Pet grave markers resin

Pneumonia symptoms might be coming back- Infection never cleared or recurrent?

2024.06.05 01:30 LastOutlandishness Pneumonia symptoms might be coming back- Infection never cleared or recurrent?

My 9 year old Husky Pit mix was seen by both Urgent Care and the Emergency Vet in Early May for labored breathing. She had been starting to snore more and show signs of working harder to breathe at night (much like apnea), but then it became very difficult for her to breathe and rest/find comfort at any point. It was more like belly breathing then snoring or the apnea before so I went to urgent care on 5/06 (the details of the report are included below).
They found pleural effusion and infiltrates in her lungs they said that it could be pneumonia or cancer. We did bloodwork and it did not show any of the classic markers for either that the vet would have expected to see. The only thing that was elevated was lipase, but they’d been giving her treats to make friends with her so he said he wasn’t concerned.
We opted to treat for pneumonia and hope that it would get better. They gave her a shot of a steroid. We went home with steroids and antibiotics. She did not improve over the next couple of days and I became more concerned about her condition so I called the emergency vet (urgent care vet is only open part of the week), they told me to bring her in for evaluation. They took her straight back because of how light pink her gums were snd she wasn’t getting good oxygen. They repeated labs and X-rays.
They had multiple vets look at everything and concluded it was most likely pneumonia. They did find a very small mass on her spleen, but they weren’t concerned about it, same with the mass in her groin. They said recommended stopping the steroids as it can suppress immune system and they added a second antibiotic.
Within the first 24hrs she started to improve dramatically and slowly has gotten better. They advised me to keep her separate from my other dog. I was concerned about where or how she would have gotten pneumonia since she’s not anywhere outside of our home/yard. They said she could have aspirated on food so we switched her to a slow feeder bowl as well.
She’s finished her meds. She had been doing well her energy was back. The accidents stopped. However, in the last couple of days I’ve noticed the snoring picking up again, she’s had some accidents and she’s just been very lazy and not really active. Is it possible that the infection wasn’t cleared?? Or is possible that it never was really an infection?
Do I go back to urgent care, the ER, or try to get in with a vet? Our regular vet schedules WEEKS out so I’d have to likely find someone new for just a normal practice. I’m not sure the best way to proceed, but I don’t want her to suffer and I don’t have the resources to go to multiple places.
Reason for visit: increased respiratory rate- started in the last 24 hours where its been more constant. O feels like she is snoring more in the last few weeks. Has a lump in the groin that O feels like is getting bigger. When she is in a relaxed state or sleeping she is belly breathing per O. Per O - belly seems distended and feels different. Breathing is harder when laying lateral. better when she is sternal.
Length of symptoms: more noticable in the last 24 hours.
First time or recurring: first time.
C/S/V/D: did V+ food yesterday, but was able to hold down food today.
Pet's diet: Purina dog chow.
Any table scraps, treats or human food being given: no
Any changes in diet recently: no
Appetite: ate this morning.
Thirst: normal
Any recent boarding or contact with other animals: housemates at home
Activity: may be a little less playful.
Up to date on vaccines: yes
Any other medications or supplements: none
Any previous major medical history/current medical issues?: none
Weight (lb): 76.00 Temp(°F): 101.5 Heart Rate: 110 Respiratory Rate: 90 CRT: 1-2sec MM: Pink Attitude: BAR Pulse Quality: Normal Respiratory Effort: Laboured Breathing Notes: panting Problem List: Paradoxial breathing pattern Pulmonary infiltrates Pleural effusion
Diagnostics Considered: Radiographs, AFAST/TFAST, Chem17, CBC, Lytes
Assessment: DDX: hemorrhage, neoplasia, chylothorax. Cannot confirm primary pulmonary neoplasia on radiographs though this cannot be ruled out. Master Problems 05-06-2024: Pulmonary Interstitial Infiltrate 05-06-2024: Pleural Effusion
Mild Plans DexamethasoneSP 0.1mg/kg IM Prednisone 20mg tablets Amoxi/clav 1000mg tablets
We discussed concerns for infiltrative pulmonary disease and cannot rule out neoplastic processes. Labs rule out hypoproteinemia that could result in hydrothorax, and white blood cells did not show any significant abnormalities. We will begin a broad spectrum treatment with corticosteroids and antibiotics. The effusion present did not appear to be a large enough volume to the the root cause of the signs noted. As we discussed, effusion could worsen which would result in necessitation of a thoracocentesis (drainage). It is important to monitor for continued trouble breathing, blue gums/tongue, collapse, lethargy, vomiting, or any other abnormal signs. If any of the above are noted we recommend that Daisy Mae receive immediate veterinary attention.
Physical Exam General Appearance: Bright, alert and responsive Hydration: Hydration appears normal Eyes: Corneas clear, pupils normal size, symmetrical, sclera white, no ocular discharge Ears: No exudate observed, no redness present Oral Cavity: Teeth are free from excessive tartar, no gingivitis present Nasal Cavity: No obvious abnormalities observed Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm; no murmur detected Respiratory: Abnormal: Increased BV sounds, intermittent paradoxical breathing pattern Abdomen: Abnormal: soft on palpation Rectal: Did not perform rectal exam Musculoskeletal: Normal ambulation Integument: multiple firm, freely movable, subcutaneous masses Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes are all normal in size Urogenital: External genitalia appears normal; bladder palpates normally Neurologic: No apparent abnormalities Assessments Problem List: Paradoxial breathing pattern Pulmonary infiltrates Pleural effusion
Additional Patient Information for Daisy Mae
Master Problems: Pleural Effusion, Pulmonary Interstitial Infiltrate
Presenting Problems: Breathing Difficulty
submitted by LastOutlandishness to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:53 Slight_Dog_6482 Is this a good LO template??

Found awhile ago from a YouTuber(sorry don’t remember who). If looks familiar to someone and knows who made it will edit and share their YouTube.
  1. Master Files: These are foundational mods that the game needs to read first before anything else. They automatically take the top spot in your load order.
  2. Fast Start Mods: Mods that help you jump into the action quickly go here.
  3. Faction Overhaul Mods: These mods revamp factions and may affect enemy level lists, determining what spawns where.
  4. Al Overhaul Mods: Mods that enhance Al behavior find their place here.
  5. New Worldspace Mods: Any mods introducing new areas or landmasses go in this section.
  6. New Faction Mods: Mods adding entirely new enemy factions are listed here.
  7. Vanilla Quest Edits: Fixes and improvements to the game's original quests are categorized here, although many of these are already covered by the unofficial patch.
  8. Settlement Building Mods: Mods enhancing settlement construction are organized here, including objects, decorations, and more.
  9. Settlement Building Mods (Menus, Pre-SMM Scripting): This section includes settlement-related mods that don't add new objects but modify menus or have pre-SMM scripting requirements.
  10. Gameplay Changing Mods: Modifications altering game mechanics, such as survival settings, perk adjustments, and value tweaks, are listed here.
  11. New NPC Mods: Mods introducing new NPCs, pets, and followers find their place here.
  12. Audio Mods: Mods affecting in-game sounds, including ambient and combat tracks, are categorized here.
  13. Visual Mods and Atmospheric Mods: These mods enhance the game's visuals, including weathers, foliage, textures, etc.
  14. Vanilla Settlement Mods: Mods altering vanilla settlement features and scripts are grouped here.
  15. Sorting Mods: Mods that change how items are sorted in-game are listed here.
  16. HUD Mods: Modifications affecting the heads-up display or camera settings are organized in this section.
  17. Character Model Replacers: Mods altering character appearances, such as hair, eyes, skin, etc., are categorized here.
  18. PIP-BOY Replacers: Mods changing the appearance or functionality of the PIP-BOY are listed here.
  19. Map Mods: Modifications affecting in-game maps or map markers are categorized here.
  20. Weapons, Armor & Clothing Mods: Mods adding new weapons, armor, or clothing to the game are listed in this section.
  21. Crafting Mods: Modifications affecting the game's crafting system, including new recipes or crafting benches, are organized here.
  22. New Settlement Mods: Mods introducing entirely new settlements to the game are categorized here.
  23. New Player Homes: Mods adding new player housing options are listed in this section.
  24. New Quests Mods: Mods introducing new quests to the game are organized here.
  25. Weapon, Armor & Clothing Frameworks or Overhauls: Mods overhauling the appearance or functionality of weapons, armor, or clothing are categorized here.
  26. Scrapping Mods: Mods that allow you to scrap items in game
submitted by Slight_Dog_6482 to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:44 slickthick69 Cairn rant

I’m surely not the first to do this but have seen it coming up recently. Most cairns suck. t’s a pet peeve of mine, but most cairns fucking suck ass. I am not talking about cairns that are meaningful trail markers on challenging trails, but in the internet age people are building them all over the place just for the gram/hell of it. Look, I know most of the time I’m not on some super remote wildness trail, but rather something somewhat established. But people are building cairns all over the place because they think it’s cute. And in reality, (I’m comfortable speaking for more than myself based on many conversations) it’s just a reminder to many of us who want to explore wild places, that we are far from the first, and in fact many who came before have built shitty little monuments to themselves. So you bet, I’m the person at the scenic overlook knocking down useless cairns. I’d guess mine is not some novel position, but wanted to take the opportunity to tell everyone who thinks it’s cute to build a cairn in a useless location, you are actively stealing joy from other people who just want to enjoy nature as it exists. Literally no one cares if you’ve been here before (including the people that like your instagram post of your stupid cairn or you standing at the apex in some b-rate bow/scorpion-pose. You can do all your insta photo bs without making a wild place look so much less wild.
submitted by slickthick69 to hiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:45 Shroomyboyo Looking for help picking sound absorption panels

Hi. I am looking to install some form of sound blocking on my wall; we share a wall with my neighbor and I tend to have late night calls (hence mid to high frequencies, since it's just my voice) & apparently his bed is spatially close to where my table is, so he keeps getting annoyed.
My budget is around 200 eur (incl. delivery), so I'm not too loose with what I can afford unfortunately; I have also read that it's optimal to get 15-25% of the wall covered, which would be about 36/48 30cmx30cm panels in my case. I am also not in the US, so audimute is not an option (as much as I wish it was). I have narrowed my choices down to the following:
  1. 2 x Mixed type panels (recycled fibreglass, wood frame, fabric) 116 x 58 x 6.5 cm -> 2x3.1 kg
  2. 2 x 242 Acoustic Absorber (microfiber, fabric, wood frame) 120 x 60 x 6.7 cm -> 2x4 kg
  3. 2 x PET panels 120 x 60 x 2 cm (density unknown) -> weight unknown
  4. 4 x Hemp panels 62.5 x 62.5 x 4.5 cm (density unknown) -> weight unknown
  5. 12 x PET panels 30 x 30 x 2.5 cm (150kg/m3) -> 2 kg
  6. 36 x PET panels 30 x 30 x 1.2 cm (150 kg/m3) -> 2 kg
  7. 4-6 x Melamine resin foam panels 82.5 x 55 x 5 cm (9 kg/m3) -> 2 kg
And would really appreciate an input on what from these seems somewhat optimal/more likely to work!
submitted by Shroomyboyo to soundproof [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:34 SpawnoftheStryx The Best Part of You: Part 6.2: Pet the Dog or DIE

