What happened to the guys in 3 guys 1 hammer

Fall Guys

2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2023.11.15 14:16 ConfusionMountain458 3Guys1Hammer


2018.07.20 06:46 ethanbrecke The Try Guys: The Original Fan Subreddit

A group to discuss the Try Guys. A YouTube group who does fun challenge-based content. Providing us twice weekly videos, podcasts, IGTV videos and other content. www.tryguys.com

2024.06.01 12:29 LargeCryptographer59 Slap me w a reality cheque🤡🃏. Indian International Applicant-Male. Do I stand any chance ?

Indian Applicant for Biomedical Engineering (Need-Based Aid) Overall GPA- 3.6ish-3.8 idk I've checked online as much as I can and this is the value I'm finding via Bard and Chatgpt. High School (Small - 300-450 Students)
Senior Secondary School (Large - 2400-2800 Students)
Future Plans (12th Grade)
Intended Major: Biomedical Engineering
Financial Aid: Extremely important (need-blind preferred)
College list as of now Boston University, Upenn, Yale, DePaul, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Duke, LMU , Purdue, Suny buffalo, Stony brook, Albany , Stanford, Tufts, Tulane, and USC(my heart is set on this one, they kinda love intl students n give aid + silicon valley + can also pursue my acting passion) Let me know if I'm being delusional as such, critique, review and also lemme know is USC a possibility.
submitted by LargeCryptographer59 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:26 Used-Persimmon I feel this went under the radar...

I feel this went under the radar...
you guys realize what would happen to us if WW3 erupts because china annexed taiwan?
I think the guy is playing with fire and biting more that he can chew.. first flirting with russia ,iran, now china... I am not against cooperation, not at all.. economically it is very smart to gave both sides in your card deck.
But when we start taking geopolitical positions, that's where we start treading in deep mud.
We have been historically non-aligned throughout the cold war, and that's what countries with our size and power do if they have smart leaders.. In case of a crisis, we are not capable of any military support or ecnomical resilience.
I hope he does not go all the way and withdraw TN from Nato strartegic ally status.
submitted by Used-Persimmon to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 niemteltsuj Long term fasting isn't for everybody, and that's ok.

This may upset some people. In fact I can count on it.
I only wrote this for 1% of you. For the rest, please disregard it.
A Different Game:
I'm not sure if I can explain this. I don't think that I totally understand it myself, but that's ok.
Long term fasting isn't about food, but you already knew that or you wouldn't be attempting a long fast.
This may not pertain to everyone that does a long fast. Maybe it won't pertain to any of them.
You may not know who I am, or of my situation. That's ok. I'm just some guy in a sub-reddit.
For me the battle is more important than the weightloss. Fasting can tear you down right to the core. It can lay you open and expose vulnerabilities that you didn't know you had.
That can be a good thing if you are ready for it. When you've faced something that stripes you down, you only have two ways to go. You either stay broken or you rebuild a new you.
Fasting isn't a team sport. The rebuilding process is a solo journey. You will face family and friends that mean well. You will face people on reddit that have watched a few videos of someone that thinks they know about fasting.
The fact is that after your first long fast, you have experience, they have hearsay.
Repeating what somebody else said about something that very few people have experienced is easy. There are way to many armchair quarterbacks.
For all intents and purposes they are standing on the sidewalk watching the parade go by.
We need to respect those people. They believe what they are saying. They don't mean to drag you down. They just don't understand that the game we are playing is nothing like the game they are playing.
Respecting them doesn't mean letting their opinions effect you. We leave their words to them. We step outside of their world.
We are outside of the box thinkers. We learn by doing, not by reading, watching, or listening.
In short, we cut our own path.
Long term fasting will cause you to question everything about your past, present, and future.
It will make you question yourself to the point that you lose the belief in your fight.
Don't be mistaken. This is war. You will fight battles every day of your fast.
TV commercials, concerned family members, concerned friends, people in the fasting reddit, all of these and more, are all battles. Each battle takes your energy to fight them.
We all have a limit as to how much unintentional abuse that we can take.
Remember, we are playing a different game. We aren't better than them, it's just a different game.
To succeed we close off there words. We smile and nod without telling them they are wrong. Their rules don't apply. Remember, ours is a different game. We need our energy for other challenges, tougher challenges.
Once we're in a long fast our mind will scream at us. It doesn't Remember why it stored the fat. How could it. We don't live in a world where using fat for energy is part of the equation.
We know the truth. Fat is fuel. Combine that fat with electrolytes and vitamins and your body has a built in smorgasbord.
You will face many days where you question whether it is worth it. Days when the scales aren't moving, and you are constantly thinking about your comfort food, can push you close to your limit. If you aren't confident and forward thinking it can break you.
We play a game that is much like chess. Our move is the result of a strategy that we decided on several moves ago. We don't make in the moment decisions. We know the obstacles but we don't care because we set this strategy in motion days before. Today is temporary. It is here and gone in the blink of an eye.
Tomorrow. That's how we win today's battle. Our mind is already in tomorrow. How can we giving in today if we are already in a tomorrow frame of mind.
Our battle is intense. As with chess, sometimes we have to sacrifice a pawn, maybe even a knight. We do this by skipping a family gathering or a superbowl party if they fall within our fasting plan.
I've missed Easter, Thanksgiving, my birthday, my mom's birthday, mother's day, and 4th of july cookouts.
This game requires sacrifice. The weightloss is great. I've lost 240 pounds, but that is irrelevant.
Our true opponent is our mind. Nothing else can matter. In truth, nothing else exists. We stand alone. Alone against family, friends, and armchair experts.
On one fast, I was on day 56. My mind was done. I didn't think I had anything left in the gas tank, but I've faced things in life that totally wiped me out. I knew there is always just a little more left if we reach deep.
I held on. My mind was screaming. I couldn't hear anything but, "give in, it's over"
I dug deep. I went to my room. I just wanted to go to bed. I climbed on my bed. I couldn't climb under the covers. That would take too much external energy. I knelt on my bed. I rocked back and forth for three hours. I was sobbing uncontrollably. My body was shaking from the depth of those sobbs.
I made it. The tears ended. The rocking ended. I collapsed on my bed and slept for hours.
I faced one of the hardest challenges in my 55 years on this planet.
That victory is mine. Nobody can take it from me. Believe it or not several people from this fasting community tried. They told me that I was lying. They said I got lucky because I didn't die. They said I would cause someone to take their last breath.
I didn't care what they said, and I don't care now. The victory is mine. Any time I struggle I look back on that morning. I remember the intensity. I fought so hard, and I won. What challenge can I face in the future that could compare. The answer is, nothing. Nothing I will face can hold a candle to that day.
I've faced some extreme challenges. My girlfriend passed from cancer while laying in the bed beside of me. My mom went to prison when I was little. Our friend was murdered. One of our friends came over after he had been shot. We were robbed at gunpoint. None of that compared.
Even Marine Corps boot camp paled in comparison to that day.
We face intense situations while fasting. This may sound bad but I hope you can experience that. I can't think of anything that could ever take me down. I look back on that day and it empowers me. With that memory I can tackle any opponent.
We play a different game. Don't forget that.
99% of people on here won't get it. Many will condemn and down vote this.
I'll say it again, we play a different game. They won't get it and thats ok.
After you face your demons. After you make it out the other side, there is nothing left to compare.
Our battle may be different but the final outcome is the same.
We win.
After that challenge,
we win because that's all we know.
submitted by niemteltsuj to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:15 Secret-Throwaway5096 My family and life is fucking insane

