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/r/Serbia tehnološka, finansijska i kupoholičarska sreda (tech, finance & shopping discussion) - Jun 05, 2024

2024.06.05 00:03 AutoModerator /r/Serbia tehnološka, finansijska i kupoholičarska sreda (tech, finance & shopping discussion) - Jun 05, 2024

Tehnologija, kompjuteri, konzole, igrice, mobilni telefoni, internet, veš mašine, šporeti i sve ostalo. Kao i Paypal, banke, platne kartice i sve što može da se kupi tim sredstvima (kupujemprodajem, amazon, aliexpress...). Ovde pitajte pitanja tehničke podrške.
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2024.06.04 12:38 NenadESOTERIA369 MARS U BIKU OD 09.06 U 06:35 DO 20.07. U 22:45

MARS U BIKU OD 09.06 U 06:35 DO 20.07. U 22:45
MARS U BIKU OD 09.06 U 06:35 DO 20.07. U 22:45
MARS U BIKU OD 09.06 U 06:35 DO 20.07. U 22:45
Energetski, ovaj položaj Marsa predstavlja veliki pomak u odnosu na boravak u Ovnu. Bikom vlada Venera, što znači da će naše akcije biti vođene finansijskim odlukama, lepotom, vrednostima i možda ćemo biti malo više fokusirani na zadovoljstva i ljubav. Bićemo skloniji da tražimo materijalne i fizičke udobnosti i privlačiće nas lepe stvari i trajne vrednosti. Tranzit Marsa kroz znak Bika deluje na sve znake zodijaka, a najveći uticaj energične planete osetiće Bikovi, Škorpije, Jarčevi i Ovnovi. Bikovi će se aktivno uključiti u rešavanje finansijskih problema ili ulaganja. Škorpije očekuje emocionalno uzbudljiv period, ali kod njih nije vreme za nove poslovne poduhvate.
Ovnovi će i dalje imati dinamičan period sa izvesnim poslovnim promenama, dok Jarčevi blistaju na ličnom i poslovnom planu, ali emocionalni život nije im u fokusu interesovanja. Sada je vreme da se ne odustaje lako od cilja. Usporeni, dosledni, uporni, izdržljivi i tvrdoglavi, rešeni smo da odradimo stvari do kraja. Bez obzira na to što Mars u Biku naglašava tvrdoglavost, ovo je vreme kada ćemo osetiti pojačanu potrebu za hedonizmom i uživanjem u materijalnim stvarima. Više ćemo se opuštati uz hranu, piće i seks, što i jeste eliksir zadovoljstva.
Marsov tranzit kroz zemljani element naglašava materijalnu aktivnost, tako da će se mnogi baviti finansijama. Sem fokusa na materijalni deo, nekretnine, novac, imovinu, naš spektar interesovanja proširuje se i na instinktivno poštovanje obilja. Mnogi će isplanirati najbolje korišćenje svojih ličnih resursa kako bi obezbedili sigurnost i udobnost. Tako će ova planeta akcije podstaći neke od nas da se izrazimo kreativno i stvaralački. Ovo je period kada je važan lični osećaj zadovoljstva i sposobnosti da se uživa u životu. Zato je preterivanje veoma izraženo. Povoljno vreme plodnosti može nam doneti mnogo radosti za devet meseci.
Dobro je vreme i za poklone i uživanje u svakom trenutku života. Dok se kupamo u ljubavi i hedonizmu, velika tvrdoglavost kvari naše lepe trenutke uživanja u svakodnevici. Osobe koje ne žele da naprave kompromis, više toga će urušiti nego izgraditi.
Mars voli da ide punom snagom, ali u Biku je primoran da se kreće sporo. Bik je veoma vredan, ali takođe poznaje najbolje načine da obavite posao na najpraktičniji i najefikasniji način i da vam ostane vremena za sebe. Ovaj tranzit nas podseća da brinemo o svom unutrašnjem vrtu, da negujemo sebe, odmaramo se i regenerišemo. U ovom periodu teže ćemo prihvatati promene, ali to nije obavezno negativno, jer će nas inspirisati da nastavimo da radimo na svojim planovima i idejama. Ovo je dobar momenat da radimo na svojim finansijskim ciljevima, jer Bik podstiče potrebu za stabilnošću i sigurnošću. Ovo nije vreme za rizikovanje i skok u bilo šta, pre nego što odvojite vreme da o tome dobro razmislite. Oprezna i svesna akcija može nam pomoći da izvučemo maksimum iz ovog tranzita.
Mars u Biku može izazvati tvrdoglavi gnev, nastao iz frustracije (koja se nakupila za vreme boravka Marsa u Ovnu), pa bi trebalo da budemo na oprezu. Na ličnom nivou, možemo iskusiti nezasitu potrebu da se oslobodimo onoga što čini da se osećamo zaglavljeno, ili nas sprečava da se izrazimo i budemo slobodni. Ipak, budite oprezni i ne prepuštajte se impulsivnom ponašanju, jer naše akcije možda neće ići onako kako smo planirali, pa je pametnije da pronađemo način da se umirimo i prepustimo toku. Takođe, Mars u Biku može značiti držanje fokusa na dugoročnim ciljevima, pa ako ste usmereni u tom pravcu, ovaj tranzit vam može pomoći da napravite male, ali stabilne korake ka nečemu značajnom. Sporo i postojano pobeđuje u trci, sećate se? Ali, Bik voli da se opusti, pa iskoristite svaki zastoj na koji možete naići, tako vas Univerzum nagrađuje. Odmor i opuštanje su podjednako važni kao i rad i zalaganje, zato uzimajte pauze, brinite o sebi, dovoljno spavajte i zaštitite svoj prostor na svaki način. Lakše ćete se boriti za ono do čega vam je stalo kad se dobro odmorite!
