Lisinopril crohn s disease

All the toilet humor you can handle!

2019.10.06 03:09 covercash All the toilet humor you can handle!

This is a subreddit dedicated to memes about IBD/Crohn’s/Colitis/etc. It’s the sister subreddit of CrohnsDisease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2022.02.16 05:17 Meatrition Keto4CrohnsDisease

This subreddit is for discussing the usage of the carnivore and ketogenic diets and the spectrums between them for the treatment and prevention of Crohn’s Disease 🥩 🥚 💩🦠 Science 🧬 and Anecdotes both positive and negative are encouraged. All post types are allowed, including blogs and responsible spam like good science on a health coach site, photos, before and afters, videos of anecdotes or science lectures. Crossposts are great! ketoscience keto4 Keto4IBS zerocarb StopEatingFiber

2024.06.01 12:44 undecjded 6/1, 6 months sober, 1 year since rock bottom

5 months**
I’m up way too late watching a show and just realized it’s June 1st. A year ago tonight, I was 22, hospitalized with no memory of what happened, surrounded by my terrified family. Loong story short it was the worst day of my life, I almost died bc of alcohol and again from the resulting depression afterwards. Lonely and isolated, I posted here and was met w support that I am still so grateful for. I’ve since deleted my post from a year ago because it was extremely vulnerable, but I read the comments I saved often.
It still wasn’t until new years eve 2024 when I realized I was disgusted w myself and I was done. I moved out of my apartment that week, dropped toxic friends, started treatment, and began staying with family.
5 months later, I’m still sober and I actually can’t believe it. I’m 30 lbs down. My autoimmune disease is in remission. I was able to re-enroll in university and am graduating next quarter. I’m able to go on a trip I’ve always dreamed of taking this summer. My mental and physical health are finally, slowly, getting better.
People told me it would get better, I didn’t believe it. I was taking everything a second at a time and it was honestly excruciating at many points, but I actually have hope now. It’s crazy. I never want to come close to where I was, ever again. Anyway rant over, I will not be drinking w yall today!!
submitted by undecjded to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:42 yourworstnightmare20 Sleep advice

So my now 10 month old has always been a pretty awful sleeper (she has reflux disease which is medicated and is so much better), however when she hit 4 months old she began waking every 2 hours on the DOT. Every night. This was never as frequent, even when the reflux was at its worse. She is still waking a lot during the night, 6 months later. The only way she will settle is if I feed(breastfeed) her. She isn’t fed to sleep as part of her routine, but does have a pacifier which is only used for sleep, but when she wakes up, if I try to give it to her she becomes angry and refuses it. I try rocking, everything she will not settle unless fed. After the first wake up it then becomes 2 hourly, same pattern, will only go back to sleep when nursing. Is this just a habit? I have no idea how else to settle her. She screams, arches and is so unhappy at any other way I try to resettle! To add to this we do co sleep. However we’re in the process of slowly introducing the cot and she manages most nights in there for around 4 hours (which is good progress for us) she’s not good at self settling and does require a lot of help to drift off, rocking, singing etc.
Any advice is so so so appreciated!!
submitted by yourworstnightmare20 to AttachmentParenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:37 confusedhuskynoises Doctor possibly missed a diagnosis years ago

I may be diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease soon. I’m in the process of testing and hopefully will have a diagnosis after a scope coming in a couple weeks.
My question is- do I have a case against the doctor that scoped me in 2021? I was having all of the same symptoms (diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, fever, as well as strong family history) and when he scoped me he found nothing and sent me on my way. From what I know, not all of the intestines can be visualized from a colonoscopy and there are other diagnostic measures he could have taken. He wrote in the scope report that he would recommend a follow up scope based on pathology results. He never did do that, and in fact he signed off my care at some point without telling me.
I’ve now had several doctor visits, procedures, and even a surgery on my stomach that all may have been completely unnecessary had I been diagnosed properly in ‘21. My stomach’s anatomy is permanently altered now (bottom sphincter has been cut open permanently.)
Left untreated, IBD has the potential to cause scarring and strictures in the bowel which can require surgical intervention/removal.
Thank you for reading.
TLDR: doc wasn’t thorough a few years ago and may have missed a diagnosis. My body is now permanently altered and possibly will need further surgeries. Do I have a case against the first doc who did my scope in ‘21?
submitted by confusedhuskynoises to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:36 VioletVoyages Refeeding syndrome theory (warning: ED trigger)

KM may suffer from bulimia. This is a possibility given her historical and recent weight, as well as the bandages on her knuckles. I believe the bandage photos were taken some time apart, so not from the reported injury; rather longer term/ongoing using those two fingers for purging.
Refeeding syndrome, in a nutshell, is when someone with an ED starves themselves and then eats a big meal/binges.
Here is a link for professionals: Here is a layman’s link:
Note that it can be a life-threatening condition resulting in a coma. It also can be exacerbated by other abdominal issues, which she is known to have.
Timing-wise this fits. She may have starved herself for 3-4 days before the Xmas dinner, then binged at that meal.
It’s possible she’s still in a coma. Or she’s now conscious, but her malnourished state and illness have made her appearance degrade to where she doesn’t want to be seen in this state.
The reason KP chose cancer instead of the truth is because ED is a stigmatized illness. They would be embarrassed to admit the future Queen has this condition.
submitted by VioletVoyages to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 textbook15 How do you concisely explain differentiation?

I am writing an essay on what the purpose of mathematics is in the real world. It’s for a relatively competitive competition but I do really want to give it a good shot. I’m trying to use differentiation as an example of how useful maths can be but I’m unable to describe it concisely without going off on a whole tangent (pun unintended). I’m trying to limit myself to about 300 words (essay is 2000 words) but it’s not really working, because I’m trying to explain what a function is, how/why a function can be plotted on a co-ordinate grid, gradient, etc etc. I feel like if I talk about differentiation itself for too long I’m not really answering the question, and I want to spend more time explaining how it’s applied.
This is unrelated but for one of my examples I was going to talk about COVID case graphs in 2020 and how differentiation can be applied to analyse the spread of the disease (both by analysing the first and second derivative), but that’s when I realised that a graph like that isn’t a function, it’s just a graph. So you need graph smoothing but also you need to figure out a way to fit a curve on it and know the curve’s equation. Is that even possible?
Edit: What I've written so far. 281 words. I feel like I could maybe polish it off here but I don't know how. And maybe it's just too verbose.
"A straight line has a continuous gradient. This means that the change in height of the line stays the same for a given horizontal distance along it. Think of a ramp – any time you travel 1 metre horizontally along the ramp, you travel a fixed distance upwards each time.
Unlike a straight line, the gradient of a curve fluctuates. The change in height along a curve does not stay the same for a given distance across it. For example, travelling 1 metre horizontally across one part of a rollercoaster may take you upwards, but travelling 1 metre horizontally across another part may take you downwards. The steepness of the rollercoaster changes at each exact point.
A function is a mathematical equation whereby each valid input (commonly denoted as x) produces a specific output (commonly denoted as y or f(x) ). For example, the function f(x) = 3x + 4 takes each input number, triples it, and adds 4. If the input, x, is 3, the output will be 13. Therefore functions can be plotted on a Cartesian plane (a standard co-ordinate grid), with the input values on the horizontal and the output values on the vertical axis, so that the co-ordinates of each point on the graph are in the form (input, output).
While a function such as f(x) = 3x + 4 may produce a straight-line, ‘ramp-shaped’ graph, more complex functions such as x3 may produce more complex, ‘rollercoaster-shaped’ graphs, with gradients that vary continuously along them.
The process of differentiating such complex functions means to find a second function that outputs the gradient at any point along the first function’s graph through using the equation of the first one."
submitted by textbook15 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:57 GlitchInTheSwitch Recent CMS means custom wheelchair and Smart Drive- any advice?

Heyo! I was diagnosed with a genetic neuromuscular disease February of this year so my neuromuscular surgeon had me evaluated for an ultralight weight TiLite Aero Z wheelchair with a Max Mobility Smart Drive Max 2+. I got my first wheelchair June of last year and I’ve only recently become able to navigate/propel myself in it to go a mile down the road to the closest restaurant for date nights. I want to be as prepared as possible, and know preventive measures to make both last the required 5 years from insurance. So any advice, tips, or tricks I s needed and welcomed- even if you think it’s common knowledge, it may not be to a newbie. both are to be delivered in 2 weeks! (Maybe 3 for the Smart Drive due to the long track it’ll make to my local DME facility). Also want to mention I will be having surgery days after receiving my new chair so any advice for making that adjustment as comfy as possible would be helpful too. Thank you!
submitted by GlitchInTheSwitch to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:36 TheLokomotivM Is this glaucoma in 25 y.o?

Hi all! I am M, 25 years old.
I recently had a routine eye examination without any complaints. Unfortunately, they discovered increased eye pressure, 22 and 23 (on the left and right, respectively). Next, I did OCT, where the results turned out to be disappointing (I have attached the results). As for other results: visual fields are normal, impaired sensitivity to light in the right eye. As far as I understand, there is damage to the optic nerve in the right eye. The doctor referred me to a neurologist so that I could have an MRI of the brain with contrast to refute MS and other unwanted diseases. The results came back clear. After that, I went back to the ophthalmologist, who said that it could be normal-tension glaucoma (since the last time the pressure was 17 on the left, and 16 on the right) or pigmentary glaucoma and then referred me to a glaucoma specialist . So I’ll go to him next Thursday. Do you think there are really critical things in these OCT results or is there a chance that this is just my individual eye feature?
I'm afraid of glaucoma and the possibility of going blind at such an early age...
Thanks in advance for your answers!
submitted by TheLokomotivM to Glaucoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 Accomplished_Dog_647 Yellow stool and GI issues

Hello everybody :). I‘ve scoured some posts about similar problems before, but I can‘t find something that helps 100%.
I have had yellow stools (on and off) for about half a year. It‘s getting progressively worse when I get them (they also were completely white sometimes). They are voluminous and stink to high heavens. But my pancreas elastase was above 200, so no pancreatic insufficiency. I also tried to take some pancreatic enzymes, they helped for a bit, but now they don‘t do much at all. Eating has become very painful for me, esp. stuff like protein/ fats. And the problem is that I can mostly only tolerate Proteins, fats and veggies/fruits.
My initial thought: pancreas (seems to be OK)
My second thought: SIBO/ SIFO (since the bacteria can de-conjugate bile and that‘s why no fat gets absorbed)
My third thought: Something like gallbladder stones or liver disease (no CRP was elevated, though).
Having nothing I can safely eat also triggers my fatigue in a major way.
Has anyone had similar experiences?
submitted by Accomplished_Dog_647 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:58 Nice_Supermarket23 Trash can sanitation!

