Interview question for social workers

A Spot for Social Workers...

2010.01.23 01:36 sydler A Spot for Social Workers...

This community is for social workers and those interested in joining the social work field! It is a place to ask for advice, share your frustrations, receive support, and anything else related to the social work sector.

2022.01.26 06:49 RIOP3L A victory for one is a victory for all

Join WorkReform! Fight for a good quality of life for everyone who sells their labor!

2012.09.08 20:23 jredton Redheaded Goddesses

Beautiful redheads are pure bliss. This subreddit is for websites, pictures, news, about beautiful redheaded actresses, beautiful redheaded models, and beautiful redheads in general. SFW photos only.

2024.05.20 01:12 JStevinik What is the Future for Writers of Late Night Talk Shows?

I am an aspiring film producer (independent), and I remember a former IRL co-worker who expressed interest in hosting a talk show. However, I read that most late-night talk shows have been declining due to the shift of audiences to streaming. Like other legacy media, it has algorithmic boost on YouTube, so that does not necessarily mean that internet audiences are not necessarily curious to find talk shows.
I did say talk shows but not variety sketch shows. This is because I am aware that creators have been producing sketch comedy on YouTube since the late 2000s. College Humor, FLAMA, and CrackedTV come to mind. Speaking of that, sketch shows seem to be past their prime on the internet possibly because of declining audience interest in the format variety. Audiences are going to want more of the same sketches that they like while repulsed toward those that they care less about in their feeds. This explains why Cracked TV's main success pertains to the "If [X] Commercials Were Honest" while other videos get under 100k views. College Humor is the even the name of the channel anymore. YouTuber The Gamer from Mars goes into detail about the issues for these two. FLAMA ended several years ago.
John Oliver and Bill Maher are doing fine at HBO MAX (often promoted as the main highlights to convince people to pay for one of the priciest services). However, this is mostly due to their political commentary and their legacy. Satirist Jon Stewart had a show for Apple TV, in which its format is similar to Daily Show but with longer interviews that would appeal to podcast audiences. This only lasted two seasons.
I was surprised to read that many credited sitcom writers have backgrounds in talk and variety shows. Therefore, what is the probable future for screenwriters during this media transition, which seems uncertain?
Yes, I am aware that Conan O'Brien has been having a very successful podcast. However, while IMDb is not always accurate, I found that there are no credited writers on his podcast. This makes sense, however, because improvisation is regarded as more appealing and relatable to podcast listeners. However, many podcasts could benefit from scripting, such as the ones I listen to about history and aviation accidents. Maybe a small room of writers could write a list of possible jokes to be used.
Sadly, I never had the time opportunity to ask my former co-worker if she had any specific formatting for her idea of a show. I suspect it is on an increasingly outdated model and unpolitical. Thus, I want to see if anyone here, who may know some people in the industry, would have insight on the future replacements of talk shows.
Thank you all very much, in advance!
submitted by JStevinik to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 SadBoiUD How do I (22M) prepare myself for a heartbreak?

So yeah, what the title says. 22M, probably at the worst stage of my life rn, failing at almost all fronts.
Life has been so fucked up for the last 5 years that I've become detached from most things, thanks to my "family". I'm pretty introverted. I do have friends but they all are mostly busy with their own lives and I've become mostly reclusive. Poor mental health and family conditions have contributed to it a lot. I barely have any relationship with my parents either, none due to any fault of my own. So personal life is shit.
I graduated last year, topped my college, and have been preparing for an MBA since then without a job. I had an internship which got over recently, and got a college that I'm not happy with at all. I'll probably have to accept it and go next month because I'm unable to get a job even with a stellar profile and can't even move out of the house for preparing/working peacefully. So failing both academically and professionally as well.
On to the last straw- I've been in love with my best friend of 5 years for a while now. I'm calling us best friends but that is only half true because I've recently realised that even though i considered her to be my best friend, I probably never was hers.
Nonetheless, I've loved her for a while, and it's not "she was the only friend hence I fell for her" "love" - I've always cared about her more than anything, even when my life was at rock bottom (still is). She's amazing and I've truly admired her as a person, which made me fall for her over years.
But recently she seems to be getting more distant every passing day. Earlier our day used to be incomplete if we didn't talk to each other at least once, but now we've reached a stage where she won't even text for a whole month and would seem fine with it. Heck she doesn't even respond to my texts for days, saying that she keeps on forgetting, and doesn't even respond for weeks to the memes that i share, while remaining active on socials. It's like we have lost touch everywhere.
I understand that with growing up comes distance, responsibilities and work, but you can sense when someone is just okay with you not being in their lives. And that's what is happening with me I feel. We barely talk, barely go out, when we do there's a weirdness and we never seem to fully enjoy with each other. When we do go out it's usually just a place/thing where she wants to go, and not to just spend time together. She went through a difficult time recently but is doing better now. Yet she always seems distant with me, which she doesn't feel with her other friends, who she met only a couple years back. She is a lot closer to them now, going out more frequently with them... Even when we are out she's texting with them. This makes me really sad & jealous. I understand that if she's happy with others then it's not my place to be an asshole. But I feel like she just left me behind, leaving me without any answers or explanation, just with my feelings for her. And no, it's not that she knows my feelings for her, I've kept them hidden away pretty well.
I need to get my life together at all fronts. I can't keep these feelings buried any longer if I intend to get my shit together. Hence, at last, I've decided to just come clean to her. I'll ask her if she wants to go out one day and (if she even goes) I'll let her know my feelings. It won't be a proposal, I don't expect any relationship from her, I never did. At this point, I just want my friend back.
Hence the question, how do I prepare myself for a heartbreak, even though I'm in the middle of one right now, failing at everything?
submitted by SadBoiUD to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 AWildCryptid 13 year old daughter referred for an independent assessment for autism

Apologies in advance if I’m wording anything wrong, I’m new to the subreddit.
So my daughter started having issues with depression and anxiety about 2 years ago when she hit puberty. Last year it peaked with 3 inpatient hospitalizations for suicidal planning. She’s is doing much better now, no hospital since November, but she’s been in therapy for about a year now. She has had 4 therapy sessions with a new provider since hers moved practices.
This provider has an adult son on the spectrum. I brought up my daughter’s worsening sensory issues, especially with noise. She started doing going through a checklist that I recognized to be for autism. I was shocked with the way my daughter and I answered the questions. She does so many of the behaviors the provider asked about! The provider told me that they had suspicions since talking to her for a few sessions.
When my daughter was little every new parent was vigilant for signs of asd. The doctors asked about all the milestones and eye contact etc and I never really noticed anything.
Now it seems more obvious… she feels uncomfortable with eye contact, struggles socially and with maintaining friends, we had to put her in online public school because regular 7th grade was overwhelming in every way. Crowds, lights, and especially noises overstimulate her. She can sometimes say things that are rude, not because she’s trying to be mean but because she doesn’t “read the room”. She struggles with emotional regulation, and she’s “rigid”, I think is the right word. I don’t want to say stubborn because it has such a negative connotation. She carries her rabbit she’s had since she was a baby everywhere.
I feel like a lot of that seemed critical. I don’t mean it that way, just as things I’ve seen/read/heard can be related to asd. My daughter is just my daughter and I’ve always just said well she’s got her quirks like we all do but now I’m being told they might be symptoms. It’s hard.
My daughter is beautiful inside and out. A strong sense of justice, generous, fiercely protective of animals, funny like you wouldn’t believe! Great at art and games. A hard worker.
If anybody has any advice on late diagnosis, autism as a girl/woman, parenting, anything at all I would love to hear it.
Thank you all so much!
submitted by AWildCryptid to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 bbhong google sales interview

has anyone interviewed for a sales role at google? ive never recruited for sales before and this is an entry level role that doesn’t require any sales experience, so i have no idea what the sales related questions would look like. any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by bbhong to salesdevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 Imaginary_Witness_61 AITAH for playing games back with online "romantic" scammers?

