Daisy ballmajo free

Daisy Ridley (free speech version)

2016.01.06 14:36 mariuzzo Daisy Ridley (free speech version)

Everything about Daisy Ridley, aka Rey in the new Star Wars Movie.

2012.12.04 02:18 cloudedsky Animal Crossing Turnip Exchange

A place to post your daily Animal Crossing turnip price. Include your details in your submission. If you don't think you'll be around to let people into your town, please don't post that day.

2013.08.08 00:11 thepurplepony Princess Daisy

Post all things Princess Daisy here!

2024.06.01 04:52 BOOM_all_pass Banner Predictions - June

November (Anniversary)
May (Half-Anniversary)


Spirit system likely needed if there are spirit-related rewards in the collab. Which could be why we got spirit exp drops and missions.

submitted by BOOM_all_pass to GFLNeuralCloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:46 Delicious-lines9193 Let's predict the next 3 or so months...

We thought it was Joel ages ago. The receipt for the "cufflinks".
Makes it all a bit disappointing. But hopefully the slow reveal to the characters might be better. But as soon as Hope showed her sister that necklace, we were sure. Hope-fully she stays true to form and reveals that bit of info to someone with more than 2 brain cells. She's never one for keeping a secret.
From tonights ending I think Joel's going to go for Bethany next. He clearly revels her fighting spirit, he wants to crush it. It looks like they're painting him as the "high income man" with a superiority complex. He will pamper to those he thinks are equal, Dee Dee and Adam, but he feels entitled to those he sees as below him. It's a power complex. Lauren was scared and decided to leave. But instead of letting that happen, he killed her. Bethany's going to be the one who, against her better judgement, and likely through her need to collect more evidence over and above the hair, figures out Nathan is innocent. I know it's lazy writing, but I can already see she has "bad vibes" from Joel. They might even pair Bethany with Daisy and crack the case together. Daisy is well versed in stalker behaviour, she may pick up the same vibe the more he's around.
What's interesting also, is Nathan had arranged an alibi, but that girl fell through. Was it Nikki's charge Ellie, or another girl? Because unk girl randomly decided not to be his alibi, seemingly out of nowhere. If it's the same Ellie we now know is being abused by Joel, then Nathan was already being hung out to dry. Maybe if both Joel and Nathan met girls on OVids, an investigation would reveal they're both members. They already found out Nathan had contacted Lauren on there. I can't imagine the police stopped at that and didn't check all of her clients/subscribers. So Nathan, now he's seriously in the frame for Lauren's murder, will he give up his real whereabouts? And will he give this directly to his legal counsel, who just unfortunately happens to be the key person counting on him going down? And what's on the usb drives, and would it be enough to send him back to prison anyway?
Is Kit somehow in pocket with Joel? I don't think so, I reckon he got a vibe from Sarah and just wanted to see a bad man go back to jail. It is however too perfect a coincidence that Sarah and Kit having a random conversation, has just handed Joel a literal get out of jail free card. Also way too coincidental that Bernie's long lost son would just happen to be a dodgy police officer in tow with a killer of women who happens to be the new hotshot lawyer on the street.
But let play devils advicate. Whatt was Kit doing at the construction site? How did Sarah randomly have Lauren's scrunchie? Did she leave it at the Platts, or in the cafe? If the latter, then again, how on earth did Sarah have it??
Funny that Carla brought out the "If my mouth doesn't say it, my face will" mug earlier in the episode, when reconciling with Roy and then we got the scene in the pub where Bethany looked over at Joel and couldn't quite hold her composure.
We've also got what is clearly a burgeoning respect to friendship to relationship? between Carla and Lisa (Carla addressed her by first name quite casually, and Swain didn't falter for a moment). I can't lie, it would be an adorable back and forth if they did go there. 2 strong and opinionated women. But, forgive me if I missed something, but since when was Carla bi?
Anyway, if they could get some actual drama writers to put all that together, we could have a decent rest of the year, with a lovely murderous Xmas showdown?? As per😋
submitted by Delicious-lines9193 to coronationstreet [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:35 gongoozlebee GIVEAWAY (BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE!)

this is a regular giveaway, you can comment your username and what you'd like from the pics and i'll send it to you!! just add me first at gabi2800 <3 but keep reading if you're a real one xoxo
i'm so sorry in advance if this is a whole ESSAY 😭😭
i absolutely adore gift giving. the idea of putting a smile on someone's face, even if i never see it, brings me so much joy. i had so much fun with my last giveaway that my current webkinz hyperfixation is collecting items to give people. i get most of the stuff from the curio shop, souvenir shop, and daily prizes.
i really like sending my friends unexpected packages, but i want to give people stuff they like. i've also told a few of you that i'll keep my eye out for certain items for you. since i have a lot more friends on webkinz than i'm used to, i've decided to keep a little log of usernames and what they like
if you're interested in recieving little gifts from me (whether we're already friends or not) just comment your user and some stuff you like!!
ideas: - a certain theme - clothes - specific items (probably more common stuff tho, like discontinued items, souvenir shop items, wheel prizes, etc.) - colors, vibes, a room you're working on - interesting food - recipe food (daisy's diner, mr moo ice cream, bake sale, seasonal foods) - plushies
i am absolutely NOT asking for anything in return!! i just wanna give gifts and make people happy :) if you really do want to send stuff back though, i love clothes and anything you can't find in the w-shop
i'd also love to chat with anyone or become friends/mutuals so feel free to pm me any time and/or tell me about yourself!! whatever you feel comfortable with! i won't be offended at all tho if you only want to share your username and items youre interested in :)
some stuff about me: i go by nick or gabi, i'm genderfluid (he/she/they), and i'm 18. i've been playing webkinz since i was two years old and i just became a deluxe member for the first time a few months ago. i'm a college student majoring in Music Business to become a private vocal coach!! i crochet and paint in my free time, and i'm a huge ricky montgomery fan. also i'm autistic and my other special interest aside from webkinz is fashion <3 lovely to meet you all!!!
submitted by gongoozlebee to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:08 BrodaciousPhantom MAJOR HERO TEAMS OF AMALGAMVERSE #979A

