What is the mew code for heart gold

Programming Horror: Sharing the WTFs

2012.03.14 11:19 nevon Programming Horror: Sharing the WTFs

Share strange or straight-up awful code.

2009.10.28 00:53 tty2 coding

Fuck spez.

2011.07.06 09:06 charlesp22 The most awesome place for DVD and Blu-ray movie collectors.

Movies are our lives! DVD and Blu-ray collectors share pictures of their latest buys and pickups, pictures of their entire collection shelves, we have contests for FREE DVDs, Movie Party nights (watch a movie with 15 strangers), experts give advice and help find the best deals, and more!

2024.05.20 01:08 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-E_ [ Resultset (\) ]

Would you have a concluding word to such world's setting?

Absolutely! Here are a few closing word options for your high-tech, low-life world, depending on the tone you want to achieve:
In the flickering neon glow of the lower districts, a spark of rebellion ignites. Despite the hardships, the human spirit endures, seeking connection, hope, and a chance to build a better future.
The high towers of the elite cast long shadows over the bustling streets below. In this world of stark contrasts, the lines between survival and prosperity blur. But even in the darkest corners, love, ingenuity, and a flicker of defiance persist.
The gears of progress grind on, leaving a trail of waste and despair. In this high-tech dystopia, the gap between the haves and have-nots grows ever wider. Will the lower districts rise up, or will they be forever locked in the underbelly of a world they can only glimpse from below?
Beneath the neon sky, stories unfold. Tales of hardship and hope, of rebellion and resilience. The future of this high-tech world hangs in the balance, waiting to be written by the choices of those who inhabit it.
Choose the closing word that best captures the essence of your story or setting. Remember, the world you've created is rich with possibilities, and the ending doesn't have to be definitive. It can leave your readers pondering the fate of its characters and the future of this complex and ever-evolving society.

If you should pick an item or an object that would clearly and cleverly symbolized such world, what would that be?

Here are two options for an item that symbolically represents the high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Glimmering Shard:
  1. The Glitching Holographic Ring:
Both of these items are small, versatile, and can be interpreted in multiple ways, making them powerful symbols of the high-tech, low-life world. The choice ultimately depends on the specific tone and message you want to convey in your story.

Try something bit more distinct and specific.

How about the "Hacked Heart"?
Here's the breakdown:
This Hacked Heart offers a unique and distinct symbol of the high-tech, low-life world. It captures the struggle for authenticity, the desire for connection, and the pervasive influence of technology in every aspect of life.

How about straight up hacksawed hearth?

The "hacksawed hearth" is a very evocative image, but on its own, it might be a little too literal. Here are a few ways we can build on this concept to create a more symbolic and distinct object for your high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Relic:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Stove:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Hologram:
These are just a few ideas to build upon the "hacksawed hearth" concept. Each option creates a distinct symbol for your world, capturing the struggle, resourcefulness, and yearning for connection within a high-tech, low-life society.

Apologies, i meant hacksawed heart.

Ah, a "hacksawed heart" takes the concept a whole new level! Here are some potential interpretations for this unique symbol in your high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Literal Hacksawed Heart:
  1. The Hacksawed Heart Pendant (Metaphorical):
  1. The Hacksawed Heart Hologram:
These are just a few interpretations of the "hacksawed heart" symbol. Each one offers a unique perspective on the world, highlighting different aspects of the struggle between technology and humanity, vulnerability and resilience, and the fight for emotional connection in a harsh environment.

And how about hacksawed earth?

The "hacksawed earth" is a powerful and evocative image for your high-tech, low-life world. Here are a few interpretations that capture different aspects of this society:
  1. The Broken Globe:
  1. The Cracked Terrain Model:
  1. The Fractured Hologram:
These interpretations of the "hacksawed earth" symbol each offer a compelling way to visualize the societal and environmental consequences of the high-tech, low-life world. They highlight the impact on the environment, the fragility of the system, and the call for change.

What would be the very best thing in such world?

The "best thing" in a high-tech, low-life world depends on perspective and what holds the most value for different people. Here are a few contenders:
For the Struggling Masses:
For the Elite:
A Different Perspective:
Ultimately, the best thing in this world depends on your story and the characters' values. What are they fighting for? What would make their lives better? By exploring these questions, you can create a compelling world where the "best thing" is a powerful motivator for your characters and a reflection of the themes you want to explore.

What would be the best possible symbol for high-tech-based dominance?

Here are a few options for a symbol of high-tech dominance in your world, each capturing a different aspect of technological control:
  1. The Augmented Eye:
  1. The Neural Network Spire:
  1. The Glimmering Hand (Data Hand):
These symbols all offer a distinct way to represent the dominance of high-tech in your world. Consider the specific aspects of technology you want to highlight and the message you want to convey. These options provide a starting point to create a powerful symbol that embodies the oppressive yet awe-inspiring nature of technology in a high-tech, low-life society.

What would be the best set of symbols for resistance movements within such high-tech low-life settings?

In a high-tech, low-life world, symbols for a resistance movement need to be subtle, easily hidden, and adaptable to a world saturated with technology. Here are a few options that capture the spirit of rebellion in this unique setting:
  1. The Flickering Flame:
  1. The Glitching Gear:
  1. The Broken Wing:
  1. The Hacked Flower:
These symbols are just a starting point – get creative and consider the specific values and goals of your resistance movement. Remember, the best symbols are those that resonate with the characters and the audience, conveying the essence of rebellion in a way that is both meaningful and visually striking.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 MasterBaitingBoy Aries in natal charts

The myths of Aries always concur on the theme of action, enthusiasm, adventure and valiant efforts. The sign conceals a special meaning that is often forgotten in the simplicity of its planetary ruler, Mars, which explores the theme of outward, direct, unidimensional and raw expression of the instinct to conquer and attack. The underlying theme with Aries can be grasped once we take into account that it is the first sign of the zodiac, the life force and resurrection of the constellations and the path of the Sun into a new astrological year, following closely after the mystic and universal dimension of Pisces which seeks to integrate and unify opposite forces through subconscious processes. The force of the ram lies in its horns, which signify regeneration and rebirth. Here, the theme of unity and The Self or The One can be seen: Aries is the unmoved mover in the turning gears of existence. In this way, the planetary energies that match this idea are Mars and also the Sun. It’s the breath of new life which gives joy and excitement for exploration an adventure. The enthusiasm that comes with beginnings and the sense of awe coming from new places and new settings. Aries, along with Aquarius, are the signs most tied with the concept of freedom: the desire for the individual to be restricted by nothing. With Aquarius, the sense of freedom is more linked to independent thought, purity and the human right; with Aries, it’s expressed as a desire venture out into a world full of excitement and surprises, to become a traveler of the lands and seas, to be the optimistic newcomer eager to see the landscapes and meet the world with their own eyes.
Aries is the recruitment of the entirety of our selves in order to exert oneself with determination. It implies digging into the unconscious and resolving our doubts and fears in order to attack. This ties perfectly with its ruler Mars, a planet that lies in the personal unconscious of the individual and represents desires, anger, and need to exert oneself as well as embrace our own nature without fear. Aries modus operandi is by acceleration, physicality and impulse. It tells us that in order for our minds, bodies and spirit to work as one we need to exert ourselves physically — and truthfully, there is a lot of health benefits that one can obtain from physical exercise and liberation through the body. One can help heal and release pent-up emotions or even physical ailments unknown to us, and use them for a better purpose. One emotion that can make us quickly forget fear is anger, and the raw and blood-raising physical state of anger gives us the capacity to act with no hesitation, restraint or regard for consequences (whether for better or for worse).
Traditionally, the Sun has been regarded to anatomically rule both the heart (Leo) and the head, which is Aries. This gives insight into understanding that the significations of the Sun contain both the meaning of heart, purpose and pride (Leo) as well as direction, action and principle (Aries). The Sun is not just the raison d’etre, the muse and creative life force that keeps on giving life and joy and brilliance in what we do, but also the existential fact of the consciousness, the self and the trials, challenges and path we must go through in order to fulfill our purpose; the sense of meaning and transcendence to our existence which is reflected in our choices and actions.
The exaltation of the Sun in Aries, then, represents the latter part of this signification. It is the self in its most basic sense, the oneness that inhabits in every spirit of a human being, the idea of the self, and the reflection of God being succeeded in his own image by the first human or character. From here, the idea of hero's journey can be associated, for Aries represents the individual who steps foot into the world and must become a hero to resolve its own story - it is the act of mustering up the courage, casting away all doubts and focusing on a single idea in order to become and achieve. Unlike with Leo, the sign can only function psychologically exist once there is a world to go out to, forces to with which contend and obstacles to overcome.
With the sign of Aries, one has no doubt and has absolute resolve. It is the power of the will over matter, drawing upon the virtues of valor and heart and acting out these principles. There is a sense of impending danger and urgency, and yet a greater amount of courage and decision. One knows they have to act now or never, needing self-definition. This connection to all-or-nothing, do-or-die mentality is what ties it to the themes of Pluto: the destruction of things in order to be born again. There is always the latent ability in Aries to be reborn, to go back into the depths of the self and give life to one’s core. The downfall to this is absolute stance is the lack of nuance and long term sustainability, which is the reason why the archetype also implies impulsivity, short-sightedness and the immediate and excessive waste of one’s energy and running out of stamina.
The downfalls of Aries are easy to pinpoint: lack of measure, unnecessary aggression, the need to step on others and the kind of person who perceives everything as a threat. The typical Aries can be the man with an inferiority complex that feels the need to show off as a macho, belittling others and trying to establish dominance to make up for low self-esteem; the male who has never felt manly enough on the inside, who feels like his entire value as a person is how much he can physically exert himself over others, typically going to extremes just to prove this, something which gains him no sympathy and some enemies, in which case he becomes the person which others antagonize, then being actual villain that he thought was fighting.
This is related to the common mistake of Aries which is forgetting its code and moral reason, to get too caught up in the thirst of battle and letting the fight become the end itself, letting oneself go to one’s instincts and lower nature, and forgetting the cause. Similar to the other fire signs, it is not particularly intelligent either, suffering from an overly simplistic view of things which lack depth, while also insensitive to others and to feelings in general, which they may regard as "weak" and "unnecessary".
An even darker side of Aries is observed especially with its before mentioned connection to Pluto, and particularly to the Aries point (the first degree of the sign) along with the first decan, ruled by Mars. It’s the turning point of transformation of the zodiac; the point of creation and destruction. Therefore a Plutonic Aries may be the person whose need of self-exertion is so animalistic and raw that it destroys everything other than itself - brutal force that exterminates everything in its way. The need that will never be satisfied until it reaches the ends of the world. It would be the country that is at war and then decides to annihilate the rest; to see the world flatten and become shreds of what it once was, whether out of incalculable amounts of pent up resentment that finally releases or just wanting to see the world burn.
There is the running theme of duel and contention with Aries. Along with Libra, the sign works from the perception of contrasting opposites. If we take the meaning of its ruler, Aries is the instinctual force and energy that overcomes the obstacles that are ahead of us. With its connection to the Sun, it's the relationship between the anima or higher self-consciousness paired against the shadow of the subconscious. It signifies the development of the individual and transformation, the dialogue that occurs constantly between self/other, between conscious/unconscious.
The sign has similarities to the word exaltation itself, representing the pace-gaining process of elevation and of accomplishment; to perception of opportunity and advantage. Similar to it being the beginning of spring, the point where the days start becoming longer than nights - where light starts taking over the darkness - it’s also the solar self gaining control over the saturnine shadow, being the process of evolving and displaying our higher qualities, with the promise of reaching a realm of serenity, wisdom, honor, consciousness, dignity, morality, victory, confidence and self-importance. The solar qualities of Aries are the journey of self-development, of one’s defining core, values and unbreakable principles; the process of integration and resolution of the personality, and the rewards we obtain from facing our fears.
So a typical image of the Arian hero is the one who ventures into a duel against the dark lord or monster that dwells in the caverns. On this level, Aries bestows the ability to become aware of one’s existence, sense of purpose, moral code and the willingness to act upright and with honor, to act as a hero in the names of others, and keep one’s core safe and wearing our heart on our sleeve. To face the challenge no matter how daunting it may seem. It’s the energy that gives us the courage to sacrifice our lives in heroic acts. It’s the brave step we take in order to confront what’s unknown, mysterious and possibly bigger than us, but nevertheless necessary.
submitted by MasterBaitingBoy to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:29 1DMod TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief

TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief
Taylor Swift’s new album The Tortured Poet’s Department is referencing old black & white films, not the stages of grief. This can be seen in so many of the posts that have shown up on this sub, connecting the songs, the tour visuals, and the lyric videos to old black & white movies. As I have believed since my first listening, TTPD is about the entertainment industry (specifically the toxic aspects of it)and not about specific romantic muses. There are many references littered throughout, but another mod and I are working on something that discusses my very fav reference…so this post won’t reference the best of all the references imo.

Black & White Films

There has always been debate about if Taylor comes up with easter eggs on her own or if she sees what fans are saying and rolls with it. I think she did the latter with the concept that TTPD was referencing the stages of grief. If you’ll remember, she never said that’s what she was intending, she just created some playlists and Swifties rolled with it and declared that that’s what the colours meant the entire time. What if it wasn’t? What if the colours of the albums and the poses on them were referencing old Hollywood films, predominantly black & white ones? What are black and white films comprised of? Black, white, grey, and sepia.

The Eras Tour in Black & White

We can see this reflected again in her presentation of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart at the Eras tour, referencing Gentleman Prefer Blondes…but black and white…with a silver and a gold version… I am writing this post for u/rott-mom, because her comment made me want to swish it off my mental desk so I can think more about the wild connections I’ve been seeing between my fav gay men and Taylor. This is a comment she posted that caught my attention, with Reddit‘s misogynistic censoring accounted for.
This video is a great discussion of the possible connections that link even further to old Hollywood and TTPD.
Taylor is leading us all to these things, in my opinion… And by us, I do actually mean gaylors…because much of the connections I’ve made will not be seen by Swifties/Hetlors. They are directly related to closeting, Morality Clauses, Lavender Marriages, and the fact that the “golden era of Hollywood” was also the dawn of massive homophobic closeting on a national level - James Dean, Cary Grant, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, and soooo many others.

Lavender Marriages

During the Golden Age of Hollywood in the 1920s, queer actors and actresses were only able to achieve success if they curtailed their authentic selves and tailored their image to meet the expectations and demands of the film studios. For queer preformers, that most often meant that they would need to be closeted and to marry a individual of the opposite sex.
Studios and management companies would be aware that some of their biggest stars were queer and would go so far as to have actual weddings to quell what they considered unsavory rumours — this is where the term “lavender marriage” came from. They actually closeted two queer celebrities by marrying them to one another! The widespread belief is that lavender marriages are no longer as widespread in the industry, though many — particularly queer historians — have their doubts about this.

