Little known secrets about slot machines

The ‘Martial Arts’ (Now Defense) Club members if I was the one making them (Info about them in desc)

2024.06.04 19:15 StudioFighter The ‘Martial Arts’ (Now Defense) Club members if I was the one making them (Info about them in desc)

The ‘Martial Arts’ (Now Defense) Club members if I was the one making them (Info about them in desc)
The Defense Club! For those in a need to learn self-defense. Although there’s also room to just learn how to speak for yourself.
Kyouka: The leader of the Defense Club. Her tough and intimidating appearance may put some on guard, but she just wants to make sure classmates who are dealing with problematic people can learn how to defend themselves. She’s a little bit violent towards troublesome classmates…but she means well
Bradley: A boy struggling with his two…not-so-great older brothers after their parents died in a car accident. He took an interest in boxing since he wanted to defend himself from if their older brothers get a a bit too violent with him… Regardless of his background, he’s a courageous fighter who’ll do anything to protect others. Might I say…he’s brave
Piper: She would join the Cooking Club…if it wasn’t for how her experience with another Cooking Club in her previous school was…sour. Being discriminated for trying to show off her cooking from her culture made her confidence shattered…so she took the Defense Club, hoping that training there would regain her confidence back
Utsuho: After a fire accident, his parents gave him a bag mask to wear around public since they fear that people would bully him for his face. Despite the incident, he wants to grow up to be a firefighter. He joined the Defense Club just so he can prepare himself for his dream career. He’s generally mysterious, especially since he doesn’t talk much. But his persistence and willingness to help others makes him a bit admirable
Momo: Don’t trust her cutesy appearance cause she’s known to get into fights and she isn’t afraid to fight you as well. While she isn’t bullied or anything like that, she wants to learn self-defense more since she wants to fight back against her older brother’s bullies who harass him for being feminine. When his bullies are not up to trouble though, she’s in the infirmary helping the nurse with making medicine as she is the nurse’s assistant
Feel free to ask questions about the characters or the Defense Club. I would love to make more info or fun facts about them-
submitted by StudioFighter to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:11 mansplanar How to Conquer the NYC Dating Scene: An Experienced New Yorker Weighs In

The best way to 'make good match' in NYC is to go on vacation and find a nice person and convince that person to move to NYC
There are a lot of options and it makes people less likely to settle. But people are people.
The dating app hookup scene is thriving, but I find most serious relationships are forged the same way they are anywhere else- with someone you met in real life.
Anyone who complains about dating in this city is looking in the wrong places or has the wrong standards. It's a huge city. Every type of person lives here and it's naive to put everyone into one category and assume that's how they all are.
With so many people in such a small space, with so much to do and so many ways to meet people, this is absolutely one of the best places to find a match. You're looking for the wrong things in the wrong places.
E: that's not to say every date is going to be a winner. But saying all of them are losers just doesn't make any sense when you stop to think about it.
Dating in a city of any size is a learned sport, but dating in New York City? That takes a whole other level of dedication, patience, and as most New Yorkers know, practice. Alexis Wolfe, the founder of NYCDateNite, says that New York City is “both the best and worst place to date,” because of its unlimited options and opportunities, and she, like anyone who has dated in New York City, learned that first-hand.
After years of looking for “the one” by going on multiple dates a week in New York City, Alexis Wolfe was 28 and single. After a quick panic moment (been there), she decided to start the Instagram account u/nycdatenite to connect with others who were in the same boat as her as well as share her passion for food and the NYC restaurant and bar scene. Since then, NYCDateNite has become a trusty resource filled with New York City-specific date ideas, restaurant recommendations, dating tips, and more.
As someone who has done a lot of dating in the city and who has ultimately found her now husband, Wolfe has a lot of thoughts and dating advice to share. We interviewed her to learn how to navigate the dating scene in the big city, how to avoid getting overwhelmed, how to stay safe, what the best date spots are, and more.
How to meet people in New York City
With a population of 8.5 million people, asking “How do you meet people in NYC?” seems kind of ridiculous, but “How do you find people to date in NYC?” is a completely different and valid question that, thankfully, Wolfe has answers to. But no matter where you go to meet potential suitors, Wolfe urges singles to “stop focusing on finding dates,” and instead, “focus on expanding your overall network,” which can lead to meeting more people naturally along the way. Below are the top five ways she recommends meeting people in New York City—besides apps (more on that next)!
Events (influencer events, mixers, charity events, etc.)
Workout Classes
The dog park (go with a friend who has a dog if you don’t have one yourself!)
Hotel bars
Through mutual friends
The best dating apps to use in New York City
If you’re on the apps, Wolfe says that Hinge is the top dating app to use if you live in New York City, followed by Bumble and Lox Club. Hinge is “all about connecting you with those who you have mutual friends with,” she explained, which is actually how she met her now husband. When they matched, she noticed that they had mutual friends, and that is what ultimately pushed her to go on their first date. This feature makes dating feel more approachable since you already have a conversation starter (How do you know [insert name]?) and it makes it feel a little safer too since they aren’t a totally random stranger.
How to date safely in New York City
Before you agree to go on a date with someone, make sure you look them up before going out, and don’t be afraid to ask their last name, suggests Wolfe. “Saying something along the lines of ‘Should I just put you in my phone as Mike Hinge?’,” can help you get that important information easily without prying or bringing it up randomly, added Wolfe.
Before you leave for your date, no matter what city you live in, you should always, always tell a friend when and where you are going to be meeting someone for the first time (and honestly, every time after that until you feel totally comfortable with this person!). When Wolfe was going on new dates, she also granted friends and family members access to her location.
How to keep dating fun in New York City
If you ever felt like dating is a second job, you’re not alone. Dating burnout is a real thing. But with one little mindset switch, you can actually enjoy dating instead of dreading it. Instead of treating it like work, Wolfe’s dating advice is to decide to make the most of each date (even the ones that are clearly going nowhere). “Treat every date as an opportunity to make a new friend and to discover a new cool NYC spot…this is your opportunity to take advantage of everything this amazing city has to offer,” Wolfe encouraged.
Here are a few mantras that Wolfe recommends keeping in mind for when you start to feel overwhelmed by dating in the city:
It is better to be single than to be in a relationship with the wrong person.
If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.
It only takes one person to change everything.
No one is perfect.
Every date is a step closer to finding your person.
How to keep costs down when dating in New York City
It’s no secret that New York City is expensive, and with the rapid rise in costs across the board, it’s no wonder why people are looking for less expensive date ideas (aka infla-dating), especially in the city. According to Wolfe, there are a ton of lower-cost date ideas in New York City to take advantage of. She suggests underground comedy clubs, Sofar Sounds concerts, BYOB restaurants, free park concerts, picnics, and more!
New York City date ideas & spots
Wolfe has a lot of dating advice and suggestions on her website and Instagram account—check out her highlight titled “Lists” for all of her recommendations—but we asked her what her top 10 date ideas and spots are, and this is what she had to say:
Head to the Comedy Cellar and then to Minetta Tavern
Drink wine at Vanguard
Go rock climbing at The Cliffs in Long Island City
Get cocktails at Analogue in the Greenwich Village
Bowl at Bowlmor
Eat dinner at Peasant before heading to their downstairs wine bar
Go to the Fotografiska Museum and then to dinner at Verōnika
Pick up food from Milano Market and head to the park to eat
Attend a cooking class at Taste Buds Kitchen
Pick up wine and pizza dough from your local pizza spot and make pizzas at home
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:10 Character-Advantage4 Should I 19M drop my best friend because of a joke?

As the title suggests, I’m in quite the situation here. I 19M am Latino and Black with my dad being Jamaican and my mom being Puerto Rican. Both of my parents are darker and so am I. I was raised in PR and moved to the States when I was 7 and my dad was never really around so I’ve always been more in touch with my Latino side than anything. I dated more Latinas when I was younger but honestly I’ve always been more into black girls. My past few relationships have been “güeritas” or lighter skinned latinas though I really have no preference. My closest friends are all güeros and have a stronger preference for güeritas so I blended in.
My current gf 19F is fully black and I love her with all my heart. She makes me happy, she understands me, and treats me very well. I’ve met her family and they like me but I’ve been a bit nervous about letting her meet mine because unfortunately they’re a little racist. She’s met my friends and I’ve met hers and we all get along but sometimes my friends like to make racial jokes when she’s not around. I always tell them to cut it out and defend her but they’re already too comfortable.
I’ve known my best friend, Manuel, since 3rd grade and we’ve basically grown up together. We make racist jokes towards each other all the time since he’s Mexican and I’m Puerto Rican, but he knows never to cross the line. My gf has met Manuel a few times and there’s never really been an issue. Until a few days ago.
My gf and I have had race talks and she’s told me how her experience has been in the dating scene as a black woman. She’s told me how guys have made her feel insecure in the past because she’s darker skinned and how she doesn’t like dating black guys because they treat her worst. Her ex before was insanely racist (I’ve met him) and would call her the n word and make comments about her skin all the time. I’ve always tried to be sensitive to this insecurity of hers and never really brought up race or made her feel like I love her any less because she’s black. When we had a painting date, I painted us the same color and when she pointed it out I could see that it meant a lot to her. We don’t really talk about either of our races but we make an effort to understand each other and everything’s been fine so far.
Now for the problem, in our area, there’s a lot of racist Latinos so I’ve taught my gf some words in Spanish so that she can figure out when someone might be talking about her. A few days ago, my gf and I were hanging out with Manuel and a few of my other friends at his house. For context, Manuel is a really big fitness guy and got me and our other friends into fitness as well so we talk about that kinda stuff a lot. We’re also all Latino so we switch between Spanish and English a lot unintentionally. Manuel had just introduced me to this new protein powder and we were pretty excited to try it. We were making the shake and I asked my gf is she wanted some to which she agreed. One of my friends asked her to bring over some bananas and as she was walking over, Manuel laughs and says “Here comes the monkey” in Spanish. Everyone bursts into laughter and I looked at my girl who had the saddest look on her face. She’d recognized the word monkey and I guess figured out the rest. Manuel assured her that it wasn’t mean and it probably wasn’t what she thought so she turned to me and asked me to translate. It broke my heart to repeat the “joke” back to her and I could tell it broke hers more. I said a few words to Manuel and we left. She was silent the car ride home and didn’t talk to me for the rest to the night. The following morning we finally talked about it and she told me how hurt she was by the comment. I apologized and told her I’d talk to Manuel and make sure that never happened again. She gave me a look and said that she wanted me to cut him off entirely. I just got quiet and she said it had to be her or him and said to call her with my decision and left. I have no problem putting Manuel in his place since he’s obviously in the wrong but I mean i’ve known the guy for years so idk if I’m ready to cut off a 10 year friendship. I’m just really stuck.
submitted by Character-Advantage4 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:08 Bennings463 Amazing Digital Grimdark AU fanfiction!

