Kate gosselin body


2013.12.14 20:58 /r/Instantregret


2010.02.21 01:55 Olivia Wilde

For fans of [Olivia Wilde](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Wilde)!

2011.08.11 04:11 SpikeX Mary Elizabeth Winstead

For fans of [Mary Elizabeth Winstead](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Elizabeth_Winstead)!

2024.06.01 13:40 abjinternational Kate Ferdinand flaunts bikini body on family getaway with Rio

Kate Ferdinand flaunts bikini body on family getaway with Rio submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:59 mulan_smith22 My thoughts

Marked as spoiler for those who have not watched yet! But here are ALL my thoughts regarding the finale.
That brings me to, the actual last few minutes, the 10+ year time jump?? Wtf?? Not expecting that, didn't feel necessary. And that like kinda ruins the hope of a different station or someone like Netflix saving it- I mean maybe they still can? Like yes we know the future now, but you can still show us more leading up to it right? 🤷 Anyways I was little shocked Maya stayed a firefighter, but I'm kinda happy she did, and she got her second chance at a captain, and I'm happy Andy is finally climbing the ranks, she deserves it and it took too damn long. But Andy and Maya's hair!?!? Wtf- WHY BANGS!? Midlife crisis!? 😭
But that's my thoughts, I don't think I missed anything? (OH i also didn't know a fire-nado was a thing 😟)
submitted by mulan_smith22 to Station19 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:16 AppropriateZone7 Struggling to find comfortable bras that give a nice shape (30G/GG UK)

This is probably going to be a really long post, sorry - I am very lost. I lurk on this subreddit a lot so have a pretty good idea of what sort of things to look out for, but I've been really struggling when it comes to fitting my own bras. Using UK sizing throughout, I am UK based.
I used the calculator a few weeks ago and it recommended me 30G/GG (I had been wearing 34/36DD for years then briefly 32E), measurements below.
Loose: 30.5, snug: 29, tight: 27.5
Standing: 37, leaning: 42.5, lying: 39
I have had a lot of trouble with the shape guide on this subreddit, despite having read it extensively. The best I have managed to conclude from this infographic http://imgur.com/a/zU9AY3r is that I am maybe 2/5 or 2/6? In a bra I think closest to 2/5, but when I lean over at 90 degrees I see more tissue below the nipple indicating more FOB. I really don't know how wide my roots are. I looked at the blog post examples and I look closer to the wide roots examples when stood up but closer to the narrow roots examples when leaning at 90 degrees. I would guess maybe I am closer to narrow roots, but the bra I am now wearing (discussed further below) would suggest the opposite. Are "medium width roots" a thing??
My boobs point in very different directions when I am not wearing a bra. They do not want to get near each other (ie when stood up, from above they look like _/ \_). I looked at the Hugs for your jugs blog post and I think I am probably center full. I have always had problems with falling out of the middle of plunge bras (even in my correct size, to a lesser extent), which has always confused me given that my boobs quite frankly live in different postcodes.
Also I think my boobs just sit quite low on my body if that makes sense, no matter what bra I am wearing. I always have bra straps adjusted to close to the maximum length or they dig in, even in a well fitting bra. My chest just looks... lower down(?) than anyone else I see.
I tried on the Panache Ana in several sizes in Bravissimo because I know this sub loves it as a diagnostic bra, and it was hideously uncomfortable in every size. I think I tried on 30G, 30GG, 28GG, 28H, and 28HH (as the band was riding up a little bit at the back in the 30 band). In every size, the gore dug in so much it was painful and the underwires just felt... bad. I think it was too narrow? It seemed to be digging into breast tissue a little bit under my arms.
The lovely woman in Bravissimo helping me brought me several other bras to try (all uncomfortable in the wire) and also the Bravissimo Leila which I ended up buying in 30G. She said she brought this one out because the underwire was longer, by which I think she means the cups are wider - they are definitely much wider than the Ana, probably a similar width to the M&S minimiser bra I had been wearing for a while (in 32E, whoops). The Leila was infinitely more comfortable than most of the others I had tried on and seems to fit me well.
Other bras I have tried on and reasons they were rejected:
  1. M&S balcony bra, 30GG. Band either runs big or is just not firm enough for a larger bust as I didn't feel very supported. It wasn't really riding up that I could see, but I could do up the band on the tightest hook immediately and had shoulder pain within 20 seconds because my whole chest was hanging off my shoulders. Straps also seemed very short but that might be a band issue too. Cups and wires did feel comfortable actually. Sadly this bra doesn't come in a 28 band. Also made my boobs a bit pointy.
  2. Extremely cute Curvy Kate bra, 30GG. Wires and band felt nice. Cups were a bit of a weird shape. Made for FOT? Top of the cup was loose but my boobs felt compressed at the bottom. They went a bit square. (Very sad, this bra is so pretty)
  3. Bravissimo Millie, 30G and GG. All round pretty comfortable actually, a reasonably good fit (I think) - but: pointy! Think 1996 Lara Croft.
This last problem is one I have run into with a lot of bras and it is driving me insane. Especially in larger cup sizes, they just seem to make my boobs kind of triangular. I have seen lots of people wearing the Millie without this issue, but I really hate this kind of shape and it's one I get with so, so many bras (including Panache Ana). The Bravissimo Leila I now wear gives a very rounded shape, and so did the M&S minimiser bra (linked above), as well as the one I mostly wore before getting the Leila (here, 32E, doesn't fit great obviously but weirdly isn't the worst thing in the world).
TL;DR I need a bra with fairly wide cups that gives a rounded shape, not a 1996 Tomb Raider shape
submitted by AppropriateZone7 to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:14 Elysium94 'Alien: Awakening' - Imagining a hypothetical 'Aliens' sequel that almost course-corrected the Ellen Ripley saga (Part 1, the Pitch)

