Cub scout newsletter template


2024.06.01 01:29 Miss-sery Post-apocalypse

Setting post-apocalypse. Nuclear war devastated the entire world, destroying all major cities and plunging the world into chaos and anarchy. Everything became an inhospitable wasteland, a dry and infertile land. Most of the world is radioactive and toxic, most of it is low radiation, there are parts (like craters and lakes) where radiation is extremely high called death zones. Most of humanity was extinguished by war and bombing, some mutated, others took refuge in shelters for hundreds of years until they ran out of resources and were forced out by the failure of the ventilation, water purification and electricity systems of the shelters. Now there are small nomadic groups, wandering loners, looting gangs, scavengers and factions of all kinds. The wilderness is in total chaos with no law and order, much danger. Mutated flora and fauna, ruthless lunatics, no one has morals, everyone survives or plunges into madness and sadism.
More details. All that is left is desert and ruined cities, remnants of civilisation long forgotten. All technology is extremely valuable and scarce, most use rustic weapons and tools to save bullets and guns. General low radiation has little effect on people other than physical wear and tear, high radiation is deadly and brutal and there are known ways to enter the death zones. Factions vary from idealists seeking to rebuild civilisation with hope and brutal sadistic hedonists who love this lawless world and spend their days terrorising wasteland and its inhabitants (savages and barbarians), and also groups who only join together to survive without a long term plan. One of the biggest problems is food and lack of drinking water. There are only rumours and legends of fertile and peaceful lands but they are all false hopes. The story takes place on America. so they all speak english, the currency is either trade or they use food, water and bullets, some trade with their bodies, offering their "services" (mostly healthy people since most are scarred or deformed by radiation to different degrees, from light rashes to melting flesh), people more physically attractive are more valuable as treasure and as a currency. Another really valuable asset is cars and gasoline. Despite all the different types of characters and factions that exist, they all share one characteristic, a grey morality (in some cases more noble, in others absolute degenerates with no ethics or morals).
Now onto the juicy part. The mutants. For now I came up with only three main classes, of course they are all different and varied but they can be classified in one of these three groups. Let's go one by one, building them up.
First, the Goblins. Mutated humans, with messy DNA, including parts of rat, pig and so on, but mostly human. Named for their similarity to the fantasy race. Nasty little humanoid creatures, completely disgusting, full of warts and bumps, long noses and crooked yellow teeth. About the size of an 8 year old child, but with the appearance described above. They have below average intelligence, can communicate with each other and with humans and other mutants, but are not capable of complex societies or goals beyond survival, they are only interested in procreating and eating. They are capable of eating anything thanks to their powerful digestive systems, but prefer meat, especially human meat for its tenderness, although it is not uncommon to see them eating their own excrement (not because it has nutritional value, but simply for the fact that they are constantly hungry). Goblins are always male, there is no such thing as a female goblin. For this reason, their mutations allow them to breed with female humans. A goblin pregnancy lasts between a week and a month (depending on the goblin's virility) and mothers usually give birth to a litter of 4 to 6 goblins, goblin dna is so strong that all offsprings between human and goblin are always pure goblins. In very rare cases a human woman can become pregnant with a human when bred by goblins, one in every 100 pregnancies on average. This causes goblins to capture humans as food, keeping females as bredingstock and livestock, turning them into baby factories until they become barren and are used as horses (ridden or beasts of burden) or eaten.
Goblins treat humans as animals. They live in disorganised societies of around 500 members, they have no hierarchy or any kind of government, they live freely and there are no disputes between them, they share food and breeding mates as a free use society, bonding over these acts. When ambushing, attacking or raiding enemies they have great coordination and teamwork, on their own they are extremely weak but together they are a serious threat. They are usually rough and aggresive but prefer their victims to surrender over forcing them, for this reason any humans who surrender and cooperate are not unnecessarily harmed, but they have no problem hurting or killing anyone who resists.
To further expand on goblins. Goblins eat their own excrement mainly because they like to chew on something, but also in goblin societies it is valued that the breath is stinky (a mixture of everything they eat) a goblin with horrible breath means a goblin that eats a lot, hence a healthy and strong goblin. Goblins kill any creature they find when hunting, forming large piles of carcasses and carcasses inside their caves, they don't care if it spoils as it doesn't affect them at all, although they prefer fresh meat. The only creature they don't kill when hunting are human females, in fact when in their raids they accidentally kill one that goblin is banished as a traitor (since their most valuable resource is their breedingstock since it keeps the horde with more members). Despite their roughness they take care of their breedingstock, keeping them on farms, so that they last as long as they can and have as many children as possible, although once the females become infertile they are treated as just another beast, abused as beasts of burden or just butchered to eat them. Female humans are fed a slop, a filthy mixture of goblin excrement and meat of all kinds crushed and mashed, when a goblin breeds a female human it alters their genetic material so that their digestive systems are goblin-like, though the taste is still dreadful and horrifying to them. Goblins do not need nurturing or care from their mothers, they are completely disconnected from them, no relationship, they just see their mother as cattle. Human female breast milk is one of the goblins' favourite thing, they love the taste and texture of it, for this reason the captured females are constantly lactating and milked. Goblins on their own are weak due to their inferiority in intelligence and strength. Though they are immune to radiation and disease, a goblin bite carries hundreds of infections and diseases, sometimes goblins threaten their captured breeding stock with biting them to keep them controlled.
Well, to expand some more on goblins. When they breed a human female they inject hormones along with their genetic code that makes them lactate constantly as well as increasing their fertility. It is a hormone so powerful that the captured female needs to be constantly milked or their breasts swell indefinitely with milk which hurts them. Goblins brand their breeding stock with burning irons to mark them as the breeders of the horde. Goblins sometimes give some of their breeding stock nicknames to remember them and further dominate them (these nicknames are based on traits of the female. "Squealer" to one that constantly screams and cries. "Big Tits" to one that produces a lot of milk. "Pig" to one that eats a lot of slop. And so on, you get the idea). The goblins are well are that their bites are deadly to other creatures. The captured females' mental health usually ends one of these ways: most of them break and accept their new life and fate, surrendering to the goblins with loss; very few of them resist until the very end, showing defiance as they are being used, goblins are particularly rough with these ones; or they just lose their mind and become like animals, some even get to the point where they love their goblins masters and are happy to serve them, desperate to be bred and give birth to many goblins.
The orcs. These types of mutants are called orcs due to their similarity to the fantasy race. They are humans mutated by radiation and bombs, their genetic material is a mixture of absolutely everything, a broth of characteristics and traits of hundreds of species, with the human gene being predominant. Therefore, they are also called super mutants. They are huge humanoid creatures, over 2.5 meters tall, broad shoulders and strong backs, excessive musculature and a burly and firm build. They usually have reddish to greenish skin and some have horns. They are thick-boned and have fangs and claws on their huge hands. They are the apex predator of wasteland, creatures of immense strength, stamina and agility, able to lift cars over their heads with ease, run long distances in a matter of seconds without tiring, and with a tough, rough skin that prevents bullets from penetrating past that layer. They are unrivalled and almost invincible against any other creature. They have below average intelligence, though they are smarter and more complex than goblins, and can communicate with each other and with humans and other mutants. They are savage, brutish, aggressive and violent, living in barbaric tribes of no more than 5 members, led by the largest, strongest, meanest and with the highest virility. Their camps are rustic, with tents and prehistoric structures, they usually decorate their bodies and their camps with bones and skins of all kinds of creatures. They are voracious and brutal, constantly fighting among themselves for control and kills and fighting with other tribes for food and territory. They are ruthless and merciless, finding tremendous pleasure in fighting and killing, living to conquer, eat and reproduce, slaughtering whoever they find. They worship radiation as a supreme deity, and believe that they are the ultimate life form worthy of rule over this world, thanking the bombs for giving them this power.
They are immune to radiation and disease. The leader is called a Warchief or Shaman and is considered a direct messenger of the will of the sadistic deity that is radiation. Orcs detest old world technology and destroy as much as they can find, this is because they consider it pathetic and an excuse for the weak to use against the strong, they use their bodies or crude and rustic weapons to fight (sledgehammers, hammers, and so on). They can be deceived anc tricked by smells since that is their most powerful sense, usually fall for baits with dead bodies. Their only weakness and way to actually defeat them is laser guns, this technology can burn through their skin and flesh, making it invaluable when facing the mighty orc threat. All tribes are similar in attitude, seeking conquest and pleasure. Shamans besides being the strongest orc of the tribe can grow in size up to twice their original size (this is due to the radiation in them being more intense), they are also more intelligent than the rest which also makes them more barbaric and savage. Orcs see absolutely all creatures on the planet as weak and inferior. When an orc gets older and weaker he is executed by the tribe to prevent him from having weak offspring like him, then he is buchered and eaten, his bones are thrown into a radioactive lake as a sacrifice to the deity of radiation. Although some manage to escape this fate and become solitary wanderers, they eventually lose their aggressiveness and retreat to isolate themselves in the death zones.
A bit more into Orcs. They are always male, there is no such thing as a female orc. Their genetic makeup is so powerful and their genetic material so varied and messy that they can breed absolutely anything, any race, any gender, anything, even each other (although this is extremely rare as an orc would rather die than mother another orc's offspring. An orc sees being bred as the ultimate form of defeat). Their sperm is so powerful and radioactive that it alters the body of the creature being bred by them, the most notorious changes being that it feminises the males, transforming them into females after several sessions, and causes whatever is being bred to get broader hips, swollen breasts, fatter bottoms, and so on. This transformation, which makes them more appealing to orcs, is known as ascension. The sperm is also a potent aphrodisiac that completely takes over the body of the one being bred, making then suffer extreme pleasure and high sensitivity for a while. Despite being able to breed anything, orcs prefer human females because their bodies are the tightest and most attractive, and because they give birth to stronger orcs. Pregnancies always give birth to a pure orc thanks to the powerful orc DNA. The gestation period is one month and is brutal on the mother, agonising and heavy. Orcs hunt for food and for breeding mates. Orcs, unlike goblins, are possessive of their breeding mates; when an orc claims one, he owns it and does not share it. Orcs eat whatever they capture and don't breed (either because they don't like them or because they are weak and their bodies would not support pregnancy) although some are kept as toys for stress relief.
