Piano bracelet pattern

For all things stride piano

2013.09.19 01:00 foundring For all things stride piano

Harlem Stride Piano, stride piano, commonly abbreviated to stride, is a jazz piano style that was developed in the large cities of the East Coast, mainly New York, during 1920s and 1930s.

2024.06.05 17:32 iatemysoul17 Itty Bitty Kandi

Itty Bitty Kandi
I was making a bracelet for my friend with the flower pattern and my daughter desperately wanted one so we made this together ❤️ She picked out every single color and the beads she wanted for the middle. She's 2 and loves crafts, I'm so happy this is something her and I can do together and I can't wait until she's old enough to make one all by herself!
submitted by iatemysoul17 to kandi [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:21 Plane_Guess934 Hi. What's the easiest way to copy patterns between different projects?

I need to lift patterns into another file. How I do it is incredibly unintuitive. Open file - go to channel and copy a pattern from a piano roll - close - open second file - go to channel and paste a pattern into the piano roll - close - open first and copy next pattern etc.
There must be a simpler way?
submitted by Plane_Guess934 to FLStudioBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:09 ohfruiTea Making a lesbian pride bracelet, which pattern looks the best?

Making a lesbian pride bracelet, which pattern looks the best? submitted by ohfruiTea to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:10 L3n1k Have you ever made a complete song without saving a single time? I just did

Have you ever made a complete song without saving a single time? I just did submitted by L3n1k to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:50 BlindHorse12 Question about programmable LEDS and raspberry pi

So I want to program something that will take a MIDI file and use it to display the notes falling onto a physical piano. Kind of like those piano tutorials you see but IRL. I plan on buying a programmable LED strip and basically making a rectangle on top of a see through plastic panel or a board or something. I think the code will be the easy part, just figuring out what part will line up with a physical key and translating midi to some visible form.
My question is does anyone know or have any tips on how to achieve this physically? I was thinking of just getting an LED strip, laying it in a zig zag pattern to use as a screen, and connecting it to a raspberry pi, but I’ve never done something like this. Is there maybe something else I can use as a screen instead of LEDs? I could just buy a tv or something but I think that would defeat the purpose, I don’t need it to be that tall, but I want it to be about as wide as a 88 piano keyboard. I’d also like for it to be relatively easy to move. I think with a raspberry pi I could just store different midi files and control it with my laptop. My other worry is resolution, if the LEDs are too big I’m worried two adjacent keys or a black and white key may be hard to tell apart. Does anyone know if some kind of panel (or attachable modular panels) exists that I could buy for the screen? Tips on what kind of raspberry pi or how to achieve/buy this kind of screen would be very helpful!
submitted by BlindHorse12 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:53 Super_Space8376 Having a tough time understanding this modulation...C+7 chord?!

Having a tough time understanding this modulation...C+7 chord?!
I'm learning this new piece.. it's a late Romantic piano music. I wanna understand the chord progression to have a sense of musical structure. I understand it's modulating based on a certain pattern, but I can't figure out some chords in the middle of the progression. Especially, C+7 is quite emphasized, which is shocking to me. Why does it keep happening? I know it's building up some tension but how can this be explained in A major? Is there anyone who can help me understand this? I marked three chords that are hard to figure out..
submitted by Super_Space8376 to musictheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:33 Unlikely-Lobster7104 I was love bombed by a band I played in.

