Sample help wanted ads for administrative assistant

Santa Cruz - A magical land of vortexes, mushrooms, and good vibes.

2008.11.16 00:32 Santa Cruz - A magical land of vortexes, mushrooms, and good vibes.


2014.04.09 21:14 A Community for Office Support Staff of All Kinds!

This sub is a place for Office Support Staff (Data Entry, Office Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Secretary, Help Desk, Personal Assistant, Executive Assistant, etc.) to come together. Share your experiences, answer or pose questions, offer or ask for advice, vent/rant, post memes, pics, and share helpful resources.

2009.05.06 08:40 plc-ladder PLC - Programmable Logic Controllers

This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis."

2024.05.23 12:30 nutterbuttertime How hard is it to get a teachers assistant position w no job experience

Hi everyone! I’m looking into a career in elementary education and wanted to start off working as a teachers assistant to see if I like the field or not. I currently have an associates in something completely unrelated (environmental science), and no applicable work experience. Im worried that because of my lack of credentials I won’t even be considered.
Online it says the only qualification for my state (TN) is an associates, although I would imagine they would like the degree to be in something education related. Are there any certifications that would help me be more qualified?
submitted by nutterbuttertime to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:27 ElectricalLeek5 SWE job vs RA job on resume for MSCS

I recently got lucky and have received an offer from
  1. Application Engineering role in a construction and engineering firm - 96k/yr + relocation
  2. Research Assistant position An AI lab in the college I studied in Singapore. (It's not NUS/NTU)
My goal is to pursue an MS CS in 2 years and I'm wondering how best to improve my resume to get into a good (T10) program.
My resume currently - 3.53 CGPA, SWE internships at SAP and Publicis Sapient, one 2nd author pub in an A* conference and another paper to be submitted next month. This work was done in the lab I'm getting an RA position in. (I know I would get a strong LOR from the Prof even if I went to work somewhere else). I believe an important step in this process will be doing some part-time research for a another lab that will help me get another academic LOR.
Bechtel Application engineering:
  1. Full-stack Application development
  2. Good pay. RA pays nowhere close.
  3. I like the US
Research Assistant position
  1. Not exactly sure what the work is, but my PI suggested it will most likely be related to designing annotation processes for annotation and human evaluation of large hateful memes datasets. It might be possible that the work is better aligned to my interests,
  2. I approached the Professor for opportunities in this lab and while I haven't been given a formal offer yet, I think the assumption is that I will be joining the lab. My PI has suggested in the past that I continue applying and interviewing for other jobs until a formal offer arrives.
  3. A few of my friends say an RA position will look better on a resume for MS CS than SWE at a firm that is not really a product-based company
  4. I'm counting on this Prof to give me a strong LOR for my MS application. I don't want to piss him off by taking this new offer.
  5. My PI has advised me not to stay in the RA position for longer than a year. Which will mean I need to look for jobs again in the coming cycle. This cycle was very rough on me and I don't know if I will get lucky like this again.
I need some help in deciding between the two. Which position will look better on a Master's application. Finally, (SWE + part-time research + GRE) or (RA + part-time research (more research LOL) + GRE prep + job hunting). I'm also open to hearing out opinions on whether so much research is needed.
submitted by ElectricalLeek5 to MSCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:23 Www_anatoly AI Friend Simulator – Meta Friends? what it is ?

AI Friend Simulator – Meta Friends? what it is ?
Today, we are excited to share an exciting stage in our journey developing AI Friend Simulator – MetaFriends —a project we eagerly anticipate introducing to the world. In this update, we’ll discuss significant changes made to the core concept of our product.
We have decided to shift MetaFriends from the simple concept of "Games and Friends" to creating virtual companions powered by artificial intelligence. These virtual companions will be Simulator game on Android app and iOS app devices, allowing users to interact with them on a deeper level.
This step was taken to offer a richer and more intuitive experience by integrating elements of real life into the virtual space. We believe our digital companions will provide support, assist in learning, and add an element of enjoyment to everyday tasks.
Our team has carefully planned these improvements to ensure that MetaFriends becomes not just an app, but a genuine assistant in your life.
Let’s dive into why we made this change and what major improvements are being implemented.
Table of Contents
  • What We Aim to Create
  • Improvements in the New Concept
  • Enhancements in the Gaming Niche
  • Our Testing Program and How to Apply
  • Conclusion

What We Aim to Create

We strive to create a virtual world that closely mirrors real life. Inspired by technological advancements and feedback from our users, we have decided to transform the concept of our application to offer an AI-based life simulation.

This strategic shift will allow us to deliver a more engaging and multifaceted experience, blending elements of real life with a virtual environment. Our goal is to create a space where players can interact with digital companions that possess realistic personality traits and can adapt to users' preferences.
We believe that these changes in the Meta Friends simulator will better meet the desires and needs of our players, providing them with the opportunity for feedback and deeper interaction with virtual friends. As a result, MetaFriends will become not just an application, but a true reflection of life, enriched by interactions with artificial intelligence.
We are enthusiastically working to offer users a truly captivating virtual world that will adapt and grow with them.

Improvements in the New Concept

One of the significant changes implemented in our update is the ability to become neighbors with your MetaFriend. This feature allows you not only to chat but also to see your MetaFriend in a virtual space. Within our new simulator, you can interact with your MetaFriend as if they were your real-life neighbor.

Your Meta Friend will live nearby, and you will be able to observe them as they go about their daily activities, go to work, pursue their hobbies, and even receive invitations to visit. This creates a unique opportunity for deeper and closer interaction, opening new horizons for virtual socialization and allowing members of our community to bond even more in the virtual world.
Transition from Chatbot to Simulator Transforming our application from an AI chatbot to a life simulator represents a significant expansion in functionality and depth of interaction. Users can now engage with their MetaFriend not only through messaging but also on a deeper level, allowing them to observe and influence the virtual character's life.
The new concept provides users with the opportunity not only to observe their MetaFriend's life but also to actively participate in shaping their destiny. Users can help their MetaFriend make various decisions, develop friendships, and even build romantic relationships. This opens new horizons for interaction, making the experience with MetaFriends more realistic and engaging.
Our updated application offers a unique experience, allowing users to immerse themselves in a virtual world where they can not only communicate but also interact with a virtual character on a deeper level, creating unique and captivating stories.

New Interaction Opportunities
With the new concept, we are introducing a wide range of new ways to interact with your MetaFriend. Here are just a few:
Mutual Visits: You can invite your MetaFriend to your place or visit their home. This opens up opportunities for organizing joint activities, such as parties, cooking dinner together, or simply enjoying a pleasant conversation.
Shared Activities: You can engage in sports, take walks outdoors, play various games, or even learn new skills together with your MetaFriend.
Experience Sharing and Advice: Your Meta Friend will be available for conversation and ready to listen to you, offering valuable advice when needed. This will help build a trusting relationship and provide support in various situations.
Implementing these new functionalities will enhance user interaction with the platform and create deeper and more meaningful connections within our community in the simulator game.
Your MetaFriend can become a true friend and support in any situation—a fun and intriguing new neighbor. New Character Models
With the latest updates, we have introduced new character models to the application, expanding the capabilities of your virtual companions and making them even more realistic and unique.
These new character models offer a rich variety of options, allowing users to choose characters that best match their preferences and interests.

Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics

We have significantly revamped the gameplay, adding new features and elements that make the game more engaging, interactive, and diverse. The new mechanics will enable users to interact more deeply with the game world and its characters. These improvements will create our simulator games a more dynamic and immersive experience, encouraging players to explore and interact with every aspect of our virtual world.

New Concept in the Gaming Niche
Our new concept still belongs to the gaming niche but now focuses on real-life simulation. Games that model real-life situations and interactions have a long history in the gaming industry and are popular among a broad audience. We have taken this into account, retaining elements of communication and interaction with characters while adding a deeper and more realistic experience that reflects everyday life scenarios.
These innovations in our AI friend simulator will not only enhance the quality of the gaming experience but also allow users to create more authentic and personalized relationships with their virtual friends.
You can read the rest on our website
submitted by Www_anatoly to SimulatorAiMetaFriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:21 coolguyy29 We had another talk, I’m slowly reaching my limit.

We had been doing good the past couple of days, i find myself savoring every laugh and telling myself to enjoy the moment, since it may not last. I’ve been purposefully holding off conversations to elongate the good times. Earlier while spending time with each other over FaceTime, something he did bothered me a bit (completely unrelated to R) and we talked about it, and he went on and on with the usual “I messed up again, like always. I’m such a fuck up. It’s always me messing up.” And what not. I told him i want sincerity, not aggression (even if it was toward himself). I emphasized that it does not make me happy seeing him upset, that i dont bring these things up because i want to give him reasons to hate himself.
This turned into a long rant about himself and how he’s tired of trying to understand himself (he has autism, so he struggles with processing things and identifying his emotions). He kept repeating how he feels stupid because of how he’s been acting, and how he basically needs to get a grip. I brought up that one of my conditions since DD (almost 6 months ago) was that he goes to therapy. He did for a while, then his therapist ghosted him so it wasn’t his fault. But i told him i need him to focus on it again.
This turned into me pouring my heart out again, since i dont actually get to talk about my experience much to him. It feels like i’ve been coddling him this whole time, when i’m the one that needs the help. Anyway, i told him how i can only do so much to help his struggle with self-worth, and there are people whose job centers around his needs.
I went a little off track from this, since he thinks he’s facing the hardest battle. “You think i’m not frustrated? That i’m not tired? That i don’t feel stupid?” I’m frustrated that i have to keep repeating myself, i’m stupid for helping and chasing a man who doesn’t want help and keeps running, that when i tell him he needs to face his shame instead of distracting himself, he listens. I feel stupid knowing that the current conversation won’t mean anything by next week, that the cycle will loop and i will let it. You’re frustrated because your efforts aren’t working on yourself? I’m frustrated because my efforts don’t mean anything either. What are we even fighting for? He says he’s tired of fighting. Fighting what? His own mind? We don’t fight. The only battle is in his head and no one can help him. It’s not like he’s fighting for us, i told him that if i stopped trying then our relationship will end, because there is no one else holding it up. He refuses to get out of this self-loathing. I feel stupid having to defend him to others, because he wants to convince them that he’s awful. His brother was talking about how proud of him he was, and he tried to tell him he wasn’t what his brother thinks he is. What good will that do? I feel stupid for not letting him convince other people. But if that’s what he thinks of himself, why is he with me? If he’s such a horrible person. Why are you HERE?? You obviously don’t think that enough to leave. What is the point of any of this? I’M TIRED TOO!
He hates himself more than he loves anything else, including me. If he doesn’t change, that will be the reason we fail.
I told him all of this, and he became extremely overwhelmed. He said he felt conflicted, he was stuttering (which i don’t think I’ve ever heard him do before). He couldn’t say a full sentence, and he said his head was hurting. He said he didn’t know how to feel or what to say. I asked if he was mad at me, he said he didn’t know. I asked if anything i said bothered him, he said he didn’t know. He said he needed to sleep on this.
There is nothing i can do for him, i know this. But i know i love him, because i still try anyway. We’ll see how much more of this i can take. We’ll see if he even wants this by tomorrow. I don’t know what i even want at this point. No progress has been made since March. I’m so tired.
Edit: added more to the rant
submitted by coolguyy29 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:19 zedadex Starkros' point.

