Connective tissue diagrams

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

2014.05.31 05:19 gregx201 Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

Welcome to our community for MCTD awareness and support! If you have MCTD, know someone who does, or just want to learn more about it - join our community and join in the discussion!

2019.05.18 21:38 nsbrown54 UCTD

This is a community for undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD). Please feel free to share information. The information provided here should not to take the place of advise from your doctor.

2014.11.12 19:46 thatguydan01 fascia

This subreddit is a hub for sharing knowledge, experiences, and advice on everything related to the intricate world of muscle fascia — the connective tissue that plays a crucial role in our mobility and physical well-being.

2024.06.01 11:13 Poun458Italia 0625 Physics Helpp

0625 Physics Helpp
Can anyone explain why its A?? When I use left hand rule the force should be downwards, but the answer is upwards
submitted by Poun458Italia to igcse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:27 AllstarGaming617 JUST SAY NO TO SEROQUEL FOR “INSOMNIA”. A cautionary tale with theory from an expert in pharmacokinetics at Harvard.

Long read
I had this originally written under a previous post asking about potential health effects of Quetiapine in this sub. I thought it might be a little much to blow up on someone else’s question. So here is my (long ass) experience and current investigation underway with my rheumatologist in Boston who was an adjunct professor and graduate from Harvard with an expertise in pharmacokinetics.
This will be a dumbed down version the best I can explain as layman with a mere masters degree in physical therapy. While I have a strong grasp of the concepts and language, I may get verbiage or premises incorrect but I believe this will read mostly correct. If you’re a medical professional or chemist, feel free to correct me. Im no writer and I’m sure this will be evident by poor grammar and run on sentences but I did try to do a quick proofread. It’s Reddit though, so…whatever lol.
This is a super individualized account to my neurobiology. Much of it will read as though I’m trying to scare off anyone from ever taking this medication. If you get through it, you’ll see that my doctor’s theory mostly shows the opposite, and the safety profile is extremely good. The people at the highest risk of suffering my fate, that is if he is even correct because this is still just a theory(but well backed) are people in the large cohort of patients being prescribed Quetiapine off label for sleeplessness or “insomnia” as a primary diagnoses.(Spoiler: insomnia is not a real diagnosis, it’s a secondary symptom and why the manufacturer warns physicians against prescribing for sleep).
Seroquel destroyed my life. Prescribed by a “Noctor”(mid level nurse playing with shit she doesn’t know thinking she’s as smart as a doctor) an insane dose of 300mg a night for simple nighttime induced anxiety that messed with my sleep.
This was after suffering an issue where I was on the road and didn’t sleep at all for 4 days. I was really struggling and my employer paid for me to see one of the top psychiatrists on the planet that works specifically with people in my industry(entertainment). We happened to be coming up for a stop in Nashville(where she practiced) and they setup the appointment. I had 6 hours with her where she walked me through the fallacy of insomnia as a primary diagnosis, and that I needed to find the physical or psychological root cause. 90%+ of “insomnia” is just a secondary symptom of mild anxiety with a nighttime onset. That is what she diagnosed me with. Simple anxiety that was triggered at night because my career was so mentally vigorous and non stop that all anxiety was building up with no where to be expressed other than the only time my mind wasn’t occupied by work…laying in bed.
She sent my diagnosis back to my primary in New England and wrote me a script for 8mg of Xanax a month with instructions that I had 2x1mg doses per week to utilize as an emergency med but the goal would be through therapy and self moderation of work to utilize the medication as little as possible.
When I got home from my work trip the only appointment I could get was with the Noctor as my primary physician was booked out for almost 2 months. She looked at the diagnosis from a world class psychiatrist and inserted her own biases about Xanax use under any circumstance being extremely dangerous. Even as an emergency or rescue medication taken a couple times a month. So she choose to nuke my fucking brain with a high daily dose powerful antipsychotic for some night time anxiety.
For a year it was fine other than a little weight gain. Wasn’t too bad for me though because I worked 16+ hours a day on the road 9 months a year.
Then the nightmares started. Like insane, traumatic, horrifically vivid nightmares that would make Stephen king blush. I’ve seen every person and pet I’ve ever know or loved, including myself murdered gruesomely in the most gorey ways in realistic acts of violence, accidents, as well as supernatural monstrous hell fuel.
I’d wake up soaked, covered in sweat and my back and neck would be sore from my entire body being contorted and stiff in terrible positions whilst waking up completely hypertensive due to the vivid hellscape I just awoke from that was indistinguishable from reality.
I went back to her and begged her to change it because I was no longer feeling like I was sleeping. I was just going from one world to another and waking up feeling like I was just in a car accident. She told me it was the only thing she prescribes for sleep because everything else is addicting and dangerous. So I tried to tough it out but after a few more weeks couldn’t take it anymore. I got another appointment and told her I was done whether she liked it or not. I wasn’t getting any rest and I’d wake up in pain like I was hit by truck. She then essentially threatened me. She told me the only way to get off it was to see the psychiatrist at my practice and told me if I went anywhere else she would flag me as a drug seeker. The first date available with that psychiatrist…6 months. So I set an appointment as early as possible with my actual physician(nearly 2 month wait) and figured I’d start weening myself off and by the time I saw my doctor I would be fully off or mostly off.
About 2 days later(I hadn’t even reduced my first dose yet so I was still on 300mg) I was hospitalized. I woke up from my normal nighttime alternate universe of horror completely immobile from my armpits up. I wasn’t numb, but I woke up with my head kinked under my right arm and bent almost completely around. Any movement felt like my spine from my upper thoracic all the way through my cervical spine was going to snap. My wife had to call an ambulance because it was not loosening up like it normally would. While the paramedics tried to board me from my bed I went into shock from the pain and went unconscious.
I woke up in the hospital a few hours later where I learned the doctors had to pump some drug into me that essentially made all of my muscles go completely limp in order to move me out of the position because my muscles were so rigid they couldn’t untwist me. The ER doc said he had never seen anything like it outside of some extreme situations of rigor mortis when someone was found dead in an awkward position and the body locked into that position.
Even once released from that position I felt like I had a knife in my neck. The ER called into my primary physician to update them and they moved my appointment up. In the days that followed my neck only got worse. I couldn’t stand, sit or lay in the same position. I obviously stopped Seroquel immediately. I spent all day flat on my back crying with my wife encasing me in and changing ice packs every 15 minutes. I was ready to kill my self the pain was so bad.
When I saw my doctor a couple days later we were going over my records and I emphasized this was a direct result of the Seroquel that I begged to come off several times because of the side effects and I had learned that even the drug manufacturer didn’t approve of it being used off-label for sleep. She was shocked I was being prescribed 300mg for sleep. I asked her that if she was shocked, why would she approve it considering she was the supervising physician for the noctor that prescribed it to me? She showed me the offices internal notes and the noctor has diagnosed me with mania and disassociation.
Like, WTF!?
There was no record in the practices notes of the diagnoses and recommendations from the psychiatrist I saw in Nashville other than “patient saw a “pill doctor” out of state”, “says he has “anxiety”.
Reading through her notes it essentially accused me of psychosis and drug seeking because I saw a doctor out of state that prescribed me a medication she didn’t agree with.
On my doctor’s end in her oversight of her nurses prescribing she just saw that she was prescribing a patient Seroquel for manic episodes, which is a standard course of action. She agreed that this was a horrible misjudgment, viewed the physical copies of the notes I brought home from Nashville, and immediately changed me to that physicians plan of Xanax as an emergency/rescue med vs 300mg of Seroquel daily.
It was too late though. The pain in my neck never went away. I couldn’t move, I was completely bed bound. The pain in my neck felt like I was wide awake whilst someone dissected my cervical spine with a rusty box opener. They sent me to “interventional pain management” where they then did more non-fda approved “healthcare” by repetitively injecting corticosteroids into my spine.
It only got worse and worse. The pain began to spread from my cervical spine, down into my thoracic spine. I started losing feeling in my arm. Then it was neurological medications like gabapentinoids, muscle relaxers, high dose NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants, physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy etc…within 8 months that noctor was no longer employed at the office(I don’t officially know if it was from her destroying my life).
After about a year there was still no answers. I lost my job that I had busted my ass for over a decade climbing the industry ladder after getting and advanced degree, and was on the verge of losing my house because I was still completely bed bound 90% of the day.
My doctor out of desperation and lack of answers starts me on narcotic pain management. I had never once touched opioids outside of anesthesia inpatient surgeries related to sports injuries growing up. I was staunchly against the use of opioids outside of that setting. Other than some moderate cannabis use after college(when I was no longer being drug tested for the first time in 6 years) I was pretty brain washed by the drug war zealots. Now I’m a pariah. Both doctors and people in my social circles keep me at an arms length because people drank the koolaid and believe anyone taking an opioid must be a raging addict sucking dick for heroin.
I’ve managed to claw back and slow down the total collapse of my entire life because my pain is now controlled to about 60ish% by pain meds while I go doctor to doctor trying to figure this out. By working as a part time consultant in my industry I’m making just enough money to stop complete asset loss but I’m still eating into my retirement and investments. If it wasn’t for the fact that my wife makes a decent salary we’d already be homeless. Even then we’re hemorrhaging money and are likely going to have to sell our house. At 32 I was on track to retire by 50 and travel the world. Now at 37 I don’t know if I’ll be alive by this time at next year as the inflammation and connective tissue deterioration runs rampant.
Doctors absolutely hate and refuse to try and pin serious medical conditions on bad medical professionals or bad medication. I’ve been through every major “world famous” hospital system here in Boston and they’re willing to look for the answer everywhere accept where I’m telling them it started. Until a few months ago.
I hired a high profile private patient advocate. A woman who is a former internal medicine expert that was the lead in a department at Brigham with a PhD/MD from Harvard and her law degree from Cornell. She found me an expert here in Boston that is a rheumatologist who investigates pharmacokinetics. He produced several redacted papers by the patent holders on Seroquel that show them shutting down the research by a hired lab that found Tumor Necrosis Factor spikes in high doses of Seroquel administered to mice with normal neurological function. 3 other labs confirmed the research and wanted the medication held for retrial in humans.
TNF when not properly regulated by the immune system causes a cytokine storm attacking healthy tissue without the presence of disease/damaged tissue. This is the foundation of most autoimmune diseases.
Seroquel regulates various neurotransmission and endogenous processes in the brain when they are not at their normal levels. Even then the science isn’t perfect on it so often an SSRI is prescribed along side because SSRIs are better understood and it’s kind of a protection from the unknown actions of the Quetiapine(Seroquel).
If those neurotransmitters are functioning correctly and neurological function is fine, introducing something like Seroquel in high doses at constant intervals can be incredibly dangerous.
This is where the black box warnings and requests for bans from the manufacturer of seroquel about off label prescribing come from. They only reported redacted and halted research on TNF production increase associated with the drug because they only ever confirmed the research with mice.
This rheumatologist has essentially shown to me with pretty indisputable evidence that I’ve likely developed a severe medication induced autoimmune disease that is rapidly destroying the connective tissue in my spine and is now jumping to organs. It falls outside the diagnosis of any single autoimmune disease and can only really be classified as MAS(multiple autoimmune disease). Because the research papers are all heavily redacted and were never entered into peer review for final patenting and fda approval there is no case or action for me to bring.
Furthermore seroquel has a pretty high safety record because it’s statistically more normal to have an imbalance of the neurotransmitters that it regulates which means it’s rare to cause the reaction the research found with the mice. Most people have some form, even if mild, imbalance that most often goes without symptoms. But the manufacturers did know the consequences of introducing a high dosage of the compound to a perfectly balanced brain.
I fell into a perfect storm. My neurotransmission was such that a small dose of Seroquel daily likely wouldn’t have hurt me but it was as close to equilibrium that flooding it with a drug that regulates neurotransmission that I exhibited the same outcome as those mice forcing my immune system to drive up TNF production. There is a well known list of medications that can cause autoimmune diseases and the way the drug was patented and approved it escaped this labeling given the uncommon instances of the phenomenon.
I am now in the phase of trialing every biologic/TNF inhibitor known to man to try and get it under control before it completely disables me, or jumps to a vital organ and kills me.
This is still only a theory by an extremely educated expert in the field as autoimmune diseases and tumor necrosis factors are only recently in the last couple of decades becoming more understood. We got a more substantial confirmation that he is correct over the winter when I got my first case of Covid19. I rarely get sick. I am an extremely healthy person that exercises regularly(as much as possible through my pain now) as a former division 1 athlete and eats super clean and balanced. This was the first time since this began to see what my immune system did under duress.
My pain dropped by easily 50%. Meaning my immune system had something to do other than attack and inflame the healthy tissues in my joints and organs. While I felt like shit of course, my neurological pain dropped significantly. Within a week of recovering I had to increase my pain meds back to normal as everything became inflamed again.
The entire point of this rant is this: Seroquel is extremely dangerous…to a small population of people. This isn’t uncommon of most pharmaceuticals. It is a cautionary tale about the off label prescribing of this drug for sleep, and sleep only. DONT ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN TO YOU.
If a psychiatrist, neurologist, or behavioral therapist has well documented diagnostics and evaluation that leads them to believe you have a significant neurological imbalance that leads to a true psychiatric diagnosis you will almost certainly be just fine with Quetiapine.
Unfortunately Seroquel is the most prescribed off-label sleep medication on the market. It needs to be stopped. The primary indication for Seroquel cannot be “insomnia”. The manufacturers tried to hide the pharmacokinetic reasons as to why, but they did black box it and request physicians not to prescribe it for such. Read the insert. Back, neck, and joint pain are all warnings to speak to your doctor immediately and this is why.
submitted by AllstarGaming617 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:37 shelbykauth Wired Redstone giving me grief

