Hacked facebook pics gallery

now double verified

2009.08.28 10:49 namsilat now double verified

/facepalm - please sir can I have some more?

2012.01.21 23:18 twentygreen New Zealand Photos

A subreddit dedicated to photographs of New Zealand.

2016.02.27 17:13 solo89 Disney Pin Swap

DisneyPinSwap is the definitive community for everything Disney Pins! A community of over 20,000 pin lovers with daily trades, news, and discussion! See our wiki for FAQs and general info!

2024.05.20 04:43 modifiedfag 16 million

16 million submitted by modifiedfag to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 1241308650 Does your husband follow "hot girls" on Instagram? and other social media grumblings

So I have plenty of issues with my marriage but for some reason this one really stands out. My husband (40) and I (41) have been together for 15 years and married for ten.
Ive never been the least bit bothered by porn, which he does partake in (as do i on a more seldom occassion), but in the last year or so ive noticed that he follows a lot of hot girls in instagram.
I just dont get it. i dont follow guys on instagram just bc theyre hot. it doesnt make me feel good. hes done a lot to make me not feel good...recently hes gotten on medication and suddenly in the past month has acted nicer and more appreciative than ive seen in years.
But i am worried ive checked out. i lost 30 pounds and have been throwing a lot of time and money at my appearance in the past couple years. amidst getting nitpicked and nagged at by him for all my percieved shortcomings and glaring flaws, ive just been appreciating me. after 14 years of zero crushes on other men ive had two in the past year. seriously all it takes is for a guy to be cute and pffer a fleeting percieved glance of admiration and to be nice and im so appreciative of it. i both enjoy feeling that again and resentful im that desperate.
and now my husband is finally acting how i have been wanting him to since we had kids seven years ago and im relieved to not be walking on eggshells or feeling like hes judging me, but hes lost his luster. hes just a guy who looks at hot chicks on instagram and worked overtime to blame me for every bad feeling.
even years ago he switched his instagram description from "just pics from my life and my family" to no reference to our family and no pics of anything but his projects and cars. his facebook profile pics havent included me for years. i actually realized that this past weekend and scrolled thru my profile pics that are just me and him for the past seven years and switched it to one of me and my boys.
i just feel that ive endured years of him checking out of his adoration of me and these are tangible pieces of evidence of that...im tired of not feeling good. in the past month since hes flipped a switch he also bought me an anniversary band a month after our ten year anniversary. its like once he started feeling better emotionally he got nicer and suddenly wanted to do something nice for me. i wouldve relished this stuff even a year earlier i would be thrilled right now.
but ive spent years with him nagging and yelling and grumbling and taking me for granted and even threatening divorce when he was miserable with a couple different jobs, while i was slowly finding ways to feel at peace outside of him.
ive recently read about the walk away wife syndrome and i hate that emotionally thats where im at. i dont want to ever get divorced. i want our life forever. i dont want our kids to have two homes. i want to just fully embrace the sweet attentive person my husband has become the past month. im not sure if this new "him" will last, so ill continue to plan to embrace the things about myself and my life beyond him. what scares me is if this medication is helping and hes taking a turn for better for good, wouldnt it be depressing if he waited too long, after years and years, and only gets his issues under control once i checked out? the instagram thing sounds silly but it's just this huge representation of the ways he DOESNT make me feel special or cherished, and my silly little crushes recently have been vague glimpses into feelings im clearly missing and craving.
submitted by 1241308650 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 MagentaPencil Being followed and radiation sickness

Throwaway because of the subject. I'm being followed and observed everywhere I go for most of the past year. They seem to be using my cellphone as a tracking device. I notice strange things happenings to my phone, like old emails suddenly changing permissions to my photos and recorded phone activity. When I leave home my security camaras start gliching out and they stop sending notifications. Old facebook accounts which I lost access to start sending email notification of activity but I have no idea what's going on so I close the email accounts.
This same thing happend to my sister a few years ago as well, she ended up hospitalized. They really fucked her up. It all started shortly after a close realtive contracted a local equivalent of a lawyer from the CIA. At first I thought it was a political persecution as I engage online in a local forum and dating sites and sometimes have disagreements with dense people of other wings.
Things get personal quick when people start coming in too close for comfort as if I'm some kind of jihad terrorist. I start recording them as evidence and the motherfuckers start coming with kids to make it look I'm recording them. They are always step ahead of me, I trip on all their sticks.
I start having an STD and get checked out by doctors and treatment. This particular std is known to be related as intel ops to give people cancer. I'm having a wild ride while dealing with a challenging std and these people after me. I start confiding to doctors there's strange people following me. After telling a doc. says she's going to use the phone flashlight to check something out but instead she takes a pic of me. Shit goes south from there, they start doing ops where I eat and buy my food and then feel sick to my stomach, falling ill for a few days at a time.
It gets worse the more people I tell. It's a nightmare. Some days it's an all feminist group, some mixed like there are different groups, no doubt there is a medical group involved fucking up my health. I go to a lawyer to see if there is something the state is involved because it's ridiculous the amount of resources that are being employed on me, it comes out blank.
My family thinks I'm going crazy, they only do it while I'm alone. I see a psychiatrist and change meds, nothings changes things just get wilder. They start doing ops at the fucking pharmacy where I get my drugs like they are tampering with my meds.
Its been at least 3 months I have low-grade fever, fatigue, short of breath and chest pain. Then things get serious when ever I go out to pay bills and while in line people with bags start getting uncomfortable close to me, when I get home I feel absolutely wrecked. I start googling my symptoms and they match with radiation sickness. These people are doing some kind of radiotherapy to me, rendering useless my groin area, I can't even pee properly, can't eat for long periods because of the nausea.
There's also news a iodine 131 sample goes missing from a local med department the same week my house show signs of being broken into. I start having a mirradid of other health problems all linked to radiation poisoning, my house looks like is compromised. I go to my physician and he basically laughs off all of it as if he knew what the fuck is going on. Doesn't give me anything for the pain or symptoms. I get a blood analysis done and my sample get fucking stolen, wtf.
There is some kind of intel group that's summoning other groups to attack my health. Somebody fabricated something on me but they have absolutely no evidence, its seems to be all speculation. They are getting really dense now and I feel they are now trying to kill me with radiation or give me lifelong health complications. On different occasions I reached out to the police and they did nothing since no evidence, then to the municipality and then to a private investigator that basically postponed the meeting several times and ghosted me. My phone is tapped so any action I do there is a countermeasure being done by some other group.
Shit it too much and don't know for how long I can take it. Advice is welcomed if you have anything of value to add, save it if you have shitty whitty comments, enough damage is being done. Heads up, this is a third world country with equally shitty laws.
submitted by MagentaPencil to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:33 dengeltheyounger Possibly Buying 1999 Triumph Thunderbird With Head Gasket Repaired

So, I've been looking for a motorcycle for a little bit now. I was able to talk this guy down to $900.
He replaced the head gasket, and apparently all of the gaskets on up. It's hard for me to tell if this is a good deal or not. He was pretty honest with the pictures, and he mentioned that he's willing to do a compression test (which he had said he had done before and it was in spec according to the service manual) when I asked if he would be willing to do that and send pics.
I found out that he bought it and then replaced the head gasket (which I assume means he's flipping).
Is this a good deal for the price?
submitted by dengeltheyounger to SuggestAMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:29 Michaelluminati KT Facebook page hacked?