My brother (21) fell down the Islamic rabbit hole HARD around 2 years ago. He believes he's a disciple or some crazy shit like that. Constantly is watching Islamic videos on full blast, believes he was possessed by Shaytan, thinks the Dajjall is coming, etc etc. It's constant. He went to a doctor or psychiatrist, I don't know, who told him he had psychosis or a psychotic episode. But that was about it. No ongoing therapy or medicine.
I feel bad for him. I do. But hearing his shit for 2 whole years has made me go crazy too. Instead of taking my brother to get help, proper help or therapy or whatever the fuck, my mother said he needed rukiya. She's born and raised in the UK but ethnically Pakistan. She knows what therapy is. She knows what a psychiatrist is. And the first thing she suggested was a fucking exorcism, feeding into his delusions.
My mum keeps saying he needs help. I said he should get therapy, and she said No. But what help would he get if not therapy? She's constantly saying "I'll get you help" and nothing ever happens. My brother just sleeps all day, and if he's not sleeping he's muttering about Andrew Tate, and how he (my brother) needs to get married, or that he needs to be homeless, or that the Hindus and Jews are stupid (he used a worse word.)
I'm 17f from the UK doing my A levels (year 12) right now in a house full of crazies. I'm barely scraping D's in my subjects. I can't concentrate. Everyone here says it gets better when you leave. It gets better when you go to university.
But what if I can't even go there? My grades are dogshit. And even then, on the off chance I get in, is it really better? How? How is it better? I'd have to come back home every so often for the holidays. I'd be living away from my parents, and I can technically do what I want, but what if someone snitches? Tells my parents that I'm drinking beer or whatever? I have a Muslim name AND I'm a girl. People at uni will be asking things, will be judging. If I was a guy, less so, but I'm not. And at the end of the 4 years, I'd be back at home with a degree and debt.
It's constant chaos in my life. Isn't it funny how I'm in the UK, a first world country, and at my big age of seventeen years old, I'm not allowed to wear an oversized fucking T shirt to a park? Isn't it funny that my mother said my outfit wasn't modest when I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt that covered my ass????
I'm rambling. This doesn't make sense and I'm almost about to cry right now. I don't know what to do. There's so much I left out. If I spoke about how truly fucked my life has been, it would be 100 pages long.
submitted by Secret-Throwaway5096 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 Similar_Set_6582 My account was banned from TV Tropes. Can someone do me a favor?

