Homemade nerf sniper rifle

Tutorial upcoming

2024.05.20 05:48 Egged_man Tutorial upcoming

Tutorial upcoming
This tutorial will cover, the tools and fittings you’ll need to buy to build a High power Nerf rifle with a wood stock out of plumbing supplies, ext…. This blaster will pack a punch of otherworldly fps, enough to penetrate a steel can with a standard nerf dart.
submitted by Egged_man to Nerf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:30 g00berg00fy Mysterious AI(?) in Anomaly

You guys ever encounter this one Mercenary in Stalker Anomaly or in any of the other mods? Where one Merc finds you, kills you, and as you reload a save to kill them first... They are just gone.
I have experienced this at least a few times already while playing Anomaly in different saves. They seem to act more advanced than the other AI almost like a human player, and it's not like I have an addon to suddenly make my game an online server. Their shots are accurate and in full auto, even without hardcore AI aim and the damage they deal is extreme even with Great player protection and good armor. But as I reload my last save the Mercenary cannot be seen in the area even if the save was just recently prior moments to being killed by the Merc. They have disappeared on me twice and I expect more for the future. I have only killed this Mercenary once in between dying to them, I was in Cordon up north east from the bridge and this Merc was trying to snipe me all the way north west from where I was. Just far north from the farm. And I cannot even see them, my view was blocked by fog and trees. They weren't even using a sniper rifle, it was an AK-105 which has poor accuracy. Thankfully to the nearby ruins of houses north west from the farm I had cover and I used my own rifle to take down the Merc. I suspect that this was the same Mercenary that has killed me over and over and keeps disappearing. I forgot the name but it was one of the generated names that Anomaly usually has. My last encounter with them was in the Garbage, at the vehicle graveyard. At first I thought it was the Bandits I was fighting but as I reload the save, my killer was gone. I knew to target them first but I didn't see them. I think it was the same entity. I expect to see this strange and mysterious AI again some day, they strike and random and I will forever wonder how their AI is better than usual and they never show up again after I reload the save. But I hope I am not the only one experiencing this.
submitted by g00berg00fy to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:31 Suitable_Shallot3025 a little goober :)

a little goober :) submitted by Suitable_Shallot3025 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 Available-Island-752 Space marine training

Are the standard tactical marines trained to be able to use the entire arsenal of a chapters inventory of weapons and vehicles? Do they all have the knowledge on how use sniper rifles, jump packs, drive land raiders and pilot thunderhawk gunships, proficiency in all types of melee weapons... Obviously a tactical marine don't do all of these things, but do they have the knowledge to do so if necessary?
submitted by Available-Island-752 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 -Darkeater_Midir- Snipers need help in both PvE and PvP.

Other than a few outliers, in PvE snipers have both low damage and are essentially unusable if you're being shot at (even after the buff to flinch resist). I'm not necessarily asking for them to become top tier DPS, but a solid buff to majors and champions would make them a solid pick for when you need to quickly kill high value targets while still being an ok backup DPS weapon. More flinch reduction would also go a long way because it's the only special weapon that relies entirely on perfect accuracy while also being incredibly difficult to land shots consistently.
In PvP snipers have seen multiple nerfs to both aim assist cones and flinch resistance; on top of the ammo changes making a sniper play style much less rewarding than shotguns or fusions. Obviously getting killed through flinch and from shots that aren't even on target feels bad, that's why the nerfs happened in the first place, but in their current state they require both much more accurate shots and if someone even looks at you your reticle flies to the next star system over. I'd suggest dialing back some of the flinch changes and leaving the aim assist as is to see how they perform.
submitted by -Darkeater_Midir- to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 Strongbow85 Kim Jong Un, apparent expert marksman, holds sniper rifle wrong

Kim Jong Un, apparent expert marksman, holds sniper rifle wrong submitted by Strongbow85 to NorthKoreanNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:37 Additional-Handle-61 [PS4] H: Caps W: Enclave Plasma Rifle Automatic Barrel Mod

[PS4] H: Caps W: Enclave Plasma Rifle Automatic Barrel Mod
submitted by Additional-Handle-61 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:36 Additional-Handle-61 [PS4] H: Caps W: Enclave Plasma Rifle Automatic Barrel Mod

[PS4] H: Caps W: Enclave Plasma Rifle Automatic Barrel Mod submitted by Additional-Handle-61 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:01 OsoSadBoy H:Trading List. W:Max level BE15r The Fixer, Max level QE25 The Fixer, Max level AAE15r Homemade, Max level B2525 The Fixer, Max level BE25 Radium Rifle, Rare Apparel, Rare Plans, Offers.

—————————————————————————— TRADING LIST —————————————————————————— Max level B50c90 Railway Rifle, Max level BAP1A The Fixer, Max level BE90 The Fixer, Max level Q50h250 The Fixer, Max level BE15r .50 Cal Machine Gun, Max level B50c1A Radium Rifle, Max level QAP15r Homemade, Max level V50B15r Enclave Plasma Rifle, Max level V50h90 Enclave Plasma Pistol, Rare Apparel.
submitted by OsoSadBoy to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:35 VibingTerrorist [EARTHMOVER] turns your life around.

