Graffiti style alphabets

Anti Style Graffiti Posts

2017.01.07 23:39 SilverApples Anti Style Graffiti Posts

I place for fans of Anti-Style, Ignorant-Style, Ghetto-Style or Trash Graffiti.

2012.05.18 15:56 sixtysevensouth Help is here.

Welcome to Graffhelp! Here you can find tips and tricks to improving your style, get criticism for your artwork or learn the basics to starting out in Graffiti!

2021.09.10 15:51 MRWIGGLESRSC MrWigglesBlackBook

Mr Wiggles Style Writing Black Book page (graffiti)

2024.06.02 18:52 No_Bedroom1771 Shooting it up in San Francisco [Poem]

The vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean The golden gate connects the two sides of disconnected land Like an industrial abstract version of the colossus of Rhodes With its reddish orange legs immersed in the blue waters
Visions of ocean deities fighting sailors on the rocks A man slightly off kilter praises Hitler As I lament about my life looking at graffitied images of cocks
As the creatures emerge from the gutters A rich politician flutters At the sights of the underbelly Of the city at the edge of western civilization
Prostitutes and pimps lay above The underground industrial factories that control the trolleys While modern day hippies attend raves with Molly
While some may see as a degenerate junkie I see myself as my own doctor, A doctor of medicine As I howl in the street they all hear my screams The proverbial call of the amphetamine daydreams
I liken myself to the people who came before me To The hippies, beatniks, and fags Like me were outcasts of society Came to the city on the edge of western civilization Fleeing the plague of orthodox conformity That the rich statesmen have unfairly imposed on western society
My medicine is injected into my veins Cures the plague that diseases our fallen race When I’m high it’s a warm feeling in my face I Can hardly feel when the fascists spray me with their mace
I am enlightened chosen by the powers above I see visions of things beyond space and time I’m beyond the universe a transcended being As I teleport from station to station across the city
Tweaking and walking down the sidewalk As the yuppies and hipsters look at me with utter disgust Nobody has any sympathy for a wretch like me Living on the edge of a broken society
The towers above me with their designs Like the carvings of the canyons in Petra The glass cathedrals contrasting each other with different designs and styles each from a different age
One day the human race will be no more Archaeologists from outer space will come to explore Americas equivalent of Babylon by the bay They will find the ruins of the towers and bridges that once dominated the cities landscape
Castro sets the city ablaze with its flaming homosexuals People naked laughing dancing in each others embrace As me a lonesome junkie walks the street Like a philosopher in a strange foreign bazaar
Waking up on the other side of town the waves crashing against the rocks I sit in the sand laying strung out Begging ignorant tourists for change for my next fix
I wake up under an underpass As me and fellow degenerates gather around a fire I look into the fire and see visions Of God himself coming down to Rain fire on our civilization
Visions of buildings rising and falling Ships a sailing People building up civilization And civilizations falling
The fire blazes burning bright in the night As the water reflects the pale moonlight On a foggy San Francisco night We gather and assemble to practice our rituals
The sun rises in the morning Across the sea is a ship Filled with people traveling from a foreign land Passing under the golden gate
Maybe one day things will change I can get clean and start again But instead they lock me in a deep dungeon For days I lie their fiending and sweating
Until they finally release back to my habitat Where I will roam and roam From Chinatown with their squinty eyed dragons And tenderloin where the needles lie
Slightly stoned and watching the wind blow Just a junkie Shooting it up in San Francisco
submitted by No_Bedroom1771 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 TyMcDuffey Leadership Wisdom from King Sejong the Great of Korea

Leadership Wisdom from King Sejong the Great of Korea
Sejong ruled from 1418 to 1450. He is one of Korea’s most respected and admired rulers, celebrated for his deep concern for his people’s welfare and his promotion of scientific and cultural advancements.
King Sejong is best known for the creation of Hangul, the Korean alphabet, which was introduced in 1443. Hangul was revolutionary because it was designed to be easy to learn, increasing literacy and diminishing the gap between the elite and the common people. Sejong recognized that the Chinese characters then used in Korea were difficult for commoners to master, limiting literacy to the elite.
To address this, he assembled a royal research institute known as the Hall of Worthies (Jiphyeonjeon). The group of scholars selected to work on the creation of Hangul was composed of the kingdom’s most distinguished linguists, philosophers, and scholars.
Sejong and his scholars studied the sounds of the Korean language and aimed to create a system that could accurately represent these sounds with simple, easy-to-learn characters. They designed Hangul to be phonetic, with each character representing a specific sound, making it intuitive and accessible. The shapes of the consonants were based on the shape of the mouth and tongue when pronouncing the corresponding sounds, while the vowels were inspired by philosophical principles of the universe, reflecting elements of the sky, earth, and human beings.
Specifically, the design of the vowels incorporated three fundamental symbols: a horizontal line representing the earth, a point or a short line representing the sky, and a vertical line representing humans. These symbols were combined to form the vowel characters, grounding the writing system in a cosmological framework emphasizing harmony and balance.
Sejong’s dedication to this project was driven by his desire to improve communication and education among his people. By providing a tool that everyone could learn, he democratized literacy and promoted broader participation in government and society.
Hangul’s introduction was met with resistance from some elites, particularly the scholarly class known as the yangban, who saw it as a threat to their status and the established social order. They believed that the traditional use of Classical Chinese script maintained their elite position and intellectual superiority. Despite their resistance, the common people quickly embraced the simplicity and effectiveness of the new script, as it allowed them to learn to read and write more easily.

Leadership Traits and Actions

Sejong’s introduction of Hangul showed his innovative approach to solving societal problems. Prior to Hangul, Koreans used Classical Chinese in writing, which was difficult for the common person to master.
Sejong established the Hall of Worthies, where scholars developed advancements in agriculture, metallurgy, printing technology, and astronomy. Notable inventions from this institute included the water clock, which improved timekeeping accuracy; the rain gauge, which was a significant development in agricultural planning; and celestial globes, which improved astronomical observations. These advancements showed Sejong’s commitment to scientific progress and practical solutions for his kingdom. They also solidified his legacy as a forward-thinking ruler.
Sejong’s policies were deeply oriented toward improving the living conditions of his subjects. He promoted the development and use of new farming techniques and tools, such as improved plows and irrigation systems, which increased crop yields. He encouraged the cultivation of drought-resistant crops such as millet and barley to mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions.
To further support the common people, Sejong devised laws that lessened the burden of taxation on farmers and lower-class citizens. He introduced a tax system known as the “Daejeon,” which adjusted tax rates based on the fertility and productivity of the land.
This system categorized land into different grades according to its agricultural output potential, with more fertile lands being taxed at a higher rate and less fertile lands at a lower rate. The idea was to make sure that farmers with less productive land were not disproportionately burdened by taxes.
Sejong’s reforms also included measures to assess the farmers’ ability to pay taxes, taking into account crop failures and natural disasters. This responsive and flexible approach to taxation involved regular assessments and adjustments based on the current conditions of the farming community.
Local officials were tasked with evaluating the impact of adverse conditions on crop yields and reporting back to the central government. If a region experienced a poor harvest or was struck by a natural disaster, tax relief measures could be implemented. This might include reducing the tax rate, deferring tax payments, or, in extreme cases, exempting the affected farmers from taxes for that year.
These measures allowed farmers to retain more of their harvest for personal use and reinvestment into their farms rather than being driven into debt or destitution by inflexible tax demands. By alleviating the tax burden during difficult times, Sejong’s policies facilitated a more profitable and stable society, where economic growth was more evenly distributed and social unrest was minimized.

Life and Challenges

Sejong’s creation of Hangul teaches the importance of accessible education and the empowerment that comes from communicating effectively. This is a great consideration for any leader who wants to promote inclusivity and understanding.
Sejong’s ability to introduce new innovations while managing the pushback from traditionalist forces in the court demonstrates the challenge of balancing progress with tradition. This is a relevant lesson for modern change-makers. Consider the importance of strategic thinking, perseverance, and the ability to handle resistance when implementing new ideas.
Sejong’s empathetic approach to leadership, focused on the tangible needs of his people, emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the challenges faced by those one leads.

Applying Sejong’s Lessons

Incorporate King Sejong’s principles by encouraging clear communication and promoting educational initiatives in your community or organization. Think about how you can use technology and innovation to solve problems while also taking into account the needs and reservations of all stakeholders involved. Reflect on how you can apply Sejong’s empathetic and innovative leadership style to encourage inclusivity and improve conditions in your sphere of influence.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book titled Leadership Wisdom from History’s Greatest Kings. If you’d like to read more excerpts, follow me on social media, visit my website, or send me an email. Thanks.
submitted by TyMcDuffey to korea [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 artwurk29 Second boy arrives tomorrow and we don’t have a name, his brother is Koah

Wife and I haven’t been able to sync yet on the perfect fit, there have been a ton of options but nothing stands out as ‘the one’. Any thoughts on what we’ve got so far, or entirely new suggestions for which direction we should go in? Open to all ideas!
Some context that we’re working with, which colors our loose rules (and we could still end up flexible on):
Ideas so far; we’re open to opinions on these and suggestions for any others:
Again, open to opinions on these (even the ones that are like “definitely not this and this and this” because we need to trim), and also would love to hear suggestions of names we haven’t thought of, which you think might fit the aesthetic.
I know how ridiculous this sounds, but this second boy name is tough!!!! Can’t believe we’re having this much trouble 😂🫠
submitted by artwurk29 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 Klarkash-Ton I Stay Away from the House at The End of the Street Now

