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I run a DnD group with kids aged 7-11 at my local YMCA, and some parents are trying to get the game outright banned. I have to have a meeting with both parents and HR Department and effectively present my case. Please help!

2024.05.20 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I run a DnD group with kids aged 7-11 at my local YMCA, and some parents are trying to get the game outright banned. I have to have a meeting with both parents and HR Department and effectively present my case. Please help!

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Decent_Lecture_1514
I run a DnD group with kids aged 7-11 at my local YMCA, and some parents are trying to get the game outright banned. I have to have a meeting with both parents and HR Department and effectively present my case. Please help!
Originally posted to DnD
Thanks to u/PitaEnigma for suggesting this BoRU
EDITORS NOTE: because it's mentioned and some may not remember or been born when it happened, a quick synopsis of the satanic panic
The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today.
Original Post May 9, 2024
Sorry if this is a longer post, but important context below ⬇️
So yeah I'm a program coordinator at our local YMCA and I run an after-school program (effectively am a glorified babysitter hahaha). This past school year I passively mentioned that I play a lot of DnD when one of the kids asked me if I had any plans that weekend, and it totally piqued their interest when I explained to them what the game was like/about. Naturally they asked if they could try and play and I figured sure why not, I'll write a fun and fam friendly one-shot for them.
They all absolutely loved it. It's turned into a proper campaign with about 7 of the 24 kids me and my coworkers look after consistently playing. I've had to limit the sessions to just 1-2 days of the 5 day school week, because I have other kids too that aren't interested in it, and I obviously still need to give them attention and interaction as well (and as you know DnD can be a very engaged and attention demanding). I thought this was a fair compromise. Days that it's nice outside we are always out running around, being active, playing sports -- but if it's a rainy day, or on our weekly Friday Movie Day, we generally play. It's been such a blast sharing something I love so deeply with kids who I care about so much.
So here comes the issue:
Almost every parent of the core group that plays loves that we are doing this (one even plays weekly and we bonded over it haha), but there is one child whose parents certainly do not; they want their kid just constantly active and engaged and playing sports, not playing "silly make believe", which I guess I get to a degree because this is kinda the MO of the YMCA traditionally; healthy active living.

I've explained that most days of the week we do just that, and that this is something we only do on Fridays or rain days when we are stuck inside, but they aren't budging. I think they have a misguided idea of the game and what it is, or maybe they are just fundamentally against it, I'm not sure. I don't think it's to the level of like the era of thought where media and the masses thought DnD was some kind of satanic game, but I feel like there could certainly be a bit of that.

Anyway they want it to stop immediately. I've told them I'm not forcing anyone to play, and that if they really feel that way they are within their rights to tell their child they don't want him playing, but they are trying to take it a step farther and get it banned. ALSO I would feel horrible if this child were forbade from playing while all his friends have a blast doing so. Just doesn't seem right.
I understand that it's a game that can involve more mature themes and gameplay, and probably isn't reeeeeeeeally for super young folk, but I feel the way I'm running it mitigates this for the most part: there's no PVP (so no bullying can happen), I'm dealing with waaaaaay less serious themes and stakes, and I don't even include any circumstances where they fight any other humanoids -- strictly just heroes fighting big bad monsters and saving towns. You know the drill.
So yeah long story short(ish) the parents of the one child have called a meeting with HR to discuss the playing of this game at the YMCA. I have it on Sunday. I'm confident I'm gonna have to effectively state my case and explain why I think this is not only an okay thing to be doing, but actually in fact a good thing. I don't know if I'll be able to fully sway them if their mind is already made up, all I can do is just speak my truth haha.
I do whole-heartedly think this game can be super beneficial for young folk. I'll spare you my long form thoughts, but between the teamwork and communication required and rewarded, the problem solving (both ethically and logically and mathematically), AND the improvisation emphasized, I think it stimulates a young mind very well. Lets them escape their own world for a bit and take agency and feel they have control, something young people so desperately desire.
So in conclusion, I'm kinda just writing this to get it off of my chest and vent, BUT I guess my questions would be:

Or maybe you disagree with me and think I'm out of line here, which is totally fair too. Just looking to start some dialogue.
I know it is a hassle, but if you get to keep Dnd, you might want to start requiring permission slips. That way, you could avoid this in the future.
This will make it less likely for the OP to get a surprise angry parent, but I don't like the precedent of demanding permission slips for a mundane board game.
It sets up an expectation that D&D is different in some way, and gives ammunition to these weirdos who are still trapped in the Satanic Panic - it lets them point to the permission slips and say, "Look, even your own policies admit that this is something to be hidden behind barriers and parental approval."
At a certain point we have to stand up to these people in society and tell them that they're being ridiculous and that we won't concede to their demands under any circumstances. That takes a great deal of backbone by the YMCA administration, though.
Geez. Really putting the "C" in YMCA. I imagine looking into how people fought back during the "Satanic Panic" might provide some good advice for this.
u/efrique had a great comment about handling a new round of the satanic panic
Many offered sites that share good info about why DnD is helpful and beneficial to kids
You can point the leadership and parents to the numerous studies showing the many ways playing D&D is beneficial for kids, too. One, for example.
I just looked through this thread, there's a ton of great stuff here.
Some additional good orgs that talk about the therapy side are: (That's me)
D&D has also been shown to be useful in teaching kids about social skills, creative writing, theory of mind, mental math, team work, problem solving etc.
Update May 13, 2024
Made a post a few days ago about how I run a DnD campaign for some kids in an after-school program I run for the YMCA, and subsequently how the parents of one of the kids was trying to get the game banned and whole operation shut down. I wasn't sure the best way to make an update, but I linked the whole original post above so you can have a read if you'd like ^
So firstly genuine genuine genuine big thanks to everyone who took the time to read and respond with input and suggestions. It means a ton and really helped a lot. So I'm just gonna jump right in with what happened.
Firstly, I took the advice about getting testimonies from parents who were super happy that I was playing this game with their kids -- we weren't allowed to have outside visitors involved in the actual meeting with HR, but I got emails and messages from mostly every parent (besides the one complaining about it lmao) to voice their support and why they think this is not a harmful thing, and in fact actually a good thing. I really think this helped a lot and was a big factor, so thanks everyone who suggested. It's not something I would've thought to do on my own ahahah.
I didn't want to come in toooooo heavy with the articles and very clear scientific proof about the benefits of developing minds playing TTRPGs', because (as it turned out) this was actually more just conversational and "pleasant" than I thought it was gonna be, at least from HRs side. I did mention to them the multiple studies done on this exact scenario, but it turned out I didn't even really need them. There were definitely moments of tension, but this was a more civil conversation than I anticipated from all parties involved. I'm not sure if it was the fact that the parents who complained had to talk to me in person WITH my bosses and HR reps present and it calmed them down a bit? But yeah anyway.
I wish it was a more dramatic story, but basically I just levelled with them person to person.
People who said they were betting on it being a Christian, satanic-panic angle: you were right, mostly anyway. As in, that was definitely a main part of their argument. They are in fact Christian and were concerned, but it was really coming from a place of ignorance about what this game is about, and they specifically didn't understand the fact that the DM (me) can entirely control what the contents of it is. I'm assuming they just googled DnD and probably saw some things they didn't agree with, but once I explained that the way we were playing it included no demon spawn or worshipping, or any killing of other humans, or allowing of murder-hobo activity, they softened up a bit. I told them it's a strictly G/PG rated experience that I'm curating for them. And of course I explained the social and academic benefits of DnD, and how much of a bonding activity this is for the group, and how much their son in particular loves it. This helped big time.
Ironically, it was their other argument about wanting active engagement for their child (ie; sports lol) that was a little harder to combat. From their and HRs perspective, this whole program and the YMCAs MO IS in fact healthy active engagement. I explained that most days of the week we are doing just that. I'm a tennis instructor as well and have played sports all my life (and they know this), so I tried to assure them that I get their child a SOLID amount of engagement (plus free tennis lessons effectively haha). I'll save you the whole back and forth, but this was a majority of our 45 minute meeting.
Im trying to wrap this up with a bow but not sure exactly how, so I'll just finish with the bullet points from the end of the discussion:
• The game is not banned! HOORAY HOORAY!
• I am now only allowed to play it with them once a week (on Friday), but all things considered I'll take this as a win!
• and best of all, the complained parents are letting their kid continue to play!!!! I'm sending them a detailed summary of the contents of my game so they can look it over, but they said with it now "officially" only being once a week, and with a better understanding of what it actually is, they will let him to continue to play. I'm so unbelievably happy.
So boom. Happy ending. Again big thanks to everyone for giving their advice and linking resources; it helped so much and meant a lot. This is a big win for "the community" I feel, at the risk of sounding too corny. You are all the best. I love this game so much 🥹
OOP explains how they made DnD G/PG rated
So the method I've taken is that this is mainly an explorative and mystery solving campaign. There is combat occasionally, but it's heeeeeavy on the RP aspect of these aforementioned things (aka 7 kids screaming over each other lmao)
I briefly mentioned in the previous post that when I do involve combat I don't include any that js player versus any humanoids -- so no "killing" of bandits or raiders or pirates or anything resembling, it's strictly taking out big bad monsters, or a big spidebats/owlbear or whatever when it does happen. This takes a big amount of the potential nastiness out: Timmy cant go home saying "Mom I killed 4 dudes today!", regardless if he understands the deeply political and socio-economic rooted reasons why it may be justified he did that 🙄 hahahah.
So yeah eliminated that entirely, strayed away from words like "kill" or "dead" or certainly "murdered", and have a very very "heroes save the town from mishaps" type adventure. For a quick example our last plot hook/beat (which ended up taking up like 3 Fridays because of how long it can take with young kids hahaha) involved them stumbling into a town and discovering that it holds the map to an ancient treasure that is rumoured to be buried in a magical woods nearby. Maaaaaany puzzles and skill checks later they found it deep in the woods by a magic tree and had to answer (very basic) riddles from the speaking and living tree in order to get access to it. They succeeded and absolutely loved it and there was no combat at all.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Monthemod Ethical Ways To Use Purchased Papers/Projects!

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submitted by Monthemod to Essay_Writing_Service [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:40 badgrapes How do you organize work projects & life admin?

Looking for advice/thoughts on setting up ClickUp to manage both work projects and "life admin." I'm using the Personal Workspace Layout and have no collaborators.
I know that it's helpful to start as simply as possible and add complexity as it becomes actually needed. The thing is, I'm importing a few projects already underway (plus a lot of small tasks of varying value), and want to avoid defaulting to my familiar old systems without assessing whether they're actually working for me, or are a good fit for ClickUp.
Assess my setup and give me feedback on where to go from here! I've included a ton of detail on my current setup below. If it's TL;DR, my more general question is: Tell me how you set up ClickUp to handle both work and life admin projects. How are you using categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types? I'm having trouble figuring out how to use them, especially since there seems to be a lot of potential overlap between them. Or, what advice do you have for migrating to ClickUp with a couple complex projects already underway, plus a lot of small tasks?
For context, here's how I have ClickUp set up right now. It's pretty simple but I'm still not clear whether it's the right approach (and FYI, I'm not wedded to it at all), plus there are still lots of components that don't neatly fit anywhere in my current setup:
Next, there are a few different types of things I'm trying to plan and keep track of. As mentioned, I'm not really sure how I should be thinking about them through the framework of categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types.
Give me advice on how to organize all these things, please! Or just tell me about your ClickUp setup for work and life admin projects! Or give me advice for migrating to ClickUp with a bunch of tasks and a couple complex projects already underway, rather than starting from complete scratch!
submitted by badgrapes to clickup [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:25 Old-Mathematician392 Proclamation on the Devourer of Widow's Houses [One Former Adherent's Response to the Current Official LDS Temple Recommend Questions Designed Evaluate Member Worthiness]

Proclamation on the Devourer of Widow's Houses
(One Former Adherent's Response to the Official LDS Temple Recommend Questions [See Infra.] for Evaluating Member Worthiness)
Introduction (Questions 1-3): Moral and ethical frameworks should be grounded in reason, evidence, and concern for human wellbeing rather than supernatural doctrines. A divine savior is an unnecessary concept, being a man-made construct rather than a requirement for moral and ethical living. The LDS church's assertion that it alone represents the "restoration" of true Christianity is an egregious example of religious arrogance and exclusion. There is no reasonable justification or straight-faced argument for the church to view itself as the sole bearer of divine truth, while dismissing the validity of all other Christian denominations. This stance is antithetical to the inclusive spirit of the Christian faith.
Subjugation (4a-c): The LDS church's veneration of its president and other leaders as "prophets, seers, and revelators" is nothing short of a cult of personality. These individuals have no more claim to divine authority than the leaders of any other organized religious institution, sect, or denomination. To demand unquestioning obedience to such figures is a gross abuse of power that undermines the fundamental principles of Christianity, freedom of thought, and conscience. The subjugation of fellow humans is wrong. Humanity deserves to live fearlessly free from imagined supernatural horrors, fears, and violent delights.
Sexual Control (and Trade) (5a-b): The LDS church's stringent moral code and "law of chastity" are not rooted in any universal ethical framework, but rather in arbitrary Puritan religious traditions that were hypocritically twisted in unconventional directions under the guise of freedom of religion. Reason, empathy, and a commitment to human wellbeing - not rigid, outdated strictures of a hypocritical sect - remain the best way to engage with one's neighbors and fellow human beings.
Loyalty Tests to Identify Disloyalty and Lack of Devotion (6-8): The LDS church's insistence that its members conform to a specific set of religious practices, from Sabbath observance to sacrament participation, is a clear example of religious coercion. There is no inherent moral or ethical imperative for individuals to submit to such demands, which have more to do with maintaining the church's power and influence than with upholding genuine Christian values.
Further Financial and Behavioral Tests (9-16):
A. Financial Requirements ("Tithing"): The LDS church's demand for members to be "full-tithe payers," paying 10% of their income to the church, is a far more stringent and intrusive financial obligation than what is typically seen in mainstream Christianity and Judaism. Most Judeo-Christian denominations do not conduct such invasive "worthiness" interviews delving into members' personal finances.
Moreover, many religious institutions, regardless of ideology, offer entry to their sacred spaces either freely or for a modest, fixed cost accessible to all. This is in stark contrast to the LDS church's model, which uses financial tithing as a gatekeeper to determine who is "worthy" enough to enter their temples.
This financial prerequisite for temple access is not only more extreme than most Judeo-Christian traditions, but it also represents a troubling prioritization of monetary contributions over genuine spiritual devotion or ethical conduct. The LDS church's fixation on tithing as a measure of worthiness is a clear deviation from the teachings of Jesus, who decried the hypocrisy of religious leaders who "devour widows' houses."
Furthermore, the LDS church's intrusive questioning about members' personal financial obligations and debts is a gross violation of privacy and an unwarranted overreach into individuals' private affairs. There is no legitimate ethical or spiritual justification for the church to demand such detailed financial disclosures as a condition of accessing its temples.
B. Clothing Requirements ("Garments"): The LDS church's mandate that members wear specific "temple garments" as a condition of temple access is far more restrictive and intrusive than the clothing norms of ordinary Christian denominations. This requirement, which dictates the most intimate details of members' attire, is more akin to the dogmatic dress codes found in the strictest, most authoritarian forms of religious observance, such as certain Islamic fundamentalist sects.
In contrast, mainstream Christian traditions place no such prescriptive demands on adherents' undergarments or personal clothing choices beyond general principles of modesty. The LDS church's insistence on this garment policy as a measure of "worthiness" represents an unwarranted intrusion into the personal autonomy of its members, departing significantly from the inclusive spirit exemplified by the teachings of Jesus and the broader Christian faith.
Conclusion: The LDS church's temple recommend questions reveal dangerously misguided and arrogant flaws of theology and practice. By imposing a narrow, exclusionary set of beliefs and requirements, the church strayed far from the inclusive, compassionate spirit of the Christian tradition it claims to represent. The LDS church's interpretation of Christianity is anti-Christian, erroneous, and unjustifiably and arbitrarily restrictive.
The church is not honest in its dealings with its fellow man or even its own membership.
The Devourer of Widow's Houses (aka The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), itself, is unworthy to enter the so-called sacred spaces built with the resources of its former adherents' ancestors. The LDS church should start putting people over profits.
--- Here, below, are the LDS temple recommend questions (some are compound so listed here with ignored official version of formatting):
(1-3) Do you have faith in and a testimony of God, the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost? Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and of His role as your Savior and Redeemer?Do you have a testimony of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
(4a-c) Do you sustain the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the prophet, seer, and revelator and as the only person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys?Do you sustain the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local leaders of the Church?
(5a-b) Do you strive for moral cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior? Do you obey the law of chastity?
(6-8) Do you follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ in your private and public behavior with members of your family and others? Do you support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?Do you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy, both at home and at church; attend your meetings; prepare for and worthily partake of the sacrament; and live your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel?
(9 - 16)
Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?
Are you a full-tithe payer?
Do you understand and obey the Word of Wisdom?
Do you have any financial or other obligations to a former spouse or to children? 12B. If yes, are you current in meeting those obligations?
Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple?
Do you honor your sacred privilege to wear the garment as instructed in the initiatory ordinances?
Are there serious sins in your life that need to be resolved with priesthood authorities as part of your repentance?
Do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord's house and participate in temple ordinances?
TLDR: It's not THE worst predatory evil to preach to widows under color of supernatural authority that they must "pay to play" to ever see their late spouse again (during their most difficult times of grief), but it's probably in the top ten.
The LDS church's temple recommend questions reveal its theology and practices to be anti-Christian, excessively dogmatic, and unjustifiably exclusionary. The church's rigid requirements around beliefs, behavior, finances, and attire depart significantly from the inclusive spirit of mainstream Christianity, rendering the LDS institution anti-Christian. The L.D.S. theology offers its membership, and their children, a poison chalice. My dead adherent ancestors would be rolling in their graves at how The Devourer of Widow's houses has been misbehavin'. [Although my less recent 500 year dead British ancestors would be much less surprised]
submitted by Old-Mathematician392 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:18 GriffinGalang [PMVJC] Operational notes for the Pinoymed Virtual Journal Club

Name of the Journal Club

The journal club lacks a formal name at this time. Suggestions for a name are welcome. Until one is selected, it will be known as the PinoyMed Virtual Journal Club (PMVJC).

