Breast surgery gamesc


2013.08.01 21:31 hmwith Reduction

This subreddit is for everything concerning breast reductions. Users can discuss the different techniques, share personal experiences, ask questions about the surgery, and more. If you've had a reduction, are considering one, have something to say about them, or just want to learn more, you are welcome here.

2016.04.15 09:17 Discussion & Results of Transgender Surgeries

A sub for the discussion of surgeries, surgery results, surgeon satisfaction and the costs incurred by transgender people. RULE 5: THIS SUB IS FOR AND BY TRANS PEOPLE. Partners, caregivers, etc, with a legitimate interest in surgery may post if it's of clear benefit to a trans individual or the community. Intersex people with have related surgical interests may post. **DO NOT POST OTHERWISE.**

2012.06.17 19:07 hmwith Big Boob Problems

Vent in this judgment-free community that encourages discussion in a safe environment. Boobit exists for all people with big boob problems, whether women, men, non-binary, or any other gender.

2024.06.01 12:08 The-Lazy-Lemur Experience with Simon Tsao getting breast augmentation surgery?

I have gotten a referral to Simom Tsao and was wondering what other people's experiences have been. I'm wanting to getting a DD cup, and hoping he will be able to
submitted by The-Lazy-Lemur to transgenderau [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:55 zingrang Dull pain at the top of left breast everyday years after tumor removal surgery (3 years)

OKAY! I want to rant here because of the amount of pain I'm in everyday has changed my life.
Want to go climbing? Can't do that. Want to go for a run? YEAH ENJOY INTENSE PAIN FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS.
I had surgery years ago at the age of 22, had a really bad experience to when I woke up covered in blood and I mean my hands, my chest.. the bed.. and a random drip thing in my hand that wasn't there before surgery with nothing attached filled with blood. I also couldn't breathe when I woke up..
Anyway they refused to tell me why I was covered in blood, refused to tell me why I had a drip thing in my other hand.. refused to tell me what the complication was even though I heard the doctors speaking about the complications right infront of me. I even asked a doctor which said he'd go and ask someone then never came back to tell me? All traumatic stuff I wont lie.
Ever since that surgery.. I could not anticipate the pain.. I was fine with the idea of having a scar.. but pain? At this level? Hell no! On my upper breast I feel intense ache.. some days worse than others.. its scary. It gives me anxiety when it gets really bad. I go to my doctor about it and they basically shrug at me because oh yeah they don't know and tell me to take some pain killers... PAIN KILLERS?! THAT ISNT A SOLUTION! I'm 25 and this might be for the rest of my life? Honestly I just want to find people that might help me out.
submitted by zingrang to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:31 CrazyWay6884 How I learned to appreciate my flat chest!

I've been struggling with accepting my body for a long time. I've lost track of the number of hours I've spent on this subreddit over the past few years, trying so hard to tell myself that what I was feeling was normal and that there are other women who look like me, and that I don't need plastic surgery or some miraculous second puberty to hit.
I realized today that I've gone from hating my boobs to loving them over the past year. For context, I'm basically completely flat chested (my breast size is very similar to Clara Dao, though the rest of my body is not). I'm posting here for the first time ever because I wanted to share my story and hopefully be able to help anyone else going through a similar journey!
TL,DR: Grew up super insecure about my flat chest, but now love it! Read bold text & list at the bottom for main points.
Growing up, I endured a lot of cruel comments about my breast size which really tore away at me. It was the ones that came from close friends and family which hurt the most, and I eventually believed that my body was so hideous that it took literal miracles for people to be able to see past it and want to get to know me as a person. I had myself convinced from a very young age that I would never experience romantic love because of my body.
As much as I'd like to say that it was self love that got me past these feelings, it was my first relationship that did. Realizing that it was actually possible for me to experience mutual attraction tore down all of my beliefs and left me with no foundations to continue hating my appearance. It got easier for me to view myself as attractive, even after the relationship ended.
But this was my key realization: my boobs were exactly the same size before, during, and after my first relationship. I never needed anyone to prove to me that my body was worthy of love, it always has been. I just never saw it before.
Of course experiencing a relationship wasn't enough to singlehandedly eliminate my insecurities. I'm sure others have brought up similar steps in their journeys to self love, but these are the things that helped me most!
I would like to acknowledge that I have been fortunate enough to come across numerous friends throughout this journey who have either been very supportive or perfectly neutral about my breast size. All of my romantic interests and casual hookups have also shown appreciation for my boobs. I have had setbacks due to comments from relatives who I can't avoid, but for the most part, I've found that people have been much kinder to me as an adult than when I was a teenager, and this has also helped immensely.
To everyone else here, I hope that you can love and appreciate your beautiful, perfect, small boobs too.
submitted by CrazyWay6884 to smallbooblove [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:55 ArachnidOrchid9238 I'm leaving him thanks to my dogs