Stand name: Earthmover
Stand user: André
Namesake: Earthmover from the album "Deathconsciousness" by Have a Nice Life
Appearance: Earthmover is a non-sentient, semi-humanoid stand that manifests as a cyan colored robotic entity with no legs. Instead, there are four tendril-shaped appendages jutting out of its torso and digging into the ground. Earthmover has no facial features except for a set of gritted teeth, on its forehead, it has a long, slim cannon which resembles the barrel of a sniper rifle.
Ability: Earthmover can shoot out small glass marbles at very long distances, they might seem harmless at first, but their special ability is that anything that comes in contact with the marbles will immediately bounce in a certain direction that was already predetermined by André. They then will ricochet against any surface they hit.
But that's where the true power of Earthmover comes in..If the object that is currently bouncing touches another object, the latter will be propelled and begin to ricochet with even more force than the last, and the cycle goes on until you've got a deadly chain reaction.
Stand stats:
Destructive power: C
Speed: A
Durability: D
Range: A
Precision: B
tell me in the comments if you wanna see this stand drawn or not idk
submitted by VibingTerrorist to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:21 EepiestGirl Idea for nerfing the Sniper

Nothing too crazy here. But like what if we cut its damage by 20%: the damage of the Huntsman? It would still keep Sniper useful, but now he can’t quickscope kill people and can’t instantly kill an overhealed Heavy
This would also make the Machinas damage bonus more impactful
submitted by EepiestGirl to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Walking2Mordor First Try at a List

Brand new to 40K! I have played other games in the past though. Below is the first list I’ve put together with what I have. I have a few more character largely from the Leviathan box set.
I know I should add scouts and inceptors/infiltrators. I will look at those in the next few months I’m open to other feed back.
Really trying to find the identity of the list with the leaders/characters.
First Try (1940 Points)
Space Marines Raven Guard Vanguard Spearhead Strike Force (2000 Points)
Captain with Jump Pack (85 Points) • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Heavy bolt pistol
Kayvaan Shrike (100 Points) • Warlord • 1x Blackout 1x The Raven’s Talons
Librarian in Phobos Armour (100 Points) • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Force weapon 1x Smite • Enhancements: Shadow War Veteran
Librarian in Terminator Armour (100 Points) • 1x Force weapon 1x Smite • Enhancements: The Blade Driven Deep
Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 Points) • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Heavy bolt pistol • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs • 4x Astartes chainsword 4x Heavy bolt pistol
Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points) • 1x Armoured feet 1x Ballistus lascannon 1x Ballistus missile launcher 1x Twin storm bolter
Eliminator Squad (85 Points) • 1x Eliminator Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Bolt sniper rifle 1x Close combat weapon • 2x Eliminator • 2x Bolt pistol 2x Close combat weapon 2x Las fusil
Eradicator Squad (95 Points) • 1x Eradicator Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Melta rifle • 2x Eradicator • 2x Bolt pistol 2x Close combat weapon 1x Melta rifle 1x Multi-melta
Inceptor Squad (130 Points) • 1x Inceptor Sergeant • 1x Assault bolters 1x Close combat weapon • 2x Inceptor • 2x Assault bolters 2x Close combat weapon
Inceptor Squad (130 Points) • 1x Inceptor Sergeant • 1x Assault bolters 1x Close combat weapon • 2x Inceptor • 2x Assault bolters 2x Close combat weapon
Infernus Squad (80 Points) • 1x Infernus Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Pyreblaster • 4x Infernus Marine • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 4x Pyreblaster
Infernus Squad (80 Points) • 1x Infernus Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Pyreblaster • 4x Infernus Marine • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 4x Pyreblaster
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (140 Points) • 1x Fragstorm grenade launcher 1x Heavy bolter 1x Incendium cannon 1x Invictor fist 1x Twin ironhail heavy stubber
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (140 Points) • 1x Fragstorm grenade launcher 1x Heavy bolter 1x Invictor fist 1x Twin ironhail autocannon 1x Twin ironhail heavy stubber
Repulsor (190 Points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Hunter-slayer missile 1x Las-talon 1x Repulsor defensive array 1x Twin heavy bolter
Sternguard Veteran Squad (90 Points) • 1x Sternguard Veteran Sergeant • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Sternguard bolt pistol 1x Sternguard bolt rifle • 4x Sternguard Veteran • 4x Close combat weapon 1x Pyrecannon 4x Sternguard bolt pistol 3x Sternguard bolt rifle
Terminator Squad (175 Points) • 1x Terminator Sergeant • 1x Power fist 1x Storm bolter • 4x Terminator • 1x Assault cannon 4x Power fist 3x Storm bolter
Exported with App Version: v1.14.0 (37), Data Version: v379
submitted by Walking2Mordor to RavenGuard40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:27 Hollow-Graham [Ps4] H: Weapons and armor W: any offers, but LL3 offers are appreciated

