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Context-Free Comic Panels

2014.07.24 19:41 Roflmoo Context-Free Comic Panels

Individual comic panels from comics that stand on their own as bizarre, funny, or interesting. Old and new panels welcome!

2014.07.30 08:25 Freefall Webcomic Subreddit

A sub for discussing the Freefall comic, a sci-fi webcomic that's been ongoing since '98!

2008.12.29 16:27 Rage Comics!

it's still alive! kinda....

2024.05.19 22:13 wheresmylife-gone222 Star Wars Episode 1:The Beginning- A TPM rewrite heavily based on the 1994 draft (through not a carbon copy)

I think its common knowledge in these circles that the first draft of TPM from 1994 (originally called The Beginning) is much better. Still very flawed, but a good baseline for a better movie.
For some reason, Lucas added many things in the final draft that made the movie a lot worse. It's fascinated me for a while now about how things could have been if the original script was built upon.
I have been watching videos summing up the original draft for a while now and I discovered something. Apparently Lucas gave his final TPM draft to Lawrence Kasdan a week before shooting started and asked for him to take a look at it. However, Kasdan refused because he though he wouldn't have enough time to make revisions.
I want to imagine how TPM would look if Kasdan or some other hypothetical collaborator got to see the first draft in 1994 and fixed it up. This isn't my preferred PT rewrite. This is just what I would have done if Lucas had dropped his first draft in my lap and told me to revise it.
Here are the videos I got the information from:
The movie starts with an opening crawl talking about how it is a time of weakness in the Republic. The Outer Rim controlled by megacorporation's has seceded backed by droid armies. War has not broken out yet, but the galaxy is on the brink. They are now blockading the peaceful planet of Utapau to gain its rich plasma mines as well as its newly discovered Cloning formula. The Supreme Chancellor Valorum has dispatched two Jedi to investigate and/or negotiate if they can.
We then cut to a republic starship coming to land just like in the finished film. Only the Jedi are wearing samurai esqe uniforms (like the concept art), one black and one white. The black uniformed Jedi is Obi Wan Kenobi who is about 30, trained by Yoda and is already a full Jedi Knight. Very strict and by the book. The white uniformed Jedi is his brother Ben Kenobi who just became a full jedi. This is Ben's first mission without his master Oui Gon.
Ben Kenobi is very reckless and wonders why the Republic doesn't just declare war on the Confederacy already. Obi Wan argues with him while they wait in the conference room. Meanwhile Nute Gunray and the rest of the Nemoidians look more like how they do in early concept art. Much less humanoid and they speak in an alien language with subtitles.
They call Palpatine on the hologram and he is enraged that they let the Jedi land. He chokes Nute Gunray through the hologram, cowing him. They agree to kill the Jedi and things go similarly as in the finished movie. The ship is blown up, and poison gas is pumped into the conference room. Ben and Obi Wan cut their way through the battle droids and get to the hanger. They decide to stow away on the landing craft.
On the surface of Utapau they run into Jar Jar. In this version though, Jar Jar while emotional and still comic relief speaks in a normal voice and is a bit more mature. He's more of the everyman character. Ben persuades Jar Jar to take them to the Gungan city with a mind trick, this is something Obi Wan disapproves of. Ben is more unorthodox.
They get there and are captured just like the real film. The only difference is that all the Gungans have regular voices. They are taken to Governor Nass and we learn that Jar Jar was banished because he was a trouble maker who argued for more cooperation between the Gungans and Humans. As he rants, fish continuously fall through the bubble and a young gungan gathers them up and puts them outside again.
The two Jedi still convince him to call the humans and the whole bubble is engulfed in static. It is clear that communications have been cut off. The two Jedi are then given a submarine and told to try to navigate the planet core. Nobody has been able to do it in generations and it is clear Nass thinks its a suicide mission, a convenient way to get rid of three nuisances. They then travel through the planet core being attacked by various creatures while Jar Jar is kept calm through mind tricks.
We then cut to the city of Oxon (what later became Theed) where Queen Amidala who is 40 and her daughter Princess Padme around 14 are being briefed by captain Panaka and Sio Bibble. The Queen is complacent while Padme thinks they should take the fight to the Confederacy. Suddenly the droid army attacks the city and we see building being blown up and city guards killed.
The Queen, Padme, Panaka and all the other dignitaries are captured. Nute and the rest of the Nemodians show up as well to gloat like in the final movie and give some more exposition about how they want Utapaus cloning formula. We then see the Gungan submarine surfacing and the Jedi and Jar Jar sneak into the city.
They find the prisoners being walked down an alley and save them like in the real movie. Ben uses some flashy moves to finish the droids off and is almost killed by another droid while his back is turned. Obi Wan cuts the droid down and admonishes Ben for his recklessness. The Queen and co are pleased to see two Jedi knights but they are very hostile towards Jar Jar. Which the Jedi are displeased over.
They run to the hanger like the finished film and free the Pilots, however a stray blaster shot kills the Queen with Padme screaming in horror as they board the ship. The humans also try to prevent Jar Jar getting on board but the two Jedi insist upon it.
The ship gets attacked by the blockade and Naboo guards man gun positions while astromech droids finish the repair. After they get into hyperspace there is only one droid left. R2D2 who is thanked by a still in grieving Padme. She goes off down into the droid bay to be alone and runs into Jar Jar who consoles her. This starts Padmes turn towards liking the Gungans instead of being bigoted towards them.
Meanwhile Ben and Obi Wan look through the planets accessible through their damaged hyperdrive and only find one inhabited world. Tatooine, which most of the royal guards/pilots are horrified about. Still they have no choice so they land. Padme goes with the Jedi despite protests. She wants to see another planet and get some fresh air after what just happened. Panaka lets her go reluctantly because she has two Jedi to guard her. Jar Jar also goes with them because the Utapau humans say he's "stinking the ship up".
We then cut to Utapau again where Nute Gunray and the Nemoidians are talking to captured scientists about their cloning program. They look at something in a cloning tank and look impressed. Then a hologram droid walks in projecting Darth Sidious. He castigates them for their failure in letting the princess get away and they grovel before him again. Darth Sidious says its no matter, as he will send his apprentice, Darth Maul. The Sith warrior himself looks even scarier than in the film we got with him looking like the concept art, he also has blood red robes.
We cut to a balcony on Coruscant where master and apprentice talk. Maul speaks more than in TPM and says how eager he is to get revenge on the jedi, they are no match for me yada yada.
Back on Tatooine in Mos Espa we see our heroes trying to get the part they need. It is a rowdy place and a leering slimy alien (Sebulba but we don't know that yet) tries to touch Padme arm but she elbows him and after that the crowd gives them a wide berth. Obi Wan and Ben sense something, an overpowering aura of the force. They follow it and find themselves in front of Wattos junk shop.
They meet Anakin who is 14 the same age as Padme. He is mature for his age and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder from being a slave. We also meet Watto but he resists the mind tricks because of his strong will, not because of his species. Things go similarly, though the dialogue would be much better, no "are you an angel" in this version. Jar Jar still clumsily breaks a few things but it is more toned down. Watto also hits Anakin and tells him to get back to work. Ben grabs Wattos arms as he is about to hit him again while Obi Wan helps him to his feet.