During our (25f, 35m) almost two years together, he:
Finally, the last straw was how he treated my dogs. I have one senior dog, Jack, and I also recently adopted one year old Nero, who was found abandoned and injured.
My boyfriend very much disliked my older dog. He would say Jack is just a mutt, he is ugly, fat and old, and I should just take him to the slaughterhouse or something. He made stupid jokes like this all the time. He told me not to let Jack sit in front of him because he didn't want to have to look at him and couldn't stand him.
With my younger dog, that's a different story. Nero is likely not a mutt, he appears to be purebred. My boyfriend liked him because of that, so he would eagerly ask to hold Nero when we were walking the dogs. From the very beginning he treated him roughly though. He would forcibly pick him up, throw him around, set him off on cats, push him, shove him, pull onto the skin on his back and neck, etc. I asked him not to roughhouse the dog like that all the time, or at least keep it light, because all it did was teach the pup to be agressive, but he wouldn't listen.
What he did yesterday made my blood boil with rage. He picked Nero up and literally threw him onto Jack's back. Of course Jack started yelping and tried to bite Nero. I snapped. That was the only time I ever yelled at my boyfriend. I screamed at him at the top of my lungs, asking if he's an idiot. Jack is old, his legs are achy, and my boyfriend just threw another fully grown dog onto his back. Moreover, I've been struggling to make the dogs get along and live together, and now you're trying to pit them against each other?!?
After the initial shock and rage, I asked him to apologize at least. He refused. He said he had done nothing wrong. He thinks I'm too soft, I treat those dogs too gently, it's ok to play roughly, they're dogs afterall, it's not hurting them.
It's funny how he could abuse me in any way possible, and I let it go on, I even tried to justify his abusive ways. He took so much from me, my enthusiasm and love for everything I once enjoyed. But when it came to my dogs, I just snapped. When things got physical with my dogs, I finally found it in me to fight back. Now I think this young pup and I were meant to meet and save each other.
submitted by ArachnidOrchid9238 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:50 Kodiacftm Revisions and ohip?

Hey I’m just wondering does anyone know if Ohip covers revisions? Especially With surgeons other then the original surgeon who preformed the first surgery. Don’t get me wrong my first surgeon did an alright job but I have extra tissue in the middle of my chest towards the left side and she left too much tissue about 5 inches below my armpits where the sides of my breasts had been I’m over a year post op and my original surgeon is willing to preform the revision but I’ve been told that the wait for it could be as far out as sept 2027 and I’m not even 100% sure about getting it because I don’t make much in the way of money working and I’m not sure what part of or if ohip will cover it at all as my surgeon believed they may cover it but may not.
submitted by Kodiacftm to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 banaana_bread 15F I have no boobs

So I don’t have boobs and no my boobs aren’t small they are just flat. People make fun of me by saying even the guys have bigger breast than me and that I should wear push up bras or get surgery whenever possible. But my boyfriend tells me he doesn’t care about the size of my breast. BUT I DO! Is there any way to make them actually bigger or is surgery the only way. I dont want to get surgery because I am against plastic surgery.
submitted by banaana_bread to Puberty [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:24 Timely-Republic1032 Exceptional Breast Plastic Surgery Experience at Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital

Under the expert care of Dr. Choi Jeong Sik and the consultant team, my breast plastic surgery journey at Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital was exceptional. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, their professionalism and genuine care were evident. The consultant team's guidance was invaluable, addressing all my concerns and ensuring I felt comfortable and prepared. The tailored procedure exceeded my expectations, and post-surgery, swelling was expertly managed. I'm delighted with the results and wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Choi Jeong Sik, the consultant team, and the entire team for their expertise and exceptional care. Swelling is common after breast surgery and can be managed with proper care and patience. After surgery, I felt a mix of relief and discomfort, but the swelling gradually decreased over time. Before the surgery, my concerns revolved around the outcome and recovery process. I wanted to change my appearance and boost my confidence. To manage swelling, I followed my surgeon's advice, which included wearing compression garments, elevating the affected area, staying hydrated, and avoiding strenuous activities.
submitted by Timely-Republic1032 to u/Timely-Republic1032 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:51 dr_ShilpyDolas Grateful for heartfelt feedback! 🙏

Grateful for heartfelt feedback! 🙏
Grateful for heartfelt feedback! 🙏
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submitted by dr_ShilpyDolas to u/dr_ShilpyDolas [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:05 Responsible_Fold2218 Regretting my fat transfer breast augmentation

