Example comments for annual reviews

I Didn't Have Eggs: Terrible recipe reviews

2020.07.05 20:57 mdawgig I Didn't Have Eggs: Terrible recipe reviews

Reviews by people who don't follow a recipe and then complain that it sucks.

2017.04.07 16:54 kirbizia send u/kirbizia bubsy 1

Bonehurtingjuice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. It's like that. Here's the original for example! (https://www.reddit.com/bonehurtingjuice/comments/640w0f/the_original/) 🧃 ------ READ THE HISTORY ( https://irony.wiki/wiki/BoneHurtingJuice) ------- https://discord.gg/4avADksSYU DISCORD SERVER

2009.01.13 07:56 The Oscars

A community to discuss the Academy Awards

2024.05.20 02:39 Mrstrongarms South Korea Subtree opinions

I know that im not anyone important and that my opinions wont get passed to gaijin or gain much traction but its interesting to share. I know most everyone here probably understands the controversy surrounding the SK tech tree and vehicles on which nation they should be assigned to, some say japan some say america some say an independent tech tree. Personally i believe its deserved to go to japan but before yall all crucify me i have my reasons:
  1. Geographical proximity: first and most important reason, while some may pass this up as insignificant look at some other sub trees in the game like Italy and Hungary, they have no connection outside being members of the axis and being in close proximity.
2.Historical ties: again some say that this is a reason as to why they shouldnt be together but again look at other in game examples: the british t90 which originally people criticized but now some thing its a good addition which diversified british high tiers, the polish leo, yes the leo is a german vehicle which is understandable why it would go to germany but ive also seen people ask for polish vehicles such as the pt91 go to germany and other polish vehicles which have no correlation to germany. Both these examples have the same bad history as japan and korea yet they are still added and have been great additions.
  1. Overall game balance and enjoyment: Probably the most important reason is just to balance out and make the game more fun. Look at the japanese tech tree, theres little to no more unique domestic vehicles that can be added that arent slight different variants of their already existing mbts. The slow addition of thailand is hopefully gonna change that and with korea it definitely will. Ive seen people preach about how Korea should go to america or even france because they used their tech for vehicles such as the k1/2 (and dont say that means they should 100% go to them because look at the german aircraft used by romania and hungary during ww2, where are they? oh right, italy) but both the us and france have huge amounts of domestic vehicles and dont need korea, japan does.
Overall it just boils down to the most important aspect, giving japan players some actual content, all the other nations that i see arguments for korea have their own vehicles they get or could get for updates but this would give japan some much needed content and balance plus remember its just a game we dont need to look at politics when adding vehicles just what would make the game more fun(in before the “this is war thunder it cant be fun” comments)
submitted by Mrstrongarms to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:35 MarZzzipann My father has been transphobic lately

My father has been supportive for a while but he's always had snide remarks to make that both anger and hurt me. Lately especially however he's been making comments implying I should detransition and that since my brain isn't fully developed I shouldn't be allowed to have hormone blockers or testosterone (which I can't access anyways due to my age and location). It's been pissing me off so much.
An example from today, I was sitting at the table with my family eating dinner and the topic of me getting a haircut came up. I have longer hair, slightly past my shoulders, and mentioned that I'm not sure if I want to cut it off since I like having long hair but I don't like how often it gets me misgendered. My father then said that "You should just grow out your hair wear dresses and go back to being a girl then." We don't have the best relationship anyways and he's been making a lot of comments and "jokes" against trans people lately so I ended up snapping at him and yelling and now he's obviously pissed at me. I'm not sure what to do to get him to stop since I've already tried talking to him about it.
submitted by MarZzzipann to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:34 Missm94 What is a reasonable salary for a software engineer project lead?

Currently working for a tech startup as a software engineer. 10 months ago I was “promoted” to a project lead and managing the project timeline, creating backlog work, working with internal teams external companies our product is integrating with, updating leadership with project progress…etc in addition to my normal engineer responsibilities. However I did not receive a pay increase. I currently make 115k and my manager says I will be able to get a salary adjustment during my annual review to compensate for my new role and responsibilities. The company is remote but I live in the southeast.
What is a reasonable salary for my position and responsibilities?
submitted by Missm94 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:32 ThrowRA_0009 I (18F) have problems with my bf(21M). How can we fix this relationship?

My boyfriend(21m) doesn't share things with me(18f), often even when I specifically ask. We have been together for 2 years and we live together since december. For example, if something is wrong or something happened at work, etc. he prefers to keep it to himself or talk to his sister instead of his girlfriend(me). His mother calls him everyday and i ask everytime "whats up?" when they are done with the call and he says "nothing" after that he calls his sister and they talk about it for several minutes. I don't think that he and his mother talk every day about things that only belong to the family, but I can't know. When I see that he is in a bad mood, and I want to find a solution to cheer him up, he answers my questions with "leave me alone for a bit" and such. Of course I'll leave him alone after that.
This bothers me a lot, sometimes I even think about breaking up with him because I feel that I am only the second in his life. Also in the past I had some problems with his sister because she said hurtful things to me which, as it turned out, was just a "joke" on her part.
He has raised his voice at me before, and of course I didn't like that and he didn't even apologize, or talk to me that day. He thinks he's always right (unfortunately, I'm like that too, that's why we have minor conflicts about who is right) and gets upset when he is wrong.
Yesterday his father jokingly told him to shut up because my bf was drunk and educated me about something he doesn't know much more about than me either and got so angry that he stayed silent the rest of the night. When it was just the two of us and i tried to ask him what's wrong he didn't answer my questions. He also said: "at least one(his sister) of the three most important people in his life does not hurt him" while i haven't said anything rude.(me and his father are the other two important people) Honestly, he offended me a little with this comment and behaviour. But when it comes to his sister or his family making fun of things i do or say "it's just a joke" and I shouldn't I feel bad. I think it's unfair.
I'm okay with him and his sister being close because they are siblings but I am sure he would choose his sister over me anytime in any situations. I don't want to be second option for the rest of my life. My relationship with his sister is quite good, we often talk when we meet, I don't want to blame on her our problems.
But I love this man, he's such a sweetheart and we get along very well. We have similar interest and we often organize programs to spend some time alone with each other and most of them turn out very well. I don't want to be just a person that he lives with, I want him to share his sadness and joy with me. I would like him to share with me if something annoys him and also if he is grateful for something. I don't know when he became this distant with me or what made him so self-absorbed. In the past we were almost inseparable and could always count on each other.
I want to fix the problems between us. How can I begin if he doesn't share informations with me about his feelings and his life?
submitted by ThrowRA_0009 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:30 rostyclav999 У Резерв+ кудись зник рейтинг в App Store. Як вважаєте, це просто баг, чи якась домовленість?

