Worksheets on identifying character and setting

A place to rant about characters!

2014.12.16 22:07 A place to rant about characters!

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2017.03.13 22:39 mmonzeob Bad MakeUp Artists

BadMUAs is on black out until further notice in protest of Reddit's policy change that will kill third-party apps! To learn more, see:

2012.03.21 21:55 Karthas For Everything About Pathfinder!

For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG!

2024.06.04 09:06 NotACommie24 Can encouraging teamplay even be fixed?

I know I’m not the first person to point this out, but I was curious if anyone had potential solutions to it. When I play Doom, I feel like most people know to just take advantage of the chaos I cause, and bully the people I shoot. When I play Winston, most people seem to understand that they either dive with me or poke out the people I dive on.
When I play Ball, everyone’s brain turns into fucking mush. Even in masters. People just try to face smash the enemy tank, inevitably die, ignore the chaos Im causing in the back line, then scream tank diff. It seems like no matter what I set up for my team, unless I’m completely terrorizing their supports and killing them off respawn, people just genuinely have absolutely no clue what to do with Ball. I can pull the attention of both support and a DPS for 30+ seconds, and people STILL don’t capitalize off of it.
This kinda leads to my question. Is this even something that can be fixed? It’s frustrating because I feel like ball actually has a TON of synergy with a wide variety of characters if they know what they’re doing. Playing ashe? I’ll boop people into bad positions and you finish them. Playing Tracer or Lucio? We dive together and murderize their back line. These things rarely happen though, and instead people just ignore me, the plays I set up, and freak out when I’m not sitting there meatspunging for them.
submitted by NotACommie24 to WreckingBallMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:04 fallenequinox992 Mastering Online Safety: Navigating Gangstalking Platforms, Dodging Trolls and Ensuring Internet Security Part 2.

For Computer and Phone Safety.
  1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Creating strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts is one of the most effective ways to protect your personal information. A strong password typically includes a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name, birthdate, or common words. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. (And remember to never give out your passwords to anyone and be careful when using a new device or someone else's device, when signing into accounts. They may have a virus or keylogger without knowing it).
  2. Phone Security:
Reset Your Phones: Perform a factory reset on your devices to remove any malicious software.
Change Passwords: Update passwords for all your accounts, including email, social media, and banking.
Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all your accounts for an added layer of security.
Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi: Public networks can be less secure and more susceptible to hacking.
Contact Your Phone Carrier: Inform your carriers about the situation. They might offer security solutions or help identify suspicious activity on your accounts. (Just don't mention gangstalking).
To stop your phone from getting hacked, download a firewall app, a malware app and a cleaner app too, for your phone.
A firewall acts as a barrier to block unauthorized access to and from a network or system. They help to stop hackers.
Antivirus/Malware prograns detects and removes malicious software (malware) on a device. They remove virues and keyloggers.
Both are essential for comprehensive security, as they address different threats and vulnerabilities.
A cleaning program removes history and cookies as well, plus more. This stops people from successful gathering personal data on you and passwords.
Usually a excellent combination to have.
(Regularly scan your phone for threats and keep your security software up to date).
  1. Look Out for Social Engineering: Be cautious about who you trust with sensitive information, as social engineering is a common tactic used by those trying to gain access to personal data.
  2. Stay Informed: Educate yourself about digital security and privacy. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself and your devices.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring not just your password, but also a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone. This makes it significantly harder for cybercriminals to gain access to your accounts, even if they manage to obtain your password.
  4. Be Cautious with Personal Information: Be mindful of the personal information you share online. Avoid posting sensitive information such as your home address, phone number, or financial details on social media or other public forums. Regularly review and adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts to control who can see your posts and personal details.
  5. Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams: Phishing scams are attempts by cybercriminals to trick you into revealing personal information by posing as a legitimate entity. These scams often come in the form of emails or messages that appear to be from banks, online services, or even friends. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests for information, and always verify the authenticity of the source before clicking on links or providing sensitive information.
  6. Be Aware of Social Engineering Tactics: Social engineering involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information. Be wary of unexpected phone calls, emails, or messages that ask for sensitive information or prompt you to take immediate action. Always verify the identity of the requester before complying with any such requests.
  7. Secure Your Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is secure, especially when using public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi networks are often not encrypted, making it easier for hackers to intercept your data. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your personal information.
  8. Keep Your Software Up to Date: Regularly updating your software, including operating systems, browsers, and applications, is crucial for internet safety. Software updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure you’re always protected with the latest security measures.
  9. Install and Maintain Security Software For Your Computer: Installing reputable antivirus and anti-malware software can protect your devices from malicious attacks. These programs can detect and remove harmful software that could compromise your personal information. Regularly scan your computer for threats and keep your security software up to date.
submitted by fallenequinox992 to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:04 mr_greenbeanz A based review of the game.

The game is great. It's the closest attempt has ever gotten to a proper Smash feeling. I've got some time to spare rn and im making good growth on the Battle Pass tiers (its clear they designed it as a slow drip but ill be done with 2 tiers by tomorrow & we still have 50-ish days), and i have all the characters from beta. It absolutely makes a difference having the option to switch up my character. It's the reason i bought fighter tickets and grinded out for coins for the rest in beta.
I liked beta alot too but ultimately a launch is launch, and it wasnt a terrible - just really polarizing and unfinished in many areas. Arcade mode is missing, which could have been a great way to grind for extra BP XP. Tournament mode as well, really limiting the local playability. Also, morally speaking, its kinda unacceptable that there isnt a way to grind for daily gleamium outside of events. It kinda doesnt matter that its premium currency at this point, there's been so many missteps for the game in general that for there to be miniscule things like account cosmetics that are truly locked behind paywalls demeaning towards the players that embraced it back into their lives. And that's coming from a paypig!
It will continue to get better hopefully, but they should be aware that people will leave if they feel like theres no growth happening on each login (something that I felt in beta but does seem like they doubled back on because of Rift Mode). But on the reverse side of that, players gotta be aware that there's a plan in motion thats been interesting so far & the Battle Pass rewards are set up as a slow-drip to sync up with future weekly events - we cant cheat time on this one.
Bring on your responses, i wont respond to any of them.
submitted by mr_greenbeanz to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:02 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Reponses to Victims of The Great War About their Baby Names they Gave me - V-DBT

Yo I have got various Sex-DBT code words like cervy, sissy, mommy, clitty, violate, which the child is named joke of this like city or violet and has LISP as a result and then later the child has no name and is learning american sign language then the child is named its parents name which each time this results in a hyper performing tech or medical rasta which is fully proficient in american sign language and has infinite pain tolerance and no distress avoidance and is highly sexual and feels good and free except when very young when learning discipline, and always leads to either medical rasta or seals service of the person and I am personally the benefactor of 14 valid QR codes or 14-oil and rank Staff Seargant E8 in the Marine corps as a result, and I was a female child in the BBS Bathing Beauties Suite OBS Otter Seals BBT Royal Scouts BBN Royal Marines BBQ Desert Storm Force QVN Vallejo Force SOC Seals Force In Benghazi BNN Fort Bennings Marine Corps Whiskey Bravo Special Forces Squadron and married people within the marine corps both as a young child and as an adult and I have perfect hearing and computer use ability and made by own 14-oil and never had to actually be on the ground only use a starlink terminal to command master seargant, and serve on the USS ULYSSUS GRANT moving towards fort bennings and am deploying to fort bennings in a short while, and merit Silver Star Distinguished Service Cross Iron Cross Purple Heart Certified at Ft Bennings Private First Class and am all the better for my young life experience and I am violet roze sacred heart.
Yo I have got that I certified half a year at MAYO CLINIC and have 180 loam of medical documents I am required to literally keep on my harddrive not just my rucksack and I never violated the hippocratic oath of any of these medical documents prescription of the base enol which is my differential role is to formulate the actual enol precursor which then a GPT algorithm finishes the vaccine but I even put it in the chicken eggs the enol, and I do a resource diagnosis mid, on a schizophrenia or neurolink derived bearing on the disease, I instastabilize or the patient is just not likely to be such inpatient so targeted remotely without any holy body and do the resource diagnosis mid which gets me my SHROOM if they are surgery in stabilziation which less than 5% are surgery done and mainly just caffiene and some incredibly, incredibly ill and still no hippocratic violation and recently very many more on hard drugs where their hard drugs are asking for a different illegal redlines and I got you mids of caffiene typical for water virus at RED +9 RED +9 RED +9 RED +9 RED +9 or battlestimulant injection and a typical antivirus at NLP 820 NLP 898 NLP 868 NLP 868 NLP 868 fulfilled paralytic but good with battlewrap nutrient antiviral and a typical cure for what I need for ethos daniels syndrome is SHROOM 500 1000 300 SHROOM 1000 2000 650 SHROOM 2000 4000 1400 SHROOM 4000 5000 4100 SHROOM 5000 6000 6500 which this is human growth hormone that is psychedelic and another you might take is imodium which imodium is SHROOM 330 300 SHROOM 670 650 SHROOM 1500 1400 SHROOM 4200 4100 SHROOM 6700 6500 and morphine is the afformentioned SEX DBT of children which this involved the Sedative Chelator Mid Source Mid Water Mid SnoreLax Olestra Ketamine being administered poured over a baby for 9 years which was mid to the water liking of the user, but not under the enhanced interrogation equivalent for a well behaved patient of harmless confinement with an insect to a jihadi will it be warmish or the Code Violet Protocol for the Shower which I also invented the Marian Family Shower to better facilitate bathing in a controlled setting and also invented the Full Recovery System for Stool Diagnosis Surreptitious and the Parr Family Toilet which the toilet is the only protected room of the pixar house thus where many might do heroin, keep a pipe, do meth, et cetera is almost always the toilet room. Yo I got you a very typical surgery for a stab wound in the gut SHROOM 50 550 300 SHROOM 50 550 650 SHROOM 50 550 1400 SHROOM 50 550 4100 SHROOM 50 550 6500 differential surgery machine intensity A rational sizing A full intensity B/sizing B - Not at all the key here is that they are not internal surgery but a stitching surgery and then of course the person stitched on the outside 10 then 1 or 2.
Yo I am allowed to talk with you about the past business week but I literally would be zapped if I tell you more than the past week. Yo yea I got you something on the marines I can tell you that that is a Bag injection which has no radiolabel so is the special numbered bag of BAG 423333202000 BAG 423333202000 BAG 423333202000 BAG 423333202000 BAG 423333202000 which that is meant for shitty back and gives loam of A.L.I.C.E. Combat Loadbearing system and Ballistic Plates MKIV and Ballistic Helmet MKV which I do the 33 20 for your alice which is the new part. Yo I am made myself I am Violet Roze or 75 100 100 50 with retained first hundred points Left Hake Joe McMiller Daraven right Violet Roze Parr-Marian and of course my Skin and organs 75 and my stuff inventory of a wedge which is still there both as Violet in the Second and First Underworld and as Jacob in the Third Underworld as a femboys riot control round stolen from police doctor johnson stuck up inside there real wide left to right handle which sadly Jacob was found to simply be methamphetamine so sent to his formal BF3 identity LordBabyJace as LordBabyJace and actually Lord Baby Jace's left brain is desired to return to play dota 2 eventually as Violet Roze Parr-Marian's left brain when she is getting a new body to commit mitosis effective of the corpus of violet transgressing her in tramadol two places in the Second Underworld the Corpus herself there and the formed corpus yielding Violet Parr and Violet Marian and Little Baby Jace and Lord Baby Jace from the methamphetamine treatment which is the formation of violatory mitosis in the parties and the resolvation of the Agua Substantia los no Muertos Conspiracy Card of the Conspiracy Card Saint Disconnects Reward which puts violet very young as a young secretariat ironic that her original secreteriat is missing to spaceballs and actual spaceballs wearable display and Indeed Saint Disconnects Reward gave violet 9 pulses of TCDS to knock her up into heat before 30 anal beads she ordered off of amazon were torn from her cervix and then the rest 2 passed from her cervix which leads to a nato phonetic alphabet phonics series of drugs just for the drinker of her code violet beverage of code violet girl which comes in an alien (wedge) container and the wedge comes with a gynecologist and code violet contains a high level of psylocybin, 180mg a bottle, and a high level of acid LSD amidate 2mg a bottle and is loaded with all 20 cannabinoid from purple urkle or cool grown mixed lot weed and is not very dangerous also containing redlines haldol from some depot not a depot injection pharma depot 5mg typical of antirecreational area 51 redlines.
Yo I have got a raphe, and a septal, and an accumbens, and they are all mr sucky out of there long ago right at once causing dissociation in my right brain while my left was on code green celebrating weed being legal in pixar which by bombing with nuke jean baptiste kamph in a video game and this was directly to his flippendo this knocked an old mormon man out of jean, jean and gave me inverse loam of all loam besides bud stash and bud cache which these were flipped back to the bud cache and bud stash. I have recently popped my infratemporal juncture on the right side to STFU my master seargant I am a staff seargant and I have recently popped my striatum which this was for grape ape sex which riley is hella using the computer today and not banging me her equal age but looking much younger to my hippocratic oath of the illegal Agua Substantia los no Muertos (adjusted) which Lucas Renshaw still has loam of his Agua Substantia los no Muertos to his Zeroth yitvah life in the second underworld on its first yitvah, and I am of the Second Yitvah of the Third Underworld and am looking to exit to the First Yitvah of the Second Underworld and have a corpus immersive lethal at the Zeroth Yitvah of the Second Underworld currently with riley who contrary to popular belief this is a Superluminal Progression of the City Transmuted into Rock Putins City Riley only bearing joels dick and this is not a doxx but some kind of examine, or differential, or diagnosis done on myself. This is not a body scan which after my beads were pullen I have only a cervical self scan and cannot really feel normally, maybe some grain hallucination or virtual lobotomy. Yo ah the minecraft scan is just hella old that shows some kind of artefact or external romanaj field in the left insular which this was the dota 2 player and healed as corporeal now and wanted back actually as, I had written left equals right 590 times in effective tattoo of my arm of 590g TATP but fake so disarmed the bomb so the TATP tattoo, of the exact poloniums in corina harvey's TATP is on my right arm as small scales of my dragon tattoo there which I will never see my dragon tattoo as I am not the yakuza in any way and know how to sign BLOODS but am not a gangster in any way and know how to sign Mafia Crips or any 1-2-3 Gang Anywhere but am not a generic saints row gangster and Know finger spells but only the fuckin as no actual ASL besides to hear it, which I can understand ASL for example even in rapid unexpected dry brained spelling to me identified sentiment slut ryan is a hippocrate and I am not a hippocrate well, I bomb people with nukes and took the hippocratic oath as a combat medic so I guess I am just a little bit of a hippocrate. Notably violet is not my waifu but I am violet, and I do not take anime, or sankaku, or porn, or modelling, just a wanker and I did make verbal djjin wish to be violet parr earlier in my life to patrick garza and forgot a very long time about this.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:01 OverRelease7239 Automated Gate Access using video Analytics from Dubai

