40 by 40 multiplication chart

/r/Warhammer40k - Unofficial Home of 40k on Reddit

2010.05.14 01:28 /r/Warhammer40k - Unofficial Home of 40k on Reddit

Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k.

2013.12.10 22:25 penguinopph April showers bring May WAAAAAGHs

A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the Warhammer 40,000 franchise Official lore and fan fluff are welcomed. For the best viewing experience, we recommend using old reddit version - https://old.reddit.com/40kLore/ For the full list of available user flair, see the flair selection page: https://jonnynoog.github.io/r40kLore/

2013.08.21 15:40 ripster55 Inquiring minds want mature answers

AskMenOver30 is a place for supportive and friendly conversations among adults over 30.

2024.06.02 19:00 kecskefanatik Occasional, long lag in multiplayer

I have a good pc and internet for multiplayer, but many games had multiple stops, some even lasting a minute, I just go red on lag, while only 1 day behind, game stops for 20-40+ seconds then goes back to normal, I can only leave if it happens. Any possible causes?
submitted by kecskefanatik to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 resurrectedbydick Loaf baked over fire

Loaf baked over fire
Far form perfect, but turned out damn delicious. We are off grid, so I had to compromise on a couple of things due to the circumstances.
I don't have a scale so I had to guesstimate the proportions and go by the feel.
1) Generous tablespoon of very active starter (about 30g) and about 100g flour and 100g water to make leaven. 2) After about 3 hours. Mix approx 450g flour and keep adding water in increments until it's no longer thirsty. Keep doing stretches and kneading in-between. I guess I came up to about 70% hidration in total. 3) Autolysis for about 30 minutes. Leaven already looks ready (it was a hot day). Mix dough and leaven, autolysis for an additional 30 minutes. 4) add salt (one tablespoon, aiming for 10g). This time I only added few drops of water to avoid overhidration. 5) do stretch folds every 30 mins for 3 hours. Usually I do this for 4 hours but due to the warm temperature thw dough already increased 30-40% 6) proof inside fridge for 24 hours (intended was 12 but it wasn't suitable to make a fire in the morning) 7) make fire, let the coal lose its orange brightness. Pre-heat cast iron pot. Dust with flour (if it burns, it's too hot). 8) place the dough inside pot, score it and throw in 2 ice cubes.
Mistakes I made: coal at bottom was still too hot, should have waited longer. Did not properly dust cast iron with flour. Proofed too long (due to circumstances).
Any tips for baking over fire? I will make a few more loafs while we're out here.
And btw I don't recommend doing this unless you spend substantial amount of time in one place. Getting all the tools and ingredients, plus keeping the stater alive is quite a hassle.
submitted by resurrectedbydick to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:57 mynameisnotandy2 Pilates Class Boomer(?)

This happened this week, and I’m still seething about it. I attend Club Pilates (well-known Pilates studio chain in the US) and have an unlimited membership across the US so I can attend anywhere, since I go back and forth to the Midwest often. I’ve had some Karens in class, but nothing like this Boomer. (Also, upon seeing her again, she might not be a Boomer?? She could honestly be anywhere from 40-65, so hard to tell. My initial look at her was Boomer, but regardless, she’s acting like one.)
I took a Thursday afternoon, level 1 class. (Lowest level - for beginners to intermediate) We had a new instructor I’d never seen at the studio before, and it was clear she was new (someone was there evaluating her). She used a sheet to cue her moves. Was she slower at cueing? Yes. Was it not as fluid as most classes? Yes. But again - SUPER clear she was new.
This Boomer in the class kicks off the class audibly sighing every time our instructor cues something. She also starts adding her commentary under her breath. To me, this woman also was terrible at Pilates?? Which is fine! It’s for beginners too. But you would think by her sighs, commentary, eye rolls that she was a master at pilates. I was slightly disappointed by having a new instructor, but since I was still getting a good workout, I was fine and then I was ESPECIALLY fine because this boomer’s fucking attitude filled me with rage.
I could tell the instructor was getting flustered by the woman, as of course you would! It was so rude.
After class, I had to go to the desk to apply a gift card, and miss loudmouth was there audibly complaining about the instructor. She apparently was supposed to attend her next class and asked to be removed. Fine, you don’t have to like all instructors and removing yourself is the best thing you can do! But no, she had to keep going. The desk attendant told her to email the owner and the boomer woman was delighted, using the owner by name, “oh I know [name] well, I’ll let him know.”
At this point, I’m like, is this terrible woman somehow affiliated with the owner? Does she have pull? But we get a survey after class about instructors so I of course gave our instructor top marks and planned to talk to the owner myself to offset cunty.
I mostly forget about said woman, until I go to a class the next day. There she is at the desk with the owner complaining and complaining about the instructor. I’m just stunned because holy shit, she wasn’t even remotely that bad, and like, what do you have to gain from this? She is clearly delighted to be regaling this story about how she canceled her next class, how bad she was, etc. and I hear her end the conversation with, “I see she’s teaching tomorrow, so guess she’ll get another chance, but I don’t know, [name of owner]!” As if she fucking has any pull in this. It was so entitled, I am incredibly disgusted going into class.
We have a very seasoned instructor who is about to go on a two month vacation. The entire class, boomer woman is still being loud but happily this time. The instructor also has to correct her multiple times because she can’t do any of the moves properly. At the end of the class, she says, “we’ll miss you, [instructor name] you’re so much better than some instructors here” then says under her breath “like [instructors name she complained about]” and giggles to herself. I am not 100% sure I hear her correctly so I’m just cleaning my reformer, like what???
The owner is busy at the end of class so I don’t want boomer to hear me bitch about her, so I emailed him, explaining what happened. To his credit, he says he knows her well and that she’s very opinionated, and he takes it with a grain of salt. I’m still steaming though.
What in the fuck is it with people like her where she thinks she’s entitled to having someone FIRED for one “bad” class? I get that we pay (a lot) of money for class, but I’ve had dozens of instructors over the years, she was not even remotely the worst. And when I have a bad instructor, I just …stop going! There’s so many studios and instructors. But no, she has to have THIS CLASS at THIS PARTICULAR TIME. (Mind you, this instructor only works 1 day a week!)
I just can’t wrap my head around the smugness, her acting like she has authority, and on top of that, being shit at Pilates. (Not that her being good would be better, but it’s just the icing on the cake.) I was so close to bitching her out, but I didn’t want to make the instructor uncomfortable or cause a scene I can’t come back from since I want to continue to go here. Argh!
tl;dr — boomer at Pilates is an entitled brat who thinks one slower class from someone who is new is a fireable offense. And one that she should take two days to complain about/make it her personal mission to get them fired!
submitted by mynameisnotandy2 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:55 WhatsUpLabradog Is it possible to file a complaint about moderator misconduct?

