Polite non renewal of lease letter

Pen Pals

2009.06.12 04:29 myotheralt Pen Pals

Letters and Post Cards and Email, Oh My!

2021.01.02 20:02 Helen3r5 The Gilded Quill Society

The Gilded Quill Society aims to connect history, calligraphy and writing enthusiasts around the world by giving them also the opportunity to establish epistolary correspondence (hand-written snail mail). We support mail exchange of letters, poems and other mindfully written texts. On the subreddit itself we encourage discussions about epistolary culture, historical creative writing, calligraphic techniques, stationery and related topics. Letter-LARPing is also supported.

2024.06.05 02:55 PeanutstheBulldog1 [Landlord US-CO] Interesting Question

So my niece is in college in a town that I have multiple rental properties. Typically I use a property manager to manage these properties for a fee.
Two years ago I made my niece a deal. She can live in any of the rental properties that I own for approximately a 30% discount from market rent. This was done because she is incredibly studious, her parents (my sister) are going to pay the rent, and she doesn't party. So she's a good tenant. The house she decided on is across the street from campus. So it's pretty ideal for her. I told her the deal is valid until she's done with her undergraduate degree.
It's a 3 bedroom house. I told her I can do this a few ways. She can make the lease with just me and pocket the difference between market rent and what she charges her roommates. This would my contribution to her college fund. Instead she decided to split the discount evenly between her two roommates. Good for her- integrity. There is a lease in place that ends the semester she graduates.
Here's the fun and exciting part. My kids asked her to have a lemonade stand at their house - it's on a busy street and is a license to print money for two elementary school aged kids. My niece said it was fine. Her roommates said "no - we're not interested". That's fine, I will respect that decision as it's allowed per the lease.
I am going to find it hilarious when I come back to them in February for their lease renewal with a now 40% increase in rent to make up for their discount now that my niece has graduated. It will be a sweet lesson indeed. How should I approach this remindechange with my niece?
submitted by PeanutstheBulldog1 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:50 ArchDukeNemesis Concerned about my parents views on being Trans

First off, this isn't anything regarding me. I just happen to frequent communities and events with heavy LGBTQ overlap.
I wouldn't call my parents Transphobic. They aren't bigoted to the LGBTQ community, at least not outwardly. They aren't religious. They aren't from the south. They're university educated. They lean politically moderate, only voting right wing on economic and fiscal policy. They are pretty chill people. I've even shared with my mom my suspicions of being either gender fluid or non-binary and my lack of interest in dating might be because I'm Aromantic. She appreciated that I was willing to share that. Understanding the issue of parents being fine with Pride. Until it's their kid.
But I am concerned on their reactions to the Trans community. They see it as a joke or some kind of long con. That people who actually feel a need for a change in identity is over represented. That the majority of trans people are just gaming the system. Swapping their pronouns for preferential treatment. Or creating new ones just to feel special. Demanding to be addressed by specific pronouns to them is just someone making a power play over someone else. No different than someone demanding they be called king or queen.
There are more than a few bad actors that have skewed the public perception of being trans. Taking somebody else right to finally be themselves and abusing the hell out of it for their own gain, and nobody can call them out on it. The enticing incident for me was them watching a dumb criminals compilation, and among them was a transwoman trying to use their identity as a legal loop hole to avoid arrest and then getting belligerent when that wasn't working. They then joked that people like them think they're above everyone else and that they need reminding that they aren't special and need to be brought back down to earth. So they're confuting trans people with being delusional criminals, rather than a criminal who was delusional. And happened to be trans.
I just stay quiet and stay out of it. I still live with them and are not in a financial position to survive on my own. I know they wouldn't kick me out. We have a good dynamic otherwise. But I suck at confrontation and debate. And they debate and correct a lot. Everything needs to be discussed. Everything needs to be argued. Everything needs to be a contrarian opinion. Logic over feelings and all that. So I'm concerned me objecting to those views of theirs will just be one long exhausting debate. And that I'll need to be watched out for being too naive.
I really don't want to stir up trouble and rock the boat. But any objection I would have needs to be air tight and rational. What would be the best way to correct them when they start going down that road? Saying that it's insulting or disrespectful won't help. They'll just say 'The constitution doesn't protect you from being offended.' Stating legal precedent of 'They have the right to-' is just gonna get met with 'Ends at my right to-' and all that.
I guess I'm looking for advice on how to curtail my folks on their misguided views in an academic way they'll understand?
submitted by ArchDukeNemesis to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:46 AccomplishedIce5509 Illuminating Innovation: RNR Construction's Journey Towards a Brighter Future