The heroes get nowhere with Watto especially after stopping Wattos abuse and a sandstorm starts to blow in so Anakin offers to take them to his place. We meet Anakin's adopted mother Shmi Lars and her son Owen Lars who is older (19) and very protective of his little brother. At the dinner scene we learn about Anakin's Podracing (how he's nicknamed Skywalker) and how many people gamble on it for huge sums of money. Ben gets an Idea while we also see just how rare Jedi actually are in most of the galaxy with Owen calling them wizards.
We then see Anakin working on his Pod while talking to Padme. They both share their own struggle going up. Padme says she's never met anyone like Anakin while Anakin says he's never met anyone like her either. He then kisses her on the cheek while Jar Jar (who was watching out of boredom) jumps in surprise. Meanwhile we see the Jedi helping Shmi and Owen with the dishes.
The topic of Anakin's father comes up. We learn that Shmi's sister left Tatooine when she was young in search of adventure. Years later she came back and gave Shmi baby Anakin begging her to take care of him before leaving. She had a lightsaber on her belt same as the two Jedi now. She also tell them how Anakin is special and can see things before they happen, just like her sister.
Ben says Anakin needs to be trained as a Jedi while Obi Wan resists the idea saying he's too old. He's all about giving the family their freedom but not taking along Anakin. Owen is Obi Wans side, saying Anakin's head is already off in the clouds as it is. Being a Jedi won't help him, he needs to be grounded and down to earth. His idealism is going to get him killed. Shmi isn't sure which side to take in the argument and defers judgement until after Anakin hopefully wins the podrace tomorrow.
Ben goes out and talks to Anakin and tells him about the Jedi and the Sith. We get a whole spiel about how strong Anakin is and how he would be a great asset to the order. Meanwhile, Darth Mauls ship lands on Tatooine at dusk and he sets out different probes to find the Jedi and the Princess. He smiles evilly to himself, showing rotting teeth.
The pod racing stuff is basically the same, only Padme is outraged when Sebulba threatens Anakin and Ben/Obi Wan manage to get the freedom of Owen and Shmi as well by trickery (not sure how). There is no two headed announcer and no Jabba cameo either. At the end, in desperation, Anakin uses his force powers to crash Sebulbas pod killing him. Nobody notices that Anakin used the force except the two jedi who look on in concern
While everyone else gathers around Anakin's pod to celebrate Ben and Obi Wan have a heated argument in the shadows of the bleachers. Obi Wan takes this as a reason why Anakin shouldn't be trained while Ben thinks that it would be better to teach Anakin before he falls down the path of evil. Eventually they agree to let Anakin decide, Obi Wan saying he'll probably want to stay with his family.
However Anakin decides to go. His mother respects his decision and is proud of him while Owen is furious, but accepts the decision as well but telling Anakin that one day he'll regret his choice and when he does he's always welcome to come live with them again. The family hugs while everyone else just kind stands around.
They walk back through the desert when they encounter a probe droid. Obi Wan slashes it with his lightsaber and tells everyone to run. Everyone runs inside while Maul approaches in his speeder bike. The fight goes differently as it is a two one one fight. They all exhibit powers never seen in the original trilogy like levitating objects swirling around them, going super fact, and slow motion. Basically a Matrix fight with lightsabers before they both jump onto the ship.
The scenes as they travel to Coruscant are similar. Anakin and Padme miss their parents etc. They then arrive at Coruscant and it is basically like the finished movie in design. They land and meet Chancellor Valorem, Senator Palpatine, and Qui Gon Jinn. Qui Gon hugs Ben like a son while Palpatine talks to Padme. Padme then talks to Jar Jar about how she doesn't understand the rift between the Gungans and the Humans. We then learn that the Gungans have a large army. Padme has an idea and decides to go back to Utapau.
The senate scenes are cut down dramatically. Its more of a montage showing Padme's increasing frustration before she finally calls for a vote of no confidence while Palpatine smiles sinisterly. The Jedi Council meanwhile consists of three members. Qui Gon who is a very unorthodox Jedi mindful of the living force (wanting the jedi to go and help the common people more), Mace Windu a bastion of militaristic conservatism (wanting the Jedi to take their rightful place as generals/leaders, and Yoda who wants to stay the course on isolationism and study of the force.
We don't see the Jedi trials, Anakin just talks about them to Ben, Obi Wan and Qui Gon. He says he didn't understand them, and Qui Gon who has taken a liking to this upstart kid says he wasn't supposed to. They are all called in and Mace says Anakin shall not be trained. He is too old and there is much anger in him. Anakin is heartbroken while Obi Wan nods grimly in acceptance. Ben Kenobi however is not having it. He says he shall train Anakin with or without the councils permission. Mace denounces this as Heresy while Qui Gon smiles. Yoda sighs and says the matter will be decided after this current crisis has ended.
Ben, Obi Wan, and Qui Gon all decide to go with Padme, but Anakin is told to stay behind. There is also the discussion about how Anakin is dangerous which Anakin overhears. Being told by Ben and Qui Gon that he's not a problem and how he will be a Jedi. Anakin gets an idea and sneaks aboard the ship with the help of R2. He is quickly discovered to Obi Wans rage and Bens laughter.
They get back to Utapau and have to go through the blockade. Anakin is able to hyperspace jump between the ships and the planet with motivation from Ben. Our heroes then try to find the Gungans at their city but it has been completely blown up. We actually see this though, as well as Jar Jars sorrow before he remembers the Gungans sacred place.
They go there and like the movie Padme makes a big speech about overcoming difference, with Jar Jar intelligently backing her up. We then get ready for the battle. Anakin tinkers with a disabled battle droid and finds out there is a second droid control hidden somewhere in the palace. So the plan is set. The Gungans will distract the droids, while the humans will infiltrate the palace, one team disabling the backup control systems and the others capturing Nute or stealing starfighters that will be used to take out the droid control ship.
The plan goes into action and things are kind of similar to the finished film, though Jar Jar shows intentional heroism instead of the goofy antics in TPM. When the starfighters are launched though, Padme goes into the fighter with Anakin. Him being the pilot and Padme being the gunner. The rest of the human teams make short work of the battle droids. However when they reach Nute a surprise is awaiting them, clones.
These clones look kind of like Dark Troopers and a Super Battle droid had a kid. They decimate the Utapau soldiers while Nute flees. Meanwhile with the Jedis they disable the secondary control system but are then met with Darth Maul. It is a brutal and awe inspiring fight. 3v1 and yet Maul still comes out on top. He knocks out Qui Gon who falls of the bridge (the duel setting is the same) while taunting the other two. "This is the end of the jedi" you get the drill.
The remaining soldiers manage to kill the clones but there are not enough left to fend of the droids. They are captured same as the Gungans. Ben gets riled up, makes a mistake and is killed. Obi Wan screams and charges getting knocked into the pit, hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile Anakin and Padme manage to destroy the flagship at the same time that Obi Wan takes Ben's lightsaber and cuts Maul in half. He then says "learn not live not as my master says" and then rushes to Bens side.
Ben begs him to train Anakin and he agrees. Meanwhile the humans and Gungans are celebrating. We cut to Qui Gon and Queen Amidala's funeral. Qui Gon throws away his lightsaber and walks off. He is done with the jedi after the death of what was effectively his son. Palpatine looks at him go intrigued. Meanwhile Yoda and Obi Wan argue over Anakin's training. Obi Wan says he will train him even without the will of the council like Ben said. Yoda gives in but warns Obi Wan of his arrogance.
We then get the celebration the end.
submitted by wheresmylife-gone222 to RewritingThePrequels [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 bvbystvcks [H-SC] Mezco, SHF, Nendo, NECA, Star Wars Retro Collection Lot & More! Prices Negotiable! [W] PayPal G&S

