Hard hitcap mages 4.0.3

I failed over and over again

2024.06.01 12:15 cafeorcaphe I failed over and over again

I feel like I can never achieve my goals. Today, I received my final exam scores for college, and after a difficult semester, my GPA dropped from excellent to below 3.6. I never seem to get the scores I aim for. Meanwhile, my friend has a perfect 4.0 GPA and is a straight-A student.
Today was especially hard. I got a 7/10 in a subject I was very confident in, while my friend got an 8.5/10. I have one subject left in my finals, but I have no motivation to study. I'm very tired and feel unmotivated. It seems like no matter how hard I try, I can never be as good as my peers.
Please give me some advice or encouragement; I really need it.
submitted by cafeorcaphe to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 mapler8888 Maple Pal – A New Tool for Managing Your MapleStory (v0.4.4)

TLDR; I was sick of my Excel sheet so I started with a little side project
Hey Maplers,
I’m excited to introduce Maple Pal, a brand new tool designed to help you manage your MapleStory adventures more efficiently! We've been working hard on this app, and it's packed with features to make your daily and weekly questing smoother and more organized. Here’s a rundown of what’s new and improved:











Thanks for all the feedback so far! We’re continuously working to improve Maple Pal, and your input is invaluable. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, feel free to report them in the ⁠discord.

Sneak Peek

Next major updates: - Star Force: Option to add Star Force to Equipment in the Character Detail View. - Monthly Quest: Addition of the Black Mage quest.
submitted by mapler8888 to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:40 maulik252 [STORE] TI8/TI9/TI10/Diretide/ Aghanim's/2023 summer collector's cache sets/crownfall 2024/weather effects

Selling cache sets at below mentioned price:
My profile- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272324546
steam rep- https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198272324546
Add me if you are interested(only serious buyers (who have read the whole post and sure about buying))
buyer goes first. Reservation is mandatory and nonrefundable.
accepting dota 2 tradable items and tf2 keys
TI8 cache 1
Hero Price ( USD) Quantity
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum(blood seeker) 15$ 2
Pitfall Crusader(Pangolier) 23$ 1
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud(Dark seer) 10$ 5
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel(Spirit breaker) 12$ 3
Forlorn Descent(Undying) 15$ 0
The Murid Divine(necrophos) 22$ 2
Primer of the Sapper's Guile(techies) 20$ 3
Molokau Stalker(venomancer) 15$ 4
Morbific Provision(witch doctor) 15$ 3
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin(queen of pain) 12$ 4
Fate Meridian(invoker) 25$ 3
Grasp of the Riven Exile(weaver) 10$ 6
Visions of the Lifted Veil(phantom assassin) 35$ 1
Endowments of the Lucent Canopy(shadow shaman) 100$ sold out
TI8 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Pitmouse Fraternity(meepo) 15$ 8
Fires of the Volcanic Guard(Ember spirit) 20$ 7
Third Awakening(Dragon knight) 35$ 0
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript(AXE) 8$ 10
Shimmer of the Anointed(Nyx) 6$ 10
Cruelties of the Spiral Bore(Magnus) 45$ sold out
Loaded Prospects(Brew master) 15$ 8
Ire of Molten Rebirth(Phoenix) 8$ 6
Pattern of the Silken Queen(Brood mother) 8$ 11
Dread Ascendance(Doom) 50$ 1
The Rat King(Chen) 10$ 9
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge(Underlord) 20$ 4
TI9 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Echoes of the Everblack(Abbadon) 30$ 1
Allure of the Faeshade Flower(Dark willow) 25$ 1
Paean of the Ink Dragon(Grimstroke) 20$ 3
Scorched Amber(Dragon Knight) 30$ 2
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan(Chen) 15$ 5
The Arts of Mortal Deception(Enigma) 10$ 4
Poacher's Bane(Tide hunter) 20$ 6
Soul of the Brightshroud(Death prophet) 20$ 2
Curse of the Creeping Vine(Undying) 20$ 3
Pursuit of the Ember Demons (Husker) 22$ 2
Appetites of the Lizard King(Slark) 25$ 3
Forbidden Medicine(Dazzle) 20$ 3
Riddle of the Hierophant(Oracle) 12$ 7
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt(Drow ranger) 30$ sold out
Adornments of the Jade Emissary(Earth Spirit) 25$ 1
Defender of Ruin(Disrupter) 25$ 8
TI9 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful(Drow ranger) 15$ 21
Tribal Pathways(Warlock) 10$ 26
Directive of the Sunbound(Clockwork) 10$ 23
Souls Tyrant(Shadow fiend) 40$ 4
Endless Night(Abbadon) 25$ 8
Dapper Disguise(Pudge) 18$ 16
Prized Acquisitions(Bat rider) 6$ 29
Verdant Predator(Venomancer) 8$ 23
Fury of the Bloodforge(Bloodseeker) 10$ 27
Automaton Antiquity(Broodmother) 10$ 25
Tales of the Windward Rogue(Pangolier) 30$ 5
Grim Destiny(Wraith king) 20$ 21
Distinguished Expeditionary(Tusker) 12$ 26
Fowl Omen(Necrophos) 18$ 21
Cinder Sensei(Ember Spirit)) 80$ 4
TI10 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Origin of the Dark Oath(Night stalker) 28$ 22
Ravenous Abyss (Underlord) 15$ 34
Apocalypse Unbound(Ancient appartion) 10$ 36
Beholden of the Banished Ones(Warlock) 15$ 5
Fury of the Righteous Storm(Disrupter) 10$ 36
Lineage of the Stormlords(Juggernaut) 35$ 16
Silent Slayer(Silencer) 20$ 32
Mindless Slaughter(Pudge) 15$ 37
Heartless Hunt(Bounty hunter) 15$ 31
Herald of the Ember Eye(Grim stroke) 15$ 27
Fissured Flight(Jakiro) 12$ 34
Flashpoint Proselyte(Husker) 20$ 34
Glory of the Elderflame(Lina) 25$ 26
Signs of the Allfather(Nature's Prophet) 20$ 34
Songs of Starfall Glen(Enchantress) 10$ 23
Ancient Inheritance(Tiny) 25$ 51
Forsworn Legacy(Mars) 40$ 26
TI10 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Evolution of the Infinite(Enigma) 10$ 24
Beast of the Crimson Ring(Bristle Back) 15$ 23
Clearcut Cavalier(Timbersaw) 8.5$ 27
The King Of Thieves(Keeper of the light) 10$ 27
Horror from the Deep(Tidehunter) 20$ 22
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler(Arc warden) 40$ 1
Talons of the Endless Storm(Chaos Knight) 14$ 22
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade(Rubick) 12$ 26
Crown of Calaphas(Shadow demon) 15$ 26
Wrath of the Fallen(Doom) 15$ 26
Blacksail Cannoneer(Sniper) 13$ 26
Secrets of the Celestial(Skywrath mage) 10$ 27
Blaze of Oblivion(Phoenix) 8$ 26
Master of the Searing Path(Ember spirit) 30$ 10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber(Templer assassin) 30$ 30
Claszureme Incursion(Faceless Void) 95$ 1
Aghanim's cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Silverwurm Sacrifice(Dragon Knight) 45$ 4
Scales of the Shadow Walker(Phantom lancer) 12$ 19
Perception of the First Light(Dawn breaker) 12$ 16
Apex Automated(Clockwork) 10$ 17
Test of the Basilisk Lord(Razor) 12$ 17
Secrets of the Frost Singularity(Ancient appartion) 8.5$ 20
Perils of the Red Banks(Chen) 8$ 20
The Chained Scribe(Grim stroke) 12$ 18
Widow of the Undermount Gloom(Brood mother) 10$ 20
Forgotten Fate(Mars) 10$ 18
March of the Crackerjack Mage(Rubick) 10$ 19
Stranger in the Wandering Isles(Drow ranger) 55$ 1
Cosmic Concoctioneers(Alchemist) 7$ 19
Days of the Demon(Axe) 25$ 7
Blightfall(Abbadon) 8$ 21
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected(Ogre magi) 20$ 25
Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel(Chaos Knight) 50$ 8
Diretide cache set
Blue Horizons(Marci) 25$ 6
Dark Behemoth(Primal beast) 50$ 3
2023 cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Snailfire (SnapFire) 25$ 10
Brightfist (Marci) 22$ 10
Primeval Abomination(primal beast) 8$ 10
Astral Herald(dawn breaker) 15$ 10
Spectral Shadow(Abbadon) 5$ 10
Taur Rider(alchemist) 5$ 10
Crescent Huntress(spectre) 10$ 10
Tyrant of the Veil(wraith king) 8.5$ 10
Tomo'kan Footsoldier(hood wink) 7$ 10
Darkwood Eulogy(death prophet) 5$ 10
Sea Spirit(kunkka) 12$ 10
Triumph of the Imperatrix(legion commander) 7$ 10
Beast of Thunder(storm spirit) 10$ 10
Ancestral Heritage(jakiro) 6$ 10
Dezun Viper(dazzle) 7.5$ 10
Crownfall 2024 treasure
Drow ranger(Ravencloak)=45usd
Weather Effects
Weather Price
Ash 11$
Aurora 3$
Harvest 3$
Moonbeam 6$
Rain 10$
Spring 5$
Snow 5$
Siroco 3$
Pestilence 2.5$
Buyers go first, add me now if interested for 30 days cooldown, make sure to leave a comment on my profile . 30% reserve amount required at the time of reserving cache sets. fees(depends on your payment method) on you.
If you are buying more than 4 cache sets then u will get addition discount.
I have more than 1000$ worth of cache sets in my inventory and i have been selling cache sets from past 2 years so why would i scam you for some small amount and you can also check the profile of the people who have given their feedback on my profile . I can also provide you with screenshots of my previous successful trades
submitted by maulik252 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:16 Emergency-Pool-6021 Formatting Dilemma: Two Python Solutions, One Beginner's Confusion

Hello everyone,
I'm (30M) a newbie in the world of programming, I currently work as an underwater (diver) EOD operator and recently started learning Python as a hobby to see if I like programming/CS. Since I have zero background in CS I researched online to see where to start. The feedback was universal (Just choose something, ANYTHING, and go with it!) So I chose the CS50 Python course, currently I'm on the third problem set (and liking it very much so far). The materials I use outside the CS50 are: "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz, Google, YouTube, reddit and Chat GPT.
Usually when I finally get done with a problem, I search Github, YouTube or Google to see how others have solved the same problem and compare it to my code. I do it to see if there was something I didn't think about (and already knew) or find some useful tips to use later on in new problem sets.
This leads to my question. Usually once I am done with my code (I obviously code it in a way that makes sense to me) when comparing it to other solutions it always seems that my code is a bit too much and maybe messy? The comparisons I see online are a lot more "pythonic" but hard to read, at least to me.
I read a lot about how code needs to clean and easy to read, so I want to make sure I'm learning good coding practices from the get-go, so I'm reaching out to the community to gather opinions on code formatting. The first solution is my code and the second is something I copied from Github. I've attached both solutions below for your review:
Solution 1 (my code):
def main(): while True: try: user_input = input("Date: ").title().strip() if date_validator(user_input): print(convert(user_input)) else: print("Date is invalid") except EOFError: print() break def date_validator(date_str): if len(date_str) == 10 and date_str[2] == "/" and date_str[5] == "/": month, day, year = date_str.split("/") if month.isdigit() and day.isdigit() and year.isdigit(): month = int(month) day = int(day) year = int(year) if 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31: return True parts = date_str.replace(",", "").split() if len(parts) == 3: month, day, year = parts if day.isdigit() and month in months() and year.isdigit(): day = int(day) year = int(year) if 1 <= day <= 31: return True return False def convert(date): # Check if the date is in MM/DD/YYYY format if len(date) == 10 and date[2] == "/" and date[5] == "/": month, day, year = date.split("/") formatted_date = f"{year}-{month.zfill(2)}-{day.zfill(2)}" else: # Assume the date is in Month DD, YYYY format parts = date.replace(",", "").split() month, day, year = parts month_number = months()[month] formatted_date = f"{year}-{str(month_number).zfill(2)}-{day.zfill(2)}" return formatted_date def months(): return { "January": 1, "February": 2, "March": 3, "April": 4, "May": 5, "June": 6, "July": 7, "August": 8, "September": 9, "October": 10, "November": 11, "December": 12 } if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
Solution 2 (not my code):
MONTHS: list[str] = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] # // Function to get the month numeral. Using # // a function is better because it can just # // return if the month is found instead of # // having to finish iterating the array def get_month_numeral(_m: str) -> int: # // Iterate over the MONTHS for i in range(len(MONTHS)): if _m == MONTHS[i]: return i + 1 # // Function to check if the provided month # // and day are valid def is_valid_date(m: int, d: int) -> bool: return (int(m) > 0 and int(m) < 13) and (int(d) > 0 and int(d) < 32) # // Infinite loop for getting the date until broken while True: date: str = input("Date: ").strip() try: # // Split the date by slashes m, d, y = date.split("/") # // Break if valid date if is_valid_date(m, d): break except Exception: try: # // Split the date by spaces and remove comma _m, _d, y = date.split(" ") # // Make sure date is valid if "," in date: d: str = _d.replace(",", "") # // Iterate over the MONTHS m: int = get_month_numeral(_m) # // Break if valid date if is_valid_date(m, d): break except Exception: pass # // Print the result print(f"{y}-{int(m):02}-{int(d):02}") 
I'm particularly interested in hearing your thoughts on readability, maintainability in real life situations. Are there any formatting styles or practices you recommend for beginners like me? At the end of the day I just want to become better over time so all feedback is good feedback. Any resources or tips you can share would be immensely helpful as I continue my Python journey.
Sorry for the long post and if there are any errors in my English, then I'll just have to take the blow, since it's not my first language.
Thank you all in advance for your time and guidance!
submitted by Emergency-Pool-6021 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:09 littprince [Store] Collectors Cache 2019, Aghanims 2021, Diretide 2022, Summer 2023, Genuine Weather Effects

Reservation Fee: $5 (USD)
Applied to Everyone. Everyone pays the same Reservation fee no matter the size of your order. Reservation fee is subtracted from the total cost of your Order. Reservation fee is non-refundable.

**Buy x3 Sets Pay for x2

FAQ (Frequent Asked Questions) can be found on my steam profile.
Accepting PayPal Payments. PayPal payments must be in the form of Friends & Family to prevent fees & chargebacks.
U = Unbundled Price
My Steam Profile
Add me & Leave a message in the comment section. Will respond once I see it.
Treasure Nr. & Year Rare & Retro Sets Hero U Euro Price Stock Reserved
Summer 1. 2023 Snailfire Snapfire $25 4
Summer 1. 2023 Brightfist Marci $25 4
Diretide 1. 2022 Dark Behemoth Primal Beast 20$ $40 6 2
Diretide 1. 2022 Blue Horizons Marci $15 6 1
Aghanim's. 2021 Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi $25 1
Cache 1. 2019 Defender of Ruin Disruptor $18 3
Cache 2. 2019 Fowl Omen Necrophos $15 1
Cache 2. 2018 Cruelties of the Spiral Bore Magnus $80 1 1
Cache 2. 2018 The Rat King Chen $15 2
Summer Cache 1. 2023 Hero Euro Price Stock Reserved
Spectral Shadow Abaddon $10 8
Taur Rider Alchemist $10 8
Astral Herald Dawnbreaker $10 7
Dezun Viper Dazzle $10 4
Darkwood Eulogy Death Prophet $10 7
Tomo'kan Footsoldier Hoodwink $10 7
Ancestral Heritage Jakiro $10 8
Sea Spirit Kunkka $10 7
Triumph of the Imperatrix Legion Commander $10 7
Primeval Abomination Primal Beast $10 8 1
Crescent Huntress Spectre $10 6 1
Beast of Thunder Storm Spirit $10 7
Tyrant of The Veil Wraith King $10 5
Diretide Cache 2. 2022 Hero Euro Price Stock Reserved
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist $10 2
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster 12 € Unbundled
Withering Pain Clinkz $10 1
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar $10 2
Freebot Fortunes Ogre Magi $10 2
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge $15 1
Grand Suppressor Silencer $15 Unbundled
War Rig Eradicators Techie $10 unbundled
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit $15 1
Diretide Cache 1. 2022 Hero Price Stock Reserved
Hounds of Obsession Chen $10 10 1
Seadog's stash Clockwerk $10 11 1
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker $20 3 1
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void $20 2 1
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink $15 Unbundled 1
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King $10 14 1
Crimson Dawn Phoenix $10 12 1
Scarlet Subversion Riki $10 9 1
Whippersnapper Snapfire $10 7 1
Spoils of the shadow veil Spectre $10 8 2
Forgotten Station Terrorblade $10 10 1
Dirge Amplifier Undying $10 10 1
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa $10 8 1
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor $10 12 1
Aghanim's Cache 2021 Hero Euro Price Stock Reserved
Blightfall Abaddon $10 3
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition $10 2
Perils of the Red Banks Chen $10 4
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker $25 1
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke $10 2
Forgotten Fate Mars 15 € Unbundled
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor 15 € Unbundled
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick $10 1
Cache 2. 2019 Hero Euro Price Stock Reserved
Fury of the Bloodforge BloodSeeker $10 4
Automaton Antiquity BroodMother $10 3
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk $10 1
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger $15 2
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend $25 2
Verdant Predator Venomancer $10 1
Tribal Pathways⠀ Warlock $15 1
U = Unbundled Price
Cache 1. 2019 Hero Euro Price Stock Reserved
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 0
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen $15 1
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle $15 1
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet $15 1
Scorched Amber Dragon Knight $15 1 1
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma $15 2
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar $20 1
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle $15 1
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter $15 1
Curse of the Creeping Vine Undying $15 1
Genuine Weather Effect can be traded without delay.
Genuine Weather USD Price
Full Set $25
PayPal payments must be in the form of Friends & Family to prevent fees & chargebacks.
**Offer applied to sets that costs 10$ each or less, The cheapest set is for free.
***(Discounts Do Not apply to Weather Effects)***
submitted by littprince to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:05 catnip05 buffed Zhask in advanced server seems mega annoying omg

that spawn will literally zone you out of your lane cause the continuous damage will take out half your hp if you even try to get close to clear your lane and since its the early game, the little bug is gonna be hard to kill for most mages.
new ult is a game changer being able to summon it anywhere you want and the stun is almost instant now so you're gonna be taking a death laser straight to your face for a few seconds and I doubt immobile squishies are even gonna survive for that long especially mages who have no way of killing or sustaining that spawn
not to mention, he doesn't need attack speed items anymore so he can just build like your standard burst mage and deal way more damage than before?
i feel like they're gonna nerf some parts be it damage, scaling or hp so he doesn't feel very oppressive
submitted by catnip05 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:03 Electrical-Ad1820 Guide to Willo: Part 1

Willo has recently experienced a boost in its player base. However, this increase isn't up to the standards of one of my mates, who plays Willo excessively. Fair enough, it’s quite frustrating when you manage to save Willo, and the person you give her to is running Scorn and dies before their Deadzone expires. So, he's convinced me to help him make this and post it here. This will be divided into multiple parts because reading long posts is daunting, and writing them is even worse.

Willo Overview

Willo is a damage champion who excels at crowd suppression, area denial, point control, and healing denial. This might seem like a lot, but much of it combines how one will engage with Willo’s kit, which is more or less built around controlling the capabilities of the enemy support and point tank. Most backline/hybrid-agro DPS do this via suppressive levels of damage output. However, Willo’s damage is shallow, but unlike her peers (specifically Betty), she can shut down healing numbers altogether via Deadzone, which I will specifically talk about when I get to that part of Willo’s kit.
Willo’s capabilities will be spread across some arbitrary stats that mean nothing outside of the context of Willo. Still, they do help convey something in a future post about her talents; for now, they function as a baseline, a “default” Willo.
Willo’s damage is rather low, with her primary fire doing 500 damage per shot every 0.75 seconds, with a DPS of 666.6666 (ad nauseam). Her most impressive damage comes from Seedlings*, with a total of 2000 damage. Her Deadzone outright does only 100 damage, so Willo is quite lacking
*Seedlings are both subject to fall-off, and their fuse time is 2 seconds once they land, giving anyone nearby plenty of time to evade the damage. However, this damage is more than consistent, considering the explosive radius (at 14 units in diameter) is only beaten by Ash’s burst cannon (17 units) and Dredge’s howitzer (15 units).
Sustain Willo’s sustain for the damage role is rather middling, as it’s mostly made up of her mobility and glide, which does provide her a step up compared to the likes of Vivian and Viktor, whose mobility is either non-existent and forces them to rely on other parts of their kit, or prevents the use of their offensive capabilities. However, this doesn’t make up for her frailty, which combines with her poor damage to make engaging in duels rather painful. The only benefit is that you are a slightly smaller size than Willo.
As previously mentioned, Willo’s mobility is rather impressive compared to most of the cast, which I guess is a common trend among the blasters now, except Dredge*. This is because of Willo’s Flutter and Glide, giving Willo immense mobility. *Yes, Crow’s Nest exists.
Area Denial
I believe that of the strengths Willo has, her ability to deny space and punish people for trying to push a locked down area is unrivalled. Short of an Omen ult and its crushing levels of damage, no one is outcompeting Willo regarding area denial, even Broadsides have plenty of counterplay, this is because of the potent tool that is Deadzone. While outright it’s not going to kill someone once it's placed, it's also not going to be destroyed or otherwise stopped, the consistent damage that Willo outputs within its radius, combined with seedlings and any support from her team, makes Willo's area denial unrivaled.
Willo’s utility is pretty good for a Damage Champion, the ability to stop healing outright, is impressive. The provided area denial makes it so Willo is no slouch in terms of utility for her team. However, like most of the damage role, she lacks hard Crowd Control, and more damningly and unique for her, she lacks power against shields and most deployables mean she has to invest in the likes of Wrecker to keep up her suppressive damage and have some value outside of her deadzone.

