What is fbat sample test

Identify This Font

2011.06.25 10:52 Identify This Font

A Subreddit for Identifying Fonts: show us a sample and we'll try to find the font.

2011.03.24 07:09 roger_ AskElectronics

A subreddit for practical questions about component-level electronic circuits: design, repair, component buying, test gear and tools.

2009.08.05 23:30 lencioni Microscopy

In science class, you always wished you could play with the microscope a little bit longer. Now that you are an adult, you actually can. Cooler and with more bang for your buck than telescopes, microscopy lets you do real science!

2024.06.04 19:28 Douglasjm Magic is Programming B2 Chapter 4: Concerns

Carlos was an ordinary software engineer on Earth, up until he died and found himself in a fantasy world of dungeons, magic, and adventure. This new world offers many fascinating possibilities, but it's unfortunate that the skills he spent much of his life developing will be useless because they don't have computers.
Wait, why does this spell incantation read like a computer program's source code? Magic is programming?
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High Lord Recindril Tostral stared across the practice yard at his opponent with intense focus, never blinking both eyes at once, for losing sight completely even for a literal eyeblink could be fatal in combat at his level. He was vaguely aware of the rest of the courtyard around them, the racks of practice weapons and a few trophies hanging high on the walls, and a part of him was alertly watching for any hint of danger from any direction. The bulk of his attention, however, was squarely on the younger man facing him with drawn swords at the ready.
It was remarkably similar to looking in a mirror. The young man in front of him had the same strikingly red short-cropped hair, the same alert brown eyes, the same angular chin, the same well-muscled but wiry frame, strong without being overly bulky. Even the youth's stance was identical to his own; right foot forward, knees bent, feet ready to dance like the wind across the ground, right-hand longsword extended forward to threaten an attack, and left-hand longsword held closer to parry. The family resemblance with his firstborn child and heir, Recindren Tostral, was unmistakable.
The younger Tostral finally made the first move, a short step forward and a lunge, but the high lord could tell it was only a feint. The movements of muscles and mana gave away his opponent's intentions to his finely tuned senses, and he responded with only a minute shift of his left sword, prepared to slap the strike away if Recindren tried to convert it into a genuine attack mid-lunge. Recindren withdrew his feint and shuffled to his right, trying to find or create holes in the elder's guard.
Lord Recindril rotated in place to stay facing his son and continued watching closely, analyzing for even the slightest flaw in the young man's movements. He fended off a rapid series of thrusts and slashes, practice swords ringing almost musically as their dulled edges clashed repeatedly. Soon, it would be time to counterattack and test the boy's defenses as well, but for now he merely played at being a hard target. That was an exceedingly scarce commodity for his son by this point, as only another noble would ever be able to stand up to the hurricane of steel the young man was unleashing on him. Most commoners, even high level adventurers, wouldn't even be able to see the attacks, much less block them.
His son needed a sparring partner he couldn't instantly overwhelm, and Recindril was happy to fill the role. It gave him some much-needed practice as well, though he still had to hold back. His heir may have been empowered by their mana wellspring, but Recindril himself had received that power as well, and had developed further beyond that point in the years since then. He had an advantage of 8 more levels of compression in his mana, and the additional speed, skill, and strength from that could have ended this fight decisively in fairly short order. Neither of them would learn much if he pushed that advantage as hard as he could, though.
The lord watched his son commit to a double lunge, one sword stabbing at his eyes and the other at his right shin, which was his most exposed body part. The move was superbly timed, with the eye strike coming just enough before the other to potentially distract from defending the leg. Against an opponent less able to keep calm, it likely would have scored a wound, maybe even a crippling one. Recindril just leaned his head a few inches to the side to barely dodge the eye stab and swung his right sword low to deflect the other. In the same movement, he smoothly pivoted forward, moving inside his opponent's guard to bring his left sword forward in his first attack of the bout.
He moved a bare measured hair less quickly than he could have, turning what could have been an instant defeat for his son into an opportunity for learning and recovery; a kindness he would never show to an actual enemy, such as those upstarts, Carlos and Amber. Not that either of them would be an issue much longer. Their souls should be dissolved already by now, and he was expecting a report of mission completion from the Black Blades very soon. That report is actually overdue at this point. Could something have gone wrong?
Recindril's mind was suddenly forced back to the sparring match by a stinging vibration in his left hand, accompanied by twin clangs of his son's swords hitting his left sword on opposite sides, trapping it between them and twisting it out of his hand. An instant too late, he realized that his son's attack, while genuine, had also been intended to bait exactly the response he'd made. He immediately stepped back and held out his empty left palm. "I yield."
Recindren backed off, lowering both of his swords, and frowned. "What's wrong, father? That move should not have worked that well against you. You seem unusually distracted."
Lord Recindril sighed, then walked over to the side and placed his remaining practice sword back on its storage rack. "Your sister's incident in Dramos should have been tied up neatly by now, but the report is late. The Black Blades are usually very punctual and professional. An unexplained delay from them is concerning."
The younger man pressed his lips together in silence as he put his practice swords on the rack too. "Concerning, yes, but it's unlike you to let any incident with a mere minor house weigh on your mind like this."
"Yes, but… which house is it?" The lord retrieved his disarmed sword from where it had fallen and added it to the rack. "At first I attributed Jamar's ignorance of that detail to merely her not having memorized every minor house's children, but I do not recognize them either, by name or description, nor have I found them in our records. I find myself wondering exactly what house we have come into conflict with. Their ignorance of the rotation agreement also seems strange." He sighed again and shook his head. "There are too many oddities in the situation for comfort, and Jamar's report is light on detail."
"Could they be foreigners? Have you checked the Crown's records? Maybe send Jamar back to investigate?"
Lord Recindril let out an amused huff. "A foreign house is technically a possibility, but would be an utterly bizarre mix of competence and stupid carelessness. I think it unlikely, and I hesitate to risk drawing the Crown's attention to a matter where they might regard us as being in the wrong. As for sending Jamar…" He turned and walked to the practice yard's door. "Send someone to investigate, yes, but not Jamar. We need someone unrelated, who no one might recognize. Jamar will just have to wait for her next slot in the rotation."
"You know she'll hate that." Recindren spoke lightly, simply stating a fact as he joined his father's walk.
"It can't be helped. Besides, a lesson in patience might be good for her." Lord Recindril hesitated, then nodded decisively. "It would soon be time to hand off Dramos to the next house in rotation anyway. Come with me, my son, and we'll tell House Golarn our concerns. They'll want to investigate it themselves for the security of their own scion's visit, and their investigators will have no connection to us."
Recindren nodded. "Of course, father." He walked alongside his father as he thought and wondered. If the Black Blades simply failed, they should still have reported that by now. What could be delaying them?
Deep inside the royal palace, below ground in a hidden and warded room, Captain Granlan of the Black Blades examined his gauntleted hands as he slowly curled them into fists, released them, and turned them over. Small sparks crackled and danced over the surface of the enchanted steel armor, and he reveled in once again feeling how the substance of lightning subtly permeated everything. He grinned widely and turned his head to look at the royal mage standing next to him. "Ahhh, that feels much better. And just this morning, I was sitting in prison and wearing suppression cuffs."
"Her Highness ordered your supervised release. Therefore, we released you." The mage, despite being a foot shorter and half Granlan's width, somehow seemed to be looking down at him while dryly stating an explanation fit for a child. "Now, we've removed your suppression, cleaned you, and returned your equipment. Are you ready to start on the tasks required to earn the Crown's mercy?"
Granlan bowed slightly. "Of course I am. Which of them would you prefer to discuss first?"
"How you prevented the equipment of two royal guards from detecting your intrusion or signaling for aid."
"Hunting down the details that you want will likely be as difficult as proving my client's identity, unfortunately. I was telling the truth when I said I do not know the mechanics of how it worked. I just wasn't telling the entire truth." Granlan smiled a little cheekily, but the royal mage just glared at him. "We used single-use specialty enchanted items from an anonymous supplier. The items destroyed themselves when used, and I truly do not know who the supplier is. The Enchanters Guild is the obvious suspect, of course, but I looked into them many years ago and found not even a hint of any similar items in guild stores. The items are runic in the manner of guild-made enchantments, not dungeon-made; I know that much, at least. But either there is someone else who knows how to make enchanted items work, or the guild is keeping these items a closely held secret."
The royal mage continued glaring for a moment, then nodded in acknowledgement. "I see. This self-destruction was in the same manner as how the soul decoys spontaneously disintegrated? How did you come into contact with this mysterious supplier, and how do you get the items from them? Are you able to acquire more for us to examine? Have you ever shown one to a guild enchanter?"
"Yes, same as the soul decoys, which came from them too. I tried bringing an item from that supplier to an Enchanters Guild store once. The item disintegrated as soon as I came near the store, and I received an irate letter the next day, admonishing me to never try that again." Granlan shrugged. "I decided it wasn't worth the risk of potentially pissing off a valuable and irreplacable business partner, and stopped pursuing it. As for our history with them, they contacted me decades ago via the anonymous channels I had set up for potential clients to hire us through.
"They included a sample item as proof that they truly could make things that I had believed were impossible. Their message directed me to leave my response, with a sample of my mana signature, in a specific location where their own arrangements would get it to them. They wanted to be kept informed of what jobs I took and for what payment. In exchange, they offered to sell special items to me, for very reasonable prices, as needed to enable me to successfully complete jobs that suited their purposes and that would otherwise be impossible." Granlan raised a hand to ward off the mage's response. "And before you ask, no, I have no idea what their purposes are. They refused to say, and I see no apparent pattern in which jobs they have offered to help with."
"Hmm." The royal mage tilted his head in thought. "I take it you can't just request to buy an item, then. You have to tell them about a job you've been offered and wait to see if they're interested."
"What did you tell them about the job that brought you here? You were not aware that the guards you faced were the Crown's, I believe."
Granlan cracked his knuckles. "I wonder if perhaps my client was unaware of that fact as well." He shrugged. "In any case, I gave them all of the information that my client gave me. I told them the objective, that the targets were young nobles named Carlos and Amber of an unknown house, that they had two competent, professional, and well-equipped guards, and that they were staying at a high-quality inn in Dramos. My mysterious supplier responded with an offer of two soul decoys that would adjust to match their designated targets, plus an item that would subtly disrupt the sensing and communication capabilities of the guards' equipment. No idea how, that's just what they told me it would do."
The mage raised an eyebrow. "Soul decoys that can adjust to match a target after being made? And that do so without an enchanter working on it?" He shook his head. "Are such things typical of this… supplier of yours?"
"Honestly? Yes. After all the things I've seen from them by now, I didn't even blink at this one."
"Hmm." The mage chewed his lip. "We will have to be cautious. How would you suggest attempting to find or identify them? Have you given the matter thought over the years?"
"Send them a message about a new job, try to track it, and pray that my stealthy tracking capabilities can somehow beat whatever their countermeasures are. I considered my odds of success, or even of my attempt going unnoticed, to be rather dismal." Granlan crossed his arms and smirked challengingly. "I'm sure the Crown will have better odds, of course."
The mage laughed. "We do have rather considerable expertise available for the problem, even if it's not the Crown's specialty. Very well, we will prepare for that."
Granlan rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, the Crown's specialty of utterly overwhelming force is undisputed and unchallenged. Now if you want to try the same sort of thing for proving that my client was House Tostral, we do have an opportunity for that too in a report I'm supposed to send, but time is running low for that. We'll have to get me back to my company before they declare me lost and my second-in-command sends his own report in my stead."
It was the mage's turn to smirk this time. "That will not be a problem. Just tell me where I need to teleport you to."
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Royal Road Patreon Discord
Royal Road and free Patreon posts are 1 chapter ahead.
Please rate the story on Royal Road!
Thank you to all my new patrons!
Special thanks to my Mythril patron Barbar!
Patreon has 4+ advance chapters if you want to read more.
submitted by Douglasjm to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:43 wyttearp AutoGen v0.2.28 released

New release: v0.2.28


Thanks to @beyonddream @ginward @gbrvalerio @LittleLittleCloud @thinkall @asandez1 @DavidLuong98 @jtrugman @IANTHEREAL @ekzhu @skzhang1 @erezak @WaelKarkoub @zbram101 @r4881t @eltociear @robraux @thongonary @moresearch @shippy @marklysze @ACHultman @Gr3atWh173 @victordibia @MarianoMolina @jluey1 @msamylea @Hk669 @ruiwang @rajan-chari @michaelhaggerty @BeibinLi @krishnashed @jtoy @NikolayTV @pk673 @Aretai-Leah @Knucklessg1 @tj-cycyota @tosolveit @MarkWard0110 @Mai0313 and all the other contributors!

