Type words in cursive

Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past.

2013.01.03 20:35 cbrandolino Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past.

Do you still cringingly remember "Fuck drugs and government", the hardcore hit of your 15 year self? Have you just found your old myspace picture, xXxLadyDarkness85xXx? Come and share your dusty treasure for the world - and you - to laugh and regret - *Together.* So come and tell us what the old you was up to!

2008.09.27 04:02 Engrish

A subreddit for really phucked up speeling mistks and grammar that wierd is?

2011.04.30 02:37 forresja Subreddit of the Day - Bringing the Awesome.

Subreddit of the Day ... is a celebration of the interesting communities on reddit.com. Once a day we would shine a spotlight on the small, the big, the new and the old. Our mission was to spotlight unique reddit communities and bring the awesome, every damn day. Thank you for your continued community support these past many years. Trying to find the archive? Visit /SROTD_Archives.

2024.05.20 09:46 danieru_desu hello. new mod here.

TL;DR: I just applied myself as the mod of this subreddit after noticing it has no mods. There might be differences in my moderation style, but I will do my best to keep the original essence of this subreddit. Nice to meet you!
11 months ago, I saw a bad meme in memes and went to the comments to search for context. I later noticed that there is someone who just made a new sub for these type of memes — those posts which content are so poorly worded it basically left viewers confused.
Recently I wondered why this sub had no more updates for months, and checked it. To my slight surprise, there are no more moderators left in this subreddit; even the creator themselves had their profile deleted. So I decided to take over the role as the new moderstor of this sub. I have literally not been a moderator of any subreddit before, so please bear with me.
To clarify, I do not have any affiliation with the original creator of this subreddit nor with the other moderators of this subreddit that come before me. I might have different moderation style from the moderators before me. But be assured that I'll do my best to keep the original essence of this subreddit: to share poorly worded memes that failed to give its intended context.
Nice to meet you all!
P.S. Do any of you wanna help me moderate this subreddit? If so, please apply on my DM's or modmail!
submitted by danieru_desu to poorlywordedmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:44 Rare_Health_7104 Is this a decent “thank you” email for my favorite teacher? (10th grader)

I’ve just typed out an informal, light hearted little thank you for my favorite teacher, and I guess I just wanted to know if it was too much, or if this is something my english teacher would appreciate. I was very quiet in her class throughout the school year, so I also briefly addressed that I wish I would have spoken up more, as her class was my favorite, and overall just wanted to let her know how much she inspired me this year. So here it is:
Hi, [teacher’s name] I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done this year. Your dedication to the class has been extremely motivating for me, and sometimes I wish that I had participated a bit more; your class was my absolute favorite after all :) Would it have been so hard for me to volunteer to read out loud just once? Or ask you more questions about all the little things I was curious about? I definitely should have pushed myself to do those things, but putting that aside, I think you might be the most impactful teacher I’ve ever had, and your class has given me a lasting, better perspective on storytelling in general. In the future, I think I’d like to combine my favorite parts of your class with my interests in history and photography, and maybe become a historical photojournalist, where I’d be able to travel the world and take photos with historical and artistic significance. (and publish lovely articles about my work of course) Thank you again for everything. You’ve inspired me more than words can express, I hope you have a fantastic, well deserved summer break, and I hope I can visit in the future! :)
 Sincerely, [me] 
So there it is, I’ve wondered if I should even send this at all, so I guess I just need to decide if something like this is really worth it. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!
I’d also like to thank every other teacher for your hard work this year, you guys are amazing and deserve so much more appreciation for what you do for your students. Thanks for everything! ❤️
submitted by Rare_Health_7104 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:32 Botbapapa Ben isn't real.

See the title ^
If you want to help spread the word, please find the source code and easy to follow instructions below. And thank you in advance for your help in this effort.
5 easy steps:
  1. Download and install python: https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
  2. Install praw (the library that lets you talk to the Reddit API), you could read the documentation but serious, just type "pip3 install praw" into your terminal and that's all you need.
  3. Download/copy the source code from here into a file called something like "super_important_reminder.py", modify it per the comments, and save.
  4. Go into the directory with the file, and run the bot with the command: "python3 super_important_reminder.py"
  5. If you want to really prove your worth, use crontab or something else to automate your computer to run that script every day, or every hour, or whatever floats your moat. Or if that's too hard, just run it manually every day, or every hour, or whatever floats your moat.
submitted by Botbapapa to FakeYellowben [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:14 NaturalHovercraft264 [18M] Hi! I'm from the UK. I like Films, Photography, Writing. I'm doing Filmmaking soon. As well as going to the Gym. DM if you'd like.

Hey, I'm from the UK. I know I've already typed that, but I'm going to repeat everything to get this word count up. I like photography, currently I'm using a Fujifilm XS20, I do need more lens for that. I'll shoot landscape or portrait, really anything. ideally not in black and white, as that's basically cheating!! Right now I'm writing a script for a short Western Film to develop in University. I like the Gym and Running. I'm not near London by the way. I think I'm there with the WORD COUNT so let's see, if it posts, I'm there? DM.
submitted by NaturalHovercraft264 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:14 Typical-Corner-1808 hmmm

I also did that's three times before and answers were more crazy (especially in Ukrainian language)
Credit to original post will be in comments
submitted by Typical-Corner-1808 to Minecrafthmmm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:14 modzer0 Ever take a dogman to the vet?