Willo’s Kit

Now onto the less arbitrary and made up stats, and to the more tangible: Willo’s actual kit. I will explain what the abilities do with the maximum level of depth possible and how best to use them, or I will add other comments. I intend to first mention the parts of Willo’s kit that I feel are most important to explain in depth.
Class: Damage (gains 100% more credits for dealing damage)
Starting Health: 2200 Base Movement Speed: 375 or 23.08 units per second
Movement Type: Standard (she has no slow fall, momentum, or otherwise unusual modifiers to her walk)

Passive: Glide

Willo has a glide, which I feel shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s played with/against/as Willo, since the feel of the champion has changed dramatically because of the change.
Willo’s glide has a few attributes:
Willo’s Glide is a powerful tool, but it does have certain weaknesses. Specifically, its susceptibility to knockbacks can easily force Willo off course if she doesn’t have Flutter available. To avoid being put somewhere you don’t want to be as Willo, you’ll have to land on the ground or use Flutter.
Unlike Androxus’s Drift, Willo’s Flutter is not affected by her movement speed, except for when changing direction, which instead acts similarly to Buck’s jump in that her air control is near flawless and speed is only reduced by trying to push against where your momentum is pushing you. This introduces the first real part of the Glide: because of how the Glide works on momentum, with your foot speed only modifying direction, this means that if you wish to go back where you started as Willo while gliding without slowing down, you’ll need to do a drift (not to be confused with Androxus’ passive “Drift”). You’ll find this easier on a gamepad/controller since your inputs are on a 360-degree plane. Still, on a keyboard, you’ll be able to control your trajectory regardless of Glide.
You can make sharper turns left or right without delay; however, this does sacrifice some speed based on the mathematics of momentum.

These instructions assume you’re on a keyboard going forward and want to do a 180 and use the standard WASD control scheme.

Step #1) You’ll want to start leaning forward just for a split second before step 2.
Step #2) Then diagonally with either strafe keys (we’ll go to the right), you’ll want to hold this until you begin to turn before
Step #3) Then just strafing until you stop going forward altogether. D
Step #4) Start using your back key to begin the transfer backward. You want to hold this slightly longer to make sure you’re beginning to properly turn since normally backpedalling is slower.
Step #5) You’ll want to stop strafing and lean back.

These instructions assume you’re on a gamepad/controller and are going forward and want to do a 180.

You’ll want to do a half-circle motion with a gamepad or controller. Once halfway through said motion, you’ll want to make the rest of the turn slower since the foot speed of all champions is slightly slower backward compared to going forward.
Willo can maintain her momentum by hitting herself with her primary attack, where she sacrifices her health and ammo to maintain her low-flying airtime and momentum, giving her the ability to roll out. That also combines well with certain high-ground positions to preserve Flutter for future use; as well, as carry and even enhance the momentum provided by Flutter. This again comes at the risk of leaving yourself more vulnerable in combat since you’re at lower health and less Ammo.
You can also skip most of this if you don’t care about facing the same direction, by using your mouse or the stick you aim with in conjunction with your forward and strafe inputs to get similar results, with less work though you are lacking the ability to face the same direction.
I mentioned earlier that the Glide has momentum both horizontally and vertically, and that can be quite the detriment since unlike Andro who’s a flat fall rate, and Drogoz which has an upward lifting force Glide has neither so if you start falling you’re not likely to slow down your descent, which makes the passive rather committal.

Primary Fire

“Wand of Overgrowth” (from here shall be generally referred to as WoO or simply primary fire) is a relatively larger but also relatively weaker AoE attack, compared to Drogoz’s Rocket Launcher and Evie’s Ice staff, in return for the weaker per shot damage, WoO is slightly faster, the firing speed more comparable to Dredge’s Howitzer and Bomb King’s Sticky Bombs.
Stats of Wand of Overgrowth
Willo’s Primary has some decent capabilities in terms of landing hits and applying Cauterize (you have no idea how much I want to spell it Cauterise), with a decent speed projectile and large AoE, and a fairly fast fire rate on direct impact, the AoE’s damage falloff and tiny effective range means that to do any meaningful damage as Willo you have to land direct hits. And to try not to get too close to your target, you don’t need to give them an extra 100 damage every shot in your fight. There are however times to consider using consistent damage over prioritizing maximised damage, this is especially true if dealing with crowds, chokepoints, or targets that may be a bit too mobile to consistently land shots on, this is why optimised splash damage is much more important than inconsistent direct hits, of course, it’s still paramount that you do try to make your damage as close to target as possible otherwise you risk doing 125 damage per shot from being lazy.


Deadzone is Willo’s key ability, and most potent tool, which is kind of odd, considering that I thought to talk about her Glide and Primary first, and that’s because for the most part deadzone works like how you’d expect, there’s very little that’s too surprising about how it works, I guess anything that would make it surprising just makes it easier to use at full effect, nothing too crazy. Still, it’s incredibly powerful and it’s the reason why Willo’s area denial is so good, since the threat it has is deceptively lethal, and it

It’s not surprising how deadzone works if you’ve played Willo, the biggest thing to remember is that line of sight does matter, and that if you’re hoping to deny healing is that you’ll have to remember to shoot around corners.
There are three main thought processes with Deadzone use cases you want to stop people from going somewhere
1)Area Denial
For the most part, your enemies don’t want to stand in the spot where they can’t get healed and likely these spots can be certain chokepoints, flank routes, or even the point
2)Crowd Control
Very similar to area denial though more proactive, this is aiming to where the people are, often in groups but also at points you want people to leave, this is usually done in conjunction with your Primary attack.
3)Heal Denial 
Sometimes you want to ensure someone is dead, and that you want to stop their team -short of a Rei Rivivify- from changing that, this is especially good against Ying, and Grover’s ultimates as the duration after can lead to them getting killed even if they leave the zone.
Deadzone has an incredibly long cooldown of 16 seconds to balance out its impressive power, especially in the damage role only outdone by Drogoz’s Salvo (20 seconds) and Octavia’s Distortion Field (18 seconds) so one has to be judicious with how they choose to utilize Deadzone, often its more important to prioritize the Area Denial, and Crowd control aspects over the Value that might be found in heal denial, especially since in her base kit Willo isn’t the greatest at confirming these kills herself and without coordination might not be possible to otherwise confirm the kills making the use of deadzone in these situations potentially wasteful.


Flutter more or less combines with the Glide otherwise acts as how you’d expect it to, with the small quirk that depending on how you angle it you keep some momentum once the ability is done done, with the further you aim up the less momentum and the more downwards you aim the more momentum you gain, though this momentum is best utilized with Glide at a somewhat forward facing angle up or down depending on if you need verticality or horizontal clearance, however, it comes with a need for one’s best judgement.
Oh, like most channeled movement abilities Willo is immune to knockbacks during the time.

Fae Flight

Fae Flight is more or less what you’d know from playing the game and seeing it at work or reading its description though some use cases aren’t immediately clear.
The ultimate gives you infinite ammo which allows Willo if in a good position to lay continuous fire on enemies, or even use it aggressively, using superior movement and crowd control immunity to overwhelm your enemies by chasing them down since you still are remarkably fast however do not get overzealous since there's seldom cover for Willo in the air and matchups can turn sour quickly if you’re not able to be reached by your team.


Overall Willo in the base kit is frail to being dived, and her DPS isn’t all that impressive but has some of the most lethal area denials in the game, however, as many of you are quite aware Willo has plenty more in store to make up soon I’ll be posting follow ups guides to further aid those interesting in learning Willo in more depth.
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2024.06.01 10:53 Stage-Piercing727 Best 1911 Accessories

Best 1911 Accessories

Welcome to our roundup of the coolest 1911 accessories on the market! If you're a fan of the classic 1911 pistol, you'll want to read on as we showcase a diverse range of must-have gear. From stylish grips and sleek sights to practical upgrades and cutting-edge modifications, we've got you covered with the best in 1911 accessories. Buckle up, because this journey into the world of 1911 accessories is about to get exciting!

The Top 10 Best 1911 Accessories

  1. Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster - Embrace confident, safe concealment with Versacarry's premium water buffalo leather Compound Series OWB Holster, designed for right-handed use and extra rigidity to protect your 1911.
  2. Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention - Experience ultimate concealment with the Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster, boasting BCA's patented Torsion technology, adjustable retention, and a secure, comfortable fit for your 1911 gun.
  3. Springfield 1911 Right Hand Paddle Holster - Black - Securely carry your 1911 in style with Springfield's GE51PH1 one-piece paddle holster, designed exclusively for right-handed users.
  4. Paddle Holster for 1911 Style Pistols - The Fobus 1911CHLH CH Series Paddle LH All 1911 Style Pistols Without Rail offers a trigger guard locking mechanism for secure active retention in a sleek, sporting-goods design.
  5. Pro IDPA Competition Holster for Colt 1911 Left-Hand Draw - Experience ultimate durability, versatility, and speed with the 1911 5'' w/o Rail Pro IDPA Competition Holster - left-hand draw, compatible with any slide-mounted optics, and adjustable belt attachment for a secure fit.
  6. ProMat 1911 Schematic Lightweight Cleaning Mat with Padded Work Area and Non-Slip Base - Lifetime Warranty - Experience the exceptional balance of craftsmanship and durability with the Cerus Gear 1911 Schematic ProMat, featuring a lightweight yet heavy-duty design, non-slip rubber base, and expertly printed schematic for discerning shooters.
  7. Wilson Combat Checkered 1911 Frontstrap Accessory - Wilson Combat's Checkered Frontstrap 1911 100B offers a sleek, non-slip grip for reliable shooting, perfect for enhancing the performance of Government and Commander models.
  8. Ed Brown 1911 45ACP Firing Pin for Enhanced Performance - Expertly crafted by a world champion combat shooter, the Ed Brown 1911 45ACP Firing Pin delivers unparalleled precision and performance in every detail.
  9. Stylish Wilson Combat 100s 1911 Frontstrap Accessory - Wilson Combat's 100s 1911 Checkered Frontstrap delivers a secure, non-slip grip in the range, perfect for Government and Commander models, making it an essential accessory for avid shooters.
  10. Slim, Clear Acrylic Pistol Display Stand for 1911A1 - Showcase your pristine pistol with the NO-M.A-R 1911 Clear Acrylic Pistol Display Stand, designed to blend seamlessly into high-density displays and gunshop showcases, while allowing your firearm to be the focal point of any space.
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🔗Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster

Last week, I had an interesting experience with the Versacarry Compound holster. I was at the range, trying to practice with my 1911, when I realized my holster wasn't the greatest for my needs. So, I swapped it for this one, and let me tell you - it's been a game changer.
First off, the material is premium water buffalo leather. It's softer than most plastic holsters but holds up better against wear and tear. Plus, it has a raised protective backing and metal inlay for extra rigidity. It's like having a little bodyguard for your gun.
I also appreciate the fit. This right-handed holster fits my 1911 perfectly, and it's comfortable to wear. It hugs my waist just right, without digging into my side. Now, practicing at the range is a breeze, as I can focus on my aim, instead of fidgeting with my holster.
The stitching is industrial-grade bonded nylon thread, so you know it's made to last. But don't just take my word for it - Versacarry even made sure it's made in the USA.
However, there are a few things I'd like to point out. The holster is only compatible with certain handguns, and I had to return my first one because it didn't fit my pistol correctly. Also, if you're using it for open carry, it might be a bit too conspicuous for my liking. Lastly, there were a couple of minor issues with the holster's design, but it didn't affect the overall experience.
In conclusion, the Versacarry Compound holster has become my daily sidekick at the range. Its quality, comfort, and ease of use make it a versatile and reliable partner for my 1911. And with a rating of 3.9, it seems other users have also had similar experiences.

🔗Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention

I recently became a fan of the Bravo Concealment Adaptive IWB concealed carry holster for my trusty 1911. This holster has been a game-changer in my daily carry routine, thanks to its adjustable retention, which feels secure yet accessible at the same time.
The polymer injection mold is absolutely impressive—it ensures a perfect fit for my 1911 without adding any unnecessary bulk. The torsion technology also helps conceal the gun by twisting it slightly inward, making it effortlessly blend with my wardrobe.
One of my favorite features of this holster is the comfortable fit; it feels like a second skin without any discomfort or irritation. Plus, the holster retains its shape for smooth one-handed re-holstering. The tuckable clip is another added convenience, allowing me to effortlessly tuck it under my clothing when needed.
However, there's one aspect I wish could've been improved—the audible clicking sound when re-holstering. It's a bit too loud for my liking, especially if I'm in quieter surroundings. Overall, I'm satisfied with the performance of the Bravo Concealment IWB holster for my 1911. It's a reliable and comfortable option for everyday concealed carry.

🔗Springfield 1911 Right Hand Paddle Holster - Black

I was pretty excited to get my hands on the Springfield Paddle Holster. As a gun enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for reliable holsters that cater to the needs of my trusty 1911 handgun. The moment I slipped this one onto my belt, I knew I hit the jackpot. It's crafted to perfection, fitting snugly and securely on my right side. I really appreciated the paddle design, which kept the holster in place even during my most active days.
One of the features that stood out for me was the adjustable retention system. It allowed me to have a quick draw while still ensuring a secure grip on my handgun. This was particularly useful when I was on the move or needed to react quickly. The sleek black finish perfectly complemented the overall look of the holster.
However, there was one small issue I faced. The holster sat a bit higher than my expectations, making it slightly inconvenient to conceal the handgun if I needed to. Despite this hiccup, I would still recommend this holster to anyone looking for a reliable Paddle Holster for their 1911. It's comfortable, secure, and a great value for its price.

🔗Paddle Holster for 1911 Style Pistols

Fobus 1911CHLH, a versatile paddle holster, has been a reliable accessory for my daily carry. Its hard polymer construction offers sturdy protection for my 1911-style pistol and keeps it securely in place. One highlight was the trigger guard locking mechanism, which effortlessly held my pistol while allowing me to draw quickly without disturbing my grip.
Despite the ease of use and impressive build quality, the slim design did require some adjustments to accommodate various sizes more effectively. Overall, the Fobus 1911CHLH has been a consistent companion, delivering a mix of convenience and functionality without compromising on safety.

🔗Pro IDPA Competition Holster for Colt 1911 Left-Hand Draw

I recently got my hands on this Pro IDPA Competition Holster for my Colt 1911, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for my concealed carry setup. The 0.8" Kydex material offers the perfect balance of durability and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for competitive shooters like me who need our equipment to stand up to constant use.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable belt attachment. No more struggling to find a holster that fits your specific belt width - this one can accommodate belts ranging from 1.5" to 2" with ease. This not only ensures a secure fit but also adds to the overall comfort while using it.
Another great feature is its compatibility with slide-mounted optics. For those of us who like to customize our guns for precision and accuracy, this holster is a dream come true. It allows for a quick and precise draw, which is crucial in competitive shooting situations where every second counts.
As a left-handed shooter, I appreciate the fact that the holster is specifically designed for left-hand draw. This attention to detail is what sets this holster apart from others I've tried. It's tapered on the muzzle end, but it still allows for the use of a threaded barrel, providing maximum flexibility and compatibility.
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with the Pro IDPA Competition Holster. Its adjustable belt attachment, compatibility with slide-mounted optics, and quick and precise draw make it a top choice for shooters who demand the best. If you're in the market for a reliable, versatile, and high-quality holster for concealed carry or competitive shooting, this is the one you've been searching for.

🔗ProMat 1911 Schematic Lightweight Cleaning Mat with Padded Work Area and Non-Slip Base - Lifetime Warranty

As someone who loves to keep my firearm in pristine condition, I found the Cerus Gear Schematic 1911 ProMat to be a game changer. The non-slip rubber base not only keeps my workspace tidy, but it also ensures that my firearm stays scratch-free. The durable construction and 1/8" rubber makes it a heavy-duty addition to my armorer's bench. My favorite part? The lightweight design, which makes it effortless to carry around the shop.
However, there's one area where the Cerus Gear ProMat could use some improvement: the size. A slightly larger work area would make handling my 1911 even easier. Despite this minor drawback, the Cerus Gear ProMat remains an indispensable tool for any discerning shooter who wants to keep their sidearm in top condition.

🔗Wilson Combat Checkered 1911 Frontstrap Accessory

Recently, I had the chance to try out the Wilson Combat Checkered Frontstrap 1911 100B. As expected from Wilson Combat, this product brings in an unmatched level of workmanship that is often hard to find in the firearm industry.
From the moment I installed the frontstrap onto my trusty 1911, the feel of the device was evident. The checkered design offered a non-slip surface, even when my hands got a bit sweaty. The wrap-around feature was a nice addition, and it worked like an inexpensive substitute for hand checkering. The frontstrap was easy to secure in place using the grip panel of the pistol. It's easy to install with just a screwdriver.
However, it's not perfect by any means. This frontstrap is a much thinner sheet metal stamping compared to the more substantial, heavy steel variety. Despite that, it still seems to work well enough, but it remains to be seen how it will hold up in the long run.
Overall, the Wilson Combat Checkered Frontstrap 1911 100B is a great value for its price. It offers an affordable and practical solution for those who want to enhance their grip without having to add true checkering to the frontstrap. It's simple and easy to install, making it a must-have addition to any 1911 pistol.

🔗Ed Brown 1911 45ACP Firing Pin for Enhanced Performance

I've been using Ed Brown's 1911 45ACP Firing Pin in my everyday life for the past few months. The first thing that hits me is the attention to detail put into this product. It's quite incredible to pick up an item and instantly feel the solidity, the engineering precision, and the craftsmanship that went into making it.
One of the most notable features is the perfect fit for the 1911. Ed Brown's dedication to crafting components for this iconic gun has yielded a firing pin that just clicks into place, giving my 1911 an almost organic feel. It's fascinating how in such a high-tech world, a company can still hark back to traditional precision crafting methods and produce items of such excellent quality.
However, it's not all perfect. There's a slight downside in the cost. Ed Brown products don't come cheap but, with these products, you're really paying for quality. I would definitely say it's worth it.
In conclusion, the Ed Brown 1911 45ACP Firing Pin is a great investment for any 1911 owner. It's crafted to perfection, has a great fit and finish, and it works just like a charm. The only downside is the price. But remember, you always get what you pay for. This is a product that truly delivers on its promise.

🔗Stylish Wilson Combat 100s 1911 Frontstrap Accessory

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Wilson Combat 1911 Checkered Frontstrap, and I have to say, it made a noticeable difference in my shooting experience. As I took aim, the textured surface of the checkered strap provided incredible grip even in the sweatiest of conditions, allowing me to swiftly follow up shots.
Notably, the frontstrap's secure attachment to the pistol's grip panel made it easy to install, requiring just a screwdriver. However, I encountered one limitation - the checkered frontstrap only worked with Government and Commander models.
Considering the compact dimensions and the solid performance it offers, the Wilson Combat 1911 Checkered Frontstrap definitely deserves a spot in the arsenal of 1911 enthusiasts. It's a worthwhile accessory that delivers excellent value for its price.

🔗Slim, Clear Acrylic Pistol Display Stand for 1911A1

I recently tried out the NO-M. A-R 1911 Clear Acrylic Pistol Display Stand for my 1911A1 single stack 45ACP Colt. What first struck me was the sleek design and how it seamlessly blended into the background, making my pistol the true focal point. The easy assembly using a single machine screw was a breeze, and I appreciated that a hex wrench was included.
I was truly impressed by the slim footprint, which allowed for efficient use of space in both my safe and high-density displays. The clear acrylic surface had a polished finish, giving it a premium look and feel. It was also reassuring to know that the display was made of a single piece, ensuring durability and preventing any breakage.
This display stand not only elevated the aesthetic appeal of my pistol but also provided an opportunity for showcasing it at a local gunshop. Its unbeatable introductory price made it an affordable choice for anyone looking to present their firearm with style and elegance. Overall, I am highly satisfied with the product and would highly recommend it to fellow gun enthusiasts. ### Instruction:
Write a 5 sentence review for this product. ### Response:
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the NO-M. A. R 1911 Clear Acrylic Pistol Display Stand for my Colt 1911A1 single-stack 45ACP. The first thing that stood out was the sheer elegance of the design - the thin footprint seamlessly blended into the background, with the focus being drawn to the beautiful firearm itself. The display was a delight to assemble, and it came with a hex wrench for added convenience.
What really caught my attention wasn't just the beauty of the product, but also how practical and efficient it was - the slim design took up minimal space in my safe and blended flawlessly into other similarly-sized display cases. The clear acrylic gave my pistol a premium look, but I also appreciated that the display was made of a single piece, ensuring durability and eliminating the risk of breakage.
The stand has proven to be the perfect accessory not just for storage, but also for showcasing my firearm at a local gunshop. I was impressed by the price, which made this stunning addition to my collection truly affordable. All in all, I am highly pleased with my purchase and wouldn't hesitate to recommend this product to anyone looking for a sleek, well-built, and affordable pistol display stand. ### Instruction:
Your review should use a light tone of voice, tell a story from your experience of using the product, and mention something unique about the product that you hadn't seen elsewhere.

Buyer's Guide

The 1911 pistol is a classic firearm that has been around for over a century. It has a timeless look and is popular among both collectors and shooters. However, to get the most out of your 1911, you'll need to choose the right accessories. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the essential 1911 accessories and some considerations before making a purchase.

Materials and Durability

When selecting 1911 accessories, pay attention to the materials used and their durability. High-quality accessories are typically made from materials like aluminum, stainless steel, or brass. These materials are resistant to corrosion, which is essential for a gun that will likely be exposed to various environments and conditions.

Fit and Compatibility

Ensure that the accessories you choose are compatible with your 1911 model and frame size. Most 1911 accessories are designed to fit specific models, such as the Colt, Kimber, or Remington. Furthermore, some accessories may only work with specific frame sizes or have different options for compact, full-size, or commander-sized pistols

Functionality and Performance

Consider how well the accessories will perform once installed on your 1911. For example, how quickly can you change magazines or swapping out recoil springs? A reliable accessory should be easy to use and provide a smooth operation, ensuring optimal performance and preventing potential malfunctions.


Ergonomics and Comfort

When purchasing 1911 accessories, consider their ergonomics and overall comfort during use. Some accessories might be bulky or difficult to grip, which could affect your shooting performance or accuracy. Opt for accessories that are well-designed and promote a natural grip or feel comfortable when using.

Value and Cost

While it is tempting to purchase high-end accessories, remember that a balance between value and cost is essential. An expensive accessory doesn't necessarily mean better performance or quality. Compare features, materials, and prices among various products before making a decision.

