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2020.04.10 09:48 AttilatheHawn SongMakerLab

This community is based on the sharing of music made with Chrome Music Lab’s Song Maker. Song Maker is a free online basic music creation tool that is easy to use. This sub is dedicated to sharing Song Maker songs.

2021.03.06 21:38 flosscross flosscross

All about FlossCross - free online cross stitch pattern maker. Tips. Bugs reports. Plans.

2011.01.27 18:41 Learn Java

Resources for learning Java

2024.06.01 12:23 curlycrumble 23 [F4M] To be someone's ’tataya’ ☀️

I dream of a connection that doesn't have to try hard translating each others' souls—one that feels like home and is inhabitable for healthy energies whose goals are aligned. I long for that comfortable silence, rainy day embrace, flooded meme videos on our inboxes, and that warm forehead kiss after a busy day at work. In a world where sincerity is a rare find on an online setting, I'd still like to try.
About me: I graduated last 2023 is currently working as a government employee. I live in North Luzon with my family, and 5 dogs. I stand at 5'2, weighs 53 kgs, normal BMI, and in love with my curls and morena complexion. I like dressing up especially on days when I am extra stressed. My hobbies revolve around watching (films, shows, kdrama, anime), reading (books, manga), listening to music (any genre except rap or edm), and I'm on a constant journey of learning more hobbies because I like keeping myself busy. I think it's also worth mentioning that I have a flexible humor in line with being interested with meaningful discussions.
Hopefully, you're around 23-26 years old, stands 5'7 and up, working, furdad, family-oriented, is nerdy about his hobbies and goals in life, hopefully with the same interests as mine, lifestyle doesn't revolve around smoking/clubbing (non-negotiable), and is a very expressive individual who likes to tell stories and yap about life. (Still, feel free to dm if you're interested)
I haven't been on a physical date as meeting people makes me anxious, so I'd appreciate if we got to know each other online first—slowburn and careful. If you know you have ghosting tendencies or is only in it for a temporary companion, please spare the effort of building any connections.
If this interests you, an introduction that actually highlights you being you will be appreciated. Thanks! = )
submitted by curlycrumble to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:23 neutinoproteino Share your thoughts and opinions on Motorola(dot)in website

Hello all, I am looking to purchase a motorola edge 50 fusion, and it's sold online via Flipkart and Motorola's India's official website. Did anyone here had any experiences that would make anyone to avoid purchasing from Motorola's official website?. I'm trying my level best to avoid purchasing anything from Flipkart because of it's shitty Open Box Delivery policy.
All are free to share your thoughts, opinions or rants about either of those website, so that, it would make me or anyone seeing this post in the future to decide better.
Thank you!!
submitted by neutinoproteino to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 Lurkingandcomplaing i don’t feel enough for my ex/maybe again bf

So me and my ex have been split for about a week and are still talking as friends, he says he loves me and wants to get back with me and he needs a break for his mental health
But he keeps following all these woman who look nothing like me ( yes i stalked his following but it was that sinking feeling that the break was just for “ i wanna go mess around with someone else “ ) i don’t like doing sexual stuff because of my autism and it stresses me out. now i’m seeing him follow thirst trap accounts of girls who look nothing like me and i’m pretty sure he’s talking to woman online too
but i can’t really do anything or speak up about how shit i feel cause we aren’t in a relationship. in fairness he is free to do that but he said he wanted to get back and someone who did truly love me wouldn’t be doing stuff like this right? like flirting and following tons and tons of new woman
do i get back with him? it’s made me feel so unlovable but i’m scared i’m being dramatic. this is typed out with shaky nervous hands so i apologize if it rambles
submitted by Lurkingandcomplaing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:19 EveryReason2485 A Bit Of an Early Post About My Enquiries.

I'm a student who's planning to study in Germany. I took my Goethe B1 Exam last week and hoping that I'll pass and continue working on my language. Applying to universities all around Germany as well. But this post isn't the one to enquire but more of just to catch a feeling about y'all. Social media is toxic and we all know that, IG has been pushing a lot of German Political Content to my feed from both sides the AFD which to my understanding doesn't like international student (Especially ones from the middle east like myself) and the other sides which promotes that Germany and the German people welcome anyone who's willing to come to their land and work and create a family and a life there (AKA be a normal productive member in society). I also have an American friend (F34) who told me that the later way of thinking is more common. But I didn't actually take her words to the heart as things maybe different based on place of origin and where you're planning to live in Germany. So I thought that I'd take it to reddit and ask the people directly. How do you feel about international students in general? and according to my experience online I'll answer a question in advance: If I hopefully had the opportunity to move to Germany (Visa & Admission Letter and the rest...) then I'm not planning to just benefit from the tuition free education and leave Germany for a better place, I actually want to create a stable life if I had the chance and even work on achieving my dreams inside of Germany because my field - as I heard - is still growing and has tons of potential for development in Germany and because (this one is a personal reason) I like way y'all are specifically the dry sense of humor and Ruhezeit makes Germany attractive to me as a place. As I've said, this is not the full post because things aren't clear yet and idk if I'd get the chance, but I was really working on that chance for the past year and I hope that I'll get it. Thanks for reading <<3
Edit: I labeled it as Tourism wrongly, so sorry. I meant to label it as "Student" stuff. Edit 2: tons of typos, as someone who can't help but correct people, please feel free to correct what I did not correct now.
submitted by EveryReason2485 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 Difficult_Figure_530 Siblings in faith that reverted and striggle with addiction or dependence.

