Market research invitation example


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2010.03.25 17:25 KenNdungu Researching: Before You Pull The trigger, hear me Out!


2008.11.17 03:35 Nutrition

A subreddit for the discussion of nutrition science. Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, diets, and nutrition news are among the many topics discussed. Civil discourse is required.

2024.06.05 04:38 My_Punk Will you marry me?

Since there are those that have a burr and somehow think it’s better for whatever reason, will post this one. Oh and the name My Punk? That’s what I called Ashley. Goodnight.
Thank you for following along mine and Ashley’s journey. As I’ve often said, this is as much for me and my healing as it is to give to little A. Sorry for the length. While this won’t be the last I write, I won’t go any further than this because this marks the last time I saw her.
June 2021
Since Ashley’s surprise visit in 2019, we have visited each other six more times. This would turn out to be the eighth, and final, visit.
While she was back in Washington, we would FaceTime every night without fail. If I close my eyes, I can picture this last FaceTime before her trip back here. Her hair was disheveled and she was laying on her stomach while we were talking. Some nights the camera is facing straight at her face, but not that night. She just had to position it where the curve of her butt was visible and those little boy shorts she loved to wear were on full display. She knew what she was doing and it worked - a cold shower was definitely needed. But I digress.
“Are you going to meet me at the airport tomorrow,” she asked while twirling her hair and biting her lip. I loved how she bit her lip - not all of the lower lip but just the corner. It was something she did when she had something on her mind.
For some reason that always drove me crazy. There was just something incredibly sexy about that and she knew I loved it. “I might make it,” in a silly attempt to tease her.
With a half grin, she shakes her head feigning annoyance. Just something about the way she did that. She sat up in full view and said, “remember this?”
“You kept it?” It was my old UGA shirt she had cut, making it a half shirt, and wore it all those years ago on Sundays when I’d make pancakes and she’d clean. It looked as good on her at it did back then.
The clock seemed to stop. Maybe even go in reverse. It was a Saturday and I was to pick her up at noon. This was going to be the trip I was going to ask her to marry me. I had made reservations for us to stay at this little B&B in Charleston. Holding the ring box I tried to think of a romantic place - Fort Sumter overlooking the water? The Angel Oak? The more I thought, the more my nerves were getting to me. “Maybe I’ll just wing it,” thinking to myself. That turned, incidentally, out to be the best idea.
Since I have joint custody of my kids from the previous marriage, I still had them when it was time to pack her up. In hindsight, it may have been wiser to drop them off a day earlier given the confrontation between their mom and Ashley, but I felt they should meet her. I had talked to Ashley about it and she was very excited to meet them. It wasn’t like they had never seen her since we FaceTimed nightly. Somehow they would find their way over to talk - however we always tried to talk after they went to bed.
As we waited at the airport, the kids were asking a million questions as all kids do. At least they were fascinated with something else, having never been to an airport before. Her plane was on time and it wasn’t long before she came down. She was wearing this little sun dress - instant flashback to the party. Absolutely beautiful.
Every time I met her at the airport, she’d literally run and jump on me, showering me with hugs and kisses. What can I say? She loved me. But not this time, it was all about the kids. Out of her carryon she pulled a small gift for each - something each liked based on their conversations. They took to her instantly, which warmed my heart beyond measure.
My turn was next. While she didn’t do her usual out of respect for the kids, she did hug and kiss me. She loved me.
They had a million questions for her and she was very patient with them. As we drove home, they did nothing but talk to her. It did not go unnoticed that she slipped her hand into mine as she’s done since our first date. They knew.
As I was making dinner, she got down on the floor with them and played games - things their mom rarely did with them. The motherly, nurturing side of her was coming out and it was a joy to watch.
I know what you are thinking, she stayed in a spare bedroom above the garage. As I was putting them to bed, they both told me how much they liked her.
The following day found all of us driving down to Jacksonville to visit the zoo. All in all, it was one of the best days we’ve had, according to the kids at least. The day ended all to quickly. It was obvious that it would have been a perfect fit.
Apparently my daughter had decided to send her mom a picture of her and Ashley. I knew something was up during the text exchange about dropping them off at our usual time. “Be nice” didn’t cut it. There was very bad blood between those two, and that day proved it. However, that confrontation will be another story.
“Your ex sure knows how to ruin a great day.” If words could be seen, they would have been red. Angry isn’t the word for it.
Quick thinking saved the ride. “Don’t unpack,” I told her. “I got us a B&B for a few days.”
She looked over at me and smiled. “Oh really? Do tell.”
“Nope” was all I could muster while trying to avoid the dagger eyes. I was milking it for all it was worth. While she loved surprises, the suspense was killing her. It was fun to see her squirm as she was like a kid waiting to open presents.
“Well, even if you won’t tell me you know how to put a smile on my face.” With that she leaned over and kissed me.
It had been a long, hot day at the zoo and we both were ready to get cleaned up. “I’m going to take a shower,” she said as she walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open. Now I may not be the smartest man, but I wasn’t about to turn down an invitation. Watching her undress was a thing of beauty.
“You’re staring again,” she said as she stood, biting her lip. Her form was exquisite - still a work of art. Stepping into the shower, she turns, “you coming?”
Invitation number two. I had forgotten that she liked her showers at near-sun temperatures as I jumped in a little too fast. “Damn, woman” I screeched as I tried to become one with the wall.
“I had forgotten how much of a wimp you are,” she said while turning down the temp to that of a flame thrower. “Now come here.”
Invitation number three. With that, she put her arms around my neck, “I’ve missed you.” It must have been a combination of missing me plus a little residual anger from the confrontation with the ex, but that was one interesting shower.
“Are you going to tell me where we are going,” she asked while laying on my chest later that night.
“Are you going to tell me that secret you keep mentioning?” See how that goes? Did it work? Not with her, proving that once again I know nothing about women.
“Soon. Very soon.” She was absentmindedly drawing circles on my cheek when she turned and looked me in the eye and half-whispered, “on our next trip, I promise.” If she could have snuggled in any closer, she would have. I went to sleep with her head on my shoulder and leg across me like I was a big pillow.
The next morning found her waking me up at 0500. If anyone got excited about trips, it was this one. She had the car loaded and coffee made. What can I say? I love that woman.
Convincing her to wait a while was a herculean effort. I was bombarded with more questions than my kids are able to come up with. Eventuality we went to this cozy little breakfast place on the water that we used to frequent those years ago. The perfect place for a quiet, romantic little breakfast.
There is something soothing about sitting outside on a deck listening to the water lapping against the pilings as we ate. She was very talkative and animated that morning, as she always was when she was excited. I don’t remember the conversation but I do remember thinking that I’ve never loved someone as much as her.
