Example of a resignation letter for a medical assistant

Home Assistant

2015.12.19 14:02 seedzero Home Assistant

Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io.

2009.08.30 06:52 PlasmaWhore Pictures of things that look like other things.

Pictures of things that are recognizable as other objects. For example, a picture of a cloud that happens to look like a whale sword fighting a leprechaun.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2024.06.05 02:39 mintyfreshknee Housing.

I realize that this is likely the wrong place to post this, but because I am in this situation due to anti-depressant medication, and all of the illness I have from that, and my abusive family, which I think a lot of us have, which led us to being so abused by psychiatry, I’m hoping somebody will know of some thing or want to help me.
I am in a really bad situation. I am always a cheerleader on here, telling everybody that they can get better and giving resources, and just in general, trying to make it a less dark place. I have PSSD, and I do the same things within those communities. I also have really severe severe illness in many other ways, Lyme disease, MCAS, all sorts of rare, autoimmune diseases, as well as a lot of iatrogenic harm including antidepressants and botched surgeries that have physically disabled me. I can still walk around, but I spend most of my time in pain, in bed. I know that I can get better if I can get some of the care that I have even told people hear about. But unfortunately, I have been unable to access anything because…
I am without a place to be. I am currently renting a room from somebody that is so bad for me, I am having such insane both physical and some mental symptoms. I feel like I am never going to get out of here, that I am going to die in here, and my poor little cat is also having symptoms. She is miserable. I am in southern California currently. I am not in love with California and I am willing to go elsewhere. I am looking for a lead on either a place for rent, a room for rent, back house for rent, (something that is reasonable in price, unless I could share it, and then I could split the cost), but also would be in a place that’s a good environment. No big mold problem, no abusive people, no cigarette smoke, stuff like that.
I’m really scared or I wouldn’t be reaching out here. Nobody else can really understand the types of things that have happened to us, and I’m sure that there are other disabled people here due to psychiatry. I really really need a safe place to go rather immediately
Social services have not helped me at all. I have been waiting on a an appointment with a county Doctor Who might be able to write a letter to try to get me subsidized housing sooner, though there is no guarantee that I will get subsidize housing, and the sooner could even be like six months or a year. I am dying here. I really want to be in like Oregon, or Colorado, or Washington, or another state, where I can receive naturopathic healthcare . But I can’t keep doing this with the not having a home. It is so destructive and I cannot hear anything. Thank you. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening, and thank you for seeing if you can help me at all.
Also, I should note, I am not asking for anything for free. I mean free housing would save my life, but I’m not asking for that. I am very willing to pay rent. I cannot pay $3000 a month or anything which is why I am not surviving in California, but I’m not asking for free.
submitted by mintyfreshknee to ImmunoPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 sfmmmm Windows wasn't loading. I deleted everything by mistake.

Disk 0: Where windows was Disk 1: Never before used disk that I plugged just so I had another selection to create a virtual disk for a hail mary, it didn't help windows load, so I deleted the RAID configs to try to undo what I did. Then there was no boot device.
Disk 2: Bought windows 11, which is not compatible with my computer, but it let me into command prompt. Now I see I have deleted everything.
submitted by sfmmmm to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 roastedwasabipeas Seeking Book Recommendation’s!

Hello! 24F here :) I am thrilled I found this sub!
I was a big reader when I was younger but found with time I grew farther and father away from it. Being heavily involved in other activities I just found myself with little interest in reaching for a read. I think part of it had to do with my anxiety - I couldn’t really sit still and submerge myself into a book. I also realized everyone in my life who’s big into reading has diffident imaginations than me. I would say I am a very imaginative person, but I just found out I have what’s called “Aphantasia.” Essentially I do not see clear detailed images when I close my eyes and imagine something. For example, if you close your eyes right now and think of an apple, do you see an apple? I unfortunately do not :( at all. I believe it had been another factor to my distance from books in the past - When speaking to my brothers and friends who are all huge readers, they described their experience like watching a movie. I however, see words on paper which make it a bit more difficult for me to feel engaged.
It takes me a specific type of read & story to really be able to emerge myself and get “lost” in a book. The past 3 months I have been getting back into it and LOVING it! I’ve been enjoying very light, easy reads to ease myself back into it. With this being said, I don’t want to fall of my rhythm of reading and am seeking book recommendations as I’m nearing the end of my current read!!
Books I’ve recently read: The Midnight Library Before the coffee gets cold Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
I don’t have a solid definition or grasp of what exact “read” I like. I will say I am open to genres and different styles, however I have never been too keen or interested in Sci Fi.
TIA! Looking forward to seeing what recommendations may arise!
submitted by roastedwasabipeas to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:34 AdForeign6463 AITA for making my partner pay for wifi?

I (25f) and my partner (25m) have been living together for almost a year. We used to have wifi for free through his student discount but after we moved (6 months ago) he changed our wifi plan. I don't remember if he told me or not, but I ended up with the bill of $67/m. I know this isn't that much necessarily, but when you are the only one working in the household it can be irritating to get surprise bills. Since my partner and I moved in together, he hasn't had a job. I wasn't upset about it when we lived away from his school bc he had to drive an hour or 2 one way. But after we moved next to his school, I encouraged him to get a job. He used to get a few odd jobs from his school but nothing that offered reliable income. He didn't have any luck until I brought him to a job fair 2 months ago where they hire on the spot.
I was really upset that he hadn't gotten a job that entire time because I felt like it was unfair and put a lot of pressure on me. At the same time, I think he was really trying but just not getting anything, but I also feel like he may have been too picky because he didn't want to work in food service and wouldn't apply to those jobs until I told him to after a few months. I didn't want to put more pressure on him, but I also couldn't carry the financial burden alone. I did my best to be patient and understanding, but it was really hard seeing him play video games or watch TV all day. I know that he felt really guilty not being able to contribute to our finances, I just wished it encourage him to do more for the house instead of make him depressed. We were also splitting household chores evenly for the majority of the time until I told him how I felt like I was working more than him. (I also have a skin condition that leaves open wounds on my hands which makes it really hard for me to work with chemicals, cook, wash my hands, etc.). He did more to help me and would prepare the ingredients for me to cook so all I had to do was spice them and throw them in the pot.
My partner started his new job a few weeks ago, the job only offered him part-time at 32hweek. I have a full-time and a part-time position. (I got the part-time two months ago because my checking and savings have been drained due to my partner not having a job as well as surprise veterinary and medical bills.) I make about 2x as much as my partner with the full-time alone (my part-time only gets me an extra $975/m). For this reason, we split our total monthly bills 75-25.
Now, the issue with the wifi is that my work pays for it when I put it in my expense report. I pay when the bill comes out, and I get reimbursed at the end of the month. So, we technically don't pay for wifi. But, I have included it as a part of our expenses. I feel guilty for including it, but at the same time I have been paying for both of us for 11 months and I feel like it would be fair for my partner to pay a little extra even though he doesn't make as much as me. The wifi bill is going up to $80 this month and because it's 75-25, he'll only be paying an extra $20/m.
Some additional things that people may want to consider is that my personal bills (car loan, insurance, etc) is an additional $1,100 that I do not get assistance with, while my partners is < $400. We also split household chores evenly for the most part, but I tend to cook more often and I take care of the cats 90% of the time (in my partner's defense, the cats like me more). I only mention this bc my friend said that the person who carries the most financial responsibility shouldn't have to do as much at home. With my full-time and part-time, I only have 1 day off a week, while my partner has 3.
My partner is amazing and sweet, and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our future together. I feel like as partners we sacrifice things for each other to help both of us reach our goals. I've done my part for 11 months, is it wrong for me to want my partner to do his share now?
So, Dusty Thunder, AITA?
P.S. After writing all this out I realize that IATA for adding on the wifi because it's covered by my work. It's not wrong for me to want the help, but it is wrong for me to force it upon him without his knowledge. It's a breach of trust for something so insignificant. Like I said, it's just an extra $20 in my pocket. That's nothing compared to the future I'll get to have with him, and I trust that my partner will sacrifice for me in his own way when I need him.
So, yeah, I will be excluding wifi from our monthly bill (he hasn't paid it yet, so no harm no foul). Hopefully, you can still use this post for content 😂.
submitted by AdForeign6463 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:30 AcadiaFull1701 Resh + Treasure House of Images