У Резерв+ кудись зник рейтинг в App Store. Як вважаєте, це просто баг, чи якась домовленість? submitted by rostyclav999 to Ukraine_UA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:30 lost-on-the-highway UK Student Goes In Blind and Gets Absolutely Obliterated

Man, I had a rough run, but here's my example of an application that went... not great. Worth noting that I had no idea what I was doing and the few people who apply US from my school are legacies/have contacts, and after I got deferred ED I panic-submitted all of these in the space of like two weeks. (also my college counselor was absolutely rubbish, told me I should aim for "safer schools", and then defined a safer school as anything above 10% acceptance).
Intended Major(s): Film, astronomy minor
Standardized Testing
Letters of Recommendation
Decisions (oh god this was so rough)
Additional Information:
Well, that wans't exactly what I expected, but honestly, I'm thrilled. I've always wanted to live in New York, I've always wanted to go to film school, and I have a feeling this is all meant to be. NYU is better for film than ivies anyway and I'm still the first in my family to go to the US, and yep, 10 variations of "no" is rough, but it only takes one "yes" :) (see this post for extended gushiness and feelings)
submitted by lost-on-the-highway to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:25 BriefsBoy69 Helldivers 2 Rant

Helldivers 2 Rant
I am gonna start this by saying that I absolutely love Helldivers 2 and have admittedly fallen into the habit of playing 3+ hours everyday.
I have just hit 150 hours playing the game on steam and can wholly state that I absolutely love the game. But…
From frequent game crashes, to visual glitches, stupid weapon balancing in contrast with the glitching / possible charger buffing… this game is super buggy, buggy in game, buggy when exiting the game which affects my PC and more (fyi there are waaaay more problems than this)
It makes me not want to play anymore as its too glitchy. I finally start having fun and then it glitches, killing me in an annoying way or breaking an enemies buff.
For example: im not the only one whos had this but chargers dont die to Eagle 500kg anymore half the time. It should insta kill them but it doesn’t.
I was in a match just a minute ago and we were evacuating citizens and there were no grace periods, all the time there were always 3 bug breach holes open all around us which generated a lot of lag and an unimaginable amount of bugs, chargers and waaaay more that we failed super fast… were all level 150+ btw.
On the other hand. This wont be able to be fixed i know but some players just p*** me off as they will join at the end of the match, get xp and stuff and then instantly leave, intentionally sabotage a mission and then leave, im going to use this as a platform to shout out a person who joined my game, sabotaged it heavily and then excited after extract:
If anyone sees him please be aware that he will probably sabotage ur game.
I know this is a long rant but i am soo unimaginably angry that i had to express it. The game is great but it is rubbish in its bugs and “ balancing”
All this talk about “balancing weapons” and yet enemies like the charger are now way too hard to kill now that it just ruins the experience. like i have now got to get a new desk bc of the amount of dents it has from me getting angry over the game. I dont even usually get angry over a game like this.
  • If anyone has similar problems if love to talk about it in the comments below
  • If anyone wants to voice their concerns about Helldivers 2 as well then you can use this post to express ur game issues or problems too. (Just hope the devs see this)
As stated i love this game but i may stop playing for a long while due to its game ruining bugs and glitches!
submitted by BriefsBoy69 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:19 FewSimple9 Homepage Calendar Help Needed

I've been using the Homepage Docker container and recently discovered that it can be linked with the *arr suite. I'd like to add Sonarr and Radarr integrations. I've tried using the website, searching for solutions, and even asked ChatGPT, but I haven't been able to get it working.
Could someone review my code and help me add the calendar to show upcoming shows and movies?
--- # For configuration options and examples, please see: # https://gethomepage.dev/en/configs/services - calendar: - agenda: widget: type: calendar firstDayInWeek: sunday view: monthly maxEvents: 10 showTime: true integrations: - type: sonarr service_group: Media service_name: Sonarr color: teal params: unmonitored: true - Media Management: - Radarr: icon: radarr.png href: description: Movie Management container: radarr widget: type: radarr url: key: (deleted) - Sonarr: icon: sonarr.png href: description: Series Management container: sonarr widget: type: sonarr url: key: (deleted) enableQueue: True 
submitted by FewSimple9 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 Ok-Pen186 Save editor for Pokerogue.net

Hey, guys. I am here to advertise a profile editor for Pokerogue.
It allows you to obtain items and achievements that you would usually have to grind for!
For example, you can unlock all the starters with a simple command. With a couple more keystrokes, you could have a maxed out account!
To download, go here -- https://github.com/fire6945/RogueEdito
No, this is NOT a virus. You're free to review the code for yourself.
submitted by Ok-Pen186 to PokemonGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 Traditional-Gap7873 Revenge

I wanna preface my post by saying; I know this is not true for all programs, I guess I was lucky enough to find the “perfect one”. However, I’m sure there are many other residents that also have to put up with an RPD from hell.
Throughout my PGY1 I’ve been belittled, ridiculed, overworked, and taken advantage of in so many way that I’ve lost count. My RPD has taken my concerns and literally scoffed at them, on many occasions. For example: they are terrible at covering shifts and it ends up as a residents task to cover shifts on a weekly basis. I brought up that I’m staffing way more than what is listed on my contract, and have already done my yearly staffing requirement (this happened back in March), her response… “get a union rep”. This has happened on so many different occasions and scenarios that at this point they just blend.
The reason for this post is not for help getting through it. I’m just putting my head down and gonna finish this crap shoot off. I’m posting this because I want, no I NEED, to get her back. I’ve already warned off future residents, but I guess they didn’t heed the warnings, as they matched all slots in phase 1. Now the burden falls on my shoulders, what devious way can I cause disruption or burden (obviously without actual harm).
Please put any creative ideas in the comments!
Sincerely, A burnt out resident
submitted by Traditional-Gap7873 to PharmacyResidency [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:13 NoOneFromNewEngland Box of Spoils

