25/5
Los Boricuas vs Disciples of Apocalypse 0.5/5
Owen Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin 3.5/5
Bret Hart vs Undertaker 4.25/5
The steel cage match is actually the first I’ve seen since starting this journey so well over a year with no kind of cage match, definitely adds a level of anticipation and excitement.
In terms of the actual match tho it wasn’t anything too special and honestly their match at Canadian stampede was way more entertaining. There were however a couple of completely nuts spots, mankind being suplexed from the top of the cage, and mankind delivering a flying elbow from the top of the cage, he is just an insane man; how he did all these crazy bumps never ending his career super early or anything is just divine intervention. It’s good entertainment but it wasn’t the best match. It is however very telling of what’s to come in the WWF with upcoming PPVs, with hell in a cell and more insane high flying spots.
What I am loving is Mick Foleys character development, he comes to the ring as mankind, does his bang bang as a call back to cactus jack and at the end when he’s hurt, dude loves music plays, his foot starts moving and he starts dancing (ish). Everyone absolutely loved it and so did I.
The Pillman match against Goldust was very boring, I didn’t expect too much as I’m not that big of a Goldust fan if I’m completely honest; I just think he isn’t that exciting to watch. Pillman ends up losing which means… he has to wear a dress on raw? 😂 this whole gimmick match and feud is just an L for me. The crowd was surprisingly into it, but I don’t really know what to say about it, it was just a snooze fest.
Looking this match up I realised Pillman was injured during this event and he sadly passed away two months after this. Rest in peace he was a fantastic unhinged character and that’s a real shame. He just couldn’t perform as his body wouldn’t let him anymore.
Well that’s a rather sour note but let’s move onto the most established entertaining tag team at this point in the WWF legion of doom. But it’s a real shame that they had to get in with the godwinns as when the godwinns were in control which was over half the match they seriously slowed to to a snails pace, holding for way way too long. That spike piledriver at the end was cool by the legion of doom but to be honest most of the match was just another snoozefest. Just skip the last two matches.
Inbetween the next match there’s a SEVEN MINUTE section where they had this million dollar chance between a couple of live contestants and a couple of phone calls, no one ends up winning and it’s just pointless. Man the start to this event has been a mixed bag…
Shamrock actually has a very valid reason to be mad at the bulldog, with him having the bulldog throw dog food on him, so let’s hope this is a physical match to really get this PPV going.
And it was decently physical to be fair to them, I’m not sure I’m shamrock was out on his feet for a portion of it as he was no selling a few punches and had a busted lip so there’d been some sort of connection somewhere. Like I say though the angle they were going for was cooler than the actual match and it was satisfying seeing that after the match shamrock got himself DQd and just lost it, beating the bulldog after he threw dog food on him again, holding a chin lock on him so long he passes out, using finishers in referees, this was cool. The match was about restoring his honour in a way and he certainly did that. The crowd goes nuts and he’s in the ring just screaming, bloody brilliant. The actual match was a little lacking though and this should set up for a good match coming up.
And oh boy was I wrong genuinely I don’t know why but this match was so awful. For pretty much 90% of the time the wrestlers just didn’t know what to do. There were no impressive spots, no playing to the crowd, no psychology just nada. Like the last event I watched the ppv can benefit from less matches that are better booked. I don’t know why this match exists, I don’t know what it achieved. One thing that was insane was the amount of body hair Perez has… like it’s an insane amount, it’s not normal 😂 I couldn’t help but just look at it in complete awe like what the hell am I seeing? But when a man’s body hair is more entertaining than the match that’s a problem. When the pinfall came the crowd literally, I’m not joking, had 0 reaction. Avoid like the plague.
The next match I’m honestly having really mixed feelings about. Owen hart and Austin on paper should be a good match, and that it is… but this is when Austin’s neck was broken and he was temporarily paralysed after a botched piledriver. So this means… Austin is probably gunna go more part time after this. I don’t know this but I’m just assuming but we’ll see. IM NOT READY!!
Before I mention the injury again, the match was going extremely well and it was a tremendously entertaining bout. I find it crazy that they were making a big deal of Owen working the neck only for him to actually break it. The different styles of the wrestlers, Owen being technical and stone cold being a brawler really made for a pure class match. I’d imagine they were going to go a bit longer but had to come up with a new finish on the spot so credit to them for that. And ouch it was a horrible spot to see, knowing what was coming up I winced and cringed so hard when it happened. Owen does a good job of playing up to the crowd after the botch and covering over for the pinfall but seeing Austin just completely dead in the ring like that is heartbreaking after seeing his rise. They played it off so well in fact that the crowd doesn’t really seem to notice. Austin seems to insist on getting himself standing up and raising the belt, and he refuses help until he gets out of the arena, truly amazing dedication to the wwf and why he was and is a superstar. It’s a real shame it had to end like that because again they were performing really well and putting on a good show. Reading about it Austin was out for 3 months after this and apparently Owen hart was meant to drop to his knees not sit down which had a big part to do with the botch. GOD DAMN IT!! But we all know he returns an even bigger superstar, so I’ve got that to look forward to.
Okay enough about the injury, let’s get onto the main event.
Shawn being the referee and knowing the fighting that was happening backstage for real between Bret and Shawn made this really exciting. I bet this is gunna be full of drama!
The match starts off at break-neck pace (pun intended) with Bret hart smashing undertaker across the back with a belt and there’s no DQ because the bell hasn’t been rung yet. They exchange blows together as it goes back and forth in and out of the ring and I’m loving every second. Paul bearer eventually makes his way to the ring only the be smacked multiple times right on the jaw and god there’s something so satisfying about Paul bearer getting clocked. Multiple times Shawn is actually acting as a good referee which adds to the drama as Bret is keeping a close eye on him. Some of the hart foundation also come to the outside of the ring and undertaker does his iconic lean on the ropes to almost backflip outside the ring which looks so good and beats the hell out of them. I thought this would be dramatic!
This match was actually an absolute banger I really enjoyed it. Hart plays his heel perfectly as usual during the whole bout and when he’s eventually victorious the ring is filled with trash and people showering him with abuse. I thought even though this was a pretty long match at 30 minutes they were able to fill most of it with good action. The last 5 minutes were especially dramatic with a steel chair getting involved, Shawn is hurt on the outside and hart smacks undertaker clean across the head with it, Shawn notices the chair when he comes back into the ring and calls Bret out, Bret then spits on Shawn and he ducks as Shawn swings for him with the chair, he hits undertaker and that’s all she wrote. I think the match could’ve benefitted from being a bit shorter in all honesty; focus the action down to a shorter time but a longer match with Shawn as the special referee, undertaker vs Bret, WWF title, you can’t complain about it being too long. I would’ve liked to have seen a bit more offense from undertaker as his striking ability and in ring moves are so exciting to watch. But great match and it felt like a big main event as it should do at summerslam.
Overall the PPV had a great ending, a good start, and a terrible mid card. I really hope they don’t go back to booking boring mid cards with wrestlers they know can’t put on a show, instead they can stick with less matches with more quality. I did enjoy watching this though. I think the PPV will always be known for the piledriver botch but I think the main event is worth a watch as well. I also think this event was worth noting that a lot of people feel this is the beginning of the attitude era, people saying survivor series as well or December 1997 but we’ll see.
Overall rating 2.75/5
submitted by Aginagala to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:51 QuietLingonberry [SELL][US] Paulas Choice, Kiehls, spf, misc.