'Alien: Awakening' - Imagining a hypothetical 'Aliens' sequel that almost course-corrected the Ellen Ripley saga (Part 1, the Pitch)
Hello, everybody!
Welcome back to my ongoing fix of Fox's Alien, in which I revise both the prequels and sequels to the classic films. The two goals being
  1. Telling a more consistent story across both the prequels and sequels.
  2. Keeping to the long-running themes of cosmic horror and survival.
To recap, this idea began with a revision of Ridley Scott's prequels. Imagining them as a trilogy, centered around the horrifying origins of humanity and the villainous ascent of David 8.
Afterwards, I covered the state of the world following James Cameron's Aliens, drawing from expanded lore such as
  • Free League Publishing's Alien: The Roleplaying Game, and its various modules/expansions.
  • The recent Dark Horse comics, such as Fire and Stone.
  • The video games Isolation, Fireteam Elite, and Dark Descent.
Said post, for reference.
That finally brings us here. Excising Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection from continuity, today's post will take a look at the sadly shelved sequel pitched almost a decade ago by Neill Blomkamp.
Let's say, in an ideal world, those plans didn't fall through. Let's imagine, after the prequel trilogy wrapped up, Neill Blomkamp joins on as a producer for this thrilling follow-up which marries both the horror and the action of the classic films.
Returning to the void, in which no one can hear you scream, it's...
\"Fight. Run. Hide. It doesn't matter. The monsters will find you.\"
Directed by-
Dan Trachtenberg
Produced by-
James Cameron and Neill Blomkamp
Music by-
Lorne Balfe
Kate Winslet as Rebecca "Newt" Jorden
Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley
Michael Biehn as Dwayne Hicks
Supporting Cast
Let's talk a bit about the general purpose of this movie. Let's review its trappings, its feel, and what it would try to accomplish as the next chapter in the saga.
Themes and Tone
Awakening is, thematically and stylistically, a continuation of both previous chapters in Ripley's story.
1: The existential dread and body horror of Alien
  • Alien is one of those flicks you're sure to find on just about every list of "best horror movies every made". Doling out scares both cerebral and visceral, it's still a chilling experience even if one doesn't find it particularly frightening.
  • All sequels or prequels should attempt to capture at least some of that.
2: The action-packed survival drama of Aliens
  • Although Cameron's sequel commits to the scares, it also presents a sort of evolution narratively speaking. It depicts the lead characters as not only capable of fighting the terrifying xenomorph threat, but winning.
  • While the odds should ideally remain stacked against Ellen Ripley and friends, Cameron never intended to leave audiences with the feeling that it's all hopeless and there's no point to any of it.
Themes present in both the classic films, and the prequels, are further developed.
  1. Survival, and the importance of working together
  2. Corporate greed, and the pursuit of profit over human lives
  3. The power of creating new life, and how easily that power is misused
  4. Humanity trying to navigate a dangerous and hostile universe
The rating would be, as one can imagine, a hard-R. Its tone and overall mood is more reminiscent of Aliens, but come the third act we jump full tilt into the claustrophobic, nightmarish horror of the original film.
While modern movie magic and computer-generated effects could be utilized, there's still plenty of room for old-fashioned filmmaking.
  • Practical sets
  • Puppetry and animatronics
  • Miniatures
Set pieces and displays of human technology would forward what is shown in both the mainline Alien series, and the prequels. But with some more context given, as to give the overall setting a sense of consistency, synergy.
  • Glossy, advanced tech as seen in Prometheus is shown as belonging to only the richest and most powerful in society.
  • Blocky, rustic tech shown in the Ellen Ripley films is more commonplace, among the citizenry and their workforces.
New tech makes its debut in Awakening. Both as window dressing which further develops the aesthetic of the series, and as active pieces of the story.
Advanced armor and powered exoskeletons
Shoutout to Neill Blomkamp's Elysium for the inspiration.
Terraforming technology, reverse-engineered from Creator biotech
As humans learn more about their predecessors, it stands to reason their manipulation and creation of life is sought after.
Passing the Torch
As expected, Ripley isn't the only returning lead character. The supporting leads of Newt and Hicks also have an important role to play.
In fact, Newt gets a great deal of focus in that the story is a passing of the torch to her. Here, in Awakening, it's Newt who eventually takes the reins of protagonist, with a powerhouse performer (and Cameron alumni) like Kate Winslet stepping into the role.
New leading lady
The rest of the supporting cast could feature several alumni of both James Cameron and Neill Blomkamp's filmography. Newcomers also feature, balancing it all out. Some end up on the chopping block, as is expected in a series like this one. Others take center stage, as the series slowly phases into the "next generation".
Not to say any of this next generation talk means the end for Ripley and Hicks. Legacy sequels don't need to spell the unceremonious doom of the old guard, just to pave the way for the new kids.
Looking at you, Lucasfilm...
With all of this in mind, we leave off this post with a general idea of what this hypothetical sequel is.
And yes, Alien: Awakening is a straight sequel first and foremost. To avoid some of the fundamental mistakes of Alien 3, this movie would carry over plot and characters from the first two films and develop them further. As opposed to Alien 3, which took a hard left turn at Albuquerque and abandoned much of the story that already existed.
Next week, we'll take a look at said story, and see what comes next. Expect details on the various cast and characters, a few twists regarding the nature of the xenomorphs, and a tease of the franchise's future were I to get my way.
Let me know your thoughts, and I'll see you next time!
submitted by Elysium94 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:39 JLAFORUMSDOTCOM WATERCOOLER - PICS: Kate Gosselin in a bikini - WHAT JON IS MISSING OUT ON

WATERCOOLER - PICS: Kate Gosselin in a bikini - WHAT JON IS MISSING OUT ON submitted by JLAFORUMSDOTCOM to jlaforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:30 boozled_bean My Collection!

My Collection!
ive been a lurker on this sub for a bit now and finially decided that I would do my own collection post ☺️
1st pic: walk on air - kate spade daisy dream - marc jacobs cloud - ariana grande hypnotic poison - dior bright crystal - versace sol cheirosa'62 - sol de janeiro I am her - forever mood lost cherry - tom ford
2nd pic: (all bath and body works) wild sand tropidelic butterfly love always wins single barrel burbon
3rd pic: (all bath and body works) gingam love gingam vibrant gingam gingam gorgeous gingam fresh calypso clementine chasing fireflies tropidelic brightest bloom x2 you're the one love always wins dream bright midnight amber glow among the clouds
submitted by boozled_bean to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:09 Prestigious_Split_14 High Level Summary after the UMASS Documents

  1. Maura was mentally unwell, somewhat isolated (by choice or not) leading up to the disappearance.
  2. She had recent IMs/email about Bill cheating on her. She had IMs from friends asking her if she was ok
  3. The white mountains were here favorite place / somewhere she associated with good times
  4. The father and sister both believed she was suicidal (or at least the possibility was very real). Sister said that is an area she would go to end her life.
  5. Maura had no other clear reason to head to the white mountains on a random Monday/Tuesday
  6. Based on previous missing persons cases where a body was eventually found, bodies in heavily wooded areas are incredibly hard to find, even if within the search ranges, and the woods in that are of New Hampshire are dense
These documents really cleared all the noise surrounding the case for me. I think it's pretty clear what happened now or at least by far the most obvious of all the theories. This would also explain why Bill was frantically calling Kate and Sara the days before Maura disappeared. All the bizarre eye witness and police inconsistencies are most likely human error or information was lost in translation (like the telephone game). The shady locals are just town rumors like most towns of that size have that spilled out into the internet because of the digital era.
submitted by Prestigious_Split_14 to MauraMurraySub [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:28 abjinternational Kate Beckinsale Glows on Set in Italy, Responds to Body Shamers

Kate Beckinsale Glows on Set in Italy, Responds to Body Shamers submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:00 Hi_Five_Fly_By Heidi Agan — Kate Lookalike and Prince George Lookalike, Business Insider Article from 2017

Heidi Agan — Kate Lookalike and Prince George Lookalike, Business Insider Article from 2017
Heidi Agan, is deemed the “official” Kate lookalike. She has been a body double for The Princess of Wales for years. This article from Business Insider is dated from 2017. I have added screenshots of the article in case it gets scrubbed from the internet. Very interesting that there’s a picture of the lookalike Kate and a lookalike Prince George when he was an infant. I’ve added all lookalike photos of Heidi Agan and the one she is with the lookalike Prince George. WHAT THE HELL, THERE’S A LOOKALIKE PRINCE GEORGE?!?! This needs its own discussion. There’s so much to unpack from the article. Heidi Agan even commented how she knows she will have years of work ahead of her (this in 2017). Can someone please help to archive this particular article? I’ve no idea how to do this. Thank you!
Link to Business Insider article: https://www.businessinsider.com/professional-kate-middleton-lookalike-heidi-agan-2017-5?amp
submitted by Hi_Five_Fly_By to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:41 Ibrokemywrist 34 Thursday - Learn and Practice Joseph Pilates' Contrology sequence from his book 'Return To Life'

Joseph Pilates' 1945 book, "Return to Life Through Contrology," introduces his innovative exercise method, Contrology, focusing on mental discipline, breathing, spinal alignment, and core strength. The book outlines 34 exercises, starting with simple ones and advancing to more complex movements, all aimed at improving core strength and overall well-being. Designed to mitigate modern lifestyle's health impacts, Pilates' exercises have evolved to include variations for diverse needs. Joseph stressed the importance of following the exercise sequence to achieve optimal health, blending physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Regular practice of these sequences not only offers physical benefits but also acts as a form of meditation, enhancing mind and spirit awareness.
Videos: How Joe used to teach Pilates and Kate Noble demonstrating each exercise


YouTube Resources




The 34 sequence - Intermediate/Advanced level


Playlists to Learn the sequence

Variations of the sequence


Extra Resources

submitted by Ibrokemywrist to pilates [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:31 Crazy_Emotion2888 AITA for confronting my friends after they've mistreated me

I (13F) am in a friend group with 4 other girls, Jade, Kate, Bri, Vanessa (all fake names, 13F). The group started out with me, Kate, Bri, Vanessa, and two twin girls, Carly and Mackenzie (also fake names, 12F). Carly and Mackenzie didn't have the best home lives. As far as I'm aware, their mom wasn't present and their dad was an alcoholic so they spent the most time with their grandparents. This caused them to develop what I believe is some sort of anger issue management problem, which caused them to be mad at me for the little things. They would also call me homophobic slurs (I am openly bisexual) and body shame me, and they eventually manipulated the other girls into kicking me out of the group in April 2023. Summer passed, and the new school year started without Carly and Mackenzie in the group, so Kate, Vanessa, and Bri invited me back to the group. Until Feb 24, the group was fine. No drama or fighting. However a new girl, Jade joined our group. I already knew Jade as we were in Girl Scouts together but we weren't close. During this time Bri and Vanessa started befriending the twins again. They knew full well that the twins were horrible to them and even more horrible to me. The twins bullying eventually extended out of school and I got physically attacked by Carly among many other things which caused my family to file a school applicable restraining order against the two (basically we can't have any classes together and she isn't allowed on my bus or at my lunch table). Bri and Vanessa were aware of this yet still hung out with them. I literally told them that Carly and Mackenzie are not people they want to be around. They didn't listen to me and after this started to ostracize me from the group. They never hang out with me, lied to me that they weren't going to the school dance yet still went, refuse to talk to me during class or at all, and as far as I'm aware have created a groupchat on Snap to basically shit talk me. I confronted Kate about this today and she called me a "psycho crazy ass bitch" and denied excluding me. I talked to Jade and Bri who just avoided the question and bullshit their way through it. So, AITA?
submitted by Crazy_Emotion2888 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:44 RealityRanter Kate Gosselin Loses Her Crown To New Mom on the Block?

