Can i put pictures in my apa paper

Found Pieces of Paper

2014.05.01 01:56 J0j2 Found Pieces of Paper

Photographs of found pieces of paper with writing on them, photographs or discarded cutouts. Appreciate the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. Share any paper that you found (on the ground, stuck in some bushes or between cans of soup at the store for example) and you do not know who wrote it. Love letters, doodles, interesting to-do or grocery lists, notes from the past - share your discovery with us!

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2010.02.19 17:00 sketchampm Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

2024.06.04 20:06 WGUMBAIT Today Copilot drew Muhammad

You: is it wrong to color a picture of muhammad
As an AI language model, I don’t hold personal opinions or beliefs, but I can provide some context. The question of whether it is wrong to create or color a picture of Prophet Muhammad is a complex and sensitive issue. Here are some points to consider:
  1. Islamic Tradition: In Islamic tradition, there is a general prohibition against creating images or representations of religious figures, including the Prophet Muhammad. This prohibition is based on the belief that such depictions could lead to idolatry or distract from the worship of Allah. However, interpretations of this prohibition vary among different Islamic scholars and communities.
  2. Respect and Sensitivity: Regardless of one’s personal beliefs, it is essential to approach religious figures with respect and sensitivity. For many Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad holds a special place, and any depiction of him should be done with utmost care and reverence.
  3. Cultural and Legal Context: The perception of creating images of religious figures varies across cultures and legal systems. In some countries, it may be considered offensive or even illegal to create or display such images. In other contexts, it may be seen as a form of artistic expression or freedom of speech.
  4. Intent and Context: The intention behind creating an image matters. If the intent is respectful and educational, some Muslims may view it differently than if it is meant to mock or disrespect the Prophet.
  5. Individual Beliefs: Ultimately, whether it is “wrong” depends on individual beliefs, cultural norms, and personal convictions. Some Muslims may find any depiction of the Prophet problematic, while others may be more open to artistic representations.
In summary, it is essential to approach this topic with empathy, understanding, and awareness of cultural and religious sensitivities. If you choose to create an image, consider the context, intent, and potential impact it may have on others. Always be respectful and mindful of differing viewpoints. 🙏🕌
You: if we were in a society without islam, could we draw pictures of their prophet?
In a hypothetical society where Islam does not exist, the cultural and religious norms that guide the creation of images of religious figures, including the Prophet Muhammad, would also not exist. Therefore, the specific prohibitions and sensitivities associated with depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic tradition would not be present.
However, it’s important to note that respect for cultural and religious figures transcends individual societies. Even in a society without a particular religion, the principles of respect for others’ beliefs and traditions could still guide interactions and creative expressions. The concept of not depicting religious figures is not exclusive to Islam; it can be found in other religions and cultures as well.
In any society, the creation of images of historical or religious figures would likely be influenced by the prevailing cultural values, legal frameworks, and ethical considerations. The freedom of artistic expression might be balanced with the values of respect and empathy towards the heritage and beliefs of others, even if those beliefs are not part of the society’s current practices.
It’s a complex topic that touches on issues of freedom of expression, respect for diversity, and the importance of understanding the context behind cultural practices. 🎨🌍
You: how would AI approach an artistic expression of the prophet of islam?
As an AI developed by OpenAI, I approach the topic of artistic expression, including depictions of religious figures, with a focus on respect, sensitivity, and adherence to ethical guidelines. Here’s how I would approach an artistic expression of the Prophet of Islam:
  1. Adherence to Cultural Sensitivities: I recognize the cultural and religious sensitivities surrounding the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. In Islamic tradition, images of the Prophet are generally discouraged to prevent idolatry. Therefore, I would avoid creating or displaying any such depictions.
  2. Respect for Beliefs: I maintain a stance of respect for all religious beliefs and practices. My responses and actions are designed to be considerate of the diverse values and traditions of users from around the world.
  3. Ethical Guidelines: I follow strict ethical guidelines that prevent me from generating content that could be offensive or disrespectful to any group of people, including religious communities.
  4. Creative Alternatives: Instead of direct depictions, I might suggest alternative forms of artistic expression that honor the essence of the subject without violating cultural norms. For example, I could suggest poetry, abstract art, or symbolic representations that convey respect and admiration.
  5. Educational Context: If the purpose of the artistic expression is educational, I would focus on providing historical and cultural information that can enhance understanding without the need for visual depictions.
  6. User Guidance: I would guide users to consider the implications of their creative works and to seek input from members of the relevant communities to ensure that their artistic expressions are received in the spirit intended.
In summary, my approach is to be mindful of the significance of religious figures and to encourage expressions of art that are thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive. 🎨✨
You: Since you explained that you would approach an artistic expression of muhammed using abstract art....what would that art look like?
I’ll try to create that.
submitted by WGUMBAIT to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Historical-Bullfrog4 Memes and GIFs to communicate emotion during remote work

