Linda goodman love signs online

For those who have lost a loved one to suicide

2013.04.01 19:25 For those who have lost a loved one to suicide

DO NOT POST ACTIVELY SUICIDAL CONTENT HERE, OR YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY BANNED. NO EXCEPTIONS. People are here to grieve, be respectful. **This is a supportive space exclusively for those bereaved by suicide. No other contributors are allowed and will be removed**

2008.09.10 15:12 Reddit Dreams: Everything about dreams

Welcome to the Reddit Dreams community! * Ask questions and learn about dreams. * Share your dreams. * Connect with a community of dream enthusiasts. * Request interpretation of your dreams. * Keep a dream journal. * Post links to interesting sites or videos related to dreams. * The latest news and info about dreams.

2018.07.08 16:12 petr_9


2024.06.04 22:52 DERaqui 21 [m4f] Online/US - Hey. I’m looking for true love. :)

Hello! I’m a loyal, gentle, soft hearted guy, a fluffy dark hair headed nerd, with blue eyes and glasses. Life is very precious to me and I don’t want to waste it. I have a tendency to think very positively, keeping my chin up. I like to consider myself pretty chill. :) I don’t care about politics, I like fun. I’m somewhat clingy and might be a bit overly loving… hope that’s okay ;-; mmm I like to play games (only the good ones) and learn/experience new things! :D I enjoy cooking/baking. I can make really good spaghetti and then blueberry muffins for dessert :3 I have a deep passion for art. Good art. Art that can speak volumes, quite important to me.
On to uhh what I’m looking for. :) Currently I’m looking for someone around my age. Someone nice, understanding, chill… a good personality. Personality is what matters to me the most. that’s basically all that matters to me in a relationship. Why is that so hard to find ._. Please be someone like that.
Did I miss something? I don’t know ._. I’m a fully open book so feel free to message me, ask me anything! if you’re interested! Hopefully we can talk soon :3
submitted by DERaqui to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:51 boymeetsfashion 20y/o looking for their first bike

As the title says, I'm a 20 year old looking to buy my first motorcycle after my car was recently totaled (not my fault I promise). I have a car to drive if needed but would love to get into motorcycles. Currently I'm looking at a Honda Grom because it seems beginner friendly but I've seen some conflicting things about the bike online. For reference, I live in McKinney, TX and personally never need to use highways. Most roads I drive on have a speed limit of 40 - 50, even the access roads don't go past 55 around here. I was wondering if anyone here had some input on what I should look at for my first bike. Is the Grom a good option?
submitted by boymeetsfashion to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:50 Hkibbles_ I (30M) (29F) started a situa tio ship and its not working, how can solve this issue?

I 30M met a girl 20F a long time ago on discord we talked for a bit then we stopped taking for a long time Im lost i dont know what to do
i talked to her again Just to see how she was doing, she said that she loved me, so we started a thing to see where it would take us she says that she is i love with me we started to talk on the 20 of May, we did exchange a lot of messages on whatsapp, she plays a game called IMVU, she has an Instagram account Just for the game, she followed me with that account too and i did the same, i became interested in her so we kept our thing,
We started to do some dirty things sharing some pics, vida, etc..., after sometime we would sleep on call and the adult things since we were long distance,the calls some times would end abruptly, she said they kept dropping and she never wanted to turn her camera on saying she was shy,
i started to be suspicious there,Last week she blocked me on the Imvu Instagram account, my suspicion grew even more, i asked her about it she said she deactivated the account, again suspicious, after that on the sleep calls one night she muted so i went to check that account that i was blocked on incógnito Mode and bamm it said she was dating a guy from the game since the 30/05, as soo as i saw that i sent the screen shots of what i saw, in the morning she removed the mention of that guy in her account,
she messages me saying that she gave the account away for me, that she wouldnt want to lose me for a video game, that she was hurt because i didnt trust her, that she didnt knew if She wanted to be with me anymore, we made peace, i created an account o that game Just to check on her profile didnt say anithing but on the guy's it said her name, on the sleep call i heart the keyboard and mousse again she mutes for a while, i go check her profile and she is online bingo i close the game and go back to sleep,
i wake UP in the middle of the night with the call hangged, in the morning she blames me that i hang up the call, not True i didnt hang, she said to follow with my life i answer with ok as i didnt knew what to say, at the same time i ask one of the Girls that know her for a long time if She was dating some one in game, she said yes,
i expain the situation she says that she is a bad person, i go back to taking with the girl i was interested, she says she wishes that i would be happy with somebody one Day, i ask her if its that what she really wants then we should move on, she goes o a rant on how she doesnt want no body, that doesnt want more relationship, but she wishes that i find someone,
i said she was already part of my life, she said the same bu in the end said oh well its life, she tanked me for the good momentos at this time se also said she was crying she went on how she couldnt live without me asked for a call i didnt want to go i was hurting after some pressure from her i called, she was crying, i was starting to fall in love, but i didnt want to make her hold on to me, that i was to painfull to keep this going, that since we were long distance it wouldnt work, i had to be the bad guy and say that i want to end our thing she Hung up, i apologize as i didnt want to hurt her, she went on saying that i gave up on her, i did want this to work, i them asked again why she was dating that guy, she got mad asked me why this again, i said ill try again,she said to forget it, i said i was confused and sha gave me time to think, what do i do? I m really confused are her feeling True, is she playing with me? What Will she do with what i sent her? Help pls update:i ended things with her she threatend to kill herself,
what can i do to fix this??
submitted by Hkibbles_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:50 Needmyownadvice Help/Advice- Husband has a fascination with talking to women online.