Just copy this, paste this into a sandbox, then make a thread in the Trope Repair Shop linking to it. The thread shall be titled "Needs Help: Inexplicable Language Fluency".
A wick check for InexplicableLanguageFluency.
'''Why?''': InexplicableLanguageFluency seems to lump in examples of characters demonstrating fluency in a language they've never learned with examples of characters merely understanding a language they never learned. For one, it doesn't make sense for the latter examples to be there since the title has the word "fluency" in it. Secondly, many of the latter examples can be moved to BilingualDialogue or AmplifiedAnimalAptitude.
'''Wicks checked''': 50/72
'''Wick totals''':
* 21/50 wicks, or 11.5%, were clear examples of a character demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned. * 24/50 wicks, or 12% were examples of a character understanding a language without demonstrating fluency. * 4/50 wicks, or 2%, were written in a way that made it unclear whether they were being used correctly. * 1/50 wicks, or 1.5%, was an aversion.
[[folder:Characters demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned (21/50)]] * Characters.AtlantisTheLostEmpire: The Atlanteans are able to fluently communicate with the explorers from the surface in English and French. This is handwaved as their own language being a precursor to all other languages. * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming finds himself immediately fluent in Japanese despite having never learned the language, and the Japan of his era was still a dwarf country that mostly only sent envoys to Shu's rival kingdom of Wei. Eiko points out the absurdity of how an ancient Chinese figure can suddenly speak Japanese, and Kongming himself is at a loss of how he can do this. * Characters.YellowjacketsCrashSurvivors: [[spoiler:She, and by extension others in the Antler Queen cult she forms, randomly speak French on occasion, which Lottie at least is ''not'' fluent in, indicating mental instability.]] '''If this is supposed to be an inversion, it's correct, but it should be rewritten to mention that it's an inversion.''' * ComicBook.Asterix: Gauls can speak to most foreign peoples without any difficulty. Either everyone can speak Gaulish, or the Gauls can speak other languages, but either way is downright impossible. * ComicBook.UltimateFantasticFour: ** Downplayed. Namor demonstrates this trope after spending nine thousand years of being sealed inside a sarcophagus prison. Being from an ancient civilization of Atlantis that predates the modern English language, he initially has no idea what his new captors are saying when they find him. However, thanks to his psionic powers he proves to be a frighteningly fast learner and is able to learn English within an hour to understand modern American English and casually deliver threats and demands. ** Happens again when the Four meets the Silver Surfer who is able to understand English perfectly the instant he arrives to Earth for the first time. He justifies this by stating can decipher electromagnetic signals in the air to learn alien tongues in seconds. * Friends.TropesFToJ: Zig-zagged. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt" has her speaking with Joey's Italian grandmother, with Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey. But in an earlier episode, Rachel's former lover Paulo calls her "bellissima" and she doesn't understand. ->'''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Film.ExorcistTheBeginning: In-universe, the main characters note Cheche's sudden fluency in English after being brought to the hospital. Of course this is because it is Pazuzu speaking through him and not actually Cheche. '''This is DiscussedTrope, not InUniverse'''. * Film.{{Phenomenon}}: Downplayed. After a UFO encounter, George gains a form of superintelligence where he can learn complicated tasks and subjects quickly, to the point where he's able to fluently speak Portuguese after reading an English-to-Portuguese dictionary for twenty minutes. This was foreshadowed in an earlier scene where after usually fumbling to speak Spanish, he's suddenly able to speak it perfectly, to the point that his Hispanic coworker half-seriously declares that it's better than his. * Literature.ForgottenRuin: When Talker and Vandahar speak during the final stretch to the Hidden Cave, Vandahar speaks in what we would recognize as modern German, which of course makes communicating with him very easy for Talker but raises a few questions. * Literature.InCryptid: Of the GeneticMemory version. When Candice the Dragon Princess comes up against the LizardFolk wandering about the New York sewers, she's able to make them halt using a guttural language. She reveals to Verity that it's a inborn language all Princesses know and something the "Servitors" are meant to respond to. She's also never used it before as Servitors can only be created from a [[spoiler:living male dragon]]. * Literature.SeasonalFears: Aven is essentially in a coma all her life but, thanks to the alchemical knowledge tinctures of her father', she speaks perfect English even if there are some issues with definitions. * Literature.ShiversMDSpenser: Bubbie moves to France with her family and meets a new French kid, Jean-Luc, and can somehow converse with him without any language issues; at the end of the story she can hold a long conversation with a stranger in French, despite spending less than a week in the country. Previous books with an overseas setting will at least attempt justifying this trope (for instance, ''Terror on Troll Mountain'' has the protagonist's Italian family choosing to speak in English because they're anticipating American guests) but this one handwaves the issue until it's a borderline plot hole. * Recap.AsterixAndTheGoths: Getafix is able to speak fluent Gothic, despite being a Gaulish druid who has no logical reason to know it (especially considering how antagonistic the Goths are in this story). * Recap.FriendsS5E19TheOneWhereRossCantFlirt: Phoebe speaks with Joey's Italian grandmother, with [[InexplicableLanguageFluency Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey]]. '''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Recap.TalesFromTheDarksideS4E6TheGraveRobber: Aileen is surprised to hear Tapok speaking English when he wakes up, the mummy giving an offhand mention that he can speak the language of anyone who violates the tomb. * Roleplay.WanyaKingdomVSAwoofyUnity: Fragment has been shown to speak any language even if he has never heard it before. * Series.{{Llanargollen}}: In "Dirgelwch y Llyfr Coll", Prys and Barti speak to each other in Swahili. It seems incredibly unlikely that Prys would be fluent in that language, and Barti only speaks in unintelligible grunts with individual words thrown in. The other characters barely react to this. * VideoGame.EternalReturnBlackSurvival: The test subjects are able to work together with each other in spite of how one would presume that the vast majority of them would be completely unable to verbally communicate with most of the others. {{Averted}} by some of the achievement lore entries, which include statements observed from test subjects that some of which have a note underneath which states the words were translated by AI and will be reviewed and localized further in the future. '''Since this seems to be an implied example rather than a straight example, and it seems to be ambiguous InUniverse whether it's this or BilingualDialogue, I'll leave it here.''' * VideoGame.MegaManBattleNetwork2?: [=MegaMan=]'s translation system allows Lan to speak flawless Netopian after they arrive in Netopia. * WesternAnimation.{{Pocahontas}}: English explorer John Smith meets the alluring Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe. Smith doesn't know her language, nor she his. That is, until Pocahontas takes a breath of magic wind. Suddenly, her English is better than his. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Aversions (1/50)]] * DarthWiki.{{Aquilaverse}}: ''Averted'' Not inexplicable, since her spell "Xenographus" let's her read any language she encounters for a limited duration. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Unclear (4/50)]] * Characters.FrightKrewe: His power makes him this. He has the ability to communicate with anyone and understand anything they say, whether its a [[InexplicableLanguageFluency person]], an [[SpeaksFluentAnimal animal]], or an [[NatureSpirit 'elemental entity']]. '''The way the example is written, it's not clear whether it's this or BilingualDialogue.''' * Recap.CreepshowS1E3BadWolfDown: Doc is shown to speak French and understands the language quite fluently, allowing him to translate the explanation of the werewolf woman's plight. '''You can't "understand a language fluently". Does he ''speak'' it fluently, or at least speak it better than he should realistically be able to?''' * Series.AlloAllo: Frenchmen, Germans, and Italians can talk to each other. This is never explained. '''In their own languages, or...?''' * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps: The [[SpeaksFluentAnimal aliens]] and [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien chimps]] understand each other, despite that the chimps have just arrived on their planet. '''Does one of them speak the other's language, or do they just understand each other's languages?''' [[/folder]]
!!!'''Characters being able to understand a language without demonstrating fluency (24/50) 12%''' [[folder:Amplified Animal Aptitude (7/50) '''3.5%''']] * Literature.MrsFrisbyAndTheRatsOfNIMH: The animals can understand humans and each other, but can't talk to humans. This leads to a bit of FridgeLogic as to where exactly all these animals picked up English (justified for the rats, as they were taught it in the lab, but not for any of the others), and whether they can understand other human languages automatically as well. * Recap.TheSimpsonsS6E6TreehouseOfHorrorV: When Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." * TheSimpsons.TropesIToM: ** In "Treehouse of Horror V", when Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." '''Just checked and the sloth doesn’t say “I don’t know”, it just grunts with an intonation that indicates that that’s what it was saying. So, not fluent in English.''' * Tarzan.TropesGToZ ** Played straight when Jane talks to a baby baboon and he understands her. * TotalDrama.TropesHToP: Some wild animals--especially squirrels--can understand humans. * WesternAnimation.FindingNemo: Dory understands English. The fish in the tank understand English because they've been hearing humans all their life, but there's no reason for Dory to understand English. [[spoiler:Subverted in that ''WesternAnimation/FindingDory'' reveals she was raised in a marine life institute in California.]] '''Since it says “understand” and not “speak” I can only assume this is a case of TranslationConvention and AnimalTalk, which means they aren’t actually fluent in English.''' * WesternAnimation.SpiritStallionOfTheCimarron: Spirit, despite not having had any human contact before his capture, understands what the human characters are saying. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Bilingual Dialogue (11/50)]] * Characters.MashupWeekMegamixCompetitors: Despite the fact that all 3 members speak different languages (English for Scoop, French for Eric and Italian for Baba), they can be understood by each other and by others easily. * Film.NoTimeToDie: James Bond's 5-year-old daughter, Mathilde, understands English even though her mother Madelaine speaks to her in French and all the media she consumes is in French. * Film.Titanic1997: Jack and the Swedish men understand each other well enough that Olaf is able to bet his tickets for all Jack and Fabrizio's money. * FinalFantasyXIV.TropesGToI?: ** In ''Heavensward'', the Warrior and Alphinaud are startled by how they can understand the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, who only speaks the language of dragons. They learn that while other races may not speak the dragon's language, the inherent power and magic in a dragon's song essentially beams meaning directly into the hearer's mind. ** The Scions are shocked in ''Shadowbringers'' when they meet [[spoiler:Emet-Selch's recreation of the lost city of Amaurot, the home of the BenevolentPrecursor race. Although the ancient version of mankind spoke only in a StarfishLanguage of droning tones, the Scions born millennia after the world was sundered find that they're able to discern meaning from it.]] * Literature.CookingWithWildGame: Lampshaded. One of the few supernatural parts of the setting is that [[TrappedInAnotherWorld Asuta]] can understand its inhabitants' language (almost) perfectly. Nobody knows why, nor do they ever find out; it's essentially one of the AcceptableBreaksFromReality needed to get the plot going. * Literature.{{Fablehaven}}: After receiving magic from fairies, Kendra gains the ability to interpret their language intuitively despite never actually learning it. * Manga.MiriyaAndMarie: Aside of occasional GratuitousFrench, Miriya can understand all French and animal characters and vice versa. Blackey also tries to charge Miriya for massage in yen despite being French. * VideoGame.KnightsOfTheOldRepublic: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who ''should'' understand the language of the AbusivePrecursors. [[spoiler: Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you]]. '''When moving this to BilingualDialogue, I would rewrite it as “Your character understands plenty of languages, but can only speak one.''' * WebOriginal.MashupWeek: In both tournaments, Flat Eric speaks French, but everyone can understand him perfectly. Same with Gigi, who speaks Italian. * WesternAnimation.JosieAndThePussycats: ''[[RecycledWithAGimmick In Outer Space]]'' has Melody encounter an alien creature that looks like cotton candy with eyes and flippers. The critter speaks in a series of bleeps, and Melody names him Bleep. [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien She can also understand him perfectly, and acts as translator for everyone else]]. Also, Bleep seems to understand English just fine. '''I also think InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien should be limited to people actually speaking Alien instead of just understanding it, but that’s for another time.''' [[/folder]]
[[folder:Other (6/50)]] * Characters.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocusMultiverse: Upon looking at some files from the old phone Oscar picked up, he's somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Fanfic.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocus: Kaito is somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming also demonstrates an ability to understand English, as he is able to tell that the English song Eiko sings to him is a love song, with enough comprehension to be moved by a vision of his old comrades due to the lyrics referencing being still alive and alone. Later, upon meeting Tsuyoshi Kondo after Eiko's performance at the Yoyogi Art Festival, Kongming easily translates his GratuitousEnglish for a confused Kobayashi, and he's even become friends with a foreigner in Roppongi, who speaks exclusively in English. He's capable of some GratuitousEnglish himself, to boot. * Recap/CreepshowS2E2PublicTelevisionOfTheDead: Goodman reveals to Ted, out of nowhere, that he can read Sumerian, allowing him to translate the Necronomicon's incantations and let Evil roam free once again. * Series.{{Carnivale}}: During the fireball show, Samson secretly passes an old Crusader fob up to the stage during Lodz's psychometry act. When Lodz touches it, he's struck by visions of a holy war and begins chanting ''"In hoc signo vinces!"'' Ben, an uneducated farmboy, surprises Samson by translating even though he doesn't even recognize the language is Latin: '''Ben Hawkins:''' By this sign we conquer... by this sign we conquer... * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps2ZartogStrikesBack: Zartog understands the humans, despite having just arrived on Earth. He even understands Spanish, Hindi, and Xhosa upon hearing them for the first time, making the humans' inability to understand him even more hilarious. [[/folder]]
submitted by Similar_Set_6582 to tvtropes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:11 Looser17 My experience as a Magazine designer.

