Aquarius appearance

Gossiping by the sign...

2024.06.05 01:21 FearlessAffect6836 Gossiping by the sign...

All these opinions are mine and mine only. They are also bias AF.
From what I've seen Sag takes the lead with being malicious gossipers, I think they are dangerous because they are able to influence other decisions and will do so if they don't like you. If you got a smear campaign going against you it's probably a Sag.
Geminis are gossipers but they will cosplay as everyone's friend to get the "tea". If someone is going to backstab you, it'll be the June Gemini. May Geminis are gossipers but as "nasty", not prone to backstabbing behavior. They are the messengers they seek out the gossip and report it back to everyone
Libras are the trickiest, because they seem nice and people pleasing but are quick to be two faced and lie. When drama starts, it is usually a Libra who has kicked it off. They gossip by suggesting things rather than flat out gossiping about a subject.
Pisces:haven't noticed a trait amongst them.
Scorpio: will gossip but it is not malicious, they just nosey and want to know everyone's business. They don't do anything with the information and can keep it to themselves
Capricorn: claims they don't gossip but will listen to the tea, but wont contribute. They sit there silently when people gossip pretending like they don't know what is going on. Has the appearance of being too "mature" to gossip.
Leo: will gossip when someone makes them feel insecure or when they are jealous of them. Usually likes to the known gossiper.
Aquarius: could care less about hearing gossip. Genuinely don't like to gossip or will see the intention of the gossiper for what it is depending on the motive. They legit could care less, will even change the subject if you try to gossip.
Cancers:cancer men are notorious gossipers, they just know everyone's business. Cancer women will stay away from gossipers or try to "see the other side" of the person who is being gossiped about.
Virgo: haven't noticed anything about them...don't think I know many.
Taurus: they will either be the person who doesn't really contribute to the gossip but will respond neutral to gossiping, or they will shut the gossiper down in front of everyone.
What traits have you seen?
submitted by FearlessAffect6836 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:28 Agreeable_Door2333 Aquarius moon

In the 11th house.
What do you think of aquarius moons?
I don't think we are unemotional at all. Infact I think aquarius moon feel very deep but may not appear so. I'm a gemini sun. I am introverted though despite having 2 air signs.
submitted by Agreeable_Door2333 to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:10 Adventurous-Ear9433 Enoch-the Watchers & how it effects us today, Govt insiders on "return of sumerian gods"

"in the form of man move they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place"
Cultural Artifact Remember in Spiderman where the cathedral bell removes the symbiotes, which was a negative alien parasite feeding on dark emotions? I wonder if This is why the cathedrals (which were healing centers, cymatic symbols in windows) all had their bells confiscated. Or Is this the real reason Armys 1st Nvg starlight scopeswere banned?
So i had someone send me this clip from an interview where an ex USAF & propulsion expert is discussing the rumblings in the Pentagon about Enkis return. Return Of Anu-Naki only Enlil would be upset about the return of Enki & bringing prosperity to the human race... A new "golden age", and nothing can stop it from coming.
"In the Era of Aquarius, Lord Enki shall rule again".
A 700yr old drawing of Sirius A-B & their orbits during 1912-1990 from a Dogon cave. Dogon Sirius - Since 1990 scientists have found our dna has been changing & mutating. Subs like this show that there's been an obvious awakening happening. This DNA mutation is Enki keeping his promise. Enki-Lord of the Earth , Dogon-Land Lord*
GEN 11-7 :"let us go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other".... - Historically, theyve sought to undo everything we did, to invert symbols like Swatstika(Dogon origin) to make it represent evil. Like Ainu, Basque, Olmec, E Island, languages across the planet originate with the Dogon. Dogon World Dialect Meanwhile the romans created most Religions from Islam, Catholicism, Talmud, etc.
Pres Kennedy spoke about this war being ancient in origin. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ i previously talked about has been ongoing up until this present day. I mostly discuss benevolent NHI but its important to mention this. Same evil Watchers, and their offspring from Enochs time. Archonic reptilians who are called to our reality with sacrifice/black magic. This is probably why Elizondo said that the top echelons of Govt say that NHI are "demons" & interdimensional.
Mostly the plane they Inhabit is between two worlds in the lower astral planes of the fourth dimension of the planet Earth, a dimensionally unstable region and not permanent for the establishment of a galactic race. Dwelling in this place beyond human sensory perception, makes them invisible to the majority of human beings, which allows them to be able to work "behind the scenes", like puppeteers in a puppet theater, in temporary or permanent possession and the manipulation of the "sleeping" population.
sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man & rule in his place
According to Mi-6 , And Nsa whistleblowers Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers. From ancient to modern times, accounts exist of human encounters with such beings, their disguise as humans placed in influential roles, and their seeding of hybrids into human families. Those same general traits could equally apply to humanlike alien groups bent on malevolent domination. The competing alien forces from our ancient past are still with us today, actively influencing the world. • Our respective factions always having been polarized into opposing sides, and have been at war for thousands of years. Some factions have a strong fascist orientation. Theres nothing more dangerous than Scientific perversion of the occult… Modern ufology is familiar with Men in Black, but they aren't new at all. Historically , they've been doing the dirty work of the malevolent forces who mean to keep humanity in the dark. Even Crowley wrote about these "dark agents"..
Even today, men from various secret societies all over take up top leadership positions. Most US pres were apart of skull/Bones. Understand they have NOTHING to do with our ancestors, & the secret societies you all are familiar with are NOT the same as our Cult of Lebe/mystery schools. We dont require black magic/sacrifices often human males are used for breeding purposes by superhuman females who make no secret of their otherworldly nature. Like Peter Khoury
Enki is God of wisdom/magic/fertility, so often they’d be described as magicians because of their abilities to “shapeshift” at will, as Diodorus writes.... Our ancestors where the Apkallu depicted as Sages/Birdmen, protectors of our fathers creation & authority figures beloved by the people. Nicholas De Vere says "rightful shepherds of the human flock". Always service to others not to self.
They’re genetically compatible with us and some of their females have engaged human males for sexual encounters and even long term relationships. Through interbreeding their genes can enter our gene pool and vice versa. Therefore some human individuals and bloodlines would have more of their DNA than others, and their alien DNA would likely show under analysis to be basically human, albeit rare and unusual. 2018 scientists found the ghost hominid whod bred with 2-19% of Dogon/Yoruba giving a sort of "enhancement" including the anomalies Dr Nolan found. Historical Relation Between NHI & w African Tribes You can see in the link that all of the various priesthoods/Sages/Apkallu were all from Mende/Yoruba.
Through genetic manipulation, they can insert alien DNA as a third party contributor to a developing human fetus, so that the child resembles both human parents while also being somewhat hybridized. Whether artificially hybridized, naturally conceived between human and alien, or fully alien, such a child born and raised in a human family will mostly pass for human, except they will be of a caliber beyond their peers.First Baby Born with 3 parents
The euphemism that has come down to describe a female reserved for crossing with part alien being was “virgin.” The offspring of these relations were referred to as being of “virgin birth.”Semiramis was called the Queen of Heaven (also Rhea), the Virgin Mother of the Gods, and sometimes known as the Great Earth Mother (Ninkharsag). She was also worshipped under the name Astarte ‘the woman who made towers’(Malta Hypogeum Elongated Skulls evidence shows they were Priest of Astarte)..
they'd be called blood of the lamb, & other accounts are "Immaculate Conception ”. Founder of Imperial Mali, my ancestor Sundiata Keita was the most recent case of IC documented. According to your textbooks W Africa's royal family is named Keita(clan name) but this is false. Keita means Inheritors, Sundiata was Crowned Keita. Earths wealthiest man was Mansa Musa, A W African ruler who went around sharing his wealth to counter the enemies bloodlines campaign to control the world. Columbus saw the indigenous people with gold-tipped spears which he had assayed & found it came from W Africa like the Aztecs
So with Masons, the go by degrees with 33 being the top so to speak. In Enochs writings, he describes how the followers of the evil ones would go & meet with the 33 fallen to learn the secrets of the angels. The Tribe of Dan travelled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. From Greece they travelled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they travelled to Scotland, Ireland and America. 43 Us President descend from the same European bloodline.
These evil factions believe that by abusing children and people of our 7 bloodlines, they are directly attacking God.. This is a fascinating book written about the Hall of Records under the Sphinx in Romania, you'll see that a certain secret society wasn't able to gain access due to an energy barrier that couldn't be bypassed, they had to get one of US to even enter it. What I spoke about with apotropaic spells surrounding megalithic sites . Transylvania Sunrise
In the Testament of Baruch -"Thus they allured the Watchmen before the flood, for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them and conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men and appeared to them when they were with their husbands; and the women, lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants" ....
submitted by Adventurous-Ear9433 to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:25 TA2839393 celebrities / people that look like the physical characteristics of a sign (non-rising included)

inspired by tomioka mai, she popped up on my algorithm and every time i see her i cannot get over how scorpionic her physical appearance is. i spotted the scorpio influence right away.
which celebrities or people look like the physical attributes of a sign? although physical appearance is usually considered to be rising & 1st house, i think midheaven and sun, moon, venus, and aspects can factor in too. so i'm gonna focus more on non-rising signs for this post, however rising and 1st do factor in, i just think the other signs can influence the physical appearance too but aren't talked about as much
scorpio - 1.) tomioka mai, scorpio sun / asc & mc unknown (example 1, example 2) 2.) bjork, scorpio sun, moon, rising (example 1, example 2) 3.) kate moss, cap sun & scorpio moon (example) 4.) penn badgely, scorpio sun, scorpio moon, asc unknown (example)
pisces - 1.) grimes, pisces sun, scorpio asc [i can see the scorpio asc too in her features but she looks more like a pisces to me], sun trine ascendant at 3 degrees (example) 2.) drew barrymore, pisces sun, gemini asc, 10th house venus sun & jupiter in pisces (example:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(719x584:721x586)/drew-barrymore-8c8af388cf8e455084ef26a1fb2f2351.jpg))
libra - 1.) candace swanepoel, libra sun (example) aquarius rising and scorpio mc but i see her as a libra, in her interviews the way she speaks and carries herself is libran 2.) lila moss, libra sun (example) 3.) alicia silverstone, libra sun, sun trine asc 7 degrees (example) [rising and mc are not in libra, are in gemini and scorpio respectively but her physical features are so libra to me) 4.) olivia rodrigo, libra moon conjunct mc 0 degrees (example) [i see pisces sun and capricorn asc in her appearance too, but she's physically most representative of a libra to me, it was the first sign i guessed for her when i first came across her)
i'm most definitely a scorpio rising, but i also see a lot of pisces influence (sun sign) in my face. i have sun trine asc at 0 degrees which might explain that.
continue in the comments ~
submitted by TA2839393 to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:19 TA2839393 celebrities / people that look like the physical characteristics of a sign (non-rising placements included)

inspired by tomioka mai, she popped up on my algorithm and every time i see her i cannot get over how scorpionic her physical appearance is. i spotted the scorpio influence right away.
which celebrities or people look like the physical attributes of a sign? although physical appearance is usually considered to be rising & 1st house, i think midheaven and sun, moon, venus, and aspects can factor in too. so i'm gonna focus more on non-rising signs for this post, however rising and 1st do factor in, i just think the other signs can influence the physical appearance too but aren't talked about as much
scorpio - 1.) tomioka mai, scorpio sun / asc & mc unknown (example 1, example 2) 2.) bjork, scorpio sun, moon, rising (example 1, example 2) 3.) penn badgely, scorpio sun, scorpio moon, asc unknown (example 1, example 2)
pisces - 1.) grimes, pisces sun, scorpio asc [i can see the scorpio asc too in her features but she looks more like a pisces to me], sun trine ascendant at 3 degrees (example 1, example 2) 2.) drew barrymore, pisces sun, gemini asc, 10th house venus sun & jupiter in pisces (example 1, example 2) 3.) this girl from a cut video lol
libra - 1.) alicia silverstone, libra sun, sun trine asc 7 degrees (example 1, example 2) [rising and mc are not in libra, are in gemini and scorpio respectively but her physical features are so libra to me) 2.) olivia rodrigo, libra moon conjunct mc 0 degrees (example 1, example 2) [i see pisces sun and capricorn asc in her appearance too, but she's physically most representative of a libra to me, it was the first sign i guessed for her when i first came across her) 3.) candace swanepoel, libra sun (example 1, example 2) aquarius rising and scorpio mc but i see her as a libra, in her interviews the way she speaks and carries herself is libran
i'm most definitely a scorpio rising, but i also see a lot of pisces influence (sun sign) in my face. i have sun trine asc at 0 degrees which might explain that.
continue in the comments ~
submitted by TA2839393 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:53 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 2: Demon Trial⁸

