Bettie page pics


2022.05.28 06:37 marcincan Bettie_P_uncensored

A uncensored but respectful Bettie Page community... Please keep the comments classy and NO Bettie MUGSHOTS

2024.03.18 04:53 minniexxxbarfie BettiePageBarfie


2008.01.25 01:31 Reddit Pics

A place for photographs, pictures, and other images.

2024.06.01 16:17 Jclark0312 Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look

Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look
Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look
Came across these pages with Kodak gold 200 being the go-to for their pics. Always wondered how to get that bright look for the pictures that are clearly film simulated. I’ve done research and saw that they use the x100v and Ricoh griii but wanted to know if anyone has any recs on the process for them. If you do don’t hesitate to reach out.
submitted by Jclark0312 to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 AutoModerator why the billion pics on the side are there

the billion pics each have 10 images, every time the page loads again the pics change
the pics are there just for inspiration
submitted by AutoModerator to OurBunnyRabbits [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Jclark0312 Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look

Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look
Came across these pages with Kodak gold 200 being the go-to for their pics. Always wondered how to get that bright look for the pictures that are clearly film simulated. I’ve done research and saw that they use the x100v and Ricoh griii but wanted to know if anyone has any recs on the process for them. If you do don’t hesitate to reach out.
submitted by Jclark0312 to x100v [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Jclark0312 Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look

Kodak gold 200 recipe? Any recs for this look
Came across these pages with Kodak gold 200 being the go-to for their pics. Always wondered how to get that bright look for the pictures that are clearly film simulated. I’ve done research and saw that they use the x100v and Ricoh griii but wanted to know if anyone has any recs on the process for them. If you do don’t hesitate to reach out.
submitted by Jclark0312 to x100v [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 disgruntled-pelican4 The drama continues

The drama continues submitted by disgruntled-pelican4 to BabyReindeerTVSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 Hot_Formal_9958 How to arrange flash sheets?

How to arrange flash sheets?
Does anyone have any tips for arranging flash sheets? I do lots of sketches in different pages in my sketchbook and then take the ones I like and finish them in procreate. The problem with this is that it’s always difficult to figure out how to arrange the designs on the sheet so that it’s aesthetically pleasing (like in pic related), so if anyone knows any methods for figuring out the placement of the designs I would be very grateful to hear it. Thank you!
submitted by Hot_Formal_9958 to TattooApprentice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 Motormommy Has anyone looked at the div class differences on dmaorg site? Reordering the 25 Clancy posts - the last post could be Nico- 024 02MOON 25