Posle ubrzanog tempa koji je Mars imao u Ovnu, dolazi usporavanje, stabilnost, izdržljivost a prelaskom u Bika (fiksni znak)! Mars se u Biku ne oseća najbolje, tu je u izgonu. Mars je po prirodi brz, spreman na akciju, ovde u Biku mora da uspori.Za mnoge od nas ovo može da bude naporno i frustrirajuće. Ipak odličan je za one koji su uporni jer sa ovom energijom se neodustaje! Mars u Biku je pomalo usporen, ali kada krene teško ga je zaustaviti. On ovde svoju energiju štedljivo troši, ulagaće se samo za pravu stvar. Borben je kada je potrebno steći neku finansijsku korist. Kada se budete odlučili za nešto u vreme ovog tranzita teško ćete odustajati. Tvrdoglavost izražena.
Ovaj Mars je vrlo senzualan, sa izraženim libidom, posebno kod muškaraca. Period pojačane plodnosti je ispred nas. Fizički odnos sa partnerom je vrlo bitan, predigru kao da je izmislio Mars u Biku. Uživanje u sexu je zaista važno ovoj energiji, ali i uživanje u hrani, piću. Često ovaj Mars misli da poseduje i partnera, ljubomora je u tom slučaju više nego izvesna. Sa energijom ovog Marsa možete da stupite u kontakt sa prirodom, ko ima baštu blago njemu, ali računa se i terasa, posadite nešto - začinsko bilje ili cveće. Ili je možda trenutak da počnite da štedite. Mars u Biku će vas možda odvesti u banku, radi štednje, ili pozajmice sve zavisi od aspekata, drugi će posetiti knjigovođe, finansijske stručnjake, dakle neko u prirodu, na polja i livade, bašte ili terase a neko u banku. Drugi će radije uložiti u nešto vredno zlato recimo, ili neki antikvitet, ili neku drugu pokretnu imovinu. U svakom slučaju svi brinu o sigurnosti, da li preko hrane ili novca svejedno je.
Mars u Biku je sklon uživanju, često i preteranom uživanju. Ovaj Mars mnogo voli gurmanluke pripazite on može da bude krivac za koji kilogram više. I tako neko će vredno da radi, neće bežati ni od teških poslova, drugi će da uživaju, odmaraju. Da li u ovoj energiji ima materijalizma ima taman toliko koliko je potrebno da osetimo sigurnost i udobnost a nešto je i za uživanje. Energija Bika ovde nudi emotivnu i materijalnu sigurnost! Uživa ovaj Mars i u stvaranju, kreativan je, umetnički nastrojen, voli da peva, pleše, crta.
Probudiće se sva naša čula, dobićete želju da vreme provodite u kuhinji ili spavaćoj sobi. Možda eksperimentisati sa raznim začinima ili uljima za masažu. Potreba da se zaradi mnogo jača nego do sada, ova energija dobro zna da bez novca nema uživanja! Neko će uložiti neki novac, neko će oročiti novac. Možda ćete kupiti nešto vredno. Usporićemo svi što je za nekog dobro, za nekog neće biti baš najbolje (sve zavisi od položaja Marsa u horoskopu)! Uživaćemo u dodirima, poželeti masažu, ili neko ulepšavanje. Kuvaće se romantične večere, svi bi mogli pomalo ili više da budemo hedonisti. Priroda će nas mamiti, polja, bašte, terase. Nećemo biti konfliktni, ali tvrdoglavi gotovo sigurno. Ako ste u nekom poslu ili akciji koji traže snagu i izdržljivost ovo je pravo vreme za tako nešto. Mnogi bi mogli da osete neku vrstu posesivnosti "ono što je moje moje je" i naše je moje. Generalno ova energija će nas inspirisati da dobijemo ono što želimo.
Obratite pažnju u ovom periodu na vrat, glasne žice, štitnu žlezdu, genitalije.
Bik je: banka, bankari, bik, blagajnik, dvorište, čekovna knjižica, čulo ukusa, farma, glas, kašalj, gutanje, izdržljivost, jedenje, kijavica, kofer, krajolik, koral, krava, kultura, lepota, livada, muzika, nakit, novčanik, opera, ostava, pevač, prihodi, profit, poslastičar, prsten, sef, skladište, štala, tepih, torba, upala krajnika, tvrdoglavost, zauške, zubobolja, žitarice, ženska torba. 2.kuća: ovo je kuća vrednosti i našeg odnosa prema vrednostima, kuća materijalnih i finasijskih stvari, ona će nam uvek pokazati finansijko stanje, zaradu i sve puteve NOVCA. Kako je novac najčešće i sloboda ovo i jeste kuća lične slobode i nezavisnosti, ali i kuća i energija koja pruža sigurnost. Prirodna kuća Bika, vladar Venera.
Mars u Biku otvara jedan zanimljiv period koji donosi borbu za sigurnošću i teritoriju. Ovaj Mars na prvom mestu cenu materijalnu sigurnost te će svi njegovi koraci podrazumevati da to i obezbedi. Upravo u narednom periodu vam neće biti važno koji posao obavljate već za koliko novca. Sve ima svoju cenu i ovoga puta ćete znati da naplatite svoj rad i trud. Ovaj Mars se aktivira da bi obezbedio sebe i svoju porodicu sa dovoljno hrane i novca ali problem ovog znaka je to što njemu nikad nije dovoljno. Koliko god da ima, koliko god da poseduje – njemu je to malo. Ako bi iza sebe u ovom period imali pećinu sa blagom ili kakav sef, to vam ne bi pružilo dovoljnu sigurnost.
Kada boravi u Biku, Mars je povezan sa Venerom i trudi se da ispuni sve njene želje. To se odnosi na ljubav, novac, zadovoljstvo i odnose. To ne znači da treba očekivati previše, jer Mars je spor, a Venera je akcija. Venera će postaviti aktivnost, a Mars će u svom ritmu - polako, ali sigurno i konstruktivno.