((This takes place in the aftermath of the Capture the Flag post, several months ago.)) ((You can find the first entry of Part 6 here!))
Seth’s intrigued gaze swapped between the surreal scene that had formed around him. From the nervous parchment-clutching rabbit in the tabard, to the terrifying bipedal canine warrior, to the mossy reptile that slumbered between them and the fancy boy perched atop it, and finally to the menacing magical menagerie. Bunnies, kittens, and beagles; Basset hounds, badgers and moles; if he squinted hard enough, Seth could have sworn that he saw a ferret caked in makeup gossiping with the dress-wearing gerbils, meeting his eyes every so often and giggling before hiding her face behind a paper fan in her shiny white paws. The crowd kept their voices low, attention drawn to the tiny monarch playing with his tarot deck and adjusting the oversized crown of liquid metal.
With every pair of eyes of the bestial gentry upon his kneeling and shackled form, the attention of the masses leaden with eager anticipation of punishment, and the freezing glare of the young prince, Seth knew that he would have to choose his next words carefully - and elected not to.
“Heya, Jacob!” Seth raised his hands, manacled at the wrists, and gave the familiar camper a goofy wiggly wave. The crowd gasped. Jacob’s idle hands stopped playing with the cards and quickly shrunk back to be held against his chest. His intense, inquisitive stare crumbled into a brief look of fear, and suddenly he turned his head away, becoming very interested in the braided vines of his dragon-throne.
The armored husky was the first to recover from the ripple of shock that Seth had sent out through the court. She marched down the marble steps, claymore practically dragging alongside her, until she stopped in front of him, raised a heavy black boot over his head, and stomped down on the manacles binding Seth’s wrists. Forcing him into a deep bow, a low growl escaped her throat.
“Silence, cur!” She barked. The whispers in the crowd had stopped now, hushed into silence by her outburst. Even the rabbit standing next to Jacob had quietly yelped into her closed fist, before quickly glancing around to make sure no one had seen her. Seth was given an intimate view of the ground as he listened to the husky’s command. “Hold your tongue. Only those who have been addressed by His Royal Majesty the Prince may speak in His divine presence. Especially so the poisonous words of a filthy thief and tramp, traitor and beggar, despoiler of His very name.”
The dog raised her foot and turned her gaze from Seth to the crowd. This gave the son of Hermes a brief reprieve to examine Jacob again, who now looked as though he wished he could sink into the moss on his dragon’s back and disappear. Had saying hello really flustered the prince that badly? From what Seth knew of Jacob - the real one, not the new and not-so-improved nightmare one - he had a nervous streak a mile wide, but he had courage where it counted, at least according to Meriwether. Following that line of reasoning, he began deciphering what else this version of the son of Hecate might share with the original, and what might be different. Magical aptitude: check. Animal friends: check. Fondness for magical playing cards: check. Easily exploitable weaknesses: maybe?? Heck, the bloke was tiny enough that a sufficiently powerful kick would probably send him flying. He was startled from his thoughts as the husky elaborated, who faced the gentry but glared at him out of the corner of her stern eyes. “It is only through His Majesty’s mercy that you retain the privilege of living. A privilege, I stress, that is easily revoked.”
She glanced back at the Prince, who had retreated into the comfort of his cards once more by summoning them out of wisps of energy circling his palms. For a split second Seth thought he saw her expression soften and brows furrow into something resembling concern, or perhaps sadness, before being replaced by steely resolve. “The Reading of the Sentence may now proceed,” she said, though with less ferocity than she had moments prior, before leveling her sword with the ground and assuming the same attentive stance as before.
At this point, the rabbit was shaking like a very well-dressed leaf in the vaguely vernal wind. She gingerly unfolded the parchment clutched in her paws, cleared her throat, and recited the words on the weathered document for all to hear: “Ahem. All be still and silent for the Reading of the Sentence!! The Accused is faced with the following crimes against the Kingdom: Conspiracy to pilfer the Prince’s prized Mana. Conspiracy to undermine or overthrow Her Most Arcane Majesty Christina and the Glorious Alabaster Line. Heresy against Her Most Arcane Majesty Christina and the Glorious Alabaster Line. Plotting to plunge the world into eternal darkness, madness and Chaos, which is against the interests of the Crown and country, and therefore considered conspiracy to undermine or overthrow Her Most Arcane Majesty Christina and the Glorious Alabaster Line. Dabbling in forbidden magicks. Evasion or underpayment of due taxes. Petty larceny. Resisting arrest. Attempting to escape due trial. On all charges has the Prince deemed the Accused guilty."
Shocker. So that’s what monarchies think a due trial looks like? He was ninety percent sure that he hasn’t done most of the illegal things! But fine, the dream needs to set the scene before the allegorical manifestation of his fellow demigod can dispense with the formalities and open up an arcane can of buttwhooping on Seth’s fragile behind. That was the general format of these encounters that he had observed so far, at least. He refrained from quipping back with something snarky in the middle of this obviously unfair trial. A comment along the lines of this being a “kangaroo court” probably would not go over well, on the slim but very real chance that there were actual kangaroos present in this court. Best not to take chances…
“Your Prodigal Majesty, the Prince, shall henceforth mete the appropriate punishment. May He have mercy on your tarnished soul,” recited the rabbit, “For your crimes are numerous, and their severity steep. Your Majesty?” She turned expectantly to Prince Jacob, who had returned to playing with his magic cards to keep himself calm. When that failed to cue him in, the hound knight cleared her throat gently, raising an armored paw to her snout while her glove gripped the claymore just a little tighter. “Prince Jacob,” she reminded the young royal. The son of Hecate started in his seat and took a terrified open-mouthed glance out at the swarm of animals waiting to hear his divine judgment. His jaw snapped shut with the swiftness of a bear trap. “Nnnh,” came his squeak of embarrassment. “Fffffuh…”
Seth hid a grin as Jacob’s notorious shyness got the better of him when faced with the insurmountable task of public speaking. For once, the Son of Hermes had a plan keeping him one step ahead of the nightmare. A key to his manacles, unseen by all, was clasped tightly in his right hand. For the badger warden hadn’t been too careful when setting him down in front of the grassy throne. Forget yoinking powers; sometimes a little classic thievery provided an elegant solution to his problems. The supernatural dream logic that granted him enhanced abilities whenever facing these nightmares. Just as Jacob struggled to dole out the sentence for these fakey fake crimes, Seth would spring into action and the fight would commence.
“F-for your c-crimes against… um… crimes against my mom… I hhhhuh. Hereby sent-t-.... Sentence you…” Jacob mumbled into his cards, pulling his legs up onto the throne to wrap one arm around them like a ball of condensed half-blood while Seth snuck the key into a better position. Both the attention of the rabbit and husky were trained on their taciturn master, giving him ample time to physically and mentally prepare. Anticipation coiled in his muscles, burning like gasoline. The key slipped into the locking mechanism. Gently, ever so gently, he began to twist. “Sentence you t-... you to..”
“To… To pet one hundred fuzzy animals in mmm… my c-court!” He declared triumphantly, flooding with relief when he realized he had reached the end of that arduous statement. All of the tension spilled from Seth’s body and he nearly dropped the key in surprise. Apparently he was the only one shocked by such an outcome; the gentry roared with approval, tossing hats, scarves and other garments into the air. One kangaroo (oh, hey, see? Good call, Seth) burst into joyful sobs and retrieved a kerchief to dab at her mascara, as though this was the best news she had heard in her entire life. The rabbit attendant clapped her hands in jubilation, and even the husky nodded gravely, as though Seth’s fate had just been sealed. The grassy dragon serving as Jacbo’s throne twitched its ears at the cacophony, before loosing a humid breath and lowering its neck back down for a snooze.
Seth had to fight himself not to double over laughing. Here he was expecting a sinister Hecate-themed showdown, but the only thing he would be fighting today was his urge to pet every animal in sight? “Wait,” he chuckled, sitting up from his kneeling position as an orderly line, policed by the armored husky, began to form to his side. In the front was the badger from before, paws shaking with excitement. “Wait, that’s it? You’re not seriously about to make me-”