Any and all offers are welcomed! In search of reflex and forceful stock mods. Leaders, junk, LL3, and flux always appreciated
Weapons: 🔫🔪
——Elders Mark:
——Enclave Rifles, Flamers, Pistols:
AA/25a/25ap Pistol
B/50c/25ap Aligned auto, calibrated capacitor,forceful stock w/reflex
N/25a/50bs Stabilized short rifle w/reflex
V/25a/25ap Aligned Auto w/reflex sight
V/50VHC/50BS Pistol
Q/50VHC/1P Aligned Sniper Rifle
M/25FF25AP Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
J/25FF25AP Pistol
B/50C/1P Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
Bers/25FF50BS Aligned Auto Rifle
Aris/50bash/1a Aligned Flamer Rifle
AA/50Limb/25AP Pistol
TS/ff-90 pistol
TS/50c/-90 pistol with stabilized stock
——.50 Cal:
——Gatling plasma:
——10mm Sub:
——Combat Shotgun:
——Lever Action:
Q/50C/25AP (lvl35)
——Combat Rifle:
——Pump Shotgun:
——Pipe Bolt Action:
——Security Baton:
——Bowie Knife:
Autostim/25rad/doctors heavy right arm
Bols/5ap sturdy chest
——Urban Scout:
Uny/1s/AWR Chest
Autostim/25rad/Cav right leg
Bols/1L/AWR left arm
Bols/7ex/WWR right arm
Cham/1intel/improved sneaking left leg
Van/7ex/doctors left leg
——Forest Scout:
Uny/1L/AWR Chest
Van/25rad/improved sneak Chest
Van/1intel/posion left arm
Ass/5ap/electrified left arm
OE/7ex/50bs Chest
Uny/1L/poison light left arm
OE/25fire/Burning sturdy left arm
Van/25fire/rad recovery heavy right arm
Van/5ap/Sent heavy right arm
Van/1s/cav sturdy right leg
Uny/5ap/Cav light left arm
Uny/25poison/jwr sturdy right leg
Van/1P/Cav light left arm
Cham/1Intel/25improved sneak sturdy right arm
Cham/1s/AWR light right arm
Aris/25rad/FDC Chest
Aris/1L/Sent Left Leg
Ass/1A/Jwr Right Arm
Regen/glutton/WWR Right Arm
Van/5ap/15rld Right Leg
Power Armors:🛡️🔋
OE/25fire/FDC Chest
Aris/5ap/JWR left arm
Autostim/7ex/AWR left arm
Bols/1E/ JWR right leg
Noc/1intel/Sent left leg
Regen/5ap/Cav left arm
Enclave Mods:👨‍🔬
Aligned Flamer (2x)
Aligned Short (2x)
Aligned Sniper (1x)
Aligned splitter (3x)
Calibrated Capacitor (3x)
Gamma Wave Emmiter (1x)
Sever Beta Wave Tuner (2x)
Vicious Capacitor (2x)
Precise Stock (2x)
Stabilized Stock (1x)
➕Various other true and stabilized mods (Just Ask)
submitted by Hollow-Graham to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:25 Clidermon Maybe new laser musket bug (fallout 4)

Maybe new laser musket bug (fallout 4)
i usually never really use laser muskets in my playtroughs but i got one with a legendary instigating effect and after doing a bit of math i realised that laser muskets are broken, but all the cranks are for some reason smaller -1 for some reason (the standard two crank can be cranked once, the three crank twice, all over to six crank that can be cranked only 5 times on all laser muskets for some unknown reason.) this started happening after the next gen update so idk if the rifle got broken by the update. or its just an issue on my side im playing on vanilla safe no mods installed not even unnoffital patch if anyone knows ho to fix this please tell me
this might be also happening, because i force glitched some parts on to a test musket so the final legendary version dont look so plain so i used a marksman plasma stock and imroved plasma sniper barrel etc... but i dont want to believe that fallout 4 is so full of junkynes that i broke all the laser muskets in the game cuz of attachment glitch.
PS: this DMG is with 0 damage adjusting perks the imroved sniper barrel adds 22 dmg per crank (tested) so it should do 312 dmg per shot but the game limits me only for 5 cranks so thats 260 dmg per shot right now but with full perks it should do 30% Defense penetration and 3229 Dmg (6crank with instigating effect) or 4663dmg (6crank with instigating effect) if i find a way to force glitch a suppressor in to it, cuz thats the only thing that im struggeling to attach so if you have an idea ill be glad for your advice
submitted by Clidermon to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 Vipre7 Which real money gun bundle gives the best gun(s)?

New to the series and wanted to buy something. Aesthetics don't matter, wondering what pack has the best gun(s). Don't really care for sniper rifles.
submitted by Vipre7 to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 Hollow-Graham H: Various Weapons and Armor W: Any Offers

Any and all offers are welcomed! In search of reflex and forceful stock mods. Leaders, junk, LL3, and flux always appreciated
Weapons: 🔫🔪
——Elders Mark:
——Enclave Rifles, Flamers, Pistols:
AA/25a/25ap Pistol
B/50c/25ap Aligned auto, calibrated capacitor,forceful stock w/reflex
N/25a/50bs Stabilized short rifle w/reflex
V/25a/25ap Aligned Auto w/reflex sight
V/50VHC/50BS Pistol
Q/50VHC/1P Aligned Sniper Rifle
M/25FF25AP Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
J/25FF25AP Pistol
B/50C/1P Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
Bers/25FF50BS Aligned Auto Rifle
Aris/50bash/1a Aligned Flamer Rifle
AA/50Limb/25AP Pistol
TS/ff-90 pistol
TS/50c/-90 pistol with stabilized stock
——.50 Cal:
——Gatling plasma:
——10mm Sub:
——Combat Shotgun:
——Lever Action:
Q/50C/25AP (lvl35)
——Combat Rifle:
——Pump Shotgun:
——Pipe Bolt Action:
——Security Baton:
——Bowie Knife:
Autostim/25rad/doctors heavy right arm
Bols/5ap sturdy chest
——Urban Scout:
Uny/1s/AWR Chest
Autostim/25rad/Cav right leg
Bols/1L/AWR left arm
Bols/7ex/WWR right arm
Cham/1intel/improved sneaking left leg
Van/7ex/doctors left leg
——Forest Scout:
Uny/1L/AWR Chest
Van/25rad/improved sneak Chest
Van/1intel/posion left arm
Ass/5ap/electrified left arm
OE/7ex/50bs Chest
Uny/1L/poison light left arm
OE/25fire/Burning sturdy left arm
Van/25fire/rad recovery heavy right arm
Van/5ap/Sent heavy right arm
Van/1s/cav sturdy right leg
Uny/5ap/Cav light left arm
Uny/25poison/jwr sturdy right leg
Van/1P/Cav light left arm
Cham/1Intel/25improved sneak sturdy right arm
Cham/1s/AWR light right arm
Aris/25rad/FDC Chest
Aris/1L/Sent Left Leg
Ass/1A/Jwr Right Arm
Regen/glutton/WWR Right Arm
Van/5ap/15rld Right Leg
Power Armors:🛡️🔋
OE/25fire/FDC Chest
Aris/5ap/JWR left arm
Autostim/7ex/AWR left arm
Bols/1E/ JWR right leg
Noc/1intel/Sent left leg
Regen/5ap/Cav left arm
Enclave Mods:👨‍🔬
Aligned Flamer (2x)
Aligned Short (2x)
Aligned Sniper (1x)
Aligned splitter (3x)
Calibrated Capacitor (3x)
Gamma Wave Emmiter (1x)
Sever Beta Wave Tuner (2x)
Vicious Capacitor (2x)
Precise Stock (2x)
Stabilized Stock (1x)
➕Various other true and stabilized mods (Just Ask)
submitted by Hollow-Graham to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 M4C4BRO BIBLIOTECA MT


