Blake pictures from book full tilt

Wimmelbilder - insanely detailed Where's Waldo?−style drawings

2016.11.29 10:21 mrktwzrd Wimmelbilder - insanely detailed Where's Waldo?−style drawings

A place for the amazingly intricate Where's Waldo-style illustrations you can stare at for hours, and still not pick up on all of the tiny details.

2014.07.24 19:41 Roflmoo Context-Free Comic Panels

Individual comic panels from comics that stand on their own as bizarre, funny, or interesting. Old and new panels welcome!

2018.08.28 20:19 countesscephalopod realwitchcraft

For those who study or practice witchcraft, paganism, or any other forms of magick. Share pictures and stories of your craft, inspire others, and learn from them.

2024.06.04 21:16 morongaaa Booked in Feb for july, Pool scheduled to reopen in March, now says no eta/still closed. [USA]

Listing this as a question because I just wonder if we have a leg to stand on if we cancelled.
We booked a family vacation for mid July back in February. It's a condo in Daytona. The listing stated the pool deck was under construction from hurricane damage but was on schedule for repairs to be finished by end of March. I knew there were risks but figured nearly 4 months would be enough wiggle room. I confirmed before booking that March was still projected end date, they said yes. We paid off the balance in May and when I checked the listing it now said ETA by end of June. Host says there were just a lot of delays. I reached back out today and now there is no ETA to repair date at all.
We are still within the partial refund cancellation date but do we have any ground to argue a full refund for cancelling? Has anyone dealt with something similar?
submitted by morongaaa to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:15 Patient_Morning9196 dj name help 😩

Hi, I am really struggling to come up with a dj name. (I KNOW that is not my biggest priority if I’m just starting, I just wanna have one!)
My real name is Brittany but i go by Britt. I have been seeing that it would probably be good to just use some variation of my real name, but I can’t think of anything cool to go with britt lol. I saw a girl named Zoey’s stage name is sister zo! I would love to be able to play on the words like that.
I really like the name Feyre (from those books) but maybe spelled at Feyra or Feiyra? I feel like that still might be too close. I found Mysteria or Mystyria and I like that one too, but it looks like a lot of users have that on soundcloud.
the music i want to mixing is old school/uk dupstep, grime, trap music so kinda on the darker side. i was trying to take this into consideration
thanks for any help! please no slander about me wanting a name, I just wanna be able to picture myself as a DJ 😸 (and hold down the instagram/soundcloud username lol).
submitted by Patient_Morning9196 to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 youretoosuspicious 6 weeks after LAL, my experience (long read)

51F, diagnosed last fall with a cortical cataract in my left eye (OS). This is my near vision eye, and vision in this eye has been poor my entire life, but it had progressed to the point where it was uncorrectable with lenses. I was experiencing glare in sun, near-blackouts going from sun to shade, and rainbow halos around lights during the night and day. I also realized, after having my surgery, that I had been avoiding reading and writing because of double vision caused by the cataract. Since I work in books and libraries, and some of my most enjoyed hobbies involve reading, writing, correspondence, and crafts including knitting, the cataract was strongly affecting my life.
My optometrist referred me to a local surgeon and I went for a consultation. He said that while I had developed cataracts in both eyes, the one on the left was 3+, what they consider severe, and he scheduled me for surgery the next month. I read all the materials they gave me and found this subreddit, which has been incredibly helpful throughout the process, so thank you to all who post and respond here!
I was uncertain whether I should go with the first referral (and posted as much here, and got a lot of great reflections from folks, thank you) because I'd read bad Yelp reviews of the office. But I read reviews of ALL the major surgery providers in town and they all had the same range of reviews, so I decided to stick with this doctor, deciding that being part of a "surgery farm" was a GOOD thing rather than a bad one. More surgeries = more expertise, hopefully.
I received satisfactory guidance from another surgeon at the practice after they did my biometry; she said I could get good results with either a monofocal or the LAL monofocal, and that it was up to me. Since this is my near eye, the one I depend on the most for most of my preferred activities, and since I have good insurance and could afford the additional out-of-pocket cost, I decided to go with the LAL. My insurance paid for all the basic parts of the surgery.
On the surgery day, I bussed over to the surgery office and they did intake, I waited for a while, and then was led into the pre-surgery area, a large circular hospital area with curtained cubicles all around the edges. All the people in the cubicles were at various stages of pre- or post-op, and nurses were circulating giving eye drops and checking in on people. I was given a gown to wear over my clothes, a surgical cap like a shower cap, and they started putting drops in my eyes. I knew they were giving me numbing and dilating drops, and other than that the surgery uses Versed for during the surgery. I chatted with the nurse, met the anesthesiologist (who cracked a lot of jokes about the efficiency of the surgeon - "it goes so fast, you won't even have time for a cocktail!"), and before long they had transferred me to a reclining rolling chair and took me in for the pre-op laser treatment. This was the most unpleasant part, as I had to stare unblinking into a bright light while the surgeon counted down. I could feel the anesthesiologist gently stroking my hand. As soon as that procedure was over, the anesthesiologist said "I'm starting the Versed now," and that was the last thing I can recall. In my dim memories I see some blobby colors moving around, like the oil projections at a hippie light show, but otherwise no memory of vision or any discomfort. The nurse gave me some apple juice, called my spouse to pick me up, and then I went home. My surgery had been scheduled for 11, and it was about 2pm.
I had a surgical bandage taped over my eye and was instructed to wear the clear eye shield at night. I felt a little woozy from the anesthetic, so I had chicken broth and some buttered pasta, and then rested in bed with the shades pulled for the rest of the day.
Next day I had a careful shower, hopped on the bus with my surgical bandage on (covered with sunglasses), and went to the clinic for my post-op. They removed the bandage and gave me a quick manual eye test, and handed over my LAL eyeglasses box.
At that point I had a lot of flashing and glare, from the implant, and I felt a bit wobbly in my vision as my eyes moved from side to side. In the days immediately after the surgery, while I noticed a distinct improvement in my vision, I also felt a bit off, and got frequent mild headaches. My old progressives were useless, so I used the LAL reader glasses to read or knit, but I could watch my laptop without any correction, which I hadn't been able to do for about 8 years!
By about a week out, I was noticing the artifacts from the lens less and less, except for when I was at a specific angle standing or sitting under overhead lights. The LAL glasses are ugly and inconvenient, but I wore them indoors and out for the full 5 weeks it took me to get adjusted. I called them my Bono Disguise because even people who knew me would fail to recognize me upon first glance. Sometimes I explained to people why I was wearing them, and sometimes I challenged myself not to explain it at all.
At my first correction (approximately 3 weeks after surgery), they tested my near vision at 20/20 and decided to correct only for astigmatism. In the week after that, I went back and forth about what I wanted to see the most clearly - things very close to my face, or things in the intermediate distance, like someone sitting across the table from me? Ultimately I decided that I could wear readers for close work and have "functional" vision the rest of the time. We decided to lock-in after only one treatment. After the treatment, and after each of the two lock-ins, I noticed a definite shift as my eyes and brain adjusted to the treatment.
The adjustment, involving a weird aluminum contact lens and an eye dilation that meant my iris was invisible, was odd and not pleasant but definitely bearable. Even the two lock-ins were not horrifying for me, but thanks u/texaserin for the warning about it. I joked to the nurse attending the lock-ins, "Oh hi, are you the one who holds my head in place?" Like others, I saw pink for about a week after the second lock-in, which was the brighter one for me. Pink, like millenial pink when looking at anything white with both eyes open, and when I'd close my untreated eye I'd see HOT pink.
What my functional near vision means is that I can focus clearly up to 12" from my face. Closer than that it's blurry, but I can read a book and use my laptop and drive without correction. With a bent arm, I can read the ingredients on a beverage can. I had to get a stick-on magnifying mirror for my bathroom so I could do eyebrow maintenance. Some days, when I'm short on sleep or the weather is very dry, I notice my vision is a bit more blurry, so I've been carrying PF eye drops (Systane PF) with me for touch-ups as needed.
Refraction BEFORE surgery (both eyes)
OD +0.75 sphere +0.50 cyl x046 axis +1.75 ADD
OS -7.50 sphere +1.50 cyl X144 axis +1.75 ADD
Refraction AFTER surgery (OS only)
OS -1.25 sphere +0.50 cyl x148 axis +2.00 ADD
They've listed my near vision now as J1+, or 20/20, which is wild!
submitted by youretoosuspicious to CataractSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:12 Cool_Transition1139 What Skills Are Best for Freelancing?