Dear siblings in Islam. In my life as a muslim i saw many people who struggled with alcohol addiction or other forms of dependecies that they gained before Allah gave them guidance.
Please do not suggest without knowledge to the new reverts to quit their addictions or dependencies suddenly.
Dependance of some forms of medications or drugs are seriously harming and can even be life-threatening if you quit cold turkey. For an example Alcohol, Benzodiazepines and most medicines or intoxicants that target GABA-receptors.
Please inform yourself about the gradual prohibition revealed in the Quran and also modern science:
Ask ChatGPT or use Search Engines like Google to do your research on:
Quitting alcohol suddenly if you are a heavy alcoholic can kill you and will with 100% certainty cause injuries on the brain.
My personal advice:
  1. Adress the problems you have and reflect, find healthy coping strategies while recovering, while tapering. This will add to the desire to get rid of it and to go down as you see that you can be stronger without the substance. -Prayer and Dua (Supplication) trust in Allah but use logic and common sense. -Meditation -Yoga -moderate excercise -breathing excercises etc.
  2. Surround yourself with understanding and positive people. Negativity is your enemy in your process of healing. Learn to cultivate positivity and let go of people whose words or actions harm your soul.
  3. If withdrawal is to harsh but still managable (no medical issues) stay on that dose for a longer time until you feel ready to go down for a bit more. Your body will adapt in shaa Allah.
  4. Don't listen to anyone suggesting to quit suddenly. Most of them have no knowledge of medicine or maybe even their deen.
  5. Understand that every body is different. Your biochemistry is different than that from another person. Listen to your body. Go at a pace that is in harmony with your system.
  6. Don't read the horror-stories online. They just make you paranoid and make everything that would be easy otherwise, hard.
  7. And the last but not least put your trust in Allah again.
submitted by Difficult_Figure_530 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:08 highrollerdude7 Best online casinos Canada - top picks

Hey guys, I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about online casinos in Canada, saying they’re not as good as what they have in the states or overseas. Honestly, I think they are just playing at the wrong sites. I say this because that’s exactly what happened to me.
I’ve been playing at Canadian sites for over five years, but I wasted a lot of that time on casinos like Casumo (couldn’t win) and Yukon Gold (trash). There were a few others in there as well, but they were crap too.
Good news is, once I got sick of giving my money away, I found a few casinos that are actually worth a damn. Here’s my list of the best online casinos Canada players can use:
That’s it, that’s the list. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the sites.
submitted by highrollerdude7 to casualgambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:06 Commander_PonyShep Are there people who play online PvP multi-player shooters the way they're intended?

And by that, I don't mean score a high K/DR, because no human being would have achieved the fast reflexes to do something like that unless they're camping. No, what I mean is protecting and supporting teammates as well as sieging or defending objectives for the rest of the team. Because unless they're done in any available free-for-all modes, they're primarily built to be team-driven.
And I should know, because I used to play Mass Effect 3's online multi-player. Like I couldn't score as many kills as I though would happen in that game mode, compared to the various other players I was randomly partnered up with. But at the same time, I did a better job protecting and reviving teammates and completing objective-based rounds than I did killing enemies, compared to the complete opposite with my teammates.
Like if players just want to kill their enemies repeatedly, that's where single-player campaigns come in. But anyone who wants to play an online PvP match has to unlearn everything that they were taught in the single-player campaign, and focus more on protecting and supporting the team, as well as sieging and defending objectives for it. And not try to build-up their hand-eye coordination to nearly unachievable, godlike levels to score that high of a K/DR.
submitted by Commander_PonyShep to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Flat_Struggle9794 Making paper mache with junk mail

I know that most people use newspapers for paper mache, but they are harder to find because more people read online news articles now and most newspapers cost money, you have to go to many different places to collect enough used newspapers for free. But imo the best source of paper mache material is your own mailbox. The majority of people get junk mail and these will often have direct mail advertisements for different stores that are usually printed on the same paper as newspapers. I have been holding onto my junk mail advertisements so that I could try it out myself. I could also ask other people to give me their junk mail instead of throwing them away so that I could use them for my crafting. If there is a market for secondhand newspapers and junk mail paper or newsprint as craft materials or for paper mache artworks in general, then I would be glad to open a PO box to receive donated junk mail and newspapers.
submitted by Flat_Struggle9794 to upcycling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
Why Choose BananaServers?
1. Wide Range of Supported Games BananaServers offers server support for a plethora of popular games including Minecraft, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, and many more. Whether you’re into survival games, creative sandbox experiences, or intense strategy games, they have you covered.
2. Rapid Server Setup One of the standout features of BananaServers is their quick setup process. You can have your server up and running in less than 10 minutes! This is perfect for gamers who want to dive right into the action without lengthy setups.
3. 24-Hour Free Trials Not sure if BananaServers is right for you? They offer a 24-hour trial period for all their servers—absolutely free and no credit card required. This allows you to test the server with your specific game and see if it meets your needs before committing.
4. User-Friendly Management Panel BananaServers uses the Peel panel, a user-friendly server management interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced server admins to manage their game servers. Whether you need to install mods, adjust server settings, or manage backups, it’s all streamlined through their intuitive panel.
5. Competitive Pricing With plans starting as low as $1.00 per month, BananaServers provides affordable options without compromising on quality or performance. They also offer scalable options to grow with your gaming needs, ensuring you always have the right amount of resources.
6. Robust Security Online security is a major concern for many gamers, especially when running popular servers. BananaServers provides advanced security features, including DDoS protection, to keep your server safe from attacks and ensure stable gameplay.
7. Stellar Customer Support BananaServers boasts a dedicated support team that’s available 24/7 to help with any issues you might encounter. Whether it's a technical glitch or a billing question, their knowledgeable staff is there to assist you promptly.
Website: Discord:
submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:01 Himekat Do you have a JR Pass or IC Card (Suica/Pasmo/etc.) question? Start here! (Monthly Thread - June 01, 2024)