What's Changed

submitted by wyttearp to AutoGenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:38 captivateDNB Did your tick borne illness show on standard blood tests?

For the last 4 years I’ve been experiencing aches, low grade fevetemperature sensitivity, brain fog, depression and more recently mild shooting pains. My doctor has diagnosed it as fibromyalgia but did recently concede that fibro is what people are often diagnosed as when we can’t figure out what’s going on. I’ve been growing more concerned that I may have a tick borne illness, and a naturopath said my condition sounds consistent with Babesiosis. My doc is convinced that any such illness will show up on the basic “lyme serology” section of a standard blood tests (i use lifelabs in Canada), but the naturopath says i need to send samples off to europe to be sure, and I have a friend who had to do the same to get their diagnosis.
Curious to hear people’s experiences with getting diagnosed with these illnesses. Did it come up right away for you or did you have to get deeper testing?
submitted by captivateDNB to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:37 Ashbin Virginia Weekly COVID Report for June 4, 2024

TOTAL NEW COVID CASES REPORTED WEEK (Sun-Sat) OF: 02/18-02/24: 4,978 (VDH corrected from 4,494) 02/15-03/02: 3,891 (Figure is estimated from VDH data) 03/03-03/09: 3,134 (VDH corrected from 2,843) 03/10-03/16: 2,118 (VDH corrected from 1,909) 03/17-03/23: 1,764 (VDH corrected from 1,591) 03/24-03/30: 1,667 (VDH corrected from 1,449) 03/31-04/06: 1,255 (VDH corrected from 1,273) 04/07-04/13: 1,232 (VDH corrected from 1,113) 04/14-04/20: 1,151 (VDH corrected from 1,029) 04/21-04/27: 991 (VDH corrected from 899) 04/28-05/04: 885 (VDH corrected from 782) 05/05-05/11: 830 (VDH corrected from 730) 05/12-05/18: 903 (final figure not reported) 05/19-05/25: 1,021 05/26-06/01: 948 (preliminary figure) Counts reported after 4/30/24 are incomplete
VDH's reporting of the numbers above (Sun-Sat) is by illness date.
COVID CASES SINCE LAST REPORT BY DAY This runs report day to report day, not Sun-Sat Case numbers are from the previous day unless indicated otherwise Previous week's cases day count in parentheses after this week's day count Report covers 05/29/2024 to 06/04/2024
Wed: 222 cases (158) Thu: 198 cases (183) Fri: 173 cases (141) Sat: 217 cases (177) Best guess on previous week's day reports Sun: 107 cases (192) Mon: 108 cases (104) Tue: 231 cases (218) 
Counts reported after 4/30/24 may be incomplete
Total new cases reported (Wed-Tues): 1,256 (1,175 previous Wed-Tues, +7.08%) 7-day average of new cases: 179.43 (165.857 last report) Cases per 100,000 Population: 2.023 (1.88 last report) Some Figures and Percentages are usually slightly rounded
The 13-week graph has been posted. Curve is a bit off due to missing data last week but still shows a +7% increase.
REPORTED DEATHS PER WEEK Week of: 05/05-05/11: 4 (VDH corrected from 3) 05/12-05/18: 0 05/19-05/25: 3 05/26-06/01: 1
The VDH death rate is never put out completely up to date due to delays in death data, which can run months. The death data above has been corrected to current reported deaths from VDH sources and is always subject to change.
The larger updated death chart covering more past weeks had not been updated when I posted, so it was not uploaded. Sometimes it seems they update it late, or even later in the week.
CURRENT POSITIVITY RATE AS OF MAY 31, 2024 CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate: 3.0% (was 2.8% revised, +7.14%) US National level is 4.2% (was 3.4% last week). Highest is Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV) at 9.5% These are preliminary figures which the CDC may revise next week.
Tests this week were done on 1,024 samples; extremely low.
Small jump in Positivity Rate, but still below national average. Anything under 5% is considered low.
NOTE: COVID-19 hospital reporting requirements expired April 30, 2024.
The graph that has meaning now is the ER plus Urgent Care (UC) visits. This will cover two areas of interest, ERs and UCs. I will still keep an eye out on hospital visits for Covid.
VDH reported an decrease -7.48% in EUC visits last week, from 6,190 to 5,727, but an increase in diagnosed Covid from 677 to 733 cases (+8.27%).
We had a 7 to 8 percent increase in cases last week. Still slow growth, but cases are increasing.
First up is the total number of new Covid Cases for last week based on Sunday to Saturday. As the corrections VDH is putting in a week after the initial release makes following a trend impossible, I have stopped computing in this area as it would probably be incorrect.
Next is a listing of the cases from the last report to this one. It usually runs from last Wednesday to Tuesday, but could move based on holidays.
Reported deaths are next, which are based on Sunday to Saturday for the weeks listed.
The CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate is next, which at the moment just confirms or changes what the CDC put out Friday. They do another run on Monday nights taking a second look at things.
Hospital information for last week is next.
VDH's main summary page is located here. You can see all the latest trends at the link above - most graphics are interactive
Total New COVID Cases Reported Week (Sun-Sat) Of: cases reported for last week running Sunday to Saturday.
Reported Deaths Per Week: Number of deaths reported in the week (Sunday-Saturday) to VDH by dates listed.
Covid cases since last report by day: The previous 7-days since VDH's last update listed by day.
7-day average of new cases: Average number of daily COVID cases over the last 7-days
Cases per 100,000 population 7-day average: Within 100,000 people, how many were positive for COVID on a rolling 7-day cycle.
CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate (if included): The last state average percentage of PCR coronavirus tests performed that are positive. The lower the better.
Hospitals and Urgent Cares: Hospital and Urgent Care information for last Sunday-Saturday.
Data from VDH, CDC
Edits: fixed a few things
submitted by Ashbin to coronavirusVA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:36 Thedream87 Back in the USSR just kidding back to the ER