Možete delovati i ostvariti velike stvari tek kada pronađete zajednički jezik sa drugima - kako u ličnim, tako i u poslovnim odnosima. U narednim periodima možemo da razradimo energiju marsa i dovedemo je na viši nivo. Zadatak Marsa je da vodi računa o interesima drugih, inspiriše, podstiče ostale da deluju, stvara snagu, čini da uradimo ono na šta se dugo čeka.
Tranzit Marsa kroz Bika je najpovoljniji za predstavnike znakova elemenata Zemlje: Bik, Devica, Jarac. Oni su aktivni, dinamični, inspirisani - spremni da naprave velika dostignuća. Prepreke koje im se nađu na putu mogu da budu male i beznačajne, a oni će se sa njima olako izboriti. Zemljani znakovi u narednih mesec dana zaista nižu uspehe.
Takođe, ovo je produktivno vreme za Rakove i Ribe. Njima će timski rad biti presudan za postizanju ciljeva. Možda ćete konačno pronaći dobar posao koji će doneti, možda ne visok, ali stabilan i predvidiv prihod.
Škorpijama je situacija pomalo otežana, jer će tokom ovog perioda morati stalno da se bavi ljudima čiji se postupci i ciljevi apsolutno ne poklapaju sa njenim. Mogući su konflikti, nezadovoljstvo, razmirice.
Lavovi i Vodolije su primorani da naporno rade dok se drugi odmaraju. Sada je veoma važno zadržati autentičnost i ne ulaziti u sukob, čak i ako postoji provokacija.
Ovan, Blizanci, Vaga, Strelac - ovi znakovi prave dobre izbore dok je Mars u znaku Bika. Odlučuju pažljivo životnim planovima i osećaju se kao gospodari svog života.
Kada govorimo o spremnosti jednog Marsa da se aktvira i pokrene na akciju, moram da istaknem da je ovaj Mars u izgonu i ne pokazuje baš naročito dobre osobine. Lenj je, dugo se predomišlja da li da se pokrene i preduzme nešto, ali, ukoliko treba da brani svoj imetak i ono što je on zaradio ili ukoliko treba da dodatno zaradi koji dinar ili evro više, onda on ustaje i pokazuje svoju odlučnost. Osim toga, ovaj Mars će se aktivirati da brani sve što je njegovo a tu se podrazumeva i teritorija. Upravo je to razlog na koji će se oslanjati neke vojne akcije – borba za teritoriju. Takođe, znak Bika predstavlja hranu, oranice, njive, poljoprivredu i selo, a tranzit Marsa kroz ovaj znak može da aktivira probleme vezane za nabavku hranu, poskupljenja, nestašice ali i veće trgovinske probleme vezane za hranu. U pojačanju će biti i svi poljoprivredni radovi i sada će svi mnogo žešće prionuti na poljoprivredne poslove nego ikada pre.
Ulazimo u jedan nestabilniji period kada je novac, finansijski i bankarski sistem u pitanju gde su moguća kolebanja i variranja valuta. Sve je nestalabilno i neizvesno. Muškarci mogu u toku ovog perioda poželeti da oprobaju svoje kulinarsko umeće jer znak Bika predstavlja gurmanluke, a osim toga, jači pol će u ovom periodu više biti angažovan oko kupovine i nabavke hrane, te će se zabeležiti i povećan broj muškaraca koji kupuju na pijačnim tezgama. Idealno je vreme za kupovinu i opremanje kuhinje, za kupovinu escajga, kompleta za ručavanje, kuhinju možete ponovo sa novim setom šerpi, tiganja i lonaca ali vodite da na izazovete požar u kuhinji ili da vam jelo ne zagori.
Trošićete ponekad neprimereno i bez razmišljanja, a novčani problemi mogu takođe ispratiti ovaj period uz česta poskupljenja. Kada je ljubav u pitanju, jačem polu biće potrebno više milovanja, zagraljaja i poljubaca. Bliskost će biti veoma važna. Muškarci mogu biti posesivni i ljubomorno čuvati voljenu osobu koju će želeti da zadrže samo za sebe. U isto vreme, dame će gledati da izaberu situiranog muškarca. Osim toga, biće im privlačni i muškarci koji žive na selu, pave se poljoprivredom ili proizvodnjom hrane a simpatisaćete i nekoga ko nema baš uglađene manire i neko ko vas više podseća na gorštaka. Neki mogu biti osvojeni bojom glasa. Hrapav, promoukao glas može da probudi seksualnu želju kod druge strane. Kada smo kod glasa, muškarci će u ovom periodu više pevati ili slušati muziku. Nekima Mars (posao) u Biku (pevanje) može doneti povećane angažmane.
Šta nam Mars u Biku donosi na ljubavnom planu?
Ukoliko se vaša sedma ili peta kuća natalne karte nalaze u znaku Bika, to je veća šansa da tranzit Marsa utiče na vaše ljubavne odnose. Jasno je da ovo ne trebate bukvalno da shvatite, da je reč o energiji koju možete sami kontrolisati i usmeriti na pravi način i da zavisi od drugih aspekata natala. Ipak, energija se može upotrebiti i sprovesti u manjoj ili većoj količini!
Mars kao planeta rata, planeta koja unosi buru u naše živote i koja nas pokreće i primorava da napredujemo u životu nosi svoje dobre i loše strane. Kada deluje na ljubavne odnose, može biti mač sa dve oštrice. Generalno Mars donosi energiju promena i Bik uživa u opuštanju, u usporenim dnevnim aktivnostima i trezvene glave voli da razmisli unapred o svemu. Imaćemo spoj dve suprotne energije, zato naglašavamo da će delovati u zavinosti od postavke u vašoj natalnoj karti.