Has anyone looked at the div class differences on dmaorg site? Reordering the 25 Clancy posts - the last post could be Nico- 024 02MOON 25
I noticed something on the dmaorg site- that the posts each have different formatting according to 5 "div class" sections. The formatting really isn't that different in each class and it doesn't seem to be connected to the various file types that are posts. (this was examined using a lot of help from the dmaorg fan wiki which already had the letters typed and I copied and pasted them.)
We know it's a cycle, it has happened again and again. What if the moon dates don't order as our actual dates do?
There were 5 timeframes for the posts- the ones that were already there when the site was found or shortly after, the ones that were posted just before/during the trench era, the ones that were posted after the files were terminated and the site was restored (during scaled and icy) and the ones that were posted ahead of Clancy.
If we reorder the 25 Clancy posts by their div classes (putting class 1 first, then 2, etc.), it puts the yellow stripe picture right before the letter it decodes. We also get the 024 02MOON 25 last. And I just realized that this letter is not signed. What if it's a bishop describing recruiting banditos? What if a bishop is realizing he's not so different from them? That he once believed he was a citizen, an escapee, an exception? Is he following the torches to find the banditos?
Spreadsheet I used to organize the posts
Clancy Posts when Ordered by _Divclass
017 07 MOON 16
Cheetah running gif
018 07MOON 08
_note.gif written signed
I’ve made it out.
I feel weightless. I know that place had always held me down, but for the first time, I can feel the levity that I had hoped for. It’s been three nights now, and my breathing has changed. It’s slower, and more full. It’s like the air out here is worth taking in.
I can see it back in the distance, and I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t constantly on my mind. I wish I could turn that fear off, but maybe the further I go, the less that fear will affect me. I feel betrayed by what I assumed was home - if I ever end up back there, I won’t be able to look at it the same way.
They are asleep. They’re so sure that they know the truth, and carry on throughout their day with the same meaningless tasks. They’ve forgotten to look up, and to look outward, to understand that this isn’t about ‘in there.'
This is about ‘out here.’
This new world surrounds me. I used to think the walls back home were massive – these green cliffs engulf me, and place me right in the middle – Trench is quite precarious at times, and it’s easy to grow weary. But it’s real, and it’s true, and I’d much rather endure reality than to mindlessly be obedient to a life that someone else created for me. I’ve obsessed about this world for so long, that it feels more like home than anything I’ve experienced. Somehow, in this vast openness, I feel more protected than ever.
The landscape feels endless, and I’ve found myself walking for hours without any true evidence of getting further down. But I’ve seen plants and colors out here that I’m not sure I’ve witnessed before. There’s a beauty in the strangest places, and the curiosity of what’s next continues to motivate me.
I wonder who else is out here. If what I assumed inside is true, there’s got to be more like me. Sometimes I’ll feel a presence, or think I see something in my periphery, only to look up and see nothing. It’s just another thing that I’m afraid of that also excites me. It all just confirms all of the things that I hoped to be true for all of this time.
I am out here and I am very alive. I’m sometimes scared, but always discovering something new, and I will not stop. Cover me!
  • Clancy
019 01MOON 22
17-35.4527.jpg typed signed
I can’t face this page for long enough to write what I’m truly feeling. I am only wrought with more questions about what I assumed to be true, questions about what my own path is, and the question that has plagued me every night that I lie here, back in city: Did I give up?
The force I saw between him and his bishop seemed tense to me, and frightening. But the memory of that exchange has had time to fester and replay in my mind long enough that I’m questioning if I even remembered it correctly. I assumed the bishop was forcefully retrieving his subject, but now I wonder if the bishop was actually trying to save him, and he refused.
I stayed out there for five days after I watched it happen. I haven’t seen him since. Maybe he got away, and was still out in Trench with me. Maybe the bishop chased him down, and brought him home.
Did I just call this place home?
After all of the endless beauty that I saw out there, am I now convincing myself that I’m actually better off within these confines?
I admit, it was more difficult than I expected. Nothing could have prepared me for how much the ‘unknown’ can consume me. Vast landscapes and endless possibilities, yet coupled with endless danger. I became anxious. I became tired. I became hungry. Every step I took became harder than the last, jumping from jagged rocky step to step, or pulling myself through thick forest - it all became debilitating, and I was sure that I couldn’t go on.
Keons approached as the sun rose one morning. I wasn’t scared. I was relieved. After all that he had taught me, his presence was the most comforting moment that I had in days, and I couldn’t help but be happy to see him. In true Keons fashion, he wrapped his arms around me, then put his hands under my face, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Clancy, child, let’s go home.”
I’ve been here for a few weeks now, and while the routines of this world are comforting, and certainly easier than life out there, my mind keeps bouncing between the two places.
Which one is home? Are the bishops protecting us, and the torches upon the hilltops dangerous? Or is it the other way around? My dreams pull me from world to world, and I feel lost in between all of it.
There is still so much I do not understand.
  • Clancy
022 03MOON 16
Larger map of trench including voldsoy
024 02MOON 09
__ev-i-D__ence.jpeg typed and says signed but isn’t
I'm not as scared as I used to be. Their mystery begins to fade as a method to defeat them becomes more clear. I no longer feel powerless. I can outsmart them. This new power of psychokinesis worked, and I believe it can work again. I stand here, looking down at the line where the water meets the sand - a starting line. All the while, knowing there is a finish line across the Strait. Their compass lies, but mine remains true. I've left embers of inspiration, I only hope whatever spark was left has grown to a torch, and together we create an inferno
[SIGNED] - Clancy
988 06MOON 18
cla_ncy-98806MOON_18_-1 jpg typed signed
The perplexities of the Dema horizon didn't occur to me until my ninth year. It was then that I began to contemplate the existential, and decide what type of impression I wanted my life to make. Naturally, to fuel my hope, I looked out upon the distance of the land that had cultivated me, only this time with a new awareness of the obstruction that my youthful ignorance had allowed me to overlook. Was it there the whole time? How had I not seen something so obvious? I am reminded of the moment daily, as the idealization directly collides with a unique hope for my own future. As a child, I looked upon Dema with wonder, today, I am wrought with frustration, as I spend each day squinting for a glimpse of the top of the looming wall that has kept us here. It was upon my ninth year that I learned that Dema wasn’t my home. This village, after all of this time, was my trap.
Before I became realized, I had deep affection for Dema. There was a wonderful structure to the city that put my cares to rest. Streets and locations were dependable, and the responsibilities of the day seemed to be accomplished with minimal effort. Once a task was taught and understood, we delighted in our ability to complete our obligations timely, and felt secure in knowing tomorrow’s duties would be accomplished with the same efficiency. We all worked to represent our bishop with honor, and knew that each inhabitant of our region had a like-minded dedication to consistency.
Keons embodied the spirit of this dedication. Of Dema’s nine bishops, Keons was revered as unwavering and forthright, possessing the ability to achieve focus that was rare for most on our region. We all admired him, and felt honored to be inhabitants his region. While we had heard legend of the ruthlessness of other bishops, Keons possessed a stoic demeanor unlike anyone I had ever met, and we were all proud to serve.
  • Clancy
988 12MOON 01
ba_dge jpg
FPE citation
017 07MOON 17
Picture - trench - bandits
018 07 MOON 05
This entry is another letter from Clancy. The white squares on the outer edges of the image correspond to the letters "WAKE UP". It is titled _he_a_vy_.jpg typed, inverted, signed
They’re asleep. The night took forever to arrive, and now we’re almost
ready. We’ve studied the watchers and know that there’s no chance that
we can step through unnoticed. So, instead of trying to hide
ourselves, we’ll make sure that all of us are noticed. It’s been one
year since the last convocation, and tomorrow’s Annual Assemblage of
Glorified will be the biggest spectacle this concrete coffin of a city
has seen all year. If we time it right, we’ll divert the attention of
the watchers and finally take the step though. We’ve had no contact,
but we’re hoping the other side will be able to find a way in. We’re
not sure of the breach location, but we are willing to risk being
smeared in order to find it. We know that we must go lower, and wait
for the torches. They’ve never seen anything quite like this, and by
morning, everything will be different. I’m terrified and excited, all
at the same time. They don’t control us.
  • Clancy
022 03MOON 18
1619250308151109140519-Ø-919.jpg made me a weapon written, signed
What is this thing? This device? This gift? Some sort of neurological connection or expansion. Psychokinetic weapon?
This is absurd.
Why was this given to me? Why am I the only one that can weild it? Was this the reason that I survived? My mind is racing as I wait here on the rocks - staring off into the darkness. Waiting for our torches to be mirrored - the signal he told me to wait for.
It feels oddly familiar. Not the spikes in my hand, but the power it harnesses, I've felt it before. Is this also the source of those rumors I heard in the dark corners of the city? Legends and stories that I assumed were myth, inspired by children's nightmares - tales of what the bishops would use the bodies for. Those "honorable" citizens who acheived The Glorious Gone - referred to as available vessels.
It all begins to make sense.