Posting that key part of a story that I'm vaguely seeing in my mind's eye.
There's much to establish and hash out to myself. I'm pretty sure there's four characters and not two, and we have to figure out what ending the Mechanist reaches.
But Starkros (working title) isn't my story; it's one of many possible intersections of our two. (My story -one of them - is Nightfall, of course. Not a working title. Imagine a world 🎶. I can see the parallels between it and my life; almost-direct, and yet missing a lot of facets, of people you might find interesting yet I find boring and pretty distant to my life story overall. Things I do care about usually end up forming its story arcs. You'll be delighted to know that I haven't figured out where you exist in it, yet. You're in other stories, like this one I'm seeing bits and pieces of; but still. If it makes you feel any better, I'd spend endless time writing about you, but I still haven't woven you into my story. I wasn't trying to, without your consent, Bee. I want us to talk things through together; but I recognize your need and desire for safety and that you were feeling uncomfortable and potentially unheard with me. FWIW, I am truly sorry. I know you don't trust my words but the Action of staying away and yet expressing Myself at the void of the internet... probably does very little to make me not seem Limerent, I'm sure. But I don't care; I like you, I'm rambley. Love languages; I'll learn to prioritize Actions and also express my needs if you ever do welcome my company again.)
And yes, this isn't the full story; merely a nucleus. I'd need to be my fully-Happy self to focus on and write it; while I'm occasionally reaching Realized I'm not quite at Happy yet. But I'm happy enough that I'm getting there, it's only a matter of Time, Projects, People, and (? Routines? idk, but I could totally make a new mantra lol) before I'm in a Happy rhythm again. I do miss you lots, and wish talking-to-you could be a part of it; but I won't reach out and try until you see I can be Happy in other areas. It might help you to trust me again; and literally anything I can do to improve my chances are a thing-I-will-do before I reach out, I know you Shouldn't mean that much to me but you Do. :P
With all that said, I would just need more Moments with you to encode/better understand Starkros. If I get to a Happy Writing-Point and you rejected me I'd still be able to write it; I'd just either need to extrapolate the rest of the story (doable, but with less resonance to me; so more could-go-anywhere lol) or more likely would just be writing other stories that still resonated. I just kinda do things and am figuring out how to do them effectively. (Yay project manageme- aw. 😂)
This isn't me working at full thought-encoding efficiency by the way. Still just tappin' away at a computer. It sucks having a sense of how computing should work (and will work in 500 years) yet being stuck with digital caveperson tools to try and realize it, lol. (See: Nightfall; they live in a digital world =D)
As a side note - I saved + archived* that Snowy Lab sub-story but this might be a part of it; that was the one where his chest spits out a bunch of rocks and he starts chipping away at them, i.e. working on himself. (I don't think that'll be the Mechanist character, though)
  • I'm starting to give the Mechanist thought-crystals, though; so maybe I will edit the Snowy Lab thing to be that he uses crystals to dull the rocky points. Hmm.
  • (I need to stop archiving+deleting stuff; I'm self-conscious about looking like a limerent-crazy-person lol. I do need to make the thing to sort Thoughts into Spaces; so then I can just shake my head sideways, dump out all my thoughts to paper or screen, and just *sort them out like the friggin' millennium puzzle and get my thoughts and sense-of-self Unified and under control lmao)
Anyways, without further ado, the stuff I consider a nexus/turning point to a story in my head, presented in media res and without much explanation. Sorry it isn't surrounded by the rest of the story, yet. There is a fuzzy understanding of these characters; but my writing tends to start off very heavy-handed (see the "working on himself" thing lol) while adding subtleties later. I actually need a lot more practice as a writer; but you thinking I'm good is still a happy-talisman for me =3 (If you no longer do tell me much later, I could use happy-talismans right now 😅 I hope to reread yours in native German someday... It's probably as beautiful as your art, which I miss no longer seeing but I know it's my fault for not listening )
Having trudged on long enough, she fell, giving in to her exhaustion. The ground rose to meet her, the storm having battered her down. Slumping into a rest, she prepared her systems to enter standby.
A shadow momentarily passed the flickering candle in the window; she could sense those foreign subsystems... the figure was approaching.
She sighed; very well, do your worst. She'd make it easy for him. She opened her mental hatchway, disabled the safeguards, yet left the last one - total lockdown - intact for herself later. She'd sooner close herself off completely than end up his puppet. No matter what. She'd escape that fate.
The figure approached; but even as it did, she let exhaustion take her first. She closed her eyes...
...And opened them. Time had passed; her Systems had been partially restored; yet... very little had changed. She still sat against that wall. Surprising. She looked around.
The shadow that'd been approaching her - the Mechanist - sat a ways away from her again; typing away at a portable Terminal. Wires and cables connected to his systems. Surrounding the two of them was a large, rectangular Tent. Its thin flapping material was anchored to some frame-structure, extending the Mechanist's hexagonal reprieve temporarily; yet they were not inside. She'd expected to wake strapped to a cold experimentation table; or perhaps a warm façade of a room - another of his Illusions obviously meant to ease her inhibitions, though he seemed to dwell overmuch on them.
But no; instead, she still simply sat exactly where she'd been; a thin tent shielding them from the worst of the Elements but doing little else. The particulates still ate at her outer Shells; her System still reported feeling biting cold; and innately, gentle Orange and Red lights still pulsed and flickered in various places and status panels; the reason she'd been seeking new Components in the first place.
She'd felt largely recharged, cursorily repaired. Certainly less damage done than their first encounter. At least now he'd largely stopped trying to interfere with her systems.
She looked over at the Mechanist. Those foreign modules... Under his coat and at his belt clinked the Crystals, the modules he'd claimed to have wanted to give her, his nigh-alien technology that she feared clashing with her own. Yet they lay undisturbed in their casings, the Mechanist simpy having run systems updates against her own database, restoring her to the condition she'd been in before - including his own access level, her mental hatchway closed once again. Remote. Minimal. Untrusted foreign objects, unknown, adversarial. Shoot on sight. He hadn't intruded any further, informed the logs.
Her hesitation and wariness gave way to sheer confusion. "Perhaps I don't... Understand," She began; but the Mechanist stood up, closing his terminal. He'd finished the work of restoring her systems, so much as he could given his access level.
"I can't install modules in you," he said simply. "Not unless your system accepted them itself. That was my mistake - I'm learning how to bridge our networks now, but it's tough going. Ultimately, my modules were less important than I'd thought," he began; yet already those strange wisps were forming around him, a picture materializing which he briefly considered, yet quickly shoo'ed away - but she caught a glance, irises zooming, recording -
He went on. "- I didn't need to install anything. You already have them - those core components - and I needed merely to quietly quell mine, understand yours," he said. "I was... excited, you see. I'd... well, there were many smaller mixed signals besides, but that one..." he'd devolved to stammering, and stopped with a wistful sigh. His contrition brooked little, he mostly just seemed speaking to himself. As usual. She played back the wisps' image. Those cutesy reduced-detail figures played again. She recognized figures his diagrams consisted of; one chibi blob poking the others' chest, yielding a pulse, a warmth, a... giggle? No wonder he'd waved it away.
Her eyes narrowed; she played back the wisping image again. His wave was sharpest at the giggle; perhaps he... understood a bit better, now? Her Security measures would kick in; perhaps he now thought that poke wouldn't be met with a giggle. Good, she affirmed to herself. He's never quieted his machines long enough to traverse her systems. How could he begin to know where to go, what to do? He'd kept running into stacks, causing errors; he'd done more harm than good and might've eventually destroyed critical Components she'd had, had she not yanked his access herself. (Then he'd gone looking, searching; claiming he'd "feared he'd hurt her" - yet too little, too late! What good could he do if he could not be trusted to see her signs, her signals, notice when her systems were reaching criticality, at that point? She'd simply have to regulate herself forever, how might he ever know, or grow, or change? What good could they ever do for each other, if the circuits needed to make it there were so hazardous?)
How, in this storm, could I ever trust you?
She didn't need him, she knew. And perhaps... Perhaps now, he knew it too. Back outside her thoughts, the Mechanist sighed, and started "Look, for what it's wo-"
A stony look silenced him. She felt she knew what he was about to say, but it didn't matter; he still missed things, didn't understand. He'd never understand her, she'd never make the same mistake again, again, again. With him, with others. Though her internals glowed Orange, Red - What was the point, risking the whole thing? These damn frustrating loops she was trying so hard to break out of?
I don't care what you think you're doing, she thought, coldly. You won't get me to do things I don't want to; I know you'll never respect my boundaries... and yet - the Mechanist had already nodded at her repudiation, not pressed. "I understand," and like that, he'd strolled to the door.
What is he... As he opened the flap, many of his wisps emerged to surround him in his storm of Thoughts once again; yet their whirling colors hadn't solidified still. Shapes dancing and forming and vanishing; yet he briskly exited, the projections occluded as his silhouette vanished behind the flap.
She wondered. Those colors often danced in a window visible far and wide, yet a tiny remote corner of the vast snowscape. (In that window, presently, simply sat the candle on a desk.) As scattered, as unfamiliar, as predictable, transparent as he was. Of course her model was not off. Of course there wasn't some other reason that could explain him.
Yet the remainders to her calculations nagged at her. Were there? Could he? Much as she tried to place him, he evaded her categorizations; his behaviors not-quite-seeming exact, perhaps him being likely hopeful to entice further tests out of her. She wasn't to be fooled.
The Mechanist was gone. She heard the distant rumble and clang of the hexagonal structure's door opening and closing. He'd made less of any push this time, hadn't pressed the matter.
She was still out in the cold; she got up, brushed herself off, and departed the tent herself. Leaving in a different direction, the saw through the window, the well-tended oil lamp still nurturing a candle, flickering away merrily. Its caretaker felt the biting cold inside his haven too; yet the candle's warm flicker still danced, promising its progenitor things he'd spoken of; roaring flames, a warming hearth.
That was never to come, she thought - yet stopped.
She turned, striding - back to the shelter.
She thought of the Mechanist, clanging away at who-knew-what. Her contained suppressed subsystems - unmodified? - fed her a remnant impulse. Tears? I don't know what to do with this, she thought, and surpressed them. But the Mechanist, those thoughts... I don't understand him... What the hell does he want from me?
And yet, she didn't ask. She paused just before the door. Through the window, his frame was visible, clanging away. He slowed, sensing the presence of approaching Systems, pausing the clanging for a bit. They were both waiting; a system in deadlock.
Clang-clang-clang resumed the sounds from within the lab.
Her hand hesitated as she rose to knock on the door; and withdrew. She knew what awaited her; she still couldn't trust him. Still couldn't know their separate Systems to work in sync. She still felt afraid; feeling the warmth yet risking the cold. Wouldn't it be better to stay out here, maintain control of her own Systems? What could she even say, that might explain the juxtaposition, while retaining her control? How might she ever trust someone who lept, and rushed, and changed minds and directions and chipped away "refining" thought-crystals and...
Her hand fell back. She turned, and left.
Back into the storm.
There's four characters, by the way - and I know I'm making a lot of assumptions buuut that cold robit's not how I think of you-you. But the Mechanist is right; he needed to quiet his Systems and keep listening, maybe asking. Had he not kept using thought-crystals he might've heard, eventually. 😅
And now they're all I have, and I feel lonely again. But that's fine. I was here before; and I was able to be happy. 🙂 I will be again; I'm just - there's a lot that's not going well right now, so I'll beat a hasty retreat and live to be truly-happy some another day, I think. 😅
submitted by zedadex to u/zedadex [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:16 GuiltlessMaple Best Cute Planners

Best Cute Planners
Get ready to embark on a journey through the world of cute planners that will make your daily planning a delightful task! In this roundup article, we've compiled the most adorable and functional planners that will keep you organized and brighten your day. Whether you're a fan of floral prints or unicorns, our selection has something for everyone. So, come along and find your perfect planner companion!
Discover a variety of cute and stylish planners that cater to different needs and preferences. From compact agendas to spacious weekly planners, we've got you covered. Each planner boasts unique design elements, including beautiful illustrations and creative layouts that promise a fun and enjoyable organizing experience. Stay tuned as we explore the delightful realm of cute planners together!

The Top 19 Best Cute Planners

  1. Attractive LIFE&Style Planner by Leonie Hanne - Experience the transformative power of the Life & Style Planner by Leonie Hanne, combining intelligent change to guide you towards positive thinking, personal growth, and everyday happiness, all within a visually appealing light pink design.
  2. Cute 2024 Weekly Planner for Organizing Your Life - Rileys 2024 Weekly Planner – A beautiful, flexible cover cat planner with detailed monthly and weekly planning pages, perfect for keeping your schedule organized and your days productive.
  3. Deluxe 14-Month Academic Planner 2023-2024: 8.5"x11" Spiral Bound with Stickers and Pocket - Deluxe Academic Planner with 14 Tabbed sections, 5 Sticker Sheets, and 2023-2024 monthly, weekly, and daily planning options, designed to help you stay organized and on track.
  4. Essential Wedding Organizer Undated Planner - Get organized for your big day with this undated Wedding Plans Happy Planner, including 12 dividers and a comprehensive wedding timeline to make planning a breeze!
  5. Simple 7"x9" Monthly & Weekly Planner with Tabs - 2024 Essential 7×9 Planner with Tabs, features an easy-to-use minimalist design, offering 2 page monthly & weekly overviews, along with customizable daily columns for seamless scheduling and organization.
  6. MESMOS Daily Planner Notebook: To-Do List & Notes Organizer - MESMOS 120-day Undated Daily Planner Organizer: A stylish, high-quality productivity planner designed to help women and men manage their time, prioritize tasks, and stay inspired with daily affirmations and quotes.
  7. Marilyn Monroe-Inspired 12-Month Undated Planner - Unlock a touch of Marilyn Monroe's glamour and inspiration with this 12-month planner featuring weekly and monthly overviews, goal tracking, and captivating photographs to keep you motivated and organized.
  8. Dachshund Planner 2024: Cute Monthly Dog Agenda - The Dachshund Planner 2024 is a lovely and detailed 12-month agenda for organizing appointments, events, and your to-do list in a cute, dog-filled design.
  9. Stylish 2024 Floral Weekly Planner - Stay organized in style with the Paper Source 2024 Nouveau Floral 3 Tab Spiral Planner, featuring beautiful floral designs, weekly/monthly views, and note pages for planning your upcoming months seamlessly.
  10. Undated Planner for Women - 240 Pages - Don't miss a beat with Rileys & Co Undated Planner, a compact 140-day productivity spiral notebook that helps you prioritize, stay organized, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  11. Lavish Planner for 2023 - Gain control over your busy life with Amy Knapp's 2023 Very Busy Planner, an award-winning hardcover family organizer that has helped over half a million families achieve organization and balance.
  12. A5 Chestnut Vegan Leather 2024 Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books - This luxurious Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books combines the elegance of a hardcover, vegan leather-bound design with spacious A5 pages, perfect for jotting down your weekly plans and goals with ease and style.
  13. Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair - Introducing the 2023 Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner - a hardcover, 224-page organizer to help you juggle the chaos of daily life, crafted by the award-winning creator of the family organizer series.
  14. Daily Planner Notebook with Hourly Schedule, Priority, and To-Do Lists - Regolden-Book's Undated Daily Planner: Stylish Teal Design with Hourly Schedule, Daily Journal, Durable Twin-Wire Binding, Pen Holder, and Inner Pocket for Enhanced Organization.
  15. ZICOTO Daily Planner Notebook for Boosted Productivity - Introducing the Zicoto Daily Planner and Notebook - a visually appealing, undated to-do list that promotes efficient organization and planning to boost productivity, keep you focused on daily tasks, and improve your overall work-life balance.
  16. Lovely Planner for Notes & Daily Planning - 12-Month Undated - Stay organized and achieve your goals with the Happy Planner Plans + Notes Monthly Planner, featuring a 12-month undated planner, 9 sheet daily planner, 4 dividers, and 12 sticker sheets for customization.
  17. 2022 Daily Planner with Mind Map & Vision Board - Introducing the Papercode 2024 Leather Daily Planner - a stylish, undated planner to help you stay organized, track goals, and achieve success, with exclusive bonuses including stickers, an elegant gift box, and productivity eBooks.
  18. 2024 Rose Gold Floral Yearly Planner - Stay organized and express your style with the 2024 Bright Day Planner, featuring a stylish rose gold cover, flexible tabs, and a variety of pet, nature, and city designs. Perfect for gift-giving and staying on top of your busy life.
  19. 2024 Cute Notes, Tasks, Lists Planner with Durable Cotton-Blend Cover - Discover the ultimate 2024 planning companion! The Appointed Year Task Planner combines elegance and functionality with its multi-view design, weekly overview, space for lists, and sturdy cotton-blend cover.
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🔗Attractive LIFE&Style Planner by Leonie Hanne
I'm currently using the Life & Style Planner by Leonie Hanne from Intelligent Change and I must say, it's truly been a game-changer in organizing my daily life. The planner includes thoughtfully designed sections for planning your week, breaking it down into daily to-do lists and time blocks. One feature that's really stood out for me is the Gratitude and Affirmation section, which sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Plus, let's not forget how adorable it looks with its light pink cover!
The Paper quality, however, seems to be a common concern among users, with some feeling it could be improved to enhance the overall appearance and durability of the planner. Despite this minor drawback, users have found immense value in the planner's ease of use and ability to keep tasks organized.
Overall, this planner has helped me stay more organized, focused, and positive on a daily basis. As a product reviewer, I highly recommend giving the LIFE & Style Planner a try - it might just be your new favorite too!

🔗Cute 2024 Weekly Planner for Organizing Your Life
Experience the joy of organized planning with the Rileys 2024 Weekly Planner. With its cute cat design, flexible cover, twin-wire binding, and spacious page layouts, it's perfect for keeping track of your appointments, tasks, and goals. Its compact design and quality paper ensure that it fits your daily life perfectly, making it the perfect companion for staying organized.

🔗Deluxe 14-Month Academic Planner 2023-2024: 8.5"x11" Spiral Bound with Stickers and Pocket
As a recent convert to the world of planners, I can't express enough how much the Deluxe Academic Planner from Global Printed Products has changed my life. Its spacious format, filled with 8.5 x 11 inch pages, has made it easy for me to jot down every thought or appointment that comes to mind. The vibrant, fashionable design perfectly blends with my style, making each glance at it feel like a small treat.
One of the standout features of this planner is its durability. The sturdy cover and thick pages endure even the roughest of treatment, providing a reliable companion no matter how hectic my day becomes. And, of course, the planning stickers are an absolute joy to use. They add a personal touch to every entry, making me feel more connected with my plans and goals.
However, one feature that could use some improvement is the lack of space for extra notes. While the daily planner section is comprehensive, I find myself needing a little extra room for brainstorming or recording miscellaneous thoughts.
In conclusion, the Deluxe Academic Planner from Global Printed Products offers a fashionable and functional solution for organizing my daily life. Its clever design elements and durability make it a worthwhile investment, although a bit more room for personalized notes would be a welcome improvement.

🔗Essential Wedding Organizer Undated Planner

As the wedding bells rang, I knew I had to get myself an organizational tool to ensure that everything went smoothly on my special day. That's when I came across the undated Wedding Plans Happy Planner. This gem of a planner included 12 dividers, making it easy for me to compartmentalize different aspects of my wedding, from the invitations to the honeymoon.
What I enjoyed most about this planner was the detailed wedding timeline and checklist. It helped me stay on track and ensured that I didn't miss out on any crucial details. The dimensions of 7" x 9" made it easy to carry around in my bag, perfect for planning on-the-go.
One downside was that the pages weren't all that durable, and they started to wear out after a few uses. However, the disc-bound system made it easy for me to add and remove pages, which allowed me to personalize my planner according to my needs.
In conclusion, the Wedding Plans Happy Planner helped me keep all my wedding plans together, and the undated format gave me the flexibility to plan my special day at my own pace. If you're looking for a cute planner to help you organize your wedding, this one might just be the perfect match!

🔗Simple 7"x9" Monthly & Weekly Planner with Tabs
I've been using the "Efficient 14 Month Planner" for about a month now, and I can confirm that it's been a game changer in keeping my schedule tidy and organized. The layout is clean and easy to navigate, with ample space for each day's appointments and tasks.
One of the standout features for me is the 'Hourly Scheduling' column for each day. Given the unpredictable nature of my schedule, this has been a life saver in keeping track of all my time slots. I also appreciating the 'Flex Space' provided, which gives me some elbow room to jot down any additional notes or reminders.
The minimalist design is also a major plus. I find that the streamlined layout helps me focus on what's important instead of getting overwhelmed by an overly complex visual. Plus, the paper quality is spot on - not too glossy nor too thin.
On the downside, I wish the binding was a bit sturdier. While it holds up well enough, it does have a tendency to loosen the pages slightly after a lot of flipping back and forth. Still, this certainly doesn't detract from the overall utility and design of the planner.

