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2024.06.01 16:37 arekban Harmless Human Sacrifice 3

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[Prolonged contact established. Would you like to drain this creature’s essence?]
It was exactly the prompt he’d been looking for. Markus selected ‘yes’ with a scream of force, all the while clamping himself to the creature’s leg as it tried to kick and flail him off of it.
[Mana Drain initialised. Transferring essence. D Grade Blood Mana, D Grade Ice Mana, E Grade Spirit Mana, and D Grade Life Mana are currently being drained.]
The wave of power hit Markus suddenly. He felt it flowing through his fingertips and into his body, emboldening his grip, keeping him firmly locked in place as the creature flailed.
At first, it had seemed annoyed, but now, it was seemingly pained by the transfer, desperate to get Markus off of it as quickly as it could.
[Level up! You have five unspent skill points.]
Markus couldn’t spend any time on figuring out skill points right now, it was taking everything to hold himself in place as he continued to keep the transfer alive, blood spilling all over him from the power he excised, crowd in a state of bedlam, his mind reeling with all of the cumulative strength he drained as his body swelled to a degree of power he hadn’t felt in all of his life, one that made him feel almost superhuman, incredible.
[Mana threshold at 100% capacity. Excess Life and Blood mana will fuel Regeneration and Growth.]
[Repairing injuries. Regrowing severed limb.]
Markus could feel it, the pinkie finger he lost taking shape once more as even still he clung to the bulleater. In an attempt to dislodge him, it jumped, stamping its feet harder as it landed, but the impact still wasn’t enough to shake him. Markus clung like a mountain climber, determined to take all that he could from the great beast, revelling in the feeling of new power coursing in his veins, the rejuvenation from all this boundless energy healing his injuries and reinvigorating his spirit.
[Level up! You have eleven unspent skill points.]
[Warning! Mana capacity exceeded. Body is now entering Overcharge: all physical stats and Growth are increased.] [Mana Poisoning I in effect.]
In the midst of all the strength he was sapping from the creature, Markus could feel a cloud descending over him. It was like a drunken haze, almost, though it was eclipsed by the strength he continued to gather.
All the while, the monster was now attempting to smash its leg against a barbed pillar to free himself of Markus’ grip, creating new cuts in its massive limb in the process. Whatever Markus was doing to this monster was affecting it so much it’d gladly put itself through pain if only to get rid of him.
He’d seen the system’s warning, but still, he wanted to push further. This was clearly having as many negative effects for the enemy as it was benefits for him, and the longer he could keep this up, the more of a chance he’d have of defeating this monstrosity.
[Level up! You have seventeen unspent skill points.]
[Mana capacity at 386%. Mana Poisoning II in effect. Persistent vitality and mana drains are now in effect.]
It was at this point exactly that Markus was finally thrown off of the creature, flung across the arena at least fifteen feet, his body hitting the ground, bouncing, and subsequently rolling another five feet from the impact.
Still he sprang to his feet in moments. He barely felt it. Not the way he should’ve. Something within him had cushioned the impact. All the while, his energy felt explosive. It was incredible.
He almost tried to levitate his glaive back over to himself if only for how empowered he suddenly felt, only to starkly remind himself that he still had limits and rush over to retrieve his fallen weapon.
It felt lighter in his hands than usual. He swung it with ease. Whatever the fuck mana actually was, it was good shit, and the more of it was out of that monster and residing in him, the more confident he felt about what came next.
“Abomination!” someone cried out from the stands, witnessing him as he stood tall, weapon brandished.
“Ascendant!” came another cry, a cheer. The word seemed to catch attention, as it was met with more boos and jeers.
Markus could hardly pay it mind. He was too occupied with what he still needed to do, the enemy he still needed to put down. He hadn’t gotten a chance to read all those system messages while he was holding on for dear life, but the amount of warnings he saw was enough to tell him that ending this fight quickly was likely in his best interest.
It was only when he twirled the polearm in his hands that he realised they glowed with a faint white-blue aura. His arms did too, perhaps his entire body. He seemed to radiate with resplendent energy, a beacon of defiance in this dark, dismal place.
Must’ve been quite a spectacle if he was getting such a reaction from the onlookers. He only hoped Drathok was watching too, fearful for his prized monster.
He should be scared.
Markus raised his weapon; Markus charged at the monster.
The abominable bulleater seemed focussed on him now, a lot more so than it had been before. It limped a step, then immediately fired more icicles at him. Markus attempted to slash through them once more, not wanting to lose pace, but he missed all five.
For a moment, he felt fear. In his effort to rush the creature’s weak spot before it repositioned, he hadn’t spent enough time on defence. He tried to brace as best he could for the impact, using the same sloppy technique from before to try and focus the energy in his body, but he swelled with so much of it right now that it was like trying to swish water in an overflowing container.
And yet, in spite of his worry, the icicles bounced off of his chest and abdomen without so much as flooring him, feeling more like strong punches than deadly spears, an intense feeling of cold emanating from his chest both before and after the impacts.
A flash of his system notified him that he’d consumed some Frost Mana to mitigate the damage, and that his chest had been inflicted with [Freeze I]. He could tell that breathing had suddenly gotten that bit harder, but it didn’t stop him from running, didn’t halt him in his tracks, didn’t stop him from sprinting straight for the creature’s injured leg and attempting to hack away at it some more, knowing that was his only opening to somehow secure a kill.
The monster raised its leg out of his reach just as he arrived, and ducking under the creature to avoid being trampled once more, Markus saw a new opportunity. He swang upwards with as much strength as he could muster, just barely grazing the bulleater’s underbelly.
It was enough to draw blood, but the creature barely seemed to notice, the bleeding from its stomach slow and incremental, rather than the streams that still flowed from its injured leg. It was softer there, but more durable. It’d take more force than Markus could muster in a few seconds to go for this monster’s centre of mass, and the risk of being crushed under here was definitely far greater.
So he dove onto his stomach and rolled back out, right before the monster could get any ideas about simply sitting on him. As he emerged out into the sun’s glare, he paused, panted for but a second. The sun was almost immediately blotted out by the creature’s head as it leaned down and shot horrific, icy breath down upon him, searing his skin with blistering cold and locking him in place.
[D Grade Frost Mana depleted. Mitigation expired. Freeze II applied to all affected areas.]
[E grade Frost Mana absorbed. Mitigation in progress.]
[Freeze II reduced to Freeze I.]
What the fuck was happening? He was losing the potent D Grade Frost Mana he’d gained from draining the creature, but he was absorbing yet more from being attacked?
He didn’t entirely understand, and he didn’t have time to. He could still move his body, though not fast enough to stop the creature from stooping down and picking him up into its maw.
It was colder in here than a freezer floating in outer space. Markus barely managed to keep hold of his glaive as he was lifted up, its flames the only warmth he had as the creature lifted him up and up into the air, clearly intent on swallowing him whole.
It must’ve expected to inflict a higher level of [Freeze] on him than it did. This was likely how it devoured all of its prey, freezing them and then simply picking them up and swallowing them while they were unable to move or resist. What a gruesome end.
Thankfully, even if it was with extreme and mind-breaking effort, Markus could still move along the icy surface of the creature’s massive tongue, and with half of his body hanging outside of the creature, he swung his glaive with as much force as he could muster directly at the creature’s chin, encased as it was in icy spittle.