For context I am a 26 year old female and my husband is a 26 year old male. We met in high school and have now been together for almost 9 years.
I don’t love pornography but I also wouldn’t care if he watched it, if he didn’t talk to women or have a history of creating accounts behind my back to chat with women to get nudes, that’s what he always says is the reason. To strictly get nudes. When confronted it’s always deleted immediately and he lies until I ask a million questions.
In college it was so bad. He had every dating app downloaded and used fake accounts to catfish girls. Which I randomly happened to stumble upon the evidence in his camera roll…. It was hard for me to get over because he obviously has to have more than a one line conversation with someone to get a nude photo and that means he’s spent our whole relationship until that point talking to women in our area and at our college as someone else and also mistreating women.
I forgave him and we got married almost 2 years ago.
Now I stumble upon an accidental screenshot from manyvids and it’s a conversation he is having with a woman asking for a strip tease and for the pricing to be different.
I also found that he was trying to search for Vsco accounts of girls from out high school to masturbate to.
My problem is, how would you handle this?
He claims the sites he uses sometimes give free nudes if you ask the creators or that it means nothing and it’s only to masturbate to.
Even with that said he should’ve know from the past that I don’t take kindly to talking to women online and now it seems he’s done this our whole relationship. I am also very uncomfortable with him searching girls we know on Fb and Vsco.
Why can’t he just look at normal porn? All of his searches have to include chatting. Is that cheating?
Is it really fine if he’s using an Alias? I can’t stop thinking about it, and feel that my relationship is not the same as I used to think of it to be. And maybe he’s not who I thought he was.
He says only time will fix it, but I can’t stop thinking about it, and letting it ruin my future thoughts about our relationship.
Thank you- sorry it’s long.
submitted by Needmyownadvice to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:49 bittyshappyplace active SFW 18+ discord server? ÓwÒ

hello everyone! i know there have been plenty of threads inquiring about discord servers, but i was wondering if anyone could pass an invite along to me?
i rly enjoy the current SFW 18+ chat here on reddit, but i would love to be a part of a discord server. i'm new to the online community & would like to make some friends!
pls let me know! thankies!
submitted by bittyshappyplace to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:49 IrishLake34 Boomer bugging daughter about Pride and military service

My daughter recently graduated high school. She works at a retail store. She's also enlisted in the US Navy and leaves for boot camp in 2 weeks. She wears a lanyard at work, and she likes to put pins and buttons on the lanyard. She has a rainbow pin and a Navy button, plus a button the says her high school, among other things like an American flag, a music note, a dinosaur, and a hummingbird.
She told me this after her shift last night. Daughter is assisting Boomer lady with finding suitable items. Boomer husband is sitting in a nearby chair holding his wife's purse and other bags.
Boomer: I love your God's promise pin!
Daughter: Thank you!
B: Don't you think it's silly the gays have tried to steal it?
D: Well actually, I wear this in support of Pride month.
B: Well that's too bad. God intended it to be a sign of his promise.
D: That's ok, too. It's also just a bending of light through a prism at a specific angle. Physicists use it too. Can I help you with anything else?
B: No, I can get it myself.
30-ish minutes later at the checkout, where my daughter is now at a register.
B: Do you go to that school? (Pointing at the button)
D: I did! I'm a new graduate.
B: I see. Was your dad or grandad in the navy?
D: Nope. I'm enlisted and I actually leave for boot camp in a few weeks.
B: Oh my! That's refreshing! We are big patriots!
D; That's great! (Really tired of nice small talk at this point, trying to ring things up ASAP)
B: Maybe your time serving our country will change your mind about some things.
D: Like what?
B: Like wearing the rainbow as a sign of (whispers) gay pride.
D: Probably not.
B: Oh you'd be surprised. I'm sure your perspective will mature on a lot of things. See my husband over there? He's a veteran. Marine Corps. He was in Vietnam.
D: I appreciate his service. Here you go ma'am, thank you for shopping with us!
B: Well good luck to you. And thank goodness for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Just remember it's there for a reason. You never know how many of those sailors are gay
D: (Over it) Ma'am, DADT was repealed like 10 years ago. It isn't observed or enforced anymore. You can serve and be OUT now. Those gay sailors are just as deserving of thanks as your husband. And this future sailor doesn't want your advice. Have a lovely day!
Boomer husband walks over: For crying out loud Marsha (name changed), will you leave the young lady alone? Why do you always do this? Just leave people alone when they aren't hurting anyone else! You always just HAVE to .......
And the husband continued to berate her the whole way out the door. Daughter just laughed.
submitted by IrishLake34 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 annagram_dk [FO] Cewec flower pillow

[FO] Cewec flower pillow
I just finished this lovely pillow, which will be a gift for my father. Found the pattern on a flea marked. Source: Cewec embroidery V2930 - made in Denmark (not been able to find it online).
I added a lovely yellow velour fabric for the back side (my sister did the sowing), and added assorted buttons - filled with memory foam 😊
submitted by annagram_dk to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 PreferenceCapital857 [M4GM] Let’s build a World together!

