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2008.09.09 21:44 [nirvana]

A forum dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the band Nirvana.

2013.01.11 00:34 neowu The Science of Deduction


2011.07.21 10:50 ShittyContributor TheTruthIsHere

A database for personal encounters with the unknown. We archive non-fiction stories dealing with spirits, paranormal, strange happenings, and unexplained sightings. Some of us believe in other-worldly beings; some of us don't. Bounce your experience here and open a discussion about what happened to you or find solace in someone's similar story. Cross-posting, discussions, and open minded skeptical analysis are always welcomed.

2024.05.20 09:30 Myrelin I had a bad fall, and now don't know what to do with myself.

This will be long, I'm sorry. I talk about SI, and there is blood from my fall so please please don't read on if it triggers you.
The context leading up to the fall is that I was diagnosed with BP2 by a psychiatrist who has been working as a sleep expert for decades, I initially went to him sleep issues. But the way he is, he wanted to make sure I'm ok in all respects, not just my sleep.
He would warrant a whole different post, and it's painful to talk about. I'll just say I trust him implicitly. Once I was on lamotrigine I was doing better for the first time in 20 years.
Then a depressive episode hit, and it was bad. SI the entire day; I was planning and planning without my brain giving me a breather.
General psychiatrist I started going to gave me 25mg of quetiapine which did fuckall. When I explained this to him he ghosted me, so had to go back to Dr. Sleep which I really didn't want.
Luckily someone cancelled, normally he's booked 4 months ahead. I don't think he'll ever know that his appointment was a hail mary; I was days from killing myself. He upped my quetiapine dose to 200mg, so it would actually work as an anti-depressant. He gave me Xanax XR to tide me over until quetiapine started working. It worked. I was doing better.
Then a week ago, I dropped a box I was carrying down my stairs, tripped over it, got turned around, and ended falling backwards, and headfirst onto my stone floor.
There was a moment, that feels like it was stretched out into hours, where my brain went over possible scenarios, and the logical conclusion was that I will die the moment of impact. Either because I brained myself, or because I snap my neck. Best case scenario I survive and become paralyzed. During this long moment I somehow accepted that I was going to die. Everything was calm, and quiet.
Then the impact happened, and it was so loud. I wasI started moving my limbs, then checking I remember thinking 'how?' followed by 'is my head still in one piece?'. So I turned onto my hands and knees, and looked down at a pool of blood. Before it fully registered blood was pouring down my face.
Texted a friend, while I cleaned the blood off the floor and held a towel to my head which got soaked. I was lucky; got away with a few stitches, concussion, and massive bruises on my back.
I get that I survived, but my brain somehow doesn't and still thinks I should be dead on that floor. I started sleeping downstairs on my sofabed. Every time I step foot on those stairs, I remember looking up at the stairs, knowing I'd be dead soon. I hear that bang that was my head reaching the stone floor. The head wound was near the top of my head; I should have died.
And now that's all that's reverberating in my mind, all day long (I also have OCD to make it more fun). And when I try to sleep, I have nightmares about it. I'm completely numb, like nothing matters. I tried emailing Dr. Sleep that I need a med adjustment because I can't sleep after an injury, but he didn't respond (again, whole different post). So I have no-one to turn to, and I feel I'm just existing, and I had to write it out here because I figured if anyone could understand it would be this community.
I don't know what to do, or how to deal with this. If you're still here, thanks for taking the time to read.
TL;DR - fell down a flight of stairs on my back and headfirst, unable to slow my fall. Brain knew and accepted I would die, but since I didn't my mind is flooded with the memory of the impact, the fall, and the thought during fall. I'm scared of using my stairs, and I don't normally do scared.
submitted by Myrelin to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:27 Obvious-Pick5038 Pain every time I do chores / physical labor

Heya, I really need help. Since November last year I (21, F) am finding that whenever I do physically intensive work that a 1-3 days later I will get a PCOS pain flare-up. In November I was in hospital from a left ovary torsion caused by cyst rupturing (fun 15 hours in the ER) which is when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I always showed signs for PCOS as early as 10 years old, but it was always treated as an acne problem and I was just bounced around different birth control pills. Prior to the hospital visit normal pain in that area would last no longer than 30 minutes and while it would be uncomfortable I could still go about my day. But now the pain will be way more intense and last hours - sometimes can’t walk, struggle to speak, etc. type pain. It happens every time after I do any form of heavy lifting - taking out bins, carrying or moving boxes, carrying a ton of groceries. Sometimes it’s on the right side but 8.5/10 it is on the left side. Has anyone else experienced this and how do I make it stop bc it is genuinely debilitating me at this point.
submitted by Obvious-Pick5038 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:27 sylvynho Sr suntour fork service

Sr suntour fork service
Hello! It s possible to open a SR Suntour cr 8v 28'' suspension fork in order to clean and lube it? I m asking because mine has a squeak and i tried to open it with a suntour key(picture attached) but managed to open only the side without coil in it. The other side diameter was to small and i couldn't open it because the key didn t match . Thank you in advance!
submitted by sylvynho to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:26 Lamedviv Domming Former Alpha Slave Mary, Part 8, Dubious Consent, Slavery, Bondage, Humiliation. Mary's New Role As Repeating Extra. Nora, Layla And Sarah Gentle Femdom Constance. Nora's Daring Invitation to Sheila And Lara To Join, As Subs. Sheila And Lara Review Her Role And Discuss Saving Sandy.