Kate Gosselin Loses Her Crown To New Mom on the Block? submitted by RealityRanter to u/RealityRanter [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:31 madismadrad [SELL][US TO WORLDWIDE] BNIB Drunk Elephant, Sunday Riley, Skinfix, Tatcha, Biossance, Tata Harper, Obagi, Murad, W3LL PEOPLE, Caudalie, Dr. Barbara Sturm, Shiseido, Kate Somerville, Algenist, Hero Cosmetics, Josie Maran & More!

All items are new unless stated otherwise. BNIB = Brand New in Box. Shipping starts at $5 for the US and may increase with the weight. FREE shipping on all orders $50 or more! International, please pm me. I will ship all items within 1 business day. I will include one foil sample for every $15 spent!
Payment via Venmo or Paypal is preferred. I will do PayPal Goods and Services as long as you don't mind covering the fee :)
Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions or request additional photos!
DS Skincare Samples All New Unless Stated Otherwise-
submitted by madismadrad to skincareexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:57 Saltwatermountain13 A lot of people online about 45 mins ago.... vs now (17 people).

A lot of people online about 45 mins ago.... vs now (17 people).
Hmmmmm. KP comms team busy.
submitted by Saltwatermountain13 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:40 ChildhoodNo6451 Gaslighting beauty standards

I'm so tired of seeing people obsessing over the sizes of female characters in the show. I'm tired of seeing people denying the fact that Penelope is fat or overweight. Why not just embrace the beauty of being fat? Some women look great curvy. It's exhausting to see people claim that Penelope has the same body shape as the rest of the female characters when she doesn't. Yes she's fat, yes she's overweight, but why is it treated like a bad thing? Why isn't fat beautiful as well? Why are people claiming that she is just as slender as Daphne or Francesca or Kate? She's clearly not and that is acceptable, that's okay. And for those who are equating the slimmer characters to have the same body shape as Penelope, this is not a one size fits all situation. Please stop conflating that they're all the same, why not just celebrate the differences? And so what if Penelope is the only fat character? It gives her a moment to own that in the spotlight. She gets to be the pioneer in being the only fat female character, while everyone else is just ordinary. Why not see the extraordinary in her fat stature?
submitted by ChildhoodNo6451 to BridgertonRants [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:15 ImpossibleHamster120 Did Will act as body stand-in for Kate's cancer video?

Did Will act as body stand-in for Kate's cancer video?
First post here (been lurking for months - it's become a nightly obsession to come to this sub and catch up, always hoping for good news).
I'm from the US and honestly have never been super into anything with the royal family, but all of this weirdness around Kate is SO bizarre.
Anyway, going straight in with the tin-foil hat with this first post lol
  • I saw a comment on a post a few days ago about the AI cancer video, and not needing a perfect match for a 'body stand in' to alter into Kate's likeness - just needing a 'placeholder' for AI to work with.
  • And, one would assume, preferably a 'placeholder' who would be GUARANTEED not to leak to the press.
  • This comment then suggests Will was used as that placeholder (which would also make sense as to why he wasn't sitting with her - "supporting her" - in the video)
  • Just for the hell of it, I grabbed a photo of Will and layered it on top of "cancer video Kate". I aimed to align from top of head to chin, and chose a photo of Will that was at a similar angle.
  • I then simply toggled the transparency back and forth, and I'm honestly shocked at the similarities.
  • Obviously "cancer video Kate" has Kate's look, but the congruency of the jaw shape, spacing and depth of eye sockets, cheek flatness, and nose shape feel oddly Will-ish.
  • I've also tried to do the same with overlaying a past photo of Kate, but I have not been able to make any photos of her line up well with this video.
Like I said... even typing this feels uncomfortably tin-foil lol. But there is nothing normal about this whole situation, so figured I would throw it out here to this community and see what you all think.
submitted by ImpossibleHamster120 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:36 olliemabel7258 So, we're half way through the new series, what are everyone's honest opinions so far?

