Cute cupcake ideas

Dogs with Eyebrows

2012.06.17 01:47 zootphen Dogs with Eyebrows

Is your dog giving you a look of disapproval? Is your dog pouting or even depressed? How will you ever know without Eyebrows™ ? Now available on your nearest pet. Some assembly required. (Wild animals not recommended.) -Rules- Full, Fake, or Enhanced eyebrows only No other animals (there's a sub for that) Suggestions? Comments? Have any ideas to make this sub better? Message the moderators!

2019.02.18 22:01 -mykerthegeek- TF2Freaks

This is a subreddit centered around the discussion of and sharing ideas for TF2 Freaks, characters made with the game Garry's Mod, usually based off the Team Fortress 2 characters, with unique powers and/or personalities, like Painis Cupcake, Christian Brutal Sniper, Vagineer, and many others. If you wanna know more about TF2 Freaks, go to the TF2 FreakShow Wiki:

2015.12.07 05:02 woofe woofe whats for lumch haha

This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtols, and all sorts of other cute animols :)

2024.05.23 11:34 surprisephysical45 So, guy I was seeing saw my reddit posts and it was bad, how do I fix it?

So basically… we met on reddit, we made new accounts, we talked everyday, he was going to come see me, I was super stoked.
Naturally lots of fear involved there- do we look like we do on camera? Why if smells are off etc. I asked some questions on here about that.
I also was wildly hyperbolic with things to play the devils advocate and try to illicit responses from other redditors, instead of just saying my actual situation, because I’m a shitty agitator and this is my ultimate fucking karma.
Also, tons of the things I was saying from ‘my perspective’ was actually my friends stories, because they’re doing absolutely batshit stuff right now, like declaring they’re going to date ‘below average attractive men’ (4/10) to be worshipped basically. I thought it was nuts and horribly unfair to those men, but then I thought maybe I’m crazy, so I purposed questions about their situations as mine— and he read it and thought it was about him.
So basically. I’m fucked. I don’t know if this is the sub for this.
I’d never had a connection with someone like I did with him before. I’m terrified I never will again. I don’t really believe in soulmates, but I kind of thought he was mine. He’s cute as hell, so much did made me super nervous, and now he thinks that I think HE’S A 4?!?!?! and I can’t fix it.
So now, before I could explain or anything, he’s blocked me on everything— and like, that’s fair, but I can’t leave him thinking the stuff that was about him when most of it wasn’t!
Any idea how I fix this?
TLDR: guy I was seeing found my Reddit account, saw post that seemed to be about him (some were but hyperbolically, like I lied about my profession to try stay anonymous)- and some were literally about my friends being awful and me trying to get perspective on their situations… now he’s blocked me while having the wrong info, how do I make this right?
submitted by surprisephysical45 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:30 borntodielast How do I become a better person/ partner?

How to be a better person/partner
I (20F)have been seeing someone (24M) for a few months now. And everything has been smooth. Except for the fact that I’m about to lose my shit due to my own rumination about his past that is making me withdraw from him. I have not been in a “relationship” before. I sure did see sb but it was more like “hanging out” for a very short period. And talked to sb after that which Ofc didn’t work out. But I am an incurable romantic. So much that I have always believed in finding the “one” or my soulmate and other ideas. And in doing so, I place so much value in “firsts” I think the idea of love I had as a kid/teenager never outgrew me and I have always craved for sth of that sort.
However, my partner has had gfs before. And now I can’t help but be hyper-fixated at his exes. I can’t help but have my mind throw me images of them doing cute relationship things, things that I have always wanted to do with someone I loved. And the mental image of him being with somebody else the way he is with me now hurts me so deeply I have been having sleepless nights just breaking down. And the point being, him and I meet so infrequently (due to our situation) it makes me feel insecure and even petty which makes me so sad like an immature kid. That he got all those experiences with someone else. And he is my first, but I am not getting those experiences with him. I hate that even his parents have met w the ex and that they were friends for a very long time. I hate that sb else got everything I want from him. I can’t help but wonder if he has ran outta the young madly-in-love era and now just wants a more practical relationship to be in with. And I don’t wanna just be a placeholder for somebody for when they want to settle down, I wanna be loved wildly too. And it doesn’t help that I’m an incurable romantic but I never got the chance to have all that experiences.
I have considered breaking up with him over this, because I feel like my needs are not being met. I have been wishing that I met him later after my fair share of experiences so that we are even and he doesn’t get any upper hand on me and it’s making me feel like a monster. I don’t wanna bring this up to him again because I’ll be using sth very personal of him against him. Just because we are together doesn’t mean I own him. I love him, and I don’t want him to feel bad just so I can get my share of validation by bringing sth that happened in his past that might have hurt him or doesn’t matter to him anymore. And honestly, I don’t want him to see me as this ugly person I have turned into. Why is it that I downplay all my feelings for anyone else that came before him but really magnify all his past relationships. I want to get rid of this mindset. Because unless sb was living under a rock and especially in my age, a lot many people will have had their experiences already.
I want to stop feeding into my compulsive thinking and be happy in the moment. I want to treat him with grace and be happy that he got to experience love in his life before meeting me too. I want to stop letting this affect me so much that I often feel so distant with him on my own. I need somebody to snap me out of this negative thinking loop and actually start being more grateful for him, for now. I don’t want to ruin our relationship with my jealousness. I am so lost and it has made me so ill I feel like a shell of a person. Please help me find some new perspective about romantic relationships because honestly I think romanticism has fucked me up so bad. What should I do?
submitted by borntodielast to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:46 Ok-Map1121 I hate Twitch Streamers

Bunch of home body fake socializers who make up stuff and act for their audience watching. The creators are the worst. Either a cute girl who is toxic or a wimpy guy participating in female drama. Those are the faces of twitch. Is twitch a good idea? Cable was a good idea so what happened? We gave everyone a platform to reach celebrity status with 0 effort. Your next door neighbor you never see is making thousands of dollars a day off their camera and personality. It's ridiculous. All they do is complain and talk about how much they care about Pal-estine. Pbbbttt. Bull shit. You don't care stop being a piece of shit and stop caring if you aren't gonna even try to become a soldier, I tried and failed but it's a lot more than anyone on twitch has ever tried to do for anything happening outside or within their country. Fuck Twitch!
submitted by Ok-Map1121 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:32 sookie_baby_ Chop and Mopsey

Chop and Mopsey
My babies are rough collie x bull Arab, picked them up for free close by (I live rural and almost died from their cuteness when I saw how close they were) I was originally going to just get the girl, sleeping in a ball but the boy was the last one and I was like nah give them both to me! And I’m so so glad I took both siblings! Now, apparently they look more collie than not - so I’m VERY excited to see if they get a “mane” as I call it. I had no idea they get it later on! I just thought they didn’t have it!!! Their mum was beautiful light coloured fur and one blue eye and one brown eye. They love playing on our property together and bring my family and I so so much joy. They’re one years old in October
submitted by sookie_baby_ to roughcollies [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:06 createdjustforthis23 23/05/2024

I woke up with some energy today! Well no, well yes but no. I didn’t get out of bed til a bit after 9 but I was technically replying to work messages on my phone sooo… it doesn’t help, I’m still bad. But it was SO cold and I was SO toasty all rolled up in my duvet, I’m just a mere human after all. But I feel like after I got up and got ready and stuff I had better energy levels so that’s made me feel super happy. And hopeful, tbh. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to feel drained 24/7 for the rest of my life, to the point where I was thinking well even if I wanted a child would I be any good considering how I feel so often? So I do worry about it a bit.
I slept in clothes last night, like leggings and a top I mean, because I woke up to an earthquake so as per always I immediately got up and put clothes on. I’ve never really been a naked sleeper but the last few months I have been, idk why? I go through phases of stuff like this though. Anyway so then my anxiety meant I couldn’t stop shaking all over my body and I was stressy even though it wasn’t big but because I was trembling all over I kept stressing further because they felt like more earthquakes. Anyway I eventually fell back asleep.
I’m genuinely starting to think I should just go back to the EA sort of career path. I went to HR because I figured there’s more opportunity for growth, would be more interesting/varied work etc etc. But based purely on salaries… EA’s can earn way more? At least in in certain situations, obviously not all. But for example for work I’m reviewing a role for a position and so having read through the cases details there’s a woman my age as an EA earning $120k and I read through the PD and I was doing all that for multiple directors in my London job and she’s doing it for one. And I was good at it and that’s ME saying I’m good at it. It just seems like for less work/knowledge you can earn more. And tbh at this rate I don’t enjoy HR, sometimes I did but lately I don’t. I don’t know if that’s a result of my general mood/self, a result of my environment or whatever it might be. I also admittedly wanted to move from away EA type work because I found it embarrassing to say when someone asked what I did, idk why because it’s a perfectly respectable job but there’s kind of a stereotype that goes with EA’s/PA’s I guess, probably more so when you’re a young woman but also idk, it just sounds so admin-y. But then what, my bright idea was to move to HR?! Where there’s an even bigger stereotype - like an ACTUAL one and people just seem to have some kind of prejudice against the entire department and idk. And you have to deal with emotional stuff like people losing their jobs, harassment/bullying claims, parents having stillborns and other bereavements in general. So you have all that, mixed with having to apply legislation and internal policies against every conversation and decision etc etc etc. And that’s just the advisory stuff, then there’s project work, transactional crap that I’ve been lumped with lately because the junior team members don’t seem to be doing anything and my manager has instead asked me to handle it as opposed to getting the juniors to get their shit together. I don’t really like saying the S word, it seems yuck coming off my tongue/brain. Anyway. So being an EA… idk. You organise someone’s professional life aka their inbox and calendar, you prep them for meetings etc, you plan dinners/lunches and workshops etc, you get invoices signed off, you book travel… that’s basically it. It can obviously vary but at the heart of it that’s what they do. Some more senior ones will do a bit more/be more involved but barely. And here they are earning like $30k more than me. I don’t intend to imply I could easily do their job, I realise they’re highly skilled and good at what they do - it’s not an entry level role, but I’ve DONE IT. And not only that but I helped run the office, I was also EA to the general counsel, I booked international events and planned them and I was trusted in being the Chairman’s go to when he was in London and he was a literal billionaire which doesn’t mean he’s any better or anything, but I mean I would think they have a certain expectation? Tbh they probably just took pity on me and wanted to make me feel helpful or something. Idk. Anyway. I think all of this is simply because I’m fed up with work and being used as a gap filler purely because I have a better understanding of certain systems/processes like I have a better understanding for a reason - because I blimmin well DO THEM. So if others would get off their high horse and pitch in they would too. Anyway I think I’d get bored of the lack of variety within EA type work and if I’m going to spend 40+ hours in a job I want to at least somewhat enjoy it/find it interesting. I used to want a job I felt passionate about, but I kind of just don’t think I’m someone who will have that and I’m kind of making my peace with that now. I am absolutely a work to live person, not the other way around. I just want to be somewhat interested in my work, be paid fairly/well enough and work with people I like/don’t dislike. I wish I was someone with a passion for something and the brain to match, like the doctors in House, but I don’t have that burning interest in anything really and I also don’t have the brain for super specialist kind of work or anything anyway. Anyway.
I think I’m also just PMSy, hence my probably unfair lashing out in the earlier paragraph. But I just wrote a message to my manager and had to stop myself crying? And someone just did something for me workwise and it made me upset? It probably also doesn’t help I’m listening to mopey old radiohead.
M and her friend left the living room in such a tip. Like fast food trash on the side tables and stuff. So not a tip but still kind of gross. I think I just find her gross sometimes, but less so her and more so the men she brings here. I’m sure they’re nice enough and stuff but they’re just so… yuck? I sound like such a raging bitch I know but whatever. And sleeping with two different guys in three days, I mean on the one hand whatever I don’t care at all and I definitely don’t think less of her, but it’s just gross to me? I know I’m very much a one man at a time kind of girl though and I never had a properly single phase, like I’ve been single for ages but I mean the actively dating/sleeping with guys and stuff, I never had that phase. I think it’s because I’m a frigid prude with zero self esteem, but zero self esteem in the sense I would rather be alone than risk my feelings being hurt. Anyway.
I kind of feel silly sometimes wearing makeup when wfh and not leaving the house but then I remember the panic and guilt I feel when I barely touch the thousands of dollars worth of makeup in my collection so… here we are. Wearing it all more often has made me feel way better. Also makes me learn what I do and don’t like in my collection, eg I currently prefer an eyeliner to a bit of eyeshadow along the lash line. I go through phases of that though. Anyway. Today I’m wearing a warmer base and it’s becoming really clear to me I’m not quite as cool of an undertone as I thought. I just find it hard to not see the surface redness, but like my neck/décolletage is a fair milky kind of pale, but in a neutral olive way not in a pinky way. Like yesterday I looked so stupid, I mean I blended it well so you couldn’t reeeeally tell but the undertone of my base was so wrong. Which is annoying because majority of fair base shades are cool/pink toned and I’ve spent an embarrassing amount on foundations with those undertones. Even when I buy neutral they seem to look too pink on me? Idk. Anyway I’m wearing one that actually matches me today undertone wise and it looks wayyy better. I should probably chuck my other ones but I mean, they’re practically unused Armani/NARS/Charlotte Tilbury/Estée Lauder etc and that pains me. Then again it would pain me more to wear the incorrect base… ugh.
I’m wearing my MM by the fireplace perfume today, it makes me feel so warm & cosy, like I’m a little candle or something.
I’m back in my psychedelic furs phase. I don’t love all their stuff, that I’ve listened to, but the obsession I had a few years ago with love my way was a whole new level of obsession. I still loveeeeee it.
I had a lazy fried rice for lunch today - brown rice with eggs & frozen veggies mixed in. It was yum enough. I feel too full now.
I’m so ugly, ugly ugly uglyyy. Or rather I feel ugly ugly ugly.
My adore order arrived today and so I got a lil tim tam and yummmmmm. I didn’t buy anything exciting though which I now regret but don’t regret. I just got moisturiser top ups as mine are running low - boooooooooring.
I’ve had a real new wave kind of afternoon music wise.
He makes me so happy :) He showed me the cutest video today of some puppies, okay so like a couple will put their hands on top of one another and then the dog will too! It’s so precious. I can’t wait to be puppy parents with him! I feel like me choosing to not have social media means I do miss out on lots of cute things like that which kinda sucks a lot but oh well - I just don’t think having ig or any of those things would be good for me and I also don’t want to share my life with anyone? Like if I want to share things about me then I’ll tell you, and there are like ten people in the world (or less) who I care to share with anyway - and that includes my family. I do want more friends though. But so anyway.
I felt pretty good earlier, now it’s 7:18pm and I don’t feel like that anymore.
I wish I wasn’t so ugly. I just had a big pathetic cry about it and now I’m late.
Shower time I guess, bye.
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:51 LeeCloud27 The Life of Hakurei- The Lonesome Drunken Oni - Part 7