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 2: Demon Trial⁸
Next scene. Everybody has returned to Togyu Manji with Eyashi. Eyashi" I'm glad you guys got the areas back. Now it's time to finish it. There's still one more Bodyguard left and we have to take out the leader. Let's gets some rest for now you guys look like really tired." They all agree and rest up. The next day demons are everywhere. The entire area is taken over just like that. How takeovers work? There's a spot where the demons can sense lots of spirit energy coming from. Once they find it, they dig into the ground and use hand signs. Spirit energy will burst out first then will place their hands on ground/spot. The Spirit energy turns into demon energy which is black. It spreads throughout areas. It turns people into demons. Only stronger people can survive like team Blaze and others. Eyashi" When could this have happen?" Zushi" Those demons are one step ahead of us." Julmbo and the others are there as well. Moganasa makes his appearance. Mogonasa" You are the one Kissiske wanted to fight. I've heard so many people describe you and talk about you. I feel sorry for Kissiske because there won't be nothing left when I'm finished with you." Eyashi" I like to see you try." Eyashi is in an bring it stance. Phil" I've never seen Eyashi fight serious before. This should be good."
Eyashi gets In his karate stance and is ready so is Moganasa. Moganasa delivers a strong punch, sending Eyashi back. Eyashi responds with some dashing attacks. Moganasa continues to use the punch which is his specialty. Has the ability to put holes through people and things. Was able to decimate s tree. He uses a two punch combo to the air and is able to keep him back. Moganasa is dominating his performance. Eyashi is in the ground deep. Moganasa" And here I thought you would be the one. There's no way you're ready for Kissiske. Foolish human. It's time for me to finish it." Moganasa has a serious look on his face and is not messing around. He walks over to Eyashi. Phil" Eyashi is in trouble." Zushi" I've been with Eyashi for years and know him very well. He's not finished. Just you wait. Phil" OK because you know what you're talking about, I'll wait."
Moganasa picks up Eyashi by the head but kicks him away. As Moganasa punches, he blocks his fist and flips him over. Moganasa" That's more like it. I want you to know that since we're using combat, that I'm the strongest fist fighter in the Dark Phantom. I'll prove it." Eyashi" You're pretty good. But I'm better." Eyashi was only holding back but not anymore. Moganasa is shown struggling. Moganasa" I'm the one who came up with the Bodyguard idea. I wanted Kissiske to have a group of stronger people. I was his right hand man originally. Kikicho was the first person I hand picked because of her skills. Eventually more people were added. Some people didn't last long and walk away like pathetic quitters. At the time, there were more than just 6. Kikicho and I were the most loyal. I am also the oldest member even older than Kissiske. I am the strongest Bodyguard and there is no way a human can out do me. After I kill you, the plans will begin."
Eyashi" What are you talking about? I thought you needed 6 spots?" Moganasa" You see the Togyu Manji area is pretty large and has lots of spirit energy. This area consists of about 4 in one. That's how I was able to take over the area with ease." Eyashi" Now it makes sense. Can't let you win. I have to get this area back." Eyashi continues to dominate with his Karate and Moganasa can't win. Moganasa turns red and is using his Demon Form. Form where's off. Eyashi is ready for the kill. Kissiske makes his appearance. He heals him. Kissiske" I can't believe this is fuddling that my strongest Bodyguard can't get the job done. You must be the one I heard of. I'm eager to fight you. But we must play a game of Checkers first. If you beat me I'll leave the Surface World. What do you say?" The others look puzzled that he's willing to play a game and put his goals on the line. Eyashi" Interesting wager but I'm not as good in Checkers as I am in Mahjong. You got it." Kissiske" What's this Mahjong?" Eyashi explains it. A Checker board is summoned. Eyashi Loses twice. Kissiske wants Eyashi to show him how to play Mahjong. A Mahjong board is summoned.
Eyashi" There's no way you're going to beat me because I'm undefeated." Kissiske" Oh we'll see about that." They practice. Kissiske is unable to break the streak after nursing attempts. Kissiske" I guess I was unable to win. Now it's time to get a little serious here. You're about to fight but not against me." Moganasa" Hey Kissiske let me in on the fight." Kissiske" I don't need somebody who couldn't get the job done earlier. It's time." He summons the Kyklos Guards. Kissiske" It's been awhile since I've had to use them." Cancer ♋ is the strongest and she says" So what is it you need?" Kissiske" I need you to take care of somebody for me. I want to see how strong he'll be. That's all." Cancer" Sure but he has to go through one of mine first." Kissiske" That'll suffice." The Kyklos Guards introduce themselves to the others. They talk about their names are Zodiacs but the Kyklos Guards already knew about them in the Underworld but has a different meaning. Eyashi fights Aries ♈ (male) first but is struggling and then fights Gemini ♊ (male). Now both are fighting him together and still can't win. Eyashi is still using Karate.
Cancer" A very disappointing battle. Step aside. Let me show you how it's done." Eyashi" Can I fight a more valuable opponent now. I'm getting pretty bored here." Cancer" As you wish." Moganasa is battling MaXx. Phil battles Aries. Samantha became a demon. Haden battles Virgo ♍ (female). Julmbo vs Taurus ♉(female). Strider vs Leo ♌(male). Tinn vs Libra ♎ (male). Sammael vs Scorpio ♏(female). Sid vs Sagittarius ♐(male/Sid wanted to fight). Phil vs Aries. Zushi vs Aquarius ♒(male). Spike vs Capricorn ♑(female). Fasha vs Pisces ♓(female). Draum is helping Zushi.
Specialties. Gemini can duplicate himself but only one and uses wind. Sagittarius can become half man half horse and uses Fire arrows. Aries can become a ram beast and use the sun's heat for his attacks just like Sid. Weapon Mars. Virgo weapon Mercury. Earth style. Can become a fox beast. One of the Zodiac spirit animal. Taurus uses earth style. Can become a bull beast. Weapon Venus. Leo can become a lion beast. Weapon Pluto. Fire style. Libra uses wind style. Has the ability to weigh their enemies down. Can summon random scales. If you step on it multiple times, your body becomes even heavier. Scorpio can become scorpion beast. Water style. Weapon Moon. Aquarius weapon Neptune. Wind style. Has the ability to create whirlwind in the area and can trap their opponents. Capricorn weapon Saturn. Earth style. Can become a sea goat beast. Pisces uses water style. Can become a fish beast. Weapon Winter. Cancer uses water style. Can become a crab beast. Weapon Summar. Has the ability to create spots under the ground filled with water. It will shoot up in random spots. Very effective. The spot will continue to shoot up.
Cancer battles Eyashi. Origin story. The Kyklos Guards were apart of their own branch(group). They were separate from the Dark Phantom. When Kissiske found them, they were already together. They were 12 of the deadliest prisoners of the Underworld. The Zodacs for the demons is ompletely different from humans. Demons born under the Zodiac names will posses the power but not all the time. There will only be 12 demons who possess the name and power. The Zodiacs have never joined as one before. Zodiacs have a tremendous boost of power. The first to come together were Cancer and Aries. After realizing they were Zodiac members, they wanted to find the others. After finding them(one by one), none of them liked each other and always fought each other. Cancer was the one who acted like a team player and a leader. She was the one who had to step it up. The Zodacs usually don't get together but was an exception. The name was changed into Kyklos Guards. Got better at teaming up with each other. Eventually Kissiske would buy out the group and merge with his Dark Phantom. Kissiske was waiting for the day he'd get the Kyklos Guards.
Kissiske heard stories about them being together which peaked his interest. He wanted to be the leader of the group and see how strong they'll be. They were there before the Bodyguard. He wanted to use them for special occasions. They were paid a handsomely amount of money. The Kyklos Guards and Bodyguards met only once. No altercation made. The Kyklos Guards were still considered stronger by a landslide. Origin story is over. While fighting, Kissiske appears where Mogannasa is and kills him. MaXx" Now why you do that?" Everybody thinks that the area is going turn back to normal and are confused. Kissiske" This area is mine now. You have to kill me in order to get it back." Cancer is doing great job at battling Eyashi. Kissiske is ready to fight and sends Cancer to fight the others.
Kissiske" I've never seen a warrior quite like yourself. You defeated my strongest Bodyguard, took on two Kyklos Guards like nothing, and I heard about what you did when you were infiltrating the areas. A human on that level excites me. You see, it's been a while since I've had to fight a good opponent. Every person were all weak and I had to hold back the whole time but you are different. This ought to be fun." Eyashi" Thanks for the praise but there's a person out there who I fought and never could beat. So I just wanted you to know I about my downfall. Me, Zushi(points to her) and others tried to win but we couldn't get the job done. That was years ago and I have no idea how I'd fair against him. (Others hear). I'd like to fight him again but for now we're battling each other. Will you be stronger than him? He was my strongest opponent." Eyashi uses Karate while Kissiske uses his style. His speed is displayed.
Things that happen: Kissiske uses his time power and others notice. They tell Eyashi but he has trouble dealing with it. Eyashi uses elements. Kissiske adds dark attacks to the mix. Kissiske unveils a sword. Eyashi summons the Hyoto first then uses M-Hoto. Kissiske" There's a reason why I am so ambitious. Years ago I when I was younger, I used to be the weakest person in my village. Everybody looked at me with that pity stare. Noone even believed in me, not even my parents gave a damn. This is the reason for me bettering myself. I kept telling everybody that one day I'd be better than them. I'd always believed in myself and never gave up. After bettering myself, I needed to prove the haters wrong. I had this dream that I wanted to do. I told everyone that I'll takeover the Surface World and they laughed at me. I even wanted to gain trust in people and put together a team of my own. Years later, people would see me become stronger than them.
"Of course there would be jealous idiots waiting for me to flop. When I started to fight, that's when things started getting interesting. I had a good liking in it. I couldn't stop fighting. I felt more violent and an evil awoken from my soul. I even began to grow crazy. Beat a guy up so bad he begged for his life. I'd never seen something like that happen before. This was my first time tasting blood and I'd liked it. I was 16 when I discovered my time power. When I was hiding, my cover was blown and I wanted to go back. It ended up happening but not that long. I had to practice to get better. Years later, things started going my direction. People saw my skills and wanted to learn from me. This was chance to strike while the iron was hot. So I formed an allegiance with the people. It got bigger and bigger. My leadership was off the charts. More people started to listen to me.
I was finally getting people to believe in me. I was getting closer to my goals. Years later, I named the group Dark Phantom and met Moganasa. He acted more like a servant and was pretty good. So I allowed him to be my underling and joined me. I did some research on your Surface World and figured out about your strongest areas. And there you have it. I needed this dream to become a reality. So I vowed to win this because of all of the haters." Eyashi" Your story was pretty understanding. Your reason for coming to Earth makes sense." Fight continues. Kissiske is in his Demon Form. He has wings now. He summons flying bird demons. Kissiske is intrigued that he was pushed to his Demon Form. Form wears off. Kissiske starts going crazy and changes his attitude. Talks differently now. Eyashi is slowing down now. Kissiske uses a rare style called Brutal Style Mokamoda and is very effective. Healing factor used. Kissiske absorbs the Kyklos Guards souls into the his body. He's even stronger now.
The others don't know how Eyashi will last. Kissiske" You're a good sport. Eyashi you took me to my limits but it is I who will prevail. Thank you for giving me this fight. Time to finish it." He gets closer. Eyashi looks up and starts smiling. Eyashi" Thank you Kissiske but I'm the winner here." He uses Kikio #9: Restrict. His favorite and the most useful of them all. A move where chains come from the ground and are said to have come from Hell. The chains last a certain amount of time. If you don't use a move strong enough to work/finish them with, the chains go away. Strongest chains. They hold the person's legs, arms, and body down. Kissiske" What's this, I can't move!" Eyashi" Sorry but I can't be wasting time here. You gave me a good fight and I thank you for that. The thing about this move is that nobody has ever escaped before so that means you're fucked." Kissiske" Dammit you win human. Thank you Eyashi." He was very impressed with Eyashi and was glad he lost to him. Earlier, Eyashi was trying to avoid Kissiske's time power by staying out of range. When Kissiske tried using it, his power didn't work and was surprised. This happened after time passed from Eyashi avoiding him. His power is gone.
Eyashi finishes him with Kikio #10: Righteousness. A two handed blast attack. Similar to the Kamehameha but has a different motion to it. Starts off with the person's hands in front of them. They bring their hands together and power is forming. You can charge it as long as you want to. When you finish, you launch the attack forward. This move will destroy anything in sight if not careful. Kissiske is dead and the area turns back to normal. Eyashi absorbs his soul or Sid, Phil, or Fasha. Everyone enjoyed the fight and are happy that they can live in peace for now. Sammael lives the rest of his on Earth. He's happy that he met the others. The Dark Phantom characters were created on spot and weren't originally in the story. I wanted to give the masters something to do. This arc originally didn't have any villains or anything useful in it. If I would have came up with the group earlier, I would have had more time building them up. I should have had the characters have more conversations with each other.
Other things. CJ and Mandi are arguing over Sid. Tugging on him. Sid askes Rosi for help. She doesn't and says why? Funny moment. Sid, Phil, and Fasha were together with Eyashi eating food. Hours later, Fasha goes to the kitchen and says" Where's my cake? Ha ha very funny you guys but which one of you did it?" Phil" Now it isn't me but it was best friend who did it." Sid" Now why would you bring me into the conversation. You were the one who was up all night." Phil" How would you know that then?" Fasha" You both better confess or else!" Sid and Phil are surprised to see Fasha so worked up over cake. Eyashi appears and says" Neither of them. It was me. It was very good." Fasha begins to yell at Eyashi. Next time don't leave the cake in Eyashi's refrigerator. Lesson learned. I wanted to give Fasha a funny moment.
A few weeks later, Eyashi, Zushi, Sid, Phil, and Fasha are in a secret cave during an investigation. Others are waiting on the signal. Eventually a heavy ambush occurs. They are heavily outmatched. Suddenly Alex Mohoto and Philicia Jackmun make there appearances. Phil sees his his mom and dad helping and get excited. The Soul Killers are people with gauntlets on their arms. Doesn't have to be. The gauntlet has an eyeball on it that blinks. You can absorb souls into the gauntlet. The more souls the stronger the gauntlet is. Gauntlet may change into different weapons. Alex is a Soul Killer not Philicia. Crossover character(Alex). Philicia is a very highly skilled woman. Ambush is over. Phil is talking to Sid and Fasha. He wants his parents to train him before leaving. When he looks over they are nowhere to be found. Phil thought he was going to get some family time. He's now upset. Eyashi talks about Alex(little brother), Philicia, and Soul Killers. Reason of absent. Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 2: Demon Trial over.
Rant: When I did the Eyashi fights, they were going to have more details to them but if I did that then that would stretch out the Arc longer. This whole Arc is fight heavy. When I was writing my fights, they were long to. I guess it was a habit and just happened to write them the same way. Eyashi's fights were water down. The next Arc won't be fight heavy but more strategy based. There isn't enough time to have the Kyklos Guards appear and build them up to be better than the Dark Phantoms. I was going to have Team Blaze and the others keep fighting the Kyklos Guards but there would be no way to kill them. They beat the Dark Phantoms because they were together except for Eyashi and Zushi. They weren't going to win anyway so I had Kissiske absorb them.
submitted by DevarDavis22 to u/DevarDavis22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:55 Friendlyastrologer A look into Kylie's birth chart

Hey guys!! As promised I took a look at Kylie's chart for my astro lovers! But first:
Side note 1: This post is for people who are interested in astrology!! If you think it’s BS or I’m stupid for believing in it that’s absolutely fine, but you don’t need to make snarky comments on this post or tell me that. Just scroll on, have a great day and let the rest of us have fun! And thank you so much to those of you who already do that, I know it's a polarising topic that some of you aren't interested in. But some are and those are the people I'm writing for!!
Side note 2: I got quite a few comments asking if I did personal readings last time I posted, which I took as a massive compliment so thank you!! But to not distract from the conversation and also to avoid breaking the rules, I can't discuss that on this post. See my profile!
Now let's get into the good stuff!!