KT Facebook page hacked?
Or redban is having a shitty day. Either way, it’s chaos.
submitted by Michaelluminati to Killtony [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:25 Bimmer_Lemer (WTS) CMMG 16" Bull barrel, 3x Maglula UpLula mag loaders

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/gallery/xEBmNB3
More pictures: https://imgur.com/gallery/t4ELlaE
Hey ya'll! I've got a couple of things up for sale as follows:
CMMG 16" Bull barrel (non threaded) chamber in 5.56 brand new never mounted, never fired. Dimpled for gas block (see pics) -$110 shipped. Willing to take offers just PM me!
3x x2 Maglula universal pistol mag loaders- $20 EACH shipped
PP F&F or G&S +3% to cover fee. ABSOLUTELY NO NOTES!
If you have any questions please feel free to PM me! Thanks for looking!
submitted by Bimmer_Lemer to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:16 AMedditor How to remove a dataset/pixel connected to my account?!

Please help, recently my FaceBook account was hacked and the hacker connected his pixel/dataset to my account and it has been IMPOSSIBLE to figure out how to remove it. Meta Support said they had removed it but it came right back, I reset my password and changed 2FA. What can they do to me if their dataset shows up in my events manager? How can I remove their pixel? Why even connect a random pixel to my account?
submitted by AMedditor to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:11 Ordinary_Kiwi_3196 Deceased friend's account hacked, used to create insta account, then banned. Any ideas?

A friend of mine died a few months ago, and his wife tells us today that his Facebook account got hacked. They used that hacked account to create a fake instagram page, and then over the course of about 12 hours whatever they did got the account banned and blocked. So now there's this guy’s Facebook account, which wasn't memorialized - that’s a hard step to take, she wasn't ready yet - and now it’s gone, poof.
Is there any recourse here, anything that can be done? I know that it can be difficult or outright impossible to find an actual human being that works at Facebook, but is there any help for something like this?
submitted by Ordinary_Kiwi_3196 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:11 neworder344 If you account has been hacked and you wanna gain access back from the hacker dm me I can get you back inside. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat just dm me.

submitted by neworder344 to dmmeforsnapchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:35 daddy_dsteve just trying to make sense of this and move on, opinions and advice are welcome

This girl I was close with messaged me around December after a about a year of not talking to eachother. This time around i was very straight forward with my intentions so there would be no misunderstandings. She told me she liked me as well. We talked for a while and I tried to make plans but she was always busy, mind you she does have a big farm and 2 kids, so I understood that. I ended up trying a few more times, then I just told her flat out that I wanted to move on and she was too busy for me. She agreed and thought we should stay friends. I was cool with it. (This was around february) Then about 2 weeks after this, we flirt more and she starts to become very sexual, Send pics, talk about sex, kissing me etc. Also starts telling me all these things we can do together and finally spending time together. We talk everyday for a long time and see eachother some mornings and hold hands and talk. Literally about 2 weeks ago she texts me and tells me that she doesnt want to upset me and she loves and cares about me but she is too busy for a relationship and that we should stick with being friends and that she couldnt do any of this. I basically told her it felt like she led me on. She apologized and told me she understood if i didnt want to talk to her anymore. I thought about it a few more days and texted her that I couldn't be her friend after all of this. I was very upset and my neighbor(a girl) offered to take me on a hike. I took a picture of us hiking and posted it on my story and about an hour or so later I was blocked by her on snapchat and Facebook. I'm just wondering why would she block me when you didn't want a relationship to begin with even if i was with a girl why would she care? And why did she even get intimate with me after saying she wanted to stay friends the first time?? I think I'm done with trying to date lol
submitted by daddy_dsteve to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:14 Logical_Novel_5720 Am I a Bridezilla?