The sun-dappled forest exuded a serene yet peaceful tranquility, remaining undisturbed from common occurrences. Trees motionless stood unperturbed by the elements of the weather. Gentle rivers meandered, carrying tiny fish and pebbles in their currents. Birds serenaded each other from atop their nests, singing songs to their young and to their lovers.
The peaceful landscape remained undisturbed until a deafening roar suddenly shattered the tranquility. The powerful eruption shook the trees, rippled the waters, and startled flocks of birds into a panicked flight. Contrary to the ominous disruption, the source of the booming sound was not from a fearsome predator that roamed the land nor a monstrous creature that invoked fear and terror to the wildlife, but rather a small, orange-haired girl with horns as long as her arms, tipsy as she walked down through the woods with a gourd in hand and chains dragging from behind. The roar itself wasn’t even a roar, but an alcohol-breath burp right after she took a swig from her gourd.
“Ah, nothing says it like strolling around the forest with sake in hand.” She said to herself. “With wind in my face, grass beneath my feet, and basking in the warmth of that big ball of fire up in the blue sky.”
She spread her arms out like a bird ready to take flight. “The surface is great! It’s nothing like the dull dark depths of the Former Capital, I don’t know what everyone was thinking telling me coming up here was a bad idea. It’s so much fun! Ahahaha~”
As she ventured deeper into the forest, her laughter rang out boisterously, reminiscent of a foolish, drunken man stumbling from a bar or an overjoyed child finding amusement in the simplest things. However, this mirth gradually subsided, dwindling to mere chuckles before fading to complete silence as she approached a large, strangely-shaped tree with a trunk that resembled a natural seat. Settling down, her expression shifted to one of boredom. A long sigh escaped her lips, and she blinked a couple times facing towards the ground.
After a few minutes of sobering up, she spoke, “Who am I kidding? The surface sucks. None of the animals pose a challenge, the human villagers don’t show fear since they don’t recognize what I am, and the youkai don’t take me seriously. Us oni haven’t been gone that long, so why aren’t we threatening?”
She picked up a nearby rock and threw it a good distance away from her. The rock struck a tree, ripping through its bark and left behind a hand-sized wound for the innocent timber.
“Not like I can go back down and admit to everyone I was wrong. I’d be a coward. No oni of any stature would dare return weak.”
A brief moment of silence, as though she expected a response. But no, it was quiet and lonesome.
Sigh…I wish I had someone to talk to at the very least. If only I knew how to contact Yukari.” She slumped further down the tree’s stump, filled with a hint of sorrow beneath her aloof demeanor.
That’s when she heard something close by. She raised her head and looked towards the direction of the sound from behind the tree, a voice being that of a young girl with some gruffness in her tone.
“Haven’t checked here yet, hopefully there’s something roaming here. Maybe I’ll find a new insect to catch along the way. Wouldn’t it be nice to have another bug for our collection Mimi?”
The figure soon walked around the tree and revealed herself to the oni. It was a girl with long black messy hair, with a face that had a couple bandages, and a red-black outfit that resembled more like boy’s clothing than a girl’s. In her hand was a small stuffed shrine maiden doll. The two stared at one another blankly with surprised faces, but neither one spoke for what felt like ages.
“Who are you?” The tomboyish girl asked. The other felt nervous to speak suddenly, she didn’t expect to encounter anyone far deep in the woods. Her mind raced with a million options, and she settled with one.
“Well well well, if it isn’t a naive innocent human, coming all the way to my domain!” She said, standing upright with a dominant nature. “To think someone as brave as you dare come face-to-face with an oni such as myself! I commend you, but don’t think you can leave now.” She said, showing her teeth in order to be threatening.
“An oni?” The girl asked. “You mean the youkai from the stories I’ve been told?”
“Why yes. A member of a powerful race that humans feared for centuries. With our tremendous strength and staggering height, we are superior to you in every way. You have every right to be afraid.”
She expected her to be trembling, shaken down to her shoes. Yet she wasn’t, she simply stood in front of her, looking down a little.
“Aren’t you…a little short to be an oni?”
All that dominating confidence swayed from that statement, a red blush formed on her face to show.
“T-That’s not important. What is important is that you need to fear me.”
W-Why? She’s asking why?” She thought. “How do I respond to that? Dammit, why can’t people just be scared for no reason?
She wondered how to get her to fear her, when a growl from her stomach interrupted her thoughts.
“Oh, are you hungry? I brought a couple of onigiris with me; you can have one if you want.” The other girl offered, pulling out a fresh triangular ball of rice in front of the oni.
She looked at the food presented, her mouth watering with hunger. She at first wanted to refuse, denying herself the pleasure of food she did not earn. But her stomach redetermined her values so she hastily took the onigiri and shoved it in her mouth without a second thought. The taste of something that wasn’t stale or raw filled her tongue with pleasure, allowing something other than alcoholic intoxication.
“You better?” The tomboyish girl asked.
“Yeah. Much better.” She said, relieved she no longer felt empty as she patted her tummy.
“So, what’s your name?”
“My name? It’s uh…Suika.” Suika said.
“Cool. My name’s Minako. And this lil maiden right here is Mimi.” Minako held up the shrine maiden doll up closer so Suika could see. She thought it was cute, yet contrasting to Minako’s rougher appearance.
“Hm…Well then, I ask again: What’s a human like you doing all the way out here in the woods?” Suika asked.
“Easy, I’m looking for something big to fight. My mom told me the best way to get stronger is by taking down something bigger than you, so I figured I try my luck around here. Have you seen any big creatures nearby?”
“Something to fight you say? Well, I think I fit that description. I don’t look like it, but I’ve won more fights than the number of times you’ve eaten rice.” Suika boasted, attempting to taunt Minako. The latter however let out a short laugh.
“Yeah, sorry Suika, I said I’m looking for something big, tall, tremendous in stature.” She raised her arms up wide to further show what she meant.
“H-hey, I can be big if I want!” Suika expressed her annoyance at the girl’s lack of fright. She could easily grow twice her size and pick her up like how she picks up her own doll. But she didn’t feel like wanting to harm her; instead another idea came to mind.
“Actually, I think I know one that’s close.”
Soon after, Suika led Minako to an open part of the woods belonging to a creature she knew of. There they both witnessed a large bear, minding itself to a berry bush. The bear was quite large, massive compared to most bears that roamed Gensokyo. Though gentle in the way it nibbled on the bush of berries, its hulking body made it appear to be fearsome.
“Okay, you see that bear there?” Suika pointed while she and Minako hid behind the trees. “You think you can handle 'em?”
“I-I’m not sure. I never fought a bear before.” Minako said with slight anxiety.
“Relax, if anything goes wrong I’ll pull you out, trust me, I’m an oni, we’re always honest.”
“If you say so.” Minako said, placing her Mimi doll safely beside the tree, telling it to stay put. She then began to approach the bear slowly, creeping towards it. Suika meanwhile laughed to herself, thinking of what she expected the outcome to be.
Hehe, she probably has no idea how dangerous bears really are. All it’ll take is one roar and she’ll be cowering beneath, then I’ll swoop in, give the bear a one-two, and have her honor me as her superior.”
The bear quickly took notice of Minako’s approach. It rose up on its back legs, growling loudly as it made its warning clear to the girl, before moving to strike with its massive paws. Minako however, did not cower, nor scream with fear like Suika expected; rather she took a firm stance, clenched her fist, and jump-spun-uppercutted the bear by the chin, hitting so hard the bear flew up by a couple meters, and crashed back down the ground out cold.
Suika was stunned, her eyes wide as dinner plates and her mouth slightly open from what she witnessed.
“D…Did…you just…uppercut a bear!?” Suika asked, seeing Minako return and pick back up her doll.
“I did. Didn’t expect the bear to go down so easily.” Minako said.
“But I thought you said you never fought a bear before!”
“I haven’t. Though, I do have experience fighting wolves. And Kappa. And Tengu. And at least 20 different species of youkai. Though my mom has fought much more threatening creatures…Oh, that reminds me, I need to head home soon for dinner, it’s starting to get late!”
Minako began to float up from the ground, an act that would make Suika even more surprised than ever. What she thought was a normal adventurous girl turned out to be a human who exceeded all expectations. Meeting such a person presenting such strength made her feel not as lonely as she did earlier.
“Wait!” She called out before Minako could take off. Minako looked over at Suika with a curious glance.
“Um…If you want, I know some other areas with creatures as strong as the bear. If you come visit again I can show you where they are.”
Minako stayed silent for a second, “...Sure, I like that actually. I’ll be sure to return tomorrow.”
And like that she left, and Suika watched her fly off east, now with a smile she didn’t have before.
The next day Minako came as she said she would, and Suika showed her where they could find more creatures to fight. Once again Minako proved to be quite strong and took down the creature with ease, before heading home that same evening. Overtime Minako came to visit Suika to find more beings to fight; sometimes it was a big beast, other times a mischievous youkai, and oftentimes a young fairy of ice trying to prove itself over and over.
Not all days consisted of finding something to fight. On certain occasions the two would go explore, find places they have yet to discover. Other days they would catch insects, something Minako herself was fond of and gladly showed Suika how to do herself. On a particular day, Suika let Minako try sake for the first time; long story short it did not sit well with her. Regardless, they became close friends.
On a certain day, when the sky was a nice evening orange, the two sat by the edge of the forest, talking to one another about their concerns, their worries. Suika told Minako about how she came from the underworld after a bold claim that she could make everyone recall the legacy the oni race left behind, only to come up short and be alone. Mianko told Suika about her mother, and how strict she could be with her training and who she’s allowed to socialize with, resulting in her not having as many friends as she hoped. Her closest friend for the longest time was her doll Mimi, who she always took with her whenever she left the house for the day, because Mimi always kept her company. They realized they have more in common than they first thought.
Eventually like all days, their time to hang out came to an end, and Minako had to return home. She got up and was set to leave again, when she decided on something she hadn’t done before. She turned to Suika, handing her her Mimi doll.
“Eh? You’re giving this to me?” Suika asked. “But this is your precious doll, are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. Mimi always kept me company, now it’s her turn to keep you company.” Minako said.
Suika appreciated the act. She looked at the little shrine maiden doll, looking at its dotted eyes and sewed-on smile. A small tear formed in her eye, one she wiped away quickly and returned a thankful smile to her friend.
submitted by LeeCloud27 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:42 Clarky_Carrot My own experiences growing up without a demisexual label... (Long)