Na jedan deo ljudi svakako energija Marsa u znaku Bika deluje pokretački, ali pazite da ne sagorite u raspravama sa partnerom. Javlja se takozvani ‘’AHA efekat,, gde vi u trenutku dolazite do razjašnjenja problema ili otkrivate da partner loše utiče na vašu vezu, sabotira je, možda vas laže za sitnice što stvara napetost u vašoj glavi. Kad se naljutimo pod dejstvom ovako intenzivne energije glavno pitanje će biti ‘’A zašto baš ja da se smirim?,, ego će preovladati.
Imajte na umu da vas Mars u Biku iskušava i da ako unapredite svoje pregovaračke veštine i što mirnije rešite probleme i novonastale nesuglasice on može pozitivno delovati na vaš ljubavni, a pogotovo bračni život. Mars pokreće veliku količinu strasti kada je veza harmonična i povezuje vas i partnera, budeći leptiriće u stomaku kao na samom početku veze. Ukoliko prevaziđete sukove, zaista vas očekuju romantični trenuci sa voljenom osobom. Uživaćete izležavajući se, ovog puta bez plana i želje za avanturističkim šetnjama ako ste na odmoru ili želje za planinarenjem. Prosto, u okviru doma pronaćićete mir u sadašnjem trenutku, u ukusu omiljene hrane, poljubcima i izležavanju. Ovakvo delovanje Marsa u Biku osetiće najviše muškarci, možete primetiti da se partner pomalo ulenjio a ako ste planirali poslove u okviru renoviranja kuće budite blagi, jer nasilna reakcija neće doneti ništa dobro. Jednostavno ništa ne ide na silu!
Pazite se i viška kilograma, koji se mogu nakupiti u narednim mesecima zbog hedonističkog pristupa životu ali i velike želje za slatkišima.
U narednom periodu aktiviraće se i polje bivših ljubavi, neko koga ste se jedva oslobodili, možda osoba koja je vaš karmički partner i koju nikako ne želite u svom životu pokušava da se vrati već sada. Razmislite da li ćete joj posvetiti i malo pažnje, od društvenih mreža pa sve do stvarnog života. Upamtite da su toksični odnosi mogući, pogotovo ako ste trenutno slobodni i ulazite u kontakt sa bivšim partnerom ili upoznajte naglo osobu koja je očaravajuća na prvi pogled. Ujedno vam Mars u Biku pruža šansu da se oslobodite prošlosti i da sazrite, donosi važne životne lekcije na nešto teži način. Generalno nas učeći samopoštovanju!
Šta nam Mars u Biku donosi na poslovnom planu?
Na poslovnom planu Mars u Biku donosi nam žarku želju da uspemo, da uzmemo što više novca za sebe i ostvarimo sve svoje potrebe. Ukoliko planirate letovanje dobro rasporedite finansije, ostanite racionalni jer će vas poneti ova energija tako da kupujete, trošite na egzotičnu hranu i generalno smatrate da ste zaslužili da potrošite i više nego što imate, što će mnoge odvesti u neplanirana dugovanja kao što su kreditne kartice, čekovi i druga sredstva plaćanja na odloženo- a sve radi instant zadovoljstva! Savet astrologa je da se usmerite ka poslu, da energiju Marsa u Biku usmerite na ostvarenje ciljeva koji su vam se početkom godine činili nedostižnim. Da preuzmete na sebe što više novih projekata, jer finansijska nadoknada neće izostati. Koliko god apsurdno delovalo ovo je jedan od načina da kanališete energiju kako ne bi ulazili u probleme na ljubavnom planu, a pritom ostvarite satisfakciju.
U narednom periodu vaši bliski saradnici ali i prijatelji imaće priliku da pokažu svoje pravo lice. Iznenadićete se kada shvatite da je vaš blizak prijatelj ili poslovni saradnik prebacio sav posao na vas, mnoge ljude poneće želja za uživanjem. To ne bi bio problem, da ne svedočite pohlebi i preovladavanju ega, uprkost lenčarenje želeće da zarade što više novca i preuzmu zasluge. Nemojte ulaziti u konflikt, ostanite smireni i vodite se činjenicama. U suprotnom možete biti ismejani i naći se u veoma lošem raspoloženju, pred velikom životnom nepravdom.
Kako iskoristiti energiju Marsa u Biku za lični razvoj i napredak?
Energiju Marsa u Biku treba iskoristiti za brigu o svom fizičkom zdravlju, u narednom periodu se usresredite na preglede koje odlažete i na popravke zuba, preglede kože, mladeža, pregled vida i neka akcenat bude na vašem grlu. Mars u Biku predstavlja naš vrat, naše grlo i jednjak pa tako izbegavajte preterano hladne napitke, rasprave u toku kojih možete izgubiti glas i budite oprezni prilikom odlaska na trening kako ne bi povredili vrat.
Posmatrajući psihološki ovu energiju, dolazimo do činjenice da je povezana sa grlenom čakrom pa možete osetiti stezanje u grlu, takozvanu knedlu u grlu ako dugo prećutkujete probleme pred partnerom, porodicom ili poslovnim saradnicima. Kanališite energiju, recite kako se osećate ali izbegnite sukobe jer oni ne mogu doneti kompromis i bilo kakav boljitak kome težite. Zato zadržite fokus na sebi i svom telu, u narednom periodu vežbe disanja mogu vam biti od koristi kao i joga i meditacija.
submitted by NenadESOTERIA369 to NenadESOTERIA369 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:53 Kekalovic Gde upoznajete druge ljude? Zašto mnogi tvrde da izlasci nisu dobro mesto za upoznavanje?