What skill is best for freelancing? To navigate this ever-expanding field, it's essential to understand which skills are in high demand and can yield the most best opportunities.

Freelancing Skills that are in High Demand include:

1. Web Development

Web development remains at the forefront of in-demand freelance skills. With businesses increasingly transitioning online, the need for skilled web developers continues to soar. Proficiency in languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular can open doors to numerous freelance opportunities. Specializing in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development can significantly enhance your marketability.

2. Graphic Design

Visual content is king in the digital world, making graphic design a highly sought-after skill. Talented graphic designers can create compelling visuals that drive engagement and sales. Mastery of tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign is essential. Additionally, understanding branding, typography, and user experience (UX) design can set you apart from the competition.

3. Content Writing and Copywriting

Content writing and copywriting are essential for businesses looking to communicate effectively with their audience. Skilled writers who can produce engaging, well-researched, and SEO-optimized content are in high demand. Expertise in blog writing, article creation, email marketing, and social media content can make you a valuable asset to any client looking to enhance their digital presence.

4. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at promoting products and services online. Proficiency in SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, and PPC advertising can make you an indispensable freelancer. Understanding analytics tools such as Google Analytics and mastering platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads can help you create effective marketing strategies for your clients.

5. Video Editing and Production

The rise of video content across social media and other platforms has led to an increased demand for video editing and production skills. Freelancers proficient in using tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and After Effects can find numerous opportunities. Skills in storyboarding, sound design, and animation are also valuable in this field.

6. Mobile App Development

With the proliferation of smartphones, mobile app development is a thriving freelance market. Knowledge of Swift, Kotlin, Java, and Flutter can position you as a top freelancer in this domain. Specializing in iOS, Android, or cross-platform development can cater to different client needs, enhancing your versatility and employability.

7. Data Analysis and Data Science

In the age of big data, data analysis and data science skills are invaluable. Proficiency in Python, R, SQL, and tools like Tableau or Power BI can help businesses make data-driven decisions. Specializing in machine learning, predictive analytics, or data visualization can open up advanced freelance opportunities.

8. Virtual Assistance

Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Skills in project management, customer service, scheduling, and using tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Trello are crucial. Excellent organizational and communication skills can make you a sought-after freelancer in this category.

9. Translation and Language Services

The globalized nature of business today makes translation and language services a valuable skill. Fluency in multiple languages and the ability to translate documents, websites, and marketing materials accurately is in high demand. Specializing in technical, legal, or medical translation can further enhance your freelance prospects.

10. Accounting and Financial Consulting

Businesses of all sizes need expertise in accounting and financial consulting. Proficiency in QuickBooks, Excel, and financial analysis tools is essential. Offering services in bookkeeping, tax preparation, financial planning, and auditing can make you a valuable freelance professional.

Developing and Marketing Your Freelance Skills

Building a Strong Portfolio

Regardless of your chosen skill, having a robust portfolio showcasing your work is crucial. Include case studies, client testimonials, and detailed examples of your projects. A well-organized portfolio can demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking plays a significant role in freelancing success. Engage with industry-specific forums, attend webinars, and join social media groups relevant to your field. Building relationships with other professionals can lead to referrals and collaborative opportunities.

Utilizing Freelance Platforms

Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, and Toptal are excellent places to find freelance work. Create a compelling profile, bid on relevant projects, and maintain high ratings to attract clients. These platforms can be an excellent starting point for building your freelance career.

Continuous Learning and Skill Development

The freelancing landscape is constantly evolving, making continuous learning essential. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and technologies. Enroll in online courses, attend workshops, and read industry publications to keep your skills sharp and relevant.


Choosing the best skill for freelancing depends on your interests, strengths, and market demand. Whether you excel in web development, graphic design, content writing, or any other high-demand skill, the key to success lies in continuous improvement and effective marketing of your services. As you develop your freelance career, focus on building a strong portfolio, networking, and leveraging freelance platforms to maximize your opportunities
submitted by Cool_Transition1139 to howtoworkonlinenow [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:12 mansplanar 5 WINTER DATE NIGHT IDEAS IN NEW YORK CITY

