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2008.01.25 08:16 Your Account Has Been Suspended

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2024.05.20 08:35 Eisenheim08 8 months of no Alcohol, 3 months of Multivitamins + NAC, 1 month on ovamit/clomid. Finally get my semen to liquefy, any thoughts or insight about this?

8 months of no Alcohol, 3 months of Multivitamins + NAC, 1 month on ovamit/clomid. Finally get my semen to liquefy, any thoughts or insight about this? submitted by Eisenheim08 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:25 Zestyclose-Wrap3232 holländer fussballer

holländer fussballer
Taktik und Spielweise
Taktik und Spielweise sind entscheidende Elemente in vielen Sportarten, einschließlich Fußball, Basketball und Tennis. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns darauf konzentrieren, wie Taktik und Spielweise den Erfolg einer Mannschaft oder eines Spielers beeinflussen können.
In Sportarten wie Fußball ist die Taktik von entscheidender Bedeutung. Trainer entwickeln Spielpläne, um ihre Mannschaften auf das Spiel vorzubereiten und eine Strategie zu entwickeln, um den Gegner zu überwinden. Dies kann das Spielen in bestimmten Formationen, das Drücken hoch oder das Verteidigen in der Tiefe umfassen. Die Spielweise einer Mannschaft kann sich je nach Gegner und Spielsituation ändern. Ein Team kann zum Beispiel bei einem knappen Spielstand defensiver spielen, um den Vorsprung zu halten, oder offensiver spielen, um einen Rückstand aufzuholen.
Auch in Einzelsportarten wie Tennis ist die Taktik von großer Bedeutung. Spieler analysieren ihre Gegner und passen ihre Spielweise entsprechend an. Dies kann bedeuten, die Schlagrichtung zu ändern, öfter ans Netz zu gehen oder aggressiver zu spielen, um den Gegner unter Druck zu setzen.
Die richtige Taktik und Spielweise können den Unterschied zwischen Sieg und Niederlage ausmachen. Selbst das talentierteste Team oder der talentierteste Spieler wird ohne eine kluge Strategie und Anpassungsfähigkeit gegenüber dem Gegner Schwierigkeiten haben. Daher ist es für Sportler und Teams gleichermaßen wichtig, Zeit und Mühe in die Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer effektiven Taktik und Spielweise zu investieren.
Erfolge und Trophäen
"Erfolge und Trophäen sind wichtige Aspekte in vielen Bereichen des Lebens. Sie dienen nicht nur als Bestätigung für erreichte Ziele, sondern motivieren auch dazu, weiterhin hart zu arbeiten und sich zu verbessern. Ob im Sport, in der Arbeit oder im persönlichen Bereich, das Streben nach Erfolgen und Trophäen ist ein natürlicher Antrieb für viele Menschen.
Im Sport sind Erfolge und Trophäen oft das ultimative Ziel. Sportler trainieren jahrelang, um Meisterschaften zu gewinnen oder persönliche Bestleistungen zu erreichen. Eine Trophäe ist nicht nur ein physisches Objekt, sondern symbolisiert auch den Einsatz, die Hingabe und die Entschlossenheit des Sportlers.
Auch im beruflichen Bereich spielen Erfolge eine große Rolle. Mitarbeiter streben danach, Anerkennung für ihre Leistungen zu erhalten, sei es in Form von Beförderungen, Bonuszahlungen oder anderen Auszeichnungen. Erfolge können auch dazu beitragen, das Selbstwertgefühl zu stärken und das Arbeitsumfeld positiv zu beeinflussen.
Im persönlichen Bereich können Erfolge und Trophäen verschiedene Formen annehmen. Das Abschließen eines Studiums, das Erreichen eines persönlichen Ziels oder das Überwinden einer Herausforderung sind allesamt Erfolge, die gefeiert werden sollten. Trophäen in diesem Sinne können Erinnerungen, Auszeichnungen oder besondere Momente sein, die im Gedächtnis bleiben.
Erfolge und Trophäen sind also integraler Bestandteil des menschlichen Lebens und motivieren uns, unser Bestes zu geben und nach unseren Träumen zu streben. Sie zeigen, dass harte Arbeit und Engagement belohnt werden und ermutigen uns, immer weiterzumachen, auch wenn der Weg steinig ist."
Persönliches Leben und Hintergrund
Persönliches Leben und Hintergrund
Das persönliche Leben und der Hintergrund einer Person spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gestaltung ihrer Identität und ihres Lebenswegs. Es umfasst verschiedene Aspekte wie Familie, Bildung, Kultur, soziale Umgebung und persönliche Erfahrungen.
Die Familie ist oft der Grundstein des persönlichen Lebens. Sie prägt die Werte, Überzeugungen und Verhaltensweisen einer Person von Kindheit an. Die Beziehung zu Eltern, Geschwistern und anderen Familienmitgliedern beeinflusst maßgeblich die Entwicklung einer Person.
Die Bildung ist ein weiterer wichtiger Bestandteil des persönlichen Lebens und Hintergrunds. Sie ermöglicht es einer Person, Wissen und Fähigkeiten zu erwerben, die sie im Leben voranbringen. Die Art der Bildung, ob formell oder informell, sowie die Bildungseinrichtungen, die eine Person besucht hat, prägen ihren intellektuellen Horizont.
Die kulturelle Zugehörigkeit spielt ebenfalls eine bedeutende Rolle im persönlichen Leben. Die Traditionen, Bräuche, Sprache und Lebensweise einer bestimmten Kultur beeinflussen die Identität einer Person und ihr Verständnis von Gemeinschaft.
Die soziale Umgebung, in der eine Person aufwächst und lebt, beeinflusst ebenfalls ihr persönliches Leben und ihren Hintergrund. Freunde, Nachbarn und die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen prägen die sozialen Beziehungen und das Verhalten einer Person.
Persönliche Erfahrungen, sowohl positive als auch negative, formen ebenfalls das Leben und den Hintergrund einer Person. Sie können Herausforderungen überwinden, Stärken entwickeln und dazu beitragen, die Perspektive einer Person auf das Leben zu formen.
Insgesamt ist das persönliche Leben und der Hintergrund einer Person ein komplexes Geflecht aus verschiedenen Einflüssen und Erfahrungen, das ihre Identität und ihren Lebensweg maßgeblich prägt.
Transfergeschäfte und Vereinswechsel
Transfergeschäfte und Vereinswechsel sind ein zentraler Bestandteil des modernen Fußballs. Diese Prozesse beziehen sich auf den Transfer von Spielern zwischen verschiedenen Fußballvereinen. Sie können im Profifußball eine Vielzahl von Gründen haben, darunter die Verbesserung der Mannschaft, die Anpassung an taktische Strategien oder die Verstärkung des Kaders für verschiedene Wettbewerbe.
Ein Transfer kann verschiedene Formen annehmen, darunter Kauf, Leihe oder Tausch. Bei einem Kauftransfer erwirbt ein Verein die Rechte an einem Spieler von einem anderen Verein durch Zahlung einer Ablösesumme. Dieser Betrag kann je nach Talent und Potenzial des Spielers erheblich variieren und erreicht oft Millionen Euro. Bei einer Leihe hingegen wird ein Spieler für eine bestimmte Zeitdauer an einen anderen Verein ausgeliehen, ohne dass dieser dauerhaft übertragen wird. Dies ermöglicht es Spielern, Spielpraxis zu sammeln oder sich in einem neuen Umfeld zu beweisen, während der ursprüngliche Verein weiterhin die Rechte an ihm behält.
Vereinswechsel sind nicht nur für die Spieler von Bedeutung, sondern auch für die Vereine selbst. Sie können dazu beitragen, das Team zu stärken, die taktische Vielfalt zu erhöhen und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern. Darüber hinaus können sie auch wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen haben, da erfolgreiche Transfers dazu beitragen können, die Einnahmen des Vereins durch Merchandising, Ticketverkäufe und Sponsoring zu steigern.
Insgesamt sind Transfergeschäfte und Vereinswechsel ein faszinierender Aspekt des Fußballs, der sowohl die Dynamik der Teams als auch die Leidenschaft der Fans prägt. Sie sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Sports und werden weiterhin die Aufmerksamkeit und Diskussionen der Fußballwelt auf sich ziehen.
Leistungen und Statistiken
Leistungen und Statistiken sind zwei wichtige Aspekte in verschiedenen Bereichen, sei es im Geschäftsleben, im Sport oder in der Bildung. Leistungen beziehen sich auf die Ergebnisse oder Erfolge, die eine Person, ein Team oder eine Organisation erzielt. Statistiken hingegen sind Zahlen und Daten, die diese Leistungen quantifizieren und analysieren.
Im Geschäftsbereich sind Leistungen oft mit Umsatz, Gewinn und Kundenzufriedenheit verbunden. Unternehmen verfolgen ihre Leistungen genau, um ihre Strategien zu überprüfen und anzupassen. Statistiken wie Umsatzwachstum, Marktanteil und Kundenbindungsraten geben Einblicke in den Erfolg eines Unternehmens und helfen bei der Entscheidungsfindung.
Im Sport sind Leistungen offensichtlich durch Siege, Punkte oder Rekorde definiert. Statistiken wie Trefferquoten, Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeiten oder Passgenauigkeiten ermöglichen es Trainern und Spielern, Stärken und Schwächen zu identifizieren und ihre Leistung zu verbessern.
Auch in der Bildung spielen Leistungen und Statistiken eine wichtige Rolle. Schüler werden anhand ihrer Noten und Testergebnisse bewertet, während Schulen und Bildungssysteme durch Statistiken wie Abschlussquoten und Schüler-Lehrer-Verhältnisse beurteilt werden.
In allen Bereichen ist es wichtig, Leistungen objektiv zu bewerten und Statistiken sorgfältig zu analysieren. Sie dienen als Grundlage für Verbesserungen und ermöglichen es, Ziele zu setzen und Fortschritte zu verfolgen. Letztendlich helfen Leistungen und Statistiken dabei, Erfolge zu messen und die Effektivität von Maßnahmen zu beurteilen.
submitted by Zestyclose-Wrap3232 to u/Zestyclose-Wrap3232 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 FancyInvestment397 Best Online Casinos in Ireland

Best Online Casinos in Ireland
To find the best online casinos in Ireland, you need to consider key factors such as license status, variety of games, convenience of payment methods, attractive bonuses, reputation for fair play, and reliability. If choosing a casino seems like a hassle, our extensive list of Irish online casinos is here to assist you on your safe gambling journey. Our casino list is updated every month, hand-picked from hundreds of online casinos available in Ireland, and each is reviewed and rated according to our rating guidelines.

TonyBet Casino

TonyBet Casino is the only online casino fronted by Tony G, one of the world’s top poker players. As a NetEnt, Quickspin, NYX Interactive and Microgaming casino, TonyBet Casino features an impressive line-up of video slots, table games, and other casino favourites. Players here will also find several unique live dealer games from both Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, along with poker and sports betting. The site is completely instant-play and compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. TonyBet Casino is licensed by the Estonia Tax and Customs Board and Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, TonyBet Casino is unable to offer any gaming services to players who live in France, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Slovenia and the United States. All other players are welcome as long as online gambling is not prohibited by their government.
Virtual Games
Players will find all the best Microgaming slots at TonyBet Casino. These include long-standing favourites like Break da Bank Again Slot, Irish Eyes slot, and 5 Reel Drive slot to some of the most cutting-edge bonus video slots on the web like Game of Thrones Slot, Dragon’s Myth slot, and Rabbit in the Hat slot. Players will also find a surprisingly diverse selection of classic slots, with titles like Jurassic Jackpot slot and Triple Magic slot.
In addition, to live table games, TonyBet Casino features an abundant range of virtual table game favourites. Roulette players can go for a spin with French, European, and Multi Wheel variants of the game. Blackjack enthusiasts can hit, split, and double down to big wins with games like Classic Blackjack, Atlantic City Blackjack, and Premier Blackjack High Streak. Other games include Baccarat, Cyberstud Poker, Craps, and Poker Pursuit.
Video poker is also a popular game at TonyBet Casino. Players will find single-hand and multi-hand Power Poker denominations of many favourites, including Jacks or Better, Aces & Faces, Tens or Better, Joker Poker, Deuces Wild, All Aces, Bonus Poker, Deuces & Joker, and more.
Those looking for something a little off-the-wall will find it in the “Other” section. These include numerous scratch cards and other instant-win favourites like Foamy Fortunes, Bunny Boiler Gold, and Beer Fest, as well as totally unique games like Triangulation and Space Evader.
Live Games
TonyBet Casino is home to two sets of live dealer games. The first is “Live Casino”, a conventional Microgaming live casino with four different games: Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, Live Roulette, and Live Casino Hold’em. These games are all dealt with professional standards and offer interactive features with the dealers and the other players.
The second is under the “Live Games” header. This section is powered by Betgames and offers players the chance to win with unique live draws: Lucky 7, Lucky 5, Dice, Wheel of Fortune, Bet on Poker, and Baccarat. Timers are available so players can know how quickly they need to get their bets in before the next draws.
Mobile Gaming
TonyBet Casino is compatible with the majority of smartphones and tablets. Players can access many of the games just by loading the casino’s site on most HTML5-compatible mobile browsers. Those with iOS and Android devices can opt for the TonyBet app instead.
TonyBet Casino offer live chat support to players, but unfortunately, it is only available from 8 AM to 7 PM. In order to get in contact with a live chat, representative players need to be logged in. Additionally, players can contact the support via the online contact form and receive email replies or use the site’s international phone number, but this may be subject to international calling fees.
Security and Fairness
The entire TonyBet Casino website is protected with the industry standard of online safety, SSL encryption. This technology prevents anyone from being able to read or decode sensitive information sent to the casino for banking and registration purposes, such as account numbers and passwords.
All of the games at TonyBet Casino have been tested and approved by NMi, a leading independent auditing organisation who have years of experience in ensuring the integrity of online casino games.