Hello all! Up for sale are some extra figures I’ve decided to part with as I have decided to be more focused in my figure collecting. Everything is in good shape, adult-owned & from a smoke-free home, don’t hesitate to ask any questions. All figures will be shipped bubble wrapped and boxed securely. I ship my figures the way I'd want to receive my figures.
Shipping is done via USPS Ground Advantage with tracking. I only ship to the PayPal verified address included with your payment. If you mess up & use the wrong address accidentally, I'm happy to refund so you can send again using your correct address.
Price does not include shipping but I only charge actual shipping. I have boxes, packing material (paper and plastic) and a scale on hand and use Pirate Ship so I can get you a quote quickly. I only accept PayPal Goods & Services because YOU deserve to feel reassured that you're getting what you pay for.
You will have your tracking number within an hour of my receiving payment (assuming I'm home -- if I make a sale during work I'll have your tracking as soon as I get home). My sales go out next day 99% of the time and within two days 100% of the time.
Prices are negotiable, especially when buying multiple items, please post a comment so I know to check PM and Chats!
Atticus Doom CIB + Magical Enhancement Kit + Comic — $205 (picture is the last one on the first link I’ve provided up top, I forgot it first time around)
Nosferatu CIB + "Film Cel" — $180
Vapor CIB — $175
SHF Bruce Lee (Original Release, Shirtless w Black Pants) — Open, CIB — $50
SHF Freddie Mercury (Live Aid Version) — Open, CIB — $75
SHF Spider-Man Stealth Suit — Open, CIB — $40
Nendoroid Goblin Slayer — Open, CIB — $40
Nendoroid Genji — Open, CIB — $22
Nendoroid Hanzo — Open, CIB — $22
Nendoroid Miles Morales 1180 DX — Open, CIB — $90
Pictures Here:
All the boxes are open and every figure is complete. I'm willing to ship with or without the cards/bubbles. Please be aware I charge actual shipping when making your decision on this.
Lot contains: Boba Fett, Bespin Luke, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, Stormtrooper, ANH Han Solo, IG-11, The Child & The Mandalorian. I am also including nine of the little acrylic peg stands seen in the last photo — $125 OBO FOR ALL
Mafex Mandolorian No. 129 (OG Release) — Open, CIB — $50
Boss Fight Studios Sam & Max — Open, CIB, Only Sold Together — $80
NECA Pans Labyrinth Pale Man — Open Box Never Removed, CIB (Moderate shelf/shipping wear on the box thanks to the garbage people at Barnes & Noble, see pictures) — $80
ML Retro Carded Rogue (Target Exclusive w/ Gloveless Hand) — Sealed — $30
Figma SP-111 Toyosaki Ena (TOMYTEC Little Armory) — Open, CIB — $50
AJ Customs Monster Vegeta Face Plate — $50
Sentinel Miles Morales (SEALED) — $95 (if you want a picture just ask, I forgot to take one when I was photographing everything)
KO/Bootleg "1000Toys" Hellboy w/ Horns & Sword Accessories — Open, No Box — $90
submitted by bvbystvcks to toyexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:01 Ok_Discussion4848 [US-AZ] [W] Ultimate spiderman omnibus 2, PayPal, new x men [H] , Savage Avengers, $5 book lots, Moon knight, She hulk Omnis+ others