Hi there, this is Cody with trash panda cleaning, we are a veteran owned and operated trash can sanitation and interioexterior window cleaners. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind knowing that when you go out to take out the garbage your trash can will be clean and safe of any bacterial build up. Another important factor that we like to take into consideration is that, dirty and smelly trash cans attract all sorts of pest and rodents like ants, maggots, flies, wasps, mice, raccoons, roaches and that’s just the beginning of it! These pest and rodents can carry multiple diseases and are very dangerous to have hanging out around you and your family. We take pride in our service and are happy to be able to help provide the community with a safe and clean environment. Please feel free to reach out to me via;
submitted by Nice_Supermarket23 to Clarksville [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:50 Yurii_S_Kh The Maiden Apostle

The Maiden Apostle
Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)
The most significant event in the history of Georgia was the country’s conversion to Christianity in the early fourth century by St. Nino, Equal-to-the-Apostles. The light of the Gospels brought by the virgin Nino to Georgia like a lamp lit from the fire of the Jerusalem church took flesh in the wondrous works of Christian literature and ecclesiastical art, in magnificent cathedrals resembling sculptures hewn from whole blocks of granite, in churches—stone blossoms that adorned the entire country as the garden of the Most Holy Theotokos, in chapels crowning the mountain peaks, so that the mountains and cliffs themselves are like footstools for the chapels. This light shines from the ancient icons and frescoes of extraordinary spiritual depth. This light sparkles in sacred chants. It illuminates the pages of Georgian Saints’ Lives and chronicles; but most importantly—the light brought by St. Nino changed and transformed the soul of the people.
* * *
Christianity made man a new creation. It gave him the dignity of the image and likeness of God, and revealed an imperishable spiritual treasure. Christianity turned man’s thoughts and heart to eternity. It gave his soul the possibility to be reborn and resurrected through mystical experience. Christianity revealed to man the true freedom of love, instead of the pagan freedom of passions and tyranny. Christian theology gave an answer to the age-old questions raised but not answered by philosophy. The Gospel teaching showed that each human personality—inimitable and unique—is of supreme value. Christianity became a powerful impulse for rethinking and developing the relationships between people and nations, founded upon respect for man as an image of God and a manifestation of eternity on earth. The light brought by St. Nino illumined Georgia’s historical path for many centuries. The Baptism of Georgia was the beginning of a new era in the spiritual life of its people.
The Gospel was first preached in Georgia by the apostles themselves. It was like the first rays of the sun that brighten the mountain peaks, as if tearing them from the captivity of darkness and night. Ancient ice and snow burst into flames of blinding light, but in the gorges and passes the fog still curls like the black smoke of a campfire. The world is sunk in pre-dawn night and sleep. The peaks illuminated by the light were the first Christian communities founded by the apostles. But the people remained in pagan captivity. Apostles Andrew the First-Called, Simon the Canaanite, and Matthew had cast the seeds of Gospel teaching into Georgian soil, but three centuries passed before this land would be covered with wondrously beautiful flowers. Just as the Aragva River changes its flow from south to west at the borders of Mshkheta, so did the Baptism of Georgia in the Aragva turn Georgia’s entire course of history from Iran to Byzantium.
The fourth century was a time of conversion to Christianity in the Caucasus Mountain region. Georgia’s brothers, Armenia and Caspian Albania, also converted, and this Christian house became an impenetrable fortress against their enemies.
St. Nino was, according to ancient tradition, a cousin of Great-Martyr George the Trophy-Bearer. There is a great similarity between the image of the knight who slays the dragon and the young virgin, who raised the cross in her hands like a spiritual sun over Georgia.
Georgia is the portion of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary chose a virgin to be the apostle of Georgia—St. Nino, who was almost a child at the time. With the cross as her sword she was victorious in battle with paganism, and illumined the nation with the light of the Gospel. She captivated people’s hearts with the fire of love, which Christ had brought from heaven to earth. She converted the people to Christ not with artful words, but through the power of grace. Nino’s chosenness was marked by the gift of miracles and healing. But the conversion of a nation through a young virgin was the greatest miracle. It is impossible to prove the existence of light—it has to be seen. St. Nino herself was a bright lamp; those around her felt this light with their souls, and beheld the eternal beauty of the Gospels. They received Nino’s preaching as a new life, hitherto unknown to them.
St. Nino lived from her childhood in a Jerusalem church under the care of her uncle, Patriarch Juvenal. This church was located on the slopes of Mount Sion, where the Holy Spirit had descended upon the apostles (the Church of the Resurrection of Christ the Savior had not yet been built). St. Nino grew up under the eaves of the church, similar to how the Virgin Mary lived for ten years in the Old Testament temple in fulfillment of her parent’s vow. The Virgin Mary had access to the Holy of Holies. The virgin Nino prayed in the place where the Holy Spirit descended in the form of fiery tongues and founded the New Testament Church in the upper room on Sion.
Jerusalem is a book made of stone, written about Christ. There the air preserves the breath of His lips, and the earth, His footprints. There, it is as if time has stopped, and it seems that Christ is near, like the time of His earthly life.
St. Nino lived at the church, like a nun in reclusion. The church is a concentration of spiritual light. Outside the church the light becomes dispersed and dim. In the silence of the church she heard the voice of angels, and in visions she conversed with Christ the Savior, as St. Paul conversed face-to-face with Jesus in the Arabian Desert. The Mother of God appeared to her as she did to the apostles after her Dormition. She saw with her spiritual eyes the beginning and end of the world. Prayer transfigured her. The young virgin seemed to be the embodiment of the spirit of ancient prophetesses, or angels who had taken on human appearance.
At the Savior’s will and the Mother of God’s blessing, she came from Palestine to the capital of Georgia, Mshkheta, which became a second Jerusalem. The day of her arrival, August 6, was the New Year and festival of the Zoroastrian divinity Ahura Mazda—the main festival of fire-worshippers. St. Nino entered into combat with Ahura Mazda and conquered him, as St. George conquered the dragon. The dragon was slain by the power of prayer, and the idol of Ahura Mazda fell and shattered into dust. This day became the spiritual new year in the life of the Georgian people.
Mshkheta greeted St. Nino with festival noise, solemn processions, and a sea of fires lit to honor Ahura Mazda. For Mazdaists, every first day of the month was dedicated to Ahura Mazda, and this first day of the year was celebrated with particular solemnity. On the left bank of the Kura River, opposite Mshkheta, King Parnaoz built a fortress and a pagan temple called Armazi. On the left side opposite Mshkheta, on the mountain peak stood idols of the Zoroastrian divinity, wrought of metal and decorated with precious stones. One of them held a bared sword in an outstretched arm and stood over Mshkheta like a conqueror, looking over the city from the heights of a citadel.
St. Nino fell to her knees and began to pray that the Lord would cast down the idols with His might, just as the idols of Memphis shook and fell when the Virgin Mary and her Infant passed through the city gates.
A miracle occurred. A storm arose. The horizon was darkened by clouds as if the sky was furrowing its brow. Dark clouds like black glaciers flows over Mshkheta. The sun’s light turned to dusk, as if time was turning back and night was on again. Lightning tore the clouds. The whole earth seemed to shake from the thunder. A whirlwind like a tornado flung Ahura Mazda into the gorge, like a knight throws his combatant from his horse. Torrential rain poured down mixed with hail, like molten metal and stones cast from battlements. The water of the Aragvi became covered with foam, as if it was boiling—waves heaved upwards, as if they wanted to reach the mountain peaks. It seemed that the river would crash over Mshkheta and drown it in its belly. People ran to their homes in horror. The city emptied, like a graveyard. But the storm passed as quickly as it came. Again the sun shone in the sky cleansed by wind and washed by rain. On the mountain peak there were no longer any idols to be seen, as if St. Nino had torn the military emblem from the walls of the Acropolis. In the thunder and wind, in the blinding flashes of lightning a new page opened in the Christian chronicles of Georgia, magnificent as Caucasus nature.
St. Nino began to live in the house of the king’s orchard keeper, the Jew Anastasios. Here she built a hut out of branches covered with clay on the edge of the king’s orchard. Her bed was a piece of wool felt thrown over the earth in place of a carpet, on which she prayed most of the night, falling asleep just before daybreak. On this site is built the Samtavro Monastery of St. Nino. In her desert cell is the cross made of grapevines, given to her by the Virgin Mary. This cross, a great sacred treasure of Georgia, is kept in the Sion Cathedral in Tbilisi.
In the Greek Chronicles, St. Nino is called Nonna; that is, nun and recluse. For the heart of a monk, the desert is the place where he meets Christ. St. Nino often withdrew to the outskirts of Mshkheta, especially to the mountain that is now crowned with the Dzhvari church, where the noise of the city and waves of the river would not disturb her silence. In the mountains the quietude is like an impenetrable, transparent crystal wall. There she prayed for hours to God, and when the first stars appeared in the sky, like candles lit by an invisible hand before an iconostasis, she would descend to the capital city, where the houses’ windows glowed like stars fallen from the sky.
St. Nino’s preaching was accompanied by manifestations of God’s power, especially the healing of the sick. Through the Jews who had settled in the Caucasus by at least the seventh century before Christ, the peoples of Georgia had been acquainted with Biblical teaching. Christian communities founded by the apostles in as early as the first century formed separate islands that eventually turned into an archipelago, spreading across the sea of paganism. By the end of the third century, Christianity was the second religion in size after Mazdaism. Georgia now stood before a choice: what should it be from now on—pagan, or Christian; what should they choose—the Gospels or the Avesta, the light of the Cross or the fires of Zoroaster?
Queen Nana, who had been healed of a mortal disease by the virgin Nino, became a Christian. King Mirian, son of a Persian shah, had been taught from childhood that Iran was the land of light, and east and west of it was the kingdom of darkness—Turan and Rome. The priests of Zoroaster convinced the king that Christianity is the herald of catastrophes prophesied by Zoroaster, that it is the religion of women and slaves, not worthy of an Aryan, that the true faith would perish through a woman, as one Indian sage had written five centuries before the birth of Christ, that Iran was created by great heroes who had conquered the devs (giants) from Turan, and because of the Christians the Jews perished and Rome was in decline.
The king was sunk in heavy doubts.
Where is the truth? Where should he lead his people? Will his descendants bless, or curse his name? The scales of history wavered in his hands, and no one knew which cup would drop lower. But the king’s doubt was resolved by a miracle—he was saved from fatal danger when he called upon the unknown God of St. Nino. King Mirian became the first Christian king of Georgia. According to the Greek chronologists, Georgia’s conversion happened in 318 A.D., and the Baptism of Georgia according to the Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia) happened in 326, while the time of the hierarchical establishment in the Georgian Church came in 337.
The priests and bishops sent from Byzantium baptized the people of Georgia and Aragva. The place where King Mirian and his princes were baptized is called to this day the “courtiers’ font”. Downstream on the river, like in an enormous font, the people were baptized.
The fires of Zoroastrianism were extinguished in the waters of the Aragva; in the waves of the Aragva the blood of human sacrifices spilled to idols before the reign of Reva the Righteous (two centuries B.C.) was cleansed away, as was the filth of pagan theurgy and magic. The shards of shattered idols were thrown like corpses in a common grave in the Aragva. The Holy Spirit descended into the waters of the Aragva, as it did into the waters of the Jordan.
St. Nino traversed all of Kartli and Kakhetia with her preaching. She ascended to mountain settlements that were like eagles’ nests clinging to cliffs over the abysses. She preached in the courts of princes and in the huts of paupers. Day and night she spent in care for the newly baptized people, like a godmother for her children.
Nino performed the ascetic labors of her life in the eastern region of Georgia called Ereti, in the settlement of Bodbe. Like a gravestone on her grave stands the Church of St. George the Trophy Bearer. Here St. Nino rests in body, but in spirit she abides in every church, city, and village of Georgia. She abides in the heart of Georgia, and Georgia, in her heart.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 Worth_Umpire_3361 Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School

Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
– Michael Jordan.
JOIN HANDS symbolizes ‘to work together in an enterprise or a task.’ We can accomplish great things if we all join hands and work together.
You must have heard of the Elephant and the Monkey story. If not? Here is the story. In a forest, lived one elephant and a monkey who were too highbrow on their qualities and would often quarrel about who had superior qualities. So, one day an owl thought to teach them a lesson about the importance of collaboration and teamwork and had an idea to initiate a competition, and whoever wins would be considered superior and more powerful. The challenge was to get a golden fruit from an old tree present in the forest behind.
To reach the forest behind, both of them had to cross the river. But the monkey swept away along with the high current and after that, the elephant asked the monkey to ascend on his back, and then they successfully crossed the river. The challenge was still not completed. The elephant attempted to descend the tree but the tree was so strong and didn't shake so the monkey decided to climb up the tree and pluck the fruit.
When they came back and the owl was going to declare the winner, both of them first stopped the owl from declaring the winner and then expressed their gratitude towards each other and stated that they were able to do so because of their joint efforts.
The moral of the story has been stated as follows:
  • No one is superior to anyone, individually one is not effective. However, collectively as a team, we can achieve the impossible. All because you used unity at the right time to do the right thing.
  • Teamwork is the backbone of collaboration and effective communication within an organization. It increases efficiency and productivity.
  • Collaborative problem-solving leads to better outcomes.
  • As everyone knows, the work done by a team is always done at a much better pace, with high accuracy and precision when compared to the work of an individual. It always has a large impact on a huge amount of people.
  • Teamwork gives opportunities for growth, lowers the risk of burnout, yields fewer mistakes, and sparks creativity.
  • Working in a team encourages personal growth, addresses a large number of people, and reduces stress.
  • It leads to enhanced creativity and improved quality of work.
  • It improves organizational culture, and brainstorming and encourages a common goal.
  • Teamwork skills are essential for the academic and professional success of an individual.
Also, I would like to focus on the concept and the importance of education:
Education can be defined as the training of people, and the transmission of skills, knowledge, and character traits, and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as private and public schools, following a curriculum.
  • It helps you improve your career and personal growth.
  • It contributes to human development and helps you make the right decisions in life.
  • It increases the chance of employment and also helps in the creation of an identity of a self.
  • Education provides stability in life, and it's something that no one can ever take away from you. By being well-educated and holding a college degree, you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself
  • It helps to reduce inequalities and reach gender equality.
  • It leads to innovations and discoveries.
  • It helps in the character and moral development of an individual.
  • Education helps a person to get knowledge and improve confidence in life.
  • It teaches lessons of gratitude and humanity.
  • Learning changes your thinking capabilities and perceptions.
Similarly, Pehchaan The Street School is not an individual entity. It has a group of volunteers whose motive is to help each underprivileged child create a PEHCHAAN (‘identity’) for themselves. In 2015, it consisted only of 5 volunteers, with an increase in time, Pehchaan The Street School consisted of 500+ volunteers along with interns and other community members.
Mr. Aakash Tandon along with his friends started it. Pehchaan The Street School aims to provide quality and free education to every underprivileged child. From elementary education to vocational studies, they have emphasized the value of education as a fundamental right. The motive is to make education accessible to every child with a desire to learn. The institutionalization and commodification of education across our country have severely restricted the ability of the underprivileged to access means of vocational as well as academic studies, and that’s the barrier that we aim to break with Pehchaan The Street School.
At Pehchaan The Street School, where the holistic approach to education dominates, we are venturing beyond just academics to break off from the conventional. They recognize multi-dimensional issues faced by underprivileged children and offer integrated interventions. They also provide free health checkups, skill enhancement courses, workshops on the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation, mental health treatment, financial support, and legal aid.
Various initiatives taken by Pehchaan The Street School for the rights to equality, freedom, and education for each underprivileged child are mentioned as follows:
  • Quality Education
It is provided by setting up informal schooling spaces in inaccessible locations; the initiatives break down barriers that typically prevent these children from accessing formal education systems.
Education completely changes the way how an individual thinks and takes action in their life.
  • Creation of a supportive environment
Pehchaan The Street School consists of parents, local communities, interns, volunteers, and various community members in the educational process fostering a supportive environment for all the children to learn efficiently.
  • Personal Hygiene and sanitation camps
Various camps are organized to provide information about hygiene and measures to maintain it. Hygiene camps conduct interactive sessions on handwashing, dental care, and personal hygiene, instilling habits that serve as the first line of defense against infections and diseases.
  • Financial Support
Financial aid is provided to underprivileged children through donations in various forms such as uniforms, books, shoes, cash, adoption of a child’s education, etc.
  • Menstrual education
Various sessions are conducted by Pehchaan The Street School to spread awareness and information about menstrual cramps, menstruation, and other factors related to it.
  • Gender Equality
Gender equality is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations, and needs equally, regardless of gender. Pehchaan The Street School also conducts sessions on social norms and etiquette, basic salutations, and educates children on how to treat others, etc.
  • Reduced Inequality
It stands for recognizing the unique challenges faced by different groups and implementing measures to overcome barriers, promote equal rights, and foster inclusive societies where everyone can thrive.
  • Free health checkups
Monthly free health checkups take place under the supervision of Pehchaan The Street School for each underprivileged child and woman.
  • Mental health treatments
Counseling, peer support, medication, psychological therapies, and brain stimulation therapies are conducted to keep the stress level low and are used to provide education about mental health.
Overall, Pehchaan The Street School focuses on the academic and holistic development of each underprivileged child as well as woman.
Now, you can also be a part of Pehchaan The Street School and help us educate thousands of underprivileged children by implementing the initiatives mentioned below:
  • Fill out the registration form on the official website of Pehchaan The Street School. []
  • Adopt a Child’s Education – This includes taking full funding responsibility for a child’s education for his/her schooling, from primary to higher secondary education
  • Donations – Every bit counts! Donations in the form of uniforms, books, stationery, boards, desks, and educational toys are accepted and appreciated.
  • Connect with them on different social media apps such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Quora, etc.
  • Send your request to join Pehchaan The Street School at the mail mentioned on their website. [[](]
  • Contact them directly to learn about their membership process, its time period, and benefits.
  • Support children’s education and help break the cycle of poverty.
  • Volunteers: Volunteering is for everyone who can work on the ground or online and can contribute time as per their availability.
  • Internship: The internship is for everyone who can commit a minimum duration of time to work on the ground or online.
  • Become a P.O.C [Point of Contact]: The role of POC is to officially represent Pehchaan The Street School in their respective areas/localities and they also help us conduct monthly donation drives.
To grab more information and future updates about Pehchaan The Street School, browse the following links:-
Website: Pehchaan The Street School (
LinkedIn page link: Pehchaan The Street School (Trust): My Company LinkedIn
Facebook page link: Pehchaan The Street School New Delhi Facebook
YouTube page link: Pehchaan The Street School — YouTube
Instagram page link: Pehchaan The Street School (@pehchaanstreetschool) • Instagram photos and videos
Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School
submitted by Worth_Umpire_3361 to ngarticles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:35 drdeepeshkalra What is Renal Cancer ?