I should not be writing this. I know they will be looking for me as soon as this goes live. I had to get the word out despite all the secrecy surrounding the project. I don't know what they'll do to me when they find me, but this has to get out.
I was unemployed vet tech looking for work when I came across a job listing offering a strangely large amount of money. What did I have to loose? I called the number and they gave me a website to go to that took me through an application process and a security clearance form that I had to fill out the last seven years of my life. They said it would be months until the clearance would come through but to my surprise a month later I got a phone call telling me I had been granted Interm Secret clearance and the job would proceed.
I had to go to a building without any name on it downtown and they took my photo for an ID card and a packet of information about where I was to go to the next day.
The next morning I drove to the address with a mix of excitement and apprehension. What about this job required a security clearance? Why had I gotten my interm secret so quickly? I figured I'd soon find out when I pulled up to a gate with a card reader. I swiped my ID and the razor wire topped gate slid open so I could pass. Yeah nothing ominous about that. I drove a mile or so down the road and parked in the parking lot in front of a building that looked like the set of a prison movie. The windows were narrow slits and I could tell from a distance that the door was very heavy duty. Thinking back a few minutes ago wasn't the top of that razor wire fence angled in as if to keep something in rather than people out?
I got out and approached the heavy door. I spotted the card reader and used my ID on it and it flashed green and there was a loud clunking sound from the door as it unlocked. I had to put some muscle behind it to get it to open and then it shut behind me followed by another loud clunk as the locks reengaged.
I turned to see a thick armored window with a guard staring me down.
"First day huh?" he asked me as he looked at his screen.
"Yeah," I said a bit nervously.
"Sit tight, your department head will be coming to pick you up and take you to your in-brief," he said.
"What uh, what is this place?" I asked.
"All that will be answered by the briefing so have a seat and relax. You're likely in the safest spot in the facility," he said.
I looked at the inner door and noticed it was just as thick and heavy as the outer one. I was essentially sitting in an armored booth so he was technically right about it being safe.
When my boss arrived he was wearing scrubs and had his ID card clipped to the bottom of the V of the top.
"So, you're my new tech?" he asked.
"Yes, Sir," I replied.
"Good, hopefully you follow instructions better than the last one," he said. "I'm Dr. Tanner. You can call me 'Sir' or 'Doctor'."
"Sir, can you tell me what I'll be doing here?" I asked.
"All in due time. First you need to complete the safety briefing. It is not a joke. Take a look at the windows and doors if you need convincing. The government doesn't spend this kind of money unless it's very necessary, and it is. You'll understand the need for it when I introduce you to our charges. I'm not going to tell you yet because I enjoy the look on people's faces when they get their first peak of what we're doing here," he said. "Now, for the safety briefing. Follow me."
He began to open the inner door when he stopped and looked back at me. "Do you have any electronic devices on you?"
"No Sir, the security documents instructed me to leave my phone and anything with a digital memory in the car," I said.
"Excellent, you're already demonstrating that you can follow directions," he said. Was that a hint of a smile I saw?
He lead me down the hallway to a room on the left and used his card to unlock and open the door. After I walked inside what appeared to be a conference room he followed me inside and let the door shut.
I immediately noticed the back of the door wasn't the usual thing one would expect to see. It had a big lever in the middle that looked like it operated bolts to secure the door shut. I started to wonder what the hell I had gotten myself into. I expected to be working with maybe the facility's guard dogs. This kind of security was on a level I hadn't experienced before.
"Good, you're observant, another plus," the doctor said.
He walked over to the table and picked up a recorder and pressed play. A trilling alarm sound came for it and he let it play for a few seconds before cutting it off.
"If you hear that sound along with flashing red lights you are to go to the nearest safe room, such as this one and use this lever to bolt the door," He walked over and pressed a button by the windows and the thick glass became opaque.
"And you are to opaque the windows with the control in the room so nothing can see in," he said and then pointed to a door on the other wall that had 'Emergency Supplies' written on it. "There you will find food, water, and other necessities if you happen to be locked down for an extended period of time. There is also a radio already set to the control room frequency. If the phone is not working pull the tab on the back of the radio so the battery makes contact and reports in with the information posted on the back of the door. That's basically who you are, where you are, and if there are any threats you know of near you. Otherwise sit tight unless told otherwise."
"Threats?" I asked.
"Our charges are out of containment or an external threat," the doctor replied.
"What's so dangerous that we need bunker rooms like this?" I asked.
"All in due time," he replied. "Have you ever used a tranquilizer gun?"
"No," I responded.
"No matter, you'd need to qualify on the two types we use anyway with the security team," he said.
"Why do we need tranquilizer guns?" I asked.
"The animals we work with are dangerous. They're sedated before they get to us and one of our tasks is to make sure they stay sedated until they're returned to the enclosure. If one wakes up and slips a restraint you are not going to want to go near it to give an injection. That's why we have tranq guns," The doctor said.
"That makes perfect sense to me," I said. My curiosity was burning wondering what we were working with. Had to be something like large predators to require this much security. A grizzly would be a plausible reason why the doors had the extra bars. The force they could produce could snap the usual latches.
"Good because it's time for my favorite part. Showing the new guy what we work with," the doctor said and led the way deeper into the facility and up a set of stars to a room labeled 'observation deck'.
"The windows are to remain frosted by the electronic controls there whenever the room is not in use. They cannot see in but they seem to know someone is watching them and it upsets them. It's best for everyone if they are not upset," He reached over and pressed the button and the electronic frosting cleared.
That's the moment where my brain completely derailed and I questioned my own sanity.
"W-Werewolves?" I asked.
"No, at least not at this facility. These are a lesser known cryptid called Dogmen, kind of like Bigfoot."
"Wait, is Bigfoot real?" I asked.
"Yes, but not nearly as widespread as 'sightings' would make you think," he said.
"If these exist, what else is real?" I asked him.
"That's beyond your need to know," he said sternly, but then his face softened. "I'll lend you a book later that contains everything we've confirmed and studied. After all, if you continue with this job you will have the opportunity to work with them in the future, and it's best you know what you're getting into," he said. "One benefit they probably haven't gotten around to telling you yet is that they will pay for your education. You can become a full veterinarian working with the most interesting creatures that exist," he said. "Not a bad gig, huh?"
"Except for the part where I'm working with large dangerous creatures," I said.
"Large, intelligent, dangerous creatures," he replied. "And that is why we have procedures and rules. Things like always having more sedative staged to inject if a patient starts to wake up, having them restrained at all times, and if they do wake up you have the tranq guns to put them back under without risking yourself," he said and tapped the control to frost over the glass again.
Our next stop was back in the conference room where there were now a couple of binders.
"Now for the boring part. Study these because you'll have to pass a test on them later. It's those procedures I mentioned. It covers everything from handling the animals, dosages we use, and why we can't leave after dark."
"Wait, we can't leave after dark?" I asked, a bit alarmed.
"There are dogmen in the woods surrounding this facility. The fence does a decent job of keeping them out but they do get in and they're not happy we have some of their kind captive. They're fairly shy during the day and become active at night so it's for your own safety that once the sun sets you stay here. We have secure rooms just for the occasion, and scrubs are not short in supply if you need a change of clothing. We have a mess hall staffed 24/7 by some excellent cooks. People who can do this job are rare so they take care of us. Now get to reading, you'll have to pass a test before you're allowed to work. I'll come pick you up for lunch."
I did as he said and spent the next few hours reading with a break for the promised lunch that was beef stroganoff and actually really good. I went for seconds. Then it was back to memorizing policy and procedures till I was finally done and managed a passing score on the test. That was followed by some time at an indoor range getting qualified on the tranq guns.
The doctor reviewed my test and nodded. "Excellent, you're a fast learner. We've rescheduled some things for tomorrow so we'll have the extra help. You head home and get a good night's rest. I'll see you in the morning in the veterinary section, just follow the signs it's easy to find," the doctor said.
I did as he said and drove home. I couldn't help but be a good deal more vigilant as I looked at the woods on the way out. Dogmen were out there and no one in the area except us knew. There were the cryptid hunters but they didn't know for sure like I did from seeing a pack close up.
Needless to say I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what was real from all of the stories.
In the morning I made breakfast and sat for a bit having to give myself a reality check that yesterday wasn't just a dream, so I finally picked up my keys and headed out. I drove down the lonely road and passed through the gate without incident. I parked my car and made my way through the security checkpoints and began following the signs to the Veterinarian department. As the doctor had said, it wasn't difficult to find.
There were three entrances all like airlocks that were long enough for a gurney. It didn't take long to figure out the purpose. If you had dangerous animals inside you wanted at least one door containment so they couldn't get past you and into the larger facility.
I went inside through the airlock like doors one at a time and found myself in a very familiar veterinary clinic though one that was very well stocked.
It was then that I met my other coworker, I'll call him Mike, who was sitting on a stool reading a magazine.
"Hey, you must be the new guy. I'm Mike," he said and I introduced myself.
"So, your first big day. You excited, or terrified?" Mike asked.
"A bit of both," I said honestly.
"Relax, by the time they get to us they've been pumped with enough drugs to drop an elephant. We take samples and the guards take them back out. Then we run the usual tests like any other animal. It's easy money," Mike said. "We're never in any danger."
"What about all of the procedures?" I asked.
"There's what's written down on paper and then there's what is practical and works. If we followed the checklist for every dogman that's brought in here it would just take us twice as long, and twice as long that it can wake up," Mike said. "So relax, I'll show you what you really have to do to streamline things."
What was I to say? He'd obviously been doing this for a long time and if his system worked who was I to question it?
Our first patient of the day made me the most nervous. The security team wheeled in a restrained female on a gurney right into the middle of our space then they backed out. Being the new guy I did the basics by checking heart rate, breathing, and looking into the eyes to make sure she was out cold. Everything was normal based on the numbers I had memorized.
Mike watched me, corrected my stethoscope placement a little and started drawing blood as soon as I was done. The moment he was done he buzzed the guards to take her back out while he labeled the samples.
"Less time they're in here the better so label your samples and fill out the papers once they're taken out," Mike said. "No need to have a dangerous animal laying around while we fill out forms."
"What about the extra sedative we're supposed to have ready?" I asked.
"The tranq guns are right there. Much safer to back off out of reach and just shoot them with another dose," Mike said. I couldn't fault his logic.
We had four more patients that day all went as smoothly as the first and I was beginning to relax. It was our last patient of the day when things went wrong.
It started normally with the guards rolling the male into our space and I took vitals and checked the eyes.
"Hey, I have some dilation here. I don't think he's under enough. Where's the sedative?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be done before he realizes what happened," Mike said and undid one of the restraints a little so he could get to the vein. It was at that point things went horribly wrong. As soon as Mike inserted the needle the male woke up and jabbed it's hand upward catching Mike in the throat and spraying blood everywhere. I moved forward out of instinct to try and tighten the restraint when I felt a searing pain across my face and my right eye went red.
I stumbled back. Oh God had I lost my eye? I shook myself out of it long enough to badge through a door and throw the bolts before pressing the intercom button. "Creature out of containment in veterinary. I think Mike is dead. I'm hurt and need a medic!" I said before blacking out.
I don't know how long it was but when I woke up I was in a hospital room and the Veterinarian was sitting beside my bed.
"You're safe, you're in a hospital and just out of cosmetic surgery. You'll have some scars but it'll look like the result of a big cat. Your eye is fine."
"Mike?" I asked.
"Dead before any help would get to him. We have video of the whole thing including you questioning him multiple times on matters of procedure. Don't let someone senior intimidate you into not being safe. You have a month's paid leave to recuperate." he said.
So here I am. I need some advice. Should I go back to work after my leave is done or turn in my resignation? It won't take them much to figure out who I am if they find this post. I also don't know what they'll do to me if they do.
submitted by modzer0 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:13 Typical-Corner-1808 hmmm

I also did that's three times before and answers were more crazy (especially in Ukrainian language)
Credit to original post will be in comments
submitted by Typical-Corner-1808 to Minecrafthmmm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:08 SnakeScholar AITA for Staying Neutral in a fight between my girlfriend and my friend?