I read this pages rules for about five seconds and didn’t see anything about double posting.
Truth is I made this a bit ago and don’t have anyone else personally to benefit from it so I’d love to share it through here.
It can be said after Resh, as a meditation subject, which effectively reproduces the specific energy of the sun in the sign at the time of said Adoration.
(For Example at Midnight for Gemini, the verse is
“O what art Thou, O God my God, Thou forked tongue of the purple-throated thunder? O Thou silver sword of lightning! Thou who rippest out the fire-bolt from the storm-cloud, as a sorcerer teareth the heart from a black kid! O how can I possess Thee as the dome of the skies, so that I may fix the keystone of my reason in the arch of Thy forehead?”
This is the passage taken from Gemini of Pisces section. Further harmonizing the energy of Resh.
I hope this doesn’t take up too much space. If a moderator knows how to hide the text to expand please feel free.
Ps also curious if anyone has other ways they’ve adapted treasure house of images, as it’s extremely potent prose with a wide range of uses.
Maat ——
Aries 6am: O Thou snow-clad volcan of scarlet fire, Thou flamecrested pillar of fury! Yea, as I approach Thee, Thou departest from me like unto a wisp of smoke blown forth from the window of my house.
Cancer Noon: O Thou Sovran Lord of primaeval Baresarkers, who huntest with dawn the dappled deer of twilight, and whose engines of war are blood-crested comets. I know Thee! O Thou flame-crowned Self-luminous One, the lash of whose whip gathered the ancient worlds, and looseth the blood from the virgin clouds of heaven.
Libra 6pm: O Thou effulgence of burning love, who pursueth the dawn as a youth pursueth a rose-lipped maiden; rend me with the fierce kisses of Thy mouth, so that in the battle of our lips I may be drenched by the snow-pure fountains of Thy bliss.
Capricorn Midnight: O my God, suckle me with truth and be merciful unto me, as I humble myself before Thee; for all my agony of anguish is but as a quail struggling in the jaws of an hungry wolf.
Taurus 6am: O my God, Thou mighty One, Thou Creator of all things, I renounce unto Thee the kisses of my mistress, and the murmur of her mouth, and all the trembling of her firm young breast; so that I may be rolled a flame in Thy fiery embrace, and be consumed in the unutterable joy of Thine everlasting rapture.
Leo Noon: O Glory be to Thee, O God my God; for I behold Thee in the countenance of my darling: Thou hast unclothed her of white lilies and crimson roses, so that she may blush forth the Glory of Thy Name.
Scorpio 6pm: O Thou God of the Nothingness of All Things! Thou who art neither the golden bull of the heavens; nor the crimsoned fountain of the lusts of men: O Thou who reclinest not upon the Waggon of Night; nor restest Thine hand upon the handle of the Plough! I deny Thee by the powers of mine understanding; Urge me in the unity of Thy might, and drench me with the red vintage of Thine all-pervading Nothingness; for Thou art all and none of these in the fullness of Thy Not-Being.
Aquarius Midnight [2am]: O woe unto me, my God, woe unto me; for all my labours are as weary oxen laggard and sore stricken with the goad, ploughing black furrows across the white fields of light. Yet in the scrawling trail of their slow toil do I descry the golden harvest of Thine effulgence.
Gemini 6am: O Thou Consuming Eye of everlasting light set as a pearl betwixt the lids of Night and Day; I swear to Thee by the formless void of the Abyss, to lap the galaxies of night in darkness, and blow the meteors like bubbles into the frothing jaws of the sun.
Virgo Noon: O Thou mighty God, make me as a black eunuch of song that is twin-voiced, yet dumb in either tongue; I beseech Thee, O Thou great God! That I may hush my melody in Thy Silence, and swell into the sweet ecstasy of Thy Song: O Thou God, my God!
Sagittarius 6pm: Ah! but I rejoice in Thee, O Thou my God; Thou unimperilled flight of joyous laughter; Thou eunuch glaive-armed before joy's veil; Thou dreadful insatiable One: Yea, I rejoice in Thee, Thou lofty gathering-point of Bliss; O Thou bridal-bed of murmuring rapture! I rejoice, yea, I shout with gladness! till I tangle the black tresses of the storm, and lash the tempest into a green foam of twining basilisks, in the Glory and Splendour of Thy Name.
Pisces Midnight: O what art Thou, O God my God, Thou forked tongue of the purple-throated thunder? O Thou silver sword of lightning! Thou who rippest out the fire-bolt from the storm-cloud, as a sorcerer teareth the heart from a black kid! O how can I possess Thee as the dome of the skies, so that I may fix the keystone of my reason in the arch of Thy forehead?
Cancer 6am: O Thou Sovran Warrior of steel-girt valour, whose scimitar is a flame between day and night, whose helm is crested with the wings of the Abyss. I know Thee! O Thou four-eyed guardian of heaven, who kindleth to a flame the hearts of the downcast, and girdeth about with fire the loins of the unarmed.
Libra Noon: O Thou thirsty charioteer of Time, whose cup is the hollow night filled with the foam of the vintage of day; drench me in the shower of Thy passion, so that I may pant in Thine arms as a tongue of lightning on the purple bosom of night.
Capricorn 6pm: O my God, fondle me with kisses and be merciful unto me, as I humble myself before Thee; for all my desires are as dewdrops that are sucked from silver lilies by the throat of a young god.
Aries Midnight: O Thou burning tempest of blinding sand, Thou whirlwind from the depths of darkness! Yea, as I struggle through Thee, through Thee, my strength is but as a dove's down floating forth on the purple nipples of the storm.
♌️ Leo 6am: O Glory be to Thee, O God my God; for I behold Thee in the Lion Rampant of the dawn: Thou hast crushed with Thy paw the crouching lioness of Night, so that she may roar forth the Glory of Thy Name.
Scorpio Noon: O Thou God of the Nothingness of All Things! Thou who art neither the traces of the chariot; nor the pole of galloping delusion: O Thou who art not the pivot of the whole Universe; nor the body of the woman-serpent of the stars! I deny Thee by the powers of mine understanding; Lead me in the unity of Thy might, and draw me unto the threshold of Thine all-pervading Nothingness; for Thou art all and none of these in the fullness of Thy Not-Being.
Aquarius 6pm: O woe unto me, my God, woe unto me; for all the joy of my days lies dishonoured as the spangle-veil'd Virgin of night torn and trampled by the sun-lashed stallions of Dawn. Yet in the frenzy of their couplings do I tremble forth the pearly dew of ecstatic light.
Taurus Midnight: O my God, Thou Mighty One, Thou Creator of all things, I renounce unto Thee the whispers of the desert, and the moan of the simoom, and all the silence of the sea of dust; so that I may be lost in the atoms of Thy Glory, and be consumed in the unutterable joy of Thine everlasting rapture.
Virgo 6am: O Thou mighty God, make me as a fair virgin that is clad in the blue-bells of the fragrant hillside; I beseech Thee, O Thou great God! That I may ring out the melody of Thy voice, and be clothed in the pure light of Thy loveliness: O Thou God my God!
Sagitarrius Noon: Ah! but I rejoice in Thee, O Thou my God; Thou ambrosia-yielding rose of the World; Thou vaulted dome of effulgent light; Thou valley of venomous vipers: Yea, I rejoice in Thee, Thou dazzling robe of the soft rain-clouds; O Thou lion-voiced up-rearing of the goaded storm! I rejoice, yea, I shout with gladness! till my rapture, like unto a two-edged sword, traceth a sigil of fire and blasteth the banded sorcerers, in the Glory and Splendour of Thy Name.
Pisces 6pm: O what art Thou, O God my God, Thou almighty worker ungirded of slumber? O Thou Unicorn of the Stars! Thou tongue of flame burning above the firmament, as a lily that blossometh in the drear desert! O how can I pluck Thee from the dark bed of Thy birth, and revel like a wine-drenched faun in the banqueting-house of Thy Seigniory?
Gemini Midnight: O Thou intoxicating Vision of Beauty, fair as ten jewelled virgins dancing about the hermit moon; I swear to Thee by the peridot flagons of spring, to quaff to the dregs Thy chalice of Glory, and beget a royal race before the Dawn flees from awakening Day.
Libra 6am: O Thou green-cloaked Maenad in labour, who bearest beneath Thy leaden girdle the vintage of Thy kisses; release me from the darkness of Thy womb, so that I may cast off my infant wrappings and leap forth as an armed warrior in steel.
Capricorn Noon: O my God, measure me rightly and be merciful unto me, as I humble myself before Thee; for all my praise is but as a single letter of lead lost in the gilded scriptures of the rocks.
Aries 6pm: O Thou great labour of the Firmament, Thou tempest tossed roaring of the Aires! Yea, as I sink in the depths of Thine affliction, mine anguish is but as the smile on the lips of a sleeping babe.
Cancer Midnight: O Thou Sovran Might of the most ancient forests, whose voice is as the murmur of unappeasable winds caught up in the arms of the swaying branches. I know Thee! O Thou rumble of conquering drums, who lulleth to a rapture of deep sleep those lovers who burn into each other, flame to fine flame.
Scorpio 6am: O Thou God of the Nothingness of All Things! Thou who art neither the Formless breath of Chaos; nor the exhaler of the ordered spheres: O Thou who art not the cloud-cradled star of the morning; nor the sun, drunken upon the mist, who blindeth men! I deny Thee by the powers of mine understanding; Guide me in the unity of Thy might, and lead me to the fatherhood of Thine all-pervading Nothingness; for Thou art all and none of these in the fullness of Thy Not-Being.
Aquarius Noon: O woe unto me, my God, woe unto me; for all my joy is as a cloud of dust blown athwart a memory of tears, even across the shadowless brow of the desert. Yet as from the breast of a slave-girl do I pluck the fragrant blossom of Thy Crimson Splendour.
Taurus 6pm: O my God, Thou Mighty One, Thou Creator of all things, I renounce unto Thee the yearning for Paradise, and the dark fear of Hell, and the feast of the corruption of the grave; so that as a child I may be led unto Thy Kingdom, and be consumed in the unutterable joy of Thine everlasting rapture.
Leo Midnight: O Glory be to Thee, O God my God; for I behold Thee in the riotous joy of the storm: Thou hast shaken the gold-dust from the tresses of the hills, so that they may chaunt forth the Glory of Thy Name.
Sagittarius 6am: Ah! but I rejoice in Thee, O Thou my God; Thou seven-rayed rainbow of perfect loveliness; Thou light-rolling chariot of sunbeams; Thou fragrant scent of the passing storm: Yea, I rejoice in Thee, Thou breath of the slumbering valleys; O Thou low-murmuring ripple of the ripe cornfields! I rejoice, yea, I shout with gladness! till, as the mingling blushes of day and night, my song weaveth the joys of life into a gold and purple Crown, for the Glory and Splendour of Thy Name.
Pisces Noon: O what art Thou, O God my God, Thou soft pearl set in a bow of effulgent light? O Thou drop of shimmering dew! Thou surging river of bewildering beauty who speedest as a blue arrow of fire beyond, beyond! O how can I measure the poisons of Thy limbeck, and yet be for ever transmuted in the athanor of Thine understanding?
Gemini 6pm: O Thou flame-tipped arrow of devouring fire that quiverest as a tongue in the dark mouth of Night; I swear to Thee by the thurible of Thy Glory, to breathe the incense of mine understanding, and to cast the ashes of my wisdom into the Valley of Thy breast.
Virgo Midnight: O Thou mighty God, make me as a green arrow of Lightning that speedeth through the purple clouds of Night; I beseech Thee, O Thou great God! That I may wake fire from the crown of Thy Wisdom, and flash into the depths of Thine Understanding: O Thou God, my God!
Capricorn 6am: O my God, behold me fully and be merciful unto me, as I humble myself before Thee; for all my searching is as a bat that seeks some hollow of night upon a sun-parched wilderness.
Aries Noon: O Thou steel-girdered mountain of mountains, Thou crested summit of Majesty! Yea, as I climb Thy grandeur, I find I have but surmounted one mote of dust floating in a beam of Thy Glory.
Cancer 6pm: O Thou Sovran Paladin of self-vanquished knights, whose path lieth through the trackless forests of time, winding athrough the Byss of unbegotten space. I know Thee! O Thou despiser of the mountains, Thou whose course is as that of a lightening-hoofed steed leaping along the green bank of a fair river.
Libra Midnight: O Thou wine-voiced laughter of fainting gloom, who art as a naked faun crushed to death between millstones of thunder; make me drunk on the rapture of Thy song, so that in the corpse-clutch of my passion I may tear the cloud-robe from off Thy swooning breast.
Aquarius 6am: O woe unto me, my God, woe unto me; for all my song is as the dirge of the sea that moans about a corpse, lapping most mournfully against the dead shore in the darkness. Yet in the sob of the wind do I hear Thy name, that quickeneth the cold lips of death to life.
Taurus Noon: O my God, Thou Mighty One, Thou Creator of all things, I renounce unto Thee the wine-cups of merriment, and the eyes of the wanton bearers, and all the lure of their soft limbs; so that I may be made drunk on the vine of Thy splendour, and be consumed in the unutterable joy of Thine everlasting rapture.
Leo 6pm: O Glory be to Thee, O God my God; for I behold Thee in the sparkling dew of the wild glades: Thou hast decked them out as for a great feast of rejoicing, so that they may gleam forth the Glory of Thy Name.
Scorpio Midnight: O Thou God of the Nothingness of All Things! Thou who art neither the Crown of the flaming storm; nor the opalescence of the Abyss: O Thou who art not a nymph in the foam of the sea; nor a whirling devil in the sand of the desert! I deny Thee by the powers of mine understanding; Bear me in the unity of Thy might, and pour me forth from out the cup of Thine all-pervading Nothingness; for Thou art all and none of these in the fullness of Thy Not-Being.
Pisces 6am: O what art Thou, O God my God, Thou snow-browed storm that art whirled up in clouds of flame? O Thou red sword of the thunder! Thou great blue river of ever-flowing Brightness, over whose breasts creep the star-bannered vessels of night! O how can I plunge within Thine inscrutable depths, and yet with open eye be lost in the pearly foam of Thine Oblivion?
Gemini Noon: O Thou Dragon-regent of the blue seas of air, as a chain of emeralds round the neck of Space; I swear to Thee by the hexagram of Night and Day, to be unto Thee as the twin fish of Time, which being set apart never divulge the secret of their unity.
Virgo 6pm: O Thou mighty God, make me as a silver fish darting through the vast depths of the dim-peopled waters; I beseech Thee, O Thou great God! That I may swim through the vastness of Thine abyss, and sink beneath the waveless depths of Thy Glory: O Thou God, my God!
Sagittarius Midnight: Ah! but I rejoice in Thee, O Thou my God; Thou who broodest on the dark depths of the deep; Thou lap of the wave-glittering sea; Thou bright vesture of the crested floods: Yea, I rejoice in Thee, Thou native splendour of the Waters; O Thou fathomless Abyss of surging joy! I rejoice, yeah, I shout with gladness! till the mad swords of my music smite the hills, and rend the amethyst limbs of Night from the white embrace of Day, at the Glory and Splendour of Thy Name.
submitted by AcadiaFull1701 to thelema [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:18 Coookiemunster03 Return to work/mmi

Had surgery 4 weeks ago. Total hip replacement. I've had the first 2 week follow up and all is going good. I have the next apt end of June. I kind of feel like they'll release me back to work at this visit. It was kinda how things sounded at the last visit. This next visit is with the dr assistant, that wouldn't make a difference would it in regards to being sent back to work? The actual dr that did the surgery wouldn't have to see me for this to happen or would he?
The surgery coordinator told me when I asked about recovery time off they usually do 12 weeks but some people can't take 12 weeks and some have gone less depending on recovery. Recovery time on this surgery is 6 months but from what I've seen it's usually up to a year. I know I csn go back to work b4 then, but how soon would they start talking about mmi? That still shouldn't be any time soon, should it?
I'm still employed, still on medical leave and any time I've emailed hr they've responded and answered whatever was in question (I haven't contacted them to much because I knew the adjuster was sending paper work as well) I was thinking of emailing them and asking about the return to work process. Should I wait until i have clearance to actually work before I email and ask about that whole part of it?
I was also working 2 jobs,.if anyone has does this when returning does anyone know If it would be possible to have a Dr's note to be off of one place but not the other? Go back to primary job and still have some time before jumping back into the part-time position?
submitted by Coookiemunster03 to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:12 newgirlmoon Building a School List

Hey y'all!
Are there any schools that I'm missing from my list so far?
Now for the fun part...
School List:
NYU Grossman
Boston University
University of Rochester
University of Michigan
Case Western
Emory (still deciding)
Wayne State
Central Michigan University
Michigan State University
Medical College of Wisconsin
Penn State
Lewis Katz
Albert Einstein (unsure on this one)
Which schools would you guys add or remove? While I'm still open to specialties, I've taken an interest in primary care (especially family med), so if you guys know any schools that value it too, feel free to share.
Lastly, not sure if my volunteering hours (especially the amount for clinical) would be enough for a Jesuit school, but any n=1 stories would be encouraging!
submitted by newgirlmoon to premed [link] [comments]

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submitted by Amelia_Hiraedu to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:03 Toenail-Dickcheese How would you interpret this?