What is Renal Cancer ?
Renal cancer, also known as kidney cancer, occurs when cells in the kidney grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. The kidneys, located in the back of the abdomen, are vital organs responsible for filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood, producing urine, and regulating electrolyte balance. Renal cancer can affect one or both kidneys and may spread to other parts of the body if left untreated.

Symptoms of Renal Cancer

  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • Persistent back pain, just below the ribs
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling in the legs or ankles
It’s essential to note that these symptoms can vary from person to person, and some individuals with renal cancer may not experience any symptoms until the disease has advanced.

The Role of a Kidney Doctor

A kidney doctor, or nephrologist, is a medical specialist trained in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disorders, including renal cancer. While nephrologists primarily focus on managing conditions like chronic kidney disease and hypertension, they also play a vital role in the comprehensive care of patients with renal cancer.
Here’s how a kidney doctor can help:
1. Diagnosis: A nephrologist can evaluate your symptoms, order diagnostic tests such as blood tests, urine tests, imaging studies (like CT scans or MRIs), and biopsies to confirm the presence of renal cancer and determine its stage.
2. Treatment Planning: Once diagnosed, a kidney doctor collaborates with other specialists, such as oncologists and surgeons, to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Treatment options for renal cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of these approaches.
3. Monitoring and Follow-Up: After treatment, a nephrologist monitors your progress, manages any side effects or complications, and conducts regular follow-up appointments to ensure the cancer remains under control and to address any new concerns that may arise.
4. Supportive Care: Throughout your cancer journey, a kidney doctor provides ongoing support, guidance, and education to help you navigate the physical and emotional challenges associated with renal cancer and its treatment.


Renal cancer is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention and comprehensive care. If you’re experiencing symptoms suggestive of kidney cancer, don’t hesitate to consult a kidney doctor for evaluation and treatment. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve outcomes and quality of life for individuals with renal cancer. Remember, your health is your most valuable asset — take proactive steps to protect it.
submitted by drdeepeshkalra to u/drdeepeshkalra [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:34 Informal-Pack2566 Brother was diagnosed 2days ago @ 13 yrs old “he’s in the icu”

“He’s in the icu” I received a text from my mom I immediately call her and she tells me that his blood test is off the chart as she’s talking to me the doctor comes in and tells it to them flat out you have type one diabetes and your gonna have to use medicine for the rest of your life. While I’m on the other line i hear my brother cry and say “sorry mom” and I’m shocked and start breaking down now tbh idk what to think but for these past 2 days he was in the hospital and tried to understand what it was 2hrs of research autoimmune disease destroys pancreas that produces insulin and we need it for converting sugar into energy and that it cause the blood to be poison being DKA but that’s exactly what he was going through one more day and he could have passed away. my mom said that she took him to the the kids doc and the dumbass doctor told him it was a stomach bug and to sleep it off….. My mom thank god she ended up taking him to the ER bc his blood sugar was @ 399. I joined with the intent to understand but also get more information as more technology and different cures come into play, I read up that pancreas transplants are effective but you have to take anti rejection pills for the autoimmune disease, STEM cells are supposedly good to for manipulating the pancreas to produce its insulin again. i always want to be informed bc this hit me in way I didn’t think was possible as a older brother 23 it hurts but I want to be supportive and not all Debby downer about the situation. What are some big take aways I should know. if you have siblings what did they do for y’all that helped you.
submitted by Informal-Pack2566 to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:33 Uvblue420 Skinwalkers In Michigan

Skinwalkers in Rural Michigan
I recently purchased a 10,000 lumen flashlight to illuminate the surrounding woods as I walk my dog in the evenings. I have been hearing some strange noises at night, and I figured it would be nice to see everything that boxes me in as I walk Max, my dog. But boy was I wrong. I should have been afraid of what can't be seen outside the veils of my iphone flashlight. What was to be exhumed by my flashlight terrified me to my core. This happened a week or so ago, November, 2nd 2022, Harrison Michigan. The evenings were approaching abruptly now. It was only 8:30pm when I decided to take my golden retriever on one last shit walk before I got settled in for the night. At this time, in rural Michigan at least, it’s pitch black. I cursed underneath my breath as I opened the door and peered out. Fuck, chilly and dark. God, why haven’t I moved south yet? Max was timid this evening, which was so really unlike him. Very strange. The darkness emanating from outside my house poured in like a disease. It was void of any color. Upset about not replacing my porch light, I pulled out my new amazon special, this week it was a 10,000 lumen flashlight. Feeling its expensive metallic body in my hands felt exonerating, and the excitement to use it overthrew any bad vibes Max was giving. He whimpered as soon as the door opened, he then put his tail between his legs and shivered. I scoffed at his weak tendencies here, this was so unlike him. I turned this ungodly bright flashlight on and showed it forward. “For fuck sake look Max, nothing to be afraid of y-” I was cut off. My mouth gaped at what was in front of me. Shown in the powerful beam of the flashlight was a contorted lanky humanoid figure. It slumped down from a standing position and got on all fours like a person miming a frog. Then it jerked its head up and sniffed the air. Animistically. It turned its head and bored its stare right into my eyes. Then it darted into a bush on the edge of the woods. The edge of the woods that surround my entire house. I heard leaves crackle and watched the skin colored creature dissipate into them. I focused the beam of my light directly onto that bush. It was incredibly bright and the bush appeared like high definition from the immense light, especially in contrast to the oily blackness that surrounded me. The bush shaked ominously, like a predator was inside, shifting around. A familiar feminine voice came from that bush. “Please help me… oh god please help… help… help mee…” And the leaves rustled again. Max whimpered in terror and got between my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat that I kept beside the front door for just such occasions and held it beside my head in a “ready to whoop” gesture, the other hand on my flashlight. I shakily started towards the bush from my door. Max bolted inside, leaving me completely alone. “Helllppppp meee” the voice cooed. The soft feminine coo of the voice crackled a little this time. Yeah, almost as if something was masquerading as a female, and luring me in. I was about 6 feet away by now, I could feel the blood pulsating in my temples. Goosh flesh ran down my body. “Helllpp,” deeper voice “Meeee!” An elongated ashy white arm flung towards me at ankle height. I instinctively stomped down on it. I heard cracking and sloshing from underneath my shoe. I stepped directly onto its wrist. I heard a shriek from inside the depths of that bush and the hand sprung up like a trap being set off. The strength possessed by this creature was unreal, it slung me to the ground and began to reel me into its bush where it resided. I screamed, smacked the arm with the bat as hard as I could and then lost control of the bat. It fell next to me as I was dragged closer to the bush, now my feet were inside the leafy abyss. The voice turned into my mothers voice. The clawed hands grasp on me tightened with tremendous strength and the nails dug into my skin through my pants. “Help me Nathaniel. Your mother needs help. I can't walk.” Yeah alright. I shined my light into the bush. What I saw still makes me tremble. It was my dead mothers face there alright, but atop an ashy white skinned humanoid skeleton with backward joints. The arms bent unnaturally opposite of how they should, the legs were bent like a frogs ready to pounce. The eyes were milky white, but were extremely intelligent and they gazed into my consciousness. With all of my force, I horse kicked my deceased mothers face and heard a massive crunch as my heel connected with her masqueraded nose. A profane yelp of pain blasted into the darkness of this B.F.E. where I lived. The grip on my leg loosened just enough from the blow for me to break free. I shot upright and turned to the door. I dropped my flashlight in this madness and couldn’t give a shit less. It could keep it for all I fucking cared. I bolted towards the door, and as I reached the halfway point I was Illuminated by a blinding bright light from behind. Almost like a spotlight beamed right onto me. My. Fucking. God. That thing had my flashlight and was pointing it directly at me. “Helpp… Nathaniel. Help me son.” The light started to bob up and down. Whatever was holding it was lurking closer and closer to me, and was gaining on me much faster than I was to the door. So much for not being able to walk. I ended up winning the foot race miraculously. I jumped inside my door and slammed it behind me. I heard a loud thump into the door immediately following its closure. My mothers late voice came again, beckoning me. “Son. You know your mother has taught you better than this. Let me in. Please, my son.” The light shone through the window at me, blinding me. Seeing spots and now disoriented, I fumbled myself up and managed to lock the door. Max was at the furthest point possible from the door, glaring at the door trembling in fear. Three solid knocks from the top of the door frame. Then the light was gone and I heard a metallic clunk, the thing must have dropped the flashlight on its retreat. The light now was gleaming off a huge tree. I watched a tall skinny humanoid creature with long contorted ligaments jerkily run towards that tree. His legs bent opposite of how our legs do, and same with the arms. Then it bent down in the same erratic way that it moved, and got onto all fours as it approached the tree. It paused a second and peered up the trunk. His head swiftly snapped to my face. Its now black and sunken eyes stared into my soul. I froze in terror as it climbed that trunk, with its face directly bored into me mind you, like squirrel. Scurrying right up it, never leaving contact with my eyes. The light undoubtedly should be blinding his vision, but the sense of intelligence of it knowing my existence was uncanny. Light didnt hurt it. As it ascended it smiled at me, a predatory grin. It disappeared into a purple dot that was still in my vision from when I was blinded by the flashlight. As I moved my head to try to see the creature, I watched tree leaves russell and saw no more of it. Yet. I locked the doors that night and cleaned up Max’s accidents from not going out. At night as I was asleep, I was awoken by my mothers soft voice from right outside the bedroom window. “Let me in Nathaniel..” Then directly following this motherly imitation came a 10,000 lumen flashlight beamed into my face. I heard the window slowly open, but I was blinded by the light.
submitted by Uvblue420 to DisembodiedVoices666 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:33 Uvblue420 Skinwalkers In Michigan