7 weeks postpartum I'm mildly regretting the breast augmentation that I got in 2020. I wasn't thinking much about babies or pregnancy at the time, and I was under the impression that it was probable that the results would diminish after a few years as the fat is reabsorbed, although the best doctors can make the results last a really long time, I figured my doctor was probably average so it would last average time. Plus the surgeon was a little disappointed after the surgery that he wasn't able to extract as much stomach fat to use as he has hoped. I also wasn't expecting to gain 50 lbs in pregnancy. But now, having only lost 20 lbs so far, which is mostly the baby and the amniotic fluid, I think at least 50% of the remaining weight is in my breasts, and it's giving me regrets. My boob skin sticks to my stomach skin, they're heavy, they sweat. As someone who always had smallish boobs until the surgery, this is just a lot. I really liked the results after the surgery but if I had to do it again knowing I would be blessed with a baby boy in a few years, I would pass on it. Rant over.
submitted by Responsible_Fold2218 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:33 hayden-hazza Having a hard time choosing DI or peri - top surgery

I will be having top surgery end on July with Prof. Simon Tsao in Melbourne. He’s been amazing so far, super kind and accommodating for lower income patients.
I had assumed for years that I’d only qualify for double incision top surgery, but I was just told by Tsao that I could choose periareola if I wanted to. This was a big surprise to me as I always thought I was a bit too big, but he explained to me that I was closer to the border of not being able to have it but it was still possible. My breasts are above the 135 degree angle but still fairly big, which I think is where the borderline lies.
I’m now struggling to decide what I want. I have a month and a half to decide, but my pros and cons for both are fairly equal.
Has anyone else had peri while being ‘borderline’ on qualifying? I’m curious about results - I don’t want leftover skin or saggyness but I really love the idea of having that one. Also if there’s any pros/cons of both you can think about pls let me know :’) it’s such a hard decision to make.
Peri is slightly more expensive but I’m trying not to make a decision based on cost, because I want to be happy with my results for the rest of my life.
I will also make an update post surgery about my experiences with Tsao because there’s not a lot of info on him at the moment but so far I’m very impressed (having also seen Cheng Lo twice). I spoke to their office and got into an appointment the next day which was super cool.
submitted by hayden-hazza to transgenderau [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:29 Woweeimarealtrans Dr.DeLeon in Austin, tx DO NOT PICK HER AS YOUR SURGEON

I’ll try to make this quick but basically Dr.DeLeon did a double incision on me in 2021. I’m a smaller person and had a small chest too. My weight was good and I explained to her exactly what I was looking for which was, straight scar lines with no roundness or fat left behind. Everyone likes their results to be different but she said, of course she can absolutely do that.
I got the surgery and she DID NOT do anything I had asked. I had lots of fat and skin leftover. I also have a lot of friends that have gone to her as well and its copy/paste results regardless of your body type.
I went to get a revision done by Dr. Dulin this week and he did an amazing job! The shocking part is that he said that he would be doing skin removable and aggressive lipo to make it look how I originally wanted but when I went for my post-op visit he said that she had missed a lot INCLUDING BREAST TISSUE. I would have never known she left behind breast tissue unless I had got this revision. He seemed pretty shocked by it which is all the 🚩 you need. Your chances of getting breast cancer are significantly reduced when they remove the correct amount of breast tissue.
I do not recommend her purely because she doesn’t listen to her patients, doesn’t check to make sure all breast tissue is gone and the results are not ideal for what most people I know are looking for. Don’t waste your money or mental health on her or the Crane Center.
I’ll posts pictures later once I’m completely out of my bandages but I can already tell he did a far better job. I don’t want anyone else experiencing the same problems that I did with Dr.DeLeon
submitted by Woweeimarealtrans to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:10 taralynot Help with swelling and compression

So my journey is quite a bit different. I had breast cancer and in February had a dmx and immediate reconstruction with diep surgery. For those who don’t know what that is, a microsurgeon removes skin, fat and blood vessels from your stomach and uses it to reconstruct the breasts. My surgeon did an amazing job. My stomach looks like I had a tummy tuck and I know I had some sort of muscle repair. My new breasts look great with the exception of not having nipples at the moment. I was back to work in 8 weeks.
I just had Phase 2 of this surgery, which consisted of lipo to my flanks and inner thighs and then fat grafting to fill in my new breasts. I was scheduled for the end of June and my surgeon personally called me 2 Fridays ago to come in on that Monday and I took the appointment. Unfortunately, that meant I didn’t have time to tell many people at my job. I worked half day on Monday (had surgery) and then worked from home Tuesday -Thursday and then back to work on Friday. I’m a pediatric OT so my job is physical and I’m always moving. I then worked all week this past week.
I’m looking for some help with compression. I’m under 4 months post op from a dmx, breast rebuild, and essentially a tummy tuck and about 2 weeks post op from Lipo and fat grafting. I am very swollen.
I can’t have any compression whatsoever on my breast area. Lots of compression garments look like they have straps that go over your shoulders and come up right under your breast. I can’t do that. I looked into getting some sort of lipo foam board, but my job is so physical that I don’t think I could use that at work. I need something from my knees to my flanks. Does anyone have something they like? If I used foam board, could it be used intermittently and it still work? What the surgeon gave me goes from slightly under my boobs to my ankles. It’s so hot and uncomfortable. However, they told me to wear it for 2 weeks and then I could switch into something else if I wanted. Monday will make 2 weeks and I need something else!
submitted by taralynot to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:21 jeremiahthestepdad how to cope?