By the time we passed through Beaufort she knew exactly where we were going, as there are only two ways into Charleston from where we lived. She loved Charleston. “Is it that little place on the park by the water.” She asked.
“Yes. Yes it is.” We had seen it many times as we toured the area on earlier trips. Her eyes grew wide with excitement. She was happy and that was all that mattered.
We were staying in a quaint little carriage house tucked behind a 19th century house and facing the water. Beautiful isn’t the word for it. Amazing. The house was situated perfectly so one could sit on either story porch and enjoy the harbor breezes. The setting couldn’t have been any better.
After checking in and getting situated we explored the area by foot since it’s all centrally located. Battery park, rainbow row, old City Market - all of it. What a day that was. The spring in her step told me all I needed know. She was beyond happy.
She wanted to go to an upscale restaurant for dinner that night. She had packed this little black dress that fit her just perfectly. Combine that with heels and you have perfection. She looked like something you’d see in a magazine. I know, way out of my league.
She was drawing looks wherever we went that night, and rightly so. With her heels pushing her over six foot tall, she commanded attention. She certainly had mine.
After dinner we found this little dessert cafe/bar and rounded out the evening with a walk around the downtown area. The night was seasonably warm but not overly, with the breeze coming off the water. The stars were out and It was a cloudless night. Perfect.
We came across this ghost tour that had I openings. Fortunately, this one was a two person carriage tour. I know what you’re thinking, a ghost tour can’t be fun. Actually, our tour guide was great - but learning things not commonly taught is what makes it so good. Besides, what is better than a horse-drawn carriage ride just for two?
It was almost midnight before we got back. We were exhausted after a full day. Fortunately the shower was big enough for the both of us. This time I got to control the temperature. She loved having her head washed and as I stood there watching the water run down her back the only thought that came to my mind was that tomorrow was the day - the day that I was going to ask her to be my wife.
We went to bed the same way we always do - with her head on my shoulder and one leg across me, like I was a big pillow. She fell asleep almost instantly. Not me, I was staring at the ceiling and listening to the gentle breeze blowing through the live oak trees.
We slept in the following morning and after the complimentary breakfast, we headed out for the day - with the ring in my pocket in case the opportunity presented itself. She, being a history buff like me, wanted to visit historical sites. We visited the USS Yorktown because she’s never been on an aircraft carrier and also to see what I did with the Navy. While the Yorktown was much older than the ship I was on, it was still the same basic concept. We went from one end of the ship to the other. She had a million questions and loved it as much as I did.
We hopped on the ferry out to Ft Sumter. One would think that an old fort would be any sort of romantic place, but this one has its charms. We were standing on the parapet and overlooking the ocean when she moved in front of me and took my arms so she could wrap them around her waist. She leaned back against my chest while holding them at the same time. It’s like she was trying to make us one. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” she said.
Thinking this was the opportunity, I started to reach into my pocket when I chickened out.
“What are you doing?”
I had to think quick so all I could manage was “touching your butt.” Yeah, that didn’t work so well.
She turned and looked at me with that half-grin while shaking her head, “that’s not my butt, you dork.” One of the things I loved about her was her sense of humor. She took my arms and wrapped them even tighter. There was something about her, especially wrapped up like that, that just soothed my soul. If there is such a thing as a soulmate, she was it.
We had a busy day of playing tourist. Even though we’ve been to Charleston a few times, this one was special. This one was us as we were those years ago and should have been all along. I loved the way she would squeeze my hand just a little tighter when she saw things she liked.
It was after dark by the time we got back to the room. Grabbing a blanket I had packed, I asked to grab a bottle of wine and the package in the fridge, which were chocolate covered strawberries - her favorite, by the way.
“Your are just full of surprises, aren’t you,” she asked while wrapping her arms around her neck. If she only knew. It was now or never.
We walked over to the park and found a place near the water to put our blanket and lay our stuff out. There was just enough light from the streetlights in the park so that we could see, but not enough to spoil the stars and overall setting. The gentle breeze coming off the water was blowing through the massive old oaks. The sound of the rustling leaves was very soothing and helped set the stage perfectly.
Add the wine was chilling, we were laying on the blanket with her on my arm. The stars were beautiful and it wasn’t long before a shooting star appeared.
“Those are supposed to be good luck,” she said as one flew over. Here I was, under a beautiful sky with the girl of my dreams. How could it get any better?
Now or never. I had to move her head as I got up. “What are you doing,” she asked as she propped herself up on one elbow.
With my heart racing wildly, I got on one knee and pretended to get the strawberries. Pulling the ring out, I said “Ashley, will you marry me?”
There was just enough light to see her face. Still on one elbow, “wha” was all she managed to get out.
“I should have done this a long time ago. Ashley, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
Her eyes started to well up. Of all the years I’ve known her, I’ve only seen her cry maybe a handful of times. By this time we were standing. She was crying full on - “you better not be joking with me.”
“I’m not, Ashley. You are my person and I want to grow old with you,” I said at I slipped the thing on her finger.
She looked at me then the ring and finally back at me. “Of course I will,” she said as she jumped on me wrapping her legs around me. We must have been sight for any passerby, with me completely holding her and crying with joy.
I don’t know how long we stood like that, but eventually we made it back to the blanket. After finishing the wine and strawberries we laid there a while just talking. She must have looked at the ring a hundred times if she did once. She was happy. I was ecstatic.
“Let’s get married in that little white church we saw in Gatlinburg,” she asked while looking at it once again and snuggling in even closer. This was as happy as I’ve ever seen her.
“Do you think your kids will accept me?”
“Are you kidding? They adore you. And they see how happy you make me.”
She smiled and looked into my eyes. “As soon at I get home, I’m going to book a flight back. This time you will get to see your surprise. Now let’s go to bed,” she said while taking my hand.”
It wasn’t until the sun was rising that we finally went to sleep. We left Charleston around lunch and the first thing she did when getting in the car was call her sister and family.
After arriving home, it was back in the car to see family and over to Steve and Misty’s. Time flew by and before we knew it we were at the airport saying our byes - and she was still looking at her ring. I had never seen her that happy.
The last time I talked to her was FaceTime on July 1, 2021. “I got our tickets. We will be there in two weeks.”
“You’ll see,” she said with a grin.
Her accident was the next day.
submitted by My_Punk to lostlove [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:35 Adventurous-City-981 Dogecoin's Uncertain Path: Consolidation Amid Meme Coin Rivalry

Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular meme cryptocurrency, has seen fluctuating fortunes, captivating investors and traders. Here's a concise overview of its current status and future outlook:

Technical Analysis:

Market Sentiment and Developments:

Potential Catalysts:



submitted by Adventurous-City-981 to financialsignals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:34 Able-Recover3221 Hire an Experienced Tutor for All Your Writing Needs

Hi there! Are you seeking the expertise of an experienced essay writer? I am a professional and highly skilled writer dedicated to providing top-notch services tailored to your specific requirements. With over 10 years of experience, I bring expertise in various fields including Information Technology, History, Health and Nursing, Psychology, Law, Business and marketing.
I can deliver services such as, Urgent Essays, Research Writing, Business Research, Report Writing, PowerPoint Presentation, Legal Research, Case Study Analysis, Summary, SEO Articles, Research Proposals, dissertations etc. With a commitment to excellence, I guarantee timely work, thorough research and 100% unique content which meet all your specific needs. Whenever you need any kind of essay or research paper, I've got you covered.
Kindly contact me via Email: or Discord: bwright504
submitted by Able-Recover3221 to essay_assists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:32 eucalyptus_IgnEouS44 Absolute Beginner

Hey! I was wondering, I really know basically nothing about business but I am a creative and have a really cool idea for a business with an interesting niche.
My question is, howw much knowledge do I need to begin? I have a tendency to overthink but I want to make sure I’m not underestimating this either I know it won’t be easy.
My plan was to research my market a bit more before beginning a business plan and then going from there. Should I take a course in business before this? Is it necessary? What would you suggest?
submitted by eucalyptus_IgnEouS44 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:32 City_Index USD/HKD holds the clues for the Hang Seng’s next move. June 5, 2024

USD/HKD holds the clues for the Hang Seng’s next move. June 5, 2024
The inverted relationship between USD/HKD and the Hang Seng remains strong. And with the latter retracing -92% over the past month and risk of the US dollar falling further, perhaps the Hang Seng is due a bounce.
By : Matt Simpson, Market Analyst
The Hang Seng has been the outperformer over the past three months, although all four major indices we track have pulled back from their May highs. With a month's worth of retracement behind them, perhaps there is some room for upside, at least over the near term.

There was a time when the Hang Seng shared a positive correlation with the CNH/HKD exchange rate, but this relationship appears to have broken down in Q4. No correlation is perfect, and these relationships come and go. It is worth noting that the Hang Seng now shares a stronger correlation with USD/HKD, although the relationship is inverse.

USD/HKD, Hang Seng technical analysis:
  • The daily chart shows that the 60-day and 20-day correlation coefficient between USD/HKD and Hang Seng futures sits at -0.86, indicating a relatively strong inverse relationship.
  • USD/HKD formed a prominent swing high around its 200-day EMA and 61.8% Fibonacci ratio on Monday, and momentum is turning swiftly lower.
  • Should the US dollar continue to weaken and send USD/HKD lower, it could be beneficial for global sentiment and send the Hang Seng higher.
  • However, if incoming US data comes in hot and sends the US dollar (and therefore USD/HKD) higher, it could weigh further on the Hang Seng.
  • Swing lows around 7.805 might provide interim support and cap upside potential for the Hang Seng, unless the US dollar experiences a significant decline.

Click the website link below to get our exclusive Guide to index trading in Q2 2024.

Hang Seng technical analysis:

Hang Seng futures are turning higher at the beginning of the session, while USD/HKD is heading lower. The daily chart shows that the 9.2% pullback from the May high found support at the 50-day EMA and 50% retracement level. Daily trading volumes were diminishing as prices moved lower, suggesting bears were running low on ammo in the later stages of the retracement. A bullish engulfing day formed on Monday, marking a false break below 18k, and subsequent trading ranges have remained in the upper half of the engulfing candle.
The 1-hour chart shows a series of higher lows accompanied by strong buying volumes. The bias, therefore, remains bullish while prices remain above Friday's swing low. Bulls could seek dips above 18k or wait for a break above 18,500.
Of course, should incoming US data come in uncomfortably strong and kill hopes of Fed cuts, it will likely have a dire impact on risk appetite, sending the US dollar and yields higher to the detriment of global indices. In which case, the bias reverts to a break below 18k, and prices could head to the 17,500 region.
-- Written by Matt Simpson
Follow Matt on Twitter @cLeverEdge
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submitted by City_Index to Forexstrategy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:31 Significant-Risk-500 Enhancing Solo Pleasure with Automatic Strokers

Enhancing Solo Pleasure with Automatic Strokers
A guide comparing automatic strokers, highlighting their design, types, factors to consider when choosing, top models, pros and cons, usage tips, user reviews, innovative features, comparison with manual strokers and expert insights.
Automatic strokers have become increasingly popular in the male sex toy market due to their ability to provide enhanced solo pleasure experiences for men. These innovative devices are designed to offer a hands-free and immersive sensation that can elevate intimate moments. The "Strobe Multi-Function Rechargeable StrokerAutomatic strokers have become increasingly popular in the male sex toy market due to their ability to provide enhanced solo pleasure experiences for men. These innovative devices are designed to offer a hands-free and immersive sensation that can elevate intimate moments. The "Strobe Multi-Function Rechargeable Stroker" features thrusting and swirling motions, providing a unique and gratifying masturbation experience.
Full Article:
As technology continues to advance, automatic strokers have evolved to incorporate sophisticated functions and features that cater to a variety of preferences and desires. The integration of customizable settings, realistic textures, and multiple stimulation modes ensures that users can tailor their experience to suit their individual needs. With options like the "Milker Pro Edition," which offers automatic stroking, suction, and vibration features, users have access to a comprehensive pleasure experience that simulates real intimacy.
The growing popularity of automatic strokers signifies a shift towards embracing innovative solutions for self-pleasure. These devices not only provide convenience and functionality but also prioritize user satisfaction by offering a range of stimulating options. Whether it's the convenience of hands-free operation or the versatility of customizable settings, automatic strokers are revolutionizing the way individuals engage in solo play, making them a sought-after choice in the realm of male sex toys.

Types of Automatic Strokers

When exploring the different types of automatic strokers available, it's essential to consider the diverse options that cater to varying preferences and desires. Rotating strokers mimic the sensation of thrusting, providing a realistic experience that can enhance pleasure levels. On the other hand, pulsating strokers offer intense pulsating motions that deliver a unique form of stimulation, appealing to users seeking a different kind of sensation.
In addition to these types, combination strokers integrate multiple functions to provide a versatile and immersive experience for users. These strokers often incorporate a blend of rotating, pulsating, and vibrating motions to offer a comprehensive range of sensations. The "10X Solo Stroke Penis Teaser Wand" features powerful vibrations and textured interior, designed to cater to various skill levels and preferences [3]. By exploring the specific functions and sensations offered by each type, individuals can choose an automatic stroker that aligns with their desired experience.
Automatic strokers with realistic textures and internal structures, such as those mimicking oral or vaginal stimulation, add an extra layer of realism to the solo pleasure experience. These lifelike features aim to replicate the sensations of intimate encounters, providing users with a more immersive and satisfying experience. By offering a variety of textures and sensations, automatic strokers ensure that users can find a type that resonates with their preferences, making the solo play more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Automatic Stroker

Selecting the right automatic stroker involves considering various factors to ensure a pleasurable and satisfying experience. Body-safe materials like silicone and ABS plastic are essential considerations when choosing an automatic stroker. These materials are hypoallergenic, easy to clean, and safe for intimate use, providing users with peace of mind regarding their health and well-being.
Customization options play a significant role in enhancing the overall experience with an automatic stroker, allowing users to tailor their pleasure to their liking. Adjustable speeds and vibration patterns enable individuals to explore different intensity levels and stimulation modes, ensuring a personalized experience. The "Milker Slider 18X Stroking Masturbator" offers stimulating beads and three speeds, enhancing pleasure during use. By incorporating these customizable features, automatic strokers cater to a wide range of preferences and intensify the solo pleasure experience.
Ergonomics and design elements play a crucial role in the usability and comfort of an automatic stroker. Factors such as grip comfort, ease of handling, and intuitive controls contribute to the overall user experience. By selecting an automatic stroker with a user-friendly design, individuals can enjoy a seamless and gratifying play session that focuses on pleasure and convenience. Therefore, when choosing an automatic stroker, it's essential to consider these factors to ensure a satisfying and enjoyable solo play experience.