U.S. only, shipping starts at $4 and goes up with weight Paypal only Will consider offers PHOTOS
• Paula's Choice 10% AHA body lotion, 7oz, brand new/sealed, $15ea (x2)
• Fur Stubble Cream, 5oz, brand new/sealed, $20
• Paula's Choice Acne Body Spray, 4oz, ~95% full, $20
• Paula's Choice 25% AHA + 2% BHA, 1oz, used once, $30
• Ordinary Azelaic Acid, 3.4oz, ~30% full, $10
• Bare Minerals 10% Phyto-Retinol Night Concentrate, 8ml, brand new, Free With Purchase (forgot to take out of box, can update)
• Bare Minerals Long Life Herb Serum, 1ml, brand new, foil packet, Free With Purchase
• Kiehl's Ultra Facial Toner, 8.4oz, ~85% full, $15
• Kiehl's Calendula Toner, 1.4oz, brand new/sealed, $5
• Kiehl's Calendula Face Wash, 1oz, brand new (didn't come sealed), $5
• Earth Therapeutics Tea Tree Facial Towelettes, 15 towelettes, brand new/sealed, Free With Purchase
• La Roche Posay Anthelios Body & Face Mineral SPF 50, 4oz, exp 8/2024, ~90% full, $15
• Walgreens Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 30 Fragrance Free, 4oz, exp 6/2025, ~90% full, $5
• Differin Oil Absorbing Moisturizer SPF 30, 4oz, exp 8/2025, brand new, $10
• Bliss Vitamin C + Tri-Peptide Moisturizer, 15ml, brand new/sealed, $5
• Paula's Choice Rescue & Repair Weightless Moisturizer, 2oz, ~95% full, $25
• Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask, 1oz, ~85% full, $15
• Paula's Choice Moisture Renewal Oil Booster, 20ml, ~95% full, $25
• Good Molecules Bakuchiol Oil Blend for Dry Skin, 12ml, ~75% left, $5
• Stratia Fortify oil, 1oz, ~85% left, $15
submitted by QuietLingonberry to skincareexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:46 Low_Reflection_4067 Laser Hair Removal Aftercare

