Phrases of life

Art that showcase snapshots of life in realistic and fantastical settings

2017.12.07 15:17 ZeroCiipheR Art that showcase snapshots of life in realistic and fantastical settings

Art that showcase snapshots of life in realistic and fantastical settings -- Often seeking to glorify the mundane, "slice of life" art depict day-to-day rhythms and life experiences in ways that can be romantic, wholesome, and/or thought-provoking. -- Please note that this is not a traditional anime slice of life sub in that the scope we use to define a piece as slice of life is wider and all art, be it Eastern or Western, is welcome.

2022.08.06 20:45 Lol33ta Celebrating slice of life art with a wholesome theme

High-quality paintings and drawings celebrating wholesome depictions of everyday activities by characters in real or imagined settings.

2008.01.25 04:52 Ask Reddit...

AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

2024.06.05 02:55 1clkaway “She’s still your Mother”…really???

“She’s still your Mother”…really???
As the eldest child in a brood of children that numbers six children from three different fathers, I marched to the beat of the family drum that sounded the tune of “BREADWINNER”.
In the beginning, I wore it like a badge of honor because it was all I knew - it was all that was put into my head as a child. I used to hear my mother saying to her friends that “Angel is our breadwinner”. She said it with a sense of pride in her voice - and even though it was confusing to me, I accepted it as my fate - dutifully marching into the workforce, even as I watched most of my friends (whose parents were supporting THEM) head off to college.
All of them now have degrees and are striking out on their own to build their own lives - and, perhaps they will ASSIST their parents from time to time, but none of them have been harnessed with the expectation of supporting parents and siblings - let alone 5 siblings from 2 different fathers neither of which being my father!
Yes - you read that right - my ‘mother’ had a man that gave her Me, then she moved to another man who gave 4 more children, then she moved to a third man who gave her one more child.
OMG - what was she thinking?
And here I am - expected to support all of her children because she abandoned all of us long ago - just like the fathers.
But that’s not even all of it! I also receive requests for support from ‘the mother’, her sisters and occasionally the grandmother.
If you would like a definition of the phrase ‘deep resentment’, just go back to the beginning of this document and re-read it.
So let’s be CLEAR about the purpose of this writing:
I formally and categorically REJECT the notion that I bear any responsibility for supporting anyone other than myself in this life!
I did not ask to be born - but born I was - to absolutely irresponsible human beings who pinned their hopes on using me as a ladder of support in the future - by brainwashing me into believing that I ‘OWE’ my existence to my parent(s), and subsequently, that I OWE a lifetime of support back to a family that never nurtured me, rather they just groomed me for this ungodly role of BREADWINNER!
So, the above message says ‘parents’ here and there - but let me now distill it down to just ‘Mother’ because the so-called Fathers have abandoned all of us too - and it is mostly my smoking, drinking, gambler of a mother that has forced me to write a document such as this.
In fact - if I hear one more of her siblings say to me, “BUT, she’s still your mother”, I am going to SCREAM!
But, for now, this letter is me SCREAMING!!
Screaming, REALLY - she’s still my mother??
By what definition of the word ‘mother’ is she my mother?
If by the definition of being A Woman who pushed me out of her womb, then, yes, she is my mother by maternal designation.
But, by any other definition of the word??
As Mother’s Day came and went this year, I took to the internet to look at what the definition of a mother was as described by children whose mothers cared for them in ways I could only have dreamed of… here is a sample of what I read:
“selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children”
“primary caregiver who provides love, support, and guidance to her children, helping them to develop strong self-esteem and confidence.”
In contrast to those descriptions of a mother - I read the view of psychologists who had provided therapy to children who were not blessed with the above definitions of a mother. One such view is in close alignment to my own experience:
“In my years as a psychotherapist, l've often seen a very different, and sometimes shocking view of motherhood: the narcissistic mother; the extremely neglectful mother; the exploitative mother, the hateful mother. It gives you pause.”
Yet, after years of neglect, abuse and abandonment, I am supposed to embrace my role as BREADWINNER and lovingly abandon my own dreams, work my fingers to the bone, turn over the fruits of my labor - FOR WHAT?
To take care of recklessly spawned children to whom I am only half-related?
To support a woman who claims to be my mother as she drinks, smokes and gambles everything away?
To support other fully-grown adults in her family?
no. No. NO!
YOU chose to have 6 children! YOU chose to abandon those children! YOU brainwashed me into believing it was all my responsibility- and, furthermore, you convinced me that the only way to show my love to you or to them required me to GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.
And the very moment that I couldn’t or wouldn’t give - I am reminded that I OWE YOU EVERYTHING!
REALLY? - that’s how you show a mother’s love??
So I have finally realized that this whole BUSINESS MODEL of ‘pumping out as many children as possible - just hoping, praying that 1 or 2 of them do well enough that you can suck the life-blood out of them for the rest of your life’ is a horrific business model.
If you have read this far, you are likely a breadwinner or you are someone whose life is affected by one harnessed by the title of ‘breadwinner.
Even the word ‘breadwinner’ is revolting to me! The word ‘winner’ has no place in the description of a Filipino or Filipina unlucky enough to be given the title.
Do I feel like a Winner of anything? NO - except perhaps through my own enlightenment, I kind of feel like I am the winner of my freedom.
“The chains of a slave are broken the moment he considers himself a free man” - Mahatma Gandhi
“Modern slaves are not in chains. They are in debt.” - unknown
Harriet Tubman, when asked how she managed to save hundreds of enslaved African Americans via the Underground Railroad during the Civil War, she replied bitterly, “I could have saved thousands - if only I'd been able to convince them they were slaves”.
Are you a slave by the name, BREADWINNER?
The answer to this question is your first step toward FREEDOM.
If this message reaches one single breadwinner and helps them to understand that they have been enslaved by the very person/people that are supposed to love and protect them: their parents - and if it provides the impetus for them to escape their chains - then I will consider the telling of my story to have been a success!
Remember - the first step toward freedom is recognizing that you are enslaved.
submitted by 1clkaway to PanganaySupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:47 skill_myself I view the gender binary as implicitly comphet? Am I transphobic?

If someone were to ask "Are you a man or a woman?" or even "Do you identify as a man or a woman?" I wouldn't feel comfortable answering "Woman." Even though I am a trans woman and believe trans women are women. But its just, when I hear people say man or woman I assume they mean cis man or cis woman. I don't do this consciously its just my resonant, knee jerk interpretation of their language. And I feel like this alienates me from the trans community because I don't see anybody else talking about this.
What's up with this? Am I just being a closeted transphobe (not sure if that's the right phrase but you know, transphobic in some unexamined/unconscious way)? Does that sort of transphobia really feel this difficult to unpack? Because I would've thought it would be undone simply by making the person conscious of their transphobia so they can learn, but I'm conscious of the problem with my knee jerk interpretation of that language but I don't know how to fix it.
I guess a part of this whole problem with me is that not only do I have an incorrect knee jerk interpretation of words like 'man' or 'woman', but I also assume that whoever I am talking to genuinely means to speak with an implied comphet viewpoint because... like... I live in the United States and is that not an increasingly transphobic place? Am I really wrong in assuming that whoever I am talking to would be so inundated with American culture that all their language use would be embroiled with comphet? How am I supposed to move past that and retrain my brain to interpret language differently, when transphobia is still a serious issue in my daily life?
submitted by skill_myself to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:31 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For June 2024 - 8 books for $0.99 to $1.99 each

I know it looks like a light month, but that Omnibus has six books in it, so we're technically getting 13 books this month. They do seem to be testing the $1.99 price point, but I'm ok with it if they're doing that price for the omnibuses. There's a few others that aren't a part of the official sale, so poke around your favorite digital retailer to see what you can find!
Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting by John Lohman on 2013-05-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A collection of thirty cross-stich projects—created by Star Trek crafters—perfect for both die-hard Trekkies and enterprising crafters alike. Live Long and Cross-Stitch! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Day of Honor Omnibus by Dean Wesley Smith Diana G. Gallagher Diane Carey Kristine Kathryn Rusch L.A. Graf Michael Jan Friedman on 1999-03-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
All four novels of the Day of Honor crossover series collected in an omnibus edition. These stories allow fans to follow the thread as favourite characters from each of the Star Trek series deal in their own ways with the events of the Klingon Day of Honor. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless by Dave Galanter on 2019-12-17
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The U.S.S. Discovery’s specialty is using its spore-based hub drive to jump great distances faster than any warp-faring vessel in Starfleet. To do this, Lieutenant Paul Stamets navigates the ship through the recently revealed mycelial network, a subspace domain Discovery can briefly transit but in which it cannot remain. After responding to a startling distress call originating from within the network, the Discovery crew find themselves trapped in an inescapable realm where they will surely perish unless their missing mycelial fuel is found or restored. Is the seemingly human man found alone and alive inside the network the Starfleet officer he claims to be, or an impostor created by alien intruders who hope to extract themselves from the mycelial plane at the expense of all lives aboard Discovery? Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Enterprise Logs by A.C. Crispin Carol Greenburg Diane Carey Diane Duane Greg Cox Jerry Oltion John Vornholt Michael Jan Friedman Peter David Robert Greenberger on 2001-06-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the annals of adventure and exploration, few names shine as brightly as those of the various vessels bearing the noble appellation of Enterprise. Equally distinguished are the many brave captains who have led their respective ships into battle, danger, and glory. STAR TREK : ENTERPRISE LOGS celebrates the proud history of those ships and their captains with an outstanding collection of new stories starring each of the men and women who have held command upon the bridge of one Enterprise or another. STAR TREK ENTERPRISE LOGS From the trim fighting sloop that actually fought for freedom in America's Revolutionary War to the state-of-the-art starship commanded by Jean-Luc Picard, this unique anthology presents some of the most thrilling moments in the careers of Kirk, Pike, Decker, Garrett, and many other legendary captains, as told by several popular and bestselling Star Trek authors, including: Diane Carey * Greg Cox * Ann Crispin * Peter David * Diane Duane * Michael Jan Friedman * Robert J. Greenberger * Jerry Oltion * John Vornholt From yesterday's history to tomorrow's boldest imaginings, join the ongoing saga chronicled in STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE LOGS. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack on 2020-02-11
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A thrilling novel leading into the new CBS series, Una McCormack’s The Last Best Hope introduces you to brand new characters featured in the life of beloved Star Trek captain Jean-Luc Picard—widely considered to be one of the most popular and recognizable characters in all of science fiction. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2002-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
An all-new adventure spanning three generations! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this first novel, the first and second energy emitting weapons, spreading disease and destruction, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the only ones who may be able to prevent desease and havoc are the Captains and crews of the Enterprise, Constellation, Odyssey, and Deep Space Nine. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 2 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2001-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Continuing the all-new adventure spanning all of Start Trek history! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this second novel, the third and fourth energy emitting weapons, controlling weather and thoughts, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the Voyager, Hood, and I.K.S Gorkon. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
submitted by tgiokdi to trekbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:29 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For June 2024 - 8 books for $0.99 to $1.99 each

Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting by John Lohman on 2013-05-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A collection of thirty cross-stich projects—created by Star Trek crafters—perfect for both die-hard Trekkies and enterprising crafters alike. Live Long and Cross-Stitch! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Day of Honor Omnibus by Dean Wesley Smith Diana G. Gallagher Diane Carey Kristine Kathryn Rusch L.A. Graf Michael Jan Friedman on 1999-03-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
All four novels of the Day of Honor crossover series collected in an omnibus edition. These stories allow fans to follow the thread as favourite characters from each of the Star Trek series deal in their own ways with the events of the Klingon Day of Honor. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless by Dave Galanter on 2019-12-17
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The U.S.S. Discovery’s specialty is using its spore-based hub drive to jump great distances faster than any warp-faring vessel in Starfleet. To do this, Lieutenant Paul Stamets navigates the ship through the recently revealed mycelial network, a subspace domain Discovery can briefly transit but in which it cannot remain. After responding to a startling distress call originating from within the network, the Discovery crew find themselves trapped in an inescapable realm where they will surely perish unless their missing mycelial fuel is found or restored. Is the seemingly human man found alone and alive inside the network the Starfleet officer he claims to be, or an impostor created by alien intruders who hope to extract themselves from the mycelial plane at the expense of all lives aboard Discovery? Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Enterprise Logs by A.C. Crispin Carol Greenburg Diane Carey Diane Duane Greg Cox Jerry Oltion John Vornholt Michael Jan Friedman Peter David Robert Greenberger on 2001-06-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the annals of adventure and exploration, few names shine as brightly as those of the various vessels bearing the noble appellation of Enterprise. Equally distinguished are the many brave captains who have led their respective ships into battle, danger, and glory. STAR TREK : ENTERPRISE LOGS celebrates the proud history of those ships and their captains with an outstanding collection of new stories starring each of the men and women who have held command upon the bridge of one Enterprise or another. STAR TREK ENTERPRISE LOGS From the trim fighting sloop that actually fought for freedom in America's Revolutionary War to the state-of-the-art starship commanded by Jean-Luc Picard, this unique anthology presents some of the most thrilling moments in the careers of Kirk, Pike, Decker, Garrett, and many other legendary captains, as told by several popular and bestselling Star Trek authors, including: Diane Carey * Greg Cox * Ann Crispin * Peter David * Diane Duane * Michael Jan Friedman * Robert J. Greenberger * Jerry Oltion * John Vornholt From yesterday's history to tomorrow's boldest imaginings, join the ongoing saga chronicled in STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE LOGS. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack on 2020-02-11
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A thrilling novel leading into the new CBS series, Una McCormack’s The Last Best Hope introduces you to brand new characters featured in the life of beloved Star Trek captain Jean-Luc Picard—widely considered to be one of the most popular and recognizable characters in all of science fiction. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2002-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
An all-new adventure spanning three generations! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this first novel, the first and second energy emitting weapons, spreading disease and destruction, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the only ones who may be able to prevent desease and havoc are the Captains and crews of the Enterprise, Constellation, Odyssey, and Deep Space Nine. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 2 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2001-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Continuing the all-new adventure spanning all of Start Trek history! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this second novel, the third and fourth energy emitting weapons, controlling weather and thoughts, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the Voyager, Hood, and I.K.S Gorkon. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
submitted by tgiokdi to ebookdeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:29 tgiokdi Star Trek Book Deals For June 2024 - 8 books for $0.99 to $1.99 each

Happy pride month! Out of all these, the best of the lot to me is "Dead Endless", it's one of the best Discovery books so far and really does justice to one of my favorite characters from the series.
Books in bold have not been on sale in a long time:
Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting by John Lohman on 2013-05-28
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A collection of thirty cross-stich projects—created by Star Trek crafters—perfect for both die-hard Trekkies and enterprising crafters alike. Live Long and Cross-Stitch! Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Day of Honor Omnibus by Dean Wesley Smith Diana G. Gallagher Diane Carey Kristine Kathryn Rusch L.A. Graf Michael Jan Friedman on 1999-03-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
All four novels of the Day of Honor crossover series collected in an omnibus edition. These stories allow fans to follow the thread as favourite characters from each of the Star Trek series deal in their own ways with the events of the Klingon Day of Honor. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless by Dave Galanter on 2019-12-17
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The U.S.S. Discovery’s specialty is using its spore-based hub drive to jump great distances faster than any warp-faring vessel in Starfleet. To do this, Lieutenant Paul Stamets navigates the ship through the recently revealed mycelial network, a subspace domain Discovery can briefly transit but in which it cannot remain. After responding to a startling distress call originating from within the network, the Discovery crew find themselves trapped in an inescapable realm where they will surely perish unless their missing mycelial fuel is found or restored. Is the seemingly human man found alone and alive inside the network the Starfleet officer he claims to be, or an impostor created by alien intruders who hope to extract themselves from the mycelial plane at the expense of all lives aboard Discovery? Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Enterprise Logs by A.C. Crispin Carol Greenburg Diane Carey Diane Duane Greg Cox Jerry Oltion John Vornholt Michael Jan Friedman Peter David Robert Greenberger on 2001-06-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
In the annals of adventure and exploration, few names shine as brightly as those of the various vessels bearing the noble appellation of Enterprise. Equally distinguished are the many brave captains who have led their respective ships into battle, danger, and glory. STAR TREK : ENTERPRISE LOGS celebrates the proud history of those ships and their captains with an outstanding collection of new stories starring each of the men and women who have held command upon the bridge of one Enterprise or another. STAR TREK ENTERPRISE LOGS From the trim fighting sloop that actually fought for freedom in America's Revolutionary War to the state-of-the-art starship commanded by Jean-Luc Picard, this unique anthology presents some of the most thrilling moments in the careers of Kirk, Pike, Decker, Garrett, and many other legendary captains, as told by several popular and bestselling Star Trek authors, including: Diane Carey * Greg Cox * Ann Crispin * Peter David * Diane Duane * Michael Jan Friedman * Robert J. Greenberger * Jerry Oltion * John Vornholt From yesterday's history to tomorrow's boldest imaginings, join the ongoing saga chronicled in STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE LOGS. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack on 2020-02-11
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
A thrilling novel leading into the new CBS series, Una McCormack’s The Last Best Hope introduces you to brand new characters featured in the life of beloved Star Trek captain Jean-Luc Picard—widely considered to be one of the most popular and recognizable characters in all of science fiction. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2002-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
An all-new adventure spanning three generations! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this first novel, the first and second energy emitting weapons, spreading disease and destruction, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the only ones who may be able to prevent desease and havoc are the Captains and crews of the Enterprise, Constellation, Odyssey, and Deep Space Nine. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 2 by Keith R.A. DeCandido on 2001-11-26
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
Continuing the all-new adventure spanning all of Start Trek history! In 2250 it is discovered that four deadly artifacts from the Zalkat Union have been scattered in different worlds. An order to inform Command is issued if any should be located. In this second novel, the third and fourth energy emitting weapons, controlling weather and thoughts, have been found years later. Through combined efforts, the Voyager, Hood, and I.K.S Gorkon. Read reviews and buying options here
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand on 1992-01-01
(Amazon) (Apple) (B&N) (BAM) (Google) (Rakuten)
The Klingon Dictionary is the first comprehensive sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax, including fundamental rules of grammar as well as words and expressions that illustrate the complex nature of Klingon culture. It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Read reviews and buying options here
submitted by tgiokdi to startrek [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , June 4, 2024 /CNW/ - Eskay Mining Corp. ("Eskay") (TSXV: ESK) (OTCQX: ESKYF) and P2 Gold Inc. ("P2") (TSXV: PGLD) (OTCQB: PGLDF) (together, the "Companies") are pleased to announce that they have entered into non-binding letter of intent (the "Letter Agreement") dated June 4, 2024 pursuant to which Eskay has agreed to acquire P2 in a business combination transaction (the "Proposed Transaction").
Under the terms of the Letter Agreement, each outstanding common share in the capital of P2 on a diluted basis, as described below, (each, a "P2 Share") will be exchanged for 0.2778 of a common share in the capital of Eskay (each, an "Eskay Share"), subject to customary adjustment (the "Exchange Ratio"). Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, existing Eskay shareholders are expected to own approximately 80% of the combined company resulting from the Proposed Transaction (the "Combined Company") and P2 shareholders are expected to own approximately 20% of the Combined Company.
The Letter Agreement provides for the parties to enter into a definitive arrangement agreement setting out the final terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction, at which time additional information will be provided in a subsequent news release.
Mac Balkam , President and CEO of Eskay commented, "With this transaction, Eskay has taken a significant step toward finding the next major resource in the Golden Triangle. The P2 Team, led by Joe Ovsenek , is second to none in producing results in the area. The addition of the Gabbs property in Nevada puts Eskay on a totally different level as resource explorer."
"The Eskay-Corey Property is the most prospective ground in the Golden Triangle without a major discovery to date," commented Joe Ovsenek , President and CEO of P2. "We look forward to getting on the ground this summer and bringing our exploration and development experience in the Golden Triangle over the last 20 years to bear on Eskay-Corey. In Nevada, we plan to move forward with additional metallurgy as the first step in advancing Gabbs to production."
Transaction Highlights
  • The Combined Company will be managed by the team that discovered and developed the Brucejack Mine in the Golden Triangle. Joe Ovsenek , currently President and CEO of P2 will become President and CEO of the Combined Company and Mac Balkam , currently President and CEO of Eskay will become Chair of the Combined Company.
  • The Eskay-Corey Property in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia will be the initial exploration focus.
  • Concurrently with the execution of the Letter Agreement, Eskay and P2 signed an exploration services agreement under which P2 has agreed to plan and execute an exploration program on the Eskay-Corey Property for the 2024 exploration season.
  • P2's PEA-stage, gold-copper Gabbs Project in Nevada complements Eskay's Eskay-Corey Property, with year-round access for exploration and development.
  • The Combined Company will benefit from increased scale with improved access to capital markets and a solid portfolio of exploration and development projects to anchor the growth of the company.
Summary of the Proposed Transaction
The Proposed Transaction is expected to be completed by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act ( British Columbia ). Under the terms of the Letter Agreement, Eskay will acquire all of the issued and outstanding P2 Shares in exchange for Eskay Shares on the basis of the Exchange Ratio. Outstanding options and warrants to purchase P2 Shares will become exercisable to acquire Eskay Shares on the same terms and conditions, on the basis of the Exchange Ratio.
P2 will require the holders of its convertible debentures issued on March 5, 2024 and March 4, 2024 (the "Convertible Debentures") to convert the outstanding net principal amount ($1,665,000) into P2 Shares (the "Convertible Debenture Shares") in accordance with the terms of the convertible debentures on the closing (the "Closing") of the business combination. P2 also intends to settle interest accrued on the Convertible Debentures up to the Closing for P2 Shares (the "Interest Shares") in accordance with the terms of the Convertible Debentures, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange").
P2 has agreed with certain insiders of P2 to settle $1,238,524 in shareholder loans previously provided for working capital for 10,321,032 P2 Shares (the "Loan Shares") at a deemed price of $0.12 (the "Loan Settlement"). The Loan Settlement remains subject to approval of the Exchange. The Loan Settlement with such insiders will be a "related party transaction" under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Loan Settlement with each of these individuals is exempt from the minority approval and formal valuation requirements of MI 61-101 pursuant to subsections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 as neither the fair market value of the debt, nor the fair market value of the shares to be issued in settlement of the debt, exceeds 25% of P2's market capitalization.
The Convertible Debenture Shares, Interest Shares and Loan Shares were included in the issued and outstanding shares of P2 in determining the Exchange Ratio.
The Proposed Transaction will require the approval of: (a) (i) two-thirds of the votes cast by shareholders of P2, and, if required, (ii) a simple majority of the votes cast by minority P2 shareholders in accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"), at a special meeting of P2 shareholders expected to take place in the third quarter of 2024 (the "P2 Meeting"); and (b) if required, Eskay shareholders at a special meeting of Eskay shareholders expected to take place in the third quarter of 2024 (the "Eskay Meeting").
Completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to customary closing conditions and receipt of necessary court and regulatory approvals, including Exchange approval. Subject to receipt of all necessary approvals, the Proposed Transaction is expected to close by no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 2024 (the "Effective Time").
A copy of the Letter Agreement will be filed on Eskay's and P2's SEDAR+ profiles at
The Letter Agreement provides for the parties to enter into a definitive arrangement agreement setting out the final terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction on or before June 28, 2024 , as applicable.
Fairness Opinion
Prior to entering into a definitive arrangement agreement, the disinterested members of the board of directors of P2 will engage a financial advisor to provide P2 with an opinion stating that the consideration offered pursuant to the Letter Agreement and subsequent definitive arrangement agreement is fair, from a financial point of view to the holders of P2 Shares.
Exploration Services Agreement
Eskay and P2 signed an exploration services agreement under which P2 has agreed to plan and execute an exploration program on the Eskay-Corey Property for the 2024 exploration season. Planning for the exploration program has commenced and P2 expects to have crews on the ground in early July with drilling planned for later in the summer.
About Eskay Mining Corp:
Eskay Mining Corp (TSXV: ESK) is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario British Columbia known as the "Golden Triangle," 70km northwest of Stewart, BC
All material information on Eskay may be found on its website at and on SEDAR+ at
About P2 Gold Inc.
P2 Gold is a mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its gold-copper Gabbs Project on the Walker Lane Trend in Nevada. A positive preliminary economic assessment has outlined a long-life, mid-size mine at Gabbs with annual average production of 104,000 ounces gold and 13,500 tonnes copper over a 14.2 year mine life.
This News Release should not be considered a comprehensive summary of the Proposed Transaction. Additional information will be disseminated at a future date. Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, TSXV approval. The Proposed Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the Proposed Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.
Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the Information Circular to be prepared in connection with the Proposed Transaction, any information released or received with respect to the Proposed Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon.
Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward Looking Information
This news release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that involves discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements.
In this news release, forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, statements regarding: the Proposed Transaction; the definitive arrangement agreement that the parties anticipate entering into in connection with the Proposed Transaction; the receipt of necessary shareholder, court and regulatory approvals for the Proposed Transaction; the anticipated timeline for completing the Proposed Transaction; the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Proposed Transaction will be completed, if at all; the anticipated benefits of the Proposed Transaction; the Combined Company; the future financial and operational performance of the Combined Company; the Combined Company's exploration and development programs; and potential future revenue and cost synergies resulting from the Proposed Transaction. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the potential results discussed in the forward-looking statements.
In respect of the forward-looking statements concerning the Proposed Transaction, including the entering into of the definitive arrangement agreement, and the anticipated timing for completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Eskay and P2 have relied on certain assumptions that it believes are reasonable at this time, including assumptions as to the ability of the parties to receive, in a timely manner and on satisfactory terms, the necessary regulatory, court, shareholder, stock exchange and other third party approvals and the ability of the parties to satisfy, in a timely manner, the other conditions to the completion of the Proposed Transaction. This timeline may change for a number of reasons, including unforeseen delays in preparing meeting materials; inability to secure necessary regulatory, court, shareholder, stock exchange or other third-party approvals in the time assumed or the need for additional time to satisfy the other conditions to the completion of the Proposed Transaction. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times.
Risks and uncertainties that may cause such differences include but are not limited to: the risk that the Proposed Transaction may not be completed on a timely basis, if at all; the conditions to the consummation of the Proposed Transaction may not be satisfied; the risk that the Proposed Transaction may involve unexpected costs, liabilities or delays; the possibility that legal proceedings may be instituted against the Eskay, P2 and/or others relating to the Proposed Transaction and the outcome of such proceedings; the possible occurrence of an event, change or other circumstance that could result in termination of the Proposed Transaction; risks relating to the failure to obtain necessary shareholder and court approval; other risks inherent in the plant-based food industry. Failure to obtain the requisite approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to or complete the Proposed Transaction, may result in the Proposed Transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the Proposed Transaction is not completed, the announcement of the Proposed Transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of Eskay and P2 to the completion of the Proposed Transaction could have a material adverse impact on each of Eskay's and P2's share price, its current business relationships and on the current and future operations, financial condition, and prospects of each of Eskay and P2.
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:25 Upstairs_Chapter_984 I'm gray