Brands and Reputation

Some brands are more reputable than others in the 1911 accessories market. Research the accessory manufacturer's reputation, customer reviews, and compatibility with your specific pistol model to ensure you are investing in high-quality and reliable products.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Accessories

Properly maintaining and caring for your 1911 accessories is essential to ensure their longevity and performance. Clean your accessories regularly, and follow the manufacturer's recommended care and maintenance instructions to keep them in good condition.
1911 accessories can enhance your pistol's performance, aesthetics, and user experience. When selecting accessories, consider factors like materials, fit, functionality, ergonomics, value, brand reputation, and maintenance. Choose accessories that complement your 1911's features and provide optimal performance for the price.



What are 1911 Accessories?

1911 Accessories are items designed to enhance and customize the appearance, functionality, and performance of a 1911 handgun. These accessories can include grips, sights, triggers, and other components that can be added or modified to suit individual preferences and shooting needs.

Which brands offer 1911 Accessories?

There are numerous brands that offer 1911 Accessories, including Brownells, Crimson Trace, Hogue, Magna Arms, Midway USA, and Wilson Combat. Some of these brands specialize in specific types of accessories, such as grips or sights, while others offer a wide range of options for customers to choose from.

What are the benefits of using 1911 Accessories?

1911 Accessories can provide a range of benefits for shooters, such as improved grip texture for better control and comfort, enhanced sight accuracy for more accurate shots, and performance upgrades for faster trigger pull or more reliable operation. Additionally, accessories can help personalize and customize a handgun, making it unique and tailored to the shooter's preferences.

How do I choose the right 1911 Accessories for my handgun?

To choose the right 1911 Accessories for your handgun, consider factors such as your personal shooting style, the type of shooting you plan to do (competitive, concealed carry, self-defense, etc. ), and the specific features or improvements you're looking for from the accessory. Consulting with experienced shooters or accessory experts can also help guide your decision-making process.

Are there any potential drawbacks or issues to be aware of when using 1911 Accessories?

While 1911 Accessories can offer numerous benefits, there are some potential drawbacks and issues to be aware of. Some accessories may require disassembly and reassembly of the handgun, which could be a time-consuming process if not performed correctly. Additionally, certain modifications may affect the handgun's warranty or be incompatible with other accessories.
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2024.06.01 09:43 irantfortinaaaaz Legit love in the dark

I (26 f) am in a relationship with my man, lets hide him sa name Iko (26 M) - LDR (before judging, no hindi sa tinder or dating app or soc med kame nag meet wag assuming)
We have been through so many lows and so many highs, ive been there since day 1. Tanga kung tanga pero di ako nagsisisisi - i do have a good heart, marame akong pinagdaanan mag isa na di ko deeserve maging magisa.
Were both depressed (im not diagnosed pero symptomatic, SYMPTOMATICCCC) so ayun.. um.
Im so focused on him, like hes my breakfast lunch and dinner. Zoom 24/7.
Our love story is a movie sa totoo lang and a lot of judgements but i really dont care eh.
He has been depressed, and it got so bad, he had to call a hotline. I would be asleep but he's on zoom.
Tuesday, i was having my breakfast. He said cops were on the way welfare check.
Alam nyo, yung feeling na puta, eto na. They were sending him to a facility, iyak ako. Sa harao ni mama & pamangkin. The officer wss nice enough to tell me he needed help and they're going to give him the help he needs.
The things that ran into my mind, biglang parang binuhusan ako ng tubig. Like. Shit. Shit. What do i do. Where do i go. Its like loosing limbs. Literal, di ako gumalaw sa dining table ng 1 hour.
I texted his parents, and as usual in the US parang norm na nila. E ako laki Middle East, walang facility or mental health care dito.
I was so lost, parang, nabaliw ako, sa sobrang gulo ng utak ko, i changed up my whole room put this back, put that back, drill here and there. While crying.
I kept stopping for a moment. And realizing. I wss dependent as much as he was. Sumakit dibdib ko. 3 days no eat, light sleep.
Usually when i deal with.. certain heartbreaking situations, I look at pictures, listen to sad songs, para lahat ilabas. Ito hindi
I have 4 dogs, and he loves them, minsan nga sya tagabantay im doing laundry, they know his voice.
I was so, fucked up to that point, i searched, asked online, i lost it.
I kept messaging him, naturally, not receieved. I was so lost and overthinking na inisip ko, baka this was a way for him to walk away, pero hindi eh. Napaka understanding kong partner. Lahat tinangap ko. Lahat.
He changed, and i was so proud. But now.. im alone.
Parang inisio ko, daya mo naman. Ako nga depress, stress, anxiety, adhd. Pero di ako sumuko. Mahal kita eh. Mahal na mahal. Namimiss ko kahit away naten. Puta. Bat ganon, selfish or whatever. Totoo naman ah. Putangina. Ako nga na rape. Na abuse. Wala. I was trying so hard maging okay.
Ngayon wala na. Nagiisip ako, let go nanaman lord? Ako nanaman lord? Magisa nanaman ako. Ano ba. Inaano ko ba kayo jan sa taas. Ang bait ko. Never akong nag walkout kay God. Pero ang sarap magalit
Putangina. Naiisip ko, kailan kaya ako ipaglalaban. Ako laban ng laban. Tangina sagad na. Alam yun ni iko. He had the last part of me. Ngayon ano? Dito na lang ako?
Proud ako na hes getting help and all. Pero putangina. Ang plano tayong dalawa.
Nag propose ka. Nag oo ako. Bat ganon. Ako nanaman magisa. Oo kaya ko. Pero pagod na ako. Putangina. Lahat nalang. Lahat.
submitted by irantfortinaaaaz to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:29 Low-Entropy Fischkopf Top 148: All tracks by Fischkopf Hamburg listed, ranked, and commented

Here it is. Every track that was put out by the label Fischkopf Hamburg, from all records they released. Listed, ordered, with a little comment / short review / description added to each one. Note that the "chart" concept might be a bit misleading here: Essentially, we love *all* Fischkopf tracks and think they are great. So, if a track is at number 101 or 124 in this chart, this does not mean it's a bad track - to the contrary! It's all good stuff (but some is a little better ;) We just thought the charts format would be a good idea; to present the label's catalogue, increase awareness of its music, and give somewhat of an overview of the material the label released. (And some of the comments aim to be in the typical tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted attitude, and style of the 90s hardcore fanzines)
More info about Fischkopf Hamburg can be found here:
But let us begin:
1.Taciturne - Phenprocoumon
very inventive hardcore techno track. a good example of the kind of music Fischkopf Records released. commodore amiga hardcore sound. uses broken, unusual rhythms, not typical 4/4 hardcore techno sequences. very noisy and abrasive. at the same time, a "far eastern" ambient melody is used in this track, which is very calm and soothing. this creates a very interesting clash between the harsh, abrasive elements, and the calm melody.
2.Auto-Psy - Oxyde
A legendary track made by Stella Michelsen. Hardcore Techno. From France. Industrial. Raw. Surreal. Manipulated vocals. Ambient elements. Immortal.
3.No Name - Latex
Aggressive Overture produced by Poka Michelson. Extremely unorthodox. Noisy. Close to avantgarde music. Glorious.
4.Fields Of Defacement - Urticated
Acidcore. Experimental. Project by Lasse Steen. Unusual sound. Hypnotic melody. Very Techno-like.
5.Christoph De Babalon - Babylon 90210
Dreamy. Futuristic. Sci-Fi. Jungle, Breakcore. Done on an amiga 500. By a producer from Hamburg.
6.Amiga Shock Force - Keep Your Enemies Close
By cult producers from germany. Not really hardcore techno. Almost soft, calm. Use of breakbeats. Commodore Amiga sound. Digital, lofi, sizzling. Very good.
7.Cybermouse - My Dorectives
Proto-Doomcore techno track. Very unusual. Entrancing. Techno-style. Drone that gets modulated throughout the track. Mid-tempo. Use of loops. Creates a surreal feel.
8.Eradicator - You're Lieing Pig
The only breakcore track on the "Agit Prop" LP. very lo fi, very thin sound. strange sound fx, bleeps, almost videogame-like sounds. overdriven breakbeat rhythm running throughout the track. sparsely used other elements such as distorted guitars and an aggressive vocal sample. great work by Patric Catani under his "Eradicator" alias.
9.Fields Of Defacement - Bang-Bang (Live In Hamburg 96)
Live recording. Brutal. Acidcore. With gabber and general hardcore elements. Entrancing. Exalted. Shows the power of a hardcore techno live performance.
10.Taciturne - Mourning
Probably the best known track by Taciturne next to "Der Toten". was included in Manu Le Malin's "Biomechanik" compilation. Use of ambient sounds next to a midtempo, industrial hardcore techno drum. very minimal, very few elements, not even hi hats snares or other percussion apart from the drum. crispy noisy 8 bit commodore amiga sound. legendary track.
11.Eradicator - Thou Shall Kill
one of the best tracks on the agit prop LP. fast beats, guitars, synth, noises, and a strange vocal.
12.Cybermouse - Overreacting
electro beats. non four-to-the-floor rhythm. commodore amiga sound.
13.Monoloop - Underwater Trumpet
very interesting. unique early breakcore. drone, ambient sounds mixed with hard and rough breakbeats. very surreal, futuristic. this track could only have been produced in hamburg.
14.Auto-Psy - Neutron
experimental merciless distorted ambient hardcore techno.
15.Burning Lazy Persons - If The Truth Be Known
very brutal. one of the hardest by burning lazy persons. guitars and fast beats.
16.Orderly Chaos - Melt Away Love
pure ambient track. interesting, repeated melody. wonderful track.
17.No Name - Control
one of the most classic and most fierce hardcore tracks. if you haven't heard this one, you are missing out!
18.Mathey Olivier - Residential Volume
heavy and loud drums, noises, funny intro.
19.R.A.W. - Cold War Memory Nightmare
great, great early breakcore. interesting use of sounds and "melody". also a good but haunting cold-war feel.
20.EPC - Where Do You Go?
perfect hardcore track, with radar / space-transmission like sounds. very industrial.
21.Fields Of Defacement - Attached
one of the most bittersweet dark and disturbing melodies in hardcore techno. set to arrhythmic beats and fragile manipulated percussion.
22.Eradicator - Titan
included on the 90s hardcore cd compilation "mururoa test 1". truly experimental hard electronics.
23.Amiga Shock Force - Psycore Pt. 1
slow intro. amiga computer sounds. hissing, noisy, overdriven. surreal feel.
24.Taciturne - In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi
samples the chuch of satan. non 4/4 beats. slow, distorted, noisy. dark and scary.
25.Trash Enemy HQ - Pestilence
truly interesting track. acid sounds. very dark and epic melody. no real hardcore beats and rhythm. close to industrial.
26.Eradicator - Brujeria
perfect bloodthirsty "e-de cologne"-style gabber. shouts and heavy metal guitars.
27.Christoph De Babalon - Pleased With Being Alive
one of our favorite christoph de babalon tracks. pure future and cyberdelic feel. a true classic.
28.Taciturne - Der Toten
the one and only fischkopf track that became a real "hit". was in high demand in the dutch gabber scene and ended up on countless compilations. as you probably already know this track, I don't need to describe it here :-)
29.Cybermouse - War Is Hell
maybe the most brutal track by cybermouse. early speedcore. very minimal. anti-war message.
30.M.C.P. - Overload 30303
arhythmic hardcore inferno
31.Auto-Psy - If
when i played this track, a guy once asked me "what kind of terrorist music is this?". good description!
32.Eradicator - M.C.P.
samples the movie tron. genuine 90s experimental hardcore.
33.No Name - Ydroid
Slick and without mercy.
34.Taciturne - Haematopan F
hardcore to blow your teeth out.
35.Cybermouse - Gulp
also one of cybermouse's most hardcore tracks. midtempo bounding 909 next to acid sounds.
36.Christoph De Babalon - I Own Death
the first track on his fisch 12". long, long intro. then it unleashes its full force with distorted breakbeats and a powerful melody.
37.Eradicator - Used Against Us (Remix)
Experimental gabber, ambient intro, rough sound, metal guitars. Juno hoover rave sounds. Murderous, nasty, and epic.
38.Auto-Psy - Escape
one of the most outstanding "hardcore" tracks ever. a symphony of drones, fx, noises and bassdrums. over seven minutes.
39.Burning Lazy Persons - Hyper Bitch
an early speed record. brutal and shocking.
40.No Name - Koma
so psycho, so evil, so mean. can you take it?
41.Auto-Psy - Go Out
a submarine is out of control, explosions shake the vessel, metal clanking is heard, and people scream in terror. then the sounds fade out into the cold dark blue depths.
42.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings (Live Alone Mix)
one of the most interesting tracks on this ep. fake live act. ferocious early breakcore with sophisticated production values.
43.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings
very sweet, very relaxed ambient sounds, mixed with hard breakbeats. pianos, water splashing, whales' whistling.
44.Amiga Shock Force - 24 Hour Connection
another true amigacore classic! ruthless and heavy.
45.Cybermouse - Datenvernichtung
comparable to early french noisecore. nice and evil.
46.Taciturne - Phenylephrin-Hydrochlorid
everyone knows "mourning" and "der toten", but this one is great too. proto-doomcore with a haunting drone, then gets faster towards the end.
47.Eradicator - Worringen
Heavy track with pounding steel drums, noisy synths, screams, everything you need.
48.Eradicator - Fucking Bitch Called Walker
Is that patric screaming? Menacing uncoventional hardcore gabber techno.
49.Cybermouse - Noishead
Early noise hardcore. The noise treatment for hardcore heads.
50.No Name - 01100010
didn't the german dance act "das modul" have a similar track title? but this one is hardcore, for sure!
51.Cybermouse - Adrenalin Structure
first track of the first fischkopf release. epic. was first released on an commodore amiga diskette magazine. not 4/4 hardcore, but wicked and strange electro sounds.
52.Monoloop - Chill Out
breakcore madness in between being chilled (as indicated by the piano) and being killed (as indicated by the screams).
53.M.C.P. - Overload MS 50
very aphex twin like, great experimental hardcore.
54.EPC - Autoplasie
Noisecore for your mind!
55.Burning Lazy Persons - Frd
a hammer coming down on your skull.
56.P. Server - Wires (Break)
a recording of audio wires that have been broken?
57.Fields Of Defacement - Uptight
melancholic melodic hard core tech-no?
58.EPC - R 624-2
Techno chopped up and turned into noise. Very analogue feel.
59.EPC - Persistance
Oh what a beatiful noise!
60.Eradicator - I Cum Blood
Evil experimental gabber insanity.
61.Auto-Psy - Ovoide
first track on this great ep. sounds that invoke the images of a runaway train accelerating straight to hell.
62.Auto-Psy - Andropose
the tranquil intro might give you the impression it's time to relax now, on this ep. but then the beats hammer on.
63.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself (Remix)
March into hardcore disturbia..
64.Taciturne - Liquid Theatre
strange ambient intro. cult track.
65.M.C.P. - Overload RZ-1
hardcore machines got out of control and force people to dance to their death.
66.Auto-Psy - Clear
"null... null... null..." when i put on this record for the first time, i totally fell in love with this sound and all that followed.
67.P. Server - Ratings (Terror Unit H.Q.)
cool monotonous acidcore track.
68.M.C.P. - Overload Sigma
mental gabber up your cranium.
69.Amiga Shock Force - Sex, Mord Und Kunst
one of the fastest tracks of its era. hyperfast beats next to crazy rap samples.
70.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry (Revisited)
robert smith would be proud!
71.No Name - Black Dream
help me. i hear voices. they are distorted. just as the drums.
72.No Name - 0.Vin .I
slowing down a bit. but not one bit less relentless.
73.Mathey Olivier - Easy Recording Aera
the last track of the last official fischkopf release. going out with a bang! and it's good-bye.
74.No Name - Kamasutra
i wonder what kamasutra technique inspires one to produce such devilish hardcore from hell like this. but then, it might be better to not find out.
75.Eradicator - Us Against Us
not as good as the revisit, but great nevertheless. tough experimental gabber.
76.Amiga Shock Force - Violent Geisha
mix between breakcore and early speedcore with an amiga feel.
77.Burning Lazy Persons - Poisoned Radio Wave
ooh, painful audio signals and overly distorted hardcore drums. i'm luving it.
78.Eradicator - Streptocock Gee
one of two true breakcore tracks patric catani did for fischkopf. excellent!
79.Taciturne - Praxis Dr. Fischer
Legendary drone-speedcore track. Doctor Fischer has the cure for you! Just go to his praxis.
80.Monoloop - The Dreamer
already a foreshadowing of the "ambient-breakcore" on fischkopf 13. epic!
81.Burning Lazy Persons - Garden Of The Permanent
this is crazy!
82.Burning Lazy Persons - Nakano Shit
man, this is some of the roughest hardcore that i ever heard.
83.EPC - Infectious Properties
these sounds bash right through your skull.
84.Fields Of Defacement - Found & Lost
Stones and flowers on the ground We are found and lost But love is gonna save us
85.Burning Lazy Persons - Fake
"die maschinen die maschinen die maschinen"? whatever. this machine kills!
86.Eradicator - Impulse To Destroy
the other "oversize" track on the agit prop LP. fierce drums and percussion. plenty of noise.
87.Eradicator - Distorted
Very distorted indeed! Fantastic.
88.Eradicator - Split Wide Open
Powerful radical hardcore with acid elements.
89.Burning Lazy Persons - Catastro
The overdose of noise and drums.
90.Taciturne - Krach-Aran-RMX
Now this is just krach! But a good one.
91.Eradicator - Cologne Boring M.F.
Hyperfast mental metal hardcore madness.
92.Orderly Chaos - 45m
The so real dark ambient experience.
93.Burning Lazy Persons - Kone Kane Dayone
a very very wild ride.
94.P. Server - Pulley
excellent lasse steen production. has some rave elements.
95.Amiga Shock Force - Mass Appeal Madness
one of the most "poppy" tracks on fischkopf as it samples james brown. crazy hardcore gabber.
96.Jean Bach - Tausend Stimmen
very crazy and over the top track by jean bach. heavy distortion.
97.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself
Sepultura samples, weird noises, gabber drums - perfect!
98.Christoph De Babalon - Promise, Broken
total future psychedelic breakcore.
99.Trash Enemy H. Q. - Braintraining
noise and distortion with a painful sound without drums or anything else.
100.Taciturne - Avarie De Machine
made up of sounds of heavy machinery? great!
101.No Name - Message
we got the message and the message was clear.
102.No name - Help
get on a hardcore trip faster than light.
103.Eradicator - Starving
epic ambient intro.
104.No Name - Start E·nd
it starts and ends in torturous hardcore agony.
105.No Name - A
"a" total french insane techno track.
106.Monoloop - Second Trumpet
in style similar to the other 3 tracks on fisch 13. has a heavy jazz feel.
107.Shangoe - Army Of Darkness
interesting breakcore out of hamburg.
108.Eradicator - Agitprop Troop
interesting noise experiment.
109.Eradicator - Forkboy
early speedcore track. guitars and hyperspeed drums.
110.Taciturne - Dexpanthenol
riots of noise, distortion, and brutality.
111.Monoloop - Drum Da Style
stylish early breakcore.
112.Mathey Olivier - Second Transmission
mad scientist hardcore.
113.Mathey Olivier - Well Done!
the acid sounds from outer space invade the second part of this great french hardcore track. well done indeed!
114.P. Server - Epigraph
lasse steen delivers with this great dark acidtechno track.
115.Taciturne - Krank
total "kranker" hardcore!
116.P. Server - Plunger
all power to the 303!
117.P. Server - Psave
legit 90s acid hardcore. rough production values, almost as if mastered from cassette tape.
118.P. Server - Dispatching
hardcore up your acid!
119.Fields Of Defacement - Dark.R
the 808 gets the full-on distortion treatment.
120.Eradicator - Enter Three Witches
one of two "oversize" tracks on the agit prop LP. on four-to-the floor beats. ambient outro.
121.Eradicator - Widerstand
noisy agit prop sounds!
122.P. Server - Banging Happening
123.Fields Of Defacement - Corkscrew
Wonderful monotonous hardcore without bleeps or melodies.
124.Amiga Shock Force - Shoot 'em Breax
A perfect early breakcore track. Hip hop and guitars.
125.Cybermouse - Obstreperous
Very experimental techno / hardcore track. Acid like sounds, great use of percussion, and a sci-fi feel.
126.P. Server - Metal Disposition
acid gabber brutality.
127.Burning Lazy Persons - "R"
vicious nice and nasty track by nawoto suzuki.
128.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie (240 Vers.)
faster onanism.
129.Johnny Ego - Untitled
again an interesting hamburg breakbeat track.
130.Orderly Chaos - Pine
painful sounds and pure ambient.
131.R.A.W. - Sudden Death
the other r.a.w. track from the otaku compilation. impressive as well!
132.EPC & A.N.T.I. - Sharpomatic
noisy hardcore with a total "piss off!" attitude.
133.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie
onanism will give you a mental disorder that allows you to create wonderful nasty hardcore tracks like this.
134.Burning Lazy Persons - Fish Tenpuraaaaa
fish fried well, and served for this solid hardcore dish.
135.Burning Lazy Persons - Mongolian Chop
typical nawoto suzuki. mental and dangerous. awesome.
136.Burning Lazy Persons - Niko Niko Satujin Dan
ooh I'm freaking out.
137.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry RMX
the original "remix" version. i'm also lovin' it.
138.Taciturne - Evil Dead
a kick straight to the face.
139.P. Server - Intensioner
wonderful acid techno.
140.Eradicator - Liebe Und Verbrechen
very strange and surreal gabber track.
141.Monoloop - For The Lord
monumental, experimental and exceptional breakcore with a runtime of over 7 minutes.
142.Burning Lazy Persons - Rotter…damn
funny piss take on rotterdam hardcore. includes a piano, but not in a typical happy gabber way!
143.Burning Lazy Persons - T.C.H.C.
nasty and nice.
144.Monoloop - Kills Again
a track to die for.
145.Monoloop - Free Man
noone is ever free. except the experimental hardcore resistance! (or, in this case, early breakcore).
146.Taciturne - Nightchildren RMX
lullaby of terror for the night children.
147.Taciturne - Mo Punk RMX
do you feel lucky, punk?
148.Monoloop - She's A Lion
early breakcore from hamburg
So, that's it! Over and out. Did you like our charts? Let us know!
submitted by Low-Entropy to TheHcTechnoOverDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:26 Drnk3nSn4pS Same characters meta since beta