Earlier today I made a post (https://www.reddit.com/worldnews/comments/1d6b5sn/over_40_of_west_bank_palestinians_support_violent) in worldnews with a news report about a recent survey conducted amongst West Bank Palestinians regarding Hamas, the war in Gaza and Israel. It quickly got as expected a lot of discussion going on, but within an hour or so some moderator removed it, marking "Not Appropriate Subreddit".
This is not right as there are other not-removed posts in worldnews of the exact same type, public polls and surveys such as this post from February about Russians' opinion on the war in Ukraine: https://www.reddit.com/worldnews/comments/1an13sx/poll_77_of_russians_support_war_in_ukraine/
I sent a PM to the mods hours ago requesting to unremove it and got no response. Eventually I made a new post with the article (https://www.reddit.com/worldnews/comments/1d6gc64/over_40_of_west_bank_palestinians_support_violent), and just left a comment explaining that I'm reposting as the content is exactly like previous poll reports allowed in the subreddit yet no mod had replied to my request.
Within 2 minutes I got a permanent ban for making that comment (which is now removed). There was no foul language or anything derogatory in it, it was simply (in short) "posts of this type have evidently not been removed in the past, can't get a mod to reply".
I have a feeling the answer will be that subreddits are independent and their mods can do (almost) anything they want without being consistent, but I think that there should be some rules enforced by the website itself for how moderation is conducted in a subreddit with 37 millions, which can create social effects even outside of reddit.
submitted by WhatsUpLabradog to help [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:54 Previous-Tune-8896 New to Wordpress, want to migrate website I created. Need help please

Hello all, I am a new wordpress user and I've created a wordpress website for the first time just using the free themes etc and now I want to migrate it.
I own a domain and have a DNS plan with on a seperate hosting service, and I want to migrate the website I've created to that domain. I've done my research and saw that it is possible to do this by using plugins, such as the all-in-one plugin, however all of these plugins require memberships that cost $40+. Is there any way to do this for free? If there isn't, then I will gladly pay the subscription for one month to migrate it.
Please let me know! Thanks
submitted by Previous-Tune-8896 to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:54 Appropriate_Style556 Nitrate Control Issues

So bizarre issue here. I’ll start by giving specifics. I have a 20 gallon for my 6 month old about 5.5 inch axolotl and The Nitrates and Ammonia are at 0(have been for the entirety i’ve had him) with the exception of the occasional .25 reading of ammonia, which i believe to be the famed false positive from the API liquid kit. I know 20 gallons isn’t optimal. I’m upgrading to a 40 gallon breeder in July when I get my new filter that is big enough for the tank(believe the fluval fx6, i’m over killing for if i ever upgrade again, i plan to.) My issue is my nitrates are pretty fast to grow. I’d say about 40 ppm in 4 days. Is this normal for a 20 gallon? I added a java turn on top of my current moss ball and anubia in an attempt to process more nitrates naturally. I’m gonna fresh cycle the 40 gallon before I put him in, or is that a bad idea?(unrelated question just figure I’d throw it in here)
submitted by Appropriate_Style556 to axolotls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:52 jigmest Good Sunday Morning! I achieved a new adult low weight of 196 lbs! It’s making me feel like I can achieve anything- I’ve gotten a lot of appreciation for these posts - thank you -more updates below