Kylie’s emotional nature

Kylie has a Scorpio moon that draws me in straight away, so we'll start here. This is someone with emotions that run deeper than many of us can imagine. Scorpio moons get so emotionally low that you can never truly understand the depths of how low they can go unless you also have strong Scorpio placements (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus).
It’s more than a bad mood or a down day. When a Scorpio moon is having a hard time, it’s more like a depression. But they come back transformed from those lows every time. It's a process they need to go through to see the light on the other side. Most of the time, you’ll never know this is what they’re going through either. Scorpio is a deeply private sign, which explains why it’s quite rare to see Kylie share her true emotional nature on screen. We see nothing, actually.
The other day I rewatched the episode of the fight between her and Kendall in Palm Springs (S19, ep 4). Watch that episode and notice how little Kylie shares of her feelings on a fight that was clearly huge to her, and notice how emotionally guarded she is in the confessionals, choosing her words very carefully, and speaking very vaguely, especially compared to Aries Moon Kendall, who is letting it all out! And then listen to Kylie screaming in the phone scene when no cameras were on her. That’s how deep it really goes when no one's looking, but see how little emotion she showed to us?

Friendships & emotional needs

The moon’s placement in the eleventh house shows that Kylie has a very strong emotional attachment to her friends. We’ve seen this in particular with Jordyn and Stassie and that co-dependent bond she seemed to form with them. Scorpio is a Fixed sign that struggles to let go sometimes. She couldn't cut Jordyn off for good (Jordyn's Venus conjuncts Kylie's Moon, creating a very strong emotional bond). It was interesting to me that in the latest Kardashians episode, Kylie mentioned that her and Jordyn talk once a month now and have “healthy distance”. She seems to be evolving past that co-dependency thing as she matures.
This placement is also probably why she (is/was) known in the family for being the one who always flakes on things to hang out with her friends. Her friends are like family to her.
The eleventh house also represents society, big groups, the public. As much as Kylie would probably like the world to think she doesn’t care what people think of her, she absolutely does with the moon being here. Her emotional security is tied up in what the public thinks of her. But the moon is in Scorpio, so this is all hidden.

Kylie's challenge

Now here’s something else I thought was pretty interesting about her moon. It squares her Sun in the eighth house, and her Jupiter in the second house.
(Square is a tense aspect between planets which can create challenge and conflict)
Both the eighth and second houses speak about our finances in the chart. Second house is money we earn from work (hers is in Aquarius, which is associated with social media in modern astrology) while the eighth house is money we gain or lose from other people (think taxes, investments, inheritance, loans, debts, SALES).
The squares between these three planets create an aspect called a T-Square, which creates a focused point of tension between these three issues in the chart.
The Sun is our inner essence, our vitality, our purpose, and Kylie’s is squaring her moon. There’s an internal struggle between her need to keep her emotional nature private and her drive to make money. In other words, she knows (or feels) that she needs to be vulnerable and show the world who she really is to make money, but she doesn’t want to do that.
It was probably this pressure that drove her to make Life of Kylie, even though she clearly didn’t want to share anything. That’s also why we see little glimpses of vulnerability (allowing the Palm Springs ep to air for example, or even a crying scene that was in the trailer of the new Kardashian series) but it’s not consistent.


Then we throw Jupiter into the mix. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion and can indicate huge wealth amassed in the lifetime when placed in the second house. Hers is retrograde, and some would say that this weakens Jupiter’s positive effects. But luckily for Kylie, her Jupiter makes a trine to her chart ruler, Saturn.
(Trine is a positive aspect between planets. It brings natural talents, gifts, things you don’t have to work for, things you’re blessed with)
Saturn is placed in the fourth house of home and family. And she just happened to be born into a family which then led her to become super wealthy.
So going back to that T-square, Jupiter sees that she makes the money anyway (second house) through sales/customers (eighth house) but it comes at a cost (square to moon, lack of privacy).

Relationship with fame

We’ve heard Kylie say many times that she doesn’t actually like being famous, it brings her anxiety, etc. A lot of people find that hard to believe when it seems like she could easily step away from the spotlight and enjoy her riches. But I SEE the struggle so clearly now that I’ve looked at her chart!!!
Kylie has the planet Mars conjunct her Midheaven (MC).
(Conjunct = next to. It’s an aspect that blends the significations of both points/planets in the chart, for better or worse depending on the points/planets involved)
The MC is the highest point in the chart and represents our public image. It can also represent fame. Mars represents ambition, passion, desire, and aggression. This placement shows us that she does desire, and chase fame.
(I must mention that Mars is opposing her (quite weak) Saturn in the fourth house, so there is also an element of doing it because she feels like she has to for her family, even feeling forced to)
But the other thing about this Mars-MC conjunction is that Mars is a pretty problematic planet in general — it’s a malefic planet, so it can bring misfortune. Hers is poorly placed in Libra, AND because she has a day chart, Mars is the planet most likely to cause her problems.
Now, again, Mars is conjunct her MC, so as much as it gives her the desire to chase fame, it also means that this same fame she’s chasing causes her great problems. I think she really struggles with it!
Because on top of THAT, Mars is exactly conjunct Chiron.
Chiron in the chart shows our deepest wounds and insecurities, and the tenth house represents our career and public image. Kylie has a wound/insecurity connected to how the world sees her, and what she is known for, and her Mars energy is both the solution and the problem.
The fame she pursues is like a band-aid cure for that Chiron wound - it makes her feel successful. Until it starts to cause her anxiety.
So it’s a catch-22. Thanks to Mars conjunct MC, she’ll always have that natural drive to be famous, no matter how much anxiety it causes her - unless she can work on that Chiron wound to release the need for public validation and boost her self-esteem.

Random observations:

Family connections

I LOVE seeing what connections show up between the charts of family members and this family have sooo many. From the perspective of Kylie:
Kendall - Kylie and Kendall’s elements are nicely compatible. Kylie’s a Water Moon (Scorpio) and a Fire Sun (Leo). Her Moon vibes with Kendall's Water Sun (Scorpio) and her Sun vibes with Kendall's Fire Moon (Aries). They can understand and relate to each other’s emotional natures.
They have a Sun-Moon conjunction, one of the sweetest, most loving bonds you can have between two charts. But their Sun signs (Leo and Scorpio) are square, which is why they clash!
Kris - There’s a similar dynamic. Kylie’s Scorpio Moon exactly conjuncts Kris’s Sun. No wonder she’s the ‘favourite!’ But their Suns are square.
Stormi - has a Leo Ascendant - Kylie’s a Leo Sun
Aire - has Capricorn rising - like Kylie!
Kim - Kim’s Sun (purpose) conjuncts Kylie's Mars-Chiron-MC conjunction and she IS the reason why Kylie is famous lol. This also indicates that being around Kim would fire up all of that tension in Kylie’s chart — the insecurity, the fame chasing, the fame anxiety etc. Kim and Kylie also share a Virgo Venus, they are kinda similar with the hyper fixation on their insecurities?!
Kourtney - Kourt’s Capricorn Moon conjuncts Kylie’s Capricorn AC - these two probably have a much closer bond than we see, and Kylie probably feels very understood and nurtured by Kourtney.
Khloe - Khloe’s Mars is exactly conjunct Kylie’s Moon, and Khloe’s Saturn is also pretty close to Kylie's Moon. This explains why Kylie would sometimes joke that ‘Khloe is her mom’. This same mothering quality may also irritate Kylie sometimes! But Khloe’s Jupiter is also almost exactly conjunct Kylie’s AC - so ultimately she feels good around her and they have fun together.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one! I’ll do Kendall’s next! <3
submitted by Friendlyastrologer to KUWTK [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:03 sahw2015 Astrology Habits to Break. Untying the Knots of the 12-Letter Alphabet so called natural rulers of the houses.

Untying the Knots of the Twelve-Letter Alphabet
12 Letter Alphabet Exposed
Liberating Uranus and Aquarius – From Each Other
Probing Pluto and Scorpio, Clarifying Neptune and Pisces
10 Astrology Habits to Break.
12 Letter Alphabet Exposed
While the words; are a manner of speech there might be less confusion if they were replaced with "present": The first house shows how we present as an individual. This presentation includes attitude, physical health, demeanor and appearance, among other things.
The first house is much more than how we strike out as an individual. It can actually show a ‘wait and see attitude’. If a passive sign is on the ascendant or the ascendant ruler in a passive sign there will be less ‘striking out’ and more withdrawal or cautious approach to life.
With other factors such as the house location of its ruler and aspects to the ascendant, the first house shows temperament style and general attitude to life, which may be nothing akin to Mars or Aries.
The odds are only one in twelve that the sign on the ascendant will be Aries and the wide scope of other possible expressions cannot all be described as Arian or Martian.
Neither should we restrict the red planet to its daytime domicile of Aries. It is also the nocturnal ruler of Scorpio although this is rarely considered or understood.
Associating Mars with the first house also ignores the other two planets which have a connection to this house.
The first is Mercury, which has its joy in the first house. The joys of the planets is a worthwhile study of its own.
Mercury has a natural association with the brain and head and this correlates well with the association of the first house with the head.
Mercury is also associated with speech and communication.
Mars has no natural association with the head or brain, unless you are thinking of using your head as a battering ram!
In the system of planetary joys Mars is placed in the sixth house of injuries and sickness, a place where it is at home.
The first house straddles the boundary between day and night which is an apt fit for adaptable Mercury as the go-between.
Saturn also has a first house association because this is where the soul is entrapped within the body as it incarnates. Saturn is the natural ruler of doorways and the first house is the soul’s doorway into physical life. The eighth house of death is the exit doorway, also associated with Saturn.
Yes Taurus is about stability and physical comforts and pleasure, but has little to do with money itself. Venus, the planet which rules Taurus, is about the comforts that money can buy, the adornments and beautiful things. But money itself is represented by Mercury, the natural ruler of exchange and financial dealings. Mercury does the buying and Venus does the enjoying. Venus does not represent money; that is Mercury’s domain.
Jupiter the planet of wealth and prosperity, has a natural association with the second house. In the Chaldean order of the planets Jupiter follows Saturn. Saturn is associated with the first house, Jupiter with the second house.
It is understandable that, at first glance, the third house would seem to have an association with Gemini and Mercury.
However in previous generations it was clearly understood that the third house was the house of the "goddess", and the Moon had a special relationship with this house.
In horary astrology the Moon is frequently seen as conveying messages between other planets in its role as ‘the translator of light’. Among the seven classical planets it is the fastest moving body, linking planets as it aspects one and then to another. This sequential linking is very significant in questions about communication, linking people together, or the movement of goods. In this latter respect it also has an association with transport.
Historically the 4th house is associated with foundations and property, the land, deep roots, mines and wealth from under the ground.
Compare these fixed traits to that most fluid and movable of planets: the Moon. This is not a good fit. The changeable Moon is much better suited to the busy comings and goings of the 3rd house.
In the ancient model of the “4 Ages of Man” the IC is associated with the winter of our lives. Yet in the northern hemisphere where Western astrology arose the Sun passes through Cancer at the height of summer. Neither is the 4th house a good fit for Cancer.
Historically the 4th house is associated with the father, not the mother.
The Sun is the supreme ‘Commander-in-Chief’, the symbol of might and mastery, power, truth, light and enlightenment. The superior planets genuflect and step backwards in retrograde motion when they come face to face in opposition with the Sun, and all the planets disappear in his blinding light when in conjunction with the Sun.
The fifth house is the house of fun and frivolity, parties pleasure and entertainment. In a sense this is the most superficial of houses and is in no way deserving as the home of the Lord of the Heavens.
The Sun represents so much more than parties, children, pleasure and sporting games. The importance of these activities pales into insignificance when faced with the majesty of his presence. In many religions and spiritual systems the image of god or the force which guides the universe has a solar representation.
To suggest that the Sun is restricted to the rulership of the house of fun and creativity is to diminish his great power and demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of his role in the heavens and in astrological interpretation.
In the diagram above describing the joys of the planets we see that the Sun rejoices in the ninth house, the house of higher learning, spirituality, and the search for the ultimate meaning of life. The joys of the planets describe places where planets are most comfortable and ‘feel at home’. The Sun is much more comfortable than in the ninth house of spirituality than in the fifth house of frivolity.
Neither is Leo a good fit for the fifth house as it is regarded as a barren sign because of its dryness. The 5th has long been known as the house of sex procreation and children. In horary astrology in questions of fertility and in electional astrology when choosing a suitable time for conception Leo on the ascendant or on the fifth house cusp is generally avoided because of its association with infertility and sterility.
To link the sign associated with barrenness with the house associated with fertility and creativity shows a misunderstanding of basic astrological principles.
Confusions relating to the meaning of the sixth house are worthy of an article on its own.
The association with work in the sense of career or profession can be attributed to a misreading of Lilly where he refers to the 6th house as the house of service. He was actually referring to servitude and servants.
The modern equivalent are the working poor doing menial jobs, in the service of another. There has never been, at least until recent times, a sense that the 6th house is associated with anything resembling a career. Historically this is, among other meanings, the house of slaves. While perhaps there are few real slaves in the Western world, the unskilled worker going from job to job is a close equivalent. These workers are typically more lacking in skills, rather than being skilled.
Going back to the objection mentioned above that Virgo is focused I am not sure how focus is a noteworthy trait of the sixth house, or even that Virgo is especially focused. Virgo is after all a double-bodied sign. Scorpio Aries and Capricorn also have some claim to being focused.
It is more common for people to confuse the sixth house with Virgo because of Virgo’s association with health. However the sixth house is not the house of health; that honour belongs to the first house. The sixth house is the house of ill-health and also injuries, the opposite of health. The preoccupation with exercise and diet typically associated with Virgo is better explained by the combination of the dry earth qualities of Virgo when combined with its discerning ruler: Mercury.
It is the first house which is the house of life and health and vitality. Mercury rejoices in this house and is much more comfortable here than in the sixth house of sickness and injuries.
It is Mars which rejoices in the sixth house. It is of course the minor malefic and is well suited to the house where the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune beset us all from time to time. Incidentally in mundane astrology the sixth house is associated with the military which has an obvious connection with Mars.
Yes the seventh house is about relationships of all types. As well as amorous relationships and contractual business type relationships, also included are adversarial relationships with open enemies and those involving a sporting or other type of contest.
Relationships involving open conflict can hardly be confused with the graciousness associated with Libra or the pleasantness associated with Venus. These relationships could better be described as Martian. As the enemy rides over hill towards you, rifle at the ready with bayonet attached, Venus is nowhere to be seen. These situations are better described by Mars. So should we associate Aries and Mars with the seventh house, as well as Libra and Venus? The logic is similar. It should not be ignored that the seventh house is as much about engagement with the enemy as it is with the lover or friend.
The seventh house is about ‘the other’ we engage with, for whatever reason, whether it be the terrorist or the lover, the violent bully or the loving spouse. The relationships associated with the seventh house can be associated with love or hate. The seventh house is primarily about the people we engage with, and the type of engagement cannot be restricted to just Venus or Libra. The planet which usually best describes the type of engagement is the one ruling the sign on the seventh house cusp or a planet conjoining the descendant.
The confusion concerning the eighth house is connected both with the adoption of Pluto as Scorpio's modern ruler and the adoption of the '12 letter Alphabet'; system by some astrologers. In the 12 letter Alphabet, invented by Zip Dobyns, the meaning of the houses planets and signs are merged. For example the eighth house, Scorpio, and Pluto are seen to have a similar theme, referred to as an archetype. Pluto's association with transformation and regeneration and Scorpio's association with sex are both transferred to the eighth house.
However the eighth house is the house of death. While it's true that some astrologers have associated the eighth house with sex because sexual orgasm is sometimes called ‘the little death, the purpose of sex is to procreate, to bring life into the world, not death.
Previous to the modern era the eighth house was not associated with sex. This modern confusion is perpetrated by a misunderstanding of the primary functions of the houses. Sex is a fifth house matter. Death and bringing life into the world are opposite things. One should not be confused with the other.
I have often heard it said that death is only one form of transformation and somehow this justifies assigning transformation as a core meaning for the eighth house, which in turn validates Scorpio’s and Pluto’s association with the eighth house.
It is ironic that Pluto's mythical association with rape is rarely mentioned in conversations about eighth house sexual activity.
The tangled web of confusions associated with the interchange of Scorpio Pluto and the eighth house is mind boggling and really does take us a long way from the real meaning of the eighth house. Followers of the 12 Letter Alphabet system associate intimacy with the eighth house because of its new association connection with Pluto.
The core meanings of the eighth house have to do with death in the physical and real sense; fear and loss; the resources of those we engage with, and inheritance.
The eighth house is not a particular pleasant place no matter how much we might like to romanticize it or give it a positive spin. The sign on the cusp of the eighth house and the planet which rules that sign are what is relevant in any type of astrological interpretation of the 8th house.
We tend to liken Jupiter to philosophy and religion and the attribution of Jupiter to the 9th House fits fairly well. (Jupiter is also the planet associated with the Ninth in the wheel of houses that begins with Saturn as the First.) The Ninth was the place of the “Sun God” in ancient astrology and was strongly associated with public religious practice; yet, like the Third, it was also associated with dreams, prophecy, and divination. The Ninth House being associated with higher education or long journeys is a later addition.
The planet in joy in the Ninth House is the Sun and, for a place that is cadent, the Ninth gets a lot of sunlight and the Sun can be happy here. It also fits well with the deification of the Sun’s power in many cosmologies and religions throughout history. It may also conform to the image of Sun as a planet of higher intellect, as the light of reason.
Astrologers after my lifetime or yours will look at this affiliation with bewilderment. Archetypally mixing the House of career, reputation, and fame to Saturn and Capricorn is itself enough to throw out the entire Twelve Letter Alphabet system.
You might retort, “But it’s the place of one’s boss!” I answer that there are many kinds of bosses and they’re not all oppressive. The dimensions of leadership and mentorship – solar and not saturnine factors – are prominent Tenth House factors.
The 10th is the traditional place of one’s “action” – career, calling, fame and reputation. I include a larger sense of “vocation”, so that if you work retail by day but are a political activist or animal rights advocate otherwise, the latter would be included within your Tenth House. If a “lifestyle” includes neighborhood vigilantism, being a “survivalist”, or attending a lot of funerals, that person’s Tenth House would qualify as Saturnine.
Capricorn, as the cardinal earth sign, governed by a heavy nocturnal (feminine sign) Saturn, and the place and time of least light in the Northern Hemisphere, is completely out of place in the public and daylight-filled Tenth. Because the Tenth is place of authority, it is far closer in meaning to the Sun than the gray planet Saturn.
In ancient times the 11th, the “Place of the Good Spirit (or daimon)”, was a place of fortune and abundance. According to traditional sources Jupiter is in joy in the Eleventh, befitting a place that is considered so fortunate. (The Eleventh is the House opposite the 5th, the Place of Good Fortune and the joy of Venus, the other benefic.) The Eleventh House became the place of “hopes and wishes” and later the place of friendship and social groups; “hopes and wishes” is more in line with the original meaning of the Eleventh House.
Is this like the fixed air sign Aquarius? The “Water-Bearer” has a linear mental quality and a tendency to become conceptual that is not particularly like the Eleventh House in its original meanings. Aquarius is a sign of social responsibility and objective mind, and Aquarius relates well to a diurnal (masculine sign) Saturn that is a lighter Saturn than the one who governs Capricorn. However, if you confine the Eleventh House to friendships and social groups, the affiliation with the diurnal Saturn isn’t such a problem.
Things become much more confusing when astrologers mix up Aquarius with the outer planet Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, suddenness, and genius, and then try to bring in the Eleventh House. Uranus is quite different from the fixed mental “human” sign Aquarius. Uranus is rebellious, radically individualistic, and is deliberately outside convention. Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo, is humanitarian and oriented more toward groups and cultures than individuals. To bring this confusion to the Eleventh House only makes this problem worse; it obscures the original benevolent and protective quality of this house which is well demonstrated by Jupiter’s traditional association.
There are many difficulties here, and many are based on the distorted ways that the sign Pisces has been defined. But first let’s look at the Twelfth House by itself.
Like the Sixth and Eighth, the Twelfth is also disconnected to the Ascendant and is also a place about life’s difficulties. The Twelfth is a cadent house that in ancient astrology was the Place of the “Bad Spirit.” In the outer world the Twelfth is where we locate prisons, confinement in institutions, and dark hidden places. More internally, this is the place of being haunted – by previous karma, psychological “unfinished business,” and other manners of “self-doing” that come about because of what we cannot see. Psychological astrologers have looked to the Twelfth House for unacknowledged factors that may wreak havoc on one’s person and within one’s relationships. This is in keeping with the qualities of this house.
This all seems very different from the mutable watery sign Pisces that is flowing, changeable, and can develop different disguises for its personal and social roles. Pisces, as a quality of mind, has a strongly intuitive nonlinear bent. Unlike the planet Neptune, however, natives with prominent Pisces placements manage to maintain their identity even if that identity is not well-defined. Both the sign Pisces and its purported ruler Neptune are a far cry from the vice grip many of have experienced when in conditions of external or internal confinement.
Jupiter, the great benefic and the traditional ruler of Pisces, is even farther away from the significations of the Twelfth House. Jupiter – especially in the feminine sign Pisces – brings intuition of possibilities that is often called “faith” or “hope”. The Twelfth, however, is where cold reality comes at us from behind often with harmful intent; it is far closer to Saturn than Jupiter. And Saturn is, of course, the “joy” of the Twelfth House.
submitted by sahw2015 to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:00 Passive_Zombie 2024 is a wild year

