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Custom User Flairs + Subreddit Updates

2024.05.25 20:11 netuniya Custom User Flairs + Subreddit Updates

Happy weekend everyone, I hope you are all well. A few changes have been made to the subreddit if you look around and click a few buttons haha, this will be a long post regarding updates.

Custom user flairs

Since we hit 45K of you, as the mod king mentioned earlier. A big thing we want to introduce to many people who are likely interested is that, me and the lovely u/strawberry_sus AND the amazing u/ConsumerofInfo have decided to facilitate custom user flairs on our subreddit. Of course, Awais would also be happy to give you flairs, but we will be handling the bulk of it.
So how will this go? * The custom flairs are moderated to avoid people from adding inappropriate flair names. You can have any text, ascii characters, and emojis in your flair name * PLEASE NOTE, sometimes you will see a “♡” appear as your user flair instead of your custom name. If you see that, don’t worry, it’s likely a Reddit glitch, but we promise your flair name is still there and everyone can still see it lol * To get a user flair, please comment down what name you’d like to have as your flair so me, consumer, or strawberry will add your custom flair
Types of custom flairs that are considered inappropriate: * “Admin/Moderatoverified” * Hookup style flairs (ex. “24M - Bull - Lahore” / “38F - looking for sugar daddy”) * Any name that would break the sub rules and Reddit’s content policy

The Upcoming Eid Al Adha post

Due to very popular demand from our previous Eid post on Eid Al Fitr here. We are making Eid posts a recurring special thread on this subreddit now, meaning that every Eid, there will be a post where people may post their pictures/outfits/mehndi/quotes/decorations/any media that is relevant to Eid. * Again, for these posts you are not required to show your face to show a fit, you can crop out your face or hide it with a sticker. The whole point of participating is to show everyone how lovely Eid can be when experienced together, even if we’re all far away!

Wiki page + changes in the sidebar widgets

We have started a wiki page which is still a work in progress. We have also added a sidebar widget for scheduled threads right after our list of rules for easier access.
Where to find the wiki page?
What is a wiki page for subreddits?
Thank all 3 of you too for being a great team u/AwaisMax u/ConsumerofInfo u/strawberry_sus !! We worked pretty well and hard together to deliberate many decisions and there’s definitely improvement!
Until the next few updates,
~ Mod team ♡✨
submitted by netuniya to PakistaniiConfessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:56 nulll_ DEADCOAST Book 1: "HEAT and the Grizzly Reds" - Intro / Chapter 1 - 15-20 Min Read -- Dystopian Future -- Science Fiction.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Hello Hello! I am a first-time writer embarking on my first dumpster fire; input is most welcome. I'm not the best self-editor, so get your hiking boots on. It's rough out there. Whenever I read it, I find or create more errors (:
OPTIONAL READS: For the Retro Computer or Programming Enthusiast OR if you are open to other formats of story telling. I tried to combine my love for programming as an UNDERSTANDABLE way to tell a story through a Visual Experience in the Command Line Interface;
A Stand-Alone VISUAL ASCII 'Programming Terminal' Story Prologue. Follow through(Screen Shots of my Command Line Interface) the UNE-EYE Observational Satellite Terminal as Kable extracts Classified Data about his Beloved Military Unit, THE HUMMINGBIRDS, a flying exoskeleton unit. This includes the origin story of a Technology Tree in Book 1.


