Esurance commerical blonde

[TOMT] [Music Video] Possibly 1980s to 1990 Black and White Music Video With Dancing Skeleton with Long Blonde Hair

2023.11.10 02:27 madamvante [TOMT] [Music Video] Possibly 1980s to 1990 Black and White Music Video With Dancing Skeleton with Long Blonde Hair

I was watching Jaboody Dub's retro Halloween commerical stream of 2023 last night and an ad for MTV's Shocktober 1990 came on showing clips from various horror movies and music videos. I'm looking for a clip that is shown around the 0:15 second mark of a skeleton with long blonde hair dancing; the clip itself appears in black and white.
I had my mom look at it and asked her if she remembered it. She watched a lot of MTV around 1990 and said she remembered seeing it and that she believes it's from a music video and not a movie but she couldn't remember what it would have been. Any leads help! Thanks in advance!
submitted by madamvante to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2023.04.08 10:35 AmandaMunkyy [TOMT] [SHOW] Creepy Doll Show Ads that aired on TFC around 2005-2007

Don't know if I am using this subreddit right or if I am in the wrong subreddit asking this, but does anybody remember or know these creepy TFC doll ads?
When I was very little, I vividly remember seeing ads of these commercials that traumatized me that aired on TFC (The Filipino Channel) around probably 2004-2006?
There were 2 commercials, both of which happened the same exact way. A camera is panning to a row of doll collections. The dolls had baby faces and stubby arms and legs like a baby, but wore dresses or victorian-era clothing if I can remember. After about 5 or 7 seconds, ther camera pans and instantly stops at one of the dolls, who quickly looks at the camera and stares (And I think says something in Tagalog right after?)
As I said before, there were 2 versions of this commercial. One with a female doll, and one with a male doll, with the female doll version airing first. The male doll version is the commercial where I vividly remember the doll saying something in Tagalog, talking in a confused way. I never knew what he said because I didn't know Tagalog yet.
This isn't one of those commercials I saw once and never again. These commercials aired MULTIPLE times. It was because it was to promote a horror drama show that I remember being not that scary compared to the commercials.
I've been trying to search for both this commerical and show. At least the title of it or maybe some images. Everytime I search up "TFC creepy doll show" it shows no results of this show. When I type "TFC doll show" in general, it just shows these Transformers figures?
I'm hoping someone knows the name or at least remembers the commercials or show that I am talking about.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, but the doll in the first commercial had blonde (or white) curly hair
submitted by AmandaMunkyy to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2022.12.28 03:12 Tan700 Saleisha should have won cycle 9

A lot of people think Saleisha shouldn't have won cycle 9 but I completely disagree. First of all I like Saleisha's look, photos, runway walk and makeover. In terms of what would have worked for the show she is the only one who could have won other than Ebony, but still Saleisha made more sense as a winner than Ebony. Saleisha has that winner quality, girl next door, from T-zone, not too bitchy, wanted to win more than anyone, she had a charecterization that was simple, improved from being "commerical to high fashion" and has a look that is more conventional. I am not going to go through why every girl can't win but I will talk about why the girls who made it overseas can't. Lisa is an exotic dancer. Heather has a disablity and didn't seem to care about winning as much. Bianca is the "fun bitch" and some would say she is the "bitchy bitch". Jenah just does not have the right personality for a winner, sarcasm in general and towards Nigel, laughing through her commericals like she is too "edgy" for Covergirl or something, saying she doesn't spew rainbows like Saleisha, saying to the people doing her makeover she should kick all their asses and that her makeover isn't as edgy as she is, walking into her audition saying girls don't like her and are terrified of her, saying rude comments, etc. She doesn't have the personality or edit that works for a winner. Chantal is a blonde white girl, winning against a black girl in the final 2 wouldn't work and with Chantal's blonde pretty beach girl look she can't be a winner.
submitted by Tan700 to ANTM [link] [comments]

2022.11.07 21:47 manicluvsu Most Listened Albums/Mixtapes since the beginning of September (when I started using Last.FM)

Most Listened Albums/Mixtapes since the beginning of September (when I started using Last.FM) submitted by manicluvsu to Topster [link] [comments]

2022.05.07 07:34 qavarncapital A Study On Reptilians

A Study On Reptilians
The Alpha Draconians are the oldest known reptilian race in our galaxy.
They are, in fact, the only genetic line of their kind that is not extinct. When we talk about that, that's extinct, they have found remnants of others that came after but were extinct.
Most of the reptilian civilizations that we know today, in Butese, Orion, and Capella are all genetically manipulated half breeds of the original Ciakar race.
Genetically Modified Reptilian Hybrid Alien
They stand 18-25 feet tall and can weigh up to 2,500 pounds. They are like Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are monsters. They have black leathery brown scale bellies, they have multiple abdomens, and they have whiskers along their chin and jawline. They have a mating claw and multiple tongues. I'm going to give you some very specific information.
Early Reptoid Hunter During The Triassic Period - [ 252 - 201 million years ago ]

Different Ranks Of Reptilian Hierarchy
They lay eggs and what is called a battle hormone is used to accelerate the birthing process. They are a duality. This is why ancestral females did not participate in war, because if they did, there wouldn't be anybody there to help with the eggs. They also had to be there to secrete this hormone. I am only sharing with you what I know about them.
Stronger young females were expected to defeat and kill older and weaker leaders in ritual combat.
The Ciakar race is ruled and managed by genetic lineage. Genetic lineage always follows the mother, because you always know who the mother is, but you don't always know who the father is. In that particular line, the gals have all the say.
Ruled by the monarchy of a queen genetic lineage they are one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. They have some of the greatest military might that has ever been seen in the galaxy and most of the clan members are zealots and will do anything for the glory of their clans, of their lineage.
They have been the chief enemy of all human races in this galaxy in past conflicts. Again, we are talking about hydrogen breathers vs. oxygen breathers. They have three spinal columns. One spine is located ventrally near the stomach; the other two are located dorsally on the left and on the right of the Ciakars body.
Modern Reptilian

The world is indeed controlled by reptilian bloodlines that hide behind the apparently human form and it is this understanding which pulls together all the apparently unconnected information on this site into a very much connected whole.

Here are some examples:

Central Banking

United States Federal Reserve
European Central Bank
United Kingdom's Central Bank

Money Creation In A Finite World

Borrowing Money from Private Commerical Banks causes Inflation and Debt.

It's basically one giant Ponzi pyramid inside of a massive bubble that will eventually pop.
And when it finally does, you're never going to see a normal day, ever again, in your life.
People killing each other on the streets because there's no currency to validate the authenticity of financial transactions, infrastructure will crumble, or worse, nuclear war may start, because YOUR government will no longer be able to financially CONTROL you in the form of DEBT and or TAXES, primarily meaning you become a defective deplorable.
Once people realize the currency they conduct trade with is fake like their government, everyone will stop paying their taxes, rents, bills, loan payments, and mortgage payments, and protest to have their Central Bank permanently abolished.
There's a specialized military operation where if citizens stop paying their taxes, the military will start killing their friends, family, and everyone around them because they absorb $600 Billion - $1 trillion every single year, from taxpayers, to keep the scheme going on.
That's because this special Ponzi Pyramid is in the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
It's operated by special bloodlines,
  • the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans, and Kuhn Loebs of New York
  • the Rothschilds of Paris and London
  • the Warburgs of Hamburg
  • the Lazards of Paris
  • the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome
The Four Horsemen of Banking,
  • Bank of America
  • JP Morgan-Chase
  • Citigroup
  • Wells Fargo
These people (elite) control the currency that's issued so they make all the rules, and therefore they put the laws, and rules which they want into effect, and the truth is America has really become a socialist communistic country.
Everyone says it is a capitalistic country, but how can it be a capitalistic country when you have a central bank?
That is the first question people should ask.
It can’t be...
The currency we trade with is FAKE.
And the goods and services that we buy and sell are REAL.

Social Manipulation

Globalist Elitists have practiced this technique for centuries, by now.
They have an agenda, to follow.
A formula, to cause a problem.
Finance the Reaction (Black Lives Matter, KKK, Armed Militias, etc)
And MANDATE the solution, they created before the problem even started.


If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that.
How The Vatican Control The World
Source Link: Watch Here!
This is where religion has been one of the most effective weapons of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines. It fills people with a fear of a judgmental God and tells them that unless they believe that the "truth" of all that is can be found in one book or belief system, they are going to hell or will experience other extremely unpleasant consequences.
Vatican Control Over Population
Similar Thing Shown In Movies To Make Fun Of Us - Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Different religions have also been wonderful vehicles for dividing and ruling the people through arrogant, self-righteous, inter-religious conflict. The reptilians created the religions for this reason and the key players within them do not even begin to believe the nonsense they parrot to their followers. They just want the population to believe it, so they will be easy to control.
This is why you find so many famous "Christian" evangelists, for example, are actually Satanists. Their "Christianity" is just a smokescreen.


The suppression of the true knowledge of healing and the domination of drug and surgery-based "medicine" ensures that the human physical body operates at far less than its optimum potential.
This is the reason for the blatant misrepresentation and suppression of the so-called "alternative" forms of healing which have been around for thousands of years longer than modern "medicine".
Food additives, fast food, fluoride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and therefore eat in our food and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance but, most crucially, our brain functions and intellect. A fully awake, mentally sharp, the population is the last thing you need if you want to control them.
Fluorine Is Poison
Thus the reptilian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling "education" and the media. This allows them to feed us a constant diet of brainless crap, like game shows, while the "news" media tells us what the controllers want us to think.
Most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists.


This is obviously very related to religion, which is, for me, the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented.
So are advertising and television. But mind control goes much deeper than that. The Illuminati-reptilian mind-control projects have produced literally millions of mind-controlled robots in endless walks of life, who are programmed to carry out the Illuminati agenda.
There are many electronic ways that this is done today, but one of the key methods is trauma-based mind control. This is where people are traumatized through sexual abuse, violence, being forced to witness and take part in human sacrifice rituals, and countless other horrors. Such experiences activate the mechanism in the mind which shuts out memories of extreme trauma.
One expression of this, which many people have experienced, is when they cannot recall the memory of a bad car crash. They can remember before and after, but not the impact. The mind puts an amnesic barrier around the memory so we do not have to keep re-living it.
This is a good thing, but the Illuminati have developed methods of using this technique to traumatize a mind over and over until it fragments into a honeycomb of disconnected amnesic barriers. They then program these different fragments of mind (altars as they call them) with different tasks. The tasks are pre-programmed to be activated with a "trigger" word, color, sound, or whatever. Once the trigger is given that programming locks in and the person will do whatever they have been programmed to do.
This can be having sex with a famous politician, which they will not remember; assassinating someone like John Lennon; going crazy with a gun in a school, which leads to gun control etc.
The concentration camps of Nazi Germany under the supervision of the "Angel of Death", Josef Mengele, were one of the major centers for such experimentation. Mengele was taken to the United States and South America after the war by the Illuminati under the name Doctor Green or Greenbaum to continue his horrific "work".
This manifested in the notorious mind-control project, MK Ultra. The China Lake Naval Weapons Center in the California desert was one of his premier bases of operation.
The most effective time to start this process of creating human robots is before the age of five or six. Hence you have the colossal child abuse networks and the Satanic ritual abuse of children exposed.


Staggering as it may seem, all of the above are massively widespread all over the world.
It is happening in your community now, I don't care where you are on the face of this planet Earth.
I, and others, have been highlighting this for years and now, as you will see on this site, the scale of it, and the famous people involved, are coming to light at last.

Child Trafficking Is Very Real

Partly these rituals and abuse networks are to do with traumatizing people, especially children, but it is far more than just that. Follow the Illuminati-reptilian bloodlines from the ancient world to now and they have ALWAYS taken part in human sacrifice ceremonies and blood-drinking. The sacrifices to "the gods" in the ancient accounts were literally sacrifices to the reptilians and their hybrid bloodlines.
The story of the blood-drinking Dracula is symbolic of these reptilian "vampires". One of the locations of this reptilian group would appear to be the star system known as Draco and "draconian" certainly sums up the Illuminati.

To hold their human form, these entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their "human" expression. If they don't, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like. "Oh, my God, Mr. President, do you always eat your breakfast from across the room?".

Hidden In Plain Sight - [ Inside Job ~ Netflix ]

From what I understand from former "insiders", the blood (energy) of babies and small children is the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed people. Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in sacrifice, as are red-haired people also, it appears.

This is why people like George Bush, Henry Kissinger, and a stream of the other Illuminati "big names" are exposed in David Icke's books and on this forum as reptilian shape-shifters who take part in human sacrifice and blood-drinking. The two go together.
There also appears to be a very significant emphasis among the Illuminati-reptilians and their offshoots on pedophilia, which is rampant on this planet.
I would emphasize also before I end here that I am exposing certain reptilian GROUPS behind the Illuminati, not the reptilian genetic stream in general.
There are many of reptilian origin who are here to help humanity to free themselves from this mental and emotional bondage. Indeed, every one of us has a body with much reptilian genetics, including part of the brain called the R-complex, the reptilian brain. It is merely a matter of degree.
I trust this brief summary will help you to see the relevance of all the articles and information you will find on this site. In the end, all these apparently unconnected "conspiracies" are part of ONE conspiracy designed to introduce ONE agenda.
The reptilian control of Planet Earth and its entire population.
submitted by qavarncapital to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2022.05.07 03:27 madpiratebippy Bob the Baddass Space Mall Cop- Summoning Murphy and Malicious Complaince