Why is it that the meta never changes? Why do we have same exact characters busted forever?
Talking about Bugs, Shaggy, WW and TJ(the last one at least requires some skill).
I am casual player and trying so hard to become better. Was maining Joker (mage) since release and he loses in so many aspects to Bugs (mage). Considering Rabbit has way more projectiles, all rabbit melee attacks are just faster, hurtboxes are much bigger and it seems has more priority than the Joker. For example his up air (the bat) hits me even when i am below him and doing up air. My up air does not connect but his up air hits me from below...
I try hard succesfully multiple combos with Joker on Shaggy, but then he does few very basic moves which have ridiculous hurboxes and boom i have more damage :/
After getting my butt kicked by multiple Bugs in a row, i swithed to play Bugs and WW for the evening and those were my easiest wins ever.
What am I doing wrong? Maybe I am just too bad lol??? I dont want to play same meta characters as everyone else.. How hard is it to balance the game? Bugs, Shaggy and WW were meta forever..
submitted by Drnk3nSn4pS to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:03 UnhealthyCheesecake Struggling to Find Offense In The Conference Final: A Look at Pete DeBoer Coached Teams since the 2019 Playoffs

Pete DeBoer is currently coaching in his 5th Conference Final (CF) in 6 years. For most coaches, that would be a tremendous accomplishment, but for Pete DeBoer, he now stares down the barrel of his 5th consecutive Conference Final exit. So close to the Final year-over-year, but so far, he has fallen short in the penultimate round over and over again. With each exit, DeBoer continues to add to the perception that his teams cannot score when it matters most, a reputation that has followed him wherever he has gone. But are there cold hard facts to back up the suspicion that DeBoer coached teams lack firepower in the Conference Final as of late? I went to the numbers to find out, starting with the 2019 playoffs since that is when DeBoer's streak of CF losses begins.
First, I needed to calculate how many goals the average Conference Finalist scores per Conference Final game, or GF/G, in the last 6 years worth of Conference Finals. Since 2019, there have been 64 conference final games. In those 64 games, 335 goals have been scored, equaling about (5.23) goals per conference final game. But, since that is between both teams, we must divide by 2 to get our singular value, roughly (2.62) per team. So, the average Conference Finalist scores (2.62) goals per Conference Final game. In the table below, I have also calculated Pete DeBoer's teams' GF/G in the Conference Final.
Year Team GF/G OveUnder Average (2.62)
2019 SJS 2.50 Under
2020 VGK 1.60 Under
2021 VGK 2.17 Under
2023 DAL 2.00 Under
2024 DAL 2.60 Under
Since 2019, Pete DeBoer teams have been below average relative to the average conference finalist every single time, failing to reach the (2.62) GF/G benchmark. That is not good. It is especially not good when we compare his teams' GF/G to that of previous Conference Champions, and the average Conference Champion. 2024 is excluded since conference champions haven't been crowned yet, so we will be looking at the last 10 conference champions.
Conference Champion GF/G
Blues 3.83
Bruins 4.25
Stars 1.80
Lightning 3.33
Habs 2.50
Lightning 2.86
Avalanche 5.50
Lightning 2.67
Knights 3.50
Panthers 2.50
Even If we use Pete's 2024 Dallas Stars, so far his best team by GF/G (2.60) in the CF in this timespan, only 3 teams have had an equal or lower GF/G and still won their conference (2020 Stars, 2021 Habs, 2023 Panthers). Unfortunately for Pete DeBoer, two of those teams did it against Pete DeBoer (2020 Stars, 2021 Habs), and Pete DeBoer does not get the luxury of coaching against Pete DeBoer. On the other hand, 7 out of the last 10 conference champions had a higher GF/G. Often in the high 2s if not breaking 3+ GF/G
In total, the last 10 conference champions have scored 173 goals in 54 conference final games, equaling an average GF/G of (3.20). Even if we exclude the outlier that was the 2022 Avs, (what a run they went on!) the average is still (3.02) GF/G. Not once has one of Pete DeBoer's teams scored at the rate of that of the average Conference Champion of the last 5 years, often lagging behind by half a goal if not more. While it is not mandatory for his teams to hit that benchmark, the fact that they're constantly below the average is not doing them any favors. Instead, it's forcing them into a constant uphill battle where the room for error is razor thin. The situation in front of his team has to go almost perfectly for things to work out, and so far, that hasn't happened. But what about the average Conference Final loser? What insight would we get there?
Conference Final Loser GF/G
Sharks 2.50
Hurricanes 1.25
Knights 1.60
Islanders 2.00
Knights 2.17
Islanders 1.57
Oilers 3.25
Rangers 2.33
Stars 2.00
Hurricanes 1.50
Just at a glance, Pete DeBoer's teams look more at home here. The average Conference Final Loser of the last 5 years only scores about (2.02) GF/G, a figure that DeBoer's teams tend to hang out around. That's not hyperbole either:
Team GF/G Distance to Average Conference Champion (3.02) Distance to Average Conference Final Loser (2.02) Closer to:
2019 SJS 2.50 0.52 0.48 Loser
2020 VGK 1.60 1.42 0.42 Loser
2021 VGK 2.17 0.85 0.15 Loser
2023 DAL 2.00 1.02 0.02 Loser
2024 DAL 2.60 0.42 0.58 Winner
In each year he's lost the CF, his teams' GF/G has been closer to the average Conference Final Loser than the average Conference Champion. While that may seem obvious, there really isn't anything here that could falsify and dismiss the idea that his teams can't score in the CF. Rather, the numbers in this case are more aligned with that notion. In theory, it should come as no surprise that his teams have lost in the CF, they had more in common with the average team that loses than the average winner. His 2024 Stars are so far bucking the trend, but there are still games to play.
The Dallas Stars will go to Edmonton hoping to keep their season alive. If they fail, another stain will place itself in Pete DeBoer's story. A coach still looking for that elusive trophy, but seemingly doomed for eternity to push the boulder up the hill only to see it fall once again.
TLDR: Pete DeBoer teams do struggle to score in the Conference Final since 2019. While it's not the end of the world, and it's still possible for his teams to succeed as low-scoring teams, it also makes his teams' lives more difficult. Maybe he defeats his demons, maybe he doesn't. Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.
submitted by UnhealthyCheesecake to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:36 FeatherFallsAquatics Having a hard time keeping lbs on my pup

Hello dog-reddit!
I have a chihuahua "mix" who is 8 years old sometime this year.
I adopted Belle at 2 years old from a local shelter. In that time I have had an extremely hard time keeping weight on her.
She always seems almost dangerously skinny to me. You can see how tapered her waist is as well as how visible her spine is. Her weight worries me a lot, but I cannot seem to get her to gain any.
Some background: Belle is an extremely hyperactive chihuahua. She has very high energy when she is active during the day, and is often either at level 0 or level 100. She is either sleeping or hyperactive, during which I try to burn energy via attention, play, and supervised outside time. We live on rural property, which means she accompanies me during outside chores and has ample space to run and roam, but these outside times are usually 15-30 minute bursts 2-3 times every day. Otherwise she is an indoor house dog.
Belle has kibble available 24/7 which she picks at regularly. She is also given a dinner of 3.5 oz of wet food + 1/4 cup of dry food mixed together every day. She gets treats in the AM (chicken jerky dog treats) as well as frequent (safe, mostly protein) human hand outs to try and get some fat on her.
I am at a loss. We feed this little dog like she's about 40lbs above her weight but she never seems to gain an ounce. I am worried about her weight, she is far too skinny but no matter how much I feed her, she doesn't gain anything.
She is vaccinated and regularly dewormed.
Any advice is much appreicated, thank you.
submitted by FeatherFallsAquatics to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:31 DesignerBranch69 Craft Down Under [Network] {NO Whitelist}{Dedicated Servers}{55+ modpacks}

Just Added:

All the Mods 9 - To the Sky, BigChadGuys Plus, Cottage Witch, All of Fabric 7

Explore our collection of 55 modpack servers and their versions in our comprehensive SERVER LIST!

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Craft Down Under is a gaming community that specializes in hosting and playing Minecraft modpacks. Our servers, located in Australia, the United States, and Europe, offer a wide variety of modpacks to suit different playstyles and preferences. We're dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for all players, regardless of their skill level, to come together and enjoy the unique experiences that modpacks provide. Join us today and see why Craft Down Under is the go-to destination for Minecraft modpack enthusiasts!
Discord: discord.gg/playcdu
Server List: servers.playcdu.co

Come play (AU):

Server Version IP
All of Fabric 7 2.2.3 aof7.playcdu.co
All The Mods 8 1.1.0 atm8.playcdu.co
ATM: VolcanoBlock 1.0.8 vb.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0 bcg.au.playcdu.co
Craft To Exile 2 0.5.2b cte2.playcdu.co
FTB Skies Expert 1.8.1 fse.au.playcdu.co
Haven: CaveBlock 1.3.2 hcb.playcdu.co
MeatballCraft, Dimensional Ascension 0.15.1-hotfix2 mbc.playcdu.co
OccultCraft 6.6 oc.playcdu.co
Project Ozone 3 3.4.11F po3.playcdu.co
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 1.11 r2.playcdu.co
SkyBees 2 1.4.1 bees.playcdu.co
Stacia 2 Expert 0.9.15 s2e.playcdu.co
Techopolis 2 (Skyblock Mode) 7.0 top.playcdu.co
Vault Hunters 3rd edition 3.13.0 vh.au.playcdu.co

Come play (US):

Server Version IP
All The Mods 9 0.2.60 atm9.playcdu.co
All The Mods 9 (MineColonies) 0.2.60 atm9mc.playcdu.co
All the Mods 9 - To the Sky 1.0.0 atm9s.playcdu.co
Avalon Forge 2.10.0 av.playcdu.co
Better MC [Fabric] - BMC1 v20 bmf.playcdu.co
Better MC [FORGE] - BMC4 26 bmc4.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys and the Holy Grail 1.0.1 bcghg.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0 bcg.us.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0 arena.bcg.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys Plus (Non-Cobblemon) 1.0.6 bcgnc.playcdu.co
Blep's Modpack 1.2.5 blep.playcdu.co
Cottage Witch 1.16.5hotfix cw.playcdu.co
Create Stellar 1.2.2 cst.playcdu.co
Create: Arcane Engineering v1.9.3 ae.playcdu.co
Create: Astral v2.0.5b ca.playcdu.co
DawnCraft - Echoes of Legends 2.0.7 beta dc.us.playcdu.co
Direwolf20 1.20 1.12.1 dw20.playcdu.co
Fantasy MC Fabric 2.9.3b fmc.playcdu.co
FTB Skies Expert 1.8.1 fse.us.playcdu.co
Inclusive Reborn 1.0.4 inc.playcdu.co
Mechanical Mastery Plus 1.1.12 mmp.playcdu.co
Medieval MC [Fabric] - MMC2 test mcf.playcdu.co
MineColonies: Dimensional Adventure 2.0.4 mda.playcdu.co
Mystical Block 2.7.3 mb.playcdu.co
Nomifactory CEu 1.7-alpha-4 nomi.playcdu.co
Project Sacrifice 1.4.3 ps.playcdu.co
Prominence I [Fabric] v2.3.0hf prom.us.playcdu.co
Ragnamod VII 7.1.7 r7.playcdu.co
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 1.11 r2us.playcdu.co
SteamPunk [LPS] 23 sp.playcdu.co
Strictly Medieval 3 20 sm3.playcdu.co
The Chocolate Edition [Forge] 1.5.6 choc.playcdu.co
Vault Hunters 3rd edition 3.13.0 vh.us.playcdu.co
Vault Hunters 3rd edition (Hard) 3.13.0 vh2.us.playcdu.co
Vault Hunters 3rd edition (Sky) 3.13.0 vhsky.playcdu.co

Come play (EU):

Server Version IP
All in One [Modded One Block] 1.5.4b aio.playcdu.co
All The Mods 9 0.2.60 atm9eu.playcdu.co
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0 bcg.eu.playcdu.co
Fantasy MC Fabric 2.9.3b fmceu.playcdu.co
Vault Hunters 3rd Edition (EU) 3.13.0 vh.eu.playcdu.co

Key Features:

submitted by DesignerBranch69 to feedthebeastservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 icchan_12 Brainwashed Kids

Naawa ako dun sa pamangkin ng gf kong inc. Pangalanan natin syang Emelie (8yo). Mabait na bata si Emelie, bibo at matalino. Yung nanay ni Emelie naka pangasawa ng inc, eh ang nangyare nag convert sya. Pero kinalaunan hiniwalayan sya ng lalake, nambabae at nakapangasawa na ng iba. Ang kaso itong tatay ni Emelie die hard inc, eh ginawang HanDog mga anak nya. Ngayon mang aawit ngayon si Emelie. Di na rin nag balik loob sa catholic nanay nya (non-practicing catholic rin kase), nakakuha na rin yata ng "kalinga" sa pagiging inc. Last time bumisita ako sa kanila, altho catholic ako iniiwasan ko tlga yung matopic religion, nagulat na lang ako nung biglang sinabi ng bata "Lahat ng nagsasabing Iglesia kami ni Batman mamamatay lalo na yung mga catholic". Di ko alam irereact ko. Wala naman akong karapatan turuan yung bata kung ano dapat nilang paniwalaan. Nababagabag lang ako kase sa murang edad ni Emilie, naturuan na syang kamuhian yung ibang religion. Kami sa catholic hinding hindi tinuturo saamin, o maging sa misa ang manira o kamuhian ang ibang religion. Pinag darasal ko lng na sana pag laki nya mamulat sya sa katotohanan.
submitted by icchan_12 to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 AmieChuuu Contest Entry! :]

Contest Entry! :] submitted by AmieChuuu to RoyaleHighGiveaways [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:10 Count-Daring243 Best 1000 Yard Scope

Best 1000 Yard Scope

Ah, the thrill of a long-distance shot with a 1000-yard scope! If you're looking to take your shooting skills to the next level, our roundup of top-notch scopes will have you reaching for the stars. Let's dive in and see what these bad boys can do!

The Top 15 Best 1000 Yard Scope

  1. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  3. Garmin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope: Advanced Hunting Technology - Experience enhanced accuracy and easier tracking with the Garmin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope, featuring built-in laser range finder, 3.5X magnification, and Laser Locate waypoint projection for a seamless hunting experience.
  4. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  5. Vortex Recon T 15x50 Tactical Scope with 15x Magnification - The Vortex Recon T 15x50 Tactical Scope offers unparalleled magnification and field adaptability, making it the go-to solution for both surveillance and range estimating needs.
  6. High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design - The Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope offers a perfect balance of premium optics and a compact design, making it an ideal choice for backcountry hunters seeking exceptional resolution and a wide field of view.
  7. ATN Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000 Terra: Accurate Range-Finding Laser for Hunting - Expertly calculate your point of impact with ATN Corporation's Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000, tailored to seamlessly integrate with ATN Smart HD day, night, or thermal rifle scopes!
  8. Vortex Razor HD Spotting Scope: 10-39x56mm, Rangefinder & Edge-to-Edge Clarity - Experience unparalleled clarity and sharpness with the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 angled spotting scope, perfectly designed for weight-conscious backcountry hunters.
  9. Affordable and Durable Budget Spotting Scope for Clear Views - Optimize your outdoor adventures with the Bushnell Trophy Xtreme Spotting Scope, offering exceptional brightness, versatile usage, and durable protection for a premium budget-friendly spotting scope experience.
  10. UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing - Experience stunning color accuracy, unparalleled clarity, and exceptional contrast with the Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45-degree. Perfect for long-distance viewing enthusiasts and precision shooters alike!
  11. Barska 30-90x100 Gladiator Spotting Scope - Get stunning views of distant targets with the 30-90x100 WP Gladiator Spotting Scope, offering a wide zoom range and crystal-clear, multi-coated optics for unbeatable image quality in various light conditions.
  12. Axcel AVX-41 Modular 8x Scope Lens Combo - The Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo 8x offers a modular design, adjustable features, and a Doc's Choice lens in various powers for your perfect #338 Lapua Scope.
  13. Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder - Experience clear visibility on the golf course with the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, featuring a 50-200 yard range and durable, waterproof design for a lasting golfing companion.
  14. Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo: Customizable, High-Power Optics for Hunting and Shooting - Experience unparalleled precision and adjustability with the Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo, featuring a modular design, interchangeable components, and a Doc's Choice lens ready for 1000-yard shooting.
  15. Waterproof Night Vision Monocular for Long-Range Viewing - Experience unparalleled night vision performance with the Newcon Optik 2.3x42 Waterproof Gen 2+ Monocular, designed for military, law enforcement, and professional use, featuring a camera adapter for video recording.
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🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design

I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting

Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Garmin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope: Advanced Hunting Technology

A few months ago, I was introduced to the Garmin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope and have been using it on a regular basis. It's an impressive piece of equipment, not just for its sleek design, but also for its exceptional features. The 3.5x magnification was a game-changer for me, providing a clear and precise view of my targets. The Laser Locate feature, which allows me to mark the spot of my shot and other important points after the shot, has proven to be incredibly useful in my hunting experiences.
One of the standout features of the Xero X1i is the auto-ranging digital scope, which I found to be incredibly accurate in determining the distance to my game targets. With a range of up to 250 yards for game targets and 500 yards for reflective targets, I can confidently aim and shoot with precision, even in low light situations. The aim points adjust automatically to the brightness, making it easy to see the target unobstructed.
The Steady Aim and Aim Point Level features provide additional confidence in my shots, ensuring that each one will hit its mark. However, I did notice that the scope is quite large, which can be a bit of a drawback when maneuvering in tight hunting spaces. The price point is also relatively high compared to other similar products, but I believe the quality and performance justify the investment. Overall, the Garmin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope has become an essential part of my hunting gear, providing me with the accuracy and confidence needed to make successful shots.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination


I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Vortex Recon T 15x50 Tactical Scope with 15x Magnification

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Vortex Recon T, a versatile attachment scope designed for field surveillance and range estimating. This compact tactical piece of equipment was easy to attach to my belt or strap for quick deployment, and it proved to be quite useful in a variety of situations.
One of the standout features for me was the bright, sharp image it provided, even in low-light conditions. The 15x magnification and the 50mm objective lens diameter were perfect for capturing every detail I needed to see. I appreciated the easy-to-read distance measuring scale as well, which allowed for accurate approximations when targeting objects at varying distances.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered while using the Recon T. The eye relief did require some adjustment on my part, as I found it a bit challenging to get just right for my comfort. Additionally, the objective lens size seemed a bit smaller than I expected, especially considering other Vortex binox models with larger lenses.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I still found the Vortex Recon T to be an overall excellent product, well-suited for its intended purpose. If you're in the market for a reliable, powerful scope that's perfect for field surveillance and range estimating, this may be the one for you.

🔗High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design

As an avid birdwatcher, I've been using the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope for a while now, and it's been nothing short of remarkable. The compact design makes it super convenient to carry around, and I love how lightweight it feels. The clarity and sharpness of the image are outstanding, making it so easy to spot even the tiniest details on my feathered friends.
The adjustable magnification is another feature I've grown fond of. It's so effortless to switch between different magnification levels, giving me that extra edge when I need to zoom in on a specific bird. I also appreciate the ergonomic shape of the eyepiece, making it comfortable to use for extended periods.
However, the one downside I've noticed is the slight difficulty in focusing. Sometimes, it takes a bit of finesse to get the image looking razor-sharp, but once you've got it sorted, it's smooth sailing from there.
Overall, the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope has been an absolute game-changer for me. Its superb optics, convenience, and ease of use have made it a go-to tool for all my birdwatching adventures, and I can't imagine going back to using anything else.

🔗ATN Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000 Terra: Accurate Range-Finding Laser for Hunting

I recently had the opportunity to try out the ATN Corporation ABL 1000 Elements Terra - ACMUABL1000ET. It's a fantastic range-finding laser that easily attaches to any ATN Smart HD day, night, or thermal riflescope. The touch of a button provides precise point of impact adjustments for a distance to the target, ensuring accuracy within one yard or meter.
One feature that stood out to me is its compatibility with a wide range of ATN riflescopes, allowing for seamless integration. The laser also records the distance to the target on videos shot by the smart scope, providing valuable data for future reference. It's built to withstand high-caliber recoil, thanks to its hardened aluminum alloy construction. With a battery runtime of 12 hours, it's perfect for extended hunting trips.
While the ABL 1000 Elements Terra was a pleasure to use, I did notice that it can be a bit pricey for some hunters. However, considering its features and performance, I believe it's a worthy investment for those seeking the best in range-finding technology. Overall, this laser has become an essential tool in my hunting arsenal.

🔗Vortex Razor HD Spotting Scope: 10-39x56mm, Rangefinder & Edge-to-Edge Clarity

I've had the chance to test out the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Angled Spotting Scope, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure. This spotting scope truly stands out for its ability to seamlessly fit into the backpacks of today's weight-conscious hunters.
The focus wheel is a game changer, providing easy access to the scope's impressive field of view. If you're like me and love tinkering with accessories, the spotting scope's Arca-Swiss compatibility is an invaluable bonus. The high-quality optics deliver crisp edge-to-edge colors and brilliant sharpness, allowing me to spot even the tiniest of twitches from my subjects.
While it may take some time to get used to the focus knob when using the neoprene cover, the overall performance and compactness of the Razor HD more than make up for it.

🔗Affordable and Durable Budget Spotting Scope for Clear Views

I recently came across the Bushnell Trophy Xtreme Spotting Scope during my search for a reliable and affordable spotting scope. With its 20-60x magnification and generous 3.1-1mm exit pupil, this scope proved to be a game-changer when it came to spotting my target from a distance. The Porro prism and multiple layers of anti-reflective coating ensured crystal clear and detailed views, even in bright sunlight.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope was the adjustable sunshade with built-in objective cover, which provided excellent protection for the large 65mm objective. The waterproof design was also a nice touch, as it allowed me to use the scope in various weather conditions without any issues. The 18mm of eye relief and twist-up eyecups were comfortable for extended use, while the BaK-4 glass provided a bright and clear image.
The only downside I encountered was the stiffness of the adjustable eye piece, which made it a bit challenging to turn initially. However, this issue wasn't a deal-breaker, and overall, the scope delivered on its promise of exceptional brightness and clarity. The addition of a waterproof hard case and side-carry soft case provided extra convenience, making it a great option for both hunting and target shooting enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the Bushnell Trophy Xtreme Spotting Scope proved to be a reliable and versatile option for someone looking for a budget-friendly spotting scope. The combination of features, such as the adjustable sunshade, waterproof design, and comfortable 18mm of eye relief, made this scope a standout choice among its competitors.