20 years old. I work in a grocery store over the summer between college semesters, from early May to late August. Been on T for about 9 or 10 months. Just got off a terrible shift. I love my job, actually, I like my coworkers and I like the process of running the cash register. Scan items, say the script, press the buttons, do the math, the change, the reciept. I even like chatting with all the folks that come through.
I can't handle the constant misgendering.
Now, for context. I have a mustache and a shitty little goatee. My face is angular and my eyebrows are naturally low and thick. Admittedly I've got huge breasts, but I've got binders, and I tie my apron at work hella loose so you can't see 'em. I wear a packer (bornwear stroker). The work uniform is a unisex black polo and jeans, and I usually wear regular fit costco jeans and a plain black belt to keep them up. Men's shoes, too, not that customers can really see those. Black leather bracelet on my wrist. The only thing I can possibly imagine is throwing them off is the purple hair (cut in one of those haircuts that transmascs and lesbians both tend to have? I'm told it's a very gender neutral cut, anyways) and the voice (low for a girl, high for a man). Maybe my mannerisms, but I act more masculine than your average "flamboyant" cis gay man at the very least.
Multiple times, I've had to genuinely argue with customers about my pronouns. As in they don't believe me, and I have to press the issue or let it go, and my skin crawls when I let it go. Other than that, it's just the constant correcting-- people assume I'm a girl, and they refer to me as such, and I want to puke, and then I correct them, and usually they apologize and I have to either say it's alright (a lie, it is not alright) or get flagged for poor customer service (customer is always right).
Some days, everybody who comes through my line is great and I don't get misgendered once. Days like today, I don't get correctly gendered even ONCE by a customer, only by coworkers, and even then, they don't do jack about the customers, usually because they're busy running their lines and not monitoring the language in my line, occasionally because there are coworkers of mine who have actively said anti-trans things to many queer members on staff, none aggressive enough to be punished by HR, and therefore they don't WANT to correct people about me.
How do you cope with stuff like this? I mean... I've been socially transitioned for 6 or 7 years, and sure I've got my dysphoric days, but I very rarely hate my body for being what it is. I actually like some of my "feminine" features, honestly. I managed to get myself from body neutrality to genuine body positivity, I hadn't CONVINCED myself I liked my body, but I DID like my body. I still do most of the time. But I get off of a bad shift and I just feel like I'd rather be in ANY OTHER PERSON'S body. I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel so resentful of every single part of me for not being outwardly manly enough. These aren't things I feel usually, even when I get misgendered in public when I'm off the clock. I get my fair share of "ma'am" and "ladies" (referring to me and my lovely cis girlfriend, who is the most beautiful and supportive woman in the world, she's the reason I'm on HRT, she bought me my packer, she started to get confused when cis men DIDN'T have breasts or top surgery scars, that's how supporting she is) when I'm out and about, and that I usually laugh off without even correcting the person, but this? This makes me desperate to figure out why I don't pass to these people. This makes me analyze every aspect of my person to figure out what I'm doing that isn't enough. But I shouldn't have to rearrange my entire life around making these idiots use the right pronouns the first time, because they shouldn't matter. What other people think of my gender shouldn't matter, but yet, here, it does. It makes me feel like I will never reach a point where people believe me when I say I am a man. I feel that I am a man, yes, that is never a question, but I feel like I will never, ever be seen for what I am, and that hurts me badly.
I'm not asking for passing tips (though I guess if you have anything service-industry related, specifically, that would also work), but more like... ways to deal. Is it possible to make yourself okay with it? Is there any good way of framing the situation to myself that makes me less generally miserable? Affirmations? Just... anything like that. I don't want to quit my job, but this is very severely impacting my ability to feel ok in my own body and I can feel it making my desire to even be seen in public decrease. I'm afraid I'm going to get turned into a shut-in at this rate, and I just really wish I could work somewhere away from the public eye but there's nowhere else for me to go. I need the money so I can eat during the semesters at college and pay off my loans before the interest swallows me whole. So, quitting isn't quite an option anyways. I don't know. I'm scared I guess, and I feel very young and unguided. I've got a lot of older folks in my life guiding me through a lot of other things, but no trans elders or even just trans men who are older than me/been out longer than me, and I just feel completely lost, like there's something I'm just completely missing, and this is the only place I could really think to check with some degree of anonymity.
submitted by jeremiahthestepdad to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:48 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 30 2024