first next
Hi everyone! Please enjoy the second chapter of Bob the Space Mall Cop. If you are not enjoying it, I am afraid you might be lost and the place to purchase your enjoyment from the fine vendor is at the back of the shop and I will be happy to assist you in finding them.
This is very, very loosely based on my old job in college as a mall security guard. The idea of having to do Mall Cop stuff in space made me laugh. I hope you enjoy.
The hab was big beyond what Bob could really wrap his mind around, and it was old. It was built longer ago than humans had been writing, by the work of thousands of species coming together in the spirit of peace and trade. It was the size of a small moon. Humans didn't have half the technology needed to even figure out the technology needed to run the place. Gravity, water, air, all of it was under the control of systems of such vastness, complexity and age that the best minds on Earth were spending lifteimes just trying to figure them out.
When the big alarm went off in Gil's office and his face went pale, Bob feared the worst. Was there a hull breach and air was rushing out of the hab, taking innocent people out into the vaccum of space? Was the water system flooding, drowinging anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it's capricious malfunction? Did something like the hab even have natural disasters like tornados?
Was Bob going to have to see dead bodies or actually be the badass his security company advertised him as? As far as humans went he was out of shape, short, and weak. He wasn't sure how much help he could be in a real emergency. His personal comm device beeped with a message that said All Hands On Deck, report to Security Office in uniform.
"What is it? Are we under attack?" Bob said. He hadn't meant to curse them.
"Worse." Gil said. "Management is coming. Surprise inspection."
"Oh, like corporate checking in on us?" Bob felt the clench in his guts start to relax.
"No. No, it's not our corporate coming in for a visit. It's their bosses- the Hab management. The owners, a sibling pair of It'remba, might be here. They're... volitile and demanding. It'sy and It'He'ad. Whatever you do, smile with your lips closed, nod, and try to say nothing. I mean it- say NOTHING." Gil looked nervously around his small, immaculately tidy office as if he desperately wanted something to organize.
This was not going to be good. This wasn't a natural disaster. Was it going to be an... unnatural disaster?
Gil, Bob, and the other security guards on duty were standing at the closest they could get to milatary parade rest in the hallway outside the security offices. Down the hall there was a procession of aliens lead by... the closest Bob could explain them was crab-centaurs, scuttling down the hallway, with heavily bejweled crab bottoms and spindly swan-like necks, with four stick-like arms and a face that looked kind of like the worst part of an alligator merged with a Ferengi from Star Trek.
They were not attractive creatures, that's for sure, and the outright hostility coming off them in waves didn't make them seem any friendlier. The smaller crab-centaur had a designer purse on a hover plate next to her, with a shivering teacup poodle in it. It was holding a flask it kept drinking out of, and Bob could smell the booze from all the way down the hall. From the way it was weaving as it went down the hall, and the other one was walking in a straight line, Bob was sure it was whatever the hell its version of drunk was.
As they walked past one of the guards, one of the guys that Bob had done rounds with twice- a supervisor by the name of Rupert. Bob really liked Rupert a lot. Rupert reminded him of the best parts of his youngest son, and even looked like him a little. Rupert had been handed a shit stick in life and worked his ass off, taking as much overtime as he could and covering everyone else's shifts if possible.
His family had lived together on Earth in a country without a lot of social safety nets. Apparently while Rupert was away to college, there had been a fire in the apartment complex they all lived in. His older brothers and brother in law died in the fire getting all of the kids out, but that left him as a teenager trying to support his parents, sister, sister in law, and their children- many of whom had medical problems after surviving the fire.
He took the job not for fun or to enrich himself, but to give a better life to his family. Bob always appreciated a man who provided for his own, especially since they weren't technically his children. Rupert had given up on a wife and family of his own, as well as finishing his education, to support his family. He was a good dude, who lived very simply. He ate the cheapest rations he could buy, and no luxuries for himself at all so he could send almost all his paychecks back home to support them.
The only time his smile reached his eyes was when he was showing off pictures of his family back home.
Rufus looked panicked at the processon got closer. He scrunched up his face before loosing his battle with biology, and sneezed loudly.
The dog-purse carrying crabtaur hissed at him.
"Such INSOLENCE! You are fired. How dare you make that noise at me? You don't have a job anymore. GET OUT!"
One of the attending aliens who looked like a fluffy lemur with huge, soft eyes cleared it's throat.
"Madam It'He'ad, I am afraid you cannot fire the human for sneezing. It's a reaction that humans have no control over, in response to chemicals that might cause them harm. Your pet is known to cause this reaction in some humans, and the only way to prevent it is to take medication before exposure. Since this was a surprise visit and the human couldn't prepare-"
The she-crab hissed at the attorney and started stamping her feet.
"I don't CARE. You're fired now too. I have plenty of other lawyers on staff and there's a line a mile long willing to take your place. I don't want to hear it, just get that rude thing out of here."
The lemur looked at the other crabtaur.
"Sir. By the provisions in the employment contract with the security agency we are required to provide notice to employees before possible exposure to chemicals that can act as toxins. If we fire the human for sneezing when exposed to a known allergen, we risk substantial fines and the humans can cancel their entire contract with us. I will do what you need, but there are possible legal ramifications."
It'he'ad stomped one of her spiky crab feet right into the middle of the long, soft, bare foot of the lemur, who yelped in pain and crouched, hopping on one foot while holding on to the damaged appendage.
The Sir crabtaur seemed to inflate himself so that he was standing at his full three and a half feet in height.
"My sister wants this being fired. Fire them." he scuttled sideways. "You go ahead, dearest It'He'ad. I will join you in the confrence room in a moment."
It'He'ad stumbled forwards, purse dog yapping, drunkenly tripping on one of her own legs.
"AND FIRE WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE OF MAINTANCE OF THIS HALLWAY, IT'S A DEATH TRAP" she bellowed loud enough to make her retainers flinch in pain. Even the humans were uncomfortable in that volume.
It'sy spun on stubby crab legs to square up against his lemur lawyer, instead of turning his head. It looked like he was trying to be intimidating but was really just kind of awkward.
"Figure out how to give my sister what she wants. The rest of security, I want you to come with me.
The lemur looked sadly at Rupert, who was trying not to cry. "Please follow me to the security offices." it said.
Everyone else followed the crabtaurs into the confrence room, where the upper management staff of the hab were already standing. Me-ree, the head hab on site manager, was a graceful humanoid who looked close enough to a human woman, but she had no ears and seemed to be covered with fine blond fur everywhere. She was wearing what looked like a green kimono, and she bowed deeply as the It'remba came into the room.
"It is an honor to have your presense on the station. Thank you for the privledge of your attention on our hab. I have all the regular reports ready for your perusal, both for this fiscal quarter and the yearly cycle."
It'He'ad was pouring herself another drink from her flask into a tiny cup held up by a pixie like creature, who was clearly struggling with the weight. This seemed to amuse It'he'ad.
"I don't want to see your reports. My sister and I just returned from a shopping trip on Earth. Wonderful malls there. It'He'ad got many luxury leather goods that we would like to start importing to this hab. She was fond of Hermes, Gucci and Louis Vutton. We're in negotiations to start opening a human store with the Terran government, apparenty they have export rules that have to be figured out."
It'sy puffed up again.
"We want the Terrans to feel comfortable here, there was a thing that I liked when shopping on Terra. Shopping areas on Terra play music all the time! Each store sometimes plays it's own music. I want speakers put in across the entire Hab that aren't connected to the emergency alert system. And of all the Terran musical selections, I have found the best one. The most beautiful song in all of the Terran musical catalog, and I want it."
A six legged dog person started taking notes on his datapad.
"Sir, we can install sound systems hab wide but the expense will be considerable. Should we start in the portion of the commercial section of the hab that we'll be putting the Terran stores in first and then roll it out to different areas?
It'He'ad downed her drink in one swallow and then slammed the glass down as hard as she could on the confrence table. The little pixie that had been holding up her cup nearly collaped with relief.
"Are you STUPID? Nevermind, I know you're stupid. My brother said he wants the ENTIRE HAB covered. Make it happen. NOW."
The dog person nodded and made a note. "Very well, madam. How much overtime will be approved for the installers?"
"No overtime. Get it done as fast as possible and as cheap as possible. I want this done and I don't want to pay too much for it."
Everyone nodded. "And what about the sound the system should be playing?" the dog person continued.
It'Sy looked pleased with himself, grooming his scaley face with the four spindly arms that grew out of his neck. "Oh, I inquired about the song. It's a classic Terran hymn played to encourage shoppers to spend more money during their high holiday season. The name is "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey. I want it broadcast 24/7 in all commerical centers in the hab to encourage consumption. It seemed to be quite effective when my beloved sister and I were enjoying ourselves. I've already purchased the rights to the song. Apparently human artists get paid in royalties for making shopping music, so I don't want to purchase anymore. This one is sufficient. "
Bob noticed that It'sy had a room full of humans there that would have told him that playing Mariah Carey non stop would not be something that humans would want, but he was also convinced that the beady eyed little assholes weren't capable of listening to the advice of their employees.
"Also, the lights are too bright in the shopping district and they're hurting my eyes. I want them turned down to It'remba standard." It'He'ad stated.
Bob wondered if the perpetual hangover had anything to do with her eyes hurting.
Another lemur, this one wearing a blue jacket, spoke up.
"Sir, we can arrange that but we will likely need to increase our insurance policy, since that's not Galactic Standard. Any deviation from Gal Stad will increase costs, and accidents will increase-"
It'sy waved his arms dismissively. "If they're blind enough to trip in perfectly reasonable amounts of light they deserve what they get."
It'He'ad hissed malevolently. "And the humidity is too low. Increase that as well."
Blue Jacket nodded. The dog person said "That is outside of Galactic Standards. It might cause issues with-"
It'Sy snapped his jaws in the general direction of the dog person. "Idiot. She didn't ask what issues it might cause. I said get it DONE. The hab needs to be a comfortable place for me to shop in and it's too dry, and too bright. And we have a few other changes we want made. Let's go over those."
All the retainers nodded.
It'He'ad's purse dog started barking. She took it out of her purse and dumped it unceremoniously on the floor, where it proceeded to take a shit. One of the retainers waited to clean up after it as she loaded up her cup with another drink.
Bob was pretty sure he wasn't going to like the other changes that they wanted.
When the meeting was over all the guards went to the security office, and most of them seemed slightly shell shocked.
"Who the hell were those people?" Bob asked. Gil looked glum.
"You know how this hab is mind bogglingly huge and has more wealth in it than the entirety of the Terran empire? They own it. And they own another 232 habs, on top of this one. They have the kind of money that means they get to do whatever they want, whenever they want, to whoever they want. You do what they say or they flatten you."
One of the other guards, a black man with a nose that had been broken a few times during his boxing career, looked up. "Wait... did they build the habs?"
"Nope." Gil said. "They bought them. Rather, their grandparents bought a few, then their parents bought more. They're unbelivably wealthy and never had to work a minute in their lives. They don't know how to hear no."
"Isn't being forced to listen to "All I Want For Christmas" non stop against the Geneva conventions?" a woman Bob hadn't met yet asked. He groaned, having forgot that bit of the meeting in all the other horrible parts of the meeting. THAT was cruel and an unnatural disaster indeed.
Gil chuckled. "Don't worry. Ma-reee has been at her job for a long time, even before the It'remba bought the hab."
"Malicious compliance?" the woman asked.
Gil nodded. "The only way to deal with them is to give them exactly what they ask for every time. Don't worry, it'll be ok and blow over quickly. Now give me a minute, I need to go deal with the lawyer and Rupert.
Gil walked into his personal office, where the lemur-lawyer and Rupert were waiting for him. Rupert's eyes were red, but his face was dry and he was trying to put on a brave face.
Gil sighed. "Is there anything we can do about this? I'm short staffed as it is, Rupert's one of my shift managers and is brilliant at his job. I really can't replace him and do without him. It's not his fault that he's allergic to dogs."
The lawyer's expressive eyes twinkled. "Well sadly, this puts us in quite a conundrum. We cannot ignore a direct order from the owners of the habitat. But Mr. Rupert's firing is a violation of contract as well as labor laws that come with some stiff penalties. I suggest that we terminate Mr. Rupert immediately, as per the instructions of our employer. Mr. Rupert, I will terminate you so that you are re-hirable. I belive I can get your new contract approved withing approximately 30 minutes. However, you will loose all your senority and accured perks. As an incentive to re-sign your contract, I will happily give you a new sign on bonus worth one third of what you would likely recieve as wrongful termination damages."
Rupert looked gut-shot. "But, how would that work? Won't she see me and know I'm still here?"
The lemur sighed.
"That won't be a problem. I don't think they can tell us apart. Not just humans from other humans- I don't know if they haven't figured out that I'm not a short human myself."
The lawyer waved over his golden brown fur with a hand that had thumbs on both sides between three long fingers with more joints than any human ever had.
"As you can see other than being a biped, there's not a lot of similarity. This was a joke." he continued.
Gil and Rupert chuckled obligingly.
"I worked for the Corporation from the time of their great grandfather, who started the company, and I don't think they even know my name. I spend a lot of time cleaning up their messes to keep the legacy of that great being alive. If they can't tell the difference between me and you, they will not be able to tell the difference between you and another human."
"Half." Gil said. "You're saving a lot of paperwork and time in court fees for wrongful termination. And no bad pulicity that'll make it harder to get human security to sign up. Not to mention cost savings from the lawsuit about possible biohazards and allowing personelle to protect themselves against them."
Gil nodded to himself. "Half of the standard settlement for both complaints- wrongful termination and biohazard exposure. Not just one."
The lawyer nodded. "I see you have spent some time familiarizing yourself with GalStandard employment and contract law, gentlebeing. It fills me with contentness to see a manager of a new race take the time to make sure their people are protected." He rubbed his hands over his arms while thinking.
"I am content with that negotiation, but that is the precice maximum amount I can arrange without more authorization. There is no more room to renegotiate. Is that acceptable to you, Mr. Rupert?"
Rupert was still coming out of emotional whiplash and was slower on the uptake. "I'm... I'm not going to be fired?"
Gil cleared his throat. "No, Rupert. You're going to be fired and rehired in about half an hour, with a new hiring bonus."
Gil leaned in and whispered into Rupert's ear. "I don't know how much more you have to go but that should pay off the last of your family's debt. And a lot faster than all the overtime you've been working. Take the deal."
The lemur stayed impassive but Gil had worked with enough of them to know their hearing was excellent and he understood everything. There was a reason the soft little lemur people were considered the best lawyers in the galaxy.
Rupert paused and thought hard. When he looked up from his hands, he said "Where do I sign?"
The store owners were notified that the lights and humidity in the main areas were going to be set to It'remba standards. Predicably the complaints started flooding in immediately.
A shopkeeper that looked kind of like a monitor lizard with an extra set of legs was protesting in front of a group of mixed shop keepers, all of whom were borderline able to handle the Galactic Standards- a compromise where most people were mildly uncomfortable but most species would need minimal assistance to survive.
"I am constantly sticky and can't properly regulate my heat with the humidity as high as it is. If it goes up, not only will I suffer, but so will all of my people. It's far outside our biological paramaters! It'remba is a swamp planet and I am from a desert planet!"
Another shopkeeper, this one a large frog with bristles of hair down their back and an elaborate belt- "The lights are already far too low for comfort for us, if you dim them, we'll be functionally blind! No one will even be able to come to my shops if the concorses are a death trap! Not just customers, but deliveries from my homeworld!"
Ma-reee held up her hands, palms up, in a moderately universal body language pose of having nothing to hide.
"I understand all your concerns. Please, I would like to assist you in convincing the owners to return the Hab to galactic standards, but you know how it is. The only protests that they understand are financial. Please let me know in writing if these conditions will impact your decisions to renew the leases on your spaces.
There was wall of screaming and squaking, Ma-reee started speaking louder.
"I belive that approximately 20% of the species in the hab will be impacted by these changes. Please, inform me IN WRITING of the ECONOMIC IMPACT TO THE HAB from you refusing to renew your leases so I can do something about this. Thank you."
Ma-reee stepped backwards and closed the door to her office, sighing as the door clicked behind her. She was in a terrible position and she knew it. She loved the Hab, and had given up over 20 breeding cycles to nurture, grow, and improve life on the marvel that she was but a temporary caretaker of, in a long line of dedicated caretakers. Her years of loyal and dedicated service meant nothing to the upstart It'remba owners, and she was in as much danger of getting fired as the maintancence bot in charge of the hallway.
She filled out the paperwork to 'terminate' the bot, rebooted it and then added a -001 to the end of it's number, and made sure it was properly forwarded to It'He'ad, even though the odds she'd ever see the paperwork were astronomically small. That way if she ever sobered up enough to check if beings had been fired, she could sit and smugly preen.
Next she had a meeting with a very understandabily furious director of maintenence. His budget had been cut every year since the It'remba's hostile buyout of the hab, and now he was supposed to pull a sound system out of his ass and install it in poor lighting conditions with enough humidity in the air that maintenence requests were going to go through the roof.
Ma-ree sighed. This wasn't the life of glamour and adventure she thought she was signing up for when she left her home planet to venture into the stars, but it was hers.
The flying hab's repair was delayed another several weeks. Apparently all the maintence workers who were supposed to fix it had been diverted to another project. Most of the time the highlights of a young S'hanktra's life were the school vacations where they could spend all day soaring through the skies, excercising their flight muscles and learning how to flock together in the air, in high speed games of chase and tag.
Now they were out of school and grounded. Not by their parents, who thank the Makers had not been contacted about the illegal cloaking devices they'd managed to buy- which wasted all their money. They were doubly grounded because there was no place to fly and no money to spend.
They were stuck walking on their feet in a little group, but after a few days even sightseeing had lost it's novelty. The de facto leader of the group, Tre-le-lee, was the biggest S'hanktra teenager, having hatched a few months before the rest of his classmates. He was nearing his first mating season and had been trying to impress the beauties in his school all school year.
One of the smaller females, who was a bit dim but considered quite attractive by the standards of her peers, sighed. ""I'm bored." she said.
The most dangerous sentance to come out of the mouths of clever children and hormonal boys eager to impress girls escaped from Tre-le-lee.
"I have an idea! Follow me!"
Another Note: I love some of the games u/Ralts_Bloodthorne plays with the names of characters in his amazing stories. The female sister, with she/her pronouns, is She it'he'ad. And yes, this is based on a real story where she really made other people clean up her purse dog's poop and rage-fired people for no reason while drunk off her tits. If you figure out who the other one is with the similar name game please don't post it as I don't want to be sued, but if you dealt with these guys, you know. You KNOW.
Also I am dyslexic and English is my second language, if you spot spelling errors it will not hurt my feelings at all to have them corrected.
first next
submitted by madpiratebippy to HFY [link] [comments]

2021.04.28 00:43 Historical_Ad981 [TOMT] [COMMERICAL] commerical from the noughties with Renaissance/Middle Ages character with bowl cut?