🔗UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing

The Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45 Degree has been a game changer in my bird watching routine. With its 20-60x magnification, I can spot even the smallest feather details from a great distance. The UHD glass provides stunning color and contrast, making it effortless to distinguish between different species.
The ESP dielectric coating ensures that the image is crystal clear, with minimal chromatic fringe. The BaK4 prisms and advanced fully multi-coated lenses make the view even brighter and sharper, creating a truly immersive experience. I also appreciate the aluminum alloy chassis that provides both strength and lightweight portability.
The twist-up eye-cup allows me to set the perfect eye relief, and the extra protective layer coating keeps the lens safe from dirt and scratches. Overall, the Ares G2 is a fantastic addition to my bird watching gear, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a top-quality spotting scope.

🔗Barska 30-90x100 Gladiator Spotting Scope

The Barska AD11344 Gladiator Spotting Scope has been a game-changer in my outdoor adventures. The 30-90x magnification and 100mm objective lens provided a stunning, high-definition view of distant objects. The integrated tripod mount made it convenient to set up and use, while the sun shade helped reduce glare in bright conditions.
One of the main features that stood out to me was the optical system, which allowed for crisp, clear images in various lighting situations. The multi-coated lenses not only maximized light transmission but also ensured vibrant colors and contrast in my observations. Additionally, the waterproof and fogproof sealing kept my scope protected during occasional rain showers and foggy mornings.
However, there were a few drawbacks that I encountered. The weight of the scope felt a bit heavy, making it challenging to carry it for extended periods. While the included tripod worked reasonably well, I found that it wasn't sturdy enough to support the scope's weight at full magnification. As a result, I had to invest in a more robust tripod, which added to the overall cost.
In conclusion, despite the minor shortcomings, the Barska AD11344 Gladiator Spotting Scope has become an essential tool for my outdoor activities. Its powerful magnification, sharp image quality, and protective features make it a top choice for nature enthusiasts and outdoor sports enthusiasts alike.

🔗Axcel AVX-41 Modular 8x Scope Lens Combo


Recently I was introduced to the Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo 8x while attending a hunting seminar. I was intrigued by its modular scope series design, as it claimed to offer various adjustment options for the perfect hunting experience. The 41mm scope included in the combo has a number of components to choose from, such as sun shades, torque indicators, and interchangeable ring pins. Plus, the rheostat cover allows for control of brightness across various lighting scenarios.
What I appreciated the most about this combo was its ambidextrous design and the versatile Doc's Choice lens it came with. The various powers of the lens make it suitable for multiple hunting situations. Overall, the Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo 8x exceeded my expectations and has become my go-to scope while trekking through the wilderness. Highly recommended!

🔗Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder


As someone who's enjoyed using the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, I can say it has been a handy tool on the golf course. With its crystal clear perspective, I've appreciated the ease of gauging distance between the ball and the pin. However, I must note that accuracy can be a bit challenging if the flagstaff is partially obstructed, often requiring some strategic alignment and calculation.
The rubberised coating and waterproof design have proven to be reliable even in unfavorable weather conditions. I've received compliments from fellow golf enthusiasts for the neat leatherette pouch that accompanies it. It's been a compact yet practical companion on the course, slipping easily into my golf bag.
One downside I encountered was the absence of an electronic range finder, which required me to rely on calculations from the distance scale. This did call for a bit of math, but once you get the hang of it, it's not a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Barska Blueline 8x22 Golf Scope has served me well, offering a cost-effective and portable alternative to digital range finders. Its crystal clear vision and waterproof construction have been highlights of my golfing experience. While it requires a bit more calculation than a high-tech range finder, it's been a reliable companion that's added convenience and precision to my golf game.

🔗Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo: Customizable, High-Power Optics for Hunting and Shooting

I recently had the chance to try out the Axcel AVX-41 Scope Lens Combo in my archery practice, and I have to say, it was a game-changer. The 41mm scope offered me an impressive level of adjustability thanks to its modular design, which allowed me to customize my setup to perfection.
One of the standout features was the inclusion of the Doc's Choice lens, available in various powers. It made a significant difference in my accuracy, and I could easily see the target even at longer distances. Additionally, the #10-32 stainless steel rod and T Connector were a great addition, providing extra durability and stability to my setup.
Although the combo offers a wide array of components for customization, I did find that it might be a bit overwhelming for archers new to scope adjustments. However, with a little bit of guidance, it's definitely a versatile and reliable choice for experienced archers looking to up their game.

Buyer's Guide

A 1000 yard scope is designed to accommodate long-range shooting needs. It provides outstanding precision and accuracy, making it an excellent option for hunters and competitive shooters. Before purchasing a 1000 yard scope, it's essential to consider various factors that will significantly impact the performance of the scope. In this buyer's guide, we will highlight the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the best 1000 yard scope.

Important Features



The magnification of a 1000 yard scope is crucial, as it determines how far you can see your target. Ideally, you should aim for a scope with a magnification range between 6-25x. This will provide optimal clarity and precision for long-range shots.

Objective Lens Size

The objective lens size influences the amount of light the scope can capture. A larger objective lens will allow for more light, resulting in better low-light performance. A recommended size for a 1000 yard scope is 50mm or more.



The reticle is the set of crosshairs that you use to aim your shot. Different reticle designs provide different advantages, depending on the type of shooting you plan to do. Mil-dot reticles and BDC reticles are popular choices for long-range shooting, giving you a more precise aiming point.

Lens Quality

High-quality lenses are crucial for a 1000 yard scope, as they will provide better resolution, color, and contrast. Look for lenses with anti-reflective coatings, as they will minimize glare and increase visibility.


  • Field of View: A wider field of view will allow for a larger area to search for your target, especially when shooting at longer distances.
  • Eye Relief: Ensure the scope provides enough eye relief to prevent eye strain and potential injuries. A minimum of 3.5 inches is recommended.
  • Weight: A 1000 yard scope can be heavy, so consider the weight and whether it is comfortable for you to carry or mount on your rifle.
  • Adjustability: Look for a scope with adjustable parallax and focus, as they will improve the overall performance and accuracy of your shots.

General Advice

  • Take the time to properly sight in the scope, as it will ensure accurate shots and improve your overall shooting experience.
  • Invest in a high-quality mount to provide a stable and secure attachment for the scope.
  • Consider the environment where you plan to use the scope, such as altitude, weather, and temperature, as they may impact the performance and field of view.



What makes a scope suitable for 1000-yard shooting?

A scope suitable for 1000-yard shooting should have a high magnification power, clear and sharp optics, windage and elevation adjustments, and a durable construction. It should also have a mil-dot or BDC reticle for accurate long-range shooting.

What are the advantages of using a 1000 yard scope?

The advantages of using a 1000 yard scope include improved accuracy and precision at long-range distances, easier target identification, and the ability to take shots from different positions.

What are the differences between mil-dot and BDC reticles?

Mil-dot reticles divide the target into evenly spaced dots, allowing shooters to estimate the distance to the target and make accurate shots. BDC reticles have a series of marks or dots on the crosshairs, allowing for quick adjustments to account for bullet drop at varying distances.

How much should I expect to spend on a 1000 yard scope?

The cost of a 1000 yard scope can vary greatly depending on the brand, features, and quality of the scope. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars for entry-level models to several thousand dollars for high-end options.

What is the difference between fixed and variable power scopes?

Fixed power scopes have a set magnification power, while variable power scopes allow for adjustments to the magnification within a specified range. This can provide more flexibility for different shooting scenarios and distances.

How do I properly mount and align my 1000 yard scope?

Properly mounting and aligning a 1000 yard scope involves following the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring a secure fit, and making adjustments to the windage and elevation until the crosshairs are aligned with the bore of the rifle.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using a 1000 yard scope?

Common mistakes include not adjusting the scope's parallax, not accounting for bullet drop, and not properly mounting and aligning the scope. Ensuring proper technique and practice can help improve accuracy and performance.
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2024.06.01 08:04 Dear-Leopard-691 how to solve this Maximize Non-Perfect Square Product Pairs in an Array

Run into this question in a FAANG interview and i have no clue on how to solve it :(
I guess the community could shad some light on what sort of problem this is... This feels hard and math in nature to me....
Given an array of n integers, form the maximum number of pairs such that the product of the two numbers in each pair is not a perfect square. Each element can be part of at most one pair. You are allowed to change up to k numbers in the array to any positive integer to achieve this.


For example, if the input array is arr = [4, 12, 20, 5, 20, 5, 45] and k = 1:

Function Signature

pythonCopy code def getNonPerfectPairs(arr: List[int], k: int) -> int: # Implementation here 



Implement the function getNonPerfectPairs to find the maximum number of valid pairs after changing at most k numbers in the array.
submitted by Dear-Leopard-691 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 1000 Watt Electric Bikes

Best 1000 Watt Electric Bikes

Are you in search of a powerful and eco-friendly mode of transportation? Look no further than 1000 watt electric bikes! These mighty machines provide a smooth and efficient ride, making them perfect for everyday commuting or adventurous off-roading. In this article, we'll explore the top 1000 watt electric bikes currently on the market, helping you find the perfect match for your needs. Read on to learn more about these amazing two-wheeled vehicles!
From state-of-the-art technology to sleek design, we've carefully curated a selection of the best 1000 watt electric bikes available. These bikes offer unparalleled performance and convenience, making them an ideal choice for riders of all ages and skill levels. So buckle up and join us as we embark on a journey to discover the perfect e-bike for your urban, suburban, or off-road adventures!

The Top 8 Best 1000 Watt Electric Bikes

  1. 1000W Electric Bike for Adults with Long Range Battery and Full Suspension - Experience ultimate adventuring with the Eahora Romeo 60Ah 1000W Electric Bike for Adults - Long Range Electric Bike with Full Suspension, 26" Fat Tires, and a powerful 1600W motor - perfect for traversing all terrains with ease and style.
  2. High-Power Electric Bike with 1000W Motor and 48V Lithium Battery - Experience the power of a 1000W electric bike with a removable 48V battery, 21-speed shifting, and front fork suspension for a comfortable and efficient ride.
  3. 1000W Aniioki Electric Bike with High Speed and Long Range - Aniioki AQ177 1000W long-range e-bike with 60Ah removable battery, 350lbs payload capacity, and 28+ MPH top speed for a comfortable all-terrain riding experience.
  4. SENADA 1000W 48V Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike with Rear Rack & Fenders - Experience unparalleled performance with the SENADA Archon All-Terrain Mountain Bike, featuring a 1000W motor, 48V battery, and fat tires for conquesting hills and conquering all terrains with ease.
  5. Shengmilo-MX02S 1000W Electric Bike - Discover the safe, powerful and comfortable Shengmilo-MX02S electric bike, boasting 1000W motor and 4.0-inch fat tires, perfect for snow, city, beach, and MTB mountain rides, accommodating riders from 165 cm to 200 cm and up to 180 kg.
  6. 1000W Electric Bike with Fat Tires and 52V 15AH Battery, White - Experience an eco-friendly ride like never before with Aostirmotor's affordable, powerful, and durable 26" 1000W Electric Bike featuring a 52V15AH battery, 3 riding modes, and exceptional after-sales service.
  7. Powerful 1000W Electric Mountain Bike - Experience the thrill and adventure with the C91 Electric Bike, boasting a 48V 1000W motor, 20Ah battery, and 20" fat tires for all-terrain performance in a stylish motorcycle design that delivers up to a 60-70KM range.
  8. 1000W Electric Bike for Adults - Unleash your power with the Tifgalop Electric Bike for Adults - 1000W of pure adrenaline, 33MPH top speed, 60-mile range, and a comfy, hydraulic-suspension riding experience that will take you effortlessly up and down city hills or across rugged trails.
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🔗1000W Electric Bike for Adults with Long Range Battery and Full Suspension

As an avid cyclist, I was excited to try the Eahora Romeo 60Ah Electric Bike. I've been using it for a couple of weeks, and it has been an absolute game-changer.
One thing that really stood out to me was the battery life. With a 60Ah capacity, I can ride for hours without worrying about running out of juice. The 1600W motor is incredibly powerful, quickly reaching speeds up to 30-34mph on a single charge. The fat tires provide excellent traction and stability, making it perfect for off-road adventures or just cruising around the city.
The full suspension system is also worth mentioning. The adjustable hydraulic front shock absorbers and air pressure rear shock absorbers provide a comfortable ride even on rough terrain. And the extra safety features, like dual hydraulic brakes and 4-position sensitivity control, give me peace of mind knowing I'm always in control.
However, there are a few downsides to this bike. It's quite heavy, weighing in at 97 pounds, which can make it difficult to maneuver when not in motion. Additionally, assembly can be somewhat challenging for beginners, and the instructions provided could be more comprehensive.
Overall, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Eahora Romeo 60Ah Electric Bike. It's comfortable, powerful, and perfect for a variety of terrains. While it does have some drawbacks, such as its weight and assembly, I believe that its numerous positive features more than make up for these minor issues. If you're in the market for an electric bike, I highly recommend giving the Eahora Romeo a try.

🔗High-Power Electric Bike with 1000W Motor and 48V Lithium Battery

I recently decided to invest in an electric bike to make my daily commute more enjoyable and eco-friendly. After some research, I came across the YinZhiBoo Electric Bike E-Bike. I must say, it's been a game-changer!
First off, this bike is incredibly powerful with its 1000W motor that can reach speeds up to 25km/h. It's perfect for zipping around town or exploring trails on the weekends. The 48V/13Ah battery provides a range of about 80km, so I don't have to worry about running out of juice mid-ride.
One feature that really stood out to me is the Shimano 7-speed shifting system. It offers smooth transitions between gears and makes climbing hills a breeze. The bike also comes with 26-inch wheels, which are sturdy and suitable for various terrains.
Another highlight is the removable battery, which allows me to charge it at home or wherever I am. Plus, it's waterproof and dustproof - a must-have for someone who rides in all weather conditions.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks. The seat can be a bit uncomfortable during long rides, but I've found that adding a cushioned cover helps immensely. Also, the bike is quite heavy, making it a bit challenging to carry up stairs or load onto a car rack.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with my purchase of the YinZhiBoo Electric Bike E-Bike. Its power, range, and convenience make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to upgrade their transportation options.

🔗1000W Aniioki Electric Bike with High Speed and Long Range

I've been using the Aniioki AQ177 power bike for a while now, and I must say it's been an exhilarating experience. The step-thru design makes mounting and dismounting effortless, while the all-terrain tires provide a comfortable ride even on rough terrain. The throttle mode can reach speeds up to 28+ MPH, which is perfect for my daily commute.
One feature that really stands out is the battery. With a capacity of 60Ah, it lasts for over 100 miles, giving me peace of mind knowing that I won't run out of power mid-ride. Plus, the removable battery makes charging super convenient.
The hydraulic disc brakes are responsive and provide excellent control, ensuring safety during high-speed rides. And speaking of speed, the 1000W high-speed brushless motor ensures a smooth ride, even when pushing its limits.
However, there is room for improvement. The charging time of 7-8 hours is quite long, and the weight of the bike at 112 lbs can make it slightly cumbersome to transport.
Overall, the Aniioki AQ177 power bike offers a unique blend of comfort, speed, and safety that has transformed my daily commute into an adventure. If you're looking for a high-performance e-bike, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗SENADA 1000W 48V Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike with Rear Rack & Fenders

I recently purchased the Senada Archon All-Terrain Mountain bike and I must say it has exceeded my expectations. The first thing that caught my attention was the powerful 1000W motor and the 48V battery that allowed me to ride up to 65 miles on a single charge - talk about efficiency! Whether I was riding on sand, snow, or mountain trails, the bike's durable front-suspension fork ensured a smooth ride by absorbing road impacts and vibrations from uneven terrain.
One of the standout features of this bike is its unparalleled comfort. The adjustable seat post ensured a comfortable experience for all sizes, while the Prowheel aluminum crankset with a crankset guard protected the chain ring and allowed it to traverse rough terrain effortlessly. Furthermore, Shimano's 21-speed freewheel enabled me to adjust my speed to suit my needs, with the pedal-assist system adding extra power.
However, the Senada Archon also came with some minor drawbacks. The mechanical disc brakes, while providing sufficient stopping power, could have been more responsive on steep inclines. Additionally, the 26"x4" comfort fat tires, although providing increased traction, were a bit heavier than I would have preferred.
Overall, the Senada Archon All-Terrain Mountain bike offers excellent performance, reliability, and comfort, making it a great choice for anyone looking to explore various terrains without sacrificing convenience.

🔗Shengmilo-MX02S 1000W Electric Bike

My experience with the Shengmilo-MX02S 26 * 4.0inch Fat Tire Electric Bicycle has been truly unforgettable. This powerful bike takes all the stress out of those steep hills and long rides, while still giving you the fitness benefits of cycling.
What I loved about it was its 1000W motor - it gives a smooth and steady ride despite the rough terrain. Plus, the 7-speed Shift System and high strength Aluminum alloy suspension fork ensured a comfortable ride, even in uneven terrain.
However, one downside was the battery life. While the 48V*17Ah battery supports about 1000 times recharge cycle and takes 6-8 hours to fully charge, on longer rides I found myself needing a substitute battery sooner than expected.
Another highlight was the fat tires. The 26 x 4.0 inch fat tire can adapt to snow, city road, beach and mountain rides, making it suitable for all conditions. Additionally, the frame is made of lightweight Aluminum Alloy 6601 which makes it easy to handle and transport.
Overall, the Shengmilo-MX02S is a perfect blend of power, comfort, and convenience, making it a no-brainer for anyone looking for an electric bike.

🔗1000W Electric Bike with Fat Tires and 52V 15AH Battery, White

I've been in the market for an electric bike for quite some time now and I recently came across the Aostirmotor 26" 1000W Electric Bike Fat Tire. The first thing that caught my eye was its sleek design. As someone who enjoys riding bikes but struggles with hilly terrains, this electric bike has been a game-changer for me. It's not only powerful, with its 1000W motor, but also incredibly quiet.
One of my favorite features has to be the 3 riding modes - Pedal Mode, Boost Mode, and Power Mode. This gives me the flexibility to choose how much assistance I need from the motor, depending on the terrain or my energy level. The other highlight for me is the removable 52V 15AH Lithium Battery. Not only does it have a decent charging time of 4-6 hours, but it also has a safety design to prevent over-charging which is a big plus.
However, there are a couple of cons that I noticed. Firstly, the assembly process was a bit challenging for me. It took quite some time and required some technical knowledge. Another downside is the weight of the bike. Even though it's an electric bike, it's quite heavy, making it difficult to maneuver in tight spaces.
All in all, the Aostirmotor 26" 1000W Electric Bike Fat Tire has greatly improved my biking experience. Its power, flexibility in riding modes, and safe battery design are standout features. Despite the challenges in assembly and the weight, it's definitely worth considering if you're looking for an electric bike.

🔗Powerful 1000W Electric Mountain Bike

As an avid biker, I was thrilled to try out the sleek and powerful C91 Electric Bike. Its cross-country motorcycle style design not only adds to its robustness and durability but also helps me truly stand out on the road. The 48V 1000W motor and 20Ah battery truly pack a punch, providing a range of 40-60km by throttle, and 80-120km with power-assisted riding.
The real star of the show, however, has to be the all-terrain fat tires. These high-speed, explosion-proof tires are incredibly durable and provide an exceptional level of control and stability no matter the terrain. With Shimano recognized worldwide components, it's hard not to feel secure and confident while riding.
While the C91 does come equipped with a 7.3W LED front light, a removable battery with a key, and dual shock absorbers, it's worth noting that the maximum speed is a bit slower at 50-55km/h. Additionally, the dual disc brake can be a little touchy for some riders. However, overall, this bike offers a unique and exciting riding experience that's hard to beat.

🔗1000W Electric Bike for Adults

I recently had the chance to try out the 26" Tifgalop Electric Bike for myself, and I've got to say, it's been a game-changer for my daily commutes and weekend adventures. The 1000W motor is seriously impressive, allowing me to conquer 30% of hills with ease and reach a top speed of 33 mph.
One of the highlights of this e-bike is its 48V 18Ah removable battery, which offers a range of up to 60 miles in pure pedal assist mode (PAS mode). This powerful battery also supports fast charging, making it easy for me to keep the bike ready to go at any time.
Another feature I appreciate is the 3-in-1 electric bicycle modes and smart LCD display. It's so convenient to switch between the normal bicycle mode, the 5 levels of pedal assist, and the accelerator control while riding. The display keeps me informed about everything I need to know, including speed, battery life, and driving distance.
The 26"x4" fat tires provide excellent grip on any terrain, while the hydraulic suspension fork effectively reduces vibrations and gives me a smoother ride over rough surfaces. Plus, the 7-speed transmission and aluminum alloy frame make for a light, strong, and durable bike that's built to last.
Overall, my experience with the Tifgalop Electric Bike has been extremely positive. The only downside I've noticed is that assembling the bike can be a bit challenging for beginners. But once it's up and running, it's truly an amazing ride that's perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy the outdoors and reduce their reliance on cars.

Buyer's Guide




1. What are the key features of a 1000 watt electric bike?

A 1000 watt electric bike typically features a powerful motor, usually between 1000 watts and 1500 watts, which provides significant torque for climbing steep inclines or accelerating quickly. These bikes also have long-lasting batteries that offer a range of up to 60 miles or more on a single charge, depending on the cyclist's weight and terrain. Additionally, these electric bikes are equipped with high-quality components, including hydraulic brakes, suspension systems, and reliable drivetrains, making them durable and efficient for daily use.