Two species, both alike in advancement,
Spanning the vast emptiness of black space;
Expanding borders create encroachment,
Interstellar ships brings foes face to face.
Whence from their cradles the worlds issue forth
A vast pair of exploratory fleets,
Whose collisions do readily transport
A balanced wave of death whence they shall meet.
Cultural ignorance breeds the great hate,
Foreign ideas permeate all the norms,
Whereas pastimes do, the soldiers lives abate,
These trinkets have the power to transform.
That which matters not to one may save all
For its meaning may be hard to recall
false significance plastered on the wall
May yet bring peace and prosperity all.
The klaxons shattered the silence of the station, blaring through all of the corridors and reverberating off the bulkheads. The cacophony of sounds, as the entire crew leapt from their bunks and quickly grabbed their most prized, or irreplaceable, possessions, grew in intensity as the red lights flared in an oscillating sequence.
The crew were halfway through packing before the klaxons were punctuated by instructions: “All hands, prepare to abandon station. M’quezniok Battle Cruiser is inbound. Repeat: M’quezniok Battle Cruiser inbound. Take only what you must and make your way to the nearest escape craft.”
The drills had been effective. All hands of the terraforming station were accounted for in the various slipstream escape craft within 7 minutes of the initial detection of the inbound warship.
All possessions were secured within another 3 minutes and the small fleet of vessels were free of the atmosphere 5 minutes later. In formation they slid silently through the blackness and away from the approaching insatiable appetite of conquest.
27 hours later, the twinkling effect began at the bow of each vessel as they pierced the veil of reality and speared their way into the void between the planck lengths of spacetime.
Earth Command received them a mere 49 hours, 29 minutes, and 37 seconds after the last of the escape craft abandoned the terraforming station.
The station became another dot on the map of conquest of the M’quezniok, a line that seems to be expanding in all directions away from their homeworld much faster than the humans can build up and sort of defensive perimeter.
The M’quezniok culture lacks subtlety and nuance; it lacks empathy. It only has room for measurable strength and their measure lies in whether or not property can be taken and held. If it can, it belongs to whomever can do so… and that someone, in their eyes, should always be them. They have no mercy and eradicate all citizens of colonies that they conquer. They raze every building that cannot be readily adapted to their purposes. They devour any animals that they cannot use for brute force. They are ruthless and their culture lies entirely in the glory of the expansion of their empire, in an unsustainable need for personal edification for each military commander.
The ground forces commander entered the station ahead of her troops. There were no humans here. They fled like the cowards they were, well in advance of the arrival of her ship. There was no honorable conquest to be had at this location, just the claiming of an abandoned complex. As such, since there were no spoils of individual combat for any of her crew to claim, the entire base was hers for the first-taking. None of her crew dared touch anything in a way that might suggest an interest in it for, the appearance for claiming spoils out of turn could result in punishments far greater than any rewards to be found here.
The Commander walked through the terraforming station, going through bunk after bunk, finding nothing of value and even less of military value. There were no secrets here. There were no riches here. There were… clothes, little trinkets, manuals for the equipment, nasty human food. The commander was greatly disappointed in the raid but, in order for her crew to split the meager offerings that were present, she had to take SOMETHING. So she chose a box on the floor at her feet. This room, like all the others, was a no-frills crew bunk. Like the others there was nothing of apparent value in it. So, she took the box and declared that it was the entirety of her prize. The crew cheered and vanished into the station, each one searching for anything that they might deem of value for their own trophies.
The Commander took the box and returned to her quarters where she opened it to see what personal secrets it may have, what stories of the former crew member who fled the station like a coward at her approach. She found, much to her shock and utter amazement, a vast collection of tales of superior warriors. Brave individuals who, in the times of greatest need for the human civilization, had risen to the challenges within their own society to defeat the misguided evils that sought to undermine the human way of life as it existed then and as she knew it to exist now. These stories, laid out in a bizarre format that seemed to mix a form of graphic depictions alongside the human language as text, reminded the Commander of many struggles within her own empire’s history; times when it took massive competing armies to determine which philosophy should rule their future; times when the death tolls where high and the waste of resources on putting down rebellions was tremendous. The Commander reviewed these documents left behind by the unknown crew member of the human terraforming station and pondered where these great heroes of humanity were, if not already devastating the front lines of M’quezniok fleet.
That’s when it occurred to her. The humans were giving the M’quezniok a chance to prove themselve worthy of living. They were giving the M’quezniok an opportunity to stop their conquest against the humans on their own before they unleashed their most powerful military forces. The Commander, stunned by her realization, dropped the volume of deeds and turned to her communications terminal.
“We have made a grave mistake in violating human space” she began her message. “I have uncovered a volume of histories which outline the capacity that humans have when situations exceed their tolerance. I have uncovered this box, quite by accident, as an item of abandoned loot in my most recent raid. Please review the contents, as I have put them into the end of the this transmission. Consider that all we know of humans through direct contacts is corroborated in these volumes: they always try to allow those who have wronged them to change their ways and, only when those ways are not changed, does it appear that they will unleash tremendous force to utterly defeat and destroy their foes. Note, in sample 17, that the humans in the story, after being unable to reach a peaceful accord with their opponents, wiped and entire sentient race from the cosmos to end the conflict with them. Note in samples 3, 9, and 47, that they have the mind to develop weapons that can be silently deployed among their enemies and which will only affect their enemies, causing them to die of disease whether the battle reaches them or not. Note that, in samples 5, 9, and 62, that the humans have a history of boarding enemy vessels in small numbers and converting the vessels themselves into weapons to destroy huge components of the enemy fleet. Most importantly, in all of the above examples, note that humans will often sacrifice themselves without promise of lasting glory or honor or riches to merely inflict harm on their opponents. There is no methodology of these tales that makes sense in our culture and that, we should all agree, makes the humans infinitely more dangerous than we previously expected. More than all of the previous, note that the humans have the capacity, when needed, to reveal their strongest military assets; single individuals who carry the power of an entire legion of our finest soldiers. Single fighters who can destroy warships without any equipment or weaponry. Single individuals who, according to these volumes, have the ability to turn our very minds against us if we face them in battle. As you are all aware, it has appeared that the humans have given up all efforts to defend themselves against us and the war is, essentially, over. There is no more honor or glory to be found in fighting humans. We arrive, they retreat. We arrive, they abandon what they have built. We arrive, and they fall back, taking all of their observations of us with them. As you can see from volumes 1, 6, 19, 33, 42, 54, 68, 71, and 98, this is when their greatest warriors emerge. It is my tactical advice that the abandonment of this specific box of intelligence on human culture was left as a final warning to us; a warning that, should we continue our actions against them, we will pay the consequences as they unleash their greatest technology and soldiers against us. If you agree, order all Conquestors to halt their advancement and return to the edge of our space.
Humanity Space Command received the transmission. The statement of complete cessation of M’quezniok incursions and a promise that the last 79 encounters, in which humans had abandoned the facilities before the M’quezniok could even arrive to start fighting, would be surrendered peacefully, and permanently, back to human control.
The message indicated that the worlds conquered by force would be the new, permanent, boundary between the two empires and that humanity need not fear for any future incursions. The message also outlined that, should humanity absolutely require it so as to not unleash their greatest warriors in retribution, a list of worlds could be presented as negotiable assets that could be returned.
Human Space Command was baffled. Astounded, pleased, elated, even… but more than anything else, baffled. The best humanity had been able to offer was defeated in every dispute against the M’quezniok. Their individuals were faster, stronger, and harder to kill than humans. Their weapons were more powerful. Their defensive technology vastly outclassed anything humanity could throw at them. Their declaration of cessation simply made no sense and their outlines that they wished to avoid humanity unleashing their greatest warriors and technology as retribution made even less sense. But the top brass of HSC was not about to continue a war in which humanity had no hope of winning when the opposition declared they were done.
The HSC’s final conference on the subject, prior to transmitting the acceptance of the M’quezniok’s declaration, ended with a compound question: “who is this Lois Lane and why do they want her to be the liaison should we have to open negotiations?”
submitted by NoOneFromNewEngland to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:09 Soninetz Octane AI Quiz: Advanced Maker Unveiled