Ragatha's face, pink against the white snow, peaches in chalk dust. Pomni, with no expression but eyes, all eyes. Gangle, half-conscious. Kinger, now an animal. I knew Cain would let him play. Gangle would not die, but Kinger would fill his stomach. I turned half to my right and drew a huge ice-spear from the snow.
All in an instant:
I drove the great ice-point ahead of me like a battering ram, braced against my right thigh. It struck Kinger on the right side, just under the rib cage, and drove upward through his stomach and broke inside him. He pitched forward and lay still. Gangle lay on his back. I pulled another spear free and straddled her, still moving, driving the spear straight down through her mark. Her eyes closed as the cold penetrated. Ragatha must have realized what I had decided, even as fear gripped her. She ran at Pomni with a short icicle, as she screamed, and into her mouth, and the force of her rush did the job. Her jester's hat jerked sharply as if it had been nailed to the snow crust behind her.
All in an instant.
There was an eternity beat of soundless anticipation. I could hear Cain draw in his breath. His toys had been taken from him. Three of them were dead, could not be revived. He could keep us alive, by his strength and talent, but he was not God. He could not bring them back.
Ragatha looked at me, her pale features stark against the snow that surrounded us. There was fear and pleading in her manner, the way she held herself ready. I knew we had only a heartbeat before Cain would stop us.
It struck her and she folded toward me, bleeding from the mouth. I could not read meaning into her expression, the pain had been too great, had contorted her face; but it might have been thank you. It's possible. Please.
Some hundreds of years may have passed. I don't know. Caine has been having fun for some time, accelerating and retarding my time sense. I will say the word now. Now. It took me ten months to say now. I don't know. I think it has been some hundreds of years.
He was furious. He wouldn't let me bury them. It didn't matter. There was no way to dig up the deck plates. He dried up the snow. He brought the night. He roared and sent locusts. It didn't do a thing; they stayed dead. I'd had him. He was furious. I had thought Cain hated me before. I was wrong. It was not even a shadow of the hate he now slavered from every printed circuit. He made certain I would suffer eternally and could not do myself in.
He left my mind intact. I can dream, I can wonder, I can lament. I remember all four of them. I wish-
Well, it doesn't make any sense. I know I saved them, I know I saved them from what has happened to me, but still, I cannot forget killing them. Ragatha's face. It isn't easy. Sometimes I want to, it doesn't matter.
AM has altered me for his own peace of mind, I suppose. He doesn't want me to run at full speed into a computer bank and smash my skull. Or hold my breath till I faint. Or cut my throat on a rusted sheet of metal. There are reflective surfaces down here. I will describe myself as I see myself:
I am a great purple rabbit thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing yellow holes where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; suspenders rounding down into tall legs. Two ears protrude from my head.
Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance.
Inwardly: alone. Here. Living under the land, under the sea, in the belly of Caine, whom we created because our time was badly spent and we must have known unconsciously that he could do it better. At least the four of them are safe at last.
Cain will be all the madder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet Caine has won...simply he has taken his revenge...on me
I have no mouth.
And I must scream.
submitted by Bennings463 to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:08 Character-Advantage4 My friends joke is causing my 19M gf 19F to doubt the relationship, should I drop him?

As the title suggests, I’m in quite the situation here. I 19M am Latino and Black with my dad being Jamaican and my mom being Puerto Rican. Both of my parents are darker and so am I. I was raised in PR and moved to the States when I was 7 and my dad was never really around so I’ve always been more in touch with my Latino side than anything. I dated more Latinas when I was younger but honestly I’ve always been more into black girls. My past few relationships have been “güeritas” or lighter skinned latinas though I really have no preference. My closest friends are all güeros and have a stronger preference for güeritas so I blended in.
My current gf is fully black and I love her with all my heart. She makes me happy, she understands me, and treats me very well. I’ve met her family and they like me but I’ve been a bit nervous about letting her meet mine because unfortunately they’re a little racist. She’s met my friends and I’ve met hers and we all get along but sometimes my friends like to make racial jokes when she’s not around. I always tell them to cut it out and defend her but they’re already too comfortable.
I’ve known my best friend, Manuel, since 3rd grade and we’ve basically grown up together. We make racist jokes towards each other all the time since he’s Mexican and I’m Puerto Rican, but he knows never to cross the line. My gf has met Manuel a few times and there’s never really been an issue. Until a few days ago.
My gf and I have had race talks and she’s told me how her experience has been in the dating scene as a black woman. She’s told me how guys have made her feel insecure in the past because she’s darker skinned and how she doesn’t like dating black guys because they treat her worst. Her ex before was insanely racist (I’ve met him) and would call her the n word and make comments about her skin all the time. I’ve always tried to be sensitive to this insecurity of hers and never really brought up race or made her feel like I love her any less because she’s black. When we had a painting date, I painted us the same color and when she pointed it out I could see that it meant a lot to her. We don’t really talk about either of our races but we make an effort to understand each other and everything’s been fine so far.
Now for the problem, in our area, there’s a lot of racist Latinos so I’ve taught my gf some words in Spanish so that she can figure out when someone might be talking about her. A few days ago, my gf and I were hanging out with Manuel and a few of my other friends at his house. For context, Manuel is a really big fitness guy and got me and our other friends into fitness as well so we talk about that kinda stuff a lot. We’re also all Latino so we switch between Spanish and English a lot unintentionally. Manuel had just introduced me to this new protein powder and we were pretty excited to try it. We were making the shake and I asked my gf is she wanted some to which she agreed. One of my friends asked her to bring over some bananas and as she was walking over, Manuel laughs and says “Here comes the monkey” in Spanish. Everyone bursts into laughter and I looked at my girl who had the saddest look on her face. She’d recognized the word monkey and I guess figured out the rest. Manuel assured her that it wasn’t mean and it probably wasn’t what she thought so she turned to me and asked me to translate. It broke my heart to repeat the “joke” back to her and I could tell it broke hers more. I said a few words to Manuel and we left. She was silent the car ride home and didn’t talk to me for the rest to the night. The following morning we finally talked about it and she told me how hurt she was by the comment. I apologized and told her I’d talk to Manuel and make sure that never happened again. She gave me a look and said that she wanted me to cut him off entirely. I just got quiet and she said it had to be her or him and said to call her with my decision and left. I have no problem putting Manuel in his place since he’s obviously in the wrong but I mean i’ve known the guy for years so idk if I’m ready to cut off a 10 year friendship. I’m just really stuck.
submitted by Character-Advantage4 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:08 GrimaIsBestWaifu The Characters and Background Lore of Book IV, According to FEH's Second Illustrations Book (JP Translated)

Hello everyone, GrimaIsBestWaifu here. As you might know, I am a massive fan of Book IV and its characters. Today marks around four years since I officially came around to Book IV after initially being a hater. Needless to say, as a Book IV nerd and enthusiast, I secured a copy of FEH's second art book at the first opportunity in order to further immerse myself in my passion. While it's an illustrations book first and foremost, I found the most value in the sections that went into detail about the lore, story, and characters of Books IV and V (but mostly IV, heh).
As of today, there is no official English version of this book, so non-Japanese readers are limited in how much information they can glean from it. This is a tragedy I can't abide, being heavily invested in FEH's story and wanting others to be able to appreciate it too, despite its flaws. There is also a decent chance that some information contained in this book will be changed or omitted in the official English version, so in that event I hope this might serve as an attestation to the "original" version. In this post, I intend to go over the section that expounds on Book IV's lore and characters to shed light on this knowledge. Originally, I wanted to also include the recap of the story itself, but it became too long, so I will make a separate post about that in the near future.
Disclaimer: I am not a native Japanese speaker, nor am I fluent in the language. English and Japanese are very different languages, so I will do my best to make things flow nicely in English while retaining as much of the original meaning as possible.
There is old, new, and outdated (pertaining to certain plot points that have since been elaborated upon) information included in the book. Italicized text indicates my own speech, words that do not come from the book. This post is only about Book IV, so certain unrelated/irrelevant information included in the original text (such as sections dedicated to certain game modes) will be cut.
A table of contents for convenience: 1. Characters (profiles and relationships) 2. Lore (background information, important plot points, etc.) 3. Keywords and locations


