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How do I prove to my bf that I'm not cheating? Please help

2024.05.08 10:16 SalmaEscallon How do I prove to my bf that I'm not cheating? Please help

How do I prove to my bf that I'm not cheating? Please help
I posted this before but it got removed because I posted it to tje wrong thread. Anyways, I need help, please, I don't want to break my bf's heart.
submitted by SalmaEscallon to DailyDoseOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:16 weapplytojobsforyou Were you guys spanked? How?

Asian parents love spanking their kids. Now as an adult considering kids myself, I realized that my mom and her generation just got fed up and acted out when they hit me. It'll be for not doing tasks that they assigned to me good enough.
Those tasks were boring, dumb repetitibe things such as reading a book out loud from cover to cover. If I pronounced a word wrong, it'll be a spank. Or copying text from a book to paper by hand in a cursive font that they got from the computer's font library (which isn't even a real human's handwriting). If my penmanship wasn't like that artificial font, I'd get spanked.
My mom believed in spanking so much, that she even hired our family's roommate to spank me for her. He'd assign tasks for me and inspect it once a week. If it wasn't to his liking, he'll spank me. He was an inspector at the factory and came up with this system. Now as an adult, I think it was him coping with factory life and giving himself power. He also bullied me at home and no one said anything to support me. He didn't even want to stop hitting me, even after my mom asked him to stop.
He only stopped, when my mom thought he was trying to indocitrinate me into buddhism. She wanted to indoctrinate me into the Jehovah's Witnesses and stopped it. Then I was told to go to the Jehovah's Witness church, where they told me if I had sex or question the religion, they'll all shun me. I was so afraid of them rejecting me and I was doubly afraid that my mom would hire hieu to hit me again.
Aparently, Hieu did hit me againa few years later when I was in high school. I don't even remember that time. I had aboslutely no self esteem growing up and was ashamed of who I was. When I left the house, I was totally lost in the world and picked on and abused.
Now I suffer from fear of punishment for doing any mistake, due to how I was raised. I've cut them off from my life. I'm slowly getting better.
So, how were you spanked? What did it do to you? How did you feel? For me, I felt afraid.
submitted by weapplytojobsforyou to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:12 YMK1234 Dotnet User Secrets vs Container Secrets?

Sorry if there is some thread about this already around, but sadly google doesn't give me anything :/
I am currently containerizing a heterogenous service landscape (C#, Python, some PHP even iirc) and of course one of the big topics is configuration management including secrets. As we have this heterogenous setup I don't want to use a solution that is proprietary to the .net stack but something that can be shared across these different languages.
As far as I can see, in the docker / podman / etc world, there is this secrets implementation, which results in plain text files being put in /run/secrets/, while in the .net world there are .net's user secrets, which are put somewhere in my personal folder (in what format, I have no idea).
Cheers :)
submitted by YMK1234 to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:10 Ajithimself Much easier to consume Information from a text-only web browser than traditional browser

Hey guys, I'm not kidding when I say this. It's way easier to consume information when browsing in text-only web browser instead of traditional browser like chrome or firefox. The reason being it only shows text from a website or webpage and makes it easier to read information than looking at pictures and images on website.
If you want to try text-only browser I have compiled an available list of them here

You can also read more about how text-only browser helps in other ways here
submitted by Ajithimself to studytips [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:09 krutyzmrzlinarsvk Have vs need, READ TEXT!

Have vs need, READ TEXT! submitted by krutyzmrzlinarsvk to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:08 Yurii_S_Kh A translation of the Gospel of Luke into the Digori language has been published

A translation of the Gospel of Luke into the Digori language has been published
A translation of the Gospel of Luke into the Digori language has been published, the website of the Institute of Bible Translation (IBT) reports.
The Digor variant of the Ossetian language is predominantly spoken by Ossetians of the western part of North Ossetia, the Digorsky Gorge, the Mozdoksky district of North Ossetia, as well as by speakers living in Vladikavkaz and in the east of Kabardino-Balkaria. The number of speakers is about 100 thousand people, but there are no exact statistics in Digorian due to the fact that Ossetians are counted without differentiation by the proficiency of specific languages. Today there is a literary tradition in Digorian, the newspaper Digori Khabarttӕ and the literary journal Irӕf are published, a voluminous Digori-Russian dictionary has been published, and the Digorsky Drama Theater operates. The Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania recognizes both variants of the Ossetian language - Ironian and Digorian - as official languages of the republic.
The Gospel of Luke was written around the second half of the first century A.D. by the evangelist Luke, a trusted friend and companion of Paul, the Apostle of 70. This text was written in a high literary level of colloquial Greek language of the first century A.D. The participants of the Digorian translation group set themselves the same task. The translation into Digorian, which was verified according to the Greek source text and went through a multi-stage procedure of checking, editing and approbation, had to maintain the exact correspondence to the original and at the same time sound as natural as possible in the modern Digorian language. Translator Aza Khallaeva and philological editor Fedar Takazov, a well-known expert of the Digorian language, made every effort, all their knowledge, abilities and professional skills to make a worthy translation.
To help the reader, the Gospel text is provided with footnotes that give cultural and historical information. At the end of the book are maps of biblical places and a glossary with key biblical terms and difficult words. The Gospel text has black-and-white graphic illustrations to help visualize what biblical characters or objects looked like.
Previously, The Gospel of John (2002) was published in the Digorian language in 2002, and an audio recording of this translation was made in 2013. And in 2019, the Gospel Parables were published.
The forthcoming Gospel of Luke, as well as previous editions in the Digorian language, can be read in electronic format on the IPB website in the electronic publications section.
The Digorian translation team of the IPB continues to work on the translation of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark for the edition of the Four Gospels.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:07 kitkat_insondes Swiss Card & Monash serving sizes

Anyone else find weird inconsistencies in the serving info? Just not fitting reality.
The Swiss chard is really growing in our garden so I picked the first of harvest for cooked greens with dinner (we’ve been having a few raw baby chard leaves added salads awhile now). Picked a bit bigger bunch than found in most skimpy grocery store bunches.
Monash says green light is 1 cup raw. Who eats this much raw? Is there a famous chard salad secret recipe? Do we not need to know if FODMAPS increase or decrease with cooking? What methods of vegetable cooking? And the stems?
I’m a big time cooked dark greens fan, before IBS, so to me, this 1 cup means maybe up to 1/2c cooked after they wilt down in pan. Monash also notes 2.65oz as the serve size.
Recent stacking/large serves blasted me the past week, so given we haven’t had a real serving of chard this year, figured I’d both measure & weigh all I cook for our dinner (2 adults) so can portion properly after cooking & avoid another flare.
Turns out 1 cup chopped chard leaves packed tightly is only 1.4-1.5 oz. So the 1 c measure is only about 55% of the 2.65oz weight also noted by Monash. Do they have 2cup (8oz each) size “1 cup measures” in AUS? Hmmm … This is a huge difference & the 2 measures given in the app totally conflict. (No stems are rated so not included this time though we do usually eat them if not tough & I freeze to use in veg soup I hope be able to make again one day.) So I packed 4 cups chard lightly for 4 servings of about 5.5 oz raw.
Cooked, (sauté/wilt) a serving was just about 1/2 of a 4oz (1/2c) ramekin. Measly 1/4 cup, so annoyed with this tiny veg serve - I love it & previous to IBS ate 1-2c cooked. I mean, who thinks this is less than a typical serving of cooked greens?
Worse it wasn’t until afterwards when I realized the tiny pale grey detail text printed on white below indicates chard is low FODMAP up to 500g - that’s over 17 OUNCES/1pound!
Yet this measly 1 cup is how it’s published as a green serve. Why? I don’t get it. Shouldn’t there be some indication of the point at which a serving size where the FODMAP kicks in?
So frustrated with all of this & now finding inconsistencies like this in the “gold standard” data is just more daily insanity to work through.
Bad enough we have to restrict the fiber, nutrient rich foods known for gut & overall health to address IBS. But this guide is sometimes more about forcing lots of repetitive research, math calculations, guesswork & a magnifying glass to read it on top of our needs to restrict & also challenge foods while risking more IBS symptoms & also being given guiding/inaccurate/misleading info to eat very tiny amounts of foods that pose little to no risk up to a pound serving size.
These 500g/17oz SAFE foods should have a special stoplight color to easily guide to the least problematic. A purple light or other icon shape beside the green light would definitely help so we’re not opening every single food to be forced to read the tiny grey fine print to figure out whether or not it’s a hero food that can help us eat more of several different healthier foods while still properly restricting the wicked FODMAPS we must avoid.
submitted by kitkat_insondes to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:06 Anglicanpolitics123 Old Testament social principles relevant for our time(part 1). Critiquing lesser evil posturing in politics and society.