THE JUSTIFIERS: (Justice League + Avengers)
Captain Amazon/Diana Rogers (Wonder Woman + Captain America)
Captain ThundeBilly Blake (Shazam + Thor)
Emerald Knight/Oliver Stark (Green Arrow + Iron Man)
Green Rocket/Jordan Danvers (Green Lantern/Hal Jordan + Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers)
Bullet-Ant/Barry Pym (The Flash/Barry Allen + Ant-Man/ Hank Pym)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanov (Black Canary/Dinah Lance + Black Widow/Natasha Romanov)
Martian Hulk/John BanneB'ruzz J'onzz (Martian Manhunter + Hulk)
The Fly/Iris Van Dyne (Iris West + The Wasp)
Seahawk/Namora Thol (Hawkgirl + Namora)
Tiger Shark/R'Kuri (Aquaman + Black Panther)
Gamma-Girl/Karen Walters (Powergirl + She-Hulk)
Blue Icon/Freeman Brashier (Icon + Blue Marvel)
Arachknight/Pete Wayne (Batman + Spider-Man)
Bullet-Ant/Scotty West (Wally West + Scott Lang)
Eagle/Donna Wilson (Donna Troy + Falcon)
Mary Miracle/Mary Angela (Mary Marvel + Angela)
The Earth's premiere superhero team. The original seven were formed to stop Black Set's invasion of New Gotham while the Super Squad and Arachknight were nowhere in sight.
SUPER SQUAD: (Superman Family + Fantastic Four)
Mr. SupeKent Richards (Superman + Mr. Fantastic)
Invisible Woman/Lois Storm (Lois Lane + Invisible Woman)
Hotshot/Jimmy Storm (Jimmy Olsen + Human Torch/Johnny Storm)
Scrapmetal/John Henry Grimm (Steel + The Thing)
Ruby/Kara Amaq-El (Supergirl/Kara + Crystal)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards (Superboy/Connor + Psi-Lord/Franklin Richards)
Brainiac/Joanna Richards (Superboy/Jon + Brainstorm/Valeria Richards)
Once a regular team of individuals who went to explore the vacuums of space before their ship was struck by radiation from an exploding planet. Now with their new solar based abilities, they continue to explore various places while saving the lives of many people; becoming a staple of the superhero community.
GLOBAL FORCE: (Justice League International + Avengers West Coast)
Goldeneye/Clint Carter (Booster Gold + Hawkeye/Clint)
Bluebird/Bobbi Kord (Blue Beetle/Ted + Mockingbird)
Atomic WondeNathaniel Williams (Captain Atom + Wonderman)
Crimson Rocket/Gavril Vanko (Rocket Red/Gavril + Crimson Dynamo/Ivan)
Flare/Pietro da Costa (Fire + Quicksilver)
Coldspell/Wanda Olafsdotter (Ice + Scarlet Witch)
Vortex/Victor Smith (Red Tornado + Vision)
CougaGriri Jiwe McGrant (Vixen + Tigra)
Sunlight II/Kimiyo Yoshida (Dr. Light II/Kimiyo + Sunpyre/Leyu)
Echo/Daisy Santos (Vibe + Quake)
Paladin/Jean Paul SpectoMichael Grant/Jake Lane (Azrael/Jean Paul Valley/Michael Lane + Moon Knight/Marc SpectoStephen Grant/Jake Lockley)
Extension/Ralph Foster (Elongated Man + Goliath)
Running Stark Consolidated and being a member of the Justifiers left the Emerald Knight very busy to protect his own city, Los Estellas. It wasn't until he met the time traveling archer known as Goldeneye that a brilliant idea was created. He secretly formed and funded the new team known as Global Force to look after his city whenever he's busy; while also appointing Goldeneye as team leader.
X-PATROL: (Doom Patrol + X-Men)
X-Ray/Larry Summers (Negative Man + Cyclops)
Menta/Jean Dayton (Mento + Jean Grey)
Ice-Girl/Rita Drake (Elasti-Girl + Iceman)
Drone/Cliff Worthington (Robotman + Archangel)
Beastling/Henry Logan (Beast Boy + Beast)
DoppelgangeMarie De Mille (Gemini + Rogue)
Nightbug/Kurt Schwab (Ambush Bug + Nightcrawler)
Hotstreak/Joshua LeBeau (Tempest + Gambit)
Illusion/Kitty Reynolds (Gypsy + Shadowcat)
Gabriel/Mal Cassidy (Herald + Banshee)
Red Steel/Leonid Rasputin (Red Star + Colossus)
Maelstrom/Meroro (Mera + Storm)
Headmaster Niles Xavier is a Meta-Mutant activist who believes that his people and humanity could coexist, much to the pushback of many. In order to gain the public's trust, he formed a Meta-Mutant team that protects both species while also creating a school for the younger generation to control their abilities.
MIDNIGHT PACT: (Shadowpact/JLD + Midnight Sons)
Doctor Stephen Constantine (John Constantine + Doctor Strange)
Zea (Zatanna Zatara + Clea)
Hex Blade/Jonah Brookes (Jonah Hex + Blade)
GravewalkeSimon Brand (Deadman + Zombie)
Zaragan/Danny Blood (Etrigan/Jason Blood + Ghost RideDanny Ketch)
Hannibal Bennett (Andrew Bennett + Hannibal King)
The Heap/Ted Holland (Swamp Thing + Man-Thing)
Obsidian Knight/Sir Justin Whitman (Shining Knight + Black Knight)
Blue Satan/Daniel Hellstrom (Blue Devil + Hellstrom)
WitchdoctoNommo Drumme (Doctor Mist + Brother Voodoo)
Detective Platypus/T. Boward (Detective Chimp + Howard the Duck)
Emma Bloodgem (Amethyst + Emma Bloodstone)
Jennifer Arcane (Abbie Arcane + Jennifer Kale)
Vampire/Kirk Morbius (Man-Bat + Morbius)
The Living Rag/R'Gan/Rory N. Kantu (Ragman + The Living Mummy)
Madame Harkness/Nimue Harkness (Madame Xanadu + Agatha Harkness)
Wolf/Russell Ketchum (Fang + Werewolf By Night)
The Ancient Phantom/YĂłudĂ  (Phantom Stranger + The Ancient One)
The Spirit/Jimmy Blaze (The Spectre/Jim Corrigan + Ghost RideJohnny Blaze)
The premiere supernatural team that fights off all mystical threats that regular superheroes can't handle.
INVADING SOCIETY OF AMERICA: (Justice Society of America + Invaders)
Captain Amazon
Trevor Barnes/Cold Warrior (Colonel Steve Trevor + Bucky/Winter Soldier)
Human Lantern/Alan Hammond (Alan Scott + Jim Hammond)
Quantum/Robert Pratt (Atom/Al Pratt + Marvel Boy/Robert Grayson)
The Whiz/Robert Garrick (Jay Garrick + Whizzer)
Wild TigeTed Ayala (Wildcat/Ted Grant + White TigeHector Ayala)
Midnight Marvel/Daniel McNider (Dr. Mid-Nite + Black Marvel)
Apparition/Dodds (Sandman/Wesley Doods + Vision/Aarkus)
Hour FatheLarry Tyler (Hourman/Rex Tyler + Father Time/Larry Scott)
Black Raven/Claire Drake (Black Canary/Dinah Drake + Black Widow/Claire Voyant)
American Belle/Madeline Lawrence (Liberty Belle + Miss America)
British Steel/Lord Henry Falsworth (Steel/Henry Heywood + Union Jack/James Falsworth)
When the Axis Powers became a global threat, a superhuman draft was enacted and many heroes from across the country came together. Led by Captain Amazon, the Invading Society of America made their mark in the history books for their heroism.
G.U.A.R.D.: (LEGION/REBELS + Guardians of the Galaxy)
Orion Warlock (Orion + Adam Warlock)
Giant Gamora (Big Barda + Gamora)
Mr. StaPete Free (Mister Miracle + Star Lord)
Drax the Infinite (Infinity-Man + Drax)
Bad BadgeRocko (Lobo + Rocket Racoon)
Treeb (Tribulus + Groot)
Green Rocket/Richard Raynor (Kyle Raynor + Nova/Richard Ryder)
Praying Mantis (Forager + Mantis)
Quantum/Wendell Palmer (The Atom/Ray Palmer + Quasar)
G'nosmo (G'Nort + Cosmo the Spacedog)
Star Marvel/Sir ProtectoThom-Varr (Starboy/Starman + Noh-Varr)
StellaGha-Vynn (Starman/Prince Gavyn + Phyla-Vell)
Several Divinians have seen the destructive force that Dark Titan causes among the cosmos so they banded together with various cosmic heroes to protect the galaxy.
MAVERICKS: (Outsiders+Manhattan Defenders/Heroes For Hire)
Hellstrike/Jeff Murdock (Black Lightning + Daredevil)
Element Man/Luke Mason/Rex Cage (Metamorpho + Luke Cage)
Fist of Fate/Kent Rand (Dr. Fate + Iron Fist)
Grace Jones (Grace Choi + Jessica Jones)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamashiro (Katana + Elektra)
Shen Long (Richard Dragon + Shang Chi)
Siren/Gabrielle Lopez (Halo + Echo)
Alleycat/Felicia Kyle (Catwoman + Black Cat)
Captain Thunderstrike/Freddy Masterson (Captain Marvel Jr. + Thunderstrike)
Silver Strata/Brion Sablinova (Geo-Force + Silver Sable)
Locomotive/Eric Alvarez (Freight Train + Powerman/ Victor Alvarez)
EspeHeather Briggs (Looker + Moondragon)
After the arrest of White Whale, Metropia soon found itself under the deadly hold of the supernatural terrorist group known as The Thousand Hands. They were eventually pushed back by the original formation of Hellstrike, Element Man, Fist of Fate, Grace Jones, and Ninjutsu.
BIRDS OF LIBERTY: (Birds of Prey + Daughters of Liberty)
Web-Girl/Ghost/Gwen Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle+ Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanova (Black Canary + Black Widow)
Crosshairs/Helena Bishop (Huntress + Kate Bishop)
Black SpideCassandra Moon (Orphan + Silk)
Arachnia/Jessica Kane (Batwoman + Spider-Woman)
Pursuit/Mercedes "Misty" Montoya (Question/Renne Montoya + Misty Knight)
Judo Wing/Colleen Sato (JudomasteSonia Sato + Colleen Wing)
Agent SmasheKatarina "Cheesecake" Armstrong (Spysmasher + Agent Cheesecake)
Owl/Hank Johnson (Hawk + Cloak)
Lark/Dawn Bowen (Dove + Dagger)
Lady Hawk/Zinda Livingston (Lady Blackhawk + Laura Livingston)
Wild TigeAva Montez (Wildcat/Yolanda Montez + White TigeAva Ayala)
Originally formed by the superheroine trio of Web-Girl, Black Raven, & Crosshairs; these vigilantes bring justice to various cities such as New Gotham and Metropia.
GLOBAL FLIGHT: (Global Guardians + Alpha Flight)
Centurion/Mark Hudson (Centrix + Guardian)
Zan Beaubier (Zan + Northstar)
Jayna Beaubier (Jayna + Aurora)
Mason Tworavens (Manitou Raven + Shaman)
Yowie/Hugh Langkowski (Tasmanian Devil + Sasquatch)
Snow Owl/Narya Littlebird (Owlwoman + Snowbird)
Imp/U'Jene (Impala + Puck)
Mermaid/Marrina Paske (Little Mermaid + Marrina)
After various superhero teams popped up in America, Canada felt it was time for their own. Mark Hudson was a smalltime hero in his native Ontario, Canada before being picked by the government to help lead a team of International Canadian heroes after being warned by the Borealis Twins of an upcoming alien invasion.
LEGION OF SUPERHUMANS: (Legion of Superheroes + Inhumans)
Lightning Bolt/Garthagar Boltanzz (Lightning Lad + Black Bolt)
Stheno/Imralith Amaquelin (Saturn Girl + Medusa)
Psionic Boy/Ahurokk Krinnagon (Cosmic Boy + Ahura Boltagon)
Mesonychid/Gorgin Lontragon (Timber Wolf + Gorgon)
Amphibian/Treep Daggle (Chameleon Boy + Triton)
Solaris/Dirk Pertuz (Sun Boy + Inferno)
Karate MasteKarnal-Armzur (Karate Kid + Karnak)
In the far future of the 30th Century, humanity has surpassed genetically due to aliens and Meta-Mutants breeding; now a new race called the Superhumans are the dominant species. After being inspired by the stories of the Golden Age of Heroes specific the Super Squad, a team of tomorrow was born.
FREEDOM WARRIORS: (Freedom Fighters + New Warriors)
Night Patriot/Sam Taylor (Uncle Sam + Night Thrasher)
FirebringeAngelica Reilly (Firebrand + Firestar)
Osprey/Nita Kendall (Black Condor II + Namorita)
Chain Reaction/Robbie Franklin (Human Bomb II + Speedball)
Micro Man/Zachary Dane (Doll Man II + Microbe)
Apollo/Vance Terrill (The Ray II + Justice)
Lady Silhouette/Sandra Chord (Phantom Lady + Silhouette)
Iron Rage/Elvin Munro (Iron Munro + Rage)
After seeing his parents killed in front of him at young age, Sam Taylor knew that it was time for a change. He would use family's wealth to train himself to near perfection as he got older while maintaining his charity organization. His hard work would pay off when the Spirit of America chose him as it's next avatar, giving him superhuman abilities. Night Patriot would patrol the dark streets on his own until he formed and financed his own super team.
TEEN MUTANTS: (Teen Titans + New Mutants)
Torpedo/Sam Emerson (Damage + Cannonball)
Kismet/Xi'an Joi Wilson (Jericho + Karma)
Heatspot/Isaiah Da Costa (Hotspot + Sunspot)
HarbingeDemonchylde/Rakhil Rasputina (Raven/Demon Raven+ Magik/Darkchylde)
Gridlock/Douglas Stone (Cyborg/Grid + CipheWarlock)
Wolfpath/Rahne Mendez (Pantha + Wolfsbane)
Warbeast/James Wildstar (Baby Wildebeest + Warpath)
Sparks/Jubilee Hawkins (Static + Jubilee)
Lava/Amara Markov (Terra + Magma)
Moonspin/Daphne Moonspin (Dorothy Spinner + Mirage)
FortifieHisako Barragan (Bunker + Armor)
R-23/Scavager II/Rose Kinney (Rose Wilson + Laura Kinney)
The first graduating class of the X-Academy grouped up and formed The Teen Mutants.
YOUNG CHAMPIONS: (Young Justice + Champions)
Red Arachnid/Miles Drake (Red Robin/Tim Drake + Miles Morales)
Ms. StaKourtney Khan (Stargirl + Ms. Marvel)
Green Rocket/Samantha Cruz (Jessica Cruz + Sam Alexander)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards
StingeBart Pym (Impulse + Nadia Van Dyne)
Mister Martian/Ted Morse (Miss Martian + Hulkling)
Viv Vortex (Red Tornado Earth 2 + Vivian Vision)
Pulse/Mia Williams (Speedy + Ironheart)
Patriot Girl/Cassie Bradley (Wondergirl/Cassie Sandsmark + Patriot/Eli Bradley)
Blue Falcon/Jaime Torres (Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes + Falcon II/Joaquin Torres)
ATOMIC/Amadeus Kho (OMAC/Kevin Kho + Amadeus Cho)
Missile/Raquel Chavez (Rocket + America Chavez)
After countless fighting between the adult superheroes, a group of teenage heroes decided to take matters into their own hands. The original team consisted of Red Arachnid, Ms. Star, Green Rocket, Stinger, and Psi-Boy.
THE SAVAGES: (The Outlaws + Savage Avengers/Thunderbolts 2013)
Red Vain/Jason Thompson (Red Hood + Agent Venom)
U.S. Amazon/Artemis Walker (Artemis + U.S.Agent)
Brunt/Richards Kent (Bizarro + Brute)
Poolnoodle/Wade "Eel" O'Brien (Plastic Man + Deadpool)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamaahiro (Katana+ Elektra Natchios)
El Fantasma/Chato Reyes (El Diablo/Chato Santana + Ghost RideRobbie Reyes)
ExecutioneAdrian Castle (Vigilante/Adrian Chase + Punisher)
Armory/Roy Rhodes (Arsenal + War Machine)
Ka-Mandi/Travis Plunder (Warlord/Kamandi + Ka-Zar)
Huli Jing (Cheshire + Domino)
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
Red General/Wade Ross (The General + Red Hulk)
Red Vain formed his own lethal strike force team after learning that several villains were arms dealing in the Skavage Land and decided to put an end to it.
METAL PACK: (Metal Men + Power Pack)
Gold/Alexander Magnum (Gold + Zero G)
Platinum/Katherine Magnum (Platinum + Energizer)
Iron/Jack Magnum (Iron + Mass Master)
Tin/Franklin Magnum (Tin + Tattletale)
Lead/Whitley Magnum (Lead + Kofi Whitmane)
Mercury/Julie Magnum (Mercury + Lightspeed)
Bolivar Magnum suffered the loss of his children due to a violent Meta-Mutant and in his grief, he created artificially intelligent robot children. Each robot child represents a different metal from the periodic table which makes them formidable against any kind of threat. Magnum filled their heads with xenophobia towards Meta-Mutants and set them after the X-Patrol. After a heart to heart exchange from Beastling, the Metal Pack turned on their father and became allies to the X-Patrol, before Magnum self destructed them.
THE FOUNDATION: (Superman's Authority + Future Foundation)
Mr. Super
Sun Brand/Andrew Connell (Starbrand/Ken Connell + Apollo)
Midnight Mask/Keith Trent (Midnighter + Nightmask)
Succubus/DevoureBobbi Moon (Enchantress + Sentry)
Miss Scrapmetal/Natasha Deering (Steel II/Natasha Irons + Miss Thing/Darla Deering)
Lightfox/Seros (Lightray + Starfox)
Moleculon/Nathaniel Reece (Neutron + Molecule Man)
Hooligan/Manchester Braddock (Manchester Black + Psylocke)
Grokk, the Living Dragon (Grokk, the Living Gargoyle + Dragon Man)
After the superhero and Meta-Mutant community were divided after much infighting, Mr. Super knew that the world still needed a super team to keep humanity safe. He and Scrapmetal went recruiting various super people who fit the cause.
THE NEW SUPER SQUAD (Not really an amalgam but I still wanted to add it)
Martian Hulk
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
After the Super Squad disappeared after an invention created by Alexander Von Doom, an emergency team was called in. Though the four heroes didn't see eye to eye, they made one hell of a team.
submitted by BrodaciousPhantom to Amalgam_Comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:14 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2024-05-31

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:29 DommyTheTendy (US,US) [H] HIGH END ALTS/Lv X/EX/GOLD STARS, NM WOTC Singles, Skyridge CRYSTALS, Modern FAs, Pop 20 jpn psa 10 slabs. [W] jpn 151, Mint singles, wantlist trades, alts, jolteon, vaperon, umbreon vmax alts, paypal/offers/trades

Hi all, time stamps and prices in the albums. Any questions please ask! PWE is free, bmwt $5
**Prices from tcgplayer marketplace and eBay sold listings.
** If you need RH/Holos, please send a list and I'll go through my bins **
Main Binder: https://imgur.com/a/5B3MKYc
Want list:
Alt Moonbreon (Mint), Alts, Jolteon Vmax alt promo (Mint), Charizard Vstar promo 262 (Mint)
Jungle Unlimited - Pidgeot (Holo), Snorlax (Holo), spearow
Fossil Unlimited - Zapdos non holo, Hitmonlee (Holo),
Neo Genesis Unlimited - Bellossom (Holo), Lugia (Holo), Typhlosion (Holo #17), Typhlosion (Holo #18)
First Edition Team Rocket - Arbok (Holo), Dugtrio (Holo), Gyarados (Holo), Machamp (Holo), Slowbro (Holo), Vileplume (Holo), Rainbow Energy (Holo)
XY EVOLUTIONS: Prerelease Stamped Charizard, Mewtwo, Gyarados, Machamp
SHINING FATES: Shiny Dottler
CELEBRATIONS: Morpeko (General Mills), Metal Pikachu
JAPANESE 25TH: Gold Mew, Charizard
POKEMON GO: Gold Mewtwo Vstar, Mewtwo&Melmetal V Battle decks sealed or singles
CROWN ZENTITH: RH Heliolisk, RH Energy Search, RH Friends in Hisui, Elesa's Sparkle, Fire Holo, Steel #'d Holo. [GG] Glaceon, Hatterene, Roxanne [PROMOS] Inteleon
ENG 151: RH Metapod, Erika FA [ASIR] Bulbasaur, Squirtle (MINI TINS): Dragonite, Gengar
JPN 151: RH Bellsprout, RH Mankey, RH Marowak, RH Jolteon, RH Kabutops, RH Old Dome Fossil. [ASIR] Blastoise FA, Ninetales FA, Wigglytuff FA, Jynx FA, Mew FA, Erika's Invitation FA, Daisy's Help FA, Venasaur SIR, Zapdos SIR, Mew SIR, Erika's Invitation SIR, Gold Switch, Gold Psychic Energy. Promos - Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle. [MasterBall Reverses] NEED - Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Wortortle, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Spearow, Ekans, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Nidoran F, Nidorina F, Nidoqueen, Nidorino M, Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Gloom, Vileplume, Venonat, Venomoth, Diglett, Dugtrio, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey, Primeape, Growlithe, Arcanine, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Rapidash, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Doduo, Seel, Dewgong, Muk, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Onyx, Drowzee, Hypno, Kingler, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lickitung, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Horsea, Seadra, Golden, Starmie, Mr. Mime, Magmar, Magikarp, Gyarados, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Areodactyl, Mewtwo, Energy Sticker, Dome Fossil, Old Amber, Protective Goggles, Big Air Balloon, Leftovers, Erika's Invitation, Giovanni's Charisma, Daisy's Help
submitted by DommyTheTendy to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:38 mrasianboie [WTS] SOCAL - 2 Airsoft Pistols w/ Ammo included (KJW w/ TK grip, WET)

Hey everyone, a fresh post and still not knowledgeable about airsoft at all. Background, these were owned by my cousin who has now left the country and they've been sitting in my garage for 2 years.
I can provide more details of what I know, but there are 2 airsoft guns available for sale. I will list all the information below of what I see on the pistol but I don't want to put anything else in case I am incorrect.
Post photo w/ handle and timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/yEv0f2x
All images (including the HK that was sold so just ignore that one): https://imgur.com/a/YHpi3Ob
All prices are OBO and I can provide ammo for free for any purchases (please just let me know which one you want).
  1. KJW Hi-capa w/ TK Grip Made in Japan & Taiwan - $100
  2. WE WET5168 G 23 Tactical .40 Made in Taiwan - $100
Buyer pays for shipping, I'm located in Southern California.
The orange tips on all of these are super faded.
Ammo is BB pellets from Daisy and Airsoft Premier Ammo
Let me know if you have any other questions! I have proven trades on gift card trade threads if you want me to send those over to you for additional references.
submitted by mrasianboie to airsoftmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:00 SmutJunky420 Does Otis Bateman’s work deserve to eventually become lost media?