Hello! looking for USM Omni volume 2... or new x men omnibus/collected new avengers stories/dan slott spiderman complete collections (big time-gauntlet/BND) OR BRUBAKER CAP OMNIS Thank you! feel free to make any TRADE offers I am aware of reprints, looking for copies asap! Items under $50 tack on $5 shipping
Omnis: Savage avengers Omni-$70 Aliens omnibus 4- $70 Moon night by Huston Omni VF - $60 -She hulk Dan slott omni-$45 The question omnibus 1- $65 Razor blades HC (Tynion magazine comic)-$30 Injustice Omni NM -$65 ——————————————————————— Trades/etc:
Sara deluxe (ennis) -$30 Fellspyre chronicles (last god dc)-$30 I zombie volumes 1-4 (full) -$15
Human target 1999-2003 complete trades- $15
Spidergwen vol 1-3-$15
Unbeatable Gwenpool vol 1-2 -$15
Punisher suicide run-$10
Strangehaven vol 1-3-$10
Power man and iron fist vol 1-3 2016 signed -$20 ————————————————————-
$5 trades each
USM death go Spider-Man prelude HC
Karnak Ellis tpb
Lovesick tpb (image)
Hellfire gala tpb
Savage avengers vol 5
John Byrnes next men vol 1
Justice league gods and monsters
The greatest Batman stories over told
Dawn of x trades:
(5 each)
Vol 3, 6,7,8,9,11,13
Thanks for looking!
submitted by Ok_Discussion4848 to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:57 manyamile Do any of you have this book in your collection? The Comic Book Guide For The Artist * Writer * Letterer

Do any of you have this book in your collection? The Comic Book Guide For The Artist * Writer * Letterer submitted by manyamile to CharltonComics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 SamuelG171 Looking for good friends :) M 21 from London 🏳️‍🌈🇬🇧

My name is Sam. I am 21 and from London! I was hoping to perhaps make some good friends who share some similar hobbies! or just meet some new cool people! :)
Sooo I really like to travel and I have been to more than 14 countries around the globe! Im a nerdy guy so I like gaming especially horror, open world and rpg games, reading comics (my favourite graphic novel is the sandman), listening to music ( 80's 70's is my favourite period ), hiking and also I like science stuff and politics. I'm a pretty energetic guy, so I'm usually in a happy mood! Also, I'm a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community! (Gay)
Tbh, I have a lot of interesting stuff to tell, and yeah, anyway, if you reached that point and want to become friends, feel free to DM! :D
submitted by SamuelG171 to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 SamuelG171 Looking for good friends :) M 21 from London 🏳️‍🌈🇬🇧

My name is Sam. I am 21 and from London! I was hoping to perhaps make some good friends who share some similar hobbies! or just meet some new cool people! :)
Sooo I really like to travel and I have been to more than 14 countries around the globe! Im a nerdy guy so I like gaming especially horror, open world and rpg games, reading comics (my favourite graphic novel is the sandman), listening to music ( 80's 70's is my favourite period ), hiking and also I like science stuff and politics. I'm a pretty energetic guy, so I'm usually in a happy mood! Also, I'm a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community! (Gay)
Tbh, I have a lot of interesting stuff to tell, and yeah, anyway, if you reached that point and want to become friends, feel free to DM! :D
submitted by SamuelG171 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 SamuelG171 Looking for good friends :) M 21 from London 🏳️‍🌈🇬🇧

My name is Sam. I am 21 and from London! I was hoping to perhaps make some good friends who share some similar hobbies! or just meet some new cool people! :)
Sooo I really like to travel and I have been to more than 14 countries around the globe! Im a nerdy guy so I like gaming especially horror, open world and rpg games, reading comics (my favourite graphic novel is the sandman), listening to music ( 80's 70's is my favourite period ), hiking and also I like science stuff and politics. I'm a pretty energetic guy, so I'm usually in a happy mood! Also, I'm a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community! (Gay)
Tbh, I have a lot of interesting stuff to tell, and yeah, anyway, if you reached that point and want to become friends, feel free to DM! :D
submitted by SamuelG171 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:35 rangernumberx Respect Deadpool (Deadpool (2013))

"Y'know why I love the internet? Because it's just like me." "Vulgar, combative, and contradictory?" "Overflowing with perversion and stupidity?" "Yes, and yes."
In 2013, Deadpool wanted a game, and gave a director at High Moon Studios his proposal written in the finest crayon he could muster. They accepted it (after being blown up following the initial rejection). As such, Deadpool finds himself trying to bring in the bounty on generic hateable villain Chance White, only for him to be rescued by the Marauders and killed by Mister Sinister. Driven by a desire for revenge (all while ignoring the X-Men and Cable's various attempts to get him to help save the world), Deadpool travels across Genosha in order to kill the supervillain.



Healing Factor



Deadpool is shown as owning a large range of weapons. Highlighted below are the ones he uses in-game.


Fourth Wall Awareness

Medium Awareness
Object Conjuration



submitted by rangernumberx to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:35 Ok_ewrsedfgc How to Watch IF Movie Online Free On Reddit