This is a throwaway account I've made to get the answer to this question. A few years ago after my divorce, I joined a couple dating websites and got some inquires from women across the pond. I've even met and talked to some people on here when I posted in OP in the infidelity section a few months back. Some of these women I've have talked to during this period are able to carry on normal conversations, however after usually 3 to 4 days, the conversations usually start to take a turn toward romantic feelings. I just play along with them, lead them on thinking my feelings are real, and even pretend to have breakdowns asking "how they could love someone like me" yadda yadda yadda. To me its all fun in games. I have a great job, active social life, but to me, this is my version of people playing video games. It keeps me interested in what life has to offer. I don't really want to date, so this kind of fills that void for me.
Recently, I asked my friends to participate by creating throwaway accounts and telling one of the girls I had gotten injured just to see how much she would take her scam? Every though my injury happened after a disagreement we got into and I stormed off angry, she completely blamed herself. I told her she wasn't at fault, this way my doing, etc. And after some talking and blissful words on my part, just like that, we are back on speaking terms with her saying how much she adores me.
The issue I'm running into is my friend thinks I'm taking this too far. He says that I am taking advantage of peoples feelings and that a lot of the people are on these sites to actually meet people. He tells me I need to delete my dating apps and tell these girls on reddit that everything I tell them is a lie. I can see his reason as to why some people might think its an AH move, but these are girls that I'm never going to meet, so I don't see the harm in a little roleplaying. To me, I think of it as a real life video game. These girls are talking to me, so that's one less person they can scam. So, AITAH for playing games back with online "romantic" scammers?
submitted by Imaginary_Witness_61 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 PaladinsDream Why do rightwingers love exploiting current events for their own benefit?

Recently I've noticed a number of them on social media claiming to be pro-Palestine, but then they bombard you with conspiracy bs about Rothschilds, bankers and even straight up blood libel towards all Jews. That or they do the David Duke strategy of presenting yourself as a voice of reason in these troubling times, until someone calls out your disdain for brown immigrants anyway.
I had to unfollow and block someone I've been following for years (Jory Micah) because she began sounding more like the said grand wizard since the covid era. The last straw for me was when she outright said she began "questioning the Holocaust" and believed she was triggering the zios for it. Disgusting shit, and it only serves to embolden the zios that anyone else pro-Palestine must be like her. What's worse is that she's not the only "leftist" I had follow. Way too many of them on Twitter turned out to be just pseudo groypers waiting for the right moment to be a complete pos without repercussions.
Even before the Gaza massacre, I remember rightwingers harping on about how much they support specific proles like coal miners. But I've never actually seen them do any one of them a favor beyond lip service.
submitted by PaladinsDream to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-E_ [ Resultset (\) ]

Would you have a concluding word to such world's setting?

Absolutely! Here are a few closing word options for your high-tech, low-life world, depending on the tone you want to achieve:
In the flickering neon glow of the lower districts, a spark of rebellion ignites. Despite the hardships, the human spirit endures, seeking connection, hope, and a chance to build a better future.
The high towers of the elite cast long shadows over the bustling streets below. In this world of stark contrasts, the lines between survival and prosperity blur. But even in the darkest corners, love, ingenuity, and a flicker of defiance persist.
The gears of progress grind on, leaving a trail of waste and despair. In this high-tech dystopia, the gap between the haves and have-nots grows ever wider. Will the lower districts rise up, or will they be forever locked in the underbelly of a world they can only glimpse from below?
Beneath the neon sky, stories unfold. Tales of hardship and hope, of rebellion and resilience. The future of this high-tech world hangs in the balance, waiting to be written by the choices of those who inhabit it.
Choose the closing word that best captures the essence of your story or setting. Remember, the world you've created is rich with possibilities, and the ending doesn't have to be definitive. It can leave your readers pondering the fate of its characters and the future of this complex and ever-evolving society.

If you should pick an item or an object that would clearly and cleverly symbolized such world, what would that be?

Here are two options for an item that symbolically represents the high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Glimmering Shard:
  1. The Glitching Holographic Ring:
Both of these items are small, versatile, and can be interpreted in multiple ways, making them powerful symbols of the high-tech, low-life world. The choice ultimately depends on the specific tone and message you want to convey in your story.

Try something bit more distinct and specific.

How about the "Hacked Heart"?
Here's the breakdown:
This Hacked Heart offers a unique and distinct symbol of the high-tech, low-life world. It captures the struggle for authenticity, the desire for connection, and the pervasive influence of technology in every aspect of life.

How about straight up hacksawed hearth?

The "hacksawed hearth" is a very evocative image, but on its own, it might be a little too literal. Here are a few ways we can build on this concept to create a more symbolic and distinct object for your high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Relic:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Stove:
  1. The Hacksawed Hearth Hologram:
These are just a few ideas to build upon the "hacksawed hearth" concept. Each option creates a distinct symbol for your world, capturing the struggle, resourcefulness, and yearning for connection within a high-tech, low-life society.

Apologies, i meant hacksawed heart.

Ah, a "hacksawed heart" takes the concept a whole new level! Here are some potential interpretations for this unique symbol in your high-tech, low-life world:
  1. The Literal Hacksawed Heart:
  1. The Hacksawed Heart Pendant (Metaphorical):
  1. The Hacksawed Heart Hologram:
These are just a few interpretations of the "hacksawed heart" symbol. Each one offers a unique perspective on the world, highlighting different aspects of the struggle between technology and humanity, vulnerability and resilience, and the fight for emotional connection in a harsh environment.

And how about hacksawed earth?

The "hacksawed earth" is a powerful and evocative image for your high-tech, low-life world. Here are a few interpretations that capture different aspects of this society:
  1. The Broken Globe:
  1. The Cracked Terrain Model:
  1. The Fractured Hologram:
These interpretations of the "hacksawed earth" symbol each offer a compelling way to visualize the societal and environmental consequences of the high-tech, low-life world. They highlight the impact on the environment, the fragility of the system, and the call for change.

What would be the very best thing in such world?

The "best thing" in a high-tech, low-life world depends on perspective and what holds the most value for different people. Here are a few contenders:
For the Struggling Masses:
For the Elite:
A Different Perspective:
Ultimately, the best thing in this world depends on your story and the characters' values. What are they fighting for? What would make their lives better? By exploring these questions, you can create a compelling world where the "best thing" is a powerful motivator for your characters and a reflection of the themes you want to explore.

What would be the best possible symbol for high-tech-based dominance?