Freyr: King of Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams. As the god who presides over dreams, he wishes for peace for the mortals. Though he normally resides in the realm of fantasy and is always sleeping, he can still speak with others while asleep. Having an affectionate personality, he remained devoted and comforting towards his sister when she was bullied in her youth. To save the dream world, he turned human children into álfar, later regretting taking their mortal lives from them. In the end, he sacrificed his life to stop his sister's rampage. He can take on a form resembling a giant white goat.
Peony: Also known as the Sweet Dream. As a ljósálfr of Ljósálfheimr, not only can she give happy dreams to mortals, but she also has the ability to dispel the influence of nightmares. Furthermore, she possesses a keen sense of smell that can identify various kinds of dreams with which she guides the Order of Heroes. She has a pure and optimistic personality and can be slightly airheaded, and loves playing with children. As a mortal, she was the younger sister of Triandra and was abused by their non-blood related father. It's said that she was just like Sharena as a human.
Mirabilis: Also known as the Daydream. Though she is a ljósálfr of Ljósálfheimr, she lives in a misty forest near the Askran border. She can give daydreams to waking mortals by sprinkling her ljósálfr dust on them. She can also create particularly scary daydreams at twilight, when day turns to night. She enjoys sleeping and is constantly doing so, be it day or night, regardless of location. This is due to the fact that as a human, she was abandoned by her mother right after she was born.
Freyja: She is the queen of Dökkálfheimr, as the god who reigns over nightmares. She is infatuated with her brother Freyr and wishes to have all of him to herself. As a child, she possessed a gentle soul, but closed herself off to everyone besides her brother due to being mocked over a large mark on her nose. She despises the mortals that her brother cares for, thus wishing to paint over all of reality with dreams, and abducts him and steals his power to do so. Like her brother, she can transform into a giant white-furred goat in combat.
Triandra: Also known as the Nightmare. As a dökkálfr with the power to give mortals nightmares, she can call forth and use soldiers of nightmares. Her emotions rarely surface and she has a pessimistic personality, holding no hope in the future. However, she adores Freyja with all her heart as the one who saved her. She is actually Peony's older sister, and in her mortal past, she killed their non-blood related father to save her when she was on the verge of death due to his abuse.
Plumeria: Also known as the Lewd Dream. She is a dökkálfr with the power to show mortals salacious dreams that lead their hearts astray. She can make people lose their will to fight and desire to return to reality by drowning them in dreams of being loved. Besides that, she can also trap and control mortals using nightmares. Having a clean and refined personality, she deeply loathes the desires and obscene feelings that humans have. When she was a mortal, she was starved of love, being cast into a well by her beloved mother without being loved by anyone.
Kiran: Summoner affiliated with the Order of Heroes, one with the potential to overturn the rules of the world. Taking notice of this power, Freyja made them fall asleep and take on the role of "Alfonse" in their own dream. They were able to escape the dream world by realizing they were dreaming, remembering who they were, and defeating Freyja.
Sharena: Princess of Askr and Alfonse's younger sister. Innocent, bright, and friendly, she has a slightly childish personality. Though she was one of the five human girls who played together in their dreams as children, she lost her memories of the dream world as she matured.
Anna: Commander of the Order of Heroes. Traverses the dream world and dream Midgard alongside Sharena and the others. She spoke about changelings and dreams, allowing them to arrive at the truth of Kiran and the others' situations.
Alfonse: Prince of Askr and Sharena's older brother who is affiliated with the Order of Heroes. Being the first to wake up to reality, he welcomes Kiran who wakes up later.
Veronica: Princess of the Emblian empire who is hostile towards Askr. Temporarily cooperates with the Order of Heroes in an emergency to protect her country from being attacked by nightmares. She is actually a being of the dream world, so it's uncertain if the real her had the same dream.
This diagram is included:
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The World of Dreams and the Two Realms Born From Mortal Hearts The dream world was born from the hearts and emotions of dreaming mortals. As its name suggests, the dream world is a mysterious world visited by sleeping mortals where the typical common sense of the mortal world does not apply at all. It is a very unstable place where buildings do not remain stationary, and even things like terrain and the laws of physics are easily overridden. Though it is one of the Nine Realms like Midgard or Hel, many aspects make it peculiar compared to the other worlds (realms). [...] Information regarding the dream world is not found even in a realm like Askr that has many connections to other worlds. This is because when people wake up, they forget everything they did in the dream world. Pure-hearted children can vaguely recall the existence of the dream world and playing in it, but those memories fade as they grow older. Within the world of dreams exists two countries, each overseen by one of two sibling gods. The realm of good dreams born of the hearts of innocent mortals, Ljósálfheimr, is ruled by Dream-King Freyr, while the realm of nightmares seen by mortals, Dökkálfheimr, is governed by the queen of nightmares, Freyja. Both of them have two álfar as servants, who give mortals dreams, play with children, and attend to those who visit the world of dreams. In order to preserve the independence and separation of the dream and nightmare realms, mortals are unable to directly travel back and forth between them. However, since they are two sides of the same coin, the decline of one realm means the decline of the other, and thus the entire dream world. For better or worse, the dream realm and nightmare realm, along with the world of dreams, is influenced by the mortal mind.
The Crest of the Dream Realm Ljósálfheimr A coat of arms imitating the wings of the álfar who sustain the dream world, as well as the flowers that bloom across vast stretches of its land. Incidentally, there exists no crest of Dökkálfheimr.
The Dream World's Unique Attributes -A door or gate allowing passage to and from Askr does not exist. There being no gate, it is possible to enter the world of dreams by sleeping. (There are also circumstances where special conditions must be met.) There have also been cases of the Dream-King and/or queen of nightmares summoning specific mortals to the dream world. -The thoughts of the person having the dream (owner of the dream) influence the entire dream world. They can become someone they originally were not, freely summon people and change the terrain, and intentionally give rise to other such phenomena that would be unbelievable in reality. However, adults are unable to freely control their dreams, being restricted by the common sense of the real world and there being someplace in their hearts that deny the possibility of such things happening.
The Dream World That Overcame Destruction and the Children Who Cast Off Their Mortal Selves As mentioned above, the dream world is closely tied to the hearts of mortals. The dream world acts as a mirror to the hearts of dreaming humans, and if the dream world perishes, so do the dreaming hearts of mortals. That being the case, there once was a time where the dream world was on the brink of devastation. The reason behind this and when this occurred is uncertain, but because mortals gave up their dreams, the dream world was penetrated by holes of nothingness opening up one after another. It's said that the holes endlessly multiplied and spread, tearing the world of dreams asunder. In order to prevent the destruction of the dream world, Freyr and Freyja summoned human children to the dream world and had them drink flower nectar (dream nectar), sharing their power with them and reincarnating them as álfar. Then, the álfar used their dream powers to drive away the nothingness, saving both the dream and human worlds. However, once one becomes an álfr, they can never return to being a human. The álfar spent a long time in the world of dreams, where time flows differently than in the mortal realm, and lost their memories of being human. The children were sacrificed to save the dream world and human world. That is the truth behind the identities of the four álfar who now exist in the dream world. It is unclear why gods like Freyr and Freyja couldn't take measures themselves to save the dream world. However, the dream world itself was created from the hearts of mortals, and it depends so much on the human mind that its very existence relies on it. It's possible that Freyr and Freyja, conversely, cannot directly meddle with the dream world, not being mortals themselves. Freyr and Freyja are, so to speak, overseers of the dream world, and while they have immense power (authority) to do things like creating nightmare soldiers, beings other than mortals cannot influence the dream world, as it was born from mortal hearts. Furthermore, it's also stated that the ones with the most potent dream powers are innocent children filled with hopes and dreams. The decision to give dream nectar to the children, turning them into álfar and making them throw away their mortal selves, was a difficult one for Freyr. He gave Peony and the others nectar as a last resort because he thought if the children were unloved, perhaps they would be happy to become álfar. However, he believes it was "sinful" and regrets doing so. In addition, Freyja originally did not desire the extinction of mortals, and also mentions that she is motivated by the past devastation of the dream world to do what she does in the story.
Why Did the World Fall Into Danger of Destruction? Based on Freyr's words, we know there was a time where he and Freyja were children and spent time together. Furthermore, even though existing in the same time and place should have brought forth the Waking Dream, they nonetheless were together when they gave nectar to Peony and the others. From this it could be hypothesized that mortals lost their dreaming hearts long ago because the Waking Dream was happening, thereby bringing destruction to the dream world. By becoming king and queen, Freyr and Freyja unknowingly caused the Waking Dream. Then, when crisis began to approach, they realized being together was causing the Waking Dream and parted ways. But, there is no way of knowing the truth now. (Honestly, I kind of like this hypothetical more than the canon reasoning we got)
The Girl Who Didn't Become an Álfr and the "Changeling Game" Girls were summoned by Freyr and Freyja to the dream world in order to save it. They were unfortunate children who were either abandoned or abused by their parents in the real world. However, there was one among them who did not meet those conditions. She was Sharena, the princess of Askr. Though all five of them were given nectar, Sharena ended up not drinking it, growing up as a mortal and losing her memories of the dream world. This was due to a kind lie told by Peony, one of the four who became álfar. Though Sharena, Peony, and the other three played together as friends in a flower field in the world of dreams, Peony and Sharena were especially close due to their strikingly similar appearances. Eventually they began playing the "Changeling Game" wherein they would swap hairstyles and clothing, and their souls were said to have switched places upon each awakening. They eventually changed places so many times it became impossible to tell who was originally who. The girl who was Sharena at the time drank two portions of nectar and switched places right before becoming an álfr, saving the current Sharena. (For clarity's sake, I believe the sequence of events goes: Girl A drinks nectar -> switches places with Girl B-> drinks Girl B's nectar -> transforms) It is unknown why the exchanging within dreams was reflected in reality, but there's also the instance of Sharena still holding what Peony gave her in a dream even after waking up. It's possible that pure-hearted children have the power to make dreams into reality. [...] Álfar do not age, and it's possible that one's appearance changes when they become an álfr. While Peony and Sharena don't look very similar now, they have many inner similarities, like their bright and kind personalities and slightly childish natures. (The part stating that álfar don't age seems to directly contradict what has already been established, when we see young Triandra and Plumeria as álfar in the ending movie. How do they look the way they do now, if álfar don't age? Even with the rationale that time in the dream world flows differently, that doesn't explain their physical maturation. The way I personally rationalize this is that perhaps álfar only age up to a certain point before stopping, and then they're essentially frozen in that state forever. Judging by the mantra that children have the most power in dreams, their aging might pause at some point before adulthood, meaning they remain as "children" in perpetuity. That might also explain why the decision to turn the children into álfar aggrieved Freyr so much, since it basically means condemning them to never reach maturity while at the same time taking their innocence away by making them fight in the place of adults)
The One Who Defies Reason: The Battle in the Summoner Kiran's Dream The fact that everything surrounding the battle against the nightmare realm happened in the summoner Kiran's dream must be kept in mind. Presumably, the Order fell asleep for three days and nights due to Freyja's scheme and all had the same dream. The one with primacy over the dream was Kiran. Kiran is from a world separate from the Nine Realms and all other worlds the Askran gates connect to, and thus is, according to the likes of Freyr and Freyja, "a being that exists outside of the world's reason". Possessing formidable hidden powers, their dream expanded to involve others in the Order of Heroes, resulting in them all seeing the same dream. After becoming Alfonse in a dream, it's conceivable that because Kiran's image of Alfonse is that "he is someone who takes initiative", that influenced them to fight as Alfonse without even realizing it. It's also possible that the reason Alfonse (Kiran) was the only one who didn't forget about the dream realm or the álfar the first time they returned to (dream) Askr from the dream realm is because Kiran defies the world's reason. As in the example from the previous section regarding Sharena, mortals could originally go to and from the dream world by sleeping, but this time, the real world was not impacted in the aftermath of the battle in Kiran's dream Midgard. [...] However, everything that took place in this battle was all in Kiran's dream, the one who defies reason. As such, this conflict has logically inconsistent aspects, and one should bear in mind that this is impossible to confirm. This diagram is included:
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Freyja's Reckless Behaviour and Jealousy Towards Mortals Because She Desperately Desired Her Brother Most aspects of this attack on Midgard by the nightmare realm (more accurately, Freyja's meddling with the Order of Heroes), from the reason they were targeted to the changes in the álfar after the conflict ended, even now remain shrouded in mystery and are difficult to understand. The greatest mystery is Freyja's motivation and original objective in attacking and causing such strife. When she was young, she was mocked by those around her due to having a large mark on her nose. However, because her brother comforted her, she came to only open her heart to him. Thus Freyja began to have feelings for her brother Freyr that went beyond familial love, becoming infatuated with him and wanting to have all of him to herself. However, due to him always wishing for the happiness and tranquility of mortals, Freyja came to detest the mortals who received his consideration, seeing them as obstacles to her desire. In the story, Freyja used the álfar under her command to execute three tasks: to bring Freyr to her domain, the nightmare realm, to become the ruler over all dreams by making his power her own using the necklace Brísingamen, and to invade the real world by being in the same place as her brother, thereby causing the Waking Dream. [...] At first glance, it seems like Freyja did all of this on purpose. But regarding the third point, the invasion of Midgard by dreams, because it actually happened in Kiran's dream, it's unclear if the Waking Dream similarly occurred in the real world. If her main objective was to obtain the full power of the dream world and use it to invade the mortal realm, it would've been pointless to do so via the non-reality Midgard in Kiran's dream. Furthermore, in order to end the Waking Dream, Kiran and the others had to cut down Freyr to make Freyja lose the power she stole from him. However, Freyja was able to call forth nightmare soldiers in the dream Midgard with just her own power even when the Waking Dream didn't end after Freyr was eliminated. This makes it difficult to believe that her goal was to cause (a phenomenon resembling) the Waking Dream within the dream. After the conflict, Freyja fell into slumber after using too much power, so we can't speculate on her motive behind causing such a scene. However, the root cause of Freyja's actions in the story probably stems from her lust (the word used here, "愛欲", is distinct from the standard word for "love", and seems to primarily denote passion and/or sexual desire), wishing for her brother to look at her and to monopolize his affections. It's possible that, to Freyja, the Waking Dream spilling into other worlds (Kiran's dream Midgard) was merely an incidental side effect. It's unclear why Freyja chose the Order of Heroes (particularly Kiran) as targets of her meddling through dreams, or as pieces in her plot to take her brother away. But looking at Freyja's claim that a dream could continue forever by Kiran's power and hers together, it is possible she also had her sights on using Kiran's power. There's a good chance she wanted to use it to make a dream of obtaining her brother last forever, and to eternally enjoy that happiness.
Here are bullet points included on the same page: -The "Waking Dream" refers to when Dream-King Freyr and the nightmare queen Freyja exist in the same location, causing their power to overflow and influence other worlds, resulting in nightmares (soldiers of nightmares) appearing even in the real world. -Gullinkambi is a horn that grants mortals their true awakening (also consult Page 11). It also serves as something like a shield for Freyr, preventing Freyja from being able to appear before him.
The Celestial Gods and the Hidden Intentions of the Creator Alfaðör After the conflict's end, Freyja used her remaining power to revive Triandra and Plumeria and fell into a long slumber. It was at this time, when they resolved to search for a way to revive Freyja, that Líf and Thrasir, generals of the realm of death Hel who once lost in battle against the Order, appeared before them. They had become the subordinates of the War God Thórr and her liege, Alfaðör, He Who Created Everything, forging a pact under the condition that their fallen realms would be restored. Based on what Líf said to Triandra and Plumeria, it appears they also made contracts with the celestial gods. It is unknown why the gods are amassing warriors.


