Hairstyles for fine hair


2019.09.03 16:41 FineHair

Place for people with fine hair to ask advice and share hair care tips.

2010.08.18 23:14 dareao malehairadvice

Hair advice

2011.05.03 21:19 FemaleHairAdvice

Welcome to femalehairadvice! We are a community focused on hair advice for women, non-binary, trans, and gender non-confirming individuals. We have a zero tolerance policy for hateful, negative content, and hair fetishism.

2024.06.05 05:20 LacyLavender Terrible story from my Girls Camp experience that I wanted to share

This would’ve been 2015 when I was 14 years old. Our stake leaders at the time were huge sticklers for dress and appearance rules at any youth events. Like, to the point where they would give shawls to invited non-members at dances and had my member friend cover up the holes in her jeans (which had fabric underneath them and didn’t show her skin mind you) with postal stickers.
Anyways, for each youth event including camps, they always listed their rules, one of those being the classic “no extreme hairstyles.” At the time, we had two girls in our YW’s that had colored hair. One had a one or two strips of pink in her blonde hair and the other had fully blue hair. Before camp, the blue hair girl tried her best to bleach all the blue out. It wasn’t perfect but she tried, and the other girl was approved to go into the temple to get sealed to her family later that week.
Well, first day of camp, the stale leaders were not happy. They pulled our ward YW leaders aside and told them that those two girls either needed to dye their hair at camp that night or go home. Our two leaders fought and fought them, but the stake people would not give in. Those two girls, feeling backed into a corner, ended up agreeing and the rest of us from our ward found out. One of our leaders was a hairdresser and refused to get bad hair dye for our girls, so she drove two hours home and back to get proper supplies. While the rest of the camp was going to sleep, our ward YW and leaders were in the mess hall dying those two girls’ hair and all crying because we didn’t understand how this was Christlike at all. At one point, the stake president came in to “thank” the girls for their “obedience” and said some shit about them being blessed. We were all just sad and confused. To put a cherry on top, there was a non member girl with green in her hair that was NOT asked to change or go home. I wonder why…
When we got home, all of our moms were FURIOUS. The stake president ended up apologizing to one of the girls, and one of our leaders went all the way to conference in SLC to give one of the apostles a letter about what happened. That story since has just always been an example in my memory about how patriarchal, misogynistic, and exclusive the church is.
submitted by LacyLavender to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:15 Express-Memory4967 One of my cats is attacking the other in one specific room?

So I left for a 5 day vacation last week and returned yesterday. My sister, who herself has 3 cats, came by once a day to feed them and generally take care of my two cats.
I have a male and female cat. My female cat has always been very skittish around new people, while the male is much more friendly. They were littermates and get along very well. My dad is usually the one to feed my cats when I'm away, but since he was on the trip with me, I asked my sister.
The problem is that my girl cat is attacking my boy cat. As soon as I got home I noticed her growling and cornering him, which she never does normally. I've been keeping them separate since yesterday except for a few times where I'll crack the door open and let them sniff each other. She's stopped growling during those moments and even left him lick her head. However when I brought him into the living room she immediately started growling worse than ever and chased him into the cat tree. Her hair was sticking up and I was seriously concerned that she would hurt him.
The strange thing is this specific behavior only happens in the living room. Earlier today he sat on my bed and she sat on the cat tree by my bedroom window and they were fine. She even came and sat next to near him on the bed and sniffed him all over.
My assumption is that the new smells my sister brought in (This never happened with my cat-less dad) combined with me being gone just stressed her out. Based on the info should I just spend the next few days keeping them apart with frequent crack-in-the-door sniff sessions to try and get her to feel better about his smell? I feel really hopeless right now. Additionally I'm leaving for another 4 days late next month and I'm terrified that this will happen again (Though my dad is available to check on them during that trip)
I guess more than anything I'm venting a bit and looking for general advice. Thanks.
submitted by Express-Memory4967 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:09 Secret_Audience734 AITA for sabotaging my sister's marriage to the love of my life?

I f (18) Lina and Brian M(15) had a loving relationship in high school. I was a senior and he was a sophomore. Whenever my boyfriend came over to my house I would always catch my sister f(15) Catherine staring at Brian and whenever she looked away I also caught him looking at her but my naive self didn't think anything of it. My sister and I were always close so when Brian and My sister became friends I was fine with it since it was bound to happen anyways since they're both sophomores. I always felt inferior to my sister's pin straight blond hair, green eyes curvy body to my curly dark hair and lean body but my Brian always told me I was perfect. Me and Brian had dated for a total of around 3 months but I was so in love. And my sister knew it too. My whole life came crashing down when Brian told me that he and his family were moving to Connecticut. I broke up with him shortly after he moved because I had met a new guy. But I never got over Brian. Fast forward to 14 years later Now I'm 32 and my sister and Brian are both 29 I meet Brian back in a coffee shop in my town and we got to talking and exchanged numbers I was so happy to reunite with my long, lost soulmate so naturally I told my sister and she looked visibly excited as well. Later that day me and Brian make plans to meet up at the coffee shop we had bumped into each other earlier at and I got so excited, I wore a tiny crop and an a black mini skirt and he wore the most flattering lounge clothes I had ever seen. We chatted for a while and he asked a lot of questions about Catherine but I didn't mind as I knew at one point they had been friends. After almost 2 hours we had to get going so as we were about to say our goodbyes I gave Brian a French kiss and he looked stunned but I assumed it was just nerves. then I said goodbye and walked out. When I got home I saw a long paragraph about him feeling like he accidentally lead me on but wants to get to know my sister better, I was crushed. I packed all my things and left town and cut my sister and Brian off for 3 years. 3 years later I am now 35 and Brian and Catherine are 28 ad 29. That day I looked on my email for the first time in what had felt like a year and saw that they were now engaged! I was outraged and broken but I saw very clearly that I needed revenge. So I got back into contact with the two of them and started talking to them and put my plan into action. On the day of their wedding I wore this floor length ivory white dress and matching veil to their wedding but before anyone saw me I spilled red wine all over her dress. I thought after this she would cancel the wedding but no instead she wore our mother's dress that was given to her in our mother's will. They tried to kick me out of their wedding but I said no. anyways when the ceremony began when the priest asked if there were any objections I screamed yes and as quickly as possible kissed Brian and shoved my sister to the floor and spilled more wine on her dress. Naturally I was kicked out but they aren't married so ha I won! But yeah I feel kinda bad but I don't think I'm the problem because she was the one that married the love of my life but yeah, reddit AITA?
submitted by Secret_Audience734 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:49 Ceirios_Goch How to get a few days out of my hair?

My hair takes about 8hrs to dry naturally, and once it's dry, it's so lovely. It's probably 2C, but I have a lot of very fine hair, and it doesn't seem to be very strong or set very well if that makes sense?
Day 1 is defined loose ringlets, but it never really makes it to day 2 without being wet again and restyled. It never looks as nice on day 2, and day 3 is usually a loose tangled mess that I have to brush (it sits in a mixture of waves and curls then).
My sister has the same curl pattern but her hair is much more coarse than mine. She can get a week out of her hair.
I love my hair curly, but also need it to last better as waiting hours for it to finally dry is frustrating. I have never had great results with diffusing and seem to lose a lot of definition and curl when I do. It goes from looking like I've wand curled it, to looking like a 80s perm
Any advice, products or tips for making it last a few days?
Thank you
submitted by Ceirios_Goch to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:47 Anybody_Foreign Spine hair always in piloerection (standing)

I adopted a 4 year old scottish fold 3 months ago, I've noticed that the hair on her spine is always standing no matter what. Asleep, happy, eating, perching, jumping, is not accompanied by the bushy tail nor scared/defensive behavior. AND she does not like her back to be scratched, only at the very tail end and sometimes that's too much.
Whenever I've tried to pet her back she gets really loose and dodgest it (literally squirms away). I'm not sure if it's just a quirk or something is wrong with her spine and don't want to run to the vet for nothing.
She had a check up 2 weeks before I adopted her and everything looked fine.
submitted by Anybody_Foreign to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:26 soundwalkergoc Extremely reactive dog! Help! :(

I have a 3-year-old dog named Maya. She is a mix of Australian Cattle Dog and Jack Russell Terrier. She has been my baby since I got her; she was up for adoption with her siblings, and I could only take her. She is a dog with too much energy, a LOT!
Gradually, as I watched her grow, I began to notice how she was becoming more territorial as she moved past her puppy stage. Once she reached a year and a few months, her barks of excitement or play on the balcony at people passing in front of our apartment turned into strong barks, as if she was protecting the family from absolutely everyone passing by the house. At that stage, COVID started, and like many other families, we started going out less the first few months.
Maya has always been potty trained, but when I started working more than 12 hours a day (my job was essential during the COVID season, so we had to work much more than usual), I sometimes had to leave training pads to avoid accidents inside the house. All these things happened at the same time: fewer potty walks during the day (I used to get home from work at 2-4am), fewer people on the street, and more time only with family members, which made her increasingly territorial. After a few months, she no longer allowed us to bring anyone new to the house because her back hair would stand up out of fear, and she was unpredictable. Sometimes she would smell the guests' shoes and pee out of excitement, but when they made a movement she didn't expect, she would try to jump and bite, warning them in fearful way, after snaps like that she would go and hide under the table or near us.
Over time, this progressed to the point where she protects me and my couple from everything. She barks at all the windows and doors, her hair stands up every time someone passes in front of any part of our apartment, she charges at every single door or window when she sees somenone, and taking her out for a walk or to go potty has become a life-or-death mission for her. my neighbors react very badly when she is around because they realize she could lunge or bark at them at any moment. Every day I am more afraid to walk her because of this.
She is already part of my family, and every time I see her go through these situations, it kills me with fear to think that something could happen to her because of my mishandling. Recently, my mother-in-law came to visit and has been staying in our apartment for over a month, and she shows no change. Sometimes she is fine with her and seeks to play or get some affection, but there are days when we have to divide the apartment in half to prevent her from approaching my mother-in-law. She barks as soon as she sees her, as if she were a complete stranger attacking us just by passing near one of us. but when we are not home she is completely chill with her.
I have taught her the basics: sit, give paw, lie down, wait, and she does everything well until we go for a walk or someone unfamiliar arrives. She also gets along well with people she met when she was young; even if she has seen them only a few times, she remembers them and treats them without a hint of fear and gets extremely excited to see them.
I have tried looking for trainers, but those I can afford have run away upon seeing her, or they have sent me to the vet to see if there is something neurologically wrong with her (she has been to the vet many times, and everything is fine with her). The only trainers willing to work with her have fees I haven't been able to afford in years, even trying to save everything I earn. I feel like I have read every article and watched every YouTube video possible, and I don't achieve much. She is an extremely intelligent dog with too much personality, but whenever I try to teach her something about this, she gets so agitated that she doesn't listen to a word.
I always do the sit and wait ritual before opening the door the relax her before going out, I trained her with the leash inside the apartment, then in the hallways, and then outside. She does very well in the apartment and hallways, but as soon as she steps outside, her concentration disappears, and she gets completely distracted by everything going on around her. Even with a Hermsprenger collar, she pulls the leash with all her strength; I had to stop using it because she ignores it to the point where she starts choking but doesn't stop walking. I've tried too many collars and too many methods, and nothing works!
Even in days that we are having a decent walk if she gets scared about something unexpected the walk is done, after that she wont relax or stop choking herself with the leash for a single second so I have to come back to my apartment ASAP
She is motivated by food inside the apartment, but when she's outside, she ignores it 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time, she grabs the treat and swallows it whole just to go back to watching her surroundings.
Maya is the sweetest dog with us, literally everybody that meet hers tell us that they don't understand how she is so sweet with us yet so unpredictable and aggressive towards them. nowadays the only way to see her again at a dog park is in photos of 2 years ago, when she was a puppy she was the coolest friendliest puppy :(
Just in case, we have done 110% to avoid her biting someone. It only happened once, and it only caused a bruise on a family member who opened my apartment door without notice and without having met Maya before. After that, we knew she could react like that with anyone, so we take extra precautions and never leave home without 2 collars, a carabiner and a really good leash (she broke a collar once while lunging at another dog that got close to us, almost gave me a heart attack)
Any tip or a similar experience like this before? :(
This is the first time that I make a long post on reddit, I speak Spanish so I had to translate a lot of this text using AI, I hope its understandable, sorry if I have some google translate vibes in my post :(
submitted by soundwalkergoc to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 ConansMonorail 40 [M4F] #Phoenix Tempe AZ - Work-in-Progress seeking a Cuddle Buddy