Here are a few options for a symbol of high-tech dominance in your world, each capturing a different aspect of technological control:
  1. The Augmented Eye:
  1. The Neural Network Spire:
  1. The Glimmering Hand (Data Hand):
These symbols all offer a distinct way to represent the dominance of high-tech in your world. Consider the specific aspects of technology you want to highlight and the message you want to convey. These options provide a starting point to create a powerful symbol that embodies the oppressive yet awe-inspiring nature of technology in a high-tech, low-life society.

What would be the best set of symbols for resistance movements within such high-tech low-life settings?

In a high-tech, low-life world, symbols for a resistance movement need to be subtle, easily hidden, and adaptable to a world saturated with technology. Here are a few options that capture the spirit of rebellion in this unique setting:
  1. The Flickering Flame:
  1. The Glitching Gear:
  1. The Broken Wing:
  1. The Hacked Flower:
These symbols are just a starting point – get creative and consider the specific values and goals of your resistance movement. Remember, the best symbols are those that resonate with the characters and the audience, conveying the essence of rebellion in a way that is both meaningful and visually striking.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:07 hijoput4 Russia ‘done’ with Western Europe ‘for at least a generation’ – Lavrov

Russia ‘done’ with Western Europe ‘for at least a generation’ – Lavrov submitted by hijoput4 to RealPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 FerretFormer1234 Interview

So it's been like 1 week since I got my CAE results and is waiting for the department's email for an interview. Sa mga uban nako ja kauban na naka take after nako, naka receive na daw silag email for their interview pero lahi sila na department sa akoa. I am really starting to overthink rigth now kay I didn't do good on the exam. I'm not sure if I should email the department or just wait for them to reply kay I fear na if ever madawat sd ko, mapuno nang psych and di nako ka enroll. Also unsay mga possible questions for the interview?
submitted by FerretFormer1234 to Carolinian [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:03 LemonLentil EU Citizens in the US - Job Search and Interviews

Hi everyone!
How should an EU citizen approach looking for a job in the US (Data Analytics/Engineering)? I heard that American employers might discriminate (either consciously or subconsciously) against candidates without American education and experience, even if the candidate has extensive international experience.
Additionally, I've heard that the interview process in the US is quite different from Europe. In Europe, it's often enough to have the right qualifications and be a pleasant person to work with, but in America, you need to be able to sell yourself really well in interviews.
I've also been told that it can be harder for Europeans to bond with hiring managers during interviews since we might not share common interests like American sports or universities.
I have a few questions and would appreciate any advice:
  1. Are certain cities or states particularly "friendly" toward hiring foreigners?
  2. Are there specific industries that are more open to hiring international candidates?
  3. Is it better to just apply on indeed/LinkedIn or contact hiring managers or recruiters directly, or should I use a recruitment agency for job placement?
  4. Are millennial hiring managers more likely to hire foreigners than Gen X/boomers?
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by LemonLentil to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-D_ [!tch & ORdeals]

How about dating and romance within such kind of world and settings? - Consider all possible social groups.

Love and Lust in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
Across Social Strata:
Challenges of Love:
Love and romance in a high-tech, low-life world would be complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges, people would find ways to connect, express affection, and build relationships in this strange and stratified society.

Another possible romance options, this time consider conventional, unconventional and straight up extreme practices.

Love and Romance: High-Tech, Low-Life Extremes

Conventional (with a Twist):
These ideas explore unconventional, potentially dangerous, but deeply emotional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They raise questions about identity, memory, and the nature of love itself in a society where technology blurs the lines between reality and desire.

Now another batch, but straight up absurd and bizarre.

Love and Romance Gone Wild: High-Tech, Low-Life Absurdity

Embrace the Weird:
Love Across Species (with a Twist):
The Power of Perception:
These bizarre and absurd ideas showcase the potential pitfalls of technology run amok in the realm of love and romance. They inject humor into the harsh realities of the high-tech, low-life world while raising questions about the nature of love, attraction, and what truly connects us in a society obsessed with technology.


I need more context to understand what you mean by "Hypershocking!". Do you mean one of the following?
Please let me know if any of these are what you were thinking of. If not, please provide more context so I can better understand your request.

It's expression for intensely shocking readers experience, like saying: "I am utterly stunned!"

Ah, I understand! "Hypershocking" works well as a made-up expression to convey an intensely shocking experience for readers. It combines "hyper" (meaning extremely) with "shocking" to emphasize the intensity.
Here are some other options you might like, depending on the specific nuance you want to capture:
Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific content you're trying to describe and the overall tone you want to create. "Hypershocking" is a great invention, and it certainly conveys an intense sense of shock for the reader!

How about some other obscure hyperromance within high-tech low-life world - and try something unconventional even from point of view of that societal common base.

Obscure Hyper-Romance in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Beyond the Binary:
Pushing the Boundaries of Love:
Unconventional Beauty:
These ideas delve into strange and unconventional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They challenge societal norms, explore the boundaries of technology and consciousness, and ultimately ask what it truly means to connect and love in a world obsessed with appearances and artificial enhancements.

Ok. Enough for love. Now lets focus on possible journeys and adventures within that world. Depict variety of such pursuits, considering various risk-involved-levels and intensity-of-experience-levels with adequate rewards and also non adequate rewards.

Journeys and Adventures in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Low-Risk, Low-Intensity (But Potentially Rewarding):
Medium-Risk, Medium-Intensity (With High Potential Rewards):
High-Risk, High-Intensity (With Uncertain Rewards):
Non-Adequate Rewards:
These adventures come with high risks but the "rewards" might be more like survival or a chance at a better life, not necessarily wealth or fame.
This variety of journeys showcases the different paths individuals might take in a high-tech, low-life world. Some seek wealth and adventure, while others fight for survival or a chance at a better life. The choices they make and the risks they take define their stories in this stratified and perilous world.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:01 OddlyMid My (49M) brilliant but ASD/PTSD ex (47F) is now totally fine and happy and I think I’m traumatized