In the dynamic world of construction, where every project is a testament to creativity and ingenuity, [RNR Construction]() emerges as a pioneering force, leading the charge towards a brighter tomorrow. Let's delve into their transformative journey and explore how they're shaping the future of construction.
Embracing Tradition, Embracing Progress
Rooted in a rich tradition of craftsmanship and excellence, RNR Construction seamlessly blends timeless techniques with cutting-edge innovation. Led by industry stalwart Ted Vitale, they honor the legacy of the past while embracing the possibilities of the future, creating spaces that inspire and endure.
Building Communities, Building Dreams
At the heart of RNR Construction's ethos lies a deep commitment to community-centric construction. From revitalizing urban landscapes to crafting sustainable housing solutions, they prioritize the needs of the people they serve, fostering environments where individuals thrive and dreams take shape.
Sustainability as a Cornerstone
In an era defined by environmental awareness, sustainability is non-negotiable. RNR Construction leads by example, implementing green building practices and harnessing renewable resources to minimize their ecological footprint. With each project, they pave the way towards a greener, more sustainable future.
A Visionary Approach to Progress
RNR Construction's visionary approach to progress extends beyond brick and mortar. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative initiatives, they drive innovation and embrace emerging technologies, setting new standards of excellence in the construction industry.
Join the Movement, Shape the Future
As RNR Construction continues to redefine the boundaries of possibility, they invite you to join them on their journey. Whether you're a seasoned professional, an aspiring innovator, or simply passionate about building a better world, your voice matters. Together, let's shape the future of construction, one bold idea at a time.
Conclusion: Shining a Light on Tomorrow
In a world where change is constant and challenges abound, RNR Construction stands as a beacon of hope and progress. With unwavering dedication and a relentless pursuit of excellence, they illuminate the path towards a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.
submitted by AccomplishedIce5509 to mayacoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:41 FanFareApp Players already in squad league

Players already in squad league
Some of these players have played 2900 matches. By my math thats no less than 6 days gameplay non stop. Always the challenge with supercell games where you can pay to win. Some of those players are on 700+ top win streaks, renewed with endless gold.
submitted by FanFareApp to SquadBusters [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:40 Aerinex Just moving to DC and your apartment has street parking only?

Get a Temporary DC Resident reciprocity permit while you sort out getting your registration changed to DC! I’ve seen a ton of gatekeeping in this subreddit over parking and wanted to give some advice I wish I had been given.
This is a non-renewable registration that will allow you to get an RPP immediately, and lasts 6-months. Just collect the documents you need and go to a DC DMV.
submitted by Aerinex to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 DecaOrDie2006 Chance Me: Midwest White Dude w/ Letter from the President

Demographics: Male, white, very large public high school, midwest, no legacy, not first gen
Intended Major: Finance/Political Science
ACT/SAT/SAT II: SAT: 1510 740RW 770M UW/W GPA and Rank: school does not do UW on transcript, 4.24 W, no rank Coursework: AP Human (5), AP Seminar (4)
Took: AP Research, AP Micro, AP Macro, IB Business Management HL, IB History of the Americas HL, Career and Technical Student Organization (5.0)
  1. DECA Chapter President: 600 students, 1.5M likes on tiktok, 4 years, (previously VP)
  2. Sole intern at wealth management institution (ranked #1 in the state)
  3. Led a financial literacy project: reached over 75k people, partnered with 6 financial institutions, provided in-person education to 2500, received a letter of support from US President Joe Biden.
  4. Led a local initiative that raised $35,000 for Alzheimer's research and partnered with a 10-figure company.
  5. Published research on Congressional Stock Trading, analyzed thousands of trades
  6. Downtown One America Leadership Conference main presenter, 500 community leaders in attendance.
  7. Leadership team that operated student-led cafe generating $100,000 in annual revenue
  8. 100 volunteer hours through food insecurity non-profit and local library
  9. VP of Stock Market Club, 50 students
  10. NHS, green action club, environmental management club, key club, best buddies
-3x DECA International Qualifier (Stock Market Game, Stock Market Game, Financial Literacy Project)
-Wharton Investment Competition Semifinalist (Top 50 Internationally)
-Stevens Institute of Technology Investment Competition International Top 25
-City writing competition winner, 2nd in state
-Entrepreneurship Education Special Recognition Award
-National History Day State Finalist
College Essay: abt growing up w two moms and twin sister…reflection on my strong, hard-working family who have shaped me into the person i am today while combating societal norms and taking criticism.
nyu ed1 (stern), upenn, northwestern (econ/polysci), umich, cornell, notre dame, washu, georgetown, vandy, duke (econ/polysci), berkeley.
let me know your thoughts!! thanks!!
submitted by DecaOrDie2006 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:30 Polaroidigel [OCxCanon/Yume] „Farewell, Tristan - Farewell, Master“ drawn by @/tote__tote (twitter/x)