Movie, bowling, rollerskating, museum, brewery, concert, stand up, salsa dancing, arcade, barcade
If you want to be with locals, going to see the lights at night at the Brooklyn botanical garden is always nice. They sell boozy hot drinks (or sans booze) and you can stroll around and enjoy the show.
The Cloisters in the snow is really something else. Botantical gardens, too.
Museum of the Moving Image is a great idea! It's so fun and interactive. Definitely would be a good date location.
These experiences will help heat things between you and your sweetheart.
You don’t need Cupid to remind you that anytime is the right time to plan a date night—even during the cold winter months when your comfy couch is calling. Thankfully, New York City is full of fun, romantic ideas—from ice skating to spas—that will inspire you and your special someone to get out and explore.
To help you plan your Valentine’s Day and beyond, here’s a roundup of things that you and your sweetheart can do this winter.
Go ice skating
This classic winter activity is a go-to date idea while in New York City. That’s because you can hold onto each other for support—even if you’re an expert skater. Just across the street from Park Terrace Hotel you’ll find the Winter Village at Bryant Park. Here, the green space is transformed into a wonderland filled with shops, eateries, pop-up igloos, and a free ice skating rink. After some frozen fun, continue the date by snuggling up in one of the park’s cozy igloos. The clear domes offer an intimate setting and a warm escape from the chilly temps.
Not into skating? No problem. Take a whirl with your partner in one of the park’s bumper cars on ice instead.
Sip some hot chocolate
Experience that warm, fuzzy feeling with a cup of hot cocoa. New York City boasts plenty of cafes and coffee shops serving up the sweet elixir like Angelina Paris, which is conveniently located by Bryant Park near Park Terrace Hotel. It serves a luxe thick hot chocolate with light Chantilly cream and a menu with savory French faves including croque madame.
You’ll find other sweet treats to share at nearby Lady M, where you can indulge in the French pastry shop’s signature mille crepes, and ROYCE’ Chocolate, which sells Japanese-inspired confections.
Visit a museum or gallery
Get out of the cold with a visit to one of New York City’s many museums. From the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the MoMA on the Upper East Side to the Whitney Museum of American Art downtown, you can easily spend an entire day indoors exploring with your sweetheart. Plus, Date Night at The Met takes place every Friday and Saturday night and includes live music, drinks, and special programming for a guaranteed good time.
In addition to exploring well-known museums like the Met and MoMa, take a stroll around the city’s Chelsea neighborhood to scope out smaller art galleries, which are typically free and open to the public. The galleries are concentrated largely between West 18th and West 28th Streets and 10th and 11th Avenues. And be sure to include a romantic stroll along the nearby High Line, if weather permits.
Attend a cocktail-making class
Shake things up with a mixology class at Great Jones, Manhattan’s first legal whiskey distillery since Prohibition that’s located in NoHo. Guests receive a tour of the distillery followed by a bourbon tasting. After the tasting, enjoy a delicious charcuterie board and a cocktail. Finally, a team of expert mixologists led a hands-on demonstration of the distillery’s popular whiskey cocktails.
Not in the mood to mix it up D.I.Y. style? Head to one of the city’s charming bars with a cozy fireplace such as Mace in Greenwich Village or the Flatiron Room in Murray Hill for a cocktail.
Relax at the spa
Indulge in a spa day at AIRE Ancient Baths. Housed in a restored historical building in TriBeCa, the luxury wellness space offers a romantic and restorative experience. For Valentine’s Day, couples can discover the Velvet Garden filled with floral decorations and calming tunes. Book a full-body massage in a room for two, followed by a soak in the space’s iconic thermal baths, along with sparkling wine and truffles.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:11 dafurball Fake Remote Position - Architectural Drafter

I got contacted by a Joshua Lewis of Prosteel Building Systems for a Remote Architectural Drafter position. The pay scale was insane - $50 an hour for training, and $75 for full time. They sent me a questionnaire, skipped the interview process, and just sent me an offer of employment. Included in the email was:
"Before you start work, you will receive a payment(check) which will be used to set up your workspace by purchasing the office equipment and software needed to start your training and work.
Previously, the company makes the purchase of the materials for our employees but due to logistics issues and repeated errors that has been happening on the receipts of purchase from the vendor, it was decided that all newly hired employees make the purchase of the materials from the company's accredited vendors while the company provides the funds that would be used for the purchase. If you are able to work for the company for a period of 12-16 weeks, the equipment automatically becomes yours and your name has to be on the receipt of purchase to show that you made the order from the vendor."
Oldest scam in the book - asking you to deposit a check. Stay safe out there.
submitted by dafurball to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:08 Adventurous-Car-36 The new listing format is super hard to use but the old form will be gone on June 25😢

Although Etsy keep promoting new form and saying it's easier to use and time-saving. As a seller, I really feel new listing form is just a time waster.
First, the picture editor is enlarged seriously, larger than my screen, so it's hard to view and edit in with a whole picture. I need to scroll up and down to when editting.
Second, there isn't title showing when scrolling down. In old form, I can easily copy and paste title in the footer to tags, but now I have to keep scrolling all the way to top and all the way to almost the buttom for tags. When I editting many listings in different tabs of Chrome, I don't even know which one is which.
The whole working process fulls of scrolling up and down and confusion.
Dose anyone figure out something to deal with that?
I really hope they won't remove old from. 😞
submitted by Adventurous-Car-36 to Etsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:00 ExulansisPotato My best friend keeps making terrible life choices.

My (28F) best friend (28F) Amy (fake name) keeps making terrible life choices and it is stressing me out. At the start of last year, my fiancé and I moved back to the city that my best friend lives in after 4 years living rural for both of our jobs. We got engaged just as we moved back so we are busy wedding planning, we both work full time and I am also studying part time. Amy was struggling to find work, so as the manager at my job I arranged and interview and she ended up getting hired, job is in childcare and generally we work split shifts (short shift in morning and afternoon) she has been super unreliable so is only working roughly 3 hours a day in the afternoon or 15ish hours per week during school term. Even despite this short amount of work she is constantly calling in “sick” last minute. I feel like this reflects really badly onto me and it has put a lot of strain on my relationship with her. Amy continually asks me for more shifts, my co manager (in private) has said to me that she is not prepared to roster Amy on any more due to her being so unreliable, and I agree. She has become really close with 2 of our coworkers who are both 21 and has become friends with some of their friends as well.
Outside of work I have obviously been planning a wedding, she is my maid of honour. When I got engaged, I added my friends into a chat so they could plan my bachelorette party. I booked an Airbnb for everyone and sort of left them to it. Whenever I checked in with Amy about the planning she would say “oh but it’s ages away we don’t need to stress about it.” I am type A and very anxious so I need to know that things are organised, I have other guests asking me questions about what the plan is and I can tell them. Eventually I was so upset and stressed a few months out that my fiancé spoke to his brother’s girlfriend and she (Mary - fake name) ook over organising. When Amy saw she was added to the group chat, she immediately messaged me questioning why she was part of planning. Mary is like me, working full time, studying part time, type A so she understood how I felt and despite being so busy made time to help me and my other bridesmaid (Fiona - fake name) who was helping plan. Amy continued to do nothing except occasionally send TikTok’s and saying “oo we should do this” but then not planning anything. My bachelorette rolls around and Amy consistently annoyed everyone by talking explicitly about her sex life with her boyfriend to people that hardly knew her, and still did not help with any of the cooking, cleaning or running activities/games. By the end of the weekend a few of my friends spoke privately to me about her and said they were uncomfortable.
Then bridesmaid dress shopping. Every dress my 3 bridesmaids tried on I was taking pictures of, really contemplating and thinking about the options, trying to make sure everyone was happy and comfortable. She kept asking me to take photos of her from the back because her boyfriend “loves her back” and she just kept talking about how hot he would think she is. I went home so upset that that is all she cared about.
I have expressed to her that I need her to help me with wedding planning and I need her to stop calling in “sick” to work because it is reflecting negatively on me. And she has said that she will do better but nothing has changed. Any time I bring up things that need to be done for the wedding she tells me “stop stressing there is heaps of time” instead of helping me, so I have stopped talking to her about it.
She has tried studying multiple times. She will start the semester doing all the work and then will just stop going in to university, you have to attend some classes in person otherwise you fail. She’s applying to her 5th or 6th university now after one semester at all the others.
We are planning to start trying for a baby shortly after our wedding, I have shared these plans with 2 of my friends, Amy being one of them. I have explicitly told her not to tell anyone. She has made several sly comments at work in front of coworkers about our baby plans, I am just hoping no one understand what she is talking about. My fiancé had to have a word with her and she has stopped doing it since.
Last week she broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years, saying she doesn’t love him anymore and they feel like roommates. He works night shifts and pays their rent, it seems like she was sort of free loading off him and not really putting in much effort to the relationship despite barely working much. He works long night shifts so is often tired, he is a really nice person and someone I think is really good for her. Before they broke up she said “hypothetically if we broke up could I live with you for a little bit until I find somewhere else?” My fiancé and I own our home and we have plenty of room so we said yes, I thought it would be a good way for me to keep an eye on her and try and influence her to make better choices. She moved in last weekend and one night she left the house at 7pm to go driving with her 21 year old friends and didn’t get back until 4am, she had to work at 6:30am the next morning because she was covering someone’s shift. She didn’t bring a key so she woke my fiancé and I up at 4am to get back into the house. I worked a 12 hour day on that day so I did not take kindly to having my much needed sleep interrupted which I had a talk to her about. I just could think of nothing worse than hanging out with 21 year olds all night when I have responsibilities the next day.
Now she is talking about studying again and talking about how this time it’s going to be really good but I just don’t believe it.
I have tried talking to her, I’ve spoken to a mutual friend about it who has struggled with the same thing and she told me not to be so hard on myself and to just let Amy do her own thing. She reminded me that it is not our responsibility to “fix” her and help her and if she wants to keep on this path we just need to sort of make peace with that but I’m really struggling now that she is living with us.
What can I do differently? I am driving myself insane.
TLDR: my best friend is super immature and keeps making terrible life decisions, now she is living with me after breaking up with her boyfriend and I have to watch it all unfold.
submitted by ExulansisPotato to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:58 pootoot2 Read if you have imposter syndrome/are an imposter