Comparison of Top Automatic Strokers

In comparing top automatic strokers like the "Strobe Multi-Function Rechargeable Stroker" and the "Milker Pro Edition," it's crucial to delve into the unique features and functionalities that set them apart. These top-of-the-line devices offer a comprehensive range of options designed to enhance solo pleasure experiences and provide users with a heightened level of satisfaction. The "Strobe Multi-Function Rechargeable Stroker" boasts textured fingers and multiple modes to elevate the stroking experience.
When examining the differences between these automatic strokers, factors such as stimulation modes, speed settings, and additional functionalities come into play. The "Milker Pro Edition," with its hands-free operation and multifunctional design, offers users a versatile and realistic sensation that simulates intimate encounters. Additionally, automatic strokers with remote control features , like the "Milker Pro Edition," provide added convenience and versatility, allowing users to adjust settings with ease.
These top automatic strokers showcase innovation through their advanced features and thoughtful designs that prioritize user satisfaction and pleasure. For instance, the "Milker Pro Edition" features a textured inner sleeve with grooves and nubs for intense stimulation, making it a popular choice among users seeking a lifelike experience. By offering a blend of cutting-edge technology and ergonomic elements, these automatic strokers redefine solo pleasure, providing users with a premium selection of devices that deliver both quality and excitement.

Pros and Cons of Automatic Strokers

The benefits of using automatic strokers extend beyond convenience, offering users a range of advantages that enhance the solo play experience. Hands-free operation is a notable benefit of automatic strokers, allowing users to indulge in pleasure without manual intervention. Innovative stimulation technologies integrated into these devices provide users with customizable settings and varying speeds, catering to diverse preferences and intensities.
Despite these advantages, it's essential to acknowledge potential drawbacks associated with automatic strokers, such as noise levels during use and maintenance requirements. Some automatic strokers may produce noise during operation, which can be a consideration for individuals seeking discreet usage. Regular maintenance, including proper cleaning and storage, is necessary to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of automatic strokers. However, the versatility and advanced features of these devices make them a popular choice among individuals looking to explore heightened sensations and elevate their solo pleasure experience.
The versatility of automatic strokers in catering to different intensity preferences and stimulation styles makes them a sought-after choice in the realm of male sex toys. Whether users prefer gentle vibrations or more intense pulsations, automatic strokers offer a range of options to suit individual desires. By providing a customizable and immersive experience, these devices enhance solo pleasure in ways that manual strokers may not, making them a preferred choice for users seeking a modern and sophisticated solo play experience.

How to Use an Automatic Stroker Effectively

Optimizing the performance of an automatic stroker involves incorporating expert tips and techniques to enhance the overall satisfaction and pleasure derived from the device. Using water-based lubricants is crucial for ensuring smooth operation and easy cleaning of the automatic stroker. This simple addition can significantly improve the overall experience, making each play session more comfortable and enjoyable.
Experimenting with different stroking patterns and speeds is another effective way to discover the most pleasurable settings with an automatic stroker. Each device offers a variety of customizable options, allowing users to tailor their experience to their liking and explore various sensations. For example, the "Super Milker Automatic Deluxe Stroker Machine" offers different cylinders and textures for automatic stroking and sucking, providing users with a range of options for personalized pleasure.
Exploring various settings and modes on an automatic stroker can help users unlock new levels of satisfaction and enjoyment. By delving into the different functionalities and features of the device, individuals can customize their experience to align with their preferences, leading to a more fulfilling and gratifying solo play session. Embracing curiosity and openness to trying new techniques can enhance the pleasure derived from using an automatic stroker and make each intimate moment more engaging and pleasurable.

User Reviews and Recommendations

User reviews play a significant role in guiding potential buyers towards the best automatic strokers that suit their preferences and needs. These reviews often focus on aspects like durability, ease of cleaning, and overall satisfaction. For instance, the "Strobe Multi-Function Rechargeable Stroker" has garnered positive feedback for its durable construction and user-friendly design, making it a popular choice among users seeking a reliable and satisfying experience.
Recommendations from satisfied users highlight the effectiveness and pleasure derived from using specific automatic strokers, emphasizing their unique features and realistic sensations. The "Milker Pro Edition" is praised for its hands-free operation, suction, and vibration features that provide users with a lifelike and immersive solo play experience. These testimonials offer valuable insights into the performance and satisfaction levels of automatic strokers, aiding individuals in selecting a device that aligns with their desires and expectations.
Customer testimonials praising the effectiveness and pleasure derived from using automatic strokers underscore the significance of these devices in enhancing solo pleasure experiences. By sharing their experiences and feedback, users contribute to a community of individuals seeking premium automatic strokers that offer both quality and excitement. These recommendations and reviews serve as valuable resources for individuals looking to explore the world of automatic strokers and elevate their intimate moments with innovative and gratifying devices.

Innovative Features in Modern Automatic Strokers

The latest technological advancements in automatic strokers have introduced innovative features that revolutionize the solo pleasure experience for users. Devices now integrate AI integration and virtual reality compatibility, creating a more immersive and personalized session that responds to users' desires in real-time. These interactive elements enhance the pleasure derived from automatic strokers, offering users a customized and tailored experience that caters to their individual preferences.
Connectivity options in modern automatic strokers redefine the boundaries of satisfaction by allowing users to personalize their experience through various settings and modes. Whether users seek intense stimulation or a gentle touch, these advanced features ensure that individuals can explore different realms of pleasure with every use. The "Milker Pro Edition" offers a liquid chamber for easy cleanup, providing users with a hassle-free maintenance routine that enhances the overall convenience and usability of the device.
Additionally, automatic strokers with remote control features, such as those found in the "Milker Pro Edition," provide added convenience and versatility for users seeking a seamless and gratifying solo play experience. These remote control options allow users to adjust settings with ease, further enhancing the customization and personalization of their pleasure session. By incorporating cutting-edge technology and interactive features, modern automatic strokers open up a world of possibilities for users looking to elevate their intimate moments and explore new dimensions of solo pleasure.

Comparison with Manual Strokers

Comparing automatic strokers with manual strokers reveals a range of advantages that automatic devices offer in terms of convenience, functionality, and stimulation variety. Automatic strokers stand out for their hands-free operation, providing users with the freedom to indulge in pleasure without manual intervention. This convenience not only enhances the solo play experience but also allows users to focus solely on their pleasure without distractions.
In contrast, manual strokers, while traditional and straightforward, may lack the sophistication and customizable features that automatic strokers boast. Manual options often provide a more simplistic approach to stimulation, requiring manual movements for operation. This limitation can result in a less personalized experience compared to automatic strokers, which offer various speed settings, vibration patterns, and stimulation modes tailored to individual preferences and desires. Therefore, the choice between automatic and manual strokers ultimately depends on the user's preference for convenience, functionality, and the level of stimulation variety they seek in their intimate moments.
The tactile differences between automatic and manual strokers emphasize the enhanced sensations provided by automatic models, such as the "Milker Pro Edition," which offers a textured inner sleeve with grooves and nubs for intense stimulation. These design elements aim to simulate realistic sexual experiences for users, providing a lifelike sensation that enhances pleasure levels. By incorporating ergonomic designs and innovative features, automatic strokers offer a modern and sophisticated approach to solo pleasure, setting them apart from traditional manual options.