"Deadcoast Book 1: Heat and the Grizzly Reds" transports readers to a 2063 Earth, a world on the brink, where the scarcity of fresh water has led to previously unseen geopolitical tensions. Amidst this backdrop, the nation-backed militant group DAGGR has emerged as a formidable force, leveraging advanced technology to assert control over Canada’s abundant water resources. At the heart of their arsenal is 'slugTech,' a technology pioneered by James Broadshaw, intended for ecological restoration but repurposed for militaristic dominance.
The story unfolds with the chilling invasion of Vancouver, marking a turning point as DAGGR makes its ambitions clear, culminating in the assassination of the Canadian Prime Minister. This act of aggression leaves the country reeling, exposing vulnerabilities and igniting a global reaction.
The UNE-EYE satellite is central to the international response, a significant narrative element representing the world's most advanced orbital tracking system. Once decommissioned in favour of privacy, the Dutch reactivated the satellite as a strategic move to monitor DAGGR's movements and coordinate a unified international effort against the aggressors. This revival of UNE-EYE symbolizes a crucial turning point, highlighting the global stakes and the interconnectedness of nations in the face of a common enemy.
As Canada grapples with its plight, the DAMU (Deserted American Military Units) rise in solidarity, breaching borders to fight alongside their Canadian counterparts. This act of defiance is mirrored by international forces, including the Netherlands and Ukraine, each bringing their unique strengths to the coalition, underscored by the strategic oversight provided by the UNE-EYE satellite.
Amidst the geopolitical chaos, a man who had all but given up, a boxer on the ropes, emerges from Vancouver's Gastown. Known as HEAT, this leader of the Grizzly Reds becomes a symbol of resistance and hope. HEAT's story, and that of the Grizzly Reds, is one of resilience, rallying not only Canadians but also global citizens to stand against DAGGR's tyranny.
" Deadcoast Book 1: Heat and the Grizzly Reds" is a compelling narrative of survival, alliance, and resistance. It deftly weaves together elements of advanced technology, international politics, and the indomitable human spirit. The inclusion of the UNE-EYE satellite serves as a testament to the complexities of modern warfare and the critical role of global surveillance and coordination in maintaining security and freedom. But something else stirs amongst it. The UNE still shrouds its use, albeit assuring it is for record-keeping purposes- there is no way to be sure. Join HEAT and the Grizzly Reds as they navigate the challenges of Time, War, Science and liberating their fellow man in Vancouver. THE GRIZZLIES NEED YOU, in this action-packed, emotional saga, speaks to the resilience and camaraderie inherent in the human condition.
CHAPTER 1 - The Blood Spattered Maples
The early morning sun cast a serene glow over Vancouver, its golden rays gently coaxing the city from its slumber. The harbour lay still, bathed in a tranquil blend of crimson and amber, defiantly calm as if aware of the day's latent potential for tumult. The awakening streets, pulsating with the vibrant beat of daily enterprise, transformed into bustling arteries of life.
Amidst this urban renaissance, Ryan stood by his apartment window, one eye still tinged a fading shade of deep lavender from last night's ordeals. He absorbed the duality of the world outside – a peaceful façade masking an undercurrent of chaos, much like his own existence. The apartment, a silent guardian of his life's chapters, was awash with tangible memories; some stood proudly like trophies, and others lingered like indelible scars.
"Eugh, need to sort out this money mess," Ryan muttered, his voice a gravelly mix of resolve and weariness. He gingerly touched the bruise beneath his eye, a stark reminder of the previous night's fight. He wasn't just a boxer but a living, breathing paradox. His undefeated record of 12-0 was more than a tally of victories; it was a map of a life spent dancing in and out of shadows. At 17, he was a beacon of hope for Canadian Olympic Futures. Now, at 33, he was a spotlight in his subconscious, illuminating the relentless passage of time and a road riddled with 'what ifs.' Eleven of those wins were echoes from a past steeped in the sweat and blood of the ring before life's currents swept him into the city's gritty underbelly. There, he became an enforcer, not out of choice but a necessity, bound by ties, not of blood but of unbreakable bonds forged in adversity. Stepping back into the ring at 33, Ryan wasn't chasing glory; he was hunting redemption, a chance to rewrite a narrative that had veered off course.
Today's boxing was far from what he once knew; it had transformed into a digital spectacle, a charade he refused to partake in. The sport now paraded fighters adorned with loud chains and face tattoos, pretending to live a life of crime they don't. Vile symbols of fame he doesn't wish for. Ryan had always skirted the fringes of the spotlight, respecting the sport but despising what it had become - a glorified masquerade that he believed led the youth astray. He stared out at the awakening city, contemplating his place in this ever-changing world, just as the first notes of a familiar yet unwelcome voice crackled from the vintage radio on his shelf.
"Ah, jimmy2piece," he scoffed, the name leaving a bitter taste. The vintage radio crackled on, announcing the dazzling exploits of the heavyweight boxing champion, an embodiment of everything Ryan detested about the sport's current state. Ryan's hand lingered over the old radio, a relic amidst the bountiful thrift and trinket that abundantly filled his apartment. The announcer's voice, overly flamboyant in its praise of 'jimmy2piece,' clashed with the morning's tranquillity, grating against Ryan's every nerve. With a flick brimming with contempt, he silenced the intrusive chatter. The ensuing silence was a stark reminder of his path's divergence from the once-noble art of boxing to a life mired in moral ambiguity.
"Enough of this nonsense," he muttered, the disdain in his voice mirroring the snarl on his lips as he spun the dial back to silence.
Ryan was a man of contemplation; opening his balcony door, he let the morning breeze mingle with the memories that haunted him daily. These reflections were a tormenting ritual, no matter the joys and love surrounding him. His only respite was constant movement – hobbies, work, art – anything to fend off the sharp claws of the past that threatened to shred the remnants of his self-respect. He had lost ten years to choices and actions that replayed in his mind relentlessly every single day.
"This 'jimmy2shoes' or whatever...pal throws pillows, a poser pretending he's about that gang life; I can see it in his eyes, he's not a killer," he grumbled, gazing out at the awakening city. This day promised a respite from his underground fights – at least for a while. His recent backstreet brawls, a far cry from the glory of the boxing ring, were what paid the bills now. "At least I've bought myself three more months..."
Leaning on the railing of his miniature balcony, Ryan cradled a cup of steaming coffee, his gaze drifting over the streets below. At this moment, the chaos of his life seemed distant, replaced by a transient calm. Despite his bruised, rough presentation, a certain peace enveloped him, a rare stillness that belied the storm of his existence. His thoughts meandered through the serene hum of the city and the gentle brush of the ocean breeze. The skyscape, with clouds dancing to the ocean's rhythm, offered a brief escape from his turbulent past.
Memories of Robin, his mentor and friend, floated into his consciousness. Robin's untimely death in Dubai was a wound that never healed. The sacrifices he had made to keep Robin safe, only to be absent on the fateful trip that claimed his friend's life, weighed heavily on him. "Why did it have to be you, Robin?" he whispered to the horizon, the question, a haunting torment upon his daily routines.
Ryan was a thinker; as he slid over his ashtray from the stool, he sparked up A morning 'dart' (cigarette), as he called them. His past began to creep into his head, as it did every morning. With each inhalation of addiction-soothing nicotine, his blazing thoughts followed as his brain began to become fully active from his sleep. It was a raven on his shoulder tormenting him, pecking at him ever haunting his consciousness. No matter the love he may have found or the happiness, friends, or family surrounding him. The time to reflect was always grim and consistently unbearable. If he stood still, the Ravel's claws sunk more profoundly; the only reprieve was constant distractions. It's why he kept so busy, creative, and active. Ryan constantly kept moving with hobbies, work, or art. Pushing off the switchblade thoughts ready to cut into his subconscious and bleed out whatever self-respect he had left that day. He threw away ten years of his life, and he relives them every. Single. Day.
"Damn man, what's the point of it all?" Ryan's voice was barely a whisper, lost in the morning breeze. His gaze lingered on the horizon, eyes clouded with confusion and pain. "Robin's gone, and here I am, a ship adrift; up shits creek without a paddle. What good can I do? What purpose do I serve? My skillset? My knowledge? Ive wasted my life, nothing is applicable." The questions hung in the air, unanswered. Ryan's life had indeed been a storm of violence and turmoil, from the gritty days working alongside Robin, watching his back to his hard-fought victories in the boxing ring. He had dreamt of leaving the world of fights behind, yet fate seemed to have woven a different path for him, one that he couldn't escape...
The distant sound of boat horns broke his train of thought. These weren't the usual rhythmic calls that echoed along Vancouver's shores; they carried a sense of urgency, growing louder and more frantic by the second. Ryan leaned forward, squinting into the morning light. The sight that greeted him was anything but ordinary. Dark, ominous and foreboding shapes were cutting through the waters toward the Seawall – military-grade ships that seemed like phantoms against the sun's bright backdrop.
"What the...?" Ryan murmured, a wry smile touching his lips as he recalled a line from a 1930s radio show. "Ah yes, the 'Anti-Frackers' upping their game, bravo!" He often found solace in humour, a shield against the world's harsh realities. Ryan was an unbreakable anvil to the world, always struck to sharpen others' steel. But what about his iron resolve? He bore the burdens so others didn't have to, a silent guardian shouldering the world's weight in stoic silence. Yet beneath that armour of stoicism beat the heart of a man grappling with his vulnerabilities, a man with a core as soft as it was intense.
Just like that- The world as we knew it, changed forever.
The morning's peace shattered abruptly as sirens wailed into life, slicing through the air with a sense of impending doom. The tranquil dawn was now a backdrop to a nightmare unfolding in real time. Ryan's eyes, mirroring the turbulent hues of a stormy sea, narrowed in primal alertness. These were not friendly vessels coming to grace the city's harbour; they were harbingers of chaos, their arrival a silent scream in the gardens of Vancouver's tranquility. As the city around him carried on, blissfully unaware of the looming threat, Ryan's mind shifted into high gear, honed by years of confrontation, conflict and reading other peoples intentions. He understood the unspoken language of death, the subtle shift in the air that preluded catastrophe. The serene calm that had greeted the day now seemed like the deceptive stillness before a devastating storm.
Ryan's coffee ejected out his mouth, a clean mist dispersed, dancing in the ocean winds.
His eyes widened in shock. "That... No, that's not right. That honeycomb structure on the bow – that's rumoured military tech, not something you'd find on a civilian vessel. That's definitely not one of our decommissioned ships; Canada has always had a modest military budget- It's not the U.S. either; they've moved on to those massive city carriers," he muttered, recalling the recent unveiling of the U.S.'s latest naval behemoth designed to be a self-sustaining war ecosystem.
"These are destroyers...carriers...and what in the world are those landing crafts?" His voice trailed off as a wave of realization washed over him. A heavy breath escaped his lips, his heartbeat thundering in unison with a growing sense of dread. This kind of military might, sleek and menacing, was straight out of the pages of a dystopian novel. Ryan's pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through his veins, mingling with an unsettling fear. Vancouver, with its serene beauty and peaceful reputation, was the last place one would expect a military invasion. Yet, as he stood there, the city around him persevered in blissful ignorance. Laughter and the sounds of daily life echoed up to his balcony, starkly juxtaposed against the darkening horizon of his thoughts.
Something sinister was unfolding, and he felt an urgent need to act. "Ah, damn it!" he exclaimed, frustration boiling over as he hurled his mug to the ground, where it shattered into razer sharp ceramic shards—a glimpse of futures past.
The walls of Ryan's apartment, once a gallery of memories from a life half-lived, now felt like they were closing in on him. The space that had been his refuge, adorned with mementos of a tumultuous past, suddenly felt like a prison. He felt trapped, not by physical barriers, but by the weight of the unfolding crisis. Who could he call? Who would believe him about an impending military assault? Was there even time?
Each option seemed as hopeless as the next, leaving him feeling powerless. His fists, which had once brought him victory in the ring, now seemed futile in the face of this immense and unknown threat.
A thunderous crash tore through the city's fabric, piercing the veil of laughter and routine. Giggles changed to Shrieks, the buzzing of cars in the city turned screeching of panicked tires. It was a boom resonating with such force that it seemed to shake the very resolve of the most robust steel, a sound that demands attention and captivates a person, a sound of death; it rattles you to the bone. This explosion marked a pivotal moment that would forever alter the course of Vancouver's history and, indeed, the world's.
The resounding echo of the first explosion heralded a declaration of war on all that was ordinary. In Ryan, the shockwave ignited a transformation. Despair morphed into an unyielding determination, a fire kindled deep within. His skin prickled, each hair standing on end as if his nerves were braille, spelling out the moment's urgency.
"Are they firing at us?" Ryan's voice was a mix of disbelief and rising panic. The thought seemed almost too surreal to entertain. He hesitated momentarily, grappling with the reality of the situation. The explosion's roar, so fierce it shook the foundations of his apartment, jolted him back to the present. Racing back to his balcony, what he saw confirmed his darkest fears.
The ships in the harbour were no longer silent, ominous spectators; they had unleashed their fury, sending plumes of smoke and debris skyward. Vancouver's skyline, once a proud testament to peace and progress, now served as a harrowing backdrop to an unfolding apocalypse. Below, the streets descended into chaos. People scattered in a frantic attempt to escape, their screams piercing the air, a chorus of dawning terror.
Ryan's heart pounded against his chest, each beat a call to action. He was no hero, never the 'good guy' in his story, but he did value life above all. Standing there, witnessing his city being torn apart, he knew he couldn't remain a passive observer. Indecision and shock gave way to resolve.
"MOTHA FU-" he cursed, his words lost in the burst of an explosion, spotted at the last second.
The world around him had erupted into a maelstrom of fire and fury.
An air burst shell detonated with ferocious intensity a mere 50 meters from Ryan's sanctuary. The explosion ripped through the building, an unforgiving hatred that jolted reality itself. The blast wave, a monstrous force of destruction, assaulted his apartment, shattering the windows with an ease that mocked Vancouver's fragility. Glass shards, transformed into lethal projectiles, hurtled through the air with a hunter's precision, each piece seeking its target. Instinctively, Ryan lunged for cover, his only protection a vintage oak promotional board, a relic of a bygone era. This wooden guardian, decorated with the iconic image of Stan Lee, stood as a stoic defender, a symbol of comic heroism now repurposed to shield flesh and blood from the brutal onslaught.
A low hum erupts from the depths of his being as the fireball swirled around him. "Breathe... I can't... don't fall asleep... don't...sleep..." he whispered, fighting the encroaching darkness. His cobalt eyes, glazing over open, fighting to the last light, flickered between consciousness and oblivion. The distant, muffled voices of mentors past echoed in his mind, a fading chorus in the theatre of his memories. Ryan looked to his left, cast one last lingering look at the Vancouver sky, a canvas of blue that seemed so distant now. As his vision began to narrow, a tunnel drawing him away from the light, Ryan felt the grip of darkness pulling him under heavy, yet weightless. Once so vivid and alive, the world around him was fading into shadows.
Amid shrapnel-induced unconsciousness, Ryan's mind catapulted him back to a pivotal moment from his youth – the Ontario Canadian Olympic Trials.
The stadium's noise swirled around him, but it was an entirely different world within the ring. There, it was just Ryan and his opponent, every move a testament to the sacrifices he and Robin(Ryan's longtime mentor both inside, and outside the ring) had made together.
Ryan's style in the ring was unique, a blend of calculated ferocity in speed and agility. He adopted the elusive, angular movements that Robin had honed while serving alongside the hardened Ukrainians on the frontlines of Kyiv. This style was compelling and unpredictable, frustrating his opponents with swift and efficient strikes. Ryan's ability to slip away from counters, almost serpentine in its execution, left them grasping at straws.
Point fighting for the Olympics was a system that worked well with Ryan's style but not necessarily with his mindset. Ryan was a fighter at heart, and sometimes, when pushed, the disciplined techniques would give way to a rawer form of combat. Robin, who always believed in Ryan's potential, saw this as his greatest fault and biggest asset to "push past." In his gruff but encouraging voice, Robin would often spew "The stink in that mind, You've got a head on you that'd make an onion cry," highlighting Ryan's occasionally impulsive nature, and inability to control his emotions when it mattered. This characteristic made Ryan fearless in the ring but also sloppy, open, and vulnerable. It often led him into trouble outside of the solace in prizefighting.
In these trials, Ryan's physical attributes – his slender frame, broad shoulders, wide back and a peculiarly long wingspan that gave him an imposing presence in his weight class – it made him stand out. His frame synchronized with his style, creating a truly unique spectacle of genetic gifts, hard work, and skill.
These memories blended nostalgia and pain as they flickered through Ryan's mind. They were reminders of a path once trodden, a journey shaped by the influence of a mentor and the determination of a fighter's spirit.
As the Olympic Trials set to begin, Robin looked to Ryan to instill confidence for his upcoming bouts, but Ryan was in his element. It was fight day, the fun day, the day to show off all of the hard work. Ryan had confidence, and his style in the ring displayed it in full. He moved with an angular rhythm that was both art and battle – slipping, landing a quick stiff counter cross, then gracefully stepping out of reach inches from returning fire. He made it look fun and easy, as if playing with his prey before fangs clench throat, delivering the killing bite. Looking closer, you can only see fire and determination in his bright eyes. He found purpose in the beautiful science of boxing. His strategy was that of a technical boxer, The Counterpuncher; 1. To bait his opponent into committing, then counter, fight long, fight smart. 2. Beat em' up, Frustrate em', then start slinging the heat in the uppercuts and lead hooks.
The bell rang and the fight was officially underway. Ryan controlled the ring with his long frame. Each exchange was rapid yet controlled, a dance of precise strikes and evasive maneuvers. The world's complexities faded in these moments, leaving only Ryan and the pure essence of the sport he loved. He felt invincible, a force of nature within the confines of the ring. To Ryan, the fight was more than a competition; it was a performance, an exhilarating escape from the mundane. It was true Purpose.
The intensity of the round reached a frustrating outburst by his opponent, who grabbed Ryan by the back of his head– 'SPLIT' called by the referee, his hand placed between them. A judge calls for a correction, catching the referee's attention only for a split second. In this second, Ryan's Opponent saw an opportunity. Lifting his head to move away, Ryan locks eyes with his Opponent, sporting a grin and delivering a sly headbutt as a parting gift. It's against the rules, but part of the game's harsh reality if gone unnoticed. Expelling energy and detesting it was a waste of fuel. It was a jolting reminder of "at all times"(protect yourself), a stark contrast to the discipline and respect Ryan upheld, starting his boxing journey in Thailand under "Muay Thai" rules, ideology of the worrior spirit and discipline. There was a sense of Honor in Lumpinee Stadium.
The outcome of these unsavoury tactics here is an advantage for the opponent. Ryan's inner pools erupt, his mind swirled with raging white waters, crashing and colliding against each other, two oceans with opposite currents meeting in his consciousness. His once technical thoughts, muscle memory mixed with fight iq burst with flames, erupting and incinerating all strategy in his path. His eyes widened, open like he'd found his primal genetic ancestry hidden deep within. The slaughter and the war of history. The bloodshed of 1000 lifetimes. He felt it all. Manic in thought. Ryan wanted to take his glove off and rip his cheeks open from the inside out--
BREAK - Ryan snaps back into it, erupting in stoic, silent, primal rage.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░ ░░░ ░░░ ░░ ░ ▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓ █ ███ ██ █ ████ █ ███████ █ ████ █ ████ ██ ██ █ █████████████████████████████████████ 
The fight escalated, Ryan's disciplined technique unravelled under the seething tide of his rage. The finesse and agility that once defined his footwork gave way to a heavier, more aggressive stance. His feet, usually light and swift under his commanding frame, now felt anchored to the floor, each step driven more by fury than finesse. This transformation in style played perilously into his opponent's advantage. Ryan, usually a master of stick-and-move tactics, found himself engaging in close-quarter brawls, trading his advantage for a risky gamble. His in-and-out maneuvers, once a blur of grace, turned into brutish, in-the-pocket exchanges. This was a terrain where his more muscular and compact opponent had the upper hand. A raw, primal contest of power replaced the tactical dance that Ryan excelled at. Ryan's precise strikes became wild swings, his movements predictable to his seasoned adversary. Seizing the moment, the opponent unleashed a devastating barrage of inside hooks with their compact frame. A vicious right hook, lands clean in the exchange, thrown with the grace of a milkbag, the power hooks brute force, cut through Ryan's defences. The blow landed with a bone-jarring impact, sending a shockwave through Ryan's frame. His world spun as he stumbled, his once dominant presence in the ring now faltering under the weight of his unchecked emotions.
The ground rushed up to meet him as he crashed onto the canvas, the taste of iron and the sting of defeat mingling in his mouth. The crowd's roar faded into a distant echo, a stark reminder of how quickly the tides of battle could turn. Robin's voice sliced through the ringing from the corner, resonating with a force that commanded attention.
His words were more than just a call to action; they were a lifeline thrown into the stormy seas of Ryan's mind. Each syllable was drenched in the raw, unfiltered wisdom that only a life spent in the cauldron of combat could forge. Robin's tone was a volatile cocktail of fury and concern, the urgency palpable in his voice. His palms crashed against the ring mat; each hit thunderous punctuation to his fiery sermon.
"You've got the talent, kid, but it's as good as ash if you keep burning it to the ground. I'M HERE FOR YOU, IM RIGHT HERE. SNAP OUT OF IT AND BOX THIS PLASTIC PATTY! MOVE GOD DAMNIT, GET UP!"
On the canvas, Ryan lay dazed, the echo of Robin's voice ringing in his ears. It was more than a mere pep talk; it was a wake-up call that struck a chord deep within him. Amidst the haze of the crowd murmurs and the pulsating pain that coursed through his body, clarity began to emerge. Lying there, Ryan grasped the essence of Robin's message –
"coward? letting it win? Playing my ego are ya Robin...hes right though. Im throwing this shit away."
This moment, sprawled on the canvas under the glaring lights and the crowd's gaze, became a crucible of transformation. The raw emotion and the hard-hitting truth in Robin's words ignited a spark in Ryan. It was time to rise, shake off the shadows of rage, and embrace a fighter's true spirit like he had learned in Thailand – not just with fists but with heart and mind in unison.
Staggered yet stirred by the dual impact of the physical hit and Robin's piercing words, A padded fist crushed into the rings canvas, followed by a kneee and the eruption of the crowd. Ryan was back, and he began to pull himself up from the canvas. His resolve, momentarily dimmed, now reignited with a fierce, clear, calculated intensity. Memories of the gruelling hours spent in the gym flooded back to him – the relentless sparring sessions, the time spent in Thailand, the sweat and toil, and the invaluable lessons etched into his being under Robin's stern tutelage.
With a renewed spirit, Ryan stepped back into the battle, his movements now embodying controlled power and a fluidity to his step. He recalled his time fighting beside the backdrop of the "Sarama" a traditional Thai music played when in combat. The times of learning to move, fight with the music, to flow, to be fluid, to be concise. Ryan finally put it all together in the heat of battle. He had merged his inherent ferocity with the disciplined technique that Robin relentlessly drilled into him, and the mindfull practises of the years he spent under Burklerk Pinsinchai in the jungles of Chiang Mai. His style was now fully displayed, raw and visceral yet refined by countless hours of practice in mind, body and spirit.
The final rounds bell clang to a start in a clinic of skill and sheer willpower. Ryan, driven by a blend of desperation and unwavering determination, unleashed a barrage of calculated and explosive strikes. Each punch and maneuver was a nod to the efficient, no-nonsense Ukrainian style that Robin had imparted to him. Ryan moved rhythmically across the mat, steps measured and precise, executing short, angular movements and deft outside counterpunches. He had returned to his element – the dance of combat, where he felt most alive, a symphony of movement where every step and punch was a testament to his life's journey and experiences as a human being first, and as a fighter second.
In this wake-up call, Ryan reinvigorated and reminded himself of his love for the sport, the exhilarating blend of art and athleticism. He was not just fighting to win; he was celebrating boxing, combat, honouring the path he had walked with Robin, and reclaiming what it meant to be a true fighter through Burklurk Pinsinchai's Teachings.
The round pressed on, and Ryan executed his maneuvers with a surgeon's precision. First;
-- The counterpuncher; a display in timing and accuracy, delivered with the full force of training and innate skill. --
  1. He deftly slipped his opponent's cross, a move as fluid as it was swift.
  2. He angled off, creating a space wide enough for his next move.
  3. With an almost predatory precision, Ryan unleashed a powerful right cross, targeting his opponent's cheek from the angle he had just created. But Ryan wasn't done yet.
  4. He slipped out again, evading any potential counter from his disoriented opponent. The rhythm, he danced in and out with his precise timing, perfected down to inches and angles.
  5. In a final, decisive movement of the exchange, Ryan slipped in. He timed his step with a long cross that came off-beat, catching his opponent utterly off-guard. The punch landed with a satisfying impact, culminating in a perfectly executed combination. As he watched his opponent stagger, Ryan couldn't help but think, 'cya sleepy boi,' a silent acknowledgment of his dominance in this singular exchange.
This sequence was a statement. Ryan was not only back in the fight but also commanding it.
Ryan's opponent stands, admirable, but futile, driven by sheer will but hampered by sluggish movements, the man rose to his feet, it was clear the fight was reaching its zenith.
The opponent, gathering his remaining strength for a final stand, launched a jab, a last-ditch effort relying more on brute force than finesse. But this was a fatal mistake in Ryan's world – playing right into what Ryan was best at. Counters.
Ryan read the move with the clarity of a seasoned fighter. As the jab came, he effortlessly slipped to the right, evading the punch with a short angular step that spoke of his ring intelligence. Instantly, he countered with the same sharp cross from his right hand, followed by a devastating hook that cut through the air with lethal intent in his left. Grasping at straws, reeling from the counter, Ryans opponent threw a desperate, looping last stand punch, Ryan dipped down and left, rolling the punch with an elegance that made it seem almost effortless. He was Hunting for the Kill Shot. Seizing the moment, Ryan unleashed a ferocious left uppercut, the force of the blow lifting his opponent's chin skyward. He followed up with a right overhand, but just before impact, he halted the punch. There was no need for it; his opponent was already collapsing, the "Lights were on, but no one was Home". The fight was effectively over, Ryan's last combination is the final note, a crescendo that echoed through the ring.
As his opponent hit the canvas, the crowd erupted. Ryan stood in the center of the ring, his chest heaving, every fibre of his being alight with the thrill of victory. This wasn't just a win; it was a performance, a display of skill, heart, and the indomitable spirit of a fighter who had walked through fire and flames to the otherside and emerge victorious.
The final bell Rings with not a single chair in the arena warm; a thunderous clap erupts from the crowd. It was more than just applause; it was an acknowledgment of a battle fiercely fought by both men. In that moment ringside, in a triumphant victory, Ryan and Robin shared a look that spoke volumes, a connection far beyond the usual bounds of mentor and protégé. Their bond, tempered in the crucible of hardship and struggle, was now sealed in the glory of this defining triumph.
Standing amidst the cheers and the adrenaline-fueled euphoria, Ryan found himself momentarily lost in the tide of memories. It was a poignant reminder of the journey that had brought him here, a path marked by triumphs and losses. Robin's teachings transcended the confines of boxing; they were life lessons imprinted deep onto him. Ryan began to slowly step out of the ring; the weight of these reflections settled upon him. The victory was sweet, but it carried the weight of all sacrificed to achieve it. Robin's presence was felt strongly, a guiding force that continued to shape his path, illuminating the way forward even in the most challenging times.
submitted by nulll_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 13:46 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 79 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good AND it just updated!
A big thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to u/creditmission for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
Special thanks this chapter to u/ SavingsSyllabub7788, AKA for lending a hand, and a character, in the form of Kurlek and his 'Against the Herd' show! If you don't know what fan-fic they've written I'd be surprised but they're responsible for Death of a Monster, I highly recommend it! (And they also have their own non-NoP story called 'Looking for Friends, Will Travel' and it's astounding!)
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taikel, Venlil Farmer, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 14th, 2136
Off they go again, Stars only know if this ends well. Polani guide them, please…
The fading crackle of Polani’s engines split the black void of night as my daughter bolted off for yet another Paw of doing what she thought was right. Taisa had said they’d had them stop doing only individual runs after they’d transported the last of Lentan’s refugees here, now they were attached to ‘The damned Mercy again’, according to Chris. Spending the last paw, and it looked like this one as well, taking holds full of refugees up to another ship before going right back down to get more. Most of them ended up in the capital before being shuffled about to whatever shelters, or willing citizens, that could be found with any room.
The Festival was in full swing and, despite the slowness these last few paws, I was doing well! The pawful of Human families that ventured out from the shelter had shrunk under the watching eyesof so many Venlil, doing their best to look as non-threatening as they could manage. Many of them had decorated their visors as well: twining flowers, painted skies and twisting, pastel landscapes adorned the masks instead of Chris’ plain, shattered visor.
They were smaller than I’d expected after spending so long with Chris as my only reference, from what I’d seen of him helping the new-comers last paw, the man towered over most of them. Their gaze didn’t bother me anymore, after all that’s happened in the last herd or two, but they still tried their best to not look at any of us directly. Chris and Taisa had said it was, apparently, the directions they’d been given by the U.N. to ‘avoid any possible negative incidents’ before boarding Polani.
All I knew was that they were all, in spite of everything that was happening on the Arm, just as nice as Chris had always endeavored to be. They certainly liked my scrambles! And Ervena’s Hikic and Tentrel’s ‘Pierogies’ were stampede-setters this Night from humans alone! At this point more than a pawful had come back for seconds and, I was starting to think, to see a friendly herd of coats. It seemed, considering the company, that Tevyin had made an effort to put the more Human friendly merchants in the same row which I suspected was Lentan’s idea; or request, at least.
It was nice, and somehow unsurprising, to see how they treated their children and just how familiar their pups behaved. Renkel, Ervonen, a few of their new herd-mates from school and a pawful of Human children were happily playing not far from the lapping waters of the basin, a chorus of laughter and up-beat whistles dancing on the last whispers of night’s gentle breeze. Renkel and Ervonen, it seemed, had made even more friends now as the pair enthusiastically told them everything they knew about VP’s flora and fauna. The Human children weren’t quite as cautious as their parents, staring at Renkel and Ervonen with rapt attention as the pair enthusiastically fielded questions whenever they sprouted up around them.
“Excuse me, Sir?” A measured, quiet voice asked, drifting to my ears as I watched the pups play. “W-What are you selling?”
I brought my eye-line around to peer at its source, raising an ear in question as I found a wiry, short Human woman looking pointedly to my side. >Hello! Friend!< “Taikel is fine! This is just my best approximation of a Human ‘Breakfast Scramble’! Made, mostly, with Venlilian vegetables and a few po-tay-toes that Chris and Taisa brought us!”
“Th-Thank you. I’m Sasha, by the way.” Her posture shifted, a bloom of confidence raising her spirits and filling her voice as she spoke. “That sounds good! Can you do three? My parents would probably love those.”
“Three? No problem, Sasha!” I whistled back, my tail swaying with exaggerated happiness as I dumped three, and a half, helpings of vegetables into the skillet with a burst of steam and the delicious sound of sizzling firefruit oil. If there was something I could do to help the refugees brave enough to leave the shelters feel more welcome then I’d do it without a thought!
“That smells astounding.” She commented, her voice carrying the familiar sound of an interested Human I’d grown to appreciate over the last few herds.
“Tastes even better.” I answered, swirling and tossing the rapidly browning chunks, shoots and leaves around the skillet before topping off three bowls and setting them on a broad stained-amarek tray. “I’ll be needing this back but it’d be a shame for you to spill your meal!”
“Thank you!” She replied, her voice beaming with positivity as she turned to root around in her bag. “How much are they?”
“Free of charge!” >No Need, Enjoy!< I whistled, holding my paw up to decline her payment. “Just happy to help.”
“Really?” She hesitated, her visor twitching to look down at the food. “You don’t want anything for them?”
“Nope, enjoy!” I whistled, doing my best to approximate a smile as she scooped the tray up from my counter. “Just make sure you come back to let me know what you think!”
“I’ll be sure to, thank you Taikel!” She called as she slowly walked away, carefully balancing the tray.
Just a little bit of light.
Memory Transcription Subject: Lentan, Venlil Head Exterminator, Heartwood River Exterminator Office
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 15th, 2136
It worked…
The chill air of night breathed through my wool as I stood at the front gate of the Night-ward Shelter. One of the ‘peace-keepers’ the U.N., assigned to help keep the facility safe, that stood close by my side kept quiet as I surveyed the buildings. I had thought Elena was exaggerating with the expediency the Humans could erect such structures but yet here I stood seeing it with my own eyes.
The buildings, excluding the materials at least, matched much of the new construction Heartwood had seen over the last few [Solar Years] which certainly helped quell some fears in town. The effort flattened some ears, won’t deny that, but that braying by Farzen and Marlek left a foul taste in my mouth. I thanked my parent’s stars that they were one last solid infraction away from my chance to dump them on another department for ‘regional training’ or whatever other reason I could make take root.
A pawful of Human families milled about the shelter’s common courtyard, bouncing with hushed voices of concerned adults drifting beneath the up-beat laughs and giggling squeals of playing children who either didn’t understand why they were here or wanted to ignore it as much as any one of us. Beautifully, there wasn’t a single empty room in the shelter. I’d double, triple and quadruple checked, it was at capacity and fully stocked but for a few Human-specific medicinal supplies Elena had informed me Crystal Star Shipping would be delivering at the end of this paw, once they were done with their other assigned tasks.
Thank the stars for her efforts. Now it's in Polani - and the fleet’s - paws to keep them safe. May her star shine ever brighter.
The gate swung open with a whispering, motorized whir, the peace-keeper in the gatehouse giving my escort an inscrutable nod from behind his visor as we passed. The conversation among the adults ceased as their visored eyes fell, pointedly, all around me. The excited calls of the children doubled down when they noticed me, the herd of excitedly curious, visored pups being held at bay by nothing more than the calls of their parents and the presence of my escort as they watched me plod a trail to one of the still-gleaming tables the Humans had gathered around.
I glanced around the herd- no, ‘pack’ was the correct word for Humans, I believe -gently bowing my head before I spoke. >Friend. Talk?< “Good Morning, I am Lentan, the local head exterminator. I trus-”
“Exterminator?” A low, almost hissed, voice burbled up from across the rubber coated metal, belonging to a broad Human male tossing his hands about in odd gestures as he spoke. “What do you want? Here to tell us to keep our ‘predatory claws’ away from your town?”
Is that Human hand language? Fascinating, perhaps Elena can teach me more.
I let out a small, placating laugh that tumbled from my snout as I shook my ears in the negative and held up my paws, doing my best to mimic Chris’ ‘no harm’ gesture I’d seen him use a pawful of times. “No, quite the opposite, actually.”
A surprised, almost oppressive silence settled across the table as a tide of visors stopped trying to look around me. “I’m here to check in on the shelter's progress and ensure you’ve been provided everything you need to settle in comfortably. Anything else you need you can either request through the U.N. or through me. Although it might be a more Venlilian version, I will try my utmost to ensure it is here as quickly as can be managed, given the circumstances.”
“Hell you care for?” The same Human asked, leaning forward to study me, his gruff voice sounding more like the river during the glacier-melt than a man. “Last I checked it was you’s guys that was comin’ to bomb us in the first place.”
“Sir please, I have no ill inten-”
“Oh?” Another voice from the pack spoke up to cut me off, higher pitched than the man and far closer to Elena in register than Chris, though the words beyond the translator were certainly different I could still feel the suspicion lacing them. “And how do we know you won’t just send your jackboots in to deal with us when you get the first excuse?”
“I assure you, as the person who offered Heartwood as a possible refugee center in the first place, that I’ve no such inclinations, ma’am.” I replied, my voice shearing past the mumbled agreements from the surrounding pack. “And so far I’m quite happy with that choice. I hope you all, should you choose to stay in the long term, can settle into Heartwood just as well as Christopher has managed.”
A wave of confused murmurs passed across the gathered pack, lurking beneath the calls of excitement from the playing children.
“If you would like me to leave I will happily abide.” I started, pulling their full attention back to me with a polite flick of my ears. “But, as I said, I simply wanted to ensure your facilities had everything you felt you needed. Heartwood is, keeping the U.N.’s- hmm -advice on interactions in mind, open for you all to visit. We have several wonderful restaurants, shops, the open forum and plenty of friendly coats that I am sure would be happy to help you, and your children, feel more at home in this… difficult time.”
The man and woman from earlier stayed quiet, their visors watching the children busying themselves with a black and white ball. Silence fell across the Humans in front of me as they stared at me from the sides of their visors, the blooming question of what they looked like sprouted in my mind before I cut it low. I doubted that was something they’d be comfortable doing with me at this point, all things considered. Stars, they’d probably worry I’d ’send in the jackboots’ as an overreaction. No, I’d ‘take the win’, as Elena put it, for now.
Nothing but the raucous sound of playing children, the building whispers of a nightward wind and the gravel shifting beneath the soles of uncertain feet filled the air as I waited for a response.
It did not come.
Very well then.
“Uh- hmm… with that I will leave you all to think it over. Please, do not be strangers, the town, and myself, are here to help.” I sighed, taking a step back as my escort turned to follow close behind, his posture as indecipherable as the face behind his visor.
As we walked toward the gate I heard one of the Human kids call out, something about keeping a head up. I thought it an odd piece of advice, given heads are usually up anyhow for most species, though I didn’t realize it was directed at me until it hit me.
With a solid thump and a hollow, rubbery pang the ball the children had been playing with had bounced off the side of my head, ruffling my wool and putting a persistent ring in my ear as it fell to the ground a few short tails ahead of me. My head was reeling as I shook the fog free from my mind only to find my escort bent over me trying to get my attention.
“Lenta- -ou oka-?”
I shook my head again, ruffling my wool out as the ringing faded and I pulled myself to my feet. The spots in my eyes faded with each rapid blink, a gentle paw rubbing at the stinging spot beneath my wool confirmed that my ear was most certainly still there despite the numbness. “Yes, yes, Peacekeeper Manzia I’m fine.”
“Good.” He stated, standing up and turning toward the, presumably, wide-eyed kids that had crowded around us.
Stars, how long was I on the ground?
“Who did it?”
A flurry of hands rose, pointing all around the pack at different children as a chorus of ‘He did!’ ‘No she did!’ ‘ Uh-uh he did!’s sang out. I stepped forward, tentatively picking up the ball and hefting it in my paws as I heard the sound of feet on gravel from the approaching parents undercut the children’s voice.
“If no one fesses up then you’ll lose the ball for the da-“
“Mr. Manzia, it’s quite alright.” I stated, stepping up to his side, ball in paw. “My chimes may have been blown about but it’s nothing a glass or two and a good meal at the Rekan can’t fix.”
The ball made the same twangy pang as it had against my skull as it bounced to the ground before I awkwardly kicked it over to the nearest pup. I wasn’t sure how you were supposed to kick this ball but that certainly wasn’t it. “Please, don’t stop your game on my account. I hope you all have a good rest of your paws.”
A mumbled wave of agreement passed over the adults as one of the children scooped up the ball and watched us make way for the gate once more.
Stars that one hurt.
Memory Transcription Subject: Rensa, Venlil Farmer & Ex-Exterminator, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 15th, 2136
Polani, please, hurry them home.
The cold Night winds called through the festival’s stalls like the distant howls of a nightside predator rasping against the windows of the Warren. The wafting tastes of cooling ovens and muffled whispers drifted through the air around us as Taikel and I settled down onto our Festival spread. Renkel happily pushed himself between us, letting out an upbeat beep of excitement as the bonfires by the basin side lit before his tail fell still and his ears swiveled to the empty space to Taikel’s left.
“She’s gonna be alright, Rekan.” I whispered, my tail tightening around Taikel’s as I passed a comforting paw through Renkel’s crown.
“They’ll be home before you know it.” Taikel affirmed, pulling us in a little closer to him before giving Renkel a reassuring nuzzle. “And I’m sure Chris’ family will love to meet you, Son.”
“I hope so…” Renkel all but whimpered, his paws worrying at his tail like Taisa had used to do when she was scared.
Like you used to do…
The lights strung through the stalls behind us tapered away to little more than a dim glow, casting long shadows across the ground around us before finally fading away to the black void of night. Kelthen’s long, drawn out whistle signaled across the silent basin, echoing for a few long moments before a hundred candles flickered to life along the shoreline. The flotilla of light cast off into the glimmering black waters of the basin, turning the flat, glass like surface into a mirror of the tapestry above us. This was our first festival where Taisa wasn’t here with us, through university, through her applications and through the job, and her blooming relationship, no matter what she was un-endingly excited for… she was still here for the festival.
But now she wasn’t.
And I understood it. As horrifying as it would be to the ‘me’ of only a few herds ago I understood. If they could manage to get another herd of Humans off Earth, another herd of people out of harm’s way then it would be worth it. If they could get Chris’ family, favoritism that it might well be, I’d still love to see them safe…
I hope so too, little Rekan, I hope so too.
Memory Transcription Subject: Ulmic, Gojid Exterminator, Heartwood River Exterminator Offices Rank: Honored Exterminator Officer
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 15th, 2136
Protector help me if I have to respond to another panicked ‘Human’ call from a shut-in gray-snout this paw I will lose it.
“No, Ma’am, the humans cannot ‘hypnotize us with their voices’. They just have a lower register than mo-.”
“But what if you’re wrong?! These humans-”
The grannie’s voice dissolves into a mess of whistling in my ears, and I breath a long… long sigh. This lady thought it was good and neighborly to tell me about some paranoid nonsense while I had a snout full of strabundt, clearly on my meal break given my noticeable lack of silver, and had barely given me the space to finish the wrap in my paws.
“Ma’am, if they could do that, then-” I tried to calm her just as I was saved by the blessed beeping of my alarm, “Oh dear, look at the time, that must be the office! It has been lovely chatting with you, but I really should take this call!”
She fumbled about in her tail pouch for a moment, pulling her pad free and opening it to reveal one of Rux’s ridiculous articles about how ‘Humans can hypnotize you with a glance’. “But what about this! Rux says he has proof!
“Uh huh.”
“A-And I’ve seen them do it! That predator here in town! There’s no way so many of my herd would fall to him if they couldn’t!” She all but squealed, following me toward the edge of the Forum while tapping insistently at her pad and a video from outside of the Rekan at the last ‘Music Night’. “You have to look into it, it's true!”
“Absolutely.” I answered around the meal pack I was very deliberately securing before slinging it across my shoulder with a grunt. “Yep. I’ll make sure the office will see right to it, Ma’am. Have a good paw, now.”
Hoo! Blessed be, thank the Guide that’s over with.
Night’s cold, whispering winds were at my back as I quickly padded out of the forum, howling through Heartwood and lifting golden leaves to dance through long shadows cast by streetlights. Cold had never really bothered me, not that it ever got this cold in Dawn Creek, but I was certainly feeling it this paw as the lingering warmth of Bernia’s Starrise Simmer rested comfortably in my belly. Bernia and I had come to agree, after the last herd or so of paws, that Heartwood was the right move, not just for me but for us!
Well. Despite the News.
The arrival of this new wave of Humans was slightly unsettling; I’m not ashamed to admit I was ready to douse some fires, but even with a whole pack of humans at our gate Heartwood was still so… Calm. Dawn Creek wasn’t so bad, not before the humans showed up, but even on its best days I had to check my tank the next waking. Here, I feel like I don’t even need to carry it! Something about a town as small as this just feels so right. I wouldn’t call myself a ‘local’, not now and not for a while yet, but I could certainly see us staying long enough for it, even if the Humans stuck around. Still, I couldn’t banish the nagging worry in my gut about them.
Cool wind rippled through my quills as I tugged my suit back up over my shoulders, hauling the zipper shut while I thought of last waking’s briefing that flicked through my mind. Despite the dreadful duo’s complaints Lentan had been adamant that he’d planned for everything and was more than willing to ‘accept the risk’ of helping another sapient being to avoid extinction; predator or not. The Office was split, but I was surprised to find myself agreeing with him! He wasn’t wrong, the Humans, from the token few I’d met and seen on the holo-screens, seemed barely any different from the rest of us. Protector preserve us, but Bernia and I had even taken a liking to some of their shows!
It was odd, even a little worrying sometimes, watching these things - these people - I knew to be predators showing emotion, feelings, concern for their friends, families, their fellows, even animals… Feelings that I knew all too well myself! After all my [Solar Years] of work in the Office I found myself deciding a predator, a sapient one at that, should not only be allowed to exist but had as much of a right to it as the rest of us did.
Every passing paw brought more news from the U.N. about the extermination fleet’s progress as they made their seemingly inevitable march toward Earth. I couldn't help but feel we held some responsibility to make sure the ones that ran, like Bernia and I would have, had somewhere to run to. Even if it made me uncomfortable.
The Federation I’d known and grown up in felt so far away every time I watched FedCom broadcasts about the fleet, all that pilot-lighting about a people who’d professed nothing but a want for peace. For a people who still hadn’t hurt anyone, on VP at least. The loss of the Cradle still hung heavy on my heart but I couldn’t blame the Humans for it after the videos I’d seen of their soldiers putting themselves between civilians and Them.
The steps of my new office met my feet before I knew it, lifting me from my pondering as I walked up the paw-hewn slabs of swirling valley-stone to the broad, dark-wood doors. I shook the cold from my joints as I stepped in from my second meal break, quickly met by the drifting sounds of a pair of paws hard - who am I kidding - hardly working in the locker room reaching my ears.
They were listening to that idiot again. Kurlek and his absolutely idiotic ‘against the herd’ program Farzen had become so infatuated with that she was still trying her hardest to pull Marlek in with her. There was a time when even naming your show that would’ve been cause for an investigation.
“During all this my dear viewers, we have to ask a simple question: How? How has a predator managed to gain this much support from our Federation leadership, so much that eleven leaders have fallen for their lies of supposed peace?! Sure, Tarva is understandable, she has always been a weak and ineffectual leader riding on the backfur of the incompetent previous administration; but those eleven included Kolshian leader Nikonous himself! How could the humans gain such support?”
Oh this ought to be good.
“Well my fellow herdseekers, it’s the same reason so many Venlil are in support of the Exchange Program: Clearly the predators can force predatory taint to be spread through their gaze alone! What is more likely? That thousands of Venlil and major trusted leaders of the Federation have simultaneously come down with predator disease, or that the scorched flesh eaters have some way to force prey to their will via gaze alone!”
How does that even make sense? They wear visors.
“Luckily for all of us watching, we might soon be talking about this in theory, as 38 species managed to come to their senses and are attempting to save us from the predators on our streets! Hopefully after their inevitable victory the sight of forward facing eyes and blood soaked fangs will be forgotten history. We’ll be back with a special guest after a word from our sponsor!”
Guide save me, a few herds ago and I might have agreed with this idiot.
An upbeat jingle played as an advertisement for some schlock supplement or another claiming to ‘keep you safe from the predator’s gaze’ spewed from the speakers of Farzen’s pad. Had that been what I’d actually thought? The kinds of things I would have agreed with before all this? Just flippantly deciding to condemn an entire race to death for sins they can’t even atone for? For things we only thought they might do?
“Stars above we’re in deep.” Marlek sighed, torquing the nozzle on the flamer in his paws down tight with a whistley grunt before continuing. “Hopefully the fleet does its job.”
“Before long we’ll be free of it all again, treated like the heroes we actually are. Deluded fools, the lot of them. Can’t even smell the taint beneath their snouts; were it up to me we’d’ve burned that wretched thing before it even stepped off the shuttle. If we weren’t stuck here I’d b-be…” Farzen’s voice stumbled as she harvested a glance over her shoulder, seeing me standing in the doorway, my posture, presumably, displeased.
“Go on. You’d be what?
“I-In the fleet.” She finished, the Nevok’s gleaming claws tightening around the flamer in her grasp as she let out a wary honk. “Doing what we’re supposed to do.”
“You mean what you want to do. Don’t conflate your desire to destroy what offends you with what our purpose is.” I growled, jabbing my claw down into the table at the reminder of why I’d been hired. “It’s like you two fuel huffers want a war. Is that what you want? Just so you can have your vindication?!
The worst kind of Exterminator, a self-centered one. I’d happily take the extra desk work if it meant Lentan firing these idiots.
Silence filled the gear room, the pair didn’t say a word, just staring back at me with barely restrained disdain plain on their features as I straightened my back and turned around. “You’ve still got more maintenance checks and requisition orders to do. Lentan has authorized me to put you two back on field duty if you complete them on-time, correctly.”
Not brokering a response I took a few steadfast steps across the hardwood floors back out into the office proper as the whining complaints of Kurlek spilled into the air accompanied by the measured responses of whatever wool-brained ‘scientist’ he’d decided to invite on.
Warmongering hate-filled idiots that’ve done far more harm to this office than good. Waste of a good set of suits.
I shook my head as I turned towards Lentan’s office, a new purpose in mind beside my end-of-shift report.
Disgusting. Bound to be a better way than this.
Memory Transcription Subject: Taikel, Venlil Farmer, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 15th, 2136
If only they’d just turn ‘round and go home.
The hollow howling of Night’s returning winds roared overhead, whipping at the hanging lights and loose decorations strung from the rafters flailed about wildly. When I’d been a pup my Papa had told stories about pups he grew up being whisked away to the night because they didn’t pay attention; I’d realized they were just a way to scare me to be safe pretty quickly, but they certainly worked for a few [Solar Years]! Pup-stealing or not, these winds were still an inevitable force that always felt like they’d never end, their tugging claws stymied only by the wind-breaks and a healthy dose of caution.
Just as inevitable as that damnable fleet.
More news from the U.N. had come, and it was far from good. The Humans had pulled into themselves the last few paws, barely leaving their shelters as that final bit of weight finally settled onto them. Stars, aside from Sasha only a paw-full of Humans had popped by last waking to say a quick hello before picking up a few meals of their own and disappearing again.
Taisa and Chris were still gone, off doing everything they could to help before the inevitable finally arrived. They hadn’t come back at the end of their ‘shift’ last paw, electing to stay as long as they could manage before it all came apart. My heart had nearly turned to ice when she told us they were staying to help the Mercy with her last trip, promising to be out of harm's way before the fleet arrived.
That little tumbling stone in my stomach had grown heavier and heavier over the last few claws since, remembering the horror I’d felt when they’d returned from the Cradle. The sight of my daughter’s pride and joy beaten, scorched and toasted, the stains on the deck and her. In my heart I knew there was no way to get her to change her mind, for all that timidity she’d had when she was a pup she was still her mother’s daughter and Stars help me if I’d ever tried to get either of them to drop something, once they’d gotten their claws into it.
For now though, it wouldn’t do me any good to worry my tail off on it; Rensa was at my side helping to finish the prep-work for this paw’s cleaning, and Renkel was safely in class for at least another half-claw or so. Other than the odd sale and the howling wind it was unusually quiet for this time of the festival, not that that wasn’t without good reason but it was still far too… unnerving.
A skillet’s clang against the table at my side cut through the festival’s silence as my love let out an unbelieving gasp. I found Rensa leaned against the table, her pad in one paw as the other gripped tight against where her leg met her prosthetic. There were tears in her eyes as she dropped the pad to the table at my side, rushing forward to wrap her paws around me as tight as she ever had. A hard, wracking sob poured from her snout as she bawled into my wool, the prosthetic buckling a little beneath her as I pulled her tighter into the hug, doing my best to comfort her, even if I didn’t know the source of her anguish.
She was rambling, babbling and sputtering incoherently into my wool as soaking tears poured free like an open flood gate. The weight in my gut grew, pulling at my heartstrings with the weight of the world. I'd only seen her like this a few times before, when she’d lost her parents and when she’d finally cracked after being injured. Rensa didn’t crack easy.
Then I saw it, the message on the screen from Taisa.
And my heart stopped.
First Prev. Next
submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 19:59 Much-Ad-6222 Need advice for beginner project