Wired Redstone giving me grief
I'm making an pipe organ with Create, ComputerCraft, and Wired Redstone. Fabric 1.20, custom modpack.
I'm running into problems trying to get the redstone wire to connect properly. I need to power each block in a row of blocks independently. And this block is flush with the back, so there's only one face to connect to.
My plan was going to look like this diagram. But when I went to build the damn thing, I discovered that the uninsulated wire connects, and that copycat+ does not integrate with LibMultiPart, and I can't place boards in the same space as a wire.
I was thinking maybe a repeater that the insulated wire leads into. But that seems a smidge more cumbersome (an extra block width in the back, and an extra component per whistle). But I'm looking for extra solutions, maybe someone has already tried this.
I know I could just do Create's redstone links or just have a CC Redstone Integrator for each signal. But I learned Minecraft on Redpower 2, and I was really looking forward to using the colorful wires for something bigger. Also... My pipe organ is going to be a bit ridiculous. I'm going to incorporate every noteblock instrument, quiet (far) and loud (near) volumes of each, plus bells and whatnot. And I don't know if I want to take up that many frequencies, and I certainly don't want 896 redstone integrators.
submitted by shelbykauth to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:54 jamesthepetlover 10 Practical Father's Day Gifts Your Dad Will Actually Use in 2024

10 Practical Father's Day Gifts Your Dad Will Actually Use in 2024
Father's Day is an occasion to honor your dad's role. To show your thanks, get him gifts that fits his lifestyle. When gifting, the most ideal are those that prove that you care and understand his everyday needs. Gifting something practical to convey your gratitude can be difficult.
The numerous options might be confusing. You may choose something that ends up gathering dust in the corner. Nonetheless, do not worry because this page serves as your guide. This guide explores useful gifts for dads in 2024.

Importance of Considering Your Dad’s Personality When Choosing Gifts

Remember that fathers, like everyone else, have different interests and personalities while buying gifts. Something that might be a useful present for one father might be pointless for another kind of father. Consider your dad's personality and interests while buying him a gift. By doing this, you can get him meaningful gifts. He can cherish and use it in his daily activities.

Top 10 Father's Day Gifts

See a list of 10 Father's Day gifts:
  1. CORECOLOUR’s Phone Case
Most dads in today's world consider a smartphone an indispensable piece. That's why a high-quality phone case from CORECOLOUR is a practical and thoughtful gift option. Designed to be fashionable and practical, CORECOLOUR’s phone cases cater to various personalities and lifestyles. Shockproof, kickstand, leather, clear, and MagSafe phone cases are available from this brand.
iPhone 14 Pro Max Brown Genuine Leather Phone Case
iPhone 15 Pro Max Clear Phone Case Magsafe Compatible
There are also liquid silicone cases that are MagSafe compatible. Prices are $33.99 to $45.99. Their 100% biodegradable, eco-friendly phone cases benefit the environment. You can also get an anti-yellowing custom phone case and 16.4FT shockproof for $44.99. These cases fit different iPhone and Samsung models. Their phone cases have a 12-month warranty. Additionally, you can order them directly from their website.
  1. Portable Espresso Maker
You should buy a travel coffee press to take your dad’s love of coffee to the next level. For the father who appreciates a rich, flavorful brew even when he is on the move, an Espresso Maker can be a great gift for Father's Day. This machine is lightweight and compact.
With the help of this convenient device, your dad can prepare a cup of fresh coffee no matter where he is. The AeroPress Go Travel coffee press makes coffee in one minute and includes a mug that doubles as a case. Amazon sells it for $59.95.
AeroPress Go Travel Coffee Press Kit
  1. Massage Guns
A high-quality massage gun would be a thoughtful Father's Day gift. It is ideal for the active dad who enjoys staying in shape. These portable devices apply intense and fast pressure bursts to specific body parts.
It promotes blood flow, reduces muscle tension, and relieves pain. They help your dad relax after a workout or busy day. Many massage guns are quiet, compact, and comfortable. Amazon sells the Theragun set for $180.
TheraGun Mini Massage Gun - Handheld Deep Tissue
  1. Grilling Set
Grill sets are useful for dads who grill. Sets usually comprise spatulas, tongs, basting brushes, and grill baskets. Outdoor cooking is easier and more fun with the tools. Look for stainless steel grilling sets that withstand heat and frequent cooking. Also, seek for heat-resistant nylon. Amazon sells this set, although prices vary. You can purchase one for $29.
Kaluns Grilling Set
  1. Fitness Tracker
Gifting your father a fitness tracker can help him reach his fitness goals. This is ideal if he values fitness and activity. Wearable devices like this monitor several variables. These include heart rate, steps, calories burned, and sleep quality. This gift will keep him motivated on his wellness journey. They are available on Amazon for about $49. Note that the price differs according to the brand.
FITVII Health & Fitness Tracker 2024
  1. Car Detailing Kit
The Kit is a combination of specialist tools and solutions meant to clean, polish, and protect the surfaces of vehicles. For $118.99, you can purchase it from Chemical Guys. These kits are indispensable for everyone who wishes to maintain the best possible appearance of their vehicle.
It keeps the paint from getting damaged by the weather and makes the inner surfaces last longer. If your dad takes pride in how his vehicle looks, selecting this item as a gift for Father's Day is a thoughtful investment.
  1. Magnetic Wristband
Imagine how easy dad father would climb ladders if he did not have to juggle many containers or pockets stuffed with screws. A magnetic wristband allows him to easily reach out and remove the necessary gear from his wrist.
It helps to streamline his DIY process and reduces the likelihood of losing or dropping important tools. On Amazon, the Horusdy Magnetic Wristband is available for $12.99.
HORUSDY Magnetic Wristband & Universal Socket Grip
  1. Noise-Canceling Headphones
If your dad enjoys music at work or on the go, this gift is perfect. These headphones provide great sound and filter out external noise. Hence, he can submerge himself in his preferred music or podcasts without interruption by unnecessary distractions. These headphones have wireless connectivity and comfy ear cups. Amazon sells it for $54.99.
Soundcore Anker Life Q20 Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling Headphones
  1. Insulated Travel Mug
An insulated travel mug makes a great Father's Day present for a busy dad. It maintains the drink temperature for hours. Since they are made to last, these mugs won't spill. They're good for biking, hiking, and driving. Look for high-quality mugs to keep drinks hot and prevent breakage. Stainless steel or double-walled insulation can keep it hot for long. On Amazon, you can find several premium brands, and you can get it for at least $24.
Contigo 20oz Vacuum-Insulated Stainless Steel Leak-Proof Travel Mug
  1. Wireless Charging Station
With about $35.99, you can get your dad these flexible charging stands. It lets him simultaneously charge his phone, tablet, wireless headphones, and other compatible devices. He will no longer have to deal with tangled cords. These charging stations keep his devices charged. Also, they make his desk or bed look a little more organized thanks to their stylish looks and handy placement.
Wireless Charging Station
Your dad's personality, interests, and habits are most crucial when choosing Father's Day gifts. The above gift ideas range from Car kits to fashionable accessories like CORECOLOUR phone cases. If you know what he genuinely values and requires, you can choose presents he will appreciate and use regularly.
Remember that the presents that are most likely to be significant demonstrate that you have given some care to selecting something that would make his life a little bit easier. Start making preparations in advance and surprise your father with a present that he will actually appreciate and use in 2024.
submitted by jamesthepetlover to u/jamesthepetlover [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:58 CompetitiveAd7152 Vacuum leak. Need answers

Hi, major vacuum leak from a busted occ valve on 1998 4.2L.. cannot find any matching diagrams on the configuration of my truck. My vacuum leak is still happening, and I’m almost certain it’s because one of the hoses coming off the pcv isn’t connect to anywhere. One goes to the back by the firewall, and the other is just going to nothing.. thanks.
submitted by CompetitiveAd7152 to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:51 Deviant_Teal Urusei Yatsura (2022) Bringing Back a Classic - A Retrospective and Comparison