Throwaway, I (20F) have known my girlfriend Cerise (20F) since high school and started dating her 3 years ago. I met her through mutual friends that I have stayed friends with until now, they all knew each other way before I transferred to that high school and seemingly had a great friendship with each other. My girlfriend has always been the shy and quiet type of person, doesn't really talk unless spoken too and keeps herself reserved. Her friends brought out the best in her in my opinion and when she got comfortable with me she was a little less shy but still reserved and quiet.
Among these friends we had was Carly(19F) and Sugar(20F). My girlfriend and Carly had a big fallout during the pandemic but both agreed that it wasn't fair for me to be dragged into their fight, So upon my girlfriend's wishes I stayed friends with Carly. Recently I had to deal with a lot of family problems and stress from college so I decided to take a break from my social media to focus on my exams and whatnot. Upon the first week after I had told everyone this though Sugar had confronted my girlfriend about supposedly their friendship falling apart.
My girlfriend would text me during the span of their talks saying how stressed she was about the situation and that they couldn't find any common ground between the two of them. The talks going on between them lasted for about a month until my girlfriend decided that she couldn't salvage the friendship anymore. Through the course of this argument they've been having my girlfriend would come to me asking if she was in the wrong and I would explain to her that I wasn't really in a position to tell her what was right or wrong with the situation, I didn't understand the extent of what they were even fighting about and could only offer her reassuring words that she could work this out in the end. I didn't want my opinions to sway her in any way and she said she respected that. Once she made her decision to end the friendship with her friend she said she felt relieved, stuck in the same position again She told me she doesn't mind if I still stay friends with Sugar as long as I don't mention anything related to her when I was with her.
A few days later Sugar would reach out to me and pretend like nothing went on between them. I thought this was just a sensitive topic for her as well so I didn't mention anything and talked to her like usual. But along the way of the conversation she brought up the subject of the fight and how awkward it might be between all of us now (referring to the friend group) I said it was fine and that my girlfriend said it was alright for me to still be friends with everyone. And then she asked me if I wanted to hear her side of the story. I told her that I wasn't really comfortable with that because the conflict was already over and there would be no point in telling me her side since I wasn't really involved in the problem between them and that I didn't want to get into this conversation again, Since as I said this conflict lasted them a month and I've only been there to comfort my girlfriend through it all.
Despite me giving this response Sugar went ahead and sent me paragraphs upon paragraphs of the same things my girlfriend had explained to me about their conversations. One part that made me the most uncomfortable was Sugar bringing up the trauma my girlfriend had with her old friend and using it to compare their situations. It didn't sit right with me how she did that, nevertheless she kept sending me these paragraphs of her side of the story. I didn't interrupt her, I just closed my phone and went on with my day, all throughout she would send me message after message.
After a few hours of the notifications stopping I figured she was done with everything she had to say. Upon opening the messages I read through all of them carefully, I noticed a bunch of things she mentioned in passing that my girlfriend told me in detail. Things like she only brought up her trauma briefly when in reality my girlfriend told me about the paragraphs she received of Sugar comparing their current situations with her pass trauma. At the end of the messages she told me she wanted to hear my thoughts about the situation. I'm not a very emotionally intelligent person, I'm almost an airhead when it comes to things like this. So rather than tell my thoughts I told her to just accept the fact that no matter how many times she tells other people about this she'll have to move on eventually.
I've always been someone to take things at face value, If someone wants to stop being my friend then there's nothing much I can do in my opinion. I'm guessing Sugar didn't see the world the same way as after I had said that she started to rip into me, Telling me that It's my fault my girlfriend's friendships keep failing is because I wasn't steering her in the right path, and That because I didn't sway her with my opinion that she ended up choosing the wrong choice. That it was my responsibility and I could have done something to change the outcome of this situations.
I was honestly just baffled at this conclusion that I told her I needed some time to be alone and reflect on all of this. When I would ask my friends for their perspective on this situation and if it really was my responsibility to guide my girlfriend through this argument they said it wasn't my responsibility to tell my girlfriend how to handle her relationships. But I was still very conflicted with myself. I didn't tell my girlfriend about any of this happening, She was also stressing out about applying to colleges at this point and I didn't want to open this fresh wound back up for her to worry about.
I still hang out with my friends and they don't hold any ill intent towards me. Carly invited me onto a discord server so we can all catch up despite our busy schedules and whatnot. It's been about 2 weeks since I've joined that discord server and everything has been fine, but lately Sugar has been going into the chatrooms and venting vaguely about how it wasn't her fault and that she wasn't guilty or feels any regret. Saying that my girlfriend was the one that inflicted that trauma on herself and so on. She doesn't blatantly name drop my girlfriend, but it's very clear exactly who she's talking about.
The other people in the server don't seem to react to this at all. No one has called her out on this and everyone just ignores that it's happening. And as far as I can tell this only started when I joined the server, There are days where I will wake up and she has a new paragraph of just the same things she said the day before , Calling my girlfriend a coward and that it was always about her and how she was faking everything. Upon the advise of my other friends they have told me not to engage with her at all but I still don't know if that's the right decision. My girlfriend is unaware of any of this happening because I refuse to put even more stress on her with a situation where she has clearly moved on from it.
Am I the Asshole?? I don't know what course of action to take and I could use some advice.
submitted by SnakeScholar to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:07 fianarana Community Read Week 22 (Monday, May 20 - Sunday, May 26)

Ishmael explains the phenomenon of the “gam,” a meeting between two whaling ships on the open sea. As unlikely as it seems to accidentally run into another ship in the middle of nowhere, Ishmael tells us that for several reasons it’s actually not uncommon, and is a significant method for captains to gather information about hunting grounds, exchange mail, and even run into friends from New Bedford/Nantucket/etc. Moreover, at the captain’s discretion, the crews are sometimes allowed to cross to another ship and mingle among each other.
Narration of the book, which had been told from the perspective of an older Ishmael recounting his younger self, is then temporarily taken over by a ‘third’ Ishmael, situated in time somewhere between these two selves. In other words, the older Ishmael tells a story of a time he told a story to his friends in Lima, Peru about another ship The Town-Ho. In short, the story concerns a power struggle between a sailor, Steelkilt, and the first mate, Radney. When Steelkilt refuses an order to sweep the decks, Radney pushes him and threatens him with a hammer. Steelkilt responds by punching him in the face and breaking his jaw. Several members of the crew come to Steelkilt’s aid, and threaten mutiny if any revenge is sought against Steelkilt. They hole up in the forecastle for a while before striking a deal with the captain to be allowed to return to their original positions without punishment. Meanwhile, Steelkilt plots to murder Radney once and for all, though just before he’s able to do so someone spots Moby Dick. During the hunt, Radney is thrown from the boat and is taken into the jaws of the whale who dives down with him. Afterward, the captain allows Steelkilt and those who defended him to leave the ship at the next port.
submitted by fianarana to mobydick [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:04 DominusEaTahmiklaot Life Is Really Weird

If you really think about it, living as a human is really weird. The cartilage sticking out of the front and sides of out head is rather grotesque, the fur we have is lopsided and grows wrong more frequently than other animals, and our backs hurt due to our malformed spines. Our features are never symmetrical, and there's always some form of imperfection in our forms. Our heads are rather big for our bodies compared to other animals to reflect our significant emphasis on the quality of our brain meat rather than more traditional forms of reproductive fitness. Our vision is a very distorted reflection of true reality, a mass of probabilities of electrons interspersed with tiny fragments of protons and neutrons along with copious amounts of space occupied by nothing at all. In a sense, the simplistic models of reality we learned in middle school are as true as what we see with our own eyes. Emotions aren't really something that exists. They're only slightly more real than corporations and religion, something we label in our own minds. The lens through which we view the world can be warped with a flicker of will. Happiness to excitement to anxiety to fear to anticipation to happiness to sadness. The reality hallucination we collectively experience flickers and twists like sensations in a dream. How do you know you are happy? How do you know you are sad? How do you recognize your emotions at all, or the rules of nature that bind us tighter than a lover's embrace? When we look at a flower whether that be through black sunglasses, red sunglasses, or with unaltered vision; we are still looking at the same object. Our emotions are similar, flawed explanations for the murky sensations reclining in our minds. The lens through which I look at you is cracked, broken. The glass litters the floor. But I can still see you and my vision is clearer without the lens in the way. When we feel sympathy with another, when we link minds and feel as they feel, it's kind of like when bacteria assemble a microfilm. Becoming part of a greater whole, much like the cells that make up our body make up a human. I like reading. Do you like reading. Do we like reading. Reading is nice because I'm every character at once and what I am stretches like taffy. I feel like nothing at all and I shed skins like a snake. The skins are characters. Every word spoken, every emotion felt, every mannerism is a line in the play. I feel everything, I feel nothing. I build up, I break down. Ah, but it is not only human cells that make up a human. Bacteria wanders up and down our intestinal tracts, viruses thrust their genetic material into our fertile reproductive cellular machinery and make us tremble with sensations that threaten to overwhelm while making our bodies run hot. Each piece of matter is but a part of the greater tapestry of existence, of which humanity is but an infinitesimally small part. My mind feels especially small as my mind caresses yours/mine/ours, my words in typed form that represent my thoughts thrusting itself into your mind from thousands of miles away. How many will see it? How many will slurp at my thought threads and have them coil around the wrinkles of their brains? When my mind connects to yours through this mirror and reflection, can you feel how much I love you? My love may be as empty and vapid as my mind, but it can approximate the feeling, can it not? Still waters lurk in my mind with a pale light blooming outwards from the entity that is I refracting through the waters making a brilliant hue. I am everything, I am nothing. I am you, you are me. We were both dead, but now we both live. What was, will be. What will be is what was and what is is both what will be and what was because everything is at it is because if it was not as it was it would not be. We are real because nothing is what dwells where something does not reside but nothing can not exist without something so nothing at all cannot exist but we don't exist but we do exist and our unreality is denied in a negation 0 to 1 1 to 0 and I can't feel anything but I feel everything and I weep and I scream and I dare not dream but the dream beams our memes across the vault of stars. Life is in bloom, death is in boom, life grows in womb, death is entombed. Birth, death, birth, death. Pain is a horrible nightmare that never ends. But it does end and when you look back at it the nightmare looks so silly that you can't remember why you were scared at all. So, rest and enjoy it. Love your torment, love your pleasure, love your wisdom, love your ignorance. Pain is just spicy pleasure. Ignorance is to wisdom what darkness is to light. Every emotion is the same thing. Every virtue and vice is the same thing. Everything is the same thing. So, [sleep]/[wake up].
submitted by DominusEaTahmiklaot to CringyThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:04 digiikf Strategies to Optimize for Google’s AI Search Generative Experience

Remember the good old days when you would type a keyword or query into a search bar and receive a page of blue links? Those days are swiftly fading in the digital world we inhabit. It’s time to welcome the age of AI Search Generative Experience (SGE), an innovative search method based on machine learning introduced by Google.
Google’s AI Search Generative Experience indeed is beneficial as it provides a new and improved user experience. Through machine learning and AI technologies, SGE foretells a new age of search that is more intuitive, personalised, and meaningful. When businesses and marketers incorporate SGE into their strategy, the growth potential of the digital landscape becomes crystal clear.