A crack, but no greater impact—nothing severed, no blood. He swung again, and while he continued to crack the ice that had so stubbornly formed around the abominable bulleater’s face, he couldn’t cut through it, having no hope of reaching the skin beneath. At the angle he was being held from and with the size of the creature’s jaws, he wasn’t able to push the blade far into the creature’s mouth, but he attempted it nonetheless. It jostled and shook him, clearly alarmed, but attempting to build the momentum for a proper strike from here was pointless.
Things looked hopeless. His attacks were ineffective, even with the extra mobility he’d been afforded. He was going to be swallowed and boiled alive in this creature’s stomach, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Markus pressed the tip of the glaive to the roof of the creature’s mouth. He channeled the Flame Mana as best he could, just as he had the first time he’d cut the creature’s leg, focussing intently on spreading the flames, the heat. He mirrored the action within his own body, pushing desperately to bring out the fire that still remained inside of him, Drathok’s unintentional starting gift.
Markus pulsed with flames, his body warming to incredible levels, so much so he felt feverish, but still he pushed, forced himself to persevere, to be strong, to be so intolerably flaming hot that the creature would be forced to spit him out.
It was the only way he could think of, the only solution he had, and as the bulleater thrashed and flailed with him in its mouth, attempting to close its jaws and extinguish his life, Markus pushed the blade harder against the roof of the creature’s mouth, forcing it to relinquish its hold, for its tongue to hang limp, and for it to finally, eventually drop him.
Markus must’ve fell seven or eight feet to the ground, winded as he was, all the air forced from his chest. The sand cushioned the blow, but even then, standing was a challenge.
He was sure that before this ability awakened, before he’d taken strength from this creature, he never could’ve been so durable, but here he was, clambering to his feet, forcing himself to stand, using the glaive as a crutch to right himself as he glared up at the impossible mountain that stood before him and dared himself to climb it anyways.
The bulleater was leaned forwards, panting, its maw still barely out of Markus’ reach, dripping water. Most of the ice around the creature’s face had melted away from Markus’ explosive display, and what remained was glistening and slick wet.
He wasn’t sure how damaged it was, but one thing he did know was that his glaive suddenly felt noticeably heavier, as well as somewhat alien in his hands.
[C grade Flame Mana depleted. Imbuement expired. Attunement expired.]
Oh, god… He’d run out entirely? Great. So he was back to being a fucking bozo who barely knew how to use this thing.
He needed to imbue his weapon with something new, fast, or he was fucking toast. He was barely doing damage WITH the enchantment, without it he was truly fucked.
What did he even have? Markus scrambled to remember.
Frost Mana seemed out of the question against this thing, Life Mana might fucking heal it, and who knew what the fuck Blood or Spirit Mana did…
Fuck, why’d he have to run out now?! Fire was so good against an ice enemy. It was practical!
[Mana capacity at 246%. Vitality levels low. Mana Poisoning II in effect.]
[In order of quantity, D Grade Life, Frost, Mystic, Shock, and Blood mana are available.] [E Grade Spirit and Frost Mana are available.] [F Grade Spirit Mana is available.]
Shock Mana…
…Drathok electrocuted me. Right! Thank fuck I got electrocuted!
It was the only thing he was sure might do some damage. According to the system, he only had a small amount of Shock Mana available, 15% of his capacity, but it’d have to do.
[Attune this weapon to an essence?]
The prompt had appeared as soon as he’d committed his focus to the task, and he already knew the process was fast, watching as the blade quickly became etched with new arcane runes that looked unlike the old ones, carving themselves into the weapon as the blade began to spark with magical lightning, threatening and ferocious in its own right.
Still, that 15% didn’t sound like a lot. He wasn’t gonna get a lot of juice out of this weapon, so he needed to use the charge as best he could.
And if he really needed to make it count, Markus had an idea on how to do just that.
It was a risky one. A risk he wouldn’t have taken if the situation didn’t look so dire, but he wasn’t going to find his way out of this without being daring. He’d known that from the start.
And so he took the plunge. Markus squared his feet, his posture rigid, lining himself up with his target as best he could. A spear would be better than a glaive for this, but beggars and choosers. A lot of things would be better than having to do this.
He’d been decent at shot put in school. He’d never tried Javelin. Guess there was no better time to learn than stood face to face with death.
One good shot. That was all he needed.
Markus brought one foot back, aimed with his left, and threw with his right.
Time slowed…
It landed. Hit the creature square in the jaw. Pierced the skin where the icy barrier had already been melted. Electrocuted the bastard for all of the melted ice still pooled around its face. The creature spasmed and jutted with the force of the Shock Mana coursing through it, stumbling blindly, falling onto its side with a monumental thump.
The crowd cheered wildly, while just as many booed and jeered. Markus watched with incredulity, then excited motion as he realised he finally, finally had a chance to kill this thing.
It wasn’t even that injured, but it was exposed. That was all he needed. All he’d hoped for.
He didn’t squander that chance. He sprinted up to the overturned monster, almost stumbling in his haste, retracting the blade from its face and going directly for its neck.
Once, twice, and five times more he stabbed at the creature, not daring to stop until it stopped struggling entirely.
When the monster was finally dead, and the crowd were finally sated, an explosion of notifications graced the exhausted Markus’ eyes, mainly level ups, stat increases, and skill increases.
He slumped, eyes half-lidded. He didn’t attempt to read it all.
Amongst them was a cryptic offer, one he noticed even amongst the shower of text for how much it stood out:
[Devour the Core of the slain creature?]
Markus immediately selected 'yes'. If he wished to grow strong, he couldn’t hesitate here.
His system erupted in fresh notifications as the core was absorbed into his body, but before he could read even a single word of it, a voice erupted from the stands.
This new voice interrupted the barking of a stunned announcer, one who’d been so adamant he’d die horribly just minutes before, and was now attempting to piece together what the fuck had happened for the sake of the just as confused audience.
This new voice didn’t care. It was louder. More impactful. It carried its weight and strength so naturally that it didn’t even sound magically amplified, that it carried a different kind of force to that of the announcer, who immediately stopped talking.
This was the voice of a god. Markus knew it before he even saw the entity looking down on him from up above, standing inside a fabulous booth that directly overlooked the arena’s chaos. Drathok had said something about gods before, and it’d confused him at the time, but now, seeing this entity stood above him, hearing it speak, he knew within his heart that gods were just as real as demons, and they looked fucking terrifying.
The god waited for silence, and then he spoke:
You.” The god pointed at Markus. “You appear to have potential. Do you wish for a life beyond this?”
“Preposterous!” another voice sounded from beside the god, just as imposing. “I expressed interest in this one first! How dare you proposition him before me?!”
Before Markus could even react, the arena exploded into a fresh bout of noise, confusion, and chaos as yet more deities began to angressively stake their so-called 'claim' on him.
Markus sighed. Maybe getting eaten would’ve been easier.
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A/N: Hey there! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the conclusion to the fight and the beginning of Markus' stay in Firrelia! It's gonna be an interesting one, I can promise you! Mana Cores and such get explained in the next chapter, so you'll get to know all the benefits Markus gets from [Devouring] a creature's core like that!
If you wanna support me and this story, or you just can't wait for the next chapter, the next six chapters of this story are available right now on my Patreon!
submitted by arekban to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:37 futaslave4 (F4A) lets do some superhero Academy role play :)

