Gambling addictions

BitStarz Casino Community Forum (unofficial subreddit)

2019.03.08 15:02 icoinformation2021 BitStarz Casino Community Forum (unofficial subreddit)

🎰 Welcome to the BitStarz, fellow crypto casino enthusiast! Remember, play smart and may the odds be ever in your favor!

2012.11.13 06:01 discord19 Problem Gambling

A resource for individuals who have struggled - or know somebody who has struggled - with a gambling problem.

2014.11.02 15:01 mithrandir42 Gambling Addiction Support

If you can’t control the impulse to gamble, stop on by and introduce yourself. Help this subreddit grow by helping each other and guiding those who need help with tips that have helped you in the past. The most important thing is to make sure everyone feels safe here, please be nice to each other.

2024.06.01 13:32 Momeikutoz Is it possible to make 30,000 in 6 months?

Hi,I’m a recovering gambling addict and I have calculated all my losses in which it has amounted to 30,000 I am now working but I also want to do something on the side to make this money back does anyone know what I can do?
submitted by Momeikutoz to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 Radiant-Reserve-342 I am an addict.

Everybody on one side of my family are addicts. Alcohol, gambling, smoking, hard-core addicts. Its broken that side of the family up more times then can be counted and has caused a multitude of shitty life decisions and problems.
I was aware of this from a young age. So I didnt start smoking, I don't vape, I don't do drugs. I think I had the very start of a binge drinking problem in college, but I was so hyper aware of the addiction that I just shut it down immediately with force. I only drink like twice a year for special occasions now.
I didnt want to be held back, kicking and screaming against life because of an addiction. I didnt want to be the type of person who gambles their house away just in case. Because watching it second hand is actually kind of embarrassing.
I thought I was doing well, im 26 and wasn't addicted. I have discovered digital minimalism/ dumb phones etc for a month now. I've tried it out, I know I spend too much time online.
But its just hit me. I am an addict. My brain is fried in a similar way to the rest of my family. The family problem I thought I overcame.
I spend 6 to 8 hours online daily. I cant stop. This is so fucking hard and I need to get out of this loop.
I am an addict.
Step one is to admit you have a problem.
submitted by Radiant-Reserve-342 to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:54 Emotional-Low9498 Donate if you wanna fuel my gambling addiction

User:jaysen1359 also thx if you donated
submitted by Emotional-Low9498 to plsdonategame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 Ok-Swordfish-3272 I have no self control and love to gamble

I 28m have a bad habit of being very addicted to things very easily, whether it's gambling eating or anything that can be enjoyable, Take gambling for example I get paid at the end of the money and pay all my bills into a separate account, get fuel and shopping ect then decide to have a little punt, usually I lose which starts a spiral of spending 90% of my spare money and leaving Me broke for a month, i once spent a whole month with a tenner to my name. It's weird though once I know I'm broke the urge is gone, I never try find money to gamble with or start getting agitated A couple of times I've had to get loans out to look like I've have spare money for the month and pay it off in full next month. But I've realised my compulsions also include anything enjoyable, if I like a certain food, I eat it till I get bored of it whether its several days or in one go, Luckily this month in my guilt and shame I've closed all my slot accounts but I'm in that period now where I know I have no money so I don't have an urge to gamble, hopefully next month will be better and I can try find distractions for myself around payday
submitted by Ok-Swordfish-3272 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:37 Brokenshadow37 Keep gambling

Keep gambling submitted by Brokenshadow37 to 691 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:57 BobcatThen I feel like a loser

I lay here and I tell myself that I’m better than this addiction, I have months without gambling but then I always crack. I lose $1000 that I can’t afford to lose and sit in my bed beside my sleeping girlfriend and feel like the worst human alive. I wish I wasn’t suffering from this sickness anymore and just had it never scratch this temptation again. I’m so stupid for going back and I never want to do it again. This is the last day I’ll ever do this. If I ever gamble again I promise myself that I will GO into gamblers anonymous and be as forthcoming as I can be to my loved ones about this terrible thing I find myself having a hard time to escape. Day 0 Saturday June 1st.
submitted by BobcatThen to GamblingRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:32 HorzaDonwraith Next update should allow gambling for followers

I think the next update should allow the cult members to gamble.
Some traits make them addicted to it generating sin.
Luck randomly grants then money related bonuses for the cult.
Gambling tent can be set up.
You can choose between gambling tenant or non-gambling tenant. Choose the non-gambling tenant and you may catch followers gambling in the corners of the map. Those with gambling addiction will lose devotion quicker.
Midas might have some involvement in the whole thing.
submitted by HorzaDonwraith to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:20 marymartin6520s India Establishes Rules for iGaming