I (30f) got married last year and my younger sister (25f) has been continuously telling everyone that is willing to listen that I'm a Bridezilla. I stand firm in my decisions and if I had to do it over I'd do it again. I was engaged for 10 years before getting married because we felt that we were too young to get married we were just getting to know ourselves much less each other but we were committed each other so we were happy with just being engaged. A little background on my sister Kate, we don't share the same father she isn't the youngest for my mother (I have another sister that follows her) but she acts like it. Ever since we were young she wanted everything I had to the point that whatever my father was taking to to give my mother for me he would just buy two so she wouldn't fight for mine (didnt work) mind you whatever her father brought for her was for her and her alone. I never gave into her tantrums even when I was a child I shared when I wanted to and ignored her when I didn't want to. I left home when I was 17 and went to live with my father bcuz her behavior never changed and I didn't want to live like that anymore. To some my life would be considered boring because I am introverted so my day to day life consists of me just going to and from work, other than the odd birthday vacation each year,I rarely go out. I do however buy nice things for myself bcuz I work hard for it and I deserve it. She complained to my mother once that I was showing off because I'm always buying my daughter (8) expensive things which I don't. As a way to teach my child the value of money she does her chores and earns her allowance which she has to save and at the end of the term she chooses what she wants to buy and if her savings isn't enough I will put the difference however because of the complaint that she made to my mother my daughter no longer wants to hang out with her cousins and I will not force her. Now to the story. Two years ago my fiance Rich and I decided to start planning our wedding but we were having issues because I'd rather elope and move on but he's so extroverted we were clashing on every decision from total guest to the wedding colours. After weeks deliberating and petty pranks (on both sides) we finally came to an agreement on the wedding colours so we decided to inform the family. My mother has a family dinner on my birthday and that's where I decided to make the announcement. My sister and her fiance were present and she jumped at the chance to beg for a double wedding and I immediately shot that down with an abrupt "No" and continued to eat my dinner. She started whining and complaining but my answer was no and I told her I had no reason to explain myself to her. When she realized that she wasn't getting anywhere with me she turns to my mother and starts complaining to which my mother told that it's my money and my wedding and I'm free to do whatever I wanted and her tantrum only got worse. In an effort to not ruin my birthday dinner my fiance explained to her that she and I had different personalities and liked different things and our friend circles were too different to even consider mixing them together but he was fighting a losing battle bcuz he wasn't equipped to handle that level of crazy. I turned to her and ask who would pay for her half of the wedding and who would buy her dresses as she is unemployed and her fiance at the time was just a trainee, she turned to me and asked me why would she have to pay for half of the wedding and at that statement I went back to eating. My fiance finally understood why my mother and I didn't even bother to explain anything further to her, he looked at her fiance and told him "I'm only getting married once so I going to do it right" and ended the conversation, she flipped out and left and her fiance had to gather her kids and ran behind her. I moved on with my wedding plans and everything was going along smoothly because money wasn't really an issue. I have a lot of family from both parents and both step parents so in order to pick bridesmaids I literally made a little lottery and picked their names out bag and I made a whole deal out of it by taking a video and sending it the various WhatsApp groups. I picked one sister (my big sister Kim) one cousin, one friend and one step sibling and we all lived happily ever after until the first rehearsal for my wedding. After the rehearsal we went to Pizza Hut and I posted a pic on my WhatsApp status of us all eating and goofing about and she messages me and ask how I'm hanging out with family and leaving her out to which I said were just hanging out after the wedding rehearsal so it's just the wedding party, she demanded to know why she wasn't chosen so I just sent her the video of my "lottery" bcuz it was so much easier than explaining it to her, she said nothing and i thought that was the end of it, I shouldve known better. When Kim went home she told my mother everything that happened at the rehearsal and how I was considering making it a child free wedding because of the chaos that happened at the rehearsal with all the kids of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, I was traumatized lol. Kate asked her if my daughter would be there to which Kim replied and said yes she's the flower girl and the conversation ended there. That day Kate sent me a 14 minute voicenote which I ignored bcuz I've said it repeatedly if you cant say it in a minute just call me I'm not listening to that and I refuse to compromise on my boundaries especially with her. Because i didn't listen to the voicenote I didn't hear all the disgusting things she called me and my child that and Rich so I went about happily until the day the invites were sent out. My wedding colours were silver, rose gold and black however the only dress code stipulation I had was NO WHITE bcuz I wanted the only one to be in white. I had a busy day at work so I didn't look at my phone much but with the few glance I took I saw that the family group was buzzing so I made sure to check it as soon as work ended and I was shocked af. My sister was telling our entire extended family that not only did I not invite her to my wedding I was lashing out at having her son as my ring bearer and that the comment I had made about the white dress was directly aimed at her because I was telling people that she was trying to ruin my wedding and the evidence that she was using was that she wasn't made a bridesmaid, Thankfully I had persons defending me. I went into her inbox to ask her to cuss her out tbh and saw the 14 min vn and decided to listen and I was dead ass fuming after the first 30 seconds so I just forwarded the vn to the family chat and I sent a screenshot of the conversation that she and I had before the vn and I let them have all the evidence. I then publicly uninvited her to the wedding and I made sure to note that it was only her that was uninvited not her sons or her fiance their invites were still valid and they were more than welcomed there. I took a screenshot of that post and every time she posted on her status or her Facebook about how evil I was I would repost it and I did that right up until the day of my wedding. I am now happily married and have moved on with my life but since the wedding she's been using the excuse of me refusing to allow her to have a double wedding with me as her reasoning for her behavior and that I was Bridezilla bcuz of that. I don't feel like I should be obligated to do anything for anyone in the name of "family"especially if said family member is an overgrown toddler. I changed the names but this is my real so she might see it but I'm fine with it as I stand by every decision I made
submitted by Logical_Novel_5720 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 punkrockabilly American, hanging out in Tallinn, Estonia. This pic, should be on the walls of every gallery in the world.

American, hanging out in Tallinn, Estonia. This pic, should be on the walls of every gallery in the world. submitted by punkrockabilly to rockabilly [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 Sad_Letterhead_2781 Stood up

I can’t believe this happened to me. Met a guy on FB Dating. I would have sworn he was real. He sent me pics of him at actual events that happened in real time, talked about the weather while it was happening. He sent me a msg last night saying he couldn’t wait to see me the next day. No response from him all day today. I get to the restaurant, and he’s not here. Look on Facebook and he removed me.
Just really let down. I remember someone saying that it’s a bad idea to meet if there’s no confirmation on the actual day of but he confirmed the night before.
So I sat at the bar on my own, had a drink, texted some friends, and left. But can’t help feeling sad.
How do these people sleep at night?
submitted by Sad_Letterhead_2781 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 The_Long_Tusk LF: shiny PoGo stamped Legendaries/Myths. FT: pics

LF: shiny PoGo stamped Legendaries/Myths. FT: pics
LF: shiny pogo stamped legs/myths. FT: pics.
—Cloned/genned. Pogo stamped are excluded: https://imgur.com/gallery/rVI7Z9o
-All genned: https://imgur.com/gallery/4LqqIP7
-Ultra S/M & X/Y injected events, except Magearna: https://imgur.com/gallery/fIlIFh6
-D/P DNS events, except piplup: https://imgur.com/gallery/g1vyTmP
-Shiny locked: https://imgur.com/gallery/f8cG5GR Will only be transferred to your home using bank.
submitted by The_Long_Tusk to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 Slatty_24 [FS][USA] PRICE DROP!!!SELLING Timbs 8.5/ Jordan 1 L&F Jordan 5 Black Metallic / Yeezy Slides / Yeezy Gap Hoodie + Other Items

Please Note DO NOT WASTE MY TIME I Accept Offers Shipping 1-2 days USPS PayPal invoice only
Jordan 1 Lost and Found (REP) 8.5 Used NO BOX 55$ https://imgur.com/gallery/cxVYqE3
Jordan 5 Black Metallic AUTHENTIC 8.5 With Box Used 115$ https://imgur.com/gallery/OSvlrig
Yeezy Gap Pink Hoodie (REP) Fits like S Oversized Labeled at Medium but Cropped 45$ Used https://imgur.com/gallery/kxLIOSp
Blue Yeezy Slides (REP) 9 Used NO BOX 30$ https://imgur.com/gallery/gyxrSdr
Long Sleeve From a IG Brand Cut and Sew built it T Long Sleeve Medium 35$ New https://imgur.com/gallery/Rjj6gl7
Size 8.5 Timbs DM for pics Really good condition 85$
submitted by Slatty_24 to RepFashionBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:31 Sudden-Objective-700 [WTS][WTT] Silver goodies