Biblioteca MT 1-MentalismoMentalismo-13 escalones del mentalismo-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus-O mentalista-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown-Pure effect-Derren Brown-Easy mentalism-Practical Mental magic-Theodore AnnemannPsiquiatria-Manual de psiquiatria portugues-Cinema e LoucuraPsicologia-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia BockPNL-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour-despertar do gigante interior-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do SucessoNeurociência-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Condecom Sandra Blakeslee-Subliminar - Leonard MlodinowHipnose-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas-o homem de fevereiro-erickson-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony JacquinSedução-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina-Manual de Artes Venusianas-O Jogo-Neil Strauss-O livro negro da sedução-Biblia da seduçãoMicroexpressões-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanPersuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack ShaferInterpretação-A preparação do Ator-StanislavskiMemorização-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola-Mentes BrilhantesArgumentação-A Arte de Argumentar-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman-logica juridica-chaim perelman-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry SpenceRedação-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granaticPedagogia-A encantadora de BebesAdestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cão Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanMotivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzAMitologia-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert GravesMágica-Ultimate secrets of card magic-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick BraueMagia & Ocultismo A.Alquimia -Alquimia-Marie Louise Von Franz -Psicologia e Alquimia-C.G. Jung -Alquimia E A Imagição Ativa -Marie Louise Von Franz -Anatomia da psique alquimia B.Astrologia -Astrologia e Mitologia-Ariel Guttman e Kenneth Johnson -Curso Básico de Astrologia-MARION D. MARCH & JOAN McEVERS -A Astrologia e a Psique Moderna-DANE RUDHYAR -A Astrologia dos ciganos-Maria Helena Farelli C.Tarot -Tarô de Marselha-Paul Marteau -Tarô Dicionário & Compêndio Jana Riley -O Tarô e a Viagem do Herói-Hajo Banzhaf D.Magia -Dogma e Ritual da Alta Magia -Eliphas Lévi -O Livro Do Prazer-Austin Osman Spare -Lex Satanicus -Curso de magia-J. R. R. Abrahão -A Magia Do Vodu-Maria Helena Farelli -A Bíblia Satânica - Anton LaVey -O livro da Lei - Aleister Crowley2-TradingTrade-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp-OPERANDO NO MERCADO COM MT4-Analise Fundamentalista-Os supersinais da analise técnica-Investir cada vez melhor-Sobreviva na bolsa-Aprenda a operar-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio AlmeidaTransações imobiliarias-apostila TTI-como montar uma imobiliaria-dominio da venda imobiliariaEconomia-Freakonomics-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt-Curso basico de macroeconomia-Historia Pensamento economico-manual de Economia da USP-Economia nua e crua - Charles WheelanADM-Manual do CEO-O CEO é o limiteEstratégia-os axiomas de Zurique-Pai rico pai pobre-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet-O X da questão-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo CerbasiHistória-Sonho Grande-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis-O homem que roubou Portugal-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder-crash-uma breve histria da economia-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith3-CiênciaMedicina———1-AnatomiaAnatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe FattiniAtlas de Anatomia Humana NetterAtlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - YokochiGrays p. estudant.Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica2-FisiologiaFisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn3-PatologiaBogliolo Patologia4-HistologiaHistologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro5-Biologia celularBiologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro6-BioquímicaBioquímica Médica Básica de Marks7-Bioestatística8-Embriologiaembriologia clinica Moore9-MicrobiologiaMicrobiologia Medica - Patrick Murray10-ImunologiaMurphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway11-GenéticaGriffiths - Introdução à Genética12-ParasitologiaParasitologia Humana Neves13-RadiologiaFundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagemTratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager14-FarmacologiaFarmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung Goodman - Farmacologia15-SemiologiaSemiologia Medica - PortoSemiologia BatesExame Clínico-PortoSemiologia médica - mario lópezSemiologia Médica - Rocco16-Clínica GeralHarrison - Medicina InternaCecil17-Urgência e EmergênciaATLSManual APH18-PediatriaBlackbook PediatriaNelson Tratado de Pediatria19-Ginecologia e ObstetríciaObstetricía RezendeObstetricia BasicaRotinas Em ObstetriciaGinecologia FundamentalRotinas em Ginecologia20-NeurologiaA Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - NitriniNeurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.Cem bilhoes de neuroniosNeuropsicologia - Roger Gil21-PsiquiatriaCompêndio de Psiquiatria - KaplanManual De Psiquiatria Portugues22-Cirurgia geralCirurgia ambulatorial - SavassiManual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduaçãoPropedeutica CirurgicaRuy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia ExperimentalSabiston - Tratado de CirurgiaTECNICA CIRÚRGICA Goff23-CardiologiaCardiologia para Clinico GeralSerrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP24-Exames LaboratoriasExames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e FerreiraMedicina Laboratorial para o ClínicoRenato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação25-DiversosManual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce JuniorFundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e DoullWilliams - Tratado de EndocrinologiaCurrent ReumatologiaDermatologia - Azulay & AzulayNefrologia - RiellaPneumologia - Série No ConsultórioAndrew Holtz - A ciência médica de HouseOnde não há medicoBiologiaQuimicaRotinas de enfermagemEngenharia———--Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício RosárioFísica,Astronomia e Cosmologia———————————–-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking-O universo elegante - Brian Greene-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall-O cerne da matéria-Cosmos - Carl Sagan-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall MunroeMatemática———--50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart-20.000 léguas matemáticas-As maravilhas da matemática-Introdução a filosofia da matemática-O diabo dos numeros-O andar do bebado-Em busca do infinito-Os misterios dos numeros-Sera que Deus joga dados-Simetria matematica-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked-Mania de matemática
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Levitt-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham OppyBibliografia do CombateAMT-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine CorpsAssault-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP-The Hunter’s page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us ArmySniping-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada-FM 3-22.10 FM 23 10 SNIPER TRAINING AND OPERATIONS-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Atirador de elite-Carlos DavidArtes Marciais-C 20-50 luta-EB-Ringue Master-Boxing-Edwin Haislet-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx-GET TOUGH! -W.E.FAIRBAIRN-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes-Ninja Combat Method - Stephen Hayes-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki HatsumiTFM & Alimentação-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EBEsgrima-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB-C 20-51-Esgrima-EBSobrevivência-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army-SERE-FASOTRAGRUPAC /LANT 1520-8 (REV 1-99)APH & Medicina-MANUAL DE ATENDIMENTO PRÉ-HOSPITALAR-CBMDF-PROTOCOLO DE SUPORTE BÁSICO DA VIDA-CBMGO-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASARastreamento-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies-The art of tracking the origin of science-LiebenbergManuais-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SPTécnicas Militares-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB-EB70-CI-11.002 CÃO DE GUERRA-EB-C-6-199 Topografia-EB-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB-Manual de Operações de Choque-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling& Alexander PachApronto Operacional-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil-Orientação Cioesp - EB-Orientação Cigs - EB-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB-Orientação PQD - EBExplosivos-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)-Ragnar’s Homemade Detonators-Ragnar BensonMergulho-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada-MANUAL DE NATAÇÃO EsEFEx-EB-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010-MANUAL DE OPERAÇÕES DE MERGULHO-CBMESP-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army-MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES,AND PROCEDURES FORMILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, andCoast Guard USParaquedismo-CADERNO DE INSTRUÇÃO DE TREINAMENTO E TÉCNICA BÁSICA DO PARAQUEDISTA MILITAR EB70-CI-11.001 -EB-MANUAL TÉCNICO DO MESTRE DE SALTO PARAQUEDISTA-EB-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EBEquitação-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de HipismoOperações-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army-MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS FM 3-97.6 (90-6)-US Army-DESERT OPERATIONS-FM 90-3/FMFM 7-27-US Army-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army-MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING FM 3-97.61(TC 90-6-1)-US ArmyEspionagem-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGISistemas de armasA.Aeronaves-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni-Natops Flight Manual F16-Natops Flight Manual F18-Natops Flight Manual F14-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1-TM 1-1520-251-10 HELICOPTER, ATTACK,AH-64D LONGBOW APACHE-DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY USB.Submarinos-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada EspañolaC.Barcos-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)D.Cavalaria-IP 17-82 - A VIATURA BLINDADA DE COMBATE - CARRO DE COMBATE LEOPARD 1 A1-EB-Manual M113-Exército PortuguêsE.Artilharia-SERVIÇO DA PEÇA DO OBUSEIRO 155 mm M109 A3-EBRocketry-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and EstimationGunsmithing-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister-Building Firearms-Harold HoffmanArmas Nucleares-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James MahaffeyEngenharia Naval-SNAME Ship Design & Construction-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - BuxtonEstratégia militar-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis GaddisCriminalística-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio VelhoA.Localística-Practical Crime Scene Processing and InvestigationB.Balística-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.HeardC.Hematologia Forense-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. GardnerMedicina Legal-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &Roger AncillottiPsicologia ForenseA.Perfil-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata - Ana Beatriz Barbosa SilvaB.Microexpressões-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanC.Persuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer-Oratória-Reinaldo PolitoD.Adestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanE.Motivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzALógica-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CésarHistória-The illustrated guide to the world’s top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan-DA GUERRA-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould SlahiCrime Organizado-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva LimaFicção-Shibumi-Trevanian-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay-Duplo Dexter - Jeff LindsayDocumentários-Guerreiro Mais Mortal-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))-Generais em guerra-National Geographic-SAS Survival Secrets-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix-Medalha de honra-Netflix-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic-À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls-A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeoFilmes-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott-Rota Comando-Elias Junior-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan-Círculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)-Missão Impossível(Saga)-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman-Colombiana-Olivier MegatonSéries-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al-White Collar-Jeff Eastin-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al-Polícia 24h-Diego Guebel-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo OliveiraGames-Arma 3-Insurgency-Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist-Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas-Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare-Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X-ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN-Microsoft Flight Simulator-X-Plane 11-Ship Simulator Extremes-UBoat-World of Warships4-ArteSadismo-120 dias de sodoma-Justine-Marques de Sade-O orgasmo multiplo do homem-Sexo Tântrico - Alicia Gallotti-Dossiê do beijo5-CeticismoAteísmo-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy-Iron Chariots Wiki-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin SmithCeticismo-The Skeptic’s Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes ofthe Occult and Supernatural- James Randi-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra6-Budismo-A Doutrina de Buda-contos zen budistas-O cérebro de Buda-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony DoubledayBIBLIOTECA MT
submitted by M4C4BRO to u/M4C4BRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 Snizek Fanmade patch notes for primary weapons