I'll start with the context. My husband and I have been together for eight years and moved together to a southern desert town six years ago. We bought a little fixer upper of a house, we're total DIYers and have been slowly designing and fixing our home over the past few years. We also both are musicians, both singer songwriters and multi-instrumentalists. We have a band/duet thing going on, and we soon started playing shows around town at various bars, just enjoying the heck out of our new life. Come to find out, there's an awesome and surprising music scene in our area. A lot of all original and alternative artists. We love it. We start playing shows with other bands, and between fellow artists and the crowd of regular show goers there's just such a good welcoming and supportive feel. We moved to this town not knowing a single person who lived here, and we were finding our community.
Enter Millie (all names are fake). She accosted us after one of our shows, to introduce herself and praise our performance. She's also a singer songwriter, so we naturally go and check out her next show a couple weeks later. She's a great singer and that's the start of a friendly bond. She also moved to this town not so long ago from another state. A few months later she contacts me to ask if I'd be interested in joining a project of hers. Enter Ashley. Millie and Ashley are best friends, they used to be roommates before Millie moved out here. Ashley now lives in another state, hours away from our town. They still visit each other regularly and have started a little musical project together which they've named "The Lovely Bunches" (also a fake band name for the sake of anonymity). They now want to take it to another level. Millie comes to me with said project. She wants to turn it into an all girl punk band. Ok, that sounds super fun. She'll be the singer and Ashley the lead guitarist. She wants me to be the bass player. She thought about learning how to play bass herself but then remembered seeing me play bass at a show. I'm super interested but I have some reservations, so I go over them with her.
Number one. I'm not sure I'd be able to commit much of my personal time to that project as I already had a lot going on. My band with my husband will also always be my priority. She reassured me that won't be a problem at all as it will just be a "CASUAL, LOW-COMMITMENT, FUN LITTLE SIDE PROJECT".
Number two. At the time I didn't have a car or a US drivers license yet (I was lazily working on it, I just always had lived in big cities until then). No problem, she's totally fine with picking me up to go to band practice and shows and bringing me home afterwards.
Ok cool, why not, I'm in. She comes back to me soon after with great news, she's also found a drummer. This whole thing can get on rails now. So here comes Brooke into the story. She's one of the prominent local bands' drummer's girlfriend, she also plays percussion, which we've seen her play live with yet another local band. Her and her boyfriend Jack have been to a few of me and my husband's shows and we love them. They're rad, and Brooke is the sweetest soul ever. Now I'm getting pretty excited about this whole thing. This is going to be fun. Brooke even offers her boyfriend's band's practice space as a space for us to practice in too. He's cool with us using their PA, their amps, just bring our own mics. We have a first couple of practices, it's just Millie, Brooke and I as Ashley still lives out of state and Brooke and I haven't even met her yet. We play a few covers, Millie starts showing us a couple of original songs, and just like that we slowly get a set together. Millie books a few first shows, we eventually meet Ashley and finally play with her too, and within a few months we're entirely part of the local music scene and the only all-girl punk band in the area. People are stoked, it's all great. Now, here's a few things that started going downhill, raising red flags, etc. The lateness. It quickly became apparent that Millie had a real problem when it came to being on time for things. Not like ten, fifteen minutes late once in awhile. We're talking forty-five to ninety minutes on the regular. When Ashley ended up moving to our town too she proved to have a similar problem with time management. So I'm depending on Millie picking me up for everything and she's always late. Our band practices have to happen on weeknights because of all of our very different schedules and it starts becoming problematic for me. She says she's picking me up at 6pm, actually shows up at 7:30, we make it to Brooke's close to 8, we don't even start practicing until 9 and by the time we're all done, I get back home between 12 and 1am and I have to get up at 6am to get ready for work. And that becomes a pattern. I bring it up, because I can't just keep doing this to myself week after week, she promises she'll be on time next time and I'll be home by 10pm, and sure enough that never happens. The "low-commitment". The whole thing slowly turns into absolutely not the low-commitment project that was first presented to me and eventually into a non paying side job. The band was getting paid for the gigs and it all went into a band fund to pay for merch. No problem with that at first, it's a brand new band and it makes sense to use the revenue to fuel the band's start. But overtime, Millie was booking more and more shows, piling up the work load. Work we were not only NOT getting paid for but basically were ending up spending our own money because of it (think bar tabs, and in Brooke's case gas money to go play shows sometimes 100 miles away). So I think I'm starting to paint a picture here. Millie and Ashley started showing their true colors. And it seemed to be selfishness, entitlement, and a complete diva attitude. I'm a people pleaser. Pretty sure Brooke's a people pleaser too. And I believe we got used. A few examples of the things we endured. Filming music videos. The first one has a scene with a house party. Millie asks for (or feels entitled to?) Brooke's house. Plans out a "party" on a Sunday afternoon. We (about 20 people) all show up and Millie's lying down on the couch, not feeling good. Totally could have canceled the whole thing but no, she's too committed to the art right? So now everybody has to wait around until she feels better. Didn't start filming until at least three hours later than supposed to. Just showing once more complete disregard toward people's personal time and lives. The last video my husband and I agreed to be in was filmed at a remote location in the desert. An abandoned building you have to hike to. Meeting instructions at the trail start were clear. Absolutely no later than 3pm because it's a 45 minutes hike and we need day light for filming. They were so adamant about it. Oh I wanted to believe they'd actually be on time just this once. Guess who showed up an entire hour late leaving us waiting in the sun, in the desert. I've had it. And I have so. much. more. tea. than that. Offered free storage to Ashley when she moved out here because she had a piano and nowhere to put it yet. She proceeds to show up with a lot more (a few guitars, shelves, etc). Ok we make the room, get her a key to our garage so she doesn't have to be dependent on us being home to get to her stuff if needed. That turns into about six months of that piano being stored for free in our garage. Months even after she gets her music teaching studio, it's still in our garage. We get fed up, we want our space back, we get a friend involved who generously shows up with a trailer and we just move that damn piano ourselves to her studio. For free. We get a thank you at least. Any idea how much it costs to get a piano moved professionally? Yeah, it's not cheap. Also had to eventually go get our key from her in person about two months later when we realized she never bothered getting it back to us. I swear there is so much more, I've barely scratched the surface. I'm legit getting overwhelmed with the idea of having to write it all down. Those two girls are the embodiment of "give them an inch, they'll take a mile". I should have been honest with them when I left the band. There was so much drama going on surrounding the time I terminated my association with them that it was easier to leave out the true reasons of why I was done with them. I'm not proud of it. But I afterwards realized I was mad. Mad at myself for letting them use me. Mad at them for being users. And I even realized that they basically actually love bombed me. I had to look it up and yes. Love bombing expends far out of just romantic relationships. You can do it to people you call friends. I wasn't going to come out publicly with anything. But their latest post on social media just had me triggered. They're moving to a new town. And while "it has been fun while it lasted" in our town out here, they now need to find a new drummer and bass player in their new town. The main requirement? "NO EGOS ALLOWED". Get the eff out of here.
submitted by Unlikely-Lobster7104 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:33 Unlikely-Lobster7104 I was love bombed by a band I played in.