🔗MESMOS Daily Planner Notebook: To-Do List & Notes Organizer
I recently stumbled upon the MESMOS Undated Daily Planner and it has completely changed how I approach my daily tasks. Its compact size and beautiful zen design make it a perfect partner for my on-the-go lifestyle. As someone who often juggles multiple projects, I've found that the daily goal section on each page helps me prioritize my tasks and focus on what really matters. Plus, starting each day with a gratitude entry or an inspirational quote really sets a positive tone right from the start.
What I particularly admire about this planner is its resilience. The hard cover and premium quality paper ensure that my daily entries are safe and secure, even when I'm stuffing it in and out of my bag. However, like every other product, it does have its downsides. For instance, the spiral binding may take some getting used to if you're not used to it.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I've found that the MESMOS daily planner has greatly enhanced my productivity and organizational skills. It's not just a place to jot down my to-dos, but also a tool to help me navigate my daily tasks with ease and confidence. If you're in search of a stylish and functional daily planner, I would definitely recommend giving the MESMOS Undated Daily Planner a shot!

🔗Marilyn Monroe-Inspired 12-Month Undated Planner
Living with Marilyn Monroe's charm and spunk became a reality for me when I started using this undated planner. The sleek and stylish cover, coupled with the beautiful full-color and black-and-white photographs throughout, made me feel like I was carrying a piece of Hollywood glamor with me every day. The undated weekly and monthly overviews are an organized way of keeping track of appointments and dates, while the goal-tracking and to-do list pages help me stay on top of my daily tasks.
The one thing that could have been improved is the ribbon marker, which feels a bit flimsy compared to the rest of the planner's high-quality design. Overall, this Marilyn Monroe planner has been a delightful companion in my daily life.

🔗Dachshund Planner 2024: Cute Monthly Dog Agenda
Oh boy, do I have a fun product to share with you for the new year! The Dachshund Planner 2024 is the perfect companion for anyone looking to stay organized and on top of their schedule. It's like having a cute little assistant, always reminding you of important dates and events.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why a dachshund? " Well, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, I decided that I needed some serious help with my daily scheduling. I was overwhelmed by all the clutter in my life, both physically and mentally. That's when I stumbled upon this adorable planner.
The moment I opened it up, I fell in love with the cute puppy illustrations and the beautiful pink hearts sprinkled throughout. It felt more like a friend than a planner. And the best part? It actually made me want to use it!
Each page is thoughtfully designed to help me keep track of everything from appointments to birthdays to important meetings. Plus, it has a dedicated section for family events and medical visits, which is perfect for those of us who (like me) sometimes forget to call the dentist.
One thing I've noticed is that the paper is thicker than your average planner, which means no pesky bleed-through from ballpoint pens. Yay!
The only downside I've experienced so far is that there aren't any stickers or cute extras included with the planner, but I can easily find those online or at a nearby stationery store. Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with my Dachshund Planner 2024. It's cute, practical, and helps me keep my life together in a stylish way. So why not give it a try and see what all the fuss is about?

🔗Stylish 2024 Floral Weekly Planner
I've been using the 2024 Nouveau Floral planner from Paper Source for a few weeks now, and I must say, I'm absolutely in love with it! This planner is not only functional but also beautifully designed with a chic floral touch. The spiral binding and elastic band closure make it easy to flip through the pages and keep everything secure.
One feature that really stood out to me was its weekly and monthly views. These allowed me to plan out my week in detail while also not losing sight of the bigger picture for the month. I also appreciated the inclusion of note pages for me to jot down important information or reminders.
However, there are a few things that could have made this planner even better. For instance, I wish there were some stickers or colorful page dividers included to make it feel more personalized. Additionally, the paper quality could be improved as I found it to be a tad flimsy, especially when using pens with ink that tends to bleed through.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the 2024 Nouveau Floral planner from Paper Source has proven to be a valuable companion in keeping my life organized and on track. If you're looking for a stylish and functional planner to help you stay productive, this one is definitely worth considering!

🔗Undated Planner for Women - 240 Pages
I recently purchased Rileys & Co Undated Planner to help me keep track of my daily tasks and stay organized. Right away, I appreciated its compact size that fits perfectly in my bag. As someone who loves all things cute, I was thrilled with the colorful cover design, giving it an appealing appearance.
This planner excels at helping me prioritize my day. With its dedicated sections for meal planning and fitness goals, I've been able to incorporate healthier habits into my routine. It's not just about productivity; being able to look back at daily achievements has boosted my morale and self-esteem.
However, one small con I experienced was that the ink occasionally bled through the pages when I wrote too hard. But overall, this planner has significantly improved my daily planning and brought more structure to both my personal and professional life. If you're seeking a cute and functional planner to help optimize your daily routine, this certainly fits the bill!

🔗Lavish Planner for 2023
As a busy mom, I was ecstatic when I stumbled upon the 2023 Amy Knapp's Very Busy Planner. This hardback planner has truly made my life easier and more productive. The moment I flipped through its 224 pages, I was instantly hooked by the adorable and colorful illustrations that just made planning feel less like a chore.
One of the standout features of this planner is its spacious layout, which allows me to jot down important dates, appointments, and deadlines without feeling cramped. Plus, the planner also offers weekly to-do lists - a game changer for someone like me who thrives on checking things off a list.
On the cons side, the size of the planner could be a little too bulky for some to carry around. However, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the overall benefits this planner provides.
All in all, the 2023 Amy Knapp's Very Busy Planner is a fantastic addition to any family who wants to stay organized and on top of their busy lives. With its eye-catching design and meticulous layout, it's no wonder why it's been helping families stay organized since 1999. It has definitely become a must-have in our household!

🔗A5 Chestnut Vegan Leather 2024 Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books
I have to say, I've been using this Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books, and it has been an absolute game-changer for me. The hardcover is super sturdy, and the chestnut brown vegan leather is just so chic and elegant.
What has really stood out for me is the extra thick, 120gsm cream paper. It's a dream to write on, without any ink bleeding through. Plus, the A5 size makes it perfect for carrying around all day.
However, I do wish the cover had a little more protection against scratches. Overall, I can't recommend the Weekly Planner by Beechmore Books enough.
It has certainly made my life a lot easier and more organized.

🔗Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair
I've been using Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game changer in keeping my life on track. As a busy mom with a hectic schedule, this planner has helped me stay organized and on top of everything. The first thing that caught my eye was its unique and playful design. It's not your average planner that looks boring and dull. This one has cute illustrations and a cheerful color palette that instantly brightens up your day.
The planner is hardback, which makes it durable and easy to carry around. The pages are quite thick, reducing the chances of ink bleeding through to the next page. I also appreciate how Amy included ample space to write down daily tasks, appointments, and reminders. This has helped me prioritize my day effectively and avoid missing any important events.
Another feature that stood out was the monthly overview that comes before each monthly calendar. It provides a bird's-eye view of the entire month, allowing me to plan ahead and ensure I haven't overbooked myself. Additionally, there are goal setting sections in the planner, encouraging me to set both short-term and long-term goals and track progress towards achieving them.
However, one area where I think the planner could use some improvement is in its size. At 6 x 1.5 x 8.38 inches, it can sometimes be a little unwieldy to carry around in smaller bags. Nonetheless, the benefits of using this planner far outweigh this minor inconvenience.
In conclusion, Amy Knapp's The Very Busy Planner has made my life so much easier in terms of organization and planning. Its quirky design, useful features, and high-quality construction make it a reliable companion on my journey towards achieving my goals and living a more organized life.

🔗Daily Planner Notebook with Hourly Schedule, Priority, and To-Do Lists
Using the Regolden-Book Daily Planner has truly been a game-changer in keeping my life organized and on track. The Teal cover with gold stamping adds a touch of elegance and makes it a pleasure to use daily. The undated format allows me to start using it at any time, and the weekly layout is perfect for keeping track of appointments and daily tasks.
The thick 150gsm paper not only gives ample writing space but also prevents ink bleeding through, ensuring a clean and professional look. The sturdy golden wire binding enables smooth page-turning and 360-degree lay-flat ability, which is incredibly convenient for writing on the go.
One feature that I particularly appreciate is the attached inner pocket in the back, which holds various loose items like lists, tickets, and important notes. And of course, the pen holder ensures that I always have a writing instrument handy.
Overall, the Regolden-Book Daily Planner has improved my time management skills and productivity. Its useful layout and premium quality make it an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable and stylish planner.

Buyer's Guide

When choosing a cute planner, several features should be considered. Pay attention to the size and layout that best suits your needs. Some people prefer larger planners with more space for detailed planning, while others prefer smaller ones that are easy to carry around. Additionally, consider the cover design, as this is usually the first thing you see when using your planner.

Considerations for Cute Planner Materials
The material of the planner affects its durability and how well it will hold up with frequent use. Some planners are made with high-quality leather or vegan leather, while others are made with more affordable materials like polypropylene or fabric. Consider your budget and how long you expect to use the planner when choosing the right material for you.

Tips for Organizing Your Cute Planner

  1. Use color-coding to make information easy to find and visually appealing.
  2. Consider using stickers, washi tape, or other decorative elements to add personal touches and make your planner more enjoyable to use.
  3. Regularly review your planner and update goals and priorities as needed to stay on track with your objectives.

General Advice for Choosing a Cute Planner

Before making your purchase, read reviews from other users to gain insight into the planner's quality and usability. Be sure to compare prices and features across multiple brands to ensure you are getting the best value for your money. Finally, prioritize choosing a planner that aligns with your personal style and preferences, as this will increase the likelihood of maintaining a regular and effective planning routine.


What are the features of cute planners?

Cute planners come in various shapes, sizes, and formats, including daily, weekly or monthly layouts. They often have colorful designs, cute illustrations, and fun themes. Many include helpful features like goal setting sections, stickers, and space for doodles or notes.

How do I choose the best cute planner for me?
Consider your needs and preferences. Do you prefer a daily, weekly, or monthly layout? Do you need extra space for notes or doodles? Do you have specific goals you'd like to track with your planner? Also, think about the size that will be most practical for you, and what kind of designs appeal to you.

What materials are used in making cute planners?

Cute planners are usually made from paper, card, or synthetic materials such as polypropylene or vinyl. The covers can be made from a variety of materials, from simple laminated paper to more robust and luxurious materials like leather or faux leather.

What is the difference between a daily, weekly, and monthly planner layout?

  • Daily planners: These offer a detailed daily overview where you can write about everything you need to do for each specific day. They're great for those who need detailed planning.
  • Weekly planners: These provide a weekly view, where you can see your entire week at a glance. They're suitable for people who need a general idea of their week but not as detailed as a daily planner.
  • Monthly planners: These give an overall view of the entire month. They're perfect for those who prefer a big-picture view of their schedule and commitments.

How can I personalize my cute planner?

There are many ways to make your planner more personal. Some people like to keep it simple with stickers or decorative tapes. Others go all out and decorate with washi tape, cutouts, and other embellishments. You can also use colored pens or pencils to fill in your calendar or write notes.

How do I care for my cute planner?

To care for your planner, keep it away from water and other potential sources of damage. When not in use, keep it in a safe place where it won't get crushed. Some planners have protective covers, which can help keep your planner clean and safe from damage.

Where can I buy cute planners?

Cute planners are widely available, both in-store and online. You can find them at bookstores, stationery stores, and even some gift shops. Online, you can buy planners from retailers like Amazon, Etsy, or direct from the manufacturer's website.

How much do cute planners usually cost?

The cost of a cute planner can vary greatly depending on the size, quality, and design of the planner. Basic models can cost as little as $5, while more elaborate or high-quality planners can cost upwards of $50 or more. Most planners fall within the $10-$30 range.

How do I effectively use a cute planner?

To make the most of your cute planner, use it regularly. Write down important appointments, deadlines, and goals. Use the stickers, decorations, or other features to remind you of important tasks or celebrate accomplishments. And always keep it handy - having your planner with you will help you stay organized and on track.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:16 fallenequinox992 Why do gangstalkers like to change a victim's sense of reality for?