I thought I would do an analysis of social principles that are revelant to our times from the Old Testament. For this post I am going to focus on the theme of being the "lesser evil". We often hear this term thrown around a lot. Especially in the political cycles of Western politics. I thought I would look at what the OT has to say about this by focusing on the Book of Kings, Hosea and the Psalms which recounts the story of King Hoshea of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the fall of the Northern Kingdom to the Assyrians. Here are the relevant passages:
So what we see is the following. Hoshea as mentioned was the King of Israel in the lead up to the Assyrian catastrophe. It says he "was not as evil" as the previous Kings before him. Yet he still did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. And what is the evil that Israelite Kings and Israelite society was engaged in? Idolatry, child and human sacrifice, and systematic murder by those in the social and religious class. So when it says Hoshea "was not as evil" as the previous Kings, it is saying that under him Israel wasn't sacrificing "as many people and children" to their idols. They were committing "as many murders" as they were before. That standard from the Biblical perspective is a low and unacceptable one. Just because he wasn't "as evil" as the previous Kings doesn't mean he isn't categorised as "evil". Evil is evil, regardless of what degrees it comes in. And it needs a prophetic challenge. Furthermore if we read the Book of Kings we see that in the lead up to the Assyrian disaster you had a series of coups and counter coups by the partisan factions in Israel. Hoshea came to power in a coup against his political rival Pekah(2 Kings 15:30). Yet from the Biblical perspective it didn't matter which partisan faction came to power because they were all a part of the same corrupt, immoral social and political system that ended up proving to be irredeemable.
This is course relevant today because you are seeing lesser of evil arguments being deployed all across the board. Especially in the context of the powerful protests taking place around the issue of Gaza, but more broadly when it comes to the core issues of justice for the working class as well as justice for those who are the victims things like a brutal prison industrial complex. The idolatry mentioned in the text is also relevant because even though it doesn't involve physical objects in our type, we still have idols and social sacred cows that our society is devoted to. Archbishop Oscar Romero in his Pastoral Letters mentioned how the idols of Capital, Militarism and National Security are the modern day expressions of Moloch. And just like how Moloch demanded the living human sacrifice of human beings, these idols also demand the sacrifice of human beings. And we have obedient servants in our Elite class that serve these idols. Just because one partisan faction among the ruling class isn't willing to sacrifice as many people to these social and political idols, it doesn't mean that they aren't still the obedient servants of them. And that, from a Biblical perspective, is evil. Pure and simple. So no "lesser two evils" talking points can be used to obfuscate our prophetic and ethical responsibility to call out the blatant evil and wickedness in our society, to call out the Elites who are a part of a wicked social structure built on structural sin, and to condemn the crimes against humanity that we see in front of us. The barbaric slaughter of men, women and children that we see for example in Gaza, funded by the military industrial complex, and supported by elites of all parts of our society should be condemned. Regardless of whether those elites have a "conservative" or a "liberal" and "inclusive" "lesser of two evil face" that sanitises this evil. Same things when we look across the board on a range of human rights and social justice issues. The OT calls us to always dissent and be dissatisfied with structures of evil, regardless of whether they are "more" or "less" evil.
submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 to SocialChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:05 ReviewSpaceInfo Meta Launches Generative AI Tools for Advertisers

Meta announced a suite of generative AI features for advertisers, designed to enhance ad creation and streamline the design process. These new tools are part of Meta's Advantage+ creative suite in Ads Manager, providing a unified platform for advertisers to access and utilize AI-driven resources. Read more

Meta #GenerativeAI #Advertising #AITools #AdsManager #Advantage #TextGeneration #AI #TechnologyNews

submitted by ReviewSpaceInfo to u/ReviewSpaceInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:05 WolfieTheWomfie Getting more in touch with nature and in turn yourself

Hi all this post touches on nature, education, the link with therianthropy as well as my experiences and opinions everything will be marked under a specific subheading so if you want to read about/skip to a specific part they are there for a reason.
Nature and Mental Health
The first topic is the link between seeing/being in/interacting with nature and how it affects mental health through various studies psychologists have found links to positive mental health outcomes from being in or near nature. In some studies, it has been proposed that being in or near nature regularly can lessen mental health side effects even if temporary and can also reduce the need for medication for some mental disorders. It can help you become more grounded and aware of your surroundings which can help dissociation, depression, overthinking and anxiety and help make you feel more stable in day-to-day life relaxing your mind from other things that may be ailing you as a paper on the American psychology association website quotes
In a review of the research, Gregory Bratman, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Washington, and colleagues shared evidence that contact with nature is associated with increases in happiness, subjective well-being, positive affect, positive social interactions and a sense of meaning and purpose in life, as well as decreases in mental distress (Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 7, 2019).
As well as improving your mental health it can improve your physical health which hits two birds with one stone as physical and mental health can be closely linked which is not all that surprising as your brain is a physical part of your body. Just like how poor mental health can affect your physicality examples like not being able to get out of bed, restlessness, nausea etc. good physical health can benefit your mental health and vice versa. According to Mind a mental health-led organization in the UK physical activity can
Even after that, more benefits are not listed and will be different for each individual if they decide to try and connect more with nature and be around it more. As someone with a physical disability I can also recognize it can be a struggle for people to mobilly get there or even try and build up the motivation to go outside in the first place the nice thing about nature in my opinion is that you can reap positive benefits from just going out there and sitting in it and listening and being aware of your surroundings. If you struggle with either of these issues, you can start by just going outside and sitting down, even if it's just out your front door, into your garden, or even just sitting outside the grocery store. Over time it can get easier if the benefits of being around nature are allowed to take effect and can become a positive experience that you look forward to.
Why is knowing more about our natural world positive?
Knowing more and being in the natural world is positive for many reasons previously aforementioned it can have positive mental health effects. Being more educated can give you a greater understanding for how things work in our world as well as keeping you more mindful of what is around you in our world everyday nature exists even if it's hard to see from the feral pigeons in cities to the most remote places with no human civilization it is there in our day to day lives. It can give you a greater appreciation for your or international environments it leads you to being more aware of your surroundings potentially grounding your thoughts and having a more positive outlook on our world and appreciating all the little things we have that are everywhere.
One of the big all around positive affects around is that you can help the planet and your local ecosystem there are so many small things you can do that can benefit yourself and the world around you which I will list in the last part of this post. Some studies have shown biodiversity can also correlate to longer lasting and better positive effects from being around/in nature. Conservation is so important to keep us and so many amazing organisms here on this planet there are many organisations that you can learn more about conservation and the effects like
There are also lots of amazing nature documentaries that show you around the world and the many ecosystems that inhabit it how we effect the ecosystem and what you can do. Helping the enviroment doesn't have to include money either it can just be being educated and possibly educating others like not interacting with wildlife or not feeding them (except in specific situations) Another benefit is I have seen therians go into multiple animal related fields and if this is something that interests you these kinds of things would help you tremendously with finding a job within those kinds of fields.
How does this affect therianthropy?
A large portion of therians I interact with have some form of mental health issues not to mention species dysphoria which can worsen mental health as well this affects people's abilities to function in day-to-day life and just like how depression and closed negative environments in animals it can take our natural functions out of us. In captive, stressful or no-enrichment situations animals tend not to act like they would in their natural environment and start expressing potentially self-harmful behaviors that can make it even worse. A good amount of therians I have met feel that way in general human society they feel "trapped" and because of that they have poor quality of life and feel they can't express their true selves. Even though I personally don't experience this myself I have seen the effects this has had on people and it can foster a specific mentality that can spiral into poorer mental health feeling like you can never get out and that you're held captive in human society. Being in nature can help alleviate some of these feelings and can last for after you are in nature and can make you feel more content and less dysphoric.
For some people being in nature brings them closer to their natural environment that they would be in as an animal and helps alleviate dysphoria as humans and as animals, we all originally come from nature no matter where we are in our lives. Not only this but I have found in a lot of instances mental health and therianthropy is thoroughly interlinked and various therians have reported to me that they feel more like themselves or happy in their identity when their mental health gets better and feel more dysphoric when they feel worse and not like themselves. Poor mental health can also affect people's ability to do things they normally do including activities that can bring them closer to their identity as an animal and can make people feel uninterested in things that they normally are or make them not act like themselves. Not to mention being in a more positive headspace just feels you feel better all around but also can improve interactions with other people, especially other nonhumans being able to create a common interest within nature. I personally feel like people focus alot more on the identity, labels and being "valid" than being an animal itself and even then theres a lot of people only caring about surface level stuff.
One thing that I don't think everyone thinks about is with a lot of these things it induces your natural animal behaviour as well for me when I'm bird watching it can feel like stalking to try and not spook them and get a picture , learning to recognise animal calls, tracks, bones etc. helps me identify animals like I would as a wolf. It also for me just kind of empties my head, I'm in the moment I am not thinking about other things that are not happening that second I am just in nature doing things and to me that is a much more animalistic mindset and is a lot more peaceful to be in. Learning more about nature helps you learn more about yourself, how you came to be, what effect you as a human and animal have on the things around you and lots of other things you can learn more about the natural enviroment you would be in as an animal I think alot of people just look in to the animal itself and not the enviroment around it. I am so interested to learn about myself but also the enviroment that wouldve been around me all the organisms that play into my life and how we interact and effect eachother it gives me this greater feeling of being where i belong. For people who are animals that are hunted by anything you can use this for a similar thing with the knowledge about different animals and how to interact with them a good example of this is in a book called Tales Of Wild Bird life by H.M Mortimer chapter Children Of The Mist
Suddenly there sounded 2 soft, frog-ike croak from somewhere up the slope, and instantly the mother flattened, the chicks under her, her neck rigidly outstretched against the ground. A moment ago she had been just a brown mottled bird on the stony earth, but now she ceased to be. She became one of the thousand thousand stones about her, and not even a chameleon could have camouflaged itself so wonderfully. There might have been eyes on earth which could pick her out, but not human eyes, and certainly clumsy human feet would have trodden her under.
when again that warning croak sounded up the slope, followed as before by the strong burr of wings. The mother ptarmigan must have known in some mysterious way what was coming, for this time she acted very differently. She rose as her mate had risen and went burring off, leaving the chicks to take their chances, and as she left them, each minute atom of grousehood crouched and flattened just as she had flattened yesterday. Such desertion seemed callous on the mother's part, but the reason for it became clear when a minute or so later a lean, grey-stockinged mountain fox came trotting down the slope, sifting every gust with his keen nostrils. He paused within ten paces of the ptarmigan chicks, and from the keen alertness of his amber eyes one would have thought that nothing would escape him, yet he saw them not, though had their mother been crouching there he would both have seen and smelt her. So her presence would merely have betrayed her helpless brood. ​ Activities/Things you can do