The house has been at the end of Thompson Road as long as anyone could remember yet there’s no one still alive who remembers anyone ever living in it. It was a remnant of an era, when the Victorian style architecture was still prevalent, yet it had been left in disrepair. Windows boarded over, paint fallen off, shingles missing here and there. Most people in the town declared there was something not quite right with the old building. Some rumors stated that of the few people who tried to move in left promptly afterwards seeking other residence.
I remember when I was a young boy there was an older gentleman who would care to the grounds, cutting the grass and making small mending’s to the surrounding fence. He was a kindly old man who wore a corduroy jacket and a flat cap. He almost had the appearance of a man from a different time and place. Most children avoided walking by Thompson road on their way home from school, yet the old house had a curious draw to me back then and I often liked to stare at it in the dying light of the autumn days. It was in these days I became acquainted with the old caretaker who told me his name happened to be, Mr. Thompson, just like the road.
Most of the town children had seen Mr. Thompson tending to the old house and naturally as is the past time of children, created stories and rumors about him. Many said he lived in the house waiting to trap any poor soul foolish to wander on the property by locking them in the cellar. Others said he was an escaped prisoner using the old place as a hideaway from the police. I didn’t believe the rumors going around about him for a second but the house drew my curiosity nonetheless.
My acquaintance with Mr. Thompson began with my troublesome self, committing the act of trespassing. My act of mischief had been inspired by one of the playground stories I had heard earlier that day from one of my classmates. He said that he had skulked about the property peering into cracks along the boarded-up windows. He told me and several other kids how it looked as if someone was still living there, and the peculiar fact that no pictures hung in the place save for one wall in the living room. Given I had taken an interest to the old place, I naturally decided that day to see for myself.
I climbed the fence that afternoon in October and had skulked ever so closely to the first window I saw. As I peered inside, I was shocked to notice that the interior looked very much like someone had been in fact living there. Furniture and décor, the Victorian style still so present, was set like the previous residents had just left and would return any minute. I decided that the room I was peering in to be the living room due to the fact when I looked across to the far edge, I found the wall mentioned on the playground. It was filled top to bottom with what appeared to be every picture in the house, the wall behind barely visible due to the number of picture frames. From where I was standing, I could not make out what was in any of the pictures.
It was at this time I was discovered upon by Mr. Thompson. No doubt he took me for some trouble making youth looking for a place to plant graffiti. Yet when I answered his initial question to what I was doing there, he began to soften realizing I was merely a curious wanderer exploring what appeared to be the forbidden. This begun my friendship with the old gentleman who I could tell was not a criminal or madman seeking to lock people in his cellar. He let me go and promised not to tell anyone I was trespassing on private property, if I promised him to continue to visit and talk to him as he worked. We struck a deal and I made it a purpose to continue my visiting’s to the old house after school to talk with Mr. Thompson.
I never saw anyone else spend much time around the place other than him and asked him if he lived in or in fact owned the old Victorian house, which I never saw him enter or come out of. He told me no and laughed dryly. His family he said had always taken care of the old place as long as he could remember. He told me stories of people trying to enter seeking something they could not find and of seeing strange things within the house though, things he would not or could not describe to me. He told me on one night of the year weird things would happen within the old building, things not natural was how he put it. I tried to pry out of him what exactly he meant. “I have to show you,” he said, “It cannot be described.” He told me in exactly one week he would find me and show me exactly what possessed the old house.
Exactly one week to the day was November 1st. I was shocked that a day where the unexplained could happen would be a day after Halloween. Nevertheless, Mr. Thompson found my house, how I am still unsure and awoke me with a soft knock on my window.
“Hurry! We’ll be late!” he said in a hushed tone.
“For what?” was my reply.
“The answer to your question,” was all he answered as I dressed quickly.
We walked along the dark streets of the town from one light post to the next, which dimly illuminated the street. We came to Thompson Road and turned down it. It was dark, no street lamps traveled down the lonely lane. As we approached the old house it cast a dark shadow upon us in the low moonlight. Mr. Thompson easily glided past the rusted iron gate and up the rickety steps like a wraith. I followed him as fast as my short legs could follow him in the darkness.
From his coat pocket he removed a small ring with two rusted keys. One of these he inserted into the door lock, I could hear the old tumblers moving and click as he twisted the lock open. As I followed him into the entryway, I was met by a strong musty smell due to many years of no ventilation. We walked further into the house, I was surprised that Mr. Thompson hadn’t brought a flashlight with us though he moved through the hallways and rooms as if he knew his way from pure memory. I took keen notice as we walked that there remained no pictures or even fade marks of pictures once hanging on any of the walls.
We walked down a long hallway, the floorboards creaking beneath us. As we came closer to the door at the end, I perceived that a soft glow was emanating from around the doorframe. Mr. Thompson stopped at this point and spoke his first words to me since we entered the house. “What we are about to see might cause you to startle, the important thing is that you just observe and disturb nothing.”
I took his warning to heart and made a promise that no matter what I saw I would be as quiet as a church mouse. He reached out his hand and quietly opened the door. What lay behind I would never have imagined. It was the living room, or a parlor as it would have been referred to over a century ago. The one I no doubt had seen from my peering through the windowpanes. Within to my surprise however were people. I saw what appeared to be a party of twenty people or more dressed as if in a masquerade party straight out of Victorian England. I almost opened my mouth to speak had it not been for Mr. Thompson’s calloused hand stifling my mouth from uttering a peep. I stared at the scene in front of me and noticed that the people here didn’t seem right for some reason they all had a blank look in their eyes like they were sleep walking or drugged. They walked about not making a noise, several couples were dancing a silent waltz with no expression on their faces. In everything they did they took no notice of us. My attention was immediately caught by the wall of pictures on the opposite side of the room. I made my way quietly over to it being careful to not disturb anything in my path.
As I approached the wall, I anticipated seeing pictures of everyone who had either lived in the house and possibly relations to the past residents. What I did not expect to see in fact was empty pictures. Most of the pictures were of either empty rooms or nature. I scanned the wall more closely and to my horror found pictures with people in them, what I was not expecting to see was the people in these pictures to turn and look at me.
It took all my control to not cry out or faint at what I saw. I rubbed my eyes thinking they still had sleep in them, when I reopened them the people in the pictures were still moving and looking at me. They were not dressed in Victorian garb. Many wore the dress of more recent decades. The looks in their faces were as they were haunted with fear; it was as if they were trapped in the picture frames, the frames their prison cells.
I didn’t notice Mr. Thompson walk up behind me. I saw him begin to stare at a particular picture. There was a young lady in it, when she saw him, she began to peer at him intently pressing her hands against the glass as if trying to get out, looking at him longingly. It was in this brief moment that he forgot his own rule and touched the picture frame pressing his hand against her tiny one. The moment he did so everyone in the parlor stopped in his or her tracks looking at him, looking at us it felt. I had never felt my blood go cold as it did that night or ever since. How long they stared at us I do not know, only that eventually they began to slowly walk their way toward us.
“Run,” was all he could whisper to me as we tried to escape. We ran to the other end of the room yet the people in the room managed to pass through the furniture like ghosts to get to us. They left me alone, as I had made no disturbance yet they grabbed Mr. Thompson and dragged him to the wall. With his loose hand he dug in his pocket and threw me his rusty keys. “Look in the shed.” Was all he could get out as the now ghost like beings dragged him toward his end. The first ones to reach the wall turned almost into a vapor and dissipated before reforming into a frame unmoving, looking as if they belonged. I turned and ran down the hallway as I began to see Mr. Thompson to dissipate at the hands of his captors. What remained of his scream I heard as I fled the house running for what I believed to be my life.
The following day I awoke in my bed, the memory of the night before feeling like a nightmare. But was it true? I had to know. I ate a quick breakfast and walked down Thompson Road towards the house. When I reached it, it was quiet. The wind stirred blowing leaves all over the lawn, but Mr. Thompson was nowhere in sight. I stuck my hands in my pockets discovering the rusty key from my memory. Realizing I had not dreamed it entirely I made my way to the shed As I vaguely remembered his final words telling me to look before I fled. Inside the shed were tools and garden supplies typical of a gardener’s shed. On top of one of the barrels was a small leather book. Engraved on the cover was J.T., No doubt his initials. This was no doubt what he asked me to find.
I dared not enter the house again and instead grabbed a prybar and small flashlight from the shed. Ripping off the boards from the parlor window I managed to open the window a bit and stuck my flashlight in and look around. Everything looked the same, as if nothing had happened the night before with the exception of when my flashlight hit the wall of pictures, I saw Mr. Thompson looking back at me hauntingly. I ran back home and threw the book and keys in my dresser. To this day I still haven’t looked at them. I’m not sure I do.
submitted by Klarkash-Ton to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:32 NICEMENTALHEALTHPAL Looking for a good cruiser ebike...

I have a ridstar pro q20, and I love it. Goes fast, looks cool, range is great.
My only complaint is the acceleration is a bit slow and uphill performance leaves you wanting (so I want more torque).
Now I don't know if this could be easily fixed with some sort of mod like adding a motor to the front or something, and I wonder if the Ridstar pro q20 with 2 motors would work, do I need a 52v bike, a dual motor bike, 60v?
it's hard to really tell since there aren't really videos comparing the ridstar to other bikes in races, and not many people have anything besides super 73s when I go out. The only 2 60v bikes I see for sale are the motor goat and graffiti lyric x which both are backordered and have some fulfillment issues going on. but I do know I've seen talarias and 60v bikes in town go fast fast fast with acceleration.
I would imagine with more power, everything needs to be a bit better - frame, suspension, etc, so just modding my bike might not be the best thing to do? I don't know.
Thanks. Would a yolin dual 52v battery bike work? You can get those on aliexpress, I messaged victor to see if 60v was possible.
Why not just get a talaria or surron? Well, I love the cruiser style (so comfortable, looks cool, I enjoy pedaling but it doesn't need to be like, primarily pedaled, just leisurely pedaling with zero assistance and electric boost instead of throttling feels great to me), and I don't need speed. 33mph is great. I just want acceleration/uphill performance.
submitted by NICEMENTALHEALTHPAL to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Ubud_bamboo_ninja New hypothesis for Fermi paradox explanation. Reason why other star system's conscious life forms might never reach an essential level of technical development could be philosophical. That's why "aliens don't come".

New hypothesis for Fermi paradox explanation. Reason why other star system's conscious life forms might never reach an essential level of technical development could be philosophical. That's why
I do this research of humanity's philosophy earliest sources and read through Plato's works again and again. It's amazing and I want to share some "shower thoughts" about Plato. Couldn't imagine I would say like that ever. But it will be a small input into Fermi paradox discussion. First I'll tell you a short story from the ancient times and at the end I'll give you new interesting reason why some Intelligent Life forms all over the world might be extremely introvert and solipsistic and not technically developed. Why there might be Intelligent civilizations but they never reach essential technical and philosophical progress. Here goes:
Socrates: \"George Lucas\" of 2300 years ago.
Have you heard about Theuth? The ancient philosopher who sort of “invented” main sciences earlier than 7000 years ago. During the times 100-200 years before Ancient Kingdom of Egypt.
That info comes from Plato's dialogue "Protagoras." In the dialogue, Socrates recounts a tale about Protagoras meeting with a king named Amanthus. During this meeting, Protagoras tells the king a story about a mythical figure named Teuth or Theuth (sometimes spelled as Thoth or Thouth), who was a deity associated with writing, wisdom, and knowledge in ancient Egyptian mythology.
According to the story, Theuth presented the king with various inventions, including mathematics, astronomy, and the alphabet. Theuth claimed that his inventions would improve the wisdom and memory of the people who used them. However, Socrates raises questions about the true nature of these inventions and whether they would truly benefit humanity as Theuth claimed, leading to a discussion about the nature of knowledge and its effects on society.
When reading original "Protagoras" you can find interesting dialogue of the King Amanthus and Theuth. King Amanthus gives a very interesting thought: “When Theuth presents him a technique of writing, to preserve knowledge, Amanthus asks him a question: Do you think you invented a good thing to preserve knowledge and make future generations wiser? You are wrong. By writing down the real knowledge we all keep inside our minds now, by taking it out of your head and your real experience, you will give birth to “wise men” that got their knowledge from written texts, they really know nothing about real life, their knowledge will become useless, and they will lose the true connection with gods. So you think you bring goodness by that, but you only make people loose real believes and knowledge.”
Now a new thought why some civilizations from other star systems might never reach our level of development:
Becoming complex and developed, people are still focused on real knowledge of "here and now", "See it with your own eyes" living only "now" moment and having only a personal "bag" of knowledge in their heads. Almost for 10k of years ancient humans lived developed society style, but without using any good written symbol language. Complex rituals and social activity was ruled buy structure that still passed from parents to children directly "in motion" without distortion on the way.
By becoming "wise" by writing books and computer codes we opened a "demon box" of eternal knowledge and opportunities but we are doomed to have a lot of "fake" "false" "disguised" knowledge, events and information around us that we can never be sure for 100% to be real. Though partially this info brings you benefits if you work it out enough and you are lucky enough.
Maybe a lot of "wiser" that us aliens on other planets already understood that "extra knowledge" brings this stress of creating a goal to become God. (know all) Maybe they chose to live happily without inventing printed word and alphabets. So they have no signals to send to us. Like humanity did for thousands of years before some crazy mushroomed guys started to draw symbols on those stones and caves.
Maybe our written and spoken language is a type of interdenominational parasite that occupies the mind of "good feeling fella" and makes him create all this stupid dramatic life stories to feed with its energy or something like that.
And in this world there are. lot of conscious life forms but they all are born in balance with nature, and only guys like us with story creating parasites in our heads start to develop technically for maybe a single reason: to blow up the world. And this infected types of developed civilizations are much less represented in the world. That's why Fermi paradox.
If you want to check more of same framework thought experiments about story telling nature of our reality and interdenominational alien intrusion in our every day life through story creating machine, try my other posts on Reddit or a book about basics of quantum dramaturgy.
PS: for all down voters, please remember the slogan of this sub: "We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism." and don't minus out the post that you just don't agree with, that might be interesting to people who are ready to hear out unusual hypothesis. If you don't agree, better leave a comment why!
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:48 cozefdm You guys do not pay attention

I think the biggest problem with beginners in this sub is that they don’t study actual graffiti… I think a lot of people really like the idea and they seen graff on tv or something and thought hmmm maybe I can do that… but if you studied the graffiti in your city you would be able to see a style, a pattern, similarities, differences. it does not resemble what is posted in this sub for the most part.
You guys need to be LOOKING, OBSERVING, paying attention to the similarities and the differences you see in graff.
The similarities are structural and tend to be that way for a reason (IT LOOKS GOOD) The differences is the style ! ( MAKE IT UNIQUE) Study both, ask yourself why does that look good? Why does that look bad? Find favorite pieces or throwies and tags and then look for them, it’s part of the graff game that we play.
If you can’t get to spots in your city go on instagram and search #”yourcitygraffiti”
Stop with all the extra do dads and unnecessary lines and weird bar shapes!!! Where did u learn that? and why do you keep doing it?!! Real graff writers hate it!
And all the toys gassing up other toys is terrible stop it
submitted by cozefdm to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 AnthonyMetivier How to Study