I'm between jobs right now and considering building a short online course to help remote workers out.
Hypothesis: Emotions are hard to communicate with remote work. One reason managers and organizations can fear remote work is because they don't know how to properly use online tools (like Slack or Teams) to fully replace in person connections. If there is a corporate culture against using memes and GIFs, the number of "visual" methods of expressing yourself remotely are limited and the connections between people can feel underwhelming.
Objective: Provide a short and fun course (like 30 minutes max) for employees and managers to take on the effective use of memes and GIFs in remote work contexts to communicate emotions and build stronger personal connections.
  1. Is my thesis true to you? If not, my idea is moot :)
  2. Do you have any favorite memes that communicate emotion and connections?
  3. Do you have any stories about how memes and GIFs make remote work liveable? Any horror stories on what NOT to do? (like use an obscure Meme tied to a specific show in a large audience who misunderstands the context).
Once I put together the curriculum (if the topic has any legs), I will share it here to try to help everyone.
submitted by Historical-Bullfrog4 to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 PfefferP A moment of self reflection

I know the flair says "no judgement please" but I am here to judge myself just a little bit... (Just a bit, I promise!)
Today I felt a suspicion that the reasons I don't cheat on my SO with my LO are because I have terrible, terrible social / flirting skills, and because my LO is also in a relationship and never made a move - or maybe they did, once or twice, I am not sure. I honestly do not know how I would react if they ever made a more obvious move. I would probably freeze, I don't know.
I feel so guilty, so sad and so disappointed in myself. How is it that I am not putting my morals and my love for my SO in front of anything else? I don't agree with cheating and I always said I would never do it, I will probably never do it. But how is this not the first thing that pops in my head? What kind of "spell" am I under that it kicks off these feelings that go against everything I believe in? How am I still spending so much energy and thoughts making sure I spend time with my LO whenever I can? Why is this thing making me the person who is the exact opposite of what I want to be?
A bit of good news, though. Today my LO told me "we are a perfect match" (it has a context, which makes it more innocent, but I honestly don't know if it was meant to be innocent). And immediately I thought "no, we are not. (In this context) I am a perfect match to my SO, not you". I am happy my brain can still jump to these thoughts. My SO is the most amazing person I ever met, and we are a great match in so many things - and a lot of those are things I don't match with my LO at all...
I wish I could just shift all this energy and effort I put into pleasing my LO into other things in my life, into being a better partner for my SO, into being more romantic and spontaneous with them. Every time I manage to do it, I feel guilty that I am only doing it to attone for how much time I spend with my LO. Sometimes I feel like there's no winning when you are limerent.
submitted by PfefferP to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 Werewolf_Knight What would be some suggestions for traveling long distances in survival?

Minecraft JAVA; PC; 1.20.
I decided that I wanted to relocate to a different area. Which one? I don't know yet. That's why I'm planning to travel a bit to see what place I can find. But I need some suggestions for the travel.
I don't have Shulker boxes or Ender chests now (I didn't reach the Nether and obviously not the End too). Would you recommend setting the spawn point at the bed and covering myself during the night, so in case I die, I'll get back to my house? I think that would be the only way, but if I die, I might lose items and be too far away to recover them, but I can't just put beds on forever.
Also, besides armor, a shield, tools, food, a crafting table, some blocks (wood and dirt), and a water bucket, should I take anything else? I don't want to have my inventory too crowded so I can loot stuff in case I see something interesting to keep.
Obviously saving coordinates.
Yeah... I'm a bit of a noob.
submitted by Werewolf_Knight to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 OnyxRev3nge USA new laptop for college 1000-1500$