DAY: MAY 30 2024


Humans have long been searching for a “magic elixir” to make us smarter, and improve our focus and memory. This includes traditional Chinese medicine used thousands of years ago to improve cognitive function. Now we have nootropics, also known as smart drugs, brain boosters or cognitive enhancers. You can buy these gummies, chewing gum, pills and skin patches online, or from supermarkets, pharmacies or petrol stations. You don’t need a prescription or to consult a health professional. But do nootropics actually boost your brain? Here’s what the science says. What


BIPS has made significant progress in identifying health markers that are crucial for a long and healthy life. Led by Prof. Dr. Krasimira Aleksandrova and in close collaboration with the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE), the research provides valuable insights for healthy aging. In the study published in the journal Age and Ageing, Aleksandrova and her team analyzed specific combinations of molecular markers reflecting various biological processes as possible indicators of healthy aging. The focus was particularly


Architecture of data transmission. Participant data were collected from Bluetooth-enabled blood pressure (BP) monitors, wearable devices, and a mobile app–based questionnaire. Data were uploaded through the respective application programming interfaces (APIs) to our app server, where the individualized analysis was carried out before delivering recommendations to participants. A new study in JMIR Cardio shows that a fully digital, artificial intelligence (AI)–driven lifestyle coaching program can effectively reduce blood pressure (BP) in adults with hypertension. This AI-based program leverages data from wearable activity trackers and


New Curtin University research reveals taking pictures of food isn’t just content for our social media feeds, but could be the key to improving people’s diets. The feeding study saw researchers measure the weight of meals, which were then provided to participants over a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. “Accuracy of energy and nutrient intake estimation versus observed intake using four technology-assisted dietary assessment methods: a randomized crossover feeding study” was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Participants compared different technology-assisted methods to recall what they had


Welcome aboard the roller coaster of parenthood, where emotions run wild, tantrums reign supreme and love flows deep. As children reach toddlerhood and beyond, parents adapt to manage their child’s big emotions and meltdowns. Parenting terminology has adapted too, with more parents describing their child as “dysregulated.” But what does this actually mean? More than an emotion Emotional dysregulation refers to challenges a child faces in recognizing and expressing emotions, and managing emotional reactions in social settings. This may involve either suppressing emotions or displaying exaggerated and intense emotional responses


The terms “shyness” and “social anxiety” are often used interchangeably because they both involve feeling uncomfortable in social situations. However, feeling shy, or having a shy personality, is not the same as experiencing social anxiety (short for “social anxiety disorder”). Here are some of the similarities and differences, and what the distinction means. How are they similar? It can be normal to feel nervous or even stressed in new social situations or when interacting with new people. And everyone differs in how comfortable they feel when interacting


You may have seen advertisements claiming to eliminate the need for eyeglasses through vision therapy or vision training—basically, eye exercises. These exercises include putting pressure on or palming the eye; eye movement exercises; or straining to read by using the wrong prescription glasses to “train” the eyes. As a professor of ophthalmology—and as an eye doctor who has seen thousands of patients—I can tell you that no study to date shows strong evidence that these exercises eliminate the need for glasses or offer any long-term significant benefits. The science simply


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A Stanford Medicine study of thousands of breast cancers has found that the gene sequences we inherit at conception are powerful predictors of the breast cancer type we might develop decades later and how deadly it might be. The study challenges the dogma that most cancers arise as the result of random mutations that accumulate during our lifetimes. Instead, it points to the active involvement of gene sequences we inherit from our parents—what’s known as your germline genome—in determining whether cells bearing potential cancer-causing mutations are recognized and eliminated by


America’s college students seem to be more stressed than ever, with a new report finding a sharp rise in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) on campuses across the country. In a “national sample of U.S. college students, we found a notable increase in the prevalence of PTSD and ASD,”


Night owls, brace yourselves. A new study by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that following your natural inclination to stay awake until the early morning hours is a bad choice for your mental health. In a survey of nearly 75,000 adults, researchers compared the participants’ preferred sleep timing, known as chronotype, with their actual sleep behavior. They determined that regardless of one’s preferred bedtime, everyone benefits from turning in early. Morning larks and night owls alike tended to have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders if they stayed up