The most effective study methods for academic success boil down to:
Time management
There are countless time management techniques, but one beautiful thing about going to school is that a lot of your time is managed for you.
The week and when you need to be in class is arranged.
Professors tell you when assignments are due, etc.
Heck, when I was in university they even gave us calendars for use to write in our due dates.
So the number one thing is to combine what you know with the tools everyone has: the calendar.
In many cases, you can also get advanced notices from professors by simply talking to them before the semester even begins.
You would also do well to explore techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix, time blocking and the Pareto Principle.
Above all, make time management something you study unto itself.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach. But those who study it as the discipline it is will win.
Study Environment Optimization
Studying effectively cannot be random or subject to interruptions.
If you have to study on transit, invest in custom ear plugs of the kind musicians use, not noise-cancelling headphones that will put you at risk in the case of an emergency. Custom ear plugs have filters that let you still hear without being bothered by shrill noises and you can switch between light and heavy filters.
Having multiple study locations worked out in advance is a great strategy because you can walk between them and percolate your thoughts – literally remembering more by simply getting in a bit of exercise. I used to call this "Road Work" when I was in university.
When at home, put a "Do not disturb" sign on your door. Make it clear to others that you are studying and train them to respect the hours you want to put it. Do not compromise. It's your future.
Note-Taking Strategies
There are many different kinds of note-taking methods. My fave is to use Zettelkasten in combination with Memory Palaces.
These two videos detail how the Zettelkasten Method operates in combination with the Memory Palace technique:
Memory techniques
Like time management, the topic of memory improvement is huge. Make sure to spend a good three months learning all of its ins-and-outs.
The key techniques you'll want to master are:
The Memory Palace A Alphabet System (or pegword system) A Number System (usually based on the Major System) A Symbol System A Spaced Repetition system
These accelerated learning techniques may feel like you're building an airport in the beginning, but think about it:
You do need airports to launch and land planes as effectively and efficiently as possible. It's the same with memory techniques.
You can also do yourself a favor and learn more about memory science. It will teach you about how the mind and memory work and give you ideas that will only arise if you know a little bit about what researchers have found.
Stress Management For Students
Don't make my mistake. I drank like a fish and ate poorly throughout university. This meant that a lot of the experience was lost to depression.
Sure, memory techniques helped… but I can't help but imagine how much more successful I would have been during and after if I'd had better ways of coping with the stress.
Diet, fitness, mindfulness practices, time off with friends for positive and healthy recreation. This is not complicated, though when you're young, impulsivity can certainly make it seem that way.
Exam Preparation Strategies
This basically comes back to properly using your calendar and memory techniques.
For the benefits of what is sometimes called state-dependent or context-dependent memory, it can be useful to study where you will take your exams. It's advisable to use Memory Palaces based on these exam rooms whenever possible.
(Those terms are the kinds of insider memory hacks you'll enjoy only when you understand your memory science, and there are many more that can help you with your exam prep.)
Take mock tests as much as you can. Reflect on what you're learning often. Talk about it with other students.
Don't cram and avoid wasting time on the fantasy that there are any "subject-specific study tips." Maybe if you're in nursing school and need to have patient bodies in specific position, but generally tests are about words, numbers and symbols. Learn how to commit them to memory and talk as much as you can about the information so it is well-exercised before you sit for your exams.
Form Effective Study Groups
There are many benefits to group study if you can select solid group members. This can be tricky, but one way to do it involves a slightly involved strategy:
Try to be part of a club or association. I was president of the English Undergraduate Student Association at York University in Toronto, for example. This drew precisely the right people because anyone who wanted to be part of the association already loved English Literature by default.
After you find the right members, it's just a matter of scheduling regular meetings based on decent agendas and following reasonable time limits so you don't burn out.
One thing my fave study group in university did a lot was to share reading. In other words, we'd each tackle an article or book and then present on it.
Ultimately, you still have to do the reading yourself, but it forms a nice mental framework that makes reading faster and easier when someone you can speak with has summarized the core ideas. These days, you can search YouTube and podcasts for this kind of summarization much of the time, but it's still not the same as being in a study group with other people.
You also get experience with peer teaching and tutoring this way, which is hugely beneficial for your memory. Even if you never intend to teach yourself, the simple effort that goes into preparing and delivering short presentations will benefit you in the short-term for your exams and long-term in your career. Collaborative learning also gives you something powerful to put on your resume, especially if your study group is linked with a formal university institution or group.
Work On Your Reading And Comprehension Skills
The main shortcut here is to simply read a lot, boost your vocabulary as you go by memorizing terms and write summaries as much as you can.
Doesn't sound like a shortcut, I know. But it really is. It helps develop pattern recognition and that's how you ultimately wind up quickly assessing the key points and inferring many things correctly.
Be humble, though. Mistakes will always happen, so be willing to go back and read things again.
Another key aspect of reading is to challenge yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone and read above your level at least a few times a week.
Don't worry about whether you understand what you're reading or not. Soon, moments of insight will arise.
Even if it doesn't happen soon, rest assured that will. There are aspects of philosophy that didn't come clear to me until after 30 years of reading. I'm not ashamed of this at all. I just haven't read and reflected enough to connect the dots. But if I had read above my level sooner, I probably would have had the insights sooner.
Motivation and Discipline
Technically, motivation is not necessary when you have systems. That's what discipline is all about.
That said, it's useful to know about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. These will be arranged differently in different people as some people respond well to threats of pain whereas others respond better to promises of reward.
Know thyself.
Hire a coach if you have to, as it will be worth it in the end. Many exist and some universities have behavioral science programs, learning disability labs and other institutions where you can learn more directly about these issues.
Finally, you can learn about the difference between tonic and phasic dopamine relative to how the Default Mode Network of your brain is in a kind of battle with the Task Positive Network. This area is kind of heavy on the brain science, but well worth an afternoon or two to figure out the implications in your life.
Just watch out: When optimizing your dopamine levels for motivation, you could wind up enlightened and have your ego make you think you're better than everyone else… which would not be enlightenment. But it'll sure feel that way.
That's why the next category is so important.
Make Time To Learn Critical Thinking
A lot of education involves humans who weigh what they teach and how they teach it based on subjective agendas. It's pretty difficult for anyone not to do that.
When you spend some time developing your critical thinking skills, you'll be able to determine when teachers and writers/video creators, etc. are being too subjective or otherwise slaves to any number of cognitive biases.
Likewise, you'll be able to spot them in yourself and weed many of them out before they can distract you.
The simplest way to use critical thinking while studying is to put Why, Where, When, Who and How up on a Memory Wheel and constantly rotate through it.
As you learn more about different thinkers, you can also start to ask, "What would Freud say about this? What would Skinner say? What would x say?"
To do this, study as many of the sciences and Liberal Arts as you possibly can. If you don't know where to start, go through the Trivium and then the Quadrivium. Knowing how to think through those seven lenses and ask what the major figures in each field would generally say will help you "triangulate" just about any issue and think both objectively and subjectively about it and know which is which.
Self-Assessment And Improvement
Ultimately, the best judge of your progress is you.
To make sure you're giving yourself good materials to judge yourself by, journal, ideally daily.
If you can, keep two journals:
A snapshot journal that simply lists what you did on a particular day.
A discursive journal where you reflect on your thoughts about how things went.
There are many formal products you can buy that will help you journal in particular ways. The Freedom Journal has been one of my faves, but the real tip is to experiment with as many journaling styles as you can in the two main styles I just mentioned.
As you can tell, there's not that much when it comes to embracing a wide number of learning strategies. Apply these tips to the study resources you need to cover on your way to the exam room and you'll do well.
Take Care Around Technology And Studying
There are tons of apps that can help "gamify" these activities, but at the end of the day, gamification is really just a mental metaphor. If it doesn't work for you, find a better metaphor.
Nir Eyal discussion the power of mental metaphors based on some research in Indistractable and more on the matter is found in The Victorious Mind by yours truly. There was even recently a Duke University study showing just how powerful adopting mental metaphors can be for remembering information.
Academic success can indeed be enjoyable, and all the more so when you work out what will make it enjoyable and meaningful for you. Personalize as much of the journey as you can, constantly applying critical thinking to every suggestion you come across and all of your study experiences will become much, much more rewarding.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to MagneticMemoryMethod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:12 Skeewyler Searching for an old, obscure children’s book. Please help!

Hi! I am trying to find the name of a children’s book from my childhood, but I am absolutely striking out—I’ve tried Goodreads, Pinterest, other Reddit threads, and even ChatGPT with zero success.
This has been particularly difficult because of my limited recollection (I was a child) and the lack of additional information I’ve been able to find. All I know about this book is below:
  1. Published before 2004.
  2. Illustrated in a style that, as a kid, reminded me of Lois Ehlert (“Eating the Alphabet,” Chicka Chicka Boom Boom,” etc.) to some degree.
  3. The plot follows a group of land animals and their various foods. (Current me guesses that they were coming together for a feast of some sort.)
  4. One notable line is something like “the antelopes brought cantaloupes.” (That is the only text I can remember.)
Any help you can provide would be hugely helpful! Apart from my own nostalgia, one of my close friends is having a baby soon, and if the book holds up, I would love to find a copy for them. :)
submitted by Skeewyler to childrensbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:47 theshrewsnest Making Baybayin Runes + Filipino Pagan/Witchy Resources
Hey all! Over the years I've got some messages about baybayin runes -- a concept I expressed interest about upon the resurgence of the precolonial text of Baybayin. I won't go into the history of the language and script in this post, but I highly recommend checking out Kristin Kabuay, Taipan Lucero, and Babalik Baybayin for some in-depth posts they've made about Baybayin -- from history to modern day interpretations and appearances in pop culture. And these are just a few artists out of hundreds who are educating on this subject as well as and Philippine history, culture, and language in general. A more comprehensive list on pagan / witchy resources will be at the end.
As a pagan whose spirituality is rooted in decolonization and embracing my ancestral roots, it has been my goal to engage with my heritage intentionally through my practice. Growing up in an immigrant family in the U.S, it was all too easy to be rinsed completely from my lineage as I was not encouraged to embrace my cultures [being half filipino and half mexican -- affectionately, a mexipino :) ]
I threw myself into researching filipino witchcraft, animism, and reconstructionism. I was rather surprised to find I was not alone in my journey, and have since found and been approached by many filipino folks of all kinds of mixed backgrounds seeking to reconnect. Baybayin seemed to be growing in popularity, at least in the states. I found clothing brands, jewelry stores, apothecaries utilizing the script in their own way. I once again nerded out and did more digging on the script, whereupon I found this chart by Rhodora "Bing" Veloso and this post by the Diwahatan Collective detailing about how Bing Veloso created the oracle of the Baybayin runes.
I would love to distribute this information, but have been unable to contact "Bing" Veloso. It's all over pinterest anyhow, but I am in the process of making my own chart of other interpretations inspired from this original text. Until then, I will be using Bing's chart as a starting point.
I don't use a ton of tools in my practice, but it is nice to turn to an instrument every once in a while for divination. I wanted to fill the void and create something made intentionally with the filipino cultures and ancestral connection in mind so that it may feel closer to home for myself, and hopefully, for others.
So I bought a bunch of wooden half-domes, pulled out my pyrography toolkit, and started creating. On the "face" of the domes I etched the baybayin characters. As the Baybayin alphabet is syllabic, I did not include the modified/modernized Baybayin alphabet that includes a pamudpod. [For further reading on how Baybayin works, check this out!] This leaves 18 characters in a set.
It's not perfect, but I got pretty ecstatic about the results. You can follow the process and peep the other colors and patterns I made in an instagram post since I wasn't able to upload it all here. I'd love to take commissions on these and have premade sets available, so if you're interested please check out my Etsy!
I'd love to hear thoughts about how folks would go about practicing with these runes. I don't think there's any one way to engage with a tool, and I believe the power of witchcraft is the power you bring to it, not the other way around. Lately I've been laying them out, face down, and plucking one rune to meditate on and sit with whatever it may evoke or center it around an intention for the day, etc. I also think another fun practice is pulling several runes, discovering what words it may reveal to me as a meditation for that day. This is especially helpful for me to feel connected to a language I feel I was robbed from learning growing up. These are just a few ideas, and maybe I'll create another full post all about using these runes once I've familiarized myself with them.
And of course it's not set in stone! I hope this sparks more curiosity and conversation about the Baybayin characters as a divining instrument and tool of personal intuition. I am in no way claiming to be a Baybayin expert. In fact, some still debate and challenge Baybayin as a shallow way to connect with the culture, but I disagree. Rather, I hope to add to the rejuvenation of such a beautiful culture and history, and I hope this inspires others to engage with this beautiful script in a way that feels completely authentic to themselves and their craft.
Finally, here is an ongoing list of some helpful resources I've discovered over the years for filipino-centered mythologies, rituals, folklore, philosophy, indigenous wisdom, and more witchy things. I hope this helps!
An Ongoing Resource List for Pagans/Heathens/Witches in the Pin@y Diaspora
Books I Have Access to In Print: [reach out for photoscans!]
Centennial Crossings: Readings on Babaylan Feminism in the Philippines edited by Fe Mangahas, Jenny Romero- Llaguno
Aswang (monsters) and Supernaturalisms: Nocturnal Deities by Alta Grace Q. De Gracia
Outline of Philippine Mythology by F. Landa Jocano
Witchcraft, Filipino-style. Author: Nid Anima.
Way of the Ancient Healer: Sacred Teachings from the Philippine Ancestral Traditions by Virgil Mayor Apostol (Author)
Books (available online for FREE)
Babaylan Sing Back: Philippine Shamans and Voice, Gender, and Place Volume:
Author(s): Grace Nono
Online Resources:
The Aswang Project
Philippine Spirits
Maharlikan Chronicles
Center for Babaylan Studies - Definitely any of Leny Strobel’s texts are amazing!
Jana Lynne Umipig - Creator of the Kapwa Tarot which I love!
The Gods Must Be Crazy
submitted by theshrewsnest to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 ButterscotchThin6544 Karen vs teenagers at the playground

Story time: So this was about 2 weeks ago at a playground near my house. My daughter who is only 2 years old wanted to go a playground with a swing. The place I took her too was a relatively new playground with all those “corporate” styled bright colored playground equipment. In other words it was nice. No graffiti and no trash along with plenty of accessibility. We had gone on a school day so it was relatively empty except for one woman with her 3/4 year old son. Between my daughter and her son, the park was theirs. Unfortunately it wasn’t for long. 5 teenagers came to the park, and there were rules stated for ages 1 to 12 . These kids were probably high schoolers, at least 14/15 years old. Probably taking advantage of the half day and decided to hangout in the park. Of course they are loud and the occasional swear is yelled but it really didn’t bother me. In fact the teens were very friendly. My daughter was definitely intrigued in the big kids and wanted to run like them. They kept to themselves and were probably trying to relive their childhood by playing tag and stuff. Kinda reminded me of youth. Like I said, it didn’t bother me. Now the other attendee, the mother with the son, our Karen of the story, was not happy with teens. She kept making comments, was passive aggressive, and was even trying to get me against them. Eventually the teens left. But as they were leaving, a cop car was pulling into the park. I see Karen running at the cops yelling at them to chase them down. She kept yelling that they were vandalizing the park and yelling obscenities. The cop looked really annoyed, he really did not want to deal with this but I saw him write something up. It didn’t look like he chased after the teens but I was just really frustrated with what happened. The teens were doing nothing, they were literally just playing in playground. Granted they were older but it just seemed unnecessary for the Karen to call cops on them. Compared to the alternative, these kids weren’t doing drugs or drinking alcohol, they were just being kids, and the Karen wasn’t a fan of it.
submitted by ButterscotchThin6544 to karen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:02 stewblock2023 I am making and planning a what-if the yellow background/orange background’s characters were replaced by new characters?