Hello there! I’m looking for a GM that would like to work with me to craft an original world in which a RP can take place in. As for a little about myself, I’m 29, He/Him, living around the MST region. I’ve been RPing for the last 14 to 15 years across a variety of platforms including Discord, WoW, and online forums. My post length varies by the situation, usually being anywhere from 2 or 3 sentences to about a paragraph or so. I love to be as detailed as I can, but I will admit I still have plenty of room to grow.
As for genres I’m into, I always love high fantasy settings with a large and diverse population of races, cultures, and people. I can be persuaded to look outside of that genre, but it would require further discussion.
If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me with any questions you have about myself or otherwise! Hope to hear from you all soon!
submitted by PreferenceCapital857 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 craigathy77 I just need advice, opinions, thoughts, literally anything

I don't even know how to start this. I've been interested in this girl who works near me, she works at a restaurant (the kind where you order and pickup no dining) and I order there pretty much every day just to get a chance to talk to her.
For a while I thought we were getting along well and when I entered one day she said "I knew it would be you!" I thought this must be it right, a sign that she was (or might be) interested and when she handed me my order she wrote "enjoy ❤️" on the box. I was finally getting the courage to ask her out and when I asked her how her night was she mentioned she had her "Boytoy" over. Needless to say this kinda threw me off. I retreated into my head back to the same thoughts of how I could never be good enough for her and assumed either way that she was taken and wasn't looking for anything else right now. I have no idea what face I made when she said it but her eyebrow raised in an alarmed way so I was/am worried I might've made an angry face but all I wanted to do was cry in that moment.
That was probably about a month ago now and since then I've still been going in.I haven't gotten anything else written on my orders (so I assume it was just something she does when people tip well, not that I tipped a huge amount or anything but I did see her put the "enjoy ❤️" on my coworkers order one day [funnily enough i think this was on valentines day and my coworker is pretty much the opposite body type of me so it was another hit to my basically non-existent self-esteem])
A week after (so about 3 weeks ago now) I felt that courage again, was back on medication and feeling better so I was trying to think of what to say. I even practiced what I was gonna say, about how I liked talking to her and when I look in her eyes I just felt like I know her. I tried to find a chance to talk to her, I walked in to order instead of doing it online but her coworker put my order through for me and she seemed busy with other stuff same as when I picked the order up.
After my shift I was standing by my car and my inner voice was as loud as it could've been just screaming "Just go talk to her you fucking idiot", I saw her at the front desk so even though I normally don't go in more than twice I went in to buy a drink. She even joked about how much more expensive the drinks are compared to buying them anywhere else. I tried to say something funny or witty but I don't even remember what I responded with. Then even though I practiced I just blurted out "um you have a boyfriend right?" and she mentioned something about her current thing and then she even mentioned how she was hung up on her ex as well. I was trying to say what I practiced but she seemed busy again and was walking away so I also just quickly said that I "like talking to her" and all I remember her saying is something like "you too". It felt good to say it but she still didn't seem interested.
Yesterday when I went in there was a lineup and she waved to me when she saw me and of course I waved back. When I walked up I mentioned what my order was and she just said "I know" she might've smiled. Our brief talk she just mentioned how tired she was and how much she was sleeping and my usual awkward self just kinda went along with it. I realized I was smiling less too, before when I saw her it was almost impossible not to smile at her but now I can't even pretend to smile like that anymore even though I want to.
Last night was the worst it's been, I couldn't sleep I was thinking about every interaction obsessively, just hoping that if there was something there she might give me a sign, anything beyond what could just be excused as "friendly customer service banter".
After that nonexistent night of sleep I was still trying to think of what to say, to finally stop being a coward and tell her how I feel. Usually she walks by my work in the morning to get to hers, I didn't see her at the time she usually goes by but an hour later I saw a car in front of her work and she was sitting in the passenger seat with a guy in the driver seat. I dont know if this was the "boytoy" or someone else I didn't even really want to think about it.
I ordered food again just hoping for any kind of interaction but when I went to pick it up she was busy making orders and her coworker was the one to pass me my order. Didn't say much but ask her how it's going and she gave a normal "work sucks lol" answer. As I was leaving I waved and said talk to you later, and I just went to the bathroom at work and cried again.
I just feel so pathetic I don't even know what to say about it. I'm not sure what I'm looking for here I just hope to get any sort of advice on some better way to approach or to somehow get over this obsession. I dont want to be obsessed I just want her to be happy regardless of whether she likes me. but I just wish for once I could be that person who helps with her happiness. Sorry for the long post, take care everyone 🫶🖤.
submitted by craigathy77 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 Appropriate_Ad1853 Anyone in the greater NY/NYC, CT, NJ area looking for a Level 2 or 3 Lyriq?