Morality Clauses

Lavender marriages were a solve in part for “moral clauses” issued by big studios at the time. The clauses, first introduced by Universal Film Company, permitted the company to discontinue actors' salaries "if they forfeit the respect of the public.” The kind of behavior deemed unacceptable ranged widely from criminal activity to association with any conduct that was considered indecent or startling to the community. The clauses exist to this day — Harry Styles was explicit regarding the immense relief he felt when he left his One Direction morality clause and entered into a less restrictive (but still present!!) morality clause in his solo career.
(Yes, I did just copy/paste from our Wiki. I wrote it, I am allowed to.)

Screaming Colour?

The Fortnight music video is entirely in black & white, with the only pieces that are in screaming colour being the lesbian pride flag, the gay men’s pride flag, and fire. She‘s burning down the old ways, allowing colour to come in…and the colour is gay and lesbian, sunrise/sunset and twilight/night. Similarly, in a landscape reminiscent of an old western film (cowboys 💅 and culturally subversive), they are surrounded by the white script pages, written by the shadowy individuals old hollywood forced into closets…it is with the blinding fire of white flame, blue flame, and red/pink/orange flame, that the scripts are burned…with the only other scene with colour in the video being that of Taylor standing in a room where their forced act - their stunt - is burning up around her…liberating them all.
The concept of shadow figures in music videos represent the closeted self, hidden lovers, and the shadow self (Hi Peter!) that follows one around in hopes of reattaching can also be found in Harry Styles’ works. Similar to how I've been revisiting old Taylor stuff with a muse free perspective, I've been revisiting Harry and Louis' stuff through that lens in order to see additional meanings. While I do believe that Louis is represented by the shadow man, I also believe the shadow represents Harry's hidden (queer) half, his literal shadow self - cut off from him and sent to the sidelines as a result of being forcibly closeted by the entertainment industry. Here is a wonderful post on how Peter is about Harry Styles
I also think it’s worth noting that in black & white films, the makeup women are wearing is wildly and freakishly colourful - it needs to be to show up ”normal” on film. If this was shot in a traditional manner, Taylor is wearing green lipstick in this shot. She likely looks wildly colourful, but in a manner that would be considered grotesque by those who don’t understand.
Similarly, this shot is conversion therapy…but also pulp science fiction. As someone who is a devout horror lover and has written on the topic of horror as one of the ultimate sites of subversive discourse around race and misogyny, this is next level iconography. What is grotesque in this? Is it her femininity, her masculinity in a female body, her orange/white/pink/purple essence, her face, her curly hair? Is it the dog who has been surgically altered to represent a worldwide beauty standard? Is it the men surrounding her, experimenting on her, while looking "normal" and being fully clothed?
In conclusion, there is no conclusion. This will be followed up sometime this week with another post that has u/premier-cat-arena and I very excited…we haven’t started writing it tho 🙃
How Taylor Swift’s Fortnight Evokes German Expressionist Film
Taylor Swiftstein
Inventing the It Girl
Taylor is Post Malone
Shawshank Redemption
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" couple who inspired the play
submitted by 1DMod to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 Shadowfax1189 Giveaway! Bells,Gold nuggets and more!

Giveaway! Bells,Gold nuggets and more!
You can take whatever is on the beach and shake trees (I have all fruit) and pick flowers, just leave the gold ones please! ☺️ Just be courteous and take what you want but leave some for others and leave through the airport! Comment IGN and island name and I’ll DM code to about 4 people at a time. ENJOY!
submitted by Shadowfax1189 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:09 Disastrous_Change819 Piercing The Veil: Holy Spirit's Identity Revealed Through Scripture (NIV)

GENESIS 1:2 (Holy Spirit 1st Appearance)
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
GENESIS 1:26 (God Speaks 2 Holy Spirit)
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
PROVERBS 8:22-31 (Holy Spirit Recounts Time Spent With God + Genesis)
22 “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; 23 I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be. 24 When there were no watery depths, I was given birth, when there were no springs overflowing with water; 25 before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, 26 before he made the world or its fields or any of the dust of the earth. 27 I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, 28 when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, 29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. 30 Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, 31 rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
PROVERBS 8:32-36 (Holy Spirit = Life)
32 “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. 36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”
JOHN 1:4 (Holy Spirit = Life)
4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
PROVERBS 8:1-21 (Holy Spirit = Wisdom)
Wisdom's Call
1 Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? 2 At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 beside the gate leading into the city, at the entrance, she cries aloud: 4 “To you, O people, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. 5 You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, set your hearts on it. 6 Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. 7 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. 8 All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. 9 To the discerning all of them are right; they are upright to those who have found knowledge. 10 Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11 for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. 12 “I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. 14 Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight, I have power. 15 By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; 16 by me princes govern, and nobles—all who rule on earth. 17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 20 I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21 bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
submitted by Disastrous_Change819 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:46 Unique_Mud_5328 how can i improve my stats in my junior summer before college?

i’m a junior in highschool ready to apply for college. i really want to get into berkeley for cs major but it’s getting super competitive. these are my stats and i was just wondering what yall think i can improve on during summer, to just slightly boost up my chances to get in. And i also want to know what other colleges that have good cs programs that i could aim for.
first gen/asian/female/low income family
my stats: 4.72/4.00 Acad weighted gpa; 4.00 unweighted
APs: my school has a healthy limit for aps each year so mine is capped: AP bio (5), AP chinese (5), AP chem (5), AP CSA, AP Calculus BC, AP physics 1, AP Physics C Mechanics(most likely 5/4 for most)
SAT: 1450 but im gonna take another one in august hopefully i get 1500+
summer programs: awesomemath, a summer leadership academy, girls who code summer program
Internships: this summer at a software company, and i’m also a tech intern at this mental health educational platform
Leaderships: ap chem TA, tutor at my math club at school, club coordinator for fyla, social media manager for environment club, and most likely vice president for my econ club
ECs) -2 personal coding projects -1 coding project has a research paper involved that will be published - berkeley math tournament honorable mention - outstanding student of the year (1 in 800 students in my grade) - Presidential volunteer service award gold -2nd in a small coding project competition - USACO gold - science olympiad team state qualifier - gamegala a coding comp semifinals - uscno chemistry team placed 6th in regional - berkeley chemistry tournament team top 3 - 1st place at a small math comp - National economics challenge but my team was placed 9th which was so close to quad ting for states😭
submitted by Unique_Mud_5328 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:43 Disastrous_Change819 Piercing The Veil: Holy Spirit's Identity Revealed Through Scripture (NIV)

GENESIS 1:2 (Holy Spirit 1st Appearance)
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
GENESIS 1:26 (God Speaks 2 Holy Spirit)
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
PROVERBS 8:22-31 (Holy Spirit Recounts Time Spent With God + Genesis)
22 “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; 23 I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be. 24 When there were no watery depths, I was given birth, when there were no springs overflowing with water; 25 before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, 26 before he made the world or its fields or any of the dust of the earth. 27 I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, 28 when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, 29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. 30 Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, 31 rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
PROVERBS 8:32-36 (Holy Spirit = Life)
32 “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. 36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”
JOHN 1:4 (Holy Spirit = Life)
4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
PROVERBS 8:1-21 (Holy Spirit = Wisdom)
Wisdom's Call
1 Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? 2 At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 beside the gate leading into the city, at the entrance, she cries aloud: 4 “To you, O people, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. 5 You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, set your hearts on it. 6 Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. 7 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. 8 All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. 9 To the discerning all of them are right; they are upright to those who have found knowledge. 10 Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11 for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. 12 “I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. 14 Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight, I have power. 15 By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; 16 by me princes govern, and nobles—all who rule on earth. 17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 20 I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21 bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
submitted by Disastrous_Change819 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:35 ThorstiBoi Heist rework suggestions

Ive heard quite a few times that heists on payday 3 don't have the same impact as previous games. I believe it's a problem of the "get out ASAP" game design and just some boring objectives. While I can't suggest anything for the former, the latter goes like this from me!
This heist being the first one excuses the more simplistic design and I agree with it. Only gripes I got are these
I find it a bit stupid that solo players are the only ones that can't defuse all packs without an ECM. I think that making non 4 player teams (1-3) either risk it or have a dedicated ECM carrier is more interesting. Maybe a voice line from Shade hinting that it's a feature too. It's completely hidden as it is now.
The push past everyone to the escape zone has more cops than the "locked down perimeter" a bit beyond it. Nuff said
Road Rage
This heist mostly suffers from being boring on repeat play thrus. The fix is complex to execute but simple as an idea.
Add a swat van driving into the path of the van, cops breaking a scaffold etc. The only time players gets caught out is in the very first playthrough, really boring.
Dirty Ice
This is one of the best heists in the game in terms of player choice and freedom. The only problem of the diamond cleaning being useless is also being fixed in the next update too. I honestly don't have any gripes. You stay for as long as you want and do it your own way.
Rock The Cradle
Honestly, this heist needs some sort of restructure. Or item placement changes.
Since the game launched people have been exploiting this to skip 50+% of the heist. It's a stupid oversight to stick to.
Yea real smart. But I'm not sure what to suggest with the locked RNG being in the game. New objective, diffrent way of them working, not sure ngl.
Under The Suprhaze
This heist overall is pretty cool but it can be a bit fatiguing on failed attempts. It's really long in some aspects (both stealth and loud) and if I need to replay it I just groan, seeing how much progress I lost.
Please there's 7 and each takes a small eternity to grab. I'm not wasting a skill to do that.
This is a first person shooter, parkour is not the games strongsuit. Mantling or jumping is a gamble, bouncing off of walls on jumps is common, it's not really fun to sweat over it. Maybe it's a skill isue :shrug:
I honestly cannot play this stealth without a zipline asset. The secure point is a block away from the building, across a very populated park. Is this me being punished for "not planning it out"?
Just...why. You can litterally just not pick up the usb painting or pick it up last and circumvent the huge obstacle. Not a fan
Gold And Sharke
This heist for the most part is fine, just not as epic as I would have wanted it to be but that's subjective. Anywho-
The starting objective needs QR codes to get into manager rooms but it just feels like padding. Scavenging thru the intire bank for random phones to guess what's behind door number 3...or just use tricks/glitches/oversights to basically skip it. Just leave it as locked doors, no need for QRs.
I've had countless runs where I just get distracted for a minute and the drill breaks due to no oxygen. It's a simple QOL feature. Also Shade says the drill needs oxygen but waits for it to break before saying WHERE it is. Just spawn it when it's red at least.
99 Boxes
Hoo boy. The more I play this the less I want to do it again. This intire heist is just a really long holdout and kinda just needs a full remake imo, let's see if I can think of something. Where to begin...
Again, the game is not made for parkour. I lose more health breaking my legs than the cops. I'm not even sure I'm getting to some containers the way the devs intended lol.
Change them into a minigame or perhaps rerouting the signal of a recently arrived FBI van to get a location signal to spoof instead of damn circles. Maybe have players rotate the dish manually until a signal is caught and then grab the chip before the FBI interupts the hi-jack.
The whole objective is just nothing, grab a consistant spawn object, place it, NOW you can leave. It takes 10s at most. You could change it into players having to move cop cars Brooklyn 10-10 style into a blockade, dissable the cars (shoot tires, break engines etc) and THEN leave. That's way more interactive.
Touch The Sky
This heist is a cool premise but it felt like devs really ran out of steam on the objectives on here ngl. Even Shade knows with the safe in a vault comment.
This is getting tiresome. This could be maybe a rewire objective, follow wires from the console to trick it's current status (door locked or not). Heck, blow it open in loud or something, it's a wooden door with metal lining.
We're breaking into an office of a gun runner and its key is just in a random paper room? Cmon. It could be hidden in the bedroom, maybe even booby trapped so snoopers wouldn't get away with such a steal.
It's padding. Remove it
Add timed checks to like flick an accept Hoxton breakout style when the ssd asks for one, find a required hash in Masons notes for it etc. Its the last mission of this first chapter but the end goal is a simple hack. Spice it up
Turbid station
This heist is mostly good. Only real problem is the damn security room cart.
If you didn't know, if you kill the executive guy you get a secondary way to open the train cart. It's way safer and it opens the cart PWLERMENANTLY. Why is the """punishment"""" for not following the plan is an easier route???
This one I'm honestly not sure is the case but I THINK it's completely silent. It wasn't so in 2.
Cook off
This heist is another perfecto, no real problems other than some bugs that may or may not be patched. So only problem from me is this
The doors feel commically wide. Staircase feels commically wide. It's silly.
Syntax error
This one's a doozy. Some things done well, some not so.
In all loud lobbies I've done, everyone knows to stealth the first bit to get the code for the door due to it being faster. A bit silly ngl.
There are dozens of clips of players running for an hour, not finding the red keycard. The red shelves are not that obvious and are low on the floor. Hang em on the wall atleast!!
The techie so far has had two states. So stupidly OP that leaving her alive or running out to kill her is virtually the same in terms of resource drain. And how she is now, a mosquito with no real threat. Going out to kill her takes more resources than tanking it. The design is stupid with her hiding out. It's never worth hunting her during an assault. More so if you got drone hack skills.
If you kill cops in the park (as the objevtive says) you won't progress. You need to be in the field and kill park enemies. Bruh-
It's silly planning wise to buy thousands of dollars worth of explosive equipment to...cross the street. It's anti climatic imo
PHEW...Let me know your thoughts!
submitted by ThorstiBoi to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:32 dog3_10 Mosiah 18-24