Got a question about JR Passes or IC cards (Suica/Pasmo/ICOCA/etc)? Read through the information below and feel free to ask additional questions in this thread! Please see here%20question%3F%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) for old versions of this megathread.

JR Pass Info

The nationwide JR Pass is a travel pass that allows train and bus travel for a fixed cost over a certain period of days on Japan Railways (JR) services. For a comprehensive source of information on the pass, check out our wiki page or Japan Guide’s JR Pass page.
The JR Pass can be purchased in one of two ways: * Online at the official site * Online from an authorized retailer (also often called a "third-party seller")
There is no way to be certain if a JR Pass will be valuable for you without knowing your exact itinerary and doing the math out. If you are trying to work out whether a JR Pass is the right choice for you, here are some calculators: *’s calculator * Japan Guide’s calculator * Daisuki calculator
As of October 1, 2023, the nationwide JR Pass and regional JR Passes have increased in price significantly. The price increase makes it so that there are very few itineraries that the nationwide JR Pass will be worth it for. For more information and discussion on the price increase, see this search result of prior discussion threads.

IC Card Info (Suica, Pasmo, ICOCA, etc.)

General Information

An IC card is a stored-value card used to pay for transportation in Japan. That means you can load the card with money and use the card to pay for trains, buses, etc by tapping the card at train station gates or fare readers. Even if you have a JR Pass or other travel pass, an IC card is recommended because it can be used across transportation systems operated by many different transit companies, as well as for payment at convenience stores, restaurants, shops, vending machines, and other locations.
For tourism purposes, there are nine major IC cards and all of them are completely interchangeable and usable in each other's regions, so it doesn’t really matter which one you get. Where you start your travels in Japan often dictates what IC card you get, since different IC cards originate in different regions, but then you'll be able to use it during most of your traveling, even if you move to a different region. For general information on IC cards, see our wiki or Japan Guide’s IC card page.

Physical IC Cards

Currently, sales of regular Suica, named Suica, regular Pasmo, and named Pasmo cards are technically suspended due to a semiconductor shortage (except children's versions and commuter versions). That said, there have been recent reports in early 2024 of people getting regular Suica cards at some stations in Tokyo.
If you are landing in/starting your trip in Tokyo, tourists can still get:
A Welcome Suica or Pasmo Passport acts exactly like a regular IC card, with two exceptions: it is only valid for 28 days, and it cannot be refunded. Please see this thread and its top comment for information.
If you are starting your trip in another region (e.g., Kansai, Kyushu, etc.), sales of their regional IC cards are unaffected by Suica and Pasmo shortages. Please see this page to identify which card you'll get, and it should be available at airports and train stations in those regions.

Digital IC Cards

If you are looking to get a digital IC card, please note that digital Suica, Pasmo, and ICOCA cards can only be used on iPhones, Apple Watches, or Japanese Android phones (this means the phone was purchased in Japan). For instructions on how to get a digital IC card in Apple Wallet, see here. You do not need the Suica or Pasmo apps (which are all in Japanese) in order to get a digital IC card. It can be loaded and used entirely through Apple Wallet.
Please note that not all credit cards work to load a digital IC card. Amex cards seem to have the highest success rate, but Mastercards and Visas can be flaky. Although Visa previously didn't work at all, as of December 2023, loading a digital Suica with some Visa credits cards seems to work, although not all of them. See this At A Distance blog post for more info and updates. It is not uncommon to not have any of your cards work to load a digital IC card, and if that happens, you might need to stick with a physical IC card.
Keep in mind that digital IC cards cannot be refunded (that requires a Japanese bank account), so you will need to burn down whatever value you’ve loaded onto them before the end of your trip.


