What drugs are not compatible with antidepressants

Antidepressant Drugs

2011.10.18 03:08 chroncile Antidepressant Drugs

Supporting those that are taking antidepressants for anxiety, depression, OCD, panic disorder, etc. This sub is for offering support, sharing experiences, sharing information, helping people in withdrawal or tapering. Offering suggestions based on first hand experiences.

2014.11.19 17:54 WalleB Starterpacks

Home of starterpacks!

2015.10.02 03:32 maybeireadthat AirPods

A subreddit dedicated to Apple's AirPods, AirPods Pro and Max, and other future wireless headphones.

2024.06.05 18:10 Googy21 Those of you who battle with anxiety and depression but refuse to take meds, why?

I’m 28 and have had pretty terrible anxiety since I was about 18 and now that I have 2 kids I have insane healthy anxiety that I cant shake. For the second time I saw my psychiatrist and he definitely knows his stuff and said that Zoloft would be good for me based off what we talked about. For the second time I picked up the bottle and just can’t get the courage to take it. My main reasons are this, firstly if I’m one of the unfortunate ones to develop sexual dysfunction especially long term or Irreversible, I would just go back to square one and probably become horribly depressed because sex is a huge part of my life and I value it with my wife way too much to lose it. Secondly I have multiple friends who have taken many different antidepressants and some have worked and some they tell me have made them 10x worse and that’s scary. Lastly I think it’s just a manly ego thing like to be able to say I’ve never resorted to drugs to fix my problems or thoughts idk maybe that’s toxic thinking or maybe that’s how more men should be before resorting to meds so quickly. Anyone else have this stern view on not taking meds despite their mental health?
submitted by Googy21 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:30 Kindly_Car7996 AITA for telling my cousin that I still love her during the family Reunion?

Hi, I know the title sound pretty disturbing, it does sound disturbing for me once a re-read it but there's no better way to describe it. Before you start judging I want you all to know that the context of the situation will be very important, you can form your own ideas now but please wait until you read everything to say something.
Me (29M) and my fiance Who I'll name Allie (28F) met when we were 20 and 21 at Uni. We really got along immediately since we shared a liking for movies and TV show and that's how we mostly spend all our time, We introduce eachother to our families, we had often movie night and we had a pretty lovingly anf healthy relationship, so after some years later I Finally build up courage to ask her to marry me and she said Yes.
We start planning the wedding and I took her to my house for a little vacations since my family is from the Countryside. She had a pretty good relationship with my mother and that was awesome since my Family is a pretty important aspect of my life and I'm heavily honoured and thankful to be part of them. For context, I was given in adoption when I was almost a year old and I got adopted by my Parent a year later. As far as I know I was removed from my Bio family because a drug issue concerning my bio mum. Ever since My adoptive family have been a blessing and Even more After They took Allie As another one of the family so quickly.
During the preparation of our wedding I also start spending more time with her family and I also have a great relationship with them specifically with her uncles and Brothers. They have a really big family so i'll not bother on telling all the names. Any ways, For my birthday, Her mother Gave us one of this DNA tests that are supposed to tell you about uour heritage and from which part of the world your ancestors might come from and to who historical Characters you might be related. In the pack there were two tests so I insisted Allie to take the other one. She did so and we waited almost a month for the results.
We were on a family dinner, with my family and hers, And the result arrived just in that moment, I thought it would be fun to show the result to all our Meaningful people and we could get some laughs and Stories for the rest of the Dinner. We prepared everything and I called for everyone attention. The first thing we Laugh about was The places in the world we each got. Everything was laughs until we got to the part of the DNA compatibility and It shows that we shared a big percentage of our DNA... Which lead to silence, we thought it was an error so we took an official DNA test that shoe that me and Allie were actually cousins... This of course was very shocking and Lead to a lot of discussion between us and our families, during the investigation we decided to run I happend to be actually son of an aunt if her from her Father's side. Meaning that she was the woman I was taken away from when I was just a baby.
Of course after this revelation we had to cancel the wedding, And we had to made up for a lot of stuff on our romantic life such as the fact we had already had more intimate moments and some pregnancy Scares. Almost a year later we start seeing eachother but this time we had to address to each other as cousins, which was pretty much heartbreaking for me because she was and she still is the woman if my life, and I don't think I'll be able to move her from such an intimate and close space to my heart to just a cousin.
This year, Around Easter she started dating this other guy, he is actually a pretty nice guy and I don't resent him for being with her but it still hurts me because I feel that she moved on from me way faster than I'm, I understand, now we are cousins but still hurts. Yesterday during a family dinner on his house, I was there since I start Spending some more time with my bio mum, so I was really a cousin now. Allie and this guy, Well name Harry, were very close to each other and I just wnated to throw up... At some moment in this party Allie and I get to Have some time alone while setting up the Children table and I asked her How was thing going in with Harry, She said it was good and that she was actually hoping for things to get more serious. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that she can find a good man but deep inside it pains me that it's not me, I tried to play my part as her "cousin" because I am, ugh, so I gave her a hug and Told her that I was happy for her. Then harry Got in the convo and said "WOW! that hand is a little low, bud. I might thing you know her too well" I tried to okay cool and just laughed but I notice that that comment made her feel awkward. So I tried to brush it off by saying That "I do know her way too well we Shared a bed once" Now thinking back at That I really could have choosed my word better, I wasn't referring to THAT but more of all the movie nights we had.
Allie Looked at me Completely Stunned but Harry had terrified looked on his face. I tried to explain because I assumed that Allie might have told him about How I was just getting into the family but apparently I was wrong. The discovery lead to an argument where he start yelling at Allie for not telling him the she was and quote "Fuck*Ng with her cousin" That makes me angry and I couldn't believe he was just ignoring the fact that Bine if us knee we were related. I start yelling at him that he was a jerk for judge her and ignore Al the Context behind but that only redirected his anger at me. I don't remember the specific words he used, cuz I was truly mad. But he asked me yelling that if I was a freak but show up when he was there and that I was disrespectful and Disgusting fir trying to get her attention back after knowing we are Related. I was furious. And so I told him that if I was him she wouldn't have to go trough this embarrassing stuff because I actually do love her enough to not humiliate Her like that. The argument scalated to the point that he left and now was Allie yelling at me saying that I was a jerk for saying what happend between us and that we were cousins and stuff, I tried to apologise but I end up saying that I could take it, that I missed her and that I'm still in love with her, she looked at me, I don't know how to describe her face because it was pretty confusing but she left and I was kicked out... Later on I start receiving a lot of calls and Messages saying that I was a jerk for ruining her relationship like that and that I was Disgusting and selfish for doing that to her and make her think that she was still in love with me even when now we know we are cousins. I know I did a lot of thisng wrong trough this situation and that I could have handle things better... So I want to know ¿AITA?
submitted by Kindly_Car7996 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 Rabidgoosie Am I (M35) okay to turn away from but stay next to my wife (F35)?

My wife (35F) and I (35M) are disconnected at the moment. We've been together 8 years, married 3. I love her and have a young child with her. Our sex life has never been great but she supported me when my dad died and that's what I needed at the time more than sex. We both work (when she's not laid off from a job) and we have an au pair who's incredible and watches the kids for 9 hours a day M-F. I handle all bed times, and 1 morning a week. I make 75% of the income. I do travel semi-regularly for 2-4 days. I pay for 90% of the bills/food. I do 100% of the shopping (grocery, target, costco). I make 95% of the dinners. I take our daughter solo out to parks/biking/hiking/swimming/dinner by myself a decent number of nights/weekend days to give my wife breaks or because my wife is just lashing out. My wife is depressed, on antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, and has run up her credit cards taking solo trips from the US to Italy.
I'm aware of the side effects of anti-depressants. I've been trying to get my wife to join a women's group and work on none drug based treatments to free herself. I remind her to schedule more solo therapy, especially when she says she's sad. I engage her family when she's at critical levels (she went thru a bout of alcoholism years 1-4 of our relationship). She just sits on the couch though and won't go anywhere with me anymore. She snaps at me when I touch her, and has panic attacks when I leave the house for more than 2 hours (I'm usually shopping or I experimented with side hustles to support us). Of her last 4 panic attacks, I was at the grocery, walmart, Grocery, and one day I aerated neighbors lawns for extra cash (6 hours).
Everytime she's snapped at me, I draw a line farther away from her. I dropped all creative bedroom ideas a few years ago when she snapped at me. Recently she snapped at me for touching her belly and when I moved away from her she said "oh you're going to pout now..." That really triggered me...felt disrespectful and invalidating of my feelings. The last month, I've moved to the other bedroom, and dropped all my love languages towards her. I still spend several hours a day with her, cook for her, do all the things, but when she hugs me I give her a pat on the back and say "Thanks". I'll grant her a quick peck kiss or tell her blandly I love her. I otherwise move away from her. I've mentally decided I'm done for the moment with sex with her. It's just friction, no intimacy from her, and I think trying just creates more disappointment and frustration. With that mental switch flipped I"m feeling amazingly lower stress. She can't lash out at me or wound me if I close off to her, I look out my window at the sunrise and feel amazing. We still spend 1-3 hours a day, watching netflix together or me trying to talk to her. She doesn't really talk back other than to say I'm not doing enough to support her.
It's been about a month now and my wife is guilting me. She says I make her feel bad if I don't tell her our relationship is fine. I tell her I'm commited to supporting her and our child, and that she's made it clear she doesn't want intimacy so I'm satisfying all request. When she says she wants to spend time with her, I either comply with TV if I feel like it or I say "what do you want to go do, otherwise I'm leaving with the daughter to go do something."
This week wants us to go have a 5 minute bang sesh before her trip to her moms --so she can check the box, and Im really not interested. It currently feels degrading to me, not fulfilling to me or her. It feels like a lie, for appearances. I do feel the guilt she wants me to feel though and I'm not sure I want to make a "fatal" decision to our family yet.
I recognize the current solution isn't great long term, but I don't want to be where we were before. I feel like if she can reject me for 8 years, I should also be able to say "no". Do you think it's okay for me to take a few months off from the relationship while still participating as room mates? She's asked me for a restart plan, and the only thing I could think of was I told her to let me see her spending quality family time with our daughter and that wholesome image would turn me back on. Do I need to do more for "maintenance" at present or am I okay to self isolate for a while? We just had our anniversary, I went and got take-out italian for us, ate together, gave her the $160 she asked for and went to bed.
I don't need to know if she'll leave me or not, I just need help considering if I can stand by my actions and not have regrets that I screwed up my family because I wouldn't pretend to like sex that she openly doesn't like either. I know women fake orgasms all the time, should I just suck it up, pretend to fuck her, and ignore the lashing back she gives me.
submitted by Rabidgoosie to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:22 Vegetable_Ad_5717 I was prescribed clozapine for very mild tics and anxiety two years ago