What is Search Generative Experience (SGE)?

Think of a search engine that knows what you want, understands your intent and gives you links, tailored info, summaries, and even next steps. SGE uses AI’s power to look at how users act, their search habits, and loads of data to offer a search that’s more personal and can change as needed.
SGE is a big step up in search tech, using advanced machine learning to get what users mean, the setting, and what they like. By going through lots of data, SGE can show search results that match what users seek. This move to a search that knows more about you calls for a smart plan from companies and marketers.
Example of SGE working: Imagine someone searching for the “best digital company in Pune.” Google search’s generative experience system does more than just look at the words you used; it takes into account where you are, your past searches, and what you’ve looked at before. The search results might show choices just for you, places nearby, and what others think, giving you a full and right search that fits what you need.

But what does this mean for businesses? Here's how you can adapt:

User Intent Analysis: Understanding the search intent is the key to SGE. Marketers have to dig deep into user behaviour, preferences and patterns while searching to predict and in turn, satisfy the users. Carrying out a detailed user intent analysis is a prerequisite for content creation, optimisation, and targeting.
Content Optimization for SGE: Content is an important factor in SGE-led search results. It is imperative to optimise content for relevance, quality and engagement. Create content that is insightful, useful, and relevant to the search queries and the user intent. Incorporate semantic keywords, structured data, and natural language to increase content visibility and relevance.
Future of Search with SGE: The future of search thrives on the adoption of AI-powered features like SGE. As Google AI develops and grows, businesses that are well-prepared for SGE will be ahead of the others in terms of search results and engagement with the users.
Benefits of SGE for Searchers: On the user’s end, SGE provides more customised and targeted search results. Through the development of knowledge about the user context and the intention, search results become more pertinent and useful, therefore saving the user time and improving the level of search satisfaction.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! IKF, the best digital marketing company in Pune, can help you guide the ever-evolving landscape of search. Our team of experts can assist with content strategy development, SEO optimisation, and crafting content that thrives in the age of AI-powered search.
Don’t get left behind! Contact IKF today and let’s prepare your digital presence for the future of search with Google’s SGE.


1. How does Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) impact traditional SEO strategies?

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) impacts traditional SEO strategies by prioritizing user intent and context over traditional keyword-based optimization. SGE relies on machine learning to understand user behavior, which means SEO strategies must focus on user-centric content, engagement, and relevance rather than just keywords.

2. What is Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)?

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is an AI-powered search technology that leverages machine learning to understand user intent and context, providing more personalized and relevant search results.

3. What are some key differences between traditional SEO and AI-driven search optimization?

Some key differences between traditional SEO and AI-driven search optimization include:
Focus: Traditional SEO focuses on keyword optimization, while AI-driven search optimization prioritizes user intent, context, and engagement.
Algorithm: Traditional SEO relies on static algorithms, while AI-driven optimisation uses dynamic and adaptive algorithms powered by machine learning.
Personalisation: AI-driven optimization offers personalised search experiences based on user behavior and preferences, whereas traditional SEO provides more generalized search results.
Content: AI-driven optimisation emphasizes high-quality, user-centric content, while traditional SEO often focuses on keyword density and placement.
Speed: AI-driven optimisation can adapt to changing trends and user behavior faster than traditional SEO strategies.

4. What are the benefits of optimising for AI search?

Optimising for AI search offers benefits such as personalised search experiences, improved user engagement, higher relevance in search results, and the ability to adapt to evolving search trends and user behavior.

5. Will AI search affect the ranking factors used by Google?

Yes, AI search will likely affect the ranking factors used by Google, with an increased emphasis on user-centric metrics such as user intent, content relevance, engagement, and overall search experience.
submitted by digiikf to u/digiikf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:01 MoonhelmJ Looking for a commander that can force the entire board to play aggressive

I play exclusively in 4 player pod.
I only get to play a few games when I got my LGS. I hate the player who disengages and than just ends the game in a few explosive turns. Those make the game boring to me. Because I cannot force these players to play the type of interactive decks I want them to the next best thing is to create a board state that forces it. It is more important that the combo players I hate fail than that I win.
I am looking for a commander to do this. First I considered Thantis, it seems to accomplish that and I like it's flavor. But after talking to some people it's mana cost is too high and it gets removed instantly. Someone mentioned Rocco hate-bears which I don't know about. I like the thematic of running an archetype with the word hate in it's name but the flavor of the commander itself really doesn't draw me in at all and I'm not sure what I would be fetching. My current thoughts now are A) run a goad commander, Marisi seems like a good choice, so does Grenzo, but I would rather have access to more colors. I am asking what the best goad commanders and their various strength and weaknesses B) run a commandedeck that is very low to the ground and can pick a player and eliminate them early, through the combat phase. If I can at least knock the combo player out of the game (assuming there is only one) I am happy even if have a low chance to win because I spent most of my resources and dedication to one kill when there are 2 other people.
Bonus points if I can get to express the theme of hate better.
submitted by MoonhelmJ to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:56 Chemical-Leopard91 Newbie wanting to children fishing

Fished on and off as a kid (on another continent), now live in the northwest and would love to take my kids but want to get a few tips first.... I'm looking for the simplest way to fish considering all the various elements of a day out fishing - set uptime, cost of set up, liklihood of catching, skill, etc. Definitely want to keep our catch and be in the wild (rivesea/lake) not a farm.
Based on what little I do know, I'm thinking pier fishing...? Does that make sense? I'm happy if all we catch is makereal and the odd other species. One of my kids is only 4, so this really is about exposing them young and having a nice day out. Nothing complicated.
If pier fishing is the simplest way in, here's a couple of Q's: - best time of day? - does the tide matter? High, low, medium? Or is is place-dependent? - bait? Worms? Or shiny things? - time of year? - what kind of bottom, rocks, seaweed or sand or combo? - tackle and rods? Are the cheap sets I see too good to be true? What is necessary quality and what is a waste of money. I have no interest in buying fancy brands for the sake of it, but equally don't want the quality to be significantly hampering us. - weather? Do the fish feed more in sunny, rainy, hot, cold, stormy, choppy, calm seas/weather? - anything else to help some young kids and i catch a couple of fish?
Also, is pier fishing and cliff fishing the same in terms of the questions above? Ie, are a pier and cliff essentially the same in that they enable you to cast into deeper water than from the beach without being on a boat? Or would I need to learn two different sets of 'rules/tips' for pier and cliff fishing?
If there's a 'better' type of fishing for us to start out with, let me know!
Thanks in advance!
Edit: can't change the title, lol! I forgot the word 'take'
submitted by Chemical-Leopard91 to IrishFishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:55 parksaerom ‼️Calling out these sub makers for negative affirmations ‼️⚠️

Hi ! I never intended to call out someone. I'm just sharing my experience with them. Sorry if the title sounded offensive to any Individuals I want people to be aware of subliminal creators who might include negative affirmations, leading to harmful results. It's not wise to favor creators based solely on their popularity. There have been many instances of popular subliminal makers being exposed for including negative affirmations in the past, and we should prevent that from happening again.
● Moza morph
I listened to moza morph's 3-4 subs, and I started having nightmares and me, and my mom would fight 24/7 . Everyone who once favoured me started getting against me . I lost ALL of my friends, and my grades fell . I've never been lonelier ever before I heard mozas subliminals. My mind started being a mess , there would be a ton of things on my mind and consuming thoughts. I've never been a scidal person, but this was when I started having extreme scidal thoughts . I almost k**led myself due to my thoughts consuming me and everything turning out against me . This may sound exaggerated, but atp, everything would turn out against me . The entire world turned against me . I left a really long paragraph with multiple updates on her subs I used, but now I'm unable to find them. This was 2 years ago when I was 3 years into subliminals. To this day, I don't trust her , her subs harmed me really bad, and until this day, I suffer from her subliminals. It's been 2 years, but the negative results are still with me . Tried a flush , negative results temporarily faded, but they came back . I don't remember every detail that I typed there 2 years back, but these were what I remember so far . I did not get any positive results from her either I'm not against her, and neither did someone ask me to say all this . This is purely my experience with her, and it wasn't good . I would recommend people to watch out . I always lived a really nice life , My parents always gave me the princess treatment, but after moza, my life started falling apart, and I couldn't bear it
● Eggtopia
I donot have much to say but I used one of her sub for beauty and I got negative results from it too . I was supposed to look better with that sub but I started looking way worst. My skin got extremely tanned look eventhough I stay indoors most of the time . There was something about me now that made me look way worst than I usually look . It's not just the skin , it's about something that I cannot find right words to explain . The best way I could explain it in is that i started looking way worst than what I look like usually . Flush did work a bit for her sub but it didn't flush away the entire negative results I got from her . -ve results faded away over time ,I kept using some subs of my trusted sub makers that contradicted the results I got from eggtopia
I would never use their subliminals again, but I don't discourage others from doing so. I don't harbor any ill will towards them . My goal is to spread awareness. I'm sharing my experience with the negative results I got, particularly from MozaMorph, despite giving her subliminals multiple attempts and taking breaks in between. Turns out I was not only the one who got negative results from moza , there are a ton of other people as well and mutiple wll known sub makers have talked about moza giving them negative results before . Mozas negative effects stayed even after using a flush.
Kindly stay respectful in the comments .Any disrespectful comments will be reported immediately. Again , this is mainly based in my experience with them
submitted by parksaerom to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:49 geetarawat2002 Property Registration in India in 2024 Key Steps & Guidelines