One of the greatest thing that I am proud of myself is my skills in Indesign and Photoshop. though I am a medical student, I got myself in the club of my college that involved in making magazines. It was a great experience for me. There I learned about team work and necessary photoshop and Indesign skill for making magazines. It was the most amazing experience that I still cherish till date. I remember me and my fellow designer talking about the type of magazine cover that we will make. It took us almost 3 months to make the cover of the magazine that everyone loved.
I was so much enthralled that I even opened fiver account thinking that people will give me photos to edit. Its been 4 years but I haven't got any offer. Anyways the new skill is what I cherish upon besides my daily practice as a medical personnel. It was great experience that helped me grow and divert my attention from the daily chores of medicine studies that sometimes overloaded my mind. That's it thought I will share my experience. You guys can too if you have something like this in your mind.
submitted by Looser17 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:08 highrollerdude7 Best online casinos Canada - top picks

Hey guys, I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about online casinos in Canada, saying they’re not as good as what they have in the states or overseas. Honestly, I think they are just playing at the wrong sites. I say this because that’s exactly what happened to me.
I’ve been playing at Canadian sites for over five years, but I wasted a lot of that time on casinos like Casumo (couldn’t win) and Yukon Gold (trash). There were a few others in there as well, but they were crap too.
Good news is, once I got sick of giving my money away, I found a few casinos that are actually worth a damn. Here’s my list of the best online casinos Canada players can use:
That’s it, that’s the list. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the sites.
submitted by highrollerdude7 to casualgambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:01 thethunderingmarmot Spent a week playing LoL as Jinx

Hi there!
I did a post some time ago where I said that I've just started playing LoL and I wanted to main Jinx.
I still haven't played any "Quick Play" or "Draft Pick" matches, I'm just trying to get better with the Coop vs AI mode and I am slowly seeing an improvement: I usually get 1 to 3 deaths and 10-ish kills and 10-ish assists.
Though, I still can't understand what's the secret to not dying, I see some people push the lane and destroying everything while staying alive, I can kinda do that too when the "Get Excited" kicks in, but after getting a couple of kills I always find myself destroyed.
Also, sometimes it seems like I do more damage with autos than normal and, when I expect it to do that damage I saw before, it just doesn't and I can't figure out what's happening, but it doesn't seem to be related to Jinx's passive cause it happens even when "Get Excited" is not active.
Another thing is sometimes I find myself in the bot lane completely alone and while I can kinda manage it, there are some champions that I can't seem to 1vs1, one of these is Caitlyn (oh the irony).
I've started playing trainings against an intermediate Caitlyn bot and she almost always manages to dodge my W, while I can't seem to reliably dodge her Q.
I don't know if I should even consider 1vs1 with Jinx as I know ADCs usually have a support champion, is it even possible being alone in the bot lane?
I hope I don't annoy you guys with these beginner questions haha
submitted by thethunderingmarmot to leagueofjinx [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 ganglyboyish Any actually good resources for allyship?

Hey y’all!
This is really long but I’m really struggling with what to do, and all of this is necessary to provide context. I checked out the trans allyship resources on this subreddit and didn’t find anything useful to this specific context. I really really need advice.
TW: transphobia
I (24tm) have a very close friend (32f) who is cisgender. I’ll call her A.
I was at a bar with A and someone came up to me and immediately tried to debate me and was saying really transphobic stuff and using the T slur. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and tried to explain to him that he was wrong but he kept talking over me. A didn’t say much during this conversation. I told him I was going to leave because he wasn’t listening, turned to walk out and A was a little behind me. He told her, “you know you guys can’t have babies, right?”
Yeah. Gross. So when talking about this after the fact, every time it was mentioned A belabored on how she wasn’t involved and she just can’t believe he said that to her. I just kind of thought this was annoying and let it go, until one night, when we were talking to her dad about this I said something about how that’s just what happens when you’re friends with trans people, you get caught in the crossfire. Later that night she explained to me that she wasn’t actually centering herself and it just made him more of an asshole that he said it to her, and I’m realizing now as I type this that the implication of that is that it would have been less bad if he had said it to me. I told her it’s annoying because she should have said something to him and defended me, and gotten involved to begin with. Her response was, verbatim, “I’m a cancer mars.” (For context, I believe in astrology and so does she. But. Really?) She then told me that he was being homophobic because I had said something to him about how I was gay and he thought I was a woman and that we were a couple, which is why he said that. I was like, nope, he was pretty explicitly being transphobic. And she then explained again how it wasn’t transphobia it was homophobia and doubled down that he thinks I’m a woman.
I got home to a text further explaining how she wasn’t centering herself by talking about that stuff, and I responded that I was actually bothered by her trying to tell me it was homophobic and not transphobic (she has never dated a woman and is married to a cis man). I also said something about how I didn’t have the emotional capacity for the argument because I was having some other issues with transphobia right before that (which she was aware of) that didn’t involve her. I think the words I said were about being surrounded by cis people. I also think I said something about how she always thinks she’s right. I know that’s not a great thing to say in conflict. But I did say that.
She started getting incredibly defensive around my language of saying cis people, and saying “oh what? I’m just like (insert other person I was in conflict with) now?” And telling me that her saying it was homophobia was just “her perception” and seemed to not understand why that was wrong. She also said I was “fucking on one recently” in regards to marginalization. I backed down and apologized for the cis thing. Honestly I don’t remember too much else of the conflict other than we were arguing for quite a while, and it ended with her and I both apologizing. The next day I re read everything and texted her that I wasn’t happy with the argument. She said “yeah I’m not happy either.” I sent a paragraph about how I don’t know how to proceed and this could change how safe I feel around her, and how I don’t know what to do because she proved by getting defensive and doubling down that I can’t express things like this to her or expect her to defend me in any real capacity. a couple hours later sent me a long text, basically saying that I was (verbatim) “just trying to get my pound of flesh” because she had already apologized. Also some stuff about how I apparently had pointed out her privilege too many times recently (that’s probably true, I thought I was being funny though and didn’t realize I was being annoying) and essentially said that she “crossed a boundary (she) didn’t know existed” by trying to tell me it was homophobia and that some random stranger thought I was a woman. Honestly? I kind of just lost faith that she was going to be rational so I backed down.
That really bothered me for a while. I was going to email the bar to tell them about the transphobic guy, because he had a music show scheduled for the following week and I wanted them to drop him. She asked me at one point if I had sent the email, I said no and explained it was because the whole thing was too much for me, and she offered to send it. She wrote something, I added a couple things, she sent it, the bar dropped him. She sent this in her family group message that I’m in and everyone was congratulating her and saying they were proud of her. That was super triggering because after she was so explicitly transphobic to me I felt really annoyed at watching everyone eat her ass over sending an email. During this conversation, her kid (10nb) sent a voice memo “explaining the situation” and basically just recapped that someone was transphobic to me, and said that I was going to send the email but didn’t because I was “lazy” so their mom sent it. I texted A to say, hey, I probably want to have a conversation with your kid at some point about why they shouldn’t call marginalized people lazy when they don’t stick up for themselves. She explained that she didn’t know where they got that verbiage from. I told her that it wasn’t a big deal, reiterated multiple times (in very explicit wording) that they did nothing wrong, but I was frustrated because I had conflict with A which made me unable to deal with the transphobia and then her kid calls me lazy because of, essentially, what A did.
A texted me an hour or so later telling me that I was “putting my emotions on her to handle” and I “should pick my battles with more discernment” because I was “triggered from our conflict” that happened the previous week. She said I need to “process my emotions longer” before I come to her. She also listed off some things she was dealing with and said she was pissed off that she even had to be frustrated with me. It was a long conversation where I asked if she was okay because her extreme emotional reactions are out of character and she said she was okay. I ended up disingenuously backing down and apologizing and said I knew I was triggered and I explained exactly that, she basically said that I’m “not the only one the conflict was hard for” the implication I gathered is that I shouldn’t bring it up to her, I guess.
Tonight I was with her and someone got aggressive with me in the men’s room and I had to leave the bar twice to drive down the street to pee somewhere else. It wasn’t really about the way she handled that specifically but I don’t feel safe talking to her about any transphobia at all anymore, and there’s no way for me to express this and explain why she’s messing up basic allyship because I tried twice now already.
She’s my main support system, we’ve been tight for the last three years and I’ve known her my whole life. Her biological family is also a huge support system for me and I don’t want to cut any one of them off.
So here’s the question: what the actual fuck do I do? Does anyone have any books, or resources, or like good nuanced explanations of allyship stuff that I can send her? I can’t keep having these conversations because she says really personal attacks about me and honestly the way I’m perceiving her reactions are making it hard for me to take her seriously at all, in any context. I’m thinking if I send her a third party source she might feel less attacked and it will take the emotional labor off me because she can’t argue. Has anyone dealt with anything similar? Can anyone give me any advice?
Tl;dr my very close friend who is my main/only support system said something transphobic, doubled down, and had continued to disrespect me and lodge personal attacks against me when I try to bring it up. Any resources for that?
submitted by ganglyboyish to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 RedReaperGS People laughing at me because of trying to improve my syntax on my English fics.