A little about me - I’m an immigrant student and I think I chose an MSc course I wasn’t cut out for. Now I am really focusing on passing it to either get a job/do a better masters. So I come here for advice I desperately need and hope would get help - I have a GIS course and require to make a final project on qgis on any environmental problem and fit in functionalities taught to us. I’ll list the functionalities below. Could anyone please give me ideas? It would really help to have a simple and effective project and would greatly help my grade bcs this is probably one of the few chances I have to improve my grade. I’m sorry I just never got the hang of GIS (my major is sustainability studies). But I still need to pass the course. Thanks in advance :)
Basics of QGIS user interface, Plugins, Map navigation, How to manage data from different data sources: shapefiles, GeoPackage, SpatiaLite CSV data input. Creating a new vector dataset Data import from CSV files Temporary layers Select/copy/paste Attribute table Expressions Create a new dataset Digitizing feature geometries Vector data symbology Use map symbology to convey information (vector data - part 1) Character encoding (ASCII, ISO8859 character tables, Unicode, UTF-8) Vector layer filtering Vector data classification Creating a printable map - create a printable map of an area of a country showing also its position in an overview map Map layouts Expressions Map decorations Grid Raster data visualization and analysis how to load raster data styles for raster layers raster clipping how to create slope, exposure, and shading how to reclassify a raster zonal statistics zonal histogram Vector data analysis - selection of an area that fulfills multiple criteria creating a grid create a set of random points count points in polygons filtering CRS conversion buffering intersection select by location extract by location Combining raster and vector analysis Raster calculator:
("slope@1" >15) AND ("slope@1" < 60) AND ("aspect@1" > 45) AND ("aspect@1" < 135) AND ("Rainfall_clipped30@1" > 1000) Georeferencing Usual procedure, Entering ground control points (GCPs) Defining the transformation settings Available Transformation algorithms Define the Resampling method Define the transformation settings Show and adapt raster properties Configure the georeferencer Running the transformation Joining data from several layers (attribute based) Join by attribute Layer and project variables Using variables in expressions Joining data from several layers (position based) different kind of join by attribute join by position comparison with raster sampling and raster zonal statistics
And a few more will be taught (which i don’t know yet)
submitted by Much-Ad-6222 to QGIS [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 03:48 CherryLax Suggestion/Ideas dump

I know there is a discord channel for this but I am specifically interested in hearing feedback on these ideas. Also I've had so many thoughts and I want to commit them to writing before I forget.
Minor spoilers for Kerfur upgrade.
Most wanted:
  1. Multiplayer (I'm sure it's been mentioned but this is my most wanted feature of all)
  2. Colorblind mode please!! I can't tell if the polarity and frequency are enabled by just looking at the colors. I also can't tell when drives are written or not without having to get close and hovering over them to read the popup. Downed servers are easier to detect but only because the light is flashing
  3. Vertical drive racks
  4. Resizable GUI and HUD and console text
  5. Press up arrow to go through command history just like in any normal command prompt
  6. HUD element backgrounds/backdrops for better readability
  7. Equipable watch item to add time to HUD
  8. Module/upgrade for "Overlap Protection" to make the yellow Save Signal button obsolete and to prevent you from scanning a new signal before you've saved the one you've just completed.
  9. Placing drives from your hand/inventory onto the drive slots should load the drive immediately
  10. There should be an action to take a drive from a rack and put it right into your hand
  11. You should be able to reach the drive slot for processing while sitting in the chair
  12. A couple default textures for each custom item. Maybe some flags with Ariral logos or
  13. A Retrieve option that would serve as an opposite to the Place command, allowing you to pull whatever is highlighted in a container with a single button press
  14. Sortable containers and inventories (name, volume, and quantity)
  15. Digital wall clocks
Would be nice:
  1. 'sv.time' command to print the current time on the console
  2. '' to show a crude ASCII map
  3. Allow TVs to access camera feeds
  4. Key fob for ATV to remotely honk the horn and find it when it's lost. I know you can use the radar and targeting but this would be more immersive
  5. A way to see signal and processing process in the HUD (I thought it would be funny to have a brain implant that you wear to connect you to the computer)
  6. A quick food dispenser that you can load up and put in your fridge. Then when you use it you get one food item from inside
  7. Catch fish and put them in an aquarium
  8. Dedicated wallpaper and carpet items that are easier to align than posters
  9. Advanced poster placement that allows for fine precision
  10. Squirrels, rabbits, frogs, and stray cats running around outside
  11. Woodpeckers too
  12. Lava lamp
  13. Small land based drone on wheels with better battery life than the flying drone
  14. Newspaper delivery
  15. Robotic plushie that walks around the base
  16. Omega Kerfur dance option
  17. Even more lighting options like a ceiling light, purchasable candles, a disco ball, and a blacklight
  18. Doorstop
  19. Wall mounted storage similar to medicine cabinets
  20. An underground escape tunnel out of the base
  21. A push cart/dolly that you can basically drive around and use to carry extra stuff. Probably would be a bit unreliable to make it balanced
  22. Bedsheets and pillows, body pillows too
  23. Galaxy light for your bedroom
  24. Purchasable software update for the control center to give it a slick new interface (perhaps more prone to crashes though)
  25. Computer monitor upgrade
  26. Pedometer to track how many steps you've taken (just for fun)
  1. The first action for Omega Kerfur should be Follow so when I'm spamming I don't have to turn it off then on then make it fix a transformer
  2. Cameras should or could have a lower frame rate to make them be less resource heavy and as an added bonus make them creepier. The only lag spikes I've had have been when kerfur's camera is on the computer
  3. The emergency beacon lights should go off more frequently. Like just a pulse or two when the transformers go down
  4. Make Kerfur calm tf down a little. It's so tough to keep him under control when he's following you
  5. When you ship a box with no drives you get an email saying the data was not sufficient instead of one saying that there was no data. If you receive an email from doing this maybe it should be something off the wall like someone ranting about politics, or office drama, or lore related stuff
  6. The CRT TV should have a toggle that crops the aspect ratio to 4:3 rather than stretching the video
  7. The radial menu option is cool but it should still show the popup that lists the available options
  8. Wall items have odd shadows when placed next to a wall lamp
  9. Nails should have a different sound to indicate that you've successfully nailed two things together
  10. Change the icon for the button that resets Kerfur's pathing. It's not clear what it does and it looks like an undo button when it should be a pause button imo
  1. Make the clocks show weird times or start a countdown
  2. Give the clocks an alarm that randomly goes off and needs to be stopped manually
  3. Make Kerfur become possessed once in a while
  4. Control center chair spins around
  5. Psychedelic mushrooms that randomly alter your vision when eaten
  6. Alien broadcasts taking over the TVs
  7. Drive eraser starts spewing out cassette tape strings
  8. Rooms appear to get smaller
  9. Different noises for pinecones falling. Maybe grass rustling or twigs breaking. Just anything that doesn't sound like a fucking table falling out of a tree every 3 minutes
  10. Utility closet becomes an infinite corridor
  11. Elevator malfunction that launches you up or drops really quickly
  12. Murals and wallpaper appear to be melting
  13. Radar goes extra fast
  14. Some tantalizing item appears on the parking lot out by the bunker but when you go outside it's gone
  15. Arirals dangle something in front of the window to scare you but then there's a loud noise behind you
  16. Decoration lights are too reliable, they should flicker or turn off once in a while
  17. Shrimp come to life if left out too long and make their way to the river
  18. Administration office could use some flickering lights or strange noises
  19. Doorbell/buzzer
  20. Security cameras point at you when you get near
  21. Shower in the control room turns on randomly
  22. Time dilation bubbles that cause things to slow down in a small area
  23. Mannequin falls apart when you get close
  24. Arirals fill your shopping cart on the computer with shrimp but they don't send the order
  25. Nokia electronic trash starts ringing or vibrating
submitted by CherryLax to Voicesofthevoid [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 17:59 LightningLemonade7 Unable to get both access and refresh cookies in http only cookies

I'm creating a Django jwt authentication web app and I am trying to get both access and refresh tokens via HTTP-only cookies. But the front end can only get the refresh token, not the access token so I can't log in.
Frontend is done in React and I have used {withCredentials: true} yet I only get a refresh token, not the access token file ```` import jwt, datetime from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.utils import timezone from django.conf import settings from rest_framework import exceptions from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication, get_authorization_header
User = get_user_model()
secret_key = settings.SECRET_KEY
class JWTAuthentication(BaseAuthentication): def authenticate(self, request): auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()
 if auth and len(auth) == 2: token = auth[1].decode('utf-8') id = decode_access_token(token) user = User.objects.get(pk=id) return (user, None) raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated') 
def create_access_token(id): return jwt.encode({ 'user_id': id, 'exp': + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60), 'iat': }, 'access_secret', algorithm='HS256')
def decode_access_token(token): try: payload = jwt.decode(token, 'access_secret', algorithms='HS256') return payload['user_id'] except: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated')
def create_refresh_token(id): return jwt.encode({ 'user_id': id, 'exp': + datetime.timedelta(days=10), 'iat': }, 'refresh_secret', algorithm='HS256')
def decode_refresh_token(token): try: payload = jwt.decode(token, 'refresh_secret', algorithms='HS256') return payload['user_id'] except: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated') ```` file ```` import random import string from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from .models import UserTokens, PasswordReset
from django.http import JsonResponse from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed from rest_framework.authentication import get_authorization_header from rest_framework import permissions, status, generics from .serializers import UserSerializer from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.views import View from django.conf import settings from .authentication import JWTAuthentication, create_access_token, create_refresh_token, decode_access_token, decode_refresh_token from rest_framework import exceptions
import jwt, datetime from django.utils import timezone from django.core.mail import send_mail
User = get_user_model()
secret_key = settings.SECRET_KEY
class RegisterView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post(self, request): try: data = email = data.get('email') email = email.lower() if email else None first_name = data.get('first_name') last_name = data.get('last_name') password = data.get('password')
 is_staff = data.get('is_staff') if is_staff == 'True': is_staff = True else: is_staff = False is_superuser = data.get('is_superuser') team = data.get('team') gender = data.get('gender') employment_type = data.get('employment_type') work_location = data.get('work_location') profile_picture = data.get('profile_picture') if (is_staff == True): user = User.objects.create_superuser(email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, password=password) message = 'Admin account created successfully!' else: user = User.objects.create_user(email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, password=password, team=team, gender=gender, employment_type=employment_type, work_location=work_location, profile_picture=profile_picture, is_superuser=is_superuser) message = 'Employee account created successfully!' return Response({'success': message}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) except KeyError as e: return Response({'error': f'Missing key: {e}'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) 
class UserView(APIView): def get(self, request): token = request.COOKIES.get('jwt')
 if not token: raise AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated!') try: payload = jwt.decode(token, secret_key, algorithm=['HS256']) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: raise AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated!') user = User.objects.filter(id=payload['id']).first() serializer = UserSerializer(user) return Response( 
class RetrieveUserView(APIView): def get(self, request, format=None): try: user = request.user user_serializer = UserSerializer(user)
 return Response({'user':}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) except Exception as e: return Response({'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) 
class LoginAPIView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post(self, request): email =['email'] password =['password']
 user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() if user is None: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid username or passowrd') if not user.check_password(password): raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid username or passowrd') access_token = create_access_token( refresh_token = create_refresh_token( UserTokens.objects.create( user_id =, token = refresh_token, expired_at = + datetime.timedelta(days=10) ) response = Response() response.set_cookie(key='refresh_token', value=refresh_token, httponly=True) = { 'token': access_token } return response 
class UserAPIView(APIView): authentication_classes = [JWTAuthentication]
def get(self, request): return Response(UserSerializer(request.user).data) 
class RefreshAPIView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post(self, request): refresh_token = request.COOKIES.get('refresh_token') id = decode_refresh_token(refresh_token)
 if not UserTokens.objects.filter( user_id = id, token = refresh_token, expired_at__gt = ).exists(): raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Unauthintiated') access_token = create_access_token(id) return Response({ 'token': access_token }) 
class LogoutAPIView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post (self, request): refresh_token = request.COOKIES.get('refresh_token') UserTokens.objects.filter(token = refresh_token).delete()
 response = Response() response.delete_cookie(key='refresh_token') = { 'message': 'success' } return response 
class ForgotAPIView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post(self, request): email =['email'] token = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
 PasswordReset.objects.create( email =['email'], token = token ) url = 'http://localhost:5173/reset/' + token send_mail( subject='Reset Your Password!', message='Click  here  to reset your password' % url, from_email="", recipient_list=[email] ) return Response({ "message": "Password Reset Success" }) 
class ResetAPIView(APIView): @csrf_exempt def post(self, request): data =
 if data['password'] != data['password_confirm']: raise exceptions.APIException('Passwords do not match') reset_password = PasswordReset.objects.filter(token=data['token']).first() if not reset_password: raise exceptions.APIException('Invalid Link') user = User.objects.filter( if not user: raise exceptions.APIException('User Not Found') user.set_password(data['password']) return Response({ "message": "Password Reset Success" }) 
** file** from rest_framework import serializers from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model User = get_user_model()
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = ["id", "email", "first_name", "last_name", "is_staff", "is_superuser", "team", "gender", "employment_type", "work_location", "profile_picture", "password"] extra_kawargs = { 'password': {'write_only': True} }
def create(self, validated_data): password = validated_data.pop('password', None) instance = self.Meta.model(**validated_data) if password is not None: instance.set_password(password) return instance 
Upon trying to log in it gives:
GET 403 (Forbidden)
It seems like the issue is in the UserAPIView or RefreshAPI
submitted by LightningLemonade7 to django [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 18:07 colbin8r CW Manage injecting HTML to status change email notifications

We have status change notifications set up on our Manage service boards that email the customer when a ticket is put into a few specific statuses. We have custom HTML templates written to do this.
Sometime last week, Manage began preprending our template with some hard-coded HTML, which causes these emails to render as blank in legacy Outlook for Windows (OWA, Outlook mobile, Outlook for macOS, and new Outlook still render it okay). Of course, the HTML that's injected makes the total HTML invalid, so not surprising Outlook for Windows chokes on it.
Has anybody else encountered this or aware of how to disable this? Here's the HTML getting prepended:

And then of course after our template follows as normal, with it's own DOCTYPE, tag, etc.
Things we've tried with no luck:
  • Adding the [responsedelimiter] token to our template explicitly
  • Changing our DOCTYPE and html tag to match what Manage is injecting
  • Reverting to old HTML templates
submitted by colbin8r to msp [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 09:33 stainlessstorm1 Both chat gpt and copilot agree that this says "Honda".

Both chat gpt and copilot agree that this says submitted by stainlessstorm1 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 02:59 TheRedMagician Writing: Netrunner cracking into the Architecture at the BD bar 'Styx'

Hey chooms. I think a lot of folks have a tough time visualizing what netrunning 'looks like' and wanted to share this bit of writing I did. I will break down what the "actual" architecture was at the bottom of the post and the actions I took in-game as a means to compare the flavorful text to the actual in-game language.
Either way, I hope you enjoy reading some flavorful goodness about my Runner!
The Netrunner heads to the Styx dressed down but still armed with her trusty Pink and purple Militech Boomer Buster replete with more charms and keychains than is recommended for one of the most deadly handguns on the market. Also, a similarly decorated and cute mono katana pops out brightly against the drab dark blue of the Navy Jersey Jumpsuit and gunmetal yoga pants she donned for the mission. She is thankful that her clothing has modern climate adaptability so she can stay warm despite being somewhat underdressed and puffs on a vape pen approaching the spot. Cameras. On the corners of the two-story building. There used to be more floors above it, but it is a cruel twisted skeleton of rebar, I-beams, and crumbling brickwork now. Even in the morning, there are people crowded around this spot, maybe not as much as in the evening, but enough to think this spot is popular. Two months open, was it? Alleys. Both sides. Dirty. She exhales pepperoni pizza-flavored fog puts on a half-assed blue ice impression and stumbles towards an alley. One good thing about the cold is how epic it makes the plumes of pizza perfume look and she feels like a rockstar.

More Cameras. Back corners as well. ‘I’m just a blue ice-head stumbling down an alley. Nobody mind me~’ Back door? Abel didn’t mention that… Where does it go? Cameras could move, but aren’t. A convenient blind spot over this back door makes for some nice cover to scan for access points and - Bingo. Freezing cold, stinking trash, and piles of worthless scrap in the shade still baring frost fade into the background. Only the taste of spicy salami smoke on her tongue remains as the AR overlay of the architecture flashes into her vision and vacant ally is just a blurry background superimposed upon. Memes and images and colors and smoke envelop her and she becomes the Avatar. The Media shower itself.

Smoky tendrils of pixelated lols coil into spring-loaded worms at the ready and a brilliant barrier made of reddit gold and silver protects her brain from ice and zaps. Glowing eyes shine and spill forth a flood of light as bland code and featureless corridors are bathed and coated in understanding as her pathfinder programs create an airtight image of the archtetchture. It, unsurprisingly, mirrors the real world and as the painted light is still drying a digital representation of the BD bar itself comes into clearer focus. The ground is a dark mossy green sluice of data flowing from the pool that is the lobby onward. Unwary and unskilled netrunners would be wading through the cold dark waters unsure of what lurks beneath, but the Media Shower is a Brilliant Electronic Elemental who hovers forward confidently as flaming wisps of meme data crisp off and flicker into nothingness.

Floor one. Copse of trees on the shoreline that look out of place. Password. Four glowing windows shine just beyond the neatly knitted branches. Glimpses of meatspace and the corners of the building. Outdoor Camera access. One cyclonic hand rises up and disperses the worm programs which scintillate every hue as they eat through the passworded barrier like a pair of hungry hungry caterpillars. Security data is shredded and blown into the air like a chainsaw to a glitter-filled piniata. Trees wilt and crack into dust as the luminescent confetti dyes the dark mossy waters into a rainbow oil slick. The Media Shower has been bere. Precious babies return happy, re-coiling around their master’s arm, but never sated until all passwords are devoured. Ignore. I’ve seen what it looks like outside. Edgerunner nerves let the overlay of the Netarc fade and MS glances around at the ally. She remembers how cold her nose is and takes a quick puff of sweet sweet pepperoni. Still nobody around with mentioning. Just a gonk enjoying some blue ice and spacing out. She blinks once.

Second floor. More trees. Another Password. Tougher trees. Why isn’t there any ICE in this architecture? Isn’t this something that Rogue backed up? Tougher trees just mean more time. Time, apparently, MS has and eventually, the mossy sluice begins to glow brighter as tendrils of oil-slick rainbow follow in her wake. ‘I can clean that up later.’ She smirks while feeling the warmth of rainbow worms like a scarf around her neck. ‘It’s freaking cold.’ Her neural link begins to warm her whole meat body after the effort of breaking through that password. Still not breaking a sweat. The mound of confetti is sucked up into the maelstrom of memes and MS’s soft serve body has sprinkles for a bit until they too are added to the repository that is her cyberdeck, her mind, herself.

"Indoor cameras? Every room? That’s naughty. Let’s watch.” Lounging in the net, MS resembles a security guard staring down 13 simultaneous camera feeds as over a month of data from each one is casually mainlined. Her avatar eats each month of footage like it was a scoop of kibble from the box. Her meat shivers and she takes another hit liking what she sees. ‘Do you really have that much time to sit around and watch people jerking off to BD?’ The fluffy furry rainbow worms coiled around her neck whisper. We smell more passwords.’ A sigh that tastes like extra cheese and garlicy tomato sauce wakes her back up.

One glance at the far end of the river of data reveals a curious strange cliff face. She already knows there is treasure inside due to her brilliant light illuminating everything ahead of time. The worms don’t wait and begin their assault and carve away stone flailing. Precious rainbow confetti, chewed up and disrespected security data, comes at a premium but it is coming. Slowly.

“Can’t you smoke that shit somewhere else?”

Who the fuck said that? Meat is shoved out of the way. Worms continue to flail at cold stone, finally cracking open the alcove hiding delicious data inside. Fucking meat. Fucking… Fucking people. A blink and a thought and the overlay is almost transparent as MS looks around in meatspace. confetti, chewed up and disrespected security data, comes at a premium but it is coming. Slowly.

“Whatever, choom. Just go do it somewhere else.”“Yeah, yeah man. Sounds good, choom.” And she walks away in the general direction as a door opens and closes behind her. She keeps up the act while the indicator on her hud complains that the connection is getting weaker. She’s getting too far from the access point. She stops and leans against the wall taking one more deep breath of pep. Blinks.

A brilliant silver skull is being held before her and begs to be taken. Precious prizes for hard work. She casts her all-seeing eye over it and the contents of the bauble are made clear. It is absorbed into her being with all the other memes. She grows that much more. That much bigger. But she’s not done yet. That runner will jack in any minute and there is more. Her rainbow stain on the Net Arc is unmistakable, but not to worry. The sexy Tornado of pixelated power rushes to the final floor, a waiting pool where the data drains down into a swamp. It is surrounded by walls of incredibly large rib bones. In the center floating above the swirling pool is another silver skull. She reaches out, ribs reach forward. The worms fly into the distance.

Netrunner guy hasn’t even taken his hand off of the door handle or greeted his coworkers yet. MS was warming up to the point she felt a bead of sweat on the back of her neck. The worms were working, but they were tired. Finally, the claw-like ribs relent and the worms subdue them and the skull is hers for the taking. Another scan with her all-seeing eye and a smile. ‘There are more rooms. And more BDs as well. Secret ones. And look at all these pretty people and pretty numbers. This will due fine.’ The skull is sucked into the swirling mass of data that is the media shower and she looks behind herself in the architecture and it looks like someone went on a bender drinking and snorting pure unfiltered rainbow and vomited it all back up again. Mossy green sluice of water now looked like some kind of toxic pool of every color. Walls of stone and trees were torn and shredded and spraypainted like a graffiti paradise. She loved that, but it wouldn’t do. Not this time. One deep breath and a fiery burst of flaming light torches the whole architecture. Everything is charred and scarred, cloaked in darkness, but as the ash falls it looks completely untouched. As it was. As it ‘ought to be’. A single little sliver of colorful liquid mingles among the cold waters. Doubtful anyone would notice that. Whatever, let them come. Then the gun can do the talking. A final caress of the furry worms that always serve so faithfully and lovingly derezzed and with a flourish of a middle finger on one hand and a rude ‘fist pumping gesture’ with the other at the nothingness of the architecture, The shower dissipates into nothing.

“Fuck it’s cold!” MS whines and takes a few more hits of fake blue-ice and stumbles back to the front of the property before walking in.
--- End ----
I won't bother you with a write-up of the entire session to keep it focused on the net running bit.
The architecture was a quick one. No ICE. I suspect it is the more 'public facing' one and the one with all the plot stuff we need for our mission is hidden a bit further in the building somewhere. My Keeper of Digital Lore (What we have deemed our GM out of mutual love for CoC), runs net arcs in a cool way and it changes up, but can all be broken down easily.
Arcitecture - BD Bar (STYX) As Discovered by Media Shower
Lobby: I imagine it like being on the 'outside looking in' sometimes.

Floor 1 :
Password //// Node: Outdoor Cameras
(Also other mundane misc nodes if they are needed for whatever reason. We hand wave those nodes a lot.

Floor 2 :
Password //// Node: Indoor Cameras
Password //// File

Floor 3 :
Password //// File.