Mosiah 18-24
Alma talks about the covenant of baptism and he talks about it as a covenant to serve God until you are dead. The hope is that they/us will have eternal life. Covenants are important as King Benjamin pointed out earlier in Mosiah 5. It reminds me of 2Kins 11:4 where it says they went to the house of the Lord “and made a covenant with them and took an oath of them in the house of the lord” They made convents to keep the sabbath, to watch the kings house (they were the guards). Later they anointed a king, clapped their hands on him and said “God save the king”. Finally in v 17 it says Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord and the king and the people that they should be the Lord’s people”. Part of that it seems as they wouldn’t worship Baal anymore but just the Lord.
Alma’s covenant is also with the Lord but he isn’t the king. He is never going to be even though he will be a leader in the church. He says that once you enter into this covenant the hope is that you will have your hearts, all those who enter into the covenant, “knit together in unity and in love one towards another”. They covenant to bear one another burdens, to be a witness of God at all times even unto death, and to serve God with this covenant and to keep his commandments.
That is also my hope that those of us who are willing may make a covenant with God that we will have our hearts knit together with unity and love for each other. That we will love God and love our neighbor and we will keep his commandments. (see also Colossians 2:2)
Alma believing that he himself needs to recommit himself to the covenant both baptizes Helam and also goes down into the water himself both coming up out of the water and feeling the feeling of rejoicing and the spirit of the Lord.
Alma then baptizes the others and calls them the church of Christ and to enter into this church you need to make the covenant and be baptized. He ordains priests to teach faith and repentance. The priest are normal people who work and make their own living.
The king (Noah) doesn’t like this religious movement going on and starts stirring up people against them. (Our presidents also stir up people against ideas they don’t like). Gideon decides that the king needs to die and chases him up a tower where they can see that the Lamanites are coming. Gideon lets the king go and they make a deal with the Lamanites to pay them tribute for their lives. Noah flee’s and is killed and Limhi becomes the king.
Note: It's interesting to me that a ceremony is mentioned but we don’t have any details about it except that Limhi is now the king. They are in bondage and see it as fulfilling the words of Abinadi. (see 12:2)
This is where Ammon and his brethren show up and Lemhi tells him about the 24 gold plates, and we have come full circle.
Ammon and Limhi make a plan to escape by getting the guards drunk and it works. Alma and his people escape but are later captured by Amulon. They have faith in the covenant they have made with the Lord and, as a result, they escape also because God puts the Lamanites in a profound sleep, and they escape to Zarahemla. I could do another whole write up about how the Lord treats his covenant people vs those who believe but haven’t yet made the covenants. Both are saved but we get a lot more of the Lords help with the people of Alma.
Alma tells this story about being freed by God many times later to his people and it becomes one of the stories that all remember and is compared to both physical and spiritual bondage. See Mosiah 25:16, 27:16 (they are reminded by the angel), 29:18-20, Alma 5:1-6, 9:22, 29:10-13, and 36:2-3,29. Further the Lamanites also remember them paying tribute and want them back into bondage (see wars with Moroni)
I can’t help but add a fragment found in the dead sea scrolls… Note most call it
“A Baptismal Liturgy”
F.2 Col.1
(... And he shall) say (in response)"Blessed (are You, ...) The unclean for the festivals of (...) Your (...) and to make atonement for us (...to be) pure before you (...) in every matter (...) to purify oneself prior to (...) You made us (....)
F.2 + 3. Col.2
And you shall cleanse him for Your holy statutes (..) for the first, the third and the sixth (...) in the truth of Your covenant (...) to cleanse oneself from uncleanness (...) and then he shall enter the water (...) And he shall say in response "Blessed are You (...) for from what comes out of Your mouth (...) men of impurity (...)
Soul (...) he is (...) to Yourself as a pure people (...) And I also (...) the day which (...) in the times of purity (...) the Yahad. In Israel's pure food (...) and they shall dwell (...). And it will happen on that day (...) a female and she will give thanks (...)
For You made me (...) Your will is that we cleanse ourselves before (...) and he established for himself a statute of atonement (...) and to be in righteous purity and he shall bathe in water and sprinkle upon (...) (...) And then they return from the water (...) cleansing His people in the waters of bathing (...) second time upon his station. And he shall say in response : "Blessed are You (...) (...) Your purification in Your glory (...) (...) eternally. And today (...).

Cleaned by being bathed in water as an atonement to make one righteous... a purification... sounds a lot like baptism to me.
submitted by dog3_10 to mormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:32 dog3_10 Mosiah 18-24

Mosiah 18-24
Alma talks about the covenant of baptism and he talks about it as a covenant to serve God until you are dead. The hope is that they/us will have eternal life. Covenants are important as King Benjamin pointed out earlier in Mosiah 5. It reminds me of 2Kins 11:4 where it says they went to the house of the Lord “and made a covenant with them and took an oath of them in the house of the lord” They made convents to keep the sabbath, to watch the kings house (they were the guards). Later they anointed a king, clapped their hands on him and said “God save the king”. Finally in v 17 it says Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord and the king and the people that they should be the Lord’s people”. Part of that it seems as they wouldn’t worship Baal anymore but just the Lord.
Alma’s covenant is also with the Lord but he isn’t the king. He is never going to be even though he will be a leader in the church. He says that once you enter into this covenant the hope is that you will have your hearts, all those who enter into the covenant, “knit together in unity and in love one towards another”. They covenant to bear one another burdens, to be a witness of God at all times even unto death, and to serve God with this covenant and to keep his commandments.
That is also my hope that those of us who are willing may make a covenant with God that we will have our hearts knit together with unity and love for each other. That we will love God and love our neighbor and we will keep his commandments. (see also Colossians 2:2)
Alma believing that he himself needs to recommit himself to the covenant both baptizes Helam and also goes down into the water himself both coming up out of the water and feeling the feeling of rejoicing and the spirit of the Lord.
Alma then baptizes the others and calls them the church of Christ and to enter into this church you need to make the covenant and be baptized. He ordains priests to teach faith and repentance. The priest are normal people who work and make their own living.
The king (Noah) doesn’t like this religious movement going on and starts stirring up people against them. (Our presidents also stir up people against ideas they don’t like). Gideon decides that the king needs to die and chases him up a tower where they can see that the Lamanites are coming. Gideon lets the king go and they make a deal with the Lamanites to pay them tribute for their lives. Noah flee’s and is killed and Limhi becomes the king.
Note: It's interesting to me that a ceremony is mentioned but we don’t have any details about it except that Limhi is now the king. They are in bondage and see it as fulfilling the words of Abinadi. (see 12:2)
This is where Ammon and his brethren show up and Lemhi tells him about the 24 gold plates, and we have come full circle.
Ammon and Limhi make a plan to escape by getting the guards drunk and it works. Alma and his people escape but are later captured by Amulon. They have faith in the covenant they have made with the Lord and, as a result, they escape also because God puts the Lamanites in a profound sleep, and they escape to Zarahemla. I could do another whole write up about how the Lord treats his covenant people vs those who believe but haven’t yet made the covenants. Both are saved but we get a lot more of the Lords help with the people of Alma.
Alma tells this story about being freed by God many times later to his people and it becomes one of the stories that all remember and is compared to both physical and spiritual bondage. See Mosiah 25:16, 27:16 (they are reminded by the angel), 29:18-20, Alma 5:1-6, 9:22, 29:10-13, and 36:2-3,29. Further the Lamanites also remember them paying tribute and want them back into bondage (see wars with Moroni)
I can’t help but add a fragment found in the dead sea scrolls… Note most call it
“A Baptismal Liturgy”
F.2 Col.1
(... And he shall) say (in response)"Blessed (are You, ...) The unclean for the festivals of (...) Your (...) and to make atonement for us (...to be) pure before you (...) in every matter (...) to purify oneself prior to (...) You made us (....)
F.2 + 3. Col.2
And you shall cleanse him for Your holy statutes (..) for the first, the third and the sixth (...) in the truth of Your covenant (...) to cleanse oneself from uncleanness (...) and then he shall enter the water (...) And he shall say in response "Blessed are You (...) for from what comes out of Your mouth (...) men of impurity (...)
Soul (...) he is (...) to Yourself as a pure people (...) And I also (...) the day which (...) in the times of purity (...) the Yahad. In Israel's pure food (...) and they shall dwell (...). And it will happen on that day (...) a female and she will give thanks (...)
For You made me (...) Your will is that we cleanse ourselves before (...) and he established for himself a statute of atonement (...) and to be in righteous purity and he shall bathe in water and sprinkle upon (...) (...) And then they return from the water (...) cleansing His people in the waters of bathing (...) second time upon his station. And he shall say in response : "Blessed are You (...) (...) Your purification in Your glory (...) (...) eternally. And today (...).

Cleaned by being bathed in water as an atonement to make one righteous... a purification... sounds a lot like baptism to me.
submitted by dog3_10 to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:13 yanocupominomb When do you start having fun?

So, I am F2P, or I guess I was since I followed the advise of some of the players here.
I'm sure you can figure out that I am a New player and have very few knowledge of the mechanics and weapons that are "Good", so I followed the advise of someone who said to buy at least one bot.
I saw the deals and bought a Lynx (the small blue clown car that kills people). The deal included powerful weapons for it, an upgrade chip, Gold, Silver and a Pilot.
For a while it was good. I finally had some firepower that I was lacking with my other bots. It felt nice to actually be able to be in a battle and not in a one-side beatup, gotta say that I enjoyed it.
For like, less than a day.
The Clown car is my best and probably the only unit that can stand to other better units out there, and when it is gone, my chances go down since my other bots and weapons pale in comparison.
I don't know if I leveled up too much, went up in the ranks too fast or what, but I am back to where I was before I bought the Premium Bot.
Matches start with volleys of endless rockets, so if you don't have cover, a good shield or stealth, and your unit is not precisely nimble, then you are going to find yourself in the scrapyard in seconds.
Even if you survive that, the bots I am facing now are absolute nightmares.
One shot-ing my units with a single volley of fire, able to regenerate shields or health so fast that the damage I deal does nothing, or they have defenses so strong that I may as well be shooting the sun because I don't see any damage being dealt.
So, will the fun start after I shell out another $15 and buy a better unit? Or after I uninstall?
Any tips for a new player are appreciated.
I may just go back to play DS3 to get the achievements I am missing before the Elden Ring DLC drops.
P.D. Hey you, yes, YOU! The guy who came up with the idea "players should only be able to upgrade one thing at a time"
Dude, Fuck you.
From the bottom of my heart.
submitted by yanocupominomb to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:06 Conscious-Lemon-9816 Do my character motivations seem clear in the intro scenes?