Based on the post i saw yesterday from @LucatIel_of_M1rrah. Did this for fun and tried my best to make the changes make sense and feel good. Basically an addon of their changes.
AR-23 Liberator:
(This should make it slightly more attractive option, a good starter weapon with balanced stats. Assault Rifles are really mediocre now so they get most changes right after MRs)
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
(Now is more damage based and has slower fire rate as a result, still lower dps than Liberator)
AR-23C Liberator Concussive
(Now is the same to Liberator as is Pummeler to Defender. Worse stats with the addition of increased stagger. MUCH higher fire rate now. Actually better stats than the Pummeler now)
AR-61 Tenderizer
(Now ACTUALLY has more stopping power than Liberator. Should basically be Penetrator with Light Penetration but better dps and handling)
BR-14 Adjudicator
(Lower recoil to make this weapon usable. Is now even more damage oriented. Should basically be harder hitting Penetrator, the bridge between the ARs and MRs)
R-63 Diligence
(Just an overall buff to make this gun more appealing. Finally able to work alongside Penetrator, Adjudicator and Counter Sniper as Medium Amor weapon option)
R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper
(Quite a bit of more damage to make it still pickable even though Diligence is Medium Armor weapon now)
R-36 Eruptor
(I'm sceptical about this weapon and think it was kind of mediocre even before the changes so I'm sitting this one out, reverting the changes and slightly buffing the damage)
JAR-5 Dominator
(This weapon has been and still is S tier, but is hard to use enough to not make it overpowered so no need for other changes. However this weapon can now also be used for longer distances like it should with the scope changes)
CB-9 Exploding Crossbow
(With Eruptor being the insane damage on one target weapon, this should be more oriented on AOE damage)
MP-98 Knight
(This gun simply had TOO much fire rate for its own good. Now is more controllable and more importantly will have mure more ammo just like other SMGs)
SMG-37 Defender
(A small buff to make this weapon good after AR buffs)
SMG-72 Pummeler
(Same thing as with Defender)
SG-8 Punisher
(Really good as it is)
SG-8S Slugger
(The good stagger is back)
SG-225 Breaker
(Buffs based on other Breaker changes)
SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray
(Now has slightly better stats than Fire Breaker, but doesn't have the fire effect)
SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary
(A slight nerf since it's easily the strongest weapon on bugs and it's not even close)
SG-8P Punisher Plasma
(Other weapon that I don't think needs any changes)
ARC-12 Blitzer
(Pretty good as it is, but this should make it a really viable weapon among the other shotguns)
LAS-5 Scythe
(Just increased the dps, really hard to balance this one because I don't know math)
LAS-16 Sickle
(Perfectly balanced, as all things should be)
Plas-1 Scorcher
(Just as Punisher Plasma)
Plas-101 Purifier
(This idea is COMPLETELY stolen from the original creator since I have no better idea to balance this weapon)
submitted by Snizek to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:01 Konsecration Tribes 3: How much exactly do I need to lead targets with the sniper? Is it not hitscan like back in the day?