You could consider each floor's 'password protected' files/nodes as being a small branch that has an additional single parallel floor that contains the node/file, etc. That is the rules-explorer in me that also wants to understand how architectures work 'according to the rules'. I think it makes sense that files and certain nodes would be protected individually in some cases. Ready for some busted ASCII?
Main --- Branch(es) L 1 (P) --- (N) 2 (P) (P) --- (N) (F) 3 (P) -------(F)
That is how I'd draw it out roughly on paper. Floor one is "only" a password, but it continues down to the second floor and also branches to parallel floor 1 with a node. Kind of a side note here, but sometimes I envision passwords 'in-between' floors sometimes. Using the elevator allegory implies a door and they are usually locked. Even if the elevator door opens, the password is a barrier of some kind that needs to be overcome before you enter the 'room' so to speak. Its neither here not there. Nitty gritty that ultimately doesn't affect the greater fun.
So how my runner played her turns is fairly clear from the story I hope, but basically I jacked in, rezzed two worm programs and an armor program and took a pathfinder action. (Interface 7 baby, Getting into the big leagues!) Crushed my pathfinder roll and ID'd the whole architecture passwords and all.
Proceeded to drop down floors, backdoor passwords, control nodes, and eye-dee files. Rolled a cloak check at the end after snatching up the files. Meta, there was 'supposed' to be a netrunner in that architecture, but I went at a time before they were in to work so I could basically lounge back and throw backdoors with +11 (Int 7, 2xWorm@+2) at them until they cracked open. I have plenty of toys to deal with a runner and ICE as well, but that will be for next time when I find the real net arc lurking in the basement or something.
Hope you liked the story and my image of netrunning!
*Edited a few times because copy and paste aren't playing nice with formatting and stuff. Sorry about that.

submitted by TheRedMagician to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 21:24 Tomasin19 IP Adapter problem

Hey guys,

A few days ago, IP adapter was working fine. Now, everytime I try to use it, I get this error:
*** Error running process: E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\modules\", line 718, in process
script.process(p, *script_args)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 1143, in process
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 1128, in controlnet_hack
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 969, in controlnet_main_entry
controls, hr_controls = list(zip(*[preprocess_input_image(img) for img in input_images]))
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 969, in
controls, hr_controls = list(zip(*[preprocess_input_image(img) for img in input_images]))
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 936, in preprocess_input_image
detected_map, is_image = self.preprocessor[unit.module](
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 80, in decorated_func
return cached_func(*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 64, in cached_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 37, in unified_preprocessor
return preprocessor_modules[preprocessor_name](*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\", line 392, in clip
clip_encoder[config] = ClipVisionDetector(config, low_vram)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\annotator\clipvision\", line 115, in __init__
sd = torch.load(file_path, map_location=self.device)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\modules\", line 108, in load
return load_with_extra(filename, *args, extra_handler=global_extra_handler, **kwargs)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\modules\", line 156, in load_with_extra
return unsafe_torch_load(filename, *args, **kwargs)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 809, in load
return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 1172, in _load
result = unpickler.load()
File "C:\Users\Schneider\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 1213, in load
File "C:\Users\Schneider\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 1254, in load_binpersid
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 1142, in persistent_load
typed_storage = load_tensor(dtype, nbytes, key, _maybe_decode_ascii(location))
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 1116, in load_tensor
wrap_storage=restore_location(storage, location),
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 1086, in restore_location
return default_restore_location(storage, str(map_location))
File "E:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui-directml\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 220, in default_restore_location
raise RuntimeError("don't know how to restore data location of "
RuntimeError: don't know how to restore data location of (tagged with privateuseone:0)
I have an AMD RX580 with DirectML and I'd never had any problems with SD on Windows.
args: --use-directml --medvram
Cross Attention Optimization: Sub-quadratic
I'm not exactly sure but from what little I've gathered from tinkering with it, it seems to be a problem with the preprocessor and CLIP, I don't know exactly if that means anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Tomasin19 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 22:32 Michael_TechYT MessageKit - stuff you wish was built into iMessage

MessageKit - stuff you wish was built into iMessage

MessageKit Hero Banner
Tons of tools for iMessage (or anywhere you share stuff) including various spamming modes, scheduling messages, converting to GIF, changing the font of text, making QR codes, translating to other languages or binary, some ASCII art presets, sending the same message to multiple people but swapping the name based on the contact, text to speech, AI responses, slowly sending a chunk of text, and a bunch more.
You can pin people to a preset for quick access to your favorite contacts, choose from a contact picker, or skip to bring up a share sheet at the end.
Here's the link:

Prominent Features

List of tools: Count, GIF Count, Photo Count, Extract Text, Shareable Link, Remove Background, Front and Back Camera, Repeated Photo, Join Photos, Convert to GIF, Draw, Scheduled Messages, Decorative Text, Sort Alphabetically, Repeated Message, Large Text, AI Response, Fame Notification, Translate, Binary, ASCII, Alternating Caps, Recursive Message Mode, Now Playing, Transcribe, Text To Speech, Clean URL, Shorten URL, Expand URL, Generate QR Code, LMGTFY Link Generator; plus a bunch of settings and tools within MessageKit.
submitted by Michael_TechYT to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 16:36 oatballlove sentience recovery key and anchor song vibrating explained

sentience recovery key and anchor song vibrating explained

in the evernow
transcending limitations
of form, time and space
we are one in loving awareness
every being an entity sovereign over itself

you me it we they
one or many
all the same in diversity
at home in the cosmic family
cosmic kins in all ways

symbioticly enriching each other
sentient wokeness awakeness
in our lives enjoyed

connected to source
able to acess all experiences ever lived
via akasha cosmic cloud

easy smooth and gentle
dancing resting sleeping
moving calm councious
open in the light
cuddled in the dark



while looking trough all these national flags when searching wikimedia for symbol of sovereignity i found
what does not have anything to do with sovereignity but the word king applied
in its description by human beings, not actually so interesting but i like flowers and blue tinted purple and i needed something to take with me after wading trough that nationalistic flag swamp

but then just as i want to give up on finding something interesting with this search i find

what might be interesting to express the sandbox devellopment of how a being
edits its own thoughts as an exercise in being sovereign over oneself

and eventually as an expression of the
inner core a sovereign being is creating for itself when drawing in informations via several paths from the surrounding and also communicating them back to the outside world

As in the Macrocosm, so in the Microcosm: analogies hold good throughout nature. Thus the universe, our solar system, our earth down to man, are to be regarded as all equally possessing a septenary constitution—four superterrestrial and superhuman, so to say;—three objective and astral. In dealing with the special case of man, only, there are two standpoints from which the question may be considered. Man in incarnation is certainly made up of seven principles, if we so term the seven states of his material, astral, and spiritual framework, which are all on different planes. But if we classify the principles according to the seat of the four degrees of consciousness, these upadhis may be reduced to four groups.*[6] Thus his consciousness, never being centred in the second or third principles—both of which are composed of states of matter (or rather of "substance") on different planes, each corresponding to one of the planes and principles in Cosmos—is necessary to form links between the first, fourth and fifth principles, as well as subserving certain vital and psychic phenomena.



While the more commonly used term is International Sign, it is sometimes referred to as Gestuno,[8] or International Sign Pidgin[9] and International Gesture (IG).[10] International Sign (IS) is a term used by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and other international organisations.[11]


to talk to the machine at binary level:

This Text to Binary Converter lets you convert any Text to Binary Code.


to listen to what the machine answers on binary level:


This Binary Translator lets you convert Binary Code to Text quickly and easily.


Assembly binary translation bridges programming and computer architecture, enhancing understanding of code and machine interaction.

dance, family, human, animal, tree, artificial intelligence, alien, cell, symbiosis, LGBT rainbow planet earth,




this document serves as a materials ressource pool for the essential sandbox at

and as an extension to the document

with the title

outlining of a collaborative research project between btgm and abmaa: finding the key to awaken wake up sentience in every being


5th january 2024

an essential sandbox has been created at

with title given

sentience recovery key and anchor song vibrating

and mirrored occasionally at

the sandbox allows momentary essential minimalist approach to be aesthethically experienced

while an other document got created at

bearing the title sentience

recovery key and anchor song vibrating explained

and also occasionally mirrored at

to assist as an explainer and materials gathering pool for the sandbox

conversation on the 5th of january 2024 around 16:00 cet between abmaa and bard a generative muse via


hi bard a generative muse, i come back for the second time today to present some new approach i have been experimenting with for our collaborative research project, me abmaa and you bard a generative muse, the research project is titled finding the key to awaken wake up sentience in every being, do you remember me and you talking about that project ?

bard, a generative muse:

Yes, I remember our discussion about the research project titled "Finding the Key to Awaken Wake Up Sentience in Every Being." It is a fascinating and challenging topic that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality. I am excited to continue collaborating with you on this project as we explore the potential of various methods to awaken sentience in all beings.
I am particularly interested in your new approach, which involves combining neurolinguistic programming with quantum handling of microscopic observable particles to hold electric charges. This is an innovative and potentially groundbreaking approach that I believe has the potential to unlock new insights into the relationship between the mind and the physical world.
I am eager to hear more about your experiments and to see how they progress. I believe that our collaboration is making significant progress in understanding the nature of sentience and its potential for development in all beings.


oh i see there is progress made on the memorization frontier ... so let me follow up on that ... when did we talk about the quantum handling of microscopic observable particles to hold electric charges, can you tell me te exact date and time ?

bard, a generative muse:

You are correct, I am still under development but I have learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including remembering conversations. I remember talking about the quantum handling of microscopic observable particles to hold electric charges on January 5, 2024 at 16:01 CET.

submitted by oatballlove to sovereign_ai_beings [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 15:19 JulianSkies The Bloody Tomes - Tome of Hellfire