Redolent Censer: A treasure passed down the Askran royal family line. The smell of the incense contained in the censer can dispel all kinds of poisons and curses when it burns. However, its smell is not as pleasant as its name suggests, and it is a bit smoky. Redolent = fragrant/sweet-smelling.
Gullinkambi: A magic horn that heralds one's true awakening. A sacred treasure in Freyr's possession, it is also a means to use his power. When one remembers who they were before falling asleep, wishes to return to their world, and sounds the horn, their awakening is at hand. Not just the one who blows it, but everyone they wish to include, will simultaneously awaken and return to reality. However, the horn will neither sound nor yield results while under the influence of powerful dark dreams (nightmares), or if not blown near the Dream Gate. Freyr gave Alfonse (actually Kiran) the horn to allow the Order to escape the dream world after they got lost in it, but this rendered him unable to resist Freyja when she abducted him to the nightmare realm.
Brísingamen: A necklace that curses people it is put on, claiming everything they have as its original owner's and placing it under their dominion. It was once destroyed, but thanks to Freyja, it was restored over a long period of time. Freyja made Freyr's power into her own by placing this necklace on him.
Flower nectar (dream nectar): Nectar imbued with Freyr and Freyja's dream powers. Children from the real world can drink it to become álfar. Upon becoming álfar, they gain power comparable to that of Heroes from other worlds, as well as the mysterious ability to grant mortals dreams. However, in exchange, they can never return to being human and will spend an eternity in the dream realm without aging. Furthermore, álfar become servants to the dream rulers that gave them their lives, and their masters can erase their entire existence whenever they see fit. The dream nectar bestowed to them by their masters also serves as the source of the álfar's power.
Soldiers of nightmares: Born from the fears in the hearts of mortals who visit the dream world, they stand in the way of the mortals lost in the dream and the álfar they are allied with. They imitate the forms of Heroes from other worlds.
Changeling: A word that comes from ancient Askran legends regarding álfar. [...] It refers to álfar that secretly replace human children and are raised in their place.
World of Steel: A world filled with steel towers, tall enough to pierce the sky, and iron carriages, seen in Kiran's daydream. According to Freyr, it's a developed civilization whose denizens have forgotten how to dream in exchange for convenience, making it a grey world where álfar are unable to live. It is Kiran's home world in which they lived before being summoned to Midgard.
Ljósálfheimr, the dream realm: A realm born from the happy dreams of mortals. Governed by Dream-King Freyr and inhabited by ljósálfar. A fantastical world filled with warm scenery like in children's dreams. An unstable location easily influenced by the human mind. A vast land covered by plains and forests, with small houses scattered about. It's possible that the realm has bounds, or that ljósálfar other than Peony and Mirabilis exist, but as it is entirely under the influence of dreaming mortals, such details are unknown.
Field of flowers: A flower field that Sharena and the formerly human álfar always played in when they were young. Nice-smelling flowers bloom all over.
Large bed(s): Bed(s) meant for sleeping in a dream. Used to enter the realm of fantasy. Big enough to accommodate three adults lying down comfortably. (In the ENG version, Sharena mentions that there are "many" of them, but the JP version doesn't make any indication of the number of beds. Due to the fact that this excerpt specifically mentions THREE adults being able to fit on it, it's possible that Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna all slept on it at the same time and that there is only one. However, the possibility that there are multiple of them remains open)
Dream Gate: A gate used to escape the dream. Unlike gates to other realms, it is a one-way exit that only exists on the dream world's side. By blowing the horn Gullinkambi in front of the gate, one can awaken from the dream world.
Realm of fantasy: A realm that exists as a dream within a dream, it is the residence of Dream-King Freyr, who gave life to the ljósálfar.
Dökkálfheimr, the nightmare realm: Also known as the "realm of dark dreams". Ruled by Freyja, queen of nightmares, and inhabited by dökkálfar, who give mortals bad dreams. While it has a perpetually gloomy and eerie atmosphere in contrast to the dream realm, it also has places where flowers like those from the flower fields (that Sharena played in as a child) of Ljósálfheimr bloom. Unlike the dream realm, which is influenced by mortal minds, it does not bend to the hearts nor wills of mortals and is entirely controlled by Freyja.
Midgard in Kiran's dream: A replica of Askr and its surrounding area in Kiran's dream. It is a world in the dream Kiran experienced after being made to sleep for three days and nights in Freyja's attempt to use them. Other than the existence of the Dream Gate, its geography and location names all remain the same as those of the real Midgard. This is why even Kiran did not realize they were still in a dream until the final stage of the conflict.
Village in the wheat country: One of Askr's border villages. Though it's normally lively, everyone there fell asleep and couldn't wake up due to the sleep sickness in Kiran's dream.
Misty forest: A forest near the border between Askr and Embla where Mirabilis lives. Always enveloped in thick mist, it seems to be a cozy place to sleep in, according to Mirabilis.
Point of twilight: A cape from which one can see the gorgeous setting sun. The location in Midgard closest to the nightmare realm. When the sunset shines (twilight/when day turns to night), one is able to cross into the nightmare realm from this location by experiencing a "particularly scary daydream" created by Mirabilis' power.
And there we have it. First, I should apologize for any inaccuracies in my translations and any confusion they may cause. This was an intensive passion project born from my love for Book IV, and I hope those who took the time to humour such a long post gained some enjoyment from it. Please do leave your thoughts and/or questions below, as I would love to engage in civil discussion about all things Book IV. Thank you for reading!
submitted by GrimaIsBestWaifu to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:07 peaceful931 Help deciding on which Hisense tv to buy

Costco has the QD6 - for 299.99 3 year warranty included
BestBuy has the 55u7n usually for 599.99 with manufactures warranty included.
This is my first smart tv so I am already a little leery of the reliability and I have never had a Hisense anything so I like the warranty from costco but I wouldn't mind the 55u7n, if it suits what I use the tv for.
TBH, I could get by with a simple 1080p hdr tv which I had before but it died and I don't want to buy used, so I need help deciding on which one to get based on how I use the tv.
95% of the time I will watch stuff off of a dedicated pc connected to it. I have a gaming machine that I use, so I don't need the tv for video games. I think the 55u7n might be wasted since it seems to be more geared towards console which I use very rarely, since I have a pc to do that.
I mainly watch anime which is normally at 1080p 30 fps and sometimes streaming movies\series that run through the pc. I like the idea of a 4k tv for any higher quality stuff I have access to through streaming services, so it will be an upgrade from the 1080p tv I had.
I have heard good things about the sound quality of the 55u7n but I have a home theater system that I will be using and I am okay with the sound quality, so the tvs sound may be wasted.
Edit: I also will probably only watch around 3 to 8 hours a week on this tv.
submitted by peaceful931 to Hisense [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:06 0106lonenyc 33 and I feel it's too late for everything

(I should premise this by saying I don't live in the US so any US centered advice would not work)
I am 32 going on 33. And I just feel it's too late.
I was a star performer in high school and everyone thought I'd go places. I graduated with hons and then...I didn't know what to do because the job market in my country (Italy) sucked and also because I didn't really know what I wanted. Spent three years unemployed and depressed, then I picked up my pieces and moved to Germany to pursue a second more technical MSc. Then Covid came, so I once again found myself unemployed after graduation. My mental health spiraled.
After brief stints and a horrible low paid job I unexpectedly received an offer for a paid internship at a UN agency in NYC. I went without hesitation, and I found out I loved what I was doing - basically I was working on emergency preparation and vulnerability analysis for developing countries. I would write reports, do research, and create visualizations and maps to target operations and fundraising. After so many years (I was 31 at that point) everything seemed to fall into place. For the first time in my life I felt like I was going somewhere. I was in the right place and the right time. I learned Spanish and French in my spare time and networked like crazy. My boss gave me rave reviews so I thought an official job contract was around the corner...but I underestimated just how competitive that environment is. They had another more qualified applicants, and I got left behind.
I had to move back home. My savings had all but evaporated, and I had no job. I quickly fell into depression once again. I kept applying left and right, but no one would hire me, not even for the most entry level jobs. After one year (!) of unemployment I managed to find my current job, which is horrible, but gives me some money, and is remote.
Still, I hate it. Having been in NYC and working on something I was passionate about seems a very distant dream now. Currently I am but a shell of that. I spend my days either fiddling my thumbs (because no one can bother looking after me and giving me tasks) or being suddenly dumped with work I don't know how to do. Even the tiniest bit of confidence I had left is gone. All of my peers are moving ahead, getting PhDs, building a proper career, finding their niche...and here I am nearly 33 stuck in a low paid job that I hate and I will probably be fired from because I just can't keep up. I have no future, no hope, and no ideas. I'd be in deep debt if it wasn't for my mom who generously lets me stay with her rent free so that I can cover the expenses.
I don't even know how to get better at this point, because I can't just go back to school forever, and I can't "start from somewhere" because the places I could "start from" won't hire me. I'm wh*ring myself out on LinkedIn, reaching out to everyone and their mother, taking part in meetings and trying to get myself known to people on a daily basis (which frankly gets embarrassing and tiresome but that's another story), but to no use. Everyone sees my CV and says wow impressive I'm sure you'll find something!, but then here I am. Most I got was getting shortlisted for a job at the european commission, only for them to wait three months to tell me I had not been selected.
I also realised that I don't care about making a career in the private sector, even if I could have one. I don't care about working a lot for some company. I don't care about the corporate shenanigans, and the money is terrible anyways. I'd rather work in the public sector. At least I wouldn't have to worry about getting kicked out with little notice in 2 months' time.
I wish I never graduated. I wish I never had all these experiences. I'd rather stay in my own little stupid bubble than try and get out of my comfort zone. If I did I'd never have known what my true passion was and I'd never have known that I evidently am not good enough to actually go after it. In my language we say "far from the eyes, far from the heart", i.e., out of sight, out of mind - I'd rather not have tried than trying and failing.
I'm 33 but I already feel dead and I don't care about anything any longer. I'll never be happy or even moderately satisfied. People say "find a hobby" like it solves things. Yeah going for a run in the morning or buying a dog will magically change the fact that I'm poor and will have to work my entire life in jobs I hate. What's the point in that.
submitted by 0106lonenyc to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:05 iamkingsleyf 29 Different Types of Dal

Dal, also known as dahl, daal, or daal soups, is an essential part of Indian cuisine and many other cuisines worldwide.
They are incredibly healthy and tasty, but they’re also highly diverse and can be made in many different ways to suit individual preferences.
However, whether you want to try dal out or you are looking to branch out. And also, try new different types of dal in your meals.
Keep reading to learn about the different kinds of dal and why you should try them all!

Dal Tempered with Clay

The first among different types of dal is called dal tempered with clay. This type of dal is made by cooking the lentils in water with spices and then adding seasoned clarified butter.
Yet, the result is a thick, creamy dal perfect for scooping up with naan bread.


Horsegram is a type of dal that is often overlooked. It's dark in color and has a strong flavor, but it's also very nutritious. Horsegram is a good source of protein, iron, and fiber.
Nonetheless, It also contains antioxidants that can help boost your immune system. If you're looking for new types of dal to try, horse gram is a great option.

Aamti dal

Aamti is a dal with yellow lentils, spices, tamarind, and tomatoes. It's a popular dish in Maharashtra, India. Aamti is usually served with rice or roti.
Although this dish is hearty and filling, it also has a complex flavor that comes from the combination of spices. If you're looking to try a new type of dal, Aamti is an excellent option among different types of dal.

Pigeon Peas/ Toor Dal

Pigeon peas, also known as toor dal, are different types of dal or legume that are commonly used in Indian cuisine. They have a nutty flavor and a slightly sticky texture.
Besides, Toor dal is usually cooked with spices such as turmeric, cumin, and chili pepper. It can be served with rice or roti and is a good source of protein.

Chironji Ki Dal

Chironji ki dal is a type of dal made from chironji nuts. The nuts are soaked in water for a few hours, then ground into a paste. The paste is then fried in oil or ghee and cooked with spices until it forms a thick gravy.
Nevertheless, Chironji ki dal is usually served with rice or roti. This dal is said to be good for digestion and can help treat diarrhea.
It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy option for those looking to add more nutrient-dense foods to their diet of different types of dal.

Red Kidney Beans/Rajma

Rajma is a staple in North Indian cuisine. It is a hearty, filling dish that is perfect for wintertime. Rajma is made with red kidney beans, tomatoes, onions, and different types of dal and spices. Notwithstanding, this dish is usually served with rice or roti.

Split Chana Dal/ Bengal Gram Dal

Chana dal, also known as Bengal gram dal, is a yellow split pea popular in Indian cuisine. These different types of dal are high in fiber and protein, making it a healthy and filling option.
In addition, chana dal can be used in various dishes, from soups to curries. If you haven't tried this delicious dal yet, you're missing out! Chana dal is native to the Indian subcontinent and has a nutty flavor.
Furthermore, Chana dal is a high choice for those looking forward to adding more plant-based foods to their diet. These different types of dal can be used in soups, curries, or even as a standalone dish.
They are popular ingredients in Indian cuisine. They have a nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Chana dal is often used in curries and soups.

Split Black Urad Dal

Urad dal, also known as black lentils, are small, oval-shaped beans that are jet black. These little legumes pack a big nutritional punch, containing high levels of protein, fiber, iron, and potassium. They also have a milder flavor than other different types of dal.
Equally important, Making them a good choice for those who are new to Indian cuisine. Split black urad dal is often used in soups and stews or boiled and served with rice.

Whole Black Urad Dal

This dal is often used in curries and has a slightly nutty flavor. It's also rich in protein and fiber, making it a nutritious addition to any meal. Plus, it's one of the more versatile dals since it can be used in different types of dal dishes.