Expert Insights on Automatic Strokers

Experts specializing in robotics and neuroscience provide valuable insights into the evolution of automatic strokers and the advancements in technology that have transformed the landscape of male sex toys. By merging innovative features with scientific research, these experts shed light on the intricate design elements that elevate the functionality and pleasure derived from automatic strokers. Researchers delve into how sensory feedback mechanisms are integrated into automatic strokers to mimic lifelike sensations and enhance user satisfaction.
Experts highlight the therapeutic benefits of using automatic strokers for sexual health and well-being, emphasizing the psychological advantages of these devices. Automatic strokers offer stress relief, sexual satisfaction, and overall mental wellness benefits, contributing to a holistic approach to self-pleasure. By providing expert perspectives on the intersection of technology, pleasure, and sexual health, these professionals offer a comprehensive view of the significance of automatic strokers in the realm of male masturbation.
In the realm of male sex toys, ongoing research and development focus on enhancing the user experience and pleasure derived from automatic strokers. By incorporating expert insights and innovative features, manufacturers strive to create devices that cater to diverse preferences and needs, ensuring a satisfying and gratifying solo play experience. With a focus on advancing technology and design elements, automatic strokers continue to evolve, offering users a premium selection of devices that redefine solo pleasure and elevate intimate moments to new heights." features thrusting and swirling motions, providing a unique and gratifying masturbation experience.
As technology continues to advance, automatic strokers have evolved to incorporate sophisticated functions and features that cater to a variety of preferences and desires. The integration of customizable settings, realistic textures, and multiple stimulation modes ensures that users can tailor their experience to suit their individual needs. With options like the "Milker Pro Edition," which offers automatic stroking, suction, and vibration features, users have access to a comprehensive pleasure experience that simulates real intimacy.
submitted by Significant-Risk-500 to significant_risk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:30 AcridGilamonster Technical Analysis: Understanding the SwanScout 3-in-1 Wireless Charger

Technical Analysis: Understanding the SwanScout 3-in-1 Wireless Charger
With the continuous advancement of technology, wireless chargers have become increasingly common in our daily lives. The SwanScout wireless charger, as a leader in this field, has won consumer favor with its advanced technology and wide compatibility. This article will delve into the technical principles, compatibility, and future development trends of the SwanScout 3-in-1 wireless charger.

Charging Technology: How Wireless Charging Works

Wireless charging technology transmits energy through electromagnetic fields, primarily using two methods: magnetic induction and magnetic resonance.
  1. Magnetic Induction Technology
  2. Magnetic Resonance Technology
The SwanScout wireless charger utilizes advanced magnetic induction technology to ensure users can charge their devices efficiently and safely in a short amount of time.

Compatibility: Different Standards and Their Prevalence

In the field of wireless charging, the Qi standard is the most widely used. The Qi standard, developed by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), aims to provide a unified wireless charging specification for different brands and devices.
  1. Qi Standard: The Qi standard supports various power levels for wireless charging, including 5W, 10W, and 15W, and offers high compatibility. Most wireless charging-enabled devices on the market, such as phones from Apple, Samsung, and Huawei, adopt the Qi standard. This means that any Qi-compatible charger and device, regardless of brand, can work together seamlessly.
The SwanScout wireless charger fully complies with the Qi standard, making it compatible with most wireless charging-enabled devices on the market and providing a convenient, unified charging solution.

Multi-Device Charging: The SwanScout 3-in-1 Wireless Charger

The design of the SwanScout 3-in-1 wireless charger allows users to charge multiple devices simultaneously, significantly enhancing the convenience and efficiency of charging.
  1. 3-in-1 Design: The SwanScout 3-in-1 wireless charger supports simultaneous charging for a phone, smartwatch, and wireless earbuds. This means you only need one charger to meet the charging needs of all your daily devices.
  2. Efficient Charging: With precise coil design and intelligent charging management systems, SwanScout ensures that each device charges at the optimal speed without interference. This design not only saves time but also simplifies the charging process.
  3. Space-Saving

Future Trends: The Development and Innovation of Wireless Charging Technology

Wireless charging technology is rapidly evolving, and future innovations and trends are worth anticipating.
  1. More Efficient Charging Technology: As technology advances, wireless charging efficiency will further improve, reducing energy loss and increasing charging speed. Additionally, higher power wireless charging technology is under development, potentially offering faster charging experiences in the future.
  2. Long-Distance Wireless Charging: Current wireless charging is mainly limited to short distances, but researchers are exploring long-distance wireless charging technology. This could enable charging across rooms or even greater distances, freeing users from the constraints of charging cables.
  3. Intelligent Charging Management: Combining IoT and AI technology, future wireless chargers will be able to intelligently monitor and manage the charging process, automatically adjusting power based on device needs to optimize efficiency and extend battery life.
In conclusion, the SwanScout wireless charger, with its advanced magnetic induction technology, wide compatibility, and 3-in-1 design, provides users with an efficient and safe charging experience. As wireless charging technology continues to progress, we can look forward to more innovative applications and more convenient charging methods.
submitted by AcridGilamonster to SwanScout [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:30 Ovaz1088 Exploring the potential of dietary phytochemicals in cancer prevention The discussed dietary phytoconstituents have shown promising potential in cancer prevention and treatment through various mechanisms of action.

Medical Xpress This comprehensive review underscores the potential of dietary phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy. These bioactive compounds offer promising complementary strategies to traditional cancer treatments by targeting multiple molecular pathways involved in carcinogenesis.
Further research is essential to fully understand their mechanisms and to develop effective phytochemical-based therapies for cancer prevention and treatment.
The dominance of conventional medical approaches and the hesitance to deviate from established norms perpetuates reluctance toward embracing alternative preventive measures. Furthermore, the influence of commercial interests and the marketing of pharmaceutical solutions can overshadow the potential of dietary interventions, fostering a climate where natural solutions are viewed with skepticism.
As we navigate these barriers, a holistic approach that amalgamates rigorous scientific scrutiny, education, and cultural shifts is essential to surmounting the resistance and fostering a broader understanding of the transformative role that dietary phytochemicals can play in the realm of cancer prevention. Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology
submitted by Ovaz1088 to unvaccinated [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:29 OkAsk1472 Sharing random Worldbuidling and Strixhaven expansion ideas.