Want to apologize in advance for the novel but I hope it may help others, also helps to pass the time for me since I’m back at my second home for the next 3+ days 🤦🏻‍♂️😩🤬
TLDR: Historically had an iron stomach suffered thru 6+months of sporadic flair ups I shrugged it off unaware I could have DV and after about a month of severe flair ups I went to the ER 5/12/24. Ct scan showed diverticulitis micro perforation and 3.7 cm abscess on sigmoid colon. Had the abscess drained, it was a rather painful procedure, in the hospital for 3 days once discharged began to get better. Back eating solids before and after discharge which were well tolerated for the most part. Drain was taken out 5/24 continued to improve afterwards but that weekend I started getting similar symptoms I had originally that brought me to ER so I went to the hospital around 3pm for a check up and bloodwork had to ask for another Ct scan to confirm. I was feeling pretty good at this point and tempted to schedule for another time. They weren’t able to accommodate me at the first hospital so I was sent to another hospital to get Ct scan 30min away. Got results around 8:30pm and immediately admitted to ER was told another abscess had formed close to were the first abscess was that needed drainage but I had to be sent back to the first hospital to do the procedure. Back on IV antibiotics, ambulance ride back to first hospital at 1:00am haven’t been able to get any sleep with all the vital checks and blood draws. 6:30am 6/4 just got news that the abscess is in a very difficult to reach area may be blocked by my intestines and may not be able to be drained abdominally but can possibly go thru the glute. The other more permanent option would be to remove my entire colon and a bag for approx 3months.
Waiting to speak with the surgeon and specialist as the attending can only answer some questions but ultimately defers to surgeon/specialist
Had my kidney taken out back in 2010 which was a cake walk compared to this ordeal
The long story: So the past 36 years of my life I had an iron stomach no issues eating just about anything No gluten intolerance, food allergies, or any other food issues at worst maybe I’d get some gas/bloating after say a burger & fries or pizza or binge eating snacks/ sweets but nothing some kombucha couldn’t take care of. I didn’t have a bad diet I eat pretty clean for nearly two decades: no soda, no fast food organic non gmo try to avoid lousy processed foods and seed oils. Admittedly I have never been a huge fan of veggies but would get a few servings in for dinner. My exercise levels are mild mostly walking an gardening.
About a year ago I would get these bad cramps around my bowel movements. Thought it was just something I ate or a stomach bug didn’t pay much attention to it because it didn’t last very long and would alleviate after a bowel movement. A bit prior to this time I was suffering from a bad case of hemorrhoids which was my main focus at the time. Didn’t have constipation but sometimes had to strain rather hard to get the last bits out once in awhile also when home I had a bad habit of sittin on the toilet too long scrolling on the internet. Got to the point where I was bleeding after each BM. Was a slow process of healing but got better as I learned more about the affliction.
I added more fiber to my diet and some psyllium husk at night before bed which really helped the BM come right out with next to no straining. Epsom salt bath, getting more sleep, changing jobs to a less stressful one and a product called H-Hemorrhoid oil also helped tremendously. I still have hemorrhoids but thankfully they aren’t too much of a bother lately knock on wood.
Anyways back to these random cramps I would get. They would sporadically come and go where the painful cramping would happen for two/ three days max and it would be a quick acute cramping pain usually when I would drink coffee which virtually always stimulates a bowel movement for me. This lasted about 6+ months on and off before the cramping and then bloating became more chronic and severe so I would take a little Tylenol and Advil which kept the cramping at bay for awhile. Did this for another two months or so before it started to become very severe where I couldn’t leave the bed I was keeled over in pain for hours before it subsided to a tolerable level.
At this point I scheduled an appointment with a Gastroenterologist but couldn’t get an appointment for nearly two months. A few days later and I am still having bouts of crippling pain. I had no idea of diverticulitis as a potential cause as I could historically eaten just about anything and be ok. Looking back I should have switched to a liquid diet but continued to eat my normal diet if and when I had an appetite.
Finally it got so severe I tapped out and to be honest I probably would have not gone to the Er if not for my wife holding my feet to the fire even though it felt like an alien was hatching out my stomach. I fucking hate the hospital, I hate the smell, I hate the incompetence built into the system, the compartmentalization, I could keep going and I don’t mean to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak as there are a lot of great people all across the professions that staff the hospitals who genuinely care and want to help but our healthcare system is so broken on so many levels. Pardon my ramble🤦🏻‍♂️
So I waved the white flag and headed to the ER was admitted 5/12/24 they did some blood work, blood cultures, urine analysis fecal sample, vitals and a CT scan with oral contrast.
Had high white blood count and the CT scan showed signs of diverticulitis microperferation that highly likely caused a 3.7mm abscess on my sigmoid colon. Immediately put on fluids and IV antibiotics. My head was spinning as this totally wasn’t on my radar but the procedure seemed minimally invasive so I didn’t think much of it. Was told I would be in the hospital for a minimum of three days. Wasn’t allowed to eat or drink until the day after the abscess was drained.
Ended up needing another CT scan the following morning this time with IV contrast to confirm the size and location and to confirm my appendix wasn’t also inflamed/ infected. After the results came back I was told appendix was unaffected so I was slated in the afternoon to have the drain procedure guided by CT scan which was on5/13/24. They gave me fentanyl for the procedure and local anesthesia so I graciously didn’t feel much just some pressure. It was very quick seemed like maybe all of 15-20min and I was conscious the entire time.
Shortly after I got back to my room the fentanyl must have worn off and I was writhing in agony until they gave me some morphine. Drain bag was in and I was in a lot of pain and mental anguish. Was given morphine every few hours which kept the pain at bay and helped me get some sleep. The first day I didn’t move much got up and waked around a couple times during the day and was still in significant pain but not quite as bad. Still couldn’t eat or drink
Second day was better; pain not as severe, started me on clear liquid but I only had the broth. Made it a point to get up and walk around more and probably walked for cumulatively over an hour in total. At this point they cut me off the morphine and gave me a small dose of Percocet and Tylenol. Literally going mental trying to wrap my head around everything. Managed to get some decent naps in between vital checks.
Third day I was feeling much better and was given the green light to eat bland low fiber solids again which was well tolerated. The doctors said if I can tolerate having two meals of solid food and have a BM that I could go home so needless to say I was motivated to eat so I could get home and actually rest and heal. It was amazing to taste food again as I had not eaten for many days at that point I simply had no appetite and my mind was now afraid of food. Even hospital food tasted exquisite. Non the less, I had solids for breakfast and lunch and even had a solid BM! I was ecstatic I was cleared to go home, a day before my birthday! There happened to be a passing shower that came through which gave way to a remarkable rainbow in view of my room’s window. I was immediately overwhelmed with tears of joy thinking I made it through the storm.
I got better little by little each day I was out of the hospital just taking 500mg Tylenol and 100mg Aspirin 2-3xday for the pain. Also was taking oral antibiotics(metronidazole, cefpodoxamine and doxycycline( I got bit by a tick a week before this all went down which is why I was on doxycycline) During this time I was instructed to eat a low fiber solid diet, avoid fatty meats no seeds, no uncooked veggies only certain fruit which I adhered to. I did get a little adventurous and ate some things I prob shouldn’t have but other than some minor cramping I was feeling way better, I was so happy to be eating again🥲
Did the whole drain bag maintenance the whole time, the bag became a light/moderate source of pain at times since you have to navigate life while having a tube inserted into the remnants of an abscess in your stomach; I’d describe it feels more like nerve pain that would shoot from the colon where the abscess was down to the tip of my penis. Come to find out through researching here there is a nerve that is wrapped around the colon that extends to the genitals likely responsible for this lovely feeling. Needless to say I was very eager to get the drain catheter taken out.
I was eating pizza again with no issues and having regular bowel movements. I was even able to tolerate iced coffee! I felt so relieved so 8 days later it was time for my drain study. By this time the fluid became clearer and lessened in volume. I believe they used Flouremetry imaging to guide the surgeon on the removal of the catheter. So he gets the image of where the drain was placed and says to himself “looks like there’s a small fistula underneath the drain.” The doctor proceeds to ask me if I want to take the catheter out which perplexed me a bit and I ask him about the fistula and he says, We’ll it’s very small and it doesn’t looks like it going anywhere. “Ok well if you think it’s ok I’d like to take it out.” “Well,” he says, “if you were my younger brothefamily member I’d say to take it out.” “Thank you for thinking of me in this in that light, really appreciate it, let’s do it!” I replied.
Procedure was quick and virtually painless. I felt very relieved like a weight had been lifted off me but knowing what I know about anal fistulas left me with a bit of a pit in my stomach knowing there was a fistula festering in a vulnerable area but I was happy to be free of the catheter and drain bag.
I am still off work at this point so I am gradually getting back into the routine. I have two young boys 2&5 who are really good but it was a challenge to care for them. I have to give a huge amount of credit and respect to my wife for going above and beyond stepping up to not only take care of the kids but for me as well on top of having to work full time❤️
I believe a day after the catheter was removed I finished up with the oral antibiotics. It felt so good to have them out of my system. I am observing the low fiber diet at this point and not eating any of the restricted foods except I would have a coconut smoothie from Trader Joe’s. I found it to be incredibly soothing however coconut is on the restricted list, also I could tolerate peeled apples which is also a no-no so it’s a minefield navigating what your body can tolerate.
So I go back to work and everything is on a positive trend. Still taking Tylenol (500mg) with a small dose of Ibuprofen (100mg) 3x/day and towards the end of the week I had begun to taper down and only have 2 doses of each per day as I was feeling much better and I had been taking it for nearly a month at this point. Also started taking time released oil of oregano a day before I came off the antibiotics and continued to take it.
On Thursday I began to have some slight cramping and bloating similar to my initial symptoms but chalked it up to eating too large of volume. On Friday I was still feeling a bit off and only ate a Banana for lunch. Shortly after I left work I was feeling lethargic. By Saturday the cramping/bloating intensified and I was out of commission, my symptoms began to come back although not as severe. I was back and forth between lying in bed and taking Epsom salt baths which helped tremendously. Also made it a point to go outside get some sun and walk around. I am very worried at this point and decided to call the hospital and we arrange for me to come in on Monday to get vitals, check up and blood work. BMs slowed down and all I could I poop out was a puss like substances(thick, beige, slight yellow) which didn’t have a foul odor. Felt a lot better after clearing that out and the trapped gas around it.
Sunday comes and I and I am feeling a lot better, I resume light walking and continue with broth and some juice. Relax for most of the day.
Monday comes (6/3/4)luckily I have this day off from work so I can mow the lawn and get to the Dr appointment. I feel nearly back to where I was prior to this flare up. Dr appointment comes I get blood work first then off to see the doctor. She asks some questions and I give her the rundown of everything that has happened. Then she does a visual check of my stomachs then tactile test pressing on my stomach. Very tendepainful when she presses in the area where the abscess was drained. Says she is concerned about the tenderness but everything else looks good but will need another Ct scan to confirm. I say let’s do it. Well of course no one again thought I would need to do the one test that can confirm what’s going on. I ask to do it today since I have the day off, so she says I will have to call the hospital and see if they can fit me in. Turns out they can’t (shocker) but can do it at the other affiliated hospital in the next town over 30 min away. So reluctantly I agree just want to get it over with.
Drive there get seen by nurse, gives me the contrast water, wait over an hour my wife flags downs nurse and shortly after I get called for the scan. Tells me they are also doing a IV contrast as well. Scan was quick then I wait for the results. Less than an hour later the nurse says the radiologist wants to admit you to the ER and I am completely stunned. I ask why and tells me they didn’t tell her.
Admitted to the ER on 6/3 @ 8:00pm I am told that I have another new abscess in close proximity to the initial abscess and it’s nearly double the size as the first on(1st one3.7cm, 2nd 7.3cm)I am immediately put on IV antibiotics(Metronidazole&Cipro)
However the hospital I was sent to don’t have the doctors that can perform this procedure so back to the first hospital I go. A bumpy ambulance ride and I was back where I started around 1:00 am. Luckily a bed is waiting for me was hoping to get sleep in between vital checks but every time I would be about to fall asleep I would hear a knock on my door😵‍💫
Spoke with the residences who told me that due to the location of the abscess they may not be able to drain it abdominally. Can either go through my glute to drain it or just remove colon completely and wear a bag for ~3months and reverse once healed. Said former abscess looks completely healed
Waiting to hear from specialist and colorectal surgeon on how to proceed. Apparently everyone is returning back from a gastro convention 🙄
I’m ready to get this lousy colon outta me but I’m scared of the recovery/having a bag.
The one question I have is how the hell does this slip under the radar? This new abscess in nearly close the old one shouldn’t a diverticula have been seen on previous Ct scans?
Can abscesses really grow that fast when I have been taking antibiotics for a large portion of the time, not to mention the first one took nearly a year to reach half of the size w/no antibiotics or dietary intervention?
Not adding up to me, could use insight from others who have gone through this before. Again sorry for the long read and thank you everyone who made it to the end.
submitted by Thedream87 to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:35 Indoor_Carrot How did the devs screw up the difficulty so much?

Just tried a solo mission on medium difficulty and at the extract things were going fine until out of nowhere loads of devastators and bezerkers appeared. I couldn't extract and lost all the samples and 30 min worth of gameplay wasted. What the fuck? Why is a "medium" level set to completely overwhelm you at the last second? It's not fun.
How did the devs fumble the spawn system so badly? Do they ever test their damn patches before release?
submitted by Indoor_Carrot to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:32 TalionDCU APB: Underperforming Expected Goals

APB: Underperforming Expected Goals
The score against Toronto was 2-2, but DC had the edge in expected goals 2.9 - 0.8. This is a fairly familiar story. It’s the sixth game where DC has undershot their xG by 0.9 or more. It doesn’t happen every time, and they did outscore their xG by 0.9 against Philadelphia…but still.
DC started off the season leading the league in xG after piling it up against New England due to their early red card. Since then DC led for much of the season, but LAFC has caught up. Both teams have 31.2 xG, but LAFC did it in one fewer game.
I know, I know. You don’t win trophies with expected goals. You need the real thing. That’s been a big problem for DC. LAFC and DC have 31.2 xG and LA Galaxy has 30.3. LAFC is a bit behind expectation with 28 goals, LA Galaxy a touch over with 31. DC has only 25. That’s -6.2 goals compared to DC’s xG. Is that…bad? Let’s see how MLS teams are doing this season by that measure.
So…yes. -6.2 is not great. On one extreme you have Inter Miami, scoring well over expectation (Leo Messi and Luis Suárez have 24 goals on about 16 xG) and on the opposite side of things there’s DC United.
Before we talk about what’s going on, let’s think about defense. Since DC’s defense is at least as much of a problem as their offense, it’s worth checking how their xGA stacks up to the league.
DC’s xG allowed is middling. Not great but not a disaster. The trouble is, DC’s opponents are…you guessed it…outscoring their expected goals. DC’s allowing 24.6 xG but its opponents have scored 31 goals. Don’t tell me this is another league-leading gap!
Phew! I don’t pay much attention to the Western Conference so I have no idea what on earth is going with Colorado and especially San Jose. But we can say here that DC has the biggest defensive gap in the Eastern Conference by a fair margin, but league-wide it’s not completely exceptional.
So what’s going on?
The orthodox explanation for xG gaps is luck due to small sample size. Over time, stats people tell us, everything converges. There’s no such thing as “finishing skill”.
A thousand Internet arguments have happened over statements like that because obviously there must be such a thing as finishing skill. A professional soccer player will be much better at scoring a goal than you or me from the same position on the field. But skill on the ball gets normalized in a given league by the transfer system. So it’s not surprising Inter Miami is outperforming with Messi and Suárez who, at least in raw skill terms, should still be playing in better leagues.
For its part, most of DC’s goals have come from Christian Benteke who—despite underperforming his xG for most of his career—has scored 13 goals on 10.7 xG this season. He’s certainly holding up his end of the finishing bargain. But besides him, DC has unimpressive veteran attackers like Cristian Dájome and a bunch of kids who are anything but clinical. Pedro Santos is the team’s only other overperformer (1 goal on 0.3 xG). Kristian Fletcher and Christopher McVey are both about even with 1 goal on 0.9 and 1.0 xG respectively.
That leaves a host of underperformers: Ted Ku-Dipietro (2 goals / 4.4 xG), Jared Stroud (1 goal / 2.7 xG), Mateusz Klich (2 goals / 2.6 xG), Dájome (1 goal / 2.0 xG), Lucas Bartlett (1 goal / 1.9 xG), Gabriel Pirani (1 goal / 1.6 xG), Jacob Murrell (1 goal / 1.6 xG), Jackson Hopkins (0 goals / 1.0 xG) and so on. The eye test agrees that these players have many other gifts, but they’re hardly snipers out there.
When it comes to defense, I think there’s a better case to be made that’s just luck. One could wonder if DC’s defensive failings somehow give opponents comparatively easier shots than the shot’s position might indicate, but DC has also been on the receiving end of some unlikely goals. For example, Carles Gil (0.04 xG), Aidan Morris (0.04 xG), Jack McGlynn (0.01 xG), and Elias Manoel (0.01 xG) have all scored on sub-0.05 xG shots. Carles Gil has 5 goals on 1.4 xG this season, so maybe he’s in the Messi/Suárez “he’s just that good” category, but none of these guys are tearing up the league.
So going back to DC’s offensive shortfall, it leads the league by a good margin, so how does it stack up in MLS history? Or at least, in the xG era, which only goes back to 2018?
Before I answer, let’s quickly mention all-time overperformers. The recordholders are last year’s St. Louis team with +16.4. DC United’s 2018 LuchaRoo team actually comes in at 10th with +10. The overperforming players on that squad included Yamil Asad (9 goals / 4.5 xG), Lucho Acosta (10 goals / 6.4 xG), Paul Arriola (7 goals / 4.2 xG), and Wayne Rooney (12 goals / 10.3 xg). Most of the other players came in even, people like Darren Mattocks, Zoltan Stieber, Steven Birnbaum, and Ulises Segura.
But yeah, as you would expect, Inter Miami is on pace to absolutely smash St. Louis’s record, though Copa America absences might knock them off their pace. Their +12.2 already puts them at #6 in the xG-era after only 18 matches compared to 34 from most past teams.
That brings us to the underperformers. DC has had a lot of futility in the xG era with two wooden spoons, but turns out they haven’t had this sort of futility. Both the wooden spoon teams just about matched their expected goals. The problem was they couldn’t generate enough xG to win more games. The worst season in terms of shortfall is actually 2019, the second Rooney team, with -2.6. That’s not all that much, something like #58 all-time and currently exceeded by a bunch of teams from this season.
DC’s 2024 -6.2 currently puts them at #36. It’s no Inter Miami outlier, but history could still be in the making. On a per game basis, that’s -0.36 per match. That would be good for #7 on the since-2018 list. The all-time leader in full seasons is 2019 Sporting KC with -0.46 per match, slightly eclipsed by the 2020 NE Revolution who had -0.47 a match in the shortened season.
So…this is certainly a large gap, but it’s not totally unprecedented. Also, looking at the outcomes of the teams above DC on the all-time list provides at least a little reason for optimism. 2019 Sporting KC (-0.46) and 2021 LAFC (-0.43) didn’t make the playoffs, but 2021 Minnesota United (-0.4) and 2020 NE Revolution (-0.47) did, as did 2018’s Columbus Crew (-0.38), the last Gregg Berhalter Crew team, the one that sadly defeated 2018’s LuchaRoo DC United in the opening round.
See my full game review for more, including player ratings and breakdowns of the goals.
submitted by TalionDCU to DCUnited [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:13 netters_ Cat drooling excessively for 24 hours