I got the P a few weeks ago and used this sub a lot for reassurance during my dedicated so I wanted to return the favor to anyone in a similar spot to where I was in the weeks leading up to the exam.
The gist:
/start of dedicated/
Tehe factor:
Things that I think helped me:
Things that did not help me:
Setting the scene:
A bit more detail/meaty yap:
During my dedicated I followed my academic advisor’s advice to focus on my weak areas. I used NBME Insights to analyze which content areas I was missing (and missing consistently over multiple forms) and focused on learning that content. NBME insights is a fantastic and under-utilized tool that can really help you study efficiently—highly recommend. I used a mix of Bnb, Pathoma, FA, UWorld to improve in my weak areas. I also watched a ton of Mehlman question walk through videos on YouTube whenever I had free time, doing chores, working out, going for walks etc. I read a bunch of Mehlman PDFs but mostly cherry picked specific topics in them that I felt weak on. The only ones I read in full were Neuroanatomy and Endocrine. I love Mehlys question walk through videos because you get the same invaluable info as in the PDFs but it was easier for me to go through more content in the video format.
At the start of my dedicated (5 weeks) I had about 22% of UWorld complete which was abysmally low compared to my peers. I got it up to 46% by the end of dedicated. This was what worried me most going into the exam as our school recommends having at least 80% complete before sitting. In addition to the NBME forms listed above I also did all of Form 28 and half of Form 31 in a piecemeal fashion to get more exposure to NBME style questions (and more data on my weaknesses from Insights).
Anyway I basically did targeted review in the morning which consisted of doing some warm up questions, narrowing down specific knowledge gaps within weak content areas, watching a video or two or reading, then doing a shit ton of targeted questions to solidify. Afternoons were more of a general review if I finished everything from the morning. I never studied late into the night and prioritized getting good sleep and going on frequent walks throughout the day.
I took my last practice test a week before my actual exam. Our class was advised to take Form 29 last because it is supposedly the most similar to the real thing. I tacked on two sections of Form 28 after it to simulate the length of the actual exam and gauge my stamina (ran thru).
As for the actual exam.. I personally found it to be very different than NBMEs and Free 120s and UWorld/Amboss. The question stems seemed way longer. This was difficult for me because I am always slow going through tests and had worked on my timing a lot to even finish practice test sections on time. On the actual exam I ran out of time in almost every section. The first section I had to straight up choose a random answer choice without reading the question for ~5 questions before time ran out. My timing improved a bit as the day went on but I never had more than a minute or two left over. I don’t like to change answer choices so I was fine with not having time to review but it was unnerving to get down to the wire with timing in every section.
Everyone says this and it’s true: the ethics/communication questions were strange… I chalked it up to experimental questions. Epi/stats seemed nonexistent which was a bummer because that is usually my best section. There were no calculation questions but more so conceptual and again kind of strange in that they seemed different than anything I’d seen on NBME.
I knew there would be door chart style questions but there were a lot more of them than I expected. These are of course long but I kind of like them better than just a regular long question stem because you can easily hone in on the important parts without having to read everything.
In general, I felt that the questions were either very straightforward (despite long stem that eats time) or very convoluted with unclear clinical pictures and ambiguous answer choices. I also truly felt that many of the “big picture” concepts that seem to be on every practice test at least once were notably absent. The majority of questions seemed random af. Like I’m not even sure what was really being tested. In the end I guess you just have to tRuSt YoUr pReP.
Another thing that happened was that I forgot a few things that are just super basic. Like concepts that are hammered in from the first week of med school and had been inculcated in my mind just turned to mush and I was questioning what I knew during the test. In hindsight I think this is normal given the sheer amount of information processing you are doing at such a quick pace but it can throw you off so if this happens just try not to worry and move on. Don’t do what I did and try to calculate how many questions you probably got wrong vs how many you can afford to get wrong in each section while you are going through the section…
In the post-exam era awaiting my result I went from feeling meh to convinced that I failed. I started to plan my summer around restudying. But then.. lo and behold I passed. Now I’m eating caviar and *****.
On a serious note ;(
There is a unique type of shame/guilt/doubt that comes with having ADHD in med school. Even though my NBME scores were fine I felt that they were a fluke. I still sort of do. The lack of consistency in studying and oscillating between extremes of not studying for weeks vs hardcore studying in bursts can instill a lot of doubt, especially when you see your peers who are very disciplined and consistent. There were days in my dedicated that I did no questions and there were days that I did 130 questions. That sort of inconsistency makes you feel like you just got lucky every time you get a decent score. This is all to say that if you’ve been feeling like a lazy piece of shit who’s just been flying by the seat of your pants… well … just try not to dwell in the guilt and doubt. Do what you can, trust your NBMEs (fluke or not), and just take the test when your scores indicate you're ready. I think it must be easier than we all make it out to be.
Tehe !
submitted by pootoot2 to step1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:56 Belzebutt Can I use C1 with CEC to power on my Onkyo TX-SR393 automatically, but NOT change to input "TV"?