Betinia Casino

Betinia Casino is an online casino which brings players together to enjoy their favourite games which include video slots, table games, live casino games and sports. The casino is also home to a number of award winning software providers which include NetEnt, Microgaming, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin and Betsoft. The site supports multiple languages and can be played instantly through a web browser or on the go. Betinia Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, there are some country restrictions here which means some players will be excluded from registering an account at Betinia. These countries include Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the United Kingdom and the United States. This list could also include more restrictions so please see ‘more casino details’ for the full list of restricted countries and territories.
Virtual Games
The games lobby is packed with hundreds of the best video slots for everyone to enjoy. Players can easily select their software vendor so they can browse their favourite quickly and efficiently. Alternatively, users who know exactly which games they want to play can try the search function which can find any game in seconds. Titles here include the Starburst Slot, Mega Moolah Slot, Moon Princess Slot, Money Train 2 Slot and Legacy of Egypt Slot.
There are some table games here too which include popular variations of Blackjack and Roulette. Some of these games will be suited to low rollers however users who like placing high bets will also be able to find tables to suit them.
Live Casino
In the live casino there are yet more games and they are similar to the tables we just mentioned however these are hosted by real life croupiers. They take place in a live studio so players can enjoy a fully immersive experience and can play against the dealer or other real players. They include games like Live Dream Catcher, Live Monopoly and Live Baccarat.
Mobile Gaming
Betinia Casino is also available on the go through most mobile devices on operating systems like iOS and Android. There is no app as such, all players have to do is load the casino through a compatible mobile browser to gain instant access to hundreds of games, just like on the web version. Players can enjoy the mobile experience from the comfort of their home or when they are constantly on the move.
Anyone who needs help and assistance can contact the casino's customer support team using their live chat facility which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additional support can also be reached through email or over the phone with fast response times.
Security and Fairness
When it comes to security the casino takes this seriously which is why they use encryption methods to ensure players confidential information is always kept safe. Financial security is also important to the casino and they will always make sure data is encrypted before being sent over the internet.
Games are monitored for fairness using an industry standard random number generator. This means that games will produce fair and random results that have not been manipulated.

Crazy Fox Casino

Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox Casino features a large number of games and provides players with the opportunity to join ongoing tournaments and compete for a wide range of prizes. The colourful casino will keep your spirits up, but let’s not forget about your host, the tough-looking fox.
The fox does all kinds of things—spins the wheel, plays guitar and bass, and rides a motorcycle. The casino's unique layout only enhances its easy navigation and excellent player experience.
General Information About Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino is an online casino featuring thousands of games sorted into different categories. It is owned and operated by N1 Interactive Ltd. and boasts a Malta Gaming Authority licence.
With a valid international licence and AskGamblers’ Certificate of Trust, Crazy Fox proves to be a reliable hub for players worldwide. Players can access the gambling website through almost any web browser. If you prefer mobile casinos, you can download the app directly from their casino site and enjoy your favourite titles during your commute.
Select one of the 15+ languages and sign in by adding some basic personal information. The entire process is effortless, and once you’re in, you’ll be eligible for the daily cashback. Before you join Crazy Fox, read our detailed casino review to find out more about the casino.
Payment Information and Options at Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino offers multiple payment methods, from credit cards to e-wallets such as Skrill, Neteller and Trustly to voucher cards and bank transfers. The minimum deposit is €20 for all options.
Deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly for all payment methods except for credit card and bank transfer withdrawals, which can take up to 3 days. Players have not had any negative experiences in this regard, and account verification before the first payout is also smooth and quick.
Withdrawals can be made up to €10,000 per day or €60,000 per month, which we rate very positively. The downside is that you must wager your deposit at least three times before withdrawing. Furthermore, at least 2.5% processing fees apply for ecoPayz, WebMoney and bank transfers on withdrawals and ecoPayz and Debit on deposits.
Customer Support at Crazy Fox Casino
The customer support at Crazy Fox Casino is one of the website's highlights, and the casino itself is proud of it. The best way to contact support is via live chat. You must enter your email address and name to start the chat.
At first, you will be connected to a chatbot that offers some quick answers, but you can immediately ask to be transferred to an agent. We were connected after just a few seconds and had a pleasant exchange, and our questions were answered. Crazy Fox requests that you notify customer service immediately if you have any problems.
The live chat support is available 24/7, but if you prefer, you can contact the casino via email, contact form, or a phone number. These forms of communication may be slightly slower, but whatever you choose, you’ll be in touch with a friendly agent who will help you solve your problem quickly.
Games at Crazy Fox Casino
At Crazy Fox Casino, popular titles such as Legacy of Dead, Merge Up, and Elvis Frog in Vegas are offered as top games, with all of the casino's new releases directly below. You do need a player account to test them in demo mode.
If you decide to register, you get access to all Crazy Fox online slots, but you can also take part in numerous tournaments or test your luck in jackpot games if you're looking to score big! In addition to the jackpot section, there is also a selection of bonus buy games with the best online slots from Pragmatic Play, Wazdan, Spinomenal, or Endorphina, which can also be found via the provider menu.
The casino's portfolio has various table games and a live casino that offers games from Evolution, Quickfire, and Tomhornnative. And with the addition of regular tournaments, the fun never ends. Crazy Fox Casino does everything to provide its players with the best games in the industry.
Crazy Fox Casino’s Commitment to Responsible Gambling
Crazy Fox Casino offers players a quiz to identify signs of gambling addiction. As for the features in the casino, players can set personal limits regarding deposits, losses, stakes and session times. You can set the limits within your account and change them at any point.
If you want to take a break from gambling, you can cool off. The cooling-off limit allows you to access your account only to withdraw money but prevents you from depositing or receiving promotional materials from the casino. The next step is temporary or permanent self-exclusion that entirely blocks you from the casino.
When you play at Crazy Fox Casino, you will receive hourly notifications to help you keep track of your online time. You can stop or continue playing, but getting reminders throughout your sessions is a positive thing.
Final Verdict on Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino offers all their players daily cashback of up to 20%. The cashback rate increases with the size of your losses for the day, starting from 5% for players who lose at least €30 and gradually going up all the way to 20%.
With access to slot games such as Golden Dragon Inferno and Reactoonz, you’re guaranteed hours of fun, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Different types of games are available, including a wide selection of table and live dealer games.

Evospin Casino

Evospin Casino is a modern online casino packed with many of the industries finest software providers offering the games which range from the newest video slots to the most traditional games. The site supports numerous languages and can be enjoyed through virtually any mobile or web device. Players will be able to enjoy games from household names like NetEnt, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, Wazdan and Relax Gaming. Evospin Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, there are some country restrictions which are standard for most online casinos. At Evospin Casino these countries include Australia, Belgium, Israel, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. There are other restrictions so players should see below for the full list and also check that online gambling is legal in their jurisdiction before opening an account.
Virtual Games
When players open the casino lobby they will be greeted with non stop action and hundreds of video slots, the choice is almost endless. There is a huge variety of software vendors so players should find games that have themes, variance and features to their liking. Since there is so much variety here the lobby also has some filtering options which includes a drop down menu to sort games by their providers. Players who may want to save time may particularly find this feature useful. Titles here include the Book of Dead Slot, Sakura Fortune Slot, Age of the Gods Slot, Wild Toro Slot and Money Train 2 Slot.
There are some table games to choose from too which include Blackjack, Roulette and Poker. These games come from providers around the world and will have different betting limits and table rules.
Players will also find some video poker games which will be suited to those who like card games. These games combine poker with slots so it’s definitely something different to try if players are looking for more variety.
Live Casino
If players like table games then they may enjoy the live casino that they have here too, these games are hosted by the likes of Pragmatic Play Live and Evolution Gaming. These are leading names in the live industry who are known for their immersive tables. These games are hosted by real life croupiers and are played in a live studio so players can bet against other real players and not just a computer.
Mobile Gaming
Evospin Casino is now available on virtually any mobile device so this means anything from a tablet to a smartphone. Operating systems like iOS and Android are supported and players don’t have to look for an app, most of the games can be played through a mobile browser and will play just as seamlessly as the web version. Features like the web version are also included so players never have to switch devices, unless they want to.
Anyone who needs help and assistance can contact the casino's customer support agents who are available through their live chat facility who are working around the clock, 24/7 . Alternatively, players can also email the casino at any time or to send verification documents. Either way, customer services are always on hand, should players need them.
Security and Fairness
Evospin Casino has the safety of their players at the top of their priority list which is why they have high levels of security in place. These include the latest firewalls and encryption methods. Sensitive information and any financial transactions will always be stored securely and encrypted before being transmitted over the internet.
Games are also fair and will never be rigged in the casinos favour. They use an industry standard random number generator to ensure every game result is fair and random , without manipulation.

Responsible Gambling

Responsible gambling refers to safe and mindful participation in betting and gaming activities while avoiding excessive or harmful behaviors. If online casinos and individuals both prioritize responsible gambling, it fosters a safer and more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone involved. At Irishluck, we strongly support responsible gambling practices and we are here to equip you with all the information you need to know.

How To Check If an Online Casino Has Responsible Gambling Measures

  1. Deposit and Spending Limits: Check if the casino allows you to set deposit and spending limits, helping you stay within your budget.
  2. Time Limits: Ensure the casino offers options for setting time limits on your gaming sessions to prevent excessive play.
  3. Self-Exclusion: Look for the self-exclusion feature, which lets you take a break from gambling if needed.
  4. Cooling-Off Periods: Verify if the casino offers cooling-off periods during which you can suspend your account temporarily.
  5. Reality Checks: Check for regular pop-up notifications reminding you of your gaming duration to stay mindful of your habits.
  6. Access to Gambling History: Ensure you have access to your gambling history, including spending and playtime data.
  7. Age Verification (KYC): Confirm that the casino performs rigorous age verification checks (KYC) to prevent minors from accessing the platform.
  8. Transparent Terms and Conditions: Verify that the casino's terms and conditions are clear and easily understandable to avoid misunderstandings.

How to Make Sure You're Safe While Gambling Online

  1. Set Limits: Establish personal limits on time and money spent gambling.
  2. Budget Management: Create a dedicated gambling budget separate from essential expenses.
  3. Self-Exclusion: Use self-exclusion tools provided by casinos if a break from gambling is needed.
  4. Time Management: Set time limits for gambling sessions to prevent excessive play.
  5. Take Breaks: Regularly take breaks during gaming to maintain perspective.
  6. Reality Checks: Use reality check reminders to track time spent gambling.
  7. Avoid Chasing Losses: Refrain from attempting to recover losses by increasing bets.
  8. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: Avoid gambling under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  9. Seek Support: Reach out to support networks or professionals if gambling becomes problematic.
  10. Stay Informed: Stay informed about responsible gambling practices and resources.
  11. Access Self-Help Tools: Utilize self-help materials and resources available online.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:17 dripphood FX506HF running om iGPU on optimized mode.

FX506HF running om iGPU on optimized mode. submitted by dripphood to Asustuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:13 Interesting_Law_992 Minha OC Mary Morgans☝️

Minha OC Mary Morgans☝️ submitted by Interesting_Law_992 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 Mary_HazeltineR Found Equity Total Return Swap (ETRS) involving GameStop, JPM & Nationwide Insurance.