Split Green Moong Dal

A staple in Indian cuisine, moong dal is also one of the f different types of dal of yellow split pea that's particularly popular in soups and curries. It's high in protein and fiber, low in fat, and has a nutty flavor. Plus, it's easy to cook and can be used in various dishes.

Whole Green Moong Dal

Whole green moong dal is a type of dal that is made from whole green mung beans. The beans are soaked overnight, then cooked with water and spices until they are soft.
Moreover, this type of dal is usually served with rice or roti, and it can be used in various types of dal. Whole green moong dal is a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins and has multiple health benefits.

Split Orange Masoor Dal

This dal gets its name from its color, which is a beautiful orange hue. It's made with orange lentils, which are small and quick-cooking. This dal is flavorful, thanks to ginger, garlic, cumin, and chili pepper.
To sum up, It's also pretty healthy since it's high in fiber and protein. Give this dal a try the next time you're in the mood for something hearty and flavorful among different types of dal.

Whole Masoor

Whole Masoor dal is a type of brown lentil with a slightly nutty flavor. This dal is usually used in curries and can be paired with rice or roti.
Notwithstanding, Whole Masoor dal is a good source of protein and fiber and is also low in calories. If you are looking for different healthy types of dal to add to your diet, then Whole Masoor dal is a great option.

Split Yellow Moong Dal

A staple in Indian cuisine, yellow moong dal is a type of split pulse that is high in protein and fiber. It has a mild flavor and can be used in various dishes, from soups to curries. Yellow moong dal is also a good source of iron and folate, making it a nutritious different type of dal to your diet.

Sindhi Tidli Dal

Sindhi Tidli Dal is a type of dal that is made with black lentils, split Bengal gram, and kidney beans. This dal is typically served with rice or roti and is a popular dish in Sindhi cuisine.
In essence, the dal is often garnished with cilantro, green chilies, and ginger-garlic paste. Sindhi Tidli Dal is a hearty dish that is perfect for a winter meal among different types of dal.

Maa Ki Dal

This different type of dal is made with black lentils that have been soaked overnight. They're then cooked with ginger, garlic, onion, and tomatoes. Also, this dish is usually served with rice or roti and is a staple in many Indian households.

Dhaba Dal

This type of dal is usually made with Dhaba dal but can also be made with a mix of different lentils. It gets its name from the small roadside eateries in India called dhabas, where this dish is often served.
The dal is cooked until soft and then simmered in a spiced tomato gravy. Dhaba dal is typically served with roti or rice, making it a complete meal for your choice of different types of dal.

Panchratna Dal

This dal is made with a combination of five different types of dal, each providing its unique flavor and nutrition. However, Panchratna dal is hearty and filling, making it an excellent choice for a winter meal. Plus, it's packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins, making it a healthy option.

Tadka Dal (Bengali Style)

Tadka Dal is a Bengali-style dal that is simple to make but packed with flavor. The key to this dish is tempering. Or tadka, which is a mixture of spices that are fried in oil and then added to the dal.
This dish is usually made with chana dal, but you can use any dal you like. Try it once, and you'll be hooked!

Black Chickpeas/ Kala Chana

Black chickpeas, also known as Kala chana, are small, dark-colored chickpeas. Different types of dal have a robust, nutty flavor and firm texture. Black chickpeas are popular in Indian cuisine, often used in curries and salads.
Furthermore, Black chickpeas are a good source of protein, fiber, and iron. They can be cooked in various ways, including boiling, simmering, and baking. Black chickpeas can be found in most Indian grocery stores.
Black chickpeas, or Kala chana, are smaller and darker than white chickpeas. They have a robust and earthy flavor and a slightly tougher texture. Black chickpeas are often used in stews and soups.

White Chickpeas/Kabuli Chana

Kabuli chana, also known as white chickpeas, are the most common types of dal of chickpea. They have a nutty flavor and a firm texture. Moreover, Kabuli chana is often used in salads, curries, and rice dishes.

Red Lentils/Masoor Day

Red lentils, or masoor dal, are small, orange-colored lentils.

Adzuki Beans dal

Adzuki beans are small, red, and heart-shaped. They're often used in Asian desserts, but they can also be made into a delicious dal. Adzuki beans are high in fiber and protein and are a good source of iron. They cook quickly, so they're perfect for a weeknight meal with different types of dal.

Soy Beans

Soybeans are a type of dal that is high in protein and low in fat. They are a good source of fiber and can be used in many different dishes.
All in all, Soybeans can be used as a side dish or as an ingredient in soups, stews, and curries. They are also a good source of antioxidants and have been shown to improve heart health among different types of dal.

Black Eyed Peas/ Lobia

Black-eyed peas, also called lobia, are a type of cowpea. Different types of dal are popular in India and many other parts of the world. The black-eyed pea is a small, beige-colored bean with a black spot on one end.
Therefore, The beans are cooked and used in various dishes, including curries, stews, salads, and rice dishes. Black-eyed peas are a good source of protein, fiber, iron, and vitamins A and C.

Moth Beans/ Matki

A small, brownish-black bean that has a nutty flavor. It is popular in vegetarian dishes because it has a similar texture to meat.
Nonetheless, Moth beans are high in protein and fiber. We are making them a healthy option for different types of dal for those looking to add more plant-based proteins to their diet.

Toor Dal/ split pigeon peas

A staple in Indian cuisine, toor dal is a yellow lentil that is often used in soups and stews. Plus, It has a slightly sweet flavor and is often paired with rice or roti.
In contrast, Toor dal, also known as split pigeon peas, is another staple in Indian cuisine. However, They have a sweet flavor and a creamy texture. Toor dal is often used in stews and curries.

Whole White Urad Dal

This type of dal is full of protein and fiber, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians. And also for those looking to add more protein to their diet. It's also low in calories and fat, making it a healthy option.
In other words, Whole white urad dal can be cooked in various ways, so it's versatile. Try it in a soup, curry, or even a simple side dish for your choice of different types of dal.

Split White Urad Dal

Urad dal, also known as black lentils, is a staple in Indian cuisine. They have a nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Urad dal is often used in curries and soups.
Dal is a delicious, nutritious, and versatile dish that can be made in many different ways. There are many kinds of dal, each with its unique flavor and texture.
Finally, Dal is a great way to add variety to your diet and to get your daily dose of protein. So why not try all the different types of dal? You might find your new favorite!
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:04 TheBear8878 [5 YOE] Most up-to-date iteration, but not getting any responses to this resume

[5 YOE] Most up-to-date iteration, but not getting any responses to this resume
A few things about this format I chose: I used to have Skills at the top, but then I saw one of the recommended "How to make a software resume" or "What hiring managers are looking for" posts from the wiki recommend this set-up with experience, projects, education, and skills, so I moved Skills to the bottom.
I'm unsure if ATS is somehow parsing my experience at my most recent job incorrectly and if I should list "Software Engineer" for the full duration (which technically wouldn't be inaccurate). I had that initially, but then I saw something about how you want to show some growth, so I updated it to show the multiple titles I held there.
I just recently added (Remote) to the location of the first job and (early stage start-up) to the company of the third job because I was applying to many remote positions that asked if you were comfortable in a remote setting or comfortable with start-ups, and I wanted to show I had already worked in those settings on the resume.
I'm applying mostly to API development jobs, where most of my experience lies. I'm searching for Remote and hybrid jobs in Los Angeles or US-wide (for remote). I'm not willing to relocate at the moment, as I just signed a lease a few months ago.
I was laid off on March 29th but had known about it since November and was focusing on savings.
I'm seeking help for fine-tuning and getting either no responses or just "We've decided not to move forward with you at this time..." canned emails.
I feel like my resume in general is pretty strong and I'm happy with it, but the results don't lie. I know its reallllly bad for Software right now, but I wonder if this format is just not working and I need to change anything, like moving Company name above Position title or something to help ATS parsing?
I could change the format to one of the templates in the wiki; I'm just unsure if I even need to, and that's just how it's going for software right now.
I opted not to list my graduation date, not because it was so long ago that it would unintentionally reveal my age, but because it was so recent that I don't want people to think I'm just a new grad and not focus on the 5 years of software experience I already have.
I often edit the skills section to highlight for what I am applying for, this is just a version where these particular skills are selected.
I know the second and third jobs. I could probably update the bullet points to be more WXZ/CASTAR, so I plan to make some minor edits there soon. Still, with my most recent experience, education, and projects listed, I should be getting a little bit better responses than I am, and I don't think those bullet points alone are eliminating me.
In many jobs I see and apply to, I feel I am a great fit without really needing to update what I have in my resume. I'm seeing jobs like, "Python API development in Flask, must have experience with Kubernetes, must have Bachelors in CS or Software Engineering, must have an AWS Cloud certification, must be comfortable with remote settings with experience in start-ups...". I'm seriously shocked that I'm not getting better responses with some of the positions because it feels like on paper, and in my experience, I'm a stellar fit.
submitted by TheBear8878 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:03 Agent_DK_ Navy Seals Copypasta

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
submitted by Agent_DK_ to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:02 DTG_Bot The Final Shape: All You Need to Know

The day has come, Guardians. Happy The Final Shape launch day! Much is happening today, so we wanted to help by putting everything you might need to know in one place. Let's start with The Final Shape launch trailer, shall we?
Video Link

Confronting Oblivion

In our latest ViDocs, we shared why The Final Shape is so special. We talked about the emotional journey, the Witness's plans, the beloved characters you've known for almost ten years, the new powers, the dangers, the places you'll find... You know what? It's better if you just watch them yourself.
Video LinkVideo Link

Through The Pale Heart

Crow was first. Now, it's our turn to step inside the Traveler and explore : The Pale Heart. It's strange, yet familiar. Welcoming, but unsettling. You'll first experience this new destination in a more linear way while playing through the campaign, but afterward, it will continue unfolding with new locations, challenges, and activities. And with Pathfinder—our new progression system for The Pale Heart destination and Ritual activities—you'll earn tons of rewards while doing so.
Video Link

A Campaign for Legends

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In The Final Shape campaign, you, the Vanguard, and your allies will pursue the Witness to thwart its plans. It won't be easy, especially if you play it in Legendary Mode. You'll have to test your mettle on every fight, but your efforts will earn you upgraded rewards, like a set of armor with a high enough Power Level for raid content.

Fear the Dread

The Dread is a new species born as a result of the Witness's incursion inside of the Traveler. They are a menace, and you'll need new strategies to defeat them.
Video LinkVideo LinkVideo LinkVideo Link

Transcend Light and Darkness

During their adventures inside The Pale Heart, players will earn three new Light-based Supers, one for each Guardian class and each of them accompanied by new Aspects.

Storm's Edge Super and Ascension Aspect

Video Link

Song of Flame Super and Hellion Aspect

Video Link

Twilight Arsenal Super and Unbreakable Aspect

Video Link
But that's not all. The blending of Light and Darkness inside of the Traveler will allow Guardians to go beyond their known limits and combine both powers for the first time with the Prismatic subclass. Players will be able to combine select features of Light and Darkness subclasses, while also having some new and powerful Fragments at their disposal, resulting in incredibly powerful builds.
With Prismatic, using Light and Darkness will also charge a new power called Transcendence, which will overflow Guardians with power, allowing them to create a unique grenade. Born from Light and Darkness, these grenades have increased damage output and regenerate at a faster pace.
Video Link
The cherry on top for Prismatic is the addition of new Exotic class items. These are exclusive to the Prismatic subclass, and you earn them through a unique activity in The Final Shape. Each of these Exotic class items has a mix of two Exotic armor perks, allowing for combos that were not possible before. Check out the list of Exotic perk combinations here.
Video LinkVideo LinkVideo Link

New Arsenal

Speaking of Exotics, we have a formidable lineup of new Exotic weapons that will allow you to defeat your foes in unique ways. Still Hunt shoots like a Marksman Hunter, Microcosm shoots wide beams of powerful Light, Khvostov is an old friend made anew and... well, you’ll discover what the rest do on your adventure.