[OCxCanon/Yume] „Farewell, Tristan - Farewell, Master“ drawn by @/tote__tote (twittex)
ATTENTION: This comic is a more personal work and also contains the topic of Death and Grief!
Text and Idea by me, Art by @tote__tote (TwitteX) Note: English is not my Mother Tongue, I apologise if there are unpleasant mistakes in my text! The Artist hasn’t any fault since I provided the dialogues and monologues!
This would be the end of the Dream - I often think about how the Story between Tristan and my Alter Ego/Me would end. While it is sad, it is very comforting to me to „know“.
A small explanation:
My Alter Ego/OC summoned Tristan 2 years before joining Chaldea. She suffers a Fairy Curse that makes her some sort of „grail copy“ (it is a bit complicate to explain but it’s not as good as it sounds), so he is bound to her and the curse not to the actual grail. So in conclusion he would spend the Life with her if not getting killed before and dies when she does.
Please keep in mind, while you might find the Lore non sensical and therefore upsetting, please try not to be insulting or talking over it! When you want to express your negative options please stay as polite and kind as possible. Since this is a more personal comic I still would love to share I would appreciate if you would hold back more with negative comments. Thank you so much!
submitted by Polaroidigel to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:30 hani_hi Landlord will be increasing rent with 3 months notice of lease renewal

I'm renting in the UK where by my landlord has notified that they would be increasing the rent if we were to renew our lease. Our lease renews/ends in three months and I wanted to know whether there's anything that can be done? It's not left us a lot of time to look for another place in our budget as we live in a town rather than city so housing is limited.
Note: The rent will be increasing by roughly 17%
submitted by hani_hi to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:26 accidentalML My PCP diagnosed me with stage 3 kidney disease and then told me to lose weight and that's it. Is that right?

I cried after the call but a lot of the posts here calmed me down. Thank you for that! However, I'm still stressed. I'm not upset I was told to lose weight but... is that really it? No referrals, no scans, no medication, nothing?
I'm not obese, just 5lb overweight: 26F, 5'6, 160 lb. I do have PCOS. I eat well and walk a lot but I can do better.
In 2022 my BP was high and my fasting blood tests showed eGFR 55, creatine 1.36 mg/dl and glucose slightly high. My doctor prescribed blood pressure meds for a year but didn't even mention the labs. I went back for a check up last week and all my numbers are worse. My BP is back up and higher (160/100), my eGFR is now 40, creatine 1.78, and glucose 112. These were non-fasting, but still!
My doctor called and said I have stage 3 kidney failure. She renewed my BP meds and recommended I lose weight and that was it. I asked about metformin, a referral to an specialist, or anything else I can do and she said no to all of them. She even said my insurance won't cover a dietician, but who are they covering if not someone with PCOS and declining eGFR? I thought I had great PPO insurance.
Is this normal? I just try to lose weight and hope I'm not at stage 4 when I see her next year?
submitted by accidentalML to kidneydisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:26 ReAssignedX 39 [M4M] Recently widowed Queer from Los Angeles county looking for Straight/Open Male companionship

I'm assigned male at birth (AMAB) but non-binary (x) hence my reddit username. I recently lost my life-partner (1 year mark) and I am attempting to fill an emotional and ... flirtatious void. (Aside: I have a psychologist and a psychiatrist in case there's any concern).
I've been looking to chat with Straight men [only] who are open/experimental for fun chat. I'm just in need of masculine comfort/emotional support. Looking for guys who are overprotective types that like checking in. I also adore the Himbo types, dorks/nerds as well as Daddies (especially if you enjoy being addressed as "Daddy"). I'm a huge comic book/anime nerd, so any guys into the same should get along with me great. I'd preferably like to connect with guys at least 30+ (especially older than me).
Interests: Comics (DC/MARVEL), animation, anime, manga, philosophy, theology, political science, gender studies, paranormal/occult
Be sure to check through my posts for other interests/selfies. If you happen to be local to Los Angeles county (or travel here regularly), I'd be interested in meeting in person as well.
submitted by ReAssignedX to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:23 yourfavrefrigerator Hermit as the outcome of a difficult roommate situation

Did a 3 card spread. Past - 10 of Pentacles. When we first started living together, I thought it could be a long term arrangement. We come from the same culture and share similar life experiences, I was excited to decorate the apt together and to be an older mentofriend type of person to her as well as her roommate. This situation quickly changed, she proved herself to be financially irresponsible and unreliable as a person (as well as a bad friend to me). I asked her to move out but she dodged the question repeatedly, so I had to involve our landlord.
Present - 9 of Swords. I have been speaking to the landlord about her, and he said he would not renew her lease. But because she's avoidant and unclear with communications, she sends the landlord cryptic messages and my landlord takes out his frustration towards her on me since I'm the one that talks to him. He comes to me angry, I explain things to him and he realizes he was too rash and is nice to me and returns to being supportive of me. I am constantly anxious and stressed because I'm stuck between a landlord who is quick to jump to bad assumptions and a roommate who is secretive and avoidant. The situation should be simple, the landlord wants me here and wants her out, but because of the communications of the landlord and the roommate it's been made into this jumbled ball of anxiety that I find myself stuck in.
Future - King of Swords. I interpreted this as I must approach the situation rationally and logically, without fear and anxiety clouding my actions. I must discern between what's a valid concern and what is emotional noise.
Card under the deck: the Moon. I interpreted this as I must figure out how to let go of the things I can't control. How I must trust my gut and find ways to relax.
Outcome card: the Hermit. I asked for a card representing the likeliest outcome, when it comes to me. I'm not sure how to interpret this. I'll be living alone? I'll be moving? Roommate will be moving? The hermit card I have is actually not dark like in most decks, he is contemplative and facing to the left (towards the king of swords in my spread) and his light illuminates his orange robe.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by yourfavrefrigerator to tarot [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:22 MerlotCCCXCII Filed DV claim