Hi, I could really use a caring, loving gal-pal, with the potential to develop into something more significant.
(When I 1st sat down to write this advert, my intention was to write a quick blurb about my lonliness and why I am this way, and then move onto more pertinent information about myself... but that portion turned into a long-winded trauma-dump. I don't want the trauma-dump to be your initial introduction to me... so I'm going to paste it at the bottom instead).
So, about me. I am the kind of person that enjoys hugs more than kissing, and cuddling anytime we watch movies, play video games, or listen to music together.
My ex (It's been so long) used to do this thing where she would use my chest as a pillow, and she would bury her face in my chest like how a cat rubs its scent on you. Then we would wrap the sheets over us and she could just sigh and disassociate. She always said it made her feel safe.
I just want more of that. That and head scratches, back rubs, gentle caressing (for both of us). That, plus night-drives for snacks while blasting vaporwave/synthwave/synthpop, urban exploration. Movie nights (both in-bed, on a couch, or in theater. Music nights (record shopping, live events, stand-up shows, listening in bed).
Love Language etc: Physical Touch Quality Time Words of Affirmation
Music: I like IDM/Experimental Techno, Breakcore, Surf Rock, Quiet Storm / Motown, 80s Synthpop, Yacht Rock, Synthwave, Vaporwave, SynthFunk, Soul.
Movies/TV: I like Comedy, and Sci-Fi, (specifically, Sci-Fi, about Robots, AI, VR, Dystopia, Dreams, Memories, Time Travel... and less about Aliens, Space Travel, Ghosts, Vampires, Zombies, Horror, Anime).
Radio/Podcasts/Youtube. I am an "Oldtime Radio" buff (think radio Dramas like Dragnet, Hitchhikers Guide, etc..). Beau of the Fifth Column, Big Joel, Legal Eagle, VeryTallBart, BadGear, ContraPoints, PDS, Chapo Traphouse, Blocks, Wendigoon.
I'm not materialistic. I don't care about gifts, money or status. I do not have a "wanderlust". I do enjoy road-trips, and night drives, especially with a partner. But travel is not my #1 way to relax and wind-down.
Relationship Style. It should be noted that, while I'm ideally looking for a long-term relationship, I'm not looking to get married and have kids (I've had a vasectomy).
I am not opposed to age gaps (me being older, you being younger) In fact, I would prefer to date someone in their late twenties/early thirties.
I want to be a shoulder to cry on, a chest to lay on. I want to be your big cuddly Teddy Bear (sidenote, I've lost 30 lbs in the last few months so I am not as big a Teddybear as I used to be, and no, I didn't cheat and use Ozempic lol). Maybe I can be your chauffeur if you don't have a car or don't like driving. Maybe you just went through a divorce or a breakup (like I went through a breakup 2 years ago) and you just want a kind and physically affectionate guy who is fun to be around, non-aggressive, reliable, emotionally attentive, patient, optimistic and can be the Friend you need when you have had a hard day at work, or school, or just life in general. I want to alleviate any loneliness you have, and in doing so, alleviate my loneliness in the process.
Personality: I'm extremely chill. Imagine if Jeff Lebowski (The Big Lebowski) was combined with the geekiness of Kevin Flynn from Tron/Tron Legacy + The humor of someone like Mitch Hedberg, or Norm Macdonald.
Politically , I'm a leftist (I'm not a liberal, because I feel like "The Center" has been pulled so far right at this point, that anyone willing to "Reach Across the aisle" is just wasting their time, and falling for all the bad-faith arguments and scams that the Right is dragging them into).
Black Lives matter. Gay/Trans Rights are Human Rights. Healthcare is a human right. Women deserve autonomy over their bodies. The workers should control and profit from the means of production. Religion has no place in politics.
In Summary I am not overly ambitious. I work a maximum of 40 hours per week... and no more. (at least I did when I had a job... more on that later).
I generally wear Dark T-shirts, Dickies pants, and a hoody. My weight fluctuates. When I get to 195, I go Keto, and exercise to get my weight back down, but I'm not a gym rat.
I think to really sum myself up... I do the bare minimum that's required to maintain my health and my financial situation. I would probably consider myself an "underachiever". I am not materialistic, and money and wealth are not a driving force in my motivations.
It seems like every time I go on social media, or a dating app, all I see are people in a "Grindset Mindset", or people that are cosplaying as such.
Everyone wants to play-up their gym routine, and how vegan they are, and drone on about how "active" their lifestyle is. Everyone has "wanderlust", and an "entrepreneurial spirit"... and so on... and so on...
Frankly, this is just not the kind of person I am looking to be, and though I am certain that many of these people are kind, and loving, and great partners... I have found that I can only date someone of that mindset for a short while before they become restless and decide they would be better off with someone else... or they become judgmental and begin trying to nudge me towards, or in some cases aggressively demand that I, "get on their level."
You might be reading this and thinking "Oh, he's looking for an emotional support, because he's lonely and sad and depressed." And, while I am lonely, and a bit sad as a result, I am not looking for someone to "fix" me.
I am actually looking to be YOUR emotional support animal. I don't want to go down a "manosphere" rabbit hole (as that entire space is pretty toxic), but one aspect of the dialogue surrounding a man's place in the modern world that I do resonate with is this...
A man needs to feel useful. Specifically, a man needs to feel like they are providing something for their partner, that they aren't looking to someone else for.
We've already established that I'm not super ambitious nor materialistic. I'll probably never be able to financially provide for two people, on my single income. I am not even looking to move-in together, have kids, or get married.
But what I do have a surplus of, is free time, and the potential for love and affection. (And I know, from experience, that the potential isn't theoretical, I have been in long-term relationships, and I have been in-love before, but in order to be a great boyfriend... I need a girlfriend to be great to).
(ok here's that trauma dump I mentioned). "I don't want to "trauma dump" or make appeals to your sympathy, and I know there's nothing unique about my situation... but I'm going to do my best to get the sad stuff out of the way, so I can move onto the things about myself that might be more appealing... so here it goes."
I am a high functioning insomniac with mild bi-polar, and mild anxiety. Both the Axiety and Bi-Polar are semi-situational, and I can usually manage them without treatment. (I'm NOT Kanye bi-polar, I'm more like... Stephen Fry bi-polar. Essentially... under normal circumstances... I go 45 days like a "normal person", and then I'll have a Manic Episode where I have heightened productivity/creatvity, and I'll lose some sleep... and if I can't get my sleep pattern back on track after a couple of nights of bad/no sleep... I become depressed, and anxious, and then eventually I get so tired/depressed that I'll spend an entire weekend (or more) in my room with the lights off until the cycle ends, and I catch up on all the sleep I've missed.
So, what are normal circumstances? Well, normal circumstances are; I have a job to occupy my time, my friends and family are doing okay, and essentially there's nothing bothering me that patience and self-reflection can't solve.
What are my current circumstances? Well, my current circumstances are: In the summer of 2022 my Longterm Girlfriend Graduated from College and dumped me so she could start her career-life with a 100% clean slate and no obligations to anyone. At the same time, my lease was about to be up, and the rent went up to a point where I couldn't afford to live anywhere in that region anymore (at least not without rooming with total strangers), so I moved back to Phoenix, because at least here I could be around friends and family, and I could room with people that I know and trust (even if they are a bit messier than I would prefer).
My Grandmother passed away a few months after I moved back. So, that was another blow to my emotional state. At least I was able to transfer my job with me when I moved back (and eventually got a significant raise). Unfortunately, my lonleyness and sadness at the loss of my Girlfriend, and my Grandmother have only been compounding this entire time. Initially, my attitude towards finding another girlfriend was "Don't waste anyone's time until you can go 48 hours without crying about something that reminds you of your ex"... but, at the end of April, a change in management at work resulted in me being stuck with a manager who is... for lack of a better term... a total jerkface, and as much as I tried to just do my job and lay low... eventually he got uppity and started firing people... and I was one of the people that got gired.
So, essentially, I'm at a point now were, caution and ethics be damned, I need someone to be by my side while I rebuild myself.
Right now my life consists of going on job boards, applying for jobs until there are no more jobs I qualify for in the queue, and then just waiting by the phone/inbox frustrated, while I binge-watch youtube... until the sun goes down.
I have a roof over my head, food in the frige, a room of my own, & comfortable bed. I have a 4 door sedan, and a motorcycle, I have video game consoles, I have a gaming PC and VR. I have access to all the major streaming services. I have a respectable record/cd collection, and a respectable collection of Synthesizers and Musical Instruments... and in the past, I have enjoyed using all of the aformentioned possesions in order to entertain myself.
Sadly, I have lost all motivation to even attempt to entertain myself. I think back on the start of 2022, when I had a girlfriend living 1 block away, and I could invite her over, and we'd just cuddle and watch Movies/TV together, or listen to music, or play videogames together... or drive around the area after dark, blasting tunes and grabbing snacks, and just enjoying the simplest things because we had someone to share those things with.
I need that again. It's no longer a want. It's a need. Love is what motivates me. Movies/TV is pointless without someone to watch them with. Videogames are a waste of time without someone to hand the controller too. Music is daunting to make, because it all comes out sad now... and I don't want to make sad music.
I know, from experience, (and from the testimony of former partners) that I can be a really great boyfriend (some have even said I'm the best, and their favorite)... but I can't be a good boyfriend... without a girlfriend. I truly wish I could just learn to be happy by myself... but unfortunately, looking back at my life, the best I could ever do alone... is contentment... and right now, I am having an extremely difficult time finding contentment. (The last time I was truly content, was after a divorce... and that's because I was just so relieved to have that person out of my life, that I didn't care that I didn't have anyone to share my life with... at least I didn't have to fall asleep next to someone that treated my like garbage). But, that's not where I am right now. Right now I'm still emotionally broken because I lost someone that I was truly happy with. Right now I'm just second guessing myself and wondering if I had done anything different, would she still have dumped me when she graduated? Or was she just using me as a long-term rebound following her divorce... and is everyone just going to get tired of me when they move-up a notch in their social climb to the top? (I hate all these toxic social heirarchies, and what they have done to people, and their relationships with others).
Ok, I guess I ended up doing the trauma dump I said I wasn't going to do. Let's move past that.
Let's get shallow for a second. I am lonely and sad, we have established this, however, I am not so desperate that I'm just going to latch onto the first person that responds. I have preferences (if I didn't have preferences I would just make a Grindr account and call it a day). So, what are some shallow things I look for in a partner?
I prefer hair that's on the longer side of the spectrum. (shoulder length or more, unless you are petite enough to pull-off a concave bob cut without coming off as a Karen). I prefer healthy weight distribution (At my largest I was 5 foot 10, 195 lbs, and I consider myself an egalitarian, so... we should assume that I would prefer someone right around that level of fitness, or better). I like short women, but I don't mind taller than me. I like glasses (but don't mind the able-sighted). I like Gothy (but don't care for betty paige bangs, nor excessive tattoos/piercings). I like a gal that knows how to apply a smokey-eye look, and maybe some contouring. I am really not picky about clothing. I like someone that's easy to get along with, and is excited to spend time with me.
Please, no cigarette smokers. Vape is fine, I just can't take the smoke, or the "aftertaste".
I guess the bottom line is that I enjoy everything in life 99% more when I have someone to share the enjoyment with. Are my memories even worth a darn without someone else to say "Hey remember that awesome time?..." to.
I would be really happy to find that person. thx for coming to my Tedx Talk. I hope to hear from you.
submitted by ConansMonorail to DatingAfterTwenty [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:22 SnooEagles7398 [OC] House Braedon's Rise From Ashes Part 6

I am Moira, master mason of house Braedon.