So we are half way through series 14/1, and I was just wondering what everyone's honest opinions are so far...here are mine
Space Babies - A fun episode, but it really shouldn't have been a series opener. I understand RTD openers are often fun and silly, but I think this one might've gone too far in my opinion, even with it's messages on abortion. And ultimately I think this episode did more damage than good - the reaction from the general audience online wasn't the best, and even my family/friends found it hilariously bad. I am not saying it is an awful episode, it just shouldn't have been a series premiere (even if The Church on Ruby Road is the "official" episode 1). Plus it's basically just a rehash of The End of the World - which isn't the best for a show all about change and originality.
I loved Ncuti and Millie's performances, although I do remember at some points thinking that they did seem slightly too chummy, having only known each other for a few hours. So I think this is a relationship that could've felt more natural and gradual. I get the sense RTD just really wanted another 10/Rose or 11/Amy, but didn't seem to want to put the work in.
Additionally, I felt some of the directing/editing choices weren't the best especially in regards to the monster, and I think we can all agree the talking babies looked awful haha. So I would say that I didn't really feel the "increased" budget in this episode, and I was really worried it was a situation where the BBC/Bad Wolf had been given more money, but didn't know what to do with it. But as the series has gone on I have seen the increased budget show its face more and more which is great :)
I did really like the ending of this episode though, I thought it was a great idea for the Doctor to realise that he had to save the creature because it was the last of its kind, and shared parallels to him (it kind of reminded me of The Beast Below), really setting the stage for the level of emotion that RTD and Ncuti were going to start giving the Doctor.
The Devil's Chord - Honestly, at first I really wasn't sure what I thought of this episode. On reflection, I really do think any dislike was because it had been released side by side with another very "silly" episode, so I don't know if at the time I just thought it was a bit too much for myself and others (I actually think it would've been a lot better if Boom was episode 2, and this was episode 3, just to balance out what series 14 is offering a bit more).
But after a few weeks, I can certainly say that I do really like The Devil's Chord. While being an incredibly fun episode, it also had some super moving moments such as the scene where Ruby is talking to John Lennon, and later when she is playing her piano, and despite their appearance being similar to a pantomime character, I really did find the Maestro an intimidating and at times scary villain. And again, I thought Ncuti and Millie were great, and I really do love their best friend dynamic, even though i think RTD could've done more to work towards it, instead of just doing a 6 month time jump. This is a new Doctor to us to, so we should be learning about him at the same pace as Ruby in my opinion.
My only real gripes with the episode is the direction, especially the final battle between The Doctor and Maestro. I have the feeling that RTD imagined it looking similar to the music battle in Doctor Strange 2, but instead whilst being quite a cool concept, visually it did appear (and sound) rather bland. Also, the Twist at the End song has really grown on me.
Boom - I really liked Boom, I thought the overall concept was incredible and yet so simple, and really was a perfect idea for a Doctor Who episode. And it really was the first episode of this series that let Ncuti shine, whereas in previous episodes I felt his Doctor got somewhat lost/overshadowed by the action and antagonists. However Moffat's simple concept and his amazing dialogue really did allow Ncuti to showcase his Doctor and the new level of emotion that he was bringing to the role. At the end of the day the main thing this episode really did for me, is make me realise how much I missed Steven Moffat. Whether you love or hate his stories, I don't think anyone can argue that he writes incredible and witty dialogue, something I really do think the show had been missing since 2017.
I also really dug the action and tension that this episode produced, the ambulance actually felt incredibly threatening, and there were moments where I genuinely felt The Doctor was in danger, which I've never really felt before in an episode. And again, Millie was amazing. I know it was a small moment, but the scene where she passed the compacted body to The Doctor really was her "I am the Doctor's companion" moment, and it really did establish those characters as a brilliant, bold, and brave duo.
Now onto my issues. I never really felt invested with the romantic storyline between James and Mundy, and I really couldn't care less when he died if I am being honest. I also wasn't as huge on the fathedaughter storyline as some. I really do appreciate that it was the heart of the episode, and it couldn't have really worked without it, and I loved how in the end it was the protective father that saved the day. But tbh I do think there were moments where that storyline tried too hard to pull on the heart strings, slightly taking me out at times. I also got this sense of Moffat trying too hard with some lines, especially towards the end. It kinda felt like Moffat was trying to throw in as many quotable and meaningful lines in as possible, which is at the end of the day just a very Moffat thing to do haha.
And as some have said before, I do believe they should've cast a younger actor for the part of the daughter, as there were a few instances where she felt rather immature for her age and oddly okay with the death of her father.
And as I said earlier, I really do think this would've been a better episode 2, especially for those who might not have found episode 1 to be their cup of tea.
But overall I really did Boom. I would say that it's perhaps not one of Moffat's best, and perhaps won't be talked about as strongly as time passes. But I really do think it was a solid episode, and definitely one of the strongest episodes of the season/recent years.
(Oh, and did anyone else get any Oxygen vibes from this episode? With the twist that the million dollar corporation was the "true villain".
73 Yards - At the moment, I am really split between this or Boom being my favourite episode of the series so far. One thing I loved about this episode is how big and dense it felt, despite having the regular 45/50 min runtime. We went from a welsh village in what felt like was going to be a horror episode, back to London where we watched Ruby grow older in an episode that now felt like a political thriller. And it amazingly never felt overstuffed or rushed.
Another thing this episode did amazingly was the tension, from the scene in the pub to incredible shots on the train of 'the woman' continuing to watch Ruby, to the incredible scene between Kate Stewart and Ruby. Like in Boom with the Doctor, it really did feel like that the stakes were super high, and Ruby was really in some sort of trouble. And to see her adapt to this trouble and cope without The Doctor really did establish her as a great charactecompanion (which I felt Boom did for the Doctor)
It is an episode that really showed RTDs as a writer who excels in more human stories that can truly relate to the reality we live in today, something we saw right through s1-s4, and especially in his BBC series Years and Years. And in this episode, a lot of this was carried by Gwilliam, who despite being a rather subtle character with limited screen-time, really did come across as a terrifying antagonist, and I would love to see more of him again.
I think my main issue with this episode is the end, I did think it was very clever of Ruby to do what she did to stop Gwilliam, but I did think it was perhaps a bit too simple and quick - especially with how the episode was setting him up as this monstrous character. I also kinda felt like it was somewhat inconsistent with what we had seen of 'the woman' before, who's words seemed to only impact peoples opinions on Ruby, so I don't see why it would cause someone to resign as PM.
Also, I understand DW is getting into supernatural territory right now, but I am really not sure how I feel about the ending with the older Ruby. I think it's a great tool and device to an extent, but sometimes I think endings like this can come across as ambiguous for the sake of ambiguity. Yes, the supernatural element gives RTD and the show more freedom, but I think they should be careful to not bend and ignore the rules so much, especially with endings, otherwise the writing can come just across as lazy and even boring.
I also wasn't a fan of 15s new costume - really not sure how I feel about the Doctor in jeans haha.
Other notes
submitted by olliemabel7258 to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:15 th987 Harry’s view of Kate & William’s relationship in Spare

Harry’s view of Kate & William’s relationship in Spare
A few people in another discussion here were wondering what Harry said in his book about William & Kate’s relationship, and I have the book & said I’d skim for those parts.
It’s been a long time since I read it, but Kindle helpfully let’s you search on a name & find all references in the book.
I am in no way trying to say we should accept Harry’s POV as gospel. It’s just one source about the marriage.
Harry said he was thrilled and happy for his brother when Harry first met Kate. Harry loved her and thought William did.
When I tried to copy parts, Kindle turned them into these automatically for sharing, but they ended up stuck at the top and not within the body of the post. Sorry.
Anyway, the first when Harry met Kate. Harry thought she seemed like a great match for his brother, and she was nice to Harry.
He envisioned the three of them having happy times together, and it sounds like they did that for a while.
But if you also remember the incident where Harry was photographed in a Nazi uniform, he says in the book he was going to a party with William and Kate, a Colonialism theme party, which you can see and read about in another post here from today.
And he asked them for input on his costume and they were all for him wearing the Nazi suit. He doesn’t rake them over the coals for it. Just talks about how bad the fallout was, how deeply he regretted it and being sent to Germany as part of his apology tour where he heard firsthand accounts Jews held in the concentration camps.
Sounds like he really learned how horrible dressing up as a Nazi was.
He and William’s relationship is portrayed as complicated and close in a way that being two brothers living in such odd circumstances with shared experiences would be, but at the same time he seems to yearn for a much closer relationship with William.
Harry said he knew from the start that he was the spare and William the heir, that there was never any misunderstanding about that. And that he was openly talked about as the spare by members of his own family. He sounds accepting of it, but also like it was understood William would always be protected.
Harry’s troubles were openly talked about in the press, and he hated the press. They frightened him from the time he was a child and had to appear in front of all the cameras. He hated them for the way they hounded his mother and believes there partially to blame for her death.
But also seems to accept in a way that it’s his role to be the spare and the bad guy in the press, so William could be protected.
He portrays William as someone he shared many good times with, but also arrogant and used to getting what he wanted. Harry did not envy William being the heir. He did not want to be in Royal life.
He talks about when William and Kate had kids, how he was thrilled to have a new niece and nephew, and happy for his brother and Kate, but the press kept asking if he was disappointed about being bumped down the line of succession by the new babies. And he found that question horribly offensive and completely off base. He did not want to be king.
The next quote is from Williams wedding day. Harry talks about being thrilled for them to have found each other and like it was love. But he also felt like he would be the third wheel, and it made him feel lonely and want very much to marry himself and find a kind of relationship William and Kate had.
He wanted to have kids too, and always thought he would be the first to marry and have kids. He wanted to be a young dad because he remembered happy times when his father was younger playing and laughing with him and William, and that those times stopped as his father aged, and he felt the age gap between them kept a distance between the boys and their father that Harry didn’t want between him and his kids.
Harry finds it a little odd that he went to Africa to visit William and during their trip William said nothing about getting engaged. It was only right after that trip that Charles told Harry of William and Kate‘s engagement. No idea what to make of that.
He says William had premarital jitters the night before the wedding, but doesn’t say whether he found them excessive or alarming. He said two of Williams groomsmen started passing him drinks, and William got drunk.
The next morning, he describes William as smelling of alcohol hung over, having barely slept the night before. He also said William was angry because his grandmother had decreed that William could not wear the military uniform he wanted to wear, that he had to wear a different one. William did not like the way he looked in the red uniform.
Also, he did not want Harry to be his best man. William had two close friends he chose to stand up with him, but the press wanted the narrative and I guess the royal family did, of the two Brothers supporting each other with Harry as best man.
Plus Harry said he knew being chosen as best man would’ve made the other two men huge targets for press scrutiny in the lead up to the wedding, and that they were nice and didn’t deserve that. So Harry was best man.
He also tells the story of the press saying it was a touching moment when Harry chose to give William the sapphire engagement ring his mother was given by their father, that Harry wanted William to have it to give to Kate, I guess as a sign of brotherly support for the marriage. Harry said it was completely fabricated. That William had the ring from soon after her death and always had it.
But Harry remembers thinking how beautiful Kate was walking down the aisle toward William and it being a joyous occasion.
His last quote is from the end of the speech he gave as best man. He did not want to give the speech. He also said William was a little afraid of what Harry might say, as the kind of ribbing brothers can give each other, it sounded like. But Harry did it, and at the end found himself thinking of their mother and mentioned her.
He also talks about the wedding being in Westminster Abby, the same place where they held his mothers funeral, so also bringing back memories of that day with a huge crowd and being on display in the same building.
He hated being around all the dead people in the Abbey. One thing you might not know unless you visited, is that there are so many people buried in the Abbey, underneath it and in Crypts inside of it. They’re everywhere. I was shocked when I saw how many dead people we’re buried there.
Many kings and queens, various nobles you’ve never heard of, and it seems like various rich people from the middle ages who just had a lot of money and wanted to be buried in the Abbey.
I am an American, and I loved the medieval cathedrals. Growing up at seeing weddings in Westminster Abby and always wanted to visit. It was such a disappointment and really creepy with all the dead people.
Harry joins the military and is off on military service during many of the early years of William and Kate‘s marriage. He doesn’t say much about their relationship good or bad in those years, except once he left the military, moving into quarters near them in one of the palaces and thinking he’d end up being invited over for dinner and to play with the kids, but those invitations didn’t happen.
Stopped reading last night at the point where Harry first met Megan. Hope to read more today and post later.
If anyone’s curious, I found his book well written, deeply personal, interesting & a compelling read, in case anyone’s interested. He had some very interesting adventures traveling in Africa and places like the north and south poles, plus a detailed look at his time at war, aside from the whole fight with his family once he got together with Meghan.
submitted by th987 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:55 AlmanacPony Star Trek: Prodigy: A Review .... It feels like trek.