I'll start with the context. My husband and I have been together for eight years and moved together to a southern desert town six years ago. We bought a little fixer upper of a house, we're total DIYers and have been slowly designing and fixing our home over the past few years. We also both are musicians, both singer songwriters and multi-instrumentalists. We have a band/duet thing going on, and we soon started playing shows around town at various bars, just enjoying the heck out of our new life. Come to find out, there's an awesome and surprising music scene in our area. A lot of all original and alternative artists. We love it. We start playing shows with other bands, and between fellow artists and the crowd of regular show goers there's just such a good welcoming and supportive feel. We moved to this town not knowing a single person who lived here, and we were finding our community.
Enter Millie (all names are fake). She accosted us after one of our shows, to introduce herself and praise our performance. She's also a singer songwriter, so we naturally go and check out her next show a couple weeks later. She's a great singer and that's the start of a friendly bond. She also moved to this town not so long ago from another state. A few months later she contacts me to ask if I'd be interested in joining a project of hers. Enter Ashley. Millie and Ashley are best friends, they used to be roommates before Millie moved out here. Ashley now lives in another state, hours away from our town. They still visit each other regularly and have started a little musical project together which they've named "The Lovely Bunches" (also a fake band name for the sake of anonymity). They now want to take it to another level. Millie comes to me with said project. She wants to turn it into an all girl punk band. Ok, that sounds super fun. She'll be the singer and Ashley the lead guitarist. She wants me to be the bass player. She thought about learning how to play bass herself but then remembered seeing me play bass at a show. I'm super interested but I have some reservations, so I go over them with her.
Number one. I'm not sure I'd be able to commit much of my personal time to that project as I already had a lot going on. My band with my husband will also always be my priority. She reassured me that won't be a problem at all as it will just be a "CASUAL, LOW-COMMITMENT, FUN LITTLE SIDE PROJECT".
Number two. At the time I didn't have a car or a US drivers license yet (I was lazily working on it, I just always had lived in big cities until then). No problem, she's totally fine with picking me up to go to band practice and shows and bringing me home afterwards.
Ok cool, why not, I'm in. She comes back to me soon after with great news, she's also found a drummer. This whole thing can get on rails now. So here comes Brooke into the story. She's one of the prominent local bands' drummer's girlfriend, she also plays percussion, which we've seen her play live with yet another local band. Her and her boyfriend Jack have been to a few of me and my husband's shows and we love them. They're rad, and Brooke is the sweetest soul ever. Now I'm getting pretty excited about this whole thing. This is going to be fun. Brooke even offers her boyfriend's band's practice space as a space for us to practice in too. He's cool with us using their PA, their amps, just bring our own mics. We have a first couple of practices, it's just Millie, Brooke and I as Ashley still lives out of state and Brooke and I haven't even met her yet. We play a few covers, Millie starts showing us a couple of original songs, and just like that we slowly get a set together. Millie books a few first shows, we eventually meet Ashley and finally play with her too, and within a few months we're entirely part of the local music scene and the only all-girl punk band in the area. People are stoked, it's all great. Now, here's a few things that started going downhill, raising red flags, etc. The lateness. It quickly became apparent that Millie had a real problem when it came to being on time for things. Not like ten, fifteen minutes late once in awhile. We're talking forty-five to ninety minutes on the regular. When Ashley ended up moving to our town too she proved to have a similar problem with time management. So I'm depending on Millie picking me up for everything and she's always late. Our band practices have to happen on weeknights because of all of our very different schedules and it starts becoming problematic for me. She says she's picking me up at 6pm, actually shows up at 7:30, we make it to Brooke's close to 8, we don't even start practicing until 9 and by the time we're all done, I get back home between 12 and 1am and I have to get up at 6am to get ready for work. And that becomes a pattern. I bring it up, because I can't just keep doing this to myself week after week, she promises she'll be on time next time and I'll be home by 10pm, and sure enough that never happens. The "low-commitment". The whole thing slowly turns into absolutely not the low-commitment project that was first presented to me and eventually into a non paying side job. The band was getting paid for the gigs and it all went into a band fund to pay for merch. No problem with that at first, it's a brand new band and it makes sense to use the revenue to fuel the band's start. But overtime, Millie was booking more and more shows, piling up the work load. Work we were not only NOT getting paid for but basically were ending up spending our own money because of it (think bar tabs, and in Brooke's case gas money to go play shows sometimes 100 miles away). So I think I'm starting to paint a picture here. Millie and Ashley started showing their true colors. And it seemed to be selfishness, entitlement, and a complete diva attitude. I'm a people pleaser. Pretty sure Brooke's a people pleaser too. And I believe we got used. A few examples of the things we endured. Filming music videos. The first one has a scene with a house party. Millie asks for (or feels entitled to?) Brooke's house. Plans out a "party" on a Sunday afternoon. We (about 20 people) all show up and Millie's lying down on the couch, not feeling good. Totally could have canceled the whole thing but no, she's too committed to the art right? So now everybody has to wait around until she feels better. Didn't start filming until at least three hours later than supposed to. Just showing once more complete disregard toward people's personal time and lives. The last video my husband and I agreed to be in was filmed at a remote location in the desert. An abandoned building you have to hike to. Meeting instructions at the trail start were clear. Absolutely no later than 3pm because it's a 45 minutes hike and we need day light for filming. They were so adamant about it. Oh I wanted to believe they'd actually be on time just this once. Guess who showed up an entire hour late leaving us waiting in the sun, in the desert. I've had it. And I have so. much. more. tea. than that. Offered free storage to Ashley when she moved out here because she had a piano and nowhere to put it yet. She proceeds to show up with a lot more (a few guitars, shelves, etc). Ok we make the room, get her a key to our garage so she doesn't have to be dependent on us being home to get to her stuff if needed. That turns into about six months of that piano being stored for free in our garage. Months even after she gets her music teaching studio, it's still in our garage. We get fed up, we want our space back, we get a friend involved who generously shows up with a trailer and we just move that damn piano ourselves to her studio. For free. We get a thank you at least. Any idea how much it costs to get a piano moved professionally? Yeah, it's not cheap. Also had to eventually go get our key from her in person about two months later when we realized she never bothered getting it back to us. I swear there is so much more, I've barely scratched the surface. I'm legit getting overwhelmed with the idea of having to write it all down. Those two girls are the embodiment of "give them an inch, they'll take a mile". I should have been honest with them when I left the band. There was so much drama going on surrounding the time I terminated my association with them that it was easier to leave out the true reasons of why I was done with them. I'm not proud of it. But I afterwards realized I was mad. Mad at myself for letting them use me. Mad at them for being users. And I even realized that they basically actually love bombed me. I had to look it up and yes. Love bombing expends far out of just romantic relationships. You can do it to people you call friends. I wasn't going to come out publicly with anything. But their latest post on social media just had me triggered. They're moving to a new town. And while "it has been fun while it lasted" in our town out here, they now need to find a new drummer and bass player in their new town. The main requirement? "NO EGOS ALLOWED". Get the eff out of here.
submitted by Unlikely-Lobster7104 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:58 Accurate_Wishbone144 Help a beginner!