this kinda turned to a rant about my psychiatrist midway through lmao.
Everything was new to me two years ago. Even though I had tics for 4 years at the time, it was my first time consulting a professional for help. Two years ago, I started seeing a neurologist for my tics. After our 3rd meeting, he redirected me to a psychiatrist since I started showing symptoms of depression and he thought it's more important to address it first since it's a more pressing matter. I then went to a psychiatrist and told him about my prior sessions with my neurologist. He told me that the tics were caused by my increased stress and anxiety since I am about to start college soon. I was prescribed clozapine and was told that it was an anti-anxiety drug. I asked if it was similar to clonazepam that my neurologist previously prescribed for my anxiety and was told that it's similar.
When I was prescribed meds in the past, I've researched every single thing about them, how they work, how to take them, every single possible interaction with other drugs that I might me taking, etc. I have very bad anxiety and some ocd tendencies (which I also plan to acknowledge afterwards) and I always take meds seriously even normal painkillers in fear of screwing something up and ending up dead. I always find myself in a deep rabbit hole of researching for every side effect and bad outcome. I was told by my psychiatrist that I should stop worrying too much and avoid googling things since I don't really have the knowledge to interpret medical knowledge in the internet correctly and will just spook myself even more in which I agree. So I forced myself to not do any research at the time and trusted my psychiatrist. I took clozapine everyday for two months and I did feel like it has helped my anxiety a bit.
Fast forward to the present, I am planning to see a neurologist again since my tics have become so much worse and I want to have a proper diagnosis since I didn't get anything from my previous neurologist. I remember taking clozapine and realized that I know nothing about it and decided to go down a rabbit hole again. I found out that it is an antipsychotic drug and isn't really a first-line drug of choice. I've read that aps have a bit of a negative rap and a lot of people are not really keen on taking them for their tics. I also learned that clozapine has a lot of significant side effects (fortunately hasn't really experienced them) and need weekly bloodwork in the beginning of treatment which I know nothing about since I was told that it's just a regular drug for anxiety that I don't need to worry about. I also heard that clozapine for anxiety is a bit aggressive. I feel tricked since in more than three months of meeting with my psychiatrist, we made no progress at all and I was just in his office to report that I don't feel depressed anymore only for him to then prescribe me with antidepressant anyway and insist that I really need them. He also keeps on disregarding my tics and told me I don't have ts since I don't curse like the videos he saw (idek if he's qualified to tell me if I have ts or not). I have much more grievances with that psychiatrist. Life also got in the way so I haven't been back with my neurologist ever since.
I'm wondering if I am ever prescribed with clozapine again in the future, should I take it or discuss any other options since I do want to try medication to see if it works for me. Also wondering what worked for people here so I can discuss more actively with my doctor about different treatment options.
submitted by Vegetable_Ad_5717 to Tourettes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 carlotakerry Weirdest appointment with psychiatrist

I was diagnosed with ASD 3 years ago when I was 20. I've also been diagnosed with a bunch of other stuff in various years since I was 14. I am in desperate need of psychological help, but the waiting lists are insanely long in my country. Already been waiting for a year and probably have a year to go still.
Anyways, I take a bunch of meds for all types of psychiatric disorders, and hadn't been seen by a psychiatrist for ages. I also take some pain meds every 2-3 weeks when my fibromyalgia gets too bad. It took some time, but my GP was able to refer me to a psychiatrist so she could check if my meds were still the right dosage or if something needed to be changed. I was particularly curious about switching up my antidepressant to a different one.
Well, this psychiatrist does not want to add or change any meds. Because "a young woman like myself should not be taking so many pills." Excuse me? These pills make sure I don't fucking off myself, they keep me from hallucinating, they help me get the little bit of sleep. Didn't want to hear anything about my thoughts. She even wants me to completely quit the pain meds. That's not even her business in my opinion. Of course, make sure they're compatible with the other medication I'm taking. But she shouldn't get to decide what and how much pain medication I take. And I barely take them.
I also told her how I struggled to get an ASD diagnosis, because a lot of psychologists thought I had borderline personality disorder. She told me I "dressed like someone with BPD". I don't even know what that means. I dress kinda alternative, all black and emo-ish style. But what the hell, does that mean everyone with BPD dresses like that according to her? That no autistic person dresses like me?
She also asked about the hallucinations I experienced (I don't anymore DUE TO MY MEDICATION WHICH SHE WANTS ME TO STOP). I described them as 5 separate voices with very different personalities. She immediately went to tell me that sounded a lot like DID (although she used the out of date term 'multiple personality disorder'). And that's my previous psychologists have probably made it worse by letting the 'dissociation' run wild. First of all, no they haven't. Second of all, it isn't dissociation they're fucking hallucinations which have stopped with antipsychotics.
I'm never going back there again. I mean, I've had some psychiatrists I didn't always see eye-to-eye with, but this was just insane.
submitted by carlotakerry to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:40 XJohnny5sAliveX What Are Frontotemporal Disorders? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

"Brian's story"
Frontotemporal disorders (FTD), sometimes called frontotemporal dementia, are the result of damage to neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Many possible symptoms can result, including unusual behaviors, emotional problems, trouble communicating, difficulty with work, or difficulty with walking. FTD is rare and tends to occur at a younger age than other forms of dementia. Roughly 60% of people with FTD are 45 to 64 years old.
FTD is progressive, meaning symptoms get worse over time. In the early stages, people may have just one symptom. As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear as more parts of the brain are affected. It is difficult to predict how long someone with FTD will live. Some people live more than 10 years after diagnosis, while others live less than two years after they are diagnosed.
There is currently no cure for FTD, and no treatments slow or stop the progression of the disease, but there are ways to help manage the symptoms.

What do the terms mean?

One of the challenges shared by people living with these disorders, families, clinicians, and researchers is what terminology to use. Here, we have used the term frontotemporal disorders to characterize this group of diseases and the abbreviation FTD, which is commonly used to refer to them. Other terms used include frontotemporal lobar degeneration and frontotemporal dementia, but it's important to note that with some frontotemporal disorders, the primary symptoms are problems with speech or movement, rather than dementia symptoms. Physicians and psychologists diagnose the different forms of FTD based on a person’s symptoms as well as the results of brain scans and genetic tests.

What are the types and symptoms of FTD?

In the early stages, it can be hard to know which type of FTD a person has because symptoms and the order in which they appear can vary from one person to another. Also, the same symptoms can appear across different disorders and vary from one stage of the disease to the next as different parts of the brain are affected.
Symptoms of FTD are often misunderstood. Family members and friends may think that a person is misbehaving, leading to anger and conflict. It is important to understand that people with these disorders cannot control their behaviors and other symptoms and lack any awareness of their illness.
There are three types of frontotemporal disorders (FTD): behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and movement disorders.

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

The most common FTD, bvFTD, involves changes in personality, behavior, and judgment. People with this disorder may have problems with cognition, but their memory may stay relatively intact. Symptoms can include:
Over time, language and/or movement problems may occur, and the person living with bvFTD will need more care and supervision.

Primary progressive aphasia

PPA involves changes in the ability to communicate — to use language to speak, read, write, and understand what others are saying. This includes difficulty using or understanding words (aphasia) and difficulty speaking properly (e.g., slurred speech). People with PPA may have one or both of these symptoms. They may become mute or unable to speak.
Many people with PPA develop symptoms of dementia. Problems with memory, reasoning, and judgment are not apparent at first but can develop over time. In addition, some people with PPA may experience significant behavioral changes, similar to those seen in bvFTD, as the disease progresses.
There are three types of PPA, categorized by the kind of language problems that appear first.
Researchers do not fully understand the biological basis of the different types of PPA. But they hope one day to link specific language problems with the changes in the brain that cause them.

Movement disorders

Two rare neurological movement disorders associated with FTD, corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy, occur when the parts of the brain that control movement are affected. The disorders may affect thinking and language abilities, too.
Other movement-related types of FTD include frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism and frontotemporal dementia with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FTD-ALS).

What causes FTD?

Scientists are beginning to understand the biological and genetic basis for the changes observed in brain cells that lead to FTD.
Scientists describe FTD using the patterns of change in the brain seen in an autopsy after death. These changes include loss of neurons and abnormal amounts, or forms of proteins called tau and TDP-43. These proteins occur naturally in the body and help cells function properly. When the proteins don’t work properly, for reasons not yet fully understood, neurons in specific brain regions are damaged.
In most cases, the cause of a FTD is unknown. Individuals with a family history of FTD are more likely to develop such a disorder. About 10 to 30% of bvFTD is due to specific genetic causes.
FTD that runs in a family is often related to variants (permanent changes) in certain genes. Genes are basic units of heredity that tell cells how to make the proteins the body needs to function. Even small changes in a gene may produce an abnormal protein, which can lead to changes in the brain and, eventually, disease.
Scientists have discovered several different genes that, when mutated, can lead to FTD:
In recent years researchers have discovered several other genetic changes in genes that lead to rare familial types of frontotemporal disorders. These other variants account for less than 5% of all cases of FTD.
Families affected by inherited and familial forms of FTD can help scientists advance research by participating in clinical studies and trials. For more information, talk with a health care professional or visit the Alzheimers.gov Clinical Trials Finder.

How is FTD diagnosed?

FTD can be hard to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. For example, bvFTD is sometimes misdiagnosed as a mood disorder, such as depression. To make matters more confusing, a person can have both FTD and another type of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. Also, because these disorders are rare, physicians may be unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms.
To help diagnose frontotemporal dementia, a doctor may:
A psychiatric evaluation can help determine if depression or another mental health condition is causing or contributing to the condition. Only genetic tests in familial cases or a brain autopsy after a person dies can confirm a diagnosis of FTD.
Researchers are studying ways to diagnose FTD earlier and more accurately and to distinguish them from other types of dementia. One area of research involves biomarkers, such as proteins or other substances in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid which can be used to measure disease progression or the effects of treatment. Researchers are also exploring ways to improve brain imaging and neuropsychological testing.

