Janette mccurdy parents

Looking for lost friends!

2024.05.30 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:12 zaratheclown Have Cole or Sav ever had ‘real’ jobs??

Geniune question but have they both EVER had a job aside from social media? How are they going to survive in 10 years once their fame is gone and they’re left with 5 or 6 kids? Do they have any qualifications? The couple remind me of Jeanette Mccurdy’s parents in the fact that they don’t have jobs themselves! Not to mention them buying a 4 MILLION DOLLAR home!
I find it absolutely shocking how E is the FIRST person in her family to have a job (her dancing/commercials). I really hope she gets therapy :(
submitted by zaratheclown to LaBrantFamSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:47 Oystercracker123 I'm Really Struggling With Society

I'm Really Struggling With Society
Crossposted on PsychedelicTherapy - just wondering if you guys have any perspective.
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any advice or perspective they could lend me.
I was caught with less than 0.5g marijuana while driving from legal state to legal state in a freak accident. This led police to find 3g of mushrooms in my car. If I didn't take the plea deal offered, I would have gone to jail.
I don't use psychedelics for fun. I suffer from pretty debilitating CPTSD from childhood enmeshment and emotional incest (think Jennette Mccurdy). The only thing that's ever slipped past my ego that is so set on never letting my guard down was LSD, and other psychedelics thereafter. I didn't realize it was even possible to feel okay (aka not chronically suicidal) until I did LSD in a supportive setting. Regular use of small dose psilocybin, and annual use of high dose psychedelics along with twice weekly therapy has helped and changed me so significantly that I have actually had multiple month-long periods where I don't have any depressive episodes. This was never a thing for me before. On a side-note, that LSD experience made me believe in God, and psychedelic experiences have become a semi-religious personal ritual for me. After my legal experience in which most every lawyer scoffed at the idea of religious use of psychedelics, it seems clear to me that the First Amendment is dead.
Ever since I was almost jailed for doing the thing that almost certainly saved me from suicide, I just hate America. I also hate society in general because it has the power to dictate things like whether or not I can have access to medicine that saved me. I have been bed-ridden in depression for most of this year, and have suicidal thoughts only once or twice a day on good days, and on bad days I sit in bed avoiding eating because I haven't committed to not dying yet that day. I have lost a significant amount of weight from this. It would be nice to once again get to the point where I don't even have suicidal thoughts occur. Right now the best is when I think "no, I feel good enough to not want that right now, but thanks for the suggestion, brain!" (Lol) I also struggle to hold down a regular job (which would get me out of the house) because I don't want to live half the time, and it makes it hard for me to commit to work...I also make most of my income as a gigging solo musician, so I can usually spend most days in bed until I have to play. Playing is often the only solace I get.
I'm currently deciding what the hell to do. I don't want to move because I really love and trust my therapist, but I think it would feel great to live somewhere with decriminalization. I'm planning on saving for a trip to Spain to hike El Camino in fall, and Spain has decriminalized all drugs. I still fear that any laws might get changed, though. I just hate that society can just do that to people. I currently have the opportunity to do 5-MEO in a therapeautic setting with a professional. I wonder if this would help, but it seems like it might be too intense for me right now. The idea of being caught again really bothers me. I also have trauma associated with antidepressants as my enmeshed family tried to push them, and the narrative that my brain is just innately depressed onto me...(basically blaming the effects of all of their abuse on my brain having a defect). It seems to me that they worked for me because I actually believed my parents...they stopped working once I read about the portion of placebo effect of SSRIs. I also find the idea of anything that can suppress psychedelic experiences very creepy, untrustworthy, and antithetical to my spiritual/religious beliefs.
Any thoughts, or ways to frame this to make more peace with this are greatly appreciated. I am struggling with finding hope.
Thank you.
submitted by Oystercracker123 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 21:54 kitkatnat21 Books That Touch on Grief/Aftermath of Abusive Parents

Suggest me a book that touches on grief/aftermath of abusive parents.
I've read books (usually memoirs) about people dealing with the grief/aftermath of their parents where the parent was not abusive and I'd really just like to read something that's more similiar to what I'm experiencing.
Preferably books that touch on grief/aftermath of abusive parents, where the abusive parent isn't treated like they were an angel/saint.
My therapist recommended "I"m Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy and "Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail" by Cheryl Strayed so I have those but wanting to see if there are any other recommendations.
submitted by kitkatnat21 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:17 -LetsChat-_ Janette Mccurdy