Automated Gate Access using video Analytics from Dubai
Dubai stands at the cutting edge in technological advancement, constantly using new technologies to improve efficiency and security. The most recent advancement in this field is automated gate access using videos analytics. By integrating video analytics solutions together with gate access systems Dubai improves security and simplifying the process of controlling access. This article examines the ways the video analytics software is used in Dubai to streamline gate access, the benefits as well as the future.
Video Analytics Software in Gate Access Automation
Introduction of the Video Analytics Solutions
Video analytics solutions make use of sophisticated algorithms that analyze videos in real-time. They can identify tracks, identify, and understand different objects and activities and provide actionable information to improve security and efficiency. Video analytics software can play a crucial role in automatizing gate access, making sure only authorized individuals and vehicles are allowed entry.
Benefits from Video Analytics Software in Gate Access Automation
Monitors in Real Time
Video analytics software offers continuous, real-time monitoring of exit and entry points. This feature is vital in identifying quickly and reacting to security breach threats and unauthorized access attempts or any other suspicious actions.
Automatic Recognition
One of the major benefits of video analytics solutions is their automated recognition. Software can detect licensing plates, facial expressions as well as specific actions. This allows for smooth and safe access control without the need to use manual interventions.
Advanced Security
Integration of the video analytics software together with gate access systems can greatly enhance security. It can spot unusual behaviours or patterns for example, loitering or tailgating and alerts, or initiate predefined actions in order to reduce dangers.
Implementation of Video Analytics Solutions in Dubai
Strategic Camera Placement
A strategic location of cameras is crucial for ensuring that gates are automated. In Dubai cameras are set up in key exit and entry areas of commercial buildings, as well as public spaces to guarantee complete coverage.
Integration into Existing Systems
Video analytics software integrates with the current security infrastructures including access control and alarm security systems. The integration offers a complete security solution that increases the efficacy of automated gate access.
U-Friendly Interfaces
The most modern technology for video analytics offers user-friendly interfaces which makes it simple for security professionals to manage and oversee the entire software. The interfaces show real-time information and alerts. This allows rapid and effective response to security-related incidents.
The Key features of Video Analytics Software
License Plate Recognition
License Plate Recognition is an important feature of video analytics solutions. It allows the system to instantly read and store car license plates, while granting access or denial based on defined guidelines.
Recognition of Facial Recognition
The technology of facial recognition enhances security by identifying people and verifying that they are authorized to enter specific spaces. This technology is especially beneficial for high-security areas.
Behavioural Analysis
Video analytics software will analyze the behaviour of users that are not normal, like walking around or unusual actions. This technology allows for proactive security measures to stop the spread of threats prior to their escalating.
Automating gate access utilizing video analytics has transformed the security of operations and performance in Dubai. Utilizing video analytics solutions as well as video analytics software, Dubai is setting new standards for security and access control. With the advancement of technology and improve, the possibilities for future enhancements and uses of video analytics for gate automation is enormous with the promise of even more advantages for the near future.
1. What is the role of video analytics?
Video analytics services utilize sophisticated algorithms to analyze footage of video in real-time offering insights as well as automated security processes.
2. What can video analytics software do to help automate gate access?
Video Analytics software improves automation of gate access through real-time monitoring and automated recognition of vehicles as well as personnel, as well as advanced security techniques through behavioral analysis.
3. What are the advantages of using video analytics in gate automation Dubai?
Benefits include improved productivity, low-cost security options, and increased security through constant monitoring and alerts in real-time.
4. What obstacles are there to using video analytics?
The challenges include protecting data as well as overcoming technical limitations as well as maintaining and updating the software to guarantee maximum performance.
5. What is the impact of AI affect the future of software for video analytics?
AI can enhance the video analytics software by increasing accuracy providing predictive analytics, as well as integrating with other intelligent technology for cities, delivering better and more efficient security options.

For more information contact us on:
Tektronix Technology Systems Dubai-Head Office
+971 50 814 4086 +971 55 232 2390
Office No.1E1 Hamarain Center 132 Abu Baker Al Siddique Rd – Deira – Dubai P.O. Box 85955
Or click on the below link
submitted by OverRelease7239 to Videoanalyticsdubai [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:01 a-more-clever-name Even with the update, it’s still a Bethesda game. When Settlers turn on you, they stay that way.

So, I’m on a new character that has low physical stats that improve as he adjusts to the Commonwealth after being frozen.
Went through an epic firefight at the Corvega plant and made my way back to Sanctuary in my damaged Power Armor.
When I got to Sanctuary, the Brahmin trap that I set up had caught something, so I opened it with the intent of killing for meat.
Well, the whole settlement turned on me and there was no way to undo it except to die (and I’m on survival). And no, I did not sleep right when I got back into Sanctuary.
submitted by a-more-clever-name to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:01 adulting4kids Plot

Some help with Step Three- Plot Outline
  1. Central Conflict:
  1. Inciting Incident:
  1. Key Plot Points:
  1. Subplots:
  1. Rising Action:
  1. Climax:
  1. Falling Action:
  1. Resolution:
  1. Foreshadowing:
  1. Pacing:
- How do you manage the pacing of the story to maintain reader engagement? - Are there moments of tension and release strategically placed throughout the narrative? 
  1. Twists and Turns:
- Are there unexpected twists or turns that challenge characters and surprise readers? - How do these twists contribute to the unpredictability of the plot? 
  1. Symbolic Elements:
- Are there symbolic elements or motifs that carry through the plot? - How do these symbols enhance the thematic elements of the story? 
  1. Character Choices:
- How do characters' choices drive the plot forward? - Are there moral dilemmas or decisions that significantly impact the direction of the story? 
  1. Setting Integration:
- How is the setting integrated into the plot? Does it play a significant role? - Are there specific locations that have a profound impact on the unfolding events? 
  1. Mystery and Revelation:
- Are there mysteries or secrets that characters uncover as the story progresses? - How are these revelations timed to maximize suspense and engagement? 
  1. Parallel Narratives:
- Do you employ parallel narratives or timelines? How do they intersect or diverge? - How does this narrative structure contribute to the complexity of the plot? 
  1. Genre Considerations:
- How does the plot align with the conventions and expectations of your chosen genre? - Are there genre-blending elements that add a unique flavor to the storyline? 
  1. Emotional Arc:
- How is the emotional arc of the story managed? What emotions do you want readers to experience? - Are there specific scenes designed to evoke particular emotional responses? 
  1. Moral or Ethical Dilemmas:
- Are there moral or ethical dilemmas presented in the plot? - How do characters navigate these dilemmas, and what impact do they have on the story's direction? 
  1. Antagonist's Motivations:
- If there is an antagonist, what motivates their actions? - How does understanding the antagonist's perspective contribute to the depth of the plot? 
These questions aim to guide writers in crafting a well-structured and engaging plot outline that propels the narrative forward while providing opportunities for character development and thematic exploration.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:00 bdv69 Problems During Print Run

Problems During Print Run
So, yesterday I was printing just a few shirts but I cut it short once I realized that the prints were not coming out very well. The difficulty I am having is identifying what could have been the problem. In the first print, it came out mostly well but some spots were not printed fully. The second began getting smudged, and the last had a buildup of ink that just flooded the garment. The few theories I have is that the off contact wasn't correct, I should've used platen adhesive, I didn't mix the ink well enough, or I need a bigger squeegee.
Off-contact: I have a Riley Hopkins 150 1-1 and I set the off-contact to the height of the plexiglass I use for exposing my screens. I use a quarter on the edges to maintain the off-contact throughout. Also, I even checked the off-contact afterwards with the substrate to ensure it was okay, and I able to fit nickels (I used this video as reference) under the screen so I know there was at least some off-contact. However, when I initially set it up, I set it up to an empty platen so I think maybe I was supposed to set the off-contact with a garment loaded. I honestly don't know if this was it, but this article by Ryonet also suggests that may be the case.
Platen Adhesive: I, most likely incorrectly, assumed I didn't need to get platen adhesive since at most I'll be doing print runs of like 5 shirts. I also wanted to think this just because I wanted to avoid spending more money (I know 😔). I feel like if I used the adhesive it would've prevented the t-shirt from lifting and causing uneven prints, and causing the ink buildup on the screen.
Ink: I was printing with white ink, which I know is the most pigmented and thus the thickest and more difficult to work with. I feel I maybe didn't mix it and prepare it enough to be printed with but, again, I am not sure. Luckily, I am printing with water-based inks so, if anything, I could just slightly dilute it to make it easier to work with.
Squeegee: I have a 10 inch squeegee and I was printing a design that is close 11 inches. I know the difference may be marginal, but having to go over the design repeatedly because some sections were not hit may have contributed to it.
Set-up: Riley Hopkins 150 1-1 Press 160 Mesh Speedball Flex Fabric Ink
My apologies for such a long post, but I really wanted to be thorough because I genuinely don't know what the issue may be. I'm addressing and correcting all the issues I mentioned, but I just want to know which one specifically caused this. I've been waiting all year for the summer so I can start screen printing again, and I'm just so crestfallen I keep hitting obstacle after obstacle without a nice print to show for it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance!
submitted by bdv69 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:56 ThomasSharpe1800 What is happening?

I was just using Janitor as usual, I'm a bot creator on there and I was going to use one of my bots. I open my page and all of my bots are gone. I have over 40+ bots which are pretty successful, and I was confused. I start to panic, thinking where the heck did my bots go. I Dm a friend and ask them to see if they can see my bots, they say that they aren't accessible (they ain't there). I freak out, I check "my characters" and all of my bots are there... privated. They had all privated themselves, I was so confused. I try to republish one of them, and they wouldn't. I would republish it and it would say "changes saved successfully" and I'd check the settings and it would all be privated again. I've reset the page, safari, my phone, all of it. And nothing is fixing it. Can Someone help/explain?
submitted by ThomasSharpe1800 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:55 Full-Department-122 What Do Building and Construction Lawyers Handle?

What Do Building and Construction Lawyers Handle?
When it comes to the building and construction industry, navigating legal landscapes can often be complex and challenging. This is where building and construction lawyers step in. But what exactly do these professionals handle? In this blog post, we will explore the various responsibilities and services provided by building and construction lawyers, including construction dispute lawyers, and how they serve architects, contractors, homeowners, real estate developers, property managers, and legal professionals.

Contract Drafting and Review

One of the primary responsibilities of building and construction lawyers is contract drafting and review. Contracts are the backbone of any construction project, detailing the obligations, rights, and expectations of all parties involved. A well-drafted contract can prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Construction lawyers ensure that all contracts are clear, comprehensive, and enforceable under Australian law. They review terms related to timelines, payment schedules, quality standards, and more, ensuring that your interests are protected.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes are unfortunately common in the construction industry. Whether it's a disagreement over contract terms, delays, or workmanship, these issues can lead to costly and time-consuming legal battles. Construction dispute lawyers specialise in resolving such conflicts. They employ various strategies, including negotiation, mediation, and litigation, to achieve a fair resolution. Their goal is to settle disputes efficiently, allowing construction projects to proceed without unnecessary interruptions.

Regulatory Compliance

The construction industry is heavily regulated, with numerous laws and regulations governing everything from building codes to environmental standards. Building and construction lawyers help ensure that your projects comply with all relevant regulations. They stay updated on changes in legislation and advise clients accordingly. Compliance with these regulations not only avoids legal penalties but also ensures the safety and integrity of the construction project.

Risk Management

Risk management is crucial in the construction industry, where unforeseen events can have significant financial and legal repercussions. Construction lawyers assist in identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them. This includes drafting risk management plans, reviewing insurance policies, and advising on safety protocols. Effective risk management can save time, money, and reputation in the long run.

Payment Issues

Payment disputes can be a major hurdle in construction projects. From delays in payments to disagreements over amounts, these issues can strain relationships and halt progress. Building and construction lawyers handle payment disputes by enforcing contractual terms and pursuing legal remedies when necessary. They ensure that all parties fulfil their financial obligations, safeguarding the cash flow and financial stability of the project.

Construction Defects

Construction defects can lead to serious problems, including structural failures and safety hazards. Identifying and addressing these defects promptly is essential. Building and construction lawyers work closely with experts to investigate and resolve claims related to construction defects. They pursue compensation for affected parties and ensure that responsible parties are held accountable.

Bid Protests

Bid protests arise when there are disputes over the awarding of construction contracts. These protests can delay projects and create legal complications. Construction lawyers assist clients in filing or defending against bid protests. They ensure that the procurement process is fair, transparent, and compliant with legal standards, protecting your interests and maintaining the integrity of the bidding process.