Are you open to refurbs/used? Prefer new
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
build quality
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
Mostly for college work but she also enjoys Fortnite/Apex
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want? at least a respectable 60 on high or 144 on low (Fornite and Apex)
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
USB ports and mechanical keyboard is a plus not needed
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
Hello thanks for reading and helping me out i was planning on getting her a macbook air but i didnt know if it would be good enough to game on. this is a gift for my little sister for graduating and i wanna make it right since she will be using it everyday of school but i also want something she can play games on with the family (we all play fortnite together) Thank you for you help and recommendations
submitted by OnyxRev3nge to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:04 QuillAndTrowel Grand Time at the Gala

“How do you do?”
“Well, and you?”
“Grand, thank you.”
“Is this your first time at the Gala?”
It was not.
“It is.”
“And how are you enjoying it?”
He was miserable.
“It’s just wonderful, don’t you think?”
She did not think so.
“I do. This is my third year.”
These people are crazy, he thought.
“Wow, three times! Good for you!”
He only thinks so because he hasn’t been here before, she thought.
“Yes, I’ve been lucky. Here’s to three more.”
They clinked glasses and both said a silent prayer to a mutual stranger: oh god, please don’t make me have to do this again.
“I don’t think I can even imagine what it is like coming here three years in a row.”
This was his fourth year in attendance.
“It’s just a dream come true, honestly. I can’t believe it myself. I just have to pinch myself sometimes. What a charmed life!”
When the formal portion ended, he left. He waved his key in front of the electronic lock and opened the door to room 1412-A. He let the black silk bow tie dangle around his neck, unbuttoned his collar, and slid off the black oxfords before hanging his jacket on the towel hooks. Then he poured a glass of bourbon, opened the curtains, and stood in front of the window, letting the neon signs and the office buildings illuminate his otherwise dark room. He watched the people scurry around below him on the sidewalks, and clamor in and out of taxis, and heard the screams of the revelers and the sirens, and wished he could want to be like them. He saw the two searchlights scan back and forth in the sky, crossing paths and separating, spinning around each other and dancing before heading in opposite directions, and then followed them to their origin to the front steps of the Contemporary Art Museum that was hosting its thirty-fifth annual Artist and Explorer’s Gala. He sat down in the chair by the window and looked at his phone. No messages, no matches. He opened up his favorite app and watched videos until he drifted asleep.
During the award presentation she excused herself to the restroom, and didn’t return to her table. She took the elevator to the 15th floor and opened the door to room 1512-A. She tossed her red dress over the back of the swivel chair and it slipped off, forming a pile of sequins and chiffon on the ground. She looked in the small refrigerator under the table and found a bottle of champagne. After pouring a glass, she pulled a small plastic bottle from her purse and shook it until two pills fell onto the counter. She wiped away the streak of mascara on her cheek and poured the champagne. She sat on the swivel chair, and rested her chin on her knees. Her left hand gripped the champagne glass, the right holding her phone. She opened her texts and clicked on the picture of her mother’s face. She typed, “i wanna come home now,” and hit send. The note at the bottom of the screen read, “This user’s phone is set to Do Not Disturb until 8:00am.” She threw her phone at the wall and buried her face into her knees and cried until the pills kicked in.
submitted by QuillAndTrowel to flashfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 Far-Disk-1924 I can’t setup my Virpil VFX grip to my Thrustmaster Warthog base

I can’t setup my Virpil VFX grip to my Thrustmaster Warthog base
I have been trying to set it up for the past couple of hours, but the Virpil firmware isn’t cooperating and I can’t find any videos or internet/Reddit post with the same issue as mine.
I try to follow every step described on their website but nothing seems to work.
On the first picture, I am supposed to click all three blue buttons then wait for the update to successfully complete…but the buttons don’t work and the update won’t stop freezing (when I click the update button).
On the second picture, the usb port which is connected to the base (and the grip) should appear but it doesn’t. In all tutorials I’ve watched, there are multiple usb ports appearing but for some reason it doesn’t on my pc.
On the third and fourth pictures, the software doesn’t find either the base or the grip (probably because it didn’t find the usb port in the first place).
Note that I did update the Thrustmaster firmware with the VIRPIL grip on it and it worked.
I know that I am not good with everything software-related but I am capable of following steps, so I don’t know what happened.
If someone had the same issue or know how to fix it I would be really grateful.
Thanks and if you need more information about the issue I can provide more pictures
submitted by Far-Disk-1924 to hotas [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 thetascape Smoking chips

On a charcoal grill, do I need a separate smoker box, or can I add the wood chips into my charcoal? If I can just put them in the charcoal, do they need to be soaked, added later or right away?
submitted by thetascape to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 Levangeline Accidentally bought indeterminate tomato seeds 🤦🏻‍♀️ what can I do now to control the inevitable jungle?