How would you interpret this?
I smoked weed outside away from anybody else. I noticed a woman staring at me through her window from afar, so I stared back to antagonize her. Then the next morning the pink sheets are on everyone’s door. I looked at the lease to verify what I thought, and that would be that the cultivation and sale is prohibited, but not the consumption. My state classifies marijuana as a recreational drug, like tobacco, but they clearly set two different rules for each.
submitted by Toenail-Dickcheese to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:02 Androxiii [CA] Employer refuses to pay me past my scheduled time (including overtime when passed 8 hours) and changes my time cards to reflect me leaving at the scheduled time. I handed in my notice yesterday. Can i take any action against them?

Some quick info : I am a supervisor (promoted 2 months ago) in a fast food restaurant in Alberta. Employed here for just under 2 years.
So i work the closing shift and the schedule ends at 11:30 pm every night. However i'm newer to being the sole supervisor closing so there is lots of new responsibilities to learn balance.
They also encourage me to send home the one other crew member i close with leaving me working completely alone to work at night. which i'm pretty sure isn't proper practice either.
Anyways, i've been having to stay 1-2 hours late every night and my manager and assistant managers know this. They schedule me for a full 8.5 hr shift (30 mins break unpaid) usually 3pm -11:30pm so working past 11:30 means i SHOULD be incurring overtime pay for the 1-2 hrs i stay late. and also my regular pay for the hours worked past 11:30pm when its not a full 8 hr shift.
However i get paid for NOTHING passed 11:30pm. and the managers change my time cards to show i left at 11:30.
The past few weeks i've been taking pictures of my punch card screen to have proof of the hours i worked each night and showing that i stay longer than 8 hours and that i do stay late.
I've brought this issue up several times and they've told me this.
"No, we are not paying for any extra hours. Because it is your responsibility to manage your time and finish your supervisor duties within a given time frame. You can organize yourself better, and that everyone spends more time in the beginning"
Like anyone who works close knows that you can only get so far ahead on your duties, and that it can all go wrong with one rush.
This is a huge reason as to why im leaving, i'm done donating my time to a multimillion dollar company who refuses to pay their employees for their full hours worked.
Now that i having handed in my resignation, what can i do to take action?
submitted by Androxiii to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:00 mintyfreshknee Housing.

I realize that this is likely the wrong place to post this, but because I am in this situation due to anti-depressant medication, and all of the illness I have from that, and my abusive family, which I think a lot of us have, which led us to being so abused by psychiatry, I’m hoping somebody will know of some thing or want to help me.
I am in a really bad situation. I am always a cheerleader on here, telling everybody that they can get better and giving resources, and just in general, trying to make it a less dark place. I have PSSD, and I do the same things within those communities. I also have really severe severe illness in many other ways, Lyme disease, MCAS, all sorts of rare, autoimmune diseases, as well as a lot of iatrogenic harm including antidepressants and botched surgeries that have physically disabled me. I can still walk around, but I spend most of my time in pain, in bed. I know that I can get better if I can get some of the care that I have even told people hear about. But unfortunately, I have been unable to access anything because…
I am without a place to be. I am currently renting a room from somebody that is so bad for me, I am having such insane both physical and some mental symptoms. I feel like I am never going to get out of here, that I am going to die in here, and my poor little cat is also having symptoms. She is miserable. I am in southern California currently. I am not in love with California and I am willing to go elsewhere. I am looking for a lead on either a place for rent, a room for rent, back house for rent, (something that is reasonable in price, unless I could share it, and then I could split the cost), but also would be in a place that’s a good environment. No big mold problem, no abusive people, no cigarette smoke, stuff like that.
I’m really scared or I wouldn’t be reaching out here. Nobody else can really understand the types of things that have happened to us, and I’m sure that there are other disabled people here due to psychiatry. I really really need a safe place to go rather immediately
Social services have not helped me at all. I have been waiting on a an appointment with a county Doctor Who might be able to write a letter to try to get me subsidized housing sooner, though there is no guarantee that I will get subsidize housing, and the sooner could even be like six months or a year. I am dying here. I really want to be in like Oregon, or Colorado, or Washington, or another state, where I can receive naturopathic healthcare . But I can’t keep doing this with the not having a home. It is so destructive and I cannot hear anything. Thank you. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening, and thank you for seeing if you can help me at all.
Also, I should note, I am not asking for anything for free. I mean free housing would save my life, but I’m not asking for that. I am very willing to pay rent. I cannot pay $3000 a month or anything which is why I am not surviving in California, but I’m not asking for free.
submitted by mintyfreshknee to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:59 damariusz3 Possible Strategy to Make Millions and Keep Hedgies At Bay

I think the problem with the current MEME plays is the Hedge Funds etc.. know how the game is being played.
An announcement is made on Reddit and the Apes buy as much as possible sometimes with huge resistance or without follow through from other supporters.
The first time the Hedgies were Unprepared, now they have all the MEME stocks on watch, including Reddit. When it is announced they short the heck out of the stock not to mention they are watching key levels. Trying to make it impossible for the normal trader to make a profit. After all the deck is stacked against us.
I propose instead of keeping the the same MEME stocks year after year it is rotated to new stocks. Then announcements are not made until everyone can get ready to pull the trigger, maybe even rotate the time frames. Morning, Noon, Before Close.
SPWRSPWR SunPower Corp. $3.06 -5.56% -36.65% 39,605,917 05/15/24 44,673,110 88.66%
HOLOHOLO MicroCloud Hologram Inc. $1.98 32.00% -44.21% 1,239,062 05/15/24 1,810,548 68.44%
PLCEPLCE Children's Place Inc. $11.67 -10.23% -49.74% 3,016,329 05/15/24 4,898,403 61.58%
RILYRILY B. Riley Financial Inc. $23.35 -0.02% 11.24% 8,244,627 05/15/24 15,785,093 52.23%
BMEABMEA Biomea Fusion Inc. $10.95 0.00% -24.59% 13,138,112 05/15/24 27,816,124 47.23%
ABRABR Arbor Realty Trust Inc. $13.76 -2.20% -9.35% 74,338,015 05/15/24 170,649,245 43.56%
MAXNMAXN Maxeon Solar Technologies Ltd. $1.75 -5.41% -75.59% 14,456,899 05/15/24 33,301,940 43.41%
PHATPHAT Phathom Pharmaceuticals Inc. $10.36 0.29% 13.47% 12,180,104 05/15/24 28,138,573 43.29%
BYNDBYND Beyond Meat Inc. $7.76 0.00% -12.81% 24,813,135 05/15/24 60,663,691 40.90%
AEMDAEMD Aethlon Medical Inc. $0.41 -10.87% -81.28% 1,752,964 05/15/24 4,418,964 39.67%
TRUPTRUP Trupanion Inc. $28.76 2.31% -5.74% 11,777,882 05/15/24 29,728,915 39.62%
CUTRCUTR Cutera Inc. $2.08 -6.73% -40.99% 7,449,843 05/15/24 19,133,649 38.94%
IBRXIBRX ImmunityBio Inc. $6.15 -0.81% 22.51% 53,425,524 05/15/24 140,512,786 38.02%
NOVANOVA Sunnova Energy International Inc. $5.24 -5.24% -65.64% 38,342,984 05/15/24 101,234,527 37.88%
WOOFWOOF Petco Health & Wellness Co. Inc. $3.98 -3.40% 25.95% 27,985,849 05/15/24 74,553,348 37.54%
EVGOEVGO EVgo Inc. Cl A $1.94 -0.51% -45.81% 34,937,852 05/15/24 99,460,009 35.13%
MPWMPW Medical Properties Trust Inc. $5.52 -0.18% 12.42% 206,205,776 05/15/24 588,442,457 35.04%
CRKCRK Comstock Resources Inc. $11.43 -2.56% 29.15% 28,623,315 05/15/24 82,396,873 34.74%
VTLEVTLE Vital Energy Inc. $44.89 -2.07% -1.32% 7,381,653 05/15/24 21,334,311 34.60%
UPSTUPST Upstart Holdings Inc. $24.51 1.62% -40.01% 26,012,893 05/15/24 75,307,052 34.54%
ACBACB Aurora Cannabis Inc. $5.89 -2.00% 23.69% 5,279,175 05/15/24 15,490,996 34.08%
NVAXNVAX Novavax Inc. $17.76 -2.52% 270.00% 45,291,396 05/15/24 133,315,564 33.97%
ZYXIZYXI Zynex Inc. $9.35 -5.08% -14.14% 5,805,598 05/15/24 17,178,372 33.80%
KSSKSS Kohl's Corp. $22.47 -5.79% -21.65% 36,670,008 05/15/24 108,816,514 33.70%
CMPOCMPO CompoSecure Inc. $6.11 -1.13% 13.15% 4,190,934 05/15/24 12,731,160 32.92%
ALTALT Altimmune Inc. $7.38 -1.47% -34.40% 23,064,510 05/15/24 70,351,857 32.78%
AIAI C3.ai Inc. $29.67 0.71% 3.34% 34,476,029 05/15/24 105,471,267 32.69%
LAZRLAZR Luminar Technologies Inc. $1.47 -7.86% -56.53% 95,622,129 05/15/24 297,636,691 32.13%
LMNDLMND Lemonade Inc. $16.16 0.00% 0.19% 16,278,639 05/15/24 51,104,847 31.85%
GESGES Guess? Inc. $23.06 -2.49% 0.00% 8,870,967 05/15/24 28,256,640 31.39%
LLYVALLYVA Liberty Media Corp. Series A Liberty Live $36.69 -1.19% 0.38% 757,706 05/15/24 2,451,513 30.91%
ENVXENVX Enovix Corp. $10.23 -3.94% -18.29% 43,102,017 05/15/24 139,794,910 30.83%
MEDMED Medifast Inc. $23.97 -4.12% -64.34% 3,240,005 05/15/24 10,645,406 30.44%
ABIOABIO ARCA biopharma Inc. $3.51 -5.90% 106.47% 4,096,113 05/15/24 13,564,922 30.20%
ALLOALLO Allogene Therapeutics Inc. $2.33 -7.17% -27.41% 36,428,594 05/15/24 121,144,619 30.07%
ADVADV Advantage Solutions Inc. Cl A $2.87 -11.57% -20.86% 7,865,778 05/15/24 26,247,682 29.97%
ZNTLZNTL Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Inc. $11.44 0.35% -24.49% 18,533,393 05/15/24 62,257,841 29.77%
BTSGBTSG BrightSpring Health Services Inc. $11.48 -0.35% 15,679,025 05/15/24 52,797,624 29.70%
DBIDBI Designer Brands Inc. $8.80 -20.36% -0.56% 12,722,974 05/15/24 43,022,256 29.57%
REBNREBN Reborn Coffee Inc. $4.30 12.86% -5.69% 232,974 05/15/24 789,126 29.52%
VERVVERV Verve Therapeutics Inc. $5.29 0.76% -62.05% 17,591,233 05/15/24 59,824,801 29.40%
DMDM Desktop Metal Inc. $0.55 -5.51% -26.88% 59,879,002 05/15/24 205,694,638 29.11%
VZIOVZIO VIZIO Holding Corp. $10.87 1.21% 41.17% 21,792,700 05/15/24 75,418,789 28.90%
PCTPCT PureCycle Technologies Inc. $5.24 -5.59% 29.38% 40,353,529 05/15/24 139,641,990 28.90%
ODDODD ODDITY Tech Ltd. $35.13 -3.14% -24.50% 7,255,017 05/15/24 25,185,866 28.81%
LCIDLCID Lucid Group Inc. $2.85 0.71% -32.30% 248,493,721 05/15/24 863,231,708 28.79%
SAVASAVA Cassava Sciences Inc. $21.04 -4.36% -6.53% 12,800,415 05/15/24 44,566,388 28.72%
PLUGPLUG Plug Power Inc. $3.22 -6.67% -28.44% 192,280,079 05/15/24 677,179,650 28.39%
CHPTCHPT ChargePoint Holdings Inc. $1.68 1.82% -28.21% 106,322,919 05/15/24 380,640,079 27.93%
MGPIMGPI MGP Ingredients Inc. $76.10 0.11% -22.76% 3,876,193 05/15/24 13,892,503 27.90%
submitted by damariusz3 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:55 Beneficial_Answer711 What is happening here?