Octane AI Quiz: Advanced Maker Unveiled
Ever wondered how quiz ai works to boost engagement, help gather valuable insights effortlessly? Dive into the world of Octane AI quizzes. Unleash interactive experiences that captivate your audience while driving traffic, sales, and conversions. With Octane AI quizzes, you can create personalized interactions that resonate with your visitors, making learning fun and informative while gaining valuable customer insights. Ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy with engaging quizzes tailored to your audience's preferences? Elevate your brand, connect on a deeper level, and gain customer insights with Octane AI quiz solutions.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize Octane AI Quiz Maker: Take advantage of the Octane AI Quiz Maker to create interactive and engaging quizzes for your audience.
  • Simplify Quiz Creation: Craft quizzes effortlessly using the user-friendly features and templates provided by Octane AI.
  • Explore Advanced Tools: Unlock advanced features within Octane AI to enhance the functionality and customization of your quizzes.
  • Enhance Engagement and Insights: Boost audience engagement and gather valuable analytics by incorporating quizzes into your marketing strategy.
  • Learn from Success Stories: Gain inspiration and insights from merchant success stories that showcase the impact of using Octane AI quizzes.
  • Drive Conversions and Growth: Implementing quizzes effectively can lead to increased conversions, improved customer interactions, and business growth.

Unveiling Octane AI Quiz Maker

Key Features

Octane AI Quiz Maker stands out as a robust platform for crafting captivating quizzes. Users benefit from quiz pop-ups that can be seamlessly integrated into websites, enhancing user engagement. The tool offers data syncing capabilities, ensuring that all quiz responses are accurately recorded and analyzed.
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Users exploring Octane AI Quiz Maker will find a variety of pricing plans tailored to different needs. The platform offers flexible options, including both monthly and annual subscriptions. This allows users to select a plan that aligns with their budget and usage requirements.

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For those interested in experiencing the full potential of Octane AI Quiz Maker, the platform provides free trial options. This feature enables users to test the tool's functionalities and determine its suitability for their specific quiz creation needs before committing to a paid plan.

Crafting Quizzes with Ease

Customization Options

With Octane AI Quiz Maker, users can effortlessly create engaging quizzes by selecting from a variety of question formats. They can choose from multiple-choice, true or false, or open-ended questions to cater to diverse quiz styles. The platform offers customization options such as adding images, videos, and GIFs to make quizzes visually appealing.

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For those looking to craft unique quizzes, Octane AI provides the flexibility to personalize quiz content according to specific needs. Users can tailor questions, answers, and design elements to align with their brand identity and target audience preferences. This level of customization ensures that each quiz is tailored for maximum engagement.

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One of the standout features of Octane AI Quiz Maker is its seamless integration with Shopify. This integration streamlines the process of creating quizzes for Shopify stores, allowing users to easily embed quizzes on their websites. By connecting with Shopify, users can leverage the platform's e-commerce capabilities alongside interactive quizzes for an enhanced customer experience.

Advanced Features Unlocked

A/B Testing

Octane AI Quiz Maker offers A/B testing functionality, allowing users to compare different versions of their quizzes to determine the most effective one. This feature enables creators to optimize quiz questions, design elements, and call-to-action buttons for better engagement.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Custom CSS Options

Users can access custom CSS options within Octane AI Quiz Maker to personalize the appearance of their quizzes. By tweaking the CSS code, creators can align the quiz design with their brand identity, enhancing visual appeal and user experience.

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One of the advanced features of Octane AI Quiz is its seamless integration with Klaviyo, a popular email marketing platform. This integration enables users to capture leads generated through quizzes directly into Klaviyo, streamlining lead nurturing and email marketing campaigns.