This is exactly what I came here for. While the majority of my family is out foraging the forest, I get to do this. "Rahl, get over to Gil and report that the foundation for the commons is ready for timber framing!" I don't have to yell, but he can see my smile, so he knows it's just my fun.
"Ah, why can't you have one of yours do that? I'm a hunter, not a messenger!" Rahl retorts, pointing at the quiver attached to his shoulder. I ignore his complaint and point to a cart of stone and our best mortar, waving him away.
"Rahl, Rahl, Rahl... Don't you understand? You are the one who found the limestone deposits! This mortar is perfect! Without that resource, this was an uphill battle, but now we will have victory over the land itself! Baron Mael even said this will help with his trip. Lord Dellingard may want to size us up for attack or trade," I say enthusiastically.
"I get it, Moira. Why am I playing messenger for you?" he insists.
"My love, because you are my husband, of course!" I blow him a kiss and wink. I don't mind being a bit impish with him. He married me, he knew what he was getting himself into. "Plus, everyone else is busy, and you're not at the moment..." I add with a hint of a pout. I'll win him over this way.
I can see my wiles taking hold. He never had a chance. "Fine, but after that, I'm going to need to get to the training for the kids. We need more that are free for hunting and trapping. I won't be your messenger boy at that point, got it?" He's already walking lengths away from me. "I'll see you tonight, don't forget what day it is!" he chuckles, though he's out of sight.
What day is it? Oh no... I forgot. I look to the sky. "It's the day of our marriage anniversary..."
I give this some thought as I move over to the worksite. I hear the sounds of hammers striking stones and the sawing of wood. I, of course, keep up my positive energy. Too much doom and gloom from everyone. Yeah, the life we have is hard, but I have full confidence we'll build the greatest house ever!
"Alright, everyone, let's keep up the pace! I'm so proud of all of you!" I truly am, of course. We're doing miracles with barely anything. I mentally check off tasks being done as everyone yells some sort of hurrah. "Jareth, how's the stonework coming along?" His brows are drenched with sweat. I love any man that works up a sweat this hard, I think while grinning at him.
"Makin' good progress, Moira," he says in a pant. "New mortar's fantastic. Was worried that we'd not find anything as useful as limestone. Heard it was quite rare on the island, the gods really blessed us with a break." He pushes his shoulder-length hair out of his eyes.
"Fantastic! I'm counting on you," I say with a wave.
I decide to address everyone, "It's time to take a break, everyone. Rations will be coming round soon. Can't lay decent work if you're sick of hunger!" That gets some cheers.
I'm smiling when I turn, though I frown as I remember that I still have no idea what I should do about my marriage anniversary. Wonder if Rahl knows I have a stash of salt... If he doesn't, I could give him that. Yeah, that'll work. He'll appreciate that. It's not much, but it's what we have. I love that man, I'll make certain he knows it. My smile comes back.
Shorter chapter today. Been difficult to be at the computer. I am trying to keep the story rolling, and I hope y'all are enjoying it. Let me know if there are better ways for "Showing and not telling." I feel that there is a lot of exposition without action, but these stories themselves seem to passive, but necessary... So, I'm trying to experiment a little.
First Previous
submitted by SnooEagles7398 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 Ok_Substance_4881 Possible demonic activity

Hey this is my first Reddit post so I’ll just get into it. So a couple of days ago I had an interaction that today a psychic claims was a demonic energy or possession or whatever. I have no idea what to think. She was not very descriptive about the energy and told me to burn sage. I am wondering if there is anything else I should do. She says this demon has visited me twice and wanted to torment me and make me sick. I’ll explain;
While staying at a boyfriends at around 10 AM Sunday My boyfriend is in the living room playing video games while I am sleeping in. He starts chatting with friends when his voice turns into my little brothers voice quite distinctively. It was very clear and very creepy there was no if or maybe it could be my brothers voice it WAS his voice. I got up and peeked through the door with chills and glanced at him where I then saw my little brother as he looked and sounded 5 years ago. It was quite a trip I didn’t want to confront him so I went to the restroom to do my hair and get dressed which is when this thick warm nauseating chemical smell engulfed the room this smelled like a gas that made me physically sick. I was sick when we drove home until the next day to today where I still feel weak.
Horrified I sought out a psychic where she said it was in fact a demon. I still don’t know what to think because my boyfriend came in after the incident and he was fine he was not my brother everything was fine besides the fact that I was still sick from the smell.
I’m am wondering what the hell is this if I should be worried? what should I do? Is there anything I should do? Where did it come from?
Sort of a weird post but this has never happened to me before and no I’m not on drugs
Thanks for any advice
submitted by Ok_Substance_4881 to psychics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:19 ConansMonorail 40 [M4F] #Ahwatukee Tempe AZ - Work-in-Progress seeking a Cuddle Buddy

Hi, I could really use a caring, loving gal-pal, with the potential to develop into something more significant.
(When I 1st sat down to write this advert, my intention was to write a quick blurb about my lonliness and why I am this way, and then move onto more pertinent information about myself... but that portion turned into a long-winded trauma-dump. I don't want the trauma-dump to be your initial introduction to me... so I'm going to paste it at the bottom instead).
So, about me. I am the kind of person that enjoys hugs more than kissing, and cuddling anytime we watch movies, play video games, or listen to music together.
My ex (It's been so long) used to do this thing where she would use my chest as a pillow, and she would bury her face in my chest like how a cat rubs its scent on you. Then we would wrap the sheets over us and she could just sigh and disassociate. She always said it made her feel safe.
I just want more of that. That and head scratches, back rubs, gentle caressing (for both of us). That, plus night-drives for snacks while blasting vaporwave/synthwave/synthpop, urban exploration. Movie nights (both in-bed, on a couch, or in theater. Music nights (record shopping, live events, stand-up shows, listening in bed).
Love Language etc: Physical Touch Quality Time Words of Affirmation
Music: I like IDM/Experimental Techno, Breakcore, Surf Rock, Quiet Storm / Motown, 80s Synthpop, Yacht Rock, Synthwave, Vaporwave, SynthFunk, Soul.
Movies/TV: I like Comedy, and Sci-Fi, (specifically, Sci-Fi, about Robots, AI, VR, Dystopia, Dreams, Memories, Time Travel... and less about Aliens, Space Travel, Ghosts, Vampires, Zombies, Horror, Anime).
Radio/Podcasts/Youtube. I am an "Oldtime Radio" buff (think radio Dramas like Dragnet, Hitchhikers Guide, etc..). Beau of the Fifth Column, Big Joel, Legal Eagle, VeryTallBart, BadGear, ContraPoints, PDS, Chapo Traphouse, Blocks, Wendigoon.
I'm not materialistic. I don't care about gifts, money or status. I do not have a "wanderlust". I do enjoy road-trips, and night drives, especially with a partner. But travel is not my #1 way to relax and wind-down.
Relationship Style. It should be noted that, while I'm ideally looking for a long-term relationship, I'm not looking to get married and have kids (I've had a vasectomy).
I am not opposed to age gaps (me being older, you being younger) In fact, I would prefer to date someone in their late twenties/early thirties.
I want to be a shoulder to cry on, a chest to lay on. I want to be your big cuddly Teddy Bear (sidenote, I've lost 30 lbs in the last few months so I am not as big a Teddybear as I used to be, and no, I didn't cheat and use Ozempic lol). Maybe I can be your chauffeur if you don't have a car or don't like driving. Maybe you just went through a divorce or a breakup (like I went through a breakup 2 years ago) and you just want a kind and physically affectionate guy who is fun to be around, non-aggressive, reliable, emotionally attentive, patient, optimistic and can be the Friend you need when you have had a hard day at work, or school, or just life in general. I want to alleviate any loneliness you have, and in doing so, alleviate my loneliness in the process.
Personality: I'm extremely chill. Imagine if Jeff Lebowski (The Big Lebowski) was combined with the geekiness of Kevin Flynn from Tron/Tron Legacy + The humor of someone like Mitch Hedberg, or Norm Macdonald.
Politically , I'm a leftist (I'm not a liberal, because I feel like "The Center" has been pulled so far right at this point, that anyone willing to "Reach Across the aisle" is just wasting their time, and falling for all the bad-faith arguments and scams that the Right is dragging them into).
Black Lives matter. Gay/Trans Rights are Human Rights. Healthcare is a human right. Women deserve autonomy over their bodies. The workers should control and profit from the means of production. Religion has no place in politics.
In Summary I am not overly ambitious. I work a maximum of 40 hours per week... and no more. (at least I did when I had a job... more on that later).
I generally wear Dark T-shirts, Dickies pants, and a hoody. My weight fluctuates. When I get to 195, I go Keto, and exercise to get my weight back down, but I'm not a gym rat.
I think to really sum myself up... I do the bare minimum that's required to maintain my health and my financial situation. I would probably consider myself an "underachiever". I am not materialistic, and money and wealth are not a driving force in my motivations.
It seems like every time I go on social media, or a dating app, all I see are people in a "Grindset Mindset", or people that are cosplaying as such.
Everyone wants to play-up their gym routine, and how vegan they are, and drone on about how "active" their lifestyle is. Everyone has "wanderlust", and an "entrepreneurial spirit"... and so on... and so on...
Frankly, this is just not the kind of person I am looking to be, and though I am certain that many of these people are kind, and loving, and great partners... I have found that I can only date someone of that mindset for a short while before they become restless and decide they would be better off with someone else... or they become judgmental and begin trying to nudge me towards, or in some cases aggressively demand that I, "get on their level."
You might be reading this and thinking "Oh, he's looking for an emotional support, because he's lonely and sad and depressed." And, while I am lonely, and a bit sad as a result, I am not looking for someone to "fix" me.
I am actually looking to be YOUR emotional support animal. I don't want to go down a "manosphere" rabbit hole (as that entire space is pretty toxic), but one aspect of the dialogue surrounding a man's place in the modern world that I do resonate with is this...
A man needs to feel useful. Specifically, a man needs to feel like they are providing something for their partner, that they aren't looking to someone else for.
We've already established that I'm not super ambitious nor materialistic. I'll probably never be able to financially provide for two people, on my single income. I am not even looking to move-in together, have kids, or get married.
But what I do have a surplus of, is free time, and the potential for love and affection. (And I know, from experience, that the potential isn't theoretical, I have been in long-term relationships, and I have been in-love before, but in order to be a great boyfriend... I need a girlfriend to be great to).
(ok here's that trauma dump I mentioned). "I don't want to "trauma dump" or make appeals to your sympathy, and I know there's nothing unique about my situation... but I'm going to do my best to get the sad stuff out of the way, so I can move onto the things about myself that might be more appealing... so here it goes."
I am a high functioning insomniac with mild bi-polar, and mild anxiety. Both the Axiety and Bi-Polar are semi-situational, and I can usually manage them without treatment. (I'm NOT Kanye bi-polar, I'm more like... Stephen Fry bi-polar. Essentially... under normal circumstances... I go 45 days like a "normal person", and then I'll have a Manic Episode where I have heightened productivity/creatvity, and I'll lose some sleep... and if I can't get my sleep pattern back on track after a couple of nights of bad/no sleep... I become depressed, and anxious, and then eventually I get so tired/depressed that I'll spend an entire weekend (or more) in my room with the lights off until the cycle ends, and I catch up on all the sleep I've missed.
So, what are normal circumstances? Well, normal circumstances are; I have a job to occupy my time, my friends and family are doing okay, and essentially there's nothing bothering me that patience and self-reflection can't solve.
What are my current circumstances? Well, my current circumstances are: In the summer of 2022 my Longterm Girlfriend Graduated from College and dumped me so she could start her career-life with a 100% clean slate and no obligations to anyone. At the same time, my lease was about to be up, and the rent went up to a point where I couldn't afford to live anywhere in that region anymore (at least not without rooming with total strangers), so I moved back to Phoenix, because at least here I could be around friends and family, and I could room with people that I know and trust (even if they are a bit messier than I would prefer).
My Grandmother passed away a few months after I moved back. So, that was another blow to my emotional state. At least I was able to transfer my job with me when I moved back (and eventually got a significant raise). Unfortunately, my lonleyness and sadness at the loss of my Girlfriend, and my Grandmother have only been compounding this entire time. Initially, my attitude towards finding another girlfriend was "Don't waste anyone's time until you can go 48 hours without crying about something that reminds you of your ex"... but, at the end of April, a change in management at work resulted in me being stuck with a manager who is... for lack of a better term... a total jerkface, and as much as I tried to just do my job and lay low... eventually he got uppity and started firing people... and I was one of the people that got gired.
So, essentially, I'm at a point now were, caution and ethics be damned, I need someone to be by my side while I rebuild myself.
Right now my life consists of going on job boards, applying for jobs until there are no more jobs I qualify for in the queue, and then just waiting by the phone/inbox frustrated, while I binge-watch youtube... until the sun goes down.
I have a roof over my head, food in the frige, a room of my own, & comfortable bed. I have a 4 door sedan, and a motorcycle, I have video game consoles, I have a gaming PC and VR. I have access to all the major streaming services. I have a respectable record/cd collection, and a respectable collection of Synthesizers and Musical Instruments... and in the past, I have enjoyed using all of the aformentioned possesions in order to entertain myself.
Sadly, I have lost all motivation to even attempt to entertain myself. I think back on the start of 2022, when I had a girlfriend living 1 block away, and I could invite her over, and we'd just cuddle and watch Movies/TV together, or listen to music, or play videogames together... or drive around the area after dark, blasting tunes and grabbing snacks, and just enjoying the simplest things because we had someone to share those things with.
I need that again. It's no longer a want. It's a need. Love is what motivates me. Movies/TV is pointless without someone to watch them with. Videogames are a waste of time without someone to hand the controller too. Music is daunting to make, because it all comes out sad now... and I don't want to make sad music.
I know, from experience, (and from the testimony of former partners) that I can be a really great boyfriend (some have even said I'm the best, and their favorite)... but I can't be a good boyfriend... without a girlfriend. I truly wish I could just learn to be happy by myself... but unfortunately, looking back at my life, the best I could ever do alone... is contentment... and right now, I am having an extremely difficult time finding contentment. (The last time I was truly content, was after a divorce... and that's because I was just so relieved to have that person out of my life, that I didn't care that I didn't have anyone to share my life with... at least I didn't have to fall asleep next to someone that treated my like garbage). But, that's not where I am right now. Right now I'm still emotionally broken because I lost someone that I was truly happy with. Right now I'm just second guessing myself and wondering if I had done anything different, would she still have dumped me when she graduated? Or was she just using me as a long-term rebound following her divorce... and is everyone just going to get tired of me when they move-up a notch in their social climb to the top? (I hate all these toxic social heirarchies, and what they have done to people, and their relationships with others).
Ok, I guess I ended up doing the trauma dump I said I wasn't going to do. Let's move past that.
Let's get shallow for a second. I am lonely and sad, we have established this, however, I am not so desperate that I'm just going to latch onto the first person that responds. I have preferences (if I didn't have preferences I would just make a Grindr account and call it a day). So, what are some shallow things I look for in a partner?
I prefer hair that's on the longer side of the spectrum. (shoulder length or more, unless you are petite enough to pull-off a concave bob cut without coming off as a Karen). I prefer healthy weight distribution (At my largest I was 5 foot 10, 195 lbs, and I consider myself an egalitarian, so... we should assume that I would prefer someone right around that level of fitness, or better). I like short women, but I don't mind taller than me. I like glasses (but don't mind the able-sighted). I like Gothy (but don't care for betty paige bangs, nor excessive tattoos/piercings). I like a gal that knows how to apply a smokey-eye look, and maybe some contouring. I am really not picky about clothing. I like someone that's easy to get along with, and is excited to spend time with me.
Please, no cigarette smokers. Vape is fine, I just can't take the smoke, or the "aftertaste".
I guess the bottom line is that I enjoy everything in life 99% more when I have someone to share the enjoyment with. Are my memories even worth a darn without someone else to say "Hey remember that awesome time?..." to.
I would be really happy to find that person. thx for coming to my Tedx Talk. I hope to hear from you.
submitted by ConansMonorail to PhoenixR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 cydippida [FNV] How does one create hairstyles for this game?