I am losing my mind. I can vividly remember this commercial; a man dressed in like a green Middle Ages style outfit with a blonde bowl cut, and he’s in like, modern day settings. I thought it was a skittles commerical but I can’t find it anywhere. I think it might have been a meme in like 2009-2010 as well, but I’m not sure. Pls help!
submitted by Historical_Ad981 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2021.03.07 01:38 StardewStunner I am trying to get the AI to write TV Shows, with small amounts of input from me along the way coming in the form of story posts. Here are the first 2 episodes of my first "success" - "Todd's World"

Show Name: Todd's World
Show Description: Todd Honey is a interviewer. He interviews people from all around the world, from all walks of life.
Season 1, Episode 1

Episode 1: Interview with Max Randall
Todd Honey: Max Randall is famous cartoonist know for works like: The Eastbay Morons, and SCUD: Attack Angel.
The camera pans out to reveal Todd and Max Randall sitting in chairs in a studio.
Todd Honey: But what you may have not know about Max is he has a secret past as an actor.
Max Randall: (laughs) Yeah I'm sure you're right honey, but it was just one time...
Todd Honey: So why don't we start off by asking Max some questions?
Max Randall: Sure! What can it hurt?
Todd Honey: Well, first things first, I'd like to ask you if you've ever been arrested or even had any run ins with the law.
Max Randall: No! Not at all!
Todd honey points to a TV screen behind them, and it begins to play a video depicting Max Randall being arrested outside of a movie theatre. He is escorted out of the police car in handcuffs with his head down.
Todd Honey: That was recent isn't it?
Max Randall: Yeah, well I don't want to talk about it!

The video then changes to show a report on some political scandal involving one of Randall's candidates. There is a picture of him next to the candidate looking proud.
Max Randall: I'm not going to deny it...I did help that guy get elected, but nothing illegal went on!

Todd Honey: I am sure you are telling the truth about that.
Todd laughs
Todd Honey looks directly into the camera
Todd Honey: Alright folks we have to cut to a commercial break, but when we get back Max Randall and I will be racing go karts live! We'll be right back!
The show goes cuts to a commerical break.
The show comes back and both men are now standing in front of what looks like a very expensive and luxurious go-kart.
Todd Honey: These things can go up to eighty miles an hour!
The show host gets behind the wheel of the kart and revs the engine. Both men get in the kart, with Honey in the driver's seat. The show host gives a thumbs up sign to everyone in the studio and Todd Honey takes off from the starting line.
The men race each other down the track. The kart is high performance and fast. The Men weave in and out of the traffic on the track, and both men know that if they make one wrong move they'll crash and most likely die.
The show host navigates the kart around other drivers and hits jumps and ramps in an apparent attempt to spin out or crash into the other kart.
It is clear that Honey has the advantage, as he knows how to use the track better than his opponent. The Host's kart crashes into a wall, and Honey takes that opportunity to spin the other racer out. He takes his foot off the accelerator pedal and both karts glide to a halt.
The men climb out of their karts and shake hands.
The camera zooms in on Todd's face.
Todd: That's all for tonight's show thank you all for watching! Good Night!
The show ends.

Show Name: Todd's World
Show Description: Todd Honey is a interviewer. He interviews people from all around the world, from all walks of life.
Season 1, Episode 2

Episode 2: Interview with John Marsh
Todd Honey: John Marsh is a dairy farmer from Kentucky.
The camera zooms out to reveal Todd Honey and John Marsh, standing next to a wooden fence. Behind them are cows in a pasture.
Todd: John, tell us about yourself.
Marsh: Well I was born and raised on a farm in Kentucky. I got married to my wife Brenda when I was nineteen, we've been milking cows ever since.
Todd: That's it?
Marsh: (Shrugs)
Todd: That's pretty boring.
Marsh: It's a pretty boring life, unless you've got some modern gadgets to make it at least a little more interesting. I got a plasma TV not long ago.
Brenda comes out of the house and approaches the men. She is a pretty, young, slightly younger than John, woman with long blonde hair and a nice figure. She wears a shirt that reveals her midriff and short, tight jeans.
Brenda: Evening gentlemen.
Todd motions the camera to get a good shot of Brenda.
Todd Honey: Good Evening Brenda. Say Hello to the people watch at home.
Brenda: Hello
Brenda giggles as she speaks.
Brenda: How's my favorite cowman?
John blushes as he speaks.
John: Um, I'm fine and you?
Brenda laughs.
Brenda: Oh, you know how it is. The bulls aren't exactly fighting each other around here.
John: Yeah, things are pretty dull around here.
Todd: So what's the problem?
Brenda stares at the cameraman for a second before speaking.
Brenda: Well, these two idiots will put more money in your pockets, and that's all our government cares about.
John: (Sigh) The problem is, our neighbor, Tom McAnsh, has been using his farm to breed super cows.
Todd Honey's eyebrows raise at the mention of "super cows"
Todd: That is very interesting, do you think if we went over there right now we could talk to him?
John: Well, we got a problem. McAnsh has been drinking way too much lately. He's been seeing giant ass ethereal cows. He swears it's true, but I know it's bullshit.
Todd Honey looks directly into the camera and it zooms in on his face.
Todd: Folks, we are going to have to take a commercial break here. When we come back, we will be trying to get a special bonus interview with John's neighbor, Tom McAnsh.
The show fades away to a commercial break.
When the show comes back it fades to a shaky camera following Todd Honey.
Todd is walking up a long gravel driveway, on his way to Tom McAnsh's front door. He knocks on the door and after a few second a stocky, middle-aged man opens the door.
Man: (Sarcastic) Oh hey there, doc. Come on in.
Todd steps inside and the door shuts behind him.
The cameramen get an angle through a window
Todd Honey: So, Mr. McAnsh we have to know about your super cows!
McAnsh: (Sigh) I already know what you're going to ask me doc. And I'm not going to tell you shit.
Todd Honey's eyes narrow as he speaks.
Todd Honey: Oh? Why not?
McAnsh: Because if I don't respect the farm animals enough to not bother them when I milk them, then I sure as hell don't respect your precious cows enough to give 'em steroids. That shit is just vile.
McAnsh is visibly drunk, and slobbering all over himself. Todd begins to look nervous.
Todd Honey: So don't think giving your farm animals steroids would have any effect on the quality of the milk?
McAnsh laughs.
McAnsh: You're fucking with me doc, right? There's no such thing as a "perfect" cow. There's always something more.
McAnsh laughs and walks past Honey, motioning towards the stairs.
McAnsh: Come on, I got a bunch of shit I want to show you.
Todd opens the door to the house allowing the cameramen inside and then follows McAnsh upstairs. McAnsh points towards a long hallway upstairs and says "The bathroom is over there, I think". The cameramen follow him as he walks down the hall.
As Honey and the cameramen walk up the stairs, they begin to hear a strange sound. A high pitched ringing noise, almost like a cow's moo. The cameramen stop and look behind them. There is no one there.
The strange sound begins again and Honey looks around again, puzzled. As he does, his eyes settle on something at the end of the hallway. It looks like a large metal laundry basket sitting in front of some wooden doors.
The sound is coming from inside the basket. There are three small children sitting in it, each with long black hair and very pale skin.
The camera zooms in on the children's eyes. They are completely black.
The sound stops and the three children in the basket look at Honey with alien eyes.
Honey screams as the video cuts out.
The episode ends

I have tried with some player-made prompts for The Office, Tom and Jerry, a player-made sitcom generator, and a cartoon universe prompt I made. None of them have really worked well at all. This is my best attempt so far. I am very new to AI dungeon, any tips or advice would be much appreciated. If you have successfully had the AI create an episodic cartoon or show I would love a link.
Let me know what you think.
submitted by StardewStunner to AIDungeon [link] [comments]

2020.11.13 13:25 baronjman [TOMT] [Youtube video/ad] [2020] Saw a youtube ad from a store done in 1980s vhs style

I know this one is a stretch and a half. Recently saw a youtube ad for a store chain that was done in a 1980s vhs style. the commerical was "hosted" by a blonde woman and one of the lines of dialogue from it was "don't forget hannukah with our jewish section". Was a fantastic example of an intentional throwback. Sorry i don't have more details.
submitted by baronjman to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2020.10.21 19:35 TatarCubanGirl The Dragon

I was raised as a Jehovahs witness and I remember being taught that the dragon in the Bible is also the Devil. Later I asked them about is the dragon in the Bible and Revelation and the cultural Chinese Dragon. I got the answer that the Dragon was a symbol for the Chinese emperor but now it is just a symbol for good luck. Apperantly the asian chinese cultural dragon has no connection to the devil-dragon in the Bible. But I clearly remember being taught in childhood that the Devil is also a Dragon.
I have to admit my JW upbringing legit convinced me as a child that chinese culture is kind of satanic.
The Kpop artist G-Dragon legit rubs me to this day the wrong way and make me feel strange.
Plus the fact that the dragon is a symbol among asian mafia in tattoos and amwf porn (which makes
me feel at the same time cringe as f and mildly irritated)
When I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang where she basically wrote her mother had an abortion because she felt she could better serve the Communist Chinese government. That moment I got
"child sacrifice for Communist Party" vibes. And I remembered all the stories from the Old Testament about the caananites sacrificed their children to their gods.
Being raised as a JW by former atheist parent from communist countries as refuges and immigrants
in Sweden , and reading the whole Bible legit fucked me up.
Because according to JWs fetus=child.
My parents were atheist raised during Communism. They only got into Jws after coming to Sweden after my birth because they both studied in Moscow.
But our life did not turn out good and I legit think the JWs are an organization to hunt down communists around the world and reeducate communists children into christianity.
My parents got threathened by social services and mm and my mother fled to Russia.
I still think all of this happened only because of my grandfather being a cuban diplomat in North Korea. My father also never baptised himself into the Jws unlike my mother.
Yes I have read the book by Yeonmi Park "To be able to live" and I can sympathise with her.
But what concerns me more is my grandfather who lives very poor in Cuba and despite being on pension he continues to work. No matter how much I sympathise with Yeonmi Park I am more concerned about Cuba and Russia and why the main population is so poor there.
I am also concerned with the artificial milk-producing companies invading republics not so far from my mothers republic only employing chinese from the mainland and producing crap unhealthy products to sell in Russia.

I remember the JWs literature having the focus on prozelyting "worldly" people especially Chinese in China.
I remember the literature where we were encouraged to "take the step over to Macedonia" where two girls prozelyted to two chinese.
I especially think of this when I discovered the book and movie The Bitter Tea of General Yen.
I also think of it when Jws get jailed for prozelyting in China.
Also I remember in the book "What does the Bible really learn?" there was this picture with an asian woman reading the Bible.
I feel that I have a weird relationship to Asians even thought I am half asian myself. I am half Cuban ,half Tatar. Tatars ara considered minority asians in Russia.
It started with when my blonde best swedish friend Hulda (fake name) father got divorced (the family were JWs) to his swedish wife and married a Thai woman. The swedish wife married an african refugee.
That legit made me start feeling doubt in my religion.
I used to go with my famly to a chinese traditional doctor who was very kind who gave my parents a traditional chinese cooking utensil.
My mother is best friend with a woman from Tajikistan that is Uzbek who was a wealthy woman during communist regime. We also know another woman from Kazakhstan whose dad was a politican but
who seems to have gotten some grudge against my mum. She also did a really mean joke after my fathers death about him being behind the Chernobyl accident just for being a nuclear engineer who worked there at one point.
Only after my fathers death have I seen really how nasty Huldas mother really is when she claimed my mother did wrong by escaping from social services with me to Russia. I told her she was bullshitting and lying. I also hate the posh polish JW woman who claimed I stole her daughters jacket in childhood. Now they just ignore us. I am really disappointed with the Jws and legit think they contacted our family
only to destroy my dad and make his daughter anti-communist.
I also really hate how poorly my parents got treated here despite their higher educations

My parents used to help a Vietnamese family with documents and helping them not getting scammed into laundering money . They were very kind but shortly abrupted our relationship and talking after the wifes vietnamese friend started talking about JWs being bad.
But I remember going to a school where a filipina girl hated me and used to put dirty water in my water drinking bottle. She was in love with a swedish boy from a nationalistic swedish party and was jealous because he showed interest in me. Btw the boy said he was a satanist when I told him I was JW.
Once I tried to make friend s with a Thai boy at school but it did not work out.
When I heard a higher educated russian man on Youtube complain about the asians and their cliques
and how we russians and cenral asians dont have our cliques the same way and how the west hates us russians I have to agree. I relly recommend everybody to listen to the Youtubers Revengestar, Vovan Japan 0.2 and Nazar Ilishev.
I some time read the manga Rosario Vampire with the vampire girl Moka Akashiya and when the russian youtuber Ashiya popped up with the same name it made me feel weird.