(Hi All,
Found this new question on another social media platform, so I stole some of the more popular answers, some are kinda long tho. But here it is for anyone interested anyway).
First answer: "Gangstalking and the "reality" they create for you, is nothing more than gaslighting. It's all about gaslighting and triggering you - They want your reactions, attention, triggers and much more mate. But at the end of the day most of their methods or tactics rely on nothing more than gaslighting.
Just google ways to combat gaslighting methods, narcissist articles are quite handy for this since as they tend to use gaslighting alot mate.
Here are some quick tips: -Educate yourself about their methods - Identify your triggers so they can't get a reaction from you - Remember you can't control what they say or how they feel about you. - Don't feel gulity about your feelings - Recognise the signs - Stay calm - Trust your feelings and etc.
Education and knowing your weaknesses is key."
Second answer: "Alright here is my take - The concept of gangstalking, which involves coordinated efforts to harass, surveil and psychologically manipulate an individual, is often associated with attempts to alter the victim's sense of reality. Here are several reasons why:
Psychological Distress: Altering a victim's sense of reality can lead to significant psychological distress, including paranoia, anxiety, and depression. This can make the victim feel isolated, confused, and unsure of their own perceptions. They often question themselves about what's happening to them and this can sometimes become a consuming thought to the unfortunate target.
And as a result gangstalking seems to become they're reality or at least the main factor in their lives. It's always to find a way to ground yourself in whatever form that takes e.g. Taking a walk and getting back with natural can help, watching or googling local news can help as well. I usually google local urban explorers or hang around my local community board on facebook for this. It helps me to remember that there’s more to life than gangstalking, no matter how challenging that sometimes can be.
Control and Power: By manipulating a victim's perception of reality, gangstalkers can exert a high degree of control and power over them. This manipulation can create a dependency on the gangstalkers for validation of what is real and what is not.
The aim is to make you question your own sense of reality or cause self-doubt/hopelessness with any actions & decisions you decide to pursue. They use whatever excuse or narrative they can to create this feeling/result E.g. The madeup narrative could include - Why they are gangstalking you for, how your actions don't matter and won't result in anything useful or with whatever lies they feed to you - Some narratives can be threatening in some manner as well.
They want you to only focus on them and them only. So gangstalking can become all consuming to their chosen target. (That’s why they train you to become hypersensitive for, so you will naturally think everyone and every stranger's action is because of them. That way you start to naturally do this harrassment to yourself instead. They want to turn yourself against yourself).
E.g. Your gangstalkers start using beeping car horns or someone coughing. So every time someone does it, you will start to think the innocent stranger is apart of them, when in reality they're actually not. This tactic is basically for you to harrass yourself with.
Discrediting the Victim: If a victim starts reporting unusual events that others do not witness or notice. Gangstalking is design for only the targeted individuals to notice while to everyone else everything looks normal. They might be labeled as delusional or mentally ill. This can discredit any legitimate claims they might have and isolate them from potential sources of support.
Breaking Down Resistance: Consistent manipulation of reality can wear down a victim's mental resilience, making them more susceptible to further manipulation and control. This breakdown of resistance can be a primary goal in coercive control tactics.
Eroding Trust: Changing a victim’s sense of reality can erode their trust in others, including friends, family, and authorities. This isolation can make the victim more vulnerable and easier to control.
This tactic is quite important to gangstalkers so the targeted individual doesn’t seek advice, useful information or share with others about their experiences or own personal advice. That way their situation or others cannot be improved/helped in anyway, shape or form.
Additionally they start to reject other's advice because the target fears that they could be a prep as well. E.g. Unfortunately you'll sometimes will see this behavior in some community forms that you visit.
I like to read the occasional post even if I don't quite agree with it as you can still learn some helpful things.
E.g. Like you can learn new things or terminology often associated with gangstalking.
Flying monkeys usually means the people who assist your primarily gangstalkers.
Zersetzung is a list of harrassment tactics used in world war 2.
V2k means voices you hear around you, that's not coming from a person directly near you. Usually created by artificial means.
M2K ultra is some government device, they can use to create dews or v2k.
You might not believe in some of these aspects but it's still good to know, what people are talking about or referring too. (Plus there are different types of gangstalking from community to government. So some posts or advice will seem quite different from case to case too).
Creating Fear and Uncertainty: When a victim cannot trust their own perceptions, they live in a state of constant fear and uncertainty. This heightened state of anxiety can make them more malleable and less likely to challenge the gangstalkers. Additionally you might actually start to believe everything they say too.
It's just important not to lose yourself or turn against yourself during gangstalking.
I like to use stonic beliefs myself to help combat this:
Stoicism, a philosophy founded in ancient Greece, offers a range of beliefs and practices that can be particularly helpful for individuals facing intense psychological stress, such as that purported to be caused by gangstalking. Here are some Stoic principles that might help:
Focus on What You Can Control:
Stoic Belief: According to the Stoics, we should focus on what is within our control and accept what is outside of it. This includes our thoughts, actions, and reactions.
Application: Concentrate on managing your reactions and maintaining your inner peace despite external circumstances. Understand that you cannot control the actions of others, but you can control how you respond to them. Distinguish Between false perception or narrative and Reality:
Stoic Belief: Stoics emphasize the importance of distinguishing between how things appear and their true nature.
Application: Question and critically evaluate your perceptions. Seek evidence and rational thought to ground your understanding of reality, helping to counteract the potential distortions caused by gangstalking.
Practice Mindfulness and Self-Awareness:
Stoic Belief: The Stoics practiced mindfulness to stay present and aware of their thoughts and feelings.
Application: Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, or reflective thinking. This can help you stay centered and reduce anxiety by focusing on the present moment rather than potential threats.
Develop Resilience through Adversity:
Stoic Belief: The Stoics believed that adversity is an opportunity to develop inner strength and resilience.
Application: View the challenges posed by gangstalking as opportunities to strengthen your character and resilience. Embrace the idea that suffering can lead to personal growth.
Cultivate an Attitude of Indifference to External Events:
Stoic Belief: Stoics practiced apatheia, a state of being undisturbed by external events.
Application: Work towards developing emotional indifference to the actions and opinions of others. This doesn’t mean you become apathetic, but rather that you maintain your tranquility regardless of external circumstances.
Seek Support from Like-Minded Individuals:
Stoic Belief: Community and fellowship were important to the Stoics.
Application: Find support from friends, family, or communities that share your values and can provide emotional support. Engaging with others who understand or share your perspective can be very grounding. Reflect on the Impermanence of Life:
Stoic Belief: The Stoics frequently reflected on the transient nature of life and its events.
Application: Remind yourself that all situations, including the distress caused by gangstalking, are temporary. This perspective can provide comfort and reduce.
I sometimes use these reminders so that I don't lose myself within the hazardous world of gangstalking and their evil tactics."
Third answer: "Because they're cockhead and they want to warp or twist everything around ya. They want to leave you feeling hopelessness or desperate so you lash out at them so you'll get into big trouble. Or even worst, lash out at friends or family so you weaken your relationship ties around ya. This will leave you isolated if you do.
I use to do this, myself: (located it from somewhere).
Gangstalking is designed to be non-believeable, so when you do speak out about it. Other people won't believe you. It's part of their tactics - E.g. If you say something to family or friends, you might end up in a mental health ward. Just because of the nature and the design of gangstalking and sometimes others could think: "Why would anyone go to so much effort to harrass you or waste that much time on you." Which is a fairly common response to non-targeted individuals.
Additionally it's not always easy to collect concrete evidence that you can actually show to the police. Unless they're directly harrass or attack you. Usually only other targeted individuals can understand what your talking about because they have experienced it themselves and know what to look out for as well.
It's fine to protest but it needs to done more carefully or properly. Gangstalkers have pretty much designed it this way, they have designed it to be non-believeable to outsiders so if you do seek help or tell others, you may seem silly for even saying it. But there are still ways around it.
For example as previously method - If tell your friends and family about gangstalking this could sometimes work against you but in some cases, they actually might be just accepting of your explanation or they could really believe you. It's just difficult to predict and it's very different from case to case.
The aim of telling others about gangstalking is usually to get help, advice or maybe just acceptance to explain why you do things as you do. can use emotional manipulation to get the end results of alienation against your gangstalkers, without ever even mentioning the topic of gangstalking. (But this is tactic is mainly for community gang-stalking, I guess you could transfer the tactic if you find it applicable to your case tho.)
You can download the article here as it's a little big to share on here:
It's not for everyone honestly but sometimes I say fuck them."
submitted by fallenequinox992 to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:16 Rollito1126 Unmarried Partner Visa APPROVED (cohabitated only 5 months)

Hi everyone, I want to share my good news with everyone in this subreddit which was so useful throughout my application process.
Background of my application: Me (Peruvian - 32) and my partner (British - 32) have been together since Dec 2021. I came to the UK in 2021 on a student visa and then got a job and changed to a skilled worker visa in 2022. We met when I was still a postgraduate student, and I moved to his city for my new job. We didn't live together then because I needed to live close to my job, and to be honest before I moved there, we had only spent weekends together while I was studying, and we didn't feel ready yet to move in together. In Dec 2022, on our first year anniversary, we decided that we were ready to live together; we were already spending most of the week at each other's places. The only obstacle for us was that my flatmate didn't want to move out until the end of our lease, and I wanted to keep that flat, so we waited. My flatmate only moved out in Dec 2023 and that's when my partner moved in.
Some important details:
These are the documents we presented:
Because we have only been living together for five months, our proof of cohabitation only covered that period. It was a challenge to find documents for every one of those months that were addressed to my partner since he was the one moving in, and he wasn't the best at changing his address right away on everything.
I think that the Home Office wants to see that it is a proper relationship akin to marriage. I will never know, but it may be a factor that I was switching from a skilled worker visa, and I had been paying taxes, but this is just a guess not based on anything.
Hopefully, this will help someone.
submitted by Rollito1126 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:11 SpeedyRecoveryUK Speedy Recovery: Expert Car Recovery in West London

Speedy Recovery: Expert Car Recovery in West London
Need Car Recovery in West London? Affordable Speedy Recovery offers quick and reliable service. I want you to know that we hope we can get you back on the road.
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2024.05.23 12:08 Count-Daring243 Best Cutout Dresses

Best Cutout Dresses
Get ready to make a bold statement with our roundup of the hottest Cutout Dresses on the market. These stylish pieces are perfect for those who want to showcase their confidence and flair for fashion. From elegant evening gowns to casual daytime dresses, we've got you covered with our curated selection of the most fashion-forward options available today. Dive in and discover your new favorite cutout dress!

The Top 6 Best Cutout Dresses

  1. Chic Yellow Cutout Midi Dress with Front Slit - Elevate your style with the ASOS Design Long Sleeve Cutout Midi Dress in Yellow Multi - perfect for showing off your midriff and turning heads on any occasion.
  2. Chic Long Sleeve Cutout Satin Midi Dress with Subtle Cowl Neckline - Enhance your style with an eye-catching cutout midi dress from Astr The Label, featuring a satin fabric, chic design, and a fitted bodice.
  3. Oh Polly Olive Long Sleeve Cut Out Mini Dress - Exude confidence and charm in the Oh Polly Long Sleeve Cut Out Mini Dress in Olive, a stunning, body-contouring piece that guarantees a captivating presence wherever you go.
  4. Stylish Wine-Green Cutout Maxi Dress with Wide Sleeves - Experience a stylish fusion of elegance and comfort with ASOS Design's Plisse Cut Out Dress, featuring a high neckline, wide sleeves, and a captivating side twist maxi design available in the classy wine-green color.
  5. Strapless Tan Cutout Gown with Cape Silhouette - This ASOS Design Strapless Cutout Gown in Tan is the perfect choice for a stylish, cape-inspired look, combining modern and classic elements in a versatile and comfortable silhouette.
  6. Stylish Khaki Green Cutout Skater Dress - ASOS Design Long Sleeve Cutout Skater Dress - Khaki Green: A flirty, airy long-sleeve skater dress featuring stylish front and side cutouts, available exclusively at ASOS.
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🔗Chic Yellow Cutout Midi Dress with Front Slit
I was excited to try out the ASOS Design Long Sleeve Cutout Midi Dress Yellow Multi because of its unique blend of flirty and sophisticated details. The balloon-sleeve design added a fun touch, while the midriff cutout added a bold statement. The accordion-pleated skirt completed the look beautifully.
Though I appreciated the overall design, I did find that the sizing ran a bit small. It might be worth sizing up to ensure a comfortable fit. Furthermore, the material could be a bit thicker to provide more opacity and coverage in certain areas.
Overall, I had a positive experience wearing the ASOS Design Long Sleeve Cutout Midi Dress Yellow Multi. It brought some personality and flair to my wardrobe, and I enjoyed the overall aesthetic.

🔗Chic Long Sleeve Cutout Satin Midi Dress with Subtle Cowl Neckline
Astr The Label's Gracie Satin Midi Dress in Rust/S is a stunning piece that I've been wearing on a regular basis. The quality of satin fabric is exceptional, providing a luxurious feel and a perfect finish.
I love the chic cowl neckline and the ruching on the sleeves, which adds an elegant touch. This dress is perfect for a night out, yet it's also versatile enough for a dressy dinner. However, I found it slightly snug in size, which is a minor inconvenience.
But overall, I'd highly recommend this lovely cutout midi dress for anyone looking to make a statement.

🔗Oh Polly Olive Long Sleeve Cut Out Mini Dress
I recently donned the Oh Polly Long Sleeve Cut Out Mini Dress in Olive to a friend's birthday party, and let me tell you, it was a hit! This dress is such a show-stopper, with its ruched wrap paneling giving a snatched silhouette that has everyone doing a double-take. The long sleeves add a touch of elegance, while the cut-outs lend an edgy, playful vibe.
One of the standout features of this dress is its seamless pull-on design. The hidden zipper on the reverse enhances the style without sacrificing functionality. The tight cut ensures a bodycon fit, making it perfect for those nights when you want to show off your curves. And at a mini length of approx. 77cms based on a US Size 4, this dress is sure to turn heads.
However, I must admit that while I loved the way I looked in this dress, the tight fit meant it was a little less comfortable than I would have liked. But overall, I felt confident and stunning wearing the Oh Polly Long Sleeve Cut Out Mini Dress in Olive. So, if you're looking to make a statement at your next event, this dress is definitely worth considering!

🔗Stylish Wine-Green Cutout Maxi Dress with Wide Sleeves
I recently tried the ASOS Design Plisse Cut Out Dress with Wide Sleeve and Side Twist Maxi Dress in wine-Green, and I must say it was quite a fashionable addition to my wardrobe. The high neck and long sleeves made it perfect for colder weather, while the cut-out panel at the side added a touch of elegance. The wide sleeves and side split added a unique twist, showcasing my personality.
However, there were a few aspects that I didn't enjoy so much, such as the regular fit which felt a bit tight around the bust area. Nevertheless, I appreciated the overall look and feel of the dress, and it's certainly a statement piece I'd wear again.

🔗Strapless Tan Cutout Gown with Cape Silhouette
Wearing this lovely tan ASOS Design Strapless Cutout Gown with a size 10 US is an unforgettable experience. The flowy silhouette, reminiscent of a classic cape, adds an effortless touch of glamour to any occasion.
I appreciate the unique front cutout detail and the slit skirt design, which adds a touch of modernity to this timeless piece. However, it could have been ideal with some more stretch, as the 5% elastane makes it somewhat rigid. Despite that, with proper care, it can be a go-to choice for those seeking a stylish and elegant gown.

🔗Stylish Khaki Green Cutout Skater Dress
I recently had the chance to try on the ASOS Design Long Sleeve Cutout Skater Dress in Khaki Green. It definitely had a playful and flirty vibe going on, thanks to the front and side cutouts that added an interesting twist to the skater dress style. I loved the idea of wearing a long-sleeve dress with a more summery, lightweight feel. The long sleeves also had a drawstring cuff, which allowed for comfort and a customizable fit.
My biggest gripe was with the material. It was 100% polyester, and while it was easy to wash and dry, it felt quite clingy and not very breathable in warmer months. Another downside was that the dress was designed as an exclusive retailer piece, so it wasn't readily available at other stores.
Overall, if you're looking for a unique, playful, and lightweight long-sleeve dress, this Khaki Green Cutout Skater Dress from ASOS Design could be your cup of tea. Just be prepared for some clingy fabric and a limited retail availability.

Buyer's Guide

Cutout dresses are a fashionable and versatile option for any wardrobe. These dresses feature openings or holes cut into them, creating a unique and eye-catching design. They can range from subtle cutouts to more dramatic, revealing styles. Before making a purchase, it's essential to consider the following factors to ensure you find the perfect cutout dress for you.

The material of a cutout dress is crucial in determining its quality, durability, and comfort. Common materials include cotton, polyester, rayon, and lace. Cotton and polyester are durable and easy to care for, while rayon offers a luxurious texture. Lace can be a more delicate option and may require special care. Consider your preferred material and how well it suits your lifestyle and comfort level.

Cutout Style

Cutout dresses come in various designs, from subtle and sleek to bold and daring. When selecting a cutout style, consider factors such as personal style, occasion, and modesty. Subtle cutouts may be suitable for more conservative settings, while more revealing styles are better suited for evening events or night out.

Fit and Comfort

A well-fitted cutout dress can enhance your silhouette and make you feel confident, while a poorly fitting dress can be uncomfortable and unflattering. Ensure the dress fits correctly in the bust, waist, and hips, with enough room to move comfortably. Try on different sizes or consult with a sales associate to find the perfect fit. Comfort should be a priority when selecting a cutout dress, as you'll want to wear it for various occasions.

Versatility and Pairing with Accessories

A versatile cutout dress can be worn for multiple occasions, making it a smart investment. Consider how easily the dress can be dressed up or down with accessories. Add belts, scarves, or jewelry to create different looks. A versatile cutout dress can help you get the most out of your wardrobe.

Care and Maintenance

To ensure your cutout dress maintains its quality and appearance, pay attention to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Regular cleaning and storage can help prolong its life. Handle the dress with care to avoid snagging or damaging the cutouts.

Finding the Right Cutout Dress
When shopping for a cutout dress, consider visiting a variety of stores and shopping online to find the best selection. Look for sales or discounts to save money on your purchase. Lastly, don't be afraid to try on different styles and ask for help from sales associates if needed.
Cutout dresses can be a stylish and versatile addition to any wardrobe. Consider the material, cutout style, fit, versatility, and care requirements when selecting the perfect cutout dress. By doing so, you'll find a dress that not only looks great but also meets your personal needs and preferences.


What are cutout dresses?

Cutout dresses are stylish clothing items that feature a design where various parts of the dress are removed or cut out, creating a unique and eye-catching look. Often, these cutouts are strategically placed to highlight certain body features or add a bold fashion statement.

What body types do cutout dresses flatter?

Cutout dresses can flatter various body types, including pear, hourglass, and apple shapes. The cutouts can help balance out proportions, elongate silhouettes, and accentuate certain curves. However, it's essential to choose the right cutout design and fit for your body type to ensure the best possible results.

What materials are cutout dresses typically made from?

Cutout dresses can be made from a wide range of materials, including silk, chiffon, lace, cotton, and synthetic fabrics. The choice of material depends on the dress's style, desired level of transparency, and the wearer's comfort.

What occasions are cutout dresses suitable for?

  • Formal events such as weddings, galas, and award ceremonies
  • Parties, like cocktail events or a night out with friends
  • Date nights or romantic dinners
  • Festivals, outdoor concerts, or any event where one wants to stand out and make a fashion statement

How do I properly care for a cutout dress?

To maintain the quality and appearance of a cutout dress, it's crucial to follow proper care instructions. These may include hand washing, using a mild detergent, and air-drying the dress. Avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals or direct sunlight can also help preserve the dress's color and fabric.

Are there any alternatives to cutout dresses?

Yes, there are alternative styles that provide a similar fashion statement without the cutouts. Some options include lace-up dresses, sheer or mesh clothing, and clothing with strategically placed embellishments or prints.