2024 is a wild year submitted by Passive_Zombie to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:19 astrowithakshay Today's Horoscope 27 May 2024: Today is going to be very auspicious for people of these zodiac signs

Today's Horoscope 27 May 2024: Today is going to be very auspicious for people of these zodiac signs
Today's Horoscope 27 May 2024: Worship of Lord Shiva on Monday has great importance. There is a religious belief that by worshiping Lord Shiva, all the troubles of life go away and Lord Bholnath blesses his devotees with happiness and prosperity. Know how your day will be
Today's Horoscope 27 May 2024
Today's Horoscope 27 May 2024:
Aries- Today will be a very auspicious day. Hard work will yield results. There will be an opportunity to work on a new project of your choice in the office. You will get positive results from your work. There will be financial gains from new sources of income. There will be chances of an increase in material happiness and wealth. Try to solve the problems of family life. You can plan a trip with family. Will attend a family event with family. Singles may feel love towards someone special.
Taurus – Today you will get back the money owed for a long time. New positive changes will come in life. Networking will increase in the office. Will be meeting with new people. Stay away from office gossip. Focus on your goals. Work hard every day to achieve success. Some people may plan to travel somewhere with family or friends. Today your respect and honor will increase in society. There will be new exciting turns in love life. Sweetness will increase in relationships.
Gemini- Today is going to give mixed results. The economic situation will remain strong. Purchase of new property or vehicle is possible. There will be many opportunities to save money. Will get support from family members. Obstacles to work will be removed. All important work will be completed without any hindrance. Do not ignore the suggestions of family members. Handle work responsibilities with great care. Give more importance to important tasks. This will increase the chances of career growth. Apart from this, spend quality time with your partner. Due to this your relationship will become stronger and deeper. Do not be careless about your health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Cancer- Today will be a normal day. Spend your life in comforts and luxuries. The mind will remain calm. Solve the problems of family life wisely. Do not discuss past issues too much in the relationship. Spend time with your partner. Pay more attention to your health. Take a break from your daily routine. Engage in self-care activities. Don't take too much stress from work. Do yoga and meditation daily. This will keep you healthy and energetic. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. The relationship with your spouse will be strong and deep.
Leo- Today your financial condition will be good. There will be many opportunities to increase income. New avenues for the inflow of money will be paved. The environment will be favorable for jobs and business. The chances of appraisal or promotion of employed people will increase. There will be chances of traveling in connection with work. Will actively participate in social work. Will get support from family. Spend quality time with your partner. Be sensitive about your partner's emotions in the relationship. This will strengthen the emotional bond with your partner and bring sweetness to love relationships.
Virgo - Today there will be minor problems in financial matters. Family life will be happy. Will attend a family event with family. Your interest in social work will increase. Energy and confidence will increase. There will be many opportunities for financial gain with the help of friends. Income will increase. Romantic life will be good. You will get relief from a long-standing disease. But stay away from legal matters today. Some people may have disputes regarding property. Try to solve the problem through conversation. Avoid unnecessary debates.
Libra- Today your health will improve. There will be financial gain from the new source of income. There will be chances of an increase in material happiness and wealth. All obstacles in life will be removed with the advice of family. You can plan a vacation with your partner. This will increase closeness in relationships. Relationships with partners will become stronger. Will participate in social work. Will be appreciated in society. Avoid unnecessary arguments in the office. There may be an argument with your partner over some issues till evening. Control your anger. Do not make any decisions without thinking. Solve relationship problems wisely.
Scorpio – Money will be spent on organizing auspicious functions at home. The challenges of office work will be resolved. You will get relief from a long-standing problem. Will make great progress in my career. There will be chances to travel abroad. The economic situation will improve. Will get support from family. Whatever you want in life will be available. You will get good returns from old investments. Health will be good. But eat a healthy diet. Avoid consuming oily food. Drink plenty of water and keep the body hydrated. Today, misunderstandings over small things may increase in the relationship. Maintain patience in relationships and try to solve the problem through dialogue.
Sagittarius- Do not be careless about your health today. Keep an eye on new investment opportunities. There will be minor problems in financial matters. Therefore, manage money smartly. Make a new financial plan. Today there will be many opportunities to earn money with the support of family. A trip can be planned with family or friends. Will actively participate in social work. There will be a happy atmosphere in love life. You will get full love and support from your spouse. Pay some attention to health. Engage in stress management activities. Take a healthy diet.
Capricorn - Efforts made to improve love life will be successful. love affair There will be sweetness. The financial situation will be good. Today you can plan to purchase home appliances or electronic devices. There will be many opportunities for financial gain with the support of family and friends. Will participate in social work. You may have to spend money for office events or family functions at home. Today you will achieve new achievements in your career. Respect will increase in the society. Will be interested in educational work. You can plan a night date with your partner in the evening.
Aquarius- Today luck will favor you in financial matters. There will be happiness and peace in family life. Many big decisions related to my career will have to be taken. You will appear motivated to achieve your goals. You will get support from your spouse. You will get relief from mental stress. The environment will be favorable for jobs and business. Will climb the stairs of success with the support of higher officials. There will be chances of an increase in wealth and property. Those who are serious about their relationship can arrange a meeting with their family members and get marriage approval.
Pisces- Today is going to be a very auspicious day. New achievements will be achieved in my career. All your dreams will come true. Long pending work will be successful. Control your expenses. Pay attention to the budget. You may have to spend money to organize auspicious functions at home. Today you will get the full support of luck. There will be many golden opportunities for career advancement. Pay attention to your health. Engage in a new fitness activity. This will keep you healthy and energetic.
Akshay Jamdagni:
Expert in Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Horoscope Reading, Education, Business, Health, Festivals, and Puja, provide you with the best solutions and suggestions for your life’s betterment.

akshayjamdagni @akshayjamdagni

submitted by astrowithakshay to u/astrowithakshay [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:53 ellzebet Astrology guesses for Bridgerton characters

Give me your best guesses on each characters’ signs, ignoring the books. Here’s mine:
Anthony - Taurus. Sense of responsibility that he also does not want. Headstrong as well, dark, earthy and bovine eyes. Steps into the role of Viscount and is damn good at it.
Kate - Virgo. Constantly doing for others instead of herself. Headstrong, needs to be in control. Literally doing Viscountess duties the day after her marriage.
Penelope - Cancer. Devoted to unrequited childhood love. Silent wallflower no one notices but secretly knows what makes everyone tick. Side note: Lord Debling is a Capricorn and this contributes to their chemistry. She is the soft, calculative water sign and he is the practical, grounded Capricorn.
Daphne - Libra. Conventionally pretty, overly concerned with how much people like her (tenants, maids, etc.) and a tad bit naiive.
Simon - Scorpio. Knows how to hold a damn grudge, has a dark side brought on by his own sensitivity from childhood, brooding eyes, prefers to not talk about his emotions even to friends and his wife.
Colin - Pisces. Dreamer, always has his head in the clouds. Loves leading people on. Flirty, creative, spiritual, artistic. Never ready to settle down until the last minute LOL.
Eloise - Sagittarius. Big, bold opinions. Not afraid to be a tom boy. Witty, sarcastic, and damn funny. Side note: Theo is a Gemini willing to stimulate her mind with new ideas and do reckless shit with her.
Benedict - Aries. Bit of a bimbo and a love-bomber. Always has a new pursuit each season. Very charismatic, silly, fun, and fiery. Passionate.
EDIT: Adding more characters.
Charlotte - Indisputably a Leo. She has the flair, drama, and loyalty of a poster child Leo. Ready to fight for her opinions, loves a good dramatic gathering, likes when the spotlight is on her.
George - Aquarius (with a mental illness). Odd interests, extremely smart and down-to-earth, a S.I.M.P. for Leo and makes a great team with Charlotte. Ego as large as his Leo wife. This makes for explosive chemistry between the two.
Lady Danbury - Capricorn. Blunt, honest, and wickedly smart. She appears to be the one who holds Charlotte’s leash in a way that is both friendly and beneficial to her. She knows how to get what she wants and has worked tirelessly at it. She sees things for what they are rather than being clouded by emotion.
Violet - Cancer. Sentimental, soft, believer in love. The picture of devotion to her husband and children. She is someone who is ruled by her emotions and wants the same for all of her children. “I’m proud of your sensitivity.”
submitted by ellzebet to Bridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:46 haloshouldbegood The Ranked/HCS team appears to be on course to completely squander Forge’s (and, thus, Infinite’s) potential.