Urusei Yatsura (2022) Bringing Back a Classic - A Retrospective and Comparison
The overall objective of this post is to celebrate the conclusion of the recent adaptation to Rumiko Takahashi's Urusei Yatsura. Though I will be making comparisons to the Manga and the 1981 show, it is done with any intent in claiming that one is better but merely to mark differences.
I am hoping - that by looking back on the series that we can appreciate it more and pick apart why the adaptation adapted what they did and how they went about it. So if, like me, UY is your mental illness, I would be very happy if you were to join me in going back through and looking at the new series and what it gave us.
Lum by @click_burgundy
Visual Aesthetic
This show pops right out of the line up of today's Anime. For one - the colors are all deeply saturated and explicitly bright. This not only helps make the bright watercolor world of Urusei Yatsura's Tomobiki much more engaging, but the show often will drastically change the palette to emphasize a character's emotion.
\"Your face is an absolute disaster!\" Episode 1 - Young Love on the Run/Between a Rock and a Hard Place
This immediately reinforces the light tone of Urusei Yatsura and later these pop colors will be used to contrast darker colors for much more dramatic effect such as in Lum Becomes a Cow.
Lum Becomes a Cow (Season 3, Episode 6)
This vibrant, poppy, aesthetic to me most likely emulates the covers of the UY Mangas and bright and colorful they were.
Cover Art of Urusei Yatsura Vol. 4
This gives the show a much more distinct "flavor" and not only sets itself apart form the anime airing at the same time, but also from its 1981 predecessor who's colors were much more standard, and likely much more convenient to work with at the time of their own production.
The audio aspects of this television series is probably the most intriguing part of the production to me. This is in reference mostly to the Original Soundtrack and how they have chosen to use and go about making it.
The composer of the 2022 OST is Masaru Yokoyama who has worked on other popular series such as Your Lie in April, Fruits Basket, Horimiya, and most recently Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night.
The style of it is almost like that of a Saturday morning cartoon, meaning that you are going to be hearing the same track repeated often to hit the same emotional or narrative beats.
For instance if there is romantic moment you will likely here the following track Love in Words:
Or if someone becomes disappointed or is feigning so you will hear Heartbreak Elegy:
I would implore you to listen to these tracks and play a little game to see how many you can recognize. Not only is it fun, but the music in genuinely top notch, and you often never hear a track in it full entirety, even the shorter ones.
The choice to do the OST like this, I believe, is to better suit the snappy pacing of this series. Emotions are fickle from second to second as the jokes are hitting you like rapid fire jabs.
Which is fitting because the synth music with some surprising vocals is upbeat and gets you ready for a good time. I will not pretend to know anything about what makes a track good - I know nothing at all about the production of music.
However, I can as a fan really appreciate how this OST keeps the tradition of having Lum No Love Song strumming in the background in a few tracks, similar way to what the '81 show did. It is a great way to show love and respect for what came before.
That being said, in practice, some of the final product becomes janky- especially for touching emotional scenes in which you want that track to really play out and let the audience sink into feeling the scene wants to give off.
You notice this as early as the episode The Gloves of Love and Conflict/How I've Waited For You... (Season 1, Episode 5). About 17 minutes into the episode, we see Lum contemplating about Ataru situation. There is then a cut away to Ataru in the cafe and just a few seconds later we cut back to Lum and track starts over again!
Season 1 Episode 5 - Gloves of Love and Conflict/How I've Waited For You
This is not really on the fault of the composer but more of an editing thing. I generally feel as if this issue is much more present in Season 1 and 2 and is much less frequent in 3. I think having the same tracks being much more spaced would have been preferred.
It's true, in the Urusei Yatsura '81 you can hear the same tracks again and again, but generally thats only from episode to episode and the tone of those tracks is much more mellow as the episodes stretched out the adaptation of a chapter into a 22 minute run time gave them a lot more room to dig into those longer scenes.
Narrative Structure
To be more specific, I will talk about how both episodes themselves are structured and the over arcing narrative of the 2022 series.
Episode by Episode Structure:
Right out the gate, this show hits the ground RUNNING and it is both a sprint and a marathon as you blasting through the run time of each episode with joke after joke coming in at that rapid fire pace I mentioned before in the Audio section. It is also a marathon in sense that because you are going through so many adaptations of different chapters so quickly - you almost feel as if you are seeing a lot.
It's also very clear that David Productions had their work cut out for them putting this much content together in what is, compared to the Manga and '81 series, is so little time.
I remember being surprised between the cut from \"Young Love on the Run\" and \"Between a Rock and a Hard Place\" in Season 1 Episode 1
This rapid pacing caught me, and I believe a majority of it's audience, off guard. The reason is clear as day to me and that is that they are trying to be as faithful to the Manga as possible.
For those who have yet to read the manga (you are doing yourself a disservice) on average a majority of the chapters are only 16 pages long. For context the average western comic book has double that at 32 pages.
Chapter 265 - \"Chomp Chomp Everybody!\" In just two pages the conflict and \"gimmick\" are introduced which will the focus for the next 14 pages! The structure stays the same for almost all the chapters.
So in the manga, the pacing is break neck, but because of it's medium, you the reader ultimately decide how long you are going to spend on each panel and so this speed is slowed somewhat.
However when adapting these stories gauging the timing of these jokes becomes a little more tricky. I will say most the time the jokes do land and as the series progresses it gets on average better with this pacing or rather, you as an audience member have adapted.
That isn't to say that David Productions is entirely afraid to walk off the beaten path, they push the limits of the faithfulness a little in benefit to the story they want to tell, for instance, almost all episodes in which there is a genuine play for emotion - you will notice scenes, dialogue, or beats that have been added in order to pad out the run time and try to get you as attached to the characters as you can.
This plot point about the Maple Leaves does not exist in the Manga and since we see this visual repeated in later episodes it seems to be a tissue to help connect the narrative in the 2022 version.
Oh! Of course this run time is also so they can fit more iconic chapters to be remade or made for the first time, though I am sure that is obvious.
Overall Narrative Structure:
This is interesting because outside of specific "arcs" UY does not have any real overarching narrative and thats on purpose. It is a gag comic that was published weekly with so little pages to work with.
However, despite this David Productions has decided to attempt to make a overarching narrative within the show. Why?
My only guess is that it is popular. Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, One Piece, etc. People today want to connect with the cast and watch them grow and develop.
Needless to say, there is little to no development in UY outside of Mendo's development "over" his fear of dark and cramped places. The other development is much more subtle and is the one that David Production has decided to focus on because it is in regards to the Protagonist.
Ataru over the course of the Manga doesn't outright go through very obvious changes in regards to his feeling about Lum. There is only one case in the early chapters where you can find him complimenting Lum.
Chapter 26 - \"How I've Waited For You\"
This is probably the most blunt he has ever been about his feelings regarding her. After this he never says anything about his feelings about her. However, Chapter to Chapter, we see him grow much more attached to her.
Chapter 322, Pages 15-16 - \"Darling's True Feelings\" Unless you count this lmao
Moments in the Manga where we are able to see Ataru's love for Lum in action is one of the main emotional corner stones for the series and I know for myself, is the best part of UY.
What David Productions has decided to do is to take the interactions where we see Ataru become affectionate for Lum and place them in key moments within the Seasons to give the sense that their romance is becoming much more real. They do this in addition to giving much more followable continuity.
Season 3, Episode 20 - \"Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell\" return of the smol lum!
All of this of course builds to the climax and finale of the story, where Ataru and Lum's relationship is tested.
Final Thoughts
Very quickly, I want to get out of the way my only other grip with the show beside what was stated in Audio and thats the quality. To me there is a lot of short cuts I see in terms of animation and art quality through out the series. I cut it some slack, because to me this project within the given time frame seems like a huge undertaking.
Season 2, Episode 11 - \"Cosmo Teacher CAO-2/Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll\" Poor Ataru :( he is not the only by the way, there is quiet of a few times I noticed different eye sizes or them looking in the wrong direction.
That being said, I would have rather waited for higher quality episodes rather than pushing their work out as fast they can. Perhaps it seems nitpicky, but I am not asking for medium-defining animation each week - in fact that would seem out of place. I am just asking for more polish, really. Though this is more an issue with the anime industry as a whole rather than the series.
With that out of the way, I really enjoyed this reboot. I looked forward to it every week and was happy to see a refreshing take on it.
I got into UY because it was recommended in a Youtube video. I watched the first episode of 2022 and then remembered that there was an original anime series before this one.
Then, the following week I feel really ill and was stuck at home for weeks. I figured that I had nothing else to do and watched the '81 series in one go. It was then that I really become a fan of Urusei Yatsura.
Personally, and this will seem mean to say, but don't admire Urusei Yatsura for what it is. It is a gag comedy series with little romance and plot or character development. I am actually one of those people who prefers to have a narrative or at least a focus on a developing character.
However, in spite of this it has become one of my favorite comfort anime/manga since watching and reading it about a little over a year ago now.
It's been hard to not gush about this series with other people, because I don't feel like there is a lot of other people who would get the appeal of the show and the humor it goes for. Mostly because it is dated lol
That being said, it has been nice to share all these thoughts here since I don't have anyone to share them with. So please feel free to share your thoughts about the show, stuff you really liked and stuff that I said that made you think about the show in a different way (if at all).
I don't know if I will do another one of these post regarding UY, I feel like I have a lot of opinions about it, but I am channeling that into something I am working on right now and would like to keep that power to myself :)
@az210309 on Zerochan
Thanks for reading all of this and for your kind attention.
  • Deviant Teal
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2024.06.01 04:10 canadian-weed Scientists Connect 16 Mini Brains Made of Human Tissue to Create a "Living Computer"

Scientists Connect 16 Mini Brains Made of Human Tissue to Create a submitted by canadian-weed to cryptogeum [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:03 apehasreturned Booking the AEW Title Through 2024 - Part Three: Cigarettes and Coffee