Hi im Lucia a trans woman 19 years old and bisexual im a massive superhero fan and would love to do a academy role play with action drama and romance i am looking for someone who is interested in such an role play and is helping with the story and doesn’t just writes short answers im living in austria and I know both dc and marvel pretty good we can do either one but the choice is up to you i would rather have oc x oc more than oc x characters i know this roleplay request text is all over the place but it just how I am the setting is : we are going i the same class and our school is pretty big because somehow more and more people are getting a super power and the heroes want to have as many people as possible on the good side that is why we are there we get a dorm and free food aswell as clothes and stuff but we get to go home over the summer and winter break to see our family and friends …… it was winter break and we are now getting back to school )) so if you are interested wich is highly unlikely dm me and thanks for reading I really appreciate it :) have a good day/night/morning
submitted by futaslave4 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:36 Willing-Baby5922 How to Record Screen on iPhone with Sound

How to Record Screen on iPhone with Sound
Recording your iPhone screen with sound can be useful for creating tutorials, capturing gameplay, or saving video calls. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you record your screen with sound on your iPhone
  1. Enable Screen Recording:
    • Open the "Settings" app on your iPhone.
    • Tap on "Control Center."
    • Tap on "Customize Controls."
    • Find "Screen Recording" in the list and tap the green "+" icon to add it to your Control Center.
  2. Start Screen Recording:
    • Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen (for iPhone X or later) or swiping up from the bottom of the screen (for iPhone 8 or earlier).
    • Tap the Screen Recording icon (a circle with a dot inside). The recording will start after a 3-second countdown.
    • To record sound, press and hold the Screen Recording icon in the Control Center until you see the microphone audio option. Tap the microphone icon to turn it on (it will turn red when enabled).
  3. Stop Screen Recording:
    • To stop recording, open the Control Center and tap the Screen Recording icon again. Alternatively, you can tap the red status bar at the top of your screen and then tap "Stop."
  4. Access Your Recording:
    • Your screen recording will be saved to the Photos app. Open Photos, go to the "Recents" album, and find your video there.
By following these steps, you can easily record your iPhone screen with sound
For more methods and detailed guides, check out our main article "3 Easy & Free Ways to Record Screen on iPhone With Sound ( iOS 17 )". Don't forget to follow us on our WhatsApp channel for more interesting web stories and Articles!
submitted by Willing-Baby5922 to iPhonematrix [link] [comments]

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submitted by Alert-Web6957 to blister_conduct603247 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:30 AutoModerator SpiderWeb ($ARAC) - Quick Fundamentals - "SpiderWeb Official Node" Guide!