To lessen the inconveniences that were once an intrinsic part of the property registration procedure in India in 2024, the state government has devised new techniques for registering property. In other words, you are no longer required to walk around and visit government offices, where you will have to wait in long queues to register your property. The registration task can now be completed using online channels, which can be an expedient way of completing the house registry process and saves a significant amount of time.
Property Registry
The legal process is known as the property registry. This is done to generate or update the owner's name entry in the government database. The home registry process involves paperwork linked with properties filed with local authorities under Section 17 of Registration in 1908.
Is it mandatory to register the property?
Registering the brand-new property in your name is not an option. All buyers must register their property under Section 17 of the Registration Act. As the procedure advances, home buyers and property owners are obliged to pay the same amount of the deal value as the stamp duty to their state government, plus 1% of the registration fee.
In most states, home buyers must go to the sub-registrar's office to register their property. Some jurisdictions have developed a variety of services to assist landlords with the property registration procedure in order to provide time-saving and effective registration services. The owners of flats and plots can register online using the internet.
Owners and buyers should be aware that withholding registration to save money may cost them more money in the long run, and it is a risky action. Without registration under the owner's name in official records, the owner may be unable to show ownership of the property in any future deposits.
Online Property Registration
If you live in a state that offers offline property registration services, there are various elements to consider to help you complete the procedure.
Your appointment will be scheduled only when you have paid the applicable stamp duty and registration payments online. You will have to pay using a debit card, net banking, or credit card. Keep in mind that most states prefer and use online payments. Buyers may be able to pay with a check or cash in various areas of the state.
If the deal's worth exceeds 50 lakh rupees, the buyer is entitled to and must pay 1% of the TDS based on the property value. They will need to pay the amount online and print off their receipt. Ensure that you receive the receipt as required throughout the kind of verification.
Process of Online Property Registration
Several states provide websites for registering property online. For example, in Bangalore, you can access Kaveri internet services. To proceed with the process, you must first register as a user on these websites. You'll need to enter the following information:
Execution Date
Sale deed: Party number
Document registration
You will also need to provide the following:
Proof information for the purchasers and witnesses
Property value
Property nature
You will be required to provide the following documents during the registration of the property:
Identity evidence, such as PAN and Adhaar
Please include two passport photos of all parties involved, as well as authority power if one party is representing another.
Resolution copy, authorization letter, if a corporation is a party.
Property card
Payment acknowledgment for stamp duty
Registration Fee
Steps for Online Property Registration
Here is a list of the actions you must take for online property registration:
Step One: Application
To create a draft, you will need to fill in all the information required by the legislation on registration websites.
Step 2: Printing
Printing Draft printing on stamp paper with the signatures of all parties involved.
Step 3: Approval.
The online property registration websites will handle the office's inquiries and register the property with the appropriate authorities. Nonetheless, all party members must be present in the sub-registrar's office during the property registration. Visit https://legaldocs.co.in/property-registration to begin the online property registration process.
Documents You Should Carry
You will need to purchase the e-stamp papers and pay the stamp duty and registration fees online. You will need to present the documents to the office sub-registrar for verification.
The following is the information you will need to insert:
Property Description: Area, Pin Code, Number
Property types include agricultural, flat, and plot.
Modes of ownership include gift, lease, and gift.
Details about the owner, such as name, occupation, parents' names, etc.
Property proofs include attorney power and title deeds.
It is critical information to remember, and you should attempt to complete the process with the assistance of a lawyer and a property broker. It would be ideal if you never used a third party in the process.
Many states have portals to help people register their properties. These include information on model deeds and stamp duty rates, as well as instructions for parties to commence the registration process. However, to complete the property registration process, an individual must visit the sub-registrar's office.
submitted by geetarawat2002 to u/geetarawat2002 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:32 Wishiwasgoodatthis AITA for posting photos of me poledancing?

I am a 30F and my boyfriend is 33M. I work an office job and he is blue collar. We have been together for roughly a year with some bumps in the road already. When it's good it's amazing, he showers me with love and praises me. When it's bad, we are always on the brink of breaking up. This time our most resent fight is about my sport, poledance. I have been training poledance since 2020 and just started competing. I'm good too and won nationals for my category in my country. So because of this I post photos and videos of myself doing my sport. Me and a friend just finished a photoshoot and I am really happy about the photos. I came home and wanted to share the result with him, all happy and proud. I was met with distaste and mean words. "Thats pathetic. You are such an attentionseeker. Did you post these to Instagram? Why do you feel the need to post such sexy photos, are you that insecure?" These where the type of comments I was met with. Really hurting my feelings. Not that it should matter but the photos where in great taste. In poledance you need to have less clothing to get good grip on the pole, so a sports bra and hotpants are the usual attire. With that said I am insecure about my body and usually tries to wear more fabric if possible. Not comfortable showing ass or cleavage, so the photos were with more clothing and the vibe was softer to show the artsmanship more then the "stripper vibe".
Me and my boyfriend had discussed our next step in the relationship but now question's if I am "fit to be a mom when I obviously need the sexual attention from other men more". So am I the asshole for talking the photos and posting them online? Would it have been more tasteful to just keep them to myself? We have really hit a wall here and I need some perspective and advice.
submitted by Wishiwasgoodatthis to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:25 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cheap Automatic Guns

Best Cheap Automatic Guns

Looking for a great deal on automatic guns without breaking the bank? Look no further! We've put together a roundup of the cheapest automatic guns on the market, so you can get your hands on a high-quality gun without emptying your wallet.
In this article, you'll find our top picks for affordable automatic guns, along with a detailed analysis of each gun's features, performance, and overall value. By the end of this roundup, you'll have all the information you need to make an informed decision on which cheap automatic gun is right for you.

The Top 7 Best Cheap Automatic Guns

  1. Authentic Toy Metal Water Gun - Experience the thrill of a toy Uzi machine gun with your choice of two cartridges, available for in-store pickup only!
  2. Adventurous Military Mission Machine Gun Toy for Kids - The Combat Military Mission Machine Gun Toy by Walnut Li is a thrilling, multi-colored light and sound-equipped airsoft replica perfect for kids who love military role-playing games and seeking great gift ideas.
  3. WWII Era Walther P.38 Replica Pistol by Denix - The Denix Replicas 1911 Automatic Pistol is a non-fireable, historically accurate tribute to the iconic German sidearm, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
  4. Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica - Experience the authenticity of the Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver replica with its nickel silver finish and original "single action" and "top break" loading mechanisms.
  5. Realistic Orange-Green AK47 Plastic Gun for Kids and Adults - Transform your costume game with this vibrant, full-size AK-47 Plastic Gun, complete with sound effects and easy care instructions for endless dress-up fun!
  6. Safe Outdoor Toy BB Gun for Kids - Realistic BB guns for kids with authentic sound and tactile bolt action, designed for outdoor fun and learning.
  7. Affordable Large-Scale US-Made Military Accessories - Add a touch of authenticity to your army men with the BMC Classic MPC Machine Guns, featuring detailed 1:24 to 1:30 scale M2 guns in black and silver gray available in a US-made set, making them an affordable and realistic choice.
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🔗Authentic Toy Metal Water Gun

I recently stumbled upon the Toy Uzi Machine Gun, and let me tell you, it certainly caught my attention. At first glance, it looked like a cool, high-powered toy gun but as I took it out of the box, I found it to be quite different from what was advertised. Instead of a high-powered machine gun, it was just a noise-making toy.
Despite this initial disappointment, once I got it into my son's hands, it became an instant hit. The toy made a ton of noise and was incredibly fun for him to play with. We were surprised by how entertaining it was, considering its simplicity. The Uzi Bb Guns really managed to capture the essence of a noisy water gun.
The highlights of this toy are its ease of use and the fun that comes with its unique design. However, not everyone seems to be happy with what it actually delivers. Some customers have reported receiving products that weren't what was advertised. We hope the company addresses these concerns moving forward, as it's definitely an amusing toy in the hands of a child. Overall, it's a good choice if you want something a bit different that still provides some fun.