Hello! I am 18 yr old and I have been considering for a long time now to expand my musical horizons and learn to play drums.
I have been playing the piano for 13 years now but I dont want to be limited to one instrument and drums have always been so fascinating to me.
Can I get some tips? Like , what kind of equipment would you suggest me? Should I get electric or classic drums? What methods should I learn first? Should I learn patterns and songs first or try and incorporate rythms?
Here are some factors to consider
-I know a lot about music theory and I am pretty good at playing the piano, idk if that helps tho because they are completely different instruments...
I would appreciate some help and maybe some stories and tips about how you guys learned drums!
submitted by Accurate_Wishbone144 to drums [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:19 Latter-Vermicelli-63 Manual Dexterity

If the things I want to put down for manual dexterity are things I’m still learning, is that ok? Like I’m teaching myself to play the guitar right now but I’m not like great at it yet. I grew up playing piano and violin so I learning the guitar hasn’t been too hard, it’s just different. I hesitate to mention the piano and violin because I haven’t played them in a long time.
Also I am really proficient in makeup. Not just like regular makeup but I love to paint cool patterns, intricate eyeliner shapes, blend different colors together. Especially like doing really intricate eyeliner on both eyes and making sure they’re symmetrical I thought would be good to highlight. But I heard some people say that makeup isn’t a good one to put down, though they are usually talking about usual everyday makeup. Is it still not great for me to say makeup despite the way that I do mine?
submitted by Latter-Vermicelli-63 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:00 lucialmusic Plugin or sound not allowing to creation automation?

The plugin I’m using is GMS. (Comes with FL Studio) I made a synth/bassy pattern on my piano roll and inserted it into my mixer. However, when I try to create a volume automation it doesn’t work. Also the db bar in the mixer doesn’t move when the sound plays. I’ve tried inserting in different mixer slots but it still doesn’t work. Any ideas?
submitted by lucialmusic to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:37 FeltzMusic Is there a way to change midi and have it apply for multiple instances within different vsts?

So originally if I wanted to create a 3 or 4 layer lead, I’d have 4 different patterns but this became a pain to manage… so now I create one pattern with the 3 or 4 vsts on there using the same midi notes. My biggest issue is if I want to make a couple of slight changes I’m having to select all and paste into the piano roll of the other vsts.
Is there a way to make midi changes apply to multiple layers within a pattern?
If not then no problem, I’ve tried to make my workflow a bit more manageable
submitted by FeltzMusic to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:51 Odd-Garden2634 Bluuuue

It wasn’t very conscious but these outfits turned out to be quite muted colours. I have a lot of blue in my wardrobe which is easy to wear but feels drab if I don’t add contrasting colours. When I’m lower energy I’ve noticed I feel overwhelmed by the prospect of colours and patterns, I gravitate to everything soft and watercolour-like, but actually without some contrast of colour I don’t feel as confident or energised. I resonate with the word ‘bold’ which usually relates to colour, and I don’t see a lot of ‘bold’ here.
I made the collage to show some details… and to make me feel more excited about this roundup 😅. A reminder to trust the process. My cat is my number one inspiration, obviously. I like the colour of the cushion, soft peach/orange, would enjoy wearing something in that colour for summer.
  1. Comfy-cosy outfit but put together with care. Not sure I’m a huge fan of these trousers but I got them to work for me this time. The necklace is a little iridescent heart. I’m such a magpie for iridescent things. It added a sparkle which felt necessary haha
  2. Weekend outfit to visit a friend- that morning I picked out an outfit where everything was blue… but I felt sooo drab and had to change it up adding pink + a top that reminds me of chainmail + jewellery before going out… This kind of pink really reminds me of childhood for some reason, and I’m so drawn to it at the moment. Not my favourite look, but at the time was just pleased to bust the ‘drab’ feeling.
  3. There’s a funny story to go with this one- I’m volunteering to write a review for a poetry event happening locally. Put this outfit together and drove over there, only to find that nobody was about… it turns out I arrived a month early! (The event is same day but the next month.) Classic. Since I was there I went exploring. Discovered this beautiful woodland which I had all to myself. It was my first time wearing these boots out and I really like them with the patterned tights which I usually find difficult to style.
  4. Bit boring overall, but I just wanted to wear the jumper which is new - my first ‘buy something weird that you love without overthinking it’ item. It’s this vintage bobbly synthetic bat-wing style thing with shoulder pads and this huge floral swirl appliqué, 3D iridescent flower, iridescent threads all through it… has a lot of potential I think 😛 watch this space…
  5. Probably my favourite here (notably, not blue). Striped top under a t-shirt, an homage to the scene kid that I never really was? The horses t-shirt is another new addition - although I’m drawn to ‘literal’ graphics they never end up being right for me, but I thought this would work as it’s on the painterly ethereal side, and I do really like it. Been enjoying wearing it with a brass chainmail bracelet that I made once. Gold eyeshadow as well. Good ol’ casual fantasy vibes~
submitted by Odd-Garden2634 to RitaFourEssenceSystem [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:43 Neenewskate How long should the strings be for macrame bracelets?