SpiderWeb ($ARAC) - Quick Fundamentals -
Hello again Spider-mites!
Today we will be explaining briefly about the SpiderWeb Official Node (SON)!
3 Tiers of nodes, Brief explanation of functions.
Basically, The SON is the foundational node of the network!
49% of the Allocation Index Hash will be stored within it, while the other 51% is scattered across the network to ensure uncompromised safety, and it's powerful AI performs a multitude of tasks to ensure stability and efficiency across the mainframe!
For more information on how the nodes collaborate and work please feel free to view our whitepaper here:
Once again, Thanks for joining us on our journey and let's weave a brighter future together!
submitted by AutoModerator to SpiderWeb_ARAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:27 sillycat23 Wasn’t asked for income or even bank account balance on FAFSA for parent or student, did I do something wrong?

Filled out my FAFSA, SAI is -1500 as expected. However im wondering why I wasn’t asked for my income from work or why my mom wasn’t asked for hers. My mom doesn’t work, mainly receives some child support here and there as well as social security disability. She wasn’t asked for how much she got in disability on her portion or child support, maybe because of checking the receipt of Medicaid SNAP and Free-Reduced Lunch on one of the things but im not sure if it was done wrong. My mom filled out the contributor portion; was yelled at by a family member bc they said my mom didn’t click she was a parent filling out a FAFSA form but filled out the contributor and the parent form would ask for all that information but I thought it was same thing and that both have a form? Ik it was a shortened FAFSA this year and they usually pull everything from IRS but with my mom not having taxable income or being required to fill out a return and such I wonder what went wrong. I’m guessing the IRS has all that information but idk? This is so confusing and since my form went thru and it gave me a SAI I thought everything was correct but im not sure what’s going on esp after being told I did it wrong by that family member. I haven’t received my aid package from my school yet which leaves me more worried.
submitted by sillycat23 to FAFSA [link] [comments]

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submitted by Icy_Stress9005 to broil_fiddle6632669 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:25 futaslave4 (F4A) lets do some superhero Academy role play :)

Hi im Lucia a trans woman 19 years old and bisexual im a massive superhero fan and would love to do a academy role play with action drama and romance i am looking for someone who is interested in such an role play and is helping with the story and doesn’t just writes short answers im living in austria and I know both dc and marvel pretty good we can do either one but the choice is up to you i would rather have oc x oc more than oc x characters i know this roleplay request text is all over the place but it just how I am the setting is : we are going i the same class and our school is pretty big because somehow more and more people are getting a super power and the heroes want to have as many people as possible on the good side that is why we are there we get a dorm and free food aswell as clothes and stuff but we get to go home over the summer and winter break to see our family and friends …… it was winter break and we are now getting back to school )) so if you are interested wich is highly unlikely dm me and thanks for reading I really appreciate it :) have a good day/night/morning
submitted by futaslave4 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:23 suspendedload What area to live in in the south of Småland for a young family?

Our family (wife, husband and toddler from the Netherlands) is planning to move to Sweden next year. Based on lots of reading and research we believe(d) that the province of Småland best fits our wishlist; more precisely the south of Kronoberg county or Blekinge county. We've recently explored (roughly) the area between Växjö, Karlshamn, Karlskrona and Kalmar from our "base camp" near Tingsryd. This confirmed to us that we like the area and allowed us to further narrow down what we do and don't want. Especially Karlskrona left a very positive impression on us.
We now need to decide on where we will look for a rental, from where we can arange our personnummer, BankID, etc. and search for a property to buy. Because we had limited time and a significant area to explore, we only got a surface level view of course. So we're looking for any information/experiences/... about living in the described area. Below you can find a list of our ideal location requirements for context.
We have plenty of specific questions as well, so if you think you're able (and willing) to share relevant info with us, that would also be highly appreciated. Feel free to shoot us a DM.
submitted by suspendedload to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:22 Remarkable_Sea_6083 (COMMENT⬇️) Dick Ass fantasy videos Booty toy Onlyfans Natural Amateur Dragons favorite your Deepthroat OnlyFans Bads Samanthabxby on and

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submitted by Remarkable_Sea_6083 to blaze_hum8558403 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:22 Growth_Moist [FREE] Saints backpack with Cameron Jordan signature

[FREE] Saints backpack with Cameron Jordan signature
Hey y’all. Figured someone here would put this to better use than me. Free, you pay shipping. I’ll give it to the first person to DM me.
Cameron Jordan visited a base in Kuwait a couple years ago where my brother was using this backpack and had Cam sign it. He continued to use the backpack, so it’s a little beat up, but otherwise might be a cool gift for a high school kid or a collector.
Mods feel free to remove this if this type of post isn’t allowed.
submitted by Growth_Moist to Saints [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:16 Mindless_Specific_81 (COMMENT⬇️) Ass pet Bads Dick your OnlyFans Petite more! more Amateur OnlyFans videos Deepthroat Ass and Amateur Samanthabxby Booty

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submitted by Mindless_Specific_81 to char_listen7030650 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 MagicThePuff Spell Token Daily - June 1, 2024 (GMT-4) 📖🧙‍♂️🧙🧙‍♀️🔮