I vividly remember the day of Infinite’s surprise early launch 30 months ago. The first thing I did when my download finished was look at the multiplayer maps. There were just 10, and none of them, save Behemoth, stood out as an instant classic. In fact, I remember talking to an old Halo buddy that day about how bad the maps appeared to be. Would there be more maps on the official launch date? Surely there’d be more coming in the immediate weeks and months following release? Reasonable as hopes like this were, the answer was no, and Infinite’s “live service” became a laughingstock for the ages.
A silver lining of this, though, was that the Ranked gametype pool was actually pretty good. In fact, I’d say Infinite was among the best Day 1 competitive settings of all Halo titles. Live Fire, Recharge, Streets, Aquarius, Bazaar. Likely to be enshrined in the pantheon of great Halo maps? No, none of them. Adequate for the game’s early life cycle? Yes, definitely. Surely there’d be a deluge of new maps in the coming years and the initial gametypes would be relegated to nostalgia, right? Right? Fast forward 30 months, and there are 18 gametypes heading into the second event of HCS Year 3. Modes played on Live Fire, Recharge, Streets, and Aquarius represent 12 of them. 2/3 of the HCS gametypes we’re playing in the third year of this game have been present since launch. Absolutely unreal.
What makes this situation all the more incredible is the launch of Forge 18 months ago. 343 hit it out of the park with an industry-leading map creation tool, and the community immediately put it to use with an explosion of creative brilliance. Hundreds of high quality maps and modes were produced. Within the first year of Forge’s release, over 70 maps were in matchmaking circulation, by far the most of any Halo game. Despite this, at present there’s one community-originated Forge map in Ranked, and it’s a remake of a 343 map. 18 months, one aesthetically dull remake. Truly unbelievable.
This all begs an obvious question that I genuinely would like an answer to: Why? What accounts for this glacial pace of progress? Why wouldn’t the people charged with Ranked settings be eager to endow Infinite with the series’ best gametype pool? What constraints could the team in charge of gametypes possibly face that all they can accomplish in the 5 months between Year 2 and 3 is to move some stuff around on existing maps (due credit to them for the Bandit, though)? We know that 343’s failure to introduce community-originated Forge Ranked maps can’t be attributed to the community’s failure to supply them: Pwn Jones’s Starboard entered circulation within weeks of its publication. Uneeq has remade Midship not once, but twice. There are aesthetically mind-blowing Lockout and Guardian reimaginings like Glass Garden and Sylvanus. An arbitrary few de novo maps include Vyrant, Tanaga HQ, Chainfall, and Fortress (Stay Tuned™), and there are many more.
3 or 4 great CTFs, 3 or 4 great Balls, 3 or 4 great KOTHs, 3 or 4 great Strongholds, 4 great Slayers. That’s all it’d take to endow Infinite with one of, if not the best, gametype pools in the history of competitive Halo (and by my reckoning this amount of managerial complexity could be handled by approximately one full-time employee). With Forge, 343 set themselves up for a clear path toward this reality. Not only could we have had great map-mode combinations, but leaning into community-origination could’ve introduced another dimension of organic richness, depth, and soul for competitive Halo. After 18 months of Forge, it’s safe to say that we’ve entered the realm of absurdity, and the situation on the ground is one of stale, soulless, and 343-originated mediocrity. If Year 3 is Infinite’s final HCS season, it blows my mind that the Ranked/HCS team will have completely, utterly, absolutely, and totally squandered Forge’s seemingly infinite potential. Really confidence-inspiring stuff for the franchise’s future.
So, I’d like to know, what do you think accounts for 343’s failure to introduce community-originated Forge maps in Ranked?

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submitted by haloshouldbegood to CompetitiveHalo [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:54 Known-Candidate5258 I need to confess to my crush today, help me come up with a script!!!

So long story, I started senior year of high expecting nothing but a cruise to an easy degree. Then, our teacher announced the design class (for tech school, a school I go to for part of the day as a version of electives, while taking normal classes at my hometown school) next door has too many kids and some are moving up into our class early. Now I want you to think of your ideal partner. What do they look like, what do they act like, does their hair curl, do they sing too loud in the car, do the twiddle their thumbs when they're nervous, every checklist you could have for a partner.
And who walks in but Mr. Perfect. Every. Single. Box. Ticked. I didn't realize it at the time, I was too busy focusing on my high school degree to realize anything besides a passing, "Eh, he's kinda cute." But the week after, we did presentations with a randomly assigned group partner for an introduction project. He got to see the entirety of mine, but since I didn't know I liked him at the time, I'm not sure if he was paying any attention
When it came his turn for the introduction presentation, I got pulled out of class for some event I can't remember and only saw the first third of his. It was about then that I realized the first signs of a crush were blooming.
I don't fall often, but I've fallen so horrendously disgustingly hard for two people before him that I can recognize the stages of my new crushes. Brief interest and a random nagging feeling, slight blushes and widening eyes out of curiosity, interest, realization, suppression, explosion into full daydreaming obsession, a long time of obsession-depression-acceptance while making no moves besides brief 10 seconds interactions, a creepy amount of staring glances, letting go.
It was I'd say about October when I realized I was already in too deep, I was stuck in crushing waters with no sight of shore. I've never been particularly social, I've struggled with chronic anxiety since the age of 6, along with a lifetime of severe untreated traumas that have left me lacking faith in humanity, but stubbornly optimistic.
It was basically that cycle, constant thoughts, staring, occasional 10 seconds interactions like "standing near each other, holding doors, thank yous and your welcomes, guiding him to whatever art material he needed, occasional glancing, staring way too much at him, way too much daydreaming, learning his last name from a glance at his log in screen, finding an old Instagram from 2021 about him run by a friend of his, buying the same brand of mints, dressing better, caring for my body more, trying to be more social"
I did get some moments here and there, nothing movie worthy but everything to me, it basically became a tradition for me to briefly hold and open the door for him whenever possible, drills, walking out of school, etc. Never waiting too long, just a simple "Thank you!" and "You're welcome.", except if it seemed like he was upset or the wait was too suspiciously long so I'd just open the door as much as possible and hope he'd catch it, or take out my phone and pretend to be texting, so it was "Mhm." instead of "You're welcome."
I eventually got the chance to choose or suggest my seat, so as requested by my teacher, I asked to sit next to him, she put me closer, but my back faces him and we're a row apart separated by giant Mac Monitors so I don't think he can see me either.
Luckily enough, I actually had a vague conversation with him. He's pretty good friends with a girl I sit next to, I'd say me and this girl are probably vague good acquaintances? She's described her and him as friends, but she has a boyfriend. Anyways they were talking about their embarrassing exes, I only caught the tail end and heard that he had one that was a little cuckoo, he was smiling at her but went quiet about it.
Later on I saw him playing this unknown shooter zombie game on the school Mac Monitor, he was talking about something with her, when I somehow got into a conversation with him. We discussed something about Nintendo and how Nintendo 3DS was such a good console for us. He's a quiet but cool kinda guy, so I was a little too excited and rambled about how I lost 3 different 3DS and a bunch of 3DS games too, once on a bus. He turned and gave me a brief eyebrow raise and curious smile from his game, and asked me about it again. So I continued to ramble until the bell rang and our conversation naturally fizzled out.
I can't remember exactly when, but some time after that we had another interaction. I wear giant headphones all the time, and he wears tiny air pods all the time. We were hanging examples of our monthly assignment for presentations like we always do. I hung mine first, the girl next to me didn't even know I was the one who hung it first, so this is what makes it so interesting. He ended up coming to me, airpods out, smiling, saw me with headphones on, and asked me where the frames we use to hang our projects are. I was so shocked that I just blandly said, “Oh, sure.” Led him to the frames, crouching down I opened the drawer and just went, “Here ya’ go.” I remember him having this dreamy smile on his face as he thanked me, but I was kinda obsessing over my work at the time and just mumbled agreement and went back to work. Yes, I did beat myself for basically the entire week after realizing how dumb I was.
Eventually, Valentine's Day rolls around. Our Marketing class swings by and tells us they're selling Valentine's gift deals. Unfortunately, I have a 20$ bill I've been meaning to get rid of, the highest gift deal is 20$, and a crush. Unfortunately, unlike all the other schools, they don't deliver it anomalously, you have to deliver it yourself. (In this modern world? In this economy?) So dumb me, I buy the deal. A handheld heart balloon wrapped in ribbon with a cute bear keychain. I type up a heartfelt letter, place it on the ground in front of his locker, he ignores the strange gift on the ground, and I miss him by a few lockers. The second no one was looking I threw out the note and scrambled the gift into my backpack. Still have it.
Now we get to this week.
I've been dressing better than I ever have, taking care of myself physically and mentally, happier than I've been since I was an ignorant elementary schooler, distant but amiable in conversation with classmates, not too friendly but way less aggressive than I was at the beginning. Unfortunately, I know I've dug my own grave and it's too late to dig myself out, because I can feel the rising heat of magma beneath me.
We ended up doing a project that I need an Exacto Knife for (kind of a very small box cutter used for precise cutting work). It was optional, but helped more with cutting out the images we needed. Especially me, because I needed some pixel art for my project that had a lot of sharp edges and hidden corners a scissor couldn't get too. Our teacher was super busy since it's the last week of school for most of us, so she was rushing from person to person doing important stuff and I didn't want to interrupt, but we can't use an Exacto Knife without her permission, hormonal teenagers with an unsupervised sharp object is rarely a good combination.
We were at the same table, him on one side, me on the opposite. It's a bigger table no one uses except for big projects like this where your original desk space just isn't enough. He was also using an Exacto Knife for his project to get clean edges. He ended up moving to the “gluing images” part of his assignment, but still had the Exacto Knife out, the good one too, the one I was using yesterday. I end up asking him for the knife, gently tapping on the table space next to him so as not to startle him. I may have made a little too much eye contact, but he was gentle and let me grab it. After quite a while, I gave it back, same gentle table tap, gentle thanks. It wasn't long after, a few minutes at most, that I realized I was once again having issues with the scissors, and would need it again. I came over again and asked. He was gentle, I suppose, maybe a little suspicious since a barely invisible classmate acquaintance was talking to him for the 3rd time in a matter of an hour or half. He just said, “Hey, why don't I sign the knife back in so you can sign it back out.” I was surprised, but agreed shyly, and we spent the rest of the class doing our projects and although I caught us locking eyes a few times, nothing more than that.
Anyways, that was a very long ramble, here's some details I couldn't include. I came out as a Trans guy at the start of the year before he came to the class, but I still dress and style very feminine since I live in a very conservative area with questionably supportive parents who don't know, only my Design class knows, because there's like 5 other Trans kids there. I assume he doesn't know me as anything, but my Trans-ness, but I don't know. He seems straight, ex-girlfriend and all. I mean he's snow white, most brilliant blue eyes, dirty blondish brown hair that is so fluffy and curly. He dresses SO well, I can only describe it as like, cool city kid grunge maybe if you took a Spencer's, Converse, and Vans store and threw a boy into a store combined with those three. My point to remind you that basically all the boys around me are stinky conservatives who don't know what a razor or shower is. This man cleans suspiciously good. There's a girl who sits next to him, I think right from his perspective, as the only thing to his left is the door in and out of the classroom. Ya’ know, the seat I wanted. They seem to be pretty good friends, I think. They only really talk when they need to, or mandatory group projects, but she's gotten way farther than I have in conversation with him, shared interests and everything. Know what's worse? We do this thing every year in my Design class called “Notes of Kindness,” essentially a relationship for platonic Valentine's Day cards. We get a random partner assigned and have to give them something encouraging about them specifically. Guess who I got? The girl that sits next to him. I noticed she was kinda shy and insecure at the time, so I gave her a self portrait showcasing her heart and something about kindness. Apparently it had a surprising effect on her, as she started dressing way better and talking more, to him specifically. Jealousy is stupid and I always quell that feeling as soon as it appears, but it does drive me crazy she turned into the girl I wanted so badly to be. His birthday is November 20th, he turned 18 last year in 2023. Scorpio with a 1 day cusp on Sagittarius. I'm Sun in 26° Pisces, cusp of Aries, Moon in 16° Libra, Rising in 29° Aries or Leo, Mercury in 16° Pisces, Venus in 9° Aquarius, Mars in 14° Gemini, Jupiter in 18° Scorpio, Saturn in 4° Leo, Ur@nu$ (avoiding censor I.G.) in 11° Pisces, Neptune in 18° Aquarius, Pluto in 26° Sagittarius, Chiron in Aquarius. I practice Tarot and watch Tarot videos, but unfortunately I'm kinda in this situation because of them. Blah blah blah focus on yourself, did that rocking it and enjoying it hard, blah blah blah he needs to do the same and confess to you but you also need to confess to him, but also he needs to do it. Just a lot of confusion with the online videos, and my guides really only answer me in a roundabout way that also just says focus on yourself.
Anyways enough of my journalizing. TLDR: Dumb Trans guy fell for a probably straight guy and now has to confess to him on the last day of school before graduation
submitted by Known-Candidate5258 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:11 Known-Candidate5258 I need to confess to my crush tomorrow, help me!!!