Objective and intended audience

The PMVJC is intended for the education of medical doctors. While not the primary audience, other health professionals and medical students may find value in the topics and discussions. The content and supporting materials are not meant for patients or lay people.


The content provided in the PMVJC should not be considered a replacement for professional medical guidance. It is imperative that patients consult with a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider for clinical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. None of the individuals involved in the PMVJC or pinoymed bear responsibility for any risks or concerns arising from the utilisation or implementation of this information.

Degree of expected participation

Your engagement is both welcomed and valued. Doctors with primary experience in the topic under discussion are invited to provide insights gained from their practice. However, members can participate as sparsely or as fully as they wish. There is no obligation to respond to questions, comment on posts, or vote in polls.

Timing of the Journal Clubs

The PMVJC will operate on a fortnightly cycle starting Friday 24 May. On that day, a poll will be released inviting members to vote on the clinical research article to be discussed. Votes will close after three days. The article with the most votes will be released the following Monday. Members will be given one week to review the article. Then, a week later, the analysis of the article will be released. The cycle will restart on the Friday when another poll will be initiated to select the second article.

Range of topics

The topics covered by the clinical research articles will span the breadth of clinical medicine. We will preference high-burden diseases affecting the Philippine population.

Range of specialties

The clinical research topics will be chosen so that the various clinical specialties are represented. In general, each cycle will alternate between the broad medical and surgical specialties.

Access to the articles

The PMVJC will abide by the rules of pinoymed with respect to copyrighted material. All clinical research articles that will be discussed in the journal club will be free through the publisher's website, although access may require registration. We will not choose research that is behind paywalls nor will we use sites that circumvent paywalls such as Sci-Hub.

Supporting presentation slides

All critical analyses of the clinical research articles will be accompanied by a free set of slides. If you find value in the critical analysis and wish to present the work in your local journal club, you may use the slides to support your presentation. The slides will be housed on a separate file-sharing platform. All slides will be available through a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This type of license allows you to share and adapt the material for your purposes as long as you give appropriate credit, do not use the material for commercial purposes and distribute your contributions under the same license. Copyrighted material in those slides appears under fair dealing provisions -- criticism, study and review.

Supporting audio files

We will trial the release of free audio files to aid in the learning of the material and to improve accessibility options for our colleagues. The audio material will feature the critical analysis of the clinical research article. The audio files will be housed on a separate file-sharing platform and will be available through a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This type of license allows you to share and adapt the material for your purposes as long as you give appropriate credit, do not use the material for commercial purposes and distribute your contributions under the same license.

Assisting with the Journal Club

Should you wish to participate in the organising of the Journal Club, please send an email to me at Griffin Galang proton me. All offers considered.
submitted by GriffinGalang to pinoymed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:50 londontradingcompany Evaluating SoundHound Inc.'s Potential to Achieve Growth Comparable to NVIDIA Amid Favorable AI Market Conditions

Thesis: Evaluating SoundHound Inc.'s Potential to Achieve Growth Comparable to NVIDIA Amid Favorable AI Market Conditions
This thesis examines the potential for SoundHound Inc. to achieve a stock price trajectory similar to that of NVIDIA, driven by the expected growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) sector and favorable market conditions. By analyzing market trends, SoundHound's competitive positioning, technological advancements, strategic partnerships, and financial projections, the study aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the company's growth potential. Historical comparisons with NVIDIA's growth will highlight the viability of SoundHound replicating such success.
SoundHound Inc., a leader in voice recognition and AI technologies, operates in an industry poised for substantial growth. NVIDIA, a prominent player in AI and graphics processing, has demonstrated remarkable stock performance and market capitalization growth. This thesis explores whether SoundHound can follow a similar trajectory by leveraging the burgeoning AI market and its own technological innovations.
Market Conditions and AI Sector Growth
The AI sector is expected to experience exponential growth in the coming years, driven by advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics. Factors contributing to this growth include increased adoption of AI across various industries, significant investments in AI research and development, and the proliferation of AI-powered devices and applications. As AI becomes more integral to business operations and consumer products, companies at the forefront of AI innovation stand to benefit immensely.
SoundHound's Competitive Positioning
SoundHound's competitive edge lies in its proprietary voice AI technology, which offers superior accuracy and functionality compared to many competitors. The company's Houndify platform allows developers to integrate advanced voice recognition capabilities into their products, enabling widespread adoption and scalability. SoundHound's ability to provide customized and robust voice AI solutions positions it as a key player in the AI sector.
Technological Advancements and Strategic Partnerships
SoundHound's continuous innovation in voice AI and natural language processing has resulted in a suite of advanced products and services. Strategic partnerships with major corporations in the automotive, smart device, and software industries enhance SoundHound's market reach and credibility. These collaborations not only drive revenue growth but also foster the development of new applications and use cases for SoundHound's technology.
Financial Projections and Growth Potential
SoundHound's financial performance, characterized by consistent revenue growth, improving profit margins, and prudent cost management, underscores its growth potential. By examining financial metrics such as revenue growth rates, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), and market capitalization, this thesis will project SoundHound's potential financial trajectory. Comparisons with NVIDIA's historical financial performance will provide insights into the feasibility of similar growth patterns.
Historical Comparisons with NVIDIA
NVIDIA's transformation from a graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturer to a leading AI company offers a compelling case study. Key factors in NVIDIA's success include its strategic shift towards AI, continuous innovation, and expansion into new markets. By analyzing NVIDIA's growth phases, including its stock price appreciation, market capitalization milestones, and revenue growth, this thesis will draw parallels to SoundHound's current and projected path.
Theoretical Frameworks and Market Dynamics
Theoretical frameworks such as the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the Technology Adoption Life Cycle will be applied to understand how SoundHound's AI technology might achieve widespread adoption. Market dynamics, including investor sentiment, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment, will also be considered to assess the potential risks and opportunities for SoundHound.
Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies
While the AI sector presents significant growth opportunities, potential risks such as market competition, technological obsolescence, and regulatory challenges must be addressed. This thesis will identify these risks and propose mitigation strategies, including continuous innovation, strategic acquisitions, and diversification of product offerings.
In conclusion, the combination of favorable market conditions, robust AI sector growth, SoundHound's technological leadership, strategic partnerships, and sound financial management positions the company for significant growth. While replicating NVIDIA's success is ambitious, SoundHound's unique strengths and market opportunities make it a plausible outcome. This thesis underscores the importance of strategic vision and execution in achieving long-term growth and market leadership.
(Note: The references listed are examples. For an actual thesis, proper academic sources and up-to-date company reports should be cited.)
submitted by londontradingcompany to roaringkittybackup [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:48 londontradingcompany Evaluating SoundHound Inc.'s Potential to Achieve Growth Comparable to NVIDIA Amid Favorable AI Market Conditions

Thesis: Evaluating SoundHound Inc.'s Potential to Achieve Growth Comparable to NVIDIA Amid Favorable AI Market Conditions
This thesis examines the potential for SoundHound Inc. to achieve a stock price trajectory similar to that of NVIDIA, driven by the expected growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) sector and favorable market conditions. By analyzing market trends, SoundHound's competitive positioning, technological advancements, strategic partnerships, and financial projections, the study aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the company's growth potential. Historical comparisons with NVIDIA's growth will highlight the viability of SoundHound replicating such success.
SoundHound Inc., a leader in voice recognition and AI technologies, operates in an industry poised for substantial growth. NVIDIA, a prominent player in AI and graphics processing, has demonstrated remarkable stock performance and market capitalization growth. This thesis explores whether SoundHound can follow a similar trajectory by leveraging the burgeoning AI market and its own technological innovations.
Market Conditions and AI Sector Growth
The AI sector is expected to experience exponential growth in the coming years, driven by advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics. Factors contributing to this growth include increased adoption of AI across various industries, significant investments in AI research and development, and the proliferation of AI-powered devices and applications. As AI becomes more integral to business operations and consumer products, companies at the forefront of AI innovation stand to benefit immensely.
SoundHound's Competitive Positioning
SoundHound's competitive edge lies in its proprietary voice AI technology, which offers superior accuracy and functionality compared to many competitors. The company's Houndify platform allows developers to integrate advanced voice recognition capabilities into their products, enabling widespread adoption and scalability. SoundHound's ability to provide customized and robust voice AI solutions positions it as a key player in the AI sector.
Technological Advancements and Strategic Partnerships
SoundHound's continuous innovation in voice AI and natural language processing has resulted in a suite of advanced products and services. Strategic partnerships with major corporations in the automotive, smart device, and software industries enhance SoundHound's market reach and credibility. These collaborations not only drive revenue growth but also foster the development of new applications and use cases for SoundHound's technology.
Financial Projections and Growth Potential
SoundHound's financial performance, characterized by consistent revenue growth, improving profit margins, and prudent cost management, underscores its growth potential. By examining financial metrics such as revenue growth rates, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), and market capitalization, this thesis will project SoundHound's potential financial trajectory. Comparisons with NVIDIA's historical financial performance will provide insights into the feasibility of similar growth patterns.
Historical Comparisons with NVIDIA
NVIDIA's transformation from a graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturer to a leading AI company offers a compelling case study. Key factors in NVIDIA's success include its strategic shift towards AI, continuous innovation, and expansion into new markets. By analyzing NVIDIA's growth phases, including its stock price appreciation, market capitalization milestones, and revenue growth, this thesis will draw parallels to SoundHound's current and projected path.
Theoretical Frameworks and Market Dynamics
Theoretical frameworks such as the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the Technology Adoption Life Cycle will be applied to understand how SoundHound's AI technology might achieve widespread adoption. Market dynamics, including investor sentiment, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment, will also be considered to assess the potential risks and opportunities for SoundHound.
Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies
While the AI sector presents significant growth opportunities, potential risks such as market competition, technological obsolescence, and regulatory challenges must be addressed. This thesis will identify these risks and propose mitigation strategies, including continuous innovation, strategic acquisitions, and diversification of product offerings.
In conclusion, the combination of favorable market conditions, robust AI sector growth, SoundHound's technological leadership, strategic partnerships, and sound financial management positions the company for significant growth. While replicating NVIDIA's success is ambitious, SoundHound's unique strengths and market opportunities make it a plausible outcome. This thesis underscores the importance of strategic vision and execution in achieving long-term growth and market leadership.
(Note: The references listed are examples. For an actual thesis, proper academic sources and up-to-date company reports should be cited.)
submitted by londontradingcompany to Soundhound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:49 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #28 - The Fountain + Biosphere Supplement

Axstrom's Notes

  1. The list is here: big jump list
  2. The draw (1-5548) is 877, 1520, 4754, 5265, 1478
    1. Drawing 5 so there are backups in case of issues, but the jumper gets to choose among 4
    2. 877 is Earth Final Conflict - A TV show whewre aliens come and uplift Earth but have a hidden agenda
    3. 1520 is Investiture of the Gods - A fantasy tale in Zhou Dynasty
    4. 4754 is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - a Disney mashup videogame
    5. 5265 is The Fountain - A film about contuinity across time, grief, death, and growth
    6. Jumper chooses The Fountain
      1. Jump Doc
      2. Reddit discussion
    7. Jumper buys access to The Biosphere Supplement
      1. Supplement Doc

Build Notes

  1. Drawbacks - None - Part of the point is that you can't have everything
  2. Companions - None - This is the journey of an individual soul
  3. Origin
    1. Past: Noble - setting the stage for grander thigns
    2. Present: Inventor - striving for progress
    3. Future: Witness - seeing what has become of the world
  4. Perks
    1. Noble Thought - free for Noble, stay connected to the people who are affected by your actions
    2. Noble Deed - free for Noble, your actions have greater impact and are remembered and recorded
    3. Inventor's Vision - free for inventor, studying a problem gives increasing insight in how to improve it
    4. Inventor's Intent - free for inventor, your creations are harder to misuse
    5. Improved POV - free for witness, observe / remember events from multiple perspectives
    6. Bystander - free for witness, events can unfold around you leaving you unharmed
    7. All Together Now - merge all your past origins into a complex mind
    8. 500 Years of Practice (Teaching) - mastery beyond mastery of the chosen skill
    9. Soothing Presence - calm strong emotions and suffering
    10. Absolution - If someone genuinely repents, you can allow them to move
  5. Items
    1. Meditation Garden - self-explanatory warehouse attachment
    2. Biosphere - Full purchase activates the Biosphere Supplement
    3. Tree of Life Sapling - Grows six immortality fruits per decade, which can (over very long time) grow more trees