Star Trek: Prodigy: A Review .... It feels like trek.
I wrote off Star Trek: Prodigy as a kid's show and didn't bother with it. Until yesterday.
I was looking for a show to watch, figured I'd give the show a first episode try, and ended up marathoning the entire show in a single day.
So here's my review, the good and the bad.
First: The GOOD.
It feels like Star Trek. The writing is significantly better than I expected it to be. The characters are well fleshed out, the adventures are well written and the plot is genuinely engaging. The voice acting for the most part is great, and the aesthetic feels like good old Trek.
The ending is particularly good, feeling like a perfect embodiment of Star Trek and the values of the federation.This may be a kids show, but it was OBVIOUSLY written and made by people that love star trek and understand it's values and messages. It brings it back to the golden eras in emotional weight and character development, and honestly, as weird as this is to say; this is some of the best Trek I've seen since DS9.
I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY ENCOURAGE giving it a watch. If you love trek, do not do a disservice to yourself and skip it just because it's 'for kids'.
Now: The BAD.
While she definitely gets better a little over halfway through the series, Kate Mulgrew as Janeway is not a good voice actor.
Now don't get me wrong; she's an amazing actress. Fantastic and Voyager was my second favourite Trek, beaten only by DS9. But Kate is a physical actor. She uses her body language as much as her voice and this allows to her to maintain a large presence on the screen, which is perfect for her role as captain. BUT. When voice acting, she can't do that physical acting, so she's missing half her repitoir and it shows. Her lines are delivered stiff, and it doesn't feel like she's able to give the same delivery as she could if it was Live Action. Now don't get me wrong; I do NOT think she 'phoned it in'. I think she actually tried, but voice acting is a very different medium and not one I feel she's very practiced in. (edit: she gets MUCH better after the halfway mark.)
Next on the issues... is episode 6. Episode 6 is bad. Legitimately just bad. Cringe inducingly so.
Spoilers for episode 6: In this episode, our intrepid hero tries to pass the Kobuyashi Maru on the holodeck. He is given a choice of historical characters to act as his holo-crew. He picks a bunch of well known individuals. Scotty, Beverly Crusher, Uhura, Odo, and Spock. Now this might be kinda cool, except how they handle it was done in the WORST way. I recognise many of the original actors are dead and thus, cannot reprise their roles. But instead of just getting voice actor impressionists, they decided to rip audio from said characters old episodes and piece them together to form sentences. The audio quality is atrocious. Spock's quality is constantly shifting in and out due to the random pieces they duct-taped together with glue and hope, and his comments are nonesensical famous lines that make me so cringe to hear in this context I feel I'm sucking on a lemon. And none of the other characters fair any better except Crusher who I think might have been the actual voice actor... but she has like, 3 lines so I can't guarrantee that.This was by far the worst way they could have done this episode. Atrocious.
All being said and done, except for some stiff acting from Janeway for a bit and episode 6 being painful... this series is truly FANTASTIC. The fact that it was cancelled is a crime against Star Trek, and one I'm sure WE are the ones guilty of committing. Everyone wrote it off (including me) as dumb star trek cash grab trying to appeal to younger generation for more money. And yes, it probably was that by intention of the producers: BUT... the writers of this show are obviously lovers of star trek and the hopeful future classic trek embraced. They understand it's core, they understand it's values, and they put their all into this show.If you are a trek fan. Watch it. Trust me. You will not regret a moment (except episode 6).
submitted by AlmanacPony to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:35 rlwrlw The Thomas Kingston Files - A Fake Funeral

Hello, all: time to dive in - the takeaway message here is that there is no evidence that Thomas Kingston had a funeral on March 12th as reported.
Every single article about this funeral informs us that William was present at the funeral, and with no photo or quote evidence, we need to seriously examine how flimsy the facts are that it even happened. I do believe Thomas Kingston is actually dead, and therefore something must have happened with the body, but I DO NOT believe he had a service in the way it has been reported. The reports of his funeral were fabricated to send one message: William was present at his funeral.
Just the day prior, on March 11, Camilla and William appeared and were photographed sitting together at Westminster Abbey to mark Commonwealth Day. There are quite a few photos from that day, as are the many days before - folks will say there is a media block on these stories, but evidence shows there are many photos of the Royals taken and published the same day. Which makes it extremely strange that the next day, there are are NO photos from the funeral of Thomas Kingston - an event that allegedly had 140 guests, including Prince William, and had a funeral procession that went from Kensington Palace to St. James palace. No photos from outside, inside, or direct quotes from anyone who attended the funeral.
At this point, there was no official statement from Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace on the death of Thomas Kingston, and no announced services. The funeral was first reported by Richard Eden to the Daily Mail at 12:44 EDT on March 12 (the same date as the alleged service).
Now, we are seeing articles in late May saying Lady Gabriella is being asked to appear at the Trooping of the Colors and that there will be another, larger service in honor of Thomas Kingston in June. Why are they having another service, and why would there be a second one? Why was the first one so small? How did the first service manage to stay so private when it was 140 people, including the Prince of Wales? Now, I found a Daily Beast article that claims "Buckingham Palace had requested that no media attended the service". Was the service ever announced? No. I'd like to see the email to the news outlets telling them no press allowed. If there is no media allowed, why would Buckingham Palace immediately confirm William's attendance and allow a dozen stories to run the same day? Sure, very private. Related - I'm making a master timeline of the RF since December 2023, and let me tell you - Camilla has been more active than any of them. She was just with William the day before, she's been the biggest show horse of them all this year, and yet she's not present for this tragic funeral? I don't buy it.
As with much of this Kate Missing saga, I don't know exactly how this piece fits or what it means. But it is a piece of the puzzle, no doubt. They want us to believe that Thomas Kingston's death was not suspicious, and that William appeared at his funeral. ------
Now let's examine some key dates and facts as they have been reported:
Thomas Kingston died Sunday, February 25, 2024
Thomas Kingston's death was announced Feb 27
An inquest into the death was opened Friday, March 1
A funeral was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 in London.
Another service will be held in the future
Why no press at the funeral?
I just found this - I haven't seen this detail in any other article so I'll post it here.
"Buckingham Palace had requested that no media attended the service, which was held at Chapel Royal, St James’s, followed by a reception in St. James’s Palace.
A spokesperson for the palace Tuesday thanked the media for respecting the family’s privacy and said the funeral was attended by Prince William. The queen was not able to attend due to a prior engagement and the king could not attend due to medical advice to avoid large gatherings while he is being treated for cancer.
A larger memorial service is likely to be held in due course."
submitted by rlwrlw to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:13 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 17 inch womens laptop bags

Best 17 inch womens laptop bags

Welcome to our roundup of the best 17-inch womens laptop bags, designed to fit your laptop and personal items with style and comfort. Discover the perfect blend of functionality and fashion as we showcase a selection of top-quality bags to suit your needs and budget. Whether you're a busy professional or a student on the go, our guide will help you find the perfect laptop bag to complement your lifestyle.