For a large percentage of men with prostate cancer, the tumor may be so slow-growing that doctors advise a “watch-and-wait” approach instead of active treatment. Now, a study of almost 2,200 patients followed for up to a decade finds that for most, that decision may be a wise one. “In this study, 10 years after diagnosis, 49% of men remained free of progression or treatment, less than 2% developed metastatic disease and less than 1% died of their disease,” reported a team led by Lisa Newcomb, a cancer prevention researcher


Researchers at George Mason University’s College of Public Health have leveraged the power of artificial intelligence (AI) analytical models to match a patient’s medical history to the most effective antidepressant, allowing patients to find symptom relief sooner. The free website,, provides evidence-based recommendations, allowing clinicians and patients to find the optimal antidepressant the first time. “Many people with depression must try multiple antidepressants before finding the right one that alleviates their symptoms. Our website reduces the number of medications that patients are asked to try. The system recommends to


The clinical practice guidelines, which came about after an extensive review of 113 published clinical trials by a panel of experts, conclude that doctors should recommend exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based programs, Tai chi, qigong, and American ginseng to reduce fatigue severity during cancer treatment. After completion of cancer treatment, the guidelines also suggest that exercise, CBT, and mindfulness-based


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found that better sleep health was associated with lower levels of loneliness, and this association was stronger among younger adults. Results indicate that better sleep health was associated with significantly lower total loneliness, emotional loneliness and social loneliness. While better sleep health was associated with lower total and emotional loneliness across ages, this association was stronger for younger adults. However, age did not moderate the association between sleep health and social loneliness. “Loneliness is an urgent public health


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found a distinct relationship between sleep duration, social media usage, and brain activation across brain regions that are key for executive control and reward processing. Results show a correlation between shorter sleep duration and greater social media usage in teens. The analysis points to involvement of areas within the frontolimbic brain regions, such as the inferior and middle frontal gyri, in these relationships. The inferior frontal gyrus, key in inhibitory control, may play


When we’re told “This coffee is hot” upon being served a familiar caffeinated beverage at our local diner or cafe, the message is clear. But what about when we’re told “This coffee is not hot”? Does that mean we think it’s cold? Or room temperature? Or just warm? A team of scientists has now identified how our brains work to process phrases that include negation (i.e., “not”), revealing that it mitigates rather than inverts meaning—in other words, in our minds, negation merely reduces the temperature of our coffee and does


Rebecca Carrier, associate chair of research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, researches retinal and gut epithelial repair in the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex on Jan. 24, 2023. It was an act of desperation: A woman with irritable bowel syndrome was looking for relief from her symptoms. She decided to try an at-home fecal microbiota, aka a “poop transplant.” Used to treat C. diff bacterial infections, this treatment can help introduce “good microbiomes” to the gut to ease gastrointestinal symptoms. But the woman told Netflix


when individuals with obstructive sleep apnea use their positive airway pressure machine more regularly, it benefits their relationship with their partner. Results show that greater adherence to PAP therapy was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction and lower levels of relationship conflict. Higher sleep efficiency among patients also was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction as reported by both the patient and their partner. “Recognizing that sleep and sleep disorders have an impact on


Amid an ongoing outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows, there’s been a third case of H5N1 avian flu confirmed in a dairy worker, U.S. health officials reported Thursday. The previous two human cases—the first in Texas, the second in Michigan, where this latest case also occurred—involved only a brief discomfort of the eyes, linked to conjunctivitis (“pink eye”). However, this third case is the first to present with more typical respiratory symptoms, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted in a health update. “The patient reported upper


In a clinical practice guideline issued by the American Society for Radiation Oncology and published in Practical Radiation Oncology, evidence-based recommendations are presented for the use of palliative external beam radiation therapy (RT) for symptomatic bone metastases. Sarah Alcorn, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and colleagues developed evidence-based recommendations for palliative external beam RT in symptomatic bone metastases. Five key questions regarding palliative RT were addressed. The authors noted that RT is recommended for managing pain from bone metastases and spine metastases with or without


Graphical abstract. Credit: Cardiovascular Research (2024). DOI: 10.1093/cvcvae070 A new study from the UC Davis School of Medicine found striking differences at the cellular level between male and female mice with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The findings could determine how HFpEF is treated in women compared to men. With HFpEF, the heart muscle contracts normally but the heart is unable to fully relax and refill properly between beats. This condition is known as diastolic dysfunction. It can occur if the heart is too stiff or if the