So long story, I started senior year of high expecting nothing but a cruise to an easy degree. Then, our teacher announced the design class (for tech school, a school I go to for part of the day as a version of electives, while taking normal classes at my hometown school) next door has too many kids and some are moving up into our class early. Now I want you to think of your ideal partner. What do they look like, what do they act like, does their hair curl, do they sing too loud in the car, do the twiddle their thumbs when they're nervous, every checklist you could have for a partner.
And who walks in but Mr. Perfect. Every. Single. Box. Ticked. I didn't realize it at the time, I was too busy focusing on my high school degree to realize anything besides a passing, "Eh, he's kinda cute." But the week after, we did presentations with a randomly assigned group partner for an introduction project. He got to see the entirety of mine, but since I didn't know I liked him at the time, I'm not sure if he was paying any attention
When it came his turn for the introduction presentation, I got pulled out of class for some event I can't remember and only saw the first third of his. It was about then that I realized the first signs of a crush were blooming.
I don't fall often, but I've fallen so horrendously disgustingly hard for two people before him that I can recognize the stages of my new crushes. Brief interest and a random nagging feeling, slight blushes and widening eyes out of curiosity, interest, realization, suppression, explosion into full daydreaming obsession, a long time of obsession-depression-acceptance while making no moves besides brief 10 seconds interactions, a creepy amount of staring glances, letting go.
It was I'd say about October when I realized I was already in too deep, I was stuck in crushing waters with no sight of shore. I've never been particularly social, I've struggled with chronic anxiety since the age of 6, along with a lifetime of severe untreated traumas that have left me lacking faith in humanity, but stubbornly optimistic.
It was basically that cycle, constant thoughts, staring, occasional 10 seconds interactions like "standing near each other, holding doors, thank yous and your welcomes, guiding him to whatever art material he needed, occasional glancing, staring way too much at him, way too much daydreaming, learning his last name from a glance at his log in screen, finding an old Instagram from 2021 about him run by a friend of his, buying the same brand of mints, dressing better, caring for my body more, trying to be more social"
I did get some moments here and there, nothing movie worthy but everything to me, it basically became a tradition for me to briefly hold and open the door for him whenever possible, drills, walking out of school, etc. Never waiting too long, just a simple "Thank you!" and "You're welcome.", except if it seemed like he was upset or the wait was too suspiciously long so I'd just open the door as much as possible and hope he'd catch it, or take out my phone and pretend to be texting, so it was "Mhm." instead of "You're welcome."
I eventually got the chance to choose or suggest my seat, so as requested by my teacher, I asked to sit next to him, she put me closer, but my back faces him and we're a row apart separated by giant Mac Monitors so I don't think he can see me either.
Luckily enough, I actually had a vague conversation with him. He's pretty good friends with a girl I sit next to, I'd say me and this girl are probably vague good acquaintances? She's described her and him as friends, but she has a boyfriend. Anyways they were talking about their embarrassing exes, I only caught the tail end and heard that he had one that was a little cuckoo, he was smiling at her but went quiet about it.
Later on I saw him playing this unknown shooter zombie game on the school Mac Monitor, he was talking about something with her, when I somehow got into a conversation with him. We discussed something about Nintendo and how Nintendo 3DS was such a good console for us. He's a quiet but cool kinda guy, so I was a little too excited and rambled about how I lost 3 different 3DS and a bunch of 3DS games too, once on a bus. He turned and gave me a brief eyebrow raise and curious smile from his game, and asked me about it again. So I continued to ramble until the bell rang and our conversation naturally fizzled out.
I can't remember exactly when, but some time after that we had another interaction. I wear giant headphones all the time, and he wears tiny air pods all the time. We were hanging examples of our monthly assignment for presentations like we always do. I hung mine first, the girl next to me didn't even know I was the one who hung it first, so this is what makes it so interesting. He ended up coming to me, airpods out, smiling, saw me with headphones on, and asked me where the frames we use to hang our projects are. I was so shocked that I just blandly said, “Oh, sure.” Led him to the frames, crouching down I opened the drawer and just went, “Here ya’ go.” I remember him having this dreamy smile on his face as he thanked me, but I was kinda obsessing over my work at the time and just mumbled agreement and went back to work. Yes, I did beat myself for basically the entire week after realizing how dumb I was.
Eventually, Valentine's Day rolls around. Our Marketing class swings by and tells us they're selling Valentine's gift deals. Unfortunately, I have a 20$ bill I've been meaning to get rid of, the highest gift deal is 20$, and a crush. Unfortunately, unlike all the other schools, they don't deliver it anomalously, you have to deliver it yourself. (In this modern world? In this economy?) So dumb me, I buy the deal. A handheld heart balloon wrapped in ribbon with a cute bear keychain. I type up a heartfelt letter, place it on the ground in front of his locker, he ignores the strange gift on the ground, and I miss him by a few lockers. The second no one was looking I threw out the note and scrambled the gift into my backpack. Still have it.
Now we get to this week.
I've been dressing better than I ever have, taking care of myself physically and mentally, happier than I've been since I was an ignorant elementary schooler, distant but amiable in conversation with classmates, not too friendly but way less aggressive than I was at the beginning. Unfortunately, I know I've dug my own grave and it's too late to dig myself out, because I can feel the rising heat of magma beneath me.
We ended up doing a project that I need an Exacto Knife for (kind of a very small box cutter used for precise cutting work). It was optional, but helped more with cutting out the images we needed. Especially me, because I needed some pixel art for my project that had a lot of sharp edges and hidden corners a scissor couldn't get too. Our teacher was super busy since it's the last week of school for most of us, so she was rushing from person to person doing important stuff and I didn't want to interrupt, but we can't use an Exacto Knife without her permission, hormonal teenagers with an unsupervised sharp object is rarely a good combination.
We were at the same table, him on one side, me on the opposite. It's a bigger table no one uses except for big projects like this where your original desk space just isn't enough. He was also using an Exacto Knife for his project to get clean edges. He ended up moving to the “gluing images” part of his assignment, but still had the Exacto Knife out, the good one too, the one I was using yesterday. I end up asking him for the knife, gently tapping on the table space next to him so as not to startle him. I may have made a little too much eye contact, but he was gentle and let me grab it. After quite a while, I gave it back, same gentle table tap, gentle thanks. It wasn't long after, a few minutes at most, that I realized I was once again having issues with the scissors, and would need it again. I came over again and asked. He was gentle, I suppose, maybe a little suspicious since a barely invisible classmate acquaintance was talking to him for the 3rd time in a matter of an hour or half. He just said, “Hey, why don't I sign the knife back in so you can sign it back out.” I was surprised, but agreed shyly, and we spent the rest of the class doing our projects and although I caught us locking eyes a few times, nothing more than that.
Anyways, that was a very long ramble, here's some details I couldn't include. I came out as a Trans guy at the start of the year before he came to the class, but I still dress and style very feminine since I live in a very conservative area with questionably supportive parents who don't know, only my Design class knows, because there's like 5 other Trans kids there. I assume he doesn't know me as anything, but my Trans-ness, but I don't know. He seems straight, ex-girlfriend and all. I mean he's snow white, most brilliant blue eyes, dirty blondish brown hair that is so fluffy and curly. He dresses SO well, I can only describe it as like, cool city kid grunge maybe if you took a Spencer's, Converse, and Vans store and threw a boy into a store combined with those three. My point to remind you that basically all the boys around me are stinky conservatives who don't know what a razor or shower is. This man cleans suspiciously good. There's a girl who sits next to him, I think right from his perspective, as the only thing to his left is the door in and out of the classroom. Ya’ know, the seat I wanted. They seem to be pretty good friends, I think. They only really talk when they need to, or mandatory group projects, but she's gotten way farther than I have in conversation with him, shared interests and everything. Know what's worse? We do this thing every year in my Design class called “Notes of Kindness,” essentially a relationship for platonic Valentine's Day cards. We get a random partner assigned and have to give them something encouraging about them specifically. Guess who I got? The girl that sits next to him. I noticed she was kinda shy and insecure at the time, so I gave her a self portrait showcasing her heart and something about kindness. Apparently it had a surprising effect on her, as she started dressing way better and talking more, to him specifically. Jealousy is stupid and I always quell that feeling as soon as it appears, but it does drive me crazy she turned into the girl I wanted so badly to be. His birthday is November 20th, he turned 18 last year in 2023. Scorpio with a 1 day cusp on Sagittarius. I'm Sun in 26° Pisces, cusp of Aries, Moon in 16° Libra, Rising in 29° Aries or Leo, Mercury in 16° Pisces, Venus in 9° Aquarius, Mars in 14° Gemini, Jupiter in 18° Scorpio, Saturn in 4° Leo, Ur@nu$ (avoiding censor I.G.) in 11° Pisces, Neptune in 18° Aquarius, Pluto in 26° Sagittarius, Chiron in Aquarius. I practice Tarot and watch Tarot videos, but unfortunately I'm kinda in this situation because of them. Blah blah blah focus on yourself, did that rocking it and enjoying it hard, blah blah blah he needs to do the same and confess to you but you also need to confess to him, but also he needs to do it. Just a lot of confusion with the online videos, and my guides really only answer me in a roundabout way that also just says focus on yourself. He also had a girl from the Photography class next door go, "My friend likes youuuuu!" and he straight up walked by her ignoring her completely because it was the end of the day
Anyways enough of my journalizing. TLDR: Dumb Trans fem guy fell for a probably straight guy and now has to confess to him on the last day of school before graduation but can't because he has chronic anxiety and needs a step by step 100% success plan for everything
submitted by Known-Candidate5258 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 13:28 Tatiano222 What are some Aspects for Healing in a relationship?

What are some Aspects for Healing in a relationship?
***I am posting my FAVORITE guide that has helped me understand and learn some of the terms and planets energies. 🪐✨💞
Some aspects that my partner and I have while we navigate our own healing process. (We are triggering each other into mind altering growth ,,with acceptance love patience and understanding.)
Here some of our synastry aspects. ALOT of healing has come out of this relationship for me. Whether it be from past traumas or dealing with new issues. I just know in my soul I met my partner for a reason to help MY own journey of healing. ❤️‍🩹⬇️
~Chiron square Neptune
~North Node trine Venus
~Chiron opposition Jupiter
~Chiron square Saturn
My Chiron is in Libra 3H ,, super HARD for someone like me to communicate and express. I have had a blocked throat chakra as long as I could remember. I am actively being challenged by my partner ,, he communicates SOO well (Taurus Mercury 2H & Venus in Gemini 3H) so I take astrology very seriously in my healing journey ,,as it helps me discover deeper meanings of my souls quest.
If you can mention anymore aspects or details of your own experience that would be cool! 😎 I love understanding and dissecting information like this
submitted by Tatiano222 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:15 astrowithakshay Aaj Ka Rashifal 22 May 2024: Today people of these zodiac signs will be blessed by Lord Ganesha, but they will have to be cautious about their health

Aaj Ka Rashifal 22 May 2024: Today people of these zodiac signs will be blessed by Lord Ganesha, but they will have to be cautious about their health
Today's Horoscope 22 May 2024: In the Hindu religion, Lord Ganesha is worshiped on Wednesday. By worshiping Ganeji in such a religious way, all the troubles of life go away and material comforts increase. Know your horoscope today.
Today's Horoscope 22 May 2024
Today's Horoscope 22 May 2024:
Aries- Today, luck will support Aries people in every task. You will get a new job offer. Will climb the stairs of success with the support of family. There will be financial gain by selling or renting old property. Interest in spiritual work will increase. It is possible to organize religious functions at home. The challenges of working in an office will increase. New avenues for the inflow of money will be paved. Material comforts will increase. Married life will be happy. Relationship problems will go away. Pay some attention to health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Taurus- Today your financial position will be strong. You will get good returns from old investments. Pay attention to your health. Do yoga and meditation daily. Today is a good day to start new work. Take investment decisions wisely. Pay attention to your fitness. There are chances of a long journey in connection with work. Will be interested in spiritual activities. Purchase of new property or vehicle is possible. Drive carefully at night and strictly follow traffic rules. Love and romance will increase in romantic life. The relationship with your partner will be strong and deep.
Gemini - You will be lucky in financial matters today. New achievements will be achieved in professional life. There will be support from family at home. You can plan to travel somewhere with family. There will be possibilities of purchasing a new property. Family life will be happy. Will actively participate in social work. Long pending work will be successful. Spend quality time with your partner today and share your emotions and dreams with each other. Praise your lover. This will strengthen the emotional bond with your partner. Single people will meet an interesting person today.
Cancer – There will be profit in business. There will be new opportunities for growth in business. There will be promotion or increment in professional life. You may have to provide financial help to a younger brother or sister or a close friend. There will be chances of traveling in connection with work. Networking will increase in the office. Will be meeting with new people. The boss will appreciate your work. A positive image will be created in management. Will be appreciated in society. Today the desire to spend time with your partner will increase. There will be happiness in love life. Some people may plan to propose to their lover. You will get a positive response.
Leo - Today Leo people will get immense success in every field. Income will increase. The inflow of money will increase. Work done with hard work and dedication will yield better results than expected. Success will kiss your feet. There will be happiness and peace in family life. Some people may get their inherited property repaired. Today interest in social work will increase. Love and trust will increase in relationships. You will get full support from your spouse. Pay attention to your health. Do yoga and meditation daily. Be cautious while traveling long distances. Do not blindly trust anyone in financial matters. There may be financial loss.
Virgo - Today is a good day to start a new business. Luck will favor you in your professional life. You will get support from colleagues in the office. Will get responsibility for a new project. Will climb the stairs of success. Family life will be happy. There will be chances of purchasing a new property or vehicle. New sources of income will be created. Make a new plan today to strengthen your financial situation. Pay attention to your budget. Avoid purchasing unnecessary items. Interest in spiritual work will increase. Married life will be happy. There will be sweetness in love relationships.
Libra - There will be many opportunities for progress in your career. There will be profit in business. Handle the challenges of professional life with confidence. Today your networking in the office will increase. Take decisions wisely in financial matters. Do not invest without doing research. Look for new options to increase income. Express your emotions openly to your partner. This will increase love and trust in relationships. Pay attention to your mental and physical health. Do yoga and meditation daily. Don't bring office stress home. Spend time with family. This will keep your overall health good.
Scorpio – Today there will be financial gains from old investments. The inflow of money will increase. You will get the desired success in your career. Attend any family function with relatives. There will be chances of traveling. You will appear ambitious to achieve your career goals. Some people may plan to purchase a new property. Today respect will increase in society. Your health will be good. Pay attention to your fitness. Single people will meet someone special today. With whom your conduct and thoughts will match.
Sagittarius- There will be many positive changes in life today. You will get relief from problems in your professional life. New sources of income will be created. You will get good returns from old investments. There will be a stressful atmosphere at home. Stress may increase during family functions. Romantic life will be good. Love and trust will increase in relationships. Try to adapt to the situation. Solve relationship problems wisely. Keep an eye on new opportunities for career growth. Do not hesitate to take responsibility for new tasks in the office. This leads to promotion or Your chances of getting a prize will increase.
Capricorn - People of the Capricorn sign will get new opportunities for financial gain today. The boss in the office will be impressed by your work. Your good image will remain intact in management. You will get good news related to wealth and property. You will get relief from property-related disputes. Today you can plan a trip with family. It will be appreciated in the society. Stay away from negativity. Handle all tasks in the office with great responsibility. This will provide many golden opportunities for career growth. Today you can plan a romantic dinner or long drive with your lover. This will bring new exciting turns in relationships.
Aquarius- Will be lucky in financial matters. There will be many opportunities for financial gain. It is a good day to start new work. You will get additional responsibility for work in the office. New achievements will be achieved in my career. People will be inspired by your works. There will be chances of an increase in wealth and property. You will get the desired success in every area of life. Ex-lovers will return to the life of singles, which will bring happiness to love life. There will be happiness and peace in family life. However, do not be careless about your health. Take a healthy diet. Drink plenty of water and keep the body hydrated.
Pisces - There will be ups and downs in professional life. Do not be careless about your work. Take full advantage of new opportunities for career growth. Do money transactions carefully. Respect will increase in the society. Important achievements will be achieved in professional life. However, work pressure will also increase. Do yoga and exercise daily. Adopt healthy habits. Today you can plan to purchase home appliances or electronic devices. Keep an eye on new investment options. Single people should be ready to step out of their comfort zone and meet new people.
Akshay Jamdagni:
Expert in Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Horoscope Reading, Education, Business, Health, Festivals, and Puja, provide you with the best solutions and suggestions for your life’s betterment.
submitted by astrowithakshay to u/astrowithakshay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:31 N0m4dMan "Parade of Planets": Whales, Slaying Monsters & Big Cats