I’m scared and am looking to see how concerning my cats symptoms really are. I already took him to the vet yesterday and am waiting on his blood test results and urine results. Until then I’m keeping a close eye on him.
The issue: my foster cat Sunny threw up early yesterday morning. He has only thrown up one other time since I’ve had him for the last 5 months. I noticed around 10:30am he was drooling, ALOT. Like tendrils of drool coming from his mouth and puddles wherever his lays. I called the shelter and they advise I take him to the vet. Upon vet examination they did not see anything wrong. So they went ahead and gave him a cerenia injection, took a blood sample, a urine sample, and sent us home. He continues to eat normally. I noticed he does seem to be drinking more water than usual, but he’s also drooling non stop. We came home from the vet around 6:00pm and it’s 9:04am now (next day) and he’s still drooling. Though, he’s also still eating. He went to the litter box overnight and went pee. He hasn’t pooped yet but when I cleaned his litter box yesterday it seems like he’s been toileting just fine. The vet took a look at his mouth and didn’t notice any lesions or anything.
Other things to note: he does go outside and went out on Sunday and came back around 12:30pm. He seemed completely fine, nothing out of the ordinary for the rest of the day! Like I said, that night between 4am-10am he threw up and I noticed him drooling around 10:30am. I don’t think he ate anything outside. His appetite has been largely the same. He’s a big boy and loves to eat, so I’m glad to see that hasn’t really changed. I know all I can do is keep an eye on him and wait for the blood results to come back. Depending on what that shows, the next step would be X-rays.
My question for the community: have you seen this behavior before? Does the drooling resolve itself? Is there anything I should be doing differently? I feel so helpless, I just want him to feel better and it breaks my heart knowing his unwell.
Species: orange tabby Age: 8-9 YO Weight: 17lbs Meds: takes Gabapentin 2x/day @50mg Diet: hills metabolic wet and dry food bc he’s a big boy
submitted by netters_ to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:46 Equal-Level3696 "HOW TO GET AMAZING MARKS IN BOARDS EXAMINATION?"

Are u worried too about your boards exams? Do you also dream of seeing yourself in those posters ? Do you also want to be invited in this award ceremony of your school? Well, this was me last year in 2023.
These were my questions when I stepped in 12th, absolutely excited, thrilled, anxious too (because of the syllabus) and also sad because this is the last year of our school life. Yes, my juniors, it seems impossible to enjoy the last year and also do academically great. But, trust me, you've got to master the "art of balancing fun and academics" and also "time management".
Undoubtedly, this is a genuine question. Every good student is always worried about his/her percentage in 12th class. With all past experience, today I am going to share some tips and tricks which are very useful for the students of class 12th to score 90+ percentage.
  1. Revise Daily Whatever is taught in class, i advice each and every student to read and revise, because if you do then those last minutes rush in examinations won't be that much burden, because you already are well - prepared anyways. Yeah, some might say, that they can still ace the exam even after watching one shot videos but this won't work in BOARDS.
  2. Make Notes. There are plenty of resources on the internet of your syllabus providing you notes, which are so convenient and crisp. But when we make our own notes, we learn the content side by side, we get to understand each and every point. And even if you're one of those person who like to prepare for exams in the last minute, these notes are absolute SAVIOUR.
  3. Always refer to NCERT In my 10th and even in my 12th board examinations, i didn't refer to any other books other than NCERT. Preparing from the book is more than enough, it should be read thoroughly. Highlight and underline the important topics, mark topics which are repeated every year in exams. Make your own questions related to the topics, don't avoid those back exercises. They will help you to understand the way you should answer the questions.
  4. Ace those 1 markers After doing those MCQs perfectly, it gives an immense confidence. So to actually get through those 16-20 MCQs, it is advisable to read deeply, another alternative is to find those sample papers during 2020-21 as that time MCQs were asked, but only for term-1, so reading becomes main priority all the way around.
  5. Topper's Answer Sheet!! CBSE's website provides toppers answer sheet for free for almost all subjects. You all should really look upto their presentation skills and the way they have presented the paper, don't forget to include flowcharts (only if the answer is presentable in that way!). Give examples, for differentiation, present it through tabular format, in that way, it looks more clear.
  6. Give MOCKS!! In the last 3 months or so, give mocks + set timer. By creating that atmosphere of exam beforehand, it will help in your exam day because our mind has already experienced the examination anxiety and has been prepared to fight over it too.
  7. Find what's best for you. There are many people out there giving out strategies for making a schedule of studying, handling out timetables and so much more, I tried too, and telling from my experience, it didn't work out for me. You may ask "whyy?" . That's because everyone has different type of doing their things, we all are different in one way or the other, so how would u expect that time-table given out by others will work on your life and time. That's absurd. Find out your routine and be punctual.
  8. Practicals are important Yess, you heard it right. It is advisable to complete all the projects and practicals before pre- boards, because if you postpone and procrastinate, it will bring chaos to you only.
  9. Self- study It is the key, after those classes in school and even after watching videos on YouTube, it's you who has to learn and revise it all. It "you" who has to practice. Analyse yourself after every tests, ask teachers about where you lacked, they are surely going to help you out, and work on those weak areas. Don't avoid those subjects where you are weak, make them the strongest subject too.
  10. It's not all about marks Parents, teachers and their expectations might make you think that getting 95+ in all subjects in subjects are what defines you. No, it's not like that, everyone is not build to score 95+ in their boards, because you are more than that, these marks won't define you and your personality. This is just a head start for your future, in all this process, you are going to learn how to work pressure and reap benefits even in less time. That's what a smart student is.
Don't be a book worm, 12th standard is the last year, make memories with your friends, take part in the competitions, go to the trip, because after your BOARDS it's not what the marks that is going to stay but the memories with your people. The syllabus is just knowledge, don't take it as a way of getting marks and then forgetting about it. To all my 10th and 12th friends, you all will do good, i believe it. I know it for sure, that when i will pass by all the school, I'll see excellent juniors with their amazing marks on the poster, and even if you're not on the poster, don't get disheartened. Maybe it's because you deserve something better than this, maybe something bigger than this is waiting for you.
submitted by Equal-Level3696 to CBSEarts [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:42 Few-Pick-6133 Please help/ pain for months/

Hello everyone, this is going to be a long one so please bare with me as I need some help and I feel as if I am going crazy. This has all been depressing for me and I am scared that I am not going to get better, I am so young and I hate being in pain. Although, I know i should not put this into the universe, the thought of this being life long makes me sad.**
In December of 2023, I began having very bad pain while urinating, discharge....I suspected a UTI. However, I tested positive for Chlamydia(even though my partner at the time said he was negative.). I got treated, retested and everything came back negative. However, I was still experiencing burning while peeing, vaginal discharge, and etc. I went to the gyno for the first time, around the middle of January and explained my symptoms to her. She said that she saw some yeast while doing the exam and treated me for such. I got tested for the regular STI's and did a vaginal swab. The medicine she gave me did not help much and all my results came back negative. Going into February, my friend passed and I went into a dark place. I stopped caring for my health and I didn't revisit the gyno(although experiencing pain while urinating, itching, discharge; etc) up until March. March comes around, I am still struggling with everything and I visit the Gyno again with the same symptoms. She tested me for Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma and gave me cream to deal with the itching. My results come back and I was in fact positive for Mycoplasma. I am not sure what medicine she put me on, but I remember it was a 7 day antibiotic.
I took it, felt a little better, but a week later the same symptoms started to return. At the end of March/beginning of April, I had a burning sensation while peeing, I began having sharp pain in my pelvis, hip/leg pain, on and off discharge(somedays it would be brownish, next it would be a very clear heavy discharge), and lower back pain. I returned to same gyno and she thought it was a UTI. She took a urine sample and did a swab(however, i don't believe she retested me for mycoplasma). She gave me a three day antibiotic and it worked. The pain while peeing went away and the cramping subsided. However, the results came back and everything came back negative. But, in my urine my white and red blood cells were high. She told me to go to my PCP because she believed it wasn't a gyno related issue anymore. By that time I was experiencing very bad pain in my chest and back. I ended up going to the ER because I believed I had a kidney issue. I did a CAT Scan, but everything came back fine. The doctor told me it was a muscoskeltal issue and prescribed naproxen to me. Also, it came back that I had a yeast infection. I explained the cramping and such to the doctor and she said I did have a UTI, the test just didn't detect it. I asked her if the cramping was due to the muscoskeltal issue and she said it could be... I went home, took Fluconazole(singular) and began using the Naproxen.
I am a college student and I dorm, so I constantly have to travel back and forth to attend these doctor appointments. I return back to school and my pain subsides in my chest area, but the naproxen did not help the cramping. I still was having pain while peeing. I return back home to see my PCP, and she did a vaginal exam and said she saw yeast again. She told me the cramping was just due to my period(just no). She prescribed Fluconazole and a insertion for the yeast infection. I told her to run every test she can and the only thing that came up was a little bacteria in my urine(she told me this 7 days after I went to her). I told her I am still having pain while urinating and so she gave me a 7 day medication(take two a day), I forget the name. I was taking both that medicine she gave me and the naproxen, but, I ended up stop taking the naproxen because I experienced really bad stomach problems one day and I believed that it cause my period to be almost late(6 days, my period is usually on time and comes between the 14th and 16th).
At this point I stop going to my PCP because of her response to what I am telling her. I make an appointment with a different gyno to address it. BY THIS TIME, I am having pain in my pelvis, abdomen, and lower back(moreso on my left side), and my hip. I am not peeing frequently, there is no discharge or very little, BUT when I PEE IT BURNS. I make an appointment. Before seeing my gyno, I do an ultrasound( my belly and vaginal) and everything is fine. I tell her all these symptoms, she swabs me for everything(including mycoplasma but those results were inconclusive because I was on my period, so i have to retake it), I ask her if it's possible if I have PID, she says I would be in more pain. She refers me to a urologist and gastroenterologist(my abdominal pain was concerning to her). I go to my urologist first(May 29th), she tells me that she believes that due to all the antibiotics I have been taking since December my urethra and stomach have not had time to heal(which I totally agree). She does a vaginal exam(looks fine). She brings up pelvic floor issues and does a fast exam on me, but it doesn't seem abnormal. However, she said its still a possibility. She basically tells me that she thinks I need to stay off antibiotics, use cranberry pills, and visiting the GI is a good idea. She also gave me a lubricant to apply down there just to see if it eases the pain. I have an call with her in two weeks to update her.
Two days after, I visit my GI. I do have constipation, burping, and such. He basically said I don't know what it is but, he prescribed me Pantoprazole to take before breakfast and suggested I use miralax. I also have a follow up call with him.
My results came back from my gyno that I have BV, she told me that it usually goes away on its own, but she will send an antibiotic just in case. Which worries me because of what the urologist said. I am still experiencing pain when I pee, pelvic pain, abdominal pain, pain on my left side, buttotcks pain, and lower back pain as of right now, the pain isn't excruciating, but its there. Sometimes it feels like stabbing in my back or my pelvic like just hurts. I do have some pain in my actual vaginal hole and sometimes it just hurts, kinda like I’m in my period, but I’m not. Also, when I sneeze my pelvic area hurtsss. It feels sore. I’m assuming it’s a pelvic floor issue but I’m not sure. I am going to ask my gyno to refer me to a urogynecologist to look into pelvic floor issues, but I am tired. I need some help, please. Also, how do you test for PID?
submitted by Few-Pick-6133 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:37 kidaore Japan haul, swatches, and shop reviews