You already know that I am on a journey of self-discovery, reviewing my past and analyzing how things would have been if everything had been different. Since I discovered this sub, I have been rethinking things and exchanging opinions to dispel lies that the fake aces have told me, and that I have come to believe. And also learning about allonormativity.
I was remembering those stages of my life where my libido was stronger and where I began to interact with the hypersexualized society. No matter how high I had it, I never needed to satisfy it with another person, but rather I resolved it on my own terms. When high school started and boys started talking about "I like this girl" and "I already had my first time" I was stressed having them around. It always seemed strange to me how these people couldn't go to the bathroom and shut up.
At 13 years old they taught me something >¡disgusting So I said, "Well, maybe I'm wrong for not thinking about sex and because I don't like it." That is, there was a time where I was open to this out of curiosity, to see if these people were right. There was another time where I was socially pressured to seek sex, but I won't make my post too long explaining it. What makes me think I'm gray is that, because of that image that was instilled in me, when a potential opportunity for sex appeared, I got excited and He said: "I'm finally going to be "someone in society" or a "real man"" although none of these opportunities materialized, and I was relieved. In fact, I was never worried that it couldn't be put into practice, I always thought "I'll have another chance, I don't care."
To give an example of this contradiction: I always go for a walk on a beach in my town, and I always go down the same street. When I go back, two women say to me: "Are you available? One of our friends is interested in you." My first reaction was to leave as soon as possible, and I didn't walk down that street again for a long time. Although the thought appeared that maybe he was going to enjoy it, according to society. Although sex is not a necessity for me and I find it disgusting, sometimes I felt flattered that someone would desire me, no matter the gender. Today I would feel scared if it happened, but not before. If you are asexual, your self-esteem does not depend on your sexual value, and you will never feel flattered if somebody desires you.
Also, today I was in a place where years ago there was a party that I attended, one of the few in my life because I don't like parties, and being there awakened those memories that until now I didn't remember. This was during curiosity, without pressure of any kind. Everyone knows that at parties people do certain dance moves that are a little... strange in the eyes of this sub. I danced with three fellow students and we did dance steps inappropriate for an ace. I liked that dance at that moment, now I wouldn't have liked it, but at that moment I did, and that's what matters. Society codes these things as a sign of sexual interest, although none of them were interested in me sexually, I can't say the same.
Simple physical arousal from physical contact alone would not mean sexual attraction, as this happens with anything or anyone that touches me. The problem is that I enjoyed that rubbing sensation. I didn't consider sex except to experiment, that didn't end in sex and I didn't feel bad for that, I went on with my life. To clarify, in these potential situations, I didn't imagine myself in the sexual act, I only recited the phrase "I'm going to try", not images and not fantasies. Even if I only contemplated that to satisfy curiosity and not because I needed it, mentally enjoying that dance step qualifies as attraction. This could be said to be sex, so I have no authority to even say that I'm sex-repulsed.
There are several ways to approach this here. There will be those who will say that if I don't naturally need sex, which is what happens, and I can satisfy my libido on my own, I am asexual. If you realize, a dance step can count as sex. Even if I don't need that kind of stimulation, I enjoyed it at the time I enjoyed something that is sexual with another person. I can't call myself asexual if I enjoyed a dance at a nightclub. I did very well to do a thorough review of my entire life, and find out who I really am. I have to check more, since I was a little curious to try "the other flavor" despite the heteronormativity, there may be something that qualifies as attraction to someone of my gender. I need to do more revision.
There will be those who consider this dance sex, and those who have a more traditional definition of what sex is. My decision has already been made.
submitted by Upstairs_Chapter_984 to actualasexuals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:14 flow3rfairyprincess EMDR feels wrong so far