What in the sugar coated hype is going on...
A Parade of Planets is when 4 planets in our solar system appear to be aligned, from down here on Earth.
There is a rare astronomical event happening on the 3rd of June, where 6 planets will be visibly aligned, from everywhere in the world.
Some astronomy & mythological information regarding the event:
The Red Planet is now in Cetus [...] Saturn floats in Aquarius, near the 4th-magnitude star Phi (ϕ) Aquarii [...]
Cetus is a constellation named to represent a Whale, said to have threatened Andromeda, which according to mythologists, all of this placement is occurring in the middle of 'The Sea' and Heracles & Perseus needed to slay this beast.
The Tukano and Kobeua people of the Amazon used the stars of Cetus to create a jaguar, representing an entity of hurricanes and other violent storms.
Spectral Properties of Phi (ϕ) Aquarii
Now... Back to the "Parade of Planets":
The Six Planets: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The first four being visible with the naked eye.
Venus is also approaching a super conjunction with the sun. Whatever that means.
Jupiter & Saturn aligning make a 'Great Conjunction', however this reads to be more like a 'Parade of Planets', from what I've read.
Despite this event last happening in December 2020 (from my brief research), it looks like it last happened around 400 years or so ago. Why is it happening again so soon? I don't have a clue.
Jupiter & Saturns Great Conjunction repeat every ~120*
Looks like a fractal pattern to me. And what does a fractal pattern do? Repeat in the micro & macro.
I don't believe in astronomy. However, I do believe everything has purpose... Whales, Storms, Big Cats, Fractals*?!?!*


Saying that, I think things are so interwoven and connected, that is is easy to connect pretty much anything to one another if you really want to.
Edited: Grammar.
submitted by N0m4dMan to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:23 SkyttenSag Uranus Aquarius Aspects (Synastry)

Everytime I keep reading synastry charts I just read one where we had 0 conflicting aspects but appearently the moon conjunct uranus in pisces, sun conjunct uranus aquarius , sun conjunct pluto in sagittarius, AND uranus conjunct Venus in Aquarius ARE ALL UNSTABLE for long-term relationships is this true ? Or are there other ways to interpret those aspects based on the whole chart? (I used astro-seek for the chart synastry)
submitted by SkyttenSag to u/SkyttenSag [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:04 have-high-hopes I need to apologize to my Aries best friend...

So just as stated. I (Gemini female) need to apologize to my Aries (female) best friend. We have never fought. Never gone without speaking. Never anything close. It's my fault. And I know Aries are very forgiving and also like to get straight to the point. So with me being a Gemini I can be long-winded and over explain... severe ADHD doesn't help that at all... neither of us are big on big displays of emotion so that's helpful. But there is also more to it than what it just appeared as at face value. And I want to make sure she fully understands my reasoning and that it's much deeper than it seems. It will be over text, thats the only way I'll be able to fully explain myself and I also want to give her time to read it and think about it and understand. So I don't wanna type too much and lose her. I'm thinking honestly of doing bullet points lol I know that sounds stupid but honestly I think it might be helpful for me and for her. Would that work?? I can give more detail on the situation if I need to if subject mattecontext would make a difference... but she's on the Aries/Pisces cusp, born the 21st with a Pisces moon. And I am June 17th whole hearted Gemini with an Aquarius moon. Being a Gemini I want to make sure I am heard and understood 100% and that she knows all my reasons for what was done, and bullet points are the best way I can think of to lay it all out without losing her in all the text.
Lmk what yall think... Thank you!
submitted by have-high-hopes to aries_is_online [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:20 SkyttenSag Uranus Aquarius Aspects (Synastry)

Yo Everytime I keep reading synastry charts I just read one where we had 0 conflicting aspects but appearently the moon conjunct uranus in pisces, sun conjunct uranus aquarius , sun conjunct pluto in sagittarius, AND uranus conjunct Venus in Aquarius ARE ALL UNSTABLE for the long term
IS THIS TRUE OR NOT? (Let me know if you need any extra information the astrology site I used was
submitted by SkyttenSag to u/SkyttenSag [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:42 repulsive_fondant26 Lucy vs. Tartaros [discussion]

I have such beef with the fandom sometimes because I'm rewatching FT right? WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT HOW STRONG LUCY IS? Why is everyone talking about her appearance?! Just to recap, in Lucy's big battle in the Tartaros arc, she:
• was the only member of FT to somehow survive the Alegria curse, which Mard Geer says is a 1 in 1 BILLION chance
• summons two of her most powerful spirits at once followed by a third powerful spirit, and still has enough magic power to keep fighting
• even before Aquarius gives her a bit of power she has enough to continuously power Loke and Virgo (recall that spirits are powered by their summoner and their strength reflects Lucy's) and have them fight well
• is fighting 3 enemies at once
• SUMMONS THE CSK AFTER ALL THAT, which takes an INSANE AMOUNT OF POWER who then does his big attack to destroy the cube
• CSK is also powered by Lucy which we know because he's slightly weaker than usual but still has the power of a God— Mard Geer literally comments on how he seems to be fading fast since Lucy is losing power to give to him so we know she's his source of energy
• CSK destroys the Alegria, saving the entire guild and city of Magnolia, potentially the country from the cube
• Aquarius gives her star dress to Lucy and although Aquarius gave her power she was already beat so half of that power is still Lucy's BUT ALSO, a person can only take someone's power if they can handle it in their own magic source + second origin space
• performs an insane Urano Metria after all this
You can fight me on this if you want but in my opinion Lucy has more magic power than any girl in FT. While she lacks the combat prowess of others, if we judged raw magic power like in GMG, everyone would be destroyed by her.
I think a lot of people see Lucy as the weak link in the team or wonder why Natsu has her fight with him but it's because they all know how incredibly smart and talented Lucy is. Again, Lucy has a significant weakness (pre-star dress) but after the timeskip she literally asks Natsu to spar with the confidence that she could give him a good ass-kicking even if she doesn't win at his full power.
I will forever and always be a Lucy girly. She deserves so much more attention than just her body, and she's way stronger than anyone gives her credit for. I think that's probably why Mashima chose a summoning magic; to show that magic strength comes in all forms, not just elemental or combat magic.
submitted by repulsive_fondant26 to fairytail [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:26 Stage-Piercing727 Best Case Hawkbill Knife

Best Case Hawkbill Knife
Hold onto your hat, folks! Today we're delving into a world of sharp edges and sleek design: the Case Hawkbill Knife. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure, as we explore the finer points of this versatile blade and its place in the grand tapestry of cutlery. Get ready to fold and unfold the Case Hawkbill Knife in all its glory!

The Top 19 Best Case Hawkbill Knife

  1. Tru-Sharp Stainless Pocket Trimmer with Blue Bone Handle - Experience unmatched durability and versatility with the Blue Bone Trapper, featuring Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel blades and a vibrant orange synthetic handle for everyday outdoor projects.
  2. Handcrafted Carbon Steel Knife with Dark Red Bone Handle - The Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel is a stunning, handcrafted knife featuring dark red jigged bone handles and carbon steel bolsters, making it a high-quality and versatile choice for everyday needs.
  3. Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife - Experience the ultimate blend of style and performance with Case Medium Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket, a meticulously handcrafted knife boasting a jigged bone handle and Tru-Sharp SS blade, achieving a 4.7-star rating from 32 reviews.
  4. Yellow Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for Kids - CASE 029 Mini Trapper Pocket Knife: A versatile and durable yellow-handled knife with two blades, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and trappers, making it a must-have in the CASE line.
  5. Old Red Bone Case Hawkbill Knife for Everyday Use - Discover the ultimate versatility and durability of the Case Trapper Pocket Worn Old Red Bone Knife, perfect for small game trapping and your daily needs, with its long-lasting Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades and jigged bone handle crafted in the USA.
  6. Amber Jigged Bone Stockman Amber Bone Knife with CV-Carbon Steel Blades - The Case Large Stockman Amber Bone is a versatile and durable pocket knife, featuring three essential blades for everyday tasks, crafted from premium, long-lasting chrome vanadium steel, while combining beauty and functionality for ultimate satisfaction.
  7. Stained Glass Trapper Folding Knife with Natural Bone Handle - Experience the beauty of stained glass and functionality of a Trapper with the 5.0 rated Case 38714 Trapper Stained Glass Wings Folding Knife, crafted in the USA and featuring Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel for superior durability.
  8. Handcrafted Gray Bone Case SM Congress Jigged Bone Pocket Knife - Experience the perfect blend of craftsmanship and tradition with the Case XX 58422 SM Congress Pocket Worn Gray, featuring a handcrafted carbon steel handle, a versatile sheepsfoot blade, and a pen blade, all in a compact and durable design.
  9. Premium Aesthetic Case Aquarius Corelon Trapper Knife - Experience the superior craftsmanship and exceptional durability of the Case Cutlery 9254AQ Aquarius Corelon Trapper with Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades and handle design options in blue and green.
  10. Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Knife: Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and Natural Bone Handle - Experience the premium craftsmanship of the Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Hawkbill Knife, featuring a Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel blade, Natural Bone handle, and an intricate 6254 SS pattern, all proudly handcrafted in the U.S.A.
  11. Antique Bone Handle Hawkbill Pocket Knife - Experience the timeless allure of the Case 52832 Antique Trapper with its jigged bone handle and Tru-Sharp stainless steel blade, offering a perfect blend of elegance and durability.
  12. Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife with Blue Bone Handle - Experience the luxury of a handcrafted, surgical-grade stainless steel knife with a blue bone handle from Case XX, now available in a small Congress design.
  13. Case XX Trapper Knife: High-Quality, Custom-Made in the USA - The Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper, an American-made trapping knife, boasts a Tru-Sharp stainless steel blade, mulberry smooth synthetic handle, and nickel silver bolster, providing durability and precision for all your trapping needs.
  14. American-Made Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for USAF Enthusiasts - Crafted in the USA, the Case 32402 U.S. Air Force Mini Trapper features Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and a Navy Blue Synthetic Handle, making it a reliable and durable choice for everyday use.
  15. Premium Amber Bone Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife - Experience the perfect everyday pocket knife with the Case Amber Bone Peanut, featuring Tru-Sharp surgical stainless steel blades and a peach seed jig amber bone handle.
  16. Case Crandall Gray Pocket Trapper Knife - Chrome Vanadium Steel Blade - Discover the versatility of the Case XX 58410 Trapper Crandall Gray, a dependable folding knife for trappers with its jigged bone handle and Chrome Vanadium blades, offering reliable edge-holding and easy re-sharpening.
  17. Premium Hand-Crafted Case AQ Aquarius Trapper Knife - Crafted with precision and craftsmanship, the Case Hawkbill Knife is a reliable and durable outdoor tool for everyday use, perfect for hunting, camping, and all your adventures.
  18. Premium Hand-Crafted Corelon Ablone Hawkbill Knife - The Case Hawkbill Knife, a true work of art by skilled US artisans, boasts premium construction, versatile blades, and stunning abalone corelon handles, making it a reliable, stylish, and functional choice for any cutting task.
  19. Patriotic American Hawkbill Pocket Knife - Celebrate the values, history, and spirit of America with the Case Trapper Star Spangled Pocket Knife, featuring mirror-polished Tru-Sharp surgical stainless steel blades and natural bone handles.
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🔗Tru-Sharp Stainless Pocket Trimmer with Blue Bone Handle
Recently, I came across a Case Knife Blue Bone Trapper, and I must say it's a gem. The vibrant orange synthetic handle made it easy to locate when I was outdoors, especially on my hunting trips. The clip and spey blades were incredibly versatile, making it an all-around useful tool for my projects around the house, outdoors, and hunting.
One of the standout features was the Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel blades, which held their edge much longer than conventional steel. Plus, the extraordinary blade strength and corrosion resistance added to the durability of this folding knife. It served as a great everyday pocket knife for me, and I found myself reaching for it often.
However, I did notice that the knife's closed length was slightly larger than I would have preferred for pocket carry. Also, the non-locking slip joint lock felt less secure compared to locking mechanisms. Despite these minor drawbacks, the Case Knife Blue Bone Trapper proved to be a reliable and beautiful addition to my collection.

🔗Handcrafted Carbon Steel Knife with Dark Red Bone Handle
I recently had the chance to use the Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel knife in my daily life. The first thing that stood out to me was the carbon steel blade, which offered a sharp and sturdy cutting surface. The Dark Red Bone handle provided a comfortable and solid grip, perfect for various tasks.
One of the most impressive features of this knife was its handcrafted design, showcasing the artistry and attention to detail of the U. S. A. -based craftsmen who created it. The carbon steel sheepsfoot blade and pen blades were mirror finish, giving the knife an elegant and unique look. However, it's worth mentioning that the knife is not lightweight, as it weighs 1.2 oz.
While using it, I also noticed the nickel silver bolster(s) and the inlay shield, adding a touch of sophistication to this functional tool. The boxed packaging was an added bonus, making it a great gift for someone special.
Overall, I found this Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel knife to be a high-quality and reliable tool. Its distinctive design and solid construction make it a worthwhile investment for those who value craftsmanship and durability in their cutting instruments.