Good morning from England!
To preface I write this as a 30F, no spring chicken and very recently gave myself a huge confidence boost discovering this label. Also this post will be rather ramble-y, sorry!
This post is a description of my own experiences growing up, feeling alienated and unable to talk about my own dating experiences for fear of the same responses I have been given time and time again. I wanted to write something out, because if this resonates with even a single person and helps them feel a little more "normal" then I feel it's done its job.
Firstly, you AREN'T weird, your dating style and relationship style is VALID. Maybe, like me, this is the first time you've thought this in your whole dating life.
I know this may sound basic, but this is exactly how I felt stumbling onto the "demi" term. A sudden switch in my mind has been flipped and I realize I can stop pretending that "the next guy" will be the one I want to suddenly hold hands with, or kiss, or jump into bed with. That I just haven't found someone that has the perfect look or vibe for me to want to dive on. That my fear after the third date if I am not physical with them it just wasn't meant to be and I should either force it and see, or drop it there and then. That flirting is the biggest turn off for me and that's ok! No-one else I spoke could understand why and thought it was cute, so I just stopped talking about it. My friends constantly would advise me to just keep pushing. That I was just too picky. That I need to just settle already and give guys a chance. I love them but lord, it felt so tiring. I've spent countless hours trawling through forums trying to figure out WHY I just don't feel attraction for this or that reason.
So lets go back, throughout the years. I was brought up in a small town. A lot of close minded people, labels weren't a thing. Hell, we had never heard of autism, or spectrums, it was just "weird." Me and my friends all had a typical upbringing, one day you'll get married and buy a house and have kids. That's the way of the world! (Not for me, never wanted kids and still don't!)
I have had... a handful of relationships. Always with people I knew beforehand over time. I would gain a crush, we would become a thing, and as soon as things got more physical I would be very suddenly repulsed by them and end it. I knew this was toxic behaviour and hated myself for it but just could NOT get past that boundary. Even when I forced myself past those boundaries, it was never enjoyable. I was never comfortable. Albeit this is also all before I turned about 25? before pandemic years, I was an overweight, unconfident gamer girl. You won't believe how many times my family (and I) have joked about sending me off to First Dates because I've really just never been interested much in finding a partner.
Friends would discuss their crushes, who they thought was hot, who they'd bang. For me, if I could name celebrities.. it was always a character they played, not them themselves. It was book characters or game characters who we had time to watch develop their personality. It was always characters that strongly showed their emotions as well - of course I'd never admit most of my crushes were fictional. Even now, as a 30 year old, friends will show me pictures of band members or celebs or men they think I would be good dating.. and I'd always shy away. Or think, yeah, they're technically attractive? I am not attracted myself... how can I be? I don't know these people. I don't get the sentiment of them being "hot" even if topless or posed. But I'd just nod and agree because I guess yeah, they're technically good looking. Actually now writing this I wonder if this is also why I adore music with deeply emotional lyrics and instruments - Amazing Devil, AJR, many many more. I always felt like I could FEEL music. But I always hated explicit lyrics. Huh. This would make a lot of sense. Anyway back to it.
I pondered the idea if I was asexual, but I always knew that didn't fit.
I found major confidence moving to the city. Meeting friends who are confident in themselves, who don't judge but listen. I lost a tonne of weight, got a job I love, was very happy and had plenty going on. I still I wanted to date, but every time I tried it was disastrous, tedious and exhausting. I also didn't want to date knowing I wouldn't stay there long term.
Online dating: I will swipe on 99.9 percent of guys, and swipe right on the VERY few that I could see were happy. I didn't swiped because "damn they're hot" but I'd think "yeah, they look like they take care of themselves and are happy, nice dress sense. Not dead in the eyes. Have friends and go outside." but on top of that their profile HAD to resonate with me. Then we would meet and I'd usually come away not wanting to see them again, always expecting that you need the date to feel atleast positive at the end. But I just... never had that. They were fine. They were meh. I could never see them again and it's no skin off my back. Everyone would tell me "you just need to give them more time" which is technically true. But the thought of "three dates and you'll absolutely know" always plagued my mind. After the first to date they'd become flirty. I'd say I need to take it slow, but usually the cute emojiis, the hand holding on the second date and pressure to be more physical would all be too much and I'd just shut it down. I hated that I felt like this every damn time.
Now, I realise, I have a label that resonates and people who are the same minded! I think. I have no idea how much this'll actually help going forward, but it makes it a lot easier to communicate that I need FRIENDSHIP first. I need time, and if they can't handle that then there's no point trying. I'd rather remain single for my days than be with someone who doesn't understand.
And guess what I now tell myself? that's ok! You don't need to feel wrong anymore. Like I will suddenly become attracted when the right person comes along. Like you just need to force through or take up that random guys offer that flirted on the street. Like I need to be flattered when someone compliments me.
I can make it about getting to know eachother. It's more about time, boundaries, communication and patience. A deep dive into knowing eachother before snuggling up.
I find myself more excited knowing I now don't have to rush, and can spend time taking it easy. Maybe go to more meetups rather than dating apps, and just keep enjoying life.
I can say I recently moved to a smaller town again thinking maybe I just need to find somewhere to settle. But being back here makes me feel like I have regressed back and I once again have itchy feet to move back to a city. However it has also caused me to do more soul searching, eventually discovering this term and suddenly, for the first time in 15-ish years.. I feel comfortable with myself. Like finding the last missing piece to the jigsaw of my brain.
Stay safe and happy, beautiful people :) My ramble is over, but if you did read it, thanks for reading!
submitted by Clarky_Carrot to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:17 NK_55 Interesting!! Just came across this podcast - New Jersey Housewives star Melissa Gorga talked with Gleb about DWTS. Loved it 😍😉 Can't wait for the new DWTS season to start and Gleb to be back 💖
For DWTS lovers, I suggest to listen to the whole podcast.
Here are some interesting points Gleb mentioned regarding the show:
submitted by NK_55 to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:04 theprincessoflettuce Quick fire questions about my tattoo idea

Hi all,
I might be getting a tattoo in London this Saturday, and wanted to shoot a few quick fire questions since this community seems to be really helpful!
  1. What do you guys think of this design? I added an outline to make it last longer, but chose a dark brown instead of black.
  2. I would like to get it in a small size on my hip (about 1,5 cm / 0.6 inch). I heard that microrealism fades easily on the hips because of friction and movement which is why I changed to a brighter outlined design. How would my idea hold up there? Any hip experiences?
  3. What do you guys think of this artist? I think they pack in colour really nicely, but I'm no expert. They've done some cute fruits before, and I see they use the dark colour outline here as well.
  4. I would be getting the tattoo on Saturday and I'm in London until Monday, including a long day at Comic Con on Sunday. It it ok to walk around all day the day after getting a tattoo?
  5. At the moment I have a pimple where I'd like to get the tattoo done. Is this a problem? I'm hoping it'll be gone and healed by Saturday but not sure.
Thank you!
submitted by theprincessoflettuce to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:47 Significant-Tower146 Best Dark Blue Wigs

Best Dark Blue Wigs
Get ready to make a bold fashion statement with our roundup of the best dark blue wigs on the market. In this article, we've gathered a variety of stunning options to suit your style, whether you're looking for a wig for a special event or just want to add some edge to your everyday look. Let's dive in and explore the world of dark blue wigs together.

The Top 13 Best Dark Blue Wigs

  1. Dark Blue Kanekalon Cosplay Wig with Wig Cap and Comb - Look fantastic at any event with the EmaxDesign Cosplay Wig, featuring 32-inch Japanese Kanekalon fibers, an adjustable size, easy to care for, and free wig cap/comb!
  2. Lovsoul 13x6 Dark Blue Lace Frontal Wig with Various Styles and Colors - Experience the ultimate hair transformation with the LOVSOUL 13x6 Dark Blue Lace Frontal Wigs, providing seamless glueless wear and a wide range of preplucked styles and colors for a completely natural look.
  3. High-Quality Dark Blue Cosplay Wig with Wig Cap and Comb - This 32-inch cosplay wig by EmaxDesign is a must-have for Halloween, concerts, and theme parties, boasting versatile style, soft texture, and easy-to-care-for features.
  4. Dark Blue Cosplay Wig for Halloween, Anime, and Parties - Experience premium Halloween and costume party hair with the COSPLAZA Cosplay Wig, featuring a classic cap design and high-temperature heat-resistant fiber material.
  5. Stylish Ombre Blue Wig with Dark Roots for Cosplay and Daily Use - Step into a world of fashion and flair with Sallcks Ombre Blue Wig - the perfect accessory for any occasion, offering a sexy, natural, and stylish look while being easy to maintain and comfortable to wear.
  6. Venti Genshin Impact Dark Blue Anime Wig with Adjustable Cap - Experience the perfect fit for cosplay with this SL Navy Blue Wig for Venti Genshin Impact 2, designed with adjustable range, 356°F heat resistance, and easy-to-care synthetic fibers, ensuring a natural appearance and soft touch.
  7. Elegant Long Straight Lace Front Wig in Dark Blue - Experience natural-looking luxury with this 24" Dark Blue lace wig featuring adjustable wig cap, heat-resistant synthetic fiber, and a realistic hairline, perfect for various occasions and gift-giving.
  8. Fairy Tail Wendy Marvell Anime Dark Blue Long Cosplay Wig - Bring Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail to life with this dark blue, high-quality cosplay wig featuring synthetic high-temperature fiber and a free wig cap, perfect for anime enthusiasts and fans.
  9. Short Blue Wig: A Versatile Fashion Statement with Adjustable Cap - Experience the ultimate comfort and stunning transformation with the Bopocoko Short Blue Wigs, a perfect blend of natural style, softness, and breathable comfort!
  10. Realistic Dark Blue Halloween Wig for Cosplay - Experience the ultimate Halloween cosplay with Karlery's Dark Blue Long Curly Fluffy Wig, featuring adjustable size, high-quality synthetic fiber, and a variety of occasions to showcase your flair.
  11. Dark Blue Afro Jumbo Wig - Perfect for 70s Style Party Events - Experience the 70s disco magic with our eye-catching Dark Blue Afro Jumbo Wig, perfect for Halloween parties, themed events, and making a statement in any setting!
  12. Stylish Human Hair Dark Blue Wigs for Women with Wig Cap and Adjustable Straps - Discover the perfect mix of fashion and comfort with Unique Bargains' Human Hair Wigs - Breathable, Stylish, and Ideal for Daily Use
  13. Stylish Dark Blue Men's Short Fluffy Cosplay Party Wig - Experience the perfect blend of comfort and style with this Dark Blue Anime Cosplay Party Costume Wig, featuring adjustable net, lightweight synthetic fibers, and an eye-catching fluffy design.
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🔗Dark Blue Kanekalon Cosplay Wig with Wig Cap and Comb
I recently tried the EmaxDesign cosplay wig, and boy, was it a transformation! The dark blue shade was stunning and fit in perfectly with my costume. What stood out the most was the luxurious feel of the 100% Japanese Kanekalon fibers, which made the wig seem so natural and soft to the touch.
Adjusting the size was a breeze, and I didn't even need pins or tape. It fit my head perfectly, making me feel like a queen right away! The wig cap and comb provided were an added bonus, making it even easier to style the wig according to my preference.
Using the wig was such an effortless experience, and cleanup couldn't be simpler. All I needed was a little bit of mild shampoo and some cold water, and the wig was as good as new! With this cosplay wig, I was able to bring my costume to life, and I'm eager to attend more events and show it off. Highly recommend!

🔗Lovsoul 13x6 Dark Blue Lace Frontal Wig with Various Styles and Colors
I've been using the Lovsoul 13x6 Dark Blue Lace Frontal Wigs for a while now, and I must say, they've really transformed my look. What stood out to me was how easily I could flip the wig over from side to side, giving me the freedom to wear it on either side without looking lopsided. The wider preplucked lace area also made a huge difference in creating a more realistic hair illusion.
The 32-inch long straight glueless lace front wig was great for experimenting with various hairstyles daily. I loved the creativity and playfulness that came with trying out different styles without any hassle. The Lovsoul-grade preplucked wig was a breeze to work with, and its versatility made it a one-stop shopping solution.
The wig came in a variety of styles and colors, including body wave, straight, and curly options. I particularly enjoyed the natural black and honey blonde highlights, as well as the ginger and blue options. The Lovsoul wigs felt similar to human hair, offering a natural touch and vibrant texture.
One downside I noticed was that these wigs can't really withstand high heat. However, considering their affordability and the variety of styles and colors available, I'd say they're worth a try. Overall, the Lovsoul 13x6 Dark Blue Lace Frontal Wigs are a fantastic choice for those seeking a great-looking wig at an affordable price.