Exactly the title. I'm new and back in Tribes 1 and 2 days I used the sniper rifle a lot. I was good too, even though you had to still lead your targets based on ping. Man, when I first got cable internet hitting 40 ping and all my friends were still on dial up hitting 300 at best... Those were the days.
But I'm curious... I've noticed the sniper is no longer hit scan. Is it really slow? or is it fast? How much do I really need to lead targets that are on the other side of the map? I can't seem to get the hang of it AT ALL. Like no matter how much I do or don't lead targets that far away, I am missing every shot and I can not for the life of me figure out how to use this damn weapon properly.
Sucks because most games are pretty straight forward. I'll keep at it but I feel like I'm missing something.
submitted by Konsecration to Tribes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:33 Frank-ThePanda H: Tradelist W: offers

H: Tradelist W: offers
Looking for epr auto / flamer and offers. Open to anything!
submitted by Frank-ThePanda to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 Certain_Turn8750 My Tournament list (2nd place)

My Tournament list (2nd place)
I played a 2k casual tournament and came in 2nd place!
I fought against blood angels, imperial guard and chaos knights, winning all 3!
Thought I’d share my list with you guys :)
submitted by Certain_Turn8750 to Ultramarines [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 TheLastPiMaster A Deep Dive into the Problems with Endless and How to Fix Them

As the shiny weekend comes to a close, I and I'm sure many others have played a lot of endless the last few days. While I do love this game, I can't help but notice how much of a drag endless is. Endless is basically just one big gambling simulator where you get dopamine when you get a shiny or legendary and it keeps you playing long enough to get the next hit. As someone who enjoys both making and balancing games, I wanted to take some time to dive into why endless has the problems it does and how they can be fixed. My hope in sharing these ideas is that endless will eventually be revamped into something more fun in the long term instead of just a shiny grind. So strap in as we discuss the problems with endless and how to fix them.