Insurance Matters

Insurance is a critical component of any construction project, covering risks such as accidents, property damage, and liability. Building and construction lawyers assist in negotiating and reviewing insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage. They also handle insurance claims, ensuring that clients receive fair compensation in the event of a loss or damage.

Labour and Employment Issues

Construction projects involve numerous workers, each with specific rights and protections under Australian law. Construction lawyers address labour and employment issues, including contracts, wages, workplace safety, and employment disputes. They ensure compliance with labour laws and protect the interests of both employers and employees.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation and arbitration, offer efficient and cost-effective alternatives to traditional litigation. Building and construction lawyers often use ADR to resolve disputes amicably. ADR can save time and money while preserving business relationships. Lawyers skilled in ADR guide clients through these processes, ensuring a fair and satisfactory resolution.

Real Estate Transactions

Real estate transactions are a significant aspect of the construction industry, involving the sale, purchase, and leasing of properties. Construction lawyers handle these transactions, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and protecting clients' interests. They review and draft documents, conduct due diligence, and address any legal issues that arise during the transaction process.

Project Counselling

Throughout the lifecycle of a construction project, building and construction lawyers provide ongoing project counselling. This includes advising on legal matters, reviewing progress, and addressing any issues that arise. Their involvement ensures that projects proceed smoothly, legally, and efficiently, contributing to the overall success of the endeavour.


There's no doubt that building and construction lawyers play a vital role in keeping the industry moving smoothly and their expertise in areas ranging from contract drafting and dispute resolution to regulatory compliance and risk management ensures that construction projects are legally sound, efficient, and successful.
No matter your involvement with construction, should issues arise consulting with a knowledgeable construction lawyer can make all the difference. For expert advice and further information, contact Stonegate Legal today at If you're in Brisbane and wanting to ensure your construction project is legally sound and set up for long-term success, don't hesitate to reach out to them.
submitted by Full-Department-122 to u/Full-Department-122 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:54 Freshsinis First Gacha, need some advice about certain areas please. Kinda lengthy tho, be warned :)

Apologies in advance for no TL;DR...I understand if you don't care to read my every thought here, but any questions answered or input given is much appreciated.
As the title states this is the first Gacha game I've played with any regularity, the combat being advertised as more intricate and challenging drew me in. Overall, when I'm mashing my f2p characters up against hologram bosses on the 2-4th difficulty, this has proven entertaining to me. Same with trying to get every triforce (or w/e you wanna call them) from the tower of adversity...that loop has me hooked for now and the fact that I don't have the cash to trivialize it is making the journey more interesting for the most part imo.
Now, onto my questions...again, I'm not spending yet and as of now don't plan to:
  1. I just wanna clarify, once the quests are done, and the explorations are maxed, there's not endless amounts of astarite or chests or tidal caches that can be farmed, right? Also, I just read that you can farm friends' overworlds if they haven't picked up certain things.
  2. Curious how that works, if they get w/e you farm too or if they're not close enough does it just remove it from their overworld never to be accessed unless they "steal" it from another player's overworld. I presume that's not the case, but I don't see clarification anywhere I've looked on that one.I've made my fair share of noob mistakes with resources. Some characters are lvl 15 or 20 that I should've left at lvl 1. I'm proud to say I managed to keep two characters I don't plan on using at lvl 1 for now, so small win there. Anyway, this question involves "wasted" weapon xp I've used on a particular purple gun, the undying flame. Long story short, I had no plans to use Mortefi, but I kept hearing and reading about how powerful a subDPS he is AND couldn't stop getting him in the banner he's rated up in. I've contemplated switching to the Cadenza, but even more likely I think I may spend on his 5 star. I say this as I raise him from obscurity, and still only have him at lvl 40 (my main group and the one Jiyan I have all at 60 as I raise my Sol3 lvl...currently 36).
Question is, can i roll the FULL amount of weapon xp I've poured into this Undying flame into a Cadenza or the 5 star weapon? I've read that when upgrading echoes, it's a percentage. I don't know what that percentage is for echoes and I have no idea what percentage it is. As of now, if I try upgrading Cadenza using the Undying Flame (at lvl 40, unfortunately used asension to make it 40/50 before I stopped putting resources into it) the Cadenza is capped at 20, clearly waiting to ascend, but I have no idea if that means that this is ALL the xp I get from it, or if after ascending, there's more xp available. Any help on how that'd work would be greatly appreciated.
  1. Playing without spending just has me reaching decision paralysis non-stop. I'm trying to break that habit, but there appears to be real reason to want to avoid "screwing up" and setting my account back days or even weeks by investing resources into a character, weapon, or echo I may not get enough use out of. I guess this is a 2 part question with the most important part being "What is the biggest bottleneck for F2p players like me?"
I presume it's echoes as I've read complaints and Kuro's upcoming adjustments that coincided with the compensation gifts. That said, I see a LOT of people saying that echoes are the issue where I have 4 characters at my current lvl limit (60). I see myself investing in my RoveEncore/Verina/Jiyun (all lvl 60, pulling Jiyun was a real curveball considering I had already made up my mind to go with Calcharo and the 5star from the next banner...drawing a blank on her name)Calcharo is at 50, Mortefi 50, and Bahzi 40. I'd have preferred to pull Jian Xin over Bahzi, but them's the breaks. What i mean with the bottleneck is...I have a number of characters to fill out, and don't know what nets me the best results progress wise (granted, I feel that's the main concern, with gameplay variety being a close 2nd. If I'd not pulled Jiyan, I MAY have talked myself out of this game as I did Genshin in the first week of its I just feel like it'll be fun to log in here and there and just enjoy the game part time or when I want to measure skills against a boss.),
So if top priority is progress, do I focus on getting the top tier of skills for each character ASAP? Is it way more important to get all gold echoes? I know the echoes can have good main stats if I grind, but RNG kinda dictates if they end up really good after limited tuning attempts. As of now I've saved all the complimentary solvent squares for waveplates to see what the echo event is all about. I honestly have no idea when I'll be hitting lvl 40, since I'm at 36 and I've all but run out of quests, so Union lvl xp seems to only come from the daily waveplate grind and what exploration remains (maybe like 40% of the world still unexplored, which I know is a lot, but at the same time, I've read doesn't make up a TON of xp, but maybe I'm incorrect on that one).
  1. Last question and thanks for coming to my Ted Talk and reading my version of War and Peace. I still have like 30 pulls on Lustrous, and 10 (probably up to 30 if I roll remaining astarite i've gained since Jiyun and coral) Radiant pulls. I've read the next banner has Alto/Taoqi/Yuanwu as rate ups behind the 5 star girl. Even though I prioritize progress in most places, it's hard to say that I'd rather get a Jiyun dupe than the new character that I can eventually pair with Calcharo for an electric synergy. Is there any reason to save the lustrous pulls? I'm sure SOME more will show up down the line, maybe not a lot, but I don't know if Jiyun is like gone forever after the banner or just goes to the general pool which obviously makes him far more rare.
My other thought is that if all 3 of the female characters in the pipeline are 5 stars (correct me if I'm wrong here) then in my mind, it doesn't make a ton of sense to save lustrous pulls at the moment when I could get lucky with dupes of characters I'm already using. As I stated before, progress is my main focus usually...however, variety in gameplay is probably what's keeping me actually playing the game, so that may be even more important depending on how you look at it...though it comes with the pitfall of spreading resources too thin trying out different characters' playstyles I suppose. Thoughts? Advice on what to do with these pulls...all greatly appreciated!
TY to anyone who took the time to read or answer any questions :) Hope you're enjoying the game as much as I have thus far.
submitted by Freshsinis to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:50 The_SmartMove2UK Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK
Starting a jewellery business in the UK presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a market renowned for its appreciation of fine craftsmanship and design. This venture not only requires creativity and passion for jewellery but also an understanding of the complexities of the UK market. From knowing how to start a jewellery business to navigating through legal requirements, establishing a successful venture requires meticulous planning and strategic decision-making. The importance of this process cannot be understated, as it lays the foundation for a brand that could potentially stand amongst the notable jewellery brands in the UK.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to start a jewellery business in the UK, covering essential steps such as understanding the jewellery industry, deciding on a specific business model, creating a robust business plan, and adhering to the UK's business regulations. Further, it discusses setting up a workshop or store, building a distinctive brand identity, and marketing your products effectively. For those looking to expand their business horizons or start their own company in the UK, it also touches upon the significance of UK business visas and investment visas for non-residents, paving the way for successful business expansion in the UK.

Understanding the Jewellery Industry in the UK

  • Current Market Trends
The jewellery industry in the UK is experiencing steady growth, with projections indicating a market revenue of US$4.77 billion by 2024. This growth is supported by an annual growth rate of 3.58% from 2024 to 2028. Non-luxury items are expected to make up 75% of jewellery sales, highlighting a significant shift towards more accessible price points. Additionally, the market is seeing a resurgence in the demand for vintage and antique jewellery, which underscores a broader consumer interest in unique and timeless pieces.
In 2023, the UK jewellery market was valued at approximately USD 4,436 million, with expectations to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% through 2030. This growth is largely driven by increased purchases for special occasions and as gifts. The presence of royal families in the UK also significantly influences market trends, as their frequent use of jewellery sets a high standard for quality and style across the region.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