The Indian government has implemented new rules for online gambling, introducing the concept of "self-regulatory" organizations to oversee the sector. These updates are incorporated into the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules by the Ministry of Electronics and IT.
Under these regulations, an online game is defined as one where players use the internet to play and deposit funds with the expectation of winning more. The government reserves the authority to categorize specific games under these regulations. Additionally, online games are required to adhere to all applicable laws, including any local prohibitions on gambling.
The new regulatory structure mandates the creation of self-regulatory bodies consisting of stakeholders from the online gaming industry. These groups are responsible for establishing guidelines to shield users from issues like addiction and to safeguard minors and prevent financial crimes. The governance of these bodies should include a prominent independent figure from the fields of online gaming, sports, or entertainment, a gamers’ representative, a psychology or consumer education specialist, and a public policy expert appointed by the Indian government.
These organizations are obligated to formulate a thorough set of regulations, conduct user verifications, perform "know-your-customer" checks, offer a mechanism for handling grievances, and maintain a contact address in India. Should a self-regulatory body fail to adhere to these standards, the government has the power to demand corrections or even suspend its registration.
This initiative stems from discussions in India's Parliament concerning the rapid growth of online gaming and the necessity for a strong regulatory framework. Furthermore, the government has recently taken a stance against foreign betting advertisements, advising media entities to refrain from promoting online betting platforms.
submitted by marymartin6520s to igaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:25 Conscious-Force7511 Gambling addiction gets you nowhere damn

Thank you for communicating. I just wanted to be honest with y'all. But I understand your concerns. I sure gambled everything away but bhai I'm gonna repay everything back.on 23rd March 2025.So yea damn. And about the part-time job thing. I'm the only child and we got a family business we run. Which isn't doing to well so I'm locked in 24/7 there. Yea thts the reason.
submitted by Conscious-Force7511 to ZaidZIZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:06 Geoffwinningdaily Happy Gamble-free weekend

Hope everyone has a great gamble free weekend. Find alternatives for your gambling. Spend time with people you care about. Live in the moment, not like a zombie on your phones. Reach out during difficult times to others who know what youre going through. per usual, DMs open for any and all that need to talk or vent.
Just started a discord server for anyone struggling or recovering from a gambling addiction. Feel free to join if this seems interesting to you:
Stay grinding, stop gambling. Life gets better. One day at a time.
submitted by Geoffwinningdaily to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:38 qwenmn WOMAN SAY LUCKY SHE 'ABORT' CAUSE BF IS A FINANCIAL BURDEN & GAMBLING ADDICT I have previously finally walked out of...

WOMAN SAY LUCKY SHE 'ABORT' CAUSE BF IS A FINANCIAL BURDEN & GAMBLING ADDICT I have previously finally walked out of... submitted by qwenmn to sporeuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:47 Fliegermaus I simulated E6ing Firefly 100,000 times; here's enough tables and plots to fill a stats textbook.