🔗Adventurous Military Mission Machine Gun Toy for Kids

I recently had a chance to try out this Gun Toys for Boys Combat Military Mission Machine Gun Toy, and it was quite an experience! The first thing I noticed was the awesome LED flashing lights and sound effects it comes equipped with. It's not your ordinary toy gun – it's a fully immersive military mission toy that can keep your kid entertained for hours!
In my hands, the toy felt sturdy and well-made, which is always a good sign. The scope for aiming and the gun's stand to keep it steady were thoughtful additions to the toy. But let's be honest, the highlight of this toy gun is the rotating bullet feature – it just adds that extra oomph to the playtime!
Now, as much as I enjoyed playing with this Gun Toys for Boys Combat Military Mission Machine Gun Toy, I could see that it might not be for everyone. For parents who are concerned about safety or prefer toys that are more low-key, this toy gun might be a bit too intense. And while it's easy to assemble, some kids might find it a bit challenging to put together on their own.
All in all, this Gun Toys for Boys Combat Military Mission Machine Gun Toy is a fascinating addition to any kid's toy collection. It's perfect for those who love an adventure and are looking for something a bit more daring.

🔗WWII Era Walther P.38 Replica Pistol by Denix

I recently got my hands on the Denix Replicas 1081 Walther P. 38 Automatic Pistol and I have to say, it's a real treat for history enthusiasts! The detailed recreation of this iconic WWII weapon is impressive, and it's not just for show. It's heavier than one might expect, which gives it a solid feel in the hand. The pistol-like click of the slide and the smoothness of the mechanism make it a joy to handle, even if it's not fireable.
However, there are some minor drawbacks, like the fact that the slide doesn't lock back and the magazine can't be removed. But considering this is a replica for display purposes rather than practical use, it's not much of a hindrance. It's a conversation starter and a great way to add a piece of history to your collection.

🔗Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica

As someone who's always been fascinated by the era of the Old West, I couldn't resist trying out this non-firing replica of the 1869 Army Revolver. Featuring a sleek nickel silver finish, this replica brought me back to the iconic "Cowboy" days.
Handling the replica felt like holding a piece of history, with the original's "single action" and "top break" mechanisms. It even had the added bonus of being a non-firing model, which meant I didn't have to worry about accidentally accidentally discharging it.
However, the size and weight of the replica were a bit more challenging to deal with, given that it's a faithful replica of the original. Despite this, I appreciated the fact that it gave me a better understanding of the real gun without the need to purchase one.
All in all, the Denix 1869 Army Revolver replica is a solid choice for anyone looking to step into the boots of a "Cowboy" in the Old West. Just be prepared to handle its size and weight!

🔗Realistic Orange-Green AK47 Plastic Gun for Kids and Adults

My experience with this pretend AK47 Machine Gun was nothing short of entertaining. The vibrant orange and green colors definitely added a fun touch to any activity, whether it was for a party or just plain old giggles. It was easy to grip and felt lightweight, making it perfect for kids to play with.
One of the standout features of this gun was the shooting sound it made while the trigger was engaged. It was a fun addition to the overall experience and added that extra element of excitement. However, I did notice that the length of the gun was shorter than the real thing, which might be a slight inconvenience for some users.
When it comes to taking care of it, I found the hand-washing instructions to be straightforward and easy to follow. The cold water and mild soap combo seemed effective in maintaining its appearance.
Overall, this pretend AK47 Machine Gun provided a lot of fun and entertainment for both kids and adults. With its vivid colors, exciting sound effects, and easy-to-handle design, it definitely stands out as a popular choice for dress-up activities and playtime.

🔗Safe Outdoor Toy BB Gun for Kids

I recently got my hands on the latest Electronic Rifle Bolt Action from LatestBuy, and let me tell you, it's a whole lot of fun for kids aged 5 and above. This outdoor toy rifle comes with a real gun sound and a bolt action feature that makes it a perfect choice for young hunters.
One of the standout features is the realistic sound it produces, making it an exciting addition to outdoor games. However, the bolt action seemed a bit flimsy, so I would recommend it for smaller kids who can be a bit gentler when using it.
Overall, it's a cool toy that can provide hours of enjoyment for little ones. But, be prepared for some inevitable wear-and-tear because that's just part of the adventure.

🔗Affordable Large-Scale US-Made Military Accessories

As someone who's always enjoyed collecting army men, I was excited to try out these BMC Classic MPC Machine Guns in black and silver gray. The size of the weapons, approximately 3 inches long, allows for a perfect balance between detail and playability, which has been an important aspect for me in any army men set I've had.
The set includes 8 black and 8 silver gray M2 Browning. 50 Caliber Air-cooled Machine Guns with removable ammo and mounted on sturdy tripods. It's a nice touch that the ammo is removable, as it adds an extra level of customization to the toys. The black and silver grey colors give the set a distinctive look that stands out from other army men sets I've seen.
However, there could be some room for improvement. The set could benefit from a more sturdy packaging, like a plastic case instead of a polybag with an insert card. This would help protect the guns during transportation and storage, making them a better long-term investment. Additionally, while the size is great for play, it might hinder their display capabilities, as they may not fit perfectly on shelves or display cases.
Overall, these MPC Machine Guns have been a fun addition to my collection and serve as a great example of how well-designed, detailed, and customizable army men can be.

Buyer's Guide

When looking for a cheap automatic gun, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you get the best value for your money. Remember, the price of a gun should not be the only determining factor in your decision.

1. Purpose

Firstly, you need to identify the primary purpose of acquiring an automatic gun. Is it for self-defense, target practice, or maybe even hunting? Your purpose will dictate your choice of firearm, and help determine if you'll need specific features and calibers.


2. Caliber

Considerations for the caliber of the automatic gun are crucial. Lighter calibers such as. 22 LR or. 380 ACP are commonly preferred for their low recoil and cost-effectiveness. However, higher-caliber guns like. 38 Special or 9mm may provide better stopping power.

3. Capacity

The capacity of the gun's magazine plays a significant role in its performance. Higher-capacity magazines mean fewer trips to the range or fewer reloads in the field. While larger capacity may be your preference, it is essential to consider the ease of loading and unloading.

4. Action Type

Automatic guns primarily come in two types of actions: blowback and recoil-operated. Blowback guns are cheaper and easier to maintain, while recoil-operated guns offer better reliability and are generally more accurate. Factors such as durability, ease of use, and personal preference should guide your decision.


5. Brand Reputation

While the price of a gun is a factor, it should not be the only consideration. It is crucial to choose a brand with a strong reputation, as it signifies quality and reliability. Researching brands with a proven track record in manufacturing firearms can be a helpful starting point.

6. After-Sales Support

Ask about after-sales support. It is imperative to know that you can easily obtain replacement parts, repair services, or even additional magazines, should the need arise.

7. Legal and Safety Regulations

Lastly, ensure that the automatic gun you choose complies with all local, state, and federal laws. Additionally, adhere to proper safety guidelines and always store firearms securely, especially in the presence of children.


Final Word

Choosing a cheap automatic gun may seem like a daunting task. But by considering these crucial factors, you can make an informed decision that will ensure you get the best value for your money while keeping safety and legal requirements in mind.


What are cheap automatic guns?

Cheap automatic guns are budget-friendly firearms that feature fully automatic firing modes. These guns are designed with the budget consumer in mind, while still offering reliable and efficient operation.


Are cheap automatic guns reliable and effective?

Reliability and effectiveness can vary depending on the specific model and brand. However, some cheap automatic guns can perform well in various scenarios, providing a cost-effective option for those looking for a reliable and effective firearm.

What makes cheap automatic guns more affordable than others?

Several factors contribute to the affordability of cheap automatic guns: lower-quality components, simplified designs, and reduced production costs. While these aspects can sometimes compromise reliability and performance, some budget-friendly options can still offer a satisfactory shooting experience.

What are some examples of cheap automatic guns?

  • Uzi
  • M16 (AR-15)
  • AK-47
  • CZ Scorpion

Are there any drawbacks to cheap automatic guns?

Yes, there are potential drawbacks to cheap automatic guns. Some of these may include lower-grade materials, inferior quality control, and reduced durability compared to more expensive alternatives. However, not all budget-friendly options will suffer from these issues, and there are still some reliable and affordable choices available.

Do cheap automatic guns require special licenses?

The licensing requirements for owning a cheap automatic gun can vary depending on the jurisdiction. In the United States, for example, an individual must possess a Federal Firearms License (FFL) to purchase and possession an automatic firearm, as well as meet state and local regulations. It's best to consult with local authorities to understand the specific requirements in your area.

Are cheap automatic guns easier to maintain than other firearms?

Generally, cheap automatic guns can be easier to maintain than their higher-end counterparts due to their simplified designs and fewer moving parts. However, proper maintenance and cleaning are still necessary to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Can I customize or upgrade a cheap automatic gun?

Yes, many cheap automatic guns can be customized or upgraded to improve their performance, reliability, and appearance. However, the extent of customization may depend on the specific model and its compatibility with aftermarket parts.

Are cheap automatic guns suitable for home defense, sporting activities, or recreational use?