Though 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, there’s still much we don’t know about this disease. But thanks to continued research efforts, we keep learning more about the biology of cancer. One of these recent discoveries could even transform our understanding of how cancers develop. But before we talk about the new discovery, let’s first discuss the classical theory that attempts to explain why normal cells become cancer cells. This theory posits that DNA mutations are the primary cause of cancers. It’s well


Neurologist Professor Dr Kurt-Wolfram Sühs has discovered a new form of severe cerebellitis caused by autoantibodies. Cerebellar ataxia is a neurological disorder of the cerebellum. This important area at the back of the brain acts as a conductor, so to speak, coordinating our movements and keeping us in balance. This ability is impaired in cerebellar ataxia. Affected people can have difficulties walking, speaking and grasping or even with controlled eye movements. In some cases, the damage begins gradually and develops over a period of years.


Have you ever lost all sense of space and time when redecorating a room? How about being so focused while playing an instrument that the worries that weighed you down a minute ago just evaporated? Then you’ve probably experienced “flow.” Flow is a term used in psychology to describe a state of heightened concentration, in which you are completely absorbed in an activity. It exists somewhere between boredom and stress—usually experienced during activities which are somewhat challenging but still meet our skill levels. When we experience flow, we tend to


Immunotherapy, treatments that reinvigorate immune cells’ anti-cancer activity or reprogram T cells to target cancer, has shown promise in treating leukemias but has not yet been realized in solid tumors. One reason for the stymied success is the conversion of potential cancer-killing T cells into an inactive “exhausted” state near the tumor. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists found that how tight a parental T cell grabs a cancer


Some dreams may, in fact, predict the future: New research has found that during sleep, some neurons not only replay the recent past but also anticipate future experience. The discovery is one in a series of insights afforded by a study on sleep and learning published in Nature by a team of researchers from Rice University and the University of Michigan. The research offers an unprecedented view of how individual neurons in the hippocampus of rats
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:17 emmanename Breast reduction at younger age (25)

Hi ladies, I have very saggy breasts. Like, I can hide my whole hand under one breast saggy. I am 25, my posture is terrible and I constantly hurt. I am about a 32FF/G depending on my period. I am about 125lbs and they’re just too much for me. I’ve been discouraged by friends and family from getting a reduction since they say I “might have kids and don’t want to have to get another surgery after breastfeeding.” While I think this can be sound advice, I get sooo frustrated because I’m not planning on having kids let alone anytime soon and if I have kids in 10 years (35) then why would I wait 10+ years to remedy my pain??
submitted by emmanename to bigboobproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:52 Not-A-MakeUp-Artist Ok Reddit……is it too late?

I’m (54F) 165cm. 110kg. Dangerously unfit. Work sitting down in a call centre. Have been overweight ALL my life. Fatty liver. Type 2 diabetes. On HRT & antidepressants. This week I got the news that a close friend same age has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery and treatment to follow. She’s tough and we’ve been through a lot together and we will all get her through this.
But it got me thinking about life and mortality and my health. And so I need some neutral, honest advice, is it too late for me to lose the weight, get fit and improve my health. I don’t want shortcuts. I’m not doing weight loss surgery and ozempic is impossible to buy around here.
I’m asking for honest advice here. Give it to me straight.
submitted by Not-A-MakeUp-Artist to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:41 Raekellie Tips for accepting a flat chest?

After having been on HRT for fourteen months (and progesterone for one), and without any sensitivity or change after the first three months, I think it's time to start accepting my body for what it is. Which is a little ironic for me, because I'm saying this from a position of not disliking my chest that much; they're my boobs, mosquito bites or not, and they make me happy (though, if they grow bigger than ~medium I won't be happy then ahah and in which case I may even consider a reduction).
What I mean is, I don't necessarily hate them or feel dysphoria as they are (while I may have disliked if they got past C cups). My issue amounts to a lot of internalised who-knows-what that tells me although I don't look bad at all, I will never look attractive due to invisible boobs and having no cleavage, ie. I need big boobs to be hot and feminine.
Ironically, when shopping online for example, I will notice the models within the small chest department, and perceive them as attractive. But for some reason I can't look at myself the same way.
PS.: I know breast augmentation is a thing but for me surgeries are the last resort, not the first option, even without considering price.
submitted by Raekellie to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:37 striaghtupsir Dilemma to conserve or remove the breast? Please share your experiences/ stories

My mom (67 yo) has been diagnosed with TNBC and has her surgery next week. Doctor has said that she can choose to conserve or remove her breast as that decision doesn’t affect reoccurrence in any way, only affects the chances of radiation therapy coming down with removal.
Invasive lobular carcinoma grade 2 and her lump is 2.8cm
I’m looking to hear stories if you had a breast removal or lumpectomy with TNBC.
Please this will be very helpful as the surgery is in a couple of days and we have to inform the doctor of our decision. 🙏🏼
submitted by striaghtupsir to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:35 Texasgirl2407 Please help me learn how to support my husband