“Okay, who’s next?!” Seth called, after giving the cuddly anteater an affectionate pat on the back and sending him on his way. His eyes gleamed playfully at the fuzzy otter wearing a monocle next in line, who slinked on over when the power thief beckoned him over. “Afternoon. How may I help you today? Head scritches and a tummy rub? Your wish is my command!”
Under the watchful eye of His Glorious Majesty Jacob of the Royal Zoo or something like that, Seth was indeed sentenced to a grueling petting of one hundred friendly animals. Oh, the horror. The cruel and unusual nature of this punishment could only be endured by someone with godlike fortitude. Indomitable force of will. The strength to carry on after administering dozens of belly rubs and words of affirmation. The universal yearning that all human beings have to pet a bunch of exotic animals that in any other setting you are really not supposed to pet. Good qualities like that. Of course, he was still a prisoner - the guard had refused to remove the manacle from his wrists. Though Seth had expertly tucked the key away in case this abhorrent torture became too much to bear, or something.
The otter rolled onto its back as Seth tickled and brushed its fur. “Who’s a cuddly, friendly guy? You are. You are.” His train of thought was interrupted by the otter’s portly laugh. “Ohoho!” it chuckled, raising a tiny limb to readjust the monocle on its face. “Indeed I am, good sir, indeed I am a cuddly, friendly guy, just as you described!”
Seth forced a smile while his insides shriveled in discomfort. He waved as the otter picked itself back up, patted itself off, and whistled a merry tune while strutting away. Okay, the fact that the animals he was petting were fully sapient was maaaybe starting to creep him out, just a little. Alas. Such was the price to pay for a life on the wrong side of the law. A shadow descended over him. He turned his gaze upwards to see the armored knight glaring down upon him.
Seth glanced around. Had he done something wrong? “Did I… do something wrong?” he echoed the sentiment in his brain.
“Silence!” commanded the bipedal. Siberian husky, although a crack in her facade told him that circumstances were definitely awry. Her piercing blue eyes conveyed the roiling anger from before, but her tail was wagging uncontrollably behind her. “You are not to speak while you. Erm. That is to say, I.. listen carefully, cur! I order you to..”
Seth finished her sentence for her. “Let me guess. You order me to pet you.”
“No. Yes. No! I mean.” Growling in discomfort, she got down on one knee, her armor noisily clanking with the untrained movement. “Two strokes on the top of the head, several pats, followed by a soft scratching behind the ears, -first the left, then the right- and then a gentle, chaste kiss on the forehead. In that order.” Seth raised his hands, poised to strike. “Will that be all?” The husky turned her head. “For now.”
The gentry looked on in envy as the feared Head of the Royal Guard of the Alabaster Line, decorated Knight Orion, daughter of the fierce warrior from whom she received her name, received copious headpats and scratches, all while maintaining her same stoic expression. Although, to Seth’s amusement, occasionally she couldn’t help herself from additional instructions. “Too soft. Not soft enough. Lower. Now to the left. No, my left. No, my other left. Yes. Adequate. Yes. Now please administer the Mantra of Virtue.”
“I’m sorry, the what?” While the orders came in, Seth leaned to one side and noticed a new attendant speaking to Jacob while the rabbit fiddled with her cufflinks. His eyes narrowed at the mysterious stranger, who was the only other human he had seen besides Jacob and himself. They sported no animal features that he could see, and was currently hunched over, whispering something inaudible into the young mage’s ear. They wore a jester’s garb of purple and green from head to toe, though the torso was styled much more akin to a tuxedo. The telltale pointy hat was devoid of bells, and no jester Seth had ever heard of would wear boots, much less ones with spikes. Though what really drew his attention was the mask. They concealed their face with a mask similar to Mara Lyone’s nightmare that he faced so long ago: the ever-gleeful porcelain smile of Comedy, through which a sinister purple mist poured from the eyes and mouth. A mist that, to his alarm, was snaking through the air and drifting directly into Jacob’s ear. The mage’s hands clenched and unclenched under the trance.
“The Mantra of Virtue, you fool! Don’t make me say it out loud!” No one, not Orion, the rabbit, or any of the gathered animals, had noticed the new arrival. Seth had to return his attention to the dog before she got too angry, although she seemed more sheepish now than anything. “You know… Tell me I’m a very good dog!”
“I’ve changed mmh. My mind,” Jacob announced, cutting the awkward conversation short. The jester clasped their gloved hands together and began to sink. A jagged pink crack in reality opened up on the marble floor, swallowing them whole. Then the lights disappeared, leaving no trace that anyone had been there. Jacob slid off of his throne, waving his hands to dismiss the line of animals awaiting their turn. The knight rose to her feet, turning to address her Prince and shaking off the inglorious posture she had assumed a minute before. “What, ah, troubles you, My Lord? Is the Sentence not proceeding how you envisioned it?”
“I have a, a, a,.... A new sentence.” The little Prince’s irises had become tinged by a swirling purple, and wisps of a similar colored smoke trickled from the edge of his lips and nostrils. The clouds overhead began to darken, and a chill wind blew through the assembled animals. Seth gingerly tapped at the key hidden in his sleeve, making sure it was still there. Carefully he brought it to the manacle’s lock.
The rabbit attendant began to back away as all of the shadows in the vicinity seemed to grow and intensify, pulling in the surrounding natural light. Leaves scattered across the garden court, and Jacob’s tarot cards were carried by the vortex. Orion’s eyes widened both in realization, and trepidation. She hesitated briefly, but rose her claymore in a fighting stance, seemingly ready to defend against her renegade ruler. “My Lord..? My Lord! Prince Jacob! Come to your senses! I beseech you, tell me what ails you?”
Jacob flicked his wrist. An unseen force knocked Orion to the side with ease, much to the horrified gasps of the crowd. Animals of all sorts began to turn tail and flee from the scene, only to be stopped in their tracks. Large thorny hedges erupted from the soil, pushing apart the stones of the path leading to the palace and boxing the gentry in. They pushed through the leaves in desperation, leaving their garments behind and retreating into shadows as the floral labyrinth surrounded the palace, its leafy walls sprouting higher and higher.
“Changed my mmmh. My mind. New sentence. Seth. Seth’s nnnh. New sentence is… d-d-... death.” Seth sprung to his feet and cast off the manacle, ready to fight. Jacob’s eyes rolled back into his head. The tiny demigod crumpled into an unconscious heap. His crown tumbled off of his head and rattled to a stop.
Seth lowered his fists and cocked a brow. “Oh.”
Out from the shadow of Jacob’s form, an indistinct murky shape bled onto the palace steps.The stormclouds began striking the distant countryside with silver lightning as the shape began to bubble like acid. The scent of countless cadavers wafted from the blob. Suddenly an appendage burst out of the living shadow’s oily membrane, a wicked forelimb that only vaguely resembled a claw. It slammed into the ground, cracking it with the force of the blow, just as a second forelimb was birthed from the miasma and grasping for a hold. Instinctually backing away from the macabre metamorphosis, Seth found that his rapier and buckler had mysteriously appeared in his hands as if responding to their master’s silent pleas for assistance, and held them aloft.
Fur sloughed off of the shadow’s sinewy body in sullied white patches. Shadowy gunk was caught in its yellowed nails the size of textbooks. A massive rabbit’s skull writhed free of the prison, with two twisted and malformed antlers exploding from the top. The fangs of such a beast grew to exaggerated proportions, nearly puncturing its own jawbone as it gnashed them together. The monster lacked a lower body, its torso instead tapering into a coil of smoke as it floated into the air. Behind its empty sockets, a single rotting apple gave off a dull golden glow, roving back and forth and extending its light in a sickly cone of vision.
“Oh,” Seth chirped. This was one bunny he was not particularly enthused about petting. “Okay.”
“Death,” repeated the towering jackalope, its throat vibrating with the rumble of two voices; Jacob’s, and a raspy, nasty gurgle that overlaid it. Symbols and runes lit up along its matted bones. As the hedge maze parted behind Seth, encouraging the beast’s prey to begin running, Jacob’s Shadow tilted its head back and screeched into the sky, clenching its claws together and drawing blue fluid from its exposed veins.
”Death!” Pounding both fists into the ground, it lowered its head and surged forward with impossible speed.

Part 1 - Seth Westley, the Nobody

Part 2 - The Dark Jester's Corruption

  • Prince's Court - Chapter 6 - Jacob Alabaster, Hecate - A maze yet conquered
  • Sandman - Chapter 7 - ??? - An outlaw yet apprehended
  • Undying - Chapter 8 - ??? - A beach yet escaped
  • Tower of Midas - Chapter 9 - ??? - An oath yet sworn
  • sLaughter - Chapter 10 - ??? A corruption yet cleansed (END OF PART 2)
submitted by SpawnoftheStryx to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:17 awickedspell Advice needed on using links vs. tags vs. other to mark categories in a TV-Tropes-ish vault

Hi all! I'm a fiction writer currently trying to figure out the structure of an Idea Vault that would enable me to find common elements between my favorite stories/characters/relationships, figure out what exact elements in them appeal to me, and brainstorm how I might incorporate (or subvert) those elements into my own work.
TL;DR: What feature should I use to create something similar to the “category” feature on a wiki? Would tags + dataview generated list work, or is there a better option?
More detail:
I've been trying out and testing various ways to set the vault up, and the structure I'm currently envisioning contains a lot of different note types (feel free to skip if context isn't needed):
Now onto the conundrum:
Obviously, there's going to be a lot of linking back and forth between different note types (e.g. [media] contains [character] and [worldbuilding element]; [character] is an example of [character type], has [ability], and deals with [inner conflict]), but I would also like to have a way to easily view all notes in a given category. Trouble is, I haven't used Obsidian in about two years and have forgotten many of the tips I researched at that time, so I'm not in the best position to evaluate the pros and cons of the various methods I could use to mark category type.
I considered keeping it simple and using plain ol’ links, with every entry linking back to its category’s master page. However, I'm not sure I want these master pages to be so prominent in the graph view (since they're not ideas themselves), and also backlinks are not that easy to parse, but adding them to the main text manually seems like a hassle… I suppose a plugin like Dataview could create an automatic list if it works on mobile (which I didn't expect it to, but apparently it might), but I would probably link to the master page from other note types as well, so there'd have to be a more specific marker anyway.
So, would using tags + master page with a dataview list (of notes tagged as “character”, for example) be a better solution?
(Would that count as linking entries to the master page, for graph purposes? Or should I just accept that the master page is going to be prevalent in the graph regardless, since I’d probably have to link the entries to the master pages anyway if I want to access the category list quickly, even if they only contain dataview? In which case, should I just stick to links for all of it and forget about tags altogether?)
Or is there some other feature I haven't considered/don't know about that would suit my needs better?
(And if tags + dataview is the way to go, is there any benefit to creating a separate property for categories specifically, since tags might also contain other metadata?)
Sorry for the long post, and thank you for sticking with it, if you did! Any advice/experience would be appreciated.
submitted by awickedspell to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:45 NatalieMaybeIDK 5%

You get out of bed unable to find anyone. Quickly you learn that 95% of the population simply vanished without a trace. Electricity and infrastructure are in-place for now. Online no one can seem to find any correlation for who is left or why.
The next night you dream. You have an understanding that you will be provided Three of the following.
  1. The return of two people. (If you'd like you can roll a 95/100 to see if they would have survived without this if so don't pay for them)
  2. Generator: This low noise generator appears to require no fuel source. It will power any single building. It weighs 50lbs. The building power grid must be actually functional. It isn't restoring damage.
  3. Communication device: Others will often have access to this device. This is a wireless solar powered tablet. It connects to a forum allow you to speak with others who have this. You'll be able to favorite or IM specific users and start your own subforums. Much like reddit only improved to be less bad. Around 15% of the remaining population will have this.
  4. Health: You'll wake up in optimal human health. Looking like you currently do only improved. You'll be set to around 24 years old. You're immune system will receive a permant boost. You'll need to maintain your new body with exercise, but you'll keep the shape easier than others would.
  5. Finder: A simple gps device similar to a pitboy map. Will point arrows towards the nearest two humans. It does not show the direct location. Only direction and not distance away. You will also be able to set and name markers. You will get a distance readout to your own markers. Once per month you can favorite and insta-travel to a home. To change home location you must have been there in the last month
  6. Supply Drop: You'll receive a device with current Amazon prices frozen. Each 30days you'll get $666 to spend on anything. It will all be dropped off at the same time at the end of the 30 days.
  7. Translator: You'll now speak all languages as if you were a native. Might make communication easier. For some reason people seem slightly more inclined to be less aggressive to you. This doesn't mean they won't kill you. They'll just feel bad about it.
  8. Pet: Select any pet. It now has the same lifespan as you. Its intelligence is boosted. It gains fast healing. Much sturdier than others of its kind. It will increase in size by 25%. Smarter animals could be near if not human intelligence. Lower intelligence might be boosted to the levels of a dog. The animal will be loyal to you unless abused. Before you die, you may designate one new owner for your pet. If you do so your pet's life will extend to the death of the new owner. Allowing you to pass the pet down to your children as long as the pet wants.
  9. 2.5%: You get nothing special. 2.5% of the population will return. No one will know it was you.
Take this deal up to 4 times: Not compatible with 2.5% perk. Another 1% of the population disappears. You gain one more perk.
submitted by NatalieMaybeIDK to 6Perks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:40 nikki2018lucas Am I the Asshole for tap dancing on my MIL'S Grave