This is my idea of what if instead of the same characters from the B&W Part, they replaced it with new characters, to symbol how Dangerous the world is, and it will use the designs of the same heads used in my previous post, here are the characters who would replace them: • The Small Green Thing. • Musti. • Miffy. • Gadget Heckwanch. • Freddie (Bitty Big Heads version only). • Handy. • Vinni Pukh. • Po Ping. • Roary the Racing Car. • Gumball Watterson. • Squidward. • Clancy. • Belle Butterfly. • The LemonLand Mascot. • Pike from Pike's Lagoon. • The screaming evil paper thing aka the Virus from Pencilmation. • 3 from Number Lore (Derpy Eyes). • Bernie from Zig & Sharko (The Face when he gets his hand bitten by the plant in The Gardener). • the Yellow Shirt Kid from Boundaries by Hopscotch. • The Frog from If You’re Happy & You Know It by Muffin Songs. • Uncle Grandpa. • DogDay. • Blue (MAD version only). • Garfield. Colin the Computer. Ronald McDonald (McDonaldland Fun-Doh version only). Pink from Rainbow Friends (Rusrock version only because I like her design in Rainbow Nightmares). Peter Griffin. A Rabbid. The little girl from Hello by Muffin Songs. Nostalgia Critic. Kim Jong-un (NOTE: I still hate him, but I only like his Presidents counterpart). Ambrose Burnside. Bill Cipher. An inanimate clock. Iscream. Joseph Stalin (NOTE: I still hate him). John Cena. Chicken from Cow & Chicken. Ricky Bowers. Mammott. Baroness von Bon Bon. Mr. Blobby. Snoopy. A cat from PJ Pugapillar’s sad Origin Story by Gametoons. A Tyrannosaurus-Rex. Shrek. Troll Face. Lil’ Sam Lil’ Cat Lil’ Dice The Vandal from Matanim’s Cabinet Man Animation. A Blockster. Kevin Felix. Braden Broome. Bigmouth. Taylet Toad. A Creeper. The Block Of Eternal Screaming. Marge from Fright Night. Violin Girl from Courage The Cowardly Dog. (Scary Face) Upset Tune. RB. Mario. Wario. Goofy. Bambi.
And in the orange background part for the Hitler Andreas Hykade Mickey Mouse Hybrid Screaming will be Matthew Littermore’s Angry Screaming Face from Cartoonmania: The Movie, Handy’s Screaming Face from Don’t Yank My Chain, Evil Leafy with Scribble Mouth open, The Piano from DHMIS Fathers Day by Animeshun Man in his “Deafening Scream Form”, all fused in one as the screams from original Love & Theft gets replaced by Handy’s Scream, The Howie Scream, The Love & Theft Bitgewitter Preformance Scream and Tension in 1:47, Evil Leafy’s Roar, and the T-Rex’s Death Scream from N00bs Man Retreat mixed together and in distorted and glitchy effects, and the building up what appears to be a angry buff Gromit looking drug being, and then goes to transitioning characters who have appeared in this section such as: The Fish from DCTF. The Zookeeper from Zoonomaly. Tom Pelican/Pouli. Gregory Heffley. Freddy Fazbear. Flumpty Bumpty. Jane from The FNAF Movie. Pinocchio. Cheesehead Cheddarboy/Spugna. Gary The Snail. And in the Tongue Frenching part, the characters appear in this section as couples/2 characters from shows as: P & G from Alphabet Lore. X & Y from Alphabet Lore. Goku & Naruto. Sonic & Tails. Chuchel & Kekel. The Little Boy & The Bully from Happy Game. Orion & The Dark. Poochee & Pansy. Godzilla & Ghidorah. Frisk & Chara. And then at the pulling mutated thing with veins part. The characters appear as Riley & Maya from Girl Meets World (Stop-Motion & Cartoon style from World of Terror.) and the mutated thing with veins is replaced of what appears to be some blob-like part with textures of frames of Videos from Gen Z Traumas, and at the mutated characters part. It will have parts of real life animals, inanimate objects, B-Day’s Drawings such as the clock from the Mallrooms 2.5 footage, the bootleg hybrids from the Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers movie, the character mashups from Sporcle, the original and same characters from the original Love & Theft fused with the replacements and along with the Gen Z trauma characters mixed with them & etc, And at the zooming in part, it will show the same characters but will be extended after the blue triangle zooms in, and reveals most of the replacements with the DHMIS 1 Let’s Get Creative Tension as the blue texture turns to a reddish hue. And then flashing lights then zooms to black background.
submitted by stewblock2023 to u/stewblock2023 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:46 tonyyummy4 Dr. Sebi Encyclopedia of Herbs by Onawa Cheyenne Free Audiobook and Review

The "Dr. Sebi Encyclopedia of Herbs" is a comprehensive guide to the healing properties of various herbs and plants. It covers a wide range of herbs, detailing their medicinal uses, nutritional benefits, and how they can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. The book is organized alphabetically, making it easy to look up specific herbs and find relevant information.
Reviews of the "Dr. Sebi Encyclopedia of Herbs" praise its thoroughness and accessibility. Readers appreciate the wealth of information provided, as well as the clear and concise writing style. Many find the book to be a valuable resource for learning about natural remedies and improving overall well-being.
Overall, the "Dr. Sebi Encyclopedia of Herbs" is highly regarded among those interested in herbal medicine and holistic health practices. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced herbalist, this book offers valuable insights and practical advice for harnessing the power of herbs for healing and wellness.
Listen for free at link in sidebar
submitted by tonyyummy4 to Audiobookzzz [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:45 M_with_Z 35 RuneScape 3 Videos to Watch From the Month of May

35 RS3 Videos to Watch from the Month of May

Hello folks, I think some of the reddit folks remember my post from a few months ago which was a list of all the currently active RS3 YouTube Content Creators (which has already changed since some people have become active again), if you haven't here is the link. I had previously posted a similar spotlight post of some of the best RS3 videos for the Month of March and April an wanted to keep it to a monthly theme and have created this May centered post.
These are my opinions but I will provide the title of the video, the name of the creator, a summary of the video and the link of said video.
These videos will be listed based on the alphabetical order of the titles and is not a ranking guide since some of these videos are basically raw and unpolished. Please note a majority of these creators do not make RS3 Content as a profession and they post these videos as a passion project for the game we all enjoy and play, RuneScape 3. If you enjoy any of these videos, please like, comment and subscribe to whichever Creators you enjoyed.

59s Raksha

If you haven't heard of Pup, you've been living under a rock for the last few years in RuneScape. Known as one of the best PvM'ers, a notorious Clue Chaser, recently Animation Expert and a multitude of other titles that he has probably had over the years he's played the game, has done something that has long been attempted but not achieved. He has reached sub one minute for the Raksha boss solo. The reason why this is so impressive is that most people consider this as the hardest boss to solo in RuneScape 3 to date and that sub one minute would take another few years with the additional power creep that naturally happens. I recommend watching the video to see all the perfect dodges, ability usages and timing of rotations to see this impressive feet be completed.
Video Link

2:54 #1 Warp Trio (we finally beat the 306)

Dat James
Spoilers ahead, with the new information of what is planning to be released based off the End of Year Roadmap, we have big changes coming for Daemonheim. Now we know that the surface world is going to be graphically reworked, but the question is, will the Dungeons also be affected? Well, that's going to be an interesting question, that Dat James and his team will have to figure out again now that they just broke the Warp Floor Trios by beating it in sub 3 minutes for the first time ever.
Video Link

Best AFK Training Methods for Every Skill in RuneScape 3

I have included another AFK guide that focused more on the extremely lengthy grinds in this list but this guide by Silenced covers all the skills. If you’re a much more casual player, a lot of these methods that Silenced goes in detail about are highly achievable. He might've missed a few, so if you have any others that the comments haven't picked up you might want to post it in the comments of his video for a future updated video, he makes of this.
Video Link

Dragonstone Jewellery Crafting is AFK & Huge Profit! One of the Must Buy Items from Bonus XP Live?

Out of all the new RuneScape 3 Content Creators, the man who knows the best about all the hidden money makers is a man known as Meep272. He has a multitude of different series types that focus on making money, they range from money making as a new account (Road to Ult Alt), to RS Wiki Money Makers Monthly Review, to Marketwatch (where he follows the trends of items) and a few more. This particular video I have highlighted for the month is his bread-and-butter style video format where he goes into detail about one of the Crafting Skills most popular money-making method in RuneScape 3. If you’re a new or returning player, his videos are an excellent guide on how to make money with modern day skilling activities.
Video Link

Evening Fishing #runescape #fishing #animation

I_O_rs has been exploring Blender like a few other RuneScape 3 Content Creators. Check out this short showcasing his animation skills where the man is Fishing at a quaint location with the Tavia Fishing Rod. If you are looking for a better version of this video, I recommend checking out one of the top posts of this month on the subreddit or going to his TwitteX page.
Video Link

Fashionscape: Fremennik Outfits - Runescape (Female Outfits)

Wings of Absurdity
With the new graphical rework of Raellka that looks breathtaking may I say, Wings of Absurdity has showcased a set of Fremennik Themed Outfits in her FashionScape Showcase. There's a lot of unique elements she utilizes that many people have forgotten but the highlights are her drinking scenes, pet interactions (I love the bear and the first big cat) and just the aesthetic style of clothing the Fremennik wear. Jagex, if your reading this please update the NPC models to wear clothes like these especially the Freminnik Warrior Outfits she created!
Video Link

Great Gielinor Run Runescore Achievement done in Under 5 Minutes !

Trye RS
Trye RS, posts a variety of guides and money makers but this new one is a game changer especially if you're aiming for the Completionist Cape. In this video, he showcases a new speed running method that makes it possible to do exactly what he explains in the title. Normally a very stressful achievement but this new tech that he cooks up is an amazing shortcut that really makes the achievement a lot more reasonable. Make sure you do this quickly before the method gets patched!
Video Link

How I FARM CORES at Arch Glacor: RS3 200ks Guide

Arch Glacor is the most farmed Boss in RuneScape 3 for various reasons. Now most people are usually using the boss to get the insane Summoning Charm drops with the occasional rares but if you want actual Money while fighting the boss, Mr Carguy RS teaches the ways to Farm Cores at this boss. In this guide, he showcases recommended gear, numerical stats with optimum gear but the most important portion of the video is the exact positioning of where to place yourself in the various different enrage mechanics of the boss. Like normal the man knocked it out of the park with this great high end pvm guide.
Video Link

I Got An Early Sneak Peak Of RuneScape’s Most IMPACTFUL Update

Many of the folks who have probably watched YouTube RuneScape content have probably seen a video or two of Chevalric's content. In the current era of the game, he has transitioned from his completionist content to providing feedback videos about the latest content being released. Contrasting to his normal videos is this video about the upcoming update for next week which he has been advocating for over the past year. I'm not going to leak what the video is about, but I think it is a very valuable topic and I am happy that Chevalric has had such a positive impact that has resulted in massive improvements for the RuneScape community.
Video Link

I killed Dagannoth Kings for 10 Hours without Banking!!

A veteran creator who focuses on mostly bossing content or unique challenges, JC RS showcases his grinding capabilities at the Dagannoth Kings in this video. Considered as one of the easier tier bosses, this trio requires understanding of prayer switching affectively. In this long 10-hour grind, where he showcases his boss drops every step, we find out the bosses aren't the tough part of the challenge it's something else completely.
Video Link

Import RS3 Models into Blender

One of the coolest videos of the month is by PupRS and it’s been a hidden secret for most of the normal content creators for a long time. However, if you've seen any OSRS content, you've seen this type of content for a long time which is Custom AvataLocation placement that they use in their Thumbnails. In this excellent tutorial video, he showcases the viewers on how to import your avatar into a 3d modeling program along with a location you have in mind. Using that information, he then showcases the initial process on how to play with some of the cool features to get some awesome looking imagery/poses.
Video Link

In the Beginning Semi-Extreme Onechunk Ironman RS3 #1

Captain Smosh
We have a new Chunkman in RS3 and he goes by the name of Captain Smosh. Starting from the iconic Lumbridge Chunk that Limpwurt starts in OSRS, his first video showcases some of the insane new grinds that are needed to be completed to leave this Chunk in RuneScape 3.
Video Link

Jagex Deleted England: Rellekka’s Graphical Update, Hitlist Patches, Persuading the 2024 Roadmap

RuneScape has gone through many iterations but one of the oldest communities that has existed for almost 20 years is this community known as RuneScape Bits & Bytes. They go by RSBandB on YouTube and have a variety of different social media profiles. Currently their most well recognized piece of content is their Podcast/Video which reviews the weekly updates which they have been doing for almost 1,000 episodes at this point. I highly recommend watching or listening to this podcast where they go detail by detail over every single thing that happens in RuneScape with a variety of guests. This selected video is pre-roadmap reveal where the hosts review the massive Rellakka’s rework, Calendar updates and a multitude of other items that were surprise releases.
Video Link



Let’s Talk About Necromancy’s Visual Design Part 2 – Ft. Bucket Cultist

In the second video of his study of the Necromancy Visual Design, A C P L with Bucket List (an Art themed content creator), go through a variety of different ideas that they think Jagex can utilize for the next level of development for Necromancy but before doing this they restudy the visual aspects of Necromancy and what themes they currently represent with a recap of what they learned from the first episode. If you are a fan of new weapon / new conjours / new themes for necromancy, this is a fun video to watch where both of the creators are dissecting what currently exists in game and how it can look in the future.
Video Link

Marthh’s Road to 5.8B XP Episode #9 – Necromancy completed, time for 200M’s!