Let's start with the pigs. A horrible combination of pig, bull and human, intensified by radiation. They are mostly pigs, but they are larger than a bull, being huge and massive, and have human-like intelligence with below average intelligence. They are robust and powerful beasts, tough and strong, almost no one hunts them because they are formidable enemies, they have coarse and tough skin. They are also hideous and disgusting beasts, constantly covered in dirt and filth. They roam solitary, seeking food and companionship. They often interact with other pigs but do not form relationships or stay together for long. They are capable of eating anything because of their evolved digestive systems that require them to eat absurd amounts of food, although they prefer sweet snacks. They are aggressive towards any creature that is not another pig, attacking and tearing them apart, often eating them. They are not hunters because they do not go around looking for prey but they do not waste the opportunity to attack other creatures. They are immune to radiation and disease, they tend to roam the world and often gather in radioactive lakes to drink water and socialise.
More onto the Rad-Boars, the mutant pigs. They are practically invulnerable, and have no clear weakness, other than their beast-like behaviour, most choose to avoid them as, although killing one would mean a lot of food, their flesh is radioactive and they are almost impossible to defeat. Sometimes the orcs engage in combat against the pigs, always ending in a draw with both parties exhausted and barely damaged, it is more of a recreational activity for the orcs rather than a hunt, the pigs treat the orcs like all other creatures. Rad-Boars are cooperative and friendly with others of their kind, grooming each other and sharing experiences, they enjoy each other's company for a time before parting ways. Radioactive lake water does not affect them at all, as their radiation is so high that they simply absorb the radiation (the beast mutant types are the most radioactive of all, they are practically immortal as well). Pigs have their flesh constantly being melted and devoured by radiation but at the same time being regenerated by their powers, being in constant balance, this contributes to their disgusting and creepy appearance, with flesh falling off in chunks and skin sweating like sweat. Their genetic code was from all types of pigs and bulls but only the strongest genes were left to ensure their evolution. There are different sizes for the Rad-Boars, all huge and imposing. Although they can only emit pig and bull noises, they are capable of communicating with each other and of certain displays of intelligence, operating tools or solving puzzles.
So, more onto these pigs. Rad-boars can only be males, there are no female pigs. Most humans are terrified of pigs and they act accordingly, humans running away in fear and the boars chasing them aggressively, seeking to kill them. Pigs are aggressive creatures to all non-pigs, but there is a way to calm them down and tame them. If instead of panicking you keep a calm head you can try to communicate with them. The best way to calm a Rad-Boar is to appeal to its need for companionship and breeding. The woman should undress completely and approach the pig carefully, then she has to become seductive and sexy, grinding herself on him and complimenting him (calling him a stud, appeal to his virility, tell them they need him, they have an urge to be their mate). If they succeed, the pig won't attack them and instead will breed them, getting closer to them. The pigs are so radioactive that they cannot have offspring, the act of breeding is purely sexual and pleasurable, as well as a form of bond with a human female. The result of the breeding between a human female and a Rad-Boar is that the female will swell her belly as if she were heavily pregnant (at least 10 kilos of liquid inside her) and then expel all that slop, a glowing green goo, down her birth canal, giving birth to that slime. Then both the human and the pig would eat that slop, it is really sweet and tastes very good. The pig would be relaxed now and the human can escape. The act of breeding with a Rad-Boar, his sexual and bodily fluids as well as that goo, are extremely addictive for a human, making it a powerful drug for humans, the danger of the taming strategy is growing addicted to it quickly.
It's a dark and mature story. Onto more pigs. The addiction is brutal, in a couple of weeks of withdrawal it makes the human desperately need another dose, there is no cure and it only gets worse with time and more consumption of this drug, entering a loop that is doomed. Most humans either kill themselves or crave the sensation so much that they crawl back to the pig and beg for more. After a couple breeding sessions and when the addiction worsened the pig claims the human female as its mate, she accepts this as she is already addicted to him and his fluids. The pig then makes a nosehook, a collar and a leash with his own fur, leather, flesh and skin, and puts them onto his human, starting a relationship of dominance and control, between similar to marriage and a pet/owner dynamic. The pig mark his human mate by covering her on his filth so the other pigs know she is with him. The slop they eat after breeding makes the human immune to radiation and capable of eating anything, so they can travel together and drink from the lake. Over time the human accepts this position of submission and obedience to the pig, becoming his breeding mate and companion, living and travelling together. Some settlemens manage to get pigs as warhorses and vehicles by luring them with females and offering them to the pig as breeding mates so he cooperates, effectively making stables with these pigs and female sacrifices.
A mutation, combination of dog, wolf, bear and human. Predominantly wolf and dog, but the size of a bear with the appearance of a grizzly wolf, with the intelligence of a human with below average intelligence (like rad-boars). They have the power, size and strength of a grizzly bear with the speed, agility and ferocity of a wolf, along the resilience and will of a hunt or guard dog. The best of each specie combined in an apex predator. Like wolves, they live in packs of several members, they work together and cooperate when hunting or fighting, while they are lead by an alpha and have a social structure and hierarchy similar to that of wolves, with all that implies. They travel the wasteland looking for good hunting spots as well as a place to establish a base (usually not deep caves on forests), once they settled they rarely leave too far and don't migrate unless food becomes really scarce. They are carnivorous but can eat other things to survive if they get too hungry. They are highly territorial and aggressive, violent and ruthless, very protective of their packs and their bases. They don't even get along with other wolves of different packs, easily recognising the members of each pack by their unique and characterstic smell. They have long and shiny fur, varying from white to black. Their behaviour is very similar to wolves and dogs.
To add more details. The warhounds are formidable beasts. They don't get too much weakness but can be intimidated sometimes if they consider the prey or foe too much of a hassle or not an immediate threat. They ignore rad-boars because they won't attack something if they consider or fear a member of the pack could get hurt or killed, they evaluate the possible outcomes of an encounter and won't fight a hard battle or one that could mean casualties for the pack. Packs have designated roles, from trackers who track down prey, to chasers who chase down wounded prey if they try to escape, there are the distracters, the main attackers, the secondary attackers, the rearguard (wolf cubs and very old), and the alpha who coordinates the attacks and hunts and decides if they should continue or retreat. The alpha is always the smartest and strongest warhound, the pack respects him but may challenge his position in a fight. The warhounds mark their territory by peeing on trees and zones to delimit the territory, as well as scratching and biting pieces of nature (wood, stone, walls, and so on). There is only one breed of warhounds, with individuals barely varying on size. Warhounds communicate mainly with scent, but also have a clear body language that is easy to identify, and can communicate primitively with growls, barks and howls (the latter being the most commonly used). The best way for a human to communicate with a warhound is to keep calm, don't show themselves as a threat and use clear body language.
A bit more details. The warhounds are always male, there are no female wolves/dogs. For this reason, they evolved to be able to breed human females. They are proud beasts that do not interact with members outside the pack, so they do not capture or force human females (even though they are their only way to breed and ensure the pack's prosperity). Therefore, as soon as they see a human, male or female, they attack to kill and eat. A human female can avoid this, she has to keep calm and not attack the warhounds, instead she has to communicate with them on their level, with clear body language. She has to get on all fours and adopt a wolf mating position as well as whimper and bark, this lets the wolves know that she does not want to hurt them and that she is looking to join their pack as a breeder and that she is interested in becoming a wolf and learning about them. The pack would then send a scout (a tracker) to check her out, they sniff each other out and lick each other faces to establish trust. If the scout approves she leads the human female into the pack, if not the pack just leaves her unharmed. This process makes breeders and mothers in a pack rare, with a ratio of one human female to every 5 warhounds on a pack. A pack is normally around 30 wolves, so an optimal pack would have at least 5 or 6 breeders, with the most efficient packs having up to 10 human females enlisted. The pregnancy is similar to those of wolves, a gestation period of two to three months and a birth of a litter with 3 to 5 cubs. This makes it so wolves compete for breeding mates, ranging from physical attributes of the warhound to the preference of the human female, or course the alpha always has a breeding mate secured. The offspring are always pure warhounds and never humans or a mix.
To further expand. Human females join warhound packs for various reasons, some are frightened when assaulted by wolves and take this strategy to survive, others are more willing, seeking protection in the wasteland, or even purpose or belonging in a world that lost it all, and others have no other way to survive and choose this life in order to eat something. Anyway, once a human female joins a pack of warhounds, the wolves teach them about their culture and society, showing them their bases, their usual routes, teaching them body language and verbal communication (within a few months, most human females know how to communicate with wolves better than how to communicate with humans, knowing the meaning of each growl, bark, howl, whimper and movement or gesture). Once the human female learns how to integrate onto the pack is time for her to breed, this process can take up to two months where the wolves compete for her attention, wrestling each other (without serious injuries) and courting her with flirtatious demonstrations of affection or breeding prowess (virility, size, confidence, assertiveness, and other desirable traits on a breeding partner). Of course, this whole process of competition is skipped when the alpha claims his breeding mate, but he still has to woo the human female so she willingly takes him, though she is in no position to refuse him and choose some other wolf. Until the human female is bred she has to pull her own weight in the pack, taking a special role on the hunting expeditions, the distractors, they lure prey with their helpless and vulnerable aspect so the pack can jump on the prey, they can also act as secondary attackers if the pack is lacking numbers. They also are the primary attackers when ambushing a human, they have to act innocent to make the human foe lower their guard and then strike mercilessly, surprisingly by the time they are active on hunting expeditions human females prefer and value more warhounds than humans.
Once the human female is pregnant with a litter of wolf cubs she goes from breeder to mother, staying on the rear when hunting or staying at the base along the cubs and the guard wolves. She takes a nurturing position, having to take care of the cubs along the other pregnant human females, they all share this responsibility and the babies are considered of the whole pack instead of an individual wolf, a collective society. Once a human female gives birth to her first pack her motherly instincts go intense and she feels profound love and devotion for any cub, really accepting and cherishing her role and purpose as a mother for the pack, she feeds them and teaches them everything they need to know to become good warhounds and productive members of the pack. To welcome a human female into the pack, all the warhounds pee on her to get her marked with the scent of the pack. The further a human female lives on a wolf pack the more she adapts and becomes like them on behaviour, loyalty and mentality.
submitted by Miss-sery to u/Miss-sery [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:40 TrafficWaveAdmin Email Marketing with TrafficWave