Jump Notes

  1. I wake up in my room in the warehouse apartments, after shutting myself in without even checking the Benefactor's Lounge the night before
    1. I'm still lingering on the frustration of not cracking the riddle of Allabar, and not being able to solve the problem permanently
    2. But there's no going back, so I commit to facing forward for the rest of the week, and head to the Benefactor room
      1. Once again, there are four envelopes with me, and my big chart of jumps up on the wall, like something from a Kindergarten classroom
      2. As I affix a sticker saying "The Fountain (2006)" to the big chart, a small round outline appears next to it: "Biosphere Supplement available"
    3. On my way to call a team meeting, I catch a surprise outside the apartments
      1. Three of our bard graduates are slowly exploring the area
    4. At the team meeting, I announce my intention to go solo on the next jump
      1. The decision isn't popular, but most of them have waited while I've done gauntlets before, so it's not a big shock
    5. We set up the entertainment room to watch the movie, even though I don't expect that meta knowledge will be much help
      1. For the first time, we don't all fit in the Entertainment room
      2. By count, there are eleven of us (me and ten companions), the Halflings are now up to fifteen after two recent births, and we have nine new bards with us, so we set up a second showing in the evening
    6. Finally, before heading in to the jump, I make one last check of the Benefactor's office to see if there's more information on the biosphere supplement, but though my note has been removed, there is no response, and nothing on the tablet
  2. I awake from a deep sleep in a luxurious bed, it is early morning and the sun is still rising
    1. I can feel the absence of my abilities; I am reduced below even bodymod, to the level of a baseline middle-aged man in a world with primitive medicine
      1. Nevertheless, I can feel a gift reaching back in time to me - and as I accept it, I am calmed, no longer distressed by what I have lost
    2. In this time, I have duties, both in the mundane sense of the tasks those around me expect me to perform, as well as a greater sense in which I must try to make this world better
    3. My new gift becomes invaluable in due time
      1. All manner of petitioners and officers come to me with grievances, and each of them are a storm of emotions - no one comes before their Count to declare how satisfied they are with things
      2. In short time, word of my wisdom spreads, and my council is sought by King Ferdinand
    4. I lobby my King with an eye to improving the lives of all involved
      1. It is the lives of ordinary Spaniards that are the measure of his ability as a King, not the mass of his treasury
      2. Colonialism brings with it dangers beyond the obvious, and responsibilities for ages to come
      3. Allowing the priests to destroy artifacts of other cultures does not increase our glory, but diminishes it
    5. Despite my ability to make my case clearly and seemingly overcome all objections, my guidance is rarely heeded when I leave the room
    6. And before long, it seems I have made enemies of those who stand to gain by plundering the New World
      1. They do not discuss the matter with me, or make their displeasure known by facing me down in violence
      2. But as the breath leaves my lungs over dinner, my last thought is that I have been poisoned by a coward
  3. I awake from a fitful sleep in a large bed, my wife still asleep beside me despite the chirping of my alarm clock
    1. My first throught is of the date - It is September 7, 1999 - the first day of fall semester
      1. This will not be my first time teaching CS 101, but this time will be different, I can feel the power in my body, my mind, and my soul
    2. I arrive at my office early, of course, and make sure everything is in order - the syllabus handouts are ready, my slides are in order and proof-read, and my TAs have confirmed their preparedness
      1. The lecure hall is large - so many students sign up for CS 101 without any prior programming knowledge, just to see what it's like, or convinced that they will be a natural
      2. As the students file in, they sparsely occupy the massive auditorium, afraid to sit near people they don't know, not fully understanding that for the vast majority of them, this is their first class on campus, their first opportunity to get to know eachother
      3. I exhort them to move towards the front so they can hear and see better, and a few oblige
      4. The first lecture flows like a breeze, the students hanging on my words as I understand what each one needs to hear to understand what the rest of this semester will hold
    3. By semester's end, the students and TAs are in awe, the CS department chair has asked for my materials and told me that spring registrations for CS102 are higher than ever, both of the student papers have run articles praising my class, and the dean of Arts and Sciences has interceded to clear my spring schedule to prioritize my research work on the condition that I teach 101 again next year
      1. I appreciate my grad students and TAs, but I don't have a real family in this life, so I head into the warehouse for winter break
  4. I awaken rested and enthusiastic on a beautiful spring day
    1. It is graduation day for the first group of freshman I taught after coming to this jump, nearly four years ago
      1. They have come so far, and I'm fortunate that some of the best have continued to work with me, and three of them will be graduate students working under me starting in the fall
    2. It is also the first day of human trials for the drug, a new anti-inflammatory
      1. We were hoping it would treat chronic inflammatory diseases, but early testing suggests that it may significantly reduce hay fever, which would be great if we can mass produce it cheaply
    3. My reputation at the school has skyrocketed thanks to the combination of my groundbreaking research plus my teaching perks ensuring high instructor reviews as well as students learning and retaining more
      1. My tenure process has been fast-tracked, since the dean is rightly concerned about losing me to another institution
  5. I awaken slowly, and awkwardly, as if from a coma, as a cocktail of drugs is released into my body, still restrained on my cryobed
    1. Our vessel, the Cyllene, is essentially a large asteroid with a hole carved in the middle, stuffed with propellent, equipment, supplies, expansive aquaponics facilities, and a relatively tiny living area
      1. Cyllene was said to have nursed and protected Hermes, as this vessel must nurture and protect us, the first observers, and hopefully, colonists,
    2. As my body and mind resume normal function over the course of 90 minutes, I get a slow trickle of updates on the status of the Cyllene and our mission
      1. The mission clock says it's 202 years since we left Earth, but thanks to time dilation, Earth has experienced 221
      2. Computer Block 5 (of 8) is currently undergoing automated reconstruction as the block with the highest error correction rate at the time the last automated reconstruction completed
      3. 1575 individuals are currently in cryosleep, and 25 (including me) are active, all sufficiently healthy
      4. I am still Dr. John Axstrom, revered teacher and groundbreaking computational pharmacologist, but my consciousness seems to have jumped forward a few hundred years, skipping past the development of miracle cures, life extension medications, and cryogenic preservation of humans
    3. As I realign with my memories and identity, I remember why I'm here
      1. If colonization proceeds, the coming generations are going to need exceptional teachers if they are to learn their place in the universe, and I'm one of the best there ever was
      2. Our mission is expected to take about 750 years from departure to arrival, and though the vast majority of that time is spent in cryosleep, we take shifts being "awake" to ensure systems are functioning and keep eachother mentally and physically healthy
    4. Since the monitoring systems will throw a fit if I straight up disappear from the vessel, I take a long ride out to the external "observation" check, out of the range of most of the sensor systems
      1. There's not really much to observe in deep space - it's like the night sky, as the ancients saw it with no light pollution, but from a different perspective
      2. Here I quickly form a stunt double duplicate, hand over my electronics, and duck into the warehouse
    5. The warehouse clock confirms my suspicions - I'm nearly seven years into the jump
      1. Since it looks like this isn't going to take nearly 1000 years, the team hasn't been going full-stasis mode
      2. The bards have been poring over J-Borg's personal library as well as the impressive collection of the warehouse media room
      3. But the reason I came is the Tablet of the Free - I'm stuck on a large but still confined deep-space vessel until my scheduled return to cryosleep - how is that supposed to entertain the boss?
      4. After confirming nothing interesting is in the warehouse, I head back to the observation deck, and stash the portable door I've been using back into hammer-space before re-merging with my stunt double, and taking the long trip back to the living area
  6. I wake up to an unfamiliar synthetic beep - apparently the Cyllene's version of a doorbell
    1. When I open the door, one of my crewmates tells me that our directional antennas have picked up some unusual RF activity that seems to be coming from our destination system, and they want me (as the on-shift programmer) to help the astronomer, comms, and operations staff to help make sense of it, and ensure we're not about to get nuked by a magnetar or something
    2. Initial findings were sparse and inconclusive - just occasional pulses of a signal that must have been very strong and highly directional at the time of transmission, to reach us so far away
    3. But I had access to diagnostic tools that the astrophysicists and comms staff didn't, for all their training and equipment: a series of perks specifically for teasing out the needles of relevance from the haystack of noise
      1. And as I looked at what we were seeing, and what we weren't, the answer became clear: these radio bursts looked just like a primitive form of RADAR
      2. At first my colleagues on the Cyllene were skeptical, but the evidence kept mounting, with 4 additional series of "pings" being detected in the next six weeks
    4. With the spectre of extraterrestrial intelligence hanging over the Cyllene, our XO followed protocol, and ordered the full complement to be wakened from cryosleep to assist in the work to come
    5. Within six months, we had fabricated and installed a much larger purpose-built directional antenna array on the surface of our asteroid hull, and reports of different signals were coming in almost daily
      1. We needed all the extra hands, even our mining and terraforming experts were lending a hand with signal analysis and attempts to form patterns
      2. The whole crew felt the urgency and wondered at the situation - temporally, it would mean that their early experiments with RADAR and initial RF broadcasts would have happened at about the same time as humans did those things on earth, and if they developed at the same rate as us (a big if), they would likely be more advanced when we arrivedd than humans were when we left (and thus the technology of our vessel), and would almost certainly see us coming
    6. The coming months flew past, each bringing further confirmation of suspicious, but with it frustration, as we had been unable to extract a coherent signal - the broadcasts we could pick up didn't appear to be using either amplitude or frequency modulation
      1. More than once I brought signal samples to the warehouse team, but they were just as stumped as us
      2. Even more "esoteric" means didn't work - we tried every variation of "Tongues" and "Comprehend Language" spells on printed, audioized, and even engraved versions of the RF signals we caught, but they all failed and the representations seemed full of too many discontinuities
    7. I could feel my new Inventor's Vision working on the task of how to decode these signals, and about two years after the first pulse was detected, I had my breakthrough
      1. The signals didn't represent continuous audio (like human radio) or even piece-by-piece visuals (like rasterized video), but something of each, and a little weirder
      2. They were composed of many (from seven to three hundred, and not consistent at all) micro-audio clips
      3. It was like making an ultra-low bitrate recordding of the voice of every singer in a chorus individually, and transmitting fifty milliseconds of one, then fifty milliseconds of the next, and so one, in serial, and then starting back again with the first voice
      4. We couldn't figure out why they did this, but once I was able to identify the break points between each "voice", I could layer them on top of eachother to make a composite audio version
      5. And that composite audio could be played, and was a viable candidate for magic translation
    8. The entire vessel went wild when I demonstrated the isolation and recombination of the signals to produce audio
      1. The sound of the thing was somewhat like the sound of multiple birds, frogs, and crickets in a forest, in very brief clips
      2. Of course, I didn't reveal that I had access to magic translation - I figured the comms and signals staff (and the one cryptographer) should have to earn their pay
    9. The remaining year and a half was spent in intense research, for them, while I mostly slacked off and tried to make conversation with the people doing important work on this front, since my actual mission here was to "observe" as humans of this universe underwent a sort of assymmetrical first contact
  7. I awaken in my weird little pod bed in my weird little capsule room for the last time, perfectly aware of the remaining hours in this jump
    1. After the initial excitement died down, the majority of the colonists were put back into cryosleep, with only the decoding specialists and those "on shift" like me staying active
      1. There has been a lot of anxiety around the Cyllene for the last few months - we are clearly a colony ship and the intelligent inhabitants of that system probably do not want to be colonized, and may well be easily capable of destroying us
      2. There were discussions about trying to reverse course and head back to Earth, but we could do that any time, and the closer we get, the more information we can gather about the system and its inhabitants
    2. It would be cruel to try to skim supplies from this vessel even if there were something I wanted aboard, so I just wait my time out, helping where I can and secretly translating any communications we receive when time permits
      1. So far it has all been rather uninspiring, which makes me even more curious what kind of species would develop radio technology but not transmit any fiction or speeches or poetry
    3. When it's almost time, I once again make the long trek out to the Cyllene's observation deck alone, and split off a Stunt Double, who can at least stay here for a month, while I slip into the warehouse
      1. When I enter, J-Borg greets me and informs me of a message at the Benefactor's lounge
      2. The note on the door says "Supplement Pending - please attend as soon as possible", so I go in to check it out
      3. With the choices all locked in, the door unlocks and I head out to meet with the team
    4. With the memories of my time in Spain finally restored, I realize how I had been trying to communicate with myself all along, but failing
      1. The need for calm communcation and education will never end - among our closest neighbors or with a civilization 300 light years away
    5. We have the traditional group dinner in the commons, and discuss what's going on
      1. The team did end up spending most of the time in stasis, and the formerly-newborn halflings are a little over a year now biologically, learning to speak and walk
      2. When I mention the Biosphere supplement and how I wasn't allowed to consult them, they naturally asked when it would apply, but it hadn't even occurred to me that there were now definitely too many of us to wait out warehouse changes in the entrance hall, so I checked with the central control
    6. Afterward, no one was complaining when the doors finally unlocked and we were able to leave the commons hall, only to find that the door led to an outdoor path with a natural-looking sunset on the horizon
      1. I didn't want to spoil the whole setup yet, so I said we could tour in the morning, and turned off a number of the facilities and systems for the night, to give me some time to understand what options were available before letting my companions go wild with them
      2. Fortunately, the obvious items like the tree of life and factory complex were on other islands, that would be difficult to reach without the transport disks running
    7. And then I went to sleep again, wondering what the next awakening had in store for me

Notes on the Fountain Jump Doc

  1. Honestly this doc has been on my to-try list since I saw it - I really enjoyed the movie and gladly rewatched it again when it came up in my random draw.
  2. The author took some liberties with the source material, which makes sense because of how focused on Thomas the story is, and the extensions largely make sense
  3. There were a few confusing things in the jump, such as how you get essences and what powers you bring with you into each phase of the jump, but a close reading makes them clear enough
  4. The jump has a few really standout purchase
    1. the inventor's intention is the answer to a lot of concers that "do-gooder" jumpers are likely to have in their careers
    2. the full tree of life is an amazing item - the ability to grant perfect health and immunity to aging within a regrowing item solves a lot of problems
    3. 500 years of practice is amazing if you have a particular skill or art in mind - literally centuries better than the "10 years of practice" equivalents that you find din many other jumps, and has a lot of potential to synergize with other perks that scale off your skill in a particular area
    4. Biosphere is super cool if you want your fiat-backed warehouse to grow into something more
    5. The Dagger of the Path is a great example of a conceptual weapon, and something I probably would have picked up if I had a bunch more points
  5. How you're supposed to interleave the three eras is a little unclear, and maybe I'm not a creative enough author to pull it off. I don't believe SJ Chan ever got around to writing a fictionalized account of jumping to it, unfortunately
    1. If anyone else has done a good jump fiction of this jump, please let me know
  6. Overall absolutely a fantastic jump. Obviously a great option for anyone who likes the movie or wants to solve one of the specific problems available
    1. I'd especially recommend it for an early-chain jumper because of the generally low danger level and great variety of rewards

Notes on the Biosphere Supplement Doc

  1. I knew this was something I wanted to pick up when I first read the fountain jumpdoc several months ago
  2. I use the "Personal Reality" warehouse which was co-authored by SJ Chan, and this supplement feels perfectly tailored to supplement that
  3. There are lots of good pickups for people with various interests, or those who just want to keep their options open
    1. Observation Deck seems like the real must-have since a lot of the other buys are controllable through it
  4. The structure of the biosphere was a little confusing at first - I thought that there was an island, a void around the island, and a hard shell, and wasn't sure why you'd want to increase the shell thickness, but further reading cleared that up
  5. On the whole, a good pick up, especially considering it only cost 400 CP in the jump, and normally buying warehouse upgrades with CP has a very unfavorable conversion, but in this case, the biosphere purchases all seemed cheaper than they ought to be.
(Builds to come in a separate post due to length restrictions)
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:26 Astro41208 I’d love to hear your application advice/suggestions + chanceme! (Rising senior)

I would love any advice you guys have on how to improve my application along with what schools you think might fit me!
Demographics: upper middle-class LGBTQ+ South Asian male from small-town/rural Indiana; medium sized non-competitive public school (600-750 kids per graduating class)
Intended Major(s): Astrophysics/Physics/Computer Science, Vocal Performance, French
SAT: 1510 SAT - 760 Reading, 750 Math (first time taking it as a bench; will study and retake over summer - goal: 1550)
UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0 UW / 4.78 W (UW rank: 1/725; W rank: 3/725)
Coursework: taken 6 APs so far (5 on the one’s I’ve received results for), taking 8 APs senior year
Ronald Reagan Leadership Medal 2024
2024 Rising Star of Indiana (Indiana Association of School Principals)
Show Choir Nationals Grand Champion at the Grand Ole Opry under my leadership
2024 Outstanding Vocalist from my whole school’s choral program
Gold Medal (ranks 3-5 nationally, rank 1 in state) in Le Grand Concours (2022, 2023, 2024) - a French national board exam
Student Officer of a student government named 2024 National Gold Council of Excellence by the National Association of Student Councils
-will be conducting research in astrophysics at local university labs for six weeks this summer; will be producing and hoping to publish a research papers (11-12)
-will be conducting an independent project in computer science over the summer; planning on creating an astronomical model and producing a research paper for it as well
-paid research assistant at local university’s Department of Physics for half a year; ran simulations of charged crystals to enhance data quality and tested projects to be used in college workshops for physics students (11)
-conducted and paid stipend for research in soil metagenomics at local university; used Python to analyze DNA sequences to uncover soil biodiversity in samples to solve soil quality problems in local agriculture (10-11)
-trained at the Advanced Space Academy at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center; unanimously elected by crew to be the pilot on our final extended duration mission (10-11); rigorous training involving piloting skills, undergoing physical training (SCUBA diving, pole and rock wall climbing), debating space law, and working on space materials science and engineering problems (rocket design, building and launching, space suit design, etc.)
-remote shadowing under graduate student of astronomy at UChicago learning astronomical data analysis of galaxies, using Python tools and libraries (11)
-Math NHS + local math college competition (9, 10, 11)
-HOSA Junior Officer (9)
Volunteerism/Outreach Initiatives:
-volunteerism at a large Space Day event at my local National Armory; headlined by the Indiana Astronomical Society and engineering teams at Purdue involved with Mars rover - over 1550 participants; volunteer instructor of astronomical phenomena (eclipse demonstrations), materials science, space history (11)
-programming contributor and volunteer at local Solar Eclipse Festival, raising over $15,000 for Habitat for Humanity through a “Run for the Sun” 5k fundraiser (11)
-author of multiple articles on various space science topics; published in an international youth-driven science journal with the goal of more accessible and impactful youth science communication (11-12)
-virtual volunteer work for the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
-planning to organize and direct a watching party/educational event or program for the peak of the Perseids meteor shower (12)
-conceptualized and planned for a space-themed prom as a officer of my class in student government (11)
***Student Government (9-11)
As an elected officer and secretary of my class of ‘25, I am responsible for managing much of our group and organizing our tasks, including
-planning/execution for Homecoming and Prom for all of the students at our school
-planning, coordinating, and building Homecoming Parade floats to increase community and school spirit over months of meetings and hours of student-led construction
-a city cleanup project near the public library and park to make the community a better and cleaner place to live in
-increasing school spirit with planned spirit weeks, pep rallies, and other activities (Staff vs Student games, etc)
-leading class meetings to further overall goals of community service, leadership, and raising spirit
Officer in the group that was named a 2024 National Gold Council of Excellence by the National Association of Student Councils
***County Youth Leadership Representative (11)
I was chosen to represent my school in a selective group of youth leaders in my county tasked with initiating community improvement and local leadership. We use our leadership skills in order to take civil, financial, and interpersonal action and change within our community. As part of the group, I
-took charge of a team to put on a promotional fair for over 20 fantastic non-profit organizations in our county, along with producing promotional videos in order to spread awareness about them on social media and other platforms; I wrote the scripts for the interviews and filmed them myself, set up all of the non-profit booths, welcomed representatives, and kept the event running smoothly.
-presented at our conferences, researching and speaking at length about the history of our county, important local non-profits, and about our non-profit fair project.
-was chosen from the group to introduce our own Mayor at our conference (11-12)
-hand-picked by choreographer to attend Show Choir Camps of America on full scholarship
-named Best Performer of the group (3x) and Best Male Soloist
-student director of a selective A Cappella group; we perform at charity events, such as funerals and veteran services, along with the national anthem at several sporting events and go caroling to dozens of homes and venues around the community during the holiday season to spread cheer
-taught myself French since I was 13 and am still an active and passionate learner and lover of the language; top student in my school’s French program
-volunteer tutor for other French students in my free periods at school
-Vice President of French NHs (9-12)
-participated in initiative to raise hundreds of dollars worth of hygiene supplies for local Haitian refugees (11)
LORs from my AP Calculus teacher that I’ll have for two years, my AP French teacher, who I’ll have for four years, and my varsity choir coach, who I’ll have for four years; all will have plenty of things to talk about regarding my leadership in their disciplines over years
School List (as of now, from least likely to most likely): Harvard (uncle worked/researched there), MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Northwestern, UMich, U of Maryland, U of T at Austin, Notre Dame, UIUC, UC Boulder, IU Bloomington, Purdue (legacy), Penn State
submitted by Astro41208 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:35 MGK_2 A Means to an End