I simulated E6ing Firefly 100,000 times; here's enough tables and plots to fill a stats textbook.
If you've ever asked yourself how many tickets you need to have a 65% chance of getting a character to E2S1 (it's 368), or how much it would cost to buy those 368 pulls, or what your chances are of drawing 7 copies of a featured 5* in 7 pulls (the sim says it's less than 5% which is technically correct) then you've come to the right place because I've just spent the last two weeks of my life writing code and running simulations to definitively answer all of those questions and more.
For the impatient among you, here are the two most important tables:
5* Character Banner
5* Light Cone Banner
To use these tables, simply locate the column for the type and level of 5* you're interested in pulling for, then navigate to the row for the appropriate percent chance. For example, looking at the character banner we see there is an approximate 5% chance of getting an E0 featured 5* within 16 pulls. Alternatively, you can look up the number of pulls you have saved and work backwards. To illustrate, if I have 100 pulls then I have around an 85% chance of getting the featured light cone to S1, but only a roughly 25% chance of reaching S2. If you'd like the average case, look at the 50% row (technically this is the median, not the mean/average, but generally with this dataset most measures of central tendency tend to be similar enough that the 50th percentile is a close enough approximation of the average).
A couple of very important caveats regarding these tables. First, some of you may notice that these tables look very similar to those shared in this post by u/Dologue over on the Genshin subreddit. As I'll discuss later, my methodology in generating the above tables differs from that post, but I found their method of data presentation informative enough that I decided to borrow it for this post. Huge shout out to that previous work, without it you would only be getting histograms from me.
I assume a flat 56.4% chance of winning the 50/50 as per this post and data from Star Rail Station. Importantly, my model does not attempt to model WHY this may be the case. I'll talk about this at length below, but for the moment suffice it to say that if you disagree with this assumption, you'll need to either download the simulator from my github and update the rates yourself, or mentally revise the numbers in all 5* tables slightly upward.
These tables assume initial 4* and 5* pities of 0 and that neither the next 4* or the next 5* drawn are guaranteed to be featured. By default stardust is not considered. The simulator is capable of calculating approximate stardust gain, but you would need to download it yourself and enter specific data on the number of characters you own to use that function.
Unfortunately, you can't just add the entries in the above tables to determine your the pulls needed to E6S5 a character for example. Doing that would technically (kinda sorta) give you the number of pulls you would need for a X% chance of getting E6 and a Y% chance of getting S5. Instead, you'll need to go here and scroll to the right until you find the appropriate table. There are simply too many of them for me to post here.
Finally, my modeling of the pity system is based on this discussion on HoYoLAB as well as SRS data. Again if you're interested, I'll discuss this later.
Okay, here's the part where I pick up the rest of the data like a baseball bat and I hit you over the head with it. Buckle up, there's a lot to get through.
As I mentioned above, here is a spreadsheet with every single relevant table. You can find all the percentile data there, although it may be slightly more difficult to navigate and potentially less entertaining than reading it here on Reddit.
First up, if you're a complete, down-horrendous simp for March 7th like I am and want to know how many pulls it would take to E6 a specified featured 4* character, here's your table:
4* Character Banner (Featured)
If you instead have the Yukong brand of mommy issues, and would like to know how much to save to E6 a specific off-banner 4* character, my sincerest condolences:
4* Banner Character (Non-Featured)
Here is the table for featured 4* Light Cones:
4* Light Cone Banner (Featured)
I genuinely cannot fathom why you would want to save pulls for the sole purpose of pulling for a specific superimposition level of an off-banner 4* light cone. If you are brainrotted enough to actually want to do that, I have made a table for you, but you'll need to go to the spreadsheet and scroll all the way to the right to find it.
I've helpfully generated a cost table to assist you in calculating how much you'll have left over to buy ramen next month. If this isn't sufficient, you can download a CSV that goes all the way out to 2000 pulls in increments of 10 from this link. If that still isn't specific enough for you (seriously?) you'll need to download my simulator and enter the exact number of pulls you want a cost for. (Ignore that buying 50 pulls with the top up bonus is slightly more expensive than without, the function is a bit quirky in how it chooses which packages to buy).
Finally, here are some histograms to help visualize the above tables. The X axis represents the number of pulls to reach the target number of copies of the 5* character of light cone, while the Y axis represents the number of simulations (out of 100,000) that reached the target at that number of pulls.
Figure 1. Number of Simulation Terminated at X Pulls
If you are not a nerd, are not interested in using the simulator tool yourself, and/or are only interested in chancing or costing yourself, all the information you need is contained in the above sections. If you want to learn more about how all that data was generated or why I made certain decisions, read on.