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submitted by MagicThePuff to SpellToken [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 TaitenAndProud 1997 US Newspaper article about cults in wake of Heaven's Gate suicides

This is a longish article; I'm going to add bolding to the sections I feel are most interesting to our community here:
Archive copy
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City, Missouri · Thursday, March 27, 1997 · Page 109/A-1

As the world turns weird

Staff writers
The comet Hale-Bopp is a harbinger from "space brothers" calling us to shed our containers and join the astral plane.
Believe that if you wish, but is it any reason to kill yourself?
Something along those lines apparently inspired 39 people to take their lives in a rented Southern California mansion. Religious scholars and cult watchers say we can expect more bizarre ⏤ though not necessarily lethal ⏤ behavior on the fringes of society.
"As we get closer to the millennium, there is a greater and greater anxiety among the human race...," said Philip Lucas, editor of Nova Religio, a journal on alternative and emergent religions. "More and more people are looking for answers or a plan."
Cults are as ancient as human society, as is speculation about cosmic meanings. But the people who committed suicide this week apparently were high-tech believers ⏤ computer programmers
See AS, A-20, Col. 1
"They believe the Earth is impure. Therefore it is a rational decision to try to escape from it." -Phillip Lucas, editor of Nova Religio journal
Archive copy
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City, Missouri · Thursday, March 27, 1997 · Page 128/A-20

As millennium nears, world turns weirder

Continued from A-1
who earned their living creating Internet Web sites under the name Higher Source.
It is unclear whether the cult depended on its World Wide Web site Heaven's Gate to recruit converts. If the medium is the message, however, the Internet has proved that it can have a mystical aspect.
"The computer is a tool for communicating in ways that we'd never imagined even five years ago," said Tim Miller, and associate professor of religious studies at the University of Kansas, "and people with religious interests have jumped on it just like everyone else has.
"Of course, the basic fact of the Internet is the way you communicate without censorship or intervention. That means, inevitably, people outside the mainstream are going to see this as a real opportunity."
There will always be cults and collections of people who believe things that the rest of us find bizarre. The California sect members left messages that they expected to rendezvous with an alien power traveling in a spaceship in the wake of Hale-Bopp's tail. To accomplish that, they had to leave their "containers," or bodies, behind.
As the millennium approaches, more groups might fret about the apocalypse. Indeed, that happened in Europe the last time we approached a millennium. Just approaching the turn of a century has sparked the same rhetoric.
But sociologists say that doesn't mean people should expect large numbers of similar mass suicides in the next three years.
"Cult activity with these kinds of outcomes is extremely rare," said Mary Jo Neitz, a sociology professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia. "There is a tremendous number of religious groups and cults out there. But this is a very unlikely event, that it would end in mass suicide."
Miller, who has studied cults for 25 years, agreed there is no indication that ritual suicides will become the vogue of the late 1990s.
"There have been isolated instances of mass suicides throughout history for religious or political purposes," Miller said, "but no, I don't see it as a trend. . . . Such isolated events are too small to generalize."
There is a lot of interest in Hale-Bopp among so-called New Age movements. A group called Cosmic Maya, for example, preaches that the comet is bringing an "auspicious and timely message" to humanity, perhaps even returning part of the human soul lost long ago.
But the movement's tenets, at least as printed in a New Age publication called The Edge, contain no reference to alien life, transporting to the stars or ritual suicide.
"I just don't think that there is any direct lesson to be gained" from the California case, Miller said. "Will there be other groups that commit mass suicide? Who knows. To me, the issue is can you identify them in advance. And I'd say emphatically not."
William Svoboda, a pediatric neurologist in Wichita and a scholar of cult behavior, said cults typically revolve around a central leader who is answerable to no man.
The reported young ages of many of the people apparently involved in the San Diego cult makes sense to cult watchers. The people most susceptible tend to be at transition stages, such as between school and career.
Svoboda said ritual suicide usually occurs when a cult's leader becomes sufficiently paranoid to seek his or her own escape from life.
"And unfortunately, he drags his followers along with him," Svoboda said. "The pathology begins with the leader."
However rare such extreme behavior is, Lucas noted that even people in mainstream businesses, religions and organizations can go off the deep end.
Jim Jones was a Pentecostal Christian before he created his own dogma and led more than 900 followers to death in Guyana in 1978.
Missouri and Kansas have not been immune to cult activity:
  • In 1989, Jeffrey Lundgren, a defrocked lay minister of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Independence, killed five members of a former Independence family at a religious commune in Ohio. He was sentenced to death.
  • In 1991 five persons affiliated with a religious group in Russell Country, Kan., abruptly left the country for Israel. The group apparently was inspired by UFO sightings and linked them to religious portents.
  • In 1992, a religious cult outside Liberty was exposed when a woman told police that leader Nelson DeCloud, who claimed a direct link to God, had raped and sodomized her. He was sentenced to 220 years.
"Becoming involved in demanding religious activity often gives people stability in their lives," Neitz said, adding that it remains rare for them to commit suicide.
Not everyone who joins a cult will remain, either, she said.
"There is this image of cults as having mindwashing or brainwashing activities, that once you get involved, you can't get out," she said. "The data doesn't bear that out. The rates of defection are actually quite high."
Svoboda estimated that there are 3,500 to 7,000 cults in the United States. He said those in the Midwest tend to be oriented toward deeply conservative or survivalist beliefs.
By contrast, Lucas said, "the UFO-contacting groups, of which Higher Source appears to be one, believe the 'space brothers' are...contacting people on...Earth to give them spiritual wisdom or a plan on how to survive.
"These groups are often neognostic," Lucas said, referring to a belief in salvation through knowledge. "They believe the Earth is impure. Therefore it is a rational decision to try to escape from it. By killing themselves physically, they're not entering oblivion, they're making their transit."
Many cult watchers believe computers and the Internet are simply new ways to spread religious messages in the modern world. Countless Web sites are maintained by mainstream religious groups.
Svoboda said some cults actively recruit on the Internet. But he said most computer chatter about cults tends to be warnings from ex-cult members who have escaped.
Internet watchers also say cults are far less prevalent a threat to naive browsers than are financial schemers or deceptive romantic suitors.
But Lucas speculates that people most comfortable with the Internet and technology in general may be predisposed to accept theories of more advanced civilizations from space.
Neitz doubts that computer wizards would be more predisposed than others to join cults ⏤ or that cults could recruit well over the Internet, a format that lacks the necessary face-to-face connection.
"Social ties are important," Neitz said. "People get recruited into cults through other people they know. There has to be a personal connection made and some tie established."
There is another article from the same newspaper on the Heaven's Gate tragedy, with an image from the group's original website along with a picture of the meat wagon collecting the corpses here if anyone is interested.
submitted by TaitenAndProud to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:12 TASTbesta Need testers for school work, 1 minute task for a free case