Still Hunt

Video Link


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Video Link
Six new Exotic pieces of armor will also be available in The Final Shape, two for each class. Three of these pieces have their own trailers already, check them out below.


Video Link

Gifted Conviction

Video Link

Hazardous Propulsion

Video Link
Of course, new Legendary gear is also needed in this fight, and we have plenty. For starters, the new destination weapons are all craftable, and some are part of new archetypes, like the new Auto Rifle that heals your allies when you shoot at them.
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Here's the whole list:
  • No Hesitation – Solar Support Frame Auto Rifle
  • Axial Lacuna – Solar Precision Fusion Rifle
  • Bold Endings – Stasis Heavy Burst Hand Cannon
  • Pro Memoria – Strand Aggressive Machine Gun
  • Someday – Kinetic Precision Shotgun
  • The Call – Strand Rocket-Assited Frame Sidearm
  • Embraced Identity – Void Adaptive Sniper Rifle
  • False Idols – Solar Vortex Frame Sword
And let's not forget one very important upgrade coming to many weapons, including both new weapons and those already in your vault: perk enhancing. A broad selection of Legendary weapons can now have their perks enhanced.

An Ever-Evolving Sandbox

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Our Sandbox team has been busy making changes to weapons, armor, and abilities. We have three different articles covering the main changes coming with The Final Shape. Be prepared to buildcraft and be your strongest self by reading these:
Additionaly, we have a preview of the perks that the new Seasonal Artifact brings to the table. It’s another crucial aspect of buildcrafting in Destiny 2.

Storm the New Raid: Salvation's Edge

In The Final Shape, Guardians will confront the Witness in the new Salvation's Edge raid launching on June 7. Our World First race will be taking place during the first 48 hours of the raid, when Contest Mode will also be active. Whether you participate in the raid with your fireteam or follow the race on Twitch Rivals, you won’t want to miss this.
Please note that we encourage all players to complete The Final Shape campaign and the Wild Card Exotic quest prior to the launch of Salvation’s Edge to have the best story experience.

Destiny 2 x Dungeons & Dragons

Video Link
We’re rolling a 20 on excitement for our newave partnership with Wizards of the Coast, bringing Dungeons & Dragons to Destiny 2 in The Final Shape. Faerûn-inspired sets will be available at the Eververse store on June 4, as well as more gear and accessories inspired by this iconic role-playing franchise.
  • Gold Dragon-themed Apex Draconic set for Titans
  • Mind Flayers-themed Flayer’s Dominion set for Warlocks
  • Displacer Beast’s-themed Spectral Displacer set for Hunters
  • Queen of Dragons ship
  • Owlbear Chariot Sparrow
  • Eye Tyrant Ghost shell
  • Bigby’s Fist finisher
  • Natural 20 emote
In addition, the Bungie Store will also be offering an Eye Tyrant Beholder Ghost shell vinyl figure, inspired by the fearsome multi-eyed D&D monster.

The Year of Episodes Begins on June 11

The first Episode, Echoes, will start a new era for Destiny 2 on June 11, exactly one week after The Final Shape launches. We'll share more information about Echoes and Episodes after The Final Shape launch.

Many Quality-of-Life Changes

The Final Shape also brings a lot of important changes to many Destiny 2 systems, from how Rahool will decrypt Exotic engrams to how shaders are shown in the customization menu. Below you can find a list of these changes:
Image Linkimgur
For the remaining information about what has been added and what is changing with The Final Shape, please read the patch notes for Update
As we said at the beginning, today is the day. You can finally play The Final Shape, face the Witness and its forces, and live an adventure ten years in the making.
Have fun, everyone!

The Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:01 DTG_Bot The Final Shape: All You Need to Know

The day has come, Guardians. Happy The Final Shape launch day! Much is happening today, so we wanted to help by putting everything you might need to know in one place. Let's start with The Final Shape launch trailer, shall we?
Video Link

Confronting Oblivion

In our latest ViDocs, we shared why The Final Shape is so special. We talked about the emotional journey, the Witness's plans, the beloved characters you've known for almost ten years, the new powers, the dangers, the places you'll find... You know what? It's better if you just watch them yourself.
Video LinkVideo Link

Through The Pale Heart

Crow was first. Now, it's our turn to step inside the Traveler and explore : The Pale Heart. It's strange, yet familiar. Welcoming, but unsettling. You'll first experience this new destination in a more linear way while playing through the campaign, but afterward, it will continue unfolding with new locations, challenges, and activities. And with Pathfinder—our new progression system for The Pale Heart destination and Ritual activities—you'll earn tons of rewards while doing so.
Video Link

A Campaign for Legends

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In The Final Shape campaign, you, the Vanguard, and your allies will pursue the Witness to thwart its plans. It won't be easy, especially if you play it in Legendary Mode. You'll have to test your mettle on every fight, but your efforts will earn you upgraded rewards, like a set of armor with a high enough Power Level for raid content.

Fear the Dread

The Dread is a new species born as a result of the Witness's incursion inside of the Traveler. They are a menace, and you'll need new strategies to defeat them.
Video LinkVideo LinkVideo LinkVideo Link

Transcend Light and Darkness

During their adventures inside The Pale Heart, players will earn three new Light-based Supers, one for each Guardian class and each of them accompanied by new Aspects.

Storm's Edge Super and Ascension Aspect

Video Link

Song of Flame Super and Hellion Aspect

Video Link

Twilight Arsenal Super and Unbreakable Aspect

Video Link
But that's not all. The blending of Light and Darkness inside of the Traveler will allow Guardians to go beyond their known limits and combine both powers for the first time with the Prismatic subclass. Players will be able to combine select features of Light and Darkness subclasses, while also having some new and powerful Fragments at their disposal, resulting in incredibly powerful builds.
With Prismatic, using Light and Darkness will also charge a new power called Transcendence, which will overflow Guardians with power, allowing them to create a unique grenade. Born from Light and Darkness, these grenades have increased damage output and regenerate at a faster pace.
Video Link
The cherry on top for Prismatic is the addition of new Exotic class items. These are exclusive to the Prismatic subclass, and you earn them through a unique activity in The Final Shape. Each of these Exotic class items has a mix of two Exotic armor perks, allowing for combos that were not possible before. Check out the list of Exotic perk combinations here.
Video LinkVideo LinkVideo Link

New Arsenal

Speaking of Exotics, we have a formidable lineup of new Exotic weapons that will allow you to defeat your foes in unique ways. Still Hunt shoots like a Marksman Hunter, Microcosm shoots wide beams of powerful Light, Khvostov is an old friend made anew and... well, you’ll discover what the rest do on your adventure.

Still Hunt

Video Link


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Video Link
Six new Exotic pieces of armor will also be available in The Final Shape, two for each class. Three of these pieces have their own trailers already, check them out below.


Video Link

Gifted Conviction

Video Link

Hazardous Propulsion

Video Link
Of course, new Legendary gear is also needed in this fight, and we have plenty. For starters, the new destination weapons are all craftable, and some are part of new archetypes, like the new Auto Rifle that heals your allies when you shoot at them.
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Here's the whole list:
  • No Hesitation – Solar Support Frame Auto Rifle
  • Axial Lacuna – Solar Precision Fusion Rifle
  • Bold Endings – Stasis Heavy Burst Hand Cannon
  • Pro Memoria – Strand Aggressive Machine Gun
  • Someday – Kinetic Precision Shotgun
  • The Call – Strand Rocket-Assited Frame Sidearm
  • Embraced Identity – Void Adaptive Sniper Rifle
  • False Idols – Solar Vortex Frame Sword
And let's not forget one very important upgrade coming to many weapons, including both new weapons and those already in your vault: perk enhancing. A broad selection of Legendary weapons can now have their perks enhanced.

An Ever-Evolving Sandbox

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Our Sandbox team has been busy making changes to weapons, armor, and abilities. We have three different articles covering the main changes coming with The Final Shape. Be prepared to buildcraft and be your strongest self by reading these:
Additionaly, we have a preview of the perks that the new Seasonal Artifact brings to the table. It’s another crucial aspect of buildcrafting in Destiny 2.

Storm the New Raid: Salvation's Edge

In The Final Shape, Guardians will confront the Witness in the new Salvation's Edge raid launching on June 7. Our World First race will be taking place during the first 48 hours of the raid, when Contest Mode will also be active. Whether you participate in the raid with your fireteam or follow the race on Twitch Rivals, you won’t want to miss this.
Please note that we encourage all players to complete The Final Shape campaign and the Wild Card Exotic quest prior to the launch of Salvation’s Edge to have the best story experience.

Destiny 2 x Dungeons & Dragons

Video Link
We’re rolling a 20 on excitement for our newave partnership with Wizards of the Coast, bringing Dungeons & Dragons to Destiny 2 in The Final Shape. Faerûn-inspired sets will be available at the Eververse store on June 4, as well as more gear and accessories inspired by this iconic role-playing franchise.
  • Gold Dragon-themed Apex Draconic set for Titans
  • Mind Flayers-themed Flayer’s Dominion set for Warlocks
  • Displacer Beast’s-themed Spectral Displacer set for Hunters
  • Queen of Dragons ship
  • Owlbear Chariot Sparrow
  • Eye Tyrant Ghost shell
  • Bigby’s Fist finisher
  • Natural 20 emote
In addition, the Bungie Store will also be offering an Eye Tyrant Beholder Ghost shell vinyl figure, inspired by the fearsome multi-eyed D&D monster.

The Year of Episodes Begins on June 11

The first Episode, Echoes, will start a new era for Destiny 2 on June 11, exactly one week after The Final Shape launches. We'll share more information about Echoes and Episodes after The Final Shape launch.

Many Quality-of-Life Changes

The Final Shape also brings a lot of important changes to many Destiny 2 systems, from how Rahool will decrypt Exotic engrams to how shaders are shown in the customization menu. Below you can find a list of these changes:
Image Linkimgur
For the remaining information about what has been added and what is changing with The Final Shape, please read the patch notes for Update
As we said at the beginning, today is the day. You can finally play The Final Shape, face the Witness and its forces, and live an adventure ten years in the making.
Have fun, everyone!

The Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:01 ModerateJustice Really nervous following first laser treatment

I had my first laser session yesterday, treating fairly thick dark hair on the face (my skin is pale-ish).
The woman used a Cynosure Alexandrite machine, and it was super quick. But I’m slightly concerned. No initial patch test, and the whole thing felt kind of rushed.
She said she normally advises people not to shave between sessions, as it “encourages hair growth” but acknowledged that not shaving facial hair in between treatments would be unrealistic but said it would probably mean more treatments would be needed if I shaved and said “it may be this is somewhere you come once a month forever” if I shaved between treatments.
I thought shaving encouraging hair growth was pure fallacy, and when I looked it up, all reliable sources agreed that shaving has no impact on hair growth, and in fact many laser establishments confirmed that shaving between sessions was totally fine.
Also, the girl said she likes to be “laid back” and that if I wanted a someone really professional in a white coat, I was in the wrong place.
She said she would contact me today to see how my skin was etc (my skin is okay, no redness or irritation, just a little bit rough) but it is 6pm and no contact.
A salon near me has a Soprano Ice, and I’m wondering if I should cut and run on the original place, and try them instead? I’m desperate for results.
My instincts are telling me this is all wrong and I shouldn’t go back there, but I tend to panic about things.
Really grateful for any help or advice.
submitted by ModerateJustice to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:01 Scary-Shape-7353 The Digital Revolution Of The US Government

Why is everyone getting frustrated with the government?

Here's why:

We've all noticed these problems, but the big question is: What can we do about them?

Answer: Reform the System

Our system of checks and balances is something we can be proud of, but it's far from perfect. One key area that needs our attention is Congress.
Imagine this: We develop a user-friendly app to track Congress's moves. Whenever a new law is about to be voted on, the app turns everyone into a voter. It allows us to voice our opinion before the official vote happens.
This sets up a benchmark. Then, if a politician votes against what their people want, an alert goes out to everyone. Each lawmaker gets a kind of 'scorecard' showing how they've voted over time, compared to what their folks back home want.
So, at election time, checking up on your politician's performance is as easy as looking at their 'grades'. If they've been ignoring what you want, it’s time to vote for someone who won't.
This way, we can make sure that the bad apples, the corrupt or just plain bad at their job, get weeded out in no time.