I created a Python program to repeatedly simulate gacha pulls until a break condition was met. That break condition was typically when some target number of featured 5* entities was drawn, but for the 4* tables above I modified the program to stop pulling after the target number of a specific featured or non-featured 4* was drawn. Using a simple loop structure, I repeatedly conducted these simulations. Each simulation reported how many pulls it had taken to reach the specified break condition (along with other data) and I could then compile this information into a list which was used to generate most of the data above.
Technically speaking, the percent chances provided in the tables above are actually percentiles of this list of total pull counts generated by the program. For example, the 50% row represents the cut-point where 50% of all simulations reached the break condition at or before that number of pulls. The 100% column represents the most pulls any individual simulation out of 100,000 took to reach the break condition. This is not technically the maximum possible pulls, but the chances of exceeding it are astronomically low.
100,000 was chosen because further increasing the number of simulation has a significant negative impact on program runtime without appreciably altering the results or improving the fit of the generated data.
Based on Star Rail Station warp data and this statistical model for Genshin, 5* pity starts on pull 66 for light cone banners and pull 74 for character banners. 4* pity starts at 8 and 9 respectively. For every pull past and including these starting points, pity increases by 10* the base 4* or 5* rate for that banner. For example, the base 5* rate for a character banner is 0.6%. On pull 74, that rate would jump to 6.6%, then 12.6% on pull 75 and so on until a 5* is guaranteed.
This Genshin post used a probability density function and constructed a mathematical model to fit the data available from Genshin pulls. I opted to construct a simulator because it allows for more complex control and theoretically more accurate modeling than a function provided the parameters are set up correctly. Essentially, the idea is to replicate the real world process that Hoyo uses to generate gacha results/pull data in the first place. The caveat here is that all of the logic, numbers, and flags used by Hoyo would need to be accurately recreated in the simulator.
The good news is, I've designed it to be extremely modular. Most parameters such as pull rates can be easily adjusted in the file. In theory, through repeated adjustments of rates and other parameters based on data, this program should be able to be tuned to ouput data that very closely matches real world pull results.
I did generate a theoretical probability distribution here, but did not conduct extensive testing to fit my simulated data to it due to time constraints and my lack of access to sufficient real world data.
As I mentioned, the base rate for winning the 50/50 and pulling a 5* character is set to 56.4%. After a limited review of the BiliBili post by OneBST I determined their methodology and attempts to control for response bias to be sufficient for me to use their conclusion in the present study. This 56.4% number is actually slightly lower than the 50/50 win rate reported across multiple banners on Star Rail Station. Notably the above tables were generated under the assumption that the 75/25 win rate for light cone banners is in fact 75%. SRS data would suggest that the actual win rate should be slightly higher, but I do not have access to their database and have not conducted enough analysis to reach a conclusion on this point so I have modeled it as 75% for this simulation to be conservative.
u/Graficat theorizes in this post that win rates are inflated because it is possible to "lose" a 50/50 and have a 1/8 chance of still gaining the featured 5* from the pool of 5* entities available on the banner. If this is correct, it should push win rates to slightly above 56% for the character banner and slightly above 78% for the light cone banner, both of which are in line with the SRS data. Further, they posit that losing the 50/50 while still gaining the featured 5* can result in the next 5* being guaranteed as well (assuming the system based the guarantee off of whether the last 50/50 was lost as opposed to whether the last 5* character obtained was featured).
The present simulation DOES NOT account for this, again to be conservative. For 99% of use cases, especially as a guide for saving pulls, this should be fine. Currently the simulation can only award a featured 5* if the 50/50 (at 56.4% odds) is won, and winning the 50/50 sets the guarantee to False. Losing the 50/50 (at 44.6% odds) can never award a featured 5* and always sets the guarantee to True. Moving forward I plan to model the above suggestions to see how the data and 50/50 win rates are affected by handling the guarantee and win rates in various ways. This is part of the iterative modeling process I describe above.
It is my hope that you found this post educational, entertaining, and/or useful. If you would like to double check my work or play around and iterate on the simulator I've produced, you can download it here. Please note that you will need Python installed on your system to run it; I am trained in using Python for data analysis and have no idea how to package nice little applications or web interfaces. Let me know if you run into any issues.
I promised to throw together a simulation for a since deleted user over on FireflyMains about 9 days ago. From start to "finish" this project has eaten the better part of those 9 days. If you'd like to support my work and are interested in seeing more of this stuff from me in the future, I've made a Ko-Fi where you can help fund my gambling addiction field research.
This manuscript submitted to the Belobog Ministry of Education for approval and publication.
submitted by Fliegermaus to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:35 Itwillgetbetter29 Day 1 ❄️ Unfinished business