I’m rewriting my WIP for the fifth (and hopefully last) time to make the story more character driven and make my characters motivations stronger. I’ve changed the first three chapters so many times I have no idea what’s good anymore. It’s a portal fantasy Reverse Harem with fated mates. You only meet two love interests in the intro (and one of them only shows up towards the very end of the set up), but I am just looking to see if my FMC's motivations make sense, or if I have made the Set Up too convoluted and given her too many goals.
**Please note the scenes I am posting have been written as an outline, and is not intended to read line by line like a finished manuscript. I will be writing it in First person POV when I finish plotting.**
Backstory (TLDR; Character A needs to gain access to the Other World so she can make a bargain to trade her Father's life for hers, we open on the 6th anniversary of him being taken, her 24th birthday. I ramble on for quite a bit so if you would like to get right into it please skip to Intro/Set Up)
Character A’s Father was stolen by otherworldly creatures 6 years ago and taken to their lands. Character A harbours guilt and blames herself because she disobeyed her Fathers rules and snuck into the woods with her friends on her 18th birthday to go swimming. Her Father came looking for her and that is when she witnessed him being taken.
In the area they live in, disappearances around the full moon were common, with many losing their loved ones over the last 50 years with no explanation. There were a lot of theories of aliens, bigfoot, cougars, werewolves, and only her Father claimed that magic wielding creatures were responsible.
Character A grew up being told stories about these lands, how the creatures enslaved humans to play in their games until they died for entertainment. Her Father told her magic was real but it was to be feared and to run from any sign of the unusual, forbade her from leaving her house after sunset or from ever going into the woods, and he always tried to keep her close to him.
He had a hard time holding down a job due to the grief he felt from losing Character A’s mother during childbirth and when he would drink he would make it known that he resented Character A for derailing his life, because now he was burdened with protecting her instead of living as a family. Her mother was buried there and her father refused to move away from her body. Character A internalized this, feeling guilty for being the reason he struggled so much, and spent her life caring for her father the way she would a child. Cooking, cleaning, paying bills, etc. She would even get revenge on his bosses for firing him. Her Father always claimed it was never his fault, that they were abusing their power and couldn’t handle somebody smarter than them, and losing his job would send him into an alcoholic depression.
Character A heard her Fathers words, and combined with the way out-of town business men had turned her small mountain town into their own personal resort, developed a deep hatred for anyone that held power. She would find little ways to get revenge on her Fathers bosses, and when she was older, spent her spare time getting revenge on the trust fund kids who didn’t care if their actions had consequences for the people living there.
She had a big dream of leaving her small town and exploring the world, but she felt responsible for her Father. She took care of him, and she was afraid of what would happen to him if she left, but she knew she was suffocating under him. Although her guilt and love for her father prevented her from seeing the full truth of what he was, narcissistic and abusive, deep down she knew and she became restless under his restriction.
When she was young she believed his stories but as she got older and never saw any evidence to back up his claims, the more she chaffed against his rules and started sneaking out. She wasn’t dumb, she always carried a knife and bear spray. She read up on what to do if you encountered a predator in the forest, and she begun stealing what little freedom she could for herself. She didn’t believe in magic, wolves and mountain lions were the only things that made sense to her.
After her Father is taken Character A is broken. Everything her Father said was true, all he was trying to do was keep her safe, but she disobeyed him and now he was taken to a magical land to be tortured by never ending games. She is distraught and depressed. She begins sleeping in the woods, hoping to be taken too so her pain can end.
A few months later, at the end of summer, her best friend and boyfriend, the only people her father approved of her spending time with, tell her that they still plan to leave for the year long trip they were all going on. They want to start their lives, they think Character A has become delusional in the wake of her Fathers disappearance, they can’t be stuck there taking care of her, they can’t handle her emotions, they need a fresh start. She realizes they have been having an affair, she internalizes them telling her she is too much to handle and that she is unlovable. She was a burden on her father and then a burden on them. She doesn’t see them again for six years.
Present Day:
Character A has spent the last six years trying to get to the other world during the full moon. The weeks in between she spends physically training, researching anything she can, working just enough to cover her bills for the month, and distracting herself with casual flings or sleeping with the trust fund kids in order to gain access to something she wants to steal from them as payback for something they have done. She never lets herself get too close to anyone, knowing that she plans to disappear, but she partied with whoever is willing to distract herself until the next full moon.
Every passing year on her birthday she grows more and more desperate. She begins researching magic spells and rituals that might show her the entrance to the otherworld. She finds a newly discovered mushroom being sold that claims to help you see what is hidden from human eyes.
Character B:
A month ago Character B was sent from the other wolrld to retrieve Character A. She is the descendant of a lost royal line and they have received a vision from the goddess that she is her Heir, the key to defeating the darkness and restoring balance to the land. Character B does not live a good life in the other world, he is nothing but a glorified prisoner in his own life, and all he’s ever wanted was a family of his own, but because of the queen and his father, he cannot have that. He avoids confrontation, always choosing to run from his problems instead of fight. He first lays eyes on Character A as she is driving a motorcycle into a lake.
He is unsure if the vehicle is supposed to drive under water, so he waits a moment before trying to do a rescue. He doesn’t know it’s her until she swims up into the shore, and begins gathering weeds from the lakebed. he thinks she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen and can’t imagine dragging her back to his world where she could be in danger. He wants to watch the curious human for a bit longer to see what she does
He silently follows her and watches her climb into a window and place the weeds around a man sleeping in a bed, then creep down the hallway to an office where she unlocks a safe and pulls out a stack of papers. She then meets up with somebody, hands over the papers with a hug, then walks into the forest.
She walks and walks and he realizes she heading towards the portal and gets nervous, until she reaches a tree with five different coloured ribbons tied around one branch. She takes a new yellow ribbon , adds it to the branch and continues walking until she reaches another tree with ribbons where she adds another ribbon, then walks to the very centre of both trees and sits down. She softly hums a tune to herself.
She seems relaxed, strong and confident, he thinks this must be some new human ritual he hadn’t heard of yet and her humming is soothing to him, but he notices a shiver. He feels a strong need. To wrap her up in a blanket and make her warm. He decides right then that he cannot take her back and ruin her peace, that he himself would not go back, that he would befriend her and they would hide together her in her world and they would be safe and happy. It was pointless trying to fight anyway, they were never going to win and it would be better for them both to be safe and far away from the evil queen.
The next morning he follows her to her favourite coffee shop, glamoured to look more human and remove his pointy ears, and introduces himself as a man trying to get away from his overbearing parents and family he doesn’t get along with.
Intro/Set Up
Chapter 1
-Character A is thinking about how she has to get laid tonight, because it will be her last chance before she disappears and probably dies. Character A is stealing some documents and a bunch of cash from a safe in The Guys home office, she pulls a bag out of her pocket and with it, a card for the bookstore she works at flutters under his desk. She puts the documents and money in the bag and bends down to pick it up when she notices the family photo on the desk and she stops.
It is a picture of The Guy, His Son that she stole and crashed his bike into a lake last month, and The Other Son that she may have killed nine months ago when she burned his cabin down. She is filled with rage when she looks at the photo and thinks she doesn’t regret what she’s done. Character B calling her phone snaps her out of it and when she hears someone come home, she leaves, but she forgets the card.
-She stops at the bookstore to give Coworker 1 the documents and money. Coworker 1 says she will never be able to thank her, that this was the last thing she needed she could get out of town. Character A tells her good luck and to give them hell. Coworker 1 is leaving town tomorrow, she connected with a journalist who can help her expose The Guy and once she does she won’t be able to come back. Coworker 1 is very grateful to her, and Character A makes sure to tell herself that they aren't friends, because friendship requires a level of vulnerability that Olivia could not give her, but she knew Coworker 1 was a good person and deserved so much more than what she got when The Other Son sexually assaulted her at work while His Son filmed it. How when she received a payout in exchange for her silence they knew it wasn’t the first time. They were determined to find further evidence, and they did. Signed NDA’s from all of the employees they had paid off in the past.
Character B joins them at the store. Character A is petting her beloved bookstore cat and goes to pull some treats out of her bag. Her hand brushes against a vial of red and white mushrooms and Character A hopes that they are the key she has been searching for. For six years she has felt like she has been brushing up against the edge of something, but has never been able to get herself to the other side. She was deep in a witchcraft discussion forum when somebody posted about a new discovery of mushrooms, one that allowed the ingestor to see through the Veil, to show them all the magic they cannot see. The poster was pretty insistent that it wasn’t just a trip, that they were able to see threads of magic. After years of failed meditating, drinking teas, burning herbs,and chanting spells around the ley line conversion and not finding anything, what did she have to lose with some magic mushrooms?
Character B calls her name, startling her from her thoughts and she knocks over a box of alien and bigfoot merch. Coworker 1 cracks a joke about being careful with the product or else the alien truthers will riot, Character A rolls her eyes at the people who flocked there in search of the wrong thing. Character B apologizes for startling her and says he was just admiring one of her new Boxwood Topiaries, three trees of varying height that ended with hearts on top, and she says she finished it yesterday.
She loves plants but, like a cat, she can’t commit to having them because she doesn’t plan to be around long, so she does topiary art as a compromise, and the extra money she earns goes towards buying her herbs and mushrooms. Her Father never managed to save much money and she wasn’t left with much after he was taken. She had to use her savings replacing the furnace in her home shortly after her Father was taken, and now she only worked enough to keep her living until the next paycheck. She spent the rest of her time training and researching. Preparing to go to Wonderland in search of her Father.
Character B is making friends with the cat, having charmed it onto its belly, and Coworker 1 gives Character A a knowing look. Character A shakes her head, says they are just hanging out, nothing serious. Coworker 1 says he could be good for her. She knew they had been hanging out, that Character A had let him stay at her house for the last two weeks. She wasn’t judging though, Character A seemed lighter around him, and he was so nice. She had seen him helping Mrs. Smith with her groceries the other day.
Character A thinks that was what initially warmed her up to him. Coworker 1 was right, she never brought guys home, but the first week that he was here he had never failed to notice when people needed help and always offered to lend a hand. Plus he was fun, and fun to look at, and he was always looking for a new adventure. He took her mind off of what a failure she was for not saving her Father yet, and he seemed relatively harmless. So when he said he had never seen her favorite comedy movie she just HAD to take him home to watch it. And he hadn’t left, she hadn’t asked him to. It was becoming a problem. Because she was going to disappear tonight, and a small part of her was beginning to feel sad she would never see him again. It was why she hadn’t slept with him yet, she knew she enjoyed his company just a little too much and wouldn’t risk any further attachment. Character A agreed that he was a good person but emphasized that it was just casual. Coworker 1 says alright, she will back off, and she will let them get to the party. She needs to finish packing and wants to leave as soon as possible. Character A says she understand, they hug and say goodbye.
Chapter 2
-Character A and Character B are walking to the Board Game party. They are dressed as Clue characters, she is Miss. Scarlet and Character B is Mr. Green. They had played every board game she owned, which was a lot of them, in order to decide what to dress up as for the Your Favorite Board Game Party. He turned out to be a good competitor and got way more into the games than she expected him to.
He hands her a cinnamon bun, her favorite, and tells her he had made a whole batch for her, claiming that he knew she hadn’t gotten one since they were hiking that morning, and all she had eaten that day was trail mix and beef jerky and he refuses to let her party on an empty stomach. She happily takes a huge bite, grateful for this one thing she loved before she left this world forever.
He says he’s been thinking and asks her to go traveling with him. She almost chokes on her food. His words rush out and he assures her he has money and can pay for everything and they can go anywhere she wants. Her heart sinks into her stomach. Before her Father went missing, an offer like that from a hot guy would have been her dream, but she couldn’t now, or ever. She looks at the half eaten cinnamon bun, thinks how he had made them because he had gotten coffee with her every morning for the last three weeks, and he saw how every Saturday and Sunday morning she would get a cinnamon bun the size of her face and eat it. She looks at the Green jacket he wore and remembers laughing in the thrift shop as he tried on a full leather catsuit while they searched for the perfect outfit for the party. He was too good. She begins to think that in another life, they could go. They could adopt an adventure cat and take it with them on their world travels, but that wasn’t possible for her. She wasn’t staying in this world, and even if she was, she was too messed up. Too broken. Too much of a burden. And she could never give all of herself to one person ever again, she did it twice, and was broken by both of them because she was too much.
She decides he’s gotten too close and she needs to push him away, so in the hopes that it will scare him, she explains that she can’t leave because her Father was stolen by a magical creature and taken to the Other World. She tells him the entire story her father told her, of creatures luring people to the Other World and keeping them for the Queen's entertainment, forced to be pawns in her games. They are ruthless and obsessed with games and everything reeks of roses. She tells him its her fault that he got taken and she can’t live with herself until she either gets him back or gets revenge for his death.
Character B begins pleading with her, telling her she shouldn't go. She is surprised he doesn’t balk or think she is crazy. He isn’t looking at her the way Ex-Bestfriend and Ex-Boyfriend did, like they feared she would infect them with her crazy, no, he looks at her with genuine terror in his eyes. She stops walking, they are just outside the party house. What do you know? She says. He inhales and steps forward, desperation etched into hs features, and says that he knows that everything she said was true, and that it is much worse than she even thinks. That if she goes, she will not make it back here. It’s too dangerous, and he just wants to keep her safe. She is flabbergasted, and checks over his features for signs. No pointed ears, no animalistic features such as scales or a tail, no strange eyes. How do you know all this? He doesn’t answer, his mouth works like he’s trying to come up with something and betrayal starts to roil in her gut.
Before he has the chance to lie, two men throw their arms around their shoulders. It is the couple that Character A hooks up with on occasion. They start walking them into the house and the one with Character A asks if she wants to come over later for a joint and to hook up. She tries to muster up a yes, it is what she wanted after all, but she can’t think straight after her conversation with Character B. She turns back to see he’s been steered into a conversation with a few other people and thinks she needs a drink to calm herself and give her some courage.
-She walks into the kitchen for a glass and bumps into her Ex-Boyfriend. She is thrown for a loop again. He says Happy Birthday and remarks that he didn’t think he would find her at a party today, since he knows how much she hates her birthday. Character A is surprised to see him and momentarily forgets about Character B, and asks what they’re doing back in town. He says its because Ex-Bestfriends mom is still missing. Character A says, oh, right. And feels stupid for thinking she wouldn’t run into them. She was devastated to hear Ex-BFFs Mom had been taken, she was like a second mother to her, but after Ex-BFF left she couldn’t stand to look at her Mom anymore and remember what she had lost.
He mentions something about the baby coming soon and Ex-BFF wanting to be as close to her mom as she can. Character A questions the baby and he tells her they are pregnant. Character A flashes back to both of them telling her they were leaving and couldn’t stay in contact with her anymore, that she had become too much for them to handle on the horizon of their new lives. She noted the way they looked at each other and how their knees pressed together, and that was when she knew they had been having an affair. She comes back to the present when he leans in close and says he actually wants to ask her some questions about her dad. She sees a familiar head with a mop of blonde hair moving through the crowd towards them. Seeing Ex-Boyfriend was bad enough, she cannot see Ex-Bestfriend. See her pregnant. And now he wants to hear what she has to say about the disappearances? You can go fuck yourself, she spits and walks away before he can say anything else, and thankfully, before Ex-Bestfriend reaches her. She thinks his betrayal hurt her, but her betrayal broke her.
-She is fleeing the kitchen, heading for the back door, desperate to get away from them, when she bumps into an attractive man in a red velvet sport coat with a red velvet top hat. They are both imprinted with roses. He apologizes for bumping into her and her heart skips a beat, thinking of the Queen's obsession with roses. She asks him who he's supposed to be and he smiles but pauses before saying his name is Character C, he’s friends with Character B, and her heart stops all together. A chill runs through her and Character B interrupts and asks him what he’s doing here. Character C hugs him and says its good to see him and says he thought he was dead. Character C turns to Character A and says that he took off for a month without saying anything, could she even believe it? And they had an important event that the three of them needed to attend tonight. Character B starts to argue with Character C when Character A hears her name called. The Guy she stole from is there, he holds up the card to the bookstore that fell under his desk and said he wants the contents of his safe back, and maybe the sheriff will go easy on her if she returns it, or maybe he won't since he will also be investigating his cabin burning down and one of his sons going missing. Character A plays dumb but he grabs her around the neck and says he knows it was her, she’s a pathetic bum just like her father. Character B punches him, forcing him to release her and they begin fighting. The other partygoers jump to Character A’s defense and start fighting the other guys that came with him. Character C picks up Character A after she was knocked over to keep her from being trampled, and Character B breaks away when The Guy starts fighting with someone else. So they turn and head for the door, but The Guy's Son, the same one from last month who she stole the bike from, blocked the back door.
-Character A turns and together they run into the basement, locking the door behind them. They run down the stairs and into a bedroom where she locks the door again. She whips out her knives and points one at Character C. “Why do you want me to go to the Other World?” He holds up his hands and smiles, “I need your help finding a weapon that will help me defeat the Queen .” “Why me?” “The Goddess showed me in a dream that it is you. I will pay you in gold and return you back here, unharmed, once you find it.” Character A hears them break through the basement door and descend the stairs. “Fine, I’ll help you do it.” Character B protests and steps forward but she gestures the knife at him and he stops. “But first, you will help me find my Father and send him back here. Alive. And healthy.” All she knows about the Other World is what she could glean from her Fathers stories and what she was able to research about lore, but she had no idea what was accurate and what was not. She would be a fool to think she should turn away help if she could bargain for it. “I will help you find you Father, but it won’t be until after tonight, we must attend the Queens party so you can search for the weapon, this is the best opportunity we will have for another year.” The Guy begins banging on the door. She took it back, she was being a fool, she had very little hope that she would be able to fulfill her end of the bargain, but she was out of time, and she may never have a chance to get to the Other World again. “Deal.” She says as she steps forward to shake his hand. Character C grasps it and an electrical charge runs up her arm. He pulls a small vial out of his pocket. He dumps some black sparkly powder on his tongue and a hole appears in the floor. Grabbing Character B’s hand as well they jump through it just as the door breaks open.
If you have read this far, seriously thank you so much and I love you and if you want feedback on anything please direct me to where I can provide it!
I wanted to note that the mention about her potentially killing The Other Son is relevant to the plot because he did not die in the fire, he was lured to the Other World and will be there as an antagonist when Character A shows up. Also, the mushrooms become relevant to her finding the weapon in book 2. She gets sidetracked this book by finding her father and bargaining to take his place in the game (the party they are attending is to watch this game take place) and having to fight her way out of them. The entire first book takes place over the course of one single night.
submitted by Conscious-Lemon-9816 to RomanceWriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:05 Fazbearnit3 Collanite Redone: Season 1