I have to start this story with explaining something I partner and his mother had a strange relationship, she didnt just love him , she was in love with him . I met my partners mother for the first time in 1991 . I walked in introduced my self she turned to my partner and said "whys this slut here" , I should of run then. SO 10 months later I find out I'm pregnant I had very little to do with my partners mum her name is Joyce . So I go through the pregnancy all is fine throughout she would make comments about little things , I would ignore it until one day she came to our house and said well when Michael is born he with be staying with me alot. First we didn't know the sex of the baby , second no one had ever mentioned the name Michael. I explained well I wouldn't be calling my child Michael and the child father and I would decide when he stayed with Grandparents. We find out we are having twins and one was a boy but they didn't know the sex of the other one . So I give birth to a boy and girl, this women turned up with a gift for the boy. I realised that any female was a threat . So fast forward this women had made my life hell . She treated my daughter awfully and doted on my son. When my kids were 7 , we were between houses waiting on the purchase of a Dog and cat kennel , we were getting it cheap it was going to be great. The owners rang my home, Joyce was visiting she answered the phone while I was out . She said the the owners that It wasn't a good idea to sell to me as she didn't think I was responsible enough , but the should sell it to her. The owners pulled out and I lost the place I WAS PISSED. I told her to leave my house, she packed up I was sitting on the floor getting my kids toys put away , this cow kicked my in the back of the elbow dislocating it. When I fell to the floor screaming she kicked me repeatedly in the head . So a couple a years go by and we were moving back to Melbourne we had a 2 week period where we were without a house , so we had to stay with her. She brought my kids a table tennis table for Christmas but they weren't allowed to open or play with it. She would start arguments with me so she could return my kids gifts she had done this many of times so my kids no longer got excited. She buy a pet for my kids and decide they didn't deserve it she was a truly awful person . So my kids are now 14 she decides she coming for a visit for a week . Little did I know she had given up her Government flat (which it can take 10 yr to get another) so she had nowhere to go and had to move in. I had a granny flat built in my back yard so I didn't have to deal with her. This didn't work she was around 70 at this stage and had decided after all the shitty things she had done over the yrs and believe me there was alot more than I have mentioned, that I was to look after her as she was getting old. She would sit in her chair and just crap herself so I would have to clean it, she was a nightmare. Well my partner also started getting very sick and needed full time care. I moved her into a nursing home so I could care for me partner . I warned her over and over if she didn't cut her shit out I would dance on her grave. Well my partner died I went to the home to let her know, she turned to my daughter and said " why are you upset he wasn't your father anyway" of course this was one of her things she would constantly say to my partner. Of course this wasnt the truth. The reason she decided that the kids weren't my partners was because the hated her and in her mental head she decided if they didnt love her it was because they werent his. Well i didnt have to put up with the shit for long because the next morning she dropped dead. Even in death she couldn't bare to be away from my partner. So the day after she was buried I took my 190Kg arse down to the cemetery and I tap danced my arse on her grave. So am I the Asshole?
submitted by nikki2018lucas to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:22 scientianaut Letters Written by Ancient Roman Commanders Have Been Found in a Pet Cemetery in Egypt

Letters Written by Ancient Roman Commanders Have Been Found in a Pet Cemetery in Egypt
An ancient pet cemetery in Egypt is becoming a gold mine for rare Roman history. Alongside its carefully constructed graves of more than 200 beloved cats, dogs and monkeys, archaeologists have now found letters handwritten 1,900 years ago by Roman centurions stationed nearby.
submitted by scientianaut to ancientrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:11 Sweet-Count2557 15 Things to Do With Kids in Culver City