The episodes I would have: the blood red vision, my dreams of flying, the out of body account of the rider in the river, the decaying hosts of the television show, the robed figures that commanded the doomed ship...
Had we all been "seized" by the bishops using this same technique? Is this where their power comes from? Are they immortal, or just feeding off the next body, giving their hosts a brief second-life? I am in my original life, why am I available to this control?
This whole time I thought I was battling my inner self. Was I actually under assault for something else? someONE else?
This small eerie island has made me a weapon. We both believe that we can use it to change the momentum of this war. Now, we must return to the mainland where they should be there to recieve is. We will destroy and rebuild. Though it's been years since he last spoke with them, I hope they have not lost faith in The Torchbearers plan.
But how could any of this have been planned?
  • Clancy
009 12MOON 29
Vultures on wall
011 07MOON 08
se__elf picture of kid
017 07MOON 07
017_07MOON_07 typed signed
To refer to Dema as m[y] home has never felt accurate. Dema, t[o] me, has simply been the place that I’ve existed, or, the ‘slot’ they’ve put me in. I’ve heard stories abo[u]t the ide[a] of “home,” and its depiction has always seemed warm f[r]om the storyt[e]llers’s de[s]cription. [T]here was a romant[i]c ownership of the p[l]ace they inhabited that I admired, but cou[l]d never relate to. Thi[s] place, my p[l]ace, however, s[e]ems devoid of the romance and wond[e]r that the old stories tell. But somewhere between the iron order and infallible [p]recis[i]on of Dema, a hum of wo[n]der exists. It’s this quiet wonder that my mind tends to [g]ets lost in. This hope of discovery alone has birthed a new version of myself; A better version, I hope, that will find a way to experience what’s beyond these colossal walls.
  • Clancy
018 07 MOON 01
I.jpg vulture gif turning head (actual dates?)
018 07MOON 06
_they_ca_ntseeFCE300.gif torch gif
022 03MOON 17
is-ø-lat-ed.jpg written, signed
I haven’t had the ability to write for what seems like a lifetime. This deprivation is what weighed on me the most. Not the lack of food, or the change of scenery - they wouldn’t let me write anything down.
Well, at least not without them present …
I remember that day vividly. First, they let me out. Even though the hallway was still gray and drab, the new experience was a shock to my system - significantly different than usual captivity. I tried to match the rhythm of the nameless guard’s footsteps as we echoed down the long corridor. I followed close behind, as if I had no choice. Cold concrete encapsulated us and seemed to cast a spill of synthetic calmness. Obedience.
We arrived at a blue door. It was an odd contrast to this concrete maze. As I went through the doorway, I found myself in another typical gray Dema room. The only difference was who was waiting for me.
Four of them. Three of them were unknown to me, but one was clearly Keons. I knew his voice
They proposed an idea. A television show - or whatever it was. I had no idea that I was known outside of my cell, but they informed me that I had garnered notoriety for my schemes and outbursts. They wanted to use my face for the benefit of the city. They handed me a pen - a familiar instrument. Yet, they must be present when I use it. They wanted to manage my imagination and vision. Although shackled, at least I could create again.
Thus began the sessions.
Everyday my cell door would open. I followed the guard down the familiar hall, through the blue door, to sit down at the desk and chair. My designated creative space - perfectly centered under their watchful eye. Sometimes three, sometimes eight - not once were all nine present. He was never there. I would have felt it if he was.
At the end of the session, Keons would take my pen, gather my writings, and send me back. This went on for months.
What were we creating? I wasn’t sure. A variety show with songs and set pieces? Were the rulers of this stifled city actually attempting entertainment for its people? Everything I created had to be “for the benefit of the citizens of Dema” a phrase I heard often. I didn’t question them - I was happy to be out of my cell - and putting words to paper.
On the final day, I wrote the last line, I was asked to name it? The question caught me off guard. This seemed like a decision they would make.
Show Day: They dressed me up and asked me to smile a poor attempt at hiding my sleep deprivation. It was all so colorful, as if compensating for the grayness of the city.
It was a blur. Before I knew it, it was over, and I was back in my cell. I can only remember fragments - only blurred hallucinations of color and chaos - like a dream. The confusion of it all hangs overhead. What was it all for?
… but it wasn’t over
I guess it went well enough for them to request more of me. I was useful to Dema, and my creativity was exploited in new forms - They wanted me to be the entertainment at the Annual Assemblage of the Glorified - a performance at sea for the premiere citizens of Dema.
I knew those weren’t the real bishops on that ship.
I’ll quicken the entry - I need to keep up with the Torchbearer.
During the performance, we were attacked by something in the water. I don’t know what possessed the creature to attack, but it was odd, and felt incredibly intentional. Many lost their lives in the attack, and I was thrashed through the bitter cold waves, yet somehow survived. Did this icy cold preserve me? Why was I spared? I am still so cold as I write.
This place feels foreign - nothing like Trench. From the frigid sea, the air here is somehow colder than the water that surrounds it. I have a strange feeling that this island will provide answers.
I must go.
  • Clancy
024 02MOON 28
__cla_im00FFFF letter, typed not signed
I found a way in. A way they'll never suspect, and a way they'll never understand. Everything about our cause is so hard for them to understand, but so close to the hearts of the glowing resistance. I can reach them all. I can recruit everyone with eyes that see beyond the horizon. I can teach them. They can learn what I've learned, and fly by all of the constructs Dema has placed in front of them. We will take it back.
017 02MOON 12
_ .jpg picture of yellow lines to mark “we are banditos” in next letter and numbers that spell trench
018 07MOON 01
e_sr_eve_r.jpg typed/ lines taped together signed
A lifeless light surrounds us each night. Never could I imagine that something so luminous could feel so dark. It’s this glow that reminds us of the dreamless existence we’ve been sentenced to. But what I call a sentence, others accept as normalcy. How did they so efficiently eradicate the dreams within us? When the bishops instituted Vialism as mandate, they effectively reversed the hope that many arrived with.
Am I the only one who realizes that we’ve been lied to? Am I the only one not afraid of the notion that the nine have hijacked our trust, and extinguished the hope that once motivated our existence? We used to close our eyes and picture a better life, now this city is full of dry eyes caught in a trance of obedience, devoid of any trace of an identity. The only significant light I’ve seen has been in the eyes of those smeared - such a curious sight, to see bright eyes strangled by the darkness of bishop hands. As their penance fades, so dims their memory of something more. My hope of something more is all I have in this rigid tomb, and I will not let it die.
  • Clancy
018 07MOON 08
2_1_2.gif inverse jumpsuit pic that matches shape of letter from 018 07moon08
022 03MOON 18
W-eap-@on.jpg image of psychokinesis / seize Keons
013 01MOON 08
_ti_su_p map of dema compass missing
_ti_su_p.png sev_ering__tiez 3 blanks
018 07MOON 05
_o__ut_.gif landscape
018 07MOON 18
Unalone.gif letter written and signed
I can’t believe what I just saw. I'm still trying to understand. This whole time I was sure I was all alone - a single soul in this vast unknown world. But a few days into this trek, I looked down to see a figure headed the same way I was. I’ve tucked myself in these caves and crevices, trying my best to keep hidden, but he was out in the open, making his exhausted journey right down the middle of Trench. I was curious enough to follow alongside the path with him. He seemed unaffected by the fear of the unknown - the fear that tends to cripple me. To him, the terrain seemed familiar, as if he had been out here before.
While lost in my curiosity, they appeared. I had heard about them back in Dema, but to my knowledge, the stories were merely myth. Ten, twenty, and then what seemed to be a hundred Banditos appeared upon the cliff, all looking down at him. He only stopped for a moment to look back up at them, and then continued on his way. His energy changed, and I wasn’t sure if he was frightened or encouraged by their ominous presence.
They warned him of what was about to come.
It was a blur. First seeing the figure, then the Banditos, only to now have my eyes opened to the oncoming Bishop upon a white horse drawing closer in the distance.
The figure halted, and waited. When the Bishop stopped, I was sure he looked up, directly at me, so I hid deeper back in a cave. The presence of the robed rider seemed to paralyze the man. He stood still as he was approached, powerless as the outstretched hands smeared his neck. I had never seen a Bishop possess power like this. Keons had always seemed gentle and warm - this Bishop, at least out here, seemed like something else.
So I ran, and I’ve been running for as long as my legs and lungs can handle. Maybe this note will be my proof that what I witnessed was not a dream. A million questions race through my brain. Am I not the only one traveling through Trench?
I’ll travel a little further, and maybe I’ll get a moment of rest tonight. I may have made a mistake, leaving. This spot, between two places, is beginning to feel like an endless and hopeless abyss. At least Dema is a place that I know, and at times like this, I miss a lot about what I know. This will all be much tougher than I imagined. Nothing out here is familiar. I’ve witnessed the presence of others for the first time today, and I feel more alone than ever. Cover me.
  • Clancy
024 02MOON 25
_maniac_Clay typed letter, not signed
These campfires feel like home, as I stare deeply into them, finding more and more clarity. They tried to tell us we were different. But the flame that burns inside of me is the same fire I've found on the hilltops of Trench. The Banditos have lived their rebellion, and a resistance is growing inside the concrete walls - one powerful enough to burn out all of the stale teachings, and usher in true hope and a path to actual life. We march in the morning. The revolution shall arrive with the sun.
submitted by Motormommy to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 blackveIvet Does PAL assist booking through Messenger?