"Ne upoznajem ljude". Znam, ni ja, ali da pitam ove koji upoznaju.
Devojka sinoć pitala da joj ne prilaze muškarci i većina u fazonu "pa ne možeš nekog normalnog upoznati u izlasku u klubu". I sad, pitanje je zašto?
Većina izlazi u kafiće, pabove, klubove, zašto to nisu dobra mesta? Alkohol, glasna muzika, ili ne izlaze ljudi sa ozbiljnim namerama?
Gde onda upoznati ljude za one koji ne izlaze ili ako izlasci nisu dobra mesta?
Ne mogu svi u planinarske grupe, nemaju svi muzeje, izložbe i kulturne manifestacije, veče indie roka, i mesta koja su slična njihovim interesovanjima.
submitted by Kekalovic to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

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2024.06.04 03:58 cheriaspen The Abstract episode 29 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”. Tennessee is the only Law that has actually passed , the others are Bills trying to Pass. Make sure you call your Senators and Congress and let them know about the spraying of the skies. It is not a theory , there is over 100 years of patents.

The Abstract episode 29 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”

By Peter A. Kirby
It appears that the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering is finally starting to go mainstream. This is largely due to the fact that Tennessee has recently signed a bill into law which effectively bans weather modification activities and there are 7 other states with similar bills in the works. For a thorough understanding of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.
On April 11, 2024 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed SB 2691 (formerly HB 2063) into law. The new law goes into effect on July 1. SB 2691 was introduced by Representative Monty Fritts (R) and had 14 co-sponsors.
The law is very brief. It amends an already existing law. It simply states that, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.” Violators face charges of a class C misdemeanor with fines of up to $10K per day, per violation.
Representative Fritts notes that SB 2691 has been promoted in response to a 2023 Biden White House report which asserts the need for spraying the Earth with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic chemicals.
The legal movement resulting in Tennessee’s successful bill started in Illinois over a year ago. In January of 2023 Illinois Senator Neil Anderson (R) introduced SB 0134. This bill was definitely a trial run. It’s very bare bones. It simply outlaws ‘cloud seeding,’ but is not specific and provides no investigatory process or penalties for violators. The bill was shuffled around in committees and never received a vote. It is now stalled.
New Hampshire
Late last year, New Hampshire Representative Jason Gerhard (R) introduced HB 1700-FN also known as The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act. The bill prohibits the intentional release of pollutants associated with weather and climate modification. It also bans excessive electromagnetic energy (EM) pollution and provides penalties for violators.
The bill explicitly asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment to the Constitution ‘where federal programs and restrictions have become oppressive or destructive.’ The bill specifically outlaws federally approved and/or funded activities that violate the provisions of HB 1700. HB 1700 also stipulates that foreign state-sponsored programs and programs sponsored by international bodies that violate the provisions of this bill can be banned in perpetuity from engaging or applying to engage in activities that violate the law.
Reports of violations are to be made to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Enforcement is performed by county sheriffs and the N.H. Department of Environmental Services, Air Resources Division of Compliance. Under this proposed law the state of N.H. is required to actively solicit for evidence of violations from the general public.
Violators of HB 1700-FN will have committed a felony and shall pay at least $500K or be imprisoned for at least 2 years or both. Every day that offending conduct is carried out is treated as a separate offense. Perpetrators are also subject to other applicable New Hampshire environmental laws.
HB 1700-FN is to take effect upon passage. Now is this what we have been waiting for or what? As we will see, subsequent proposed legislation in other states has apparently been modeled on HB 1700-FN.
South Dakota
On January 31 of this year, South Dakota Senator Tom Pischke (R) introduced SB 215. SB 215 has 3 co-sponsors and it has already passed the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources committee 7-0. Like the New Hampshire bill, SB 215 outlaws both polluting emissions and excessive EM in the course of weatheclimate modification activities. SB 215 appears to have been modeled on New Hampshire’s bill. Like New Hampshire’s bill, SB 215 says that federally and/or internationally authorized weatheclimate modifying activities violating SB 215 are not legal in South Dakota under the 10th amendment.
SB 215 mandates that the state of South Dakota encourages the general public to collect and report information pertaining to potential violations. Such evidence is to be reported to county sheriffs and the Governor. Anti-geoengineering activists been collecting evidence like this for many years: rainwater samples, video evidence, etc.
The parameters for polluting EM violations are very specific. Reports of violations are to be made to the local county sheriff’s office. The bill provides that local sheriffs are to be assisted by scientific experts at state colleges and universities when necessary. If the sheriff corroborates any violations, the violations are to be reported to the Governor’s office. Local sheriffs as well as the Governor can issue cease-and-desist orders with the weight of a court order.
The Governor can call upon the adjutant general of the South Dakota National Guard in order to notify any aircraft of their violations and command them to ground the aircraft at the nearest available airport so that they may be further investigated. The Governor can also call upon State agencies such as the State police and the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to assist in the investigation. Owners and operators of offending facilities are required to produce operational records pertinent to the investigation. If warranted, entire facilities can be completely shut down. Further legal penalties for violations of SB 215 are not yet specified, but sheriffs finding violations are required to report those violations to the state’s attorney for prosecution.
On February 9 of this year Kentucky Representative Steve Rawlings (R) introduced HB 506. The bill has 5 co-sponsors so far, but has not had any committee votes yet. In many ways it is similar to the N.H. and S.D. bills.
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Kentucky HB 506 bans the intentional release of all polluting emissions used in weather and climate modification. The bill gets a little more esoteric than others though. There are mentions of masers and artificial intelligence.
HB 506 provides for citizen input pertaining to possible violations. This input is to be solicited through notices in media publications as well as on the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) website. The bill requires all local and state officials to report any evidence of violations within 24 hours. Investigations of possible violations are to be made by the commissioner of the Kentucky DEP and HB 506 imbues the DEP with power to stop any offending activities and level penalties against those found to be in violation of the law. HB 506 challenges the federal government’s authority in these matters by saying that the DEP will issue notice to the feds if they authorize spraying activities over Kentucky. The DEP is also authorized to put other countries on notice.
Violators of the anti-geoengineering provisions of HB 506 (there are some things in the bill that do not pertain to geoengineering) face a minimum of a $500K fine as well as the penalties of a class D felony. Each day a violation is committed, it is treated as a separate offense.
Rhode Island
On March 1 of this year Rhode Island Senator Elaine Morgan (R) introduced SB 2540, also known as “The Rhode Island Clean Air Preservation Act.” There are no co-sponsors of the bill yet and it has not yet been put to a committee vote.
SB 2540 bans all types of atmospheric pollutants associated with climate and weather modification activities and provides penalties for violators. Like other proposed legislation, SB 2540 asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment. It notes that violative activities authorized by the feds are not legal in R.I.
SB 2540 differs from the others in that it notes that the ‘combustable agents’ in weather engineering aerosols combined with EM radiation, “causes the desiccation of all biological life and contributes to draught and the hazard of catastrophic forest fires.” Like the Kentucky bill, SB 2540 mentions that AI might be responsible for running climate and/or weather modification activities.
Under SB 2540 the R.I. government is to encourage the public to monitor for and report violations. What constitutes evidence that the state can use is outlined in detail. This type of evidence collection is stuff that our anti-geoengineering community has been doing for many years. The bill stipulates that local universities and colleges are to assist the state police in investigating EM violations.
Potential violations of SB 2540 are to be reported to the R.I. state police. The R.I. state police may then report violations to the Air National Guard. The state police are concurrently empowered to issue a cease-and-desist order with the weight of a court order to violators. They are also empowered to seize violators’ records.
Violation of SB 2540 would result in a felony charge and at least a $500K fine or imprisonment for at least 5 years, or both a fine and imprisonment. Each day of violation is treated as a separate offense. There may be further penalties from associated laws.
On March 7 of this year Minnesota Representatives Jeff Dotseth (R), Eric Lucero (R) and Justin Eichorn (R) introduced HB 4687. HB 4687 bans the dispersion of all climate and/or weather modifying substances as well as the ‘excessive’ use of EM. There have been no committee votes yet.
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County Sheriffs are required to encourage people to report potential violations. County sheriffs are also responsible for investigating reported violations and are required to report violations to the Minnesota attorney general. In the discovery of evidence, the cooperation of state universities and colleges is required. In investigations, the bill also allows for the assistance of the Minnesota National Guard. HB 4687 allows for sheriffs and county commissioners to immediately shut down offending activities, then refer perpetrators to the attorney general for prosecution. Violators are subject to being charged with a felony and a fine of $500K.
Like other proposed laws, the bill challenges the authority of the feds, foreign nations and international bodies that may have authorized or otherwise supported violations of HB 4687.
Lastly, Pennsylvania’s anti-geoengineering bill is in the formative stages. The prominent senator Doug Mastriano, who ran for Pennsylvania governor on the Republican ticket in 2022, has stated his intention to introduce the legislation. Mastriano has made repeated references to the chemtrail phenomenon on social media.
The passage of the law in Tennessee and associated activity has suddenly spurred the mainstream media into life. After years of near total silence, there’s been a flurry of activity lately the likes of which I’ve never seen. There’s suddenly 30-40 new slavestream media articles published online on the subject of ‘chemtrails.’ Of course they’re all hit pieces, but there’s no such thing as bad press. It couldn’t get much worse.
My take is that these bills are game changers. By the way the mainstream media is reacting, this looks like the tipping point in the chemtrail information war. Not only that, but almost all of these bills have teeth. Almost all of these bills set the stage for a real confrontation between the people and the chemtrail sprayers and, given a fair fight, the people will never lose.
These bills are straightforward and elegant in their simplicity. The votes taken thus far indicate overwhelming support and momentum. Everything I’m seeing here indicates a successful effort. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. I intend to keep covering this story. Please stay tuned. I’m already figuring on my next report.
For more information, please see the ‘legal action’ tab at
Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website
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2024.06.03 15:15 TELMxWILSON Huge week for new DnB! High Contrast, Andromedik, Current Value, Fred again.., Hedex and more! Reviews for some heavy dancefloor from Circadian and some melodic tech out on DIVIDID [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 23)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Circadian - Energy In Motion [Sleepless Music]