Janette Mccurdy submitted by -LetsChat-_ to CelebrityPigtails [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:23 Hithisismeimonreddit Books on how to build healthy relationships

Those of us raised by an nparent are (generally) bad at spotting abuse and poor treatment in relationships. This is because we were taught that mistreatment = love. We were programmed to think that the person who loves us should be domineering, disrespectctful, and manipulative.
As a result, I am so bad at identifying and forming healthy relationships. Whenever I am with a healthy person, it feels like something is wrong. But when I am with someone who’s terrible, it feels perfectly fine, and I don’t notice anything’s wrong until a lot later.
What are some books that could help me identify when a relationship is actually healthy/unhealthy? It would be helpful if the books talked about how to spot these negative things in someone. Because my radar is broken af.
Here are some books I have already read:
What are some books you would recommend?
submitted by Hithisismeimonreddit to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 08:31 wiklr How rumors surrounding Dan Schneider permeated the internet

How rumors surrounding Dan Schneider permeated the internet
Out of all the prolific TV show creators, Dan Schneider amassed internet infamy through 4chan memes alone. His lawsuit suing the Quiet on Set producers even included one of them:
These are memes that predate MeToo, his ousting from Nickelodeon, Kate Taylor's expose and the Quiet on Set documentary.
For the longest time, Schneider's negative reputation online had been regurgitated as a joke with no concrete and credible evidence. Regarding allegations of sexual impropriety, a reddit comment from 2021 said:
NO ACTRESSES HAVE SPOKEN UP ABOUT DAN!! Where are you getting your information? Facebook?? Gossip YouTube channels??.
This was after Angelique Bates and Alexa Nikolas had spoken up about their experience on set and before Jenette McCurdy's book came up. For some reason child actors talking about being physically, emotionally or financially exploited by adults, whether it's by entertainment industry professionals or even their own parents wasn't enough. And any inappropriate behavior is hand-waved as creepy but not necessarily considered as a typical MeToo story.
Criminal allegations do require victims and witnesses speaking up. Yet some of these rumors stemmed from blind items from a popular blog called Crazy Days and Nights ran by an anonymous entertainment lawyer.
The twitter account of An Open Secret said:
4chan only copied the work of (a)entylawyer & our film on the subjects of Nickelodeon & Dan Schneider.
This isn't entirely true. Forums had noticed the sexual content on Schneider's shows before An Open Secret was released. And CDAN's blind items weren't widely spread because they were credible on their own. Many celebrities had a variety of gossip surrounding them that didn't become commonly known. Rather, users pointed out the blinds as additional justification for finding Nickelodeon shows creepy.
Some commentary tried to blame the unproven claims of CSA towards self-righteous SJWs or conspiracy minded right wingers. However, it's not political beliefs that gave the entertainment gossip legs - but a demographic that catered to barely legal porn.
\"I am beginning to realize how creepy this show actually is :/ so many situations obviously designed for creepy old guys to drool over barely legal meat o_o\"
4chan itself is far from being a bastion of morality, but an amalgamation of intrusive thoughts dressed up as edgy humor. It hosted threads sexualizing teenage girls in movies and tv shows. Reddit on the other hand, gained its mainstream reputation through Anderson Cooper calling out jailbait content. Both sites documented why older guys were watching shows made for kids.
Scenes from Schneider's shows ended up in NSFW subreddits. A post from a banned subreddit likened one shot to a 90s tv show erotica. And because reddit used to have a predominantly male userbase, some of it were posted in default subreddits as a funny meme.
In 2012, some users expressed concerns:
This actually airs on tv for young children. Poor kids having all kinds of weird feelings down there.
But most of the comments reassured themselves they're not being creepy:
\"She's over 18 so all is well no matter if you're her age or not ;)\"
The show caters to a tween audience. From a 2010 New York Times article:
For those who have not had any children between the ages of 5 and 15 anytime in the last decade, Mr. Schneider is the creator of a string of hits for the Nickelodeon children’s cable channel.
Another user claimed to work for the same show said:
\"I am currently a PA on this show...I remember when they did this shoot. Couldn't believe the outfits they were wearing, but I also wasn't complaining...\"
From a 2022 Business Insider article:
Two people recalled Schneider fighting with Nickelodeon over teenage actresses' costumes on "Victorious," with Schneider — who signed off on all outfits — campaigning for the skimpier options.
The result of Schneider winning the costume disputes ended up as creepshot fodder on the internet.
From a 2005 New York Times article:
To gauge the response of his viewers, Mr. Schneider said, he reads Internet message boards. "I think that they want to see kids that reflect what their friends are like," he said. "But they also want to see kids that are like the friends they wish they had. I can't tell you how much work we put into casting this show."
Ask yourself whether it is truly kids who wanted to see young girls in short skirts. And whether it is truly kids writing in message boards in 2005, where most of the internet was anonymous.
There comes a point when the excuse that everyone else was ok with it, nobody stopped it and nobody's removing it stops becoming a defense of character but an admission of a systemic problem.
Sexualizing teenagers is not unique to Schneider nor Nickelodeon. It is pervasive in society that is experienced by the average person, capitalized through marketing where sex sells, and further normalized throughout the internet. And in this specific instance, served to a mainstream audience under the guise of kid's television.
Some of the worst rumors about Dan Schneider will not withstand scrutiny. We may never truly know what actually happened behind the scenes. But what we do know is what was broadcasted to the public. And some of the shows Schneider created does not stand the test of time. The very same shows are what's going to define his legacy - not blind items, not internet memes, nor implications by a documentary.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 20:32 SuspiciousOrchid867 Personal experience with Brian Peck shared

