

2024.02.05 22:37 FreeConstant1874 ProlapsedHole

Hii there, this community is for people with prolapsed holes This community is new

2017.07.31 19:42 Nutty_Granny168 Machine Girl

If you like crazy ass Japanese movies Machine Girl is definitely for you

2019.05.12 08:45 Fsck_Reddit_Again The worlds biggest Jared fan club ever

be nice. only gud bois who dont cheat on their wives are allowed in here. (no conrads allowd, even if they have a wife they didnt cheat on)

2024.05.17 07:07 Available_Parking_24 Bileaflet mitral valve prolapse

Hi, I am 37m and have an bileaflet mitral valve prolaps. The cariologist says it has no disease value, and I can do whatever I want.
I have some sympthoms like feeling my heart and I can see that it bumps on my t-shirt. Sometimes I feel like I get not enouth air. And sometimes my back and breast hurts a little bit.
Does anyone have also a bileaflet? Any sympthoms? Are you an athlete?
submitted by Available_Parking_24 to mitralvalveprolapse [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:58 papillion2010 Cardiologist does not recommend HRT :/

Hi Everyone,
I recently started on Progesterone (100mg) and Estradiol (0.25) patches, low dose. My provider asked i let my cardiologist know, and I just got a message that "Cardiologists recommend against HRT" . I"m like come on man! It has helped the flashes and sleep, but i'm scared to keep taking something they think will cause a stroke. Idk what to do now. I have Mitral Valve Prolaps and SVT, possible Afib, but otherwise pretty healthy at 57. Suuuccckks. Anyway, thanks for listening, i'm pretty frustrated right now, anyone have to make a similar decision? I am five years out of menopause and was pretty reluctant to take it, but with new findings I had new hope , but now, not so much
submitted by papillion2010 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 08:30 Fresh-Vast6708 from the podium to the track!

from the podium to the track! submitted by Fresh-Vast6708 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:42 Good-Emphasis-4494 Looking for Sultan RS classic with Motorsport Dense livery

Looking for Sultan RS classic with Motorsport Dense livery submitted by Good-Emphasis-4494 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:01 Porrinha_Suprema modded

modded submitted by Porrinha_Suprema to GTAoutfits [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:02 Phoenix_Bird0202 thanks ethan

thanks ethan
my dad noticing things in his game after a decade of playing it
submitted by Phoenix_Bird0202 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 03:12 Significant_Tea_8538 Green fn

Green fn submitted by Significant_Tea_8538 to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:57 Deeaay LustSickPuppy/Prolaps Tickets Free

ok i know it’s not official machine girl but didn’t know where else to post this lol. i got two tickets for the upcoming show on the 27th but cant go anymore so does anyone want them? message me :3
submitted by Deeaay to machinegirl [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 17:38 Holiday_Weird_3603 Künstliche Bandscheibe LWS?

Hallo zusammen,
mir wurde jetzt schon von zwei Ärzten empfohlen, mich wegen meinem Bandscheibenvorfall LWS operieren zu lassen. Arzt 1 wollte den Prolaps entfernen, Arzt 2 die gesamte Bandscheibe und eine Prothese einsetzen. Ansonsten droht ein permanenter Nervenschaden.
Ich will jetzt nicht zu arg in die Tiefe gehen; jeder Bandscheibenvorfall ist ja total individuell. Ich suche auch nicht unbedingt medizinischen Ratschlag, dafür hab ich ja die Ärzte.
Ich finde bloß relativ wenig Erfahrungsberichte zum Einsetzen einer Prothese in der LWS. Hat hier jemand schon die OP hinter sich? Bereut ihr es? Wie geht's euch jetzt vs davor?
Freu mich auf eure Eindrücke :)
submitted by Holiday_Weird_3603 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 15:06 Bat_baby_97 Mystery illness