🔗High-Quality Dark Blue Cosplay Wig with Wig Cap and Comb
I recently had the opportunity to try on the EmaxDesign Dark Blue Cosplay Wig, and I have to say, it's a game changer. The moment I put on this wig, I felt like a character straight out of a storybook. The high-quality 100% Japanese Kanekalon fibers not only made the hair feel soft and natural, but they also gave it a shiny finish that caught the light beautifully.
One of the things I appreciated the most about this wig was the adjustable size. It fit perfectly on my head without the need for any pins or tape, and I didn't have to worry about it falling off during the day. The wig cap and comb that came with it made it even easier to style and maintain.
However, while I loved how easy it was to wash this wig, I found that it took quite a bit of care to keep it looking its best. Using only a little mild shampoo in cold water was the key, but it still required a bit more attention than I was used to.
Overall, this wig was a fantastic addition to my costume collection, and I can't wait to see what other events I can use it for. If you're looking for a high-quality wig that will turn heads, this is definitely the one to go for.

🔗Dark Blue Cosplay Wig for Halloween, Anime, and Parties
I recently tried out the COSPLAZA Cosplay Wig in short dark blue, perfect for my anime-inspired outfit. It was so convenient to accessorize my Halloween look with ease. This wig is made of high-temperature heat resistant fiber, and the cap has a classic construction with a fit range of 50cm to 60cm circumference. I loved that it felt full and complete, adding an extra layer of authenticity to my costume.
The cleaning process was a breeze, and the instructions provided by the manufacturer really helped out. It was simple and effortless to keep the wig in pristine condition for various events. However, I noticed that it could be more comfortable if the cap material was softer, especially during long wear hours. Overall, the COSPLAZA Cosplay Wig is a solid choice for anyone looking to add a unique and quality wig to their wardrobe.

🔗Stylish Ombre Blue Wig with Dark Roots for Cosplay and Daily Use
I recently had the chance to try on the Sallcks Ombre Blue Wig, and I have to say, it truly stands out in a crowd. Not only does it come in a stunning shade of blue, but the curls are soft and luscious, making you feel like a true fashionista.
The best part? . The size is adjustable, so it fits most head sizes comfortably. However, I would say that the wig may not be the best choice for daily use, since it might attract some unwanted attention due to its bold and unique style.
Overall, it's a great choice for special occasions like Halloween or cosplay, but just be prepared to stand out from the crowd! .

🔗Venti Genshin Impact Dark Blue Anime Wig with Adjustable Cap
I've recently tried out this navy blue wig from SL and have to say, I'm quite impressed by its features. Not only is it made of high-quality synthetic fibers that resist heat up to 356°F, but it also comes with a built-in mesh cap made of high-grade lace, offering a natural and comfortable feel.
One of the things I love about this wig is its versatility. Its adjustable range of -50cm to 60cm allows it to fit most head sizes perfectly, while the variety of styling options, such as braids, ponytails, and bangs, make it an excellent choice for anime cosplay enthusiasts. It's even designed to blend in seamlessly with real hair, thanks to its advanced weaving technology.
However, I must admit that the build quality of this wig could be better. The slight squeezing it experienced during transportation can leave it looking somewhat less than fluffy when you first put it on. But with a bit of combing and the care instructions provided, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to maintain.
Overall, this navy blue wig from SL offers a great balance of style and quality, despite a few minor issues. If you're looking for an impressive cosplay wig, this one might just be the perfect fit for you.

🔗Elegant Long Straight Lace Front Wig in Dark Blue
I recently had the chance to try out the Unique Bargains Women's Long Straight Lace Front Wigs. This dark blue wig was a game-changer for my looks and confidence. The soft synthetic fiber material made it feel like I had my own natural hair, and the adjustable wig cap made it easy to fit perfectly on my head.
The breathable net used in the cap and the lace hairline made it comfortable to wear and a great choice for different occasions. I loved how versatile and changeable this wig was, and how many compliments I received from friends and family.
However, I noticed that washing it required a bit more care, as mentioned in the product description. But the long-lasting feature and the realistic hairline made up for the extra effort. Overall, I highly recommend this lace front wig for any woman looking to elevate their style and confidence.

🔗Fairy Tail Wendy Marvell Anime Dark Blue Long Cosplay Wig
Recently, I tried out this Synthetic High Temp Fiber cosplay wig that resembles Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail in Dark Blue. The wig is quite impressive, as it's easy to style and maintain. It's designed to be compatible with average head circumferences ranging from 50cm-60cm. The wig comes with an additional free wig cap, which is quite convenient for any cosplay event or photoshoot.
However, I noticed that without the proper hairspray, the wig tends to lose some of its shimmer and shine. But when used with the recommended hairspray, it truly enhances the overall appearance, making it an ideal choice for any cosplay enthusiast. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with my experience using this Dark Blue wig and would highly recommend it to fellow cosplayers.

🔗Short Blue Wig: A Versatile Fashion Statement with Adjustable Cap
I recently stumbled upon the Bopocoko Short Blue Wig and it has become my go-to stylish accessory for various occasions. The synthetic fiber used in the wig feels incredibly soft and silky, almost like real hair. I was particularly impressed by its breathability and comfort as I wore it for long hours. The wig's color and length are great for those looking to make a statement while maintaining a natural and cute appearance.
Not only does the blue short bob wig match various skin tones and ages, but it also serves as an excellent gift for loved ones. The package even includes an additional free wig cap, making it that much more convenient to use. Plus, the wig's easy-to-clean feature ensures its long-term usability. Overall, I am thrilled with my Bopocoko Short Blue Wig and recommend it to anyone looking to make a fashion statement.

🔗Realistic Dark Blue Halloween Wig for Cosplay
As someone who loves to dress up for themed events, I tried out this Karlery Dark Blue Long Curly Fluffy Wig recently. It was perfect for my Halloween cosplay as a witch. The adjustable size of the wig cap made it a great fit, and the high-temperature synthetic fiber made it comfortable for long-term use.
The wig was also easy to maintain and clean. However, one area for improvement could be the color variation due to different monitors or lights. Overall, it's a fun and stylish wig that's suitable for various occasions.

🔗Dark Blue Afro Jumbo Wig - Perfect for 70s Style Party Events
I recently got my hands on one of these Super Size Jumbo Wigs, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. I don't usually go for flamboyant hairdos, but when you've got an opportunity to try something so bold, you can't pass it up.
The first thing I noticed was the premium quality of the wig. It was handcrafted with such care, you could feel it the moment you put it on. The wig was designed for a comfortable fit, making it perfect for both men and women.
One of the best things about this wig was its versatility. Whether I dressed it up for a 70s themed party or kept it simple for a sporting event, the wig always turned heads. And for those who wanted to add a pop of color to their outfit, the wig came in a variety of neon shades.
However, the super size did come with a few drawbacks. It took quite a bit of time to style the wig, and sometimes it felt a bit uncomfortable in the heat. But overall, the pros outweighed the cons, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to add a bit of fun and flair to their wardrobe.

🔗Stylish Human Hair Dark Blue Wigs for Women with Wig Cap and Adjustable Straps
I recently had the chance to try on the Unique Bargains Human Hair Wigs for Women with the deep blue wig cap. This wig was a game-changer for me. Not only did it have a unique and trendy design, but it was incredibly comfortable to wear. The breathable rose net and lightweight material made it feel like I wasn't even wearing a wig at all. It was perfect for my everyday life, as well as special occasions like dates, concerts, and parties.
One of the best features of this wig was its adjustable straps, which made it easy to secure it on my head comfortably. The wig itself was made with high-quality synthetic fiber and featured a natural-looking human hairline. This deep blue wig really gave me a boost in confidence and made me feel beautiful from the inside out. It even received compliments from my friends and family, who were impressed by how realistic and stylish it looked.
Overall, the Unique Bargains deep blue wig was a fantastic addition to my wardrobe. It was comfortable, stylish, and versatile, making it perfect for any occasion. If you're looking for a wig that's comfortable, fashionable, and easy to style, I definitely recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Stylish Dark Blue Men's Short Fluffy Cosplay Party Wig
I recently tried out this Dark Blue Spiky Wig for one of my cosplay parties, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. The synthetic hair fibers were incredibly soft, making it an absolute pleasure to wear and style. I love how the fluffy shaggy style gave me that edgy, cool look that I was aiming for.
One thing that stood out to me was how lightweight and comfortable it felt, and even though it didn't specifically mention heat resistance, I could tell it was built to last. It may have been a bit hard to find adjustments for someone with a slightly larger head, but overall, it fit pretty well.
Of course, I had to take note of the importance of handling the wig gently to avoid any damage. Once I got past that, it was a cinch to use and made my outfit look that much better. Would definitely recommend for cosplay enthusiasts looking for a spiky flair!

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the perfect dark blue wig can be a challenging task. With so many styles, materials, and prices available, it can be difficult to make a decision. However, by considering the following features, you can find the perfect wig that meets your needs and preferences.

There are various styles of dark blue wigs, including bob, lace front, and full-lace. Each style has its unique features, so consider what you need from the wig. For example, if you want a more natural look, a lace front wig may be the best choice. If you prefer a more vintage or classic look, a bob wig could be the ideal option.


Dark blue wigs are typically made from synthetic or human hair. Synthetic wigs are generally more affordable, while human hair wigs offer a more natural look and feel. You should also consider the cap construction, as a lace or mesh cap may provide a more comfortable fit. ### Cap Size
Wig cap sizes vary, so it's essential to choose one that fits you comfortably. Measure the circumference of your head approximately one inch above the eyebrows to determine your size. Most wig brands offer a range of cap sizes, so this measurement will help you find the right fit.


Dark blue wigs require proper care and maintenance to maintain their appearance and longevity. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing, drying, and storing your wig. Avoid using hot tools or excessive heat, as this can damage the hair and cause it to lose its color.


Dark blue wigs come in a variety of price ranges, so it's essential to consider your budget before making a purchase. While higher-priced wigs may offer more luxurious materials and better quality construction, there are also affordable options that can still provide a good fit and stylish look.


A comfortable wig is essential for an enjoyable experience. Consider factors such as breathability, weight, and fit when choosing a dark blue wig. Lightweight wigs with breathable materials can help keep you cool and comfortable throughout the day.

Expert Advice
When choosing a dark blue wig, it's a good idea to consult with a professional stylist or wig specialist. They can provide valuable advice on choosing the right style, color, and fit for your specific needs and preferences.
By considering these factors and working with a professional, you can find the perfect dark blue wig that meets your needs and enhances your overall look.


What are dark blue wigs?

Dark blue wigs are synthetic or real hair wigs that are dyed in a deep shade of blue. They are designed to provide full coverage for those who may be experiencing hair loss or looking for a fashionable alternative.

What are the benefits of wearing a dark blue wig?

There are several benefits to wearing a dark blue wig. First, they are easy to maintain as they do not require regular hair care routines. Secondly, they are available in various styles, lengths, and textures, which makes it possible to find the perfect match for your hair type and desired look. Finally, wigs can be a great accessory to transform your overall appearance and express your personal style.

What type of dark blue wigs are available?

  • Synthetic dark blue wigs: These are made of synthetic fibers and are typically more affordable than real hair wigs. They can be styled using heated instruments and are a versatile option for those looking for a shorter-term wig investment.
  • Real hair dark blue wigs: These wigs are made from real human hair and provide a more natural look. They require more maintenance but can be styled using heated instruments and are a great investment for those seeking a long-term solution.

How should I care for my dark blue wig?

To maintain the quality of your dark blue wig, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper care. Generally, synthetic wigs should be shaken loose, brushed gently, and stored in a dry wig stand or box when not In use. Real hair wigs should be shampooed and conditioned regularly, using a gentle sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, and should also be air-dried and stored in a wig box when not in use.

How do I choose the right dark blue wig for my head shape and hair type?

Choose a wig that has a similar texture and curl pattern to your natural hair. If you are unsure, consult with a wig professional who can help you choose the best wig for your hair type and desired look. When it comes to head shape, it's essential to find a wig with a cap size that matches your head circumference. Measure your head with a soft measuring tape and compare it to the wig's cap size to ensure a comfortable fit.

Do dark blue wigs look natural?