I was thinking of trying to backport a hairstyle from HG Hairs 2 from SSE to FNV for personal use for a character of mine, since it's the only good mullet-like hairstyle I've found. Ideally I would model my own later down the line once I get the time to do so. Is there any documentation on how to go about adding a new hairstyle to the game?
submitted by cydippida to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:08 xtremexavier15 TMA 15

The episode came back to the Grips walking off their team's bleachers at the badminton court, Anne Maria and Millie at the front followed by Topher and Justin. The model lingered briefly before grabbing Topher by the arm and holding him back.
“Hey! Why are you holding me back?” Topher gave him an inquisitive look.
"We need to talk about the vote should we lose today," Justin said.
“I can see where this is going,” Topher mused.
"Me and you aren't voting ourselves off, obviously, and I know you'll throw a fit if I even consider Anne Maria, so that would leave us with Millie," Justin considered.
“I'm already on board, Justin, but I'm not sure if my girlfriend would vote for her after your poor choice of words earlier on,” Topher said.
“I'm already aware of that, but I know how to get Anne Maria on our side,” Justin said. “I'm not going to flirt with her, per say. I know she's taken. Just convince her in my own special way.”
“Anne Maria's got some pretty strong loyalty to me, so you'll obviously fail if you try to make a move on her or get socked in the eye,” Topher reminded him.
“As a bonus, with Millie gone, you'll get to spend more time with Anne Maria, Topher,” Justin informed the fanboy. “She and Millie are usually together before you came into the season.”
"You've got yourself a deal already," Topher said with a smirk.
The footage flashed forward to the castmates sitting on wooden bleachers inside another studio, separated by team with Gaffers on the left and Grips on the right.
"I wonder which athletic player I'm going to be up against?" Topher said to Millie. "I've already beaten Jasmine before, so I'd like to do it again, but I think I'd prefer going up against Chase."
"This is because you think Chase is weaker than Jasmine, right?" Millie told Topher. "He's more capable than you think and can handle his own battles."
"I'm not saying that he's weak at all," Topher tried to clarify.
“Right,” Millie dully remarked with a roll of her eyes.
"SILENCE!" Chris shouted in an odd but dramatic accent, earning the attention of all eight contestants. He was dressed in nothing but a toga and a head wreath, standing in a chariot being pulled by a helmeted Chef Hatchet. A suitably dramatic piece of music began in the background as he continued. "The score is one to one! And now, second-seat Topher will be competing," he said as the chariot came to a halt in front of the bleachers, "in Grrrreco-Rrrrroman wrrrrestling with," the camera panned to reveal that they were in front of the same ring that had been used for the boxing match, "Jasmine!"
The tall Aussie grinned.
Confessional: Topher
"I gotta say," Topher told the confessional camera, "I am out of my league wrestling a girl who's shoulders my head can't even reach. It was one thing when it was knocking her into a tar pit with a bone. This time, I am completely powerless, but I have to try!"
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm really stoked for this competition," Jasmine told the camera confidently. "For one, my intimidating physique will come in handy in a fight, and this will be a great opportunity to gain the trust of my new teammates."
Confessionals End
Jasmine was stretching in her swimsuit in the right corner when the footage resumed, smirking cockily across the ring. The camera panned over to Topher, also in his swimming trunks, but looking quite assured.
"I really wish that Jasmine was faster than Chase, but then again, Chase has lightning speed," Topher whispered before the shot panned over to Chris, who smiled impishly and pulled a rope that was hanging next to him.
The camera zoomed out as a high-walled glass box filled with colorful plastic balls was dropped into the ring on top of the contestants, a few balls scattering on the floor with the impact. The castmates on the stands looked shocked and surprised, and Jasmine popped back up completely flabbergasted, spitting one of the balls out of her mouth.
"We have to wrestle in a ball pit?" Jasmine asked with disbelief after wiping her mouth with the back of her arm.
"A seriously disgusting one," Topher echoed, surfacing nearby with a used diaper on his head. He tossed it away with a look of horror and faced the host. "Where did you get this from, anyway?"
"The local carnival," Chris answered happily. "They were pretty cheap, too, so those balls haven't been cleaned in, oh, ever. Now play ball!" He picked up a large curved brass horn and blew a few notes, signaling the start of the match.
Topher was the first to move, diving into the balls while Jasmine watched and looked around with planned caution. The fanboy resurfaced seconds later, pouncing on the Outback girl's back, who yelped in fright. He quickly put her in a headlock, but it quickly became apparent that Jasmine wasn't budging.
In fact, her shock quickly faded into annoyance, and she grabbed Topher by the arms and tried to pry him off her. "Just get off," Jasmine told the boy as he struggled to keep his hold. "You aren't gonna take me down so easily." She finally managed to break his grip, and tossed him lightly into the balls on his back.
"Quick, get him while he's down!" MK called from the sidelines, earning a nod from Jasmine.
She took a step towards Topher, but he got back up and tackled her in the stomach. The shot pulled back from the close-up of him pushing at her, to reveal that she stopped herself from falling over and grabbed Topher by the shoulders before forcing him away from her.
"Knock her out, baby!" Anne Maria called from the sidelines in excitement.
"Hey Chris," Jasmine asked, "how do we win this, per say?"
"I guess you could throw him out of the ring, but those walls are kinda high," Chris said after thinking.
Jasmine looked up at the top of the glass walls, then over to what looked like a mesh screen on one side. "I'm gonna do it," she said in determination.
"No you're not!" Topher countered, the camera cutting to him as he dived in and grabbed her leg, pulling it out and causing the Australian teen to fall backward, sending several balls and a baby bottle flying.
Topher took the opportunity to pounce forward onto her chest and grab her leg in an arm lock. "This does not count as me harming a lady, by the way," he told Jasmine. "Prepare to lose to-"
The music came to a complete stop, and the two competitors turned shocked looks to Topher's back, where a small and well-dressed child with curly black hair and glasses was clinging. Neither said anything, even as Chef suddenly descended from above on a rope harness, picked up the child, and ascended just as quickly.
Still wide-eyed with shock, Topher soon found himself getting flipped around as Jasmine broke out of his hold. "Time to put an end to this," she told him as she grabbed him by the waist and slung him over her shoulder, "once and for all." As he grunted and struggled to escape, she walked unflinchingly to the mesh part of the wall, ripped it open, and tossed Topher over the ropes and out of the ring.
The fanboy landed on his butt with a stunned look on his face, and Chris was next to him in moments. "And we have a winner!" he said with a grin, a victorious tune playing as the other Gaffers cheered.
Still in the ring, Jasmine cheered with her hands on her hips. "Now how ‘bout that for scoring one for the team?"
Confessional: Jasmine
"Topher would've had a good shot at beating me if it hadn't been for that kid," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "I do feel sorry for him about that, but my team has to score a win today."
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to a close-up of a smiling Chris walking across the football field used earlier that day. "So, as we head to the fourth and final leg of the Total Drama sports tournie, the Grips are ahead two to one." The four leading players were shown standing together and smiling at one another.
"The final face-off?" the host said as the shot pulled out, revealing that a small basketball court, net, and slanted trampoline had been set up. "A slam dunk competition, with points going to the most creative dunk. Let's play it for the camera! It's..." he said, passing a basketball across the court to the eye candy, who caught it and gave his competition a smirk, "Justin and Chase!"
The Grips were shown cheering for Justin, who still clutched the basketball in his hands as he looked confident. The shot panned over to Chase, also smiling confidently as his team cheered him on.
"Okay Chase, show them what a real athlete can do!" Ripper shouted.
"I'm looking forward to it!" Chase chuckled coolly.
Confessional: Chase
"This challenge was built for me!" Chase boasted in the make-up trailer. “No puzzles or tricks. Just me dribbling a ball and slam dunking! Swish!"
Confessional Ends
The footage cut back to a shot of the court, Justin standing at the left side of the center circle facing the trampoline and basket on the right, with Chase and Chris standing in the front right corner and the other six contestants along the far side of the court.
"All right. I call this the "Justin Freezes the Gaffers" Slam!" Justin announced. Chris blew his whistle and he got started, beginning with a few trick dribbles between and around his legs as he walked down the court to a jaunty whistling theme. “Hey! Keep watching!”
Justin walked past Chase and stopped nearby in order to give him a playful nudge to his arm. “Whoa! Hey!” he said and walked back to the court. He paused in front of Jasmine and Ripper. “Look out!” he warned the two as he slammed the ball under Jasmine's legs and onto Ripper's crotch, the latter groaning as the ball went back to Justin.
For his final act, Justin ran across the court and grabbed MK's hat off her head, prompting her to gasp. With both the ball and the hat in his possession, Justin placed the hat over the ball, jumped onto the trampoline, and slammed it through the hoop with only one hand.
He landed perfectly and walked back to his cheering teammates in victory.
The shot panned to the right to show Chase walking over to MK and giving her her hat back. “That was nothing!” Chase snorted. “I'll show them what a real slam dunk looks like!"
The scene cut to Chase at the center circle, already dribbling with a smile on his face. "I call this move the “Fly ‘Til You Cry” Dunk!"
“That's pretty creative,” Justin said from the same corner Chase had been standing in previously, but the stunt boy wasn't phased by it in the slightest.
A hard rock theme began to play as Chase dribbled hard a few times then ran down the court. He shot the ball high into the sky and dashed towards the trampoline. He proceeded to jump on the trampoline and bounced up, executing a front flip before scooping the descending ball and slamming it through the hoop.
He struck a pose as he landed, and the ball bounced off the court. "Point to Chase and the Gaffers!" Chris declared as both sidelined teams stood in stunned silence. "Prepare," the host said swiftly, leaning forward dramatically as the more generic background music that had resumed after the hard rock ended quickly rose in tension, "for the Ultimate Extreme Sports Tiebreaker!"
All eight teens looked wary at the announcement.
The scene flashed over to a jumbo screen set up by some fake buildings, the host appearing on it immediately. "Get ready for the battle of battles," Chris announced as an intense metal song played in the background. "The grudge match the world has been waiting for!" He slid off the screen to the right, only to slide back in from the left a moment later. "A competition so intense," he slid back to the left and reappeared from above, "so grueling," he slid back up, then popped in closer to the screen, "so..."
"So what is it already?!" Millie shouted up at the screen.
Chris blinked on the screen, which soon cut to static. The viewpoint shifted to a distance shot of the football field, now without any additional courts on it, as the host drove up in a golf cart holding several things of a distinctly pink color.
"Pompoms?!" Ripper exclaimed in disbelief after the host shook one of them.
"Yes!" Anne Maria cheered and stepped forward. "This is so much more my speed than badminton!"
"Glad to hear it," Chris told her with his trademark grin, "because the tiebreaker is a cheer-off between the Grips and the Gaffers. Each team's gotta dig deep, and create a cheer for someone they think deserves cheering."
The scene flashed again, showing the Gaffers in a huddle talking. The camera panned over to the Grips in a similar situation, and cut to a viewpoint looking up at them from inside their circle.
"I think we should just cheer for me," Justin suggested. "I'm the most good-looking guy on the show."
"Cheer for you?" Millie doubted. "Chris said we had to dig deep, and cheering for only you won't fit that criteria."
“We could cheer for the show and how famous it's making us,” Topher suggested.
“You all should listen to someone who's on the cheer team back home, i.e. me!" Anne Maria interrupted. "We're not gonna cheer for one person or a sadist show. That's not gonna work at all."
"So what are we going to cheer for?" Millie asked. “The other team are also working on how they're going to beat us!”
"We have to do something that has a lot of spirit," Anne Maria said. "Now listen up, this is what we're gonna do..."
The view flashed back outside the Grips' huddle just as Chris stepped towards them. "Time!" he called, getting their attention and breaking their huddle with a shake of his pompoms. "Grips up!"
Anne Maria took a deep breath and stepped forward. Taking the pompoms out of Chris' hands while a marching band drumline began in the background.
"Justin, Justin, he's our guy! He's got a dashing smile and he's looking pretty fly!" she chanted with a few twisting flips and back handsprings.
"Millie's the best and a savvy teen! She helps us stay so super lean!" She shook her pompoms around and did a few jumps.
"Topher is S L I C K! He makes us all pumped up every day!" She shook her pompoms a few more times and did some leg kicks as Topher, Millie, and Justin scurried into place behind her.
"Give it up, give it up, for Anne Maria! A dynamite gal, not a Cinderella! Goooooooo Grips!!" She finished with a spinning backflip just as her team unfurled a banner between them that read 'GO GRIPS!'.
The drumline ended, and the Grips were still in the poses they'd struck at the end of the cheer.
"Nice job," Chris told them. "Really speaks to cheerleading tradition. Gaffers," he turned to the other four, "your response?" Jasmine, Ripper, Chase, and MK nodded at each other, then lined up.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" MK chanted to the tune of Men Without Hats’ “The Safety Dance”.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Chase joined in.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Ripper joined in next.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Jasmine finished off last.
"CHHHRRRRIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!" they all chanted as one in tune as they kneeled on one leg spontaneously.
"Amazing!" Chris gushed with absolute glee. "The rhythm, the synchronicity, the incredible kissing up!" he told the Gaffers. "We have the winners! And as for the losers," his face fell into a disappointed frown, "I'll see you in the theater!" He left the Gaffers to cheer with each other.
"And we were on a good winning streak!" Millie said from the sidelines, the other Grips looking just as disappointed about their loss.
For the first time since the previous Aftermath, the Gilded Chris Ceremony opened with its usual sequence and fanfare. The host and assistant were already on stage when the introduction ended, with Chef in his formal pink dress.
"So, the Grips lose for the first time since forever!" Chris said over a shot of the four teens casting their votes, Justin seated in the front row somewhat apart from the rest of his team. "Must be tough, especially for Topher since he just debuted!"
The camera focused on Topher, who was sitting in the second-highest row with Anne Maria a row below and Millie a few feet away from Justin. "Hey," he protested, "we had a good thing going!"
"Maybe, maybe not," Chris said with a grin before turning his gaze. "Justin sure didn't help with his loss to Chase in today's basketball match!"
Justin shrugged. "Not taking any responsibility for that one."
Chris carried on. "Meanwhile, despite actually winning in the boxing ring, Millie doesn't seem to have much going on!"
"I don't need to be manipulative in order to be interesting," Millie shot a pointed glare at Chris.
"Anne Maria!" Chris continued with a grin. "I'd say you're the only one here who might be safe!"
"No kiddin’," Anne Maria said. "Why else-"
"Oh, nobody wants to hear it," Chris interrupted. "Just take the statue!" He tossed a Gilded Chris to the Jersey girl, who glared but caught it anyway. The camera panned down to Topher, who was tossed an award as well, and he caught it happily. "Tango Fail, you're safe too!"
The focus moved over to the podium as Chris turned a solemn look over to Chef, who had but a single award left in his hands. The background music turned tense, and Justin and Millie were shown waiting for the reward.
"Justin, I'm sorry, but..." Chris said slowly and sorrowfully, attracting the eye candy's attention and putting confusion on his face and a smile on the author's, "...head's up!" He suddenly tossed the final Gilded Chris his way, and he caught it perfectly.
"Aww!" Millie pouted, standing up with a distraught expression. "I was so close to the merge."
“Sorry, but I had to vote for someone,” Topher said nonchalantly.
Confessional: Topher
"Justin's plan to get rid of Millie worked," Topher said in the confessional trailer with a smile. "Though I wonder how he convinced Anne Maria to vote for her."
Confessional: Justin
"I'm not saying I voted for Millie just because she said I'm not cute," Justin confessed calmly. "Okay, it was just because of that. Thing is, Anne Maria told me she was sending me home, even though I haven't tried to use my affections on her lately. So you see? I didn't lose my mojo. I just needed to shake things up. With my new patented, all-time lady-killing mega flip."
He slowly shook his head from one direction to the other, and his hair moved about even slower before falling back into its normal perfectly well-coiffed position. "I'm back, baby!"
Confessionals End
Chef Hatchet escorted Millie to the Walk of Shame. “Millie, wait up!!” The two were stopped by Chase running over to them.
“Chase?! What are you doing here?!” Millie wondered.
“I can't just let you go without a goodbye from me,” Chase explained.
“I'm sorry we can't make it to the merge together again, but only this time, the roles are reversed,” Millie said.
“Don't worry. I'll be fine by myself just like you were last season,” Chase comforted her. “And I will win this season for us! I guarantee that!”
“Make sure to watch out for MK,” Millie added. “Me and Jasmine are sure that she's up to something.”
“Hurry up, roaches!” Chef shouted impatiently, startling the two for a brief second.
“I have to go now! Remember that I'll be supporting you while watching the show,” Millie bid her goodbye before grabbing Chase by the face and giving him a quick kiss to the lips. Afterwards, she let go and walked the red carpet with Chef, Chase waving goodbye to her.
The scene flashed forward to Millie stepping into the limousine of losers, which sped off with a cloud of dust.
The scene cut to Chris in the boxing/wrestling ring. "Wow! Looks like Millie left us with a bit of a doozy!" Chris laughed, an energetic and sporty song starting up as he sported boxing gloves. "How's that for a dramatic sucker punch?" He threw a few test jabs in the direction of Chef, who was back in his normal clothes save a pair of dark pink boxing gloves.
"Will MK continue to stay in the bad guy corner? Are Topher and Anne Maria gonna kiss?" he asked while continuing to punch the air as he worked his way around an unimpressed Chef. "Am I gonna knock big ol' Chef out with my killer uppercut?"
He started to throw a punch at his assistant, but it was swiftly answered by a hammering fist that knocked the host off his feet. "Find out next time," he said as he got back to his feet and Chef walked away, "here, on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
"Honestly, I'm kind of happy to be going home today," Millie told the camera as she sat on the seat of the limousine. "The million dollars would have been great, but I'm sure I can make tons of money selling my finished book!" She whipped out her book from her pocket and showed it. “Thankfully, I didn't get framed for writing nasty stuff about the contestants like last time, and I certainly didn't have anyone drive a wedge between me and Chase. It would've been nice to spend more time with him, but we have to focus on our own interests and passions. And if he was to win the season, then that means I'd technically win as well. So it's basically a win-win for us." She sported a face of realization. “That was a bit of a mouthful.”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Millie - 8th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:06 xtremexavier15 TMA 15

Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
Episode 15: Million Dollar Babies
"Last time on Total Drama Action! Our caveman movie challenges made some people look good! And other people look bet-ter!"
"Jasmine switched over to the Gaffers, and even then, they still couldn't score a win against their competition. And Topher showed off how much he meant to everybody."
"As their reward, the Grips won a mammoth rack of mastodon ribs while the Gaffers had to make do with what they could find, and what could find them."
The scene then flashed over to a few of the control tent's monitors. "Will Jasmine stay on good terms with her new team?" Chris asked as the two monitors that were focused on cut from static to identical pictures of the nervous looking girl. "Will Ripper keep up his jerkitude?" The two monitors cut back to static before cutting to identical pictures of the glaring boy. "And will anything happen between Anne Maria and Topher?" The monitors switched to static again, then to pictures of the Jersey girl and the fanboy smiling at each other.
The screens cut to static once again and the camera pulled back to show Chris sitting in front of them. "Find out the answers right now," he told the camera before the scene flashed to the area outside the cast trailers, "on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Theme Song)
Snoring could be heard as the episode opened on the morning sun, a small bird passing through the scene as the camera panned down to the cast trailers. It focused in on the boys' quarters, and the scene cut inside to Ripper fast asleep, causing the snores that had been heard outside.
The sound of a trumpet rang through the air, startling the rude boy upright. "I get the first and last waffle, Xander!" he shouted, still half-asleep.
"I'm up!" Topher shouted from the other side of the room. He rolled out of his bed and onto the floor. "Wait a minute, I'm not a military recruit at all!"
Across the room, Chase sat up in his bed. “It was just a wake-up call for all of us,” he grumbled.
"That's it! I'm moving to Canada!" Justin said, fully awake. "Except I'm already there!"
The scene cut back outside, the door to the girls' trailer swinging open. “At this point, I'm not gonna complain about our wake-up calls,” Millie said while walking out along with MK and Anne Maria.
The camera panned above to show Jasmine yawning before dismounting off her tree, landing on top of the trailer, and finally jumping to the floor. “Good morning, girls!” she greeted them happily.
“There's nothing good about this one,” Anne Maria scoffed. “Not when we were rudely awakened!”
“I'm used to it,” Jasmine told the girls. “I'm normally woken up by the alligators roaring next door to my home.”
The shot cut to a close-up of a trombone as Chris played a few notes on it. "Morning, sports fans!" he greeted as the camera pulled back to show him wearing a sort of one-man marching band outfit – a stereotypical hat accompanied by a combination bass drum and cymbals strapped to his back that sounded with each step he took.
The moment he appeared, an upbeat melody reminiscent of a sports movie began to play. "Who's ready to put up a good offense?"
"'Ghetti here!" a familiar voice called out from behind the host, the shot pulling back again as Chef walked up to the cast. "Get your pipin' hot spaghetti here!" He was wearing the hat and large box associated with food vendors at sporting events, and true to his word, he was serving up balls of tomato sauce-covered spaghetti. He smirked, then began pitching them at the cast – first Chase, who was hit in the gut as Justin and Ripper leaned out of the way; then Anne Maria who was struck in the chest but managed to catch it on the rebound; followed by Jasmine and Millie who easily caught a couple each; and finally MK, who quickly ducked under the first before getting struck in the head. Sauce and pasta sliding down her face, she shot an utterly unamused look off-camera.
"Hey, what's the deal?" Jasmine asked the host.
"The deal is breakfast," Chris told them all.
"Wait, we're having pasta for breakfast?" Millie asked in disbelief as Jasmine shrugged and started slurping a noodle.
"It's called carbo-loading, contestants," Chris explained, leaning towards the girl. "Today, you're all going to give 200%, in our Sports Movie challenge!"
"That is a mathematical impossibility," MK deadpanned before taking another pasta ball to the face.
"Suck that 'ghetti back, you lovable underdogs, destined to come back from certain failure!" Chris told the cast as he began to walk away. "We've got a training run!"
Chase cracked an eager grin as the host walked past. "Did you say running?" he asked excitedly just before the scene cut away with a flash.
A close-up of several shoes running along a grassy field was shown, accompanied by the huffs and pants of their owners. The shot pulled back to the contestants running along a football field, Chase and Jasmine silently vying for the front position. Anne Maria and Topher were behind, shortly followed by Ripper, Justin, MK, and Millie.
"That all you got, sports fans?" Chris called to them before they were shown to have stopped, everyone but Chase and Jasmine trying to catch their breath. "Man up! It's time for more action!"
"You call that a training run?" Chase scoffed. "A ball of noodles and a 3k jog is nothing!"
"That wasn't even a warm-up," Jasmine added.
"Good to see the two of you are so eager to get going!" Chris told them with a grin. "Of course, since this is just a set," the shot pulled back to show that they were standing in front of a stadium-seating backdrop, "and you guys are actors, we don't need to go all-out."
"That explains the astro-turf," Millie said, poking at the plastic grass she was lying on.
"Still," Chris continued, "today's competition is gonna require sweat, guts, heart, and sweat."
"You said sweat twice," Topher corrected. “Not that I'm whining.”
"That's 'cause it's not just your sweat you'll be dealing with," Chris explained. "There's Chef's sweat too!"
The camera quick-panned over to the hulking man, now doing jumping jacks in sweatshirt and training helmet. "'Cause you'll be pushing him the length of the field," Chris said, "aaand, he just ate a huuuge jar of jalapeño peppers, so," Chef stopped jumping and walked over to a tackling dummy that had been set up near the host, "he's sprayin' like a gym class shower!"
"We gotta push spiced up Chef like he's a football dummy?" Justin asked.
"Don't call me a dummy," Chef said.
"Don't worry, Gaffers," Ripper told his team with a quick flex of his arms. "With me around, you don't have to push a thing, dummy or no dummy!"
"What'd I say about the dummy thing?" Chef repeated angrily, sweating profusely in his close-up.
"This is a team effort," Jasmine said to Ripper. "We all have to push, not just you."
The bully frowned upon hearing that comment.
Confessional: Ripper
"Is she seriously doubting the strength and muscle of Ripper?!" Ripper told the confessional camera with disbelief on his face. "I once clobbered a vending machine when it wouldn't give me my dollar back, and that thing was super cheap!" He furrowed his brows. "Jasmine is gonna have problems with me if she continues to doubt me!"
Confessional Ends
With a stopwatch in one hand, Chris blew a whistle in the other and the Gaffers began to push against the tackling dummy Chef was standing on. "That all you got?" he taunted, the sled not moving an inch. "I could push better than that on my day off!"
"Don't even think about talking trash to me!" Ripper protested. His teammates backed off, and with a grunt, he shoved the dummy, Chef and all, into a heap ten yards away. "Booyah! That's how I do it!" he boasted, quickly flexing his biceps while Chef struggled in pain to get the dummy off him.
The scene moved to a group of eight tires that had been set up at the other end of the field. The Grips ran towards them, with Anne Maria in the lead followed by Justin, Topher, and Millie. They made good headway, but the camera soon pulled back to show that each tire had gotten stuck around one of their feet.
"What's with these tires?" Topher cried as he and his teammates tried to shake them off.
"How are we supposed to run this course if our feet are stuck?" Millie questioned.
"Aww, really? I'm sorry!" Chris told them as he walked up before whispering "Wait 'til they get a load of the mouse trap!" to the camera. Moments later, a series of snaps came from inside the tires and the Grips cried in pain and annoyance as they tried to jump away from the traps. "Snap to it, losers!" the host told them with a grin.
The footage skipped forward yet again, now showing MK as she crawled through a mud pit, a wary eye on the barbed wire strung above it. Justin and Topher followed after her, and Anne Maria and Ripper after them. "I've never seen the football team back home do this!" Anne Maria said amid the grunts and groans of her fellow cast members.
"You're right," Chris told her as the camera cut out to show all eight crawling through the pit while the host watched from the other end. "But we had some mud and barbed wire left over from the war movie, and it just seemed fun to me!" He smiled as the camera came in for a close-up. "Is it?"
Everyone groaned in frustration or exhaustion.
"That really bit," MK said as the camera panned up over her mud-splattered figure.
"Who even won the challenge," Topher asked the host.
"Let's see...," Chris told the contestants as he started reading the clipboard in his hands. "Huh, three... carry the five...," he muttered before breaking into a grin and announcing "Nobody!"
The castmates gaped with shock and uttered "Huh?!" as one.
"It was just to establish who's playing who for the real contest to follow," Chris explained before looking over to a large screen nearby. An upbeat techno tune began to play as the camera focused on the screen, which was divided into four sections with each depicting a stick figure performing a different physical activity against a colored background – punching on yellow; swinging a racquet on blue; wrestling with another figure on red; and throwing a ball on green.
"We're running four sporto contests," the host said, "with competitors seeded according to these results." The four-way split disappeared, replaced by two columns of contestants' pictures divided into teams, which disappeared again and reappeared in the following order: Chase and Justin on top; Jasmine and Topher second; Ripper and Anne Maria third; and MK and Millie on the bottom.
"I'm at the top!" Chase cheered. "Just like in track competitions!"
Beside him, Topher raised an eyebrow.
Confessional: Topher
"So it'd seem that Chase is one of the most athletic players on his team," Topher told the confessional camera. "With his speed and agility, he's basically a male Sky, only that he's less humble and more likely to risk his life. He'd be hard to beat."
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to a close-up of a hanging microphone which was promptly grabbed by the host, causing a small amount of feedback. He was revealed to be standing in the middle of a boxing ring wearing a referee's uniform as the camera panned down, and quickly began to speak.
"In the right corner-ner-ner-ner," Chris announced dramatically, "from the Killers Grips-ips-ips-ips! The bookworm bruiser, the judgemental juggernaut, the prim powerhouse," an energetic tune began to play in the background, "MILLLIIIEEE!" The crowd went wild as the camera panned to the corner behind the host, where Millie stood politely inside the ring with a rather blank expression on her face. Justin was standing to the right outside the ropes with a smirk, while Topher and Anne Maria smiled off along the back.
"And in the left corner-ner-ner-ner," Chris announced, pointing in front of him, "from the Screaming Gaffers-ers-ers-ers! The brainy brawler, the crafty cobbler, the sneaky snarkhouse!"