It occurred to me that my previous post Changing Gears left people hanging. So, I felt compelled to follow up and give an answer.
Part 2.
So, I would say we have hit upon a link of sorts that exists between Merck and CytoDyn that cannot be denied.
As I alluded to in that post, there must have been a massive conflict of interest in CytoDyn's management BOD and Cyrus' intentions when it came time to making the decision to proceed or not to proceed with a fully funded MD Anderson combination Keytruda Clinical Trial for mCRC. While it would have been greatly in favor of CytoDyn to pursue this trial, the BOD incredulously made the unbelievable decision to walk away from it, completely against Cyrus' wishes. As we know, "Any government divided cannot stand. It will fall... eventually."
Was there an argument between Cyrus and Tanya? I'd say more than likely yes. He was still VP and remains as such. I believe the reason why the BOD decided the way they did was due to their 1st allegiance to the FDA and not doing anything that would risk the hold getting lifted. After all, they came too far to blow it at the last mile. However, it remains possible, that Merck did not want the MD Anderson Phase II Combination trial for mCRC to happen. After all, Merck just completed their own trial of Keytruda with their own CCR5 blockade Vicriviroc and the trial just finished last week. It failed. Maybe they needed time to see if their own CCR5 blockade would work before experimenting with ours at MD Anderson?
Could Merck have influenced the BOD in one way or another and push to cancel the free trial? The trial that Cyrus arranged which would provide CytoDyn with a vast amount of FREE unequivocal Research Data so valuable to CytoDyn. That would have provided that pot of gold, free of charge to CytoDyn. The unassailable and unequivocal data set which Cyrus absolutely required in order to properly present the Company to Big Pharma so as to receive proper bids and valuation. Merck could have been against proceeding in this trial because they had their own to try first and that might have influenced our BOD to pull the plug. Maybe Merck said, "wait, we want to try out our drug first. If it fails, we will be knocking on your door." And that was all which was necessary to get the BOD to comply.
Now, with Dr. Lalezari as CEO, CytoDyn is back on board in the pursuit of mCRC and his decision is supreme. Why wouldn't that fully funded MD Anderson trial still be an option? Maybe it still is available, but it would have to be a combination trial ONLY. The two drugs cannot be pitted one against the other. You cannot have leronlimab beating Keytruda. No absolutely not. Given that Keytruda is on the ticket, the FDA accepts the trial.
From this BioSpace Article March, 2023, Cyrus confidently asserted:
"These are both areas where checkpoint inhibitors have failed to show efficacy when added to a standard-of-care backbone, Arman said, adding that leronlimab has shown positive signals in both.
“From a mechanistic standpoint, we believe we could get a synergistic effect with a checkpoint inhibitor,” he said.
Leronlimab is currently being trialed in combination with Keytruda (pembrolizumab) in a breast cancer xenograft model in partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Arman said CytoDyn expects to observe an enhanced anti-tumor effect from the combination and identify immunological biomarkers."
From the May 2024 Letter to Shareholders, Dr. Lalezari stated:
"It is imperative that the Company generate unassailable results in the clinic and I believe the above trials can accomplish this. Starting the oncology study and related fundraising is the top priority of the Company at this time"
Both of them boldly claim the effectiveness of leronlimab in mCRC. Cyrus says it could generate a synergistic effect with Keytruda resulting from the combination of the two drugs, while Lalezari points to the unassailable results both must have appreciated. Certainly, both men have also seen the unassailable results that shall be described in the coming (2) journal articles in mTNBC. When Amarex was forced to hand over the raw data of these trials, it had to be decoded and put into FDA Good Clinical Practice format which took hours and hours of painstaking work, but it got done thanks to Bernie Cunningham, Joseph Miedling and the auditors Cyrus put into place for such work. What they found must have been truly amazing so as to compel them to put those results into a peer reviewed journal articles.
In my prior thesis which u/psasoffice had also helped me determine, The Timeline and The Connections as to why CytoDyn pulled out, I discussed Kivlighn's role in the matter. Remember, I put forth that Kivlighn had pulled it away from Merck. That he took the free trial opportunity away from them so they could just buy us to perform the trial themselves. I said that Kivlighn caused CytoDyn's BOD to pull out of the trial in hopes of forcing Merck to swoop in and buy CytoDyn outright. I wrote:
"Kivlighn needed to determine CytoDyn's best path to partner. Kivlighn began changing the direction of the company while Cyrus Arman was sick. Cyrus was headed down the "do it alone" path. His main goal was MASH, but he also wanted to partner in Oncology and he wanted HIV, cure, long acting and was eyeing the resubmission of HIV-MDR. When Cyrus was out on MLOA, Kivlighn had the opportunity to modify or change Cyrus' original heading. Kivlighn wanted the company sold. He wanted the company partnered or bought out.
At some point, because of the results of the MD Anderson study, I believe Cyrus Arman had negotiated with MD Anderson on a CRC trial where CytoDyn would supply all the leronlimab, while MD Anderson did everything else. MD Anderson offered this to Cyrus and Cyrus was all in. Just waiting for the hold to lift. But, while Cyrus was sick and out on MLOA, and because Kivlighn had Merck experience and because Kivlighn "knew" how to make the company obtain a partnership, he recommended that CytoDyn turn down the MD Anderson offer to perform the CRC trial and to take that away from Merck. Almost like a "bait and switch". Kivlighn was thinking that if Merck really wanted CytoDyn, that they would come on in, swoop down and buy it outright, completely before anything was proven by trial, that might raise the asking price as they knew its capacity already given the study was with Keytruda, MD Anderson and leronlimab. They could do the trial themselves if they bought CytoDyn. Maybe, Kivlighn wanted to prevent Merck from thinking that they can wait to see how well leronlimab does in the MD Anderson sponsored trial which would give Merck some time before making the offer to buy CytoDyn. He wanted to take that away from Merck and force them to buy now. Because if the MD Anderson trial were to proceed in CRC, the good results would make CytoDyn even more valuable. I'm really not sure what Kivlighn was thinking, but whatever it was, it sure did piss off many people, especially Cyrus Arman."
If this conjectured hypothesis is right, then Kivlighn must also have believed, that the data in both the mCRC murine study and the mTNBC trial which he had also seen, in his opinion, was powerful enough such that a Phase II trial was not even necessary and a pull out of the trial would surely induce Merck, (who was also privy to the same murine data), to purchase the Company. What Kivlighn failed to consider though, (if this whole scenario is true), is that CytoDyn never owned the MD Anderson data and CytoDyn now has no way to prove that the MD Anderson results in fact do amaze unless they decide to purchase that data from MD Anderson. In addition, he also failed to recognize that Merck was running their own combination Keytruda + CCR5 Blockade Vicriviroc against mCRC simultaneously. So, then the BOD, Kivlighn and possibly Merck could be all to blame for the cancellation of this otherwise windfall and gratis trial that CytoDyn could have immensely benefited from.
As to the pursuit of what the FDA intended for CytoDyn to proceed once coming off hold, which is the Inflammation and Immune Activation trial, it initially did not draw sufficient support from the public and therefore did not result in an increasing share price to the point to raise funds without completely depleting available shares. Therefore, CytoDyn now has its CEO and VP in concert back on the mCRC train again. But a partner is necessary and fund raising has become #1 priority.
Look, all of the companies are out to find the best weapon against these MSS tumors. Right now, there is no solution. Leronlimab is the solution and the data that proves it is in the hands of MD Anderson. Soon, data for it is forthcoming in the (2) peer reviewed journal articles in mTNBC. But regarding mCRC, that data resides with MD Anderson and it is only in a murine study, but apparently good enough to have been offered a fully funded Phase II combination trial with Keytruda. So, Dr. Lalezari made the decision to shift gears to this new mCRC indication but he needs money. He also needs a partner. But he has Cyrus there at his side and Cyrus somehow got MD Anderson to create this Phase II trial.. How did he do that? He must have spoken to some Merck people, wouldn't you think? to see if they also wanted to take the profound murine mTNBC results and apply them towards mCRC in a fully funded human, phase II combo trial? Maybe he can do it again and if need be, without Keytruda?
But this time around, the only way the trial could be run is as a combination only trial. The two drugs could not be pitted against each other. If they were synergistic before, then they are kept that way. Regardless of which PD-1 blockade is used, it should remain a combination trial because of the partnership. The partnership is more important than which drug is doing the work. But, Why would we want to experiment with another PD-1 blocker when we already have seen the results as synergistic? We wouldn't unless we were forced to. Meaning, Merck fails to enter while another PD-1 comes in and partners. Would that induce a Merck counter bid? Assuming they have found no solution to their expiring patent problem, it probably would.
After all, why is every drug out there failing to extend their patent? Is Keytruda simply unable to treat MSS type tumors despite all means of assistance? But we have evidence of their synergism. Given that the only known substance on Earth that is capable of treating these MSS tumors is leronlimab, why have we not been the #1 choice to combine with? Until now, with the hold said and done with and given the new change in priority to mCRC, and with Merck's Keytruda with their own CCR5 blockade Vicriviroc Trial which failed, will Merck now be interested to take a second look at CytoDyn? How long will this search go on for? How many patients?
The provocative data is coming in peer reviewed journal articles that prove leronlimab treats the very difficult mTNBC. Merck already knows from the murine study that it treats the MSS mCRC tumors. What matters is that they know the data and that the data is unassailable as per Lalezari and Arman. They know that by combining with leronlimab, they would have a successful result. The only problem is that they cannot show that leronlimab is better at it than Keytruda. Therefore, they cannot have a standalone leronlimab arm and a standalone Keytruda arm. The two cannot be pitted against each other. And I thank Respert24 for this ingenious answer.
"Notice they didn't create a Dud-Only arm versus a Keytruda-Only arm. A surefire way to inadvertently show that a different drug is better than your own. Keytruda is already "proven" and is going to want to run a trial that shows they can extend their patent. Similar to this trial, if we ended up in a trial with them it would, in my humble opinion, be Keytruda + LL all day. Maybe both of the doses we've had in studies (350/700).
What I don't expect is a trial that Cytodyn would run if there was no partnership, which is to compare and contrast LL to Keytruda. If Merck is running it they're just trying to show that together you see a better result, and boom! They've got new life and we've got the exciting new darling of the oncology world."
CytoDyn have seen the data on mCRC, but it is not in their pocket. However, they do have the mTNBC data, but no priority to target that right now. Is that because, Merck or MD Anderson might have an interest in treating mCRC MSS type tumors? So, it seems like this won't be solved until Merck finds a solution to their problem before their patent expires. Patent expiration is the end all to all of this and they have 4 more years of trying to find something that will extend it. Something that allows it to be used on all MSS tumors, not just mCRC or mTNBC, but 85% of all cancers.
Given that Keytruda is the Darling of the Oncology World and given leronlimab is the only drug that can treat 85% of the oncologic tumors out there while Keytruda can only help less than 15%, doesn't it make sense for them to come together in combination therapy to treat the entirety of cancers across the board? In this way, so many of the world's problems could be wiped out in one solid partnership. Isn't the name of the game to have a therapeutic solution to the entirety of this disease? And who can't work with Lalezari? That is no excuse.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 Consistent-Sea-9966 Pay someone to do my gmat exam Online Reddit Pay someone to do psychometric test Reddit Pay someone to do GMAT test Reddit Pay someone to do my GRE Test Online Reddit Pay someone to do GRE Exam Reddit Pay someone to do my GMAT GRE test exam in USA UK Canada Reddit Helper for Help Reddit

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2024.05.19 20:52 ScheduleAfraid1285 Pay someone to take my GMAT exam Reddit Pay someone to take my GMAT Test Online Reddit gmat online cheating reddit hire someone to take gre for me Reddit Pay someone to take psychometric test Reddit Hire someone to take gre for me online Reddit GMAT GRE Exam Taker for Test Help Reddit

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2024.05.19 20:47 Xardes123 Religion and society

this is a thesis statement that i want to show that religion has positive and negative effects on human societies. Hi everyone, today I want to discuss something that, after a few months of research, has stuck in my head and I can't let go of. This post is not meant to be an argument for God in any particular manner, but if some people in the future want to use the data provided in this post to "prove" anything, they are, in my opinion, free to do as they please.
Today, I want to show the effects of religiosity on individuals and society. I will use as many studies as possible to make my point.
First, let's consider religion's effect on the health of individuals and society as a whole. According to a systematic review of 3,000+ studies, the overall effect of religion on health is positive (1). According to this literature, there are many sources of these positive effects, such as social connections and support, health behaviors, substance abuse and addictive behaviors, mental health, psychological well-being, personality traits, and character strengths. Keep in mind that the link provided is only a summary of 3,000+ studies on the subject. For a better understanding, there are specific chapters (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7). Additionally, for any reason, religious therapies appear to be better than secular ones (19). To be honest, I found only one meta-analysis that showed a positive but non-significant effect of religion on health, mainly from China (20), but other similar meta-analyses still show positive effects (21). A later systematic review reviewed studies that tried to establish causation, and those studies still found positive effects (8) (22) (25).
Besides health, there is also a lot of research on the effects of religion on education (religious vs. secular institutions) and religious families vs. secular families. Most of these studies find positive effects of religion on educational outcomes (9) (10) (11).
Religious people tend to be more moral than atheists. For example, they tend to commit fewer crimes, do more volunteer work, and donate more blood (12) (13) (14) (31) (32). Some might ask if these effects come from religiosity per se or if we can replicate these effects without religion. I am sad to say that I think it is impossible because most of these positive effects come from intrinsic religiosity (15). This means that belief is the main source of these positive effects. We know this because when we compare intrinsically religious people to extrinsically religious people (such as cultural theists who may use religion to achieve their ends but do not genuinely believe), we see that most positive character traits come from intrinsic religiosity (16) (17) (18).
For better or worse, religious people tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives (23) (24). Maybe that's the reason why religious people commit less suicides (34) (35). However, religiosity also has its negative side. For example, religious people tend to discriminate against immigrants more than atheists do, but a meta-analysis states that this comes from the religious community rather than the belief itself, so it may be extrinsic religiosity at work (26). Religious people also tend to have more negative views of homosexuals than non-religious people (27) (28). However, studies and meta-analyses claim that LGBTQ+ people tend to be healthier when they are religious than when they are not (29).
What I tried to show in this short essay is that religiosity has many positive effects on society that are often not acknowledged in primary debates. Some can even make a valid case with data that, on average, religious people tend to live healthier, happier, and more moral lives than atheists. If anybody wants to read more without sacrificing 100+ hours, just use the last link (33). It is a pretty good summary of the findings in a single short study of six pages.
I also want to say that I don't want any fights in the comments or insults. Questions should be about the primary purpose of the essay; otherwise, the chance of responding is very low or non-existent.
Anyway, I want to thank everyone for reading my short essay.
submitted by Xardes123 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:37 Shiirooo Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs

Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs (translated by DeepL: there are probably translation errors)

Shadows is the next step forward for Assassin's Creed

Mr. KARL ONNÉE, Producer
--First of all, let me say "Thank you" from us Japanese, as "Assassin's Creed" is finally coming out, which is set in Japan!
KARL: Thank you for coming here today. I have been wanting to do this work for years, so my dream has come true.
--Why did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the setting for this work?
KARL: I chose it because it is a very rich period in history. It was a time of war and political maneuvering, a time of change from rural to urban areas, and also the birth of art. I also chose it because it was the start of the unification of Japan. It was a pivotal moment for Japan. Together, these elements provided an excellent canvas on which to tell the story.
--What kind of image do you have of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
KARL: This was a time when the feudal lords of the warring states were fighting for power in the name of unifying the country, but it was also a struggle for control of trade. Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together. The Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together, and people who wanted a beautiful country and peace. This is the kind of image we have, but I think there was a mixture of various cultures and people's thoughts. And of course, there were the warring feudal lords. These are great canvases for the story.
--What do you think should be inherited from "Assassin's Creed" and what are the unique aspects of this game?
KARL: When people think of "Assassin's Creed," they think of stealth, but shinobi fantasy is not only a perfect fit for an "Assassin's Creed" game, it also fits the DNA of the "Assassin" brand.
What we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows" was to push stealth even further. We started this effort with the previous game, "Assassin's Creed Mirage," but we wanted to take it further with new features. Systems such as light and shadow, grappling ropes, prone, and a variety of tools available in the game provide a new experience.
The gameplay is also enriched by two characters, Naoe, a shinobi, and Yasuke, a samurai. Players will explore and discover Japan through the eyes of Naoe, a local, and one non-Japanese outsider. The game is more dynamic than ever before, pushing the limits of technology and offering an experience exclusive to current-gen consoles.
--The "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla," released in 2020, is based on the theme of "Vikings" and has been a huge sales success. As a Japanese, I feel that from a global perspective, the Japanese "shinobi" theme is even more niche, but what is your current response?
KARL: I would like to talk about how it compares to "Viking" fantasy. Both shinobi and samurai are exciting and celebrated as fantasy with power, and are widely discussed in pop culture, and we are very much inspired by them.
Shinobi were on our radar from the beginning because we thought they fit well with the "Assassins" brand, but we felt that incorporating a powerful samurai would create two different gameplay experiences and give us the opportunity to tell the story from two different perspectives. We feel that this is a powerful motif that can compete with the "Viking" motif.
--How did you like the setting of Japan as a subject matter for the latest model?
KARL: I think it was perfect. For example, the "Global Illumination" technology allowed us to explore the response of light and shadow. Some consoles are still called "Baked GI", but by using dynamic lighting and the power of the new hardware, we were able to explore the creativity.
We are now able to express not only light and shadow, but also the dynamism of nature in greater detail. Naturally, since it is set in Japan, we have never dealt with so many trees, and thus so much data, in previous works in the series. We also needed more data to seamlessly move various things at the same time because of the seasonal changes. The latest models have allowed us to realize our vision, and our ambition for this game and for "Assassin's Creed" will continue.
--Assassin's Creed Mirage marks the 15th anniversary of the game. Can we consider this work as the next step forward for the next generation of "Assassin's Creed"?
KARL: You are absolutely right. Mirage" was a tribute to existing works, but this game is the first step into a new era. We are in the era of modern equipment. With the new generation of our engine "Anvil", plus the opportunity to create a new era by using the power of the latest consoles, we are able to do what we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows".
With technologies such as global illumination and dynamism, we are now making the game we really wanted to make.
--What are the four pillars you are focusing on in the development of this game?
KARL: We are focusing on four pillars.
  • The first is to create an authentic and dynamic world.
  • Second is the story, introducing a new form of storytelling to "Assassin's Creed" by introducing two characters with different stories and perspectives.
  • Third, there are two different action sequences. Samurai and Shinobi each have their own skills tree elements and unique weapons. For example, in castles, each has a different positioning that they excel at, which makes a big difference in how they play.
  • And finally, there is stealth. We are promoting the importance of stealth more than ever with new systems such as light and shadow, objects in the environment, depression, and grappling ropes.
-- The launch is scheduled for November 15, 2024. What is the current development status?
KARL: Development is going very well. We are proud to say that we have done a good job, but of course it is not finished and there are still glitches. This is the result of all the work we have done so far. We are very happy with how things are going right now, and we hope you will stay tuned for more news.
-- I understand that "Assassin's Creed Infinity" was announced at the previous Ubisoft Forward and that this title will be included in the game? Also, what is the development status of that game at ......?
KARL: "Assassin's Creed Infinity" is introduced as an Animus Hub (*a hub that will function in the future as an entry point for the series), which we will talk about at a later date.
--What is your message to your fans around the world and in Japan?
KARL: We are humbled that our dream of creating a game in this setting has come true. This is a setting that our fans have been anticipating for a long time, and for us it has been a wonderful experience to work on a game that we have always wanted to make.
This game is the result of our love. We hope you enjoy it. We look forward to talking more about it in the coming months.