Treatment and management of FTD

So far, there is no cure for FTD and no way to slow down or prevent these diseases. However, there are ways to manage symptoms. A team of specialists — doctors, nurses, and speech, physical, and occupational therapists — familiar with these disorders can help guide treatment

Managing behavior changes in FTD

Behavior changes associated with bvFTD can upset and frustrate family members and other caregivers. Understanding changes in personality and behavior and knowing how to respond can reduce frustration and help provide the best care for a person with FTD.
Managing behavioral symptoms can involve several approaches. Here are some strategies to consider:
To ensure the safety of a person and his or her family, caregivers may have to take on new responsibilities or arrange care that was not needed before.
Medications are available to treat certain behavioral symptoms. Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are commonly prescribed to treat social disinhibition and impulsive behavior. People with aggression or delusions sometimes take low doses of antipsychotic medications. If a particular medication is not working, a doctor may try another. Always consult a doctor before changing, adding, or stopping a drug or supplement.

Treating language problems in FTD

Treatment of PPA has two goals — maintaining language skills and using new tools and other ways to communicate. Treatment tailored to a person’s specific language problem and stage of PPA generally works best. Since language ability declines over time, different strategies may be needed as the illness progresses. The following strategies may help:
Use a communication notebook (an album of photos labeled with names of people and objects), gestures, and drawings to communicate without talking.
Store lists of words or phrases in a computer or phone to point to.
Speak slowly and clearly, use simple sentences, wait for responses, and ask for clarification if needed.
Work with a speech-language pathologist familiar with PPA to determine the best tools and strategies to use. Note that many speech-language pathologists are trained to treat aphasia caused by stroke, which requires different strategies from those used with PPA.
"Mary Ann's story"

Managing movement problems in FTD

Medications and physical and occupational therapy may provide modest relief for the movement symptoms of FTD. A doctor who specializes in these disorders can guide treatment.
For people with corticobasal syndrome, Parkinson’s disease medicines may offer some temporary improvement. Physical and occupational therapy may help the person move more easily. Speech therapy can help them manage language symptoms.
For people with progressive supranuclear palsy, sometimes Parkinson’s disease drugs provide temporary relief for slowness, stiffness, and balance problems. Exercises can keep the joints limber, and weighted walking aids — such as a walker with sandbags over the lower front rung — can help maintain balance. Speech, vision, and swallowing difficulties usually do not respond to any drug treatment. Antidepressants have shown modest success. For people with abnormal eye movements, bifocals or special glasses called prisms are sometimes prescribed.
People with FTD-ALS typically decline quickly over two to three years. During this time, physical therapy can help treat muscle symptoms, and a walker or wheelchair may be useful. Speech therapy may help a person speak more clearly at first. Later on, other ways of communicating, such as a speech synthesizer, can be used. The ALS symptoms of the disorder ultimately make it impossible to stand, walk, eat, and breathe on one’s own.
Physicians, nurses, social workers, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists who are familiar with these conditions can ensure that people with movement disorders get appropriate medical treatment and that their caregivers can help them live as well as possible.

The future of FTD treatment

Researchers are continuing to explore the biological changes in the body, including genetic variants and proteins, that lead to FTD and identify and test possible new drugs and other treatments. They are also developing better ways to track disease progression, so that treatments, when they become available, can be directed to the right people. Clinical trials and studies are underway to advance these efforts. People with FTD and healthy people may be able to participate. To find out more, talk to your health care provider or visit the Alzheimers.gov Clinical Trials Finder.
submitted by XJohnny5sAliveX to bvFTD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:11 Minute-Grapefruit-49 Need your advice about life for emotional introvert.

2.5 years of struggle against depression and anxiety, 6 months on Lexapro 10 mg, 11 weeks on paroxetine 20 mg. I do not wish the depression and anxiety even the worst enemy, I hope everyone who fights them will see the light at the end of the tonel. Without drugs, I suffered from depression for about 1.5 years, I tried benzos and the mianserin that did not work in any way, then it was 6 months on Lexapro generic which killed all anxiety, but in replacement he took all the motivation and emotions, eventually reading the stories of people who suffered from emotional blunting I decided to change the antidepressant, Paroxetine found it by chance, he was in our city in a larger quantity and good price, it was a long 2.5 months, he worked on anxiety immediately (2-4 weeks), I almost disappointed by 8 weeks due to strong fatigue, but it It passed by 2.5 months of taking, as a result, he cured both the anxiety and depression that I think a miracle, but still he took a little emotions, but I can experience happiness with his head, as a result, it switches to the body too, unlike Lexapro, I have motivation and the energy that I wanted for a very long time.
I came here for advice and your life experience. I threw magistracy on 4 months due to depression and anxiety, I'm a biotechnologist which isn't very valuable unless you're super smart, went to 3 interviews, the first one worked in the field in vitro fertilism (IVF), the work was very responsible there, so I left, then I went to the sausage plant, there they needed a warehouser, a man who would monitor store applications, and order a certain number of products from the plant, left after the first day, then went to the flour factory, they needed a laboratory assistant, they made tests with expensive equipment I was afraid of damaging the equipment due to anxiety, and it was difficult with people because of anxiety and low self-esteem, threw on the first day. There was a significant amount of time between these events, and I lay in bed paralyzed by depression.
Let's fast forward to the present, after the energy appeared I decided that I had to act, I found an easier job, at a caramel factory, where you pour candies onto a conveyor belt and sort those with defective packaging. When talking with people, the anxiety was already under control and the GAD also receded, in the end I could concentrate on work, in the end I worked two shifts, and on the second shift, in addition to the main shift, I was given an additional job for which I had no experience, and I was scolded for the fact that I work slowly, in the end, all the good mood that lasted for two working days turned into a collapse, I thought I was more resistant to this, but my emotionality took over, at first I was overcome with anger, and silently cursed my boss, then tears came and I held on until I got home and cried for an hour, I’m not in the mood now. I talked to chatgpt because my parents and relatives didn’t experience this, they are resistant to it, so they devalued the feelings, saying don’t pay attention to it, so I don’t ask them for support, in the end I wrote about my situation and how other people would react , and in the end it turned out that I am a sensitive person, an introvert, a perfectionist and a People-pleaser, I thought because of depression I became like this, it turns out this is my innate character. Despite all the stress, I decided that I would work for a month, if I couldn’t stand it, I would stay on the street, it seems that I am unadapted to life. Please give me some advice on what you would do in my place.
P.S Sorry for my bad english. M23.
submitted by Minute-Grapefruit-49 to Paxil_Paroxetine [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:48 Trouavejbajomoj Diagnosing CFS - third world country - looking for advice/experience share

I really don't know a better way to start my writing other than to describe how my undiagnosed CFS started.
It started 10 years ago. I was 13, went on to a seaside vacation. After not sleeping for aprox. 36 hours (I spent whole night gaming with friends since I was travelling the next day) I travelled abroad, went to the beach and swam completely normal, had my fun etc. I was extremely athletic kid, also really good at school, honor student etc. No prior mental or physical problems.
5 minutes after leaving water and starting to walk back to the hotel, I suddenly stopped and had a feeling like all the blood and oxygen left my head and went to my feet. I had black dots all across my vision and started to feel extremely dizzy. I somehow walked back to my hotel, and went streight to bed. I slept for 24h without pause. Also, I had a mild fever as well for a few days. I was not taken to a doctor emediatly, but later.
After I woke up, I felt terrible. I felt insane pressure inside of my head together with dizzines, tiredness and extreme fatigue. This feeling never left me until this day - 10 years later. Sometimes it feels a bit better, sometimes it feels much worse.
I tried pushing through the feeling until I was 17 but I just couldn't bare with it anymore. Until me giving up on normal life, I would drink daily and do drugs, because then I would know the reasonings behind my fatigue which would strangely enough, help me concentrate just a bit better.
I forced myself to exercise as much as I could, hoping fatigue would go away, and when I was 15, I did an exam for a life guard. It should have been easy with my phisique, I had to swim the length of the pool 10 times, and half way through I just had another "situation". I felt acethone in my mouth, and I barely managed to get out of the pool. I took 45 minutes to change because my whole body was aching and I could barely see. A 15 minute walk home turned into 2 hours, with me thumbling and stopping to sit every few steps. That moment killed all my will to try and keep my body healthy.
Now I'm 23 years old. I have never felt more depressed or exhaused in my life when I should feel strong and capable. I do not have strength in me anymore to push through not knowing what is wrong with me. I remember my old self when I was 15-16 and still motivated I would keeping saying to myself "Something is wrong, you will fix it dont worry". Back then I was not depressed, I had friends and I fought as much as I could but now I'm just so tired all the time. Now, I've distanced from everyone who cared about me because I'm ashamed from them seeing me broken.
My blood imaging is completely normal, I did an MRI of head and neck, which was also normal with few abnormalities, but nothing that would visibly cause these symptomes.
I do live in a third world country and doctors here are just terrible. I've tried visiting some of the top Neurologists my country has to offer but it all comes down to them tapping you few times with their hammer, seeing that you have reflexes, and telling me: " you are young, you don't need doctors, I could prescribe you some antidepressants, etc. ". Which I tried, and they just make me feel more dizzy and tired.
I have no other ways of diagnosing myself other than doing research on my own and looking for advice online.
My questions for you guys are:
1) Did you have a distingtive moment that you can remember which triggered your symptomes?
2) What do you think about my situation? Does it align with CFS?
3) What do you do to make yourself feel better and more productive? How do you get a job and make an income in this situation?
I don't want to give up on getting better but I'm just so tired and can barely put my mind to do anything productive no matter how much I would love to. If I force myself I just fall appart the next few days. It's hard explaining it. It's like walking most of your life on a broken leg which can never heal.
Sorry for poor formating, English is not my main language.
Thank you for reading this.
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2024.06.04 07:46 Kindly_Car7996 AITA for saying out loud that I'm still in love with my cousin during a family reunion?