Email Marketing with TrafficWave

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Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for businesses to engage with their audience, drive sales, and build lasting relationships. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about email marketing, from the basics to advanced strategies that can help you achieve outstanding results.
What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing involves sending emails to a group of people with the purpose of promoting products, services, or content. It’s a direct form of communication that allows businesses to reach their customers right in their inboxes.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Direct Access to Customers: Email marketing allows businesses to communicate directly with their audience without any intermediaries.
High ROI: Studies show that email marketing can generate an ROI of up to $42 for every dollar spent.
Personalization and Segmentation: Tailor your messages to specific segments of your audience for better engagement.
Automation: Automated email campaigns can save time and ensure timely delivery of messages.
Measurable Results: Track important metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to evaluate the success of your campaigns.

Getting Started with Email Marketing

1. Build Your Email List

Create Compelling Sign-Up Forms: Use clear and enticing calls-to-action.
Offer Incentives: Provide value such as free resources, discounts, or exclusive content.
Utilize Social Media: Promote your email list on social platforms to attract more subscribers.
Leverage Existing Contacts: Import contacts from your existing database, but ensure you have their permission.

2. Choose the Right Email Marketing Service

Select a reliable email marketing service that offers the features you need, such as:
Automation: Schedule emails and set up automated workflows.
Segmentation: Categorize your audience based on their preferences and behaviors.
Analytics: Monitor your campaign performance with detailed reports.

3. Design Your Emails

Professional Templates: Use visually appealing templates that align with your brand.
Responsive Design: Ensure your emails look great on all devices.
Clear and Concise Content: Keep your messages straightforward and engaging.
Strong Call-to-Actions: Encourage recipients to take the desired action.

4. Crafting Effective Email Campaigns

A. Welcome Emails

Greet new subscribers and introduce your brand.
Provide valuable content and set expectations.

B. Promotional Emails

Highlight special offers, new products, or upcoming events.
Create urgency with limited-time offers.

C. Content Newsletters

Share industry news, tips, and educational content.
Keep your audience informed and engaged.

D. Re-Engagement Emails

Reach out to inactive subscribers with personalized messages.
Offer special deals to win them back.

Best Practices for Email Marketing

Personalize Your Emails: Use the recipient’s name and tailor content to their preferences.
Optimize Subject Lines: Write compelling subject lines to increase open rates.
Test and Optimize: Perform A/B testing to determine what works best.
Comply with Regulations: Follow GDPR and CAN-SPAM laws to respect your audience’s privacy.
Monitor Performance: Track key metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Advanced Email Marketing Strategies

1. Segmentation and Targeting

Divide your audience into segments based on demographics, behavior, and interests.
Send targeted emails to each segment for better results.