Sup jaw. Started coding a program this weekend to pull down all NPORT-P filings so I and other apes could start to further track fuckery through ETFs (lending stats specifically), and almost instantly found something that doesn't show up on whalewisdom or fintel, making me think these 'swap' filings (like the one I'll be showing you) invovling GameStop maybe have slipped through the cracks of most websites all this time.
Okay, you may be very confused at this point. NPORT-P is the filing used by ETFs and mutual funds to report their portfolio to the SEC which includes things like how much of certain securities are in their holdings, how much of their portfolio they're lending out, return numbers, etc.. NPORT-P filings are how whalewisdom and fintel are able to provide you stats on ETFs and mutual funds.
Aight. So here's the filing both whalewisdom and fintel are currently missing that was filed on Friday 08-20-21: image of important filing header and holding in question, and the link to filing (will crash browser if not on above average PC).
If you look back at the screenshots of whalewisdom or fintel, you can see it's missing.
But why would it be missing? It's because Nationwide is marking the holding as an 'ETRS' with the unique identifier being an 'Inhouse Asset ID'. That's usually where you would see GameStop and GameStop's CUSIP, respectively, thus these are getting missed by programs.
In the image, the places I've underlined in black, those are the spots which make this holding unusual compared to all other holdings of GME in NPORT filings I've manually looked through over the months (the whole derivatives section is never there, this is the first time I've seen it actually filled out).
The places I've highlighted in yellow are just showing the important ties between GME and this filing.
Can anyone make sense of this and explain exactly what's going on here?
The maturity date is just a year out from this filing: 06-30-22 (even though it was filed 08-20-21, it's reporting for 06-30-21). But, there's also options that expire in mid-June 2022.
For reference, if you look at this filing you can see the two different ways which GameStop positions are typically reported in NPORT-P filings (one way is the holding for shares, the other way is the holding for options, just using CTRL+F 'GameStop' to find).
If no one cares to help, I'll report back once I've had time to digest everything but I'm really hoping for some teamwork here so I can continue coding. I'm rushing this post out so eyes can get on this shit, let me know if I need to elaborate on some of the shit I've said (or didn't say for that matter).
Thanks apes <3
edit: fixed whalewisdom image
edit2: damn y'all hopped on this quick. thanks for your attention. this can be considered 'figured out' or 'solved'.
turns out I only found the same thing u/Purple-Artichoke-687 found here 2 days ago: https://old.reddit.com/DDintoGME/comments/p7wguw/found_a_new_term_obfr_i_havent_seen_in_any_dd_and/ but rather than having found the compiled report, I found the report for the single fund which the compiled report references indirectly. The one piece of information missing from the compiled report that is in the NPORT-P is this under the 'Upfront payments or receipts' portion: iv. Notional amount = $6,601,722. Aside from that, just know these swap agreements aren't showing up on the popular sites we use to check holdings.
read FlacidPasta 's comment below for more info into what this all means: https://old.reddit.com/DDintoGME/comments/p9iz74/found_equity_total_return_swap_etrs_involving/h9yfu0s/
If you read through all this and feel cheated or baited. Here's something no one else has mentioned: Invesco has lent out more GME than it has twice in the past year. XSVM's NPORT reporting for 2021-04-30: $18,748,554.09 out of $18,121,928.05. XSVM's NPORT reporting for 2020-07-31: $536743.30 out of $530,266.36. Also, here's the borrowers of XSVM's GME shares from 04-30-21: Citi = $3,249,824.55 BofA = $7,985,283.18 UBS = $4,282,474.14 Mizuho = $3,069,758.37 Janney Montgomery Scott = $161,213.85
Thanks everyone <3
edit3: thanks for all the help, info, nice words and awards. apes ain't left huh? they just needed something new to fucks with.
anyways, wanted to give an update for some findings I found today. Invesco is a bag of shit. Look at those percentages of overlending below, specifically the one reported January 31st 2021. Oof. Think I hit the nail on the head with that one. By the way, Invesco is located in the douchiest of suburbs of Chicago... Downer's Grove. Anyone from around there can attest to that.
Invesco PureBetaSM MSCI USA Small Cap ETF (S000058747): 2020-05-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001378872/000175272420148730/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 186.76000000 USD (46.00000000 shares) Lending: 502.28000000 / 186.76000000 (268.94%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
Invesco BuyBack AchieversTM ETF (S000013111): 2021-01-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001209466/000175272421068896/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 80600.00000000 USD (248.00000000 shares) Lending: 935281.60000000 / 80600.00000000 (1,160.40%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral there's only 3 I found back to the filing date of 07-01-2020, one of them being the one I posted here today, another being the same fund from 3 months ago, then some putnam panagora. LOOK AT THE TERMINATION DATE OF THE PUTNAM SWAP (2025-01-28, exactly 4 years out from the day RH stole the buy button).
Putnam PanAgora Market Neutral Fund (S000058312): 2021-02-28 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0000932101/000086939221000828/primary_doc.xml SWP - MORGAN STANLEY AND CO. INTERNATIONAL Instrument Name: GAMESTOP CORP-CLASS A, Instrument Title: COMMON STOCK Receipts: Floating, index FEDERAL FUNDS EFFECTIVE RATE US, spread -1.77, amount -17.03 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index GAMESTOP CORP, spread 0, amount 0 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Termination Date: 2025-01-28 Upfront Payment: 0 USD Upfront Receipts: 0 USD Notational Amount: 3301.56 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -378.11 USD
NVIT U.S. 130/30 Equity Fund (S000067312): 2021-03-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0000353905/000175272421105000/primary_doc.xml SWP - JPMorgan Chase Bank Instrument Name: GameStop Corp., Class A, Instrument Title: GameStop Corp., Class A Receipts: Floating, index Federal Funds, spread -4.07000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index N/A, spread 0.00000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 0 Month, Reset every 0 Month Termination Date: 2022-03-31 Upfront Payment: 0.00000000 USD Upfront Receipts: 0.00000000 USD Notational Amount: 5851961.00000000 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -262663.08000000 USD
NVIT U.S. 130/30 Equity Fund (S000067312): 2021-06-30 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0000353905/000175272421178646/primary_doc.xml SWP - JPMorgan Chase Bank Instrument Name: GameStop Corp., Class A, Instrument Title: GameStop Corp., Class A Receipts: Floating, index Federal Funds, spread -0.92500000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 1 Month, Reset every 1 Month Pay: Floating, index N/A, spread 0.00000000, amount 0.00000000 USD Rate Tenor is 0 Month, Reset every 0 Month Termination Date: 2022-06-30 Upfront Payment: 0.00000000 USD Upfront Receipts: 0.00000000 USD Notational Amount: 6601722.00000000 USD Appreciation/Depreciation: -27437.81000000 USD here's the full list: https://pastebin.com/ePKQj0Ey. It has all the funds that were overlending if their NPORT was filed from 07-01-2020 to 08-22-2021, as well as any fund that wrote/purchased contracts as well as those few swaps.
will being making it more digestible in the future. also will start looking using more identifier's like the cusip and shiz to see if I find anything more. for instance, here's a filing https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001056707/000177569720000975/ that doesn't even have a readable XML available (which is how I'm digesting the data), so will need to see what's happening there.
was hoping to find more swaps. but I'll be searching more and will keep you updated, apes.
edit 4: last edit for the night. there were a handful of filings that still had something in them that I wasn't sure what they were... turns out they are the corporate debt/bonds for GameStop. Anyways, while there's a good amount of these holdings reported since 07-01-2020, only a handful were lending these out... they're below:
Invesco BulletShares 2021 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000060832): 2020-05-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001657201/000175272420149074/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 5151357.23000000 USD (6753000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 3205235.49000000 / 5151357.23000000 (62.22%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
PIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded Fund (S000028996): 2020-09-30 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001450011/000145001120000855/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 2924055.000000 USD (3231000.000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 10, Maturity Date: 2023-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1936700.000000 / 2924055.000000 (66.23%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
PIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond Index Exchange-Traded Fund (S000028996): 2020-06-30 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001450011/000145001120000650/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 2350478.130000 USD (2945000.000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 176385.630000 / 2350478.130000 (7.50%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2020-07-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001100663/000175272420197503/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 2815905.00000000 USD (3246000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 141402.50000000 / 2815905.00000000 (5.02%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2020-10-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001100663/000175272420272738/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 2992255.00000000 USD (2996000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1359298.75000000 / 2992255.00000000 (45.43%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (S000042353): 2021-01-31 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001100663/000175272421068774/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 1098618.08000000 USD (1097000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 261384.97500000 / 1098618.08000000 (23.79%) with NON-Reinvested cash and was NOT received as collateral
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond ETF (S000036414): 2020-06-30 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgadata/0001064642/000175272420177388/primary_doc.xml GameStop: 1618457.22000000 USD (2021000.00000000 Principal amount) Coupon Kind: Fixed, Annual Rate: 6.75000000, Maturity Date: 2021-03-15, Defaulted (Y/N): N, Arrears or Coupons (Y/N): N, PaidInKind (Y/N): N Lending: 1246471.11000000 / 1618457.22000000 (77.02%) with NON-Rei
submitted by Mary_HazeltineR to DDintoGME [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:39 Adept-Memory Finally an exchange pack pays our big time

Finally an exchange pack pays our big time submitted by Adept-Memory to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:39 Sea_Way_4077 Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj submitted by Sea_Way_4077 to u/Sea_Way_4077 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:36 CuriousOne573 [FOR HIRE] short form video edits reels/ig/fb/YT.

submitted by CuriousOne573 to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:32 JennaTheFucker MY ACCOUNT IS BACKED

After 4 months of submitting forms on genshin support, i finally got my account back!!
submitted by JennaTheFucker to GenshinHacked [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:29 geta7_com What now?

Congrats M24! Here are answers to your remark, retake, and transcript questions. If you spot any errors please let me know.
CAS is graded only by your school, which must let IB know whether you completed CAS or not by Jun 1st.
Grade boundaries
Grade boundaries are determined after grading of exams, considering statistics/mark distribution, teachers' comments, and examiners' comments. So there is some safety net in place and your grade is only partially depended upon how others do.
Transcript and legalization
If a school or employer requests transcripts, let IB know by Jun 15th and check that you are correctly sending your transcripts to whoever needs them.
If IB results need to be legalized in your country, also let IB know by Jun 15th. Third party agencies may also offer similar services. Legalization sometimes requires photo id such as a passport.
If you want to change your name shown on your Diploma and transcript, such as to be consistent with your passport, let your coordinator know ASAP. It can only be changed before results release or after Jan 1, 2025.
You own your work. Yet, IB retains a non-exclusive right to reproduce your work for training etc, often without identifying you. You can waive IB of their non-exclusive right by Jun 1st. It does not mean IB will return your marked papers (see category 2B EUR below), and your work will stay in their database of past IAs. Rather, claiming exclusive copyright is mostly for reclaiming your art or other valuable work.
You can always publish your work. Though be careful in posting your IAs or essays to platforms that may be perceived to facilitate academic dishonesty.
Results day
On Jul 6th, results will be available on candidates.ibo.org through staggered release from noon GMT every 15 minutes, based on your location. Your coordinators get them 24 hours in advance. Would be great if everyone refrained from refreshing twice every second.
On Jul 7th, component marks will be released to coordinators, who decide if they want to share with you or not.
There are several categories of enquiry upon results (EuR).
In Category 1, a more senior or consistent examiner checks over the existent grading. Some quality control exists in the form of "seed scripts" mixed with real remark papers. This is true for the original grading as well. If your grade is "much lower" than predicted, it may have been checked by senior examiners already.
A Category 1 remark cost about the same as an exam. It can be requested max once per subject. The new grade replaces your old grade, even if it goes down. If the grade out of 7 changes, you get a refund.
Under half of all remarks remain the same mark out of 100%. Most remarks come back within +/- 1%. Very few remarks come back outside of +/- 3%, though a tiny fraction of remarks see very big changes. Consider if you genuinely believe an examiner made a mistake or if you just want to give IB your (or your parents') money.
You can also request a category 2B (digital) return of materials by candidate, for about 15%-20% the cost of a Category 1 remark. Here you will see all your exam scripts for a subject along with marks awarded per question or per criterion. It allows you to review your work to make a more informed decision about remark, especially if you have a limited budget and can only remark one or two subjects. The number of comments you get depends on the grader and subject.
Other categories are irrelevant to students, or are only available after a category 1 remark. Your IAs can be re-moderated only if your class average dropped by 15% or more during moderation.
EuRs can be initiated until Sep 15th.
Unlike remarks which take the newer grade, retakes take the higher grade. Remark and retake are completely separate processes.
Nov 2024 (six-month) retakes must be registered by July 29th. Instead of waiting for your remark results, you can first register for retake then withdraw for full refund if you grade goes up. You cannot change your subjects, other than moving a 4th HL down to SL. Retaking 12 months or later does allow subject changes. There are various curriculum changes each May, which require new IAs. See https://ibo.org/university-admission/latest-curriculum-updates/
When the curriculum stays the same, you can carryover your non-exam components, such as IAs and Group 1 HL Essay. Otherwise, they must be rewritten on new topics. TOK essay retakes must be on the prompts for that session. Retaking EEs require new RPPF.
If you are an Anticipated candidate, ie taking rest of your exams in May 2025, you can opt to retake your anticipated subject(s) in May 2025, or change them to other subjects.
For other questions about IB, check out my IB FAQ page.
some post-exam deadlines
submitted by geta7_com to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 TheMetalGodX Can Anyone For the Love Of Piper Help Me? LOL

Okay I have been playing for the last few weeks since the NG update came out and surprisingly at first the game was running smooth with mods. Ever since F4SE and related mods have been updating I have literally had the game crash on me every 5 to 10 minutes. I have scoured the internet and tried every fix I could find to no avail. Buffout 4 hasnt been updated for NG yet so I am not getting crash reports.
Here's my PC Specs:
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X at 5.6Ghz
64GB Ram at 3600Mhz
Nvidia RTX 4080
Samsung 970 Evo M.2 SSD
I shouldn't have hardware issues with this game.