I hope that this was educational and potentially brings a bit more joy to anyones life here thank you for reading.
submitted by WolfieTheWomfie to were [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:02 Honovi_Derringer Can't run No Man's Sky

I have tried everything I can find to get NMS to run on my new Framework 16, and it should easily be able to run it, but the game crashes right after clicking "play". I am launching from Steam and have the Ryzen 7040 graphic's card. I've also sent Hello Games a crash report with the crash log and dxdiag. I don't know if it's caused by Windows 11, AMD, Framework, or NMS. I'd just really like to play again with my husband. The last laptop I used couldn't run it, so it was one of my top games to play on my new laptop. Any suggested fixes would be appreciated. I'd also like to know if anyone else has tried to run NMS on their Framework and had no issues. That could tell me what isn't the problem, at least. Thank you for reading my wall of text!
submitted by Honovi_Derringer to framework [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:59 Bubbalobob How can Ukraine and Israel be protected under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty?

How can Ukraine and Israel be protected under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty?

A good parent will never do anything that will bring danger over family. When a leader of a country leads its own countrymen towards war and not away from it, what kind of a parent is such a leader at home?
According to (SOURCE LINK: Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty was a pledge amongst 12 countries in 1949 that founded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and that article became a cornerstone of their organization. The pledge promised cooperation amongst its members to ensure protection to each member's sovereign safety and security. That means that an attack on one member will be interpreted as an attack on all, and as a result, all members will join in unison to come to its victimized member's defense.
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 is described on NATO's website (SOURCE LINK:
“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”
One can also read an article written by Ivana Kottasová and Bryony Jones on 14 February 2022 on CNN at (SOURCE LINK: that explains a broader spectrum of understanding what Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty means.
The Article 5 pledge was extended to twenty more countries leaders during the years and today the membership expanded to more than double as from its founding to thirty-two countries.
Current NATO member states
For those who are ignorant to who are member countries of NATO, the list of members is available on NATO's own website (SOURCE LINK: When you go through that list, you will find that neither Israel, nor Ukraine are existing NATO members.
A press release by NATO on the Bucharest Summit Declaration in 2008 (SOURCE LINK: and on the 3 April 2008, Point Number 23, made mention for the first time in history that Ukraine will eventually become a member. Until today, Ukraine is not a NATO member, and never was before Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on the 24 February 2022.
Reuters published an article on the 25 February 2022 and written by Natalia Zinets and Aleksandar Vasovic (SOURCE LINK: reported how Ukrainian forces battled Russian forces the previous day, after Moscow unleashed the "biggest attack on a European state (Ukraine) since World War II, prompting tens of thousands of people to flee their homes."
In that same article with the headline that reads "Missiles rain down around Ukraine" US President Biden responded the same day of the attacks to reporters at the White House by saying: "This is a premeditated attack," and further stated that the United States impose sanctions against Russia and take measures that impede Russia's ability to do business in major currencies along with sanctions against banks and state-owned enterprises. (SOURCE LINK:
The first mention of US military and humanitarian aid provided to Ukraine was made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He announced this significant aid package during his visit to Kyiv on September 6, 2023. The package includes $1 billion in support for Ukraine, covering military, humanitarian, and budgetary assistance.
The aid package also includes replenishing Ukraine with weaponry that the US has previously provided, such as air defense system components, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems for HIMARS, munitions, ammunition, and communications systems.
Notably, this package introduces depleted uranium munitions for the first time. These munitions, mildly radioactive due to their dense metal composition, can be fired from the US-made Abrams tanks expected to arrive in Ukraine (SOURCE LINK:
The package commits $100 million in military support through the foreign military financing program.
Discussions between the US and Ukraine regarding long-term security arrangements continue, covering areas like training, intelligence sharing, and modern military equipment (SOURCE LINK:
The humanitarian assistance portion of the package amounts to $206 million. It will provide critical support, including food, water, and shelter to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine and those who have fled to neighboring countries.
Even though Ukraine has never been a member of NATO, the United States clearly act as if Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty applies to Ukraine, while invoking a pledge between NATO allies that would automatically involve them all in a war that was never theirs to begin with but bound by a Pact.