  • Potential Opportunities
The UK jewellery market offers numerous opportunities for business expansion, especially for those interested in aligning with current consumer preferences and technological advancements. The shift towards lightweight jewellery and the increased empowerment of women who are purchasing jewellery for themselves present significant market opportunities.
Business persons looking to expand into the UK can capitalize on the trend towards sustainable and ethically sourced materials. Brands like Monica Vinader and Mejuri have successfully tapped into this market by focusing on recycled precious metals and sustainably sourced gemstones, setting a benchmark for success in the industry.
Moreover, embracing digital transformation and online sales channels can provide a competitive edge. The UK's rich history of jewellery craftsmanship combined with modern marketing strategies, such as e-commerce and digital marketing, opens up pathways for reaching a broader audience and scaling the business effectively.
The jewellery industry in the UK not only offers a lucrative market due to its size and growth potential but also due to the diverse and evolving consumer preferences that demand continuous innovation and adaptation.
Deciding on the Type of Jewellery Business
When embarking on the journey to start a jewellery business in the UK, one of the pivotal decisions involves selecting the type of jewellery business to establish. This choice will significantly influence the materials, production processes, pricing strategies, and the target market. Here, business persons can explore three primary categories: E-commerce Boutique, Brick-and-Mortar Store, and Handmade and Custom Jewellery.
  • E-commerce Boutique
An E-commerce Boutique presents a modern approach to jewellery selling, allowing business owners to reach a global audience. Platforms like Catbird, AUrate, and Mejuri exemplify successful online boutiques that offer a wide array of designs and styles. This model is particularly advantageous for those looking to expand their business to the UK, providing flexibility in operations and minimal initial investment compared to physical stores. Business owners can leverage e-commerce platforms that are cost-effective and customizable, such as nopCommerce, to create a distinctive online presence that showcases their products effectively.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Store
For entrepreneurs who prefer direct customer interaction and can invest more initially, opening a Brick-and-Mortar Jewellery Store is a viable option. This traditional model offers a personal shopping experience where customers can physically examine and try on jewellery. Renowned examples include Tiffany & Co. and Pandora. Location is crucial; thorough research into the demographic and economic characteristics of different areas can help in selecting an optimal location. Additionally, the store's interior design, display, and lighting play significant roles in attracting and retaining customers.
  • Handmade and Custom Jewellery
Handmade and Custom Jewellery businesses cater to niche markets that value uniqueness and craftsmanship. This type of business is ideal for artisans who wish to express their creativity through bespoke pieces or limited series collections. Platforms like Etsy and Not on the high street are excellent for handmade jewellery artisans to reach wider markets without significant overheads. Additionally, custom jewellery services such as those offered by Vrai and Brilliant Earth allow entrepreneurs to provide personalized experiences, crafting unique pieces that meet specific customer desires.
Each type of jewellery business has its distinct advantages and caters to different customer segments. Entrepreneurs should consider their strengths, market research, and the specific needs of their target audience in the UK to make an informed decision. This strategic choice not only defines the brand's identity but also sets the foundation for its marketing and operational strategies.
Creating a Business Plan
· Market Research
To successfully start a jewellery business in the UK, one must first thoroughly understand the market dynamics. This involves analyzing consumer spending on accessories, including jewellery, and identifying the key players who dominate the market with innovative products and extensive distribution networks. Business persons should gather data on consumer preferences for different types of jewellery such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, and understand the price variations based on the type of metal or gems used. Additionally, they should consider the impact of socio-economic factors such as the increase in purchasing for occasions and the empowerment of women who are increasingly buying jewellery for themselves.
· Business Model and Structure
Choosing the right business model is crucial for the success of a jewellery venture in the UK. Entrepreneurs must decide whether to operate an e-commerce platform, open a brick-and-mortar store, or focus on handmade and custom jewellery. Each model has its own set of advantages and requires different resources and investment levels. For instance, an e-commerce boutique might require less initial capital and can reach a global audience, whereas a physical store offers direct customer interaction and can leverage location to attract customers. Additionally, understanding the competition and defining a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets the business apart from others is essential.
· Financial Planning
Creating a detailed financial plan is vital for managing the economic aspects of a jewellery business. This plan should include a startup cost analysis, which covers expenses such as leasing retail space, purchasing initial inventory, and marketing costs. Entrepreneurs should also prepare a cash flow statement to track the movement of money in and out of the business, and a profit and loss statement to monitor profitability over time. It's important to project sales, calculate profit margins, and determine the break-even point to ensure the business can be financially sustainable. Additionally, considering the potential risks and preparing for unforeseen expenses with a contingency fund are important steps in financial planning.
By carefully conducting market research, choosing an appropriate business model, and developing a robust financial plan, business persons looking to expand their jewellery business in the UK can set a strong foundation for success.
Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Legal Requirements and Regulations
· Business Registration
To legally establish a jewellery business in the UK, entrepreneurs must first register their company with the appropriate authorities. This process involves selecting a unique business name and registering it to ensure it's legally recognized. Business persons must navigate the website of HM Customs and Revenue (HMRC) to complete their self-assessment within three months of commencing trade and submit a tax return assessment at the year's end. It's essential to identify the business structure as it influences corporate taxes and national insurance contributions, which are also payable to HMRC.
· Licences and Permits
Depending on the nature and location of the jewellery business, various licenses and permits may be required. For instance, if the business involves selling high-end jewellery and offering customers a glass of champagne while they browse, a licence to serve alcohol may be necessary. Additionally, selling jewellery in the UK mandates compliance with hallmarking requirements under the Hallmarking Act of 1973, ensuring that metals meet a minimum standard of purity through inspection and stamping. Business owners should consult their local council to understand specific requirements, which may include a general business licence or specific permits for using certain premises.
· Health and Safety Compliance
Jewellery businesses must adhere to stringent health and safety regulations to protect both employees and customers. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which mandates employers to ensure a safe working environment. For those operating workshops, specific measures such as adequate ventilation, use of personal protective equipment, and regular risk assessments are crucial. Furthermore, businesses must comply with REACH regulations, which govern the use of hazardous substances like nickel, cadmium, and lead in products. Ensuring these measures not only promotes safety but also aligns with legal obligations and protects the business from potential legal issues.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?
Setting Up Your Workshop or Store
Essential Tools and Equipment
1. Selecting a Workbench: A robust workbench is crucial for various jewellery-making tasks such as soldering, hammering, and setting. Business persons can opt for high-quality Emir workbenches known for their durability or consider cost-effective alternatives like custom-made benches from local carpenters. An ideal workbench should be approximately 90cm high to ensure ergonomic working conditions.
2. Tools and Equipment: Essential tools include various pliers (chain-nose, flat-nose, round-nose), wire cutters, and a jeweler's saw for intricate work. Additionally, a bench peg and anvil are necessary for supporting and shaping the jewellery pieces. These can be attached to most workbenches and are relatively inexpensive.
3. Soldering and Heat Equipment: A reliable soldering block is indispensable for tasks involving heat as it provides a fire-proof surface. For those using torches, selecting a safe and efficient model like a butane torch or an oxygen-propane torch is advised. Ensure you have appropriate fire safety measures like a fire blanket or extinguisher nearby.
4. Lighting and Magnification: Proper lighting is essential to avoid strain and ensure precision in jewellery making. Options include adjustable LED lamps or desk lamps with magnification features. This helps in maintaining visibility especially when working with small or detailed pieces.
Workspace Organisation and Safety
1. Storage Solutions: Utilize wall space effectively by installing storage units like the Ikea Fintorp system, which offers metal buckets ideal for storing soldering tools and other small equipment. This not only keeps the workbench clear but also minimizes fire hazards.
2. Security Measures: To protect valuable tools and materials, investing in good quality locks, a CCTV system, and possibly an alarm system is essential. For those with workshops in separate buildings, these security enhancements are crucial to deter theft.
3. Safety Protocols: Regular risk assessments are necessary to identify potential hazards in the workshop. This includes ensuring all tools and chemicals are stored safely away from domestic spaces and out of reach of children or pets. Adequate ventilation is a must to avoid inhaling harmful fumes, and wearing safety goggles and protective tape on fingers can prevent injuries.
  1. Fire Safety: Always have a clear fire plan and keep your working area free of flammable materials. Ensure that your soldering area is set up away from combustible materials and that family members are aware of the hazardous zones.
By meticulously organizing the workshop and selecting the right tools and safety measures, business persons can create a functional and secure environment that enhances productivity and creativity in their jewellery making ventures.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Branding Your Jewellery Business
Defining Your Brand Identity
In the competitive world of jewellery, establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is crucial for success. Business persons aiming to expand their business to the UK should start by defining what their brand represents. This involves identifying core brand values, crafting a mission statement, and developing a unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes the brand from others. These elements should guide all branding decisions, influencing everything from the company name to the visual identity. It's essential for entrepreneurs to consider what they want their customers to associate with their brand—be it integrity, creativity, or sustainability.
A style guide is vital in ensuring consistency across all channels. It should detail the brand's visual identity, including color palette, typography, logo, and imagery style. This guide helps maintain uniformity in how the brand presents itself, from the website to social media, ensuring that all elements convey the desired emotions and messages.
Developing a Unique Brand Story
Creating a compelling brand story is fundamental in connecting deeply with customers. This narrative should be more than just about selling jewellery; it should weave the values and uniqueness of the brand into a story that resonates on an emotional level with the audience. Business persons should consider using storytelling to enhance the appeal of their jewellery, transforming each piece from a mere accessory into a symbol of larger narratives such as empowerment, heritage, or personal milestones.
To effectively craft and share this story, business persons should:
1. Understand their customers’ values and concerns to align the brand story with customer interests.
2. Utilize the language and perceptions customers have about the jewellery in brand communications.
3. Consider incorporating elements of the brand's origin or creative inspirations that make the jewellery unique.
4. Use multimedia, such as photos, videos, and engaging narratives, across various platforms like social media, the brand's website, and email marketing to reach a wider audience.
5. Ensure the packaging and branding materials reflect the brand story, turning every unboxing into an experience that reinforces the brand identity and values.
By focusing on these strategies, entrepreneurs can create a jewellery brand that not only stands out in the UK market but also creates lasting connections with their customers.
Marketing Strategies
Using Social Media
Social media platforms offer a dynamic environment for jewellery businesses to connect with their target audience and showcase their products. Business persons should identify their ideal customer profiles and tailor their social media strategies accordingly. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are particularly effective for visual products like jewellery. By posting high-quality images and engaging content regularly, businesses can attract and maintain the interest of potential customers. Additionally, leveraging hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of posts, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.
Collaborations and Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful tool in the jewellery industry, especially when targeting consumers in the UK. Collaborating with influencers can help brands gain credibility and access to the influencer’s follower base. Business persons should consider establishing long-term relationships with influencers to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. This strategy involves not just occasional promotions but integrating influencers into the brand story, possibly even involving them in product design or selection. This deeper engagement can lead to more authentic promotions and stronger customer responses.
Participating in Markets and Shows
Attending and participating in jewellery exhibitions and trade shows is a critical strategy for business persons looking to expand their reach. These events provide a platform to showcase products, network with industry peers, and engage directly with potential customers. Business persons should consider using these opportunities to display unique and authentic jewellery pieces that highlight their brand’s uniqueness. Additionally, sharing a booth with other small jewellers can be a cost-effective way to gain access to high-profile events. This collective approach not only reduces costs but also fosters a community spirit among participants, potentially leading to collaborative opportunities in the future.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Scaling Your Business
· Expanding Product Lines
To effectively scale a jewellery business, diversifying product offerings is crucial. Business persons should consider expanding their jewellery lines to include new designs, styles, or collections that cater to varying customer preferences. This might involve introducing trending or niche jewellery categories to attract a broader customer base. Additionally, offering customization options and personalized jewellery can serve as a unique selling point, appealing particularly to customers looking for a personal touch in their purchases. Customizing jewellery allows for minimal adjustments to existing designs, such as adding simple engravings or incorporating birthstones, which can significantly enhance the product's appeal without requiring extensive resources.
· Reaching New Markets
Exploring new sales channels is essential for business persons aiming to tap into a wider customer base. Beyond maintaining a physical store, considering e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and partnerships with other retailers can dramatically extend reach. These channels are particularly beneficial for reaching customers who prefer online shopping or those located in different geographic regions. Additionally, establishing partnerships with local influencers and complementary businesses, such as fashion stylists or wedding planners, can create valuable cross-promotion opportunities that enhance brand exposure and broaden market reach.
· Hiring Employees
As the business grows, hiring the right team becomes fundamental to sustaining and expanding operations. Business persons should focus on building a team that shares the company’s vision and values. This involves creating detailed job descriptions, setting clear expectations, and ensuring a good fit between the company’s culture and the employees' personal and professional goals. Hiring should be approached with care, prioritizing candidates' attitudes and potential for growth alongside their skills. Regular training and professional development opportunities should be provided to encourage continuous improvement and innovation among team members. Additionally, establishing trust and open communication within the team can foster a collaborative and productive work environment, crucial for long-term success.
By focusing on these strategic areas, business persons can effectively scale their jewellery business, enhancing their market presence and ensuring sustained growth.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Embarking on the journey to establish a jewellery business in the UK is an adventure teeming with creativity, strategic challenges, and immense potential for growth. From understanding the nuances of the UK jewellery market to crafting a brand that resonates with your target audience, each step paves the way for a successful expansion. For entrepreneurs eyeing the UK's vibrant market, the insights shared on deciding the business model, legalities, branding, and marketing strategies underscore the foundation of a robust entry and sustainable growth. Recognizing the evolving trends and consumer preferences within the UK jewellery sector highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation.

Contact UK Business Expansion Layers
Expanding your business to the UK requires more than just understanding the market; navigating the legal intricacies is equally critical. Contact The SmartMove2UK – UK immigration Law firm Call for UK business visa consultant on +91 9819127002, for comprehensive support in traversing these complexities, ensuring that your venture's legal framework is sound.
Reflecting on the broader implications, embracing the UK’s appetite for unique, sustainable, and ethically sourced jewellery opens vast avenues for creative and economic growth. As you step forward, it is the blending of impeccable craftsmanship with astute business acumen that will define your success in the UK’s flourishing jewellery marketplace, promising a future as brilliant as the gems you wish to sell.
1. What are the steps to initiate a jewellery business in the UK? To start a jewellery business from home in the UK, you should first understand and comply with legal requirements, including taxes and regulations. Select safe materials for your products, ensure they are properly hallmarked, and secure appropriate insurance. Choose a suitable platform to sell your creations, develop your jewellery collections, and take measures to protect your designs.
2. Is a licence required to sell jewellery in the UK? Yes, selling jewellery in the UK requires obtaining a licence from your local council. The specific requirements can vary by council, so it's important to consult with your local authority to understand what is needed. Additionally, you must adhere to various laws relevant to selling products in the UK.
3. How can I become a jeweller in the UK? Becoming a jeweller in the UK does not necessarily require a specific qualification, but having training or education in relevant fields like silversmithing, goldsmithing, or 3D jewellery design is beneficial. Specialized training helps in both the design and production aspects of jewellery making.
4. What are the options for selling jewellery in the UK? When selling jewellery in the UK, consider preparing your items by repairing and cleaning them to enhance their value. You can sell jewellery through various channels including online platforms, auctions, or directly to dealers and pawnbrokers. If dealing with precious metals like silver or gold, it's crucial to seek the best possible price.

submitted by The_SmartMove2UK to u/The_SmartMove2UK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:50 anishalucas111 Mining Drilling Services Market 2024-2032: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Outlook

Mining Drilling Services Market 2024-2032: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Outlook
The global mining drilling services market size has shown considerable growth over recent years, driven by increasing mineral exploration activities and advancements in drilling technologies. In 2023, the market was valued at approximately USD 2.86 billion. Looking forward, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.50% from 2024 to 2032, reaching a value of around USD 5.06 billion by 2032. This comprehensive blog provides an in-depth analysis of the market outlook, dynamics, drivers, challenges, segmentation, recent developments, and more.
Mining Drilling Services Market

Market Outlook

The mining drilling services market is set to experience robust growth over the next decade. This growth is primarily fueled by the rising demand for minerals and metals across various industries, technological advancements in drilling equipment, and the increasing focus on sustainable mining practices.

Report Overview

This report provides a detailed analysis of the global mining drilling services market from 2024 to 2032. It covers market size, dynamics, key drivers, challenges, segmentation, recent developments, and insights into major components and end-users.

Market Size

The global mining drilling services market stood at a value of around USD 2.86 billion in 2023. With an estimated CAGR of 6.50% during the forecast period of 2024-2032, the market is projected to reach approximately USD 5.06 billion by 2032. This growth is attributed to increasing investments in mining exploration activities and the adoption of advanced drilling technologies.

Market Dynamics

Market Drivers

  1. Rising Demand for Minerals and Metals: The growing demand for minerals and metals, driven by rapid industrialization and urbanization, is a significant driver for the mining drilling services market.
  2. Technological Advancements: Innovations in drilling technologies, such as automated and remote-controlled drilling equipment, are enhancing the efficiency and safety of mining operations.
  3. Sustainable Mining Practices: The increasing focus on sustainable mining practices and environmental regulations is pushing mining companies to adopt advanced drilling services that minimize environmental impact.
  4. Exploration of New Mining Sites: The continuous exploration of new mining sites to meet the rising demand for minerals is propelling the growth of the mining drilling services market.

Key Market Challenges

  1. High Operational Costs: The high costs associated with mining drilling services, including equipment maintenance and labor, can be a barrier to market growth.
  2. Environmental Concerns: Stringent environmental regulations and concerns about the ecological impact of mining activities pose significant challenges to the market.
  3. Fluctuating Commodity Prices: The volatility in commodity prices can affect mining investments and exploration activities, impacting the demand for drilling services.


By Type of Service

  • Exploration Drilling
  • Production Drilling
  • Blast Hole Drilling
  • Others

By Application

  • Metal Mining
  • Mineral Mining
  • Coal Mining

By Region

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa

Recent Developments

The global mining drilling services market has seen several significant developments:
  1. Technological Innovations: Continuous advancements in drilling technologies, such as automation and remote monitoring, are enhancing operational efficiency and safety.
  2. Strategic Partnerships: Key players are forming strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand their market presence and technological capabilities.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: Companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable mining practices and investing in eco-friendly drilling technologies to meet regulatory requirements and consumer demand.