I’m getting full body laser hair removal, including my face. Am I able to continue using the following skincare products as Im doing laser:
submitted by Low_Reflection_4067 to beauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:38 VIPeach- Help with heat rash

I randomly started getting heat rash on my body out of nowhere— I get it on my upper chest/underboob area mostly, but I’ve also had it on my upper back and inside of my arms. I’ve never had this before and was so confused when I started getting it.
When you google treatment, it just says to keep the area cool and dry. But I don’t want this to happen any time I’m exercising or outside in the summer. So I googled the cause of heat rash, and it’s a blocked pore that traps the sweat in, causing little bumps.
Do you think using a salicylic acid body wash and glycolic acid toner will help get rid of this problem and prevent it from happening in the future? This isn’t forever, right?
submitted by VIPeach- to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:37 VIPeach- Heat rash?! [Routine help]

I randomly started getting heat rash on my body out of nowhere— I get it on my upper chest/underboob area mostly, but I’ve also had it on my upper back and inside of my arms. I’ve never had this before and was so confused when I started getting it.
When you google treatment, it just says to keep the area cool and dry. But I don’t want this to happen any time I’m exercising or outside in the summer. So I googled the cause of heat rash, and it’s a blocked pore that traps the sweat in, causing little, itchy bumps.
Do you think using a salicylic acid body wash and glycolic acid toner will help get rid of this problem and prevent it from happening in the future? This isn’t forever, is it?
submitted by VIPeach- to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:31 lvasnow Toner Recc?