I have an old IC card from a previous trip. Can I use it on my upcoming trip?
IC cards are valid for ten years after their last date of use, so if you received the card and/or used the card in/after 2014, it’ll work.
Can more than one person use the same IC card for travel?
No. All travelers who want to use IC cards on transit need to have their own card. Most transit in Japan is distance-based, and the card is “keeping track” of your journey, and it can only keep track of one at a time.
Are there children’s IC cards? How do I get one for my child?
Children under six years old can ride transit for free. If your child is between the ages of six and eleven, you can get a children’s IC card from JR offices by presenting the child’s passport for proof of age. There are also Welcome Suica and Pasmo Passport versions for children. If you are getting IC cards at the airport, they are able to provide children’s cards.
Can I load money onto a physical IC card with a credit card?
No. Physical IC cards can only be loaded with cash, which can be done at ticket machines in train stations, convenience stores, and 7-Eleven ATMs.
I have a physical IC card and I want to transfer it to my phone. If I do that, can I still use the physical card?
No. Once you “move” the physical card to your phone and turn it into a digital card, the physical card becomes invalid. It cannot be used or reactivated.
I’m landing in Tokyo, but then I’m going to Osaka and Kyoto. Do I need a suica in Tokyo and then an ICOCA in Osaka/Kyoto?
No. Once you have one of the major IC cards, it can be used pretty much anywhere. There are some exceptions to this, but they are mostly on individual lines or in specific rural regions. If you are traveling to major tourism cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, etc., you are likely fine with whatever IC card you originally received upon arrival.
Should I buy an IC card online before arriving in Japan?
If you want to get an IC card online from a reputable vendor, there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of the authorized JR Pass website (as well as other websites targeted at tourists) will sell them bundled with other purchases. That said, there isn’t really any reason to get your card ahead of time. If you’re landing in Tokyo, the 28-day Welcome Suica or Pasmo Passport is good enough for most tourists. And if you do end up in the country for longer than 28 days, you can simply get an IC card from another region once you’re in one (such as the ICOCA from Kansai).
Help! I tried to load my digital IC card through Apple Wallet and the transaction didn't go through! What do I do?
To start, did you attempt to create it/load it overnight in Japan? The digital system goes down for maintenance from about 1am to 5am JST, so try again during Japan's daytime hours. Beyond that, Visa cards often cannot be used to load digital IC cards. Mastercards sometimes have issues too, depending on the issuing bank. Unfortunately, if you can't find a digital card + credit card combo that works for you, you may not be able to use digital IC cards.

Recent IC Card Threads

To see some recent discussion on IC cards, check out the following threads from our search results here.
submitted by Himekat to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Daily Newbie Thread

Whatever you want to know about flipping, no matter the question, ask here. Even if it's been covered 1,000 times before. Doesn't matter if you're new or old. If you stop learning things, you're probably on your way out.
-If you're completely new to flipping, I highly recommend checking out our Noob Guide for some basic information about flipping to get you started!
-If you're wondering about how to start selling your thrift finds online, check out this Complete Beginner's Guide to Ebay
-If you're wondering about how to start sending and selling books through Amazon check out this Beginner's guide to flipping books with FBA
-If you're wondering about what kind of stuff our members buy & sell, check out our previous Weekly Haul and Flip of The Week threads.
This is an extremely newb-friendly thread. As such, any rudeness is to be reported.
submitted by AutoModerator to Flipping [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 NoobMaster1278 help

hey I'm from Australia and am currently in year 10 and have found myself in quite the dilemma for choosing my uni degrees. Btw i want to be a software developedesigner
Ok so I already know what subjects I'm doing for year 11 12. They are: enterprise computing, design and technology, physics, engineering, advanced English, and extension 1 maths. For some background knowledge I am the top design student in my school currently in my year 10 electives and I enjoy it a lot. I also have had an interest in physics for the longest time. Recently i have been working on my programming skills to bring my designs to life and have been learning html, python and CSS on some courses online; i plan on learning c# at a later date.
At UTS I have stumbled upon a thing that they offer exclusively which would allow me to work at Wisetech global for 4 years whilst incorporating the work into my degree so I can complete my "computing science" degree. The program also gets the company to pay for your degree so you wont have any hecs debt. I also found that they have an amazing advanced science degree that allows me to study quantum tech or major in it? sorry i don't know the correct terminology. The only issue is that i can't double degree with them. I also found their design course but same story. There's no way to configure a double degree with any of them.
UNSW offers a computer science + advanced physics degree, but unfortunately i don't recieve the cadetship which in my eyes would be extremely helpful on a CV. UNSW also offers a design degree but without an option to pair it with the science and computer science degrees from what i see. Feel free to go to both their websites to explore on my behalf I'd really appreciate it.
Anyways what do i do? Do I do the double degree from UNSW for advanced physics and CS. Or do I go to UTS for the CS IDeA (that's the name of the degree with the cadetship) and then after 4 years I get a full time job and also go back to uni full time to finish the advanced quantum tech degree in 3 years. Only issue with that is i'd have to work like 8 hours and still find time for my partner and obviously 56 hours of sleep. Or is it easier to self teach computer science. Mainly the programming stuff because i want to be a software developer. If its easier to do that then should i do the advanced science (quantum tech) degree from UTS for 3 years whilst self teaching myself computer science, and then after that i get a job which utilises those skills and whilst i do that i could do a degree in design? or should i do my masters. I dont think i can self teach design, because i can't really find anything on it.
Help what do i do.
submitted by NoobMaster1278 to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:57 popstarbowser Me and a couple of friends are making a discord music server.