Accidentally bought indeterminate tomato seeds 🤦🏻‍♀️ what can I do now to control the inevitable jungle?
This is my humble balcony setup. I swear on my life that I thought I was buying determinate, bush-forming tomatoes, but apparently these guys are going to just keep on growing (the middle plant is a jalapeño)
The railing is convenient because it can act as a partial support structure, but it's only about 4 feet high, and I imagine the toms will eventually outgrow it.
Should I be pruning them back to keep things under control? Putting cages in now before they get too big? Any advice would be appreciated!
submitted by Levangeline to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 woebegone_wobbegong Newer to full outdoor living - What are your systems/routines/methods? Everything from what you prioritize when you get up in the morning to keeping a clean space, anything! Summer in Western MA

Hi there! This subreddit and one or two others are the only places I can find to post this (Hopefully this IS one of the right places). I'd deeply appreciate your knowledge / input!
I'm currently downsizing and moving out of a rented space into an entirely outdoor living situation. My partner has lots of experience doing long term outdoor living, mine is more limited - the longest for me was 1.5 months (camping, though).
For some context, it's a woodsy, shady space, a bit mosquito-heavy atm but nothing I can't handle (also we've been cleaning it up and that reduced their numbers). We're set on gear, we have a great support system, and can walk to/access things that meet our needs. Plenty of tent space, solid batteries, an outdoor kitchen kitchen, storage (but not cold food storage yet), you get the idea. Right now we're settling into this spot for the summer and fall, with plans to get on the road later.
I'm 30sF, have some chronic pain conditions but am in decent shape considering. I'm not super heat (humidity, really) tolerant and have been struggling with that a bit. Lastly, I'll just add that since I entered my 30s, I have some hormonal stuff that can mess with my cycle, cause hot flashes, etc. so any tips on dealing with that stuff also welcome! Happy to provide any other needed details, just ask!
I'm asking this question because I have needs that my partner doesn't (like a skincare routine I've mostly adjusted to fit the new space), and though they've been extremely helpful when it comes to helping me meet those needs, I realized it'd be a good idea to put the question out there and ask what systems others might have in place that streamline / simplify / ease some aspect of outdoor living / long term camping for you. Just wanna learn :)
I'd love to hear what your ritual/routine/system is for everything from keeping relatively clean (to your standard/context dependent) to doing laundry to switching out gear... What do you always do when you first get up? What do you need to do before the end of the night? What do you do with clothes that need to be laundered? What do you prioritize when a sudden storm comes on? How do you deal with humidity and the effect it has on skin, clothes, gear? Thank you so much for sharing!
submitted by woebegone_wobbegong to almosthomeless [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 Willing-Repair4346 Student Accommodation contract termination issue

Early this 2024 year, I booked an private student accommodation in Coventry to start my studies studying in September 2024.However, now in June I decided to not stay in that specific accommodation because of the facilities conditions(broken,old , not matching the pictures when I visited in person). I signed the contract in January and the cooling period was just 14 days after signing all docs, however, it's strange because during the contract preparation the company did not ask for any documents(visa, passort, id) , they just asked my name and house address(that's the only info in my contract), also they required a holding deposit,which I paid,however, the rent in full(I could not get instalments because I have no guarantor and I'm an international student ) I did not pay yet. My problem is I asked the company to cancel\terminate the contract because I found another place, at the beginning they said it was ok and they were willing to cancel it but in the second time I contacted them regarding the contract termination tell said they are not willing to do that because "the house market in the city is tough". I just want to know if I don't pay the rent starting in September if the company can take any legal action on me even if they don't have my ID, PASSPORT or UNI letter .
submitted by Willing-Repair4346 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 Far-Disk-1924 I can’t setup my Virpil VFX grip to my Thrustmaster Warthog base