Collanite Season 1: Storyline: one day, during day of the blood ring on monstinia, a portal made of this excess energy formed in the relatively small but populated and active island, known as aphrodite, not only that, but it also created a energy dome around itself, that slowly grew until it covered the entire island, causing strange, anomalous events to occur on the island. On further investigation, it was discovered that these events only affect aphrodite. Later on, from the same portal, a group of people from another world fell through into the island and started colonizing it for themself. Theme: strange, otherworldly characters have entered aphrodite
Locations: Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, Skier Slopes, Doggy Diner, Peace Pond, Mount Anon, Starlit Suburb, Golden Saucer, Cozy Cabins, Sakura Swim Club, Misty Mesa, Sacred Shrines
Skins: Travis Touchdown(1), Link(22), 2b(43), Glamrock Freddy(62), Monika(84), Cloud Strife(100)
Destruction Tools: Blood Berry, Ancient Battle Axe, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Mic, Heart Pen, Buster Sword
Backblings: Blood Berry, Hyrule Shield, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Giftbox, Poetry Book, Buster Sword
Emoticons: Ancient Bow Drawn, Well Done Superstar, MonikaHeart, Confident Cloud
Gliders: Demzamtiger, Wild Paraglider, yoRHa Flight Unit, Car Battery, Poetry Book, Hardy Daytona
Contrails: Sheikah Symbol, Pod 042, Blue Boltz, Glitching, Materia Orbs
Emotes: Beam Showoff, Milk Drink, Slate Check, Phut Hon, Glamrock Wave, Glamrock Giftbox, Write Your Heart, Code Panel, Piano Practice, Victory!
Weapon Wraps: Tunic Of Memories, yoRHa Specialist, Glamrock Shell, Doki Hearts, Buster Steel
Music Pack: Berry Beatdown, Open Wilds, Blissful Death, Pizzaplex Performance, Your Reality, Let The Battle Begin
Weapon Charms: Jeane, Triforce Of Courage, Superstar, Chibi Sayori, Chocobo
Loading Screens: View Of The Wild, yoRHa Installation, Below The Pizzaplex, JuSt MoNiKa, Fantasy Evolution
Edit Styles: Purple Jacket(Travis Touchdown), Tunic Of Memories, Tunic Of The Wild, Well Worn Outfit(Link), 2p Mock Machine, Mask Off(2B), Dirty Freddy(Glamrock Freddy), Paper President, Ghost Menu Monika, Ponytail Monika, Jumpscares Monika(Monika), Playstation Polygonal(Cloud Strife)
Wildlife: Goose, Chocobo, Wolf, Horse, Snowcoat Fox
Weapons: Thrasher Assault Rifle, Thrasher Burst AR, Thunder Shotgun, Buster Shotgun, Calamity Submachine Gun, Sacred Submachine Gun, Tactical Pistol, Drum Pistol, Ancient Sniper Rifle, Monster Grenades, Silver Longsword, Royal Guards Sword, Beam Katana, Silver Knife, Bronze Knife
Items: Crafting Station, Pizza Box, Pizza Slices, Maple Sprout, Maple Vines, Apple, Baked Apple, Maple Pie, Raw Meat, Meat Skewer, Knights Shield
Weekly Challenges/Updates:
Week 1.
Visit Named Locations (3)
Deal Damage With The Bronze Or Silver Knife (300)
Search Loot Crates (5)
Plant A Maple Sprout, Then Consume Maple Vines (2)
Eliminations With Beam Katana (1)
Week 2.
Visit Starlit Suburb, Then Block Damage With A Shield (200)
Retrieve A Stolen Item From A Goose
Search Uncommon Or Rare Loot Crates (3), Deal Damage With A Thrasher Assault Rifle Or Thunder Shotgun (500)
Tame Horses Or Wolves (1)
Deal Damage With The Royal Guards Sword While Riding On A Horse (350)
Added: Bows, Arrows, Milk Bottles
Week 3.
Fire Arrows At Opponents (8)
Land At Sacred Shrines And Reach Top 50 (1)
Interact With yoHRa Pods (3)
Craft A Shotgun Or SMG Using The Crafting Station (1)
Deal Damage With A yoRHa Assault Rifle (300)
Added: yoHRa Assault Rifle
Week 4.
Pick Up Or Purchase A Pizza Box (1)
Visit Doggy Diner And Consume Pizza Slices (5)
Perform Dodge Rolls With The Knights Shield (3)
Construct A Stage Inside Of Doggy Diner (1)
Eliminate Opponents With The Silver Knife (5)
Week 5.
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs (1)
Eliminate Opponents At Starlit Suburbs Or Sakura Swim Club (3)
Consume Cupcakes (5)
Collect A Fazer Blaster And Stun An Opponent Using It (1)
Delete Opponents By Eliminating Them With Four Hits Or Less (1)
Added: Apple Pie, Fazer Blaster
Week 6.
Visit Sacred Shrines Or Sakura Swim Club, Drink Milk Bottles (3)
Collect Torn Poem Pieces Scattered Around Starlit Suburb (7)
Restore Health And Stamina Using Meat Skewers (75)
Deal Damage Using Monster Grenades (150)
Destroy Structures With Beam Katana In A Single Match (20)
Week 7.
Consume Apple Pie (1)
Investigate Strange Energy Signals At Monster Metropolis, Mount Anon And Skier Slopes (3)
Collect A Tactical Pistol And Deal 150 Damage Using It
Piece Together The Torn Poem Pieces Into A Full Poem (7)
Get An Elimination With The Ancient Sniper Rifle (1)
Week 8.
Deal Damage With The Buster Sword (175)
Land At Golden Saucer
Block Damage With The Knights Shield 30 Seconds After Landing (150)
Visit Skier Slopes And Cozy Cabins In A Single Match
Land At Monster Metropolis And Deal Damage With The Buster Swords Cross Slash Or Blade Beam Attack (100)
Added: Buster Sword.
Week 9. Deal Total Damage With The Calamity Smg and Royal Guards Sword In A Single Match (300)
Consume Baked Apples, Maple Pies Or Pizza Slices In A Single Match (8)
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs, Read The Pieced Together Poem (1)
Use The Buster Swords Cross Slash To Deal Damage In Different Matches (3)
Tame A Chocobo And Ride It 250 Meters
Week 10.
Interact With The Strange Gauntlet At Mount Anon (1)
Eliminate Opponents Using The Buster Sword (3)
Investigate Strange Objects Appearing At Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, And Misty Mesa (1)
Defeat Prismarine Warriors (5)
Visit Named Locations In A Single Match (3)
Added: Prismarine Warriors, Prismarine Knife
End Event: Power Theft The event starts players around Mt. Anon. The event starts with an anomaly opening up at mount anon and from ot, Romeo the admin appears and steps out laughing maniacally “it is time, people of aphrodite. Time that I take this islands power for my own!” Romeo then rises up into the air, hovering above the center of mt. Anon.. then 2b rushes up the side of the mountain and slashes Romeo with the virtuous contract, causing him to yell out in pain for a moment before quickly composing himself and fires a blast of lava towards 2b, knocking her off the mountain and onto the ground with a thud. He then fires another blast, attempting to finish off the islanders of aphrodite, but monika forms a shield of code that absorbs the blast before closing it. “Don’t worry about him, we’ll stop him before he can do anything harmful” monika says, and then both cloud and travis run up to the mountain, weapons drawn- and then in sync, they jump up into the air and travis performs quick and powerful slashes with his beam katana, while cloud fires multiple blade beams at Romeo, greatly damaging him and knocking him back down onto the mountain, as they both fall back down sure they’ve beaten him.. and they took that moment to rest, but just then as soon as they let their guards down.. romeo began laughing before getting up and dusting himself off and commanding his army of prismarine colossus to rise up from the water around the island and attack everyone on it. Then saying “Now, back to absorbing this pathetic heart of yours” and forming a small protective shield around himself and firing two guardian beams at the center of the island, glamrock freddy then throws everyone a Fazer blaster to stun the colossi, allowing the rest of them to fire at them while they can’t move. Romeo then attempts to pull the power heart out, causing a small tremor as the power heart is ripped out from the core of the island, then once it’s all the way exposed he begins using the beams to absorb the crystallic energy. once the first set of colossus fall, another one walks up from the water almost immediately, and then monika seeing this, says “it’s no use. They just keep coming..” then she gets an idea, and says “alright, I have an idea. But- it’s a risky one..” “if the powerheart becomes corrupted, then it’s dark energy will drain the energy and power of anything making contact with it..” “but, as the heart is what controls everything on this island. If it gets corrupted, the islands landscape and everything would also become corrupted and sinister.. but it’s the only way” monika hesitates for a moment before manipulating and corrupting the powerheart. as the heart grows darker and begins to crack slightly, the influx of dark energy causes romeos beams to backfire, draining him of all his energy and admin powers and causing him to fall out of the sky, back onto the mountain and sliding down the side of it, hitting various things on his way down before eventually coming to a stop on the ground surrounded by everyone else. Romeo then lets out a weak cough, saying in a weak raspy voice “what.. h-happened?..” and link chimes in saying “you just got defeated by us.. now.” And link draws his sword, ready to finish off romeo.. but before he can, the powerheart lets out a big burst of dark energy, knocking everyone back and leaving a decent sized crater around it.
submitted by Fazbearnit3 to allthingsever_public [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:01 mikeramp72 Endgame #23

23rd: Jane Bright (Nicaragua - 6th)