This is my first time ever posting on Reddit and I’m sorry this is so incredibly long. I’m kind of in a desperate crossroads with therapy and don’t know what’s right/wrong.
So I’ve been seeing a therapist for almost a year. Up until last week, we’ve been working on coping skills to build up to EMDR. Starting last week, she felt I was ready so we did a “trial” session where I brought up what I considered to be the least traumatic memory on my list to see if I could handle bringing it to the surface. It’s important to say that I’ve never really connected with my therapist, sometimes she doesn’t seem to listen and also didn’t feel like a real person to me (lots of therapy-speak that seemed regurgitated from grad school classes and made me feel like I was talking to a robot with no original thoughts). However, I was in a desperate situation and wanted to give her (and myself) a chance so I’ve kept at it every week and have relied on the fact that she is trained, so I can at least learn from her how to manage my emotions even if she’s not providing any revelations.
Anyways, I have actually been really excited for EMDR. I’ve been struggling for some time and didn’t realize it was likely trauma related, even though it doesn’t consciously feel like any one of my behaviors stems from a particular instance. I am a believer in science and neuroplasticity so I truly felt this had a strong chance and went into it with a completely open mind. Despite my therapist briefing me on what to expect, I found the actual session to be incredibly frustrating and unpleasant. Some of it just felt plain wrong and I can’t figure out if something is being done incorrectly on her end or if I’m making assumptions too quickly. So basically, I don’t know if my gut intuition that we are not compatible is true and I need to seek help elsewhere or if I just should trust the process. These are the things that were most uncomfortable about it, if anyone can shed light on if this is to be expected:
  1. I was confused the entire time on what exactly I was supposed to do/ think about. She told me don’t force any train of thought just let your mind go in its own direction. For me, if I don’t put reins on my thoughts it will become static that’s totally meaningless and unrelated to the topic. But she also said part of EMDR is keeping a distance from the memories and being aware they’re just that, memories, so you can’t think “too hard” or force anything in a certain direction. If this sounds ambiguous, I thought so too. So after asking multiple times for clarification, I settled on kind of just fabricating a story line of me going through the event in my head even though none of it was organic and every time we’d pause and I’d update her, she’d just say “go with that” and we’d move on. Also, in some of my online research I read that the whole point of EMDR is to be fully immersed and you have to feel it to heal from it, which is not exactly what she told me and I felt essentially nothing during the session or after.
  2. I didn’t realize that EMDR doesn’t involve an actual verbalization of your trauma. Prior to the session, I gave her a list of my traumatic events to target but put into code words that only I would understand. I assumed part of the process would include me talking about these things out loud, and I found it totally creepy that as I was going through this process she didn’t even know what I was talking about. She only got bits and pieces as we paused and she would ask me where I was at. Is this normal? It feels completely impersonal to try and work through events in my life with someone who’s basically following a protocol and doesn’t even know the details of the event I’m referencing. Plus, I thought it would be therapeutic to have a listening ear while I recall these events, because I don’t often seek validation that what I experienced was in fact abuse and that has been one of the most difficult parts in my healing. I didn’t get to do that, we just jumped right in.
  3. Apparently part of the formula is her asking “as you remember this situation, what is the most true negative belief you feel about yourself?” Paraphrased but not far off. I had to ask her three times what she meant by this question and she just kept repeating it. It was not only phrased poorly but I was also taken aback because when I’m remembering events of abuse in my childhood, my first thoughts aren’t negative beliefs I carry about myself. I don’t think these events were my fault. A lot of the residual emotion is like “it wasn’t my fault and I’m deeply wounded and angry that a person I trust could do things like that.” That question may apply to other scenarios, but was incredibly poorly worded for the situation at hand (and most on my list). I don’t know if that type of question is standard, but I didn’t have any idea why she asked and I eventually just made something up to appease her (a common theme of how therapy has gone).
These are the main reasons the experience was so unpleasant and felt so useless. I’m extremely torn because I genuinely don’t know if this is how EMDR goes and if there’s something I’m missing. I’m also scared to hastily walk away from someone I’ve been consistent with for very long when I’ve finally reached the trauma processing step. I had hope that despite the fact that I don’t really like her, she is still trained in EMDR and all it takes is someone to guide me through my own healing. But maybe it’s more complicated than that. Also, I don’t know if maybe EMDR just isn’t right for me. I don’t believe I have PTSD from any specific event where I have a distinct trigger and then it feels like it’s happening all over again. Through my own research, I think it’s more of “complex trauma” and rather it feels like my symptoms are caused by nothing and everything at the same time, but I can’t pinpoint any of it. This is also harder to treat with EMDR and takes greater expertise I’ve read. If anyone has some insight I would really appreciate it because I’m afraid to walk away from this and waste 10 months of work. If this is genuinely how EMDR is supposed to be I will give it a chance and try to learn to work with it. I also am overwhelmed with information online so some of my assumptions may be wrong, that’s why I thought it would be helpful to hear from real people with lived experience. Thank you :)
submitted by flow3rfairyprincess to EMDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:02 scT1270 I miss him

Maybe I am putting him on a pedestal but I can't help thinking of all his best parts. I miss his arms and eyes, his voice, his kindness and softness, how neat he was, his little hyper fixations, his hands, his little phrases. I miss him so much, I can't believe I will never see him again.
My life is good, I have good people in it, I am a good person, I do good things, I go out , I have hobbies and likes and aspirations and all of it feels so empty and sad now he is gone, like I blew it somehow, like he was the person I was supposed to have and something , somewhere along the way I did something that just blew it, that made me something removable for him. Why did I have it if it was going to be taken away. I don't understand
submitted by scT1270 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:01 beyonddead Can tough physical fights actually “take years off your life”?

I’ve been recently thinking about the brutal bout between Tony Ferguson and Justin Gaethje and often people throw around the phrase “took years off his life”. I’m curious, when it comes to real prolonged, damaging, physical fights, do they actually take years off someone’s life? And if so, why and how? Is it the energy needed to recover from such damage, or none of it matters once the body recovers? Thanks.
submitted by beyonddead to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:36 Mist_Wraith I am so angry at the left-wing commentators who have decided among themselves that Jews are the only group of people who are not allowed to classify what counts as hate speech.

Last year in the UK there was outrage as a small pub in England put up Golliwogs on display - these are dolls with very racist origins - and people listened to the black British citizens about what they think the dolls represented and stood by them when demand was made that the police take action. I remember a specific article in the Guardian sticking out to me with the quote "You are only allowed visibility as a black figure if you’re grateful, permanently smiling in all circumstances. Your status, as someone who is part of Britain and therefore gets a say in how they experience it, is conditional on the fact that you must never suggest that the country is not quite so hospitable to you sometimes".
I'm bringing that quote up because it exemplifies why the left-wing, myself included in that, feel strongly that unless we are a part of a specific group then we are not allowed to make conditions on what does or does not count as hate towards that specific group. We recognise that if a group has to act a certain way to be acceptable then there's a real problem. We recognise that we are not living their experiences and therefore we need to amplify the voices of those that are. Except when it comes to Jews, as we have witnessed over the past 8 months. For Jews it is only possible to be accepted by the left-wing now if you're running around screaming "from the river to the sea" and joining in with those that are boycotting not just Israeli businesses but Jewish businesses.
I've been feeling this way, as I'm sure many of you have been, a lot over the last 8 months and it's becoming entirely exhausting. I've spent most of my adult life living in Israel but I grew up in Britian, I have been living back in the UK for the past couple of years to care for a family member and I followed a number of British left-wing political commentators all of whom I have unfollowed in recent months due to their denial of antisemitism and in many cases even support of antisemitism - not "anti-zionism" but actual Judenhass. Today though I saw this video come up from a left-wing commentator that I've been following for years. He's not British, he's Australian and mostly makes videos relating to Australia's political climate, actual climate and occasionally talks about global issues. This has to be the worst video I have seen to date by any left-wing content creator on the subject of antisemitism, I feel genuinely disgusted by it and it's taken me a few hours to really get over my initial viewing of it.
He starts by making a mockery of people calling for something to be done about antisemitism under the guise of "oh but I thought you wanted free speech" which I find hilarious since the left-wing have been consistently trying to extend the parameters of hate speech, not the other way around.
He then goes on to state "the rise of antisemitism narrative is getting beyond a parody". Now, I don't know if he's developed a very specific type of amnesia that's made him forget about every article written about Jews being barred from college campuses, synagogues being set on fire, knife attacks in Jewish businesses, people attempting to run over parents and children outside of Jewish schools, Jewish schools receiving bomb threats, etc, etc or (and more likely) he just turns a blind eye to these matters but to make out that the rise of antisemitism is somehow made up is appalling and utterly outrageous and an extremely dangerous lie.
A lot of his excuse that we should just ignore the massive rise in antisemitism around the world seems to be "but the people in Gaza are suffering more". Ok so when black British people of Nigerian descent tell me that they're facing racism in the UK I should ignore and mock them because in Nigeria black Christians are being kidnapped and killed which is obviously worse than being harassed verbally by some random racist on the streets of Britain? No! Of course not, that is never acceptable so why is it acceptable when it comes to Jews facing racism?
He also shows a trailer for a documentary about antisemitism in Australia. Now, I haven't seen this documentary but by his own admission in the video neither has he, at least not at the time of making this video. The trailer shows Holocaust survivors speaking up about antisemitism they are witnessing in Australia right now. Jews who have survived the literal holocaust and his response is "they are clearly weaponising the term 'antisemitism' - what would they even know about what antisemitism actually is? No, take my word for it instead, a non-Jew who has never experienced antisemitism in my life". That is paraphrased, that's not what he actually said but it is the summary of his message.
On the subject of the phrase "From the river to the sea" his advice is to call it "cringe" - a chant that is calling for at best the ethnic cleansing and at worst the genocide of over half the worlds Jews, that's just "cringe", that's all. Nothing alarming or hateful about it whatsoever.
As a side note at one point he makes a point about separating art from the artist - yup, a message from the side that calls people transphobic if they read Harry Potter and called for Eden Golan to be removed from Eurovision, they would like you to know that when it comes to antisemitism we should just separate the art from the artist.
I'm sorry this turned in to a whole rant, I'm just very sick and tired of it all. This video just really set off a lot of emotions for me. I've always been very aware of antisemitism existing on the left, in terms of recent British politics I stopped supporting Labour when Corbyn became it's leader - a man who is openly antisemitic and admits to having friends in Hamas - although I have returned to Labour since Starmer has taken over because he genuinely seems to be trying to make a crackdown on antisemitism. It's just been very scary seeing how unbelievably easy it was for the left to fully embrace Judenhass.
submitted by Mist_Wraith to Jewish [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:10 Just_Ad_4607 The Universe Guru Client Review (honest review)