Mary's perspective
So I'm tied to a fucking tree, though at least I'm in the shade. Hooded, panel gagged, wrapped in a white sleep sack, secured with rope. My ass, tits, and pussy exposed. Almost directly beneath my hanging boobs, two of Queen Of Mean's most junior Dommes play Spades on a fold out card table, ignoring me for the moment. Not that I'm complaining.
The filming for the episode where Saarya Rahul's clone is discovered by the Perseverance Co. has started. Yeah, I learned that bitch Lara Gupta is coming back, before I knew why.
I was actually mummified and trapped in the bondage frame on the Amazonian Ship's bridge. We're not filming a scene, QOM's crew just found it a convenient place to strap me into when they're busy and want to make sure their lowest slave stays out from underfoot. Just like in the ready room, I'm supposed to have a domme watch me all the time for my safety.
Of course, Daci is in charge of drawing up the rotation, and she assigns the youngest and most immature of Queen Of Mean's crew to watch me. No big surprise, sometimes they go to screw off with their friends, leaving me trapped alone on the set. A silent mummy with her lady parts hanging out, and her wide, desperate eyes tracking back and forth.
That's what happened the day I was reacquainted with Lara. I had been enjoying the peace and quiet of the set, I actually enjoyed not being tormented by one of QOM's sadistic Junior Dommes. Then I heard steps and laughing voices, coming from the sets back passageway. I braced myself from some sadistic cruelty from my Mistress Daci and her evil minions.
Instead I heard Mistress Daci say "You want to know where Girl Mary is, Miss Nora and I want to surprise you. Surprise, Miss Lara, here she is!" I heard an audible gasp that had to be Lara Gupta. "That's Mar-".
I hear Mistress Nora's girlish chuckle. "You said you read the release material, Lara, this is Girl Mary being her new super submissive self!" Both her and Mistress Daci giggle.
The three women walk around to regard my mummified ass from the front. To the right Mistress Daci, in her black Amazonian pilot flight suit, with red insignia and badges. She grins at me with her usual sadistic delight.
In the center Lara Rajaneesh Gupta in the flesh. I'm surprised she's not wearing the tight bootie shorts and unicorn T-shirt. She is wearing a loose fitting black T-Shirt saying "Want To Impress This Desi Girl? Whip Me Up Some Curry!" And what looks like faded store bought Levis. Most striking is her eyes. Last time her eyes were shifty and sneaky. Now they're warm and open, she actually looks saddened by my plight, and embarrassed for me.
I don't have much time to process that when I hear Mistress Nora speak. My eyes automatically track to my slender former student and current Domme. She's wearing her especially low cut Stellar Compact Navy blue jumpsuit with Commanders rank tabs.
"Girl Mary, why are you contaminating these two fine free ladies with your scummy slave gaze? Eyes down now!" Realizing my mistake, too late, my eyes dropped to the deck. I hear Daci giggle at my plight.
"Mistress Daci, why isn't there a domme to watch this slave and stop behavior like this? This is lax for such a professional crew as yours." Daci seems more serious when she says. "Miss Nora, I apologize, I fix it now." A moment later I hear her chewing ass, presumably on her phone, of the domme she assigned to watch me. I take no pleasure then that, I know the little bitch is going to take out Daci's butt chewing on my sorry slave hide.
"Miss Nora, Miss Lara, I apologize, the domme assigned to watch this subbie is on her way back here. She will be appropriately disciplined for not watching this slave." Miss Nora says "Thank you, Daci." Lara remains silent.
I hear footsteps running down the passage in a rush. Daci orders the junior domme to halt in the entrance, and unleashes another blistering tirade on her. Then she tells her to remain in place until her betters leave.
Nora says "Daci, Lara, lets forget this unpleasantness, I ordered us some curry from Miss Connor's favorite Thai Bistro! She's going to have lunch with Slave Sarah and Slave Constance at her living unit. Layla is going out to eat with a visiting uncle. We have the Ready Room to ourselves, we can eat and chat there."
Lara and Daci agree that sounds good and I hear the three ladies receding steps. Then I hear my designated Domme "Miss High and Mighty barks orders and eats with the cute little bunnies, while I have to watch your stupid ass! But that's okay...I can still get my own back!"
I feel the first stinging line of fire on my behind from her whip. Punishing my slave ass unfairly for her screw up...
A day later, I'm sandwiched between Nora on my right and Layla on my left. I'm naked, hooded, and panel gagged with my arms bindered behind my back. My nipple clamps chained to the desk, my clit leash anchored to the deck.
We're in the classroom where Constance and I were first indoc'd into QOM's crew's way of doing things. Guess I'm not even good enough to be in the ready room anymore. At least for script readings, Daci, for whom English is obviously not her first language, is absent. Layla and Nora can get really rough, but even together they're not as mean as that fucking Romanian bitch.
Today I focus, and obey their directions, keeping my gloomy slave feelings inside. My former protege and the Hispanic girl are surprisingly calm as they guide me through my part of the script.
 Opening Scene 
A mummified, helpless girl secured to a tree. Only her eyes, tits and pussy visible in her slave wrappings. The camera pulls back with her still centered. She's surrounded by a hellscape of burnt out vehicles, scorched earth, and blackened trees.
A robotic AI Voice gives a briefing:
AI briefer: At 0800 we spotted a hostage at the forward observer point guiding artillery pinning down the 6th Stellar Compact Marines Battalion. Obviously female, her identity remains unknown, although she might be one of the MIA Orbit Guard members from when this planet was initially assaulted by a combined Amazonian N'Docc" force.
This tactic was first noted when we were mopping up the surviving ground forces after the retaking of the Botany Bay colony. A captive is secured at a critical strategic point, to buy them time to do the most damage to Stellar Compact forces and slip away. They know we will eventually sacrifice the hostage, if we feel that's necessary. But they know our doctrine, that we have to do a cost benefit analysis and try to save the hostage if we can. They count on this to do the maximum damage as they retreat, if they can't turn the battle to their favor.
Unfortunately, a cost benefit analysis determined this unknown hostage could not be saved without unacceptable losses to the 6th Marines, and possibly jeopardizing the ground campaign on this world. At 0956, the determination was made to terminate the forward observer post with extreme prejudice.
A Plasma Mortar Smart Round was keyed to the coordinates and launched. ( A Holo Data link picture appears, showing the mortar in relation to the forward observer spot. A graphic represents the round launched, and a line with mathematical calculations represents its trajectory).
(The picture shifts back to the restrained slavegirl. You see shifty scrambling in the background) It appears all hostiles manning the outpost detected the launch and escaped without discernible casualties. (The hostage isn't so lucky, her desperate eyes track the flaming football descending on her position. She mmmphs and wiggles, her big breasts swaying. A moment later, in an Orange red flash she is incinerated, a death devoid of dignity bestowed on so many courageous Stellar Compact female soldiers before her).
(The view shifts with no further commentary, which would be superfluous. We see Commander Gail to the left of a large viewscreen, Rear Admiral Mendez to the right. Gail puts her head in her hands and takes a moment to gather herself.)
Mendez: Commander-Nora, I'm sorry. I know that must be hard, especially after what happened to Captain Rommie. But I need you to understand what's going on down there. There are still fierce pockets of resistance. Stellar Compact Intelligence has confirmed that the Amazonians want to take you alive and make you a Whipping Girl, whomever does it will attain greater honor than even Commander Sappho capturing poor Rommie. Is a morale tour really worth it?
Gail (Raises her head, visibly pulls together) I know the risks, but understand why you showed that to me. I don't want to die at all, especially not like that. But war entails risks. I knew that when I pounded my fist on that table, and yelled at a conclave Admirals, that I risked Dismissal or even Court Martial. I know it now, and think it's important enough to do.
Mendez: It's not just you. The media has dubbed you the "Heroine Of Botany Bay" and "The Savioress Of The Stellar Compact" you being killed, or slowly tortured as a Whipping Girl, could devastate our morale at a critical juncture, even turn the tide of the war against us again!
(Mendez takes a deep breath, pauses)
Don't get me wrong, I care about your well being Commander. I lost one of the finest female command Officers I knew on my watch. If I lost another-I don't know if I could forgive-(The normally poised Admiral casts her head down and seems to be wiping away tears).
(Nora reaches out to gently touch the Admiral's right shoulder with her left hand. Unsolicited contact with a Flag officer in peacetime can be a serious offence, depending on circumstances. In wartime, it can be a Capitol one. The Admiral's Marine Guard starts to move in on the impertinent commander. The Admiral pulls herself together and waves them off).
Mendez (Grabs Gail's hand with her right, clasps it in both hands) Nora, the first time I saw you, you seemed ready to jump behind the Cybo-Chief Warrant Officer ASSHO to escape from my gaze. Now you're a battle tested hero. You've come a long way baby."
Nora: Ma'am, I never wanted to be a hero. I don't FEEL like one. All I ever wanted to do was be an explorer. Also show a society on the verge of revoking women's rights, that we ARE as capable as men. But now that I am one, it's not about me, it's about us, the Stellar Compact as a whole. What kind of hero avoids risks when it comes to encouraging those who look to them as a role model?
Mendez (releases Gail's hand, looks stern again) Young woman, I could order you not to go ground side. (She gets a small, fond smile) an order you might choose not to obey. So I don't have to convene Court Martial proceedings, I give you permission. You be careful down there, Commander, or I will personally spank you like I used to do to my daughters!"
Gail (small smile) Ma'am, I have Chief Warrant Officer ASSHO protecting me-and Gabby-Staff Sergeant Perez and her Marines. I'd bet on them over a Regiment of N'Docc" any day!
Mendez (Stern and serious) Young lady, you may have to. Keep your head on a swivel. Dismissed.
(Nora salutes, the Admiral returns it, the meeting is over. Nora leaves the briefing room, her own Marine Guard falling in after her as she leaves).
I try to cover my chagrin, once again, "Boss Bitch" Miss Connor, makes me look pathetic and my Mistress looks awesome with her writing. I wish I'd never asked Dave to let me start this project! I'm still strapped to this tree, sweltering, with my lady parts exposed for all to see.
Lara's perspective
So "Boss Bitch" asked to meet me at 08:30 at the Ready room for a script meeting about my character. With my security badge, I could walk around unescorted, and I had the cypher lock combo to the ready room. Still when I came to the door ten minutes early, the red privacy light was on, I thought it polite to wait for Sheila.
The pretty half breed girl rolls up almost right on time, trademark fedora on head, coffee cup in hand. She sees the red light and frowns. She politely asks me to hold her cup and pounds the intercom button.
"Alright, bitches, I don't care if you're having a les orgy in there! You have 30 seconds to get dressed and wipe off the table, then I'm coming in!" She takes the coffee cup back and times it on her phone. When time's up, she punched in the combo and stormed in, with me close behind.
Her assertion of them having an orgy isn't far off. Constance is naked, kneeling and facing a chair, her arms secured with padded zip ties to each arm of the chair, panel gagged. Sarah is also naked, behind Constance, standing and with arms bindered behind her, though not muzzled. She is proudly standing facing us, smiling, her fine Asian assets on display.
I take a quick glance at Nora, in her blue jumpsuit, sitting across the table with a coffee cup in hand. Her proud smile shows how far her exotic subbie has come. Sarah knew without being told she had to proudly "present" to Sheila and I, because she was nude. I look back at the two naked girls.
Layla is on the other side of the chair from Constance in her Stellar Compact Marine Uniform, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Our fearless leader fixes the two Dommes and the Alpha Slave with a "Start talking, ladies" gaze. Nora asks "Sarah, would you like to explain to Miss Connor what we're doing?" Sarah eagerly replies "Yes, Mistress Nora!"
The Asian girl turns to face Sheila earnestly. "We're helping Constance get in touch with her submissive and sapphic desires. I was rubbing my nipples on her back and whispering in her ear, while Mistress Layla reassured her and calmed her. This was an idea the four of us came up with together, and Constance has a safe signal, three mmmphs, if it gets too intense for her."
Sheila's attention turns from the happy, nude former Navy girl to the other sub. "Constance are you ok, and alright with all this?" Constance mmmphs "Yes, Miss Connor." She doesn't sound under duress, this is the most relaxed I've seen her.
Sheila nods. "Girls, make sure you clean up any messes you make, and no going down on each other on the table, remember we eat there. Carry on." Three clear, and one mmmphed "Yes, Miss Connor."
Sheila nods. "Lara and I will be in my office, don't hesitate to knock if you need me." Boss Bitch turns to her office and I move to follow.
"Miss Connor, Lara wait ." Nora is looking at us with a bold, devilish glint in her eye. Where is that mousy little waif I met the first time? "We're ahead of the shooting schedule, we have time, why don't you and Lara join us? Four Dommes, two subs, why not have a little fun, girls?"
Then the gleam in her eyes got even more wicked. "If one or both of you want to sub for awhile, relinquish some of your responsibility? Two hot dommes, four exotic subs, it would challenge Layla's and I's Mistress skills, and we'd all enjoy a big shower of girl come." Nora and Layla exchange looks like they're ready, even eager for that challenge.
Sheila looks intrigued, hell I'm a little intrigued and horny myself, despite what happened last time. But Sheila firmly asserts "Tempting, my little horndogs, but we're ahead because I put business first, my horny little bitches. Lara and I have a lot to do if we want to stay on schedule, so we'll have to pass. Have fun girls." Layla, Nora and Sarah look disappointed, but nod, they know who's in charge.
When Mary, Nora and Sarah "topped" me last time, Shelia helped them Domme me, of course, but never took off her clothing. Does she ever cut loose, get naked with her girls when they get really wild? If Sheila and I had a private session, who would top, and who would bottom? My pussy getting wet, I send those thoughts to horny jail. Sheila's right, we have priorities, not just the show but saving Sandy.
I wait for Sheila to sit, then politely take my seat. With her usual lack of preamble, Boss Bitch shoves a shooting script for my first new episode across her desk at me. I pick it up and page through it.
Basically, Commander Gail does a morale tour of the violently liberated colony world Persephone. The Stellar Compact has the upper hand, the Alliance fleet being driven out of the system. Fierce pockets of N'Docc" and Amazonian Warriors fight on ground side, they'd rather fight to the last cat and woman than surrender.
The Mobile Medical units are overwhelmed with military casualties, so liberated civilian casualties languish. The Red Cross, the Red Crescent and other medical NGO's are allowed on world to pick up the slack. The problem is some of them feel obligated to treat N'Docc" and Amazonian wounded. This causes sometimes enraged reactions among a recently liberated civilian population. Violent acts against aid workers who treat the enemy are common. Military authority usually looks the other way if a victim is the "enemy" or someone known to treat them. Most incidents are blamed on "Insurgents" even when they're obviously not the culprit.
During a tour of a hovel city, Gail, Assho, and their Marine Guard hear screaming. They head down a shadowy alley, and see several men trying to rape a dark skinned woman clad only in a tattered man's work shirt, the rest of her torn clothes strewn around the alleyway.
Gail yells at them to stop, and the woman takes the opportunity to flee her rapists and run to Gail, ASSHO, and their Marine Guard; cowering behind ASSHO. A moment of shock from Gail, when she sees the woman is a dead ringer for her mentor LCDR Saarya Rahul, but she composes herself.
Gail: What are you men doing to this poor woman? Hasn't the enemy done enough, bastards like you need to finish their work?
Scumbag 1: Begging pardon, miss, but this little tart is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, we's just seeing if she got some fur her own, miss.
Gail(looking disgusted) Really? You're a sick freak.
(She's about to say more when a local militia patrol shows up. They ignore the Scumbag and his two minions focusing on the girl hiding behind ASSHO).
Patrol Leader: Causing a ruckus again, you little tease? We let you off easy even though you were the Domina's body servant. You still can't keep from making difficulties.I'm taking you to lock up!
(Gail clears her throat pointedly)
Patrol Leader (Really looking at her, taken aback) Oh, sorry Commander, that this little twitch got you caught up in her troubles. If you'll just hand her over...
Gail: (looking for insignia, seeing faded Sergeant stripes) Sergeant, you will arrest these three men and take them to your lock up immediately, charge them with attempted rape!"
Patrol leader (looking shocked) Ma'am you can't be serious....
Gail: Take them into custody now, or we will. And I'll report you to the planetary Provost Marshall!
Patrol Leader (Looking angry) Aye, Ma'am! (To the scumbags) C'mon boys. (The patrol surrounds the three men but doesn't cuff them. The patrol laughs and jokes with the scum as they saunter away).
(Gail looks disgusted, but then turns to help ASSHO tend to the sobbing girl who is a double of her mentor).
I look up. "Your usual top notch work, Sheila, Ari will believe we're not just phoning it in. Trust me."
Sheila looks at me soberly "I do. Now let's start talking about freeing my sister....
I nod. "So my initial plan is to simply purchase her...
submitted by Lamedviv to lamedviv [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:26 yandao2000 Where does this squad ranks among the best Arsenal squads of the past?

Where does the 23/24 Arsenal team rank among the best Arsenal teams?
Another season without a title, but no doubt that this is one of the best Arsenal sides we have ever seen.
How does the current Arsenal team compare with the other great Arsenal squads of the past?
For me, the current squad ranks above the below squads of the past 1. 2015 FA Cup winning squad with Ozil and Sanchez 2. 07-09 squad with Nasri, Fabregas and RVP
I would say current squad is as good as the 01/02 squad and just misses out on the top spot of the 03/04 Invincibles
submitted by yandao2000 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:24 grapesgrapes29 Not sure if what I did was ghosting, but it’s been eating at me

I had this friend who I thought I was on pretty good terms with. I adored this person. I always asked about their family, friends, job, etc. bought them a card on their birthdays.
The catch was, they hardly ever initiated conversations to the point that they stopped entirely this year. If I checked in, they’d respond enthusiastically. I felt confused a lot about whether I was supposed to take a hint, or if I was doing the right thing by checking in because they were shy or something. If anyone read the texts between us the interest looks normally reciprocal but the act of them never reaching out first made the friendship feel extremely one-sided and made me look crazy.
I got radio silence on my birthday, important events in my life this year. It hurt. I know they knew these things were happening.
The last straw was when they’d been mentioning that they were planning on visiting my hometown, told me that twice, and then the week passed without a word. I purposefully held back this time to see what’d happen. When I finally broke the silence and asked, they told me super casually that they already came and went but were just too busy to send me a text.
At that point I was super weirded out. I just blocked them on all social media without an explanation. I feel guilty for essentially ghosting, but…???? I feel so hurt and tired of the confusion and ugh.
submitted by grapesgrapes29 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:23 Jeffvad3r42 Swipe through photos on external storage?

As the title states, essentially I've got into photography and it would be really handy to be able to scroll through photos in the file manager - however it doesn't seem to work, is there a setting to enable it or just something that Samsung inexplicably doesn't support?
I've tried it on my Z Flip 5 and Tab S8 Plus, even popped into the Samsung store by my work and they didn't seem to have an idea.
I really like my Tab but if there's no answer to this I'll be pushed to the dark side 🙃
submitted by Jeffvad3r42 to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:23 bignoseenergy Writing on the side with a full-time career?