I was also really into Vampire knight but then I stumbled upon the website NihongoNews where
they exposed the dark side of Japan and all the red sun flag dark history so I remember when waiting outside a grocery store alone for my mother in Russia I saw an asian dude walking past me with red sun tattoos it made my stomach churn in discomfort. I also remember when I was lying in the hospital in Russia I got harassed for taking communist books from the hospital library to read.
There was this asian dude laughing at me for being shy and not used to talking to guys there.
Also once I got submitted into a psychiatric hospital alone and some asian girl and dude had sex behind a sliding wall while I was tied to bed. I am still angry on my mum for focing me in psychiatic hospitals 2 times just because I could not sleep at night. At the hospital there was also an asian nurse forcing a pill that fell to the floor into my mouth by force.
Also at the endocrinological hospital there was an really gruff , rough, hoarse main doctor without one finger (yakuza sign anybody?) that was really rude to my mum.
These are the 4 weird asians I cant forget. The one with the red sun tattoo ,the rude one ,the one behind the sliding wall and the one missing finger doctor. Watching japanese visual kei videos with the red rising flag makes me SO uncomfortable. I constantly remeber that guy who walked past me when I see that.
Also I got an operation on my stomach. While I was lying in the endocrinological part of the hospital I overheard old babushkas talking about the main doctor and his daugher ruling the hospital being very affluent poeple making the hard working babushkas pretty salty. They also insiniated I had had an abortion even thought I explained it was only the appendix that got removed.
I confronted my mum about it but she stands by that it only was the appendix.
Later I got maredreams and strange thoughts if maybe I was raped during sleep in the other hospital because I remember one day waking up and seeing a weird condom lying in the corridor (I slept in the corridor) and the asian guy quickly moving out after that. I also remember the nurses choosing especially him to once deliver me some pills I had to swallow.
But the most horrifiying memory I have is when the asian guy rolled me in a wheel chair and I remember him whispering some strange words I dont fully remember (dont be afraid?) when they transferred me from hospital to hospital.
I also read about Japan and China and the yakuza from books in the library while I was in my mothers hometown but later strangely these books disappeared.
I also I remember the constant flower kiosk named Sakura and tokyoflower in my city the sudokus selled in every kiosk and after reading all those horrible things about what the japanese did ww2 it just puts bad taste in my mouth.
I really find visual kei intersting with how they portray themselves as demons and its interesting to me that all the foreign visual kei arists are thai swedish, english and from the western world.
Especially SekimaII and their "demons" concept. They remember me of the female russian band U-kei.
I have been watching Kazakh pop the latest years and its unsettling to watch them don kimonos.
I have even seen tatar musicians do it.
I may be revealing to much of my life. But the internet has opened my eyes to how asian diasporas absorb everything around themselves. Reading asian supremacist subreddits here on reddit makes me even more uncomfortable. But my biggest beef that I have is when I read that chinese hate europeans and central asians but then I remembered the traditional chinese doctor named Pan who was so kind
and dismissed it.But there is tons of anti-asian ,anti-chinese info on russian Youtube.
But it is true that ex-communist immigrant dont support and band together judging by all the chinese shops,thai massage salons, indian resturants in my swedish town but no russian or central asian resturants. Even in Cuba I saw a Chinese resturant and saw the stories of the chinese residents in Cuba and the store selling asian, anime and K-dramas in Havana. Also the new Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan movie compared to the Borat movie reminded everyone that the new Han Chinese supremacist narrative is being pushed.
I was always so amused by the fact that Cinderella called the cat Lucifer in the cartoon and the pet dragon in Mulan and speculated over Disneys satanism.
My question is with the chinese dragon in the Bible.
My second question is with contemporary Israel and why is lbgt and femenism and abortion so accepted there if it is prohibited in the Bible. Like doesnt it bother anyone at all that the non-israelite people in the book of Joshua worship the sun and to me they SO much wakes up associations of the red rising sun flag to me ?
Because of this seeing the jewish star in japanese visual kei videos also makes me feel strange.
My father always had a negative opinion on Japan and Israel.
My second is when I saw the music video Ai-dolls -Ai-dolls (kyrgyz pop). Ai means moon in kyrgyz but means love in japanese so that reminded me of the manga Princess Ai and made me uncomfortable.
My cousin studies in China but refuses to tell me how he has it. He had a chinese girlfriend but broke up with her.
His father had a company named Thanks (Rahmat) Tea but his son got brutally murdered so the company died but strangely enough some weird product with the same name started selling while I lived with my mother in Russia. My mothers last name consists of the word Thanks (Rahmat).
My uncle got a sexual disease while flying to buy Indian Tea in India so that really got me thinking.
I dont shame Indian people ,my mother is friends with one.

But I clearly see that chinese culture is anti-Bible. I remember watching the tv-series Empress of China.
There Wu Ruyi (Meiniang) kills a girl named Gaoyang. Later I watched an Youtube video of a chinese man claim that the god in the Bible is the same as the ancient chinese God and he said that Gaoyang means lamb. It felt like deja vu.
I also remember watching a japanese Youtuber in russian talking about japanese mythology that it goes like this: The Japanese god fell in love and procreated with humans and from there went all people. I had biblical deja vu when I heard of this and remembered the band Seikima II.
The thing is: I remember a russian girl magazine adverising the Hinamatsuri , Japanese girl fashion and "The land of the rising Soul" to russian young girls I cannot phantom the sneaky evilness of the japanese people propagating and advertising their culture to young girls only for the young girls to fly to Japan only to realize that Japan is like Saudi Arabia only more advertised and pink.
And I know that japanese culture is actively advertised in Russia.
I remember liking anime ,Sailor Moon and manga and wanting to translate manga into minority language in Russia but when I understood how dark and twistedly obsessed the japanese are with demons it made me think twice. Also 4chan anyone?
Some Youtuber said that if you learn japanese and start reading 4chan you will regret you learned japanese.
What I have learned from the russian Youtuber VovanJapan is 1:Japanese people love themselves very much. I have read traditional japanese poetry and I think it is true judging by the poem "Loving Oneself" I read.
Also remember reading the japanese poem wher the man tells the women "Dont think you cant be replaced and are unique". That kind of attitude also is a turn-off to me.
And asian people reading this and hating me:I dont care.
My uncle was very kind and always gave left-over food to his north koran servants while being a diplomat.
But I really hate all the toxic, hating and bullying by asian and especially japanese people online.
I really dislike their feudalistic ,passive-agressive hating on the Internet.
Just look at all the hate Blinchik in Japan , lolcow farm, pretty ugly little liars , Yoo Lana and other
pretty non-asian ,non-japanese females get. It is sickening.
It is also sickening seeing how russian-speaking men praise japanese women and shit on russian women under Sergey Kuvaevs videos.
I just dont think rasistic, imperialistic, rising red sun-wearing tattooed asians should be walking around in my mothers home town and make innocent girls like me feel unsafe.
I see VovanJapans YT channel get taken down and it makes me think he speaks the truth.
The film Interdevochka also got a price in Japan I think that talks about something.
You can read my post as fiction from planet X.
I have read beutiful japanese traditional poetry and japanese mythology.
But I have also read ugly japanese comment hidden by anonimity on the internet and it makes me disgusted.
Like the only thing I can think of is the son Katoosha by AKB4.
But I have read russians saying it is very had to talk to japanese people because they are so quiet
and you have to force words out of them.
I think Japan is like the dentist clinic in Sailor Moon :Kawaii -Hawaii on the outside but horrifying on the inside.VovanJapan said that they do medical experiments on foreigners in Japan. I always think of Viagras music video Anti.-Geisha where a japanese girls shoots at you throught the TV.Or In-Yans music video Kamikaze.
I saw japanese hair salons and a sushi shop in my mother russian hometown.
I know a mongolian woman that works in a sushi shop here in sweden that has two married mongolian relatives living in japan working for a japanese car company.
Why do we russians celebrate the Victory over Germany , but not over Japan?
Why is there a monument remembering the japanese soliders in Russia?
Why do we Russians allow this to happen?
Why do we russians not stand up for ourselves?
I have watched DenTV and they tell about how the japanese think we russian dropped the bombs on them.It makes me sick.
I think that in japanese culture the concept conscience does not exist. At least judging y russian DenTV that is the case. They have shame culture but dont have the concept of sincere regret.
Of course I have never met japanese people in real life.
But I dont intend to try to Skype to a silent robot and try to force words out of them forcefully.
If any japanese think otherwise they can comment below.
I probably wont comment anyway as I am sick of seeing americans shit on Cuba and Russia in general.
So I am preparing for the communist haters!
I have teo questions:
1.Did the japanese ask forgiveness from Russia for their war crimes occuping Russia up tot the Uralic Mountains?
2.If not , What do they want from us crating Youtube channels saying they are proud of their forefathers who were soliders doing their duty in (Tatarstan) and marrying russian women?
Showing the monument commerating japanese soliders?
But the think making me most angry is when DenTV said japanese spies create anime communities in russian on the internet telling russian youth to commit suicide. That is the definition of going over all

The japanese really are Jorogumos on the World Wide Web searching for naive innocent flie-like russian youths to ensnare and push to sucide!
submitted by TatarCubanGirl to u/TatarCubanGirl [link] [comments]

2020.10.05 05:38 GoneRampant1 [Video Games] The reboot that got rebooted: The rise and fall of DmC: Devil May Cry