Part 1: Why play RogueLites?

I think the first step to understanding what is wrong with endless is to understand why we are even playing this game in the first place. I hear the terms roguelite and roguelike used interchangeably a lot so I wanted to quickly address the difference between them. The short of it is roguelikes complete reset your progress in between runs while roguelites have some progress carry over. This puts PokeRogue firmly in the roguelite category, since you can unlock new starters, and as such, I will be operating under the assumption that having progress carry over between runs is important to the game for the remainder of this post.
As for what makes roguelites fun, I think there are a few different factors. First and foremost is replayability. Since a run is never the same as any other, the genre has infinite replays built in, so long as you don't get bored of the core gameplay mechanics. However, the enemies and rewards you get during each run are not the only thing that can change between runs.
This leads me to my second point which is the fun of trying new builds. Most roguelites have a wide variety of weapons and approaches to progressing that can either be chosen at the start or unlocked during the run. Because of the random nature of the genre, even similar builds will fluctuate run to run and trying to get your build to function perfectly like you want it to is a fun challenge. You may have an idea of what you want to use but then you get an item that changes the way your build works and so next time you play this build, you actively seek out this item because it was a cool adaptation. Being able to not only try, but succeed, with a variety of strategies and builds is incredibly important to the long term fun and replayability of roguelites.
The final factor in why roguelites are fun is because you can constantly push for a new record. This is specifically something unique to endless. The game can never truly be beaten. You as the player set a goal for yourself and compete against that goal, trying to achieve it. When you eventually do, you set a new goal and push for that one. These goals can be personal to you, like trying to reach a certain round or seeing how far you can progress with a specific build, or they can be more competitive, like trying to push for a record in the highest round ever achieved.
Roguelites are addicting and fun because you never truly beat them, you just find new ways to play them. Now that we understand a bit about why roguelites are fun, let's look at PokeRogue to see how it matches up.

Part 2: Endless is a Solved Game

First, let's look at the good parts of endless. Endless has good rewards for playing it. As you go deeper into endless, you get more and more rare starters. Right now, starters are the only thing that carries over between runs so endless is the best way to progress your account. In theory, this should increase replayability as you can do an endless run, get new starters, do a run with your new starters, rinse and repeat. In practice though this simply isn't true.
While the progression endless gives your account is good, it's ultimately pretty meaningless and most of the actual experience of playing endless isn't fun at all. When you get deep into an endless run, which is arguably where most endless players will aim for since otherwise you would play classic, the game becomes stagnant. You one shot everything or you get one shot. Type matchups don't matter. Stats don't matter. Nothing matters except being able to oneshot the opponent through whatever tokens or abilities they have. This isn't a problem in itself but if we look a little deeper it becomes one.
There's nothing wrong with different builds simply being different ways to oneshot. What is an issue though is when the core mechanics of Pokemon stop mattering and there is only one way to win battles. Type matchups are arguably the most important mechanics in Pokemon, right after catching new Pokemon. The fact that these eventually are rendered useless means that there's no reason for this to be a Pokemon game in the first place. Additionally, even just having a really strong Pokemon that can cut through everything with strong STAB doesn't work because the only late game strategy that works is fixed damage and sturdy. When you finally reach rounds that push the limits of where you've been before, these should be the rounds that your build is online and being tested. Instead, you are forced to transition to a Pokemon with sturdy and metal burst or fixed damage like salt cure plus soak. There is no room for trying different builds to push boundaries because the game has been solved. We know what the best and only strategy is and if you aren't using it, you can't compete.
The fact that only one strategy is viable means that any progress you make between runs doesn't matter either. Why use new starters when you're just gonna end up using gargancl with salt cure or metal burst blissey? This means that the only thing that endless is actually good for, making your account stronger, is made irrelevant by the same mode. This is the biggest problem endless has but there are a few smaller ones I'd like to quickly address.