Hi, I know the Title is pretty disturbing, it does sound creepy for me once I re-read it but there's no better way to say it. Before you start judging I want you all to know that the context will be very important, you can form your own ideas but please wait until you read everything to say something.
Me (29M) and my fiance Who I'll name Allie (28F) met when we were 20 and 21 at Uni. We got along immediately since we shared a liking for movies and TV shows, We introduced each other to our families, we had movie nights and a pretty loving and healthy relationship, so after years later I Finally ask her to marry me and she said Yes.
We started planning the wedding and I took her to my house for a little vacay with my family. She had a pretty good relationship with them and that was awesome since my Family is a pretty important aspect of my life. For context, I was given in adoption when I was almost a year old and I got adopted by my Parents a year later. As far as I knew I was removed from my Bio-family because of a drug issue concerning my bio-mum. Ever since My family has been a blessing, Even more After They took Allie As part of the family.
During the preparation of our wedding I started spending more time with her family and I also had a great relationship with them. Anyway, For my birthday, Her mother Gave us one of these DNA tests that are supposed to tell you about your heritage. There were two tests so I insisted Allie to take the other one. She did so and we waited almost a month for the results.
We were on a dinner, with my family and hers, And the result arrived just in that moment, I thought it would be fun to show the result to our families and we could get some laughs and Stories for the rest of the Dinner. We prepared everything and I called for everyone attention. Everything was laughs until we got to the part of the DNA compatibility and It shows that we shared a big percentage of our DNA, total silence, we thought it was wrong so we took an official DNA test that shows that me and Allie are actually cousins. This of course was very shocking and led to a lot of discussion between our families, during the tests we decided to run I happened to be son of an aunt if hers from her Father's side.
Of course after the revelation we cancel the wedding, And we had to made up for a lot of stuff on our romantic life such as the fact we already had intimate moments and some pregnancy Scares. Almost a year later we start seeing each other but we address each other as cousins, which was pretty much heartbreaking for me because she was and she still is the love of my life, and I don't think I'll be able to move her from such an intimate place of my heart to just a cousin.
This year, Around Easter, she started dating this guy, he is actually pretty nice and I don't resent him for being with her but it still hurts me because I feel that she moved on from me way faster than me, I understand we are cousins but still hurts. Yesterday during a family dinner on her house, I was there since I start Spending some more time with my bio mum, so I was really a cousin now. Allie and this guy, We'll name Harry, were very close to each other and I just wanted to throw up. At a moment in the party Allie and I get to Have some time alone while setting up the Children table and I asked her How was thing going in with Harry, She said it was good and that she was actually hoping for things to get more serious. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that she can find a good man but deep inside it pains me that it's not me, I tried to play my part as her "cousin" because I am, so I gave her a hug and Told her that I was happy for her. Then harry Got in and said "WOW! that hand is a little low, bud. I might think you know her too well" I tried to play cool and just laughed but I notice that that comment made her feel awkward. So I tried to brush it off by saying That "I do know her way too well we Shared a bed once" Now thinking back at That I could have choosed my word better, I wasn't referring to THAT but more of all the movie nights we had.
Allie Looked at me Stunned but Harry had a terrified looked on his face. I tried to explain because I assumed that Allie told him about How I was just getting into the family but apparently I was wrong. The discovery led to an argument where he started yelling at Allie for not telling him that she was and quote "F*cking with her cousin" That makes me angry and I couldn't believe he was just ignoring the fact that we didn't know before. I start yelling at him that he was a jerk for judge her and ignore the Context behind but that only directed his anger at me. I don't remember the specific words he used, cuz I was truly mad. But he yelled that I was a freak for show up when he was there and that I was disrespectful and Disgusting for trying to get her attention back after knowing we are Related. I was furious. And so I told him that if I was him she wouldn't have to go through this embarrassment because I actually do love her enough to not humiliate Her like that. The argument escalated to the point that he left and now was Allie yelling at me saying that I was a jerk for saying what happened between us and that we were just cousins, I tried to apologise but I end up saying that I couldn't take it, that I missed her and that I'm still in love with her, she looked at me, I don't know how to describe her face cuz it was pretty confusing, but she left and I was kicked out. Later on I start receiving a lot of calls and Messages saying that I was a sick for ruining her relationship like that and that I was Disgusting and selfish for doing that to her and make her think that she was still in love with me even when now we know we are family. I know I did a lot of things wrong trough and that I could have handle things better... But I want to know ¿AITA?
submitted by Kindly_Car7996 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:09 healthmedicinet Health Daily News June 3 2024

DAY: June 3 2024


Locations of 90 study airports in the United States symbolized by quartiles of participants pooled from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and NHSII living around each airport. Increasing point sizes are proportional to the increasing quartiles of study participants from the pooled sample of NHS and NHSII living within 22.2 miles (35.7 km) of each study airport at baseline. States are outlined and colors indicate each of four U.S. Census regions. The 100th meridian west of the Prime Meridian denotes the boundary between arid and humid areas.


Researchers who had been using Fitbit data to help predict surgical outcomes have a new method to more accurately gauge how patients may recover from spine surgery. Using machine learning techniques developed at the AI for Health Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, Chenyang Lu, the Fullgraf Professor in the university’s McKelvey School of Engineering, collaborated with Jacob Greenberg, MD, assistant professor of neurosurgery at the School of Medicine, to develop a way to predict recovery more accurately from lumbar spine surgery. The results published in the journal Proceedings


Playdates are a fun way for children to develop friendships and learn important social skills. Visiting another family’s home will also expose your child to a new environment. Before the playdate, it’s a good idea to talk with the other parent about household habits, rules and expectations. It’s also a great opportunity to share any important details about your child? like a food allergy, pet allergy or other health issues. Here are a few important questions to ask: 1. Who will be watching the children? Will a parent be home,


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You’ve probably seen the word mindfulness everywhere these days, from the news, to magazines, to social media. Mindfulness is sometimes packaged as a mental health cure-all, and studies do suggest that mindfulness-based therapies support mental health. Your friends or family may even have told you that mindfulness has changed their lives. But if you have tried mindfulness and feel like it isn’t working for you, our developmental psychology research might explain why. In our recent study, we have found that being highly mindful may not be beneficial for all. Instead,


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A humorous remark at just the right time can go a long way. Benevolent humor helps medical assistants (MAs) cope positively with their stressful working day, according to a new study published in BMC Primary Care by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The researchers surveyed more than 600 MAs to find out how they experience their work and what


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning parents about a goat milk infant formula potentially tainted with a bacterium that’s very dangerous to babies. Crecelac brand formula, already under recall since May 24, could contain Cronobacter, which “can cause bloodstream and central nervous system infections, such as sepsis and meningitis” in infants, the FDA warned in a statement issued Friday. Two other Farmalac brands are also being recalled because they failed to meet FDA safety regulations. The three recalled brands are: CRECELAC INFANT Powdered Goat Milk Infant Formula with


In a proof-of-concept study, researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that uses routine clinical data, such as that from a simple blood test, to predict whether someone’s cancer will respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors, a type of immunotherapy drug that helps immune cells kill cancer cells. The machine-learning model may help doctors determine if immunotherapy drugs are effective for treating a patient’s cancer. The study, published June 3, 2024, in Nature


Chocolate lovers may have been alarmed by a 2023 Consumer Reports finding that some dark chocolate brands could contain harmful levels of lead and cadmium. However, a new study by Tulane University published in Food Research International has found that dark chocolate poses no adverse risk for adults and contains nutritionally beneficial levels of essential minerals. The study sampled 155 dark and milk chocolates from various global brands sold in the United States and tested for the presence of 16 heavy metals ranging from the toxic (lead and cadmium) to


A cutting-edge class of drugs is saving and extending the lives of cancer patients. But the drugs, called immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), are so expensive that some uninsured Americans can’t access them, a new report finds. New policies are needed “to improve health insurance coverage options and to make new treatments more affordable,” the American Cancer Society (ACS) said in a news release outlining the findings. The study was led by ACS researcher Dr. Jingxuan Zhao. Her team presented the findings at the annual meeting of the American Society of


It’s always important to prioritize health by participating in stroke risk screenings. These assessments offer invaluable insights into personal health profiles, enabling you to address potential risk factors head-on. Through simple measures such as monitoring blood pressure, measuring cholesterol levels, and adopting healthier lifestyle choices, you have the opportunity to dramatically reduce your susceptibility to stroke. Whether accessed online, in public programs, or through primary care providers, these screenings can provide proactive steps towards a healthier future. As we delve deeper into stroke awareness, it’s imperative to familiarize yourself with


A new study found that sleep apnea is associated with increased odds of future utilization of health care services including hospitalization among older adults. Results show that participants aged 50 years and older with sleep apnea had a 21% higher odds of reporting future use of any health service compared with those without sleep apnea. Specifically, individuals with sleep apnea had 21% higher odds


Breast cancer incidence has surged in the oil-rich Gulf (GCC) states, with the disease developing its own localized clinical and pathological features, setting them apart from those found in women with breast cancer in western countries, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Oncology finds. The study attributes the hike to the nature of menstrual cycle of women in these countries, hereditary factors, weaning children earlier than expected, prevalence of hormonal treatment, obesity, and use of contraceptives. The research is authored by a panel of nine oncologists from four


HIV infections among adolescents and young adults continue to be at high levels, with Americans between the ages of 13 and 24 accounting for approximately 20% of all new HIV infections in 2019. However, uptake of a preventive regimen known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in this group remains low. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 2012, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV when taken as directed and reduces the risk of HIV from sex by 99% and from injection drug use by 74%. A new


When Los Angeles County medical examiners worked last year to determine how Matthew Perry died, they discovered something startling. The amount of ketamine in Perry’s bloodstream was about the same as what would be used during general anesthesia, his autopsy showed. Perry’s death—now the subject of an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration—is putting a spotlight on the growing use of ketamine. There are more prescriptions, dedicated clinics and a burgeoning black market that


A patient sits in the living room of her apartment in the Brooklyn borough of New York during a telemedicine video conference with a physician on Jan. 14, 2019. Patients can now see an array of doctors without leaving their recliner thanks to telemedicine. But that doesn’t mean trips to the office should end. Finding the right balance between virtual and in-person visits can be a key to getting good care.