Skinwalkers in Rural Michigan
I recently purchased a 10,000 lumen flashlight to illuminate the surrounding woods as I walk my dog in the evenings. I have been hearing some strange noises at night, and I figured it would be nice to see everything that boxes me in as I walk Max, my dog. But boy was I wrong. I should have been afraid of what can't be seen outside the veils of my iphone flashlight. What was to be exhumed by my flashlight terrified me to my core. This happened a week or so ago, November, 2nd 2022, Harrison Michigan. The evenings were approaching abruptly now. It was only 8:30pm when I decided to take my golden retriever on one last shit walk before I got settled in for the night. At this time, in rural Michigan at least, it’s pitch black. I cursed underneath my breath as I opened the door and peered out. Fuck, chilly and dark. God, why haven’t I moved south yet? Max was timid this evening, which was so really unlike him. Very strange. The darkness emanating from outside my house poured in like a disease. It was void of any color. Upset about not replacing my porch light, I pulled out my new amazon special, this week it was a 10,000 lumen flashlight. Feeling its expensive metallic body in my hands felt exonerating, and the excitement to use it overthrew any bad vibes Max was giving. He whimpered as soon as the door opened, he then put his tail between his legs and shivered. I scoffed at his weak tendencies here, this was so unlike him. I turned this ungodly bright flashlight on and showed it forward. “For fuck sake look Max, nothing to be afraid of y-” I was cut off. My mouth gaped at what was in front of me. Shown in the powerful beam of the flashlight was a contorted lanky humanoid figure. It slumped down from a standing position and got on all fours like a person miming a frog. Then it jerked its head up and sniffed the air. Animistically. It turned its head and bored its stare right into my eyes. Then it darted into a bush on the edge of the woods. The edge of the woods that surround my entire house. I heard leaves crackle and watched the skin colored creature dissipate into them. I focused the beam of my light directly onto that bush. It was incredibly bright and the bush appeared like high definition from the immense light, especially in contrast to the oily blackness that surrounded me. The bush shaked ominously, like a predator was inside, shifting around. A familiar feminine voice came from that bush. “Please help me… oh god please help… help… help mee…” And the leaves rustled again. Max whimpered in terror and got between my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat that I kept beside the front door for just such occasions and held it beside my head in a “ready to whoop” gesture, the other hand on my flashlight. I shakily started towards the bush from my door. Max bolted inside, leaving me completely alone. “Helllppppp meee” the voice cooed. The soft feminine coo of the voice crackled a little this time. Yeah, almost as if something was masquerading as a female, and luring me in. I was about 6 feet away by now, I could feel the blood pulsating in my temples. Goosh flesh ran down my body. “Helllpp,” deeper voice “Meeee!” An elongated ashy white arm flung towards me at ankle height. I instinctively stomped down on it. I heard cracking and sloshing from underneath my shoe. I stepped directly onto its wrist. I heard a shriek from inside the depths of that bush and the hand sprung up like a trap being set off. The strength possessed by this creature was unreal, it slung me to the ground and began to reel me into its bush where it resided. I screamed, smacked the arm with the bat as hard as I could and then lost control of the bat. It fell next to me as I was dragged closer to the bush, now my feet were inside the leafy abyss. The voice turned into my mothers voice. The clawed hands grasp on me tightened with tremendous strength and the nails dug into my skin through my pants. “Help me Nathaniel. Your mother needs help. I can't walk.” Yeah alright. I shined my light into the bush. What I saw still makes me tremble. It was my dead mothers face there alright, but atop an ashy white skinned humanoid skeleton with backward joints. The arms bent unnaturally opposite of how they should, the legs were bent like a frogs ready to pounce. The eyes were milky white, but were extremely intelligent and they gazed into my consciousness. With all of my force, I horse kicked my deceased mothers face and heard a massive crunch as my heel connected with her masqueraded nose. A profane yelp of pain blasted into the darkness of this B.F.E. where I lived. The grip on my leg loosened just enough from the blow for me to break free. I shot upright and turned to the door. I dropped my flashlight in this madness and couldn’t give a shit less. It could keep it for all I fucking cared. I bolted towards the door, and as I reached the halfway point I was Illuminated by a blinding bright light from behind. Almost like a spotlight beamed right onto me. My. Fucking. God. That thing had my flashlight and was pointing it directly at me. “Helpp… Nathaniel. Help me son.” The light started to bob up and down. Whatever was holding it was lurking closer and closer to me, and was gaining on me much faster than I was to the door. So much for not being able to walk. I ended up winning the foot race miraculously. I jumped inside my door and slammed it behind me. I heard a loud thump into the door immediately following its closure. My mothers late voice came again, beckoning me. “Son. You know your mother has taught you better than this. Let me in. Please, my son.” The light shone through the window at me, blinding me. Seeing spots and now disoriented, I fumbled myself up and managed to lock the door. Max was at the furthest point possible from the door, glaring at the door trembling in fear. Three solid knocks from the top of the door frame. Then the light was gone and I heard a metallic clunk, the thing must have dropped the flashlight on its retreat. The light now was gleaming off a huge tree. I watched a tall skinny humanoid creature with long contorted ligaments jerkily run towards that tree. His legs bent opposite of how our legs do, and same with the arms. Then it bent down in the same erratic way that it moved, and got onto all fours as it approached the tree. It paused a second and peered up the trunk. His head swiftly snapped to my face. Its now black and sunken eyes stared into my soul. I froze in terror as it climbed that trunk, with its face directly bored into me mind you, like squirrel. Scurrying right up it, never leaving contact with my eyes. The light undoubtedly should be blinding his vision, but the sense of intelligence of it knowing my existence was uncanny. Light didnt hurt it. As it ascended it smiled at me, a predatory grin. It disappeared into a purple dot that was still in my vision from when I was blinded by the flashlight. As I moved my head to try to see the creature, I watched tree leaves russell and saw no more of it. Yet. I locked the doors that night and cleaned up Max’s accidents from not going out. At night as I was asleep, I was awoken by my mothers soft voice from right outside the bedroom window. “Let me in Nathaniel..” Then directly following this motherly imitation came a 10,000 lumen flashlight beamed into my face. I heard the window slowly open, but I was blinded by the light.
submitted by Uvblue420 to DisembodiedVoices666 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:26 Present-Cake-5943 Voor het eerst van baan wisselen na 10+ jaar bij hetzelfde bedrijf gewerkt te hebben

Throwaway account.
Ik zoek advies van mensen die in hetzelfde schuitje gezeten hebben als ik.
Dit gaat een lang verhaal worden. Het zit zo:
Ik werk al sinds mijn schoolperiode, destijds als weekendkracht, bij mijn huidige bedrijf. Na het behalen van mijn diploma 10 jaar geleden ben ik full time gaan werken bij dit bedrijf en door de jaren heen doorgegroeid naar een mooie functie. Ik heb er jaren met plezier gewerkt en de meeste collega’s zijn leuk. Na zo’n lange tijd veranderen de vaste oude collega’s ook wel een beetje in “familie”, om het zo maar even te noemen.
Nu is het zo dat het idee al een tijdje speelt dat ik wat anders wil gaan doen, lekker een nieuwe uitdaging en niet meer stelselmatig 45+ uur in de week werken maar gewoon 36-40 uur in de week. Ook kan ik nu niet meer doorgroeien en ik voel steeds meer de behoefte om wat nieuws te gaan doen. Zo hier en daar komen er wel eens interessante vacatures voorbij.
Ongeveer anderhalve maand geleden kwam ik een vacature tegen die mij erg aansprak; het werk leek bij mij te passen en de arbeidsvoorwaarden zagen er goed uit. Op deze vacature heb ik gereageerd en ik kon op sollicitatiegesprek komen.
Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep goed en er werd aangegeven dat ik dezelfde dag nog te horen zou krijgen of ik het zou worden of niet, omdat er enige haast achter zat als ik voor een bepaalde tijd wilde beginnen.
Ik kreeg later op de dag te horen dat ik het geworden was, en het arbeidsvoorwaardengesprek zou de volgende dag plaatsvinden.
Ik was blij maar eigenlijk ook vooral overdonderd door andere emoties. Verdriet omdat ik afscheid zou moeten nemen van mijn collega’s en het bedrijf. Verdriet omdat ik mijn teamleider die ik zo graag mag zou moeten vertellen dat ik ontslag zou nemen. En daarnaast best veel stress om het hele idee van het van baan wisselen en een vast contract in te ruilen voor iets onbekends.
Naar mijn idee was mijn stressgehalte buitenproportioneel. Ik was er zo beroerd van dat ik geen hap meer door mijn keel kreeg tijdens het avondeten, en de volgende dag ook niet bij het ontbijt. Maar ik moest de volgende dag wel werken en heb dit dus hondsberoerd gedaan.
Door alle emoties en omdat alles zo snel ging heb ik besloten om de sollicitatieprocedure stop te zetten. Ik had van tevoren niet verwacht dat de emoties zo hoog op zouden lopen.
Nu ik wat meer tijd gehad heb om er over na te denken is in ieder geval het collega gedeelte niet hetgeen wat mij tegen zal houden om van baan te wisselen, aangezien een groot gedeelte ouwelui zijn die binnen 5 jaar met pensioen gaan. Het blijft natuurlijk wel pijnlijk om afscheid te nemen.
Waar ik nog wel mee zit is de stress, hoe ga ik daar mee om? Ik heb een extra probleem dat ik de ziekte van Crohn heb, en hier heb ik over het algemeen weinig last van, maar stress is bij mij een trigger voor Crohn, en ik wil niet dat het opvlamt. En wat als ik voor langere tijd zo beroerd ben van de stress?
Herkennen mensen zich hier in en hoe zijn jullie hiermee omgegaan? Hebben jullie tips voor mij?
submitted by Present-Cake-5943 to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:23 Blackwidow_Perk In Reconsideration phase and feeling doubts. Do they count doctors appointments?