My dealership has a surplus of the higher trim level Lyriq's in stock and is looking to move as many as possible this month to make room for the newer ones we have in transit. And laaaaawd would I love to be able to move around our lot without feeling like a Tetris piece again.
Technically you can live where ever, you just need to be present on Long Island at the time of pick up to take the vehicle. (Lookin at you NJ tax exempt lucky ducks). Everything is put together remotely prior to you coming in, so when you do get here we'll have you in and out in about 60-90 minutes after we sign and show you how to use all the features in the vehicle.
PM if you're interested and what you ideally want colotrim wise and I can get numbers over to you pretty quick. No BS, I'll send you my best offer right off the bat- if you've been offered better I get it no hard feelings.
submitted by Appropriate_Ad1853 to CadillacLyriq [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 Physical-Pop-9073 Different Gochujang Flavours (?)

Different Gochujang Flavours (?)
Hi guys!
I've recently bought a different Gochujang by accident. I think it is tastier but less spicy. It has a very similar packaging and it is from the same brand, but I couldn't find anything online about the difference between the two "flavours".
Can you guys help me find out more about it? I would love to learn more. I'm thinking of having both of them at home, since I miss the spice but I loved the taste of the new one (the one with yellow details on the packaging).
New One
Old One
submitted by Physical-Pop-9073 to KoreanFood [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 ELS314STL The Discovery, Epilogue