Booking the AEW Title Through 2024 - Part Three: Cigarettes and Coffee
We pick up on the day of WrestleDream, where AEW World Champion Will Ospreay is set to go to war with Kazuchika Okada, having been unable to put away the Rainmaker within sixty minutes at All Out. With Okada picking up steam with a trios win over the United Empire, and Ospreay building momentum with a title retention against former Don Callis Family ally Konosuke Takeshita at Grand Slam, both men are at the top of their respective games, making for a hugely anticipated showdown. It’s also announced ahead of the bout that there’s an added stipulation similar to that of Danielson vs. Hangman, where if the 60 minutes expire, it’ll go to the judges, ensuring that there will be a definitive winner - and putting Okada at an advantage. Not only will Ospreay not get the champion’s advantage of retaining via draw, but judges are likely to work against him, with so many of his matches since becoming champion seeing him win after a tremendous rally while not controlling the bulk of the match.
Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada
For Will Ospreay and Kazuchika Okada, it all comes down to this. The AEW Title, the most important thing in the world to both of them, is on the line, but for Ospreay, the champion’s advantage is a burden. He retained against Okada last time by a technicality, still feeling overshadowed by his challenger despite having parted ways with him years ago, despite having beaten him to the company’s top prize. Now, the only way to prove himself is to stop the dawn of a second Rainmaker Era, but this time, he has to do so by truly beating the man who has loomed over him for his entire career. For Okada, he knows that despite Ospreay failing nine times to defeat him, losing here will eclipse those wins he accumulated. He needs to win the AEW World Title, the title he left Japan to pursue, and there’s no better place to do it than a tribute show to Antonio Inoki.
We’re first introduced to our panel of judges for this encounter, and it’s a star-studded group: Katsuyori Shibata, an Inoki pupil; Masahiro Chono, one of the original Musketeers for Inoki’s NJPW and a Washington State native; and STIIIIINGGGG, who knows sixty minute time limit draws almost as well as Ric Flair (who I’m booking to have been hit by a car). With three esteemed individuals set to preside over this in case it goes the distance, we’re all set for both champion and challenger to make their way out for the main event.
The Rainmaker is out first in his signature robe and a bright red Inoki scarf, and he seems to be treating this match all the more seriously - while he has the comfort in knowing that he clobbered Ospreay for the bulk of their last encounter, and that he won the trios match on Dynamite, he wasn’t able to finish the job at All Out either. Ospreay hits the scene with an extra bit of energy in his step, seemingly chomping at the bit to get going quickly and ensure this doesn’t reach the time limit like last time. The one time he’s beaten Okada cleanly, he did so inside twenty minutes; his best hope is to overwhelm him early. The introductions are made, and we’re off to the races with the bell
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada
AND HE’S SURE AS HELL LOOKING FOR THAT QUICK FINISH, OSPREAY FLYING AT OKADA WITH A SHOTGUN DROPKICK INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Ospreay immediately starts unloading forearms and elbow smashes as Okada tries to cover up, the raucous crowd eating it up as the champion backs up for a LOW CORNER DROPKICK! Okada is forced to evacuate the ring early, Ospreay giving immediate pursuit with a suicide dive that sends both men crashing into the guardrail, Will somehow managing to land on his feet. The champion blasts Okada with a few chops, followed by an INOKI-ESQUE SLAP ACROSS THE FACE… and that looks like it was a mistake. Okada gets right in Ospreay’s face, plastering him with a forearm across the jaw before BOTH MEN BREAK INTO A BRAWL ON THE OUTSIDE! IT’S MAYHEM IN TACOMA! Okada gets the slight advantage with his size, but Ospreay’s able to match his power, delivering a hellacious rolling elbow before sending Okada back between the ropes. The champion hops up onto the apron, armed for a Pip Pip Cheerio, but OKADA DROPKICKS HIM RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR! IT TOOK OKADA 52 MINUTES TO LAND ONE LAST TIME, AND NOW HE’S CONNECTED WITHIN FIVE!
Ospreay is clearly jarred from the impact, Okada porting a shit-eating grin as he poses behind the reeling champion. It’s still very much the early goings, so Ospreay’s not doomed just yet, but he seems pretty panicked as Okada goes straight for the Rainmaker. Will is able to block the arm before backflipping off Okada’s chest and connecting with a superkick for some distance, attempting a Hidden Blade that’s ducked and cut off with a rebound back elbow. With Ospreay grounded once more, Okada gets to work wearing him down, taking his sweet time in slowly depleting the champion’s energy. He’s sure to play to the judges, chatting in Japanese with Chono as he bears down on Ospreay before LOCKING IN THE MONEY CLIP! Ospreay scrambles to get free, reversing his way out and spinning Okada into a backbreaker to relieve the pressure. Knowing he has a lot of time to make up for, Ospreay immediately connects with a running shooting star press, throwing Okada into the corner for a YAKUZA KICK! The champion rolls to the floor, taking a deliberate pace to get to his feet as OSPREAY COMES IN WITH A SASUKE SPECIAL, OKADA SIDESTEPPING BEFORE OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS FEET! Okada doesn’t even have time to pivot before he’s rocked by a hook kick, falling partway up the ramp as Ospreay builds up even more momentum, sprinting back into the ring and CONNECTING WITH A SECOND ATTEMPT AT THE SASUKE SPECIAL!
The champion takes a few seconds to celebrate with the rabid crowd before rolling Okada back in, and now he connects with a FIREBIRD SPLASH! ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! Ospreay’s firmly in control now, piecing Okada up with a series of kicks to the body, following it with Kawada Kicks to rock the Rainmaker, and now a BRIDGING DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-ANOTHER KICKOUT! Okada doesn’t look like he’s having a very good time as Ospreay hooks his head for another deadlift, the Rainmaker fending him off with a flurry of punches to the stomach. He shoves Ospreay into the ropes, Will charging back with a hurricanrana, only for Okada to hold him steady, heaving him up for a LANDSLIDE, ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO FLOAT BEHIND HIM! Will throws another Hook Kick, Okada ducking and connecting with a knee lift to the body. Okada runs the ropes for a big boot, Ospreay managing to sidestep and build up his own momentum, only to get intercepted with a flapjack. Ospreay is back up quickly on spaghetti legs, Okada delivering a clean neckbreaker, and then the big boot that he initially went for, gleefully standing over the Assassin.
Riding the wave of momentum as he continues to beat Ospreay down, Okada eventually tosses the champion to the floor, the fifteen minute mark having passed as he hurls him into the barricade in front of the judges. He heads around ringside as Ospreay struggles to recover, building speed before delivering a JOHN WOO DROPKICK, SENDING OSPREAY CRASHING INTO THE GUARDRAIL! Okada dusts himself off as the judges look on, the challenger scooping his foe up and smashing his face off the judge’s table. He clambers up onto the table, dropping a knee across the back of a struggling Ospreay’s head and checking their scorecards. Nodding along with their rulings thus far, he drops back down, spinning Ospreay over for a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON THE FLOOR, BUT OSPREAY LANDS BEHIND HIM, LEAPING UP FOR A POISON RANA ON THE OUTSIDE! He gasses himself up a bit before sliding back in to break the count, a confused Okada slowly staggering towards the apron. Ospreay hops over the ropes, his superhuman endurance making for good recovery time before he BOUNCES OFF THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE FOR AN APRON OSCUTTER, OBLITERATING HIS CHALLENGER!
He shoves Okada under the ropes, quickly hooking both legs for a two count, and then lines himself up for a Hidden Blade, Okada getting to his knees before swiftly dropping down to avoid the elbow, only for Ospreay to stop in his tracks to deliver a STANDING MOONSAULT! Okada painstakingly rolls across the ring to the opposite set of ropes, the champion stalking him all the way there before running the ropes for a V-TRIGGER, BUT OKADA LOW BRIDGES HIM, SENDING OSPREAY TO THE FLOOR! Smirking to himself, the Rainmaker crawls towards the centre of the ring, not realizing Ospreay’s already up on the apron, springboarding off the top for a MISSILE BASEMENT DROPKICK TO THE TEMPLE! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Ospreay picks Okada up, looking to whip him into the ropes, but Okada reverses the momentum, the champion rebounding into a DROPKICK, BUT HE INTERCEPTS OKADA TO DELIVER A HELLACIOUS FOLDING POWERBOMB! He deadlifts Okada back up, putting all of his strength behind an IMMENSE LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-OKADA ROLLS BACK OUT OF THE PIN, BUT OSPREAY GRABS HIS WRISTS FOR A KAMIGOYE! ONE! TWO! THRE-ANOTHER KICKOUT!
Okada is in a bad way, his era of dominance in this match having given way to a rapidly slipping performance as Ospreay continues to rally. Ospreay clasps his hands to call for the Oscutter, waiting for his opponent to get up as he steels himself for what could be the home stretch. He bounces off the ropes for an OSCUTTER INTO A DROPKICK IN MID-AIR FROM OKADA, AND NOW THE RAINMAKER POSE! OKADA GOT HIM! Ospreay is up immediately, adrenaline keeping him in the fight until OKADA LANDS AN ENZIGURI IN HOMAGE TO ANTONIO INOKI! The camera zooms out to take in the scenes, the challenger leaning over and picking Ospreay up for a RAINMAKER, BUT OSPREAY DELIVERS A HEADBUTT! Both men sway and wobble, collecting their senses as wrist control is maintained, and OKADA CONNECTS WITH THE LARIAT, BUT OSPREAY STAYS UPRIGHT! Furious, Okada winds up for one more… BUT THE CHAMPION REVERSES INTO A SPANISH FLY! Okada sits bolt upright as Ospreay staggers back into the corner, sprinting towards his foe before beheading him with a HIDDEN BLADE TO THE FACE, OVERSHOOTING HIMSELF AND ENDING UP BEHIND THE CHALLENGER! Ospreay wastes no time as Okada sits back up on instinct, now eating ANOTHER HIDDEN BLADE, THIS TIME TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL! OSPREAY HOOKS THE ARMS, HAULING OKADA TO HIS FEET BEFORE SLINGING HIM OVER HIS SHOULDER… STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE! WILL OSPREAY HAS DONE IT!
Will Ospreay def. Kazuchika Okada (28:28) to retain the AEW World Title
It’s celebrations aplenty as Ospreay raises the gold, Okada skulking off with the Bucks as the AEW World Champion is showered in confetti to close the show. If Inoki loved anything more than time limit draws, it was going over, and Ospreay did just that in the spirit of New Japan’s founder.
Road to Full Gear
Just a few nights removed from knocking off the Rainmaker, Will Ospreay’s on Dynamite in Seattle, and despite taking a beating, he’s filled to the brim with energy and craving a challenger. He says WrestleDream might be the proudest night of his life, even more so than All In, because it’s something he genuinely wasn’t sure he could do. He says tonight, to celebrate, it’s an open challenge, and anyone’s welcome to take their best shot at… swer swer GARMENTS! Ospreay’s All In opponent is here in his home state, greeted with an ovation as he stands opposite the champion. Swerve says that Ospreay’s standing in his house with his title, Seattle confirming that it is, in fact, Swerve’s House before we get underway with a HUGE AEW World Title rematch.
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Swerve Strickland
While WrestleDream saw a frantic aversion to the time limit out of fear and spite, this time, it’s because it’s two insanely fast-paced individuals, both trying to out-smooth each other with fluid counter on top of fluid counter. Swerve’s got the crowd behind him, but it’s a back-and-forth affair, neither man getting much of a foothold for the first fifteen minutes of the bout. However, Ospreay’s worse for wear between the two, Swerve targeting the head after seeing how many shots Ospreay took against Okada. It’s not enough, though, Ospreay managing to absorb punishment for long enough to get an opening for an Oscutter, followed by a HIDDEN BLADE RIGHT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD, STRAIGHT INTO THE COVER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Will Ospreay def. Swerve Strickland (21:41) to retain the AEW World Title
With two straight definitive wins over AEW’s top talent, Ospreay’s quelling any doubts he might have about his title reign. However, as he pats Swerve on the back and thanks him for the match, he’s confronted by… Seattle's own American Dragon. Ospreay seems to go through twenty emotions at once as the Flight of the Valkyries intro hits, the now part-time Danielson bursting through the curtain to confront the AEW Champion in his hometown. Danielson grabs a microphone, congratulating Ospreay on the win, only for Ospreay to grab his own. Ospreay asks what Bryan’s doing, saying he’s happy for a round two, but last time, it ended with Danielson convulsing on the mat. He says Bryan’s not even full time anymore - he’s got boundless respect for the American Dragon, but there are plenty of other challengers Ospreay could be focusing on right now. Danielson nods, looking Ospreay up and down before eyeing up the AEW Title, the crowd erupting into cheers as he does so. Bryan says that at All In, his full-time career ended, but he’s still got plenty of wrestling left in him, and he’s got plenty of things he wants to achieve. Ospreay cuts him off, saying that he’ll just beat him again, but Bryan shakes his head.
Bryan says that the Will Ospreay standing in front of him right now couldn’t beat him. In fact, Will Ospreay DIDN’T beat him - the Storm Driver 93 did. The Tiger Driver 91 did. Mitsuharu Misawa did. But… that’s not a tool in Ospreay’s arsenal anymore, and as Bryan watches his matches, he knows deep down that he could beat him. Ospreay’s incredible, a once in a generation kind of talent, but if he wants to stand between what Danielson wants in the dying embers of his career - redemption and gold - he’ll learn the hard way that he’s not equipped to do so. The champ adjusts his belt on his shoulder, and simply says that if Bryan wants to go around again, he won’t be needing anybody else’s creations to put “the GOAT” down… again. Verbally digging into the wound, Ospreay seems pretty fed up with being doubted, and says that he hopes Bryan challenges him officially, so he can save his daughter the trouble of worrying about her dad’s health every time he steps between the ropes; he’ll just have to embarrass Bryan so badly he hangs them up. Bryan slaps the microphone out of Ospreay’s hand, Ospreay getting in plenty close before DANIELSON CLOBBERS HIM ACROSS THE FACE! Ospreay gives him the free shot, shaking off the hit before Bryan lays down the gauntlet for Full Gear.
Full Gear
Both men have something to prove here. For Danielson, it’s a tale of revenge. He lost at Dynasty. He lost every time the title’s been on the line, and now, he has the chance to add to his already incomparable legacy. For Ospreay, it’s a tale of validation. Despite all he’s done, beating the best of the best, he’s still disregarded by those he aspires towards. He’s got a definitive shot to prove he’s as good as those that came before him, something that’s haunted him ever since he was told he’s no Kenny Omega in New Japan. The World Title’s on the line, and only one man can walk away the best.
The Prudential Center is hype as a bitch, baby. The Dynasty crowd was hot because they thought they could see one of the greatest matches ever, but the Full Gear crowd is hot because they KNOW they could see one of the greatest matches ever, and that’s assisted by The Final Countdown hitting to welcome the challenger. Danielson can’t help but grin at the crowd’s roar of the chorus, but he’s otherwise stone-faced, completely focused on picking his foe apart and taking his title. Ospreay heads out with a new entrance attire, adorned in green and gold as he opens up the robe to show off his championship, staring holes through Bryan as he drops into the ring. The introductions are made, and HERE WE GO!
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
It’s a slow start to this one as the crowd shower both competitors in praise, the veteran challenger working hard to keep Ospreay grounded in the early goings. Ospreay tries his best to keep up with Bryan on the mat, pulling out a few slick reversals before Bryan eventually puts a stop to it and begins to work over Ospreay’s right arm, used for his Hidden Blade. He attempts a few armbar variations, Ospreay always managing to wriggle free or make his way to the ropes, but Danielson is relentless, treating the champion like a fly caught in a spider’s web. Finally, Bryan attempts a triangle armbar, Ospreay quickly stacking him to his shoulders to force a break before landing a PK across the chest as he rolls to his knees. He throws a superkick, Bryan picking the leg and attempting a heel hook, Will using his free leg to stomp Danielson in the face before hurling him into the corner. Ospreay charges with a high dropkick, Bryan ducking, but Ospreay clears the ropes and lands cleanly on the apron, connecting with a forearm smash to knock Bryan down before landing a FIREBIRD SPLASH FOR TWO!
With Ospreay having found his opening, he sends Bryan to the outside, knowing he needs to keep the pace up and keep athleticism as the deciding factor in this one. He nails a dropkick through the ropes to send Bryan into the barrier, clambering to the top rope to deliver a SKY TWISTER PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE! He high fives a few fans before rolling Bryan back in, lining up for a PIP PIP CHEERIO, BUT BRYAN CATCHES THE ARM, WRESTLING HIM RIGHT DOWN INTO A LEBELL LOCK! HE HAS IT LOCKED IN! Ospreay immediately extends his leg towards the ropes, frantically shifting his weight until he forces a break, but Bryan insists that he has until five before finally releasing at the last moment. The champion is clearly in a good deal of pain as he fights to get to all fours, Bryan honing in his assault with a ruthless kick to the arm, followed by a stomp on the elbow and an immediate return to his work on the mat. It’s brutally effective, looking for a Rings of Saturn that Ospreay again breaks, only for Bryan to transition by butterflying the arms for a CATTLE MUTILATION! Will cries out in agony, Danielson finding his footing for the perfect bridge, but Ospreay’s quick to get to his knees to relieve some of the pressure. He eventually digs his toes into the canvas, enduring the pain in his shoulder as he slowly rolls over it and manages to FLIP INTO A BRIDGE ABOVE DANIELSON, SHOWING OFF TO HIS OPPONENT… BUT DANIELSON DROPS HIM DOWN INTO A REAR NAKED CHOKE!
The champion’s in deep waters, keeping one leg free from Bryan’s hooks to make his way to the ropes for the break. Danielson releases the hold at four once again, but immediately delivers a BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX, MISAWA-ESQUE AS THE REF COUNTS… ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! Ospreay doesn’t seem to have answers for Bryan’s instincts and ground game, and it only gets worse as Bryan cinches in a hammerlock for a SUPLEX ONTO THE RIGHT SHOULDER FOR ANOTHER TWO COUNT! The time call of twenty minutes is made as Ospreay rolls out to the apron, Bryan having dominated the bulk of the contest. He lights Ospreay up with some kicks and chops as he joins him on the hardest part of the ring, getting another hammerlock before SUPLEXING OSPREAY ONTO THE APRON, DOWN ON HIS SHOULDER AND NECK! He rolls Ospreay under the ropes, climbing up top for a MISSILE DROPKICK, BUT THE CHAMPION REVERSES FOR A LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! Ospreay is fired up, keeping his right arm tight to his side as he starts laying in some blistering kicks, including a series of Kawada Kicks to the face before nailing a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX FOR TWO! He needs to hit some big bombs to settle the score, fighting from beneath as he whips Bryan into the corner for a YAKUZA KICK!
Hauling Bryan up onto the top turnbuckle, he lets loose a few blistering chops, reminding the challenger that as great as his striking and grappling may be, it’s Ospreay that has the power and athleticism advantage. He looks for a superplex, Bryan fighting back with a few punches to the body before looking to slip behind, perhaps for a Poison Rana… BUT OSPREAY WITH A BACK ELBOW! Ospreay turns around as well, both men in a very precarious position as they trade shots atop the turnbuckles before BRYAN BLASTS WILL WITH A HEADBUTT! Now it’s Bryan’s turn to look for a superplex, but OSPREAY SLIPS BETWEEN HIS LEGS, PULLING DANIELSON’S HEAD DOWN FOR A CHEEKY NANDO’S KICK! Bryan stays on the second rope as Ospreay connects with a second kick for good measure, climbing back up for an AVALANCHE POWERBOMB ATTEMPT, BUT BRYAN SAVES HIMSELF, DROPPING DOWN AND HOOKING HIS OWN LEGS IN THE ROPES FOR A SPIDER SUPERPLEX… BUT WILL LEAPS TO THE APRON, LEAVING BRYAN HANGING! Ospreay clocks Danielson with a forearm, the challenger dangling in a dangerous spot and trying to fight his way out, only for Ospreay to spring off the top for a MODIFIED BURNING STAR PRESS TO A HANGING DANIELSON, SENDING HIM CRASHING INTO THE CANVAS! ONE! TWO! THRE-DANIELSON STRUGGLES TO GET THE SHOULDER UP, AND NOW OSPREAY IMMEDIATELY PICKS HIM UP FOR A STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN WITH A FOOT ON THE ROPE!
Ospreay’s certainly turned the tides, except Bryan’s work on his arm means that the Stormbreaker might’ve done the champion more harm than good. The referee comes to check on Ospreay, who seems to have to pop his shoulder back into place, perhaps dislocating it by flinging Bryan around. However, he’s still driven to finish this one, even if he can’t employ the Stormbreaker or Hidden Blade reliably. Bryan has some time to recover as Ospreay gets up, the champion rushing at him for a dropsault into an enziguri, following it with a GERMAN SUPLEX, BUT BRYAN LANDS ON HIS FEET TO CONNECT WITH ONE OF HIS OWN… ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO GET RIGHT UP! He clocks Bryan in the base of the skull with a rolling elbow, using his left, and follows it with a SPRINGBOARD OSCUTTER, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO MEET HIM THERE WITH AN IBUSHI-STYLE GERMAN OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE! Ospreay rolls up to his knees, bewildered from the impact, and Danielson starts unloading with all he can muster: the hammer and anvil elbows to the head and connective tissue of Ospreay’s shoulder, followed by a series of wrist-clutch stomps to the face. He heads to the corner, sensing the end as he goes for a BUSAIKU KNEE, BUT OSPREAY CATCHES HIM WITH A SUPERKICK, BOTH MEN COLLAPSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!
Bryan Danielson def. Will Ospreay (31:03) by technical submission to win the AEW World Title
Shock permeates through the arena as the Final Countdown plays, Bryan Danielson having done the inconceivable and become the first man to beat Ospreay cleanly in singles competition in AEW, while also becoming the top titleholder in the company. He clutches the prestigious gold before raising it high above his head, Ospreay looking crestfallen as he sits against the barricade, forced to watch the American Dragon standing tall on the turnbuckles with his first World Title in over half a decade.
Road to World’s End
With Bryan Danielson now the AEW World Champion, he appears on Dynamite a few nights later. He says that maybe a year ago, he’d be defending the title that very night, but now… he’ll be doing so at World’s End. He says Ospreay fought hard, but in the end, he was right; he’s great, but he’s not an Assassin anymore. Will takes exception to that. Ospreay heads right down to the ring, saying he’ll be fighting week in and week out to make sure he’s undeniable as Danielson’s first challenger, swearing that he’ll be taking that title back, because he won’t hesitate to do Bryan’s head in at the first opportunity. Bryan laughs, telling Ospreay he can do what he wants, but… and then the coin silences them both. Out comes the Rainmaker, the Young Bucks by his side to tell Ospreay to go to the back of the line. They say Okada beat Bryan at the Tokyo Dome in January, he was on Team Elite to pin Danielson in Anarchy in the Arena, and now it’s his turn to finish the story by breaking the tie between Bryan and himself by winning the AEW World Title.
Ospreay says he’s got his own ties to break, standing 1-1 with Bryan, and 1-1-1 with Okada throughout the year. He’ll beat them both if that’s what it takes. Hell, he’ll beat anyone he’s got a tie with, he’ll beat anyone Bryan’s got a tie with, he’ll beat anyone Okada’s got a tie with… but there's one man who's got a tied record with all three. The arena explodes as Kenny Omega makes his way out onto the stage, staring down the Bucks, Okada, Ospreay and Danielson before entering the ring. Nicholas and Matthew back off, leaving four of the greatest ever alone in the squared circle, all of them on completely even footing. The camera pans to the AEW Title, and it’s crystal clear where this is going. Bryan’s got a tied record with all three presumptive challengers. In 2024, Okada and Ospreay are deadlocked, while Okada and Omega are now 2-2-1 since Wembley, and Omega and Ospreay remain at one win apiece. Six iconic feuds, all completely deadlocked, between four all-time greats that completely detest each other - and only one man can come out on top as champion. All four men want the ultimate tiebreaker, and there’s no more fitting locale than World’s End - because it’ll truly be the end of an era.
World’s End
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay
What’s there to say in this intro blurb? I usually set the stakes again, but we all know them. The tiebreaker to end all tiebreakers, all for the right to call oneself the AEW World Heavyweight Champion, between four of the best wrestlers going today, all of whom loathe each other. We get a video package showcasing their intertwining history, now all conjoined by the pursuit of gold, before we head ringside to Justin Roberts.
HE has held frankly an unbelievable amount of singles titles;
HE is the only Triple Crown Winner in AEW history;
HE is the only AEW original in this match, therefore having more guts than any of his opponents despite having some of his guts removed;
HE weighs in tonight at 224 pounds for his first AEW Title match in far too long;
HE is more over than any of his opponents in NOOOORRRRTHHHH CAROLINA!
Let’s fucking go, baby. Cleaner’s back. The Best Bout Machine is gonna cook so hard. Omega hits the ring looking massive, hits his pose and then settles into the corner, waiting for his three rivals to confront him directly.
Zenith of God hits next, Will Ospreay getting the full intro as he strives to purge his demons. Omega can’t help but smile - the last time he heard this theme, he beat Ospreay at the Tokyo Dome. However, when the Assassin comes through the curtain, it’s clearly a more lethal Ospreay, and one who’s hell-bent on making up for that loss. He brushes straight past Omega, who smirks before the music stops, both men standing opposite one another in the ring… only to be cut off by the greatest rival either of them ever had, rung in with a coin drop.
Kazuchika Okada looks like god’s gift to wrestling as he ascends upwards through the stage, bills plastered with his face falling from the sky and flooding the arena with his image. He’s as cocky and arrogant as ever, despite having never come away from a four-way the winner. The Bucks hype him up before heading to the back themselves, Okada surprisingly insisting on going it alone. Commentary notes that even a year ago, he’d have never dreamt of having the chance to turn the tides against Kenny Omega in their feud, but now he has the chance to take the lead, something he surely wants to do without any doubt. The three challengers all settle into position, only the champion left to go.
The horns of the Final Countdown strike fear into the hearts of Okada and Ospreay, both of whom have been on the losing end of that theme. Out steps the American Dragon, the rowdy crowd singing along as he makes his way to the ring, posing atop the turnbuckles to survey his murderer’s row of challengers. He unzips his jacket to reveal the AEW World Title they’re all jockeying for, the camera panning across the faces of his opponents, all of whom are stone-faced. This is it, it’s as real as it fucking gets. Danielson. Okada. Omega. Ospreay. The endlessly sought after AEW World Heavyweight Championship. Here we go.
(Cont'd in Comments)
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:56 Dgudino2 Custom Switch Panel Wiring