The universe guru client review
Hello everyone.
I would like to leave here my review and opinion about this "service". Since the previous sub reddit was deleted by this scammy woman, I will concentrate all my previous opinions here.
I spent thousands of dollars and own around 6 and 7 courses, counting as one course the basic babe bundle.
Also I have been watching her content almost religiously from around 4 years. Everything I expose here is how you feel after years of watching, analizing and applying to my life.
🚨 My opinion on the content:
The chaotic thing about this content is that you're told one (1) truth and receive three (3) lies mixed with it. Which is... surprise! The way cults work. She even explains how to manage your brand with cult principles in her divinely sould course.
She claims it is inner work, "that works no matter your religion". But most of her stuff like invocations, manifesting and more are directly new age cult practices that makes you summon weird energies or feed who-knows-what-entity. So if you're catholic or Christian you're directly committing sins worse than the ones your commandments specify.
She commits severe sins just by using the name of God to justify each toxic idea she has. And if she shames women for doing XYZ, she would use God to justify she just did XYZ saying it is different for her because ir was a Divine message. For example, shaming women who did plastic surgery for years, and now she did plastic surgery, lashes extensions and lip fillers because God told her to 🥱
Yes she gives some good advice here and there... advice that casually you can find in books, but she labels them as hers. And she uses these book advices to sell you new age cult ideas and practices, Us vs. Them mentality (again a cult tactic) and toxic.
This content is delivered in a violent, kind of I'm making you a favor vibe. I'm not happy watching this anymore. I had been told such toxic ideas.
🚨 My opinion on the courses:
I couldn't finish half of them. I said it!! The reason why I kept buying is because she had this stupid saying that goes like "ohh you take what you need from them. Sometimes its just one module and thats enough for you".
"There's nothing wrong of buying a $3000 course and only resonating with 1 minute of the video"
"I never finish books because I stop after I got the little phrase that I wanted and would help me".
"Sometimes people never watch the course because after paying they see results and energy shift" 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 girl just say the course content is bad and you have to talk about the same stuff over and over again with different names.
Be like men: you tell this bs ☝️ to a male and he might ask you if you're stupid. That he's not throwing away money like that.
I'll be honest, as someone who took so many courses from her (and let me say some expensive ones), I didn't see results or difference in my life after that besides maybe some positive thinking encouragement here and there. Yet she would destroy that positive thinking later because now, according to her teachings there is evil eye and monitoring demons that receive whispers from Satan. Before she would say "God doesn't run out, you will find your beloved husband", and now she talks about statistics that say most good men are taken and predators are becoming more than the providers.
It feels like a pyramid scheme because if I bought one course, suddenly the information felt incomplete even for the ones I finished. I didn't see any results. As I have mentioned before: my bank account hasn't even recovered the number it used to be at before buying her expensive courses. And I talk from the perspective of a person living in a 3rd world country with way lower income than the 1st world ones.
Then, since the course was incomplete, she would promote a new one with all the "missing nuggets you needed". Bought it and guess what? It was her talking the same stuff again and again in each course. Talking about her life and complaining about how other people are inferior.
"A new level" is always released, almost invalidating her previous courses. And more and more expensive each time... to end up being her talking without really saying anything, and being just 5 or 6 lessons, when her old courses used to have tons of lessons.
She takes the very few good things she teaches to drag you into some other shady stuff to keep you with low self esteem, complexes that didn't even exist before and scarcity mindset so you can keep buying.
As a final fact from the courses section. I dread logging into the thinkific platform. It feels yucky, disgusting, stressful. I don't want to finish the ones I left there.
🚨 My opinion on Mina Irfan which is the face of this brand:
She used to present herself as more of a neutral type of teacher, I used to respect her back then. Unfortunately with time, it has naturally unraveled that she represents a very rude, unhappy and neurotic person that I'm embarrassed to be related to.
As someone who put her own reputation at risk by recommending her to her friends, this year I received critics such as "she talks a lot and doesn't say anything" and "I don't know how you can stand her". I regret recommending her.
I don't wanna take advice from her anymore since she's a person that ALWAYS has something bad to say about other people (being family, friends, people she works with, even her own husband) treats her clients very cruel during livestreams and dares to try to hide it as "tough" love.
Let me tell you something. Tough is not the same as rude and tacky.
She doesn't have any friends. I'm ashamed I tried to take advice from a woman who doesn't have my dream life: No friends, has to expose her own husband privacies to the whole internet, talks bad about everything which naturally shows she's a very unhappy person. I was basically trying to take advice from a loser which only achievement was to make money. And the "make money" comes from preying on vulnerable women. And a loser that prides herself that her husband's body is now possessed by the spirit of her real metaphisical lover 😐
She talked so much about being unbothered, living your own life, that haters are your best advertisement, that she never gets triggered anymore because she's the queen of inner work, that she's been doing for "decades", which means there's nothing you cannot face since the inner work "compounds" and "Backs you up". And yet some honest bad reviews came out and she started turning her comments off, send cease and desist letters, suing people for giving respectful bad reviews or even asking for refunds.
Basically she doesn't represent what she teaches.
And what she teaches is a lie. You won't become an unbothered queen and suppress your reactions forever. She's the proof: look how many years she's been journaling for a bit, just to become crazy maniac for a few truths thrown at her. Maybe it's because she has no friends. Maybe all of this would have been fixed with a sincere girl friend to spill some tea with. But the things she teaches you actually pull your friends away so you end up as lonely in a mansion as her.
The creepy evil eye video was the proof of that: A neurotic rude lady telling people who give a bad review, find inconsistencies in what she says and ask for a refund: a demon.
Girl, if I'm investing money in a company and acquiring a service... you bet I want consistency and transparency ☝️
She radiates violence. Kind of a narcissistic vibe because even inside a paid course, when you make a question it seems to never be enough or worthy of her response because "that's a basic babe question" "you're not making the right level questions"
🚨My opinion on the universe guru company
Shameful. Someone that modifies their terms and conditions to FORBID you of sharing a bad review, is a company that is up to no good.
Just like fabulous university shared, it even illegal
Also, as a company to recommend a 19 y/o kid to mentocoach adult women is embarrasing. He wouldn't be able to know or even understand our lives. He has NOTHING of what we dream about (a family, a house, a career, a loving husband, a healthy hormone and fertility) to be able to coach us about it.
🚨Impact in real life
I became too proud, and an asshole just like her!!! Specially after taking the stupid savage course. Yes, it had good gossip but it taints your soul. I started to spend too much because I was too caugh up in the feminine energy bs. I'm making an effort little by little to unlearn.
I started to "perform" as she would say in dates, and be in this performing state all the time in order to get what I want and manipulate my loved ones.
I started to hate my birthdays because I was "getting old and losing my market value", as the things she drills your ears with.
I hate it!!!! I really hated what I become learning stuff from her.
🚨 Is it a scam?
You hurt your soul.
You are disrespected in live sessions.
She basically lowers your self esteem so she can sell you the cure for low self esteem 🙄
You lose time and that's the truth. For me losing time it's the biggest scam because you cannot recover it.
The videos are HELLA LONG, and you find the info, for example, in minute 48 during 2 minutes 🥱 You get advertised one thing and end up being sold new age cult practices instead, disguised as inner work. Hurting your soul, your morals.
And yes, a scam because she claims all of this is "hers" but it all comes from other teachers, books and courses it has been confirmed she was part of. Screenshots and all.
All of her business advice are sold to you with the promise that it will apply to your business "no matter what is your area of expertise". But it will never apply to you unless you want to be a coach and youtuber like her.
I bought a $30 business course in spanish and had real formulas to apply to my prices, real techniques to manage your work team, and nice mindset work. Im not saying go charge $30 because your countries might work different, but this woman sells you hours of nothing for thousands of dollars.
And still makes you feel unworthy of her replies or refunds if you're dissatisfied.
I committed unforgivable sins, to my faith and my family because of this scammy service. I leave this review so you don't make the same mistake, or at least be aware of it.
🚨Things I recognize
She studied communication so she's a saleswoman. She's good at selling. But I don't want to take advice from a saleswoman that steps over everyone lol. That's not very "feminine" of hers.
She delivers messages in a way that keeps you engaged, because she's a saleswoman that studied communication! It kinda helps you receive the info from these books she got the ideas from in a faster, compressed ways. But it's not worth it because she slips lies and new age religion stuff between these self help book facts.
submitted by Just_Ad_4607 to Minairfanthescammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:32 Ds7887 Bro it's just a game. Chill. You have no life...

Those and similar phrases I am often confronted with when someone in my clan is ignoring the rules, like attacking a target that was assigned to another player and I remind that player to stick to the rules.
Then my age is questioned and I'm told to "get a life".
It really makes me angry and instead of explaining myself I tend to kick those players out cause it simply creates bad atmosphere and lowers the efforts anyone else who stick to the rules puts in.
What are your feelings when someone says something like this to you and what is your response to that?
submitted by Ds7887 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:22 Gold-Specialist9636 How to make it more clear I have had it with MIL?

My husband and I had a baby 3 months ago. I made it abundantly clear my mother would be the only extra person in our home post-birth, as I had a c-section, and needed help with recovery and learning to be a mom in general. I made the mistake of that being the only element of my birth plan regarding visitors, as I did not want to offend my husband and in-laws.
My in-laws ended up arriving to the hospital before my mother every single day during my hospital stay and wouldn’t leave until nighttime. My FIL would talk non-stop. He never shuts up. I often had to ask them to leave when it was time to nurse, which became awkward, as that expectation had been well established. My MIL would seem to expect my mother to leave when they had to leave, but I obviously did not mind my own mom being there for me during this time. Also, let me back up and mention that MIL made a Facebook post before I was ever out of recovery AND she posted photos to social media before I did. My MIL would hover over the baby obsessively and if the baby cried during a nurse or doctor examination, blood draw, etc., these absurd theatrics ensued and it would make me uncomfortable. She would force her finger into baby’s grasp and talk about the baby “ holding grandmas finger.” It was a most vulnerable time in my life and I felt as if I couldn’t rest or relax because they wouldn’t leave. I thought it would get better when I got home, as I anticipated them leaving town and it just being my mom around to help us.
I thought wrong. They had a hotel in the city we live. They came every single day for almost a week and even brought in additional family members. At one point my MIL hovered over the bassinet for over 45 consecutive minutes. I understand she cares for and loves my baby, but it seemed odd. I voiced to my husband I did not appreciate my request not being honored, did not appreciate the hovering, did not appreciate the social media posts, etc. and he seemed offended. It also came across as though me voicing that frustration was just some postpartum negativity and I would move past it.
They have continued to visit at least once a week except for a few weeks they were on a vacation. They don’t really ask. During one visit, my MIL said she wanted the baby to recognize her scent and her voice. (Weird??) One time the baby was crying, so I got the baby and he stopped and she said, “oh, you’ll stop crying for your mom,” in a less than delightful tone. She will never put the baby down once she gets the baby. And if I am holding the baby, she always asks to hold. They stayed for the weekend and she stood over my shoulder in my very small kitchen while I gave the baby a bath. Baby was very upset after bath time and while I got baby lotioned up, in a diaper, etc., she stood at the changing table saying, “grandmas here,” getting the baby to grasp her finger and when her husband asked her something from the other room, she told him, “hold on, (baby) needs me,” and when I picked baby up to soothe, she continued to stand by me and talk to baby. I realize this is a personal issue for me, and I am the one that is overstimulated, but the aggressive and over exaggerated interactions with baby are insane and “in your face.” I wish I could say more, but this is already too long-winded. It is more than apparent she wants to upstage anyone else who is present in baby’s life and it really bothers me as a new mom.
Because this is how I feel, and the baby isn’t in danger, in addition to the fact I’m not bothered by my family’s interactions, my husband becomes really offended when I bring these things to his attention. He acknowledge my family does not bother him. But his family is really wearing on me. I wish I had a better way of phrasing it to him and I wish I knew how to establish effective boundaries with my in-laws without offending them. I’m obviously not a good “boundary setter”.
submitted by Gold-Specialist9636 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:20 OuijaBoard-Demon The world of Naruto makes no sense and the evidence is in the Tailed Beasts