I (23F) love writing, although over the past few years I've lost touch with it since my time was taken up in college and my job.
I've been having the urge to write, but I have too many (very rough) ideas swirling in my head and too many formats I want to try - a blog, a collection of poems or short stories, a full novel, a screenplay. I've mostly written poetry, short stories and academic/journalistic pieces before but I want to write again.
I want to write something great that'll give me some kind of rewarding feeling (getting it published & selling it, setting up an online page and getting likes etc) so I feel it's worth it, but with my job and everything that's too much pressure to put on it and I'll probably end up half-assing it.
It's a classic case of procrastination and overthinking but has anyone been able to do regular writing on the side with a full time career? I know there's always good and bad phases with writing, but I'm looking for advice on how I can start and what I can start with so I can get back to writing as a regular hobby (possibly pursue it professionally in the future, who knows) without quitting too soon.
submitted by bignoseenergy to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:22 Hot-Breakfast8612 My sisters often exclude me from family activities cause of my kids

Disclaimer: Posting it in multiple threads just to get opinions/ thoughts about it.
This has been something that has been bothering me ever since I gave birth to my first child. Background, I have 2 sisters, we're all in our late 20s/ early 30s and we're asian.
I've always known that my sisters were not "kids" people. They are more "dog" people and are the kind of people that would often posts stuff about kids being annoying/ how people should have dogs over kids etc. They feel like their dogs are their kids and would get upset when my parents prioritise their "human grandchildren" over their "fur grandchildren".
I've always been on the fence, and after getting married decided to have kids because my husband and I wanted "to see what we were missing out on". Long story short, we love parenthood and love our kids, but my sisters' snarky comments about my kids (e.g. when my kid has a meltdown at dinner they will be visibly annoyed and make comments about the pitch of their cries when they own dogs have loud barks and the whole neighbourhood hears them/ when I bring my toddler for family dinners they will make snark remarks that there's a new "competitor" at the dinner table and they have to order to cater to his "adult-like" appetite) and their constant exclusion of my from family activities (e.g. planning their own mothe Father's Day celebration, planning family holidays without extending the invitation to me and often me just finding out about it just before my parents fly off) makes me really upset and feel really alone in this family. My parents are caught in the middle because they feel like taking a stand will just cause my sisters to cut off from them, and they're trying their best to be "fair" to them.
I've never confronted my sisters about it but there were a few instances when they accidentally let slip about their plans they'll just brush it off and go "Yeah we didn't ask you cause it's so troublesome to plan with kids around." or something alone the lines.
When I was planning for my "confinement" after giving birth to my last kid, my parents volunteered their place for my family to stay so they could help out with child taking and my meals (bless their heart). However, at the last minute my mum had to pull me aside to say she had to retract the offer because my sister who was staying with them did not give her blessings and told my mum that she did not want to stay in the same house as two crying babies (also must note that my parent's place aint small it's a few thousand square feet of living space). Needless to say, I left the conversation immediately after finding out and cried so badly because I just felt like my parents were prioritising her over me and their grandchildren. It just made me feel really unworthy because even with two children in tow they still felt like she was more important than us.
I've never had a space to really internalise my feelings. A part of me feels like maybe this is just me feeling "entitled" and playing the victim to myself, but another part of me also question if being treated like that is "normal"? The asian culture is very collective in nature, and seeing my friends whose family embraces their children and how everyone comes together because of the kids also makes me feel bad for my own children because I know they'll never have that kind of love from their aunties. My sisters also constantly do not cut corners with my children (ie hold them to the same standards as adults) and will make comments like "They need to know not everyone will always give in to them/ say yes to them. I'm just showing them from early on." When I say cut corners I mean even things as simple as, if my child gets too excited around their dogs their first instinct is to just berate them in front of everyone. Or if my child wants the last piece of chicken and asks for it (We told him he has to do it otherwise it'd be rude) they'll say "I want it too" and take it from him.
I'm at the point where I sometimes dread family dinners where my parents try to organise something for ALL of us because I just don't want to see their faces when they see my kids, or subject my kids to an environment like that.
I also want to know if there are others who are in a similar situation as me and if:
submitted by Hot-Breakfast8612 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:22 Hot-Breakfast8612 My sisters often exclude me from family activities cause of my kids

Disclaimer: Posting it in multiple threads just to get opinions/ thoughts about it.
This has been something that has been bothering me ever since I gave birth to my first child. Background, I have 2 sisters, we're all in our late 20s/ early 30s and we're asian.
I've always known that my sisters were not "kids" people. They are more "dog" people and are the kind of people that would often posts stuff about kids being annoying/ how people should have dogs over kids etc. They feel like their dogs are their kids and would get upset when my parents prioritise their "human grandchildren" over their "fur grandchildren".
I've always been on the fence, and after getting married decided to have kids because my husband and I wanted "to see what we were missing out on". Long story short, we love parenthood and love our kids, but my sisters' snarky comments about my kids (e.g. when my kid has a meltdown at dinner they will be visibly annoyed and make comments about the pitch of their cries when they own dogs have loud barks and the whole neighbourhood hears them/ when I bring my toddler for family dinners they will make snark remarks that there's a new "competitor" at the dinner table and they have to order to cater to his "adult-like" appetite) and their constant exclusion of my from family activities (e.g. planning their own mothe Father's Day celebration, planning family holidays without extending the invitation to me and often me just finding out about it just before my parents fly off) makes me really upset and feel really alone in this family. My parents are caught in the middle because they feel like taking a stand will just cause my sisters to cut off from them, and they're trying their best to be "fair" to them.
I've never confronted my sisters about it but there were a few instances when they accidentally let slip about their plans they'll just brush it off and go "Yeah we didn't ask you cause it's so troublesome to plan with kids around." or something alone the lines.
When I was planning for my "confinement" after giving birth to my last kid, my parents volunteered their place for my family to stay so they could help out with child taking and my meals (bless their heart). However, at the last minute my mum had to pull me aside to say she had to retract the offer because my sister who was staying with them did not give her blessings and told my mum that she did not want to stay in the same house as two crying babies (also must note that my parent's place aint small it's a few thousand square feet of living space). Needless to say, I left the conversation immediately after finding out and cried so badly because I just felt like my parents were prioritising her over me and their grandchildren. It just made me feel really unworthy because even with two children in tow they still felt like she was more important than us.
I've never had a space to really internalise my feelings. A part of me feels like maybe this is just me feeling "entitled" and playing the victim to myself, but another part of me also question if being treated like that is "normal"? The asian culture is very collective in nature, and seeing my friends whose family embraces their children and how everyone comes together because of the kids also makes me feel bad for my own children because I know they'll never have that kind of love from their aunties. My sisters also constantly do not cut corners with my children (ie hold them to the same standards as adults) and will make comments like "They need to know not everyone will always give in to them/ say yes to them. I'm just showing them from early on." When I say cut corners I mean even things as simple as, if my child gets too excited around their dogs their first instinct is to just berate them in front of everyone. Or if my child wants the last piece of chicken and asks for it (We told him he has to do it otherwise it'd be rude) they'll say "I want it too" and take it from him.
I'm at the point where I sometimes dread family dinners where my parents try to organise something for ALL of us because I just don't want to see their faces when they see my kids, or subject my kids to an environment like that.
I also want to know if there are others who are in a similar situation as me and if: - I'm the one overthinking it - If you've done anything to make the situation better? For now I just cannot help but feel my children are a point of tension and uneasiness but at the same time how do I change that? I cannot just leave my kids behind or just will them away?
submitted by Hot-Breakfast8612 to DysfunctionalFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:22 Hot-Breakfast8612 My sisters often exclude me from family activities cause of my kids

Disclaimer: Posting it in multiple threads just to get opinions/ thoughts about it.
This has been something that has been bothering me ever since I gave birth to my first child. Background, I have 2 sisters, we're all in our late 20s/ early 30s and we're asian.
I've always known that my sisters were not "kids" people. They are more "dog" people and are the kind of people that would often posts stuff about kids being annoying/ how people should have dogs over kids etc. They feel like their dogs are their kids and would get upset when my parents prioritise their "human grandchildren" over their "fur grandchildren".
I've always been on the fence, and after getting married decided to have kids because my husband and I wanted "to see what we were missing out on". Long story short, we love parenthood and love our kids, but my sisters' snarky comments about my kids (e.g. when my kid has a meltdown at dinner they will be visibly annoyed and make comments about the pitch of their cries when they own dogs have loud barks and the whole neighbourhood hears them/ when I bring my toddler for family dinners they will make snark remarks that there's a new "competitor" at the dinner table and they have to order to cater to his "adult-like" appetite) and their constant exclusion of my from family activities (e.g. planning their own mothe Father's Day celebration, planning family holidays without extending the invitation to me and often me just finding out about it just before my parents fly off) makes me really upset and feel really alone in this family. My parents are caught in the middle because they feel like taking a stand will just cause my sisters to cut off from them, and they're trying their best to be "fair" to them.
I've never confronted my sisters about it but there were a few instances when they accidentally let slip about their plans they'll just brush it off and go "Yeah we didn't ask you cause it's so troublesome to plan with kids around." or something alone the lines.
When I was planning for my "confinement" after giving birth to my last kid, my parents volunteered their place for my family to stay so they could help out with child taking and my meals (bless their heart). However, at the last minute my mum had to pull me aside to say she had to retract the offer because my sister who was staying with them did not give her blessings and told my mum that she did not want to stay in the same house as two crying babies (also must note that my parent's place aint small it's a few thousand square feet of living space). Needless to say, I left the conversation immediately after finding out and cried so badly because I just felt like my parents were prioritising her over me and their grandchildren. It just made me feel really unworthy because even with two children in tow they still felt like she was more important than us.
I've never had a space to really internalise my feelings. A part of me feels like maybe this is just me feeling "entitled" and playing the victim to myself, but another part of me also question if being treated like that is "normal"? The asian culture is very collective in nature, and seeing my friends whose family embraces their children and how everyone comes together because of the kids also makes me feel bad for my own children because I know they'll never have that kind of love from their aunties. My sisters also constantly do not cut corners with my children (ie hold them to the same standards as adults) and will make comments like "They need to know not everyone will always give in to them/ say yes to them. I'm just showing them from early on." When I say cut corners I mean even things as simple as, if my child gets too excited around their dogs their first instinct is to just berate them in front of everyone. Or if my child wants the last piece of chicken and asks for it (We told him he has to do it otherwise it'd be rude) they'll say "I want it too" and take it from him.
I'm at the point where I sometimes dread family dinners where my parents try to organise something for ALL of us because I just don't want to see their faces when they see my kids, or subject my kids to an environment like that.
I also want to know if there are others who are in a similar situation as me and if: - I'm the one overthinking it - If you've done anything to make the situation better? For now I just cannot help but feel my children are a point of tension and uneasiness but at the same time how do I change that? I cannot just leave my kids behind or just will them away?
submitted by Hot-Breakfast8612 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:21 StyleCramped Knee Injury Mystery

Hello 23 year old guy. I was wondering if anyone would help me identify what issue I am having or whether they have experienced the same thing.
2 years ago, I ran a marathon with 6 days of training (I was in good shape but didn’t run before those 6 days). There were literally zero knee problems before or during the marathon. 3 weeks later, I am doing a leg workout (I haven’t done one in a few weeks) and do walking lunges and box jumps. Still no issues.
I forget if it was the next day or a few days later but I am going up a small flight of stairs and both of my knees have a huge shooting pain. The only way I make it up is by walking kind of peg legged. It feels like the structure of my knee is collapsing.
Causes: From that moment, the pain would go on and off at almost any random time but prominently on stairs or when my legs get super cold or sitting in a car sometimes. It could even happen when I’m just laying down. If my knee is activated, it can hurt to go on stairs. I really do not think fatigue causes it to flare up.
Bodily Location: The pain would could be anywhere around my knee: top, left side, right side, bottom, and upper part. Most of the activity was on my left knee but the ratio was like 80% left and 20% right knee.
Pain Type: the pain can be 2 options: it can be a pain that feels like my knee structure is collapsing or it can feel like my muscles around my knee ache. Really never both at the same time. Both options range from 0-7 on the pain scale at times.
X Ray didn’t show anything wrong and other doctors couldn’t pinpoint anything they found to be wrong. Not a single doctor I spoke to seemed to have a single clue. Even PT people were stumped.
In the past two years it has become extremely less frequent and I can now go a month or two without feeling it even slightly. 2 months ago, I did a backpacking trip where we hiked around 10 miles a day and I only felt my knee at night when it got cold.
If anyone has any clue or anything similar that would be great!
submitted by StyleCramped to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:20 MarvSee How to Make a Constipated Dog Poop Quickly?

Just like humans, dogs can experience constipation, which can be uncomfortable and concerning for pet owners. Recognizing the signs and knowing how to relieve your dog's constipation quickly is crucial for their health and well-being. In this article, we'll explore effective remedies and preventive measures to help your dog feel better fast.

Understanding Dog Constipation

What is Dog Constipation?

Constipation in dogs is the infrequent or difficult passage of stools. It occurs when the colon absorbs too much water, resulting in dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass.

Common Causes of Constipation in Dogs

Several factors can cause constipation in dogs, including:

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Symptoms of Constipation in Dogs

Recognizing the symptoms is the first step in addressing constipation. Common signs include:

Immediate Remedies for Constipation

Increasing Fiber Intake

Adding fiber to your dog's diet can help soften their stool and promote regular bowel movements.

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and can help relieve constipation. Add a tablespoon of pure pumpkin puree (not pie filling) to your dog's food.

Bran Cereal

Mixing a small amount of bran cereal with your dog's regular food can also increase their fiber intake.

Ensuring Adequate Hydration

Make sure your dog has access to fresh water at all times. Dehydration can lead to constipation, so encourage your dog to drink plenty of water.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular exercise can help stimulate your dog's digestive system. Take your dog for a walk or play a game of fetch to get them moving.

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Dietary Adjustments

High-Fiber Foods

Incorporate high-fiber foods into your dog's diet. Foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples can help keep your dog's digestive system healthy.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is crucial for your dog's overall health. Ensure they are getting the right mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to support their digestive system.

Avoiding Human Foods

Human foods can be harmful to dogs and may cause digestive issues. Stick to dog-safe foods and treats to prevent constipation and other health problems.

Home Remedies for Quick Relief

Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

A small amount of olive oil or coconut oil can lubricate your dog's digestive tract, making it easier for them to pass stools.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice can soothe your dog's digestive system and help relieve constipation. Add a teaspoon to their water or food.


Probiotics can promote healthy gut bacteria, aiding in digestion and preventing constipation. You can find probiotics specifically formulated for dogs.

When to Use Laxatives

Types of Laxatives Safe for Dogs

Certain laxatives, like lactulose or polyethylene glycol, can be used for dogs. Always consult your vet before giving your dog any laxatives.

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Dosage and Administration

Follow your vet's instructions for dosage and administration to ensure your dog's safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Massage and Physical Techniques

Abdominal Massage

Gently massaging your dog's abdomen can help stimulate their bowel movements. Use circular motions and apply light pressure.