From non-stick frying pans to stain-resistant sofas, some of the most innovative everyday products are made using chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These “forever chemicals”—so-called because they don’t degrade—have been used in a variety of consumer and commercial applications since the 1950s. They can repel water and oil, resist high temperatures and act as “surfactants” by helping different types of liquids mix. There are around 15,000 different PFAS chemicals. Each one has a slightly different chemical composition, but they all have at least two carbon-fluorine bonds.
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2024.06.03 20:35 Inevitable-Plenty203 The Death of Joey Marino

The Death of Joey Marino
The Death of Joey Marino By Carly McCarter -April 26, 202418 11780
My name is Carly McCarter. I am writing about my friend who was severely polydrugged and died.
Joey and I met through Instagram. He was on the hit medical show ER and I had made a fan page for the show six years ago. We were messaging each other through that for four years, and when he moved back to Los Angeles he and I started talking more and more. Joey lived a clean and simple life up until he was given medication for his anxiety. Here is his story.
Joey Marino
Joseph Salvadore Marino Jr. was known as Joey by his friends. He was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, the second oldest of four. Joey had a deep passion for theater, basketball and anything health-related. This was known by all who knew him.
Joey was a ball boy for the New Orleans Jazz in 1976 and had gotten to know Pete Maravich, aka Pistol Pete. That was Joey’s first hero and he would still talk about him all the way up to when he passed away.
Joey was a personal trainer and loved to help people reach their fitness goals. He loved picking up the weights and challenging himself every single day. He studied theater and communication at the University of NO and would work out at Gold’s Gym.
Joey visited Hollywood in 1984 and was determined to have a career there. In 1992 he met Anthony Edwards and was his stand-in for the movie Delta Heat, which landed him a permanent role as Anthony’s stand-in on the hit medical show ER from 1997 to 2009. Joey also went on to play an orderly and a nurse on the show.
It was a career that changed his life.
Joey Marino
Joey’s friends that he spent about 12-18 hours a day with on the set always said he had anxiety about leaving the set. He would get panic attacks on the set.
Joey’s dad had heart problems and that gave Joey anxiety. Joey always had some anxiety throughout his life. When Hurricane Katrina happened, with the stress from what his family and friends went through, Joey went to his doctor and was put on a beta blocker.
After ER ended, Joey continued on to Harry’s Law with Kathy Bates and was also on The Crazy Ones with Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Once he was done in Los Angeles he had to move back to Mississippi where his mom lived. Joey never felt comfortable there.
In 2015 was when Joey started taking medication. He was first given Prozac which made him feel suicidal within days. When the Prozac wasn’t helping he was put on other medications such as Propranolol, Trazodone, Klonopin, and Valium, just to name a few. His friend who worked as an advocate was with Joey through his appointments and he would agree with the doctors about the next thing Joey should take.
Joey first started noticing that his fingers would be flipping and he wasn’t able to do simple things such as holding his phone without dropping it. He tried to tell his family and the doctors and they would just say that he would be fine.
Joey was also given Seroquel. As he began to realize what was happening, he started to taper off, the first time being not just on Seroquel but Valium as well.
Joey developed akathisia, tardive dyskinesia and dystonia around 2021. No one could tell him what it was. Not until he was in the emergency room in Los Angeles where a doctor acknowledged that this was medication harm and what he was experiencing were side effects.
Joey’s life was disabled by these medications. He had developed a severe movement disorder and dealt with constant twisting in his hands, fingers, arms and all over his body. He wanted to be able to work out and not have to pay for it with the severe movements and twisting. Even when it came to eating it would go against him as his dopamine was stripped from him. Whenever he ate something red like pizza, it would cause his akathisia to flare up. Sleep was a challenge for him, even though he loved to sleep. He always had to come up with a system for how to get some sleep.
In 2022 he put himself in the hospital to try to get help. From January 2022 to the end of February he was in the hospital in Mississippi until a friend picked him up and brought him back to Los Angeles to get treatment.
Joey had looked into different ways of getting better. He had gone to several different neurologists in Los Angeles and in Mississippi. Joey had tried alternative medicine, he tried getting stem cells, he tried myofascial release but it didn’t do anything for him.
Joey had made videos with a friend he was staying with, to get the word out about what these medications had done to him. We tried to go to media outlets to help get the message out there.
He wanted to make a documentary about the life he was living through constant fear and pain. With his family disregarding him, and with doctors in the ER and neurologists telling him it was incurable, it didn’t help Joey have tons of hope. He just wanted to get better.
In March of last year I took over Power of Attorney for Joey. He was in the hospital in March and was given additional medications along with the Klonopin he had started in January. The other two medications were Carbamazepine to help with seizures (it never did for him) and Trihexyphenidyl which was to help with the tardive dyskinesia — that as well didn’t help him completely. He was able to walk a little better, and able to stand and be somewhat okay throughout the day a little better.
The doctor at the hospital wanted Joey to do a spinal tap to see if there was something else going on. It was extremely dangerous to do and he ended up not getting it done. The doctor just left him as is. Like any other place he had been, Joey was disregarded.
After that it became difficult to get the medications he was on. At the hospitals he would go to they’d say he needs to see his primary doctor. And then the doctor would say you need to see a neurologist. There were times he was running out and was about to be cold turkey.
No one would listen to us and the concerns we had. If anything, they would just add more medications that didn’t help. Joey was on almost thirty different medications between 2015 and 2024.
In October of 2023 Joey started slowly tapering off the Klonopin, Carbamazepine and Trihexyphenidyl. But as time went on, things became more difficult.
Finally he decided that it was just too difficult and he didn’t want to be here and in pain anymore. Which was hard because he loved life so much. He didn’t really want to leave, and his friends didn’t want him to leave. But he didn’t want to keep going through all of this.
In December of 2023, Joey decided to voluntarily stop eating and drinking.
He was not qualified to get a hospice nurse. After some searching we were told that once he stopped eating and drinking for a few days he would qualify for hospice.
On December 29th he started that. On January 2nd he had started to drink some and by the 5th he started to eat again. But his movements had gotten even worse than what it was in the past.
So Joey decided to resume not eating and drinking again. A few days before Joey passed he told me he was having really bad chest pains. It sounded like he was in heart failure.
Joey passed away in the early morning hours of January 14th after a difficult ten-year battle. He didn’t want to live the rest of his life bedridden and no longer able to enjoy the life that he once had and loved so much.
Joey Marino Joey and Carly, 2023 At the end of the day, his friends were his true family. Joey would say that all the time to me. He felt that his friends, no matter what, were there for him. That they would do all they could for him. To those who were his friends and were such a major support system for him… I honestly can’t thank them enough. There were so many times I didn’t know what to do, who to turn to, and so many that knew him stepped in without hesitation when I needed it the most.
Joey was friends with Christy Huff who just recently passed away as well. She was a big influence on Joey. She was trying to help him with the medication tapering. As a lot of fears were setting in I was grateful and appreciative for what she was trying to do to help.
With the many medications Joey was on, I don’t know how he hung on for as long he did. He was strong, willing to try to get better.
Joey was loved by so many that had the chance to know him. He was a wonderful guy, so full of life. Even through all the pain he was in he would always try to make people laugh, and he knew how to crack a joke at just the right time. His voice impressions were one of many things that all who knew him loved about him. Joey was an expert with voice impressions, there were almost none that he couldn’t do.
There needs to be more informed consent with these medications. If Joey was more aware of the potential side effects at the very beginning, I feel he would still be here today. He always had regrets and I always told him that he was just trying to get help.
Joey is loved and deeply missed. It was a true honor to know him.
Joey Marino Photo by Jeff Newton
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Previous article News from Lapland and the Lapland Welfare Area, Finland Next article Positive childhood experiences can boost mental health and reduce depression and anxiety in teens Carly McCarter Carly McCarter https://joeymarinostory.com/ My name is Carly McCarter. I am from Arizona. I had met Joey Marino through my fan page for the hit medical drama ER and we became good friends. Before Joey passed, he and I had talked about what he would want done with his videos and story, and he gave me the rights to publish them. His story can be found on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR
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2024.06.03 18:21 Temporary_Tap_1242 Is it possible to control yourself to not fall in love too deep while marriage

So, I've been through a few, less than 5, relationships. Not counting dates, short meeting, stuff like that. Either narcissists or a immature selfish losers .
I'm 33 now, and through my own experience and through others, I now have a better filter to catch the red flags.
It sucks I never really met a nice, good, loving man, but dating narcissists and waking up really open up your eyes. I'm an expert at spotting those wolves who sniff and hunt their preys. And I've learned how to spot good men too.
Well, previously, whenever I had terrible heartbreaks that lasts months and years, I gave hope. But now, it's not that I have or don't have a hope. I became realistic; I know I can find and marry good man. I learned my lessons the hard way. But I CHOOSE not to be madly in love(or at least wish I won't). I do NOT WISH to fall in love in a passionate way. I really don't. It doesn't mean I don't want to love at all. There is just difference in intensity, but still truthful and sincere.
*Now I do NOT mean I will date someone lightly for the sake of dating or having sex. * I am talking about a life-long companion. A true marriage. I won't be dating anyone just for fun. * I did NOT mean that I will "fake" love or prevent myself from loving my partner at all.
I can understand now why people, young or old, who have dated many people don't get attached too much or fall in true love easily even when they are in a "relationship". You become bland. I'm not the child who is super excited when I get a lollipop.
Fairytale and movies have done a terrible job screwing up people's lives making us think "spark at first sight“ is true love, when it isn't. Look at yourself and so many people around you. And all the celebrities that love and break up. They seem like a goddess or a prince and later you just hate that person and fight all the time. "Passions" is some sort of lust and hormone while "true love" is more emotional and God-like love. And if there is a passion on top of that then that's good.
In fact, dating or marrying someone you feel "attracted to"(=sexually attracted) is never going to last long because that phase will go away sooner or later. And you can never tell if someone is truly compatible until you spend months and years getting to know each other WITHOUT your rosy glasses on.
Anyway, back to the point. For ME, personally, deep romantic love, is not healthy for my health. It is like drug with dependency and withdrawal. Again, here I am speaking for MYSELF.
For example, alcohol and cigarettes are not bad in moderate amount. It may be healthy to drink and socialize for many people. Tasting different wines and liquor is an exquisite hobby and happiness for many people. But for ME, I know what it does to me and it works pretty badly on me. Therefore, I choose not to drink alcohol because I don't like the feeling or the consequences. I may feel happy drinkinging with friends but I stopped for the side effects and don't like it. I choose not to smoke cigarettes anymore. And I choose to consume or do certain things in moderation with self control. SO, I choose to love in moderate intensity ..... well I hope I can "choose" to do that.
I don't want to become deeply in love anymore. I wish to be in moderation love if I get married. The love many parents with children share(in my opinion). Many healthy married couples 10yr+ are not passionately in love right now but love enough(sorry if I am wrong).
I know people are just people. People change. Love is an emotion and will change. We arent happy or sad all the time. Love is the same. People grow old. People make mistakes. People may cheat..... I mean seriously, for decades of marriage, how likely is it that your partner will NEVER flirt , kiss , or cheat EVER?
I wish to remain cool , like how I am when I'm single. I feel reasonable and if I find him cheat I wish to leave him in a cool way without getting emotional. This is not the only reason for sure.
I noticed that I, tend to fall in love deeply. Even my doctors told me that I feel intensified emotions: love, anger,.. etc so that it is important I don't go roller coaster.
So.....long long explanation... but what are your thoughts? How to keep myself and not lose myself when I meet a partner whom we can grow ourselves into happier life?
submitted by Temporary_Tap_1242 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

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2024.06.03 05:31 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #29A - Fallout 1 and Modded Fallout - Builds

29 - Fallout 1 Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 1300 CP 1000 (Base) + 300 (Jump Drawbacks)

Jump Details

Document name: 29 - Fallout 1
Author: YJ-Anon
Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19mJtoS2TQINqpCswjkDGx36f48h41Y_X/view