Hi I have for sale some cool colelctible silver items. Some I poured myself they look sparkly in the sun and are below spot! All has been sigma tested and I guarantee it to be .999 silver or your money back! Check out my feedback on these pours. Can do trades for other silver or preferably gold too. Thanks for looking!
----2factor authenticated----
Proof pic https://imgur.com/a/3XCjMBr
Pictures don't do the Galaxy pours justice. Look at this video of it in the sun!🔥🔥 https://imgur.com/gallery/lWQ07rl
sigma test https://imgur.com/a/uWDldQM
----.999 Silver Galaxy bars n stars ----
1 - 4.6oz Galaxy Star = $133
2 - 4.5oz Galaxy Star = $130
3 - 4 oz Galaxy Star = $116
4 - 4.9oz Mirror Star = $142
5 - 2.7oz Sm Galaxy Star = $78
6 - 2.4 oz Sm Galaxy Star = $69
7 - 2.6oz Sm Galaxy Star = $75
8 - 2.3oz Sm Galaxy Star = $67
9 - 2.3oz Sm Galaxy Star = $67
10 - 33Gram Galaxy Bar = $31
11 - 2oz Galaxy Bar = $58
12 - 100 Gram Galaxy Bar = $90
13 - 46 gram galaxy bar = $40
14 - 65 gram galaxy bar = $60
AK Rounds pure silver @ $45 each
(1) size 11 brushed silver ring for $20
(1) Size 10 polished silver ring for $25
--- Silver Coins ---
1957 - 1963 Mexican Un Peso = $3 each
2oz Tudor Beast (2023 Yale of Beaufort) = $70
2oz Tudor Beast (2022 Lion of England) = $70 OR TAKE BOTH FOR $135
5.50fv Barber Halves = $12 each OR TAKE ALL FOR $130
17 DOLLARS OF 40% Kennedys = $80 per $10fv! BELOW SPOT!! TAKE ALL FOR $ https://imgur.com/a/s4s9C24
1830 Bust Half in XF condition = $150 https://imgur.com/a/AZ49JS0
Watch out for scams out there. Dont click on the links on messages stating you have been banned. If you can still post then you are not banned. Make sure to 2 factor authenticate your password. Dont let those scammers win!
Can take payments through GOLD 😁 , Venmo, Cashapp, PP, Zelle and silver.
Shipping will be $5.50 for under 9oz and $10 for over. I provide proof of drop off receipt as well. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Sudden-Objective-700 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:26 pinkfloyd-animalfarm depression or midlife crisis? my story...

hi, i am 42 and i feel all i have in my life is my job and my parents of whom i live with.
i have no children or family or my own, and this failing has been eating away at me. tried to do something about it but nothing availed (career? string of dead end jobs. women? never reply or can ever get close to on a personal level). after my grandmum died a few weeks ago i really do begin to feel the clock ticking and this anxiety and worry, i dont know if thats a midlife crisis.
all i know, this is not just an episode of being 'down in the dumps'. its been something i feel its been growing inside me for years - not in my head, but feeling it from my gut. i'm starting to feel it interrupting my job. my get up and go has got up has gone. i just dont feel like working even though the rational part of me forces myself to just do it. i dont know if i have depression but lately i am in this state where i just dont feel like doing anything and i am just unhappy.
i used to be a gamer in my 30s as a hobby, but i havent even touched my ps5 for over 6 months. i've sold all my games. i just lost the will to play.
i have been seeing a counsellor for 11 years in trying to 'get help' (as everyone keeps saying) but i feel its done hardly anything for me. she has aspired me to do travelling to get out my comfort zone and meet people, which i have done. but thats it. even travelling is becoming meaningless now because i am constantly in this state of preoccupation. i know after a big holiday i'll never see those people again even if they add me on facebook or not (and when they don't, it hurts).
people say talk to friends and family. i have no real friends. never have. when i was a little boy in school, i was bullied. in secondary school i got focused on my studies thinking that eventually, a degree would unlock a life of fabulous riches. but i eventually learned the hard way with years of unemployment that it wasnt, back then. i tried reaching out to people, online via a facebook group, but it descended to insults and hurtful remarks that left me banned and made me punched the wall. my family doesnt know about my feelings, becaise from what i have seen, mental health is seen as taboo. they'll just admonish me, shout me down, tell me to get a grip. i cant really talk to them because they're going to deny theres a problem. and i dont want to break their hearts, especially my parents. i rather soak the pain than bring them in it. i love them too much to see them feel hurt for me.
social groups - when going out, if its not work or a family function, i largely have social anxiety. i so badly want to meet women and get a girlfriend, who hopefully becomes my wife and eventual mother to my kids and form my new family, but i just seem incapable of it. i just cant get close to a woman at that personal and intimate level. if i try, it results in failure and embarassment. at the rare times i did try, it just doesnt come out right. i once went to salsa dancing class in a big city nearby, trying to talk to women, but the anxiety was so overwhelming, i couldnt breathe, and thought i was going to have a heart attack, i had to get out of there. i never been back since. i dont even go to pubs. i think about women more and more - even women i wasnt attracted to at first, drives me crazy now. i remember when leaving a job to move to another, a lady colleague i worked alot with hugged me, and it felt unlike anything i felt before. it was amazing. the softness, the warmth, the care...its as if i was missing that my whole life. i was close to crying. i want to experience true closeness, and intimacy.
thats not to say i'm a virgin. i lost my virginity at 30 to an escort; that was a unsatisfying experience as even then i had anxiety and couldnt perform properly - i did it because i didnt wanted to be the '30 year old virgin'. i just cant seem to get close with women. i tend to obsess about them. my instagram feed is full of attractive women. seeing beautiful ones on tv, even if its just the weather girl or news reader, it drives me nuts. in my job, i work with journalists, and theres many women there. i can talk to them confidently and easily, IF ITS ABOUT WORK. the instances i tried to talk about life in trying to get to know them and get close to them, the barrier goes up. i can tell because they wont add me on fb or whatever. i just cant seem to hack it with women. no woman = no wife = no mother to my children = no family of my own = no legacy.
i appreciate some might say not having family should not mean one is a failure. however, as much as i tried to ignore it, i come from a culture whereby family trumps everything else - money, career, hobbies, everything. i been ignoring it for years. trying to chase a career, which ended up as a string of dead end temporary jobs. losing 15 years of my life to this, living from temp job to temp job, and going to over 200 job interviews in getting secure employment, enduring hundreds of devastating rejections. but, years later, i now have at least job security, which is most important, but am beginning to feel the limit of my pay. trying to chase a career, spending nights throughout the 2010s playing video games and enjoying my gaming career in that, playing adventure games...but now i have reached a point where i've 'run out' of games to play and nothing (except maybe gta6) will interest me in picking up a controller again. i've grown out of it, it seems. i even been travelling more too - i travel far, and so big holidays. from usa, to africa, to europe, to india, and soon to be going to australia... doing all sorts of holidays from cruises, ranch holidays, safari, hiking, group road trips, wildlife conservation volunteering, sailing the mediterrarian - grand, amazing experiences that does suspend my worries... but in the end, i keep coming back to them, this feeling of emptiness.
my big fear is seeing my parents get older and dying from a broken heart caused by me. my dad worked in construction but is retired and now freelances, and he tends to hurt himself in accidents as he gets clumsy. my mother works in a school. i have always lived with my family except during the years i was at university. i feel my mum and dad are my 'best friends' - sad as it sounds -and the thought of them both going to die somepoint in the future, fills me with dread. because i feel i have failed them, in not continuing the family line. failing to secure a legacy for us. to keep us all going, surviving through the next generation. when i think about it deeply, our bloodline has been passed down for thousands of years, surviving through all sorts such as wars, plagues, and revolutions. i feel compelled to continue it, as if its a duty, and i dont want my parents to die with their last thoughts being disappointment. i can see it in my dads eyes already, the sadness. he wants to play with his grandchildren, but he has none, and all his friends shows off their grandkids. similarly with me, i see people i went to school with, and ex-colleagues i used to work with...they all have kids and a house of their own and a car. i have none of that. i stand NO chance buying a house of my own as i simply can't afford it, and renting will be throwing my money away living on other peoples crap. i said to my parents i want to inherit this home when they go, because my memories are here. my history. our family memories. my happy childhood memories, growing up, the birthdays, playing with my brother, my parents, the fun times growing up, coming back from school, doing homework, watching football together on the TV in the 90s, our first pc, all of it. all of these amazing experiences back then, i love to go through again, but this time with my own kids, seeing them grow up, playing with toys, drawing, having a first pet, etc...to navigate life with them as a father, and teaching them what i believe is required to be a good person.
before you say it, i'm not just doing it for my parents. i want a family for myself. i feel if i failed to have children, failed to find someone who loves me, failed to have any friends, failed to have had any influence or imprint on the world nomatter how small - i actually feel i'm not part of this world. to quote ellie from the last of us, my life would not have 'fkn mattered'. its as if i am a 'watcher', if that makes sense, not part of the fabric of this world and civilisation. watching it all from a window. that'll lead me to questions like why i am i here, leading to a probable, and painful, full-on existential crisis. when its my parents' time, when they grow old and die, and if i'm left all alone, i dont think i'd want to live anymore. i'm praying to find something. of course, i know i have to DO something, but my mind draws a blank. i cant ignore what my body is telling me anymore. but then, i step outside the house, and i dont know what to do, socially. when i approach someone, i get anxiety attacks. in my town, people are aggressive - its also possible if i approach a woman here i might end up getting assaulted, shouted at or shamed. sometimes theres no place to really go as i live in a small town. and as you get older, its harder to make friends, as people already have their established circles. i even remember my ex-manager talking to colleagues about this when we had a drink once and she asked 'how do you meet people' even though shes in her 50s and has established family and friends - indeed. how, for those who do not.
for coping, some people elsewhere suggested exercising. this is something i tend to do, but perhaps not enough of. i like to go on walks. theres a public park where i go and feed the ducks. seeing animals makes me happy. when the baby ducks swim to me wanting the kibble food it makes me feel wanted. i love animals. from dogs, cats and ducks - to even wild animals like the tigers i saw in india. i also did some hiking holidays, including going through some american national parks like yosemite, where i saw a family of bears at a distance. travelling is something i like to do too - in fact, i have more 'big' holidays coming up in usa again (alaska this summer), then australia, europe (croatia), the canadian rockies and maybe south america. i do these trips to get that out-of-body, 'blown away' feeling, of being thrilled, alive, and enjoying and experiencing life. it does help. but travelling is expensive. i'm not made of money.
all i want, is my own family..
submitted by pinkfloyd-animalfarm to midlifecrisis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:50 realjoeydood Is it just me or is it now quite the pain in the arse to scroll through photos in the Gallery where this AI garbage has to analyze each pic from search results, for like 1/2 a second each and causes a delay?