Warm Compresses

Applying a warm compress to your dog's abdomen can relax their muscles and help ease constipation.

Preventive Measures

Regular Exercise

Ensure your dog gets regular exercise to keep their digestive system functioning properly.

Consistent Feeding Schedule

Feed your dog at the same times each day to establish a routine and promote regular bowel movements.

Monitoring Water Intake

Make sure your dog drinks enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated and prevent constipation.

Veterinary Interventions

When to Visit the Vet

If your dog's constipation persists for more than a day or two, or if they show signs of severe discomfort, contact your vet.

👉 CLICK HERE to learn more about it

Possible Medical Treatments

Your vet may recommend treatments such as enemas or prescription medications to relieve severe constipation.

Understanding the Risks of Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation can lead to serious health issues, including megacolon, where the colon becomes enlarged and loses its ability to function properly.

Alternative Therapies


Acupuncture can help stimulate your dog's digestive system and relieve constipation. Consult a vet trained in acupuncture for this treatment.

Herbal Remedies

Certain herbs, like ginger or licorice root, can help with digestion. Always consult your vet before giving your dog any herbal remedies.


Constipation in dogs can be uncomfortable, but with the right remedies and preventive measures, you can help your furry friend feel better quickly. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper hydration are key to maintaining your dog's digestive health. If your dog's constipation persists, don't hesitate to seek veterinary care to ensure their well-being.


What are the signs that my dog is constipated?

Common signs include straining to defecate, producing small, hard stools, showing discomfort when trying to poop, decreased appetite, and lethargy.

Can I give my dog human laxatives?

No, you should not give your dog human laxatives without consulting your vet. Some laxatives can be harmful to dogs.

How long can a dog safely go without pooping?

Dogs can typically go up to 48 hours without pooping before it becomes a concern. If your dog hasn't pooped in over two days, consult your vet.

Are there any breeds more prone to constipation?

Breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, and older dogs may be more prone to constipation due to their anatomy and activity levels.

Can stress cause constipation in dogs?

Yes, stress can affect your dog's digestive system and lead to constipation. Try to keep your dog calm and comfortable to prevent stress-related constipation.

👉 CLICK HERE to learn more about it

submitted by MarvSee to ReviewsAndTools [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:20 docwannabox The first week was rough. What's next?

Last week I posted [this] here.
It's been a rough week. Need your guidance for the next steps.
Had to put on the "stone face" everyday at work. My work requires interacting with multiple people a day so I need to keep up some kind of mask for smooth interactions.
Endless thoughts of "Oh, bet she'd like this", "Can't wait to talk to her about this", "New dinning place? Can't wait to bring her there".
Then the reality sets in... I guess this is "the void" people talked about. The nights have been cold and empty for the first time in years.
I have been weaning myself off her. Reduced from texting all day to just when I have free time. Trying my best not to text, call, or Facetime on whims. Morning run, lift weights, stay at boxing gym until 8 p.m., do whatever to distract myself. The new project I started is currently stuck in production hell so it will take a while.
Yesterday I drove to her home to say my final goodbye to her family. I felt it was a right thing to do since they have pretty much adopted me for 2 years. There was a lot of sobbing from both of us and everyone else. I brought her to visit places that we have never visited before near her home. We watched sunset on the mountain top together.
The trip back home has never been lonelier. 3 hours of crying while driving back home.
I temporarily moved out of my rented apartment to stay with my parents, thanks God we live in the same city/province. I think I will stay with them until I'm ready to face the world again... but this time I'll have to do it without her.
This weekend will be our last trip together. We planned it a few months ago when she came back from abroad. Plus, she always loves going seaside but we couldn't do that during the pandemic.
After that... then what? What do I do?
Should we keep contact? It's not that we had a nasty break up. We always want to have each other in our lives. Our chat still has pink background we have been using for 5 years and still has 😘 for reaction instead of 👍.
The thought that one day, when one of us has someone new, or something bad happens to one of us, and we just disappear from each other's life, terrifies us both.
Her departing flight will be in next month, should I go send her at the airport to give myself the sense of 'finality'? Or should I not go and just calm myself tf down? I'm lost.
I do not wish this experience on anyone. Not even on my worst enemies.
5 years of memories, ups and downs, is so hard to let go. But we have to do it or both of us would be stuck in waiting for each other indefinitely and never move forward.
Next month will also be my birthday so, yeah, 32 and single... again. Weird chapter of life to be in but I'll face it.
My whole life after I started working was with her, my planned future was with her... I don't know what to do from now. I'm tired.
Enough of typing. I'll take a nap then wake up and go gym.
submitted by docwannabox to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:20 BruteSentiment Daily Minors Quick-Notes 5/19/24 - Jonah Cox is back in the Steals Race

Daily Minors Quick-Notes 5/19/24 - Jonah Cox is back in the Steals Race
Jonah Cox stole three bases in one game today, putting him back up the stolen base leaderboards across al of the minors. Meanwhile, continued hitting by Brady Whelan, Hunter Bishop, and Brett Auerbach couldn’t give Sacramento one more win against the Dodgers Triple-A team.

AAA: Oklahoma City 6, Sacramento 4

Player of the Game: RF Brady Whalen: 3-3, 1 R, 1 2B (1), 1 BB
Whalen had his first hits as a River Cat in his third day, having a perfect OBP day. Overall, Whelan is now 3-for-9 (.333) with the double, and three walks to two strikeouts in those three games.
Other Players to Spotlight:
  • LF Hunter Bishop: 2-2, 1 R, 1 RBI, 1 2B (2), 2 BB - Bishop continues his hot run in Sacramento through six games, now with a batting line of .455/.480/.818.
  • 2B Brett Auerbach: 2-3, 1 R, 1 RBI, 2 2B (3), 1 SB (1) - In seven games since coming up to Sacramento, Auerbach is hitting .381/.409/.619.
  • SP Carson Seymour: 5.0 IP, 4 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 3 BB, 3 K - Seymour has a 4.35 ERA through 10 starts in Triple-A this year, with 40 strikeouts to 19 walks in 39.1 innings.
Top Prospect Lines:
  • CF Ismael Munguia: 0-3, 2 K, 2 HBP, 1 SB (6), 1 CS (2)
  • 3B Casey Schmitt: 1-4, 1 R, 1 BB, 1 K
  • RP Reggie Crawford: 1.1 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 2 BB, 1 K
Other Notable Lines:
  • 1B Trenton Brooks: 1-2, 1 RBI, 1 2B (8), 3 BB, 1 K
  • DH Donny Sands: 0-5, 1 RBI, 3 K - This was his first game with the Giants organization. The 28-year old C/1B Donny Sands was playing with Tijuana of the Mexican League, hitting .245/.339/.490 through 16 games.

AA: Reading 6, Richmond 2

Player of the Game: 3B Luis Toribio: 2-3, 2 RBI, 1 2B (3), 1 BB, 1 K, 1 CS (1) 1 E (7)
Toribio led the team in hitting with the two hits, and its only extra base hit. Through 24 games, Toribio is hitting just .189/.282/.338.
Other Players to Spotlight:
  • CF Grant McCray: 0-1, 2 R, 3 BB, 1 K, 1 SB (5) - McCray had a good day for walks. he now has 18 walks to 46 strikeouts in 33 games, from a .283 OBP above a .168 batting average.
  • C Adrián Sugastey: 1-4 - Sugastey had a mini 5-game hitting streak going, having hit .368 (7-for-19) through it.
Top Prospect Lines:
  • DH Vaun Brown: 0-4, 3 K
Other Notable Lines:
  • SP Matt Frisbee: 4.0 IP, 4 H, 2 R, 2 ER, 3 BB, 4 K

High-A: Eugene 7, Everett 5

Player of the Game: 3B Justin Wishkoski: 4-5, 5 RBI, 1 2B (7), 1 3B (1), 1 E (8)
Justin Wishkoski had a career-high four hits in this game, and picked up his first triple of his career. Wishkoski is hitting .250 on the year now, with seven doubles, a triple, and a home run.
Other Players to Spotlight:
  • RF Rodolfo Nolasco: 2-5, 1 R, 1 RBI, 1 2B (2) - Nolasco is 8-for-28 (.286) with two doubles and two home runs in his first seven games with the Giants organization.
  • SS Diego Velasquez: 1-4, 1 R, 1 BB, 1 K, 2 SB (9) - Velasquez now has nine steals in 29 games. In 2023, he had 23 in 111 games.
Other Notable Lines:
  • SP Manuel Mercedes: 5.1 IP, 5 R, 2 R, 2 ER, 1 BB, 5 K
  • RP Julio Rodriguez: 1.2 IP, 0 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 3 K
  • LF Matt Higgins: 1-3, 2 R, 1 BB, 1 K, 1 SB (4)

Low-A: San Jose 4, Modesto 1

Player of the Game: CF Jonah Cox: 2-3, 1 R, 2 RBI, 2 2B, 1 BB, 3 SB (24), 1 HBP
Cox is now up to 4th overall in the overall minor league stolen base race, with the top player having 31 and the other two ahead of him with 25.
Other Players to Spotlight:
  • 2B Elian Rayo: 2-5, 2 K - Rayo is hitting .240 after back-to-back 2-hit games.
  • SS Jean Carlos Sio: 0-3, 1 R, 1 RBI, 2 BB, 2 SB (3) - The two steals give Sio three on the season in four attempts. In 2023, he had eight in ten attempts over 52 games.
  • SP Joe Whitman: 4.0 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 3 BB, 2 K - This was Whitman’s second start without allowing a run this season. Overall, he has 33 strikeouts to 21 walks in 31.1 innings.
Other Notable Lines:
  • DH Scott Bandura: 1-4, 1 R, 2 K, 1 SB (2), 1 HBP
  • RP Trent Harris: 3.0 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 0 BB, 5 K
ACL: No Games Scheduled
submitted by BruteSentiment to SFGiants [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:16 solama_Official Solama 🏆🏅

First of all, i would like to give a big shoutout to our existing members and any newcomers that decide to join us on our journey to greatness in the nearing future. Solama has come a long way from where it started and it does not plan on stopping without achieving great heights and claiming the spot for the best meme-coin to ever exist. Since the launch of Solama we have achieved great progress already, the developers are working hard on gaining more and more exchange listings and marketing projects to further push this project into oblivion. If you are here now count yourself lucky as you have secured yourself a seat on a train that will not be stopping once it takes off. 👏🏆
If you have not already, join our official telegram group for :
• Updates • To interact with our awesome community • express your opinions and thoughts • To join our team providing that you have the necessary skills • Enjoy our top tier Solama stickers/Memes and much more !
You can find us on - Solama 🦙 the Official "Unofficial" Mascot of Solana 🟣
(For newcomers who may have two-sided thoughts, proof of LP burn and ownership renounce is provided on the telegram) 😊 just to clear any misconceptions you may have.
I will be spending my free time on making our reddit community as active as ever with the aim of increasing our member count and providing updates along with creating an engaging environment where we can all push Solama out into the midst so that people can come across us and find this little gem just as we did. It would be greatly appreciated if you too in your spare time could go into related sub Reddit’s and spread the news to raise awareness which would benefit the whole community.
Stay posted and do not hesitate to engage in this community ! All are welcome to participate.
submitted by solama_Official to SOLAMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:15 GhoulGriin Best Cheap Night Vision Scope

Best Cheap Night Vision Scope
Welcome to our roundup of the best Cheap Night Vision Scopes on the market! If you're looking to enhance your night-time adventures, whether it's a camping trip or a tactical mission, this article is just what you need. We've compiled a list of affordable options that still offer top-quality performance, so you can make the most of the darkness without breaking the bank. Get ready to explore the world of night vision scopes with our expert recommendations.

The Top 7 Best Cheap Night Vision Scope

  1. Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars with Camera for Superior Photography and Video - Experience stunning clarity and capture vivid memories with Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars, featuring HD photography and video capabilities, adjustable brightness control, and complete portability for your outdoor adventures.
  2. Night Vision Binoculars: Affordable and Powerful Darkness Viewing Option - See in the dark with ease using this inexpensive, pocket-sized night scope binocular with a built-in pop-up light and green tinted lenses.
  3. Affordable Night Vision Scope with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording - Experience clear and crisp night vision with the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular - featuring an infrared illuminator, photo and video recording capabilities, and 1080P vision in complete darkness.
  4. Affordable Night Vision Monocular for Hunting and Outdoor Adventures - Experience seamless nighttime sight with the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles, featuring 5x digital zoom, 3W IR LED light, and a lightweight ergonomic design for hunting, camping, and more.
  5. Affordable 4K Digital Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting and Shooting - Experience unmatched clarity and comfort with the Profey 4K Digital Infrared Night Vision Binoculars, perfect for hunting enthusiasts and outdoor adventures.
  6. Affordable Night Vision Binoculars for Outdoor Adventures - See Clearly in The Dark: This affordable night vision goggles with 1080P video resolution and 5X digital zoom offers a 2.4-inch large display, perfect for hunting, camping, surveillance, and outdoor adventures.
  7. Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles: Affordable, High-Quality Binoculars for Night Vision and Security - Rexing B1 Binoculars - Transform Your Night Vision Experience with Advanced Features and Superb Image Quality!
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🔗Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars with Camera for Superior Photography and Video
I recently had the opportunity to try out Hike Crew's Digital Night Vision Binoculars, and let me tell you, they delivered an experience unlike any other. With features like fixed focal magnification, digital magnification, and an integrated screen, I felt like I was exploring a new world after dark. The luminescent LCD screen presented the sharpest images and allowed for visual clarity, which reduced eye strain and allowed me to enjoy my nighttime adventures for longer periods.
The soft, roomy eye cups were a game-changer, providing comfort and accommodating various users. The night vision goggles even provided a daytime viewing distance of 400 meters and a nighttime viewing distance of 100 meters, making me feel like I was a character in a movie.
Using up to a 32GB SD card, I was able to capture photos and videos of my experiences, preserving the memories of my nighttime escapades. The included neck/shoulder strap made it easy to carry and move from place to place without worrying about the binoculars falling off.
However, there were a few areas that could be improved. The lack of an instruction manual made it difficult for first-time users to understand how to use the device properly. Additionally, the uncoated glass made the binoculars more susceptible to scratches and damage.
Overall, I found the Hike Crew Digital Night Vision Binoculars to be an excellent tool for exploring the nighttime world. With its advanced features and high-quality image clarity, it's no wonder why so many people give it a thumbs up. While there are a few areas that could use some improvement, the device is certainly worth the investment for those seeking an unforgettable nighttime experience.