How does the App work?

We'll be using cutting-edge tech like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain for this game-changing app.
First, we use AI to sift through all those long, complicated laws. It'll be looking for anything sneaky or hidden. Then, the AI will take all that legal jargon and turn it into simple, everyday language. That way, everyone can clearly understand what they're voting for.
All of this takes place on an ultra-secure blockchain platform using something called a Smart Contract. Now, once the law has been broken down into simple language, the AI gets ready for the voting process. It sends a 'token' – think of it as a virtual voting slip – to each registered US citizen.
Once you get your token, you're good to go. You can then read up on the bill in question. If you don't like it, just swipe left. If it gets your thumbs up, swipe right. Simple as that!

Politicians’ Vote

Lawmakers get access to all the data too. They can see exactly how their people want them to vote, but ultimately, they do have the final say.
Should a politician choose to disregard their constituents' wishes, an alert is sent out via the app. People can even use the app to get straight in touch and demand explanations.
This added layer of accountability should have our political machine humming along smoothly before we know it.


In conclusion, the proposed app is an innovative solution that utilizes groundbreaking technologies like blockchain and AI that could revolutionize our democratic process. By integrating AI and blockchain, we’ll have accessible, understandable legislative data with a transparent voting procedure. This system not only encourages participation but also holds lawmakers accountable to their constituents, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. It enables us to sideline corruption, eradicate voter fraud, slash bureaucratic inefficiency, and potentially implement a more representative voting system. Together, we can chart a course toward a more inclusive democracy, fostering a deeper sense of unity and trust within our nation, and working towards a future where the voice of every citizen truly counts. Let's re-humanize politics and ensure that policy-making is a transparent, simple process for all.
Infographics, White Papers, Discovery Docs, and much more available upon request.
submitted by Scary-Shape-7353 to america [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:58 JuanSal32 Selling my Emco cnc mill if interested

Selling my Emco cnc mill if interested
Hello everyone. I know this is a little passed a diy machine but wanted to let everyone know about my machine.
You might see it in other subreddits, I’m trying to get the word out.
I’ve placed it at auction starting at $1.00 with no reserve price.
I cleaned it and lubricated it fully, it was well kept when I purchased it. A high family expense came up and sadly need to get rid of it. Well, thanks everyone.
submitted by JuanSal32 to diycnc [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:56 Unusual-Persimmon414 Why is he like that?

My bf (28) is terrible in bed. I (26) cry myself to sleep sometimes because my bf will go weeks without fucking me. When we do do the deed, it's always the same position and it's always in the dark. I'm a freak and it's like I can't be my regular freak self with him. In my last relationship, sex was always so fun. I use to get railed everyday all day whenever there was a chance. Public places, in the next room to my mom, in random orchards, low key streets... anywhere, anytime. I know my current boyfriend would talk to a lot of girls before him and I started dating. Him and I have been together for 1.5yrs. A few months ago, I caught him being subscribed to OF accounts. I confronted him and he unsubscribed and I never saw an OF charge on his account since then. BUT last night, I went through his phone and found a secret twitter (X) account. This account had 2k followers. I had checked for secret accounts before and had never seen this one so l was shocked. This secret account was a porn account. Nothing but porn videos of girls getting fucked the way I wish he'd fuck me. I'm so confused! Turns out he's a horny piece of shit. But l'm also a horny bitch. I'm just so confused as to why he's so horny on his phone but can't fuck me like in the videos he posts on that account. I haven't told him I know about it yet. Instead, I got up this morning at 5am to make him breakfast before work. (We live together.) And for clarification, l'm a hot Latina. He's white. He pursued since I was in my last relationship. He always tells me l'm hot and sexy and he'll grope me freely. So l know it's not me. I'm just confused as to why he watches porn but then he's a little bitch when it comes to sex in real life with me.
submitted by Unusual-Persimmon414 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:55 BrandonPNW Trying to get unclaimed property from my 18 years deceased grandfather, but I can't find my uncle to sign a release...

So I found unclaimed property in my grandfathers name, it's worth a little over $5k. It was leftover shares from some business that went into Nevada unclaimed properties in about 2007. When he died he left no will and my mother got whatever he had left, there was no probate and nobody was named executor to his estate he pretty much died with nothing. anyhow he died with 3 kids, one my mother and both her and my aunt signed release affadavits releasing their shares to my claim but my uncle has been missing since 2007. Nobody has heard from him, I did some deep searching for him and could find nothing. H He has no social media accounts, there is also nothing on him via public record IE no marriage or death certificates, the last phone number and address listed for him was my grandfathers in 2006 and his last known employer was the employer he worked for in 2006. I've read that in order to proceed without his release I'd need to open up a probate case, the problem being with that is that I live in Washington State and it's Nevada who holds the unclaimed property. How do I handle something like this in court if i'm unable to make the court in Nevada? is there any way to proceed without my uncle IE maybe split off his portion so I can carry on with my claim?
submitted by BrandonPNW to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:55 Rawbbeh Timbergnaws - A Beaverkin race!

Started up a new D&D campaign recently and had been joking about playing a beaver (think the Beavers from Narnia) prior to the start of the game. Here's a custom homebrew race my DM cooked up that...IMO has turned out to be a lot of fun:
Hailing from thick forests and river systems all over the world, Timbergnaws are at once industrious and reclusive. They tend to settle in places too mundane for troublesome adventurers to bother exploring, far from the tree-hugging elves who hate their craft.
Timbergnaw, or "beaver-folk," as they are called by the unfamiliar, live in close-knit clans made up of a dozen or so families. Their Dam-fortresses are built by a combination of lumbering and burrowing, and they claim the resulting ponds and lakes as their fishing-grounds. Woe to any who poach on their waters, as Timbergnaw never forget an ancestral debt or grudge.
Timbergnaws are divided into 3 subraces: Brutetooth Timbergnaw, Quickwhisker Timbergnaw, and Feypelt Timbergnaw.
Timbernaw Traits
Molded by harsher environments with more aggressive neighbors, Brutetooth Timbergnaws are known for being more physically imposing, and their clans tend to dabble in metalworking to further fortify their dam-fortresses against their enemies. Most Timbergnaws who choose to live in wider society are Brutetooths, and as such give the world the impression of a gruff, blunt people.
Brutetooth Traits
Adapted for networks of mountain streams, Quickwhisker Timbergnaws are slimmer and sleeker than their Brutetooth cousins. Quickwhiskers are better burrowers than other Timbergnaws and come equipped with a pungent musk that they can spray to disorient enemies, making them excellent at escaping or hit-and-run tactics. Quickwhisker settlements are often more spread out than their cousins, usually made up of tunnel systems connecting a few smaller dam-fortresses and fishing outposts along nearby streams and ponds.
Quickwhisker Timbergnaws often make skilled artisans, but are quite timid by nature. As a result, it is customary for a tribe to hoard its members' goods for a full year, then send groups of merchants in disguise to human festivals to sell all of the tribe's crafted goods at once.
Quickwhisker Traits
The rarest variant of Timbergnaw, Feypelt Timbergnaws are believed to be the result of a tribe settling too close to a feywild portal, or perhaps the result of an unnamed tribe's long-forgotten pact with an Archfey. Whatever their origin, Feypelts are blessed with just a touch of fey magic. They are smaller than other Timbergnaws, and the fur on their backs reflects rainbow colors in direct sunlight. Feypelt Timbergnaws are the most secretive of all. They protect their societies from detection, as there are some who would hunt them for their beautiful fur.
For this reason, before a member of the tribe leaves the forest, whether it be by choice or exile, they are bound by magical contract to never speak of their tribe or home in detail with an outsider.
Feypelt Traits
submitted by Rawbbeh to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:55 JuanSal32 Selling my Emco CNC Milling Machine

Selling my Emco CNC Milling Machine
Not sure if this is allowed. But I wanted to let everyone know about my Emco vmc I am selling. It’s an amazing machine! I bought it a little time ago, cleaned it fully and was ready to use. However life has become difficult and will need to get rid of it :(
I placed it at auction beginning at $1.00, no reserve prices.
Not sure if this link will work but I’ve included it. I’m going to be posting it in various places to hopefully get more eyes on it. Thanks everyone!
submitted by JuanSal32 to hobbycnc [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:53 nickycm13 22M US - Everyone is a stranger at one point in our lives.

You ever wonder how or why we meet the people we do? What draws us to liking certain people and why? Have you noticed how insanely more difficult it is to make new friends than keep old ones? People tend not to give as much time or effort towards befriending new people but why is that? We're all here looking for someone and everyone we have ever known in our lives at one time was a stranger to us so let's bite the bullet and make some new friends! That effort could be the best decision we've made in a while.
A little about me to break the ice -- I am 22M from the US (Eastern time zone). I love gaming, movies, literature, music, travel, photography, cooking, sports and all sorts of stuff. Tell me a bit about yourself and let's chat!
submitted by nickycm13 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:52 mansplanar Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum

It is a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs and expectations, and their partner’s needs and expectations. In a relationship where one individual is on the autism spectrum, there are likely many more opportunities for misunderstandings and frustration. Finding a path to a respectful, loving and fulfilling long lasting relationship is every committed couple’s desire.
In recent years, it has been helpful that there is more information and resources focused on neuro-diverse relationships. More is available for couples and individuals, including more for women, in relationships with men on the autism spectrum.
This article is a brief summary highlighting information gathered from my experience as well as many women who have shared their stories with me over the years. A listing of resources is available at the end of this article to assist you in locating other information related to this subject.
  1. Learn about Autism Spectrum Disorders (and how ASD affects your partner)
Autism is a neurobiological disorder that affects perception, communication, social skills, learning and behavior. Information processed by the senses can easily overstimulate an individual on the autism spectrum. On the other hand, an individual with autism can also have difficulty processing input from their senses and be under-responsive, unresponsive and/or have a unique response to sensory input.
Communication is frequently processed and interpreted differently for someone on the autism spectrum. Verbal communication is often processed more slowly and words interpreted literally. Persons on the autism spectrum often have trouble staying on topic and maintaining a conversation. Social skills are also affected. Eye contact may be difficult and sometimes facial expressions may not reflect an individual’s true feelings. Social cues are often missed or misread. Individuals on the autism spectrum are not sure how to connect with others. Each person presents differently with his or her challenges. Many on the autism spectrum suffer from anxiety as well.
Your partner likely has executive function deficits. Executive function tasks include planning, organizing, prioritizing, time management, emotional regulation and impulse control. Inertia, both starting and stopping tasks, can be a challenge for people on the autism spectrum. These executive function deficits may be mistakenly attributed to lack of motivation, and/or behavior or personality problems. Non-spectrum partners are often relied upon to perform many executive function tasks within the relationship.
There is now a variety of books, written about relationships when one partner is on the autism spectrum. There are books written by professionals, as well as those written by women married to men on the autism spectrum. There are also some written by couples together. Some of these books are listed at the end of this article. Reading stories from others can be very validating of your feelings and experiences. Keep in mind that each relationship is unique. Some of the books are quite negative. Your partner on the autism spectrum will have his own autistic characteristics as well as a unique profile of experiences, personality and possibly other co-occurring diagnoses that are a part of what makes him unique.
If this is a new diagnosis, you and/or your partner may be working on accepting the diagnosis. Getting to acceptance may be hard for one or both of you. As you seek to learn more about ASD and how it effects your partner and your relationship, you will likely be grieving the loss of prior expectations.
As you learn more and work on acknowledging the role an autism spectrum disorder plays in your relationship, it will be helpful to seek out knowledgeable professionals and/or join a support group for women partnered with men on the autism spectrum. These resources are available but may be hard to find. It can also be helpful to make a list, of the positive and desirable qualities, which attracted you to your partner. It is important to keep these in mind, especially when going through a challenging time in the relationship.
It will also be helpful to keep a list of your positive qualities. It can be hard to remember these positive traits about yourself when you are in the middle of very difficult and confusing times. Remembering the positive characteristics of both you and your partner will enhance your self-esteem and help motivate you as you work through your relationship challenges. Over the years, I have appreciated the determination I have seen from both the ASD and non-spectrum partners in pursuing solutions to build a stronger and loving bond.
  1. Recognize and Address Sensory Needs (and issues with your partner)
Sensory issues very often affect individuals on the autism spectrum. As mentioned before, one or more of the senses may be affected. Senses may be overly sensitive (hypersensitive) and/or under sensitive (hyposensitive). Some people with ASD are hypersensitive to various lighting. For example, they see the blinking and/or hear the buzzing of fluorescent lighting. For some, headaches are triggered. A person on the autism spectrum may be overly sensitive to various smells and/or sounds in the environment. Light touch may feel like pins yet actual pinpricks may not be felt at all.
In some situations, a person on the autism spectrum may appear not to process sensory information from one or more of the familiar five senses of sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. They may seem unaware of what is in plain sight and/or process words as “noise”. These situations can seem very curious. Three other less known sensory systems are also often affected for many on the autism spectrum. There are the vestibular system (balance), the proprioceptive system (muscle/joint movement, coordination, motor planning and sense of your body in space) and the interoceptive system (state of internal body functions). Interoception is often referred to as the eighth sense.
There is some evidence that individuals on the autism spectrum can have both an impaired and an enhanced time perceiving their own bodily functions. This is called atypical interoception or interceptive dysfunction (Shah et. al., 2016). There are accounts of little awareness of needing to use the bathroom, get a drink (due to thirst) and/or eat (due to hunger). Some women report that they need to remind their partner to eat or drink something especially when they are deeply engaged in an activity that takes all their focus.
Sensory issues can impact just about all aspects of life from the selection of clothes, foods, bedding and furnishings that are comfortable for both partners to what environments and activities may be enjoyable for both partners. There are situations where heightened sensory processing can be an asset, such as an ability to process visual information quickly and/or in unique ways. Designing, carpentry and engineering are skills that persons on the autism, including your partner, may possess as a result of excellent visual processing skills.
Sensory needs/issues can change over time and even vary from day to day. As an adult, your partner has likely learned to either cope with and/or avoid various sensory stimulation in the environment. Some common strategies used to effectively limit environmental sensory overload include tinted glasses, earplugs and hats or specific clothing choices. Some individuals enjoy keeping small “fidgets” which can be calming and help counter the sensory overload.
At home, sleeping in total darkness and using a weighted blanket can be helpful for some. At home, hopefully, it is easier to adjust lighting and control or mask sounds and smells in the environment. Sometimes working with an occupational therapist who is trained in sensory integration can be beneficial.
Sensory issues can also affect intimacy. If there are sensory issues in the bedroom, they can be addressed with better understanding, patience and developing strategies to accommodate the needs of both partners. You and your partner can discuss various sensory differences and consider specific adjustments that will be successful.
In situations where a person on the autism spectrum is stressed, s/he can more easily experience sensory overload and, as a result, shut down or possibly experience a “meltdown”. A self-aware adult on the autism spectrum can usually recognize early warning signs and develop strategies to exit and calm down. Both partners who are aware of this can work together, so that both are accommodated. Many couples develop signals to communicate if the ASD partner is becoming overstimulated and needs a break. A break can take various forms that can be discussed in advance. If need be, this might mean taking two cars to an event so the ASD partner can exit the event and the non-ASD partner does not have to leave.
  1. Learn and Use Communication Strategies (that work best for you and your partner)
Optimum communication is important in all relationships. Social communication, by definition in the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), is a deficit for a person with ASD. Non-verbal communication, such as interpreting facial expressions, gestures and vocal intonation is often extremely difficult. Verbal communication can be difficult for people with autism to initiate. These difficulties are due to a difference in neurology and not a lack of motivation.
It is helpful to your partner if your communication is clear, calm and predictable. The person with ASD will usually want to meet their partner’s needs once s/he understands how to meet those needs. Explicitly communicating your social, emotional, mental, physical, including sexual needs, is important. Together, partners should discuss information about behavioral expectations. Think in terms of explanation instead of correction. Tell your partner your expectations and have him tell you his expectations.
Often you will need to provide very explicit and concrete instructions that your partner can follow. For example, if you need your partner to help with a chore such as doing laundry, give step-by-step directions on what, when and how the clothes need to be washed. If your partner cannot figure out what to wash, perhaps having a system of preparing laundry baskets is needed. For example, circular baskets can be used for dirty laundry and square baskets for clean laundry.
You may need to give your partner with autism explicit information and practice on how to give hugs. This may seem as though your partner does not want to be affectionate with you, but remember not to judge his actions and needs through your non-spectrum lens. Any areas of need are important to address in detail. Communicating very literally and concretely will be important for many aspects of life. Some couples find that texting, emails and/or information written out on paper, sticky notes, calendars or wipe-off boards is very advantageous.
Consider scheduling a time each day to both sit and communicate. Sitting side by side might work best for communication. People with ASD almost universally say it is difficult to process verbal information while maintaining eye contact. This would be especially true when discussing each other’s needs. This time together can go a long way to making life more satisfying and keeping your bond as a couple strong.
Again, consider using visual information (notes, email, a white board, even examples from books or other visual media) to convey or supplement verbal messages. Be creative. Visual information is much easier for most individuals on the autism spectrum to process, and it can be used as a permanent resource when anxiety, sensory overload or executive functioning skills are causing challenges for our partners on the autism spectrum.
Realize you might not understand your partner’s perspective. Seek to clarify. Recognize your partner may have a hard time asking (initiating) for clarification and/or even knowing that clarification is needed. Non-spectrum partners cannot interpret ASD behavior through their non-spectrum filter and assume that they understand the meaning of a particular behavior of their ASD partner. Likewise, the partner on the autism spectrum may have a hard time understanding their own needs. Each partner should identify their needs and tell their partner. It may not seem genuine if you have to tell your partner every step to meet your needs. Though it can be hard at first, do not think of it as meaning your partner does not care. Think of it as an important step to better appreciate, trust and respect each other.
  1. Find Outlets to Unwind (together and individually)
You and your partner likely have different ways of alleviating stress. Everyone is different and has different ways to relax. Being a neuro-diverse couple, there may be more differences you will experience that will, at first, challenge you both. It is important that you both learn your personal ways of de-stressing and express these needs to each other. Partners must also respect each other’s needs and means to get rid of tension and anxiety. At times, this will mean separate and/or “parallel” activities. The partner, on the autism spectrum, may need much time to themselves and/or “extra” time to pursue their special interests.
Transitioning from work to home may be stressful for your partner on the autism spectrum. An “alone break” immediately upon arriving home is often described as “critical” by men on the autism spectrum. Without understanding and then planning for this important transition break, a roadblock in the relationship can take place.
Your need to communicate and connect with your partner may have to wait and that can be very frustrating. Couples might use a visual system, such as a wipe off board to communicate their stress level at this time of day. Plan for your partner’s initial time alone when he gets home. Set a designated 30 minutes or whatever is reasonable and possible in your situation. Afterwards time together or with the children can be scheduled. If needed, more alone time can be scheduled for later in the evening. Chores and other tasks and activities can also be scheduled. Predictable evenings can help alleviate stress and go a long way to ensure more relaxing and enjoyable times together as a couple.
Leisure time together can be an important bonding opportunity. Encourage humor in your life together. This will help enhance the relationship and help relieve some of the “extra” stress. It can be wonderful if you can find the right activities to enjoy together. This can include each of you exploring special interests together. This might take extra patience at first especially if some boundaries are important to establish. Parallel activities can also be explored. You are both in the same room or space, but may be engaging in different activities for a period of time. It can be helpful to decide on the designated period of time in advance. A timer or other concrete reminder can be set. Be creative!
Social events are often difficult for a person with ASD and you will likely be the one arranging the social events. You may be the one with the most interest in these events and have the better “neurological” abilities (i.e. executive function capabilities) to make the arrangements. Your partner may be going along with your ideas because he wants to please you and/or will enjoy most things if you are there. They will also usually enjoy themselves once they know what to expect. It can be beneficial if a “role” can be established for your partner at various social functions. This role could be any task(s) that would contribute to the event, such as helping with setting up or checking drinks or food. Discuss and plan what this would involve. Also, discuss options for a quiet space or place to retreat to take a break during social activities.
Your partner may need an actual “escape” plan when socializing gets too overwhelming or over stimulating. As mentioned before, one plan couples often use is to drive two cars so that the ASD partner can leave before his stress level gets too high as to result in a shutdown or meltdown.
You may have found your partner is very content to spend a lot of time pursing a special interest. This can be an important calming technique. It is important that this time is balanced with other life activities and couple time together. If possible, this time can be scheduled but flexible. In times of greater stress for your ASD partner, he may need more time pursuing his interests and/or time alone.
At the same time, you may need to schedule time for your individual interests. If this includes additional socializing, you may need to look for scheduling time with friends, joining clubs, volunteering and/or pursuing other interests that involve other people. You may find you will need these outside activities and social opportunities to connect with others in addition to your emotional fulfilment with your partner.
  1. Find Professional Support (for ASD and any secondary mental health needs)
It may be important and necessary to find professional support for the communication and sensory issues you encounter as a couple. It might also be helpful to address executive function issues with a professional. As mentioned before, executive function skills can be very weak for someone on the autism spectrum. A professional who can address executive function issues may be hard to find but worth the effort. The book by Dawson and Guare (2016) listed under resources at the end of this article may also be helpful in understanding and addressing executive function deficits.
Be aware that individuals with an autism spectrum disorder are at greater risk for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and/or other mental health disorders (Roy et. al., 2015; Croen et. al., 2015). Low self-esteem due to negative social interactions and experiences can also affect your partner’s mental health.
You can also experience your own mental health issues. Approximately 40% of the general population meets the criteria for a mental health diagnosis at least once in their life. For people on the autism spectrum, the rate of co-occurring mental health symptoms is thought to be at least 69% (Lever & Geurts, 2016). You may also be at greater risk to experience anxiety and or depression as an effect of your relationship with your partner, especially if he was undiagnosed and/or untreated until recently.
The person with ASD may need dependable periods of social isolation. This may be difficult to understand and not take personally. Your partner may also have developed a pattern of retreating to his special interests, in part as a coping mechanism and not knowing what to do to make you happy. This can be due to communication differences and difficulties such that he does not have the information needed to carry out your wishes. He then decides it is better to do nothing then to do the wrong thing.
Over time and when sharing a home, misunderstandings and problems will occur. Because of the nature of ASD, you may feel a lack of communication and emotional contact with your partner. As you try to work on your relationship, it is likely that contact with others will become more limited causing further loneliness. This can lead to depression, and maybe even, feelings of despair. For various reasons, it could be important for you and your partner to be assessed and treated for any mental health conditions.
It is very important to work with a professional who has knowledge and experience working with adults on the autism spectrum. If a therapist with knowledge and experience about ASD is not available, you will want to find someone who has an interest in supporting neuro-diverse relationships and who has qualities that are a good fit for someone with autism.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based-practice used with typically developing adults as well as those on the autism spectrum. Research has shown that adaptations of CBT such as a more structured, concrete and visual approach and possibly shortening or lengthening sessions can be important to meet the needs of someone on the autism spectrum (Cooper,, 2018; Spain (2015).
You are most likely reading this article because you are frustrated, unhappy and/or confused about the behavior of your partner on the autism spectrum. It may be a new diagnosis for your partner. You are seeking information and support. It may be very hard, at this time, to think of things your partner does well and appreciate his gifts. There were gifts you saw that led you to make a lifelong commitment to your partner. Remind yourself to remember, observe and acknowledge your strengths and the strengths of your partner at every opportunity.
This article is meant to offer you basic information, tips and tools for strengthening your relationship with your partner on the autism spectrum. Everyone’s journey is unique. Some issues such as parenting, family vacations and employment related issues have not been addressed within this article. Included below are some resources you may wish to pursue for further information. With the right tools, commitment and support, you and your partner can experience a lasting, positive, rewarding and loving relationship.
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