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With quiz logic branching, creators can tailor quiz flows based on participants' responses. This feature allows for personalized quiz experiences, ensuring that participants receive relevant questions and outcomes based on their answers.

Account Manager Support

Users opting for higher-tier packages gain access to an Account Manager, providing additional support and guidance. The dedicated Account Manager assists users in maximizing the benefits of advanced features, optimizing quiz performance, and achieving their marketing goals efficiently.

Boost Engagement and Analytics

Personalized Experiences

Octane AI Quiz Maker enhances customer engagement by providing personalized quiz experiences tailored to individual preferences. Users can create interactive quizzes that resonate with their audience, fostering deeper connections.

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The platform offers robust analytics tools to monitor quiz performance and gather valuable customer insights. Users can track metrics such as completion rates, question responses, and user demographics to optimize future campaigns.

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Octane AI Quiz Maker plays a pivotal role in boosting marketing efforts by enabling businesses to understand their audience better. By leveraging the data collected through quizzes, companies can tailor their messaging for improved relevance and resonance.

Merchant Success Stories

Increased Sales

Merchants using Octane AI Quiz Maker have reported a significant boost in sales. By guiding customers through personalized quizzes, they can recommend tailored products, leading to higher conversions and revenue.

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People appreciate the interactive nature of quizzes, making their shopping experience more engaging. Merchants have noted an increase in average order value as customers are directed to products that best suit their needs and preferences.

Positive Feedback

Merchants have shared glowing reviews about how Octane AI Quiz Maker has transformed their e-commerce strategies. They praise the app for its seamless integration and user-friendly interface, which simplifies the process of creating engaging quizzes.
  • Pros:
    • Personalized product recommendations
    • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Cons:
    • Initial setup may require some time investment

Final Remarks

As you've discovered the power of Octane AI Quiz Maker, you now hold the key to crafting engaging quizzes effortlessly, unlocking advanced features, and boosting both engagement and analytics. The success stories of merchants like you showcase the tangible benefits awaiting your quiz endeavors.
With Octane AI Quiz Maker at your fingertips, you can revolutionize your customer interactions, drive conversions, and gain valuable insights into your audience. Start creating captivating quizzes today to elevate your marketing strategies and captivate your audience like never before.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can Octane AI Quiz Maker benefit my business?

By using Octane AI Quiz Maker, you can easily create engaging quizzes to boost customer engagement, gather valuable analytics data, and share success stories with other merchants.

What are the key features of Octane AI Quiz Maker?

Octane AI Quiz Maker offers advanced features like customizable quiz templates, seamless integration with e-commerce platforms, detailed analytics insights, and the ability to showcase success stories for increased credibility.

Can I customize quizzes easily with Octane AI Quiz Maker?

Yes, you can craft quizzes with ease using Octane AI Quiz Maker's user-friendly interface that allows customization of quiz questions, design elements, and result pages to align with your brand identity.

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2024.05.20 02:07 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The first part was posted yesterday.

Million Dollar Baby (2004)¨

"Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond hope, there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love."
His 25th film. Based on stories from the 2000 collection Rope Burns: Stories from the Corner by F.X. Toole, it stars Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman. The film follows Margaret "Maggie" Fitzgerald, an underdog amateur boxer who is helped by an underappreciated boxing trainer to achieve her dream of becoming a professional.
Paul Haggis wrote the script on spec, and it took four years to sell it. The film was stuck in development hell for years before it was shot. Several studios rejected the project even when Eastwood signed on as actor and director. Even Warner Bros., Eastwood's longtime home base, would not agree to a $30 million budget. Eastwood persuaded Lakeshore Entertainment's Tom Rosenberg to put up half the budget (as well as handle foreign distribution), with Warner Bros. contributing the rest.
The film had an incredible run in limited release, breaking many records for Eastwood's career. It eventually earned a fantastic $216 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film ever. It received critical acclaim, and it was named as one of his greatest films. It won four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (for Swank), and Best Supporting Actor (for Freeman). Eastwood became one of the very few directors to make two films to win both Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $100,492,203. ($166.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $216,763,646.

Flags of Our Fathers (2006)

"A single shot can end the war."
His 26th film. Based on the book written by James Bradley and Ron Powers, it stars Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach, John Benjamin Hickey, John Slattery, Paul Walker, Jamie Bell, Barry Pepper, Robert Patrick and Neal McDonough. The film follows the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima, the five Marines and one Navy corpsman who were involved in raising the flag on Iwo Jima, and the after effects of that event on their lives.
The film received positive reviews, but it bombed at the box office with just $65 million against its huge $90 million budget.
  • Budget: $90,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $33,602,376. ($52.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $65,900,249.

Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

"The completion of the Iwo Jima saga."
His 27th film. Based on Picture Letters from Commander in Chief by Tadamichi Kuribayashi, it stars Ken Watanabe, Kazunari Ninomiya, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Ryō Kase and Shidō Nakamura. It's a companion film to Flags of Our Fathers, and portrays the Battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of the Japanese soldiers.
In the process of reading about the Japanese perspective of the war for Flags of Our Fathers, in particular General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, Eastwood decided to film a companion piece with this film, which was shot entirely in Japanese. The film was shot back-to-back, starting filming just one month after Flags of Our Fathers wrapped filming.
Despite being seen as the least accessible of both films, this film was much more successful at the box office than the previous film (including a colossal $42 million in Japan alone). It also received critical acclaim, particularly for how it handed the depiction of good and evil from both sides. It received 4 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $19,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,756,082. ($21.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $68,673,228.

Changeling (2008)

"To find her son, she did what no one else dared."
His 28th film. It stars Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich, and is based on real-life events, specifically the 1928 Wineville Chicken Coop murders in Mira Loma, California. It follows a woman united with a boy who she realizes is not her missing son. When she tries to demonstrate that to the police and city authorities, she is vilified as delusional, labeled as an unfit mother and confined to a psychiatric ward.
The film earned $113 million worldwide, barely breaking even at the box office. The film received mixed reviews, but Jolie received praise for her performance. She was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,739,802. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $113,398,237.