The Top 19 Best 17 inch womens laptop bags

  1. Versatile Women's 17-inch Laptop Tote Bag with PU Leather - MOSISO's Women Laptop Tote Bag offers stylish protection for laptops up to 17 inches, with versatile shoulder and handbag options, making it an excellent choice for students, professionals, and everyday use.
  2. Stylish Water-Repellent Laptop Backpack for 17.3" Laptops - Experience comfort and functionality with the Kroser Laptop Backpack - a stylish water-resistant solution for women seeking a 17 inch laptop bag for travel, business, school, and college needs.
  3. Multipurpose Convertible Laptop Bag for Travel and Business - The Coolbell Multipurpose Convertible Shoulder Bag is a versatile, functional, and stylish option for both men and women, designed to securely hold 17.3-inch laptops while offering multiple carrying styles and ample space for other essentials.
  4. Durable Rolling Laptop Bag for 17.3" Laptops and Travel - Stylish and functional Rolling Laptop Bag Briefcase provides ultimate protection for your 17.3" laptop and accessories, perfect for professionals and frequent travelers, featuring RFID pockets and compact design.
  5. Stylish 17" Laptop Tote for Professional Women - The Women's Rolling Laptop Tote Bag is a stylish and versatile choice for business travel, with a dedicated padded section to safely carry up to 17.3-inch laptops and additional storage for tablets and documents.
  6. 17.3" Laptop Rolling Tote by Florence Gray - Transport your stylish laptop and professional travel essentials with ease and comfort using the Florence Gray Rolling Tote (17.3 Laptop), the ultimate lightweight wheeled tote for business and leisure.
  7. Spacious 17-inch Laptop Backpack for College, Travel, and Outdoor Adventures - Experience ultimate functionality with the BANGE Large Laptop Backpack, featuring a 40L capacity, TSA-approved design, and ideal for multiple activities, including travel, camping, and hiking.
  8. Waterproof Expandable Travel Backpack for Women - 40L Capacity, 17.3" Laptop, Breathable Design, and Two Toiletry Bags - The Hanples Extra Large Travel Backpack for Women is the perfect companion for your next adventure, offering expanded capacity, a 17-inch laptop compartment, waterproof protection, and a durable, multipurpose design.
  9. Stylish 17-Inch Laptop Tote for Women: Durable and Versatile Work Bag - This stylish and versatile 17-inch laptop tote bag for women is perfect for work, school, or travel, with its multiple compartments and durable Saffiano PU leather construction.
  10. Beautiful Blush Laptop Sleeve by Rifle Paper Co. (17") - Rifle Paper Co. Laptop Sleeve in Garden Party Blush, a stunning 17" laptop bag featuring a classic floral print and gold metallic zipper, providing protection with style and elegance.
  11. Premium Waterproof Laptop Tote Bag for Women with Built-in USB Charging Port and Multiple Storage Pockets - This stylish 17-inch womens laptop bag features a durable, water-resistant design, external USB charging port, and multiple pockets for storage, making it a versatile and elegant choice for work or travel.
  12. Large Capacity 17-Inch Laptop Bag for Women and Men with RFID Pocket - EMPSIGN's 17.3-inch laptop bag boasts expandable storage, water-repellent protection, and a stylish, professional design perfect for both men and women's business travel needs.
  13. Stylish Vintage Purple Saffiano Eco-Leather Laptop Tote for Women - Experience a stunning combination of style, functionality, and protection with the EaseGave 17" laptop bag, perfect for women of all walks of life and occasions.
  14. Spacious Laptop Tote Bag with Divided Compartments and USB Charging Port - Stay organized and efficient with this versatile laptop tote, featuring a USB charging port, multiple compartments, and convenient carrying methods for both work and play.
  15. Durable Travel Laptop Backpack with RFID Pockets - The Kroser Travel Laptop Backpack is a durable and water-repellent option with multiple functional pockets, perfect for college students and professionals alike, offering convenience, safety, and comfort during daily use and outdoor activities.
  16. Origaudio Presidio Laptop Backpack: 16 Pocketed Comfort for Business and Gaming - Stay organized and supported on every adventure with the multi-functional Origaudio Presidio Laptop Backpack, perfect for both work and play.
  17. Stylish Nylon Laptop and Tablet Weekend Backpack with Multiple Compartments and Padded Straps - Stay organized and productive on the go with the A1 Luggage 17 in. U Series Nylon Triple Compartment Carry-All Laptop & Tablet Weekend Backpack, perfect for your business day trip needs.
  18. Stylish Women's Laptop Backpack with Anti-Theft Features - Protect your valuable electronics with the LOVEVOOK anti-theft 17-inch laptop bag for women, designed with multiple pockets, a USB charging port, and durable water-resistant nylon material for a comfortable and stylish travel companion.
  19. Large 17" Laptop Backpack for Women and Men with USB Charging Port [RFID Blocking] - Stay organized on the go with this 17-inch laptop backpack for women and men, boasting a large capacity, USB port, and waterproof design for versatile use in school, college, or work.
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🔗Versatile Women's 17-inch Laptop Tote Bag with PU Leather

The MOSISO Women Laptop Tote Bag has become a staple in my daily life. As a college student, I needed something that could hold all of my daily essentials and keep them safe and easily accessible. This bag has exceeded my expectations in every way.
First and foremost, the bag is spacious. It fits not only my 17-inch MacBook but also all the other items I need, such as a power bank, smartphone, and various other documents and stationery. The extra roominess is a real bonus for someone like me who likes to carry everything in one place.
One of the best features of this bag is the thick padding that protects the laptop. My MacBook has been through countless bumps and jolts, but this bag has ensured that it has remained safe and scratch-free. The shockproof material really does its job when it comes to protecting your valuable device.
The adjustable top handle and long shoulder strap also make the bag incredibly convenient to carry. Whether I'm heading to class or rushing to catch a flight, this bag has made my life so much easier.
However, there were two minor issues I faced. The first is that the bag is quite heavy when fully loaded, especially when you consider the size of the laptop. This is something I wouldn't normally mention, but I thought it was worth pointing out. The second issue is the lack of additional reinforcements in the bag's interior, especially when compared to the thick padding provided for the laptop. While it's not a deal-breaker, it would be nice to see some extra protection for items like phones and other gadgets.
Overall, despite the minor concerns, the MOSISO Women Laptop Tote Bag has been an excellent addition to my daily routine. It's roomy, comfortable to carry, and most importantly, it keeps my laptop safe and sound.

🔗Stylish Water-Repellent Laptop Backpack for 17.3" Laptops

As a reviewer who has been using the Kroser Laptop Backpack for a few months now, I must say that this backpack has been a game-changer for my daily life. The high-quality water-repellent canvas poly material not only looks good but also feels sturdy and durable, making me confident that my laptop and other belongings will be protected during rainy or snowy days.
One feature that stood out to me is the multiple compartments designed within the backpack. I absolutely love how spacious it is, yet still well-organized. My laptop fits snugly and securely in the well-padded foam compartment, while I have a secret pocket on the back for keeping my important items safe and secure. The convenient removable keychain is a great addition, as it offers easy access to key storage and usage.
However, one small con I've experienced is that the backpack might be slightly undersized for those with a 17-inch laptop, as it barely fits mine. But overall, the Kroser Laptop Backpack has exceeded my expectations in terms of quality, functionality, and comfort. I highly recommend it to anyone in search of a dependable backpack for work, school, or travel.

🔗Multipurpose Convertible Laptop Bag for Travel and Business

I recently tried the Coolbell Multipurpose Convertible bag, and I must say, it's quite impressive! This versatile bag can be used as a backpack, shoulder bag, and messenger bag, making it perfect for various occasions. The laptop compartment can fit up to a 17.3-inch laptop, and it provides ample space for your belongings.
One of the standout features of this bag is its ergonomic design and lightweight feel. The wide luggage strap ensures a comfortable carry, even for long periods. Additionally, the functional pockets on the front are incredibly convenient for organizing your quick-access items.
However, there is one downside to this bag - it only comes in a single color choice. I wish there were more options available, as the black canvas might not suit everyone's preferences. Despite this minor drawback, I've been using this bag daily for both work and travel, and it's held up extremely well.
Overall, the Coolbell Multipurpose Convertible bag is a fantastic investment for those looking for a sturdy, functional bag to accommodate their laptop and travel essentials.