15 Things to Do With Kids in Culver City
15 Things to Do With Kids in Culver City Are you skeptical about whether there are enough activities to keep your kids entertained in Culver City? Well, let us assure you that this vibrant city has a plethora of options that will surely captivate their imagination.Whether you're seeking outdoor adventures, educational experiences, delectable treats, or fun-filled parks, Culver City has it all.So, why not join us as we uncover the 15 best things to do with kids in this exciting city? You won't want to miss out on what's in store!Key TakeawaysCulver City offers a variety of outdoor activities, such as biking on the Ballona Creek bike path, swimming at the Culver City Plunge, and hiking up to the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook.There are several museums and cultural experiences to explore, including the Wende Museum, the Museum of Jurassic Technology, and the STAR Eco Station.Food and treat options include artisan ice cream at the Coolhaus Shop, French pastries at La Dijonaise, and free archery classes from Los Angeles Archery.Families can enjoy parks and play spaces, attend events and entertainment like live shows at Boulevard Music, and participate in educational experiences such as a tour of Sony Pictures historic film studio.Outdoor ActivitiesLet's explore the exciting outdoor activities that Culver City has to offer for families and kids!One of the best ways to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery is to ride the Ballona Creek bike path. This scenic path stretches for miles, allowing you to take in the sights and sounds of nature while getting some exercise. It's a great activity for the whole family, whether you're an experienced cyclist or just starting out.Another fantastic outdoor space to explore is Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park. With its vast 12.9 acres of land, this park offers endless opportunities for adventure. There are playgrounds where kids can run, climb, and slide to their heart's content. You can also have a picnic on the grassy fields or take a leisurely stroll along the walking paths. It's the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon with your loved ones.Whether you're looking for a leisurely bike ride or a day of outdoor fun, Culver City has something for everyone. The Ballona Creek bike path and Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park are just two of the many options available. So grab your bikes, pack a picnic, and get ready to explore the great outdoors in Culver City!Museums and Cultural ExperiencesWe can't wait to dive into the fascinating world of museums and cultural experiences in Culver City! There are two places that we highly recommend visiting: the Wende Museum and the STAR Eco Station.At the Wende Museum, you and your kids can learn all about the Cold War and its impact on society. The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts, documents, and artworks that provide a unique perspective on this tumultuous period in history. From propaganda posters to surveillance equipment, there's so much to explore and discover.If your little ones are animal lovers, then the STAR Eco Station is a must-visit. This unique facility is not only a museum but also a rescue center for exotic animals. Here, you can get up close and personal with creatures from all around the world, including reptiles, birds, and even big cats. The knowledgeable staff will guide you through the exhibits and share interesting facts about each species.To help you plan your visit, here's a table highlighting the key information about these two attractions:Museum/Cultural ExperienceHighlightsLocationWende MuseumCold War exhibits, unique artifacts10808 Culver BlvdSTAR Eco StationExotic rescue animals, educational programs10101 W Jefferson BlvdBoth the Wende Museum and the STAR Eco Station offer educational and engaging experiences for the whole family. So, don't miss the chance to explore these wonderful cultural gems in Culver City!Food and TreatsIndulge in a variety of delectable treats and culinary delights in Culver City, where food and fun go hand in hand. Whether you're in the mood for a cool and creamy treat or a sweet and flaky pastry, Culver City has you covered.Start your culinary adventure by visiting the Coolhaus Shop, where you can indulge in artisan, architecturally-inspired ice cream. With unique flavors like Brown Butter Candied Bacon and Fried Chicken and Waffles, this ice cream shop is a must-visit for both kids and adults.If French pastries are more your style, then head over to La Dijonaise. This quaint bakery offers a wide selection of mouthwatering pastries, from buttery croissants to delicate macarons. Treat your taste buds to a slice of heaven with their famous almond croissant or indulge in a decadent chocolate éclair. The options are endless and each bite is sure to transport you to the streets of Paris.In addition to these culinary delights, Culver City also offers a variety of food festivals throughout the year. From the Taste of Culver City to the Culver City Food Truck Festival, these events are a great way to sample a wide range of cuisines from local vendors. Let your kids explore different flavors and discover new favorites as they indulge in the diverse culinary offerings.Parks and Play SpacesWhen exploring Culver City with kids, be sure to check out the parks and play spaces that offer endless opportunities for outdoor fun and adventure. Culver City is home to a variety of playgrounds where children can run, climb, and swing to their heart's content. One popular option is the play space at Westfield Culver City, which features a colorful and interactive play area that will keep kids entertained for hours. Another great choice is Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, which boasts 12.9 acres of green space and multiple playgrounds for children of all ages.In addition to playgrounds, Culver City also offers exciting opportunities for storytime and book clubs. The Culver City Library hosts regular storytime sessions where children can engage in imaginative storytelling and interactive activities. These sessions aren't only educational, but also a great way for kids to socialize and make new friends in a relaxed and fun environment.Whether it's climbing on jungle gyms, sliding down slides, or listening to captivating stories, Culver City has something for every child. These parks and play spaces provide the perfect setting for kids to unleash their creativity, burn off energy, and enjoy the freedom of outdoor play.Events and EntertainmentAfter a day of exploring the parks and play spaces in Culver City, it's time to dive into the vibrant world of events and entertainment that await both kids and adults alike. Culver City offers a variety of exciting and engaging activities that are sure to keep the whole family entertained. Here are four must-see events and entertainment options in Culver City:Culver City Symphony Orchestra Concert: Immerse yourself in the beautiful sounds of the Culver City Symphony Orchestra. From classical masterpieces to contemporary compositions, their concerts are a treat for music lovers of all ages. Get ready to be swept away by the enchanting melodies and captivating performances.Annenberg Pet Space Kittens: If your little ones are animal lovers, then a visit to the Annenberg Pet Space is a must. Not only can they meet adorable kittens, but they can also have the opportunity to read to puppies. It's a wonderful way to teach children about empathy and responsibility while enjoying some cuddly companionship.Boulevard Music: Get your groove on at Boulevard Music, where you can catch live shows featuring a variety of talented musicians. From jazz to blues, rock to folk, there's something for everyone's musical taste. Dance, sing along, or simply tap your feet to the infectious rhythms—it's all about having a great time.Tuesday Afternoon Farmers Market: Explore the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of the Tuesday Afternoon Farmers Market. Not only can you and your little ones discover a wide array of fresh produce and artisanal goods, but you can also enjoy live entertainment and delicious food. It's a perfect opportunity to support local vendors while enjoying a fun-filled day with your family.With these exciting events and entertainment options, Culver City provides endless opportunities for family fun. So, get ready to create lasting memories and experience the magic of this vibrant city.Educational ExperiencesLet's embark on a journey of discovery and learning with the educational experiences that Culver City has to offer. One exciting opportunity is to create art projects out of funky recycled stuff at reDiscover's open hours. This hands-on experience allows kids to unleash their creativity while also learning about the importance of recycling and repurposing materials. It's a fantastic way to teach them to think outside the box and find beauty in unexpected places.To give you a taste of what you can expect at reDiscover, here's a table showcasing some of the art projects your kids can create using recycled materials:ProjectMaterials NeededBottle Cap MosaicsBottle caps, glue, and a base surfaceTin Can Wind ChimesTin cans, string, and decorative beadsCardboard SculpturesCardboard boxes, scissors, and gluePaper Roll AnimalsToilet paper rolls, paint, and markersThese art projects not only encourage creativity, but they also teach kids about the importance of reducing waste and finding new purposes for everyday items. By using recycled materials, they learn to value the environment and understand the impact of their actions.Shopping and MarketsEmbark on a shopping adventure and explore the vibrant markets of Culver City, where you can discover unique treasures and indulge in delicious treats.Culver City is home to a variety of artisan markets and farmers markets that offer a wide array of products, from local produce to handmade crafts.Here are four must-visit shopping destinations in Culver City:Coolhaus Shop: If you're looking for a sweet treat, head to the Coolhaus Shop. This artisan ice cream shop offers architecturally-inspired flavors that are sure to delight both kids and adults. From their signature ice cream sandwiches to their inventive ice cream flavors like Balsamic Fig and Mascarpone, you'll find something to satisfy your sweet tooth.Tuesday Afternoon Farmers Market: Support local farmers and enjoy fresh produce at the Tuesday Afternoon Farmers Market. This market is a great place to stock up on fruits, vegetables, and other locally sourced products. Take your kids along and teach them about the importance of eating fresh, seasonal produce while enjoying the lively atmosphere of the market.La Dijonaise: Indulge in some fabulous French pastries at La Dijonaise. This charming bakery offers a wide selection of delicious treats, from croissants and macarons to tarts and cakes. Treat your little ones to a special pastry and let them experience the joy of French baking.Lakeshore's Saturday Craft Sessions: Get creative with your kids at Lakeshore's free Saturday craft sessions. This educational store offers a range of craft supplies and organizes fun and interactive craft sessions every Saturday. Let your kids unleash their artistic side and bring home their own handmade creations.Sports and RecreationGet ready to get active and have some fun in Culver City with a wide range of sports and recreational activities for the whole family. Whether you're looking to try something new or explore the great outdoors, there's something for everyone in this vibrant city.One exciting option for sports enthusiasts is to try a free intro fencing class at the Beverly Hills Fencers Club, conveniently located right here in Culver City. Fencing is a thrilling and fast-paced sport that combines strategy, agility, and quick thinking. It's a great way to get active and learn a new skill while having a blast with your family.If you prefer to be outdoors, Culver City offers plenty of opportunities to explore the local hiking trails. One popular option is the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, where you can hike up to the top and enjoy breathtaking views of the city. It's a great way to get some exercise, connect with nature, and spend quality time with your loved ones.In addition to fencing and hiking, Culver City also offers other sports and recreational activities such as biking along the Ballona Creek bike path or taking a refreshing swim at the Culver City Plunge. And if you're feeling adventurous, why not run through the lion fountain next to the Culver Hotel? It's a fun and unique way to cool off and have some fun.Libraries and Book ClubsIf you're looking to dive into the world of books and literature, Culver City has a vibrant library scene and exciting book clubs that will ignite your love for reading and storytelling. Here are four highlights to check out:Storytime programs: The Culver City Library offers engaging and interactive storytime programs for kids of all ages. From baby storytime to preschool storytime, these programs provide a fun and educational experience for children and their caregivers. With a focus on promoting early literacy skills, these storytime sessions incorporate songs, rhymes, and stories to captivate young imaginations.Book club recommendations: Joining a book club is a fantastic way to connect with fellow book lovers and discover new reads. The Culver City Library hosts book clubs for various age groups, including adults, teens, and children. These book clubs provide a platform for lively discussions, recommendations, and the opportunity to explore different genres and authors.Library resources: The Culver City Library offers a wide range of resources for families, including a vast collection of books, audiobooks, and e-books. Additionally, the library provides access to online databases, research materials, and educational resources for all ages. Whether you're looking for a classic novel, a children's picture book, or information on a specific topic, the library has you covered.Special events and author visits: The library frequently hosts special events and author visits, bringing the world of literature to life. From book signings to author talks, these events offer a unique opportunity to engage with talented writers and gain insights into the creative process. Keep an eye on the library's calendar for upcoming events that will inspire and entertain.With its diverse range of storytime programs, book club recommendations, library resources, and special events, Culver City's libraries are a haven for book enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you're a parent looking to foster a love of reading in your child or an avid reader seeking literary connections, the library scene in Culver City offers something for everyone.Theaters and PerformancesWhen it comes to theaters and performances, Culver City offers a vibrant and exciting arts scene that will captivate audiences of all ages. From world-class productions at the Kirk Douglas Theatre to outdoor performances by the Culver City Public Theatre, there is something for everyone to enjoy. And for those interested in the magic of the silver screen, a tour of the historic Sony Pictures film studio is a must-see.Here is a table showcasing some of the theaters and performances that Culver City has to offer:VenuePerformanceSuitable for All Ages?Kirk Douglas TheatreBroadway-quality showsYesCulver City Public TheatreOutdoor performances in the parkYesSony Pictures Film Studio TourBehind-the-scenes film experienceYesThe Kirk Douglas Theatre is known for its top-notch productions, featuring talented actors and captivating stories. Whether it's a classic play or a contemporary musical, the performances at this theater are sure to leave you spellbound.For a unique and immersive experience, the Culver City Public Theatre offers outdoor performances in the park. Bring a blanket, sit back, and enjoy a show under the stars. These family-friendly performances are a great way to introduce children to the world of theater.And if you're a film lover, don't miss the opportunity to take a tour of the historic Sony Pictures film studio. Get a glimpse behind the scenes of the movie-making process and learn about the rich history of this iconic studio.With its diverse range of theaters and performances, Culver City truly has something for everyone. So whether you're a theater enthusiast or just looking for a fun outing with the family, be sure to check out the exciting arts scene that Culver City has to offer.Animal EncountersWe were thrilled to discover that Culver City offers exciting opportunities for animal encounters, allowing families to get up close and personal with exotic rescue animals and even enjoy the company of adorable kittens and puppies at the nearby Annenberg Pet Space. Here are four reasons why animal encounters in Culver City are a must-do for families:Exotic Rescue Animals: The STAR Eco Station provides a unique experience for animal lovers. This interactive exhibit allows visitors to learn about and meet a variety of exotic animals that have been rescued. From colorful parrots to slithering snakes, families can witness these incredible creatures up close and even have the chance to interact with some of them.Annenberg Pet Space: For those who prefer the company of domestic animals, the Annenberg Pet Space is the perfect place to visit. This state-of-the-art facility offers a range of interactive exhibits where families can spend time with adorable kittens and puppies. Not only can you enjoy their playful antics, but you can also learn about responsible pet ownership and the importance of animal welfare.Educational Opportunities: Animal encounters provide valuable learning experiences for children. These experiences help foster a sense of empathy and respect for all living creatures. By interacting with animals, children can develop a deeper understanding of their needs, behaviors, and habitats. It's a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about the animal kingdom.Unforgettable Memories: Animal encounters create lasting memories for families. Whether it's holding a baby kangaroo or cuddling with a fluffy kitten, these experiences are sure to be cherished for a lifetime. The joy and excitement on your child's face as they interact with these incredible creatures is priceless.Animal encounters in Culver City offer a unique and enriching experience for families. From exotic rescue animals to playful kittens and puppies, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So grab your family and embark on an adventure filled with furry friends and unforgettable moments.Music and ConcertsMusic and concerts in Culver City are a vibrant and exciting part of the local scene, offering a wide range of performances that will captivate music lovers of all ages. One of the highlights of the music scene in Culver City is the free summer concert series at City Hall. These concerts are a fantastic way to enjoy live music in a beautiful outdoor setting. From jazz to rock to classical, there's something for everyone to enjoy.In addition to the free summer concert series, Culver City is also home to Boulevard Music, a live music venue that showcases a variety of talented artists. Whether you're into folk, blues, or world music, you're bound to find a show that suits your taste. The intimate setting of Boulevard Music allows for an up-close and personal experience with the performers.If you're looking for a different kind of musical experience, you can catch a show at the Kirk Douglas Theatre. This renowned theater showcases a diverse range of performances, including plays, musicals, and dance shows. It's a great way to expose your children to the arts and ignite their passion for creativity.For those who appreciate classical music, the Culver City Symphony Orchestra offers a series of concerts throughout the year. These performances feature talented musicians who bring classical masterpieces to life. Attending a concert by the Culver City Symphony Orchestra is a wonderful way to introduce your children to the beauty and complexity of classical music.Gardens and NatureGardens and nature in Culver City offer a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing families to immerse themselves in the beauty of the outdoors. Here are four exciting ways for kids to enjoy the natural wonders of Culver City:Kid-friendly hikes: Lace up your hiking boots and hit the trails with your little ones. Culver City is home to the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, a stunning hilltop with panoramic views of the city. It's a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the beauty of nature.Veggie gardening for kids: Let your little green thumbs flourish by having Little Saplings set up a kid-friendly veggie garden for your family. Your children will love getting their hands dirty and watching their plants grow. Plus, they'll learn about the importance of sustainable living and where their food comes from.Explore the parks: Culver City is filled with parks and playgrounds where kids can run, play, and explore. Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park is a great option, with over 12 acres of green space and playgrounds. It's the perfect place for a picnic or a game of catch.Animal encounters: Take a trip to the STAR Eco Station, where your kids can visit exotic rescue animals and learn about conservation. They can also pet kittens and read to puppies at the nearby Annenberg Pet Space. It's a fun and educational experience that will leave a lasting impression.MiscellaneousLet's dive into the world of Culver City's miscellaneous activities and discover some hidden gems that are sure to entertain both kids and adults alike.One of the unique experiences you can have in Culver City is running through the lion fountain next to the Culver Hotel. This iconic fountain is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Kids love splashing and playing in the water while adults can enjoy the beautiful surroundings.Another must-visit destination is the Culver City Plunge. This outdoor swimming pool offers a refreshing escape from the California heat. Whether you want to swim laps or simply relax by the poolside, the Culver City Plunge is the perfect spot for some fun in the sun.In addition to these activities, Culver City also offers a variety of other miscellaneous attractions. From exploring local parks and playgrounds to attending free events and concerts, there's something for everyone in this vibrant city.Whether you're looking for a unique way to cool off, want to experience the thrill of running through a fountain, or simply want to explore the many hidden gems of Culver City, the miscellaneous activities in this city are sure to delight. So grab your swimsuit, put on your running shoes, and get ready for an adventure in Culver City!MiscellaneousOne of the best things about Culver City is the abundance of unique and exciting activities that fall under the category of 'Miscellaneous'. While there are many different options to choose from, here are four activities that are sure to provide a fun and memorable experience for kids and families:Run through the lion fountain next to the Culver Hotel: This iconic fountain is a favorite spot for kids to cool off and have some fun. With its playful lion statues and refreshing water, it's the perfect place to let loose and enjoy a carefree moment.Visit the exotic rescue animals at the STAR Eco Station: Kids who love animals will be in for a treat at the STAR Eco Station. This unique facility houses a variety of rescued animals, including reptiles, birds, and mammals. It's a great opportunity for children to learn about conservation and the importance of protecting our planet's biodiversity.Explore the Museum of Jurassic Technology: Step into a world of wonder and curiosity at the Museum of Jurassic Technology. This unusual museum combines art, science, and history to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Kids will be fascinated by the strange and intriguing exhibits, making it a perfect choice for a family outing.Try a free archery class from Los Angeles Archery: For kids who are looking for a new and exciting sport to try, a free archery class from Los Angeles Archery is a great option. They provide all the equipment and instruction needed to get started, making it accessible for beginners. It's a chance for kids to develop focus, discipline, and coordination while having a blast.With so many diverse options to choose from, Culver City offers a wide range of miscellaneous activities for kids and families to enjoy. Whether it's running through fountains, visiting exotic animals, exploring unique museums, or trying new sports, there's something for everyone to experience and enjoy in this vibrant city.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Indoor Activities or Attractions for Kids in Culver City?There are plenty of indoor play areas and kids' museums in Culver City!From interactive exhibits at the Wende Museum to the fun-filled play space at Westfield Culver City, there's something for every little explorer.Let your kids unleash their creativity at Lakeshore's craft sessions or dive into the world of art at reDiscover's open hours.With so many options, your little ones will have a blast while staying entertained indoors in Culver City.Where Can I Find Information About Upcoming Events and Performances in Culver City?Looking for upcoming events and performances in Culver City? We've got you covered! From live shows at Boulevard Music to concerts at City Hall, there's always something exciting happening in our vibrant city.Whether you're a fan of theater, music, or art, Culver City has it all. Stay tuned for a calendar of events that will keep you entertained and inspired.Get ready to immerse yourself in the lively cultural scene of Culver City!Are There Any Educational Programs or Workshops Available for Kids in Culver City?There are plenty of educational programs and workshops available for kids in Culver City. From free intro fencing classes at Beverly Hills Fencers Club to tours of Sony Pictures historic film studio, there's something to engage and inspire young minds.Little Saplings can even set your kids up to tend a kid-friendly veggie garden. With these opportunities, children in Culver City can learn and grow while having fun.Can You Recommend Any Unique or Offbeat Attractions in Culver City That Kids Would Enjoy?Sure!We know of some cool and quirky spots in Culver City that kids will love. There are unique playgrounds where they can run, jump, and play to their heart's content.And if they're into interactive museums, we've got just the thing! They can explore fascinating exhibits and learn in a fun and hands-on way.These attractions are sure to keep your little ones entertained and engaged. So why not check them out and make some unforgettable memories?Are There Any Family-Friendly Restaurants or Cafes in Culver City?Family friendly dining options in Culver City are plentiful, with a diverse range of cafes to choose from.Whether you're in the mood for a casual brunch or a fancy dinner, there's something for everyone.From cozy coffee shops to trendy eateries, Culver City has it all.You can enjoy delicious food while spending quality time with your loved ones, creating memories that will last a lifetime.ConclusionAs we wrap up our adventure through Culver City, we hope you and your little ones have discovered countless possibilities for fun and excitement. Just like the vibrant colors of a rainbow, this city offers a spectrum of activities that will leave your hearts shining bright.So grab your kids' hands and let them lead you to unforgettable memories, where imaginations run wild and laughter fills the air. Culver City is waiting to be explored, so what're you waiting for?Let the magic begin!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:38 MichiganRoadkill Did the humans ever find the clans graves?