Haven't seen this shared yet, and it's interesting.
My parents derailed my entire life, blamed me for everything.
A former child actor shared a post on the raisedbynarcissists about his own lived experience. It's a moving story that seems to be typical of child actors, at least those with abusive parents.
The poster shares his personal experience with Brian Peck towards the bottom:
It’s encouraging to see the traction and reaction that Jennette McCurdys book got.. to realize people actually care about this..
And to watch quiet on set was like.. eye opening because.. I fucking knew Brian Peck. He worked on Holes. We all knew he was a predator. He tried to with my brother and I but we were different in the sense that we would have thrown fists and Brian knew that and so he didn’t. He knew he could groom Drake.
I was with my family once, two stories to share the character of my father.. we ran into Brian Peck and Drake once on the street, Drake was dressed in all black and he looked SOOOO uncomfortable and embarrassed. We knew Brian was fucking him. My dad LAUGHED at it. Brian’s got another one!!
Then encouraged us to go to Brian’s parties.
This story corroborates the details shred by Drake, that BP would take him out for a number of activities like Disneyland, dinners, etc. The detail about Drake's discomfort and embarrassment was relatable, because I felt exactly the same way at that age, except the cause wasn't someone outside of my family.
submitted by SuspiciousOrchid867 to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:52 Alternative-Goat7608 My parents derailed my entire life, blamed me for everything.