Let's cut through the pre-amble:
What is Devil May Cry?
Devil May Cry is an action series developed and published by Japanese company Capcom, beginning with Devil May Cry 1 in 2001 for the Playstation 2 (Here's an advert showing it as part of Sony's holiday lineup that included landmark gaming titles such as Final Fantasy X, Grand Theft Auto 3, Metal Gear Solid 2 and... Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance). The game series began as a prototype build for Resident Evil 4 that had more of an overt action focus than the acclaimed horror franchise was known for. Rather than scrap the build, Capcom saw potential in the idea of a stylish action game, and gave director Hideki Kamiya permission to make it a full title.
Kamiya would involuntarily leave the series after DMC 1 as Capcom didn't ask him to work on DMC 2. Instead, a still-to-this-day unknown phantom director was put in charge of the game and he ran it into the ground. With less than half a year before DMC 2's 2003 release, Capcom brought in a new director to course-correct and get the game out for release: Hideaki Itsuno. In less than six months, Itsuno would rally the team, basically make the entire game, and create several features that would go on to become series staples, and while DMC 2 sold well, it was critically panned for being a very boring game. Itsuno, not wanting his reputation to be sullied, came back in 2005 with Devil May Cry 3, generally considered one of the greatest action games of all time. From here several core traits are instilled: chief among which being style meters that track the player's skill with combos and Dante having a style system that lets him use different movesets.
And it's in 2008 with the release of Devil May Cry 4, marking the series going multiplatform for the first time as it came out on the PS3 and Xbox 360, that this story really begins:
The build up to 2010
With DMC 4's release in 2008, Capcom set the sales expectation that the game would sell 1.8 million units by the end of the fiscal year. DMC 4 would sell two million units in under a month, but Capcom were a bit unimpressed. They were hoping that now that DMC was on a wider range of platforms that the sales would correspondingly go up, but instead the game just saw a modest increase over DMC 3. The cost of game development had also shot up in the new console generation, making Capcom more concerned about DMC4's sales just being fine, especially coming off of huge sales juggarnauts from 2007 such as Halo 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Bioshock. (It doesn't help that DMC 4 had a very rushed development leading to the now infamous case of Dante's playable chapters just being Nero's but backwards)
Japan at the time was also in a weird place when it came to gaming. The mobile phone gaming market was about to take off, and the playerbase in Japan was already smaller than the worldwide market for obvious reasons. In the home regions, it was safer to look into handheld gaming, and while Capcom had dallied with the idea of a DMC game on the Playstation Portable (at one point considering a remake of the first game that reached in-game screenshots and box art that was quietly shelved for unknown reasons, alongside a prequel focusing on Dante's father Sparda), these ideas never left the ground. Seeing how Western markets were more traditionally concerned with console gaming at this time (and the success of the God of War franchise proved Action was a genre people wanted), Capcom's idea was simple:
Give their IPs to Western studios and let them take a crack at it, with the idea being their knowledge of what the West wants would let the games sell better. The results were mixed. The Bionic Commando reboot is nowadays more known for the twist of YOUR WIFE IS THE ROBOT ARM and only sold 27,000 units in a month, but Dead Rising did fairly well under a Capcom Vancouver branch until Dead Rising 4 happened and uh... kinda killed the series because it was awful.
Capcom eventually set their sights on giving the West a crack at DMC, leading to them eyeballing several studios. This worked out well for them in that Itsuno was also burnt out. After having spent five straight years on DMC and having redeemed its image after DMC 2, Itsuno was ready to take a break and make his dream game: Dragon's Dogma, a dark fantasy game that is very fun. It got a Netflix anime adaptation recently that is... not as fun. But while Itsuno was making Dragon's Dogma, Capcom had some time to spitball handing the series off. They eventually settled on Ninja Theory, an up and coming British team best known for Heavenly Sword (a very pretty game with mediocre action combat and a priority on storytelling), and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (a modernisation of Journey to the West that was very pretty but priotizied story over gameplay). Rumors began to circulate in early 2010 that Ninja Theory had acquired the license and would be making a prequel focusing on Dante's early days, but it would only become clear at Tokyo Games Show that year when DmC: Devil May Cry* was formally announced.
And the fanbase collectively hated it.
(* Yes that does technically mean this reboot's name is Devil may Cry: Devil May Cry. I'm going to call it DmC from here to differentiate it from the core series)
The TGS Trailer
For those unaware of DMC, I should stress that by 2010, it had a reputation for a certain flair and theatics. Dante was known to be a goofball in cutscenes, taunting enemy demons and making a mockery of them. He has an entire cutscene in DMC 4 where he acts like he's on the stage of a theatre with how grandious he is. People liked Dante for this reason, he was a breath of fresh air in a time when most protagonists were stotic, gritty jerks who only talked in curse words and gravelly shouts. And his flowing white hair was also certainly iconic.
So here comes the new take on Dante, the West giving him a go and oh... hoo boy. There's no charisma, there's no panache. The trailer has no gameplay. Dante doesn't look like a trash talker, he looks like a meth addict. He's smoking, something the DMC 1 design documents said Dante would never do as (per Kamiya) smoking is uncool. His hair isn't even white!
Now let me be clear: I am not opposed to a new take on Dante. Certainly, the idea presented in the reveal trailer that Dante is imaging the demons he fights as an acute case of psychosis is an interesting idea, as it raises the question of whether or not the demons are real or if he's senselessly killing random people. But the execution would have had to be perfect, and opening with just a fancy trailer that had no signs of gameplay for an action franchise was not the right foot to start on.
What doesn't help was that the entire Western Capcom initiative was one pushed by a very controversial figure in gaming called Keiji Inafune, who would leave Capcom right after DmC's announcement in 2010. Inafune was the one most strongly advocating for the western development approach (Something Capcom were quick to stress in 2010 after his departure), but with his departure the movement had less steam. Inafune would go on to make Mighty Number 9, a Kickstarter that went miserably wrong on every turn and is usually seen as one of the most disappointing games of the 2010s.
I should also point out here: Dante's radically different design from the norm of the series was a mandate imposed by Capcom. Ninja Theory's original concept art for Dante was much more closer to his traditional design- white hair, red coat and all. But Capcom, and Itsuno especially, were adament that if Ninja Theory were going to be doing something new with the franchise, that they needed to go off the cuff- in Capcom's own words, "Go crazy."
The development
So Dante got a new color palette, a darker jacket and black hair. But at the time (this news only came out two years after the redesign was revealed), people didn't know about Capcom explicitly telling NT to go off the rails, and what they saw... was Ninja Theory going off the rails in the wrong way.
So from the word go, fans aren't happy. Fans are usually never happy but I mean they were unhappy. Chief Creative director for Ninja Theory Tameen Antionades said after the reveal: “The vitriol was immediate, aggressive and relentless for the next two years. Without a second of gameplay being shown, it had been written off as a disaster in the making.” Tameen would become the ball and chain around DmC's marketing, which is quite apparent in how Ninja Theory would dial back on his appearances as we get closer to the game's release. The backlash to the launch clearly surprised Ninja Theory and caught them off guard, with Tameen publically lashing out at the original fanbase for writing the game off or being unhappy at Dante's visual redesign. This would go on to dominiate the discussions about DmC for its pre-release cycle, as it became less about the game and more about the community and whether or not the response was justified (alongside in typical internet fashion, a few death threats being tossed around which apparently included a full metal song). No matter which side of it you lean on though, Tameen had habit of putting his foot in his mouth in regards to PR:
Capcom likely stepped in behind the scenes and encourged a few changes. Notably, Dante's design underwent a few shifts, including making him more muscular and rewriting portions of the game to give him a few more of Old!Dante's trademark quips. A few voice actor was also cast, named Tim Phillips... though NT wouldn't budge on the haircut as it was part of the story. The Dante psychosis/prisoner angle from the TGS trailer was also completely scrapped from the final product, having Dante instead be confirmed to be sane and fighting demons, not people. Even though Capcom had encouraged NT to go off the rails... money still reigns supreme and Capcom wanted to turn a profit. So closer to release, Capcom made a point of stressing that Itsuno and several other DMC veteran staff were supervising the combat system and offering guidance. Combat designer Rahni Tucker spoke positively of the exchanges she had with Itsuno:
While Capcom Japan kept a close eye on Ninja Theory’s work on DmC’s characters, story and world, its greatest focus was, naturally, on the game’s combat. Itsuno and other key personnel would visit the studio in Cambridge every few months to check in on its progress, Ninja Theory staff would often make the trip out to Japan, and in between those times there would be regular video conferences and daily email updates. All that communication helped to unify the two companies, despite a fundamental split between their approaches to game development: Ninja Theory liked to start with the visual design, and Capcom with the mechanics. Modestly, Itsuno admits he learned a lot from the collaboration; Tucker believes she picked up an awful lot more. “I learnt so much,” she says. “Itsuno would speak philosophically about how he approaches combat and enemy design. They build most of the player’s set of actions first, and then think about the things they can build to allow players to exploit particular elements of the system they’ve designed. They really put the emphasis of the baddie design back onto the player’s actions. It’s kind of obvious, but just the way that he spoke about it was inspiring, and it made a lot of sense to me.”
The damage however, was long done. Even with the post-TGS revisions, DmC was facing an uphill battle from the community, with a minority waiting to give it a try themselves before casting judgement, but the majority either being apathetic or downright hostile to the game, not helped by Tameen's attitude creating the idea that Ninja Theory inherently hated what made Devil May Cry good (again, keep in mind most players wouldn't learn that Capcom were pushing for the radical Dante changes until years post-release). Ultimately though, Capcom themselves are to blame for the choices that impacted DmC: Ninja Theory were only doing their jobs to the best of their abilities and for the most part many of the staff clearly loved getting to work on such a popular franchise and boosting their studio's name. It came down an unfortunate blend of Capcom misreading what people wanted from future projects, an attempt to appeal to a Western market that fell on its face, and a director unprepared for the mass backlash his product got.
Either way, the game finally came out in early 2013.
The game itself
Eh, it was OK.
DmC launched in March 2013 and got decent reviews on all platforms, getting a consistent 8/10 on all platforms on Metacritic. The PC port was especially praised for its sheer variety of features including an uncapped framerate. Critics quite liked it, praising the story and art direction, feeling it was a necessary step for the series to make the games somewhat easier to let newcomers in without facing as daunting a challenge as the games could be (I'm pretty sure learning how to fly a plane is easier than mastering Dante in Devil May Cry 4). Old Dante's most famous voice actor, Reuben Langdon, spoke on a podcast about the game and admitted that while he wasn't fond of the new Dante's characterisation, he applauded Ninja Theory's craftsmenship.
The fanbase were colder, even with the pre-release biases set aside (this wasn't helped by Platinum, helmed by several ex-DMC 1 developers including Kamiya, releasing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance also in 2013. Metal Gear Rising is a very good game that involves flipping giant robots and fighting a very actractive Brazillian man with a gun-sheath sword). The game's framerate on consoles was capped at 30FPS for technical reasons when all prior games ran at 60FPS. Dante had lost a lot of his mechanical complexity (including DMC 3 and 4's style system which offered Dante special abilities he could switch between such as more sword and gun combos, blocking and dodging) in favour of a more universal moveset. The Devil Trigger super mode was pretty lame and automatically knocked all enemies into the air, which people didn't like as it made most encounters too easy. Building up style was too easy and the game had no systems to stop you spamming the same combos over and over. The game's weapon system of angel/demon themed weapons included color-coded enemies that forced you to use the right gear or you'd be punished. There was no Turbo Mode, a feature in most games that automatically boosted the game's speed by 20% on average.
Ninja Theory still made a good action game, albeit one that needed a bit more refinement to reach its true potential. But the lack of several core features (or worse, poorly implemented iterations of said features) led to the fanbase adopting a term:
"It's a good game, but it's not a good Devil May Cry."
The fanbase were willing to concede to the good aspects of the game- especially in audiovisual aspects. Enemies now got a subtitle during their first appearance, weapons getting a slight glint when the player pauses to let them know they can launch a pause combo attack, the soundtrack was now dynamic and evolved up the higher your style rank got, alongside the killing blow at the end of a fight getting a cinematic camera angle. Ninja Theory's sense of style itself was something that impressed the Capcom team, as all of these aspects were modified and adopted into the mainline games come 2019. The game was also very beautiful in places, leaving the Gothic archetecture of the main games for a more European feel in Limbo City. Madrid in Spain and Genoa in Italy are clear influences on the archetecture, and the design team adapt them well in making Limbo a city that is itself a weapon trying to kill Dante through compressing alleyways, closing off paths or mocking him through writing on the walls, Splinter Cell Conviction style. Combichrist and Noisia's collaberations for the soundtrack were also praised between their licensed work and new music composed just for the game, especially the songs Never Surrender and Throat Full of Glass.
But for all the praise, reluctant or otherwise, that game got mechanically, the story that the critics had acclaimed as mature and a right step forward had few supporters among the playerbase. There's been a lot written and said about DmC's story so I'll cap off the highlights here:
The end was an OK game let down by a bad story. The tale of many a game. And unfortunately, partly thanks to the game just not being good enough for the DMC pedigree, DmC underperformed. Capcom initally hoped for 2 million units to be sold like DMC 4, but later quietly lowered their projections down to 1.2 million. Some rumors speculate that Capcom had to artifically boost the game's sale numbers by counting anyone who downloaded the game when it was for free as part of Playstation Plus in January 2014 (games that go on PS+ or Microsofft's Xbox Live Games with Gold service are usually games that are either selling so well they can take the hit, are past their lifespan and looking to reignite the playerbase, or did very badly and this is a last ditch effort to get interest into the game). While not speaking directly about DmC, Capcom spoke frankly in a financial report regarding their Western outsourcing, attributing the lack of success to a "delayed response to the expanding digital contents market," "insufficient coordination between the marketing and the game development divisions in overseas markets," and a "decline in quality due to excessive outsourcing". The long and the short of it was: DmC flopped commerically, failing to meet the sales of DMC 4 in the West (which remember was Capcom's entire reason for the reboot) when it was released on the exact same platforms, and the consoles had a larger install base due to five years having passed. For what it's worth, Itsuno himself support the game and approved of Ninja Theory's efforts, even saying he'd have been honored to work on a DmC Devil May Cry 2 had Capcom gone with that project.
Some post-launch support would follow, including DLC costumes based on concept art for Dante and several alt skins based on his DMC 1 and 3 appearances, Bloody Palace (basically a time trial gauntlet run) and a campaign focusing on Vergil that sets up a sequel hook which never gets followed up on.
Some Ninja Theory staffers didn't take the news well, especially as they knew that their reputation was going to take a large hit after DmC. Art director Alessandro Taini gave a GDC talk where he went on a weird rant involving editing DMC 4 Dante into stills from... Brokeback Mountain and Batman and Robin, while also saying reboot Dante was based on... Tyler Durden from Fight Club (for those who don't know Fight Club, you're not meant to agree with Tyler or find him a role model). Keep in mind that this is Taini basically shit-talking character designs he had no hand in making. In a hilaripus twist of irony, Dante would later in the series get a cowboy hat as a weapon. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Capcom up to this point had been going back and forth on what DmC even was- was it a prequel, a reboot, an alternate universe? They seemed to change the answer every month. But after the game's failure to meet expectations commercially, they quietly settled on it being based on an alternate universe, as was confirmed in of all things, Donte appearing as a DLC alt skin for Dante in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
(While I'm on the topic of weird fighting game trivia, Donte actually also got a full fighting game appearance in the "classic," Playstation All Stars Battle Royale as an attempt to market DmC ahead of its release. Yes, Donte technically didn't even debut in his own game. This story is so weird to me! In the trailer he even fights the protagonist of previous Ninja Theory game Heavenly Sword)
In 2015, Capcom re-released the game for the new consoles as DmC: Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition. This was largely helmed by the Capcom team in Japan who modified the game to make it more in line with DMC's series standards of gameplay. And you know what? It's really good! Genuinely, it actually makes the game and takes it from "A good attempt" to "one of the best Western attempts at action games period." 60FPS on consoles, all DLC included, Turbo Mode was back, a new mode called Must Style where you have to get an S Rank in combos before your attacks do damage, all alongside an insanely detailed changelog penned by Rahni Tucker. The one downside? It never got released on PC for unsaid reasons, presumably that most of the new gameplay additions... were based on mods made by the PC fanbase. Mods you can no longer find as the site storing them has gone down.
However even with this, DmC would get sand in its eye one more time. In the same year, Capcom released a similar re-release of DMC 4 called Special Edition. It was far more bare bones than DmC: DE, only adding three new playable characters in Lady, Trish and MOTIVATION Man himself, Vergil. Despite the game only getting a physical release in Japan and being digital only here in the West (whereas DmC: DE got a full release), Capcom eventually said that DMC 4 SE obliterated the DE in sales, with Capcom specifically saying that 4SE's digital sales led to a better quarter in 2015 than they were anticipating. As of 2020 (due to Capcom counting their re-releases of games separately than the original release when it comes to sales), we know that DMC4SE has sold 1.5 million units, while DmC: DE sold 1.1 million.
However, ultimately, I'm very joyful to admit that everyone got a happy ending! No, literally, everyone came out of this for the better. Ninja Theory in 2017 would release Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, a critical and commerical darling made on a self-styled "AA" budget that was praised for its handling of mental health through the lens of its MC Senua. It made its budget back easily, they're now owned by Microsoft and they're currently working on a sequel called Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. Capcom would bounce back from their slump in the Early 2010s, beginning in 2017 with the releases of Resident Evil 7, Monster Hunter World and a certain title I'll mention in a minute. They've been releasing hit after hit for the last four years and they have more on the horizon. And Itsuno, now having made Dragon's Dogma, came back raring to go with more Devil May Cry. Though there are some rumors by Dante's voice actor that he had to threaten to leave Capcom to get it, at E3 2018 as part of the Microsoft panel, Itsuno took to the stage and announced:
(Watching people react to this trailer and freaking out when they see it's DMC gives me so much serotonin)
Thanks for reading this... long disaster of a post. Have a good one, and remember to keep this party crazy. Let's rock. :)
Additional reading if you'd like more words on this reboot:
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2020.08.28 18:27 smintydrcp Sminty Drop Race , S1 Episode Five 'Perfume Commerical'

The remaining 8 queens enter the werkroom
Diamond: I'm going miss her so much!
Jayne : She was so kind and a hard worker she definitely wanted to be here !
Dildo : You know, I'm shock I was safe this week , I definitely thought I was gonna be in the top !
Fat Shit begins to laugh, while Dildo glares .
Diamond : Honestly I should of been safe you honestly should of been in bottom !
Fat : I agree like girl you aren't proving anything to the judges and you think you should of been in the top!
Dildo CF: These bitches think I should of been in the bottom ! 1) Diamond you been in the bottom twice and 2) Fat Shit is old and she belongs in a retirement home!
Vanity : Well, I can't wait for the next challenge so I can redeem myself I need a damn win !
Everyone laughs expect from Dildo still glaring.
Lea : Diamond you are the lipsync assassin how does it feel bitch?
Diamond: I can't wait to send your ass home next ! laughs
Lea CF : During this competition me and Diamond became great friends I can see her passion but she isn't excelling in the challenges you know what they say 3rd times a charm ! laughs dramatically to camera
Sminty : Hey there ladies ! For this week mini challenge I'll partner up to do eachother makeup in the dark ! The pairs are Vanity and Lea Vuitton , Softie Clovah and Diamond Tiara , Jayne Blonde and Fat Shit , Dildodozer and Nikky Foxx
Fat CF : Some of these girls will do good in this challenge half of them looks like they do they're makeup in the dark !
Sminty : Ok ladies the winner is......Jayne Blonde !
Fat Shit looks annoyed
Jayne CF : I finally won something !
Sminty : Ladies for this week main challenge you'll be marketing your own perfume !
Everyone : Ooooooo
Sminty : And ladies , you'll have to use the commerical to explain why to use your product aswell !
The girls look excited besides Fat Shit
Fat CF : I don't know how to sell stuff like what the fuck am I supposed to do , I'm so confused!
Sminty : And the winner of this week maxi challenge will be become the new face of Victoria Secret .
Everyone gasps
Dildo CF : Damn girl , the stakes are so high for this challenge I'm burning up right now!
Sminty : And this week guest judges our Stacy McKenzie and Dua Lipa! Now remember ladies, good luck and don't fuck it up !
Sminty Leaves
Vanity and Jayne seems very confident about this week cause they know they have big personality. However, Fat Shit seems a bit nervous about this challenge!
submitted by smintydrcp to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2020.08.06 10:46 Konalin_Kost Albums Ranked, Partially Analyzed, and Abuse Tangents