Hi all, I'm looking for a good, lightly hydrating toner. I have combination skin that gets oily when it's dehydrated, so I can't have anything too astringent or thick.
I've heard good things about the CosRX toners: hydrium, centella and propolis (which seems a bit rich to me). I also wouldn't mind if it had a mild fragrance since all my other products are completely fragrance-free. My last toner was the Seaweed toner from body shop and it had a very light, "blink-and-you-miss-it" ocean-y scent that I adored.
Any ideas? I can't seem to find anything that isn't super astringent.
submitted by lvasnow to CanSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 SnooMarzipans1262 Hiring lag

So, can anyone tell me what the hell is going on with IATSE 720 in Las Vegas? I applied back in January, with a strong resume, decent amount of experience, a handful of reputable references and referrals; and have yet to hear anything back.
There are a few of the members I’ve spoken to that say the hall leadership only meets once a month to review the applications, and they don’t even go to do that in person. I know for a fact that there is a manning shortage across multiple properties needing bodies, but the hiring process is taking THIS long?
How is this acceptable, and why is it allowed to continue happening like this?
submitted by SnooMarzipans1262 to IATSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:17 Professional-Fan1372 Anyone have the UVMune 400 Milk? How do you like it?

Anyone have the UVMune 400 Milk? How do you like it?
I can mostly only find reviews about the spray, but not the milk!
I'm intrigued by the good filters and big size for €20. However, I can't find much information about texture, possible eye irritation (my eyes are sensitive), shininess (dewy is great though!) etc. Is it comfortable enough to use every day on the face and body, which includes being inside? How do you like it?
submitted by Professional-Fan1372 to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:11 East_Alternative_538 Candy AI In-Depth Review: Is It Truly Worth Your Time?

Candy AI In-Depth Review: Is It Truly Worth Your Time?
As an avid enthusiast of NSFW AI chatbots, having explored over 15 different products, I've identified two primary categories of NSFW AI offerings on the market today.
The first category focuses on creating realistic and immersive chat experiences. Examples like SoulFun AI utilize multimodal AI technology to facilitate interactions through text, images, voice, and even video.
The second category emphasizes text-based content and typically features less advanced capabilities for generating images, with Janitor AI being a prime example.
Candy AI aligns more closely with the first category, providing users with highly immersive and personalized chat experiences. This platform excels in delivering lifelike sexting interactions with AI-generated companions.
Best Features Review:
1) Characters (Score: 9.5/10)
Candy AI offers an impressive selection of 39 female characters and 9 male characters, split between 23 realistic and 16 anime-style female characters. Each character is endowed with both physical and personality attributes. However, during interactions, I noticed that the personality traits don’t always come through effectively.
2) Chat Experience (Score: 7.3/10)
Candy AI employs a large language model, likely an open-source AI with some modifications. Response times are swift, and the replies remain consistently true to the characters' settings, which is commendable. The memory capabilities are also strong, as the AI can recall personal settings even after extended chats. However, the content tends to be heavily NSFW-focused, which can be intrusive when seeking more casual conversations.
3) NSFW Chat (Score: 8.5/10)
Initiating NSFW chats is exceptionally easy with any of the characters, but this often leads to a loss of their unique personalities. Additionally, characters readily share NSFW images even in initial interactions, giving the platform a feel akin to an OnlyFans alternative.
4) Image Generation (Score: 8/10)
The standout feature of Candy AI is undoubtedly its photo generation. The images produced are of high quality with realistic textures. Nonetheless, the common "fingers problem" seen in many AI-generated images persists here as well.
5) Voice Generation (Score: 8.5/10)
The improvements in voice generation are noteworthy. What started as very robotic voices have now evolved into lifelike audio, greatly enhancing the immersive experience. Users can even make phone calls to the characters, though this incurs additional charges.
6) Character Creation (Score: 7/10)
Candy AI provides detailed settings for creating your AI companions, allowing choices for race, body type, hair and eye color, and the nature of your relationship. However, unlike other NSFW AI chatbots, you cannot write prompts to define personality traits. Instead, you are limited to preset tags. The character's appearance is generated randomly based on these settings, and there’s often a disconnect between the appearance and the intended personality.
Overall Score: 8/10
Despite some criticisms, I believe Candy AI is a solid and worthwhile NSFW AI option. Its photorealistic image generation and extensive functionalities make it a standout among similar products. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in character personality consistency and customization, Candy AI offers a unique and engaging experience.
If you’ve tried Candy AI, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment with your feedback and experiences.
submitted by East_Alternative_538 to nsfwaigenerator [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:07 Consistent-Fun-8782 Anxious about being posted on a review site!!