How do I ensure the right fit when buying a cutout dress?

When purchasing a cutout dress, it's essential to consider the dress's length, cut, and material. Generally, aim for a dress that accentuates your natural shape while also providing enough coverage in areas where you may be more self-conscious. It's also important to try on the dress before purchasing, or consult with the seller on sizing and fit options.
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2024.05.23 12:02 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
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2024.05.23 12:01 AutoModerator Introduction and Daily Picture Thread

Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules.
We have some fantastic resources available to you over in our Wiki. With links for those of you trying to get pregnant, answers to common questions and concerns regarding pregnancy, resources and lists pertaining to pregnancy and/or common symptoms, conditions, and complications thereof, resources pertaining to birth, and a list of acronyms you may run into, we hope your immersion into our community is as seamless and supported as possible.
If you're looking for your Monthly Bumper Sub you'll find links here. Please note that these subs tend to go private and that the moderators of Baby Bumps are not affiliated with private subs. We cannot add you or request that you be added. You'll have to message the moderators of your private bump sub and ask to be added; instructions for how to do this can be found in the link provided.
Flair is awesome and helps you find stuff.
If you can't find what you're looking for here, you may be able to find it in one of these Other Helpful Subreddits.
If you are not yet pregnant, are trying to get pregnant, believe your period may be late, or have questions pertaining to family planning, please check out the Stickied Weekly Introduction Thread over on TryingforaBaby. It's amazing. You'll learn more about reproduction than you ever thought was possible.
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2024.05.23 11:58 weirdandwhite Electric windmills

Hey everyone, I am looking for locations of the electric windmills around Berlin/Brandenburg that would be accessible without a car (public transport+on foot). I want to take some pictures for a personal project. Not sure about the helpfulness of my google search, so maybe somebody could assist if you know :)
submitted by weirdandwhite to berlin [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:56 Ambi_vertpeppa_0522 Helping a friend who's looking an IT and Social Media Manager

Helping a friend looking sya ng IT for her friend/business partner din na US BASED (See the deets below) and SMM

Junior Next.js Developer ## Job Description

We're in search of a talented Junior Next.js Developer with a flair for Tailwind CSS to join our team. As a Junior Developer, you'll have the opportunity to work closely with experienced professionals, learning the ins and outs of Next.js while contributing to the development of cutting-edge web applications. If you're passionate about full-stack development, eager to learn, and thrive in a collaborative environment, we want you on our team.


  1. Full-Stack Development:
  2. Assist in translating design mockups and React.js templates into interactive web interfaces using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
  3. Collaborate with senior developer to build and maintain reusable components for streamlined development. 2. State Management:
  4. Learn to work with state management solutions such as Redux or React Context API.
  5. Assist in implementing stateful logic and asynchronous operations. 3. API Integration:
  6. Gain experience in integrating RESTful APIs, Stripe API endpoints, Jotform, Calendly, and many others into Next.js applications.
  7. Support in handling data flow between the front end and back end systems without exposing sensitive data or sensitive code.
  8. Testing and Debugging:
  9. Assist in writing and maintaining unit tests using Jest or React Testing Library. - Learn to debug issues and optimize code for performance.
  10. Code Quality and Best Practices:
  11. Follow established coding standards and best practices.
  12. Willingly participate in code reviews and apply feedback for continuous improvement.
  13. Learning and Growth:
  14. Demonstrate eagerness to learn new technologies and stacks as required by project demands. - Engage in training sessions and mentorship opportunities provided.
  15. Collaboration:
  16. Work closely with cross-functional teams including the client, and other managers.
  17. Participate actively in team meetings, providing input and feedback on project progress. ### Qualifications: - Education:
  18. Prove that you can code what you say you can code, and that you can hold a conversation with a client to understand their requirement.
  19. You will need to ask questions based on a scenario to see how well you can extract requirements from a client who doesn’t know anything about technology or websites.
  20. The client may not even know what they need and you may need to make recommendations.
  21. That’s it! - Skills:
submitted by Ambi_vertpeppa_0522 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:55 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Modern 1960's & Classic 1970's (Part I: Winter 1969 to Fall 1970)

This post is long overdue as I just kept procrastinating to do this for the longest, but finally, it's here.
The start is kind of tricky to figure out but the end is very easy. The start is most likely going to be with Richard Nixon's inauguration on January 20, 1969 and the end will be the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973. I know early-mid 1969 does kind of seem like a stretch to include the transition (although some are even willing to start the 1970s in 1968, so maybe not a stretch after all), unlike late 1969-1972/early 1973ish, as that period still screamed "60s" in many ways with Woodstock, the Moon Landing, and such, but I think even that period had enough "70s" things to exclude it out of the "core '60s" territory, especially by the time you hit the summer of '69.
I know most will disagree with the timespan but this is just my opinion. This is gonna be much longer so this will probably be done in two or three parts, one again.
Let's begin.

The inauguration of Richard Nixon - January 20, 1969

After the chaotic year that was 1968, with the incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson not running for a second time, Richard M. Nixon had narrowly defeated Hubert Humphrey, the incumbent vice president, in the presidential election. Nixon became the first non-incumbent vice president to be inaugurated as president, something that would not happen again until Joe Biden in 2021. I'd say this is appropriate to begin the transition into the tumultuous decade that was the 1970s.

Sly and the Family Stone's 'Stand' album releases - April 1969

In the spring of '69, soul/funk band Sly and the Family Stone released their fourth album Stand. Written and produced by lead singer and multi-instrumentalist Sly Stone, Stand! is considered an artistic high-point of the band's career. Released by Epic Records, just before the group's celebrated performance at the Woodstock festival, it became the band's most commercially successful album to date. This album was another sign of the 70s era that was beginning to emerge with its soul and funk rock sound.

Lew Alcindor becomes the #1 pick for the NBA Draft - April 7, 1969

The 1969 NBA draft was the 23rd annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The draft was held on April 7 and May 7, 1969, before the 1969–70 season. The first overall draft pick this year would be none other than Lew Alcindor (or later, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, as we all know him as) from UCLA for the Milwaukee Bucks organization. This would be the changing of the guard for the National Basketball Association as the veteran Boston Celtics dynasty were about to come to an end while a new dynasty has officially been born.

The Boston Celtics win the 1969 NBA Championship - May 5, 1969

After defeating the highly-favored Los Angeles Lakers team of Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, and Jerry West, the aging Bill Russell-led Boston Celtics team win the 1969 NBA World Championship Series to end off the 1968-1969 NBA season, acquiring win their 11th championship as an organization. This was a significant Finals series as this marked the end of the Bill Russell Celtics dynasty that began in 1956. This would be their final championship as a team as Russell would retire shortly after this playoff series.

Star Trek ends with the "Turnabout Intruder" episode - June 3, 1969

"Turnabout Intruder" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Arthur H. Singer (based on a story by Gene Roddenberry) and directed by Herb Wallerstein, it was first broadcast on June 3, 1969. In the episode, a woman switches bodies with Captain Kirk and then tries to take over command of the Enterprise. This was the last original episode of Star Trek to air on NBC.
"Turnabout Intruder" not only marked the final appearance of all main and supporting cast members of the show but also the last appearance of regular background actors David L. Ross (Lieutenant Galloway), William Blackburn (Lieutenant Hadley and DeForest Kelley's stand-in), and Roger Holloway (Lieutenant Lemli and James Doohan's stand-in). The episode drew Nielsen ratings of only 8.8, in contrast to rival shows Lancer on CBS and The Mod Squad on ABC, which gained ratings of 14.7 and 15.2 respectively, a drop of over fifty percent since the show premiered. Cultural theorist Cassandra Amesley states that this episode is "agreed to be one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever shown" by Star Trek fans.
The original Star Trek series ending would be another shedding off of 60s culture.

Brian Jones dies - July 3, 1969

Rolling Stones star Brian Jones passes away at the age of 27 in the summer of 1969 after reportedly drowning in his swimming pool. Long story short, a lot of theories would surface surrounding his death years later saying that he was killed. And more importantly, this would be the beginning of the "27 Club" deaths that would occur with 60s musical acts between 1969 and 1971.

The Apollo 11 spaceflight to the moon - July 20, 1969

Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface six hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later, and they spent about two and a quarter hours together exploring the site they had named Tranquility Base upon landing.
Humans walking on the Moon and returning safely to Earth accomplished Kennedy's goal set eight years earlier. In Mission Control during the Apollo 11 landing, Kennedy's speech flashed on the screen, followed by the words "TASK ACCOMPLISHED, July 1969". The success of Apollo 11 demonstrated the United States' technological superiority; and with the success of Apollo 11, America had won the Space Race.

The Manson Family murders - August 8 to 10, 1969

The Tate–LaBianca murders were a series of murders perpetrated by members of the Manson Family during August 9–10, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, United States, under the direction of Tex Watson and Charles Manson. The perpetrators killed five people on the night of August 8–9: pregnant actress Sharon Tate and her companions Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojciech Frykowski, along with Steven Parent. The following evening, the Family also murdered supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, at their home in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.
On the night of August 8–9, four members of the Manson Family – Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian – drove from Spahn Ranch to 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, the home of Sharon Tate and her husband, film director Roman Polanski. The group murdered Tate (who was 8½ months pregnant), and guests Jay Sebring, a celebrity hairdresser; Abigail Folger, heiress to Folgers Coffee; her boyfriend Wojciech Frykowski, an aspiring screenwriter; and Steven Parent, an 18-year-old visiting the guest house caretaker. Roman Polanski was not home as he was working on a film in Europe. Manson was a cult leader and aspiring musician who had tried to get a contract with record producer Terry Melcher, who had previously rented the house.
The following night, those four people, in addition to Manson, Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan, committed two more murders. Manson had allegedly said he would "show them how to do it". Linda Kasabian drove the group to 3301 Waverly Drive. Manson left with Atkins, Grogan, and Kasabian in the car and told the others to hitchhike back to the ranch. Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten killed the couple in the early morning hours of August 10.
The Tate–LaBianca murders "profoundly shook America's perception of itself" and "effectively sounded the death knell of '60s counterculture". Additionally, the ritualistic nature of the murders laid a foundation for the rise of the Satanic panic.

The Woodstock festival - August 15 to 18, 1969

Woodstock Music and Art Fair, commonly referred to as Woodstock, was a music festival held from August 15 to 18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York, 40 miles (65 km) southwest of the town of Woodstock. Billed as "an Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music" and alternatively referred to as the Woodstock Rock Festival, it attracted more than 460,000 attendees. Thirty-two acts performed outdoors despite overcast and sporadic rain. It was one of the largest music festivals in history and became synonymous with the counterculture of the 1960s.
The festival has become widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as a defining event for the Silent and Baby Boomer generations. The event's significance was reinforced by a 1970 documentary film, an accompanying soundtrack album, and a song written by Joni Mitchell that became a major hit for both Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Matthews Southern Comfort.

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! premieres on CBS - September 13, 1969

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is an American animated comedy television series created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and produced by Hanna-Barbera for CBS. The series premiered as part of the network's Saturday morning cartoon schedule on September 13, 1969, and aired for two seasons until October 31, 1970. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of a long-running media franchise primarily consisting of animated series, several films, and related merchandise. This show played a huge impact on Generation X "70s kid" culture.

The Brady Bunch premieres on ABC - September 26, 1969

The Brady Bunch was a new series that premiered on ABC for the 1969-70 fall season. It starts with the episode "The Honeymoon", which gives this description on Fandom:
"Michael Brady, an architect and widower with three sons (Greg, Peter and Bobby) marries Carol Ann Martin, a mother with three daughters (Marcia, Jan and Cindy). Mike and Carol have a chaotic backyard wedding, in which the boys' dog, Tiger, chases the girls' cat, Fluffy. Mike and Carol admonish their children, yelling at them to go catch their pets. The newlywed couple goes on a honeymoon later that day, while the children sit at home thinking that their parents hate them. While on their honeymoon, Mike and Carol realize that they were too hard on their children, and they decide to bring them along on the honeymoon. They also bring along Alice (the housekeeper), Tiger and Fluffy."
This show would give another huge sign to 70s culture as a whole.

Sesame Street debuts - November 10, 1969

In the fall of 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
The show was the brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, a former documentary producer for public television. Cooney’s goal was to create programming for preschoolers that was both entertaining and educational. She also wanted to use TV as a way to help underprivileged 3- to 5- year-olds prepare for kindergarten. “Sesame Street” was set in a fictional New York neighborhood and included ethnically diverse characters and positive social messages.
Taking a cue from “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In,” a popular 1960s variety show, “Sesame Street” was built around short, often funny segments featuring puppets, animation and live actors. This format was hugely successful, although over the years some critics have blamed the show and its use of brief segments for shrinking children’s attention spans.
From the show’s inception, one of its most-loved aspects has been a family of puppets known as Muppets. Joan Ganz Cooney hired puppeteer Jim Henson (1936-1990) to create a cast of characters that became Sesame Street institutions, including Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Grover and Big Bird.

The 'David Bowie' album releases - November 14, 1969

Originally released in the UK, David Bowie's self-titled album would be his second studio album released, which would be titled under the genres of folk rock and psychedelic rock. Space rock was another genre that this album experimented with due to its only released single "Space Oddity", which came out in July 1969 to capitalize on the Apollo 11 Moon landing, received critical praise, and was used by the BBC as background music during its coverage of the event. That song is considered to be one of the most musically complex songs he had written up to that point, it represented a change from the music hall-influenced sound of his debut to a sound akin to psychedelic folk and inspired by the Bee Gees.
David Bowie has received mixed reviews in later decades, with many finding a lack of cohesiveness. Bowie himself later stated that it lacked musical direction. Debate continues as to whether it should stand as Bowie's first "proper" album.

The Altamont Free Concert takes place - December 6, 1969

The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture rock concert in the United States, held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway outside of Tracy, California. Approximately 300,000 attended the concert, with some anticipating that it would be a "Woodstock West". The Woodstock festival had taken place in Bethel, New York, in mid-August, almost four months earlier.
The event is remembered for its use of Hells Angels as security and its significant violence, including the stabbing death of Meredith Hunter and three accidental deaths: two from a hit-and-run car accident, and one from a drowning incident in an irrigation canal. Scores were injured, numerous cars were stolen (and subsequently abandoned), and there was extensive property damage.
The concert featured performances (in order of appearance) by Santana, Jefferson Airplane, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), with the Rolling Stones taking the stage as the final act. The Grateful Dead were also scheduled to perform after CSNY, but shortly before their scheduled appearance, they chose not to due to the increasing violence at the venue. "That's the way things went at Altamont—so badly that the Grateful Dead, the prime organizers and movers of the festival, didn't even get to play," wrote staff at Rolling Stone magazine in a detailed narrative on the event, terming it, in an additional follow-up piece, "rock and roll's all-time worst day, December 6th, a day when everything went perfectly wrong."
Many people would mark this event to be the end of the cultural 60s.

The 'Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5' album releases - December 12, 1969

Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5 is the debut studio album from Gary, Indiana-based soul family band the Jackson 5, released on the Motown label on December 12, 1969. The Jackson 5's lead singer, a preadolescent Michael Jackson and his four older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon, became pop successes within months of this album's release. Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5's only single, "I Want You Back", became a number-one hit on the US Billboard Hot 100 within weeks of the album's release. The album reached number 5 on the US Pop Albums chart, and spent nine weeks at No. 1 on the US R&B/Black Albums charts. To date, the Jackson 5's debut album has sold estimated 5 million copies worldwide.
If none of the events that described previously had transitioned us into the 70s to any of you, then this certainly did.