It suddenly struck me, while they would be excavating when they tore down the forest, wouldn't they find the clans graves? It would be absolutely horrifying to stumble across them, especially if they hadn't known about the clans being there.
Just seeing on the news as a twoleg "Hundreds of cat graves found in local woods. Is there a murderer or is there something else? More at 7"
I'd honestly hope they reburied them at a pet cemetery to give them that respect, especially for Starclan's sake as I could see it being a future issue.
submitted by MichiganRoadkill to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:34 AssistCommon3867 First hand embarrassment

Kimmy since you aren't embarrassed at anything you do, I'll be embarrassed for you. The fact that you scam your county because you are too lazy to clean your own apartment is disgusting. You have your worker coming to clean that filthy apartment SHOULD make you embarrassed. How can you let her? You say you work two jobs, which we know is BS, but can't clean up after yourself? You buy all these pets that you can't afford or clean up after them. You have the audacity to have your workers do it. You should be ashamed of yourself and you know your grandparents are rolling over in their grave.
submitted by AssistCommon3867 to therealtulipdripsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:21 MendaxSan How to Type Apostrophes on US International Layout?

Hi everyone, I use a US international layout on Windows and Linux, and I noticed when using a grammar correction tool today that even with pressing the apostrophe key twice, it is still producing a grave accent marker instead of an apostrophe. Is there a method to type the apostrophe on a US International layout without having to switch back to US English in the software?
submitted by MendaxSan to typing [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:11 OhDearGod666 Fence posts in rocky soil - what to actually do?

I've been reading about the debate over augers vs post driver for rocky ground, but I can't really find what people actually do when they encounter a rock. Would you immediately go straight to digging a wider hole to remove the obstruction? Or would you just go over a foot or so and try there, hoping you've avoided whatever was stopping you? It seems like less of a pain to cut a foot off from the fence boards than to dig a hole, but it also seems like a half-ass approach (which I'm not opposed to).
I've dug quite a few shallow graves (for pets!) and getting even a foot deep takes considerable effort. I know fluffy deserved better, but that ground is dry and has some seriously large flat rocks.
Would it be a dumb idea to simply use the post driver for as many holes as possible, and then mark the ones where I got stuck before I hit 2.5-ish feet, and then rent some bigger machinery to hit those or hire a professional to do those for me? This is going to be a 500 foot (long!) fence.
submitted by OhDearGod666 to FenceBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:09 HelicopterHot574 There is hope. Things that worked for my reactive rescue.

Some background on my pup: female GSD/St. Bernard mix. Her litter was dumped with mom on the side of the road and they all ended up in a high-kill shelter. Her rescue took them out of the shelter and placed them with emergency fosters. She was in foster care for several months before I adopted her at 8 months. She lives with a 4-year-old Chiweenie (another rescue and a recovered stress ball). Her reactivity started to show about three weeks after adoption. She adores other dogs and her reactivity is limited to strangers.
1) We work with a trainer. He identified her reactivity is fear-based and he focuses on building her confidence with obedience and agility.
2) Counter-conditioning and exposure. We walk daily and I use high-value rewards when she focuses on me and doesn’t react. I keep the treat in my left hand and focus her as soon as I see the trigger by clicking my tongue (just the marker sound we’ve settled on).
3) We walk the same route every day. We are fortunate enough to live within walking distance of a lake. The environment never changes, which helps with her confidence and security, but the level of activity fluctuates. We practice walking by people on the shoreline, and she gets rewarded by playing in the water.
4) We eat at dog-friendly restaurants. I bring a Kong filled with ice and kibble to keep her occupied, and she gets a high-value reward every time someone approaches the table without her reacting.
5) Our neighbors are invested in her training. When she reacts to them, they approach her and talk to her until she calms down. They then reward with treats and pets.
6) Along the same line as the above, I carry high-value treats for strangers to feed her in public. I work hard to make sure every interaction with a stranger is either neutral or positive.
7) We use a pinch collar that we NEVER pop or apply pressure. I was very reluctant to use this, but it was recommend by her trainer after working with her. As he explained it, it provides communication that mimics a mother correcting a puppy. The only pressure that is ever applied is pressure she creates by pulling. It immediately stopped the lunging at strangers. She also seems more confident and less fearful when she’s wearing it (I am assuming because she knows exactly what her boundaries are and she doesn’t need to decide how to react). I don’t recommend this for every dog, and I don’t anticipate her needing it for too much longer. I would only recommend using this under the supervision of a certified trainer.
8) We go to a dog park every week, with the caveat that this park is 5-acres which allows plenty of space for every dog, and interaction isn’t forced. This has been a great place to find other dog owners who are willing to help with counter-conditioning and make sure she has positive interactions. This has allowed us to work on off-leash introductions, and gives her a chance to play with dogs her own size, which has also helped her build confidence.
9) LOTS of attention and love and patience. I remind myself of how rough her start in life was if I feel myself getting frustrated.
We are at the point where she can walk around events with lots of people and dogs without reacting. We still have the occasional selective reaction on walks where she will grumble at someone, but she immediately responds when I tell her no.
I was so defeated after a training session where she had a complete meltdown after seeing her trainer (who she had worked with just fine previously). The entire training session was a complete waste. She was scaring people in public and I was so embarrassed every time someone pulled their kid closer to them or flinched away from her. It can get better. I hope a couple of things that have worked well for her can help another anxious pup.
submitted by HelicopterHot574 to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:54 BudTrendz Top 10 Products Gaining The Most Attention Over The Past 7 Days (May 27 - June 3, 2024)

Top 10 Products Gaining The Most Attention Over The Past 7 Days (May 27 - June 3, 2024)
Here are the top 10 cannabis products that have been trending based on user reviews and trend scores over the past week. The Trend Score is a measure of attention each post receives, factoring in upvotes, downvotes, and comments. Each product is accompanied by its author, sentiment bias, and a brief summary of the sentiment.
  1. Peanut Butter Breath by Spinach
    • Author: u/ComprehensiveOil8598
    • Summary: The reviewer did not enjoy the product, found it harsh and dried out, and mentioned it smells of ammonia, advising against purchasing it. (Negative sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 667.71
  2. HAZE THINGZ by Community
    • Author: u/Busch_Ice-lover420
    • Summary: The reviewer enjoyed the smooth smoke and appreciated the lack of mold in the top Cola bud, though they did not express intentions of repurchasing. (Mixed sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 630.63
  3. Granddaddy Purps by Good Supply
    • Author: u/mystical_wizard
    • Summary: The reviewer appreciated the smell and flavor, describing it as gassy and skunky, and mentioned the high provides a good couch-lock effect. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 554.54
  4. Frosted Fruit Cake by Frost Cannabis
    • Author: u/OnCannReviews
    • Summary: The reviewer enjoyed the consistency and high of the product, despite the taste not being as strong as desired, and found it solid overall. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 410.31
  5. Mendo Juana Sour Sativa - Glazed Apricot Gelato by Fleurons
    • Author: u/DaddySpray
    • Summary: The reviewer enjoyed the product for its good value, energizing, and euphoric effects, and expressed interest in trying other products from the brand. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 402.18
  6. Forbidden fruit solventless diamonds by Beurre Blanc
    • Author: u/NetChako
    • Summary: The reviewer was happy with the product, mentioning the strong taste and smooth experience, and would buy it again. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 392.46
  7. Exclusives Drop #4 by BLKMT
    • Author: u/CrumplyRump
    • Summary: The reviewer enjoyed the appearance, taste, and high of the product, finding it a pleasant surprise worth purchasing again. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 377.05
  8. Cured Resin - Sativa - ORNG JUCE by 1964
    • Author: u/TopShelfVape
    • Summary: The reviewer recommends the product for its immediate relief of migraines and full-flavored experience, perfect for an afternoon session. (Positive sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 349.67
  9. Permanent Marker by Northern Cann
    • Author: u/NightSpears
    • Summary: The reviewer was disappointed with the newer batch, mentioning quality and consistency issues, but appreciated the brand's transparency and customer service. (Negative sentiment)
    • Sum of Trend Score: 324.86
  10. BAKED - Acai Gelato Mintz by Premium Select Cannabis
  • Author: u/BadgerChurn
  • Summary: The reviewer had an incredible experience, praising the intense, full-bodied, spacey, and stimulating effects of the flower. (Positive sentiment)
  • Sum of Trend Score: 312.6
Discover what's trending now on Budtrendz:
submitted by BudTrendz to BudTrendz [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:16 Severian1392 Absolutely Hideous (Pet Sematary Spoilers)