🔗Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife
I recently tried out the Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife, and I must say, I was impressed. From the moment I took it out of the package, the quality was apparent. The handle, made of jigged bone with a Tru-Sharp SS blade, felt comfortable in my hand, and the blue color added a nice touch to its appearance.
One of the best features of this knife is its versatility. The 6.5 cm blade is just the right length for everyday tasks and can easily be carried in my pocket. The weight, at 65 grams, is also perfectly manageable. It's perfect for everyday use and outdoor adventures.
While I loved the knife's construction, sharpness, and size, there was one thing that bothered me. The knife was delivered by a less-than-ideal shipping method, which caused it to be placed in my neighbor's mailbox instead of mine. I would have preferred it if the shipping was more streamlined and the knife was delivered directly to my doorstep.
Overall, I'm really happy with my Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife. It's well-crafted, functional, and a great addition to my collection of everyday carry items.

🔗Yellow Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for Kids
Recently, I found myself using the CASE Mini Trapper pocket knife in my daily life. This versatile tool has made all the difference in my outdoorsy adventures, as it fits perfectly in the pocket and is easy to access when needed. The bright yellow handle really stands out, not only making it easy to spot in a backpack or bag but also adding a touch of personality to it.
I've noticed the knife has two full-length blades, the 'clip' blade and the 'spey' blade. The clip blade is perfect for detail work or cutting small items efficiently, while the spey blade is an all-purpose utility blade that can handle most tasks. The knife is constructed with the robust chrome vanadium steel, known for its excellent edge-holding ability and easy resharpening. Although the steel isn't as resistant to rusting as stainless steel, it adds to the knife's unique charm, making it a lifelong companion.
However, an aspect that I found less appealing was the susceptibility to potential rusting. While it may not be a deal-breaker for some, it's worth considering for those who plan to use the knife heavily or in humid environments. Nonetheless, its solid build, smooth operating mechanism, and durable construction make this pocket knife an undeniable staple in my kit. If you're looking for a reliable tool that adds a touch of style while still maintaining practicality, the CASE Mini Trapper pocket knife is worth a try.

🔗Old Red Bone Case Hawkbill Knife for Everyday Use
I've been using the Case Trapper Pocket Worn Old Red Bone Knife for a while now, and I must say, it's a beauty. Every time I take it out of my pocket, I can feel the quality in my hands. The red bone handle is not only eye-catching but also provides a comfortable grip.
The Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades are another highlight - they're sharp and hold their edge really well. The knife is perfect for those who enjoy trapping and skinning small game, as it's lightweight and has both a Clip and a Spey blade.
However, there is one downside. The knife is quite large, which can be a bit inconvenient when carrying it around in your pocket. But overall, I'm really happy with my purchase. It's like having a piece of art with me at all times that also happens to be a useful tool.

🔗Amber Jigged Bone Stockman Amber Bone Knife with CV-Carbon Steel Blades
A couple of months ago, I decided to try out this Case Large Stockman Amber Bone pocket knife, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Firstly, the amber jigged bone handle not only adds an elegant touch but also provides a perfect grip. This knife was designed to serve many purposes, and it shines in each one.
The sheepsfoot blade was a game-changer for me, making it smooth and convenient to use, perfect for carving and getting those clean cuts. But the icing on the cake is the clip blade, which is incredibly versatile, coming in handy for all the everyday tasks around my place.
One thing that did catch me off guard was the resilience of the chrome vanadium steel used in making the blades. While some might worry about its susceptibility to rust and discoloration, I found it easy to sharpen and maintain.
The thing that I absolutely love about this pocket knife is its construction and build quality. It is solid, and it oozes class. However, if you're a fan of stainless steel, you might not appreciate this aspect as much.
In conclusion, I'd say this product is the epitome of quality and craftsmanship. It's an all-in-one knife that's both a collectible and a utility knife. Sure, it has its pros and cons, but the experience of using it outweighs any minor drawbacks. Would I recommend it? Absolutely!

🔗Stained Glass Trapper Folding Knife with Natural Bone Handle
I recently had the pleasure of using this Case Trapper Angel Wings Folding Knife, and let me tell you, it's a beauty to behold! The stained glass angel wings on the handle make this knife truly unique. The natural bone handles, featuring a color wash and black definition, catch the light perfectly.
With a Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel blade, I found that this knife held its edge quite well and was surprisingly sturdy despite its lightweight build. The knife comes with both a Clip and a Spey blade, each serving a different purpose. The Clip is excellent for intricate tasks, while the Spey is versatile enough for any everyday use.
One particularly impressive aspect of this product is its construction with Case Tru-Sharp stainless steel. This material ensures the blade stays sharp for longer and offers impeccable corrosion resistance. The quality of this knife is evident from its handcrafted design in the United States.
In terms of packaging, the product arrives in a sleek black velvet box, perfect for storing and displaying the knife. Overall, my experience with this Trapper Angel Wings Folding Knife has been nothing short of delightful – a must-have addition to any enthusiast's collection.

🔗Handcrafted Gray Bone Case SM Congress Jigged Bone Pocket Knife
I recently had the chance to try out the Case Small Congress Jigged Bone 58422, and let me tell you, it's quite a find. This little pocket knife is not only a perfect addition to my everyday carry, but it also has a unique charm to it.
The curved handle, made from gray bone, fits my hand nicely and gives a sturdy grip. The craftsmanship is evident in the way it was handcrafted in the United States – you can tell a lot of care and attention went into making this pocket knife.
The blade itself is made of carbon steel, which might seem a bit heavy for some, but I found it to be quite sharp and durable. It comes with two blades – a sheepsfoot, perfect for trimming hooves, and a pen blade for lighter work.
However, as much as I love this pocket knife, it's definitely not for everyone. Not only does it weigh a little more than other pocket knives, but the carbon steel blade might also be a bit of a risk when it comes to rust.
All in all, the Case Small Congress Jigged Bone 58422 is a fantastic choice for those who enjoy a traditional, compact pocket knife with a little extra heft and sharpness. But be sure to take proper care of it, and you'll be rewarded with a reliable and functional tool.

🔗Premium Aesthetic Case Aquarius Corelon Trapper Knife
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Aquarius Trapper from W. R. Case & Sons, a premium American brand of handmade knives. This versatile pocket knife, crafted from the highest quality materials, instantly caught my attention with its durability and performance. Made by skilled artisans in the United States, it offers a wide range of features that make it a must-have for anyone in need of a reliable and durable tool.
One of the standout features of this Trapper knife is the Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades that provide excellent cutting capabilities. The clip and spey blades are a nice touch, offering versatility for different tasks. Additionally, the handles are made of durable Corelon Aquarius, which adds to the knife's overall durability and quality.
While I loved the attractive design and vibrant color options, I did notice that the knife seemed a bit prone to scratches when carried in my pocket. This prompted me to suggest that the manufacturer consider providing a cloth pouch to protect the knife during transportation. Overall, the Aquarius Trapper from Case Cutlery is an impressive tool, crafted with precision and care that makes it stand out among other pocket knives in the market.

🔗Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Knife: Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and Natural Bone Handle
Imagine walking into a dimly lit room, the scent of old leather and polished steel lingering in the air. In one corner, nestled among antique weapons, you find a knife that instantly catches your eye. It's a Hawkbill Knife from the War Series, designed in the image of a classic Iraqi Freedom pattern.
The blade is made from Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel, a choice that ensures durability and precision. The handle, carved from natural bone, fits comfortably in the hand, a testament to the craftsmanship of its creators. Handcrafted in the United States, each knife bears the mark of its origin - a symbol of quality and pride.
With a closed length of 4.13 inches, this Hawkbill Knife is compact yet potent. The spey blades, mirror finish stainless clip, and nickel silver bolster showcase the attention to detail that has gone into its creation. As you hold it, the Iraqi Freedom handle embellishment stands out, a unique touch that adds a layer of depth to your experience.
Unfortunately, there are a few aspects that could be improved. The weight of the knife at 4.0 ounces might not be suitable for everyone. Moreover, the overall design may not appeal to all, but for those who appreciate the history and craftsmanship that goes into each piece, the Hawkbill Knife from the War Series is truly special.

🔗Antique Bone Handle Hawkbill Pocket Knife
I've been using the Antique Bone Trapper for a few weeks now, and it's been quite a pleasure. The handle in jigged bone, with a rich, caramel brown tone, exudes an elegant, classic feel that makes you want to hold it and use it every day.
Plus, the Tru-Sharp SS blade adds durability and smoothness to cutting through tasks. However, I do wish the knife had been sharpened out of the box - just a bit of extra effort on my part before it could perform at its best.
Don't let this minor inconvenience deter you from trying it out. The Antique Bone Trapper is a fantastic addition to any collection or daily toolkit.

🔗Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife with Blue Bone Handle
I was intrigued by the Case XX 02845 SM Congress Blue Bone knives. The mirrored stainless steel blades and blue jigged bone handle were visually appealing. But the slipjoint lock was a bit unwieldy.
It took some practice to get the hang of it. The Tru-Sharp Surgical Steel blades held their shine for a reasonable amount of time, which was convenient. However, for a small knife with a 3-inch closed length, it lacked maneuverability in some situations.
Nevertheless, I appreciated the American craftsmanship that went into making this compact, pocket-friendly knife.

🔗Case XX Trapper Knife: High-Quality, Custom-Made in the USA
I recently had the chance to try out the Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper. It's a handsome little knife, featuring a beautiful Mulberry synthetic handle that gives it a lovely, slightly textured grip. The Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades are quite sharp, and the spey blades are perfect for those who like a little added functionality.
One of the things I appreciated most about this knife is that it's handcrafted right here in the United States. The attention to detail is evident, from the mirror finish stainless clip to the nickel silver bolster. However, something I noticed that might be a drawback for some is its weight - at only 3.7oz, it's a pretty light knife in comparison to others.
Using this knife daily, I found it quite versatile and practical. But overall, the Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper is a product that combines both beauty and functionality, making it stand out among its competitors in the market.

🔗American-Made Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for USAF Enthusiasts
I had the opportunity to test the Case 32402 Mini Trapper, a tiny pocket knife packed with impressive features. One of the highlights that stood out to me was the Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel, which provided durable sharpness that lasted through various tasks.
The Navy Blue Synthetic Handle offered a comfortable, ergonomic grip, allowing me to navigate my way around the miniature knife with ease. In addition, it added a touch of style to the design, making it stand out.
However, I did experience a small disadvantage - the Mini Trapper's manual-open design made it a bit challenging to access and open with just one hand. Despite this minor inconvenience, I still found great value in the United States Air Force W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co. 32402. Overall, it was a reliable and aesthetically pleasing addition to my daily life.

Buyer's Guide

A Case Hawkbill Knife, also known as a pen knife or a pocket knife, is a versatile and practical tool. It offers a variety of functions, including cutting, opening, and even breaking objects like nails. This buyer's guide will provide an overview of essential factors to consider when purchasing a Case Hawkbill Knife, as well as some general recommendations.

One of the first things to consider is the materials used to make the knife. Good-quality knives are typically made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or high-carbon stainless steel. These materials provide durability, corrosion resistance, and sharpness. Consider the climate where you'll use the knife, as well as the type of objects you'll be cutting. Stainless steel may be a better choice if you live in a humid or salty environment. Meanwhile, high-carbon steel could be preferable for a more precise or versatile edge. Remember to check if the blade locks or unlocks securely when using it.

Design Features

There are several design features to consider when buying a Case Hawkbill Knife. A locking mechanism is essential for safety and ensuring that the blade remains closed when not in use. Popular locking mechanisms include friction locks and spring-loaded locks. Pay attention to the size and weight of the knife, as well as the design of the handle. Some handles are ergonomic for comfortable use, while others have built-in features for opening cans or bottles caps.

Brand Reputation

Another important aspect to consider is the brand reputation. Case has a long history of producing high-quality knives with excellent value for money. However, new brands or lesser-known manufacturers may offer excellent products as well. Research online reviews, customer testimonials, and manufacturer's warranty policies to ensure that you're getting a reliable and durable product.

Maintenance Tips

To extend the life of your Case Hawkbill Knife, proper maintenance is essential. Always clean the knife by wiping the blade with a cloth and removing any debris on the handle. To prevent rust, you should avoid submerging the knife in water or storing it in a humid area. Regularly re-lubricating the hinges and locking mechanism is also recommended. For the blade, sharpen or hone it as needed to maintain its cutting edge.


The price of a Case Hawkbill Knife can vary based on factors such as materials, design features, and brand reputation. Shop around for the best deals and consider your budget when purchasing one. Remember that spending a bit more on a well-built knife may save you money in the long run by offering better durability and requiring fewer repairs or replacements.


What is a Hawkbill knife?

A Hawkbill knife is a type of folding knife that features a unique and distinctive blade shape, which resembles the head of a hawk. It is characterized by its curved, hooked tip that is ideal for piercing, cutting, and gripping materials. This knife is versatile, strong, and highly functional.

What are the main features of a Case Hawkbill Knife?

  • Strong blade made of high-carbon stainless steel
  • Unique Hawkbill blade shape for improved grip and cutting
  • Smooth, secure locking mechanism for enhanced safety
  • High-quality materials and construction for durability
  • Variety of colors and patterns to choose from

What are the different blade sizes available for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Case Hawkbill Knives come in various blade sizes, ranging from smaller pocket knives to larger hunting knives. Common blade sizes include 1-1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2-1/2 inch, 3-1/2 inch, 4-1/2 inch, and 6-inch.

Are Case Hawkbill Knives suitable for everyday use?

Yes, Case Hawkbill Knives are suitable for everyday use. Their strong, durable construction and versatile blade shape make them ideal for everyday tasks and activities.

What is the warranty for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Case Hawkbill Knives typically come with a limited lifetime warranty, which covers defects in materials and workmanship. Warranty information may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer.

Where can I purchase a Case Hawkbill Knife?

Case Hawkbill Knives are available from various retailers, both online and in physical stores, including major outdoor and sporting goods retailers, as well as specialized knife shops. It is also recommended to check the manufacturer's official website for availability and authorized dealers.

Are there any reviews or ratings available for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Yes, there are numerous reviews and ratings available for Case Hawkbill Knives on various websites, such as Amazon, outdoor gear stores, and other online retail platforms. These ratings and reviews can provide valuable insights into the product's performance, quality, and overall user satisfaction.
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