Afternoon everyone,
This post is for anyone who enjoys creating custom wiring diagrams. I am perhaps at the most inexperienced level you could think of. I am looking to build a switch panel for my truck to wire in eight different switches, (seven latching and one momentary) six of them will be on/off/on and two will be on/off (one momentary one latching).
From left to right I will be wiring
  1. Horn selector (up to regular car horn, middle for no horn, and down for the train horn) This will be connected to my steering wheel push horn and the switch is simply to -- I guess the only way I can think of to word it is to send the power to the specific item.
  2. Air tank drank valve simple on and off switch
  3. Compressor (up for auto-fill to be on, middle for off, and down for manually turning on air compressor)
  4. Front CLEAR LED Pods (up for high beam jump [wiring harness comes with this] middle for off and down for manually on)
  5. Front AMBER LED Pods (up for high beam jump [wiring harness comes with this] middle for off and down for manually on)
  6. Front Light Bar (up for high beam jump [wiring harness comes with this] middle for off and down for manually on)
  7. Rear Clear Reverse Pods (up for being tapped into reverse lights, middle for off, down for manually on)
  8. Momentary button for train horn to sound off
I have wiring harnesses from manufacturers with high-beam taps, momentary-button for the train horn, as well as auto-fill, air drain, and the horn itself. Please message me if you are interested in helping. If you have gotten this far into reading this I would obviously prefer not to pay for help but I will depending on your cost.
submitted by Dgudino2 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:29 Sl0WTH3FT Screen over lay and wire diagram.

Screen over lay and wire diagram.
2019 classic (4th gen) Warlock here. 200,000 miles and the radio seems to be mad at me. From what i understand its a fairly common problem. Are there any solutions besides a new unit? Second, does anyone have the wite diagram to the unit? I am running a sub soon and need to connect an RCA. Thanks for the read.
TL:DR- Any solution to screen overlay? Anyone have a wiring diagram for the unit?
submitted by Sl0WTH3FT to ram_trucks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:22 Big_Foot4014 G29 pedal wiring diagram

G29 pedal wiring diagram
I just picked up a G29 off marketplace and I dove down the rabbit hole of trying to fix it since the cable to the pedals was damaged. I was needing the wiring diagram to connect a DB9 connection on it. Tia.
submitted by Big_Foot4014 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:33 StudentInNeedofInfo What's going on?