Hired an adjuster, 3rd party. sent the report to claims adjuster. A month later they sent me a report showing $80.00 of dv. I sent a demand letter for 7000.00. Adjuster is saying it is non negotiable what is the next step?
submitted by MerlotCCCXCII to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:12 Smashin_Ash_ Being Indigenous, Roma & Irish Traveller is exhausting.

Hey mixedrace
I’m an Indigenous (Australia) Roma Gypsy & Irish Traveller.
(For the sake of simplicity, I will use Gypsies/Gypsy to refer to both Traveller and Romani)
It feels like Gypsies & Indigenous people are the last races where being racist towards them is socially acceptable. Every day, I see racist comments from white Australians regarding Indigenous people; if it’s not them, it’s well-meaning Liberals romanticising & fetishising us. Even mainstream news will dehumanise us and dilute us all down to statistics to further political agendas.
The same thing happens in Europe regarding Gypsies. However, Gorjas (non-gypsies) will use our culture for monetary gain and self-identify as Gypsy simply because they own a van and go to the beach in it sometimes. Whilst these rich white culture vultures are living their best life, real Gypsies are having their caravans & communities burned down & vandalised, and no one in the dominant culture seems to care because we are seen as sub-human.
Some days are harder than others, so I just needed to rant.
submitted by Smashin_Ash_ to mixedrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:09 Illustrious_Mix_4903 An Anti-Colonial International Auxiliary Language.

I have always seen Anarchism as a anti-imperial force, the proliferation of English as the "world language" only serves imperial interest of domination over others. Naturally native English speakers and those with the resources to learn "proper" English naturally have an advantage in a world where English is a Lingua Franca. To remedy this I have created Jitasama a simple language with the vocabulary and grammar designed to be easy to learn to both Europeans and non-Europeans. Its grammar is a blend of English and Indonesian.
Jitasama is a designed International Auxiliary Language meant to be a means of intercommunication between speakers of different languages.
Jitasama has:
No verb tenses
No double consonants
No gramatical gender
No tones
No articles
No spelling irregularities
Makes clear distinction of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs
Limited Affixes
SVO Word Order
Adjectives come after the noun while determiners come before the noun
Pronunciation is Syllable-timed
1200 Root Words
4,700 total words

By maximizing shared vocabulary between Jitasama's 15 primary source languages, Jitasama's 1200 Root Words are lexically similar to; Mandarin Chinese 15%, English 44%, Hindi 27%, Spanish 45%, Arabic 20%, Indonesian 22%, Russian 26%, Bengali 23%, Portuguese 44%, French 43%, German 32%, Japanese 15%, Persian 28%, Swahili 18%, and Filipino 20%. Creating a nearly even mix of European and Non-European derived vocabulary.
To prove the language can convey complex concepts I have translated the Tao Te Ching into Jitasama.
If you want access to more materials please go to the discord https://discord.gg/DyBJbYwn
submitted by Illustrious_Mix_4903 to antiimperialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:03 WithoutCaution Worst experience renting ever, and I'm not sure if I even signed a real lease!