Pet Sematary is a masterpiece and is rightly considered one of King's darkest and most disturbing novels.
The whole book is bleak and gothic, but one thing stands out to me as one of the most hideous things King has ever written...
It's the part where Gage confronts Jud. King's description of Gage's appearance, fresh from two graves, and his childlike but perfectly understandable voice (this from a child that could barely talk when he died) was bad enough, but the terrible things he says makes it so much worse.
The icing on the cake is Gage opening his mouth of sharp milk teeth and channeling Jud's dead wife's voice, screeching at him.
It's genuinely horrific.
submitted by Severian1392 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:59 AwayWin3035 AITA for telling my family your daughter(16F) is spoil and rotten

Iam 20F have a younger sister 16F. Let’s just say my parents have grown into this “gentle parenting” or just given up on my younger sister. Like for years she would use my expensive markers, wear my clothes (I have a job so I mostly buy my own stuff now and pay bills here and there ) then when she got caught she would start saying no no i didn’t do it I would never do it. And I would obviously be mad I work my butt off for my clothes just for her to be wearing them . We would start having arguments constantly. I my parents would NEVER give her the consequences for what she did. I think she was very much knowing what she did because she would try to hide it. Anyway lately she been acting like she all that but in reality she probably stupid academic wise because she forgot to log out of her canvas one day from my Ipad and I got to see her grades she failing most of her classes barely has any A’s as she talks about iam passing my classes yeah yeah she always demanding money and threatening me when I don’t give her 20 biweekly when I get paid and get paid to take the mail out of mailbox or small little things . What do my parents do besides telling her they disagree on her grades they don’t do anything else . But iam in currently in college and since high school I always been push around on my grades. I got a dam C in my art class and my dad started yelling at me but I got A’s on rest of my classes… ok I guess I work 30 some hours a week and go to college I clean and clean like the dam maid here but she gets to play on her phone and maybe boil the chicken? Ok nice today I got a massive argument with her because she was yelling at the kitten for destroying my mom plants and I was taking a nap which woke me up . I had work the day before and work been so bad and mentally draining. I told her she could just pick up the kitten and put it in a room so he would stop destroying the plants and making a mess but no she on her sofa watching TV playing games on her phone as well . I realize there was a lot of shit on the floor and table and all she did was boil chicken. She got mad and started yelling saying she does everything on the house she began to call dad because she got mad and walk out. That when I said you got a lazy dumb daughter who is deaf but refuses to wear her hearing aid she probably lost it that 3k hearing aid. She so spoil all she wants is money being transferred to her account. He said stop saying that and I said well you scare of your own daughter but iam not so deal with her iam moving out.
Edit: my sister isn’t special needs she only deaf from one ear but other then that she a regular teenager we also share a bedroom. I pay for All 4 pets insurances and food my parents barely pay for them. My mom also pays for my school fees such as tuition. That the only thing holding me back from moving out is my parents pay for my schooling.
submitted by AwayWin3035 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:21 asdfghjjbffgh Realm rework biome mechanics. Compendium of ideas

Wanted to get this out before the June patch drops (ideas for the new beta realm, created mostly for fun but are legitimate suggestions as well)
skip to the headings for individual ideas
As someone who has spent 95% of time in the new beta realm since its release, I am really enjoying the new content. However, while I think that the macroscopic aspects of the new realm (e.g. beacons, larger map, beach-veteran progression) are a welcome success, playing in individual biomes doesn't necessarily feel like a unique new experience, especially after the initial hype of exploring the new biomes.
While the visuals are excellent for non-visually impaired players, the actual gameplay per biome could be improved: the lack of environmental mechanics and other dynamic aspects in the biomes makes it almost feel like a neo-godlands where the enemies are more dangerous and complex, and there are setpieces... and that's it. It would be cool if difficulty could come from more than just "scutosaurus/dragonfly one shot me again" or "ice giant paralyzed me so i had to nexus".
The current new realm is still deep in beta so I have a lot of hope for it, but I really hope that in the future that the various biomes are differentiated more from each other in ways other than just aesthetics, enemies, and the biome UTs.

Terrain and hazards

Many dungeons are given a unique experience in part due to their environments and the dangers/challenges they present, such as the Tomb's quicksand, Ocean Trench's and Cnidarian Reef's breath mechanics, Mad Lab transmogrification, etc. So why not add some unique elements to personalize each of the realm's biomes in a similar manner?
We could have relatively simple mechanics introduced in the form of simple, solid terrain and liquids, which you'll find (minus the Abandoned City) is actually kinda scarce especially in the veteran biomes. There are cool decorations here and there, but that's all they are... decorations. They don't actually do anything. The trees in the Sanguine Forest, for example, are all purely eye candy and not solid objects; water in the realm doesn't slow you like you'd expect water to, and the little "ponds" in the Carboniferous aren't even water, they're just tiles drawn to look like water. It's just weird to have the inconsistency that, for example, some trees are solid objects while others aren't. How does it make sense that these tiny blades of grass are impassable objects while I can pass through and stand inside this tree like it's nothing?
On the other hand, don't go overboard with adding tangibility and function to every little thing. Don't give every biome the density of buildings and walls that the Abandoned City has; the City is already quite a standout due to its layout and the buildings scattered about, and it should stay that way.
We could think simple, mostly just playing with tiles and nothing we haven't already seen in the game before:
  • Different water types that slow you to various degrees; perhaps ocean water could slow you minimally, and Carboniferous water is thick and murky so it slows you more.
  • Breakable terrain, like coral in the Coral Reefs, wooden crates in the Shipwreck Cove, etc.
  • Risen Hell could have rivers of lava in addition to the classic Red Demon lava fissures.
  • Sanguine Forest could have pools and rivers of sickening, maybe bleeding blood.
  • Runic Tundra could have ice tiles, in moderation. Maybe water that inflicts a slow that persists after you exit it
  • Carboniferous could have mud that acts like quicksand (in moderation) as well as large trees in the style of the cherry blossoms in the spring nexus...
And we could also play with much more unique, complex mechanics:
  • The Coral Reefs and Deep Sea Abyss could obviously have breath mechanics like in the Ocean Trench, also a filter to make it look like you're underwater. In the Abyss' case it would be cool to make it a bit darker as well, and make the enemies bioluminescent to compensate, because in its current iteration it doesn't feel much like you're in the deep sea, more like a gray wasteland with enemies that happen to look like deep sea creatures.
  • The Runic Tundra could have campfires scattered around the map that warm a small area, giving players within the healing buff and removing debuffs.
  • The Shipwreck Cove could have cannon turrets
  • The Sanguine Forest could have "living" hazards that spew bombs of saliva, blood, ??? body fluids etc. at players (like in Parasite Chambers boss room)
  • The Carboniferous could feature giant trees that cast shadows, in which bug enemies like brown spiders and mantises could occasionally spawn in by telegraphed markers (like dropping from the trees) (away from bosses) (no dragonflies since those are bullshit) (I might get shit for this idea anyway but oh well)
  • Risen Hell: Single-use (per player) sacrificial altars where you can "sacrifice" max HP for a duration in exchange for increased offense or loot drop boost for the same time

Environment-interacting enemies

Self-explanatory, enemies that have extra mechanics with the environment since I'm 90% sure none of the current ones do. As long as they don't catch anyone off guard by doing too much damage or something I think it would be cool to have enemies that are more unique in that they interact with the environment around them or even with each other.
  • Floral Escape could have little flowers that grow out of the ground when approached (and make them unable to one shot you like the belladonna event red flowers, maybe make them shoot a single low dmg projectile that slows or something)
  • Haunted Hallows could have ent and jack-o-lantern enemies that disguise themselves as spooky trees and pumpkins respectively, and chase players
  • Risen Hell could have lava elementals that rise from lava when approached, and demonic cultists that interact with the sacrificial altars (suggested biome mechanic) to receive buffs
  • Coral Reefs could have bobbit worms that hide themselves under the sand, then emit particles when a player steps over them before they snap out with a paralyzing AoE (think the big worm from Lethal Company)
  • Sanguine Forest could have monsters that spawn in groups and leave behind corpses when they die; their friends can eat the remains of the fallen to heal and buff themselves or vomit a large amount of shots
  • Sprite Forest could have sprites that emerge from portals coming out of thin air a few tiles away from players

Biome events

If you've played Terraria or maybe certain other games, you might be familiar with the concept of events that modify a certain biome or the whole world while active. For example, the Sandstorm in Terraria results in more enemies spawning, makes it more difficult to move, and there's sand getting everywhere.
I think a similar concept applied to the new realm, per biome, would really spice things up every once in a while. Not only would this make each biome even more unique after the biome-specific terrain and hazards, but it would reduce the monotony of playing the same way every time you're in a certain biome.
The idea is that each biome event has a low chance of happening in a realm, and when it does, all instances of the biome in that realm will be modified for as long as the event persists (e.g. if Haunted Hallows has an event, it will happen in all patches of Haunted Hallows). These modifiers will actively make the biomes more dangerous, but also slightly increase the drop rate of desirable items (i.e. biome UTs) while effective.
Some ideas:
  • Runic Tundra - Blizzard: Heavy snowing, passively decreases player speed and dex inside the biome, but this effect is totally mitigated for players near campfires (see above) and for a short time after they leave. Good luck if you have particles set to high.
  • Haunted Hallows - Murderous Flocks: Crows (like the ones in the Sinister Scarecrow fight) are littered randomly throughout the biome, and can drop biome UT
  • Coral Reefs - Tidal Wave: Increased enemy spawn
  • Floral Escape - Full Bloom: Enemies are Armored, do more damage, and sometimes heal in combat
  • Dead Church - Second Coming: Enemies have a chance to spawn revive graves like accursed Shatters enemies (they can also drop loot again)
  • Shipwreck Cove - Mutiny of the Dead: More aggressive enemies (higher aggro range, attack rate, etc.)