I apologize for the sheer wall of text but maybe this will be good cathartic Sunday reading? It helps a lot to write it out. I am a 49M widower, three years out of losing my wife (48F), father of three adult kids. Last year I felt I was ready to find love again, and joined a dating app. Very quickly I matched with Lexi (47F, not her real name) and was smitten right away.
I am in the tech and startup space in my city and she had just moved from the opposite coast with a tech background and two exits. In fact, she swiped on me because we had just connected by email two weeks earlier because she was looking to join the startup scene in her new home.
She was so accomplished and warm and smart. She was into Buddhism and spoke much of the language of my childhood in terms of peace and joy. We had so much in common. We quickly talked about cofounding a startup, I loved her own dreams for the future, she was supportive of mine. We were honest and vulnerable and despite feeling utterly naive and awkward it felt great.
It was also complicated. She had been married twice before, the most recent physically abusive and prompting her cross-country escape with her two sons. She was self-aware enough to know she was dealing with the trauma and I was wholeheartedly supportive. Practical things like helping her finish all the paperwork for her divorce or keeping a distance so as not to upset her kids made sense.
But over time and sometimes with great pain we would run into triggers and need to break and reset. Our attempts to do something together were too hard because she would fear losing control—which made sense. She was terrified of not having support in a new city and I made sure to be available to her as much as possible—down to reserving certain hours every day to be with her. She asked me to move into her building, then panicked because her sons might see me, so I moved into the building next door.
I loved her so much and wanted to do everything to keep her happy or at least feeling safe. Maybe my years as a caretaker to my late wife conditioned me in this way. But Lexi and I knew we both were in complex places in our lives and tried hard to navigate things. She read about dating a widower, I read about PTSD and ASD—something she felt explained a lot going back to childhood, from sensory sensitivity to difficulty reading nuance in social situations. As an awkward guy myself, I was empathetic.
We co-developed a shared document that basically helped us avoid landmines. When our daily time together would be. Where to park so she wouldn’t notice if I wasn’t home. Boundaries to protect her kids—which did feel like we were sneaking around and would fill her with guilt. She loved to cook and had specific dietary preferences and I adopted the same diet (and still stick to it, mostly, because it did improve my health). She said she felt safer the more of my face she could see, so I changed my glasses and shaved my facial hair. She was afraid of getting pregnant so I got my long-planned vasectomy.
And this all sound crazy, but I was happy to do it, and she seemed to be trying hard, too. She adopted ASD coping strategies, we put reminders around our respective homes, she even put my photo on her wall as part of a ranked list of priorities… though I think I came after her boys and her dogs. (I’m a cat person but loved her dogs, dogsat her dogs, and the regular walks were a main way we spent time together, even when things were rocky.) More articles and books, personality tests, studying results to find paths forward. She had a science background so did find some comfort in analyzing us.
The biggest trigger was that I would sometimes travel out of town. I work remotely so it wasn’t hard to just stay put. But before we met I’d planned to go to a big concert in LA with my daughter, and couldn’t not go. That one weekend trip was the biggest hurdle we faced. I even paid for therapy for her and kept my promise to keep in constant touch—but it caused a two-week break, and a lot of anguish thereafter. She felt abandoned even as I showed in every way that I was committed. A couple of times she had panic attacks and curled into a ball while we were out and about. Once she ran from me, genuinely afraid of me, when I had gotten frustrated and made a sarcastic remark.
Because of her past abuse, the physical side of our relationship was also tricky. There were rules here, too, but as a middle-age effective virgin, I was still into it. I’d only had one serious partner in my life, so everything was new and amazing… but for it to also be a hot-cold-voracious-guilt rollercoaster was… confusing. A few times I would be strong enough to say, “If this is too hard, we could just be friends.” But THAT was, as you might imagine, another huge threat to her sense of safety.
Until she concluded the same. We pledged—via email, because by then even text messages were too intense for her—to be good, single friends. Walks, hikes, movies. Love you always. Then no contact for four months. She mailed my keys back to me.
Of course, I still lived next door, and ran into her maybe four times during that span. She seemed stricken a couple of times, and would not speak, not really look up, and twice crossed the street to avoid me. Her dogs were happy to see me, which made it especially awkward. I tell you, I felt like the worst person on earth, a man who failed to be a good partner and caretaker when I thought that was a strength. I was worried that I made her PTSD worse, that she was a wreck…
Until three weeks ago, our anniversary. She said she was sorry for causing me pain and wanted to be friends. I could have fainted dead. We met up for lunch.
She was glowing. She was so happy. Her sons were now both adults and she decided they were going to be just fine, and feeling liberated. She wasn’t ASD, it was just PTSD. She had started a graduate program to become a therapist (something we discussed), happy to both be able to tap her experiences to help others and to have the chance to practice with herself and classmates. She turned her love of cooking into selling her stuff at a local market (something we discussed). gave up her diet because it made it hard to date. And she’d been dating. And had a boyfriend who was taking her out of town for a week. I immediately saw the brilliant woman I first met, and was frankly gutted. I was happy she was happy, I was crushed that she got where she is AFTER me, not WITH me.
My friends tell me she was genuinely troubled and that PTSD doesn’t just vanish in a few months. That she was wearing a mask with me, and that this new boyfriend—with whom she also has amazing commonalities—is getting the same “mimic” behavior. That, if anything, her wanting to reconnect means she’s looking to assuage guilt or regain a part of her still critical support system. That I turned myself inside out for her, and the most important question to ask myself is whether I should be as open to being friends as I am. They're afraid she might want to get back together eventually because I was so accommodating—and they might be right.
I made a lot of changes in my life for her, many positive, many that still persist. I feel like it would be a waste to go through what we did and NOT be friends. But I definitely went through the wringer and I feel like I’m now the one recovering from trauma. I believe in therapy and am going to work on this. But I’d value an objective take.
TDLR; First relationship as a widower was to an amazing but complex woman was very fraught and fell apart. After no contact for four months she asked to meet up, and she was glowing and normal and I’m shook. Was it bad timing and I missed my chance, or is she maybe not really okay? And can we still be friends?
submitted by OddlyMid to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:59 softtechhubus Feeling Isolated at Work? 8 Tips to Help You Feel Included

Feeling Isolated at Work? 8 Tips to Help You Feel Included


Feeling isolated or disconnected at work can be a daunting and challenging experience. It's a common issue that many employees face, and it can have a significant impact on not only their personal well-being but also their professional success. When we feel isolated, it can lead to decreased motivation, low productivity, and a general sense of dissatisfaction with our jobs.
The importance of feeling included and connected in the workplace cannot be overstated. It fosters a sense of belonging, boosts morale, and encourages collaboration and teamwork. When employees feel valued and part of a supportive community, they are more likely to be engaged, creative, and committed to their work.
This article aims to provide practical tips to help employees overcome feelings of isolation and cultivate a sense of inclusion within their work environment. By implementing these strategies, individuals can strengthen their connections with colleagues, build meaningful relationships, and ultimately thrive in their professional endeavors.

Tip 1: Communicate Openly with Colleagues

Initiate Conversations and Small Talk

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to combat feelings of isolation is to initiate conversations and engage in small talk with colleagues. Don't be afraid to strike up a friendly chat during breaks, in the hallway, or even during meetings. Small talk can help break the ice and create opportunities for deeper connections.

Participate in Team Meetings and Discussions

Make it a point to actively participate in team meetings and discussions. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback openly. By contributing to the conversation, you not only make your presence known but also demonstrate your value to the team. This can help foster a sense of belonging and inclusion.

Share Ideas and Feedback

Sharing your ideas and feedback with colleagues can be a powerful way to assert your presence and establish yourself as a valuable team member. Don't be afraid to speak up and contribute your unique perspectives. Your insights and opinions can spark meaningful discussions and help create an environment of open communication and inclusion.

Tip 2: Participate in Team Activities

Join Team-Building Activities and Social Events

Participating in team-building activities and social events can be an excellent way to connect with colleagues on a more personal level. These activities provide opportunities to interact with coworkers outside of the traditional work setting, allowing you to build stronger bonds and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Benefits of Participating in Informal Gatherings

Informal gatherings, such as after-work happy hours or team lunches, can be invaluable for breaking down barriers and fostering a more inclusive work environment. These casual settings allow for natural conversations and the opportunity to get to know your colleagues on a more personal level, which can help strengthen relationships and foster a sense of belonging.