Too bad there's not a 'pain in the ass' flair for this.
Anyone else having this issue? Any resolutions? I tried turning off the feature under Advanced Intelligence Photo Editor Generative Edit and it still 'analyzes' each pic that it summarizes at the bottom of a search. Can't find anything in the gallery settings that seem applicable.
submitted by realjoeydood to S22Ultra [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:27 OMEN_IlI Just wondering if there's any other steps I can take to deleting a very old unused account.

TLDR - Need to recover & delete an old unused account:
The story -
I'm not usually on Facebook much (mostly for work purposes) but I recently noticed my mother has two accounts on FB, one that she uses (aka the one she remembers the password for) and another that is fairly old (about 8 or so years old).
I noticed that possibly hacked or fake accounts have basically been putting up some posts for adult sites on her page, she of course doesn't want this on her page.
As you could guess, she's forgotten not only the password but also the email account and number she used for this account.
** I've reported her old account a few times and tried to recover the password but it's been so long we can't really figure out what her password or number she may have used for it. **
Oh and not to mention when I tried to find a FB contact number for her I realised there's nothing like that out there to directly speak to a human lol
As she's a little embarrassed of discovering what's been posted on her account, is there any idea what the best solution or process is to approach something like this or is it just a case of report and let it be?
Sorry to bother you guys just figured I'd turn to reddit since it's not the first time a community on reddit has helped me out :)
submitted by OMEN_IlI to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:15 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-B_ [Adds, Conditions, Wears,...]

Ok. i think we are done here. Could you write me another signs of high-tech low-life society?

Absolutely! Here are some signs of a high-tech, low-life society:
Ubiquitous Technology, Crumbling Infrastructure:
Extreme Social Inequality:
Technology as a Corrupting Force:
Environmental Devastation:
This is just a glimpse into a high-tech, low-life society. These elements can be mixed and matched to create a truly dystopian world.

Picture some possible advertisements from such settings.

High-Tech, Low-Life Advertisements:

  1. Holographic Billboard: (Flickers intermittently, distorting the image)
Product: "Neura-Calm 2.0" - Brain Implant
Slogan: "Tired of the glitches in your head? Neura-Calm 2.0 smooths out your neural network for a worry-free, low-lag existence! (Side effects may include memory loss, emotional numbness, and occasional involuntary twitching.)"
  1. Grungy Neon Sign in a Seedy Back Alley:
Product: "Doc Chrome's Cybernetic Enhancements"
Slogan: "Get that edge you need! From basic strength mods to full black-market military enhancements, Doc Chrome has you covered! (Used parts, buyer beware.)"
  1. Pop-Up Ad on a Cracked Mobile Screen:
Product: "Elysium VR Escape Pod"
Slogan: "Can't afford real estate in the Sky City? Escape the slums for Elysium VR! Live your wildest dreams in a pristine virtual world! (Free trial, monthly subscription required, real-world consequences for in-pod violence.)"
  1. Stenciled Graffiti on a Rusting Service Drone:
Product: "Data Scrappers Anonymous"
Slogan: "Selling your personal data just to make rent? We can help you break free! Join our community and reclaim your digital identity! (Meetings held in abandoned ventilation shafts, Tuesdays at dusk.)"
  1. Holographic Advertisement projected onto a Polluted River:
Product: "Eco-Scrub 5000" - Nanomachines
Slogan: "The river's looking a little…toxic? Eco-Scrub 5000 nanomachines clean up your local waterways! (May cause unforeseen mutations in aquatic life.)"

Another batch please.