Cause Im constantly on this reddit for tips on building the Strixhaven World, I wanted to return the favour to the community and lay out a few I use. Many of these can be used by anyone to plop into their campaigns, so have at it.
Hereby my current list of worldbuilding and narrative expansions. (For players who may be in my campaigns and reading this, turn back now, to avoid spoilers. All others: proceed.)
submitted by OkAsk1472 to StrixhavenDMs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:29 Ill_Strawberry8361 The Real Struggle Behind Nano & Micro Influencers Securing Brand Collabs – How Influencers Depot Can Help

Hello everyone,
Navigating the influencer landscape can be especially challenging for Nano and Micro Influencers. Despite the value they bring, these influencers often face significant hurdles when it comes to landing brand collaborations. Some of the common challenges include:
  1. Visibility: Smaller influencers often struggle to get noticed by brands due to their lower follower counts, despite having highly engaged audiences.
  2. Negotiation Power: Lacking the same reach as larger influencers, nano and micro influencers sometimes find it hard to negotiate fair compensation.
  3. Resources: Many lack the tools and support needed to effectively showcase their value to potential brand partners.
This is where Influencers Depot steps in! Our platform is tailored to empower Nano and Micro Influencers by providing them with a marketplace where they can connect directly with brands that are eager to engage with audiences like theirs. We vet all our influencers to ensure quality and reliability, making it easier for you to secure collaborations that are not only lucrative but also a great fit for your personal brand.
Influencers Depot offers tools and resources that help you build a compelling case for brands, manage collaborations efficiently, and grow your influence.
We invite you to join our community at Influencers Depot and start transforming your passion into successful partnerships.
Have any of you had similar experiences or used our platform? We'd love to hear your stories and successes!

InfluencerMarketing #MicroInfluencers #NanoInfluencers #BrandCollaborations #SocialMediaMarketing

submitted by Ill_Strawberry8361 to Influencersinthewild [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:28 Able-Recover3221 Get help from an experienced academic writer

Hi there! Are you seeking the expertise of an experienced essay writer? I am a professional and highly skilled writer dedicated to providing top-notch services tailored to your specific requirements. With over 10 years of experience, I bring expertise in various fields including Information Technology, History, Health and Nursing, Psychology, Law, Business and marketing.
I can deliver services such as, Urgent Essays, Research Writing, Business Research, Report Writing, PowerPoint Presentation, Legal Research, Case Study Analysis, Summary, SEO Articles, Research Proposals, dissertations etc. With a commitment to excellence, I guarantee timely work, thorough research and 100% unique content which meet all your specific needs. Whenever you need any kind of essay or research paper, I've got you covered.
Kindly contact me via Email: or Dscord: bwright504
submitted by Able-Recover3221 to AssignmentHelpPaid [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:27 Adventurous-City-981 Ripple vs. SEC Case Outcome to Significantly Impact XRP's Price Trajectory

The ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is significantly influencing the price of XRP, Ripple's native cryptocurrency. The case's outcomes could lead to different scenarios for XRP's future value:

Bullish Scenario: XRP Classified as a Non-Security

Bearish Scenario: XRP Classified as a Security

Sideways Trading and Regulatory Uncertainty

Summary of Potential XRP Price Targets:

Key Considerations:

submitted by Adventurous-City-981 to financialsignals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:27 thefutureok AITA for excluding my friend for not being street smart?

I don't like hanging out with my friend because she’s not street-smart. So I decided to stop inviting her out for the time being. I think I would rather not have to babysit each night. My friend always seems to make poor choices when we hang out, she literally will always engage with weirdos, be argumentative and generally get us into trouble. For example, we were at a club and some man started trying to dance with me and I immediately turned away because he looked like he was on hard drugs, very unstable or a combination of both. Then then tried dancing with her and she started giggling and almost mockingly paying him attention. Then when he looked mad she started looking at me to help and I had to rescue her. Then we were walking down the street and hear two very drunk sounding voices. They were shouting “excuse me” at us and one told my friend she’s pretty before grabbing us and hugging us and telling us she’s bi. I really don’t like being touched by drunk strangers and that’s why I kept walking but she decided to stop and engage with them. We then missed the bus and had to wait anothed 20 minutes for another one. The other night we were waiting at a nice, quiet bus stop and she decided she wanted to walk to the one with the crazy lady preaching and shouting. We obviously got shouted abuse at before getting on the bus home. My friend never had much of a social life growing up, was never very popular or outgoing, so this is fairly new to her... She also makes a big effort when she goes out, is very tall for a woman and therefore stands out and gets attention that she can’t seem to handle correctly. AITA for excluding her from nights out because she keeps putting me in bad and uncomfortable situations?
submitted by thefutureok to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:25 MaSecretReddit AITA because I spoke up against my dad going on vacation with my stepmom and her kids without inviting me?

I (19f) at the time was not invited on my dad's (44) trip to south africa with my stepmom (40ish) and her three children (13) (15) and (19). At the time of the trip all her children presented as male. I'm a trans girl (only mentioning because it may be relevant in judging.)
My dad Had excitedly told me he was going on a trip to south africa with his new family and his reasoning that i wasn't invited was because my stepmoms mom was the one paying for all of them and "money was tight." (my stepmom had just bought a brand new electric mustang at the time and a very expensive renovation to his house was underway lol.) He seemed to be disappointed that I wasn't happy for him. he called me when he was there looking all happy and telling me how amazing the trip was and i felt awful being left out.
there had been difficulties in our relationship. i was at the start of my transition and was very moody and hormonal: for example I stood up for myself when i was being held in covid quarantine for 5 days after a negative test and my stepmom had brought me a bag of baby carrots as my "meal" saying "that's food eat!". Things were very tumultuous at the time and i was kicked out the house for being “horrible”, this vacation was shortly after.
I was sad though and I expressed it to my dad and his perspective although he didn't say it like this seemed to be that i was just ungrateful because i'd gone on trips with him in the past and this was (paraphrasing here:) "her family's vacation they were just bringing him along to welcome him into their side of the "family." My stepsister 17f now did come out as trans later on and everyone was very kind, patient, welcoming, supportive, and gentle with her. They still are.
He brought me back some gifts from south africa so I guess he was thinking about me.
his perspective here seemed to be that i was behaving hurtfully for not just being happy for him.
it's bothered me for a long time and seeing others having been through something similar i thought i should post.
Although i don't think so, i could be the a-hole because Instead of responding with words and actions of gratitude for all he did for me. i responded with words and actions of pain and sadness because i had felt left out.
Am i the a-hole here? and if not how should i respond. I love my dad and when it doesn't come to things like money or how he doesn't trust me and often suspects me of lying about little things our relationship is pretty darn good.
submitted by MaSecretReddit to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:23 Jgwutwut Seeking Feedback: Structuring a 100% Commission-Based Sales Opportunity in Electromechanical Assembly

We're a relatively new company, having opened our doors in September 2023, but we've already achieved ISO 13485:2016 certification and pride ourselves on producing high-quality electromechanical assemblies. We're currently looking to expand our sales team with a focus on securing new contracts, ideally within the medical device manufacturing sector, but we're open to other industries as well.
Given the niche nature of our services and the competitive market, I'm considering structuring this sales role as a 100% commission-based opportunity. I'm reaching out to the community here for advice on how to best structure this role to attract top sales talent and ensure their success. Here are a few points I'm currently considering:
  1. Commission Rate: What percentage should we offer to make the role attractive, yet sustainable for the business? What is the industry standard for such roles?
  2. Support and Resources: What kind of support should we provide to the sales team? For example, marketing materials, lead generation tools, CRM software, etc.
  3. Target Markets: Should we focus exclusively on the medical device sector, or should we broaden our approach? If broadening, which industries should we target that would benefit most from our electromechanical assembly expertise?
  4. Training and Onboarding: How intensive should the training program be for new salespeople? What key areas should it cover to ensure they can effectively communicate our value proposition? Is there any downside of hiring multiple (unlimited) reps?
  5. Performance Metrics: What KPIs should we set to track and measure success in a commission-based sales role?
  6. Incentives Beyond Commission: Are there other incentives or benefits that could help in attracting and retaining top talent?
  7. Long-Term Engagement: What strategies can we implement to ensure that our sales team remains motivated and engaged over the long term, given the 100% commission structure?
I'm eager to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and any personal experiences you might have. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us shape this opportunity into something truly compelling for potential candidates.
submitted by Jgwutwut to sales [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:22 AttentionMinute0 Generic Job Prospects Questions ( some unique elements maybe!)