The level of naturalness depends on the quality of the wig and the hairstyle that you choose. High-quality dark blue wigs made from real human hair can appear very natural, while lower-quality synthetic wigs may not look as realistic. It's essential to find a wig that suits your individual preferences and desired level of naturalness.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:27 trascendentalalchemy Game suggestions?

So, I finished KEY - I played it twice to get all of the achievements. It was alright, it wasn't bad. I've accepted that ND games will never be the same after SEA.
My main issues were that everything was just flat. I remember how beautiful and intricate the graphics used to be in older games (even in the classic ones) and this one felt so - meh.
There were rooms and rooms where you couldn't click on ANYTHING to explore. Characters were really disinteresting. Even the cute callbacks felt like they were just Nancy Drew easter eggs in a completely different game that isn't Nancy Drew anymore.
Some of the puzzles were good - but some, I had NO IDEA where to start, with no verbal cues, and had to rely on the hints way too much.
The new VO actress is fine in tone and warmth, but I've done VO before, and I really think that the issue with her VO is that she says all of her words painstakingly too slow. It doesn't sound natural, because a real person doesn't speak like that. Natural speech speeds things up at times, and has varying inflections and pauses, run-ons. She says every. single. word. at. exactly. the. same. speed. I listened to every delivery after I realized that's what makes her sound so robotic, and except for maybe a handful of takes she did where she sped up her delivery for a short line, she says EVERY line with almost a pause between each word. It was excruciating and really a shame, because she has a nice voice.
Anyway, I miss Lani and think I will go back to playing the old games. I don't care if she "sounds old". She IS Nancy Drew. I've played every game multiple times - some of them, too many times to count. I think after trying this last one out for curiosity's sake after the one that shall not be named (I honestly blacked that one out) I will be spending my money elsewhere.
Rant over, my question is - does anyone have any great game recommendations along the lines of the games pre-Unity takeover?
I've played This Bed We Made (loved it) and went through the Life is Strange Series (also loved it).
Does anyone have suggestions on some great mystery/point and click/supernatural/adventure/explore games?
submitted by trascendentalalchemy to nancydrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:15 meisboredbored 27[m4f] #online. Looking for something more

More than a casual online friendship where we barely hit each other up.. I want connection, calls, exchange of ideas, little things as well as big life choices... Not a relationship as those don't tend to work out online/long distance, but perhaps a really serious supportive friendship? Not using each other temporarily and then ghosting after half a year? Is that possible?
I always felt incomplete in a sense, always lacking a second half.. Someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to send me a voice message when I desperately need a kind voice.. Can we be there for each other without things getting weird? Can we try?
A bit about me: huge music lover (70s-80s especially), guitarist, casually interested in psychology, poetry and philosophy, I work out regularly as well as work on my mental health and I love binge watching movies/shows... movie night anyone?
I'm a very chill introverted person... soft spoken and prone to coping with humor and have a giant collection of cute animal pics and memes.. If any of that interests you, make sure to hit me up!
submitted by meisboredbored to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:54 frogfae has anyone had experience with cancer in dragons? what were the symptoms?

has anyone had experience with cancer in dragons? what were the symptoms?
some cute pictures of my girl before she got sick, and a baby picture for good luck ❤️ she is 5 years old, recently (in the last month or so, progressing kind of fast) having some concerning symptoms (lethargy, loss of appetite, somewhat rapid weight loss and loss of color. she has been drinking a lot of water as well, and i feel like i feel an unusual and large mass in her abdomen) and i have no idea what could be causing them. she has a vet appointment on friday, but wanted to get some advice from people who have maybe experienced this or something similar. she has been to the vet many times throughout her life, especially when she was a baby because she has always had minor health issues. she has been cleared for parasites. i got her from petco, unfortunately. happy to answer any questions about her setup or care.
submitted by frogfae to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:08 adorabletapeworm Orion Pest Control: The Mechanic Gave Me A Ride