How long should the strings be for macrame bracelets?
I tried once to make the turtle pattern bracelet and halfway through i didnt get enough of strings. And i really need help for someone to tell me what is the starting length of all the strings please!!😭😭😭
submitted by Neenewskate to macrame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:29 Smack-works The shortest, simplest, most contrasting Kate Bush motifs?

What are the most "compact", yet the most interesting Kate Bush motifs? According to your personal judgement, of course.
What's a "compact motif"? It's a term I made up. A "compact" motif is a motif which... 1. Which doesn't have many chords / note patterns. (The less it has, the better.) 2. Which contains two strongly emphasized contrasts. Contrasts in note pitch (high/low), note density (how many notes are played per second) or note duration (how long notes last). What counts as "strong enough" emphasis is subjective, but we can seek for examples with the strongest emphasis and we don't have to agree on every example. 3. Which establishes those contrasts in 10 seconds or less.
In simpler words, I'm looking for the shortest, simplest, most contrasting motifs.
Do you need to know music theory to understand the definition above? No. It uses only the most basic concepts. And I'll be linking videos where you can see how a motif is played. Also, see "clarification" section at the end of the post.

Non-Kate examples

First 14 seconds of Toxic by Britney Spears. Why is it a compact motif? * It fits in ~3 seconds. * Doesn't have many chords. * Emphasizes contrasts in pitch and note duration.
First 14 seconds of Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles. ~7 seconds motif, ~2 chords, emphasized contrasts in pitch and note duration.
Floods outro by Pantera (linking to a piano cover so you can see how it's played). There's a lot of chords, but mostly it's just 2 note patterns (one played by the right hand, another played by the left hand) repeated at different pitches. Those note patterns emphasize contrasts in pitch and note duration. Both contrasts can be heard in less than 10 seconds.
First 24 seconds of Amo Bishop Roden by Boards of Canada. There's 2 main note patterns (one of them is just a single key pressed repeatedly) played at different pitches. In less than 10 seconds you can hear contrasts in pitch and note density (from multiple notes played at the same time the motif goes to a single note at a time), emphasized by the simplicity of the motif.

Kate examples

Take this moment (0:27 - 0:37) of Cloudbusting. It emphasizes contrasts in pitch and note density (look at the amount of green notes) in 10 seconds. With simple, repetitive note patterns.
By the way, I've heard that both Eleanor Rigby and Cloudbusting can be considered baroque pop.
Waking The Witch, up to 1:18. We hear silence and some outbursts of notes. They emphasize contrasts in pitch and note density (because the outbursts have different amount of notes).
A moment from the finale of Wow (1:55 in the cover video, 3:00 in the official video). Emphasizes contrasts in pitch and note duration. In less than 10 seconds. With simple note patterns.
The beginning of And Dream of Sheep. Emphasizes contrasts in pitch and note duration. 🎶 ~"Little light"~ 🎶
Jig Of Life. There are contrasts in pitch and note density, but I'm not sure there's a section where both contrasts are emphasized in close proximity.

My favorite

My favorite are Cloudbusting and Waking The Witch.
What are yours?


What's a note?

It's a distinct sound.
A note can have length. For example, if you say "A-A-A-A-A..." it's a single long note.

What's a note pattern?

By a "note pattern" I mean a collection of notes with a simple shape. "Shape" on the note sheet or in the piano roll.

What are the simplest contrasts in music?

I'd say the simplest contrasts in music are related to pitch (high/low) and note density / note duration (how fast the hands of a player are moving).
I'm interested in motifs where those simplest contrasts are emphasized.
submitted by Smack-works to katebush [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:22 Icyweissy FL Studio 21 piano roll recording issues

I made a pad by sampling something and now I'm trying to use the sound in piano roll.
I can hear the sound when I press the piano keys.
Everything is cool right?
Well, then I try to record a pattern and I turn record to step sequencer off and select the notes option.
I press play, it counts down and then I play my pattern.
And nothing appears in the piano roll like it should
Ive tried looking up everything, but it's still fvcked.
submitted by Icyweissy to FLStudioBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:52 pm_me_ugly_cats Recommendations for a book with patterns appropriate for teens?

I'm in charge of setting up an arts and crafts room for a summer camp for kids age range 6-14 and I want to add a beading station. For the young ones we can do bracelets and lizards, but I was hoping to include some patterns for the older kids to follow, maybe some of the cute animals I've seen?
Does anyone have any recommendations for books or something like that with some easy to follow but still interesting designs for the older kids? I will have to be monitoring a lot of kids at once so I can't provide much one on one support, so self guided is best.
Thank you so much!!!
submitted by pm_me_ugly_cats to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:32 FlexFanatic How to Wear Rings for Men

Ever wondered how to wear rings as a man without feeling awkward? Rings can elevate your style and make a statement. From casual outings to formal events, knowing the right way to rock rings can boost your confidence. This guide will show you the best tips on wearing rings with flair. Whether you're new to accessories or looking to refine your look, you'll find practical advice here.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Ring Significance

Historical and Cultural

Rings have held significance for centuries. In ancient Egypt, rings symbolized eternity and were often used in marriage. During the Middle Ages, knights wore rings to signify loyalty and power.
In many cultures, rings denote status and affiliation. For instance, signet rings were historically used by nobility to seal documents. These rings showcased one's rank and authority.