A majority of the end game player base is chasing for the 5.8 billion experience number, but most people don't make video content about it. In this video we follow Runescapers aka Marthh who showcases his massive grinds for the last several months. This very slice of life like video is a nice casual watch with solid edits, numerical stats for progression and some other fun stuff. I recommend his series and this video in particular to be a great casual watch while you’re at work and occasionally pop back in to see some of the highlights.
Video Link

On the Menu: Cooking my way through Geilinor (Part 1)

An awesome video by Menuguide which is completely different from the normal RuneScape 3 content you find. She normally streams her RuneScape 3 shenanigans and accomplishments on Twitch but in this video, we see her cooking up quite a few of the iconic food items in game via the new RuneScape: The Official Cookbook. This is part 1 in her food exploration, but she showcases her humor and fun personality, and I couldn’t wait to watch the next one. Check out the full video and what items she's cooking up and don't miss a step otherwise you might have landed yourself with some Rotten Food.
Video Link

POV: You Are A Goblin Lumbridge

Not known for his meme capabilities, we have all underestimated Mr Iron Araxxor. In this iconic 1 million + viewed TwitteX post (which is uncropped and better in my opinion) of his which he has also posted on his YouTube channel is a must watch of the animation skills the man has. The video speaks for itself so enjoy. Also they should add a best Meme video at the Golden Gnome Awards since I think our man has it probably wrapped up with this Short.
Video Link

Putting Zamorak in his place – RS3 UIM (#28)

There's a few RuneScape 3 Creators who have created UIM Accounts and have posted content about it on YouTube but Nix is the first that has beaten Zamorak. If you are confused on his inventory, please read the rules in his video description where he explains everything in detail before watching the episode if this is your first time watching. Now enjoy the show of a man who has reached the late game of the Ultimate Ironman mode in RuneScape 3.
Video Link

PvPlatform Intro

Player verse Player in RuneScape 3 has slowly become a lost art but there's still a community that wants to rekindle its flame. In this introduction video of the PvP Community, PvPlatform showcases the different safe PvP minigames they host multiple times in a month. If you’re worried about it being a legit community, then you'll notice a few of the iconic Jagex Moderators lurking in their Discord. Even if you decide that PvP isn't your thing, check out this fun montage that their community has posted just recently to show the shenanigans they have every weekend.
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Relearning Runescape – Ironman Series Episode 1

Braygs is one of RuneScape 3’s newest active YouTube Content Creator and has started a new ironman to explore the all the new content RuneScape has released over the last several years since he had achieved most of the big feats on his main account a long time ago. The background music, his great narration and storytelling mixed with increasingly better- and better-quality episodes makes this a series I highly recommend to watch. I’ve only recommended episode 1 but man has he improved already massively by Episode 4 in all aspects of video making.
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A few months old, this video should've been in my January List if I made one but ME BIGGER is someone you want to watch for PvP Content. His skills for PvP are awesome but honestly his edits and music selection carry the video even harder. In a story telling format where he describes the action in his description as if it’s a play, he informs the viewer of the major scenes. A unique watch and something way different than what most people will expect.
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An iconic era of the RuneScape content era was the skit era which might be back. There’re a few new folks doing it of late again, one person does it by including a skit before he heads to a boss while the more classical format is what Stormion is utilizing. In this fun skit video, which I honestly don't want to explain since it’s so short and would the ruin the fun utilizes the iconic phrase of the month 'RuneScape is Back'.
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There are only a few Hardcore Ironman’s present day that elevate what the end game of bossing is and Menoe is one of them. This episode that I have shared is the beginning of the end for his account where his goal is to achieve the max streak for the Arch-Glacor. His first 10 episodes showed all the ridiculous grinds and upgrades that he had to unlock to make this even remotely possible and provides great edits showcasing the functionality of these unlocks. This video showcases the start of his long streaking fight against this powerful foe. Will he win or die? Watch the series to see if he succeeds or not, it’s definitely a thrill seeing him skirt death over and over.
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The Battle of Everlight The Rise & Fall of Morytania Part 2. #rs3 #osrs #runescapelore

In the continuation of the lore behind Morytania, LetsDiscussRS focuses his scope in this episode to the famous City of the Icyene; Everlight. Now in ruins which serve as an Archaeological Dig Site, LetsDiscussRS, details the arrival of the Icyene, their impact on the lands, their backstory of the race, the building of the city and how it came to be and the eventual fall of the city. If you plan to buy the upcoming RuneScape: The Fall of Hallowvale book which is releasing November, I highly recommend checking out this series to understand the depth of how in intricate RuneScape Lore goes.
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The Challenge Account Begins! – RS3 Taskman Episode 1

If you've seen my previous month posts, I generally like to include one Taskman video since I am a fan of watching this particular unique account series. In this video, we join Xamsesh on his introduction to the Taskman mode where the viewer sees how the account is started and how the game is played.
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The Easiest way to Solo the Ambassador (T80 Necromancy, No Zuk Cape)

The RS Guy
If you’re loving Necromancy as a new or returning player, one of the biggest hurdles is beating the Ambassador for the T90 Necromancy Upgrade. Well, The RS Guy has made you a great tutorial video on how to beat this boss with the perfect mid-tier set of gear that is easily accessible for any folks that are struggling with this boss. Video Link

The Mind Of A Speed Killer – 2.4s Hm Helwyr

I Dps
Have you ever thought about breaking PvM records? If so, this video is an in-depth study of all the things that a Speed runner thinks about before trying to achieve a feat. I honestly think this could be the best video of the month since I Dps explains every mechanic, every weapon choice, every ability, and strategy to the tiniest of details. I don't need to say much more besides saying go watch the video and appreciate it because it’s that good.
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The Return of the King – Desert Only Hardcore Ironman (#41)

The most famous of all the Region Locked accounts in RuneScape 3 is a man that goes by the name of Kathaar. For the last several months he has been slumbering in the sands waiting to return to the surface lands. In this video, he has begun anew his 4-year journey to conquer the sands of the Desert. I don't need to describe it more since the video is a fun watch but if you really want to watch his earlier stuff, he’s made a compilation video of his Season 1 and Season 2 journey in the sands. Video Link

These Are ALL FREE! – Unlock Them Now!

Init Yeah
A variety of outfits that numerous people probably don't know about can be unlocked in some fun ways. In this video by Init Yeah, he goes into detail showcasing some of the best cosmetic items you can get in game that you can add to your wardrobe. Along with showcasing them he explains the numerous different methods to receive them since a solid portion of them aren't quest unlocks and are in fact hidden Jmod events, PvM rewards and more.
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Vorkath, the failure – Original Composition

There's a lot of talented people who play RuneScape but anyone who can make music is at the upper echelon of these talented folks. This Music composition created by Gawkie is a must listen. Through his music he tries to combine the emotion of Vorkath as if he is a 'Dark Souls Boss' in his words. Give the soundtrack a listen, you might want to have it on as background music while you play RuneScape yourself.
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What are the MOST AFK activities in Runescape 3?

Dr Funk Md
Dr Funk Md, an ironman who is chasing for the top of the Ironman HiScores has posted this guide showcasing some awesome and super afk (Away From Keyboard) activities for all different types of skills as an Ironman. Most of these are easily achievable and can be great grinds to knock out while you're playing at work on the phone or in the background. He provides constructive information about the positives and negatives of each activity and explains how to set these activities up.
Video Link

We Rolled __ Chunks… Extreme Chunk Locked Ironman #18 part II

Chunk Yony
If you thought Chunkman in OSRS is bad for grinds, I believe it’s worse in RuneScape 3. In this video Chunk Yony is rolling for the first time after a year of grinding. His goal? Avoiding the 120 Herb death chunk. Check out this video if you want to see his luck at rolling chunks where he and his friends are theory crafting all the painful unlocks that he might unlock.
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Older Videos and Special Shoutout Videos

Not part of the monthly list of new videos but I still want to give shoutouts to some of the most iconic and best videos that I have seen over the years that people may have forgotten about in the context of a 20+ year old game. Some might be very new videos or they can be some classics. Enjoy.

Loot from 10,000 Tetra Compass/Ancient Chests – By TigerFang

So, one of my favorite videos of this year is from a Creator named TigerFang. If you're one of the top HiScores player, you might've heard of him, but I personally am a massive fan of his video format content. I would consider this video as one of the best videos released of this year as of yet. Yes, the title is quite crazy and impressive, but the more impressive component of this video is the raw data and statistical analysis he does for the Tetra Compass/Ancient Casket content. I recommend just watching the video since it’s just that good.
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RuneScape Rap Battles of History – Zezima vs. SUOMI

With the return of Mod Lee who also use to go by Regicidal on YouTube making his Patch Notes on the RuneScape YouTube channel again. I want to showcase one of his greatest contributions to RuneScape History with the release of his iconic RuneScape Rap Battles of History. In this iconic battle we see the historic match between Zezima and S U O M I. Hope you guys enjoyed this blast from the past and welcome back Mod Lee!
Video Link
If you think I missed any other videos, feel free to post them down below in the comments.
submitted by M_with_Z to runescape [link] [comments]


Join the Project Nova Community Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by TvPBloodbeard to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:15 Xerrrrxes PROJECT NOVA NOW OPEN 🌌, 75k starting bonus! Looking to populate and hire all positions, LOOKING FOR CRIMS AND GANGS, PD POSISTIONS ARE FILLING FAST!

We are currently looking for more crims and gangs to join the community, we have active and trained PD and they need to put it to use!!! We're offering special bundles for people coming with multiple members. So please come on in and get our empire started.
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by Xerrrrxes to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:13 Xerrrrxes PROJECT NOVA NOW OPEN 🌌, 75k starting bonus! Looking to populate and hire all positions, LOOKING FOR CRIMS AND GANGS, PD POSISTIONS ARE FILLING FAST! Please come and try your hand in the more underhanded aspects of our lovely city!!

We are currently looking for more crims and gangs to join the community, we have active and trained PD and they need to put it to use!!! We're offering special bundles for people coming with multiple members. So please come on in and get your empire started.
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by Xerrrrxes to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:11 therbojones Looking for a better browser

It doesn't necessarily have to be a DN browser, yet I will look into any suggestions. I'm sick of over regulated companies that sell or leak your data, sure, but what really bugs me is the "sponsored content" ads that pop up. I want information, not to be sold something unless I'm trying to buy, which isn't very often (but even then the highest ad payee gets first look as they paid to be at the top of the list). Obviously, the worst is alphabets google, but even duck is the same. I understand companies need to be paid, but the browser style in this age is a hive consumer trap, and information on even the lowest level is some sort of bread and butter to someone. I'm sorry for the rant, but this has bugged me for a while. I just want to search things that are relevant to current situations that, at the very least, are some sort of opinion of an individual, or a well known fact (lol) and not be sold some trash product that is loosely related. Thanks
submitted by therbojones to darknet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:14 HughEhhoule Bait Dog: Part 3