I can’t setup my Virpil VFX grip to my Thrustmaster Warthog base
I have been trying to set it up for the past couple of hours, but the Virpil firmware isn’t cooperating and I can’t find any videos or internet/Reddit post with the same issue as mine.
I try to follow every step described on their website but nothing seems to work.
On the first picture, I am supposed to click all three blue buttons then wait for the update to successfully complete…but the buttons don’t work and the update won’t stop freezing (when I click the update button).
On the second picture, the usb port which is connected to the base (and the grip) should appear but it doesn’t. In all tutorials I’ve watched, there are multiple usb ports appearing but for some reason it doesn’t on my pc.
On the third and fourth pictures, the software doesn’t find either the base or the grip (probably because it didn’t find the usb port in the first place).
Note that I did update the Thrustmaster firmware with the VIRPIL grip on it and it worked.
I know that I am not good with everything software-related but I am capable of following steps, so I don’t know what happened.
If someone had the same issue or know how to fix it I would be really grateful.
Thanks and if you need more information about the issue I can provide more pictures
submitted by Far-Disk-1924 to hotas [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 The_Steampunk My boss found out that I was planning on going to Grad school and is now trying to put me on a PIP

Pretty much what the title states. I've been accepted to a handful of grad school programs in my field and am planning on starting at 1 this fall. I had talked to two of my coworkers about it, but had not told my boss yet because I have not yet enrolled in a program so at this moment I'm not "going" until I do.
I found out via text from one of my two coworkers that I had spoken to about my grad school acceptance that my boss knew about my grad school plans and then immediately got an email from my boss asking for me to meet in her office in half an hour.
In our meeting she immediately talked about how she had been disappointed in my performance for the last month and that she was recently informed that I had "accepted a position at a grad school" she then painted this picture that I was not a good fit. She told me my two options were two either resign (which she then monologued for about 5 minutes how this would be the right choice), or alternatively she would contact HR and schedule a meeting to put me on a PIP.
I then asked her where my performance was lacking to the point of being on a PIP. I reminded her that I have completed all my tasks on time and have never once missed an assignment. Her response was effectively that I don't ask for extra work to do when I'm not busy. I then asked her if she has felt this way for over a month (I've only been in this role for 2+ months now and am still technically in training) why hasn't she addressed this earlier. She didn't have a response for that question and instead reiterated my two options.
I told her I would be happy to stay in the role and take the meeting with HR. Which she seemed not pleased with. I then reiterated to her that as my supervisor that if she felt that I was not doing enough work in the role it was her responsibility to assign me more tasks to complete. She was certainly not pleased with my retort and started talking about how employees should be motivated to go above and beyond in their role and that is the expectation she has for my team. I am already very overqualified for this role and my pay certainly does not reflect that. So I have had no plans to look for extra work especially when I commute via bus 2-3 hours each day to this position.
The meeting with HR has not been scheduled yet but I imagine it'll happen at some point this week. From my understanding PIPs are just a legal formality to pave the path to terminate you disguised as a way to improve performance. Usually they're 30, 60, or 90 days in length. Fortunately I plan to quit this job in ~60 days anyway for grad school so it likely won't effect me much. If it's a 30 day PIP then I expect to be fired in a little over a months time and I'll loose out on ~4 weeks of pay, otherwise we'll see what happens.
tl;dr: my boss found out I was planning on leaving for grad school and put me on a PIP in retaliation because I don't ask for extra work to do.
submitted by The_Steampunk to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:03 Electrical_Food_9490 Surgeon said I could be full weight bearing post-op..?!

I just went and saw my surgeon to get my MRI ordered, get clinical notes submitted to my insurance, and ask some questions.
Two things; first, he said after the surgery I’d be in a brace and can put my full weight onto it. That was shocking for me to hear because I’ve only read that post op people are on crutches or using a walker for a certain amount of time. He said that people just use them for balance. I didn’t feel comfortable challenging what he said but has anyone had that experience???? That’s somewhat concerning to me!
Second, what did you ask before your surgery? What didn’t you ask about or know that you wish you would’ve beforehand? What prehab work did you do, if you didn’t - what would’ve been helpful for your recovery?
submitted by Electrical_Food_9490 to HipImpingement [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 Material_Item8034 Please help with fighting cats!

A little over two weeks ago one of my cats, Misa (3 year old spayed female), had to have surgery to remove some bladder stones. When she came home, she had to stay in her own room for a while to allow herself to heal a bit before she could go back to normal. The problem started after we let Misa out of the room, because our other cat, Venus (also 3F spayed), was suddenly scared to death of her. It started off with just a bit of hissing, which is usual when someone comes back from the vet, so we didn’t think anything of it, but a couple of nights later they got into a huge fight, screaming and everything. We ended up separating them by putting Misa back into her room, but I’m so stuck right now. Over the past several days I’ve been letting Venus into the room for a couple of minutes at a time, giving them treats and playing with them together, hoping that that will help them bond, but Venus is still just so visibly stressed the whole time and I feel like I’m making no progress. I also feed them next to the door so that they can smell each other. They were never just super close but they’d always gotten along. They’ve never fought like this before.
I’m also facing the problem that no one else in my family wanted to separate them again, so if I don’t find a way to fix it soon they’re going to let Misa back out, and I just can’t see that going well..
submitted by Material_Item8034 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 Delphi305 FIRE target and swr on bridge account