Recommended if you like: SOTA, Junk Mail, Tantrum Desire
Alright alright, after this one, we simply have to talk about Circadian. Sorry for appropriating your phrasing there, UKF.
While the project has only emerged in April of 2023 and is thus still a rather new name, it's hard to picture the current DnB landscape without crowds all over the world hollering along to Circadian tunes. Circadianthems, as I like to call them. After debuting with the ever-present and already-VIP'd Body Work, which saw so much support across the Dancefloor scene at large it's probably easier to list off the people who didn't play it since its release, we've seen collaborations with Koven, Dirtyphonics and man of the hour and season-haver SOTA, and remixes for Basement Jaxx's legendary Good Luck and Remember off of Friction's latest album, across both Elevate and Monstercat. It's hard to overstate how omni-present and hyped-up every single one of these tunes have been. Of course, there's a reason why this particular newcomer is this amazing.
It's not even any hidden reason or anything, but I've learned that surprisingly few people seem to know this: The man responsible for it all is none other than Brighton-lad Chris Garvey, in other words one former half of The Prototypes! Even if you were somehow not in the know about this, in my ears it's basically obvious from the insanely high production level, the immaculate talent for catchy melodies and the sheer danceability all across the board - but back to the story at hand (don't worry, we'll do a proper deep dive eventually). How did we get here? Well, you see, after years upon years of widespread international success, basically smashing every goal you could possibly have as a drum and bass act together with his Prototight buddy Nick, it was a particularly bad brush with full-blown hospital-visits-causing anxiety, exacerbated by, you know, the worldwide pandemic and all that came along with that at the time, that lead him to pull away from the project.
However, the more fun and upfront nature of the contemporary DnB of the past few years brought him right back in - this time ridin' solo though. Inspired by the strange sleep schedules you end up with as an internationally touring DJ, something he vividly got reminded of during one of the pandemic-era tours through Oceania, Chris decided to rebrand himself as Circadian. Like the rhythm, you know. Now, approaching this whole DnB thing from a whole 'nother (Circadi)angle, he's once again blowing me and the whole scene away with one banger after the other.
The latest one being the already infamous Energy In Motion! In classic Garveyian fashion, we ease into this instant classic's auditory landscape with an atmosphere so thick even your finest machete couldn't make a dent into it. Oscillating synths so entrancing you might space out on the sentence you were gonna write for you review paired with a classic neuroscience-themed documentary type vocal sample lead us into what might be my favourite call-and-responses of 2024, a back and forth I can only describe as BAM BAM BAM DUDUDU DUDUDU. If you don't know what I mean by that, then go listen to the tune already, what are you even doing just reading this without listening?! After teasing us with said straight-up legendarily catchy formula, Chris effortlessly flicks on the hyperdrive (emphasis on hype), launching us into orbit, before unleashing this incredibly addictive elixir of pure madness onto the masses, violently janking us back down onto the Dancefloor again. Plus, that little fakeout on the DUDUDU part of the drop is just delightful! No wonder this one's being released via Wilkinson's immaculate Sleepless imprint, I certainly could not find any sleep since this release dropped.
A (Circadi)endlessly replayable, (Chris Gar)playfully danceable, pure dose of dopameanness. I love it.
Other Dancefloor from this week: - Andromedik, RANI - Bleed The Same - Various Artists - Future Fiire Vol.4 - The Prototypes - Hyperspeed - Flowidus - Berlin Sex Club (great track title)