Does PAL assist booking through Messenger?
So ito kasi sabi sa website ng PAL. Just wondered kasi I just reached out to them sa Messenger to ask some questions about the allowed payment methods. Suddenly they insisted na i-assist na lang daw nila kami sa pagbook like sila na basically magbbook while I just provide them with some info. Didn't push through with this because I didn't want to share my passport and visa info. Pero wdyt? Is that considered "utilizing social media pages to sell tickets" - which is bawal according diyan sa pic? Legit din naman yung FB account na yon but idk seems sketchy kasi huhu am i overreacting?
submitted by blackveIvet to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:01 mafiagirlsfashion Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - June 1st, 2024

Preview: Start Watching the Premiere of The Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2! (Bravo)
Where Did The Real Housewives of Dubai Cast Go to College? (Bravo)
How 'The Real Housewives of Dubai's Chanel Ayan Channeled Britney Spears and Ariana Madix in Season 2 (ET)
Sadly, Nina Ali Isn't Returning For 'The Real Housewives of Dubai' Season 2 (Collider)
Kyle Richards slams Lisa Vanderpump’s ‘really mean’ comments about Mauricio Umansky split (Page Six)
Take a Look Back at Yolanda Hadid's Massive Engagement Ring from David Foster (PICS) (Bravo)
Teresa Giudice's daughter Milania, 18, looks just like the Real Housewives of New Jersey matriarch after major makeover for school prom (Daily Mail)
Heather Dubrow Shares a "Throwback For The Ages": "Do We Look Alike?" (PHOTOS) (Bravo)
Kim Zolciak Calls Cops on Kroy Biermann; Accuses Him of Stealing Her Phone (All About TRH)
Column: The very L.A. lessons at the heart of reality TV smash ‘Vanderpump Rules’ (LA Times)
How Vanderpump Rules Can Move Past Season 11’s Divisive Reunion (Bustle)
PUMP THE BRAKES Vanderpump Rules fans praise Jersey Shore for ‘setting boundaries’ with exes after Bravo ‘trapped’ Ariana with Sandoval (US Sun)
Why Andy Cohen "Sees Both Sides" of Lala Kent and Ariana Madix's Feud (Bravo)
Scheana Reveals Unseen Vanderpump Rules Reunion Moment with Ariana: "More Layers" (Bravo)
Scheana Shay Addresses ‘VPR’ Backlash, Claims She Heard Show Would Be Canceled Due to Lack of Drama (Us)
Scheana Shay Shares a Look Inside Her Stunning Kitchen — with Some Very Special Visitors (Bravo)
How Ann Maddox Felt Seeing Former Boss Tom Sandoval at VPR Reunion (Reality Tea)
Vanderpump Rules Producer Says Cast Unlikely to Join The Valley, Addresses If Show is Over, Ariana Madix’s Future & Pause, Plus Teases “Bananas” RHOBH Season 14 (Reality Blurb)
Pump Rules Alum Faith Stowers Accuses Lala Kent of Cultural Appropriation (Reality Tea)
submitted by mafiagirlsfashion to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:38 Wolf2015W15 W15's Bing Page; [AKA] @W15

W15's Bing Page; [AKA] @W15 submitted by Wolf2015W15 to DailymotionWolf_2015 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:51 RobsHereAgain Views from Mauna Loa

Views from Mauna Loa
Betty Rumble took a trip up to Mauna Loa. Couldn’t make it to the top because the lava cut the road off a few years ago. If you check my profile pic you’ll see the lava flow
submitted by RobsHereAgain to IndianFTR1200 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:41 No-Definition8319 Played soccer at the park 😎