He is 76, I’m 74. He’s very healthy but always has had high PSA. Had a MRI last week and has 2 lesions 7 and 4 mm I think in a safe area. We spoke to our primary care doc because we are waiting to see urologist. We understand that a biopsy is next. Reading your posts makes me realize how little we know.
Btw I’ve had 3 cancers. The last was a small dcis in my right breast. I’m sick of chemo and radiation from my other cancer, so with my husbands full agreement I got a radical double mastectomy flat closure, so no more chemo, no more radiation. Yay! Very happy here
So, yesterday my husband said he’d just rather have a radical prostatectomy and thinks he can deal with urinary issues as he is fit and does yoga. I just learned from y’all that level exercises help! Love this sub.
Without going into detail he is not worried about erections. I have no idea how he feels about orgasms. Yes this is private but he needs to hear about all this from you guys.
His primary doc say biopsy might change things, but if nothing is aggressive he suggests no surgery, wait and see and possibly radiation! We live out in the country, one hour from town. You should have seen us driving in M-F for 5 weeks for my cancer.
But this is his decision and hopefully I can get him to join this group and get feedback from you guys.
We do not know what we don’t know, so all of your advice when he is making this decision would be appreciated.
I’ll shut up now!
submitted by Texasgirl2407 to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:34 Weary-Internet3360 Post breast cancer question when on menstrual cycle.

My breast cancer was EPR+.
Before getting diagnosed with breast cancer my boobs would always get sore before starting my time of the month. Now they have a different sensation to them now.. they don’t get sore really but I’ll get random sensations in the breast that wasn’t effected by a tumor or surgery.
Does anyone else have this too?
submitted by Weary-Internet3360 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:16 0Panda_Fist0 His wife has cancer…

and he didn’t tell me until now.
I posted on here multiple times, struggling to understand the push pull dynamics of an affair. My MM and I (both 35) were on a break but remained friends. I’ve confronted him many times within the past 3-4 months about why he was being distant despite wanting to stay friends and he gave me reasons like work, financial stress, his family overseas etc. But when I approached him yesterday about why he was pulling away even more, he got upset and told me his wife has cancer and stormed away. He said he didn’t want to tell me because it’s hard. He still doesn’t want to talk about her diagnosis. He claimed I was his best friend but why keep something like this hidden? I knew to an extent that she had some health issues in the past and that she was going for a check up, but that was last year. He never told me about the results and I never followed up on it either. I thought maybe everything was fine. Apparently she had cervical cancer, which she had surgery for last year and now she has breast cancer. Because he withheld this info, there’s a part of me that doesn’t believe him because timelines don’t check out and that maybe he just said it to shut me up from nagging him. But I know that’s just my insecurities and trust issues talking. I wish he told me the moment he wanted a break. It would have made it easier for me to back off and not feel crazy by assuming I was the issue, that maybe he was disinterest in me.
There will be no continuation of what we had now but he doesn’t want to lose me as a friend. I don’t want him out of my life but I don’t know what to do with the feelings I have for him. I see him every day because we work together. I feel so numb and full of shame and guilt.
submitted by 0Panda_Fist0 to theotherwoman [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:40 Jazz0505 Starting the process

Hello everyone I am new here:)
I made an account on Reddit specifically to join this group!
A couple years ago I told my PCP I was experiencing back, neck, and shoulder pain and that I believed it was due to my large breast and I got a referral to physical therapy for six visits (one visit per week)
For reference I weigh 148lbs and i am 5’5 and breast size i am not sure “just big” should be a size lol anyways depending on the bra i have some that are 36G and other 34H
I currently have two children under two years old. My youngest one is three months old. I stopped breastfeeding a month ago so u can imagine how my breasts look since they were already big in the beginning plus breastfeeding two kids back to back-I called and requested a referral to a plastic surgery hospital that has a provider that its in-networks with my insurance but my PCP office said they haven’t seen me since 2022 and that I need a new visit. I have that appointment scheduled for this upcoming week. I plan on asking for a referral to the plastic surgeon who supposedly is in network with my insurance.
My question for you guys is do any of you have experience getting this reduction approved using state insurance?
My other question is I have two kids under two that require for me to carry them but also getting this breast reduction has been a dream of mine- in your experience how soon can I start carrying my children after surgery, if it happens?
also, what other things should I mention to my PCP to reinforce the need for a reduction for documentation and insurance approval purposes?
Thank you in advance 🙃
submitted by Jazz0505 to Reduction [link] [comments]