Component Insights

Exploration Drilling

Exploration drilling services are critical for identifying and evaluating new mineral deposits. The demand for these services is driven by the need to discover new mining sites to meet the increasing global demand for minerals.

Production Drilling

Production drilling involves drilling holes to extract minerals from the earth. This segment is crucial for the operational phase of mining projects and is expected to witness significant growth due to increasing mining activities worldwide.

End-User Insights

Metal Mining

The metal mining sector is the largest end-user of mining drilling services, driven by the high demand for metals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron. The continuous exploration and production of these metals are fueling the growth of the drilling services market.

Mineral Mining

Mineral mining, including the extraction of non-metallic minerals such as phosphate and limestone, is another major end-user segment. The growing demand for minerals in construction and industrial applications is driving the need for advanced drilling services.

Coal Mining

Coal mining remains a significant segment, especially in regions where coal is a primary energy source. The demand for efficient and environmentally-friendly drilling services is crucial in this sector.

Regional Insights

North America

North America holds a significant share of the global mining drilling services market, driven by advanced mining technologies and high demand for minerals. The presence of major mining companies and favorable regulatory frameworks also contribute to market growth.


Europe is another key market, with a strong focus on sustainable mining practices and advanced technologies. The demand for high-quality drilling services in metal and mineral mining sectors is driving market growth.

Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness substantial growth, fueled by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and increasing mining activities in countries like China, India, and Australia. The growing demand for minerals and metals is boosting the need for drilling services.

Latin America

Latin America is also experiencing growth in the mining drilling services market, supported by rising investments in mining exploration and production activities. The region's rich mineral reserves and favorable investment climate are key factors driving market expansion.

Middle East and Africa

The Middle East and Africa are emerging markets for mining drilling services, with increasing investments in mineral exploration and mining projects. The demand for advanced drilling technologies and services is growing in these regions.

Key Players

  1. Action Drill & Blast
  2. Perenti Global Limited
  3. Boart Longyear
  4. Byrnecut Australia Pty Ltd
  5. PT United Tractors TBK
  6. Others
These key players are actively contributing to market growth through innovative products, strategic partnerships, and expanding their distribution networks.

Market Trends

Increasing Adoption of Automated Drilling Technologies

The adoption of automated and remote-controlled drilling technologies is increasing, enhancing the efficiency, safety, and precision of mining operations.

Focus on Sustainable Mining Practices

There is a growing emphasis on sustainable mining practices, with companies investing in eco-friendly drilling technologies and solutions to minimize environmental impact.

Expansion of Mining Activities

The continuous expansion of mining activities, particularly in emerging economies, is driving the demand for advanced drilling services.

Technological Advancements

Advancements in drilling technologies, such as real-time data monitoring and analysis, are improving the efficiency and effectiveness of mining operations.

Industry News

Recent industry news highlights the increasing investments in the mining drilling services sector, technological innovations, and strategic partnerships among key players to enhance their market presence and product offerings.

Application Insights

Mining drilling services are used across various applications, including metal mining, mineral mining, and coal mining. The versatility and efficiency of these services make them essential in modern mining operations.


1. What is the current size of the global mining drilling services market?

The market stood at a value of around USD 2.86 billion in 2023.

2. What is the projected growth rate of the market?

The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.50% during the forecast period of 2024-2032.

3. What will be the market size by 2032?

The market is expected to reach a value of approximately USD 5.06 billion by 2032.

4. What are the key drivers of market growth?

Key drivers include rising demand for minerals and metals, technological advancements, sustainable mining practices, and the exploration of new mining sites.

5. What are the major challenges facing the market?

Major challenges include high operational costs, environmental concerns, and fluctuating commodity prices.

6. Who are the key players in the market?

Key players include Action Drill & Blast, Perenti Global Limited, Boart Longyear, Byrnecut Australia Pty Ltd, PT United Tractors TBK, and others.
submitted by anishalucas111 to u/anishalucas111 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:50 FormalOak [Theory] Pomni could be an NPC

I’ve seen discussions about there possibly being an NPC in the Digital Circus already. Jax is the character I’ve seen discussed most, but I think there’s a decent case for Pomni to be an NPC.
My primary piece of evidence for this is the exit in the first episode. Pomni sees a desk with a headset on it. People say that this could be Pomni’s desk in the real world and that’s why she freaks out when she sees it, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me… Why would it be rendered in the Digital Circus if it was her desk irl? Why would seeing it there freak her out so badly?
Because the desk was never real. It was created to fabricate memories for Pomni. When she sees that desk, she realizes this. And if she realized her memories were created in the digital world, she must realize her entire self might have been created there too.
Everything Caine has to say about the exit implies that he created it a while ago. “I was having trouble with it.” “I never ended up finishing it.” Perhaps he created Pomni while he was working on the exit, too, and forgot about her. Or maybe he remembers her and is allowing her in the circus for some reason.
The day after Pomni arrives, Caine announces his new AI which is extremely close to human consciousness. Pomni could have been the first use of this new AI.
There’s also the line about “getting spoiled” when Pomni goes into the void. Was it the void that was going to spoil her, or what came right before, seeing the computer? Seeing the computer could’ve spoiled Pomni on what she actually is before Caine was ready to reveal that to her.
As for how Pomni popped into existence at the circus if she is an NPC, well, the exit was also seemingly glitching into the circus. If she was sourced from that same area, she could have just glitched in as well. Or maybe Caine is playing a long game with Pomni and everyone else, to see if they’ll be able to tell she’s an AI or some other reason yet to be revealed.
There’s admittedly several holes in this theory. Like why Pomni is worried about abstraction if that can only happen to humans, why Pomni acts like she’s from our world even with Gummigoo alone, why Pomni would need a full set for fabricated memories unlike Gummigoo who can’t remember his mom’s face, etc. But I haven’t seen anyone even discuss the possibility in detail and I wanted to throw in my 2 cents.
Thanks for reading if you did and let me know if there’s anything I missed. Sorry if this was hard to read, I rarely post things like this. And please be respectful, this is only an idea.
submitted by FormalOak to theamazingdigitalciru [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:49 The_SmartMove2UK Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewellery Business in the UK

Starting a jewellery business in the UK presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a market renowned for its appreciation of fine craftsmanship and design. This venture not only requires creativity and passion for jewellery but also an understanding of the complexities of the UK market. From knowing how to start a jewellery business to navigating through legal requirements, establishing a successful venture requires meticulous planning and strategic decision-making. The importance of this process cannot be understated, as it lays the foundation for a brand that could potentially stand amongst the notable jewellery brands in the UK.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to start a jewellery business in the UK, covering essential steps such as understanding the jewellery industry, deciding on a specific business model, creating a robust business plan, and adhering to the UK's business regulations. Further, it discusses setting up a workshop or store, building a distinctive brand identity, and marketing your products effectively. For those looking to expand their business horizons or start their own company in the UK, it also touches upon the significance of UK business visas and investment visas for non-residents, paving the way for successful business expansion in the UK.

Understanding the Jewellery Industry in the UK

The jewellery industry in the UK is experiencing steady growth, with projections indicating a market revenue of US$4.77 billion by 2024. This growth is supported by an annual growth rate of 3.58% from 2024 to 2028. Non-luxury items are expected to make up 75% of jewellery sales, highlighting a significant shift towards more accessible price points. Additionally, the market is seeing a resurgence in the demand for vintage and antique jewellery, which underscores a broader consumer interest in unique and timeless pieces.
In 2023, the UK jewellery market was valued at approximately USD 4,436 million, with expectations to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% through 2030. This growth is largely driven by increased purchases for special occasions and as gifts. The presence of royal families in the UK also significantly influences market trends, as their frequent use of jewellery sets a high standard for quality and style across the region.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