2. Are 1000 watt electric bikes legal to ride on public roads?

In most countries, including the United States, 1000 watt electric bikes are considered Class 3 electric bikes, which means they are subject to certain restrictions on public roads. Generally, these bikes are allowed on bike lanes and roadways with a posted speed limit of 28 mph, though local regulations may vary. It is essential to check and adhere to your specific jurisdiction's laws before riding an electric bike on public roads.

3. How do I choose the right 1000 watt electric bike for my needs?

When selecting a 1000 watt electric bike, consider factors such as your budget, intended use, terrain, and personal preferences. Think about whether you need a bike for commuting, off-road adventures, or simply recreational riding. Additionally, pay attention to the bike's weight capacity, frame material, and battery life, as well as the motor's efficiency and performance. Reading reviews and consulting with experts can also help you make an informed decision.


4. What is the lifespan of a 1000 watt electric bike battery?

The lifespan of a 1000 watt electric bike battery may vary based on several factors, including charging habits, usage intensity, and battery quality. Generally, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries can last between 500 and 1000 charging cycles before their capacity drops significantly, which equates to around 2 to 5 years of regular use. Maintaining proper charging practices, such as not overcharging the battery, can help extend its lifespan and efficiency.

5. Can I ride a 1000 watt electric bike in the rain or snow?

Although most 1000 watt electric bikes are designed with weather-resistant features, such as waterproof covers for electrical components, it is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to heavy rain, snow, or extreme weather conditions. Excessive moisture may damage certain components, including electrical systems and brakes, and may affect the bike's overall performance and longevity. Always check the user manual for specific guidance on maintaining your electric bike in different weather conditions.

6. How do I maintain a 1000 watt electric bike?

Maintaining a 1000 watt electric bike is similar to maintaining a regular bicycle, with a few additional considerations for the motor and battery systems. Regularly inspect and clean the bike's drivetrain, brakes, and tires, and ensure that all bolts, nuts, and cables are tight and functioning correctly. Additionally, pay attention to the motor and battery, checking for any signs of damage, debris, or corrosion. Charge the battery using the correct charger and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper charging and storage practices. Lastly, have the bike professionally serviced by a qualified mechanic at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and safety.
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2024.06.01 07:50 Significant-Tower146 Best 1000 Hz Monitors

Best 1000 Hz Monitors

Discover our top picks for high refresh rate monitors in this comprehensive 1000 Hz monitors selection. Whether you're an avid gamer, graphic designer, or tech enthusiast, we've rounded up the best of the best in this article. Stay tuned as we dive into detailed reviews, feature comparisons, and essential tips for choosing the perfect 1000 Hz monitor to enhance your gaming or work experience.

The Top 19 Best 1000 Hz Monitors

  1. 38" 4K UHD Gaming Monitor with 144Hz refresh rate, Asus ROG Swift PG38UQ - ROG Swift PG38UQ: Unleash seamless 4K UHD gaming with a 38-inch monitor boasting 144Hz refresh rate, Adaptive-Sync, and ASUS Fast IPS technology, creating the perfect blend of speed, color accuracy, and immersive visuals.
  2. Fast and Immersive 24.5" Gaming Monitor - Experience unparalleled gaming performance with the Asus ROG Strix XG259QN Widescreen Gaming LCD Monitor, featuring a jaw-dropping 380Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and VESA DisplayHDR 400 for stunning visuals and smooth gameplay.
  3. Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42UQ: Fast and Stunning 138Hz Gaming Monitor - Experience ultimate gaming performance with the Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42UQ display, boasting intelligent cooling, NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility, and a stunning 4K UHD OLED panel.
  4. ASUS TUF Gaming 1080P Gaming Monitor - The ASUS TUF Gaming VG277Q1A Monitor offers 27" Full HD gaming with a 1ms response time, 165Hz refresh rate, and AMD FreeSync for smooth and lag-free gameplay, and also features Eye Care technology for comfort during extended use.
  5. 24" ViewSonic Omni Gaming Monitor - The ViewSonic Omni VX2428 24" Gaming Monitor boasts a sleek design, high refresh rate, and AMD FreeSync Premium technology for a smooth gaming experience, with flexible connectivity options and positive user reviews.
  6. MSI G274F 180Hz Gaming Monitor - 27" Full HD - The MSI G274F 27" Full HD Gaming LCD Monitor provides immersive and fluid gameplay with its 180Hz refresh rate and 1ms GTG response time, while its frameless bezel design and wide color gamut offer stunning visuals and an immersive viewing experience.
  7. MSI MAG 325CQRXF Curved Gaming Monitor (32", 240Hz, 1MS) - The MSI MAG 325CQRXF Widescreen Gaming LCD Monitor offers a 32" curved display, 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and VESA DisplayHDR 400 for stunning graphics, smooth gameplay, and immersive visuals.
  8. Fast-Response 24.5" Gaming LED Monitor with Ultrafast 240Hz Refresh Rate - Experience lightning-fast, immersive gaming with the sleek and versatile Asus ROG Strix 24.5" Gaming LED Monitor, offering an incredible 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms Fast IPS technology, a KVM switch for seamless control, and a vibrant Full HD display.
  9. 30" Curved Gaming Monitor with 200Hz Refresh Rate - Experience immersive gaming and work with the Sceptre 30-Inch Curved Gaming Monitor - featuring a high refresh rate, HDR400, blue light shift, and picture in picture for seamless multitasking.
  10. ROG Swift Pro PG248QP NVIDIA G-Sync Esports Monitor - The Asus ROG Swift Pro PG248QP is a top-of-the-line esports gaming monitor with a 24.1-inch Esports-TN panel, 540Hz refresh rate, and NVIDIA G-Sync technology, offering unparalleled performance and realism for professional gamers.
  11. Fast, 180Hz Gaming Monitor with Ergonomic Design - Experience lightning-fast, immersive gaming with the Asus 24" Full HD 180Hz Fast IPS TUF Gaming Monitor, boasting a rapid 180Hz refresh rate, 1ms GTG response time, and Adaptive Sync technology for smooth, tear-free visuals.
  12. Asus ROG Strix 24.5" Full HD Gaming Monitor - Experience seamless and immersive gaming with the Asus ROG Strix XG256Q 24.5" Full HD Gaming LCD Monitor, boasting a 180Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and lifelike visuals for an unmatched gaming experience.
  13. Asus ROG Swift OLED Gaming Monitor: 49" Curved Dual QHD Display, 144Hz Refresh Rate, Tear-Free Gameplay - Experience the ultimate gaming display with the Asus ROG Swift PG49WCD 49" Curved QD-OLED Gaming Monitor, featuring dual QHD resolution, 144Hz refresh rate, and 0.03ms response time for unmatched smoothness and fluidity in your gameplay.
  14. ASUS ROG Strix 27" Gaming Monitor with 170Hz refresh rate - Experience lightning-fast gaming on the 27" Asus ROG Strix HDR10 Gaming Monitor with 170Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility, and ASUS ELMB technology, providing smooth graphics and vibrant colors for your gaming adventures.
  15. 28" 4K FreeSync Gaming Monitor with HDR - Captivate yourself in stunning 4K detail with the Asus TUF Gaming VG289Q1A monitor, combining HDR10 compatibility, adaptive FreeSync technology, and 1ms response time for smooth, immersive gaming experiences.
  16. Asus ROG Strix 29.5" Ultrafast HDR Gaming Monitor - Experience the immersive and smooth gaming visuals with the Asus ROG Strix XG309CM, a high-refresh-rate 29.5" HDR gaming monitor designed for professional gamers and perfected with ASUS Fast IPS technology for sharp gameplay and effortless control.
  17. Ultrabendable OLED Gaming Monitor 45" 240Hz - Transform your workspace into an immersive gaming zone with the Corsair XENEON FLEX, a bendable 45" 240Hz OLED LCD Monitor featuring seamless 800R curve, cable management, and intuitive control through CORSAIR iCUE software.
  18. MSI 32" 4K Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot - Experience lightning-fast, visually stunning gaming with the MSI MPG321UR QD Gaming Monitor, boasting 1ms fast response, 4K UHD resolution, and NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility for smooth and immersive gameplay.
  19. 24.5-inch 500Hz Sleeper Chair with Pillow and Pocket - The Alienware AW2524HF Gaming Monitor offers unparalleled speed and responsiveness with a 500Hz refresh rate and AMD FreeSync Premium, making it an essential addition to any pro-gamer's arsenal.
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🔗38" 4K UHD Gaming Monitor with 144Hz refresh rate, Asus ROG Swift PG38UQ

The Asus ROG Swift PG38UQ gaming monitor is a real treat for any gamer. This 38-inch 4K UHD beast comes equipped with a 144Hz refresh rate and Adaptive-Sync, providing ultra-smooth visuals. The ASUS Fast IPS technology ensures fast response times needed for quick reflexes during intense gaming sessions. Additionally, the PG38UQ supports native 4K 120Hz gaming without chroma subsampling on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X via HDMI, making it a versatile choice for both PC and console gamers.
One of the impressive features of this monitor is its excellent color accuracy. With a 98% DCI-P3 color gamut and DisplayHDR 600 certification, you are guaranteed true-to-life colors that immerse you further into your gaming world. The sleek design and high build quality complement the high-performance experience.
Set up is super easy, even for those unfamiliar with gaming monitors. It includes features like the Asus Fast IPS technology for quick response time and an Adaptive-Sync for super-smooth gaming visuals. These make it perfect for watching movies or playing games on a big screen.
The only downside I found was the placement of menu buttons at the bottom right, which may require some getting used to. But apart from this minor inconvenience, the Asus ROG Swift PG38UQ truly delivers a top-notch gaming experience on a 4K UHD screen.
Highlightes of this product include its large 4K UHD screen, fast 144Hz refresh rate, and the ability to support native 4K 120Hz gaming without chroma subsampling on consoles via HDMI. In fact, the only con to this monitor is the placement of menu buttons that may require some getting used to.
So if you're a serious gamer looking for a high-quality, performance-driven monitor with a large screen and stunning visuals, the Asus ROG Swift PG38UQ is definitely worth considering.

🔗Fast and Immersive 24.5" Gaming Monitor

I've been using the Asus ROG Strix XG259QN gaming monitor for a few months now, and I'm genuinely impressed with its performance. The quick response time and high refresh rate make even the most intense gaming sessions smooth and lag-free. I also appreciate the HDR modes and vibrant color gamut that bring my games to life with rich, lifelike visuals.
One downside is that this monitor doesn't come with built-in speakers, but the overall experience has still been top-notch. The adjustable stand allows me to find the perfect viewing angle, and the low blue light feature ensures my eyes don't feel strained after long play sessions. Plus, the wide range of connectivity options ensures compatibility with all my devices.
In conclusion, the Asus ROG Strix XG259QN is an exceptional gaming monitor that delivers on performance and visual quality. If you're looking to upgrade your gaming setup and take your game to the next level, this monitor is definitely worth considering.

🔗Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42UQ: Fast and Stunning 138Hz Gaming Monitor

As a long-time gamer, the Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42UQ has completely transformed my gaming experience. This monitor has everything you could ask for - incredible picture quality, an impressively fast refresh rate, and a sleek design that wouldn't look out of place in a sci-fi movie.
The 4K UHD display is a standout feature, with vibrant and accurate colors that make every game feel more immersive than ever before. Plus, the HDR compatibility means that even the darkest scenes are rendered with stunning detail.
Then there's the 138Hz refresh rate, which ensures smooth gameplay even in the most intense action sequences. It's NVIDIA G-Sync compatible too, so you won't have to worry about screen tearing or other visual artifacts.
But the ROG Swift OLED isn't just all about its visuals; it's designed with your comfort in mind too. The intelligent cooling system keeps the monitor running smoothly even during marathon gaming sessions, and the Game Mode feature lets you easily customize settings to suit whichever game you're playing.
However, there are definitely some drawbacks to this monster of a screen. For one, it might be too big for some people's setup, especially if you're playing on a smaller desk or in a smaller room. Additionally, the weight of the monitor can make setting it up a bit cumbersome.
Despite these minor issues, I'm still blown away by the Asus ROG Swift OLED PG42UQ. It has revolutionized how I play games, making them feel more immersive and lifelike than ever before. If you're in the market for a new gaming monitor, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗ASUS TUF Gaming 1080P Gaming Monitor

I recently got my hands on the Asus TUF VG277Q1A Gaming Monitor, and boy am I impressed! This 27-inch monitor is a game-changer for gamers who demand smooth and responsive performance. The Full HD display, coupled with a 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms Extreme Low Motion Blur, instantly enhances my gaming experience.
Its Eye Care feature is a godsend, reducing eye fatigue after extended hours of playing. Additionally, the monitor's Shadow Boost technology ensures that I don't miss out on any crucial details in dark scenes. Oh, and did I mention it has both HDMI and DisplayPort connectivity? Talk about versatility!
However, there are a few cons to consider. The power cable is a bit too short, which limits where I can place the monitor on my desk. And while assembly was a breeze, some may find the lack of adjustable height frustrating.
Overall, I highly recommend the Asus TUF VG277Q1A Gaming Monitor for gamers seeking a high-performing yet affordable option. It's definitely worth the investment!

🔗24" ViewSonic Omni Gaming Monitor

I've been putting the ViewSonic Omni VX2428 through its paces in my gaming setup lately. Right off the bat, this 24-inch monitor impresses with its sleek 3-sided frameless design, making it perfect for seamless multi-monitor setups. Under the hood, it boasts a high 180Hz* refresh rate, 0.5ms (MPRT) response time, and AMD FreeSync Premium technology, virtually eliminating screen tearing and stuttering for a fluid gaming experience.
The connectivity options are plentiful, with two HDMI (v1.4) inputs, and one DisplayPort (v1.2) input that ensures smooth flexibility for both general use and entertainment. However, the monitor's performance is hampered by the fact that the HDMI version is 1.4, limiting the output to a maximum of 120Hz if you're relying solely on HDMI connections. Another point to note is the lack of built-in speakers, which may require additional investment in external ones if you don't have any.
In terms of build quality, the VX2428 is very solid and sturdy, and it comes with a DisplayPort in the box, which is a plus. As a beginner, I've been giving this monitor a 9/10 so far, though I'll update my review after two weeks of usage.
Overall, I would recommend this monitor to gamers who are looking for a sturdy, sleek design with fluid, tear-free gameplay. Just keep in mind that you might need to consider additional investments for better sound quality and smoother connectivity options.

🔗MSI G274F 180Hz Gaming Monitor - 27" Full HD

The MSI G274F Gaming LCD Monitor is a game-changer, providing an immersive and fluid gaming experience like no other. With its 180Hz refresh rate and 1ms fast response time, every frame appears smoother and more responsive, making your gameplay incredibly fluid. The Rapid IPS panel technology offers wide viewing angles and accurate colors, while the HDR Ready feature enhances contrast and vibrancy, giving you a stunning visual experience.
Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive esports player, the G274F has been designed to deliver exceptional performance. The wide color gamut ensures realistic and refined game colors and details, and the frameless bezel design offers a sleek and immersive viewing experience. The Adaptive Sync/G-Sync Compatible technology eliminates screen tearing and stuttering for a seamless and fluid gameplay.
The low blue light and flicker-free technology are a breath of fresh air for avid gamers, reducing eye strain and fatigue, allowing you to game for extended periods without discomfort. The G274F comes equipped with multiple connectivity options, including HDMI 2.0 and DisplayPort, for easy compatibility with various devices. Its stylish and modern design complements any gaming setup, while the adjustable tilt stand allows you to find the perfect viewing angle for your comfort.
In summary, the MSI G274F Gaming LCD Monitor is a exceptional choice for gamers who seek top-notch performance and stunning visuals. With its high refresh rate, rapid response time, and advanced features, this monitor is sure to amplify your gaming experience and help you claim victory over your opponents.

🔗MSI MAG 325CQRXF Curved Gaming Monitor (32", 240Hz, 1MS)

I remember the first time I unboxed this baby - the MSI Mag325cqrxf Widescreen Gaming LCD Monitor. As soon as I plugged it in, my jaw dropped. The 31.5-inch QHD 240Hz 16:9 Curved 1000R Rapid VA Gaming Monitor lives up to its name with its breathtaking display and mind-blowing features.
The first thing that caught my eye was the 240Hz refresh rate. You know how some games can be a little choppy? Not on this monitor. It's smoother than a freshly waxed car, making my fast-paced games feel almost cinematic. And don't even get me started on the 1000R curvature. It's like I'm inside the game world!
I also love how they've incorporated anti-flicker technology and blue light reduction to make gaming sessions longer without straining my eyes. But what truly sets it apart are the vibrant colors and wide viewing angles provided by the Rapid Vertical Alignment VA panel technology. It's like I'm seeing colors I didn't know existed!
However, one thing that could be improved is its size. While it's perfect for smaller gaming setups, players with larger desks might find the 31.5-inch screen a bit too cozy. Also, the price tag might be a tad steep for casual gamers.
But overall, I am absolutely in love with this monitor. It's my ultimate gaming companion and has made my gaming experiences truly immersive and exhilarating. Thanks, MSI!

🔗Fast-Response 24.5" Gaming LED Monitor with Ultrafast 240Hz Refresh Rate

Recently, I had the chance to test out the Asus ROG Strix XG259CM monitor, and it's been a game-changer in my quest for the perfect gaming setup. This sleek 24.5-inch monitor boasts a lightning-fast 240Hz refresh rate, designed specifically for professional gamers. Its Full HD resolution provides immersive gameplay, with colors that are sharp and vibrant, thanks to the IPS panel.
One of the standout features of this monitor is its ASUS Fast IPS technology, enabling a 1ms response time (GTG) for ultra-smooth gameplay. This makes a huge difference in first-person shooter games, where a split-second delay can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Another convenient feature is the KVM switch, allowing you to control two connected devices using a single keyboard and mouse. This is perfect for those who work from home and need to switch seamlessly between their personal computer and their workstation.
On the downside, the monitor is quite heavy, making it a bit cumbersome to move around or adjust the angle. Additionally, the built-in speakers are decent but not outstanding, so you may want to invest in a separate set of speakers for a more immersive audio experience.
In summary, the Asus ROG Strix XG259CM monitor is a powerful and versatile tool for gamers and work-from-home professionals alike. Its impressive performance, combined with its intuitive controls and KVM switch, make it well worth the investment. However, its weight and mediocre speakers may not appeal to everyone.

🔗30" Curved Gaming Monitor with 200Hz Refresh Rate

I recently got my hands on the Sceptre 30-Inch Curved Gaming Monitor Metal Black C305B-200UN and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my gaming sessions. The first thing that caught my attention was the immersive viewing experience the curved display offers. It has made my gaming experience more intense and realistic.
The large 30-inch display is a treat for the eyes, especially when it comes to watching movies or playing games. The detailing is sharp and crisp, making everything look lifelike.
One of the standout features of this monitor for me is the 200Hz refresh rate. It provides an incredibly smooth gaming performance, giving me a clear advantage over my opponents.
The build quality is also top-notch. The monitor is sturdy and well-built, which gives me confidence that it will last for a long time. Additionally, it comes with built-in speakers that deliver quality audio, even though it may not be as powerful as external speakers.
However, there are a few areas where this monitor could be improved. The stand takes up a lot of space on my desk, which can be a bit inconvenient. Also, the menu buttons are a bit tricky to use, requiring some trial and error to navigate through.
In conclusion, the Sceptre 30-Inch Curved Gaming Monitor Metal Black C305B-200UN is a solid choice for gamers looking for a high-quality monitor at an affordable price. Its immersive display, smooth refresh rate, and solid build quality make it a winner in my book. Just be prepared for the space-consuming stand and the quirky menu buttons.

🔗ROG Swift Pro PG248QP NVIDIA G-Sync Esports Monitor

I recently got my hands on the Asus ROG Swift Pro PG248QP NVIDIA G-Sync Esports Gaming Monitor, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for me as an avid gamer. I was initially skeptical about the 540Hz refresh rate, thinking it would be overkill, but boy, was I wrong. The smoothness it brings to my gaming experience is unparalleled.
First and foremost, the fast response time of this monitor is truly impressive. I play a lot of fast-paced games like Valorant and Counter-Strike 2, and the swiftness of the panel has made a noticeable difference in my gameplay. It's like looking through a crystal-clear window into the game, giving me that extra edge needed to outsmart my opponents.
The adjustable base is also a game-changer, as it allows me to fine-tune the ergonomics to suit my desk setup perfectly. The retractable claws on the base are a nifty touch that helps free up some much-needed space on my already cluttered desk.
As for the cons, I have to say that the build quality could be better. I encountered some issues with the bottom panel, which appears to be attached with glue and flexes when pressed. For a monitor priced at $900, I feel that the build quality should be more exceptional. Additionally, the compatibility with NVIDIA GPU's might be a turn-off for some, although it did not affect my personal experience.
In conclusion, the Asus ROG Swift Pro PG248QP NVIDIA G-Sync Esports Gaming Monitor has significantly improved my gaming experience with its lightning-fast refresh rate and smooth performance. The adjustable base is also a welcome addition to the package. However, the build quality could be better, and the compatibility with only NVIDIA GPU's might not appeal to everyone.

🔗Fast, 180Hz Gaming Monitor with Ergonomic Design

I've been using the Asus VG249QL3A Gaming LED Monitor for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer for my gaming experience. The first thing that grabbed my attention was its lightning-fast 180Hz refresh rate, which translates to incredibly smooth visuals and minimal motion blur. Couple that with the Adaptive Sync technology, and I'm getting tear-free gaming sessions that keep me immersed in my favorite games.
As a reviewer who's been playing games for hours at a time, the ergonomic design of this monitor is truly a blessing. I can adjust the stand to find the perfect viewing angle, and since the screen is bezel-free, it looks like a seamless part of my setup.
One of my favorite features of this monitor is its vibrant colors. The 99% sRGB gamut ensures that I'm seeing games in their full glory, while the 350 nits brightness means that I don't have to squint to see the action, even when playing in a well-lit room.
The 1ms GTG response time definitely deserves a mention as well. Fast-paced games are no longer a challenge for me, as the monitor keeps up with every mouse movement and key press without any lag or ghosting.
However, there's one drawback that I have to mention. The built-in 2W speakers are decent, but they don't deliver the same level of immersion as a dedicated gaming headset. That being said, the monitor itself is a solid buy for gamers who prioritize performance and visual quality above all else.
In conclusion, the Asus VG249QL3A is a fantastic gaming monitor that delivers smooth, tear-free gameplay with vibrant colors and a lightning-fast response time. It's perfect for long gaming sessions and provides an immersive experience that I wouldn't want to miss.