Let me be clear, In no way is this post meant to support said author in anyway. I’m just curious as to what other peoples opinions are.
Personally, I’ve never really been a fan of his writing. I’ve only read the first 2 Maggot Girl books from him, and honestly his causal mention of “Daisy’s Destruction” in a fictional story gave me some huge red flags. At the same time a hobby of mine is trying to preserve rare and hard to find horror media, and the thought of one day his books becoming hard to find and expensive doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel like they deserve to become rare collectors items like they inevitably will become. In all honestly, best case scenario someone puts his books up as free PDFs for people that are curious to read. He wouldn’t be able to profit from them, and it would stop people from attempting to profit of the rarity of physical copies.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on this?
submitted by SmutJunky420 to ExtremeHorrorLit [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:56 ConspicuousSnake Wegovy patient called my manager

She told my manager that she really appreciated that we “held” her dose for her (we kept it in the fridge with her name on it while we got the transfer). We got it ready pretty quickly, called her, and she came right in. She was new to the medication and mentioned offhand that she was going to watch a YouTube video on how to use it.
I instead walked her through on how to use it and showed her the reference picture in the box. We talked a bit & she ended up doing the 1st shot in our immunization room (while I supervised) and it went great! I also gave her a free sharps container and some alcohol swabs.
The next day my manager told us that she filled out the equivalent of a Daisy award (we’re hospital outpatient), mentioned me by name, and gave my manager a phone call on top of that.
Her kindness and gratitude really made my day!
submitted by ConspicuousSnake to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:17 1892Chess1973 The image Chesterton presents of God

“Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.”
G.K. Chesterton Ortodoxy
submitted by 1892Chess1973 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:02 yowhatisuppeeps Local DIY music list --June!

Hello! Back with a list of Louisville music for June. It's few days early, because there are quite a few shows June 1st and 2nd! There's a lot of shows in general this month! I'm very excited!!
One I would like to specifically highlight in an act of blatant self promotion is the Louisville Zine release show on June 2nd. Louisville Zine is a project I have been working on for a long time at this point. The final product is an 80 page zine featuring art from local artists, local music write-ups, 30 pages of show flyers from 2023, in homage to The White Glove book, and a lot more. I am very proud to have the first volume of hopefully many finished, and would love to share it with as many people as I can. The bands that I selected to play my show are all new, with this being Daisy Chain's debut show. They're all incredibly talented, and I hope that they all take off. For more information about the zine / artists, you can visit @ louisvillezine on Instagram.
Anyways, back to the June list-- if there is any show featuring local artists that I missed, comment below :)
Also, Louisville music playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2nVjc7pAdP36dycEBFKTHf?si=o62buJRlQtmRgakWbg8kMQ&pi=u-EY63rnaCSWKI
Loud N Proud: Gender Affirming Clothing Swap Ft. Zen Pond, Shark Sandwich, Lenni, Shrudd, Forajinn, Byperfect, Dru the Drifter & The Back Alley Hookers, Pharmacy Girl, Slone.xm June 1, clothing swap 3pm / music 7pm @ Chapel of St. Philip Neri $15 All ages! Proceeds donated to Sweet Evening Breeze
Zilched, Heaven Money, Routine Caffiene, Lacey Guthrie June 1, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ B-Side $10 18+
Falling Tree Way, Pink Crayons, Echo Project, Top Soil June 1, doors 8pm / music 9pm @ Cave Valley Kava $10 All ages!
Louisville Zine Release Show Ft. Chekhov’s Gun, News From Home, Pink Crayons, Daisy Chain June 2, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ Cave Valley Kava $5 All ages!
North By North, Stranger Club, Bad Mustache, Rattlesnake Pasta June 2, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ Whirling Tiger $12 18+
Wince, Chekhov’s Gun, Bad Mustache June 3, doors 8pm / music 9pm @ Cave Valley Kava $10 All ages!
Skiptracer, Yer Flowers, Pink Crayons June 6, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ Cave Valley Kava $10 All ages!
Raden Paris, Dave.Will.Chris, Kuda Baby, Asly Toro June 7, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ Whirling Tiger $10 21+
Buddy Crime, Lady Laveaux, Air Chrysalis, Bad Mustache, Mod Kiddo June 7, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ High Horse $10 21+
Pleaser, Nowhere Fast, Urameshi, ‘97 Flood June 8, doors 8pm / music 9pm @ Kaiju $12 21+
Shloob, Why Doms, Prodigy Tha Kid & Tha Sluggerz, Hoosier June 9, doors 8:30pm / music 9pm @ Headliner’s $15 18+
Butte, Fuzzyworms, Slow Rosary, Chekhov’s Gun June 9, doors 6:30pm / music 7pm @ Limerick Lounge (dm for address) $10 All ages!
Grandma’s Boys, Turbo Nut, The Orchard Keepers June 9, doors 8pm / music 9pm @ Whirling Tiger $10 18+
The Anchorites, Sour Tooth, Ciggy Tuna, Pink Crayons June 12, music 8pm @ Cave Valley Kava $8 All ages!
Itchy Kisses, Cal Fish, Vomit Spit, Cenaceae June 12, doors 8pm @ Chapel of St. Phillip Neri $10 All ages!
Plastics, Sympathy Jar, AccestoGod, Maewyn, Chlorine June 14, doors 6pm @ Chapel of St. Philip Neri $10 All ages!
The Review, Red 40, FMK, Soundtroller June 14, music 7pm @ Rosetta’s Chapel (112 N 20th St) $5 All ages!
Blair Gun, Skiptracer, Plastics, LIPS June 16, doors 7pm @ Chapel of St. Philip Neri $10 All ages!
Playing 4 Palestine Ft. Tabs, White Woolly, Shitfire, Skiptracer, Falling Tree Way, Splice, Requiem, Fuzzyworms, Mammoth June 21, doors 2pm / music 3pm @ Headliner’s $12 adv / $15 dos All ages! Proceeds go to UNICEF Emergency Relief for Gaza
Deep Above, Terminal Axon, Blue Tongue, Splice June 22, music 6pm @ Iroquois Park Pavilion Free! All ages!
Overchoice, Mister Goblin, Crop Rot June 28, 8pm doors / 9pm music @ Kaiju $10 21+
The Little Micheal, Shrudd June 28, time TBA @ Ramen House (not the restaurant) (DM for address) Price TBA Ages TBA
LRSFest 2024 Ft. Goodbye June, Remote Controls, Antithesis, Animal Transit, Histrionics, Rattlesnake Pasta, Army of Life, Midnight Lounge Crew, Comic Big Joe Stamm, Halfcaster, Underground Warning, Vapor June 29, doors 12pm / music all day @ Brown-Forman Amphitheater $20 adv / $25 dos All ages!
Dion Lunadon, Motorbike, Shrudd June 29, doors 7pm / music 8pm @ Portal $12 adv / $15 dos All ages!
submitted by yowhatisuppeeps to Louisville [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:55 guy_in_the_moon Alright what the fuck