Good Sunday Morning! I achieved a new adult low weight of 196 lbs! It’s making me feel like I can achieve anything- I’ve gotten a lot of appreciation for these posts - thank you -more updates below
The week has been the usual shit show at work. I had a discussion with my management about the workload. Basically, management will not tell me to work on my days off; however, I’m a salary employee so I’m expected to get my shit done and meet expectations. Here’s the thing, if I put in a few hours on Sunday my work is done, expectations are met. At my pay grade, putting in a little extra work is pretty common, my job provides a comfortable lifestyle and my management offers a lot of flexibility as far as my schedule. It’s a give and take.
I’ve gotten into sporting Casio watches. I like the affordability, the value and functionality. I always thought I had a small dainty wrist but I can comfortably accommodate a Casio men’s watch. It makes me feel large and in charge to have a little bit of sparkle and bling on my wrist.
I found some sturdy wind resistant outdoor umbrellas and got them up yesterday. I like the pop of red in my backyard.
It’s going to be a hot summer in phoenix AZ this year (again). 2000 people have died from heat exhaustion in the past 5 years with 565 people dying last year alone from heat exhaustion alone. I ordered driving gloves for the first time in my life yesterday.
Not much happening on in my dating world. I went on a horrible date with a guy from Grindr. We got along online and went out for Sushi. He shows up high, depressed and tired “having just woken up from a nap”. He had told me online he was an operations manager but in reality he does inventory for a local Guitar Shop. Strangely he said he was a musician with two albums on Spotify; however, Alexis could not search under his name of “Jeremy” only his “Album” name. He said it was meditation music but it just sounded like techno music to me which I didn’t like. He said that he owned a house with a pool and has a “housemate” from Scruff. He said he didn’t like gay men in the area as they were “extra” but he complained of headaches and back aches all night. He hit me up because he likes to watch straight porn and wanted something “different”.
He also didn’t think most trans people got surgery because it was a prohibitory expense. I told him that some gender confirmation treatment is covered under most insurance policies. My T prescription off insurance was $40 and the average for top surgery is $5-10k. The price of a used car. People find money to buy drugs and to gamble with…I’m not here to change peoples minds or educate people. Stupid people can stay stupid for all I care. Adios, amigo.
Not much going on in general in my trans world. I was thinking about making a North Phoenix Queer Social Group as I’m finding a lot of the other queer groups as adding extra drama to my life which I don’t need. I was thinking about starting out as having BBQs on the weekend at my house and see if it grows from there. However, I’m not sure if I want people from online in my house.
As far as the political situation in Phoenix AZ, I’m not seeing the crazy flag waving F150 trucks driving around crazy like I did 4 years ago. Hate consumes others, then it’s own children and finally itself. Hate will burn itself out. We as (trans) people have rights too regardless of other people’s feelings. Please understand whatever is thrown at us, trans people have always been part of society. As far as I know, gender confirmation treatment for adults has not been threatened in the US (only treatment for minors). There are also safe havens states. Also remember there are a lot of bridges to cross as far as the presidential election. Even then, there are a lot of bridges to cross between words, action and law. Everyone, especially women, are under the same threat of having the right/freedom of one’s own destiny taken away from them.
So I’ve spent this week at an all time adult low weight of 196 lbs. I’m entering a new phase of my diet. I got out my juicer and Ninja blender. At the Dollar store they have Smoothies starters which I really like. I put in an apple, coconut water, cucumber, zero sugacalorie maple syrup and the smoothie started. I give it a twirl, strain the pulp and it’s a meal. I’ve also stopped buying pork and red meat. I’ll occasionally by chicken Breast but mostly eat out of my pantry. It’s hard to figure out appropriate eating habit as I’ve never had one but I’m trying to figure it out. I got very hungry at 3 am this morning and gobbled down some freshly made Vietnamese lettuce spring rolls. Sometimes I feel like I can’t eat anything less without starving. Carry on I guess. My goal weight is 160 lbs.
Ok gents/ladies and everyone in between: Wish yourself good fortune and good luck today! I will release vast amounts of positivity in the air for you to inhale.
submitted by jigmest to FTMOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:52 Pale-Internal5362 ◼️ Block Off ◻️ 2225-5414-6508

◼️ Block Off ◻️ 2225-5414-6508
◼️ Block Off ◻️
• Navigate through obstacles in 'Block Off' to reach the Finish line!
  • Race
  • 40 Players
  • Code: 2225-5414-6508
  • Made by GameDogg_
submitted by Pale-Internal5362 to FallGuysGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:51 chicken-wings99 [NM] BBK Raptor V2 Dama Steel EDC Foundry - 80@$5

[NM] BBK Raptor V2 Dama Steel EDC Foundry - 80@$5
80 @ $5
Total Price: 400
Make and Model: EDC Foundry BBK Raptor V2 Damasteel, Black Micarta Inlay, Bead blast, Zirconium Accents
Timestamp and Pics:
Price Justification:
https://www.reddit.com/Knife\_Swap/comments/1clyanz/wts\_damasteel\_bbk\_raptor\_with\_mokuti\_and\_extra/ (425) https://www.reddit.com/Knife\_Swap/comments/18bxmwk/merriken\_ultimatum\_bbk\_edcf\_dama\_inlay\_rapto (435) https://www.reddit.com/Knife\_Swap/comments/18eofhp/wts\_bbk\_raptor\_v2\_thor\_damasteel\_with\_zirc/ (500)
Description: PLEASE BE THOROUGH. EXPLICITLY STATE ALL ISSUES : At least 2nd owner. Never use or carried by me and the blade looks to be in great shape. Was "used and carried lightly" by previous owners. One of the previous owners sent it to BBK to fix a lock up and centering issue so the lock insert was replaced. I would have never noticed as the lock up is solid and centering looks great. Some very minor marks/snailing on the pivot screw and clip and some wear on the micarta inlay. Comes with COA, pouch and box.
International shipping: No

PayPal Info: https://www.paypal.me/JacobShin

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 46
Number of unpaid users: 7
Number of unpaid slots: 34
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 Cabmandoo
2 TwitchySphincter
3 Gboogie3
5 Prismatic_Effect
7 Bosskz
8 Bosskz
10 Prismatic_Effect
11 Prismatic_Effect
13 Prismatic_Effect
15 Bosskz
22 Gboogie3
25 Bosskz
28 SurpriseUnhappy2706
37 TwitchySphincter
41 wonderous2020
47 Prismatic_Effect
48 Cabmandoo
50 Bosskz
51 Prismatic_Effect
54 Prismatic_Effect
56 SurpriseUnhappy2706
57 Prismatic_Effect
59 Prismatic_Effect
65 Prismatic_Effect
66 Prismatic_Effect
67 Cabmandoo
68 Cabmandoo
69 wonderous2020
70 Prismatic_Effect
71 Prismatic_Effect
72 TwitchySphincter
76 Prismatic_Effect
77 Prismatic_Effect
80 Cabmandoo

submitted by chicken-wings99 to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:51 dfh13101549 Anniversary trip around ovulation time, should I avoid drinking or will it not make a difference? Opinions on which part of cycle drinking had biggest effect?