Their decision for the first denial was that my conditions aren’t severe enough and I could adjust to other work. I’m really struggling. I’m 30 and I can’t keep a full time job because of too many doctors appointments.
My diseases are heart valve disorders, no thyroid, PTSD/OCD, manic depression, osteoarthritis, and morbid obesity. I was 400 lbs but now I’m 260 thanks to weight loss surgery, physical therapy and exercising. I became morbid obese due to an eating disorder from being molested as a kid and untreated hypothyroidism. They had all these records and denied me.
My weight went down but my health has got worse and I’m having to do more surgeries, nothing significant for disability but significant enough to keep me out of work.
I’ve been fired from my last 5 jobs and all the NDA’s say for “disability discrimination”my work records don’t show I couldn’t do my job or if I was bad at it. I got a government job as a clerk and got let go once I was hospitalized for emergency gallbladder surgery. My jobs kept firing me for too many doctors appointments.
This year I’ve had 60+ doctors appointments (keep track on Excel) and I don’t even know if that’s a lot compared to others with disabilities.
All I know is I’m overwhelmed and managing my healthcare, physical therapies and paperwork feels like a full-time job
submitted by Blackwidow_Perk to SSDI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion" posts - Response to first post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.


In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
I won't resort to personal attacks and baseless claims (much like he does), and I will jump straight ahead to answering his objections.

Response to the introduction:

He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics). Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand, perhaps because he believes that the Old Testament was revealed with diacritic markings—I don't know.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations. In contrast, I (and many others) see them as ancient interpretations of the original Hebrew text, which are very erroneous. This is especially true considering that rabbis themselves claim these scholars and translators failed to understand every Hebrew idiom in the book. They took everything literally and thus deviated from the intended meaning throughout their translations. These are the translations he claims must agree with my understanding.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts, leading them to render some verses erroneously, whether knowingly or unknowingly—we can't be certain. However, I believe it wasn't unknowingly, and I have very good reasons for holding this opinion.
His arguments in his objections are all flawed and fallacious.

The Original sin being denied in the OT:

Now, the word he is fixated on is "ישוחח." As he mentioned, I used a classical Hebrew dictionary to translate the word. I don't remember the exact dictionary I used, but here is a random one I will use today:
Root: שִׂיחַ (v)
1 - to put forth, mediate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing
1 -(Qal)
1 - to complain
2 - to muse, meditate upon, study, ponder
3 - to talk, sing, speak
2 - (Polel) to meditate, consider, put forth thoughts
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
This following excerpt is from my original post about this, the post he is "refuting":
Excerpt from the post in question:
Isaiah 53:8, traditional translation:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
The original verse (without diacritics):
מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו:
My translation:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will argue that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
In this verse, God is explicitly denying the doctrine of the Original Sin, stating that those who argue, speak, put forth, or ponder that Jesus was killed for the sins of His (God's) people are cursed (or afflicted by a plague).
It is crystal clear! He is just in denial because it contradicts his Pauline doctrine. Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so), and claims that Exion has made a grave error. Incredible, indeed. What a rebuttal!
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
1. Meditate:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will meditate that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
The definition of "Meditate" is:
  1. To plan mentally; consider,
  2. To focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
I know it isn't the latter, because that is just ludicrous and silly. But guess what? They even tried to claim it is the latter, which is beyond amusing to me and any other sane person reading this.
2. Consider:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will consider that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
3. Put forth thoughts:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will put forth thoughts that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
This is what I have to deal with. He is correcting my interpretation by yet again confirming it and he doesn't even realize it. He refuses to accept that the Old Testament completely refutes this absurd Pauline doctrine that God sent His "son" to the earth to kill him and forgive mankind. He can't understand that the Old Testament aligns with the Quran, calling them cursed. I have explained this to him several times, but to no avail. According to him, the early Christians "meditated" about Jesus' "abode." He raises the same objection in every comment he makes on every future post I do, as if I haven't just refuted him using the Bible, dictionaries, and other sources. In one ear and out the other. The only reason I'm even writing this response is to make you guys realize how unknowledgeable this man really is about the Bible and the Hebrew language. But he is good at making it look like he knows a thing or two by using fancy words and elaborations that make no sense at all.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
"By oppressive judgment he was taken away, Who could describe his abode?..."
This unusual rendering is achieved by mistranslating a word, done specifically to alter the actual meaning. Some Jewish translators render it the same way, but they at least have the decency to add a footnote saying:
"\Who could describe his abode?* Meaning of Heb. uncertain." (source:
As they usually do when they mistranslate stuff.
Who would describe Jesus abode? What?! With all due respect, but that makes no sense at all! It makes no sense contextually nor logically.
This is how another Jewish translation has it:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
Does this look like a coherent sentence to you? Jesus is taken from imprisonment and judgement, and his generation who shall tell? Tell what? This is an incomplete sentence - just to change the actual intended message.
The original phrase is: "ואת־דורו מי ישוחח"
Let me break it down for you:
Word: ואת = "And his"
Word: ־דורו = "Generation"
Word: מי = "Who will"
Word: ישוחח = "Argue/Put forth/Talk/consideetc"
Crystal clear phrase. Even Google translates it accurately (which is very rare by the way):
"And his generation who will talk"
Take a look at some of the English translations of his Christian forefathers:
New Living Translation Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants...
New International Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?...
King James Bible He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?...
Some others got the first part accurate but still misinterpreted the last part of the verse, as it claims that they are cursed. God forbid, they are the ones who are cursed, for they consider Jesus to be the cursed one:
English Standard Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
They applied the "curse/plague" to Jesus (which they translate as "stricken," even though Biblically it is generally understood to be a plague/curse) instead of applying it to those "who considered" (i.e., the Pauline Christians). The Hebrew verse uses a plural word, indicating that it was intended for those people who would put forth this claim. They all refuse to accept the fact that God is explicitly and literally stating that they are affected by a plague for their erroneous claim about Jesus.
Let's quickly refute them too:

"Plague" (נגע):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
Heb: נֶגַע (n-m)
1 - stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot
stroke, wound
stroke (metaphorical of disease)
mark (of leprosy)
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible

"To them" (לָֽמוֹ):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
1 - inflected pers. pron. meaning ‘to them’ (poetically).
2 - [Formed from לְ◌ with ◌מוֹ, a suff. used only in poetry.]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
A plague to whom? TO THEM! To the people who put forth this Pauline doctrine, the ones who argued, said, or considered this absurdity. Absolutely not to the one they believed to be cut off for the sin of God's people, namely Jesus, God's prophet, Messiah, His Word, and a spirit from Him.
But this is not surprising to anyone; it is expected, because their savior Paul also considered the blessed Messiah Jesus to be a curse:
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'" (Galatians 3:13)
It bothers them that God Himself is confirming that they are the cursed ones, and He does it in the book they believe in. I am the one who exposed it, and all praise is due to God alone. It bothers this guy who is "eXpOsInG" me, and I won't mention his name because that is most likely what he wants.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that. Much of what he initiated his "rebuttal" with is equally misunderstood by him, and I have responded to each and every objection in my older posts (in the comment sections where he was "eXpOsInG" me). I picked the first thing and refuted it here for you just to show how ignorant he really is and how he is either living a lie or lying to others.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered. It's a waste of time. Let’s move on to his objections to my latest posts, because that is what this is all about in reality.

My answers to his objections to my latest posts:

Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
"Stone to a stone," or "upon a stone"
My answer:
"Stone to a stone" is not a Hebrew idiom, and neither is the word "upon" there in Hebrew. He doesn't know Hebrew, had he known Hebrew, he would never have "eXpOsEd" this because it just went to show that he doesn't know the language at all.
The Hebrew word "שום" (shum) in this context is derived from the root ש-ו-ם, which means "to place" or "to put." It appears here as an infinitive construct, which is often used to convey the act of doing something, similar to the English "-ing" form. In this sentence, "שום" is functioning as a gerund, which is a verbal noun. It translates to "placing" or "putting" in English. Therefore, "שום־אבן" means "placing a stone" or "putting a stone."
As for the next word, i.e. "stone" (אבן), in Hebrew, nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). "אבן" is a feminine singular noun. When used in the phrase "שום־אבן" (placing a stone), "אבן" functions as the direct object of the action described by the infinitive construct "שום" (placing).
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
So if we're going with their interpretation, while being literal, as we should because it is not an idiom, it accurately translates to:
"Before placing a stone to a stone" or "before placing stone to stone"
Which makes very little sense, if any. Why wouldn't God say "Before placing stone upon stone" or "Stones upon stones" or "before placing a stone upon a stone"? Why did He use a singular word for "stone"? Because it is speaking about a one stone, the stone that God placed in Zion:
"So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic." (Isaiah 28:16)
I have proven in countless posts that Zion is the ancient name for Mecca. Just look up Psalm 84, and you will see how it mentions doing the pilgrimage in Zion and also mentions "Bacca," another name for Mecca. I have proven how Harran is located in Mecca and that the oak of Bacca is located there as well, and we know according to Psalm 84 that Zion is located where Bacca is located. With this in mind, it’s easy to see what has been done to cover up this prophecy. They have misinterpreted the word "El" as "Upon" instead of "God." The definition of that word is not "Upon"; it means "To/toward" or "God."
Classical Hebrew dictionary:
Heb: אֵל (n-m)
god, god-like one, mighty one
mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes
god, false god, (demons, imaginations)
God, the one true God, Jehovah
mighty things in nature
strength, power
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
Heb: אֶל (prep.)
denoting motion toward or to, or direction toward, and meaning ‘to, unto, toward, into, at, by’.
[Shortened from אֱלֵי (which is preserved in poetry). cp. עֲלֵי, poetical form of עַל (= on), and עֲדֵי, poetical form of עַד (= as far as, until). Related to Arab. ’ilā (= to, toward, up to).]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
Let's see if any of these help him:
Before placing a stone to a stone?
Before placing a stone towards a stone?
Before placing a stone into a stone?
Before placing a stone unto a stone? (archaic term for "to")
Before placing a stone at a stone?
Before placing a stone by a stone?
Does any of this make any sense to you? I believe it certainly does not. Yet they have all chosen to ignore these valid definitions and instead opt for a definition that isn't there, namely: "a stone UPON a stone," just to claim that God was idiomatically saying "Before you build the temple." The temple was already built, as I will prove later below.
To get a more coherent translation, one that makes sense both contextually and linguistically, we need to consider "El" as "God":
ועתה - "And now"
שימו־נא - "consider, please"
לבבכם - "your heart"
מן־היום - "from this day"
הזה - "this"
ומעלה - "and onward"
מטרם - "before"
שום־אבן - "placing a stone"
אל־אבן - "God's stone/stone of God"
בהיכל - "in the Temple"
יהוה - "of YHWH" (YHWH)
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God." Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
He is just in denial here as well. It is quite obvious that God is talking about placing a stone in the Temple of God, not about placing a stone towards a stone (whatever that means). Biblically, it is known that Jacob placed a stone in the House of God in Harran, which I have also proven to be located in the vicinity of Mecca, using 1st-century CE atlases by giants in geography such as Pomponius Mela, Pliny, and others.
He writes:
"More importantly, Exion ignored that “stone” in the Hebrew occurs twice. If we take אל to be God and take it as the construct state (the ‘s) then it would be “before setting stone’s God’s stone”. That doesn’t make sense hence why Exion dropped the first occurrence of אֶ֛בֶן in their translation."
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
In the phrase "שום־אבן אל־אבן" (placing a stone as God's stone), the context and the nouns' arrangement provide the possessive meaning without requiring additional grammatical changes. "אל־אבן" can be understood as "God's stone" even though it is not in the formal construct state. This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why. I have my speculations, but I will refrain from personal attacks.
He says:
"It makes perfect sense with the rest of the verse “in the temple of Yahweh.” It’s talking about before the building of the temple which involved setting stone upon stone."
Oh really? Is that why the 3rd verse literally talks about the Temple that already was in existence but was viewed as nothing in their eyes (i.e. insignificant):
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory? And as you see it now, is it not as nothing in your eyes?" (Haggai 2:3)
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
This is why Jacob, upon waking from his prophetic dream, never built the House of God. (Yes, Jacob was a prophet, but Christian scholars throughout history didn't recognize this and thought he was merely a patriarch.) Instead, he only placed a stone as its cornerstone and named it "The House of God":
16. When Jacob woke up, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was unaware of it.” 17. And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!” 18. Early the next morning, Jacob took the stone that he had placed under his head, and he set it up as a pillar. He poured oil on top of it."
Going back to Haggai 2, the 6th verse states:
"כי כה אמר יהוה צבאות עוד אחת מעט היא ואני מרעיש את־השמים ואת־הארץ ואת־הים ואת־החרבה:"
Which literally translates to:
"For thus says the Lord of Hosts: Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land."
Which they have erroneously translated as:
"For so said the Lord of Hosts: [There will rise] another one, and I will shake up the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land [for] a little while." (source)
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
7th verse states:
Haggai 2:7
"והרעשתי את־כל־הגוים ובאו חמדת כל־הגוים ומלאתי את־הבית הזה כבוד אמר יהוה צבאות:"
"Ve-hir'ashti et kol ha-goyim u-va'u chemdat kol ha-goyim u-milati et ha-bayit ha-zeh kavod amar Adonai Tzva'ot."
Not only does it confirm that the House is already in existence, but it mentioned our prophet Ahmad coming to it by using the cognate of his name, "Chemdat," which they erroneously have translated as:
"and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple."
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Let me break it down for you:
והרעשתִי (ve-hir'ashti) - "and I will shake"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
כל (kol) - "all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ובאו (u-va'u) - "and they will come"
חמדת (Chemdat) - "Chemdat" (proper noun)
כל (kol) - "of all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ומלאתי (u-milati) - "and I will fill"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
הבית (ha-bayit) - "the house"
הזה (ha-zeh) - "this"
כבוד (kavod) - "glory"
אמר (amar) - "says"
יהוה (Adonai) - "Lord"
צבאות (Tzva'ot) - "of Hosts"


"And I will shake all the heathens, and they will come, Chemdat of all the heathens, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts."


They have translated it as "the treasures of..." while the phrase "Chemdat" lacks a "The" (Ha), so it would more accurately be rendered as:
"And they will come, treasure of all the heathens, and..."
A very awkward sentence grammatically. And the dictionaries do not define חמדת (Chemdat) as "Treasure," but rather as "Desire" or "Precious." But translating this phrase in this way (if we consider it to mean "desire" or "precious"), we would make the verse even more awkward:
"And they will come, desire of all the heathens" or "And they will come, precious of all the heathens."
Because it is a singular phrase, and not plural, and as I mentioned earlier, lacks a definite preposition.
But if we consider "Chemdat" as a cognate of "Ahmad," as a proper noun referring to Ahmad the prophet (the only heathen prophet known today), it suddenly becomes a very coherent verse that makes much sense. The heathens will be shaken, and they will come. Then, He specifies by saying: Chemdat of all the heathens, and continues with the rest of the verse.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens," which supports the interpretation that "Chemdat" is a proper noun referring to a significant heathen person anticipated to come. God is going to shake all the heathens, and they will come. Then He specifies who would come: "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)." He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists; Chemdat of all nations was just about to come, and God would fill this house with glory again. And, of course, the stone Jacob laid in Genesis 28—the same stone that Jesus referred to in Matthew 21:
  1. Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes?'
43. Therefore, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
The Kingdom of God was intended to be taken away from the Christians and given to a people who would produce its fruits, and this is what happened when Islam came.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
Just because God considers the two Houses (the current one they saw as insignificant and the later one) as "different" does not mean that it does not already exist physically but will be a different House.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake. But the prophecy is still valid. The new moon to new moon would come, and yes, the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End"), but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath." A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Let's agree that it means what the traditional translations say it means, and I don't mean hypothetically, but let's actually agree on that. However, the prophecy about the new moons (Ramadan) is still there and valid because God has not canceled the Sabbath in the Quran; it is still ongoing:
The Quran states in 2:40-42:
Verse 40: "O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and fear Me."
Verse 41: "And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs/verses for a small price, and fear Me."
Verse 42: "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
The new moon to a new moon is combined with the Sabbath to Sabbath. This is a fulfilled prophecy!
I don't see easter, halloween or Christmas being mentioned here. It's Ramadan and the Sabbath, the two Covenants God has given to his worshipers, the Covenant of the Children of Israel and the Covenant of Peace, unlike the Pauline Christians who literally took all of their holidays from pagan idolaters, which I won't go into because it's not very relevant to our discussion anyways.
This marks the end of my rebuttal to his "part 1."
Thank you for reading,
/Your bro Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 cobaltcodebrew Anxiety disorder

I have pretty severe social anxiety disorder but also seem to obsess about so many things especially my health. I Google diseases all the time to see if they match up with what symptoms I’m having. Once I start going down that route it’s hard to stop because everything keeps snowballing out of control. Even though I know it isn’t logical I still convince myself that I have diseases or sicknesses and I get so scared
submitted by cobaltcodebrew to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Wise-Judgment-4347 Am I the asshole if I refuse to go home because I think I might commit suicide if I do.