Here is my load order straight from LOOT, if I am missing a compatibility issue somewhere please let me know. I have spent 2 days making sure these are working with the NG Update. Thank you!
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm
254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4018-gaussrifleprototype.esl
254 FE 1 ccbgsfo4019-chinesestealtharmor.esl
254 FE 2 ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl
254 FE 3 ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl
254 FE 4 ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl
254 FE 5 cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl
254 FE 6 ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl
254 FE 7 ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl
254 FE 8 ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl
254 FE 9 ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl
254 FE a ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl
8 8 ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm
254 FE b ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl
254 FE c ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl
254 FE d ccbgsfo4076-pipmystery.esl
254 FE e ccgrcfo4002-pipgreenvim.esl
254 FE f ccsbjfo4001-solarflare.esl
9 9 cczsef04001-bhouse.esm
254 FE 10 ccqdrfo4001_powerarmorai.esl
254 FE 11 ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl
254 FE 12 ccrzrfo4002-disintegrate.esl
254 FE 13 ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl
254 FE 14 ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 15 ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl
10 a cczsefo4002-smanor.esm
254 FE 16 ccacxfo4001-vsuit.esl
254 FE 17 ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl
254 FE 18 ccsbjfo4002_manwellrifle.esl
11 b cctosfo4002_neonflats.esm
254 FE 19 ccbgsfo4117-capmerc.esl
254 FE 1a ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl
254 FE 1b ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl
254 FE 1c ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl
12 c Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
13 d ArmorKeywords.esm
14 e HUDFramework.esm
15 f WorkshopFramework.esm
254 FE 1d BakaFramework.esm
254 FE 1e PPF.esm
254 FE 1f Community Fixes Merged.esp
254 FE 20 TMR_GlitchfinderAIO.esm
16 10 SS2.esm
17 11 SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
18 12 SS2_XPAC_Chapter3.esm
19 13 DiamondCity-OverridePatch.esp
20 14 AmericaRising2.esm
254 FE 21 REFramework.esm
21 15 SettlementKeywords.esm
22 16 YouAndWhatArmy2.esm
254 FE 22 RunningWithHandsAnim.esl
23 17 Homemaker.esm
254 FE 23 SS2WorkshopHUDOverride.esl
24 18 Robot Home Defence.esm
25 19 Darlene.esm
254 FE 24 StandaloneWorkbenches.esl
254 FE 25 Rebuild_SharedResources.esm
254 FE 26 DiamondCityAmbience.esl
254 FE 27 IDEKsLogisticsStation2.esl
254 FE 28 Leah's Daisy Chains.esl
254 FE 29 PPF-HeavyFlamer-CR.esm
254 FE 2a PPF-NeonFlats-CR.esm
27 1b Settlement Electricity Overhaul.esm
254 FE 2b WG City Plans Pack ESL.esl
254 FE 2c sanctuaryWG.esl
254 FE 2d Fortress Sanctuary - Copy.esl
254 FE 2e Bunker Hill Mega City.esl
254 FE 2f SetMaxSettlers.esl
254 FE 30 SimpleProstitutes.esl
254 FE 31 Vee_SS2_Chapter2_SettlersEssentialPatch.esl
254 FE 32 Vee_SS2_SettlersEssentialPatch.esl
254 FE 33 MM-Castle-HQ-By-Tarkkh-V2.6.esl
254 FE 34 Castle Minutemen HQ level 2 layout.esl
254 FE 35 Castle Minutemen HQ level 3 layout.esl
254 FE 36 VUVC-CityPlan.esl
254 FE 37 GavMan_Vault88_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 38 GavMan_Vault88_Layouts.esl
254 FE 39 CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
254 FE 3a HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl
254 FE 3b Dank_ArmorPaintExtended.esl
28 1c UneducatedReload.esm
29 1d Games.esm
30 1e BarstoolGames.esm
254 FE 3c EssentialNPCsExpanded.esl
31 1f OVT.esp
254 FE 3d Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing.esp
254 FE 3e Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
254 FE 3f DiamondCityBillboards.esp
254 FE 40 FO4ParticlePatch.esp
32 20 ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp
33 21 Armorsmith Extended.esp
34 22 Rebuild_Settlements.esp
35 23 CombinedArmsNV.esp
36 24 CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
37 25 Armament.esp
254 FE 42 CombinedArmsIntegrationProject - Armament.esp
38 26 ImmersiveCleaning.esp
39 27 3DNPC_FO4.esp
254 FE 43 3DNPC_FO4-Patch.esp
40 28 CleanMySettlement.esp
41 29 BTInteriors_Project.esp
254 FE 44 RebuildBTI Necessary Changes.esp
42 2a SimHomestead2.esp
254 FE 45 OCsUniversityPoint.esp
43 2b Unique NPCs.esp
254 FE 46 DiverseSettlers.esp
254 FE 47 DIverseSettlersImmersionQoL.esp
44 2c DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
45 2d WeightlessMods.esp
46 2e WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp
47 2f AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
254 FE 48 MiscAnimTweaks.esp
48 30 RAW INPUT.esp
49 31 JumpFallPoseFix.esp
50 32 GrenadeCombatFixes.esp
254 FE 49 Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage.esp
254 FE 4a WhoIsTheGeneral.esp
254 FE 4b Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
51 33 AttachPack.esp
254 FE 4c Attach Pack Modcol.esp
254 FE 4d OCsAtomCatsGarage.esp
52 34 DEEPriverV1.6.esp
53 35 BTInt_Optimization.esp
254 FE 4e LOST Sim Settlements 2 Patch.esp
54 36 SS2Extended.esp
254 FE 4f OCsSunkenGarage.esp
254 FE 50 Rebuild_Covenant.esp
254 FE 51 3DNPC-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 52 LOST Bleachers 2 Patch.esp
55 37 the library.esp
254 FE 53 Rebuild_Settlements_Previs.esp
254 FE 54 OCsFiddlersGreen.esp
254 FE 55 Dank_ArmorOverrides.esp
56 38 SuperMutantRedux.esp
254 FE 56 LOST Super Mutant Redux Patch.esp
57 39 WeightlessAid_BetterItemSorting.esp
58 3a Crafting Mastery.esp
59 3b DCVendorOverhaulAIO.esp
60 3c The House.esp
254 FE 57 The House - eXoPatch.esp
61 3d OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
254 FE 58 the library - eXoPatch.esp
62 3e AnimatedCandles.esp
63 3f Depravity.esp
64 40 Vault4.esp
65 41 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
254 FE 59 DiamondCityExpansion-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 5a Vault4-eXoPatch.esp
66 42 DiamondNewVendors.esp
67 43 TrainBar.esp
68 44 Sanctuary Pre-Walled.esp
69 45 AA FusionCityRising.esp
70 46 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
254 FE 5b fakeInt.esp
254 FE 5c OCsDartmouthSkyscraper.esp
71 47 BTInt_Menus.esp
72 48 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
73 49 DCVendorClutter.esp
74 4a f4killingthebugs2.esp
254 FE 5d Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCCoast.esp
75 4b KOTOR.esp
254 FE 5e CombinedArms_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
76 4c CheatTerminal.esp
77 4d InstituteSettlements2.esp
78 4e TU3SD4Y'S Commonwealth Responders.esp
254 FE 5f 3DNPC_FO4[Previsibines].esp
79 4f BetterSettlers.esp
254 FE 60 BG_UnderArmor_Fix.esp
80 50 W.A.T.Minutemen.esp
81 51 MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
82 52 Settlement_Markers.esp
83 53 MinutemenPropaganda.esp
254 FE 61 SS2_RobotMod.esp
84 54 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
85 55 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
86 56 SS2_FDK_TinyLiving.esp
87 57 AA 50 Ways To Die.esp
88 58 Crafting Mastery - Armor Keywords Patch.esp
254 FE 62 CutContentNPCsAiO.esp
254 FE 63 Nova Uniques Combined Arms.esp
254 FE 64 Dank_ECO.esp
254 FE 65 Diamond City Supplements.esp
254 FE 66 GoodneighborView.esp
89 59 0_Vault120.esp
254 FE 67 Dank_WOP-CombinedArms.esp
90 5a ProjectValkyrie.esp
91 5b Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
92 5c BosskCompanion.esp
254 FE 68 FiddlersGreenTftCPatch.esp
93 5d CloneTrooperCompanion_1.esp
254 FE 69 PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch2.esp
94 5e CloneArmoryWeapons2.0.esp
95 5f SS2-Jampads2.esp
96 60 WattzLaserGun.esp
254 FE 6a Rebuild_Covenant_Previs.esp
97 61 llamaCompanionHeatherv2.esp
254 FE 6b FiddlersGreenTarberrySwap.esp
98 62 SS2WastelandVenturers.esp
99 63 [SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
254 FE 6c TerrainUndersides.esp
100 64 FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
101 65 Cho1_SS2_Encv_Plots.esp
254 FE 6d ss2c23dnpcpatch.esp
102 66 RU556.esp
254 FE 6e OCsDartmouthSkyscraperExperimental.esp
103 67 RosieAtSomervilleAiO.esp
254 FE 6f PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch1.esp
104 68 SigMCX.esp
254 FE 70 PuddleReflectionFix.esp
105 69 Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp
254 FE 71 Dogmeat Follow Behind.esp
106 6a EasyHacking.esp
107 6b OutlineWorkshopShader.esp
254 FE 72 M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
108 6c LooksMenu.esp
109 6d Complex Vendors.esp
110 6e BlockingOverhaul.esp
254 FE 73 Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp
111 6f DLC Timing.esp
254 FE 74 DLC Timing - UFO4P Patch.esp
254 FE 75 WTG - KRIC Patch.esp
112 70 dcc-molotov-nerf.esp
254 FE 76 LegendariesTheyCanUse.esp
254 FE 77 No Sneaking in Power Armor.esp
113 71 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
114 72 WeightlessJunk.esp
254 FE 78 LOST WATM Patch.esp
115 73 WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp
116 74 CarryWeight99999.esp
254 FE 79 Legendary Mutation Messages Fix.esp
254 FE 7a Gloomy Glass.esp
254 FE 7b VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp
254 FE 7c Targeted Textures.esp
254 FE 7d WAVE.esp
117 75 ScopeOverlayDOF.esp
118 76 RemoveBlur.esp
119 77 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
254 FE 7e Robot_Textures_Redone.esp
120 78 ValiusHDTextures2K.esp
121 79 Synth Overhaul.esp
122 7a Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
123 7b Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp
124 7c TrueGrass.esp
125 7d SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp
126 7e SettlementMenuManager.esp
127 7f Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
128 80 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
254 FE 7f SS2_DLCSettlerPatch.esp
254 FE 80 SS2Extended_OutfitInjectionPatch.esp
129 81 SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp
130 82 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
131 83 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
132 84 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
133 85 Robot Home Defence - Settlement Keywords.esp
134 86 nimroutroguesyntharmorstandalone.esp
135 87 SGOWastelandExpansion.esp
136 88 Brick_By_Brick_Master.esp
137 89 AtomicRadio.esp
138 8a FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
139 8b BetterCompanions.esp
140 8c DarleneDLC.esp
254 FE 81 LiveLove - Heather_Valkyrie.esp
141 8d ImmersiveVendors.esp
142 8e KSHairdos.esp
143 8f LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
144 90 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
145 91 Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp
146 92 WorkshopTurretsDontHarmPlayerPerk.esp
254 FE 82 DiverseSettlersFarHarbor.esp
147 93 BetterSettlersMostlyFemale.esp
148 94 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
149 95 Unique NPCs_SpecialSettlers_All.esp
150 96 HiPolyFaces.esp
151 97 CBBE.esp
152 98 Extended weapon mods.esp
153 99 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp
254 FE 83 LOST Cybernetics Patch.esp
154 9a CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp
155 9b LightsaberMod.esp
254 FE 84 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
156 9c Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
157 9d Craftable Armor Size.esp
158 9e ChineseStealthSuit.esp
159 9f Tactical Flashlights.esp
160 a0 Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
254 FE 85 LOST Unique NPCs Patch.esp
161 a1 Unique_NPCs_SuperMutantRedux.esp
162 a2 Tactical Flashlights Armorsmith Patch.esp
163 a3 Eli_ArmourCollection.esp
164 a4 RichMerchants.esp
165 a5 LooksMirror.esp
166 a6 Crafting Mastery - CC Chinese Stealth Armor Patch.esp
254 FE 86 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCNukaWorld.esp
167 a7 Crafting Mastery - AE Patch.esp
254 FE 87 SS2_XDI Patch.esp
254 FE 88 Attach Pack Mod Description Fixes.esp
254 FE 89 SprintOutOfCombat.esp
168 a8 DynamicOutfitting_CBBE.esp
169 a9 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
254 FE 8a aBitPrettierNWRaiders.esp
170 aa [LOUDER] PowerArmorVoiceChanger.esp
254 FE 8b DiverseMinutemen.esp
254 FE 8c WeAreTheDiverseMinutemen.esp
254 FE 8d DiverseBoS.esp
254 FE 8e DiverseDCSecurity.esp
254 FE 8f Face Fixes - All in One.esp
254 FE 90 Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
254 FE 91 Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 92 Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 93 Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 94 Eli_Armour_Compendium_LIF.esp
254 FE 95 Combat AI Empowered - Tweaked Accuracy.esp
171 ab VATSFreezeFixNextGen.esp
172 ac Vault88AreaExtension.esp
173 ad Wu9DoubleGeneratorPower.esp
254 FE 96 SS2_Addon_Favelabulous.esp
174 ae SS2_Addon_R2R.esp
175 af SS2_ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
176 b0 SS2_STRA_Buildings_and_Skins.esp
177 b1 SS2_STRA_Support_Buildings.esp
178 b2 SS2ConveyorStorage.esp
179 b3 PiperOverhaul2F1E.esp
254 FE 97 SS2_MagnussonTerminalFix.esp
180 b4 BlasTech E-11.esp
254 FE 98 Lightsaber_NoLL.esp
181 b5 CW Stormtrooper.esp
182 b6 BosskBountyHunter.esp
254 FE 99 OCsAtomCatsGarageGenericAtomCats.esp
183 b7 ProjectSynth.esp
184 b8 AE Animated Jetpacks.esp
185 b9 FO4LaserBolts.esp
186 ba CloneArmory4.0.esp
187 bb CloneTrooperCompanionArmoryPatch.esp
188 bc Thematic and Practical.esp
189 bd Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
190 be JunkTownTwo.esp
191 bf GarageHomesAndSensibleSecurity.esp
192 c0 BMW_ALA.esp
193 c1 SKKGlobalStashScrapping.esp
254 FE 9a CompanionStatus-Settings.esp
194 c2 CompanionStatus.esp
195 c3 DCE_female_body_replacer.esp
254 FE 9b DCENS.esp
254 FE 9c CBBEHR.esp
254 FE 9d CBBEHR_3DNPC.esp
254 FE 9e CBBEHR_SS2.esp
254 FE 9f CBBEHR_SS2Ch2.esp
254 FE a0 SS2-3DNPC-Settlers.esp
196 c4 SKKCompanionWeaponLL.esp
197 c5 SS2-PraRandomAddon.esp
198 c6 X12Plasmacaster.esp
254 FE a1 SigMCX_LvlListPatch.esp
254 FE a2 SigMCX_MaterialPack.esp
254 FE a3 OCsSunkenGarageGhoulSettlers.esp
254 FE a4 No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
254 FE a5 IDEKsLogisticsStation2_SS2_Patch.esp
199 c7 SS-ILS2 patch.esp
200 c8 DX_Predator.esp
254 FE a6 LOST 50 Ways to Die Patch.esp
254 FE a7 LOST Beantown Interiors Patch.esp
254 FE a8 LOST Better Companions Patch.esp
254 FE a9 LOST Bleachers Patch.esp
254 FE aa LOST Cheat Terminal Patch.esp
254 FE ab LOST Chinese Sealth Patch.esp
254 FE ac LOST Companion Status Patch.esp
254 FE ad LOST Complex Vendors Patch.esp
254 FE ae LOST Courser Strigidae Patch.esp
254 FE af LOST Darlene Patch.esp
254 FE b0 LOST Depravity Patch.esp
254 FE b1 LOST Diamond City Expansion Patch.esp
254 FE b2 Eli_Armour_Compendium_Tweaks_ECO.esp
254 FE b3 LOST Eli Compendium Patch.esp
254 FE b4 LOST Fourville Patch.esp
254 FE b5 LOST Fusion City Rising Patch.esp
254 FE b6 LOST Global Stash Patch.esp
254 FE b7 LOST Heather Patch.esp
254 FE b8 LOST Homemaker Patch.esp
254 FE b9 LOST Militarized BLUE Patch.esp
254 FE ba LOST NPC Travel Patch.esp
254 FE bb LOST Outcasts and Remnants Patch.esp
254 FE bc LOST Project Valkyrie Patch.esp
254 FE bd LOST RU556 Patch.esp
254 FE be LOST Settlement Menu Manager Patch.esp
254 FE bf LOST Settlers of the Commonwealth Patch.esp
254 FE c0 LOST SS2 Chapter 2 Patch.esp
254 FE c1 LOST SS2 Extended Patch.esp
254 FE c2 LOST Synth Overhaul Patch.esp
254 FE c3 LOST Tactical Flashlights Patch.esp
254 FE c4 LOST Tales Commonwealth Patch.esp
LOST Visible Companion Affinity Patch.esp
254 FE c5 LOST Wattz Laser Patch.esp
254 FE c6 LOST Workshop Framework Patch.esp
254 FE c7 LOST CC Anti-Materiel Rifle Patch.esp
254 FE c8 LOST CC Capital Wasteland Patch.esp
254 FE c9 LOST CC Capt Cosmos Patch.esp
254 FE ca LOST CC Charlestown Condo Patch.esp
254 FE cb LOST CC Chinese Armor Patch.esp
254 FE cc LOST CC Gauss Prototype Patch.esp
254 FE cd LOST CC Graphic T-Shirt Pack Patch.esp
254 FE ce LOST CC Heavy Incinerator Patch.esp
254 FE cf LOST CC Hellfire Patch.esp
254 FE d0 LOST CC Home Decor Patch.esp
254 FE d1 LOST CC Manwell Rifle Patch.esp
254 FE d2 LOST CC Military Backpack Patch.esp
254 FE d3 LOST CC Modern Furniture Patch.esp
254 FE d4 LOST CC Neon Flats Patch.esp
254 FE d5 LOST CC Sentinel System Patch.esp
254 FE d6 LOST CC Shroud Manor Patch.esp
254 FE d7 LOST CC Solar Cannon Patch.esp
254 FE d8 LOST CC Tesla Cannon Patch.esp
254 FE d9 LOST CC Vault Suit Patch.esp
254 FE da LOST CC X-02 Patch.esp
254 FE db LOST CC Zetan Arsenal Patch.esp
254 FE dc CombinedArmsEX_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE dd Deliverer_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE de DLCCoast_RadiumRifle_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
FG-42 Ausf.E ParaTroop Rifle_No TR_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE e0 Combined Arms EX_LLI.esp
254 FE e1 Combined Arms_LLI.esp
254 FE e2 Star Wars - The Lightsaber_LLI.esp
201 c9 DT_GunnerOutfitPack.esp
254 FE e3 Gunner Outfit Replacer.esp
254 FE e4 Rebuild_Workshop.esp
202 ca MyCityPlans(4).esp
203 cb Passthrough.esp
204 cc ConnectedWorkshops.esp
254 FE e5 Invisible and Longer Power Lines.esp
205 cd DEEPriver NoRads.esp
206 ce SimSettlements2_AddOnPack_ApocalypticAdditions_SirLach.esp
207 cf SS2_SIMPDDDD.esp
208 d0 ohSIM_Sim2_Settlements_Scrappers_Addon.esp
254 FE e6 SS2Addon_MS_BareEssentials.esp
254 FE e7 SS2AOP_VaultTecTools.esp
209 d1 SS2_WastelandDefense.esp
210 d2 AutoDoors.esp
254 FE e8 Rebuild_SharedResources_AutoDoors.esp
211 d3 Faction Pack Template.esp
254 FE e9 ProjectValkyrie-SS2-Patch.esp
212 d4 RandomSettlers.esp
254 FE ea RandomSettlers - LevelUp.esp
213 d5 SS2UI.esp
254 FE eb WastelandResources.esp
254 FE ec Raze My Settlement.esp
254 FE ed Armament - Caliber Complex Patch.esp
254 FE ee Armament-ECO_PatchUpdate.esp
214 d6 KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp
215 d7 KSHairdos_oel.esp
216 d8 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
254 FE ef LKsAbbot.esp
254 FE f0 LKsAllanLee.esp
254 FE f1 LKsAnnCodman.esp
254 FE f2 LKsAnneHargraves.esp
254 FE f3 LKsArturoRodrigues.esp
254 FE f4 LKsBeckyFallon.esp
254 FE f5 LKsBlakeAbernathy.esp
254 FE f6 LKsCarla.esp
254 FE f7 LKsCathy.esp
254 FE f8 LKsClairHutchins.esp
254 FE f9 LKsConnieAbernathy.esp
254 FE fa LKsDarcyPembroke.esp
254 FE fb LKsDeacon.esp
254 FE fc LKsDeb.esp
254 FE fd LKsDesdemona.esp
254 FE fe LKsDoctorCarrington.esp
254 FE ff LKsDoctorDuff.esp
254 FE 100 LKsDoctorSun.esp
254 FE 101 LKsElliePerkins.esp
254 FE 102 LKsFahrenheit.esp
254 FE 103 LKsFather.esp
254 FE 104 LKsFredAllen.esp
254 FE 105 LKsGeneva.esp
254 FE 106 LKsGeorgeCooper.esp
254 FE 107 LKsGlory.esp
254 FE 108 LKsHarvey.esp
254 FE 109 LKsHenryCooke.esp
254 FE 10a LKsJoeSavoldi.esp
254 FE 10b LKsJohn.esp
254 FE 10c LKsJunLong.esp
254 FE 10d LKsKasumiNakano.esp
254 FE 10e LKsKay.esp
254 FE 10f LKsKellogg.esp
254 FE 110 LKsKenjiNakano.esp
254 FE 111 LKsKessler.esp
254 FE 112 LKsLucyAbernathy.esp
254 FE 113 LKsMamaMurphy.esp
254 FE 114 LKsMarcyLong.esp
254 FE 115 LKsMariner.esp
254 FE 116 LKsMarovski.esp
254 FE 117 LKsMaxson.esp
254 FE 118 LKsMayorMcDonough.esp
254 FE 119 LKsMoeCronin.esp
254 FE 11a LKsMyrna.esp
254 FE 11b LKsOldLongfellow.esp
254 FE 11c LKsPaladinDanse.esp
254 FE 11d LKsPastorClemens.esp
254 FE 11e LKsPaulPembroke.esp
254 FE 11f LKsPickman.esp
254 FE 120 LKsPolly.esp
254 FE 121 LKsPorterCage.esp
254 FE 122 LKsPrestonGarvey.esp
254 FE 123 LKsProfessorScara.esp
254 FE 124 LKsReiNakano.esp
254 FE 125 LKsRexGoodman.esp
254 FE 126 LKsRonnieShaw.esp
254 FE 127 LKsRufusRubin.esp
254 FE 128 LKsScarlett.esp
254 FE 129 LKsScribeHaylen..esp
254 FE 12a LKsSheffield.esp
254 FE 12b LKsSierraPetrovita.esp
254 FE 12c LKsSolomon.esp
254 FE 12d LKsStanSlavin.esp
254 FE 12e LKsSturges.esp
254 FE 12f LKsTinkerTom.esp
254 FE 130 LKsTonySavoldi.esp
254 FE 131 LKsTravisMiles.esp
254 FE 132 LKsTrudy.esp
254 FE 133 LKsVadimBobrov.esp
254 FE 134 LKsVaultTecRep.esp
254 FE 135 LKsWolfgang.esp
254 FE 136 LKsX6-88.esp
254 FE 137 LKsYefimBobrov.esp
254 FE 138 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 139 Dank_INNRoverride.esp
217 d9 TGF_TrueGrassFix.esp
218 da NPCRespawnFix.esp
254 FE 13a Dank_ECO_UneducatedReload.esp
254 FE 13b SS2_AFT.esp
254 FE 13c AFTSpouseTweaks.esp
219 db AFT_Alt_Names_Pack1.esp
254 FE 13d Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch.esp
254 FE 13e MinutemenPropaganda SMM.esp
220 dc BarstoolGames_FH.esp
221 dd BarstoolGames_NW.esp
222 de SS2_CLB_WATMPack.esp
254 FE 13f REPatch_AmericaRising2LegacyOfTheEnclave.esp
254 FE 140 Lightweight Lighting.esp
254 FE 141 WET.esp
254 FE 142 PRP.esp
254 FE 143 3DNPC_BTI_Optimization.esp
254 FE 144 RebuildBTIPrevisPatch.esp
254 FE 145 OCsBreakHeartBanks.esp
254 FE 146 OCsProspectPark.esp
254 FE 147 OCsLakeQ.esp
254 FE 148 PRP_IC.esp
254 FE 149 OCsCochituate.esp
254 FE 14a OCsCharlesviewAmpitheater.esp
254 FE 14b PRP-SS2.esp
254 FE 14c the library_Patch.esp
254 FE 14d The House_Patch.esp
254 FE 14e 3DNPC_FO4_Patch.esp
254 FE 14f OCsV81TradeCamp.esp
254 FE 150 DiamondCity-PreVis.esp
254 FE 151 Em_Vault4_Previs.esp
254 FE 152 Em_3DNPC_FO4_Previs.esp
254 FE 153 0_Vault120_NordhagenHaven_PRP.esp
254 FE 154 DiamondNewVendors_Patch.esp
254 FE 155 OCsV81TradeCampGrassReduced.esp
254 FE 156 OCsCochituateReducedGrass.esp
254 FE 157 OCsProspectParkEBA.esp
254 FE 158 OCsBreakheartBanksSS2QuestPatch.esp
254 FE 159 CharlesviewHappyCult.esp
254 FE 15a OCsV81TradeCampEarlyUnlock.esp
254 FE 15b OCsNukaTransitCenter.esp
223 df EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
254 FE 15c EnhancedLightsandFX - Automatron.esp
254 FE 15d PRP-ELFXOPC.esp
254 FE 15e ELFX-PreVis.esp
254 FE 15f ELFX-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 160 ELFX Crash fix.esp
254 FE 161 WorkshopFramework_ScriptOverride.esp