For context, my husband and I are 23 years old. This will be our 13th cycle TTC. On our vacation, it’ll be day 15 of my cycle. I usually ovulate on day 13. We had planned some activities like visiting breweries, going to the top golf/bar right by our hotel, etc. We hardly ever drink, pretty much just on vacations or at concerts and stuff. Mostly, the trip is outdoorsy stuff like hiking, shops, and a waterfall/cave tour so it won’t be like a “party trip” or anything lol. That being said, will ONE day of alcohol consumption that is heavier than normal affect implantation or ovulation that cycle? In each scenario: drinking day before or of ovulation, drinking day after ovulation, drinking when preparing for implantation, would either of these seriously strong affect the outcome? I am aware of studies about drinks per week and how many affect fertility etc, but I wasn’t sure if that was in the context of regulaaverage consumption or if that was applicable to all scenarios. Honestly, I just want to relax, but not take a break from ttc. I am really hoping I can get pregnant within the next few months to time my maternity leave to get the most out of it as I am an elementary teacher and don’t want to miss important phonics lessons (1st grade, to where their reading goes from the word cat at the beginning to reading like 40-50wpm at the end lol), I would love to time having a baby to where I’d get maternity leave and summer break back to back! So taking a break from ttc this month isn’t an option, so I am asking about the actual affect one day could have on conceiving depending on where I am in my cycle. Would it be worse if i ovulate on day 13 and drink on day 15 or if I ovulate late on day 15 and drink on ovulation day?
submitted by dfh13101549 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:51 BangBangOw Hello Clan's Desert Combat 20th Anniversary Mappack!!!

Hello all,
Hello Clan's Desert Combat 20th Anniversary map-pack is now available! Please download the installer and get our latest maps at your earliest convenience if you're interested in some quality Desert Combat Final maps!
  1. Register for forum account.
  2. Link for installer: https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/83/
I spend a good 6 month's to a year's worth of time on these. 15+ of the maps are mine. 6-7 of the maps are made by others, or I took a previous creation and edited it, making them better!
23 new maps, let's get these installed so we can rotate these into our nightly gaming sessions!
Let me know if you need technical support or help of any kind!
We play the Desert Combat mod and see 20+ almost every night. On weekends we see 30-40 on select evenings. Not to mention our variety of events we host throughout the year!
Give Hello Clan a try! Please also join us on our Discord!
Link: https://discord.gg/helloclan-the-social-gaming-network-276061597636624395
Gametracker Link: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
BangBangOw - HelloClan Leadership
submitted by BangBangOw to Battlefield1942 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 mi555trZ [Store] 300+ KNIVES AND GLOVES e.g. Fade MW, Cobalt Skulls FT, Smoke Out MW, Finish Line MW, M9 Doppler FN P2 & UV FT & Freehand FT, Nomad Fade FN, Butterfly Black Laminate FT & Stained BS, Kukri Crimson Web MW, Karambit Night FT & Rust Coat BS, Talon Vanilla, Glock Emerald FN, UMP Fade & many more