Biome activities

Something fun and worthwhile to spend time on inside the realm if you're tired of repetitively killing monsters for loot? Auxiliary gameplay like Glover's fishing spot are a great idea imo (I don't do it though because the rewards are fish shit. pls buff it).
By "activities" I mean a mix of minigames and side quests that can be taken as auxiliary activities while you're doing whatever else in the realm. Partaking in these activities rewards special quest items (like the current fish) which you may or may not return to a special NPC (like Glover). Such an NPC may be in the realm in the activity's resident biome, or even in the Nexus or daily quest/Tinkerer room as a vendor.
  • Runic Tundra - Mining: Mineral deposits show up infrequently, can be killed with a pickaxe (equip to ring slot) drop forge ore and other rock themed items, including quest gems like diamonds and emeralds that can be traded to an NPC.
  • Carboniferous - Fossil Digging: Every now and then, shooting with a shovel (equip to ring slot) will do an AoE that may unearth rewards like loot or amber and fossils that can be traded to an NPC
  • Haunted Hallows - Trick or Treating: Some small shacks around the biome with a witch NPC or something, interacting with them will grant you a "treat" (loot, buffs) or "trick" (debuffs or enemy spawns)
  • Risen Hell - Item Altars: Similar to the old Alchemist NPC where you trade in mid tier quest loot for a reward, maybe summon a boss
  • Abandoned City - Relic Hunting: Talk to an NPC to allow City enemies to drop quest items for turn-in (maybe Treasures could make a comeback?)
  • Shipwreck Cove - Treasure Hunting: Enemies may drop a treasure map consumable that marks a spot on the minimap, standing on that specific spot (only for the user) for some time unearths a treasure chest
  • Floral Escape - Pollination: Commit sex with the alluring blossom.
Maybe don't add one to every single biome because it feels less special to have side quests or the like everywhere you go.
Don't take this too seriously. Tell me what you think
submitted by asdfghjjbffgh to RotMG [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:10 Astaritus Palia

Almost every second player dreams of being in a fantasy world. And now your dream comes true!
You find yourself in the world of “Palia”, where unusual laws of physics, magic and ancient mysteries await you, which only you can solve.
Find out where the ancient peoples who inhabited this world previously disappeared - solving the most complex problems beyond the minds of the Palians!
  • Availability: Free to play
  • Availability of achievements
  • Gamepad support
  • Unreal Engine 5
  • Possibility of cooperative play with friends
  • Game mode support for streamers
  • Cross-platform support
  • Character customization
  • Vibrant graphics
  • Good optimization
  • Detailed character animations
  • Photo mode support
  • Open world
  • Large selection of activities for the character
  • Opportunity to have a romantic relationship with an NPC
  • Frequent updates and bug fixes
  • Additional mini-games in the Underground
  • Unofficial support for third-party addons that simplify gameplay
  • Support automatic movement
  • A variety of choices in dialogues with NPCs, which allows you to receive different prizes and bonuses
Did not like:
  • The need to create an additional account on the developer’s website
  • Error when connecting accounts on the official website of the game [Invalid card token]
  • Possibility of creating a female character with a beard
  • The presence of a hijab in the “Hair” column [I wonder why, in this case, the bandana is included in headdresses?]
  • The need to create “unique” names for characters {Not to be confused with a nickname, which is created separately]
  • A number of locations have many invisible walls blocking players from exploring the world
  • If he gets into the water, the character moves along the bottom on foot
  • The character can't swim
  • Recreating a character on the shore if he is in the water
  • A number of “lakes” allow you to completely immerse your character under water, without recreating him on the shore. Others recreate the character, even if the depth of the reservoir only reaches the hero’s knees
  • The path to finding pictures taken with the player's camera is not specified
  • The presence of a glitch in which, after a conversation with an NPC, the player loses control of the character, and the game does not register keyboard or mouse clicks
  • Availability of an in-game store
  • Purchases with real money
  • Glitch animation, in which if there is no ammunition for hunting beetles, the character will hold an empty hand
  • The presence of animations for shooting/throwing objects - without the presence of ammunition in the weapon inventory
  • The glitch in which Hassan is at the same point with Tau, making it difficult for players to single out NPCs for communication/trading
  • Presence of [Server Connection Lost:] error during gameplay
  • No automatic reconnection to the server in case of connection loss. In this case, the player can continue to move along the game map, but is not able to interact with NPCs and objects on the map
  • Long cooldown of the “Return Home” ability on the world map
  • Possibility of the game freezing when going to the glider modification tab - if the player does not have one
  • A glitch in which animals can become invisible while escaping from the player
  • Collision glitch, in which several animals running in the same direction will interfere with each other and get stuck in the model of the second animal
  • NPCs can “disappear” from the location directly in front of the player, ignoring the “walk home”
  • Glitch with Tau movement animation
  • Glitch with simultaneous movement and dialogue with Tau
  • Problem with jumping accuracy in Tower game mode, or Temple platforming sessions
  • Most interior items are decorative and do not have the ability to interact or use the object
  • The presence of meaningless improvements to a number of player tools
  • Tool upgrades have a temporary effect
  • Experience for using a specialty is awarded not for “work”, but for the collected material
  • Inability to install multiple dishes for cooking/roasting over a fire
  • Painting walls/floors takes up a separate slot in the player's inventory, as well as chests
  • Inability to disable general chat
  • Inability to disable chat notification about connecting to a new server
  • After purchasing an inventory expansion in Zeki’s store, which bears the proud name “BACKPACK”, the backpack will not appear on the character’s back
  • Bug of the task “it takes a village” if the player brings all 15 eggs, fish and bugs - Zeki will not launch an air flow to the main Tempest Temple
  • Point activation/interaction zone with objects/doors
  • Inability to reset FOV settings in game settings
  • The presence of active water geysers that do not lift the player into the air if he uses a glider
  • The player cannot sell/disassemble created items
  • There are bugs with the animation of Kenny's hat
  • The need to exit the dialogue with the NPC to update the list of tasks and dialogues
  • Lack of useful use of empty treasure chests that the player collects after activating the “treasure”
  • There is a problem with collisions of walls/sheer cliffs, in which the character runs into an invisible barrier and cannot climb to the top of the ledge
  • Requires ARROWS to solve puzzles in Firelink Shrine, and Hassan (the NPC merchant) does not sell regular arrows, which may require the player to leave the quest during the quest
  • If the player leaves the Temples while completing a quest, he will not be able to “see” the entrance - due to the absence of a quest marker at the entrance to the Temple location
  • Glitch of players' costumes with “tails”, due to which the movable tail can stretch throughout the entire location
  • A hole in the texture that could allow players to end up underneath the Tempest Temple
  • Possibility of application crash with “Memory leak” window
  • When restarting the game, it is possible to reset the player’s active tasks and change them to the first ones in the list
  • The choice of dialogues does not lead to a change in the attitude of the NPC towards the player, or “other” options for the ending of the task
  • Abundance of grind
  • The game is blocked by the developer for all users of the Russian Federation and the CIS in the EGS store, but is available for download and use on the Steam site and on the official website.
“[b]Palia[/b]” is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game with elements of construction and social interaction, developed by [b]Singularity 6[/b]. In this game you will find yourself in an amazing fantasy world inhabited by various races and creatures. A distinctive feature of “[b]Palia[/b]” is its vibrant and picturesque game world, inspired by classic fantasy universes.
Players are given the opportunity to create a unique character, explore a huge open world, complete quests, hunt animals, improve their skills and create items. An important component of the game is the opportunity to build your own house, decorate it and even take part in large-scale global events that take place in the world of “[b]Palia[/b]”!
“[b]Palia[/b]” offers a unique emphasis on the close social connections between players. The game focuses on interacting with other community members, communicating, collaborating, and completing various tasks together. Unlike traditional MMOs, in “[b]Palia[/b]” grinding and farming resources are the only ways to develop your character. Even after solving the riddles of the ancient temples, players are faced with "barriers" requiring them to bring rare animals, food or plants with a very low drop rate. Therefore, players have to literally live in the game in hopes of obtaining the necessary resources.
It's important to note that the game is still in development and the developers are regularly adding new content, although this is mainly for the premium store, which includes pets, home decorations and character costumes. Therefore, you should not expect new quests or maps to appear. Despite this, the developers continue to fix bugs and improve the game.
As you explore the world of “[b]Palia[/b]” you will meet different characters with unique stories and tasks. Interact with them, help them complete tasks and solve their everyday problems, and if you wish, start romantic relationships with heroes of any gender, age and race.
Thanks to the many game mechanics in “[b]Palia[/b]”, players have many opportunities to express themselves and develop their character according to their preferences. You can choose your play style, define your goals and values, collaborate with other players, explore the ancient ruins and magical worlds of Zeki, and decorate your home and create unique items.
“[b]Palia[/b]” offers an immersive gaming experience that combines elements of adventure, building, social interaction and exploration. This game will allow you to completely immerse yourself in a magical fantasy world and create your own unique story.
submitted by Astaritus to u/Astaritus [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:07 vimtoisfizzy 2 Genshin ACCS for AMP :)

Both on EU!
Account 1 details AR 58:
Fully Built:
Account has ALL 4 STARS in the game, many level 60/70 that are semi-built. Also has C2 Keqing, C0 qiqi and C0 Diluc.
Weapons (Level 90 & 80 only):
Has 36 pity, guaranteed, 40 wishes saved. 40 Days welkin left, 601 genesis crystals! Not much exploration done though a lot of quests done including hangout and character.
Second account AR 52 from 2022- never wished before. Currently at the Chasm quest. Has 450 wishes saved and a Keqing from standard banner. 100% Exploration everywhere. 20million mora, 1k+ levelling materials, 100+ Fragile Resin.
Please DM offers! Only looking for GOOD adopt me pets! Both emails can be changed :)
submitted by vimtoisfizzy to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:06 vimtoisfizzy 2 Genshin Accs for AMP

Both on EU!
Account 1 details AR 58:
Fully Built:
Account has ALL 4 STARS in the game, many level 60/70 that are semi-built. Also has C2 Keqing, C0 qiqi and C0 Diluc.
Weapons (Level 90 & 80 only):
Has 36 pity, guaranteed, 40 wishes saved. 40 Days welkin left, 601 genesis crystals! Not much exploration done though a lot of quests done including hangout and character.
Second account AR 52 from 2022- never wished before. Currently at the Chasm quest. Has 450 wishes saved and a Keqing from standard banner. 100% Exploration everywhere. 20million mora, 1k+ levelling materials, 100+ Fragile Resin.
Please DM offers! Only looking for GOOD adopt me pets! Both emails can be changed :)
submitted by vimtoisfizzy to Cross_Trading_Roblox [link] [comments]