Played soccer at the park 😎
Wtc- Blcg soccer hoodie - Jeans- vintage Abercrombie Shoes- retail Birk boston
I love soccer!
Zip up is nice 😋 weighs like a kilo and fits me nice I got a size small. Print is also accurate and the embroidery on the badge is good too, but not perfect. 9/10
I’ve posted more detailed photos on my page before so u can reference those if u want. These photos are more for vibes anyways, not really a “fit pic”
submitted by No-Definition8319 to FashionReps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:27 offset305 Confused

Context: I 26(m) met this girl 25(f) on the app a month and a half ago and have been going on weekly dates ever since with seeing her twice or three times a week a couple times. Things have been going great I’ve met her best friend and right now she’s on vacation with her bestie and they FaceTimed me for hours at the end of their night (second night was just me and the girl on ft). The thing is I opened hinge randomly literally the next morning after getting off the phone and saw that she updated her page with new pics from her trip. We haven’t had the exclusivity talk explicitly but tip toed around about how we really like each other and don’t like the idea of either one of us seeing other people. But idk if I should take her updating her profile as maybe I should take a step back as well.
She’s mentioned how she likes the pace we are moving at because she hasn’t felt pressured to define the relationship and in the past people have done that which has turned her off, but we both mentioned that we are dating with intention and not just being casual. But the updating of her account does confuse me a bit based off those earlier convos.
submitted by offset305 to hingeapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:09 Thejayelltee A petite purchasing Sézane for the first time

A petite purchasing Sézane for the first time
I excitedly placed my first Sézane order after lusting after the romantic Frenchy chic aesthetic.
I purchased the Gaspard in mottled grey, Betty in sage, Chlo in Ecru (silk) and the Will in khaki.
Gaspard: a perfect fit! Didn’t find it too itchy despite a lot of reviews saying it was. Didn’t keep as I hope to find one on the second hand market for a better price.
Betty: had high expectations for it. Beautiful feel and high quality material but it just looked so boxy on me and the sleeves were a touch too long. If I style it by scrunching up the sleeves and leaving it open it looks ok but too much to spend for something that I have to wear a certain way to look good. Not sure if the colour maybe wasn’t the best on me.
Chlo: the one I anticipated the most as I LOVED the way it looked on the models. Sigh. Sleeves were too long (even the gently balloon effect at the wrist couldn’t hide it) and as much as I wished I looked romantic French chic I looked more like a daggy grandma. I’m not sure if the poplin or guipure lace would fall better but I tried tucking in which helped slightly but again for that price it just didn’t look good enough. Very sad :(
Will: a keeper! A little big on me but that’s ok cos I can layer underneath. A bit of a story… I purchased one preloved a few days before receiving this package and the colour was quite different. It was more of a true army khaki and a touch smaller with slightly shorter sleeves and softer than the one I received. I ended up keeping the one I ordered directly from Sézane as I much preferred the colour but wondering if there is normally variation within the khaki green over time? Original seller said they purchased it 6 months ago. I have since resold this.
Too shy to show mod pics but wondering if anyone had any other recommendations for an XXS petite who is 5ft tall and approx 99lbs.
submitted by Thejayelltee to Sezane [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:30 Wild-Dragonfly-3451 cheating ocd

Hi, i (f19) am with my boyfriend (m20) for 2 years now. He is my first serious boyfriend. I established i had rocd last year bc of thoughts i dont like him or i will cheat on him etc. But now i have a problem with thinking about him cheating on me. One year in our relationship he used to like insta models pics in bikini and i use to not mind it. Suddenly i started to feel insecure and told him about it and he stopped doing it and unfollowed all the girls like that from his insta. For the past few days my fyp on tiktok is full of girls who say liking other girls pics is cheating and now i conviced myself my bf cheated on me. I view a video where some girl said If you want to chack is your partner loyal open his insta explore page. I did that and it was all cars and memes and it was a few girls, in bikini, in the gym etc. My friend said to me that these type of pics of girls show up on her explore page too even tho she doesn't ever looked at pics like that. I talked to him about everything he apologised even he didn't do anything bad now but im tired of this feeling. I go trough his social media following daily as a compulsion even tho i think he would never actuallu cheat on me but now i think he cheated on me emotionally bc of tiktoks..Don't know what to think..
submitted by Wild-Dragonfly-3451 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:27 Solution-Round My Pre-Order from back in September has finally come in! (Initial thoughts after unboxing, no playtest)

I ordered the set as soon as saw the announcement about it.
First off, the artwork in the handbooks are great! The player handbook uses little comic strips and the chibi-style Final Fantasy characters.
The Gamemaster Book uses the more traditional artwork of FFXIV along with the box cover art.
The thing that disappointed me right away after opening the box was seeing that the handbooks were paperback and not hardcover. I would think that since was their first go at it, it would have been more substantial in quality.
The only thing in the box that will last over time will be the dice. Everything else is paper or cardboard. :(
I won't post a playtest review. I just wanted to share some pics and initial thoughts since details are pretty sparse still on reddit. Keeping it short and sweet.
Link to pictures of the set.
Dices in Bag
Player Handbook Cover
Page from Player Handbook
Cover of GameMaster Handbook
Page from GameMaster Handbook
Class Strategy Guide Sheets
Folded Maps
Cardboard Token Punchouts
Inside box covers
Outside box covers
submitted by Solution-Round to FFXIVTTRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:48 princessbutterbum Diaper girl content for sale 🩷

Diaper girl content for sale 🩷
Hi y’all (19f) I’m looking to sell content to help pay for diapers and other supplies ☺️
I do mostly custom content so it’s requested based upon what you would like to see and prices are set based by request 😝 Custom content is decided by the viewer but it’s also based on my personal preference so I won’t do anything illegal, with blood(only real blood is off limits) or gore, and so on but the rest is fair game
Price would depend on activity, things in the pics and vids and the type of diapers (pull ups or abdls) that I am wearing.
Dms are open
Check out my page for more pics 🩷
submitted by princessbutterbum to ABDLMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:27 Tight_Fan9595 Did Lori have a "thing" with Bonzo? Was he protecting her? Were they just friends?