Alright what the fuck we gotta settle the score here, NARRATOR: (Black screen with text; The sound of buzzing bees can be heard) According to all known laws of aviation, : there is no way a bee should be able to fly. : Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. : The bee, of course, flies anyway : because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. BARRY BENSON: (Barry is picking out a shirt) Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. : Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. JANET BENSON: Barry! Breakfast is ready! BARRY: Coming! : Hang on a second. (Barry uses his antenna like a phone) : Hello? ADAM FLAYMAN:
(Through phone) - Barry? BARRY: - Adam? ADAM: - Can you believe this is happening? BARRY: - I can't. I'll pick you up. (Barry flies down the stairs) : MARTIN BENSON: Looking sharp. JANET: Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. BARRY: Sorry. I'm excited. MARTIN: Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. : A perfect report card, all B's. JANET: Very proud. (Rubs Barry's hair) BARRY= Ma! I got a thing going here. JANET: - You got lint on your fuzz. BARRY: - Ow! That's me!
JANET: - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! (Barry flies out the door) JANET: Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! (Barry drives through the hive,and is waved at by Adam who is reading a newspaper) BARRY== - Hey, Adam. ADAM: - Hey, Barry. (Adam gets in Barry's car) : - Is that fuzz gel? BARRY: - A little. Special day, graduation. ADAM: Never thought I'd make it. (Barry pulls away from the house and continues driving) BARRY: Three days grade school, three days high school... ADAM: Those were awkward. BARRY: Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. ADAM== You did come back different. (Barry and Adam pass by Artie, who is jogging) ARTIE: - Hi, Barry!
BARRY: - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. ADAM: - Hear about Frankie? BARRY: - Yeah. ADAM== - You going to the funeral? BARRY: - No, I'm not going to his funeral. : Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. : Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. ADAM: I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. (The car does a barrel roll on the loop-shaped bridge and lands on the highway) : I love this incorporating an amusement park into our regular day. BARRY: I guess that's why they say we don't need vacations. (Barry parallel parks the car and together they fly over the graduating students) Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. (Barry and Adam sit down and put on their hats) : - Well, Adam, today we are men.
ADAM: - We are! BARRY= - Bee-men. =ADAM= - Amen! BARRY AND ADAM: Hallelujah! (Barry and Adam both have a happy spasm) ANNOUNCER: Students, faculty, distinguished bees, : please welcome Dean Buzzwell. DEAN BUZZWELL: Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... : ...9: : That concludes our ceremonies. : And begins your career at Honex Industries! ADAM: Will we pick our job today? (Adam and Barry get into a tour bus) BARRY= I heard it's just orientation. (Tour buses rise out of the ground and the students are automatically loaded into the buses) TOUR GUIDE: Heads up! Here we go.
ANNOUNCER: Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. BARRY: - Wonder what it'll be like? ADAM: - A little scary. TOUR GUIDE== Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco : and a part of the Hexagon Group. Barry: This is it! BARRY AND ADAM: Wow. BARRY: Wow. (The bus drives down a road an on either side are the Bee's massive complicated Honey-making machines) TOUR GUIDE: We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life : to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. : Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. : Our top-secret formula : is automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured : into this soothing sweet syrup : with its distinctive golden glow you know as... EVERYONE ON BUS: Honey! (The guide has been collecting honey into a bottle and she throws it into the crowd on the bus and it is caught by a girl in the back) ADAM: - That girl was hot. BARRY: - She's my cousin! ADAM== - She is? BARRY: - Yes, we're all cousins. ADAM: - Right. You're right. TOUR GUIDE: - At Honex, we constantly strive : to improve every aspect of bee existence. : These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. (The bus passes by a Bee wearing a helmet who is being smashed into the ground with fly-swatters, newspapers and boots. He lifts a thumbs up but you can hear him groan) : ADAM==
What's the difference? TOUR GUIDE: You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off : in 27 million years. BARRY: (Upset) So you'll just work us to death? : We'll sure try. (Everyone on the bus laughs except Barry. Barry and Adam are walking back home together) ADAM: Wow! That blew my mind! BARRY: "What's the difference?" How can you say that? : One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. ADAM: I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. BARRY: But, Adam, how could they never have told us that? ADAM: Why would you question anything? We're bees. : We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.
BARRY: You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? ADAM: Like what? Give me one example. (Barry and Adam stop walking and it is revealed to the audience that hundreds of cars are speeding by and narrowly missing them in perfect unison) BARRY: I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. ANNOUNCER: Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. BARRY: Wait a second. Check it out. (The Pollen jocks fly in, circle around and landing in line) : - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! ADAM: - Wow. : I've never seen them this close. BARRY: They know what it's like outside the hive. ADAM: Yeah, but some don't come back. GIRL BEES: - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! (The Pollen Jocks hook up their backpacks to machines that pump the nectar to trucks, which drive away)
LOU LO DUVA: You guys did great! : You're monsters! You're sky freaks! I love it! (Punching the Pollen Jocks in joy) I love it! ADAM: - I wonder where they were. BARRY: - I don't know. : Their day's not planned. : Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what. : You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that. ADAM== Right. (Barry and Adam are covered in some pollen that floated off of the Pollen Jocks) BARRY: Look at that. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime. ADAM: It's just a status symbol. Bees make too much of it. BARRY: Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it. (Barry waves at 2 girls standing a little away from them)
ADAM== Those ladies? Aren't they our cousins too? BARRY: Distant. Distant. POLLEN JOCK #1: Look at these two. POLLEN JOCK #2: - Couple of Hive Harrys. POLLEN JOCK #1: - Let's have fun with them. GIRL BEE #1: It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock. BARRY: Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom! : He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me! (Slaps Adam with his hand to represent his scenario) GIRL BEE #2: - Oh, my! BARRY: - I never thought I'd knock him out. GIRL BEE #1: (Looking at Adam) What were you doing during this? ADAM: Obviously I was trying to alert the authorities. BARRY: I can autograph that.
(The pollen jocks walk up to Barry and Adam, they pretend that Barry and Adam really are pollen jocks.) POLLEN JOCK #1: A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades? BARRY: Yeah. Gusty. POLLEN JOCK #1: We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow. BARRY: - Six miles, huh? ADAM: - Barry! POLLEN JOCK #2: A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it. BARRY: - Maybe I am. ADAM: - You are not! POLLEN JOCK #1: We're going 0900 at J-Gate. : What do you think, buzzy-boy? Are you bee enough? BARRY: I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means. (The scene cuts to Barry looking out on the hive-city from his balcony at night) MARTIN:
Hey, Honex! BARRY: Dad, you surprised me. MARTIN: You decide what you're interested in? BARRY: - Well, there's a lot of choices. - But you only get one. : Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day? MARTIN: Son, let me tell you about stirring. : You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around. : You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing. BARRY: You know, Dad, the more I think about it, : maybe the honey field just isn't right for me. MARTIN: You were thinking of what, making balloon animals? : That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger. :
Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey! JANET: - Barry, you are so funny sometimes. BARRY: - I'm not trying to be funny. MARTIN: You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer! JANET: - You're gonna be a stirrer? BARRY: - No one's listening to me! MARTIN: Wait till you see the sticks I have. BARRY: I could say anything right now. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo! (Barry's parents don't listen to him and continue to ramble on) MARTIN: Let's open some honey and celebrate! BARRY: Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. : Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"! JANET: I'm so proud. (The scene cuts to Barry and Adam waiting in line to get a job) ADAM: - We're starting work today!
BARRY: - Today's the day. ADAM: Come on! All the good jobs will be gone. BARRY: Yeah, right. JOB LISTER: Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal... BEE IN FRONT OF LINE: - Is it still available? JOB LISTER: - Hang on. Two left! : One of them's yours! Congratulations! Step to the side. ADAM: - What'd you get? BEE IN FRONT OF LINE: - Picking crud out. Stellar! (He walks away) ADAM: Wow! JOB LISTER: Couple of newbies? ADAM: Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready! JOB LISTER: Make your choice. (Adam and Barry look up at the job board. There are hundreds of constantly changing panels that contain available or unavailable jobs. It looks very confusing)
ADAM: - You want to go first? BARRY: - No, you go. ADAM: Oh, my. What's available? JOB LISTER: Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think. ADAM: - Any chance of getting the Krelman? JOB LISTER: - Sure, you're on. (Puts the Krelman finger-hat on Adam's head) (Suddenly the sign for Krelman closes out) : I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out. (Takes Adam's hat off) Wax monkey's always open. ADAM: The Krelman opened up again. : What happened? JOB LISTER: A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one. : Deady. Deadified. Two more dead. : Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
ADAM: Oh, this is so hard! (Barry remembers what the Pollen Jock offered him and he flies off) Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, : humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, : mite wrangler. Barry, what do you think I should... Barry? (Adam turns around and sees Barry flying away) : Barry! POLLEN JOCK: All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine... ADAM: (Through phone) What happened to you? Where are you? BARRY: - I'm going out. ADAM: - Out? Out where? BARRY: - Out there. ADAM: - Oh, no! BARRY: I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life. ADAM:
You're gonna die! You're crazy! (Barry hangs up) Hello? POLLEN JOCK #2: Another call coming in. : If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd : that gets their roses today. BARRY: Hey, guys. POLLEN JOCK #1 == - Look at that. POLLEN JOCK #2: - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday? LOU LO DUVA: Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted. POLLEN JOCK #1: It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up. (Puts hand on Barry's shoulder) LOU LO DUVA: (To Barry) Really? Feeling lucky, are you? BEE WITH CLIPBOARD: (To Barry) Sign here, here. Just initial that. : - Thank you. LOU LO DUVA: - OK. : You got a rain advisory today, :
and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain. : So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, : hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats. : Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us. : Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada! BARRY: - That's awful. LOU LO DUVA: (Still talking through megaphone) - And a reminder for you rookies, : bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! : All right, launch positions! POLLEN JOCKS: (The Pollen Jocks run into formation) : Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! LOU LU DUVA: Black and yellow! POLLEN JOCKS:
Hello! POLLEN JOCK #1: (To Barry)You ready for this, hot shot? BARRY: Yeah. Yeah, bring it on. POLLEN JOCK's: Wind, check. : - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. : - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. BARRY: Scared out of my shorts, check. LOU LO DUVA: OK, ladies, : let's move it out! : Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers! : All of you, drain those flowers! (The pollen jocks fly out of the hive) BARRY: Wow! I'm out! : I can't believe I'm out! : So blue.
: I feel so fast and free! : Box kite! (Barry flies through the kite) : Wow! : Flowers! (A pollen jock puts on some high tech goggles that shows flowers similar to heat sink goggles.) POLLEN JOCK: This is Blue Leader. We have roses visual. : Bring it around 30 degrees and hold. : Roses! POLLEN JOCK #1: 30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around. : Stand to the side, kid. It's got a bit of a kick. (The pollen jock fires a high-tech gun at the flower, shooting tubes that suck up the nectar from the flower and collects it into a pouch on the gun) BARRY: That is one nectar collector! POLLEN JOCK #1== - Ever see pollination up close? BARRY: - No, sir. POLLEN JOCK #1:
(Barry and the Pollen jock fly over the field, the pollen jock sprinkles pollen as he goes) : I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, : a pinch on that one. See that? It's a little bit of magic. BARRY: That's amazing. Why do we do that? POLLEN JOCK #1: That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us. BARRY: Cool. POLLEN JOCK #1: I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow. could be daisies. Don't we need those? POLLEN JOCK #2: Copy that visual. : Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move. POLLEN JOCK #1: Say again? You're reporting a moving flower? POLLEN JOCK #2: Affirmative. (The Pollen jocks land near the "flowers" which, to the audience are obviously just tennis balls) KEN: (In the distance) That was on the line!
POLLEN JOCK #1: This is the coolest. What is it? POLLEN JOCK #2: I don't know, but I'm loving this color. : It smells good. Not like a flower, but I like it. POLLEN JOCK #1: Yeah, fuzzy. (Sticks his hand on the ball but it gets stuck) POLLEN JOCK #3== Chemical-y. (The pollen jock finally gets his hand free from the tennis ball) POLLEN JOCK #1: Careful, guys. It's a little grabby. (The pollen jocks turn around and see Barry lying his entire body on top of one of the tennis balls) POLLEN JOCK #2: My sweet lord of bees! POLLEN JOCK #3: Candy-brain, get off there! POLLEN JOCK #1: (Pointing upwards) Problem! (A human hand reaches down and grabs the tennis ball that Barry is stuck to) BARRY: - Guys! POLLEN JOCK #2: - This could be bad. POLLEN JOCK #3: Affirmative. (Vanessa Bloome starts bouncing the tennis ball, not knowing Barry is stick to it)
BARRY== Very close. : Gonna hurt. : Mama's little boy. (Barry is being hit back and forth by two humans playing tennis. He is still stuck to the ball) POLLEN JOCK #1: You are way out of position, rookie! KEN: Coming in at you like a MISSILE! (Barry flies past the pollen jocks, still stuck to the ball) BARRY: (In slow motion) Help me! POLLEN JOCK #2: I don't think these are flowers. POLLEN JOCK #3: - Should we tell him? POLLEN JOCK #1: - I think he knows. BARRY: What is this?! KEN: Match point! : You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to EAT IT! (A pollen jock coughs which confused Ken and he hits the ball the wrong way with Barry stuck to it and it goes flying into the city) BARRY:
Yowser! (Barry bounces around town and gets stuck in the engine of a car. He flies into the air conditioner and sees a bug that was frozen in there) BARRY: Ew, gross. (The man driving the car turns on the air conditioner which blows Barry into the car) GIRL IN CAR: There's a bee in the car! : - Do something! DAD DRIVING CAR: - I'm driving! BABY GIRL: (Waving at Barry) - Hi, bee. (Barry smiles and waves at the baby girl) GUY IN BACK OF CAR: - He's back here! : He's going to sting me! GIRL IN CAR: Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze! (Barry freezes as well, hovering in the middle of the car) : GRANDMA IN CAR== He blinked! (The grandma whips out some bee-spray and sprays everywhere in the car, climbing into the front seat, still trying to spray Barry) GIRL IN CAR: Spray him, Granny! DAD DRIVING THE CAR: What are you doing?! (Barry escapes the car through the air conditioner and is flying high above
the ground, safe.) BARRY: Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable. (Barry sees that storm clouds are gathering and he can see rain clouds moving into this direction)
So seriously what the fuck man
submitted by guy_in_the_moon to haruhicirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:07 Ironymaiden_ Scruffy Dogs For Jesse

Due to the vagaries of the Instagram privacy settings, I can't send you a picture through Instagram. But here is my dad (who is not a dog guy) and my friend's dog Daisy Lou who took a shine to him. Anyone may feel free to add to this thread if they like.
submitted by Ironymaiden_ to maximumfun [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:06 JCat2005 AGT Auditions 1 Reaction and Ratings

The first episode of AGT Season 19 is in the books and here is my thoughts, reactions and ratings for tonight’s premiere! Please respect my opinions as I think everyone did a great job and these are just my own personal thoughts!
Richard Goodall (88) - what a voice he has! Richard was so much fun to watch and I was so happy he got the Golden Buzzer! Well deserved!
Sam Haung (84) - this was a different type of magic that the show usually doesn’t have. I thought it was cool and I’m excited to see what he has next!
Reyna Roberts (84) - I was surprised Howie said no because she has a great voice! I’d like to see her try another original.
Learnmore Jonasi (84) - I never would have expected to see a comedian get a golden buzzer. I think he was funny and has potential and I look forward to his next performance!
Tonikaku (79) - he was the most fun to watch tonight! I hope he makes the live shows as he is hilarious!
Arshiya (79) - it’s rare to see a contortionist on AGT but she was scary but entertaining at the same time!
Ashlee Montague (79) - what a way to make ballerina dangerous. I liked the performance but I’m excited to see what will happen next!
Los Osos High School (77) - I thought they did a good routine but I’m not the biggest fan of dance groups. Nonetheless good job!
Baby Dev (76) - he is incredibly smart for his age! I think he is very talented but I feel like he’s not ready for Vegas, yet but eventually!
Daisy Mae and Clifford (70) - It’s hard to top Adrian and Hurricane but unfortunately I felt this was disappointing. But the dogs were cute and I think with practice they should get another chance in the future.
Chris Ivan (68) - unfortunately this world record did not break and that was all for that.
So those were my thoughts! What do you think? Comment your thoughts below and feel free to roast me! #AGT #GoldenBuzzer
submitted by JCat2005 to agt [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:59 Marvel-guy-1 How To Watch Juice On BBC iPlayer In USA for FREE

Watch Juice, a fresh British comedy series, revolves around Jamma as he tackles the challenges of a confused family life and a rollercoaster romantic journey, all in his quest for recognition. The show debuted in the UK on September 18, 2023, airing on BBC iPlayer. To access the show you will need a quality VPN service to unblock the streaming challenges.
A VPN helps you to stream the show without any interruption because it bypasses the geo-restriction and allows you to access BBC iPlayer shows and protect your privacy.

Quick Steps: How to Watch Juice

Follow these simple steps to watch Juice
  1. Download a reliable VPN [we recommend ExpressVPN OR PureVPN as it provides exceptional streaming experience globally]
  2. Download and install VPN app!
  3. Connect to a server in the UK
  4. Login to BBC iPlayer
  5. Watch your favorite content on BBC iPlayer
How To Watch Juice On BBC iPlayer In USA for FREE with ExpressVPN

Why Do You Need A VPN To Watch Juice?

A VPN helps you overcome regional streaming restrictions and allows you to watch movies, TV series and documentaries without any hurdles and buffering issues. This way you can not only watch Juice but also able to all BBC streaming services.
Other Stories: Best movies on BBC iPlayer

Best VPN To Watch Juice In USA

To choose Best VPN for BBC iPlayer to stream the shows outside the UK can be very critical. But our expert have tested and evaluated the service from VPN providers and have listed two options. Now let’s dig straight into the two best recommendations of VPN which will improve your streaming experience.
ExpressVPN is one of the top recommendations due to its user-friendly app, quality speed performance and advanced security features. The following are the key points which will facilitate the user to choose ExpressVPN for watching Juice.
Price and Plan
PlanPrice 1 Month Plan$10.95 6 Months Plan$59.95 12 Months Plan$99.95


If you are tech expert or just a simple user, NordVPN is the best option for you. It has a simple user interface with high speed, great device compatibility and privacy features. You can also check the 2nd recommendation for streaming Juice.
Price and Plan
PlansCompletePlus(highly recommended)Standard 1 Month USD 14.99/monthUSD 13.79/monthUSD 12.99/month 12 Months USD 6.99/monthUSD 5.79/monthUSD 4.99/month 24 MonthsUSD 5.79/monthUSD 4.59/monthUSD 3.79/month

Where To Stream Juice In the USA for Free?

You can stream Juice on BBC iPlayer for free in USA. You need a VPN service to solve the streaming issues and seamlessly watch the show because BBC iPlayer is only availabe in UK.
BBC iPlayer is a free streaming service but requires a TV liscence fees for watching the series. Morover, it also provide 30 days of free trial and gives you the chance to cancel the subscription at anytime without any charge.
Also Have A Look At: Mrs. Browns Boys Season 4

What is the Release Date of Juice?

Juice is premiered in the UK on Monday, September 18, 2023, at 10:30 pm local time. The show finds its home on BBC 3 and availabe to stream on BBC iPlayer, a network renowned for its exceptional programming. Whether you’re tuning in live or catching up later, this series promises side-splitting laughter for all.

What is the About of Juice?

Juice, a British comedy series available on BBC iPlayer, revolves around Jamma’s desire to take the limelight. Unfortunately, his family, comprising his father, Saif, who frequently overlooks him, and his mother, Farida, who often makes everything about herself, consistently outshines him.
Although Jamma manages to find contentment and accomplishment in his professional life, his brother Isaac still manages to outshine him. When Jamma finally gains recognition from his friend, he faces challenges in handling it, causing his vivid imagination to distort his view of reality and reshape the world around him.
Official Synopsis

Top Cast of Juice

Ultimate Episode Guide of Juice

Juice consist 6 episodes. Each episode has a unique humor style.