The Shinobi Assassin and the Legendary Samurai. Experience the different fighting styles created by these two characters.

(left) Mr. JONATHAN DUMONT (Creative Director), (right) Mr. CHARLES BENOIT (Game Director)
--When did you start the development of this work?
JONATHAN: Development began about four years ago, and research into the time period in which the game is set began immediately. There were a number of cool subjects that brought us great characters and story plots. I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a very good game.
--Was the Azuchi-Momoyama period chosen as the period setting from the pre-development stage? Did you have an idea for a major point in Japanese history, such as the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate?
JONATHAN: I started from the beginning of my study of Japanese history, but I began reading with the feeling of a student. Following the Socratic principle, you took the attitude of knowing nothing. As I read on, I found some very interesting settings.
I focused on the Azuchi-Momoyama period because I felt it was an extremely important period for Japan. It was a time of warring states, the need to unify the country, and the need to defend itself against the growing influence of other countries.
It was a grand and complex period, and there are many stories that can be told from different angles. Among the heroes of the unification of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Oda Nobunaga are best known among the outstanding characters in Japanese history.
Not only war, but also politics are involved, and they are moving toward the peace that will eventually come, with a good ending waiting somewhere in the middle. I strongly felt that this was a wonderful and interesting period that deserved to be featured.
It was also a time when the foundations of the arts were laid. Castle towns were built, the world changed, and people's relationships with each other and with art, as well as their inner lives, also changed. It was very interesting to explore this period, and I was strongly attracted to the characters who lived in this time.
-- Why did you choose the title "Shadows"?
CHARLES: From my point of view, there are two reasons. Shinobi hide in the shadows, so "Shadows" is of course inspired by that. In a way, this embraces the "Assassin" brand and shinobi.
There are other aspects to "Shadows" as well. There are "hidden things" in the game that must be discovered by the player, but they are hidden in the darkness in some way.
JONATHAN: Both characters are in a way connected to being shadowy heroes living in the underworld of this era. It's a cool title, if you can think of it this way.
--Why did you choose two main characters and two fighting styles? Also, what kind of combat action can the Shinobi and Samurai experience respectively?
JONATHAN: One of the reasons for the separation of the two styles is that from the beginning of development, we wanted to have two distinct and cool archetypes to play with: the samurai and the shinobi.
We also wanted to make sure that this fantasy was as close to reality and expectation as possible without being diluted. I also often felt the need to have two points of view in the development of the story, since history is rarely clearly black and white. The two protagonists provided interesting dynamics and perspectives on how to approach the game.
CHARLES: I think it is very interesting that in combat, both the samurai and the shinobi have special types of weapons. Therefore, the style of combat in this work is built on a more weapon-based approach.
There are weapons that only Samurai can use, and the same goes for Shinobi. The player can get a good feel for the two different fighting styles. And it is possible to switch between them.
--What weapons can Naoe and Yasuke use?
CHARLES: Both players have different types of weapons. For Naoe, we went for a more classic fantasy type shinobi. The chain scythe is a weapon that covers a wide area and can only be used by Naoe.
In addition, she also has a dagger used at close range, which can be combined with a hidden blade (Hidden Blade). Naoe can fight very quickly and efficiently with these.
On the other hand, Yasuke, who excels at overpowering with force, is given more types of weapons, some of which are firearms type weapons. They also have the typical samurai bow.
--Why did you choose to make the shinobi Naoe an original character and the samurai Yasuke a historical figure?
JONATHAN: Even though they are well known in Japan, at least in North America, not much is known about farmers, what happened to them, and where the Shinobi came from.
So we decided to introduce a figure from Iga who is shrouded in mystery. We considered historical figures from the region, but we preferred a sense of mystery, so we came up with Naoe as someone who may or may not have actually existed.
As for Yasuke, from the beginning we thought that a story about the arrival of the Portuguese would be a very good way to tell the story of the crisis in Japan. The team liked the character Yasuke, and we thought we could use him to show the promise of discovering Japan.
We thought that if we started with a samurai already in Japanese society, he would be a very interesting and intriguing character, with concepts that we don't necessarily know. And it would also be interesting to see what happened to him. He starts out as a character who is already rooted in history, and we are curious to find out what happens to him.
I thought they would make a cool team, complementing each other in terms of storytelling, physique, and family background.
--What did you keep in mind when creating the scenario where the two main characters switch? What were some of the challenges?
JONATHAN: I wanted the audience to feel that "both are the main characters," but this was more complicated than it seems. Their stories overlap in places, but I wanted to make sure that as the game progresses, you gradually discover more and more about both characters. They have similar goals and motivations, but they are not 100% the same, which made it complicated and difficult to maintain their individual personalities.
Naturally, the quest can be played by either character. If a quest needs to be started by one character and completed by the other, the settings must accommodate both play styles. Thus, although it can be complicated, there are many opportunities to tell the story from one of the two perspectives.
Having two different points of view is a lot of fun, but there were some complications, such as having to use new technology in the conversation tools. There were some cool things, however. It is interesting that in the conversational scenes, the player decides which of the two protagonists speaks and they ask for different things. This is cool in a way.
CHARLES: Both characters are attacking the castle and at some point the player is asked if they want to continue with Yasuke or Naoe, both are interesting. At various points the player must make these choices.
The stories are independent, so if you want to know more about Naoe's or Yasuke's past, you can play as one character and delve into that character's story.
--Are there areas of action that differ, such as places that only Naoe, a shinobi, is allowed to enter?
JONATHAN: There are areas where both Naoe and Yasuke have different areas of activity. I can't go into details because there are a few surprises, but since Naoe can use a hooked rope, there are places that are almost exclusively accessible to her.
The world is designed to be enjoyed by both characters, and players can switch between the two at will.
Of course, if you want to reach the final point of the world or reach the summit through the ruins, then perhaps Naoe is the better choice. However, if you want to break through the fort head-on alone and open the way, Yasuke seems like a better choice. Of course, you can play with either character.
CHARLES: Each character also has specific actions. Naoe can hook the hooked rope to a specific spot and move like a pendulum, or hook the hook to a high spot and climb the rope to get to where she wants to go faster than Yasuke. However, Yasuke can use a shoulder bash to break down reinforced doors.
Yasuke can also perform parkour very efficiently in a more daring way. What can be felt when Yasuke performs parkour is how the crowd reacts. Because Yasuke is a samurai and exudes dignity as a superior class, the crowd reacts accordingly. Naoe, on the other hand, gives the impression of being more integrated into the world.
--Can you both use the Hidden Blade, Hawk's Eye, and other Assassin abilities?
CHARLES: Without spoiling anything, the traditional skills of the Assassins are mainly for Naoe. However, there is another mechanism called "Kantori" (provisional name) that can be used when you want to find an enemy or target person, and this can be used by both of them.
You can use free aim to look around, but you cannot see through walls. Yasuke can also kill with stealth, but in a more direct and easier way. Even with stealth, there will be some sound, so it is a "stealth-like" approach.
JONATHAN: Kantori (provisional name) can be used to find many things in your current location. It is a very good guide for a certain area, but it does not take all the fun out of exploration. It is a good guide because you can learn a little more about where you want to go, but you are left with the surprise of discovering something.
-- Is there a skill tree that makes Naoe more combat-oriented or enhances Yasuke's stealth?
CHARLES: Both have skills that are more combat-oriented and stealth-oriented. Also, some equipment has effects such as increased resistance when attacked. We also offer perks that enhance your abilities in combat.
Naoe, enhanced to be more combat-oriented, has an advantage in melee combat compared to Naoe, enhanced to be more stealth-oriented. Both have a range, but cannot go in completely opposite directions. There is some overlap between the two, but we have made sure that the characteristics of each ability are properly felt.
--Please explain the skill system.
JONATHAN: Both characters share XP and level up together, but the rest of the system is a bit similar to that of "Assassin's Creed Odyssey".
XP and character abilities are available, weapons can be crafted to some degree, and various upgrades can be made as the game progresses. Weapons are not stand-alone, but for two, so each weapon has its own unique skill system. Players should not feel any discomfort, but this is a very different part of the game from the past.
CHARLES: There are two things that were very important to us in terms of skills.
First, we have to be very aware of archetypes. In Japan, there are distinct archetypes, such as the armor-clad samurai, the revolting monk, and the bandit, which are quite different. We try to make it clear to the player who is stronger, and we try to make that part of the leveling process as important as possible. Samurai are always stronger than bandits.
Secondly, player skill is added to the mix. The better you are at timing, reading attacks, understanding weapons, etc., the better you will be and the further ahead you will be.
--What is the volume of the map compared to past works? I would also like to know how you decided on the scale of this work.
JONATHAN: The biggest difference is the scale ratio. The mountains are not the actual size, but we wanted them to be true forests, consisting of trees of a certain size, so that you feel you are in a forest. To achieve this, we needed space.
We also decided to keep it close to a realistic scale, so we could feel the breath of many things. When we visited Japan and saw the castle, we were so glad we made this decision. Japanese castles are huge! Of course, we had seen pictures of castles before and thought they were big and magnificent, but when we saw them in person, they were astonishingly large.
And I wanted more space to explore the castle. Castles were built to be large battlegrounds, you know. You need space to build intricate walls for defense.
The overall scale of the map is similar to the size of the map in Origins. However, the scale ratio makes it feel more realistic. The open space leads to secluded areas throughout the game, which will be fun to explore. This sense of scale is a very interesting aspect of this game for us.
CHARLES: The story led us to choose which locations in Japan we would choose. The major events in Kyoto, around Osaka, and around Azuchi Castle took place in the same area, so we were able to focus on that.
JONATHAN: Of course, we had to choose a size that matched the game, but I think it was the perfect size for this story and type of game.
--Since the game is set in the Warring States period, is there a system that allows players to participate in battles?
JONATHAN: We see several battles in the story, and the battle at Iga is playable. There are other battles as well, but I can't talk about them right now. The game is set in the Warring States period, but it is not only about battles. It is a game that allows you to travel and discover that world.
--What challenges have you faced and what have you been able to achieve as a result?
JONATHAN: By making the big decision to go completely modern and demanding a very high level from the "Anvil" engine, we were able to increase the number of particles, create a more realistic atmosphere, and expand the graphical possibilities of the changing seasons.
This allowed us to work on a fresh new Assassin's Creed. This was a great opportunity for us to take a big leap forward in graphics.
CHARLES: Also, thanks to the new global illumination system, we were able to take advantage of light and shadow, which had a huge impact on the gameplay and stealth approach. For example, enemies became aware of our presence through our shadows, enemies gathered for warmth under a fire in the winter, or shadows through shoji screens depicted enemy presence, giving a new dimension to stealth.

By having two main characters, it is possible to show a wider range of angles and different perspectives.

(left) BROOKE DAVIES, Associate Narrative Director, (right) SACHI SCHMIDT-HORI, Narrative Consultant
--Did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the period setting from the pre-production stage?
BROOKE: I joined the project after the choice of period had been made, so the Azuchi-Momoyama period had already been chosen. This period offered so many wonderful opportunities from a narrative perspective. The complexity and duality of the period is well reflected in the characters of Naoe and Yasuke.
--What were you aware of and what were the challenges in creating a scenario where the two main characters switch?
BROOKE: From a storytelling perspective, I see it more as a wonderful opportunity than a challenge. When I write a story, I try to show rather than tell, and having two characters allows me to show what's going on from a wider range of angles and different perspectives. I hope this will encourage players to want to share their feelings with them.
--What do you think are the most important points in bringing original characters and historical figures into the game?
BROOKE: Both offer different and unique opportunities. With regard to Yasuke, I found him very interesting historically because we know some things about him, but there are many unknowns. So we needed to fill in the blanks in the story. It is important to note that Yasuke is a historical figure.
And in the case of Naoe, an original character, we were able to draw the story freely to some extent. The fact that she is a member of the Fujibayashi family and that her father is Masayasu Fujibayashi Nagato Mamoru allowed us to place her firmly within the setting. Because Yasuke is a real person but appears as a foreign-born samurai, the Japanese-born Naoe is on equal footing with Yasuke, although she has a different perspective.
--Will other historical figures appear besides Nobunaga Oda and Yasuke?
BROOKE: You will meet Luis Frois (a Jesuit missionary) at the meeting in Azuchi Castle. Also, Nene and Oichi will appear. The Japanese art renaissance that began in the Azuchi-Momoyama period blossomed in the Edo period, and you will also meet Sen no Rikyu, Kano Eitoku, and other important figures.
--Please tell us what year the story will be depicted.
BROOKE: I can't tell you what players will see, but I think it covers a part of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, from 1579 to 1584.
--I think the appeal of the series is to depict the struggle between the Assassin Order and the Templars while taking into account the history, but I would like to ask if there were any difficulties in putting the Azuchi-Momoyama period into it.
BROOKE: I don't want to mention the Knights Templar because I don't want to spoil anything, but the fascination and dynamics of this period are very interesting and provided wonderful opportunities for storytelling.
--How did you go about creating a world with a realistic feel of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
BROOKE: We were very lucky to work with the Environment Team. The visuals they created for the game provided a great backdrop for the story.
The in-world experience added so much to the story. What we see from the stories and characters of this time period is complexity. I also believe that many of the people surrounding the World had their own struggles.
It was a very difficult time historically, and we see duality. Nothing is ever clear-cut and black and white. In warfare, two groups face each other and are confronted with different perspectives. But in the midst of it all, there are glimpses of hope for the future as we know it, which will later blossom.
--What advice did you actually give?
HORI: One scene that left a strong impression on me was the scene where Nobunaga's sister, Oichi, remarries Katsuie Shibata. In the original story we received, it was thought that the two families decided on their own without regard to Oichi's intentions, and Katsuie was portrayed negatively because he was more than 20 years older than Oichi.
So I spoke with BROOKE and the team and asked them to change it. Oichi had young children after the death of her husband Nagamasa Asai, so if her remarriage was to Katsuie, a trusted man who had served Nobunaga, she would have married him as a matter of course. When I explained that it was better to portray it in a positive light, it was a new discovery for the BROOKEs, and they were very moved by it. The rewritten version of the episode was very moving.
The other scene is the tea ceremony scene featuring Sen no Rikyu. Chanoyu is widely known to be translated as tea ceremony, but experts say it is a mistranslation. After researching the misunderstanding over here, I advised them, as far as I could understand, not to use a teapot or tea leaves, for example.
--Even we Japanese have a strong image of "ninja" as a fantasy. Did you encounter any difficulties with the theme of "ninja" in order to achieve a high level of fidelity to the historical reconstruction?
HORI: Ninja are certainly a fantasy, so I think it's a good thing that we can express ourselves creatively and without reservation. However, there are also dedicated ninja fans and communities around the world, and I am not sure to what extent they see the ninja as a real existence, or as an entity that existed in history.
Therefore, the extent to which ninja are represented in the game depends on the level of tolerance of the avid shinobi fans. I discussed this with the members of the development team. We did not have a specific policy on how much to express, but made decisions on a case-by-case basis. We would say, "This is an acceptable creative expression," or "This is stereotypical", so let's not do that.
--I'm sure there are many references, but which one left a particularly strong impression on you?
BROOKE: The first book I looked through was "Nobunaga no Kouki" by Ota Ushiichi (Azuchi-Momoyama period, military commander and military history author). I was impressed by his personal observations as he recounts the details. We can learn a lot of historical facts from reading history books, but this author incorporated his own views so that I felt I could understand even his character and what it was like to live in that era, and I was completely drawn in. I was thrilled to be able to portray this time period and the people in this book.
--The drama "Shogun" which is set in a similar time period, has been a hit, and I hope that this work will attract the same kind of attention from game fans. I understand that you have prepared a "Discovery Tour" that allows visitors to freely walk around the game world with historical explanations.
BROOKE: I can't answer about the Discovery Tour today, but I am glad to see that interest in the setting and time period of the game is growing. I look forward to the day when we can bring this to you.