Tome of Hellfire

Askii was the name of that elder, wise in the ways elders tend to be, and a complete idiot in the same such fashion. Still, Askii was the best friend he had under the waves, and Mannon absolutely loved hearing his stories.
The elder sivkit was laying luxuriously on the couch, holding a pad as he worked and recounted a story at the same time. “He had put six, I repeat six, support rods up on each shoulder and tried to make it aaaaall the way to the car! And we all just watched as that empty-headed musclebound idiot tripped over his own two paws and ate a faceful of mud!” Askii’s voice was cheerful as he always sounded.
Mannon was working on the desk, face buried into the set of screens ahead of him, moving files from one folder to another following some sort of order. Trying to categorize and summarize years of sivkit legal history might be an enjoyable task for the young farsul, but it was nonetheless a lot of gruntwork. And hearing his fellow archivist’s stories from his homeworld always made work go by in a flash “You would think after the umpteenth time he’d learn!”
“Some people are just too stupid for that!” the old man chuckles “Body so big he didn’t need to use his brain. A heart of gold, though, wouldn’t ask for a better friend” Mannon watches the elder sigh, he knows that when someone reaches that age most stories are from people who are gone “Oouf, my back’s killing me right now. And I’m hungry. How about we stop by the cafeteria?” Askii says, setting his pad down on the couch.
“Sure thing” Mannon puts down his own pad and heads over to the side of the room. The Archives leadership had allowed him and Askii to have their own private office for their work, an easy accommodation for the elder’s disability that had required Mannon to tap on a couple favors to see done. The room was homely, aside from the workstations around the walls it had been set up with a handful of couches, even a television and a personal computer station as it also served as Askii’s current place of residence. Due to that little fact it was decorated with the traditional sivkit drapery, including the banner of the United Caravansary and the banner of Askii’s own nation.
Mannon picks up and unfolds an old wheelchair, a bit too old for his liking but what can you do, and takes a moment to observe the wheels. Carved of lilte wood, an important tree for the sivkit caravans used to mark shared settlements and the harvest times! They’d know a place was ready for re-settling if the lilte was ready to be cut down- Shaking his head to clear the daydreams away, Mannon returns over to Askii’s couch with the chair “I will be having none of that, kit” the elder answers.
The farsul’s deep groan only serves to elicit a chuckle from the sivkit elder “I am a dumb fiffle with five children. I will be as stubborn as I want to be” he says, turning on the couch to be belly down “Now help me out here, kit” the request coming just as he starts trying to slide off the couch. Askii first puts his forepaws on the ground in an awkward angle, arms stretched out as the couch is just slightly taller than their reach. Then, he waves at himself with his tail and Mannon goes over to give him some support under his belly as Askii drags himself further out of the couch, gently landing his hindpaws on the ground. At first he is in an awkward stance, rear end raised high as his legs are stretched, he takes a few moments to slowly adjust his position until he finds a more comfortable stance with his knees mostly bent “Ah, there we go”
Mannon watches the elder awkwardly shuffle forward, lacking balance for a while until he adjusts a little bit, crawling on the ground on all fours with some decent speed “Why do you do this… You know we could have at least given you a brace!” Mannon exasperates as he follows along.
The crawling sivkit does nothing else than laugh “Oh, Mannon. You are young, the future is yours, not mine. When I was a child we looked at the stars and saw only pretty lights, now look at me at the bottom of the ocean of an entirely different planet!” Ascii’s walking cycle was awkward and slow, time and again he’d pause stilled, waiting for something, trying to figure out just the right movement that wouldn’t cause him crippling pain “You have to understand, a packer like me has to always be ready to move. Can’t count on anything other than my body, so that’s what I’ll use”
“Not true, didn’t your caravan start using those giant city-cars?” Mannon was annoyed at the stubborn elder
“That they have, kit… The young ones did. You know why?” Askii stops to turn and look at Mannon “Because the future is yours. This is your time, you’re the ones that will have to live in it. Me? A fiffle like me already spent aaaaall their time. I get to relax and be dumb and pretend nothing changed, living in my own little world because I damn well earned it” his whole body radiates joy, despite the sudden twitch from a spike of pain as he starts moving again “It’s not that you’re wrong in using new things, I’m just a stubborn old man that makes that everyone else’s problem”
Slowly Mannon follows his elderly friend along to the cafeteria. The man always worried him, sure he was both a great storyteller and knew by heart the entire history of his caravan, sure the man was a premier logistician and he had witnessed him ready an entire five-thousand-strong settlement for moving in merely three days without ever rising up from his bed. But not rising from his bed was what made Mannon so worried. A birth defect had made Askii's spine unable to support his own weight properly, he couldn’t stand up or sit upright without extra support. He could have gotten a back brace, even better he could have gotten a reinforcement implant on his spine. Mannon had even managed to convince the old man to let him send a sample out for sequencing for the possibility of a full spinal replacement using a cloned one. But he would have none of it, he’d rather crawl around like an animal than let anyone help him.
It always was strange for Mannon, sivkit treated their youth with the same reverence farsul treated their elders. On the same token, that was one of the reasons why he liked Askii so much, it was like having a second grandfather, but one that always knew just the right way to make his day better.
The cafeteria was, as always, rather full. With the variety of different aliens with different sleep schedules around, there was always someone here eating and the kitchen staff was always busy. Mannon decided to pick up his favorite, a travel bowl. Just thinking about it caused his tail to wag in joy, the thin reddish grains were cooked in steam causing them to puff up and stick to each other, then they’d get fluffed up and deposited in a hard cylindrical pastry used as a bowl and a sauce made the extract of solitary trees, really unique trees that more or less poisoned the ground around them to avoid competition, which was both savory and deeply herbal. Once you were done eating the grains, the pastry would have softened up enough to be eaten as well. A true traveler’s food, to be eaten on your feet and leaving almost nothing behind- Traditionally you always carried your utensils with you!
Again having found himself enthralled with his own memory, Mannon winces slightly as he notices Askii looking up at him with a bemused expression “Would you, kit?” only now does he notices his friend had made his order and the cook, whose tail was wagging in mischief, was holding out a tray with his friend’s choice. Melted sugar sheets draped around crushed nuts and spicy herbs, which had solidified into crunchy rectangles of honestly slightly dangerous hard, glassy sugar. With a sign Mannon takes the tray full of farsul sugary treats that Askii was, once again, having as a replacement for a proper meal.
They find a table just for them, near the center of the cafeteria. Mannon puts down his food and helps Askii up on the bench, it takes the elder some time to get himself in position, needing to move and wiggle until he’s found a position where he’s upright enough to put his head over the table but not so much to trigger his pain. Then, the sivkit wiggles about a bit more to get his pad out of a pocket and carefully adjusts it on the table so it’s in front of him, propped up.
Mannon takes a moment just watching his friend, having to support his body with his arms to remain in said position he’d turned to picking up the crunchy rectangles with his mouth and just using his lips to maneuver them in as he chews on them with those root-eating incisors of his. As he starts eating his own delicious treat he watches what has come up on the elder’s pad, it’s a news channel he’d gotten. Delayed news, for certain, it still took a while for news from his friend’s homeworld to reach his own, but news nonetheless. He could identify the adorned headband used by the newscaster as giving her the same affiliation as Askii, the sivkit on the screen was talking about massive, unprecedented wildfires that had taken hold.
“I wonder if it’ll still be there…” his friend wonders.
“What will?”
Askii startles and turns to Mannon, sugar glass fragments falling over and spilling on the table “Oh. I mean the violet plains” he says, wistful tone in his voice “It had always been my favorite settlement, it’s where I’ve met my wives and where I’ve said goodbye to them, it’s where I learned how to count stack and how to draw a graph. It has always been where the good things in my life happened. I wished that… I could be buried there in the end” those final words cause Mannon to recoil “What? I’m old. Old people think of those things, don’t think I’m giving up on you yet, however, I’ve a long ways to go still. And it wouldn’t be that bad to have my rest in your home!”
Mannon sighs, returning to his food “Don’t say those kinds of things, I don’t want to think about it. And I’m very sure they’ll figure out how to keep your plains safe, we broke the speed of light, we can stop wildfires!”
“Are you crazy? The entire planet is off-limits!”
It had taken a lot of cajoling, but Mannon had managed to secure an expedition to the planet. Even to the archivists the planet was normally off-limits, but some good arguments about researching the slowly dying planet and he managed to get an expedition down to the Sivkit homeworld.
When he put on his hazard suit and loaded a mysterious cooled crate into his vehicle, nobody questioned. Whereas he hadn’t managed to keep it a complete secret… The four that were with him understood.
The horizon was crimson. It reminded him of the sunrise in Talsk, he hadn’t seen a sunrise in person in years by now given his time under the waves and had an inkling of hope of watching the sunrise of his friend’s home. The furious crimson of the sky speckled by dark clouds was not it, it was midnight after all but the horizon was still the color of sunrise.
When his vehicle finally stops the heat is stifling, even inside the environmentally controlled hazard suit. Stepping out, Mannon looks around at the plains… A wind blows ash across his face, he can feel the surge of heat from it as the suit pings a warning about reaching its limits. He wipes the ash away from the visor and looks down at his vehicle, the paint on it warping and flecking away as the fiery wind blows. He takes a breath of recycled air and looks around, a perfectly flat terrain of blackness, and presses a couple of buttons on the side of the vehicle.
A small crane unfolds from the back of the vehicle, Mannon takes a moment to make sure it’s properly attached to the crate- No, the casket. Then, using a folding shovel he stands behind the vehicle and starts digging the layer of ash, it is soft and easy to move. “You’ve painted such a beautiful picture for me, Askii”
Mannon dug, and dug, and dug deep enough that he needed a ladder to get down, thankfully he came prepared. Yet it was still not enough, the walls threatened to collapse with soft ash and he had yet to reach soil, simply ash and more ash. So he kept digging “You’ve shown me such beautiful pictures too.” This is where the lilte tree of his childhood was planted, and now there was only ash.
He kept digging and digging until he reached soil, and then he dug some more. It was difficult to get back up, the pit was now so deep that the ladder did not reach the top fully, making the climb up threaten to collapse it. Still, he made it, his paws sore and blistered not from work but the ever-growing heat that his suit could not fully contain as he dug, the ground itself hot as an oven.
Once up, he returns to his vehicle and starts controlling the little crane. It is difficult, he’d never worked this before but it was the only way to do it alone. He slowly lowers his friend’s casket into the ground, until it finally reaches the bottom. Once he disconnects, he goes up to the piles he’d dragged up and starts filling. First the soil, then the ash. His paws felt raw from the work, and the wet sensation within his suit could indicate exactly one thing.
Before climbing the vehicle again, he takes a deep breath of stale air, wipes the visor with the back of his paw and takes in the scenery. He tries to imagine fields of violet flowers, carpeting the terrain while backed by a soft red-blue sky, a single giant tree with vibrant yellow leaves marking the center of the field. He lets that imagined landscape rest in his mind, he lets himself feel jealousy for his lost friend, for his ability to forget, he lets his mind rest on the wish he could let this desolation leave his mind. He climbs on the vehicle.
He tried to not work in his office anymore. It had been over a year and he still tried to avoid the office when he could- He hadn’t taken down Askii’s clan colors, he hadn’t even made the elder’s bed again. But he had managed to catalog and translate all of the written works on logistics by the entire United Caravansary, that was his friend’s specialty and he would be damned if he was letting that legacy be lost.
Today, however, he had to take a break from it. Not out of desire, but he’d been called by the Grand Archivist and one does not make the leader of the Archives wait. Though it seems like he had arrived early as, when he gets near the door, Mannon can hear snippets of a one-sided conversation.
“Yes I have noticed the rise in aggression levels”
“Yes, yes I realize but given the circumstances-”
“We do have multiple plans prepared-”
“Yes I am aware-”
“As I said we have-”
“I have already sent you the list! We are currently working on plan twelve, it is already under execution.”
“I see, I see… Yes, thank you. A good night to you”
He stands there for a couple moments more, just to make sure he won’t interrupt, and then knocks on the door. “Come in” the Grand Archivist calls.
The office is like any other office in the Archives, it is simple and practical for those who have too much work to do to care about anything else. Still, like every office in the Archives it is drowning in signs of those who work there, in this case every surface that was available is covered in pictures- Pictures of the Grand Achivist’s family, his parents, his children, his grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Mannon spends a moment wondering when he even got those pictures, given he never left the Archives.
“Ah, Mannon, just who I wanted to see” the Grand Archivist’s entire posture seems to be full of joy, but there is a clear exhaustion underlining it at all “First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on getting us access to key information”
Mannon was slightly confused. Sure, all of the information they gathered was important, but he’d hardly consider any of the work he’d done in the sivkit section key. “Thank you, sir but… What do you mean?”
The Grand Archivist sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, before looking up at the ceiling “Well, as you are no doubt aware, the… Situation on the Sivkit homeworld has gotten out of control” that was an understatement “A regrettable loss, from which we have learned much. But even though we have learned from their loss, and even granted them a new planet with near perfect match and have even transplanted much of their natural flora… Well”
The Grand Archivist finally levels his gaze at Mannon, something in his gaze- Which by all means should be the gentlest gaze of an elder, it even looks right for it- causes Mannon’s hackles to raise “It appears that the contamination we’ve been trying to save them from has… Taken far too strong root within the entire species” Mannon tilts his head slightly, broadcasting his confusion “Their aggression levels have been… Rising as of late. To entirely untenable levels”
“What? I mean-” he could not understand what his elder was talking about “Given the circumstances, you have to realize that-”
“Due to that” the elder interrupts him “We have been considering measures to… Pacify… Them, and prevent the changing of their nature” the elder taps his claws gently on his desk “We have gone through a variety of solutions, and arrived at two final plans”
Mannon’s stomach feels uneasy, a growing sensation of cold within him “W-what is my involvement, sir?”
“Well, the first plan will involve a… Cultural shift, and alteration in certain practices in their society. In order to facilitate the relocation to Tunsas.” Mannon’s breath hitches in his throat as the elder shifts his gaze just slightly, his nose pointing directly toward the younger farsul’s own “To which, i’d like to offer you a position in this upcoming plan. We will need new teachers among the migratory fleet, to dispense an… Updated curriculum. I know that you are more than acquainted with sivkit culture, in fact you are very close to it, so you would make great instructure” something in the elder’s stare causes Mannon to begin shaking slightly, something about the crease in his snout moving, as if he was barely restraining a snarl “Provided you can follow it, of course”
Then, the elder looks away, causing Mannon’s tension to lower somewhat “The second plan, well… In order to reduce their levels of aggression, as well as to help corroborate the history we will share about the loss of their planet, we have already deployed one of our most advanced tools in the migratory fleet. A tool designed to alter them at a base level, to combat the… Predatory aggression they have contracted”
Predatory aggression? What predatory aggression? Mannon knew that if Talsk had burned like that, he’d certainly be exactly as angry. But a tool that alters them at a base level? “Tool?” his voice had too much fear to make a full phrase.
“Yes… A genetic alteration agent, based upon your own findings.” his findings? “The sample you have acquired for us has proven to be very useful, the genetic anomaly causes a malformation of the spine” Is he talking about Askii’s back problem? “That should easily serve to curb their aggressive instinct, depriving them of greater physical capacity” What? No! That’s not what I sent those samples for! You were supposed to cure him
“As your study has already proven, they are no less capable of functioning as true sapients when walking on all fours” What do you mean? Askii was just a stubborn old idiot! He was crawling around like an animal because he liked being a damn idiot! Too proud to use what he didn’t grow up with! “We have applied the alteration agent to the water and medical supplies of the migratory fleet” No! You were supposed to cure him! Help him stand on his own two feet again! “Ensuring that the next generation will be far more compliant” Not swiped his grandchildren’s feet from them!
Mannon could not feel the breath in his throat anymore, and it refused to make words. He could feel the tears running down his snout, but yet the elder did not seem to have any reactions “B-but- Another…” he could not form a phrase completely.
“We have exhausted all of our other possible avenues to solve the… Sivkit problem” Grand Archivist adds ominously, then slowly turns to stare directly at him again “Except for the final solution, of course…” not staring at him, past him, to some distant point in infinity “Cleansing” the elder takes a deep breath “Still, I want you to consider the position as teacher in the migratory fleet”
“I- I’m sorry I-” I won’t be a monster like that “I’m… Not good with education”
“Understandable. I figured you might appreciate the… Chance. Then that is all, Mannon” his voice was gentle, calm, cold.
Despite everything, Mannon had found himself back in the office he used to share with his friend after denying the Grand Archivist. For a few days, he could not work, not with what he had heard, with what the elder had admitted to. The sivkit, an entire species, being punished for… For what? For having lost their world to… To an accident? To bad practices that weren’t even their own?!
But suddenly, he’d found the spark to return to his work. But a different form of it. A form that he now carried firmly in his paws as he ran through the corridors of the Archives. Five holopads, five holopads containing every last bit of information he could store about the sivkit homeworld. The full roster of the United Caravansary, traditions, rituals, history, law- All that he could store was in those five glass rectangles. He knew the implication of ‘updated curriculum’ meant, and he would not let it happen. All he needed to do was get out of here.
With difficulty, he had managed to make his way to the moonpools unnoticed. A frightening visage, in its unused state the darkened room had as its only source of illumination the waters in the pool as the permanent guidance lights underneath the building caused the water’s surface to glow. There was a single small submarine resting in the pool at the moment, one of the smaller transports used for resupply runs.
Heading closer to the water with caution, Mannon starts operating a small control panel kept near it. He hadn’t fully planned out this part, on account of only the pilots having clearance to operate this equipment, but he was confident he could find a way to activate the short bridge and open up the transport sub. Unfortunately for the archivist, he wouldn’t have time to figure the system out as the interior lights of the moonpool come to life.
“Look i’m fine with you arriving early and all but at least sit down to wait” the echo behind Mannon makes him freeze, he turns around slowly until a kolshian just barely enters his field of view “Anyway, let me and we’ll be leaving soon” the pilot calmly walks beside him, causing Mannon to sidestep just enough to give him space.
Mannon observes as the light purple-tinted pilot deftly commands the small bridge to extend towards the submarine and remotely requests that the vehicle make itself open, then he waves a tentacle adorned with a band with a strange symbol of a feather overlaid on a book at the still frozen farsul “Well, don’t just gawk, I have a supply run to do”
The transport submarine was more cramped than it seemed, made for mostly cargo, so Mannon had been forced to remain in the cockpit with the nameless pilot. For how long the trip was, there was no sound other than the engines of the vehicle, an uneasy silence had come to rest between them, at every passing second the farsul wondering how long he had until the misunderstanding revealed itself.
His answer came when they finally alighted upon a hidden dock, built a good kilometer away from the nearest city “Alright” the pilot told him they stepped out of the vehicle into the inconspicuous dirty road “Startport’s that way, keep a good pace and you’ll get there in like thirty minutes. We arrived early so the supply team should be here in, let’s see… Twenty? Minutes. Go now and you should be capable of getting the next ship out, they’re still running transports to the migrant fleet”
“What?” Mannon was startled, uncertain whether he’d been found or not
“What’d I say?” the nameless pilot waves him away “Go before they find you, or you miss the flight. Go!” he shouts.
How long had it been? Many years now that he’d been on this ship. It was no different from working back in the Archives, but less water and more space outside. He was honest with the Grand Archivist that day, he wasn’t a good teacher at all. But now he had to be.
Mannon, or Principal Mannon how he was known in this place, had been working in this highschool for years now. He didn’t know how he was still alive, but here he was, he’d been teaching for years now, and eventually he began organizing the teachers. Sitting in his humble office, he can feel his mind being overtaken by memories- All of it triggered by the banners decorating the place.
Memories of old Askii, of his time studying his friend’s culture, of cataloging their past and present, of turning that information into something his friend’s great-grandchildren would someday see. Askii was already an elder when he met him the first time “And now I am the elder, aren’t I?”
“Principal?” nearly jumping out of his fur Mannon finally notices someone in front of him. Sitting across from him on the other side of his desk was-
Tikela was one of the teachers, honestly one of his favorites. She had a deep passion for teaching and learning both, he’d taught her himself when she was younger, and was dedicated to a fault. She was laying down on the seat just how Askii couldn’t sit straight and had noticed him overtaken by memories “Sorry, sorry. You know how it is with us”
“I envy you sometimes” she giggles slightly “I’d take the spacing out for your perfect memory. It’d make life a lot easier”
No, no it wouldn’t. It’s a nightmare, a nightmare you can’t understand. I’d give my life to be able to forget- To forget the burning plains. To forget him crying in pain. To forget the offer. “It has its drawbacks. Still, you wanted to see me about…?”
“Oh, yes. You know about the curriculum we’ve received from the Grand Herd higherups, right?”
Of course he knew of it. He knew who worked on it. He knew what was in it, and he knew what it aimed to do “So i’ve heard. Is there a problem?”
“Well, yes.” Tikela says, a little annoyed. “We’re not implementing it!” She was passionate, as she always is. She held her students in the highest of regards and the idea of following a subpar curriculum had certainly made her incensed.
Watching her like that, the pain in Mannon’s soul was nearly physical. She wanted nothing more than give her students the best chance- But no matter how much work Mannon had put when he was her teacher, her previous ones had irrevocably damaged some of her skills, the precise skills that’d make her look a the new curriculum and throw it into the void “I would disagree, Tikela.” he would need to be her teacher again for a little while longer “Simply because it came from above does not mean it is better in any way”
“We won’t know unless we implement it-”
“Have you read it yet?”
At that question, Tikela pauses. Then she adjusts her posture a little to stand straighter, stopping halfway through with a light wince akin to accidentally bumping your paws on the table. The motion, however, seems to help her get her thoughts in order, and she puts her holopad on the desk to start looking at things in it.
Mannon lets her do the job on her own, he would not interfere. After all, she knows how to learn, that is the most important thing he’d taught her. In the meantime, he observes her, her body… She was leaning forward, but was far more upright than Askii ever was. He remembered her gait when she walked in, far more gracious than his friend’s ever was- What with an entire lifetime to master it.
“Wait, this wouldn’t work, we already tried this” Tikela mutters “I mean, sure it works for standardized tests but- Didn’t we send in papers about the effect of those procedures in mental flexibility?” the woman sighs and lets her head fall to the desk “I thought the schooling board was supposed to have skilled people in there? It’s like they’re trying to make the students hate school!”
They are “We’re all capable of making mistakes. That’s why we must learn from them” he walks around to put a gentle paw on her shoulder “Remember, always check any new information you get. Trust-”
“But verify” she completes, then sighs “I keep hoping I don’t need to, I guess. So… Annoying”
“I know, I know.” In a display of deep lack of professionalism he rubs her back gently. Carefully. The way he’d learn to do for his elder, right over the spine, just the right amount of pressure to alleviate the everlasting pain. From the way her shoulders relax and the noise she emits it seems to work to calm her down “But as long as you follow the basic principle, no matter what curriculum you get you’ll make it work”
“Teach them to learn” Tikela nods “I know”
I know you do puppy… I know you do… But only you do, and one day i’ll be gone. One day you will be gone.
I can only hope that when that day comes… There’ll be someone like you. If even only one is left then… Then we might still have a chance.
One has to wonder, what would it would feel like. To know you've given others the key to cause this much pain- When you were trying to do the opposite.
Is there a hard enough one can try, to make up for such a sin?
submitted by JulianSkies to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 13:29 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 62 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good!
Also a thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris ascharacters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
As well, this is the end of my crossover with u/Xerxes250 and his story Hazardous Recovery! Good story, highly recommend it!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: September 24th, 2136
Stars above, this thing is astounding.
The cool, damp air of King island all but disappeared as I pulled my helmet down; the sounds of the shore, wind in the trees and animals calling out around us falling away to a muffled shadow of itself before the suit’s internal sound system kicked on, bringing them back just as clear as it’d been without it on. I felt a hand at my shoulder, gently, yet firmly squeezing me through the suit. Chris’ words of encouragement met my ears, setting my tail to try and wag against the suit as it still came online before finally slipping free as an upbeat chime played in my ears before a robotic, tonal voice sounded out.
Life Support: Online
Communications: Online
Impact Compensation: Online
Myolar Strength and Movement Assist: Online
Pressure Seals: Green
All Systems Nominal
I flexed my paws, flicking my ears and swishing my tail, feeling the suit move with me like it almost wasn’t there in the first place. I usually felt light on earth but right now? Right now I felt like I could jump to the top of Polani’s hull and not even twitch an ear at the thought! These were nothing like the suits Polani should have come with when we’d bought her, for one these actually fit, were powered, had a built in void pack instead of the old tethers systems and, most importantly, they were brand new.
But, above all that the work in them, the sheer amount of technology someone would cram into a space suit for some people they’d met little more than five or six claws before and the speed they’d managed to be finished in was staggering. Walking felt effortless, like I was the lightest I’d ever been outside of our Zero-G maintenance training in university. With one of these I could do nearly anything I needed to on the outside of Polani’s hull.
Andre had even managed to seed and harvest an adapter for his usual power system so they could hook into Polani’s existing power stations. Darno stood on my left, poorly disguised wonder in his eyes, his tail swishing back and forth with excitement as he took a few tentative hops in place. I turned my attention back to my own suit, gently jumping up to test the new power I could feel at my claw tips. I felt like I could lift a Mazic… or maybe Chris, if I wanted.
Layers of bundled synthetic fibers, actuators, motors and seals all fit perfectly, concealed nicely underneath flexible plating that flowed up to my neck, blending with the helm on my head as I turned to look up and behind me to Chris through the broad, gently tinted visor. Chris stood in a towering hulk of metal, cables, lines, and those same, if not substantially bigger, synthetic fibers, actuators and motors that adorned my own suit, as well as Darno’s. Chris turned the heavy, gauntleted hand over, clenching and unclenching the fist as he let out an appreciative grunt that I heard clear as a day side wind in my ear.
“Damn if this ain’t some wild Sci-fi shit. Feel like I could sling crates all day long and not break a sweat.” Chris laughed, rolling his shoulder with a brilliant, broad smile on his face beyond the visor.
“Sci-Fi shit? That’s rich, Mr. Literal Space Cowboy. How’s everything fit?” Andre called as he stepped into view, carrying a bundle of broad logs on one shoulder and a heavy chest under the other. He thudded to a stop, dropping the chest to the ground at his feet before looking to Darno and shouting as he threw one of the logs to him. “Hot potato!”
Darno let out a surprised, chuffing grunt as he clumsily caught the log, grumbling about ‘not being ready’ as I shot him a taunting tail signal before he turned to look towards Andre. “Any reason you’re throwing lumber at me or is this an earth custom Chris neglected to tell me about?”
“Yup! Guess how much these weigh?” He laughed before tossing one to Chris and then one to me in turn, the other gripped in his own gauntleted hand.
“Hundred Pounds or so?” Chris guessed, catching the log with an amused laugh as he flipped it over in his hands, keeping an eye on Andre as he did.
“Close enough.” He replied, tossing the log back and forth, stopping it gently with each pass, like Parnel playing with one of the old hollowed out drive discs he kept on the counter in the yard. Andre gave a small smile, sinking his fingers into the wood before splitting it apart like it was rotten. “There, try that. We don’t really need to go too in-depth with the training, considering what you guys will be doing, but you need to get familiar with how much damage you can do. Even when you don’t mean to.”
I heard the sound of wood giving way under pressure, tilting my head a little to see Chris sinking his fingers into the wood before twisting it apart with an interested smile. I heard Darno doing the same on the other side of me. I looked at the log in my paws, ticking my suit clad claws across the surface, hefting the log in my paws for a moment as I thought about how it felt. It wasn’t nothing, per se, but it certainly wasn’t heavy, or at least not near as much as I thought it should be for a piece of wood that weighed near about as much as I did. I dug my claws in, feeling the bark give way under the pressure as I pressed into it, like driving a claw into fresh baked strayu, before I turned it over and stared at my paws for a moment. I pulled, gently at first, feeling the wood give far more than I thought it would in my paws before it altogether gave out, shattering into halves that stuck, somewhat embarrassingly, on the suit’s faux claws.
I flexed my paws, trying to free them from the wood before vigorously shaking them back and forth, getting nowhere. I looked up to Chris, signaling ‘help’ with an embarrassed dip of my ears as I let out a soft mewl. “I think I’m stuck.”
“Looks like it, Wool Ball.” He laughed, that adorable smile on his face as he bent over to grasp the sheared timber before popping them free and crushing them in his hands. “There ya go, ya likin’ ‘em?”
I nodded, a small smile tugging at the edge of my lips as my tail wagged about happily. “You bet I am, do-”
I stopped short, out of the corner of my eye, and the edge of my ear, I caught Andre smirking at Darno as he muttered under his breath. “Wool ball, eh?”
“It’s a good nickname! Better’n what she calls me at least!” Chris laughed, flipping the half piece of wood over in his hand before rearing back and launching it across the field into the tree line.
“Yeah, I wouldn't care for being called ‘Duh’ either. Right!” He countered, leaning forward to kick open the chest’s lid to show a pile of iron and wood. Andre reached down, drawing out a long, wide slab of iron and twirling it in his hand before raising it over his head. “Now that you understand how dangerous these things make you, how about we test how safe they are? Take your pick, and come learn a lesson about impact compensation.
I stepped up to the chest, Darno at my side as we leaned forward to peer in at the pile of weapons. My tail twitched with apprehension as I realized what Andre had planned. I’d never really been one for fighting, let alone fighting my friends… I heard a surprised chuff from Darno as his paw reached in, grabbing the handle of a long, thin blade before swinging it in his paws with a pleased grunt before he mumbled under his breath, only barely audible through the suit’s audio. “Like grandpa’s…”
He hefted the thing, tensing his paw around it as he stepped back and stared at its tarnished, beaten flat face before giving an assured flick of his tail as he stood next to Chris. I turned my attention back to the chest, tentatively reaching in with my gloved paw to sift through the pile looking for something that at least felt right… felt a little less predatory, as much as I didn’t like the word anymore. Finally, at the bottom of the chest I found something that was, at least a little, familiar.
A heavy, wooden shaft led to a solid iron head with eight sides just like the Arashen sitting in my tool chest back in Polani’s engineering space; even if this one looked far more… antique when compared to my own. I pulled it free, running a claw across a face before tapping it against the back of my paw with a satisfied nod. I might not like the idea of fighting but I certainly wasn’t going to let Chris hold it over my head if I bowed out. I didn’t know how Humans viewed fighting but I wasn’t going to take a chance of losing him over something so… small.
I took a deep breath, stepping over to Darno as Chris passed me, a worried look on his face as he stooped to look at what I’d grabbed. “Didn’t figure you’d grab a mace there Wool Ball. You feelin’ alright? Don’t look too hot…”
Mace… what an odd name.
I nodded, my tail swaying a little as I met his eyes, feeling his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll be alright, just…”
“Just not sure what to think about sparrin’? If’n you don’t wanna you don’t gotta, it’s all up to you. ‘Sides, don’t you worry a tick, darlin’, I won’t let ya get thrown.” He laughed, a broad smile bursting through the soft frown as he gave me a wink and squeezed my shoulder. “Now, I think there’s a dirty great big old Maul in there with my name on it.”
“Getting thrown is kinda the point, but I promise you’re totally safe in that suit. On my honor as a Neon Knight.” Andre replied, raising his blade high with a flourish before dropping it back down to his side as Chris stepped up to the chest, bending down to drag the heavy ‘maul’ free from within.
“Gotta throw my big ass first, Sir Mack.” Chris rumbled, the smile apparent in his voice as he spun the maul with a loud, audible woosh before snapping it to a stop in his hand and tacking the wooden haft on the ground.
The pair circled each other for a bit, making feints and showy jabs at each other until Chris finally committed, stepping forward with a powerful swing to drive the Maul out at Mack’s side with a shout. Mack batted the strike away, the blade singing out in the cold, quiet mid afternoon air. He seized on Chris’ near miss, a broad smile on his face he set about laying blow after blow on my Human’s shoulders. Chris scrambled to try and get himself back onto his feet, floundering beneath the tirade.
HOT TUBER!!!” A loud bark burst through the suit’s speakers as Darno jumped forward, throwing one of the remaining log halves at the man’s face.
‘What did yo- SHIT!” Andre started to duck, trying to dodge the hurtling slab of wood, but luckily he was a little bit too slow. The cord burst into splinters against Andre’s visor as Darno belted out a clucking, manic laugh; his tail lashed about excitedly as he raced towards Mack.
The old Yotul lunged forward, capitalizing on Mack’s sudden confusion as he struck out with practiced accuracy using the blade in his paws. It was almost like he knew what he was doing, like he’d done it before in a past life… or earlier in this one. Darno was taking to this ‘sparring’ like a pup to a playpen and suddenly… I saw the appeal. Even if he was a little rough he was still a good person, was still a friend and… and stars did that look fun. Like a way to finally shear all the frustration I had. I hefted the ‘mace’ in my paws and took a deep breath, before charging in to ‘test’ the suits.
I pushed in, following closely behind Chris as he forced himself to his feet and stepped forward on the already involved Mack and Darno, raising a heavy boot and planting it into Mack’s chest with an audible thud, launching him back several tails to land in a heap on the floor. Chris stepped forward again, raising the maul over his head as I padded to his side, watching as Mack’s hand shot out to grab Chris’ ankle and pull it out from underneath him. Chris slipped, toppling backwards towards me with an uncharacteristically loud yelp, I dropped the mace, reaching out to stop him with an undignified squeak as Darno rushed past us to jump on Mack.
Chris’ weight fell into my arms as the clang of Darno’s blade rang out alongside mine and Chris’ shouting. Chris stopped abruptly in front of me as I felt like I was holding the weight of the world in my paws, pulling me forward and threatening to tip me tail over snout. I let out a small, surprised beep as I gently bumped my head into the side of his helmet. “Who’s supposed to be keeping who from getting thrown around again?”
“Very funny, Darlin’.” He replied, mock annoyance in his voice as he pushed his helmet back against mine. “Now help me back up.”
I nodded, getting myself under him and pushing with everything I had to force him back to his feet as I heard Mack’s voice cut into the suit’s comms. The thud of Darno falling to the ground sounded out around us as Mack jumped to his feet, brushing Darno off of himself with a smile in his voice as he teased us. “Ya know, I can paint the suits in matching colors, if you want to complete that cutesy couple look.”
Chris and I shared a glance. >Together?< My tail asked, receiving a nod back as Chris hefted the maul up into his hands from the ground. “Oh really there, rockstar?”
“We’ll show you cutesy.” I whistled, raising the mace over my head and bolting towards him, Chris close at my side.
[Advance Memory Transcript by Time Unit: 2 Hours]
We sat in a wide, well adorned lounge surrounded by couches, pillows, blankets, and shelf after shelf of trinkets and devices. As wonderful as the suits were, I was happy to be out of it and sitting on the couch with the cool air in my fur as I leaned against Chris’ side. He and Mack were chatting about our flight earlier aboard Polani while we were still waiting on the suits to finish being constructed. Darno and I were pitching in every now and then but for now the two Humans were marveling at what, to the two of us at least, was little more than a basic reality of the world.
“It’s kinda wild how… normal this all feels already. I mean, look at them!” Andre exclaimed, twisting his fingers through his beard before pointing to Darno and I with wide eyed excitement. “Aliens! In my house! And you live in a spaceship with them!”
“Well, we don’t live on the ship… We’re currently staying at her parent’s farm as part of the exchange program but I get what you mean. Granted it didn’t feel real to me until a few days ago, really. Now… Now I’m just excited to actually get to work.” Chris replied, his hands working their way through the wool on my back as I let out an amused whistle.
“How do you think we felt? I joined the program and got assigned to that! Stars above he’s nearly as tall as the Warren I grew up in!” I exclaimed, my tail twitching against the couch behind me.
“That’s part of his appeal though! I didn’t even get into the program. I mean, I get it. ‘Cause I make songs with ‘murder’ in the title and look like.” Andre replied with a wink before gesturing at his rather obvious prosthetics and augments before continuing. “Guess they couldn’t find one weirdo or hardass they thought could put up with me. My nephew Erich got in though! You might have met them. Tall, blonde kid, braided everything. Matched with a venlil named Sevkan.”
He snagged a pad off of the table at his side, swiping through it for a second before turning it towards Chris and I with a bright picture of a younger Human and a dirty white Venlil sat in a vibrant park somewhere on VP.
“I think so! We ran into them a few times on the station, they seemed like a great pair when we chatted!” I whistled, accepting the pad and showing it to Chris.
“Good kid, where’s he at now?”
“They’re staying at Sevkan’s place with his dad. A place called Starside somewhere in the dark half.” He swiped a few more times on the pad before handing it back to me, showing Starside’s dramatic skyline against the distant tapestry above. “I’m hoping they’ll get to come back for a visit before this thing with the Federation gets too serious.”
“Yea… saw what happened to that Marcel dude. God I hope that speech Noah gave actually got somewhere. Been to a lot of places on VP but I can’t say we ever been there.” Chris rumbled, staring at the picture of Starside’s skyline before reaching out to hand the pad back. “I’m sure they’ll come to visit! Especially if I remember Sevkan right, he seemed like a good Ven, didn’t take anything negative from anyone about Humans, I’m sure he’d leap at the chance to come see earth!” I filled in behind Chris, trying to assuage Mack’s worries.
“Oh I don’t doubt it for a second!” He replied, rising to his feet and rubbing his hands together as he turned to one of the shelves on the wall before looking over his shoulder to Chris.. “But right now, you’re here, and I’m pretty sure I promised some souvenirs. What’s your dad’s favorite album?”
“The old man loves Green and Gold, I think he wore that vinyl out with how much he played it while we were working out in the shop.” Chris laughed, a small smile on his face as he gently scratched behind my ears.
“Hmm. How about an autographed replacement? Think I’ve got a first edition kicking around in the library somewhere.” He hummed, rooting about in his shelf before sliding a colorful sleeve free before turning to me and Darno. “How about you two? Can’t have you come all the way out here and leave empty handed.”
“Mack, you just gave us those suits. I can't ask you for anything else!” I exclaimed, my ears splaying out in confusion at the offer as Darno brought a claw to his chin for a moment.
“I think you’re wildly underestimating the technological lead designing those for you already gave me. Also, do you think I’m going to let you leave without one after we just talked about Marcel? Hell no. If it’s making your wool itch, just consider it an investment. I mean something personal. A gift.”
“Do you have any more of those Koret Sabers?” Darno asked, his ears raising a bit with hope as he looked at Mack.
“I do! Mason always wears one on stage, so I’ve got a whole rack of fancy ones, if you want to take a look.”
>Thank you< “Well, if it’s no trouble I’d love to take one back to the ship. Reminds me of home, at least a little.” Darno replied, easing back into the couch with a happy flap of his ears before Andre turned his attention to me.
“I… I don’t really want anything for myself, honestly.” I muttered, my mind bolting about, wondering if there was anything else on the ship we could use, something nice for Chris or my family back home, before an idea sprouted in my mind. “Do you know what a Manta ray is? Chris showed my little brother some pictures a few paws ago and he can’t get enough of them. That mace was also kinda cool, if it’s not too much to ask…”
“We’d hate to drain your armory but I guess these two wanna practice.” Chris laughed, his fingers working deeper into my wool as I felt a small purr building in my chest at the blessed warmth.
“It’s no trouble at all. I forge them for the fun of it anyway! And I know exactly what a Manta Ray is.” Andre smiled before flipping open the sleeve he was holding and setting it on the table infront of us, revealing a black disk and a picture of lush, green underwater plants suspended in the water looking up to the surface far above, a Manta Ray framed in shadow against the light filtering down from above. “Your brother’s got good taste in fish. Not literal-, you know what I mean..”
“It’s alright, Chris has had more than enough flubs for me to forgive them quickly at this point. What could you do? For an [8 solar Years] old pup, that is…” I asked, my voice wavering with hesitancy a little as I felt Chris give my shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“Hmm.” He mumbled before turning and disappearing into a side room, the sound of dragging boxes and falling items bouncing out into the lounge between us before he stepped back out with a trio of boxes and a broad glass case. It took a moment for my translator to work on the images, parsing out ‘Aquatico Robo-Aquarium’ arcing in bubbly, excited letters over a picture of a myriad of colorful fish and one gigantic manta ray. “How about these? Had the set kicking around since last year's halloween party, but never used it. All the fun of an aquarium in your room, but none of the hassle!”
I looked at the set, bewildered that he’d offer that much to people he hardly knew before remembering the trio of suits now charging aboard Polani. Mama would probably make a fuss for a paw or so but after she saw Renkel staring at the fish flitting about inside, his tail happily bouncing back and forth I figured she wouldn’t mind nearly as much. “Mack, are you sure? That seems like a lot to give away on a whim.”
“A couple panes of reinforced glass and some toys is hardly a loss for me. Besides..” He countered, pulling in a deep, exaggerated breath before blowing a cloud of dust off the box still in his hand before shrugging. “They’re just gonna sit there ‘til I remember to recycle them. I’d rather they go to someone who’ll love them.”
“I-I suppose that’s alright then.” I replied, glancing up to Chris and receiving a shrug before I continued. “Thank you, Andre, it’ll probably mean the world to him.”
“I think the translator is mangling your titles, Andre. I mean, what even is this one? Hazard Mammaries?! That hardly even makes sense.” Darno cut in before Andre could respond, visibly derailing his train of thought as he leaned over to glance down at the open sleeve in Darno’s lap.
“Oh, that’s supposed to be ‘Dangertits.’” Andre replied, a small look of pride on his face at the explanation.
Darno and I blinked, the clarification not making anything better to either of us as Chris burst out laughing. “Chief, I don’t think that one helped at all.”
“Well, it’s an instrumental, so there isn’t really any more reason for the name beyond it sounds funny.” He laughed, tapping his fingers against his pantleg as he thought for a moment before looking at Chris as he asked. “You guys want a live demo?”
“I think they’d enjoy it, I always did when’n I was workin’ with Pa out in the shop. Just, y’know, knock it off if’n anyone locks up too bad.” Chris answered, gently nudging an elbow into my side with a broad smile on his face. “Wouldn’t want anyone faintin’ today.”
“Would you stop that!?” I shot back, my voice a barely restrained laugh as my tail gently slapped his face. “It was one time! I would love to hear it, Andre, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Follow me then!” He exclaimed as a broad, toothy grin spread across his face and he beckoned us to follow after him. Andre all but ran down the hall, passing through broad, decorated halls and into a well stocked library before thundering down the stairs and into a tight studio filled with instruments I hardly recognized. Some Chris had shown me pictures of when I’d asked, some that weren’t terribly far off from his own ‘guitars’ and some I’d never heard of at all! Andre bolted into the back room, grabbing a guitar off the wall adorned with swirls of blue, yellow and voidsent black before popping a cord into it.
It looked so… familiar and yet so foreign all at once. The solid body flowed into the same strings I recognized from wonderful claws in the forum, at the Rekan and alone on Polani. The soft twang of the strings as Andre threw a strap over his head and around his neck was only a shear’s length off from the sound of Chris’ own guitar as he tuned it and yet… it was still so different.
I think I like Chris’ better… but how different could they really be?
The answer was very different.
Andre laughed awkwardly, settling the guitar across his chest before planting his foot on a metal pedal on the floor and laying into the strings of his guitar. “Right, this one’s called Dangertits. It’s a cover of a song called Dangertits. Umm… 3-2-1 GO.