Symbolism of Rings

Different rings represent various aspects of life. Wedding bands indicate marital status. Class rings commemorate academic achievements. Religious rings reflect personal beliefs.
Signet rings often display family crests or initials. These are symbols of heritage and identity. Wearing such a ring connects one with their lineage.

Personal Values

Choosing a ring should align with personal values. A minimalist may prefer simple bands, while someone expressive might choose bold designs. Rings can be a form of self-expression.
Consider materials that resonate with you. Gold is traditional and timeless, while silver offers a modern touch. Gemstones can add color and meaning to your jewelry.

Choosing the Right Hand and Finger

Cultural Significance

Different cultures have unique traditions. In many Western countries, the left ring finger is for wedding bands. This tradition dates back to ancient Rome. They believed a vein ran from this finger directly to the heart.
In contrast, some Eastern European countries use the right hand. Men often follow these customs to honor their heritage.

Symbolism of Fingers

Each finger has its own symbolism. The pinky finger often represents intelligence and communication. Wearing a ring here can signal confidence.
The ring finger symbolizes love and commitment. It’s common for engagement and wedding rings. The middle finger stands for balance and responsibility. A ring on this finger can show maturity.
Index fingers represent leadership and authority. Historically, kings wore rings on their index fingers. Lastly, the thumb signifies wealth and influence.

Balancing Aesthetics

Comfort is crucial when wearing rings. Rings should fit snugly but not too tight. They should also match your style.
Consider your daily activities when choosing which hand to wear rings on. Right-handed men might find it more comfortable to wear rings on their left hand.
Balance multiple rings by not overcrowding one hand or finger. Spread them out for a stylish look without discomfort.

Single vs Multiple Rings

Single Ring

Wearing a single ring can make a strong statement. It often symbolizes simplicity and elegance. Many men choose to wear just one ring, like a wedding band or signet ring. This choice keeps the look clean and focused.
A single ring draws attention without overwhelming the hand. It is perfect for formal settings. For example, a gold band on the right hand can show sophistication.

Multiple Rings

Multiple rings allow for more expression. They can convey a bold and unique style. However, wearing multiple rings requires balance.
Consider mixing metals and styles carefully. Avoid crowding all rings on one finger or hand. Spread them out evenly to maintain harmony.

Combining Strategies

When combining multiple rings, think about size and design. Pair larger rings with smaller ones to avoid a cluttered look.
Here are some tips:
These strategies help create an interesting yet balanced appearance.

Confidence Matters

Confidence is key when wearing multiple rings. Own your style choices with pride. Feeling comfortable will make your look more natural.
Start with fewer rings if unsure. Gradually add more as you become confident in your style.

Ring Size and Orientation

Ring Size

Measure your ring size correctly for a comfortable fit. Use a piece of string or a ring sizer tool. Wrap the string around the base of your finger. Mark where the ends meet, then measure the length with a ruler. This gives you the circumference. Compare it to a ring size chart.
Fingers swell naturally throughout the day. Measure at different times for accuracy. Ensure the ring fits snugly but not too tight.

Ring Orientation

Ring orientation matters, especially for symbolic or engraved rings. The direction can affect their meaning. For example, wearing a wedding band with engravings facing outward shows commitment to others.
Right ring orientation is vital for comfort and style. Rings should sit comfortably without rotating excessively.

Tips for Adjustment

Adjusting ring size or orientation can enhance comfort and style:

Selecting Rings for Different Occasions

Casual Events

For casual events, opt for simple and versatile rings. A ring made of stainless steel or silver works well. These materials are durable and stylish. Choose designs that are minimalistic. Avoid overly flashy rings.

Formal Events

Formal events require more sophisticated rings. A wedding band is perfect for such occasions. Gold or platinum bands offer a timeless look. Ensure the design complements your suit or formal wear. Engravings can add a personal touch without being too loud.

Work Environment

In a work setting, subtlety is key. Choose rings that are professional yet stylish. Titanium or tungsten rings are good choices. These materials are strong and sleek. Avoid large stones or intricate designs.

Special Occasions

Special occasions like anniversaries or parties allow for more creativity. Opt for rings with unique designs or gemstones. Consider matching the ring with your outfit's color scheme. Personal engravings can make the ring even more special.

Outdoor Activities

For outdoor activities, durability is crucial. Select rings made from materials like silicone or titanium. These withstand rough conditions better than others. Simple designs ensure comfort and practicality.

Reflecting Personal Style

Always select rings that reflect your personal style while fitting the occasion's dress code:

Matching Rings with Skin Tone and Style

Match Metals

Different metals suit different skin tones. For warm skin tones, gold and bronze work best. Cool skin tones pair well with silver or platinum. Neutral skin tones can wear both warm and cool metals. Try different metals to see what enhances your natural color.

Fashion Choices

Your fashion style matters when choosing rings. Casual styles go well with simple bands. Formal attire matches better with intricate designs. If you wear a lot of black, silver rings will pop. For earthy tones, gold rings blend seamlessly.

Designs Matter

Consider the design of the ring itself. Minimalist designs are versatile and fit many outfits. Bold designs make a statement but may not match every look. Experimenting with various designs helps discover what suits you best.