A deserving, incredible Survivor endgame level character standing next to Jane Bright.
I don't have Jane in my personal endgame, but I'm not mad at all that she made it here. She's probably the most divisive character in Nicaragua, but I personally love her. She's got a spunky attitude, has a great rivalry with Marty, great relationship with Chase, and has one of my favorite eliminations ever. Her boot is so god damn memorable, that lasting moment of the alliance telling her it's gonna be her tonight, with Jane in complete shock and despair is just perfect. One of the best characters of Nicaragua for sure.
Jane is on a very small list of players who I think has run the entire spectrum in terms of where they land in my rankings. Top ten, top hundred, middle of the pack, bottom hundred, bottom ten… I think I understand pretty much every Jane take known to humanity, cause I’ve had them. Nowadays, I tend to lean more positive on her, but I definitely still have too many issues I’m hyper aware of to let her rank too highly for me.
“What if we have Rupert’s hero edit to someone who was just really really mean, and did the bare minimum to hide it” is genuinely hilarious to me. Jane’s got good energy and her many, many, many feuds (the majority of which being with Marty) make her a great character to guide the narrative. There’s also just her boot episode, which is like… way too good of an episode for Nicaragua. I think I’m neutral-lean positive on Nicaragua, but it’s not a season that does a ton for me, but dear god, Jane’s boot and the scene of her dousing the camp fire is like so fucking metal.
She’s such a raw, powerful person. I think my biggest issue with her right now is just that, in a similar vein to Brandon Hantz, sometimes she feels a little too real at times. Like is she funny when she’s talking shit about Marty? Yes! Is the story great? Yes! But does some of what she says about Marty and his kids feel a bit too much? Yes, very much so. It’s not enough to detract from her character, but again… Brandon Hantz-tier of character. For me, that’s a pretty big compliment, but I also do not keep him in my Top 100. Same with Jane. But despite being one of the names that made Endgame that I disagree with the most, I am very curious and excited to see our resident “Least Sane Jane Bright Enjoyer” spin a tale or two about why she deserves to be up here!
Overall Rank – 138/821
While I disagree with her being endgame, I understand the reasoning and defense behind it. I respect the hustle that Tom did to get her here and I’m happy for him that Jane made her first endgame.
I love that Jane is here, I am not even going to lie. Before my recent rewatch, I had Jane in the 200s, and after my rewatch, I was completely blown away at how complex her character is and the great relationships she had all season. To me, she felt real with her hatred, and the switch between the dry laugh we know her for, to the nasty person she became was endlessly incredible, she was such a great part of Nicaragua and one of the few praises I have for that season. Plus, when she finds out Chase, Holly, and Sash are voting for her, the music change and piano chord that happens there might be the piece media I have ever seen. Congrats Tom for getting her here!
Personal Rank: 73/821. 9/10.
Nicaragua is such a great season due to how emotionally charged it is, and Jane is a big part of that. Jane is the sweet southern lady until she feels crossed, then she has a whole vendetta against anyone who crosses her, so it's a lot of great fun. She is not in my personal endgame, but I can always appreciate a kooky character showing up in it.
Jane Bright:
This is undoubtedly my most anticipated write up of the rankdown, I have such a love for Jane and everything she does for Nicaragua. She has one of the best stories of all time, and just has so many moments that further it and make it cohesive. And that is what I will explain today. Jane is not just some badass southern old lady, ok well she is, but she’s also a very deep, broken old lady trying to put on a facade for herself. Her hatred towards everyone around her has its story and here it is…
The Mask
A lot like Rupert, Jane tries to paint a mask on herself as a hero and somebody who always follows her heart for the greater good. However, throughout the season we see cracks start to arise in this persona she puts on herself. She’s someone who needs a purpose and when somebody gets in the way of that, she gets insecure and bitter and that’s when we see the wrath of Jane break out.
The editors never try to pull the wool over your eyes by painting her as a hero, because they show petty rivalries with her and Marty and her boot episode meltdown. We get to see her from all angles, even if she only wants to present one. She’s insecure about herself, making her feel entitled to be treated as a queen and carried to the end due to her “heroic” manner. Once she realizes it doesn’t work like that and she actually has to play the game, all gloves come off and we get some of the most petty, uncalled for, or even bitchy moments that just have so much raw emotion.
She’s not painted as a hero while being an asshole (*cough* Ozzy *cough*) They show her as her flawed self, but they also let you make your own decision on what to feel without pushing a narrative onto you. Of course she wins Favorite Player at the reunion, so some people still thought she was a hero but you get to see this very broken and entitled person struggling. She really hates everyone but that’s not what she can show because that’s now who she wants to be and it’s such a complicated story arc throughout the season that we see the cracks grow and it’s told so subtlety but perfectly. And this is only the tip of the iceberg with how deep this old southern lady is.
Without this defining feature, she’d just be a badass southern lady but with it she becomes so much more just adding to this brilliant story building up all season until her boot episode. Her masking her real personality just makes her a much more complex character and when we see these glimpses of it, you start to realize, ohhh this is the person I’m supporting.
Even on top of the mask, there is so much more to Jane’s character…
When you watch Nicaragua for the first time, this part of her character is not inherently obvious. Grief?!? What are you talking about? She just seems like a badass until she’s a bitter old hag for being the target. While, yes that’s a very simplified version of this, there’s so much more to dissect there. The grieving of her husband, greatly plays a role in her story, and although it’s sometimes subtle you can see how it play into it so beautifully well.
In her very first confessional, what do we see Jane say?
“They think I'm some middle aged housewife that tootles around the house all day long, they’re in for a big surprise. Because that is definitely not me. I'm fifty-six years old and I'm the type person that stays busy all the time doing things. I just don't think there's anything I can't do. Winning the million dollars is real important to me ‘cause it’ll help me pay off my farm and the fact that I lost my husband, uh, in '09, it-it-it means I wouldn't have to work as hard as I do. But his spirit, I know is still with me and that's what keeps me going.”
Her husband obviously is impacting her mentally during this season, and we see this throughout the game. Every Time somebody makes a gesture that they want her out, her personal viper just breaks out. This is because she knows this is getting in the way of her dream, and the spirit of her husband that made her want to do this and she’s not letting anybody take that from her.
She’s still grieving and wants to win for her husband, and it is a very sweet story but sadly it takes a dark turn as she starts using this as entitlement for her to win. She believes she’s obligated to be brought to the end because of who she is and the loss of her husband and yeah, it’s dark but damn is it good when you think about it.
This is also why the family visit is SO important to her story in her boot episode. Right when her daughter, Ashley gets there, she starts talking about her husband and how Ashley is the one she is doing this for, to help her. This is WHO SHE IS FIGHTING FOR!
That is why it hits so hard when everyone flips on her! How dare they! She thinks. These people are voting me out right after I fought my hardest to give my daughter a better life?!? She’s one of the only I have left, this is disgusting. It’s so sad but at the same time it’s brilliantly shown not told. And what do you know, when Jane is talking about Sash’s mama raising him, she immediately brings up her daughter, just ugh how perfect does it round back to her family and her grief with loss.
Now obviously, does that make her outrage justified, I don’t know, maybe? Is she still kind of a bitch? probably! Is she a badass? Probably! That leads me to my next point.
If you have read a lot of my other writeups on Nicaragua you would have noticed I love to talk about the perspective a lot of these characters receive on the season. Complimenting how diverse they can be seen depending on your morals or values. No character represents this better than Jane Bright.
How do I know this? Well let’s look at her placements in Rankdowns Past:
SRI - 485/501 - Seen as a bitchy, entitled, worse version of NaOnka, and someone who went way too personal in the game.
SRII - 455/537 - Seen as annoying and sour, forced fan favorite edit not giving her the trashing she deserved by the other tribemates.
SRIII - 549/575 - Seen as a narcissist and self-righteous, below the belt remarks and “a human embodiment of a rash” (that made me laugh a bit).
SRIV - 518/615 - Seen as an ultimately fascinating character, who got a dishonest edit that didn’t show her true side until the end. Ultimately ending up as an unlikable “venomous bitch” who somehow won fan favorite.
SRV - 108/653 - Seen as a great T.V personality whose kooky first half and vigorous 2nd half make for a good story and uplifts everyone around her while also being a great character.
SRVI - 127/731 (Had to be idoled to get here though smh) - Seen as a badass challenge competitor who is actually sour, who unfairly attacked Marty and is a bit too much when it comes to her toxic side to make her slightly less good.
SRVII - 185/767 - Seen as an extremely authentic personality and very entertaining to the chaos of Nicaragua, as well as having an iconic rivalry with Marty, being an iconic mother.
See the difference between one half and the other? Yeah, that shows just how well of a character she is edited as. She has so many times where she is shown to be a hero but juxtaposed with so many times she is shown as an asshole and it works off each scene perfectly. This is why we get such a difference of opinion and I think it’s told so well to where most people don’t even see it.
You have to weigh her good and bad and see based on your morals, if she’s a good person or not, and how acceptable or right was she for her constant hatred of others? I really love that as they aren’t trying to make you think a specific feeling about her. You need to come up with that conclusion yourself on how you think she is, that’s why she won the fan favorite vote in 2011 but today many call her an entitled bitch. (And yeah, she is but that’s a lot of what makes her so amazing).
Her kicking ass in challenges and being a lively spirit contrasted to her nasty demeanor to Jill and especially Marty personally attacking them and her boot episode meltdown, contribute to making one of the most wishy-washy characters when it comes to people’s opinions on her. I don’t what to be told how to feel, I want to come up with it on my own, and I feel like a lot of that has been lost in recent years of Survivor and seeing Jane and having all these different perspectives on her personality just adds so much life.
There is a reason why so many people despise her and so many people love her, she’s just edited that well to where people have had to come up with their own feelings about Jane. Not being coerced to feel a certain way, and I feel that is the best way to edit a character. What you see is what you see, not an objective stance the show is trying to put onto you, and I feel all of Nicaragua shows this but Jane is the prime example. Perspective means everything with her.
This makes her one of the most complex characters of all time, she’s either a broken woman seeking admiration, an entitled bitch, or a badass southern lady who is an inspiration. It’s all based on what you value and isn’t that what Survivor is all about, a social experiment where you weigh your values and personalities with each other to build a society.
Speaking of building a society, how is Jane’s relationships with the cast, well let’s see her main stars:
Sash: Jane and Sash’s dynamic isn’t really shown and I think that actually helps her and Sash’s story. Sash is sleazy and doesn’t really make any genuine connections and we see that in her breakdown scene. When you watch the moment she learns she’s going home and the confessional she gives, you see a direct tone shift from how she talks about Chase and how she talks about Sash. When she’s almost crying about Chase and his betrayal, she is outright vile and nasty when talking about Sash. Showing this major lack of connection between them, that she never saw him as a friend and will not hold back from releasing her rage on him.
Chase: Jane and Chase’s connection is one for the books. Both being from North Carolina and being southern types, they instantly bond and feel close to each other. Their relationship just feels more special than anyone else’s that season, that’s what makes the betrayal so much more entertaining. You literally see her about to cry over Chase, they really were close and got to know each other and just to have him stab her in the back, it’s so good. It just felt special but it wasn’t enough for him to not cut her…
Now how could you talk about relationships and not bring up Jane’s defining one…
Come on! This rivalry is one of if not the best rivalry in all of Survivor. They just despise each other and really are either of them in the right? Not at all, that’s what makes it so great. Marty’s a sleazeball, cocky, and a smart ass while Jane’s an entitled, bitter, old lady and they just work so well off each other. You just have personal jab after personal jab that is just so entertaining and perfectly helps tell Jane’s story.
There is really no reason why they should hate each other as much as they do but their walks of life and personalities just clash so hard that you still understand why they hate each other. Jane takes everything Marty does to heart without any grain of salt, and it makes her reactions so visceral and truly legendary. It’s what makes Jane the Jane we love to love or love to hate!
Now, I think it’s time to talk about the pinnacle of Jane. Her magnum opus if you will… her boot episode.
The Wrath of Jane Will Break Out Tonight
This is one of my favorite episodes of Reality TV. Everything about it is perfect and told in such a way to where it’s the perfect ending for such a broken character.
Building her up with her daughter coming during the family visit, talking about her and how much she wants to provide for her. Having a seed planted in Jane’s brain after she’s not taken to the reward thinking she was entitled to be brought.
Fabio winning immunity, throwing everything for a loop, just when Jane’s attitude has really started to shift and then we get to the scene. Which personally is my favorite scene in all of Survivor without a doubt. The scene where the alliance tells her it has changed and she’s going home is so brilliant. The raw awkwardness and silence next to Jane’s utter disbelief and anger. After she flips them off it is followed by again my favorite confessional of all time.
This is what she has been building up to, everything just falls about when she believed she deserved to win. Having such raw and unfiltered emotions where she’s about to break down and cry and then the turn to anger and fury bringing Sash’s mother into it, talking about how she raised a damn liar. (WITH THAT HEAD COCK THOUGH) All with very subtle sound effects or just no music at all until she gets up and makes one last hoorah by pouring water on the fire. “I started and I put it out” 🔥🔥🔥
Then we get to tribal, where Jane is just done with the bullshit and just calls everyone out for being liars and backstabbers. “The writings on the wall Fabio!” Like come on, that is TV gold, followed by the vote having Chase and Sash “cowardly” play their idols sticking it to Jane when she is already at her lowest by not even having her vote count. She leaves bitter and broken, not the happy ending she felt she deserved.
Mortgage Gate
I’m putting this here because that’s where it best fits, and this is brief because it doesn’t really affect my rankings on Jane because it’s not in the season.
I wish they did show this though, as having this added layer of controversy between Sash and Jane with real world implications would have been amazing, even if what Jane is saying isn’t true it still would’ve shown her as an ass, making up lies just to make someone look worse. I just think it’s such an interesting topic to discuss that I wanted to give it its own section. Sash is sleazy so I wouldn’t pass him to do that, however Jane is extremely bitter and entitled so I could also see her making that up, I guess we'll never really know will we… (I know Marty called the incident fake, but it’s Marty, of course he’s gonna dispute whatever Jane says, if she says the sky is blue, he’ll say it’s orange).
I'm Not Breaking My Tile!
This kind of relates to the mask section of this write up. However, I wanted to talk specifically about Jane’s challenge prowess and wins throughout the season and how much it adds to this arc. Building her up as this badass figure competing against big guys half her age and actually winning?!? It gives an excellent face to the real Jane, having this much courage to go against Chase and Fabio even after winning, not only being such a badass in that moment but showing how she’s trying to play up this persona of old challenge great.
Jane, The Tribe Has Spoken
So in conclusion, you can see that when you really glance over Nicaragua you don’t see Jane as some sort of deep character. However, when you really look into her and her actions and motives you see a broken old lady who is obviously grieving. She is such a deep and complex character that Nicaragua needed to really round out the story.
Jane isn’t supposed to be this likable hero, nor is she supposed to be a villain, she’s not edited as one archetype. However you value your morals, is how you will see Jane and even if you find her an ass, you have to admit they tell it very well. She’s also objectively entertaining, her rivalry with Marty, her being badass during challenges, cooking fish in the woods, her boot episode meltdown, and so much more are just so iconic to me and make this season what it is.
This write up obviously won’t sway everybody, but I hope that if you rewatch Nicaragua, take a closer look at Jane and her actions and see how it lines up with somebody like Rupert or Coach who are much more prevalent when it comes to these “entitled, broken, facade” archetypes. You will see a brilliant story of grief, hatred, entitlement, and a fake persona that the show knows she is trying to present.
Personally, Jane will always be one of my favorite characters of all time with amazing scenes and a story almost as complex as Ian’s. She didn’t win this rankdown, but she won my heart and has definitely earned herself a #1 spot on my rankings for this endgame.
SMC0629: 19
DryBonesKing: 21
Zanthosus: 24
Tommyroxs45: 1
Regnisyak1: 20
DavidW1208: 24
ninjedi1: 24
Average Placement: 19.000
Total Points: 133
Standard Deviation: 8.206 (2nd Highest)
submitted by mikeramp72 to SurvivorRankdownVIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:53 Jrdnram_98 [M4F] HELP WANTED - Skilled Warrior to Help Wizard Defeat his Resurrected Evil Father

The average person might consider the idea of running a tavern stress-inducing or daunting, but Akmesh felt it was far from that. Especially compared to some of the other things he'd done in his relatively short life so far.
The Spotted Ewe, located in the small town of Elderholme, was Akmesh' pride and joy. He loved providing comfort and sustenance to the locals and travelers that came through. Even the occasional rowdy patrons weren't enough to spoil his enjoyment. People usually calmed down quite quickly when threated with the prospect of having lightning or fire shot at them. He'd had his fun traveling around and getting into trouble, but his heart was committed to the slower life he now lived.
That was until something came along and threw a wrench into it. Akmesh opted to close the tavern early as a storm howled through the area. The sound of rain and win pounded against the walls as he made his final preparations to close up. Just as he was about to head out for the night, he heard the voice of a man screaming at the door to be let in.
"We're closed! Didn't you see the sign?" He called out, stepping from behind the bar. "Annoying drunkard..." The man's voice became more panicked and Akmesh could hear him practically clawing at the door. "Please! Let me in! I'm hurt, I need help!"
Akmesh let out a deep sigh and walked over to the door, pulling it open. "I don't know how much help I'll be, I'm not a..." His voice dropped out as he saw who had been calling. The man was older and clawed his way into the tavern on his belly. His body looked beaten and bruised. "My gods, what happened to you?" Akmesh whispered as he pulled the man inside and shut the door behind him.
The man slowly moved onto his back and locked eyes with Akmesh. A wave of recognition and urgency washed over him as he began to pull out a soaked piece of parchment from his pants. "Tiberius...he has returned. He is amassing an army at Stonewall Keep. You must destroy him once more, Akmesh." Before Akmesh could ask any further questions, the man let out a shaking and shuddering breath and passed out.
His words sounded impossible. How had Akmesh's father manage to return from the dead? He'd been the one to strike the crushing blow against him. He watched the life leave his eyes that one final time. Any force that could have been powerful enough to bring him back would likely be exponentially more powerful than Akmesh ever was. It would be foolish to think he could go on this quest alone. He needed help.
While enlisting the help of the friends he'd made on his travels would be useful, he couldn't rush out blindly. He'd need to prepare. He needed a partner. From his office, he grabbed a sheet of parchment and a quill and hastily scribbled down an advertisement.
"HELP WANTED. Wizard in search of powerful warrior to accompany him on dangerous quest to defeat his newly resurrected father. Safety cannot be guaranteed, but will provide generous gold reward. Inquire with barkeep if interested."
What were the chances that the ideal partner would wander through Elderholme? Akmesh had no idea, but he felt that any idea was worth trying at this moment.
(Hey, hope you're well. I'm a 26-year-old guy, looking for someone to play the warrior that travels alongside my wizard Akmesh to fight his newly resurrected dad Tiberius. I'm ideally looking for someone whose open to playing a female character, with a particular preference for someone who'd play as a Tiefling or other similar non-human race. But I'm flexible as long as you've got someone in the spirit of what I'm looking for. I'm looking for powerful and scary warrior woman energy.
I write on Discord, usually 2-3 paragraphs. Would love for there to be romance in here, maybe some enemies to lovers type vibes. If you have questions, DM or chat me!)
submitted by Jrdnram_98 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:51 Jrdnram_98 [M4F] HELP WANTED - Skilled Warrior to Help Wizard Re-Kill His Evil Father

The average person might consider the idea of running a tavern stress-inducing or daunting, but Akmesh felt it was far from that. Especially compared to some of the other things he'd done in his relatively short life so far.
The Spotted Ewe, located in the small town of Elderholme, was Akmesh' pride and joy. He loved providing comfort and sustenance to the locals and travelers that came through. Even the occasional rowdy patrons weren't enough to spoil his enjoyment. People usually calmed down quite quickly when threated with the prospect of having lightning or fire shot at them. He'd had his fun traveling around and getting into trouble, but his heart was committed to the slower life he now lived.
That was until something came along and threw a wrench into it. Akmesh opted to close the tavern early as a storm howled through the area. The sound of rain and win pounded against the walls as he made his final preparations to close up. Just as he was about to head out for the night, he heard the voice of a man screaming at the door to be let in.
"We're closed! Didn't you see the sign?" He called out, stepping from behind the bar. "Annoying drunkard..." The man's voice became more panicked and Akmesh could hear him practically clawing at the door. "Please! Let me in! I'm hurt, I need help!"
Akmesh let out a deep sigh and walked over to the door, pulling it open. "I don't know how much help I'll be, I'm not a..." His voice dropped out as he saw who had been calling. The man was older and clawed his way into the tavern on his belly. His body looked beaten and bruised. "My gods, what happened to you?" Akmesh whispered as he pulled the man inside and shut the door behind him.
The man slowly moved onto his back and locked eyes with Akmesh. A wave of recognition and urgency washed over him as he began to pull out a soaked piece of parchment from his pants. "Tiberius...he has returned. He is amassing an army at Stonewall Keep. You must destroy him once more, Akmesh." Before Akmesh could ask any further questions, the man let out a shaking and shuddering breath and passed out.
His words sounded impossible. How had Akmesh's father manage to return from the dead? He'd been the one to strike the killing blow against him. He watched the life leave his eyes that one final time. Any force that could have been powerful enough to bring him back would likely be exponentially more powerful than Akmesh ever was. It would be foolish to think he could go on this quest alone. He needed help.
While enlisting the help of the friends he'd made on his travels would be useful, he couldn't rush out blindly. He'd need to prepare. He needed a partner. From his office, he grabbed a sheet of parchment and a quill and hastily scribbled down an advertisement.
"HELP WANTED. Wizard in search of powerful warrior to accompany him on dangerous quest to kill his newly resurrected father. Safety cannot be guaranteed, but will provide generous gold reward. Inquire with barkeep if interested."
What were the chances that the ideal partner would wander through Elderholme? Akmesh had no idea, but he felt that any idea was worth trying at this moment.
(Hey, hope you're well. I'm a 26-year-old guy, looking for someone to play the warrior that travels alongside my wizard Akmesh to fight his newly resurrected dad Tiberius. I'm ideally looking for someone whose open to playing a female character, with a particular preference for someone who'd play as a Tiefling or other similar non-human race. But I'm flexible as long as you've got someone in the spirit of what I'm looking for. I'm looking for powerful and scary warrior woman energy.
I write on Discord, usually 2-3 paragraphs. Would love for there to be romance in here, maybe some enemies to lovers type vibes. If you have questions, DM or chat me!)
submitted by Jrdnram_98 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:38 SillyGooseAuthor AWTA for not inviting most of my husband’s family to the wedding?