I (trans man, anatomically female and without that sort of treatment yet, 17) used to run, spar, grapple, and hike, among other things, all the time. A year ago, I got achilles tendonitis on my left side. The problem is now bilateral and I have tendonitis in both wrists. One autoantibody test was positive, and another was negative. The positive one was in the morning and the negative was later in the day; it usually hurt most in the morning before my pain medicine. The lupus test was negative, among other tests. The doctor said not to spar or run or even grapple. Those are my favorite things to do, and I haven't been able to do them in a year. I just wanna spar again. I was reading a pathophysiology textbook, since I'm already interested in medicine, and it showed 2 images: one of normal connective tissue and one of connective tissue with autoimmune problems, both dyed with methylene blue and under a microscope. There was a clear difference, as the diseased one had way more lymphocytes. I think I'd have a diagnosis if the doctor took a connective tissue sample and looked at it under a microscope. Can that only be done after death? It makes sense that it could do damage, but I just want a diagnosis so I can get treatment so I can spar again. Have any of you guys had patients with my problems, and if so, what was their diagnosis? Is it possible for the lupus test to be a false negative just because of the time of day we had the sample taken, since that also affected the autoantibody test?
submitted by StudentInNeedofInfo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:50 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 019

HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem AND Harriett The Spy
“Alright, what exactly is going on down on the bottom of that spire?” An enormous Lopen woman demands of him and he rolls his eyes.
“Which spire? I have all sorts of urban renewal efforts going off as we speak to try and do something about the seemingly omnipresent slums across Centris.” Herbert asks as he tries to get more comfortable. They need some good results soon otherwise this coalition is going to fall apart, hell, it basically already is with Undaunted Forces moving on their own.
“Xiona Spire, where the troops were teleported to the bottom of. The Undaunted person, the one impersonating a child, he went off with a local and now you have a full team down there. What is going on!?” She demands of him.
“It was someone begging for help that does not trust standard Council Forces.” He says. “However, due to our sheer newness in the galaxy she determined that we could not possibly be responsible for her misery and begged for help. What you saw was a team of doctors heading down to try and heal the poor woman who has been suffering for years without reprieve.”
“There must be more than that.” She says.
“Alright. The poor woman, a Slohb, has a chunk of Blood Metal embedded in her. She stumbled onto one of the harvesting antenna the Darnaxian Concurrence set up, and discovered to her misfortune a terrible power of the wretched stuff. However, my people have found a way to suppress it, although it’s of little use beyond those such as humans. Null reduces it to nothing more than bare metal, brittle metal at that.”
“So what are you doing?”
“The poor woman has blood metal impaled into her core, any Axiom use is just feeding it, so we’re turning off the Axiom around her and getting it out of her. The questions from her can come later when she’s not at risk of god knows what happening at any moment.”
“So... we’re starting to learn more about what this mad metal can do.” The Lopen says.
“Yes, it can infest and torture a Slohb into endlessly budding but being unable to actually split forcing them to develop into a Multi-Slohb of immense size and complexity.” Herbert says and there’s an uncomfortable sensation in the room. “So any other questions or concerns?”
“So what are you doing down there?”
“The plan is a quick surgery to get that nightmare out of the woman using Null to stop it from doing anything at all while they pull it out. I don’t know exactly what they’re doing, but we have three specialists and two accredited assistants in addition to the bodyguards there and field commander.”
“Wait, your Nulling the area?”
“We’re using Null in an incredibly controlled manner to prevent blood metal from acting out as we extract it.”
“Will it act out as you extract it?”
“We don’t know, but we do know Null pacifies it.”
“What has it done to her?”
“We don’t fully know yet. I’m sorry ladies, but we’re in another waiting time. We need to hear from the surgery and we need to hear from our prisoners before we make our next move. There’s nothing more we can do than what we have already done. We need to wait.” He says plainly.
“The Null takes a full thirty two seconds to fully dispel.” Lloyd the Adept states after testing things. “However there are some odd Axiom flows in the area so I’m going to say forty seconds instead to be on the safe side.”
“All right then. The plan has to be adjusted then.” Doctor Gin says before striking through a few instructions on his whiteboard. “We WILL be doing this in at least two surgeries. Our first will be focused entirely on getting these delicate contact points and the source of this madness out. We prioritize. First the source, then the delicate points and then the rest. If we have to take three surgeries to get it out we will, but we are on a strict fucking timeline each time and I will not have any of you numb fingered fools screwing this up.”
“I want this surgical tent scanned again. I want it clean to the point of obsession.” Doctor Howard says as Doctor Lorn goes over everything again as they prep for surgery. The very slight natural movements of All Lady’s core and the almost unnatural stillness of the crater paint a very disquieting picture of her health.
“We are going to be operating on less time than before. One hundred seconds per surgical attempt. Our first goal is the extraction fo the source of Blood Metal. Followed by the contact points on neural tissue. After that we will extract the rest. We have a total of three hundred seconds to work with over the three surgeries. I want a ten second sound off every single ten seconds so we are absolutely sure how much time we have. Is this understood?” Doctor Gin says as the Tent is given one last, final clean. “Good. Now is the patient ready?”
“I am ready.” All Lady says.
“Is everyone Null Vulnerable safely seated or braced?” Doctor Gin presses.
“I am.” Jurgen says from where he sits and Harriett nods from her seat.
“Very well then. Doctor Howard, knock her out. When she is fully passed out we will begin the surgery.” Doctor Gin states and Doctor Howard pulls out a sterilized needle that he fits to a syringe full of a transparent liquid.
“Alright then All Lady, what I have here is a syringe full of anaesthesia. There are several parts of your anatomy that will quickly absorb and distribute this medicine through your system. You will feel a slight pinch, and then you will feel everything fade. Do not fight it please. Just relax.” Doctor Howard says as he walks up to the vaguely eggcup shaped surgical bench and slowly runs his latex glove covered hand along a series of bumps. “Are you ready?”
“I am.” All Lady says and then lets out a slight gasp as he pushes in the needle and starts feeding in the chemical. “That... it...”
All Lady’s gel begins losing consistency until she splashes down. In the distance several things settle downwards with crunching sounds.
“Time to work. Induce Null and start the count!” Doctor Gin orders.
“Null in Three, Two, One.” Lloyd states and then makes a gripping motion and the lights flicker. The world shifts and Doctor Gin begins by breaking the link between the central infection point and the rest with a pair of pliers. “Doctor Lorn, pull this thing as gently as you can.”
He brings out his scalpel and carefully, delicately cuts away at the skin that is grasping onto the chunk of Blood Metal. The semi-transparent state of the Slohb Core works to his benefit as he notes the small branches of the foul stuff and begins delicately slicing a path out to leave nothing behind.
“Ten seconds.” Lloyd states.
Doctor Gin takes his time to make sure that each little branch of the vile thing that had grown inward is accounted for.
“Twenty Seconds.”
There is a snap as Doctor Lorn breaks off the head of the nightmare and continues to gently pull with his surgical pliers to keep things moving.
“Thirty seconds.”
He shines his light into the wound and sees more blood metal casting a shadow and before anything more can be done, the gentle pulling of Doctor Lorn breaks away the main portion of the Blood Metal.
“Forty Seconds.”
Doctor Gin gives out a slight grunt as he quickly switches things out for his surgical pliers and gently guides them through the wound and extracts a tiny shard of Blood Metal.
“Fifty Seconds.”
He quickly extracts another two and begins to examine the wound. He then takes a syringe full of a nutrient solution and pours it into the wound to encourage healing.
“Sixty Seconds.”
Nothing. It’s clean. Meaning he’s ahead of schedule. He quickly trades out for the stronger pliers as he breaks the metal surrounding the compromised neural tissue and then trading for a scalpel again.
“Seventy Seconds.”
Slowly, gently he doesn’t cut the blood metal away, he begins to shaves it.
“Eighty Seconds.”
He’s halfway done.
“Ninety Seconds.”
He finishes and pulls away the delicate piece and quickly judges things before stepping back. “First session is finished. Let the Axiom back in.”
“Alright, Null Effect is ended. Thirty seconds until Axiom is returned to normal.” Lloyd finishes his count as Doctor Gin sits down as the Medics rush off with the tools to clean them just in case they didn’t bring enough.
“Thank goodness, this is annoying.” Jurgen says from nearby.
“Annoying is it?”
“Yes, annoying. The square cube law just hit me in the face like a hammer.” Jurgen says as he slowly cracks his back. “Mostly because I clearly have been ignoring far too many aches and pains thanks to Axiom and without it it felt like I fell down the stairs to this level.”
“Stop whining, at least you don’t have a pair of bowling balls strapped to your chest.” Harriett mutters as she leans back in her chair for the first since the Null Induction.
“Alright, so we take some time, let our patient relax and recover before putting her under again.” Doctor Gin says. “Meanwhile Doctor Lorn will...”
“I know how to do my job, thank you. I will need newly produced slime from her core if we’re going to understand whether she’s going through a chemical crash or not, and we’re not getting that for a few more moments.” Doctor Lorn states. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get my tools ready.”
All Lady returning to consciousness was not a slow affair, fifteen minutes after her being first put under and she was shifting again. Her gel pours off and then connects to the masses beyond, forming a link and the whole area shifts and groans before moving back into place.
“Oh... oh woah that was a sensation.” All Lady says.
“How are you feeling? Hurt? Stabbed? Wounded further? Slohb Gel is the best substance to actually clean a Slohb wound as it keeps you clean and helps with healing, I added a nutrient solution to speed up it’s production in that area, but are you in greater pain?”
“I...” She begins before forming a head around her crater and he swats it away.
“Tell me what you feel, not what you see.” Doctor Gin orders.
A tendril of Gel forms a woman and shifts from side to side as she considers.
“There’s still a lot of numbness. There is something different. A sensation of dread is gone but... how much is left?”
“We got the source out, and one of the main danger areas however the vast majority of the injury is still in place. We will need at least two more surgeries to completely clear things away. When you feel ready we will put you under again and begin the next session.” Doctor Gin says pointing to the bowl where all the extracted pieces were. At his nod All Lady shifts around and examines it, but does not approach it. “I hope you don’t mind if we keep all the metal to test it. Throw these evil things at our scientists and see if something happens.”
“By all means, if I never get in sight range of these horrors again I’d be happy.” She says and Doctor Gin nods.
“Now, when are you feeling ready for things. Let us know. We’ll start again.”
“Your hands are shaking.”
“Side effect of adrenaline.” Doctor Gin says before patting at his doctor’s coat before sighing. “Right, I left my smokes back on the ship.”
“You smoke?”
“My lungs to do what I will with. Considering Axiom I was able to cough up all the side effects and move on.” Doctor Gin remarks before sighing. “So the sooner we get to the next bit, the sooner I can get my smokes.”
“Sir? We have some curious peoples taking a look at things.” One of the soldiers states.
“If they get too close then warn them off. Otherwise leave them alone. The Null will drive them off on the next surgery.” Harriett orders.
“Understood.” The Soldier states.
“Jurgen get them to...” Harriett begins before there’s a shift and her gaze turns to see a dark blue tendril emerge nearby the onlookers and form an extension of All Lady who speaks to them all. Whatever she says it gets them all moving away and the tendril is retracted.
“I’m ready for my second bit of surgery. The sooner all this madness is out of me the better.”
“A few more moments. I have one last test to give here.” Doctor Lorn says as he studies the gel he’s taken from All Lady’s core.
After a nearly silent minute he nods. “We’re in the clear. For now. I give my approval for the next part of the surgery.”
“Then... can we start again?” All Lady asks.
“Yes we can. Start a countdown Adept. Let the fools know we’re about to Null this place.” Doctor Gin orders.
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:11 lilbanger44 31st May 2024