Can anyone tell me what is happening with my charge? I filed a disability discrimination charge against my employer in February 2024. The 30 days for them to submit a position statement passed. I asked the investigator what was going on. He said something about a commission investigation? Anyway I did finally get their position statement,it was mostly false and misleading. I was surprised because my employer knew I had lots of emails and documents as proof of the lies. The company I worked for fearlessly bullies staff. In fact several of my supervisors ganged up on me, made threatening statements in writing, altered some of my records ( I have both copies) made up arbitrarily rules and consequences just for me. I have PTSD that was in remission for many years. It was triggered due to the bullying at work. I asked to go on FMLA and gave them two doctor’s letters to substantiate my need for leave. My employer emailed me stating BEFORE going on FMLA I had to get a psychiatric evaluation from the company, psychiatrist and and fit for duty evaluation when I was able to return. I know the fit for duty is normal upon returning, but not before going on leave. They also put in writing “ You must return from medical leave with no restrictions. “ The other option was I could resign.
I submitted my rebuttal and here we are in June. Mediation hasn’t been offered.
I’m pretty sure that the EEOC will find my charges valid. I was dealing with things like a group email initiated by my supervisor to her colleagues in three different departments talking about my need for an ADA accommodation. It was humiliating. I’m not one to even mention having a disability. I disclosed this asking for a little accommodation that wouldn’t have cause any harm at all. It’s like they went full defensive mode and decided it would be better to obliterate me. It’s been devastating.
Anyway I’m just wondering why mediation hasn’t been offered. The EEOC is still investigating, it’s an active investigation. They also said I can have a right to sue letter whenever I want.
I can’t get an attorney because this company is so politically powerful no one dares to go up against them. It’s been a nightmare. Any advice or insight will be appreciated!!
Thank you!!
submitted by Beneficial_Answer711 to EEOC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:54 Mindless_Gear2853 AITAH for blowing up at my FIL

AITAH for blowing up at my FIL, calling him a racist, a bigot and a prick? I, 32m, went off on my father in law during a recent visit from him and my MIL. During the visit he was constantly complaining, criticizing, and talking about things with what felt like the sole purpose of making everyone uncomfortable. We all had just finished watching a movie when my FIL decided it was time to start back up. He begins to go in on movies that have women in strong roles and how they make the woman the man and if the woman is married how their husband is just the woman of the house. This turns into complaining about remakes with women as the lead role when the original was a man. He then segways into complaining about remakes that had POC in the starring role and how it's wrong because when he would watch those shows or movies growing up it was always a white person and that it should still be. During this time my wife had been trying to derail his rant and ease the awkward situation we were all in. This is about the time I snapped, I know that my behavior wasn't conducive to have an actual conversation as I was yelling, but after holding my tongue for over ten years I finally had enough. I called him an f'n racist and a bigot. He was completely taken aback and his response was "I didn't realise you were so woke" I immediately told him that if he wants to keep being an f'n prick he could just leave. He continued to try and justify what he was saying or to bring up other "examples" of "how this is their agenda". I shot him down at every turn. At one point he asked me if I knew that what I was doing would have lasting effects, and in the moment I told him I didnt care(which I can't take back but I do care, I just wish he could change his ways) Eventually he looked at my MIL and said I think it's time we go. They gathered up their things and headed out the door.
 I did stop them and apologize to both of them for my behavior. I know the way I acted was inappropriate, however I stand by what I was defending. My wife grew up in their abusive home and has grown up walking on egg shells just trying to manage the peace and maintain a relationship with her family. After her parents left she sent her father a text asking him to let her know that they had gotten home safely, to which she didn't receive a reply. She had to find out from her younger brother who still lives at home. Her brother asked her what happened, so she told him the truth, that her father was spewing his normal bs and that her husband(me) went nuclear on their father. Sadly her brother took what was said and misrepresented it to their father. She received a text from her father today stating that if she needs to communicate with them(speaking for the whole family) that she needs to write a letter and keep a copy for herself so nothing can be misconstrued. He also stated that he couldn't be a racist or a bigot because "his best man, mentor, best friend and brother" are Filipino. 
The largest example of an uncomfortable topic he brought up and talked about for at least 5 minutes straight is dogs buttholes.(he has brought them up before and completely ignored boundaries on this topic)
I'm sure I have missed things on both sides.
TL:DR My in laws were visiting and my FIL went on a racist, bigoted, misogynistic rant to which I completely blew up which ended up in them leaving and almost completely cutting contact with myself and his daughter.
submitted by Mindless_Gear2853 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:53 takenadvantageof420 I did something kind for strangers and I feel taken advantage of. People of my own race don’t even want to help these people, and almost everyone I’ve told about this volunteer opportunity has called me stupid for daring to believe in the grace and dignity of all people.

I posted this in the main CPTSD sub but I don’t expect to get much support since I’ve mentioned how whiteness affects this situation. I don’t need advice, I really only want to share how frustrating this is with people who might understand a little better.
TL;DR: This volunteer situation was supposed to help me feel like the world has some hope. Like I am not the only one that recognizes the unfairness of our systems. To feel part of a community. But it’s only bringing up fears and anxieties that I haven’t felt in years since escaping from my abusive family. It’s also bringing up the feelings I have about feeling alienated from my culture and other people like me, yet also am rejected by the white society at large. I again feel rejected and chased out of my community. And maybe I don’t have the right to feel that way because that has literally happened to G, and allegedly the others.
My city has an issue with homelessness, as does every major city in the U.S. One large population of the homeless here are migrants and refugees. I used to be homeless myself and have since gotten out of that situation, I have a lot of sympathy for people who struggle with housing. I’ve been wanting to volunteer in my community, but with having a few medical conditions including PTSD and a neurological condition, I have very little energy to volunteer after work during the week and on the weekends I really need to rest and recuperate energy for getting back to work on Monday. I know not everyone can understand how terrible fatigue is but it really does affect the quality of my life and relationships sometimes. Anyway, I’ve been feeling guilty about not contributing that much to the solutions of these social problems surrounding us, so I wanted to do something actionable. I got in touch with a local housing organization that gets migrants and refugees temporary housing in the local community while they do the paperwork of helping the migrants get on the path to citizenship and stable housing. I volunteered to take in this older man who is pretty much guaranteed to be killed if he ever returns to his home country, and he has the scars to prove it. I figured, this won’t take up much of my time, and I have so much for a single person that I can afford to share a little bit.
He moved in last Wednesday. Let’s call him G. He sleeps on an air mattress in the living room of my one bedroom apartment. He’s mostly fine, although he has complained about my Spanish not being perfect and it took everything in me to not say “Out of all the fluent Spanish speakers in this city none of them want you in their home.” I did remind him that I’m doing my best to help him and he conceded. He is an old man who doesn’t understand technology so sometimes I have to explain to him that people/technology/things aren’t consciously trying to harm him, he just is unfamiliar with our way of life here. I have a lot of sympathy for him and I get how scary it must be having traveled all this way for asylum just to maybe be sent back to certain death.
He told me about his “family.” They’re not really his family, he just traveled up here with them from his home country, although they are from another country so I’m not sure how they got to know each other. The “son” (“B”) got very mad at G one day because one of the housing organizers bought G a new SIM card which gave him a new number and as a result B’s calls and texts weren’t going through to G and B said G was trying to abandon him now that he’s gotten new housing (my apartment). The housing organizers had to mediate between the two to get B to understand G just had a new number because the old phone was locked, I’m pretty sure because B had stolen it and claimed to have bought it for G. The rest of the family members are B’s wife “J”, their 10 year old son, their toddler daughter, and a 21 year old woman “D” who they initially presented to me as their daughter when in fact she is just someone they met at a refugee camp in another state, plus her toddler daughter.
My apartment has a pool, which G was super excited about. I took him to the store and bought him a pair of $15 swim trunks, no big deal. The next day, he asks me if his family can come for dinner and the pool. I said sure, and he told me “the only thing is that J doesn’t have a swimsuit” but that the kids all did. I felt like everyone has the right to have a fun pool day and take a break from the stress of their lives, so I said no problem and told them to meet me and G at Walmart the next day.
We meet at Walmart the next day, and it turns out that none of the adults have swimsuits. I grit my teeth and say okay, you guys can shop for one too. B doesn’t find anything in his size, and begrudgingly I agree to take him to Target after Walmart. J finds a swimsuit but has a religious belief against showing her legs, so I had to buy her shorts too which I think still shows your legs but whatever. D tries on every fucking one piece they have, we spend a long time waiting for her to try them all on, and she decides that they’re all too small or too big. She kept trying sizes XS and M and I said to just try a S. But she doesn’t like any of the ones they have in her size! Oh my god!!! Then they tell me that none of them have towels, so idk what they were expecting to do after the pool??? So then I fucking buy them towels too and all together everything costs $95, and we’re not even done. D wants to go to Target with me and B. So we go to Target and they both take forever trying on clothes which I just think is a little inconsiderate when it’s not your money you’re spending. B wants to buy not just swim trunks but also a tank top and sunglasses. D tried on every single swimsuit just to get the most boring basic black one piece AND it costs $40! Then they had the nerve to imply that I wasn’t buying enough bagged salad for them to all share. We’re cooking rice, potatoes, and chicken, do we really need two bags of salad for 4 adults? When we got to the cash register I really didn’t want to pay more than $150 so when the total got up to $148 I told B that I didn’t want to buy his sunglasses and he said that it’s okay, he’ll buy them. D, I think she genuinely thinks I don’t understand a lick of Spanish because she told him “I don’t think she has the money to pay for them.” BITCH DO YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY FOR THEM? OR YOUR $40 SWIMSUIT??? I didn’t want to cause a stink at the cash register in front of this old white lady who was already judging us for speaking Spanish to one another, so I just ignored her comment and paid for everything.
We cook (by that I mean me and G, his “family” did not contribute anything) dinner and go to the pool. D complains that we didn’t cook enough rice for everyone. Which wasn’t true, everyone got just enough and was full. I told them I wasn’t going to get in the pool because I had to get ready to go to a party later that evening and I still had to shower, shave, and do my makeup. D looks down at my chipped nail polish and goes “And you have to paint your nails too.” Why does this woman who has nothing feel the need to police my womanhood????? She also made comments about how she couldn’t wear a two piece because it wasn’t godly. You’re a 21 year old single mother, I don’t think you care about what’s godly tbh!!!
Anyway, G comes home yesterday and tells me that one of the housing organizers has blocked his number and that she lied to him about his lawyer’s progress on his case for asylum. At this point I don’t trust G to be a reliable narrator so I don’t know how much of that is true, and after calling my main contact at the organization she doesn’t think that’s how things played out either, but G won’t return her calls today so we’re not sure what’s going on. He also told me that B and J got scammed out of $800. J was looking for someone to write her a letter claiming she worked for them in order to be approved for an apartment. She had asked me but I’ve heard apartments have gotten wise to this issue and so I declined because I don’t need any legal trouble myself. And honestly it sounds like she has been working harder to find someone to write this letter than she ever did to actually find work. B has a job but he’s paid under the table so his company doesn’t want to admit to employing him. Apparently they approached some lady on the street about it and she said she’d write them one for $800. They got the money somehow and paid her, only for the apartment manager to tell them the letter was fraudulent and couldn’t be accepted. Now I’m just wondering how the hell they had $800 but I paid almost $300 for their “family” to have a couple hours at the pool? I don’t even have $800! I actually have much, much less than that until I get paid on Friday.
**I KNOW this is my fault, I KNOW I should have said no and set some boundaries. ** But with hearing how abusive B was to G over the phone situation, I felt it was unsafe to deny him anything lest he get violent. I don’t truly know if he is violent. G, I never feel afraid of. But this guy B just moves and talks like one of those people who are ready to get physical over any perceived slight. I was severely physically abused for 20 years so I am very averse to anything that even suggests that might trigger someone to hit me. D has been really disrespectful and additionally has made comments about my Spanish not being the best and how “us women should act”, when again, no one else is volunteering to take her to the fucking pool let alone provide housing.
Now B and his family are going to be kicked out of their hotel this weekend because my city’s anti-homeless program is just a ploy to get democrats to vote for the incumbent mayor. They don’t actually deliver on promises of stable housing and paths to citizenship, and here I am picking up the tab. G is worried sick about them, and at first I reluctantly agreed to him that they could stay with me in my 1 bedroom apartment. But realistically idk how long it would be for them to find stable housing, if ever. And I get the feeling they’re the kind of people who are content with having just their most basic needs met and aren’t motivated to seek more for their selves, so of course they’d be fine staying with me while I buy all their food and they use my electricity.
I talked with my main contact at the housing organization and we agreed that I would tell G I can’t host his “family” today. I’m so nervous of confrontation, especially when it means I have to disappoint somebody. I can understand why they would feel scared, their only other option is to sleep on the street. I really don’t care for the adults in this situation, but I don’t believe the kids deserve to be on the street. I’m not sure what will happen with them, but I am hoping CPS would at least take care of getting the kids into foster housing.
I am so utterly disappointed with both them and myself. Them, because I have consistently found that people who have also endured a lot of trauma (homeless or not, migrant or not, whatever) are usually the first to screw me over, take advantage of my kindness, lie, cheat, and steal. Things haven’t gotten that bad with them yet but I’m mad at myself for even letting things get this far. And I’m upset with myself because I know so many people, my own family included, who would make fun of me for being kind enough to want to help others avoid sleeping rough. So many people who would just point to this story and say this is all the more reason not to help anybody, that I’m an idiot for ever thinking someone else was worthy of dignity and grace. I know they’re wrong, I still don’t feel I am wrong for wanting to host G while he seeks asylum. But god damn it I have yet again been taken advantage of by people with a sob story. Tbh I don’t even know what qualifies B and his family as refugees. I know G’s story and it’s heartbreaking, but with how shitty B is I can’t help but think he must have been involved in something fucked up and that’s why there’s a price on his head. I don’t want to blame a victim, but his attitude and ungratefulness really makes it hard to have sympathy. Apparently he has also been threatening to leave his wife and children for a woman in another state who he’s never met, so I just don’t believe he is an innocent worthy of protecting. And I feel disgusted for myself for even admitting to feeling that way.
submitted by takenadvantageof420 to cptsd_bipoc [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:52 Naurgul European parliamentary elections: What a right-wing surge could mean for the EU