Am I the only one who prefers worst to best?
Ten. Portrait of an American Family
Nine. Born Villain
Eight. The High End of Low
Seven. Eat Me, Drink Me
Six. The Pale Emperor
Five. The Golden Age of Grotesque
Four. Heaven Upside Down
Three. Mechanical Animals
Two. Holy Wood (in the Shadow of the Valley of Death)
One. Antichrist Superstar
I hate having such a basic bitch ranking, but if I'm being honest with myself this is it. The main oddities of my rankings are Portrait being so low and Heaven Upside Down being so high. To be clear, Portrait is the only album I don't thoroughly enjoy. Also, I rank albums as cohesive stories and their ability to flow well with said story in mind. Portrait feels the most like a compilation, and Manson hadn't quite tapped into his signature rage and black heart that captivates me by then.
I think people are way too hard on his music post Golden Age. There are some absolute gems, song-wise. But, conceptually, almost every one of those albums has at least one song that throws the whole flow and/or narrative off.
On Eat Me, Drink Me that song is "Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery." While I enjoy the song, it feels massively out of place on an album about the dissolution of his marriage leading into/because of his love/possession of his new lolita-like partner.
The High End of Low has a few of those songs, but the best songs are fucking incredible while the good are still pretty fucking good. The flow is way out of wack because of a few songs. "Pretty as a Swastika" is better than average. "Blank and White" is fun and a nice reminder that Manson could still be political, but this was an album about his state of mind when he had his heart broken (and lost control of a love that dominated his life because he felt on some level he could never lose said control). "Running to the Edge of the World" nearly made me cry when I first listened to it (and that video is haunting, especially when paired with Evan Rachel Wood's since accusations towards an anonymous ex). "Arma-Goddamn-MotherFuckin'-Geddon" doesn't really fit conceptually, but is so damned catchy and manages to somehow flow (in a twisted way it is representative of his worldview at his lowest point, and the story behind the lyrical content is hysterical [execs picked it for a single before he wrote the lyrics, which pissed him off enough to make it profane as possible, a choice I personally believe killed the album's commerical viability]). It almost makes "Blank and White" fine since they both come off as political and sit right next to each other. I think too many people hate on "I Want to Kill You Like They Do in the Movies." But damn, "WOW" is this album's fucking blackhead. I can enjoy it enough, but the lyrics are supremely childish, as well as the vocal delivery. It takes the tongue-in-cheek post break-up attitude of "Leave a Scar" and devolves it into he said-she said high school pettiness. Remove that track and this album would jump up a couple rankings. "We're From America" is super fun and full of awesome lines to consider as an American, but again feels misplaced on this album. That all being said, every unmentioned track is fucking phenomenal and a true look into a man becoming less of a man because of heartbreak (something many of us can empathize with).
Born Villain like Eat Me, Drink Me also only has one song that truly throws off its flow, but that one song is almost as bad as "WOW," that being "The Gardener." It's a shame too, because that track's music is fucking cool and the lyrics aren't quite as juvenile as "WOW"'s, but the spoken-word delivery of the verses is awful. And he was planning on singing them! But after recording a spoken-word, he decided it was good enough (which may have been fine if he had delivered it like a true poet instead of a lethargic man-child). Also, none of its best songs are quite as amazing as The High End of Low's gems (except for maybe "Overneath the Path of Misery" and "Slo-Mo-Tion"). The irony though is that the songs are amazing enough and largely flow well enough that if he hadn't committed the cardinal atrocity against the album's total flow that he did on "The Gardener," this album would jump up several rankings. While the theme is about putting himself back together after having fallen apart circa The High End of Low, themes can feel much weaker when you disrupt flow this terribly. It baffles me that so few artists seem to understand this concept.
The Pale Emperor flows thematically for the most part, but has some odd choices melodically. Although I love 80% of its songs (and like one 10% and can sometimes enjoy one other 10%), I wouldn't have placed "Warship my Wreck" after "The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles" and before "Slave Only Dreams to be King." Those latter tracks are pretty and very hard-hitting, while the former is slow-rising and -falling. But, while this album doesn't commit the blackhead track crime as severely as the last three albums, "Birds of Hell Awaiting" comes close. The chants in it feel a tad forced. Remove them and the issue would be less glaring. Also, I'm not crazy about the closing track "Odds of Even." Not a great follow-up to the nigh-perfect "Cupid Carries a Gun" and a bit of a weak closer to a significant step-up from Born Villain. Thematically, his overarching concept is continued, where he was putting himself back together in Born Villain, he gives his self-ascribed villain a name with this album and overlooks the path of waste he's left behind him.
I personally feel that Eat Me, Drink Me; The High End of Low; and Born Villain form their own inferior second Triptych. Both The Golden Age of Grotesque and The Pale Emperor serve as epilogues to each of their respective trilogies.
Heaven Upside Down is his true comeback album in my opinion. "Jesus Crisis" is almost corny but just tongue-in-cheek enough to work, is fun, and the chants feel much less forced than in "Birds of Hell Awaiting." The spoken-word verse on "Blood Honey" almost throws it off, but the rest of the song is so captivating and heart-wrenching it still works. Otherwise, this album flows better than anything since The Golden Age. It summarizes who Manson feels he is as a whole, someone capable of taking on the world but who gets easily distracted by basic human desires like love and who feels disdain towards his love and himself for that distraction. I read an Amazon reviewer comment that "Revelation #12" forgot number 11 and that annoyed me. I believe that track is his pledge to release twelve albums. He didn't actually name number twelve; he just said that revelations come in twelve (and neither albums eleven or twelve happened by this point). My brother also mocked the play-on-word of "Say10," but I love that track. Beyond just being killer and classic Manson while still feeling new, it's an ode to Satanism. Manson's dabbled in said religion, which emphasizes believing in yourself and the power you carry, and Manson feels immensely powerful reaching the milestone tenth album. It's a celebratory song of everything Manson has built his persona on.
A few comments on the older and (mostly) better albums...
The Golden Age used to not only be my favorite Manson album, but one of my favorite albums ever. But listen to something too much and it loses it's lustre. The first half feels inspired, while the second half feels a tad forced. That's mostly ok though considering this album is about a general obsession with the hardcore and embracing what you've been made to become as opposed to accomplishing something meaningfully world-changing (influenced by how disillusioned he was for being the Columbine scapegoat, something that not only derailed his career but killed the momentum he had to be a world-changing icon). The latter half is an enjoyable enough listen, but listen to it as much as I have and it gets old. I also have a soft spot for it because my first girlfriend bought me my original copy (that is still on my computer).
And the OG triptych...
Not much can be said about how nigh perfect they all are. I want to be more unique with my opinions but flow wise they trump all his efforts after. The only track I ever feel compelled to skip out of any of them is "New Model No. 15," though I still enjoy it.
Mechanical Animals is gorgeous and is an ode to his mother (the feminine side in him).
Holy Wood is an ode to his father (his imagery was released with the album, and Adam is the first man). In Triptych continuity I believe Adam is the Worm's father, and Coma is the mother. "Valentine's Day"'s second verse "I saw that pregnant girl today, she didn't know that it was dead inside/Even though it was alive, some of us are really born to die" I think refers to the Worm himself in the womb. This album honestly strikes a deeper chord in me than Antichrist Superstar because I was a scapegoat in severe family drama (my ex-girlfriend's, they went insane when her dad found out we were having sex), and I bought my copy the day she and I first fucked. But, Holy Wood kind of dies out rather than goes out with a bang. I love its flow, because I think it accurately represents a saddened person losing hope and becoming suicidal. But it isn't quite as satisfying as Antichrist's end.
And Antichrist Superstar. Fuck, man. A basic bitch number one. But in truth, the flow is perfect, and there's not a single track I'd skip. If the other two are about his parents, this one's about the monster himself, and what he was supposed to be for the Christian media (until it bit back with Columbine). The end is a bombastic bang with "The Reflecting God" and the melodic tragic aftermath of "The Man That You Fear."
Honorable mention to the upcoming We Are Chaos. The title track lead single is not what any of us expected. The instrumentation almost comes off as heavily produced Christian rock. But it's grown on me. And, I believe it's a broken apology to Evan Rachel Wood. To be clear, my relationship with Manson has grown into a love/hate one because of her accounts of abuse. As soon as I read the initial accusations (stumbled across them in mid-2017 when the MeToo movement was gaining traction) I was pretty sure she was talking about Manson because of things he said in interviews for The High End of Low (calling her almost 40 times in a night and cutting himself on the face for every call, daydreaming about bashing her face in with a jackhammer, and nearly participating in a murdesuicide pact). I was depressed for weeks. It's been difficult reconciling my favorite artist as a probable heinous person. But c'est la vie. The videos for "Kill4Me" and "Say10" come off as veiled threats (considering Depp at that point settled his abuse case with a joint statement that there were no false allegations made for financial gain, isn't it a little strange Manson would feature himself and Depp in videos with naked women fawning over them [as if to say to Wood, "This is my best friend, who got a slap on the wrist for a similar situation you're threatening to dredge up. Do you really want to go there?"]). Side-note: I find it difficult to believe that Depp wasn't the initial and primary aggressor against Heard (in what was probably a volatile vicious cycle of abuse) knowing he and Manson are best friends (in her testimony to courts trying to change the statute of limitations for abuse, Wood attested that people close to her and her abuser had to sign disclosure statements to keep anything they knew private). Josh Homme kicked Olivieri out of Queens for spousal abuse. While Manson did this against Twiggy, I would guess he did it because A. Twiggy was becoming a lazy fuck in the band (said there was no point to replay any of Bates' compositions because they were already played perfectly) and B. Twiggy's case had nobody rallying behind his potential innocence and therefore necessitated more distance from, especially since that was so close in timing to Wood's accusations. Why wouldn't Manson distance himself from Depp too, after the settlement and its joint statement? I wouldn't be surprised if Manson has his own club that does fucked up shit to women like the barrel girls gang in Dexter.
Anyways, back to We Are Chaos and its relation to all my abuse conspiracies. Wood has seemed to only double down on her efforts against Manson since Heaven Upside Down, and mainstream media even put two and two together (since her testimony aligns with the time she spent with Manson). Rather than lash out angrily, this latest track almost feels like he's trying to explain and justify himself. Sadly, it comes off more as "I'm sorry you feel this way" rather than "I'm sorry for what I've done." Indeed, in his press release for the album you'll find several allusions to the Hannibal television series (his and my favorite show), a series where the title character is constantly contextualizing his heinous actions in a heinous world. I wouldn't have thought the song as a message to Wood until the shot of the blonde on the beach in the music video. Surveil Manson's public romances and you'll notice that all of them are brunettes except Wood, being the sole blonde. The image also bares a striking resemblance to Wood beyond being blonde. After noticing this I read the song's lyrics, and noticed its several nigh-romantic moments ("But I'll be the one that's holding your hand", "Marry with the left hand/So far from the maddening crowd" [similar to his phrase with Wood that's also in "Running to the Edge of the World" being "Together as one, against all others", not to mention how she was the last woman he was engaged to], "Will I be in at the kill with you?" [The High End of Low's botched murder-suicide pact that inspired "Into the Fire"]). The song gets to me because the afore-mentioned ex-girlfriend that I associate Holy Wood (and a lot of my Manson love) with has publicly (and falsely) labelled me as an abuser, but I still feel immense disdain for this man's inability to empathize with somebody he once supposedly loved. I believe that they shared something real together once, and I have the wrist spiral heart tattoo from Eat Me, Drink Me to honor both her and my personally historical love for Manson's music (plus that was the first album of his I ever bought), but fuck this man's probably insane.
submitted by Konalin_Kost to marilyn_manson [link] [comments]

2020.08.02 23:49 devil0o January 1996 Nitro reviews

Episode 18
New Years Day 1996, Flair won the title for a 12th time at Starrcade.
Arn vs Savage
This is a brilliant brawl the type of match that never happens now. Bischoff gives out WWE results but the only thing I understand is Smoking Gunns. They grab the ropes while in a hold, I miss that. Imagine the athleticism of now if they did the old school shit along side of it.
Ref gets knocked out Arn introduces brass knuckles. But Savage gets them & lays him out. Pillman & Benoit run in & yell at the ref as Savage picks up the win.
Bischoff says the Big Boys so many times my brain won't stop playing The Family Guy's "He's a big boy, a big big boy, the biggest boy" cutaway.
Benoit vs Lord Steven Regal
Regal looks so British its not funny. The closest modern equivalent was McGuiness vs Danielson, and that was a long time ago too. Slow methodical with bursts of energy for spots, that are allowed to cool just right. Benoit goes for a splash on the floor Regal moves, Benoit legit knocks the wind out of himself. Regal rolls him back in for the win
Pillman argues with the 4 Horsemen losing the 1st 2 matches on the show, calls out the DOD who then run in to confront the disrespectful Pillman.
Super Assassins w/ Col. Parker vs Luger & Sting
First time I'm going to say this but the segment is saved by Craig Pittman asking Mongo to be his manager in a splitscreen. It takes just long enough for this dodgy bodybiulder man come to an end with a double submission.
Mean Gene & Jimmy do 70s stand up with Giant behind them
Hogan vs Flair
Match is quality, there is enough back and forth and enough selling to make it a keeper
Arn interferes duh, getting the ref to turn his back. Arn hits Hogan who pops back up. Hogan knocks out Arn (ref turns back) reaches in Arn's trunks pulls out brass knucks which ends the match even though Arn wasn't involved. DOD and the rest of the horsemen interfere
The Mega Powers challenge the Horsemen
Episode 19
Beniot vs Wright
Simply put a solid wrestling match, won't change your mind about wrestling one way or the other
Pillman gets envolved at the conclusion. Bischoff is foreshadowing Pillman's firing, the tone of voice he is uising is the one he uses on his podcast when he isn't lying.
Regal vs Eddie
Shots at the WWF for its pay per views, a theme of this episode which is why I'm not that into this one. This is a catch wrestling match, which means pure and technical, very slow paced and about catching your opponet and inflicting damage by wearing them down. It's basically the original form of pro wrestling. Eddie is dominated through out, the greats can always get over, but wins with a roll up.
Interview with Luger & Sting heading into Clash of the Champions
DDP vs Sting
Not very memorable except one spot where Sting goes for a leapfrog but crotches himself of Page's head. Sting wins by submission
Clash of the Champions is coming
Arn & Flair vs Hogan & Savage:
The crowd is feeling this, we should be feeling it. But they spend more time talking about In Your House then WWF put into booking them. If you ever wondered why good announcers mattered, this is why. I can't watch Smackdown because they have the shittiest announce team on TV. At one point Hogan goes on a bodyslam spree which should signal the end but nope we got some time to kill with weardown holds.
The DOD and the rest of the Horsemen interfere, A Zodiac face turn begins for some reason
Episode 20
Savage vs Luger
Match #4 in the series Luger previously defeared Savage all 3 times. Lex's vocal grunts with his kicks and stomps are a long lost art form & solely missed. Savage gets dominated but he gets Luger on the ground and goes for an elbow misses big time. Luger picks him up for the torture rack.
Dungeon of Doom & Horsemen come out with Mean Gene. The Alliance to end Hulkamania is formed but Sullivan doesn't like Pillman because he is disrespectful. Arn doesn't either so he slaps Pillman hard.
Public Enemy vs American Males
loved PE as a kid they are the most over with me, American Males theme song sounds like a Lonely Island parody of Bryan Adams.
Public Enemy wins & if you weren't sure they were in ECW...they brought out tables for no reason and put Bagwell through the,
Slimjim Commerical, where Savage is bench pressing someone who ever it is has some good cake.
Sting vs Flair w/ Hart
You ever go to a restaurant order your favorite meal every single time until you hate it. This is now the Mexican Pizza at Taco Bell. They have recycled this match so many times I shrug and its art. Now this might sound unbelievable but they are advertising Jim Belushi for Saturday Night like its a big deal.
Match starts slow but the pace picks up towards the end which is problematic. But near that end, Sting pantsed Flair during a sunset flip. Luger comes down to confront Hart but accidentally knocks out Sting. Flair gets the pin with a submission while grabbing the ropes. Why? How?
Hogan & Savage for the save, they explain to Sting that it was Luger that knocked him out. And like the WTF episode of South Park, Sting goes off to find Luger. Savage & Hogan are alone now and they talk. Hogan wants a title shot. Hogan is kind of a heel in the promo. Savage shoots on Nick Bockwinkle. (Nick Bockwinkle was AWA champion during Hogan's birth as a babyface and they had a feud; Bockwinkle allegedly held Hogan back from winning the title; Hogan never forgave him)
Fun Fact: in the old days of wrestling, guys with legit fight backgrounds typically refused to lose titles to "body guys" When Hogan left AWA because of this practice and went to the WWF he was meet with this again. Bob Backland refused to lose to Hogan so he lost it to the Iron Shiek, a legit wrestler, who was willing to lose it to Hogan.
Meng vs Hogan
Hogan vs a Monster, a classic on paper and theory a soso match in reality. Hogan kicks out of a golden spike & Hulks up. Savage comes out takes out Sullivan, Hogan grabs the golden Spike & hit Meng with it for the pinfall.
episode 21
Eve of Clash of the Champions at Caeser's Palace
Konnan appears at the announcers desk with the Mexican Heavyweight title he is set to defend at the Clash against Psicosis.
Not So Fun Fact: Psicosis who became Nacho de Millionaire at the end of his career, hit and killed a 14 year old girl in Mexico.
Savage w/ a bevy of beauties v Flair w/ Jimmy Hart
one of the women is Woman. The match is brutal to start has a real big pop from the Vegas audience. It's like there's a formula that makes wrestling fans happy and if followed slow implementation of other things make for a better show that get props and pops. Anyway, I'm a cranky old man. So then there's the end of this match...*exhales* Jimmy distracts the ref, Arn comes out he goes to punch Savage hits Flair. Hogan for the save, ref sees this the bell rings. Savage hits an elbow drop pins & bell rings, Savage is champ.
Hogan challenges Savage, Savage tells him to earn it, Hogan happily agrees
Malenko vs Pillman
Remember when tough guys wore midrifts? Brian's in ring style has changed with his new evolution, it's slower more precise with elements of meanness. It's a little Jericho meets Orton with flashes of Shawn Michaels. The match has its ups and downs the biggest down is the refs. Malenko is visibly wrapped up in the ropes before the pinfall. Brian pins him the ref who noticeably noticed and counted anyway.
Harlem Heat vs Sting & Lex Luger
Sting's blonde hair is mostly gone just some highlights. I'm calling this football rasslin, slow efficient, power based with enough explosive athleticism to keep you paying attention, American Strong Style. Jimmy Hart sneaks out gives Lugers a fist full of silver dollars and he knocks out Stevie Ray for the win.
One Man Gang vs Hogan
Gang is well past his prime at this point. Hogan signals for the slam, crowd pops, Hogan hits it, crowd pops again. Horsemen & DOD come out Savage saves Hogan.
Episode 22
Flair w/ Hart vs Hogan w/ a bevy of beauties including Woman and Miss Elizabeth
Hogan dominates the majority of the 900th match between them in the last 5 months. But using Liz's shoe, Flair wins.
WCW Magazine commercial. I use to have to go to the next town over's Rite Aid for this magazine.
Meng & Barbarian vs Legion of Doom
Hoss tag team match, LOD wins
Sullivan calls out Arn, and complains about how disrespectful Pillman is and how he shouldn't represent the Horsemen. Arn agrees and runs down PIllman in front of everyone, then takes off his belt. He is jumped by High Morrus and Sullivan. Pillman cowers on the outside until sullivan comes out to whip him. Then Arn saves him.
Mean Gene interviews Sister Sherri, Madusa comes off the top rope with a body press
Madusa vs Sherri
Madusa beats the living shit out of Sherri. Someone compared Sherri and Melina, as two women who could be successful managers and credible wrestlers, yes. This is out of the ring where they do damage to one another.
Sherri wins with a lucky roll up, but Madusa hits a massive rolling German suplex and then smashes Sherri's head into the ground like she's getting coconut milk. Then she slaps Sherri to death. The crowd reaction is insane, but it goes nowhere we know that.
Giant vs Savage
The bevy of beauties comes out Giant waits for Savage who comes from the back and attacks Giant & puts a sleeper on him. Match is called for a DQ on Savage. Flair comes out for the double team, but Hogan is at the hospital for his eye...pstche, Hoggan comes down and gives 90s chair shots. Hogan is wrapped up like a mummy.
Falir goes to the booth and gives a cocaine promo with the Giant for SuperBrawl.
submitted by devil0o to WCW [link] [comments]