Did Lori have a
I've seen a few pics of Bonzo and (an underaged) Lori getting pretty close on this night. Idk what's happening here? I'd like to believe that he was being protective? (Idk, knowing him on tour (especially considering it was at a bar) I doubt that). Also I'd he was I feel like that would massively strain his relationship with Jimmy. It just seems like nobody did anything about Jimmy's thing with motors bc they were scared of losing this massive connection to the Jimmy page. But then was he jealous if jimmy? Did Bonzo like Lori? They seem maybe a little close for friends (especially considering her groupie status).
Would appreciate other opinions‼️☮️
(Ps. My first time posting here so don't judge if I did anything wrong. Massive led zeppelin fan. 15f)
submitted by Tight_Fan9595 to u/Tight_Fan9595 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:45 apexsounds SPOTIFY wrongfully terminated my song

TRUST NO ONE is the song APEX SOUNDS is the artist's page DK UPC: 197813256745 Uploaded: May 15, 2023 Release date: June 23, 2023
ISRC QZK6L2302007 my song was wrongfully removed, I didn't use any 3rd party services. we only used discovery mode that's in BETA in the "Spotify for artists" web app.
we have proof of the service that was provided & how well it made the song perform.
in a one-month campaign April 2024 Apr 1 - Apr 30, 2024, the song TRUST NO ONE did
listeners / listener lift / streams / streams lift / saves / playlist adds / intent rate
18,719 / 17,728% / 42,602 / 24,907% / 14 / 6 / 0.07
we did not pay for any 3rd party service and only used what is provided by SPOTIFY so we believe our song has been wrongfully terminated and would like it to be fixed please, & thank you
I have pics & vids for proof
submitted by apexsounds to u/apexsounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:51 haleaux Uncle Vanya – Nerd Review Ep 7

Uncle Vanya

This review is of the musical Uncle Vanya which is currently playing at the Vivian Beaumont Theater in NYC. Please see the latter portion of this post for “Review Structure” and “Context” descriptions, which may add helpful background to this writeup.
Impression: Having only been vaguely familiar with the story of this play, I found it to be emotionally engaging and worth the price of a discounted ticket. I can see how some may find the pacing to be arduous, but for me it worked. The amount of collective experience of the cast both on stage and in television/film is notable, but the show did not live up to what this veteran cast could have achieved.
Watch check: Zero times. The production moved at a methodical pace, but I found it to be engaging throughout the duration.
See again: No. Plays are one-and-done for me, with extremely limited exceptions. This should not be interpreted as the show being bad or having issues, but instead a play must be truly exceptional to have me feel compelled to see a second time.
Music & Lyrics: There was limited use of pre-recorded music as well as the playing of instruments and some humming during the show. The music was appropriate and effective in supporting the scenes, but by no means was center to the production.
Story & Book: I am not able to speak to the translation/adaptation of the source material or other stagings of this play, so my comments only pertain to this production. I thought the show had an interesting combination of one-dimensional characters (e.g., Alexander, who seemed intentionally this way) and those with great depth (e.g., Astrov). Some characters developed and others remained unchanged despite events around them that arguably should have compelled them to change. The story concluded in that sort of satisfyingly unsatisfied way.
Set & Props: The set was simplistic, with slightly different staging between acts one and two.
Costumes & Makeup: I liked that the costumes reinforced the idea that some of the characters lived and worked in the country while others did not at all belong.
Movement: The blocking was standard for a play on a thrust stage. I do like the aspect of many thrust stages that characters can exit downstage without traversing the audience. This was used effectively multiple times during the show.
Tech: The lighting and sound design were traditional for a play such as this. This is not at all meant as a criticism. The light design was what it needed to be, and I had no trouble hearing any of the actors throughout the production. The tech was straightforward and executed flawlessly, thus allowing the audience to focus on the interactions and emotions of the characters.
Cast: This veteran cast is unquestionably talented, but the production did not live up to what would be considered reasonable expectations. William Jackson Harper, a name far less known than most of the others, gave a performance that was on an entirely different level. Here are some notable cast members, in no specific order:
Seating: This show is presented on a thrust stage, so there should be no partial view seat in the house. However, at least some seats in the Loge (mezzanine) are likely far enough from the stage that facial expressions would be difficult to impossible to discern.

Review Structure

I am systematic in my approach to assessing shows. During a performance I am in the moment, but at intermission and after the show I often write down an outline of my thoughts. Typically, I’ve used these notes to help me re-experience the shows long after the curtain call, but now these notes are the base material for the review in this post.
Each review is divided into categories, and each category is described below. I am a bit of a theater tech nerd, so don’t be surprised if those topics are emphasized compared to most reviews in Broadway (though I am not an expert and welcome corrections from the true experts here).
Show Name & Link: The name of the show with link to the show’s page (if applicable) for quick access to cast, schedule, and host theater information.
Impression: This is a summary of my overall thoughts on the show.
Watch check: This is the number of times I felt compelled to check my watch during the show (don’t worry there is no backlight to distract/annoy others if I were to actually look at my watch). If the show drags or is uninteresting, I usually shift my attention to other things like tech or costumes, but eventually my brain subconsciously gravitates toward wanting to know the time. I've found this to be a reliable indicator for how engaging the show is for me. An engaging show is “0 times”, and a dragging/rough/bad show could be “6 times” or more.
See again: This section describes whether I would see the show again and how much I might be willing to spend on another ticket. However, this isn't always an indicator of show quality, since I tend to only want to see heavy topic shows just once, no matter how good it may be (e.g., Parade).
Music & Lyrics: This covers the music, lyrics, orchestra, and conductor of the show. There is overlap with the next category for sung-through shows.
Story & Book: This covers the dialog and story of the show. Comments about show pacing will usually appear here, if applicable.
Set & Props: The category is focused on the set components, lifts, rigging, turntables, stage wagons, drops, curtains, props, and puppets. There is often overlap with the “Tech” and “Movement” categories.
Costumes & Makeup: Here I would cover anything notable about what is worn on stage. Some shows have extravagant makeups/costumes and other shows do not. Both are okay, as long is it all fits the show vibe.
Movement: This section covers blocking, choreography, acrobatics, and scene transitions. Transitions can do overlap with the “Tech” section.
Tech: This covers tech aspects including lighting, sound, projection, displays, video, etc. One aspect I am likely to comment on here are missed mic queues (i.e., a performer’s mic was not unmuted in time, or less commonly left open too long). Few things take me out of a show faster than quite/undiscernible dialog or having the sound level jump mid-note.
Cast: This category covers the cast of the show. There will usually be a general comment about the overall cast, and then several cast members or roles will be specifically called out as being notable, for better or worse. Standouts here could be anyone that caught my attention, from Broadway royalty to the smallest ensemble role.
Seating: This is an attempt at indicating how "bad" partial view seating may be for the show. Sometimes I see shows from partial view seats, sometimes I pay for a prime center orchestra seat (and everything in between). Either way view restrictions can be roughly assessed based on where the action occurs on stage. My goal is to assist those that are on the fence about the potential drawbacks of typical rush, lottery, and TDF tickets.