I have a setup where I want to turn on the TX-SR393 when I turn on my LG C1 TV with the TV remote, but I don't want to switch the Onkyo input automatically to "TV", because I most often use the TV for picture but optical in from a PC for sound (assigned to "PC" input). I use CEC with Audio return channel if I use the TV's apps. Whenever I use the "PC" input (Optical in) and turn off the TV using and Onkyo using ARC, and then turn it on again, it sets the Onkyo's input to "TV" instead of "PC". My C1 does return to its last used HDMI input (in my case HDMI2 for PC use), is there a way for example to turn off the changing of the CEC Onkyo input if a particular HDMI port is being used on the C1? FYI my PC uses G-Sync 120 Hz so I might also be limited to a particular HDMI port for the PC video input. I use my sound card to output DTS using the optical input on the Onkyo to get full surround on the stereo.
submitted by Belzebutt to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:54 Rfransoler92 AMITA For not telling my Ex that i've moved back home?

The background: My ex and I have been apart for about 11 months now. We split up about 2 weeks after I left the USA to live & work abroad for a year. We'd talked about it for about 6 months before I left and never really came to an agreement over what we were both ok with. I wanted the experience of living abroad, she didn't want me gone more than 2 months etc. I tried to get her to go with me by inviting her and talked about mutual visits during that time. Nothing worked. About a month after we split I video called her and broke down emotionally. I was home sick, missing her and missing my old life. She told me then that she didn't want to get back together and thought it was best we'd split. After the call was over I booked a flight home and told her I was coming back (thinking that me being abroad was the reason she didn't want to get back together). As the subsequent weeks went by, I started to sense that she REALLY wasn't interested. She'd take longer and longer to respond. Responses became less specific and more vague. She never asked how things were going. Eventually I got the impression that going back was a mistake. I messaged her saying I feel like she was interested at all, and that I was hoping there was still a chance we could make it work. Her response positively crushed me at the time. She confirmed every fear I'd had, that the breakup was permanent and she hoped we could one day become friends. I said I didn't think I could ever do that because it would be too painful and said goodbye. I deleted everything. Texts, Pictures, removed myself from all of our mutual discord channels. We didn't talk for about 6 months until I reached out saying I hoped she was doing ok. I thought it was a mistake at the time but she has since reached out multiple times to chat... mainly small talk.
Anyway. I got back home less than a week ago. It’s the same city we both live in. As far as I know she doesn't know that. I'm not sure she'd even care if she knew. Am I the asshole for not telling her that I was coming back? She hasn't asked and I haven't offered that information. We're still friends on Facebook & Instagram so when I post about it she'll eventually find out. I know how i'd feel if the situation was reversed.
submitted by Rfransoler92 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:53 2500kgm3 Luthien will burn

Luthien will burn
A full star from Nova Cat Xi provisional galaxy, photographed just after dropping on Luthien to hunt and destroy any Word of Blake operatives from the 42nd Shadow Division as retaliation for the WoB attack on Irece. July 14th, 3072. Colorized.

battletech #mechwarrior

submitted by 2500kgm3 to battletech [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:51 RoguelikeAvenger Intermittent Voice Quality Issue with Galaxy A54 and Xbox Wireless Headset

Hello everyone,
I'm turning to the Reddit community for assistance with a voice quality issue that's been plaguing me. I have my Samsung Galaxy A54 and Xbox Series X connected to my Xbox wireless headset. The audio from the Xbox is crystal clear, but the voice coming from my Galaxy A54 through either the PlayStation app or Discord app becomes extremely choppy at random intervals. It's so distorted that understanding anything becomes a struggle.
Here's the full picture of what I'm dealing with:
Despite these efforts, the problem persists, with the voice quality dropping and then returning to normal in an unpredictable pattern. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience or if there are any known solutions to this issue. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I try to resolve this frustrating problem.
Thank you for your time and any help you can provide!
submitted by RoguelikeAvenger to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:49 James_Readme Sebastian Rauffenburg's lie #12: SDA and Gregorio Aglipay (PIC) were allegedly earlier to preach that Jesus is not God in the PH than the INC thru Bro. Felix Manalo