Jump Duration

Years: 10 Months: 0 Days: 0


Heroic Perception (Free)
Nothing gets past you anymore; ambushes are a thing of the past, and people will have a hell of a hard time hiding anything from you. You can see in the dark with how good your eyes are, with the rest of your senses equally as formidable. Your powers of perception will allow you to pick the easiest locks or set and disarm some common traps even without any special training in those fields, and with the right training you could learn to shoot out someone’s eyes from over a hundred yards away... with a pistol. At night.
Heroic Agility [200/800 CP]
You’re practically a blur now, ducking and dodging in and out of firefights like greased lightning. With your dexterity, you could even “dodge bullets” by moving out of the path of the bullet before it’s fired, or maybe even afterwards if you’re lucky. You’ll find that you have a natural talent with all weapons, including your fists, as well as subtler arts like stealth or thievery; however talent is no replacement for training.
Tag skills: Energy Weapons, Barter, Sneak (Free)
Just as important as your SPECIAL stats are Skills, which consist of some of the most common or useful skills in the wasteland. Shocking, right? You may “tag” three skills for free, receiving a substantial bonus to your ability to use that skill, as well as making it far easier to learn new things relating to it or developing new techniques related to that skill. You can also “tag” a fourth skill for 100 CP, and can “tag” more skills afterwards for 200 CP each.
Awareness (Free)
You’re capable of sizing up your enemies with just a glance, getting all sorts of information with just a brief look. Not just obvious stuff, like how injured they are or what they’re wearing, but more subtle things like what weapons they have or what they’re carrying on their person.
Silent Death [300/500 CP]
You’re a warrior of the shadows; while some prefer to face their enemies head on, you know the value of killing unseen. Your footsteps are entirely silent, allowing you to rush through the darkness unheard, and if you can attack an enemy from behind you’ll find that your attacks are twice as effective as they would normally be. Lastly, you’re capable of devising or finding inventive ways to kill your opponents, from setting off the self-destruct in their military base to something as simple as using dynamite to bury them alive in a cave.


Fallout Starting Gear (Free)
You get a 10mm pistol and 72 10mm Hollow Point rounds, a simple, non-armored outfit of your choice, a week’s worth of food and water,
Motion Sensor (Free)
A hand-held motion sensor, this device aids in the detection of nearby enemies. While travelling it can help one avoid enemies very handily, but needs to be used in conjunction with a Pip-Boy to track enemies.
Electronic Lock Pick [50/450 CP]
A highly advanced lock pick designed for doors that are electronically locked and require key-cards or access codes rather than keys. It can’t be used on regular doors, but won’t break from overuse.
Stealth Boy 3001 [150/300 CP]
A highly advanced experimental piece of military hardware, allegedly reverse-engineered from something the Chinese used; the Stealth Boy 3001 was created by RobCo as a personal stealth device, and can generate a modulating field around its wearer that transmits reflected light from one side of an object to another- essentially making the wearer blend in with their surroundings.
Deathclaw Nest [300/0 CP]
You’ve somehow stumbled upon a deathclaw’s nest. While normally you might have to worry about getting torn apart by a furious mother deathclaw defending her babies, it seems mama’s not around. You could have yourself a lot of omelets... or, if you let the eggs hatch, you’ll find that the young deathclaws will somehow see you as their mother. If you keep them safe, you’ll find yourself in control of your own deathclaw pack in only a few years. Not only that, but they’ll be remarkably intelligent even for a deathclaw, and capable of following orders like a dog would. The nest and deathclaws will follow you.

Companion Imports

Companion Import [200/-200 CP]
You can import an old companion, or create a new one for 50 CP, giving them 800 CP to spend as well as all of the discounts and freebies that you would get. You can also recruit a canon character for the same price, though you’ll need to convince them to come along with you and they won’t get any CP to spend here. Imported Companions


Hunted (Master's Mutant Army) [300/100 CP]
One of the big factions in the region- either the Brotherhood of Steel or the Master’s Mutant Army- have decided that you need to die for the good of the wasteland’s future. You’ll be facing parties of Brotherhood Paladins armed with the heaviest weapons available or similarly armed Mutants leading packs of Centaurs and Floaters with regular frequency during your stay here, even if you wipe their faction out. You’ll face at least one band a week; possibly more if you linger in their territory.

29A - Modded Fallout Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 1600 CP 1000 (Base) + 600 (Jump Drawbacks)

Jump Details

Document name: 29A - Modded Fallout
Version: v1.2
Author: Songless
Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13sFK7ES-qG9GAfa6WbxjWOT1ZVrZ_ABh/view

Jump Duration

Years: 10 Months: 0 Days: 0


Origin: Loot Or perhaps you’re looking for Loot? The biggest guns, the most magnificent suits of armor, or just one of every kind of Nuka Cola made in Pre-War America, whatever the case is: you’re here for the shinies. And as is often the case, mods can both add whole new treasures to look for or improve the benefits from what’s already there.


Tool King (Free)
Starting with a cartload of random junk and ending with high-quality ammunition or power cells, cutting-edge improvements to power armor, overcharged laser weaponry or even entirely new kinds of science is practically trivial for the average Fallout protagonist… yet their talents pale compared to yours. This Perk grants you immediate access to pretty much any kind of crafting shown in the Fallout series: from Hand Loader to Science! and Chemist to Robotics Expert, if it somehow involves building things out of other things (from guns to ammo to even entire buildings), you’ve got it - including perfectly memorized designs for the kind of components and tools you might need, like the Robotics Workbench or Nuka-Cola Mixer station. In fact, you’re good enough that you’ll never make mistakes while doing this type of crafting (assuming someone doesn’t start shooting at you or some such), and you’ll be perfectly aware of where you were in the process if you do find yourself interrupted and have to continue later on.
Bobby Pins And Boot Scripts [200/800 CP]
Enjoy everything, collect anything, and above all else: if you’re not supposed to have it, that just makes it more valuable. Often, the best and most valuable items for your hoard (metaphorical or literal) are those locked behind some pretty solid security. But you’ll get at them. Master level locks and computer systems are powerless to keep you out, the good old bobby pin or reboot interrupt letting you get your hooks into those defenses and turn them aside with ease. But more than that - you’ll find that you can use similar tricks on any kind of security system you might encounter in the future, be it the vaults of ancient civilizations or advanced firewalls built by alien societies that would otherwise laugh at the Robco termlink loopholes you’re so familiar with. If it’s meant to keep greedy hands away, you’ll have ways to get through.


Pre-War Relics [50/750 CP]
Nuclear Armageddon (Free)
Ah, Fallout. You’re here for the world, but before the world came the games - and why not get those, too? You receive a full collection of all the Fallout games, including DLCs and canceled titles, all of which are certified bug-free (if you want) and compatible with just about any platform, including your Pip-Boy, though the graphics might not be the greatest on something like that. You’ll also get a complete collection of all the other Fallout productions, like official merchandise, art-work, and so on.
Finally, since this is modded Fallout, you’ll find a connection in your Warehouse to… ah, let’s call it a cosmic mod database, containing just about any mod imaginable for the Fallout series and a user-friendly interface that ensures you’ll find what you want with a minimum of fuss and effort. Enjoy, and remember: War Never Changes!
RobCo Pip-Boy (merged with Tablet of the Free) (Free)
The latest in handheld computing systems, coming in a wide variety of designs and configurations. Whether you prefer the tablet-styled Pip-Boy 2000 with its various upgrade ports, or you’d rather have a wrist computer such as the Pip-Boy 3000, this compact and potent computer will serve you well during your time here. Carrying a built-in Geiger Counter, medical analysis suite, mapping and database functionality, input/output ports compatible with a wide range of other hardware, and more besides, this device is one of the most versatile personal assistants on the market today. Not that that’s saying much, given that the market is a ruined hellhole, but you get the idea.
Bobbleheads (Free)
One of the most popular icons to come out of the Pre-War world, the Vault Boy (and Vault Girl) were immortalized in everything from posters to software to these: genuine Vault-Tec Bobbleheads. You get a full collection of every bobblehead made for the series, the perfect memento to remember your time in Fallout by. These Bobbleheads are only decorations, providing no boosts to any 'base stats' like they did in, for example, Fallout 3.
Augmented Scanner (Free)
Part of a next-generation analysis suite, this scanning and tracking system allows for fast and easy analysis of the user’s environment. Fine-tuned for materials and elemental analysis, this upgrade excels at tracking down items that are of particular interest to the user, as defined by various priority or exclusion lists (which may be altered by the user whenever desired). For example, if you need more crystal or fiber optics to complete some modifications to your Laser Rifle, the system will highlight containers or items that might contain such components. Likewise, you could have the program point out specific weapon types, medication or chems, and just about any other such item of interest. It can even track exploration, allowing you to configure the system to only highlight boxes, chests or even corpses that you have not yet searched.
Somewhat uncommon in the wasteland, scanners of this type are most often found installed into the RobCo Pip-Boy, though this variant is compatible with most other systems as well.
Full Storage [200/550 CP]
This old, half-broken Pip-Boy seems to be incapable of even starting its operating system, the diagnostics indicating that the entirety of its vast 64k RAM is already in use. Most people might simply discard it or strip it for spare parts, but a closer look will reveal the exact reason for its fault: its internal database has been crammed full of Fallout design specs, schematics, scientific principles and so on. How full, you ask? Well, it’s got just about every semi-common piece of Fallout tech in there somewhere, from Laser Rifle schematics to Assaultron software and Berry Mentat formulations to Power Armor designs. Though mainly limited to the kind of technologies one could have found in the Pre-War world of old, a number of designs that were only finalized in the two centuries following the apocalypse can also be found here (such as the Hydra drug, the Enclave’s X-01 and Hellfire armor designs, and the Radium Rifle). Though you’ll still need a way to actually build all of these things, this database is nonetheless one of the most spectacular treasures scavvers could find.
Heavy Vertibird [250/300 CP]
Few factions in the wasteland have access to flight - most technologies required to build or even maintain aircraft were lost during the nuclear apocalypse. But that doesn’t mean such things are gone entirely, and you seem to have acquired a working aircraft of some kind, in pristine condition.
For 200CP, you will acquire a Vertibird (a twin rotor VTOL craft) similar to the ones used by the Brotherhood Of Steel circa 2287. It comes with a nose-mounted pair of heavy machine guns, a minigun linked to the side door for passengers to use, and armor plating that gives it moderate protection against most types of weaponry.
For an additional 50C (250CP total), you may upgrade your Vertibird to the heavier design used by the Enclave in 2277, which sported heavier weapons (a nose-mounted Gatling Laser, missile packs under the wings and a small bomb bay for Mini-Nukes) and substantially stronger armor.
All variants of this purchase come with unlimited fuel and a replenishing stockpile of ammunition in your Warehouse or another, suitable location of your choosing. Settlement [100/200 CP]
Upgrades: Mobile, Flight, Orbital [200/0 CP]
Upgrade: Protected x2 [200/-200 CP]
Mothership Zeta (Free)
Settlement (50-100 people, self sufficient) Protected x2 (nuke-blocking shields) Integration + Teleporter (orbital teleportation capabilities) Firepower + Armageddon x3 (nuclear yield orbital Death Ray with reload time of <1min) Support + Garage (hangars for Recon Craft, manufacturing capabilities and infrastructure) Paradise Mobile + Flight + Orbital (spaceflight with presumed FTL) SCIENCE! + Cutting Edge x3 (Alien technologies)
Cutting Edge upgrades:
Major Mods [200/-400 CP]
At this level of modding, you’re starting to see some serious impact on the overall way you’re interacting with the setting. Mods here would include weapons or powers that are substantially better than those found in the Fallout setting, such as Power Armor with built-in shields, granting you double the number of normal in-game ‘perks’ as a learning booster of sorts, and other such effects that noticeably increase your power. This also includes mods that could have a far-reaching impact on the setting but don’t immediately do so unless you use them in such a manner - an Auto-Doc that can install the majority of cybernetics seen in the series with no requirements other than the necessary supplies, for example. Mods like this will be immediately obvious to anyone comparing your time here to a hypothetical ‘unmodded’ situation.