Taking csgo skins mainly (knives, gloves, aks, m4s, awps and so on). Anything as long as offer is good
I don't update this list everyday, so I have many items which aren't listed here. Check if something interests you! Also, some of the items are on trade hold, for release date you can add me or check by yourself.
TRADE LINK: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffenew/?partner=35769104&token=J30wyEpy
Add me to talk here: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996034832
Keys from these buy outs aren't TF2 keys. I don't take Hydra keys either.
Buy outs are in keys for the sake of having a buy out, I trade for skins mainly.
Gloves Fade MW - B/O 200 keys
Gloves Cool Mint FT - B/O 75 keys
Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT - B/O 74 keys
Gloves Smoke Out MW - B/O 60 keys
Gloves Finish Line MW - B/O 51 keys
Gloves Turtle MW - B/O 50 keys
Gloves Scarlet Shamagh WW - B/O 46 keys
Wraps Caution FT - B/O 40 keys
Wraps Overprint FT - B/O 40 keys
Gloves Black Tie FT - B/O 38 keys
Gloves Rezan MW - B/O 35 keys
Wraps Leather FT - B/O 32 keys
Gloves Lt. Commander FT - B/O 31 keys
Gloves Mogul FT - B/O 31 keys
Gloves Overtake MW - B/O 30 keys
Gloves Tiger Strike BS - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Boom FT - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Polygon WW - B/O 28 keys
Gloves Cool Mint BS - B/O 27 keys
Gloves POW WW - B/O 27 keys
Gloves Mogul WW - B/O 25 keys
Gloves Lunar Weave FT - B/O 24 keys
Gloves Diamondback FT - B/O 22 keys
Wraps Giraffe MW - B/O 22 keys
Gloves Black Tie BS - B/O 21 keys
Gloves Yellow-banded MW - B/O 20 keys
Gloves Jade FT - B/O 20 keys
Gloves 3rd Commando MW - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Rezan FT - B/O 18 keys
Gloves Blood Pressure BS - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Case Hardened BS - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Needle Point MW - B/O 16 keys
Gloves Rezan WW - B/O 16 keys
Gloves POW BS - B/O 16 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh MW - B/O 15 keys
Gloves Boom BS - B/O 15 keys
Gloves Diamondback BS - B/O 15 keys
Wraps Arboreal FT - B/O 14 keys
Wraps Giraffe FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Yellow-banded FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Queen Jaguar FT - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Rezan BS - B/O 14 keys
Gloves Needle Point FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Guerrilla FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Buckshot FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Constrictor FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Transport FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Bronzed FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Duct Tape FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Convoy FT - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Arboreal WW - B/O 13 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh FT - B/O 13 keys
Gloves Bronzed WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Guerrilla BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Mangrove MW - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Constrictor BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Emerald FT - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Desert Shamagh WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Bronzed BS - B/O 12 keys
Wraps Duct Tape WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Rattler FT - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Convoy WW - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Racing Green FT - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Overtake BS - B/O 12 keys
Gloves Emerald WW - B/O 11 keys
GLoves Yellow-banded BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Transport BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Racing Green BS - B/O 11 keys
Gloves Emerald BS - B/O 11 keys
Knives and high tier items:
M9 Doppler FN P2 - B/O 360 keys
Nomad Fade FN - B/O 180 keys
Butterfly Black Laminate FT - B/O 180 keys
Kukri Crimson Web MW - B/O 135 keys
Butterfly Rust Coat BS - B/O 130 keys
Butterfly Stained BS - B/O 125 keys
Karambit Night FT - B/O 110 keys
Flip Doppler FN P2 - B/O 110 keys
Karambit Rust Coat BS - B/O 106 keys
M9 Freehand FT - B/O 100 keys
Nomad Slaughter FN - B/O 100 keys
Huntsman Gamma Doppler FN P2 - B/O 96 keys
M9 Ultraviolet FT - B/O 95 keys
Karambit Scorched FT - B/O 93 keys
Karambit Safari Mesh MW - B/O 90 keys
Huntsman Doppler FN P4 - B/O 87 keys
Talon Vanilla - B/O 87 keys
M9 Urban Masked BS - B/O 85 keys
UMP Fade FN - B/O 80 keys
M9 Urban Masked FT - B/O 80 keys
M9 Boreal Forest FT - B/O 78 keys
Bayonet Case Hardened MW - B/O 78 keys
Talon Damascus Steel MW - B/O 75 keys
M9 Safari Mesh FT - B/O 75 keys
Flip Slaughter FT - B/O 68 keys
Huntsman Marble Fade FN - B/O 63 keys
Talon Ultraviolet FT - B/O 61 keys
Flip Autotronic MW - B/O 60 keys
Classic Vanilla - B/O 56 keys
Talon Night FT - B/O 52 keys
Bowie Marble Fade FN - B/O 52 keys
Gut Gamma Doppler FN P2 - B/O 51 keys
Talon Night BS - B/O 49 keys
Stiletto Damascus Steel WW - B/O 48 keys
Talon Urban Masked FT - B/O 47 keys
Bayonet Bright Water FT - B/O 47 keys
Survival Slaughter FT ST - B/O 45 keys
Talon Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 45 keys
Talon Boreal FT - B/O 45 keys
Huntsman Autotronic MW - B/O 45 keys
Gut Fade MW - B/O 44 keys
Flip Case Hardened FT - B/O 43 keys
Flip Damascus Steel FN - B/O 42 keys
Gut Fade FN - B/O 41 keys
Gut Lore FN - B/O 41 keys
Bowie Case Hardened FT - B/O 41 keys
Ursus Case Hardened FT - B/O 39 keys
Huntsman Case Hardened WW - B/O 38 keys
Classic Blue Steel BS - B/O 38 keys
Kukri Forest Ddpat BS - B/O 38 keys
Bowie Case Hardened BS - B/O 36 keys
Navaja Doppler FN - B/O 36 keys
Bayonet Urban Masked WW - B/O 36 keys
Daggers Gamma Doppler FN P3 - B/O 35 keys
Bayonet Scorched BS - B/O 35 keys
Flip Bright Water FT - B/O 35 keys
Huntsman Blue Steel FT - B/O 35 keys
Nomad Night FT - B/O 35 keys
Gut Marble Fade FN - B/O 34 keys
Paracord Crimson Web FT - B/O 34 keys
Flip Ultraviolet WW - B/O 33 keys
Flip Night FT - B/O 33 keys
Gut Lore MW - B/O 33 keys
Nomad Scorched MW - B/O 33 keys
Survival Case Hardened FT - B/O 33 keys
Stiletto Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 32 keys
Huntsman Crimson Web FT - B/O 31 keys
Classic Stained FT - B/O 31 keys
Stiletto Safari Mesh FT - B/O 31 keys
Flip Urban Masked MW - B/O 29 keys
Falchion Crimson Web FT - B/O 29 keys
Daggers Marble Fade FN - B/O 29 keys
Classic Night MW - B/O 29 keys
Flip Rust Coat BS - B/O 29 keys
Gut Case Hardened MW - B/O 29 keys
Bowie Crimson Web WW - B/O 29 keys
Survival Case Hardened WW - B/O 28 keys
Classic Stained WW - B/O 28 keys
Navaja Vanilla - B/O 27 keys
Navaja Tiger Tooth FN ST - B/O 26 keys
Nomad Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 26 keys
Gut Freehand BS - B/O 25 keys
Flip Boreal FT - B/O 25 keys
Huntsman Lore BS - B/O 25 keys
Navaja Case Hardened FT - B/O 25 keys
Huntsman Black Laminate FT - B/O 25 keys
Falchion Freehand FT - B/O 24 keys
Nomad Safari Mesh FT - B/O 24 keys
Classic Urban Masked FT - B/O 24 keys
Navaja Tiger Tooth FN - B/O 24 keys
Nomad Safari Mesh WW - B/O 23 keys
Gut Vanilla - B/O 23 keys
Huntsman Freehand FT - B/O 23 keys
Bowie Bright Water FN - B/O 22 keys
Daggers Case Hardened FT - B/O 22 keys
Huntsman Forest Ddpat MW - B/o 22 keys
Gut Lore BS - B/O 22 keys
Classic Urban Masked BS - B/O 22 keys
Ursus Rust Coat BS ST - B/O 22 keys
Classic Scorched BS - B/O 22 keys
Ursus Rust Coat BS - B/O 21 keys
Survival Stained FT - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet WW - B/O 21 keys
Paracord Stained FT - B/O 21 keys
Gut Freehand FN - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet FT - B/O 21 keys
Falchion Safari Mesh MW ST - B/o 21 keys
Huntsman Bright Water FT - B/O 21 keys
Huntsman Ultraviolet BS - B/O 21 keys
Navaja Case Hardened WW - B/O 21 keys
Ursus Scorched MW - B/O 21 keys
Falchion Bright Water FT - B/O 21 keys
Gut Blue Steel MW - B/O 20 keys
Huntsman Bright Water BS - B/O 20 keys
Bowie Ultraviolet FT - B/O 20 keys
Huntsman Rust Coat BS - B/O 19 keys
Ursus Forest Ddpat FT - B/o 19 keys
Bowie Bright Water FT - B/O 19 keys
Ursus Scorched WW - B/o 19 keys
Ursus Scorched FT - B/O 19 keys
Daggers Freehand FN - B/O 19 keys
Bowie Black Laminate WW - B/O 19 keys
Huntsman Boreal FT - B/O 18 keys
Huntsman Safari Mesh BS - B/O 18 keys
Falchion Forest Ddpat MW - B/O 18 kes
Bowie Forest Ddpat MW - B/O 18 keys
Bowie Night BS - B/O 18 keys
Gut Black Laminate FT - B/O 18 keys
Daggers Lore WW - B/O 18 keys
Falchion Night BS - B/O 18 keys
Daggers Lore BS - B/O 18 keys
Survival Night FT - B/o 18 keys
Ursus Safari Mesh BS ST - B/O 18 keys
Gut Damascus Steel WW - B/O 18 keys
Ursus Safari Mesh WW - B/O 18 keys
Ursus Boreal BS - B/O 17 keys
Bowie Forest Ddpat WW - B/o 17 keys
Falchion Boreal FT - B/o 17 keys
Bowie Safari Mesh FT ST - B/O 17 keys
Falchion Urban Masked BS - B/O 17 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel FN - B/O 17 keys
Gut Bright Water FT - B/O 17 keys
Gut Ultraviolet FT - B/O 17 keys
Navaja Blue Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Gut Stained BS - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Autotronic BS - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Damascus Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Gut Bright Water BS - B/O 16 keys
Bowie Safari Mesh FT - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel MW - B/O 16 keys
Daggers Freehand FT - B/O 16 keys
Paracord Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Blue Steel BS - B/O 16 keys
Navaja Night BS ST - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Blue Steel FT - B/O 15 keys
Gut Boreal MW - B/O 15 keys
Survival Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 15 keys
Survival Boreal FT - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Rust Coat WW - B/O 15 keys
Paracord Safari Mesh FT - B/O 15 keys
Gut Night FT - B/O 15 keys
Paracord Safari Mesh WW - B/O 15 keys
Survival Safari Mesh WW - B/O 15 keys
Gut Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 15 keys
Survival Boreal BS - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel WW - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Damascus Steel FT - B/O 15 keys
Daggers Boreal WW - B/O 15 keys
Gut Urban Masked FT - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Night FT ST - B/O 15 keys
Navaja Night MW - B/O 15 keys
Daggers Urban Masked WW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Scorched WW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Black Laminate MW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Ultraviolet FT - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Bright Water MW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Ultraviolet BS - B/O 14 keys
Gut Safari Mesh FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Scorched MW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Stained WW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Boreal MW - B/O 14 keys
Daggers Bright Water FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Scorched FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Urban Masked FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Night FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Ultraviolet BS - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Forest Ddpat WW - B/O 14 keys
Navaja Boreal WW - B/O 13 keys
Daggers Urban Masked BS - B/O 13 keys
Daggers Forest Ddpat FT - B/O 13 keys
Navaja Night BS - B/O 13 keys
submitted by mi555trZ to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 cherryreflection Free piloting services!