This is the ninth apartment in the sixth state that I've lived in, and it's been my worst experience of the bunch! Here's the story:
Last year, I was asked to move to my company's HQ. Since I'd be moving from one of the highest COL areas in the country to a MUCH lower one, and keeping the same salary with a nice raise on the horizon, I jumped at the chance. I immediately found a nice apartment complex that had just been built and started calling them for more info. It took FOREVER to get someone on the phone, but when I did, she was as nice as could be and answered all of my questions. I went ahead and applied online, and was approved immediately. I was given a move-in date (that I chose) and I started getting ready. About 6-7 weeks later, I rented my UHaul and decide to call the complex to find out if everything was good to go. I'm told that despite being promised a move-in date, the complex can't legally open yet and they don't know when they'll be ready! They explain that they also own a hotel nearby and that I could get a really cheap rate if I moved in there while they got it sorted out. I literally have to be at work at HQ the following Monday, so I don't have much choice. I drive across the country, dump everything I own into a storage unit, check into the hotel, and go to work. Over the next two weeks, I repeatedly try to get an answer on when they'll be ready, each time being told; "Just a couple more days". Finally, they called me and said that I could come pick up the keys. I go into the office the next day and they still don't have anything ready. They asked me to sign a single sheet of paper that outlines the lease (it was just the address and the lease length on a couple of lines) while they drew up the full document. That was NINE months ago. I've never been sent the full lease to sign, and the last nine months have been awful here...
The apartment itself is actually kinda nice, but the entire complex is run horribly. One of the amenities that I was promised when I moved in wasn't given to me for over six months, but I've paid $50 per month for it since moving in, and they've refused to refund me for the first six. I was promised to be notified as soon as a garage was open to rent, and they never did. I tried asking them for over a month about renting one recently, and when they finally answered, the price was double what they originally promised. They charge me monthly for pest control but I've never seen any evidence that they've sprayed and there are bugs everywhere. Since moving in here, a MUCH nicer complex has opened nearby that would suit my needs better and I'd love to move. I figured I could wait out the summer and move at the end of my lease (which I never signed). I checked in the app and it now says that I signed a 14-month lease (I thought it was 12), which is rounded up to the end of the final month, effectively making it 15 months since I moved to town! I would go talk to the manager, but the last time I did that (to ask some very simple questions), she got super defensive and refused to answer me. She even tried to turn my concerns around on me and gaslight me into thinking I was breaking some sort of rule about my electric grill (which I asked about in advance). I didn't let her, and she then told the nice girl that worked for her that I was a "psycho", who repeated it to me when I went to complain to her. A couple of months later, the nice girl was fired and I've refused to walk in there ever since. The only time I've EVER seen the manager look happy was one night when the cops showed up and she was strutting toward one of the buildings like the warden in Supermax, I assume to evict someone.
I know that's a wall of text, and I probably got off course once or twice there, but I'm so furious that it's hard to keep my thoughts straight. I feel like I have two options: I could attempt to get in touch with the corporate offices directly and go over her head, but I doubt I'd get very far. I've also thought about going in and asking her politely what the penalty is for breaking my lease, which would probably excite her to no end. After she tells me, I would then ask her to pull up a copy of my signed lease agreement and show me the addendum that I agreed to about that. She obviously won't be able to produce it, at which point I could offer the solution of just calling it a wash and letting me move out ASAP. I've been a model tenant in every apartment I've lived in and I've got a flawless rental history. I really don't want this nutjob ruining that by trying to accuse me of something that I didn't do. I also really want OUT of this hellhole. Any advice is much appreciated.
submitted by WithoutCaution to TenantHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:02 According_Concert_17 Property managers deserve to 🔥

My lease on my apartment ended in may and I renewed with them but the new lease starts in august because that’s when I start school and I asked them ahead of time if it’s okay for me to keep my belongings there for the 2 months since I’ll be in the same apartment and no one is renting it and they said yes absolutely as long as you renew which is basically why I renewed so fast in the first place but after I renewed they emailed me and said that the manager decided to charge me 150 dollars for “storage” which was not discussed before at all and there is no contractual agreement on that what so ever and further more they accidentally charged me again for rent when my lease is already up and I don’t start my new one until august which is in two months and I requested a refund and they told me they can’t give me a check for whatever ridiculous reason and they said they will give it to me as rent credit which I don’t want because I need the money and after so much argument she said that well we can refund it but it will take 30-90 days until it’s back on your account which is not gonna work for me because I need the money now and since it’s their mistake they have to fix it and the bitch I was talking to told me she was gonna call the police for trespassing when I was giving her attitude which is my fucking right because they essentially stole my goddam money
submitted by According_Concert_17 to renting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:01 ChuckysBuddi My (25F) Mother (52) tells me I should explore dating other men. I’ve been with my boyfriend (29M) for 7 months. Is that normal?

Like the title says, I’ve been with my wonderful bf for 7 months. I seriously feel like I got on the last chopper out of Saigon meeting him after unsuccessfully navigating the horrible Nashville dating scene. He’s a grad student from France, about to finish school and trying to stay in the US, and I’ve confided in my mom a lot about him potentially having to leave the country in a few months time, funny things he says to me and about our adventures, and even things I’ve had to tell him to not do (because he doesn’t always have the most street smarts lol). Today I was telling her some updates in his job search and the search for housing after his current lease is up. After I told her I talked him out of getting a van, she said if I ended up with him she would be very concerned (my parents have met him, and she’s never said anything negative about him before.) and I should think about exploring other options. Dear reader, I really had to explain to a woman in her 50s that doing so would be cheating, and as delicately as I could, explained that I don’t want a man that treats me like a free escort when I already have one that made his intentions clear early on. Gen-X’rs of Reddit, is that something you would tell your daughter? And how should I tell her in polite terms “sorry, I like my boyfriend, not interested in being a slag for the sake of sampling the buffet because he’s not perfect just yet?”
submitted by ChuckysBuddi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:00 CryptoDaily- Daily Crypto Discussion - June 5, 2024 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.


Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.
Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


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submitted by CryptoDaily- to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:57 Liquid_disc_of_shit Rogue Makelaar operating in Eindhoven: Jesper Van Meijel of Witte Verhuur B.V

Hello everyone
I am Shane, I operate a tenant rights group called Rentbuster NL ( rentbusters) .
Recently I was asked for help by a student who signed a lease agreement for a room near Hastalweg.
The student responded to an ad on facebook for a room offered by Mr van Meijel a real estate agent who operates, among other things, a sex toy shop in Eindhoven. He was told that the room was no longer available but that the landlord had a second room which Mr van Meijel offered to the student in exchange for a 900 euro commission, paid in cash. Upon reading the contract, the tenant discovered that Mr van Meijel, who was suppose to be representing the tenant in this transaction (due to the 900 euro payment) was actually also the beheerdemanager for the landlord. However, faced with the prospect that no other offers might present themselves, the student reluctantly accepted.
At that moment, the student was staying at a student hotel for a few more months and didnt want to lose money renting the room and leaving it unoccupied. He asked and received permission to sublet the room for 3 months to his friend in exchange for paying van Meijel an extra 300 euro as a commission.
The friend moved in and quickly discovered that the room and bathroom were unclean and the living conditions were very unhygienic. Such was the poor condition of the property that the friend immediately filed a case at the Huurcommissie for a rent reduction based off the defects.
Enter the landlord: MC Hendrikx. Mr Hendrikx reacted very badly to the letter from the Huurcommissie and immediately instructed the friend to leave the room. Van Meijel then told the student that the contract for him and the friend were cancelled. The student had not even spent one day living in the room at this point and was shocked to find out he was essentially evicted without ever having lived there.
Through a mix of coercion and threats, the landlord and the estate agent got the key back and most critically, got the friend of the student out of the house.
Mr van Meijel also refused to refund either of them the commission that they paid him to obtain the contract for the room.
This is the point where I intervened and I am currently in the process of convincing, (ie threatening legal action) the real estate agent to get the student and his friend a refund and compensation.
If you rent an apartment or room through Jesper van Meijel or directly from MC Hendrikx, please leave a message below. It is very likely you have paid an illegal agency fee for a room that is grossly overpriced.

submitted by Liquid_disc_of_shit to eindhoven [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:55 Beneficial_Answer711 What is happening here?

Can anyone tell me what is happening with my charge? I filed a disability discrimination charge against my employer in February 2024. The 30 days for them to submit a position statement passed. I asked the investigator what was going on. He said something about a commission investigation? Anyway I did finally get their position statement,it was mostly false and misleading. I was surprised because my employer knew I had lots of emails and documents as proof of the lies. The company I worked for fearlessly bullies staff. In fact several of my supervisors ganged up on me, made threatening statements in writing, altered some of my records ( I have both copies) made up arbitrarily rules and consequences just for me. I have PTSD that was in remission for many years. It was triggered due to the bullying at work. I asked to go on FMLA and gave them two doctor’s letters to substantiate my need for leave. My employer emailed me stating BEFORE going on FMLA I had to get a psychiatric evaluation from the company, psychiatrist and and fit for duty evaluation when I was able to return. I know the fit for duty is normal upon returning, but not before going on leave. They also put in writing “ You must return from medical leave with no restrictions. “ The other option was I could resign.
I submitted my rebuttal and here we are in June. Mediation hasn’t been offered.
I’m pretty sure that the EEOC will find my charges valid. I was dealing with things like a group email initiated by my supervisor to her colleagues in three different departments talking about my need for an ADA accommodation. It was humiliating. I’m not one to even mention having a disability. I disclosed this asking for a little accommodation that wouldn’t have cause any harm at all. It’s like they went full defensive mode and decided it would be better to obliterate me. It’s been devastating.
Anyway I’m just wondering why mediation hasn’t been offered. The EEOC is still investigating, it’s an active investigation. They also said I can have a right to sue letter whenever I want.
I can’t get an attorney because this company is so politically powerful no one dares to go up against them. It’s been a nightmare. Any advice or insight will be appreciated!!
Thank you!!
submitted by Beneficial_Answer711 to EEOC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:54 karinalexandra Landlord issued multiple pre-eviction notices in error