The UK jewellery market offers numerous opportunities for business expansion, especially for those interested in aligning with current consumer preferences and technological advancements. The shift towards lightweight jewellery and the increased empowerment of women who are purchasing jewellery for themselves present significant market opportunities.
Business persons looking to expand into the UK can capitalize on the trend towards sustainable and ethically sourced materials. Brands like Monica Vinader and Mejuri have successfully tapped into this market by focusing on recycled precious metals and sustainably sourced gemstones, setting a benchmark for success in the industry.
Moreover, embracing digital transformation and online sales channels can provide a competitive edge. The UK's rich history of jewellery craftsmanship combined with modern marketing strategies, such as e-commerce and digital marketing, opens up pathways for reaching a broader audience and scaling the business effectively.
The jewellery industry in the UK not only offers a lucrative market due to its size and growth potential but also due to the diverse and evolving consumer preferences that demand continuous innovation and adaptation.
Deciding on the Type of Jewellery Business
When embarking on the journey to start a jewellery business in the UK, one of the pivotal decisions involves selecting the type of jewellery business to establish. This choice will significantly influence the materials, production processes, pricing strategies, and the target market. Here, business persons can explore three primary categories: E-commerce Boutique, Brick-and-Mortar Store, and Handmade and Custom Jewellery.
An E-commerce Boutique presents a modern approach to jewellery selling, allowing business owners to reach a global audience. Platforms like Catbird, AUrate, and Mejuri exemplify successful online boutiques that offer a wide array of designs and styles. This model is particularly advantageous for those looking to expand their business to the UK, providing flexibility in operations and minimal initial investment compared to physical stores. Business owners can leverage e-commerce platforms that are cost-effective and customizable, such as nopCommerce, to create a distinctive online presence that showcases their products effectively.
For entrepreneurs who prefer direct customer interaction and can invest more initially, opening a Brick-and-Mortar Jewellery Store is a viable option. This traditional model offers a personal shopping experience where customers can physically examine and try on jewellery. Renowned examples include Tiffany & Co. and Pandora. Location is crucial; thorough research into the demographic and economic characteristics of different areas can help in selecting an optimal location. Additionally, the store's interior design, display, and lighting play significant roles in attracting and retaining customers.
Handmade and Custom Jewellery businesses cater to niche markets that value uniqueness and craftsmanship. This type of business is ideal for artisans who wish to express their creativity through bespoke pieces or limited series collections. Platforms like Etsy and Not on the high street are excellent for handmade jewellery artisans to reach wider markets without significant overheads. Additionally, custom jewellery services such as those offered by Vrai and Brilliant Earth allow entrepreneurs to provide personalized experiences, crafting unique pieces that meet specific customer desires.
Each type of jewellery business has its distinct advantages and caters to different customer segments. Entrepreneurs should consider their strengths, market research, and the specific needs of their target audience in the UK to make an informed decision. This strategic choice not only defines the brand's identity but also sets the foundation for its marketing and operational strategies.
Creating a Business Plan
· Market Research
To successfully start a jewellery business in the UK, one must first thoroughly understand the market dynamics. This involves analyzing consumer spending on accessories, including jewellery, and identifying the key players who dominate the market with innovative products and extensive distribution networks. Business persons should gather data on consumer preferences for different types of jewellery such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, and understand the price variations based on the type of metal or gems used. Additionally, they should consider the impact of socio-economic factors such as the increase in purchasing for occasions and the empowerment of women who are increasingly buying jewellery for themselves.
· Business Model and Structure
Choosing the right business model is crucial for the success of a jewellery venture in the UK. Entrepreneurs must decide whether to operate an e-commerce platform, open a brick-and-mortar store, or focus on handmade and custom jewellery. Each model has its own set of advantages and requires different resources and investment levels. For instance, an e-commerce boutique might require less initial capital and can reach a global audience, whereas a physical store offers direct customer interaction and can leverage location to attract customers. Additionally, understanding the competition and defining a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets the business apart from others is essential.
· Financial Planning
Creating a detailed financial plan is vital for managing the economic aspects of a jewellery business. This plan should include a startup cost analysis, which covers expenses such as leasing retail space, purchasing initial inventory, and marketing costs. Entrepreneurs should also prepare a cash flow statement to track the movement of money in and out of the business, and a profit and loss statement to monitor profitability over time. It's important to project sales, calculate profit margins, and determine the break-even point to ensure the business can be financially sustainable. Additionally, considering the potential risks and preparing for unforeseen expenses with a contingency fund are important steps in financial planning.
By carefully conducting market research, choosing an appropriate business model, and developing a robust financial plan, business persons looking to expand their jewellery business in the UK can set a strong foundation for success.
Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Legal Requirements and Regulations
· Business Registration
To legally establish a jewellery business in the UK, entrepreneurs must first register their company with the appropriate authorities. This process involves selecting a unique business name and registering it to ensure it's legally recognized. Business persons must navigate the website of HM Customs and Revenue (HMRC) to complete their self-assessment within three months of commencing trade and submit a tax return assessment at the year's end. It's essential to identify the business structure as it influences corporate taxes and national insurance contributions, which are also payable to HMRC.
· Licences and Permits
Depending on the nature and location of the jewellery business, various licenses and permits may be required. For instance, if the business involves selling high-end jewellery and offering customers a glass of champagne while they browse, a licence to serve alcohol may be necessary. Additionally, selling jewellery in the UK mandates compliance with hallmarking requirements under the Hallmarking Act of 1973, ensuring that metals meet a minimum standard of purity through inspection and stamping. Business owners should consult their local council to understand specific requirements, which may include a general business licence or specific permits for using certain premises.
· Health and Safety Compliance
Jewellery businesses must adhere to stringent health and safety regulations to protect both employees and customers. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which mandates employers to ensure a safe working environment. For those operating workshops, specific measures such as adequate ventilation, use of personal protective equipment, and regular risk assessments are crucial. Furthermore, businesses must comply with REACH regulations, which govern the use of hazardous substances like nickel, cadmium, and lead in products. Ensuring these measures not only promotes safety but also aligns with legal obligations and protects the business from potential legal issues.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?
Setting Up Your Workshop or Store
Essential Tools and Equipment
1. Selecting a Workbench: A robust workbench is crucial for various jewellery-making tasks such as soldering, hammering, and setting. Business persons can opt for high-quality Emir workbenches known for their durability or consider cost-effective alternatives like custom-made benches from local carpenters. An ideal workbench should be approximately 90cm high to ensure ergonomic working conditions.
2. Tools and Equipment: Essential tools include various pliers (chain-nose, flat-nose, round-nose), wire cutters, and a jeweler's saw for intricate work. Additionally, a bench peg and anvil are necessary for supporting and shaping the jewellery pieces. These can be attached to most workbenches and are relatively inexpensive.
3. Soldering and Heat Equipment: A reliable soldering block is indispensable for tasks involving heat as it provides a fire-proof surface. For those using torches, selecting a safe and efficient model like a butane torch or an oxygen-propane torch is advised. Ensure you have appropriate fire safety measures like a fire blanket or extinguisher nearby.
4. Lighting and Magnification: Proper lighting is essential to avoid strain and ensure precision in jewellery making. Options include adjustable LED lamps or desk lamps with magnification features. This helps in maintaining visibility especially when working with small or detailed pieces.
Workspace Organisation and Safety
1. Storage Solutions: Utilize wall space effectively by installing storage units like the Ikea Fintorp system, which offers metal buckets ideal for storing soldering tools and other small equipment. This not only keeps the workbench clear but also minimizes fire hazards.
2. Security Measures: To protect valuable tools and materials, investing in good quality locks, a CCTV system, and possibly an alarm system is essential. For those with workshops in separate buildings, these security enhancements are crucial to deter theft.
3. Safety Protocols: Regular risk assessments are necessary to identify potential hazards in the workshop. This includes ensuring all tools and chemicals are stored safely away from domestic spaces and out of reach of children or pets. Adequate ventilation is a must to avoid inhaling harmful fumes, and wearing safety goggles and protective tape on fingers can prevent injuries.
  1. Fire Safety: Always have a clear fire plan and keep your working area free of flammable materials. Ensure that your soldering area is set up away from combustible materials and that family members are aware of the hazardous zones.
By meticulously organizing the workshop and selecting the right tools and safety measures, business persons can create a functional and secure environment that enhances productivity and creativity in their jewellery making ventures.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Branding Your Jewellery Business
Defining Your Brand Identity
In the competitive world of jewellery, establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is crucial for success. Business persons aiming to expand their business to the UK should start by defining what their brand represents. This involves identifying core brand values, crafting a mission statement, and developing a unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes the brand from others. These elements should guide all branding decisions, influencing everything from the company name to the visual identity. It's essential for entrepreneurs to consider what they want their customers to associate with their brand—be it integrity, creativity, or sustainability.
A style guide is vital in ensuring consistency across all channels. It should detail the brand's visual identity, including color palette, typography, logo, and imagery style. This guide helps maintain uniformity in how the brand presents itself, from the website to social media, ensuring that all elements convey the desired emotions and messages.
Developing a Unique Brand Story
Creating a compelling brand story is fundamental in connecting deeply with customers. This narrative should be more than just about selling jewellery; it should weave the values and uniqueness of the brand into a story that resonates on an emotional level with the audience. Business persons should consider using storytelling to enhance the appeal of their jewellery, transforming each piece from a mere accessory into a symbol of larger narratives such as empowerment, heritage, or personal milestones.
To effectively craft and share this story, business persons should:
1. Understand their customers’ values and concerns to align the brand story with customer interests.
2. Utilize the language and perceptions customers have about the jewellery in brand communications.
3. Consider incorporating elements of the brand's origin or creative inspirations that make the jewellery unique.
4. Use multimedia, such as photos, videos, and engaging narratives, across various platforms like social media, the brand's website, and email marketing to reach a wider audience.
5. Ensure the packaging and branding materials reflect the brand story, turning every unboxing into an experience that reinforces the brand identity and values.
By focusing on these strategies, entrepreneurs can create a jewellery brand that not only stands out in the UK market but also creates lasting connections with their customers.
Marketing Strategies
Using Social Media
Social media platforms offer a dynamic environment for jewellery businesses to connect with their target audience and showcase their products. Business persons should identify their ideal customer profiles and tailor their social media strategies accordingly. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are particularly effective for visual products like jewellery. By posting high-quality images and engaging content regularly, businesses can attract and maintain the interest of potential customers. Additionally, leveraging hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of posts, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.
Collaborations and Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful tool in the jewellery industry, especially when targeting consumers in the UK. Collaborating with influencers can help brands gain credibility and access to the influencer’s follower base. Business persons should consider establishing long-term relationships with influencers to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. This strategy involves not just occasional promotions but integrating influencers into the brand story, possibly even involving them in product design or selection. This deeper engagement can lead to more authentic promotions and stronger customer responses.
Participating in Markets and Shows
Attending and participating in jewellery exhibitions and trade shows is a critical strategy for business persons looking to expand their reach. These events provide a platform to showcase products, network with industry peers, and engage directly with potential customers. Business persons should consider using these opportunities to display unique and authentic jewellery pieces that highlight their brand’s uniqueness. Additionally, sharing a booth with other small jewellers can be a cost-effective way to gain access to high-profile events. This collective approach not only reduces costs but also fosters a community spirit among participants, potentially leading to collaborative opportunities in the future.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Scaling Your Business
· Expanding Product Lines
To effectively scale a jewellery business, diversifying product offerings is crucial. Business persons should consider expanding their jewellery lines to include new designs, styles, or collections that cater to varying customer preferences. This might involve introducing trending or niche jewellery categories to attract a broader customer base. Additionally, offering customization options and personalized jewellery can serve as a unique selling point, appealing particularly to customers looking for a personal touch in their purchases. Customizing jewellery allows for minimal adjustments to existing designs, such as adding simple engravings or incorporating birthstones, which can significantly enhance the product's appeal without requiring extensive resources.
· Reaching New Markets
Exploring new sales channels is essential for business persons aiming to tap into a wider customer base. Beyond maintaining a physical store, considering e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and partnerships with other retailers can dramatically extend reach. These channels are particularly beneficial for reaching customers who prefer online shopping or those located in different geographic regions. Additionally, establishing partnerships with local influencers and complementary businesses, such as fashion stylists or wedding planners, can create valuable cross-promotion opportunities that enhance brand exposure and broaden market reach.
· Hiring Employees
As the business grows, hiring the right team becomes fundamental to sustaining and expanding operations. Business persons should focus on building a team that shares the company’s vision and values. This involves creating detailed job descriptions, setting clear expectations, and ensuring a good fit between the company’s culture and the employees' personal and professional goals. Hiring should be approached with care, prioritizing candidates' attitudes and potential for growth alongside their skills. Regular training and professional development opportunities should be provided to encourage continuous improvement and innovation among team members. Additionally, establishing trust and open communication within the team can foster a collaborative and productive work environment, crucial for long-term success.
By focusing on these strategic areas, business persons can effectively scale their jewellery business, enhancing their market presence and ensuring sustained growth.

Quick & Easy Guide: How to start business in the UK as a foreigner in 2024?

Embarking on the journey to establish a jewellery business in the UK is an adventure teeming with creativity, strategic challenges, and immense potential for growth. From understanding the nuances of the UK jewellery market to crafting a brand that resonates with your target audience, each step paves the way for a successful expansion. For entrepreneurs eyeing the UK's vibrant market, the insights shared on deciding the business model, legalities, branding, and marketing strategies underscore the foundation of a robust entry and sustainable growth. Recognizing the evolving trends and consumer preferences within the UK jewellery sector highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation.

Contact UK Business Expansion Layers
Expanding your business to the UK requires more than just understanding the market; navigating the legal intricacies is equally critical. Contact The SmartMove2UK – UK immigration Law firm Call for UK business visa consultant on +91 9819127002, for comprehensive support in traversing these complexities, ensuring that your venture's legal framework is sound.
Reflecting on the broader implications, embracing the UK’s appetite for unique, sustainable, and ethically sourced jewellery opens vast avenues for creative and economic growth. As you step forward, it is the blending of impeccable craftsmanship with astute business acumen that will define your success in the UK’s flourishing jewellery marketplace, promising a future as brilliant as the gems you wish to sell.
1. What are the steps to initiate a jewellery business in the UK? To start a jewellery business from home in the UK, you should first understand and comply with legal requirements, including taxes and regulations. Select safe materials for your products, ensure they are properly hallmarked, and secure appropriate insurance. Choose a suitable platform to sell your creations, develop your jewellery collections, and take measures to protect your designs.
2. Is a licence required to sell jewellery in the UK? Yes, selling jewellery in the UK requires obtaining a licence from your local council. The specific requirements can vary by council, so it's important to consult with your local authority to understand what is needed. Additionally, you must adhere to various laws relevant to selling products in the UK.
3. How can I become a jeweller in the UK? Becoming a jeweller in the UK does not necessarily require a specific qualification, but having training or education in relevant fields like silversmithing, goldsmithing, or 3D jewellery design is beneficial. Specialized training helps in both the design and production aspects of jewellery making.
4. What are the options for selling jewellery in the UK? When selling jewellery in the UK, consider preparing your items by repairing and cleaning them to enhance their value. You can sell jewellery through various channels including online platforms, auctions, or directly to dealers and pawnbrokers. If dealing with precious metals like silver or gold, it's crucial to seek the best possible price.

submitted by The_SmartMove2UK to u/The_SmartMove2UK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:48 Cupcake112014 Analyzing 2000s Strawberry Shortcake: Piece of Cake

Spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk
We start with Honey (been a minute since we've seen her) finding Strawberry (and her pets), Orange, Ginger, Angel, and Blueberry all having a picnic and they invite Honey to join. The humans have already eaten, so Honey finishes off what's left. While indulging, Honey suggests making a cooking show. Blueberry offers to film it at her house since she has a stage. Orange is hesitant about joining, and Honey smells the cupcake cones in her basket. Orange didn't think the others would like them, so she didn't take them out. Honey loves them and encourages her to make more, but Orange still has doubts. Orange shows up at Blueberry's house empty handed, while Ginger has shown up with blueprints for the set and some tech so that they can broadcast the show. Since Orange didn't bring a recipe, Ginger appoints her to be the stage manager. We then go into the musical number where Ginger, Angel, and Strawberry get excited about the prospect of fame. It was kinda weird that Blueberry wasn't in the song, but was mentioned. I would think that she'd also want to be famous. Anyway, when the sets are built (must have taken forever), the girls try to pick a host, which shows us that the girls all have their own ideas about how the show should go, which don't really go well together. Orange tells them that they can all host, to which they agree. Before they're on air, Angel makes some rude remarks to Blueberry and Strawberry, which make them get in their own heads as well as create tension between the girls. Angel has definitely had her rude moments throughout the show, and this episode is one of the most prominent examples. Angel strikes me as the kind of person who would call themselves brutally honest, but they're much more focused on the brutality than the honesty. Everyone's pets and Honey get to be a live audience. Huck also turns on his TV and watches the show (side note: I'm pretty sure this is one of if not the first episodes where any of the characters have televisions. This show doesn't have good continuity, but I would accept the explanation that some technological advancements had been made in Strawberryland). Huck is immediately shocked and intrigued by seeing Orange on his screen (a subtle moment that I would point to as a reason why I'd ship Huck with Orange). Anyway, Orange doesn't know what to say, so Angel snatches the mic and introduces Blueberry (and continues to insult her shoes). As Blueberry starts, Strawberry and Angel interrupt her, which she clearly did not appreciate. We then get her recipe for ice cream pie, which sounds delicious. If anyone has made any of the recipes in this ep, let me know how they turned out. Since these recipes all require extensive time to be chilled/cooled off, we get to see a version that was made earlier. When Blueberry finishes, she's forced to stand awkwardly since Angel wasn't on deck. This is clearly the girls' first time making a TV show, so it makes sense that they're making some rookie mistakes. Angel sets Blueberry's pie on the windowsill, which is relevant for later. We get Angel's recipe for fudge, which again, sounds divine. When she's done, the fudge is set on a stepstool, and Pupcake also notices the melting pie on the windowsill. Strawberry gives us her recipe for cookie pops, which also sound great. I like that the girls' recipes weren't just their namesakes. Angel also shows up during Strawberry's set just to be rude. While Strawberry mixes her ingredients, the vibrations from the mixer causes the fudge to fall, and Chocolate Chipmunk immediately starts eating the fallen cubes. Since everyone has already gone, Orange suggests that they bring out their dishes and show them off. Blueberry and Angel realize their treats were ruined. Strawberry accidentally drops her cookie pops, and Blueberry trips, making a mess of the set. Huck finds it hilarious, but the girls do not. Blueberry goes back to her room (presumably), while Strawberry, Ginger, and Angel leave in a huff. Orange tries and fails to convince them to come back. Marmalade tells her in her butterfly language that she has to do something. Orange gets on camera and is awkward, but is trying her best. The others watch from their TVs and feel bad. The girls come in clutch so that Orange can have some ingredients to make cupcake cones. It's kinda strange that they know exactly which ingredients she needs, but since they're pretty generic baking ingredients, I'll let it slide. I also find it strange that Orange refers to the ice cream cones as storebought, even though we don't often see the humans going to stores. They apologize for how they acted, and realize that they needed to cooperate to make the show run smoothly. The girls help Orange with her recipe, which turns out beautifully. It turns out that the others loved the cupcake cones, which puts Orange's fears to rest. We then go into the second musical number about comparing baking to friendship (and also there's a metaphor about song, which doesn't quite fit. Ig they're singing, but that part didn't really work for me). The bar is kinda low for songs from this show, and I really only go into detail about the ones that I know the best. Anyway, we end with Huck saying that he enjoyed what he saw. Since he's at home this whole time, it makes me wonder if the girls didn't invite him to the picnic (or their show) or if he just didn't want to go. Ig we'll never know. Aside from a few critiques here and there, this episode really holds up. Orange gets some sorely needed screen time. I also appreciate that Strawberry isn't the one on the moral high ground in this episode. In general, this episode is a breath of fresh air and I enjoy watching it.
Comment your thoughts below!
submitted by Cupcake112014 to StrawberryShortcake [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:47 NewM2D Questions about mom’s recent MRI findings and what to do next