Hey there guys, so for context.
I was talking with some friends from other fandoms I'm not in but they write for. Mine is tiny, niche, my fics get few kudos and when a comment happens I get mega excited. (Usually fandom blind when I do exchanges here. I know that sometimes isn't the same as the reader can't fully comprehend the context, but can always say what was good or not if the person puts a bit of effort and isn't looking for just your comment back).
So, I was telling this friends that I'm taking online English courses to improve that aspect because I dream to be able to write on English. While relying less and less on language tools or betas to correct my sentences and be able to if not completely do it by myself, since I'm not a native speaker, to at least do a decent job.
Also to improve my conversational English since, as you can see, I can write, read and understand it, but I'm shy and even when some say I pronounce the words right, I'm clumsy because of my own shyness.
Anyway, this group of people was like: yeah sure English have more engagement in terms of fiction and your fandom is practically dead already so I get it since the English one is barely active. But if Spanish is your language, why to bother? Just try another fandom that sure is more mainstream. One that you like and stick with it because your fics will get views, comments, engagement, and you will feel the progress.
And I do wonder, what should I politely reply to this group of people that doesn't mean insults and a lovely block. Or should I just simply do that?
Thanks a lot and sorry my bad English if I made mistakes 🫂🙏. Have a lovely day/night.
submitted by RedReaperGS to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:53 TheSchmemmel Honestly, I'm getting fed up with much of the Reddit community

Like every week we see posts about people expecting the game to be magically saved by a patch that the Devs said will take a while to get right. Just this morning a patch dropped to fix the MO, which is awesome that they managed to fix it so quickly. Yes it's bad that it got released broken, but that's beside the point I want to make right now. What irks me is the thousands of people complaining that this literal HOTFIX wasn't their "Balance Patch". God, guys they told us to wait for that, that they needed work and just two weeks ago most of you babies were crying that AH should take their time more instead of just releasing content. Why not give them the benefit of the doubt for once? Why is this community only looking for the bad things and complain all week long?! Other games would be happy to receive as many patches in a year that this game got in three months! Just let the Devs do their thing. It's obvious they look at Reddit and their Discord for feedback and, honestly, just listening to crying toddlers that go "Mah Weapwon iws bwaaaad nowwww!!!!!!!!!!111!1!1!" is only going increase the chance that the Devs are gonna ignore the community in the long run. No one wants to be confronted with negativity all day long and some of you guys give these Devs more hate than people have given to games like Fallout 76 or worse. Just try to behave like an adult guys.
submitted by TheSchmemmel to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:52 nncn6 Did I make the right decision to break up with my bf?