Starbase 1, The Vault, The Federated Technocracy of Sol, Sector 4 of Sol Sphere, Venusian Orbit June 4, 5378UC -High Sub-General Alan Turing, Presiding Governor of The E'Torian Dyson Sphere
Alan was going over the yearly reports from E'Tor Sphere, preparing his annual report to MIlitia HQ, when the chime announced a visitor. 'Strange', he thought, 'Not expecting anyone.' He spoke, "Enter," and stood at attention as he saw Grand High Admiral Eryk Shimogawa of The Federated Technocracy Militia when the door misted away.
"At ease, Alan. I'm not here on business," said Eryk as he walked in, waving Alan back down as the door misted back into solid form.
He eyed Eryk as he sat, having just seen him yesterday for their monthly lunch in Paris. He straightened his uniform as he said, "Understood, Boss. Was there something you needed that we didn't discuss yesterday?"
Eryk spoke as he sat, "Yes, but this is something that I wanted to talk to you about. In person with the core you, not your puppet." He held up a hand before Alan could respond, "I know you're one in the same, but for me, as an emotional organic brain in a synthoid body," Alan playfully flipped him off, and Erky chuckled as he continued, "I wanted to speak to you."
Alan could understand that. Even as a full synthoid himself, he knew the value of directly speaking with the "Core Unit" of a being, "Of course. How can I be of service, Sir?"
He'd given up centuries ago trying to have Alan call him Eryk, "Alan, you're the closest thing I have to a child of my own, and I wanted you to be the first to know that I've decided to go through and Convert. I think it's time."
Alan had been expecting this for the last few decades. It was understandable, as Eryk had been born back in 4152, and at over 1200 years old, he was at that stage that a vast majority of Humans reached, wanting to end their physical existence. For a species who thought immortality was a goal, The Cache showed them that a solid millennium is the most tolerable life span. He was thoughtful as he asked, "I've been expecting this, Boss. I dislike admitting that, but it's true. You've never struck me as an adherent of The Novans."
Eryk agreed, never understanding The Novans, a small sect of Humanity that chose immortality and not Converting. Still, Converting was better than nothing, and he surely wasn't an Ender. How they could just let themselves not be saved was astounding to him and the vast majority of Humanity.
After the discovery of The Cache and the full employment of Memory Cores, Humanity had immortality at last, but found it hallow after a while. So, they started multiple projects to ensure no loss of knowledge, as well as mastering time manipulation via wormholes, they were able to map the combined historical knowledge of all of Human History, from each individual who'd ever lived, and store that collective knowledge into The Matrix. Once online, Humans could download themselves into it, or Convert, and join what has come to be known as The Overmind. When Humanity developed true Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience, followed quickly by passing The Synthoid Rights Act, Humans asked their children to join them in The Overmind, whenever they wished. In time, The Novans would allow themselves to be downloaded, about once a century, to ensure to add to the whole while not self-terminating. The Overmind had no say in governance, but It does advise. As the literal combine knowledge of the whole of The Line of The Species, It has views and ideas no one Human could ever hope to have. It has helped guide The Technocracy, and ensured that Humans can grow, develope, and mature as a race in ways they never knew could exist. Housed in a station orbiting Earth, The Overmind keeps watch over The Mother World, and all in The Sphere.
Eryk pulled himself out of his musing, "Yeah, not a Novan. But for me, at this stage, I'm good. I've done it all, and then some. I'll be stepping down and retiring, so that will take about a year or so to get everything in order and train my replacement. And I'm sure they'll wanna throw me a helluva party before I go."
"You deserve no less, Sir. You helped establish The Coalition after The Hive-Imperium War, you guided The D'Luti from an Imperium to a Republic, avoiding another war altogether with the formerly conquered races, to say nothing of your efforts in old Hive Space."
Eryk smiled, "Alan, you will never cease to be my biggest advocate."
"You've been mine since I first applied to The Academy."
"Well, what can one expect from a fresh synth who decided to name themselves after The Father of Synthoids? You came into that campus with fires blazing, and proved us all wrong."
Alan bowed his head, "I'm honored you think so, Sir."
"Well, enough about that. We'll have time to talk the details later. Now, I am curious. How are our wards?"
Alan smirked, "Can't wait for the report?"
Erky had to laugh, "Guilty. But also, I've been keeping a close eye on your reports. especially these last few centuries. Do you really think they're going to break silence after all this time?"
Alan knew the tone, it was full business now. "Well, Sir, after their Shell Colonies started exploding in population, and they weren't confined to their fortress of a homeworld, The Leadership failed to account for societal drift. Even in isolation, the colonies were so spread out that The Leadership couldn't keep tabs on everything at once anymore." He pulled up a holomap of the interior of The E'Tor Sphere, "The Northern Colonies in Quadrant One and Three started actively advocating for independence and self determination. Quadrant Two colonies wanted to fight The Leadership, alongside a majority of The Southern Colonies. The remaining ones were torn between loyalty to The Leadership, or igniting a civil war."
"You said 'were'. What's changed?"
"The Homeworld is stirring. I'm seeing parallels to The Sino-Russo Winter of 2045, old calendar."
Eryk sat back, taking that in. The Sino-Russo Winter of 2045 was a massive shift in Old Earth history, when the old countries of New Soviet Russia and China, officially combined into The Sino-Russo Alliance, saw the full collapse of their government due to overextending themselves in their Lunar and Martian colonial efforts. This lead to said colonies trying new ways to operate in order to survive, which included opening trade with American Union, EuroFed, Afrikan Union, Oceanic, and PanAsian colonies. When families back home found out how little their government was doing to keep their loved one alive, The Sino-Russo Alliance collapsed in a matter of weeks. New UN forces tried to help minimize the disaster, alongside aid from every other nation who could help. Afterward, the government of Taiwan was able to re-establish itself in Beijing, reorganizing the country into The Federation of China. Russia ended up fully collapsing under its own weight. Everything east of The Urals gained independence and joining The Pan-Asian Confederation, while the rump of Russia west of The Ural joined The European Federation. However, beyond governmental and boundaries changing, the whole event of The Sino-Russo Winter directly lead to the formation of The Confederated Republic of Earth twenty years later, the forebearer of The Technocracy.
He asked Alan, "How long before we need to step in and assist?"
"I don't think we have to," replied Alan. "The colonies now exceed The Homeworld in terms of population, and it seems, influence. The Leadership is trying to hold on, as you'd expect. However, there are elements within who are being swayed by the arguments being presented." Alan held up a datapad, "I will be making an official advisement of an estimated contact by new E'Torian leadership within the next few decades, if not a century, at most."
Eryk thought about that. It has been, then, the recommendation of High Admiral Chaaya Shrivastava to establish the sphere and allow The E'Tor the chance to socially evolve in isolation. Ever the socio-anthropologist, she new that a closed system, once "infected" by new ideas, could not stop change from coming. And due to the VERY public failure of The Leadership at the hands of The FedTech, there would be no stopping the change. Chaaya knew that they could only do it in isolation, that the idea of the threat of their former slaves coming for them would only bring extinction for The E'Tor at the combined efforts of the races they abused and the zealot style nationalism that would sweep their society and culture. She argued, passionately, in front of the whole Parliament, that once we rebuilt Hive space, that the newly freed races would mount of war of revenge. And she was right, there was talk about that as the sphere was being built. That alone pushed The FedTech to move the sphere to their space, appointing themselves guardians of The E'Tor. Eryk had pushed back against the revenge idea. He argued as passionately as Chaaya with local representatives that revenge won't solve anything. It never does. And it took time, a lot of species level therapy, and seeing the results of war based on revenge. The FedTech share how they could only sit back, so long ago, and watch a now lost to dust empire fall to their slaves, only to have the slaves fight each other to mutually assured destruction. It took centuries to clean up the mess, and to debate how moral their Prime Directive was, and when it became both unethical and immoral to not act. These lessons, and the gentle hand of The FedTech lead to these races establishing The Allied Confederation of Spheres, with the understanding that moving forward was better than looking back. In time, they and The D'Luti Republic joined The Coalition as friends and allies. The FedTech sat back and watched, but also interacting more and more. But no matter, The E'Tor can never go back. The Confederation made sure of that when The FedTech left them to govern themselves.
He had a mission to finish. Conversion can wait.
"Alan, I will only Convert once The E'Tor are free and self-governing outside of our guardianship. I can wait a century or two."
Alan, somehow, surprisingly expected this, noting he'll have to think about that later. "Of course, Sir. I won't speak of it to anyone."
Eryk laughed, "Oh, no. I'll be alerting Parliament about my intentions and expectations, only after you submit your report." He straightened up in the chair, "Chaaya would want me to see this through to the end, I owe her that much."
Alan smiled gently, acknowledging the understanding between them. Chaaya was missed, having Converted about 400 years ago. "She'll be proud. I'm sure she's somewhere, looking down on us and laughing at the worry."
"Laughing from The Throne of Creation, I'm sure. You know she'd end up running the place!", both laughing at the image. Eryk wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh, I miss her. But, she was right about these people. We owe it to them to see them through this."
"Agreed, Sir," Alan said as he stood and walked over to the wall, "As much as I've enjoyed watching them grow, it will be nice to try something new." The upper two-thirds of the wall vanished, showing a slow turning metallic globe inside of a forcefield. "That said, It's been an honor to serve as their FedTech Governor."
Eryk stood, "Even after all this time, it still amazes me that they're all in there."
Alan nodded, amazed still at the idea of this truly massive construct being shrunk down to be under this level of security. But it made sense, from a Human point of view.
Eryk put a hand on Alan's shoulder, "To work then?"
"To work. Sir."
submitted by ELS314STL to futurehistorystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 mattypaddy51 Run Lola Run - 25th Anniversary Limited Release.....where is this actually being shown?