European parliamentary elections: What a right-wing surge could mean for the EU

Polls show that Europe is facing a potential shift to the right in elections set for June 6-9, when millions of EU citizens will vote to elect new members of the European Parliament, a body crucial for shaping the bloc’s policies. With far-right parties likely to win greater influence, the vote could significantly affect political dynamics within the EU and its policies abroad.

The 720 legislators in the new parliament will have the power to shape policies on climate, migration, industry, defence and security. But they will also vote on what should be prioritised in the EU budget, which can be essential to policies like providing aid for Ukraine.

Foreign policy

The influence that the European Parliament has on foreign policy is overshadowed by the European Council, which is made up of leaders from the 27 members states and has the final say on foreign policy. MEPs can vote on resolutions and political groups can put out calls to try and push something in a certain direction, but as such they do not have much competence on foreign policy.
But the European Parliament, as one arm of the EU’s budgetary authority, has a say on EU spending priorities. If the assembly sees a large shift to the right after the elections in June, calls for the EU to supply military assistance to Ukraine or humanitarian aid to Gaza could dwindle.

Environmental policy

The direction is largely shaped by political groups in the European Parliament. In 2019, for example, a Green Deal policy package was launched to tackle climate change and achieve EU-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. To reach carbon neutrality, EU lawmakers last year agreed to phase out sales of fossil fuel-powered vehicles by 2035.
If the greens lose out and the European Conservatives and Reformists group (ECR) make gains, conservatives will probably try to delay or postpone that cut-off date.
The same goes for a shift to organic agriculture, Maillard says. After the farmers' protests, MEPs will have to balance between policy reforms that work for farmers and minimising the damage agriculture could have on the environment.
A landmark bill aimed at restoring damaged ecosystems across the continent was finally approved in February this year after being put in jeopardy by the conservative European People’s Party. The text eventually passed by a small margin.
If conservatives win, the whole de-carbonisation of our economies would be slowed down.

Migration and asylum policies

The reform of the asylum bill approved on May 14 that lays out rules for the 27 member states on how to handle unauthorised arrivals.
But almost as soon as the bill was adopted, a group of 15 member states led by Denmark sent a letter to the European Commission calling for even tighter regulations, including outsourcing migration and asylum screenings. For many member states, Europe has not gone far enough on the security front. Migration will remain a key challenge for the next Parliament.

Rule of law

The European Parliament plays an active role going after member states that disregard the rule of law. Far right gains will dampen or reverse these efforts.


The ECR, the far-right Identity and Democracy party, and some members of the EPP are also decidedly Eurosceptic and are likely to seek more economic freedom and less regulation. Such groups are not likely to back proposals from the European Commission for more common rules and integration.
submitted by Naurgul to europes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:52 damariusz3 Possible New Strategy to Make Millions and Keep Hedgies At Bay

I think the problem with the current MEME plays is the Hedge Funds etc.. know how the game is being played.
An announcement is made on Reddit and the Apes buy as much as possible sometimes with huge resistance or without follow through from other supporters.
The first time the Hedgies were Unprepared, now they have all the MEME stocks on watch, including Reddit. When it is announced they short the heck out of the stock not to mention they are watching key levels. Trying to make it impossible for the normal trader to make a profit. After all the deck is stacked against us.
I propose instead of keeping the the same MEME stocks year after year it is rotated to new stocks. Then announcements are not made until everyone can get ready to pull the trigger, maybe even rotate the time frames. Morning, Noon, Before Close.
SPWRSPWR SunPower Corp. $3.06 -5.56% -36.65% 39,605,917 05/15/24 44,673,110 88.66%
HOLOHOLO MicroCloud Hologram Inc. $1.98 32.00% -44.21% 1,239,062 05/15/24 1,810,548 68.44%
PLCEPLCE Children's Place Inc. $11.67 -10.23% -49.74% 3,016,329 05/15/24 4,898,403 61.58%
RILYRILY B. Riley Financial Inc. $23.35 -0.02% 11.24% 8,244,627 05/15/24 15,785,093 52.23%
BMEABMEA Biomea Fusion Inc. $10.95 0.00% -24.59% 13,138,112 05/15/24 27,816,124 47.23%
ABRABR Arbor Realty Trust Inc. $13.76 -2.20% -9.35% 74,338,015 05/15/24 170,649,245 43.56%
MAXNMAXN Maxeon Solar Technologies Ltd. $1.75 -5.41% -75.59% 14,456,899 05/15/24 33,301,940 43.41%
PHATPHAT Phathom Pharmaceuticals Inc. $10.36 0.29% 13.47% 12,180,104 05/15/24 28,138,573 43.29%
BYNDBYND Beyond Meat Inc. $7.76 0.00% -12.81% 24,813,135 05/15/24 60,663,691 40.90%
AEMDAEMD Aethlon Medical Inc. $0.41 -10.87% -81.28% 1,752,964 05/15/24 4,418,964 39.67%
TRUPTRUP Trupanion Inc. $28.76 2.31% -5.74% 11,777,882 05/15/24 29,728,915 39.62%
CUTRCUTR Cutera Inc. $2.08 -6.73% -40.99% 7,449,843 05/15/24 19,133,649 38.94%
IBRXIBRX ImmunityBio Inc. $6.15 -0.81% 22.51% 53,425,524 05/15/24 140,512,786 38.02%
NOVANOVA Sunnova Energy International Inc. $5.24 -5.24% -65.64% 38,342,984 05/15/24 101,234,527 37.88%
WOOFWOOF Petco Health & Wellness Co. Inc. $3.98 -3.40% 25.95% 27,985,849 05/15/24 74,553,348 37.54%
EVGOEVGO EVgo Inc. Cl A $1.94 -0.51% -45.81% 34,937,852 05/15/24 99,460,009 35.13%
MPWMPW Medical Properties Trust Inc. $5.52 -0.18% 12.42% 206,205,776 05/15/24 588,442,457 35.04%
CRKCRK Comstock Resources Inc. $11.43 -2.56% 29.15% 28,623,315 05/15/24 82,396,873 34.74%
VTLEVTLE Vital Energy Inc. $44.89 -2.07% -1.32% 7,381,653 05/15/24 21,334,311 34.60%
UPSTUPST Upstart Holdings Inc. $24.51 1.62% -40.01% 26,012,893 05/15/24 75,307,052 34.54%
ACBACB Aurora Cannabis Inc. $5.89 -2.00% 23.69% 5,279,175 05/15/24 15,490,996 34.08%
NVAXNVAX Novavax Inc. $17.76 -2.52% 270.00% 45,291,396 05/15/24 133,315,564 33.97%
ZYXIZYXI Zynex Inc. $9.35 -5.08% -14.14% 5,805,598 05/15/24 17,178,372 33.80%
KSSKSS Kohl's Corp. $22.47 -5.79% -21.65% 36,670,008 05/15/24 108,816,514 33.70%
CMPOCMPO CompoSecure Inc. $6.11 -1.13% 13.15% 4,190,934 05/15/24 12,731,160 32.92%
ALTALT Altimmune Inc. $7.38 -1.47% -34.40% 23,064,510 05/15/24 70,351,857 32.78%
AIAI C3.ai Inc. $29.67 0.71% 3.34% 34,476,029 05/15/24 105,471,267 32.69%
LAZRLAZR Luminar Technologies Inc. $1.47 -7.86% -56.53% 95,622,129 05/15/24 297,636,691 32.13%
LMNDLMND Lemonade Inc. $16.16 0.00% 0.19% 16,278,639 05/15/24 51,104,847 31.85%
GESGES Guess? Inc. $23.06 -2.49% 0.00% 8,870,967 05/15/24 28,256,640 31.39%
LLYVALLYVA Liberty Media Corp. Series A Liberty Live $36.69 -1.19% 0.38% 757,706 05/15/24 2,451,513 30.91%
ENVXENVX Enovix Corp. $10.23 -3.94% -18.29% 43,102,017 05/15/24 139,794,910 30.83%
MEDMED Medifast Inc. $23.97 -4.12% -64.34% 3,240,005 05/15/24 10,645,406 30.44%
ABIOABIO ARCA biopharma Inc. $3.51 -5.90% 106.47% 4,096,113 05/15/24 13,564,922 30.20%
ALLOALLO Allogene Therapeutics Inc. $2.33 -7.17% -27.41% 36,428,594 05/15/24 121,144,619 30.07%
ADVADV Advantage Solutions Inc. Cl A $2.87 -11.57% -20.86% 7,865,778 05/15/24 26,247,682 29.97%
ZNTLZNTL Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Inc. $11.44 0.35% -24.49% 18,533,393 05/15/24 62,257,841 29.77%
BTSGBTSG BrightSpring Health Services Inc. $11.48 -0.35% 15,679,025 05/15/24 52,797,624 29.70%
DBIDBI Designer Brands Inc. $8.80 -20.36% -0.56% 12,722,974 05/15/24 43,022,256 29.57%
REBNREBN Reborn Coffee Inc. $4.30 12.86% -5.69% 232,974 05/15/24 789,126 29.52%
VERVVERV Verve Therapeutics Inc. $5.29 0.76% -62.05% 17,591,233 05/15/24 59,824,801 29.40%
DMDM Desktop Metal Inc. $0.55 -5.51% -26.88% 59,879,002 05/15/24 205,694,638 29.11%
VZIOVZIO VIZIO Holding Corp. $10.87 1.21% 41.17% 21,792,700 05/15/24 75,418,789 28.90%
PCTPCT PureCycle Technologies Inc. $5.24 -5.59% 29.38% 40,353,529 05/15/24 139,641,990 28.90%
ODDODD ODDITY Tech Ltd. $35.13 -3.14% -24.50% 7,255,017 05/15/24 25,185,866 28.81%
LCIDLCID Lucid Group Inc. $2.85 0.71% -32.30% 248,493,721 05/15/24 863,231,708 28.79%
SAVASAVA Cassava Sciences Inc. $21.04 -4.36% -6.53% 12,800,415 05/15/24 44,566,388 28.72%
PLUGPLUG Plug Power Inc. $3.22 -6.67% -28.44% 192,280,079 05/15/24 677,179,650 28.39%
CHPTCHPT ChargePoint Holdings Inc. $1.68 1.82% -28.21% 106,322,919 05/15/24 380,640,079 27.93%
MGPIMGPI MGP Ingredients Inc. $76.10 0.11% -22.76% 3,876,193 05/15/24 13,892,503 27.90%
submitted by damariusz3 to Wallstreetbetsnew [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:51 Worldly_Finger5051 Supplemental or increase claim advice ?