(IMAGE CREDIT: UNICEF/El Baba - UN News) Palestinian children in Rafah, traumatized by the despicable atrocities of a genocidal war they experience every day since 7 October 2023.
While Israel on the other hand is also still not a formal member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Biden Administration by the US (NATO) became involved in the Palestine / Israel war as of 7 October, 2023, when the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip by land, sea, and air (SOURCE LINK:
The U.S. government has been closely following the developments in the Israel-Hamas conflict. As an ally of Israel, even though it is still not a NATO member, the U.S. has expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself while also emphasizing the need for de-escalation and a peaceful resolution.
While the U.S. claims no direct deployment of military forces to the region, it has maintained a presence in the broader Middle East. The situation remains closely monitored by U.S. military and intelligence agencies.
The U.S. has expedited arms deliveries to Israel during the conflict. These deliveries include weapons systems and equipment to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities
Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding on 14 May 1948, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance until today. An article published by the Counsil on Foreign Relations wrote that this substantial support reflects several factors, including the U.S. commitment to Israel’s security and shared foreign policy interests in a volatile and strategically important part of the world (SOURCE LINK:
Jonathan Masters and Will Merrow wrote in their article under the headline "US aid to Israel in four charts" and published by the Counsil on Foreign Relations (SOURCE LINK: that since October 7, 2023, the Biden administration has reportedly made more than one hundred military aid transfers to Israel, although only two—totaling about $250 million have met the public eye. However, it’s important to note that this figure represents a specific subset of aid transfers and may not capture the full extent of U.S. assistance to Israel during this period.
The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Egypt and Iraq, but Israel stands apart. Most of the aid—approximately $3.3 billion per year—is provided as grants under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, funds that Israel must use to purchase U.S. military equipment and services. While the U.S. aid to Israel has been primarily military-focused, it reflects a commitment to Israel’s security and shared foreign policy interests in the region.
Furthermore, the United States has provisionally agreed (via a memorandum of understanding) to provide Israel with nearly $4 billion of US taxpayer money annually through 2028. Additionally, U.S. lawmakers are considering billions of dollars in supplementary funding for Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas.
NATO was established in 1949 as a collective defense organization primarily focused on the North Atlantic region. Geographically, Israel is not located in this area. Israel is situated in the Middle East, which falls outside NATO’s immediate sphere of influence.
The North Atlantic Treaty’s provisions, including Article 5, are legally binding among NATO member states only, while Israel has no membership with NATO.
Israel maintains close ties with several NATO members, particularly in areas such as intelligence sharing, counterterrorism, and defense technology. However, these arrangements do not automatically trigger Article 5 protection for Israel.
Until today, NATO could never have extended that same pledge of brotherhood as the twelve founding members did in 1949 to either Israel, or Ukraine, or alternatively if they did so, both Israel and Ukraine are either 'ghost' members protected under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, or NATO must admit that both Israel and Ukraine were never sovereign states, but NATO colonies under foreign administration, while the Israeli and Ukrainian people were made to believe they were free and democratic by their own puppet leaders.
What is the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program?

The Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program is a critical foreign policy tool for promoting U.S. interests around the world and financed by the United States Government (US Taxpayer and Voter). Its purpose is to ensure that coalition partners and friendly foreign governments are equipped and trained to work toward common security goals and share burdens in joint missions (SOURCE LINK:
The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) authorizes the President (Joe Biden) to finance the procurement of defense articles and services for foreign countries and international organizations. FMF enables eligible partner nations to purchase U.S. defense articles, services, and training through either the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program or, for a limited number of countries, through the foreign military financing of direct commercial contracts (FMF/DCC) program (SOURCE LINK:
The Secretary of State (Antony J. Blinken) determines which countries will have FMF programs. These programs are executed by the Secretary of Defense (Lloyd J. Austin III). While many countries participate, the eligibility criteria vary based on strategic interests and other factors.
FMF provides financing to partner nations either on a grant (non-repayable) or direct loan basis. It allows these nations to acquire U.S.-produced weapons, defence equipment, and related services.
How does US politicians benefit from War?

(IMAGE CREDIT: Lloyd J. Austin III
Lloyd J. Austin III, the current U.S. Secretary of Defense, previously sat on the board of Raytheon, a multibillion-dollar defense contractor. His nomination raised questions about the military’s impartiality when awarding contracts (SOURCE LINK: Despite calls for appointing defense secretaries without industry ties, President Biden chose to nominate Austin.

(IMAGE CREDIT: Ronald Moultrie
The Biden administration has also appointed corporate executives to high-level positions within the Pentagon. For instance, Ronald Moultrie, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, has ties to consulting firms and contractors (SOURCE LINK: This pattern has led to concerns about potential conflicts of interest and a “revolving door” between industry and government.
(IMAGE CREDIT: US President Joe Biden
In December 2023, President Biden signed a defense policy bill authorizing a record allowance of $886 billion for military spending (SOURCE LINK: While this doesn’t directly involve personal shares, it highlights the significant financial impact of defense contracts.
President Biden has visited defense-related facilities, such as the Lockheed plant, where he credited assembly line workers for their work in building antitank weapons (SOURCE LINK: However, this doesn’t imply personal ownership of shares, but it seems there are more to it than what meets the eye. (* Watch this space, my next post will discuss that topic!)
Tax money you pay to your government are being funnelled through to the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Program, then given or being loan to a foreign country who use your tax money to buy US weapons from manufacturers who has political figures sitting on their board of shareholders where your taxes end up in their pockets.
(IMAGE CREDIT: The movie titled 'The boy in the striped pajamas')
I ask NATO, how is the Israel / Palestine and the Russia / Ukraine conflicts a threat to your country's sovereignty and why are you providing those conflicting non-members with more weapons and taxpayer money?
Is this how you broker peace by 'leaking' news to the media how NATO supports their member hosting nuclear weapons in Warsaw, Poland, the very same place where the Warsaw pact was signed in 1955? (SOURCE LINK:
If you were Putin, wouldn't you too feel claustrophobic when your sworn enemy setup military bases and build up nuclear weapons on your borders? (SOURCE LINK:
What will you say to a Palestinian child who now have no family, who witnessed graphic violence every day, while your own child is safe and warm and watching a Disney movie? (SOURCE LINK:
How confident are you that you can describe yourself as being a champion for Democracy, while you have demonstrators burning your country flag and shouting anti-government slogans, while being beaten up by armed police officers? (SOURCE LINK:
Most, but not least of all, I ask every NATO country taxpayer, how does the Russian / Ukrainian and Palestine / Israel conflict benefit you?
We can stop World War III (Yes, I am saying it, because no one else will) by smothering its fire, but it would take courage and sacrifice. Hard earned taxpayer money is being abused by some politicians who are shareholders with military weapons manufacturers, and their market strategy does not include any peaceful method. In other words when you think about it, the taxpaying parents who send their sons and daughters as soldiers to a war that was never theirs to begin with, now stands before their child's grave because of weapons they themselves bought with their own hard-earned money, while some politicians took that money from them and run smiling all the way to the bank.
When someone lies to you, is to be betrayed. When your country's leader lies to you, such betrayal is called Treason. Treason is one unforgivable crime most governments all over the world punishes the harshest.
Winston Churchill has some advice for us during these times. "All it takes for Evil to prevail, is for one man to do nothing."
submitted by Bubbalobob to IlluminatedViews [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:59 ZJYGAMERS Airbnb: Day 1