Japan haul, swatches, and shop reviews
The goals: focus mostly on store originals, exclusives, or limited editions -- things that are hard to get or way more expensive in the US — and get my first gold-nibbed pen.
The damage: we’re not talking about it. Thank goodness the yen is weak right now.
The shops(Context that might be helpful - I speak Japanese, although it’s a little rusty from infrequent use since I moved back to the US. I never spoke with shop employees in English, so I can’t comment on language ability at any of these places.)
  • TAG Kyoto (main store on Karasuma-dori): TAG shines for its collection of Kyoto-themed stuff, obviously. Otherwise, it’s fun to browse but I found the pens/ink area more cluttered and less inviting than some other places, and the selection is narrower. The ink swatches aren’t in a collected book, they’re kind of just on laminated sheets next to the displays, so it was less easy to compare across collections. I didn’t test any pens since I wanted to do my pen shopping in Tokyo, so I don’t have much to say about the service experience here - the employees let me browse solo and didn’t hover (or, from another perspective, kind of ignored us haha.) Definitely still worth a stop, though.
  • Nagasawa (Sannomiya): probably the most balanced selection of high end and low end stuff. I got a Kakuno here and also could have spent way more on a pen - they’ve got a very wide range of options. I’m biased because I love Kobe, maybe, but I am a sucker for their ink. Lovely main line variety plus some cool limited edition colors and special editions (like the anniversary collaboration with one of the regional railways for an ink the color of their train cars!). I kind of wanted to get my bearings and the shop employee was great about it: she let me look by myself to start after only a couple brief recommendations, but was very helpful once I needed assistance with questions and proactively asked if I wanted extra wrapping on the ink bottles for the plane once I asked about tax-free and established myself as a tourist vs a resident. The fountain pen section feels like a little jewel box tucked into the larger store, and it’s really very approachable because you’ve also got middle schoolers picking up new school supplies a few feet away in the other areas of the store. Love!
  • Kingdom Note: I like that they have their inventory online so you can do a scan through the vintage stuff and do a little pre-visit prep. I found the array of pens on the wall somewhat bewildering so having a couple of specifics from the website felt like a nice way to ease myself into it. The employee I spoke with was helpful, offering up swatch books when I said I was looking for inks and proactively offering tax-free once I mentioned we were visiting from the States. I ultimately bought three inks here and no pens, but if you’re looking for a well-run place with an excellent selection of vintage/secondhand stuff along with the new pens and a HUGE selection of exclusive inks, Kingdom Note is it. If you’re in Tokyo and want a generalist FP shop because you’ll only be able to get to one, I think Kingdom Note is the one I’d recommend.
  • Shosaikan: honestly, the place was a bit intimidating, at least at first. It’s kind of tucked away, doesn’t have any shop windows showing off pens or any real indication of what you’ll find inside, and opening the door leads you into a dim entryway lined with VERY EXPENSIVE pens in beautiful, softly lit display cases. The entire place feels quiet, like a library? Or maybe one of those ultra exclusive social clubs or speakeasies - dim lighting, hushed conversation, very relaxing, but I felt very underdressed in my Birkenstocks and backpack somehow haha. There were no other customers and two employees present; each welcomed me, and one came to help me with my purchase. The employee who helped me listened to my hopes for a pen (first gold nib, I like the form factor of my Muji so I’d like something slimmer vs a chunky pen, I definitely wanted something from a Japanese vs a western brand since this would be a souvenir, and a rough budget) and guided me helpfully to take a look at a couple specific models on display. She was very knowledgeable and was a great guide through my first big purchase of a higher-end pen.
    We chatted bit about other preferences and narrowed it down to pens that had decorative aspects/designs on them, vs plain colors; I tested the Kanazawa Leaf model, a Pilot Capless with raden inlay, and a Sailor 1911 with maki-e, I think? I handled all three out of the case to make sure I wanted to try them (this is when I discovered that the Capless isn’t for me!) and the employee helping me put the two I was going to test write with into a leather tray. I walked around just admiring the pens on display for a bit while she set up, and she called me back over once she had set up the testing space and pulled out the chair for me. She examined the nibs, wiped down the pens with a soft cloth, and set up a few different papers for me to test on. We chatted about the trip thus far and the pens while I tested, and I made my decision. She handed over their ink swatch book for me to page through while she packed up my pen and I ultimately decided on Kuchiba to match the pen. I’m normally not one to care much about matching ink to pens, but this felt like the right pairing.
    Although I spent a mere fraction of the money that I’m sure Shosaikan sees regularly, I was incredibly well taken care of here, and what could have been an exercise in imposter syndrome turned into a lovely, luxurious, and enjoyable experience. Bonus: they offered me a gift item with the purchase (either a pen sleeve/wrap, a business card holder, or a small memo pad, all in gorgeous black pebbled leather with their logo embossed subtly on it - I chose the sleeve). I’m not sure if this is once you hit a spending threshold or happens with every purchase, but it was very classy. A+ experience all the way around.
  • Sekaido: the polar opposite of Shosaikan in many ways. Busy AF, packed with stuff that mostly isn’t for fountain pens (I was here for other stationery and paper) but they have a small fountain pen corner and will let you test. I wanted a broad nib to play with since I love my TWSBI Vac700R’s stub nib, but the BB available on the 74 felt too wide and I went down to a B. Even without tax free, the prices were very decent here because they do a blanket discount from listed prices. A bare-bones testing experience (pull out pen, lay it on glass display case with a single note pad for you to test while standing) but I suppose that’s also the vibe of the place - they’re very clear that they consider themselves a discount shop. Some paper on the first floor (notebooks etc), some on the second floor near calligraphy/dip pen supplies. An excellent stop if you’re willing to deal with the busy, somewhat cramped aisles.
  • Ancora: cute!! Inviting and bright in a way that felt very approachable, and the shop was active but not packed. Ancora feels “younger” than some of the other shops - whereas Shosaikan is a luxury that feels like a bygone era, and Kingdom Note is the kind of place I’d expect to see salarymen or consultant types, Ancora is kind of trendy. There were a couple other shoppers browsing or being helped by employees, so I did have to gently flag down a person to help as it cleared out, but no big deal. They set me up at a little desk with a couple paper options to test the lavender set and the penguin dip pen, and because the dip pens are handmade and thus not identical, the employee showed me the two they had and pointed out minute differences in the face, wings, and body so I could choose the one I liked better. Also an excellent experience.
  • Okamotoya: very hands off service and a small section dedicated to the pens that was occupied when I got there, so we mostly got non-FP stuff here. Spendy compared to some other stores. It’s nice but I don’t think it’s high on my priority list to go back.
  • Bungubox: The shop is tiny. I was here specifically for a bottle of Ink Tells More Eternal First Love, which I’ve been jonesing for since I first saw a swatch online, but the rest of the inks were tempting me hardcore. (My spouse was starting to side-eye my growing ink pile in the luggage by this point in the trip, otherwise I would have gotten more.) They have all of their inks loaded into a variety of pens that you can write with and swatch yourself versus just having a book of swatches or even going to do a dip test, which I love. It’s a nice testing experience.
Now -- the purchases!
The pens: - Platinum Kanazawa Leaf in the changing leaves design, M - Sailor ancōra Lavender, F - Pilot Custom 74, B - Kakuno x Nagasawa Kobe skyline, F - Sailor Tuzu, M - Pilot Desk Pen, M - Plus a bonus first fountain pen for my spouse! (Black matte LAMY Safari in F after he bought the Shibuya Pokemon Card Lounge exclusive LAMY rollerball and liked it.)
The inks (right page, not in this order - these are all swatched in my current bullet journal, which is unbranded paper that tends to not show sheen or shading particularly well):
  • Non-shop-specific: Iroshizuku Momiji, Fuyu-syogun, Asa-gao, and Kon-peki; Sailor Yumeraku Byakuya
  • Nagasawa KobeINK Monogatari: Kitano Pearl Silver, Nunobiki Emerald, and a special edition Kitano Antique Sepia that’s not swatched in this bullet journal so I’ll include a photo of the Col-o-ring swatch instead)
  • TAG: Kyo no Oto Fushimi
  • Shosaikan: Kuchiba
  • Okamotoya: Ichigo Jam
  • Kingdom Note: Sakuratake (Mycena pura), “Cinderella Sea Cow” (Hypselodoris apolegma… I love that sea slugs are called “sea cows” in Japanese) and Kabukicho Neon
  • Ancōra: the special rainy-day ink (Amefuri) and the Lavender ink included in the set
  • Bungubox: Love Tells More Eternal First Love
  • if anyone is looking for samples of the above inks, I’d be willing to do a small number of decants into sample vials!
submitted by kidaore to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:20 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress patterns and page templates

WordPress Patterns and Page Templates

Key Takeaways

Unleash the power of WordPress with Gutenberg patterns and page templates, the cornerstone of creating visually appealing and high-performing websites. Whether you’re crafting an engaging homepage or optimizing for speed, these tools offer unparalleled flexibility and ease of use.

What are WordPress Patterns and How Do They Differ from Page Templates?

WordPress patterns are pre-designed layouts of blocks that you can insert into your content to create complex layouts quickly. Page templates, on the other hand, are predesigned page layouts that include all necessary elements for a specific type of page. Patterns offer modular design elements, whereas templates provide a comprehensive framework for entire pages.
Creating an engaging website is made simpler with WordPress’s Gutenberg editor, leveraging its rich library of block patterns and comprehensive page templates. These tools empower both novices and seasoned web designers to construct professional, consistent websites with ease. By integrating WordPress patterns and templates, along with optimizing for performance and engaging content presentation, you can significantly enhance the user experience and effectiveness of your WordPress site.

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress?
  2. Understanding WordPress Patterns
  3. Using WordPress Templates
  4. Optimizing Page Template Performance
  5. Samples You Can Try
  6. Types of Gutenberg Patterns
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a leading content management system (CMS) that simplifies web design for many users. With features like patterns and templates, WordPress makes creating a website accessible and efficient.

Understanding WordPress Patterns

WordPress patterns are predefined designs that form the basic structure of your website. These can be customized to create unique web pages. Patterns can be created manually within a post or page in the WordPress dashboard and inserted using the block inserter.