2. MIYAMORO - Your Love / Dream (Enough) 💎 [DIVIDID]

Recommended if you like: Niallo, [BORDERS], The Outsiders
Another week, another out-of-this-world debut release on DIVIDID.
While the W's that the Dutch imprint with a penchant for only the most musically well-rounded, superbly produced and crazily futuristic drum and bass out there have been extremely common in recent times, most of which I featured on here, I will not stop talking about them anytime soon. Not when they're this good and coming from this talented of newcomers. So who's the brilliantly gifted producer debuting on ABIS' watch this time? MIYAMORO, this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™️!
Of course, you know the drill of these Hidden Gems by now, say it with me: There's always more story to tell, even when it's their literal first release! To cover the whole musical history of the British lass behind this excellent project, Alicia Ann Mills, we need to back to 2020. Oh, wait, that instagram caption seems to be wrong, we actually have to go to 2017, because that's when she started DJing and producing, according to the caption on her Dynamics guest mix. But why does her artist page go all the way back to 2014 then? As is sadly quite usual, with every rebrand, most of the actual information about the previous aliases is simply scrubbed from all the socials, so I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move: I'll guess a whole lot. I'm slightly sorry for the incoherence that's about to follow.
While the artist page goes back to a time when Alicia was going by her real name, my first guess is that this page used to be a place for a different creative endeavour of hers, and was simply retooled when she started her career in music. My second guess is that the first artist name on the page, Milque, that was in use from 2015 to 2016, was also still not music related - here we are entering very unsure territory though. What I'm slightly more sure of is that in 2016, with the advent of her second artist name M O N T E M E, we slowly but surely saw some musical activity, but the real kick-off arguably only came when the Miya Moro rebrand arrived in 2018.
As part of Bristol-based collective Concrete Jungyals, she brought her fable for the more eclectic side of bass music in the 160+ bpm ranges to stages all around the drum and bass capital, and even to the sunny shores of Hospitality On The Beach. Plus, 2018 also saw her production debut, Ghost, make a freely downloadable splash on the late and great Fuck About!'s debut release, further complicating the whole timeline here. At the tail end of 2022, Alicia got chosen as one of the mentees for Overview and Dynamics' collaborative Womxn mentoring program, following in the footsteps of the likes of Sequent, [IVY] and many more. Not only was she able to level up her production skills through the countless music production and theory lessons provided by the programme, she was also able to learn about the business side of things, making (what I assume to be) valuable connections across the scene along the way.
Now, after all this mess of a backstory (sorry again), freshly rebranded as MIYAMORO and nowadays Manchester-based, Alicia makes her first official splash on the scene, with Your Love / Dream (Not Enough) on the mighty DIVIDID. A debut so good, she already earned herself a UKF upload! So let's check this one out then, shall we?
Gentle piano chords echoing out into the distance alongside fading memories of children playing outside already prepare us for the emotionally charged journey we are going to go on with Your Love, but only when the wonderfully hyperpop'd vocal sample comes in do we grasp the direction it'll all take us. A controlled arrangement of otherworldly basses and spliced-up-and-back-together vocal bits and bops smoothly flows into the wildfire storm of in-your-face syncopated drumwork and fluttery ray-of-alien-sunshine synth stabs that is the drop. What a statement of intent! Continuing on with the fusion of nostalgic and futuristic, Dream (Not Enough) treats us to sharp string-like stings, another delightfully distorted vocal and warm, vibey bass whomps, while the audio audibly crackles on in the background. Of course, Alicia knows that a dreamy intro is (not enough) for you bass-craving lot, and promptly unleashes a heavily breaky riddim, with all sorts of catchy vocal choppin', brain-tickling vibrating basses and fantastically fantastical synths to go along with it.
Ridiculous rhythmic arrangements, dissonant yet pleasing melodies crafted through mindbending sounddesign, unusual in all the right ways. I want MIYAMORE.
Other techy stuff from this week: - INVOLVER - Lost - DIVICIOUX - Lose My Breath - Maze - You Proved Me Wrong - Dapreme - You - Aksel - FAE 💎 - Malixe - Jaded

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

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submitted by LUIGIYOUTUBEGAMERS to u/LUIGIYOUTUBEGAMERS [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:03 AutoModerator /r/Serbia filmski, televizijski, književni, muzički, jutjuberski ponedeljak (media discussion) - Jun 03, 2024

Sve o serijama, filmovima, muzici, igricama, knjigama i ostalim formama digitalnih i fizičkih zabavnih medija.
Spoiler tagovi : >!Dambldor je ubio Vejdera!< = Dambldor je ubio Vejdera!

Za književne teme posetite /citaonica
Za muziku posetite i /SerbiaMusic
Za opšta pitanja pretplatite se na /AskSerbia
Raspored svih redovnih sticky diskusija:
PON-NED Sveopšta diskusija
PON-UTO filmovi, serije, knjige, muzika
SRE tehnologija, finansije i kupoholičarstvo
ČET zdravlje, trening, sport, hrana, putovanja
PET politika i istorija
SUB međuljudski odnosi
NED Ženski kutak
Spisak prethodnih redovnih sticky diskusija sortiranih hronološki možete pronaći ovde
submitted by AutoModerator to serbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:51 Limp-Material4304 I have Set Practice , LF Happy stroll, Bias wrecker, Groove on (will sent more)

I have Set Practice , LF Happy stroll, Bias wrecker, Groove on (will sent more)
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: lmk
submitted by Limp-Material4304 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:21 Limp-Material4304 I have Set Practice & Western Star, i’m LF Groove on, Bias wrecker, Happy stroll or Devoted fans

I have Set Practice & Western Star, i’m LF Groove on, Bias wrecker, Happy stroll or Devoted fans
lmk please
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Limp-Material4304 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:18 Financial-Air-6197 WeWard Get Paid to Walk!!!