My husband and I were high school sweethearts and got married very young (I was 19), but more on that later.
For now, backstory: we both come from rather toxic families and are both black sheep. The difference being I realized early on and my husband, being very sweet and naïve at times, didn’t realize his until I started pointing it out. My intentions were never to alienate his family, however, I’ve never liked the way they treated him. Especially his mother’s side.
One of the biggest examples that comes to mind was how he worked over the summer for his Aunt one year before we even met, and instead of giving the money to him, the money was given to his mom‘s parents who kept it in an account “for him“ that he couldn’t access. Later, they bought him a car with it, but put it in their name. When I found out, I immediately pointed out that that was kind of messed up, it’s nice that he got a car, but that money should’ve been given to him and at the very least the car should have been in his name. But as he usually does, he chose to see the bright side of things, so for the most part he was just happy that he had a car. Fast-forward a year or two, and he was driving up most weekends to visit me in college when he wasn’t working (about 1 1/2 hours each way, so not very far by Texas standards), when his grandparents decided that they didn’t like that and they tried to stop him, but that argument didn’t last very long and they relented. It wasn’t until they started telling him that he couldn’t visit his dad using the car that things really got dicey.
And it’s not like his dad lived very far, he lived in the same neighborhood as his mom, and in the same neighborhood that we had grown up in. And this time they would not relent, they absolutely despise his father. The divorce was messy and even though neither is completely blameless, she definitely had the worst offenses. Just trust me on that. Since then, it’s like she never learned how to be an adult and has been a perpetual 16-year-old, always complaining about everything and with her parents always holding the purse strings (though you could argue it’s always been that way, her parents paid for her schooling to be a dance major and she never did anything with that, they defended her bad decisions during the divorce, paid the mortgage on her large house afterwards, and even now after expressing how much she doesn’t enjoy being around her parents, she refuses to leave and still lives with a family member).
Anyways, after his grandparents threatened to take away the car (which he used for work as a pizza delivery man and obviously his mom didn’t stand up for him) if he tried to visit his dad, he let his dad know and I helped him move out of his mom‘s house that night while she was at work. It made him terribly unhappy at first, especially to leave his younger siblings behind, but he knew what they were doing was wrong, and he was over 18 and thats simply a line you don’t cross. His dad baught him a car to use.
It should be noted that he likely would not have said anything to his father or moved out if I hadn’t pushed him to, and that’s probably why a good portion of his family aren’t really big fans of mine. Even several years after we were married and possibly even to this day, they think I make all of the decisions in our relationship and force him to do what makes me happy even if he doesn’t want to, which of course is not the case, we discuss and agree on every major decision. When I was pregnant with our son, our first child, we were at his dad‘s mom‘s house and I was often sitting and asking him to get things for me and the like and he ended up going to get food with one of his sisters and she literally told him that she didn’t like how I was constantly asking him to do things and I wasn’t doing anything for myself. The pregnancy was very hard on me, I LOST 11 lbs and had to work the whole time and had no paid leave, so yes I tried to relax as much as I could. These are just a few examples of their behavior, his mother and her parents are also often emotionally and psychologically manipulative and abusive, comparing him to his cousins which they often consider “more successful“ especially since he decided he didn’t want to be a doctor and wanted to work in a lab instead, and anytime he tries to argue back with his mom she does the whole “I guess I’m just a horrible mom“ thing. Something I am very well familiar with in my own life. Needless to say, I am not the biggest fan of his family.
I did one year of my university before I decided it wasn’t the right path for me and about that time he was about finished with community college and was looking to go to university next. He ended up getting excepted into the university that I had gone to, but didn’t really want to move into the dorms as someone who was older than most freshman, but also couldn’t afford an apartment on his own. So we decided that we would get married and move up there together, we were already engaged as he proposed to me on my 18th birthday. It was the perfect set up as being under the same roof as my mother again really sucked.
I don’t quite remember why we decided to get married three months from that point, it was kind of stressful. But during that time him and his mother had another huge falling out, of course with her parents being on her side, and the deal with the car was still fresh in everyone’s minds. After that I didn’t want her at the wedding, or her parents, and while it did upset him a bit(notice a trend? He is very sweet and has a tender heart and is a recovering people-pleaser) he agreed that it would just be unnecessary drama.
It was a very small wedding as my parents gave me $2000 and I used half of that on a weekend honeymoon and the other half to cover the cupcakes and the photographer (who was an old friend of ours from high school). My youth pastor who at this point also knew my (soon to be) husband was the officiant and graciously let us use the foyer the youth building free of charge for the ceremony. This was a small neighborhood church so the room wasn’t very big but we weren’t inviting a ton of people so we were fine with it, especially since it was mostly windows and it was pretty nice especially since we didn’t have to pay for it. We ended up inviting both sets of my parents, my sister and her small family, and my little sister and my mom‘s parents. (note the parents, siblings, and my closest grandparents) In the end, after his mother begged, we did end up letting her come, and then of course his father came and his siblings and his father‘s mom. (Note the parents, siblings, and his closest grandparent). Our closest friends were there which was 6 people, and then my small group from church had spent the night decorating the foyer for the ceremony so of course they were invited too. The numbers were slightly skewed in my favor as both of my parents have remarried, my sister was married with 2 kids, and both of my grandparents were still alive at the time. So yes, technicality he had less people there, but he told me that he didn’t mind after I pointed this out to him back when we were talking about who to invite. And his family really didn’t like this. We both have large families. Only mine was scattered to the four winds and his lived exclusively in Texas. If his mom‘s parents hadn’t been treating him like dirt I happily would’ve invited them too, and seeing as I didn’t even invite my step sisters who had been in my life since I was two, I didn’t think it would be appropriate to invite his cousins, especially since the room was plenty full as it was. Again, he understood and was OK with all of this.
In the end, it was very sweet and small and the reception just took place at one of our favorite restaurants.
To this day, he still catches flack for more of his family not being invited, especially is mom’s parents, and we are always told by third parties about things his family say about us and especially me. (one of them even called me a gold digger, even though at the time was working at Domino’s. His mom told us she was the only one who “stood up for me” in that moment, but the best response she could come up with was “my son doesn’t have money“).
I have no qualms about what we did. We have since moved halfway across the country, recently celebrated our 8 year anniversary, and are very happy. The things they say still weigh on us though, so I was hoping to prove a point with this post.
So, are we the assholes for not inviting most of my husband’s family to the wedding?
submitted by SillyGooseAuthor to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:30 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
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2024.05.19 22:30 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
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2024.05.19 22:28 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
submitted by KingCreeperSeth to FixingDC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:24 CuriousAnachronism 24 [M4M] Germany/Europe/Online - Looking for My very own Feodor Basmanov


Hello and welcome to my post. I will subdivide this into two large parts. One will cover my thoughts, feelings, my hopes and dreams...While the other will tell you the specifics of how I pass the time, what topics interest me, what passions do I posses. I believe that at the end of this leap into my inner world, you dear reader, will have all the necessary information to judge whether we are compatible or not.

Part I
I am writing this in the hopes of finding something that I lack. Lately I have had this feeling, this tinge of melancholy within the dephts of my being, this yearning to find a kindred spirit, another Soul, much like mine, to form a bond with. Perhaps Loneliness is the right word for what is bothering me, but to use it seems to carry with it a connotation of ungratefulness. Ungratefulness for the people that I do have in my life, although none of them, of course, have the connection to me that I seek here.

I have found it increasingly necessary to seek in this Life a sort of purity of thought. What I mean is, I have began to undestand what ideas and concepts are ultimately compatible with my inner most Self, ergo what guidelines I have to follow to feel the most whole. Naturally I have likewise realised what I cannot add to my Self and what I will henceforth reject with all the power that I posses.

With this new context in mind, I now follow on the path of self improvement. I will now begin to mold my Self into my perfected idea of how the Self should be. This is certainly a significant undertaking, one that will not be easy to follow through on but one that I ultimately have to do. To me such context is essential. It is akin to a Guiding Star shining in the night. I will follow this Star for without it I am lost in the vast Darkness.

Looking back at my life, it was suboptimal, especially if one compares the way it molded me to how I will now mold myself. I suppose I must look on with a hint of regret at all that time which one might consider to be lost. Still... I try to stave off such decisively negative interpretations, after all, I have ultimately came to these conclusions. That means that somewhere along the line I had to have picked up on enough of such ideas for them to become so cemented in my consciousness. Well, either that or I was always like this, but in that case I can at least thank my life up to this point for not being able to supress such manifestations of my inner most Self.

To add to the topic of my life, I must admit that not all the battles have yet been won, not all the Demons vanquished, not every Mountain climbed. I want you to keep such things in mind when deciding whether or not to approach me. Many will shy away, I undestand that much, but the pursuit of true Companionship is just another such battle. Having said all that I do believe that being able to overcome hurdles together carries with it a certain appeal. That is to say, what's the fun in joining once the Game is already over?

I don't shy away from such challenges, perhaps to a fault. Certain troubles that I faced in the past carry with them a long shadow over my current health and well being. Still, I intend to change little in this regard other than the proficiency with which I will clash the current of my Will against the cliffs of Life.
Part II
In this part of my post I will tell you about my interests and hobbies, I will try to be thorough, commonality in this regard is rather important to build a relationship
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog. These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Like Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Which I found to be rather mediocre) and the very good first season from the new arc of Bleach. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Hopefully I was able to cast the spotlight upon my inner World in a clear and unequivocal manner. I feel the need to add to the aforementioned that I am rather introverted, which means that I tend to dislike large social gatherings. I managed to condition myself to be able to endure the presense of large groups of people but it isn't something that I would seek out in most cases. Besides that I am neurodivergent and suffer from certain issues with mental health. I have to take medication to keep myself under control. They work well enough but certain days are harder than others. I respect the struggle that others have with mental health but in the context of a relationship I have my limits, no one with BDP for instance. I am also not looking for anything casual. I understand than one cannot demand depth and meaning from a conversation with an absolute stranger, that is akin to trying to build a sand castle right before the waves strike but I ask at least that you enter with a mindset that this might become something of significance. I also do want to say that I am completely Monogamous. My preference? The sickly, pale, intellectual who watches rain droplets slide down the window in Autumn. Lastly, if I enjoy the company of a person I tend to not want to let them go.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat and that you give your thoughts on the time period my title is referencing as your own.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again
submitted by CuriousAnachronism to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:22 GlosuuLang A Love Letter to IKO

NB: If you prefer to read this article from Google Docs, with embedded Scryfall card images, follow this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ipGx-NpPmVbRfnmiNpMlB4V6YA341UuZrBYQFSyyHrE/edit


Hello! My name is GlosuU (https://x.com/GlosuUMTG). I'm a Limited MTG enthusiast with a humble portfolio: I qualified for and participated in the AC4 and AC5, and will be participating in PT Amsterdam at the end of June. In the AC5 I teamed up with Ryan Condon (AC5 runner-up) and Ethan Saks (Lord Tupperware), all 3 of us bringing Quintorius Combo as our Explorer deck of choice for the AC5. I was in a feature match versus the AC5 champ, Toni Ramis Pascual, where I lost my win-and-in to the top 8, and ended 12th out of 32. You might also know me for the "Ode to WAR'' article that I wrote and posted when WAR came as a flashback format some months ago: https://www.reddit.com/lrcast/comments/1bhpxb2/an\_ode\_to\_war\_of\_the\_spark/ . I'm not a content creator, but I do produce some stuff here and there when I feel like it (deep analysis of my AC5 matches are posted in my YouTube channel, I had Ryan Condon analyze them together with me - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhdl85xrunw&list=PLtfDMdAYlZqlVE-Bo_Gh5FsxujrFTEUyK&ab_channel=GlosuUMTG ). With my "credentials'' out of the way, I'm back with a new article, this time to praise IKO! We are getting IKO Premier Drafts on MTGA this Tuesday, so hopefully I can get you excited!
Disclaimer: WAR was my favorite set when I wrote the previous article, and I have to admit the flashback on Arena soured my experience of it a bit (Grixis colors were too open in the pods I felt, and the vanilla creatures in WAR stood out like a sore thumb compared to the FIRE ones). IKO is an all-timer for me and I'm really hoping the cycling deck will not be consistently open in the flashback pods, because that would be a bummer… Regardless, I do truly believe that WAR and IKO are amazing sets, and I hope I can convince you to love IKO in the same way I do, similarly to how I tried to convince you to love WAR!

My 17L tier list

If tier lists are your thing, I have no problem sharing mine with you: https://www.17lands.com/tier_list/dfdd3d0c69664a0b8ffbd7372848ab5f
NOTE: creating the tier list for IKO felt more difficult than for WAR. There are a LOT of cards that are contextually powerful, and it was hard to decide for me if I would P1P1 a Fire Prophecy (floor is extremely high, ceiling is pretty good too) or a Chevill (ceiling much higher, but gold card). Still, I did my best.

IKORIA: Lair of Behemoths setting

The main theme that inspired the IKO setting was giant monsters (Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra… you name it). Many of the mythics and rares had some silly Godzilla alt-arts, so if you are a fan of this genre, do NOT skip this set! The flashy new mechanic for the set was Mutate, which has some complex rules, but did its best to capture the flavor of beasts and creatures mutating into scary abominations. In opposition to the giant, wild monsters are the nimble humans that need to group together to stand a chance. Now, whenever the MTG team tries to design a battlecruiser-like format (giant creatures clashing with each other), it has been very difficult for them to balance it well for sweaty spikes. Most recently, we had BRO, where the theme was supposed to be giant robot machines clashing with each other, but the Prototype mechanic flopped really hard, and playing small, dinky creatures and getting value with Unearth was the way to go. Similarly, Mutate pales in comparison to the small humans and the cycling strategies, but I'm happy to say that it's still a viable strategy if open, it is much better than Prototype in BRO!
The set was also designed with wedges in mind (3 color combinations where one color and its enemy colors are present), but it was NOT marketed as a 3 color set. The big support is for the enemy color pairs, allied color pairs are just lightly supported with keyword themes. Do not expect to draft 3-color decks constantly like in KTK, but do expect to draft enemy color pairs (with and without splash) frequently. Colors are a bit loose in IKO anyway, since the focus is on archetypes and synergies.