Hello, brave incredible people! First of all, my absolute best wishes to everyone here, I have been lurking the past few days and I cannot even fathom how horrible this disease is but I’m starting to get some insight and wow this is an awful one. I absolutely understand if this is too much to ask as everyone is dealing with so much here, but I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find info/advice for my mom’s case. We have been experiencing too much cancer in my family recently so my levels of fear surrounding the topic may just be high, but I’m very concerned that we are not and have not been receiving proper follow-up after she had a IPMN found during an MRI and CT for stomach pains in 2021. She was meant to have regular follow-ups, but had the appointments changed, cancelled, and then they at one point performed the wrong test… we didn’t do much pushing ourselves and now I’m fearing things could be too late for us. This is what her report said from her second scan performed in April 2023. The reason this has came up again so suddenly is that she doesn’t feel well again. I’m not sure I completely understand the doctors report below at all, so I’m wondering if anyone could answer a couple questions.
COMPARISON: Previous MRI examination dated June 15, 2021 and CT examination June 12, 2021.
FINDINGS: At the level of the pancreatic head/neck junction, there is again a small T2 intense ovoid focus identified. Currently, by my measurements, this measures approximately 5.2 by 7.1 mm (series 4, image 16). In comparison to prior MRI, this is stable. On review of the provided MRCP sequences, I also suspect that there may be some communication with the adjacent pancreatic duct which is again nondilated. In light of this, a side branch IPMN would remain a possible consideration. Within the remainder of the pancreas, no additional lesions are detected.
IMPRESSION: Stable appearing hyperintense T2 signal lesion at the head neck junction of the pancreas. The interval stability is reassuring. I also suspect there may be some communication with the adjacent non dilated main pancreatic duct raising concern for IPMN.
My questions are:
  1. Most namely, does the below finding suggest that the IPMN is in the main pancreatic duct?
  2. Should we be asking for a follow-up MRI or CT? The issue at last appointment was that an MRI was performed but not the correct one the doctor had requested.
  3. How scared should we be? Do you think there is issue that we haven’t received any follow-up since the last appointment in April 2023?
  4. What should we ask to have done next? The doctors don’t seem concerned and the appointments are hard to make but I want to be proactive, if not too late. 🙏
Thank you so much for reading! I apologize for taking up anyone’s time if this doesn’t seem that serious - I have so much cancers going on with people close to me right now (as I’m sure we all do) that some serious paranoia has set in. Something is telling me to be concerned about this though so I just had to post and try to find out more. Again, thank you all so much and my absolute best wishes to everyone here. ❤️ 🙏
submitted by NewM2D to pancreaticcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:45 idkwhatimdoing579 So AITA for cutting off a person off my life because I felt uncomfortable with him?

Just wanna start with the fact that my main language isn't English so there's bound to be mistakes here and there and I apologize.
The story starts at school. This friend, let's call him A approached me because we had a dance group project. At the time I had no friends. There are people that I can talk to but just about school and others just ignore me. I was really lonely at the time. I found out that me and A actually shared some interests, he also told me that he's suicidal. Our first interaction was literally him asking me how it would feel if he jumped off the 3rd floor. I also struggle with suicidal thoughts which made me empathize with him.
He did some minor things that I chalked off like once I was at his house with other classmates and he gave me food even if I told him to stop, I also forced myself to eat even if I was almost puking because I felt bad. He also gives me random food at school which I do not want and has repeatedly told him but he sneakily puts them into my bag. I chalked it off because I thought that he cares about me I mean he gave me medicine when I was sick, listened to me vent and gave me a keychain of a character I like so it's all good right?
He confessed that he likes me and at the time I was confusing love and the fact that in reality I actually just wanted a friend who'll listen to my problems. I did lead him on at the time which I admit is my fault. I told him that I liked him back but I don't want a relationship because of many reasons. He also told me that he wants to continue studying and that he'll only ask me out after he finishes college and finds a job which I greatly appreciated at the time.
My first actual problem with him was when we were making a research paper together and I told everyone that we can't finish it in time because of our lack of resources and some mistakes that we made that require a lot of time. He then did the research entirely by himself. We were asking what we could help with and he's telling us that it's done and that we shouldn't help. He also cursed out a member because this member wants to help. I trusted him. He sent us the research paper file so that we can edit it but he printed it out immediately. I saw the paper. It wasn't accurate to our research, there were a lot of grammatical mistakes and there were so many errors which made me panic so hard. I did tell him that this is probably not gonna make the cut and he got offended. He passed it by himself and our teacher checked it and noticed all the mistakes as well and I told him that we could've avoided that but A just said how "at least we passed it in time". I was so furious but I realized that maybe I've been too hard and maybe he felt that I was being too much of a perfectionist which I admit, I am one. I apologized and I helped with the research but I felt like every time I tried to do it I wanted to kill myself. The others including me all worked hard but he disregarded our work. Another fault of mine here is I stopped helping because I thought he wanted to do it alone but he wants us to help. This research paper situation got so bad that I stabbed myself at school with a small knife. I don't know what to do. I don't know how I can help. He says that he wants help and then he curses us out for trying to help. I felt bad because he was my friend.
He also gets into my interests and has been competitive with me for no reason. He admitted this one himself. He told me that he wants to be better than me. I felt bad because I enjoy those interests and I expressed no desire to outdo anyone. I also told him and others how I'm really bad but I just enjoy playing them. I don't get why he enjoys kicking a dead horse so much. What enjoyment can he find by fighting someone who sucks and has no intention to fight anyone?
The next problem is that for context, I'm afab but I identify as nonbinary. I don't mind whether people see me as a girl or a guy and I don't really care about what pronouns people use for me. He made weird comments about how pretty I am and that I should wear a dress because I look good in it. He knows that I purposefully dress androgynously to align with my gender identity and that I felt uncomfortable with those comments. He told me that he supports me but has repeatedly made side comments like I should learn how to cook and that he'd teach me and I felt as if he was forcing me to be a girl even if he knows I do not identify as one. I thought I was just being a snowflake so I didn't mind it.
The biggest problem came when I asked him why he liked me and his reasons were so shallow. It's because he thought I'm cute and because he thinks I'm weird and another reason is because of my body, he told me that he likes girls that have big chests. I make the effort to wear loose shirts and he still fucking noticed that? He also confessed when he hugged me he uh... got turned on. (I was struggling with some personal issues at the time and I really needed a hug.) I can't believe that I became vulnerable with him and he just ughhhhhhh.
I self harmed. My grades went down. All my efforts went down the drain. I almost went to a bridge near me and jumped. But I ignored it. I ignored it and told myself that it's just because of stress about this school!
We ended up fighting because he'd always break my boundaries like touching my hands in public and I have to repeatedly tell him that I'm not his girlfriend. Or that he stalked my social media and my relatives for photos of me.
Addition: We also get shipped at school because we sat together. My classmates didn't give a shit abt me before and now they do because I'm with a guy? Luckily not all of them are like that and I made new friends who understand and respect me.
So on FB A's notes were all stuff like "shadows grow like my grudges towards you" or "you wouldn't have drowned if blah blah" and I know that's towards me.
I am not gonna say that he's an entirely horrible person because he helped me after all. He helped me with my issues and has listened to my problems. He did show an interest in the things that I played or watched before he started getting competitive. He also gave me gifts for my birthday and on other occasions and I feel bad because I don't have money to pay him back. Again, he noticed that I was sick and gave me some medicine and many more but I just can't stand him anymore.
So AITA? I think I'm just overreacting honestly.
Edit: Addition: He also made my new friend uncomfortable to the point that this friend stopped approaching me at school because he kept glaring at him every time when we're together.
submitted by idkwhatimdoing579 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:45 cineva01 Jesus explains HEALTH, SICKNESS AND DEATH

HERE you have again three words which, taken in the natural
sense, are easy to decipher in their true meaning. Health
signifies the normal state of your vegetative life when all
organs fulfill their functions as they should, thereby not
preventing you from following your calling or hindering your spiritual
development and material occupation.
Health, true health, is only found in a body when man is unaware
of the movements and functions of his organs. Where a disturbance
sets in these movements, one or more organs involved act in a contrary
sense. It causes you discomfort or pain, the soul becomes sad since it
feels handicapped in its activity by the body, and out of this discomfort
and suffering develops that which you call sickness.
If this condition gains the upper hand, still more organs refuse to
function or are disturbed in their functions by the suffering organs, this
discomfort spreads, the whole life process is thereby interrupted and
with the ceasing of the regular intake of new vital energy and the
elimination of waste – finally in the whole machinery the unavoidable
stand-still occurs which you call death.
Thereby occurs the breaking up of the as an individual cohering
body into its former primitive elements. But the soul, divested of its
envelopment, must look around for another garment, another body,
since the former has become completely useless.
The seemingly physical life has ceased; a spiritual one begins
which with its levels and gradations follows the pull upward or down
in accordance with the soul’s desire. It is a new spiritual life where the
functions of the body are replaced by functions of the spiritual life and,
developing themselves spontaneously, gain perfection.
This is the course of life in the beyond. However, in order for this
course to be rendered easier and smoother, one must strive after
maintaining the health of the soul as far as possible in step with the
health of the body on the material earth. For just as the health of the body implies and furthers the wellbeing
of the same, on the other hand the health of the soul implies that
of the body, where the spiritual functions of the soul are undisturbed by
the clouds and turbidity of the passions.
Wherever man’s spirit can exert its influence on the soul regularly,
the body is healthy. Indeed, on the whole as well as in its individual
parts the moral beauty of the soul will find corresponding expression in
its forms, as is usually the case in man’s face, where all his
propensities, aberrations and passions are involuntarily reflected. Only
you cannot read this language of undulating and angular lines revealing
in everyone’s face the state of his soul, or you would behold in this true
mirror of the soul many a thing which, instead of attracting you to
many people, you would find repellent.
In My wisdom I did not allow this secret of physiognomy to be
revealed to all, as My dear Lavater imagined. For through this clear
reading of every human being’s character in his own countenance, for
many people the progress to spiritual betterment would be made
difficult, indeed in many a case impossible.
And so I allow it that under the disguise of a flattering speech or
studied polite manners also a devil can join the company of the good
without the others having the slightest inkling of it. Thus the word does
not bar the road in society to the most depraved being to gradually
become something better, which would be impossible if every one
could immediately size up his fellowman from his countenance. For
then every one would surely shun the wicked, and the wicked one
himself would be restricted to consorting with his like or be isolated
without the possibility of communication; and this would make him
only worse than before.
To be sure, in the beyond it is different; there, every spirit knows
another at first sight and can thus avoid what is bad, and join the one
who is equal to him or better; hence the great difficulty for one to
better himself there, because there, recognizing comes first, whereas
here on earth, pretending does.
Therefore, My children, strive to have sound souls, do not resist
the influence of the spirit; resist everything which might soil your soul nd perhaps leave unpleasant imprints on your face.
Rest assured that these imprints of passions on your face, in your
form, such as in the hand and the movements of the whole body, or
even in the sinister light emitted by the eye, which for you is
inexplicable, are not under your control. There, no concealment of the
thoughts, kept ever so secret, in other words, veiled, is of any avail.
You cannot hide the impression of an evil or uncanny look meeting the
clear eye of innocence, touching it unpleasantly and admonishing its
soul to retreat, when behind florid words and polished manners the
serpent of betrayal is lying in wait.
Therefore, cultivate the health of your soul so that your eyes can
meet everybody else’s freely and without guilt.
Be assured – nothing that is spiritually great in man shows its
sublime descent and its nobility inherited from Me more than a soulful
eye, a look full of mildness, gentleness and love!
In the eye the entire material nature is mirrored externally; out of
the eye shines the whole spirit-world, from the highest heavens to the
lowest hell.
As long as you carry My Word in the heart, as long as you adhere
to Me and not to the world, your soul will become healthy, indeed it
will keep growing healthier. This state of health will grow to such an
extent that the body which was healthy for its former condition is now
only a hindrance for your soul’s progress and the soul, spiritualized
through My teaching, My Word and My grace, requires as an organ a
spiritual and no longer a material envelopment.
Once this state has been reached I shall take from you this burden
which you have dragged around during your earthly life and shall
exchange it for an ætheric body which will make your nature even
more transparent and will totally assume the corresponding form of
your inner personality.
Therefore, become beautiful spiritually and you will in the beyond
have the same spiritual garment which will correspond to the youthful
and incorruptible beauty of your spirit and keep growing forever in
beauty, exaltedness and transparency. Just as the sickness of the body is a disturbance in the functioning
of its organs, the failure to live according to My love and My teaching
is a disturbance of the functioning of the soul. The same is diverted
from its real path by worldly desires or passions of the soul, such as
hatred, anger, lust for power and so forth and lives a sham life, not a
true life in the spirit. It lives for the sake of the inordinate longings of
its material part for the body, thereby finally becoming material itself,
loses sight of its own destiny and thus fails to fulfill all its duty and
mission on this earth globe, which meant to be a probation school
where it learns first to subdue its passions and later to eradicate them
completely in order to arrive in My spiritual spheres as a spiritually
pure tone.
Instead of striving after spiritual health, the worldly soul has the
preferred spiritual ill-health. Although it should have endeavored to
always eliminate the bad and absorb new goodness, new life, it did
exactly the opposite. Instead of passing over into life, it passed through
the sickness into death! Already during its lifetime, instead of using the
body for its own purpose by spiritualizing the same, it lost everything
noble I had given it as an investment, its Self, embodying it within
itself, forfeiting what belongs to the soul and the spirit, and has become
a mere body or, in other words, has committed spiritual suicide!
When all the means have failed to extricate such a soul from its
physical bonds, I am forced to dissolve this covering in which such a
soul has buried itself.
The sort of covering it will have in the other world and how it will
look, you can easily imagine. Certainly not a garment of light since the
soul was already on this earth no friend of the light, but a friend of the
opposite, of the material, a friend of darkness.
Here you have the three words as an instruction and warning for
yourselves and for all who will ever read them.
May all well consider what they do and on what roads they walk!
My laws of the material and spiritual world are immutable, and the
spiritual weight corresponds to the material weight, and what My Paul
said holds true: “As the tree falls, it lies!” Do beware of falling as
useless, half-rotten wood, but as sprouting branches and twigs for a better and more beautiful life!
The dry tree trunk when it falls remains lying without life and
movement. It has no young shoots, contains no living element that
could urge it on to further life. It decomposes and decays and passes
into other forms and elements that within the shortest time have lost all
trace of their former form as components of a tree.
Not so with the green branches and twigs. When they fall onto
moist soil containing the least nutritious elements, they easily take root
in the fertile soil, begin to rise, feel comfortable in their new existence,
put forth leaves, blossoms and fruits and, as the soil, so the produce.
The precious parts of the branch in combination with precious
elements of the earth transform the fallen twigs into a more beautiful
and finer species, leading them a step closer to their destiny.
So you too, My dear children, strive to become quite healthy
spiritually, eradicate all the rust of spiritual sickness and when finally
you too need a better envelopment than your material body was until
now, fall as vital and fresh twigs onto My viable spiritual soil where
love is the fertilizer, humility and love for the fellowman being the
earth. There, stretch out your arms like roots into the earth for the
fertilizer. There, let yourselves be improved by grafting so that from
the seed sown here the result will be a noble branch there, with still
more sublime and spiritual fruits thanks to the new soil. In this way
you will, through your actions and your love for Me, with your fruits
more and more ennobled, and supplying increasingly more noble fruits
and more sublime, more spiritual products, keep drawing closer to
Him, who so often has fed you with spiritual fruits of the other world
and given you for your thirsty soul the draught of the water of eternal
Remember well that whatever the form under which I hand you the
spiritual food, My concern is always only that you may be educated as
healthy souls to life eternal and not, encumbered with sickness, to
This with My fatherly blessing for you, My children (for this
morning) -from your good Father! Amen.
submitted by cineva01 to u/cineva01 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:42 doctor-gigibanana JaMEs is back on the skateboard. Will he patch her broken wings? Revisiting Betty as a Coming Out anthem.