Hello everyone,
I am service connected currently for tension headaches aches/ migraines at 0%. I recently submitted an increase claim for this issue and others as well as a new claim for other issues. The VA combined these claims into one and rated to continue my current rating while some of my other issues have been deferred for secondary medical opinions and such.
My question is that I disagree with the 0% decision and have new and relevant medical evidence that supports an increase. Can I put in a supplemental claim or increase claim regarding this decision even though the rest of the claims have not been rated. I do have a decision letter regarding the continuation of the current rating. I am just confused on if I can challenge it now or do I have to wait for all of them to be rated ?
I apologize if any of this rant is confusing.
Thank you.
submitted by Worldly_Finger5051 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:49 ronthenomad What do I do?

I am in the process of starting my AP application and I’m trying to gather the information/documents I need for it. I thought I would go the “visiting a sick family member” route and asked my cousin if she could help me obtain a letter and records from my grandfathers doctor stating my reason to go to Mexico and visit him.
Here’s my questions: Has anyone gone this route and gotten charged by a medical professional writing said letter and or document’s? If so, what was the amount charged? My cousin told me that the doctor told her it would be “a bit expensive” but let’s be honest that doesn’t help me at all.
Secondly: Should I be worried? For context, the doctor explained to my cousin that he wrote one of these letters recently and the family member in question was a patient of his whose son needed to do AP. The doctor wrote the letter, the AP was approved (to my knowledge) and upon return he was no longer allowed to the US. So, the doctor specifically asked my cousin to ask me what I need on that letter and to be very specific because he does not want the same thing happening to me.
I feel like I’m overthinking and the doctors letter most likely had nothing to do with that person not being allowed back in but still, this is my first time doing AP and I don’t want to fuck it up.
Thank you to anyone reading this, I look forward to any and all responses.
submitted by ronthenomad to DACA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:49 smouni123 Mastering Crisis Care: The Ultimate Guide to Handling Chronic Disease, Wounds, and Emergency Situations

Mastering Crisis Care: The Ultimate Guide to Handling Chronic Disease, Wounds, and Emergency Situations
In times of crisis, whether it’s a natural disaster, a pandemic, or any unforeseen emergency, the ability to effectively care for chronic diseases and treat injuries can mean the difference between life and death. Our world is unpredictable, and having the knowledge and resources to manage health crises can significantly improve survival outcomes. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the essential skills and information you need to care for chronic diseases, treat wounds, and handle medical emergencies with confidence.

The Importance of Preparedness in Crisis Situations

Being prepared for a crisis isn't just about stockpiling supplies; it's about having the knowledge and skills to act swiftly and effectively when disaster strikes. Medical emergencies can arise at any moment, and in many cases, professional medical help may not be immediately available. Here’s why being prepared is crucial:
  1. Immediate Response: Quick and informed actions can prevent complications and save lives.
  2. Resource Scarcity: During crises, medical supplies and professionals may be limited, making self-reliance essential.
  3. Chronic Disease Management: Ensuring ongoing care for chronic conditions can prevent exacerbations and hospitalizations.
  4. Injury Treatment: Proper wound care and injury management can prevent infections and other complications.

Caring for Chronic Diseases in a Crisis

Managing chronic diseases during a crisis requires careful planning and knowledge. Here are some key strategies:
  1. Medication Management: Ensure you have an adequate supply of all necessary medications. Understand the proper storage requirements and expiration dates. If possible, legally stockpile essential medications such as antibiotics and painkillers to avoid shortages.
  2. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor vital signs and symptoms. For conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, consistent monitoring can prevent emergencies. Learn how to use home monitoring devices effectively.
  3. Emergency Action Plans: Develop and practice emergency action plans tailored to specific chronic conditions. For example, asthma action plans can include steps for managing attacks and ensuring access to inhalers.
  4. Diet and Exercise: Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to manage chronic diseases. In crisis situations, stress and lack of routine can exacerbate conditions, so prioritize physical and mental well-being.
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Treating Wounds, Breaks, Burns, and Injuries

Knowing how to treat common injuries can prevent serious complications. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. Wound Care: Clean the wound thoroughly with clean water and mild soap. Apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with a sterile bandage. Change the dressing daily and watch for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or pus.
  2. Stopping Bleeding: To stop bleeding, apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or bandage. Elevate the injured area above heart level if possible. For severe bleeding, apply a tourniquet above the wound and seek immediate medical help.
  3. Treating Burns: For minor burns, cool the burn under running water for 10-15 minutes. Apply a clean, non-stick bandage. For severe burns, cover the area with a clean cloth and seek emergency medical help immediately. Avoid applying ice or butter to burns.
  4. Handling Breaks and Fractures: Immobilize the affected area using a splint or sling. Apply ice packs to reduce swelling. Seek professional medical treatment to properly set the bone and ensure proper healing.

Three Kitchen Ingredients That Save Millions of Lives

You might be surprised to learn that some of the most effective life-saving treatments can be found in your kitchen. Here are three common ingredients that have been credited with saving millions of lives:
  1. Honey: Honey is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It can be used to treat wounds and burns, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Applying honey to a wound can prevent infection and speed up the healing process.
  2. Garlic: Garlic has potent antimicrobial properties. It can be used to treat infections and boost the immune system. Crushing garlic and applying it to a wound can help prevent infection. Consuming garlic regularly can also improve overall health.
  3. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be used to treat wounds, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Making a paste of turmeric and applying it to wounds can promote healing.
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How to Treat or Prevent a Killer Infection

Infections can escalate quickly, especially in crisis situations where medical help may be delayed. Here’s how to prevent and treat infections effectively:
  1. Hygiene Practices: Maintain strict hygiene practices, including regular handwashing with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  2. Proper Wound Care: Clean and disinfect all wounds immediately. Apply antibiotic ointments and cover with sterile bandages. Monitor wounds daily for signs of infection.
  3. Antibiotics: If you have access to antibiotics, use them as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Never self-medicate with antibiotics, as improper use can lead to resistance and ineffective treatment.
  4. Natural Remedies: Use natural remedies like honey, garlic, and turmeric to treat minor infections. These remedies can serve as a first line of defense when medical supplies are limited.

Legally Stockpiling Medications

In a crisis, having a supply of essential medications can be a lifesaver. Here’s how to legally and safely stockpile medications:
  1. Consult with Healthcare Providers: Discuss your plans with your doctor. They can provide prescriptions for an extended supply of essential medications.
  2. Use Legitimate Sources: Only purchase medications from reputable pharmacies. Avoid online sources that may sell counterfeit or unsafe medications.
  3. Proper Storage: Store medications in a cool, dry place. Ensure they are kept in their original packaging with labels intact.
  4. Rotate Stock: Regularly check expiration dates and use older medications first. Replace used or expired medications to maintain an up-to-date stockpile.
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Conclusion: Empower Yourself with Knowledge and Resources

In times of crisis, the ability to care for chronic diseases, treat injuries, and manage medical emergencies can significantly impact survival and quality of life. Our comprehensive ebook, "How to Care for Chronic Disease in a Crisis & Safely Treat Wounds, Breaks, Burns and Injuries & Stop Bleeding in Seconds! & 3 Kitchen Ingredients That Save 2 Million Lives a Year & How to Treat or Prevent a Killer Infection & Legally Stockpile Stacks of Antibiotics, Painkillers, and Meds," is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to navigate these challenges effectively.
This ebook provides step-by-step guidance, practical tips, and invaluable insights into managing health crises. By investing in this resource, you’re taking a proactive step towards safeguarding your health and the health of your loved ones in any crisis situation.
Don’t wait for a crisis to strike. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to handle any medical emergency with confidence. Purchase our ebook today and be prepared for whatever the future holds. Your health and well-being are worth it.

Get it Now

submitted by smouni123 to u/smouni123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:47 This-Explanation837 Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme

Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
  1. Introduction
Easy availability of capital is essential for entrepreneurs at the early stages of
growth of an enterprise. Funding from angel investors and venture capital firms
becomes available to startups only after the proof of concept has been provided.
Similarly, banks provide loans only to asset-backed applicants. It is essential to
provide seed funding to startups with an innovative idea to conduct proof of
concept trials.
Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) aims to provide financial assistance to
startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry
and commercialization. This would enable these startups to graduate to a level
where they will be able to raise investments from angel investors or venture
capitalists, or seek loans from commercial banks or financial institutions.
The Seed Fund will be disbursed to eligible startups through eligible incubators
across India.
  1. The Requirement
The Indian startup ecosystem suffers from capital inadequacy in the seed and
‘Proof of Concept’ development stage. The capital required at this stage often
presents a make or break situation for startups with good business ideas. Many
innovative business ideas fail to take off due to the absence of this critical capital
required at an early stage for proof of concept, prototype development, product
trials, market entry and commercialization. Seed Fund offered to such promising
cases can have a multiplier effect in validation of business ideas of many
startups, leading to employment generation.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
Page 2 of 14
Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
  1. Eligibility Criteria:
3.1 Eligibility Criteria for Startups
The eligibility criteria for a startup to apply under the Startup India Seed Fund
Scheme shall be as follows:
  1. A startup, recognized by DPIIT, incorporated not more than 2 years ago at
the time of application
  1. Startup must have a business idea to develop a product or a service with
market fit, viable commercialization, and scope of scaling
  1. Startup should be using technology in its core product or service, or
business model, or distribution model, or methodology to solve the
problem being targeted
  1. Preference would be given to startups creating innovative solutions in
sectors such as social impact, waste management, water management,
financial inclusion, education, agriculture, food processing, biotechnology,
healthcare, energy, mobility, defence, space, railways, oil and gas,
textiles, etc.
  1. Startup should not have received more than Rs 10 lakh of monetary
support under any other Central or State Government scheme. This does
not include prize money from competitions and grand challenges,
subsidized working space, founder monthly allowance, access to labs, or
access to prototyping facility
  1. Shareholding by Indian promoters in the startup should be at least 51% at
the time of application to incubator for the scheme, as per Companies Act,
2013 and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018
  1. Any startup will not receive seed support more than once each as per
provisions of para 8.1 (i) and 8.1 (ii) respectively
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
3.2 Eligibility Criteria for Incubators
The eligibility criteria for an incubator to apply in the Startup India Seed Fund
scheme are as follows:
  1. Incubator must be a legal entity:
a) A society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, or
b) A Trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882, or
c)A Private Limited company registered under the Companies Act 1956 or
the Companies Act 2013, or
d) A statutory body created through an Act of legislature
  1. Incubator should be operational for at least two years on the date of
application to the scheme
  1. Incubator must have facilities to seat at least 25 individuals
  2. Incubator must have at least 5 startups undergoing incubation physically on
the date of application
  1. Incubator must have a full-time Chief Executive Officer, experienced in
business development and entrepreneurship, supported by a capable team
responsible for mentoring startups in testing and validating ideas, as well as
in finance, legal and human resources functions
  1. Incubator should not be disbursing seed fund to incubatees using funding
from any third-party private entity
  1. Incubator must have been assisted by Central/State Government(s)
  2. In case the incubator has not been assisted by Central or State
a) Incubator must be operational for at least three years
b) Must have at least 10 separate startups undergoing incubation in the
incubator physically on the date of application
c) Must present audited annual reports for the last 2 years
  1. Any additional criteria as may be decided by the Experts Advisory
Committee (EAC).
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
  1. Experts Advisory Committee (EAC):
An Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will be constituted by DPIIT, which will be
responsible for the overall execution and monitoring of the Startup India Seed
Fund Scheme. The EAC will evaluate and select incubators for allotment of Seed
Funds, monitor progress, and take all necessary measures for efficient utilization
of funds towards fulfilment of objectives of Startup India Seed Fund Scheme.
The Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will comprise of the following members:
  1. Chairman, an individual of eminence
  2. Financial Advisor, DPIIT or his representative
  3. Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Directo Deputy Secretary, DPIIT
  1. Representative of Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
  2. Representative of Department of Science & Technology (DST)
  3. Representative of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
  1. Representative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
  2. Representative of NITI Aayog
  3. At least three expert members nominated by Secretary, DPIIT from the
startup ecosystem, investors, experts in the domain of R&D, technology
development and commercialization, entrepreneurship and other relevant
  1. Guidelines for Assistance to Incubators
5.1 Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) shall evaluate incubators for grant
assistance. A Grant of up to Rs. 5 (five) crore would be provided to a selected
incubator in milestone-based three (or) more installments. The exact quantum
of grant and instalments for each incubator will be decided by the Experts
Advisory Committee (EAC) based on its evaluation
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
5.2 Incubators shall use the grant only for disbursal to eligible startups and shall not
use the grant for facility creation or any other expenses
5.2 A component of Management Fee @ 5% of Seed Fund grant to the incubator
will be provisioned (i.e. if an incubator is granted Rs. 1 crore of Seed Fund, then
by including management fee @ 5%, the total assistance would be Rs. 1.050
5.3 The Management Fee provisioned for incubators shall not be used by the
incubator for facility creation or any other administrative expenses. The
Management Fee will be utilized for administrative expenditure, selection and
due diligence of startups, and monitoring of progress of beneficiary startups
5.4 Installments shall be released to incubators upon submission of proofs of
achievement of milestones as decided by EAC. Proportionate Management fee
shall also be released with each installment
5.5 The quantum of first installment may be up to 40% of total approved
commitment. When the cash-in-hand of the incubator goes below 10% of the
total commitment by EAC, the Incubator may request for the next installment,
which shall be released to incubator within 30 days of submission of proof of
achievement of milestones
5.6 The grant should be utilized fully by the incubator within a period of three years
from the date of receipt of the first installment of funds.
5.7 If the Incubator has not utilized at least 50% of the total commitment within the
first 2 years, then the Incubator will not be eligible for any further drawdowns. It
will return all unutilized funds along with interest.
5.8 Interest earned on all unutilized funds available with incubators shall be taken
into account and adjusted at the time of next release.
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
5.9 The financing of beneficiaries will be done with efficiency and care. Selected
incubators would be responsible for proper management and disbursement of
the Seed Fund
5.10 Selected incubator shall maintain a transparent process of selection,
monitoring, and disbursement mechanism for the fund. Seed Fund would be
disbursed to selected startups after due diligence by the incubator
5.11 The incubators shall be responsible for providing physical infrastructure to the
selected startups for regular functioning, support for testing and validating
ideas, mentoring for prototype or product development or commercialization,
and developing capacities in finance, human resources, legal compliances, and
other functions. They are also expected to provide networking with investors
and opportunities for showcasing in various national and international events. If
the selected startup does not want to utilize the physical infrastructure of the
incubator, the incubator shall offer all other resources and services to the
5.12 A startup selected by an incubator for assistance under this scheme shall not be
charged any fees
  1. Selection of Incubators
6.1 Online Applications will be invited from incubators across India to participate in
the scheme on https://www.startupindia.gov.in or any other platform specifically
designated for the purpose.
Incubators shall be selected on the basis of the following parameters:
a. Fulfillment of eligibility criteria
b. Quality of the team of Incubator
c. Available infrastructure, testing labs etc.
d. Composition of ISMC (as defined in para 7)
e. Incubation support provided by incubator in last three years:
 No. of startups incubated
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
 No. of startups graduated, i.e. progressed from one stage of
business development cycle to the next
 No. of startups that raised follow on investments
 No. of startups that crossed a revenue of Rs 1 Cr in last 1 year
 2-year survival rate of startups from the date of joining incubator
f. Funding support extended to incubatees in last three years:
 Investment agreements signed between incubator and startups
 No. of startups invested in
 Total corpus allocated to incubatees
 Total investments raised by incubatees from external sources
g. Mentoring provided to incubatees in last three years:
 No. of mentors hired
 Average mentoring hours allocated per startup per month
 No. of IP (patents, copyrights, designs, and trademarks)
registered by incubatees
h. Other support extended to incubatees in last three years:
 Industry/Corporate connects
 Events held for stakeholder engagements
 Participation in other events
i. Number of startups that the incubator intends to support
j. Quantum of funds applied for, along with fund deployment plan with
k. Any other relevant parameters that decided by the EAC
6.2 The Call for Applications for incubators will be open online throughout the year
6.3 Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will convene at least quarterly to:
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
  1. Evaluate the applications received during the period
  2. Select incubators for funds under the Scheme
  3. Decide the total amount of fund and number of installments in which it is
to be allocated to each incubator
  1. Specify milestones to be achieved by each incubator for release of
6.4 EAC shall also monitor progress of incubators against sanctioned funds under
the Scheme and take further actions as may be required
6.5 EAC may lay down improved guidelines for selection of incubators under the
scheme from time to time
  1. Selection of Startups
7.1 Each of the incubators applying for the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme will
constitute a committee called the Incubator Seed Management Committee
(ISMC), consisting of experts who can evaluate and select startups for seed
support. The composition of ISMC would be as follows:
i. Nominee of Incubator (Chairman)
ii. Representative from State Government’s Startup Nodal Team
iii. Representative of a Venture Capital Fund or Angel Network
iv. A domain expert from Industry
v. A domain expert from academia
vi. Two successful Entrepreneurs
vii. Any other relevant Stakeholder
The final composition and members of ISMC of each incubator shall be approved
by EAC and will be a critical parameter in selection of incubators
7.2 The startups shall be selected through an open, transparent and fair process,
comprising, inter-alia:
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
i. An online call for applications shall be hosted on an ongoing basis on the
Startup India portal
ii. Applicants can apply for seed fund to any three incubators selected as
disbursing partners for this scheme in order of their preference
iii. All applications received will be shared online with respective incubators
for further evaluation
iv. The applicant may be asked to submit details on team profile, problem
statement, product/service overview, business model, customer profile,
market size, quantum of funds needed, projected utilization plan for funds,
i. The incubators shall shortlist applicants as per eligibility criteria given in
para 3.1.
v. Eligible applications will be evaluated by ISMC using the following
Criteria Details
Is there a
need for this
Market size, what market gap is it
filling, does it solve a real-world
2 Feasibility
Feasibility and reasonability of the
technical claims, methodology
used/ to be used for PoC and
validation, roadmap for product
Customer demographic & the
technology’s effect on these,
national importance (if any)
4 Novelty
USP of the technology, associated
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
5 Team
Strength of the team, Technical and
business expertise
Roadmap of money utilization u
Any additional parameters
considered appropriate by incubator
8 Presentation Overall assessment w
Weightages for criteria (p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) may be assigned by each
incubator differently
vi. Incubator may shortlist applicants based on their evaluation for a
presentation before ISMC
vii. ISMC shall evaluate applicants based on their submissions and
presentations and select startups for Seed Fund within 45 days of receipt
of application
viii. All incubators shall provide information about progress of evaluation of
startups real-time to Startup India portal
ix. Selected startups shall receive seed funding under the respective
incubator that selects them as beneficiaries as per their preference
shared during application (for example, if incubators at Preference 1 and
Preference 2 both select a startup, the funding shall be given by
Preference 1 incubator. If Preference 1 incubator rejects and Preference
2 incubator selects, the funding shall be given by incubator at Preference
2, and so on.)
x. All applicants will be able to track the progress of their application on the
Startup India portal on a real-time basis
xi. Applicants who are rejected will also be notified through email
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
xii. An applicant, if rejected once, may apply afresh
7.3 EAC may lay down improved guidelines for selection of startups under the
scheme from time to time
  1. Guidelines for Disbursement of Seed Fund to Startups by Incubators
8.1 Seed Fund to an eligible startup by the incubator shall be disbursed as follows:
  1. Up to Rs. 20 Lakhs as grant for validation of Proof of Concept, or prototype
development, or product trials. The grant shall be disbursed in milestonebased installments. These milestones can be related to development of
prototype, product testing, building a product ready for market launch, etc.
  1. Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs of investment for market entry, commercialization, or
scaling up through convertible debentures or debt or debt-linked instruments
  1. Seed fund shall strictly not be used by startups for creation of any facilities
and shall be utilized for the purpose it has been granted for
8.2 Not more than 20% of the total grant to an incubator shall be given as grants to
start-ups by incubator. Rate of interest (as defined under GFR) on unutilized
funds available with incubator would also be taken into account and adjusted at
the time of next release by DPIIT.
8.3 For startups being supported through convertible debentures, or debt, or debtlinked instruments, funds shall be provided at a rate of interest of not more than
prevailing repo rate. The tenure should be fixed at the time of sanctioning the
loan by the incubator, which shall be not more than 60 months (5 years). A
moratorium of up to 12 months may be provided for the startups. Because of the
early stage of the startups, this shall be unsecured and no guarantee from
promoter or third-party will be required.
8.4 The incubator shall execute a legal agreement with the selected startups before
the release of the first installment. The incubators shall ensure that the necessary
terms and conditions, including milestones, related to the Seed Fund are clearly
detailed in the agreement
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
8.5 Subsequent disbursement would be linked to the achievement of previouslyspecified milestones as per agreement between the startup and incubator
8.6 Startups will receive the funds in their company bank accounts
8.7 For grants, the first installment to any selected startup shall be released not more
than 60 days from receipt of application from the startup. The startup shall submit
the interim progress update and utilisation certificate to initiate the release of
subsequent installment of grant.
8.8 Startup shall submit final report and audited utilisation certificate at the end of the
project duration. For failed ventures, the entrepreneur will share his/her learnings
and the reasons for failure in the report and submit this along with the utilisation
certificate for the fund amount
8.9 The incubator or any of its staff members shall not charge any fee in cash or in
kind from applicants or beneficiaries under the scheme for any process of
selection, disbursement, incubation, or monitoring
8.10 A grievance cell shall be set up at DPIIT for the scheme to address issues of
applicants, such as delayed evaluation of applications, delayed disbursements by
incubators, etc.
  1. Accounting and Utilization of funds
9.1 The incubator shall maintain an exclusive, project-specific Trust and Retention
Account (TRA) with any nationalized bank. Funds under this scheme shall be
released into that account in milestone-based three (or) more installments.
9.2 Any net return received from beneficiary startup can be used for further funding
in startups as per guidelines of this scheme (net returns shall include principal,
interest, and profits). In case of no further funding of startups using this money
for three years, this shall be returned to DPIIT
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
9.3 Each incubator shall report the funds sanctioned, received, and disbursed to
each startup for each financial year
9.4 Incubators would also submit detailed report on status of utilization of funds and
audited expenditure for each financial year
  1. Indicators of Successful Implementation
10.1 The following shall be tracked and recorded by incubators for all beneficiary
  1. Progress of proof of concept
  2. Progress of prototype development
  3. Progress of product development
  4. Progress of field trials
  5. Progress of market launch
  6. Quantum of loan, angel or VC funding raised
  7. Jobs created by startup
  8. Turnover of startup
  9. Any other appropriate parameter
10.2 Selected startups shall furnish details on above parameters to incubator in all
progress reports
10.3 The incubator shall provide the above information real-time to Startup India
through their online dashboards and shall present the same to EAC on a
quarterly basis
10.4 Incubator shall also report return on investment for each Startup. Appropriate
matrix may be devised for this purpose.
10.5 It is understood that every startup cannot be successful
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Guidelines for Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
  1. Repeat Incubator Applicants for Seed Fund
An incubator can reapply for funds under the Scheme when it has disbursed or
committed its entire previously released grant
  1. Progress Monitoring
12.1 Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will review the progress of the scheme with
the Incubators selected under the scheme
12.2 The Incubators will provide the reports as may be directed by the EAC for
objective evaluation
12.3 In case of poor performance of any selected incubator, EAC may decide to
discontinue seed fund support to the incubator and take further action as may
be required
12.4 Appropriate legal action will be taken against the selected incubator in case it
uses the grant for purposes other than those for which it has been awarded
(Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)
New Delhi, the 21st January, 2021
S.O. 414(E).— The Central Government has approved the ‘Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS)’ to
provide financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, market entry and
commercialization. SISFS shall provide financial assistance to startups via corpus of Rs. 945 Crore that will be
disbursed through selected incubators across India in 2021-25.
[भाग II—खण् ड 3(ii)] भारत का राजप् स असाधारण 7
  1. The scheme is sector-agnostic and will support startups across all sectors. The scheme shall have a central
common application on Startup India portal for startups and incubators on an ongoing basis.
  1. SISFS will be implemented by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
  1. The Guidelines of the above-mentioned scheme is available on the website of Startup India at
  1. Eligibility Criteria for Startups: The eligibility criteria for a startup to apply under the Startup India Seed
Fund Scheme shall be as follows:
  1. A startup, recognized by DPIIT, incorporated not more than 2 years ago at the time of application
  2. Startup must have a business idea to develop a product or a service with market fit, viable
commercialization, and scope of scaling
  1. Startup should be using technology in its core product or service, or business model, or distribution
model, or methodology to solve the problem being targeted
  1. Preference would be given to startups creating innovative solutions in sectors such as social impact,
waste management, water management, financial inclusion, education, agriculture, food processing,
biotechnology, healthcare, energy, mobility, defence, space, railways, oil and gas, textiles, etc.
  1. Startup should not have received more than Rs 10 lakh of monetary support under any other Central
or State Government scheme. This does not include prize money from competitions and grand
challenges, subsidized working space, founder monthly allowance, access to labs, or access to
prototyping facility
  1. Shareholding by Indian promoters in the startup should be at least 51% at the time of application to
incubator for the scheme, as per Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018
  1. Any startup will not receive seed support more than once each as per provisions of guidelines.
  2. Eligibility Criteria for Incubators: The eligibility criteria for an incubator to apply in the Startup India
Seed Fund scheme are as follows:
  1. Incubator must be a legal entity:
a) A society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, or
b) A Trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882, or
c) A Private Limited company registered under the Companies Act 1956 or the Companies Act 2013,
d) A statutory body created through an Act of legislature
  1. Incubator should be operational for at least two years on the date of application to the scheme
  2. Incubator must have facilities to seat at least 25 individuals
  3. Incubator must have at least 5 startups undergoing incubation physically on the date of application
  4. Incubator must have a full-time Chief Executive Officer, experienced in business development and
entrepreneurship, supported by a capable team responsible for mentoring startups in testing and
validating ideas, as well as in finance, legal and human resources functions
  1. Incubator should not be disbursing seed fund to incubatees using funding from any third-party private
  1. Incubator must have been assisted by Central/State Government(s)
  2. In case the incubator has not been assisted by Central or State Government(s):
a) Incubator must be operational for at least three years
b) Must have at least 10 separate startups undergoing incubation in the incubator physically on
the date of application
c) Must present audited annual reports for the last 2 years
  1. Any additional criteria as may be decided by the Experts Advisory Committee (EAC).
  2. Assistance to Incubators: Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) shall evaluate incubators for grant assistance.
A Grant of up to Rs. 5 (five) crore would be provided to a selected incubator in milestone-based three (or) more
installments. The exact quantum of grant and instalments for each incubator will be decided by the Experts
Advisory Committee (EAC) based on its evaluation
  1. Disbursement of Seed Fund to Startups by Incubators: Seed Fund to an eligible startup by the incubator
shall be disbursed as follows:
  1. Up to Rs. 20 Lakhs as grant for validation of Proof of Concept, or prototype development, or product
trials. The grant shall be disbursed in milestone-based installments. These milestones can be related to
development of prototype, product testing, building a product ready for market launch, etc.
  1. Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs of investment for market entry, commercialization, or scaling up through convertible
debentures or debt or debt-linked instruments
  1. Seed fund shall strictly not be used by startups for creation of any facilities and shall be utilized for the
purpose it has been granted for
  1. Constitution of Experts Advisory Committee: An Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will be constituted by
DPIIT, which will be responsible for the overall execution and monitoring of the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme.
The EAC will evaluate and select incubators for allotment of Seed Funds, monitor progress, and take all necessary
measures for efficient utilization of funds towards fulfilment of objectives of Startup India Seed Fund Scheme. The
Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will comprise of the following members:
  1. Chairman, an individual of eminence
  2. Financial Advisor, DPIIT or his representative
  3. Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Directo Deputy Secretary, DPIIT (Convener)
  4. Representative of Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
  5. Representative of Department of Science & Technology (DST)
  6. Representative of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeiTY)
  7. Representative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
  8. Representative of NITI Aayog
  9. At least three expert members nominated by Secretary, DPIIT from the startup ecosystem, investors,
experts in the domain of R&D, technology development and commercialization, entrepreneurship and
other relevant domains.
  1. Selection of Incubators:
10.1 Online Applications will be invited from incubators across India to participate in the scheme on
https://www.startupindia.gov.in or any other platform specifically designated for the purpose.
Incubators shall be selected on the basis of the following parameters:
a. Fulfillment of eligibility criteria
b. Quality of the team of Incubator
c. Available infrastructure, testing labs etc.
d. Composition of ISMC (as defined in para 7)
e. Incubation support provided by incubator in last three years:
[भाग II—खण् ड 3(ii)] भारत का राजप् स असाधारण 9
i. No. of startups incubated
ii. No. of startups graduated, i.e. progressed from one stage of business development cycle to the next
iii. No. of startups that raised follow on investments
iv. No. of startups that crossed a revenue of Rs 1 Cr in last 1 year
v. 2-year survival rate of startups from the date of joining incubator
f. Funding support extended to incubatees in last three years:
i. Investment agreements signed between incubator and startups
ii. No. of startups invested in
iii. Total corpus allocated to incubatees
iv. Total investments raised by incubatees from external sources
g. Mentoring provided to incubatees in last three years:
i. No. of mentors hired
ii. Average mentoring hours allocated per startup per month
iii. No. of IP (patents, copyrights, designs, and trademarks) registered by incubatees
h. Other support extended to incubatees in last three years:
i. Industry/Corporate connects
ii. Events held for stakeholder engagements
iii. Participation in other events
i. Number of startups that the incubator intends to support
j. Quantum of funds applied for, along with fund deployment plan with timelines
k. Any other relevant parameters that decided by the EAC
10.2 The Call for Applications for incubators will be open online throughout the year
10.3 Experts Advisory Committee (EAC) will convene at least quarterly to:
  1. Evaluate the applications received during the period
  2. Select incubators for funds under the Scheme
  3. Decide the total amount of fund and number of installments in which it is to be allocated to each
  1. Specify milestones to be achieved by each incubator for release of installments
10.4 EAC shall also monitor progress of incubators against sanctioned funds under the Scheme and take further
actions as may be required
10.5 EAC may lay down improved guidelines for selection of incubators under the scheme from time to time
  1. Selection of Startups
11.1 Each of the incubators applying for the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme will constitute a committee called
the Incubator Seed Management Committee (ISMC), consisting of experts who can evaluate and select
startups for seed support. The composition of ISMC would be as follows:
i. Nominee of Incubator (Chairman)
ii. Representative from State Government’s Startup Nodal Team
iii. Representative of a Venture Capital Fund or Angel Network
iv. A domain expert from Industry
v. A domain expert from academia
vi. Two successful Entrepreneurs
vii. Any other relevant Stakeholder
The final composition and members of ISMC of each incubator shall be approved by EAC and will be a
critical parameter in selection of incubators.
11.2 The startups shall be selected through an open, transparent and fair process, comprising, inter-alia:
i. An online call for applications shall be hosted on an ongoing basis on the Startup India portal
ii. Applicants can apply for seed fund to any three incubators selected as disbursing partners for this
scheme in order of their preference
iii. All applications received will be shared online with respective incubators for further evaluation
iv. The applicant may be asked to submit details on team profile, problem statement, product/service
overview, business model, customer profile, market size, quantum of funds needed, projected
utilization plan for funds, etc.
v. The incubators shall shortlist applicants as per eligibility criteria given in the guidelines.
vi. Eligible applications will be evaluated by ISMC using the following criteria:
Criteria Details Weightage (%)
Is there a need for this
Market size, what market gap is it filling, does it solve a
real-world problem? P
2 Feasibility
Feasibility and reasonability of the technical claims,
methodology used/ to be used for PoC and validation,
roadmap for product development
3 Potential Impact
Customer demographic & the technology’s effect on these,
national importance (if any) r
4 Novelty USP of the technology, associated IP s
5 Team Strength of the team, Technical and business expertise t
6 Fund Utilization Plan Roadmap of money utilization u
7 Additional Parameters
Any additional parameters considered appropriate by
incubator v
8 Presentation Overall assessment w
Weightages for criteria (p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) may be assigned by each incubator differently
vii. Incubator may shortlist applicants based on their evaluation for a presentation before ISMC
viii. ISMC shall evaluate applicants based on their submissions and presentations and select startups for
Seed Fund within 45 days of receipt of application
ix. All incubators shall provide information about progress of evaluation of startups real-time to Startup
India portal
x. Selected startups shall receive seed funding under the respective incubator that selects them as
beneficiaries as per their preference shared during application (for example, if incubators at
Preference 1 and Preference 2 both select a startup, the funding shall be given by Preference 1
incubator. If Preference 1 incubator rejects and Preference 2 incubator selects, the funding shall be
given by incubator at Preference 2, and so on.)
[भाग II—खण् ड 3(ii)] भारत का राजप् स असाधारण 11
xi. All applicants will be able to track the progress of their application on the Startup India portal on a
real-time basis
xii. Applicants who are rejected will also be notified through email
xiii. An applicant, if rejected once, may apply afresh
11.3 EAC may lay down improved guidelines for selection of startups under the scheme from time to time
  1. The Department shall evaluate the outcome of the scheme by the end of 2024-25, especially with reference to
financial, social and economic returns.
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2024.06.05 01:47 soupykatz AITAH for not telling my boyfriend about meeting with a potential new client?