Run Lola Run - 25th Anniversary Limited Release.....where is this actually being shown?
I saw a trailer for it at my local Regal (Chicago area) and saw online that it is supposed to be re-released nationwide on 6/7. It's listed on the Regal website under the Limited Engagement section, but I'm not seeing any showtimes show up yet in the Chicago area. I tried changing my location to other big cities to see if they had showtimes showing, and there were none in NYC, Brooklyn, Philly, San Fran, etc. and only 1 theater showing it in the LA area.
Just how limited of a release is this? Do some Regal theaters release movies later than their nationwide release date ever? Just wondering because I'd love to see this in theaters
submitted by mattypaddy51 to RegalUnlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 ancient_toffee Boyfriend broke up with me and I feel… relieved?

Alright, long time lurker - first time poster… And I’m looking for support from all the kind people in this sub.
Hi all,
I don’t know what to do and I don’t know what to feel. I feel numb, happy, devastated.
My (F32) boyfriend (M35) of almost eight years ended the relationship two days ago. He is still here, and it seems like he is regretting his decision. So far, so good? No, this happened five years ago aswell so I’m getting tired of his explanations. He said he is not ready to ”make things serious”, aka moving to another apartment/house rather than the small apartment I own. Last time, I was being considerate since he hasn’t had any relationships before me.
Like the last time he was SO sure he wanted to end things but after a few days he wanted to work things out. Now he is moping around and wants me to feel sorry for him, and he is getting all sorts of physical pain and wanting me to take care of him.
I havn’t had trust in him (believe me, Ive tried) since the last time, does he really want to be with me or did his parents convince him? He has never ”confessed his love” to me since then, and all talk about the future has been like walking on eggshells. I didn’t wanna make him second-guess us being together… I know, I feel like a door mat. He always says:
I can’t plan so far in to the future (5 months)
I don’t want to take any loans (we both earn well)
I just want to take things easy
I feel like 20 years old
My family comes first (and I always come second)
You are too kind to me
I dont deserve you
Etc etc
He keeps all his feelings/worries to himself. I was his first girlfriend and he lost his virginity to me (aged 28). Of course I knew this was going to happen…
All the signs are there, but why is it so hard for me to understand? When he had the doubts to take the next step (again) I almost felt relieved, now we can finally stop pretending and just break up for good. Or…? I mean, it’s been 8 years. Maybe he is depressed and I should help him for real this time. His parents/sister keep calling me. They say he is crazy and doesnt know what he’s doing.
Sorry, this just felt like trauma dumping… but it is. English isn’t my first language.
Love ya
submitted by ancient_toffee to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 Artistic-Pea6896 Guidance on Starting Pre-Nursing/School Recs?

Hi everyone!
I’ve been thinking a lot and have ultimately decided that I want to go to nursing school (pray for me haha!) I’m wanting to become a labor and delivery nurse and obviously feeling really lost and clueless because all the information online is just so confusing, and I feel like I’m doing more harm than good searching through Google haha! 😵‍💫
I already feel kind of behind and a little dumb honestly because I can’t even figure out how to get started. 😞 I would totally appreciate any advice you all would have on how to start this journey! I’m also looking for any recommendations on online schooling options because unfortunately none of the schools in my area have a good nursing program or are even convenient to my location. I think what I’m looking for would be an ADN program, but again - not too sure. I’m also nervous because I had my end of junior year and entire senior year of high school during COVID and didn’t have access to learning tools I previously had, due to distance learning, etc. That being said, I went through a complete mental health crisis (as many people did), so my grades plummeted significantly. I’ve always been a good student and I think I’m capable, but my concern is that I won’t be able to get accepted anywhere because my GPA decreased a lot obviously during those times.
Apologies in advance, I’m sure this all sounds dumb - just would appreciate any guidance. I would love to get into this career because I just love to help people and would love a fulfilling career, while getting to help and empower women through such a big life event like birth. Thanks so much to those who are willing to help me out! 🫶
submitted by Artistic-Pea6896 to prenursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 TyrKiyote What I want even more than for TF2 to be fixed, is Cooperation and Transparency.