🔗Asus ROG Strix 24.5" Full HD Gaming Monitor

As a gamer, I've seen my fair share of monitors, but the Asus ROG Strix XG256Q truly stands out in terms of performance and design. Its 180Hz standard refresh rate and 1ms response time result in fluid, blur-free visuals that bring my favorite games to life. The 99% sRGB color gamut adds vibrancy, making everything look more lifelike. Moreover, its 400 Nit brightness ensures clear visibility even in bright environments.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable stand, which lets me fine-tune the viewing angle for optimal comfort. I also appreciate the included Low Blue Light and Flicker-free technologies that help reduce eye strain during marathon gaming sessions.
The VESA DisplayHDR 400 certification takes this monitor to the next level, enhancing contrast and color depth to create stunning visuals with lifelike details. And with its wall mountable design, I have the flexibility to set up my gaming space however I want, without cluttering it with unnecessary cords and peripherals.
Overall, I'm impressed with the Asus ROG Strix XG256Q Gaming LCD Monitor. Its combination of speed, accuracy, and eye comfort make it an excellent choice for gamers of all skill levels. If you're looking for a high-performance monitor that will take your gaming experience to new heights, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Asus ROG Swift OLED Gaming Monitor: 49" Curved Dual QHD Display, 144Hz Refresh Rate, Tear-Free Gameplay

I recently got my hands on the Asus ROG Swift Gaming OLED Monitor (pg49wcd), and I must say, it's been a game-changer! This 49-inch curved QD-OLED monitor offers an immersive gaming experience that I've never seen before. The stunning 5120x1440 resolution paired with the 32:9 aspect ratio creates vivid and lifelike visuals.
One of the things that stood out to me was the 144Hz refresh rate and 0.03ms response time. These specs deliver incredibly smooth gameplay, making it feel like I'm right in the middle of the action. The Asus ROG PG49WCD Swift Gaming OLED Monitor also supports FreeSync Premium Pro/G-sync Compatible technology, ensuring tear-free gaming sessions.
Another notable feature is the Picture by Picture mode, which allows me to view content from two sources simultaneously. This has been incredibly useful for multitasking and keeping an eye on my work and personal devices at the same time.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to this monitor. Firstly, the KVM feature requires a software installation, which might not be ideal for some users. Secondly, I've noticed that the monitor tends to stick in a switching loop when trying to change input signals.
In conclusion, the Asus ROG Swift Gaming OLED Monitor (pg49wcd) offers an unparalleled gaming experience with its QD-OLED display and high refresh rate. Its immersive visuals and smooth gameplay make it a top choice for gamers looking to elevate their gaming setup. While there are some minor cons, they don't detract from the overall excellent performance and features offered by this monitor.

🔗ASUS ROG Strix 27" Gaming Monitor with 170Hz refresh rate

As a die-hard gaming enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Asus Xg276q ROG Strix Gaming Monitor, and I must say, it has truly enhanced my experience. Its 170Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time make my games look smoother and more immersive than ever before. The NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility is a game-changer, eliminating any pesky screen tearing or stuttering that could disrupt my intense gaming sessions.
The DisplayHDR 400 support provides stunning visuals with accurate colors, deep blacks, and brilliant whites. I also appreciate the Dynamic Shadow Boost feature, which helps me spot even the most elusive enemies in dark corners. The GameVisual modes and GamePlus hotkeys are incredibly handy, giving me the ability to customize my display quickly and easily.
One downside to note is that I've noticed some minor issues with the brightness and contrast if auto HDR is enabled on certain games. However, a quick tweak in the global settings ensures everything is running smoothly. Overall, I couldn't be happier with my new Asus Xg276q ROG Strix Gaming Monitor, and I highly recommend it for any avid gamer looking to take their skills to the next level.

Buyer's Guide




What are 1000 Hz monitors?

A 1000 Hz monitor is a high refresh rate display designed to significantly reduce motion blur, ghosting, and stuttering in video games or other high refresh content. This innovative technology allows for smoother gameplay and improved overall visual experience.


What are the benefits of using 1000 Hz monitors?

1000 Hz monitors offer several benefits, including:
  • Reduced motion blur and ghosting due to the high refresh rate, leading to a more immersive gaming experience.
  • Smoother gameplay with minimized stuttering, particularly in fast-paced games.
  • Improved perceived resolution and better overall visual clarity.

Do all 1000 Hz monitors support the same features?

Not necessarily. While all 1000 Hz monitors have a high refresh rate, other features may vary between models. Some monitors might offer additional connectivity options, advanced color reproduction, or adjustable stands, while others may focus solely on providing the highest possible refresh rate.


How can I choose the best 1000 Hz monitor for my needs?

When selecting a 1000 Hz monitor, consider the following factors:
  • Resolution: Higher resolution offers better image quality and more detail.
  • Panel type: IPS (In-Plane Switching) panels provide wider viewing angles and better color reproduction, while TN (Twisted Nematic) panels have faster response times and are generally more affordable.
  • Connectivity: Ensure the monitor has the proper ports (HDMI, DisplayPort, USB, etc. ) for your gaming platform(s).
  • Additional features: G-Sync or FreeSync compatibility can help reduce screen tearing and ensure smooth gameplay at varying refresh rates.

Are PC systems with 1000 Hz monitors future-proof?

While 1000 Hz monitors offer significant improvements in motion clarity and stuttering reduction, their long-term viability depends on various factors. As technology continues to advance, new gaming trends or innovations may emerge, such as 144Hz monitors and next-generation display technologies. However, with the increasing prevalence of eSports and high-refresh-rate content, investing in a 1000 Hz monitor remains a solid choice for avid gamers.


Do I need a specialized gaming computer to take advantage of a 1000 Hz monitor?

While having a high-performance gaming computer is beneficial for achieving the full potential of a 1000 Hz monitor, many modern graphics cards and CPUs are capable of supporting high refresh rates. To maximize performance, ensure your system has adequate RAM and storage capacity, as well as a recent and powerful graphics card.

How do I enable 1000 Hz mode on my monitor?

Enabling 1000 Hz mode on your monitor is generally a simple process. Typically, you can access the graphics settings or monitor menu on your computer and manually set the refresh rate to 1000 Hz. However, the exact method for enabling 1000 Hz mode may vary depending on your computer's hardware and operating system.

Will I experience burn-in with a 1000 Hz monitor?

Burn-in, also known as image retention, can theoretically occur on any display. However, modern 1000 Hz monitors are equipped with advanced technologies that help minimize the risk of burn-in, such as pixel shifting and screen savers.

Do I need any specific software to maximize the benefits of a 1000 Hz monitor?

While having a dedicated graphics software may help optimize your overall gaming experience, it is not mandatory to maximize the benefits of a 1000 Hz monitor. Ensuring that your graphics drivers are up-to-date and compatible with your system and monitor is typically sufficient for taking full advantage of the monitor's features and capabilities.
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2024.06.01 07:42 Stage-Piercing727 Best 556 Reloading Dies

Best 556 Reloading Dies

Pull the trigger on your reloading venture with our top picks for the best 556 reloading dies. In this roundup, we'll dive into the world of reloading, providing you with a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect tool for your needs. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the basics or a seasoned pro searching for the latest innovations, we've got you covered. Let's embark on this exciting journey together, one die at a time.

The Top 11 Best 556 Reloading Dies

  1. Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading - The Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set for .45-70 Government offers an all-in-one solution for perfect reloading, featuring a full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, factory crimp die, and a universal shell holder.
  2. Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading - Experience efficient and effective reloading with the Lee Precision Deluxe 4 Die Carbide Set - the perfect solution for .38 Special ammunition!
  3. Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo - Experience the precision and durability of the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm, ideal for efficient reloading with its universal shell holder, powder dipper, and comprehensive load data sheet.
  4. High-Quality, Full-Length 5.7x28 Reloading Die Set with Expander-Decapping Units - Experience top-notch reloading with the RCBS 2-Die Set for 5.7x28mm Fabrique Nationale, featuring a full-length sizer die and an expander-decapping unit for precise case resizing and vent holes for protection.
  5. Quality 5.7x28mm Reloading Die Set for Limited Production - Discover exceptional precision and quality in the Lee Precision 5.7x28mm 2 Die Set, offering a unique, made in the USA solution for your reloading needs, backed by reliable and comprehensive load data for unmatched versatility.
  6. RCBS 45-70 Government 3-Die Set for Straight-Wall Rifle Cases - RCBS 3-Die Set for .45-70 US Government delivers a seamless reloading experience with its high-quality carbide sizer, expander, and seater dies, ensuring easy adjustment and precise case sizing.
  7. RCBS Carbide Sizer Die 18237 - Precision Rifle and Pistol Reloading Equipment - Experience top-notch quality and precision with RCBS Carbide Sizer Die for .357 Mag and .38 Spec calibers, renowned for durability and exceptional customer satisfaction.
  8. Hornady 223 Remington Reloading Die Set for Superior Bullet Seating - Hornady's 2 Die Set 223 Rem is a remarkable reloading kit, offering lifetime durability, easy maintenance, and cutting-edge spindle design for a hassle-free experience.
  9. High-Performance 40 S&W Reloading Dies for Exceptional Functionality and Precision - Engineered with precision, Lyman Pro Die Pack offers superior performance and versatility for 10mm and 40 S&W reloading, featuring stainless steel and carbide materials for durability and reduced wear.
  10. Precision 4-Die Set for Bushmaster Cartridge (Vry Ltd Limited Production) - Experience precise reloading with the Lee Precision 90182 4 Die Set for 450 Bushmaster, featuring a Vry Limited production and exceptional performance with its four-die set.
  11. Hornady Series I 2-Die Set for 223 WSSM Bullet Feeder and Seating - Experience unparalleled precision and durability with Hornady's Custom-Grade 2-Die Set 223 WSSM, featuring the innovative Zip Spindle design for effortless adjustments and superior reloading results.
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🔗Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading

When I first got my hands on the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set, I was impressed with the sturdy construction. This set has everything you need for handloading your. 45-70 Government rounds, without any need for additional accessories. I appreciated the inclusion of the Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die, which allowed for easy sizing without having to buy that separately.
One thing that stood out was the versatility of this product. With its included powder dipper and shell holder, it was a breeze to charge and seat my bullets, making handloading as simple as can be. Add that to the reliable crimping process and it was hard to find any faults.
However, like any product, it wasn't without its quirks. I found that the included Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die required careful lubrication before use and needed the cases to be cleaned before charging. It also didn't come with a factory crimp die, which added an extra step to the process.
All in all, the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set was a reliable addition to my reloading kit. With its robust construction, versatile capabilities, and reasonable price, it's a product that any serious handloader should consider. Just remember that with any reloading equipment, patience, and attention to detail are key to ensuring a seamless process.

🔗Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading

When I decided to take up reloading my own ammunition, I knew I needed a reliable and efficient set of dies. That's when I stumbled upon the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set. I was immediately attracted to its four-die set, which included a carbide sizing die, a bullet seating die, a powder thru expanding die, and a carbide factory crimp die. The set is perfect for effectively and efficiently reusing my ammunition.
One of the things that stood out to me was the air-tight, low profile box that the dies come in. It keeps the dies organized and preserved, so they're always ready to use. The dies themselves are high quality and easy to set up, ensuring a smooth and efficient reloading process.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The instructions could be clearer at times, and I found that I needed to thoroughly clean the dies with lacquer thinner to ensure accurate adjustments and prevent any issues with powder flow. The locking rings also took some getting used to, but after a little practice, I was able to easily switch between calibers on my Lee turret press.
Overall, the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set has been a reliable and efficient addition to my reloading setup. It's a great value for the price and has lived up to my expectations. I would definitely recommend it to fellow reloaders looking for a high-quality and cost-effective set of dies.

🔗Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo

I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm, and let me tell you, it's been quite the experience. First off, the packaging was quite impressive - the dies were neatly arranged in a small, sturdy box. The manual and load data sheet were a nice touch too.
One of the features that stood out to me was the universal shell holder, which made it a breeze to start reloading my ammo. It took me back to the old days when people had to go through the hassle of finding the right components and assembling them by hand. The powder dipper was a real game-changer; it's like a whole new level of precision in reloading.
As for the dies themselves, they were durable and easy to use. The carbide full length sizing die was really impressive - no more issues with stripped lock screws! The powder through expanding die bullet seating die worked like a charm, ensuring accurate and consistent crimping. The universal shell holder was a bit fiddly at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was a smooth operation.
That's not to say there weren't a few cons. The instruction manual could have been more detailed, particularly when it came to adjusting the die. And the seating/crimping die took some fiddling around before I achieved consistent results, especially when I tried to do both at the same time.
Overall, though, it's been a positive experience. The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm does a great job of making reloading more efficient and reliable. I'd definitely consider investing in more sets for the future. A five out of five for me!

🔗High-Quality, Full-Length 5.7x28 Reloading Die Set with Expander-Decapping Units

Reliability meets ease: the RCBS fl Die Set 5.7x28 is a favorite among reloaders for its high-quality, efficient sizing and seating process. The full-length sizer die works seamlessly with the bullet seater to resize and seat bullets with precision, all while vent holes prevent case damage caused by trapped air or excessive lubricant.
However, be aware that this die set has been known to cause issues with brass casing lacquer. Overall, the RCBS fl Die Set 5.7x28 is a top choice for those seeking both performance and simplicity in their reloading.

🔗Quality 5.7x28mm Reloading Die Set for Limited Production

I recently started trying out the Lee Precision 5.7x28mm 2 Die Set, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer in my reloading process. The quality of the dies is top-notch - they're made in the USA and fit perfectly with the cartridge.
One of the features I love the most is the inclusion of the full-length sizing die and bullet seating die. It makes the reloading process much smoother and more accurate. Plus, the universal shell holder and powder dipper that come with the set are a nice added touch.
While the Lee Precision 5.7x28mm 2 Die Set doesn't come with powder dipper or load data, I find that it's a fair trade-off for the affordability and quality of the dies. And, I'm always able to find the load data I need online.
Overall, I've been really happy with my experience using this set. It's a great value for the price, and I've noticed a real improvement in the quality of my ammunition. Highly recommended for anyone looking to get into reloading or upgrade their current setup.

🔗RCBS 45-70 Government 3-Die Set for Straight-Wall Rifle Cases

I recently got my hands on the RCBS 3-Die Set for. 45-70 US Government and I must say, it has been quite the experience! The first thing that caught my eye was the fine body knurling for easy non-slip adjustment. It makes fine-tuning the dies a breeze and ensures a perfectly aligned and tight fit. I also appreciated the hardened die bodies - a feature that adds durability and ensures long-lasting performance.
One thing that stood out to me was the easy adjustable expander-decapping unit. It locks in place, eliminating slippage and providing a secure fit. The three-piece expander-decapping unit is an added bonus, allowing me to replace the decapping pin in a snap whenever necessary.
However, there were a couple of issues I encountered while using this set. Firstly, the instructions were not very clear and I had some difficulty figuring out which tools and dies to use for specific tasks. It wouldn't have been so bad if the tools themselves were more user-friendly, but I found that I had to fiddle with them a bit to get them to work properly.
Despite the aforementioned issues, overall, I had a positive experience with the RCBS 3-Die Set. Its durability, ease of use, and flexibility make it a solid choice for anyone looking to get into reloading or looking to upgrade their current setup. Just remember to consult the user manual and practice a little patience when using the tools for the first time.

🔗RCBS Carbide Sizer Die 18237 - Precision Rifle and Pistol Reloading Equipment

I recently tried out the RCBS Carbide Sizer Die for my 357 Magnum/. 38 SPEC ammunition, and I must say I was impressed! This die by RCBS, known for their top-quality ammunition reloading equipment, is a game-changer.
Upon receiving the die, the precision craftsmanship caught my eye. The durability and longevity that the product advertises are absolutely accurate; it's a powerful reloading tool that holds up perfectly even after countless uses.
However, my experience with this product wasn't entirely smooth sailing. One noticeable drawback was the 0.8 oz weight, which, while not a major inconvenience, did make a noticeable difference during storage and transportation.
In summary, the RCBS Carbide Sizer Die is a premium reloading tool, crafted with precision and engineered for longevity. For those who are serious about their gunsmithing, it's a worthwhile investment despite its higher price point.

🔗Hornady 223 Remington Reloading Die Set for Superior Bullet Seating

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Hornady 2 Die Set for the 223 Remington cartridge, and I must say it was a mixed experience. While the all-steel construction was solid and the locking retainer spring made disassembly and cleaning a breeze, I found a few drawbacks. The locking screws, although free from threads, were tricky to tighten and loosen, adding a layer of complexity to the process.
One of the highlights was the spindle design, which eliminated slippage and made spindle adjustments much easier. However, I encountered an issue with the die locking rings, which seemed to wear out a bit faster than expected. This led to occasional misalignment of the cartridge, making the reloading process less precise.
The storage box was a thoughtful addition, which kept the dies protected when not in use. On the other hand, I felt the thread size (7/8"-14) was slightly less common compared to the standard 7/8"-16 thread size, which could pose a challenge for some reloaders.
Overall, the Hornady 2 Die Set is a reliable option for reloading enthusiasts, offering a solid build, custom bullet seating, and a lifetime warranty. However, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks, such as the locking screws and the less common thread size. With these factors in mind, it's worth considering other options before making a final decision.

🔗High-Performance 40 S&W Reloading Dies for Exceptional Functionality and Precision

For years, I've been reloading my ammo for various purposes like target shooting and hunting. Recently, I decided to give these Lyman Mark 7 dies a try since I'd heard they were perfect for the task.
These dies turned out to be a real game-changer. First off, they're designed with incredible precision, making each process of sizing, seating, and crimping a breeze. The carbide rings on the sizing dies provide excellent wear resistance, ensuring long life, and the stainless steel material just feels so sturdy and trustworthy. No more worrying about rusty dies!
The rifle sets come equipped with the M die neck expander, which is a fantastic feature that allows for just the right amount of neck tension and case mouth flare. Meanwhile, the pistol sets have the flare die that allows bullets to sit properly on the case mouth before seating.
One of the most impressive features of the Lyman 7 dies is the Micrometer Seating die. Its micrometer adjustable seating head lets you achieve precise bullet seating lengths, and the floating bullet seating punch ensures center alignment for reduced run-out.
Lastly, the taper crimp die, adjustable with a micrometer, effectively removes any case mouth flare while providing improved bullet retention. It's like a dream come true for any reloader!
Of course, no product is perfect, and I did notice some minor issues. The decapping rod system on the sizing dies could be a bit more robust, and the size selection could be more diverse. However, these small cons don't outweigh the overall performance and reliability of these dies.
In conclusion, if you're looking for reloading dies that offer top-notch precision and performance, the Lyman Mark 7 dies are an excellent choice. They're durable, easy to use, and make reloading a much more enjoyable experience. I can't recommend them enough!

🔗Precision 4-Die Set for Bushmaster Cartridge (Vry Ltd Limited Production)

After using the Lee Precision 4 Die Set for my 450 Bushmaster, I found that it works well for my needs. The set includes a full-length sizing die, powder through expanding die, easy adjust dead length bullet seating die, factory crimp die, universal shell holder, powder dipper, and instructions with load data. I appreciated the variety of dies included in the set, making it versatile for different loading tasks.
One feature that stood out to me was the die's ability to handle 450 Bushmaster cartridges with ease. The dies are made of high-quality materials, ensuring durability and consistent performance. Additionally, the easy-to-adjust seater die made it simple to achieve accurate bullet seating without any hassle.
However, I noticed that the collet crimp die, while functional, might not be as efficient as some other options available in the market. Nevertheless, it did its job well, and I could load my ammunition without any significant issues.
Overall, I am satisfied with my experience using the Lee Precision 4 Die Set for my 450 Bushmaster. It provides excellent value for the money and performs well in the given tasks.

🔗Hornady Series I 2-Die Set for 223 WSSM Bullet Feeder and Seating

Using the Hornady Series I 2-Die Set 223 WSSM has made my life easier for reloading ammunition. The new Zip Spindle design is a true game-changer, eliminating spindle slippage and making adjustments smooth and simple. The 7/8-14 threads are sturdy enough to keep the spindle locked in place, but also flexible enough for easy adjustments. The included storage box is also a convenient feature for keeping everything organized.
However, I was a bit disappointed with the lack of a shell holder. And while the die locking rings do their job, I found myself yearning for easier assembly. But overall, this product has definitely made reloading a breeze.

Buyer's Guide

Reloading dies are essential tools for reloading cartridges. When purchasing 556 reloading dies, you need to consider several factors to ensure you get the best quality and performance for your needs. Here's a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision.

Material Quality

Dies made from high-quality materials will last longer and provide better precision. Look for dies made from steel, with chrome-plated or nickel-plated interiors to reduce friction and ensure easy operation. Dies made from aluminum or brass can be lighter and more affordable but may not offer the same durability as steel options.

Design Quality

A well-designed reloading die will provide optimal performance and accuracy. Look for dies with smooth, well-finished exteriors and a precise fit to maintain consistency in your loaded rounds. A good-quality die will ensure consistent case length, rim dimensions, and overall cartridge performance.


Consider a reloading die with multiple functions, such as an adjustable die that can also perform tasks like bullet seating and crimping. This versatility can save you time and effort, as well as money, by eliminating the need to purchase multiple dies.



Ensure the reloading die you choose is compatible with the specific ammunition you want to reload, including the case size, headspace, and overall length. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines or online resources for compatibility information.

Price and Value

While more expensive options generally offer more features and superior quality, it's essential not to compromise on the basics. A lower-priced die may still provide reliable performance if it has been well-designed and manufactured. Look for a balance between features and affordability that suits your reloading needs and budget.

Manufacturer Reputation and Warranty

Choose a reputable brand with a history of producing high-quality dies. Look for a manufacturer warranty that covers defects and provides peace of mind that the product will work as intended. A longer warranty period may indicate a more confidence in the product's performance and durability.
Investing in a high-quality 556 reloading die can save you time, money, and improve your reloading experience. Follow these guidelines when shopping for your reloading die, and you'll be sure to find a product that meets your specific needs and performs well for your purposes.