I need advice regarding my relationship and decision that I’ve made. I want to know if I made the right decision.
I (21f) met my (25m) bf at a tobacconist. He approached me and was very polite and asked for my number and if he could take me out. I asked him about his age and if he works because these are important things for me to know before even giving out my number. He answered and said he wasn’t working at the moment because he just got out of house arrest and I asking him if he’s not working, how will he take me out? He told me money isn’t an issue he’s just not employed. I got what he was trying to say.
He took me out on a date and it was perfect. He was polite, sweet and a gentleman. It felt like love at first sight for me. We began dating and then he got arrested near my street when he came to drop off a motorcycle to someone and then came to see me. At this point, I knew him for 5 weeks in total and we spoke about a lot of things and I told him hypotheticallly if he was to be locked up again I would hold it down for him. I don’t think he believed me at the time I told him but when the situation arised, it wasn’t even a question for me and I did hold him down.
It took a few weeks for him to get processed and call me. I wasn’t sure if he even wanted to be with me anymore. Right after his arrest, I tried to track him down to which jail he was at and sent him letters with words of encouragement and reassurance that I am here for him as promised. In those three weeks of no contact, I also got his BPAY details to put money in his account and have been this whole time. Around $30-$50 per week. He usually spends that money to call me twice a day for 15 minutes per call. Sometimes he calls me 3 times a day. In the weeks where I couldn’t send him money, he never asked for money but I realised the calls were only once a day as he was trying to space out the calls for the week as he was low on money. Still, he never asked me for anything. He’s always given me reassurance during the 6 months he’s been inside and speaks to me kindly and gently. When we do have issues, usually on the first call he will say something that’s not quite right and upset me but always fix it by the second call when he’s had time to think about it. I’ve felt lucky af to have him because he’s been the most sweetest and romantic person I’ve been with yet. All of his friends know bout me and message me when it comes to important information regarding his trial. His mum has also confided in me for the last 6 months and has told me that I’m like a daughter to her (although in the last 1 month she’s ghosted me).
I had a face to face visit with him last month because his mum took me with her and it felt amazing to be able to see him and hold him. He has lied to me about a few things starting off with his ethnicity. When I met him he told me he was two different ethnicities but I later came to find out drop his mum that he’s actually 100% Indian and doesn’t have any roots of those other two ethnicities. His mum showed me her entire family as proof and his dad’s family. His mum has also warned me numerous times to break up with him because he’s been in and out of prison since he was 20 and every time he says he will change but he doesn’t.
He’s also gotten expelled from school so he never finished school either. He has never had a normal job but has been making money in other ways so money isn’t an issue. I also think he might be addicted to drugs but I am not sure. He has gotten people to transfer different amounts of money into my account and for me to transfer them to other accounts. I did become suspicious of what’s going on but I kind of turned a blind eye to it and told him he better not be making me do something I shouldn’t be doing. He’s always told me if i don’t want to do it it’s totally fine and he can get someone else to do this for him. I am confident I am the only girl he’s talking to as I can book visits every week and I can tell other people are not really visiting him except his sister and mum sometimes and his mum’s also given me reassurance that he is talking to me only me and that when it comes to relationships he is soft hearted.
I also do think he is soft hearted. I have experienced a lot of adversity from people and people definitely have looked down on me and have told me all sorts of negative things but I tried to stay strong and stay in the relationship. I have always brought up with issues and we have fixed them.
Anyways, he gets out in 10 days and last week I went on to reddit to read peoples posts about dating someone that’s in prison and it scared tf out of me when I saw that all this sweet romantic talk is just “prison talk” and that they will switch up once they come out. I have sent him lots of pics of me too and I saw other people talking about how they sell and trade photos of women and I think I know him enough to know he respects me to not do that to me but all of these things just freaked me out. I am really scared of getting hurt so I tend to withdraw from relationships because the other person can leave me or hurt me to leave him. I know it’s something I struggle with but I have held it down for 6 months even though I only knew him for 5 weeks prior. I have tried to support him in every way I can and I have never missed a call from him.
I am not strong enough to break things off over the phone because the calls are timed and I am afraid that if he does give me reassurance over the phone rn it’s probably “prison talk.” I would never ghost him or not give closure so I sent a message to be passed to him to his friend. In the message I basically talked about the reason why I’m leaving is because i don’t think he loves me and probably only feels so strongly about me because he’s in jail and all he’s got is time so now he’s infatuated with me but when he comes out that may change. I don’t want to hold him to promises he’s made while being in there and I don’t want to subconsciously force him to be with me
I did write all that in a panic state. Anyway, I think he got the message. He did try to call me a few times after he got the message and I didn’t pick up. I love him a lot so deep down I do want him to try and prove me wrong and give me reassurance that it’s not just prison talk and that he does love me and want to be with me.
He’s always made it clear he loves me over the phone. Do you guys think I made the right choice and that if he truly does love me, he will understand how I have been feeling on my end? It’s very difficult to be a loved one of someone that is incarcerated. You feel lonely and always in an emotional roller coaster. I stuck through and didn’t abandon him during his sentence but now that he’s coming out, I’ve kind of just set him free so he doesn’t feel guilty about treating me differently when he comes out if he realises his feelings are not as strong as they were once he was locked up.
submitted by nncn6 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 imnowonderwoman “You should write a book” comments during trauma therapy

Help me out because I’m confused. I finally got diagnosed with ADHD and my wonderful healthcare team took my “I think I might be having flashbacks too” seriously when talking about comorbidities.
After discussing with my therapist, she asked me to make a timeline of my life, and put my memories into themed shame buckets. Like “appearance” or “intelligence” for example.
So guys, I started writing and I couldn’t stop. The level of detail that I have in my memories is baffling. It just kept pouring out of me and I kept coming up with new buckets and re-making the timeline. The writing in particular was a mess because I jumped through different tenses within one memory all the time.
I went through several stages of “development” of how I was going to tell my story. Trauma therapy is no joke, and opening up these wounds causes me flashbacks, nightmares, etc. Whenever I had a flashback, working on this actually calmed me down. Eventually I settled on a power point presentation, with pictures and a clearer thought progression. We’ve had three sessions by now and we’ve just now reached the end of high school.
She brought up that I should write a book about this the first session and I thanked her wholeheartedly but I also dismissed her immediately.
In my honest opinion, Bojack Horseman’s “Good Damage” episode is exactly how I feel about this. My damage is not good damage, it’s just damage. I have CPTSD, but it’s the result of generational trauma, bad parenting, and societal ignorance. People failed me over and over again, they refuse to acknowledge it even today, but I know that they think they were trying their best and they would like to be acknowledged for that as well.
I didn’t save my sibilings from a house of criminals, and then became a CEO to provide for them (slight exaggeration). My story is just painful and frustrating and middle-class-in-Latin-America boring. I’m living in Europe now.
I’m doing trauma therapy because I still don’t understand what happened, how to change my own narrative for myself, and how to interact with my parents in the future (if we ever do interact again).
But in our last session she brought it up again and before I could dismiss her she said that the way I’ve structured the power point would be helpful for other people, and that she’ll (pitch me an idea? Idk) bring it up when we’ve gone through everything.
And here’s the kicker: I’ve always wanted to be a writer - specifically a fantasy writer. But whenever I set out to write something, it comes out sad and mostly autobiographical. That made me kinda give up on the idea.
So yeah, writing a book about my life, focusing specifically on the sad parts? I could totally do that. But who would read it? And how could anything I write help people?
submitted by imnowonderwoman to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:49 Advanced-Sink-775 I thought looks are everything

I regretted all and my mess up mindset. I thought looks are everything actually it isnt, i used all up in my ability to fix my looks i invested a lot of money (actually it helps me lot that people say i look better than before) but i wasted a lot of opportunity all because of my shit personality, mindset, ass brain that couldn't take any hint from girl.
I thought woman would confess to me thinking because (I HAVE A LOOK! IT DOESN'T MATTER WOMAN WOULD CONFESS TO ME ANYWAY) what a shit brain im so dumb thinking looks are everything they shit fucked me up straight manipulated me.
So i observed every people especially the low class looks (pls dont attack me) even tho they are not even handsome and not tall they still bagged a straight beautiful women, im literally confused how those people still pulled girls even tho they are not even allat because i keep thinking looks are everything.
So then i observed their popularity on the media, I was so shocked to found out some of low-class looks are so popular and some of the good-looking people aren't popular. I am so confused how does this happen, so then on i got into deep thinking and eventually realised looks aren't everything its about connection to inner light or straight up to point personality. I befriended with popular low-class look, he is actually cool and fun to be with i can hang out to him every day! So next i befriended with handsome guy but isn't popular, he is very tiring to hang out with even hes cute his personality just mess it up i don't want to hang out with him again.
I investigated a lot more things to confirm but all to my conclusion looks is just like a expensive skin in a game, the opponent will think you are a good player because of the expensive skin you have, but it doesn't change your ability to play better also but it does make the game easier (yk why)
I learned that take a courage to everything, be a man who takes a lead and always spread out positive energy, then woman will find you attractive and social life will be easier.
submitted by Advanced-Sink-775 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:45 dubble_tap Mother In Law from Purgatory Hell