🔗Night Vision Binoculars: Affordable and Powerful Darkness Viewing Option
As a night sky enthusiast who frequently enjoys stargazing, I decided to give the Night Scope Binoculars a try. The product has been on the market for a while now, and with it being touted as a budget-friendly night vision scope, I couldn't resist giving it a test run. It comes in a sleek individual box, making it easy to store and transport.
Upon opening the box, I was excited to see that it comes with a 4x power scope, a convenient pop-up light that can illuminate up to 25 feet, and green tinted lenses perfect for surveillance tasks. The focus knob and spotlight switch allowed for easy adjustment and control, and the included gray nylon neck strap was comfortable and secure.
However, what really caught my attention were the downsides of this product. Despite its advertised features, the image quality was lacking, making it difficult to identify objects in the dark. The focus knob and light switch often struggled to balance, making it tough to achieve the desired visual outcome. Additionally, the product label indicated that it was "Made in China, " which left me with concerns regarding the overall quality of the product.
In conclusion, while the Night Scope Binoculars does come with a sleek design and a few helpful features, the actual functionality and image quality leave much to be desired. For those looking for a more reliable and effective night vision scope, it may be worthwhile to invest in a higher-quality option.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Scope with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording
Recently, I got my hands on the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording. This little guy offers quite a punch when it comes to capturing the night world. It's packed with features that impressed me right off the bat.
First off, the 24mm objective lens provides a clear view with 3X optical magnification and 4X digital zoom. That means if I'm keeping an eye on a far-off target, it doesn't shy away from delivering crisp, detailed images.
But what really blew me away was the infrared illuminator. Now, this is not your run-of-the-mill flashlight that lights up your way during the night; it's a feature that enables me to observe targets in pitch-black conditions up to a whopping 984 feet away!
And if you're caught in a low-light or full-day situation, you're covered too! The observation distance is infinite, ensuring you can spot things as they are without needing any extra help.
Now, let's talk about the fun part - the video recording feature. This gadget not only captures clear images but also allows you to record high-quality videos. However, one downside is that it doesn't record any sound, which could be a deal-breaker for some. But hey, not everyone wants a video with sound, right?
Lastly, the handheld device comes with a 1.5-inch TFT LCD for playback, making it convenient to relive those precious moments. Plus, the convenient rotating focus handwheel makes image adjustment a breeze.
Overall, the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular is a fantastic nighttime companion for those looking for an affordable yet efficient solution. It's a pocket-sized treasure trove, just waiting to unveil the dark mysteries of the night.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Monocular for Hunting and Outdoor Adventures
I recently tried the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles, and it's been a game-changer for me during my nocturnal adventures. The first thing that stood out was its ability to capture clear images and videos even in complete darkness. It uses a no-glow infrared system, which means no ambient light is required for capturing high-quality photos.
The zoom feature is quite impressive as well. At 5x digital zoom and a 25mm objective lens aperture, I could easily observe my surroundings with great detail. Recording 1080P HD images and videos is a breeze, and the USB cable included makes it easy to save and share my experiences with family and friends.
The 3W IR LED light is another fantastic feature. It enables me to spot targets up to 984 feet away without any ambient light. The 7-speed adjustable infrared design allows for customization based on different environments, which has been great for various outdoor activities.
In terms of design, the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles are ergonomic and lightweight, weighing only 190 grams. The cushion belt helps to record pictures or videos stably, making it comfortable to use for extended periods. It's also super convenient to carry around due to its pocket-friendly size.
Lastly, the 5 keys multi-function option makes this infrared monocular versatile. Whether you're hunting, camping, fishing, or even doing search and rescue, this device has got your back. Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and functional night vision tool.

🔗Affordable 4K Digital Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting and Shooting
I recently tried out the Profey 4K Night Vision Goggles, a reliable tool for both hunting and casual stargazing. The first feature that caught my attention was the 3-inch large screen, allowing me to view vivid and sharp images in complete darkness. The 5x digital zoom and 2x optical zoom made it effortless to track targets accurately, even from a considerable distance.
However, the rubber stripes armor felt a bit awkward in hand, and I had to adjust my grip a few times to keep my vision steady. Despite this minor inconvenience, the fully multi-coated 25mm objective lens provided me with a clear and crisp view, making the goggles well worth the investment for a daytime and nighttime adventure.
Overall, the Profey 4K Night Vision Goggles have become an essential companion for my wildlife excursions, offering an unparalleled experience in the dark.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Binoculars for Outdoor Adventures
I recently gave these night vision binoculars a spin on my camping trip, and I must say, they worked like a charm. With its adjustable optical system and 2.4-inch large display, I was able to spot nocturnal creatures from afar, and the 1080P video resolution provided stunning visuals.
The battery-powered design is quite convenient, and the ergonomic grip is both comfortable and practical. I did notice, however, that the night vision infrared functionality drained the battery fairly quickly, but it was more than compensated by its clear images and videos.
Overall, it's a great gift for outdoor enthusiasts like myself.

🔗Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles: Affordable, High-Quality Binoculars for Night Vision and Security
As someone who loves outdoor activities, the Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars have been a game-changer for me. These binoculars are perfect for nighttime explorations, offering outstanding image quality and clear viewing even in complete darkness.
What truly stands out for me are the 10X optical zoom and the 4X digital zoom, which make it easy to focus on distant objects. The 2.31-inch LCD screen can transform into a 7-inch display screen, offering a more immersive experience. The night vision technology lets me see clearly up to 300 meters away, making it ideal for diverse activities like night hunting, reconnaissance, camping, and more.
The binoculars are easy to use, with various buttons that allow me to take pictures, start recording, or adjust the brightness levels. They also have an SD card slot that accommodates hundreds of high-quality photos and several hours of video. Sharing my recorded content on my computer is hassle-free, thanks to the USB 2.0 cable that comes with the product.
The Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars are powered by 6 AA batteries, providing 6 hours of recording time under infrared lighting and 17 hours under normal usage. They're built to last, with robust materials and an IP56 protection rating that enables them to operate in extreme weather conditions. The screw hole at the base allows me to attach a tripod for greater stability during use.
While I've experienced the amazing features this product has to offer, there are a few drawbacks, such as the need to replace the batteries frequently and the unavailability of a rechargeable option. Despite that, the Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars are a fantastic investment for outdoor enthusiasts who want to explore the night in style.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for cheap night vision scopes! In this section, we'll discuss essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a budget-friendly night vision scope. Let's dive right in.

Important Features to Consider

  • Gen 1 or 2 technology
  • Lens quality and aperture
  • Image intensity tube (IIT)
  • Power output and range
  • Field of view (FOV) and eye relief
  • Battery life and compatibility
  • Waterproofing and fog resistance
These features will have a significant impact on the performance, durability, and ease of use of your cheap night vision scope. Make sure to prioritize them when making your purchase.

Gen 1 vs. Gen 2 Technology

Gen 1 and Gen 2 night vision scopes differ in their sensitivity and image quality. Gen 1 scopes are more affordable and suitable for hobbyists or casual users, while Gen 2 scopes offer better image quality and a more accurate representation of colors. If you're on a tight budget, a Gen 1 scope may be the best choice for you.

Lens Quality and Aperture

The quality of the lens and its aperture size can significantly affect the scope's performance in low-light conditions. Look for a scope with a high-quality lens and a larger aperture for better light gathering and image brightness.

Image Intensity Tube (IIT)

The IIT is responsible for converting the infrared light captured by the lens into visible light. A higher-quality IIT will provide clearer and more detailed images, which is crucial for identifying targets at night.

Power Output and Range

Power output refers to the brightness level of the scope, while range indicates how far the scope can detect objects. A higher power output can help you see further but may reduce the scope's usability in bright conditions. Consider your intended use and the typical range you'll need when shopping for a cheap night vision scope.

Field of View (FOV) and Eye Relief

FOV refers to the width of the visible area through the scope, while eye relief is the distance between the eye and the scope's eyepiece to maintain a clear image. A larger FOV and eye relief can make it easier to track and identify targets at night.

Battery Life and Compatibility

Battery life is essential for extended use, especially during outdoor activities. Make sure to choose a scope that uses readily available batteries, and look for one with a battery life of at least 10 hours.

Waterproofing and Fog Resistance

If you plan to use your night vision scope in wet or humid conditions, it's crucial to invest in a waterproof and fog-resistant model. This will help protect the device from damage and ensure its performance remains consistent in various environments.

General Advice

  • Read user reviews and ask for recommendations from others who own a night vision scope.
  • Check the warranty and return policy of the seller before making your purchase.
  • Consider choosing a model from a reputable brand to ensure the durability and performance of your cheap night vision scope.
Remember, it's essential to prioritize the features that matter most to you and your intended use of the scope. With the right combination of features and a budget-friendly price, you'll be able to find the perfect cheap night vision scope for your needs


What is a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

A Cheap Night Vision Scope is an affordable device that enables users to see objects and targets in low or no light conditions. These scopes are designed for hunting, surveillance, or military purposes, and they use infrared technology to amplify the available light.

Why should I choose a Cheap Night Vision Scope over a more expensive one?

If you are on a budget or just starting out with night vision technology, a Cheap Night Vision Scope offers a more affordable option. These scopes provide basic functionality and are still capable of delivering usable images in low light conditions.

What features should I look for in a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

  • Infrared illumination: A basic feature in any night vision scope, which helps to illuminate the target in low light conditions.
  • Magnification: A higher magnification can provide a clearer image at greater distances, but it may also reduce the field of view.
  • Adjustable brightness: This feature allows users to adjust the scope's brightness to their desired level, making it easier to use in various lighting conditions.
  • Durability: A scope's construction should be sturdy enough to withstand rough handling and outdoor environments.
  • Ease of use: A user-friendly interface and simple controls can make the scope more comfortable to operate, even for beginners.

What are some potential drawbacks of a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

Cheap Night Vision Scopes may have some limitations compared to their more expensive counterparts, such as lower image quality, a narrower field of view, and limited battery life. Additionally, they may be more prone to technical issues and require more maintenance.

What is the best time to use a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

A Cheap Night Vision Scope is most effective during twilight hours, when there is still some light available, but it is not enough for the naked eye to see clearly. The scope's infrared technology amplifies the available light, allowing users to see objects more easily.