The suitability of a cheap automatic gun for home defense, sporting activities, or recreational use will depend on various factors, such as range, capacity, and accuracy. While these affordable options may not perform at the same level as higher-end firearms, they can still be viable options for budget-conscious individuals in select situations.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:25 adulting4kids Genres Examples

This is a regular post that's scheduled to pop up and receive different types of writing as response. Since a few of these tools are incredibly time consuming I have them on rotation for new members and those who have missed them. I have started working on responses for examples but as busy as I have been and struggling, I again turned to ChatGPT and I am again, totally excited to see these NOT compete with the human writer in creativity.
So check out the results this week and let me know your thoughts!
It's all in fun and let's prove our worth with better!
🎄⛄🎁🎄⛄🎄🎄⛄⛄🎄🎁⛄⛄🎄🎄⛄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎄🎁⛄🎄🎄🎄⛄🎄🎄⛄⛄ original post below followed by ChatGPT re
We have so many different ways to express our appreciation for things. This series is an expensive list of the subgenres you can use as a writer to describe the projects you are working with.
Respond with anything you think might be missing, or comments on whatever you have that may fit one, or more, of these awesome definitions of subgenres!
This is supposed to be fun, so no rude Dolphin hate!
  1. Ergodic Literature: Requires effort from the reader beyond typical reading, often involving non-linear narratives or physical interaction with the book.
  2. Bildungsroman: A novel that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood.
  3. Eco-Horror: Blends elements of horror and environmental issues, often featuring nature as a malevolent force.
  4. Biopunk: Explores the impact of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and biometrics on society.
  5. Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction): Focuses on climate change and its effects on the environment and humanity.
  6. Chick Lit Noir: Merges elements of women's fiction, mystery, and noir, typically featuring a female protagonist.
  7. Solarpunk: Envisions a future where renewable energy and sustainable living practices prevail.
  8. Flintlock Fantasy: Features technology equivalent to the flintlock firearm era in a fantasy setting.
  9. Transrealism: Blurs the line between reality and fiction, often incorporating real-life events and characters.
  10. Splatstick: Combines slapstick comedy with elements of horror, often involving exaggerated and gory violence.
  11. Crunchy Noir: A subversion of traditional noir with added elements of comedy and irreverence.
  12. Kaiju Erotica: Involves giant monsters (kaiju) in explicit or erotic contexts.
  13. Gastrofiction: Focuses on food and culinary experiences as a central theme in the narrative.
  14. Biopunk: Explores the societal implications of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and biometrics.
  15. Dieselpunk: Set in a world where diesel-based technology is prevalent, often in an alternate history.
  16. Bugpunk: Blends steampunk aesthetics with insect-inspired technology.
  17. Rural Noir: Noir fiction set in rural or small-town environments, often exploring dark themes.
  18. Hopepunk: Emphasizes hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of adversity.
  19. Mannerpunk: A subgenre of fantasy that focuses on manners, social hierarchies, and etiquette.
  20. Clockpunk: Features clockwork mechanisms and Renaissance-era technology in a fantasy setting.
  21. Atompunk: Centers around the aesthetics and technology inspired by the Atomic Age and mid-20th century.
  22. Dreadpunk: A subgenre of gothic horror that emphasizes a sense of dread and unease.
  23. Decopunk: Set in the Art Deco era, often with a focus on sleek design and glamour.
  24. Dying Earth Subgenre: Takes place in the last days of a dying world, often with a sense of decay and decline.
  25. Mannerpunk: Focuses on manners, social structures, and etiquette in a fantastical setting.
  26. Slipstream: Blurs the boundaries between mainstream fiction and speculative fiction.
  27. Cattlepunk: A western-inspired subgenre with advanced technology and cattle-centric themes.
  28. Oceanpunk: Features maritime and underwater settings with a focus on oceanic technology.
  29. Dolphin Poetry: Poetry inspired by or featuring dolphins as a prominent theme.
  30. Cat Poetry: Poetry centered around cats as a significant subject.
Prompt 1: Ergodic Literature
Title: The Maze of Whispers
In a dimly lit room, there sat an old man named Professor Bartholomew, surrounded by books that seemed to teeter on the edge of chaos. He was known for his eccentricities and fascination with ancient tomes. The assignment for the day was a peculiar one - ergodic literature. He urged us to create a narrative that required effort beyond typical reading.
I closed my eyes, picturing a world where whispers held the secrets of existence. My protagonist, Lydia, stumbled upon an old, tattered book bound with a lock of silver. As she flipped through the pages, the words whispered to her in faint echoes, inviting her deeper into their labyrinthine secrets.
Lydia soon realized that reading wasn't enough; she had to engage with the text physically. The words wove a path, guiding her through an intricate maze of passages that twisted and turned with each decision. Every choice she made altered the narrative, leading to different outcomes, each branching into new, uncharted territories.
The book's world was alive, responding to Lydia's touch, her emotions, her doubts, and her courage. It demanded her presence, her active participation, pushing her beyond the boundaries of passive reading. The more she interacted, the more the story revealed its enigmatic nature, challenging her perception of reality.
As Lydia ventured deeper, the whispers intensified. They weren't just words anymore; they were living entities, shaping the very essence of her being. She found herself in a struggle to escape the maze of whispers that threatened to consume her entirely.
In the end, she discovered that the book was a reflection of her own soul, a manifestation of her inner struggles and desires. To break free, Lydia had to confront her fears and make peace with the cacophony of whispers that echoed within her mind.
The story unfolded as a journey of self-discovery, where the reader became an active participant, navigating the maze alongside Lydia, feeling the weight of each decision and experiencing the consequences firsthand.
Professor Bartholomew applauded the class for their imaginative takes on ergodic literature, emphasizing how our narratives required readers to engage beyond the surface, encouraging a deeper level of interaction with the text. The assignment opened doors to a realm where the act of reading transcended mere observation, transforming into a collaborative journey between the author, the characters, and the reader.
This exercise challenged my perceptions of storytelling, igniting a newfound appreciation for the intricate dance between the written word and the reader's participation, leaving me eager to explore more unconventional narrative styles in the future.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:17 Haunting_Sale1858 I have no idea how my mom didn’t know something was up

I didn’t realize something was wrong with me until I started College at 18 (homeschooled my whole life because of family stuff). I never developed any coping mechanisms because I always did my work at the last minute and for test I would cram the night before. That was normal to me. I didn’t even study for my college entrance exam because I struggled with studying. I would get task paralysis and my mind would just go blank. I somehow scored high enough to not take any remedial classes.
I cruised through freshman and sophomore year of college until junior and senior year. My gpa started dropping because cramming was not working anymore. I graduated last year and now getting my masters and writing a thesis. I am still struggling even though I am on meds now.
I’m not sure how my mom never noticed something was up. I was with her 24/7.
My mother made sure to I read a lot. She would test me on books, but I did terrible because I would just read the words but never process it. We would spend hours going back over lessons plans that I was taught before because I would forget how to do it. Math was the worse, she was going to hold me back a grade.
I had many crying sessions and tear stained homework . I used to hit myself because I couldn’t understand simple stuff. She would ask me what was wrong with me and yell at me. I hated it.
I guess because I wasn’t the jumping and running around type? I never did that because I knew I would get in trouble for acting out.
Anytime I was faced with homework that was difficult I would day dream and draw pictures, chew on my pencils, paper or eraser ( realize I was stimming now). I would get yelled at for staring off into space. Always told I move too slow, I need to work harder, I need to listen more and follow directions (terrible at verbal directions). Extremely disorganized room always a mess. I didn’t realize I used to mouth peoples words when I was little either would get yelled at for that.
Also sensitivity to smells ( any time I smelled something I didn’t like I would gag), clothing: I hated turtle necks, scarves, hats, the puffer coats (the noise sends me into a completely rage) and when the line of my socks wouldn’t match up. Getting my hair done eugh the worse.
I’m glad I was able to figure out what was wrong , I thought I was stupid my whole life. I still hold that feeling sometimes.
Anyone experience the same?
submitted by Haunting_Sale1858 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:11 Sir_Gendrotivus My best friend is still friends with the man who assaulted me.