Foster Team Bonding

Team bonding activities, such as outdoor adventures, volunteering events, or even friendly competitions, can be a fun and engaging way to bring colleagues together. These shared experiences create memories and inside jokes, which can help build a strong sense of camaraderie and cohesion within the team.

Tip 3: Build Relationships with Coworkers

Get to Know Coworkers Better

Make an effort to get to know your coworkers better by engaging in conversations beyond work-related topics. Ask about their interests, hobbies, and personal lives. Showing genuine interest in others can help establish deeper connections and create a more inclusive environment.

Have Lunch Together

Suggest having lunch together with colleagues from time to time. This informal setting can provide an opportunity to connect on a more personal level and discuss topics outside of work. It's a simple yet effective way to build stronger relationships and foster a sense of belonging.

Form or Join Interest Groups or Clubs

Many workplaces offer opportunities to form or join interest groups or clubs based on shared hobbies or passions. Participating in these groups can help you connect with colleagues who share similar interests, creating a natural bond and a sense of community within the workplace.

Tip 4: Seek Out a Mentor

The Role of a Mentor

Having a mentor can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of the workplace and overcoming feelings of isolation. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their own experiences. They can act as a sounding board, offer advice, and help you develop both professionally and personally.

Finding and Approaching Potential Mentors

Look for individuals within your organization who have achieved success and possess qualities you admire. Approach them respectfully and express your interest in learning from their experiences. Be open to their feedback and guidance, and demonstrate a willingness to put in the effort required to grow and develop.

Long-Term Benefits of Having a Mentor

Building a strong mentorship relationship can have long-lasting benefits beyond overcoming feelings of isolation. A mentor can help you identify and pursue career opportunities, navigate workplace dynamics, and develop valuable skills. Additionally, having a trusted advisor can provide a sense of support and encouragement, which can be invaluable in times of uncertainty or challenge.

Tip 5: Take Initiative in Projects

Take on New Responsibilities and Volunteer

Don't be afraid to step up and take on new responsibilities or volunteer for projects that interest you. By actively contributing to team efforts and taking initiative, you can gain recognition and build stronger connections with colleagues who appreciate your dedication and hard work.

Being Proactive Builds Connections

Being proactive and taking the lead on projects or tasks can help you establish yourself as a valuable team member. It demonstrates your commitment and eagerness to contribute, which can foster respect and admiration from your colleagues. This, in turn, can lead to stronger relationships and a greater sense of inclusion within the team.

Contribute Actively to Team Efforts

Whenever possible, find ways to contribute actively to team efforts. Offer your skills, knowledge, and insights to help move projects forward. By being an engaged and collaborative team member, you can build trust and rapport with colleagues, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

Tip 6: Utilize Company Resources

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Support Networks

Many companies offer employee resource groups (ERGs) or support networks designed to foster a sense of community and inclusion among employees. These groups often bring together individuals with shared backgrounds, interests, or experiences, providing a safe space for networking, mentorship, and personal and professional development.

Mental Health Resources

If feelings of isolation are impacting your mental well-being, don't hesitate to seek support from any available mental health resources provided by your company. These resources can include counseling services, employee assistance programs (EAPs), or mental health awareness initiatives. Prioritizing your mental health can help you better manage feelings of isolation and cultivate a more positive outlook.

Training and Development Programs

Participating in training and development programs offered by your company can be an excellent way to expand your knowledge, enhance your skills, and connect with colleagues who share similar professional interests. These programs can provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and learning from industry experts, all while fostering a sense of growth and inclusion within the organization.

Tip 7: Practice Active Listening

The Significance of Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill for building strong relationships and fostering a sense of inclusion. By truly listening to your colleagues, you demonstrate respect, empathy, and a genuine interest in understanding their perspectives and experiences. This can help create an environment of trust and open communication, which is essential for overcoming feelings of isolation.

How to Listen Effectively

Effective listening involves more than just hearing the words spoken. It requires focused attention, maintaining eye contact, and providing non-verbal cues that show you are engaged and present in the conversation. Avoid interrupting or forming responses while the other person is speaking, and instead, ask clarifying questions to ensure you fully understand their point of view.

Enhance Communication and Trust

By practicing active listening, you can enhance communication and build trust with your colleagues. When individuals feel heard and understood, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts and feelings, creating an environment conducive to meaningful connections and a sense of inclusion.

Tip 8: Maintain a Positive Attitude

The Power of a Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive attitude can be a powerful tool in overcoming feelings of isolation at work. A positive mindset can help you reframe challenges as opportunities, appreciate the supportive relationships you have, and approach situations with resilience and optimism.

Strategies for Staying Positive

Cultivating a positive attitude can be achieved through various practices, such as practicing gratitude, engaging in mindfulness exercises, and focusing on personal growth and development. Additionally, surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can help reinforce a positive outlook and provide encouragement during difficult times.

Impact on Work Relationships and Inclusion

A positive attitude can have a ripple effect on your work relationships and overall sense of inclusion. When you exude positivity and optimism, you become more approachable and attractive to others, making it easier to connect and build meaningful relationships with colleagues. Furthermore, a positive mindset can help you handle challenges with resilience and grace, fostering respect and admiration from those around you.


Feeling isolated or disconnected at work can be a demoralizing experience, but it is a challenge that can be overcome with the right strategies and mindset. By implementing the tips outlined in this article, you can take proactive steps toward cultivating a sense of inclusion and belonging within your work environment.
Remember, building meaningful connections and fostering a supportive community takes time and effort. It's important to be patient and persistent in your efforts to reach out, communicate openly, and participate in team activities and initiatives. Seek out mentors, take on new responsibilities, and actively listen to your colleagues – these actions can make a significant difference in combating feelings of isolation.
Embrace a positive attitude and surround yourself with individuals who uplift and encourage you. Recognize that overcoming isolation is a journey, and celebrate small victories along the way. Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment for yourself and those around you.
Ultimately, feeling included and valued at work is not just beneficial for personal well-being but also for professional success. When employees feel connected and engaged, they are more motivated, productive, and likely to contribute their best efforts to their work. By prioritizing inclusion and connection, you can not only enhance your own work experience but also contribute to the overall success and positive culture of your organization.
So, take the initiative and implement these tips. Remember, you have the power to create meaningful change and cultivate a sense of belonging in your work environment. Embrace the journey towards inclusion, and enjoy the rewards of feeling truly connected and valued as part of a supportive team.
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:56 KirbyHoldingAGun How do I log back in with just the player ID?

How do I log back in with just the player ID?
I recently changed my Apple Store game location and the game was being weird not letting me buy the season jukebox thing so I logged out and tried to log back in only to be basically locked out. I tried the forgot password option but all my emails were “not valid”. I purchased a few in game stuff in there and I only have my game IDs. I tried to contact the help gmail; but they sent me this: Is there a different gmail I can contact or like any other way for me to get my account back? Btw I changed my country from Korea to the US if that helps
submitted by KirbyHoldingAGun to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:55 arthuriduss Should I Quit or Am I Being Dramatic?