submitted by TheMetalGodX to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:24 FixAccomplished8131 More Thoughts About American (Western?) Food.

alternative title: "This tastes good, I can't get enough" VS. "This tastes good, I'm satisfied"
I want to tell you my thoughts because when you've grown up with western food and have always lived with it's appetite-stimulating effects, it's easy to think it's all your fault if you have trouble regulating your appetite.
Anyway. I notice that I never overeat Filipino home cooking and realized there are certain tastes / textures in common home-cooked dishes that are, for lack of a better word, de-appetizing.
I don't necessarily mean they're off-putting but they have the effect of making you want to eat less.
Ex. these are typical Filipino dishes
  1. Sinigang is flavored with tamarind which depending on how strong it was made, can be sour enough to make you pucker. it's super tasty but you definitely will not want to eat bowl after bowl of this. Sinigang is also often made with boiled fish where certain parts taste very fishy indeed
  2. Pancit has chicken liver in it, another strong taste that rather dampens the appetite although pretty much the rest of the ingredients are purely tasty
  3. Tortang talong (roasted eggplant) has a strong burny taste since it's essentially a burned vegetable (quite a different flavor profile from burned meat which is one of the most appetizing things to ever exist)
  4. Salted duck egg with tomato has intense sour / salty taste and a strange contrast of textures (crumbly boiled egg, crisp tomato skin, pulpy tomato flesh)
  5. Tinola has boiled papaya, a vaguely mush fruit texture that feels a bit wrong in the mouth in a savory soup dish.
  6. Daing na bangus is marinated in vinegar which comes through quite strongly after cooking.
  7. Pinakbet is a vegetable dish that often contains ampalaya (bitter gourd) which, I'm afraid I can't bear at all. Also okra, in its slimiest form
As Filipinos ascend the economic ladder we tend to move away from Filipino home cooking and towards more Westernized food which contains basically no tastes or textures that could be described by anyone as remotely unpleasant. And the effects are immediately obvious.
I REALLY believe that although binge eating is very much an emotional issue, an overlooked piece of the puzzle is simply the types of foods that are readily available.
Anyway I guess my suggestion is, since De-Appetizers are not a common part of the western diet, it behooves one to go out of their way to seek them out and incorporate them into meals. Something like that. I haven't thought about this enough yet.
btw I don't mean to imply that Filipino cooking as a whole is healthy, which is very much not the case. just that many common dishes are.
submitted by FixAccomplished8131 to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I run a DnD group with kids aged 7-11 at my local YMCA, and some parents are trying to get the game outright banned. I have to have a meeting with both parents and HR Department and effectively present my case. Please help!

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Decent_Lecture_1514
I run a DnD group with kids aged 7-11 at my local YMCA, and some parents are trying to get the game outright banned. I have to have a meeting with both parents and HR Department and effectively present my case. Please help!
Originally posted to DnD
Thanks to u/PitaEnigma for suggesting this BoRU
EDITORS NOTE: because it's mentioned and some may not remember or been born when it happened, a quick synopsis of the satanic panic
The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today.
Original Post May 9, 2024
Sorry if this is a longer post, but important context below ⬇️
So yeah I'm a program coordinator at our local YMCA and I run an after-school program (effectively am a glorified babysitter hahaha). This past school year I passively mentioned that I play a lot of DnD when one of the kids asked me if I had any plans that weekend, and it totally piqued their interest when I explained to them what the game was like/about. Naturally they asked if they could try and play and I figured sure why not, I'll write a fun and fam friendly one-shot for them.
They all absolutely loved it. It's turned into a proper campaign with about 7 of the 24 kids me and my coworkers look after consistently playing. I've had to limit the sessions to just 1-2 days of the 5 day school week, because I have other kids too that aren't interested in it, and I obviously still need to give them attention and interaction as well (and as you know DnD can be a very engaged and attention demanding). I thought this was a fair compromise. Days that it's nice outside we are always out running around, being active, playing sports -- but if it's a rainy day, or on our weekly Friday Movie Day, we generally play. It's been such a blast sharing something I love so deeply with kids who I care about so much.
So here comes the issue:
Almost every parent of the core group that plays loves that we are doing this (one even plays weekly and we bonded over it haha), but there is one child whose parents certainly do not; they want their kid just constantly active and engaged and playing sports, not playing "silly make believe", which I guess I get to a degree because this is kinda the MO of the YMCA traditionally; healthy active living.

I've explained that most days of the week we do just that, and that this is something we only do on Fridays or rain days when we are stuck inside, but they aren't budging. I think they have a misguided idea of the game and what it is, or maybe they are just fundamentally against it, I'm not sure. I don't think it's to the level of like the era of thought where media and the masses thought DnD was some kind of satanic game, but I feel like there could certainly be a bit of that.

Anyway they want it to stop immediately. I've told them I'm not forcing anyone to play, and that if they really feel that way they are within their rights to tell their child they don't want him playing, but they are trying to take it a step farther and get it banned. ALSO I would feel horrible if this child were forbade from playing while all his friends have a blast doing so. Just doesn't seem right.
I understand that it's a game that can involve more mature themes and gameplay, and probably isn't reeeeeeeeally for super young folk, but I feel the way I'm running it mitigates this for the most part: there's no PVP (so no bullying can happen), I'm dealing with waaaaaay less serious themes and stakes, and I don't even include any circumstances where they fight any other humanoids -- strictly just heroes fighting big bad monsters and saving towns. You know the drill.
So yeah long story short(ish) the parents of the one child have called a meeting with HR to discuss the playing of this game at the YMCA. I have it on Sunday. I'm confident I'm gonna have to effectively state my case and explain why I think this is not only an okay thing to be doing, but actually in fact a good thing. I don't know if I'll be able to fully sway them if their mind is already made up, all I can do is just speak my truth haha.
I do whole-heartedly think this game can be super beneficial for young folk. I'll spare you my long form thoughts, but between the teamwork and communication required and rewarded, the problem solving (both ethically and logically and mathematically), AND the improvisation emphasized, I think it stimulates a young mind very well. Lets them escape their own world for a bit and take agency and feel they have control, something young people so desperately desire.
So in conclusion, I'm kinda just writing this to get it off of my chest and vent, BUT I guess my questions would be:

Or maybe you disagree with me and think I'm out of line here, which is totally fair too. Just looking to start some dialogue.
I know it is a hassle, but if you get to keep Dnd, you might want to start requiring permission slips. That way, you could avoid this in the future.
This will make it less likely for the OP to get a surprise angry parent, but I don't like the precedent of demanding permission slips for a mundane board game.
It sets up an expectation that D&D is different in some way, and gives ammunition to these weirdos who are still trapped in the Satanic Panic - it lets them point to the permission slips and say, "Look, even your own policies admit that this is something to be hidden behind barriers and parental approval."
At a certain point we have to stand up to these people in society and tell them that they're being ridiculous and that we won't concede to their demands under any circumstances. That takes a great deal of backbone by the YMCA administration, though.
Geez. Really putting the "C" in YMCA. I imagine looking into how people fought back during the "Satanic Panic" might provide some good advice for this.
u/efrique had a great comment about handling a new round of the satanic panic
Many offered sites that share good info about why DnD is helpful and beneficial to kids
You can point the leadership and parents to the numerous studies showing the many ways playing D&D is beneficial for kids, too. One, for example.
I just looked through this thread, there's a ton of great stuff here.
Some additional good orgs that talk about the therapy side are: https://gametogrow.org/ https://geektherapeutics.com/ https://rollforkindness.com/ (That's me) https://www.thebodhanagroup.org/
D&D has also been shown to be useful in teaching kids about social skills, creative writing, theory of mind, mental math, team work, problem solving etc.
Update May 13, 2024
Made a post a few days ago about how I run a DnD campaign for some kids in an after-school program I run for the YMCA, and subsequently how the parents of one of the kids was trying to get the game banned and whole operation shut down. I wasn't sure the best way to make an update, but I linked the whole original post above so you can have a read if you'd like ^
So firstly genuine genuine genuine big thanks to everyone who took the time to read and respond with input and suggestions. It means a ton and really helped a lot. So I'm just gonna jump right in with what happened.
Firstly, I took the advice about getting testimonies from parents who were super happy that I was playing this game with their kids -- we weren't allowed to have outside visitors involved in the actual meeting with HR, but I got emails and messages from mostly every parent (besides the one complaining about it lmao) to voice their support and why they think this is not a harmful thing, and in fact actually a good thing. I really think this helped a lot and was a big factor, so thanks everyone who suggested. It's not something I would've thought to do on my own ahahah.
I didn't want to come in toooooo heavy with the articles and very clear scientific proof about the benefits of developing minds playing TTRPGs', because (as it turned out) this was actually more just conversational and "pleasant" than I thought it was gonna be, at least from HRs side. I did mention to them the multiple studies done on this exact scenario, but it turned out I didn't even really need them. There were definitely moments of tension, but this was a more civil conversation than I anticipated from all parties involved. I'm not sure if it was the fact that the parents who complained had to talk to me in person WITH my bosses and HR reps present and it calmed them down a bit? But yeah anyway.
I wish it was a more dramatic story, but basically I just levelled with them person to person.
People who said they were betting on it being a Christian, satanic-panic angle: you were right, mostly anyway. As in, that was definitely a main part of their argument. They are in fact Christian and were concerned, but it was really coming from a place of ignorance about what this game is about, and they specifically didn't understand the fact that the DM (me) can entirely control what the contents of it is. I'm assuming they just googled DnD and probably saw some things they didn't agree with, but once I explained that the way we were playing it included no demon spawn or worshipping, or any killing of other humans, or allowing of murder-hobo activity, they softened up a bit. I told them it's a strictly G/PG rated experience that I'm curating for them. And of course I explained the social and academic benefits of DnD, and how much of a bonding activity this is for the group, and how much their son in particular loves it. This helped big time.
Ironically, it was their other argument about wanting active engagement for their child (ie; sports lol) that was a little harder to combat. From their and HRs perspective, this whole program and the YMCAs MO IS in fact healthy active engagement. I explained that most days of the week we are doing just that. I'm a tennis instructor as well and have played sports all my life (and they know this), so I tried to assure them that I get their child a SOLID amount of engagement (plus free tennis lessons effectively haha). I'll save you the whole back and forth, but this was a majority of our 45 minute meeting.
Im trying to wrap this up with a bow but not sure exactly how, so I'll just finish with the bullet points from the end of the discussion:
• The game is not banned! HOORAY HOORAY!
• I am now only allowed to play it with them once a week (on Friday), but all things considered I'll take this as a win!
• and best of all, the complained parents are letting their kid continue to play!!!! I'm sending them a detailed summary of the contents of my game so they can look it over, but they said with it now "officially" only being once a week, and with a better understanding of what it actually is, they will let him to continue to play. I'm so unbelievably happy.
So boom. Happy ending. Again big thanks to everyone for giving their advice and linking resources; it helped so much and meant a lot. This is a big win for "the community" I feel, at the risk of sounding too corny. You are all the best. I love this game so much 🥹
OOP explains how they made DnD G/PG rated
So the method I've taken is that this is mainly an explorative and mystery solving campaign. There is combat occasionally, but it's heeeeeavy on the RP aspect of these aforementioned things (aka 7 kids screaming over each other lmao)
I briefly mentioned in the previous post that when I do involve combat I don't include any that js player versus any humanoids -- so no "killing" of bandits or raiders or pirates or anything resembling, it's strictly taking out big bad monsters, or a big spidebats/owlbear or whatever when it does happen. This takes a big amount of the potential nastiness out: Timmy cant go home saying "Mom I killed 4 dudes today!", regardless if he understands the deeply political and socio-economic rooted reasons why it may be justified he did that 🙄 hahahah.
So yeah eliminated that entirely, strayed away from words like "kill" or "dead" or certainly "murdered", and have a very very "heroes save the town from mishaps" type adventure. For a quick example our last plot hook/beat (which ended up taking up like 3 Fridays because of how long it can take with young kids hahaha) involved them stumbling into a town and discovering that it holds the map to an ancient treasure that is rumoured to be buried in a magical woods nearby. Maaaaaany puzzles and skill checks later they found it deep in the woods by a magic tree and had to answer (very basic) riddles from the speaking and living tree in order to get access to it. They succeeded and absolutely loved it and there was no combat at all.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:51 Bright_Philosophy446 Monte seu futuro

Moradia (Último número do seu like): 0- Casa🏠
Localização/paisagem(último número do seu comentário):
1-Zona Rural
2-Lugar onde trabalha
3-Cidade Grande🌆🌇🏙🌃
Vai se casar? (Pegue um dado e jogue. O número que vc tirar vai dizer):
(Se você não tiver dado, pode escolher se vai se casar ou não)
Cônjuge (Seu time de futebol;apenas se na questão anterior disse que vc vai se casar):
Fluminense- Loiro(a)👦🏼👧🏼
Flamengo- Chinês(a)🇨🇳
Botafogo- Árabe👳👳‍♀️👳‍♂️
Vasco da Gama- Africano(a)👨🏿‍🦱👩🏿
Bangu- Galês🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
São Paulo- Ruivo(a)🧑🏻‍🦰👩🏻‍🦰
Santos- Mexicano(a)🇲🇽
Palmeiras- Italiano(a)🇮🇹
Portuguesa- Escocês(a)🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Atlético Mineiro- Espanhol(a)🇪🇦
América Mineiro- Português(a)🇵🇹
Cruzeiro- Grego(a)🇬🇷
Bahia- Francês(a)🇫🇷
Vitória- Inglês(a)🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Sport- Russo(a)🇷🇺
Náutico- Rei/Rainha🤴👸
Santa Cruz- Polonês(a)🇵🇱
Íbis- Tailandês(a)🇹🇭
Grêmio- Alemã(o)🇩🇪
Juventude- Indiano(a)🇮🇳
SER Caxias- Militar🪖
Ceará- Japonês(a)🇯🇵
Fortaleza- Coreano(a)🇰🇵🇰🇷
Goiás- Judeu(ia)✡
Atlético Goianiense- Persa🇮🇷
Vila Nova- Nordestino(a)🏜
Guarani- Gaúcho(a)🧉
Ponte Preta- Gringo(a)🇺🇸
RB Bragantino- Turco(a)🇹🇷
Juventus da Mooca-Filipino(a)🇵🇭
Cuiabá- Havaiano(a)🏄‍♀️🏄‍♂️
Paysandu- Inuíte🇨🇦
Remo- Maori🇳🇿
Águia de Marabá- Indonésio(a)🇮🇩
Avaí- Hippie✌☮
Chapecoense- Gótico(a)🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻
Criciúma- Príncipe/Princesa🤴👸
Joinville- Vaqueiro(a)🤠
Athlético Paranaense- Irlandês(a)🇮🇪
Coritiba- Holandês(a)🇳🇱
Paraná- Famoso(a)📸
América RN- Vietnamita🇻🇳
Potiguar de Mossoró- Malaio(a)🇲🇾
Outro-Pode escolher
Obs: sinta-se à vontade para escolher o gênero de seu cônjuge de acordo com sua orientação sexual!
Vai ter filhos? (Pegue dois dados. O número que tiver dado vai dizer se vc vai ter ou não):
8,9,10,11,12- Não
(Se tiver caído dois números iguais,pode escolher se vai ter ou não; se você não tiver dado, pode escolher se vai ter filhos ou não)
Número de filhos (a soma de seus 2 últimos números de telefone; o primeiro número representa os meninos, e o segundo representa as meninas;apenas se na questão anterior tiver dito que vc vai ter filhos) Exemplo: os meus 2 últimos números de telefone são 2 e 5, logo terei 7 filhos, 2 meninos e 5 meninas (2+5). 👶👦👧🤴👸
Sua profissão (Filme da Pixar predileto):
Toy Story - Professor(a)👨‍🏫👩‍🏫
Vida de Inseto - Empregado(a)🧹
Toy Story 2 - Veterinário🏨🏥🏪🐒🐶🦍🐺🦊🦝🐱
Monstros S.A. - Mestre Cuca👨‍🍳👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳🍳
Procurando Nemo - Garçom🥙➡️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Os Incríveis - Músico🎺🪗🎸🎹🎤🎻🪕🥁🪘
Carros - Policial🚔🚓👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👮‍♀️👮‍♂️
Ratatouille - Motorista🚕🚖🚗🚘🚙
Wall - E - Alfaiate🧣
Up! Altas Aventuras - Padeiro🥖🥐🍞🥨🥯🥞
Toy Story 3 - Guia Turístico🏖🏜🏝🏞
Carros 2 - Advogado(a)👨‍💻👩‍💻
Valente - Engenheiro(a)👷‍♂️👷‍♀️
Universidade Monstros - Pedreiro👷‍♂️👷‍♀️
Divertida Mente - Político(a)👨‍💼👩‍💼
O Bom Dinossauro - Bombeiro(a)👨‍🚒👩‍🚒
Procurando Dory - Atleta⚽️⚾️🥎🏀🏐🏈
Carros 3 - Lixeiro🗑
Viva! A Vida é uma Festa! - Psicólogo(a)🧠
Os Incríveis 2 - Cientista👨‍🔬👩‍🔬
Toy Story 4 - Juíz(a)👩‍⚖👨‍⚖
Dois Irmãos - Empresário(a)💲
Soul - Ator (Atriz)🎬
Luca - Astronauta👨‍🚀👩‍🚀
Turning Red - Médico(a)👨‍⚕️
Lightyear - Farmacêutico(a)👨‍🔬
Elementos - Caminhoneiro(a)🚛
Divertida Mente 2 - Mecânico(a) 👨‍🔧👩‍🔧
Elio - Enfermeiro(a)
Não estou usando camisa- pode escolher
Vai ter um canal no YouTube🎥 (último número da sua idade):
0,1,2,3,4- Sim
5,6,7,8,9- Não
Seu salário por ano (veja o horário em que está vendo isso, multiplique as horas pelos minutos e dps multipliqur o resultado por 100) Ex: são 16:06=16x6=96,96x100=$9.600 (Caso o salário tenha dado $0, vc irá receber sua idade multiplicado por 1000. Ex: se vc tem 17 anos, recerá $17.000)
Seu meio de transporte (Seu mês de aniversário)
Maio-Jatinho Particular🛩
Dezembro- Táxi Indiano🛺
Vai ter pet? (Pegue um dado; o número que vc tirar vai dizer se vc vai ter pet ou não; se não tiver dado, pode escolher se vai ter ou não)
1,3,5- Sim
2,4,6- Não
Seu bicho de estimação (A primeira letra do seu nome; apenas se na questão anterior disse que vc vai ter um pet):
A- Cão🐶
B- Gato🐱
C- Tartaruga🐢
D- Coruja🦉
E- Papagaio🦜
F- Morcego🦇
H- Galinha🐓
I- Coelho🐇
J- Cavalo🐎🐴
N- Capivara🦛
P- Ovelha🐑
R- Cobra🐍
T- Tucano🦤
U- Hamster🐹
X -Escorpião🦂
Z- Peru🦃
Sua classe social (dia da semana que vc está vendo este post):
Dom- Miserável
Seg- Pobre
Ter- classe média
Qua- Rico
Qui- Milionário
Sex- bilionário
Sáb- Dinheiro infinito
País (2 últimos dígitos do seu número de telefone):
00- EUA🇺🇸*
10-País de Gales🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
11-Irlanda do Norte🇬🇧
14-Coreia do Sul🇰🇷
19-Nova Zelândia🇳🇿
23-República Democrática do Congo🇨🇩
24-República Tcheca🇨🇿
31-Trinidad e Tobago🇹🇹
39-Costa Rica🇨🇷
43-África do Sul🇿🇦
59-Emirados Árabes Unidos🇦🇪
78-Arábia Saudita🇸🇦
83-Costa do Marfim🇨🇮
85-Cabo Verde🇨🇻
99-República Dominicana🇩🇴
*Qual estado?;apenas se na questão anterior de qual país vc vai morar tiver caído nos EUA🇺🇲 (Sua bateria): 0-1% Alabama
2-3% Alaska🥶
4-5% Arizona🥵
6-7% Arkansas
8-9% Califórnia🎥
10-11% Carolina do Norte
12-13% Carolina do Sul
14-15% Colorado🏔
16-17% Connecticut
18-19% Dakota do Norte
20-21% Dakota do Sul
22-23% Delaware
24-25% Flórida🏖
26-27% Geórgia
28-29% Hawaii🌴
30-31% Idaho
32-33% Illinois
34-35% Indiana🏎
36-37% Iowa
38-39% Kansas
40-41% Kentucky🍗
42-43% Louisiana🎺
44-45% Maine
46-47% Maryland
48-49% Massachussets
50-51% Michigan
52-53% Minnesota🌨
54-55% Mississippi⛴
56-57% Missouri
58-59% Montana
60-61% Nebraska
62-63% Nevada🎰
64-65% Nova Hampshire
66-67% Nova Jersey
68-69% Nova York🗽
70-71% Novo México🏜
72-73% Ohio
74-75% Oklahoma
76-77% Oregon🌲
78-79% Pensilvânia
80-81% Rhode Island
82-83% Tennessee🎸
84-85% Texas🤠
86-87% Utah
88-89% Vermont
90-91% Virgínia
92-93% Virgínia Ocidental
94-95% Washington🐌
96-97% Wisconsin🧀
98-99% Wyoming🐎
100% Washington DC🇺🇸
**Seu estado;apenas se na questão anterior de qual país vc vai morar tiver caído no Brasil🇧🇷 (Estilo Cinematográfico Favorito)
Terror- Acre🐊
Suspense- Alagoas🐐
Animação- Amapá🇪🇨
Romance- Amazonas🏞
Drama- Bahia🥁
Comédia- Ceará🐂
Documentário- Distrito Federal🇧🇷
Ação- Espírito Santo🍫
Ficção Científica- Goiás🎸
Espionagem- Maranhão🥖
Temática Militar- Mato Grosso🌞
Filme Policial- Mato Grosso do Sul🐆
Faroeste- Minas Gerais🧀
Comédia Romântica- Pará🫐
Comédia Dramática- Paraíba🪗
Aventura- Paraná🌲
Musical- Pernambuco🌂
Comédia de Ação- Piauí🥵
Mistério- Rio de Janeiro🇧🇷
Filme Histórico- Rio Grande do Norte🏖
Fantasia- Rio Grande do Sul🧉
Comédia de Terror- Rondônia🏹
Anime- Roraima🇻🇪
Chanchada- Santa Catarina🇩🇪
Fantasia Científica- São Paulo🏙
Docuficção- Sergipe🦀
Filmes com Truques- Tocantins👶🏼
Outro- pode escolher
submitted by Bright_Philosophy446 to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:45 Trenticus7 r/nrl Team Of The Week, Round 11