I. Cycling (and the Tier 0 RW cycling deck)

Let's start with the elephant in the room: the infamous cycling deck. MTG, as a card game, has variance baked in, especially with the mana (lands) system. The designers have made some mechanics that feel really good to play with because they smooth out your draws. For example: scrying, looting and… yes, cycling. Topdecked a useless card? Well, it's a great feeling to pitch it to redraw another card. Ask those who played with Blood tokens in VOW. Cycling has made its appearance here and there, and they made it a big part of IKO. But… they went overboard with it in this set. Not only did they design plenty and powerful cycling payoffs (which… honestly, does cycling need payoffs? Cycling is just a good mechanic, period, why does it need payoffs?), but they also put cycling in a lot of cards and, most importantly, they put SINGLE COLORLESS cycling in a lot of cards. This means that a dedicated RW cycling deck could be running an uncastable Memory Leak and still be stoked about it, because you don't ever have to cast the card, you just need to cycle it to trigger all the payoffs. Also for some reason many of the cycling payoffs have cycling themselves, so it's a no brainer to include them in your deck (sometimes you have to balance the amount of payoffs and enablers, for example the Chalk Outline/Insiduous Roots decks in MKM, but with cycling it's just easy mode). And yeah. Then there's Zenith Flare. Which is an uncommon. Which is easy to find in most games because cycling decks churn through their library fast. And they will dome you for 10 and you'll be left scratching your head. My personal rule to keep my sanity: assume the opposing cycling deck has only one Zenith Flare. If I die to a second Zenith Flare, I usually consider it a non-game, one of those you can't really do much about (like a deck with multiple bombs in OTJ).
Now, everything I said sounds dull and gloomy. And I'm sure that the designers would probably add a color requirement to the "Cycling 1" cards in hindsight, maybe make Zenith Flare a rare (or heck, a mythic). Nowadays they would probably make the triggered abilities trigger only once per turn. But… there's also good news! Personally, I think playing with and against cycling decks is FUN (especially if it's not a broken cycling deck, but a reasonable one). Cycling decks play like combo decks, where you try to set up during the first 3 turns of the game, and then watch the fireworks from turns 4+. Opponents can disrupt the key pieces, build their decks to counter the cycling plan (hello, lifegain!), and, most importantly, often cycling decks lose to themselves. Excusez-moi? Yes, you heard right. Because cycling decks skimp on lands (more on that in a sec), sometimes they will have an opener of 2 lands, 1 payoff and 4 cycling cards. That's a keep, but it's very beatable if the opponent answers the only payoff, and then the cycling deck cycles and cycles endlessly to find lands while falling behind on tempo on board. Cycling decks also mulligan badly, because one less card in hand means the cycling chain is more likely to brick. In a way, I feel like cycling decks are overall balanced in the format (!), as long as cycling is contested in the draft pods (as it should be!) and as long as non-cycling decks also pick cycling cards in their colors highly! You're in B? Please don't let that Memory Leak wheel! It's a good card in your deck too!
So why do cycling decks cut lands? I'm a big fan of Opt/Consider effects in Limited MTG. Increasing the consistency of your deck for a measly single mana draws you to your good cards more often and it also means less mana screw and flood. My general rule of thumb is that I cut one land every 2 Opts I have in my deck, as long as I don't go below 9 blue sources. Now, "cycling 1" cards don't scry like Opt, but they cantrip all the same. The general rule of thumb is to cut one land for every three "cycling 1" cards you have in your deck. And how low can you go? Some psychos have gone down to 12 lands, although I generally do like to have at least 13-14 lands. But if you run 17 lands in your dedicated cycling deck, you're gonna flood out A LOT. Enjoy cutting lands in your Limited decks for no reason? Try out IKO! 🙂

II. Companions

From controversial deck to controversial mechanic: Companions! Only 10 IKO cards had this mechanic, and they were all rares… how impactful could it have been? Well, so impactful that Constructed formats were broken in half and WotC had to errata the mechanic: to cast a Companion from the sideboard, you first had to pay 3 at sorcery speed to put it in hand. Drannith Magistrate, the Companion hate card, was left looking silly. Turns out that getting an extra card in your opener, a card you also had built around, was one way to break the game. While Companions were really bad for Constructed, they were AMAZING for Limited. Why? Because picking up one early and building around it made for very unique drafts! Many desirable cards would need to be foregone to meet the companion requirement, whereas other less desirable cards suddenly skyrocketed in your pick order. And who hasn't built around one sweet rare only to never draw it and your otherwise sketchy deck go 0-3, all your dreams crushed? Companions fixed that, since you built around them and you always had access to them. Some were more powerful (ahem Lurrus, Gyruda), others were usually not worth it to companion them (Yorion, Zirda…), but regardless they were all high picks because even in the maindeck they were great (and balancing the tension whether to companion them or maindeck them was really skill testing). Companions came back in the bonus sheet in MOM and they were as fun as they had been in IKO, leaving many of us wishing that they would come back more often, because they really improve the draft format they are in. I personally would also love for WotC to print new companions, but of course seeing how they broke Constructed in half, they probably would need to be super careful about them. 🙁 WotC, if you're reading this: bring more Companions!
Ethan Saks (aka Lord Tupperware) is quite well-known for his love of Companions, so if you want a deeper dive on them and what makes each of them tick, here's a video you can watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmmOWYVAzbw&ab_channel=LordsofLimited (DISCLAIMER: this video is for the Companions in MOM, not IKO, but most of the stuff still applies)

III. Mutate (and the UG Mutate deck)

Mutate was the new flashy mechanic for IKO and supposed to charm the Timmy players out there by voltroning a creature and creating an unfathomable monster. Mutate creatures can be found in every color, but are most prevalent in U and G, where there's also payoffs for mutating. In essence, a creature with Mutate could behave like an Aura on an existing creature (keeping the stats of one of the two creatures plus all the abilities of both creatures) or a creature by itself. While you can't blow out a creature mutating onto another on the stack (killing the creature on the battlefield means the creature on the stack still resolves as a standalone creature), putting two creatures together does mean a big tempo swing if the opponent removes the mutated stack. For example, playing a Thieving Otter on T3, then mutating a Dreamtail Heron on top of it on T4 and getting in, drawing 2 cards… All of that sounded mouthwatering great in spoiler season (a flying Scroll Thief? Who doesn't like that?). But, when you assembled that in a game, and the opponent then removed the mutated creature, that meant that with one single spell they had removed both your T3 and T4 plays, so even though you had accrued card advantage, you could be very behind on board.
Was Mutate as bad as Prototype in BRO? Thankfully not! If open, a good UG Mutate could be a great deck, and stacking mutates on top of each other, each of them accruing incremental value, was a lot of fun when it worked. In essence, Mutate decks were A + B decks, with a good balance of A and B (A = 1-2 mana creatures you were happy to Mutate on, e.g. Essence Symbiote, Pollywog Symbiote; B = mutate creatures, preferably strong ones like Archipelagore or Auspicious Starrix). Playing a mutate payoff on T2 followed by a mutated Migratory Rendhorn on T3 was key to ramping, fixing and getting on good footing in the game (since you would also splash some powerful Mutate rares in other colors usually). Since A + B was so tight and you'd rather not include stuff that wasn't one or the other in your deck (to improve consistency), ideally your interaction would come in the form of Pouncing Shoresharks. But you'd still usually squeeze some space for some removal.
Mutate cards are also not unplayable outside of UG, but be mindful of how many non-human creatures you have in your deck and what creatures you are happy mutating on top of. Forbidden Friendship was great at providing some Mutate fodder in non-UG decks, for example, and you would be happy mutating a Cloudpiercer on top of it on T4 (you got a mana discount and a hasty 5/4 rummager, sweet!). BTW, do not confuse Forbidden Friendship with Cathartic Reunion, the arts on those cards are too similar!

IV. Keyword Counters

IKO was the first time that we got keyword counters. Apart from mutating, you could still build monsters by giving your creatures extra keywords. Some IKO tricks look like traditional tricks we see in Limited, but the counter hanging around can be quite important! For example, Unexpected Fangs creating a big lifelinker could be game-swinging. Be mindful of these tricks when having a Heartless Act in your deck, since you can get blown out very easily if they respond by giving a counter to their creature, and your removal will fizzle. Also, always roll Hexproof counter on a T3 Crystalline Giant - if you don't, you need to get better at MTG! (thank goodness Covid was around when IKO came out, imagine Giant in a paper MTG game)


There's tons of draft guides out there, so I'll try to keep this brief. We already mentioned that a nuts RW cycling deck can be considered Tier 0. A reasonable RW cycling deck is still Tier 1-2, so it's definitely worth getting into if you get enough of the good cycling payoffs. UG Mutate is like Tier 2-3, so what other decks are out there?

I. Tier 1: Black, Humans and the Mardu Wedge

When cycling is not absurdly open, I have a strong bias to end up in a Mardu-esque deck (any of the color pairs, with or without splash). I love B in this set, even though it's not a cycling color. IKO has my favorite common ever printed: Bushmeat Poacher! The card doesn't look super strong at first glance, and 4 mana for a 2/4 is quite bad these days but… it resists a Fire Prophecy, for starters. And once you see the card in action on the opposite side of the battlefield, you're going to understand how ANNOYING it is. You'd be surprised how often the engine of Durable Coilbug + Bushmeat Poacher can grind out games in this format. Block, sac, gain life, draw cards, rinse, repeat. Honestly, it's as annoying as Cauldron Familiar in Constructed or Lampad of Death's Vigil in THB. And let me remind you that you gain life equal to the creature's toughness. Wanna remove my Honey Mammoth? Well, that will cost you your removal spell, and I gain 6 life and a card, thank you very much! One of the things I enjoy most in Limited is making opponent's removal look bad, and boy, oh boy, does Bushmeat Poacher do that!
So yeah Poacher might be my favorite common, but B has even better stuff to offer with Blood Curdle (that menace counter is super relevant) and Whisper Squad (which also combos nicely with Poacher). And Memory Leak should be taken as a great B common, I've mentioned this already.
Mardu decks can be built in a myriad of ways and synergies. There's the straight forward Human go-wide and pump your team theme out there. There's sac synergies. There's go-wide Mutate synergies: Forbidden Friendship is a premium R common in most R decks except for dedicated RW cycling decks ("Rally at the Hornburg"-lite is still very good!), and then you have stuff like Regal Leosaur. There's menace + removal synergies… And you have some sweet buildarounds like Weaponize the Monsters, Bastion of Remembrance and Offspring's Revenge. All in all, I love getting into Mardu decks in this format, and the aristocrats gameplay speaks to my heart.

II Tier 2: BG Reanimate, UR spell matters, Ultimatum decks

BG Reanimate is probably my favorite deck of the format. If I start B, and then see Mardu being contested (as it should), but G dummies coming to me, I'm very happy to jump into BG. We've seen that Back For More is still great in OTJ, but whereas in that set you only have Spinewoods Armadillo to easily combo with it, this set has several big dumb uncommons that cycle. Back For More is even better here in IKO! Getting back a Tytanoth Rex with it can usually net you a 3-for-1 (fight something and ambush something in combat, Rex still surviving). It is also the perfect home for Honey Mammoth (that card was a surprising overperformer back in the day, since then we know how good this style of cards can be for G decks looking to stabilize and turn the corner). Also, Bushmeat Poacher gaining you tons of life when opponents try to remove your big dummy creatures is very satisfying.
UR spells can also be powerful when open. Sprite Dragon can get out of hand quickly, and T3 sequencing Forbidden Friendship into Of One Mind feels super good. A key roleplayer for the deck is Spelleater Wolverine, and PSA: you can meet the condition by cycling instants and sorceries to the GY too, no need to actually cast them! Wolverine can fit other decks too if you get a good amount of instants and sorceries (e.g. in Rakdos with cycling and removal spells). I'm not super high on U in the format and thus don't get into UR spells often, but if you start R and U flows, it's a possible path to get into. There are also UJeskai cycling decks with Ominous Seas as the payoff.
Finally, a word on the Ultimatums: they are more powerful than they look! With the exception of Emergent Ultimatum (which has an important failcase: drawing your single-color big spells before it), resolving any of them in the late game will often put you in a winning position. Think of them a bit like Cruel Ultimatum in OTJ: fun cards to draft early and build towards the late game, prioritizing the dual lands in order to cast them.

III Tier 3: Allied color pairs/Keyword decks

With the exception of RB, which is a good deck, all other allied color pairs feel weaker. UB Flash and UW flyers can be a thing if you draft the rares that support them, but don't expect them to be super powerful. I do want to mention the WG Vigilance deck, because it is one of the counters to the cycling deck. Get a couple Alert Heedbonders, put some big butts on the board and laugh at your opponent trying to Zenith Flare your face when you're at 40 life! 2/4 also survives Fire Prophecy, so cycling decks often have to point a Flare to one of the Heedbonders, which is sweet! RG Trample is not really a deck, if you see the RG rare, it's a good card, but you can just splash it in any G deck. Beware also of the Wedge buildaround enchantments at rare, except for Offspring's Revenge, they are all generally quite bad!


It has not been easy to get "clean" 17L trophy logs: 17L was in infant stage when IKO was the main format, so no game replays back then, and during the IKO flashbacks Arena pushed some log updates that made 17L struggle to log everything correctly. Still, thanks to some friends, I have gathered a few:
TROPHY 1 (courtesy of Sheesh): https://www.17lands.com/draft/263832207ed749b7947e7a40149f7380 - a typical RW cycling trophy
TROPHY 2: https://www.17lands.com/deck/ac08eb9f76874eafb67c4e201a5bb21e/1 - Lurrus Companion (this quick draft trophy got me into Mythic for the first time back in the day!)
TROPHY 3 (courtesy of TripleB): https://www.17lands.com/deck/c7fb935d7ac443b4bb895f43622accc7 - BW Humans, some games missing
TROPHY 4: https://www.17lands.com/draft/19b4a66cbec5484d8d3b0acd54f61787 - Golgari Reanimate/grind, sadly only shows the first two games
TROPHY 5 (courtesy of TripleB): https://www.17lands.com/deck/d0d77324997f45478a7b853067a0f438 - UR spells/mutate, no game replays available since it was a Traditional Draft from when IKO was the main format
TROPHY 6: https://www.17lands.com/deck/96ffb9ab71144753bb87496e33e32545/1 - UB Flash/Mutate, also a Trad Draft


While I think I covered most of the format, I feel that there's a lot of things I didn't have space to cover. I truly believe that this format plays and feels amazingly well, just as long as the RW cycling deck is contested enough. Sweet buildarounds, companions, all-in synergies, Mutate, and a load of other nonsense. This is a Dave Humphreys set you really don't want to miss! I am stoked to spam it and (hopefully) see it hold up after all these years!
submitted by GlosuuLang to lrcast [link] [comments]