(!!Disclaimer : This might not sound scary but I don’t know how to describe what I experienced in word)
Last week is the week I'll remember until the day I die. It all began with me, a 16-year-old male, deciding to have a sleepover with my group of friends: James, Tyson, Shane, and me. Since it was a long holiday, we decided to spend a week in a house we found on Airbnb. As four high school students, we couldn't afford a luxury house or a villa with a pool, so we settled for a cabin in the forest with zero reviews we found on Airbnb, not too far from the city, about 8 miles away but strangely there’s no phone signal here.
The trip was confirmed, and the journey began. We rode our bikes from our homes to Target to gather supplies for the entire week, then pedaled to the cabin. Unfortunately, the owner couldn't meet us to show us around, but he left a note. Initially, we paid little attention to it, but my phone kept beeping with texts from the owner of the cabin. "Please, check the paper that I left on the table. I don't know how to tell you this, but please believe everything in the paper, and you'll be safe," the owner said. I began to sense something was off, but at that point, nothing could scare me. I was with the boys. So, I left the note on the table and went fishing with my friends instead.
As night fell, we let James cook our dinner from the fish we caught while the rest of us chilled on the couch by the chimney, watching TV. But I couldn't shake the feeling prompted by the owner's text. Eventually, I picked up the note and move to the corner of the room to read it.
"Hi, I'm so sorry for you. You all shouldn't end up here. I tried to warn my husband to remove this cabin from Airbnb, but he didn't listen. He doesn't believe what I saw or heard. So, if you end up in this cabin by any chance, please get out before 9 p.m. or else you'll have to stay for a week and follow these rules every day. The rules will change; don't worry. At 5 a.m., a note with the rules for that day will appear at your door. If you break more than three rules, I recommend jumping off the cliff near the cabin. You don't want to know or see what's going to happen. And if IT sees you, I recommend hiding and praying that it won't find you," the note read.
I placed the first page of the note on the table without realizing there’s were more on the back page. I took a deep breath and tried to dismiss it as a joke or a prank by the homeowner. But my mind couldn't resist the thought: What if it's real? I look up at the clock, I saw it was only 8 p.m. I still had time to leave. So, I got up to walk to the door, but at that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Tyson, his face filled with terror, holding me back. He whispered, "The clock is a trap," as he pulled out his phone and warm me about the back page. I couldn't believe my eyes; the clock on my phone read 9:13 p.m.
I rushed back to the couch and flipped the note to read the rules for day one.
"The Note: This is a set of rules for day one, known as the tutorial day. You can make only three mistakes per day, and every time you make a mistake, a bell will ring. If the bell rings three times that day, I hope you good luck.
Rule 1: Lock all the doors and windows after midnight and block every way that can enter the house.
Rule 2: If you hear a knocking sound after midnight, turn off all the lights and shout, 'This house is already occupied.'
Rule 2.1: If the knocking stops, and you hear the wind blow, you can go back to sleep.
Rule 2.2: If the knocking doesn't stop and IT gets inside, run to the basement, turn off the lights, and stay quiet count 1 to 100 and come out.
Rule 3: If you hear your friend's voice screaming in the middle of the night, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR. Stay in bed, close your eyes until the screaming stops. It's either the voice of IT trying to fool you or IT has got your friend."
"Guys, dinner's ready!" James shouted from the kitchen. Tyson and I walked in to find Shane and James waiting at the table, food ready. I told them about the rules, but James and Shane didn't believe it and brushed it off. We finished dinner and took showers.
As I waited for my turn to shower, I saw Tyson locking all the doors and windows. After we all showered, we headed to bed. With only three bedrooms, one person had to sleep on the couch. Luckily, it was me. As time passed and my eyelids grew heavy it was a good night until I need to use restroom , and when I get up. a figure, resembling a human, caught my eye. It was smiling and waving at me. I pretended not to see it and rushed to the bathroom. I locked myself in there for the rest of the night, thinking it was over until I heard the knocking and a voice trying to mimic human speech, "Help, help me!" I froze in shock, completely forgetting what I needed to say. That's when the bell started ringing, and I realized I had made the first mistake. Suddenly, the knocking stopped, and I heard a whisper, "I know you see me," before blacking out.
submitted by ZJYGAMERS to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:58 ThePandaPost [Thank You] Thank You! 3

Thank you for the continuing housewarming mail; I display it on my wall as a rotating gallery show , and then store it in archival boxes. I’m glad it’s part of my life, I'm glad you’re part of my life. This is a great community made up of truly genuine individuals - which is probably something difficult to say for anywhere else, online or offline. Without further ado, alphabetized thanks to:
u/cswl x 4 Thank you for these lovely notecards, opening this envelope was such a surprise. I hope you’re having a a nice spring and thanks for sharing all of this with me :)
u/draftyelectrolyte This is an amazing postcard. I didn’t even know big chunk of beef postcards were allowed, and, and! You shared one. Thank you! I will now have to find my nearest most authentic osteria even if I only end up eating orzo. Any recommendations for osteria in Whitestone? Queens? Nevermind I doubt anyone is reading body text on a thank you post :(
u/TheCaledonianRose Thank you for the housewarming wishes and the cool postcard! Your penmanship is lovely, and natural :)
u/charmingcorpses Thank you for this sweet sketch! As a cat owner (that must be the wrong word, they own me) this is deeply touching. Thank you. I had to check several times to see what company made this, so yeah, it’s good.
u/gemstone Thank you for this art postcard! Your message was sweet and your stamps were all awesome (Batman! for one!), thank you :)
u/inkyfingerspgs Thank you for the housewarming mail! I am exploring extensively, I take far too many solo walks :) Thank you!
u/josanne916 I can barely concentrate on the message of this postcard or the beautiful image on the front (los angeles!) because the handwriting is immaculate. Thank you! And you sent me a second! A beautiful blue (on the back) Tate postcard. Thank you! I wish we had known each other when I lived there (Seattle! Japantown), I’d like to think we’d’ve been friends :(
u/jubilanthello Thank you for this sweet postcard, the lovely doodles on the back (that little coffee cup deserves his own postcard, and that is not hyperbole or empty flattery), and the pretty daisy washi. Thanks for welcoming me back! I’m glad to return, but few people actually ~say~ that :)
u/keqani This did make me smile, because it’s a postcard I’ve sent out before (shouts to NYC!) - but with stickers and washi and so much prettier than I’ve ever, ever sent. I guess I have to up my game? Thank you!
u/littlemermaidxx Thank you for this super pretty fashion postcard and the (also fashionable) sticker (with hats!). Thank you!
u/ninajyang Thank you for this beautiful postcard! And the likewise beautiful washi (seriously that was like renaissance washi I’ve never seen such illustrated food on washi, amazing), and the bunny sticker (is this bunny in a shiso leaf? Outstanding), thank you and I hope you one day get a PO Box or someone to screen your mail because I can’t be the only person to want to send you amazing mail :)
u/princecowboy Oh no. This is amazing. Should I share this with a little boy who is obsessed with dogs or should I save it for me?! A conundrum (also thank you for this amazing mail)
u/relax455 x2 Thank you for this beautiful mail, x2 with the included blank postcard (did you guess I collect blank postcards or was it ~sorcery~, who knows), noticed you didn’t say who the artist was who painted the mushrooms on the front of the card - was it you, or are my eyes broken? It is beautiful and thank you for sharing!
u/saltyspidergwen Thank you for this lovely postcard art! And the stickers are really cool, I want some! They look like stained windows😍
u/talkingishard33 This is a beautiful card, thank you. And thanks for the cute stickers! Also your return mail labels are pristine and informative :)
u/t3ctim Thank your for this lovely postcard and the kind words. Admittedly your name always makes me think ‘hopefully not a victim of bears’ but it probably means something else. Thank you for sharing this, I love the colours and images!
u/Thrwy56790 I hope I got all your numbers right. Thank you for a sweet, lovely aquatic painting, and for the design on the envelope.
u/tiredpantyhose Dang I hope I got your username right. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous postcard with me! And the washi! The fat little pandas cooking eggs and being so competent with bread! Thank you (and if you’re ok with sharing please tell me where you got that washi because I’ll put it on my correspondence you can PM me NO PRESSURE)
u/travel4me22 Thank you for this lovely floral postcard. I’m enjoying the spring weather in NY because it’s ratcheting up slowly and therefore good for blooms. I hope you’re having a nice spring (even with crazy temp fluctuations)
u/wabisabi_sf Thank you for the ~swirly~ postcard. You’re always such a kind and generous correspondent. It’s appreciated!
Thank you all for sending me mail! Thank you for being amazing people invested in the awesome experiment that is RAOC. I’ve been a Southerner, a West Coaster, a peripatetic American, and then an east coaster, and the whole time you guys have been nothing but welcoming and accepting. Gonna make more art soon just for y’all. Until then, thank you, and please don’t change.
Love you,
submitted by ThePandaPost to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:55 diligentLinguist Learning Polish using (retro) adventure games - a pilot project