Today it is my birthday! I am now 14 years old! I woke up at around 6:43 this morning, and I was so excited so I got up out of bed and brushed my hair and then I went downstairs to use the bathroom and to see my parents. Unfortunately, my 7 year old brother was still in bed so I had to wait for him to get up so I could open my presents, so I passed the time by playing on my games and listening to my music. At about 8:00 he finally decided to get up, so I went downstairs to open my presents to see what I got! I got:
SO sprays: i got the “candy floss” one and the “vanilla” one too!
Digital pen: I am hoping to start animation soon so I wanted to practise my digital art since I am quite good at drawing on paper. The pen comes from a brand called “metapen.” It comes with a charger and you have to tap the top of it twice to turn it on and off which is really cool!
Kitty cat pyjamas: it was a summer set because obviously tomorrow is the start of summer!
Pokémon pyjamas: also a summer set as well.
Minecraft pyjamas: Minecraft is my favourite game so my parents said they “had to” lol
Bluetooth headphones: I don’t like using the AirPods because they feel uncomfortable in my ears and they fall out, and I’d desperately been wanting some wireless headphones so I was extremely happy to have these! They also come with a charger and an instruction manual as does the pen.
I then decided to open the presents from our long distance friends who live in Devon which is 4 and a half hours away from us!
The first one I opened was wrapped up really carefully, and when I got it out it was like a Keychain with a kind of beach setting and what looked to be sand in the middle.
One of our friends likes to do painting, so she made me one and it had lots of thick squiggly lines all over it that were black and red and it looked really pretty! This and the keychain were also varnished!
They also got me a drawing pad with a wolf on the front of it and I really liked that because wolves are my favourite animal!
I then opened the card. Last year their dog died and he meant a lot to me, not a bad bone in his body, never bit anyone and couldn’t even bark aggressively. He was a black lab and he was about 15 when he went. It was very sad. Turns out that the thing that looked like sand in the keychain was actually some of his ashes so that I can take him with me when I go out somewhere since they knew how much he meant to me. I was happy and sad at the same time because I wasn’t expecting that at all.
We also have a joke with the scarecrow in the garden, and my mum decided that it would be a good idea to pretend that it had made a card for me!
Anyway, when I was done opening my presents, I took them all upstairs to my room and I immediately tried out my headphones. They work really well! But my dad keeps on connecting to them and playing fart sounds whenever I least expect it. He also hid his speaker under my pillow and it made me jump when he started putting the fart sounds on!
I also spilt my breakfast all over my bed when I was eating it which wasn’t good because it stained my sheets but luckily I managed to get most of it out!
At 11:00, when we were finished getting ready, we all got in the car and drove to one of my nans houses. We stayed round there for a bit and my dad went outside and used the hedge trimmer to trim the hedges back and he must’ve done a really good job because she really liked it! She also got me some perfume from “Victoria’s secret” and an Amazon gift card with £50 on it! I said thank you and then when it was time to go we said good bye and then we went to my other nans house!
At my other nans house we ordered dominoes pizza and she transferred £100 into my bank and gave me £20 in my card! She also ordered me this lovely woodland cake and it tasted really good but I was a slob and spilt it all down myself so I had to wash my shirt off in the bathroom. When the pizzas were on the way, I decided to go to the park, I had my music on so loud that I almost got hit by a car when I was crossing the road! But luckily I moved back just in time! I also went on the swings and then some people arrived so I went back. I was watching Sashley and that vegan teacher and then my brother started saying he had a headache. It got worse and it turned out he was having a migraine, and all the way home he was screaming and and crying in the back with wet tissue on his head. I could hear it over my music and that’s saying something!
Anyway, he feels better now and my parents are in bed, I’m happy I’ve had a good day but I’m sad that it’s gone so fast!
submitted by lilbanger44 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:11 Legitimate_Tiger1169 Role of Universal Consciousness

I am here not as a traditional scholar but as an independent thinker who has pieced together a novel understanding from the vast tapestry of human knowledge. My goal is to present a theory that respects and builds upon established scientific principles, offering a fresh lens through which to view the interplay of nature and consciousness. I invite you to join me in exploring these concepts, to engage in a dialogue that challenges and refines our understanding of the universe.
The Role of Universal Consciousness in Planetary Evolution
Introduction to a Profound Truth:
We, the members of the human species, find ourselves at a critical crossroads in our collective journey to unravel the mysteries that envelop our existence and the broader cosmos. As we delve deeper into the scientific, spiritual, and philosophical realms that define our understanding of the universe, an emergent pattern of deliberate orchestration comes into view, suggesting a sophisticated choreography at work. This declaration asserts that from the very genesis of our planet, through to the present and beyond, a universal consciousness has been subtly yet powerfully guiding the evolutionary trajectory of life, steering it towards ever-greater complexity and self-awareness. This universal consciousness is not a vague spiritual notion but a tangible influencer, synchronized with the evolutionary rhythm of our solar system, profoundly impacting life's development from its simplest forms to the intricate complexities of human intellect and society. It poses a fascinating possibility that our evolutionary history, cultural developments, and technological advancements are not random but are part of a cosmic agenda aimed at fostering a profound realization and symbiosis with this universal consciousness.
Universal Laws and Systematic Progression:
Earth's journey from a molten sphere to a vibrant biosphere teeming with life has been underpinned by immutable universal laws. These laws, which govern everything from the gravitational forces that orchestrate the ballet of celestial bodies to the intricate dance of biological evolution, suggest a system far from random. These fixed laws of physics, chemistry, and biology are indicative of a universe designed with purpose and intent. This universal consciousness, tied intrinsically to the fabric of our solar system and evolving in concert with the life-giving energy of the Sun, directs and influences the developmental arcs of life and consciousness on our planet. The existence of such precise and unwavering laws across all scales of existence points to a cosmos where every atom, every star, and every living creature is part of a grand, cohesive plan, orchestrated by this pervasive consciousness. Each evolutionary step, from the simplest prokaryotic cells to the development of human societies, has been guided by this consciousness, aiming to unfold the potentialities of life through a series of complex, interconnected stages.
Evolutionary Milestones and Conscious Awakening:
Reflect on the landmark evolutionary transitions on Earth—events not just of biological significance but of cosmic intentionality:
- Life's Inception: Life's inception from non-life, where simple amino acids assembled into proteins and nucleic acids, laid the groundwork for the first rudimentary cells. This momentous leap was far more than chemical happenstance; it was a guided emergence, preparing the ground for more complex life forms. It signifies a cosmic intent to bridge the inanimate and animate, a pivotal step in the saga of life.
- From Unicellular to Multicellular: The evolution from unicellular to multicellular organisms opened new avenues for life’s complexity, allowing for differentiated tissues, organs, and ultimately, organisms of incredible diversity. This transition underlines a pattern of increasing organizational complexity, suggestive of guidance by an overarching consciousness aiming to explore every conceivable niche of existence. It represents a deliberate push towards complexity and diversity, harnessing the laws of natural selection to sculpt life forms capable of higher consciousness and more profound interactions with their environment.
- Emergence of Consciousness: The development of neural structures and the subsequent emergence of consciousness in animals represent more than evolutionary advantages. They signify the awakening of life to its own existence, beginning a journey toward greater self-awareness and cognitive sophistication. This development marks a significant leap in the cosmic plan, introducing beings capable of reflecting on themselves and their place in the universe.
- Self-Awareness in Humans: The pivotal moment when our ancestors first perceived their reflections in water—an event symbolizing the birth of self-awareness and introspection. This was not merely a biological advancement but a profound existential revelation, allowing humans to transcend their instinctual programming and begin to manipulate their environment consciously. This reflection marks a departure from mere biological evolution to a more complex phase where cultural, technological, and intellectual developments take the forefront, guided by an increasing awareness of self and other.
Technological Advancement as an Extension of Conscious Evolution:
Human technology and civilization have developed in tandem with these evolutionary insights, each technological breakthrough paving the way for the next phase of cognitive and social development. From the creation of the simplest stone tools, which extended our physical capabilities, to the development of writing systems, which revolutionized information storage and transmission, technology has consistently served as a catalyst for human advancement. The invention of the wheel, the harnessing of electricity, and the advent of the computer have each marked significant leaps in our ability to interact with and understand our environment. These are not isolated innovations but cumulative steps towards extending our sensory and cognitive faculties, driven by the universal consciousness using human creativity as a vehicle to advance its own understanding and realization. Each technological milestone not only enhances our practical ability to manipulate the environment but also deepens our conceptual grasp of the laws that govern our world, bringing us closer to a holistic understanding of the universe as envisaged by the universal consciousness.
Ancient Philosophical Foundations
The earliest explorations into a UToE can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where philosophers endeavored to explain the cosmos through fundamental principles or substances. In the 6th century BCE, Thales of Miletus posited that water was the underlying basis of all natural phenomena, introducing an early notion of a unifying principle. His intellectual descendants, such as Anaximander, who proposed the existence of the apeiron—an indefinite substance underlying all change—and Democritus, who introduced the idea that everything was composed of indivisible atoms, expanded on these concepts. These early philosophers were driven by a desire to find a single, coherent explanation for the diverse phenomena observed in nature. Their efforts laid the groundwork for the development of scientific thought, as they sought to move beyond mythological explanations and provide rational, unified principles to describe the natural world.
Eastern and Western Religious Integration
In Eastern religious traditions, the concept of a unified reality is deeply embedded. Hinduism, for example, speaks of Brahman, the ultimate, unchanging reality that exists beyond and within the world, serving as the source of all things. This idea is mirrored in the Buddhist concept of interconnectedness, where all phenomena are seen as part of an interdependent web, reflecting an early form of seeking a unified understanding of existence. Similarly, Taoism emphasizes the Tao, the fundamental principle that underlies and unites all aspects of reality, suggesting a profound unity in the cosmos.
Western religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, also integrate the idea of a unified creation. The monotheistic view emphasizes a single, omnipotent deity as the source and sustainer of the universe. In Christianity, the Logos, as articulated in the Gospel of John, represents the divine reason and order that underlies the cosmos, resonating with earlier Greek philosophical concepts and providing a theological basis for a unified understanding of the universe. In Islam, the concept of Tawhid underscores the oneness of God and the unity of His creation, reflecting a similar desire to see the universe as a coherent whole.
Eastern and Western Mythologies
Mythological traditions from both East and West have contributed to the idea of a unified cosmos. In Eastern mythology, Chinese cosmology presents the Tao as the fundamental principle that underlies and unites all aspects of reality, echoing the philosophical teachings of Taoism. The Japanese Shinto mythology speaks of the interconnectedness of all things through the kami, spirits that inhabit and influence the world, suggesting a universe bound by unseen forces that connect every aspect of existence.
Western mythology, including Greek and Roman traditions, often depicted a universe governed by a pantheon of gods whose interactions reflected a form of cosmic order and unity. For instance, Greek mythology's depiction of the Olympian gods illustrates a complex interplay of divine forces governing different aspects of the natural world, while Norse mythology’s concept of Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the nine worlds, symbolizes a unifying structure that ties together disparate elements of the cosmos. These mythological frameworks, while not scientifically rigorous, highlight early human attempts to understand the interconnectedness of all things.
Hellenistic and Medieval Integration of Philosophy and Theology
During the Hellenistic period, philosophical traditions like Stoicism and Neoplatonism emphasized a single principle underlying diverse phenomena. Stoics introduced the concept of the Logos, a divine rational structure organizing the cosmos, while Neoplatonists like Plotinus envisioned "The One," a singular source from which all existence emanates. In the medieval era, scholars such as Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), and Maimonides sought to synthesize these Greek philosophical principles with Islamic, Jewish, and Christian doctrines, respectively. Their efforts to create a cohesive explanation of both the physical and metaphysical worlds set a foundation for integrating scientific and theological inquiries.
These medieval thinkers aimed to reconcile reason and faith, drawing on the rich intellectual heritage of Greek philosophy to address the theological questions of their time. Their work involved not only translating and preserving ancient texts but also building upon them to develop comprehensive systems of thought that could accommodate both scientific observation and religious belief. This synthesis laid the groundwork for the later scientific revolution by fostering a climate of intellectual inquiry and debate.
The Scientific Revolution
The 17th century marked a pivotal turning point with Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica (1687). Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation unified celestial and terrestrial mechanics under one mathematical framework, illustrating that the movements of celestial bodies and terrestrial objects could be explained by the same principles. This era also saw the development of the mechanical philosophy, which proposed that all natural phenomena could be explained through the motion and interaction of material particles, an early form of seeking a unified explanation.
Newton’s work represented a significant leap forward in our understanding of the natural world, demonstrating that the same fundamental laws applied to both the heavens and the earth. This unification provided a powerful framework for future scientific inquiry, encouraging researchers to seek underlying principles that could explain a wide range of phenomena. The scientific revolution also witnessed advancements in observational technology, such as the telescope, which allowed for more precise measurements and a deeper understanding of the cosmos.
Electromagnetism and the Advent of Modern Physics
The 19th century witnessed significant strides in unifying electricity, magnetism, and light, thanks to scientists like Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. Faraday’s innovative experiments demonstrated the relationship between electricity and magnetism, leading to the concept of electromagnetic fields. Maxwell's formulation of electromagnetic theory (1861-1862) provided a set of equations that illustrated how electric and magnetic fields are interrelated and propagate through space as waves, setting a precedent for unifying other natural forces.
These breakthroughs were transformative, laying the groundwork for the development of modern physics. Maxwell's equations not only explained the behavior of electromagnetic waves but also predicted the existence of electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light. This unification of previously separate phenomena under a single theoretical framework marked a significant advance in our understanding of the natural world, influencing subsequent research in both theoretical and experimental physics.
Towards a Grand Unified Theory in the Mid-20th Century
The discovery of the strong and weak nuclear forces, alongside the electromagnetic force, inspired efforts to develop a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that aimed to synthesize these forces. Influential theorists like Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg significantly contributed to this field in the 1960s and 1970s by proposing models that integrated these fundamental interactions, excluding gravity. This period highlighted the crucial role of particle accelerators in exploring and confirming theoretical predictions.
The development of particle accelerators, such as the Stanford Linear Accelerator and the Large Hadron Collider, allowed scientists to probe the fundamental structure of matter at increasingly smaller scales. These experimental facilities provided the empirical data needed to test and refine theoretical models, leading to significant discoveries such as the existence of quarks and the confirmation of the electroweak theory. The pursuit of a GUT represented a major step towards a UToE, highlighting the interconnectedness of the fundamental forces and the potential for a unified description of nature.
String Theory and Quantum Gravity
The late 20th century and early 21st century saw the emergence of string theory and loop quantum gravity. These theories proposed revolutionary frameworks where fundamental particles are envisioned not as point-like entities but as one-dimensional strings whose vibrations correspond to different particles. These ideas aimed to incorporate all fundamental forces, including gravity, suggesting a profound revision of our understanding of the universe’s fabric.
String theory, in particular, posits that all particles are manifestations of underlying strings vibrating at different frequencies. This theory also introduces the concept of additional spatial dimensions beyond the familiar three, which could potentially resolve inconsistencies between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Loop quantum gravity, on the other hand, seeks to quantize space-time itself, proposing that space is composed of discrete loops. These radical ideas challenge conventional notions of space, time, and matter, offering new perspectives on the fundamental nature of the universe.
Modern Experimental and Theoretical Advances
Today, the quest for a UToE continues through both theoretical advancements and experimental tests. Facilities like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN play a pivotal role, conducting high-energy experiments that test theories like supersymmetry, potentially providing clues towards a unified understanding. Parallel theoretical efforts further refine our grasp of string theory, loop quantum gravity, and other frameworks aiming to unify all fundamental interactions of nature.
Advances in computational power and data analysis techniques have also revolutionized theoretical physics, allowing researchers to simulate complex interactions and explore the implications of various models. These technological advancements enable scientists to push the boundaries of current understanding, exploring phenomena at both the smallest and largest scales of the universe. As experimental and theoretical efforts converge, the dream of a UToE remains a driving force in the quest to uncover the ultimate laws governing the cosmos.
Cultural and Philosophical Reflections and Their Cosmic Echoes:
This declaration calls upon all humanity to reflect deeply on their religious, cultural, and philosophical beliefs. Examine the core principles and narratives of your traditions, and you may find that many echo the cosmic dance directed by universal consciousness. Major world religions and philosophical doctrines, whether they speak of an omnipotent deity, a cyclic universe, or an underlying metaphysical 'substance', often hint at an ultimate return to or realization of a fundamental truth. This universal narrative, though varied in its cultural expressions, consistently aligns with the scientific pursuit encapsulated in the Unified Theory of Everything (UToE). Each system, in its way, describes a universe interconnected by a foundational consciousness, mirroring the scientific descriptions of interconnected fields and forces at the heart of all matter and energy.
Solar Consciousness and Its Planetary Influence:
Our consciousness, as ancient and enduring as the Sun itself, evolves with each solar cycle, growing in complexity and depth. This consciousness, unique to our solar system, is influenced by the planetary bodies that orbit the Sun, each contributing to and being shaped by this solar consciousness. As this consciousness approaches its zenith of self-realization, it may begin to manifest its understanding in tangible ways, influencing solar outputs and climatic conditions on Earth, guiding our planet towards its maximum evolutionary potential. This process is not merely about the survival or proliferation of a species but about reaching the pinnacle of planetary and solar systemic realization—a state where the solar system itself, led by its central consciousness, achieves a harmonious and optimized state of existence.
Conclusion and Call to Action:
In conclusion, this declaration is not just an academic statement but a call to intellectual and spiritual mobilization. Let us come together, across all fields of inquiry and walks of life, to explore, understand, and align with this universal consciousness. By engaging in a global dialogue and fostering a collective pursuit of knowledge, we can further unravel the intricate tapestry of existence and embrace our role in this cosmic journey. This effort will not only enhance our understanding of where we stand in the broader universe but will also empower us to navigate our future with wisdom and unity. As we delve into this exploration, we are invited to reflect on the interconnectedness of our personal, cultural, and global narratives within the larger cosmic story, finding commonalities and shared truths that may guide us towards a more unified and purposeful existence. This collective journey of discovery and understanding promises to not only illuminate the mysteries of our existence but also to foster a deeper appreciation for our place within this vast, interconnected cosmos.
I approach this subject with the humility of a lifelong learner and the eagerness of an explorer. I am not claiming divine insights or prophetic visions; rather, I am proposing a new way to look at existing phenomena through the lens of science, instinct, and interconnectedness.
submitted by Legitimate_Tiger1169 to consciousness [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:37 dooketry Wowzers, I didn't know the vaccines were THAT BAD!