Steps to Create Patterns:

  1. Select Type: Choose the type of pattern you want to create, such as a header, footer, or hero section.
  2. Place Blocks: Begin placing blocks onto the page and customize them to your preferences.
  3. Save Pattern: Once customized, save it as its own block or group of blocks for future reuse.
  4. Use Pattern: Drag and drop the pattern into place from your library of saved patterns.

Using WordPress Templates

WordPress page templates are predesigned layouts for specific types of pages, such as an about, contact, or product page. These templates include sections for headers, footers, images, text boxes, and more.

Steps to Use Templates:

  1. Select Template: In the editor’s sidebar menu, choose the ‘Page Templates’ option.
  2. Customize: Select a template and fill out all sections until the page is ready for publishing.
  3. Publish: Publish your newly customized layout.

Optimizing Page Template Performance

To ensure optimal performance, follow these best practices:

Samples You Can Try

Create a Home Page Template with a Prominently Featured "About Us" Section

  1. Design Layout: Determine sections such as sliders, call-to-action buttons, and menus.
  2. Place "About Us" Section: Position it prominently to highlight your brand.
  3. Structure Content: Emphasize core values, history, and team members with visuals.
  4. Link Elements: Ensure all elements link to relevant internal or external pages.
  5. Test and Optimize: Make sure the design works across different devices and browsers.

A Blog Template with a Sidebar Featuring Related Content

  1. Main Template Structure: Decide on the content types and overall layout.
  2. Sidebar Design: Include popular posts, recent posts, and categories.
  3. Plugins/Widgets: Use “Related Posts” or custom solutions to display related content.
  4. Test Functionality: Ensure content displays correctly across devices and browsers.

Types of Gutenberg Patterns

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a new pattern to my WordPress site?

Navigate to the ‘Patterns’ tab in the Gutenberg editor. Browse and select from various options available in the directory. Click to add the desired pattern to your page or post.

Does using Gutenberg patterns affect my site’s privacy policy?

Using Gutenberg patterns does not directly affect your site’s privacy policy. Ensure that any external content or links included align with your privacy policy guidelines.

Where can I find patterns that match my theme’s style?

In the Gutenberg editor, go to the ‘Patterns’ tab and use the search function to find patterns that complement your theme’s aesthetic. Some themes also offer custom collections.

How do developers contribute to the Gutenberg directory?

Developers can create and submit patterns to the WordPress.org directory using provided tools to build and preview them before submission.

Are there examples of how patterns can enhance my website’s layout?

Yes, our blog features multiple examples showcasing how different patterns can enhance your site’s layout and functionality.

Can I follow Gutenberg pattern updates on Twitter?

Absolutely! Follow our official Twitter account for updates, new releases, and tips for Gutenberg users and developers.

Is there a way to preview a pattern before applying it?

Yes, selecting a pattern from the ‘Patterns’ tab in Gutenberg shows a preview, allowing you to see how it will look in your post or page before applying it.

Can I customize the background of a Gutenberg pattern?

Many patterns allow customization, including changing the background. Select the pattern and use the block settings to modify colors, images, or other background elements.

How do I apply and modify blocks within a pattern?

After adding a pattern to your page, click on individual blocks within the pattern to modify them. Customize, move, or delete blocks as needed.

How do blocks and patterns work together in Gutenberg?

Patterns in Gutenberg are collections of blocks arranged in a specific layout. Add them to your page and then customize individual blocks within the pattern.

What should I name my custom pattern for easy identification?

Give your custom pattern a unique and descriptive name to make it easier to find and reuse on your WordPress site.

Where can I find more information and support for using Gutenberg patterns?

Visit the WordPress.org support forums for detailed information, community discussions, and answers to common questions.

Can I leave comments or feedback on specific Gutenberg patterns?

While the WordPress.org directory might not have a direct mechanism for comments, you can often leave feedback in related forums or on blog posts where these patterns are discussed.

Additional Resources

Official WordPress Website: wordpress.org WordPress Codex: codex.wordpress.org WordPress Theme Directory: wordpress.org/themes MaxiBlocks: maxiblocks.com YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:02 YesITriedYoga My path to an EDS diagnosis (USA)

I've typed this up a couple of times so I thought I'd make a dedicated post. Getting an EDS diagnosis can be challenging. I hope my experience can help others. I live in the US so my experience is specific to the US. It would be awesome to hear about the experiences of people living outside the US in the comments.
I started by self-referring to genetic testing through Genome Medical. They have genetic counselors on staff who can recommend the appropriate tests, help you submit insurance claims, and interpret your results.
As you probably read hyper-mobile EDS doesn’t have a confirmed genetic marker so your results (like mine) may be inconclusive. My genetic counselor recommended I check out the services of Dr. Wilson Golder at Kinder Genome. Dr. Golder has a validated self-assessment for EDS. He will send you the questionnaire and the scoring criteria for free via email. If you’d like, he will score your results and write a letter to your doctor for $100. The letter is not a diagnosis (because he isn’t performing a clinical evaluation) instead it’s a description of how your responses compare to the results of people who have been diagnosed with EDS. This letter can be helpful evidence of your need for further assessment and may be taken more seriously than your request because it’s coming from another doctor. You do not have to complete any genetic testing in order to work with Dr. Golder.
Recently I took a slightly different approach to genetic testing to get a bigger picture understanding of my health. I took two commercial DNA tests (ancestry and 23 and me). I downloaded the results and used them to get a report from Prometheus for ~ $25. You can get a Prometheus report with only one sample but I opted for 2 because commercial DNA testing can have some errors and using two samples can control for some errors. All together this cost me about $250-$275 USD. There are less expensive DNA tests and coupons that could reduce that cost.
Prometheus compares your DNA to a database of all published papers about DNA markers (SNpedia) and gives you information about the likelihood that you have a related genetic difference. It is not the same as clinical DNA testing. If you don’t have medical insurance that will cover self-referral to a service like Genome Medical this approach could be a helpful option for starting a conversation with your doctor about getting a referral to a genetic counselor for medical testing. It’s also kinda interesting to see the full genome- I learned that I’m likely to be lactose intolerant and I’ve seen some improvement in my digestive health after adjusting my diet accordingly (idk how I made it to 36 not knowing I’m lactose intolerant but here we are).
By now you’ve probably seen the EDS diagnostic checklist from the EDS Society. This checklist has some flaws - first (and probably most annoyingly) it does have to be completed by a clinician. I’ve seen a lot of patients say that their doctor either refused to complete the checklist or did it poorly. The first doctor I asked to do the checklist totally messed it up. She told me I wasn’t hypermobile when I score a 9/9 on the Beighton. Second, this checklist was developed to identify patients for inclusion in research and has a lot of flaws as a clinical diagnostic tool. Third, the EDS society’s classification of EDS subgroups is a bit problematic generally. I won’t get into the details but know that you should take it with a grain of salt.
Finally, while most resources suggest that a GP, rheumatologist, or a geneticist can make a hEDS diagnosis I’ve found that orthopedic doctors actually know the most about EDS. Almost every orthopedic doctor I’ve seen has suggested I have hEDS unprompted — which feels totally wild after trying so hard to convince the doctors who “should” diagnose EDS that I have it. You might have more luck talking to an orthopedic doctor or a physical therapist. You could also try looking for an EDS-literate doctor or PT in your area using the EDS Society’s Healthcare Professional Directory.
Best of luck to everyone on their diagnostic journey!
submitted by YesITriedYoga to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:00 First-Maintenance679 524 as a terrible procrastinator

524 as a terrible procrastinator
I Scored 524 on 4/27 exam as a person who was never very good at studying, being organized, or sticking to a schedule. I studied pretty consistently for about three months before the exam but was also working full time except for the last three weeks which I took off to focus on the exam. I had tried to study for it before a few times and given up during my gap years (I am currently in my third.) I think what really made me commit to studying was having my exam date scheduled, so the anxiety of the looming test date forced me to actually buckle down and study.
Disclaimer: This is my personal experience. YMMV.
Resources I used:
Anki: cannot overstate how much this was a game changer. Started with Milesdown but eventually updated to Anking and MrPankow in the last month or so. Towards the end I started making my own cards of stuff that I would personally miss or UWhirl questions that gave me trouble.
Kaplan books (except CARS): Like I said, I had tried to study a few times before and given up, so I ended up probably reading through them fully about twice. I think they give you a good idea of anything that you could be expected to know for the exam and then some. Also I did have two different editions and noticed that the newer version actually included less content. Don’t get discouraged if the chapter questions or some of the content is really difficult - it goes a little further in depth than you need to know but only a little.
JackWestin/CARS: CARS is so weird but his stuff was good for training yourself and not much else. Don’t take it too harshly if you fail some passages. His other sections were also good but a little bit picky. Good for content review but not much else. I did at least one CARS per day. Generally for CARS I would honestly just recommend reading more novels to increase your speed and comprehension.
UWhirl: Really another game changer in terms of understanding and performance. Started off small with section of 10-20 then moved to blocks of 59 tutored. I recommend all the sections, CARS included. C/P is particularly representative in my opinion. Averaged like 86% 50% completed.
AAMC CARS: did the diagnostic and the first q pack. Scored like 70-80%. This is the real place you should be focusing if you think you’ll struggle with CARS. To be honest, I didn’t really find that much benefit in reviewing my answers and explanations here - I think most of the improvement came from just being exposed to new passage and question types.
AAMC Q Packs: didn’t use most of them…did most of physics because that is a weak area for me. Generally they were not representative or too easy. First AAMC resource on the chopping block if you don’t have time.
AAMC SB: Very good resource and includes some of the hardest topics and question types you will see on the exam. I wouldn't focus on your percentages, especially if you are reviewing them very well. I scored 85-90% on them all.
AAMC Practice Exams: most important resource of all. I didn’t use any third party exams except BP HL diagnostic (517) like 1.5 months out. I saved all the AAMC exams for the last month. I would recommend flagging every question you are unsure of for when you review. I didn't do this for the first couple which made it so much harder to review them. Score were as follows in the order I completed them. I didn't do the unscored sample. I completed one per week the month of April with two in one week the week before the exam.
FL 1: 524 (132/131/131/130) FL 2: 520 (130/130/130/130) FL 5: 526 (132/130/132/132) FL 4: 523 (131/129/132/131) FL 3: 528 (132/132/132/132)
Month 1: Mainly content review. Read through all the books and answered the questions. Did JW passages almost everyday. There were definitely a lot of days that I skipped or took breaks. I was pretty consistent with Anki everyday. Started doing small sections of UWhirl
Month 2: Started doing a lot more UWhirl and stopped unfocused content review. Anything that I was reviewing was because I didn't understand a practice question or was having trouble with an Anki cared. Also started doing AAMC CARS consistently.
Month 3: AAMC materials and practice exams. Stopped UWhirl pretty early on and focused on AAMC almost exclusively, doing some focused content review when things got confusing.
On test day, there were definitely questions I did not know the answer to, but I cannot say there was a single concept that was absolutely foreign to me. Maybe the passage was very convoluted and weird, but the content/questions were never a surprise.
Overall, I would say the things that are harped on here quite a bit are almost always true:
-Give yourself a lot of grace. I was working full time and would take a lot of breaks and always feel behind, but there is so much to study that it would be a little weird if you felt on top of everything and felt confident about CARS.
-Trust your FL average. They are the most representative resource. After the exam, detach from the MCAT completely. Make an active effort to not think about it. Focus on work or go on vacation. Any energy expended on the MCAT while waiting on your score is energy wasted.
You're all gonna do great - you got this!! :)
submitted by First-Maintenance679 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:34 devilledeggss I got a job!!!