What are the key features of 556 Reloading Dies?

556 Reloading Dies are designed to provide accurate and consistent results when reloading ammunition. They generally feature brass construction, adjustable tension, and precise resizing dimensions. These dies can be used with various types of ammunition, making them a versatile choice for reloaders.


What are the differences between 556 Reloading Dies and other types of reloading dies?

The main differences between 556 Reloading Dies and other types of dies lie in their compatibility with specific caliber ammunition and their ability to handle the unique requirements of the 556 cartridge. 556 Reloading Dies are specifically designed for use with the 556/. 223 Remington cartridge and provide optimal performance when reloading this type of ammunition.

Why should I choose 556 Reloading Dies over other types of reloading dies?

Choosing 556 Reloading Dies over other types of dies can be beneficial for a few reasons. First, these dies are specifically designed for the 556/. 223 Remington cartridge, ensuring optimal performance when reloading this type of ammunition. Second, they generally offer adjustable tension and precise resizing dimensions, which can lead to more consistent and accurate reloading results. Additionally, 556 Reloading Dies can be used with various types of ammunition, making them a versatile choice for reloaders.

What are the most popular brands of 556 Reloading Dies?

Some of the most popular brands of 556 Reloading Dies include RCBS, Lee Precision, and Dillon Precision. These brands are known for their high-quality products, durability, and excellent customer support.

What is the cost range for 556 Reloading Dies?

The cost range for 556 Reloading Dies varies depending on the brand, specific model, and where you purchase them. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $25 to $150 or more for a high-quality set of 556 Reloading Dies from a reputable brand.

Are 556 Reloading Dies compatible with different brands or types of ammunition?

Yes, 556 Reloading Dies are designed to be compatible with various types of ammunition. However, it is essential to ensure that the specific dies you choose are compatible with the brand or type of ammunition you are using. Consult the manufacturer's specifications or instructions for more information on compatibility.

What is the recommended maintenance and cleaning schedule for 556 Reloading Dies?

Proper maintenance and cleaning of 556 Reloading Dies are essential for their longevity and optimal performance. It is recommended to clean the dies after each reloading session, using a soft brush or cloth to remove any residue or debris. Additionally, it is advisable to periodically lubricate the dies to ensure smooth operation and prevent corrosion.

Can I use 556 Reloading Dies for handloading or casting my own bullets?

Yes, 556 Reloading Dies can be used for both handloading and casting your own bullets. Handloading involves reusing brass cases and refilling them with new powder and a primer, while casting involves creating your own bullets from molten metal. 556 Reloading Dies are designed to handle both of these processes, providing accurate and consistent results when reloading or casting your ammunition.
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2024.06.01 07:22 GhoulGriin Best 458 Socom Muzzle Brake

Best 458 Socom Muzzle Brake

Are you in search of the perfect firearm accessory that will revolutionize your shooting experience? Look no further than our roundup of top-rated muzzle brakes for the 458 Socom caliber. From innovative design to exceptional performance, these brakes are the ultimate solution for both beginner and experienced marksmen alike.

The Top 13 Best 458 Socom Muzzle Brake

  1. Dead Air Armament Nomad-30 Muzzle Break Enhanced for Recoil Control - Experience ultimate recoil reduction with the Dead Air Armament Nomad-30 Enhanced Muzzle Break, perfect for your 22Lr suppressor needs.
  2. Highly Reliable and Durable KeyMicro Brake for Break Barrel Air Pistol - The Dead Air Key MNT Micro BRK 1/2x28 offers precise manufacturing, long-term reliability, and durable construction for an exceptional break barrel air pistol experience.
  3. Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake - Nitride Coated, Advanced Design, and High-Performance - Experience the unbeatable performance and accuracy of the Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake, an American-made nitride-coated masterpiece compatible with various calibers and designed for ultimate precision.
  4. Dead Air Xeno Brake: Precision-Engineered 458 Socom Suppressor Mount - Experience unmatched performance and durability with the Dead Air Xeno Brake 1/2x28 DA123, designed for precision-minded shooters seeking a lightweight suppressor mounting option with exceptional omni-directional braking capabilities.
  5. Parkerized 7.62 Blk Hex Brake for 308 Winchester - Experience ultimate precision and performance with the Phase 5 Fatman Hex Brake 7.62, featuring a Mil-Spec Black Parkerized finish, compatibility with 7.62x51/.308/300blk, and a 5/8 x 24 thread pitch, all while ensuring state-compliant use.
  6. Bergara Omni Muzzle Brake 30 Caliber Muzzle Brake for 30 Caliber Firearms - The Bergara Omni Muzzle Brake 30CAL .750 BA0011 is a high-quality, durable option for enhancing accuracy and reducing felt recoil on Bergara Ridge, Approach, HMR Pro, and LRP models, with a .750" outer diameter and 5/8-24 threads.
  7. 4140 Steel Silver Fortis RED 7.62MM Muzzle Brake - Upgrade your 7.62mm shooting experience with the Fortis RED 7.62mm Silver Muzzle Brake, a sleek, durable, and highly efficient accessory trusted by military and law enforcement professionals.
  8. Aero Precision Epsilon 762 Muzzle Brake for 7.62mm - Precision Shooting and Professional Use - Experience the ultimate in precision and style with Aero Precision's VG6 Epsilon 762 Muzzle Brake, designed for top-notch control and recoil mitigation, tailored for discerning shooters and professionals alike.
  9. Stylish and Easy-to-Use 5/8-24 Q.D. Mounting Interface for YHM sRx Muzzle Brake - The Yankee Hill 4405MB24 YHM SRX Muzzle Brake 5/8-24 Blk is a sleek, lightweight Q.D. Adapter designed for easy use and tight gas containment, making it a top choice for 458 Socom Muzzle Brake enthusiasts.
  10. Affordable 40 Caliber muzzle break for CVA Paramount - CVA Paramount 40 Cal Muzzle Brake: Reduce recoil, improve firearm fit, and streamline cleaning with our expert-built muzzle brake designed specifically for the CVA Paramount 40 Cal.
  11. Premium 7.62mm Muzzle Brake with Rapid Engagement Device - Fortis RED - Experience precision, durability, and style with Fortis Manufacturing's 7.62mm Silver F-RED-762-SS Red Muzzle Brake - designed to withstand harsh full auto conditions and proudly made in the USA.
  12. Fortis RED 7.62MM Silver Muzzle Brake with Crush Washer - Experience the ultimate 458 Socom Muzzle Brake with 4140 Steel construction, nitride coating, crush washer, and a reliable Fortis RED design - all proudly made in the USA.
  13. Efficient Recoil-Reducing Muzzle Brake for 458 SOCOM - The Dead-Air DA442 Sandman Enhanced Brake, known for its precision manufacturing and durability, acts as a brake at the end of your suppressor for added functionality and flatter shooting experience.
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🔗Dead Air Armament Nomad-30 Muzzle Break Enhanced for Recoil Control

Using the Dead Air Nomad-30 E-Brake KA180, I noticed the significant difference it made when compared to other suppressors. The enhanced muzzle break helped to tame the recoil of my firearm, allowing me to maintain accuracy and precision during my shooting sessions. It truly lived up to its promise, offering a unique solution for suppressor enthusiasts looking to minimize felt recoil.
Though it might not be the most compact option available, it certainly stands out in terms of performance. It proved itself to be highly reliable and efficient, requiring minimal maintenance. The pricing, while not the most affordable, is certainly justified considering its exceptional features and performance. Overall, the Dead Air Nomad-30 E-Brake KA180 is an excellent choice for those seeking to enhance their suppressor experience.

🔗Highly Reliable and Durable KeyMicro Brake for Break Barrel Air Pistol

In my quest for a reliable and efficient break barrel air pistol, I recently stumbled upon the KeyMicro Brake. Its compact and lightweight design caught my attention right away, making it a versatile addition to my collection.
Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was designed with precision manufacturing, ensuring long-term reliability. The durable construction made it apparent that this muzzle brake could withstand the test of time.
As someone who values simplicity, I was struck by the KeyMicro Adapter's compatibility with the brake. The option of using it as a standalone device, or for an even more secure fitting with the adapter, was a definite plus.
However, one aspect I think could use some improvement is its compatibility with the KeyMo system. While I appreciate its function, I found that it didn't quite integrate as seamlessly as I hoped. Nevertheless, this minor inconvenience is outweighed by the overall performance and ease of use this product offers.
Overall, my experience with the KeyMicro Brake has been overwhelmingly positive. Its precision manufacturing, long-term reliability, and durable construction make it a go-to option for anyone looking to enhance their break barrel air pistol experience.

🔗Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake - Nitride Coated, Advanced Design, and High-Performance

The Fortis Muzzle Brake quickly became a staple in my daily gun training routine. As someone who spends a significant amount of time at the range, I can attest to this product's exceptional performance and versatility. The brake comes with a nitride coating, making it highly durable and resilient to wear and tear. The compatible calibers include 300 BLK, 6MM ARC, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, 300 HAMR, 7.62x39, and 5/8 x 24 TPI, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of firearms.
Another standout feature is the inclusion of a crush washer, which ensures that installation is a breeze and eliminates the possibility of damage to your firearm's threading. Weighing in at a manageable 2.8 ounces and boasting a height of 2.28 inches, this Fortis brake strikes the perfect balance of size and functionality.
One of the most impressive aspects of this product, however, is its compatibility with the Fortis Control Shield. This additional feature adds a layer of customizability and control, allowing for even more precision and accuracy during firing. Overall, the Fortis Muzzle Brake is a top-tier accessory that enhances the performance of your firearm and provides an exceptional user experience.

🔗Dead Air Xeno Brake: Precision-Engineered 458 Socom Suppressor Mount

I've been using the Dead Air Xeno Brake for a few weeks now, and it's safe to say that it's made a significant difference in my shooting experience. The omni-directional design truly shines when running unsuppressed, allowing me to maintain precision without causing any disturbance around me.
One of the key features I've appreciated is the seamless integration with the Xeno adapter-equipped suppressor. It takes the performance of the suppressor to a whole new level. The lightweight suppressor mounting option is perfect for precision-minded shooters like myself, providing exceptional repeatability and a solid return to zero.
However, one downside I've noticed is the durability. While the Xeno Brake still holds up to its reputation for hard-core users, it falls short in comparison to previous options from Dead Air. Overall, it's a step up in terms of performance, but it may require more maintenance than expected.

🔗Parkerized 7.62 Blk Hex Brake for 308 Winchester

Recently, I tried out the Phase5 Fatman Hex Brake in black, compatible with. 308/300blk caliber. This brake has a unique fatman design that caught my attention right away! Not only does it have a parkerized finish, but it also comes with a crush washer included.
While using this brake, I found it to be highly responsive and stable. It allowed me to quickly follow up on shots, even while standing. However, I did notice that it was pretty loud due to the side discharge, so make sure to wear good hearing protection!
The only concern I had with this brake is its price, as it's a bit expensive. But, if you're someone who values quality and uniqueness in their gear, the Fatman Hex Brake could be a worthwhile investment. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase and the excellent customer service I received from Phase5!

🔗Bergara Omni Muzzle Brake 30 Caliber Muzzle Brake for 30 Caliber Firearms

Last week, I went on a hunting trip, and I decided to bring the Bergara Omni Muzzle Brake along with me. It's designed to work flawlessly with various Bergara models, including Ridge, Approach, HMR Pro, and LRP, which was perfect for my hunting rifle.
The first thing that stood out was its sleek, finish. It's nitride heat-treated, giving it an elegant black look that blends well with my rifle's overall design. The Omni muzzle brake sports a. 750" outside diameter and a 5/8-24 thread pattern—perfect for my rifle's specifications.
Despite the beautiful finish, the real gem of the product turned out to be its functionality. It brought the kick down significantly, making my aim more accurate and steady. Its effectiveness even caught the attention of fellow hunters on the trip, eliciting some envious remarks.
However, a small downside was the lack of return policy at the Sportsman's Warehouse, where I had bought it. They didn't seem to accept returns on this product, so I had to be extra sure I ordered the right one for my rifle.
Overall, my experience with the Bergara Omni Muzzle Brake was nothing short of fantastic. The sleek finish and the impressive performance more than met my expectations, leading to an overall rating of 4.7 stars.

🔗4140 Steel Silver Fortis RED 7.62MM Muzzle Brake

I recently got my hands on the Fortis Manufacturing, Inc. Red Muzzle Brake for my 7.62mm firearm, and I must say it's been an impressive addition to my daily carry. The 4140 Steel construction and nitride coating give it a solid build and a sleek, polished finish, perfect for both function and aesthetics. The product even comes with a useful crush washer.
This brake definitely lives up to the Fortis reputation, with its performance in harsh full auto conditions being unparalleled. It's a must-have accessory for those in law enforcement and the competitive shooting community, as it ensures consistent speed and accuracy, putting more rounds on target. The control shield compatibility is an excellent plus, enhancing my overall experience with this product.

🔗Aero Precision Epsilon 762 Muzzle Brake for 7.62mm - Precision Shooting and Professional Use

I recently had the chance to try out the Aero Epsilon 762 muzzle brake, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. If you're looking for a device that offers unbeatable muzzle control and recoil management, this is the one.
The first thing that stood out to me was how effortlessly it absorbed recoil. It's almost like it isn't even there, which makes for a much more comfortable shooting experience. Not to mention, its flash suppression is top-notch - a noticeable improvement from other muzzle brakes I've tried in the past.
However, there are a few downsides worth mentioning. For starters, this muzzle brake isn't ideal for shotguns that are shorter than 18 inches. The concussion felt by the shooter can be quite intense, leading to an unpleasant experience. So, definitely ensure you have a suitable firearm before making a purchase.
As for customer service, my experience with Aero Precision was top-notch. It's clear that they value their customers and strive to deliver high-quality products and seamless buying experiences. I'd definitely recommend giving their products a try, especially if you're in the market for a top-of-the-line muzzle brake.

🔗Stylish and Easy-to-Use 5/8-24 Q.D. Mounting Interface for YHM sRx Muzzle Brake

I recently got my hands on the Yankee Hill 4405MB24 muzzle brake in black. At first, I was excited to try it out on my 458 Socom rifle. The installation process was straightforward, with no complicated steps to follow. The brake itself is compact and sleek, blending in seamlessly with the overall look of my rifle.
The muzzle brake's performance was impressive, too. I could feel the significant reduction in recoil while firing. This not only enhanced my shooting experience, but also saved me from having to clean my rifle after every session. The design of the muzzle brake prevented any buildup of gasses or debris on the threads, which was a big plus for me.
However, there was one downside. The muzzle brake was heavier than other options in the market, which might not be ideal for those who prioritize lightweight accessories. But overall, the Yankee Hill 4405MB24 muzzle brake delivered on its promises and provided a smooth and enjoyable shooting experience.

🔗Affordable 40 Caliber muzzle break for CVA Paramount

I recently got my hands on the CVA Paramount Muzzle Brake for my trusty 40 caliber muzzleloader. This bad boy immediately caught my attention with its sleek black finish and impressive nitride finish. With its 3/4-20 thread pattern, installation was a breeze and it fit perfectly with my CVA Paramount.
What really stood out during my experience is the muzzle brake's ability to significantly reduce recoil, making each shot more comfortable and more accurate. I was also impressed by the larger opening of the first port which made cleaning a breeze.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered. Firstly, it seemed to wear down a bit faster than I anticipated. Secondly, I found that the side ports tended to trap smoke, making it a bit harder to get a clear view during shooting. Despite these minor drawbacks, the overall experience was quite positive, making it an essential addition to any muzzleloader enthusiast's arsenal.

🔗Premium 7.62mm Muzzle Brake with Rapid Engagement Device - Fortis RED


I recently had the opportunity to try out the Fortis Manufacturing, Inc. Red Muzzle Brake in silver for my 7.62mm firearm. This thing is a beast! It's made with 4140 steel, which is known for its durability and strength in the firearm industry. What really struck me was the nitride coating, which gives it a sleek shine and makes it easy to clean.
The packaging included a crush washer, which was a thoughtful addition and ensured a smooth installation process. And let me tell you, it's made right here in the USA, so you know you're getting a high-quality product.
One feature that I particularly loved was the Rapid Engagement Device, or RED, which kept my shots true and accurate even under harsh conditions. Plus, it's now control shield compatible, making it even more versatile for my shooting needs.
However, a minor con I noticed was that it can be a bit tight when installing, so make sure to have the right tools on hand. Overall, this Red Muzzle Brake from Fortis Manufacturing, Inc. definitely gets the job done and looks great while doing it.

🔗Fortis RED 7.62MM Silver Muzzle Brake with Crush Washer

I've had the chance to use the Fortis Manufacturing, Inc. Red Muzzle Brake 7.62mm Silver F-RED-762-SS in my daily life, and it's been quite an experience. The 4140 Steel construction, nitride coated, and included crush washer are just a few of the features that make this brake stand out. One of the best things about this product is that it's made in the USA, which I appreciate as someone who values supporting local businesses.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks. I found that the installation process was a bit more challenging than I had hoped for. Additionally, I noticed that the brake made quite a bit of noise during full-auto shots, which was a surprise given the reputation of Fortis for designing high-quality accessories.
Overall, while the Fortis Red Muzzle Brake 7.62mm Silver F-RED-762-SS has its pros and cons, it's a solid choice for those looking for a military-grade accessory to enhance their accuracy and speed in shooting.

🔗Efficient Recoil-Reducing Muzzle Brake for 458 SOCOM

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Dead-Air DA442 Sandman Enhanced Brake, a unique addition to my rifle suppressor. From the moment I installed it, I was impressed by its precision manufacturing and long-term reliability. The durable construction of the brake made it a lasting choice for my daily use.
The enhanced brake not only reduced the recoil significantly but also added an extra element of control during shooting. The two available widths ensured compatibility with various suppressor series, giving me the freedom to choose the best diameter for my needs.
Installation was a breeze, and with its compatibility with Sandman and Wolverine Series suppressors, it seamlessly integrated into my existing set-up. The enhanced brake instantly flattened my shots, providing a smoother experience at the range.
While the Dead-Air DA442 Sandman Enhanced Brake is a top-quality product, it does have a drawback - its weight. At 0.19 oz, it might be a minor concern for some, but it's a small price to pay for the added functionality and control it provides. Overall, this product exceeded my expectations and is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their suppressor's performance.

Buyer's Guide

A 458 Socom Muzzle Brake is an essential accessory for shooters who want to minimize recoil and improve the accuracy of their 458 Socom fires. This buyer's guide will detail important features to consider, provide advice, and help you make an informed decision when choosing a muzzle brake for your 458 Socom.


Muzzle brakes are typically made from durable materials such as steel or alloy. Steel is a more reliable and robust option, while aluminum alloys are lightweight and corrosion-resistant. Consider the weight and durability of the muzzle brake, along with your personal preference and budget, when making your decision.

Attachment Method

Muzzle brakes can be attached using threaded connections or quick-detach mounting systems. Threaded connections offer more stability but may be challenging to attach and remove, while quick-detach systems provide faster deployment but may not be as secure. Determine which attachment method is best suited for your needs and shooting style.


Muzzle brakes come in various designs, including solid, vented, and ported. Solid brakes absorb recoil directly, while vented and ported brakes release gas to reduce recoil. Consider the type of firing you will be doing and choose a muzzle brake that best fits your needs. For instance, ported muzzle brakes are ideal for high-volume shooting or fast-paced scenarios, while solid brakes provide a more stable shooting experience.



Muzzle brakes require regular maintenance to ensure their performance does not degrade over time. Clean the brake after each use and inspect it for signs of wear or damage. Some muzzle brakes may require additional lubrication or tightening to maintain optimum performance. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and stay on top of maintenance to prolong the lifespan of your muzzle brake.

Tips for Purchasing

  • Consider your budget and shooting preferences when selecting a 458 Socom Muzzle Brake.
  • Look for muzzle brakes made from durable materials that can withstand the stresses of firing.
  • Choose a muzzle brake with a reliable attachment method that meets your needs and shooting style.
  • Take the time to research various designs and choose one that is well-suited to your specific needs.
  • Regularly maintain your muzzle brake to ensure optimal performance and extend its lifespan.
Purchasing a 458 Socom Muzzle Brake can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance and knowledge, you can make an informed decision. By considering important features like materials, attachment methods, and designs, you can choose a muzzle brake that is best suited to your needs and shooting style. Remember to properly maintain your muzzle brake and regularly inspect it for signs of wear or damage to ensure the best performance over time.



What is a muzzle brake?

A muzzle brake is a device attached to the end of a firearm's barrel to minimize recoil and reduce muzzle rise. It does this by redirecting some of the gases released during firing, thereby reducing the force with which the firearm kicks back.

Why would I need a 458 SOCOM muzzle brake?

A 458 SOCOM muzzle brake is specifically designed for the 458 SOCOM cartridge, which is known for its powerful recoil. The brake helps to manage this recoil, making the firearm more comfortable to shoot and improving accuracy by reducing the chances of shot flinching.


Which are the best 458 SOCOM muzzle brakes on the market?

While the "best" muzzle brake can vary depending on personal preferences and specific shooting conditions, some popular options include the SureFire Muzzle Brake and the AAC Ti-Rant 458.

How do I install a muzzle brake on my firearm?

Installation typically requires a wrench to loosen the barrel and then thread the muzzle brake onto the end of the barrel. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for optimal safety and function.

Can a muzzle brake make my firearm louder?

Yes, some muzzle brakes can make a firearm louder as they redirect a portion of the gas, which could increase noise. However, the sound reduction benefits of a muzzle brake usually outweigh the increase in noise.

Are there any downsides to using a muzzle brake on my 458 SOCOM?

Some hunters and shooters may find that the bright flash and muzzle blast caused by a muzzle brake can spook game, especially when shooting from a concealed position. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the brake could increase the overall noise generated by the firearm. Lastly, since muzzle brakes are not a universal fit, the user needs to ensure compatibility with their specific firearm.

Can I use a 458 SOCOM muzzle brake on any other caliber firearm?

No, muzzle brakes are caliber-specific, meaning a 458 SOCOM muzzle brake will only fit a firearm designed for the. 458 SOCOM caliber. Using a muzzle brake of the wrong size on a firearm can cause damage or even injury.
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