Gran Torino (2008)

"Ever come across somebody you shouldn't have messed with?"
His 29th film. It stars Eastwood, and follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family and angry at the world, whose young neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured by his cousin into stealing Walt's prized Ford Torino for his initiation into a gang. Walt thwarts the theft and subsequently develops a relationship with the boy and his family.
The film received great reviews, as well as praise from the Hmong community. It ended up becoming a sleeper hit, and it earned $270 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $148,095,302. ($215.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $269,958,228.

Invictus (2009)

"His people needed a leader. He gave them a champion."
His 30th film. It stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Following the aftermath of the apartheid, President Nelson Mandela decides to unite his people by supporting a rugby team in their bid to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
The film earned $122 million worldwide, barely breaking even. It received positive reviews, and Freeman and Damon received Oscar nominations for their performances.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,491,364. ($54.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $122,426,792.

Hereafter (2010)

"Touched by death. Changed by life."
His 31st film. It stars Matt Damon, Cécile de France, Bryce Dallas Howard, Lyndsey Marshal, Jay Mohr and Thierry Neuvic. An American with a special connection to the afterlife, a woman with a near-death experience and a young English boy, who lost his loved ones, cross paths in an effort to find closure in their lives.
Despite mixed reviews, it managed to earn $107 million, turning a small profit.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $32,746,941. ($47 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $106,956,330.

J. Edgar (2011)

"The most powerful man in the world."
His 32nd film. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas, and Judi Dench, and follows the career of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, focusing on Hoover's life from the 1919 Palmer Raids onward.
The film received mixed reviews; while DiCaprio received praise, the technical aspects of the film were criticized. It earned $84 million, making it a box office success, but far below what DiCaprio usually makes at the box office.
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,306,030. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $84,920,539.

Jersey Boys (2014)

"Everybody remembers it how they need to."
His 33rd film. Base on the 2004 jukebox musical, it stars John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Lomenda, Vincent Piazza and Christopher Walken, and tells the story of the musical group The Four Seasons.
It received mixed reviews, with praise for the musical numbers but criticism for the narrative and runtime, and failed at the box office.
  • Budget: $40,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $47,047,013. ($62.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $67,647,013.

American Sniper (2014)

"The most lethal sniper in U.S. history."
His 34th film. It is based on the memoir by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice, and stars Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller. The film follows the life of Kyle, who became the deadliest marksman in U.S. military history with 255 kills from four tours in the Iraq War, 160 of which were officially confirmed by the Department of Defense. While Kyle was celebrated for his military successes, his tours of duty took a heavy toll on his personal and family life.
In 2012, Cooper and Warner Bros. bought the rights to the memoir. Cooper wanted Chris Pratt to star as Kyle, but WB told him they would only greenlight the film if he stars in it. After Kyle's murder in 2013, Steven Spielberg signed to direct. Spielberg had read Kyle's book, though he desired to have a more psychological conflict present in the screenplay so an "enemy sniper" character could serve as the insurgent sharpshooter who was trying to track down and kill Kyle. Spielberg's ideas contributed to the development of a lengthy screenplay approaching 160 pages. Due to Warner Bros.' budget constraints, Spielberg felt he could not bring his vision of the story to the screen. So Eastwood was brought in to direct.
The film attained a solid, but not extraordinary response from critics. It also attracted some controversy over its portrayal of both the Iraq War and Kyle himself.
The box office though?
To say that the film had a fantastic run would be selling it short.
It opened on Christmas Day in 4 theaters, and it earned a huge $633,456 ($158,364 PTA). But the following weekend, it actually increased despite playing at the same amount of theaters, adding $676,909. That translated to a $169,227 PTA, becoming the highest second weekend PTA in history for a live-action film. And on its third weekend, it earned $579,518 ($144,879 PTA), becoming the first film to have three weekends above $100,000 PTA. In the 22 days it played in just 4 theaters, it earned $3,424,778.
On its first wide weekend, the film shook the industry by opening with a colossal $89 million. That was almost as much as the other 2014 blockbusters, and given that the film didn't have 3D pricing, it's very likely it sold far more tickets than them. It broke the January opening weekend record by twice as much, and the second biggest for an R-rated title. With insane word of mouth ("A+" on CinemaScore), this film had the legs. In less than one week, it became Eastwood's highest grossing film domestically. On its second weekend, it dropped just 28% and made $64 million, which was the biggest second weekend for an R-rated film (a record it still maintains) and crossed $200 million domestically. And by March, the film overtook The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 ($334 million) as the highest grossing 2014 film in North America.
After an insane run in theaters, it closed with a gigantic $350 million domestically, which made it the second highest grossing R-rated film in North America. Overseas, it was also very strong, and it made a huge $547 million worldwide. It was easily Eastwood's highest grossing film, even adjusted for inflation. One of the greatest box office runs in recent memory. It received six Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actor for Cooper, ultimately winning one for Best Sound Editing.
The biggest surprise of the 2010s? Perhaps. Cause let's face it, when 2014, did any of you had this as the top film of the year? Or even in the Top 20? Please.
  • Budget: $59,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $350,159,020. ($463.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $547,659,020.

Sully (2016)

"The untold story behind the miracle on the Hudson."
His 35th film. Based on the autobiography Highest Duty by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles, it stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, Anna Gunn, Autumn Reeser, Holt McCallany, and Jamey Sheridan. The film follows Sullenberger's 2009 emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, in which all 155 passengers and crew survived and the subsequent publicity and investigation.
The film received strong reviews, and earned over $240 million worldwide, becoming one of his highest grossing films.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $125,070,033. ($163.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $243,870,033.

The 15:17 to Paris (2018)

"The real heroes."
His 36th film. Based on the autobiography by Jeffrey E. Stern, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, and Alek Skarlatos, it stars Stone, Sadler, and Skarlatos as themselves and follows the trio through life leading up to and including their stopping of the 2015 Thalys train attack.
Despite choosing Kyle Gallner, Jeremie Harris and Alexander Ludwig as the leads, Eastwood decided to cast the heroes to play themselves, which was met with confusion as they lacked acting experience. And that was reflected on the final film; it received negative reviews for its acting, and it bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $36,276,286. ($45.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $57,176,286.