2. Automation and Workflows

Set up automated email sequences for different stages of the customer journey.
Use triggers such as sign-ups, purchases, or abandoned carts.

3. Behavioral Email Marketing

Analyze subscriber behavior to send relevant and timely messages.
Implement triggered emails based on actions such as website visits or clicks.

4. Dynamic Content

Use dynamic content to personalize emails in real-time.
Display different content blocks based on subscriber data.

5. Integrate with Other Marketing Channels

Combine email marketing with social media, content marketing, and paid advertising.
Create a cohesive multi-channel strategy.

Common Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Spamming Your Subscribers: Sending too many emails can lead to high unsubscribe rates.
Ignoring Mobile Users: Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly.
Neglecting Analytics: Regularly review your campaign performance to make data-driven decisions.
Not Cleaning Your List: Remove inactive subscribers to maintain a healthy email list.
Overlooking Legal Requirements: Always comply with email marketing regulations.


Email marketing is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can drive significant results for your business. By building a solid email list, crafting engaging content, and leveraging advanced strategies, you can create successful email campaigns that resonate with your audience. Start implementing these tips today and watch your email marketing efforts flourish.
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2024.05.31 21:04 Hunter-of-Pondies Cub Campfire Ideas

I am currently a star scout i am almost life, all i need to to (aside from scout master conference and board of review) is get a few more eagle badges. The Badge I am working now is communication, and to complete it I am planning and hosting a campfire with my troop for our pack.
I have almost everything finished, however after looking through it with my scout master he suggested i add some things to make it a tiny bit longer. I was thinking of adding a couple of those skit where they are dragged on between segments (I do not know what they are called), such as The Infant-Tree. The problem is we did The Infant-Tree at our last campfire we did for the cubs and i don't want to copy that one, cannot thing of anything else.
I was also considering adding another song aside from the two i already have-one at at the beginning, and another at the end. this song would be in the middle.
If someone has any ideas for either of them please share. This would be a tremendous help.
submitted by Hunter-of-Pondies to BSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:02 bigtruck1369 Jury Selection Question: Why Do I Keep Getting Picked?

This is completely out of curiosity, I am not looking for advice...
Attorneys who participate in jury selection, can you help me understand why I keep being chosen out of the jury pool?
I have been called for US District Court jury service three times and have been selected for the jury each of those times. One civil case and two criminal. Each time I have served as the jury foreperson.
My last federal court service was in April, and now I have to report for county court on Monday. My family and coworkers all joke about my luck and how I'll probably sitting on another case next week. While I enjoy being a part of the judicial process and doing my civic duty, I wouldn't mind missing out this time!
With all of that lead up, can anyone provide any insight as to why I keep getting selected? Does my previous juror (and foreperson!) experience make me a more attractive candidate? In addition I have a bachelors degree and a full time job. I earned my Eagle Scout rank back in the 90's, and currently volunteer as a Cub Scout Leader, which I'm pretty sure I have been disclosing.
Are any of these things tipping the scales towards me?
Thank you!!!!
submitted by bigtruck1369 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:55 StandardIssueCaveman Met the Man himself today

Met the Man himself today
Got my rulebook signed like a proper fanboy! Really cool guy, had a good chat about his new game Hobgoblin and bought that rulebook too!
submitted by StandardIssueCaveman to gaslands [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:51 FootballPlaybooks Throw Deep Publishing: The Best Videos and Books About American Football

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submitted by FootballPlaybooks to u/FootballPlaybooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:18 actual_griffin A Short Video About Cub Scout Day Camp

A Short Video About Cub Scout Day Camp submitted by actual_griffin to BSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:44 Honeysyedseo How I Achieved 2-3X Higher LTV with Newsletter Cross-Promotions

How I Achieved 2-3X Higher LTV with Newsletter Cross-Promotions
The highest-quality and highest-LTV subscribers don't come from:
  • Organic content
  • Paid ads
  • SEO
They come from other newsletters.

How to grow your list by sponsoring other newsletters
Here's how you can grow using other newsletters:
When I get subscribers from other newsletters, I see:
  • 60-70%+ open rates
  • 20%+ CTRs
  • 2-3X higher LTV than other channels
For context, my average subscriber has a ~50% open rate and a ~10% CTR.
Now, there are two ways to grow with other newsletters:
  1. Cross-promotions
  2. Newsletter ads
Here's how to grow with both:


Here, you trade an ad spot in your newsletter with another newsletter.
Both must agree to match unique clicks they send each other.
Do not use list size or number of promotions.
Unique clicks are the only metric that make the trade fair.
To do this:
  1. Find partners with Lettergrowth, or by contacting newsletters in your network.
  2. Find more partners more niche than you (it's easier to grow when you're broader)
  3. Find partners with 40-50% open rate.
Some pro tips on this method:
  1. Use SparkLoop or beehiiv magic links to let users sign up with 1 click. This will 2x the amount of subscribers both newsletters get.
  2. Ask the partner to provide copy, but re-write it in your own voice (and ask your partner to do the same). You know your audience better.

How to buy ads in other newsletters

This can be expensive.
But thousands of newsletters with 1K-50K subscribers are open to selling CPA (Cost-per-action) ads.
That means you only pay for conversions.
Here's what I recommend:
Make a list of 50+ newsletters with similar audiences.
Reach out with the pictured template (worth saving).

Sponsoring your newsletter Template
Now, to run CPA ads like this, you'll need a 3rd party tracking and payment tool...
I'd use SparkLoop's partner program. Set it up to only accept sign-ups from direct or magic links.
Pick a CPA for your partner program based on your LTV.
For most newsletters, you should be willing to pay $3-$6 per subscriber from another newsletter.
One more thing:
Thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed, Join /foundonx
submitted by Honeysyedseo to foundonx [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:30 Previous_Smile9278 [Billy Carpenter] SELF-SCOUTING ARSENAL. Here are some of the player stats with the strongest relationship to Arsenal’s underlying performance.

[Billy Carpenter] SELF-SCOUTING ARSENAL. Here are some of the player stats with the strongest relationship to Arsenal’s underlying performance. submitted by Previous_Smile9278 to Gunners [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:19 cubsfan217 Cubs Mail Day

Cubs Mail Day
Ranked #6 in Cubbies farm system (#92 ovr), we desperately need help at catcher position. I know he's still far off from the majors but what could it hurt at this point? 😆
Scouting grades: Hit: 55 Power: 50 Run: 20 Arm: 50 Field: 50 Overall: 55
Ballesteros starred on Venezuelan national youth teams before turning pro for $1.2 million, the second-highest bonus among catchers and among Cubs signees in the 2020-21 international class. Chicago has moved him aggressively because his bat is so advanced. The Cubs' 2023 Minor League Player of the Year, he slashed .285/.374/.449 with 14 homers at age 19, spending the second half of the season in High-A before a five-game cameo in Double-A.
Ballesteros has had no trouble handling significantly older pitchers because he has a sweet left-handed swing and controls the strike zone better than anyone in Chicago's system. He patiently works counts awaiting a pitch he can hit hard and takes advantage when he gets one. He did a better job of driving balls in the air and using the entire field in 2023, and he has the bat speed and strength for 20-homer power once he's fully developed.
Because Ballesteros is much heavier than his listed 195 pounds, has a thick lower half and lacks quickness and agility, there are questions as to whether he can remain at catcher. His proponents compare him to Alejandro Kirk for his hitting ability and soft hands, and he is making progress with his receiving and blocking. He'll flash some solid arm strength, but his slow footwork and transfer allowed basestealers to succeed in 97 of 122 (80 percent) attempts last year.
submitted by cubsfan217 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:02 greygogreen Separating boys/girls in Arrow of Light den, why?