How do I care for and maintain a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

  • Clean the objective lens and eyepiece regularly to prevent debris from affecting the image quality.
  • Store the scope in a dry, temperature-controlled environment to prevent moisture damage and maintain its performance.
  • Avoid exposing the scope to sudden temperature changes, which can cause internal components to expand or contract, leading to potential damage.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:15 SaltLakeBear Unknown (probably nuclear) power plant

So after my I stopped casting a show tonight, my Chromecast, as it does, started showing a slideshow. One of those images has caught my eye, but I can't find where it is and it's bugging me. Normally I'm pretty good at finding stuff on Google, but that failed me, as did scrolling through a couple of galleries of images from elsewhere on Reddit, so hopefully someone here can help.
The image shows what appears to be a nuclear power plant in a sandy desert, with no vegetation and no water that I could see. It has three towers and three square-ish buildings arranged in a line, so it looks like a set of three reactor buildings and their accompanying cooling towers. It also has what appears to be a single rail line that approaches the facility, then loops around before rejoining the single line, probably so a train can approach, load or unload, then make a U-turn without backing up.
The only other info I have is that the image is captioned Williams, USA, and based on the desert setting looks to be southwest US. However looking around places named Williams in Utah, California and Arizona all showed nothing, and the only nuclear plants in the region I could find (Diablo Canyon, SRE, Rancho Seco and San Onofre in California as well as Palo Verde in Arizona) not matching the image.
Anyone know what this is?
submitted by SaltLakeBear to whereisthis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:14 Thausgt01 Cyber Core, Book Two, Chapter 09: Introductions, Salads, And Family Rivalries

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Mission Log: Day 0024

Addendum 04

Well. The jig would seem to be up, as the old folks used to say. ​
I started by dimming the north-facing windows, slowly enough to merely catch Kregorim's attention; he responded by turning his head to face them and letting his bushy eyebrows rise a bit, but generally keeping a neutral stance. Then, I animated a glowing white dot appearing on the duskward wall at roughly chest-height to my new visitor, then extending it vertically into a line, then expanding it laterally into a door. Then, I let my avatar open it 'from his side', walk through, and close it again. ​
“I'm called Joachim,” I said, animating the avatar's mouth to match my movements, along with rubbing the back of his head with his left hand. “And I have to say that that spell of yours was... an interesting experience.” ​
Kregorim nodded and offered a stiff bow. “Then we would seem to have been equal partners in the exchange,” he answered, the barest trace of a twinkle in what I could pick up of his eyes; if he had anything like a smirk under that thicket of facial hair, I couldn't detect it. “So, are there any other introductions to be made? Exchanges of oaths or demands for sacrifices, things of that nature?” ​
I chuckled, and pointed at the fabricators behind him. “Introductions, certainly. No sacrifices of baubles or blood, if that was what you expected. But I'd advise you to get some practice in making your own furniture. It'll take a bit of explaining, even if I try to trim it down.” ​
Kregorim nodded, and this time I could definitely hear a chuckle in his voice. “I would be highly disappointed were that not the case, Joachim of the mysterious outpost,” he answered. He gestured at the fabricators. “Would you mind offering a weary old scholar some assistance with these marvelous machines?” ​
I animated the avatar nodding, then waving at the walls. “You may have noticed that the chambers in which your...” the avatar coughed into one hand, then continued, “... Lord Zortemos Egenor Lignignory the Fourth has been settling have those empty frames on the walls of each room?” The avatar pointed off to one side, and a simplified version of the baseline model of the communication-screens appeared a handsbreadth away from his finger. “I can see and hear through them, and they have other functions as well, but this unit specifically includes the fullest expression of the tool.” ​
With that, I 'jumped' the avatar onto the dawnward wall of the utility room, releasing another light coughing sound to let Kregorim know where 'he' had gone. “This way, at least, I won't need to raise my voice so it carries further...” ​

Addendum 05:

Kregorim turned out to be a very quick study. I walked him through designing some new clothes, starting from the base model of a Chinese scholastic robe but incorporating a three layers of lighter fabric in something more akin to a Japanese kimono. Yes, I helped him figure out some more practical forms of undergarments, and the very concept of 'elastic' fascinated him; I left a mental note to explore 'latex' and the organic sources thereof with him at some later point. And, of course, getting to the first pair of suitable 'house slippers' presented no challenge at all. ​
Still, I satisfied his curiosity about the need for five 'magic trunks' in rather short order, and once he got into his own set of 'wondrous finery' he tossed his 'traveling robes and unmentionables' into the 'laundry' trunk. Once he'd gotten the remaining machines programmed for things like a camp-cot and bedding, a chair and writing desk and a samovar of all things, I sort of walked him through the rest of the unit's features. ​
“Quite an array of tankards,” he commented, in the kitchen. “Stocked well enough to entertain guests of a stature from Orks all the way down to Gnomes, unless I'm very much mistaken.” ​
I animated the avatar nodding. “I'll need to explain more about that, but you and the rest of the group aren't my first guests.” ​
He nodded, and turned to face the avatar; his smile was wide enough to re-arrange the forest of his facial hair. “I'll try to keep from disappointing Lord Zee overmuch on the point,” he said, then turned to face the refrigerator. “Another magic trunk?” he asked, examining it without touching it. “Wider than the others... does this one produce foodstuffs?” ​
“Not 'produce' them, as such, but it does serve as a 'cold well', of sorts. The upper section keeps things moderately cool, the lower section keeps them frozen.” ​
That got another look of wonder out of him. “You can maintain ice in there, without magic?” he asked, pulling out the freezer-drawer and confirming it for himself. “What manner of foods are these?” he went on, examining the squared, shrink-wrapped blocks and rounded tubs. ​
“Soups, meats, and vegetables, for the most part. The rounded tubs are sort of an experiment for a dessert.” ​
“I don't suppose you could allow a hungry traveler something a bit more substantial?” ​
“You skipped past the cold box,” I pointed out. “I've been experimenting with various kinds of meats as well as vegetable dishes...” ​
“Soups of some sort...?” he asked, closing the freezer-drawer and opening the refrigerator. He paused, visibly confused, before extracting one of the wrapped and sealed 'meal bowls', turning it to examine it from three different angles, then replacing it to examine another, and then another. Finally, he selected one and turned to face the avatar. “The lid has markings resembling words, but I cannot say with confidence that I comprehend them precisely,” he said. “What is meant by... 'Pasta Salad Experiment Number 8'... if you don't mind?” ​
The avatar pointed. “The silverware you'll probably want is in the second drawer from the end,” I said. “As far as your question is concerned, I have... several different kinds of farms in the spaces below the living quarters up here on the surface, and a rather large library of information from my home that permits me to make approximations of a small but growing number of food.” I added a slight blush to the avatar's cheeks. “I have no capacity to taste or smell things, at least as you or the others might, so I have no idea whether you'll find it appetizing. All I can tell you is that I have a limited stock of various spices in the cabinet just to the right of this box, which is known as a 'refrigerator' in my language. If you feel the need to repay me for my hospitality, you're welcome to help me learn the names for the spices while we talk.” ​

Addendum 06

Kregorim devoured the first salad, admitting between bites that the Lignignory family's exit from the Ducal lands to the south had been somewhat hurried and therefore their dining-experiences had been something of a gamble. “We've managed to trade for many things as we head north,” he commented. He had figured out how to get clean drinking water from the kitchen sink into an Ork-scaled flagon without much prompting, and after swallowing five mouthfuls proceeded to turn his attention to the salad. I explained the basic ingredients and principles of 'pasta', as he considered a segment of neo-rotini on his fork. He ate it, a thoughtful expression on his face, eventually dubbing it 'surprisingly flavorful'. ​
From there, I walked him through an explanation of the 'dish washer' and 'stove' before guiding him through a simple tour of the rest of the house. The bathroom intrigued him, but he expressed even greater fascination with the barbecue on the back patio, especially the 'fuel pellets' I provided in sealed bags from one of the lower shelves. ​
“Why bother with such means, when these other amazing machines can cook food with greater precision?” he asked. ​
“My function, the reason I exist, is to help people recover from disasters,” I answered, when he came back inside from admiring the stonework of the patio handrails. “If they happen to be more comfortable cooking their own food over a fire, I want to help them do so. Hence, the cookfire station out there. It's called a 'barbecue grill' in my language, by the way.” ​
“...'Your language'...” he repeated, returning to the main room and settling down into his chair with a flagon of water in his right hand. “You've also mentioned 'your home' at least once in my hearing. May I ask where you come from?” ​
Hoo, boy. The tough questions... ​
“I'm from a lot further away than you might think, to begin with,” I explained. The avatar pointed south with his right hand, in the general direction of one of the four moons glowing in the sky. “For one thing, I'm from a place with only one moon.” The avatar tapped 'his side' of the wall with the other, and an equatorial-perspective image of Earth showing North and South America along with a portion of Antarctica down at the bottom. “This is a special kind of illusion, showing details of my home from far above its surface,” I explained. ​
Kregorim's eyes widened and he took a long pull from his flagon. “Seas, forests, deserts, mountains, wintry wastelands,” he murmured, attention moving from one detail to the next, until finally he straightened up in his chair. “... None of the lands with which I have knowledge appear here,” he stated. “And I suspect that this globe's other face will reveal similar mysteries.” ​
I animated the avatar shrugging. “Likely.” ​
I considered my next words very carefully. “Since I arrived here, 24 days ago, I have watched the heavens as best I can. From what I have discerned, the local star... or your sun... is measurably different than mine. I haven't been able to pick out any local planets yet, but I can say for certain that if any of the stars in your sky are the ones my people had cataloged, they're too far away for me to positively identify as such.” ​
Kregorim took that in, eyebrows twitching, and drained his flagon dry. He took it away from his mouth with a scowl, directed at the offending drinkware, but reduced its intensity before turning back to address the avatar. “I don't suppose you've managed to produce anything like a good strong ale since you've arrived?” he asked. “Our own supplies of such things are unlikely to be fit for drinking.” ​
I animated the avatar raising an eyebrow and waggling a finger. “I've none available, alas, though I do have some rather promising teas,” I told him. “You'll need to fabricate a teapot, though.” ​
He got up and proceeded to do so. As he did, I continued, “As far as your assessment of whatever ale you've managed to carry with you, I would ask you to ask the servants to pour whatever portion of it they wish to discard into the nearest convenient sink. Hopefully, you'll be able to get the word to them before they reach that stage of unloading.” ​
The avatar flicked the image of Earth away, then tapped 'his side' of the wall four more times. With each one, a new visual-window opened: one displaying the view just outside the foyer, another the main stairwell from the camera on the half-step just above the second-floor landing, the third the first-floor walkway (identifiable as such by the view of Lord Zee bustling in and out of the doorway to 'his' quarters, giving directions to the flow of 'servants') and the final one the view of the ground-floor walkway. ​
Up among the caravan, Thusarrel acted as a kind of traffic-director, guiding groups of servants with gestures and shouts to one wagon after another, in an order that made no particular sense to me. The 'flackaroos' stayed in the center, managed by three ragged-looking folk who seemed to know what they were doing; they also hurried to rake up any droppings as quickly as possible, out of the foot-traffic of the flow of servants carrying as mismatched a collection of luggage, furniture, decor and miscellany as ever came out of an estate sale. Kregorim's wagon remained mostly ignored, though the stair-steps remained down. ​
On the main staircase, Adallinda and Pippa made their way downward, the 'lady' scowling at the lines of servants passing her in both directions and flowing around her too-wide dress as smoothly as possible. Pippa guided her charge to frequent rest stops on the half-landings, sparing a moment here and there to nod back at the silent looks of gratitude from the luggage-bearing people. ​
“You're certain that my greedy brother and cousin have both gone for the chambers adjacent to my father's, Pippa?” Adallida demanded. ​
Her servant nodded once, then offered her hand to help steer the young lady back into the flow of foot-traffic. “Of course, my lady, “ she answered. “They both wish for the honor of being physically closest to your father's chosen quarters, though your other cousin and sister have likely out-raced them..." ​
On the first-floor view, from the camera opposite the service staircase and now pointing toward the lobby, I just caught a glimpse of Bhiocasaid shepherding Zoti into the second 'double unit' on the first floor, Yera and Totra actually holding the somnambulent Zoti while Bhiocasaid held off Nehdud and Haruinn as they protested the two ladies staking their claim ahead of the 'more worthy young lords' of the family. ​
“We're not sharing quarters with you beasts, and that's simply that!” she shouted at them. “If you want your own choice of suitable quarters, you'd better get down to the ground-floor and claim one before Adallinda does!” ​
The boys blinked at her, then looked at each other. Nehdud spun on his heel and raced back to the cliff-face lounge area, shoving his way through the flow of servants. I winced as I watched him making half-hearted goo-goo eyes and kissy-faces at whichever of them had obviously female shapes under their travel-rags. The female servants burdened with effects, even boxes the size of filled shopping bags that couldn't possibly require two people to hold, found themselves getting extra help to disguise both women's use of the item in question as a makeshift shield against his efforts. However slowly he was moving, though, he still made faster progress than Haruinn could possibly manage. ​
Adallinda's voice rang out from below, shrieking in triumph. Through the final view-window, Kregorim and I observed as she managed to slap her hand on the not-glass biometric scanner next to the door to the lower double-unit, Pippa now holding the sweating lady up and maneuvering her through the door, a line of six servants carrying baggage behind them. ​
Nehdud pushed through the line of servants to stand in front of the handrail, slamming his fist on the stone with one hand and snarling. Then he turned to look at Haruinn, noting his near-complete lack of movement, and his rage turned to a grin. He waved at his rival for the remaining double-suite, then resumed his efforts to force his way through the flows of servants. ​
Haruinn clenched his fists, until Midmolk pointed at the 'service stairway' just next to the now-claimed double-unit. “Their position matches something similar on the door below, master,” he pointed out. ​
Haruinn nodded, clanking his way to them at best possible speed, Midmolk following with the tower-shield. The Lignignory male slapped his hand on the palm-scanner; I granted him temporary access, mostly because I wanted to see if he could possibly beat that smarmy Nehdud if he had a clearer path. The young man succeeded in surprising me by gesturing at Midmolk, who handed him the tower-shield. He proceeded to ride it down the two half-flights of stairs like a sled, scraping the heck out of the finish and arriving at the ground-floor before Nehdud made it all the way through the lobby. ​
Haruinn pushed himself to his apparent limit, huffing and red-faced, as he quick-marched with all of that extra metal on his front to reach the palm-scanner and slap his hand on it. ​
Just as Nehdud threw open the door from the ground-floor lobby to see him do it. ​
The knife-burdened man strode into his doorway while Nehdud sank to his knees with a frustrated scream. ​
submitted by Thausgt01 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:12 GuiltlessMaple Best Cheap Molle Pouches

Best Cheap Molle Pouches
If you're in search of affordable and versatile gear to keep your supplies organized, look no further than our roundup of the best Cheap Molle Pouches. These pouches provide the perfect solution for storing your essential gear while on the go. Read on to discover our top picks and learn why these pouches are a must-have for your next adventure. Prepare yourself for excellent value and exceptional performance with our Cheap Molle Pouches review.