Doing the following tasks for free!
Please note that I can only pilot for accounts 15x5 or smaller as mandated by trainee rules.
『 Maintenance 』
Daily Commission completion
Expedition claim
160 Resin burn per day
Serenitea Pot collection
『 Leveling / Resin 』
『 Quests 』
『 Progression 』
『 Materials 』
submitted by cherryreflection to GenshinPilots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:49 BangBangOw -[HELLO]- Desert Combat's 20th Anniversary Mappack!!!

-[HELLO]- Desert Combat's 20th Anniversary Mappack!!!
Hello all,
Hello Clan's Desert Combat 20th Anniversary map-pack is now available! Please download the installer and get our latest maps at your earliest convenience if you're interested in some quality Desert Combat Final maps!
  1. Register for forum account.
  2. Link for installer: https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/83/
I spend a good 6 month's to a year's worth of time on these. 15+ of the maps are mine. 6-7 of the maps are made by others, or I took a previous creation and edited it, making them better!
23 new maps, let's get these installed so we can rotate these into our nightly gaming sessions!
Let me know if you need technical support or help of any kind!
We play the Desert Combat mod and see 20+ almost every night. On weekends we see 30-40 on select evenings. Not to mention our variety of events we host throughout the year!
Give Hello Clan a try! Please also join us on our Discord!
Link: https://discord.gg/helloclan-the-social-gaming-network-276061597636624395
Gametracker Link: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
BangBangOw - HelloClan Leadership
submitted by BangBangOw to classicbattlefield [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:49 TankyMofo The level and perk design in this game is fundamentally flawed and I hope this changes in the second game