By now some of you may know me as the Polish "flashcard dealer". :-)
This time, however, I wanted to bring your attention to a solution that SERIOUSLY contributed to my success back in the early 1990s when I was a teenager struggling to learn English (we had Russian at school), namely computer adventure games.
The main problem back then was that I had to keep my English-Polish dictionary with me at all times, and sometimes it would be of any help, especially if I had to deal with figurative or colloquial language, idioms, irony, humour, etc.
I believe there is a great potential in the use of computer adventure games in the context of learning (and teaching!) the Polish language -- from the simplest ones (text-only interactive fiction) through point-and-click ones, to the most recent ones featuring lovely graphics, professional voice acting and animation.
While working on other projects, I quickly put together a little "pilot project" based on a game originally published in the BAJTEK magazine in 1989 (see the magazine here: , the game is on pages 18-19).
Yesterday, I finally managed to put together a (very messy, my apologies!) page on my website where you can download a flashcard set for teh Mochi Cards app, containing every word from the game:
If you don't feel like reading my stuff, you can watch my video instead:
I have been wondering how many learners would be interested in playing retro/classic adventure games in Polish and use them to boost their vocabulary range (and, in the future, improve their grammar as well).
Perhaps I should even consider porting the old games to the modern computers or smartphones, so you wouldn't have to use emulators of old machines? What do you think? I can imagine adding voice acting, a more user friendly interface, etc.
I will greatly appreciate your feedback. :-)
submitted by diligentLinguist to learnpolish [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:55 bc5000chiefer Fueled by social trauma and regret - really anxious and angry at everyone around me and i have 1 year to reap the rewards of weight loss

id like to make this post in order to vent and hopefully get some insight or at least see if anyone can relate to my experiences. 16m. i really wish there was some method of voice recording since i dont feel like typing this all out then making you guys read it, and i have a real bad tendency to drag
for most of my life i've been either nearly obese or at the very lowest skinny fat (bmi in low 20s). ive always been very socially inept since i have autism with OCD like traits. obviously this has made me a very easy target and i can vividly remember so many times ive been the victim of lookism because of my weight and appearance. the thing is, id been skinnyfat/chubby for the longer time and i'd never got comments about it from my parents or peers. while i can remember being treated like shit by my peers for nearly my whole life, it was usually a more general kind of thing - people didnt laugh at my jokes, didnt smile at me, etc. but last year was when i got blackpilled (i know the connotations of the community and i dont mean to associate with them).
people would treat me so horribly and it was a lot more direct than it was when i was younger. people would come up to me and cook me for any reason, either the way i acted or for things about my appearance. the former frustrated me the most, since i couldnt get away with the most basic shit skinny people got away with, and i brought it up to my friends who revealed i was at the worst end of the weight spectrum i could be on - by being skinny fat i couldnt reap the benefits of leanness or the leeway of obesity (where your face tends to round out and just isnt as bad as a barely recognizable bloated skinnyfat face). the realization and regret of fucking my social life and development left me deeply depressed and with no energy to take action until about feburary of this year. for this past school year (junior), i took the choice to do school from home in order to concentrate better, which has further fucked my social life and instilled a sense of regret since thats practically 1 year without physical communication with any of my peers.
in feburary, i was put on wellbutrin which greatly improved my energy levels and reduced my appetite. it gave me the energy to finally lean up, since id go days without eating or eating 1 very light meal. since then i've gone from ~150 to 110lbs, which at 5,9 is a bmi difference of 22.2 to 16.2. heres where the title of my post is concerned.
im finally starting to receive complements about my appearance from peers and my own friends, as well as frequent smiles from people on the street. the girls my friends have put me onto reply much faster and never text dry and send pictures - it sounds like im geeking out over this shit because i am, ive never had a girlfriend or even a close female friend at all until now. while youd think id be trying to live in the moment as much as possible right now its really cemented a feeling of regret and anger at everyone in my life right now. the junior year of highschool is just about to end, so i have realistically less than a year to reap the benefits of weight loss and the social development and memories i shouldve experienced years ago are gone, replaced by trauma. they say high school isnt everything but realistically it is, the memories you make in your youth are the ones that define your life and mine have been stunted so far back compared to the average person. i could go on and on about this more than i already have but i think you understand my frustration
all this regret has made me really angry at everyone around me. my parents for not making comments or even suggestions to lose weight, even when i was nearly obese. but now theyre trying to get me off this weight loss when i was likely more unhealthy when i was at my heaviest. i cant help but feel theyre holding me back because they themselves have never been this skinny and believe you magically become frail as soon as your bmi goes below 18.5. ironically every time they see me they just have to make a fucking comment (angry or annoyingly concerned) about my weight, but when i was unattractive and fat there was never of that. i never like to blame people through an irrational train of thought but i really do feel theyre responsible for fucking my social development and causing the trauma i have today.
the rest of my anger is probably more irrational, and its at my peers and friends. i get looks are everything in this life, i really do. but i always have a feeling of resentment towards anyone who mistreated me in the past no matter how kind they are to me today. even though i judge peoples appearances all the time i just have so much anger for the trauma i have from years ago, for something that i couldve fixed in months. and to think i only have 1 year to experience what everyone has been for the past 5 is the worst part.
i just dont know what to make of all this and its really stressing me out. i know the simple answer is to live in the moment and be appreciative of all this attention, but ive always had a problem with envy and regret so of course something like this is hard not to think about. id appreciate anything in the comments, and thank you for reading this far if you have.
submitted by bc5000chiefer to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:52 turbobureaucrat The checklist is just the beginning, part 2

Post already yesterday on SoList.Blog
In the previous part of this article, we were turning the checklist into a physical form. It was already great, but that’s not all that we can. In our century, the significant part of work is knowledge work performed on a computer, and here checklists in their transformations take on different forms. Last time we used a toolbox as an example for clarity, but this time this very article will serve as an example.
It sounds logical enough that in a blog about lists, the author uses checklists to organize his work. Moreover, the author even once criticized arrogance over lists. Lists in the work of this blog already have several forms, but only one of them will be closely examined, most obviously looking like a checklist.
Consistency in the blog is ensured by approximately this checklist of auxiliary actions: ☐ Ensure there are no spelling errors. ☐ Prepare the feature image. ☐ Make network links beautiful. ☐ Format bibliographic references using the template “Author “Title”, ISBN”. ☐ Publish the English version of the article on the blog. ☐ Publish the English version of the article on Twitter. ☐ Publish the English version of the article on Reddit. ☐ Publish the English version of the article on News Y Combinator *. ☐ Publish the English version of the article on Mastodon.
Does this checklist contain all the secrets of the art of blogging? No, of course not! But now it brings benefits, helps ensure quality from post to post. As the blog's capabilities grow, this checklist could begin to transform, so that's what we'll look at shortly.
It’s worth starting with the fact that there is no “Ensure there are no spelling errors” item. Not because everything is written without errors; it would be too naive to assume that. This item is automatically completed using additional spelling and style checking tools. During writing, when errors appear, problem areas are highlighted and corrected.
Is it expected that by using the tool, all text without highlights will be error-free? No, this is not expected, everything written is re-read several times.
Is there a more general name for this transfer of checking from the checklist into the writing process itself? Yes, this is called building quality into products. One of the respected thinkers of theoretical management, statistician William Deming, insisted on building quality into products in his 14 points [1].
We figured out the first point, what to do with the second? I don’t have any special ideas, the process of creating the main image consists of communicating with ChatGPT until the result satisfies the customer. Let this point remain unchanged for now.
What is “Make network links beautiful”? This means formatting them according to a template“phenomenon name” from “site name”. It appears that the possibilities for automation exist here. Now the formatting is done by hand, but It would be convenient to add just a link and then get the result using the specified template. It would be great if this conversion happened in the “List of links” section every time the document is saved.
How to approach Format bibliographic references using the template “Author “Title”, ISBN”? This point can be approached in a manner similar to that described in the last paragraph. Moreover, text processors such as Microsoft Word allow you to build something like a local bibliographic database and then automatically generate the bibliography itself. In this blog, I would rather not create cumbersome bibliographic references according to international standards, the lightweight version is absolutely enough. If talking about automation, it would be great to insert an ISBN identifier while writing, which, similar to a link, would turn into the form specified by the template when the document is saved.
The process of publishing of a finished article in a blog is simple, but manual work. You need to copy the finished text and paste it into the Ghost engine text editor. You need to format quotes using the local tool, make proper line breaks in lists with items ☐, as well as in the list of links. It would be great not to do this manually, but to press a special button in a text editor, which would make the necessary transformations and publish the blog post.
What about the upcoming social media posts? One way or another, they come down to formatting or publishing a short or medium-sized annotation, adding links to the blog and calls to subscribe. Sometimes hashtags are added. Except the medium-sized annotation, all the necessary information is available on the blog post’s page. You can write the missing annotation yourself, or ask some neural network to do it, and then put it in the article’s folder. It’s important to check the result in case of the AI usage so that something unexpected does not happen.
What is left after the work we have done in our thoughts to transform the list of actions for publishing an article? There is only one point left: ☐ Prepare the main image.
The remaining points were either transformed according to the principle of building quality into the creation process, or were automated. The initial checklist showed its usefulness when used manually and served as a guide for more labor-intensive work.
The next part of the article will briefly look at another form that a checklist can take to aid knowledge work.
* Previously in the actual checklist there was an incorrect “YCombinator” form. Automatic type checking helped to fix this.