I'm in a Family Pack and will lead the Arrow of Light den in August. I currently have 7 Webelos, 5 boys & 2 girls. In the new Handbook, I read that the boys/girls are now separated. I understand that there are single gender troops when the cross over, but why do it now as a Cub Scout? We have always been a mixed gender pack and I've been their den leader for 5 years. It also makes no sense to have only 2 girls in a patrol.
Just not sure how to manage the Arrow of Light with this dynamic. So, please share how to make this work.
submitted by greygogreen to cubscouts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:55 Ok_Cap9063 How this Etsy store made 245k selling legal templates.

Hey Everyone,
Etsy Store name: LegalDash
Launched On: 2020
Estimated Total Revenue: $245,190
Estimated Total Profit: $229,252
Total sales: 8,173
Estimated Profit Last Month (May): $6,249
This is a trending niche on etsy where small business owners get to buy cost effective legal templates without going to any attorney. For this particular store is runned by Anne a licensed attorney practicing in Indiana and handling both transactional and litigation (but primarily litigation) matters.
Anne was able to set herself apart on etsy by branding herself as a trusted and professional attorney. Her templates are more in-depth and available in all formats like pdf and word.
Growth Strategy:
LegalDash has dominated etsy organic search for all the keywords on their listed templates. They also have a shopify store where they sell all their legal templates which does well on google search with 1600 monthly visit.
Conversion Strategy
LegalDash has been able to manage a very impressive review on Etsy, with an average of 4.5 with any of their clients. This is a ranking factor on etsy which helps them to dominate their competitors. If you’re selling digital products on etsy be sure to respond within 24 hrs so that you get awarded a star seller badge.
Most complaints are from customers who do not know where to get the download file they purchased. And providing them with the support will help you get better reviews and also maintain excellent customer service.
Key Takeaways:
If you’re a lawyer or practice litigation this is a passive income idea that you can try and make this amount while you sleep.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, on my Newsletter I publish twice a week a case study like this
Subscribe using this link
submitted by Ok_Cap9063 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:43 kattrisen I found 5 side project ideas that will bring you traffic on auto-pilot

I found 5 potential product ideas that will bring you traffic on auto-pilot.
Because the ideas are based on keywords (with the help of Build The Keyword tool) that have:
Hope it might inspire someone :-) Would love to see it!

Idea #1

Keyword: Everyday items to invest in

Idea #2

Keyword: Map drawing

Idea #3

Keyword: Mac snipping tool

Idea #4

Keyword: Heat map generator

Idea #5

Keyword: Notion Weekly Planning

submitted by kattrisen to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:29 jottrled It's nearly a year since Twitter changed it's name to X. Who knew that change could lead to new SaaS opportunities?

Nearly a year ago, Twitter changed it's name to X when big Elon came in.
While many people were upset by the name and brand change, SEO enthusiasts were licking their lips.
Because people searching on Google are going to start looking for X rather than Twitter and that presents a huge opportunity for products targeting new keywords with the brand name 'X'.
So I would like to present an idea that has good potential if you target the right keywords (keyword data is below).
What's the idea?
X Banner Designer
A user-friendly micro SaaS tool that offers a wide range of design features specifically tailored for creating X (formerly Twitter) banners. Users can access a library of fonts, shapes, icons, and effects to design professional-looking banners.
What's the SEO Potential?
Check this article out to find out why this is important.
A quick google search will show you that there are loads of tools that can design twitter banners for you but because of the name change from Twitter to X there is a great opportunity to target a keyword that has really good potential.
We have 2 keywords we can target here but the first one will be very easy to start ranking on Google for. The second one has thousands of users searching for it every month so I would definitely incorporate this keyword into your product also.
Note that those search volumes are for US alone so the potential for worldwide traffic is huge.
What do you need to build it?
Some nice to haves you could add:
Here's a good reason why this is a good opportunity. The keyword 'twitter banner' has a keyword difficulty of 42 so there's no real opportunity there anymore but because people are now starting to search for X related keywords there is now a significant opportunity to build a product that plenty of users are now searching for.
Would you build it?
I find ideas like this using a tool I built which is currently live on Product Hunt.
If your interested in this type of thing I share Micro Saas Ideas like this every week in my newsletter so feel free to join me here to find more profitable micro ideas.
submitted by jottrled to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:08 jottrled Startup Idea: Nearly a year since Twitter changed it's name to X. Is this a good opportunity?

Nearly a year ago, Twitter changed it's name to X when big Elon came in.
While many people were upset by the name and brand change, SEO enthusiasts were licking their lips.
Because people searching on Google are going to start looking for X rather than Twitter and that presents a huge opportunity for products targeting new keywords with the brand name 'X'.
So I would like to present an idea that has good potential if you target the right keywords (keyword data is below).
~What's the idea?~
X Banner Designer
A user-friendly micro SaaS tool that offers a wide range of design features specifically tailored for creating X (formerly Twitter) banners. Users can access a library of fonts, shapes, icons, and effects to design professional-looking banners.
What's the SEO Potential?
Check this article out to find out why this is important.
A quick google search will show you that there are loads of tools that can design twitter banners for you but because of the name change from Twitter to X there is a great opportunity to target a keyword that has really good potential.
We have 2 keywords we can target here but the first one will be very easy to start ranking on Google for. The second one has thousands of users searching for it every month so I would definitely incorporate this keyword into your product also.
Note that those search volumes are for US alone so the potential for worldwide traffic is huge.
~What do you need to build it?~
Some nice to haves you could add:
Here's a good reason why this is a good opportunity. The keyword 'twitter banner' has a keyword difficulty of 42 so there's no real opportunity there anymore but because people are now starting to search for X related keywords there is now a significant opportunity to build a product that plenty of users are now searching for.
Would you build it?
I find ideas like this using a tool I built which is currently live on Product Hunt.
If your interested in this type of thing I share Micro Saas Ideas like this every week in my newsletter so feel free to join me here to find more profitable micro ideas.
submitted by jottrled to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:46 Ok_Cap9063 How this Etsy store made 245k selling legal templates.

Hey Everyone,
Etsy Store name: LegalDash
Launched On: 2020
Estimated Total Revenue: $245,190
Estimated Total Profit: $229,252
Total sales: 8,173
Estimated Profit Last Month (May): $6,249
This is a trending niche on etsy where small business owners get to buy cost effective legal templates without going to any attorney. For this particular store is runned by Anne a licensed attorney practicing in Indiana and handling both transactional and litigation (but primarily litigation) matters.
Anne was able to set herself apart on etsy by branding herself as a trusted and professional attorney. Her templates are more in-depth and available in all formats like pdf and word.
Growth Strategy:
LegalDash has dominated etsy organic search for all the keywords on their listed templates. They also have a shopify store where they sell all their legal templates which does well on google search with 1600 monthly visit.
Conversion Strategy
LegalDash has been able to manage a very impressive review on Etsy, with an average of 4.5 with any of their clients. This is a ranking factor on etsy which helps them to dominate their competitors. If you’re selling digital products on etsy be sure to respond within 24 hrs so that you get awarded a star seller badge.
Most complaints are from customers who do not know where to get the download file they purchased. And providing them with the support will help you get better reviews and also maintain excellent customer service.
Key Takeaways:
If you’re a lawyer or practice litigation this is a passive income idea that you can try and make this amount while you sleep.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, on my Newsletter I publish twice a week a case study like this
Subscribe using this link
submitted by Ok_Cap9063 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:41 Ok_Cap9063 How this Etsy store made 245k selling legal templates.