The camera cut to Chase and MK hanging on to the ropes on the left side. "He's clearly talking about you," Chase told his teammate with a sly smile.
"MMMMMMMKKKKKKKKK!" Chris finally announced, the crowd going wild again.
"Why me, though?" MK asked.
"Because you and Millie came last in the football drills," Chris explained to her and the other Gaffers. "Loser, versus loser." He looked over at the writer, who frowned at him. "We're going to build to the top two players."
"Do I at least get gloves?" MK asked, holding up her hands.
A pair of large 'gloves' were immediately placed on them, startling MK. "Are these made of marshmallows?"
"Props," Chris told her, "so you don't hurt those pretty actor faces. And in true boxing movie tradition, you'll be fighting in," the camera zoomed in as he said with exaggerated slowness, "slllooowww moootttionnn."
Millie looked back at her teammates uncertainly as the roar of the crowd began to rise, and MK entered the ring.
The bell rang, and Chris was pulled up and out of the ring by the hanging microphone. A slow fight song began as the two girls approached and began to circle with an awkward sort of caution.
"C'mon, take a swing!" Anne Maria barked from her corner.
"Attack her, MK," Ripper shouted from the opposite side of the ring.
MK rolled her eyes, but complied with an agonizingly slow marshmallow-covered left hook that Millie easily stepped away from.
"Is that the best you can do?" Topher asked.
"We're supposed to do this in slow motion!" Millie tried to explain, looking back at her teammate and opening herself up to a slow right jab from her opponent. The impact was largely inconsequential, however, as MK seemed at a loss as to how she should react other than taking a step back.
"This is the lamest fight I've ever been in," MK muttered dryly before dodging a weak punch from her opponent.
"Just keep going!" Jasmine called from the sidelines. "Show her who's boss!"
"Thank you, Jasmine," MK said sarcastically as she blocked yet another of Millie's slow strikes and struck back with a creeping body blow that sent the writer staggering back in what seemed to be a purposeful manner.
"Keep going!" Justin shouted.
In fact, Millie staggered all the way back to her corner of the ropes. "What do I do?" she asked under her breath. "I've never done anything like this!"
"I don't know. Just punch her in the face or something!" Anne Maria said back.
"This is supposed to be a movie, so maybe you could try distracting her with some speech or something?" Topher suggested.
"In the middle of a fight?" Justin asked in disbelief.
Topher shrugged helplessly. "It's the only thing I can think of!"
“If it'll give us the win,” Millie sighed and stepped back towards MK.
Seconds later, the bell rung again, and the two girls halted their reapproach as Chris descended back into the ring. "Round Two-oo-oo-oo!" he announced as Chef walked across the ring holding a placard above his head with the number 2 on it.
"You got this, MK," Chase told MK as she loitered in the corner, watching Chef as he walked up to her then back across the ring. "Just give it to her hard and fast!"
The music picked up its pace as the two girls approached the center of the ring once again. "You'll never defeat me!" Millie declared at an exaggeratedly slow pace as she and MK circled one another, the AV girl going in for a few slow jabs that the writer easily ducked and dodged. "I fight for truth," she ducked beneath a heavy swing, "and justice," she leaned out of the way of another blow and drew back her own fist.
Millie finally struck out at MK's face, and having been caught off-guard by the slow-motion speech, MK was unable to dodge the slow-moving uppercut. With a sound like an anvil being struck, the short girl fell to the mat, and the host quickly appeared at her side.
"One!" Chris called out, holding up a single finger. "Two! Three!"
Jasmine gasped from the sidelines. "Get up, mate!" she yelled in shock.
"Fourfivesixseveneightnine and ten!" Chris counted off quickly before the fallen techno could recover. "And the winner is-is-is-is," he announced, "Millie, and the Killer Grips!" He held up the author's right arm, and a triumphant boxing theme began to play.
Anne Maria, Justin, and Topher started to cheer. "You both did pretty good with the slow-motion," Chris told the two competitors, "and even though MK did fall first, the deciding factor was technically Millie speech – great job on that by the way, it really sold on the whole 'underdog' aspect."
“Thank you,” Millie smiled proudly as Chris walked away.
MK grunted in frustration as she got back on her feet. "I wanna know what's more humiliating," she muttered. "The loss itself or how it even happened."
"I don't know," Ripper grinned. "I thought they were BOTH funny!"
“Ripper, knock it off,” Jasmine warned him with a glare.
The scene flashed to a close-up of a racquet which quickly zoomed out to show it in Justin's hands as he gave it a few test swings. "Hey," he said, "it's a miniature tennis racquet," the shot zoomed out again to show him standing at the front of the contestants on the sidelines of what looked like a tennis court with the net raised up off the ground, "Where are the miniature tennis balls and how come the net is so stupidly high?"
"This is a badminton court, Justin," Chris told him as he and Chef approached the cast.
"There was never a sports movie about badminton! That'd be seriously lame," Justin said.
"There was a movie about badminton," Chris countered sharply. "It was very un-lame! Thanks for asking, I'd love to recreate my finest scene," he added smugly before the scene flashed to the next one.
"I just want you to know," Chris began dramatically, swinging the racquet around to emphasize his words as an emotional song started playing in the background, "you guys are the best darn badminton players I've had the pleasure of coaching!" The camera panned across the castmates, every one looking bored and unimpressed.
"You're beacons of freedom!" the actor-turned-host continued as Chef walked up behind him with a sad look on his face. "Go show the Olympic Committee we deserve a shot!" The music turned more upbeat and inspirational. "Show them, it's not badminton, it's goodminton! Heck, it's greatminton! Now get out there, and win one for the Flipper!"
The camera focused in on Chef as a tear came to his eye and his lips trembled.
Confessional: Chef
"Why couldn't the Olympic Committee just give the Flipper a break?" Chef Hatchet asked the confessional camera, struggling to contain his tears. "It was his big dream!" He finished with a cry and a snort.
Confessional Ends
Chris adjusted a cap he'd put on, then smiled at the camera as a tense song began to play. "Battling for supremacy in our second round," he announced as the shot pulled back to show the two contestants already on the court and their teammates in the stands behind him, "Anne Maria and Ripper!"
"Sorry Rip," Anne Maria called with confidence from the left side of the court, "but I've got tons of experience with badminton!"
“I'll have to see it to believe it, tan lady!” Ripper smirked at her from the right side of the court.
"Watch the birdie!" Chris called before tossing a small plush bird to Ripper.
He looked at it quizzically for a second, then Anne Maria called out "Time to make feathers fly!"
"You got this, Ripper!" Jasmine cheered from the bleachers.
"Yeah," MK added, "don't let her quips turn you into a baby and you'll be fine!"
“You can bet on it!” Ripper nodded at them confidently, raised his racquet, and tossed the birdie into the air – the camera followed it as it fell back down and was struck when Ripper twirled the racquet down under it. On impact it made a squeaking noise that startled both players, and Anne Maria had to scramble swiftly to intercept it when it passed the net.
She missed her swing, and the birdie squeaked again when it hit the ground. "It's not alive, is it?" Anne Maria asked hesitantly, looking at it with wide eyes.
"It's stuffed," Chris told her as he walked over and picked the birdie up. "With a squeaker?" he tossed it lightly in his hand, making it squeak again. "That okay, hair spray?" Anne Maria nodded, and Chris walked away. "Point to Ripper!"
Once again, Ripper served the birdie quickly and easily, and once again, Anne Maria failed to return it – but by a smaller margin than last time. "Woo! Nice going, dude!" Chase called to his teammate. "Keep this up and we'll be winning this challenge!"
"Don't give up, Anne Maria!" Millie encouraged from the Grips' side of the stands.
Anne Maria grit her teeth in frustration, and Ripper made his third serve. This one was returned, however, and it was Ripper's turn to scramble for an interception. The music picked up as the birdie was followed back and forth, squeaking each time it was hit.
"Come on!" Jasmine cheered from the sidelines. "Show her you're pulling no punches!"
Ripper grinned and started putting more force into his swings, making it harder for Anne Maria to keep up.
Confessional: Anne Maria
"I know I say that I was good at badminton, but that Ripper guy is something else," Anne Maria confessed while filing her nails. "Still, I don't wanna show that I'm all bark and no bite here." The tanned woman stuffed her nail filer into her pouf. "So I'm gonna show off my bite!"
Confessional Ends
The music deepened as a montage of Anne Maria hitting the birdie was shown, including shots of her diving, going between her legs, and even holding the racquet with her hair to return the birdie. It ended when the Jersey girl tossed the racquet up into the air with a twirl and a pose, intercepting a high-flying shot and sending it hurtling back at a shocked Ripper.
It struck the bully square between the eyes and knocked flat on his back. "Sorry, but I play hard!" Anne Maria called from off-screen as cartoon birds similar to the birdie were shown flying around the Ripper's eyes. They flew off when a whistle was blown, and Ripper sat up in a daze.
"We have a winner!" Chris announced, the music turning triumphant as the Grips began to cheer. "Now that's some greatminton!" Chris said as he watched Anne Maria walk up to her team with a grin on her face.
"So whatcha think about that?" Anne Maria asked the other Grips. "I told you that my badminton skills weren't just for show."
"I never doubted you. Not even for a second," Topher admitted. "And even if I did, you'd obviously make me regret it," he added with a nervous tone.
"Uh, what do you mean by that exactly?" Millie wondered with curiosity.
"What he means is that we support each other heavily as boyfriend and girlfriend," Anne Maria smiled as she emphasized.
“Absolutely,” Topher confirmed. “I am still my own man though. It's not like she has me whipped or anything.”
“Strange,” Justin started to say. “I thought your relationship would simply consist of Anne Maria bossing you around and you just accepting it.”
“Are you serious?!” Anne Maria asked in disbelief.
"Hey, just because Anne Maria isn't the nicest person around, doesn't mean that she'd abuse Topher for no reason," Millie defended.
"Yeah, and even if she did, it'd be because I did something wrong," Topher added.
“I've seen a lot of cliche relationships before, so I just assumed you two would be one of them,” Justin said admittedly.
"Oooh, looks like this team's got their work cut out for them!" Chris said as he suddenly popped into the scene. "So don't go away," he added as he dashed over to the ref's chair he'd been sitting on during the match and climbed up it, "there's still more sports-themed fun to come on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Commercial Break)
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:00 loloslsok Got loading dose, scared about taking next real dose