Whatever I doubt anyone is going to read this or even care but I wanted to write it out here because I’m having a trigger day because my mother showed up in my DMs today telling me she “doesn’t have long” and needs to know where I am.
So basically.. I grew up in a very impoverished, dysfunctional home.. parents always viscously fighting and trying to destroy each other.. father stepped out on the marriage when my brothers and I were young, and got the sake of our family my parents didn’t divorce, they stayed together but hated every minute of it, my father slept on the couch and my mother would berate him, and call him a loser to me any chance she got.
When I was 10, my brothers and I started to work as actors in LA, and it quickly became my parents meal ticket, actually it was their ONLY income. They used the excuse of “we are your managers” to take 40 percent of my earning immediately.. the rationale for the 40 percent was “both me and your father are your managers so we get 40,” because the normal rate for managers is 20 percent. But it didn’t matter that they stole that money like that, because in reality they were taking EVERYTHING. They formed an LLC and listed themselves as president and ceo, and me as an “employee.” Which gave them 100 percent access to every single dollar I ever made.
Literally nothing was saved.. my father broke into my coogan account and stole 90k from it.. for those who don’t know Jackie coogan was an actor whose parents did the same thing to him and he died broke in the streets after making like 10 million dollars. So in the late 90s they made a federal law that required 15 percent of all earning to go into a secured account. Who cares. They got it anyway.
Same thing happened to me. I bought their houses, their cars, paid their bills, paid for my little sisters entire dance career…
They stole about 2 million. Then my mother divorced my father, who claims that he agreed to the divorce on the condition that her house be mine because I paid for it… a claim she says she never agreed to.
They went to war.. and I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. A professional career with many people on payroll, and the man of the house at 12… my mom used this psychology on me… that my dad was useless and I was the real man.. but what’s funny was she only acted like this when she wanted or needed something.. before I was the bread winner I literally had nothing, no needs of mine were ever met or considered. So I learned that praise earned through me doing something “good” was how I took my self worth. I continued to pay for my family even though they harassed me and trolled me every chance they got.
When my dad was kicked out he said he repaid me by “writing the house over to you” but that never happened so hundreds of thousands of dollars will never be recouped.
Then.. as I was a TEENAGER under the most intense pressure, I needed help, and guidance from people who actually cared about my well being as a person and child. But I didn’t get the help I needed instead I self medicated with pot. Just a little pot. But when my dad left the house, and I grew vocal about my mistreatment and about the stolen money.. my mother focused her wrath onto me. She blamed me for “being a drug addict” and for “ruining her family.” She told anyone who would listen that I was violent and disturbed.. worst of all she isolated my younger sister because she “needed to protect her” and raised my sister to mistrust, disrespect and flat out despise and blame ME, for the dysfunction caused by my narc parents.
That wound took a long time heal and was separate from the anger and depression I dealt with for a decade processing what had happened to me.
I grew up alone, no one watching me, in Hollywood, which chewed me up and spit me out. As a teenager I never stopped working, but my 20s were different, Hollywood is fickle and the vultures didn’t sense any meat left on my carcas and despite how hard and how many years I had put into working, I could no longer support myself on my work, and because my mother decided to kick me out of the home that I bought, at 19 after making 2 million dollars by the time I was 18 I was no homeless living in a tent.
And keep in mind also that people would also recognize me sometimes while I was homeless or when I had to enter. The normal work force, getting recognized while I was bagging groceries was really… a difficult lesson to have to experience
My sister is ten years my junior and I treated that girl like a princess in fact the happiest memories of my life were when she was younger. But because of my mother’s lies and manipulations and the fact that she did whatever she could to not be responsible for destroying everything.. my sister grew to resent ME.. and then put the final dagger into my heart when she got pregnant by my childhoods bully.
My parents trolled me on that, posted pictures of them all over their social media… I haven’t spent any time with my father in over a decade but to see him taking happy pictures with my childhood bully really does something to my soul that I can’t explain properly here
Finally I will say a few things here, until I discovered that my mother and father a tire clinical narcissists I had so much confusion and hurt and anger. But just seeing them act textbook actually kind of makes me feel sort of sorry for them. For their disease. Not their character. They aren’t good peole.
It’s encouraging to see the traction and reaction that Jennette McCurdys book got.. to realize people actually care about this..
And to watch quiet on set was like.. eye opening because.. I fucking knew Brian Peck. He worked on Holes. We all knew he was a predator. He tried to with my brother and I but we were different in the sense that we would have thrown fists and Brian knew that and so he didn’t. He knew he could groom Drake.
I was with my family once, two stories to share the character of my father.. we ran into Brian Peck and Drake once on the street, Drake was dressed in all black and he looked SOOOO uncomfortable and embarrassed. We knew Brian was fucking him. My dad LAUGHED at it. Brian’s got another one!!
Then encouraged us to go to Brian’s parties.
The other story is, I grew up with Zach Levi aka Zach Pugh aka Shazam, and when he was younger, my father was so jealous of him, and took me to his work once, while he worked at a car wash, he parked us across the street and laughed and Zach washing the car.
Yep. Thems my folks.
Seeing Zach slay has been awesome knowing it must kill my father
submitted by Alternative-Goat7608 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:34 Beth_Thurman Book suggestions please 🤍

Hiya, so I’m looking for some book recommendations. Some books I’ve read recently that I have liked are school for good mothers- Jessamine Chan, the handmaids tale-Margaret Atwood, Mother Hens- Sophie McCartnery, The Family upstairs-Lisa Jewel.
In my list of books I want to read I have .im glad my mother died by janette McCurdy . A good girls guide to murder
I’ve read loads of Lisa jewel, Christopher berry Dee.
I’m looking for something different to a murder mystery book but like things with crime involved hence the books I’ve recently read and enjoyed. Anything else you could suggest?
Also wanting some books that aren’t crime at all, not big into mystical stuff though or teen romance 😁
submitted by Beth_Thurman to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:53 BamaTransplant0311 Book Suggestions Based Off My Reading List Please!