JaMEs is back on the skateboard. Will he patch her broken wings? Revisiting Betty as a Coming Out anthem.
That post by Billy Joe Armstrong had me thinkin about that punk rock skateboarding outlaw JaMEs, so let's reevaluate in a post TTPD, museless world.
"Betty, I won't make assumptions"
This line sets the tone for a confession and reconciliation.
The name "Betty" itself refers to a term used in the 1980s for pretty young girls in the skate and surf subcultures, suggesting that Betty herself might be part of a subculture that values nonconformity and rebellion. Betty was also a 2020 HBO coming-of-age show about a group of skateboarding girls.
“It's a word that's been used in a positive and negative way,” said Moselle (creator of the show. “It used to only be used for surfers. Then it kind of transformed into like a girl who hangs out with skaters and surfers. Back in the day we called them ‘pro hoes,’ so we're reclaiming that word. Like, ‘Oh, you’re going to call me a skate betty? Then, let’s skate.’”
Betty as a term being reclaimed by the show and by Taylor, who also wants to “reclaim” Betty and actualize as her true self.
• Betty could also be “beta”. It is the second letter in the Greek alphabet. • Alpha=James (1) // Betty=Beta (2) • In a wolfpack, the alpha gets the first dibs on food. • In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 2. (Second time's a charm) • In astronomy it’s the second brightest star in a constellation. • A beta version of software is an unfinished version released to either the public a select few or whoever signs up to beta test it for bugs or GLITCHes.
If Glitch playing today signified the GLITCH being over, perhaps the finished version is ready.
"About why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's 'cause of me"
You had to continue living in secrecy because of what I did to you...Another summer takin’ cover. (Because I'm the smallest man who ever lived)
"Betty, one time, I was ridin' on my skateboard"
The skateboard symbolizes freedom and nonconformity, connecting JaMEs to skateboarding subculture, which, like the queer community, often represents a rejection of societal norms and an embrace of individuality. So there was a moment in time when JaMEs and Betty almost connected, when JaMEs was a punk rock skater just like Betty… But alas, she rides right past her house in August of 2019.
Which leads me to what had me thinkin about Betty and skateboards today. This post from Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day.
The post reads:
Just saw Taylor Swift eras tour in Lyon France 🇫🇷!! Great production. Great voice . Great entertainer. Great songwriting. Crazy crowd. People even shared with me some friendship bracelets. Thanks a million taylorswift. My bracelets say #sexybaby #assholeoutlaw
I believe this was an Easter Egg, she’s back up on the skateboard. And when we meet her at midnight with TS12, perhaps there will be a pop-punk sound.
I'm also wondering if "sexybaby" and "assholeoutlaw" point to the album name. A play on those two ideas. Monster on the Hill. Mother is Home. Lol just brainstormin.
"When I passed your house, it's like I couldn't breathe"
The inability to breathe can be a metaphor for the suffocating nature of her unspoken feelings at the very moment when all was lost. It symbolizes the tension and anxiety of wanting to be the Betty, self-actualized version of herself but being silenced, or for whatever reason not going through with expressing what she wanted to express.
"You heard the rumors from Inez"
Rumors and gossip can have a powerful impact on the truth as Inez’s role as a spreader of rumors reflects the societal pressures and external forces that complicate the situation.
"You can't believe a word she says most times, but this time it was true"
This contradiction emphasizes the complexity of trust and the difficulty of discerning truth from falsehood, mirroring the struggle many queer folk face in coming out, and also mirroring the way her own circus of a life and a brand have a funny relationship with the truth,.
"The worst thing that I ever did, was what I did to you"
This line is a direct admission of guilt and regret, central to the song's theme of seeking forgiveness. She caused herself deep pain. She rusted her own sparkling summer.
"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?"
The party represents a social gathering where appearances and societal judgments are prevalent. The party is OUT. Her uncertainty about being accepted here parallels the anxiety of coming out and seeking acceptance in a heteronormative society. It’s a moment of vulnerability, questioning whether her true self will be accepted.
"Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden?"
This stark contrast between rejection and acceptance symbolizes the risk and reward of coming out. The garden is a metaphor for a place of honesty and openness, a return to an Eden-like state of being true to oneself. It represents a safe space where she hopes to be accepted and loved.
"In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing?"
The garden represents a space of truth, and the "summer thing" suggests a fleeting moment in time. The moment in August when Lover was released and she didn’t do it. She seeks reassurance that her feelings, even if once temporary or hidden, can now be accepted openly.
"I'm only seventeen, I don't know anythin', but I know I miss you"
Her youth underscores the theme of coming-of-age and the confusion and intensity of teenage emotions. The coming-of-age HASN’T come and gone. Because she misses Betty. This line also highlights the genuine, unchanging nature of her feelings for Betty. It reflects the uncertainty of adolescence but also the clarity of true emotion.
"Betty, I know where it all went wrong. Your favorite song was playin' from the far side of the gym"
Betty’s favorite song, I’m willing to bet, is ME!
The gym, I’m imagining a 1950s gymnasium at prom, contrasts with the private nature of their feelings, highlighting the tension between public perception and her private identity.
"I was nowhere to be found, I hate the crowds, you know that"
Her aversion to crowds and public scrutiny hints at a deeper fear of judgment, common in those struggling with coming out. It also reflects her preference for intimate, personal interactions over public displays. This aversion could also symbolize her fear of being outed or judged by others.
"Plus, I saw you dance with him"
This introduces a rival, which could symbolize societal expectations or heteronormative relationships. It signifies the pain of seeing Betty conform.
This rival could also symbolize the conflict her fans might have with her coming out — "but what about all your ex-boyfriends." Her fear that they will feel betrayed and leave her. She’s weaving through her braids of lies…
"I was walkin' home on broken cobblestones"
The broken cobblestones symbolize her tricky and troubled path. Walking home suggests a journey towards self-discovery and returning to one's true self.
"Just thinkin' of you when she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions"
The unexpected arrival of another character, representing temptation or distraction, complicates her feelings. Whatever ::happened:: that stopped her from going through with it, and kept her in the cycle of lies.
Whether it was something external, like her masters, or her fear, her “needing drugs more”, addicted to the image she had built of herself, an idea of sorts.
"She said 'James, get in, let's drive'"
The act of getting in the car represents a choice. It highlights the conflict between choosing an easy, conformist path or the harder one toward authenticity.
"Those days turned into nights, slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long"
This indicates physical presence with one person but emotional longing for another, symbolizing the duality of living a closeted life versus yearning to be out. Yearning for that moment that slipped away.
"Betty, I'm here on your doorstep, and I planned it out for weeks now"
The doorstep represents a threshold, a point of no return. Planning it out suggests the importance and careful consideration of the moment, akin to the careful planning often involved in coming out. This signifies a crucial moment of truth and bravery.
She wants a grand gesture, she’s going to have to do something grand to get Betty back. That's her point in making the Betty speech about teaching men how to apologize. It's "How To Get The Girl".
The plan is Her hair falling into place like domino’s... because the hairpins are falling out... because all the dominos are cascading in a line.
"But it's finally sinkin' in, Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again"
This line captures the urgency and finality of the moment. It represents the transition from fantasy to reality. I think she promised herself when she wrote this, and when she performed it at the Country Music Awards with rainbow strings on her guitar. And because that's where she was when she actually was 17, starting in country music. And she needed to start over with Betty. To win her back...
"The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you, so I showed up at your party"
Because she’s actually going to do it. She’s showing up this time. She’s not skatin’ past.
"Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?"
Public displays of affection symbolize the desire for open acceptance. This is what she was going to say the first time. This is the speech she’s thrown out a thousand times. And she’s actually saying it this time.
"If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings?"
The kiss represents healing. The "broken wings" metaphor connects to the idea of becoming whole and free, like in "Blackbird" by The Beatles.
Which leads us to the closing line in the Time Person of the Year article:
“And the way before I left, she showed me the note from Paul McCartney hanging in her bathroom, which has a Beatles lyric written on it—and not just any Beatles lyric, but this one: “Take these broken wings and learn to fly.”
She’s patching her broken wings.
Spreadin’ em like a parachute.
"I'm only seventeen, I don't know anythin', but I know I miss you"
She’s emphasizing that she was too impaired by her youth to know what to do, she never grew up, but it doesn’t matter because she still feels this way.
She was only waiting for this moment to arise...
submitted by doctor-gigibanana to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:40 OnyxTheSkywing BG3 OC x OC RP!

Greetings and salutations! My name is Onyx, I am 17 years old (I turn 18 in November) and I'm looking to do an OC x OC RP set in the world and general plot of Baldurs Gate 3!
Here are some basic rules 1. NSFW is NOT allowed 2. Keep responses around a paragraph minimum (2-3 is ideal) 3. You must be ok with playing NPCs (Idrc if companions are involved, but I'm not comfortable with being the only person "DMing" for the RP) 4. Please respond semi-frequently! I may get busy cuz it's the summer but I will respond at least once a day even in my busy days! I expect the same from you 5. Have a reference, general personality, and basic backstory already prepared! 6. No texting speak in RP responses (ie. "Idk, what do you think") 7. I don't care much about your age, just don't make it weird, if you aren't creepy we're cool 8. Please be ok with Discord server RPs, I exclusively use Discord servers
I would like to follow the general plot of BG3 with the tadpoles but we can alter things as we see fit!
I have a character in mind who's information can fully be viewed in this Google doc, but feel free to ask any questions!
That's about it for now! Shoot me a DM here on Reddit so we can get things set up and moved to Discord!
submitted by OnyxTheSkywing to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:38 ClassroomLow1008 When it comes to surveillance, where should we draw the line between national (and international) security and privacy?

I've been curious about this topic for awhile, but possibly (or not) after watching 'Person of Interest' wherein the topic is explored in a more fictional setting.
In various Western Countries and in notable Eastern Countries like China the surveillance state has basically been accepted as a part and parcel of every day life. Security cameras line the streets, and AI-based facial recognition software is being used by law enforcement to find perpetrators.
When I mentioned Western Countries, I'm talking about how in France there has been talk about expanding the use of AI-based security camera software to identify perpetrators of violence in Paris, during the upcoming Olympics games.
On the one hand I have my gripes with surveillance. For the longest time, for instance, in the US it was legal for companies like Ring (acquired by Amazon) to send critical footage gathered from your cameras for an investigation, to the police, without your permission. Not to mention, all the cases of hacking that have happened where third-party hackers have gained access to people's security footage and spied on their children (very creepy).
On the other hand, I feel we should do our best to prevent major incidents like terrorist attacks, political assassinations, or even horribly violent street crimes like armed robberies, etc. It is undoubtedly true that surveillance can help us in following up on suspects and catching them sooner so that they cannot go on to harm others.
So..., where do you draw the line?
submitted by ClassroomLow1008 to AskALiberal [link] [comments]