Hey Everyone,
Etsy Store name: LegalDash
Launched On: 2020
Estimated Total Revenue: $245,190
Estimated Total Profit: $229,252
Total sales: 8,173
Estimated Profit Last Month (May): $6,249
This is a trending niche on etsy where small business owners get to buy cost effective legal templates without going to any attorney. For this particular store is runned by Anne a licensed attorney practicing in Indiana and handling both transactional and litigation (but primarily litigation) matters.
Anne was able to set herself apart on etsy by branding herself as a trusted and professional attorney. Her templates are more in-depth and available in all formats like pdf and word.
Growth Strategy:
LegalDash has dominated etsy organic search for all the keywords on their listed templates. They also have a shopify store where they sell all their legal templates which does well on google search with 1600 monthly visit.
Conversion Strategy
LegalDash has been able to manage a very impressive review on Etsy, with an average of 4.5 with any of their clients. This is a ranking factor on etsy which helps them to dominate their competitors. If you’re selling digital products on etsy be sure to respond within 24 hrs so that you get awarded a star seller badge.
Most complaints are from customers who do not know where to get the download file they purchased. And providing them with the support will help you get better reviews and also maintain excellent customer service.
Key Takeaways:
If you’re a lawyer or practice litigation this is a passive income idea that you can try and make this amount while you sleep.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, on my Newsletter I publish twice a week a case study like this
Subscribe using this link
submitted by Ok_Cap9063 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:37 Dense-Charity-1916 How can I avoid my emails being sent to SPAM (or, more importantly, getting my business blacklisted for emails)?

Hi all. Quick question: we don't send mass emails, but we do send cold emails, most of which follow a very similar template. Our intern recently had about 20 emails bounce back because he got the emails off ChatGPT and didn't verify them. I had to explain that's not reliable lol. I should've checked it though, that's on me. Anyhow, I started reading about how organizations can start getting blacklisted for SPAM and all the email rules.
My question- we send cold emails; not hundreds a day, and they are always personally addressed, no exclamation or promises of free stuff or whatever, but again, they follow a template and they may likely be ignored or whatever. I was told once that 1 in 100 cold emails might work, so that's a lot of unopened emails. Last thing I need is our organization getting blacklisted for something like that. Clearly businesses do it all the time though.
Can anyone give me some guidance on how to protect against that? We aren't sending newsletters, we are sending specific invitations to check out our program. So no one is getting a ton of emails from us-- each one is individually addressed (its only one email recipient per mail) but still, I would prefer to avoid any issues. Any guidance you can offer?
submitted by Dense-Charity-1916 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:24 generalpao Things to do in Houston this weekend - May 30th - June 2nd

🚨💌 Help support these posts and signup to get them as a newsletter. Taking 15 seconds to signup helps keep this going! 💌🚨
Have a good weekend! Go check out the Polo


Ongoing - Happy Hour @ MFAH @ 5PM Meet your friends at the MFAH for the best night of the week. Explore the campus, visit the galleries, and get a drink at the bar. General admission is free.
Michael Palascak Stand Up @ Houston Improv @ 7:30PM
Leo Skepi Live Show @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6PM Viral Internet personality Leo Skepi brings his honest and inspirational opinions to a live stage!
‘Moana’ Screening @ Trebly Park @ 8PM
P.O.D. @ House of Blues @ 6PM
Roar @ House of Blues @ 7PM With Norma Jean, Bad Wolves, & Blind Channel
Vision Video @ White Oak Music Hall @ 7PM With Missing Delores Galore
Summer’24 Concert Party @ Warehouse Live @ 5:30PM Featuring Emma Ogier, Midnight Beverage, April Company, & more!


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 7:10PM Promotion: Alvarez 00s Black Replica Jersey, Friday Night Fireworks, Pregame Happy Hour
Dave Matthews Band @ Woodlands Pavilion @ 7:30PM
Brit Floyd Concert Experience @ Bayou Music Center @ 8PM The world's premier Pink Floyd tribute act Brit Floyd is celebrating the 50th anniversary of ‘The Dark Side of the Moon.’
Samara Joy @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 8:30PM
Treaty Oak Revival @ 713 Music Hall @ 8PM
Strangelove: The Depeche Mode Experience @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Josh Abbott Band @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6PM
TX2 @ Last Concert Cafe @ 8PM
Bresh @ Warehouse Live @ 10PM
Sapphic Factory Party @ White Oak Music Hall @ 8:30PM
Emo Forever Party @ Scout Bar @ 8PM


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 3:10PM Promotion: Girls Night Out, Mauricio Dubon Gold Glove Bobblehead
Ongoing - Saturday Stargazing @ George Observatory in Needville Water Lantern Festival @ North Houston @ 5:30PM Experience the magic of the Water Lantern Festival where you’ll enjoy tasty food trucks, fun music, and an incredible sight of thousands of floating lanterns reflecting unique messages.
Artisan Market @ Grand Central Park @ 9AM Come stroll through a unique selection of handcrafted treasures and discover locally made foods, flowers, arts, and crafts.
Coffee and Cars @ POST @ 8AM Come out and enjoy an amazing display of machines at POST!
‘The Sinatra Experience’ Concert @ Crighton Theatre @ 7:30PM Don’t miss this unforgettable evening of music, laughter, and a zesty lineup of Frank Sinatra’s most popular songs starring Dave Halston.
Accordion Kings and Queens Concert @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 7PM Enjoy a night dedicated to the enchanting sounds of accordion music, shining a spotlight on Texas’s rich musical heritage.
Maggie Rogers @ Woodlands Pavilion @ 7:30PM With Japanese House
Olga Tañón @ Smart Financial Centre @ 8PM
Teezo Touchdown @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Azizi Gibson @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Bleachers @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6:30PM With Samia
Alejandro Escovedo @ The Heights Theater @ 8PM
Borgeous @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
Sabai @ Warehouse Live @ 10PM With Julienne By


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 12:05PM Promotion: Yoga Day, Astros Belt Bag, Kids Run the Bases, Family Sunday
Livingston Memorial Cup @ Houston Polo Club @ 5:30PM Experience a world class polo match, player parade, live music, expert announcing, traditional champagne divot stomp at halftime and special trophy presentation.
Blackwood Farmers Market @ POST @ 2PM Shop, taste, and support fellow Texan makers and organizations working towards the city’s green future.
Family Day @ MFAH Bayou Bend @ 1PM Visit Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens for an afternoon of family-friendly fun.
‘Dial M for Murder’ Screening @ MFAH @ 5PM See this Hitchcock classic on the big screen for its 70th anniversary revival.
Jazzy Sundays @ Discovery Green @ 5PM Featuring Melvin Johnson and the Electro-Akoustics
Hunxho @ House of Blues @ 7PM
AJ McQueen @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Dreamer Boy @ White Oak Music Hall @ 7PM
Trixter @ Warehouse Live @ 6PM
The Last Ten Seconds of Life @ Scout Bar @ 6:30PM