Companion Imports

Friends and Companions [200/-600 CP]
Though you might follow in the footsteps of the Lone Wanderer, sometimes the company is what makes the journey worthwhile. You may import an existing Companion or create a new one of your own design for 50CP each, or pay 200CP for eight Companions at once. Each receives a background and 600CP to spend on whatever purchases they prefer. You may also use this option to recruit new Companions while in the setting - this can be applied alongside and combined with similar recruiting options in the ‘main’ jump if using Modded Fallout in the Supplement Mode. For example, if you import or recruit a Companion in the ‘main’ Fallout jump, you can do the same for that person here. Doing so still costs the normal amount of CP. Companions recruited from this setting receive their background and CP at the end of their time here. Imported Companions


Long Forgotten [600/0 CP]
A creature, buried beneath Appalachia. A building in the wastes outside D.C. A blackened book underneath the swamps of Point Lookout. A deep, winding mine North of Boston, stained with the blood spilled in their name by the wicked blade of the old, old world.
Places. Names. Dangers that have nothing to do with laser beams, rocket launchers or machine guns. Reality has never been kind to mortals, but most of the time, the rends in the sanity of the world were always… well-hidden. Out of the way. Unlikely to be found by many, or survived by the few who did encounter them. But no more.
The world changes, now, occult rituals performed in the dark places of the world, hallucinations and madness becoming commonplace. Whispers abound of eldritch beings, things wrong in ways even the twisted animals of the Post-War world never were, spotted in the wastes far from civilization. Radiation was always there, always a risk to health and wellbeing - but never like this, never so… corrupting. Mutations become a sign of something darker, Ghouls and madmen the first heralds of the eldritch terrors yet to come.
You’re in a horror world now, Jumper, where nightmares are no longer merely constrained to the realm of dreams. They are coming… or, rather, they never left.
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:56 VanquishedSnake 25 [M4F] New York/United States - Looking for someone to hold my hand while we watch scary movies

I’ve posted here many times to varying degrees of success but I am here once again to try my luck in finding a partner. My expectations are low, but I would love to meet and get to know someone over the course of a few months online to see if we’re compatible or not. I’m not looking for something low effort or short term, but something that is genuine and meaningful.
With that being said I guess I should say some things about myself to get the ball rolling.
If I had to boil down my entire existence into just a few words, I would say that I’m a shy introvert who also happens to be really passionate nerd about the things I enjoy. I also think it’s accurate to say that I’m understanding, kind, sweet, sensitive, passionate, considerate, empathetic, and maybe even funny depending on your sense of humor. Basically, I’m just an awkward nerdy guy but honestly who isn’t online.
Despite being very awkward generally I happen to think that I’m an excellent conversationalist, whether it’s through texting, voice calls, or in person. I usually put in a lot of effort when talking to folks and I’m hoping for the same in return if you decide to message me.
While I wouldn’t say that it’s a strict requirement, I would strongly prefer talking to someone who has similar interests. It’s not an automatic dealbreaker but I just find it much easier to build a connection with someone online when there are some shared interests. Personally, I adore video games, anime, comic books, horror, Star Wars, collecting, baseball, history, pro-wrestling, cats and a wide variety of music, movies, and tv shows. If I had to pick just one I would say that gaming is my biggest passion.
As for what I’m doing with my life; I recently graduated from college with a double major in political science and communication studies. I also have an associates degree in history and plan on getting a master’s degree one day. However, as of right now I still have no idea what career I want and I’m currently in the process of looking for a job. My lifestyle isn’t too crazy but I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I’m also not into the idea of partying or casual sex. Politically I am very left-leaning/progressive and I don’t follow any religions but I’d say my beliefs fall under agnostic or atheist.
Possible dealbreakers
• I am a massive cat person so please be ok with cats.
• I don’t think I’m ugly but I am fat just so you’re aware. Absolutely willing to exchange pics ASAP.
• I have some history of diagnosed depression and anxiety but I’ve gotten much better in recent years.
About You
• I have a strong preference towards gamers but it’s not a requirement. I just think it makes the whole online dating thing easier if you can play video games
• Please be at least 21 or 22 years old. I’m fine with talking to older folks.
• Similar values and beliefs as me.
• Somewhat mentally and emotionally stable.
• Willing to hang out often online
• Be from the USA or Canada.
• Actually puts in the effort to get to know me.
• Any race or body type is fine. I am not super picky when it comes to looks but attraction is still important for me.
• Trans folks are welcome to message me.
That’s all for now folks. Feel free to send me a message introducing yourself! Take care!
submitted by VanquishedSnake to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:55 VanquishedSnake 25 [M4F] NY/US/Canada - Looking for someone to hold my hand while we watch scary movies

I’ve posted here many times to varying degrees of success but I am here once again to try my luck in finding a partner. My expectations are low, but I would love to meet and get to know someone over the course of a few months online to see if we’re compatible or not. I’m not looking for something low effort or short term, but something that is genuine and meaningful.
With that being said I guess I should say some things about myself to get the ball rolling.
If I had to boil down my entire existence into just a few words, I would say that I’m a shy introvert who also happens to be really passionate nerd about the things I enjoy. I also think it’s accurate to say that I’m understanding, kind, sweet, sensitive, passionate, considerate, empathetic, and maybe even funny depending on your sense of humor. Basically, I’m just an awkward nerdy guy but honestly who isn’t online.
Despite being very awkward generally I happen to think that I’m an excellent conversationalist, whether it’s through texting, voice calls, or in person. I usually put in a lot of effort when talking to folks and I’m hoping for the same in return if you decide to message me.
While I wouldn’t say that it’s a strict requirement, I would strongly prefer talking to someone who has similar interests. It’s not an automatic dealbreaker but I just find it much easier to build a connection with someone online when there are some shared interests. Personally, I adore video games, anime, comic books, horror, Star Wars, collecting, baseball, history, pro-wrestling, cats and a wide variety of music, movies, and tv shows. If I had to pick just one I would say that gaming is my biggest passion.
As for what I’m doing with my life; I recently graduated from college with a double major in political science and communication studies. I also have an associates degree in history and plan on getting a master’s degree one day. However, as of right now I still have no idea what career I want and I’m currently in the process of looking for a job. My lifestyle isn’t too crazy but I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I’m also not into the idea of partying or casual sex. Politically I am very left-leaning/progressive and I don’t follow any religions but I’d say my beliefs fall under agnostic or atheist.
Possible dealbreakers
• I am a massive cat person so please be ok with cats.
• I don’t think I’m ugly but I am fat just so you’re aware. Absolutely willing to exchange pics ASAP.
• I have some history of diagnosed depression and anxiety but I’ve gotten much better in recent years.
About You
• I have a strong preference towards gamers but it’s not a requirement. I just think it makes the whole online dating thing easier if you can play video games
• Please be at least 21 or 22 years old. I’m fine with talking to older folks.
• Similar values and beliefs as me.
• Somewhat mentally and emotionally stable.
• Willing to hang out often online
• Be from the USA or Canada.
• Actually puts in the effort to get to know me.
• Any race or body type is fine. I am not super picky when it comes to looks but attraction is still important for me.
• Trans folks are welcome to message me.
That’s all for now folks. Feel free to send me a message introducing yourself! Take care!
submitted by VanquishedSnake to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:10 Pooping_Willow I (30 M) am a person of color and I just discovered the girl I've been seeing for 4 months (27F) stepfather was part of a racist gang and was in prison for murder. The girl is fantastic and I am unsure how to proceed

Hi all,
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I appreciate your opinions. Things have been going well dating my girl of 4 months. We took things slow to really get to know each other. We want to be official so we discussed our families and relatives and how we wanted to introduce each other to our families. During this discussion, I learnt her stepfather has a criminal history and was part of the skinheads gang. For the rest of this post, i will refer to her as my gf for ease. I would be lying if I said it did not create feelings of doubt and unease within me to continue to relationship since myself and my family are people of color.
My gf’s stepfather came into her life when she was 18 when he married her mother. My gf moved out when she was 22. The stepfather served 10 years in prison starting at age 19 almost 30 years ago for choking his drug dealer to death after an argument while high. My gf said because her stepfather was pretty with blond hair and blue eyes, to survive in prison he joined the skinheads white supremist group and got a racist tattoo to prove he belonged. My gf said the stepfather is a changed man with regret for his past. He got his degree in prison, reflected on his past, and swore to never repeat his mistakes. When he got out, he had a daughter to whom my partner says he has been the best dad to. He worked hard and built a business for himself, tried to become the best man he could. Despite that, his daughter cut contact with him after age 18. It devastated him and forced him to look inwards and become a better man. My gf says because of this, the stepfather considers my gf his child and really dots on her and her mother.
My gf said she initially hated the stepfather because of his past and warned her mother against dating him. Over time, she saw how well the stepfather treated her mother and began to accept him into their lives. My gf says the step father is one of the kindest men they have ever met. Extremely conflict adverse to the point her mother wears the pants. My gf says if I give him a chance, I will come to like him too.
I feel unease with the fact. I asked my gf why their stepfather never removed the tattoo after coming out of prison if he doesn't believe in their ideals. She said the tattoo was a part of his life in prison, a reminder of the mistakes he has made, that it is part of him. My gf had a ex who was also a person of color and she said once her stepfather made a joke speaking in a mocking accent of her ex to which she shut that down immediately. From that story, I get the impression her stepfather may actually be a little racist. I asked if he still does drugs and my gf said he has been sober for years.
My internal conflict is three factors
1) I am a person of color and I do not think my family will accept me dating/marrying someone with immediate family who was part of a race gang with a past murderer conviction even if he is a changed man
2) my gf has been great so far, and this man’s history is independent from her. My gf wasn’t even raised by him, so I feel its unfair to judge my gf's relationship compatibility for something she did not do.
3) I am uncertain her family will accept me either. I dont understand why a man would refuse to remove a racist tattoo that he got in prison once he got out, especially if he got it just to survive. Does that not indicate he identifies with those ideals somehow?
I do not know what to do or even how to approach the situation. My gf has never done anything to break my trust or make me see them in a negative light and this situation is so far out of their control I cannot blame them. However, I am uneasy with things going forward given my family is not white and a little part of me fear for my own and their safety
I’d really appreciate your opinions on how to move forward with integrity, dignity and respect for myself and gf. What would you guys do? How would you approach this situation? Am I overreacting?
Thank you
TLDR: I am a person of color about to enter a new relationship with my white gf. I recently discovered her step father was a convicted murderer who joined the nazi gang in prison. On one hand my girl has been fantastic. On the other, I question our long term compatibility because I am unsure my family will accept her family. I am conflicted
submitted by Pooping_Willow to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 Intrepid_Parking_836 Withdrawall ssri after 13 years use. Need help