2019.03.03 00:46 Sabur1991 Russian Survivor: Actors vs. Psychics - Episode 1 recap

Hi there!

I've just finished watching episode 1 of Rus Survivor: Actors vs. Psychics (AvP). First of all, I would like to try to share a link to watch the episode- I watched here. I don't know whether it'll be possible to watch it from US, but you may at least try.

I'll do a short recap. Believe me, I would love to make English subtitles for this and I can do it as both my Russian and English is perfect, but I'm busy now making russian subtitles for Survivor: Pearl Islands for my russian community. I really have no time and this is a time-taking project.

The tribes travel in two speedboats to the island. We right away learn about a couple of contestants. The blonde, Wentworth-looking woman introduces herself as Tatiana Larina. She's from psychics tribe. She's 49, she has nowhere to live, she needs money badly, and she was cheated some time ago by her ex who took away all of her money and told everyone in the Internet that she's not a psychic. I'll refer to her as T-Wentworth. Then the funny-looking girl with dark hair from the Actors tribe introduces herself as Natalia Medvedeva. This is actually the girl in a weird swimsuit. She's funny, she's comedian and she is very positive.

The teams arrive to the shore and are greeted by the host, Yana Troyanova. She briefly explains to them the rules of the game, these are standard rules. Everybody got to take one luxury item etc. One of the guys from the Actors is introduced. His name is Ilya Glinnikov, he is 34, has very good looks and he's come here to be the "Last hero" and not the "Last bastard". He would receieve some leader and hero edit throughout the episode. Another girl from Psychics tribe is introduced as well. It's Nicole Kuznetsova, 32 years old, and she speaks in a whisper. The girl already lived through two clinical death and had cancer, for seven years she walked with a pipe in her throat. Few months ago she was finally cured and doesn't need the tube anymore, but she still can't speak in a normal voice of course.

The tribes receive buffs. Psychics tribe is actually blue, not purple, as it seemed. Actors is red. Then the tribes face their first challenge. The winner will be able to get some tools and food items and take them to their island. The tribes have to swim out in the sea to their tribe markers, then dive down and release the rafts that are fastened underwater. As soon as they release the raft to the surface, they must move the raft to the shore and put it on the tribes' platform. One of the Psychics guy is introduced. He is the tattooed guy and his name is Ivan Schabanov. He's not as tattoed as Lex but still resembles his body a little bit. He seems a bit brutal in his confessionals.

On Yana's go, everyone runs to the water. But not everyone hurries. In fact, Irina Bezrukova (ex-wife of the famous russian actor Sergei Bezrukov, who starred in famous russian crime saga "Brigada", this movie is well-known all over the world as is subtitled in English), the oldest contestant, 53 years old, just walks in the water. I've got to say that Irina looks fabulous for being 53. While she walks, Yana screams from behind "Ira, I understand that you are beautiful, but you should swim, not walk!" Hee. Both tribes struggle. Actors can't get it together and Psychics hang in to the marker for a long time before diving. Nicole just swims aside because she can't dive down with her throat problem. So the tribe passes the oars to her and tells her to swim to the shore (I forgot to say - the tribes will take the rafts and travel by them to their islands). Then, Psychics manage to release their raft faster and are visibly ahead of the Actors. But, when at the shore, they don't put the raft on the platform and start to celebrate. While they do it, Actors arrive and put the raft on the platform. Yana declares that Actors won. A couple of Psychics don't get why and one of the females, Aida Martirosyan, starts to argue with the host but of course don't suceed - the Psychics didn't complete the task so they lose and go empty-handed. Aida is presented as a strong personality. Ivan however is not satisfied with her diving skills as she is a certified diver.

Actors must collect the items they think they need most in a short amount of time (sandclock). They take mostly tools and some vegetables and eggs. In true Russian manner they share a little bit with Psychics. And you should get accustomed to it - in Russian Survivor, if a Matt Elrod shakes hands with Zapatera, he isn't seen as a traitor immediately. Artur Smolyaninov, 35 years old, a black-haired guy from Actors, seems to be most adamant about sharing the reward. He will later say that some general human values as honesty, integrity, morality are very important to him.

The tribes leave for their beaches. Psychics are shown to arrive first. While they celebrate, let's learn about a couple of them who we still don't know.

The young guy with a weird black and white hair is revealed to be Denis Vysotsky, a young and aspiring psychic. The tribe decides to explore the area, but here Aida who ran inside the jungle right away, comes out and tells that she found a place to live. Everyone follows her and sees that the place that she found is not that comfortable. Men especially don't like it and decide to look for another place. Aida, with her strong personality, is not satisfied. Men and Nicole don't like Aida on their side because they think she likes to do everything by herself and she doesn't look to be a team player. The men decide to put the shelter on some meadow not far away from the sea. This is where we meet the Dan Foley-like guy with the grey beard - he is Sergey Pakhomov a.k.a Pakhom, 52 years old. To tell the truth, he's not that much of a psychic as he is of showman, poser and douche. I believe I could call him Dan Foley or even Couch because he's really a douchebag - but I won't as Pakhom is a good nickname.

Actors arrive at their beach and we see that they somewhy left Artur far behind. They seem not to notice him and the guy, obviously very pissed off at them, walks in the water with the oars. Other seven disembark from the raft and also explore. Let's meet a couple of them. A strong and muscular guy is revealed to be Roman Mayakin. For now he seems to be just a strong and fair guy. Somewhy he reminds me of Ken from Thailand. He also has some resemblance to Ilya from the same tribe so I hope I will differ them. We also learn about the youngest contestant of the season - 22 year-old Anfisa Chernykh. She is a beautiful girl with auburn hair, seemingly very adroit and flexible, probably will be very good in speed challenges. One more guy, the nerdy-looking one with glasses, is Artem Suchkov. He only looks nerdy, but he is really skilful and knows how to handle some tools. In fact he was introuced earlies, it's just me doing it now.

Only at this point Actors notice that they left Artur behind. Artur, very offended, arrives to the beach and doesn't want to talk to everyone. He thinks that other showed they don't care about him so he won't care about them and will live alone.

Nicole and other tribe member, Victoria Komakhina (23 year old blonde, very muscular, undoubtedly the strongest woman on both tribes) manage to start fire in the Psychics tribe. Although Artem tries hard, Actors can't do it and go to sleep on darkness. Here they notice that there are seven of them together and Artur is not there. In fact, Artur sleeps away from everybody. Women wonder that they would've never slept on their own in darkness in the jungle because it's scary. But Artur just sleeps. Both tribes haven't built shelter yet.

On Day 2, Psychics tribe wakes up to find out that Aida has cooked some rice in the night and ate almost all of it together with Victoria, whom she befriended. Whole tribe is pissed at Aida, but Aida thinks that, because she cooked it by herself, she has a right to eat it herself. Ivan notes that the tribe separates in groups already and one group includes Nicole, T-Wentworth and Denis, and Aida and Victoria are obvously friends as well. Ivan just wants peace at the tribe for now. All Psychics men are busy putting shelter together.

In Actors tribe, Irina finds some bamboo sticks and the tribe uses it to put the shelter together. They seem to work more cohesively, with Roman being the informal leader and managing the process. The last member of the Actors tribe we meet is Yulia Aleksandrova, who is always with her husband, and here is almost the first time where she doesn't have his support. By the style of her confessionals I assume she can be the villain of the season. She wants to get rid of the people who won't be useful to her or to the tribe. Meanwhile, Artur, by himself, tears a few wood sticks from the raft to add them to the shelter. Ilya doesn't like his behavior, obviously, as he ironically notes that "Artur somewhy destroyed our raft". Yulia also notes that Artur doesn't care about the team. Artur says that he will help them but won't communicate much because he's still pissed off.

The Psychics share stories about their their luxury items. The last contestant that we meet is Namtar Enzigal, another young aspiring necromant. He's brought some kind of mascot. Denis asks how this mascot will benefit the tribe. Namtar honestly answers that it won't benefit the tribe but probably will benefit himself. Denis sadly notes that everyone thinks only about themselves and thus everyone is selfish in this game. No sh*t!

The teams arrive to the challenge. Before explaining the rules, Yana wants to know about Artur's issue with his tribe. Artur retells the story about being left behind and says it's not a team work and that he is offended and will live by himself. Irina says in the confessional that it's ridicilous that such a strong guy "feels offended". Actors insist they just didn't see him, but Artur continues to talk about they should've turned their heads and just ask how he's doing. They didn't so he is pissed at them.

The challenge is a series of obstacles. First, the tribes have to climb the wall with the help of each other. Then one tribe member must dig out the machete from the marked area. They then must chop a few ropes on the log to release a huge pile of coconuts. On the next stage, tribe members must throw the released coconuts into the big basketball ring. At some point the ring will drop down, releasing 15 unique stairs. Two members from each tribe must then complete the stairs by putting the pieces in the right places. As soon as they do, one tribe member must climb the stairs and light the tribe's torch. The tribe that does it first, wins immunity and is safe for the next three days. Losers go to Tribal Council where the first person will be voted out of Survivor: AvP.

The tribes start. Actors do the wall faster than Psychics but then Ilya who had to dig out the machete jumps very badly from the wall and injures his left knee at landing. Despite this, he starts to dig but he really can't work with his left foot. This slows him as Victoria starts to dig for Psychics. She digs the machete out faster and rushes to chop the ropes. And she does it like a beast! It's really impressive. Psychics' coconuts are quickly released and the tribes starts to throw them into the net. Ilya asks for substitute. Yana allows the substitute so Roman rushes to dig out the machete. Ilya's knee is examined by the doctor. Roman digs out the machete and chops rope. Actors also start to throw coconuts and by this time Ilya is already back, visibly limping, with a bandaged knee. Psychics are much ahead and their basketball ring drops first, releasing stairs. Actors, on the other side, complete the throwing portion of the challenge much faster and make a lot of ground and suddenly both tribes are almost even. Namtar and Artur start to complete the stairs, and throughout the whole stage, Psychics are basically one piece ahead. This continues to the very end as Namtar puts the last piece and goes up and lights the torch. Psychics win first immunity challenge! Actors will go to the Tribal Council!

Apart from the immunity idol, Psychics receive fire in the form of flint. They go back to their camp with the idol (it's day 3 already) and face the unexpected problem: Aida notices that the place where the men put their shelter is the home for some scorpions. And the camera cleartly catches a couple of them crawling there. Aida, T-Wentworth and other girls don't want to sleep there because they are afraid that a scorpion will bite their ass at night. Men seem to understand this but hell they don't want to rebuild the shelter they built for two days... Aida (with the help of Victoria) herself puts some A-shaped shelter on the beach which has enough place for everybody but she sits there alone. Her personality clash with everyone else blocks the rest of the tribe. Nicole says in the confessional that even though Aida put the shelter together, nobody wanted to go to live with her. It looks like that the tribe is going to sleep on the beach.

In Actors tribe, all members wonder how to vote. Yulia suggests to Ilya that Artur should go because he doesn't care about the tribe. Ilya admits that Artur's behavior is completely antisocial but he is a strong guy and they need him in challenges, and when it comes down to challenges, Artur gives 110% for his tribe, he just doesn't communicate. At this point we see Irina who is afraid she might go because she is the oldest and not very good at challenges. Artur himself thinks that the person who is least useful for the tribe should go. Ilya approaches him and asks why he is so sullen and doesn't want to talk. Artur again talks about the issue of him being left behind in the water. Ilya tells him that they just didn't realize that he needed help. A strong guy with two oars in the water seemed pretty natural, he says. Artur doesn't buy it and says that they at least should've asked how he's doing and they didn't. Still, Ilya calms him down a little but and they shake hands on being not mad at each other anymore. Artur then approaches the tribe and tells them he's sorry for his behavior and says that he contributes to the tribe by working in the camp and at the challenges. In fact he really does - it's him not communicating much with everyone. Irina hugs him as a sign of reconciliation, however, Yulia doesn't seem to beleive him or changing her mind about him. She stills says that Artur prefes to do everything by himself, not discussing it with the tribe, and this bothers her.