Sebastian Rauffenburg's lie #12: SDA and Gregorio Aglipay (PIC) were allegedly earlier to preach that Jesus is not God in the PH than the INC thru Bro. Felix Manalo
I have already proven thru my posts in this sub that the cardinal belief of SDA concerning Jesus is they believe that he is God. In addition, they never claimed to be unitarian. So saying SDA was the first to preach in the PH that Jesus is not God is fake news.
Because of this epic fail of Sebastian, thru the help of another anti INC waray-upay--he now claims that before Bro Felix Manalo, Mr. Gregorio Aglipay (one of the founders of Philippine Independent Church) already preached against the deity of Jesus. I believe this is also another fake news.
There might be discrepancies of the infos regarding when did Aglipay really teach against the deity of Jesus, but with the many sources i have gathered it shows that it was neither in 1907 nor in 1912. Besides, it is also a fact that not many of the church leaders and members supported his personal unitarian belief.
So its safe to say the first to preach in the PH that Jesus is not God is none other than the IGLESIA NI CRISTO thru Bro. Felix Manalo's preaching. And that he did not copy this belief from other religions but from the bible itself.
Here are what different sources say about Aglipay having a unitarian theology:
  1. "To support his thesis on the absurdity of the Trinity, Supreme Bishop Aglípay continued with a detailed, catechetical explanation of how the Father, Son and Spirit manifest as a single God.
While denying the Trinity, many early Aglipayans recognized the divinity of Christ. In 1919, however, various voices in the Aglipayan church began to emphasize science as the source of all religious truth, illuminate the errors in Jesus’ teachings, and cast a shadow on the Ten Commandments as pure myth. As a result, the revised plan for PIC studies encouraged “discarding...what is said about Christ’s divinity, a doctrine which we accepted in the beginning only out of compulsion.”
"He shared a particular fondness for Unitarianism. Together with Bishops Santiago Fonacier and Isabelo de los Reyes, Jr., Supreme Bishop Aglípay traveled to Boston for the annual convention of the Unitarian Association in March 1931"
"These Unitarian encounters led Supreme Bishop Aglípay to revise his personal theology, reject belief in the Trinity, and align the PIC with the American Unitarian Association. As a result, the prayers and hymns of the early Aglipayan church were often an inconsistent mix of Unitarian and Trinitarian belief"
pages 62-63
  1. "The church Aglipay led, while remaining Catholic in form, was deeply influenced by Aglipay’s progressivism, his revolutionary politics, and, while never officially, his unitarian theology."
  1. "Early official books, while denying Trinity, recognized the divinity of Christ, but by 1919 the revised plan for studies contained instructions of “discarding…what is said about Christ’s divinity, a doctrine which we accepted in the beginning only out of compulsion.”
"In 1928 an open battle erupted within the Philippine Independent Church over the doctrine of the divinity of Christ and other traditional dogma, which was to result a decade later in a major split in the movement. Severando Castro, the Aglipayan bishop of Ilocos, and five other founding members of the Aglipayan movement publicly protested the unitarian doctrine that de los Reyes and Aglipay had introduced, without the approval of the Supreme Council of Bishops. They asserted that the rank-and-file Aglipayans held to the traditional teachings, that immutability is a characteristic quality of religious truths, and further that the new doctrines were contrary to the faith that the leaders of the Aglipayan church publicly swore to preserve.
In April 1938 a group known as the Trinitarian faction, under the leadership of Isabelo de los Reyes, Jr., broke away. After the death of Aglipay both the Unitarian and Trinitarian groups maintained that they were the true Philippine Independent Church. Finally in 1955 the courts awarded the right to the name and possession of Aglipayan church property to the Trinitarian faction. The unitarian faction continued to insist that it represented the true form of Aglipayanism. Since 1948 the dominant Trinitarian faction has been associated with the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United Church, which consecrated three of its bishops. In turn these bishops consecrated the other bishops of the Philippine Independent Church. In 1961 this faction, having a total membership of just over 200,000, entered into a Concordant of Full Communion with the Philippine Episcopal Church of the United States."
  1. "During the 1930s Gregorio Aglipay was drawn to Unitarianism and associated the IPC with the American Unitarian Association, disavowing Trinitarian views and in the years that followed, adopting other positions that diverged from the Catholic Church."
  1. "As Aglipay traveled outside the Philippines in his official position as Supreme Bishop he began to develop a more Unitarian belief instead of the Trinitarian-ism of the Catholic church and his own church. Despite his strong beliefs, the Philippine Independent Church refused to accept Aglipay's Unitarian philosophy."
6."Many followers returned to Catholicism, especially after Americans and then Filipinos replaced Spanish priests. Among those who remained in the new church, a crippling schism emerged over doctrinal interpretation, especially after 1919 when members were suddenly instructed to discard earlier church statements concerning the divinity of Christ.
To some extent, the schism was caused by Aglipay himself, who shifted his theological views between 1902 and 1919. At first, he deemphasized doctrinal differences between his church and Roman Catholicism, and most of the independent church's priests followed Roman Catholic ritual-- saying Mass, hearing confession, and presiding over folk religious-Catholic ceremonies just as always. Later, Aglipay moved closer to Unitarianism.
  1. "The Aglipayan church was rocked in the 1930’s, when Aglipay began professing a Unitarian viewpoint, which included a rejection of the Trinity. Church members unwilling to reject the Trinity rebelled in large numbers, yet they still considered themselves Aglipayans.
  1. "Visiting other churches while traveling abroad, Aglipay developed his theology, coming to reject the divinity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity and becoming Unitarian.
Other Church officials refused to accept this revised theology. Aglipay’s unitarian and progressive theological ideas were evident in his novenary, Pagsisiyam sa Birhen sa Balintawak, 1925 and its English translation, Novenary of the Motherland (1926).
  1. "However the closeness of these two bodies remained at the level of the national hierarchy, the rank and file of the clergy and laity remained Trinitarians in belief and Bishop Aglipay’s stand was regarded to be contrary to the majority."
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:48 Fresh_Patience_3140 How do you balance combat? My players feel unstopable

Ever since we switched our campaign to daggerheart from pathfinder 2, not a single clmbat encounter has been challenging to my players, I can still keep up the tension since they like the story a lot, but not a singe hitpoint has been lost to them, ans when a character moves they hit the adversaries for 3 hp almost every turn.
I followed the reclmended encounter from the book for 1.2, did they change it for 1.3? And how how have you been doing combat? Do your players feel challenged?
Oh and I should add that they almost always have at least one player with full hope, so they just group attack the monsters, and I dont think im making them over roll, just that they bank it of have ways to generate hope.
submitted by Fresh_Patience_3140 to daggerheart [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:44 trjayke How do I reparent myself if the adult in me hasn't had a chance to adult

I'm new to this. I've been trying to apply it on myself as I can't access paid therapy right now.
I'v been in freeze state 'waiting for an adult to show up' or at least that's my interpretation. The background is me being left at a very oppressive kindergarten where I would wait freezing and quiet for someone to come pick me up and then displayed compensatory hyperactive behaviours.
Today as an adult (late 30s) if I find myself in stress or have a cptsd emotional flashback I will regress to a very early stage of this.
The problem is that I feel I never grew up into a full adult. I really feel I have stunt growth, not just emotionally but physical too (my friends from highschool say I always look the same, and due to poverty I also keep some clothes from that time).
So, although I can sound eloquent and know how to spell, I never really showed my inner child that I was able to hold a job or be reliable, as that inner child always took the lead. It even remembers the times I asked for help to book tickets or how I have been relying on a family member to be able to function lately. How do I do this? They can't trust me and I don't have what it takes to show evidence.
submitted by trjayke to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:42 ImpulsiveOlive Advice needed! Laser or electrolysis

I hope this post wont be to messy. Basically I (F26) want to get rid of unwanted hair under my chin/neck area. I'm pretty sure its caused/gotten worse by at home IPL. I've plucked it for years but I'm want a more permanent solution. I tried to get a few pictures of the area, haven't plucked for about 5 days now, I'm sure if I wait longer there will be more hair. Pic 1. Pic 2. (I feel like its worse irl, more hairs visible)
I went to two different clinics for a consultation. The first one was really awkward, I booked a consultation for 'hair removal' and the lady didn't do electrolysis (another tech does it there) so she couldn't tell me very much besides what I already read from a simple google search, which pissed my off because I took two hours out of my day for a visit. She couldn't tell me how frequent, how long the hair had to be, expected results etc. And told me those things would be discussed during a first appointment. She said she would recommend laser for me but didn't go into detail, I told her I was scared laser would trigger more hair growth because obviously I have some thin/light hairs on my chins also.
The other appointment was a lot better, the lady was so informative. I showed her the area and she said I would be a great candidate for laser and that she has many clients with similar hair growth that had really good results and she's very certain it will decrease the amount and thickness of the hair. She said electrolysis is possible and that I should do what I am comfortable with but it would take like 20-30 sessions, whereas with laser I would see results a lot sooner. They have a diode laser there.
Some backstory: I got a package for all body with a diode laser from a clinic and have done two sessions (legs/bikini/nipples/stomach). My original plan was to do my chin also but after talking to the ladies and reading this sub I decided not to it (although I never showed them how 'bad' my chin hair was). The ladies all said that lasering the face/velus hair woudl cause more hairs to grow.
Also I plan on going traveling for a while in around 4 months time. I obviously dont expect the be hair free by then but I just want a decrease in thickness and how fast it grows so that I'm not tweezing multiple times a day (which is difficult with staying in hostels and being on the go all the time) and stressing about having visible chin hair etc. Now I'm really torn, I was so set on electrolysis but because the tech at the second consultation was so sure that laser would be effective..
I impulsively booked a 15 min electrolysis session with the first clinic (because I've been growing out the hairs now) but now I'm not sure I should do it, or should I give it a try and see what the tech says etc? Would it be okay to do one electrolysis session and then switch to laser?
Any advice is seriously appreciated <3.
submitted by ImpulsiveOlive to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:41 shane_wilson CLASH AT THE CASTLE: SCOTLAND PREDICTIONS 🏰