List of links: [1] William Deming, “Out of the Crisis”, ISBN 978-0-262-54115-2

Subscribe to directly, the post was already there yesterday. You’ll then first receive beautiful emails with the new publications.
submitted by turbobureaucrat to SoList [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:47 Lunatic2448 TO: RagingFetusUSMC(PS), Anie_Chosen-One (PS), and Zubs(PC)..... WTF

Like really??? You kick me mid game while I did half the OBJs ALONE on HELLDIVE. collecting all the samples along the way finding supers, and died once while fighting bugs with you guys. literally the only time i die is with you guys, then you abandon the main obj and I stay clearing all bugs from it and once i do you are halfway across the map and you boot me. Wasted 30mins of my time. Like there needs to be a vote to kick or something I'm not sure who was leader but idk what I did to deserve the kick. Not a SINGLE TK EITHER, CUS I WAS DOING ROUGE MISSIONS NOT ALERTING A SINGLE ENEMY. WHILE YALL FIGHTING EVERY THING YOU SEE. End Rant... Im just pissed now
PS there was some text chat i didnt get to read cus i was busy not dying, get fucking mics
submitted by Lunatic2448 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:43 HappyFeet650 I don't know if this is just a gross fetish I have, or if it's something more...

Serious post here, just FYI. Kinda long too, so prepare for a decent wall of text...
I've wanted to crossdress since I was 5 years old. I still visibly remember being in kindergarten and having the teacher give us this bend of stuff to play with at the end of the day. One of the things in the bend was a purse. It was the first thing that caught my eye, and I wanted to look at it and wear around the classroom so that I could be like my mommy. The typical boyish and masculine toys were all there for my taking, and I ignored then for the purse.
Now, I know a lot of people go through tomboy phases and stuff at a young age, and that this experience I had with the purse might not seem like that big of deal, but this wasn't just a one time thing for me. In fact, my desires for femininity spiraled even deeper. Much deeper.
When I was in 3rd grade (so around 8 or 9 years old), there was this still who I sat next to in class every day who was beautiful. She had long, shiny blonde hair and wore the girliest of outfits every day. But I didn't just think she was cute, I wanted to be her. She seemed just seemed so happy, and I thought that she was so lucky that she got to dress up in these adorable outfits all the time, have beautiful long blonde hair, get her ears pierced, be treated better by teachers because she was a girl (and a smart and shy one at that), etc. By the end of the year, it was really bad. I cried myself to sleep numerous times wishing that I could wake up in as her in the morning. I would goof around with my bath towels and pretend I had her long hair or was wearing a skirt. I wanted to be a pretty girl, no doubt about it. Did I absolutely hate being a boy? No, but I thought that I'd be MUCH happier as girl, especially considering that I wasn't really happy to be a boy, just content with it.
Eventually my jealously of that girl died out, as she moved to another school two years later, but my jealously of girls didn't die out at all leading up to when I was 11. I still wished that I could be a pretty girl, but had grown a bit happier as a boy due to the fact that I was on the basketball team and had some friends finally. But like I said, that didn't change my jealously of girls. And when I was 11, I crossdressed in my mother's clothes for the first time. Well, not her actual clothes. The clothes I tried on were in a messy pile that my mom was going to donate to Goodwill or something since she didn't wear them anymore.
I waited for when I was home alone to dress up. I slipped on one of the dresses that was in the pile, and then put on a pair of my mom's heels. To this day, it's one of the happiest moments of my entire life. Looking in the mirror and seeing myself in girl clothes almost made me cry tears of joy that afternoon.
I kept crossdressing very often when I was home alone, but never for longer than around 10 minutes because I knew that my parents never left me home alone for very long. Looking back at it, I honestly don't know how I never got caught by them. I can remember a few times off the top of my head where it was extremely risky for me to do it without getting caught, but I did it anyways and managed to somehow always get away with it. But it's at 14 years old when things started to change for me.
I was crossdressing again while home alone, but this time I decided to go all put and really put together an outfit. For the first time, I was going to be left home alone for the majority of the day. That meant that I would have hours to crossdress and try on clothes that weren't in my mom's donation pile for once. And I did. I wore this beautiful dress of her's with a sweater and heels. I was beyond joyful to being wearing it; maybe even happier than I was then when I crossdressed for the first time ever. But then I noticed something weird start to happen. My penis was getting super hard and erect like it never had before. I tried pushing it down, since I didn't know what was happening to me. But touching it felt really good for some reason. I reached into my boxers and started to rub it, and it felt even better. And then, for the first time in my life, I ejaculated. While dressed in a cute woman's outfit. Thankfully, all of it was contained in my boxers somehow and didn't spill out anywhere else, or I would've had a potential disaster in my hands in explaining that situation to my mom.
I continued doing that same routine for the next six years (until 20 years old). Dress up in a cute outfit, and then rub myself until I orgasmed. I'm 21 now, and the only reason I haven't done it in months now is because I've dealing with significant depression for the entirety of that time, and my sex drive has practically completely disappeared. But I know that once I get through this hard time in my life and am happy again, I'll want to go right back to my crossdressing routine.
So that's why I'm making this post today. I really don't know if this is just some type of weird and kinda perverted fetish that I have, or if I have some unresolved gender identity issues. If the whole, "orgasming while wearing a cute woman's outfit" thing happened while I was crossdressing for the first time EVER in my life, then I'd have to think that it's just a weird fetish that I have which causes me to be turned on when I wear women's clothing. But the fact that I was in love with crossdressing for so long before I had even begun puberty or had sexual feelings makes me wonder if there's something more to this all.
I don't know. I'm just lost, and would love to know if anyone in this sub has any thoughts on my situation. Am I straight? Secretly trans? Just a weirdo? I need opinions here. Any of them are well appreciated. If you read my entire post, thank you so much.
P.S. I am still jealous of girls today, but not to the extent of crying myself to sleep or anything like that.
submitted by HappyFeet650 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:42 erikaflam Ex might be going blind

A bit of background. Met my ex, moved me and my son to another country to marry him, had a few good years. From the marriage on, he stopped doing anything unless I practically forced him, for example he was an avid runner while dating, stopped completely as soon as I moved in. I am a very social person that likes to be busy with friends and activities. I was lonely and depressed by year 4. I started to build my life and found things to do, friends, and he was very comfortable with me doing everything by myself. Started going to therapy. He became more and more disrespectful, verbally abusive, there was coercion and one instance of marital rape. On my 40th birthday I planned a trip, he didn’t want to go with me because “he hated” the city, so I went by myself. Came back 10 days later very sad to see him (no birthday present, nothing special), all we ever did together was go to breweries and be out for drinks. A month after my birthday I got a letter that said the house was going to be foreclosed because he hadn’t paid the mortgage in a year. Later I got a letter from the IRS stating we owed over 50,000 dls. in unpaid taxes. He took care of finances from the beginning, I trusted him and I worked and made about a third of what he made. The year he didn’t pay I was paying for a programming boot camp and my trip. I had consulted him and planned every step with him and he never told me about the debt. I got into fix it mode and saved the house, he became more abusive, and pressured me to fix everything (I discovered more debt and lies). Two months of that and I asked for a divorce, he wouldn’t contact a tax accountant, make a payment plan or anything, he wanted me to fix it and accused me of “never being a partner”. His eldest son lived with us, I spent every Christmas at his Ex wife’s house, I worked and paid for my stuff and my son’s. Im not the tidiest person but I made sure the house was furnished and livable and clean. First I got laid off so we couldn’t separate, then I got a job and he got laid off. When he finally got a job he was drunk most days by noon, got a girlfriend, still paid no debts. All I asked him was to pay the IRS debt (which was his entirely as a 1099 employee, I had W2’s for a few months of work), the agreement was that he would pay his debts, we would pay 50% each of the mortgage, he would leave when the debt was manageable and we would sell the house in 4 years (when my son finished high school, he always claimed him as his and said he would support him). Instead he sold the house behind my back for 1/3 less than its worth and with a month of closing time. I hired a lawyer, stop the sale and he left. He already had an apartment rented. He left me in debt, the house in debt, a mess of things (didn’t even empty his closet). He has not cooperated at all in the divorce and it has dragged for months (costing me a lot of money I cant afford). He stopped responding to texts a week ago, I had asked him for his W2 so I could file my taxes and he stopped responding and started picking up his mail (never changed mailing address) at dawn so I won’t see it. Today I got a letter from insurance saying he got terminated and I could do the COBRA option. I asked him what the deal was (according to litigation he still needs to be paying mortgage, insurance, debts, etc) and he told me he was going in disability because he is going blind and I’m on my own. He has bad mouthed me to everyone we know and he took the dog. He had mentioned something about the retina some time ago, but he never wanted to go to doctors because he didn’t want to be told to stop drinking. I should have seen the signs of alcoholism. One time I would not touch him he did something to himself and left the house covered in blood. To this day I don’t know what he did but basically he told me he wanted me to feel bad about it and he did it with both teenagers in the house. Now I don’t even feel bad about the blindness, I don’t fully believe him, and I feel frustrated because I don’t think the court will make a blind guy in disability pay for lawyers fees, pay the IRS and alimony. I was looking forward to that so I could have a breather and afford life without getting a second job. It seems so unfair, its a horrible thing for him too but he had years of diabetes untreated and he wouldn’t stop drinking. And now I not only lost everyone I called family for 8 years (his family) due to his lies, but I am also losing my house and any idea of saving money for my son’s college or any other project. He’s not dead so I can’t make any decision about my life without his signatures, and he gets to be the victim and I will be the evil bitch that sued him during him going blind. I am so tired! Thank you for reading, I just needed to vent.
submitted by erikaflam to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:41 NearATomatotato (General story spoilers) Rambling about each Canto title, and what they might mean for Canto 7