Episode 1 Cake 18 September 2023

Jamma secretly enlists his brother for an office market research session to impress his boss, but it leads to surprising consequences. Meanwhile, his mother’s obsession with divorcing her husband distracts Jamma from work, and a revelation from his partner Guy takes the story in an unexpected direction.

Episode 2 Helluva View 18 September 2023

Jamma attracts attention in his new relationship but ends up counseling his parents instead of focusing on his own issues. He also aims to strengthen his work relationship with his brother Isaac for an important project.

Episode 3 The Jamma Show 18 September 2023

Guy wants to meet Jamma’s parents, but Jamma faces hurdles persuading his mother, Farida. Using dramatic tactics, Jamma seeks to uncover her motives, but unexpected surprises await him.

Episode 4 A Saif Space 18 September 2023

Jamma juggles work, family, friends, and his relationship with Guy, all while dealing with a mysterious object hidden beneath the floorboards. It becomes evident he’s overwhelmed and in over his head.

Episode 5 Lights, Camera, Escape 18 September 2023

Following a pitch failure, Jamma and his colleagues opt for an escape room challenge to boost team spirit. Jamma’s attempt to prevent Winnie and Guy from discussing a lie unexpectedly propels him into the past through a mysterious portal.

Episode 6 Home 18 September 2023

The dilemma of whether Jamma has changed or if he will revert to his younger self comes as he faces his quivering boxes and works to save the Megacentre as well as his relationship.

What is the Rating of Juice?

The IMDb Rating of the show Juice is found to be 7.2/10 which is fair rating.

The Hype of Juice

— Russell Tovey (@russelltovey) September 18, 2023


Is the Juice availabe on Netflix?

No, it is not availbe on Netflix.

What is the genre of Juice?

Juice falls under the category of comedy.

Where else to watch Juice for free?

You can only stream Juice on BBC iPlayer for free.

Summing Up

In the world of comedy, Juice is the refreshing comedy series you are looking for. With its uproarious humor, relatable characters, and a touch of chaos, this British comedy series is poised to become your new favorite. Get ready for a good laugh as Juice is a great balance of reality and imaginations.to unblock the streaming challenges.
A VPN helps you to stream the show without any interruption because it bypasses the geo-restriction and allows you to access BBC iPlayer shows and protect your privacy.
submitted by Marvel-guy-1 to BuzzHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 coreyeschweiler Corey Eschweiler On EDC Safety Tips: How to Maximize Fun and Safety

Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) Las Vegas is a three-day music festival that features a variety of electronic dance music (EDM) artists. It’s a great chance to dance the night away and see some of your favorite DJs. But it’s important to remember that EDC is also a crowded and intense environment. To help you stay safe and have a great time, the Las Vegas personal injury lawyers Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) Las Vegas is a three-day music festival that features a variety of electronic dance music (EDM) artists. It’s a great chance to dance the night away and see some of your favorite DJs. But it’s important to remember that EDC is also a crowded and intense environment. To help you stay safe and have a great time, the Las Vegas personal injury lawyers here at ER Injury Attorneys have put together five important EDC safety tips:

1. Plan Ahead

Get your tickets ASAP. EDC tickets tend to sell out quickly, so be sure to get yours early. This will help you avoid the stress of trying to find last-minute tickets.
Book your accommodations early. EDC is a major event in Las Vegas, so hotels tend to fill up quickly and rates can go up. Book your accommodations early to ensure you have a place to stay and get the best possible rate.
Research the festival grounds. The EDC venue is massive, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the layout before you go. This will help you save time finding the stages, restrooms, and other amenities.
Create a meeting spot. With so many people at EDC, it’s easy to get separated from your friends. Create a meeting spot in case you get lost and are without cell service.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. It’s important to stay hydrated at EDC, especially in the hot Las Vegas sun. Bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up often. There are also water stations located throughout the festival grounds.
Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol. Sugary drinks and alcohol can dehydrate you. Stick to water, drinks with electrolytes, or use your own hydration additives. If you do choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation and be sure to eat food as well and stay hydrated.

3. Pace Yourself

Don’t try to do too much. There’s a lot to see and do at EDC, but it’s important to pace yourself. Don’t try to see every single set or dance all night long. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and cool off.
Find a shady spot. If you start to feel overwhelmed, find a shady spot to relax and cool off. This will help you avoid heat illness which can be fatal. There are usually tents and hydration stations set up throughout the festival grounds that you can use for shade.

4. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Keep an eye on your belongings. EDC is a crowded environment, so it’s important to keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose.
Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of the people around you and be careful of pickpockets. If you see something suspicious, report it to security.
Use the buddy system. Go to EDC with a group of friends and look out for each other.

5. Dress for the Weather

Wear comfortable shoes. You’ll be doing a lot of walking and dancing at EDC, so be sure to wear comfortable, safe shoes.
Wear sunscreen. Even if it’s cloudy, the sun’s rays can still be strong. Be sure to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn.
Bring layers. The weather in Las Vegas can change quickly, so it’s a good idea to bring layers of clothing. The current forecast calls for temperatures in the 90s during the day, but may dip into the 60s at night.

Injured During EDC? ER Injury Attorneys Is Here for You

If you’ve been injured at EDC, the team here at ER Injury Attorneys is available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free case evaluation today by calling us at [702-878-7878](tel:7028787878) or by using LiveChat. You can also fill out a contact form to get started. ER Injury Attorneys represents accident victims throughout Southern Nevada, including Henderson, Summerlin, Pahrump, Boulder City, Laughlin, and beyond. Book your free case evaluation and consultation today and get the peace of mind you need.

The information on this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as legal advice for an individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship nor does viewing this material constitute an attorney-client relationship.

BOOKMARK THE PERMALINK.here at ER Injury Attorneys have put together five important EDC safety tips:

1. Plan Ahead

Get your tickets ASAP. EDC tickets tend to sell out quickly, so be sure to get yours early. This will help you avoid the stress of trying to find last-minute tickets.
Book your accommodations early. EDC is a major event in Las Vegas, so hotels tend to fill up quickly and rates can go up. Book your accommodations early to ensure you have a place to stay and get the best possible rate.
Research the festival grounds. The EDC venue is massive, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the layout before you go. This will help you save time finding the stages, restrooms, and other amenities.
Create a meeting spot. With so many people at EDC, it’s easy to get separated from your friends. Create a meeting spot in case you get lost and are without cell service.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. It’s important to stay hydrated at EDC, especially in the hot Las Vegas sun. Bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up often. There are also water stations located throughout the festival grounds.
Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol. Sugary drinks and alcohol can dehydrate you. Stick to water, drinks with electrolytes, or use your own hydration additives. If you do choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation and be sure to eat food as well and stay hydrated.

3. Pace Yourself

Don’t try to do too much. There’s a lot to see and do at EDC, but it’s important to pace yourself. Don’t try to see every single set or dance all night long. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and cool off.
Find a shady spot. If you start to feel overwhelmed, find a shady spot to relax and cool off. This will help you avoid heat illness which can be fatal. There are usually tents and hydration stations set up throughout the festival grounds that you can use for shade.

4. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Keep an eye on your belongings. EDC is a crowded environment, so it’s important to keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose.
Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of the people around you and be careful of pickpockets. If you see something suspicious, report it to security.
Use the buddy system. Go to EDC with a group of friends and look out for each other.

5. Dress for the Weather

Wear comfortable shoes. You’ll be doing a lot of walking and dancing at EDC, so be sure to wear comfortable, safe shoes.
Wear sunscreen. Even if it’s cloudy, the sun’s rays can still be strong. Be sure to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn.
Bring layers. The weather in Las Vegas can change quickly, so it’s a good idea to bring layers of clothing. The current forecast calls for temperatures in the 90s during the day, but may dip into the 60s at night.

Injured During EDC? ER Injury Attorneys Is Here for You

If you’ve been injured at EDC, the team here at ER Injury Attorneys is available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free case evaluation today by calling us at [702-878-7878](tel:7028787878) or by using LiveChat. You can also fill out a contact form to get started. ER Injury Attorneys represents accident victims throughout Southern Nevada, including Henderson, Summerlin, Pahrump, Boulder City, Laughlin, and beyond. Book your free case evaluation and consultation today and get the peace of mind you need.

The information on this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as legal advice for an individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship nor does viewing this material constitute an attorney-client relationship.

submitted by coreyeschweiler to u/coreyeschweiler [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:39 truelovealwayswins are any on my name list tragedeighs? or just unique?

keeping in mind foreign spellings and such of course thanks! feel free to roast any too if you feel like it, I don’t mind lol
Adia / Adria
Aelys / Aelysia/Elysia
Althea/Anthea (Nan)
AnaĂŻs (pronounced ana-ees)
Annabella / Arabella
Arietty/Arietta (after Arrietty from The Borrowers)
Astra/Astrea / Astrid
Coral / Coralee / Coraline
Delphi / Delphine/Delphinia
Doria / Doris
Dora (Dora and Diego 😂)
Eivissa (Eivie/AV)
Eleonora (Nora and more for short)
Elfriede / Elvia/Elvina (Elfie/Elvie)
Faline/Faeline/Faelynn/Faelina / Faelys /
Felicity (Fliss)
Flora/Floria / Florine / Floralie
Haven (Haven Oceana)
Josefine (Sephie/Sephy/Finn/Finnie)
Laëlle (la-elle)
Laurel/Laurelie / Lorelei/Laurelei
Laurene/Laurine / Lorina (Alice in wonderland’s real Alice, one of her older sisters, love Alice too it’s just that it’s common now)
Lelia/Lilea/Lilia/Lylia / Lilyana (or Lyla like a saffan-born US-based friend of mine making it big)
Lumen/Lumi (if on/around 13 Dec)
Lindy/Lindie / Lyndie/Lyndee
Magalie (ma-ga-lee)
Maëlle (ma-elle)
Maelys (ma-eh-lees)
Maeva/Maeve / Maevrie/Maeverie
Malia / Maleia
Maryse/Marize/Marlize/Marelize Mareen/Mereen / Merryn
Nora (nordic not western pronunciation)
Raphaella/Raphaelle / Raffaella/Raffaelle
Rosamund/Rosalind/Rosmarie/Roslyn/ Roselyn-Bloom
Se’anna/Seanna / Sienna
Talise/Talize (Tallie)
Tallulah (Tallie)
Theodosia (Theda, like Theda Bara)
Tulsie (Tullie)
Aviva / Viviana / Vivia
? (Vallie)
Whitney (Winnie)
submitted by truelovealwayswins to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:29 musashi66 [WTS] 100+ brand new bottles left. I'll beat any legit website price. Prices valid from 5/28 to 6/3. In Colorado(bottle)

Free shipping on orders over $60
Prices updated to reflect Jomashop and Fragrancenet, but they change prices often - if you like something, and there is a better price elsewhere, I'll beat it! Let me know in the post/chat/inbox - I am not firm on anything. I will definitely provide discounts for multiple purchases.
I can meet face to face (Fort Collins, CO), and I can ship USPS Priority for $8. Shipping in USA only, unless you have a forwarder that you want to use.
Prices are for Paypal F&F or Venmo. Please add 3% for Paypal G&S.
All the boxes are brand new, but due to handling, some might have issues with the cellophane cover - I'd say that 95% are in perfect shape, but some might be missing the cellophane. I'll send a photo of the actual unit in chat.
Type:EDP is perfume, EDT is toilette, Size is size in ounces, and Q is quantity I have left, Price is the price I have them listed for.
Brand - Name - Type - Size - Quantity - Price
Armani Acqua di Gio EDT 1oz 1x $45.00
Calvin Klein Defy EDT 3.3oz 2x $40.00
Calvin Klein Defy EDT 1.6oz 3x $30.00
Coach Platinum EDP 3.3oz 2x $40.00
Coach Platinum EDP 2oz 1x $33.00
Dolce Gabanna "K" EDT 3.3oz 4x $55.00
Dolce Gabanna "K" EDT 1.6oz 3x $37.00
Jimmy Choo Man EDT 1.7oz 2x $30.00
Jimmy Choo Man EDT 3.3oz 3x $40.00
Jimmy Choo Man Blue EDT 3.3oz 2x $40.00
John Varvatos Artisan Pure EDT 2.5oz 1x $28.00
Montblanc Legend EDP 3.3oz 5x $42.00
Montblanc Legend Spirit EDT 1.7oz 1x $28.00
Montblanc Legend Spirit EDT 3.3oz 1x $35.00
Brand - Name - Type - Size - Q - Price
Ariana Grande R.E.M. EDP 3.4oz 1x $60.00
Ariana Grande R.E.M. EDP 1.7oz 4x $40.00
Armani Terra Di Gioia EDP 1oz 1x $50.00
Armani My Way Intense EDP 1oz 7x $55.00
Armani My Way Intense EDP 1.7oz 1x $60.00
Armani My Way EDP 1.7oz 2x $60.00
Armani My Way EDP 1oz 9x $55.00
Bvlgari Omnia Pink Sapphire EDT 2.2oz 8x $50.00
Bvlgari Omnia Coral EDT 2.2oz 4x $50.00
Bvlgari Omnia Amethyste EDT 2.2oz 2x $50.00
Coach Coach EDP 1.7oz 1x $35.00
*SOLD - Coach Dreams EDP 0.3oz 1x $20.00 - Free with COACH 1oz and larger
Dior Joy EDP 1oz 2x $45.00
Dior Miss Dior Roses n'Roses EDT 1.7oz 2x $70.00
Dior Miss Dior Roses n'Roses EDT 1oz 2x $50.00
Dior J'adore EDT 3.4oz 1x $70.00
Dior J'adore Infinissime EDP 1.7oz 2x $80.00
Dior J'adore Infinissime (new, but no celophane) EDP 3.4oz 1x $85.00
DKNY Be Delicious EDP 1.7oz 1x $30.00
DKNY Be Delicious EDP 1oz 2x $28.00
Dolce Gabanna Dolce Garden EDP 1.6oz 1x $40.00
Dolce Gabanna The One EDP 0.25oz 1x $20.00 - FREE with any DG 1.7oz or larger
Dolce Gabanna The Only One EDP 0.33oz 2x $20.00 - FREE with any DG 1.7oz and larger
Donna Karan Cashmere Mist EDT 1oz 4x $30.00
Donna Karan Cashmere Mist EDT 3.4oz 2x $70.00
Donna Karan Cashmere Mist EDP 1.7oz 4x $40.00
Escada Summer Festival EDT 3.3oz 2x $45.00
Escada Summer Festival EDT 1oz 1x $35.00
Gucci Bloom Nettari di fiori Intense EDP 1.6oz 1x $70.00
Gucci Bloom Acqua di fiori EDT 1.6oz 1x $70.00
Jimmy Choo Fever EDP 1.3oz 2x $30.00
Jimmy Choo Jimmy Choo EDP 1.3oz 1x $25.00
Jimmy Choo L'eau EDT 1.3oz 1x $27.00
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy le bubbly EDP 1.7oz 1x $35.00
Juicy Couture Oui EDP 1oz 1x $30.00
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Rose EDP 3.4oz 1x $35
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Rose EDP 1.7oz 1x $25 (no cellophane)
Kate Spade Kate Spade EDP 0.33oz 1x $20.00
Lancome Idole Le Grand Perfume EDP 3.4oz 1x $90.00
Lancome Idole Aura EDP 3.4oz 1x $90.00
Lancome Idole Le Parfum EDP 0.8oz 2x $40.00
Lancome Idole Le Parfum EDP 1.7oz 3x $70.00
Lancome Idole L'Intense EDP 2.5oz 1x $75.00
Mark Jacobs Perfect EDP 1.6oz 3x $60.00
Mark Jacobs Perfect Intense EDP 1.6oz 3x $60.00
Mark Jacobs Perfect Intense EDP 3.3oz 3x $80.00
Mark Jacobs Daisy EDT 0.33oz 1x $20.00 - FREE with any Mark Jacobs 1.7oz and larger
Mark Jacobs Daisy Eau so fresh EDT 0.33oz 2x $20.00 - FREE with any Mark Jacobs 1.7oz and larger
Michael Kors Wonderlust EDP 3.4oz 1x $50.00
Michael Kors Sparkling Blush EDP 1oz 1x $40.00
Mugler Alien Goddess EDP 1oz 6x $50.00
Philosophy Amazing Grace Magnolia EDT 2oz 4x $30.00
Philosophy Amazing Grace Ballet Rose EDT 2oz 2x $35.00
Viktor&Rolf Bonbon EDP 1.7oz 1x $60.00
Viktor&Rolf Bonbon EDP 1oz 2x $50.00
Viktor&Rolf Bonbon Pastel EDT 1.7oz 1x $50.00
Viktor&Rolf Bonbon Couture Intense EDP 1.7oz 1x $60.00
submitted by musashi66 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:17 sulliedjedi Somnophilia List - Updated