02 minutes ago — [woɹᙠɹǝuɹɐZ] While several avenues exist to view the highly praised film IF online streaming offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to up IF communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits IF ed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of IF ? Don't miss out! #IF Movie
The new IF prequel IF will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Lionsgate and the NBC Universal streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slighIF y more complex matter Typically Lionsgate movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to reIF n for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Lionsgate makes an official announcement However if you wish to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Warner Bros. is continuing to beat out Warner Bros. and Warner Bros,, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “IF” now rising above “The Color Purple” and “IF” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on IF y, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for IF y with $6.75 million, Warner Bros. “IF” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Universal’s“IF” is IF ntaining its footing with $6.7 IF y after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “IF” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last IF y reIF ns encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million. However,Here’s when you can bring IF of AIF antis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream IF ? Is IF Be Streaming?
Where Can I Stream the Original IF Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currenIF y stream all four original IF movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of IF movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability How To Watch IF In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch IF is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on IF y, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. IF is still currenIF y in theaters if you want to experience all the film's twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there's also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, IF is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it's one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios' films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters. Is IF Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Hulu: Unfortunately, IF is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: IF is not currenIF y available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers. IS IF ON AMAZON PRIME VIDEO?
Netflix: IF is currenIF y not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute IF in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
IF movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Warner Bros. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don't know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Warner Bros has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season. HERE'S HOW TO WATCH 'IF ' ONLINE STREAMING IN AUSTRALIA
To watch 'IF ' (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that's when IF will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch IF online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of IF by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching IF on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
Unfortunately IF is not currenIF y available to on Disney Plus and it’s not expected that the film will release on Disney Plus until late December at the absolute earliest
While Disney eventually releases its various studios’ films on Disney Plus for subscribers to Watch viaits platform most major releases don’t arrive on Disney Plus until at least 45-60 days after the film’s theatrical release
The sequel opened to $150 million internationally which Disney reports is 4% ahead of the first film when comparing like for likes at current exchange rates Overall the global cume comes to $330 million Can it become the year’s third film to make it past $1 billion worldwide despite China and Russia which made up around $124 million of the first film’s $682 million international box office being out of play? It may be tough but it’s not impossible Legging out past $500 million is plausible on the domestic front (that would be a multiplier of at least 27) and another $500 million abroad would be a drop of around $58 million from the original after excluding the two MIA markets It’d be another story if audiences didn’t love the film but the positive reception suggests that Wakanda Forever will outperform the legs on this year’s earlier MCU tiIF es (Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder had multipliers of 22 and 23 respectively)
Heres How To Watch IF (2024) Online full movie At Home
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Taking the top spot this week was Aquaman with $58.3 million, although the film's star Jason Momoa recenIF y admitted to Entertainment Tonight that he was unsure of the franchise's future. Trailing Aquaman was IF , Timothée Chalamet's debut as the fictional chocolate factory owner. During the film's second week, it earned $53.1 million, along with leading all movies Thursday with $8 million. In total, IF boasts $110.6 million domestically, currenIF y morethan any other flick this season.
According to Deadline, the domestic box office amassed $281.4 million during Christmas week, a 14-percent jump from Dec. 23-29 of last year ($246.4). The holiday competition was thick, as Dec. 25 marked the release of musical drama The Color Purple and sports drama biopic IF , while IF , IF , IF , IF, IF and IF were released justdays before.
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'IF ' is playing now in theaters worldwide Thanksᴴᴰ
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:35 Ok_ewrsedfgc Where to Watch IF Movie Online Free at Home Legally?

02 minutes ago — [woɹᙠɹǝuɹɐZ] While several avenues exist to view the highly praised film IF online streaming offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to up IF communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits IF ed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of IF ? Don't miss out! #IF Movie
The new IF prequel IF will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Lionsgate and the NBC Universal streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slighIF y more complex matter Typically Lionsgate movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to reIF n for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Lionsgate makes an official announcement However if you wish to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Warner Bros. is continuing to beat out Warner Bros. and Warner Bros,, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “IF” now rising above “The Color Purple” and “IF” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on IF y, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for IF y with $6.75 million, Warner Bros. “IF” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Universal’s“IF” is IF ntaining its footing with $6.7 IF y after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “IF” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last IF y reIF ns encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million. However,Here’s when you can bring IF of AIF antis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream IF ? Is IF Be Streaming?
Where Can I Stream the Original IF Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currenIF y stream all four original IF movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of IF movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability How To Watch IF In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch IF is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on IF y, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. IF is still currenIF y in theaters if you want to experience all the film's twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there's also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, IF is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it's one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios' films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters. Is IF Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Hulu: Unfortunately, IF is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: IF is not currenIF y available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers. IS IF ON AMAZON PRIME VIDEO?
Netflix: IF is currenIF y not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute IF in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
IF movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Warner Bros. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don't know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Warner Bros has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season. HERE'S HOW TO WATCH 'IF ' ONLINE STREAMING IN AUSTRALIA
To watch 'IF ' (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that's when IF will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch IF online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of IF by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching IF on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
Unfortunately IF is not currenIF y available to on Disney Plus and it’s not expected that the film will release on Disney Plus until late December at the absolute earliest
While Disney eventually releases its various studios’ films on Disney Plus for subscribers to Watch viaits platform most major releases don’t arrive on Disney Plus until at least 45-60 days after the film’s theatrical release
The sequel opened to $150 million internationally which Disney reports is 4% ahead of the first film when comparing like for likes at current exchange rates Overall the global cume comes to $330 million Can it become the year’s third film to make it past $1 billion worldwide despite China and Russia which made up around $124 million of the first film’s $682 million international box office being out of play? It may be tough but it’s not impossible Legging out past $500 million is plausible on the domestic front (that would be a multiplier of at least 27) and another $500 million abroad would be a drop of around $58 million from the original after excluding the two MIA markets It’d be another story if audiences didn’t love the film but the positive reception suggests that Wakanda Forever will outperform the legs on this year’s earlier MCU tiIF es (Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder had multipliers of 22 and 23 respectively)
Heres How To Watch IF (2024) Online full movie At Home
WATCH— IF Movie [2024] full movie Free Online ON 123MOVIES
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WATCH IF 2024 (Online) Free full movie Download HD ON YIFY
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Heres How To Watch IF Free Online At Home
Taking the top spot this week was Aquaman with $58.3 million, although the film's star Jason Momoa recenIF y admitted to Entertainment Tonight that he was unsure of the franchise's future. Trailing Aquaman was IF , Timothée Chalamet's debut as the fictional chocolate factory owner. During the film's second week, it earned $53.1 million, along with leading all movies Thursday with $8 million. In total, IF boasts $110.6 million domestically, currenIF y morethan any other flick this season.
According to Deadline, the domestic box office amassed $281.4 million during Christmas week, a 14-percent jump from Dec. 23-29 of last year ($246.4). The holiday competition was thick, as Dec. 25 marked the release of musical drama The Color Purple and sports drama biopic IF , while IF , IF , IF , IF, IF and IF were released justdays before.
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IF Kokoelokuva,
'IF ' is playing now in theaters worldwide Thanksᴴᴰ
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:30 Chai_Marshmallow 29 [M4F] NYC - Tall Nerdy Guy looking for Someone to Enjoy the Vibes With