🔗Durable Rolling Laptop Bag for 17.3" Laptops and Travel

I've been using the Kroser Rolling Laptop Bag for a while now, and it's been quite the journey. The first thing that caught my attention was its sleek design and the thoughtful placement of pockets. The exterior is made of a waterproof fabric that feels robust and secure, promising to protect my belongings from the elements.
One of the most significant features that set this laptop bag apart from others is the padded compartment that perfectly fits my 17.3-inch laptop. This was a game-changer for me, as I often carry my laptop and other essentials around for work and travel. The compartment provides a snug fit and safeguards my laptop from accidental bumps.
The telescoping handle is a fantastic addition, making transportation easy, and the silent wheels glide smoothly on any surface. I also appreciated the lockable metal zipper heads, which ensured my belongings stayed safe and secure during my commute or travel.
However, there were some minor drawbacks. One downside I encountered was the occasional difficulty in maneuvering the bag when it was fully packed. Additionally, the snap that connects the handles together required a bit of extra effort to secure.
Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Kroser Rolling Laptop Bag. It's a reliable, stylish, and practical option for anyone looking for a versatile laptop case. If you're in the market for a new laptop bag, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Stylish 17" Laptop Tote for Professional Women

I've been using this WIB Roller Tote for quite some time now, and I must say it's been quite the companion. It's a fantastic accessory that combines functionality with style.
One of the things that stand out to me is the design, which is perfect for both casual outings and business meetings. It effortlessly makes a statement about the wearer's taste and style. Additionally, the tote has a dedicated pocket for the laptop, which is essential when you're carrying valuable electronics. The padding inside ensures the laptop stays safe from any shocks or falls.
However, while I appreciate the thought put into the design, there's a little bit of room for improvement. The handle could be slightly more comfortable. Sometimes, after carrying the tote for a long period, the handle can take a toll on your hand. Also, the wheels could use a little extra durability, as I've noticed that they tend to wear off faster than expected.
Overall, the WIB Roller Tote is a great investment for anyone looking for a stylish and practical way to carry their essentials. While there are some minor issues to address, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

🔗17.3" Laptop Rolling Tote by Florence Gray

I recently had the opportunity to try the Florence Gray Rolling Tote 17.3 Laptop, and I must say, this lightweight rolling tote has definitely become my go-to accessory. One feature that really caught my attention was the stylish design of the bag. It not only looks great, but it's also incredibly functional.
The product dimensions of the bag are perfect for carrying my laptop and all of my other day-to-day essentials. The item weight is also very manageable, which allowed me to easily transport it wherever I needed to go. I was particularly impressed with the sturdy build of the bag, ensuring that my valuables would be well-protected during travel.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I encountered while using the bag. The first issue was with the extendable handle, which often stuck when adjusting the height. This could be quite inconvenient at times, but it was definitely something that could be improved with a simple update to the product design.
Another less-than-ideal aspect of the bag was the need for an additional wheel to improve its overall functionality. This would have allowed me to maneuver the tote more easily, especially in crowded areas or when navigating tight office spaces.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I overall really enjoyed using the Florence Gray Rolling Tote 17.3 Laptop. It's a great choice for anyone looking for a stylish, efficient, and comfortable way to carry their work essentials around.

🔗Spacious 17-inch Laptop Backpack for College, Travel, and Outdoor Adventures

I've been using the BANGE Large Laptop Backpack for a few weeks now, and I must say it's been a game-changer. The first thing that caught my eye was the capacity - 40L! It's spacious enough to fit all my essentials for a day trip or a weekend getaway.
One of the standout features is the laptop compartment, designed specifically to hold a 17-inch laptop. It's made with durable materials, so I know my laptop is safe while I'm on the go. Plus, the TSA-approved design makes it so easy to travel with.
The backpack also has multiple pockets, which I've found really helpful for keeping everything organized. The front pocket is perfect for items I need to grab quickly, like my phone and wallet. I also appreciate the pocket on the back for any small essentials I want to keep tucked away.
One downside I noticed was the weight - it's quite heavy at 2.7 pounds. However, considering the amount it can hold, I can see why it's a bit hefty. Overall, the BANGE Large Laptop Backpack has been an excellent addition to my daily routine, offering a lot of space without sacrificing style and functionality.

🔗Waterproof Expandable Travel Backpack for Women - 40L Capacity, 17.3" Laptop, Breathable Design, and Two Toiletry Bags

As soon as I got my hands on the Hanples Extra Large Travel Backpack, I was impressed by its large capacity. It's perfect for those who need to carry their laptops and essentials during short trips. The 40L backpack expands to accommodate 3-7 days' worth of travel items, making it an ideal companion for any journey.
One of the features that stood out to me was the thickened and wide handle. It made carrying the backpack more comfortable and secure, especially when walking through crowded places or while hiking. I also appreciated the breathable sponge on the back, which prevented overheating and ensured a comfortable fit on my back.
However, there was one downside. As a reviewer, I noticed that the backpack was not suitable for children under 12 years old, which limited its versatility for families with young members.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I found the Hanples Extra Large Travel Backpack to be a reliable and stylish choice. Its waterproof design, anti-theft features, and various compartments made it a convenient option for both travelers and commuters alike.

🔗Stylish 17-Inch Laptop Tote for Women: Durable and Versatile Work Bag

I recently tried a 17-inch laptop bag for women from Pink, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations! The bag has a sleek and modern design with a unique pendant decor and different color options to choose from. This laptop tote bag is the ultimate multi-functional briefcase for women, offering ample space to carry all your daily essentials, whether you're heading to work, school, or a weekend getaway.
One of the features that stood out to me was the organization pockets. With three main compartments, one zipper compartment with padded inserts for a 15-15.6 inch laptop, and two side pockets for important items like your notebook and laptop charger, this tote bag ensures your valuables are kept safe and readily accessible. The back exterior pocket is perfect for your phone and keys, so you can quickly grab them without rummaging through the bag.
The dimensions of this laptop tote bag make it a versatile choice, fitting a 17-inch laptop comfortably while still being compact enough for daily use. Its adjustable long shoulder strap allows you to wear it in various ways, from a laptop shoulder bag to a crossbody bag, making it suitable for most occasions. The durable Saffiano PU leather material ensures the bag is both stylish and long-lasting, with sturdy stitching and four metal rivets at the bottom to protect it from wear and tear.
Overall, the Pink laptop bag for women is a perfect investment for your daily life. Its stylish design and practical features make it a great choice for various occasions, whether you're heading to work, school, or a weekend trip. It's the ultimate gift for women, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a versatile and chic laptop bag.

🔗Beautiful Blush Laptop Sleeve by Rifle Paper Co. (17")

I recently had the chance to use the Rifle Paper Co. Laptop Sleeve 17" in the Garden Party Blush color, and I must say, it's a delightful addition to my laptop setup. The protection offered by this sleeve is undeniable, and it does so with a touch of elegance, thanks to its floral print design.
The gold metallic zipper adds a touch of sophistication to this product, making it even more appealing to use. One aspect that stood out to me was the fact it kept my laptop safe from any accidental damage, including liquids during rainy weather.
However, as much as it has its pros, there is a slight downside to this sleeve. It's a bit on the larger side, which meant I had to handle my laptop a bit more carefully when putting it in the sleeve or taking it out.
Overall, this Rifle Paper Co. Laptop Sleeve provides an excellent balance of protection and beauty, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to keep their devices protected while still looking stylish.

🔗Premium Waterproof Laptop Tote Bag for Women with Built-in USB Charging Port and Multiple Storage Pockets

I've been using this 17-inch laptop tote bag to commuting to work lately, and I must say, it has become an essential accessory. One of the best features that stands out to me is its stylish, professional look. The smooth lines and understated solid colors make it look classy and appropriate for any occasion.
The bag's size is perfect for my 15.6-inch laptop, which fits in the main padded pocket. It's even suitable for other gadgets like iPads, making it a valuable tool in my daily life. Additionally, having separate compartments for different items (like documents, personal belongings, and tech gadgets) makes organizing my bag a lot easier.
While the external USB port with a built-in charging cable is a convenient feature, it would have been great if it came with a power bank. However, the overall quality of the bag is beyond remarkable. It's made of durable, water-resistant PU leather with soft polyester lining, ensuring that my laptop remains protected at all times.
One potential drawback is that the long, adjustable shoulder strap is not as comfortable as I'd hoped. At times, it feels quite heavy on my shoulders. Nevertheless, the cylindrical handles are comfortable, allowing me to easily hold the bag when needed. Weighing only 2.1 lbs, it's still lightweight enough to be suitable for my daily use.
In conclusion, this 17-inch laptop tote bag is a practical and stylish choice, with multiple compartments for different items and a convenient, yet not-quite-perfect charging cable. Despite a few minor issues, I would highly recommend this bag to anyone looking for a professional laptop bag.