I saw NCHammer's newest video and I thought I'd throw my biggest hot take here. My ramble is going to be long and meticulous so be patient with me here because I'm going from basic to nitpicky to meticulous. I'm not saying Kishimoto sucks at writing what I am saying is that the writing was so rushed that it was almost set up to fail thanks to the sheer amount of mass production of anime and manga Japan's culture has forced to be the norm.
I'm going to be using Arcane as a case study of how taking one's time and having help allows for a better product.
The Tailed Beasts don't make any sense in any way shape or form.
This is one of my biggest gripes about the show and manga. During the Chunin Exams we're told that Kurama and Shukaku are two different kinds of demons, Shukaku being an evil monk sealed inside of a tea kettle. Kick off to Shippuden and we're told that no, they're just separate parts of a weird 10 tailed monster tree that sucks up all the life and chakra from the planet for magic alien ninjas to eat one piece of fruit from the tree.
What makes this even worse is that there is an established disagreement and long standing argument between Kurama and Shukaku that being Kurama believes that the tails of each beast shows the level of power they have and since Kurama has nine he's the most powerful. Shukaku didn't believe that argument and believed that it was just Kurama being egotistical. But then the whole world tree comes around and it's confirmed that Kurama was right and he was the most powerful tailed beast just under the 10 tails and Shukaku was in fact the weakest. This makes their argument and dynamic worthless.
But this also ruins the political structure of the world.
Konoha was always feared because of their military and political power and what adds to this are the Tailed Beasts. If the power of the tailed beasts was supposed to be spread out evenly then why is it that Suna only got Shukaku while Konoha got the strongest Tailed beast who is so strong that it takes all of the other tailed beasts to take down?
The Mist Village has Saiken (The Six Tails) and Isobu (the Three Tails).
Many other villages have multiple tailed beasts but Not Suna. This is even more insulting because in the Chunin Exams it's revealed that the Sand Village is extremely underfunded and thus Gaara had to become a Jinchuriki in order to give Suna some military power in the form of a living weapon. If this is the case then Gaara being a Jinchuriki doesn't add shit to their military power. Konoha would've crushed them regardless of Orochimaru's help or not.
If Jinchuriki have been a normal part of their cultures then why are Gaara and Naruto hated by their villages when they're literally the only things keeping their military powers relevant while also being the embodiment of the peace agreement Hashirama set forth for each village?
To use League of Legends and Arcane as an example Magic and in turn Hextech depending on where you're at it's hated, avoided, or loved, or even heavily embraced. Demacia and in Piltover (in the first half of Arcane) magic is so feared that their cities were literally built to avoid and reject magic as a whole. Demacia going so far as building their capital around trees that absorb magic and even use the wood of the trees to create "Demacian Steel" which is in EVERYTHING in their country meaning that everything in Demacia absorbs magic from the buildings, to the statues, to even the armor of their soldiers. They torture mages and feed them powerderes petracite (the magic absorbing wood) to try to get their bodies to reject their magic -- a literal conversion camp.
In stark contrast Ionia and Targon embraces magic. Ionia in particular is so magical that the land itself is alive, if you cut down the wrong tree the entire forest will kill you. You litter your house will strangle you to death. You try to poison the wrong thing or get the wrong fish congrats the entire river you're standing beside will just drown you to death. Targon is so full of celestial magic that celestial gods just pulled up the land to such a point the tip of their mountain is damn near in space and dragons populate the hell out of the area. You have cults that worship different celestial gods and one of the champions from the game that was formerly possessed by one of those gods was freed from that possession and decided to say "Fuck every single god in existence, Humanity doesn't need them!".
Each culture is so distinct that it feels jarring. You can even spot what champion is from what which region by a simple glance.
Despite the magic of Ionia that even has their own version of magic Ninjas they struggle against the military of Noxus which doesn't care if anyone in their country is a mage or if someone is a monster, or anything about anyone, they only care about strength even having their own phrase "Kill them until they are family" because they concur other lands for their resources since Noxus is in resourceless area.
If there was a land that Suna should've been like was a mix of Shurima and Noxus. Having something akin to Shurima's culturally ideology of using the desert to their advantage and having god-like warriors, but Noxus' "Kill them until they are family" ideology and wanting to concur other lands to gain resources.
It's been established that Shinobi is not only a military but also depending on the ranking of the Shinobi they do anything from basic chores to assassinations and guarding royalty.
So why would Suna need a military do such mundane tasks when they should be focusing on concurring minor lands, they're near? Why not go concurring the places that don't have Tailed Beasts? It would add to their resources and give them some more power and relevance.
Also if the Tailed Beasts are so heavily needed what other benefits do they get from having them aside from military power? It has only been established that the power of the Jinchuriki is heavily reliant on the relationship between the tailed beast and the human but also relies on the elemental releases they have, but they also can just use the tailed beasts as walking bombs like what they did with Rin-- SPEAKING OF WHICH
If the Tailed Beasts were so important and powerful, why gift wrap one to Konoha which already has THE most powerful Tailed Beast? Why didn't Konoha just keep the Three Tails? Why give it back to the Mist?
The Tailed Beasts aren't explored enough and they don't make sense and thus the world of Naruto makes no sense. Because of this if anyone wants to rewrite Naruto in its entirety the magic system and the world system needs to be uprooted and scrutinized to an insane degree.
Wars don't just happen. People don't just magically have bombs for no reason. If you look at the genocide of the Palestinians we are facing currently the Palestinians are being shoved out of their land, their land and crops destroyed just so the Israelites can take the entirety of the land for themselves even if it means artificially desertificating it so the Palestinians cannot have their long historical and culturally significant crops and foods. Starving them out and destroying their history all the while blaming the victims for it all. Palestine offered Israel a wonderful deal but Israel in turn spat on that deal and villainized Palestine for not handing them legitimately everything.
The Nuclear bombs were created to end a world war but we're used needlessly. Used as a war crime to make a point rather than used as the last resort they were meant to be.
If the Jinchuriki were meant to be living Nuclear Bombs then they fail as a comparison because Suna is given the weakest bomb while Konoha has the biggest and most destructive warhead even conceptualized.
No matter what Konoha stands alone as the strongest village with the strongest clans with the strongest Jutsu, with the strongest Tailed Beast bar none.
Meanwhile Suna is the weakest village with the weakest tailed beast, no clans, nothing. Every other Ninja Village would crush Suna so quickly that all it took was ONE IWA NINJA to beat Gaara.
Case closed.
submitted by OuijaBoard-Demon to NCPedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 darkPrince010 Total Eclipse

Ambassador Noonan was positively beside himself with excitement. He not only was simply excited for yet another experience to add to a long list of firsts as the official alien delegate learning about human culture and meeting with various representatives, but he was also genuinely excited for this meteorological phenomenon.
He held up the eclipse glasses with polite disdain. The scientists had explained the concerns with humans and their light-focusing corneas, and how it could result in severe eyesight damage and blindness if they were to look directly at the sun for any length of time.
However, Noonan’s species had evolved on a world far closer to their own brilliant sun, and while they certainly had challenges compared to what life on a more temperate and water-rich world like Earth could offer, it also meant that their own photo-reception had evolved in such a way that no lenses were present to focus the light and no organs were sensitive enough to light and UV exposure. It was durable enough that even hours of constant staring would be incapable of producing damage. Instead, they relied on a cluster of eyestalks, each tuned to a different distance for sensitivity and detail.
The clusters of his bulbous tentacle-tipped fingers held a small microphone from his comms device, a part of the personal and scientific log they had been keeping of their encounters on Earth.
“I believe the phrase is ‘You humans have quite lucked out’?” he said to the representatives and handlers that he was being hosted by. “Nowhere else in civilized space has anything close to as perfect of a framing for an eclipse with any moonlets or even other planetoids as you do. The closest would be perhaps the Howlers, as once every few centuries their sister planetoid can block around half to two-thirds of their own sun, but nothing else comes even close.”
The humans were incredibly curious at his statement, a very welcome change from some of the more apathetic space-faring species that Noonan’s people had encountered, but they were annoyingly curious about the Howlers.
Having fully colonized and inhabited both their own world as well as many worlds within and nearby to their system for millennia, the Howlers were almost impossible to communicate with in regards to acts of diplomatic outreach. They were almost akin to a religious cult, warning and speaking of grave threats their ancestors had foretold. It turns out they had been quite agitated when scientists from Noonan's outreach clade had tentatively reached out in an attempt to learn more about their own experience with eclipses, so they could better prepare themselves for what the human eclipse might be like.
By all counts, that argument and ensuing scuffle had nearly cost the researcher their life, and Noonan quickly called it off. It mostly been a precautionary measure, just an idea to make sure the delegation wasn't overly surprised and to avoid any sort of minor diplomatic blunders that could ensue from being caught off guard like that.
But now, Noonan was here, surrounded by a few other scientists and officials from his species helping to round out his entourage, and a large, welcoming group of human hosts. There were also excited groups of human schoolchildren as well, here both as an additional diplomatic show of goodwill and openness, as well as a fun opportunity for them to watch themselves.
There was an image of the eclipse happening on a large white screen set up in the park they were all waiting at, the image projector attached to a telescope nearly twice Noonan's own height. On it, he could see edge of the sun beginning to be occluded by the human Moon, and there was a round of cheering and a strange smacking of appendages against each other the humans called applause.
But as the moon crept slowly over the face of the Sun, a chill breeze swept across the park, the wind ruffling the leaves in the trees and causing Noonan to shiver slightly, a curious biological similarity that his species had to humans. One of the human scientists noticed and reached across to offer him one of the light blankets that had been brought for the others attending this human activity, something that had been explained to him is being called a ‘picnic.’
“So this temperature change is normal then?” he asked.
The scientist smiled. “Yep. But it will only be a few minutes.
Noonan nodded, but as he looked up, the feeling of dread only began to grow.
In the weeks and months that followed, there was a great deal of sociological and physiological investigation by both the humans and their counterparts among their newfound alien contacts. Word had quickly spread about how Noonan and the other members of the delegation had responded: Their bodies going rigid in unspoken and unthinking terror, mouths moving and whispering silently as even those who did not express a theological affiliation still prayed, despite their species’ general skepticism towards religion and worship.
But something that the human scientist first noted and that Noonan's own people could not explain was that this resembled and on this appeared to be an instinctive response, and not a learned one. Direct warmth and light from the sun replaced by rapid, all-encompassing darkness and chill triggered something so deeply rooted in their basal psyche that it was capable of reducing articulate scholars and spokespeople to rambling whispers.
It had been observed as a one-off, regarded as a fluke to be to be avoided with Noonan's species in particular, but then more alien species came to see the humans' world and its unique spacing that allowed for such a perfect eclipse as the rest of the galaxy had not seen. Species after species showed the same pattern: utter fear and terror on a level inexplicable given any of their individual recorded histories, but time and again the pattern showed that the combination of lighting and temperature change from a warm sun suddenly quenched evoked this across every alien species that had reached out into space.
Finally, in an attempt to make inroads on this mystery, communications were attempted with the Howlers again, stating the concerns they had found with the eclipse on the humans’ world and the responses of the other aliens. It had taken some convincing, but finally a High Demagogue of the Howlers attended their first Earth eclipse, standing firmly and unflinching as the light faded and the cold wind blew.
Their eyes rolled back in their canine skull, and they began whimpering. But this time, it was not out of fear like the others, but a sort of perverse and vindicated joy.
“It is over. It is over. I see now that which my ancestors knew, that which we were reminded of every time our sister world brushed the burning gaze of the eye of the gods. It is beautiful, and it is nothingness.”
Then they said nothing more, simply staring unblinking and weeping until the effect faded. Then they returned to reality, back to their suspicious and argumentative self and not recalling what they had uttered during their episode.
It was unnerving, but also unsettling. The Howlers who were one of the eldest civilizations known, even if their modern people seemed to have eschewed and abandoned the spired cities and gleaming achievements erected by their forefathers. There were many who wished to discard these occurrences as unfortunate ramblings, temporary breaks, insanity to be explained away by any number of explanations and excuses.
But for those with the resources and caution to heed the warnings they knew they had received, they now knew that something lurked in the dark between the stars, something that had once roamed the between the bright lights of the worlds and which had frightened species so deeply that it had left a traumatic echo that persisted for thousands or even tens of thousands of years after.
The watchers set up listening and observation stations here and there, probing the darkness between the worlds, in the gaps between the arms of the galaxy, and in the shadows of nebulas where no star yet brought light to illuminated shadows.
And for their vigilance, they were rewarded with signs: of something moving between the dark places, sliding across the voids and circling around unwary stars like a hunter studying its quarry. But it is vast, larger than any weapon or tool could hope to defeat, and its hungers can only be guessed at.
The only warning when it strikes will be darkness, and a chill breeze under a blackened sun.
Enjoy this tale? Check out DarkPrinceLibrary for more of my stories like it!
submitted by darkPrince010 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:59 madotkia Phrasing NPD to a therapist?