I'm a 29 year old guy living in NYC and looking for someone to vibe with and develop a relationship with them. I'm a pretty easy going and relaxed person. Currently working in the tech industry and been loving it so far! I have a mix of introvert and extrovert energy where I love to go out for concerts and events but love to relax at home with a good cup of tea on the couch. I am pretty nerdy but do enjoy doing all sorts of things in my free time. Physically, I'm 6 feet tall, white, wear glasses, thin/decent shape and have dark blonde hair. Once we start talking, I would be more than happy to swap selfies.
For hobbies, I like doing all sorts of things such as cooking/baking (always happy to swap recipes!), traveling, reading comics/manga, playing board/video games, live music, exploring the city in search of great food/cafes, and boba. This year I will try to cut back up bubble tea but do love drinking it! Ive been cooking since college and have gotten pretty good. It's been fun looking at recipes online and YouTube and making them at home. I'm a big fan of manga and comics and usually read them pretty often. I'm trying to jump start my Yelp reviews of restaurants so I'll definitely be moving around the city to review and find new food to try out!
Mainly looking in NYC and the northeast area (22+) but if you feel like we could be a nice match then feel free to message or chat!
submitted by Chai_Marshmallow to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:20 Ok_ewrsedfgc Can I Watch The Fall Guy Online Free Reddit

Still Now Here Option to Downloading or Watching The Fall Guy Full Movie Streamings Online for Free. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love the New Action Movie: The Fall Guy. This movie is one of the best in its genre. The Fall Guy will be available to Watch Online on Netflix very soon
Offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to upThe Fall Guy communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits The Fall Guyed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of The Fall Guy? Don’t miss out! #The Fall Guy Movie
** LAST UPDATED : MAY 19, 2024.**
Crunchyroll. is continuing to beat out Crunchyroll. and Crunchyroll, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “The Fall Guy” now rising above “The Fall Guy” and “The Fall Guy.” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on Friday, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for Friday with $6.75 million, Crunchyroll. “The Fall Guy” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Crunchyroll’s“The Fall Guy” is maintaining its footing with $6.7 Friday after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “The Fall Guy” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last Friday remains encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million.
However,Here’s when you can bring The Fall Guy of Atlantis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream The Fall Guy? Is The Fall Guy Be Streaming?
The new "The Fall Guy" prequel The Fall Guy will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Crunchyroll and the NBC Crunchyroll streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slightly more complex matter Typically Crunchyroll movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to remain for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Crunchyroll makes an official announcement However if you The Fall Guy to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Where Can I Stream the Original The Fall Guy Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currently stream all four original The Fall Guy movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of The Fall Guy movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability
How To Watch The Fall Guy In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch The Fall Guy is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on Friday, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. The Fall Guy is still currently in theaters if you want to experience all the film’s twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there’s also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, The Fall Guy is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it’s one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios’ films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters.
Is The Fall Guy Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Netflix: The Fall Guy is currently not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute The Fall Guy in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
Hulu: Unfortunately, The Fall Guy is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: The Fall Guy is not currently available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers.
The Fall Guy movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Crunchyroll. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don’t know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Crunchyroll has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season.
To watch ‘The Fall Guy’ (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like and, as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that’s when The Fall Guy will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch The Fall Guy online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of The Fall Guy by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching The Fall Guy on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:19 Lion_King_91 32 [M4F] California/Anywhere/Online - Nerdy Guy looking for a Nerdy Girl

Hi there. 32 M here, from Central California, specifically the Merced area. I'm looking for someone to talk to and get to know. I'm up for a one time thing, or more if we click.
A bit about me: I'm 5'10, black hair, brown eyes, chubby. I work as a teacher. In my spare time I like to read comic books, watch movies, anime, sports, pro wrestling, and/or play video games. I bought a house 2 years ago and even now I'm still trying to fill it lol
I'm down to chat with any woman 18+. Shared interests certainly are nice, but I'm always down to hear some or yours that may be different from my own. Feel free to message me some time if you're interested in talking.
Have a nice day!
submitted by Lion_King_91 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:19 Ok_ewrsedfgc What's the Ways to Watch The Fall Guy Online for free?

Still Now Here Option to Downloading or Watching The Fall Guy Full Movie Streamings Online for Free. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love the New Action Movie: The Fall Guy. This movie is one of the best in its genre. The Fall Guy will be available to Watch Online on Netflix very soon
Offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to upThe Fall Guy communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits The Fall Guyed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of The Fall Guy? Don’t miss out! #The Fall Guy Movie
** LAST UPDATED : MAY 19, 2024.**
Crunchyroll. is continuing to beat out Crunchyroll. and Crunchyroll, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “The Fall Guy” now rising above “The Fall Guy” and “The Fall Guy.” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on Friday, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for Friday with $6.75 million, Crunchyroll. “The Fall Guy” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Crunchyroll’s“The Fall Guy” is maintaining its footing with $6.7 Friday after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “The Fall Guy” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last Friday remains encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million.
However,Here’s when you can bring The Fall Guy of Atlantis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream The Fall Guy? Is The Fall Guy Be Streaming?
The new "The Fall Guy" prequel The Fall Guy will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Crunchyroll and the NBC Crunchyroll streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slightly more complex matter Typically Crunchyroll movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to remain for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Crunchyroll makes an official announcement However if you The Fall Guy to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Where Can I Stream the Original The Fall Guy Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currently stream all four original The Fall Guy movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of The Fall Guy movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability
How To Watch The Fall Guy In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch The Fall Guy is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on Friday, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. The Fall Guy is still currently in theaters if you want to experience all the film’s twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there’s also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, The Fall Guy is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it’s one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios’ films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters.
Is The Fall Guy Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Netflix: The Fall Guy is currently not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute The Fall Guy in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
Hulu: Unfortunately, The Fall Guy is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: The Fall Guy is not currently available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers.
The Fall Guy movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Crunchyroll. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don’t know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Crunchyroll has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season.
To watch ‘The Fall Guy’ (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like and, as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that’s when The Fall Guy will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch The Fall Guy online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of The Fall Guy by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching The Fall Guy on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:18 Ok_ewrsedfgc Watch The Fall Guy Online Free Streaming On Reddit