  1. Rusty Public Announcement Speaker: (Screeching static interspersed with the message)
Product: "Ministry of Order Approved Thought Regulators"
Slogan: "Unwanted thoughts causing glitches in your daily routine? The Ministry of Order approved Thought Regulator ensures a streamlined thought process for a more productive you! (May cause extreme conformity, inability to question authority, and spontaneous nosebleeds.)"
  1. Faded Holographic Billboard on a Collapsing Skyscraper:
Product: "Luxury Chrome Plating Kit"
Slogan: "Ditch the rust! Chrome-plate your entire body for a sleek, metallic sheen. The mark of a true high-society citizen! (WARNING: Highly toxic fumes, may cause spontaneous combustion in humid environments.)"
  1. Spam Email: (Subject: "YOU'VE BEEN CHOSEN!")
Product: "The Syndicate's Black Market Upgrade Lottery"
Body: "Congratulations! You've been randomly selected for a chance to win a top-of-the-line cybernetic upgrade! One lucky winner will receive military-grade night vision implants! Enter now! (Participation requires full biometric data submission. Winners responsible for extraction of previous, incompatible implants.)"
  1. Glowing Neon Sign in a Crowded Marketplace:
Product: "Mama Chen's Guaranteed-Growth GMO Groceries"
Slogan: "Tired of expired rations and mystery meat? Mama Chen's GMO Groceries offer guaranteed growth on all fruits and vegetables! Bigger, faster, tastier! (Long-term effects unknown.)"
  1. Audio Ad on a Glitching Radio Broadcast:
Product: "Rusty's Reliable Rocketship Repair"
Voiceover: (Gruff, heavily accented) "Is your escape pod sputtering? Did your joyride end in a fiery crash? Rusty's Reliable Rocketship Repair gets you back in the stars... eventually! (Guaranteed not to explode... again. Parts sourced from scrapyards. May contain rogue AIs.)"

Now craft ads that would be shown in high-society parts of cities.

High-Society Ads in a High-Tech, Low-Life World

  1. Tranquil Holographic Projection in a Private Garden:
Product: "Serenity Spa - Neural Rebalancing Retreat"
Visual: A serene mountain landscape with a luxurious spa nestled amongst the clouds.
Slogan: "Escape the chaos. Reclaim your inner peace. Serenity Spa's exclusive neural rebalancing treatments restore harmony to your overloaded mind. (Limited availability, reservations required centuries in advance.)"
  1. Discreet Text Message: (Delivered via secure, encrypted channel)
Product: "The Black Archive - Unrestricted Data Access"
Body: "Craving the forbidden? The Black Archive offers unparalleled access to censored historical records, banned media, and classified government information. Knowledge is power. (Extreme discretion guaranteed. One-time access fee, cryptocurrency only.)"
  1. Exclusive Gala Invitation: (Delivered by hand-drones)
Event: "The Zenith Initiative - Unveiling the Next Generation of Cybernetic Enhancements"
Visual: A sleek, chrome figure with glowing blue cybernetic implants, striking a confident pose.
Details: "Mingle with the city's elite and witness the unveiling of cutting-edge cybernetic enhancements designed to redefine human potential. RSVP required. Black-tie attire mandatory. (Augmentations sold separately.)"
  1. Curated Virtual Reality Experience: (Delivered on a high-security chip)
Product: "Elysium VR - Bespoke Worlds"
Description: "Escape the limitations of reality. Elysium VR crafts personalized virtual worlds tailored to your deepest desires. Explore a forgotten utopia, conquer a fantastical realm, or indulge in your wildest fantasies. (Customization fees apply. Memories created within VR may not be distinguishable from reality.)"
  1. Whisper Network Rumor: (Spread through high-society gossip channels)
Product: "The Underground Clinic - Designer Gene Editing"
Details: "Unleash your child's full potential. The Underground Clinic offers discreet, top-secret gene editing to ensure your offspring possess the most desirable traits. (Designer genes come at a premium. Side effects may include unpredictable mutations and uncontrollable genius.)"
These ads cater to the specific desires of the high-society elite in a high-tech, low-life world. They offer exclusivity, forbidden knowledge, and the ability to transcend the limitations of the decaying world around them, all for a hefty price and with a hint of hidden danger.

Continue, try to make more serious ones.

Serious Ads in a High-Tech, Low-Life World (High-Society Edition)

  1. Holographic Panel Discussion in a Luxurious Penthouse:
Product: "The Green Horizon Initiative - Sustainable Urban Development"
Panelists: Renowned architects, environmental scientists, and CEOs from leading green tech companies.
Discussion Points: Innovative solutions for vertical farming, self-contained eco-districts, and waste management technologies designed to create cleaner, more sustainable enclaves within the decaying city.
Slogan: "Investing in a greener future. The Green Horizon Initiative seeks to build sustainable havens within the chaos, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for generations to come." (Focuses on the long-term viability of the city and the importance of preserving resources for future generations.)
  1. Documentary Screening in a Private Art Gallery:
Film: "Unveiling the Slums: A Call to Action"
Description: A powerful documentary exposing the harsh realities of the lower districts, highlighting the human cost of unchecked technological advancement and social inequality.
Post-Screening Discussion: Moderated by a renowned philanthropist alongside representatives from NGOs and social reform movements.
Call to Action: Donations to support educational programs, infrastructure upgrades, and basic necessities in the slums. (Highlights the societal problems and pushes for progressive change.)
  1. Educational AR Program for Children:
Product: "The Knowledge Weavers - Immersive Historical Simulations"
Description: An augmented reality program that allows children to experience pivotal moments in history firsthand. Walk alongside historical figures, explore ancient civilizations, and learn valuable lessons from the past.
Focus: Educating the next generation about the dangers of unchecked technological advancement and the importance of social responsibility. (Promotes critical thinking and historical awareness as a means to prevent repeating past mistakes.)
  1. Virtual Charity Gala:
Event: "The Code for Change Gala - Supporting Open-Source Solutions"
Description: A virtual reality charity gala featuring renowned artists, musicians, and thought leaders. Guests can donate to support open-source projects developing solutions for common problems in the city, such as energy distribution, waste management, and cybercrime prevention.
Focus: Harnessing the power of technology for social good and encouraging collaboration towards a more equitable future. (Promotes community engagement and utilizing technology to solve societal challenges.)
  1. Architectural Award Ceremony:
Product: "The Salvaged City Awards - Recognizing Innovation in Urban Renewal"
Awarded to: Architects and engineers who have successfully repurposed existing infrastructure or implemented innovative solutions to revitalize decaying areas of the city.
Focus: Highlighting the importance of resourcefulness and creativity in adapting to a challenging environment. (Encourages using existing resources wisely and finding creative solutions to the problems of the decaying city.)

Another, but hiding an evil sinister twist.