All Weekend

SATURDAY & SUNDAY - Strauss Festival Concert @ Jones Hall Music Director Juraj Valčuha leads one of the natural wonders of the music world, Strauss’s ‘An Alpine Symphony’ in an epic concert together with world renowned soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen.
All weekend - Nimesh Patel Stand Up @ Houston Improv
All weekend - Houston Tattoo Arts Festival @ NRG Center The world’s largest tattoo convention tour returns to Houston!
All weekend - ‘Taking Venice’ Screening @ MFAH Enjoy the Texas premiere of this hit documentary making waves in the art world.
All weekend - ‘Mayerling’ Ballet @ Wortham Center LAST CHANCE - An epic triumph in classical story-telling, this titillating three-act ballet tells the dark tale from Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s psychological thriller of the same name.
All weekend - Disney’s ‘Newsies’ Musical @ The Hobby Center LAST CHANCE - Inspired by real-life events, this smash-hit musical is an extraordinary story about fighting for what’s right... and staying true to who you are.
All weekend - ‘Murder Ballad’ Musical @ Art Factory Following a married couple in a break-up, this addicting rock-opera is an exciting theatrical experience that explores the decadence and dangers of desire.
All weekend - ‘Othello: The Remix’ Musical @ Stages Repertory Theatre This production takes ‘The Tragedy of Othello’ to a whole new level in this lit Hip Hop remix as an onstage DJ spins Shakespeare’s legendary masterpiece of jealousy, revenge and passion.
All weekend - ‘A Case for the Existence of God’ Play @ Stages Repertory Theatre Told with humor, empathy, and wrenching honesty, this award-winning play follows an unlikely pair of men as their lives entangle in a story that is both small and big at the same time.
All weekend - ‘The Emporium’ Play @ Alley Theatre LAST CHANCE - Thornton Wilder’s unfinished masterpiece comes to life for the first time, and the audience gets to be an active participant in the very fabric of the play!
All weekend - ‘Dial M for Murder’ Play @ Alley Theatre Greed, fear, jealousy… protecting someone you love. All motives for murder, all here in this sharp new adaptation of Hitchcock’s classic thriller.
All weekend - ‘On Midnight, Friday the Thirteenth’ Play @ Ensemble Theatre LAST CHANCE - Help investigate a murder mystery in this intriguing and exciting dark comedy.
All weekend - ‘Appropriate’ Play @ MATCH This haunting thriller play follows the Lafayette family as they return to their late father’s crumbling estate and discover a new disturbing truth about their own family.

Ongoing Special Events and Museum Exhibitions

Ongoing - AAPI Restaurant Weeks Enjoy special fine & casual dining menus at participating restaurants in celebration of Asian & Pacific Islander heritage month!
Ongoing - ‘Space Explorers: The Infinite’ Immersive Experience @ Silver Street Studios NEW - Embark on an immersive excursion through new breathtaking videos that reveal the many wonders of space exploration.
Ongoing - ‘Jurassic World’ Exhibition @ Katy Mills The limited-time globally sold-out exhibition immerses audiences of all ages in scenes inspired by the beloved film. Discover the science of jurassic world and walk in the land of jurassic giants, closer than ever before!
Ongoing - Dinosaurs @ Houston Zoo Trek through a lush forest trail to see life-sized animatronic creatures, including the fan favorite T-rex, Brachiosaurus, Edmontonia, and more!
Ongoing - Sloomoo Exhibition @ Marq E Entertainment Center Immerse yourself in the joy of sensory play with Sloomoo Institute’s colorful world of never-ending, hand-crafted slime, yummy scents, and soothing ASMR delights.
Ongoing - ‘Jacolby Satterwhite: A Metta Prayer’ Exhibition @ MFAH NEW- Artist Jacolby Satterwhite’s expansive multimedia installation fuses choreography, video, animation, lighting, and music to reimagine a kaleidoscopic, computer-generated world.
Ongoing - ‘Eye on Houston: High School Documentary Photography’ Exhibition @ MFAH The annual exhibition documents and celebrates Houston’s diverse neighborhoods through student photography that captures daily life in our communities, identity, and future.
Ongoing - ‘Ruth Asawa Through Line’ Exhibition @ Menil The exhibition presents drawings, collages, watercolors, and sketchbooks showing the breadth of Ruth Asawa’s innovative and profound practice.
Ongoing - ‘Janet Sobel: All-Over’ Exhibition @ Menil See the pioneering work of Janet Sobel and her ‘All-Over’ abstract expressionist painting technique which inspired generations of artists, including Jackson Pollock.
Ongoing - ‘Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow’ Exhibition @ CAMH Across an installation, a video, and a series of commissioned sculptures, artist Olivia Erlanger continues her decade-long investigation into what it means to call a planet home.
Ongoing - ‘Resonant Earth: Contemporary Perspectives on Land and Body’ Exhibition @ Moody Center for the Arts NEW - ‘Resonant Earth’ explores the connections between the human body and the land through the practices of six contemporary artists, each contributing a personal perspective and unique approach.
submitted by generalpao to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:03 AdZealousideal9829 repost: please chance me for my top schools!

Demo: female, white, fairly competitive hs (ranked under top 300 national high schools so like pretty decent), no hooks
Intended major: biochem or neuro (only neuro bc I have done research in neuro, had bad migraines for a bit missed about 20% of sixth grade, researched the mutated gene that is thought to cause migraines, have a couple of neuro doctor mentors, wrote book on brain, genuinely really really love!!) and then coupled with a minor or double concentration in writing (have always adored writing, want to pursue in some aspect, think I could combine science and writing to have a difference in making scientific concepts more comprehensible to all). Genuinely am very passionate about both like a lot! If I do not pursue writing will definitely pursue it in ecs in college.
stats: 4.0uw/4.7w
1560 sat (790m/770e) retaking though (want to try to get an 800m and have taken it twice so far)
12aps by end of senior (bio, chem, apes, physics c mechanics, csp, spanish, psych, calc ab, calc bc, econ, lang, lit)
emt course (a) 3 science courses through johns hopkins center for talented youth 3 science courses through coursera online class to take us history over the summer of junior year (to max out science classes)
ecs (sorry so much info, a lot to explain):
I genuinely love everything I do and could talk about it for forever.
1) co-president of an international 501c3 writing competition nonprofit that receives over 200 submissions from all continents (and >15 countries) and reaches up to 30k people through marketing; started a science platform for kids to submit their work (since beginning of sophomore year). Have insta, TikTok, website, podcast, and newsletter platforms. Started middle of sophomore year.
2) international 501c3 health nonprofit founder and president. post blogs to teach kids about health and medicine (over 100 posts by submissions). additionally have 25+ international club chapters from 11 states and 7 countries (3 continents), will have raised more then $10k for our internationally known partner, affiliated w a t10, by college apps through our chapters and donations. Starting chapters at two t25 universities, trying to establish more at others. Have website and instagram platforms (reaching over 5k different users from 18 countries). Started summer going into junior year. Over 1k followers on Instagram. Selected for innovation internship with ivy league alumni. Started chapter at my school (founder and president), helped partner teens w doctor mentors and secured them shadowing opportunities. started research platform where people submit research papers.
3) Founder and president of a biology club at school to redistribute resources only given to certain students. have over 130 members. host seminars with 4 professionals (including renowned doctor that worked with one of the people who discovered dna structure), four free dissections so far (since beginning of sophomore year). provide academic to ap bio classes with testing treats (during midterms, finals, ap exams, and national science day). established bulletin board at school to post all science opportunities. started resource hub website for science department for kids at my school.
4) Executive manager of school newspaper, started a science column to explore themes in science (head writer and editor), expanded distribution to whole district and local businesses, wrote over 26 articles (basically almost every edition since my first month of freshman year). Participated all four years of high school, heavily involved. Went from writer to small leadership role to exec board (4 selected) for 2 years (first to be a 2 year exec). independently started a website for school with writing resources and info.
5) EMT - EMT certified, hoping to work over 100 hours by submissions. Completed >20 hours of shadowing, completed 40-module course with an A. Created online website resource hub for people trying to become an EMT.
6) Research - cold emailed over 20 research professors from universities to find opportunities. assisted an ivy league doctor with a literature review (published and listed in acknowledgments), wrote and published (in peer-reviewed academic journals) two review papers on migraines and hemophilia (under mentorship of T30 PhD student and T10 pharmaceutical company doctor). additionally selected to conduct research under ivy league medical school doctor this summer. Additionally attending research program over the summer (~8% acceptance rate) where I will continue to research. Started research pub platforms bc hard to find free ones! Started all research beginning of junior year.
7) Curriculum Council (started beginning of junior)- chosen by admin and staff as one in four (out of >1200) to represent student body in council of school board and admin. led an initiative to start a science research course at school (which will be implemented next year). Part of committee since beginning of junior year.
8) Student government (all 4 years of hs) - chosen as one of fifteen (out of 350 in class) to be student rep, as one in ten (out of 350 in class) to directly advise the principal in event and school planning matters in Principal advisory committee, and as one in eight (out of ~1000) to be on the Student ambassador exec board. Participated in all three of them since 9th grade (4 years).
9) three season varsity athlete. Have participated in every fall season of field hockey since second grade (11 seasons) and play for my high school and in middle school. Have additionally played field hockey in club for eight seasons (total of 19 seasons). Varsity defensive starter. Led clinics for youth to learn field hockey. Also, varsity track and field runner for spring and winter seasons (have participated all four years of high school, 8 seasons by the end of high school).
10) service: do not know which to include,
Girl Scouts - earned Silver award and earning gold award. have earned over 150 service hours and over 50 badges. Girl Scout for ten years.
Service club - leadership in a club that raises over $100,000 for cancer research (small role)
Horticulture - selected to intern at one of the top 10 best botanical gardens in the country, started garden of my own, blog about it (only might include because personal statement is related to gardening)
schools: brown (ed), duke, harvard, dartmouth, vanderbilt, uva, stanford, umich, unc, and then some safeties and targets
submitted by AdZealousideal9829 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:26 Fine_Play5289 Seeking help with website creation/design