Hey everyone I recently posted asking to listen to everyone’s new music and I was blown away by the response and the music!
I wanted to try and get people like you together in one spot so we can actively check out each others work so I thought discord might be a good way to do it.
After spending some time in discord servers I’ve noticed there’s some really good points and bad points to being in them.
Me and a couple of friends decided to try to compile the best points and make our own server.
We’re focussing on trying to help musicians and bands as much as possible.
We offer free band logo and artwork design for album or single covers, t shirt designing and other artwork things you might need.
We are also very keen on trying to help people with promotion by listening to your music and looking at your image, trying to develop it and give you a plan to work off of.
In the future we have plans for online interviews and online stage shows where bands take turns on the stage to play their new songs.
If you want to help us build this musicians co-op of sorts please let us know but we do ask if you want to join that you will positively engage in listening to other artists work so we can make the group beneficial for everyone.
Our server is brand new but we hope with your help we can make it a positive thing for your music.
It is mainly catered for rock/metal/punk/electronic/alternative music too.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you in there!
submitted by popstarbowser to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:55 StanleyBillsRealName How do you wake up every day and keep the strength to say no? This feels like alcoholism all over again :(.

The longer I go on the harder the cravings are. I can't stand even a week like this, I cave on the weekend. My eating habits are regular and fulfilling. But sugar will always make me my mood better. It makes me depressed to imagine living life without an access to that "free" moodlifter. It was soulcrushing to have to give up alcohol, to try and train myself to live with the fact that REAL life does not and can't feel like a party. It's just how it is. If everyday is a party, by yourself in your sad dingy flat, you are an addict, not living. There is quarantee something about your life is being neglected if you feel like you are having the time of your life every night, whether from actual intoxication or from the sweet taste of cinnamon buns.
But the bad news for my sugar addiction is I seem to be a bit of an dry alcoholic. If you don't know what that is, it's when you don't have the booze anymore but you still haven't healed the causes of the alcoholism, which logically lead to just another addiction. Even worse news is that I can't just refer to my previous stradegy for this sugar addiction even if my sobriety feels secure.
I take naltrexone. It is drug to lessen the effects and cravings of alcohol and opiods. It doesn't work as well for everyone as it has for me. But while alcoholism support circles online are so sweet about it and pat me on the back, I do think I did less for sobriety than others, I had the worst months of my life and then I just got put on it. Now I know what it is like to be addicted but I don't know what it is like to recover. I wouldn't be sober without naltrexone.
So now I am back where I started. All my life so far I have managed to stay between the mildly underweight to mildly overweight category. No fast swings from one side to the other, even if I have been on both ends but I'm talking more than a decade on the time periods. Now I am average again even if heavier than couple months ago. With that history and status, I'm not getting any kind of pills this time.
I wish there was a way to practice saying no before I actually am bombarded with all these mental gymnastics, circular arguments, excuses and barganing my mind likes to toy me with. It's 3 days of newly sworn loyalty to health but at least by day 6 it's like I am being thrown straight to the final boss. There's no inbetweens. I feel like there's no way to safely fail because it ends in binges and that ends in weight gain which feels like a direct proof of what a horrible addict I am, a number to measure how I am getting worse. The time I was overweight two years ago was like body horror, I really hated it and I hate this this. I'm scared I'm headed for it again. I can't even fathom where tf I am supposed to pull the energy from to keep saying no, when I am already beaten to a pulp by avoidance and overcoming of triggers. How am I supposed to stop for good when I can't make it for 7 days??? Barely 1??
submitted by StanleyBillsRealName to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:54 popstarbowser Me and a couple of friends have made a discord server for musicians and bands

Hey everyone,
After spending some time in discord servers I’ve noticed there’s some really good points and bad points to being in them.
Me and a couple of friends decided to try to compile the best points and make our own server.
We’re focussing on trying to help musicians and bands as much as possible.
We offer free band logo and artwork design for album or single covers, t shirt designing and other artwork things you might need.
We are also very keen on trying to help people with promotion by listening to your music and looking at your image, trying to develop it and give you a plan to work off of.
In the future we have plans for online interviews and online stage shows where bands take turns on the stage to play their new songs.
If you want to help us build this musicians co-op of sorts please let us know but we do ask if you want to join that you will positively engage in listening to other artists work so we can make the group beneficial for everyone.
Our server is brand new but we hope with your help we can make it a positive thing for your music.
It is mainly catered for rock/metal/punk/electronic/alternative music too.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you in there!
submitted by popstarbowser to soundcloud [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:53 DC_Legend1 Imgur v7.11.1.0 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Name Imgur: Funny Memes & GIF Maker
Check My Profile and follow
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
Imgur is the easiest way to discover the amazing things that can be found on the Internet. It features content users have curated just like you, such as hilarious pictures of cats and dogs, hilarious GIFs from movies and TV shows, LOL pictures, amazing scientific facts, puns, comics, and artwork. Undoubtedly something that will have you roaring with laughter and possibly even wetting your pants with laughter.


There are more websites besides Imgur on the Internet that allow users to watch memes and animated GIFs, and the diversity and brilliant content are in-depth and immense for users to explore. The app is the only website compromised into an app that you need to visit if you are interested in finding amusing pictures and videos of all different kinds. The app is the only location in the known universe that offers a more extensive collection of cat videos or other hilarious moments for you to watch and share with friends effortlessly.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to ApksMaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 GenerousPeachFan Watch HD JAV Online Free & High Quality AV Watch HD JAV Online Free & High Quality AV submitted by GenerousPeachFan to u/GenerousPeachFan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:49 Ok-Tap4361 Top Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Specialist in Gurgaon