I got an N4 “Notice to end your tenancy for non-payment of rent” through my mail slot and immediately went to the superintendent’s office because they already have several months’ worth of post-dated rent cheques from me. When I got there, four other tenants were talking with the super because they’ve also given post-dated cheques and received the notice. The couple who used to handle superintendent and maintenance duties for my building left in April, and the two men who are handling these duties right now are temporary, having been sent in by the property management company while they look for a new couple.
I’m not worried about being evicted because this is quite clearly a mistake. I’m curious about what I can rightfully expect as a result of this mistake, since it is 100% the landlord’s / the landlord’s representative’s error - whether they lost our cheques, or if they just didn’t look in the right place and missed adding them to the deposit then jumped the gun on giving out these notices.
(There are 108 units in my building, and the temporary super said that he was given 61 of these notices to hand out today, while last month he only had 2 - quite a grievous error…)
If they have lost the cheque and I need to issue a new one, am I within my rights to deduct $25 from the cheque, since this is what my bank charges me to order a stop payment on a lost cheque? (Not a matter of money, but of principle - landlord chose to accept post-dated cheques and thereby assumed responsibility for their safekeeping)
Also, can I demand something in writing from the landlord to ensure that this N4 doesn’t stay in my file of tenancy history? I would like to get them to sign a letter saying that it was issued in error, and that any record of it (digital or hard copy) has been destroyed. If I move to a new building and they call my current landlord for references, I don’t want this to be in my file since it is wholly incorrect. I have never missed or been late with rent payment since it’s all in post-dated cheques.
Maaaaaybe the landlord will decide to join the 21st century and start accepting rent payments by bank transfer 🙄
submitted by karinalexandra to OntarioLandlord [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , June 4, 2024 /CNW/ - Eskay Mining Corp. ("Eskay") (TSXV: ESK) (OTCQX: ESKYF) and P2 Gold Inc. ("P2") (TSXV: PGLD) (OTCQB: PGLDF) (together, the "Companies") are pleased to announce that they have entered into non-binding letter of intent (the "Letter Agreement") dated June 4, 2024 pursuant to which Eskay has agreed to acquire P2 in a business combination transaction (the "Proposed Transaction").
Under the terms of the Letter Agreement, each outstanding common share in the capital of P2 on a diluted basis, as described below, (each, a "P2 Share") will be exchanged for 0.2778 of a common share in the capital of Eskay (each, an "Eskay Share"), subject to customary adjustment (the "Exchange Ratio"). Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, existing Eskay shareholders are expected to own approximately 80% of the combined company resulting from the Proposed Transaction (the "Combined Company") and P2 shareholders are expected to own approximately 20% of the Combined Company.
The Letter Agreement provides for the parties to enter into a definitive arrangement agreement setting out the final terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction, at which time additional information will be provided in a subsequent news release.
Mac Balkam , President and CEO of Eskay commented, "With this transaction, Eskay has taken a significant step toward finding the next major resource in the Golden Triangle. The P2 Team, led by Joe Ovsenek , is second to none in producing results in the area. The addition of the Gabbs property in Nevada puts Eskay on a totally different level as resource explorer."
"The Eskay-Corey Property is the most prospective ground in the Golden Triangle without a major discovery to date," commented Joe Ovsenek , President and CEO of P2. "We look forward to getting on the ground this summer and bringing our exploration and development experience in the Golden Triangle over the last 20 years to bear on Eskay-Corey. In Nevada, we plan to move forward with additional metallurgy as the first step in advancing Gabbs to production."
Transaction Highlights
  • The Combined Company will be managed by the team that discovered and developed the Brucejack Mine in the Golden Triangle. Joe Ovsenek , currently President and CEO of P2 will become President and CEO of the Combined Company and Mac Balkam , currently President and CEO of Eskay will become Chair of the Combined Company.
  • The Eskay-Corey Property in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia will be the initial exploration focus.
  • Concurrently with the execution of the Letter Agreement, Eskay and P2 signed an exploration services agreement under which P2 has agreed to plan and execute an exploration program on the Eskay-Corey Property for the 2024 exploration season.
  • P2's PEA-stage, gold-copper Gabbs Project in Nevada complements Eskay's Eskay-Corey Property, with year-round access for exploration and development.
  • The Combined Company will benefit from increased scale with improved access to capital markets and a solid portfolio of exploration and development projects to anchor the growth of the company.
Summary of the Proposed Transaction
The Proposed Transaction is expected to be completed by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act ( British Columbia ). Under the terms of the Letter Agreement, Eskay will acquire all of the issued and outstanding P2 Shares in exchange for Eskay Shares on the basis of the Exchange Ratio. Outstanding options and warrants to purchase P2 Shares will become exercisable to acquire Eskay Shares on the same terms and conditions, on the basis of the Exchange Ratio.
P2 will require the holders of its convertible debentures issued on March 5, 2024 and March 4, 2024 (the "Convertible Debentures") to convert the outstanding net principal amount ($1,665,000) into P2 Shares (the "Convertible Debenture Shares") in accordance with the terms of the convertible debentures on the closing (the "Closing") of the business combination. P2 also intends to settle interest accrued on the Convertible Debentures up to the Closing for P2 Shares (the "Interest Shares") in accordance with the terms of the Convertible Debentures, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange").
P2 has agreed with certain insiders of P2 to settle $1,238,524 in shareholder loans previously provided for working capital for 10,321,032 P2 Shares (the "Loan Shares") at a deemed price of $0.12 (the "Loan Settlement"). The Loan Settlement remains subject to approval of the Exchange. The Loan Settlement with such insiders will be a "related party transaction" under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Loan Settlement with each of these individuals is exempt from the minority approval and formal valuation requirements of MI 61-101 pursuant to subsections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 as neither the fair market value of the debt, nor the fair market value of the shares to be issued in settlement of the debt, exceeds 25% of P2's market capitalization.