For anyone who wants to see how things began.
“In what universe would I ever do you a favor? “ I say, sweeping the floor of the reinforced barn.
“It’s not a favor, it’s a trade, bud.
What do you want in return? “ Trenchcoat asks from within the coffin-like cage.
“To be back home, 8 months ago. “ I reply.
Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to integrate myself into the day to day life on the farm. Things are still a grim, horrifying slog, but with every day it gets a bit easier to deal with.
“Give me something I can do. “ The creature pleads.
“Why, so I can wind up on the end of another ‘ Gotcha’ moment? I’m good. “ is my answer.
A few minutes of silence go by, Augustus breaks it.
“I don’t know many secrets of the universe. Facts, not really my bag. But I know a couple.
How about I share one with you?
No one, not the pope, not my brother, not the shit-bird perched on the highest branch of my twisted family tree, knows what happens when you die.
Some of us never will, of course. Others have ways of avoiding it, but at the end of the day, when the lights truly go out, we know next to nothing.
We do know one thing though. There is judgement, by who? Who knows? Why? Not important.
But at the end of the day, if your battery can’t be recharged, you really want to be thinking about how many marks are on each side of the ledger. “
I don’t reply, and for the next hour or so I ignore the pleading and hinting Trenchcoat does.
But that night, as I sip acidic tea, and try to get a handle on how in the fuck old televisions function, his offer is at the forefront of my mind.
He wants to kill, specifically 6 teenagers who, according to him, have been murdering classmates yearly in a twisted ritual.
He wants me to think this is some kind of noble act, he frames it as almost superheroic. The evil prick knows how I feel, knows that I see the blood on my hands every day, and would kill ( possibly literally) for some way to atone.
Is it a play? I honestly don’t think so, something about how eager the twisted thing is, about how he’s treating the situation as a buyer’s market makes me think something about this makes it important to him.
He offers me everything besides safety and protection. I’m desperate for help, but I have no way to hold him to any agreement.
So the thought rolls around in my mind, staving off the few hours of sleep I get.
“Okay, so, I have it on good authority that tea is supposed to taste better over here. What the hell is wrong with this? “ I say, sitting around an outside table with Sylvia, Dafydd and Colin.
Sylvia smiles, “ Barium, calcium, and a touch of castor oil. “
I look at the brew, then at her.
“If I had told you when you got here you need to drink that to mitigate the effects of working with void touched objects and creatures, you’d have assumed the worst, and found a way to avoid drinking it.
Good to see you becoming more perceptive though. “ Sylvia explains.
“That’s called paranoia, Syl. “ I reply.
She laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Do you know why I’ve let you figure things out on your own? “ The ancient woman asks.
“Accepted? Yes. Understood, not in the slightest. “ I answer, wondering what sadist invented the scone.
“It’s because I need a leader. Someone who can understand, not a boy who puts his head down and listens to orders.
Someone who can make their own decisions when the time comes.
And I think that time is coming soon. “ Her statement feels like a question.
“If I chose to be here I’d be honored.” I counter.
“That attitude on the other hand… needs work.
Nikolas, today, we talk about what’s really going on.
We play a role in a much larger organization, us, and other families like us, are the ‘boots on the ground’ so to speak.
Our job is not to capture creatures, or horde esoteric goods. We do not foil the schemes of demons, nor blind those who look too deeply into the abyss.
We’re given information about events that could steer the path of humanity into a brick wall. And our job is to make sure they don’t happen. “ Sylvia reveals.
“Something is happening with these fights? “ I ask.
“As I said, perceptive.
Yes, it could be next week, it could be in a decade or two. Right now, we know very little about it, other than when it happens, it would be in our best interests to be of a high standing in the pits. “ She replies.
I absorb the information, and t drug laced tea in equal measure. As I do, I feel something, I feel I’m a part of what’s going on.
This is going to sound dumb as hell, but up until this point I hadn’t been taking things seriously. Don’t get me wrong, death is on the table, and I was trying to avoid that. But I was just treading water, hoping something or someone came by and to get me out of this situation.
But as Syl lays things out, I start to think of my place here, what I can be doing to better my state.
“Here is the part where you avoid telling me why you couldn’t have used anyone around here. “ I prod.
I keep her gaze, Colin and Dafydd shift uncomfortably.
“Augustus, he’s a tricky one. But a very lucky find for us.
I’ve tried 2 others. A boy and a girl, both I practically raised.
Marco, he was a warrior. But the demon got in his head. There was nothing that could be done beyond end his suffering.
Zelma, I won’t talk about.
That thing, it has a way of turning someone’s best traits against them. You, are a blank slate, but you’re family. You’re my best guess as to how we can use him to our advantage.
And this is why I need you, not to listen, but to understand. To see what’s happening, and make your own decisions. If I were to give you my knowledge, if I were to arm you with the best weapons, and the most powerful esoteric objects I know. He’d just have more to turn against you. “ Sylvia’s revelation scares me and puts a massive weight on my shoulders all at the same time.
Confidence and fear are both dangerous emotions. The two of them are almost like drugs in a way.
After eight months of mainlining fear, the tiny line of confidence Sylvia gave me, went straight to my head.
Trenchcoat told me where to find a video file. And after a couple of weeks of running it through every possible test I could, to check for any kind of manipulation, supernatural or otherwise, I watched it.
I was confident that the world would be much better off without the people committing the vicious acts contained in those twenty minutes of footage.
A teenage view of morality, I admit. But what do you want, I’m a teenager.
We watch the abandoned house from across the street. It’s a dingy, urban blight affected suburb, that being said, how no one seems to notice the seven foot freak with me, I have no idea.
The kid inside smoking stolen cigarettes and illegally supplied booze is a husky young guy of about 14. The half dozen kids that show up a couple hours later look closer to my age, last couple of years of high school I’m guessing.
The way they get into the house tells me they’ve done this before. The backpacks they all carry tell me they’re there for a purpose.
“How fucking funny would it be if I just killed you here and took off? “ Trenchcoat says, looming behind me.
I tense.
“It’s a joke. Out of my whole rotten family, Art and I, are close. I’m not going anywhere.
Unfortunately for you. “ Trenchcoat shoves me to the ground as he walks toward the house.
We get in through a basement window, I fit easily, Trenchcoat contorts his body to fit through the thin opening, somehow doing so silently.
I keep hearing Sylvia in my head. Telling me how she needs someone that can make his own decisions.
As I stand in the litter strewn basement, beside a creature with child murder on it’s mind I question the decision that I made.
At first the illumination is dim, nothing more than scraps of moonlight filtered through splintered wood. But with an industrial click, suddenly a half dozen lightbulbs bathe the basement in harsh, yellowish light.
Harsh, but not harsh enough to cause the reaction I see from Trenchcoat.
He squints and tries, unsuccessfully to turn away from the lights. Something about them is causing him discomfort. I get my hopes up for a moment he’s going to burst into flame or turn into dust or something, but no dice.
The sight of the walking nightmare looking pained and confused makes me panic. But before I can think of how I fucked up, I hear a voice.
The room, by the sounds of it, the entire house, has been rigged with speakers. Cleverly recessed in sconces and corners.
“Augi, long time no see. And I see you brought a little Renfield fella with you. “ The voice is modulated, Trenchcoat looks curious for a moment.
“Who, is this? You that clown that’s been fucking with Art?” He guesses.
The voice laughs, “Nope.
Who I am, is a guy who managed to find a few boxes of lightbulbs from ’93.
Then again, with eBay, that could make me just about anyone. “
Trenchcoat turns and looks toward the window we came in. He reaches a hand toward it, stopping a few inches away.
“That’s fucking interesting. “ He says, eyes darting around the room.
“Isn’t it though? “ The voice replies, clearly hearing the creature’s whisper, “ Tonight you get the pay for centuries of the worst shit committed by man or beast. I’ve made sure of that. No one in this house is going anywhere for the next 8 hours.
I’m sure the rest of the houseguests are pretty confused as to what’s going on. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so let me give you the Cliff’s notes.
You kids have been killing a monster a year for half a decade. You were the perfect bait, and I have faith you’ll be able to outwit Augi long enough to make it out of here.
If not, you’ll still have helped kill one of the worst things to walk the face of the earth. “
“What the hell is he talking about? “ I ask, a sinking feeling in my gut.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?
Yeah, these kids are more Scooby gang than Manson family. Don’t blame me for the fact it only took an out of context exorcism video and some promises of making things right with the universe to get you on board with killing them. “ Trenchcoat spits.
I feel afraid, stupid and small. Which is to say, lately, business as usual.
I begin to break lightbulbs, I notice no runes, or anything else that would indicate they have any kind of supernatural origin.
As the basement dims, Trenchcoat starts to breathe easier.
“What’s going on, what stopped you from leaving? “ I ask.
“This little shit is playing The Game. “ Trenchcoat says to himself as much as to me. He looks deep in thought, inspecting the glass from the bulbs.
“What are you talking about? “ I say, my voice cracking slightly.
I hear noises upstairs, frantic foot falls. Indecipherable shouting.
Trenchcoat turns to me, exasperated and filled with anger.
“You’ve heard of ‘Rules’ right? All that ‘Don’t turn left on East street at 3:24 am kind of shit? “ The creature starts, “More and more of them popping up lately. Can’t miss the things.
Well, your kind seems great at finding them, but fucking awful at figuring out what they are. It’s not someone’s new job, or creepy school. The answer is so damned simple, but all of you’ve missed it.
It's a game. It’s, The Game.
It’s ran by the thickest branches of my family tree, and the stakes are high enough even I don’t really understand.
And whoever has us here, he’s weaponized it. The crazy fuck. “
“Call on your family for help then. “ I say, starting to deal with the fear and confusion.
“You first. “ Is Trenchcoat’s reply.
I get his point, and for a twisted, shitty moment, I find myself relating to the murderous thing I’ve been saddled with.
“So what’s the plan? “ I ask.
“Get my hands on whoever’s been stalking me. Between A and B, probably kill those little do-gooders upstairs out of spite.
I need you to circumvent rules we come across. Humans need to agree to follow the rules, it’s why people encounter them in jobs and schools so much. I’m not human, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t get a choice. “ I’m shaking my head as Augustus relates his plan.
“We’re not hurting those kids. “ I say defiantly.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that.
But I’m a God damned child killing monster, bud! How long is that going to take to sink the fuck in?
Me not doing what I do, isn’t like giving up smokes. Think of it like not having a slash for months on end. Sooner or later, like it or not, I’m either finding a bathroom or pissing my pants. “ the rant scares me, but it makes me think.
Something about Augustus, it seems very, 90’s. Whoever was on the speakers was talking about the lightbulbs being from ’93. I’m picking up on a very distinct pattern.
I file that information with the rest of the disconnected lore I’ve managed to find on Trenchcoat as I follow him up the steep, narrow set of stairs.
He whips the thin wood door open, taking an aggressive, lurching step into the livingroom beyond. Surely ready to dispense too far quips and limitless violence, as per usual.
But that doesn’t happen, his rage filled scowl turns into a look of resignation, “Fuck”, is the monster’s last word before he disappears.
I cautiously walk up the loose splinter ridden stairs, expecting Augustus to be waiting around the corner, or engaged in combat with some other horror.
But once I get to the top, there’s nothing more sinister than a livingroom covered in dust and graffiti strewn with old bottles and new stains.
I know my chance when I see it. The particle board sealing the bay window is rotten, the glass long since broken.
No monster, no crazy family, I’ll take my chances with the streets of the U. K.
I tap the crumbling wood with a foot, it rattles, it won’t take much to make a hole.
I line up a kick, freedom no more than a quarter inch of rotten wood away.
“I wouldn’t do that. “ Says a voice behind me, male, around my age I’d guess, but with a confidence that makes me listen, “ Rigged with a load of C4 in the window frame.
Don’t take my word for it, guy wasn’t very subtle. ”
Sure enough, I see small wires running along the edges of the frame and embedded in the particle board.
I turn around, the six people standing in front of me have a vibe I can only describe as severe.
“Are we going to have issues? “ a slight, dark skinned guy asks.
“You making threats? “ I reply.
“No, he isn’t. “ it’s the same voice that warned me about the explosives. It belongs to a squared jawed kid with short black hair, he’s wearing a grey hoodie, and separates himself from the group. “ Call me Kent, and I’m in charge of making threats.
Sid, he’s our people person, he’s just trying to see if you’re someone we need to worry about. “
“We don’t have time to figure this kid out, leave him. “ a short, ginger girl says.
“Ami, why don’t I stay out of equipment, and you and Kent let me figure this kid out?” Sid says.
“I’m Nik. “ I volunteer.
“Good to meet you Nik. “ Sid says, walking around Kent, “Didn’t mean to start things off on the wrong foot.
We’ve just gotten used to doing these kinds of things in our own way over the past bit. We get a little… weird around this time of year if I’m being honest. “
I nod, apprehensive at giving any kind of detailed response.
“Derik” says a tall, pale guy, “ Research. “
“Liam. “ a tanned boy in a flannel shirt and deep blue jeans tells me, “ Oxford doesn’t talk, accident a couple of years back. I’m logistics, he figures spooky shit out. “
Oxford is thin and bald, his face looks much older than it should. Like he’s the victim of some kind of wasting disease.
Telling these kids the truth would be, complicated. And something about their war vet demeanor, makes me want to keep things simple.
So I give them a version of the truth. One where I was plucked from my room by Trenchcoat, and brought here for a slow death.
They buy it. I think.
“Well, I don’t know what this Jigsaw wannabe has planned, but trust me when I say, it can’t be much worse than the things we’ve went through. “ Kent says, trying to be reassuring.
“Just, one more thing. “ Sid begins, “ Why all the scars? “
I know I’ve won most of the group over, but I don’t like the look Sid is giving me.
“Work on a farm, on top of that, the family owns an auction. Lots of bent steel and splinters, what can I say? “ I say, trying to sound casual.
“Fair enough, that accent though. “ Sid’s look becomes almost predatory as he talks.
“Immigration my guy. What’s with the third degree? “ I reply.
“We’ve just met and I’ve only asked three questions.
Humor me here though.
You get taken in the night by that thing that winked out of existence.
Seems pretty nice of him to let you put on shoes. “ Sid lets his statement hang.
Kent turns, I don’t like where this is going. Panic and fear start to well up.
“What’re you thinking Sid? “ Kent asks.
“Kid’s lying. But he’s good at it. “ Sid answers.
“You saying this has turned into a, me, situation? “ Kent’s question starts a deep pit in my stomach.
“I don’t know if we need to go that far. But I don’t like the idea of him having seen our faces. I think this is a Liam situation. “ As Sid says this I look to Liam, who already seems deep in thought.
“Local cops will back our story, but he could go beyond them.
We tie him up until all of this is done, and we get some video of him putting a blade into the body upstairs. He goes telling any stories, it’s us and the locals versus some Yank on video stabbing the kid. “ Liam suggests.
I tried to fight, it went, embarrassingly. Kent had me on the ground in some kind of arm lock in about a second.
I’m bound to an old wooden chair with electrical cords, dragged into a room on the second floor where the chubby kid from before lays face down in a coagulated pool of his own blood. Surrounded by the trappings of misspent youth.
The door locks, and I stare at the corpse, wondering what in the hell went on up here, and in what universe are these psychopaths anything other than what they seemed on screen.
Time becomes almost malleable. I’m terrified to the point where every moment seems to stretch out forever.
Then, I hear it. A wet, organic noise. It starts below the body, and slowly starts to spread.
After a minute or two, the body starts to jerk and twitch. The room is dim as hell, but some kind of ropey, flesh-like substance, is sealing off the door.
I watch as the corpse clumsily gets to it’s feet. It’s skin pale, it’s throat slit to the point of near decapitation.
The head falls backward, obscenely with a small spurt of thick blood.
I scream, I thought I’d been getting used to being face to face with monsters. But fully bound, inches away from a kid that seems to be filled with a twisting mass of barbed, writhing, intestine like tentacles, I realize I’m not used to shit.
The ropey mass forms the barest suggestion of features, a shifting, lumpen mass of ever moving tendrils coming from what used to be the kid’s neck.
The sound spreads more, cracks in the floorboards and walls begin to show hints of the tendrils filling them in like spray foam.
No one is hearing my screams, or if they are, they have no interest in helping.
Ever wonder how you’d handle torture? I think if you’re the kind of person to be reading this, it’s likely you have.
I started by pissing myself.
The second the thin tendril touches my hand, I feel a blinding, flensing pain. I can do nothing but watch, as thousands of nearly hair thin spines tear and consume my flesh. As it slowly, almost, curiously makes it’s way up my arm, it leaves a bloodless, scarred furrow about an eighth of an inch deep.
My second reaction was to lose any pretense at defiance or dignity. I thrash and scream, beg and offer. All of this turning into choked sobs as the thing starts to do much of the same with another tendril.
It felt like I was in hell, every inch of me nothing more than a canvas for this artist of misery.
But pain, it can only go so far. Whether we’re talking about my tolerance, or this thing’s interest.
Mutilation, the brutal wedding of pain and loss. That was it’s next step.
A thick, almost centipede like tendril sits on my pinky like a hot iron. I can only watch in horror as I see fat, then muscle, then bone, then, nothing.
My voice shreds, I tear my wrists and ankles trying desperately to break the expertly tied wires.
My mind is at the breaking point, the creature in front of my makes a terrible, high pitched keening I assume is laughter.
My body is a roadmap of scarred pits and lines. My hand sports a cleanly severed finger. Fuck me, I wish things ended there.
Of all the important parts of the human body, the eye, tends to feel the least pain. Which isn’t to say, as I watched the greedy, grasping claws slowly take pieces of one of mine, it didn’t hurt, but the worst part, was knowing what was happening.
The vision in my left eye begins to distort at first, the edges getting blurry, then going dark. Bit by bit, chunk by irreplaceable chunk, the creature takes half my vision.
I can feel the shifting air on the bare socket, to call what I’m doing screaming, would be understating things to the point of absurdity.
My brain reels at what has just happened. I can feel my grip on reality begin to loosen, pain, worse than can bare, loss of half my sight, it’s too much.
My brain feels filled with static, for a few brief moments I swear, I can hear someone, a voice, trying to tell me something.
But then, a smell hits me. Something so foul, so alien, it yanks me back from the brink of disassociation. I gag and choke, as the air becomes thick with the rotten, chemical reek.
Then, I see it, I see, him.
As randomly as he disappeared, in an instant Trenchcoat is in the room.
He’s torn apart, wounds so deep and ragged, I can see the door on the other side of the room through the worst of them.
One arm is a twisted, broken mess, the flesh jacket torn to shreds of necrotic tissue.
The look on his face is panic, paranoia. A rictus grin of someone that has been kept on his toes for entirely too long.
He trembles and heaves, looking like he could fall over at any second.
He points his good arm at the tendril creature, who I notice has a too familiar eye suspended in it’s shifting features.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the motherfucker who just made me kill my favorite cousin, would you? “ Trenchcoat asks, his voice cracked, and strained.
He gets a confused keening in response.
“Bad day for you then. “ Augustus says.
There is no style to his violence, Trenchcoat grabs the shifting mass, his wicked, claw tipped fingers angling themselves in tendrils. As he lifts the thing, floorboards break, and it’s torn free from the root-like system it was creating in the room.
Three brutal slams cover me in ichor and pieces of creature. Trenchcoat tosses the mewling, twitching pile in a corner and looks at me with disgust.
“You let that thing do this to you? Fuckin’ pathetic, bud.
And who tied you up? “ The nightmare I’ve been cursed with chides me.
“The kids downstairs. “ I say only now realizing I’ve still been sobbing.
One handed, Trenchcoat snaps the wires, then stumbles backward, slowly sliding down the wall.
He coughs, grey, bloody phlegm hitting the ground.
“So, what’s the play here? If this shit broke you, I could use the spare parts, if not, well, you know what the Bible says.
An eye for an eye. “ Trenchcoat grins as he talks, nearly on the brink of death.
And that’s where I think I’m going to leave things. Because, honestly I don’t know what I’m choosing.
I’m mutilated, half blind, using too much of my energy typing to strangers online about things because, I’m so fucking alone here.
If you hear from me again, I hope I made the right move. If not, take this as a lesson on what happens when you screw around with the occult.
submitted by HughEhhoule to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:11 HughEhhoule Bait Dog: Part 3