Found out about a popular sb review site, so I took a look and found a post with a link to my current seeking profile, with references to another one I had in the past!
Basically there’s a couple posts about me. That entailed some comments on my teeth, body, and that I’m a rinser bc I had to get home to study for finals. For context, I am black and have a little gap in my front two teeth, which is pretty common…
Anyways, I’m anxious and not sure what to do about it or how. I do know who posted about me recently though based on the posting date, since that was one of the first dates I’ve had since joining back on seeking.
TLDR: found seeking profile on a review site, know who posted, and not sure what to do. Any advice is welcome!
submitted by Consistent-Fun-8782 to SugarBABYonlyforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:52 Detroitsaab [9 YoE] Mechanical Engineer with experience in the EV field, Resume Review

[9 YoE] Mechanical Engineer with experience in the EV field, Resume Review
MechE with about 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of internships/co-ops. I have spent most of my career in the automotive field specifically in EV vehicles. I am currently looking for a new position. I used the wiki here plus a previous employers transition resume help. I have been applying a lot but feel that my resume might be hindering my potential positions due to my resume even though I feel that I have a large amount of experience.
submitted by Detroitsaab to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:51 CountChoculaGotMeFat Does Bath and Body Works Have An Affiliate Program?

I'm not an influencer, nor do I aspire to be one. I do have a foster child that is TikTok obsessed though, and dreams of being an influencer.
She wants to review products. Crumbl Cookie and Bath and Body Works specifically haha.
I was just curious if B&BW had any type of deal with influencers?
I have to admit that even I'd be tempted to put my ugly mug on Social Media if it meant getting free B&BW items.
submitted by CountChoculaGotMeFat to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:45 floorlight allbeauty referral code - 10% off your first order

allbeauty referral code - 10% off your first order
Do you want 10% off your first order at allbeauty?
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All Beauty Refer a Friend scheme
submitted by floorlight to breadandhoney [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:34 angelinabobina312 DSH Perfumes Curated Discovery Set mini reviews/impressions