Approach: Since theater is subjective, like any art form, my goal is that by providing context my reviews might have increased meaning. If your likes and dislikes align with mine then perhaps what I write may help you decide between shows to see, for example. If your tastes are drastically different than mine my hope is that I do not mislead you into thinking you’ll like a show that you ultimately do not.
About me: I am a theater enthusiast, attending shows produced on world renowned stages but also touring shows, regional productions, and community theater. Musicals are my thing, but I also appreciate plays and operas. Many years ago, I did have amateur time on stage in plays, musicals, and one-acts. Later, I worked semi-professionally back-of-house as a stagehand, spotlight op, lighting designer, and sound/light board op for more shows than I can remember. However, my longtime profession since that time has essentially nothing to do with theater. Also, I do not live near the east coast but am fortunate to travel frequently to keep up with most new Broadway shows, as well as a non-trivial number of the productions in the Washington DC area.
Shows I love: This is a list of shows I’ve seen in the past few years that are standouts; the intent is not to gloat about all the great performances I’ve seen, but instead to give a rounded impression of the types of shows I gravitate towards. If this list does not resonate with you, my reviews may be of lesser value to you. All shows listed are the most recent Broadway production unless otherwise noted. * Aida (Sydney Opera House) * All The Devils Are Here (Off-Broadway) * Beetlejuice * Boop! (Chicago) * The Bridges of Madison County (Signature Theatre) * Come From Away * Company * Dear Evan Hansen * Fat Ham * Good Night, Oscar * Hadestown * Hamilton * Here We Are (Off-Broadway) * King Lear (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Les Misérables (West End) * Little Shop of Horrors (Off-Broadway) * Macbeth (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Newsies (Wembley Park) * The Outsiders * The Phantom of the Opera * The Rocky Horror Show (Melbourne) * Some Like it Hot * Spamalot (Kennedy Center) * Suffs * Sunset Boulevard (Kennedy Center) * Swept Away (Arena Stage)
Shows I don’t love: These are shows I’ve seen in the past few years that I did not particularly enjoy, for a variety of reasons. For reference I have never left a show before its conclusion even if I didn’t like it. These shows are not necessarily bad, and in most cases, they just don’t align with my theatrical preferences. If this happens to be a list of your favorite productions, it is probably best to take my review with a gigantic grain of salt. * A Beautiful Noise * Aladdin * Chicago * El Mago Pop * Funny Girl * MJ * Mrs. Doubtfire (US Tour) * New York, New York * Once Upon a One More Time * Perfect Crime (Off-Broadway) * Six * The Who’s Tommy
submitted by haleaux to Broadway [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:47 haleaux Illinoise – Nerd Review Ep 6


This review is of the musical Illinoise which is currently playing at the St. James Theatre in NYC. Please see the latter portion of this post for “Review Structure” and “Context” descriptions, which may add helpful background to this writeup.
Impression: This show takes the audience on whimsical journey of music and movement, all without a single line of spoken dialog. While not a traditional musical, the cohesive combination of dance, score, and tech provides for an engaging and remarkable experience. This show is a strong candidate to be added to my recent “Shows I love” list. However, I do think this show may not be for everyone, and that some may find that they do not connect with the concept of the show.
Watch check: Zero times. At no point during the show did I find my mind wandering.
See again: Yes. I hope I have a chance to see this show again. I believe in a second viewing I would catch more of the subtle aspects of the production.
Music & Lyrics: I was not familiar with Sufjan Stevens or the Illinois album) prior to this show. By the third song “Come On! Feel the Illinoise” I was completely hooked. I am listening to the album as I write up this review and am thoroughly enjoying it. After listening to the source music, I am even more impressed by the orchestration. I loved the interplay between piano and synth. The wind instruments were both showcased and provided ornamentation at other times. I loved the 4-mallet vibraphone action! I particularly liked the score coming full circle with a variation on the opening melodic theme at the end of the show. The score is undoubtedly the heart of this show.
Story & Book: This show does not have a traditional book, as the story is entirely told through dance and the singers’ words. I will admit that up until the first campfire scene I was a little lost. It then quickly became apparent that the show was about a group of friends sharing stories, from whimsical to heartbreaking. The story worked for me given that the integration was so tight with the music and the movement.
Set & Props: The set was simplistic and was almost entirely static, and the production had limited use of props. I liked that the orchestra and singers were elevated and on stage for the entire show. This is not the type of show that needs an elaborate set or props to effectively and engagingly tells a story.
Costumes & Makeup: I do not recall anything particularly notable about the costumes and makeup, beyond the butterfly wings worn by the singers.
Movement: Of all aspects of theater dance is the one area I know almost nothing about from a technical perspective. I feel at a disadvantage in my writeup due to this lack of knowledge. With that said, from this uninformed observer’s perspective the dancing was incredible. There were different styles of dance and I seemed to enjoy each of them. The combination of movement and music effectively told the story without dialog. To me that is an impressive feat.
Tech: As soon as I sat down, I noticed the sparse number of light fixtures above the stage. Only a few electrics were present, which is a striking difference from many other current productions (e.g., I think Hamilton has around a dozen, which I know is an extreme case). While the light design did not include as many lights as would be typical, the equipment present was used incredibly effectively. The nomination for best lighting design for this production is fully justified. Projection was used sparingly to illuminate the billboard; this did provide useful context for the current story being told. The sound mix was balanced, and the EQ was spot on. The tech was not the star of this show, it did everything possible to support the movement and music aspects.
Cast: There were absolutely no weak links in the cast. Rather than cover the entire cast I have listed a few that drew my attention for one reason or another, shown in no particular order.
Seating: I suspect that nearly all the important action is viewable from every seat in the theatre, since the set is located mid-stage and corrals the dance downstage. There may be a few points where the far rear mezzanine might have an obstructed view of ensemble members, but I do not believe that would significantly impact viewing of the show.