Ring Size

Size is crucial for comfort and style. A ring that’s too tight or loose won’t feel right or look good. Measure your finger size accurately before buying a ring.

Lifestyle Considerations

Think about your daily activities. If you have an active lifestyle, choose durable materials like tungsten or titanium. These metals resist scratches and damage better than softer metals like gold.

Pairing Rings with Other Accessories

Watches and Rings

Coordinate rings with your watch for a cohesive look. If you wear a silver watch, choose rings in similar tones. A gold watch pairs well with gold rings. This creates a unified appearance.

Bracelets and Rings

Mixing bracelets and rings can enhance your style. Leather bracelets go well with silver or steel rings. For beaded bracelets, opt for simpler metal bands to avoid clashing. Balance is key.

Cufflinks and Rings

Cufflinks are another accessory to consider. Match the metal of your cufflinks with your rings. Silver cufflinks should pair with silver rings. This maintains consistency in your outfit.

Mixing Metals

Don't be afraid to mix metals. You can combine gold and silver pieces if done right. Keep it balanced by not overloading one hand with too many different metals.

Textures and Patterns

Experiment with textures when pairing accessories. A smooth ring can complement a rugged leather bracelet. Mixing textures adds depth to your look without overwhelming it.

Balance and Proportion

Balance is crucial when wearing multiple pieces. Avoid wearing large rings on every finger; this can appear too busy. Instead, choose one statement piece and keep others minimal for a refined look.

Care and Maintenance Tips

Cleaning Rings

Regular cleaning keeps rings looking new. Use mild soap and warm water. Soak the ring for a few minutes. Then, gently scrub with a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the ring's material.

Storing Rings

Proper storage is crucial. Store rings in a jewelry box or pouch. This prevents scratches and tarnish. Keep them away from direct sunlight and moisture. Separate each ring to avoid contact with other pieces.

Regular Checks

Check your rings regularly for signs of wear or damage. Look for loose stones or bent bands. Pay attention to any changes in fit or color. Address these issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Professional Services

Professional maintenance extends the life of your rings. Jewelers offer services like resizing, polishing, and repair. Resizing ensures a comfortable fit if your fingers change size over time. Polishing restores shine and removes minor scratches.

Addressing Common Questions

When to Remove Rings

It's important to know when to remove rings. Taking off rings during physical activities like sports or heavy lifting is wise. This prevents damage and injury. Also, remove rings when washing hands with harsh chemicals.

Meanings Behind Different Rings

Rings can have different meanings. A wedding ring symbolizes commitment. A signet ring often represents family heritage. Knowing these meanings helps in choosing the right ring for the occasion.

Dealing with Allergies

Allergies to certain metals can be an issue. Nickel is a common allergen. Opt for hypoallergenic materials like titanium or platinum. These materials are less likely to cause reactions.

Adjusting to Regular Wear

Wearing rings regularly might feel strange at first. Start with one simple ring on a finger you use less often, like the pinky or middle finger. Gradually add more as you get comfortable.

Incorporating Rings into Personal Style

Incorporate rings into your personal style by starting small. Select minimalist designs if you're new to wearing rings. Avoid overdoing it by balancing your look; if you wear multiple rings, keep other accessories minimal.

Choosing the Right Styles

Choosing the right styles is crucial. Consider your lifestyle and wardrobe when selecting rings. For formal settings, opt for classic bands or signet rings. Casual settings allow for more experimentation with styles and materials.

Final Remarks

You've got all the tips and tricks to rock rings like a pro. From understanding their significance to matching them with your style, you're set. Rings are more than just accessories—they're statements. Wear them with confidence and let them speak for you.
Ready to elevate your look? Start experimenting with different rings today. Share your experiences and styles with us. And remember, the right ring can make all the difference. Happy styling!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of wearing rings on different fingers?

Each finger has a different meaning. For instance, the ring finger often symbolizes commitment or marriage, while the pinky can signify professional status or family heritage.

How do I choose the right ring size?

Visit a jeweler for an accurate measurement. Alternatively, use a ring sizer tool at home for precision.

Can men wear multiple rings at once?

Yes, but balance is key. Start with one or two rings and ensure they complement each other without overwhelming your look.

How should I match rings with my outfit?

Match metal tones to your overall style and skin tone. Silver suits cooler tones, while gold complements warmer tones.

What are some tips for maintaining my rings?

Regularly clean your rings with mild soap and water. Store them in a dry place to prevent tarnish and scratches.

Is it okay to wear rings on both hands?

Absolutely. Wearing rings on both hands can add symmetry and balance to your overall appearance.

Can I wear rings casually and formally?

Yes, select simpler designs for casual settings and more elaborate ones for formal occasions to suit the event's tone.
submitted by FlexFanatic to mensguide [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:17 gparun FugueML - Max for Live Sequencer (like Fugue Machine) released

I have recreated the popular Fugue Machine Sequencer for Apple devices as a Max for Live plugin for Ableton. It does not have the fancy Piano roll with multiple play heads moving around, but I achieved the same with M4L's Step Sequencer. I also have a few more additions not in the original like:
Please checkout this video
and if you like what you see, head over to
submitted by gparun to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:22 Right-Honeydew-5073 Normal patterns with video tutorials?

I’m actually pretty advanced in bracelet making, but I’m really bad at reading patterns!! I can only make ones with video tutorials. So does anyone have some favorite normal patterns with the visual tutorials? Tutorial doesn’t have to be super good, I’m just a super visual person haha
I know how to search the website with this in mind, but wanted to see if anyone had some favs!
submitted by Right-Honeydew-5073 to friendshipbracelets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:10 Proletlariet Respect Kratos (God of War)

The showings are displayed in chronological order, divided into two sections: God of War (original series) and God of War (2018) - same canon.