Gambling will always be unfinished business.
It’s either wanting to win your money back or make more money.
In the end money doesn’t even matter. You’re being controlled by your addicted brain.
They’re all excuses. Reasons brought forward by your addiction.
Your brain is getting high out of gambling. So whatever rational plan you’ve made to walk away or whatever. When you’re in action, you’re not in control of your brain.
That’s the addiction, that’s why it’s so damn hard to get out of an addiction. You’re fighting a part of yourself that has gone out of control.
The only way to cure is to let go.
No unfinished business, but business you should stay far away from.
Kids nothing good comes out of gambling.
submitted by Itwillgetbetter29 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:35 Physical-Chicken9280 45 Days

It's been 45 days since I cut my losses and ceased my crypto gambling, after losing $60,000. I'll never forget the sleepless nights and having so much anxiety I couldn't stop coughing and hacking each morning - I physically could not bear it. The depression and vague suicidal thoughts. The feelings I squandered my life and hard-earned opportunity for a better financial life.
That was my third gambling cycle in as many years. Each time I've set up more safeguards to prevent a relapse. Hopefully this time I've done enough. It's tough because I have an addiction to securities gambling (stocks, crypto, etc), but it's almost impossible to completely disconnect entirely from that - as part of saving and investing.
Just for today, I won't gamble. I don't know if I could survive another time.
Big hugs to everyone in this community - you all are the best :) Hope is so important, and I wish everyone here the hope for better days. Looking forward to updating you all of another month of sobriety real soon.
submitted by Physical-Chicken9280 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:52 Asleep_Tomorrow3062 Stake / The most Addictive form of Gambling ever seen

submitted by Asleep_Tomorrow3062 to stakeus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:39 LiveHappyLove VAWA/MALE

I need help with an issue and will be obtaining an attorney. I got married two and a half years ago. Here’s some background: I met my wife while she was visiting the Middle East. Despite an age gap, we share the same culture, religion, and language. We kept in contact, and eventually, I visited the U.S. on my B2 visa for the last five years.
We decided to get married, we hired an attorney to file our paperwork. We were happy and living together, with joint bank accounts, insurance policies, and shared utilities. This was a legitimate marriage.
Last summer, I received my EAD, social security number, and driver’s license. My wife asked me not to work as she could cover the bills, and I agreed. For our anniversary and Valentine’s Day, I gifted her a custom-made gold necklace worth over $4,000, but she was not pleased with it, which I found strange.
In March, she began to complain about my snoring and made derogatory comments.
In April, her behavior worsened as she developed a gambling addiction. She demanded that I find a job to support her and started to verbally and physically abuse me, calling me names like "pig," "," and "worthless." She also threw things at me. I recorded some of these incidents for evidence.
During one incident, her siblings were present when she threatened me with a knife and said she would kill me. Her siblings explained that she might be remembering her mother’s passing and having episodes. However, the abuse continued. She texted me abusive messages, and once, in front of our neighbors, she pushed me while calling me derogatory names (the incident was caught on their Ring camera).
Despite her siblings’ advice not to file a police report, I am now living with anxiety and have been prescribed Xanax. I am scared to return home due to her threats, which include cutting off my fingers if I return. Her siblings have taken me and housed me by them as they agree she is completely out of line for this nonsense.
I have evidence of her abuse, including recordings, text messages, and footage from our neighbor's Ring camera. I’m unsure if I have a VAWA case and am scared to go back home. I have an upcoming interview, and I do not want to lie or risk another episode from her. I am starting virtual therapy next week. I hear any noise when I’m sleeping I wake up and can’t breathe.
I will be hiring an attorney, but I’m seeking advice, especially from other males who have experienced similar situations. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by LiveHappyLove to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:19 that_1kid_you_know Can I vape after I quit?

I haven’t vaped in over a month, I quit cold turkey for the second time and surprising very little withdrawal symptoms. I still get cravings but nothing like that first week. I never wanted vaping to be a long term thing more of a thing I did in college. I had to quit now because I’m moving in with my girlfriend and we need to save money and I’m flying to go on a family trip and they don’t know about my habit. I’m wondering if I can still vape. I don’t want to buy one, just hit my friends’ vape at parties or casually hanging out. Will I start to feel withdrawal symptoms? Will my addiction come back? I just want to be in the place where I can hit a friend’s vape and not worry about it. I understand I should quit and I don’t want to own vape for myself, but I live in a college town and most of my friends vape, and I’m not ashamed to say I enjoy using nic in social situations. Im just wondering if it’ll be like before I bought my own and got addicted. Side note, I don’t have a history of addiction and neither does my family, aside from gambling. It was also pretty easy for me to quit initially.
submitted by that_1kid_you_know to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:13 that_1kid_you_know Can I vape after I quit?

I haven’t vaped in over a month, I quit cold turkey for the second time and surprising very little withdrawal symptoms. I still get cravings but nothing like that first week. I never wanting it to be a long term thing more of a thing I did in college. I had to quit now because I’m moving in with my girlfriend and we need to save money and I’m flying to go on a family trip and they don’t know about my habit. I’m wondering if I can still vape. I don’t want to buy one, just hit my friends’ vape at parties or casually hanging out. Will I start to feel withdrawal symptoms? Will my addiction come back? I just want to be in the place where I can hit a friend’s vape and not worry about it. Side note, I don’t have a history of addiction and neither does my family, aside from gambling. It was also pretty easy for me to quit initially.
submitted by that_1kid_you_know to nicotinefree [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:00 Soft-Magician-8464 my nmom is the most disruptive, loud, and disgusting human being I have ever met in my life. [venting]