I need testers for a school work, you're not actually going to test anything I just need a picture of one of your devices (laptop or tablet) with a frame of this video fullscreen in it :
(take the picture with your phone of the device itself with the video fullscreen)
Upload your photo here in this form:
also add email if you want to stay in contact i might need testers again
thank you
submitted by TASTbesta to randomactsofcsgo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 _Just_asking_stuff_ What is it and is it serious?

Recentely some of my weird behaviours and thoughts have been getting worse and I don't know if they are normal thus I'm overreacting or there is smt wrong with me and I should seek help.
1)When someone asks me to borrow something, especially my sister. Usually I either don't want to give away this thing bc "it's mine" or "it belongs there and if you take it I'll have to worry all day about putting it back", and if they don't give the thing back once they are done I get REALLY mad and sometimes even cry
2)I don't like unpacking my stuff from my suitcase bc then I will have to put it back on at the end of summer and if I leave there it's already ready and I don't have to fear I might lose something
3)Caring about how my things are positioned in my room and I HATE when somebody touches smt and I have to put it back in its place, mainly bc it has to be how I like it in my order and bc I'm scared I'll lose these things and maybe somebody (my sister) might take them and I won't realize.
4)When somebody wants to borrow something I might just gift it to them. Once my sister asked me if she could try my swimsuit on, and she ended up liking it so much she asked if she could borrow it and I just said she could have it. Then I went to the bathroom and cried for like a whole 20 mins and even started to cut through my skin with my nails almost to the point it bled. the only reasons I could find are that "she deserves it more than me", "I wouldn't wear it either way bc it's too pretty for me and she's gorgeous so she'll definitely use it more" and also that "if I share it then at this point why have it", I bought for me cause I never dress nicely bc I feel like who I am is just someone who doesn't care and maybe by buying and wearing this swimsuit I could escape this "false/forced" image I created and be free.
For the same reason I'm scared of dressing better: I literally wore the same 2 hoodies for the whole school year bc I had no courage to wear anything else and hear people comment (even if in a positive way).
5)Taking things as a form of self punishment and bc I don't deserve things. When I go out with my friends I don't buy anything or try to spend less as I can bc I feel too guilty spending my parent's money, also bc my sister spends a lot of it when she goes out and I fear my parents may not be able to afford another child who does this. Additionally when we're on a trip I always compare what my sister buys in total to what I bought and always hope I spent less money mainly bc if I spend less I know she can get what she wants bc after all "she wants it" and I should sacrifice some of my joy for hers. Like when we went to Malta once and my father took us to starbucks bc he knows I wanted to get smt there, however my sister also came and ordered something and I felt too guilty to take anything so I just said I wanted nothing.
submitted by _Just_asking_stuff_ to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Jamshed01 What is Proxyium? Best Proxyium Alternative in 2024

Proxyium is the ultimate solution for those seeking a free and secure web experience. With Proxyium, users can break free from geographical restrictions and access blocked websites, all while ensuring their online activities remain private and anonymous. This web proxy server is designed to offer seamless browsing, empowering individuals to explore the internet with confidence and ease.
submitted by Jamshed01 to Techolac [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 _Just_asking_stuff_ What is it and is it serious?

Recentely some of my weird behaviours and thoughts have been getting worse and I don't know if they are normal thus I'm overreacting or there is smt wrong with me and I should seek help.
1)When someone asks me to borrow something, especially my sister. Usually I either don't want to give away this thing bc "it's mine" or "it belongs there and if you take it I'll have to worry all day about putting it back", and if they don't give the thing back once they are done I get REALLY mad and sometimes even cry
2)I don't like unpacking my stuff from my suitcase bc then I will have to put it back on at the end of summer and if I leave there it's already ready and I don't have to fear I might lose something
3)Caring about how my things are positioned in my room and I HATE when somebody touches smt and I have to put it back in its place, mainly bc it has to be how I like it in my order and bc I'm scared I'll lose these things and maybe somebody (my sister) might take them and I won't realize.
4)When somebody wants to borrow something I might just gift it to them. Once my sister asked me if she could try my swimsuit on, and she ended up liking it so much she asked if she could borrow it and I just said she could have it. Then I went to the bathroom and cried for like a whole 20 mins and even started to cut through my skin with my nails almost to the point it bled. the only reasons I could find are that "she deserves it more than me", "I wouldn't wear it either way bc it's too pretty for me and she's gorgeous so she'll definitely use it more" and also that "if I share it then at this point why have it", I bought for me cause I never dress nicely bc I feel like who I am is just someone who doesn't care and maybe by buying and wearing this swimsuit I could escape this "false/forced" image I created and be free.
For the same reason I'm scared of dressing better: I literally wore the same 2 hoodies for the whole school year bc I had no courage to wear anything else and hear people comment (even if in a positive way).
5)Taking things as a form of self punishment and bc I don't deserve things. When I go out with my friends I don't buy anything or try to spend less as I can bc I feel too guilty spending my parent's money, also bc my sister spends a lot of it when she goes out and I fear my parents may not be able to afford another child who does this. Additionally when we're on a trip I always compare what my sister buys in total to what I bought and always hope I spent less money mainly bc if I spend less I know she can get what she wants bc after all "she wants it" and I should sacrifice some of my joy for hers. Like when we went to Malta once and my father took us to starbucks bc he knows I wanted to get smt there, however my sister also came and ordered something and I felt too guilty to take anything so I just said I wanted nothing.
submitted by _Just_asking_stuff_ to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 n2d2n2d2 WordPress as first software job?