I'm about to finish my 3rd year of teaching at the age of 26. I gave it the old college try, and I've hated almost every second of this career. I told my principals in March that I most likely would not be returning to my school next year. I had no job set up and even submitted my resignation letter to HR while still going through the application and interview process for multiple jobs. After searching for months and applying for any and everything that seemed to even remotely match my skillset, I finally got a job offer!
I'll be working fulltime in the lab at a queer-centered medical center, and the job includes processing blood and urine samples to be sent out and tested. I'm so excited to have a normal job that involves mostly menial tasks and following step-by-step instructions. With my biology background (bachelor's), I'm hoping to use this as a stepping stone to advance my career in a biology lab and maybe even go back to school one day. But I'm mostly just excited to not be regularly overstimulated by my job. And, as a queer person, I feel like I got the one and only queer-centered biology job in my city. I'm just over the moon about everything except the small pay cut and the more expensive benefits, but that's a small price to pay to escape the abusive relationship of education. (Plus there are overtime opportunities that I'll actually get paid for!!!)
If you're trying to transition out of teaching and are feeling discouraged, this is your sign to keep trying! Submit any and all applications to jobs that interest you even a little bit. There is someone out there who is ready and willing to take a chance on you as a former teacher, even if you don't perfectly match the qualifications listed in the job description. In my situation, I asked my interviewers what stood out to them on my application that made them want to interview me, and the lab manager told me she's always looking for people who want to break into the field of biology.
Happy job hunting, fellow teachers in transition! Keep your head up because you have SO MUCH to offer this world <3
submitted by devilledeggss to TeachersInTransition [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:25 AbleSignificance4604 claims to the theory of evolution

a small lyrical digression, I was sitting on YouTube, watching a lecture on evolution and decided to read the comments, to my surprise, there were quite a lot of creationists in the comments, well, in general, not the point, except for stupid comments like "these Darwinists descended from monkeys, but I'm not" there was one long comment with claims to evolution, I will give this comment in parentheses and try to answer some of the statements of this Creoceonist
here is that comment (The theory of evolution is a wrong explanation of the facts. No one disputes that organisms can change (mutate, undergo selection) , but these changes are limited, which we observe: bacteria change, but they remain bacteria, flies - flies, people - people. And the changes beyond the genus - these are speculations that are refuted by the absence of transitional species. There is only a false attempt to present different species as ancestors to each other and supposedly pass off "interregnum" as interspecies. I will quote the words of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.Golimova, Director of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry: "The concept of evolution by small successive changes is not confirmed in the facts of paleontology either. Researchers have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that
there are no intermediate forms in the fossils of geological strata, which would indicate a smooth transition from one species to another. ...Sampling takes place not in one, but in hundreds of geological sections. Therefore, if intermediate forms had taken place, they would have been statistically inevitable." (The phenomenon of life: between equilibrium and nonlinearity. The origin and principles of evolution. pp. 22-23 - M. 2006)There is no smooth transition between a monkey and a human. Australopithecus and early homo are also fragments of remains of various types of monkeys and humans, arranged by evolutionists according to their interested order, as well as remains with changes in the skull or skeleton due to genetic disorders, radiation, infection, etc. For example, microcephaly (see Zanziman Elly, Azzo Bassou, Schlitzi), acromegaly (see Maurice Tillet). There are plenty of examples. And we need to look not at the reconstruction, but at the fragments of the remains themselves. I will also cite a number of errors that played a major role in the formation of this theory: 1. The myth of the 1% difference. The lie that human and chimpanzee DNA are 99% similar has long been refuted, but people are still being misled by it. Links are deleted (copy to the search engine): the myth of 1%, Science Today, 95% (PNAS) is already considered, and those who compare the entire DNA chain, rather than individual sections, get a much greater difference. Any similarity of different species is a similarity according to a single plan, and not an explanation of kinship. The Creator should not have created everyone completely different. 2 The biogenetic law (that the human embryo allegedly repeats its past evolutionary stages) has been refuted for a long time, but is still present in textbooks. Link: Haeckel's embryos: fraud rediscovered, Science. From Wikipedia: "he played a significant role in the history of the development of science, but in the twentieth century he was refuted and is not recognized by modern biological science." Read more about the myths about gills, tail, etc. at the link: (myths about embryos). 3. An eoanthrope. An equally grandiose scam, where since 1912 the public has been deceived for 40+ years by faking an allegedly transitional stage, passing it off as a clear proof of the theory of evolution and ignoring refutations, holding on to outright lies until the last, until 1953, and then only after a series of clearly revealing tests. And this is the time of two of the most destructive wars for materialistic interests. 4. Rudiments are not organs that have lost all or part of their functions, but the necessary organs or functions of which are still unclear. In 1893, the German anatomist R. Wiedersheim indicated 86 rudiments in his book "The Structure of man: an index of his past history", then the list was expanded to ~ 150. Due to ignorance, vital organs were counted among them: knee menisci, thyroid, thymus and pineal glands. Functions have also been found for the previously popular appendix and coccyx. 5. Atavisms. The multi-hairiness is refuted by the appearance of nipples all over the body, and not on the milk lines. The "tail" is a process that is formed in the womb as a result of violations of the laying of the neural tube. Hairiness is just a disease. See Hypertrichosis. 6. Dating is 1) a subjective assessment, it is impossible to objectively verify this. I will quote the words of the popular evolutionist D.B.N. Markov: "As a result, each individual radiometric method often gives erroneous dates. Therefore, scientists try to date the same layer using several independent methods. If the results are more or less the same, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. If not, they begin to scrupulously search for possible sources of errors and develop a variety of intricate corrections. Unfortunately, there is another tactic: from several received dates, the one that best corresponds to the views of the researchers is chosen, and for the rest of the dates they begin to purposefully search for "compromising material".2) all the factors in the past that could affect the results are not known. For example, the effect of ultraviolet light, the reservoir effect. And the soft tissues found (blood vessels, proteins, and even DNA fragments) in dinosaur remains dating back "up to 200 million years" cause confusion and debate about the reality of dating. 3) or if all matter was created with the already set parameters of the "atomic clock", then there is no point even calculating. For example, Adam was not created as an infant, but already at an age. 7 The Miller-Urey experiment. We have obtained several amino acids, which by themselves cannot even form into a protein (a special peptide bond is required), not to mention further steps. However, many people try to pass off the receipt of the simplest organic matter as the origin of life. It is obvious that such processes occur by the will of Reason, and not by chance.)
now I want to make my comments about this comment, firstly, the dude did not understand what rudiments are. I will give an example, if I hammer nails with a microscope, then yes, the microscope will have a function, but this is not its original function, secondly, the author talks about evolution, but for some reason includes abiogenesis. I will not comment further due to the fact that I am still studying the theory of evolution and do not want to say anything stupid, so you can supplement my answers
submitted by AbleSignificance4604 to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:50 Pristine-Spring-4724 The role of mega menus in e-commerce websites

The Role of Mega Menus in E-commerce Websites

WordPress Navigation Menu Samples: Mega Menus
Frequently Asked Questions About Mega Menus in E-commerce Websites
What is a mega menu? A mega menu is an expandable navigation menu that displays multiple options in a large dropdown layout. It's designed to help users navigate complex websites more easily by showcasing all available choices at once, often categorized into sections.
How do mega menus enhance user experience on e-commerce sites? Mega menus enhance user experience by providing a clear, comprehensive overview of the website’s offerings. They allow users to see all their options at a glance, reducing the time it takes to find products or information. This can lead to a more satisfying shopping experience and help reduce bounce rates.
Are mega menus suitable for all types of e-commerce websites? While mega menus can be beneficial for many e-commerce sites, especially those with a wide range of products or categories, they may not be necessary for smaller sites with limited inventory. The key is to assess your website’s structure and your customers’ needs.
Can mega menus improve my e-commerce site’s SEO? Yes, when properly structured, mega menus can contribute to SEO efforts. By including relevant keywords in the menu and ensuring it’s crawlable by search engines, you can improve your site’s visibility and rankings.
What are some best practices for designing a mega menu? Best practices include keeping the menu organized with logical groupings, using simple and descriptive labels, limiting the number of items to prevent overwhelm, incorporating visuals like images or icons, and ensuring the menu is responsive for mobile users.
Do mega menus affect website loading times? If not optimized correctly, mega menus can impact website loading times due to their size and the additional content they contain. It’s important to ensure that images and scripts are optimized to minimize any potential delays.
How can I ensure my mega menu is mobile-friendly? To make a mega menu mobile-friendly, consider simplifying its structure, using a different layout that’s easier to navigate on smaller screens, or implementing a separate navigation system for mobile users.
Can I use mega menus for purposes other than navigation? Yes, mega menus can also be used to highlight promotions, new arrivals, or featured products, making them a versatile tool for engaging users and driving attention to specific areas of your e-commerce site.
How do I test the effectiveness of my mega menu? You can use A/B testing to compare the performance of your mega menu against other navigation formats or variations of the mega menu itself. Look at metrics such as user engagement, bounce rates, and conversion rates to gauge effectiveness.
Can mega menus be used on both desktop and mobile versions of a site? Yes, but the design and functionality might need to be adjusted for mobile devices to ensure a good user experience. This can include simplifying the menu or adopting a different navigation strategy that’s more suited to touch interactions.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:45 TitansFrontRow Ron Clackafeed, My drinking buddy. Part 1.

(Names are changed as it is not possible to get consent from those involved).
Approximately 15 years ago, I had a thirst for adventure. I set out to discover, through the help of a far more useful at the time search engine, a remote island that was simultaneously friendly enough to Americans that I wouldn't have to worry about being accosted, while also being rustic and "authentic" enough to sate my adventure seeking appetite.
Me? I'm an easy to look at guy with an even easier smile. My doctor calls me "Pleasant" in my records. I've never had issues joining a party... although my preferred space to occupy at any party is not quite on the wall in the corner, but not so far in the thick of things that I'll be required to provide any interaction with the "cool" people.
That said, at the time this story occurred, I was in my young 20's. I'd just come into a lucky sum of money- $3,500 to be exact. And this money came from the insurance company of the man who sideswiped me in downtown Cincinnati. Little did that insurance company know that the accident in question involved a car that I got for free and was driving to the pick and pull junk yard to sell to them.
Well, after the check cleared, I discovered that the perfect place to go would be a little diver's paradise that offered all of the amenities of Cozumel without the ghost of Jacques Cousteau still bringing tourists by the hundreds on a weekly basis.
This place was Belize. More specifically, a little place called "Ambergris Caye", which held a small town called "San Pedro".
After a flight to the inland airport, and a far too long to be so short boat ride, I arrived. I checked in to the "Spindrift" hotel, and I paid for the week up front- $112 American. I was provided a schedule of when I could use water, and a small map of where I could find cheap "Pupusas", which I later learned were a doughy staple food of the poor that were quick and filling.
I got to my room, which was still occupied by a staff member doing some cleaning. They advised me not to put anything in the closet, and left. They came back 5 minutes later with a luggage rack that was duct-taped together, and said I could put my bag on that.
I didn't bother unpacking.
I immediately went to the front desk and asked how people got around town. The front desk person, who I realized was the cleaner, let me know that I could rent a scooter or a golf cart, but the scooters were cheaper. I opted for that.
Once I got on my scooter, and after 5 minutes of instructions provided in the local language, "Creole", I was on my way. I had no GPS. I had no map. It wasn't as though map was necessary, though.
You see, I have fantastic luck. I call it a cosmic coin-flip, but I am ALWAYS on the winning end of that cosmic coin flip. I'll never know why, or how, or what kind of terrible existence I went through in a past life, but something that happened to my internal spirit over the last 20,000 years somehow manifested itself into this (at the time) 20 year period being the luckiest period of time just about anyone could hope for.
After driving around and sampling a few too many Belikin beers (The beer of Belize!), interspersed with relatively few samples of "Gringo not welcome" attitudes, I let my curiosity get the better of me. I found a very long road. I purchased a few bottles of gasoline to put in my little storage box at the front of my scooter, and I started 'North', or at least what the local shopkeeper told me was "north". It didn't really matter, either way.
So, I started driving.
I was told by that famous search engine before I began my travels that there weren't any drug cartels in Belize, and that, transitively, there wasn't a ton of violence. I also read through a years-old-at-the-time blog post that the local government was attempting to woo more Americans, which meant that crimes against tourists was a relatively rare thing. The government was incredibly strict on this, and it wasn't worth it for common criminals to victimize gringos due to the punishment objectively far outweighing the crime.
The only reason I knew how far I went was because of a crummy little odometer on my scooter. But it was 6 miles. That 6 miles took a VERY long time. The road I was on was unimproved, and it was, to put it plainly, an undeveloped jungle at the time.
I made a right here, then a left, and I came upon "The Yellow Cantina". 6.5 miles north of the city.
The bugs were winning at this point, and the sun was going down. I wouldn't have admitted at the time that I was scared. The Yellow Cantina looked a little rough, but frankly, it was a business, and I was hoping it would offer me some sort of quarter. Possibly from the bugs, Possibly from being so terribly lost that I would never make it back.
I parked my scooter and walked in... past the 2 men in a golf cart with machine guns, who eyed me very suspiciously as I walked in, until I managed a very southern "Howdy", and they immediately seemed less than concerned with my existence.
I walked in, and noticed a spot at the bar next to a gray haired man who, frankly, looked weathered from something... probably adventure, I guessed.
I asked if I could take a seat, and the man next to the gray haired 'adventurer' said to make myself comfortable.
I ordered a Belikin, and as I was the "new blood" that was far too north of the city, I started getting questions.
The questions I got asked were so off the wall. It was as though I was being interrogated, but the beers kept coming, and I kept drinking them, while gladly answering. Less than 2 hours and half a dozen beers later, I suppose I passed some sort of unknown test.
The gray adventurer introduced himself as Ron. I eagerly and drunkenly accepted his hand, and introduced myself. Ron then said "You're not here to kill me, are you?"...
And it's funny, because at the time, I thought he was joking.
I responded to the negative, and Ron said "Than we drink!".
Rum shots were poured all around. And as I held that shot glass in the air, raised above the bar, Ron clinked his glass with me, and we gave a quick "cheers" to each other.
That drink began my friendship with Ron Clackafeed, the most infamous resident on all of Ambergris Caye, one of the most polarizing figures in the western world, and someone I considered to one of the greatest influences (for better or worse) of my entire life.
submitted by TitansFrontRow to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:29 philipwill How to Hire Dedicated Mobile App Developers in 2024