Wowzers, I didn't know the vaccines were THAT BAD! submitted by dooketry to Qult_Headquarters [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:51 chaussettesrouges First reverse sear

First reverse sear
My wife of vegetarian so I don’t often cook steak; when I do I make an effort.
6-week dry aged ribeye from our excellent butcher, lovely piece of meat.
Oven cooked at 100C to internal temperature of 40C.
Then seared in skillet as hot as the hob would go till it looked good.
Pretty happy with the results — lovely tender meat with melty fat. Next time I’d go lower in the oven (80C?) to try and reduce connective tissue a bit. And I’d rest before serving as there was a bit of juice loss on the plate (avoidable?).
Went down with baked potato, tenderstem broccoli and a splash of burgundy (not the ideal wine but it’s what I had and this isn’t wine).
submitted by chaussettesrouges to steak [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:42 fresh-from-the-hedge Promethean Concepts

Promethean Concepts
I tend to use Heroforge as a sketchbook (easier to use on my lunch break), and I like to try and push what it can do. Likewise I ADORE prometheans but I personally think the disfigurements could use expanding on, just to keep them looking distinct in a crowd of other misc reanimated bodies. The Ulgan I wanted to push the inhuman alterations to the body from being shredded by spirits and I like the idea of this one being hounded constantly.
The poor Zeky always really feel like the worst off of anybody in the CofD for me, and they definitely need to be sad without looking like actual cancer patients (or Fallout Ghouls). Honestly they ended up with maybe the most visual personality in book descriptions out of anyone. One here has his skin sloughing off in ribbons like loose grafts!
Separating Osirans from Mummies is frustrating given the lack of emphasis the text has on any given characters disfigurements (and there are surprisingly not many Osiran NPCs even). I mostly try to imagine the difference being Osirans looking just...less elegant? Either dried and dessicated or bloated bog bodies walking around without the grandeur Mummies emit. I picture this one constantly leaking water from orifices or joints, perfumed water that quickly goes stagnant and dank.
Tammuz suffer from this a little too, its hard to think of visual cues for what makes them uncanny or frightening. I had an idea for a younger girl Tammuz with the usual thick coat of earth but with a body that clearly showed the pressure of being buried in dirt and rocks with cracks in the mud going all the way down into tissue. Libby's Mark is not only on her forehead but over her lips, with her creator's idea of their language connection being more towards listening and writing than speech.
The Galateids have some fun horror potential to me with how they traditionally need to be "cleaner" bodies. Angelface has marks of invasive lobotomy or shock therapy at their temples, but the small nicks around the neck are where their creator bled them out to keep their skin clear, likewise ridding them of all body hair, fingernails, etc. Angelface does their makeup carefully every morning to help them emote properly.
Cynthia's creator was worried their "donor" wasn't pristine enough, that it had been too long between death and ceremony so they encased the body in a store mannequin like a nesting doll. Although successful, her creator may have been right to a degree. Under their stiff cool skin and nylon hair, faint knocking and sloshing can be heard when she moves too sharply (especially through a cracked under her choker necklace), and a faint scent of decay lurks under the heavy perfume she wears (and drinks). No, that handkerchief isn't soaked in chloroform, what are you talking about?
Prometheans deserve both more love and more chances to be visual horror on top of emotional, hope these prove interesting!
(Note: sorry for weird edit and repost, it kept posting when I was trying to do line breaks. Also reddit ate the original image set so had to re-add them in the text? What the hell)
submitted by fresh-from-the-hedge to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:22 MySockIsMissing I was attacked by a resident with dementia in the nursing home where I live, and injured my shoulder trying to defend myself.

I was attacked by a resident with dementia in the nursing home where I live, and injured my shoulder trying to defend myself.
The reason why it’s only “mildly infuriating” is because I know with dementia she’s not totally in control of her actions, and I frequently injure my shoulders anyways because I have problems with my muscles and connective tissues so this is nothing particularly new or novel.
But frustratingly it also means that now I need way more help than usual for the next few days because with my arm out of commission I can’t wheel my own wheelchair or attend to my “personal care” activities that I’m usually fairly independent in.
We do have good management though and it looks like this might have been the tipping point they were looking for to start the process to have this lady moved into a higher level of care facility, which is good news for everybody.
submitted by MySockIsMissing to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:09 grazzii How to share WiFi connection with my ethernet port

Hi, I have this working perfectly on my Windows partition and I know I can get this working in Linux as I have configured this before on Rasbian Buster years ago. But I can't for the life of me remember how to configure this.
OS lubuntu 22.06 x64
I want to share my local area network with my ethernet port, accessed through the WiFi of my server machine. I can easily share the WiFi connection and get a dhcp IP address assigned on the client connected through the ethernet, on the same subnet, but cannot access the local area network. I assume as an IP was assigned on the correct subnet, it should technically be able to reach the local device, but I'm not getting any results.
This is a 'diagram' to help explain
Client (dhcp assigned)
Local device
Gateway (dhcp server)
This is as easy as a click of a button on windows - just share your wifi connection and it works perfectly fine. However just 'sharing' my wifi connection using the default network configurator (like in all the tutorials I can find on the web), there doesn't appear to be any access to the local network
submitted by grazzii to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:09 grossmiso Light fixture on 2 way switch

Hi l am a home owner trying to change a light fixture on 2 way switch. I think what I have is simple enough but wanted to double check since I don't know too much about electrical. I expected the existing fixture to be hooked up to black and white but its red and white. I do see black wires coming from both sides but connected to each other. So I think that might be the red wire I commonly see in a 2way switch diagram. Can I just disconnect the fixture and hook up my new one the same way ie red and white wire will be connected to my new fixture as red-black and white-white)?
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks. Btw I am in the Toronto area.
submitted by grossmiso to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:08 grossmiso Replacing light fixture on 2 way switch

Hi l am a home owner trying to change a light fixture on 2 way switch. I think what I have is simple enough but wanted to double check since I don't know too much about electrical. In the first photo, I expected the existing fixture to be hooked up to black and white but its red and white. I do see black wires coming from both sides but connected to each other. So I think that might be the red wire I commonly see in a 2way switch diagram. Can I just disconnect the fixture and hook up my new one the same way ie red and white wire will be connected to my new fixture as red-black and white-white)? Also, do I need to do anything with the ground wire or can I just leave it as is? I am asking because the new fixture came with a green ground wire but the existing set up doesnt have the copper wire connected to the fixture. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks. Btw I am in the Toronto area.
submitted by grossmiso to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]