Previous case
The infected deer are starting to become a real problem. That being said, as the title suggests, the worms are the least of my worries.
(If you're not familiar with what Orion Pest Control's services are, it may help to start here.)
On my drive home a few nights ago, I saw the reflection of eyes in the distance. As I slowed down, I discovered a buck standing in the middle of the road, head bent over gray fur.
It was eating an opossum. Or, more accurately, the worms puppeteering it were coiling around the opossum, their mouths leaving huge holes in the poor animal's fur as they dragged it between the deer's open jaws.
Like the infected doe I'd encountered before, the buck’s stomach was pulsating as the worms moved. Its fur was unruly, the white patch over its throat stained with layers of dried blood.
My stomach fluttered in disgust at the way the parasites protruded from its mouth. God, those worms… Steeling myself, I snatched my toolbelt off of the passenger seat along with the shotgun and went out to take care of it. Unfortunately, I only had regular shells that time. After the incident at the farm, I hadn't had the time to restock on salt shells. They would've made this process much faster and easier.
I just had to shoot it in the head, then pour salt on each worm afterwards. Same as before. No problem, right?
The sound that the worms made as they devoured the opossum made my skin crawl. The sliminess of their skin as they slithered around each other combined with the wet tearing of flesh and fur. Whatever you're imagining, I assure you that the noise was far more nauseating in real life.
Before the worms or their host had a chance to notice me, I took aim and pulled the trigger. The side of the buck's head exploded. It let out a deep, guttural groan as the worms dropped from around the trapped rodent.
The buck then lowered its antlers at me. Fuckfuckfuck! I sprinted for my car as it charged me, the worms flopping around as they were dragged across the road by their host. I got out of the way just as the buck's antlers pierced my G6's hood. It shook its head violently, my little car shaking along with it as it tried to get its antlers free.
Why was it so much more aggressive than the doe? Had it been infected longer?
Just as I raised the shotgun again, I felt something brush against my foot. I was so glad that nobody was around to see me yelp like a coyote as I expertly flailed away from the worm that had taste-tested my boot.
There was an ear-splitting, metallic groan as the buck got its antlers free. I stepped away from the worms as I fired again. The buck fell to the side, causing the worms to lurch to the ground like cut ropes. Heroically, I backed away from them even more as they began to convulse, fumbling with shaking hands to get the salt out of my toolbelt.
The area around me became much brighter as another vehicle made its way down the road. I got off to the side to lower the chances of getting hit, then otherwise ignored it as I finished the job by seasoning the parasites, grimacing as they writhed against their salty demise.
From behind me, I heard the oncoming vehicle start to slow down. I had just finished salting the final worm when the driver completely slowed to a stop. Glaring against the headlights, dread pooled in my stomach as I recognized the old, boxy blue Ford pickup. I'd seen it parked at the mechanic's shop every time I've had to go over there.
What was he doing here?
Coincidences don't exist in this line of work. I hadn't seen the mechanic since that day he'd turned me into a dog. I'd went out of my way to try to avoid him, which in hindsight, I probably could've been more subtle about.
It occurred to me to run. A frightened, primal impulse. But if I'm right about what the mechanic is, that'd be a horrible idea. They take cruel delight in hunting their prey down. Not knowing what else to do as my heart raced, I made sure that the buck and the worms were dead, shooting the infected animal in the head one last time. It didn't move. Neither did the worms.
The truck's door creaked open, then slammed shut. And with the sound of his boots on the gravel, I said a quick prayer, hoping that whatever god heard me would be a merciful one.
The mechanic grimaced at the dead worms, “Hoo, those things are nasty.”
All I could think of to say in my state was, “…Yeah.”
Brilliant, right?
He clicked his tongue, then walked over to my G6, shaking his head. “It sure did a number on this.”
For the first time, I got to see the extent of the damage that the buck had done to my poor little car. The hood was crumpled and riddled with several small holes. I had left it running, but after the attack, the engine had gone quiet. My dread worsened as I noticed that some sort of fluid was pooling beneath the front of the car.
The mechanic popped the hood, absent-mindedly nudging a dead worm out of the way with his heel as he examined my suffering car.
“Yeah, that's the fuckin’ radiator.” The mechanic commented. “This thing ain't going anywhere.”
You've gotta be kidding me.
I'm not a car person. I didn't know if he was messing with me or not. I stammered, “Are… are you serious?”
He closed my hood, “You see me laughing, puppydog?”
“Please don't call me that.” I said, keeping my voice as even as possible.
He snickered, “What would you like me to call you, then?”
I replied, “Let's go back to ‘stranger.’”
He pursed his lips, “But we're really not strangers anymore, now, are we?”
I didn't like that he'd taken enough of an interest in me to want to use something other than a generic nickname for me. I didn't trust this. Not one bit.
The mechanic patted the G6's hood noisily before stepping over a worm to stand in front of me, “Well, I can tow this thing to the shop, then start workin’ on it in the morning. In the meantime, why don't you let me give you a lift?”
Oh, FUCK no.
“Thanks, but I have people I can call.” I replied, eyes on his chest to avoid his gaze.
He chuckled, “You really don't like accepting help when it's offered, do you?”
That was a warning. Don't push it.
Doing everything in my power to keep my voice calm, I asked, “Will you expect something in return?”
With a grin, he replied, “Just the pleasure of your company.”
I don't like this.
As much as I would've preferred to take my chances walking home and dealing with literally any other atypical animal that could be prowling the night, I was too afraid to wear the mechanic's patience any thinner.
He either read my mind or my thoughts showed on my face because he then added with a smirk, “You can bring your gun, if that'll make you feel safer.”
Unable to shake the feeling that I was going to the gallows, I reluctantly climbed into the passenger seat of his truck, flipping the safety switch on the shotgun before setting it on the floor against my leg.
The interior smelled pleasantly of black cherries. I'd expected the stench of motor oil. He wordlessly nativated the truck in front of my broken down car, then jumped back out again to hook everything up.
While he was busy with that, I quickly texted Victor and Reyna, ‘broke down. mechanic found me. taking me somewhere. not sure where yet.’
For good measure, I also shared my location with them. Afterwards, I jammed my phone back into my pocket, then peered into the side mirror to watch the mechanic. He was pulling on the chains he'd attached to my G6, testing their tightness. He looked like he was almost done.
My phone buzzed, but I didn't dare take it out again.
The mechanic climbed back into the driver's seat with a sigh. As the old pickup started down the road, my unease kept building. I felt like I shouldn't move or breathe too much, for some strange reason. This might sound dramatic, but I would've felt safer being trapped in a cage with a hungry lion. At least a lion would just shred me and be done with it.
I reminded myself that I was still wearing my toolbelt. He'd let me take the shotgun. I didn't know how effective salt, shells, or a silver blade would be against him, but it was slightly reassuring to know that I wasn't completely defenseless. Just slightly. The fact that he'd let me keep all of it told me that he didn't consider me a threat to him, even while armed.
The mechanic glanced at me, “I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I was on my way to Dillon's when I found you.”
Dillon's is an old 50's style diner that’s about a half hour walk away from my apartment. It's cheap, greasy, and gets the job done, especially when you're hungover.
The mechanic looked and sounded deceptively friendly as he spoke again, “Though, I am glad that we ran into each other! There's something that I've been wanting to discuss with you.”
That couldn't be good. I stared through the windshield, only looking over at him occasionally to avoid any possibility of him catching my eye.
The mechanic continued, “You remember when I told you the other night that you impressed me? I meant that. And humans don't normally impress me much, so… make of that what you will. However, you also tried to get smart with me and that is the shit I hate. You can be as polite as you want, but insolence is insolence, no matter how much you try to sugarcoat it.”
Even though his tone remained light, the nervous pit in my stomach grew into a gaping chasm. Was he still angry? And if he was, what did that mean for me?
The mechanic side-eyed me briefly as if he expected me to say something.
My phone buzzed in my pocket again. One of my coworkers tried to call me.
Another thing yinz need to know about dealing with the Neighbors: never use the words ‘I'm sorry,’ the reason being that an apology is an admission of a debt to them. If you have to atone for a transgression (and it is highly recommended that you do so), your phrasing matters.
I hoped that humbling myself would appease him, “My actions were a waste of your time and I absolutely regret them. It won't happen again.’
The mechanic snickered, “See, that's just it. You're so… fuck, what's the word I'm looking for? I heard it just the other day and it reminded me of you. Oh, right! Unctuous. You ever hear that word before?”
I told him I hadn't.
“It means someone who's insincerely polite. They tell you what you want to hear just to get what they want. Sound familiar, pup?”
He'd never been this ruthless in our interactions before. I needed to be careful.
Feeling my mouth get dry from impending panic, I shook my head, “That's not it. I just try to watch what I say. I don't mean for it to come off as disingenuous.”
Throughout this whole conversation, his smile stayed in place. He was enjoying making me squirm. As much as it killed me to give him that satisfaction, I couldn't hide it: even without that banjo around, I was terrified of him.
He replied, “You see why I'm glad we ran into each other? This is something that's been on my mind for a bit. Coulda gotten it outta the way a whole lot sooner, if you hadn't been hiding from me.”
I knew better than to insist that I wasn't avoiding him, especially since I was already on dangerously thin ice. And we were still far enough away from town that if he were to decide to pull over right then and there, no one would notice what happened to me until it was too late.
Swallowing back my nervousness, I asked, “What happens now?”
“That whole nasty business two weeks ago didn't need to happen. All you had to do was find your boss, which you already wanted to do anyway. But instead, you decided to be a smartass. From now on, don't get smart with me and just do your job. That ain't asking for much, is it?”
Trying to get more saliva in my dry mouth to swallow again, I hurriedly nodded, “No, it's not. I’ll do better.”
“Glad we're understandin’ each other, pup.”
Despite the mechanic's relaxed demeanor, I still didn't feel safe in that truck. We were getting closer to town. My phone didn't stop vibrating. I just hoped that he was taking me to where he said we were going.
There is a bit of conflict in our records as to whether or not the Neighbors can lie. Some sources state that they can only speak the truth, others say that they are able to be just as dishonest as humans. Either way, it's best to operate under the assumption that their intentions are to manipulate.
The mechanic then cheerily asked, “Now that we got that unpleasantness out of the way, I gotta know, how'd you get so good with a gun? I've seen ol’ blue eyes shoot, and that man can't hit the broad side of a barn, so I know he ain't the one that taught ya.”
Military records are public. If he learned even something as miniscule as my last name, it wouldn't be hard to identify me or my mom from there. The Neighbors have been known to seek out the family members of those who've slighted them. Entire bloodlines have been destroyed in this manner. I've seen it happen before, but that's a story for another time.
I can't stress this enough: never let a Neighbor learn your name.
I struggled to find a balance between being vague enough to protect myself, but detailed enough to satisfy him, “I wanted to learn how to defend myself when I was younger, so I found some good teachers.”
I must've missed the mark because the mechanic shook his head and chuckled, “You're doing it again. That annoying indirect shit. Why don't you try giving me a real answer, for once?”
Feeling my heart flutter, I muttered, “Armed forces.”
That was still vague. I didn't specify which of the armed forces. He could deduce when I served based on my age, but even then, that was still thousands of soldiers to sort through. Hopefully, that would be enough to protect us.
“Thank you for your service.” He said, his tone slightly mocking.
He could taunt me as much as he wanted. At least he accepted that answer. I just hoped that I wouldn't face any repercussions for being too vague earlier.
More streetlights were appearing. We were in town, getting closer to Dillon's. Assuming that he had been telling the truth about our destination.
This was the longest drive of my life. If the truck hadn't been going so fast, I would've been tempted to tuck and roll. And again… if the mechanic is what I think he is, he'd probably love it if I gave him the opportunity to chase me.
I had to know for sure, though. Just so that I knew how to properly deal with him.
Doing my best to sound meek (not hard, in the moment), I tried to word my question carefully, “Are you a Wild Huntsman?”
Once again, not taking the risk of typing or saying the ‘S’ word, especially since I haven't heard from that one person that commented that term on my last post.
Speaking of… are you still alive and in one piece, u/Holiday-Space?
The mechanic laughed, “Too afraid to say it, huh? Come on, I dare you!”
“No thanks.”
One of you is bad enough. Don't need any of your hunting buddies to show up.
The mechanic shook his head at me as he snickered, “Coward.”
Up ahead was Dillon's old purple neon sign. To my relief, the mechanic pulled into the parking lot. With it being so late, there were only two vehicles there besides the mechanic's truck (not including my comatose G6.)
Anxious to get out of there, I reached for the handle only for the door to swing open before I could grab it. The mechanic was holding the door open for me. I hadn't even heard the driver's side open.
See why I didn't try to run from him?
It took a lot of effort to sound sincere as I said, “What a gentleman.”
He nodded towards Dillon's, “After you.”
Even though the idea of having to spend more quality time with the mechanic made me want to crawl out of my own skin, I felt marginally safer in public. He wouldn't risk exposing himself when he has a shop to run. At least, I didn't think he would.
The girl that seated us blushed the moment she saw him. For her sake, I hope he doesn't ever decide to take advantage of her crush.
I was so keyed up that food was the last thing on my mind. It took our poor, flustered waitress asking me twice before I could order only a glass of water.
After she walked away, the mechanic leaned forward, forearms resting on the table as he said in a low voice, “You know, you don't have to act like a hostage, right?”
Wasn't I though? He did take me there against my will, after all.
I whispered, “Why am I here? What else do you want?”
“I already told you. I want your company. We're just talking. That's it.”
If that was true, then why go through the effort of intimidating me? Granted, he didn't have to do much. My mind raced as I tried to remember anything helpful that the boss could've told me. I recalled then that Victor had said that the mechanic couldn't do anything to him while he was still alive. There must be some sort of condition that has to be met.
The waitress scurried over with the mechanic's coffee and my water, turning an even deeper shade of red when the mechanic flashed an admittedly charming smile at her. When her eyes met mine, she looked somewhat embarrassed. It occurred to me then that to someone on the outside of all of this atypical nonsense, it probably looked like I was his extremely anxious and somewhat disheveled date.
Christ. Just kill me.
Now that I had humiliation to add on top of all of the other negative emotions I was experiencing, I sipped at the metallic-tasting ice water, grateful to give my parched tongue some relief.
As the mechanic added at least ten sugar packets to his coffee, he said, “Try to relax a little, alright? If I'd wanted to hurt you, I coulda taken care of that out on the road.”
Was that supposed to be reassuring?
After a deep breath, trying to lessen my nerves, I uttered, “You… want a little coffee with your sugar?”
He snorted, “Judge me all you want. It's like a drinkable candy bar.”
I stared down at my paper placemat that doubled as a menu. The last thing I wanted was to meet his gaze. It was harder to avoid it when seated together in a small booth. In retrospect, I think that's what he was counting on.
He'd said something alarming about Victor that made me reflexively glance up in shock, aiming to just look at his chest again. I don't even remember what he'd said.
The phone ringing in the kitchen… Mom kneeling down to hug me, making my shoulder wet… My father glaring at me through bullet proof glass…
I shook my head, blinking. What? Fingertips on my chin, leaning in as if to kiss me. The mechanic's eyes are hazel.
Our garage spray painted ‘MURDERER’... A fist pummeling my nose in the school hallway… My black kitten Maisie trotting towards me… That recruiter’s shit eating grin… Sargent Wilcox screaming, ‘Come on, you useless fucks!’... Yelling for a medic as I held my hands over Oliver's bleeding stomach…
Wait… what happened? A warm, gloved hand over my eyes. My cheeks were wet. When did I start crying? As I came to my senses, I recognized Reyna’s perfume.
The mechanic's voice made me stiffen. It's tone was sultry, with a menacing edge to it, “And who might you be?”
“No one.” She replied hurriedly, her voice bearing a slight quiver. She then whispered to me, “Let's go.”
Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell the mechanic was smiling as he told us that he'd see us later.
Due to our height difference, (I'm 6'1 while Reyna meets the requirements for the Lollipop Guild) her hand uncovered my face naturally as I stood up to leave. I refused to look in the mechanic's general direction. We rushed out. I could tell he was watching to see which car we'd go into. Fortunately, Reyna had the foresight to park behind the building.
I should also mention that Reyna had disguised herself. She wore red heart-shaped sunglasses and a scarf over her head, like a starlet from the golden age of Hollywood. She even wore platforms to try to appear taller. While it wasn't very discreet, it would hopefully keep the mechanic from recognizing her. Once we got to her Monte Carlo and peeled out, she ripped the sunglasses off.
Glancing into the rearview mirror for the what felt like the eighth time as Dillon's faded away behind us, Reyna frantically asked, “What did he do to you? I walked in and… you were just…”
He'd flipped through my mind like the pages of a book. I told her as much. She asked me if I was okay. I wasn't sure.
“We’re going to my place.” She informed me, checking the mirror again. “Vic and I agreed it's probably safest since the mechanic knows the least about me. And I'd love to keep it that way.”
I nodded, still unreeling from having my memories dug into, “Sounds good.”
Further on down the road, she noticeably stiffened when she saw a pair of headlights come up behind us. I reminded her that he didn't know what her car looked like. She didn't speed up, keeping the car at the speed limit to not draw attention to ourselves.
The headlights got closer. Turns out, it was just some impatient idiot with a lifted Dodge Ram truck. We both let out groans of relief when the ugly, oversized vehicle passed us.
“I never thought I'd actually be glad to see a pavement princess.” Reyna commented with a nervous laugh.
She then suddenly asked, “Is the mechanic an incubus?”
Feeling the beginnings of a headache behind my left eye, I answered, “I wish. That'd be a lot simpler.”
“Ah, okay. Wonderful. Lovely. And uh, don't worry about answering everything I say. I'm just kinda talking because I don't know what else to do, so if you want to ignore me, feel free.”
I ended up calling Victor, putting him on loudspeaker so that Reyna could hear.
He answered on the first ring, “What happened? Are you alright?”
I caught him up on everything. After I was done, he sighed, “Okay. If you don't mind me asking, when he got into your head, what did he see?”
“My sperm donor getting arrested, me getting beaten up in middle school, bootcamp, and a buddy dying after an ambush in Afghanistan.”
“Was your name used in any of those memories?”
“Okay. That's good at least. I'm sorry you were forced to relive all of that.”
I didn't know what to say. Thankfully, Victor saved me from having to respond by continuing, “I was afraid of this. When a Hunter takes an interest in someone, especially someone that they can't take right away, they start off with trying to break the target down. Using fear and intimidation to make the person feel isolated, sometimes even driving them insane. The mechanic is trying to start that process with you.”
What he was saying checked out with everything that I'd researched about The Hunt. They are said to be attracted to bereavement, often pursuing those who've experienced a great loss or heartbreak. They interpret it as weakness. The more vulnerable their victim is, the easier it is for The Hunt to devour them. That explained why the mechanic had gravitated towards some of the most traumatic experiences of my life.
I'd read somewhere that they find brave, good-natured people especially appetizing, even though they're the hardest for The Hunt to take. By being unable to cry out when I was transformed, I think I’d unintentionally convinced the mechanic that I was that type of person. And it made him hungry.
Victor bitterly informed us, “He's not going to chase you tonight. He has your gun and your car. He knows you’ll go to him.”
Slowly, the fear became replaced with anger. And spite. The mechanic could disarm me and use my worst moments against me, but I resolved then that I wouldn't let that fucker intimidate me. I wouldn't give him what he wanted.
If he wanted to think I was something special, I'd give him something fucking special.
“Vic, can you get her things so that she doesn't have to deal with him?” Reyna asked.
Before he could answer, I shook my head, “No. I don't want the mechanic to think that I'm afraid. I mean… I am but he doesn't need to know that.”
Victor warned, “By confronting him, you could make the hunt more thrilling for him. That might encourage him to be more aggressive towards you.”
I shrugged, “I'm screwed either way. At least this way, I'm screwed on my own terms.”
For the first time in a long time, Victor sounded like he might've been smiling. I haven't seen him smile since before he showed up with that bandana covering his slit throat. “We can start by finding a hagstone. That's easier said than done… but, something's telling me that there'll be one at Beaver Run. Check there.”
According to our records, draugr have a limited ability to see the future. Maybe that ‘strange feeling’ was actually a premonition. It certainly wouldn't hurt to check.
“Tomorrow morning, while the mechanic is at his shop, it's hagstone time.” I announced.
“I'll help.” Reyna offered, but then quickly added. “Unless you need me to cover for her tomorrow, Vic.”
“If you wouldn't mind doing a half-day, that'd be best.”
“Okay, can do!”
Victor wished us luck, then hung up.
Forgive me, but I'm going to go off on a brief tangent: Reyna has a pet skunk. Her name is Fireball. I'm mentioning this because that little skunk was basically free therapy after the night I'd had. And in all my days of having to dig the little guys out from under people's houses, I never really had a chance to appreciate how cute they are.
“She can't spray.” Reyna assured me when the little critter trotted over to sniff me. For those that aren't aware, skunks are typically quiet, but when they do vocalize, they sound like weed whackers.
Reyna stared down at Fireball, “What are you ‘meeping’ at?”
Fireball stomped at her, then jumped back. In the wild, they do this when they're trying to intimidate predators, so if you encounter a skunk and they do this, it's best to back off. However, in Fireball's case, they might also stomp when they're feeling sassy.
Reyna put her hands up in an annoyed gesture, “What's with the attitude?”
The skunk stomped again. Reyna huffed, “Jeez, you act like you're starving to death. You still have food in your bowl, idiot! Just because you can see a little bit of the bottom doesn’t mean it's empty!”
After we quadruple-checked to make sure that every entrance into Reyna’s apartment was salter, I settled down on the couch to get some sleep. At one point in the night, Fireball ended up curled up in my lap. That healed me.
The search for a hagstone wasn't going to be an easy one. They're stones with holes in the middle, normally found near bodies of water. In the old tales, these stones are valuable tools against the Neighbors for a variety of reasons, one of them being they can protect against curses and ward off evil. They also have been said to allow humans to see things that would normally be hidden to us when looking through the middle of the stone.
In other words, if our records were accurate, it was the key to leveling the playing field when it came to the mechanic.
I was in the river not long after the sun rose. Even though the water was cold this early in the summer, my spite kept me warm. I dug through the riverbed for hours until I came across a white stone with a large hole in its lumpy center.
Good to know that Victor's newfound draugr intuition was accurate.
I have the hagstone hanging on a chain around my neck, tucked under my shirt. I wasn't sure what effect the hagstone would have on the mechanic. At the very least, maybe I could see what he actually looked like.
Later that afternoon, Victor called to tell me that my car was done. Moment of truth. Even with the hagstone, I wasn't looking forward to being in close quarters with the mechanic again. But I reminded myself that I wasn't going to let that sadistic fuck frighten me into hiding again. No more avoiding him.
The mechanic greeted me, boyish grin in place, “Long time no see, pup!”
Feeling the weight of the hagstone as a comforting weight around my neck, I said, “I was told that my car is done. Think I left my shotgun in your truck, as well.”
“You did. You left in such a hurry. Probably had a lot on your mind, I imagine.”
Fuck you.
He set my keys on the counter, along with my shotgun, then leaned forward to rest on his forearms, “Come and get ‘em.”
I didn't know if the hagstone would keep him out of my head and I wasn't about to find out the hard way. He already knew more about me than I was comfortable with. I kept my eyes low.
As I approached the counter, he suddenly stepped back, eyes narrowed. Unfortunately, he didn't lose that grin. That was a shame; I was hoping to wipe it off of his face.
The mechanic let out a short laugh, “I see you came prepared.”
I sounded braver than I felt, “Of course I did. Now, how much for the repairs?”
His smile turned mysterious as he gave me my total. He didn't come closer to the counter while I stood by it; I had to back up for him to be able to run my card. After that was done, he set it on the counter next to my other belongings, leaning against the back of some old clunker he had lined up to work on.
As I hurried to get my things, the mechanic suddenly asked, “You can't tell me that you ain't curious.”
“Curious about what?”
“‘Bout what I really look like.” He smirked, folding his arms across his chest. “Go on. Take a peek.”
As tempting as it was, it wasn't hard to deduce his ulterior motive, “You just want to know where I have the stone hidden.”
He chuckled, “Yeah, that's true. You got me there. But wouldn't you like to know what you're really dealing with?”
“I already do. I don't need to see a monster to know it's there.”
Judging by the way his eyes slitted, he did not care for that comment. I knew I was probably going to regret that later. He already wanted to hunt me for sport. What did it matter if I clapped back at him just one time?
His voice lowered, “When your heart stops, puppydog, you better pray the devil finds you before I do. You'll crave Hell before I'm through with you.”
Hoping that he couldn't see my hands shaking, I grabbed my things and got out without another word. The G6 was working even better than it had before the deer incident.
After that interaction… I think I'm going to look for more hagstones. And I'm going to restock on salt shells.
submitted by adorabletapeworm to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:35 Watery_Dreams I want a book that makes me feel something