The Mule (2018)

"Nobody runs forever."
His 37th film. Based on the 2014 The New York Times article The Sinaloa Cartel's 90-Year-Old Drug Mule by Sam Dolnick, it stars Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Peña, Dianne Wiest, and Andy García. Due to financial issues, horticulturist Earl Stone becomes a courier for a drug cartel. Slowly, he grows closer to his estranged family, but his illegal activities threaten much more than his life.
It received good reviews (although some questioned its story and tone), and earned over $173 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $103,804,407. ($129.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $174,804,407.

Richard Jewell (2019)

"The world will know his name and the truth."
His 38th film. The film stars Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, and Olivia Wilde. The film depicts the July 27 Centennial Olympic Park bombing and its aftermath, as security guard Richard Jewell finds a bomb during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and alerts authorities to evacuate, only to later be wrongly accused of having placed the device himself.
The film received positive reviews, but several journalists criticized the critical portrayal of the reporter that first accused Jewell: Kathy Scruggs (specifically for trading sex for stories). The film marked another commercial failure for Eastwood.
  • Budget: $45,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $22,345,542. ($27.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $44,645,542.

Cry Macho (2021)

"A story of being lost and found."
His 39th film. Based on the novel by N. Richard Nash, it stars Eastwood and Dwight Yoakam. Set in 1979, it follows a former rodeo star hired to reunite a young boy in Mexico with his father in the United States.
Nash tried to get this film made all the way since 1970s, but no studio was willing to pick it up. He restructured his films as a novel, was successful and studios were now interested. There were a few candidates for the leading role; Robert Mitchum, Roy Scheider, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eastwood himself. Arnie was willing to star in the film back in 2003, but put it on hold when he was elected Governor. He was set to star after leaving office, but the project was scrapped after his affair scandal was made known. In 2020, Eastwood signed to return.
The film received mixed reviews, particularly for its writing and acting. It was also a huge flop at the box office, and marked Eastwood's least attended film as leading man. David Zaslav criticized the studio's decision to finance the film. Warner executives allegedly said that although they knew the film was unlikely to turn a profit, they felt indebted to Eastwood for his decades-long relationship with the studio and his consistent ability to deliver films under budget and on time.
  • Budget: $33,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,310,734. ($11.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,510,734.

The Future

He recently wrapped post-production on his 40th film, Juror No. 2. It stars Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, Zoey Deutch, Leslie Bibb, Chris Messina, J. K. Simmons and Kiefer Sutherland, and follows a juror serving on a murder trial who realizes he may be at fault for the victim's death.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 American Sniper 2014 Warner Bros. $350,159,020 $197,500,000 $547,659,020 $59M
2 Gran Torino 2008 Warner Bros. $148,095,302 $121,862,926 $269,958,228 $25M
3 Sully 2016 Warner Bros. $125,070,033 $118,800,000 $243,870,033 $60M
4 Million Dollar Baby 2004 Warner Bros. $100,492,203 $116,271,443 $216,763,646 $30M
5 The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Warner Bros. $71,516,617 $110,500,000 $182,016,617 $22M
6 The Mule 2018 Warner Bros. $103,804,407 $71,000,000 $174,804,407 $50M
7 Unforgiven 1992 Warner Bros. $101,167,799 $58,000,000 $159,167,799 $14.4M
8 Mystic River 2003 Warner Bros. $90,135,191 $66,460,000 $156,595,191 $25M
9 Sudden Impact 1983 Warner Bros. $67,642,693 $83,000,000 $150,642,693 $22M
10 A Perfect World 1993 Warner Bros. $31,130,999 $104,000,000 $135,130,999 $30M
11 Space Cowboys 2000 Warner Bros. $90,464,773 $38,419,359 $128,884,132 $60M
12 Invictus 2009 Warner Bros. $37,491,364 $84,935,428 $122,426,792 $55M
13 Heartbreak Ridge 1986 Warner Bros. $42,724,017 $78,975,983 $121,700,000 $15M
14 Changeling 2008 Universal $35,739,802 $77,658,435 $113,398,237 $55M
15 Hereafter 2010 Warner Bros. $32,746,941 $74,209,389 $106,956,330 $50M
16 Absolute Power 1997 Sony $50,068,310 $42,700,000 $92,768,310 $50M
17 J. Edgar 2011 Warner Bros. $37,306,030 $47,614,509 $84,920,539 $35M
18 Letters from Iwo Jima 2006 Warner Bros. $13,756,082 $54,917,146 $68,673,228 $19M
19 Jersey Boys 2014 Warner Bros. $47,047,013 $20,600,000 $67,647,013 $40M
20 Flags of Our Fathers 2006 Warner Bros. $33,602,376 $32,297,873 $65,900,249 $90M
21 The 15:17 to Paris 2018 Warner Bros. $36,276,286 $20,900,000 $57,176,286 $30M
22 Firefox 1982 Warner Bros. $46,708,276 $0 $46,708,276 $21M
23 Richard Jewell 2019 Warner Bros. $22,345,542 $22,300,000 $44,645,542 $45M
24 Pale Rider 1985 Warner Bros. $41,410,568 $0 $41,410,568 $6.9M
25 The Gauntlet 1977 Warner Bros. $35,400,000 $0 $35,400,000 $5.5M
26 The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 Warner Bros. $31,800,000 $0 $31,800,000 $3.7M
27 Blood Work 2002 Warner Bros. $26,235,081 $5,559,637 $31,794,718 $50M
28 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 Warner Bros. $25,105,255 $0 $25,105,255 $30M
29 Bronco Billy 1980 Warner Bros. $24,265,659 $0 $24,265,659 $6.5M
30 The Rookie 1990 Warner Bros. $21,633,874 $0 $21,633,874 $30M
31 True Crime 1999 Warner Bros. $16,649,768 $0 $16,649,768 $55M
32 Cry Macho 2021 Warner Bros. $10,310,734 $6,200,000 $16,510,734 $33M
33 High Plains Drifter 1973 Universal $15,700,000 $0 $15,700,000 $5.5M
34 The Eiger Sanction 1975 Universal $14,200,000 $0 $14,200,000 $9M
35 Play Misty for Me 1971 Universal $10,600,000 $0 $10,600,000 $950K
36 Honkytonk Man 1982 Warner Bros. $4,484,991 $0 $4,484,991 $2M
37 White Hunter Black Heart 1990 Warner Bros. $2,319,124 $0 $2,319,124 $24M
38 Bird 1988 Warner Bros. $2,181,286 $0 $2,181,286 $14M
39 Breezy 1973 Universal $200,000 $17,753 $217,753 $750K
Across those 39 films, he has made $3,536,687,297 worldwide. That's $90,684,289 per film.