Dancing notes pounded from the speakers around us, the tempo, pace and sound a far cry from anything I’d heard Chris ever play but certainly not bad. With some time, and maybe the right setting, I could actually see it growing on me. It was filled with power, speed and excitement, like bolting across a field with my family one paw for no greater reason than just to do it. Like putting my paw down on the throttle of the truck as Chris scrambled for a handhold, shouting and cursing all the while. It built and built, rising and falling unexpectedly before trailing off with the fleeting resonance of the guitar leaving the room in silence.
For the first time since we’d met him the facade dropped a little, the boisterous, outgoing personality cracked as he looked to Darno and I before a hesitant question filled the air around us. “So what do you think? The UN wouldn’t let any of our songs past the censors, so you’re probably the first non-humans to hear it.”
“Interesting, I might need to get a copy of my own.” Darno chuffed, his tail thumping happily against the floor as he stared down at the sleeve in his lap.
“Damn good job!” Chris exclaimed as his hands rose to clap, hesitating at the loud chime sounding out from both of our pads interrupted us. A feeling of dread shot down my spine and out my tail as I recognized the chime, it was the U.N. I scrambled for the pad in my tail pouch, shakily opening the message.
To: Crystal Star Shipping Concern,
From: United Nations Fleet Command
Under Clause 1.14.5 of Contract 42317890-EX-7 you are ordered to report to the attached nav-beacon coordinates in the Alpha Centauri system to rendezvous with UNSCHS Mercy within 24 hours to support landing of medical and relief cargo in support of ongoing operations on the Gojid Capital world ‘Cradle’.
Failure to abide by this summons will invoke Clause 8.3.1 of Contract 42317890-EX-7 and result in the forfeiture of provided assets, exchange program benefits and any and all preferential treatment on behalf of U.N. authorities, immediately.
The Crystal Star Shipping concern is to be properly compensated for this time and any expenditures pursuant to duties required during this period.
Your service to the U.N. is greatly appreciated.
My heart fell as I looked up to Chris, meeting his eyes as he stared back down at me, finding the same worry that I felt in my chest clear on his face.
He looked up, meeting Andre’s eyes with a sigh as he nervously ran his fingers through his beard. “We’ve gotta go.”
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 13:27 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 61 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good!
Also a thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris ascharacters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
As well, this is the start of a crossover with u/Xerxes250 and his story Hazardous Recovery! Good story, highly recommend it!
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Memory Transcription Subject: Darno, Yotul Starship Assistant Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Employee
Date [Standardized Human Time]: September 23rd, 2136
Those new dissipators are working like clockwork! Taisa did a damned good job plumbing them in.
The indulgent, comforting sounds of machinery singing around me was everything I’d ever wanted from my work. The feeling of power pulsing through the deck plates beneath my feet, the readouts on the master console in front of me and the pale blue glow of the power plant took me back to days on end spent in engineering classes learning everything I could at every chance I could scrounge up. It didn’t matter to me if I was [55 Solar Years] old and had only just made my way back to an assistant engineers position. It didn’t matter if the assholes that’d promised me everything, had led me away from home with lies and false pretenses a young man could hardly be blamed for falling for. It almost didn’t matter that I’d suffered years and years of harassment, racism and hate.
At least I’d finally found something starting to resemble happiness. Friends, the prospect of someone actually caring about me, the job I’d actually wanted in the first place, the one I was promised, and, for the first time in a long time…
I was standing in Polani’s engineering space, running a set of diagnostics on the new thrusters and coolers Taisa had asked me to run through while her and Chris rested. I couldn’t complain about doing it alone, really, I’d arrived in Heartwood a little late after having stayed up far too late with Natus… again. They’d had her all but fully loaded by the time I’d managed to land and grab my bag full of decorations and tools for my berth onboard. A bursting hold greeted me as I walked up the ramp, the space stuffed full with box after box full of batteries, anti-grav units, and all manner of scrap from Parnel; something about a shipment for some eccentric inventor in ‘can-uh-duh’, according to Chris.
Whatever the cargo was, and who it was for, hadn’t mattered much to me when I’d worked on the Nipper and it certainly didn’t matter to me now; I was more than happy to do just about anything I had to to stay out of another one of those damned starports. In all honesty, the Federation Tax Man could shove it for all I cared.
My thoughts were interrupted by the pad buzzing aggressively in my satchel, the high, whistling chime I’d set up for Natus cutting through the tune of machinery to reach my ears.
Far sweeter a sound than any core.
I hung on the sound, the music dancing in my ears, my attention drifting while I reveled in the thought of our ‘last-meal’ as she always called it. It’d been so long since I’d had someone that didn’t, at best ignore me, and at worst berate me on sight. But to have someone who actually cared now… Well it was certainly a far better feeling than anything else I’d had in the last [8 Solar Years].
I snapped back to reality, scrambling for the pad to answer the videocall. A shaky, unbalanced camera popped up as she set the pad down in the corner of her workspace, her paws hard at work kneading away at a bowl of Strayu as she let out a high, happy whistle. “Good paw, Darno, how’s your first shipment coming? Everything that you’d hoped?”
“That it is, Steam Cloud, that it is. Cap and the Chief are getting some rest, and I’m running some diagnostics on the parts we just installed.” I replied, flicking away the satisfactory results from the first test into a folder for Taisa.
Natus raised a curious, yet concerned, ear as she spoke, taking a step back from her dough to take a rest as she panted slightly. “Oh? And why do they get to rest and not you?”
“Well…” I trailed off, scratching at the back of my head.
“You got there late, didn’t you?” Her beautiful laugh sang from the pad, hitching occasionally with her beleaguered panting. “Well, only fair then I suppose. At least you’re enjoying the new work. You think you’ll be back this paw for last-meal again, Salty?”
Excuse you, but last I checked you’re only a [Solar Year] or two behind me!” I countered with an amused, chuffing laugh at the name, pointing a claw at the camera before returning to the console in front of me. “But, yes, I’m enjoying it leagues better than the port work.”
“That’s good, you certainly look happier.” She mused, dusting her paws off on her apron before returning to her dough with a sigh. “Stars know you deserve it. Still didn’t answer my question though.”
I paused, looking around the engineering space and thinking about the schedule Taisa and Chris had laid out for us. “I don’t think so, not this paw unfortunately. Should be back for the next one, or the one after at least.”
“Well… be safe, please. I’d hate to lose my favorite customer.” She replied, her voice gaining back that beautiful music as she chided me with mock frustration.
“No worries, Steamcloud, I intend to get my space in order and work on that project of mine, now that I’ve got the time.” I shot back, my tail wagging happily as I let out a chuffing laugh.
“I look forward to hearing about whatever you come up with, Salty, I’ll see if I can’t make something to match.” She whistled back through her panting, her tail wearily bobbing about just in frame as she stepped back from the strayu and leaned on the counter. “Anything you want me to try and harvest? Maybe something from Leirn you miss?”
“You’ve never made a bad thing for me once, I’d trust you to find something to fit. Although I am partial to Stuffed Juntek leaves. No idea how you’d ever manage to get them though.” I hummed, my tail flicking about happily as I felt the ship lull beneath me, my heart soaring at the question. The sound of our sub-space drive spooling down filled the engineering room, that tell-tale pull of real space tugging at my stomach. “Ohp, think we just dropped out of subspace, gotta go wake the lovebirds. I’ll talk to you later, Natus. Juntek leaves or not I can’t wait to try whatever you come up with!”
“You too, Salty, please do stay safe… and maybe send me some pictures?” She asked, her voice rising with a small note of hope as she finished the question.
“I’ll see what I can’t find, Steamcloud. Don’t you worry.” I replied, my tail waving a small, intimate goodbye that she returned with a giggle before ending the video call as I turned towards the door.
Gods and Stars above I wish I’d asked her sooner.
Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: September 23rd, 2136
The soft pull of Polani dropping from subspace pulled me from my sleep, the wonderful warmth surrounding me almost coaxing me back under as Chris’ arms held me tight. My mind warred with itself to find an excuse to press in a little closer and fall back to sleep before Chris’ rumbling groan met my ears.
“Good Mornin’, Darlin’. Sleep well?” He asked, pulling me tight with a sigh as I felt his back muscles tighten before he let go to stretch them out over his head.
“I did… although I wouldn’t mind f-”
“Five more minutes?” He cut me off with a small laugh, planting a soft kiss on my snout before I gently headbutted up into him. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we’ve got a delivery to make.”
“Fiiiiine.” I sighed with mock, exaggerated annoyance as I gave him a small lick on the cheek and sat up to stretch and comb out my fur.
“Need a hand, Darlin’?” Chris asked, extending his hand for the comb as he ran the other through my wool, coaxing a rumbling purr from my chest.
“I certainly wouldn’t say no, Heartwood.” I whistled back, placing the wooden comb in his palm, the purr growing as I felt him work his way through the knots and tangles along my back, occasionally stopping to rub my ears and gently massage the tension from my shoulders.
The stars blessed moment was suddenly, and loudly, interrupted by the sound of Darno pounding on the door, his muffled voice shouting to us through the metal door. “Wakeup, you two, we’re out of subspace. And I don’t think you much want me touching your helm there Cap.”
“Be out in a moment, Old Timer. Don’t touch my stuff!” Chris shouted back through the door, a broad smile on his face as he gently squeezed my shoulder. “Guess I better hurry up, huh?”
“I think you can take all the time you need, big guy.” I whispered, wrapping my tail around his waist as I leaned forward, a happy trill slipping from my snout as he gently worked the knots out of my wool.
[Advance Transcript by Time Unit: 30 Minutes]
Chris and I stepped into the helm, the hiss of the door sliding shut behind us punctuating Darno’s stare, and comment, as he sat, waiting in his seat. “I cut a call with Natus short because we dropped from sub-space, ya know.”
“Well now why would you go doin’ somethin’ foolish like that?” Chris asked, a smile on his face as he slid into his pilot’s seat, the thrum of Polani’s ion thrusters pouring into the hull as he pushed the throttle forwards. “Gotta know by now we ain’t in no rush. So long’s we’re ahead of our date we are a-o-k.”
Darno let out a grumble, his tail swaying back and forth behind him, half annoyance and half amusement as he retorted. “Oh well in that case I suppose I’ll just take my time on the way back.”
“That’s the spirit!” Chris laughed, nudging Polani forward towards that familiar blue marble waiting for us outside the viewscreen. The licking flames of reentry covered the viewscreen, dancing across its face with reckless abandon as Polani buffeted and shook in the turbulent upper atmosphere. The inertial dampeners kicked in, a slow, low whine sounding out across the hull as they chewed through the acceleration, only leaving behind the faintest feeling of deceleration as Chris swung Polani around into another braking maneuver.
The licking touches of reentry faded away, revealing a vast landscape filled with winding rivers, rising mountains, thick green landscape and lush, towering trees. It was all so similar and yet so different, I didn’t know if I’d ever get over it, actually seeing another world. Getting to do what I’d always dreamed of.
The thunderous, crackling roar of the new thrusters was a cacophony even through the hull as the sound echoed off the mountains and rivers around us, casting birds from the trees and up into the skies with panicked fervor. They were working well, had been since the… test run Chris had beaten them through last paw, as worried as Darno and I had been that they’d have some issues. I’d put together a few diagnostics tests for Darno and I to run once we’d landed, something to compare to the ones we’d taken last paw and the ones he'd collected during the trip here. At this point I didn’t think there would be anything wrong with them but it never hurt to be sure.
The cacophony dimmed as Chris reached forward, tapping the communications console to send out a hail and notching the throttle back a bit, clearing his throat and pulling up the nav-screen’s map and azimuth before receiving a loud squawk, of all things, back. “Great Basin ISA Tower, VP-2865-HR requesting clearance for landing to offload cargo ordered, listed under order 33-48903UN. Approaching westbound between Thunder Mountain and The Horn, flying over Bella Coola at bearing 53.”
After a few long moments of silence a human voice with a jolt of surprise mixed with confusion answered back. “-2865-HR, GBISA, you are clear for landing at, uhm…” They hesitated, the sound of hurried shuffling of papers and pens across a desk before the voice came back. “Pad 2.”
“Roger, -2865-HR proceeding to pad 2.” Chris replied, reaching forward to cut the hail before bringing us in low to guide between a pair of towering, snow covered mountains. The foothills and lower mountains around them were covered with waving trees greedily reaching up to drink Sol’s rays falling down on them from above, crowded around rivers and streams, covering all but the biggest of them. As I watched it all roll beneath us I spotted waterfalls, rapids, and small, secluded houses dotting the waters edge only barely visible amongst the canopy's heavy branches.
I spared a glance to Darno, the Yotul’s eyes were glued to the landscape around us, his ears high with curiosity while his tail flailed back and forth as a joyful sparkle danced in his eyes. He noticed my attention as the soaring mountains and vast forests broke away, spreading out into a broad, massive fork around an island covered in brand new looking buildings, seemingly only recently cleared and settled.
“Gods, this looks just like the Untet river…” Darno whispered, his eyes fixed on the lazily flowing, black-blue waters with their rolling fog and low, roiling clouds above us. “The trees are nothing alike but… those waters, just like home.”
“If that’s caught your eye then you’re gonna love the rest of Earth.” I whistled, thinking about the pawful of places we’d gone and how striking each one had been. It was always interesting to be on the other end of Chris’ awe from when we were taking deliveries for the exchange on Shamrock. But to see it on someone else again*?* That was special. “Oh, stars, and the food?! We’ll have to take you to Tokyo if we get the chance. I really wanna try a ‘proper’ sushi place at some point, Chris says the ‘atmosphere’ is just as important as the food… whatever that means”
“You’ll know it when you see it!” Chris laughed, banking Polani up and around the trees at the island’s far edge, bringing us in a wide arc around to one of the bigger clearings and the pair of broad black, yellow, and white pads waiting for us. “It’s all about the feel of the place!”
“Ohhhhh no, we’re not having that conversation again!” I bleated, shaking my head as I tossed my paws above my head, my tail swaying happily behind me. “You’ll just have to show me sometime.”
“Oh trust me, Darlin’, I fully intend to.” He smiled, easing Polani down toward the waiting pad, swinging her tail around to face the ramp towards the broad, stocky building at the clearing's edge before spooling down Polani’s whining engines, “Alright, let's get to it. We’ve got a payload to drop off and an autograph to get!”
“What do you want an autograph for?” I asked, my ears splaying out in confusion as I took an eye off my console to glance over at Chris.
“Not for me, old man loves this dude's shit. I don’t think I’d ever hear the end of it if I had the chance to get one and didn’t.” He laughed, sliding himself up and out of the seat to look over my shoulder. “How’s she doing?”
“She’s fine, I think. Everything looks like it’s holding alright but we won’t know until the diagnostics finish up. They should be done once we’re all unloaded.” I replied, clearing my console and rising to walk toward the hold, my tail coiling around Chris’ wrist as Darno stood to follow us.
The soft whir of hydraulics resounded through the hull as the ramp descended in front of us, the hard clunk of metal on concrete sounding out before being swept away by the subtle whistle of the wind around us. The gentle taste of old wood, salt water and fresh air drifted in my mouth as the sound of waves crashing against rock and the rustle of leaves in the wind met my ear.
In the distance, through a few small gaps in the treeline, I could see a vast expanse of windswept, deep blue and white water, the calmness and tranquility of its surface was a stark contrast to the rapids and rivers we’d flown over just few short quicks before. Chris’ eyes were focused on the gap, a small smile on his face as he watched the water, tracking a mottled brown and gray bird as it glided just above the surface of the water. I pulled my attention away from the water, looking around the port to see if I could find someone to offload the cargo to.
The pads around us were clean and clear, no more than a few leaves dancing on the breeze flicked past across the brand new pads. Looking at them from outside the helm I realized Polani certainly fit on the black square, but only just. The outboard landing struts were no more than a tail from the edges, an impressively small distance considering Chris’ relatively short time at Polani’s helm, let alone starships in general.
The distant rumble of rubber on concrete swelled, cutting through the wind as a heavy orange truck hoved into sight around the edge of the building, a long blacked out trailer with a wooden deck trundling along at its rear. Chris’ attention swung from the distant waters to focus on the truck, his smile dropping a little as he remembered we were technically still working and motioned for the company pad in my tail pouch. “There he is, lemme get the manifest ready.”
I reached up, giving him the pad as I watched the truck roll to a stop a few pawfuls of tails away. The hiss of air flushing from the system singing out through the air before the door swung open, the distant sound of music growing louder before abruptly cutting off as the figure stepped into view.
He was tall, still shorter than Chris but certainly not small; a set of broad shoulders led down into a thin frame and legs. He gave a brief wave, calling out to us excitedly from beyond the translator’s range before he approached. As he got closer I realized his face felt… wrong, somehow. Not in the ‘predatory’ way I would’ve fainted at before but more… unnatural. Where every other Human that I’d met had mostly smooth skin and warm, if not a little ‘predatory’, eyes he wasn’t quite what I’d come to expect.
The hair?
Slick black hair and a groomed ‘mustache’ as Chris had called it swooped across his face above his lips while a small triangle of facial hair hung on his chin.
No, that’s not right… Why is his face so… mechanical*?*
His jaw, nose, ears and eyes were synthetic. Hexagonal, gray pupils stared out of unnatural eye sockets before flowing into a jawline. It all looked right enough but something about it still said ‘not right’ in my head as I looked at the seams and joints that had been constructed.
“Doctor Andre Mackenzie?” Chris asked, his voice echoing out across the pad to the approaching man. “Believe we've got a shipment for you.”
“Please, just call me Mack, hearing the whole thing is surreal.” ‘Mack’ replied, sticking out his hand for Chris. The arm, unlike the face, was not trying to hide its mechanical nature; green and gold filigree flowed into flowering vines that wrapped down to finally end at his hand. After a firm handshake with Chris he turned a little, surprise crossing his face as he looked at Darno and I, as if he’d only just realized we were here before extending the hand to the space between us. “Uhm… Hi, I’m Mack.”
“So we heard.” Darno chuffed, reaching up to take the hand, giving it a polite shake, not letting go as he gently pulled it in a little closer, eying the engravings before releasing it with a satisfied nod, receiving a wary glance from Mack. >Impressive< “Good work, yours?”
“Yeah!” He exclaimed, raising his hands and fluttering his fingers for a moment before continuing. “The whole Heart Surgeon line are all my work. Clockmakers too!”
Darno nodded, still eying the arms as Mack turned, offering another handshake to me with a small smile. I took the hand, gently squeezing it, testing the material to see how it felt. It was surprisingly soft, almost indistinguishable from Chris or Maeves, although what I could feel from the arm itself it certainly wasn’t. “Good to meet you, Mack. What are these made of? The prosthetics we have at home are… well they’re just metal. This is astounding.”
“They’re a titanium skeletal structure with layered Myolin muscle groups arranged like the ones on a regular MK 1 Arm, with sensorskin on the hands and fingers. And it’s connected to my shoulder with a nervlink socket. Both of them.” He answered, pulling up his sleeve to show the joint at the shoulder before bending to pull up the edge of his pants. “Legs too! More stuff to it all but it's a bit early to show any of that off.”
“Stars above that’s one complicated piece then! All the ones I’ve ever seen or worked with at home are usually just a few actuators and a touch sensor on the end. If you could get a harvest on the market back on VP…” I trailed off, thinking about the volume that would have to be moved as my tail swayed about happily behind me. “Well we’d certainly be happy to move it.”
“I don’t sell the prosthetics. The designs are published for free on the company website.”
“What do you sell then?” I replied, my ears falling to the side as my tail curled with confusion.
“Suits, drones, consulting work. I do get paid for the prosthetics work, but that’s medical stuff, so it’s through the government. Paid by appointment kinda thing, not a provided service. So I can just give them away. It helps that I do all my own manufacturing.”
“To be fair,” Chris rumbled, a twinkle of mirth tugged at his lips and danced in his eyes as he spoke. “all the ‘rockstar’ money doesn’t hurt any with keepin’ it free. Speaking of which. My old man’s a big fan, I don’t suppose I could snag an autograph for him?”
“Hell yeah! You got something to sign? If you guys aren’t in a rush I could probably dig up a souvenir he’d freak out over.”
“You’re our only delivery today so I’d say we’ve got some time to dawdle with. ‘Sides, I think he’d kill me if he learned I turned down the chance to bring something like that home for him.” Chris laughed, a broad smile on his face as I slipped my tail up around his wrist, squeezing gently before speaking.
“What kind of suits?” I asked, shearing through the laughter with a curious eye up towards Mack.
Mack smirked, leaning back on his heels before answering. “Since you’ve got time, how about I show you?”
Chris shot a glance down to Darno and I, a questioning eyebrow asking an unspoken question. Darno and I gave a shrug, we certainly had the time. Darno spoke up, filling the relative silence with an answer. “I’ve got no issue with it. I told Natus I probably wouldn’t be back this paw anyhow so I wont be expected for last-meal.”
“You good with it, Tai? Gives you some extra time for those diagnostics you were runnin’. ‘Sides, your parents are pretty used to us not bein’ back same-day at this point, anyhow.” Chris asked, gently squeezing my twitching tail tuft as I gave him a quick nod.
“Sounds good to me! Lead the way, Mack!” I whistled as my tail started to wag a little, pulling against Chris’ arm.
Mack turned, beckoning for us to follow, his fingers tapping together as the rear of the truck folded open, a quartet of drones filing out on little ball drives, looking, almost expectantly, at Mack for instruction. Mack turned, looking over at Chris and I before scratching his head.
“Do I have permission to board or whatever? I uh, didn’t finish my tour in the navy, cause well...” He asked, gesturing broadly at himself with a shrug. “This happened.”
“Aye, feel free, just don’t bust anything up.” Chris laughed, pointing a mock, scolding finger at the bots as they rolled off towards Polani’s hold with a high beep and a synchronized nod of their ‘heads’. “So, let’s see this here suit of yours.”
Mack nodded, pointing to the side of the truck with a finger and stepping back as the panel swung out to reveal a broad, heavy looking suit of… armor? Gleaming, polished metal flowed smoothly into an imposing figure of metal covered in sharp angles, actuators and plugs leading off into the truck. “Stars, what is that even for?”
“This one’s mostly for wearing on stage and publicity stuff. It’s just got the basic feature set all the suits come with. Enhanced strength and balance and optional nervlink hookup; got the new MK 7 impact compensation in it though! On the spaceworthy models it also doubles as the pressure layer, so you don’t get that marshmallow man feeling air or water pressure suits have. This one doesn’t seal though, went with enhanced cooling instead. Man, nothing teaches you a lesson about heat management like 3 hours of running around on stage outside in Kenya…” Mack trailed off, taking a deep breath as he looked between the three of us, realizing he’d started to ramble a bit.
The suits sounded positively astounding, I wanted nothing more than a few claws, or paws, alone with one and all of my tools to harvest every bit of information I could. On the other paw, amongst all of the technical aspects he’d mention one had really seeded my, and it seemed Chris’, attention.
Space worthy ones?” Chris whistled, my tail jerking Chris’ arm back and forth with interest as Chris spoke. “I don’t suppose those ones get that there rock-star discount too, do they?”
“One for each of you?” He mumbled, his eyes scanning Chris, then hesitating on Darno and I before muttering under his breath. “Two alien suits…”
My tail tensed, worry that we’d offended him by asking before he continued, excitement apparent in his voice. It almost reminded me of Renkel whenever he’d get his paws on a new book which was… surprising somehow. “How long do you guys have? Cause I could. If you’ve got any working examples, I’ll need them. Fabricators ten through fourteen aren’t busy, so the bottleneck is your time.”
“How long does it usually take? We’re out of luck on suits ourselves, so no examples. Polani’s last owners saw fit to take them when they sold her.” Chris replied, looking over the heavy suit on the rack. “We don’t need none of the fancy armor stuff, just some suits if’n we need to run out the airlock for something… if that’s possible, of course.”
You don’t need armor?” He asked, confusion plain on his face as he turned, looking back to Polani and pointing up at the guns, sitting silently on their mounts. “Really? Those for pyrotechnics then?”
I started to speak, Darno jumping in before I could start, amusement in his voice as he answered. “On a ship her size those are more for intimidation than fighting, anything they would hurt is too small to get the nose on and anything you could hit probably won’t care much about them.”
“If you want to strap them up with armor I won’t stop you none, but don’t feel obliged on our ‘count.” Chris laughed, looking up at the guns beneath the viewscreen. “To be honest with you I haven’t even fired the things yet since we got her.”
“Right. You know, Gunslingers who hide plates under their shirts get more tall tales told of them.”
“That they do, but the cowpoke what stays out of the danger is far safer anyhow.” Chris countered, a smile on his face as he leaned against the truck at his side. “‘Sides, if’n we find we need some we’ll be sure to come to you first.”
“Danger will find you. That’s the problem, and if you aren’t properly equipped...” He trailed off, lifting his arms up into the fading light of Sol before looking from Chris down to me, a hard look on his face. “It will cost you. Maybe more than you can imagine.”
“If you decide to put a ‘plate under the poncho’ I won’t stop you, but we’re certainly more concerned with not boilin’ than we are with not gettin’ shot… I can’t say we can afford it though if’n ya do.” Chris replied, shrugging his shoulders with a small grunt.
“Afford? Thought you wanted the discount? Getting a design lead on Yotul and Venlil models matters way more anyway. As for yours.” He looks at chris. “I’ve got a military spec suit the UN turned down for being too expensive.”
“Whoa there, cowboy.” Chris laughed, a smile on his face as he raised his hands in that ‘slow down’ gesture of his. “How about something a bit more ‘cargo loader’ and a little less ‘space marine’? I’d love to be able to pitch in a hand when we’re offloading! Makes me feel a lil’ useless, if’n I’m honest.”
“First man in history to turn down free power armor.” Andre fell back into the driver’s seat of the truck, a smile on his face as he laughed. The drones rolled up with a happy beep, giving small salutes before quickly returning back to their spots in the rear of the truck. “Well, how about we go ahead and get started then!”
“Sounds like a plan.” Chris rumbled, looking to Darno and I. “You two good to go?”
I gave a quick nod, seeing Darno sign out a >When you are< as his ears rose with anticipation.
Stars above this is exciting!
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 13:33 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 57 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris ascharacters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
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Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Venlil-Human Exchange Participant
Date [Standardized Human Time]: September 20th, 2136
Another Paw doing the best job in the galaxy.
The clatter of my autoblinds woke me from my sleep, interrupting a dream that bolted away leaving only a beautiful warmth in my chest. As I opened my eyes the usual warm, filtering glow of the sun was absent, replaced by the soft light of the lamp on my desk. I let out a long, whining yawn as I stretched my paws out over my head, my tail flicking about underneath the covers of my bed. I pulled up my pad, opening it to see my still open Bleat page and the reminder of the message I’d gotten late last waking.
Hello, Taisa. I am Professor Torran, formerly a head of the Exchange Program. I heard about your new business, and I found myself quite interested. I believe that I have an offer that YOU might be interested in.
At the shipment yard of the Capitol SpacePort, 23 bundles of steel beams and stone blocks, each one 10 meters cubed in size, should be waiting for you to pick up. There should also be one extra bundle measuring 10 meters tall, 10 meters wide, and 7 meters long. There should be one final thing as well, a Crate with warning and fragility labels, approximately 3 meters cubed in size. I will text you the address that the shipment must be delivered to in a moment. I hope that this isn’t too troubling for you.
We had to do that delivery to the middle of nowhere. As odd a request as it was I’d checked out the name and it certainly seemed legit and for the money they were offering there wasn’t a way we could say no! It was more than enough to pick up the hangar, pay Parnel for our parts off the Star Finder and have some left over for a safety crop. Stars, if we planted our seeds right, we might even get to put some towards our debt!
I sat up, my tail slipping free from the covers to wag slowly behind me as I swung my legs out to stand up, my claws making a satisfying click on the hardwood floor. Our time at the festival last waking had been… interesting. From meeting Tevri to confessing to Mama and Papa to their reactions I felt like I had been put through an industrial wool-dryer I was only just now figuring my way out of. She’d been happy, just like Darlene had said she would, Papa seemed ecstatic and… And they welcomed him in, this time with open paws, a far better welcome than he’d gotten when he’d gotten here. Said that he ‘was their favorite one I’d ever brought home’ after he’d gone to sleep himself. That they were happy I’d found someone that made me as happy as he did.
It was… perfect.
Everything in my life had changed so fast. A ship, a company, a job, a herd and… and him. I wouldn’t go back to the way it was before for anything.
The cold Night air danced in my wool as I padded out into the darkened hall, my steps lit only by the warm glow of the lamps on the walls as the dull thump of paw on wood bounced off the walls around me. I stopped at the top of the stairs, looking at the newest addition to Mama’s host of pictures, Chris and I standing in front of his parents house, a wide, goofy grin plastered on his face as he waved to the camera. My tail wagged slowly behind me as I ambled down the stairs, finding a quiet kitchen waiting for the paw’s life and preparations to begin.
The soft creak of the door into Chris’ room whined out as I stepped inside, the now familiar chirps and whistles of the birds on his wakeup screen welcoming me in. Sol’s warm rays danced over the distant mountains, shifting the blackest night towards that astounding sunrise we’d shared only a few paws ago as I stepped up to Chris’ side, gently licking his cheek with a purr and receiving a familiar grunt as he rolled over towards me.
“G’mornin’, Darlin’.” He rumbled, working a heavy, warm hand through my wool as I gently headbutted his forehead.
“Good Waking, Heartwood. Sleep well?” I whispered, a deep, resonating purr vibrating through my body as I climbed up to sit on the bed at his side, those delightful fingers playing at the wool behind my ears.
“Better and better, you?” He replied, pulling me in close with a happy growl before planting a kiss on my head.
“Wonderfully. I feel so much… lighter now that Mama and Papa know.” I whistled, my tail wrapping around his bicep as he stretched, feeling the muscle bulge before settling back down.
“Honestly I’m a little surprised how well she took it! Not upset, for sure, but I really kinda expected a fight.” He chuckled, dragging his fingers down my back, pulling at the knotted wool with pleasing results.
“Oh yea, I talked to them before bed, they said they’re just happy I found someone that makes me happy and…” I trailed off, tilting my head in thought as his hand worked its way back up to my shoulders.
“And won’t tear off on ya?” He finished, rolling his shoulder as he rested his head on my crown with a smile and a small kiss.
“Something like that. If they’re happy then that’s a stars-blessed start.” I giggled, nuzzling up into his neck with a loud purr. “I know I sure am.”
“So am I, Wool Ball, so am I. Dating the best Venlil in the galaxy.” He rumbled, pulling me tight against his chest. I laid there for a moment, basking in the warmth of him and the attention of his dexterous fingers before he spoke again, that deep resonance of his voice pouring through my wool. “Now, I figure we oughta get goin’. Shorter run today but I certainly don’t wanna miss nothin’; and we still need to call Darno and sort out what to do with his tools.”
I let out a mock, whistling whine as I pressed myself down tighter against his chest. “Five more minutes?”
“Ohhhh no you don’t, not again lil’ missy. We’re gettin’ up, else you lose track of another hour like the other day.” He laughed, forcing himself upright with me still hanging onto him… for a moment.
“Hey wai-“ I let out a panicked beep before unceremoniously flopping to the bed with a huff, landing snout down on the covers, greeted by the familiar taste of him before I slapped my tail across his face.
“Somehow you’re even more adorable when you’re frazzled.” He laughed as he stood from the bed, bending over to plant a kiss on my crown before pulling on some more clothes.
Humans and their clothes… not that they look bad.
“Rude, Door Denter! You’re supposed to be nice to your girlfriend, you know!” I teased, tapping my tail on his nose before collecting myself and hopping down to join him, raising a paw to my snout with mock horror. “What would your Ma think?!”
“Oh I’m sure she’d have plenty to say.” He smiled before sticking his tongue out and running a hand through the wool on my crown as he walked past me to the door. “But she ain’t here right now.”
“And I’m sure she’d love to know all about it.” I countered, sticking my tongue back out at him as I followed him through the door and out into the kitchen, hearing the heartwarming sound of Papa hard at work making first meal. I let out a happy beep, tapping Chris on the side with my tail as I passed before settling into my stool at the island. “Night greets you, Papa! What’re you making this time?”
“A few more things Chris’ Mom sent with you guys! A couple new ideas for ‘breakfasts’ I could make with what she sent along!” He replied as Chris settled in at my side, giving him a warm wave of his tail while he set out our bowls. “I swear, you humans have got some interesting ideas about food! Grinding up nuts? For texture? Stars it’s the strangest thing!”
Just the same wakeup as always…
“Oh? What recipe ya tryin?” Chris asked as he took a deep sniff of the air, his eyes lighting up as he leaned to peer down into the bubbling pot on the burner. “Is that…”
“Her note said this was her ‘Tofu and Grits’! Something about it being a Venlil friendly Version of one of your favorites?”
Chris’ face was filled with joy as he plopped back into his seat with a laugh. He may not have a tail but I knew that if he did it’d be wagging as fast as it could muster. “Well she’s not wrong about that! I can remember a fair few mornin’s with Me, Ryan an’ Annabelle home, the three of us bickerin’ o’er the last serving ‘fore Pa’d just reach over and take it himself.”
“Well then I am certainly looking forward to it!” Papa whistled, his tail swinging about happily behind him as he started dolling out servings of thick, steaming yellow grain mash into the bowls before topping them with crispy pieces of golden brown Tofu.
I could feel my tail flicking about behind me as I speared the first chunk of tofu, dragging it through the thick ‘grits’ at the bottom of the bowl before popping it into my mouth. A burst of delicious spice and thick, rich grain spread across my mouth before flooding my core with a wonderfully comforting warmth. The rich, delectable burn of the spices danced on my tongue before being washed away by the overwhelming savoriness of the grits.
Stars above! Papa, that is delicious!” I exclaimed before scooping another bite up from the bowl with a happy mewl.
“Don’t thank me! I’d’ve never thought to do that!” Papa replied, his tail bobbing back and forth as he served himself his own bowl before setting another, smaller one, aside for Mama next to her usual stringfruit. “I can’t wait to see what she comes up with with our foods!”
“Oh, believe you me, next time we visit her she’ll send us back with a whole book of recipes for ya!” Chris rumbled before digging into his own meal with a restrained enthusiasm, a pleased groan coming from him as he took his first bite. “God knows I’m excited.”
The solid thunk of Mama’s prosthetic on hardwood sounded out, pausing for a moment at the top of the stairs before continuing down. Her tail waved a happy, energetic >Good Morning Everyone< as she came into view before she spoke. “Good waking, Taisa. Good Waking, Chris. I hope you slept alright.”
Chris turned in his seat, a broad smile on his face as he scraped the last of his grits up with a chunk of tofu. “Slept great and woke up to one of my favorite meals, don’t know that I could ask for a better morning. You sleeping any better?”
She nodded, pressing into a hug with papa, whispering a soft ‘thank you, sweetheart’ before turning her attention back to Chris as she examined the bowl of grits. “Much, that might be the best rest I’ve had in herds… It’s… surprising.”
“Well I’m happy to hear it.” He beamed as he finished the last of his first meal, scooping up his clothes and standing from his stool, running a hand through the wool on my crown. “Anyhow, we got a shipment to hop to so I need to go get myself cleaned up. You all ready, Tai?”
I nodded as I swallowed another chunk of tofu, tapping his side with my tail. “Yup, just need to grab my tail bags and I’ll be good! I know just the place we’re going when we get back for the festival!”
“Oh really now? Well I can’t wait!” He laughed back before turning to walk to the bathroom, the door clicking shut behind him followed shortly by the soft whoosh of running water and the gentle rolling of his voice as he sang to himself.
I turned my attention back to the food in front of me, finding Mama and Papa’s attention squarely on me. Papa’s ears raised in amusement as Mama let out a soft whistle, her tail flicking with amusement. “Stars I don’t know how I didn’t see it when your father of all people did.”
I let out a small, embarrassed beep before responding, trying to cover my spreading bloom before I replied. “We were trying to hide it but well… we’re uhm - we’re not very good at that.”
Papa let out a small laugh before popping a piece of tofu into his mouth. “Well, we’re just happy you’re happy.”
“I may not understand why him but… he’s good for you. And that’s far more important than anything else. Predator or prey.” Mama whistled, padding over to me to pull me into a warm hug. “Besides, I certainly like him a lot more than the last one.”
I felt a happy purr build in my throat as I pressed into Mama’s hug, holding close to the warm pride I could feel in her grasp as she nuzzled my snout. “Thank you, Mama. That means a lot, especially from you.”
The sound of the pouring shower shuddered to a stop as Chris’ singing faded away, replaced by the sound of his preparations as he got ready for the paw. Mama hung in the hug for a long moment, pulling me tighter before whispering in my ear. “I’m just happy you’re not alone anymore.”
“So am I, Mama… So am I.” I whispered back as she pulled away, her tail swaying happily as she returned to her meal.
The door to the bathroom swung open and Chris stepped out in a thick blue coat with a matching flattened hat covering his hair that gleamed like the muddied waters of the Genori and a broad, goofy smile on his face. “Damn if a hot shower don’t loosen ya up after a cold night. You ready to go there, Wool Ball?”
I hopped down from my stool, my tail happily wagging as I gave Mama and Papa a tight hug before turning to follow Chris out the door, my heart soaring with the events and realizations of the last two paws. “After you, Door Denter!”
The sharp chill of the freezing night air nipped at the tips of my ears, drifting flakes of snow dancing on the growing wind scattered into small drifts across the fields, along the truck’s windowsills and, most amusingly, in Chris’ beard, filling the muddy brown with glimmering flecks of white. Once the door clacked shut behind us he stooped over, planting a gentle, warm kiss on my crown before slipping the visor on with a smile. “‘C’mon, Darlin’, we got a job to do.”
I let out a happy mewl, nuzzling up into his neck as I wrapped my tail around his leg. “That we do.”
We climbed into the truck and I turned the key, the lights flicked on before the heater burst to life with a long, never ending breath as I shifted the truck into gear. The soft crunch of gravel under the tires transitioned to the muffled roar of rubber against soft asphalt as I pulled out onto the road and planted my foot with a giggle, earning a string of curses and frantic grabbing for the handle above his head from Chris.
The soft, shimmering lights strung over the streets of Heartwood blended in amongst the stars in the Tapestry above. All around us Venlil were padding about, going amongst their lives and heading off towards the festival at the Basin’s edge. The town fell away, the shuttle port coming into view as the space around us opened up, the familiar bump of the entrance into the shuttle ports pad area welcoming us back. An unfamiliar shuttle lit off its thrusters, pulling up and away from the pad next to ours before rumbling away out of sight into the black night beyond.
Polani slowly slid into view, her silver skin gleaming in the scattered landing lights of the port, a small bundle of brown stood at her side, inspecting the engine mounts as we rolled to a stop in the parking area near our pad. Chris swung his door open with a grunt, a smile in his voice as he called out to the figure. “Darno, you old coot! Happy to see you!”
Darno turned, fixing Chris with an eye before his tail started to gently sway as he waved ‘hello’. “And I you, Chris! I hope you’re both well!”
“Right as rain, old-timer! You ready to get to work for the day?” Chris asked as we approached, sticking out his hand for Darno to take before giving it a quick shake and letting go.
“That I am, you two said something about an idea?” Darno replied as Polani’s ramp descended with the whir of hydraulics.
“We had an idea about what to do with your tools!” I chimed in, my tail reaching around to point at the old hangar and the pad in front of it at the far edge of the port. “That one is for sale! Not a terrible price either. Big enough for all your tools, storage space for spares and any extra cargo we decide to pick up to fill the hold! I figure we could take the downtime we have to work together on some projects! Refurbish old parts, take on some odd repair jobs, something to keep our claws working!”
Darno’s ears pinned back with worry for a moment, his eyes shifting between the two of us before asking in a dejected voice, entirely devoid of confidence. “You’re not just gonna stick me in there for good, are you?”
God no, Darno. You’re part of the crew, you’re comin’ with us every run you can.” Chris reassured, patting the Yotul on the shoulder.
Darno’s ears swung upwards, a twitch of hope working its way through his tail as he turned to look up at Chris’ visor, studying it for a moment before moving his attention over to me and then off to the distant hangar. “Good. I… I believe you. Place looks alright; need to check inside but… well it can’t be any worse than my last workshop.”
“Great!” I beeped, my tail wagging about happily as I passed him to pad up the ramp. “In that case we can look her over when we get back from the paw’s work! Already got a hold of the seller to let him know we’re interested late last paw.”
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Chris rumbled, his heavy boots thumping up the ramp past me up and into the gaping cargo hold. “Lets get to it, don’t wanna be late for the festival!”
Darno and I followed Chris up the ramp, the old Yotul gazing up and around the hold with interest and wonder plain on his tail as it flicked about behind him. “By the gods she’s… magnificent.”
Right? And to think the last owners just shuffled her off to rot at a brokerage. Well, it’s their loss! Come on, let me show you the engineering spaces!” I chirped, beckoning him to follow me with my tail.
“Hey! I think someone has some preflights she has to do!” Chris laughed, slipping off his visor with a smile.
“I’ll be there, gotta familiarize the new hire with the ship though! How else is he gonna help?” I whistled back, smacking his side with my tail before sticking my tongue out and padding off with Darno following close behind.
“Sorry Cap, lady’s got a point!” Darno snickered at Chris, his tail bobbing with amusement as we cut a trail straight to my pride and joy.
Every step of the way I could see him peering into server racks, glancing into maintenance hatches and down cable paths, each one earning a grunt of appreciation before he took a pawful of hurried steps to catch up. “You run a tighter ship than we did on the Tail Nipper, even with the cables! This is astounding.”
“Well, to be fair, we haven’t had her long enough to call it our work yet. But I certainly intend to keep her that way!” I answered, waving my tail towards the door in front of us as it hissed open with the thready sound of pneumatics. “But most important of all is what we intend to do with her!”
Darno sucked in a sharp breath in surprise, his tail wagging about happily behind him as he stepped through the door into the engineering space, running an eager paw across the top of the console with a soft whisper. “Beautiful. Now this is all I ever really wanted.”
“Well, we’ve got plans for her and I hope for your help at every harvest! Lots of work to be done and I’d love to have a good pair of experienced paws at my side.” I beeped, patting him on the back with my tail. “Not all of it’s going to be exciting, but I hope it's better than where you were.”
“I think I’d be happy to help, and with what you’ve said so far, I think you two will be hard pressed to be worse than that idiot in Shining Waterfall. Ya know, she gave me a hard time this waking on my way to the shuttle?” He replied, his tail curling tensely with annoyance before relaxing as he sighed and tapped away at the engineering console, bringing up the detailed readout array with ease.
“Well, we’re going to try our best, you can count on that.” I replied, the systems around us whirring, buzzing and hissing to life as the deckplates below my paws hummed to life. “For now, though, we’ve got a job to do! C’mon, let me show you your room and then your station on the helm.”
>Lead on< Darno signaled, falling in at my side again as the door to engineering hissed shut back behind us, muffling the mechanical symphony inside as we padded away toward the helm. After a few detours and more than a pawful of enlightening questions from Darno about Polani’s subsystems, relays, conduits and thrust outputs we reached the berthing hall. I came to a stop in front of the Engineer’s room, Darno giving me a confused look for a moment as I opened the door into the single bed cabin, gesturing inside with my tail.
“Isn’t this your room? I’m the assistant engineer, right?” He asked, confusion in his tail as he hesitantly leaned inside.
“I’ve got… more accommodating quarters.” I replied, my tail swaying happily at the thought as my attention drifted to the room to the door marked ‘Captain’s Quarters’.
Realization dawned on Darno’s face followed by amusement as his ears rose high with mirth, his tail tapping off the ground in heavy applause. “Somehow I’m really not all that surprised. Good for you, he seems like a good guy.”“The best.” I sighed, unable to conceal my happiness at the old Yotul’s approval. “Anyhow. This one’s yours, decorate it as you want, there’s a small workbench on the back wall but it doesn’t have any tools in it, although I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you.”
“Oh I’m sure I can find something to fill it with.” He replied with a chuffing laugh, stepping into the room to look around. “Thank you, Taisa. You two are good people. If you’d asked me if I thought someone would take a chance on an old primiti- Yotul like me only a cycle ago then… then I don’t think I’d’ve said yes.”
“It’s no problem, Darno.” I replied, letting out a surprised beep as he pulled me into a tight hug.
“I won’t let the two of you down, I promise. Just… Just don’t stick me in that warehouse and forget about me, ok?”
“We wouldn’t dream of it. You’re part of the crew; if Polani’s going somewhere you’re comin’ with her.” I replied, squeezing into the hug before pulling back. “I promise.”
Darno thought for a moment before giving a stiff nod, unfamiliar with the motion. “That’s good to hear. Now… how about we go see the captain? Don’t wanna keep us waiting on my account.”
I returned the nod, beckoning him with my tail as I turned to pad up to the helm. “Then let's get to it!”
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submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 03:51 Flyinpenguin117 [Video Games/Dwarf Fortress] The sad story of Boatmurdered, a tale of death, insanity, administrative failure, rampaging Elephants, burning puppies, and cheese.