Clash At The Castle: Scotland Full Matchcard & Predictions below ⬇️
Definitely excited for this PPV, I think it’s gonna deliver really well. I know there’s most likely going to only be 5 matches booked here, but I went with 6.
WWE WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP: Bayley (c) vs. Piper Niven
Bayley and Niven open the show here with their championship match. Bayley gets a nice pop, as well as Piper, assuming, as she is from Scotland. A nice match that doesn’t go on too long, with Bayley overcoming the distractions from Chelsea Green and retaining her title.
[Winner: Bayley]
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. Ricochet
These three have been in overlapping fueds over on RAW. This booking is created before the 6/10 episode of RAW, where Bron Breakker goes one on one with Ilja Dragunov. I’m assuming Ricochet gets involved somehow, setting up this matchup for Clash. This one would be hard to choose who goes over, but this is how I did it. The three are having a match of the year contender, when in the end Bron Breakker gets the upper hand on Dragunov, spearing him a couple of times. Then, Ricochet rolls in the ring and throws Breakker out, jumps up to the top rope, and hits a 450 splash on a downed Ilja to steal a 3-count victory. I’m sure Bron goes on a rampage post-match, possibly injuring Ricochet.
[Winner: Ricochet]
Chad Gable’s heel turn has been great so far. He has really elevated his character, and put the Alpha Academy in the spotlight. Him and Sami will put on a great match here, telling another amazing story. Otis and the Academy walk out of Gable, making it seem like he’s going to lose to Zayn once again. All until the Creed Brothers ambush Otis and Tozawa, and run to the ring to assist Chad Gable, helping him finally pick up the win againt Sami Zayn. With his newly formed stable, Chad Gable becomes the new Intercontinental Champion. He really was Sami Zayn’s only fued for the short reign, but Sami needs to be in the main event scene, possibly winning the MITB briefcase in Toronto.
[Winner: Chad Gable]
WOMEN’S TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill (c) vs. The Unholy Union
If there’s a pre-show, this match could possibly move there. The Women’s Tag Titles seem a lot more important than both men’s sets. I believe this is why they should not have split the tag titles. They’ve gone from main eventing WrestleMania, to the midcard, to now not even being booked on three straight PLEs. Oh well, but this match could end up being a triple threat with Baszler and Stark after the 6/3 episode of RAW. Either way, Belair and Cargill retain.
[Winner: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill]
This was the right direction to go for Cody’s next opponent. Instead of another one-off match, which have undoubtedly been great, this rematch gives his title reign more story and meaning. They will go out and put on another banger, especially with The OC turning heel as well to tip the scales a little. Cody will most likely retain, whether it be clean or by disqualification. Though, I feel like there could be some outside interference besides the OC. The Bloodline might just come in (possible Jacob Fatu debut?) and cost Rhodes the championship. This would give Styles one more championship win to add on at the end of his career, with Cody winning the title back in their trilogy. I doubt this will happen, though. If Uncle Howdy debuts at this PLE, maybe he costs AJ Styles and starts a fued with him. So many cards on the table, and that’s why this PLE is going to be great.
[Winner: Cody Rhodes.. probably..]
WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Damian Priest (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
This match will main event the show, and rightfully so. Damian Priest has really elevated himself since winning the title at WrestleMania. His promos have been great, and he really looks like a force to be reckoned with. After RAW, this match became less predictable. It truthfully could go to either side. It’s possible that the Liv Morgan/Dominick Mysterio storyline could deepen during this match with the Judgement Day at ringside. There’s also the looming threat of CM Punk costing McIntyre the match. Like the Cody/AJ match, there’s a lot that could happen.. Or nothing at all. I think the winner of this match will have a huge say in who wins the men’s MITB. If Priest retains, I think Finn Balor wins the MITB. If McIntyre wins, someone else like Sami Zayn or Jey Uso could win it. This time, I have McIntyre winning it, finishing his story in his hometown of Scotland. No CM Punk interference, no Judgement Day screwjob. He deserves it. AFTER the match, CM Punk comes out and goes face to face with Drew to close the show.
[Winner: Drew McIntyre]
So that’s what I got. Four of these matches are confirmed as I made this, with two being my own predictions. Will Uncle Howdy debut? Will the Bloodline appear? Can Drew finish his story? We will see June 15th in Scotland.
submitted by shane_wilson to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:41 AltruisticSwimming98 questions & theories

(im on 3rd re-read... just re-started B5... Do not worry about spoilers for me, just saying if answers are yet to come in B5 i totally forgot & if you want me to watch out for something for you / ill make notes clip the audio if you respond quick enough)
  1. If Kip is Andross' kid why did mom/Lena send 2 notes (1 to Gavin & 1 to Andross)? If as simple as haze messed with her memories, i hate that bc then the whole father plot line is just a forced twist / BW could not come up with a better reason for a peasant woman to have possesion of the knife.
  2. Black Prism... why was this the title of 1st book when black luxin isn't even mentioned till 3rd? Or did i miss it? Master trolling/foreshadowing?
  3. Ironfist found & turned over to The White some white luxin (supposedly drafted by Gav) during that 1st battle (forgot the name: defensive where CorvinD was appointed general). Since white is important in making the knife... should this not have had more of an impact on story? it was just forgotten about. Ironfist, who was the Order's inside man, must have told Grinwoody, who should have done something with it?? No??
    1. Is the only difference between a Prisim & a Full Spectrum Polychrome the title? IE will they both break the halo given same # of drafting? Or is there some extra halo protection &or strength granted somehow?
--staging q 5: Any idea how the knife grants colors. Stabbing takes away... does the next intended Prisim sleep with it under his pillow for a night?
--5. (meat of it q): So the true/original Gavin, had 1-2 colors & then they decided to use the knife to give him rest to make him true poly as that is required of a Prisim. This happens way before the fight with Dazen.
From/the original Dazen: Orholohm choses him to be prisim so gives him all colors from the beginning... Colors start coming in, at school (not just black). Then they go to war & Dazen basically wins because he has the extra color: black... which is a sin to use, so Orholohm/ShadowGods take away his other colors forcing him into killing the banes/drafters to keep drafting 'un-naturally'. The shadow gods mess with his mind then (shortly after battle of Saundered/Black Rock), and what they say later is true-ish.
or more likely: He always had colors. Temporarily lost green & blue only because of bane(s). Truly lost them when stabbed by knife. Shadow gods only messing with him in saying he never had colors / he had to steal them after killing brother.
That still make me wonder why only the prism lost green & blue color.
?????????????? Do i have any of this(#5) right ????????????
submitted by AltruisticSwimming98 to LightbringerSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:39 Mindless_Activity_10 How to sell feet pics for money

In recent years, selling feet pictures has become a surprisingly popular way to make money online. Whether you're looking to supplement your income or create a full-time business, the market for feet pictures can be lucrative if approached correctly. This guide will walk you through the steps to get started, from setting up your online presence to making your first sale.