WeWard Get Paid to Walk!!!
WeWard is an app that rewards you for taking steps. It’s not going to make you rich but I genuinely like the app and checkin daily to record my steps. If it encourages you to walk or run more then bonus.
Users are given “Wards”, effectively points, for taking steps. With 200 Wards worth £1.
The methodology for calculating steps to Wards is personalised. People who complete more steps will have higher targets with better rewards. When I started I could earn a maximum 25 Wards for 20,000 steps but that has since risen to a maximum 44 Wards for 37,000 steps.
Bonus Wards can be earned for completing challenges or taking surveys (low amount so not worth doing IMO).
Wards can be converted into cash once you have 3,000 Wards (£15). I received payment within an hour of requesting payout. Proof of payout here. Proof of withdrawal from WeWard here.
Please don’t confuse WeWard with similar apps the 3,000 Wards for £15 hasn’t changed since I started using the app over a year ago.
New users registering using a referral code receive 150 Wards (50 for registration and 100 for using a referral code).
Non-referral link (here)
Referral code: N5FW-n1Cc4
submitted by Financial-Air-6197 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 papasfritas [Megathread] Lokalni izbori 2024 - izborna noć - brojanje i preliminarni rezultati

Gradski i opštinski izbori 2024

20 je časova. Biračka mesta su zatvorena ili će biti uskoro. Ako već čekate u redu ispred biračkog mesta obavezni su da vas prime na glasanje, bez obzira što je prošlo 20 časova.
U ovoj temi postavljajte sve linkove i komentare koji su vezani za današnje izbore. Nemojte otvarati posebnu temu osim za neki veliki i medijski relevantan događaj.
Državni resursi:
Rezultati, Zapisnici:
Записници - Локални избори Београд 2024
Записници - Локални избори градске општине 2024
Записници - Локални избори 2024
Medijski resursi - tekst:
N1: Izbori 2024
Danas: Izbori 2024
BBC na srpskom: Izbori 2024
Euronews na srpskom: lokalni izbori 2024
Istinomer BLOG UŽIVO: Lokalni izbori 2024
Medijski resursi - video:
N1 Live Stream
Bez Cenzure - Zvanični kanal - LOKALNI IZBORI 2024 - UŽIVO
Euronews Srbija TV uživo
prethodna tema: [Megathread] Lokalni izbori 2024 - izborni dan
submitted by papasfritas to serbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:23 NotPrash11 zsh autocomplete not working

# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.zshrc. # Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n] # confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below. if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" fi if [[ -f "/opt/homebrew/bin/brew" ]] then # If you're using macOS, you'll want this enabled eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" fi # Set the directory we want to store zinit and plugins ZINIT_HOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/zinit/zinit.git" # Download Zinit, if it's not there yet if [ ! -d "$ZINIT_HOME" ]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname $ZINIT_HOME)" git clone "$ZINIT_HOME" fi # Source/Load zinit source "${ZINIT_HOME}/zinit.zsh" # Add in Powerlevel10k zinit ice depth=1; zinit light romkatv/powerlevel10k # Add in zsh plugins zinit light zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting zinit light zsh-users/zsh-completions zinit light zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions zinit light Aloxaf/fzf-tab # Load completions autoload -Uz compinit && compinit zinit cdreplay -q # To customize prompt, run `p10k configure` or edit ~/.p10k.zsh. [[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] source ~/.p10k.zsh # Keybindings # bindkey -e bindkey '^p' history-search-backward bindkey '^n' history-search-forward bindkey '^[w' kill-region # History HISTSIZE=5000 HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history SAVEHIST=$HISTSIZE HISTDUP=erase setopt appendhistory setopt sharehistory setopt hist_ignore_space setopt hist_ignore_all_dups setopt hist_save_no_dups setopt hist_ignore_dups setopt hist_find_no_dups # Completion styling zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}" zstyle ':completion:*' menu no zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:cd:*' fzf-preview 'ls --color $realpath' # Aliases alias ls='ls --color' alias vim='nvim' alias c='clear' # Shell integrations eval "$(fzf --zsh)" # eval "$(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)" 
submitted by NotPrash11 to zsh [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 RickaSawaGaming Help me grow, appreciate the support, need to earn a living and this is my option. thanks in advance, streamers unite.

#Dragonheir: Silent Gods, True Multiplatform gaming, live stream gameplay, experienced gamer, content creator and #GenX, happy to help and assist you to learn and play the game. it is a great time for new players to join the game. Season 1 is currently the best place to be.
Download Dragonheir: Silent Gods at the following link:
All music played on my live streams is the property of the artist/s and is played for the enjoyment and entertainment of the viewers. No copyright infringement is intended. Music played is provided via Stream Labs Music and is royalty free.
Please like, share, follow, subscribe and hit those notifications.
#dragonheir #dragonheirsilentgods #rickasawagaming #twitchstreamer #Trovostreamer #kickstreamer #instagramstreamer #kick #trovo #twitch #tiktokstreamer #facebookstreamer #xstreamer #twitterstreamer #gamersunite #genxunite
submitted by RickaSawaGaming to u/RickaSawaGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:04 AutoModerator /r/Serbia ženski kutak - (women's corner) - Jun 02, 2024

S porastom ženskog dela članova na serbia odlučili smo da pružimo zasebnu temu tom delu bredita.
Komentari i pitanja koja instistiraju na ozbiljnosti, stavite [ozb] tag na početku komentara i moderatori će se potrudti da uklone sprdnje i irelevantne odgovore i dovedu tu temu u red. Zloupotreba [ozb] taga će se brisati i vrlo brzo dovesti do bana.
Za opšta pitanja pretplatite se na /AskSerbia
Raspored svih redovnih sticky diskusija:
PON-NED Sveopšta diskusija
PON-UTO filmovi, serije, knjige, muzika
SRE tehnologija, finansije i kupoholičarstvo
ČET zdravlje, trening, sport, hrana, putovanja
PET politika i istorija
SUB međuljudski odnosi
NED Ženski kutak
Spisak prethodnih redovnih sticky diskusija sortiranih hronološki možete pronaći ovde
submitted by AutoModerator to serbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:42 Three3gr Budale u prometu aka Darwin Awards

sad bude opet da su nesigurne autoceste da treba stroze kontrole, svakojaka sranja da se tobože ovakve teagedije (za djete tragedija jedino) ne ponove.
treba poslat na autoceste slepere natovarene betonskim bloketima, pa nek ih pogađaju budale, manje rizika za ostale
submitted by Three3gr to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:31 Greggs777 Trade

Trade submitted by Greggs777 to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]