This is not an update

This is a replacement thread for Kerdicz's old Kratos thread. which got smote by Gfy. it is not updated with the latest game, and will be removed whenever anybody gets around to that.

God of War (original series):

The hands of death could not defeat me. The sisters of fate could not hold me. And you will not see the end of this day. I will have my revenge!

Kratos, a Spartan general and unknowing demigod, pledged his soul to Ares, the God of War, and became a servant of the Gods of Olympus for many years to come.
Ares, in order to make Kratos the ultimate warrior, coerced him into killing his own family. Cursed to forever wear the ashes of his wife and daughter all over his body, the Ghost of Sparta took revenge. After finding Pandora's Box, Kratos gained enough power to kill Ares, becoming then the God of War himself.
Little did he know that when he opened Pandora's Box, the Gods of Olympus were infected - Zeus, in particular, with Fear. Such Fear caused Zeus to betray and kill Kratos. Kratos came back from the Underworld and swore vengeance against anyone that tried to stop him on his god-killing-quest.
Having finally slayed the gods, Kratos succeeded - but at what cost?

Strength & power:

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Chains of Olympus

God of War

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

God of War II

God of War III

Durability & endurance:

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Chains of Olympus

God of War

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

God of War II

God of War III

Speed & agility:

God of War: Ascension

God of War

God of War II

God of War III


God of War: Ascension
  • Fire of Ares: imbues the blades with fire, creating explosions and fiery swirls.
  • Lightning of Zeus: electrifies the blades, and enables the summon of lightning strikes.
  • Ice of Poseidon: gives Kratos the ability to breathe underwater, to freeze enemies and to create small icy tornados.
  • Soul of Hades: enables Kratos to throw blasts of Underworld energy and summon the Arms of Hades, which can disintegrate enemies.

God of War: Chains of Olympus
  • The Efreet: a Fire Efreet summonable by Kratos; performing the move Demon Rage, the creature slams the ground multiple times, creating massive flames that burn enemies in a wide radius.
  • Light of Dawn: the power to summon orbs of light and throw them as high-speed projectiles at your enemies.
  • Charon's Wrath: green ravenous flames that can be shot as projectiles, setting an enemy on fire and easily spreading around.

God of War

God of War II
  • Cronos' Rage: creates an orb of lightning that targets multiple enemies and explodes once its over
  • Atlas Quake: Kratos slams the ground, creating localized earthquakes, shattering his surroundings and sending boulders flying

God of War III
  • Divine Reckoning: Kratos summons a whirling vortex with the Blade of Olympus
  • Army of Sparta: a phalanx of Spartan spirits shield Kratos while attacking with spears and dozens of arrows spawning from above

Weaponry & equipment:

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Chains of Olympus

God of War

God of War II

God of War III

God of War (2018):

Being a god... it can be a lifetime of anguish and tragedy. That is the curse.

Kratos, through unknown means, survived the consequences of killing the Gods of Olympus. Over a century passed, and the Spartan ended up in Midgard, husband to the now-deceased giant Faye and father to Atreus
Kratos tried his best to leave his past behind, with a newly built life and a son he very much loves, on a quest to bring his wife's ashes to the highest peak in all nine realms.
However, attacked by Baldur, son of Odin, the Spartan is dragged once more into the game of the gods, who torment him throughout his and his son's quest. Ultimately, Kratos and Atreus kill the sons of Thor and Baldur, finishing their journey but making new enemies.


Lifting, grappling, pushing and pulling:

Striking and slashing:

Leaping and climbing:

Durability & defenses:

Guardian Shield: a magic retractable shield, given to Kratos as a gift by his wife.

Speed & skill:

Agility and reflexes:

Skill and speed in combat:

Amulet of Kvasir: when with the Amulet of Kvasir, a last second dodge will activate Realm Shift, which slows down time around Kratos for several seconds.

Endurance, healing & physiology:

Leviathan Axe:

The Leviathan Axe is Kratos' main weapon, passed to him by his dying wife, forged by the Huldra Brothers to oppose the power of Mjolnir. It is mostly referred to as "frost axe" because of its ice runic enchantments. Kratos can call back the axe at will from any distance, making it fly back to his hand.

General usage, sharpness and toughness:


Blades of Chaos:

A relic of Kratos' past, the Blades of Chaos are a set of chained blades forged in the depths of the Underworld. They are imbued in never-ending fire magic that can burn even in Hellheim, where no magic in all the nine realms can create a blaze. The Blades' chains stretch out for a set distance with each attack, allowing fluid and powerful attack patterns.

Spartan Rage:

Spartan Rage is an enraged state of godly power which Kratos can enter during the stress of battle.
It amplifies his power and his speed, sets his fists on fire and heals him slowly.
submitted by Proletlariet to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:45 Sad_Satisfaction_642 Turning Diamonds into Snakeskin?

Turning Diamonds into Snakeskin?
Greetings artists! I appreciate your time and effort, just for reading! I would be overjoyed if I could get a rendering of the dangling bracelet in this photo, resembling a snake skin pattern. Unfortunately my web searches have only resulted in Diamond Back Rattlesnakes, which are beautiful, but not what I’m looking for 😅
Photo from “Look What You Made Me Do” music video by TSwift.
submitted by Sad_Satisfaction_642 to ArtRequest [link] [comments]