Somnophilia List - Updated
I've updated the original Somnophilia List and shared a doc with tags, CWs, types of somno, and GR links.
Thank you to everyone who added books in the last post! ❀
If you know of any other somnophilia books, feel free to add them below. (The post has a search feature you can put the author's name to see if it's already listed here.)
I tried to mark each book with the type of somnophilia (noncon, dubcon, consensual, drugged, etc) but there are some missing, let me know if you want to add more details.
Here's the complete list if you don't want to bother with the doc:

Somnophilia Books

Fade to Black by Jasper Blew CNC, trans MC, pre-planned consensual drugged somnophilia, best friends-to-lovers, dubcon, noncon, erotica novella SW
Sweet Baby Boy by Simon Strange ex-step-fathestep-son, camping, erotica novella, somnophilia
Playing Pretend by Simon Strange stepbrothers, erotica novella, somnophilia
Cheaters by Simon Strange (somnophilia flashback), stepbrothers, cheating (not on each other), erotica novella
Daddy's Other Boy by Simon Strange MMM, humiliation, married couple adds a third, cock cage, crying, consensual cuckolding, somnophilia, full-length book
Misbehaved by Simon Strange age-gap, daddy kink, age-play, bratty boy, hurt/comfort, spanking, enemies-to-lovers, professostudent, somnophilia, full-length book
Finder's Keepers by Simon Strange D/s, spanking, somnophilia, erotica novella
Daddy's Little Helper by TM Chris fatheson incest, practically all somnophilia, short book SW
Apple Pie by West Greene friends-to-lovers, military/bartender pairing, size difference, brief somnophilia scene, 27 pages, erotica novella, perma-freebie
The Good Liar by CP Harris step-brothers/pseudo-incest, somnophilia, cheating, rough sex, possessive, full-length book
Bad Wrong Things by CP Harris Age-gap, motorcycle, rough sex, injuries, blood, possessive, toxic, somnophilia, bareback, CNC, full-length book
Quillon's Covert by Joseph Lance Tonlet fatheson incest, small somnophilia scene, full-length book, atypical relationship and ending SW
Rend (Riven 2) by Roan Parrish face-fucking, somnophilia, angst, depression, sunshine top/grumpy bottom, foster care, self-doubt, trauma, hallucinations, hurt/comfort, marriage in crisis, possessive/obsessive, full-length book
Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me (Naughty or Nice #5) by Luna David, Amy Bellows daddy kink, praise kink, lace and lingerie, holiday book, consensual somnophilia, full-length book
Pretty Wreck (Pretty Broken 3) by JR Gray in-depth somnophilia conversations and planned somnophilia, rock stars, alcohol and drug use, full-length book, toxic abusive gaslighting ex
Truck Me (The Men of Bear Springs 4) by BJ Blakely pure PWP, age gap (20 years), truckers, college student, daddy kink, D/s, exhibitionism, jerking off in someone's truck and leaving a mess behind, voyeurism, threesome, rough sex, bratty boy, public sex, somnophilia, full-length book
Maahes (Malicious Gods: Egypt Series) by Emma Jaye dark romance, dark romance, graphic violence, murder, kidnapping, dubcon, Bulgarian MC, "Egyptian mythology", cults, brainwashing, death of a dog, torture, human-trafficking, murders, obsession, mentions of noncon and incest, somnophilia, check CWs, full-length book
Hostile Takeover (The Game 8) by Cara Dee uncle/nephew (by marriage) pseudo-incest, D/s, DDlb, age gap, submissive Daddy, younger Dom/older sub, shared sex scenes, somnophilia, full-length book
Happy Pride (Pride Pet Play 2023 series) by RA Frick trans sub, D/s, primal play, pet play, somnophilia, full-length book
Never Have I Ever: Submitted to My Enemy (Never Have I Ever 2) by Willow Dixon frenemies-to-lovers, hookups-to-lovers, college, so much consent, positive ADHD rep, CNC, somnophilia, found family, forced proximity, sensory deprivation, bondage, edging, phone sex, hook-up via app, kink-exploration, full-length book
Dark Possession (The Miner's Reluctant Wife 1) by Amelita Rae prison, feminization, noncon, humiliation, watersports, public rape, off-page cannibalism, violence, submission, check CWs, erotica novella
Sweetboy by Amelita Rae prison setting, age-gap (20 years), somnophilia, erotica novella, check CWs
Consequences of Crying by Abigail Kade dark romance, retelling of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, vampire/incubus pairing, soulmates, reincarnation, somnophilia, erotica novella
Stepbrother Next Door (Meadowfall Professors 3) by Anna Wineheart omegaverse, mpreg, stepbrothepseudo-incest, spanking, DP, exhibitionism, sex toys, age-gap, professostudent pairing, full-length book, CW self-harm, pregnancy complications, discussion of miscarriage, somnophilia (1 scene, consensual)
Dad's Omega Best Friend (Meadowfall Professors 2) by Anna Wineheart omegaverse, mpreg, age-gap, professostudent, younger alpha/older omega, somnophilia (1 scene, consensual), banana dick boat
Two Daddies for the Single-Dad Omega (Daddies for Dumpster Omegas 3) by Anna Wineheart MMM, omegaverse, mpreg, somnophilia (1.5 scenes, consensual)
Forced by the Alpha Prisoner by Anna Wineheart cover-to-cover noncon, erotica novella, noncon scientific experiments, forced ruts, payback, zucchini insertion, food play, public sex, carrying while impaled, somnophilia (1 scene, noncon) SW
Forced by the Alien Monster by Anna Wineheart alien reptile, kidnapping, erotica novella, cover-to-cover noncon, somnophilia (1-2 scenes), noncon somnophilia undertones throughout SW
Monster-Forced: The Monster's Forced Breeding by Anna Wineheart erotica novella, cover-to-cover noncon, forced breeding, pubic sex, cockwarming, somnophilia (several scenes throughout, noncon), dark Beauty and the Beast retelling, mpreg, breeding kink SW
Monster Bait by Anna Wineheart erotica novella, noncon, forced pleasure, forced breeding, somnophilia (2 scenes, noncon) SW
Top Priority (The Game 1) by Cara Dee novella, perma-freebie, somnophilia, military, one-night stand, insta-lust
Their Boy (The Game 2) by Cara Dee MMM, DDlb, two daddy Doms/one Little, sadist Daddy, brat, somnophilia, full-length book
Doll Parts (The Game 4) by Cara Dee MMMM, DDlb, stepdad,.BDSM, somnophilia, full-length book
We Have Till Monday by Cara Dee MMM, daddy switch, DDlb, age-play, age-gap, Nashville/NYC setting, chef, musician/music instructor, somnophilia, race car bed, full-length book
Out by Cara Dee age-gap, dirty talk, praise kink, somnophilia discussions and planning, full-length book
Out for the Holidays by Cara Dee 150-page sequel to *Out*, played out somnophilia scene planned from the previous book
Taken in His Sleep (Deeper Space #1) by Adri Armstrong often free on SW, somnophilia, itsy bitsy erotica
Marrow by Trisha Wolfe, Brynne Weaver forensic anthropologist serial killewildlife biologist serial killer pairing, intentional self-drugging for somnophilia and CNC, check CWs
Teach Me to Sin (Water, Air, Earth, Fire #4) by Riley Nash MMM, double age-gap, enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, somnophilia
Drawn Together by ZA Maxfield Cajun MC/Japanese manga artist pairing, anime con, road trip, running from a stalker, noncon somnophilia (passed out drunk) CWs: past mention of animal abuse, torture, multiple murders, kidnap, mutilation.
Sleepwalkers (Garden of Fiends #2) by Daniel May estranged vampire mates, grumpy/grumpy pairing, lover-to-enemies-to-lovers, 100 years apart, on the run in catacombs, forced proximity, hate sex, second chance, PNR with some horror, blood, dubcon, somnophilia.
Off Limits by Daniel May bro-cest, dubcon, noncon somnophilia, accidental aphrodisiacs, erotica novella SW
Mastery (Sex Wizards #2) by Alethea Faust part of a series/best read in order, poly, kink-based magic system, hard BDSM, 24/7 D/s, magic school, consensual drugged somnophilia, long list of kinks, check CWs
Ride Me (Dress Me #2) by KD Ellis MMM, poly, stalker Daddy/biker Daddy/pretty Boy, switching, doll play, consensual somnophilia
Under His... Shorts by Adara Wolf collection of short stories, *New Year's Eve** short has noncon somnophilia*
Sleep Tight Little Bro by Becca Vale bro-cest, dubcon somnophilia, erotica novella SW
Good Boy (Vanilla Baby Trilogy #2) by Jett Masterson omegaverse, sugar daddy, age-gap, billionaire/college student pairing, BDSM, praise kink, consensual somnophilia
Unsuitable Omega by Jamie Kessel trans alpha/trans omega pairing, omegaverse, domestic discipline, consensual somnophilia
Precious by Roe Horvat omegaverse, forced proximity, trapped together during omega's heat, heat sex, fisting, womb sex, somnophilia (during a heat, omega is out of it)
Lost in a Moment (Trials of Fear #4) by Nicky James hurt/comfort, best friends-to-lovers, GFY, pets named after the Beatles, chronophobia (fear of the passage of time), clock collection, amputee, PTSD, hoarder, somnophilia Ă  deux
Just the Tip (Extracurricular Activities 0.5#) by Neve Wilder dubcon, enemies-to-lovers, somnophilia, erotica novella
Corin and the Courtier (Beautiful Beasts #2) by Eliot Grayson omegaverse, dragon shifter, belly bulge, forced proximity, only one bed, 15-year age gap, size difference, somnophilia when MC faints from being knotted
A Dream of Daisies by Lemi Young omegaverse, fluff, mpreg, insta-love, size difference, somnophilia, cuddles, lots of flowers, novella
Sword and Sorcerer (Claw and Crown #2) by Richard Lunch viking fantasy, wolf-shifter, commoneprince, forced proximity, magical lube, breath play, bondage with magical plants, somnophilia
Igni Ferroque (Tennebrose #2) by Ashlyn Drewek necromancedemon pairing, enemies-to-lovers, noncon, torture, vers, flip-fucking, breath play, light somnophilia
Overtime (Alpha Omega Hockey #3) by Marina Vivancos omegaverse, hockey, alpha/alpha pairing, best friends-to-lovers, codependent, possessive, praise kink, orgasm denial, double rut, breath play, consensual somnophilia, CW sex with others on page
Levity (Dragons of Ardaine #2) by Roe Horvat omegaverse, grumpy alpha dragon shiftebroken human omega pairing, lactation, nursing, breeding, fisting, half-shifted sex, humiliation, masteslave, service kink, shifted while rimming, somnophilia
Loving the Legend (Chasing Rings Book 1) by Kit Grey basketball, POC MCs, rookie/star player pairing, hurt/comfort, grief/trauma, intercrural, breath play, cockwarming, edging, consensual somnophilia
Alpha Kings by Roe Horvat MMM, alpha bear-shiftealpha wolf-shifteomega pairing, virgin, kinks and fetishes: heat sex, knotting, breeding, male pregnancy, rough sex, cum play, nipple play, male lactation, lactation kink, double penetration, fisting, orgies, ritual deflowering, biting, mild blood play, half-shifted sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, size difference, fainting/unconscious somnophilia, ritualistic sex scenes, cockwarming.
Bro Versus Bro by Lemi Young Bro-cest, incest, magic, noncon somnophilia, dubcon somnophilia, double-sided dildo SW
Head in the Game by Rebecca Rathe Double bi-awakening, age-gap (28 years), divorced, obsessive, toxic, dubcon, currently sober alcoholic, coach/star player pairing, football, brat, face-fucking, rimming, fingering, felching, gagging, rough sex, bareback, sex everywhere, no lube, spit as lube, OW drama, has MF scenes, misogyny (don't be a "pussy"), long somnophilia scene
The Feral Alpha (The Danger Alpha Brotherhood book 1) by Anna Wineheart Reincarnation story, kidnapping, violence, speech impediment, brief bullying, consensual somnophilia (1 scene), non-shifter mpreg
Rut by Reese Morrison Post-apocalyptic, triggered ruts, sperm pouch, tentacles, colored bodies (green and blue), age gap, coworkers, island living, two tentacles, DP with dick and tentacle, triple penetration with dick and two tentacles, tentacle sounding, begging, praise kink, good boy, somnophilia, face-fucking, light humiliation, breath play, restraints with tentacles, D/s elements
Midnight Fun (Tally Marks 3) by Addison Acres Fatheson incest, kink-negotiation, consensual somnophilia, sleeping medication, consensual drugged somnophilia, kink-freakout, cum-dumpster, open relationship SW
Checkmate by Daniel May Former chess teachestudent pairing, age-gap, size difference, massive dick, slight dubcon for somnophilia/intoxicated sleep, who's the grandmaster now, erotica novella (44 pages), author freebie
Cinnamon by Delilah Demoan omegaverse, size difference, fuck or else, age-gap (paranormal), that's never going to fit, fated mates, slick, slime, womb-fucking, breeding, overstimulation, fisting, biting, public sex, mpreg, just the tip, cockwarming, somnophilia, nipple orgasm, lactation SW
Forced by His Wolf Brother by Anna Wineheart Bro-cest, wolf-shifter, cover-to-cover noncon, knotting, cooking while impaled, feeding, primal play, noncon cuddling, cockwarming, forced breeding, exhibitionism, public sex, filming, noncon somnophilia (1 scene) SW
Pay to Play by D Dove Dubcon somnophilia, fatheson incest, camboy, inflatable dildo, daddy kink, pay-me-to-fuck-my-dad, lingerie, butt-plugs, sex toys, age-gap SW
Trained by My Father-in-law (Dub-con Daddies Part 2) by Jay L North Age-gap, BDSM, begging, butt-plug, cockwarming, come-on-my-boy, crying, daddy kink, degradation, dirty talk, D/s, douching tutorial, dubcon, exhibitionist, feminization, good boy, guiche piercing, humiliation, I'm not gay, leg-shaving, lingerie, manipulation, nipple piercing, noncon piercings, pain play, prince Albert piercing, praise kink, prostate milking, sex party, somnophilia, spanking, under the table BJ SW
His Princess by Ki Brightly, MD Gregory Age-gap, pseudo-incest, stepdad/stepson, 1950's housewife kink, forced feminization, lingerie, heels, breeding kink, humiliation, free use, roleplay, somnophilia, daddy kink, light primal play, noncon, dubcon, violence, guns, murder, misogyny, slut-shaming, cum-play SW
These Silent Stars (The Devils Vitality series) by Chani Lynn Feener dark, sci-fi, college, enemies-to-lovers, obsessive, toxic, noncon, dubcon, bondage, mild bloodletting, sound play, drugging, blackmail/ manipulation, forced betrothal, codependence, mood disorder, sociopath, psychopath, violence, murder, abuse of power, dubcon/noncon somnophilia
PS I Spook You (The Spectral Files 1) by SE Harmon FBI profilecold case detective, PNR, banter, humor, crime drama, ghosts, second chance, Florida, prickly hedgehog, somnophilia
Human Omega (Black Creek Pack 1) by Jay L North omegaverse, mpreg, semi-shifters, growly alpha/snarky human omega, extreme size difference, kidnappings, initial dub-con, violent death, blood, biting, knotting, consensual heat sex somnophilia, erotica novella
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2024.05.28 06:25 tkbrumbaugh Here's Chapter 1 of Sorrow Draw - My Post-Apocalyptic Alternate History Western novel