To see Round 1 Team Click Here; Round 1 TOTW
To see Round 2 Team Click Here; Round 2 TOTW
To see Round 3 Team Click Here; Round 3 TOTW
To see Round 4 Team Click Here; Round 4 TOTW
To see Round 5 Team Click Here; Round 5 TOTW
To see Round 6 Team Click Here; Round 6 TOTW
To see Round 7 Team Click Here, Round 7 TOTW
To see Round 8 Team Click Here, Round 8 TOTW
To see Round 9 Team Click Here; Round 9 TOTW
To see Round 10 Team Click Here; Round 10 TOTW
submitted by Trenticus7 to nrl [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 hubb2001 Translation Status Update/Discussion - May 19

Previous thread
This is the weekly translation status update thread. Use this thread to discuss translation news, issues, titles you're looking forward to, etc.
Note: This is simply a mirror from 4chan's weekly thread on the /jp/ board. All credit goes to the user VNTS there. I'm simply copying and pasting for discussion sake here since some people can't access 4chan.
Entries in Bold have had changes since last week
Entries in itallics denote my own changes

Fan Translations

  • 12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 42% translated
  • Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated and edited, 70.11% through QA
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated, 42,368 lines edited (69.69%), 4,793 (7.88%) through QA
  • Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
  • CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
  • CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
  • Chusingura 46+1 - 36843/82770 (44.51%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
  • Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
  • Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF
  • Haruka na Sora - Sora and Yahiro routes translated, Kozue 75% translated, Sora 90% edited
  • Honoo no Haramase Oppai Nyuu Doukyuusei ~Oppai mo Haramase! New Class Zen'in Harama-sensation!~ - Picked up, porting to Ren'Py
  • If My Heart Had Wings: Snow Presents - 100% translated, 100% edited
  • Jisatsu no Tame no 101 no Houhou - 17% translated
  • Junketsu Megami-Sama - 2nd Alpha patch released, Astarotte route finishing up
  • Kaseki no Uta - 100% translated, 4770/15389 (31%) edited
  • Ken ga Kimi - 58% translated
  • Koukan no Toriko-Tachi - Prologue, common, and Cuckold Play route translated, Swinging Route 35%, Yukari POV 40%
  • Kud Wafter - AA Version 23,835/31,579 (75.5%) Lines translated, 18+ Version 19,240 / 33,113 (58.1%) lines translated
  • Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ - Translation finished, fully edited
  • Lover Able - 100% translated and edited, 9419/32258 lines approved (29.47%)
  • Lucky Star ~Ryouou Gakuen Outousai~ - episode 1 patch released
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A - Ryouken Route After - 2,647/3,494 (75.76%) lines translated
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A Plus Disk - Preparing files
  • Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru - 66% translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o - 1 of 4 routes translation finished for the restoration patch, Houkiboshi Hika 2 of 4 H-scenes translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o: Interstellar Focus - 100% translated, 89.6% edited
  • Nursery Rhyme - 100% translated and edited, text insertion 100% complete, testing ongoing
  • Pure Pure - 100% translated, needs proofreading, partial patch released, all routes have been inserted
  • Sakura no Uta - Chapter I 30% translated
  • Sakura Wars 2 - Demo patch released, ADV, Battle, and "Long Day in the Theater" mode fully translated, disc 1 text inserted
  • Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki - Both original and fan disc 100% translated, in need of editing
  • Shirotsume Yubiwa - 100% translated, 50% beta patch released
  • Shizuku - 120/197 script files translated, 20/197 edited
  • Taima Seiko Alice - 45% translated, 35% edited, 35% proofread, 1st partial patch out
  • Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu - 100% translated, Editing ongoing
  • To Heart - 720/993 scripts translated, 200/993 edited
  • Tokimeki Memorial 2 - Being translated
  • Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 4 - 55% translated
  • Tsui no Sora Remake - 100% translated and edited, finalization progressing
  • Umi kara Kuru Mono - 91/138 scripts translated
  • Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete - 23243/35416 (65.6%) lines translated
  • Yosuga no Sora - Translation finished, editing and TLC ongoing, Total: TL 100% TLC 71% ED 55%, Common/Kazuha/Motoka/Sora routes fully edited

Official work


  • The Pillagers of Raillore - Out of Beta
  • Ciconia - Phase 1 Released
  • Hadaka Shitsuji fandisc - Picked up
  • Rance 03 - 79% translated, 41% edited
  • Rance X - 94% translated, 5% edited
  • Luckydog1 - 100% translated and edited
  • Funbag Fantasy 4 - 84% translated, 80% edited
  • Eve of the 12th Month - 100% translated and 88% edited
  • DEAD DAYS - 100% translated and edited
  • Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - 88% translated and 81% edited
  • Welcome to a Sexy, Open World - 98% translated and 90% edited


  • Sisters: Last Day of Summer - June 3rd release
  • Sumaga- Slow progress ongoing
  • Katahane - Progress being made again
  • Django - Not actively making progress
  • Tokyo Hero Project - Translation finished, dealing with bugs
  • Machine Child - Still being developed
  • Yomegami: My Sweet Goddess - 100% translated
  • Yamizome Liberator - Picked up
  • Mojika: Truth Rears Its Ugly Head - Picked up
  • Djibril - 100% translated, in editing
  • Masquerade: Hell Academy - Through 1st QA pass, in 2nd QA pass


  • NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN - In QA Testing, 2024 release
  • Happy Saint Sheol - 100% edited, 40% QA, Demo released
  • Harumade Kururu - Waiting on build
  • Rewrite+ Harvest Festa - 100% translated, 40% edited, Steam page up, 2024 release
  • Subete no Koi ni, Hanabata o. - 50% translated
  • Sumire - Picked up
  • Sanarara R - 100% translated and edited, waiting on build
  • Glass - Picked up
  • New Glass - Picked up
  • Karakara 3 - 100% translated and edited, 70% engine work
  • Yume to Iro de Dekiteiru - 100% translated, 35% edited
  • Zutto Mae Kara Joshi Deshita - 100% translated, in editing
  • A Maiden's Serenade - In Editing
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi 10% translated
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA - Announced
  • Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka - 50% translated
  • Hamidashi Creative - Announced
  • Inupara - In Development
  • Nekopara After La Vraie Familie - In Development
  • Raspberry Cube - Announced
  • Wagamama High Spec OC - In Translation


  • Angel Chaos RE-BOOT!- Delayed after Steam rejection
  • Dracu Riot - Waiting on Build, Release date announcement on hold until after Angel Chaos
  • Melty Moment - 80% translated
  • Fureraba Complete edition - Vita exclusive content to be added to Fureraba a couple months after the fandisc release
  • Floral Flowlove - 100% translated, 70% edited, enging port ongoing
  • Kakenuke Seishun Sparking - 80% translated, 70% edited, QA started
  • Love, Elections, & Chocolate - 100% translated and edited, Engine port nearly finished, entering QA shortly
  • Love Love Love, Burning in my Heart! - 100% translated and 74% edited
  • Ready or Not: The Deadline is Coming! - 100% translated, 99% edited, waiting on build
  • Mysteries of the Heart: The Psychic Detective Case Files - 100% translated and edited, engine work in progress
  • Secret Project 2 - 100% translated and edited, queued for Unity port
  • Secret Project 3 - 100% translated and edited, 50% though QA


  • SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky - Announced




  • Lilja and Natsuka: Painting Lies - July 25th release
  • Revue Starlight El Dorado - August 8th release
  • Everlasting Flowers - Where there is a will, there is a way - August 29th release date
  • Sharin no Kuni - Working to resolve remaining issues


  • Radiant Tale -Fanfare- - June 27th release
  • Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch - Summer release
  • Virche Evermore -EpiC: Lycoris- - Fall release
  • Despera Drops - 2025 release

Age titles

  • Kiminozo - Aiming for a Summer 2024 release


  • Two Beasts Or Not To Beast!! - 2.0 version, editing in progress
  • Forbidden Ward - In Pre-Production

Saikey Studios (mix of official/unofficial)

  • The Reason For Your Smile - Steam page up, Happy and NTR routes translated
  • Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ - 50% translated


  • Knight Case Files - Trial released, upcoming release


  • Corpse Party II - Darkness Distortion - 2024 release

Voltage Inc.

  • Project Code Kaleido Tower - 2024 release
  • Project Code Neon Mafia - 2024 release
  • Project Code Vampire Hunter - 2025 release


  • Re;quartz Raid - 2024 release

MediBang Inc.

  • Cocktail Magic - Upcoming release

Kamitsubaki Studio


Dayu Zixun

  • Voice Love on Air - Upcoming release


  • AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ - Released
  • Destiny Star Girlfriend 2 - Q2 2024 release
  • Real Hentai Situation! 2 - 2024 release
  • NYO-NIN-JIMA -My New Life in Charge of a Tropical Island- - 2024 release
  • An Aunt After My Own Heart - 2024 release, rejected by Steam
  • Kara no Shoujo III - Announced
  • Sacrifice Villains - Announced

Dramatic Create

Kagura Games

  • Forsaken Quartet - Released
  • Yoru ga Kuru! -Square of the Moon- Remastered - 2024 release
  • Angel Tear: Goddess Betrayed - Upcoming release


  • Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - June 27th release
  • Fate/stay night REMASTERED - 2024 release
  • Hookah Haze - 2024 release
  • Tanetsumi no Uta - 2024 release

Spike Chunsoft

Love Lab

  • Ever Maiden - 2024 release


  • Friendly lab - unlock(); - Upcoming release
  • Club Suicide - Picked up

Idea Factory

  • Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling - May 28th release
  • 9 R.I.P. - Fall 2024 release
  • Date A Live: Ren Dystopia - 2024 release


  • Geminism - English version announced


  • Monkeys! - English release planned


  • Haunted Obachestra Vol.1 Awaking - Upcoming release

Alice In Dissonance

  • Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below - Upcoming release


  • Shinjuku Soumei - Demo Released, May 24th release

MiKandi Japan

  • Libra of the Vampire Princess - All versions of the patches in testing


  • Paradise Cleaning! -Tutor X Hypnosis- - Upcoming release

072 Project

  • Princess Paradise - 2024 release


  • NTR with hypnosis application - Upcoming release

Eroge Japan

Tensei Games

  • Unfaithful Wife: Ayano's "Netorare Report" - My gentle wife is fucking another man - - Q2 2024 release


  • Tokyo Psychodemic - Demo released, May 30th release

Dark Nyaa

  • Master & Succubi Hentai Lessons 2 - April release


  • Him, the Smile & Bloom - August 8th release

Cherry Kiss

  • Cosplay Cumdump: Doing it Doujin Style - May 23rd release


submitted by hubb2001 to vns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 Epiphrons Ideal One Bag for Non-Traveller

I come from a weird angle. I've been a minimalist for a while; I have way less anxiety with less belongings & don't overspend if I know exactly what I own and what it's used for. I am also (slowly) renovating a van as a tiny home. I've been homeless before so no matter how far I get from going back I'm happiest when I'm prepared. I'm also single, no children & dangerously unmedicated (joking).
With that out of the way -> I've always used these 6 heavy duty storage boxes to store my life. Most are currently empty! https://imgur.com/a/VzDJqtE
I've got a LINK much older version of this bag & I've been easily running my life from it for the past two weeks - without decanting or any other weight reduction or space reduction strategies. I'm confident my life will condense into 25-40L (Plus those boxes can store seasonal clothing, cookware & stuff that wouldn't volumetrically work in a bag).
Meditating; (drinking copious amounts of coffee and reading reviews) has got me thinking genuinely - I could go leaner. I'd like to incorporate sink washing & a capsule wardrobe whilst living from a bag prior so I'm further acclimatised to living in a vehicle.
Another bag I have been eyeing off is the GoRuck GR2 -> This think genuinely looks gorgeous. I'm confident it won't fit the kind of laptop (I game a lot) I'm looking at transitioning to (Razer blade 14 or similar, 16.5+). It's also cost prohibitive but I'm open to being convinced. I really liked the orange interior of the Synik 30L and another laptop protected bag I saw recently here but I didn't save a link. The high contrast interior helps cause i'm colourblind & can loose stuff that's right in front of my eyes.
I also spotted this whilst grabbing bin bags from Amazon. I swear they listen in on my discord conversations - LINK. Mark Ryder, seems like an import special - It's super affordable & expandable for when I need to hit the gym for a shower, but I worry about the longevity. It's also missing the insertable frame; I personally hate the floppiness of an unfilled bag. I'd like something that retains it's shape when not filled. I don't have the on ground experience here - The Hook&Albert I use for work trips is canvas and flops around unless packed up. This is another reason I haven't splashed out for a Tom Binh
I'd rather something slightly more expensive with reliability and resistance to damage - I'd be using this bag every day. I'm expecting to have a different storage location for my day to day clothing - I work in sales so majority is WFH (or WFV) but I will still need my suits & oodie for the foreseeable future. This would probably contain the all gear no idea merino wool clothing for when I have to actually leave the van looking like a human.
If you have any suggestions on a bag that might fit these requirements or any opinion at all - please share! I've reached that 20/80 rule or whatever and need to rope in assistance.
submitted by Epiphrons to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 ReggieBasil LAST MAN STANDING 14 has shed almost half of its remaining users. Five remain! Tip now

LAST MAN STANDING 14 saw four of our nine users succumb in the most low iq NRL way. Who in their right mind tips a Warriors game, I ask you? They've been in the competition since 1995 and since then, the only predictable thing about the Warriors is their unpredictability.
The rest of our tipsters took their chances and came out on top, leaving us with 5 users still standing into Round 12.
Give me your tip by PM or in reply to this post please! Before the first game of the round lest I give you the punno game
Progressive results
round users correct wrong % correct with a life no life now dead % dead
r1a 575 68 507 12% 68 507 0 0%
r1b 792 249 365 41% 25 267 500 63%
r2 292 196 37 67% 18 185 89 30%
r3 203 68 111 38% 8 70 125 62%
r4 78 24 47 34% 2 28 48 62%
r5 30 18 11 60% 0 20 10 33%
r6 20 20 0 100% 0 20 0 0%
r7 20 12 8 67% 0 12 8 40%
r8 12 11 1 92% 0 11 1 8%
r9 11 9 2 82% 0 9 2 18%
r10 9 9 0 100% 0 9 0 0%
r11 9 5 4 56% 0 5 4 44%


1) EACH WEEK, go to the GOOGLE FORM above and submit your single tip. That's one team, that you think will win their game that week. A single team, out of the entire round. Surely that's easy as! If your team wins, WOOHOO! You're through to the next week. If they don't, you're OUT OF THE GAME!* A draw is a loss, as far as this game is concerned. All decisions are final and the result as it stands at the end of any extra time is the result we use. ONE TIP PER PLAYER PER ROUND!
2) THERE WILL BE ONE LIFE available to you until the start of Round 10. That means, you can tip incorrectly once only prior to Round 10 and you won't be eliminated. That gives us all a chance to see what's going on with each of the teams and also allows for users to start late.
3) Once we get to ROUND 16 then it's new rules whereby you cannot tip the same team twice. We will cover that when we get there. Until then, you can tip Melbourne every week if you want to.
4) Whoever is the last man standing wins the /NRL Reddit jersey of your chosen size.
5) If everyone happens to get it wrong on a particular week, then we move on to the next week as if nothing happened.
6) We are tipping State of Origins independently of the round matches.