I've been suspecting NPD for several years now. I've been seeing therapists since covid, but I've never brought it up or mentioned it at all no matter how strong the urge. Each time a session starts i can only talk about the smaller problems in my life. It's driving me nuts.
How the hell do i phrase this? I'm really struggling trying to phrase my problems without damaging the image of me in her head. I don't want her to silently think im a bad person, but i genuinely have problems that need fixing.
If anyone has past experiences that'll help me feel more comfortable, or advice on the phrasing side, I'd really appreciate that.
submitted by madotkia to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:57 Putrid-Composer8308 Some words of encouragement from someone who's healed (mostly) from my N-trauma.

My NDad has finally backed off now that I'm an adult and have developed a thick skin, and learned to speak up for myself. I encourage you all to be strong and do the self-help work you need to do to come out the other end of your trauma. I know it's much easier said than done, but you need to accept that they're never going to change. YOU'RE the one who needs to change for the better and adapt to living with them, either in or out of your life.
Reading and listening to therapy books, exercising, eating clean, getting regular sleep and expressing myself vocally has done wonders for my self esteem and undone so many years of questioning myself and feeling worthless. There are so many great resources, especially Youtube (it's free to watch hours of 'How to heal from narcissistic abuse' videos!)
I particularly like Dr. Ramani, she delivers her advice in a very calm, understanding and sometimes even funny way. I also recommend audible, listening to books on self-healing while you're going about your day or exercising makes it easy to digest the information. The Art of Self-Therapy by Nick Trenton was a major turning point for me. It's a quick, simple read without tons of complicated scientific terminology that really puts things into perspective.
Once you learn to simply shrug off their constant chatter and remarks, it takes the wind out of their sails. When you realize that they're traumatized children themselves who parrot the same judgmental, critical phrases over and over to cover up their own insecurities, everything suddenly clicks. I don't mean to minimize or belittle any of your experience, I know it's not as simple as just flipping a switch and "getting over it". It takes work, sometimes years of work, but I promise you that working on yourself is a worthwhile investment.
My current boss at work is also a massive narcissist. I see the same patterns in her that I grew up with in my father. I shut her down pretty immediately by remaining calm and responding to her ridiculous demands in a mature, relaxed way. They particularly HATE confident, unbroken eye contact. Notice their eyes dart away when you look at them for too long. They're essentially like predatory animals puffing their chests out to show their dominance. Once she learned I wasn't going to take the bait and get upset by her bullying, she backed off and no longer micromanages me.
They WANT you to react. They want you to get into arguments, show weakness/fear, cry, and try to beg them for forgiveness. When you don't give them any of that and "stonewall" them, suddenly they become nice and laid-back, because they know you're not an easy target. So they move on to the next victim.
At their core, narcissists are very insecure people who are threatened by other confident, outspoken, successful people. They don't like seeing anyone as a potential threat to their Highlander complex of being the only dominant person in the room/family/workplace. Once you understand that it's all a big power play to them, it all makes sense. Don't give them the power. They have spent a lifetime carefully curating these larger than life, loud, boisterous personas to cover up how self-hating and insecure they really are. I've started to look at them with pity now that I've done the emotional work to heal myself. They are tortured, angry, bitter people who will never do the self reflection to heal their own trauma.
My dad now talks to me like a normal, relaxed adult and no longer tries to nitpick everything I do. They are overgrown bullies who prey on easy targets, even their own children. In fact just yesterday, he started to launch into nitpicking me about the particular way I was cleaning a dish in the sink, and I cut him off mid-sentence with a polite yet stern "Yeah, I know." and he backed off immediately. Once you stand up to them on a consistent basis and prove to them that you no longer fall for their bullshit, it pulls back the Wizard of Oz's curtain.
When they see that you're doing well, confident in your own skin and unbothered by their constant bullying, there's no fight left in them. I'm a big horror movie fan, so my mind jumps back to the kids in IT telling Pennywise that he isn't real and doesn't scare them anymore.
I hope reading some of this has helped. I still have bad moments where I freeze up reflecting on things that happened years ago (my trauma response is freezing, not fight or flight), but they happen much less frequently these days. I've built up a defense system inside myself where I know that I'm a worthy, confident, mature person who doesn't need validation, so it's easier to bounce back from my mini-episodes of self-doubt these days. I wish you all nothing but the best on your healing journey.
submitted by Putrid-Composer8308 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 Additional_Scholar_5 Special interests

I don’t have a life long “special interests” (by the way I feel the term “special interest” is really infantilizing), but there are things that I have waxing and waning interest in over time.
For instance I have spent thousands of hours playing fromsoft “soulsbourne” games of the last eight years, but I haven’t touched any of them for few months.
I have been interested in learning how to play piano off and on over the last few years.
Recently I’ve been really interested in linguistics and etymology, if you’re interested I’d recommend the book “The Etymologicon”. I’ve been reading the book “The Wager” and the author writes a lot about how common English phrases originated from sailing lingo. For example, “under the weather” comes from when sick sailors would be kept on the lower decks of the ship and would be totally cut off from everything, light and dark, rain or shine. Literally below deck and under the weather. There’s a lot of really interesting stuff in linguistic/etymology history.
Does anyone relate to this? I feel like it’s similar to what ADHD people describe as hyper fixations, but it’s not so intense and it’s not constantly changing. My interest in these things is pretty cyclical. It will be high for a while then low for a while.
submitted by Additional_Scholar_5 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:31 TheCurserHasntMoved Names