MAS*H releases in theaters - January 25, 1970

M*A*S*H (stylized on-screen as MASH) is a 1970 American dark war comedy film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner Jr., based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only theatrically released feature film in the M*A*S*H franchise.
The film depicts a unit of medical personnel stationed at a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War. It stars Donald Sutherland, Tom Skerritt, and Elliott Gould, with Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, René Auberjonois, Gary Burghoff, Roger Bowen, Michael Murphy, and in his film debut, professional football player Fred Williamson. Although the Korean War is the film's storyline setting, the subtext is the Vietnam War – a current event at the time the film was made. Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau, who saw the film in college, said M*A*S*H was "perfect for the times, the cacophony of American culture was brilliantly reproduced onscreen".
M*A*S*H became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century-Fox and is now considered one of the greatest films ever made and also won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film, later named the Palme d'Or, at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival.
This film was a another huge sign of 70s culture as it inspired the television series M*A*S*H, which ran from 1972 to 1983. Gary Burghoff, who played Radar O'Reilly, was the only actor playing a major character who appeared in both the movie and the TV series. Altman despised the TV series, calling it "the antithesis of what we were trying to do" with the movie.

Paul McCartney announces his break from the Beatles - April 10, 1970

On April 10, 1970, when promoting the release of his forthcoming solo album, Paul McCartney announces that he is taking a break from the Beatles, the legendary rock band he had been a part of for a decade. It wasn't that much of a surprise. The Beatles spent the better part of three years breaking up in the late 1960s—and even longer than that hashing out who did what and why. By the spring of 1970, there was little more than a tangled set of business relationships keeping the group together. Each of the Beatles was pursuing his musical interests outside of the band, and there were no plans in place to record together as a group. But as far as the public knew, this was just a temporary state of affairs. No one had yet gone on the record with a definitive break-up statement. Paul, for his part, hedged his bets.
By year’s end, Paul would file suit to dissolve the Beatles’ business partnership, a formal process that would eventually make official the unofficial breakup he announced on this day in 1970.

The Kent State Massacre - May 4, 1970

In the spring of 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics.
In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era.

Jimi Hendrix passes away - September 18, 1970

On September 18, 1970, American musician Jimi Hendrix died in London at the age of 27. One of the 1960s' most influential guitarists, he was described by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music."
Hendrix's death was reportedly due to him aspirating on his own vomit, later dying of asphyxia, while intoxicated with barbiturates. At the inquest, the coroner, finding no evidence of suicide, and lacking sufficient evidence of the circumstances, recorded an open verdict. Dannemann stated that Hendrix had taken nine of her prescribed Vesparax sleeping tablets, 18 times the recommended dosage.
Jimi Hendrix's death was another huge blow to 60s culture and he would be another number added to the new "27 Club" list of celebrities that would continue with none other than.....

Janis Joplin passes away - October 4, 1970

On Sunday evening, October 4, 1970, Joplin was found dead on the floor of her room at the Landmark Motor Hotel by her road manager and close friend John Byrne Cooke. Alcohol was present in the room. Newspapers reported that no other drugs or paraphernalia were present.
According to a 1983 book authored by Joseph DiMona and Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, evidence of narcotics was removed from the scene by a friend of Joplin and later put back after the person realized that an autopsy was going to reveal that narcotics were in her system. The book adds that prior to Joplin's death, Noguchi had investigated other fatal drug overdoses in Los Angeles where friends believed they were doing favors for decedents by removing evidence of narcotics, then they "thought things over" and returned to put back the evidence.
Noguchi performed an autopsy on Joplin and determined the cause of death to be a heroin overdose, possibly compounded by alcohol.
Joplin's death, just like Hendrix's, was a huge blow to the more optimistic culture of the 1960s, and the 27 Club list of celebrity deaths are continuing.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take) that I could not fit on this list:

And this will conclude the first part of this transition. Stay tuned for the second part to this.
I hope you enjoyed it and I would appreciate it if you would comment on these.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:54 Ch1llin_Bruh Issue when filtering DAX table using date range from a DATE table

I am new to Power BI DAX and learning more about it. I have an Employee table and a Schedule table where employees that log on or logout are added to Schedule table, one record for their IN, and one record for their OUT. I created a date table for date range filtering. My issue is that I want to display the employees that does not have any INs or OUT record on the schedule table based on the date range, I can get it to work only for today. but no data is displayed when I changed the FILTER code to date range. It works if I use "=" EndDate or DateToday, but the code below does not work on filtering. The code below is my DAX Table for getting users that have no OUT record during the specified date. Any information will be very helpful for me!
NoLogouts = VAR DateToday = TODAY() VAR _startDate = MIN(DateSelection[Date]) VAR _endDate = MAX(DateSelection[Date]) VAR UsersWithLogouts = SELECTCOLUMNS( FILTER(Schedule, Schedule[in/out] = "OUT" && Schedule[date] >= _startDate && Schedule[date] <= _endDate), "employeeid", Schedule[EmployeeId] ) RETURN DISTINCT( EXCEPT( SELECTCOLUMNS('Employee', "ID", Employee[Id]), UsersWithLogouts ) ) 
submitted by Ch1llin_Bruh to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:51 Unusual-Shame3359 I dont usually post

I dont usually post
But this is the second night in have played against these guys and they are making the game absolute hell and unenjoyable. They are clearly smurfs and their tactics are to completely take over first round and then lose second round on purpose, eventually losing the game on purpose to derank. They absolutely love getting a response in chat and angering whoever they are playing against. Its the second night in a row for hours on end and i would go so far as to say they may also be using wall hacks / aim assist as well?
When i say the first round is unplayable i mean none of them die and they camp spawn the entire time.
This completely ruined my experience over the last couple days and i dont want to play because of cunts like this
Please help report
submitted by Unusual-Shame3359 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:50 ElectricalLeek5 SWE Job vs Research Assistant Job

I recently got lucky and have received an offer from
  1. Application Engineering role in a construction and engineering firm - 96k/yr + relocation
  2. Research Assistant position An AI lab in the college I studied in Singapore. (It's not NUS/NTU)
My goal is to pursue an MS CS in 2 years and I'm wondering how best to improve my resume to get into a good (T10) program.
My resume currently - SWE internships at SAP and Publicis Sapient, one 2nd author pub in an A* conference and another paper to be submitted next month. This work was done in the lab I'm getting an RA position in. (I know I would get a strong LOR from the Prof even if I went to work somewhere else). I believe an important step in this process will be doing some part-time research for a another lab that will help me get another academic LOR.
Bechtel Application engineering:
  1. Full-stack Application development
  2. Good pay. RA pays nowhere close.
  3. I like the US
Research Assistant position
  1. Not exactly sure what the work is, but my PI suggested it will most likely be related to designing annotation processes for annotation and human evaluation of large hateful memes datasets. It might be possible that the work is better aligned to my interests,
  2. I approached the Professor for opportunities in this lab and while I haven't been given a formal offer yet, I think the assumption is that I will be joining the lab. My PI has suggested in the past that I continue applying and interviewing for other jobs until a formal offer arrives.
  3. A few of my friends say an RA position will look better on a resume for MS CS than SWE at a firm that is not really a product-based company
  4. I'm counting on this Prof to give me a strong LOR for my MS application. I don't want to piss him off by taking this new offer.
  5. My PI has advised me not to stay in the RA position for longer than a year. Which will mean I need to look for jobs again in the coming cycle. This cycle was very rough on me and I don't know if I will get lucky like this again.
I need some help in deciding between the two. Which position will look better on a Master's application. Will I piss off the prof? Finally, (SWE + part-time research + GRE) or (RA + part-time research (more research LOL) + GRE prep + job hunting). I'm also open to hearing out opinions on whether so much research is needed.
submitted by ElectricalLeek5 to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:48 Necrotrauma I feel like I’m losing my mind

I hate even having to bring this up in public forum, but it’s the only place i feel like i can put this without feeling I’m just adding on to someone else’s stress. Really just venting. And I’m aware I’m more or less doxing myself if anyone at my base reads this but i need the outlet.
I joined exactly 1 year ago on June 10th. Ended up taking a maintenance job, knowing it would keep me busy and working, I’m a bit older at 29 so i really joined for stable work, and having a job in security system before joining i pretty much knew the jist of my job. Basic was fine, tech school was nothing special. My first base, which I am currently at is Kunsan AB. Without my knowledge, i was sent here without a security clearance. First base, 6 months into what was supposed to be a 1 year short tour and i haven’t even been able to work or learn my job.
A bit of background, i joined the army in 2015 and fractured my pelvis in basic training. Was sent home on a DD214, told i could rejoin 2 years later, well after 7 years, the secret clearance i got when i joined the army lapsed. Causing the Air Force to open an investigation because it was weird i was joining the AF with “prior service”. I got med boarded in basic, they knew that, but opened an investigation anyway. And i am a VERY boring man, don’t even have a speeding ticket to my name. I’m convinced i can’t do my job because someone is failing to do theirs.
I have gone 6 months being labeled “useless”. I can’t travel flight line alone, i can’t read manuals, i can’t work. We have been working on an interim clearance, but even that is taking a while, and I’m being told I won’t be able to apply for a follow on for another year because you can’t apply for a follow-on without a clearance. I’ll be stuck here for, at minimum, another year. The only reason n I’m even here being so i could choose a follow-on.
My anxiety is at an all time high and i feel like I’m literally losing my mind. I’m overthinking everything, i can’t stand having free time because i just get trapped in loops in my mind. I can’t play video games without having an anxiety attack and just end up staring at my steam library, i can’t drink alcohol because i get anxious just looking at the bottle, I’m scared and alone. And i don’t want to be alone but I’m too anxious to talk to or hang out with people, and when i do hang with people I’m quiet and feel like i just bring down the room and mood. I have an appointment with mental health on the 3rd, but my anxiety is just turning into a deep depression after being called useless multiple times today. I’m scared i’ll be kicked out for even mentioning depression or such crippling anxiety, but i feel like my life isn’t mine anymore. Like I’m just being lead by barbed wire.
I need some advice, some help, and I’m too scared/anxious to ask for it. Even calling to set up the mental health appointment literally exhausted me afterward. I’ve never felt like this and I’m overwhelmed.
TLDR: Anxiety is so severe I’m struggling to just be.
submitted by Necrotrauma to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:46 Lord_PanDA_ I've Fixed ‘Error in Auto Iris’ on My Epson Projector With These 5 Solutions

I've Fixed ‘Error in Auto Iris’ on My Epson Projector With These 5 Solutions
I recently dealt with the frustrating "Error in Auto Iris" message on my Epson projector and wanted to share the solutions that worked for me. After testing and digging through various tech forums, I found these five effective fixes:
Full article here:
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images, I recommend checking out the hyperlink under the heading's name as this post is only a quick summary.

1. Reboot in a Specific Way

A simple reboot can often fix many issues. For the auto iris error, the same logic applies for many users, simply restart your Epson projector while holding down the Menu button simultaneously.

2. Switch to Natural Viewing (Color) Mode

Changing the viewing mode can sometimes resolve the issue. If you recently switched modes, head to the Image settings and select any viewing mode but Cinema.

3. Disassemble and Clean

Dust and debris can cause the auto iris to malfunction. Carefully disassemble the projector and clean the inside, especially around the auto iris motor. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, consider getting professional help.

4. Replace the Broken Plastic Toothed Wheel

A broken component in the auto iris assembly, such as the plastic-toothed wheel, can cause errors. If you identify a broken part, you may need to replace it. This might require opening up the projector and could be best handled by a technician.

5. Contact the Epson Technical Team

If none of the above solutions work, it might be time to contact Epson's support team. They can provide expert guidance and potentially cover repairs if your projector is still under warranty.

What Does “Auto Iris” Mean on a Projector?

The auto iris is a hardware component in Epson projectors that adjusts the amount of light based on the scene’s brightness, enhancing the contrast ratio.
The Auto Iris of an Epson projector has three modes in total: Normal, High Speed, and Off.
When this feature malfunctions, the projector's images can look desaturated or washed out. Knowing how to turn off the auto iris on your Epson projector can temporarily alleviate issues, but long-term fixes might require professional assistance.
Encountering an auto iris error on an Epson projector can be frustrating, but these solutions should help you get your projector back in working order. For a more detailed guide, complete with images, check out the full article linked above!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixProjectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:45 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Coyote Hunting Spotlight

Best Coyote Hunting Spotlight
Welcome to our Coyote Hunting Spotlight, where we showcase the top products and gear that every coyote hunter needs in their arsenal. From rifles to camouflage, we've got you covered. Get ready to explore the world of coyote hunting like never before!

The Top 19 Best Coyote Hunting Spotlight

  1. Super Bright Handheld Spotlight with Multiple Colors and Charging Options - The MIXILIN 900,000 Lumens Rechargeable Spotlight is a versatile and durable handheld hunting flashlight, featuring up to 7 lighting modes, solar & USB recharging options, and waterproof protection for all-weather use.
  2. Cabela's 1,000-Lumen IPX7 Waterproof Spotlight for Coyote Hunting - Cabela's 1,000-Lumen Handheld Spotlight provides a 1,000-lumen beam of light, waterproof feature, and easy-to-use trigger switch, making it an ideal choice for coyote hunting and wildlife observation.
  3. Powerful Coyote Hunting Spotlight with 18 Million Candlepower - Conquer the darkness with ease and illuminate your path with the Cyclops Thor X Colossus Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring 18 million candlepower, a Philips 130W halogen bulb, and a durable rubberized construction.
  4. Powerful 35W Xenon HID Spotlight/Floodlight for Coyote Hunting and Outdoor Adventure Lighting - Illuminate your way with the most powerful 2000 lumen, 35W HID lamp from Goodsmann Tacticpro for all your outdoor adventures, including coyote hunting, while ensuring durability, comfort, and ease of use in any situation.
  5. Super Bright Rechargeable Spotlight for Coyote Hunting - Super bright rechargeable spotlight with 150000 lumens LED, IPX5 waterproof, and 4 modes, perfect for outdoor adventures like hiking, camping, and hunting.
  6. Coyote Hunting Spotlight with Tough ABS Construction - Illuminate your outdoor adventures with the Goodsmann Coyote Hunting Spotlight, a 1500 lumen, 12-volt ABS plastic construction that offers a 2,030 ft. beam distance, ease of use, and portability for ultimate versatility.
  7. Best Waterproof Coyote Hunting Spotlight with High Visibility - The Cyclops 2000 Lumen Waterproof Spotlight offers versatile spotlight and lantern functions, making it a must-have for hunters and boaters alike.
  8. High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight: Waterproof, Submersible, and Long-Lasting - The Browning High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight: A powerful, waterproof, and versatile coyote hunting spotlight, perfect for waterfowl hunters and featuring continuous power options and multiple light modes.
  9. Powerful Waterproof LED Spotlight for Outdoor Adventures - Experience bright and versatile illumination with the Goodsmann Rechargeable Marine Spotlight LED, featuring powerful LED technology, three modes, and durable construction for outdoor enthusiasts.
  10. Rechargeable Coyote Hunting Spotlight: 200,000 Lumens, Waterproof, Lightweight, Camouflage - Experience the Power and Versatility of the BUYSIGHT Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight, Engineered for Optimal Brightness and Durability for All Your Nighttime Adventures.
  11. Waterproof Marine Spotlight for Coyote Hunting with Rechargeable Eva Case - Illuminate your hunts with the Goodsmann Spotlight's 10,000 lumen waterproof, rechargeable marine spotlight, featuring a portable EVA carrying case and multiple charging options, perfect for fishing, camping, and all-terrain adventures.
  12. Powerful, Lightweight Hunting Spotlight for any Adventure - Experience unmatched brightness and versatility with the Larson Electronics RL-85-LED-CPR 25 Watt Pistol Style LED Light Hunting Spotlight, featuring a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, 2000 lumens, and compatibility with any voltage.
  13. Waterproof Coyote Hunting Spotlight: Portable and LED Lit - Experience the ultimate Coyote Hunting Spotlight with the Goodsmann Rechargeable Spotlight, offering 4500 Lumen brightness, 480M (1575 FT) beam distance, and a durable EVA carrying case perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.
  14. Powerful, Waterproof LED Spotlight for Coyote Hunting - Experience unmatched brightness on your next coyote hunting adventure with the BUYSIGHT Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight, boasting 1000,000 lumens and a camouflage-green design.
  15. Coyote Hunting Spotlight with Adjustable Focus and Intensity Control - The Coon Hound Spotlight/Headlamp by Predator Tactics is a premium coon hunting light that combines the convenience of a headlamp with the power of a spotlight, making your coon hunts more successful and efficient.
  16. High Lumen Rechargeable Camouflage Spotlight for Coyote Hunting - Experience unparalleled illumination with BUYSIGHT's waterproof, rechargeable, and impact-resistant spotlight flashlight, boasting 1,000,000 lumens of light and a powerful ABS/polystyrene shell in a stylish camouflage grey color.
  17. Super Bright Coyote Hunting Spotlight with Auto Brightness Reduction - Experience unmatched illumination and versatility with the Cyclops 1600 Lumen Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring a powerful 18 Watt LED and IP67 water resistance for optimal performance in any outdoor adventure.
  18. 850 Lumen Coyote Hunting Spotlight with 710 Yard Beam Throw - Illuminate your outdoor adventures with the Cyclops Cyc-spl850 850 Lumen Focus Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring a 710.8 yard beam throw and 3.7-volt 4,400 mAh Li-Ion rechargeable batteries for extended illumination at any hunting or camping location!
  19. Powerful Coyote Hunting Spotlight with Waterproof and Floatable Design - The Browning High Noon 4C Spotlight offers incredibly bright Cree LED technology, submersible protection, and outstanding battery life for top-quality Coyote Hunting Spotlight performance.
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🔗Super Bright Handheld Spotlight with Multiple Colors and Charging Options
Using a MIXILIN rechargeable spotlight in my backyard during a camping trip, I was truly awed by the brightness emitted by the handheld hunting flashlight. The high capacity rechargeable battery is a real plus as it eliminates the need for frequent battery changes and the included USB cable and solar panels give me options for charging. The IPX5 waterproof feature made me feel confident to take it on outdoor adventures, and the large, comfortable handle felt great in my hand.
However, I must admit the varying strobe and color options might be a bit excessive for my needs, and the flashing blue light could be distracting. Overall, the MIXILIN spotlight offers excellent brightness, flexibility in charging, and its rugged design makes it suitable for various environments.