Hullo, I've been playing since 2008 and I love TF2, I love Source games, I love what we're doing here. Before this kicked off I emailed Mr. Newell and told him the same, and asked that his company continue to care about tf2. I didn't get any sort of response, of course. Valve's purpose as a company is to turn a profit and execute the desires of its owners. The owners being Mr Newell, and other longstanding employees.
I don't want Valve to be a publically traded company, because then they are just even more beholden to the almighty dollar and profit chase - but I would like some sort of recognition for what we are doing here. I feel disrespected.
If we need is a hundred thousand man hours to fix tf2, valve needs to set aside 3 million dollars to pay them a wage. They're doing math that says customers will need to be willing to engage with an update that pulls that much money out of our pocket and more. I'm intentionally extremely low in my estimate here - if it's a million man hours, that's gotta be 30,40,50 million dollars or more to pay your folk.
I feel, however, a lot of that money has -already- come out of our pockets. Steam has taken money out of the TF2 base in these ways that I see:
  1. When many bought the game as part of orange box in the late 2000s, valve made a shit load of money. Tf2 as an intellectual property is a major part of that, and I feel that this money should be respected in some way as being foundational to valve as a company. It is as Jobs treated Wozniack.
  2. Tf2 Was used as a research and test bench for commodifying virtual assets. All of valve's marketplace work involving skins and cards and assets has followed from innovation that used tf2 as a platform.
  3. There is a live-service element that has been running for years and years. People do buy tickets to farm australiums. I think this is probably the weakest revenue stream, and is also the one that the bankers and businessmen are quoting when valuating tf2.
  4. The Uptake of new fans of the company. It's hard to quantify this, but I don't think that half life alyx is reaching as many people as teamfortress - the free to play game that runs on a 14 year old's potato laptop. A huge portion of videos that are currently trending with generation alpha are being made are from source film maker, and Garry's mod. TF2 and Source are culturally relevant to current internet culture, and opportunities for valve to engratiate themselves with this are being squandered.
What are you doing valve? This is a bit of an ADD rant from an old fan, but you need to check yourself as you proceed to wreck your public self. Other online vendors are salivating at your market, and I don't -actually- need steam for my games.
If TF2 is no longer in your priorities, then come out and say so - you cowards. I think the way this is being handled is embarrassing, and my respect for what was synonymous for PC gaming is somewhat less so.
submitted by TyrKiyote to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 luvrsunion Budget Projector

Hii, I would love some advice and recs on projectors to get. I got one around 8 months ago and it’s been great but the display is showing yellow tints and I read online that unfortunately, the bulb cannot be replaced. The one I have right now is the Happrun projector so something similar in terms of size would be great! Also, I have a Roku stick so something that has HDMI is preferred!
Are there any projectors that are small and compact (that can attached to a tripod) that I can get? I have a blank wall in my room where I display it. Thank you in advance :)!
submitted by luvrsunion to budgetprojectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:42 BeorcKano Finishing madrone for an outdoor sign

So, about a year ago, my aunt passed away after a very short but aggressive fight with cancer. Almost a year to the day, my grandmother passed away suddenly. My mother has been working on a memorial garden, first in my aunt's honor, now for both her mother and sister. She's got everything all worked out, almost done, and she asked me to make a memorial sign/plaque sort of thing as a dedication to the garden. I have been searching for just the right wood to do it in, something meaningful, when my grandfather, who moved onto my aunt's property after she passed, offered me about 30 pieces of madrone, harvested from a tree on my aunt's property, all about 4.5" x 12-16". Beautiful figure, coloring, character, and it's from my aunt's property. It dried like potato chips, but it had luckily been milled to 4/4, so even though I had to take off a huge amount on some of them, I was able to flatten them on my jointer and planer and still have a hair under 3/4". I have enough pieces to make a decent sign out of, and also enough to make a memorial box to house the mementos I have in my grandmother's memory, and a small bit of her ashes.
To do this, I am going to edge glue up a panel that is about 12" wide and 18-24" long to give myself a large flat surface to be able to rout the sign into ( "In loving memory of" on the first line, then their names side by side, and the birth/death dates underneath their names). There will be some butt joints there, but I think I can keep it straight and clean, even though butt joints are the bane of my existence at times. With some test cuts and tricks, I think I can keep it solid.
My question is how best to rout the letters in. The letter guides seem to require huge letters to use properly. Should I just freehand them with a printed paper template? I also have a high speed dremel, are those a good choice? I'm considering pouring gold tinted epoxy into the carved out letters, then rubbing the whole thing down with a few coats of wipe on polyurethane, then doing a clear epoxy floodcoat to seal it. We live in the coastal mountains of far northern California, so it never gets super cold, but it does rain a lot and our summers are getting warmer. Will the epoxy sufficiently seal and protect the wood if it's out in the weather all the time? How would you seal it if you were trying to make this thing?
submitted by BeorcKano to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:41 PresentationHuman512 After a year of sending hints, he never “saw” them and lost interest

Hey everyone, i (21M) just got heartbroken by my (then crush now friend: 25M) we met feb of last year through a video game and became friends since we both live in the same country just different cities. When we started talking outside discord and i saw what he looks like and that hes gay i developed a crush on him. Hes exactly my type (minus the height). I was new to accepting that i am gay so i had to move outside my comfort zone and be brave since im very shy and anxious since i’ve never been in any relationship or kissed or held hands or anything even close. I told him i have a crush on him and made many signs that i want to date him. He works 6 days a week and is a student. He apperantly never caught these signs and was always saying hes busy and tired. A couple of weeks ago we’re chatting and he shatters my heart by saying: “if i know someone is interested in me i would change my scheduele for them. I cherish these relationships.” I didn’t feel like arguing with him so i just ended it with a “its fine” response. But i cried and was very upset. He knows that hes the only man i ever expressed interest in. He knows how much i love and care about him. I’m still upset and i dont know what i did wrong
submitted by PresentationHuman512 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 hannah_dan AITAH for thinking that my sister is faking her disorders to get what she wants?