The Top 9 Best Cheap Molle Pouches

  1. Versatile Tactical Pouch for Gear Storage on MOLLE Webbing - Savior Equipment's SP-9X5MOL-PLAIN-TN tactical pouch offers durable and versatile storage for your gear, with MOLLE-ready attachment that fits battle belts, vests, and more.
  2. Molle Utility Pouch for Tactical Gear Storage - Upgrade your EDC with the versatile and customizable WYNEX Tactical Molle Utility Pouch, perfect for storing essential tools and adding a touch of style.
  3. WYNEX Molle Admin Pouch: Versatile Tri-Fold Tactical Tool Pouch for Outdoor Adventures and Wilderness Survival - Stay organized and secure with the versatile WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch, featuring removable MOLLE straps and a tri-fold foldable design for convenience and compatibility on various tactical systems.
  4. Multi-Purpose Admin Pouch with MOLLE System - The Atwilltap Tactical Molle Horizontal Admin Pouch is a versatile and durable essential gear pouch designed for camping, hiking, and emergency medical situations, with multiple colors available and compatible with molle systems.
  5. Durable MOLLE Pocket for Tactical Gear - Secure and organized access with the Chase Tactical Folding Admin MOLLE Pouch - lightweight, zipper mesh pocket, and versatile ample storage for military and law enforcement use.
  6. Military-Grade Tactical Molle Pouch for Outdoor Gear and Survival - The ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch is a versatile and durable outdoor gear storage solution, featuring a MOLLE system for easy attachment and three interior pockets for customizable organization, perfect for hikers, campers, and survivalists.
  7. MOLLE-Compatible Mini Tactical Utility Pouch for EDC - This compact tactical Molle pouch is perfect for EDC items and offers easy access with its two-way zippers, making it an essential addition to any backpack or vest.
  8. Lightning X Premium Nylon MOLLE Accessory Pouch - Experience the ultimate versatility and organization with the Lightning X Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Pouch, designed for IFAK use and seamlessly attaching to any MOLLE platform.
  9. Dual-Action Harness and Utility Pouch Kit for Adventure - The WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch offers ultimate organization, featuring a combination of a combat suspender and admin pouch, ideal for various activities and convenient carrying of handguns and essential tools.
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🔗Versatile Tactical Pouch for Gear Storage on MOLLE Webbing
This tactical pouch from Savior Equipment is a game-changer for those of us who just can't seem to keep up with the gear clutter. Constructed with a 600D heavy-duty industrial PVC shell, it's definitely the unsung hero of my kit. You can just throw in all your extra items, and it's ready to strap onto your tactical backpack or vest.
It's so lightweight, I barely feel the difference when I've got the pouch on. Not only does it provide additional storage space, but its rows of double-stitched MOLLE also allow me to bring other accessories as needed. The versatility of this pouch just can't be overstated.
I love the fact that I can attach it onto any MOLLE webbing, tactical backpack, vest, or battle belt. It gives me the peace of mind that comes with knowing I'm ready for anything. Overall, it's a reliable addition to your tactical gear, and it makes it super convenient to have more carrying options.

🔗Molle Utility Pouch for Tactical Gear Storage
I recently came across the WYNEX Tactical Multi-Purpose Molle Admin Pouch and it's been a game-changer for my everyday carry needs. The laser-cut front and loop material allow for endless customization options, whether it's adding your favorite patches, mounting additional MOLLE gear, or showcasing your tactical ID.
One of the best features of this pouch is that it can easily be attached to a variety of MOLLE/PALS systems, making it incredibly versatile. Not only is it perfect for your everyday bag or backpack, but it's also great for outdoor activities and travels. I particularly love the premium and durable copper snaps that keep my gear secure.
However, I do notice that the space inside the pouch could be a bit more spacious to accommodate larger items. Still, this small pouch is a valuable addition to anyone's EDC gear. Overall, I'd recommend giving the WYNEX Tactical Multi-Purpose Molle Admin Pouch a try. It's a functional and stylish way to keep your everyday carry organized.

🔗WYNEX Molle Admin Pouch: Versatile Tri-Fold Tactical Tool Pouch for Outdoor Adventures and Wilderness Survival
During my quest for a durable and versatile pouch to organize my EDC essentials, I stumbled upon the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch. This Molle-compatible pouch proved to be everything I needed and more.
Upon first glance, I was drawn to the removable MOLLE straps which allowed me to easily attach it to various Molle systems or tactical bags. This feature provided me with the convenience of consolidating all my pocket-carried items in one central location.
The laminated shell design of the pouch caught my attention too. By using strings to adjust the angle of the closure, I could easily transform the pouch into a chest-mounted desk or fully open it for optimal gear loading.
In terms of organization, the pouch offered one zipper compartment and one large compartment. This combination allowed me to securely store multiple items such as maps, knives, and flashlights. Additionally, elastic loops and instrument holders within the pouch catered to a plethora of tools, making it perfect for outdoor sports or wilderness survival.
One downside I noticed was the weight of the pouch, which came in at around 0.85 pounds. However, the high-quality 1000D Nylon material assured me that the pouch would withstand the test of time.
Overall, the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch exceeded my expectations in terms of organization, versatility, and durability. Despite the added weight, I highly recommend this pouch for anyone seeking a practical and reliable Molle-compatible solution to manage their EDC essentials.

🔗Multi-Purpose Admin Pouch with MOLLE System
When I first laid eyes on the Atwilltap Tactical Molle Pouch, it was love at first sight. Its sleek design and versatile nature caught my attention immediately. I decided to test it out during a camping trip and was pleasantly surprised by how seamlessly it fit into my outdoor gear.
Being a tactical pouch, it was a perfect size to carry all my essential tools like a flashlight, multi-tool, and compass. The pouch was sturdy enough to keep these items secure during my trek. The MOLLE system made it easy to attach to my belt or tactical backpack, ensuring I was always prepared for any situation.
However, while the pouch was large enough for its purpose, it lacked any internal organization. This made it a challenge to find specific items when I needed them. Additionally, it would have been great to have more color options available, as I prefer to match my gear colors.
Overall, the Atwilltap Tactical Molle Pouch is a handy and functional tool pouch for outdoor enthusiasts. With a few minor adjustments, it could be even better.

🔗Durable MOLLE Pocket for Tactical Gear
Last week, I had the chance to try out the Chase Tactical Folding Admin Molle Pouch. It's a game-changer for anyone who needs easy access to their essentials. The fold-down design is perfect for critical items, and it's super lightweight. I particularly love the zipper mesh compartment - it's incredibly useful for storing and organizing smaller items.
The MOLLE webbing is a bonus, making it perfect for securing to various tactical gear. This pouch can be used by so many professionals, like combat trainees, medical professionals, military personnel, and law enforcement. The added security of the Velcro and internal tie-down points is a great feature for keeping your items safe on the go.
Overall, I've been incredibly impressed with this Chase Tactical pouch. It's well-made, functional, and stylish, making it a must-have for anyone on the go.

🔗Military-Grade Tactical Molle Pouch for Outdoor Gear and Survival
When I first set my eyes on the ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch, I knew it was going to be a versatile tool for all my outdoor adventures. This pouch stood out to me because of its good size, providing enough space to store a variety of items like my walkie talkie, ammo, GPS device, and more.
The high-quality 600D Oxford fabric used in its construction impressed me, making it both durable and water-resistant, ensuring my gear stays safe from the elements. I loved that it's lightweight, yet sturdy, allowing me to carry it with ease without worrying about it tearing apart.
One of the things that made this pouch even more useful was its multi-functional nature. With three interior pockets, I could easily create my own EDC kit, or even a survival kit. Additionally, the MOLLE carrying system made it easy to attach the pouch to various MOLLE platforms like my backpack, vest, or waist.
Although I found the front Velcro for patches convenient, the two-way zipper sometimes seemed a bit cumbersome. Nonetheless, the large size of the pouch allowed me to accommodate a wide array of gears, making it a worthy companion for hikers, campers, survivalists, and outdoorsmen like myself. Overall, the ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch exceeded my expectations and proved to be a valuable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗MOLLE-Compatible Mini Tactical Utility Pouch for EDC
I recently tried this compact EDC tool pouch and it quickly became one of my favorite on-the-go accessories. The Molle system allowed me to easily attach it to different gear, making it perfect for use in camping, hiking, and any other outdoor adventures.
I particularly loved the main pocket, which had two-way zippers that made it easy to open. Plus, the mini side buckle strap allowed quick access without fully opening the pouch. With a total of five pockets, there was enough room to carry all the essentials, and the mesh inside was great for organizing smaller items.
However, it's worth mentioning that the pouch is a mini version of a three-day assault backpack, which might not be enough space for everyone's needs. Also, while the compact size is perfect for outdoor activities, it may not be the most discreet option for everyday carry.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found this EDC tool pouch to be an excellent addition to my gear collection. Its versatility and utility made it a reliable companion on my adventures, and the numerous color options allowed me to match it to my taste.

🔗Lightning X Premium Nylon MOLLE Accessory Pouch
The Lightning x Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Pouch is a sturdy accessory designed to carry various supplies for an IFAK or similar use. Its rear features thick double layer webbing bars that can attach to any MOLLE platform, while the front has webbing loops and a hook and loop patch for customization.
A mesh pocket, a fully enclosed zippered pocket, and a drainage grommet are also included. The pouch's unique design allows for a 90-degree angle when open, making it easy to access and secure.
The top has a comfortable handle and two D-ring loops, making this MOLLE pouch a versatile and practical companion for outdoor adventures.

🔗Dual-Action Harness and Utility Pouch Kit for Adventure
I recently came across the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch in my daily life, and it's been nothing short of a game changer for my organization and storage needs. When I first took it out of the package, the combat suspender and admin pouch set felt well-built and sturdy, making me confident it would last me a long time.
One of the features that stood out to me was the functional ultimate organization of this pouch. It's incredibly versatile and allows me to keep all my essential small items within reach. I particularly enjoyed the front compartment, which has a 7" x 10.5" vinyl sleeve for maps or documents. The horizontal elastic loops on the back of the pouch were also a great addition, as they made it easy to take and store things like glow sticks, tactical pens, and flashlights.
Another great aspect was the front laser-cut hook & loop Molle/PALS system. It's been fantastic for storing additional tools, mounting patches, customizing the pouch, and adding tactical ID. The free U. S. A flag patch even makes the pouch more conspicuous and stylish.
The WYNEX Admin Pouch made from 1000D Nylon measures 25.5cm*19cm*9cm/10"*7.5"*3.5". The paracord inside can be adjusted to accommodate a chest-mounted platform or fully open. In my experience, this pouch has been great for a variety of usage scenarios, including construction sites, wild jungle adventures, and mountain biking.
Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch. It's a great product with a combination of features that fit various needs. The only downside was that the pouch is a bit snug on the Molle system, which can be a bit annoying when trying to remove it. But, overall, this is a great addition to my daily life that I would recommend to anyone in need of a well-organized storage solution.

Buyer's Guide

If you're looking for versatile, affordable, and stylish pouches, then cheap Molle pouches are the perfect choice. These pouches are designed to fit into Molle systems, offering a wide variety of storage and carrying options. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and advice related to cheap Molle pouches, helping you make an informed decision when purchasing.

Quality and Durability
An important factor when choosing cheap Molle pouches is their quality and durability. These pouches should be made from strong, wear-resistant materials and be able to withstand daily wear without tearing or breaking down. The stitching should also be strong and secure to ensure the pouch maintains its shape over time.

Size and Capacity

Molle pouches come in various sizes to suit different storage needs. You should consider the intended use of the pouch and the items you wish to carry to determine the appropriate size. Larger pouches are suitable for carrying bulky items, such as water bottles or first-aid kits, while smaller pouches are perfect for holding essential items like maps, compasses, or a multitool.

Material Compatibility

Molle pouches are designed to fit into Molle systems, which are commonly found on military backpacks, vests, and belt systems. Ensure the pouches you choose are compatible with your Molle system to achieve a secure fit and optimal functionality. You should also verify that the pouches are available in the Molle grid size required for your system.

Pricing and Value for Money

Affordability is a significant factor when choosing cheap Molle pouches. However, it's essential not to compromise on quality to save a few dollars. Look for pouches that offer good value for money, without sacrificing essential features or durability. Comparing prices and features from various sellers can help you find the best deal.

Brand Reputation

While cheap Molle pouches might not carry a well-known brand name, it's still essential to purchase from a reputable seller. This ensures you're getting a quality product and helps protect your purchase from any potential warranty or returns issues.

User Reviews and Feedback
Before making a purchase, it's always helpful to read through user reviews and feedback. This provides valuable insights into the actual performance and durability of the pouches, helping you make an informed decision.
When choosing cheap Molle pouches, it's essential to consider factors such as quality, durability, size, compatibility, pricing, brand reputation, and user reviews. By doing so, you can ensure you're getting an affordable, reliable, and functional solution for your storage needs.