I purchased the “Find Your Essence” personal curated discovery set for DSH Perfumes from their Etsy shop. It was $35 USD compared to the $25 for the pick your own scent discovery set. It came with five 1 mL sample vials personally chosen by the perfumer and a few extra samples on the side. The vials are dabbers in a vdp (voile de parfum) oil format, not my favorite, so it was hard to judge longevity and projection this way. However, SPOILER ALERT, I ended up purchasing two larger sized EDPs based on this discovery set and the longevity on those is excellent (all day on skin and clothing).
When submitting my purchase for this discovery set, I was asked to include information on what I was looking for and what scents I already enjoy. Basically I said I was looking for a vintage floral animalic and separately, something green. I received Tubereuse, Chinchilla, Emerald Hyrax, Musc Al Madina, and Halfeti Rose. Midway through my sampling I reached out to DSH Perfumes via Etsy messaging just to let them know how much I was enjoying the discovery set and received a reply from Dawn Spencer Hurwitz herself, so she seems to be very involved in the process. I feel like she did an excellent job with the choices I was sent based on my preferences.
Quotes included at the beginning of my reviews are the perfumers' descriptions taken from the DSH Perfumes website. I am just a novice admirer of things that smell good, so of course these mini reviews/impressions are just my own opinions. I have more samples from DSH that came with this set and also with the two bottles I bought so I can maybe do a part 2 if there is any interest :)
Tubereuse - “Its milky white and flesh flowers bear the secret of attraction. In India, this flower is called ‘Mistress of the Night:’ The most sensuous and intoxicating of perfumes.” Tubereuse is a sweet, creamy, and rich tuberose. Not much else going on but it’s oh so pretty. Whatever this soft base is, it’s really nice. It’s not complicated, it’s exactly its title; a soliflore tuberose. Lovely, I can't stop sniffing my wrists.
Chinchilla - “A ‘retro nouveau’ floriental/honey musk animalic fragrance. It’s gorgeously sexy, and yet so very cozy and comforting.” My latest OBSESSION. Chinchilla is a soft honeyed animalic. It is indeed gorgeous and sexy. A very vintage feeling, animalic floral. This can be worn dressed up for an evening out but it also feels very comfy on your favorite sweatshirt curled up on the couch. It opens with this rush of sweet honey and then these soft, powdery florals all with this musky hint of something furry underneath. If I made that sound too sweet, it really isn’t. Smells great on clothing but AMAZING on skin. This was an instant love and I ended up purchasing a 10 mL bottle.
Emerald Hyrax - “The newest addition to ‘my menagerie’ of animalic fragrances: a glamorous, retro-nouveau green chypre animalic with notes of Galbanum, Bergamot, Muguet, Jasmine(s), Sandalwood, Amber, Cistus, and Oakmoss.” Emerald hyrax to me has a boozy but green opening. There is no booze note listed so go figure. There is galbanum which I love and it’s giving it this fresh cut grass thing. After that there are some sparkly florals along with a soft animalic musk. This is so beautiful. I feel like a woman ready to go out in the 1940s in my furs, hair perfectly coiffed, with a whiskey cocktail in hand. When I first tried it in its tiny vial, I was like “how can I get this little amount all over my body” because I wanted to BATHE in it. Needless to say, I purchased a larger sized EDP…
Musc Al Madina - “A dense and very dark, animalic musk with rich and earthy nuances.” Musc Al Madina is a dusty kinda musty musk and I like it. It’s a little funky but somehow still beautiful. It’s like the dark dusty corner of an antique attic where hand woven laces are being eaten away by time and old dried out bouquets have been long forgotten. It is a tad dank and dark but also pleasant at the same time. I appreciate this but I don’t think I could wear it. If you like something a bit dark and musty in your musks, then this could be for you!
Halfeti Rose - “A deep, red-black rose oud design, rich with resins, incense notes, and luscious pigmented fruits; featuring Turkish aromatics like Turkish rose absolute and Galbanum.” Halfeti Rose, oh my. This opened dark and smoky. Like, whoa, it caught me off guard with this thick charcoal smoke. That lightens up a bit and then this deep red rose pushes through, though that dense, dark, what I perceive to be smoky note, remains throughout. It could be the oud, I am not very familiar with actual oud (and not sure if that is what is used in this). I didn’t get any fruits or incense. I may need to revisit this again, I just wasn’t vibing with it. It is very interesting and was a little journey for my nose, but first impressions; this perfume would wear me. It would take over my life and do dark things. This is not for me.
BONUS SAMPLE (not included in my curated set)
Giverny in Bloom - “An impressionist style perfume of green budding trees, wet dewy flowers and soil, that transforms to a rich floral bouquet as it wears.” I went into this one blindly, knowing nothing but the name, which I vaguely recognized but couldn’t place where I knew it from. It opens with notes of realistic damp, freshly turned soil, and wet green leaves! I almost gasped out loud, this is a garden! It then turns into a beautiful soft floral like the garden is coming into bloom. Surely this is what people must mean when they refer to “perfume as art.” I had to know more, so headed over to the DSH perfumes website where I read that this was actually created for Denver Art Museum’s “In Bloom” exhibit ‘scent experience’. “The inspiration for Giverny In Bloom is not only taken from actual information about Monet’s garden but also from the flowers found in the paintings of the exhibit. This ties the scent experience to more than the Monet paintings in the show.” She definitely nailed it. And alas, I remembered where I recognized Giverny from. I’m sure a larger size is in my future.
TLDR; Go and get yourself some DSH Samples available in their Etsy shop or directly from the website
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