🔗Large Capacity 17-Inch Laptop Bag for Women and Men with RFID Pocket

I've been using the EMPSIGN 17.3 inch Laptop Bag for my daily commute to the office, and I must say it's been a game changer. Not only does it have enough space for my 17 inch laptop, but it also has three additional compartments for all my office essentials. The padded laptop compartment is a lifesaver, protecting my device from any potential damage or scratches during travel.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable shoulder straps that provide not only comfort but also even weight distribution. The sturdy handles make it easy to carry the bag when needed. Plus, the trolley strap allows me to attach it to my rolling luggage, making it even more convenient for my travels.
However, it could be useful to have a separate compartment specifically for water bottles or accessories to keep them separated from the main contents of the bag. Despite this minor drawback, the EMPSIGN 17.3 inch Laptop Bag is overall a reliable and stylish choice for anyone looking for a practical and professional briefcase.

🔗Stylish Vintage Purple Saffiano Eco-Leather Laptop Tote for Women

I recently gave my friend a rose laptop bag as a surprise birthday gift, and let me tell you, it was a hit! The bag arrived quickly and looked even better in person. I loved the sleek and classy design, complete with a polished gray-tone hardware and a coffee-colored nylon lining. But what truly stood out was how versatile it was - whether she was working in the office or grabbing a coffee during her lunch break, this bag had it all covered.
The 17-inch laptop bag was perfect for her 14-inch laptop, with a spacious and well-organized interior. It had four large compartments, two slip pockets, and a zip-fastening pocket, making it so easy to store all of her essentials. And as a bonus, it even came with a removable cross-body strap, making it ideal for daily commutes and weekend getaways.
The only small issue I noticed was that the bag could be a tad bigger – a little more room would have been appreciated. Nevertheless, overall, it was a fantastic gift idea for any occasion!

🔗Spacious Laptop Tote Bag with Divided Compartments and USB Charging Port

I've been using this laptop tote bag for a while now, and I must say it's been a game-changer for me. The large size really comes in handy when I need to pack everything I need for work or school. The velcro strap ensures that my laptop stays securely in place, while the other compartment easily fits all my essentials, from my umbrella to my water bottle, without making it look too cluttered.
One of the most impressive aspects of this bag is the organization. The numerous dividers make sure everything is in its place, and the key string attached to the bag always ensures that I don't misplace my keys. The built-in USB interface also makes it convenient to charge my phone or other electronic devices on the go.
There are multiple carrying methods available, which is perfect for when I need to switch between a handbag, messenger bag, shoulder bag, or even connect it to a trolley for easy carrying. It's a stylish and practical choice for anyone who's always on the go.

Buyer's Guide

Finding the right 17-inch women's laptop bag can be a daunting task, especially if you have specific needs in terms of features, style, and comfort. This buyer's guide aims to provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a laptop bag of this size. We will discuss important features to consider, necessary considerations, and general advice about the product category.


Important Features

  • Size and Compatibility: Ensure the bag is designed to fit a 17-inch laptop, as well as additional accessories and a tablet, if needed. The dimensions should be measured from the top of the laptop to the bottom and from one side to the other.
  • Main Compartment: A roomy main compartment is vital to accommodate multiple laptop sizes and various cables or chargers. The design should allow for easy access and organization of gear.
  • Side and Outside Compartments: Additional compartments provide space for items like wallets, cell phones, or snacks. Consider the size and number of compartments that are available.
  • Padding: A well-padded bag will protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. Ensure that there is enough padding to safeguard your device in different orientations.


  • Weight: Carrying a heavy bag can be fatiguing, so consider both the weight of the bag itself and the items it will hold. Look for bags with lightweight, yet durable, materials, and ergonomic handles for added comfort.
  • Durability and Waterproofing: Look for bags with high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear. Also, consider bags with water-resistant properties, which help keep your contents dry in case of unexpected rainfall.
  • Design and Style: Many women prefer bags with a feminine look or pattern. Consider the appearance and style of the bag, making sure it aligns with your personal taste and professional attire.


General Advice

  1. Try before you buy: Before making a purchase, ensure the bag you choose is comfortable to carry and well-suited to your needs. It should fit securely on your body and not be too heavy for extended periods of time.
  2. Research manufacturers or brand reputation: Invest in a bag from a reliable manufacturer, and read customer reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues.
  3. Keep your lifestyle in mind: If you commute, travel frequently, or need a bag for work, consider all aspects of your lifestyle and select a laptop bag that has features specifically tailored for your needs.



What are the main features of a 17-inch women's laptop bag?

A 17-inch women's laptop bag typically offers the following features:
  • Adequate space for a 17-inch laptop and necessary accessories.
  • Padded compartments to protect the laptop and other valuables.
  • Stylish and feminine designs to appeal to women.
  • Multiple pockets for storing additional items like smartphones, wallets, and makeup.
  • Comfortable and easy-to-carry straps.

What are some popular brands for 17-inch women's laptop bags?

Some popular brands for 17-inch women's laptop bags include:
  • Kate Spade
  • Coach
  • Michael Kors
  • Nine West
  • Calvin Klein
  • Armani
  • DKNY


Are there any eco-friendly options available for 17-inch women's laptop bags?

Yes, there are eco-friendly options available for 17-inch women's laptop bags. Look for bags made from sustainable materials, such as recycled fabrics, organic cotton, or bamboo. Some brands also prioritize sustainability in their manufacturing processes.

What is the maximum weight a 17-inch women's laptop bag can hold?

The maximum weight a 17-inch women's laptop bag can hold depends on the specific model and its construction. However, most laptop bags are designed to accommodate laptops up to 17 inches and additional accessories, so you can expect them to handle a weight of around 5 to 10 pounds (2.3 to 4.5 kg).

Do 17-inch women's laptop bags come in different colors and styles?

Yes, 17-inch women's laptop bags come in a variety of colors and styles to cater to different preferences. You can find bags in classic styles, such as black or brown leather, as well as vibrant colors and patterns to suit more fashion-forward users.

How much do 17-inch women's laptop bags usually cost?

The cost of a 17-inch women's laptop bag depends on the brand, features, and materials used. You can find budget-friendly options for around $50 to $100 (USD), while high-end bags from luxury brands can range from $200 to $500 or more. It's essential to consider the quality, durability, and style when choosing a laptop bag within your budget.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:29 EAFIT_Biologist_cami Women Bones are denser than Men Bones. (Journal of Bone and Mineral Research)Paul J. Kelly et al.

Hi I am a Biologist. Just to aclare than women Bones are denser, despiste some people believed it otherwise. Oestrogen is the first hormone in bone break down and regrowth. Testosterone is important because it's a source to produce oestrogen. "Female sex is associated with bones density greater than ecpected on the basis of muscle, size or weight". Paul J. Kelly et al. https://academic.oup.com/jbmarticle-abstract/5/11/1169/7502045?redirectedFrom=PDF People should by God sake informe themselves before talking.
Also they are wrong saying that men are stronger due to testosterone. Endorphines are an Adrenaline inhibitor, and women manage higher amount of neurotransmisors in blood, so men's brain amigdale has to release a smaller amount of adrenaline. Wich gives you strenght and faster body reaction and activates anabolic effect of the body response to cronic. You maybe know that men have generally more cortisol, less endorphines, wich is not the Best for inmune system, they suffer from harder flues n cold.
(Women have More action of prefrontal cortex over the amigdale and limbic sistem) Actually women have better reflexes for higher amount of white substance (axonic) in brain, and More myielin. Women can build muscle faster (with 12 weeks of training they grow 27% arm muscle and men 17%). Strongest woman in 50's Kate Brumbach was stronger than World strongest Man at her Time Eugene Sandow, Father of Culturism.
She was the strongest woman in recorded history, she lifted a 136K barbell one hand over her head.
To put in comparison Louis Cyr, the strongest Man in history was reported to do this lift with a 218lb(109K) barbell in one contest he took parte in against canada's strongest Man, Michaud.
submitted by EAFIT_Biologist_cami to aRealBiologistSight [link] [comments]