What are Molle Pouches?

Molle (pronounced MOH-lay) pouches are modular lightweight load-carrying equipment pouches. They are designed to be attached to MOLLE (MODULAR LIGHTWEIGHT LOAD-CARRYING EQUIPMENT) compatible vest, backpacks, and other gear. Molle pouches offer versatility in organizing and carrying various items like ammunition, medical supplies, and other gear.

Why are these Molle Pouches considered cheap?

These Molle pouches are considered cheap due to their affordable pricing and their high quality. They are designed to be budget-friendly while offering the same functionality as more expensive options. The prices on these pouches are quite competitive with other manufacturers.

What types of Molle Pouches are available?

  • Small gear pouches - designed to hold ammunition, batteries, or other small items
  • Medium gear pouches - larger in size, good for holding first-aid kits, radio equipment, or more significant items
  • Large gear pouches - available for storage of larger equipment such as hydration bladders or tactical accessories

What material should I look for in a cheap Molle Pouch?

When searching for a cheap Molle Pouch, you should look for high-quality nylon or military-grade canvas. These materials are durable and long-lasting, making them great choices for Molle Pouches. Nylon is lightweight and easy to maintain, while canvas is incredibly durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Where can I find the best cheap Molle Pouches?

Some of the best places to find cheap Molle Pouches include online stores, military surplus shops, and gun and ammunition retailers. You can also check out websites specializing in outdoor and tactical gear for options.

How do I attach Molle Pouches to my gear?

MOLLE pouches use attachment loops, called PALS (Pouch Attachment Ladder System) that connect to the Molle webbing on the gear. The attachment is simple and straightforward, just align the loops with the Molle webbing and securely snap them together.

Can I modify or customize Molle Pouches?

Yes, some Molle pouches can be easily modified or customized. You can add, remove, or rearrange the internal pockets or even add additional PALS webbing to create more attachment points. Check with the manufacturer for specific details or consult with a tactical gear expert to ensure modifications are possible and safe.

How do I maintain and care for my cheap Molle Pouches?

Maintaining Molle pouches is simple. Regular cleaning, especially if the material is exposed to dirt and dust, will keep them in good condition. Make sure to avoid washing pouches in strong detergent or bleach and use mild soap to maintain the waterproof coating if present. Always dry them out before storing. For more detailed maintenance tips, you can consult the manufacturer.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:12 Pleasant_Gene753 My girlfriend want to keep smashing her side guy

My girlfriend want to keep smashing her side guy that she used to have before we started dating.
My girlfriend and i are in a long distance relationship. The problem is that she wants to be in a relationship with me but she has a guy who f#cks her and she is confused on whether to leave/stop or not.Because she claims that she has never been in a LDR before and she doesn't know how she will 'survive' without some dick once in a while.. We are new in the relationship and she was honest about the whole situation and I don't know how to address it at the moment. We both have strong connection and I still want to make the relationship work. What would you do if you were in my situation?
submitted by Pleasant_Gene753 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:10 RedSiren2 Parent's Day is full of woe (fanscript/fanepisode) (spoilers) (part 4)

TW: Implication of alcoholism by the end
Scene: Outside the school walls. Xavier walks over the meadow to some of the seats where some of the friends, Wednesday included are sitting. Suddenly, Morticia appears by his side.
Morticia: My dear.
Xavier: (looking at her surprised) Oh…
Gomez: (steps up next to him as well, smiling) We didn’t get a chance to talk last time.
Morticia: It’s Xavier, right? Or Exavier?
Xavier: (blows out air) Whichever you prefer.
They chuckle a little.
Xavier: (smiles) Both is quite alright.
They smile and walk on with him. Morticia takes his arm meanwhile.
Gomez: You’ve been keeping our little stormcloud company very well, we’ve heard?
Xavier: Yes… (smirks) … I do. Still do, very much so.
Morticia: (looks at him for a moment, smiling, but a tad of somberness sneaks in) A lot of people do not bother to keep going with us like this.
Xavier: (smiles, shrugs) I guess that’s just what I do.
Gomez: (looks at him for a long moment as well, then smiles and pats his shoulder) Must be your blood. Your father always took pride in his family’s insistence to never back down from a fight.
Xavier: (sighs a little) He still does that as well.
Morticia: I remember his prowess in fencing. Not many could hold their ground against him – I heard you also fence?
Xavier: (nods) But my main thing is art, to be honest. I rather do sports on the side.
Gomez: I’ve seen some of your work. (puts a hand on his back) Very kahlo, lovely.
Xavier: (chuckles)
Morticia: It’s much like her work, save for the blood and skeletons.
Xavier: (chuckles a little) That’s reserved for my nightmare collection.
Morticia and Gomez: (very interigued) Oh?
They keep talking and chuckling as they walk slower. Wednesday watches them closely, with an expression hard to read. Eugene comes stomping over, without his moms, and flops down on the bench between her and Bianca.
Wednesday: (not turning to him) Have your moms left already?
Eugene: (coldly) Maybe. I’m not talking to them any more today, so there’s that.
Bianca: (looks at him)
Eugene: (looking at his phone, coldly) It’s nice to get a say in something, right?
Bianca: Right.
Eugene: (cools down a little) How was it with you guys?
Bianca: (sighs) Don’t ask. I hope my mom doesn’t try to make any more conversation today as well.
Eugene looks at her, then presses her hand.
Wednesday: We had a talk with the principal. He decided to skip my late-night maraudering because he knew they’d love it, and left it at that I’m starting to have a bad influence on all of you.
Bianca and Eugene chuckle
Wednesday: Well, isn’t it true?
Bianca: It’s awfully nice of him.
They exchange a smirk. Even Eugene smiles a little again. Ajax comes running over.
Ajax: Have you guys seen Enid?
Bianca: She went back to the castle a while ago, but I haven’t seen her since.
Ajax: (sighs, sits down and fetches his phone)
Xavier, Morticia and Gomez reach their group, still chatting cheerfully.
Xavier: (to Wednesday) Hey.
Wednesday: I see you’ve met my parents.
Xavier: Well met, I’d say.
Gomez: Oh, I’d say so too, dear boy.
Morticia: He really has the charm of his family.
Wednesday: (furrows her brows) Really?
Xavier rolls his eyes, but before he can say anything, Mrs. Sinclair arrives.
Esther: (to the group) Have you kids seen Enid? She ran out on us.
Wednesday: Already? Well done.
They exchange a glare.
Esther: Well (she looks around) I can’t expect your help, now can I?
Ajax looks down, so do Eugene and Xavier, but Bianca returns her glare.
Esther: You could at least check her Instagram. I'm sure she's posting about this day already. (sighs) (to Morticia and Gomez) Kids these days.
The group tenses up.
Morticia: (staying friendly) Now Essi, perhaps she just needs time to cool off.
Esther sighs, waves away and walks off, past the other bodyguard Barnes from the Thorpe entourage who is coming over with an elderly man in a suit using a walking stick.
Xavier: (notices them) (happily) Davis!
Barnes: (rolls his eyes) Just Davis indeed.
Xavier: (chuckles and hugs him) Sorry Barnes.
Barnes: (chuckles and pats his back) How are you, skinny. Ah, there’s that backbone that I like.
Xavier: (chuckles, then turns to Davis, who hugs him with one arm while holding onto his stick)
Davis: Dear boy.
Xavier helps him to sit down on at the table.
Xavier: How’s your rib?
Davis: Much better. I was well enough to drive, but finding a parking spot was a pain on it’s own.
Xavier: (chuckles, but then gets serious) All registers to get me back on track, right?
Davis: (sighs) So it would seem. I’d tell you what to do, but … you already know.
Xavier: (nods, then presses Davis’ hand, who smiles)
Morticia: Davis. Do you remember us?
Davis: (looks at the Addams spouses) I’m quite sure I can’t recall every single time I went to bed in a once more squeaky clean house cursing both your family names.
Gomez: Pity. I remember the spider outbreak of 1990 very fondly.
Morticia: Oh, it was.
Davis: (shakes his head) And it seems this family doesn’t have quite enough of that yet.
Xavier: (rolls his eyes, wants to say something, but freezes, looking over Davis’ shoulder)
Vincent enters the meadow with Ced by his side, walking towards them. Around him, people turn and stare, some looking away quickly. Everyone seems a tad intimidated. Wednesday looks on, then turns to her parents – and freezes herself. Their expressions have dropped. Both of them look at Vincent with a mix of gloom and fear. He smiles at them, stopping before their group. Barnes goes to stand next to him again.
Vincent: The spouses Addams. How long has it been.
Gomez: (monotonely, but staying composed) Ten years, Vini.
Vincent: Well, we haven’t changed a bit, right?
Morticia: (smiling, but coldly) Certainly not.
Gomez: We thought you never attend parent day.
Vincent: (shrugs) Urgent family business called for it. Some PR adjustments, if you will.
Xavier frowns, looking down. Vincent smiles at the two of them still, but before he can say anything more, Ced catches something behind the back of his neck. Vincent ducks, and Barnes flinches. Ced is holding a pearl. Vincent shakes his head a little, amused, while Morticia cringes. Gabrielle peeks out next to Barnes, smirking at him.
Vincent: I thought I told you not to startle my bodyguards.
Gabrielle: I’m quite sure I can’t recall.
He smiles, and she leans over to exchange a brief kiss on the cheek.
Vincent: My dear old school friend I will one day shed tears over publicly.
Gabrielle: I know you will. So … also here on family business? (she looks at her daughter) Some teenagers to reel in?
Vincent: One, and that’s one too much.
Gabrielle: (chuckles) Have kids, they said.
Xavier and Bianca look down, frowning.
Vincent: Meanwhile, I was going to have a talk with his friends. (checks his watch) Scheduled for now.
Bianca: (glaring at him) We told him to stay at school.
Vincent: (smiles a little at her, but his expression changes when speaking to her) Oh?
Bianca: Of course. (in the background, the Addams spouses observe this exchange with interest)
Eugene: We don’t condone this Xavier. Erm… behaviour.
Vincent: (chuckles) Neither do I kid, you have no idea.
Xavier: (shaking with rage) Are you done?
Vincent: Not exactly. I do want to speak to your friends. (he looks at Bianca, who returns his look. Then turns away) Mr. Ottinger.
Eugene: (looks up again, startled) Me?
Vincent: Have a walk with me. I’d like for you to tell me something about yourself. Ced, you come with us.
Ced: Yes, sir.
Eugene: (a little nervous, gets up slowly and follows him as he walks away)
Wednesday turns and watches them walk away.
Xavier: (sighs) Of course.
Wednesday: What? What does this mean?
Xavier: He’ll offer him an apprenticeship. My father is interested in people with special powers.
Wednesday looks on, then at her parents – they give her a warning look. She turns back, observing once more. Morticia however, manages to smile again.
Morticia: (to Bianca) My dear.
Bianca: Me?
Morticia: I heard you head the fencing club currently. Would you like to visit the old gym with me? It’s been so long.
Bianca: (stares at her for a long moment) Sure.
They leave together. Wednesday looks on after them.
Cut to Lucas working at Weathervane. Sheriff Galpin walks in – slower than he used to. He stops at the counter and orders a black coffee. Lucas prepares it, looking at him concerned. Galpin thanks him quietly, then sits at the corner table. Lucas serves the next customer, then, after a moment of thinking, gets himself a coffee and sits down with him. They exchange a somber look. Galpin reaches into his pocket – then looks back up at Lucas, deciding not to add anything to his coffee. They sit in silence for a moment.
Galpin: It’s all my fault. Everything.
Lucas: (looks at him)
Galpin: What do you say to that?
Lucas: I don’t know.
They’re silent for another moment.
Lucas: Maybe … it’s not fair that you blame yourself more than the people who actually did something.
Galpin: (looks at him)
Lucas: She doesn’t feel bad about it.
Galpin: There’s still more I could have done, kid.
Lucas: So could I.
Galpin: Huh?
Lucas: I did things in my life I’m not proud of. Nobody forced me to, but I did. Can’t undo those, so – I’m looking ahead.
Galpin: (smiles) You have a lot to become happy about still. Not me.
Lucas: Not so sure.
Galpin: (looks at him) I am.
Lucas: (looks at him)
Galpin: If it helps, I … I want that for you. Really do.
Lucas: (smiles)
Galpin: (sighs, looks out the window) I don’t know where to start, kid. Even … even saying it’s my fault was hard.
Lucas: (shrugs) It’s a start. Talking helped me with that.
Galpin: (looks out the window still, seeing cars pass by heading for Nevermore – then looks at Lucas) What’s your favourite coffee?
Lucas: What? Erm … I guess the … the moccachino with walnut syrup? It’s nice.
Galpin: (searches his pocket and fetches a 10 dollar bill) Here. (he hands it to him) Keep the change. Get yourself one of those, and …
Lucas: (looks at him, surprised)
Galpin: … and then tell me stuff. Whatever you like.
They exchange another somber, but gentle look – then Lucas smiles.
Lucas: Alright.
He goes to prepare his coffee.
Galpin: Thank you, Lukes.
Lucas: (stills for a moment, then smiles again) You’re welcome.
submitted by RedSiren2 to Wednesday [link] [comments]