Gathering a lot of information to recreate 16th century Japan and build a living world

(left) THIERRY DANSEREAU, Art Director, (right) STÉPHANIE-ANNE RUATTA, Historical Supervisor and World Director
--Please tell us what kind of materials you used as references to describe the field and the characters' costumes in the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
THIERRY: I have been working with experts and consultants for a long time, but for the characters, I referred to museum exhibits and books for their appearances and costumes. I visited several museums, did my research, and checked the materials with STÉPHANIE-ANNE.
Based on these, we created the characters. We also referred to descriptions in the books about the colors and the flags people carried. We used multiple sources, but we have checked them for historical accuracy.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: For several years we had the help of experts, but we also did research with a Japanese studio and team. We used different kinds of sources to make sure the team got it right and had all the information they needed to reconstruct what Japan looked like in the 16th century.
We used museum databases, as THIERRY mentioned, but we also used inscriptions, scientific books, articles, and medieval depositions. For example, the Principles of Nobunaga has been translated into English, so we used that as a reference to describe 16th century Japan. I also referred to the documents of Luis Frois from the same period, which compare European and Japanese society.
--This period was also a time when there was a large influx of immigrants. Will you also depict the episodes, lifestyles, and culture of these people (missionaries, merchants, etc.) as well as Yasuke?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: Yes, it is important to introduce the presence of Portuguese missionaries and merchants in the 16th century. They influenced the course of warfare during this period and the changing power of certain merchants in Japan.
--I am wondering what castles, shrines and temples that symbolize the Azuchi-Momoyama period will appear in the game. Although the game is set in the Kansai region, is the Osaka Castle built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ......?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The era is represented by the construction of various castles and castle towns, so players will discover a wide variety of castle types and castles destroyed in battle. The Azuchi Castle, which is related to the name of the era, will also be featured.
THIERRY: Himeji Castle, Osaka Castle, and Takeda Castle are also available, and it is wonderful that players can visit and play in these castles. I think this is one of the strengths of the franchise, but all of the castles are based on actual historical blueprints, which I think is very unique, both as an experience and a learning opportunity.
The Koyasan Okunoin Cemetery is the oldest graveyard in Japan, which can also be seen in the game. There are too many to mention them all, but thanks to STÉPHANIE-ANNE and the experts, I think they are well described and it is wonderful that players will be able to travel to these places.
--The architectural style and decoration of the buildings is a different culture from the previous works in the series. What were you conscious of in recreating the culture and what were the challenges? I am also interested in the possibility of diving on the "Shachihoko".
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The building team did a lot of research, and then we checked the results with experts and asked them to add the elements needed to build a great castle. We did research to recreate the decorations of not only the castle, but also the temples and shrines, and also to find out what materials were used to make them.
THIERRY: The colors also change over time, so we made adjustments to that as well. Of course, this is "Assassin's Creed," so you can climb anywhere and jump from almost anywhere. Exploring is fun.
--Japanese period games tend to be rather subdued, but were there any barriers to making it a worldwide production?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: It's a game based on history, and we want players to have the opportunity to play with history. This period is so fascinating and celebrated, and has had such an impact on pop culture, that we were fortunate to have the help of renowned experts to make sure we had all the information we needed to faithfully recreate medieval Japan in the 16th century.
We maintained historical fidelity because it was a rich period with so much to talk about and we didn't feel the need to change it. There is an experience that goes into fantasy, but keeping it authentic was our primary goal.
--In the main storyline, can we experience famous episodes from the Azuchi-Momoyama period (such as the Battle of Nagashino, the Honnoji Incident, the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, etc.)?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: You will have to wait a little longer for that.
--In the recent series, "Origins," "Odyssey," and "Valhalla," you can enjoy the connection to mythology and fantasy elements based on mythological themes. Will this work also contain elements based on Japanese mythology, yokai, and other fictional creatures?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That is a very good question, but I will answer this one later.
--This game also reproduces the four seasons of Japan. Which season did you start first? And which seasons were particularly difficult to express?
THIERRY: I started with spring. We all know about cherry blossoms, and I think they are the most symbolic Japanese element for foreigners. And the big difference is winter. I wouldn't say that winter is more complicated because it has many different expressions, but it was very different from spring, summer, and fall, and the challenges were also different.
--What was particular about the representation of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, etc.?
THIERRY: All of the water topics were very important to us. We knew that there is a Shinto belief in waterfalls and rivers, and that they are important places in the Japanese eco-system. Even the blueprints of the suburbs are lined with irrigation canals, and they even go into the houses. Thus, we knew that water is a key component of Japanese culture, especially for agriculture.
This is why we installed drains everywhere in this work. The presence of water in the Japanese landscape was different, so we took it seriously and treated it as an inviolable part of the Japanese landscape and way of life.
--What are some of your favorite places, castles, or cultures that appear in your work?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That's difficult.
THIERRY: My favorite is Takeda Castle. It is on top of a high mountain and is called the castle in the sky, and I like this location. I can't say it's fair because we built it ourselves, but there are many other great places to visit.
It was a lot of work to create the forest, but I really enjoy looking at the landscape. I also like how all the ecosystems interact with each other, such as the clouds in the weather system. It's not a location, but I enjoy it because it encompasses the whole game.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: I was impressed by the "Rakuchu Rakugaizu," Japanese folding screens from this period. I was fascinated by the fact that just by looking at them, one could come into contact with the vivid world of this period.
The artistic touch is something special. I have never seen anything so full of art. I truly admire the artists of this era.
THIERRY: I also think the most striking thing for me was the harmony of nature and architecture. I visited the site and found many places, and I could see how everything was deliberately composed.
I was told that trees were planted while the chedi was being built at the time, but everything looked perfect. Also, the culture loves the age and values it, so they cherish moss and things that have taken root there. Japan has maintained these places so they still exist and are still in use.
I realized that we are dealing with a subject that has a long history. It is also a culture that values space, living space. These were the most exciting discoveries during my travels in Japan.
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2024.05.19 20:11 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Is Sinking

Maldives Island Is Sinking
Maldives Island Is Sinking As we stand on the fragile shores of the Maldives, it becomes painfully clear that this paradise is slipping away like sand through our fingers. With rising sea levels encroaching upon our beloved islands, the Maldives is facing an existential threat - the metaphorical tide of climate change relentlessly eroding the very foundation of our nation.But what does this sinking mean for the Maldivian people and the delicate ecosystem that calls these islands home? And can we find a way to stay afloat in the face of this looming crisis?Let us embark on a journey to explore the depths of the Maldives' sinking predicament, and perhaps discover a glimmer of hope amidst the rising waters.Key TakeawaysMaldives is highly vulnerable to rising sea levels due to its low maximum ground elevation and estimated rise in sea levels.The Maldives government has taken initiatives to combat climate change and strengthen resilience, including aiming to become carbon neutral.Overfishing and waste management issues exacerbate the impacts of climate change in the Maldives.International cooperation is crucial in addressing the sinking crisis in the Maldives, with a need for collective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Rising Sea Levels Threaten the MaldivesRising sea levels pose a significant threat to the Maldives, an archipelago nation in the Indian Ocean. With over 1,000 coral islands and a maximum ground elevation of just 2.4 meters, the Maldives is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels. An estimated rise of 20 to 30 centimeters in the next 20 to 40 years could have catastrophic consequences for the nation.The effects of rising sea levels are already evident in the Maldives. By 2021, 90% of the islands have experienced severe erosion, and 97% of the country's land no longer has access to fresh groundwater. This loss of land and freshwater resources has dire implications for the Maldivian people, who heavily rely on these natural resources for their livelihoods and survival.To address the challenges posed by climate change and rising sea levels, the Maldives has undertaken various initiatives. The nation has set ambitious targets to become carbon neutral, eliminate or offset greenhouse gas emissions, and implement measures to combat sea level rise. Additionally, the Maldives has focused on mass tourism as a development strategy to generate revenue and strengthen its resilience to climate threats.Despite these efforts, the Maldives faces numerous challenges in the face of climate change. Overfishing, waste management, and the decline of natural environments and biodiversity are among the issues exacerbated by climate change and human activities. It's crucial for the international community to take collective action on climate change to support the Maldives and other vulnerable nations in adapting to and mitigating the impacts of rising sea levels. Failure to do so could result in the loss of a unique and culturally rich nation.Impact on the Maldivian PopulationThe impact of the sinking Maldives on the population is significant and multifaceted. Rising sea levels not only threaten the physical displacement of people but also pose a grave risk to their livelihoods, particularly those dependent on fishing and tourism.The scarcity of fresh groundwater further exacerbates the challenges faced by the Maldivian population, affecting their daily lives and overall health.As the government takes steps to combat climate change and its consequences, it's crucial to prioritize the well-being and resilience of the Maldivian people, ensuring their safety and stability in the face of these environmental challenges.Population DisplacementPopulation displacement in the Maldives due to the sinking of the islands caused by sea level rise is a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. As the Maldives consists of low-lying islands, the rising sea levels pose a significant threat to the population's safety and livelihoods. Efforts have been made to combat this impact, such as making the Maldives carbon neutral and implementing a National Adaptation Programme of Action. The construction of an artificial, elevated island called Hulhumalé has also been undertaken. Additionally, innovative solutions like floating homes have been explored as an alternative living option. However, environmental challenges such as overfishing, waste management, and damage to coral reefs further exacerbate the situation. The socio-cultural impacts of population displacement also raise concerns about preserving the unique Maldivian culture and identity. This situation necessitates comprehensive strategies and immediate action to address the challenges faced by the Maldivian population.Efforts to Combat Population DisplacementEnvironmental ChallengesSocio-Cultural ImpactsMaking the Maldives carbon neutralOverfishingPreservation of cultureNational Adaptation Programme of ActionWaste managementLoss of cultural heritageConstruction of elevated island (Hulhumalé)Damage to coral reefsAdaptation to new livingExploration of floating homesenvironmentsLoss of LivelihoodsThe economic impact of overfishing and the need for fishermen in the Maldives to travel further into the ocean to find fish has resulted in the loss of livelihoods and a decline in the fishing industry. This has had a significant impact on the Maldivian population, particularly those who depend on fishing for their income and traditional way of life.The sinking Maldives and the rising seas exacerbate this problem, making it even more challenging for fishermen to sustain their livelihoods.Decreased income for fishermen due to overfishing and the need to venture further into the ocean.Disruption of the fishing industry, leading to economic hardship for those dependent on fishing.Loss of traditional way of life and cultural identity for Maldivian fishermen.These factors highlight the dire consequences of overfishing and the sinking Maldives on the livelihoods of the Maldivian population, necessitating urgent action to address these issues.Increased VulnerabilityWith the loss of land and infrastructure due to severe erosion and the critical water shortage caused by the lack of access to fresh groundwater, the vulnerability of the Maldivian population is further exacerbated by the impact of climate change on coral reefs.Rising sea levels and increasing ocean temperatures have led to significant damage to the coral reefs surrounding the Maldives. Approximately 60% of these reefs have been bleached, posing a threat to marine life and the fishing industry, which is a vital source of income for many Maldivians.The deterioration of coral reefs not only disrupts the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem but also affects the availability of fish, a staple food for the population. This, combined with the loss of land and the critical water shortage, intensifies the vulnerability of the Maldivian people, who rely heavily on these resources for their livelihoods.The impact of climate change on the Maldives highlights the urgent need for adaptation and mitigation strategies to ensure the well-being and sustainability of the population.Environmental Consequences of Sinking IslandsAs the Maldives Island sinks, the environmental consequences are becoming increasingly apparent. The sinking of islands, such as the Maldives, is primarily driven by the effects of climate change. Rising sea levels and increased frequency of extreme weather events are causing significant damage to this island nation.The environmental consequences of sinking islands can be devastating, with long-lasting effects. Here are three key consequences:Loss of Biodiversity: The Maldives is home to diverse marine ecosystems, including coral reefs and seagrass beds. As the island sinks, these habitats are being submerged, leading to the loss of crucial biodiversity. Coral reefs, in particular, are highly sensitive to changes in water depth and quality, and their destruction can have a cascading effect on the entire marine ecosystem.Coastal Erosion and Land Loss: Rising sea levels contribute to coastal erosion, resulting in the loss of valuable land. The Maldives, being a low-lying island nation, is particularly vulnerable to land loss. As the land disappears, it not only affects the livelihoods of the local population but also exacerbates the risk of flooding and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources.Disruption of Natural Processes: Sinking islands disrupt natural processes that are vital for the functioning of ecosystems. For instance, the sinking of islands can alter tidal patterns and water flow, affecting the distribution of nutrients and sediment. These disruptions can have far-reaching consequences for the overall health and productivity of marine and terrestrial ecosystems.The sinking of the Maldives Island serves as a stark reminder of the devastating effects of climate change on vulnerable island nations. Urgent action is needed to mitigate these consequences and protect the environment for future generations.Strategies for Mitigating the Sinking CrisisWhat strategies can be implemented to mitigate the sinking crisis of islands like the Maldives? The Maldives government, in response to the threat of rising sea levels and climate change, has been taking proactive measures to address the sinking crisis. These strategies can be categorized into three main areas: coastal protection, sustainable development, and international cooperation.Coastal protection is crucial in safeguarding the islands from the encroaching sea. The Maldives government has been investing in building seawalls and barriers to reduce the impact of waves and erosion. Additionally, they have implemented beach nourishment programs, where sand is replenished on the shores to counteract erosion and maintain the natural coastline.Sustainable development is another key strategy to mitigate the sinking crisis. The Maldives government has been focusing on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. They have also implemented strict regulations on waste management and sustainable tourism practices to minimize environmental degradation.International cooperation is vital in addressing the sinking crisis, as it is a global issue that requires collective action. The Maldives government has been actively participating in international climate change conferences and advocating for stronger commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They have also sought financial and technical assistance from international organizations and developed countries to support their adaptation and mitigation efforts.The table below provides a summary of the strategies implemented by the Maldives government to mitigate the sinking crisis:StrategyDescriptionExamplesCoastal ProtectionBuilding seawalls and barriers, implementing beach nourishment programsConstructing seawalls along vulnerable coastlines, replenishing eroded beaches with sandSustainable DevelopmentInvesting in renewable energy sources, implementing strict regulations on waste management and sustainable tourismInstalling solar panels, regulating waste disposal practices, promoting eco-friendly tourismInternational CooperationParticipating in climate change conferences, seeking financial and technical assistanceAdvocating for stronger commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, seeking support from international organizationsImplementing Adaptation Measures in the MaldivesIn order to address the sinking crisis in the Maldives, it's crucial to implement adaptation measures that can protect the coastal areas from further erosion and submergence.Coastal protection strategies, such as building seawalls and breakwaters, can help mitigate the impacts of rising sea levels.Additionally, investing in resilient infrastructure that can withstand the effects of climate change is essential for the long-term survival of the Maldives.Lastly, community-based adaptation initiatives that involve local communities in decision-making processes and empower them to implement sustainable practices can contribute to the overall resilience of the islands.Coastal Protection StrategiesCoastal protection strategies, such as implementing adaptation measures in the Maldives, have become crucial in addressing the urgent issue of sinking islands. With the Maldives being one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change, it's essential to develop effective strategies to protect the coastal areas from further erosion and inundation.To tackle this pressing issue, the Maldivian government has embarked on a comprehensive coastal protection plan. This plan includes the following strategies:Building sea walls: Constructing barriers along the coastline to prevent waves from reaching the shore and causing erosion.Mangrove restoration: Planting and restoring mangrove forests to act as natural buffers against waves and storm surges.Land reclamation projects: Creating additional land by filling in areas with sand and sediment, providing a larger buffer zone against rising sea levels.These coastal protection strategies aim to safeguard the Maldivian islands and their communities from the devastating consequences of sinking islands. By implementing these adaptation measures, the Maldives can mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure the long-term resilience of their coastal areas.Building Resilient InfrastructureTo effectively address the urgent issue of sinking islands in the Maldives, the implementation of adaptation measures, specifically building resilient infrastructure, is crucial.The Maldives is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change, with rising sea levels threatening its existence.Building resilient infrastructure is a proactive approach that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change and protect the Maldives from further sinking. This involves developing innovative engineering solutions, such as elevated roads and buildings, to ensure the country's sustainability and resilience.A new project focused on the development of resilient infrastructure is underway, aiming to strengthen the Maldives against the ongoing challenges posed by climate change.Community-Based Adaptation InitiativesCommunity-based adaptation initiatives in the Maldives are essential for implementing adaptation measures at the local level to address the impacts of climate change. This includes sea level rise and erosion, which pose significant threats to the vulnerable communities living on small islands in the Maldives. These initiatives aim to protect these communities and safeguard their livelihoods.To achieve this, the government of Maldives has implemented a National Adaptation Programme of Action. This programme seeks to advocate for global action on climate change and secure support for these community-based initiatives. The government recognizes the importance of addressing climate change on a global scale to effectively mitigate its impacts on vulnerable communities in the Maldives.Research and studies on climate change in the Maldives have been conducted to understand the local perceptions of climate change impacts. These studies also aim to develop sustainable solutions to address these impacts. One such solution includes the development of floating homes and artificial island construction to address the challenges faced by the Maldives in the face of rising sea levels.Additionally, the government is focusing on sustainable solutions for environmental challenges such as overfishing and waste management. These challenges not only impact the fishing industry, which is crucial for the livelihoods of many Maldivians, but also have adverse effects on the natural environment. The government recognizes the need to address these challenges in order to protect the delicate ecological balance of the Maldives.Importance of International Cooperation in Addressing the IssueInternational cooperation plays a crucial role in addressing the sinking of the Maldives island due to the collective efforts required to combat the impacts of climate change. The sinking of the Maldives is primarily caused by the rise in sea levels, which is a direct result of global climate change. As such, collaboration among nations becomes essential in implementing effective measures and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally.The support and assistance from the international community are vital for the Maldives. This includes financial aid, technology transfer, and expertise to develop sustainable solutions to the challenges posed by climate change. The Maldives, being a small island nation, lacks the resources and capacity to tackle the issue on its own. International cooperation provides the necessary resources and knowledge-sharing platforms to address the sinking of the Maldives and other vulnerable island nations facing similar environmental threats.Multilateral partnerships and agreements are necessary to establish frameworks for addressing climate change impacts, including sea level rise. These partnerships allow for the development of coordinated strategies and actions that can benefit all parties involved. By working together, countries can pool their resources and expertise to create resilient and adaptive solutions that protect the Maldives and other at-risk regions.International cooperation also facilitates the sharing of best practices, knowledge, and resources. Countries can learn from each other's experiences and successes in addressing climate change. This exchange of information can help identify innovative approaches and strategies that can be implemented in the Maldives and other vulnerable regions.Public Opinion on Climate Change in the MaldivesGiven the Maldivian public's heightened awareness of the imminent threat posed by rising sea levels, their views on climate change reflect a strong sense of urgency and solidarity. The Maldives, an archipelago of low-lying islands, is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, with the rising sea levels posing a direct threat to the very existence of the country.The public's opinion on climate change in the Maldives can be summarized as follows:High concern and awareness: The Maldivian public is deeply concerned about the impact of climate change on their country. They're aware that their islands are sinking and that their environment, economy, and cultural heritage are at risk. This awareness has sparked a sense of urgency and a desire for action.Support for government initiatives and international cooperation: There's widespread support for the government's efforts to combat climate change. The public recognizes the need for collective action and is willing to cooperate with international partners to find solutions. They believe that addressing climate change requires a united front and are willing to contribute to global efforts.Openness to innovative solutions: The Maldivian public is open to exploring innovative solutions to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change. They recognize the need for new approaches, such as artificial island construction and floating homes, to ensure their survival. They're also willing to embrace new architectural designs that can withstand rising sea levels and environmental degradation.Relevant Studies and Research on the TopicThrough extensive research and studies conducted on the topic, valuable insights and data have been gathered regarding the impact of climate change on the Maldives and potential solutions to mitigate its effects. These studies have provided a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to the sinking of the Maldives island and have identified the urgent need for action.One relevant study conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted that the Maldives is one of the most vulnerable countries to sea-level rise. The study projected that by the end of the century, the sea level around the Maldives could rise by up to 0.59 meters, posing a significant threat to the low-lying island nation. This research clearly indicates that the sinking of the Maldives island is a direct consequence of climate change.Furthermore, research conducted by the Maldives Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has emphasized the importance of understanding the underlying causes of the sinking. Their studies have revealed that the main drivers of the sinking are the melting of polar ice caps, thermal expansion of seawater due to global warming, and the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms and cyclones.To address this pressing issue, various research initiatives have proposed potential solutions. These include the construction of artificial islands and the implementation of coastal protection measures such as seawalls and breakwaters. Additionally, studies have highlighted the need for sustainable development practices, including the promotion of renewable energy sources and the conservation of marine ecosystems.Exploring the Future of the Maldives Amidst Sinking ConcernsThe future of the sinking Maldives island poses significant challenges and uncertainties for its inhabitants and the global community. As climate change continues to accelerate, the Maldives is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of rising sea levels. This raises concerns about the long-term viability of the islands and the well-being of its people.To better understand the future of the Maldives amidst sinking concerns, we need to consider several key factors:Adaptation strategies: The Maldives government has been actively exploring adaptation strategies to mitigate the effects of sinking. These strategies include building sea walls, relocating communities to higher ground, and implementing sustainable tourism practices. However, the effectiveness and feasibility of these measures remain uncertain.Economic implications: The Maldives heavily relies on tourism, which contributes significantly to its economy. The sinking of the islands could have severe economic repercussions, including a decline in tourist arrivals, loss of jobs, and reduced revenue. The government must find alternative sources of income and diversify the economy to ensure the country's sustainability.International cooperation: Addressing the sinking concerns in the Maldives requires international cooperation and support. The global community must work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, curb climate change, and provide assistance to vulnerable nations like the Maldives. Collaborative efforts can help find innovative solutions and ensure the well-being of the Maldivian people.As we explore the future of the Maldives amidst sinking concerns, it's crucial to acknowledge the urgency of the situation. The impacts of climate change are already being felt, and immediate action is necessary to protect both the Maldives and other low-lying nations facing similar challenges. By prioritizing sustainability, adaptation, and international cooperation, we can strive towards a future where the Maldives and its people can thrive despite the threats posed by rising sea levels.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Many Years Left for Maldives to Sink?We can't accurately predict the exact number of years left for the Maldives to sink due to the impact of climate change. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the Maldives faces significant challenges from rising sea levels.In response, the government has implemented relocation plans and is seeking international assistance to address the threat. Efforts to combat climate change and protect vulnerable nations like the Maldives are crucial to ensure their long-term survival.How Much of the Maldives Is Underwater?Rising sea levels have had a significant environmental impact on the Maldives. A considerable portion of the country is now underwater due to the vulnerability of the low-lying land.In response, the Maldives has made relocation plans, such as the construction of an elevated island and a floating city. These efforts aim to provide a long-term solution to the threat of rising sea levels, ensuring the survival of the Maldivian people in the face of this challenge.How Do You Stop Maldives From Sinking?To stop the Maldives Island from sinking, we need to focus on coastal protection, sustainable development, and climate change adaptation.Implementing effective coastal protection measures, such as sea walls and mangrove restoration, can help mitigate the impacts of rising sea levels.Additionally, prioritizing sustainable development practices, such as renewable energy and green infrastructure, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rate of climate change.Lastly, investing in climate change adaptation strategies, like elevating infrastructure and relocating communities, can ensure the long-term viability of the Maldives.What Is the Biggest Threat to the Maldives?The biggest threat to the Maldives is climate change. Rising sea levels pose a significant risk to the low-lying islands, causing them to sink and disappear.The environmental impact of climate change, including increased temperatures and extreme weather events, further exacerbates the vulnerability of the Maldives.It's crucial to address this issue by implementing sustainable solutions and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to protect the Maldives and its people from the devastating consequences of climate change.ConclusionIn conclusion, the sinking of the Maldives poses a significant threat to its population and environment. With rising sea levels and the potential for catastrophic flooding, urgent action is needed to address climate change and mitigate the risks.The implementation of adaptation measures is crucial, but international cooperation is equally important in finding a long-term solution.As we ponder the future of the Maldives amidst sinking concerns, we must ask ourselves: Will we stand by and watch these islands disappear, or will we take decisive action to save them?
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:23 Pseudonymous_Rex Another AI Risk: Loss of Knowledge