What the title says. For many years I've been switching to comics and animated series and since I finished high school nothing seems to make me really connect with the characters in books. It all feels too far away. Here are some of the series (book, comic and animated) that made me feel something over time. I just want some recommendations. Here's a list to give you some ideas on what I like. You don't need to read it all.
Books Flowers for Algernon Divergent The Hunger Games Finding Love by Joss Stirling Market of Monsters (Not Even Bones)
Comics on Webtoon My Boo Unordinary Blue Matter Lore Olympus Castle Swimmer I want to be a cute anime girl Not so Shoujo Love Story
Manga The Promised Neverland Death Note Fulmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Anime Hunter x Hunter
Animated Series The Owl House Steven Universe Hazbin Hotel Helluva Boss Avatar The Last Airbender
Thank you all for reading this far. Have a nice day!!
submitted by Watery_Dreams to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

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DaliDali Dalmatian Dog Ears Headband! Ideal for costume parties and cosplay, this headband is soft, comfy, and super cute. Don’t miss out on this fun addition to your costume. 🐾🎃 #Halloween #Cosplay #CostumeIdeas submitted by xhjsam to CostumeIdeasForYou [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:17 Moist-Spend3442 I need some inspiration for a lemon drop cow room!!

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submitted by Moist-Spend3442 to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:14 sewingpedals Baby sister for Jude

Looking for some ideas for names we haven’t considered for our baby due in October. Older brother is Jude Michael.
Our front runners are Josephine/Joey or Sydney.
I like classic but cute girls names: Molly, Lucy, Rosie. We have various reasons these particular names won’t work but I keep wishing I’d come across another name that strikes me as similar.
I’m liking May as a middle name but I’m not married to it.
submitted by sewingpedals to BabyNames [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:04 HelpDazzling7577 trilogy tour bracelets so far!!

trilogy tour bracelets so far!!
some of them are a little uneven but i’m not typically an arts+crafts person, but i thought the friendship bracelet and trading them at the concert idea was so cute so i had to get some beads and charms and make some of my own. so far i’ve made a crybaby, alphabet boy, drama club, orange juice, and faerie soirée bracelet. i plan to give one or two to my each of my two friends that’s coming with me and i’ll probably trade the rest. i think i’ll make like five more before i get too frustrated with losing beads when i drop them off the string by accident or mess up the pattern and give up lol
submitted by HelpDazzling7577 to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:56 FocusWeary8046 My (28F) fiancé (31M) won’t set a wedding date because of his family. How do I protect myself while helping him through this?

Long post alert. Believe it or not, there is a lot I left out of this post. If something seems confusing to you, please ask. There is more context, unfortunately.
I have many people telling me to leave, but I feel many of them do not understand the family trauma my fiancé is working through. Any trauma-informed responses here would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want to abandon him as he works through something very difficult. I just need to figure out how to take care of myself, too. Anyone who has escaped an enmeshed family, I would love your opinion. Anyone who sees boundaries I can set without abandoning him, I would love to hear it.
The relationship:
The family background:
What happened:
The blowup:
The aftermath:
The broken engagement:
I see all of this as (ex?)-fiance struggling to break from this enmeshment cycle. It seems to me he struggles to confront things in his family and say how he feels, likely due to how the family reacts. I know how hard it is to learn to set boundaries, especially with toxic family. He is trying, taking steps, moving towards me, but it is so slow. I don’t want to abandon him, but I also need to figure out where my limit is. I cannot do this forever. I am in an apartment that I have to leave in October, as I told my landlord I would leave then when we originally set a date. I have a car that I can afford, but would downgrade if we were not merging our lives to save some money. I’m trying, so hard, to be supportive and help him open up about his feelings, but I don’t know how to protect myself. This is incredibly traumatic for me: a family who is emotionally abusive and gaslighting me into thinking this is all fine, people screaming at me and pounding things, not knowing where I’m living, my future being dependent on people who don’t care about my needs or apologize for hurting us.
We have gotten advice of one counselor, and recently he got the perspective of a friend. He isn’t talking to any other people about this and I believe it’s hard for him to see the situation clearly with 5 family members telling him to do one thing, and just me, a friend and our counselor telling him to prioritize our marriage.
Anybody who has been through similar things… help? How do I support him while also protecting myself? Any tips for helping enmeshed partners break the cycle?
TLDR: fiancé is trying to break out of an enmeshed family, and struggling with setting boundaries for the first time. Has not set a wedding date in 6 months because of all the stress. How do I protect myself here?
submitted by FocusWeary8046 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:30 Wide_Term774 Most Emotional Play Session I've Had Yet (Long Storytime)(NOT Eden or Quest related)