1. Understanding the Market

Before diving into the logistics, it's essential to understand why there's a demand for feet pictures. People purchase feet pics because of multiple factors, including
Foot Fetishism: Some individuals have a foot fetish and are willing to pay for high-quality pictures.
Modeling: Brands and artists might need pictures of feet for advertising or creative projects.
Stock Photos: Websites and businesses often require stock photos, including images of feet.
Understanding your potential buyers can help you tailor your approach and maximize your earnings.

2. Setting Up Your Online Presence

Creating a professional and appealing online presence is crucial. Here are the steps to follow:

Choose a Platform

Several platforms cater to selling feet pictures. Some popular options include:

Only Fans: A subscription-based service where you can sell exclusive content.
Feet Finder: A marketplace specifically for buying and selling feet pics.
Instagram: While not a direct selling platform, it can be used to showcase your portfolio and direct potential buyers to your selling site.
Etsy: Known for handmade and unique items, it also accommodates digital products like feet pics.
Each platform has its pros and cons, so consider your needs and preferences when choosing where to start.

Create a Professional Profile

Your profile is your storefront. Make it professional and inviting by:

Using a Catchy Username: Choose something memorable and relevant to your niche.
Writing a Compelling Bio: Clearly state what you offer and why buyers should choose you.
Posting High-Quality Photos: Invest in a good camera or smartphone, and pay attention to lighting and composition.

3. Taking and Editing Photos

High-quality photos are key to attracting buyers. Here are a few ways to take incredible feet pics:

Photography Tips

Lighting: Natural light is best, but you can also use soft, diffused artificial light. Avoid harsh shadows.
Angles: Examination with various points to track down the most complimenting ones. Common angles include top-down, side view, and close-ups.
Background: Choose clean, uncluttered backgrounds that don't distract from your feet.
Poses: Try various poses like standing, sitting, or lying down. Adding props like jewelry or pedicure tools can enhance the photo.

Editing Tips

Editing can enhance your photos and make them more appealing. Use photo altering programming or applications to:

Adjust Brightness and Contrast: Make sure your photos are well-lit and vibrant.
Smooth Skin: Use tools to smooth out any blemishes or imperfections.
Crop and Frame: Focus on your feet by cropping out unnecessary parts of the image.

4. Pricing Your Photos

Determining the right price for your feet pictures can be tricky. Prices can vary widely based on factors like quality, exclusivity, and customer demand. Here are some guidelines:

Research Competitors: Look at what other sellers are charging to get a sense of the market rate.
Start Modestly: When starting, it’s wise to price your photos moderately until you build a reputation.
Offer Packages: Consider offering bundles or subscriptions for regular buyers to encourage repeat business.
Custom Requests: Charge more for personalized or custom photos, as these require extra effort.
5. Marketing Your Feet Pics
Marketing is crucial to attract buyers. Here are some strategies:

Social Media
Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to showcase your photos and drive traffic to your selling site. Use important hashtags to build an unruly crowd and entice with your devotees.

Join online communities and forums related to foot fetishes or modeling. Participating in these communities can help you understand what buyers are looking for and connect with potential customers.

SEO and Keywords
Optimize your profiles and posts with relevant keywords to improve your visibility on search engines and within platforms. Use terms like “feet pics for sale,” “foot fetish photos,” or “custom feet pictures” to attract search traffic.

6. Ensuring Safety and Privacy

Maintaining your safety and privacy is paramount when selling feet pictures. Here are some tips:


Use a Pseudonym: Avoid using your real name and create a separate identity for your selling activities.
Hide Identifying Features: Be cautious about revealing your face, tattoos, or any other identifying marks in your photos.
Separate Contact Information: Use a separate email and social media accounts for your feet pic business.

Financial Safety

Use Secure Payment Methods: Platforms like PayPal or Venmo can offer secure transactions. Some specialized platforms also provide secure payment gateways.
Avoid Scams: Be wary of buyers who ask for free samples or offer payments outside of secure channels.
7. Handling Customer Interactions
Professionalism in customer interactions can lead to repeat business and positive reviews. Here’s how to manage it:

Prompt Responses: Reply to inquiries and messages promptly and courteously.
Set Clear Boundaries: Clearly state your terms and conditions, including pricing, delivery times, and what is and isn’t included in your services.
Handle Complaints Gracefully: If a customer is unhappy, handle the situation professionally and try to resolve the issue amicably.

8. Legal Considerations

It's essential to be aware of the legal aspects of selling feet pictures:

Age Requirement: You must be 18 years or older to sell feet pictures.
Platform Policies: Follow the guidelines and policies of the platform you're using to avoid being banned.
Intellectual Property: Ensure that the photos you sell are your own and not copied from others.

9. Expanding Your Business

Once you’ve established yourself, you can look at ways to expand your business:

Diversify Your Offerings: Consider offering videos, foot care tutorials, or personalized foot care advice.
Collaborate: Work with other sellers or influencers to cross-promote and reach a wider audience.
Invest in Better Equipment: As you make more money, reinvest in better photography equipment or professional lighting to enhance your product quality.


Selling feet pictures can be a profitable venture if approached with the right strategy. By understanding the market, setting up a professional online presence, taking high-quality photos, pricing appropriately, marketing effectively, ensuring safety, and handling customer interactions professionally, you can build a successful business. Remember, like any business, it requires dedication, consistency, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Good luck on your journey to turning your feet into a source of income.
submitted by Mindless_Activity_10 to u/Mindless_Activity_10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:38 boodzadood A completely stripped screw, I messed up…..

I’ve been trying to clean my rusty old Acer E5-576G from the inside, I haven’t opened it in the past 8 years that I’ve owned it, it was full of dirt from the inside. I was able to unscrew all the screws except for two, a tiny screw placed on the motherboard, and another tiny one that hold the NVMe SSD in place, no matter how hard I’ve tried to unscrew them, it didn’t work, I tried the rubber band and the super glue methods, but to no avail.
What do I do? How do I unscrew this tiny screw that’s holding the motherboard in the case and the SSD?
Note: I wanna attach a picture of the stripped screw, but this community doesn’t allow for images to be shared.
submitted by boodzadood to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:37 WynActTroph Seeking help with solidifying what I’m learning and building actual projects to add to a portfolio.

Currently going through the Python crash course book with the goal of becoming a full stack Python dev. Ideal tech stack would be django/flask/fastapi for backend, htmx/daisyui/alpinejs for frontend, mongodb/postgresql for database, and any other external tools needed depending on the project’s scope. If you’ve built products with this tech stack or anything similar and are available to mentor a beginner let me know. If you’re experienced in the startup ecosystem and can share what you’ve learned I’m here for it. I will be applying to jobs and building on the side of my full time job which is why I will eventually transition from my full time position into tech. Just have to be consistent and keep learning best practices along the way. If any of this sounds like you and you seem interested dm me.
submitted by WynActTroph to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]