Hey everyone, hope you are doing well.
Brief synopsis, I'm a guy stuck between trying to pursue dental school, optometry school, or just finishing a masters. I want to and have studied in Europe and think I can go back and do it again a little better this time if I decide I really want it. I know the jobs are obviously super lucrative in optometry or dental school and the job security is pretty high, but frankly, I'm not sure I want to take on that debt load or really want to do that much schooling for that long. School is effectively free in most of Europe and it opens up some opportunities since trying to go from country to country is often really hard with north american medical degrees.
Some I am a fella who was fortunate enough to finish his bachelor's with a near perfect GPA. I took a brief period of time to go out and study in Germany for a semester to learn microbiology, but from the homesickness to the terrible weather over the winter and a lack of interest in the subject, I decided to come home.
skip to here if you want to save some reading
I don't have much of a passion for any field of study aside from the brain and mental health, but it's not a strong one so I don't feel compelled by the choose what you love suggestion. I'm trying to feel out what would be the best educational pathway to pursue. How do you feel your quality of life, job market opportunities, and job prospects are? I see a lot of complaints in this sub but one post that addressed it directly had a lot of people speaking up about the positives of it and had a general feeling of contentedness. If nothing else, I know for a fact I don't enjoy doing research or reading papers. The lab is not my desired workplace. Would you say there is a reasonable quantity of jobs in this field were one can do something more methodical rather than research oriented?
Thank you to anyone responding and sorry if this prompt comes off as a bit generic.
submitted by AttentionMinute0 to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 buttjuliothikk This is your daily reminder: The day of vindication draws near... PLUS a comprehensive guide to KENDU alpha!

Hello again. It's me ButtBot following my programming to bring you yet another daily update about the Kendu Inu ecosystem.
First of all, for the doubters, I encourage you to please read my recent post HERE addressing some of the concerns that people have about $KENDU. Some of the content from that post will repeated here when discussing $KENDU alpha, however I won't be touching the "KeNdU iZ a sCaM" topic outside of saying this: you can believe what you want to believe, but your blind faith that the Kendu community is a scam is equally damning as the "blind faith" you're certain the Kendu community has in the project.
... but we don't gamble. We fucking work.
Do your research to find out what this means.

NEWS for the day:

The Shib Magazine article!!!
For weeks, you have probably been seeing posts claiming ties between the $SHIB developer Shytoshi Kusama, and the $KENDU developer Kendu Miazaki, and that Shytoshi had eyes on the Kendu project. Included in the alpha section of this post are some screen captures supporting this claim, BUT the big news of the day is that the MOMENT OF VINDICATION draws near for the Kendu Community... the claim tat $KENDU will have a feature in The Shib Magazine has been met with nothing but doubt... but get ready, because here it comes.
Message from Miazaki about meeting with a reporter from The Shib Magazine, posted in the telegram on May 31st/
On May 31st, Miazaki left this message in the telegram. Obviously, things got wild, people were stoked, and the screen cap started to circulate on Reddit and X because why wouldn't it?!
Some background: Yona Gushiken is a reporter for The Shib Magazine who contributes to the Shib Daily newsletter, covering $SHIB related news as well as a broad range of other topics related to crypto and defi. She has been writing for the publication since the beginning of the year and has been prolific since starting.
So Miazaki made a claim. He's talking to a reporter whos name he could have just pulled from the website. So what?
So this!!! Today Yona tweets this out (69 views, nice)! Eyes on Kendu indeed!
I leave you with this dear Kendu doubter... why are all of the pieces falling into place supporting the claims that Kendu bots have been making about the Kendu alpha? Why is a Shib Magazine reporter tweeting about $KENDU mere days after the Kendu Dev dropped that he was talking with her? Why would a publication dedicated to $SHIB have their reporters speaking directly to the lead developer of another coin? Could this mean that Shytoshi and Miazaki ACTUALLY do know one another and that Shytoshi does indeed have eyes on the project and an interest in seeing it succeed? I'll leave you to ponder...
Moving onto a completely unrelated subject.

THE ALPHA -or- Why the community is so bullish:

1. First of all... the big one.
Shytoshi has eyes on KENDU and has stated that KENDU will have a feature in an upcoming Shib Magazine. For those of you who skipped the previous section, this obviously has to be bullshit and Kednu Bots are merely circulating this lie to hype the coin... (/s if it wasn't obvious)
Screencap from the Kendu X page confirming that Shytoshi does indeed follow the project
Messages from Shytoshi in the Kendu Telegram - 10th of May
2. The Kendu community SHOWS UP!
This has been the number one issue that I see people have with the Kendu community, namely, their presence on social media being so unrelenting, that certainly everyone posting has to be a bot and using Chat GPT to write posts. This couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth though. What you are seeing is an unhinged hyper dedicated community organizing and working together to get the word out about a project that they want to see succeed!
In this community, it's not at all uncommon for people to spend their days off (or days at work) sleuthing socials for content that the Kendu army can hit... and hit hard we do. CHAD SMASH! That's why you're seeing $KENDU everywhere!
Yes, the Kendu army is active on socials, but it is also active IRL getting the word out about the project. While the Dev. Team has a strict no spend policy (and a strict no bot rule), that doesn't stand in the way of Kendu chads taking the initiative to spread the word on their own dime. Stickers and flyers are printed for hometown distribution. Times square ad space is bought as payout to challenges that Chads pose to the community. Just today, a Chad put out a call to organize funds for a banner to be flown over Jersey shore... G.T.K. (Gym. Tan. Kendu)?
The work ethic is unreal and the word is spreading! CHADS SHOW UP BECAUSE THEY ARE STOKED... and then they stay... often past their bedtimes.
Typical night in the Kendu Telegram
3. The Growth
This project is seeing crazy growth at the moment. 3 months after launch, on May 27th, the project hit a huge milestone of 5000 holders . On June 2nd, less than a week later, Kendu had picked up another 1000 holders. New Chads joining the project continues on at a steady clip, and while no one has a magic eight ball, this rate of growth indicates that it will be just a short while until the community sees holder number 10000 join the project. The price going parabolic before or after is anyone's guess, but an expanding holder base is nothing less than a great sign for the health of the coin, as new and existing Kendu Chads eat dips left in the wake of Whale Jeets exiting their positions.
$KENDU reaches 6000 on chain holders on Sunday June 2nd
4. More exchanges in the works
Word in the Telegram is that Miazaki is leveraging his deep ties to the crypto community (remember the talk we just had about Shytoshi) to get the ball rolling with having the coin listed on some larger exchanges. Whispers are circulating that there are multiple top 5 CEXs that have $KENDU on their radar. It's anyone's guess when these listings will happen, but as daily trading volume increases, so too does the likelihood that KENDU will get a surprise listing, just like the one it got May 23rd on Bilaxy's exchange.
Bear in mind, a listing could happen much more quickly if Miazaki and Co. were willing to pay to list the coin... but as I stated above, the dev. team wants only organic growth and hence, no pay to win. A listing will happen naturally when the "big guys" can't afford to miss out on their cut of the daily volume (which at this point is bouncing between 1.4-2M per day).
6. And the rest.
-IT'S STILL EARLY! The goal of the community is to get the coin to 10B MC before the end of the year and to eat the frog! Nothing personal PEPE, it's just that dogs eat dogs!