If we fast forward GPTs capabilities, pretty soon it should be able to make some things very accurately that take humans a long time to do, by compounding a lot of academic knowledge, for example.
One case I am thinking of is constitutive modeling. I have done some of this myself, for doing vibration analyses, stress and strain, static failure, etc. It's hard and you kind of need to be an expert (as an example, a top professoresearcher in the field might reasonably spend a lot of research time on detailed constitutive modeling of human thorax, or etc).
Sooner or later I should be able to ask GPT, "Please make me an accurate, detailed Constitutive model of the entire human body, with all mechanical and chemical processes handled in every system. I need it to be flexible as male or female, from infants to late old age (with stochastics on various infirmities of the older subjects) I will be using this to test car safety." Basically you're asking GPT for a grail-perfect all encompassing model. And sooner or later, I guess GPT can do it.
Now several things show up:
(1) Who checks this model? Of course GPT could make mistakes. It seems the thing I have asked for should include some very complex factors such as aging and aging with diseases (common and uncommon), perhaps different dynamics of infants. These would all need very knowledgeable experts to check them. Like a whole team of people who are potentially both specialist doctors and mechanical (or specialized PhD biomed) engineers at the same time, also chemists, etc. It's a lot!
And even after vetting, you would need to validate results were within expected parameters.
This project is so immensely big, I don't know where you would get the people to verify and validate your model. And it's only really one domain I'm talking about.
(2) Lets expand this. Sooner or later, let's say GPT-9 is VERY GOOD and we believe in every way it's better than 200 PhDs on problems like this. Cool, so you ask for your constitutive model. Well, why did you even need the domain knowledge to say "constitutive model?" Just say "I need a simulated human for crash-testing." But then, why be even that domain specific? Why not say "I need a car that is safe for humans?"
Let's assume there aren't errors in GPT's output, and it makes a perfectly safe car, implicitly doing all the simulations on God-level perfect constitutive models of humans.
Don't we soon lose the ability to be good engineers and just become dependent slaves to the AI?
(3) I have given the extreme end in (2) above. Lets dial it back and say that GPT works in tandem with humans as a time-saving framework. Lets say as an engineer, I need not focus on smaller-level numerical models and multiphysics to get my constitutive model right. Let's say GPT can handle all this in the background while I design a tool, and it's "mostly good" at it.
This is great, right? It multiplies my efforts as an engineer, and saves me from having to hire as many people to get the job done or spend my precious time doing it.
Still though, while I am becoming an expert in using the abstraction, lower level expertise, below the level of the abstraction is less necessary and less used. Like how people programming on game engines aren't typically working up from an 8086, and don't usually know the kinds of at-the-metal stuff that a whole generation of people knew, which contributed much to making those game engines... Who will make the new engines? (All-knowing GPT, I guess?, and that leads back to point (2), if indirectly)
Also, what else does that deep unabstracted knowledge contribute to? We're kind of past ICs and into microcontrollers. If no one had had to work from z80s and 6502s, and the whole generation of programmers had all been on high-level abstractions such as powerful game engines, then who would have kicked off that revolution?
TL;DR: I'm not saying working at the levels of abstraction or trained neural-network assistant is """bad""" -- obviously you can do a lot more with Bethesda's engine than you can with Forth. And I think a good engineer will be able to solve a lot of problems with GPT-9. Just, there is likely some cost to losing a culture of people holding the very deep, decades-acquired knowledge of the other stuff that we "don't need to worry about" either.
submitted by Pseudonymous_Rex to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:46 londontradingcompany The Inevitability of Short Seller Losses and Squeezes in SoundHound Inc. Stock

Thesis: The Inevitability of Short Seller Losses and Squeezes in SoundHound Inc. Stock
This thesis explores the factors that could lead to significant losses and potential squeezes for short sellers of SoundHound Inc. stock. By examining the company's competitive advantages, market position, technological innovations, and financial metrics, the study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of why short sellers might face unfavorable outcomes over time. The analysis will include case studies, historical precedents, and theoretical frameworks relevant to short-selling dynamics and stock market behavior.


SoundHound Inc., a prominent player in the voice recognition and artificial intelligence industry, has garnered substantial attention from investors and analysts alike. While some market participants are bullish on the company's prospects, short sellers have targeted the stock, betting on its decline. This thesis posits that short sellers of SoundHound Inc. will likely incur losses or be forced to cover their positions due to several key factors including the company's technological leadership, strategic partnerships, growing market demand, and positive financial trajectory.

Technological Leadership and Innovation

SoundHound's cutting-edge technology in speech recognition and natural language processing sets it apart from competitors. The company's continuous investment in research and development has resulted in robust and sophisticated voice AI solutions. Innovations such as advanced voice query processing, intelligent voice assistants, and comprehensive voice-enabled platforms provide a strong foundation for future growth. These technological advancements not only enhance the company's product offerings but also create high barriers to entry for new competitors, solidifying SoundHound's market position.

Strategic Partnerships and Market Position

SoundHound has established strategic partnerships with major industry players, integrating its technology into a wide array of applications and devices. Collaborations with automotive manufacturers, smart device producers, and software companies extend the reach of SoundHound's solutions and foster widespread adoption. These partnerships are crucial for driving revenue growth and expanding market presence. As the adoption of voice-enabled technologies increases, SoundHound is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the market, thereby boosting investor confidence and stock value.

Growing Market Demand

The global market for voice recognition and AI-driven solutions is experiencing rapid growth. With the increasing popularity of smart devices, virtual assistants, and hands-free interfaces, the demand for advanced voice recognition technology is set to rise. SoundHound, with its innovative solutions and established market presence, is poised to benefit from this trend. The company's ability to meet and exceed market expectations will likely lead to sustained revenue growth, positively impacting its stock price and making it a less attractive target for short sellers.

Financial Trajectory and Performance

SoundHound's financial performance, characterized by consistent revenue growth, improving margins, and prudent cost management, further supports the thesis that short sellers will face challenges. Strong financial health, demonstrated by positive earnings reports and forward-looking guidance, will attract long-term investors and discourage short selling. Additionally, any positive earnings surprise or favorable financial forecast could trigger a short squeeze, forcing short sellers to cover their positions at a loss.

Historical Precedents and Theoretical Frameworks

Historical precedents indicate that innovative companies with strong market positions and growing demand often experience stock price appreciation, contrary to short sellers' expectations. The theoretical framework of short squeezes, where short sellers rush to cover their positions due to rising stock prices, further reinforces the potential for losses. Market psychology, investor sentiment, and momentum trading can amplify these dynamics, exacerbating the impact on short sellers.

Case Studies

Several case studies of companies in similar positions to SoundHound will be examined to illustrate the potential outcomes for short sellers. Notable examples include Tesla, Netflix, and Amazon, where short sellers faced significant losses due to the companies' strong fundamentals, market dominance, and investor optimism. These case studies provide valuable insights into the mechanisms and outcomes of short squeezes and long-term stock appreciation.


In conclusion, the combination of SoundHound's technological innovation, strategic partnerships, growing market demand, and strong financial performance creates a challenging environment for short sellers. The likelihood of sustained stock price appreciation and the potential for short squeezes suggest that short sellers will face significant risks and potential losses over time. This thesis underscores the importance of understanding market dynamics and company fundamentals when engaging in short selling and highlights the potential pitfalls of betting against innovative, high-growth companies like SoundHound Inc.


(Note: The references listed are examples. For an actual thesis, proper academic sources and up-to-date company reports should be cited.)
submitted by londontradingcompany to roaringkittybackup [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:38 Alarmed_Awareness152 Finding the right Journal for my Article

Hi I'm a medical student (MS4) from Pakistan. I'm conducting a research on Body Dysmorphic Disorder in medical students. I'm a total newbie to research submission. I know how to write an article by learning from reading other ones but I'm lost at the submitting-to-a-journal process. Is American Journal of Psychiatry a good option? I read at their website that they don't take APCs but instead make the article open-access a year later? Or is that too ambitious and should I go for some other journal? Please suggest, considering I need a very low cost one, preferably if it accepts and publishes for free.
submitted by Alarmed_Awareness152 to research [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:31 Alarmed_Awareness152 Finding a Journal to Publish my Article

Hi I'm a medical student (MS4) from Pakistan. I'm conducting a research on Body Dysmorphic Disorder in medical students. I'm a total newbie to research submission. I know how to write an article by learning from reading other ones but I'm lost at the submitting-to-a-journal process. Is American Journal of Psychiatry a good option? I read at their website that they don't take APCs but instead make the article open-access a year later? Or is that too ambitious and should I go for some other journal? Please suggest, considering I need a very low cost one, preferably if it accepts and publishes for free.
submitted by Alarmed_Awareness152 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:12 HauntedSzn im a beginner in research, need help for CF asap!

hello,, im a grade 11 student. we have an ongoing study entitled "Uncovering the World of Game-Based Learning through Teachers' Perspective: A Qualitative Study", exploring the experiences of teachers in using gamification techniques in classes, as well as their insights about gamification itself (like, is it a recommended strategy?) and their perceived pros and cons.
i know the basics of conceptual framework (ID, DV, etc) but somehow, we're having a rlly hard time in constructing one for this study.
here's our SOP: 1. What are the lived experiences of teachers in utilizing gamification techniques? 2. What are the insights of teachers regarding the use of gamification? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using game-based learning, whether traditional or online?
please don't judge our work, this has been approved by our adviser and again, this is only our 2nd research study ever. thank you! 🥲🥹
submitted by HauntedSzn to research [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:54 Kam_Solastor Exploration: A framework idea for both CIG and players