I'll be leaving uni for home in a few days time, but I just got off the phone after talking with my parents and siblings and had felt triggered about the past 2 years and how I almost commited suicide because of all the stress and pressure of putting up with what had transpired. For context, I'm 24 (F) in my last year of uni, and I have two brothers 30(M) and (5M) who live with my parents (Both in their late 50's), who live in the country side. I had been diagnosed with heart disease when I was in highschool and since then things have been tough for me, with losing all my weight and having to go through three different schools just to complete high school because of my health, but since then I have got the hang of taking care of myself and my symptoms, I have gained weight, made it to uni (which was a suprise not only to myself but my teachers as well) and am almost done with uni, and I could not be prouder. However, this past week has been a roller coaster, with thoughts of committing suicide lurking in every corner, I didn't know why at first but after talking to my parents on the phone bits of memories came flooding back to me about how I thought I reached my point of living and that my heart was gonna give out any moment or that it would be better if I'd just off myself with that sharp knife in the corner by slitting my wrists open. You see, my mum had this really bad lung infection the Christmas of 2022 while I was home for the holidays, and I took on most of the responsibility of taking care of her from 5am in the morning to the next morning where I'd sleep at 3am after ensuring she was okay, then wake up to do it all again. Don't get me wrong, I loved taking care of my mum, it made me happy that I could be there when she was at her weakest to lend her the strength and care she deserved after taking care of me all these years. It all happened one afternoon when my brother has come home afted being gone all day and did not even receive an earful from my parents (or mainly my dad) like I did for being out for just 2 hours to unwind from taking care of my mum and nursing her back to health all while not having any contact with friends or the outside world then our yard for almost 2 months, I was called selfish by my dad and told that my actions were stupid that if my mum would die I'd look stupid crying for her just like my mum's sister who chose to go out and meet friends the day her father died, that I was supposed to be at home with mum taking care of her. My dad is a stay at home dad, my older brother dropped out of college and my mum is the sole bread winner of the family. While my mum was sick, my dad would get groceries, attend to church meetings, ensure the yard was kept clean lend a hand when it was needed with caring for mum while my brother ate, slept on time, had time to meet friends, throw his plates in the sink without washing them and not lending a hand with helping mum. Meanwhile I spent my days bathing her, dressing her, feeding her, massaging her body, changing her hot water in her mugs to ensure she stayed hydrated because that's all she could drink without coughing , cleaning her sleeping area and sanitizing it everytime she had to go to bed after a warm bath as well as watching over her as she slept to ensure her pillows were placed in a way that didn't obstruct her airflow all while also ensuring that everyone's laundry was done and put away, food was cooked and served, plates were washed and put away, my little brother was cared for also while doing part of my dad's work around the house to ensure he got enoughg sleep at night, since we lived by the country side there were a lot of chores to do around the house as most of the things were done manually or by hand. I did this until she got back on her feet and was able to do little things around the house without my help. After a week or two when my mum had improved told my parents that I'll be gone the next day after lunch to see my friend and that normally before mum got sick Friday was a free day for me that I get an off day of doing house work. So the day came, I dressed up (I felt pretty after not being able to do that in a whole) and left after ensuring that my big brother was home to assist mum whenever she needed and also checked on my mum to see if she was okay and that she didn't need my help before I stepped out of the house at 2pm. The walk to my friend's house felt like heaven, with sun in my face, the breeze on my face and the skip in my step. I spent the afternoon talking, laughing and having a good time with my friend before going home at 5pm, happy and satisfied that the day had brought me so much joy and relieved my stress. I got and came in with a big Hello, to everyone in the house, my dad didn't say anything, he just sat there looking so mad. And that's when he proceeded to call me selfish and compare me to my mother's sister all while my mother and brother sat there saying nothing, I atleast thought they would've spoken up to say that I needed the break, but they didn't. I cried as ai stood there listening to my dad utter out harsh words until I couldn't listen to him anymore. I proceeded muster up a less shaky voice and said the following "I apologies for going out to see my friend and I apologies mum and dad it won't happen again, but the thing is I needed this, after taking care of mum and the house I just needed a break. My brother gets to go out, meet friend and talk to them and even stay out till late but he never gets scolded but when I do it's different. I do everything in this house, I take care of mum, wash all of your clothes, cook the food, feed you all and even wash up after everything and you big brother can't even wash your own plate or lend a hand. Oh and dad I spend the time I get after mum finally rests during the day to do some of your chores to cut down the amount of time you spend doing them in order for you to get a good night's rest and I go to sleep early in the morning just to wake up after 2 hours and do it all again. So I'm sorry that I had to go out, but I really needed it." After saying all that, I went up to my room and cried the whole night. The next morning I came downstairs at 10am to find my dad washing up and my mum on her phone, it was a quiet day, I thought my brother was in his room, then the we got heard that he had actually left in the morning to go visit my aunt who is a 30 minute drive from our house, where he spent the day hanging out with friends and cousins before coming back home at 6pm with my grandma who came to spend a week with us. My dad upon hearing the news that my brother was had left in the morning just shook his head and said that my brother should have stayed and lend a hand around the house, but after my brother got back I was hoping he'd get the same scolding my dad gave me, well that never happened. I went to my mum and asked her why wasn't daddy scolding my big brother and she did not say anything so I spoke up and said aloud, "wow, so I get a scolding for staying out for just 3 hours but he gets to stay out for an entire day without helping out around here and he gets welcomed home?" I then went to my room because I didn't want them to see the tears that started to fall, then it hit me when I was in my room crying, everything that happened over the years on how differently I was treated, my accomplishments my birthday's and even my sickness. It hit me how differently I was treated, my brother had big graduation foods prepared and his graduations were celebrated from primary all the way to high school and little courses while I just had a well done from my parents even after taking in prices since I was in elementary, thought they'd take me out to eat a celebratory lunch after my high school graduation because it was the hardest part of my life to pass but all I got was a disgusted look and a 'thats what your wearing?' after at my graduation after I took my gown off to take pictures. I can't remember the time I blew out candles for my birthday or when a party was thrown for me, but my brother somehow has a cake for most of his birthdays and he had a really big party once with four big cakes, a whole roasted pig, lots of food and even had all his friends invited. When i reaches the age of 14, the same age he was when my parents threw him a party, I thought I'd have the same too, but I didn't, and still had not one party until I turned 24. The day I turned 23, was a month after my mum got better, I spent the whole day cooking for everyone, was wished happy birthday after realising it was my birthday, I then told them I'd come down to eat later after I take a nap and that they should serve the food and leave mine on the dining table. I came down to find they ate most of the food, and I was only placed only a bit of food in my plate. I got mad and hit my plate on the table with just a little food spilling over, my dad saw this and screamed at me and told me that my future husband would beat me up and that my life will be miserable and bad because of what I did. Well you guessed it, I went back to my room crying, and that blade in my bag looked so tempting against my wrists. I also remember when my brother dropped out of college that I was blamed by my parents, with my dad telling me on my way back from the grocery store that I'm the reason my brother ended up like how he is because they show me too much favour growing up. And when my big brother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after dropping out of college after misuse of alcohol and drugs my mum religiously took to the internet to search for diets, information and everything to do with it until he became better and she continued doing so for every little sickness like flu, meanwhile my heart disease was never on her search list. She even signed up for YouTube videos and lessons on everything to do with my brother health, and mind you my heart disease was diagnosed 6 years before he got bipolar. I left for school after the holidays, still exhausted and stressed from the entire experience. My body had reached its lowest point, I could feel my heart was tired, I was ready to die in my bed in my dorm, I had made peace that if my heart passed out before while rest I'd be okay with it. That's third year of uni was hell for me, my body never really recovered, I kept getting sick, had malaria countless times as well as typhoid three times in a row the same year. The stress combined with with the state of my immunity caused me to be sent to various medical officers and clinics to get my blood samples and x-rays to find what was wrong with me, why after being treated and cured my body felt sick. They thought I had tuberculosis, others thought I had STI's but all tests came back negative, and mind you all these tests cost money and my parents weren't happy with what they were spending for me to get this tests. It came to a point when I called my mum to tell her that I feel really sick and I'm stressed with my assignments, only for her to say "you're always sick, everytime we call you're sick. Don't you know we're tired of this, stop trying to get sick!". I'm tired of getting sick too mum, I thought to myself as I got off the call and stared at the pile of medicine Infront of me prescribed by the doctor as well as my heart meds, and they were too much, my mum's words over the phone kept playing in my head I I got my the blade on my study table and pressed it into my left wrist lightly drew it over to cut the skin, the pain felt soothinf, calming even, then I wondered how it would feel if I placed the knife on my study table and fell on it to pierce my heart, would the pain feel good? Would the thoughts stop? Would mum stop complaining? Would they mis me? What would happen to my body? Then I thought better of it and wrote in my dairy ro stop myself from doing ealxactly that then I was distracted by my medicine Infront of me with thoughts of "they would never know if you take all these and overdose, it'll be a painless death." The remainder of third year continued like these, with sickness and suicide thoughts until I went for job internship at a company I've always wanted to work in and life was good because i didnt for home for the holidays and I spent the holidays at school in my little dorm room with friends who looked out for me. Then 2024 rolled around and I'm properly rested, no stress and I'm happy. That's is until a month ago when my parents bought me my ticket to go back home to see them for the holidays that I spiralled, I had completely locked those memories away, but after every phone call this past month I'm left a crying mess with flashes of words said and feelings felt during that time and I go back to thinking of suicide. I nearly commited suicide on the 16th of may, i was truly gonna go throught with it, I wanted to so bad if only I did not see the bible verses in front of me amd if my roommates hadn't come back early. But I know, if I do go home now, I might actually commit suicide, if something like what happened in the past happens again, or if they say another harsh word, I wouldn't think twice of dying, because I'm done, I truly am.
submitted by Wise-Judgment-4347 to u/Wise-Judgment-4347 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:34 Maleficent-Ad9010 My daughters dad just passed

My daughter’s dad just passed away from liver disease he was 27 he was a huge party guy alcoholic he lost custody of my daughter a few years ago over a drug test so they didn’t see each other too much but she loved her papi. She left with his mom this evening to say goodbye. I’m just wondering what I can do when she gets home besides being extra nice and comforting for her I just want to see if anyone has any suggestions or advice for this difficult time.
submitted by Maleficent-Ad9010 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:22 TheDesertGem Cortisol is destroying my physical and mental health

I got some lab work done recently because I’ve been mentally suffering for the past year or so and my results showed an EXTREMELY high cortisol level. The doctor was genuinely concerned and wants me to try things like Zinc, Magnesium, vitamins D&A, fish oil, and weekly therapy to help manage but I’d like to try something alternative/stronger. My cortisol is so high it’s causing thyroid dysfunction and I was told I’d be developing an autoimmune disease within the next few years at this rate if I can’t calm down. It’s also contributing to chronic tissue inflammation and a series of other imbalances, and ironically this is just making me stress out more, like to the point I feel like I’m losing my mind. I sleep plenty, I eat healthy, I’m a physically fit/active 140lb 5’6” 20yo I just don’t know how this could happen. I was also told I severely lacked in testosterone and creatinine levels and that could be potentially adding to the extreme stress factor and chronic fatigue, so I was put on a hormone stimulant (not exactly sure what it is) as well as daily creatine to replace what should be my natural levels. Please any advice is appreciated, I’ve lived like this for years now.
submitted by TheDesertGem to Supplements [link] [comments]