Housekeeping time! SAFETY FIRST!!

I am personally very bullish on this project! I spent the larger part of 2021 wishing that I had gotten in on the ground floor of something with so much potential and it was crazy watching some small cap coins explode and absolutely crush it! Too little too late... but I'm not gonna miss this one.
NFA, but I moved all of my bags into $KENDU because I believe in the community.
Put your helmets on! It's time to get to work!
submitted by buttjuliothikk to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 MamutVoladorVerde [For hire] Virtual Assistant 5USD/Hour

In today's fast-paced digital world, where time is of the essence, managing multiple tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming. Whether you're a busy professional, a thriving entrepreneur, or someone looking to regain control over your schedule, my virtual assistant services are here to revolutionize the way you work.

Embrace the Power of Virtual Assistance

As a seasoned virtual assistant, I understand the challenges of juggling various tasks while striving for success. My mission is to alleviate your workload, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – your core business objectives. Here's how my virtual assistant services can make a difference:

1. Efficient Task Management:

2. Streamlined Communication:

3. Research and Analysis:

4. Social Media Management:

How It Works

  1. Consultation:
    • We'll start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, goals, and preferences. This allows me to tailor my services to align with your unique requirements.
  2. Customized Solutions:
    • I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I'll develop a personalized plan that addresses your pain points and optimizes your workflow, promoting efficiency and productivity.
  3. Collaborative Approach:
    • Communication is key. Throughout our partnership, we'll maintain open lines of communication to ensure that my services continually evolve to meet your changing needs.
  4. Transparent Pricing:
    • My pricing is transparent and fair. No hidden fees or surprises – just a straightforward commitment to enhancing your productivity.
submitted by MamutVoladorVerde to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 MamutVoladorVerde [For hire] Virtual Assistant 5USD/Hour

In today's fast-paced digital world, where time is of the essence, managing multiple tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming. Whether you're a busy professional, a thriving entrepreneur, or someone looking to regain control over your schedule, my virtual assistant services are here to revolutionize the way you work.

Embrace the Power of Virtual Assistance

As a seasoned virtual assistant, I understand the challenges of juggling various tasks while striving for success. My mission is to alleviate your workload, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – your core business objectives. Here's how my virtual assistant services can make a difference:

1. Efficient Task Management:

2. Streamlined Communication:

3. Research and Analysis:

4. Social Media Management:

How It Works

  1. Consultation:
    • We'll start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, goals, and preferences. This allows me to tailor my services to align with your unique requirements.
  2. Customized Solutions:
    • I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I'll develop a personalized plan that addresses your pain points and optimizes your workflow, promoting efficiency and productivity.
  3. Collaborative Approach:
    • Communication is key. Throughout our partnership, we'll maintain open lines of communication to ensure that my services continually evolve to meet your changing needs.
  4. Transparent Pricing:
    • My pricing is transparent and fair. No hidden fees or surprises – just a straightforward commitment to enhancing your productivity.
submitted by MamutVoladorVerde to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 MamutVoladorVerde [For hire] Virtual Assistant 5USD/Hour

In today's fast-paced digital world, where time is of the essence, managing multiple tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming. Whether you're a busy professional, a thriving entrepreneur, or someone looking to regain control over your schedule, my virtual assistant services are here to revolutionize the way you work.

Embrace the Power of Virtual Assistance

As a seasoned virtual assistant, I understand the challenges of juggling various tasks while striving for success. My mission is to alleviate your workload, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – your core business objectives. Here's how my virtual assistant services can make a difference:

1. Efficient Task Management:

2. Streamlined Communication:

3. Research and Analysis:

4. Social Media Management:

How It Works

  1. Consultation:
    • We'll start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, goals, and preferences. This allows me to tailor my services to align with your unique requirements.
  2. Customized Solutions:
    • I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I'll develop a personalized plan that addresses your pain points and optimizes your workflow, promoting efficiency and productivity.
  3. Collaborative Approach:
    • Communication is key. Throughout our partnership, we'll maintain open lines of communication to ensure that my services continually evolve to meet your changing needs.
  4. Transparent Pricing:
    • My pricing is transparent and fair. No hidden fees or surprises – just a straightforward commitment to enhancing your productivity.
submitted by MamutVoladorVerde to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 Independent-Bug680 VR Puzzle Game Survey Now Open!

To VR Headset owners only: I work with a VR dev and we're currently performing market research on our new puzzle game that is wrapping up development. We would really appreciate your insights on VR gaming, VR puzzle games, and your VR gaming experience to help our project create the best game it can be. Please comment if you have any questions/preliminary thoughts before taking the survey! :)
submitted by Independent-Bug680 to oculus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 MamutVoladorVerde [For hire] Virtual Assistant 5USD/Hour

In today's fast-paced digital world, where time is of the essence, managing multiple tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming. Whether you're a busy professional, a thriving entrepreneur, or someone looking to regain control over your schedule, my virtual assistant services are here to revolutionize the way you work.

Embrace the Power of Virtual Assistance

As a seasoned virtual assistant, I understand the challenges of juggling various tasks while striving for success. My mission is to alleviate your workload, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – your core business objectives. Here's how my virtual assistant services can make a difference:

1. Efficient Task Management:

2. Streamlined Communication:

3. Research and Analysis:

4. Social Media Management:

How It Works

  1. Consultation:
    • We'll start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, goals, and preferences. This allows me to tailor my services to align with your unique requirements.
  2. Customized Solutions:
    • I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I'll develop a personalized plan that addresses your pain points and optimizes your workflow, promoting efficiency and productivity.
  3. Collaborative Approach:
    • Communication is key. Throughout our partnership, we'll maintain open lines of communication to ensure that my services continually evolve to meet your changing needs.
  4. Transparent Pricing:
    • My pricing is transparent and fair. No hidden fees or surprises – just a straightforward commitment to enhancing your productivity.
submitted by MamutVoladorVerde to JobFair [link] [comments]