🔗Cabela's 1,000-Lumen IPX7 Waterproof Spotlight for Coyote Hunting
The Coyote Hunting Spotlight from Cabela's is a shining example of a reliable, powerful tool for hunting enthusiasts. With a 1,000-lumen output, this device easily tackles even the darkest conditions, making wildlife illuminate like they're basking in the summer sun.
Its IPX7 waterproof rating is a standout feature that ensures it's up for any adventure that takes you near water. Whether you're spot-lighting frogs, crayfish, or deer, you can trust this Coyote Hunting Spotlight to perform under pressure.
However, the switch that locks the beam in is less than ideal. It's not as smooth or intuitive as we'd expect, which can be frustrating in the heat of the moment. Also, the spotlight's rubber grip isn't as comfortable as it could be, making it a bit tricky to handle when you're in the middle of a hunt.
Overall, this is a powerful and waterproof tool, but it could do with some refinements in its locking mechanism and grip. Despite these drawbacks, it's a reliable light for any hunting or wildlife-spotting mission.

🔗Powerful Coyote Hunting Spotlight with 18 Million Candlepower
The Cyclops Thor X Colossus Rechargeable Spotlight is an impressive piece of equipment designed for outdoor adventures, illuminating paths and providing powerful beams of light in the darkest of settings. Its durable rubberized construction makes it perfect for even the toughest conditions, while the adjustable stand allows for hands-free use, directing the light exactly where it's needed.
I've used the Cyclops Thor X Colossus for various purposes, including hiking trips and late-night camping excursions. The most striking feature is its 18 million candlepower, delivering an incredibly bright and focused beam. This level of brightness is crucial when navigating through unfamiliar terrain or when trying to spot wildlife at night.
One downside I noticed is that the spotlight's battery life isn't as long as I would have hoped. In low beam mode, it lasted only about 40 minutes, while high beam mode offered just 20 minutes of illumination. However, the included AC/DC adapter and 12V car plug adapter make recharging the device convenient, even when away from a power outlet.
Another issue I encountered was the bulky nature of the device. Its size made it uncomfortable to hold for extended periods, and I found myself using the removable shoulder strap to make it more ergonomic.
In conclusion, the Cyclops Thor X Colossus Rechargeable Spotlight is a powerful and functional device, providing a reliable source of light in various outdoor scenarios. While its battery life and bulkiness may be seen as drawbacks, the brightness and convenience it offers make it a valuable companion for any adventurer or outdoor enthusiast.

🔗Powerful 35W Xenon HID Spotlight/Floodlight for Coyote Hunting and Outdoor Adventure Lighting
The Goodsmann Tacticpro Spotlight is by far the most powerful 35W HID lamp on the market, offering an incredible beam distance of up to 850 meters. Constructed with durability in mind, this light boasts a robust ABS plastic casing and a rubber handle, providing a superior grip and comfort during long outdoor excursions. The light bulb gradually brightens to its full 2000 lumen potential within a minute, ensuring optimal illumination right from the start.
Designed as the perfect companion for various outdoor activities, the Goodsmann Tacticpro Spotlight stands out as a reliable, versatile, and high-performance lighting solution for avid hunters, campers, and adventurers alike. Equipped with a heavy gauge coiled cord, this spotlight can be easily plugged into a 12V socket, providing a convenient and efficient power source for all your outdoor adventures.
The Goodsmann Tacticpro 2000 lumens HID Spotlight is the ideal choice for lighting up your next journey, whether navigating the dense woods in search of the elusive Coyote or simply enjoying a quiet night beneath the stars. The spotlight's high-quality construction and impressive performance make it the ultimate go-to tool for all of your outdoor adventures.

🔗Super Bright Rechargeable Spotlight for Coyote Hunting
When I heard about the Coyote Hunting Spotlight, promises of its brightness got me curious. I took it out during a camping trip, and my first impression was the ease of use. The 4 modes and rotatable light made it super versatile for various situations.
That being said, I also encountered some challenges. The spotlight is quite heavy, and I struggled to hold it steady while adjusting the focus in lower lighting conditions. Additionally, its waterproof design didn't seem as effective as I'd hoped when I accidentally knocked it into a puddle – perhaps a safer option would be to keep it away from direct water contact.
All in all, the Coyote Hunting Spotlight has its pros and cons. It shines (literally) as a useful tool for outdoor activities, but some design improvements could make it even more practical and durable.

🔗Coyote Hunting Spotlight with Tough ABS Construction
This Goodsmann Spotlight Camo Hunting Spot Light has been an essential element of my outdoor adventures. The 1500 lumens of brightness and its waterproof design made it perfect for those late night fishing trips or early morning hunts. It's easy to hang thanks to the metal bracket, and the impact-resistant ABS construction gives me the peace of mind that it won't break on the job.
The high-quality materials didn't go unnoticed, but there was a slight downside to its bulky size. It's not too big to hinder use, but it did require some careful storage when not in use. However, with the nylon-carrying bag and convenient on/off switch, this light has proven to be an invaluable tool on my adventures. Overall, the Goodsmann 1500 lumen spotlight is an excellent addition to any outdoor enthusiast's gear collection!

🔗Best Waterproof Coyote Hunting Spotlight with High Visibility
The Cyclops Waterproof Spotlight has become my trusty companion in the great outdoors. As a nature enthusiast, I often find myself in low-light environments, and this little beauty has made all the difference. Its multi-function design allows for both spotlight and lantern mode, perfect for my coyote hunting expeditions.
The front spotlight, powered by a 20W XHP50.2 Cree LED, is extremely bright and offers various brightness levels through a magnetic trigger switch. The back flood light, powered by a 6W Cree XP-G3 LED, serves as an additional source of light when needed. The lightweight and durable construction make it a perfect companion for long hikes.
However, I do miss the option to switch the light between spotlight and lantern mode without removing the lens cover, which could cause a bit of inconvenience at times. But overall, this versatile and powerful waterproof spotlight has proven to be a game-changer in my outdoor adventures.

🔗High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight: Waterproof, Submersible, and Long-Lasting
As I began using the High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight in my outdoor adventures, I couldn't help but marvel at its exceptional waterproof design. The spotlight's ability to provide 680 yards of light, even in wet and submerged situations, has become a game-changer for my coyote hunting experience. With its Power Bank feature, being able to charge other USB devices on the go is a fantastic additional perk.
The spotlight's high-impact polymer housing and rubber lens ring were particularly noteworthy in my experience, providing the necessary protection against accidental drops. The fact that it's both waterproof and submersible is a great asset, especially when I'm exploring diverse terrains. Additionally, the built-in low battery indicator that turns red while charging, green when fully charged, and amber when the battery has 20% or less capacity is convenient for ensuring consistency during my adventures.
One of the most impressive features of the High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight is its ability to be used continuously without recharging, thanks to its compatibility with 110V AC or 12V DC power through the included USB cable and vehicle adaptor. This versatility proves invaluable when I'm out exploring for long periods of time. Although the spotlight offers a limited number of brightness modes, the high, low, and flashing modes are quite adequate and useful for varying situations.
While the High Noon Power Pro Compact Spotlight is a reliable and durable piece of equipment, there are a few minor inconveniences. For instance, the weight with batteries is slightly heavier than what I'd prefer for extended use, and the folding stand could use a few more angles for more flexibility. However, overall, this powerful, waterproof, and versatile spotlight has undoubtedly earned its place as a valuable companion on my coyote hunting adventures.

🔗Powerful Waterproof LED Spotlight for Outdoor Adventures
I recently had the opportunity to use the Goodsmann 6000 Lumen Portable Handheld Spotlight during an outdoor camping trip. The highlight of this product was its versatility and adaptability. The spotlight comes equipped with three modes – high, low, and SOS – allowing me to choose the perfect setting for various scenarios, whether it be illuminating a path during a night hike or alerting others in an emergency.
Another factor I appreciated was the spotlight's robust and durable design. The ABS and lenses make it resistant to impact, ensuring it can withstand harsh conditions and the occasional drop. Furthermore, the waterproof feature meant I could use it during my diving expeditions without worrying about water damage.
The portability aspect also played a significant role in my experience. Its compact, lightweight design and ergonomic grip made it comfortable to hold and use for extended periods. The accompanying wrist strap, EVA carrying case, and red filter lens provided added convenience, ensuring I had a reliable source of light within arm's reach for any situation.
One downside I encountered was the relatively short battery life. Despite having a rechargeable lithium battery, the device still required regular charging, limiting its practicality for extended outdoor adventures.
In summary, the Goodsmann Portable Handheld Spotlight offered versatility, durability, and convenience, making it an ideal companion for both outdoor and indoor activities. Although the battery life could use some improvement, this powerful and practical spotlight still proved to be a worthy addition to my camping gear.

🔗Rechargeable Coyote Hunting Spotlight: 200,000 Lumens, Waterproof, Lightweight, Camouflage
In this roundup article, I had the pleasure of trying out the BUYSIGHT Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight. This handy lightweight device is the ultimate solution for those late-night hikes or camping trips. It's compact, measuring just 6 inches in length and 3 inches wide, making it effortless to carry along. Its waterproof feature ensures it can withstand accidental dips in water, while the durable ABS and polystyrene construction can withstand unexpected drops and bumps.
The spotlight's super bright 30-watt LED light is incredibly impressive, providing an impressive 200,000 lumens at its highest power. With three brightness settings - high, low, and SOS mode - this flashlight can cater to different situations. Charging was no hassle, as it came with a universal USB-C charger, making it suitable for recharging in cars and homes alike.
While I was thrilled with this flashlight's performance, a minor soldering issue did surface. A small percentage of users reported that the spotlights wouldn't light up due to this problem. Despite this drawback, the BUYSIGHT Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight continues to excel in providing a reliable source of light for your outdoor adventures.

🔗Waterproof Marine Spotlight for Coyote Hunting with Rechargeable Eva Case
I recently had the chance to test out the Goodsmann Spotlight 10000 Lumen Waterproof Rechargeable Marine Spotlight LED Spotlight for Hunting. Let me tell you about my experience with this bad boy.
First off, it's like having a superpowered flashlight that you can take anywhere. It's waterproof, so it's perfect for hunting near water, or even if you just happen to drop it in the river. And trust me, I did that. It floats, too, which is a lifesaver when you're standing knee-deep in a lake.
What really stands out is the brightness. I mean, 10,000 lumens is no joke. It's like having a mini sun in your hand, which makes it great for those late-night coyote hunts. Plus, it comes with a detachable red lens that helps you see without spooking the wildlife.
Now, let's talk about convenience. The Goodsmann Spotlight is rechargeable, so you don't have to worry about constantly buying new batteries. And with multiple charging options, you can juice it up anywhere, whether you're at home, in the car, or out in the wilderness.
It's also lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry around for all sorts of outdoor activities. The sturdy stand and rescue wrist strap add an extra level of comfort and safety.
With the included EVA carrying case, this spotlight is perfect for boating or camping trips. It's compact, yet sturdy enough to withstand some rough handling.
Overall, I'm really impressed with the Goodsmann Spotlight. It's a game-changer for anyone who needs a reliable, durable, and super-bright light for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

Coyote hunting is a popular pastime for many outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're a novice hunter or an experienced dog trainer, choosing the right spotlight can make all the difference in your success on the hunt. In this guide, we'll explore the important features and considerations to look for when purchasing a coyote hunting spotlight.

Feature 1: Brightness

The most important aspect of a coyote hunting spotlight is its brightness. A spotlight that doesn't produce enough light will struggle to locate and track coyotes, especially in low-light or nighttime conditions. Look for spotlights that can output between 200-1000 lumens of light, as these will offer the best balance of brightness and affordability.

Feature 2: Beam Distance
Another critical factor to consider when purchasing a coyote hunting spotlight is its beam distance. This refers to the distance the light will project forward. A longer beam distance ensures that the light will stay focused on coyotes that may be farther away. Look for spotlights with at least 200-500 yards of beam distance to ensure you can spot coyotes at a safe and effective distance.

Feature 3: Durability

Coyote hunting can be a grueling and unpredictable activity. Your spotlight will need to be durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions, shock and recoil, and frequent use. Consider investing in a spotlight with a durable, water-resistant housing and a sturdy, scratch-resistant lens. This will help ensure that your spotlight is reliable and long-lasting.

Feature 4: Energy Source

Spotlights come in various energy sources, including rechargeable batteries, disposable batteries, and solar power. Evaluate your specific needs and habits when choosing an energy source. Rechargeable batteries can save money in the long run but may require more frequent charging if you use your spotlight frequently. Disposable batteries offer convenience but may result in more frequent battery replacements and additional expenses. Solar-powered spotlights are eco-friendly but may not be suitable for all locations and weather conditions.

Consideration 1: Budget

A good starting point for choosing a coyote hunting spotlight is determining your budget. Spotlights come in a wide range of prices, from affordable options under $50 to high-end models that can cost hundreds of dollars. Decide on a budget that works for you and narrow down your options accordingly.

Consideration 2: Hunting Frequency

Consider how often you plan to use your spotlight. If you hunt frequently, you may benefit from investing in a higher-end, more durable spotlight. If you hunt infrequently, a more affordable option may suffice. Consider the level of wear and tear your spotlight may experience over time and choose one that can handle it.

Consideration 3: Portability

Coyote hunting often requires traveling to remote locations, which means you'll need a spotlight that's easy to carry. Look for spotlights with lightweight, compact designs and a sturdy carrying strap. This will help make your hunting experience more enjoyable and efficient.

Advice: Practice Proper Aiming Technique

Practicing proper aiming techniques is crucial for successful coyote hunting. A spotlight can help you pinpoint your target, but ultimately, your aim will determine the outcome. Make sure you practice your aiming skills in a safe and controlled environment before heading out on the hunt. This will help you improve your accuracy and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Advice: Check Local Regulations
Before using a spotlight for coyote hunting, make sure to check local regulations and laws. Some areas may have restrictions or require specific permits for the use of spotlights. Familiarizing yourself with the rules in your area will help you avoid potential legal issues and ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.

Additional Resources

For more information on choosing the best coyote hunting spotlight, consult local hunting clubs or outdoor retailers. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on your unique needs and budget. Additionally, online resources such as hunting forums and websites can offer helpful tips and reviews on various spotlight models.