It was a strange episode in his life, but the young Corvian was thankful for the opportunity to experience Terra herself. He was also thankful that his friend had refrained from using his usual nickname of "Squawks," seeing as it saved him a feather-rustling recounting of the incident which earned it for him. Instead, he was going by a more presentable, "Mister Buttons," seeing as his true name was unpronounceable to almost all Terrans. Besides, the story behind it was rather cute and involved a Human hatchling who gave up on trying to pronounce his true name, and Terrans of all stripes have loved hearing it. Praise the ancestors that Jerry didn't think this occasion was one for the kind of levity that comes from embarrassing his friends. The occasion being a funeral followed by a wake.
It wasn't Mister Buttons's first time attending a Terran funeral, far from it, but it was the first one that wasn't a military affair. Unlike the friends consigned to the void often without even a body to offer up to the skies by the war, Jerry's family had lost a High Matron- or what he called a Great Grandmama, to time. Mister Buttons hadn't known that Humans had such strong ties to previous generations, and it warmed him to know he had another thing in common with these valiant people. Even so, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of Terra, the majesty of the city of Seward with its arching towers rising above the grasses and grain fields roiling in the winds dotted with small dwellings and outbuildings to the far horizon. Even this splendor was insignificant in terms of Terran cities, at least on Terra. It didn't stop Mister Buttons from trilling happily at every new marvel, not the least of which was the gravbelt that enabled him to even set foot on such a punishingly strong gravity world.
It was therefore a stark contrast, at first, when he was lead into a relatively diminutive building built from timbers and glass, to pay homage to the venerable departed with Jerry and his kinsfolk. Its whitewashed exterior and steeply angled red tiled roof still drew the eyes up past the steepled bell tower to the clear blue sky as he stood beneath the peaked archway of the heavy doors flung open in welcome to all and sundries. Even the towers he had gawked at failed to make him feel so small as that sky did as he dragged his gaze back to the building itself where dyed glass arranged in patterns depicted a Human man nailed to a tortuous device of death from Terra's ancient past. The central figure of one of the Terrans' religions who apparently had a lasting impact on Terran philosophy, art, culture, and obviously, belief, so far as Mister Buttons understood things. It was a strangely peaceful depiction, and Mister Buttons found himself filing into the… what was this place called? After a whispered question, Jerry explained that it was called a "church," and its purpose was to provide a gathering place for religious people to perform their rituals, elucidate their teachings, and organize community events and charity, much like an Ancestors' Hall back home. Inside, it seemed that the building fit that purpose well, a large stage with what looked like a symbolic alter, a lectern, what looked like some kind of musical instruments, and another depiction of the dying religious figure occupied one end of the church, while the rest was filled with long benches facing the stage and alter. Seating. Comfortable for Humans and other Terrans, and even a spattering of Lutrae to be sure, but decidedly uncomfortable for anybody who had to accommodate tail feathers.
"Don't worry bro, we'll stand at the back," Jerry said in hushed tones after a glance at Mister Buttons's narrowed eyes.
Mister Buttons couldn't help from letting out some relieved clicks as he said, "Thank you. I hate chairs."
They took their places in an out-of-the-way corner near the doors and watched the family and friends file in. Mister Buttons was shocked by how few of them had Jerry's military bearing as they filed in and found seats while carrying on conversations in near whispers even while pained chuckling or grief filled sobs threatened to break the quiet. Then, the slow trickle of mourners ceased, and the doors closed with a muffled thump.
A woman sat on a bench before the musical instrument, and played a resonate thrumming tune on the keys with her fingers, and Mister Buttons was not shocked to hear the whispers had dwindled to the near silence of two hundred people breathing by the time it ended and the musician left the instrument to rejoin the congregation. Then, a man in formal garb walked to a modest lectern beside the alter and began to speak. The man's speech contained readings from the religion's holy book, similes, cultural references, and regional turns of phrase that unfortunately Mister Buttons found difficult to follow even with his strong grasp of Commercial English. It did seem to him that the jist of it had to do with the soul of the departed going to a place of honor, the celebration of her life, and the grief of those who remained among the living. So far as Mister Buttons could peace together anyway. This Abigail woman had apparently done much, mentored many, and leaves behind a legacy any ancestor could be proud of, at least if Mister Buttons was understanding the speaker properly. Then, he lead the congregation in a prayer to the religion's deity before saying, "I'll now open the floor up to anybody who's fixing to have their say."
Jerry, bold as ever, strode into the aisle and up to the lectern without hesitation, and Mister Buttons was surprised to see several people easing themselves back onto the benches in deference to his quick seizure of the first speech. "Hey y'all," he said with a throat clearing caught, and there was a murmured reply from the listeners before he began again, "I've been thinking since I got the news. Thinking about names of all things. You don't really get to pick your own name. First your parents give you a name in the hopes that it'll be made to shine with a good life, and that's a treasure itself. But then you go out into the world and start collecting names. If you're lucky you'll cultivate a collection of nicknames from friends full of humor and fraternity, but they won't forget that hopeful gift you were introduced with. Then if God wills it, you'll meet a special person, and call them 'Dear,' or 'Sweetheart' or 'Love' or anything else like that and be called in turn until that wonderful day you can call each other 'Husband' or 'Wife," but probably those hopeful names you introduced yourselves with already shine with love.
"Then the nicknames and sweetheart names will fall away, and maybe even your true names when you become 'Mamma' or "Dadda,' and eventually 'Mom' and 'Dad.' Then, after those who you gifted hopeful names have cultivated their own collections of names, they too will be 'Mamma' and 'Dadda,'" here Jerry's voice caught in his throat as he continued, "and those kids will name you again, just like my mom named a matriarch called Abigail 'Grandmamma,' and my older cousins called her 'Great Grandmamma.'
"And now at the end of Great Grandmamma's life, we're here to tell each other all of the names we had for her, and all of the stories behind those names. Like the time she yelled at my brother and me. Let me tell you, I've been shot at and I'll tell you which I'd rather face again." The congregation let out a quiet chuckle at that remark interspersed with some sniffles and sobs, and Jerry visibly collected himself in the time that gave him before continuing, "I've heard it said that you die twice, once when you pass from this world and another time when your name is uttered for the last time. I disagree. Great Grandmamma wasn't the brave, gentle, strong, wise woman out of nowhere, and it was the names that she carried that made her that way, and it'll be her names that we carry forward that make us as good as we are, along with other folks like her who taught us the right way. Her influence, her legacy will outlive her most fleeting names, and I believe even the most lasting of ours. And, erm, that's what I had to say. Thanks."
Jerry walked back down the central aisle as another from the congregation to take his place at the lectern, but Mister Buttons was more interested in his friend's rigid pace and wooden expression as he took his former position at the back of the church with him again. "Are you well?" Mister Buttons asked quietly.
"I'm fine," he whispered back hoarsely, "or at least I'm better."
Mister Buttons subtly put a wing grasper on Jerry's shoulder in an awkward gesture of solidarity, and got a wan smile in return as the somewhat portly man shared an amusing anecdote about Abigail and how she solved a social problem with grace. What seemed like hours passed as grieving family members took turns to share like happy memories or thoughts about the nature of life and death from the lectern as the rest of the mourners listened intently. Sometimes through tears, sometimes through laughter, and sometimes through both, but by the end of it it seemed to Mister Buttons that fewer people had stayed seated than had shared something. A beloved High Matron indeed. Then, another prayer, another resonate piece of thrumming music, and the doors were flung open to the dwindling twilight for the mourners to leave the church. The family wasted little time in walking to a nearby restaurant, which they had apparently rented out as a venue, and proceeded to throw the most raucous party Mister Buttons had ever attended. This bedlam of food (mostly edible), drink (which he dared not touch), music, and dance was apparently their idea of a wake.
A stout matronly Human woman with deep laugh lines about her eyes cornered Mister Buttons and asked him, "So how did you know Abby?"
"Ah, I did not. We got shore leave, and I didn't have any family to visit here, so Jerry said I could tag along if I didn't mind going to a funeral…" Mister Buttons explained lamely.
"Oh, welcome to the family!" she explained as she threw her arms about him in a bone crushing hug.
Mister Buttons decided that it was an excellent funeral.
submitted by TheCurserHasntMoved to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:31 ayellowdiamond how do you deal with the knowledge that you might spend the rest of your life alone?

i had always thought that i would spend the rest of my life with my best friend. he used to tell me that even though he's not ace, he didn't care to pursue anything romantic with anyone because i was his only person in the world. some things happened, he got a girlfriend, and now all we have is a superficial relationship. it's not like i never anticipated something like this happening, but feeling it is a different thing...knowing that you're no one's number one. it's hard for me to imagine ever properly connecting with someone again, let alone to that extent. the chances of finding a platonic partner who will share their life with you feel so slim.
how do you deal with this knowledge and these feelings? i've been trying to adapt but i feel like i hold no significance. i try to take better care of myself but i can't seem to feel whole like this. i yearn to love.
the rest of the post is just my situation, i just want to write down my feelings. feel free to ignore.
i live in such a small place full of rude and close-minded people, that i always thought it was a miracle how we crossed paths. we had planned our lives together, moving out from our toxic households and things we would do on our day-to-day lives with our pets. we've been through every discovery together (mental health, sexuality, gender identity, etc.). i have never loved anyone as much as i've loved this man. we had a falling out last year and we've recently made up. in the meantime, he managed to get a girlfriend, a job, and medication for his mental health. on the other hand, i have only regressed in every way. as we've been talking, it doesn't seem like he cares about our relationship anymore and everything feels superficial.
he has mostly been the one to display mental health struggles, and as i don't want to burden him with my own ive usually tried to deal with them in silence. i have always tried to be careful with how i phrase my words so that he doesn't get triggered or sad, i've always put his mental health and well-being before mine and i've always tried to please him. yet, since before, he would show toxic behavior and say mean things that he himself acknowledges, yet makes no effort to ease the pain it causes me.
we had an argument last year cause he took a joke i made as an insult, and after a while he told me that he had been annoyed and that's why he kept pushing it. he continued to argue and then apologized saying he was not in his right mind at the time, and then again finally saying some really hurtful things, implying that he hadn't wanted to spend time with me because i say things to make him sad and that he hadn't wanted to go out with me but he didn't want to say no. things that he attached to a particular situation, yet felt (still feels) like that was his perception of me.
every time something like this happens i shut down and don't respond for days until i've dealt with my feelings, whereas he continues to text normally about random things as if nothing's happened. i guess i wanted to prove myself a point: if he didn't fight for this relationship then what is the point, if he can't address the problem, apologize, state his reasoning, or simply ask about my well-being then does he really care about the consequences his actions have on me? so i didn't text him back, waiting for that response, which never came.
i've always been an introverted person, and i've only had 5 proper friends in almost 10 years. these last 3 years i've lost 3 of them for other sad reasons. my only friend lives so far away from me and i have such a hard time texting frequently. i have close to no relations with my family although we live in the same house. he was fully aware of these things yet never asked how i was doing. i would "stalk" 1 of his socials just to see if he was doing okay, whereas he had no way of knowing anything that was going on with me as my only activity online was/is spreading awareness about Palestine, Sudan and Congo. i knew everything about him, yet he knew nothing about me. i know i don't look like i'm doing okay and he is fully aware as i've expressed that, yet he can't even try to do the bare minimum by taking my mind off of things. he leaves me on read, he makes plans with me and skips them without care. recently, i had a panic attack in front of him (first time it happened in front of him) and his only response to the situation was asking "are you ok?" after i had calmed down. he feels so indifferent and acts like he doesn't remember things i used to do for him, detaching himself from me completely.
i just can't understand how you can consider someone your world yet can move on so quickly. it feels like he was with me because i was there, it could've been anyone that was willing to take care of him. i was just a necessity, and i have no use anymore. i feel like maybe i'm giving myself too much credit and that i must've done something wrong to deserve this response but i can't figure it out. losing so many friends makes me feel like im the problem, especially with him, when i see how he's managed so much in such a short time when i wasn't there.
submitted by ayellowdiamond to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:29 fightinforphilly Lowe’s has an animatronic haunted ship captain available online

Lowe’s has an animatronic haunted ship captain available online
Just found this and bought it in NJ, should arrive on Friday so I’ll update when I put him in. Not sure if anyone else is interested since it’s definitely a loose version of “tiki”, but we have plenty of pirate / nautical things in the bar so he’ll fit right in. I’ve been in the market for an animatronic for awhile so this is perfect!
Link here, you can see the wheel, arms, and head have some articulation and he’s got some spooky phrases.
submitted by fightinforphilly to Tiki [link] [comments]