I’m using a throwaway account for this just in case. Also this is very long, I tried making it shorter, sorry.
A little over three years ago I (23F) met an amazing lady at work, I’ll call her Susan (33F). She is a bit older than me but we clicked instantly. We are the best of friends and I love her to pieces.
About a year after we met she posted a photo of me online and one of her friends, we will call him Jack (30M), responded saying I was cute and asked her who I was. Jack lived in another state but Susan and Jack have known each other for a very long time. They met in High-School and are very very close.
Anyway, eventually Susan gave Jack my info and Jack and I also became really close friends. Eventually he moved to where Susan and I live and we all began hanging out all the time.
About a year ago, (a little over a year into me knowing Jack.) the three of us went on a trip together. During that trip Jack got really drunk and assaulted me the night before we were to return home. I didn’t say anything the next day because I didn’t want to ruin the trip for Susan.
Once we finally did get back home it took me about a week to fully process everything that had happened. It was a lot to handle considering how close I was with Jack. Not only that but what was harder was figuring out how to tell Susan about it. Like I said, her and Jack are very very close.
Anyway, eventually I told her what had happened and she was obviously disgusted and horrified that he would ever do that. A time or two she tried to “justify” it by saying things like how he was drunk and how he isn’t that type of guy but I think that was more of the shock than anything else.
When I eventually told Jack that I didn’t want to be around him anymore (the same day I told Susan what happened) we went our separate ways. Honestly the details of how all of that went down don’t really matter. What I’m here to talk about is how a year later Susan and Jack are still really close friends.
Now, let me start by saying that I did tell her that she didn’t have to blow up a 10+ year friendship because of me. So I don’t really have any right to feel upset about any of this to begin with. I think I’m more here to see what other people’s opinions are.
Anyway, Susan and Jack didn’t really talk for a few months because of this. I mean they did talk all the time but never in person. Susan decided she did want to stay friends with him she just wasn’t entirely comfortable being around him until she had processed everything herself.
However, eventually they did start hanging out again. Not only that but Susan regularly makes comments about how she wishes we were all still friends and that him and I would make up. Sometimes she will mention inviting him out drinking with us while we are already out drinking. When I tell her I don’t think it’s the best idea she will say something like, “yeah but you love me so you’ll put up with him for me”
Not just that but she gives me regular updates on his life and tells me everything going on with him. Especially about how much he misses me and regrets what he did by destroying our friendship.
I don’t know, on one hand I don’t care because literally I couldn’t care less about this fucking guy. I don’t like him and he means shit to me these days, I literally never think about him unless she brings him up.
But on the other hand what actually bothers me a little is how much she brings him up. I’ve told her multiple times I don’t care about his life or what he’s doing and for the rest of that day she won’t bring him up but the next time we are out she will.
Before you say it, I know I’m being a hypocrite by saying this but part of me is a little… hurt? Upset? Sad? I don’t know the right word for it but part of me feels something about how she didn’t really say anything to him about it.
I mean they talk about what happened a lot with each other because, like I said, Jack is a baby who can’t accept that his actions have consequences. I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that they are exactly the same as before that bothers me? I never expected her to stop being friends with him. But I guess I thought something would happen.
Even though her and I are each other’s person. They have a long history together and it takes more than one incident to walk away from all of that. I just know how I would react if the rolls were reversed and it’s a lot different.
Like I said, I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for with posting this. To be completely honest I don’t really know how I feel about all of this. It’s not something that really upsets me, but I guess it just stings a little. I don’t know, I’m not the best with words. If you have any thoughts, opinions, questions, anything at all I’ll gladly take it. Maybe all I really want is someone to talk about it with, idk.
submitted by Sir_Gendrotivus to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:06 rickypotentially I miss my best friend of 4 years, and I wish he knew it

Sorry for the formatting, im on mobile(just a heads up, this is a very long post) Also, this is my first reddit post so im sorry if this is the wrong sub, i just need to speak my mind. When I was 13, right around when covid happened, I frequented tumblr a lot. It was my main mode of using social media, and through it I posted a lot of art, reblogged stuff about fandoms I was in at the time, the works. A couple months into me using it(near february of 2020), this one person followed me and reblogged a lot of my art and always put such nice things in the tags, it made me so giddy! It was like having a fan kind of. In return I did the same thing; this other person did art semi frequently and we shared a Fandom that we both interacted with a lot. A couple months later, I end up making a tumblr group chat, back when those still existed, and this person joined it. For the next few months, we talked daily using this group chat; talking about school and the sorts. I found out through these conversations that he lived quite a few states away(we both live in the United States), and that he was also in the same grade as me(we were both going into our freshman years and starting high school). Eventually, I remember because in those stupid group chats, you weren't able to send images through them and I was complaining about not being able to send him something. To that he suggested sending it through DMs, which I did. This is what started a period of nearly four years of talking to each other, every single day. If we didn't talk, it was because of something we couldn't control; whether it be travel or it be some other thing; we were just that inseparable. I never learned his real name over those four years; I never learned where he lived or where he went to school or anything, I only knew we were the same age and his nickname was Will. Do I know if Will was short for anything? I don't know, but I wish I did. We went through so much together; I was there for him when he had familial issues with his mom and dad(stuff that's so bad I would never type it out), he was there for me when I was suicidal and depressed, he was one of a kind. I felt like at the end of the day, I could go to him and talk to him about anything I so wished, and he'd at least listen. When I was around that age, I constantly struggled with being called a "therapist friend", and being used by those at the time as someone to just rant to and that was really it. But with Will, it was so much more. He was my rock, and I was his. Months before things just came to a halt, he started growing distant. Always the excuse that he was busy, but I could see he was online, just ignoring me. It was becoming very hurtful to me; to have said something to just be ignored for hours on end and to recieve a dry reply in return. It was then that I began to realize he had been dry for a while, but that's just the way he talked, really. It was always an "ok", or a, "oof"(we talked in very lamence terms) or something among the lines. I remember on a couple occasions I would mention him coming to my home city one day and it would be replied to with an "oh" or "ok". It was then that I started to kind of realize that we were putting not equal efforts in our friendship anymore. Eventually I remember, it was February 2nd of 2024, it just became so real. The guy that had been there for me through the past four years of my life had just...seemed to stop caring. I remember, when I would go out of town and would have no cell service, I'd hate not being able to text him. He was my best friend in the entire world, he was kind of like my platonic soul mate. I remember making a game plan to try and get him to leave his home because I knew his home situation was bad; I remember thinking about how we could meet one day, and I'd finally get to see what he even looked like. But on that day in February, I broke. I told my mom, and she told me to just...stop texting him. So I kind of did. I told him that I wasn't going to use tumblr anymore and that I was going to delete it. We both had each other's discords, but I barley replied after the last few messages he sent. The last one he sent me was on March 1st, and I never replied to it. I had become so numb to him, it was painful to leave my best friend behind, but in my heart I knew it was the right desicison. I left because it felt like our friendship was going nowhere; after four years I didn't even know his name, I never even got his phone number. I gave him mine on two occasions, but...nothing. I remember we'd exchange stories that we were writing simultaneously, we'd exchange art of each other's favorite characters and ocs. I miss it. I miss him. I remember, writing a message that was nearly 2000 words long to him, but I never sent it. I was too scared, that the guilt would get the best of me. I ghosted my best friend of 4 years, and I fucking miss him. I wish he knew it, because I loved him so much. I wish we could have what we had back. I wish we could have had more; I wish we could have had one of those dramatic airport scenes where we find each other past all of the gates and stuff in the entrance of the airport and hug each other, being in the moment. But we never did, and never will. I miss you Will. If you somehow see this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry.
submitted by rickypotentially to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 JP200214 Friends don’t like my girlfriend

I’m sorry if this is going to be a bit rambly, I can’t really write any other way though… Anywho, throughout my whole relationship with my girlfriend she’s had problems with 2 friends of mine, let’s call them Charlotte and Mike. (Mike and charlotte date by the way) Mike and I have been friends before either of us have had girlfriends, we met in college before either of us had girlfriends. We always had a pretty fun relationship, even when things have been rough we’ve always been there for each other. I’ve always liked his girlfriend Charlotte a lot, I’ve never really had an issue with her until lately.
So I’m not going to get into every little detail, but there has been a couple incidents in the past between my girlfriend (let’s call her katy) and charlotte. They’ve both tried to mend things before, and they recently even had quite a promising get together without either Mike or Me around. I was frankly quite optimistic that they could get along for once. Until one day I brought Katy over to Mikes house, with a couple of his other friends. and admittedly Katy isn’t exactly the best at ready the room, and she made some sexual jokes around all of us, specifically about my friend Andrew’s feet. I should also mention Andrew’s girlfriend was in the room, But my friends came to me about it, instead of confronting her about it.. I should point out that this offended the same people that have gave each other hickeys in front of me, made out in front of me, and even done oral sex when I was asleep in the same room…. I’m a pretty easy and open guy but I wouldn’t be lying if that didn’t make me feel a little weird.
Anyways this all sort of came to a head when I had to have an “intervention” type thing with them about my girlfriend. They brought up how she made them uncomfortable with her jokes, which is understandable I suppose, but they also talked to me about how they thought she was ABUSING me. I’ll be honest I can see how she made them uncomfortable I did not see this coming whatsoever. I’ll be honest I was hearing them out when they were talking to me. I know how abuse can go sometimes, and how someone can be abused without knowing it. After thinking about it on the drive home, I was seriously questioning whether I was being abused or not. I know when I’m with her I feel way happier than I am without her, I know that when we have disagreements we are mature and careful in our wording as to not offend the other.
And when I came home she gave me the sweetest hug and kissed me… I right then I broke down. How could such a cute loving person be abusive? Granted she isn’t perfect but who is? I started sobbing uncontrollably, I was sick of this shit. I was sick of worrying about Kathy getting along with my friends, I was sick worrying whether my friends liked her. I had to tell her everything they said. In hindsight, a part of me regrets it, but a part of me is relieved. I don’t think they ever liked her anyway, even when she’d make pizza rools for mike and I while we were making music. Plus I have another group of friends that she gets along great with, so it’s not like I need to completely uproot anything or whatever.
I guess what I’m asking advice-wise is what should I do with these guys? On one hand Mike and I have always had a great relationship, and I feel like it’d be weird to just throw it away. On another hand, I don’t want to be friends with people who are most likely talking shit about my girlfriend. In other words….. WHADDO I DO?!?!?
submitted by JP200214 to Advice [link] [comments]