For context, I’m a computer science student who is switching careers. I have a full time job in an unrelated field, and I don’t have the means to quit my job for a short term internship.
I have an interview soon for a web developer position, but the job would be creating custom WordPress themes. In a better job market I would just hold out for something in software engineering and not WordPress, but I’m wondering if I should consider taking this opportunity at least while I’m in school.
My biggest hesitation is that I don’t want it to hinder my career growth, especially when it comes to pursuing software engineer roles. There are other factors which make it tempting though.
Pros: -Can put Web Developer on my resume -They offer tuition assistance -Pay will likely be slightly higher than what I make now -It is a well-respected company in my city -They have a software engineering team that I could potentially move to later
Cons: -Stigma around WordPress -Spending time learning technologies that will not benefit me in the future
Obviously the pros list is longer, but I’m not sure it outweighs the cons. I’m curious what people think.
Thanks in advance
submitted by n2d2n2d2 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 Locdawg916 Having mix feelings for the Mother of my boys

Background. Me 42, ex 37. 8 years together. Married 2 years. Her affair came out 1 day before our 3rd wedding anniversary on Oct 27 2021. Caught her by snooping thru her phone. Confronted, gave her the boot, tried to reconciled for the kids. couldn’t trust her. Filed for divorce. Became free man in Dec 2023.
I posted a month ago how my ex sent me a text asking me if I can take time off from my work to watch the kids while she take a mini vacation. I replied “u don’t have a job but u going on a vacation? Karma is a b. How does a feel get fired, get pumped and dumped.” I got slammed by a lot of people for being immature and petty. A lot of you guys were right. I was petty and it did felt good. But in the end she still the mother of my boys and if she suffer my kids suffer. Ever since the divorce I been cold to her. Pretty much grey rock. When we exchange kids, I don’t look at her, load/unload kids and out. She is repulsive to me. I can’t stand seeing her nor hearing her voice when she FT the kids. I didn’t send her anything for Mother’s Day or her bday this year or last year. I’m still working towards indifference. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to look at her.
Yesterday was my bday and she had my boys FaceTime me in the morning and in when they got home from school. I know it was her idea because my kids don’t like to FaceTime much. They always playing games on their iPads. I picked up my kids yesterday after work and my feelings for her changed. I actually pity her now. She a shell of herself. O yea awhile back she cut her own risk and I had to call the police and she was taken to the hospital for evaluation. I knew it was a bluff trying to get my attention. She was let out a few hours later. I know she blew up my life and the kids life wife her affair and I could have taken the kids away from but choose not too. Probably get slammed for this. She is a great mother, just a shitty partner. She takes the kids to school. Pick them up. To all the kids appointments. She blamed me for not giving her attention. I know that bs for cheating but i admit i gave my attention to the kids first . O well. Can’t change the past. Plus I am at my best right now. Got a promotion and I’m in the best shape of my life. Maybe I should thank the ex.
Here’s the thing. I will never have romantic feelings or touch my ex wife ever again. She tainted to me. Should I continue to be cold to her? I can’t ghost her until my youngest turns 18 so I’m stuck wit my ex for at least another 15 years. So my question. How many of you betrayed spouse went from stone cold to being friends? And how long did it take. I will probably get slammed too for trying to be friends with my ex. Maybe I changed. Maybe I’m getting weak. Maybe it’s indifference. IDK. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Locdawg916 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 AVMIxBOBA (AITA) for being really close with my friend's boyfriend?