Hi!! I’ve posted about dupixent already and if there were any side effects. I’m very grateful for the responses.
Just for some background information, I’m female and under the age of 18. I’m also taking dupixent for my eczema, which I’ve had since I was younger. I’ve been using prescribed steroid ointment and have been somewhat fine ever since. On Monday, I got my loading doses, though I was quite hesitant because my dad basically forced me to get it. I’ve read about side effects and ever since then have been so worried to continue. I’m fine with eczema on its own but having to have a shot every 2 weeks, have conjunctivitis, have hair loss, and maybe even weight gain just to get rid of eczema??
I’m scared, I’m considering to just not take the next dose. Is that possible?? I’m just worried for these side effects and I just don’t want to deal with something like this when I’m this young. Please let me know if this is dangerous or something I should talk to my dermatologist about beforehand. I’m also trying to talk to my parents about it but I’m scared they won’t hear me out about how I feel. Thank you !!
submitted by loloslsok to dupixent [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:59 ugoiscool My father abandoned me in a third world country with my unstable mother and now wants me to return back to the united states but i dont trust him

For about half of 2022, I lived at my grandparents' house. I liked it there; I had family and cousins to rely on. But I was starving—the food they cooked was so bad that I would always order from outside. Eventually, I dreamt of my mom's food, and this led me back to living with her. At first, it was just for a couple of days, but the next time I came, I decided not to go back.
My mother was very cold towards me at first. Sometimes, I would visit her when I was living at my grandparents' home, but she would always start an argument with them, saying how my dad was using me and doing black magic on my soul. Now, my father told me they were crazy people, but eventually, I figured out that some of the things my mom said were true.
My uncle, God rest his soul, died in 2022. My mother had claimed that he was being blackmailed and verbally abused by his wife and her sisters, or as my mother called them, witches. I asked her for proof and found out that what she said was true—my dad's family were verbally abusing him terribly. This convinced me that my father was a blatant liar and that my mother was right.
I'm not gonna lie—living with her was good; I loved it. But when September came, oh my God, the amount of stress. My mother took me to the US embassy for American flight tickets back to America. The embassy told her if she went back with the embassy paying for it, she would owe the government $2,000, which she didn't have. At the same time, my father had arrived in Pakistan, and he wanted to take me to the US embassy.
I was stuck in a shithole. I tried to explain to my mother that maybe I could go with my dad and she wouldn't have to worry about the money she would owe to the government. But all she said was, "If you want to live with your father, fine, but never talk to me again. You're dead to me if you do."
Anyway, after I told my father I couldn't go, he said I was a coward and needed to grow a spine. He said people my age were getting married and having kids (keep in mind I was 15 when he said this). He told me, "Son, I don't know how you're going to do in life if you're this soft." He left again, and I didn't speak with him much after that.
Now, his next visit is in 2024.He was coming back to get married to his new wife. At this time, I was extremely homesick and desperately wanted to go back. My father promised to take me with him, but he also threatened me, saying, "I want you to know something. If you try and fuck me over like your mother, I'll throw you on the streets. I don't give a damn what happens to you after." He gave me multiple threats, but nothing hurt me more than him saying that he was only coming back to get married, not for me, as if I wasn't his top priority.
I really loved and admired him. He grew up in a village in Okara, Pakistan, and worked his way up to get to America. He would say he did all this so I wouldn't grow up the way he did. But now I think that was just a mask he wore, and at that moment, when I was talking with him, he finally let it slip. Then I started to think: when was the last time my dad sent money for child support? I figured out he wasn't paying child support until 2023 when my mother threatened him with legal action.
And before you think my mother is a darling angel, she was extremely abusive to me. In 2023, when I went to get my Pakistani ID card, it turned out my father had already made one and kept it in the USA. My mother's eyes looked at me like she wanted to kill me right then and there. When we got back to the house, she yelled at me for five hours, with her sister glaring at me and her friend—let's call him Bob—saying that I was purposely keeping my mother in Pakistan and that I was a spy working for my dad. She broke my heart that day, but I forgave her like I always do. It's expected in Pakistani culture. I don't really know how to start this, but I'm a 16-year-old male. In 2022, when I was 14, my mother and I went to Pakistan during the summer. During this time, I went to live at my grandfather's house after I had an argument with my mother. I actually didn't want to go back to Pakistan since, during COVID, I had already spent a year there and had just gotten back to the States. It takes time to adjust, but she wouldn't listen. She was extremely aggressive about going to Pakistan—not physically, but mentally.
Anyway, I thought if I went to my grandfather's house, I'd easily go back to America pronto. However, when my father came to pick me up, my mother had stolen my passport and hidden it. She refused to give it back under terms my father would agree upon. My father wouldn't even listen to these terms and left Pakistan, abandoning me.
For about half of 2022, I lived at my grandparents' house. I liked it there; I had family and cousins to rely on. But I was starving—the food they cooked was so bad that I would always order from outside. Eventually, I dreamt of my mom's food, and this led me back to living with her. At first, it was just for a couple of days, but the next time I came, I decided not to go back.
My mother was very cold towards me at first. Sometimes, I would visit her when I was living at my grandparents' home, but she would always start an argument with them, saying how my dad was using me and doing black magic on my soul. Now, my father told me they were crazy people, but eventually, I figured out that some of the things my mom said were true.
My uncle, God rest his soul, died in 2022. My mother had claimed that he was being blackmailed and verbally abused by his wife and her sisters, or as my mother called them, witches. I asked her for proof and found out that what she said was true—my dad's family were verbally abusing him terribly. This convinced me that my father was a blatant liar and that my mother was right.
I'm not gonna lie—living with her was good; I loved it. But when September came, oh my God, the amount of stress. My mother took me to the US embassy for American flight tickets back to America. The embassy told her if she went back with the embassy paying for it, she would owe the government $2,000, which she didn't have. At the same time, my father had arrived in Pakistan, and he wanted to take me to the US embassy.
I was stuck in a shithole. I tried to explain to my mother that maybe I could go with my dad and she wouldn't have to worry about the money she would owe to the government. But all she said was, "If you want to live with your father, fine, but never talk to me again. You're dead to me if you do."
Anyway, after I told my father I couldn't go, he said I was a coward and needed to grow a spine. He said people my age were getting married and having kids (keep in mind I was 15 when he said this). He told me, "Son, I don't know how you're going to do in life if you're this soft." He left again, and I didn't speak with him much after that.
Now, his next visit is in 2024.He was coming back to get married to his new wife. At this time, I was extremely homesick and desperately wanted to go back. My father promised to take me with him, but he also threatened me, saying, "I want you to know something. If you try and fuck me over like your mother, I'll throw you on the streets. I don't give a damn what happens to you after." He gave me multiple threats, but nothing hurt me more than him saying that he was only coming back to get married, not for me, as if I wasn't his top priority.
I really loved and admired him. He grew up in a village in Okara, Pakistan, and worked his way up to get to America. He would say he did all this so I wouldn't grow up the way he did. But now I think that was just a mask he wore, and at that moment, when I was talking with him, he finally let it slip. Then I started to think: when was the last time my dad sent money for child support? I figured out he wasn't paying child support until 2023 when my mother threatened him with legal action.
And before you think my mother is a darling angel, she was extremely abusive to me. In 2023, when I went to get my Pakistani ID card, it turned out my father had already made one and kept it in the USA. My mother's eyes looked at me like she wanted to kill me right then and there. When we got back to the house, she yelled at me for five hours, with her sister glaring at me and her friend—let's call him Bob—saying that I was purposely keeping my mother in Pakistan and that I was a spy working for my dad. She broke my heart that day, but I forgave her like I always do. It's expected in Pakistani culture.
When my mom found out that my dad was getting married, she told me I could no longer meet my cousins. Keep in mind, they were the only people I had to be social with. I can barely speak Urdu, and it doesn't help that I have white skin and dark blonde hair. My mother cut me off from the only social life I had.
When my dad found out I couldn't go to his grandparents' house, he basically said, "Are you ever gonna fight back? You just sit there and do nothing." I then entered a hikikomori state. I would barely leave my room. I would just play video games, jerk off, and watch TV. I lost two years of my high school life because of them stuck in a foreign country not knowing my language.
Now, at the end of June, my darling father wants me to return to the US. But how can I trust him? How can I trust any of them? They all used me. I know it. I can't fight back because they are protected by Pakistani culture. Talking back to my parents is frowned upon. Even the slightest rebellion I would show, they would all say, "What, you think this is America? You obey our rules."
I don't know what to do. I know the only reason my dad wants me back is so he can save face since my mother filed a case against him. I'm lost and stuck in a loop. I'm afraid of women now; I think they're all the same and can't even look one in the eye because of my mother.
submitted by ugoiscool to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 Kbs4kts Updated Post-Travel Review: Disappointed in the Pakt Travel Bag 35L