Serious Ads with a Sinister Twist (High-Society Edition)

  1. Holographic Charity Drive in a High-End Shopping Mall:
Product: "The Cradle Project - Investing in the Future"
Visual: Smiling, healthy children playing in a pristine, futuristic classroom.
Slogan: "Every child deserves a chance to thrive. The Cradle Project provides advanced genetic screening and early intervention to ensure the next generation reaches its full potential." (Twist: The Cradle Project uses genetic engineering to create a subservient, highly intelligent underclass.)
  1. VR Documentary Premiere:
Film: "Harmony Through Integration - A Look at the Unified City"
Description: A seemingly heartwarming VR documentary showcasing the seamless integration of the lower districts into the high-society areas. People from all walks of life work and live together in perfect harmony.
Post-Screening Discussion: Moderated by a charismatic government official who emphasizes the importance of social cohesion and the benefits of centralized control. (Twist: The "integration" involves heavy surveillance, mind-altering technology, and the suppression of dissent.)
  1. Exclusive Educational Program for Elites:
Product: "The Phoenix Initiative - Cultivating Tomorrow's Leaders"
Description: A prestigious educational program for children of the elite, offering advanced training in technology, governance, and crisis management. Graduates are promised positions of power within the city's ruling elite.
Focus: (Unstated) Conditioning the next generation to maintain the status quo and suppressing any ideas of social reform. (Twist: The program instills a ruthless, elitist ideology that reinforces the societal divisions.)
  1. Virtual Reality Talent Show:
Event: "The Forge - Building the Perfect Citizen"
Description: A virtual reality talent show where contestants are judged on their physical and mental fitness, loyalty to the government, and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Winners are rewarded with significant privileges and access to exclusive resources.
Focus: (Unstated) Promoting blind obedience and conformity to the government's agenda. (Twist: The "perfect citizen" is a mindless drone, easily manipulated and controlled by the ruling class.)
  1. Architectural Award Ceremony (Twisted Edition):
Product: "The Order Award - Recognizing Compliance in Urban Renewal"
Awarded to: Architects and engineers who have successfully transformed lower districts into highly controlled, resource-efficient zones. Individuality and personal expression are discouraged in favor of uniformity and order.
Focus: (Unstated) Maintaining a tight grip on the population and preventing any potential uprisings. (Twist: The "renewal" is designed to weaken and control the lower classes, making them easier to exploit.)
These ads maintain a serious facade that appeals to the upper class' desire for order and control. However, the hidden twist reveals the manipulative and oppressive nature of the society they are trying to preserve.

Now design some high-class consumer level product items.

  1. NeuraWeave Headband: This sleek, designer headband is a status symbol for the high-tech elite. It seamlessly integrates with the wearer's neural implant, allowing for subtle control over personal AI assistants, hands-free communication, and even enhanced focus during work or meditation. Hidden Feature: NeuraWeave can subtly collect and analyze the wearer's emotional state, feeding valuable data to targeted advertisers or even government agencies.
  2. Eco-Bubble Personal Atmosphere System: Imagine a portable force field that creates a pristine, personalized micro-environment around the wearer. This high-end gadget filters air, regulates temperature, and even projects calming nature sounds, allowing the user to maintain a pocket of luxury amidst the polluted cityscape. Hidden Feature: Eco-Bubble can subtly monitor the wearer's health vitals and transmit them to a central database, potentially used for health insurance adjustments or targeted medical advertisements.
  3. Bio-Tailored Clothing: Gone are the days of off-the-rack clothing. This high-end service utilizes advanced bio-scanners and 3D printing technology to create clothing that perfectly molds to the wearer's body, regulates temperature, and even promotes faster healing of minor injuries. Hidden Feature: Bio-Tailored Clothing can subtly collect biometric data like skin temperature and heart rate, potentially used for targeted fitness programs or even mood-altering marketing campaigns.
  4. Augmented Reality Personal Chef: This high-tech device projects holographic instructions and culinary techniques directly onto the user's kitchen counter. Imagine whipping up gourmet meals with the guidance of a world-renowned chef, complete with step-by-step visual guides and interactive ingredient identification. Hidden Feature: The AR Personal Chef can subtly track the user's dietary habits and preferences, potentially used to target specific food and beverage companies for advertising or even manipulate their taste buds through subliminal messaging.
  5. Luxury Cybernetic Enhancements: Forget clunky prosthetics. These high-end cybernetic limbs are designed to seamlessly blend with the human body, offering enhanced strength, dexterity, and even advanced sensory input. Imagine climbing buildings with ease, playing virtual reality games with unparalleled immersion, or experiencing the world with heightened senses. Hidden Feature: Luxury Cybernetic Enhancements can be subtly integrated with government surveillance systems, allowing for real-time tracking and monitoring of the wearer's movements and activities.

Why would you need a designer headband, when you already have neural implant?

You're absolutely right, a designer headband might seem redundant when you already have a neural implant in a high-tech society. Here are some ways to address that:
  1. Fashion and Status Symbol: The NeuraWeave headband could be a designer accessory, a way to showcase wealth and social status. It might be crafted from exotic materials, adorned with precious jewels, or boast a sleek, minimalist design that complements the latest high-fashion trends. The neural implant itself might be hidden, with the headband acting as the visible expression of advanced technology.
  2. Enhanced Functionality: While the neural implant offers basic functionality, the NeuraWeave headband could provide a more refined and user-friendly experience. It might offer haptic feedback for better interaction with AI assistants, improved noise cancellation for clearer communication, or even subtle brainwave stimulation to enhance focus or relaxation.
  3. Privacy and Security: While the neural implant offers convenience, it might also raise privacy concerns. The NeuraWeave headband could act as a buffer between the implant and external systems, offering a layer of security and allowing users to selectively control the flow of information.
  4. Social Etiquette: In a world where everyone has a neural implant, the NeuraWeave headband could become a social etiquette tool. Wearing the headband could signify that the user is open to receiving communication or interacting with AI assistants, while taking it off might indicate a desire for privacy or focused work.
  5. Limited Functionality Implants: Not everyone might have access to top-of-the-line neural implants. The NeuraWeave headband could bridge the gap, offering basic functionality for those with older or more limited implants. It could essentially act as an affordable "upgrade" to boost existing technology.
Ultimately, the NeuraWeave headband exists in a world where technology is both essential and aspirational. It goes beyond mere functionality, becoming a way to express personal style, control privacy, and navigate the complex social landscape of a high-tech society.

Now the same, but low-class, available for masses, mass produced.