Hi all!
I (25F) am currently a marketing coordinator in Atlanta for a dental specialty company making 38K a year. I graduated with my PR degree in 2021 and wasn’t able to find work in marketing until 2023, but I have previous experience working closely with a professional sports team in an unrelated field (digital asset manager)
I want to start out by saying that my low salary is definitely my own doing. In the interview process (4 interviews + a personal phone call from the COO), I was asked how much I would like to be compensated. I was fearful of being rejected for the position by asking for too much, so I settled on asking for “anything above 35K” as to not scare an offer away. They let me know that I was an easy choice + the most suited for the position, and they offered me 38K. Sweet, I’ll take it.
The original scope of responsibilities included doing the referral marketing for all of our company’s offices for the state I live in. It’s a remote/hybrid position (which I realize is a huge blessing and understand why they are offering the lower end of the salary), but just a week after my start date I came to realize that all 4 of the other marketing coordinators in different regions were making almost 11K more than I am at their start date. I chalk this up to me being too afraid to ask for any more compensation, so again, no worries.
I didn’t start feeling slighted/overwhelmed until they entirely changed the scope of my responsibilities. At the beginning of 2024, our manager let us know that we would no longer personally be doing the face-to-face marketing ourselves, but simply supplying our offices with the necessary information (referral reports to show which offices to gift to) and general gifting ideas to give our offices a more limited scope of gift options and to prevent them from coming to us with crazy/unattainable gift ideas. Sounds great!
Every week, it seems that my manager adds a new responsibility to my plate. It started in January when she let us all know that we would be responsible for managing the marketing budgets of all of our practices, something I have no experience in and was only explained to once on a group Teams call. I recall asking her a question about whether an item fell under “promotional items” or “referral marketing”, and she replied with a long message with such snark that this is a learning moment for me to figure out myself.
In February, my manager assigned me to start creating/producing our company wide newsletter, something that takes up a lot of my time, not even including the proofreading Teams meetings my manager requires before sending to our COO for approval.
My manager also put all of us coordinators on “development plans” (not improvement plans), and mine is to spend 2 hours of deep research of SEO and to send a page long report weekly and to have a presentation slideshow to present to her and our COO by May. I asked the other coordinators what their development plans were, and they were along the lines of “Try to improve public speaking by taking this HUB Academy class!” That required no further action items.
My manager requested that I be placed in our company’s “culture club” (I’m the only black team member) and the entire club has placed responsibility on me to create and execute all future events. I am not located in my company’s home-base city, so I’m not at headquarters daily to hear the updates to what we’re doing daily, and I often feel left in the dark and behind during our meetings while everyone else is caught up to speed, even though I let them know to please CC me on all emails pertaining to our club.
The straw on the back for me was a software cleanup effort that for some reason falls on our marketing team. All offices in our company use a software that, however outdated, they won’t switch to (and it makes sense-that would be a huge task), but in finding flaws in the system, they discovered that our referral reports were missing information such as practice names for our referrals, so it is put on us weekly to spend time going back and cleaning up that software.
This, along with randomly added responsibilities such as going through office calls and having to report on them in an excel sheet, doing an entire email campaign for one specific practice because my manager can’t say no, and the general miscommunication of everyone in our company has made me grow resentful.
My manager visited my city a few weeks ago and we traveled together to different practices to chat and see where they were at with marketing. It seemed like every chance she got, she would take digs at me to make me seem like a bimbo airhead who was only good for conversation (before I did asset management, I was a cheerleader for a pro sports team).
It all feels so targeted and unrelated at the same time, but I can’t help but question if I should bring any of this up on our 1x1 this week that she emailed me about today (on Sunday no less lol)
Please let me know if I’m being dramatic and I’ll shut my case and leave lol.
submitted by arthuriduss to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:51 LeanoreLovecraft Should I kill myself or get a pet?

This seems like a sick question. But I've read several post here and this seems like a place that might understand what I'm going through. Long story because my life is weird.
My situation, I live "alone" with an abusive parent. I am a disabled adult. We live in an isolated area. I have no social structure, no support system and no way to leave my house (due to physical disability).
This alone isn't the issue. It's defnitely a unique living stuation. I chose the solitude by my own volition. I do better alone, I function as normally as I can working around my physical restrictions. People get fed up with the physical disability and I have always been genuinely ok in solitude. I eat, sleep, work and perused hobbies. I did great without any social interaction or support. I kept myself busy. I have internet access (obviously) and still stay in touch with the world. Just at a distance I'm comfortable with. Not for everyone but I chose it and I was happy.
I also struggle with PTSD from past abuse. Again, I had a routine and I was actually doing pretty good.
My abusive parent is causing a great deal of problems. I struggle with daily suicidal ideation. It's a symptom I'm familiar with when my PTSD was at its worst. I have to will myself not to do it every morning and hope my "parent" isn't too volatile that day. I can't kick them out of the home legally. I'm stuck.
I want to get a pet. I had a pet pigeon that recently passed. I miss him. I saw some birds today and for the first time since my parent moved in I didn't want to kill myself.
Am I making a mistake? I would never want to adopt a pet for the wrong reason. I just want one little living thing on my side. A pet will listen to you without judgement and just love you. When my pigeon was alive and he noticed I was in pain he would come sit by me until I felt better. His little friendship gave me a lot to look forward to each day.
Right now I have nothing to look forward to. I live in fear and haven't been eating because of the stress. The only reason I get out of bed anymore is to water my plant.
I don't know how long I'm going to last in this situation.
submitted by LeanoreLovecraft to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:48 IntrovertRegret [For Hire] I will be your Discord Community Manager & Moderator!

My 4 year social community server project: Dreamland

Please feel free to take a look in there so you can see what I've built and what I'm capable of!

About me:

Hello! You can just call me Ape, it's nice to meet you. I'm extremely passionate about building communities and creating wonderful memories with people! It's what I've been doing for over 4 years nonstop and I've enjoyed every moment of it. I'd like to keep doing it and help build new communities out there.
I've got various interests and hobbies such as military armored vehicles, science/science-fiction, fantasy, film, gaming, anime/manga, and much more. I've always been quite a nerd at heart. :)

My experience:

Dreamland was my main community project that I worked on for 4 years. I built it from scratch and kept it running with consistent engagement, ensuring a healthy and friendly community thrived. It was a small 21+ social community that maintained 70 - 80 members over the years, at least 45% of that number were active at any given moment. It was home to many people during the pandemic and after.
It is unfortunately sporadically active as I've taken a huge break from it after 4 years of nonstop work. Since then, I've been helping any new servers I find to grow into a flourishing community.
I'm highly experienced with social communities but I'm also very flexible and can help build communities geared towards more specific topics or niches.

What I can do for you:

I'm excellent at building communities from scratch and keeping members engaged through consistent conversations. I'm great at moderating and keeping a community healthy and friendly. I can also provide consultation on how to better run, engage and moderate your community. I'm willing to stay and continue growing and moderating your community for as long as you need me.
That is what I offer with my services.
I'll work on your server for $15 per hour. Feel free to privately message me here if you wish to reach out to me and ask any questions. :D
submitted by IntrovertRegret to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:47 Fit_Grapefruit1485 What to do after finding out my boyfriend compares me to others?