hello, I take, I have taken antidepressants for 13 and a half years: At the age of 31, I had just gotten a very demanding new job and was very tired. my doctor prescribed me 75 mg of effexor and it was magical: super awake, focused, productive. for 9 and a half years, everything was wonderful until the day I gradually felt withdrawal symptoms every day a little earlier than the time of taking. each day, the time advanced and in the end if I took it at 8 a.m., I went into withdrawal at midnight. I started taking 37.5 in the morning and 37.5 in the evening. It went well for 8 months then I started having brain zaps all day long. I switched to Prozac and it worked well for a year and a half. after 1 and a half years the same phenomenon appeared. I waited and 1 year later I tried to quit by going cold turkey. 15 days later I fell into a deep depression and started asking existential questions about all aspects of my life. I started again but hell began: brain fog, tremor, involuntary movement, nervous tic, obsessive thinking, depression, intense fatigue, extreme anxiety. I ended up attempting suicide and the doctors put me back on 150 mg of effexor. but the side effects continued and 6 months later I stopped for 2 months. everything went well for 2 months apart from the tinnitus, but after 2 months again the situation deteriorated significantly: suicidal thoughts, sadness, problem with concentration, memorization, slowness, all the time in my head, impossible to think, brain fog, delirium etc. new suicide attempts and again the doctors gave me effexor 75mg again. It was 3 months ago. I do not know what to do. how to reduce? How do I stop this shit and get back to who I was before? Are all these obsessive thoughts normal? this depression and this lack of meaning in life? How decrease ? I end up believing that I need these drugs to be normal. Are there any testimonials from people who managed to quit after more than 10 years? How did you do ? what were your psychological symptoms?
submitted by Intrepid_Parking_836 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 astrowitches Mother believes the risk of addiction is too much

I just switched psychiatrist this year after having one for about 10 years and she finally gave me the diagnosis of treatment resistant depression. She gave me some options but ketamine therapy was one and unfortunately my mother was in the room and is extremely wary of it because of the bad rep it got as a party drug. I'm not really sure what to think of it.
One of the other options I received was Transcranial magnetic stimulation, but it was explained to me that it had a lower chance of helping with my depression than ketamine. We took a few weeks to sit and think about our options and the doctor prescribed Zoloft to give antidepressants another chance. I took it for maybe less than two months and I felt absolutely horrible so I went back and told the doctor what had been happening. My mother after a while started asking more questions about the ketamine treatment and the psychiatrist started talking about it more in depth, about how you trip and there are chances of anxiety and all that jazz.
We went home and immediately was against it when she saw a case about some girl in Brazil that joined a cult and got addicted to it (in a non professional setting).
tldr; My mom is too scared i'd get addicted to it to let me try. I understand that that risk is real, but I'd like to hear real experiences, and not just positive ones.
submitted by astrowitches to TherapeuticKetamine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:04 Pooping_Willow I (30 M) am a person of color and I just discovered my gf's (27F) stepfather was part of a racist gang and was in prison for murder. I am unsure how to proceed

Hi all,
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I appreciate your opinions. Things have been going well dating my gf of 4 months. We took things slow to really get to know each other before making things official. Since things were progressing well, we discussed our families and relatives and how we wanted to introduce each other to our families. During this discussion, I learnt her stepfather has a criminal history and was part of the skinheads gang. I would be lying if I said it did not create feelings of doubt and unease within me to continue to relationship since myself and my family are people of color.
My gf’s stepfather came into her life when she was 18 when he married her mother. My gf moved out when she was 22. The stepfather served 10 years in prison starting at age 19 almost 30 years ago for choking his drug dealer to death after an argument while high. My gf said because her stepfather was pretty with blond hair and blue eyes, to survive in prison he joined the skinheads white supremist group and got a racist tattoo to prove he belonged. My gf said the stepfather is a changed man with regret for his past. He got his degree in prison, reflected on his past, and swore to never repeat his mistakes. When he got out, he had a daughter to whom my partner says he has been the best dad to. He worked hard and built a business for himself, tried to become the best man he could. Despite that, his daughter cut contact with him after age 18. It devastated him and forced him to look inwards and become a better man. My gf says because of this, the stepfather considers my gf his child and really dots on her and her mother.
My gf said she initially hated the stepfather because of his past and warned her mother against dating him. Over time, she saw how well the stepfather treated her mother and began to accept him into their lives. My gf says the step father is one of the kindest men they have ever met. Extremely conflict adverse to the point her mother wears the pants. My gf says if I give him a chance, I will come to like him too.
I feel unease with the fact. I asked my gf why their stepfather never removed the tattoo after coming out of prison if he doesn't believe in their ideals. She said the tattoo was a part of his life in prison, a reminder of the mistakes he has made. I asked if he still does drugs and my gf said he has been sober for years.
My internal conflict is two factors 1) I am a person of color and I do not think my family will accept me dating/marrying someone who was part of a race gang with a past murderer conviction even if he is a changed man
2) my gf has been great so far, and this man’s history is independent from her. My gf wasn’t even raised by him, so I feel its unfair to judge my gf's relationship compatibility for something they did not do.
I do not know what to do or even how to approach the situation. My gf has never done anything to break my trust or make me see them in a negative light and this situation is so far out of their control I cannot blame them. However, I am uneasy with things going forward given my family is not white and a little part of me fear for my own and their safety
I’d really appreciate your opinions on how to move forward with integrity, dignity and respect for myself and gf. What would you guys do? How would you approach this situation? Am I overreacting?
Thank you
TLDR: I am a person of color in a new relationship with my white gf. I recently discovered her step father was a convicted murderer who joined the nazi gang in prison. On one hand my gf has been fantastic. On the other, I question our long term compatibility because I am unsure my family will accept her family. I am conflicted
submitted by Pooping_Willow to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 Laprakarp What is happening to me?

This is kind of a rant kind of a question. What is this symptom and why is it happening?
Edit;sorry, by during my period, I meant in the days leading up to it, it kind of gets better towards the end of my period. Day 1 and 2 are hell. Otherwise I’m normal.
I (14ftm) seem to go absolutely batshit when my period starts. I just read over texts from my past 2 periods and I’m seriously scratching my head here. I was arguing with someone about how black I am..? (I’m biracial, which I normally don’t care about.) I reported someone for drug use, not because I cared, but because they annoyed me. And I mean mildly annoyed me. I feel like shit, and I dont understand why the hell I was acting the way I was acting. It was a complete 180 from my normal behavior.
I’m kind of scared, I don’t like how vindictive I got. I would never want to intentionally hurt someone like that. What if I do something worse? Why was I acting so dramatically. I was talking to a few people about it and they said it’s hormones(by the way I’m not on testosterone or anything). It doesn’t make sense though. Why are hormones that are normal making me act so out of character?
I also remember being told that I was throwing stuff around and being mean to my dog. I was NOT physically abusive to the dog, but I was saying how she ruined my life or something. And I have tendencies to disappear for hours at a time while I’m on my period. The littlest thing sets me off and then I’m gone. And I’m angry for a long time. I cringe just thinking about it.. Like dude it doesn’t matter.
I just don’t like hurting people, what do I do? Also- if it matters this has been going on for 8 months, and got a little since worse I started ssris, I’ve since stopped the antidepressants because I thought they were the cause. They were definitely not the cause, that was just the first time I did something so horrendous that it was pointed out to me. Is this just going to be my life?
submitted by Laprakarp to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 milagogold Seems like my dr isn’t working with me, is it my fault?

Context: i (24 f) have diagnosed ADHD, depression, generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks.(I’m also seeing a therapist) I’ve been seeing this dr for a couple years, I believe she is the nurse practitioner equivalent in psychiatrics.
I have tried and failed multiple antidepressants two worked but with bad weight gain side effects. The ones that I’ve failed she kept me on for at least 3 months up’ing dosage with with no effect each time. The ones that I felt very good benefit she took me of each time because I gained weight before 2 months.
Anxiety meds she hasn’t really pursued because my blood pressure fluctuates and the ones she is ok with prescribing were all blood pressure effecting. She said she wasn’t comfortable prescribing any in the same category with Xanax because “they work” (I understand she meant she’s concerned they are addictive) I have no history of abuse of medication in me or my family. I’ve been taking Gabapentin and it’s feels unhelpful but I don’t like failing meds so I haven’t protested however I have expressed that I have experienced no benefit.
Adhd is essentially the same story. I’m taking stretara for 4 months of being dosage, each visit with no affect. The issue is my adhd is truly debilitating my therapist believes it is my biggest issue and preventing me from finishing my education and holding employment. We’ve also been discussing that it’s substantially contributing to my anxiety, and also depression as I cannot pursue activities I enjoy.
I’ve done personal research on Adderall but I feel deeply like a doctor should be the one to inform me on what is best for me. I just feel like she isn’t willing to discus that with me because for reasons unrelated to me personally.
I don’t like to disagree with doctors I’m always inclined to believe they know better then me and my internet knowledge lol. But I also know that more goes into being a dr then just practicing medicine, especially when it come to prescribing certain medications with certain risks. And I’m unsure how to approach the topic without seeming like A: a difficult patient or B:drug seeking.
TLDR:how do I ask my dr about a specific prescription when my dr is already not very open with me?
submitted by milagogold to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]