I decided to get back into reading this year as part of a New Year’s Resolution. I had friends help me put together a list and then I went from there. I’ve also been visiting local book shops and browsing the free section of Spotify audiobooks. Here’s what my reading for the year looks like right now!
Finished Reading
1) I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
2) Coraline by Neil Gaiman
3) Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci
4) Sabriel by Garth Nix
5) The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H.P. Lovecraft
6) Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
7) Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Currently Reading
1) To Hold The Bridge (Anthology) by Garth Nix
2) This Is the Honey (Anthology) by Kwame Alexander
3) Out There Screaming (Anthology) by Various Authors
4) The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
5) 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think (Anthology) by Brianna Wiest
6) The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Reading Next
1) The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean
2) Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
3) Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
4) Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
5) The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
6) Tales of Horror (Anthology) by Various Authors
Other Books to Read
1) Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
2) Your Table is Ready by Michael Cecchi-Azzolina
3) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
4) Persuasion by Jane Austen
5) Crying in H-Mart by Michelle Zauner
6) The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
7) Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
8) The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
9) The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson
10) The Good Immigrant: 26 Writers Reflect on America (Anthology) by Various Authors
11) James by Percival Everett
12) Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself by Crystal Hefner
13) Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jefferey Cranor
14) Why Fathers Cry At Night by Kwame Alexander
15) Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar
submitted by BamaTransplant0311 to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:51 BamaTransplant0311 Suggest Me A Book Based Off My Reading Lists!

I decided to get back into reading this year as part of a New Year’s Resolution. I had friends help me put together a list and then I went from there. I’ve also been visiting local book shops and browsing the free section of Spotify audiobooks. Here’s what my reading for the year looks like right now!
Finished Reading
1) I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
2) Coraline by Neil Gaiman
3) Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci
4) Sabriel by Garth Nix
5) The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H.P. Lovecraft
6) Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
7) Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Currently Reading
1) To Hold The Bridge (Anthology) by Garth Nix
2) This Is the Honey (Anthology) by Kwame Alexander
3) Out There Screaming (Anthology) by Various Authors
4) The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
5) 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think (Anthology) by Brianna Wiest
6) The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Reading Next
1) The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean
2) Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
3) Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
4) Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
5) The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
6) Tales of Horror (Anthology) by Various Authors
Other Books to Read
1) Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
2) Your Table is Ready by Michael Cecchi-Azzolina
3) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
4) Persuasion by Jane Austen
5) Crying in H-Mart by Michelle Zauner
6) The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
7) Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
8) The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
9) The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson
10) The Good Immigrant: 26 Writers Reflect on America (Anthology) by Various Authors
11) James by Percival Everett
12) Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself by Crystal Hefner
13) Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jefferey Cranor
14) Why Fathers Cry At Night by Kwame Alexander
15) Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar
submitted by BamaTransplant0311 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 03:10 staralien44 I hate my parents.