For anyone who wants to see how I got into this situation.
“In what universe would I ever do you a favor? “ I say, sweeping the floor of the reinforced barn.
“It’s not a favor, it’s a trade, bud.
What do you want in return? “ Trenchcoat asks from within the coffin-like cage.
“To be back home, 8 months ago. “ I reply.
Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to integrate myself into the day to day life on the farm. Things are still a grim, horrifying slog, but with every day it gets a bit easier to deal with.
“Give me something I can do. “ The creature pleads.
“Why, so I can wind up on the end of another ‘ Gotcha’ moment? I’m good. “ is my answer.
A few minutes of silence go by, Augustus breaks it.
“I don’t know many secrets of the universe. Facts, not really my bag. But I know a couple.
How about I share one with you?
No one, not the pope, not my brother, not the shit-bird perched on the highest branch of my twisted family tree, knows what happens when you die.
Some of us never will, of course. Others have ways of avoiding it, but at the end of the day, when the lights truly go out, we know next to nothing.
We do know one thing though. There is judgement, by who? Who knows? Why? Not important.
But at the end of the day, if your battery can’t be recharged, you really want to be thinking about how many marks are on each side of the ledger. “
I don’t reply, and for the next hour or so I ignore the pleading and hinting Trenchcoat does.
But that night, as I sip acidic tea, and try to get a handle on how in the fuck old televisions function, his offer is at the forefront of my mind.
He wants to kill, specifically 6 teenagers who, according to him, have been murdering classmates yearly in a twisted ritual.
He wants me to think this is some kind of noble act, he frames it as almost superheroic. The evil prick knows how I feel, knows that I see the blood on my hands every day, and would kill ( possibly literally) for some way to atone.
Is it a play? I honestly don’t think so, something about how eager the twisted thing is, about how he’s treating the situation as a buyer’s market makes me think something about this makes it important to him.
He offers me everything besides safety and protection. I’m desperate for help, but I have no way to hold him to any agreement.
So the thought rolls around in my mind, staving off the few hours of sleep I get.
“Okay, so, I have it on good authority that tea is supposed to taste better over here. What the hell is wrong with this? “ I say, sitting around an outside table with Sylvia, Dafydd and Colin.
Sylvia smiles, “ Barium, calcium, and a touch of castor oil. “
I look at the brew, then at her.
“If I had told you when you got here you need to drink that to mitigate the effects of working with void touched objects and creatures, you’d have assumed the worst, and found a way to avoid drinking it.
Good to see you becoming more perceptive though. “ Sylvia explains.
“That’s called paranoia, Syl. “ I reply.
She laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Do you know why I’ve let you figure things out on your own? “ The ancient woman asks.
“Accepted? Yes. Understood, not in the slightest. “ I answer, wondering what sadist invented the scone.
“It’s because I need a leader. Someone who can understand, not a boy who puts his head down and listens to orders.
Someone who can make their own decisions when the time comes.
And I think that time is coming soon. “ Her statement feels like a question.
“If I chose to be here I’d be honored.” I counter.
“That attitude on the other hand… needs work.
Nikolas, today, we talk about what’s really going on.
We play a role in a much larger organization, us, and other families like us, are the ‘boots on the ground’ so to speak.
Our job is not to capture creatures, or horde esoteric goods. We do not foil the schemes of demons, nor blind those who look too deeply into the abyss.
We’re given information about events that could steer the path of humanity into a brick wall. And our job is to make sure they don’t happen. “ Sylvia reveals.
“Something is happening with these fights? “ I ask.
“As I said, perceptive.
Yes, it could be next week, it could be in a decade or two. Right now, we know very little about it, other than when it happens, it would be in our best interests to be of a high standing in the pits. “ She replies.
I absorb the information, and t drug laced tea in equal measure. As I do, I feel something, I feel I’m a part of what’s going on.
This is going to sound dumb as hell, but up until this point I hadn’t been taking things seriously. Don’t get me wrong, death is on the table, and I was trying to avoid that. But I was just treading water, hoping something or someone came by and to get me out of this situation.
But as Syl lays things out, I start to think of my place here, what I can be doing to better my state.
“Here is the part where you avoid telling me why you couldn’t have used anyone around here. “ I prod.
I keep her gaze, Colin and Dafydd shift uncomfortably.
“Augustus, he’s a tricky one. But a very lucky find for us.
I’ve tried 2 others. A boy and a girl, both I practically raised.
Marco, he was a warrior. But the demon got in his head. There was nothing that could be done beyond end his suffering.
Zelma, I won’t talk about.
That thing, it has a way of turning someone’s best traits against them. You, are a blank slate, but you’re family. You’re my best guess as to how we can use him to our advantage.
And this is why I need you, not to listen, but to understand. To see what’s happening, and make your own decisions. If I were to give you my knowledge, if I were to arm you with the best weapons, and the most powerful esoteric objects I know. He’d just have more to turn against you. “ Sylvia’s revelation scares me and puts a massive weight on my shoulders all at the same time.
Confidence and fear are both dangerous emotions. The two of them are almost like drugs in a way.
After eight months of mainlining fear, the tiny line of confidence Sylvia gave me, went straight to my head.
Trenchcoat told me where to find a video file. And after a couple of weeks of running it through every possible test I could, to check for any kind of manipulation, supernatural or otherwise, I watched it.
I was confident that the world would be much better off without the people committing the vicious acts contained in those twenty minutes of footage.
A teenage view of morality, I admit. But what do you want, I’m a teenager.
We watch the abandoned house from across the street. It’s a dingy, urban blight affected suburb, that being said, how no one seems to notice the seven foot freak with me, I have no idea.
The kid inside smoking stolen cigarettes and illegally supplied booze is a husky young guy of about 14. The half dozen kids that show up a couple hours later look closer to my age, last couple of years of high school I’m guessing.
The way they get into the house tells me they’ve done this before. The backpacks they all carry tell me they’re there for a purpose.
“How fucking funny would it be if I just killed you here and took off? “ Trenchcoat says, looming behind me.
I tense.
“It’s a joke. Out of my whole rotten family, Art and I, are close. I’m not going anywhere.
Unfortunately for you. “ Trenchcoat shoves me to the ground as he walks toward the house.
We get in through a basement window, I fit easily, Trenchcoat contorts his body to fit through the thin opening, somehow doing so silently.
I keep hearing Sylvia in my head. Telling me how she needs someone that can make his own decisions.
As I stand in the litter strewn basement, beside a creature with child murder on it’s mind I question the decision that I made.
At first the illumination is dim, nothing more than scraps of moonlight filtered through splintered wood. But with an industrial click, suddenly a half dozen lightbulbs bathe the basement in harsh, yellowish light.
Harsh, but not harsh enough to cause the reaction I see from Trenchcoat.
He squints and tries, unsuccessfully to turn away from the lights. Something about them is causing him discomfort. I get my hopes up for a moment he’s going to burst into flame or turn into dust or something, but no dice.
The sight of the walking nightmare looking pained and confused makes me panic. But before I can think of how I fucked up, I hear a voice.
The room, by the sounds of it, the entire house, has been rigged with speakers. Cleverly recessed in sconces and corners.
“Augi, long time no see. And I see you brought a little Renfield fella with you. “ The voice is modulated, Trenchcoat looks curious for a moment.
“Who, is this? You that clown that’s been fucking with Art?” He guesses.
The voice laughs, “Nope.
Who I am, is a guy who managed to find a few boxes of lightbulbs from ’93.
Then again, with eBay, that could make me just about anyone. “
Trenchcoat turns and looks toward the window we came in. He reaches a hand toward it, stopping a few inches away.
“That’s fucking interesting. “ He says, eyes darting around the room.
“Isn’t it though? “ The voice replies, clearly hearing the creature’s whisper, “ Tonight you get the pay for centuries of the worst shit committed by man or beast. I’ve made sure of that. No one in this house is going anywhere for the next 8 hours.
I’m sure the rest of the houseguests are pretty confused as to what’s going on. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so let me give you the Cliff’s notes.
You kids have been killing a monster a year for half a decade. You were the perfect bait, and I have faith you’ll be able to outwit Augi long enough to make it out of here.
If not, you’ll still have helped kill one of the worst things to walk the face of the earth. “
“What the hell is he talking about? “ I ask, a sinking feeling in my gut.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?
Yeah, these kids are more Scooby gang than Manson family. Don’t blame me for the fact it only took an out of context exorcism video and some promises of making things right with the universe to get you on board with killing them. “ Trenchcoat spits.
I feel afraid, stupid and small. Which is to say, lately, business as usual.
I begin to break lightbulbs, I notice no runes, or anything else that would indicate they have any kind of supernatural origin.
As the basement dims, Trenchcoat starts to breathe easier.
“What’s going on, what stopped you from leaving? “ I ask.
“This little shit is playing The Game. “ Trenchcoat says to himself as much as to me. He looks deep in thought, inspecting the glass from the bulbs.
“What are you talking about? “ I say, my voice cracking slightly.
I hear noises upstairs, frantic foot falls. Indecipherable shouting.
Trenchcoat turns to me, exasperated and filled with anger.
“You’ve heard of ‘Rules’ right? All that ‘Don’t turn left on East street at 3:24 am kind of shit? “ The creature starts, “More and more of them popping up lately. Can’t miss the things.
Well, your kind seems great at finding them, but fucking awful at figuring out what they are. It’s not someone’s new job, or creepy school. The answer is so damned simple, but all of you’ve missed it.
It's a game. It’s, The Game.
It’s ran by the thickest branches of my family tree, and the stakes are high enough even I don’t really understand.
And whoever has us here, he’s weaponized it. The crazy fuck. “
“Call on your family for help then. “ I say, starting to deal with the fear and confusion.
“You first. “ Is Trenchcoat’s reply.
I get his point, and for a twisted, shitty moment, I find myself relating to the murderous thing I’ve been saddled with.
“So what’s the plan? “ I ask.
“Get my hands on whoever’s been stalking me. Between A and B, probably kill those little do-gooders upstairs out of spite.
I need you to circumvent rules we come across. Humans need to agree to follow the rules, it’s why people encounter them in jobs and schools so much. I’m not human, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t get a choice. “ I’m shaking my head as Augustus relates his plan.
“We’re not hurting those kids. “ I say defiantly.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that.
But I’m a God damned child killing monster, bud! How long is that going to take to sink the fuck in?
Me not doing what I do, isn’t like giving up smokes. Think of it like not having a slash for months on end. Sooner or later, like it or not, I’m either finding a bathroom or pissing my pants. “ the rant scares me, but it makes me think.
Something about Augustus, it seems very, 90’s. Whoever was on the speakers was talking about the lightbulbs being from ’93. I’m picking up on a very distinct pattern.
I file that information with the rest of the disconnected lore I’ve managed to find on Trenchcoat as I follow him up the steep, narrow set of stairs.
He whips the thin wood door open, taking an aggressive, lurching step into the livingroom beyond. Surely ready to dispense too far quips and limitless violence, as per usual.
But that doesn’t happen, his rage filled scowl turns into a look of resignation, “Fuck”, is the monster’s last word before he disappears.
I cautiously walk up the loose splinter ridden stairs, expecting Augustus to be waiting around the corner, or engaged in combat with some other horror.
But once I get to the top, there’s nothing more sinister than a livingroom covered in dust and graffiti strewn with old bottles and new stains.
I know my chance when I see it. The particle board sealing the bay window is rotten, the glass long since broken.
No monster, no crazy family, I’ll take my chances with the streets of the U. K.
I tap the crumbling wood with a foot, it rattles, it won’t take much to make a hole.
I line up a kick, freedom no more than a quarter inch of rotten wood away.
“I wouldn’t do that. “ Says a voice behind me, male, around my age I’d guess, but with a confidence that makes me listen, “ Rigged with a load of C4 in the window frame.
Don’t take my word for it, guy wasn’t very subtle. ”
Sure enough, I see small wires running along the edges of the frame and embedded in the particle board.
I turn around, the six people standing in front of me have a vibe I can only describe as severe.
“Are we going to have issues? “ a slight, dark skinned guy asks.
“You making threats? “ I reply.
“No, he isn’t. “ it’s the same voice that warned me about the explosives. It belongs to a squared jawed kid with short black hair, he’s wearing a grey hoodie, and separates himself from the group. “ Call me Kent, and I’m in charge of making threats.
Sid, he’s our people person, he’s just trying to see if you’re someone we need to worry about. “
“We don’t have time to figure this kid out, leave him. “ a short, ginger girl says.
“Ami, why don’t I stay out of equipment, and you and Kent let me figure this kid out?” Sid says.
“I’m Nik. “ I volunteer.
“Good to meet you Nik. “ Sid says, walking around Kent, “Didn’t mean to start things off on the wrong foot.
We’ve just gotten used to doing these kinds of things in our own way over the past bit. We get a little… weird around this time of year if I’m being honest. “
I nod, apprehensive at giving any kind of detailed response.
“Derik” says a tall, pale guy, “ Research. “
“Liam. “ a tanned boy in a flannel shirt and deep blue jeans tells me, “ Oxford doesn’t talk, accident a couple of years back. I’m logistics, he figures spooky shit out. “
Oxford is thin and bald, his face looks much older than it should. Like he’s the victim of some kind of wasting disease.
Telling these kids the truth would be, complicated. And something about their war vet demeanor, makes me want to keep things simple.
So I give them a version of the truth. One where I was plucked from my room by Trenchcoat, and brought here for a slow death.
They buy it. I think.
“Well, I don’t know what this Jigsaw wannabe has planned, but trust me when I say, it can’t be much worse than the things we’ve went through. “ Kent says, trying to be reassuring.
“Just, one more thing. “ Sid begins, “ Why all the scars? “
I know I’ve won most of the group over, but I don’t like the look Sid is giving me.
“Work on a farm, on top of that, the family owns an auction. Lots of bent steel and splinters, what can I say? “ I say, trying to sound casual.
“Fair enough, that accent though. “ Sid’s look becomes almost predatory as he talks.
“Immigration my guy. What’s with the third degree? “ I reply.
“We’ve just met and I’ve only asked three questions.
Humor me here though.
You get taken in the night by that thing that winked out of existence.
Seems pretty nice of him to let you put on shoes. “ Sid lets his statement hang.
Kent turns, I don’t like where this is going. Panic and fear start to well up.
“What’re you thinking Sid? “ Kent asks.
“Kid’s lying. But he’s good at it. “ Sid answers.
“You saying this has turned into a, me, situation? “ Kent’s question starts a deep pit in my stomach.
“I don’t know if we need to go that far. But I don’t like the idea of him having seen our faces. I think this is a Liam situation. “ As Sid says this I look to Liam, who already seems deep in thought.
“Local cops will back our story, but he could go beyond them.
We tie him up until all of this is done, and we get some video of him putting a blade into the body upstairs. He goes telling any stories, it’s us and the locals versus some Yank on video stabbing the kid. “ Liam suggests.
I tried to fight, it went, embarrassingly. Kent had me on the ground in some kind of arm lock in about a second.
I’m bound to an old wooden chair with electrical cords, dragged into a room on the second floor where the chubby kid from before lays face down in a coagulated pool of his own blood. Surrounded by the trappings of misspent youth.
The door locks, and I stare at the corpse, wondering what in the hell went on up here, and in what universe are these psychopaths anything other than what they seemed on screen.
Time becomes almost malleable. I’m terrified to the point where every moment seems to stretch out forever.
Then, I hear it. A wet, organic noise. It starts below the body, and slowly starts to spread.
After a minute or two, the body starts to jerk and twitch. The room is dim as hell, but some kind of ropey, flesh-like substance, is sealing off the door.
I watch as the corpse clumsily gets to it’s feet. It’s skin pale, it’s throat slit to the point of near decapitation.
The head falls backward, obscenely with a small spurt of thick blood.
I scream, I thought I’d been getting used to being face to face with monsters. But fully bound, inches away from a kid that seems to be filled with a twisting mass of barbed, writhing, intestine like tentacles, I realize I’m not used to shit.
The ropey mass forms the barest suggestion of features, a shifting, lumpen mass of ever moving tendrils coming from what used to be the kid’s neck.
The sound spreads more, cracks in the floorboards and walls begin to show hints of the tendrils filling them in like spray foam.
No one is hearing my screams, or if they are, they have no interest in helping.
Ever wonder how you’d handle torture? I think if you’re the kind of person to be reading this, it’s likely you have.
I started by pissing myself.
The second the thin tendril touches my hand, I feel a blinding, flensing pain. I can do nothing but watch, as thousands of nearly hair thin spines tear and consume my flesh. As it slowly, almost, curiously makes it’s way up my arm, it leaves a bloodless, scarred furrow about an eighth of an inch deep.
My second reaction was to lose any pretense at defiance or dignity. I thrash and scream, beg and offer. All of this turning into choked sobs as the thing starts to do much of the same with another tendril.
It felt like I was in hell, every inch of me nothing more than a canvas for this artist of misery.
But pain, it can only go so far. Whether we’re talking about my tolerance, or this thing’s interest.
Mutilation, the brutal wedding of pain and loss. That was it’s next step.
A thick, almost centipede like tendril sits on my pinky like a hot iron. I can only watch in horror as I see fat, then muscle, then bone, then, nothing.
My voice shreds, I tear my wrists and ankles trying desperately to break the expertly tied wires.
My mind is at the breaking point, the creature in front of my makes a terrible, high pitched keening I assume is laughter.
My body is a roadmap of scarred pits and lines. My hand sports a cleanly severed finger. Fuck me, I wish things ended there.
Of all the important parts of the human body, the eye, tends to feel the least pain. Which isn’t to say, as I watched the greedy, grasping claws slowly take pieces of one of mine, it didn’t hurt, but the worst part, was knowing what was happening.
The vision in my left eye begins to distort at first, the edges getting blurry, then going dark. Bit by bit, chunk by irreplaceable chunk, the creature takes half my vision.
I can feel the shifting air on the bare socket, to call what I’m doing screaming, would be understating things to the point of absurdity.
My brain reels at what has just happened. I can feel my grip on reality begin to loosen, pain, worse than can bare, loss of half my sight, it’s too much.
My brain feels filled with static, for a few brief moments I swear, I can hear someone, a voice, trying to tell me something.
But then, a smell hits me. Something so foul, so alien, it yanks me back from the brink of disassociation. I gag and choke, as the air becomes thick with the rotten, chemical reek.
Then, I see it, I see, him.
As randomly as he disappeared, in an instant Trenchcoat is in the room.
He’s torn apart, wounds so deep and ragged, I can see the door on the other side of the room through the worst of them.
One arm is a twisted, broken mess, the flesh jacket torn to shreds of necrotic tissue.
The look on his face is panic, paranoia. A rictus grin of someone that has been kept on his toes for entirely too long.
He trembles and heaves, looking like he could fall over at any second.
He points his good arm at the tendril creature, who I notice has a too familiar eye suspended in it’s shifting features.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the motherfucker who just made me kill my favorite cousin, would you? “ Trenchcoat asks, his voice cracked, and strained.
He gets a confused keening in response.
“Bad day for you then. “ Augustus says.
There is no style to his violence, Trenchcoat grabs the shifting mass, his wicked, claw tipped fingers angling themselves in tendrils. As he lifts the thing, floorboards break, and it’s torn free from the root-like system it was creating in the room.
Three brutal slams cover me in ichor and pieces of creature. Trenchcoat tosses the mewling, twitching pile in a corner and looks at me with disgust.
“You let that thing do this to you? Fuckin’ pathetic, bud.
And who tied you up? “ The nightmare I’ve been cursed with chides me.
“The kids downstairs. “ I say only now realizing I’ve still been sobbing.
One handed, Trenchcoat snaps the wires, then stumbles backward, slowly sliding down the wall.
He coughs, grey, bloody phlegm hitting the ground.
“So, what’s the play here? If this shit broke you, I could use the spare parts, if not, well, you know what the Bible says.
An eye for an eye. “ Trenchcoat grins as he talks, nearly on the brink of death.
And that’s where I think I’m going to leave things. Because, honestly I don’t know what I’m choosing.
I’m mutilated, half blind, using too much of my energy typing to strangers online about things because, I’m so fucking alone here.
If you hear from me again, I hope I made the right move. If not, take this as a lesson on what happens when you screw around with the occult.
submitted by HughEhhoule to nosleep [link] [comments]