Hi everyone, Here's the first chapter of my debut novel Sorrow Draw, available on Amazon in hardcover, paperback, eBook, and free to read on Kindle Unlimited. An audiobook version will be available on Audible and iTunes by end of July. Signed copies are in my TikTok shop (when I can get them in stock).
The story is set in 1881, eighteen years after a comet struck northern Africa, causing a global climate apocalypse. So it's post-apocalypse, but set in the Old West. For the complete rundown of the plot, head over to Amazon and read the back of the book blurb. I'm more than happy to answer questions in the comments if anyone has any.

Chapter 1: Old Mississippi (July 1881)
Eudora Becker
She gripped his hand as a mother would hold the hand of a child on a scavenging run. A hardened grip, like stone, to yank the boy this way and that. But the palm she clutched was not that of a child, but of a man. A man who didn’t move with the practiced skill of someone used to being on the run. They left an easy trail for their pursuers to follow, at a time when a single mistake could mean a bullet in the back, or a neck stretched by a rope.
The pair had made many mistakes in the week since they had escaped Memphis. In many ways, it was remarkable that they had gotten this far into the dusty and windswept southern corridor. The Uncontested Lands had taken more capable people than them, and the girl worried that her blind luck would only last so long.
But she was lucky. She always had been, and she was always content to let that luck conduct her through life but now that fear tightened her throat, she felt that providence had abandoned her. Fitting, she thought, that it would leave her now, in Mississippi, the land of the dead, when what passed for justice in the barren Wastelands was right behind them and gaining fast.
Through her exhaustion and fear, she had decided to keep to the river as much as possible. The underbrush in the dead woods beyond the banks of the Mississippi was thick and dry from the summer drought and nearly deafening to run through. The damp earth near the flowing waters muffled their steps, but it also left deep impressions of their bootprints.
“No help for it now,” the woman said. "And no, we can’t stop. They’re nearly right on top of us.” She knew what the man was thinking and she answered before he could speak it. It wasn’t the first time she had done it, and he had once remarked that she could read his mind so easily she must be a witch. Truth be told, his mind was simple and required no witchcraft or divination to know.
“We pushed ourselves too far, Eudora.” He stumbled but managed to stay upright. “We should never have left. Jesus Christ, I’m going to die.”
“Not if we keep running,” she said. “We ain’t gonna die if we keep running.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, no doubt. I don’t think they’re going to kill the daughter of Samuel Becker. I think I’m the one who’s going to die,” he said, his voice thick with fear.
“Fine, Jeremiah. We run or you die, if it’s all the same to you.”
The air was cold and dry and her sweat chilled her skin. She didn’t know how much farther they could run, but they couldn’t stop now. Men chased them. At least two bounty hunters, maybe more. They were closing in, and almost certainly on horseback. Horses were rare, but what they had stolen was rarer still and worth sending mounted men after.
They needed a miracle, but Eudora didn’t put any confidence in those. Instead, she ran through the Wastelands like a fool who had lost her mind, driven mad by the choking dust that obscured the face of the sun so only a soft red glow burned in the sky to the east.
The river grew wide and shallow, and the bed underneath the muddy water hinted at underlying rocks, rather than silt. Perfect for concealing boot prints.
“This way.” Eudora pulled hard to the right and took Jeremiah with her. They jumped from the bank into the icy waters of the Mississippi, but splashing through the river made almost as much noise as running through the underbrush. Up ahead, the river widened into swift-moving shallows. Flattened granite slabs, worn smooth under the current, emerged from the surface like the backs of great whales. “There. We can cross at those rocks and give them the slip.”
Jeremiah, driven by panic, jumped from the bank and lost his footing on the slick rocks. Both feet kicked up, and he lost his grip on Eudora and fell. He threw his hands down to catch himself, but landed hard on his side, his left hand twisted underneath and made a sound like the popping of thick roots. His head hit the rocks with a crack and he cried out in pain, writhing in the shallows like a fish.
“Worthless son of a whore, get up.” Eudora fell to her knees beside him. The river roared in her ears and the cold water stung her skin and weighed down her clothes. She grabbed his collar and rolled him onto his stomach, still cursing him.
She cursed herself as well. The most foolish thing she had done since escaping Memphis was to choose Jeremiah to run away with. In the weeks since they left, she had nearly forgotten what she had seen in the man in the first place. She had known right away that he was a fraud. The people of Memphis might have been fooled by his vestments and the well-worn Bible he carried, but Eudora had spent her life being different things for different people and so she had no trouble rooting out a counterfeit. When she cornered him in the back of the old church and turned on her charm, he made no effort at all to keep his hands off of her. Not for God or Damnation, and she knew right then that he wasn’t, nor had he ever been, a holy man.
She helped him to his knees, careful to avoid touching his already swollen left hand. He got to his feet, unsteady as a newborn calf, and picked up the canvas bag he carried and slung it back over his shoulder, wincing in pain.
“I hope this shit can dry out proper,” he said. “I ain’t old enough to remember paper money too well.”
“Well you ought to know about it, cause I sure don’t. I swear Jeremiah Preacher, I’m really starting to wonder why I brought you along.”
Eudora was much younger than him, born just before the Calamity hit eighteen years ago. She had seen paper money before, used it to roll tobacco, or start fires, but her father told her that people used to kill each other over it. They could buy anything they wanted with it—clothes, jewelry, even the love of a woman. She didn’t understand the appeal at first. All of those things were free now, if you could find them. The world had no shortage of dresses and baubles, and Memphis had flesh almost to spare. But the banknotes in that canvas bag, were different than any she had ever seen. They belonged to the Republic of California and they promised wealth and luxury and power and as soon as she laid eyes on them, she had to have them.
The cry of a horse interrupted her thoughts. Through the haze of the morning dust, two figures on horseback trotted slowly up the bank of the river. The horses looked healthy and strong, not like the thin beasts Eudora typically saw around Memphis. These were well-cared-for, muscular animals. Her father’s animals and his men sent to collect her.
The two men themselves mirrored the horses they rode. Both of them solidly built and sturdy. Men not of the Wastelands, but born and bred to dominate it.
“Oh thank the Lord, you’ve arrived just in time,” she cried. “I don’t know what this man wants with me, I just want to go home.” Now that they were caught, there was no reason not to play the fool. It did no one any good for them both to swing and if Jeremiah cared a lick for her at all, he’d want her to live.
“Ma’am.” The lead man tipped his hat to her and reigned in his horse. He was older than Jeremiah but had a handsome, rugged face and he bore himself like a man who is used to being in control. He pulled aside his long coat to reveal a pair of silver revolvers. “Are you alright?”
“Just tolerable.” She smiled and looked up at him from under her eyelashes. As soon as she learned that she could trick men into doing whatever she wanted, she made a study of it. Powerful men like this, she had learned, don’t often want powerful women. This one would like her meek and docile, and so she played the part to get what she wanted. When he smiled behind his thick brown mustache and his eyes lingered on her, she knew she played the part right. Men were, if nothing else, very predictable.
Sweat glistened on his forehead and he turned to Jeremiah who sat shivering in the muddy water, confusion etched on his face. “Mornin’ preacher,” the bounty hunter said.
Jeremiah said nothing but swayed back and forth on unsteady legs, the fog of concussion still in his eyes.
“Now c’mon, preacher,” the bounty hunter said after a moment. “Not going to greet me today? I ain’t never seen a man of God with nothing to say before.”
“He don’t look like much of a preacher to me, Ira.” The second man pulled his horse up beside his partner. Unlike the hardened and rough man who rode next to him, this one was young with soft, delicate features. “Fact, he looks like nothing but an ol’ nibbler to me.” He spat a brown stream of tobacco, a rare commodity in the Wastelands. The dust choked out most living things and growing tobacco had become somewhat of an art, a delicate operation that turned to disaster more often than not.
A slow smile spread across his smooth face. His voice was unnaturally high pitched, an affection that many young people adopted in the Northeast Territories, and it had spread all the way down to Memphis, too. It was a way for the young people to separate themselves from the old Calamity survivors. High-pitched voices and beardless faces they plucked every morning—in their world, youth was a virtue. He took his revolver from its holster and laughed a childish laugh.
The sound of it made the hairs on Eudora’s neck stand on end. Young as she was, she still preferred the rough faces and calloused hands of men who didn’t try to pretend they were still boys.
“Shut up, Boone,” Ira, said. He locked his eyes on Jeremiah. “We’re here to take you in, preacher. And to bring back Becker’s daughter. I can’t imagine what the devil got into your head to do something so damn foolish.”
Jeremiah laughed, then flinched in pain. After that, he remained silent, made dumb by the hit he took to the head. With any luck, he would keep his mouth shut and the bounty hunters would string him up or put a bullet in his head. If they took him back to Memphis alive, he might talk. He might tell them that it was all her idea, and some people might start to believe him. Her father would protect her, but her reputation would be tarnished and it would take her quite some time before the people would see her as an innocent again, if ever at all. Some people had physical strength, others had willpower or sheer charisma to help them navigate their way through life. Eudora survived on her appearance of innocence. It was only with someone like Jeremiah that she could really be herself, or what she thought was herself. Maybe that’s what she liked about him in the first place. She didn’t have to play a part to control him. The man could be as dumb as a prairie dog, but he was smart enough to listen to her.
“We can always just gut him right here, Ira,” said Boone. “We can tell Becker he drew on us and we had no choice.” The young man fingered the gun in his holster. He wore a shirt with oversized sleeves that billowed in the wind, dyed yellow from the bark of the barberry shrub. It was gaudy and expensive, but impressive. Everything else about his appearance was strictly utility. Not enough wealth and fame to be entirely fashionable, but a few more bounties to his name, and Eudora reckoned he’d be an imposing sight.
His partner, Ira, was older and like Jeremiah, a Calamity survivor. Most survivors Eudora knew forged a kinship with each other. For many, their shared hardship had created a bond that superseded all others—race, religion, even family allegiances were second to that extraordinary experience of living through the end of the world. “God Himself couldn’t kill us, try as he might,” they’d say and clap one another on the back. In truth, it wasn’t a bond so much as bondage. Like wretched convicts in iron shackles, they were fettered to each other, to the life they had before the world ended, unable to move on and unable to escape.
“Please,” Jeremiah said. He fell to his knees. “I didn’t survive Calamity and Hellfire to die like this.” It was a coward’s voice and it sickened Eudora. Her cheeks burned with shame. Not for the first time she wondered what she had seen in him a week ago when she prodded him to take the money, to take her, and to run away.
“Hobble your lip, preacher,” Ira said in a slow, smooth drawl. “Surviving didn’t make you special, we’re all survivors, even the kid, here. He survived Becker’s purge of Memphis, the cholera plague, hell just being born nowdays is surviving something. Ain’t that right, Boone?”
“You ain’t wrong about that.”
“So I ain’t in your debt none because Calamity didn’t do you in. But I sure as hell don’t cotton to killing a preacher, though. Even a gump such as yourself. Something about it don’t sit right with me. Now I reckon once you stole from Becker and took his kid, whatever you had between yourself and God was finished business, so I ain’t gonna hold it a sin to take you in. Now get up, before I have to skin my shooting irons.”
Jeremiah, still on his knees, nodded his head slowly. “Wait,” he said, wide-eyed. “The bag. Look! The bag!” He held the canvas bag out to them. The canvas bag that contained the very reason Eudora had come this far. “Take it. Take all of it. Just tell Becker you found the girl and the money but you didn’t find me—or, or tell him that you found me dead. Tell him I hanged myself on account of my sorrow at being a no-good bastardly thief and kidnapper. You can keep the money, please, just let me go. Ain’t gonna do nothing to just let me go.”
The two bounty hunters turned toward each other and a surprised look passed between them. “Is that what you stole?” Ira paused, his hand steady on his revolver at his side. “Money?”
The younger man let out a confused grunt. “Now why the fuck should Becker care if you took off with some money?” he asked. His tone was that of a man struggling to comprehend some mystery. “What kind of money?”