I really f'n hate them. After talking to my one and only trusted family member, I learned that my mother and step father have been talking shit about me since I was a teen for SH and s* attempt as if I was "looking for attention" completely disregarding my mental health from the beginning. Physical aslt from mother since I was at least 4 or less, sx assault by her and older brother, neglect, sleep deprivation being raised in a cult until i escaped as at 18 that encourages abuse as discipline and for disobedience. And the list goes on.
I'm 27 and I've spent my adult years having moved away with minimal contact. In the last couple years no contact. And I've been second guessing myself if I should at least maintain minimal context because you know, she's my only mother. But she really hasn't changed and doesn't feel bad. I don't think I can I feel like Jenette McCurdy when she wrote her book "I'm Glad My Mom Died" as harsh as it sounds. I don't want to be miserable waiting for the emotional support I'll never get. So why should I feel obligated to give back to my mother? I'm really convinced finally that it doesn't matter to me. I don't care. I shouldn't be the one to make up for all of her abuse just because she's getting older with new medical issues and needs help. I don't see why I have to be that nice. She told me herself she be happier if I was dead after my close attempt. Consider me dead, mom! I won't come back again! Be happy!!!
It hurts me to say this. I want to regret it. I don't want it to be true! How can a parent hate their own child and call it love!! Why do I have to forgive her anymore? I don't want to regret losing her but simply having contact is abusive and manipulative and she is unapologetic that I can't fathom it. I wish it wasn't true.
submitted by staralien44 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:04 wiklr Quiet on Set Timeline


Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

Reddit Research


(Note: Some Film/TV show dates are when it was released or when a documentary related person appeared in an episode)
1986 - 1991
1990 * The Willies): Brian Peck (director & producer), Kimmy Robertson
2019 * March 14 - JustJared Drake Bell & Josh Peck spotted at a business meeting * March 15 - Drake Bell teases Drake & Josh reboot * March 18 - Seventeen interview of Drake Bell * November 16 - All That (Revival) Season 11 airs * December 16 - Deadline reports Turner & Hooch reboot (Disney+)
Let me know corrections / things to add. Organized references to follow.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:00 SoundAltruistic9425 Looking for lost friends!

Hello Cincinnati! I am trying to get in touch with John Byong Hee, Janette John, or their kids whose maiden names are Christine and Sharon John. The parents would be in late '80s and the children would be in their mid-50's. John was an architect and Janette worked for many years at Pogue's travel and then I think for AAA.
submitted by SoundAltruistic9425 to Cincinnatiplshelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 15:25 Syn1134 Easy to read suggestions for adults

I just finished "I'm Glad My Mom Died," by Janette McCurdy and loved it. Prior to this I read "Man's Search for Meaning," and also really enjoyed it. I started to read "The Handmaid's Tale," and although it's interesting it's just too wordy for me. I'm not sure how to explain it. I like books that say what they mean to say and then move on. I feel like adult books have too much extra stuff in them that slow down the story and make me zone out. Does anyone have any adult book suggestions that keep the reader interested without being too much?
submitted by Syn1134 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 12:45 AndrewClemmens The only A I ever got thanks to my family... Also PSA about ACE scores

I shared my story here once in a different account and I'll save you the gory details but it was bad. Today, I was reflecting on trauma, and I revisited this site which tells you what your ace score is.
If you score 3 or higher, it is very likely for your childhood to affect you physically and mentally as an adult. "As your ACE score increases, so does the risk of disease, social and emotional problems. With an ACE score of 4 or more, things start getting serious. The likelihood of chronic pulmonary lung disease increases 390 percent; hepatitis, 240 percent; depression 460 percent; attempted suicide, 1,220 percent." Oh, and once your score is like 6 or higher apparently your life span can also be decreased by years due to toxic stress.
My ace score was 6. Which is literally 95% higher than all Americans! WOW, an A! you're telling me I had emotionally immature abusive parents who demanded nothing less than perfection, and all I get is a top percentile ACE score, CPTSD, and therapy fees for the rest of my life.
I cut them off from my life. It had literally been my dream since I was 11 (even Jeannette McCurdy didn't come to the realization her mom was batshit until adulthood,) and since then I've been living the life of my dreams! I had health issues as a kid because they medically neglected me, but I now I actually see the doctor for my shit and I'm healthier at 30 than I ever was as a minor. My sister is still in contact w/them and dealing with some stuff like chronic pain and depression but we've both done pretty well and not turned into narcissistic assholes considering who "raised" us.
Jokes aside, I hope everyone that's on here - do what you need to do to be free if your family is abusive but please keep your health in mind. Trauma can take its toll on your body and soul.
Also note that having a lower score doesn't mean you're not traumatized. It's a warning for those with higher scores, please take care of your health, see a doctor, and prioritize yourself. But know that the rest also doesn't encompass a lot of other traumas like bullying, racism, traumatic accidents, disability etc.
Sending you all love.
submitted by AndrewClemmens to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]