Updated Post-Travel Review: Disappointed in the Pakt Travel Bag 35L
Hi folks, I wanted to share an updated review with you following my initial disappointment with the Pakt Travel Bag. I remain disappointed, as while the inside functionality is useful the bag fabric picks up every bit of lint and is just not professional to travel with.
Context: I'm a solo business owner and was travelling for business, testing one-bag backpack travel for a short domestic trip to see if I found it comfortable ahead of a longer trip to Europe. I'm in Australia, and there's one online retailer in region that stocks Pakt. Being on a short timeline, I bought from Rushfaster rather than shipping from Pakt directly. I bought the 35L (AUD $610) along with the 22L and 15L. The 22L was excess to my needs and Rushfaster have been fantastic with handling the return. The price was high, but comparative: Peak, Bellboy and Aer are all in the $500 range. Watching tonnes of reviews on YouTube and reading your reviews helped me make the choice, alas I missed reading MorningHerald's review.
In my initial post, I mentioned the great parts of the bag: I liked the suitcase style opening, the padded divider in the centre, and the expansion where the 15L can slip into.
My gripes remain with the straps and the fabric. In my initial post, I mentioned that it had picked up dust and looked dirty, which some folks took to me being fussy. I have a white-haired dog and had opened the bag for packing on clean sheets, but it still picked up dust and some hair. At the airport it picked up dirt from the ground and was hard to wipe off. This pic is taken at the airport, this is bearable:
A few days after purchase, first trip outside the house with the bag.
The bag and contents weighed in at 6.3kg and met the Qantas carry on bag requirements:
Pakt 35L fits the Qantas Carry On Luggage specs
I found putting the bag on frustrating, the second strap always twisting and I needed to spin it the right way. Once on, the load was okay but I felt like I was being pulled back a bit. The straps were not comfortable around my arms, but once on my back it was easy to adjust using the straps at both top and bottom of the back. Boarding, I packed the straps away and carried it on with the handle. It was awkward but fine.
However, the dust. It's horrendous.
When preparing to leave, the hotel had a standard quilt cover and a wool blanket on the bed. Without thinking, I opened the bag up and started packing, and then closed to zip up and saw it had picked up so much fluff from the blanket. This doesn't just wipe off either, I had to try and pick the big chunks off but without much success. This is what I mean:
Bag moments after noticing the fluff collected, it's laying on the blanket it collected the fluff from.
My partner has used a Bellroy, which on touch feels like the same fabric, for about five years and has never had a problem like this. My preference would have been for Green, so I'm not sure if the problem is this bag specifically, or the Black fabric, but the Green 15L is nothing like the above even when placed on the same materials, though does still catch the some fluff.
Here's some photos of the 15L taken just now:
Pakt 15L - not so much dust and not as noticeable
The 15L would be great for someone looking for a slim EDC. I have a 16" MacBook Pro for video/audio editing and it only just fits in, leaving me worried that if I dropped the bag the laptop would get damaged at the top. You can see how tight it fits here, and the black mesh at the top of the laptop compartment can't be pulled over easily.
Pakt 15L with a 16\" MacBook Pro.
This bag wore well as a sling and backpack, with the load distributed evenly and comfortably. I was able to load the bag with books, cables and other things, and it fit quite a lot for such a small back. Since it's so slim and doesn't have a base, if there's heavy things (like wallet, keys, glasses) in the top pocket, it flips open when unzipping the main bag, which isn't great if you've forgotten to close it and everything falls out.
I switched to sling mode after one of the strap hooks seemed to bend while the bag was under the seat in front of me on the plane - maybe I knocked it with my foot? I'm not sure but it kept detatching with the bag flinging and almost dropping off my shoulder, which I obviously can't risk when carrying a laptop!
The clasp at the bottom of the picture looks slightly bent, maybe? This is the one that kept coming undone when used in backpack mode.
So overall, there's some good ideas here internally but the external fabric and the straps could be better. I shouldn't have to buy a $610 bag and then scotch-guard the fabric myself, and would never have expected a travel bag to pick up so much obvious mess. I get that they're backpacks and meant to get beaten around and used, but this was on the first trip, I am a tech/business person so want it to look good, and this was frankly embarrassing.
In some reviews, folks had mentioned the bag picking up fluff but if I had seen photos that showed just how bad, I wouldn't have purchased this bag so I hope this post helps someone.
submitted by Kbs4kts to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 accordingtoame 3ish L Sling/Hip Bag Recs--MUST COME IN NAVY.

My current bag is a LeSportsac that is probably around 2.5Lish? It's about 6" tall by 8.5" wide by maybe 2" deep. It is navy, it works fine, it fits all my crap, I am just bored with it...The number one most important thing for me is that it is in solid navy exterior. Black trim and strap is fine, but the bag itself I want solid navy.
I ordered the Bellroy Venture Hip Pack--too small. I ordered the Bellroy Venture Ready Sling--great length, but needs to be like 1" taller. I still have that one in hand, because it looks really nice.
I am looking at the Bellroy Sling Mini but the measurements indicate that also might be too short in height so I haven't yet ordered.
The Alpaka GoSlingNano could work, but it might be too small? It's just a hair larger in measurements than my current one.
The Tom Bihn looks almost identical to what I already have.
The Pakt 3L looks good though I HATE the logo on the front, and it's not really navy.
Am I missing anything else along those lines?
Here’s a side by side of my current bag that is pretty full but still room to spare, next to the Venture Sling 2.5
submitted by accordingtoame to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:45 misscrazy_misscrazy Someone please help oh my word

I just am so over it, but yet, I feel like I’m just staying on it because I want to punish myself. Long story short, I’m in cosmo school. Had a bleach bath done. I knew I should put a towel over my face. I’ve had people get stuff near my eyes before. But this time, because I didn’t want to be weird or have people think I’m weird, I didn’t ask. And bleach got in my eye. My eyes were closed, but still, I was leaning back in the bowl and it burned. The girl doing my hair didn’t react or help at all. Finally asked for a towel bc it burned and put in a few eye drops bc I didn’t want to ruin my makeup. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I now know I should’ve been washing out my eyes, not caring about make up. I just can’t even be grateful that I’m TOTALLY FINE because I didn’t stand up for myself, I let pride get in the way, and I didn’t follow my gut bc I wanted to impress someone. I struggle with rumination, but this happened literal months ago and the other day it popped up and 24/7 for the past few days it will not go away. I literally hate myself so much right now. It’s all I can think and want to talk about. It’s making me feel manic and self destructive. Idk what to do
submitted by misscrazy_misscrazy to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:12 Budget-Round-6933 reference of marisa and reimu, headcanons

reference of marisa and reimu, headcanons submitted by Budget-Round-6933 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:08 outside-olive- Fine hair stylist

Looking for someone to cut my hair who knows what they are doing with thin/ fine hair. Postpartum wrecked my hair texture. Used to be wavy curly and now it’s stringy weird. Appreciate recs!
submitted by outside-olive- to bullcity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:07 MysteriousPin341 Cat mutilating tail after lions cut

5 days ago on Sunday we took my 1 y/o persian for a shave due to mats. He was very anxious so we stopped the cut so just his bum and tail were shaved (the main concern areas). We left some fur at the tip and all was fine, just some depressive behaviour.
We thought he'd get over it but late Tuesday night I heard him hissing and crying and I went out to see blood all over the tip of his tail, the couch and the walls. he was terrified of his own tail and biting it excessively almost to bone.
I rushed him to the nearest 24 hour vet and hour away and they suggested amputation which I thought was excessive so we opted for stitches. $1200 and 7 hours later we went home with a cone, gabapentin, metacam and clavamox.
I woke up Thursday morning and he managed to get his cone off and I noticed he had popped a stitched so I brought him in to my local vet and they said he was fine, glued it shut and did some laser therapy on the stitched wounds.
I went out for an hour today (Friday), when I came home I saw he had somehow managed to bite his tail again, granted, more near the tip this time and less severe. I'm wrapping it in self adhesive gauze off and on to make sure it has room to breathe and applying pet safe wound cleaner.
I know this is all stress related but I'm so worried about my baby and I just want to do anything I can to help him. Will he stop once the hair grows back? I just feel so awful keeping him in a cone but I'd rather that than him mutilating himself.
Any advice would be deeply appreciated, I'm so worried about him. I miss my happy kitty.
submitted by MysteriousPin341 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:07 Fresh-Cap-6233 AITA for encouraging my friend’s girlfriend fight someone?

So my (24M) best friend Trevor (23M) has been dating Cleo (23F) for like a year. Over the weekend we were all at a party with a few of our other friends. We were all drinking so none of us were 100%, but we were generally fine. Not good to drive, but not sloppy drunk.
There’s this girl we know named Vicky (26F). We don’t associate with her but we do end up running into her, especially at parties. Vicky and Cleo have never gotten along for a multitude of reasons, most of which being Vicky’s inability to handle anyone getting more attention than her, whether that be from friends or men or whatever. I don’t know how this started, but I do know that Vicky cut off like 6 inches of Cleo’s hair way back in high school, so this beef goes deep.
So I’m drinking, minding my own business, chatting someone up, and I hear a commotion. Like, screaming. I look in the living room and Cleo and Vicky are screaming at each other. I was intrigued. I listen in. There is nothing even remotely intelligible being said, it’s just like noise. Trevor finally picks Cleo up and drags her out the house. Trevor and Cleo are in a corner of the backyard for like half an hour talking, Cleo was crying, Trevor was being a doting boyfriend. I don’t eavesdrop, it’s none of my business, but I did hear her say something like “let me beat this bitch’s ass” and Trevor say “baby no you’re gonna go to jail”.
After a while Trevor came and got me and asked me to keep Cleo company while he got her some water and candy. I said no problem, I love Cleo, so we were just sitting there and talking for a while. Being the person I am I asked her what happened. She tells me that Vicky made a comment about missing two guys who used to hang out with all of us. These two guys ended up SAing Cleo in the past which is why they are no longer around. Unfortunately the news ended up very public and Cleo was going through a lot at the time. Vicky then said that it’s a shame they can’t hang around because of “someone” who barely matters. Understandably so Cleo was set off.
Here’s where I may be the asshole. I told her that I was heated and if I was her I’d want to fight her too. I told her straight up I wouldn’t hold her back. I’m impulsive, I’m aware of this character flaw, but I think my impulsiveness encourages other’s impulsiveness sometimes.
After a while we were cold and went back inside, we were laughing and talking and whatever. A few minutes later, the moment of truth. It was like it happened in slow motion. Vicky makes a comment, Cleo comments back, Vicky makes a threat, Cleo stands up, Vicky pushed her, and Cleo rocked her shit. Absolutely rocked her shit. It was pure chaos.
I let Cleo get a few good punches in, but Vicky was down fast, and it ended up being unfair. I pulled Cleo off and we went outside again. Cleo cried for a minute and then she was really happy. Trevor came back and gave her snacks, she was fine, and he called me a dick for letting Cleo get into a fight. He understood my logic but ultimately felt like I shouldn’t have encouraged her considering we were all a little drunk and were lucky no one called the police. So… AITA?
submitted by Fresh-Cap-6233 to AITAH [link] [comments]