“Paper bills. Bank notes. Lots of them.” Jeremiah turned from one man to the other. He was a cornered hare who spied some hope of escape from the fox. “From the Republic of California.”
Ira spurred his horse forward and waded out into the river. “California?” He repeated the word as if he couldn’t grasp its meaning. “How much of it you got?” He turned his horse sideways and inched closer to the cowering thief.
“I—I don’t know.”
“Bullshit.” Boone spat his tobacco again.
“Hear that, preacher?” Ira rested a hand on his thigh. “Boone here thinks that’s bullshit. I’m inclined to agree. You’ve been gone a fortnight and never once bothered to count it all?”
“I’ve been busy running from the likes of you gentlemen. Besides, I didn’t feel the need to count it. It’s a lot.” He loosened the drawstrings with his good hand and fished out a small stack of brightly colored notes banded tight together. He held it up. His breath came in ragged gasps, louder than even the din of the river. “I’ve got ten of these. They’re yours. I shouldn’t have taken it, I know that. I know that now. It was foolish. But—now I’m no prophet you understand—but, maybe, maybe I was meant to take it, so’s I could give it to you?”
“Sorry preacher,” Ira said, though truth be told, he looked like he gave it some consideration. “Whatever you took is between you and Becker. I want no part of it, tempting as it is.”
Ira spurred his horse forward again, rope in hand. The dun-colored mare stepped onto the sunken granite slab in front of Jeremiah, its step loud and hollow. In an instant, the horse lost its footing, another victim of the slick rock. The animal let out a panicked cry and fell with a crack on top of its rider. Whether that crack came from man or beast, Eudora didn’t know.
The mare struggled to right itself. It kicked its legs furiously, water erupted all around like the mouth of a geyser. Its black eyes, like polished obsidian stones, shone wide with fear and confusion and it looked to Eudora like some great fish that had found itself floundering in the shallows. In another circumstance, she might have laughed. When the beast finally righted itself, it bolted for the woods and left Ira on his back in the middle of the river, the brown frigid water flowing around his stiff body.
The situation changed fast and Eudora struggled to keep up with all the possibilities. There was a different Eudora for every possibility, a different role to play, and until she knew how this would end, she had to be quiet Eudora, the one who hid in the shadows and watched, too innocent and brainless to be of any consequence.
Boone dismounted and walked across the river towards Ira. He took his steps slow and deliberate, careful not to lose his footing. Head cocked to the side and the ghost of a smile on his lips, he stopped and stood at Ira’s feet. His fingers caressed the ivory handles of his revolvers.
“Goddamnit.” Ira moaned and rolled his head to the side. He raised a trembling hand to Boone. “My leg’s busted, for sure. We need to get that horse back. I don’t know where it ran off to. I’ll keep an eye on the preacher, you fetch my horse. I think I can stand if you help me up.”
“Oh, no, now I don’t think that I will,” Boone said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ira’s eyes turned hard.
“Cocksucker,” he said through clenched teeth. “I should have known better than to put my trust in a catstick.”
Boone licked his lips and flashed a pair of dimples that only enhanced his child-like features. “I ain’t got no love for a survivor, old man, you of all people should know that.” He drew, spun his revolver once, and leveled it at Ira. “And there ain’t no way in Hell I’m taking that California money back to Becker.”
“The fuck you want some California money for? That place ain’t no paradise, it’s a goddamn myth. Hell, you got everything you could possibly want in Memphis. You got the best food, second scavenger picks, your choice of women to bed. What good is California to you?”
“Not every man likes Becker’s rules, Ira. In fact, I don’t much care for anyone’s rules but my own. Piss on Becker and his fucking city. I’ll be my own man now, not his dog.”
Ira laughed a dead man’s laugh. “He’ll find you. You know it, Boone. No matter where you run, he’ll catch up to you. I ain’t even the best he’s got. He’ll send his best after you and when they bring you back to Memphis, Becker’ll put you to bed good. He’ll peel that pretty face right off your fucking head. And if Becker don’t do it, Longstreet will.”
“I’ll be halfway to California by the time he even begins to suspect something’s amiss. I’ll be well above his bend. His arm ain’t that long.” Boone cocked the hammer of his revolver back. “No one’s arm is that long. Not Becker’s and not Longstreet’s.”
The flesh on Eudora’s neck prickled at the mention of Longstreet. Her father may have been the governor of the Memphis Territories, but even he answered to a higher power, and there was no higher power in all the territories in the East as Longstreet. He controlled the land from the upper reaches of New England, where the ice and wind could freeze a man in minutes, all the way down to Memphis, the southernmost reaches of the warlord’s domain. Politics never held much interest for her, but she knew enough of Longstreet to fear even the barest mention of his name.
“You don’t think so?” asked Ira. “Then you’re an even bigger fool than I thought. Longstreet will make you wish you’d never been born before he’s done with you.” He kicked, knocking Boone off his feet just as the young man pulled the trigger. Ira’s head exploded, a bright red spray erupted from the top of his skull and blood flowed from his nose like a fountain. His body sunk down into the earth and water filled the fresh hole in his head. Boone hit the rock hard, the river was too shallow to cushion his fall, and Eudora saw her chance. She could run, take Boone’s horse and be gone before the young bounty hunter could get back up. But he would get back up, and that would still leave a capable killer on her trail.
She picked up a stone, dark gray and smooth, slightly larger than her own fist, and she sat in the water next to Boone, her dress fanned out around her like a parasol. She ignored everything, shut out Jeremiah who only stood and looked at her, cradling his broken hand. Even contorted in pain, Boone’s face was beautiful. A catstick with a face carved from wax like his must have been very popular back in the Memphis Territories. The boy’s yellow shirt, darker now from the muddy waters, fluttered in the current.
Eudora lifted the rock in the air with both hands. She had never killed a man before, but now was not the time for hesitation. Drawing on all her strength, she brought it down on the boy’s head. She shut her eyes. Shut her eyes to Boone, to Jeremiah, to the sound of rock cracking bone again, and again, and again until she could no longer hear the splintering of the skull, but only the wet thud of rock hitting raw flesh, like a butcher pounding meat.
When she finally stopped, she sat in silence for several long minutes without a sound passing between the two fugitives. Finally, fear subsided. At last, her hands stopped shaking and her tears disappeared into the running waters of the rust-colored river. She was alive, and so was Jeremiah. Somehow they were alive and their pursuers were not.
“Well, ain’t you about the luckiest dumb son of a bitch in all the Wastes?” Her voice had an edge to it that she hoped he didn’t miss. It wasn’t fair that she had to kill the man called Boone, and Jeremiah got to do nothing but stand there and watch.
“You’re about as useless as tits on a nun, you know that? Jesus, was you just fixing to stand there all day? I ain’t the killing type, Jeremiah. It shouldn’t have been me. Isn’t that the man’s job? Do I gotta be the man for the both of us? I don’t want to be the man, that’s not my part. I’m the good girl, I’m the innocent one and now look at me. Look what you’ve done to me.”
He stared at her, his mouth open. “I’m sorry—”
Her tears came despite her best efforts to hold them back and she couldn’t stop her lip from trembling, but hopefully Jeremiah would chalk that up to the fact that she sat in the middle of a near-freezing river. She washed away bits of bone and hair from her hand, but no matter how much she scrubbed she couldn’t get it clean.
“Dora. Dora. Shhh, stop. Stop.” Jeremiah pulled her to him and pressed her head to his chest. “It’s all right, girl. It’s all right. He would have killed you, you know. You did what you had to do.”
“Never you mind me. Here, let me see that.” She took his hand. It was red and swollen and looked as if it might need a splint, but nursing wasn’t an art she had been trained in. “Let’s get to shore and out of these wet clothes before we get sick.”
“Wait.” Jeremiah picked up Boone’s revolvers one at a time and handed them to Eudora. She didn’t know much about gunplay, but she did know that a properly loaded revolver could still fire after getting wet. Boone seemed like the kind of man who would do right by his six-shooters. If he took half as good care of them as he did his own appearance, those guns would shoot.
“One more thing.” Eudora ran her fingers over Boone’s yellow shirt. It was finely woven and, having been almost completely submerged when its owner met his end, bloodless. “You want this? I think you’d really cut a dash in it.” She pulled the shirt off Boone’s corpse, careful not to let it touch the ruin of his face, the mass of pulp—a crater of meat and bone—that she had made.
Once they were out of the water, they stripped and wrapped themselves in wool blankets they got from Boone’s horse. Eudora sat down on the dusty bank, needles stabbed her feet and hands as the warmth returned to her body.
“We did it,” Jeremiah said. He threw his wet vestments into the river.
She snorted. “We? We did what? Escaped capture? Murdered a man?”
“We’re free. That’s what we did, we won our freedom. We’ve been on the run for days trying to get away, but now we’re free. Nothing can stop us now. Boone was right. By the time your father finds out that his men ain’t coming back, we’ll be long gone. He’ll be too late. Only, it won’t be Boone over there that’s halfway to California, it’ll be us. With a sack full of money. We’ll be set and living in paradise.”
“Paradise... I hope it’s true. I hope California is a paradise like they say.”
“Of course it is.”
He found a bottle of whiskey and pulled the stopper out with his teeth. He took a long pull and offered the rest to Eudora. “You want some, daisy? Dora? What devilry are you up to, woman?”
She ignored him and rummaged through Boone’s pack. “Well now, look at what our young friend was indulging in.” She held up a tincture of laudanum. The ruddy liquid set her heart racing. The end of the world was a dull thing and opium made her feel. It excited her entire body and took away her pain. Jeremiah had told her that he got the same feeling from having sex, but Eudora didn’t believe him. Sex was almost as boring as the rest of life.
The orange glow of the sun rose higher across the sky and the pair of fugitives drank to their freedom. They drank to their future. They drank to disremember the dead world around them, and when their drink was gone and the opium flowed in their veins and their skin burned with the fires of ecstasy, they felt, for a moment, at peace.
submitted by tkbrumbaugh to postapocalyptic [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:48 MariaClaraNyoPagodNa Today, I say goodbye to my one true friend

I hope you have a wonderful 8 years of life here on earth, Daisy. I love you so much. Run free in heaven, my baby.
submitted by MariaClaraNyoPagodNa to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:00 Madethisafterttpd Release of TTPD- hi it’s my first post here!

Okay- so I am not a Reddit girly and not even a swiftie. I was a casual Taylor fan my whole life (same age, first discovered her on MySpace back in the day). I really appreciated her folklore and evermore albums, and midnights was good too. Never followed her personal life much though.
The 1975, I knew even less about. Liked a few of their poppier songs over the past few years. When she and Matty started dating, I looked him up, learned about his past addiction (respected him a lot for overcoming and speaking out about that) and moved on. I didn’t know or learn anything about all of the backlash they received (I was in the throws of new motherhood at the time, so not a lot of time for pop culture), saw they broke up, saw when she started dating Travis, and just thought ok whatever.
THEN- TTPD was released and man oh man- my mind was blown. Who the heck was this Matty guy to have made her release this entire album? That’s when I started reading the reddits and learning about their history and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve been reading ALL of these posts, following along to the surprise songs, trying to analyze whether she still loves him, and driving myself nuts haha. I love a good love story, especially for two people who seem like soul mates (big daisy jones fan here ha).
I know some posts may have already touched on this, and I know we may never have the answer but my biggest question I keep coming back to (regardless of whetheif they ever get together again) is WHY RELEASE THIS ALBUM? Why tell the public all about your past with Matty, your longing and love for him, etc. if you are now in a happy relationship with your football star? Like why tell us how much you loved him? Why bring so much spotlight back to your history and relationship when everyone had seemingly moved on (or people like myself, who never even knew how deep they were)?
Do you guys think part of it was to “correct” his public image? Because she felt bad about what happened when they dated (which was absolutely insane and disgusting)? Or does she just not care about him at all anymore and released this purely for herself, to get it off her chest/be “free” of him?
Surely the 1975 has to have gotten more popular since the TTPD release- there have to be more people like me who started listening to them more.
I just wish I could know the why. The romantic in me wants to believe because Taylor still loves and respects him (despite the fact that they may never be together again). Curious to hear what anyone else thinks about her strategy!
submitted by Madethisafterttpd to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]