That evening, just an hour before the TC, Artur sails away on the raft to the nearby island and brings some fruits to the tribe as a further sign of reconciliation. He says that it doesn't mean that anybody should change opinion about him after this but he still wants to show that this tribe is valuable for him. Some people in the tribe are excited by his deed. In the confessional, Artur says that he doesn't want to go home yet.

Night 3. Psychics camp. Everybody is asleep until we see Ivan waking up others and telling them that they've got a big problem: Denis was bit in the hand by something in the night and it's bad, it hurts. We see doctors examining Denis and it looks like he's not conscious. That's pretty much all we see in this episode.

Actors arrive at the Tribal Council. Yana first asks Ilya how his knee is doing, he replies all right, he hasn't broken anything, it's just a sprain. But he still limps a little bit. Yana asks Roman what role he has taken in the tribe. Roman answers it's a little bit of everything. Yana then asks Irina how she's doing in general. Irina replies it's a wonderful adventure and she's enjoying it. Finally, Yana greets sullen Artur. Artur hasn't got anything more to say. Nothing has changed, he doesn't want to talk any more now.

Yana explaines how the vote will go. It's standard Survivor rules.

Roman votes first. He says that this vote is the only logical one for the first three days. We don't see who he voted however. Yulia votes for Artur saying once again that this person doesn't care about the tribe. Artem votes for the unknown person saying that there isn't a group decision in the tribe and he doesn't know how this all will end. Irina's vote isn't shown too as she says that for now this is the only possible decision she sees. Ilya, Anfisa and Natalia all vote without comments and we don't see their votes. Finally, Artur votes for Yulia with the words "Who else?"

Yana starts to read the votes and it's a landslide as everyone votes for Artur except for himself (his vote as said goes to Yulia). Artur is the first person voted out of Survivor: Actors vs. Psychics.

As she's about to snuff his torch, Yana asks whether Artur wants to say anything to his team. He says that he expected this and hopes that the tribe feels better now. He wishes them "sun and good luck" and then his torch is snuffed.

As we see that really everyone else voted for him, Artur says that his moral principles probably didn't let him go further. He believed in the team spirit and when he was left behind, he was disappointed in his tribe.

NEXT SATURDAY ON RUSSIAN SURVIVOR: Who bit Denis? Will he be evacuated or will he stay? Aida will try to take the leadership role in Psychics tribe but pretty much nobody will like it. And Actors will seriously prepare for the next challenges because they don't want to lose anymore!

This episode lasted 80 minutes without commericals. In the end, they wrote that the source for the show is "Survivor" and even mentioned Charlie Parsons!

If you like it, I will continue to do it!

submitted by Sabur1991 to survivor [link] [comments]

2018.10.18 18:27 Love34787 What happened to the man in the Toyota of Orlando commerical and why wont they let the blonde do the walk instead of the new chick?

submitted by Love34787 to orlando [link] [comments]

2018.10.10 23:16 ElTunaGrande Need some help with out-of-market beer fest suggestions

Hello there. I'm going to a beer event this weekend where the one of the main premises is that they are bringing in many breweries that don't distribute to our area. I was if you could help make some suggestions, can't misses,etc? I don't know many of these.

Peace and thanks.

submitted by ElTunaGrande to beer [link] [comments]

2018.08.24 00:04 TheUnidentifiedorg Case 5321 was Updated Today: 10th Exclusion Added

Update today: unidentified person Case 5321 has had another missing person added to the exclusion list. This is the 10th official rule-out.
From the doe network: She was found in the weeds in 1990 in a remote area by an abandoned farm house on Oscar Talley Road, midway between Lanagan and Pineville, Missouri.
She was hogtied with six different types of material: nylon rope, lead rope, coaxial cable, telephone cable, parachute cord and clothesline. The parachute cord is believed to have been military issued because it was not commerically available in 1990. Because of the way she was bound - both hands behind the back and tied to one leg with a shoelace - it is believed that she was also raped.
A single blond hair not belonging to the victim was found on the body. Investigators believe the victim may have been murdered at or near the location her body was found based on a witness statement that she heard a woman scream in that proximity on Halloween night — about the same time the victim is believed to have died.
submitted by TheUnidentifiedorg to gratefuldoe [link] [comments]

2017.11.20 04:10 walrusnoob Crumb shot on FWSY Overnight Blonde. No commerical yeast!

Crumb shot on FWSY Overnight Blonde. No commerical yeast! submitted by walrusnoob to Breadit [link] [comments]

2017.08.05 01:19 elcorryn Transformer

I grumbled, coffee mug in hand, as I approached my bright, buzzing phone at the edge of the counter of my U-shaped kitchen. Blinded momentarily by the phone’s light contrasting against a room the sun hadn’t yet let, I looked to the opposite corner of the kitchen, two sides of it connecting to a pantry and walls. I looked back at the screen, blinking furiously.
I tapped the button to play the voicemail. It sounded Allen’s worn voice informing me Jen had promised a deadline of this weekend. The silence after it ended only held for a few moments before my voice broke it. “This is what happens when you go in early, Allen.” I took a deliberate drink from my mug as I stared at the hall by the third counter surface, tracing its path to the front door. I placed my mug on the counter, the hollow clank ringing through it.
Goddamn Jen. Goddamn weekdays. Goddamn overachieving, early bird Allen.
I collected my purse from the table in the center of the kitchen as I made my way out.
At the other end of twilight, I knocked my warm, brown bag against the door as I made my way back through it. I dropped my purse into an open chair while I placed my brown bag onto the counter. I pulled a bowl from the cupboard above and placed it by the bag, popping the staples to release a soothing cloud of steam. I removed a foam cylinder, spilling egg drop soup into the bowl, then opening an oyster pail to scoop fried rice over the soup. I reached once more into the bag, rummaging for two small bags. I removed a wonton from one and an egg roll from the other, delicately placing them over the mound of rice. I smiled to myself.
I sat at the table, scolding myself for only a moment before taking two large bites of my horrible meal.
I sneezed. I wiped bits of rice from my sleep with a scowl on my face.
I whimpered an “owww” as I leaned over my tented arms, allowing the aches to settle into my bones. I knew it. Every time.
I took one more defiant bite of my meal before I made my way to the cabinet above the sink. I removed the Nyquil, opening it and immediately dropping the cap in my soaking mug. I sneered, rinsing it and replacing it after I poured a generous dose. I threw my head back to facilitate the movement of the vile, mentholated liquid. I rinsed the cup and set it to dry. I wandered upstairs, admiring my bed as it called to me: Warm, soft, fluffy. I crawled in, letting the Nyquil lull me into sleep.
I woke, briefly, at the sound of a thump, probably from the kitchen. Groggy, I yelled out to Garrett. I urged him to come to bed. My head fell back to the softness of my pillow, taking me away once again.
Soft talking awoke me in the morning. I slapped the alarm button before I huffed and puffed through the process of waking, showering, and dressing. I looked back at my bed as I stepped out of the bathroom. A blurry image of my call to Garrett ran through my head. I frowned and forced myself down the stairs to the living area.
I pulled my mug from the dish rack and filled it with warm coffee brewed by the timer. I wandered, sipping, to the fridge. I smiled upon opening it, a nearly empty space featuring the sight of my dinner. Then, my smile fell.
I stared, thinking carefully, running through each second of my evening. The fridge began to complain, so I closed the door. Certainly, the Nyquil. I chugged the rest of my coffee and collected my purse from the tabletop, ready to buy more drugs.
I returned that evening, twisting the knob of my door to enter the apartment. I rolled my eyes, of course the door was locked. I pulled my keys out, slipping in the key.
I hesitated. Did I do this yesterday?
If I didn’t, I was lucky. I unlocked the door, stepping inside to relish the warm air inside. I flipped the light switch as I passed the hall way.
I stopped again. Had I done that yesterday? I really needed to take a day off.
I dropped my bag in the seat by the table, and made my way to the fridge. A few practiced movements had my food into my buzzing microwave on the cupboard by the fridge. I watched, savoring the metallic flavor of the spoon in my mouth, as a white bowl rotated contentedly around. I counted the seconds down, my thumb hovering over the button to the door. 3… 2… 1! I pressed the button as the timer ticked down to 0, avoiding the beeping and resetting the timer. My one success for the day.
I pulled the hot bowl from the microwave, dropping it from my burning fingers onto the table. I shook my hands at my sides, stopping as I looked at the dish rack. My mug. Had I misremembered? Was I being paranoid?
I scoffed through my spoon and fell into my seat. I slurped and blew each bite, down to the last few spoonfuls of soup and rice, grateful for the warmth over my burning throat. I observed the bowl, ruminating on the questions I had. Probably Nyquil, but… I placed the spoon in the bowl. I stood, returning to the cabinet for another dose of Nyquil, the cap exactly where I had left it in the drying rack, and where it returned. I made my way into bed, crawling into the softness of my comforter.
I felt the end of my bed indent, tugging me from my dreams. I rolled over and patted the spot next to me. I whispered to the darkness, “Ally? Commere.” I patted again before my fever and medicine beckoned me away once again. There, Ally curled up and let me bury my arms in her fur.
I coerced my stiff, aching body out of bed that morning. Even after a shower, my thumping feet dragged step by step down the stair case. I reached the end, turning to face the kitchen, just barely remembering my test for the night before.
The hairs stood up on my neck at the sight of a clean table, save for my purse. My feet moved effortlessly now. I examined the table as my mind worked to rationalize and explain. Ghosts, definitely ghosts. I ran my hand over the clean spot where my bowl sat last night. I hadn’t forgotten, right?
I caught flashing in the corner of my eye, my phone. I made my way over to my phone, realizing the notification was a meeting with our customers. The project. I could fix the Jen mishap. I grabbed my purse and hurried over to the door. I flipped the light switch as I passed it.
I returned, almost a reasonable hour, the sun almost still out. My throat was nearly better, the Jen mishap had been resolved, it was a good day: A smile almost inhabited my face. I slipped my key into the lock. I turned the knob, returning my keys to my pocket with my foot holding the door open. I looked back up into the space as I pushed the door open.
I stopped.
I looked over a dark space, lit slightly by the sun’s remnants creeping through the living area windows. I let my eyes adjust as I stayed in place, focused on my couch to make it easier. I watched a chair, my mind buzzing. I thought I got rid of the coat rack.
My stomach fell, aching as if it had been pushed in. Adrenaline jolted through my body, pushing the pain in my gut out and carrying me away from the door at speeds that felt superhuman. My phone made its way into my hand, dialing before I realized it was unlocked, the flurry of questions answered faster than I could think, some sort of speed pop quiz. I was down the hall almost toward the steps in just moments.
I ignored steps behind me, I kept moving, no time to think. I placed my hand the rail of the grand staircase, ready to soak in the safety of fresh air again.
Pressure to my aggravated nerves felt painful. I spun to look at an average looking man in a dark hooded jacket, he had reached out to me and I had stepped away when I turned. My voice was poised to reach every peak, I hadn’t wanted to speak. I realized he was, frantically, with curly blond hair falling in his face. “Wait, wait, wait!” I didn’t know how many times he repeated.
“What?” I spat it out, watching his shaking hand rise.
“You don’t… understand.”
My eyes felt like they were bulging, my voice shivered. “Who are you?”
“Look, you… Come, and we’ll talk about it?” He reached out for my arm. I pulled back, trying to release myself. “No, look, hasn’t it been nice?” I whimpered, trying to peel away his fingers. He grabbed my other arm. My phone slipped from my hand, cracking and snapping down the steps. The building pressure in my lungs escaped, startling me with its force.
He recoiled for a short second, letting me pull away and begin down the stairs. His deep, rusty voice had become booming as he shouted after me. I flew until my body hit the railing, the force coming from behind me. I turned my head to see him holding my arms again. He held me against the railing with one hand, the other holding up just his index finger. His voice wavered, “Just… just wait one second.”
I screamed again. My voice reverberated and echoed through the walls and ceiling. He placed his free hand over my mouth, trying to pull me toward him. I writhed, continuing through his hand: I couldn’t inhale anyway. He shouted again, releasing my mouth to grab my head with both hands. Crackling shot through my skull.
I stumbled as I slipped away. Gravity took hold, bringing me down the steps faster than either of us could, each one rumbling through my spine. I landed on a break in the staircase with my back to more steps. I rolled to my side, trying to push myself up. My voice hadn’t fully recovered and had left me already. I pushed against the steps, trying to bring myself up. My shoulder couldn’t support it, dropping me back to cold tile again. I took a shaking breath.
Over the ringing in my ears, more shouting rang through the building. I could see the man land on a nearby step with a slight slide, his hands flying upward. I failed to capture more than an occasional word over the rumbling, pounding, shrieking from my head. He was talking back to the shouting voices. I didn’t need to see them.
He began to kneel but paused midway through as he reached for bottom edge of his deep blue jeans. He stopped, slumped, promptly tumbling down past me.
Firm hands were on me, voices and lights filling every space instantly. I let them.
A week later, I stood outside my door as I had done daily in the past. I watched the knob and contemplated. I recalled a previous moment I had turned the knob and walked into my daughter’s room, ignoring what I had once seen in there, and I cleaned it. I recalled another time I turned the knob, I stepped in and cleaned the same living room where Garret strolled through on his way out.
I turned away, hurrying down the staircase once more, safely, both hands on the rails. I kept my gaze low as I passed through warm glass doors, afraid to catch the reflection of a coward as I passed through.
submitted by elcorryn to nosleep [link] [comments]

2015.08.20 19:45 VanDroombeeld Father Dearest

Denyse carefully jotted down the last few names down on a small slip of parchment. She gently pursed her lips together and blew at the ink, drying it almost instantly. She glanced up towards Emmison, who had read the names on the list over her shoulder.
"No one is to know who is on this list. Or else."
Emmison curtly nodded, and esured Denyse of her silence. Denyse did not have to worry thoug, Emmison was loyal to a fault, and knew how to keep her mouth shut. All of her handmaidens knew how to keep their mouths shut, and where more then loyal, but Emmison. It was so much more. Denyse had known of the girls small crush on her for quite some time, and it was a valuable tool to have.
Deynse rolled the slip of parchment up and slipped it into a pocket. She handed Emmison a separate slip of parchment with a separate list of names. Those names would be the targets the handmaidens would be spying on, while Denyse was out, Oakheart, a Lannister, and ...
She left her handmaiden, and made her way over towards her fathers new office. She wore a purple silk brocade top, with a purple ruffles for the skirt. It was much more Reach style, then what was commonly found in Kings Landing but it was new and just had it delivered that day. Her long pale blonde hair was done up in a fancy long braid that she wore to the front. There was a Guard standing outside of her fathers office, but she gave him a look, and he did not say a word as she knocked, then did not wait for a response, and let her self in.
submitted by VanDroombeeld to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2015.03.17 21:53 royfokker85 Having trouble naming Wave 3

Opened wave 3 in one sitting and now only have names for Lucario is Cadbury (just saw the cadbury cream egg commerical) and possible name for all blond/yellow Bowser is Bubba. Any Suggestions?
submitted by royfokker85 to amiibo [link] [comments]