I want to start off apologizing for the grammar mistakes and unorganized thoughts that will soon occur.
What do I do knowing my boyfriend is comparing me to other girls? For context, I (22F) and my boyfriend (21M) have been together for almost a year now (in a week). We met online and instantly connected. I was going to school in another state so we did long distance for most of our relationship until he moved in with me. Now we both live together in a studio with two cats (one we got together).
Our relationship has been good, the typical ups and downs but we usually get over it. We both struggle with being extremely insecure but he definitely externalizes it while I internalize it. Most of our issues stem from his retroactive jealousy and him feeling very insecure. I try my best to reassure him but a lot of times he doesn’t believe me. I struggle with comparing myself to others especially looks wise. I have seen the type of influencer and people that he’s attracted to (early into the relationship)and I am in no way shape or form close to looking like that which made me more insecure in our relationship. He does reassure me that I am the prettiest girl and whatnot but because of my insecurities I have trouble believing that. I have voiced this to him especially in regards to social media.
I really don’t want to air out his business but I think it is essential to the story. He claims himself to be a loser since he works a minimum wage job and feels that he doesn’t do much to support me. I recently just graduated with my BSN and my BA and have quite the future ahead of me and he has told me he is very jealous of that since he isn’t a school person. I was given lots of scholarships which I used to pay for a lot of our stuff because I know he struggles with money since he has to pay for his car and insurance and whatnot. I really don’t mind this but he really hates that I pay for a lot of our stuff. He voiced to me that he hates that he isn’t able to provide for me like I have for him. He said he resents me for being “perfect” as most of our problems have stemmed from him and not me. He struggles to believe that a girl like me could love him and questions my love for him which brings us to a few days ago.
Just a few days ago, he confessed that he looks at other girls on his suggested or people you may know on instagram and compares me to them. He said that he imagined what it would be like to be with them and how they would feel about him. He admitted to doing this for a month. I asked him if he found these people attractive and he said yes. It hurt me so bad. I asked him if he has done it with me in the room and he also said yes. It hurts me that he claims to love me so much and that I am the girl he wants to marry but then he does this. I don’t know why these girls being “normal” people affects me so much and could be people he potentially knows.
From his perspective, he doesn’t know why he did this. He still claims that he loves me so much and that he wants to marry me and only sees a future with me. Through his comparisons he realize that I love him for who he is, and that he thinks I am the only one who would/will. He said he did it because he is so insecure and thinks that I will just leave him so he imagines being with other people. He also just didn’t believe that I love him. I asked him why he just didn’t come to me for reassurance and he doesn’t have an answer. He is begging me to stay with him and says that he will do anything to earn my trust back. I just don’t understand why he did this and if he’s being honest with his reasoning.
I want to more than anything try and work this out but it hurts so much and I don’t know why. I am trying to find reasons to justify this or blame myself for doing something wrong or not being enough. I just don’t understand why and I can’t bring myself to believe that someone who loves me so much would do that. I think maybe this is normal but this is something I would never do. We are on the verge of a break up and i don't know how to feel. I don’t know if this is something I can get over easily. I feel more insecure than I have ever felt in my life. Every time I look at him or think of the situation I just cry. He has left the decision to me to whether we stay together or break up. I leave for my trip to Asia in a few days and will be gone for 3 weeks. I don’t know how to work this out if we’re long distance again with a time difference, how to trust him, how to feel good about myself, and not overthink. I don’t want to throw away this relationship because the thought of us not together also hurts. On the other hand, if we do break up this is the perfect time as he would have three weeks to pack and move without us having to interact much.
I really don’t know what to do. I really want to stay and work on it because I do think that he is being genuine in what he is saying but I don’t know how to get over this and trust him fully. What should I do?
submitted by Fit_Grapefruit1485 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:46 ericishere Advice for final stage interview?

Hello all,
I'm currently a SE for a hardware/software company in the security industry. I've already completed HR, Hiring Manger, Demo presentation and have a final in-person multi-stage interview for a SaaS. I'm a bit nervous but confident, I'm not sure what to expect as I've only worked for my current company.
There are 4 sessions with different parties. The first is a Sales Team/Peer interview. I've prepped some questions around deals, deal structuring and sales methods for this section. I'm also going to prepare to talk about some of my best and worst deals as well as difficulties in overcoming the sales challenges and getting the signature.
The second part, is a technical interview with a SWE. For this one, I'm going to prepare some of my more technical projects as well as prepare to answer technical questions about products I have supported. I think I'm going to ask some specific questions about the SaaS company's product and ask for best use-cases.
The third part is with the CEO.. I'm not quite sure what sort of questions to ask here but I believe it would be somewhere along the lines of their vision for the company, how they will lead the company to that goal and what the long term goal of the company is.
The final interview is with VP of Sales Growth. I believe this would be also somewhat similar to the previous sales interview but are there any specific questions I should ask?
I'm very excited about this opportunity and am trying to set myself up the best shot at a position at this company, I don't have many friends in the tech world and even less in Pre-sales so I can't really discuss this face to face with anybody I know.
If anyone has any advice, questions or any general information that you think would help me, I would very much appreciate it if you could share with me and salesengineers
Thank you very much for your insight.
submitted by ericishere to salesengineers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:45 AutoModerator Weekly Q&A Megathread. Please post any questions about visiting, tourism, living, working, budgeting, housing here!

Hello, welcome to London!

Visiting us? Moving to study or work? Brief layover? Moving to a new part of London? Any small questions about life here, if you're new or been here your whole life, this is the place!
We get a lot of posts asking very similar questions so this post aims to address some of our most Frequently Asked Questions, and give you a place to ask for assistance.
Your first port of call should be

the london wiki

It includes sections on:
What should I see and where are the non-touristy stuff and hidden gems? We've written about the big must-sees here and we highly recommend TfL's Experiences site. We've listed some of our favourite lesser-known stuff here And the cheap/free stuff here
How do I pay for the Tube/bus, and what's an Oyster card? You don't pay cash. You can use a number of contactless payments systems such as your Contactless bankcard (which is widespread in the UK, but maybe not so much elsewhere), Apple Pay, Android Pay, or you can buy an Oyster card and top it up with credit. See here for more.
Where should I live? What's x area like? Have a look here It includes recommended sites to find places to live and rent, and has a section on what particular areas are like.
How do I get from this place to that place? Use Citymapper. Honestly, we're not shills for them; it's just a really good app and is used by most of the locals on this sub.
Is x area safe? Yes. Bad stuff can happen in any large city, but London is generally very safe. There aren't any no-go zones. Even under the shadow of terrorist attacks, most Londoners feel safe. See our safety page here for more.
Where can I watch the baseball/basketball/football/handegg match? A comprehensive guide to all London football matches in all leagues can be found at Use Fanzo to find pubs showing a variety of sports and see our list of other places here
How do I get a UK SIM card for my phone? Advice on networks and how to get a SIM card is covered here. It also includes suggestions of cafés and other places where you can get free wifi and do a bit of work.
Is the London Pass worth it? Probably not
Other subs that you may find helpful:
  • /LondonSocialClub - Meeting new people for events, activities and/or pints.
  • /IWantOut & /UKvisa - Check if you need a visa and how to get one if you want to work here.
  • /LegalAdviceUK - Good for all sorts, especially for questions about landlords and contracts.
  • /UKPersonalFinance - Another goldmine of sage advice.
  • /AskUK - Great for general questions about UK life that aren't specific to London.
Tips for posting:
Tell us about you - If you want us to suggest things for you to do then you need to give us a good idea of what you enjoy. Don't just say "I like music", say what type of music. Don't just say you want "somewhere nice to eat", say what type of cuisine you like (or don't like). The more specific you are the better, otherwise you'll just get pointed back to the generic guidebooks, blogs and our wiki.
Tell us your budget - If you're on a budget then tell us what it is and we can bear that in mind when making recommendations. There's no point in us coming up with ideas for things to do and places to eat if they'll clean out your wallet within the first 5 minutes. Saying you want something "cheap" isn't really helpful because what's cheap is entirely subjective.
Tell us where you'll be based - Let us know where you'll be staying so that we can give local recommendations.
Asking about hotels or hostels - We have homes here so know very little about what the hotels are like. Look on review websites such as TripAdvisor. However, if you say "I've been looking at these three hotels. Which do you think is the better location?" then that's the sort of thing we can answer.
Non-touristy stuff - There are no secret corners where we hide the good stuff from outsiders! This is one of the most written about cities in the world, so when we want to go to a museum, or gallery, go window shopping, or whatever, we look at the same sources as tourists (listings sites, blogs, etc - see front page of the wiki).
These weekly posts are scheduled to post each Monday at 00:01. If it's late in the week you may want to wait for a new post to appear. Please send us [ModMail]( with any suggested improvements!)
submitted by AutoModerator to london [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:43 FullyMute 4 interviews within 1 month wasted