Nowadays, mobile applications have become an indispensable part of our lives in the digital era. They have also transformed how we work, communicate, and get information. Nonetheless, successful app development goes beyond a brilliant idea – it necessitates technical support from a skilled and dependable application developer.
In the crowded app market, finding the right developer can be overwhelming because not all developers have requisite qualifications and experience. This blog will enlighten you on how to hire an app developer by explaining why it is crucial to make the best selection and elaborating on difficulties involved as well as steps you should take to guarantee that your hiring process ends up being productive.

Define Your Project Requirements

Before embarking on the journey of hiring an app developer, it’s important to have a clear picture of what your project needs. Begin by understand properly what kind of an app you want and for whom the mobile application is being developed. Identify those features that are absolutely necessary in order for the application to be successful and satisfy its users.
As such, you should define the target platforms (e.g., iOS or Android) on which you want your app to run because this will determine what kind of developers who would work best. Moreover, define a realistic development timeline and budget that matches the level of complexity expected from your project as well as its desired quality. This in turn helps streamline the hiring process by ensuring that you get someone who can effectively bring this vision into reality.

Determine the Type of Developer You Need

Knowing project demands clearly is the first step in identifying the kind of developer you need. There are three main options: in-house developers, freelancers and agencies. Each has its own pros and cons.
The advantage of hiring in-house developers is that they are fully dedicated to your project and have a deep understanding of your company's culture and goals. Nonetheless, it is costly to recruit and keep them within the organization and you might also experience limitations in terms of expertise or scalability.
Freelancers on the other hand allow for flexibility, they are cost effective hence enabling one to tap into a global talent pool. They can work remotely from different parts of the world with specialized skills. Nonetheless, finding reliable freelancer who can give consistent results may be challenging while communication and project management require extra input.
Agencies on their part offer a team of experienced developers with diverse skill sets. They usually have established procedures for handling complex projects more efficiently. However, agency services may turn out to be expensive as well as having less direct control over development process.
Think about factors like budget, complexity of the project, timeline, level of control/communication when deciding on what type of developer you want. Weigh carefully between advantages and disadvantages before making an informed decision that aligns with your project’s needs taking into account available resources as well.

Assess Technical Skills

In order to guarantee a successful project, it’s crucial to evaluate the technical capabilities of prospective app developers. Start by assessing their competence in basic programming languages and frameworks applicable to your target platforms such as Swift or Kotlin for iOS and Android correspondingly. Ask them how much they know about specific tools and technologies that are suitable for your project like databases, APIs, third-party libraries etc.
Moreover, understanding of design principles and user experience (UX) is important when creating intuitive visually appealing apps. Developers should show knowledge of UI/UX best practices, usability testing and accessibility guidelines. Finally, easy deployment without any bottlenecks during the release process could be achieved only when an application developer gets acquainted with app store guidelines and submission processes.
By going through these technical skills in depth you will be able to identify developers with necessary expertise who will help translate your app vision into reality leveraging adherence to industry standards and best practices.

Evaluate Soft Skills

While there is no doubt that technical skills are a must, it is equally important to assess the soft skills of prospective app developers. This means that your team should be able to communicate effectively with each other and work together for the good of the product. Do not engage programmers who do not know how to listen actively, express their ideas and work as a team.
Another valuable trait in app developers is strong problem-solving and critical thinking abilities since application development often involves problem solving and coming up with new solutions. Developers need to be able to critically analyze problems from different perspectives so as to come up with efficient strategies.
Moreover, time management is crucial in meeting deadlines. Seek developers who can prioritize tasks, manage their workload efficiently, and consistently deliver high-quality work within agreed-upon timelines.
Lastly, devs who have passion for learning and staying up-to-date in fast-paced app world are more likely to succeed in developing cutting-edge apps that will stay relevant in future too. Continuing professional development helps these types of programmers create applications that are ahead of their time.

Review Portfolios and References

It is important to assess a developer’s portfolio and references when selecting a new employee. You may need to ask for samples of their previous works, including completed applications, prototypes or quotes from code lines. Take time to go through the examples so as to understand how they write codes, if they are careful oriented person and if they did quality work in general.
Also, try scanning through their online portfolios as well as app store listings if any. It will give you an idea about what kind of projects they dealt with most times, their design themes and reviews by users. Some attention should be paid to how complex the apps they have been developing are and whether or not these programs have user-friendly interfaces.
Finally, it is essential that you verify references given by developers’ former clients. Contact them for fresh feedback on the developer’s approach in handling tasks both in writing and orally plus his adherence to timelines and demands of particular projects. Good ones represent a positive attitude towards reliability and skillfulness.
You can evaluate a developer’s capabilities, industry experience and attitude towards work among other things that enable one make an informed decision during employment process by thoroughly reviewing portfolios and references.

Conduct Interviews and Technical Assessments

After paring down your options and creating a sublist, you must conduct interviews as well as technical assessments. These should be extensive questions specifically covering the developer's technical capability, problem-solving skills and project management acumen. Moreover, consider including technical assessments or coding challenges that encourage them to demonstrate their practical skills and thought processes.
As you do the interview, give close attention to the developer's communication style, clarity of complex ideas expression and how they fit in your firm’s culture. Consider whether they are compatible with your team’s dynamics, work ethics as well as values.
Remember that hiring a developer is not only about finding out who has the right technical skills but also getting someone who can easily blend in into your company’s culture and be a collaborative partner. If you carry out thorough interviews and assessments, then you get insights on whether a candidate is suitable for this position thus assuring a good working relationship with increased productivity.


To ensure that your project is a success, hiring the right app developer is an important decision. This must be accompanied by an extensive recruitment exercise, which must also take into account technical skills evaluation, portfolios; soft skills, and cultural alignment. Take time to screen potential candidates and then decide wisely. Although it may look difficult at first, the benefits of getting a good developer who shares your vision and values are immense. Put in some work in the beginning to make sure that you have a painless development experience and end up with a quality app that serves your purpose.

Get Expert Guidance: DM for More Information

For detailed guidance on hiring app developers, project cost estimates, and expert advice, feel free to direct message me. I'll provide personalized insights to streamline your hiring process.
submitted by philipwill to AppDevelopers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:28 Acceptable-Fee-4611 Diagnosis advice

Hi, i’m 20 and from the UK and i’m currently struggling with getting my GP to take me seriously enough regarding (what i suspect to be) endo pain.
For a bit of background, my periods have always been very very irregular, i’ve never known when to expect it and when i did have my periods, they’d last for up to 2 weeks with heavy bleeding. I used to go through 3-5 of the biggest tampon sizes a day and would often bleed through still. The pain was pretty bad too and when i was 15 i was given blood clotting medication to ease the bleeding. I’ve been on the Progesterone only pill on and off now since i was 15/16. I came off of it around September last year to try get a period, but it was still painful and heavy. I experience pretty bad cramping/pain in the same area after sex.
Summer last year i visited my GP with complaints of pelvic pain, more near my left ovary. She did a smear test - ruling out abnormal cells/STIs and referred me to the hospital for a transvaginal and external scan. I only ended up having the external scan over my bladder and uterus and was never told why they didnt go through with the internal scan. The results of that came back clear and i never heard anything back. The pain still consisted and about a month ago, i phoned my GP again as the pain had come back worse. However, i’ve now been experiencing bloating in my lower abdomen. I’m quite thin and small as it is, so this bloating is very obvious and once i relax my belly, i look about 6 months pregnant. ive trialled cutting out certain foods however this doesnt seem to be the case behind the bloating. When i’m bloated, ive noticed the pain again, in the same area on my pelvic region. This week ive been experiencing it again, but i was having a sharp stabbing pain in my cervix that went into my inner left thigh.
The appointment with my GP last month really got to me. It was a different GP to the last one, she felt my abdomen, which hurt, took my blood pressure and made me do a urine sample. She told me the pain is ‘just being a woman’ and that she thinks its a kidney problem, nothing to do with my uterus/ovaries. Low and behold, my urine sample came back all clear and she’s apparently referring me for a bladder scan.
Whilst i know a lot of GPs dont have full training in this area, its really stressful to feel like im back at square one again. Pain killers hardly cut it at the moment and it’s affecting me mentally. Ive just written an E-consult asking to be reffered to the gynaecologist, but im just worrying this isnt going to happen. I know typically endo takes years for a diagnosis, but im just wondering if anyone else struggled with being ‘listened to’ and how they managed to get their diagnosis. Thank you
submitted by Acceptable-Fee-4611 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:26 Inner-Macaroon-5014 Do I need statistical test for my optimization study? HELP

Hello! I'm doing an optimization study where I initially used 1 sample (HIV-negative sample) to optimize the whole experimental protocol. Then I applied the optimized protocol to 2 groups: HIV+ group (with 3 samples) and HIV- group (with 3 samples) which are my independent variables (HIV status).
Now my question is, do I need to use a statistical test for this? because my sample size is very small... and it's an optimization study...
If yes, should I use a non-parametric analysis tool to compare my 2 sample groups (HIV+/HIV- group)? such as Mann-Whitney U Test? but i think it requires more than 5 samples for each group...
If no, what can I use to compare my data?
submitted by Inner-Macaroon-5014 to Statistics_Class_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:21 Inner-Macaroon-5014 [Q] Do I need statistical test for my optimization study?

Hello! I'm doing an optimization study where I initially used 1 sample (HIV-negative sample) to optimize the whole experimental protocol. Then I applied the optimized protocol to 2 groups: HIV+ group (with 3 samples) and HIV- group (with 3 samples) which are my independent variables (HIV status).
Now my question is, do I need to use a statistical test for this? because my sample size is very small... and it's an optimization study...
If yes, should I use a non-parametric analysis tool to compare my 2 sample groups (HIV+/HIV- group)? such as Mann-Whitney U Test? but i think it requires more than 5 samples for each group...
If no, what can I use to compare my data?
submitted by Inner-Macaroon-5014 to statistics [link] [comments]