What is the Coyote Hunting Spotlight?

The Coyote Hunting Spotlight is a roundup of the top products for coyote hunting, including hunting lights, thermal scopes, and accessories that assist in locating and tracking these elusive animals.

Who is the article for?

This article is for hunters who are interested in coyote hunting and want to know about the best products available to help increase their success in the field.

What types of products are featured in the Coyote Hunting Spotlight?

The Coyote Hunting Spotlight features various products that can be used for coyote hunting, such as hunting lights, thermal scopes, night vision devices, and related accessories.

What brands are included in the Coyote Hunting Spotlight?

The Coyote Hunting Spotlight includes products from a variety of well-known brands, as well as some lesser-known manufacturers that may offer excellent value and performance.

How are the products in the Coyote Hunting Spotlight reviewed?

The products in the Coyote Hunting Spotlight are reviewed based on various factors including performance, durability, ease of use, and value for the money. The reviews are based on real-world testing and feedback from experienced hunters.

How often is the Coyote Hunting Spotlight updated?

The Coyote Hunting Spotlight is periodically updated to reflect new products, changes in the market, and feedback from hunters. It is recommended to check for updates regularly to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

What should I consider before purchasing coyote hunting gear?

  • Your budget and how much you are willing to spend on a single product.
  • The type of hunting you plan to do and the terrain you will be in.
  • The range and size of the area you will be hunting.
  • Your level of experience with the type of equipment you are considering.

Are there any accessories that are commonly recommended for coyote hunting?

Yes, some accessories that are commonly recommended for coyote hunting include extra batteries or power banks for your light or scope, a good quality holster or case to protect your gear, and some spare parts or accessories depending on the product.

What about safety concerns while using coyote hunting gear?

It is crucial to practice proper safety when using any hunting gear, especially when using lights and thermal scopes that can be highly attractive to animals. Always follow local regulations and safety guidelines when using your equipment and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
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2024.05.23 11:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj

Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj
Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj Welcome to our guide on the best Italian restaurants in Atlantic City, NJ! We'll take you on a mouthwatering journey through the vibrant Italian dining scene in this coastal city.From elegant fine dining to cozy neighborhood eateries, Atlantic City has it all. Indulge in exquisite cuisine with breathtaking views at Capriccio or savor classic Southern Italian-American dishes at Cafe 2825.Looking for something unique? Try Chef Volas, a family-style restaurant, or Carmines Italian Restaurant for authentic Tuscan-style cuisine.Join us as we explore the best Italian restaurants this city has to offer!Key TakeawaysCapriccio offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and uses only the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients.Cafe 2825 is known for its cozy atmosphere and offers a wide selection of seafood, fish, veal, and steaks.Chef Volas is a James Beard Award winner and is praised for its Rib Veal on the Bone Parmigiana and legendary chilled Banana Cream Pie.Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City has been serving authentic Italian cuisine for 20 years and is known for dishes like Porterhouse Pizzaiola and the Titanic dessert.Capriccio: Breathtaking Views and Exquisite CuisineWe must try the seafood zuppetta and cotoletta dagnello at Capriccio, which consistently receives high marks for its breathtaking views and exquisite cuisine. Situated in Atlantic City, Capriccio offers a dining experience that combines stunning scenery with the finest Italian ingredients.The restaurant boasts breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, creating a serene and captivating atmosphere for diners. As you savor your meal, you can enjoy the mesmerizing sight of the waves crashing against the shore, providing a sense of tranquility and relaxation.Capriccio takes pride in using only the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients in their dishes. From succulent seafood to tender cuts of lamb, every bite is bursting with flavor and made with utmost care. The seafood zuppetta is a must-try, featuring a medley of fresh seafood cooked to perfection in a savory broth. And the cotoletta dagnello, a tender lamb cutlet, is sure to delight your taste buds with its rich and juicy flavors.For those seeking a dining experience that combines delicious cuisine with breathtaking views, Capriccio is the perfect choice. With its dedication to using fresh Italian ingredients and its picturesque location, this restaurant promises a memorable and satisfying meal.Cafe 2825: Cozy Neighborhood Eatery With Modern Italian-American DishesThere are a wide selection of modern Italian-American dishes to enjoy at Cafe 2825, a cozy neighborhood eatery. Here are three reasons why you should visit Cafe 2825 and indulge in their delicious offerings:Authentic and Innovative Flavors: Cafe 2825 offers a unique blend of traditional Italian recipes with a modern twist. From classic preparations of pasta to innovative seafood, fish, veal, and steak dishes, their menu is sure to satisfy all taste buds. Each dish is carefully crafted using only the freshest and highest-quality ingredients, ensuring a delightful culinary experience.Warm and Inviting Atmosphere: As a cozy neighborhood eatery, Cafe 2825 provides a comfortable and welcoming environment for diners. The intimate setting allows for a relaxed dining experience, perfect for enjoying a meal with loved ones. The attentive service adds to the overall ambiance, making you feel right at home.Extensive Wine Selection: To complement their delectable dishes, Cafe 2825 offers a wide selection of wines from Italy and California. Whether you prefer a bold red or a crisp white, their knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding the perfect pairing for your meal. Sip on a glass of wine and enhance your dining experience at this charming eatery.Chef Volas: Award-Winning Family-Style Restaurant in Downtown Atlantic CityChef Volas is an award-winning family-style restaurant in downtown Atlantic City, and their menu features delicious Italian dishes. At Chef Volas, you can enjoy a variety of signature dishes that have gained acclaim from both critics and celebrities. The restaurant has received the prestigious James Beard Award, solidifying its status as one of the best Italian restaurants in the area.One of Chef Volas' standout dishes is the Rib Veal on the Bone Parmigiana, which has earned high praise from Terence Winter, star of Boardwalk Empire. This mouthwatering dish is a true delight for meat lovers, with tender veal cooked to perfection and smothered in a rich, flavorful tomato sauce.Another culinary masterpiece at Chef Volas is their legendary chilled Banana Cream Pie. Loved by celebrities such as Jay Z, Beyoncé, and Frank Sinatra, this dessert is the perfect sweet ending to your meal. The creamy banana filling, topped with a light and fluffy whipped cream, is sure to leave you wanting more.To give you a taste of what Chef Volas has to offer, here is a table showcasing their signature dishes and the celebrity endorsements they have received:Signature DishCelebrity EndorsementRib Veal on the Bone ParmigianaTerence Winter, star of Boardwalk EmpireChilled Banana Cream PieJay Z, Beyoncé, Frank SinatraChef Volas not only offers delectable Italian cuisine but also provides a warm and inviting atmosphere for a memorable dining experience. So, if you're looking for an award-winning restaurant with celebrity endorsements, Chef Volas is the place to be.Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City: Authentic Tuscan-Style Cuisine and Chic AmbianceCarmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City offers an authentic Tuscan-style cuisine and a chic ambiance. The restaurant has been serving high-quality Italian dishes for 20 years, with favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads.The must-try dishes include the Porterhouse Pizzaiola and the Titanic dessert.Tuscan Vs. Southern ItalianWe can't decide whether we prefer the rich flavors of Tuscan cuisine or the bold and vibrant dishes of Southern Italy. Both culinary traditions have their own unique characteristics that make them equally enticing. Here's a closer look at the differences between Tuscan and Southern Italian cuisine:Ingredients:Tuscan cuisine is known for its simplicity and emphasis on high-quality ingredients. It often features ingredients like olive oil, beans, bread, and game meats. On the other hand, Southern Italian cuisine is characterized by its abundant use of tomatoes, garlic, pasta, and seafood.Flavors:Tuscan dishes tend to have a more subtle and delicate flavor profile, allowing the natural flavors of the ingredients to shine. Southern Italian cuisine, on the other hand, is known for its bold and spicy flavors, with dishes often featuring chili peppers and strong herbs.Regional Influences:Tuscan cuisine is heavily influenced by the region's agricultural traditions, with dishes reflecting the use of simple, locally grown ingredients. Southern Italian cuisine, on the other hand, showcases the region's proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, with an emphasis on seafood and coastal flavors.Whether you prefer the rustic simplicity of Tuscan cuisine or the fiery flavors of Southern Italy, both culinary traditions offer a delightful experience for food lovers.Atmosphere and Dining ExperienceThe dimly lit dining room and elegant decor of Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City create an intimate atmosphere for a memorable dining experience. The cozy ambiance is perfect for a romantic evening or a gathering with friends and family.The restaurant serves authentic Italian cuisine, with a focus on Tuscan-style dishes. The menu features favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads. While the atmosphere at Carmines is undeniably charming, the food quality is equally impressive. The chefs use only the freshest ingredients to create delicious and flavorful dishes.The combination of the inviting atmosphere and the high-quality food makes Carmines a top choice for Italian dining in Atlantic City.Speaking of authentic Italian cuisine with a unique decor, let's explore Angelos Fairmount Tavern next.Angelos Fairmount Tavern: Authentic Italian Cuisine With a Unique DecorAngelos Fairmount Tavern offers a truly unique dining experience with its authentic Italian cuisine and one-of-a-kind decor. The restaurant's interior is filled with vintage photographs, antique furniture, and charming accents that create a warm and inviting atmosphere.The expertly prepared dishes, combined with the unique decor, make Angelos Fairmount Tavern a must-visit for those seeking an unforgettable Italian dining experience in Atlantic City.Unique Decor Enhances ExperienceOur experience at Angelos Fairmount Tavern was enhanced by the unique decor, which added a touch of elegance and charm to the authentic Italian cuisine.1) The warm, dim lighting created a cozy and intimate atmosphere, perfect for a romantic evening or a family outing.2) The walls adorned with vintage photographs and paintings transported us to Italy, immersing us in the rich culture and history of the country.3) The rustic wooden furniture and exposed brick walls added to the restaurant's old-world charm. From the moment we stepped inside, we felt like we were dining in a traditional Italian trattoria.The unique decor truly complemented the delicious food, creating a memorable dining experience. Speaking of the food, the expertly prepared authentic cuisine at Angelos Fairmount Tavern surpassed our expectations.Expertly Prepared Authentic CuisineWe were impressed by the depth of flavor and attention to detail in the expertly prepared authentic cuisine at Angelo's Fairmount Tavern.The restaurant showcases the best of Italian culinary traditions, with dishes that highlight the richness and complexity of Italian flavors.One of the standout features of Angelo's Fairmount Tavern is their commitment to sourcing local ingredients, ensuring the freshness and quality of their dishes. This not only supports local farmers and producers, but also guarantees the safety of the ingredients used.From their homemade pasta to their succulent meat dishes, every bite at Angelo's Fairmount Tavern is a celebration of Italian cuisine.The charming atmosphere adds to the overall experience, making it the perfect place for a romantic evening or a memorable family outing.Il Verdi: Fancy Restaurant Serving Meticulously Prepared Northern Italian SpecialtiesIl Verdi offers an exquisite culinary experience with their meticulously prepared Northern Italian specialties. Here are three reasons why dining at Il Verdi is a must-try experience:Wine Pairings: At Il Verdi, they take great pride in curating a wine list that perfectly complements their traditional Italian dishes. From bold reds to crisp whites, their knowledgeable staff will guide you in selecting the perfect wine to enhance your dining experience. Whether you prefer a full-bodied Barolo or a refreshing Pinot Grigio, you can trust that Il Verdi has the perfect pairing for your meal.Traditional Italian Dishes: Il Verdi stays true to its roots by offering a wide variety of traditional Italian dishes. From homemade pasta to succulent meat and fish dishes, each plate is prepared with the utmost care and attention to detail. Whether you're craving a classic Spaghetti Bolognese or a flavorful Osso Buco, Il Verdi will transport your taste buds to the heart of Italy.Safety: Il Verdi places the safety and well-being of their guests as a top priority. They adhere to strict hygiene and sanitation protocols to ensure a clean and safe dining environment. From regular sanitization of high-touch areas to regular health checks for their staff, Il Verdi goes above and beyond to provide a safe dining experience for their guests.Experience the art of Italian cuisine at Il Verdi and indulge in their wine pairings, traditional Italian dishes, and commitment to safety.Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge: Family-Run Italian Restaurant With Classic FlavorsI can't wait to try the classic flavors and family-run atmosphere at Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge. This Italian restaurant offers a genuine taste of Italy with its traditional methods and ingredients. Unlike chain restaurants, Angelonis II is a family-run establishment, which adds a personal touch to the dining experience.When it comes to Italian cuisine, there is often a debate between traditional and modern styles. Angelonis II leans towards the traditional side, focusing on classic Italian dishes with robust flavors. They pride themselves on serving authentic pasta, with their Tri-Color Ravioli being a must-try dish.To give you a better idea of the offerings at Angelonis II, here is a table showcasing their menu:AppetizersPastaEntreesBruschettaSpaghettiChicken ParmCaprese SaladLasagnaVeal MarsalaFried CalamariFettuccineEggplant ParmMozzarella SticksRavioliShrimp ScampiAs you can see, they have a variety of appetizers, pasta dishes, and entrees to choose from. Whether you prefer a traditional Italian meal or something more modern, Angelonis II has something for everyone.In terms of safety, it's reassuring to know that Angelonis II is a family-run establishment. They prioritize the well-being of their guests and take extra precautions to ensure a clean and sanitized environment. So, if you're in Atlantic City and craving authentic Italian cuisine, make sure to visit Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge for a taste of classic flavors and a warm family-run atmosphere.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Signature Dishes at Capriccio?At Capriccio, the signature dishes include the Seafood Zuppetta and Cotoletta Dagnello. These delectable dishes showcase the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients.For vegetarian options, Cafe 2825 offers a wide selection of modern and classic pasta preparations. Their cozy neighborhood eatery provides a variety of seafood, fish, veal, and steak options.With their extensive wine selection from Italy and California, Cafe 2825 is the perfect choice for a delightful Italian dining experience.Does Cafe 2825 Offer Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options?At Cafe 2825, we offer a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, making it a top choice for Italian cuisine in Atlantic City. Our menu features modern and classic preparations of pasta, along with a wide selection of seafood, fish, veal, and steaks.Whether you're looking for a cozy neighborhood eatery or a place to enjoy a romantic evening, Cafe 2825 has you covered. With our extensive wine list and inviting atmosphere, we strive to provide a safe and enjoyable dining experience for all.What Other Awards Has Chef Volas Won Besides the James Beard Award?Chef Volas has received numerous awards throughout his career, in addition to the prestigious James Beard Award. His culinary expertise and talent have been recognized by various organizations in the industry.While the focus of our discussion is on the best Italian restaurants in Atlantic City, it's worth mentioning that Capriccio offers delicious signature dishes like Seafood Zuppetta and Cotoletta Dagnello.Cafe 2825 also caters to vegetarians with a variety of options. At Carmine's, they can accommodate large groups, and Angelo's Fairmount Tavern has a dress code for a more formal dining experience.Can Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City Accommodate Large Groups or Private Events?Yes, Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City can accommodate large groups and private events. They've private event spaces and group dining options available.The chic bar with comfortable seating provides a welcoming atmosphere for gatherings.With 20 years of success and a reputation for high-quality Tuscan-style Italian cuisine, Carmines is a reliable choice for hosting special occasions.Their menu offers favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads, ensuring a variety of options for all guests.Does Angelos Fairmount Tavern Have a Dress Code for Dining?Yes, Angelos Fairmount Tavern offers outdoor seating and live music.Guests can enjoy their meal in the open air while listening to live music performances.It's a great option for those who prefer dining outdoors and appreciate the ambiance of live music.Please note that availability may vary, so it's recommended to check with the restaurant beforehand.ConclusionIn conclusion, Atlantic City, NJ is a haven for Italian food enthusiasts with its vibrant and diverse dining scene.From breathtaking views at Capriccio to cozy neighborhood vibes at Cafe 2825, there's something for everyone.Whether you're in the mood for classic Southern Italian-American dishes or meticulously prepared Northern Italian specialties, the city offers a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings.So, come and indulge in the best Italian cuisine that Atlantic City has to offer.
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