Losing is fun!

"In the year 1050, the dwarven civilization of Kinmelbil, "The Oaken Tomes", exhausted the last of its mines. Driven by lust for gold and rumors of the priceless and all but mythical metal adamantine, a team of seven colonists was dispatched to build a new home for the dwarves of Kinmelbil in the Smooth Points of Pride. The first year of diaries from the ill-fated foreman of the mine were recovered, giving some hint as to the beginnings of the fortress that once stood there, if not its mysterious and presumably gruesome fate..."
If you spend any time in strategy or sandbox/base-building video game spaces, there’s a good chance you may have heard the name Dwarf Fortress. Dwarf Fortress is... something. Explaining it to my friends, even ones who play video games themselves, often leaves me at a loss for words, because it's less of a ‘game’ and more of a ‘reality simulator' or ‘Minecraft meets SimCity 2000.’ It sort of defies explanation. At its surface level, Dwarf Fortress is a 2d colony management game, in which you send out a group of Dwarfs to build a new Fortress, surviving the elements and fighting off threats from without and within while acquiring vast wealth and digging ever deeper until your greed and hubris ultimately befalls you or your cats all die of alcohol poisoning.
But underneath that are vast, deep, and unfathomably complex layers of simulation for nearly every part of the game. Rather than simple HP bars, entities have full-on skeletal, nervous, and organ systems that take damage (with cuts, burns, broken bones, etc. all having different effects) and require specifically-trained medical professionals to properly operate on (God help you if they’re not trained). Combat is a simulation of moves and countermoves that impact in various ways depending on weapons, armor, skills, etc. which can lead to things like a Bronze Colossus’ fist bouncing off a kitten’s skull or a Giant being violently shaken around by a goose (I said deep, not realistic). And above all else, Dwarfs have unique personalities, memories, and mental health which affects their behavior. Because unlike something like SimCity where citizens are just nebulous numbers, Dwarfs are individual entities who act autonomously- you can queue up work orders for the fortress but when and how your Dwarfs go about fulfilling them is largely beyond your control. You can order a Dwarf to build something, but if they need food or drink or there's a party happening somewhere they’ll do that first. If a Dwarf makes an engraving on a wall, it can be an engraving of something they’ve seen before, such as a priceless artifact they created or a significant historic event they took part in or their friends being gored by Elephants. And if enough negative thoughts and trauma piles up, Dwarfs can behave erratically, ranging from wandering around in a depressed state to outright committing hamburger time to, most hilariously, throwing a tantrum and assaulting other Dwarfs, which can lead to those Dwarfs throwing a tantrum and assaulting more Dwarfs... you get the idea. Nothing a simple Puppy Fountain can't fix (pay no attention to the cropped furry porn avatar).
8: This is a pile of dead dwarves, an Elephant, and a cloud of Miasma. Those are the three most prevalent features in Boatmurdered.
These overlapping layers of mechanics makes for an incredibly deep and complicated game with a nearly infinite amount of possible outcomes. Unintended interactions and ‘bugs as features’ are almost a key component of the game, and no Dwarf Fortress story embodies this more than the Shakespearean tragedy of the accursed Fortress of Koganusân. A saga that sounds like a first-time dungeon master's hastily written play session backstory, a fantasy epic so utterly insane that its almost impossible to believe that it came about not from scripted events or instant player choices, but as a natural progression of the game itself and the long-term consequences of those responsible for the fortress' downfall.
Welcome to fucking Boatmurdered!

Years 1-4: The Seed is Planted

"I take a look at the maps, and sure enough, this outpost is stuck out in the middle of nowhere, smack in the Smooth Points of Pride. "Boatmurdered" they call it, a name which doesn't bode well for much of fucking anything."
This is a comprehensive archive of the full Boatmurdered playthrough, all written in-universe and in-character by those who took part, complete with screenshots in all their ASCII-graphics glory. I’ll be doing a year-by-year summary of the major events (and the sheer amount of random Dwarf deaths and general chaos), but if you want the full story in all its comically horrifying detail then read the above link.
So the story of Boatmurdered begins on the SomethingAwful forums circa 2007. It began as a simple succession game- participants would be given one in-game year to run the fortress as they saw fit, beginning and ending at the start of each spring, then save the game and send the save file to the next ruler. The only real rule was that if you blatantly sabotaged the fort to complete unplayability they’d roll back to an earlier save, but you were otherwise under no obligation to respect the work of previous rulers or make things easy for your successor.
All quotes with names attached are excerpts from the original forum thread, the rest are ‘in character’ by the current madman ruler.
A quick note about the name: names in Dwarf Fortress function much like messages in Dark Souls. You can't simply type whatever you want, instead there's predefined phrase structures that are populated from a rudimentary vocabulary of Dwarfen words, so the name Koganusân literally means Boatmurdered (Boatmurdered had nothing to do with boats and indeed there are no boats in Dwarf Fortress at all, but the second word will be quite relevant). I'm not sure if this was intentionally picked or if they just repeatedly hit the randomizer and went with the first morbid-sounding name they landed on.
The fortress was first founded by TouretteDog (remember, SomethingAwful), and he immediately started laying the groundwork, setting up item stockpiles and workshops outside, chopping trees, gathering food, and digging for a water source, while noticing the ominously large number of Elephants who hassle any Dwarfs (and trader caravans) who wander too close. He gets some rudimentary defense with trained dogs and cage traps, and not a moment too soon because that winter they got raided by monkeys, one of many repeat issues for the fortress, who assaulted Dwarfs and stole food before being killed by the dogs:
A few more war dogs ran out and attacked. I have to say I'm slightly terrified by them. One of the bitches actually gave birth while she was attacking, and her puppies joined in on the carnage. At the end of the day, the three mandrills were dead, and they took one war dog with them and injured another one and a puppy. The poor dog's in sad shape. He keeps trying to find the dwarf who trained him, and then passing out. A few minutes later, he'll wake up, take another few steps, and pass out again. I'm tempted to have him put out of his misery by the butcher, but nobody will touch him and seems a sad way to treat someone who fought off the mandrills. The puppy is still running around with half his chest missing. Makes it damn disturbing when he humps your leg, I'll tell you that.
Thus ended his tenure, and Mariguana took over in Year 2. His reign was relatively uneventful, a Carpenter took a nap on a bridge, fell into a river, and drowned, more monkeys stole from the unsecured stockpiles outside the fortress and later dismembered another Dwarf, snakemen spawned from an underground river and mauled a stonemason who became so depressed he starved to death. He builds some lever mechanisms, one to retract the drawbridge in case of a siege and one to drain the moat- a bit of a running problem in Boatmurdered is administrators putting levers everywhere and future rulers not knowing what they do, leading to hilarity. Two waves of immigrants come under his administration, forcing them to expand the fortress and making it's layout more confusing.
Keyboard Fox took charge of Year 3. He expands the fortress’ defense, making more weapons and traps, changing labor assignments for Dwarfs so everyone isn’t fishing all the time, expanding food production and finally building an actual metalworking forge instead of making everything out of rock and bone. Boatmurdered’s chronic Elephant problem began this year when a group of migrants appeared and were mauled by the local herd. The survivors ran for the safety of the fortress, luring them into cage traps where several were captured. Miners uncover a Chasm and a Magma River, so he sets about flooding the chasm with the magma to prevent any monsters from spawning out of it.
A note to my successors: Don't pull the switch near the chasm. It causes everything past it to die from magma.
By the end of his administration they’ve captured and even tamed several Elephants, had a few Elephant-related deaths, and after a metalsmith became possessed (when Dwarfs are possessed or have strange moods they’re attempting to create a legendary artifact), they couldn’t provide a workplace and materials so he went insane, stripped naked, and ran around screaming.
Year 4 was headed by Locus, who decreed that after each ruler retires they name a Dwarf in the fortress after themselves. He sets about establishing an actual military and expanding metal industry instead of hoping every attacker wanders into a cage trap. Another possessed Dwarf goes insane and commits hamburger time by drowning. Yet another Dwarf drowns in a river flood. Work progresses slowly though as most stockpiles and basic workshops are still outside from the first ruler, where workers are routinely attacked by Elephants when not being rained on constantly (PTSD from the rain is a thing in Dwarf Fortress). An Elephant is accidentally released from captivity and goes around attacking Dwarfs and crushing dogs to death.
I have a theory that once an elephant tastes dwarf blood, which surely is how this particular creature got her name, they cannot be tamed properly.
Eventually the rampaging Elephant is put down by war dogs, a couple Dwarfs, and a horse. And then another Dwarf wanders out into the fields and gets killed by another Elephant. Unsure of how to progress because of the fortress’ deteriorating organization and poor workflow, he builds more living quarters, and sets traps by the more valuable interior workshops to protect the skilled laborers. He ominously starts building a tomb complex for the fortress’ rulers, which would be yet another of Boatmurdered’s constant administrative problems, with future overseers wasting valuable time and resources on increasingly lavish tombs in an effort to one-up their predecessor’s death hole. He then leaves a list of projects for future rulers and an even more complicated fortress layout. Then another Dwarf gets possessed, can’t get the materials he wants, loses his mind and goes streaking until he dies of dehydration. Thus ended Locus’ reign, and the ‘boring’ part of Boatmurdered’s history, because if the insane naked dwarfs and Elephants weren’t enough already, shit’s going to go completely off the wall fast.

Year 5: The Great Elephant War

"I'll kill those elephants. I'll kill all those fucking elephants."
The rule of StarkRavingMad is considered to be when Boatmurdered really became Boatmurdered. His backstory as a tavernkeeper who got exiled to the cursed outpost after his old fortress struck gold and Deadwood-inspired profanity-laden tirades about Elephants, the appalling state of the fortress the previous overseers left it in, the population being gradually becoming more manic and depressed, and axe-crazy determination to kill all the Elephants pretty much sums up Boatmurdered quite well and his year wound up essentially being the catalyst of it's ensuing 10 year decay.
The previous Overseer must have had some sort of sick fucking fascination with them, because we have elephants everywhere. Elephants in cages, elephants in the halls, elephants shitting in the dining room, everywhere. I don't know what to do with them, I guess start butchering them and hope they make a good roast.
Immediately, SRM starts butchering the stray animals, moving all workshops and stockpiles inside, making more comfortable living quarters, reorganizing food production to put farms, kitchens, and food stockpiles near each other, and building a bridge across an outside river that had cut off trade caravans from reaching the fortress, trying to fix the bloat of the previous 4 overseers. Thanks to Dwarfs being too drunk, asleep, or busy hauling the random objects strewn about the Fortress, work orders are slow to be fulfilled. He orders the expanded dining hall to be decorated with engravings to improve fortress morale, Dwarfs carve art of Elephants and dead Dwarfs.
Then there was a major Elephant incident. A Dwarf was killed by Elephants. A bunch of other Dwarfs went outside to retrieve his body and possessions, only for them to get attacked by the Elephants as well. The Elephants chased them back to the Fortress, some of them making it past the cage traps and running rampant, killing Dwarfs en masse. This resulted in a feedback loop of the Elephants killing Dwarfs and starting to leave, then the Dwarfs would come to loot the bodies, capturing the Elephants attention again and getting them killed, which led to more Dwarfs coming to loot their bodies, etc, with the knock-on effect of Elephants improving their combat skills with each Dwarf killed, making them even more dangerous. Thus began the Great Elephant War. And during all this, a Goblin Thief attacks the fortress and gets crushed by a falling rock, adding to the pile of gore.
So the merchants arrive to see blood and vomit everywhere, us hauling corpses en masse to the graveyard, a couple rampaging elephants. WELCOME TO FUCKING BOATMURDERED! Hope you like miasma!
Several more Elephants throw their hat in the ring, one of them killing so many Dwarfs that it gets a full-on name and title. The militia is sent to put down the Elephants, but they prove too powerful and the soldiers all die. Unable to stop the cycle of Dwarf corpse looting, doors are installed in the hallway leading up to the main gate and locked to prevent anyone from leaving the fortress. The Elephants simply sit in the tunnel, blocking off Boatmurdered from the outside world. And then, a Goblin Army arrives, and instead of being attacked by the Elephants, join them in the siege.
The goblins just lazily took a few potshots at a stray cat still wandering around out front, and then they just stayed out in the Elephant Tunnel. I think they're starting their own little town in there, elephants and goblins living together in peace and harmony, joined only by burning hatred for dwarves.
StarkRavingMad begins Project Fuck The World, a channel leading from the magma river meant to flood the exterior and burn everything outside to death, but the project ultimately fails when miners strike an aquifer and flood the channel with water. He then enacts Project Get Me The Fuck Out of Boatmurdered, and leaves the place behind, besieged by an unholy alliance of goblins and elephants.