I was browsing the store page of Kingdom Come 2 today, and I read the description, something about: "Customize freely his skills", "Specialize in which ever weapon you want" or something, which presumably means the devs want players to have a "Character Build", which the first game is not exactly good at facilitating.
In most RPG, you get a max level that doesn't give you enough perk points to unlock most of the perks.
In Kingdom Come, they opted to make it so that every single skill and their grandma has their own pool of perk points, and so many perk points that you can unlock all or all but one or two in every skill; On top of that, almost every skill has one or two perks that are just so useless/niche/insignificant/down right terrible that not being able to unlock one or two perks per skill category is just not a down side at all.
In other RPG, the game encourages players to think "What do I want my character to be good at?", which for me is always a straight forward physical fighter.
Kingdom Come's level and perk design instead makes the player think "In what minisculely different ways can I make my Henry the absolute best at everything he does?"
And the game seems to want to somewhat rectify that by putting drawback on some perks and making them mutually exclusive arbitrarily, to create a phantom of "Character Build".
If you don't agree with me on this point, let me ask you a question: Is the ability to drink twice as much beer without getting as drunk so good that it warrant the drawback(?) of wine getting you wasted twice as fast? And that's the first layer of the question, the second, let's pretend Beer Bibber and Wine Bibber do not have drawbacks, they just let you drink twice as much of their respective alcohol without getting drunk. Are these two perks so good that the devs simply cannot allow player to have both at the same time?
The answer to both questions is: No. They are only this way to facilitate a false dichotomy, to create an arbitrary choice, a phantom of "Character Build".
You might say that these two perks are mutually exclusive because their drawback directly oppose each other, and I will tell you that that is the first layer of the problem, the first layer of the problem, which is the arbitrary drawback, exists solely to justify the second layer, which is the arbitrary mutual exclusion, when they didn't have to be mutually exclusive in the first place if the perk system isn't designed the way it is, and this goes for most if not all mutually exclusive perks in the game.
In other RPG, their perks don't need arbitrary draw back or mutual exclusion. Why? Because they already don't have enough perk points to unlock like 50~70% of the perks already.
If a game have let's say, 80 unlockable perks, but players only get to have 20 perk point at max level, every perk you choose comes with an inherent downside in the form of "Every perk you have is 60 other perks you don't get to have". This creates a "Character Build", strong suits, and weaknesses.
This game giving perks arbitrary drawbacks and mutual exclusions to deal with the fundamental flaw of players being able to unlock 90% of the perks anyway is like trying to use a dirty hairy band-aid to reattach a decapitated head.
In Cyberpunk 2077, if you unlock the perk that lets you execute a finisher with blades that instant kill a fodder below certain health threshold or deal massive damage to a boss that has taken damage equal to certain percent health all the while restoring your health, you might not be able to unlock the perk that gives you an additional cyberware slot and grant access to a powerful perk-exclusive cyberware.
In Kingdom Come, if you choose the perk that lets you drink twice as much beer without getting drunk at the cost of wine getting you drunk twice as fast, you won't be able to choose the perk that lets you drink twice as much wine without getting drunk at the cost of beer getting you drunk twice as fast.
In Witcher 3, if you unlock a perk that gives you a powerful whirlwind attack that hits every enemy around you in all direction continuously, you might not be able to unlock the ability to brainwash two enemies and make them fight for you.
In Kingdom Come, If you choose the perk that grants you +1 stats in the wild, you won't be able to choose the perk that grans you +1 stats in settlements.
In Skyrim, before legendary skill became a thing, if you unlock a perk that lets you reduce elemental damage with shield, you might not be able to get the one that lets you deal massive stealth damage with a dagger.
In Kingdom Come, if you choose the perk that makes your sprinting 20% faster, you won't be able to choose the perk that... makes your sprinting... 20%... slower...
Like... Why does that perk even exist...
So my suggestion would be:
Players shouldn't have to level every skill to the max to get their character level to the max.
Different skills shouldn't have their own pool of perk points, you should only get perk points from leveling up your character level.
Max level should give just enough perk points to unlock 40%~60% of all perks.
No arbitrary downsides or mutual exclusions, if the players want Heavy Duty Pony AND Race Horse, let them have it, they will be spending 2 perk points on it, that's 2 perk points they can't spend on everything else, the same goes for Brute and Juggler and such.
Weapon combo shouldn't be locked by perk points, they should be learnt from combat trainer, weapon perks should be something like: "Ferocious Strikes - Do X% bonus durability damage to weapon/shield with an axe" "Simply Smashing - X% bonus durability damage to helmet and plate armor pieces with a mace or hammer" or "Landsknecht - Unlock the ability to Master Strike with polearms" Something that really "Specialize" a weapon.
And any perks/potions/bonus effects that increase your stats and attributes should be able to boost them past the normal maximum level, or else they become pointless in end game.
Sprinter can stay the way it is, because it's basically just a speed boost, but Marathon Man needs to be changed to just "Reduce stamina cost of sprinting by 80%", trust me, it needs that to compete with Sprinter, and also they should not be called Marathon Man and Sprinter, instead they should be called "The Tortoise" and "The Hare".
submitted by TankyMofo to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:44 injuryviews [Paid opportunity] Interviewing female athletes who have torn their ACL

Sponsored by Concordia University Chicago Athletic Training
Pay: $40 per participant In-person OR remote (can be pre-recorded)
Hey hope it’s ok to post this here! -
As part of an ongoing project I’m working on I am focusing on injuries in female athletes and I’m interested to learn more about your experience especially when it comes to ACL injuries. Unfortunately females seem to be more likely to tear the ACL according to statistics. In the interview I will ask you basic questions about your recovery process and additionally we will try to inspire other athletes in similar situations.
Things we will cover -
Your sport
How you got injured
The recovery process (brace, using crutches)
Photos & videos of everything
If you’re in the Chicago/Chicagoland area there’s also a possibility to do a live interview otherwise you can record yourself remotely/have someone help you.
Whole thing would take about an hour! You can get back to me on here OR my Instagram page @injuryviews feel free to refer anyone else as well (doesn’t have to be ACL related)
submitted by injuryviews to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 wasmormon I didn’t need a true church, just a good one… finally had to admit it wasn’t a good church, much less a true one. I was a Mormon.