I exist in the world trying to be as non-annoying as possible because being loud and taking up auditory attention and space reminds me of her.
She screamtalks, has an annoyingly thick New England accent, can barely speak English properly even though she was born here, cackle laughs, burps, farts, slams cupboards, slams dishes, walks like an elephant etc. Her presence is physically revolting to most people; she has always been an embarassment not only to me but to all members of my family.
She goes days and days without bathing. She legitimately smells bad 50% of the time. It's not like B/O it's like this nasty old person smell. Idk how to describe it. Her hair is long and white and always greasy.
She drives like an asshole. She has 0 regard for anyone around her on the road, nor passengers in her car.
If I vape anywhere near her she starts hacking and coughing. This same woman has slapped me in the face for coughing or asking to roll a window down in the winter while she chainsmoked cigarettes in the car.
She was a hard drug and gambling addict as well as an alcoholic most of my life. She lost custody of me when I was a teenager, yet she will whine and complain about how I was a bad kid and drove her crazy; forgetting that she was a child abusing drug addict.
She cleaned out my bank account when I was 12. I had saved $1000 dollars over years and years of my childhood, proceeds from my birthday money that mostly other people had given to me. She also cleaned out my dementia addled grandmother's bank account.
She committed Social Security fraud by taking my SS Survivor's Benefit checks when she had lost custody of me (my father died when I was a child).
That being said if I ever did anything like her or as loud as her it was taken as me being disrespectful and I was automatically beaten. To me that just proves that she knows exactly what she's doing to every living thing around her.
She has routinely defrauded and lied to every person she has ever known.
Just in general she is a trash human being and I have no idea how we as a society allow people like this to survive and thrive, especially when children are involved. When she dies it will all finally be over, and I will finally be free.
submitted by Soft-Magician-8464 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:42 LegitimateAnalysis58 "Friend" owes me ÂŁ800 and still not paid (Scotland)

Hi folks, throwaway account but I'm stuck in a situation and need some advice. Long story but my "friend" currently owes me +ÂŁ800 and has not paid me a single penny back. The money was loaned in different sums over the past 6 months. It all started with him messaging me saying his bank account had been frozen and he couldn't access his funds to pay for his groceries for his family and asked if I could send him money and he would pay me back. I sent him the money out of kindness but over the months, he was phoning me in desperate circumstances asking if I could lend him money such as he was stranded and couldn't afford a taxi home, his bank account had been frozen again, etc. At the time, i believed him but looking back I was stupid to continue sending him money even when he hadn't paid me back for the previous loans. I make okay money so wasn't too bothered about him paying me back immediately but I still took his word that he would eventually pay me back. However, this changed when he began telling me he has been gambling on online casinos betting hundreds at a time on blackjack and began bragging about his brother's brand new Audi which just pissed me off as I realized at this point that I was just being taken advantage of to fund his drug and gambling addiction so i stopped loaning him money despite him spam calling me in the early hours of the morning. I also have a newborn due in November and he knows this but still proceeds to beg me for money which I tell him no. I'm angry and embarrassed that I even believed him and letting myself be taken advantage of and regret sending him a single penny. I feel so stupid I've accepted that it's my own fault. I had messaged him a few days ago asking when will he repay but he has ignored my messages and I don't think i will get a response. I have exported our WhatsApp chat, taken screenshots of my payments to him and saved his voice notes where he talked about gambling addiction. He is a college student, has no source of income and owes money to a few people including my other friend. He lives with his parents and siblings who all have jobs themselves and they live in a big house which just angers me as he knows I have a kid on the way and proceeds to beg me for money but is too ashamed to even ask his parents or siblings for any.
At this point, I'm frustrated and just want justice even if it means paying legal fees. I'm based in Scotland and read that I could take legal action and he could be issued with a debt decree / CCJ if he doesn't pay up. I'm new to all of this so is there any advice on pursuing this or if I should even bother? I've learned my lesson so just hoping that I can do something about it. Thanks.
submitted by LegitimateAnalysis58 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:41 PokeNaj1 This meme was made by the gambling (addicts) fanatics of Celadon City

This meme was made by the gambling (addicts) fanatics of Celadon City submitted by PokeNaj1 to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:33 Rizzler-Gyatt Sign the petition!!!
submitted by Rizzler-Gyatt to hateanime [link] [comments]