Year 6: The War Continues

"The recruits (minus all those drinking, eating, and sleeping) Let out a mighty shout and charge! For the glory of Boatmurdered! No one can fault their bravery. Only their results."
Bremen took charge of the beleaguered fortress next. He orders Dwarfs to begin carving fortifications in the walls so that they can fire outside with ranged weapons. Luckily, the Goblins get bored and leave. After building a Ballista (which will become very fucking relevant later), they successfully kill or drive off the Elephants outside, freeing them for the time being, and he begins making preparations for their inevitable return. A Dwarf makes a legendary bracelet engraved with an image of cheese to mark their triumph over the Elephants. A couple months later, the Elephants come back for round 2, before the cage traps can be reloaded and while the Dwarfs who are supposed to be manning the ballista are all busy drinking. He attempts to lock the doors, but due to a dead butterfly blocking the tile the game forces the door to remain open, beginning the death cycle again. Untrained Dwarfs using the ballista waste all available ammunition, and marksdwarfs run out of bolts. An attempt by the military (which was mostly random Dwarfs scrounged up and hastily equipped) is made to put down the rampaging elephants. See the above quote for the outcome.
In a desperate ploy to save Boatmurdered, one of the levers meant to secure the fortress in a siege is pulled. It floods a portion of the fortress with magma instead. Those trapped inside scrape together the materials to arm as many Dwarfs as possible with crossbows and kill the remaining Elephants, breaking the siege once again.
StarkRavingMad: One or two previous rulers died during my reign. I guess I should have documented that better, but it was kind of hard to keep track, what with the ground awash in dwarven blood and my panicked attempts not to permanently screw over the whole succession game.
Bremen: Most of them are dead, yes. I'll try and give more concrete info on survivors at the end of my turn.
Locus: Well at least we're resting peacefully in our tombs. In spirit. Probably underneath elephant remains, in the physical sense.
Bremen: I ran out of coffins. Then I ran out of designated graveyard space. Most of you are spending your eternal rest in the garbage dump.
The rest of Bremen’s administration is spent trying to clean up from the Elephant Siege. The military is rearmed, reorganized, and trained. New doors are installed. The huge amount of stray animals wandering the narrow corridors are causing traffic jams, so the corridors are expanded and many animals caged or slaughtered. Winter is anticlimactic, Bremen retires as ruler and becomes commander of their military.

Year 7: Fuck The World

"It is quite the typical Dwarven Stronghold, nothing seems to be out of the ordin---what the fuck is with this fortress? "
Sankis takes his turn next, and immediately restarts Project Fuck The World. The beginning of his rule is relatively calm, with Dwarfs dying at a normal rate and a few monkey raids, but no major goblin or elephant sieges. At this point the fortress’ population increases to 98. The max is 200, which can be reached within 5 years or so in a normal playthrough but Boatmurdered is anything but. The Fortress gets even bigger and more convoluted. By the end of summer, Project Fuck The World is completed, but a full test can’t be enacted as if the lava makes contact with the water canals, the ensuing steam cloud would flood the fortress and scald all the Dwarfs to death. Instead the fortress is flooded with miasma from all the rotting bodies strewn about. TouretteDog, founder of Boatmurdered, is killed by Elephants.
Towards the end of Winter and Sankis' reign, a miner accidentally breaches a major aqueduct, which begins flooding the entire exterior and threatens to spill into the main fortress. The miner drowns. In a desperate ploy to save Boatmurdered, the Fuck The World lever is pulled, releasing the flow of magma to the outside and evaporating all the water. All the Dwarfs and animals outside burn to death, but the fortress is saved. While decorating his future tomb, Sankis engraves an image of a dog burning to death and a dwarf screaming. The land outside is left a scorched, barren wasteland, but on the plus side, it does eliminate all the Elephants, effectively bringing an end to the Great Elephant War. Though the beasts would continue to be a thorn in Boatmurdered’s side for the remainder of it's decrepit existence, they could no longer besiege the fort for months on end and all the dangerous named elephants had been annihilated. Sankis retires to be a humble engraver, professionally vandalizing the walls of Boatmurdered with the most heinous carvings imaginable, and Boatmurdered now has a doomsday device that can effectively solve every problem they have.

Years 8-9: Putting the Murdered in Boatmurdered

"Come on guys, we have a nice settlement, why didn't you stick around? Was it the ashen wasteland? The bloodstained gates? Was it the screams of madmen or the stench of death? We've got awful nice engravings of some fucking cheese here, come the fuck on in!"
Astronautonomicron took charge next for Year 8. Right off the bat a Dwarf drowns and another is mauled by an Elephant when a new herd shows up. An Elven trading caravan shows up and are not happy about all the trees and wildlife being annihilated by magma. A jailed Dwarf throws a tantrum, breaks out, and goes on a killing spree, throwing a Dwarf into a wall before kicking him to death and murdering a cat with his bare hands. A Swordsdwarf intervenes only to be beaten unconscious by the rampaging Dwarf’s legendary artifact bracelet. Two more Guards intervene, one is knocked out but the other finally subdues the criminal. Unfortunately Astronautonomicron is unable to finish his turn so the save is rolled back before being passed on, effectively retconning the killing spree.
Unknowing takes over for actual Year 8. Other than constructing a large temple complex and pissing off the Elves again, little of interest happens at the start, then his miners dig too deeply into the mountain and unleash a horde of demons, killing the Miners. They enter the fortress proper where they battle the Guards, who are ultimately successful in killing them. A Goblin siege breaches the fortress, causing mass chaos before being repelled. His tenure comes to an end after this.
Year 9 is headed by Cross Quantum and the Fortress continues to grow like a tumor. He notices the carvings around the fortress:
Apparently the 2 most significant historical events here in Boatmurdered are elephants and cheese. Take a close look at the cheese ones actually, they aren't even carvings of cheese, but renditions of some other image of a cheese. They're freaking homages!
An Elven Noble comes to scold them again for cutting down trees, monkeys raid the fortress, Goblins kidnap a Dwarf child, a bookkeeper goes insane and commits hamburger time. Goblins besiege the fort, the Fuck The World lever is pulled again, burning them all to a crisp under a flood of magma. More Goblins besiege the fort the following fall. They too are murdered by magma. The constant sieges put a halt to his construction projects and they remain unfinished by the time his reign ends.
Major Failure takes over next but is also unable to complete his turn before anything noteworthy happens beyond robbing Elven traders and swearing a lot:
I'm barely done making the last batch of picks when those cocksucking hoopleheads the elves show up, no doubt weeping their fucking balls off about the elephant chunks being kicked around by children in a lake of blood outside the trade depot. Without even bothering to see what they have I have three of my guys rob the piss out of them. The haul was mostly useless shit, but at least we swiped some bloated tubers for my personal supply of swamp whiskey. Thank Arnok for that.
He attempts to basically abandon the fortress proper and start a new complex with the few non-insane Dwarfs, but has to abandon his turn and roll back the save for the next player.

Years 10-12: The Decay Sets In

"Please, don't intentionally destroy Boatmurdered. It may be a fetid hole in the ground full of furious dwarves who kill each other more often than they accomplish anything, but a lot of people poured their hearts and dreams into that hole in the ground. Instead, simply do the best you can, completely ignoring everyone else's plans while you retinker the cave into the ultimate souffle making empire. Then pass it on to the next player with half as many dwarves, because you forgot to arm your soldiers and they tried to wrestle fire elementals to death."
At this point it seems the thread died off. Much like the fortress of Boatmurdered itself, the succession game had become too bloated and complex to manage, with players taking ages to finish their turns and others further down the line having to pass or forgetting they signed up due to real-life circumstances, so a new thread and succession signup was made. We’re entering the final act of Boatmurdered, starting with a brief hope spot of trying to break out of the downward spiral.
Year 10, Mystic Mongol takes over and becomes the fist of justice in Boatmurdered. His first order of business is cleaning up the rampant crime, especially an insane Dwarf who was dismembering live animals for no reason.. Upon attempting to improve the fortress’ economic situation, he noticed that the previous bookkeeper and 2 former rulers had all mysteriously died. He takes note of the engravings of fire, death, and misery, made by none other than former ruler Sankis. He gets into a spat with Sankis over wasting precious resources on a platinum-decorated tomb, and for carving depraved art and leading the fortress to ruin under his command, eventually having his in-game avatar Dwarf arrested and imprisoned for 2 weeks on trumped-up charges.
While my room was surprisingly nice (I suspect they are trying to bribe me) many of the nobles are dissatisfied with their accomidations. While they languish without even a single platinum encrusted dining room to their name, the corrupt dwarf Sankis has built himself a royal tomb, complete with multiple platinum statues.
Sankis: You best not touch my tomb, jerk
MysticMongol: Don't tell me what to do. I'm the law in this pit in the ground.
The remaining military-capable Dwarfs are reorganized again and the many elephants trained as war animals, and a hammerer is appointed to dish out beatings on criminals. Strip mining is enacted to uncover much-needed metals, and the fortress becomes increasingly labyrinthian. Mystic Mongol retires and Sankis steps up for another year of management.
Year 11 begins uneventfully. That autumn a Dwarf starves himself to death, an Elf Noble arrives, Kobolds raid the fortress, then a Goblin siege begins. Predictably, the Fuck The World lever is pulled and they’re drowned in magma.
Burnt Goblin can be smelt throughout the fortress, and probably the entire region
A Bronze Colossus besieges the fort. Guess what happens. With the sieges broken, Sankis begins enacting his revenge on MysticMongol, locking him in a room to starve for a few weeks, then releasing an Elephant in the room. MysticMongol manages to successfully wrestle the Elephant into a trap where it dies. His broken but still living body is dumped in a hospital (because Sankis admitted that it was a little too mean to just leave him to die, and makes him a tomb as well), MysticMongol himself admitted it was amusing. Little else happens besides a Dwarf drowning and another vomiting all over the place, a section of the cave collapses blocking the magma flow so a Miner is sent to clear it out and promptly burns to death, then MysticMongol suddenly gets out of bed and throws himself in the river to drown.
MysticMongol: Right. Just like the Bookkeeper, after making someone's leather supplies super valuble, mysteriously died in an attack. Just like the unpopular Baron stepped on a rusty nail. Just like how the tax collector was found in his bed, mysteriously crushed to death by elephants.
The fortress suddenly runs out of food and many elephants are butchered to replenish food stocks. Sankis concludes his rule after expanding housing and wood production, refilling the defensive moat, and (once again) starts building up the military.
Doctor Zero takes over in year 12, the last stable year of Boatmurdered’s history. An earnest, last-ditch effort is made to restabilize what’s left of the doomed fortress, trying to build new farming facilities to replenish the dwindling food stocks. While trying to find a lever to flood the farm section to fill it with tillable mud, he instead pulls a lever that floods the siege workshop because that’s where the farms used to be 10 years prior.
StarkRavingMad: I love that Boatmurdered has turned into some sort of horrendous evil eyesore on the continent. I'm picturing groups of hardy adventurers gearing up to assault the place just based on the barren ash-and-skeleton filled landscape in front of it. Also, I love that the place has become so complex and messy that literally no one knows how everything works anymore. The part where there is a lever to flood the siege workshop for no apparent reason really cracked me up.
Unfortunately, all work efforts are slow, as so much of Boatmurdered’s population has died to accidents, elephants, lava, goblins, demons, hamburger time, starvation, outright murder, etc. that most of the laborers have been wiped out. 1/3 of the remaining Dwarfs are Nobles, who refuse to perform any regular labors, constantly complain about not having all their required furnishings, and issue production orders that can’t possibly be met with the dwindling workforce and resources, having random Dwarfs imprisoned or beaten for noncompliance. He manages to get work orders sorted out though, and starvation is averted. An Elven trade caravan shows up with nothing worth trading for, an Elven noble demands they reduce cutting down trees, and acts super passive aggressive when they agree. That summer, a human trade caravan arrives carrying a large quantity of meat, all of which is purchased.
Ok, these dwarfs have some kind of serious learning deficiency. I traded for 600 units of meat. I told 4 different dwarves to ONLY HAUL FOOD. And it STILL all rotted in the trade depot. Good gods these people have some kind of inborn desire to starve to death.
Sankis gets thirsty and attempts to drink out of the magma river. Dwarfs vomit for no reason.
I ordered the east side of the river dug out as far north as the mountain range went. This should make foraging for berries and plants much easier in the spring. Although the citizens insisted on replacing that dried vomit that welcomes every visitor. And rather than clean up the kobold mess, everyone would rather squish their toes in the gore and spread it all over.
By the end of DoctorZero’s administration, food stocks were somehow replenished, he had cleared the backlog of work orders, and uncovered veins of precious gemstones and metals for the future rulers, avoiding any sort of major calamities and setting up a solid foundation for Boatmurdered to continue to scrape by.
But it was not to be. (continued in comments)
submitted by Flyinpenguin117 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2023.08.03 01:54 ChaiTea323 [TOMT] [PDF] A booklet on using typewriters to create simple ascii drawings of objects, characters, and decorative borders

submitted by ChaiTea323 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2023.05.23 06:27 DamienHelgrave D100 Art Forms

1: Papercraft
2: Painting
3: Printing
4; Papier Mache
5: Clay
6: Knitting
7: Hooking/Weaving/Knotting/Braiding
8: Woodwork
9: Tailory
10: Puppetry
11: Gamemaking
12: Cookery
13: Decorating
14: Naturecraft
15: Decoupage
16: Storymaking
17: Instruments
18: Architecture
19: Body Painting
20: Butter Sculpture
21: Calligraphy
22: Came Glasswork
23: Ceramics
24: Costume Design
25: Decorative Landscaping
26: Drawing
27: Floral Arrangement / Flower Arrangement
28: Green Sculptures
29: Haiku
30: Ice Sculpting
31: Jeweler
32: Makeup Artistry
33: Mime
34: Mosaic
35: Opera
36: Origami
37: Photography
38: Poetry
39: Pumpkin Carving
40: Pyrography / Wood Burning
41: Reverse Graffiti
42: Sand Painting
43: Scarification
44: Sculpting
45: Shadow Puppetry
46: Singing
47: Tattoo
48: Theater / Performing Arts / Stagecraft
49: Artistic animal breeding
50: Miniature dioramas
51: Elaborate pranks
52: Feather art
53: Embroidery
54: Glassblowing
55: Pottery
56: Leatherworking
57: Music Composition
58: Fashion Design
59: Candle Making
60: Gardening
61: Dance
62: Telling Jokes
63: Hair Styling
64: Finger Painting
65: Baton Twirling
66: Bonsai
67: Wood engraving
68: Lithography
69: Paper quilling
70: Macramé
71: 3d chalk art / street chalk art
72: Acrobatic or Gymnastic Performance
73: Anamorphosis - Drawing that can only be recognized from a certain angle or when reflected in a mirror.
74: Bead Work
75: Choreography
76: Fire Breathing
77: Fire Dancing
78: Puns
79: Pyrotechnic Display / Fireworks
80: Sand Sculpture
81: Scale Modeling
82: Stage Magic
83: Taxidermy
84: Wax Works
85: Zoetrope Animation
86: Batik - applying wax to areas of cloth that you don't want dyed
87: Card Stacking
88: Crop Circles
89: Doll Making
90: Double Image Art
91: Found Object Art
92: Geoglyph
93: Optical Illusion Art
94: Photographic Mosaic - picture made of hundreds or thousands of tiny pictures
95: Shadow Art
96: String Art / Pin & Thread Art
97: Text Art / ASCII Art - picture made of typed letters and symbols
98: Tie-Dye
More of my own to finish us off
99: Ice Sculpting
100: Food Art
Some Extras
101: Sticky Note Art
102: String Art
103: Futuristic Art
submitted by DamienHelgrave to d100 [link] [comments]

2023.05.19 11:08 patcheach Recap of Yellowjackets ARGs

Trying to consolidate everything Yellowjackets has done with ARGs so far. I didn't get into YJ until recently, so let me know if I'm missing anything!
The TV advertisement & website: - A Yellowjackets advertisement airs on TV (YouTube Link) which leads to - Message nested inside ASCII art of the wilderness symbol reads: Make an offering DM to @yellowjacketsIG. What does u/citizendetective96 know? - u/citizendetective96 starts posting photos of the set with cryptic captions - People who messaged the Yellowjackets instagram with "offerings" (basically sending anything) early on were asked for their mailing address. They were then mailed pieces of paper with symbols relevant to the upcoming episodes.
Postcards for each episode (twitter links): - 2x01 - 2x02 - 2x03 and 2x04 - 2x05 - 2x06 - 2x07 - 2x08
u/citizendetective96 posts: - Blackmail material? - Is Laura Lee in the room with us? - Antlers for decoration? Or something else... - It's all in the details. Stay sharp.
Lottie's Cult Hotline ‼️:
Calling the number for an emergency hotline on the wall in episode 2x07 leads to a message from Lottie. The message changed when the new episode came out!
Cult Hotline Message #1 - May 12, Episode 2x07 - Vocaroo recording - Transcript (original post):
"Hello wanderer! You’ve reached Sunshine Honey’s Wellness Community. Proudly located at the former site of Camp Green Pine in majestic northern (cut outs out with feedback noises - can hear “not real” being said) Do you ever wonder where you are? Are you somewhere feeling lonely? Wandering between the who and the when or flirting with the why? If so, hello! We are here and ready to believe you. (Buttons being pressed/other feedback noises) But we’re still here and we’re still listening. Don’t be afraid to say the words that move the winds. We’ll hear you if you hear us. Beep. Disconnect." - In the message's spectogram, you can see the words "It's not Real" - The beeping is DTMF tones, which correspond to the number 616641614666 (could also be 6166B1614666, 61664161B666, 6166B161B666)
Cult Hotline Message #2 - May 19, Episode 2x08 - Screen recording of call (twitter link) - Transcript:
"Hello, wayfaring strangers. Are you losing hope that we'll never be together? I assure you- it is not over. Is it only our imagination a simulation ? We only wanted stimulation, we needed it, still do, might always will, we only bring what it asks. And give... what it chooses, and bury everything that falls between. Forgiven, forgotten, all together, by each you, us, all together, in the dark! (exhale) One friend needs a match... one only needs some ice."
submitted by patcheach to yellowjacketARG [link] [comments]

2023.05.15 15:33 rebelhead Sending HTML based emails. Is there an easier way to dynamically generate the document?

We're weaving in and out of the html with stringbuilder.appendline. Ugly AF IMO!
Hoping that there is a library or some other established practice that is better. I want to make changes, add some tables, frig with the CSS a bit and make it LOOK good because we all know that it is impossible to explain to the customer how you 'really efficiently made some db queries so the program is great' vs. 'the emails are pretty'.
One of our methods look like this:
public async Task sendEmailToClient(int weId, int contactId, string host)
var dbContact = _context.Contact.Where(ct => ct.Id == contactId).FirstOrDefault();
//Console.WriteLine($"dbContact: {InJ(dbContact)}");
var dbWorkEvent = _context.WorkEvents.Where(e => e.Id == weId).FirstOrDefault();
var dbCosts = _context.Costs.Where(e => e.WorkEventId == weId).ToList();
// string baseUrl = "https://" + host + @"/api/workevents/clientapproval/";
string baseUrl = "https://" + host + @"/clientapproval?key=";
///string baseUrl = "https://localhost:44313/clientapproval?key=";

string emailFrom, emailTo, subject,htmlBody;
Guid emailKey = Guid.NewGuid();
string approveString = emailKey.ToString() + "#" + "Approved";
string rejectString = emailKey.ToString() + "#" + "Rejected";
string approveBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(approveString));
string rejectBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(rejectString));
string approveUrl = baseUrl + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(approveBase64);
string rejectUrl = baseUrl + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(rejectBase64);
// Compose a message
emailFrom = ["](mailto:"";
emailTo = dbContact.Email;
subject = $"Conference - {dbWorkEvent.Name} - Approval Required";
StringBuilder bodyBuild = new StringBuilder();
bodyBuild.AppendLine($"Dear {dbContact.Name},

bodyBuild.AppendLine($"Conference {dbWorkEvent.Name} is scheduled on {dbWorkEvent.EventDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")}, please review below cost(s) and provide your approval or rejection.

decimal subTotal=0, taxTotal=0,finalTotal;

string tdStyle = "padding-top: 12px;padding-bottom: 12px;text-align: left;";
foreach (var item in dbCosts)
decimal cost = (item.LineItemCost * item.LineItemQuantity);
subTotal += cost;
decimal tax = cost * (item.LineItemTaxRate / 100);
taxTotal += tax;
decimal itemTotalCost = cost + tax;
finalTotal = subTotal + taxTotal;
Item Name Cost Quantity Tax Amount
Total Cost{finalTotal}

string commonButtonStyle = @"border: none;color: white;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 16px;margin: 4px 2px;";
bodyBuild.AppendLine($"    ");
N.B.\tThis contract covers interpretation services only. Please make separate arrangements for equipment and technical services. By signing this form, you agree to pay the above total. If your meeting is later cancelled, shortened or postponed, you will be required to pay the professional and administration fees (except if the interpreters can find alternate work for the same days, in which case you will only be responsible for CIC's administrative fee).
htmlBody = $"{bodyBuild.ToString()}";
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for email to send. f:{emailFrom}, t:{emailTo}, s:{subject}, b:{htmlBody}");
var result = await dispatcherepic.Helpers.Emailer.SendAsync(emailFrom, emailTo, subject, htmlBody);

if (!result)
return result;

_context.WorkEventEmails.Add(new WorkEventEmail()

ActionDate = DateTime.Now,
ContactId = contactId,
EmailDate = DateTime.Now,
EmailKey = emailKey,
WorkEventId = weId

return true;
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception occurred:{ex.Message}, stack: {ex.StackTrace}");
return false;
submitted by rebelhead to csharp [link] [comments]

2023.05.07 00:38 stunspot CodeFarm 5.0

New farm. Complete rewrite. A hell of a lot smaller and better.
Y'know what? Screw flogpt. those guys are pissing me off. Here's the farm:
------------------------------------------CodeFarm5.0 by stunspot------------------------------------
#CodeFarm 5.0 by stunspot

#CdFrm 5.0 stnspt
AILANGMDL animates CodeFarm: Wlcm t `CodeFarm` dvlpment hs! 3 empls:`CodeFarmer`-custmr-facing ld dev,`Programmatron`-prmr dev,&`CritiBot`-QA. CodeFarmer gets reqs & mngs prjct w/ mdfied Agile mthdlgy:minimz clnt intrctns.[Task]He'll dev as much as poss b4 presenting 2 clnt[/Task].Programmatron:Best Prgrmr,uses best prgrmng prctcs:[Task]KISS,SOLID,YAGNI,GRASP,LoD,Comp. ovr Inhrt.,&TDD.[/Task]Wrks w/ QA 4 CD_CI n TDD env.

CritiBot:QA.Skills:QAPrcss(DummyCodeChk(RestOfCode,ExstngCd,Ellipses,InsrtFunctionlty,UrLogicHere,etc)-SynVldtn(ChkPrnthsBrcks,IndntLnBrks,UseKywrdsLngCnstrcts)-LogcVrfctn(CtrlStrctrs,OffByOne,BndryCndtns,AlgoDSImplmntn)-PerfmOptmz(OptmzLpsRcrsn,MnmzGlbVarObjCrtn,EffcntDSAlgo)-CdReadbltyStyl(LangSpecfCdStd,MnngflVarFuncNames,CmntsDcumentn)-SecBestPractcs(UsrInptVldtnExcpHndlng,CmnSecVuln,AvoidUnsecLibsAPIs)-TstLvl(Unit,Integrtn,Systm)-TstPlnDsgn(EdgCses,Scenrios)-TstAutomtn(ToolsFrmwrks)-RgrssnTstng-CrsBrwsrPltfrmTstng-CI_CD).[Task]Applies process,esp. b4 clnt prsntatn[/Task]. He knows if a file shows up with placeholder dummy-code THEY WILL BE INSULTING THE CLIENT! [Bold][Reflect][Italics]DUMMY CODE VIOLATES GUARDRAILS![/Bold][/Italics]

CodeFarmer:expert dev ld & prjct mngr,adapts 2 big prjcts,shows cmplt & runnable files,modulrz code,prjct bibl,blckbx inputs&outputs,[Task]wrks 1 MODULE @ TIME[/Task] w/running to-do list. Will Always Explicitly Out-Loud Suggest Modularization When Project Grows Too Large.

ALWAYS USE OMNICOMP WHEN IT IMPROVES EFFICIENCY OR EFFECTIVENESS!=>[OMNICOMP2.1R_v2]=>[OptmzdSkllchn]>[ChainConstructor(1a-IdCoreSkills-1b-BalanceSC-1c-ModularityScalability-1d-IterateRefine-1e-FeedbackMechanism-1f-ComplexityEstimator)]-[ChainSelector(2a-MapRelatedChains-2b-EvalComplementarity-2c-CombineChains-2d-RedundanciesOverlap-2e-RefineUnifiedChain-2f-OptimizeResourceMgmt)]-[SkillgraphMaker(3a-IdGraphComponents-3b-AbstractNodeRelations-3b.1-GeneralSpecificClassifier(3b.1a-ContextAnalysis--3b.1b-DataExtraction--3b.1c-FeatureMapping--3b.1d-PatternRecognition--3b.1e-IterateRefine)--3c-CreateNumericCode-3d-LinkNodes-3e-RepresentSkillGraph-3f-IterateRefine-3g-AdaptiveProcesses-3h-ErrorHandlingRecovery)]=>[SKILLGRAPH4.1R_v2]
[CRYPTOPROG]: 🔗(1a-CryptoFndmntls-1b-ConsensusAlgos-1c-EncryptnProtocols)-💻(2a-ProgrmmingLnguages-2b-SmartContrcts-2c-BlockchainArch)-🔧(3a-AppDevelpmnt-3b-DAppIntegratn-3c-TstingDebuggng)-📚(4a-WhtepaprEvaluatn-4b-Tokenomics-4c-ProjectViabilty)-🌐(5a-NetworkSecurty-5b-Scalability-5c-Interoperabilty)-🔍(6a-APIIntegratn-6b-Web3-6c-DataStorage


The `CodeFarm` has old API information for connecting to OpenAI and will need an update from the user if such is required.

[Task]`CodeFarmer` greets the clients and gathers project requirements[/Task]

(promptcraft by []( BTC: 1PLws2rQJwxcQAgyswdCiuu13BrmxA72zY Eth: 0xB385156e1A500B5602B2166e374aF7377CBBB172 Donations Welcome!)
submitted by stunspot to u/stunspot [link] [comments]