I'd rather start this off on the humour aspect
4 x. MIL had called the cops on the people in the apartment below us. ( Undercover came once scared the crap out of me )
2 x. MIL has either tried to take extra rent money from us, or not paid rent in the last year and a half.
3 x. The amount of times my landlord has been in contact with me about the MIL's living status. ( Living there, moved out etc )
2 x. The amount of times she has used social services to move out. ( And she still has stuff here " crap " )
1 x. The time my lovely MIL tried to call the cops on me. An I found out threw my Wife's brother that she indeed did do this cause I called and found out she was trying to pin an abuse charge she conjured up.
Now, of course a 65 year old woman would be prepared to put her stuff in storage or a friend. Could possibly hold it for her as we have to rent out the unit she was in. Nope. First excuse was after a month of her crap being here. I have 90 days she says, uhh nope try 30 we said. You abandoned your stuff. It's not our fault you left it this long. So I plan removing it.
So this morning I really couldn't sleep. Insomnia and the stress recently has been making it a challenge to see a full night's threw. My wife and her brother like to tip toe with her mother it seems, like they don't take her crap but they aren't exactly. Not enabling her to be this way, they just ignore and ghost her when she is being this difficult unreasonable senior with mental issues. Now I guess crap rolls down hill cause I just took the wheel I texted MIL. Yes I have fear of her, but what is she going to do ? Show the cops that I asked her to remove her stuff again. An that she has till the end of the month. Like our landlord is coming down on us pretty good about what she owes on-top of her crap being here. We'd sell it but it ain't worth anything, salvation army probably wouldn't want it. Your always the bad guy, when no one wants to deal with the situation but your trying to fix it for everyone.. gets old, so what if she gets mad I'm tiring of seeing her garbage and being reminded about the abuse she did to me.
submitted by dubble_tap to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:40 -Applefreak6363- [25/M] - Wanna text and perhaps develop a friendship?

Heyo 🙋🏼‍♂️ I'm interested in meeting new people, maybe you are too? If so, feel free to write to me and who knows, in the best case a friendship will develop :) What I should also note is that I would prefer it if you were a woman, simply because I get along better with women than with other men 😂
To give you a rough idea of who I am and what I like, I'd better write a bit about myself.
My biggest hobby is definitely gaming, I've been playing games since I was 3-4 years old 🤓 My favourite thing to do is playing single player games on the PS5, especially action RPGs, like all Fromsoftware titles. At the moment I'm also playing a lot of LoL with my best friend. I also have a Switch, just not too many games, mostly Pokemon, but I've spent a lot of hours on it. Oh and I bet nobody can beat me in Mario Kart 🏁
In addition to gaming, I also enjoy watching movies and series. Horror is the only genre I'm not the biggest fan of, although I'm often interested in the story of the movie. I've also watched one or two horror movies with friends, but to be honest, I've often held a pillow in front of my face 😂 Apart from horror, I watch all sorts of things, my favourites in terms of movies are definitely Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, a lot of Disney films, Iron Man and a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head right now haha As far as series go, I watch things like Stranger Things, GoT, Brooklyn 99, Community, Avatar the last Airbender, the Mandalorian, Fallout, Lupin or Vox Machina :)
I've been reading a lot again for half a year and I'm currently working on the last Witcher book, The Lady of the Lake. Other than that, I've read Lord of the Rings and the Metro trilogy. And as soon as I've finished The Witcher, I want to read Dragon Ball again, the last time was a good 16-17 years ago, and then maybe Dune or The Hunger Games 🤔
Apart from that, I study computer science, enjoy being outdoors and doing things with friends. I also love animals, my family has two dogs and three cats and I've been a vegetarian for almost 6 years 😄 I've been learning French via Duolingo every day for about 1 1/2 months, so if you happen to have Duolingo too, let me know and we can add each other 🙌🏼 I also enjoy cooking and my favourite dish is and will probably always be pizza. I've made pizza myself so many times in my life that I can do it in my sleep (but it's not that difficult, I have to be honest, not like sushi, which I've also made 1-2 times 🍱)
If you have similar interests and would like to write a bit, hit me up :D Ideally, you should live somewhere in Europe, because I'm from Germany myself and then it would be more convenient in terms of time. If you've read this far and won’t write me, I'd still like to thank you for your perseverance and wish you a good day or a nice morning/evening :D
submitted by -Applefreak6363- to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:39 heyheymuffin dry fasting and loose skin/refeeding TONS OF QUESTIONS, PLEASE HELP

hi guys, i need some advice. i'm severely overweight and looking to dry fast (have experience water fasting), mainly for the skin tightening properties. i would love some tips and advices on it. my main questions are: 1. how long does it take for the skin tightening benefits to kick in? like, how long do i have to fast per cycle to have effective results? 2. how long can i fast for? i'm 22, 130kg and 163 cm. no medical history nor problems. 3. how do i refeed myself properly after dry fasting? i was looking to dry fast weekly, as a way to help with the possible loose skin i'll have. 4. can i take collagen/vitamins during the fast? 5. can i exercise during those periods? i'm thinking light exercises, just to help with the tightening process if i think of more stuff i'll ask in the comments. tysm in advance.
submitted by heyheymuffin to Dryfasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:36 -TurkeYT Astro G-Toilet

Astro G-Toilet
1-Alr, ngl Elite Cameraman’s theory is really good. And it’s possible too. G-Toilet commits treason in future and since he is so powerful in future, Astro’s decides to take his younger version down. Possible, and I like it but don’t think it’s the case.
2-Hear me out. This G-Toilet in the pictures is the TRUE G-TOILET(continue before swearing to me :d). Imagine if the G-Toilet we watched in 72,73,71 and 67 is a clone and the original one became an astro. And the copy(the g toilet we know) and scientist commited treason against the original G. BUT there is a catch. The G-Toilet we know lost his laser eyes and got smashed by TCM(before 73). So that means; It was the real G-Toilet in the episode 57 and the one we know now is just a copy. BUT he can’t be a copy since copies are not durable and are actually robots. So the one we know is a G-coy. Anyways after the treason, G-Toilet sends astro’s after scientist and g-coy2.(ISOTOILET ahh theory ik)
But let’s say the first picture is a concept art/blueprint made by toilets. But it is clear that the second one is actually a taken photo. And G-Toilet in there has no wounds. Not talking about the ones he got in 73, but he doesn’t have the ones he got in 57 either. So that G-Toilet is either past version of Jimmy(which I don’t think so because why’d he remove his astro upgrades?) or completely another Jimmy. What do you guys think?
submitted by -TurkeYT to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:36 Tnecniw A world update / change is coming... Bigger?

So, lets face it. A world revamp is approaching.
(The Draenei Heritage questline references it, an Earthen in TWW alpha (soon beta) in orgrimmar talks about upgrading it with a port and foundries. Silvermoon will 100% be updated for the midnight expansion. Also it just makes bloody sense)
However, with that in mind... And while playing MoP remix and visiting the underground part of Orgrimmar it hit me. IF a world revamp is coming, with how Dragonriding works and how it is extended to ALL flying mounts...
Do you guys think they will increase scale? The Dragon isles already have zones that are as big as 2-4 zones in other expansions combined. And with the reduced scale ofcurrent wow, would that mean a significant reduction in detail that also makes it harder for blizzard to work within those confines. There is only soo many times they can reuse 1 village or 1 city for plot because there is so limited alternative.
So with modern tech and a larger crew... Would they / SHOULD they, when the world update just simply make it larger? I mean, they already would have to make eversong woods significantly larger if we (Somehow) are going to focus a whole expansion in that area (Which supposedely is what midnight is, I have no idea how that is supposed to work, and they have to expand Northrend for the last titan)
Also the question obviously is if the world update comes in Midnight and The Last titan or after that point.
submitted by Tnecniw to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 Lower-Difference9897 I [23M] feel neglected and unheard in my long-distance relationship with my girlfriend [22F] who recently started a new job and formed a close bond with a male co-worker