Still Now Here Option to Downloading or Watching The Fall Guy Full Movie Streamings Online for Free. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love the New Action Movie: The Fall Guy. This movie is one of the best in its genre. The Fall Guy will be available to Watch Online on Netflix very soon
Offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to upThe Fall Guy communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits The Fall Guyed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of The Fall Guy? Don’t miss out! #The Fall Guy Movie
** LAST UPDATED : MAY 19, 2024.**
Crunchyroll. is continuing to beat out Crunchyroll. and Crunchyroll, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “The Fall Guy” now rising above “The Fall Guy” and “The Fall Guy.” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on Friday, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for Friday with $6.75 million, Crunchyroll. “The Fall Guy” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Crunchyroll’s“The Fall Guy” is maintaining its footing with $6.7 Friday after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “The Fall Guy” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last Friday remains encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million.
However,Here’s when you can bring The Fall Guy of Atlantis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream The Fall Guy? Is The Fall Guy Be Streaming?
The new "The Fall Guy" prequel The Fall Guy will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Crunchyroll and the NBC Crunchyroll streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slightly more complex matter Typically Crunchyroll movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to remain for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Crunchyroll makes an official announcement However if you The Fall Guy to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Where Can I Stream the Original The Fall Guy Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currently stream all four original The Fall Guy movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of The Fall Guy movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability
How To Watch The Fall Guy In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch The Fall Guy is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on Friday, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. The Fall Guy is still currently in theaters if you want to experience all the film’s twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there’s also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, The Fall Guy is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it’s one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios’ films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters.
Is The Fall Guy Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Netflix: The Fall Guy is currently not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute The Fall Guy in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
Hulu: Unfortunately, The Fall Guy is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: The Fall Guy is not currently available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers.
The Fall Guy movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Crunchyroll. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don’t know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Crunchyroll has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season.
To watch ‘The Fall Guy’ (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like and, as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that’s when The Fall Guy will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch The Fall Guy online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of The Fall Guy by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching The Fall Guy on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:17 Ok_ewrsedfgc How to Watch The Fall Guy Online Free On Reddit

Still Now Here Option to Downloading or Watching The Fall Guy Full Movie Streamings Online for Free. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love the New Action Movie: The Fall Guy. This movie is one of the best in its genre. The Fall Guy will be available to Watch Online on Netflix very soon
Offers a versatile means to access its cinematic wonder From heartfelt songs to buoyant humor this genre-bending work explores the power of friendship to upThe Fall Guy communities during troubling times Directed with nuanced color and vivacious animation lighter moments are blended seamlessly with touching introspection Cinephiles and casual fans alike will find their spirits The Fall Guyed by this inspirational story of diverse characters joining in solidarity Why not spend an evening immersed in the vibrant world of The Fall Guy? Don’t miss out! #The Fall Guy Movie
** LAST UPDATED : MAY 19, 2024.**
Crunchyroll. is continuing to beat out Crunchyroll. and Crunchyroll, over the New Year’s holiday weekend, with “The Fall Guy” now rising above “The Fall Guy” and “The Fall Guy.” With that trifecta, the studio has laid claim to the three of the top five slots at the domestic box office throughout the holiday season.
The Timothéee Chalamet-starring musical added another $8.6 million on Friday, up 32% from one week ago. The Paul King film has emerged as the theatrical favorite for the holidays, crossing $100 million domestically earlier this week. With a $119 million cume to date, the film continues to show strength and will reach $300 million globally before the calendar turns.
Though it slid into second place for Friday with $6.75 million, Crunchyroll. “The Fall Guy” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in 2018, surpassed that figure in its opening weekend alone. Bad reviews and superhero fatigue have plagued “Lost Kingdom,” which more than likely won’t even reach half the $335 million domestic total of its predecessor, much less justify a $205 million production budget.
Taking a close third place, Illumination and Crunchyroll’s“The Fall Guy” is maintaining its footing with $6.7 Friday after a muted $12 million debut lastweekend. “The Fall Guy” has underwhelmed so far, but its 17% increase over last Friday remains encouraging, especially for an original animated film with a production budget of only $70 million.
However,Here’s when you can bring The Fall Guy of Atlantis into your home.
Where and Can I Stream The Fall Guy? Is The Fall Guy Be Streaming?
The new "The Fall Guy" prequel The Fall Guy will be available for streaming first on Starz for subscribers Later on the movie will also be released on PeacockThanks to the agreement between distributor Crunchyroll and the NBC Crunchyroll streaming platform Determining the exact arrival date of the movie is a slightly more complex matter Typically Crunchyroll movies like John Wick 4 take approximately six months to become available on Starz where they tend to remain for a considerable period As for when Songbirds Snakes will be accessible on Peacock it could take nearly a year after its release although we will only receive confirmation once Crunchyroll makes an official announcement However if you The Fall Guy to watch the movie even earlier you can rent it on Video on Demand (VOD) which will likely be available before the streaming date on Starz
Where Can I Stream the Original The Fall Guy Movies in the Meantime?
In the meantime you can currently stream all four original The Fall Guy movies on Peacock until the end of November The availability of The Fall Guy movies onPeacock varies depending on the month so make sure to take advantage of the current availability
How To Watch The Fall Guy In English Online For Free:
As of now, the only way to watch The Fall Guy is to head out to a movie theater when it releases on Friday, September 8. You can find a local showing onFandango. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it becomes available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Vudu, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon or available to stream on Max. The Fall Guy is still currently in theaters if you want to experience all the film’s twists and turns in a traditional cinema. But there’s also now an option to watch the film at home. As of November 25, 2024, The Fall Guy is available on HBO Max. Only those with a subscription to the service can watch the movie. Because the film is distributed by 20th Century Studios, it’s one of the last films of the year to head to HBO Max due to a streaming deal in lieu of Disney acquiring 20th Century Studios, as Variety reports. At the end of 2024, 20th Century Studios’ films will head to Hulu or Disney+ once they leave theaters.
Is The Fall Guy Movie on Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?
Netflix: The Fall Guy is currently not available on Netflix. However, fans of dark fantasy films can explore other thrilling options such as Doctor Strange to keep themselves entertained.
Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll and Funimation have acquired the rights to distribute The Fall Guy in North America. Stay tuned for its release on the platform inthe coming months. In the meantime, indulge in dark fantasy shows like Spider-man to fulfill your entertainment needs.
Hulu: Unfortunately, The Fall Guy is not available for streaming on Hulu. However, Hulu offers a variety of other exciting options like Afro Samurai Resurrection or Ninja Scroll to keep you entertained.
Disney+: The Fall Guy is not currently available for streaming on Disney+. Fans will have to wait until late December, when it is expected to be released on theplatform. Disney typically releases its films on Disney+ around 45-60 days after their theatrical release, ensuring an immersive cinematic experience for viewers.
The Fall Guy movie could eventually be available to watch on Prime Video, though it will likely be a paid digital release rather than being included with anAmazon Prime subscription. This means that rather than watching the movie as part of an existing subscription fee, you may have to pay money to rent the movie digitally on Amazon. However, Crunchyroll. and Amazon have yet to discuss whether or not this will be the case.
As of right now, we don’t know. While the film will eventually land on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4KUltraHD, Crunchyroll has yet to reveal a specific date as to when that would be. The first Nun film also premiered in theaters in early September and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in December. Our best guess is that the sequel will follow a similar path and will be available around the holiday season.
To watch ‘The Fall Guy’ (2024) for free online streaming in Australia and New Zealand, you can explore options like and, as mentioned in the search results. However, please note that the legality and safety of using such websites may vary, so exercise caution when accessing them. Additionally, you can check if the movie is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, as they often offer a wide selection of movies and TV.
Mark your calendars for July 8th, as that’s when The Fall Guy will be available on Disney+. This highly anticipated installment inthe franchise is packed with thrilling action and adventure, promising to captivate audiences and leave them craving for more. Captivate audiences and leave them craving for more.
Here is a comprehensive guide on how to watch The Fall Guy online in its entirety from the comfort of your own home. You can access thefull movie free of charge on the respected platform known as 123Movies. Immerse yourself in the captivating experience of The Fall Guy by watching it online for free. Alternatively, you can also enjoy the movie by downloading it in high definition. Enhance your movie viewing experience by watching The Fall Guy on 123movies, a trusted source for online movie streaming.
submitted by Ok_ewrsedfgc to Lubavitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:54 SnooKiwis6285 15M, looking for talkative people with my interests