Warning: extremely rambling and meandering text incoming. Also Spoilers for pretty much every Canto released in Limbus so far.
I don't really have a theory or anything, but I think there's a bit of a pattern forming with the Canto titles. We only have 7 so far, but there seems to be a clear difference between 1, 2-3-4, and 5-6-7.
Canto 1, The Outcast, is the odd one out as it doesn't end with -ing. Wonder if it's intentionally left as the odd one out, as it is... well, "The Outcast".
Canto 2~4, are all about some sort of inaction. The Unloving, The Unconfronting, and The Unchanging. They all start with an 'Un', and each title represents each Sinner's attitude. And the more the story progresses, the closer each Sinner get to defying their own Canto titles. Rodya still doesn't love herself, and continues to hide her true feelings. Sinclair rose up to confront Kromer, but wasn't strong enough and needed help from Demian to defeat her. But Yi Sang decided to change, move on from his past, and forge new friendships. It's also evident from their post-Canto attitudes with Rodya being pretty much the same person as she was, Sinclair trying to go out of his comfort zone from time to time, and Yi Sang very actively trying to become closer friends with everyone else.
And now Canto 5~7 have much more specific titles than the previous ones. The Evil Defining. The Heartbreaking. The Dream Ending. And if we take into account Canto 6's story, and one of Catherine's last words("Finally, our hearts... are no longer broken apart."), I think Canto 6 title can also be read as "The Heart Breaking" instead of "The Heartbreaking". Makes me wonder if the titles of Canto 5~7 don't represent each Sinner, but their final bosses with the evil-defining Ahab, and Erlking and Mirror Cathy's broken hearts. Or Erlking who travels between Mirror Worlds, trying to break every Heathcliff's hearts before killing them.
So if this pattern is real, I wonder if Canto 7: The Dream Ending will feature a final boss whose dream has ended, or someone who seeks to end Don's dreams. I haven't read Don Quixote yet so I'm not sure who it could be, though. I read some people speculating that it might be the Knight of the White Moon who, for Don's sake, tries to convince her that she's completely delusional?
Ramble over. I'm probably reading too much into it. Just thought that patterns seemed to be forming with Canto titles, and wondered if it means anything for the future chapters?
Also just a minor note, but it's interesting that this is the wording Ahab uses to shut Don Quixote down when she protests that she doesn't want to give up Dante's head just to survive: "Laying your lives down just to save the life of some useless clock cannot possibly be your dream." Probably just an expression, but with how much emphasis the title puts on 'dream', I thought it was interesting.
submitted by NearATomatotato to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:41 freebiradam Unveiling the Enchantment: A Comprehensive Guide to “A Court of Thorns and Roses” Paperback by Sarah J. Maas

Unveiling the Enchantment: A Comprehensive Guide to “A Court of Thorns and Roses” Paperback by Sarah J. Maas
1. Overview: Delving into the Enchanted Realm of “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
Welcome to Sarah J. Maas’s enthralling world of “A Court of Thorns and Roses” where romance and fantasy converge to produce a story that will captivate readers. We’ll pore over the pages of this well-loved paperback in this extensive guide, delving into its themes, characters, and the captivating world the gifted author has created.
2. Sarah J. Maas, the Author Who Created the Magic
Let’s pause to honor Sarah J. Maas, the creative force behind “A Court of Thorns and Roses” before delving into the story’s depths. Maas has won over fans all across the world with her captivating characters and inventive narrative, solidifying her as a powerhouse in the fantasy genre.
3. The Set Out: A Cliff Notes Recap of “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
Take a trip down memory lane as we explore the complex storyline of “A Court of Thorns and Roses”.The narrative centers on Feyre Archeron, a teenage huntress who, after killing a wolf in the woods, finds herself involved in a web of magic, peril, and forbidden love in a world where humans and faeries coexist.
4. Investigating the Faerie Realms: “A Court of Thorns and Roses”constructs its world.
“A Court of Thorns and Roses” is a beautifully imagined world with fantastical animals, archaic powers, and stunning scenery, which is one of its most alluring features. From the lush forests of the Spring Court to the icy depths of the Winter Court, Sarah J. Maas paints a vivid picture of a world brimming with beauty and danger.
5. Love’s Strength: Passion in “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
“A Court of Thorns and Roses” is centered around a compelling love tale that surpasses limitations and defies conventional wisdom. Feyre finds herself captivated to Tamlin, the mysterious High Lord of the Spring Court, while she negotiates the perilous politics of the faerie courts. Their relationship pushes the boundaries of their commitment and loyalty as it develops against a backdrop of mystery and peril.
6. The characters in “A Court of Thorns and Roses” embrace diversity.
“A Court of Thorns and Roses”features a broad group of characters that spring off the page with depth and complexity, ranging from ferocious warriors to crafty villains. From Lucien, Feyre’s devoted companion and ally, to the mysterious and alluring Rhysand, each character brings something unique to the story, adding layers of intrigue and emotion.
7. Power and Redemption-Related Themes: A Closer Examine “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
“A Court of Thorns and Roses” delves deeper into issues of power, redemption, and the difficulties of morality, all while maintaining an exciting plot and cast of endearing characters. Readers are drawn in as Feyre battles her own inner demons and the fallout from her decisions.
8. Fan Community and Fandom: Celebrating the Legacy of “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
“A Court of Thorns and Roses” has gathered a devoted fan base since its publication, with readers from all around the world uniting to celebrate their shared passion for the book series. The fanbase around “A Court of Thorns and Roses” is a thriving and friendly group that keeps expanding every day, encompassing everything from cosplay events and online forums to fan art and fan literature.
9. “A Court of Thorns and Roses”: Its Influence and Significance in Fantasy Fiction
“A Court of Thorns and Roses” is one of the most cherished fantasy book series, and it has had a lasting impression on both readers and critics. With its gripping story, with its compelling narrative, richly imagined world, and unforgettable characters, Sarah J. Maas has created a masterpiece that will stand the test of time and continue to enchant readers for generations to come.
10. Final Thought: Bask in the Enchantment of “A Court of Thorns and Roses”
To sum up, “A Court of Thorns and Roses” is an immersive voyage into a world of magic, romance, and adventure rather than just a paperback book. Allow yourself to be enthralled by Sarah J. Maas’s exquisite narrative, regardless of whether you’ve been a fan of the series for a long time or are just now becoming familiar with it. So pick yourself a book, immerse yourself in the text, and be ready to be taken to a place where everything is possible.
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