Review Structure

I am systematic in my approach to assessing shows. During a performance I am in the moment, but at intermission and after the show I often write down an outline of my thoughts. Typically, I’ve used these notes to help me re-experience the shows long after the curtain call, but now these notes are the base material for the review in this post.
Each review is divided into categories, and each category is described below. I am a bit of a theater tech nerd, so don’t be surprised if those topics are emphasized compared to most reviews in Broadway (though I am not an expert and welcome corrections from the true experts here).
Show Name & Link: The name of the show with link to the show’s page (if applicable) for quick access to cast, schedule, and host theater information.
Impression: This is a summary of my overall thoughts on the show.
Watch check: This is the number of times I felt compelled to check my watch during the show (don’t worry there is no backlight to distract/annoy others if I were to actually look at my watch). If the show drags or is uninteresting, I usually shift my attention to other things like tech or costumes, but eventually my brain subconsciously gravitates toward wanting to know the time. I've found this to be a reliable indicator for how engaging the show is for me. An engaging show is “0 times”, and a dragging/rough/bad show could be “6 times” or more.
See again: This section describes whether I would see the show again and how much I might be willing to spend on another ticket. However, this isn't always an indicator of show quality, since I tend to only want to see heavy topic shows just once, no matter how good it may be (e.g., Parade).
Music & Lyrics: This covers the music, lyrics, orchestra, and conductor of the show. There is overlap with the next category for sung-through shows.
Story & Book: This covers the dialog and story of the show. Comments about show pacing will usually appear here, if applicable.
Set & Props: The category is focused on the set components, lifts, rigging, turntables, stage wagons, drops, curtains, props, and puppets. There is often overlap with the “Tech” and “Movement” categories.
Costumes & Makeup: Here I would cover anything notable about what is worn on stage. Some shows have extravagant makeups/costumes and other shows do not. Both are okay, as long is it all fits the show vibe.
Movement: This section covers blocking, choreography, acrobatics, and scene transitions. Transitions can do overlap with the “Tech” section.
Tech: This covers tech aspects including lighting, sound, projection, displays, video, etc. One aspect I am likely to comment on here are missed mic queues (i.e., a performer’s mic was not unmuted in time, or less commonly left open too long). Few things take me out of a show faster than quite/undiscernible dialog or having the sound level jump mid-note.
Cast: This category covers the cast of the show. There will usually be a general comment about the overall cast, and then several cast members or roles will be specifically called out as being notable, for better or worse. Standouts here could be anyone that caught my attention, from Broadway royalty to the smallest ensemble role.
Seating: This is an attempt at indicating how "bad" partial view seating may be for the show. Sometimes I see shows from partial view seats, sometimes I pay for a prime center orchestra seat (and everything in between). Either way view restrictions can be roughly assessed based on where the action occurs on stage. My goal is to assist those that are on the fence about the potential drawbacks of typical rush, lottery, and TDF tickets.


Approach: Since theater is subjective, like any art form, my goal is that by providing context my reviews might have increased meaning. If your likes and dislikes align with mine then perhaps what I write may help you decide between shows to see, for example. If your tastes are drastically different than mine my hope is that I do not mislead you into thinking you’ll like a show that you ultimately do not.
About me: I am a theater enthusiast, attending shows produced on world renowned stages but also touring shows, regional productions, and community theater. Musicals are my thing, but I also appreciate plays and operas. Many years ago, I did have amateur time on stage in plays, musicals, and one-acts. Later, I worked semi-professionally back-of-house as a stagehand, spotlight op, lighting designer, and sound/light board op for more shows than I can remember. However, my longtime profession since that time has essentially nothing to do with theater. Also, I do not live near the east coast but am fortunate to travel frequently to keep up with most new Broadway shows, as well as a non-trivial number of the productions in the Washington DC area.
Shows I love: This is a list of shows I’ve seen in the past few years that are standouts; the intent is not to gloat about all the great performances I’ve seen, but instead to give a rounded impression of the types of shows I gravitate towards. If this list does not resonate with you, my reviews may be of lesser value to you. All shows listed are the most recent Broadway production unless otherwise noted. * Aida (Sydney Opera House) * All The Devils Are Here (Off-Broadway) * Beetlejuice * Boop! (Chicago) * The Bridges of Madison County (Signature Theatre) * Come From Away * Company * Dear Evan Hansen * Fat Ham * Good Night, Oscar * Hadestown * Hamilton * Here We Are (Off-Broadway) * King Lear (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Les Misérables (West End) * Little Shop of Horrors (Off-Broadway) * Macbeth (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Newsies (Wembley Park) * The Outsiders * The Phantom of the Opera * The Rocky Horror Show (Melbourne) * Some Like it Hot * Spamalot (Kennedy Center) * Suffs * Sunset Boulevard (Kennedy Center) * Swept Away (Arena Stage)
Shows I don’t love: These are shows I’ve seen in the past few years that I did not particularly enjoy, for a variety of different reasons. For reference I have never left a show before its conclusion even if I didn’t like it. These shows are not necessarily bad, and in most cases, they just don’t align with my theatrical preferences. If this happens to be a list of your favorite productions, it is probably best to save your time and stop reading this post now. * A Beautiful Noise * Aladdin * Chicago * Funny Girl * MJ * Mrs. Doubtfire (US Tour) * New York, New York * Once Upon a One More Time * Perfect Crime (Off-Broadway) * Six * The Who’s Tommy
submitted by haleaux to Broadway [link] [comments]

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submitted by bauerten to PawinDiscount [link] [comments]