Tips by user

all users had used their life by round ten, no asterisks required
user tip result
0_Kids_Three_Money Melbourne ✔️
Malaxage918 Dolphins ✔️
Proxima_Centuri Newcastle ✔️
imaginationASDF Cowboys ✔️
Kilo-papa-uniform Melbourne ✔️

Expired users

luser tip lol rekt
Eastern-Tip7796 Panthers
randomologist99 Panthers
Zero_Focks Panthers
nangarranga Panthers
submitted by ReggieBasil to nrl [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 DanDaSmartie Low impressions for the past month

Hi so I have a channel (DanDaSmartie) where I post long form vids about social issues in a documentary/commentary style. When I first started in late February my first video got 1.9k views but now my videos don't even pull 10 views. Also my views for my channel are very inconsistent as some videos just get 1-2k views but the rest get less than 50 and now less than 10. I've been trying to improve my thumbnails so if you have any feedback on those I'd appreciate it. But I don't really know what to do to try and get the algorithm to promote my videos more. On the vids that do well I gain around 20 subscribers, but it seems like my videos aren't getting pushed to them. Any thoughts on what I can do?
submitted by DanDaSmartie to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:00 _9tales Sou babaca por bancar minha irmã e sobrinhos pois o marido dela é acomodado

Eu (H38) sou gay e solteiro, tenho uma irmã (M34) que é casada há 13 anos e tem dois filhos (H5 e M9).
Nosso pai morreu quando éramos crianças e nossa mãe morreu quando eu tinha 20 e minha irmã 16. Ela é a única família que eu tenho.
Eu tenho um emprego que me paga em dólar e me proporciona uma renda mensal de 25k, casa própria e poucas despesas mensais, pois não saio muito de casa. E quando saio, na maior parte das vezes, é levando ela e os filhos para algum restaurante ou shopping, onde eu pago todas as despesas, mas não é algo que me incomoda pois gosto da companhia e gosto de compartilhar o que tenho.
Nossa família é de origem humilde e eu sou o único da família que conseguiu ascender financeiramente.
Agora o que me pega é ver a minha irmã passando dificuldades financeiras e o marido dela não se preocupar em buscar uma vida melhor para a própria família. Nesses 13 anos de casados, sempre moraram de favor na casa de algum parente. Inicialmente moravam no quintal dos pais dele, hoje em dia moram no meu.
Quando engravidou pela primeira vez, minha irmã abandonou a própria carreira na área de estética para cuidar da filha recém nascida. E desde então ela acabou ficando cada vez mais voltada para o papel de mãe e dona de casa, parou de se cuidar pois não tinha mais o próprio dinheiro e ficava a mercê do marido.
Como eu tinha uma condição financeira melhor, acabava me sentindo na obrigação de dar amparo a ela. Então ao longo dos anos eu fui assumindo as despesas de escola particular, material escolar, uniformes, roupas das crianças e dela, lazer das crianças, etc.
As coisas chegaram ao ponto de eu estar comprometendo quase metade da minha renda para cuidar dela e dos sobrinhos.
E embora ela sempre tenha reclamado do marido ser acomodado, não demonstrar interesse algum em saber do que ela ou os filhos estivessem precisando, ela nunca quis se separar. Quando ela vinha reclamar dele pra mim, eu perguntava o motivo de continuar se ele tinha tantos defeitos aos olhos dela. E ela respondia que amava ele e que acreditava na mudança.
Hoje em dia ele está desempregado, quem está trabalhando é ela, mas ele se recusa a fazer o papel de cuidar da casa e das crianças.
Além de trabalhar, ela está fazendo um curso de enfermagem que eu pago também. E sempre que chega em casa após estudar e trabalhar, eu escuto da minha casa ela descontando nas crianças o que ela não consegue falar pra p marido. Culpa eles pela bagunça e por não terem seguido os horários de refeição.
Por isso eu gostaria de ouvir a opinião de vocês, em especial as mulheres, sobre esse cenário.
Sei que há uma tendência das pessoas culparem a mulher e eu não quero ser injusto. Mas tem sido difícil entender pq ela mantém esse casamento que não está fazendo bem nem para o casal nem para as criancas. Não acho que seja dependência financeira já que ela sabe que pode contar comigo para isso até que se forme e consiga um trabalho na área de enfermagem.
submitted by _9tales to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:55 WarningStandard7875 tipico

Titel: Die Top-Wettanbieter: Ein Überblick über die besten Optionen für Sportwetten
In der Welt der Sportwetten gibt es eine Fülle von Wettanbietern, die den Spielern eine Vielzahl von Optionen bieten. Von großen internationalen Namen bis hin zu kleinen, spezialisierten Unternehmen gibt es für jeden Geschmack und jede Vorliebe etwas. Doch welche Wettanbieter sind die besten? Hier werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der Top-Wettanbieter, die auf dem Markt erhältlich sind.
  1. Bet365: Als einer der größten und bekanntesten Wettanbieter bietet Bet365 eine breite Palette von Sportarten und Wettmöglichkeiten an. Mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Plattform und einer Vielzahl von Zahlungsoptionen ist Bet365 eine beliebte Wahl für viele Wettkunden.
  2. Tipico: Mit einem starken Fokus auf Fußballwetten ist Tipico besonders beliebt bei deutschen Kunden. Die Plattform bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und eine Vielzahl von Wettmärkten für Fußballfans.
  3. Betfair: Als einer der größten Wettbörsen der Welt bietet Betfair seinen Kunden die Möglichkeit, Wetten zu platzieren und Quoten zu handeln. Mit einer Vielzahl von Sportarten und innovativen Wettmöglichkeiten ist Betfair eine gute Wahl für erfahrene Wettkunden.
  4. Unibet: Mit einer breiten Palette von Sportarten und Live-Wetten-Optionen ist Unibet eine beliebte Wahl für Wettkunden auf der ganzen Welt. Die Plattform bietet auch eine Vielzahl von Promotions und Boni für neue und bestehende Kunden.
Insgesamt gibt es viele großartige Wettanbieter auf dem Markt, und die beste Wahl hängt oft von persönlichen Vorlieben und Bedürfnissen ab. Egal für welchen Anbieter Sie sich entscheiden, es ist wichtig, verantwortungsbewusst zu wetten und nur Geld zu setzen, das Sie sich leisten können zu verlieren.
Sportwetten sind eine beliebte Form des Glücksspiels, bei der Teilnehmer Wetten auf verschiedene Sportereignisse platzieren. Diese Wetten können auf eine Vielzahl von Sportarten wie Fußball, Basketball, Tennis, Pferderennen und vieles mehr abgeschlossen werden. Sie sind ein fester Bestandteil der Sportkultur und bieten den Fans eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit, sich mit ihren Lieblingssportarten zu beschäftigen.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Sportwetten, darunter Einzelwetten, Kombiwetten, Systemwetten und Live-Wetten. Bei Einzelwetten setzt der Teilnehmer auf das Ergebnis eines einzelnen Ereignisses, während bei Kombiwetten mehrere Wetten miteinander kombiniert werden, wobei alle Wetten richtig sein müssen, um zu gewinnen. Systemwetten bieten eine gewisse Flexibilität, indem sie es dem Teilnehmer ermöglichen, mehrere Kombinationen von Wetten abzuschließen, während Live-Wetten während des Spiels platziert werden können, was ein aufregendes Element der Interaktion mit dem Sportereignis bietet.
Sportwetten haben auch eine wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, da sie eine bedeutende Einnahmequelle für Buchmacher und Sportorganisationen darstellen. Sie generieren beträchtliche Umsätze und tragen zur Förderung des Sports bei, indem sie das Interesse und die Beteiligung der Fans steigern.
Es ist jedoch wichtig, verantwortungsbewusst zu wetten und die Risiken des Glücksspiels zu verstehen. Spielsucht kann ernsthafte finanzielle und persönliche Probleme verursachen, daher ist es ratsam, Wetten als eine Form der Unterhaltung zu betrachten und vernünftige Grenzen zu setzen.
Insgesamt bieten Sportwetten den Fans eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, ihre Leidenschaft für Sport zu zeigen und die Spannung der Wettkämpfe zu erleben. Mit einer Vielzahl von Wettoptionen und Sportarten zur Auswahl gibt es für jeden etwas in der Welt der Sportwetten.
Online-Glücksspiel hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Popularität gewonnen, da immer mehr Menschen die Bequemlichkeit und Vielfalt des digitalen Glücksspiels schätzen. Doch bevor man sich auf einer Glücksspielseite registriert, ist es wichtig, sich über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Risiken bewusst zu sein.
In Deutschland unterliegt das Online-Glücksspiel strengen Vorschriften, die je nach Bundesland variieren können. Es ist wichtig, dass Spieler nur auf lizenzierten und regulierten Websites spielen, um ihre Sicherheit und den Schutz ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus sollten Spieler verantwortungsbewusst handeln und sich der Risiken bewusst sein, die mit Glücksspielen verbunden sind.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die Auswahl einer vertrauenswürdigen Glücksspielseite. Spieler sollten Bewertungen lesen, die Auswahl an Spielen überprüfen und sicherstellen, dass die Website über angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verfügt, um ihre persönlichen und finanziellen Informationen zu schützen.
Es ist auch ratsam, ein Budget festzulegen und sich daran zu halten, um finanzielle Probleme zu vermeiden. Glücksspiel kann süchtig machen, und es ist wichtig, die eigenen Grenzen zu kennen und auf Warnsignale zu achten.
Trotz der Risiken bietet Online-Glücksspiel eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, Zeit zu verbringen und möglicherweise sogar Geld zu gewinnen. Mit der richtigen Herangehensweise und Vorsicht können Spieler ein sicheres und positives Spielerlebnis genießen.
Fußballwetten sind eine beliebte Form des Wettens, die von Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt praktiziert wird. Diese Art von Wetten ermöglicht es den Fans, ihre Leidenschaft für Fußball in Gewinne umzuwandeln, indem sie auf verschiedene Aspekte des Spiels wetten, darunter Ergebnisse, Torschützen, Halbzeitstände und vieles mehr.
Eine der beliebtesten Arten von Fußballwetten ist die Wette auf den Ausgang eines Spiels. Hier können Wetten auf Sieg, Niederlage oder Unentschieden platziert werden. Darüber hinaus können Wetten auf die Anzahl der Tore, die in einem Spiel erzielt werden, oder sogar auf bestimmte Spieler, die Tore schießen, abgeschlossen werden.
Es gibt auch eine Vielzahl von anderen Wettoptionen, die Fußballfans nutzen können, um ihre Gewinnchancen zu erhöhen. Dazu gehören Handicap-Wetten, ÜbeUnter-Wetten und sogar Live-Wetten, bei denen Wetten während des Spiels platziert werden können.
Bevor man jedoch Fußballwetten platziert, ist es wichtig, sich über die verschiedenen Wettoptionen zu informieren und eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen. Dazu gehört auch die Analyse von Statistiken, die Berücksichtigung von Verletzungen oder Sperren von Spielern sowie die Bewertung der Form und Taktik der beteiligten Teams.
Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, verantwortungsbewusst zu wetten und niemals mehr Geld zu setzen, als man sich leisten kann zu verlieren. Glücksspiel kann süchtig machen, und es ist wichtig, sich der Risiken bewusst zu sein und verantwortungsbewusst zu handeln.
Insgesamt bieten Fußballwetten den Fans eine aufregende Möglichkeit, ihre Lieblingssportart zu verfolgen und gleichzeitig die Chance zu haben, echte Gewinne zu erzielen. Mit der richtigen Strategie und einem fundierten Verständnis für das Spiel können Fußballwetten eine unterhaltsame und potenziell profitable Aktivität sein.
Livewetten sind eine aufregende Form des Wettens, bei der Spieler während eines laufenden Ereignisses Wetten platzieren können. Diese Art von Wetten hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Popularität gewonnen, da sie den Nervenkitzel und die Spannung des Wettens auf ein neues Level heben.
Eine der Hauptattraktionen von Livewetten ist die Möglichkeit, auf Veränderungen im Spielgeschehen zu reagieren. Dies bedeutet, dass Wetten platziert werden können, während das Spiel läuft, basierend auf aktuellen Ereignissen und Entwicklungen. Zum Beispiel können Wetten auf den nächsten Torschützen in einem Fußballspiel oder den nächsten Punktgewinner in einem Tennismatch platziert werden.
Eine weitere Attraktivität von Livewetten ist die Vielfalt der verfügbaren Märkte. Von traditionellen Sportarten wie Fußball, Tennis und Basketball bis hin zu Nischensportarten und sogar Ereignissen wie politischen Debatten oder TV-Shows gibt es eine breite Palette von Optionen, auf die gewettet werden kann.
Livewetten bieten auch eine gewisse Flexibilität, da Wetten während des Spiels angepasst oder sogar abgeschlossen werden können. Dies ermöglicht es den Spielern, ihre Strategien entsprechend anzupassen und potenzielle Verluste zu minimieren oder Gewinne zu maximieren.
Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass Livewetten auch mit Risiken verbunden sind. Da sich die Quoten und Ereignisse schnell ändern können, ist es wichtig, vorsichtig zu wetten und nur Geld zu setzen, das man sich leisten kann zu verlieren.
Insgesamt bieten Livewetten eine aufregende Möglichkeit, Sportereignisse und andere Veranstaltungen zu verfolgen und zu genießen, und sie sind eine beliebte Wahl für viele Wettbegeisterte.
submitted by WarningStandard7875 to u/WarningStandard7875 [link] [comments]