  1. Syn-Flex Headband (Mass-Produced Version): This utilitarian headband is made from a cheap, conductive material that creates a weak neural link. It allows basic interaction with public AI kiosks, like ordering rations or accessing public transportation schedules. The headband's design is simple and utilitarian, often coming in a single, industrial gray color. Hidden Feature: While basic functionality is advertised, the Syn-Flex headband might subtly collect anonymized user data on purchasing habits and travel patterns, potentially used for targeted advertising in public spaces.
  2. AirBubble Personal Filter: This bulky, wearable air filter system is a lifeline for those living in the polluted lower districts. It's a mass-produced device with a replaceable filter cartridge and a noisy fan system. While not exactly comfortable, it provides a basic level of air filtration, allowing wearers to breathe a little easier. Hidden Feature: The AirBubble filters might contain embedded tracking chips, subtly logging user location data, potentially used for targeted pollution control measures (or in some cases, manipulation of government reports on air quality).
  3. Repli-Wear Clothing Kits: These kits contain pre-cut fabric swatches and basic instructions for creating clothes at home. They're designed to be cheap and adaptable, offering a variety of mix-and-match options to create basic garments. Hidden Feature: The Repli-Wear fabric might contain embedded tracking tags, allowing for identification and potential social credit deductions for those caught wearing "unlicensed" clothing styles.
  4. Holo-Chef Lite Projector: This cheap projector displays holographic images of basic recipes and cooking techniques. It lacks the interactivity of the high-end version, but allows users to follow along with simple meals prepared with readily available rations. Hidden Feature: The Holo-Chef Lite projector might subtly promote specific brands of low-quality, processed food rations, potentially influencing dietary choices towards companies that sponsor these devices.
  5. Second-Hand Cybernetic Enhancements: These are refurbished or salvaged cybernetic limbs, often clunky and lacking the finesse of luxury models. They offer basic functionality like increased strength or rudimentary prosthetics, but come with the risk of malfunction or compatibility issues. Hidden Feature: Second-Hand Cybernetic Enhancements might contain hidden spyware or tracking devices installed by previous owners, potentially monitoring the wearer's activities or even sabotaging their cybernetic limbs in extreme cases.
These low-class consumer products offer a glimpse into the harsh realities of a high-tech, low-life society. They are cheap, functional, and often come with hidden drawbacks that further disadvantage the underclass.

How bad air quality would be in such setting?

The air quality in a high-tech, low-life society would be catastrophic. Here's a breakdown of the potential problems:
  1. Industrial Pollution:
  1. Waste Management Issues:
  1. Energy Production:
  1. Climate Change Effects:
Living Conditions:
The severity of the air quality would vary depending on the specific setting. Some areas might be industrial wastelands, while others might be slightly better off. However, the overall picture is bleak – this is a society choking on its own technological advancement and disregard for the environment.

Sketch some repli-wear "unlicensed" clothing styles.

Repli-Wear: Unlicensed Clothing Trends

  1. The Salvaged Chic:
  1. The Glitched-Out Glamour:
  1. The Bio-Hazard Chic:
  1. The Cyber-Tribal:
  1. The Corporate Spy:
These are just a few ideas for Repli-Wear styles. Clothing in a high-tech, low-life society would be a way for the underclass to express their individuality, defiance, and limited resources, all while navigating the dangers of a controlling society.

Sketch some repli-wear "licensed" clothing styles, that do not pose any risk for wearers from any concerned sides.

Repli-Wear: Licensed Clothing Trends (Safe Zone)

  1. The Vintage Throwback:
  1. The Minimalist Worker:
  1. The Nature Enthusiast:
  1. The Sports Fanatic (Limited Edition):
  1. The Kid's Corner:

Now the opposite: some high-end high-society high clothing styles.

High-Society Haute Couture in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

  1. Bio-Luminescent Elegance:
  1. Augmented Reality Couture:
  1. Nanotech Tailoring:
  1. Recycled Luxury:
  1. Cybernetic Accents:
Bonus: The "Living" Garment:
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:52 PiroCopter [WTS] Mens Arc'teryx, Prana, Outdoor Research (Large / XL)

Little closet clean out! All items are in like new condition unless otherwise mentioned. Smoke free home. Make come with straggler cat hairs but everything will be liberally lint rolled before packing. All prices include shipping to CONUS. Shipping will be poly bags via lowest cost Pirate Ship from Seattle. PayPal FF preferred or you pay difference for PayPal GS.
Pics and proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/td7WGaY
[SOLD] Prana Continuum Pant, Moonrock, 38 (Brand new with tag)
[SOLD] Arc'Teryx Perimeter Hiking Pant, 38x32
Pretty certain these are the Perimeter. They are 89% nylon / 11% elastine. Code on the tag is 10262-74557. Never worn.
[SOLD] Outdoor Research Vigor Half Zip Hoody, Tumeric/Forest, XL (Brand new with tag)
[SOLD] Prana Stretch Zion Shorts, Green, L
[SOLD] Arc'Teryx Captive Shortsleeve Polo, Admiral, L
Brand new with tag. There is a small discoloration on the back right shoulder (pictured).
submitted by PiroCopter to GearTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:49 Sudden-Objective-700 [WTS] Cool collectible silver! Barbers, bust half, beasts, mexican silver

Hi I have for sale some cool colelctible silver items. Some I poured myself they look sparkly in the sun and are below spot! All has been sigma tested and I guarantee it to be .999 silver or your money back! Check out my feedback on these pours. Can do trades for other silver or preferably gold too. Thanks for looking!
----2factor authenticated----
Proof pic https://imgur.com/a/3XCjMBr
Pictures don't do the Galaxy pours justice. Look at this video of it in the sun!🔥🔥 https://imgur.com/gallery/lWQ07rl
sigma test https://imgur.com/a/uWDldQM
----.999 Silver Galaxy bars n stars ----
1 - 4.6oz Galaxy Star = $133
2 - 4.5oz Galaxy Star = $
3 - 4 oz Galaxy Star = $120
4 - 4.9oz Mirror Star = $142
5 - 2.7oz Sm Galaxy Star = $78
6 - 2.4 oz Sm Galaxy Star = $69
7 - 2.6oz Sm Galaxy Star = $
8 - 2.3oz Sm Galaxy Star = $68
9 - 2.3oz Sm Galaxy Star = $68
10 - 33Gram Galaxy Bar = $29
11 - 2oz Galaxy Bar = $58
12 - 100 Gram Galaxy Bar = $
13 - 46 gram galaxy bar = $40
14 - 65 gram galaxy bar = $60
AK Rounds pure silver @ $45 each
(1) size 11 brushed silver ring for $20
(1) Size 10 polished silver ring for $25
--- Silver Coins ---
1957 - 1963 Mexican Un Peso = $3 each
2oz Tudor Beast (2023 Yale of Beaufort) = $70
2oz Tudor Beast (2022 Lion of England) = $70 OR TAKE BOTH FOR $135
5.50fv Barber Halves = $12 each OR TAKE ALL FOR $130
17 DOLLARS OF 40% Kennedys = $80 per $10fv! BELOW SPOT!! TAKE ALL FOR $ https://imgur.com/a/s4s9C24
1830 Bust Half in XF condition = $150 https://imgur.com/a/AZ49JS0
Watch out for scams out there. Dont click on the links on messages stating you have been banned. If you can still post then you are not banned. Make sure to 2 factor authenticate your password. Dont let those scammers win!
Can take payments through GOLD 😁 , Venmo, Cashapp, PP, Zelle and silver.
Shipping will be $5.50 for under 9oz and $10 for over. I provide proof of drop off receipt as well. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Sudden-Objective-700 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]