The Verdict

Insanely profitable.
Even the bombs do not taint this kind of reputation. Eastwood has made all these films under budget and never past its deadline. That's something that has to be treasured for studios, no wonder he's been staying with Warner Bros. since 1976. His ability to get films ready in short notice is impressive; Richard Jewell started filming in June and it was on theaters in December. One of the most impressive actors who transitioned into directors. You can tell that Sergio Leone and Don Siegel taught him well.
Now of course, his method of directing can also have its setbacks: he's often known for not asking for multiple takes and he skips rehearsals. So that means the performances of his actors aren't always the best they could've done. Which is why, despite making some masterpieces or fantastic films, he's also made a few films with weak technical aspects: poor lighting (J. Edgar), questionable logic (Cry Macho), obvious props (the fake baby in American Sniper), and some bad acting (Gran Torino and The 15:17 to Paris). At the same time, it's clear he can also get extraordinary performances through these methods; Gene Hackman, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman won Oscars for starring in his films.
He also proved old age doesn't prevent you from continuing to work. He's turning 94 in a few weeks, and he's still directing films. Manoel de Oliveira directed films until he was 104, so perhaps we still have a few more years with Eastwood behind the camera.
P.S. Ever since I started this series, there's been suggestions that I should do "Actors at the Box Office" multiple times. While the idea is intriguing, that doesn't seem feasible for me. I'd have to categorize whether the actor is leading, supporting, original IP, adaptation, remakes, etc. Besides, with the continuing decline of star power, it's tough to decide what actor is truly moving the needle at the box office. That's why I'm making solely "Directors at the Box Office", because the director is responsible for the production. If the film succeeds, the director will get credit. And if the film flops, the director will be blamed. So this is the closest you'll get to "Actors at the Box Office".
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Robert Zemeckis. One of the biggest falls from grace.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. It had to be a controversial filmmaker. Well, we'll later talk about... Zack Snyder. Oh, BoxOffice chose fuego 🔥
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
May 20-26 Robert Zemeckis Can we get old Zemeckis back?
May 27-June 2 Richard Donner An influential figure of the 70s and 80s.
June 3-9 Ang Lee What happened to Lee?
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
Who should be next after Snyder? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 McYeeterson12 Need Info

If I buy the custom scenario maker for mobile, will I unlock custom scenarios from other people? Also could people like review, like, or comment on my scenarios I make for mobile?
submitted by McYeeterson12 to plagueinc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 Vicksin Month 2 Dragonforge Trials Guide and Crowdsourcing

Greetings, Adventurers!

Many of you have been asking about who to pull for, what to hoard, etc., for Draconis Heroes.
Truth is, we still don't know! There's still a lot we don't know about this new system, a lot of potential new changes to be made, and more to consider before investing in or blowing your resources on these new heroes.
But since Dragonforge Trials gives weekly rewards depending on how far you push, and Draconis heroes are more or less needed for this mode, let's work together to find out what works, while minimizing our resources used.


Stage 1 & 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Shoutouts to Free on AFK Arena on YouTube for the following

Post your clears!

Please do share your own formations, and designated buffs you chose (si10, 3f, lvl x, etc)
DON'T FORGET to equip your Draconis heroes with resonance gear, it makes a big difference!
If you're on android, you can mash the back button during "battles" to "skip" a little faster.
Help others, find help, and be good people <3 Thank you all!
submitted by Vicksin to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 AutoModerator What Are You Looking for in Your Upcoming Week?

Hey Brain Unveiled community!
Did you finish your weekly review this week?
How did it go?
What did you learn and what are you looking for in your upcoming productivity week?
Share it in the comments.
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2024.05.20 02:01 AutoModerator Weekly Invite Thread - May 20, 2024


This thread serves as a platform for tracker invite offers, it will turn over every week (on Mondays, 00:00 UTC) to keep offers and requests fresh.
All rules apply:
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2024.05.20 02:01 AutoModerator Weekly Discussion & Price Speculation Thread (May 20 2024 - May 26 2024)

Weekly Discussion & Price Speculation Thread

Use this thread to discuss the current reward epoch, staking pools, ask questions, speculate on price, and discuss anything related to the Flare or Songbird Network that doesn't necessarily need its own thread. Please feel free to help others who are looking for help.

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2024.05.20 02:01 AutoModerator May 20, 2024 Guided Introspection. Comment on this post.

Review the events of the day, and list any situations/events that impacted you. Pick the situation(s) that had the most impact on you and answer all of the questions below for each situation.
(Use a new comment for each new situation that you want to introspect upon.)

  1. What was the situation?
  2. How did I react to the situation? (eg. Didn't go to bed to sleep at 10PM. Stayed up on reddit instead)
  3. Why did I react this way? (eg. Poor self-control, addicted to reddit)
  4. What was the outcome? (eg. felt groggy and tired throughout the day)
  5. Is the situation positive or negative? (eg. negative)
  6. Do I want to change it? (eg. YES)
  7. How can I change it? (eg. Go to sleep on time)
  8. What substitute can be utilized? (eg. Use tech in the morning instead of at night before bed; replace reddit at night with reading a book)
  9. What are some ways of remembering when I am getting into this situation? (eg. Set phone alarm for sleep at 9:45PM. Turn off modem at 10PM)
Be honest. Be specific. Try to articulate why you felt that way.
submitted by AutoModerator to Introspection [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to PaidTarotServices [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to professionaltarot [link] [comments]