Part 3: Smaller Endless Problems

I'll try to keep this section brief and run through these problems quickly.
First, generic encounters are too time consuming. There is no reason the random, non-boss Pidgeott should ever take more than 5 seconds to defeat. Generic encounters serve the purpose of giving you a few rewards to make you stronger before the next major fight. Endure tokens waste so much time. If I'm overkilling this raticate by 5000%, I shouldn't have to sit through 30 seconds of dialogue telling me it endured the hit, raised all its stats, flinched, and then need to select my move again. Even boss encounters don't need endure tokens. They are already gated by segmented health bars. These are actually good and mean you have to think about how to get through them. Why then, does the boss get to live with 1 hp when I've finally overcome it? Simply put endure tokens need to go.
Second, boss battles are too repetitive. I don't mean pokemon labeled "boss" but instead the bosses you encounter every 50 floors. These should be the rounds that test your build but instead, it's the same as every other "boss" you encounter in the run. These rounds need to be made harder and all other rounds should be easier, that way there's a clear distinction between fodder and challenge. The Eternatus encounters are actually pretty good from a challenge perspective since they regularly take a while to beat. If the 50 floor encounters were more like this, and the Eternatus encounters were varied with some other Pokemon so you need multiple strategies instead of just a fairy/steel to wall it, the boss fights would be pretty good.
Finally, if you can't oneshot an enemy, it shouldn't be able to oneshot you. Essentially, bosses need to not be able to be oneshot. What this means though is that you will take hits and in that case, you need to be able to survive them. Damage Reduction tokens are actually ok but damage multipliers just make every move a oneshot. Boss fights should play out more like VGC matches, where there's constant switching of your Pokemon to have an advantageous type matchup. Your switches need to be able to survive hits when they come in, or else you need a way to correctly predict when you can make a switch for free to get a better Pokemon out.
I could go more in depth on all these problems and maybe I will sometime but for now just know they are there and will influence what the fixes need to fix.

Part 4: The Fixes

Now that we understand what's wrong with endless, let's talk about fixing it.
The first and easiest change is that endure tokens need to be removed. This speeds up the game and gets you into boss fights faster. Simple, done, this one change makes the game so much more fun and less tedious.
For some bigger changes, let's take a look at the rest of the tokens. Status tokens mean nothing since your Pokemon will always have infinite lum berries once you get 3 berry pouches and a mini black hole. Fusion tokens are cool. These throw wrenches at you and are fun and should stay. Damage reduction tokens are ok. These tokens prevent you from oneshotting the boss and as we discussed before, that's good. Damage multipliers increase the problem of oneshots though and for that reason need to either be heavily nerfed or removed. If my defensive Archaludon is getting onehshot by vine whip, that's a problem. Finally, recovery tokens are alright. The make it so you can't just stall out a boss completely. You have to constantly be damaging them so they don't heal back to full. I would limit these though to heal a smaller amount. Something like 1/16 of max HP every turn should be the maximum that recovery tokens can do. This is the same as leftovers in the main series and that is one of the best items for survivability in the entire game.
I would make the following changes to tokens: remove endure tokens, remove status tokens, remove damage multiplier tokens, heavily nerf recovery tokens, keep fusion tokens, and keep damage reduction tokens. Also, remove all tokens from any Pokemon without a boss health bar. You may think this is too big a nerf to enemies but in conjuction with this, I think the mini black hole also needs to be changed or removed. With status tokens gone, it's more important than ever that status is meaningful when it is inflicted. Without the mini black hole, you need to actually think about what to do about status instead of just letting your infinite lum berries solve it for you. Maybe now you need to spend some of your post encounter rewards on lum berries or items other than rare candies since you can't just steal them off wild pokemon for free. Of course, things like magician and thief still exist but these are ok because they are niche. The grip claw is also alright since it isn't guaranteed to steal something, it just gives you a little more breathing room.
Next up on the list is boss fights. For this section, I'm only referring to the every 50 floor ones. The token changes I believe would solve a lot of the problems with this fights but there are two big changes I would implement. First, these fights should all be 2v1 double battles like the final battle of classic. This gives room for more strategy and makes switching out more of a viable option if you can predict which slot the AI will target. Second change is to increase the movepools of all bosses. This may be controversial but I think bosses should not be limited to 4 moves. Bosses having a wider variety of options makes them much more formidable and means you need to prepare for more threats. As for what these movepools would be, I would say any egg moves or level up moves should be fair game. Maybe some tms as well but those would need to be hand selected which is harder to implement.
The last few changes I'd add focuses on making starter choice important and allowing for cooler builds. There needs to be more variety in held items. The main series has so many cool options to draw from and adding them makes for a lot of variety in what a given pokemon can do. Imagine a Pokemon with sniper and 3 scope lenses to always crit. Or a Pokemon with a bunch of leftovers and rocky helmets and rough skin. In return for the wider variety, there would need to be some limit on how many non-berry, non-consumable held items a pokemon could have. Without a limit, the best strategy would still be to just stack all the items on one Pokemon and let it sweep. I think 20 would be a good place to start though this could be changed. It also adds an opportunity cost. Your sweeper can't also be tank with 3 leftovers because you need to use those item slots for offensive items.
Finally, I would add one new item to the game with a unique effect. Similar to the DNA splicers, this would allow you to combine two Pokemon to get a stronger one. The new item would be ability capsule and here's how it works. The ability capsule allows you to select a pokemon from your party, sacrificing said Pokemon and adding its ability to another Pokemon. The catch though is that the ability can only be added to a Pokemon that was selected as a starter for the run. Some abilities would have to be non-transferable like wonder guard or stance change but I think this goes a long way in making really cool combinations to aim for late game. It also makes your starter selection more important since you can think about what abilities you want to add to your starter later.

Conclusion and TL;DR

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. To those of you who just scrolled to the bottom, here's the TL;DR of changes
I want to be clear that I love this game and am not trying to be super negative. I just want to see it do well months and years from now and believe these changes are the first step towards doing that. I have a lot more I could say but this post is already long so I'll leave it at that. If any devs happen to read this and want to hear more in depth explanation or thoughts on solutions to problems with the game, I'm happy to talk more. In the meantime, I'm gonna go back to my endless run and keep trying to get a shiny Rayquaza.
submitted by TheLastPiMaster to pokerogue [link] [comments]