Hi guys,
I'm completely new to website creation & design and I have a few questions.
- I have a youtube channel of 36k subscribers
- We currently run a website on the platform Ghost to post articles, send our newsletter each month & spread our message
- But the price for their service continues to increase as the number of members subscribed to your website increases (which is annoying when it comes to a newsletter because our current subscription to ghost caps our members at 1000 and we're almost at 950)
So, I would like to ask:
- What's the best way to approach building a good website on a low budget which gives you an unlimited amount of members who you send a newsletter to?
- Also, because I don't have experience in website design, I sense that Ghost doesn't provide a lot of flexibility outside their templates for design (could be wrong)
What we want in particular is:
- A good website where we can post articles, send a newsletter and sell products
- We want our website similar to Dan Koe's style but have no clue how to get from A to B!
Any tips/services you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
We're also open to working with any developers who want to get on board!
submitted by Fine_Play5289 to WebsiteBuilder [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:16 alexanderisora Making a B2C product? You will earn $0 😇

According to my research, 69.8% of makers prefer starting a B2C product instead of B2B.
I had 100s of conversations with makers. I can clearly understand the main reason behind this decision: it is easy to come up with an idea. You just solve your own problem.
As an individual, you have many problems: finance tracking, habit tracking, note taking, gym/yoga routines journaling, making screenshots, and time tracking. Plenty of sweet ideas to choose from! 😎
But building startups is tricky. There is much more besides the idea. Moreover, after reading this post you will understand that the idea is secondary.
So you have this idea of a new revolutionary note-taking app. What is good about building it?
it is fun to build because you will solve your own is fun to build because you know exactly which features the product is fun to build because your friends will be able to use it and say “Well done!”.it is fun to build it because you can try new fancy boilerplate/framework/ is fun to build it because you can brag it at parties.
If you are building apps for fun, you can stop reading now 👋 But if you want to eventually make yourself financially independent, please go on.

3 problems of making a B2C startup:

The biggest B2C problem is competition. In the past year, 10 new note-taking apps were launched on sideProject. Those 10 are your direct competitors (there are obviously more).
Besides indies, you have competitors among corporates: Apple has the Apple Notes app which is free, pre-installed, and already used by everybody. Google has a free note-taking app which is promoted to millions of users in their Calendar every day.
Besides corporates, you have competitors among big tech: EverNote, Notion. According to Kantar, Notion has spent >$7M on marketing in 2022, nearly doubling last year’s spend of $3.8M. What is your marketing budget? 😶
High competition leads to a problem: the high CAC (customer acquisition cost). Obviously, when there are a lot of mighty players in the game, it is painfully hard to win. So you will have to pay extra for ads, make extra great in-product marketing, create extra great tiktoks, buy more influencers, build an extra loyal community.
Yes, you can do the proven trick: niching down. E.g. make notes taking app but for ADHD people only. You will have less CAC because Notion won’t target such a small group and won’t provide specific features. But the problem is that you are making your market smaller. To earn on a B2C market you need to have thousands of customers. If you are niching down, you are playing the B2C game fundamentally wrong.
The second big B2C problem: low checks. Remember yourself spending more than $30 for an app? Me neither. A 2021 report by App Annie found that the average consumer spend per active iPhone in the US across all apps was ~$11.50/m. ACROSS ALL APPS.
The third big B2C problem: low retention. Individuals buy what they want, while companies buy what they need. Once an individual gets tired of learning a new language or stops doing habit tracking, or gets too lazy for yoga, they delete the app. Or if they are bored with your fancy app they switch to a new, more fancier app they found on TikTok today. You will have to be constantly providing extra value to your users to retain them: add new templates, add social activities, run events, add integrations. Or hide the “unsubscribe” button and pray people will forget to cancel it (please don’t).
So you have to pay more to get low-paying customers which will leave you soon… Mm-hmm 🤔
You may say “But Obsidian did that! So can I!”. OK. If you want to try, go on. But your chance of failure in this case increases from 90% to 99%.
I can’t help you from this point. Because literally ALL I DO in my life besides going to GYM is helping makers to increase their chances of success from 10% to at least 50%. It’s my work, my hobby, my passion, and my mission. So if you want to make your startup journey harder, we are not speaking the same language.

B2B is just simpler.

OK, what about B2B? Do these problems affect it too? Let’s compare:
  1. CAC in B2B can be x100 bigger. But this problem is solved by niching down. You make your startup aimed at a small group of companies and sell only to them. Example: CRM for corporate travel agencies only. There are 10,000 corporate travel agencies worldwide. Have only 1% of them as your clients, charge them $100/m. Bam. You earn $10k/m. Salesforce and Zoho won’t target corporate travel agencies because their marketers can’t create ads for every niche they are targeting. So you create ads or content or do cold outreach and win the clients.
  2. Checks. In B2B you can charge A LOT. Naughty Mailchimp charges hundreds for simple emails. And they pay! Charge for volume, charge for AI credits, charge for traffic, charge for seats, charge for integrations (a friend of mine is making a productivity app for B2B. He charges $300/y for the app and $3000 once for custom integrations. Easy LTV x10.). Businesses will be throwing checks into you if you save their money. If you save them $200 they pay $100. Simple math.
  3. Retention. Unicorn Platform still uses Uploadcare as it was on its first day in 2019. They don’t want to switch from it because it just works. The LTV is over $10K! John Rush (the guy who bought the SaaS from me) prefers spending valuable time of developers on providing new features and integrations, rather than cutting a few hundred of bucks per month. And he is right. Because better a product brings much more than $200/m.


And for dessert, here are 2 real examples of people choosing B2B over B2C:
1. Micha Mazaheri, the founder of Paw, a Mac app for testing APIs. Paw started as a B2C tool. "Switching from licenses (B2C) to recurring subscription revenue paid by companies (B2B) was a game changer." After 4 years, this pivot grew Paw to $50k/MRR. Source.
  1. My friend is making a screenshot tool. Unlike the numberless indie screenshot tools which die after 1 year, he is still alive after 10 years and making $400k/year. It is because he is selling it to corporates. It is hard, it requires extra security features, it requires a sales process. But he earns money because a huge company will happily spend $1,000/m for a tool that saves 100 hours per month for their workers.


Thanks for reading my post! 🙂 If it is helpful to a single maker, I will be happy.
P.S. I have a newsletter where I send posts like this one and my personal startup sotries: (no ads!)
submitted by alexanderisora to BootstrappedSaaS [link] [comments]