This is a story of human emotion and gratitude that actually happened to me in game.
tl;dr I attempt to save a moth, ended up becoming a guide and guardian from Hidden Forest onwards. Moth's veteran friend found me in GW, thanked me and repayed me for helping. We 3 became friends. Met a moth I adopted last week in Vault, saw them upgraded, was happy to see me, helped each other out. Had to rest up afterwards, end of happy sappy story.
Note: I started playing Sky on April 12, right around Season of Moments.
Long version:
It all started out with me gleefully soaring the skies of Sanctuary seeking the Green Light and then heading off to Spirit hunt, all the while candle running at once. Having played Sky for a bit over a month, there was still so much to discover.
I was attempting to draw the attention of a second player for that Assembly quest in Hidden Forest. I would periodically double honk and deep call to signal to potential randoms that I needed help, but to no avail. I had my eyes set on awakening as many as Spirits as I can like a Pokémon trainer out to catch 'em all, but what I got instead was unexpected. It MUST have been fate! As I stood up high in the second quest area, far below me, a player had lost their light. As anyone would, I rushed down to help and found the player motionless in the water. I quickly found a couple of the Lights and stood by with a candle to keep them alive. Lighting that player revealed who appeared to be a newbie moth with only a few wedges, bright orange cape, and the short, somewhat spiky cowlicked hair. I will call him Fledgling for convenience reasons. Fledgling didn't move for a few moments, and neither did I. I wanted to see if said player went AFK or was just there but clueless and startled. Relieved, the player saw my presence and lit me back.
I led Fledgling out of the water and rain so they would not take further damage. They seemed to have the general idea of healing near torches, but their movement patterns and uncertainty gave me many tells that this could be a complete beginner. But a part of my skeptical self, seeing the bright orange cape, made me consider they might be more experienced than they let themselves in on as I have attempted to help a moth player once who up and scrammed off without explanation. Still, I chose to abandon the Assembly quest in favor of helping this lost soul, even if just the main game pathway as I can't tell what was desired from my guidance, whether Spirits, WLs, or specific locations. I couldn't help myself seeing the sky kid as they were.
Walking through the Hidden forest, the moth Fledgling followed behind slightly skittishly, but would heal under cover from rain. I played my part running ahead lighting up torches and lanterns to ease the trip and demonstrate that they can do this themselves. In the harder segments with less torches, Fledgling seemed anxious to move ahead, so I ran ahead to the transparent mushrooms to demonstrate their healing properties. I told Fledgling "Use these to restore your light" without words. They understood me and followed suite! And after running under rain, I would periodically deep call to recharge. This social dynamic of teacheguardian-student went on through the rest of the Forest, through the Valley of Triumph, and well into Golden Wastelands. I would always avoid rushing about excessively and waited for their arrival when lost during cloud flight segments. I would honk regularly to help them pinpoint my current location. And thankfully up to the Wastelands, Fledgling still caught up and the server thankfully didn't split. Before entering, I started using emotes to signal that we should fly into the stormy vortex. I used the point emote then tried to look for the "boo" emote to forewarn the existence of terrifying creatures, but Fledgling honked and seemed ready to go. We went into the storm and plunged into the Wastelands. Continuing as normal, I jumped over polluted water to teach Fledgling that it's poisonous whilst deep calling to knock over all the hostile crabs to protect them and any stranger passing by.
We eventually reached the decrepit hall that is the first place ever where players get greeted by Krill. I was a little nervous as I wasn't sure how Fledgling would respond to the Krill and most importantly, if I am capable of protecting others from Krill attacks. Gathering my confidence, I told myself "Do as veterans do and bait the beast!" I saw Fledgling start reliving the Spirit that sits in plain sight and ran to the left, so I I took the right side. I tried to keep the Krill's spotlight just behind me. Reaching the platform at the other end, I began using the bait-and-take-cover tactic to hold it up while Fledgling worked on the Spirit memory. At one point I failed to Krill dodge and 3 Winged Lights flew out of me. I grabbed one myself, the other was retrieved by a kind chibi stranger with a forward pointed mohawk. How that moment warmed my heart! I never was assisted with WL before! I thanked the player profusely but also quickly to run back to the moth. The third was lost as it fell off the platform and into polluted water. It was worth it... worth it to keep Fledgling safe as they succeeded in getting a Spirit by themselves! And near a Krill nonetheless! Well done kiddo!
Catching up with Fledging, they honked, as if to say "let's keep going" (at least what I interpret when they stand still and honk). We grabbed some wax and burned Dark Plants in the little room at the left and exited. Just as we proceeded to the next and accursed segment of GW, another player descended to Fledgling out of nowhere. That player was a chibi with a feminine adorable hairstyle and cape that resembled sakura flower petals, seemingly a veteran judging by the get up. I will call that player Flora. I saw dotted text boxes appear above Fledgling and Flora, confirming to me that they were friends.
It was what happened that moment that left me in tears. After they chattered amongst themselves, they turned to me and bowed multiple times, even Flora blowing a kiss once, and I'd return the gesture. Fledgling must've told their friend Flora what happened and is showing gratitude. Immedietly after, Flora offered to add me as a friend, to which I, with teary eyed disbelief, accepted, and Fledgling too did the same.
... I couldn't handle it. These players might've been casually hopping out and about for all I might know, but to THIS human, this soul on the other end of the server, tears flooded my vision like a sudden Summer storm. The way this moment was timed and coincided at the end of a hall after the first Krill encounter, it looked straight out of a 3D Zelda side quest cutscene after helping an NPC! Scripted and destined to happen! If my life scarred heart was a creature entangled and engulfed by Darkness, then the human warmth of gratitude and generosity I saw was the beaming ray of Light that pierced through said Darkness and cleansed it away. My crying was out of control and disabling. I couldn't keep playing in this emotional state! Even if Fledgling chose not to befriend me after all that, it wouldn't have upset me in the slightest, I only did what I felt was right. But I didn't expect this fateful encounter.
Flora offered to uber us through the Wastelands. Given my intense emotions, it was a welcome offer. I needed to calm down first before depending on myself once more. We were ubered by Flora for what felt like a third of an hour to half an hour taking us to Spirits and WLs in GW. When near a Spirit, I would let go to help with reliving it if it was the 'follow me' type. Flora would accidentally occasionally get Fledgling Krilled to which we promptly go grab the WLs and light the moth up again. But overall, Flora was trying their best and really wanted to help with collecting, I could tell! They both chatted quite alot during our ubering to which I, alas, can't view yet. I would frequently deep call to recharge Flora's wings, knock over crabs as protection, and burned away Darkness along. This went on for quite some time until the two friends decided to head off into the Vault. At GW Elder's temple, Flora offered to unlock the high five and hug. Holding back tears, I accepted and did both friend emotes. If I remember correctly, I think Fledgling was only able to offer a high five, but I wouldn't be offended even if nothing was granted.
We ran about for a bit collecting pickups and went to the 4 player levitation door. We were only 3 and Fledgling seemed to have not yet got the emote. Me and Flora were only two, so they abandoned the door and seemed to have gotten into a lengthy conversation with their friend. Meanwhile, I went back and forth levitating and running towards the hall honking to call upon players. This went on a few more minutes. Eventually, a random player who happened to pass by came along to levitate with us. Flora joined in, making us 3. I kept honking while levitating and had the camera facing the hall behind me where players come from.
A bright orange player came... "Huh?? Who was that?" I thought to myself. The player was a stranger moth who I friended last week at the time I post this. That moth was my twin, except far less wedges, extremely skittish and clueless, and needed help with entering the Sanctuary Islands. Earlier, that moth was a brown caped girl with cute little pigtails. That moth know arrived with an orange cape and ponytail hair! They have upgraded! (Meanwhile I'm sparing my currency for rare items and Travelling Spirits haha, thus I maintained a moth appearance whilst becoming familiar with a decent amount of things).
I will call that player Lil Moff as that was a baby moth I (as players say) "adopted" and seemed super shy. Lil Moff ran up and promptly asked for a high five, and gleefully I did! I was happy to see them! With Lil Moff as our 4th player, we worked together to unlock the door. Me and Lil Moff went inside to get Spirits we may have missed. I was hoping Flora and Fledgling join up, but Flora seemed to want to talk with Fledgling, and to my luck, the server seemed to have seperated us, or they left. I wanted to show my appreciation for their hospitality but... maybe in the future if fate brought us together again.
Lil Moff patiently helped with Spirits behind the door. Apparently I missed one purple (following) Spirit but already had the other. After finishing, I then gestured towards the Repository. Lil Moff followed, and then once inside, gestured at the Scholar who I forgot to complete quests for. (In my defense, I alternate between quests to prevent boredom). I did one of the Shared Space quests, and by the time I finished, Lil Moff seemed to have other things in mind to do. Watching the cutscene of the second Shared Space quest, with the Spirit heart brokenly showing gratitude and longing for a long lost someone, my emotions came flooding back once more. I couldn't keep playing. I was both exhausted and full of emotions. I exited, grabbed my daily seasonal candles of Wastelands, and called an end to this rollercoaster of a play session.
You may be thinking "Why so emotional? Chill out." There is context to me as an individual. Being as vague as possible as you and I are both strangers, I harbor alot of unsorted emotional baggage and trauma. These negative experiences accumulated throughout my life in such great quantities whilst having very little help that I developed a sort of distrust complex and crippling social anxiety. I heard many horror stories about toxic vets this, toxic vets that, trolls, intentional Krilling, creeps, staring and ignoring. I told myself "Hey, toughen up, princess. You gotta put up and shut up." I got conditioned into not expecting kindness nor gratitude. So... all these moments, from encountering the lost helpless Fledgling all the way up to meeting up with my own moth I helped last week in a single day. All this without words! You can imagine how overwhelming it was to have so many beautiful encounters in one sitting! It was such an unlikely thing that I feel like I dreamt up all these incidents. I sit here now, not quite feeling pride, but the emotional "Do I deserve such wholesome treatment?" That internalization is a huge reason why I broke down into tears coupled with absolutely not expecting anything from others.
I DO think this happened for a reason. I DO think I was being given a chance at healing. I DO believe this was a test set out for me. I DO believe these moments had a lesson behind them. I DO believe all this were my pains being heard and answered. It's not me who saved a moth. The moth, their friend, and strangers saved me.
It's like the warmth of a candle burning away dark plants that engulfed my Spirit so trapped underneath pain so quiet and still.
Lesson learned: That one deed that you do can weave into a large tapestry of collective harmony, a chain reaction of one soul reaching a hand to the other.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you read my whole sappy story.
submitted by Wide_Term774 to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:28 DerpyNate Absolutely scuffed find, story below. [SONY WEGA KV-20FS120]

Absolutely scuffed find, story below. [SONY WEGA KV-20FS120]
(Just wanted to first say that I understand this is breaking rule #4, but I hope you can look past that due to the circumstances and story behind it.)
So, my partner and I set out today after work to do a Facebook marketplace transaction for a miter saw. It was $30. Mikita. Great deal, and it was only an hour away. I was very hype.
After an hour of driving and a pit stop to get cashback at a gas station, we arrived in the tiny town of Mark, IL. We'd never heard of it, and certainly had never been there. It was a pretty cute town, all things considered.
My fiance knows I'm interested in CRTs and retro gaming, and so far we have never paid more than $4 for a set. Really the only expense in our lives is that they can take up space (and that's not nothing, as I'm sure all of you understand all too well).
I hear my fiance say "Oh, that's funny" as we pass a church. I asked what they were talking about... and... according to them, they saw a CRT on the side of the road. I was immediately intrigued, and petitioned them to slow down on the way back so I could take a look. We soon finished the transaction, the miter saw now securely in our trunk.
When we pulled back around to the church... that's when I got a better look at it. I saw one thing: 'SONY'. Now, I know that not every single one of Sony's products has been a winner, but I am the proud owner of a 36 inch Trinitron (I think it's over 300 pounds, it nearly killed me getting it down the stairs), and I love that TV to bits. Excellent quality, my only want was for something smaller. I told myself I'd only pick up a new set if it was on the smaller side. This 20 inch set was in the ballpark of that, but I have found that so many of these smaller sets just have absolute crap inputs. You get composite if you're lucky. And I decided that unless it was something really special, I didn't want another coax-only TV in my house.
I got out of the car and walked over to inspect it. Oh man it looked like hell. Visibly cracked plastic, some small chips in the glass, and it was sitting on a pile of literal garbage. Not like... e-waste garbage. Like household trash. It smelled like rot. This TV was for sure not worth lugging back to our place. But just to be safe, I checked the back. That's when I saw it. Component inputs. Okay... whatever. It... still... I just in that moment, I decided better to leave it as trash. I kept telling myself 'it doesn't work... it doesn't work... it PROBABLY doesn't work... right?'
I got back in the car. My fiance asked me how it looked. I told him it looked rough. They told me we should probably leave it then. I agreed.
After a few minutes driving away, I kept... talking to them about... what if it did work. It had component inputs... it might not have half bad picture. And then I just thought of how awful I already feel about CRTs going to landfill. That tube at LEAST could be a useful donor to somebody else. It would be such a waste.
I unintentionally talked my fiance into it. They decided it was too low of a risk not to just grab. We pulled a u-turn, and nabbed that sucker off of its trash throne.
It was at that moment my heart sunk. I felt a pit in my stomach as heavy as a bowling ball. The damn AC plug was gone. Like... shorn off. No, that's not the right word, it looked like brutally detached. Like an animal ripped at it. And the top of the plastic made it look like it had road rash. I had no idea how the tube was still intact. I was noticing cracks in the plastic everywhere. But I loaded it into the trunk all the same. For some reason, I took the plug being gone as a good sign. If that's what was WRONG with it... and somebody's tossing it out just because of that... then chances are, the tube works great! Replacing the AC cable would be SUCH an easy fix compared to other problems.
Now full of false hope, and unfounded confidence, we headed home. We took bets on whether or not it would turn on. Then bets on whether or not the picture would be any good if it did.
Once home, I was quite happy. I was excited to get to work on this new project. Refurbishing electronics brings me great joy, and I had never got too deep into working on CRTs in the past, so I was excited to learn (that being said, I already knew working on them can be potentially dangerous, so all of this was with an abundance of caution, especially with where I was touching).
I immediately got to work. The screwdriver came out, and soon the back housing was off (I only had to undo half the screws because so many of the posts were broken. When I looked inside... my honest reaction was... optimistic. Yeah I could see some rust. But it wasn't corrosion on the motherboard... and all the caps seemed in remarkably good condition. It was incredibly filthy in there, but I had seen way worse. I got out the air gun, but thought twice before going in without a dust mask.
I removed a leaf, some pine needles, and gave it all a good dust off. I decided I was going to go in later with a toothbrush, and maybe some kind of PCB-safe solvent, because it looked like a lot of this wasn't going to come off with just air. When I was nearly finished... I noticed something from the corner of my eye. Movement.
I had known that there was a chance some insects could be in here, but so far the coast was clear... until now. I nearly jumped ten feet in the air when I scrutinized it more closely. It was a wasp. Jet black, and building a nest. Now, luckily, the nest only seemed to have a dozen or so cells, but that's a dozen or so cells worth of wasp nest more than I wanted to find inside this TV.
I honestly was amazed that this thing didn't attack me earlier. I had the TV open for nearly 20 minutes, and was futzing with it, and blowing at it for some time. I am very thankful for that- and thankful that I decided to put it in the trunk and not the back seat... and thankful that I decided to blow it out before I brought it inside. Let this be a cautionary tale for all us.
I had to act fast. The only thing worse than a wasp in a room with you is a wasp in a room with you, and you don't know where it is. Very luckily for me, my can of wasp spray was nearly exactly arms length away. I was worried, because as much as I wanted the wasp gone, I didn't want to get any of the spray on the electronic components. I would need to be careful. I lined up, steadied my hand, and took a breath. Bullseye. I dusted his ass. The damn thing was writhing and flapping its wings, too saturated to take flight. After a few seconds I gave it another spray for good measure. This time it rolled off the trash can and into my recycling bin. It sunk into it like the terminator, and I never saw the likes of him again. Hasta la vista, baby.
With that excitement out of the way, I decided this was now of note enough that I wanted to document it. I took my pictures, and then stowed it in my garage to let it air out, and let anything else living in there to exit the premises.
I'd like to thank you if you've stuck around this far, and I would love to offer some questions.
  1. How do the components look? Would love a second opinion.
  2. What are your opinions on the chances I get this thing fired up?
  3. Besides cleaning the boards thoroughly and repairing the cable, is there anything else I should do to it before I fire it up for the smoke test?
Thanks for reading! Thanks for always being a good resource when I've been troubleshooting a CRT.
(Attached are pictures, including the wasp nest saturated in wasp spray. As for rule #4, as you can see, I cannot yet turn it on, but I would if I could.)
submitted by DerpyNate to crtgaming [link] [comments]