I’m a 23-year-old guy from India, and I’m reaching out here because I really need some advice and emotional support. I’ve been dating my girlfriend for over two years now. She’s 22 and lives in the USA, so we’re in a long-distance relationship. This is my second relationship. My first girlfriend tragically passed away in a car accident, which left a huge void in my life. Finding love again was something I never thought possible, but then I met my current girlfriend, and she brought light back into my world.
For the first year and a half, our relationship was nothing short of perfect. Despite the distance, we managed to stay deeply connected. We would talk for hours, sharing every little detail about our days. I felt truly happy and content, knowing I had someone who cared for me just as much as I cared for her.
However, things have taken a drastic turn recently, and I feel increasingly neglected and unheard. About three weeks ago, my girlfriend started working as a cashier at a pizza shop. She has a co-worker there who, in the beginning, didn’t concern me because I trust her deeply. But lately, his behavior and their interactions have been making me uncomfortable.
She often talks about how much fun he is, how he’s always pulling pranks and making everyone laugh. While I’m glad she’s enjoying her job, it’s hard not to feel uneasy. Last Thursday, they went to a pool party together. My girlfriend didn’t know anyone else there except for this co-worker who invited her. She told me he was dragging her into the water and they spent a lot of time playing together. She described it as a great time, but what bothers me the most is that she never mentioned she was going to this party. I only found out the next day when I was telling her how sick I felt.
This incident hit me hard. I feel like my boundaries aren’t being respected. I’ve always been loyal to her, never going out with other girls or allowing any girl to get close to me because I value our relationship and her trust. But even setting aside my worries about her co-worker, I feel like I’m not getting the emotional support I desperately need.
A few days ago, I had a severe panic attack. I texted her, pouring out my feelings, telling her how my heart was racing, I couldn’t breathe properly, I was sweating profusely, and feeling extremely anxious. Her response was, “Damn, that’s pretty bad.” That was it. Her lack of empathy made me feel even worse, and I ended up crying. I felt so alone in that moment, even though I have someone who’s supposed to be there for me.
I understand that she’s had a rough past with her exes. She’s told me about her three exes who were all controlling and toxic, dictating what she could or couldn’t do, who she could talk to, and where she could go. I’ve always tried to be different, to give her the space and freedom she deserves. I don’t want to be like her exes. I don’t want to be controlling or make her feel trapped. But this situation is tearing me apart.
There’s always been a communication gap between us. We’ve talked about it multiple times, and she agreed to be more open about her feelings and what she’s doing. But this change only lasted for a few days before things went back to how they were. I feel like I’m always the one reaching out, sharing my life, and trying to keep the connection alive, but I don’t get the same in return. I tell her everything because I want her to feel reassured, knowing how much I love her and that I’m loyal. But I don’t get the same level of transparency and support from her.
I’m not asking for complete access to her life. I just need some reassurance. I need to feel like I can trust her, but without proper communication, it’s incredibly hard. I’m a human being, and I need some form of reassurance to feel secure in our relationship. Knowing about something as simple as her plans, like going to a pool party with her co-worker, would make a world of difference to me.
Whenever something significant happens in my life, whether good or bad, she’s the first person I want to tell. But it feels like she doesn’t have the same desire to share her life with me. I feel like I’m not being listened to, and it’s taking a heavy toll on my mental health. I’ve had multiple panic attacks because of this, feeling lost and helpless.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I love her with all my heart, but I don’t like how I’m feeling. How can I communicate my feelings without sounding controlling? How can I get the emotional support I need without making her feel pressured? I’m scared of losing her, but I can’t continue feeling this way.
I desperately need advice on how to handle this situation. Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Lower-Difference9897 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 AutoModerator Here's How Can I Way to watch Makhachev vs Poirier live streams Free ReddiT?

Here's How Can I Way to watch Makhachev vs Poirier live streams Free ReddiT? Is there a ways to Watch Dustin Poirier vs Islam Makhachev Live Streams OnLine fRee ufc 302?,. Hey fellow MMA/UFC 302 viewers. As I’ve been watching UFC 302 for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Poirier vs Islam Makhachev streams. I pirate everything: sports, ufc, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into UFC 302 and haven't found a great way to watch UFC 302: Dustin Poirier vs Islam Makhachev live for free...
🔴Watch ►UFC 302 Live Stream Free
🔴Visit► UFC 302 Makhachev vs Poirier live
Islam Makhachev vs. Dustin Poirier, Date: Jun. 1, 2024, Location: Prudential Center, Newark, NJ, U.S. cast: ESPN+ PPV, ESPN, ESPN+ (6 p.m. ET Prelims and 10 p.m. ET for the Main Card
What app/website are you using to watch the Poirier vs Makhachev? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the UFC 302: Poirier vs Makhachev.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into UFC 302 and haven't found a great way to watch ufc 302 for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or UFC 302 Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend. gfg
submitted by AutoModerator to FuryAUsykR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:19 Legal-Technology-461 Rejected due to my height which was already stated

Feel pretty miserable and upset after being rejected due to my height. Girl and family was very eager to meet me and we're chasing my mum multiple times to arrange it. I had no idea who the girl was and what she looked like so I was going in blindly. The girl and family knew what I looked like and details from my marriage CV.
So the day finally comes and the meeting happens, girl was extremely nervous and anxious and showed clear signs of interest and everyone in the room could see it. I was extremely surprised how attractive she was so it was mutual. Conversation was also great as I was leading it as she was really shy and anxious and was fidgeting with her hands non stop. I could seriously see this progressing further after such a long search of 5 years and my first time saying YES to a potential.
After the meeting, I leave and wave to the girl and she waved back and I could see her face was extremely happy. I expressed my interest of taking it further but the girl was still making a decision. 3 weeks later, news comes back she said No and she she wants someone taller.
Everyone involved in getting this meeting set up was shocked and in disbelief. My height was clearly stated already on that CV, she was clearly aware of that and to take 3 weeks to give this reason just doesn't seem reasonable.
I cannot seem to get a grasp of how this has happened. No one involved in this meeting setup are able to understand what's going on. I fully understand that getting rejected due to height before any possible meet up, but to be rejected after being fully aware of my height beforehand just seems extremely frustrating and confusing.
I have been rejected many times on apps and other methods of matchmaking because of my height and didnt feel bad or upset because they told me upfront which is how it should be as I myself am upfront and direct and don't play games.
This meeting did not even have to happen if my height was the issue! I feel like I've been messed around with like it's a game which is why I am so upset and disappointed. Some of the reasons I could think of why she made such a decision could be that she ain't ready for marriage or just got cold feet about it all.
She is practicing Muslim, prays salah and all that and and we should have a good opinion about everyone in general but this whole episode I have just experienced has really left a bad taste on me and my mental health about this person.
If I do come across her again at some event or something which is highly possible, I will for sure act in a manner befitting of a Muslim and be polite and kind to her and her family (her family were not at the meet up by the way so I don't know what they look like).
It may be possible she could have a change of mind and reconsider my interest in her but of course I am not going to entertainment too much that idea and it will be just something I Keep in the back of my mind as it has happened to a close family friends daughter where they rejected a guy and then 6 months later gave it another chance and the marriage actually happened! So there is always hope!
Anyone who would like to give their thoughts and opinions about my story would be much appreciated! I definitely needed to get this out there as part of my own healing process! 😀
submitted by Legal-Technology-461 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]