I didn’t need a true church, just a good one… finally had to admit it wasn’t a good church, much less a true one. I was a Mormon.
As a teenager on the cusp of her senior year in high school, she found herself drawn to the teachings of the Mormon faith, intrigued by its promises of spiritual fulfillment and belonging. Despite initial skepticism, Nancy’s interest was piqued by Joseph Smith’s first vision, a story that resonated with her own quest for understanding and meaning.
Embracing the Mormon faith as a golden convert, her journey took a turn as she confronted the discrepancies and contradictions within the church’s teachings. Over the years, as doubts and questions continued to mount, Nancy grappled with the realization that the church she had once embraced was not the beacon of truth she had hoped for.
In the end, Nancy’s journey led her to a profound realization: she no longer needed a true church, only a good one – and that the Mormon church was neither true or good. With courage and conviction, she made the decision to step away from Mormonism, reclaiming her autonomy and finding happiness on her own terms.
“I was a golden convert. I was a Mormon.
I was a teenager about to enter my senior year in high school. At the time I had many friends converting to versions of Evangelical Christianity. I was a little skeptical of their teachings. I also had a friend who was Mormon. After a lot of discussion I agreed to the missionary lessons. I was skeptical of the Book of Mormon, it seemed like a significant portion of it was copied from the King James Bible.
However Joseph Smith’s first vision resonated with me because he was of similar age as me at the time and seeking the truth like I was. I agreed to be baptized because it was the only church that made sense to me. They also assured me that polygamy was no longer practiced, which would have been a dealbreaker.
Almost from the moment I was baptized I started to feel less than. First I was told my clothes were immodest. Then that I was too fat. (I wasn’t, I was within normal weight for my height) I dieted got very thin and came down with an eating disorder. That was just the beginning.
As time went by I learned I wasn’t told the full truth about polygamy when I discovered widowers (but not widows) could have more than one wife in the hereafter. Then in college I learned the truth about The Book of Abraham. I knew it wasn’t an anti-Mormon lie because I learned it in my Pearl of Great Price class.
Over the years, as more stuff piled onto my proverbial faith shelf, I came to decide that I didn’t need a true church, just a good one.
Then the the treatment of LGBTQ people, backtracking on whether being gay was a choice and then not admitting the mistake, as well as the purity culture teaching that women who had sexual relationships before marriage were like chewed gum challenged even that.
I finally had to admit it wasn’t a good church, much less a true one.
I came to this conclusion without reading/listening to anything critical of the church or challenging its truth claims. I’m a slow study but in 40+ years I finally made my way out. I am unequivocally happy now.”
– Nancy
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/nancypantsy72/. There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
submitted by wasmormon to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 Infinite-Network1786 Boomer complaining about crafters taking up space at a craft/flea market.

On Sundays I am a vendor at a craft fair that shares space with a flea market. There’s two rows with 50 spaces dedicated to the crafters and two rows of 50 spaces dedicated to the flea market.
Let me preface this by saying that the craft fair has started because the flea market hasn’t been doing well for years. The crafters number about 40 regular vendors every Sunday now, there’s maybe 10 people total for the flea market.
There’s a boomer woman selling at the flea market loudly complaining to anyone who walks by about the crafters taking up too much space and ruining this place for everyone. She’s complained to the organizer, she’s complained to the people who own the flea market, and she’s scaring away customers with her complaining.
She is one of two tables in her row at the flea market side of this event. The owners of this space aren’t going to do anything about us “taking up space” because we’re bringing in business for them. The organizer of the craft fair and the owners of the space just keep rolling their eyes at her and walking away. I hope they don’t welcome her back.
submitted by Infinite-Network1786 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/2 ⚾ Nationals (26-31) @ Guardians (39-19) 1:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Nationals (26-31) @ Guardians (39-19)

First Pitch: 1:40 PM at Progressive Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Nationals Jake Irvin (2-5, 3.43 ERA) MASN 106.7, DC 87.7 FM (ES)
Guardians Carlos Carrasco (2-4, 5.16 ERA) BSGL WTAM, WARF1350 (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Pre-Game

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
WSH 0 0 0 -
CLE 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 12:40 PM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/2 ⚾ Rangers (28-30) @ Marlins (21-38) 1:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Rangers (28-30) @ Marlins (21-38)

First Pitch: 1:40 PM at loanDepot park
Team Starter TV Radio
Rangers Andrew Heaney (1-6, 4.47 ERA) BSSW 105.3, KFLC (ES)
Marlins Trevor Rogers (1-6, 5.65 ERA) BSFL FOX940AM, WAQI (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Pre-Game

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
TEX 0 0 0 -
MIA 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 12:40 PM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/2 ⚾ D-backs (26-32) @ Mets (24-34) 1:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

D-backs (26-32) @ Mets (24-34)

First Pitch: 1:40 PM at Citi Field
Team Starter TV Radio
D-backs Brandon Pfaadt (2-4, 4.16 ERA) ARID 98.7 FM , KQMR (ES)
Mets Jose Quintana (1-5, 5.06 ERA) WPIX WCBS 880, WINS 92.3 (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Pre-Game

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
AZ 0 0 0 -
NYM 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 12:40 PM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/2 ⚾ Pirates (27-31) @ Blue Jays (27-30) 1:37 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Pirates (27-31) @ Blue Jays (27-30)

First Pitch: 1:37 PM at Rogers Centre
Team Starter TV Radio
Pirates Quinn Priester (0-4, 4.33 ERA) SNP KDKA
Blue Jays Chris Bassitt (5-6, 4.03 ERA) Sportsnet SN590
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Pre-Game

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
PIT 0 0 0 -
TOR 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 12:40 PM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]