Exploration has long been a topic of discussion for the player base as a potentially very 'deep' play style, but we have not gotten much official word on it, both due to the game not being ready to support such mechanics yet, and many other things already set in the schedule ahead of it. With this in mind, I wanted to share an idea I had in terms of how exploration could look in the future.
One of the biggest challenges for exploration is it needs to be both engaging to players to actually get them to dig into the mechanics and content of it, while still being sustainable for CIG to implement without overly taxing them or taking up a too large amount of dev time that is needed elsewhere - too much handcrafting will eat up dev time that is needed elsewhere - but too little, and players quickly get bored with copy-pasted assets. room designs, etc.
Additionally, 'exploration' in a general sense is a bit of an intangible idea - what exploration means to one person may be very different to another - so I hope that this may give a bit of groundwork to build an idea of exploration that is functional from a gameplay perspective.
So, to begin with, my idea would start with 'exploration nodes' - these would be areas where exploration gameplay will be placed that can either be on planets or moons, or in space, and would have some kind of 'size' ranking attached to them. For a rough example, a 'small' exploration node may be a crashed satellite, a 'medium' node could be an abandoned outpost similar to what we have on planets and moons now, and a 'large' node could be a capital ship wreck or large research complex. Again, these are rough ideas to sketch out the framework of the idea - there could be several more 'sizes' and aspects tied to those sizes.
To use the crashed satellite example to show how this would look, if you were exploring around in a 315P and came across an odd, stray signal (or using whatever mechanic CIG would use for us to 'detect' the exploration nodes where the content is), and you then track down the satellites location, you may have a few options on what to do with it - lets say it's an old UEE military recon satellite used for passive observation: you could choose to turn it in to the UEE and gain both a finders fee for this, as well as some positive reputation for turning it in. You could try to access the data on it and see if you could use it yourself, sell it - to the UEE or other interested organizations i.e. criminal, etc. You could even, potentially, just disassemble the satellite for parts and get some resources from it to sell or use yourself. And obviously, just with the satellite idea, there could be several variations on this, and it could be placed both in space or on a moon or planet.
For a bigger example, lets say a medium node, you could find an abandoned Banu research outpost, and in it you could find cargo, research data (a tie in to science gameplay, perhaps?), weapons or armor 'upgrades', as CIG have said they've wanted to make our personal gear more customizable and in depth similar to how ships are, etc. And with this similar to the satellite data, you could use it yourself, sell the location information to either the UEE or other interested parties, break down things into basic usable components, etc.
Now, so far I've talked about how this looks from a player side, but how does this look from the development side to try and make it so that there will continue to be content that is interesting to players and not just copy-pasted, but not waste dev time overly much? My thought is that nodes would be placed all over planets, moons, and in space, and the vast majority of them, most of the time, would empty. This allows for the experience to not get 'stale' and even if a player were to 'camp' a location, there would often not be anything there, thus reducing the possibility of cheesing the experience.
Additionally, nodes have a time frame tied to their size for how long they 'stick around' - so that crashed satellite node, being a 'small' one, would stick around for maybe 2-3 days before disappearing and another small node being activated elsewhere. A medium node may stick around for 3-7 days, and a large node might stick around for a week and a half, two weeks, more? And again, these are all just examples, and there could be many more layers added to this with differing time frames attached to them - there could be a 'super large' exploration node, say a crashed capital ship, that may stick around for a month or two, for example.
For the actual exploration node 'content', CIG could use similar procedural tech as they have already shown to make several randomized sets of buildings and placement of items inside of buildings and/or ship wrecks (or caves, etc etc), as well as randomizing to some degree the resources/rewards/information available at that node - so, lets say that you come across a downed satellite again, instead of it being a lost or abandoned UEE recon drone, it is instead an old mining satellite, denoting a possible rich ore vein nearby, and vice versa, you could discover 'UEE recon data' in an abandoned facility instead of from a satellite.
Having the 'location/type' of node being separate from the 'resource/reward' of the node would allow for an exponentially larger amount of 'scenarios' for players to come across to keep it somewhat interesting even hundreds of hours in, as even if you have discovered a similar scenario before, it is unlikely to be exactly the same as one you have seen previously, and any added locations, or resource/reward types put into the 'pool' increases again the number of individual scenarios you can come across, which would be helpful for long-term sustainability even if there is only occasional work put into adding exploration content or a small dedicated team working on it.
Going back to the gameplay side of things, the aspect of nodes having a 'respawn' time frame would offer some additional challenges to how exploration may play out for players based on what kind of 'node' you have found - this would make it so that, for a 'small' node, the chances of a player running across one that someone else has already 'harvested' is low - but not impossible, but in that instance, you likely would not gain much if anything from it, as interactions at a small node would be 'quick'. However, there would likely be many more 'nodes' out there, especially for 'smaller' ones, and so you can quickly try to get on the trail of another node.
However, for 'medium' and 'large' nodes, they would stick around for longer - and with that, potentially taking longer to utilize whatever resource or information they provide, you run into the chance of other players challenging your claim to them, or disrupting your actions - lets say for a research base you want to fully utilize the data in it for a armor upgrade of some kind - but the data is encrypted or damaged, and thus it will take some time to extract it - time where someone else could also discover the location and potentially challenge your claim on it. This would also mean that if you were not prepared to fully utilize (and potentially defend!) a 'large' node you have found, you may choose to, say, quickly harvest what you can from the location and move on or simply mark the location information down to sell, whereas a more prepared or larger team would choose to take their time to fully dig into the node and get the full resources/information/reward available at that node - and be prepared to fight off anyone trying to take it from them as well.
Sorry if this was a bit wordy, but I was thinking of how exploration would actually look for us, and for CIG, as I've seen several ideas out there that may be sustainable for CIG but would be uninteresting for players, or interesting for players, but not sustainable for CIG to make and continue to iterate off of. I hope that this idea at least somewhat fits both boxes and maybe inspires both players and CIG for what we may see in the future with exploration.
Lastly, if anyone else has thoughts on what they think exploration may look like or ideas on furthering the idea I've posted here, please share them, as I'd love to see what other ways people think exploration may play out that makes it standalone from other gameplay loops and both interesting and rewarding, not just at the beginning of the game, but hundreds of hours in and years down the line for Star Citizen.
submitted by Kam_Solastor to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:33 InotiaKing Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act I)

Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act I)
What's up guys! It's your friendly Genshin overthinker Inotia King. As always before we begin I just want to make sure new readers have checked out my first topic which is the basis for all my theories. So if you haven't checked that out yet please click here.
The new story's come and gone now and it seems to just be a reinforcement for what we've seen previously. We did already know that Remus tried to pull a Deshret but now we're seeing how far people go to achieve this flawed idea. Both Remus and Deshret before him realized just a little too late that preserved eternity was never going to work and dissolving everybody's consciousnesses into a collective goo was a bad idea. The Golden Slumber didn't save anybody and neither would melting people into Ichor, shoving their bodies into statues and then shoving them into a magical musical score. Ei lucked out in this sense. She had Yae pulling out all the stops to prevent it, using the Traveler to push Ei into place for Makoto to finally show her what she'd learned herself.
So while it isn't groundbreaking to know that Boethius was wrong just like Rene would also be wrong centuries later I think this quest series gave us a few more details and showcased more of the research the miHoYo devs do for these regions. Therefore just like I did last year with Farakhkert I want to discuss a few of them.
We've actually known about this city (town?) for a long time. I think it's actually the first Fontaine city we learn about, all the way back when Inazuma first released. I don't think anybody really thought too much about it either but now it's name really makes sense. Petrichor is made from the two Greek words petr and ichor so in terms of Genshin it's very on the nose. Remus literally turned his people into ichor by dissolving their Oceanid bodies with the Primordial Sea and then shoving the resulting goo into statues, the petr or stone. In real life petrichor is just the smell of rainwater on dirt and the word ichor is actually what the Greeks called the blood of gods. From a Genshin perspective it was in a way what Remus intended the Ichor to be, a way for humanity to break free from fate which they believed was the power the gods had over them.
But what is actually new is where Petrichor is. Previously we didn't even know that Fontaine was on an artificially raised platform so there was no reason to believe Petrichor would fall into some weirdly separated space yet still be called part of the region. Our oldest information about it was just that it's waters were very pure and it was beautiful. Yeah that's pretty much all of Fontaine though. In fact we knew so little about Petrichor back then that even by v4.3 Xavier, who is a local never talked about how it wasn't actually located on the Fontaine plateau but rather some separated area where even the drown-proof aspect of Fontaine's waters didn't reach. So what is this area of Fontaine called? Nostoi which is Greek for "return." In our world it was part of the story about the Trojan War, preceding Homer's the Odyssey and acts like a prologue for that part of the story, the return of the Greek heroes besides Odysseus back from the war. (There's an "Ajax" who dies in this story though he's not the same Ajax that Childe is based on.)
Side Note: This timeline placement might also be important but that's a topic for another day.
There's actually a French connection to Petrichor too probably to justify it's inclusion in a French region lol. If you talk to Xavier's childhood friend (and girl next door) Goldoni, her possessing Remurian tells you about Petrocorii a territory of Remuria that fell to barbarians. In our world the petrocorii were Gauls that opposed the Roman Republic during Caesar's time. Unlike petr-ichor, petro-corii is Gallic for four (petro) armies (corios) with corii acting as a common suffix for their tribes.
Actually this connection to Gauls keeps going. In the same dialogue that Goldoni tells us about Petrocorii she name drops Lucius Septimius Sebelius which is a reference to Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus. (Sebelius is likely just an intentional bastardization of Severus but Sebelius is a real surname too.) Severus is notable for being the founder of the last Roman Dynasty before the Crisis of the Third Century, when Rome was temporarily defeated by the Gallic Empire. I actually brought up this part of Roman history in another topic about something that should have been totally unrelated lol. It was about how religion was historically tied to currency on our side of the world.
Side Note: Goldoni herself may be a reference to the Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni. I bring this up because it's a common theme when it comes to Remuria but that's also a topic for another day.
Finally when possessed Goldoni calls Xavier, Xaverius. This is a reference to Franciscus Xaverius or Saint Francis Xavier, the first missionary that went to Japan before it went into Sakoku. The name Xavier is interesting by itself though. It actually predates most of these references because it's a Latinized version of the Paleo-European (Basque) surname Echevarria meaning new house. The Basques are the last surviving ethnic group native to Europe (current Europeans are all some form of Indo-European, including the Celts, Romans, Germanics) and their modern populations are located in Spain and France, influencing both nations over time. Who knew our engineefilmmaker would be such an interesting reference to his hometown which also is a preceding ancient culture that heavily influenced the modern French-inspired one?
Side Note 1: After completing the Remuria World Quest it's discovered that Petrichor is stagnating. The elderly are increasingly closed off and the young find the town boring and are starting to leave. This might be a reference to the Vatican which has the world's oldest median age. As the headquarters of Catholicism it's also very traditional and young people have been leaving it too, though part of the reason is disillusionment of religion over the many scandals plaguing the church. (That said the young Petrichorians might wanna stick around. If Mecantre and Babisse are brainstorming what I think they are then Petrichor might become really interesting one day.)
Side Note 2: Geographically Petrichor would more likely be based on Corsica but there is no shortage of self-importance as a stereotype of the Corsicans. No young people are going to ditch that town anytime soon. It was the birthplace of Napoleon after all. However that could actually be the link to Petrichor, to the pre-World Quest version where everybody is a proud Remurian. According to a friend I have who is part French, as arrogant as the rest of the world see the French, the French see the Corsicans. And certainly that was the vibe we got upon speaking to all of the Remurians.
Yes the previous section was just the name of the region and all the stuff we can gather from just that. That's how miHoYo's devs do things haha
Now for a speed round. Hortus is the Proto-Indo-European for garden while euergetis is Greek for a worker who does good work. Together it probably means Garden of the Good Worker. However Euergetis can also be a title applied to good leaders specifically female leaders of the Hellenistic world. (Euergetes is the masculine form) Cleopatra III was also called Cleopatra Euergetis for example. The "garden" can only be reached by doing the World Quest so it's likely this garden honors Sybilla who does have the merits to justify the title.
With Caesareum Palace I'm pretty sure miHoYo was going for the specific Caesareum of Alexandria so they mean a temple but that's not was Caesareum actually means. It just means Julius Caesar who of course doesn't exist in Genshin. (although going off of Rene's Root Cycle stuff he's supposed to show up sooner or later lol)
Collegium Phonascorum is probably the easiest to match with the theme. It's just a group of music teachers. Since the whole thing was getting people ready for the Grand Symphony it makes sense to have some teachers teaching the music stuff. That said it's not actually a group at all. It's the name of a place and that makes sense with its real name 谐律院 or Courtyard of Harmony. Actually 谐律 is really fitting. The term does mean harmony but in both the sense of being united in peace and in terms of musical harmony, being in tune with each other. It's a very nice allusion to what the Grand Symphony was meant to do.
That said Phobos is such a red flag lol! Phobos aka phobia is the God of Fear. (alongside brother Deimos) No wonder this genius plan failed.
Wasn't Fortuna the man's boat? Can't have a physical device double as an abstract concept my friends. That said if Fortuna actually means fate then it fits even better with the Stella Fortuna thing Ashikai came up with before, but she'd have to forego the connection with sun gods.
Sebastos is the Greek version of Augustus. But I don't think Sebastos Remus is correct syntax. If this was Latin then honorifics come after the name so Remus Augustus. It would be just like the Guuji Yae issue. In English the localization team went with Guuji Yae but Raiden Shogun. Raiden Shogun is correct but because of that the correct syntax would be Yae Guuji, surnames followed by titles. In Greek we have Oedipus Rex or Oedipus Tyrannus so the titles do come after the name and therefore it should be Remus Sebastos. But I read somewhere that modern Greek puts the titles first like keerie Remus would be Mr. Remus and not Remus keerie. If there are Greeks reading this please advise thanks!
Osse the cat first named himself Ouranides of Ouranopolis. Ouranides is just the name for the first generation of Titans because they were the children of Ouranos. I'm not sure what that was trying to reference for the game. Ouranos would be Saturn so he's one of the Classical Planets that have come up before. It is interesting to note that the children of the sea, the Oceanides were the second generation of Titans. Maybe Osse was trying to suggest that Remurians were the first generation of Fontainians while the ones we know of today (the former Oceanid humans) are the second?
Anyway Ouranopolis is a real place or it was. It's just south of Macedonia. Today there's a small town there called Ouranopoli with a very lovely beach. Pretty sure that's not what Remus was going for when he called it the city of the future.
And of course we learn that our keerie Ouranides is really Cassiodor based on Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus who was born in Scylletium. Probably just a cute reference. Scylla himself is a reference to a monster from the Odyssey sometimes described like a hydra. (S)he was the lesser of two evils because the seemingly weaker Charybdis sucked up water and anything that happens to be floating on it. We have a reference to Charybdis too all the way back in the Narzissenkreuz World Quest when we go to Fort Charybdis Ruins.
Anyway Cassiodorus was a contemporary of Boethius and actually replaced him as magister officiorum when he was accused and executed for conspiracy against Rome. Gee if only Remus had let Romulus run things huh? The Romurian Empire would've seen Boe-boe coming a mile away. That said his charges were trumped up. Real life Boethius was a good guy. He was trying to reunite the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. (albeit it probably wasn't going to happen since the "Western Roman Empire" we're talking about is Germanic Rome and even today we have trouble accepting that Rome.) Cassiodorus himself lasted much longer probably because he was stationed in the Eastern Roman Empire and became more focused on education than politics. Finally, he would retire to Castellum not a golden castellum but a monastery where he continued supporting education.
Before we dive into the Faded Castle part there are NPCs that are also significant. First you have Contarini Tiepolo a cop whose name is actually made up of two surnames from important Venetian families. She interpreted some of her lingering memories from being possessed as the Liliacruces Ordo. This is another fiction actually. The Liliacruces Ordo is based on the Narzissenkreuz Ordo and was popularized in Fontaine's mystery novels that Paimon likes so much.
Her father Tiepolo is the Doge. It's not bit currency but Italian for the Latin Dux or leader. It was a title used in the Republic of Venice and he's actually based on the first Duke of the city-state, Jacopo Tiepolo. Duke is also a form of Dux.
We already knew Cassiodor was a Harmost but now these Remurians are calling him Dominus. Harmost is Greek, specifically Spartan for a military leader. As it relates to what Remus did during his conquests the Spartans used the Harmosts to undermine Athens push for democracy with the Delian League. Similarly Dominus is a title used by Roman Emperors only after the Crisis of the Third Century when it started declining and becoming more authoritarian. Dominus actually translates to head or master like that of a household. For instance Roman slaves addressed their masters as Dominus.
And it's the household thing that plays out in the next term: Domus Aurea or the Golden House. (A dominus is the head of the domus.) It's cute to think this is some kind of link between Remuria and Liyue. Ashikai would love this kind of detail for her God King theory. But I don't think it's what it is. The Golden House in Liyue is literally just the Golden House 黄金屋 whereas Domus Aurea was 黄金的大宫. 大宫 is much more glamorous than 屋. For example the White House is 白宫 and 故宫 is the Imperial Palace. The real Domus Aurea relates more to that latter example. It was Nero's second home after he supposedly burned down Rome in 64AD just to have it built. Sounds about right with who we're dealing with in Genshin's version.
Side Note: Actually could that be why there's a Caesareum Palace? I mean Caesar did burn down Alexandria. And then after he died Cleopatra built the Caesareum to commemorate him. So it could relate to Nero and then our Remus. What do you guys think?
To get to Domus Aurea we're told we need to breach the Initium Iani. Initium means entrance and in the original Chinese it's door which actually works really amusingly with Iani or the Roman god Ianus because he's the God of Doors. Well pretty much all definitions for initium parallel what Ianus was so we could translate Initium Iani as the Doorway of the God of Doorways, Entrance of the God of Entrances, Transition of the God of Transitions, etc. The point was that Ianus represented a change in something like when you change rooms by going through a door, the changes in season every year or changing of the guard between historical periods. It's like the miHoYo devs just wanted to throw in a cute easter egg only nerds would get, the doorway to end all doorways lol
Side Note: Also because their names are so close to each other apparently Janus (alt spelling for Ianus) got mistaken for Juno (Iuno is the more accurate spelling*) sometimes confusing which god represented which month. It's funny because I had previously brought up Juno (and the Golden House actually) in that totally unrelated topic about the Gauls and the history of currency. Again this is all probably just coincidental. I just found it funny.
\or* Yuno for us anime fans. Rome's version was probably more stable though. Then again she is based on Hera so....
And that was all the references I found interesting from the new quest. It's really long so I think I'll leave it at that and save the lore deep dive for next time.
submitted by InotiaKing to GenshinLorepact [link] [comments]