Day Cast Member Quote
1 Tom Bergeron "Can I not be a TV host for a minute and just be a dad?"
2 Lisa Canning "Let's meet our competitors, because it all starts right now!"
3 Samantha Harris "P, I know for you, you've said you'd give 150%. You've trained 20 hours total, since the show began, but everyone else on average has trained 130 hours. How much do you want to be here and stay in the competition?"
4 Brooke Burke "How does that feel?"
5 Erin Andrews "The first elimination is coming up at the end of tonight's show. If you've been following our show, usually that means Keo's going home."
6 Tyra Banks "I sent you an email, so check your emails. I sent you an email Derek!"
7 Alfonso Ribeiro "Next up on Latin Night, we've got a Tango! Yeah, I know it's a Ballroom dance, save your angry comments for something that matters, okay?"
8 Julianne Hough "Let's get your scores... after the break."
9 Len Goodman "From Len, the 10!"
10 Carrie Ann Inaba "LET THE BABY-MAKING BEGIN!!!"
11 Bruno Tonioli "That was a unique experience. I don't know if I was watching Magic Mike, Tragic Mike, Michael the Mechanic, no idea!"
12 Derek Hough "MY MAN!"
13 Guest Judges


A massive thank you to the wonderful u/CoffeeAndCurls76 who suggested this idea, and that I run this game here! 💕
I'd also like to thank u/invader_holly who suggested we have a guest judges round! 💫
How does it work?
Each day, I'll reshare this board. With each day is a new cast member. Similarly to past games I've done like Dances of the Seasons, The Dancing with the Stars Alphabet, Favourite Dances Per Style, and The Pros' Most Memorable Dances, for every day, you can all comment a response. This time, the response would be a quote from the respective pro for that day! As with previous games, the comment with the most upvotes wins. At the end, I'll put a video compilation together!
Yesterday's round was won by u/Alarming-Butterfly90 's suggestion! 🏆


submitted by IndigoWolf4711 to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:45 Itchy-Assumption3803 RKGK / Rakugaki

RKGK / Rakugaki is Verified!![](
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submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]