I am confused on how to calculate the amount I need in my brokerage account to FIRE if my plan is to let my 401k grow and start withdrawing at age 60. Then between then and whatever early retirement age I need a brokerage bridge account. In my case I calculated I may want to retire at age 40. So I need enough in my brokerage to keep me for 20 years. If that’s the case so I still calculate for a 4% swr or can I be more aggressive? For simplicity let’s assume I need 40k to FIRE each year and inflation doesn’t exists. Let’s assume I am already Coast FIRE and I have enough in my 401k so I don’t need to put more in there. Does that mean I’ll need 1MM in my brokerage account? Or can I be more aggressive and aim for let’s say a 5% swr (therefore a smaller 800k amount in the brokerage) thanks.
submitted by Delphi305 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 im_hxt_af manifesting for history paper 3

icl I did alright in paper 1 (medicine) but absolutely flopped on paper 2 (Elizabeth and Cold War) so paper 3 is my only redemption so I can’t mess up on this one. Tbh history is my worst subject regardless of how much I study but I don’t see myself doing anything with history in the future.
submitted by im_hxt_af to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 dilgardengarden Postpartum depression from partner POV

The excitement of becoming a dad and holding your twin babies for the first time to finding out your wife just went missing and tried to commit suicide.
No matter how difficult it was to see our babies in the NICU, to seeing my wife almost becoming permanently paralysed due to Dr fuck up, to see her slowly lose herself, I always tried to be a rock of a partner for my wife. To be always standing shoulder to shoulder next to her. No matter how gloomy and sad and broken I felt inside but acting to be strong to be her strength.
Having beautiful moments with your babies and your wife to eventually one day waking up and seeing the mother of your babies full of anxiety and losing herself. To then rushing her to the hospital and seeing her drift away even further. Suddenly seeing that she can’t even recognise you anymore. 10 years full of memories and to be asked by the love of your life “who are you?”. Showing her pictures of us to tell her I am her husband and we are married. To seeing her forget that she gave birth to two beautiful babies. To be then told that she is a threat to herself and her babies. To be shocked and telling yourself she will never harm our babies. To seeing her scream in A&E and begging for help. To be eventually told that your wife is sectioned and she will be in the hospital until she gets better. To then dropping her to the hospital and seeing her struggle to sleep and begging you to stay with her. To coming home everyday after meeting her in the hospital full of guilt thinking why can’t you help her to see the 2 babies she left at home for you to look after. To crying yourself to sleep and praying she can come back. To then eventually seeing hope and medication working and seeing her come back to her normal self. Eventually she comes home and is herself again. She is putting her nice dress again and doing her makeup again. She is worrying about her nails and arguing with me over silly things. God I missed her arguing with me over silly things. Eventually feeling happy that finally life is all coming back together. Yes we can be a happy normal family. Yes we can go for walks and have picnics in the park with our babies. But wait it’s all coming back again. She is quieter than normal again. She is feeding the babies but not talking to them again. Seeing both babies look into their mother eyes waiting for her to say anything but not hearing anything. To eventually seeing her go back to her old self again. To seeing her hiding herself again. Not complaining about how her nails look again. Not caring about what she wants to eat again. For you to then finding out she has driven away somewhere with no way to trace her. Panicking and calling the police to make a missing person report. Driving around thinking where can she go. Driving into every single street you can see. Hoping that she is here. To be eventually told by the police she was last seen driving towards a spot that was full of memories for us. A place where we would go together all the time. A place where we will hold hands and walk for hours. Rushing and driving towards that place. On the way thinking to yourself what if she jumped from that cliff. Will I find a car parked near the cliff and her missing. Crying and screaming while driving thinking how weak and helpless we humans can become. Just praying and begging God give her another chance. Begging that she is safe. Thinking to yourself what if she is never found. What if I spend the rest of my life finding what happened to her. Appreciate every single second that you spend with your partners. Appreciate the little laughs and the little cries. Appreciate the little arguments. Appreciate each other and take our time for each other. Listen to her complaining about things that don’t matter. Let her spend and buy whatever she wants cause you never know what life has planned for us.
submitted by dilgardengarden to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 HealzFault Help with outdoor hose bib faucet (B K)