I've been trying to get a job for about 3 months now and I truly understand how hard it is to get an interview than actually get hired
I found a great company (I thought) which was for a position I specialize in which I have 8 years experience. I was chosen to do an interview and everyone was extremely happy, was making them laugh and it was amazing, they than told me it was going to be 3 more interviews which I was surprised but said it's no problem because they told me it will all be done within 1-2 weeks
I got the following email 1 day after moving forward to next steps which was a zoom call with Managers, which also went great he personally told me he would move me forward
I than got the email 2 days later to come back into the office to meet Recruiting managers, this was with 2 people and again went great and told me they will let me know results the following week. I ended up getting the final zoom call meeting with one of the Founders
As soon as I joined the call the founder let out a huge sigh like she wasn't happy at all, but didn't want that to throw me off. She started asking me strange questions that had nothing to do the job. "What would you do if someone ate your food" I thought this was some part to lighten up the mood? But anyway she seemed extremely uninterested in no matter what I was saying
I emailed my contact throughout the entire process and she told me they needed 1 week to decide on but they all loved me , no promises
I waited a week and got no email or phone calls I decided to email her, got no response for a day than called twice she still didn't answer
She finally decided to call me back and say they offered someone the job 3 weeks prior but because they loved me so much they are trying to find a position for what the hell is this? Is this what finding a job is now? Just hoping companies aren't lying to your face and wasting your time? But complain they can't find people.
Anyway I guess this is just a learning experience for me
submitted by FullyMute to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:43 Maximum_Principle978 Did I messed up my life at 20?

As the title says, I 20M made many decisions that I believe messed up my youth experience and will probably have consequences in my future. If you don’t want to read all of this just read the last question paragraphs.
So basically, I lost a year in High School due to bad grades at 17, as I had to work another 2 jobs to help my family, which went trough an extremely hard financial situation. I lost almost all my friends that year and became extremely depressed, and bitter. I gained lot of weight and my hygiene was on all time low.
At 18 I became extremely antisocial and literally only went to like 3 parties, where I didn’t do anything. I became over stressed over my future, my career, and started thinking that I’m a failure. I legit couldn’t even focus on girls, or anything like that because of how much I was thinking to try to figure my life out. Even though I started going in the gym, and put (physically) my shit together, I was still mentally depressed and even though girls and people were approaching me, I still acted like an autistic person, and messed up my last year at high school. I only focused on getting my grades up.
By 19, where I had to pick a college to go on, again, I messed up real bad in the access exams due to working the last months. My grades were so bad I had to go to a famous online school in my country, which is known for being the “failure students” uni. I spent 2 years studying hard to get a good grade and pick a good college, and still failed tremendously, meanwhile other people who didn’t focus and just partied and lived their lives, went to the one I wanted to.
So, I decided to start my degree online, and miss the first year college experience. This killed me inside but well, life goes on. Basically I spent that year working on multiple places, training, and being miserable. Meanwhile my classmates were enjoying the shit out of their lives, I was working in some low class jobs (I saved a lot of money but it doesn’t compensate), studying at the worst uni possible, and being stressed 24/7.
As if this wasn’t enough, this year I missed the matriculation of the access exam. I was misinformed via phone call and now it’s too late for me to do the access exam. I spent a whole year studying for nothing. I genuinely feel like my life is over, like 100%. Never, ever, in my life I had this sense of extreme emptiness and overwhelmed. I can not longer train properly, sleep, work, study, do self improvement habits without the thought that I completely f up my youth, even though I was working hard and doing my best, It’s absolutely incredible how hopeless I am now. It really is over. All my plans are terminated, all the work and endless hours that I’ve gone through just working were useless.
So basically my main concern is that I’d have to wait till I’m 21 to actually be on a decent college (3rd year), till then I have to study online and ruin completely my college experience. I genuinely don’t want to work as garbage man/toilet cleanesecurity/airport auxilia… kind of jobs that I went through, but I’m forced. Everybody knows I worked as these and make fun of me. I don’t have anything going on in life. I do feel like my social circle is also a big contributing factor, as almost all my close friends are in the same position as me. I do not want to end up like my family, working all their lives in low class jobs, but I am really going that path if I keep being this way. The career path that I chose (Computer Science) is really making me rethink whether this is for me or not. I am not enjoying coding, or at least the way they teach it. I only enjoy it when I code my own things, but working 8 hours a day in front of a screen…
I would like to ask some questions to people who may think can contribute something:
-Do you think I am missing a lot of the college experience? Like meeting a lot of new friends, girls, parties and all that stuff? I don’t know what is it like. I’m concerned if I’m just over stressing. I want to get to know people, girls, but I’m just not able to.
-Is it weird to be in college at 21 without knowing anybody there? What if I start a new degree? Will I be the uncle of the class?
-Will I do right if I get rid of my friends? They’re all very low level people, with black future, but they’re the only reason I have minimum social skills.
-Am I doing right focusing way too hard on self improvement? I’ve been watching hundreds and hundreds of hours of podcasts to gain knowledge and proper mentality, but I’m scared I will learn the same things if I just lived properly and do what everybody my age does. Maybe maturity can’t be learned.
-How do I not waste the year? I’ll have a lot of free time in some months, I genuinely don’t know what to do. All I have in my sad life is a 100k youtube channel that grew a lot in the last months that really doesn’t compensate all my lost experiences in life. My family isn’t being harsh at me due to “losing” the year, but I always had high expectations over myself and now I’m in the literally worst position possible.
-Am I doing wrong thinking I will make money on my own? Am I just being the classic 20yo kid who thinks he will become a millionaire?
Just FYI, I’m 6’6” and fairly attractive, so you don’t think I’m a random incel. Just a normal dude with really bad luck in life.
submitted by Maximum_Principle978 to Advice [link] [comments]