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses in Gurgaon need to stay ahead by leveraging cutting-edge technology and effective online marketing strategies. TechMetronix, a best software, web development, and mobile application company in Gurgaon, offers comprehensive services that cater to these needs.
Mobile App Development Specialist in Gurgaon
Mobile app development has become essential for businesses aiming to enhance customer engagement and streamline operations. As a leading mobile app development specialist in Gurgaon, TechMetronix provides tailored solutions that meet specific business requirements. Our team of skilled developers ensures that your app is user-friendly, feature-rich, and scalable.
Why Choose TechMetronix for Mobile App Development?
  1. Customized Solutions: We understand that each business has unique needs. Our team creates customized apps that align with your goals.
  2. Expert Team: Our developers are proficient in the latest technologies and trends, ensuring your app is modern and competitive.
  3. End-to-End Services: From concept to deployment and maintenance, we handle all aspects of app development.
  4. Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing processes guarantee a seamless and bug-free user experience.
Online Marketing Specialist in Gurgaon
Effective online marketing is crucial for businesses to reach their target audience and achieve growth. As an online marketing specialist in Gurgaon, TechMetronix offers a range of services designed to boost your online presence and drive results.
Our Online Marketing Services
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improve your website's visibility on search engines and attract organic traffic.
  2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Targeted advertising campaigns to drive immediate traffic and conversions.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Engage with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  4. Content Marketing: Create valuable content that resonates with your audience and boosts brand authority.
  5. Email Marketing: Personalized email campaigns to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships.
Why Partner with TechMetronix for Online Marketing?
  1. Data-Driven Approach: We use in-depth research and analytics to develop strategies that deliver measurable results.
  2. Experienced Team: Our marketers are experts in their fields, ensuring that your campaigns are effective and innovative.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting: Regular reports keep you informed about the performance of your campaigns and ROI.
  4. Tailored Strategies: We customize our marketing strategies to fit your business needs and objectives.
Combining Mobile App Development and Online Marketing
By integrating mobile app development and online marketing, businesses can create a cohesive digital strategy that maximizes their reach and impact. TechMetronix excels in providing both services, ensuring that your mobile app not only functions flawlessly but also reaches your target audience through effective marketing.
Q1. What services does TechMetronix offer for mobile app development in Gurgaon?
Ans1. TechMetronix provides comprehensive mobile app development services in Gurgaon, including custom app design, development, testing, and maintenance. Our team of expert developers ensures your app is user-friendly, scalable, and equipped with the latest features to meet your business needs.
Q2. How can an online marketing specialist in Gurgaon help my business grow?
Ans2. An online marketing specialist from TechMetronix can help your business grow by improving your online presence through SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. Our tailored strategies are data-driven and designed to increase traffic, engagement, and conversions for your business.
For more information or to get started with our services, visit TechMetronix and discover how we can help your business grow.
submitted by Ok-Tap4361 to u/Ok-Tap4361 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:42 Sanjhworld Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC

Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC
Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC
Registering a business isn’t very complicated, but entrepreneurs should be mindful of making sure they follow the proper steps to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Setting up an LLC in California can be a great way to protect your personal assets while giving your business a professional structure. In this detailed guide, we will explore everything you need to know about forming an LLC in California, including the costs, steps, and benefits, as well as how TRUIC can help streamline the process.

What Steps Do I Need to Take Before Registering My LLC?

Before diving into the LLC California application process, it’s critical to have a strong and viable business plan. California offers a wealth of resources to help entrepreneurs, including Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) which can assist you in creating a business plan.

Creating a Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan will outline your business goals, market research, organizational structure, and financial projections. This is a crucial step in ensuring your business is ready for success.

Choosing a Business Name

Your business name must be unique and distinguishable from other registered entities in California. You can check the availability of your desired name on the LLC California Secretary of State website.

Selecting a Registered Agent

A registered agent is required for all LLCs in California. This individual or business entity will receive legal documents on behalf of your LLC. You can appoint yourself, another member of your LLC, or hire a professional registered agent service.

Filing the LLC California Application

Once you have your business plan, name, and registered agent, it’s time to file the LLC California application. Here are the steps:

1. File the Articles of Organization

To officially form your LLC in California, you need to file Articles of Organization (Form LLC-1) with the California Secretary of State. This document includes essential information about your LLC, such as its name, registered agent, and management structure.

2. Pay the Filing Fee

The LLC in California cost includes a $70 fee for filing the Articles of Organization. Additionally, there is an annual franchise tax of $800, which must be paid regardless of your LLC’s income.

3. Create an Operating Agreement

While not required by the state, an Operating Agreement is highly recommended. This document outlines the ownership and operating procedures of your LLC, helping to prevent conflicts among members.

4. Obtain an EIN

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for tax purposes and opening a business bank account. You can obtain an EIN for free from the IRS website.

5. File the Initial Statement of Information

Within 90 days of filing your Articles of Organization, you must file an Initial Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) with the California Secretary of State. The filing fee is $20.

Free LLC in California

While there is no truly Free LLC in California due to state filing fees, you can minimize costs by handling the process yourself online and utilizing free resources. TRUIC offers a wealth of information and tools to help you navigate the formation process efficiently.

Benefits of LLC in California

There are several key benefits to forming an LLC in California:

Limited Liability Protection

An LLC provides personal liability protection, meaning your personal assets are protected from business debts and liabilities.

Tax Flexibility

LLCs benefit from pass-through taxation, where profits are taxed only once as part of the owners’ personal income, avoiding the double taxation faced by corporations.