So I have a friend who moved to New Zealand a couple of months ago. She had a crush on a boy and she introduced me and my bff to her crush and as soon as I met him I knew he was a bad person. My bff warned my friend that her crush was a bad person and my friend didn't care about that.. so i started to text her crush to prove her that he was a bad person. I'm not proud of myself for doing that but it was for her.. and the more I started to text him the more I started to fall for him. I know that I'm the asshole for this but I'm really trying to get rid of those feelings.. and eventually they started to date. And my bff hated him alot cause he called her short, but it's a dumb reason to hate on somebody for this... And my parents found out that I was texting a boy so they deleted all my online games. This is really a lame reason to cry but I didn't have alot of friends back then and I used those games as an escape from reality. And I started to text him more and ranted about my life. And my bff didn't know these things cause I knew these things would ruin our friendship and I also acted appropriately with my friend's bf. A few weeks ago they broke up and he was kinda depressed and I was there for him. But he was obsessed with my friend so I get why she broke up with him and ghosted him. And he was also like I'm going to die- which I was really concerned about and when I told my bff she was like let him die. He deserves to die. And also recommend me to break his trust. Which I was really mad about. And I didn't really text her after.. and my friend's ex was acting really inappropriate to me , which was really uncomfortable and it's important to know that we are minors but i don't know I think he did it for fun, After he acted really inappropriate I decided to block him and I regretted that immediately and started to cry for hours.. cause his mental health was hanging and I was the only person there for him. so I unblocked him and seems like he cried for hours too.. and my friend added him back on snapchat. So he told her that he liked me.. and he confessed to me later that day and I rejected him saying that he was like my brother. I guess i lied but I wouldn't date him since he was my friend's ex and she still liked him. I'm pretty sure he felt embarrassed after that rejection and I screwed up by showing all of his and my messages to my friend. And my idiotic friend decided to tell him that she saw all of his and my chats using my account which I didn't know anything about? And when he asked me I had to say yes, but she was using his account since she still had his password. It doesn't matter but I still betrayed his trust, and I feel really bad about that but it was the only thing that felt right at that moment. And he also started to like a new girl, like replaced me in 2 days.. even now he kinda ignores my texts and all that but I guess I deserve it. And my bff is forcing me to leave him saying that he is manipulative and many other people also agree but I feel like I'm manipulating myself.. please give me suggestions on what to do next, I'm really confused. ( my English is really bad here since I'm not really fluent ) please don't mind that. Feel free to hate me but I just need suggestions on what to do next.
submitted by AVMIxBOBA to u/AVMIxBOBA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 Ok-Story-9319 MMW: capitalism will collapse within our generation because of the Department of Education’s failure to mandate that basic economics be taught

One thing seemingly unites millennials and Gen Z with respect to their socioeconomic political outlook. That is the younger generation’s consistent trend towards socialist policies. Many younger people today would agree that higher taxes, more government services, a universal income, more regulatory agencies, and debt forgiveness are ideal policies. However, these policies would all need to be carefully administered by a federal bureaucracy already criticized for being bloated and corrupt. Curious then why a society so distrustful of government is demanding that government secure more money and gain more authority to regulate the economy.
The reason for this apparent dissonance is the fact that many, if not most, young people have absolutely no clue about how finance actually works. Federally funded education has failed many generations of students and is a good example of why government programs are inherently bad. Taxpayer funded programs are inherently flawed because there is no private mechanism to ensure success; all public programs are run by people who don’t want to lose their jobs. There is fundamentally no incentive for a public program to solve the problem it was mandated to solve.
Rather, all public programs, including education, are incentivized to follow this cycle: (1) perpetuate low level crises in order to justify the existence of the institution, (2) solve some aspect of the problem, to justify the continued appointment of present leadership, (3) lobby for increased funding to solve the problem during an election/voting cycle, (4) fail to solve the problem while still using limitless tax dollars, (5) repeat. The department of education, along with all other institutions, follow this model. There may be Boy Scouts who work for the government who truly want their agency/department to eventually be shuttered or streamlined due to the unparalleled efficiency, competence, and efficacy of their work. But most bureaucrats simply want to keep their jobs forever.
All this to say that socialist policies which require government oversight are fool’s errands on their face because no public administration can avoid corruption due to the nature of public institutions. Private institutions, which are bound by market forces, may be corrupt, but if there is sufficient competition then corruption is literally impossible. Free, capitalist markets with sufficient competition cannot be corrupt simply because any inefficient allocation of capital via corruption will undermine the company’s ability to compete among other enterprises that dont waste money/resources this way. Obviously reality is more nuanced, but this law is essentially true, also public institutions don’t compete with private ones because public institutions are often funded with infinite public dollars and therefore don’t rely on the “rational consumer.”
The rational consumer is integral to this entire scenario I’m describing. Free market competition cannot exist without a rational consumer who ensures that this competition exists by making reasonable choices about how he spends his hard-earned money. While most economists, have always agreed that the “rational consumer” is a figment of our collective imagination, the premise has always been broadly assumed. The assumption is that people are generally wise enough to understand how finances and market forces work and allocate their money accordingly.
This could not be further from the truth. Scores of youth are suckered by tiktok and YouTube gurus who lie about financial topics to desperate people in to get ad revenue. The youth today are seeing their American dream collapse, in part because most young people graduate high school without even an iota of an understanding about what a “premium” is or how “interest” actually works. People don’t know the difference between a stock and a bond, or that a “401k” doesn’t mean $401,000.
This ignorance of basic economics causes the world’s largest consumer economy, the US, economy to behave monstrously inefficiently because few sectors are competitive and populated by rational consumers. Rather, most markets consist of fools with borrowed money, and corrupt, colluding companies willing to leech and fleece children and adults alike. In turn, this inherent market failure caused by a failed education system, produces a bastardized economy which creates appalling wealth inequality and public hatred of “capitalism” as a concept.
Thus, most young people who are NOT rational economic actors have a tendency to distrust capitalism despite not understanding how finance or “capital” actually works, and therefore they favor socialism or even communism as an answer to a failed economic system despite the fact that public institutions have for more opportunities to be corrupt than competitively private ones do. So you can mark my words, the youth in America will succeed in pushing the US towards socialism, ON BOTH SIDES, because very few people actually understand how finance works yet are enraged by the current order, so the political left and right support candidates who lobby for sweeping political control over the economy.
TL;DR: the DoE has failed several generations and the entire system of American capitalism by not ensuring that graduates understand basic macro/micro economic terms along with personal finance because capitalism requires rational consumers/actors to maintain efficiency yet the average consumer is constantly fleeced out of their money by corporations who are far more sophisticated than zoomer who doesn’t know how compound interest works.
submitted by Ok-Story-9319 to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]