I am 26, my symptoms increased at 24, had these symptoms for 2 years, the symptoms are :
Gastro : abdominal lump that comes and goes ,nausea,constipation ,NO HUNGER CUES (I also have gastroparesis),bloating,mucus in stool,getting full easily even after eating very little, weight lose.
Neuro : dizziness ,CONSTANT DAYTIME SLEEPINESS like i'm sedated,blurry vision,maintenance insomnia ( waking up 15 times at night but I am falling asleep rapidly),hyponogenic halucinations(before falling asleep),illusory palinopsia,muscle spasms, headaches , brain fog ,depression and anxiety, and sometimes random images pop up in my vision .
?? : random bruises .
I got an colonoscopy, endoscopy, ct enterography, irm of abdomen and pelvis ( no contrast enhanced) , head irm ( no contrast enganced) , ANA - test (no positive results) , hormonal blood test ( high ATPO ) , heart eco ( mitral valve prolaps grade 1 ) , effort test ( ok ) , holter ekg ( bradicardya and tahicardia) , emptying gastric study ( 30% emptying in one hour / normal is 70-75% ), sudoscan , liver blood tests, p-anca , asca, celiac disease blood test, scleroderma blood test , and more...
Help please.. I live in Romania and the medical system is so old here doctors can find my health problem cuz they don't know nothing they graduate collage paying money, im very scared, and no one helps me . Any advice matters to me right now .. is someone eperience that kind of symptoms ?
submitted by Bat_baby_97 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 10:26 ole_goofy_ass_racoon 'The Arms Dealer' (alternate) this is a more realistic version that covers up her tattos for anonymity. She still has her hair showing but I can't wear a full balaclava with the hat and glasses. Just use you imagination amd pretend she has a camo balaclava.

'The Arms Dealer' (alternate) this is a more realistic version that covers up her tattos for anonymity. She still has her hair showing but I can't wear a full balaclava with the hat and glasses. Just use you imagination amd pretend she has a camo balaclava. submitted by ole_goofy_ass_racoon to GTAoutfits [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 09:51 ole_goofy_ass_racoon "Support your local arms dealer! :)" I call this one 'The Arms Dealer'

submitted by ole_goofy_ass_racoon to GTAoutfits [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 20:14 Stunning_Effect_2011 Woah. Chill. Yuh!

Woah. Chill. Yuh!
Loving my new Darnell Jackson crewneck, prolaps records, blow it outchya ass!
submitted by Stunning_Effect_2011 to Jaboody [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 05:00 BallsSophie back, updated,

back, updated, submitted by BallsSophie to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 05:27 Affectionate-Eye3896 Tell me what to listen to.🎧

Tell me what to listen to.🎧 submitted by Affectionate-Eye3896 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 13:00 BallsSophie This a good music taste? Just came out the womb btw

This a good music taste? Just came out the womb btw submitted by BallsSophie to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 07:52 Bat_baby_97 Seeking support

I am 26, my symptoms increased at 24, had these symptoms for 2 years, the symptoms are abdominal lump that comes and goes ,headaches,nausea,constipation ,NO HUNGER CUES (I also have gastroparesis),bloating,mucus in stool,sometimes pain especially in foot and arm bones,getting full easily even after eating very little,dizziness ,CONSTANT DAYTIME SLEEPINESS like i'm sedated,blurry vision,hot face sometimes,random briuses,mixed insomnia ( waking up 15 times at night but I am falling asleep rapidly),hyponogenic halucinations(before falling asleep),illusory palinopsia, depression and anxiety, feeling sick like im gonna die and less urine..
I got an colonoscopy, endoscopy, ct enterography, irm of abdomen and pelvis ( no contrast enhanced) , head irm ( no contrast enganced) , ANA - test (no positive results) , hormonal blood test ( high ATPO ) , heart eco ( mitral valve prolaps grade 1 ) , effort test ( ok ) , holter ekg ( bradicardya and tahicardia) , emptying gastric study ( 30% emptying in one hour / normal is 70-75% ), sudoscan , liver blood tests, p-anca , asca, celiac disease blood test, scleroderma blood test , and more...
Help please.. I live in Romania and no doctor can find my health problem, im vary scared, and no one help me, my family don't understand my health problem and they think I am crazy . Any adivice matters to me right now .. is someone eperience that kind of symptoms ? Please....
submitted by Bat_baby_97 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 01:23 Comfortable_Plate_14 How can I avoid this tie clipping ?

How can I avoid this tie clipping ? submitted by Comfortable_Plate_14 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 08:07 DISCIPLEstreetWEAR GTA clothing brands cheer list

GTA clothing brands cheer list submitted by DISCIPLEstreetWEAR to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 14:05 Exaltedmiff Can someone tell me what this jacket is called?

Can someone tell me what this jacket is called? submitted by Exaltedmiff to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 01:26 TheKleinsCrimeFamily H3 was selling this, without age verification!

H3 was selling this, without age verification! submitted by TheKleinsCrimeFamily to h3snark [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 18:38 RealisticBrownie LTB karin sultan rs classic with hidden dense livery

LTB karin sultan rs classic with hidden dense livery submitted by RealisticBrownie to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]