Management Flexibility

LLCs offer flexibility in management and ownership structures, making it easier to operate and grow your business.

Professional Image

Operating as an LLC can enhance your business’s credibility and professionalism, attracting more customers and investors.

Cheapest Way to Form an LLC in California

The cheapest way to form an LLC in California involves handling the process yourself and avoiding costly third-party services. Here’s how:
  1. Use Online Resources: Utilize free online guides and tools, like those provided by TRUIC, to understand the steps and requirements.
  2. File Online: Filing online with the California Secretary of State is often faster and cheaper than paper filings.
  3. Handle Ongoing Compliance: Stay on top of your annual filings and tax obligations to avoid penalties and extra costs.

How Fast Can I Form an LLC in California?

The timeline for forming an LLC in California depends on how you file. Online filings are typically processed faster, often within 10–15 business days. Mail filings can take longer, usually around 4–6 weeks. California also offers expedited processing for an additional fee, which can reduce the processing time to as little as 24 hours.

TRUIC: Your Partner in Forming the Best LLC in California

TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company) provides comprehensive resources and services to help you form and manage your LLC. From step-by-step guides to personalized consultations, TRUIC can make the process of forming an LLC in California seamless and efficient.

Why Choose TRUIC?

  • Expert Guidance: TRUIC’s experts provide detailed information and support tailored to your specific needs.
  • Free Resources: Access a wide range of free tools and guides to help you understand the LLC formation process.
  • Efficiency: TRUIC helps streamline the process, saving you time and money.


Setting up an LLC in California can be a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps and utilize the available resources. By crafting a solid business plan, choosing a unique business name, and filing the necessary documents with the LLC California Secretary of State, you can establish your LLC efficiently and effectively. While there are costs involved, such as the filing fee and annual franchise tax, these are manageable with careful planning.
For the best results and to ensure a smooth formation process, consider partnering with TRUIC. Their expert guidance and comprehensive resources can help you navigate the complexities of forming an LLC, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Whether you’re aiming for the best LLC in California or looking for the cheapest way to form an LLC in California, TRUIC has the tools and expertise to support your journey.
For more Information Please LLC in California
submitted by Sanjhworld to LLCinUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 Fair_Cook_819 I Tested 12 Popular AI Models with a 65-Question Exam - Surprising Results!

I Tested 12 Popular AI Models with a 65-Question Exam - Surprising Results!
12 Different Models (Table Made By Gemini 1.5)
Hi everyone,
I recently conducted a test to compare the performance of 12 different AI models. Using a custom-made 65-question exam, I evaluated each model's accuracy and compiled the results. I thought it would be interesting to share the findings here and get your thoughts on them.
I was really surprised by some of these results. All the models did quite well, considering the questions were pretty challenging. Even the lowest scores were still at 87.69%. It was fascinating to see open-source models being very competitive with the best models available.
I have subscriptions to GPT, Gemini, and Claude, but I don't have a good PC to run anything locally. The other models I tested were from free online demos I found. If you know of any other excellent models available for free online, please let me know! Also, I tested Perplexity Pro, but it performed so poorly that I didn't include it. Maybe the 65-question test was too long for it? Usually, it gives me pretty good results, so I'm not sure what happened there.
In terms of general personal use outside this test, currently, GPT-4, GPT-4o, and Gemini 1.5 are my favorites. I'm still not sure which is better between GPT-4 and GPT-4o as the outputs tend to be quite similar. I used to be really disappointed with Gemini, but I think they've improved it a lot recently. On the other hand, I'm more disappointed with Claude, especially Opus. Yes, it did rank 2nd here, but it constantly messes up in my personal use where GPT and Gemini never do. I let my friends use my subscriptions sometimes, and they agree that GPT and Gemini have been outperforming Opus.
Please share your insights and thoughts on these results!
PS: I have 5 years of tech experience in the US – please message me if you're hiring :)
submitted by Fair_Cook_819 to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:34 wellunders Are AI Girlfriend Generators Just for Sad Lonely Men?

Are AI Girlfriend Generators Just for Sad Lonely Men?
Ever thought about how AI can enhance your personal life, especially in the realm of companionship? You're in for a treat. My name's Jack Morgan, and while I've spent over 20 years mastering the ins and outs of casino games, I've recently dived into the fascinating world of AI girlfriend generators. Today, I want to share my insights on finding the best AI girlfriend generators that can add a unique twist to your digital experience. We'll explore practical tips, detailed explanations, and step-by-step guides to help you get started. Ready to meet your AI match? Let's dive in!

Why AI Girlfriend Generators?

First off, why should you even consider an AI girlfriend generator? It's all about companionship, entertainment, and exploring the capabilities of modern AI technology. These tools can simulate conversations, provide emotional support, and even help you improve your social skills. Plus, they're available 24/7, so you always have someone to talk to. Sounds intriguing, right?

Recommended AI Girlfriend Generators

Finding the Best AI Girlfriend Generator

Choosing the perfect AI girlfriend generator can be daunting, but don't fret. Here are some practical tips to guide you:

1. Check for Realistic Interactions

  • The best AI girlfriend generators offer highly realistic and engaging conversations.
  • Look for tools that use advanced natural language processing (NLP) to mimic human-like responses.

2. Review Customization Options

  • A good AI girlfriend generator should allow you to customize your AI companion's appearance and personality traits.
  • The more options available, the more tailored your experience can be.