I’m a freelance social media managepersonal assistant, and lately I’ve been looking for more clients since my boyfriend and I recently moved into a new apartment and money is tight.
I received a DM from a potential client yesterday, who was recommended to me from someone very close to me. He asked if I was free today for a meeting to discuss potentially working together. I agreed, and we set a time.
This morning I let my boyfriend know I was off to a meeting, and we said our “I love you’s” as I headed out. I didn’t specify that it was a potential new client because if I’m being honest, I am a bit of a hippy/superstitious and don’t like to “claim” things, or speak on them before they’re a “for sure” thing. Especially when it comes to work.
For example, a few weeks ago I had an interview for another position I really wanted, and I didn’t tell my partner or anyone until after the the interview was finished and had gone well.
It also just seemed like absolutely no biggie to simply tell him about it after the fact.
Well, unfortunately he sees it very differently!
I had my interview which was a bit long but went pretty well overall, and met up with another client for a quick meeting before picking up groceries and heading home.
When I got home, I said hi to my partner and pretty much immediately told him I had a meeting with a potential new client today. I was excited!
He seemed happy too, initially, but his mood pretty quickly shifted. He started asking questions about what we talked about, and kept saying “what else”, after I’d elaborate. He seemed frustrated so I asked what was wrong and he said:
“Nothing I just think it’s really weird that you didn’t tell me you had this meeting today”
I responded saying, “I thought I said I had a meeting earlier when I left.”
He said something like “yeah but you didn’t specify”
I was really having trouble understanding why he was so bothered, and I told him that, asking him if he could tell me more.
I explained about my superstition around new opportunities and not wanting to put too much weight in them or get too excited, but he just kept saying “it’s weird you didn’t tell me. It doesn’t build trust”
It started devolving into a back and forth argument so I just said “listen, if it’s really important to you I’m happy to let you know when i have meetings with new clients in the future”
He sort of huffed about, and didn’t respond. And I just said, “next time, I would appreciate you simply asking me for what you need rather than calling me weird. It feels judgemental and it doesn’t feel good.”
He didn’t acknowledge that but instead launched back into explaining why he thought I was weird for not telling him, and how my behaviour wasn’t “trust building”. It started turning into an argument again, so we agreed to stop discussing it and I just went to take a nap before cooking dinner.
The whole thing felt hugely confusing. I asked him if was worried about something else, or had fears about infidelity or something because his reaction seemed so harsh! He got extremely upset when I asked that and said “why would you say that?! That’s so weird that you would say that” but i honestly couldn’t think of any other reason why his reaction was so strong.
He said, “you’re telling me you wouldn’t be mad if i interviewed for a job and didn’t tell you before?!”
And i responded honestly, saying “no, it makes no difference to me if you tell me before or after! Of course I want to know but i don’t feel strongly about it”
He just said “no you wouldn’t, you would be mad” and basically said I was being disingenuous.
I’m just so confused. We’ve had our fair share of challenges and arguments in the past but this one is making my head spin.
Am I off base here? It honestly felt a bit controlling, and definitely confusing, but I’m very open to being wrong.
Thank you in advance for your feedback! ❤️
submitted by soupykatz to AITAH [link] [comments]