The Convertible Debenture Shares, Interest Shares and Loan Shares were included in the issued and outstanding shares of P2 in determining the Exchange Ratio.
The Proposed Transaction will require the approval of: (a) (i) two-thirds of the votes cast by shareholders of P2, and, if required, (ii) a simple majority of the votes cast by minority P2 shareholders in accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"), at a special meeting of P2 shareholders expected to take place in the third quarter of 2024 (the "P2 Meeting"); and (b) if required, Eskay shareholders at a special meeting of Eskay shareholders expected to take place in the third quarter of 2024 (the "Eskay Meeting").
Completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to customary closing conditions and receipt of necessary court and regulatory approvals, including Exchange approval. Subject to receipt of all necessary approvals, the Proposed Transaction is expected to close by no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 2024 (the "Effective Time").
A copy of the Letter Agreement will be filed on Eskay's and P2's SEDAR+ profiles at www.sedarplus.com
The Letter Agreement provides for the parties to enter into a definitive arrangement agreement setting out the final terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction on or before June 28, 2024 www.sedarplus.com , as applicable.
Fairness Opinion
Prior to entering into a definitive arrangement agreement, the disinterested members of the board of directors of P2 will engage a financial advisor to provide P2 with an opinion stating that the consideration offered pursuant to the Letter Agreement and subsequent definitive arrangement agreement is fair, from a financial point of view to the holders of P2 Shares.
Exploration Services Agreement
Eskay and P2 signed an exploration services agreement under which P2 has agreed to plan and execute an exploration program on the Eskay-Corey Property for the 2024 exploration season. Planning for the exploration program has commenced and P2 expects to have crews on the ground in early July with drilling planned for later in the summer.
About Eskay Mining Corp:
Eskay Mining Corp (TSXV: ESK) is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario British Columbia known as the "Golden Triangle," 70km northwest of Stewart, BC
All material information on Eskay may be found on its website at www.eskaymining.com and on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.com
About P2 Gold Inc.
P2 Gold is a mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its gold-copper Gabbs Project on the Walker Lane Trend in Nevada. A positive preliminary economic assessment has outlined a long-life, mid-size mine at Gabbs with annual average production of 104,000 ounces gold and 13,500 tonnes copper over a 14.2 year mine life.
This News Release should not be considered a comprehensive summary of the Proposed Transaction. Additional information will be disseminated at a future date. Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, TSXV approval. The Proposed Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the Proposed Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.
Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the Information Circular to be prepared in connection with the Proposed Transaction, any information released or received with respect to the Proposed Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon.
Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward Looking Information
This news release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that involves discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements.
In this news release, forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, statements regarding: the Proposed Transaction; the definitive arrangement agreement that the parties anticipate entering into in connection with the Proposed Transaction; the receipt of necessary shareholder, court and regulatory approvals for the Proposed Transaction; the anticipated timeline for completing the Proposed Transaction; the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Proposed Transaction will be completed, if at all; the anticipated benefits of the Proposed Transaction; the Combined Company; the future financial and operational performance of the Combined Company; the Combined Company's exploration and development programs; and potential future revenue and cost synergies resulting from the Proposed Transaction. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the potential results discussed in the forward-looking statements.
In respect of the forward-looking statements concerning the Proposed Transaction, including the entering into of the definitive arrangement agreement, and the anticipated timing for completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Eskay and P2 have relied on certain assumptions that it believes are reasonable at this time, including assumptions as to the ability of the parties to receive, in a timely manner and on satisfactory terms, the necessary regulatory, court, shareholder, stock exchange and other third party approvals and the ability of the parties to satisfy, in a timely manner, the other conditions to the completion of the Proposed Transaction. This timeline may change for a number of reasons, including unforeseen delays in preparing meeting materials; inability to secure necessary regulatory, court, shareholder, stock exchange or other third-party approvals in the time assumed or the need for additional time to satisfy the other conditions to the completion of the Proposed Transaction. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times.
Risks and uncertainties that may cause such differences include but are not limited to: the risk that the Proposed Transaction may not be completed on a timely basis, if at all; the conditions to the consummation of the Proposed Transaction may not be satisfied; the risk that the Proposed Transaction may involve unexpected costs, liabilities or delays; the possibility that legal proceedings may be instituted against the Eskay, P2 and/or others relating to the Proposed Transaction and the outcome of such proceedings; the possible occurrence of an event, change or other circumstance that could result in termination of the Proposed Transaction; risks relating to the failure to obtain necessary shareholder and court approval; other risks inherent in the plant-based food industry. Failure to obtain the requisite approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to or complete the Proposed Transaction, may result in the Proposed Transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the Proposed Transaction is not completed, the announcement of the Proposed Transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of Eskay and P2 to the completion of the Proposed Transaction could have a material adverse impact on each of Eskay's and P2's share price, its current business relationships and on the current and future operations, financial condition, and prospects of each of Eskay and P2.
View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/eskay-mining-and-p2-gold-agree-to-combine-to-focus-on-gold-and-copper-exploration-and-development-in-the-golden-triangle-and-nevada-302163759.html
SOURCE P2 Gold Inc.

View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2024/04/c2008.html
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]