heyo, im getting into dnd lately and I'm trying to do 2 in person campaigns, I have always wanted to try an online campaign I'm also into watching weird anime and reading manga or web comics I have always wanted to be a therapist so if you have something on your mind feel free to talk about it I recently broke my wrist while skateboarding so it's a bit hard to type, sorry about that I am trying to learn how to bake and crochet if anyone offers to teach me!!
age gaps are cool just nothing over 28
submitted by SnooKiwis6285 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:35 -karipap- [For Hire] Stylized portrait drawing, Comic and illustrations for $10

Hi! Need illustrations for your project or thinking of creating a custom gift for your loved ones? Check this out:
I can make various kinds of illustrations for your needs from portrait to comics. Here are some examples of my work
Starting from $10 (depends on drawing complexity & panel variety)
Feel free to DM me if you have questions. Looking forward to draw for you !
submitted by -karipap- to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:30 -karipap- [OFFER] Stylized portrait drawing, Comic and illustrations for $10

Hi! Need illustrations for your project or thinking of creating a custom gift for your loved ones? Check this out:
I can make various kinds of illustrations for your needs from portrait to comics. Here are some examples of my work
Starting from $10 (depends on drawing complexity & panel variety)
Feel free to DM me if you have questions. Looking forward to draw for you !
submitted by -karipap- to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:22 Chai_Marshmallow 29 [M4F] NYC - Tall Nerdy Guy looking for Someone to Enjoy the Vibes With

I'm a 29 year old guy living in NYC and looking for someone to vibe with and develop a relationship with them. I'm a pretty easy going and relaxed person. Currently working in the tech industry and been loving it so far! I have a mix of introvert and extrovert energy where I love to go out for concerts and events but love to relax at home with a good cup of tea on the couch. I am pretty nerdy but do enjoy doing all sorts of things in my free time. Physically, I'm 6 feet tall, white, wear glasses, thin/decent shape and have dark blonde hair. Once we start talking, I would be more than happy to swap selfies.
For hobbies, I like doing all sorts of things such as cooking/baking (always happy to swap recipes!), traveling, reading comics/manga, playing board/video games, live music, exploring the city in search of great food/cafes, and boba. This year I will try to cut back up bubble tea but do love drinking it! Ive been cooking since college and have gotten pretty good. It's been fun looking at recipes online and YouTube and making them at home. I'm a big fan of manga and comics and usually read them pretty often. I'm trying to jump start my Yelp reviews of restaurants so I'll definitely be moving around the city to review and find new food to try out!
Mainly looking in NYC and the northeast area (22+) but if you feel like we could be a nice match then feel free to message or chat!
submitted by Chai_Marshmallow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:14 sweatheadratking [TOMT][App] I used to have this app for reading manga back in 2018ish(?) and it seemed like it had everything and it was all for free.

I remember reading tons of Junji Ito comics, Tokyo Ghoul and Goblin Knight on this app and it was all for free. I can’t seem to find this app anywhere now
submitted by sweatheadratking to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:01 Trick-Two497 Discussion: CHAPTER XIX THE DUKE GOES

Guerchard comes really close to accusing the duke as we start the chapter. Let’s get started talking about it. I’ve got some suggested prompts, but feel free to discuss anything you like in the comment section.
  1. When Guerchard seems to come to his senses and begs the duke to stay to help him against Lupin - is that an act or does he really think the duke will help?
  2. There is an intense mind game going on between these two men. What was your favorite jab?
  3. What did you think about the end of the chapter?
  4. Anything else you’d like to discuss about this chapter?
Last line of the chapter: Guerchard staggered to his feet and cried hoarsely, frantically: “Stop him from leaving the house! Follow him! Arrest him! Catch him before he gets home!”
submitted by Trick-Two497 to ayearoflupin [link] [comments]