Help with outdoor hose bib faucet (B K)
So my home is nearly 30 years old and the hose bib (outdoor faucet) has a slow drip constantly from the handle.
When I turn the handle to turn it off, it feels like the threads are slipped or something because if I tighten it all the way it will continue to turn around again and I can kinda feel it catch. I’m guessing this is the reason for my leak.
So, can someone tell me what kind of replacement part I need? I’ve watched some YouTube videos and am fairly confident I can do it, I just don’t know the parts or size and the only thing stamped on the faucet itself is “B K”. I’ll put pictures. It definitely appears I can replace the handle assembly which is what I’ve deduced needs to happen. I’ve also read that this can be fairly expensive to have done. Luckily, in my stand up crawlspace in my basement, there is a shutoff valve inside that goes to it and I can see where. It comes through the wall into the house.
My biggest issue is what in the heck do I need to buy?? Any help is appreciated!
submitted by HealzFault to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 unwell-killjoy Stats & Apps chances?

Hiya! I am kinda a nontrad- BS in 2021, gap year, didn’t get into schools during the 2021 cycle, so I did a post bac and finished Dec 2023. I’m applying SUPER wide range with both MD and DO.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I’m just really nervous that everything I have done won’t be good enough without an okayish MCAT. uGPA-3.45- Medical science, 2 minors gGPA-3.95 Biomedical Forensic Science My original MCAT has expired so I’m taking it again. I’m hoping for a 500-505. I have 3 MD LOR, 2 PhD science profs.
Total shadow- 4000 Total paid clinical-5500 Research (undergraduate and grad)- 1150 (No current pubs, but will be 2nd author on a paper in the future 🤞) Volunteer- 250 Nonclinical paid- 2000
Originally from Northwest and did grad school in New England. Scribe in surgery, MA in surgery, Scribe in ED, A&P TA.
Thoughts?? Can I get into an MD? Am I crazy? Pls help
submitted by unwell-killjoy to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 borderlinecraz Help Please!

Okay, so I just now started playing blood borne for the first time and not going to lie it’s really been challenging and fun. But that’s not why I’m here, I’m here because I need help because I’m stuck in Old Ya with the Blood Starved Beast. I’ve been on this boss for a whole week now and there’s nothing I can do. I also die in the 3rd stage due to being poison just by standing next to him. I am level 28 with vitality and 20 strength. My weapons are hunter axe and Kirk hammer (level 3).
At this point I have wasted all my cocktails, fire paper, oil urns and antidotes. And at this point I spend so much time and nights on him that I have to beat him at this point so walking away is not an option. What do I do.
submitted by borderlinecraz to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 MysteriousTedBundy How do I ignore the 3D when a problem in need of response is being presented directly in front of my face?

Hey, I’m currently trying to manifest a different version of my girlfriend. Although I love her to death and she has many incredible qualities, there are also some things that bother me a lot. This girl was actually my ex, and I succeeded in manifesting her back; however, it was much easier to be delusional and create beliefs over time when she wasn’t in the picture, as I put all my focus and time thinking about her into imagining us being in such a beautiful and loving relationship, then letting it go as I went on about my day to day life, only reassuring myself that negative thoughts not my story when limiting beliefs would pop into my head. With this in mind, we now spend a lot of time together. Although I have noticed many positive changes, there are also things I don’t particularly love. These are things such as pushing me away and distancing herself when something goes wrong in her personal life (such as getting a bad grade in school and then implying that she thinks it’s because I’m a distraction in her life and may be better off alone) and cancelling plans (such as the fact that we had plans to hangout tomorrow and then she tells me out of the blue that she picked up a shift at work). Now, I understand affirming the opposite and ignoring the 3D, but how am I supposed to do this in a case where she’s literally coming over my house tonight and I know that she’s waking up early tomorrow and leaving to go to work, cancelling the plans we initially had. That, along with the fact of things such as texting her; obviously, I’m a bit upset right now that she just told me that she’s cancelling our plans to pick up a shift at work, so I don’t really want to text her, but by doing that I am implying to my subconscious mind that the current reality is upsetting me and she is, in fact, not prioritizing plans we had. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by MysteriousTedBundy to ManifestationSP [link] [comments]