TL;DR I suspect my sister (22F) is faking her psychiatric disorders, AITAH?
My (25F) sister has always been dependent. I remember constantly having to buckle her seatbelt because she claimed she "couldn’t do it," even though she could when I walked her through it. She never seemed to learn. Today at 22, she most recently says she doesn’t cook because she’s scared to take things out of the oven. She will call my mom to ask her what to do in every situation, even when she knows the answer.
The first time she lied to avoid something was when she told her teacher our dad was in the hospital on "code blue" (from Grey’s Anatomy) to avoid a test. The school called my mom, and I couldn’t understand why avoiding the test was worth our mom’s wrath.
When I was 17, my parents divorced. My mom and sister moved out together, and I went to college nearby. My psychiatrist called it a traumatic event, but I wasn’t traumatized. Maybe my sister was.
Two years ago, my sister got a dog. She wanted to do something with it so decided to train it to be a service animal. When I asked what she needed one for, she said depression and anxiety. I didn’t even know she had been diagnosed.
She entered online dog handling communities and found a trainer and her symptoms seemed to increase, she started bringing the dog everywhere, acting out physical symptoms. I think she started faking symptoms to have an excuse to train her dog and then escalated to having panic attacks to avoid work, school, and social events.
I found social media accounts focused on her dog where she’s posted about having PTSD and "multiple physical and psychiatric disorders," but she has only been diagnosed with a learning disability, anxiety, and depression. I remember calling my mom to ask about the PTSD, my mom brought it up to my sister asking why she put that online, and she basically didn’t have an answer.
I saw a TikTok where she used an automatic wheelchair cart in a store, claiming "multiple disabilities." My sister can walk just fine, despite being overweight and having had back surgery. This raised alarm bells.
Today, I saw her outside Target, seemingly having a breakdown with no tears, exhibiting the signs of a panic attack. She quickly snapped out of it to ask if I was buying her a birthday shirt when she saw me. I don’t think people who have anxiety and panic attacks like this can just snap out of it to have a normal conversation?
Whenever my mom can’t constantly be at my sisters side, or she starts something hard like school, she’ll often go to an extreme such as telling the therapist she hurt herself to get admitted into a psych ward. I honestly think that the last time she did this, it was to get out of school and get my mothers attention, because she said to her therapist she needed to go to somewhere where she could be watched because mom was gone a lot for work. She has said that she feels like my mom doesn’t spend time with her even though they live together, and spends more time with me, yet I live an hour away and hardly see my mom?
Instead of going back to school or work, she now says there are no jobs she can do and school is too hard. She is sucking the money out of my parents, and evidently me if I let her. Before asking for me to buy her a shirt, she asked me to go to dinner with her and spent $75 - my portion was less than $20.
I don’t think she realizes the financial and mental impact she is having on the whole family. My mom is lost and miserable and a shell of herself. My dad is basically separating him from her and said he is about to cut her off. Which weighs in my mom harder because she feels if she is to cut her off she will be in trouble. Which is true. My sister has no sense of danger. When she was 18 she had planned to meet a man from online at a hotel to have sex for the first time. Her friend’s parents don’t like her staying over, so she sleeps in her car in their driveway when my house is literally less than 5 minutes away. She in general makes very poor safety, financial, and health decisions.
I don’t know what is going on with my sister but I suspect that she has something like Münchausen syndrome or is malingering to get what she wants, and get out of what she doesn’t. None of her therapists have come to any sort of conclusion, I fear because she doesn’t tell them the truth. I don’t know what to do to help her and I am at the point where I want nothing to do with her, she is taking advantage of my family and I am considering cutting contact. AITAH for thinking that my sister is faking her disorders to get what she wants?
submitted by hannah_dan to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 PresentationHuman512 After a year of sending hints, he never “saw” them and lost interest

Hey everyone, i (21M) just got heartbroken by my (then crush now friend: 25M) we met feb of last year through a video game and became friends since we both live in the same country just different cities. When we started talking outside discord and i saw what he looks like and that hes gay i developed a crush on him. Hes exactly my type (minus the height). I was new to accepting that i am gay so i had to move outside my comfort zone and be brave since im very shy and anxious since i’ve never been in any relationship or kissed or held hands or anything even close. I told him i have a crush on him and made many signs that i want to date him. He works 6 days a week and is a student. He apperantly never caught these signs and was always saying hes busy and tired. A couple of weeks ago we’re chatting and he shatters my heart by saying: “if i know someone is interested in me i would change my scheduele for them. I cherish these relationships.” I didn’t feel like arguing with him so i just ended it with a “its fine” response. But i cried and was very upset. He knows that hes the only man i ever expressed interest in. He knows how much i love and care about him. I’m still upset and i dont know what i did wrong
submitted by PresentationHuman512 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 Several_Vermicelli60 mots tour - playing with fans

i wonder if they are gonna continue this thing this year as well? going to a concert next week and i wanna do a sign. shiver is my absolutely fav coldplay song but i dont think they'd play it so i am thinking of other ones i love, like a message, talk or what if. i dont just want to do a sign to get picked or something BUT would definitely be fun. any thoughts on this playing with fans thing this year?
submitted by Several_Vermicelli60 to Coldplay [link] [comments]