3. Explore Features and Capabilities

  • Beyond chatting, see what other features are offered. Can the AI remember details about you? Can it send you virtual gifts?
  • Tools with additional functionalities like scheduling reminders or playing games are a plus.

4. Assess User Reviews

  • Read reviews from other users to get a sense of their experiences.
  • Join online forums and communities to gather first-hand insights.

5. Consider Privacy and Security

  • Ensure that the tool you choose respects your privacy and secures your data.
  • Look for transparent privacy policies and secure data handling practices.

Step-by-Step Guide to Start Using an AI Girlfriend Generator

Found a promising AI girlfriend generator? Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Sign Up for an Account

  • Visit the website of the AI girlfriend generator and sign up. You'll need to provide some basic information like your email and username - DreamGF AI

Step 2: Customize Your AI Girlfriend

  • Follow the prompts to customize your AI companion. Choose appearance, personality traits, and preferences.

Step 3: Explore Features

  • Take some time to explore all the features offered. Test out conversation modes, virtual gifts, and any other unique capabilities.

Step 4: Start Interacting

  • Begin chatting with your AI girlfriend. Ask questions, share stories, and enjoy the interaction.

Step 5: Provide Feedback

  • Many platforms allow you to provide feedback to improve the AI. Share your thoughts to help enhance the experience.

Candy AI Girlfriend Generator Review

Now, let's dive into a detailed review of one of the best AI girlfriend generators out there: Candy AI.

Realism and Interaction Quality 🌟

Score: 95/100
Candy AI's girlfriend delivers super realistic, engaging chats. Conversations flow naturally, and the AI nails context and responses, making the experience top-notch.
Check it out here

Top Tips for the Best Experience 🌟

Score: 90/100
To get the most out of Candy AI, customize your AI girlfriend’s looks and personality. Update her traits based on your chats and dive into varied conversations to see her shine.

Community Score 🎯

Score: 85/100
Users love Candy AI's customization and lifelike interactions, giving it a solid 85/100. Join in, share your stories, and connect with the community.
Check It Out Here: Join the community and share your experience

Pros and Cons of the AI Girlfriend Generator ⚖️

Score: 88/100
  • Super realistic and engaging interactions.
  • Tons of customization options for looks and personality.
  • User-friendly platform with great accessibility features.
  • Strong privacy and security measures.
  • Premium features can be a bit pricey.

Customization and Personalization 🎨

Score: 92/100
Candy AI lets you tweak your AI girlfriend’s appearance and traits to suit your preferences. This gives you a unique and personal experience every time.
Try For Free Here

Ease of Use and Accessibility 🖥️

Score: 94/100
Navigating the platform is a breeze. Plus, it’s packed with accessibility features, making it inclusive for everyone.

Emotional Intelligence and Support 💬

Score: 90/100
Your AI girlfriend is tuned to pick up on emotional cues, providing meaningful support and companionship. It’s not just a chat; it’s a connection.

Privacy and Security 🔒

Score: 93/100
Candy AI keeps your data safe with top-notch security measures and strict privacy policies. Your secrets are safe here.

Value for Money 💰

Score: 89/100
With a variety of features and pricing tiers, Candy AI offers great bang for your buck. There’s something for every budget.

Online AI Girlfriend Tips

To wrap things up, here are some general tips to enhance your AI girlfriend experience:
  • Stay Updated: Follow updates and new features. AI technology evolves rapidly, and new capabilities are often added.
  • Join Communities: Engage with online communities to share experiences and learn from others.
  • Have Fun: Remember, the main goal is to have fun and enjoy the interaction.


AI girlfriend generators bring a unique and exciting twist to digital companionship. With the right approach, you can enjoy engaging and meaningful interactions while ensuring your privacy and security. Remember, it's all about having fun and exploring the capabilities of AI technology. Happy chatting, and may you find the perfect AI match!
submitted by wellunders to ProductReviewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:33 RedditThar [Recruiting] [Code: 7Q9EGFJZ]

Hey there new adventurer! Please consider using my referal code in the recruit a friend campaign! Lets both benefit from it with in game rewards. 7th day of me recruiting hoping to get enough feathers for a special mount :) almost there! thank you!
Please make sure to enter the code AFTER you buy the game and BEFORE you set up your subscription to get your rewards!
How to redeem:
  1. Login to your FFXIV account on the mogstation:
  2. Click "Registration Codes" on the left-hand side menu
  3. Click "Enter Recruitment Code" and enter the code: 7Q9EGFJZ
What you'll get:
Friendship Circlet - Increases EXP earned by 20% when level 25 and below (stacks with other potential exp bonuses).
Aetheryte Ticket x 99 - Teleport to different zones for free (save over 100,000 gil).
10 Silver Chocobo Feathers - To trade in for gear (especially useful for 50 and 60 level items). Trade in at any Calamity Salvager NPC in any starting city: Gridania, Limsa Lominsa or Ul'dah.
Ballroom Etiquette: Improper Greetings - Grants you the Fist Bump emote (/fistbump, /brofist).
If you are looking for help with anything game related let me know. I will try to help best I can when online :) @ Tharassin Uraraha on Light Lich ( EU )
Have a great time in Eorzea!
submitted by RedditThar to ffxivraf [link] [comments]